[00:17] Would someone be able to tell me how to use wild card characters with apt, ie. 'aptitude *package*' ? [00:17] 'aptitude action ~npackage' [00:18] soreau: use quotes ",' around your package otherwise you'll get shell globing [00:18] Thank you ebroder [00:18] mathiaz: What? [00:19] Oh yeah - mathiaz is right. aptitude will handle * without the ~n [00:19] But your shell is eating the * if you don't do '*package*' <- with the quotes [00:21] om nom nom [00:22] ebroder: ~n works but I don't understand how to do the same with quotes [00:22] mmm asterisk [00:22] soreau: aptitude install '*package*' [00:22] Leave the quotes there [00:23] Go read http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_03_03.html [00:23] ebroder: I am actually using version number and doing that just says it can't find package "**" === rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk === ipatrol_ is now known as ipatrol === rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride [06:19] good morning === SuBmUnDo_ is now known as PlaYStatiON === tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter [09:00] does anyone know if it is possible to stop the apport retracer from marking new bug reports as duplicates of a particular bug report? i'm investigating a gnome-settings-daemon crash, which is getting lots and lots of duplicates, but it has a similar backtrace to an older (now fixed) crash, and apport is continually marking the new reports as duplicates of the old (fixed) report [09:00] there is currently someone manually changing the duplicate link on every new report [09:01] <\sh> guys, after / mount, after the fscks, when fsck breaks, it tells me that it writes a log file under /var/log// but at this stage, /var/log is not even correctly available, because the mounts were not going through...where does it write the logfiles then? [09:01] <\sh> (disregarding the fact of people using flat directory structures with a single partition) [09:03] chrisccoulson: pitti would know, but he's on holidays [09:04] dholbach - thanks [09:04] its unfortunate, because it scrubs the stacetrace from every new report [09:05] maybe drop him an email [09:05] dholbach - i don't want to disturb him on his vacation ;) [09:05] it's nearly the end of the week now anyway, so he'll be back in a couple of working days [09:06] I dunno what he was planning, if he has a similar vacation as I had, then you'd be out of luck :) [09:06] he might have taken two weeks ... [09:06] ogra - yeah, he's taken 2 weeks [09:06] this is the second week already though [09:06] and if he reads mails during holidays its his own fault ;) [09:07] its not like you ring his mobile or so ;) [09:08] heh, yeah, he should switch his mobile off when on vacation ;) [09:08] i had my employer phone me up once when on vacation [09:08] i was not very happy ;) [09:10] I guess it depends on your kind of job, in some situations it's acceptable for your boss to phone you during holidays. [09:11] not in my job it's not ;) [09:23] morning mvo [09:30] hey glatzor! [09:39] mvo, I wrote a transaction cache using a metaclass [09:39] glatzor: sweet, what do you think about the dettach() code? [09:43] mvo, merged in (I rewrote your patch to fix a spelling error and use another naming convention signal_matchers) [09:43] thanks a lot [09:43] mvo, I also added a time out to the daemon transaction [09:44] you now have got 30 seconds between requesting a transaction and performing an action with it [09:44] furthermore the transaction will be removed after it is finished from the bus [09:48] glatzor: nice, so all leakings should be gone now - thanks a lot :) [09:48] mvo, by the way how can I track a bug ony for a single ubuntu version? I fixed a bug in karmic which is still present in jaunty. [09:48] glatzor: you can add a karmic bugtask and a jaunty one [09:49] glatzor: and close them individually [09:49] glatzor: what is the bugnumber? [09:52] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagekit/+bug/369081 [09:52] Ubuntu bug 369081 in packagekit "AttributeError: 'DebPackage' object has no attribute 'pkgName' when installing virtualbox deb in kpackagekit" [Medium,Confirmed] [09:55] glatzor: I added them (via nominate for release [10:03] mvo: hi [10:03] mvo: I'm sitting on my jaunty desktop; building a few things and installing the debs [10:04] mvo: /every time I install one/ update-manager pops up in my face about some [dangerous X-edger stuff] [10:04] mvo: not to mention that my CPU churns while it re-reads the DB :( [10:04] mvo: any advice ? [10:09] lifeless: could you please try installing the update-notifier from jaunty-proposed? [10:09] lifeless: that sounds like bug 369198) [10:09] Launchpad bug 369198 in update-notifier "update-manager auto-opened after each apt use when security updates available" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/369198 [10:09] i wonder why the display config doodad in jaunty refuses to push 1600x1200 to my external monitor. is there an ubuntu x channel? [10:10] mvo: thanks! [10:11] tkamppeter: Should foomatic-db-hpijs be removed from the seeds now that foomatic-db replaces it? [10:12] evand, yes, packages which should be removed are foomatic-db-hpijs and hal-cups-utils. [10:12] tkamppeter: okay, I'll update the seeds then [10:12] jms: Yes; #ubuntu-x [10:12] evand: Thanks. [10:12] sure thing [10:13] ta RAOF [10:13] hm, no right-click join channel in smuxi [10:13] tkamppeter: I take it the hpijs and hplip packages can stay, correct? [10:15] Yes, hplip is the principal driver package for HP printers, perfectly maintained by HP, and hpijs is a binary sub-package of hplip. [10:15] So both have to stay. [10:16] great, thanks! [10:17] mvo: :( it still turns up, or do I need to kill a process? [10:18] lifeless: yeah, killall update-notifier and start it again [10:18] evand: foomatic-db recommends hpijs and hplip recommends hplip-cups. This should assure that the HPLIP printer drivers get installed. [10:19] ah, noted === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [11:30] hi all [11:30] I like the Netbook edition very much but it lacks one thing. Is it somehow possible to use a background image? I would like to use this version for my mothers laptop but she always has an image of the whole family is background which she would probably miss. [11:31] So that the netbook menu is transparent or something like that. [11:36] The netbook menu application also doesn't restart if it crashes in Karmic. [11:39] mvo, hello. the new install|broken|delete_count are broken in the latest python-apt [11:41] glatzor: fixed in my tree, thanks [11:42] mvo, will you also merge revno 304? [11:47] mvo, my last uses of the internal _depcache object are for the problem resolver/action group factory, IsInstBroken and IsAutoInstalled [11:48] mvo, for actiongroup jak already implemented the context manager [11:55] glatzor: yes, I can merge that as well [11:57] mvo, see you i Have to change trains! [12:00] tkamppeter: CD builds are broken with foomatic-db: Recommends: cjet but it is not installable any fix on the way? [12:01] ccheney`: something appears to have regressed in openoffice.org-l10n since alpha4; openoffice.org-*-en-{gb,za} are being pulled onto the CD again [12:03] * mvo waves to glatzor [12:06] hey slangasek! [12:06] * slangasek waves [12:47] StevenK, there is a linux-image-imx51 and friends in binary NEW, could you punch that so it gets published ? [12:50] or al-maisan_ ^^ (either of you is archive admin of the day it seems :) ) === al-maisan_ is now known as al-maisan [13:10] ogra: I am still a learner :) and was advised to stay away from the NEW queue initially :) [13:10] oh, even binary ? [13:10] i'll wait for someone else then === jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand [13:36] ogra: I ran lintian on linux-image-imx51 and friends; please see http://pastebin.com/df22969e [13:36] ogra: is that what you'd expect to see? [13:37] al-maisan: well, the 'unknown-architecture' warning is self-evidently spurious :) [13:37] heh, i have never run lintian on a kernel package from the kernel team, so i dont know [13:37] aha :) [13:37] linux-image-2.6.31-100-imx51: no-copyright-file is a bit funny [13:38] "funny" - in that if it's true, it makes the package undistributable [13:38] and it's true :( [13:38] well, its using the std kernel team scripts .... weird [13:39] i would exepect the outcome to be the same as other kernel packages [13:39] so, what now? should the binary be rejected? [13:41] al-maisan: yes, unfortunately [13:41] * amitk al-maisan [13:41] oops [13:41] :) [13:41] al-maisan, wonderful catch though :) [13:42] ogra: I am just a beginner as I said .. [13:43] * al-maisan did what the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration page said ;) [13:43] and you did well :) === Riddelll is now known as Riddell [13:46] * ogra tickles the publisher ... come on do your ports mirroring === cprov-afk is now known as cprov [13:52] mvo, could you have quick peek at #416362 and the attachment at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30571823/log ? " __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'deptype'" in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/apt/package.py looks like a python-apt problem to me [13:53] liw: yes, my error - I upload a new python-apt now [13:53] mvo, shall I reassign this to python-apt? [13:54] liw: yes [13:55] mvo, done, thanks [13:55] * liw wnats to be as effective as mvo (and joeyh) at fixing bugs, when he grows up [13:57] liw: as long as you don't become as efficient at adding them ;) [13:57] liw: sorry for the trouble [14:03] mvo, no worries, it was very little trouble [14:18] * liw sighs at comment changes in conffiles [14:18] do I still have time to update a package for karmic? [14:18] the system should really learn to ignore comments [14:19] liw: In reality, you sigh at how badly dpkg handles (read: does not handle) the merging of conffile changes. :-P [14:19] ogra, that's practical as soon as we standardize on one configuration file format [14:19] ogra: No, it should just do a standard three-way merge. [14:19] beuno, feature freeze is only next week [14:19] ion, blindly ? ouch [14:19] ogra: Of course not blindly. [14:20] liw, cool, thanks. I will make a release of loggerhead today then, so we're not stuck with 1.10 for karmic [14:20] ion, please don't tell me what I sigh at, thanks; until dpkg can be improved in this, it is silly of the maintainer to make comment-only changes in conffiles [14:20] well, thats what it does, no ? it asks you to review the changes [14:20] though in comments thats really pointless [14:21] having something like COMMENTCHAR that ucf can read and you can set on a per package base should make it ognore such commented lines completely imho [14:21] *ignore === Gh0sty_ is now known as Gh0sty [14:30] Riddell, what is the exact problem with cjet? Is the problem that it is in Universe or are dependencies not fulfilled? [14:31] tkamppeter: it's in universe [14:33] Riddell, so it would already help if I move it to Suggests? [14:33] tkamppeter: yes that should sort it [14:37] hello, what's the best way to use the debian-policy, debootstrap, build-essential and the like from debian unstable in ubuntu? === marjomercado is now known as marjo === Gh0sty_ is now known as Gh0sty [14:48] Hey, slangasek, I wanted to talk to you about what exactly feature freeze means for some work I'm doing on ubiquity. Ping me back when you get a chance [14:49] mterry: this is a contentless pong :-P [14:50] slangasek, :) OK, so I'm working on (A) having ubiquity support plugin pages (drop a python script in a dir and it gets picked up) and (B) porting it internally to use plugins. I suspect this triggers FF concerns because of the public API involved? [14:50] slangasek, even though it's a new API [14:50] slangasek, FF would only care about point (A), right? Not (B) [14:52] mterry: mm, I would consider both of those to be covered by FF [14:52] I would define "features" in this case as "things that aren't bugfixes", so code reorg qualifies :) [14:53] slangasek, ah, k === robbiew-away is now known as robbiew [15:01] Riddell: Fixed foomatic-db uploaded. [15:03] tkamppeter: great thanks [15:04] blackxored: you should be able to debootstrap a debian chroot [15:04] mterry: you saw that gwt got accepted? [15:05] Riddell, no, that wasn't what I asked I need to work with the latest debian-policy, the latest debootstrap, I mean, only a subset of packages, my lvm chroot is for building [15:05] Riddell, no? gwt? [15:05] blackxored, you asked for the best way, Riddell told you "inside a chroot" [15:06] ogra, truly but I know there was a way of pinning or assigning priorities to specific packages from different repos I just don't remember [15:08] mterry: I'm getting my terry's confused, I want ttx [15:08] Riddell, :) np [15:08] Riddell: Thierry :) [15:08] Riddell: Yes, I saw that. [15:10] Riddell: still stuck in binaryNEW though. [15:13] ttx: I'm sure StevenK or al-maisan will get to it shortly, it's their archive admin day [15:15] ttx: sorry .. what is the binary/NEW upload you're waiting for? [15:16] al-maisan: gwt and eucalyptus-commons-ext. No hurry though... [15:16] hmm .. right. === Pici` is now known as Pici [15:27] tkamppeter: can you replace ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com with ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com in one of your next foomatic-db uploads? [15:27] (in debian/control) [15:28] I get a mail from archive.ubuntu.com in the moderation queue every time :) [15:36] the default init boot parameter in a Debian system is "init=/sbin/init", which is the default in Ubuntu? [15:37] init=/sbin/init [15:37] in Ubuntu /sbin/init is not an executable [15:37] huh ? [15:37] Then your system is majorly broken. [15:37] slangasek: ok will check it out [15:39] /sbin/init is a shared library in Ubuntu, but an executable in Debian [15:40] * ogra wonders what EagleScreen looks at ... definately not ubuntu [15:40] EagleScreen: "md5sum /sbin/init" please. [15:41] 591e0d59e1355aeffbf57ffbb4581007 init [15:41] Is this in Karmic? [15:42] is in juanty, but it is isntalled using debootstrap + tasksel [15:42] amd64 jaunty init [15:42] yes, amd64 [15:42] EagleScreen: What makes you say it's a library? [15:43] that's the correct md5sum for the amd64/jaunty upstart /sbin/init [15:44] which is not a library [15:44] Dolphin says: Shared library, and put it an icon with 1's and 0's, but in a Debian init, dolphin Says: executable, and put it an icon of a metalic gear [15:44] sounds like a dolphin bug [15:45] then should i can use root=/sbin/init for Ubuntu? [15:45] or whatever tells dolphin about filetypes [15:45] the magic is "shared object", not "executable" [15:45] but it doesn't make it invalid [15:45] that would try to use /sbin/init as your root device [15:46] $ file /sbin/init [15:46] /sbin/init: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped [15:46] what exactly do you try to achieve ? [15:46] EagleScreen: you should use init=/sbin/init, but I think you don't need to, as it's the default [15:46] right [15:46] you dont need to [15:46] the only difference i see from file output of that /sbin/init (not virtuald's) is that it is build for 2.6.8 support vs 2.6.15 of other things [15:46] i try to boot with grub a debootstrapped root tree [15:47] well, you definately dont need init= at all [15:47] kernel developpers suggested me that y cna try playing with init parameter [15:47] EagleScreen: do you have a kernel installed? debootstrap doesn't install one by default [15:48] EagleScreen: it also doesn't setup fstab iirc [15:48] yes i have a kernel installed, and also ubuntu-minimal, ubuntu-standard and a couple of configuration files ready [15:48] dholbach: Updated foomatic-db. [15:49] EagleScreen: this is really far out of scope for this channel; you should ask these questions on #ubuntu [15:49] tkamppeter: gracias! [15:49] (and preferably, start your question with an error message showing what's wrong instead of speculation about init= options...) [15:49] yes, i know, but thay drop me here lol [15:50] okay, thanks, you have given em an idea [15:50] nobody really helps in #ubuntu.. [15:51] If it's a more technical issue it's very hard to get a reply. [15:51] I've been asking my question about I/O errors in dmesg for hours now.. I tried last night too. [15:54] slangasek: looking into why openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb is installed and the only things that rdepend on it at all are openoffice.org-help-en-gb and language-support-translations-en and for openoffice.org-help-en-gb it is openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb and language-support-translations-en, so now idea at all how it is getting pulled onto the cd [15:55] ccheney`: ok, perhaps it's related to OOo being out-of-date; let me check [15:55] slangasek: ok [15:55] slangasek: its all in the archive now, OOo itself had some new pieces that just got accepted today i think [15:55] ccheney`: I know, I accepted them. :) [15:55] slangasek: ah, thanks! :-) [15:56] slangasek: er language-support-translations-en specifically depends on that stuff, not even just recommends [15:56] slangasek: is that package being pulled into the cd? [15:56] yes [15:57] and OOo may be the reason for that [15:57] er? [15:57] the package is from july 15 2009 [15:57] so nothing new about it that i can see [15:58] I mean, OOo being out-of-date may have been the reason for that [15:58] oh ok [15:58] on my system language-support-translations-en isn't installed, so maybe it normally isn't [15:59] * ogra wishes he even had OOo [15:59] yes, it normally isn't [15:59] ok [15:59] silly slow publisher on ports :( [16:01] anyone know if ia64 buildd is going to get more space soon? OOo ftbfs on it due to not enough space to unpack [16:01] NCommander might know ... he often cares for the exots :) [16:01] oh yea [16:01] NCommander: ping [16:15] ccheney`: yep, getting OOo back in has brought the alternate CDs back down in size, cheers [16:15] now to find out why exim4 is on the CD :P [16:19] hmm, 'at' [16:21] * ccheney` is on the phone with the bank, apparently he got hit by that 130Mil account credit card theft [16:21] does anything require at to be in the default install? few people seem to use it, and they could add it separately [16:21] ccheney`, ouch, good luck [16:22] liw: Unix pride? :) [16:22] the real bug here is an at merge that turned Suggests: postfix | m-t-a into Recommends: exim4 | m-t-a [16:23] slangasek, I'm not sure pride is sufficient justification ;-) [16:23] in fact, this was a bad merge, not merely an oversight [16:25] ccheney`: happen to know which buildd that was? [16:25] I'll go look at both though [16:26] * ogra starts getting angry with the publisher ... OOo built 3h ago and still doesnt show up on ports ... [16:26] ogra: which arch? [16:27] ogra: if armel, that's because it's in NEW [16:27] gah [16:27] and now it's out of new [16:27] i should have looked there first :P [16:27] instead of hitting reload on the archive dir for 3h [16:28] what we have here is a failure to communic... complain loudly enough, early enough, that someone with the answer notices [16:29] liw, well, i know actually that it takes about 2h [16:29] it's not supposed to take 2h. [16:29] it does on ports [16:29] ogra, actually, in an ideal world, you could have told some system somewhere that you're interested in this and it would've told you what's up [16:29] then you should be talking to IS :) [16:30] well, when i complained during A4 preparation you said it would be a known issue that its slow [16:30] so i kept quiet [16:30] the publisher currently takes only ~30m to run (thanks, cprov!); that means the average time from binary accept to mirroring is 1h [16:31] and the mirroring should take only a fraction of that [16:31] ah, yes, it was a known issue during A4 that was being actively addressed:) [16:32] well, i'll check if its actually true with one of my packages then before i complain, i guess i cant count OO.o now after it was stuck on NEW [16:32] but good to know its supposed to be fixed [16:33] you should be able to tell with OOo [16:33] when should a system account used by a daemon be removed? during the remove phase or the purge phase? [16:34] it was accepted 7 minutes ago, so it'll hit the next publisher run in 29 minutes, and should be visible on ports about 45 minutes after that [16:34] mathiaz: never :) [16:35] slangasek: so system account are created but never deleted? [16:35] mathiaz, it is possible the account owns files (possibly on other systems via NFS but offline during package removal), which means many people (slangasek and I) think it should never be deleted automatically [16:35] yep [16:36] if someone were to want to create tools for managing system accounts (create upon install, remove at purge if local admin says it's OK), that would be much appreciated, thanks [16:36] alternatively, someone might want to write a computer-janitor plugin ;-) === Gh0sty_ is now known as Gh0sty [16:38] liw: I think the Windows approach (never deallocate an RID once it's been allocated) is much better. :) [16:38] simpler [16:40] Is it ok to remove user-added configuration files during a purge? [16:40] gray area; IMHO yes [16:40] ie rm -rf /etc/config_dir/ where /etc/config_dir/ is part of the dirs package [16:41] I wouldn't do that, but if it saves a lot of effort, I wouldn't object strongly [16:41] The user should have backups if she doesn’t want purge to, well, purge. :-P [16:42] And data stored in /var/lib/daemon_data/ should be deleted ( rm -rf /var/lib/daemon_data) on remove? [16:43] mathiaz, I don't think so [16:43] on purge? [16:43] though I forget what the Policy says [16:43] not even on purge [16:44] or never.. [16:44] I don't think Policy says about /var/lib/daemon_Data [16:44] some packages ask [16:44] it would be awkward to delete, say, a news spool just because you purge one NNTP server [16:44] which is a poor proxy really, because there's always a chance that the question is asked far away from the point when you're doing the actual purge [16:44] in that use case if you'd reinstall the package you'd have the old data come back [16:47] stgraber: does ltsp-server-standalone really need to Recommend: dhcp3-server? This costs us 300k on the Ubuntu alternate CD [16:48] mathiaz, hm, if re-installing package will restore data in /var/lib, why is the data there? what data is it? [16:48] liw: let's say a database [16:48] liw: on pkg install you need to initialize the database [16:49] liw: now if you re-install a package that had been purged you'd still have the old database lying around [16:49] mathiaz, I think the relevant question is: does the /var/lib/foo directory contain user data that cannot be easily re-created; if so, don't remove it ever [16:49] or that's what I would do (I hope) [16:50] the preinst/postinst script can handle an old database (perhaps by renaming it) [16:55] And how about log files (/var/log/foo)? Should the directory be rm -rf on remove/purge? [17:03] mathiaz: that one's covered in policy.. :) [17:05] slangasek: section 10.8 :) [17:06] mathiaz: yep === beuno is now known as beuno-lunch [17:20] * jtimberman thinks mathiaz is looking at stompserver's removal behavior! [17:20] ;) [17:20] jtimberman: yeah - more comments to come soon :) [17:20] mathiaz: already opening up my editor ;) [17:33] mathiaz: ah, simply looks like we don't need the postrm script at all then. [17:34] oh, rather, the purge action should remove /var/log/stompserver, and the other actions not do anything. [17:34] jtimberman: yop - and may be rm -f /etc/stompserver/ [17:34] jtimberman: yop - and may be rm -rf /etc/stompserver/ [17:34] jtimberman: on purge [17:38] * ogra hugs slangasek ... OO.o is there exactly how you predicted [17:39] updated [17:53] hi, I just install kubuntu 9.04 few days ago and my touchpad doesn't work anymore (worked on hardy), cat /dev/input/mouse* give nothing [17:56] mathiaz: that's looking better now. purging the package leaves /var/lib/stompserver alone if there's anything in it, otherwise removes it if empty. logrotate script is created properly (and removed) as well, of course. [17:57] jtimberman: yop [17:57] jtimberman: howeevr /var/lib/stompserver won't be deleted on a production system as it will contain data [17:57] mathiaz: right, if that option is set in the config file :) [17:58] with that patch included ;) [17:58] is there some magic required to post to the ubuntu mailinglists? I've now posted three mails to two different mailinglists and apparently nothing ever appeared on either mailinglist =X [17:59] slangasek: The last uploads for the boost 1.35 transition are done. [17:59] ScottK: woot [17:59] cdE|Woozy: Normally you have to be subscribed. [17:59] slangasek: As an added bonus, so far they all build. [18:01] jtimberman: in the logrotate file: /etc/nit.d/stompserver force-reload [18:02] jtimberman: there is an i missing in there [18:02] Rather: service stompserver force-reload, since it will make sure the init script’s environment won’t get polluted etc. [18:03] mathiaz: fixed and uploaded. [18:09] whooho, it worked. thanks ScottK [18:09] ion: /etc/init.d/foo is mentioned in the policy so thats what i put.. === beuno-lunch is now known as beuno [18:18] anyone could explain me why my touchpad doesn't work anyomore after moving from hardy to jaunty ? [18:30] Ubuntu Global Jam meeting in 30m in #ubuntu-meeting [18:41] slangasek: I've modified the slapd user creation to use /nonexistent as the home directory. [18:41] slangasek: does it make sense to have daemon user to have non existing home directory? [18:41] slangasek: or it would be better to keep the home directory of slapd to /var/lib/ldap? [18:50] what/who might be a good reference about udev? not writing rules, but where/how values are retrieved by udevadm === nixternal_ is now known as nixternal === ember_ is now known as ember [20:03] tkamppeter, does foomatic-db-hpijs need to be unseeded ? (ubuntu-desktop currently depends on it but foomatic-db conflicts with it) [20:05] I've got a package I've developed and I'm interested in publishing it under the GPL [20:06] I saw that the copyrights may be an issue [20:06] I use Qt's QSslSocket, which uses openssl indirectly [20:07] oh, evand did unseed it already [20:07] I had seen on the ubuntu wiki somewhere that GPL apps linked directly or indirectly to openssl would be flagged [20:07] is that really an issue since I'm using the qt libs? [20:09] Specifically, this is where I saw that issue: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic#Copyright [20:09] second to last bullet point of "Common errors:" [20:17] hello, there is outdated information on the Ubuntu web site [20:17] is this the place to report it? [20:18] Usama: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/ [20:19] Usama: ^^ this is place to report a bug related to the ubuntu web site [20:21] ok I'll post the problem here because I'might have no time to report it there http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#dvd the links only shows hardy but if you went to higher level in the domain you will get the latest ftp://swtsrv.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/pub/linux/distributions/ubuntu-dvd-release === pgraner` is now known as pgraner === rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride [20:50] ogra: foomatic-db-hpijs must get unseeded, also hal-cups-utils [20:51] tkamppeter, yes, my fault, i missed that evand already unseeded it === mbiebl_ is now known as mbiebl [21:08] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/416622 [21:08] Ubuntu bug 416622 in ubuntu-website "DVD download page is outdated, it shows Hardy mirrors only" [Undecided,New] === mdz_ is now known as mdz [22:34] doko: hi === robbiew is now known as robbiew_away === rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk [23:20] hello all, there is a behavior in ubuntu that i dont care for, i was wondering if you knew how to change it. when i switch to say tty1, and log in. if i logout of that shell, ubuntu switches me back to tty7 when i really just want to stay in my current tty...i can't hunt down what controls this behavior, anyone know? [23:28] mathiaz: I don't think we should use nonexistent directories as home dirs for users; something might create them later and give unexpected results [23:37] any idea which package the Preferred Applications tool is in? [23:39] slangasek: right - I'm going to change that. /var/lib/ldap wil be created anyway as part of the slapd package installation [23:39] slangasek: the reason to use /nonexistent was that at first I though /var/lib/ldap/ wouldn't need to be created anymore [23:40] ah [23:41] jono - gnome-control-center [23:41] thanks chrisccoulson [23:55] slangasek: yes, we need to have dhcp3-server. It used to be a hard depend but as some people are using dnsmasq instead, I moved it to a recommend. [23:55] slangasek: if we don't have it, your thin clients won't be able to boot after install. [23:56] (sorry for the late answer :))