
doctormoLeason complete00:20
pleia2doctormo: is there a way to subscribe to bzr checkins?00:22
doctormopleia2: There is I believe, but I should post it to the mailing list00:24
* pleia2 figures out how to subscribe \o.01:12
pleia2akgraner is interested in helping too \o/02:07
akgranerpleia2, I'm reading through the wiki now02:11
pleia2so right now doctormo has been working on the sysadmin courses (under the "how to maintain ubuntu" button)02:11
pleia2I am working with bodhi_zazen on the desktop ("how to use ubuntu" button)02:12
pleia2one of the tasks we came up with is looking at each of those pages under the buttons and adding links to existing resources, so when we get to the actual course development stage the course writer already has all the docs at their fingertips02:12
akgraneroh that sounds awesome..02:13
pleia2for instance, on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/UbuntuDesktopTopics we'd find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam and add that link next to the "Webcams, cheese, skype" line02:13
pleia2this is work that pretty much anyone who can search current documentation can do :) and helps out the course writers a lot so it's one less thing they need to look for02:14
akgranerahh ok02:14
akgranerso there is current documentation and you all need the links to be added to the outline02:15
akgraneram I understanding02:15
akgranerso that a course can be designed based on the docs, the links, and the outline02:16
pleia2we're not duplicating the existing documentation, we're just putting it in a format that can be taught in a classroom :)02:17
pleia2perhaps by loco teams!02:17
akgraneroh that is great idea..  train the trainers kinda stuff.. or no02:19
pleia2yeah, that too02:19
akgraneroh I think there is so many things LoCo teams can do.. I think like a Ubuntu U kinda thing where the teams teach one thing a month..02:23
akgranerok it need work02:23
akgranerbut you can see where I am going with it I hope02:23
* pleia2 nods02:28
pleia2doctormo has already started some teaching02:28
pleia2and depending on the courses (we also want to write some on advocating for ubuntu "how to spread ubuntu") which can be given by someone in the loco team to other loco members02:29
pleia2or locos can give them to the public02:29
* bodhi_zazen is working on it slowly02:56
bodhi_zazensoo many distractions02:56
cprofittbodhi_zazen, you still here?02:56
akgranerpleia2, sorry I got distracted phone call...02:57
pleia2akgraner: my attention is in like 4345 places at the moment anyway :)02:57
akgranerbut yeah all those sound like some really great opportunities for loco teams02:58
akgranerglad it's not just me then02:58
bodhi_zazenyes cprofitt02:59
=== pleia2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-learning to: Ubuntu Community Learning Project | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning | Next Meeting: Sunday August 23rd @ 4pm EDT (20:00 UTC August 18th) | Support in #ubuntu
=== pleia2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-learning to: Ubuntu Community Learning Project | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning | Next Meeting: Sunday August 23rd @ 4pm EDT (20:00 UTC August 23th) | Support in #ubuntu
=== pleia2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-learning to: Ubuntu Community Learning Project | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning | Next Meeting: Sunday August 23rd @ 4pm EDT (20:00 UTC August 23rd) | Support in #ubuntu

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