
superm1the interlacing method may00:03
superm1and depending on what output method (xvmc, vdpau, xv, etc)00:04
MythBuntui'm having trouble outputting live TV or anything using a hauppage wintv 150 (the probe says it's a 350) I'm setup for ivtv mpeg2 and device en0 any suggestions?00:28
neotenysuperm1 i changed the playback profile to low on page 3 of the playback settings and that seems to have resolved the issue with no noticeable change in picture quality00:41
foxbuntuMythBuntu, post your logs using Mytbuntu Log Grabber to provide additional details01:08
foxbuntuMythBuntu, you will need to provide the link here01:08
=== Shadow__X2 is now known as Shadow__X
madLyfeis there a way to disable all of the mythbuntu startups from command line?06:16
superm1what do you mean startups?06:46
superm1anything that can be done in MCC can be done command line06:46
superm1~/.config/autostart/mythtv.desktop starts mythfrontend06:46
superm1/etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf does autologin06:46
madLyfesuperm1: well when you start up it goes to that custom login screen.. how do i disable that?07:50
superm1madLyfe, you mean the gdm screen?  For 9.04 and earlier, modify /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf07:50
madLyfecommand line.. something is wrong graphically there and i want to disable that to see if that fixes it so i can login graphically07:50
madLyfei have to do it through the command line in recovery mode07:51
superm1for 9.10 and later the file is /etc/gdm/custom.conf07:51
madLyfeim using 9.0407:51
superm1so when you say disable, do you mean turn off gdm (and the X server startup), or automatic login?07:52
madLyfei just want to get back to the stock ubuntu login screen07:52
madLyfecuz something is happening there that makes the screen go crazy and i cant login or anything..07:53
madLyfeso as root in recovery mode command line, what would i need to do?07:53
madLyfeso i can login and get to the desktop07:54
MythbuntuGuest82Anyone here use Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1600 and how does it work for you if you do?14:13
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest82: supposed to work pretty well, I don't have one though15:23
rhpot1991if you want HD support I'd recommend a HDHR15:23
MythbuntuGuest82thanks I will check out the HDHR15:29
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest82: yes, I use a HDHR16:05
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest82: talk in here so others can chime in if they want17:00
MythbuntuGuest82sorry about that17:00
rhpot1991quality is good, I pull 1080i video from my cable (pretty much just locals)17:00
rhpot1991not sure what you mean about "how do you have it set up", its an ethernet device, so you just plug it into your network17:01
MythbuntuGuest82Do you have a cable box connected?17:02
rhpot1991ummm, yes but not to the HDHR17:03
rhpot1991HDHR only does clear QAM, thats how all HD tunners are17:03
rhpot1991so you can get your locals over them normally, and a bunch of junk like the music channels17:03
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest82: http://www.silicondust.com/hdhomerun/channels_us17:04
rhpot1991you can look up your lineup there17:04
rhpot1991if you wanted to capture HD from your cable box then you'd have to look at something like the hauppauge 1212 (hd-pvr) or firewire17:05
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest82: gotta run to lunch soon, if you have any questions ask away, maybe someone else will answer them, if not I'll chime in when I get back17:08
MythbuntuGuest82<rhpot1991> thank you.....when you get back please let me know if you ever use hauppauge 1212 (hd-pvr)17:11
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest82: nope, not yet18:18
rhpot1991thinking I might get one in the next month or two18:18
MythbuntuGuest82I just watched a review with it and it seems to be very good18:41
MythbuntuGuest82do you know if it is supported in mythbuntu?18:41
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest82: currently, not really.  It needs mythtv trunk.20:03
rhpot1991but, come karmic .22 should be there, so it should work well then20:03
superm1and it needs a kernel module which comes with 2.6.3120:28
superm1which is also in karmic20:28
TrDHello all, I can't remember what version of mythbuntu (8.04, .10 etc.) this media center has, and I can't figure out were to look to find out20:55
TrDits possible its even 720:55
TrDnm, just looked at the release dates. that's not likley at all. its 8.04 or 8.10, but I have no idea how to tell20:57
rhpot1991TrD: if you look in /etc/apt/sources.list20:59
rhpot1991 the version will be in there20:59
gbuttersTrD: cat /etc/lsb-release20:59
rhpot1991or what gbutters says20:59
MythbuntuGuest03Hi how is everyone doing?21:03
TrDgreat, thanks. it is 8.0421:05
MythbuntuGuest03I have a question, if I set up a Mythbuntu backend server can I watch Live TV from another computer on my network? If so does this computer need to have the front end software installed?  Thanks21:05
TrDim going to be upgrading later then. Since im at 8.04, can I just stick in a 9.04 cd, or is it recommened that I go 8.04 =>8.10 => 9.04?21:12
gbuttersTrD: you can just use the update manager21:13
TrDI tried those directions, it seems it only works for 8.10 to 9.04 unless I missed something21:13
TrDI don't have that 'upgrade' button21:14
gbuttersyou should fine going that way. Ialways upgrade using update manager21:15
TrDI would preffer that, but I don't see the upgrade button on this21:15
gbuttersclick on check and it should show up21:16
TrDI did21:16
TrDfrom here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:17
TrD"You can only directly upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 from Ubuntu 8.10 "21:17
gbuttershave applied all of the updates available21:19
TrDyes I have21:19
TrDIts my dads, stability was more importaint so I left it all the old version once it was working. but now I need the kernel to be 2.6.27 for better tuner card support21:20
MythbuntuGuest03I believe that you have to change the settings under software sources to upgrade from LAN21:21
TrDill check21:22
gbuttersSoftware sources Updates tab Release upgrade needs to be set to Normal releases21:24
TrDthere wasn't anything like that, but it got me looking I nthe right place. there was a "show new dist releases" drop down21:24
TrDgbutters: aye, I just did that. I can see the upgrade button now21:25
TrDthanks all21:25
MythbuntuGuest03how bout my question now21:25
gbuttersWorks best with the frontend software installed but if you have access to the files you can play them in most media players21:26
MythbuntuGuest03How bout this scenario, My mom has a web book with winxp if the samba shares were properly set up would she be able to watch live tv on this device21:28
TrDlinuxmce you can have a core, were all the media is kept, and then extenders for each tv21:28
TrDoh nm. your talking about something else21:29
TrDyou want to route live tv over the network?21:29
TrDfrom the computer with the tuner to one without21:30
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest03: in order to watch live tv you will need a frontend on whatever you want to watch it on21:33
rhpot1991you can try this on windows: http://www.sudu.dk/mythtvplayer/21:33
rhpot1991if you browse the forums, he did a release that does livetv21:34
rhpot1991IIRC we still package it on the mythbuntu cd as well, but that one I believe does not do livet21:34
superm1not for 9.04 and later it's not packaged (since canonical builds those)21:41
rhpot1991superm1: thanks, wasn't sure anymore21:42
neotenygot one more issue: when i'm watching tv for a long time, it will lock up tight.23:28

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