
BearshareHow do I contact ops from certain channels?00:51
PiciUbuntu channels?00:52
PiciThen you're already speaking to them.00:52
macoback again?00:52
BearshareWho here is an op in ##windows00:53
Pici##windows is not an Ubuntu channel.00:53
BearshareWho here is an op in #ubuntu-offtopic?00:53
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
PiciBearshare: This channel holds the ops for all #ubuntu-* channels, if you have something to say or ask, just do it.00:56
BearshareUnban me from #ubuntu-offtopic00:56
PiciI believe we discussed this yesterday.00:57
PiciAnd the answer still stands. No.00:58
ubottuIn ubottu, stephenesherman said: bottom line is ... it's a "be careful .. do your own dwnload"00:58
BearshareHow about #ubuntu?00:59
Pici!bot > stephenesherman00:59
PiciYou were just banned today.00:59
BearshareI was?00:59
BearshareHow many hours ago?01:02
Pici20 maybe.01:04
PiciAnyway, you aren't getting unbanned, period.01:04
PiciPlease depart the channel01:04
Seeker`lajjr: how can we help you?01:05
lajjrjust dropping by..01:05
lajjrHow is everything??01:06
Seeker`this isn't a chat channel01:06
lajjrchecking for someone sorry I will leave..01:06
lajjrThank you Chris..01:07
lajjrBe Safe all..01:07
PiciER, okay.01:07
naliothlajjr: /whois 'checks for someone'01:07
lajjryeppers I just had to see if he came in here to ask why a channel was invisible..01:08
* lajjr waves bye.01:08
PiciBearshare: is there anything else?01:10
Bearsharewhats that code to get the list of channel ops01:10
naliothBearshare: i'm sure you can visit [channels i've bene banned in]-ops and talk things out01:13
Bearshareit doesnt work01:14
naliothBearshare: we're not a freenode directory.  did you have anything further to discuss with us?01:15
BearshareYes, I was silenced in #freenode01:15
macoops here cant fix that01:16
Seeker`we only have control over #ubuntu-* channels01:16
Seeker`or, rather, some of the #ubuntu-* channels01:17
Bearshare#ubuntu, and #ubuntu-offtopic01:17
Seeker`what about them?01:18
naliothBearshare: both of which we've answered you on here in the past few minutes.  was there anything else?01:18
BearshareI shall be back01:18
Bearsharebe prepared to oblige01:18
Seeker`I wonder what we have to prepare to oblige with01:19
PiciI have no patience for trolls like him01:19
Amaranthanyone have a copy of chanserv.py I can get? I seem to have lost mine again01:19
juxtaThere's a bot in #ubuntu which seems to be trying to brute force anybody who connacts and has an FTP server running at their IP03:44
juxtaconnects*, even03:44
juxtacurrent ip is, current nick is test2Rohff11403:46
juxtawas doing the same thing yesterday, but on the IP
Ben64hey guys, there's someone over in #ubuntu that is brute-forcing ssh and possibly ftp servers03:49
PiciBen64, juxta: Thanks for the report03:50
Ben64if you guys need logs i got em03:50
PiciBen64: No need.03:51
juxtaoh, nevermind then ;p03:52
PiciI confirmed it myself here.03:52
Picijuxta, Ben64: removed and banned from #ubuntu, I'll speak to freenode about it too03:53
Picithanks for reporting it03:53
Ben64http://pastebin.com/d72b11611 :)03:54
juxtano probs03:54
Picijuxta: Is there anything else we can help you with?04:11
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, ryaxnb said: ubottu: where is everybody04:54
ubottuIn ubottu, Some_Person said: pervert is Quit being a pervert05:58
Flanneler... right.06:00
naliothFlannel: something you want to tell us?06:05
* nalioth runs06:05
Flannelnalioth: Only if you're comfortable with me professing my unfaltering lust for you.06:06
naliothnah, the factoid attempt was enough, kthx06:06
jussi01!idle | juxta06:08
ubottujuxta: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.06:08
rwwEvenin'. Any -offtopic ops that don't mind if I PM them about op stuff?06:12
Myrttive jsut woken up06:13
Myrttibut go ahead06:13
Myrttihello mac_v07:02
Myrttihow can we help you?07:02
mac_vhi , ubottu is missing from ubuntu-bugs07:02
mac_vMyrtti: was that a python script?07:03
mac_vthe hello and how can we help ?07:04
mac_voops ;)07:04
mac_vMyrtti: i just though it was , since i got the message as soon as i entered , wow you are pretty fast :)07:05
Myrttimac_v: we'll look into what has made the bot forget you, thanks for the heads up07:05
mac_vnp , thanx07:06
MyrttiLOL WHAT07:22
ubottu(mark [<channel>] <nick|hostmask> [<comment>]) -- Creates an entry in the Bantracker as if <nick|hostmask> was kicked from <channel> with the comment <comment>, if <comment> is given it will be uses as the comment on the Bantracker, <channel> is only needed when send in /msg07:25
Myrtti@mark #ubuntu gogeta telling a depressed person to jump off a bridge...07:25
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:25
Myrttioh great, now he quoted the discussion in -it07:30
Myrtti-ot, even07:30
naliothMyrtti: did the hospital implant a python in you?  :D07:31
elkyabsolutely no remorse from him at all07:35
MyrttiI think I'll go and get something to drink and slop back to bed07:37
elkyjussi01, thanks.07:41
jussi01elky: it went way too far.07:41
elkyjussi01, yep, and i was jsut about to do what you did07:41
jussi01occaisionally you get people with bad humor, and they say sorry and move on, but not this one.07:41
jussi01it was going to just happen again.07:41
elkyjussi01, i'm also on unstable net at the moment.07:42
jussi01yeah, that makes it hard07:42
elkyhe is still in #u07:42
jussi01lets just wait until he acts up there again...07:43
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:44
Myrttijussi01: did you check ubottu for #ubuntu-bugs?08:57
jussi01oh yeah, was supposed to check that...08:58
jussi01ahh, they didnt have ubottu, they had ubot408:58
jussi01go bother jpds... :D08:59
* Myrtti goes to bother Mr. Sandman08:59
Tm_Thi kids10:42
topylihi teen :)10:51
jpdsBloody awesome.13:29
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.13:33
PiciProbably should get that person in here or just get it over with in -offtopic13:40
bazhangoh my eyes13:43
PiciThank goodness w3m doesnt show images13:43
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
fogobogohi Pricey !17:44
fogobogoi demand freedom! :D17:44
Picifogobogo: um. Is there something we can help you with?17:59
fogobogoPici: unban?18:00
fogobogoits been quite some time18:00
Picifogobogo: The logs that I have aren't clear, I'd have to defer to Pricey or ikonia18:06
Priceyfogobogo: Do you run ubuntu?18:07
fogobogono hurry. after dontknowhowmanymonths one day more wont hurt18:07
fogobogoor two18:07
fogobogooh hey Pricey o/18:07
fogobogoguess we both know18:07
Priceyfogobogo: is that a 'no'?18:08
fogobogopretty much18:08
Priceyfogobogo: Any reason why you want to go into the Ubuntu support channel then?18:09
Priceyfogobogo: Or shall I just imagine?18:09
fogobogosure. helping out here and there18:09
fogobogoor just watching the text scroll by18:09
Priceyfogobogo: ikonia will probably be online soon.18:13
Priceyfogobogo: I think they were his bans.18:13
fogobogonot in a hurry :D18:14
macoNegBlaNi <-- using racist slurs in #ubuntu18:23
Priceymaco: klined18:23
macothank you sir18:24
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, besides, I already told you it failed.19:45
jussi01ikonia: ping20:07
ryanakcaWould it be possible to have #kubuntu-ca forward to #ubuntu-ca ?20:14
Piciryanakca: Sure20:16
Picione moment.20:16
ryanakcaPici: Thanks. I'm off, I need to catch the bus home from work, I'll be back in an hour.20:17
PiciPricey/jussi01, would you mind granting me access in #kubuntu-ca ?20:23
naliothPici: you now have access20:27
Picinalioth: thank you20:28
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, besides, I already told you it failed.20:44
PriceyThat factoid is stale.20:44
jussi01Pricey: then change it :D20:45
naliothPici: did something bad happen to you?20:45
Picinalioth: Eh?20:46
naliothyou're showing "not identified"20:46
ikoniafake !20:46
Picinalioth: odd, I was identified, albeit not to my account.20:46
jussi01seems id'd here20:47
naliothPici: so you're not who you say you are at this time20:47
Picinalioth: I'm me now20:47
naliothare you sure you're not someone else?  :D20:47
PiciNope, I took my pills today20:48
topyligood good20:48
jussi01you sure you took the right ones? :P20:48
Piciryanakca: fyi, I setup #kubuntu-ca to forward to #ubuntu-ca.  You may want to set chanserv gaurd on in #ubuntu-ca to ensure that the forward will always work.20:53
ikoniaI didn't see fogobogo waiting - sorry21:27
ikoniajust noticed him as he left21:27
ryanakcaPici: Thanks21:30
ryanakcaPici: I'll have to ask Burgundavia about chanserv guard, unless someone else here can do it...21:32
ubottuguntbert called the ops in #ubuntu (gfunk)21:34
jpdsjussi01: You should of kicked him.21:36
jussi01jpds: I did...21:36
jpdsjussi01: No, you /removed him.21:36
jussi01oh, meh21:36
jussi01I dont really want to talk to him at this second.  I want him to calm down a little21:37
jpdsGood luck with that.21:37

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