
uvirtbotNew bug: #416182 in nut (universe) "nut init script reports incorrect status" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41618200:21
oh_noes1Does mkpasswd exist in Jaunty?00:39
oh_noes1Im trying to set a bunch of users password automatically in a script00:39
KillMeNowyes it does00:40
KillMeNowit's in /usr/bin00:40
oh_noes1I installed minimal OS .. it's not in there00:48
oh_noes1what Package do i need?00:48
pmatulisoh_noes1: whois00:51
giovaniwe need a bot that uses packages.ubuntu.com01:27
giovanito provide such answers01:27
* ball does battle with 20 Gbytes of files where people have polluted the filenames with + & and ' etc. I thought whitespace in filenames was bad enough!02:45
PhotoJim... \ is your friend :)02:46
twbOr emacs, or find -exec02:49
ballPhotoJim: someone just mentioned that to me as being related to tab completion, which I'm not used to02:49
ball...not even sure I have it in my shell.02:49
twbball: which shell?02:49
balltwb: Bourne afaik.  Let me check.02:50
twbYou mean ksh?02:50
giovania shell without tab completion is ... a worthless shell02:50
twbgiovani: posh has value!02:50
PhotoJimball: tab completion is a godsend.  bash supports it.02:50
giovaniof course, bourne != bash02:52
giovaniand bourne didn't have tab completion02:52
giovanitwb: I had to google posh02:52
giovanitwb: I've never heard it abbreviated that way02:52
ballI'm not keen on bash.  This /could/ conceivably be ksh, but the manpage doesn't say.  I've always assumed it was Bourne.  It's /bin/sh on a NetBSD host (that I'd like to get Ubuntu Server on)02:53
twbgiovani: er, apt-get install posh02:53
giovanitwb: oh ... a different posh02:53
giovanithank god02:53
giovaniI thought you meant Microsoft Power Shell -- which is what google resulted02:53
twbball: oh, I assumed you meant an Ubuntu box, where bourne isn't available02:53
ballI would like to get Ubuntu Server on there, but it's a production server so I have to be careful about the transition02:54
PhotoJimball: this might be something to increase your keenness for bash, then.02:54
twbball: it wouldn't surprise me at all if /bin/sh had no completion -- it's not really intended for interactive use, after all02:54
balltwb: I've used it for ten years easilly02:54
ball...and that's assuming I didn't use it on unix prior to NetBSD02:55
giovaninetbsd (now, at least) uses csh as its default shell iirc02:55
ballNetBSD doesn't have a default shell02:56
ball(even for root)02:56
giovaniit doesn't?02:56
twbThat doesn't make sense02:56
giovanithis claims that csh is indeed the default shell on netbsd (for non-root users)02:59
ballgiovani: that's probably very out of date.  I know that the installer asks you which shell to use for root and I always specify a shell for individual users as I create them.03:01
ballNot sure I ever tried creating a user without specifying a shell03:01
ballPerhaps I'll try that.03:01
giovaniball: very out of date? I really don't think so03:01
* ball shrugs03:03
ballLike I said, the installer asks.03:03
twbEh, who cares?03:30
ballWhat does Ubuntu Server use as its default shell?03:32
giovaniball: bash03:33
ballgiovani: Hmm... okay.03:34
PhotoJimas far as I know, all Linuxes use bash as default.03:36
PhotoJimall the ones I've been exposed to, at least.03:36
ballI'm on a Xubuntu box today and that seems to be using bash03:39
giovaniball: well being that xubuntu is ubuntu + xfce ... I'd imagine so :)03:44
* ball shrugs03:44
ballIt would be really helpful if I had a spare server to try Ubuntu Server on before making the move03:45
Faust-Cball, virtualization03:45
giovanithat's what virtualization is handy for03:45
ball(something comparable to the ML110)03:45
Faust-Cits this new technology03:46
Faust-Cthat allows you to run multiple machines like as if they were real03:46
ballFaust-C: I don't think I can run anything on NetBSD that Linux will want to live inside.03:46
* Faust-C ok ok im done03:46
ball...I'm told Ubuntu doesn't like Xen very much03:46
Faust-Cball, friend of mine says he has virtualbox running on fbsd and i think there is a nbsd port eh03:46
Faust-Cball, well theres kvm and items like convirt to manage it03:47
giovaniball: you don't have any other machines than those running netbsd?03:47
Faust-Cball, i suggest you learn more about emerging technologies from all aspects not just a BSD or Linux based view :P03:47
giovaniqemu sems to maybe-kinda-sorta run on netbsd03:47
ballFaust-C: I'm familiar with the concept of virtualisation03:47
Faust-Cball i know, i was being semi-snarky03:48
ballgiovani: Not really.  My primary desktop machine crapped out last month.03:48
giovaniball: I can't really imagine only running one OS03:48
Faust-Cgiovani, me either03:49
ballgiovani: I've certainly enjoyed my experimentation with Ubuntu, Xubuntu and Ubuntu Server thus far.03:49
Faust-Ci would feel out of touch03:49
giovaniI mean, I definitely have my primary/favorite03:49
ballFaust-C: I was out of touch.03:49
ball...and a bit "blinkered"03:49
Faust-Cyeah im trying to do my business but i havent really messed w/ vista at all03:50
Faust-Cim like wtf do i do now... man this is new03:50
giovaniI aim to be a generalist specialist03:50
Faust-Cgiovani, ah i like that03:50
giovanii.e. I know a little about a lot of things -- and a lot about a specific area03:50
ballOh, I suppose I briefly ran MacOS X on an iBook, but once I had X up and running on it that was as much as I needed to know.03:50
ball...because I could connect to NetBSD or Linux boxen and run X clients there.03:51
giovaniFaust-C: Win7 is a massive improvement03:51
ballThen there was the i5/OS project.03:51
giovaniFaust-C: I'm running it on a few mobile devices that my usage patterns on aren't well suited for *nix03:51
* ball shudders03:51
giovaniplan9 ftw!!!03:51
ballI doubt anyone's going to pay me to run Plan903:52
Faust-Cgiovani, nice ive heard 7 has greatly improved and im actually excited because it will spark innovation to a new leveel03:52
giovaniuniversities will03:52
Faust-Cerr level rather03:52
ball...though icbw03:52
giovaniI might pay you to run plan903:52
ballthat'll be 50p please ;-)03:52
giovaniinstall it first03:52
giovanithen we can talk03:52
ballDamn, that means I have to nuke my Oberon partition ;-)03:53
giovaniwe have a guy at work who used to be employed by bell labs03:53
giovaniawesome dude03:53
Faust-Cgiovani, ah its you i want to speak to !! lol03:53
giovaniFaust-C: que?04:00
Faust-Cheh ill ttyt about it lol04:01
giovaniheh, okay ... now I'm curious04:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #416264 in openssh (main) "ssh -v reports "debug1 - unspecified gss failure. minor code may provide more information"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41626407:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #416265 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.31-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso post-installation script devolvi? el c?digo de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41626507:16
hishamHello Everyone07:34
hishamI am a newbie to Servers and need to configure my bind07:34
hishamplease provide me a link to learn it from A to Z07:35
jtimbermanI personally use djbdns, instead of bind.07:36
jtimbermanDocumentation: http://cr.yp.to/djbdns.html07:36
jtimbermanUbuntu package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/djbdns07:38
jtimbermanI find djbdns to be easier to configure, plus it is historically more secure.07:42
hishamjtimberman: hmm but ubuntu server is packaged with BIND? isnt it?07:43
error404notfoundpersonally, i use bind for couple of years in corporate environments and never found any issues, though djb is easier..07:43
jtimbermani've used bind and djbdns in a variety of environments over the last 12 years. given the choice i'll take djbdns every time.07:44
error404notfoundhmmm, okay, according to your experience, it might be better...07:45
jtimbermanbetter is subjective. bind certainly has a wider knowledge base of experienced users/admins.07:45
jtimbermanso it is "better" in that regard.07:45
jtimbermanbut for security, simplicity and stability, my preference is to djbdns :D07:46
ewookjtimberman: simplicity? stability?07:52
ewookjtimberman: you must be misstaken :P07:52
ewooksure, bind isn't great.07:52
jtimbermanlike i said, i'll go on my 12 years experience between the two.08:02
jtimbermanso i can't in good conscience recommend bind :)08:02
twbSeems to me that djbdns loses because of djb08:09
jtimbermantwb: i find that to be irrelevant when a package is available to install the software :)08:09
twbjtimberman: it's not configured by the presence/absence of empty files? ;-)08:10
twbI confess I have a penchant for dnsmasq.08:11
jtimbermantwb: eh, i configure djbdns with chef these days anyway.08:12
twb!ubuntu admin guide08:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about guide08:15
twbAnd google is being unhelpful08:16
jtimbermanOur channel bot said "beer is good" earlier. markov random chat ftw.08:16
jtimbermanLooking for: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html08:17
twbI wish that was in /topic08:17
jtimberman"Ubuntu ships with BIND (Berkley Internet Naming Daemon), the most common program used for maintaining a name server on Linux."08:19
johe|workgood morning08:50
\shdoes anyone know a howto to setup gfs/gfs2 on ubuntu?09:35
sorenISTR it's rather straightforward.09:36
soren\sh: Have you tried?09:36
\shsoren: nope...I'm just reading the RH docs how it works in general09:36
soren\sh: IIRC, the modules are in the kernel, so you just need gfs2-tools.09:37
\shsoren: and apt-cache search gfs brings up a gfs2-utils package which is experimental, but there is no gfs.ko module only gfs2.ko09:37
\shright gfs2-tools was marked as experimental09:37
\shbut let's see what I will break on those servers ;()09:38
soren$ grep GFS2_FS_LOCKING_DLM /boot/config-2.6.31-6-generic09:39
soren# CONFIG_GFS2_FS_LOCKING_DLM is not set09:39
\shroot@tile01:/boot# grep "GFS2" /boot/config-2.6.28-11-server09:40
\shjaunty here09:40
sorenYeah, I know it used to be enabled. I wonder why they disabled it.09:41
\shsoren: so i can just follow /usr/share/docs/gfs2-tolls/usage.txt.gz to try to get gfs2 running09:42
\shok...let's see09:44
twbWTF does this mean?09:44
twbAug 20 18:44:04 trimserver kernel: [760383.682911] audit(1250757844.844:4): type=1503 operation="inode_permission" requested_mask="r::" denied_mask="r::" name="/tmp/server.key" pid=28077 profile="/usr/sbin/slapd" namespace="default"09:44
twbApparently that is apparmor.09:51
twbEr, yay?09:51
\shsoren: did you ever set gfs2 up? regarding the usage.txt I should do some "mount -t configfs none /sys/kernel/config" which fails for obvious reasons09:51
ragsi've installed  apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql through aptitude but php files are still not being parsed...10:00
acalvothe main place to put webpages is /usr/share/apache2?10:00
ragsnot /var/www ?10:00
soren\sh: What are te obvious reasons?10:00
sorenrags: You need libapache2-mod-php510:02
ragssoren: it's installed....10:02
sorenSure? You didn't mention it.10:02
ragsmy guess is apache is not cofigured with php..but itsn't aptitude to take care of tht...10:03
ragssoren: yeah...I checkd with aptitude...10:03
sorenUpon installation, libapache2-mod-php5 should set that up.10:03
sorenWhat are you using to test it?10:03
sorenFirefox? wget?10:03
ragsfirefox....ther is file with phpinfo()...10:04
ragsit just gives me the file as a download10:04
_rubensudo a2enmod php510:04
sorenTry with wget.10:04
rags_ruben: ok...I'll try tht..but wht does tht do?10:04
_rubenenable php5 in apache10:05
ragssoren: wget?...I dint' understand..how.10:05
_rubena2 = apache2 .. en = enable .. mod = module10:05
sorenrags: Instead of using firefox to access the url, use wget.10:05
soren...and look at the file you get.10:05
sorenSee if it just says "phpinfo()" or if it was actually parsed.10:05
sorenFirefox tends to cache a bit eagerly sometimes.10:05
rags_ruben: ok..it told me to run apache2 force-reload to enable...10:06
ragssoren: I'll try tht10:06
\shsoren: /sys/kernel/config doesn't exist10:07
soren\sh: That's why you mount it...10:08
ragsnope..same problem with firefox...10:08
sorenrags: What do you mean?10:08
\shsoren: root@tile01:~# mount -t configfs none /sys/kernel/config10:08
\shmount: mount point /sys/kernel/config does not exist10:08
ragsit just gives the file as a download..10:08
sorenrags: You just said you'd try with wget.10:08
sorenrags: I'm telling you: Firefox is not the right tool for testing this.10:09
ragssoren: i'll try it now...:)10:09
ragssoren: wget downloads the whole index.php file...10:10
sorenWhat's in it?10:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #416313 in samba (main) "On samba of ubuntu-arm, large file copy fails " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41631310:11
ragsthe content tht i've put "<?php echo "it's php";> "10:12
ragsso, php5 is enabled...and it's still giving probs...can it be tht aptitude didn't enable the moduls or something...?10:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #416318 in apache2 (main) "Apache doesn't honor existing bootscripts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41631810:18
hishamHello Everyone! I am unable to restart bind10:32
hishamwhen i type $ sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart10:32
hishamITs says Stopping10:32
johe|workcould someone point ma an manual to make ldap the backend for user auth?10:48
acalvohito_jp: killall named10:50
acalvojohe|work: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html check LDAP authentification10:51
johe|workthx acalvo10:51
acalvoin order to be able to access a defined site in apache, I've to set up the dns name in bind and any other place?10:54
acalvoif I access thru the IP it works10:54
acalvobut thru the dns name it does not work10:54
acalvoI've seen some bind configuration that map directly www to an ip, rather than to another IN statement10:55
eolo999hi, my logs are "really" too full of "unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL) resolving". I see this issue is very common but googling and surfing I couldn't get a clear answer on how to solve the issue. I get thousands of this errors a day and I'm worried I misconfigured bind9 itself? Please i urge a solution!11:00
eolo999sorry, I'm talking about bind9 ;)11:00
Boohbaheolo999: please pastebin your named.conf11:34
* eolo999 is doing it11:35
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:36
Boohbahacalvo: what's the domain name?11:38
acalvoBoohbah: esci.es11:38
Boohbahacalvo: i got an A record pointing to is that right?11:39
acalvobut, wait11:39
acalvothis is the production enviornment11:39
acalvoand I'm migrating to a new one11:39
acalvoso I've set up a testing lan11:40
acalvowhich can't access the outside world11:40
Boohbahwhat does 'dig esci.es' show from the testing server?11:41
eolo999named.conf => http://paste.ubuntu.com/256257/ named.conf.options => http://paste.ubuntu.com/256261/11:41
acalvoit points to my dns server11:41
acalvoand show the entries for esci.es11:42
Boohbahand you have a vhost defined in apache configs?11:42
eolo999Boohbah: i just added the logging line but it doesn't solve the problem just remove the log entries!11:44
Boohbaheolo999: how bout named.conf.local?11:46
eolo999Boohbah: arriving11:46
eolo999Boohbah: http://paste.ubuntu.com/256267/11:47
Boohbahacalvo: i notice ServerName is www.esci.es. can you access it via http://www.esci.es/  ?11:48
acalvothat's my main problem11:48
acalvoit works thru the IP11:48
acalvobut not with the dns name (or servername)11:48
BoohbahTry  <VirtualHost *:80>11:49
acalvoBoohbah: it worked11:49
acalvothank you11:49
Boohbahi like these tutorials for ubuntu apache config:11:51
Boohbaheolo999: http://www.kholix.com/wiki/index.php/Unexpected_rcode_(SERVFAIL)11:54
Boohbaheolo999: you are probably receiving erroneous queries for your slave zones, check the allow-query option11:54
eolo999Boohbah: thx. But the server must answer globally for many zones. I just disabled recursion from outside my network and don't know what to do more.11:56
acalvoBoohbah: I'll take a good look at them12:05
Darcsabre_I'm trying to install a MUCK server on my Ubuntu Server box, and it's telling me it can't find libpcre.  It's also giving me the option of specifying --with-libpcre="".  I'm using the most recent Ubuntu Server Edition version.  Do I need to apt-get something or is it already there?  If the former, what should I get?  If the latter, where is it?12:42
_rubenDarcsabre_: most likely you need to install libpcre3-dev12:46
Darcsabre_Thank you.12:46
Darcsabre_Privately, I'm still waiting for someone to ask if I got Ubuntu Server Edition just to run a MUCK.  Just because it sounds funny. xD12:49
pmatulisDarcsabre_: ok, i'll bite.  what is a MUCK server?12:50
rosa_hi there..somebody know any graphic tool to do backups into hard drives, tape, dvd, remotelly, etc?13:00
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
\shDarcsabre_: are you tryinto install protoMUCK?13:18
\shpmatulis: multi user created kingdom13:19
\shpmatulis: simialar to MUD ;)13:19
rosa_hi, somebody know any backup tool?13:50
pmatulisrosa_: investigate backuppc13:55
pmatulisrosa_: not sure about tape and dvd however13:55
pmatulisrosa_: bacula as well13:55
rosa_i was reading about bacula but look very hard to install...complicate14:04
Darcsabre_\sh: No, I'm installing TinyMUCK FB6.  It seems to have worked, though.14:15
Darcsabre_And, after a few hitches not related to compile, it's also running.14:15
acalvofunny thing15:13
acalvoI'm trying to run a program15:13
acalvothat works on another server15:13
acalvobut it gives me: the file or directory does not exists15:14
ballacalvo: what program?15:14
acalvoit's the daemon of the Advatange Database Server15:14
ballDo you know the name of the executable?15:14
acalvo-r-x------ 1 root root 4,1K 2008-03-17 15:10 adsd15:15
acalvoI'm logged in as root15:15
balltry "which adsd"15:15
acalvouo, does not give any result!15:15
ballIs this something that you would like to start manually, or automatically?15:16
acalvobut, if I can "see" the file15:16
balltry ./adsd15:16
acalvowith some command line switches15:16
acalvoI've tried it15:16
ball ./adsd {switches}15:16
acalvoindeed, I've tried it15:17
acalvocomplains about not finding the file or directory15:17
acalvolocate does not find the file neither15:18
ballThat's strange.15:18
subacalvo: Is it a binary or a script of some sort?15:18
_rubenit probably cant find a library .. try strace ./adsd15:18
acalvoshould be a binary15:19
sub(What I'm really asking is if it has a shebang line that needs to be updated)15:19
subIf it's a binary then try what _ruben suggested =)15:19
acalvodoes not makes sense15:19
acalvostrace says the same15:19
acalvoexecve("./adsd", ["./adsd"], [/* 19 vars */]) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)15:19
acalvowrite(3, "strace: exec: No such file or dir"..., 40strace: exec: No such file or directory15:20
balltry "file adsd" (in the appropriate directory)15:20
acalvoadsd: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, stripped15:21
acalvoit's x3215:21
acalvounder a x32_64 env15:21
acalvoLinux earth 2.6.28-15-server #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 20:09:37 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:21
ballWhat is x32_64?15:22
ballAh, okay.15:22
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
acalvowhat do I need to run it?15:22
acalvosome sort of 32 bit libraries, right?15:23
ballCan't you recompile it, or download a 64-bit binary?15:23
acalvoapt-get install linux32 ia32*15:23
acalvono... I can't15:23
acalvothey don't have it15:23
ballacalvo: that's sad.15:24
acalvoIt's old15:24
acalvoand they went mostly for win enviorenments15:24
ballWhat does it do?15:24
acalvoit's a database server15:24
acalvoit was quite famous long time ago15:25
ballOh yes, you did mention that.15:25
acalvosad part is we still use it...15:25
ballPerhaps you could set up a 32-bit machine (or VM) on which to run it.15:25
acalvothat was what I was thinking...15:25
acalvoyes, I'll go for that15:25
acalvoseems fine15:25
acalvothank you!15:26
ballhello mathiaz15:29
G__81i need to enable Perl-CGI support in apache. I am using Ubuntu 9.04 can someone help me out here ?15:37
jerrcsAnyone know why I'd be getting these errors when trying to mount/fdisk/anything a particular drive: http://pastebin.com/m43ba526e ?15:40
sgsaxG__81: a2enmod perl15:42
G__81where should i give that15:42
sgsaxand possibly also a2enmod cgi15:42
G__81i followed this15:42
G__81but now what i get this15:43
G__81You don't have permission to access /transfer/ on this server.15:43
G__81Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1 with Suhosin-Patch mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0 Server at Port 8015:43
G__81this is the error i get15:43
G__81i have added ScriptAlias in apache2.conf15:43
G__81and i get the above error15:43
sgsaxonce you've done "sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-perl2"15:44
sgsaxthen you need to do "sudo a2enmod perl" in a command line15:44
sgsaxthen you also need to edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default15:45
jerrcsNo.. he has perl modules enabled on Apache... what he needs to do is check his error.log file like a smart debugger would do and see why the webserver is denying his request.15:45
sgsaxG__81: so if perl is setup right, check permissions on that dir (possibly /var/www/transfer ?) and any files in it15:50
sgsaxdirs need to be chmod 755, cgi files are executable scripts, so they also need to to be 755, any other files need to be 64415:51
G__81one sec15:55
G__81let me check15:55
G__81all files have -rwxrwxrwx15:55
jerrcsHave you checked your error.log like I have suggested?15:56
ballsgsax: will 711 work for CGI scripts?15:56
G__81jerrcs, let me check the error.log15:58
jerrcsGood idea.15:58
G__81this is what i have got16:00
jerrcsIf you type /var/www/transfer/book2.cgi in your terminal, does it execute?16:01
G__81bash: /var/www/transfer/book2.cgi: /usr/local/bin/perl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory16:01
jerrcsType whereis perl and find the correct perl binary, then open up /var/www/transfer/book2.cgi (in nano or something) and change the line at the top of the line to reflect the correct perl path.16:03
G__81whereis perl16:03
G__81perl: /usr/bin/perl /etc/perl /usr/lib/perl /usr/share/perl /usr/share/man/man1/perl.1.gz16:03
sgsaxdefault path for perl on ubuntu is /usr/bin/perl16:03
jerrcsok, so put #!/usr/bin/perl at the top of your book2.cgi file.16:03
jerrcsinstead of /usr/local/bin/perl16:03
sgsaxball: could be, as long as the apache user can execute it16:04
* ball nods16:05
G__81it does not work still16:05
sgsaxtry running it in a console again, see if you get any other useful errors16:06
G__81those are the initial lines in the script16:07
G__81the script tries to access perl416:07
sgsaxyou need #!/usr/bin/perl16:08
sgsaxyou're missing the #16:08
G__81i think i have not copied it properly16:08
sgsaxand make sure that is the correct path to cgi-lib.pl16:08
G__81its got the #16:08
G__81# This script creates a HTML document used for booking a system16:08
G__81$| = 1;16:08
G__81require "/usr/local/lib/perl4/cgi-lib.pl";16:08
jerrcsRun the script again in the console.16:09
G__81# This script creates a HTML document used for booking a system16:10
G__81$| = 1;16:10
G__81require "/usr/local/lib/perl4/cgi-lib.pl";16:10
G__81oh sorry16:10
G__81one sec16:10
G__81Can't locate /usr/local/lib/perl4/cgi-lib.pl in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /var/www/transfer/book2.cgi line 7.16:10
G__81its not able to locate cgi-lib i believe16:10
sgsaxright, so you need to find the correct path for that file16:10
clustygosh, i can't figure out this godamn ldap16:10
jerrcsYep.. you probably have to go through the script install again, or install/locate teh correct modules.16:11
G__81sgsax, i dont think i have it i dont have any clue on what that library does16:11
G__81is it a standard library ?16:11
jerrcsIt actually looks a bit out of date.16:11
jerrcsConsidering most people use perl5 now? Why is it trying to load a perl4 lib?16:11
G__81its an old script which i should make it run :(16:12
jerrcsregardless, something along the lines of find / | grep cgi-lib.pl might work16:12
jerrcs(might take a couple of minutes to run)16:12
G__81locate cgi-lib.pl16:12
G__81this is what i get :)16:12
jerrcsthat's probably not going to work.16:12
jerrcsWell.. regardless. You're now dealing with old code which probably requires some sort of perl knowledge.. It's out of my league. My apologies.16:13
jerrcsWe did help you debug CGI errors so if you have any you know where to go now.16:13
jerrcslaters, going out for a bit. sorry I couldn't help more.16:13
G__81thanks a lot16:15
G__81thanks jerrcs16:15
sgsaxG__81: yep, you'll need to go through the perl code and see what that lib is used for16:16
sgsaxthen you'll have to figure out which lib you need to install to make it work16:16
Psi-Jack_Hmm, there's no deb for eAccelerator?16:20
Psi-Jack_Curiousity. We've tried a few things, so far, mostly with re-nicing processes and such.16:37
Psi-Jack_but, we have a server, all it does is run a daemon that runs php and perl scripts all day long, which are communication scripts. Sometimes these scripts start chewing up CPU resources like crazy, but with no control over how much they use up.16:37
Psi-Jack_What would you guys do in a situation where you wanted per-application cpu limits?16:37
Psi-Jack_per pid cpu limits, that is.16:37
giovanithat's what nice is for16:38
Psi-Jack_Well, nice isn't cutting it.16:39
giovaniwhat nice value are you using for the offending process?16:39
giovaniand what kind of resources is this process consuming?16:40
giovanido you have a vmstat output from when the process has taken over the box?16:40
Psi-Jack_Hmm, no, but sec, I might be able to now.16:41
Psi-Jack_Yes, what output do you need specifically?16:42
giovanirunning "vmstat 5 5" during the process would be good16:42
Psi-Jack_The server's currently under loads of 10 11 916:42
giovanibased on the output of that, we can troubleshoot further16:42
Psi-Jack_Okay, I'm making 2 of those. load jumped up to 2016:43
giovaniplease paste the output of "ps aux"16:44
giovaniyour idle time is plenty -- load can be very deceiving16:45
giovaniload average* that is16:45
Psi-Jack_Alright, got it.16:46
Psi-Jack_Didn't want the potential world with that one, so I IM'd it.16:47
giovaniwell you could've pastebined it16:47
Psi-Jack_I did.16:47
giovanioh, you did16:47
Psi-Jack_Because pastebin allows me to delete the data, I can do it. :)16:47
Psi-Jack_So, as you see.. A lot of procs. ;)16:48
subPecisDarbs: Does not support keep-alive according to this mailing list thread: http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread/thread/5057b084a888e67616:48
subwrong channel and nick, sorry16:49
giovaniPsi-Jack_: how many cores/cpus does this machine have?16:50
Psi-Jack_Dual CPU, Quad Core each, so 8 cores.16:50
giovaniok, so that load is NOT a high load16:50
giovaniand here's why16:50
giovaniload average is calculated with a rough estimate of 1 = one cpu worth of scheduling16:51
giovaniso, with an 8 core server, optimal load is 8.016:51
* Psi-Jack_ ndos.16:51
giovaniso a load of 9 or 10 on a busy box16:51
giovaniis not bad16:51
giovaniespecially once you see the actual cpu usage16:51
* Psi-Jack_ nods.16:51
giovanias load average takes into account the number of processes queued up and stuff16:51
giovaniand you have a TON of processes16:52
giovaniunless the box is sluggish, this is not an indication of anything wrong16:52
Psi-Jack_So, what would be considered, a high load?16:52
Psi-Jack_In this case scernario?16:52
giovani16+ maybe16:52
giovaniwould be moderately high16:52
giovaninot an emergency16:53
giovaniit's an equivalent of a 1 core box having a load of 216:53
Psi-Jack_Then, in Nagios.. It has warnings for the three load states, what would you consider high for the Cur, 1m, 5m?16:53
giovaniif it's always like that -- then you'd need to take a look at where the bottleneck might be -- but load average doesn't really tell you how taxed your cpu is16:53
giovaniI figure 16 should be a warning, yeah16:53
giovaniif it hits 16 regularly -- you'll want to look into the cause16:54
Psi-Jack_16 in the 5m?16:54
giovaniPsi-Jack_: sure, 1m or 5m?16:54
Psi-Jack_Gotcha. ;)16:54
Psi-Jack_The 0m can easily be bumped up to ... 8*416:54
Psi-Jack_That would be a high load of 3216:55
giovani1m you mean?16:55
Psi-Jack_Just spoke to a coworker of mine.16:57
Psi-Jack_In our case, high load is 8, because if it reaches up to 12, and stays there for any period of time, we start having problems.16:57
Psi-Jack_If it ever reaches 20, kiss that server good bye.16:58
Psi-Jack_So, with that knowledge, what's your take?16:58
giovaniload is not a good indication of that16:58
giovaniI'd need to see the server when it's sluggish16:59
giovaniI don't see any high iowait16:59
giovanimemory speed, etc could be an issue16:59
Psi-Jack_it's got 8gb16:59
Psi-Jack_Dell Poweredge 2950, Dual CPU, Quad Core Xeon E5335 (2.00GHz)17:02
Psi-Jack_64bit of course.17:03
Psi-Jack_Memory-specs, are 8x1GB DDR2 667MHz17:05
giovani8GB of RAM for an 8-core server?17:07
giovanikinda skimpy, no?17:07
Psi-Jack_Heh, not really.17:08
giovaniyeah ... really17:08
giovaniI don't know why you'd need so much cpu and so little ram17:08
giovaniI have two-core machines with twice as much ram as you do17:08
Psi-Jack_We never use up all the ram as-is now.17:09
Psi-Jack_There's 2.3GB just sitting there doing nothing.17:09
Psi-Jack_5.7GN used, 4.6GB of that just buffers & cache.17:09
giovaniyour vmstat says otherwise17:11
giovaniI'm seeing free ram numbers in the 500MB range17:11
giovaniwhich would imply that 7.5GB are used/cached/buffered17:12
giovaniram speed can be an issue17:12
giovanidepending on your needs here17:12
giovaniyou can end up taxing the memory speed, and not the cpu (because 8 cores is a lot)17:12
giovaniI'd need to see the box when it's fully sressed17:12
Psi-Jack_Eh? 500mb?17:16
Psi-Jack_Where'd you see that?17:16
Psi-Jack_Oh, yeah. I see now.17:16
Psi-JackHeh, aight, I'm home for lunch now. Heh17:28
subI just love how quickly Ubuntu Server and JeOS boot17:48
Psi-JackHeh yeah17:48
Psi-JackStack on eBox, and it's so much slower. ;)17:49
subI still have yet to use eBox, I just started hearing of it recently :)17:53
Faust-Cebox is too much17:54
Faust-Cits a great concept but the execution needs to be redone17:54
Faust-Clike have modules be installed only when you need them, not ahead of time waiting to be configured17:54
subWhat's the difference between eBox and something like Landscape?17:55
Faust-Cthat adds extra "weight" on the OS and unnecessary updates17:55
sub(I don't use either atm)17:55
Psi-JackUmm, They do install when you need them. You tell it when you need them.17:55
Faust-Csub, idk never used landscape17:55
Psi-Jacklandscape, is. Bleh.17:55
foolanoFaust-C: that's really easy to do17:55
Faust-CPsi-Jack, before it had everything installed and then you configured it when you needed it17:55
Faust-Cfoolano, i imagine it is, i now have the time to maybe help17:55
Psi-JackFaust-C: 1.2, you installed what you wanted, during installation. If you did it by their install CD17:56
Faust-Ci was thinking about adding a php module for citadel to shutdown, restart and update the base OS17:56
Faust-CPsi-Jack, oic17:56
foolanoFaust-C: we changed that in 1.2 cuz there were too many modules17:57
Faust-Cfoolano, hell now that i have plenty of time on my hand i look forward to being able to help more in some way18:03
foolanoFaust-C: help is always very welcome :)18:04
Faust-Csometimes its more valuable than $$$18:04
andolmathiaz: Regarding bug #394036, I figured I start testing on edgy,feisty and gutsy. Or are you doing the same? Figured I'd try to avoid dubble work :)18:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 394036 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "MySQL 5.0.22 Crash on Ubuntu 6.06.2 LTS (SELECT 0+0+0...)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39403618:05
mathiazbdmurray: hey - could smoser be made part of the ubuntu-bugcontrol team?18:08
mathiazbdmurray: it seems he cannot set the importance on bugs18:08
smoserthere ya go.18:08
mathiazandol: I'd start to test on feisty18:09
mathiazandol: I'm not working on this right now18:09
Psi-JackACPI: Unable to turn cooling device [f7076f18] 'on'18:09
mathiazandol: so you won't do double work18:09
Psi-JackI keep getting that constantly on one of my servers.18:09
mathiazandol: feisty is 5.0.35 IIRC which is in between dapper (5.0.22) and hardy (5.0.51a)18:10
Psi-JackI just want it to stop trying, cause it obviously can't. ;)18:10
andolmathiaz: thanks, will do.18:10
mathiazandol: if feisty doesn't crash, than trying edgy (5.0.24) and hope that edgy doesn't crash either18:10
madHi, I am trying to install ubuntu server on a computer with 4 partitions and two disks RAID 0/1 it seems to be hanging on "Configuring makedev" the HDD makes a little noise ever 10 seconds or so but it has been stuck here for at least 10 minutes should i keep waiting or is something wrond?18:10
mathiazandol: if so we've already narrowed down the potential revisin18:10
madI'm using the latest unbuntu server edition btw18:11
bdmurraymathiaz: is smoser familiar with the requirements for being a member? and do you vouch for them?18:16
mathiazbdmurray: what's the wiki page where the requirements are outlined?18:17
bdmurraymathiaz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl ;-)18:17
* smoser is reading now18:19
artillerytxcan someone help me figure out why my subdomain isn't working18:59
_jmedinaartillerytx: what kind of subdomain?19:00
giovaniartillerytx: by "my subdomain isn't working" do you mean that it's not resolving to an IP address via DNS, or that you're hosting a webserver with a vhost, and it's not working as you expect?19:00
_jmedinaplase give more details so we can help..19:00
artillerytxi am running bind and apache i have 3 domains hosted 1 of which i am trying to set up a sub domain for ... i have created an A record on wwmcd.org for swot.wwmcd.org and also created a VHOST for swot.wwmcd.org restarted bind and apache and still nothing19:01
giovaniwell did you test that DNS is resolving properly first?19:01
artillerytxwith dig?19:01
giovanibecause if  swot.wwmcd.org is your domain -- it's not resolving for me19:01
giovanisure, or any other utility19:02
artillerytxi can't do it from inside the network19:02
giovaniwhy not?19:02
artillerytxthe server is on the same network as me19:02
_jmedinaswot.wwmcd.org is not resolving here...19:02
artillerytxbut wwmcd.org is working for you correct?19:02
giovaniartillerytx: why would that prevent you from sending a DNS query? this isn't making sense19:02
giovaniyes, wwmcd.org has an A record19:03
_jmedinagiovani: probably he is nating...19:03
artillerytxokay when i do dig swot.wwmcd.org i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/256464/19:03
giovani_jmedina: why would that prevent him from sending a DNS query?19:03
giovaniartillerytx: because, as it's shwoing you ... there's no response19:04
giovaniit's blank19:04
giovanithere's no "ANSWER SECTION"19:04
_jmedina:) that is not a problem to me, it depends what dns query tool he is using19:04
giovani_jmedina: what?19:04
giovaniartillerytx: also, you are not the only authoritative DNS server for your domain19:04
giovanins{1,2}.everydns.net.wwmcd.org are as well19:05
artillerytxyeah i set those up as slaves19:05
_jmedinagiovani: forget it, I didnt see he was using dig..19:05
giovaniartillerytx: well they're not propagating19:05
giovaniwell your TTL is set very high as well19:06
giovaniit'll take time for the DNS record to trickle out19:06
artillerytxcan i change that ?19:06
artillerytxthats time to live right?19:07
giovanisure, but it won't take effect until the next TTL cycle19:07
giovaniit's set in your bind config19:07
_jmedina you can use rndc notify from master19:08
giovani_jmedina: they still need to trickle down to internet relays19:08
artillerytxSo.. what should i do19:09
giovaniartillerytx: you should wait19:09
artillerytxwell i've had it set up for like 4 days it worked for one day and then stopped working19:10
lwizardlanyone here using ispconfig 3?19:10
giovaniartillerytx: well that sounds like a different problem19:10
giovanilwizardl: that control panel isn't supported here19:10
lwizardlgiovani, ok do they have a channel?19:11
lwizardlgiovani, what panel is?19:11
giovanilwizardl: ebox19:11
giovaniand barely at that19:11
giovanimost people here don't encourage using "web panels"19:12
giovanilwizardl: I'd consult their official website to see if they have an irc channel19:12
lwizardlgiovani, I have used cpanel and hated that one so i'm testing out others19:12
giovaniand indeed they do -- shockingly, #ispconfig on freenode19:12
giovanilwizardl: yeah, those are all hosting-industry specific, and aren't supplied with ubuntu19:12
lwizardlgiovani, that channel is invite only i just got booted from there19:13
lwizardl* You have been kicked from #ispconfig by ChanServ (Invite only channel)19:14
henkjanlwizardl: for a decent panel try openpanel19:14
giovanilwizardl: sounds like an awful project then -- don't use it19:14
artillerytxgiovani: what kind of problem do you think it is?19:14
giovaniartillerytx: no clue -- you should probably understand how DNS works before running a DNS server though19:14
giovaniit's possible that it's not propagating properly to your slaves, etc19:14
artillerytxthere really isn't that much to dns servers you add a record and say hey this domain is going to look at this ip address now19:18
giovaniDNS isn't incredibly simple19:19
giovaniit's got a lot of things going on19:19
KillMeNownot even close to being simple19:19
artillerytxmaybe thats why its not working i think its too simple19:19
KillMeNowdid you read all those links i sent you the other day?19:20
artillerytxabout rndc19:20
KillMeNowi seem to remember sending you a bunch of links on how DNS works as well19:20
artillerytxi know how dns works19:20
artillerytxbut there is one little thing im missing apparently19:21
artillerytxor else my sub domain would work19:21
giovaniartillerytx: I don't think that you're familiar with how it works19:21
giovaniI've walked you through this process before19:21
giovaniI think others have as well19:21
giovanithis is not something you grasp fully in an hour19:21
artillerytxi have everything set up correctly19:21
artillerytxgo into the domains hosts file add an a record pointing at the ip address19:22
artillerytxset up a virtual host for that domain19:22
artillerytxassuming i have bind set up correctly thats all i have to do19:22
giovaniassuming ALL of the servers involved in the domain are set up correctly19:23
artillerytxi have 3 domains set up all running fine...19:23
artillerytxwhich includes wwmcd.org19:23
giovanithen clearly it's working fine19:23
artillerytxwoah no need for sarcasm19:24
subartillerytx: http://pastebin.com/f63c5bb8b19:24
subtake a look at your NS records19:24
artillerytxnow they are good19:27
subis dns1.longhornpcrepair.com a master or slave? and if it's a slave, what is it a slave to?19:28
artillerytxdns1 should be the master19:28
subhave you been updating the serials in your zone?19:28
artillerytxalright never heard of that before, What is that?19:29
giovanioh boy19:29
subproblem solved...19:29
subyou should read up on DNS more19:29
giovaniartillerytx: this is why, when you come in here and claim that you've got DNS figured out and  that you don't need to learn any more about it19:29
giovaniwe don't believe you19:29
artillerytxNo i do need to learn more about it19:30
suband at least at this point, you know that you need to read about some sort of serial19:30
artillerytxbut i need to understand in what situation it applies19:30
_jmedinaartillerytx: read about dns fundamentas and you will figure it out19:30
subso I suggest that you learn more about DNS. but at the very least google "dns serial zone file" or something to that effect and blunder your way through it19:30
_jmedinaprobably readin BIND ARM19:30
subany introduction to DNS should cover the serial, I'm sure even howstuffworks.com has an article about it19:31
subi take it back, the howstuffworks.com article doesn't mention the serial :P19:33
_jmedina:), there is the legendary DNS HOWTO19:35
suboh yes19:35
_jmedinaread 5.6 section Slave servers...19:35
_jmedinaartillerytx: well, start reading from the first page19:35
ycyhi there19:35
ruben23hi trying to ssh on a remote server -->i can login and during the browsing of files ans setting i get hangup..already restarted the server and my network..same thing happens..19:36
garymcHi does anyone know how I would cluster 3 rack servers together with ubuntu?19:36
garymcIm currently using Ubuntu 9.04 LTSP19:36
_jmedina3 rack servers?19:36
garymcHp Proliants19:36
subgarymc: There are many different types of clustering. How do you mean it?19:36
_jmedinawhat wind of cluster?19:36
garymcI want to utelise the Hard drives and CPU's19:37
garymcas if they where one server?19:37
ycyi remember that ubuntu-server asks for automatic updates during the installation19:37
pmatulisruben23: i would check your logs.  you can also start the sshd in the foreground19:38
garymchow would i do this??19:38
garymcand is it a momoth task?19:38
ruben23pmatulis: what you mean foreground..?19:39
ruben23ill be checking the remote server logs...?19:39
sgsaxgarymc: sounds like you're talking about a beowulf cluster19:41
ycyhowever how can I set it up?19:42
sgsaxwhich is doable, but not for the newbie19:42
pmatulisruben23: man sshd and check the '-d' (-dd, -ddd) switch19:42
sgsaxycy: two ways, either use unattended-upgrades, or script and cron your updates19:43
garymci dont think beowolf is supported in linux19:44
garymcso i heard19:44
PhotoJimthere's a Debian-based Beowulf installation19:45
subAlso Knoppix19:46
subThat's kind of neat19:46
sgsaxgarymc: beowulf is entirely based on linux systems19:46
sgsaxif somebody told you otherwise, they didn't know what they were talking about19:46
garymcok, ive just been told thats too deep for my knowledge19:46
sgsaxI'd recommend against it, if you're just wanting to leverage your computing power19:47
artillerytxalright i read about the serials but im gonna keep reading about it some more before i ask again about dns... i swear !19:52
artillerytxbut i ran this named -g -p 53 to check for errors and i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/256481/19:53
artillerytxthat can't be good19:53
giovaniclearly you have a syntax error19:54
giovaniseems self-explanatory19:54
sgsaxartillerytx: and in your named.conf, not your zone file19:54
qman__most specifically, you have two separate options blocks, which is not allowed19:55
artillerytxalright so if i get open: /etc/bind/rndc.key: permission denied i need to change the permissions of that file19:59
cemcif I have 4GB ram, can I use i386 ubuntu? will it see the whole 4GB ?20:09
cemcor do i have install 64bit ?20:10
PhotoJimthere is a way around the problem, but 64-bit works best with 4 GB or more of RAM.20:11
giovani3GB or more*20:13
giovanipresuming you have a standard video card, and a standard motherboard20:13
svschwartzhi  all! I guess you are all sysadmins here, right? and you do sometimes need to backup operating system or disk drive, so my question is what is the best linux tool to do this job (ala acronis true image) ?20:13
KillMeNowi don't know if Ubuntu has a PAE switch like windows does20:13
PhotoJimright, thanks.20:13
giovaniKillMeNow: in the -server kernel, it does20:13
giovanisvschwartz: different tools are used depending on preference mostly20:14
sgsaxif you enable CONFIG_HIGHMEM=y in your kernel config, you can access 4GB+ RAM with a 32-bit kernel20:15
svschwartzgiovani: personaly I know dd and partimage, later one is crap and dd is not smart you know20:15
sgsaxpartimage isn't exactly "crap", just out of development and has a few quirks20:16
svschwartzcemc: forget it, use x6420:16
giovanisgsax: which, as I said, is default with the -server kernel20:16
svschwartzsgsax: that's exactly what meant :)20:16
sgsaxfsarchiver is the new kid on the block, we've had mixed success with it20:16
cemcI have a 32bit ubuntu installed on a system, and I want to move it to another system which has 4gb ram20:16
giovanisvschwartz: dd is for taking bit-for-bit copies -- this is not usually what people want for a "backup" system20:16
cemccan I "upgrade" to 64bit then? :)20:16
svschwartzgiovani: yep :)20:17
giovanisvschwartz: rsync is pretty good at keeping two directories in sync, it's very smart20:17
sgsaxcemc: nope, you'll need to reinstall, because none of the binaries will be compatible20:17
svschwartzcemc: reinstall the os20:17
giovanido this over a network -- and you have a backup system20:17
giovanicemc: as long as it's a current release of ubuntu, you don't need to reinstall, or move to 64-bit20:17
giovanihowever, you can if you want to20:17
cemcgiovani: it's hardy20:18
svschwartzok, I see20:18
sgsaxfor backups, we use rdiff-backup20:18
cemcgiovani: with 2.6.24-24-server20:18
sgsaxwhich I don't exactly recommend, but it works well enough20:18
svschwartzplease tell me if anyone is interested in smart OS/drive/partition backup20:19
giovanisvschwartz: what do you mean?20:19
giovaniwe already have that ...20:19
KillMeNowweb based backup utility20:19
svschwartzcan it restore MBR ?20:19
svschwartzpartition table ?20:20
sgsaxyou want disk imaging, not backups20:20
giovanisvschwartz: if you want it too ... that's what dd is for20:20
svschwartzsgsax: yes, sorry20:20
giovaniuse dd to copy the first 512Bytes of the drive20:20
sgsaxuse partimage to get an image of the partitions20:20
giovaniyou can use dd for that as well20:21
giovanipipe it through gzip to eliminate the zeros space20:21
sgsaxboot to a livecd, partition the new disk, pull your image(s) down, and install grub20:21
svschwartzI want to share my expirience with disk imaging tool called... partimage-ng :)20:21
PhotoJimI'm boring.  my disk image tool is dd :)20:22
svschwartzpartimage-ng is really smart20:22
svschwartzit does save MBR, partition table and blocks that are used, works with ext2/3, ntfs, vfat20:23
svschwartzI wonder why it is not in main? it whould be great to have it out of the box with live cd to backup or restore drives20:24
* _jmedina uses clonezilla livecd which uses partimage and other tools20:25
giovanisvschwartz: the ubuntu livecd is a desktop livecd -- it's not built for recovery20:25
giovaniuse a dedicated recovery livecd for that -- plenty exist20:26
_jmedinathere is a clonezilla livecd based on ubuntu :)20:26
_jmedinathe alternate livecd20:26
giovanidedicated recovery cds have more tools for more tasks though20:26
svschwartzno way, I whould love to have "Ubuntu Rescure" with me everywere :)20:26
giovanisince they're focused on that niche20:26
svschwartzyou see I don't need or want to have a dedicated live cd just for one small tool20:27
giovanisvschwartz: I'm not suggesting anything of the sort20:28
svschwartzand one more thing, ubuntu does ship parted and gparted, which is really handy20:28
giovanirecovery livecds may have hundreds of tools20:28
svschwartzlike dd :)20:28
giovanilike hundreds of tools20:28
svschwartzok, I see, no interest20:28
svschwartzthanks anyway20:29
artillerytxI've tried a couple of different ways to get my rndc to work...i kept getting errors but now when i restart bind i get rndc: get: not found20:30
sgsaxsvschwartz: so are you working on partimage-ng, or just like it?20:31
Faust-Crecommendations for remote desktop, (no VNC its too laggy)20:31
sgsaxFaust-C: xdmcp20:31
Faust-Csgsax, oh yeah lol20:31
Faust-Chmm i might intergrate that into my services20:32
Faust-Ccause i want to migrate clients to linux and provide remote support20:32
henkjanFaust-C: http://code.google.com/p/neatx/20:32
Psi-Jack_Is there a heartbeat guide for Ubuntu?20:32
Psi-Jack_8.04 and/or 9.04?20:32
svschwartzsgsax: I don't right code for it, but I do use it and used to talk to original developer at early stage of project20:33
Faust-Chenkjan, oh nice20:33
sgsaxartillerytx: you don't really need to use rndc manually20:33
svschwartzsgsax: write :)20:33
sgsaxedit your config and zone files properly and just /etc/init.d/bind9 restart20:34
artillerytxsgsax: well everytime i do rndc-confgen -> rndc.conf and then restart bind it just hangs20:34
sgsaxbut it sounds like you still don't grok the fundamentals of how bind works20:34
artillerytxI'm just trying to fix one thing at a time20:35
artillerytxthats how i learn20:35
AlbatrossHi. I'm using vsftpd. Does anyone know why I can20:35
Albatrossnot deleate folders wile logging on as loval user.20:35
sgsaxsvschwartz: it looks promising, but their sf page is a bit bare, and their new wiki is empty, so it doesn't really instill a lot of confidence20:36
sgsaxrndc is a tool that is supposed to make maintining your named.conf and zone files easier20:36
svschwartzsgsax: it is much closer :) https://launchpad.net/partimage-ng20:36
sgsaxbut it won't help if you don't know what to do with them20:36
sgsaxsvschwartz: I did see that20:37
svschwartzsgsax: and code on lp too20:37
svschwartzsgsa: sf page is too old, forget it20:37
sgsaxartillerytx: seriously, do yourself a favor and get the O'Reilly "DNS & Bind" book20:37
qman__svschwartz, I make backups with tar20:38
qman__if I need something more complicated I usually create a bash script for it20:38
sgsaxAlbatross: I don't understand your question20:38
svschwartzqman__ : well I do actually use tar, gzip, bzip2, rsync, but non of them can really make drive image20:39
svschwartzno way20:39
sgsaxsvschwartz: no "stable" release yet?20:40
svschwartzsgsax: I guess the author just does not know when to call it "stable" and make a release :)20:43
svschwartzor maybe he just didn't need it, because nobody actually asked for that20:44
svschwartzit works for me, so I guess it is stable enough20:45
sgsaxthey don't have .deb packages?20:45
svschwartzthere used to be a ppa, but looks outdated now20:45
mathiazkirkland: do you plan to provide a hardy backport of your new kvm-qemu package?20:46
qman__svschwartz, I use dd for disk images, usually piped to gzip or bzip220:49
qman__it's not the fastest method but it works20:50
qman__Albatross, it's probably a permissions problem20:51
qman__if the user doesn't own the folder, that's probably it20:52
qman__if the sticky bit is set, a user can't delete anything he doesn't own20:52
svschwartzqman__ : yes, it does, surely, but that is not the of samurai ;)20:52
qman__if not, you still need write access20:52
sgsaxsvschwartz: I'm intrigued, as I've been using partimage for a long time, warts and all20:53
qman__I've used partimage plenty of times20:53
qman__the interface is just too clunky for me20:53
svschwartzsgsax: on jaunty or lenny please build from this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~gene-czarc/partimage-ng/devel-gc120:53
svschwartzsgsax: partimage-ng has only one word to share with partimage  :) the code is written from scratch20:54
qman__the last time I needed to clone some disks, I piped dd to gzip to netcat20:55
qman__and then did the reverse on a number of clients20:55
svschwartzqman__ : remember that every I/O call makes your drive closer to crash/bad blocks etc :)20:57
svschwartzthanks for your time guys, bye21:00
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz
Albatrosssgsax: While connecting via ftp i can only remove files. The folders remain.21:17
sgsaxso you need to know how to remove directories?21:18
sgsaxit's been a while since I've used ftp, but shouldn't "rmdir" work?21:18
Albatrosssgsax: It shoud, but it doesnt..21:19
Albatrosssgsax: What do you use, then? Something better than ftp? I'm kinda newbie..21:19
sgsaxno interactive shell like ftp, but is secure (runs over ssl)21:20
Psi-Jack_SSL? Are you mad?21:20
Albatrossaah. Well, as newbie i need the interface.. ^^21:20
Psi-Jack_Albatross, No you don't.21:21
sgsaxPsi-Jack_: I know, it's crazy :)21:21
Psi-Jack_bash is a perfectly good interface.21:21
sgsaxAlbatross: do you have shell access on the remote server?21:21
AlbatrossMy own server..21:21
sgsaxso use scp to upload files, and ssh in to server to remove files/dirs21:22
Psi-Jack_Or just run ssh servername commands21:22
sgsaxscp /my/local/file user@remote.host.org:/remote/path/to/file21:22
Albatrosssrverame commands?21:22
sgsax ^^ that's your masic syntax21:22
Psi-Jack_ssh myusername@myserver.com rm /some/file21:23
Albatrossoh. hold your horses. Mu server is ubuntu, but my client is windows..21:23
sgsaxAlbatross: in that case, get WinSCP21:24
Psi-Jack_Then yeah, you'd have to ssh in using putty.21:24
sgsaxnice UI and everything :)21:24
Psi-Jack_Or get winxmp.21:24
Psi-Jack_winscp even21:24
* Psi-Jack_ shrugs.21:24
Psi-Jack_I don't even use Windows, so I don't care to support it.21:24
qman__or just use sftp21:24
qman__which is exactly like ftp, only it uses openssh to connect21:24
Albatrossok. will look into them. thanks for the tip.21:25
AlbatrossPsi-Jack: Well, in sweden you have no choice really.. Everything os so microsoftified tou have to use the crap.21:25
qman__as in what?21:26
Psi-Jack_Albatross, You ALWAYS have a choice.21:26
qman__there's very little that won't work on linux21:26
qman__poorly written sites for IE6 fall under that category21:27
AlbatrossCorrect. I have a coice, but i'm lazy. I'm satisfied to know wich is best.. ^^21:27
Psi-Jack_qman__, Not entirely true, Now you can even view those using wine installed IE621:27
qman__I'll have to try that21:28
qman__I have to support some DVR software that only works with IE621:28
qman__and some ATM software too21:28
Psi-Jack_wine-doors, or playonlinux, installs it perfectly.21:28
qman__uses activex heavily21:29
qman__for anyone in the market, don't buy a GeoVision system21:30
qman__it's completely locked to windows21:31
Psi-Jack_GeoVision, eh?21:32
qman__yeah, I wasn't the one who shopped around for it21:32
Psi-Jack_I did a google search for Geovision, and the first thing I saw was "Don't Buy a Geovision DVR"21:32
qman__it works okay, but the software is just...awful21:33
Psi-Jack_Digital Video Surveilance stuff?21:33
qman__and the documentation is worse21:34
qman__yeah, security cameras21:34
qman__I found out later I could have gotten linux friendly cards with better framerates for less21:35
qman__bluecherry I think it is?21:35
qman__being stuck on windows wouldn't be so bad if their software was any good, but it just isn't21:37
qman__there's about 15 different programs and the documentation doesn21:38
sgsaxany lvm experts in here?21:38
qman__doesn't tell you which one you need21:38
Psi-Jack_what about lvm?21:38
qman__I know a little about lvm, but I wouldn't say I'm an expert21:39
sgsaxsubordinate accidentally reinstalled a machine and didn't realize the data partition was lvm21:39
Psi-Jack_Shoot him in the foot.21:39
sgsaxso he left the partition intact, but we're unable to recover access to the partition21:39
sgsaxwas hoping somebody might know some tricks21:40
qman__there was a thing on the ubuntu RSS that taught about having a mobile LVM21:40
qman__might be of some help, let me find the link21:40
Psi-Jack_Okay, well, left the partition in-tact, but what about the data on it?21:40
sgsaxthat's the thing, we can't mount it to see21:41
sgsaxpvscan, vgscan, lvscan all come up empty21:41
Psi-Jack_sgsax, Then obviously, it's destroyed.21:41
qman__link doesn't seem to be working for me21:41
qman__if those don't come up with anything it's gone21:42
sgsaxeven tried vgchange -ay, still no luck21:42
Psi-Jack_Well, if none of the scans worked, it's gone.21:43
Psi-Jack[ 115.340885] ACPI: Unable to turn cooling device [f7076f18] 'on'22:25
Psi-JackI keep getting that, even though I put blacklist fan in my modprobe.d/blacklist.conf22:26
clustyPsi-Jack, wooohoooo22:38
clustygot finally DNS up and running22:38
jpdsPsi-Jack: Why have you blacklisted fan?22:38
Psi-Jackjpds: That's one of the "fixes" the forums suggested.22:39
Psi-JackI'm trying the /etc/defaults/acpid idea now, and omitting fan from the modules.22:40
Psi-JackStill occuring. :/22:41
Psi-Jack[ 49.340936] ACPI: Unable to turn cooling device [f7076f18] 'on'22:42
Psi-JackSo, any ideas?22:55
zagabar1Hi. I am trying to set up a ircd-hybrid server on my ubuntu server.23:00
zagabar1But I have some problems.23:00
zagabar1When I typed sudo apt-get install ircd-hybrid to get it, I got this error when it tried to start it after installing: http://pastebin.com/m492725b523:01
zagabar1Also, I have no ircd.conf anywhere23:01
clustycan some1 please help me out with LDAP authentification23:02
sgsaxzagabar1: did you try "dpkg-reconfigure ircd-hybrid"23:02
clustyI am still unable to reach my server23:02
zagabar1sgsax: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: ircd-hybrid is broken or not fully installed23:03
clustyi am constantly asked for a password, and the one i supplied during installation does not work23:03
Psi-Jackactive[0]:               -266 C: devices= FAN23:03
Psi-Jackpassive:                 -248 C: tc1=4 tc2=3 tsp=60 devices=CPU023:04
sgsaxtry removing it and then reinstalling it, sounds like the install failed partway through23:04
Psi-JackGoodie.. -266 C!23:04
sgsaxPsi-Jack_: that's one cold machine23:04
Psi-JackI wish!23:04
Psi-JackIt's actually at 39 C currently.23:04
zagabar1sgsax: I already tried that twice. Maybe it doesn't remove everything when I type apt-get remove?23:05
sgsaxpossibly not23:05
Psi-JackThat's just the trips, to make the fan come on tillit REACHES -26623:05
sgsaxtry apt-get purge23:05
sgsaxtha should wipe any remnants away23:05
sgsaxPsi-Jack_: perhaps your sensors just have lousy drivers23:06
Psi-JackWell, that's a given.23:06
zagabar1sgsax:  http://pastebin.com/m140c1c7023:06
Psi-JackBut it's annoying as heck, because every 6 seconds, I see it trying to turn on the fan, but can't.23:06
Psi-JackFilling my logfiles (and consequently, database where syslog also logs to)23:06
sgsaxzagabar1: you need to include the package name "apt-get purge ircd-hybrid"23:06
giovaniCPU Temp         | 32.000     | degrees C  | ok    | na        | na        | na        | 76.000    | 78.000    | 80.00023:09
giovaniSys Temp         | 43.000     | degrees C  | ok    | na        | na        | na        | 76.000    | 78.000    | 80.00023:09
zagabar1sgsax: http://pastebin.com/m2e9b741a23:09
zagabar1It still troubles when it is installed.23:09
sgsaxlooks like the package may be broken, did you check in launchpad if this is a known bug?23:11
zagabar1Nope. I don't even know what launchpad is. xP23:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 230168 in ircd-hybrid "package ircd-hybrid 1:7.2.2.dfsg.2-3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:12
sgsaxreported in May, 200823:12
sgsaxI'd suggest trying a different ircd23:12
zagabar1I see. Do you know of a good one?23:13
ycyhow can I set ubuntu-server to automatically install software updates?23:13
sgsaxycy: you see my earlier response?23:14
guntbertsgsax: have you got a minute to tell me *how* you found that bug so fast - I'm a bit clumsy around launchpad?23:16
sgsaxguntbert: I just searched for the package name23:17
sgsaxthat bug was the first hit23:17
sgsaxjust got lucky :)23:17
guntbertsgsax: I see, thx :-)23:19
KillMeNowycy:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85529923:21
sgsaxycy: this also works23:23
sgsaxDEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' /usr/bin/apt-get -y --force-yes dist-upgrade23:23
sgsaxthink it does basically what the unattended-upgrades does23:23
sgsaxbut on a per-instance basis and not a permanent system-wide basis23:24
ycysgsax: i don't, sorry23:24
ycysgsax: i have to use unattended-upgrades ?23:24
sgsaxthat's one option23:25
sgsaxthe other is the command I listed above23:25
ycyis that installed by default on ubuntu ?23:25
ycyall right23:25
ycythank you23:25
ycydoes unattend-upgrades also upgrade kernel or only upgrades that don't require a reboot?23:25
sgsaxit's a metapackage that modifies configs in /etc/apt/conf.d23:25
sgsaxnot sure what else it does to actually run the updates23:28
sgsaxI guess /etc/cron.daily/apt runs and when unattended-upgrades is set, it does the work23:30
sgsaxI run the command I pasted from cfengine so I get a report emailed to me when it's done23:30
sgsaxnote I only do this on desktops, not servers23:31
clustyhelp any1 :D?23:51
clustytotally lost here with the damn LDAP23:51
clustycannot get in, not even from the machine itself23:52
_jmedinaclusty: what is the problem?23:52
clusty_jmedina, well installed slapd23:53
_jmedinawhat distro, what slapd version?23:53
_jmedinadetails please23:53
clustyand whenever i try to query for anything i am asked for passoword23:53
clustyand i get denied23:54
_jmedinashow command output23:54
clustyvlazar@algorithmica:~/ldap$ ldapadd -x -W -D "cn=admin,dc=debuntu,dc=local" -f people_group.ldif23:55
clustyEnter LDAP Password:23:55
clustyldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)23:55
jerrcshttp://pastebin.com/m312f8f71 < getting some errors when I try to mount a drive.. can anyone help?23:55
_jmedinaclusty: so, what version?23:56
clusty_jmedina, sec lemme find out the command for package version :D23:56
_jmedinadpkg -l slapd23:56
clusty 2.4.9-0ubuntu0.8.04.323:57
clustyapt-cache policy slapd23:57
clustyis what i did23:57
_jmedinawhat ubuntu vesion?23:57
_jmedinausb disks sucks23:58
clustyjerrcs, your disk in good shape?23:58
clustyjerrcs, or got ran over by an elephant ? :D23:59
_jmedinabad cable....23:59
jerrcsnah.. should be good.. I just had this server set up a month ago.23:59
jerrcsthe drive has been working fine during the time.. after I rebooted it's been odd23:59

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