
springmeyersince it does not prompt for a password (I do have sudo...)00:00
greyfoxspringmeyer : chmod it00:00
greyfoxchmod the file00:00
ejvalexnet: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH00:00
springmeyergreyfox: the file does not exist... I'm trying to create it00:01
alexnetejv thanks00:01
apparlespringmeyer: try su.............then you will be in super user mode .............then try the command00:01
nine1sixhbekel: i've been learning with backtrack 3 and i got into my router fine, but i have a pc with an open port 139. i try to connect and it asks me for authentication. i know a little how to use hydra but i cant figure out how to get the username00:01
greyfoxspringmeyer : chmod the directory :)00:01
trumpenspringmeyer, sudo bash -c "echo foo >file"00:01
springmeyertrumpen: ew, that looks like a good idea :)00:01
dtcrshrhi everyone. im trying to set a wirelles connection with my ubuntu 8 lts on my access point. with this very machine im on irc im connectet to the ap, ans using just fine. using iwlist wlan0 scan i can see the same network, but on the network manager when i select to connect to it it keeps spining but dont connect00:02
springmeyertrumpen:  that works, thanks00:02
trumpenspringmeyer, yw ;)00:02
apparleguys I was wondering can I share internet over bluetooth00:03
Unislashhey all :)00:03
Unislashi'm trying to share my firefox profile across windows xp and ubuntu jaunty00:03
hbekelnine1six: sorry, i don't know any of that stuff except that 139 is used by windows ;)00:04
Unislashit worked perfectly fine until i reinstalled windows00:04
nine1sixyeah my other box on the network is windows. netbios00:04
soreauHow can I uninstall all packages containing a particular keywork like with wildcard characters (*)?00:04
apparleUnislash: tell me how to do it...........I also want to do it00:04
Unislashbecause of the reinstall, the mount point of windows changed from /windows to /media/windows, and i made sure that the firefox profile manager reflected this change00:05
soreauLike how can I say 'aptitude remove *package*'?00:05
Unislashbut when i try to start it from there, it says that the profile is already in use... even though i've shut it down on my xp disk. my xp disc is mounted.00:05
Ben64Unislash: sudo ln -s /media/windows /windows00:05
Unislashapparle: one sec :)00:05
lucky__hi, what file system i should use to have a date partition for win e ubuntu?00:05
lucky__ntfs or fat32?00:06
Unislashben64: ln: creating symbolic link `/windows/windows': File exists00:06
Ben64lucky__: what?00:06
apparlelucky__: I use ntfs00:06
decolucky__: ntfs too00:06
dtcrshranyone can help me troubleshoot my wireless connection? i can see the connection, but it dont connect. keeps spinning and stops00:06
decofat32 is outdated...00:06
Ben64lucky__: you know, there is a windows ext3 driver00:07
Ben64ext3 > ntfs00:07
Unislashapparle: simply run "firefox -p" in terminal, then create a new profile... the wizard will ask you for the new profile's base folder... put in the one that windows uses (in application data, under mozilla->firefox)00:07
MadGirli think ext3 is safer00:07
Ben64lucky__: ext3 is the default filesystem for ubuntu00:07
decoBen64: it's not you have a choice00:07
Ben64ext4 is coming to ubuntu soon00:07
lucky__yes, and you use that for win?00:07
Ben64lucky__: you probably can't install windows to ext300:08
decoBen64: ubuntu already supports ext400:08
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Ben64deco: i know -.-00:08
lucky__i know00:08
Unislashben64: that created a symbolic link in /windows... so now i've got /windows/windows00:08
decoBen64: Ben64> ext4 is coming to ubuntu soon00:08
Ben64lucky__: but you don't want to have linux and windows sharing a boot partition00:08
lucky__but what is a better choice for exchange data?00:08
Ben64deco: stop picking apart what i say00:09
lucky__ntfs is secure?00:09
decoBen64: don't be so sensitive :D00:09
Um_cara_qualquerhow can i set "extra efects" in the "visual efects"?00:09
Ben64lucky__: ntfs is not as good as ext300:09
Ben64but ntfs is a whole lot better than fat and fat3200:10
lucky__Ben64... i can use ext to share dataa to windows?00:10
Ben64lucky__: yes00:10
giikerhi everyone, has any1 used zoneminder before, I can't get it to start00:10
lucky__and you use that system?00:10
decolucky__: what is your native language ? just curious :)00:10
lucky__italian :° sorry00:11
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decolucky__: ah hehe i thought so :)00:11
yartissDoes anyone know how to find the original GID of the admin group?00:11
Ben64lucky__: my laptop is dual-boot, and windows reads and writes my ext3 partition with no problem00:11
UnislashUm_cara_qualquer: i've found that the easiest way is to go into synaptic and install compiz config, compiz-fusion, and fusion-icon00:12
lucky__i try to use ext3 partition so00:12
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ericPwhenever i reboot (which is admittedly rare), i end up rmmod'ing pcspkr in order to not jump out of my skin when i e.g. back up past the beginning of a shell prompt00:12
decolucky__: il penguino :P i understand italian because i am fluent in spanish too :P00:12
giikerhi everyone, has any1 used zoneminder before, I can't get it to start00:12
ericPwhat's a nice way to capture that spkr event and make it more pallatable?00:13
soreau! compiz | Um_cara_qualquer00:13
ubottuUm_cara_qualquer: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz00:13
lucky__il pinguino00:13
giikeri speak spanish but only understandd 25 % of italian, jeje!00:13
Um_cara_qualqueri know, i already have compiz00:13
decogiiker: really ? i understand like 70%00:13
dtcrshrdoes ubuntu 8 lts has wireless support?00:13
lucky__che cosa mi passa per la mente ora?00:13
giikerdeco: yeap, and my native tongue is spanish00:13
Um_cara_qualquerthe problem is my pc doesn't recognize the video card00:13
decogiiker: :)00:13
Unislashwell, there's your problem :P00:13
soreauUm_cara_qualquer: WE can help you further in the channel ubottu mentioned00:14
giikermaybaybe it's because I already speak 2 languages?00:14
Um_cara_qualquerit does... but i can't activate it00:14
decogiiker: i speak 2 languages too :P00:14
soreauCan someone tell me how to 'aptitude remove *string*' with wild characters?00:14
Unislashhow do you remove a symbolic link?00:14
decogiiker: maybe because i studies all the southern european languages a little bit00:14
decostudied *00:14
giikerdeco: woww!! all souther european, that's why then!00:15
ikanobori2 languages?00:15
ikanoboriI can speak 5 :-(00:15
decogiiker: hehe:P just some workds im only fluent in english and spanish00:15
decoikanobori: lol poor soul :P00:16
giikerany1 knows of a n app for a usb webcam based motion detection00:16
giikerikanobori: which ones?!00:16
lucky__i obtain this00:16
lucky__ ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using      │00:16
lucky__ │ password: YES)00:16
sXeChrishey guys00:17
ikanoborigiiker: Spanish, English, German, French, Dutch.00:17
sXeChrishow do i change my mouse cursor?00:17
lucky__i try to install phpmyadmin00:17
decoikanobori: wow00:17
tangent1giiker: detection happening via vendor and product ID00:17
sXeChrishow do i change my mouse cursor theme? i downloaded one off the internet but how do i apply it?00:17
decoca va ! como estas how are you ? como vai ?00:17
giikerikanobori: damn! and I thought I was the only geek here with 2 languages! :[00:17
ikanoborideco: No portugese, sorry.00:17
sXeChrisparle tu francais00:18
giikertangent1: I mean for security, surveillance00:18
sXeChrisdeco t peut m'aider?00:18
ikanoboriAlso, for everybody going on to a fit of showing off all his language skills:00:18
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:18
decosXeChris: come ci come ca :P00:18
tangent1giiker: i.e. network negotiation?00:18
giikerI've been trying to get to learn Italian and portuguese, but there's no money :[00:18
sXeChrisplease help me00:18
sXeChrishow do i add my cursor theme?00:18
sXeChrisi downloaded it off the internet how do i apply it00:19
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decosXeChris: oh i don' t really know i mostly use the CLI00:19
decosXeChris: only tuxt no graphical user interface00:19
giikertangent1: actually an app that activates when there motion captured by the usb webcam, andthen somehow save,/upload it toan ftp server?00:19
decosXeChris: ecran du text ?00:19
sXeChrisquel text?00:20
sXeChrisde quoi tu parle?00:20
ikanoboriGuys. Please.00:20
giikerya pes chicos!00:20
sXeChrisgiiker tu hablas espanol?00:20
ikanoborisXeChris: Just drag the cursor theme into the 'appearances' window.00:20
ikanoboriAnd then select it somehwere in that window.00:20
giikersXeChris: sÃÃi00:20
test34camera motion capture: http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/Motion/WebHome00:20
decosXeChris: yo hablo espanol00:20
sXeChrisikan where it says "theme"?00:20
sXeChrisyo hablo 5 languajes00:21
ikanoborisXeChris: I do not know, I am not on ubuntu.00:21
trustruxsorry, i am a new user, but i'm italian and don't speack english very well....don't exist a italian channel for this chat? ^^00:21
tangent1giiker: I don't know, it's not mine;)00:21
kpkudimpd problems... http://pastebin.com/d4d48744100:21
decosXeChris: wow00:21
test34trustrux: #ubuntu.it ?00:21
ctmjr!it | trustrux00:21
ubottutrustrux: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:21
decosXeChris: excuse moi ,i have to leave00:22
giikersXeChris: cinco?00:22
giikertest34: gracias00:22
giikersXeChris: entonces eres un poliglota!00:23
sXeChrisJe parle le francais, l'espagnol, l'anglais, l'allemand et le japonais00:23
sXeChrisyo mi especialiso en sciencias touristicas00:23
giikeryou meant: yo me especializo en ciencias turisticas00:23
PicisXeChris: This channel is english only.00:23
yartiss Does anyone know how to find the original GID of the admin group?00:24
kpkudihttp://pastebin.com/d4d487441 mpd will not work for some reason00:24
giikersXeChris: if you pronounce Pici in spanish, the sound and meaning will sound funny00:24
Raydiationcan anyone recommend me a good am3 mainboard which works well with linux?00:27
sXeChrisis there a french-based chat like this one?00:27
ikanobori!fr | sXeChris00:27
ubottusXeChris: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr00:27
yartisssXeChris, you're probably from Quebe?00:28
sXeChrisah bon, mici ubottu00:28
bob489hi, is python-psyco in jaunty amd64?00:29
Unislashdoes anyone have an idea why my firefox is refusing to start, saying that the profile is in use? i have it shared across windows, but it stopped working when i reinstalled windows...00:29
Ben64Raydiation: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681312837800:29
dtcrshranyone can help me with my wireless connnection? im just lost. if i got an error i would try to run for it, but it simply DONT connect.... helps appreciated00:29
bigdavejokerI need some help getting more resolutions availalbe I can't get past 1440 with ATI x1200 Radeon card00:29
bigdavejokerUnislash what do you mean you have it shared across windows00:30
RaydiationBen64: ty00:30
yartiss Does anyone know how to find the original GID of the admin group?00:30
giikeryartiss: do you mean the GID of any group?00:30
test34Unislash: try : killall firefox00:30
Ben64Unislash: delete the lock file in the profile folder00:30
Unislashbigdavejoker: i'm sharing profiles with my windows firefox.00:30
yartissgiiker: no, the ORIGINAL GID of the admin group00:30
Unislashben64: i tried... i see no lock file. parent.lock00:30
yartissI thrashed my /etc/group00:31
Unislashtest34: trying that... one sec00:31
bastidrazoryartiss, 121 is mine.. ubuntu 9.0400:31
Unislashtest34: no process killed00:31
Dr_Williswillis@cow:~$ grep  admin /etc/group  admin:x:121:willis00:31
jondavis_how does a hacker know how to get into your pc by knowing what you have00:31
Unislashit must have to do with firefox not being allowed to access the profile00:31
giikermine is 89600:31
yartissbastidrazor: they change from person to person00:31
yartisssee?  :D00:32
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  they see what ya got.. they look for  exploits for that specific os/services00:32
Unislashi've already tried to chmod 777 my windows disk... no beans....00:32
Ben64Unislash: mount with user priv's00:32
yartissyou can't put any GID you want, needs to be the original one from install...00:32
Unislashben64: how so?00:32
Dr_WillisUnislash:  you dont chmod or chown windows filesystems. You mount them with the proper options to set the modes00:32
Ben64Unislash: modify /etc/fstab00:32
jondavis_ok how can i be a safer person......dr willis00:33
jondavis_from a hacker00:33
UnislashDr_willis: ah, that'd be the thing then00:33
giikerjondavis_: shutdown your box ... :]00:33
Unislashben64: ok, got fstab open in sudo...00:33
Areyna1976Good Day00:33
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  dont run services you dont need. is the main thing.00:34
stepheneshermanwill Update Mgr be offering upgrade to Pidgin 2.6.1? If so, when?00:34
RaydiationBen64: do you have this board yourself? the ehternet seems to have problems in jaunty00:34
jondavis_dr willis how do i know how  to not run service that i dont need00:35
Areyna1976I have some question about the instalation, first i have install the Windows Vista 64bits, it is posible to instal Ubuntu with out delete the Windows original instal?00:35
jondavis_i nned someof them00:35
giikerjondavis_: you shouldd not visitmalicious  websites either, download attachments you do not expect, and the list might go on00:35
Unislashfollow up question: in fstab, what's the gid entry for?00:36
dtcrshrhow do i troubleshoot my wireless connection? i use network manager to connect, but it keeps spinning but just DONT connetc, im lost.00:36
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  if you need them.. run them.. if you dont.. then dont..   ubuntu by default is very locked down.  You may want to go read some security related websites for basic information00:36
Supersaiyan_IVWhich is the best distro right now that has good support with recent kernels00:36
Dr_WillisUnislash:  the default group that ownes the filesystem/files for  the ntfs/vfat entries I belive00:36
Areyna1976Second, if i install the ubuntu as "inside Windows" can i install MySql?00:37
Dr_WillisAreyna1976:  if youmean by 'wubi' yes you can.. but I dont reccomend Wubi.00:37
UnislashDr_willis: awesome, thanks :)00:37
Supersaiyan_IVsorry, i need to rephrase that..  Which is the best LIGHTWEIGHT distro right now that has good support with recent kernels00:37
yartissAreyna1976: yes, you can install Ubuntu beside Windows, it's called Dual Boot, it uses GRUB, search on it...00:37
jondavis_but when i was just on here there was some hacker who tould me that i should use a better ips and a lot more00:37
test34Anyone got the watchport/h temperature/humidity sensor working ? mine gets detected by the kernel, but I can't get any data out of it00:37
stepheneshermanwill Update Mgr be offering upgrade to Pidgin 2.6.1? If so, when?00:38
test34(usb-serial connection00:38
Dr_WillisSupersaiyan_IV:  define 'liteweight' - Tiny Core Linux  = 10mb + whatever you install.00:38
Areyna1976Dr_Willis and yartiss thanks. yartiss let me search for it.00:38
giikertiny core is awesome!00:38
giikerso tiny00:38
jondavis_will yall help me out00:39
giikerjondavis_: better ips?!, some hacker?!00:39
yartissAreyna1976: you are welome.  A word of caution: do a little research on device naming (hard disks)  I lost my Windows because I chose the wrong partition00:39
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Dr_Willisjondavis_:  with computer security  you dont watn to be 'vague' and just 'try things' that might make it worse.  learn what you are doing and why.00:39
yartissjondavis: there are complete books on security, one can't really answer that question....00:39
jondavis_well this hacker tould me how was houston texas00:39
Supersaiyan_IVDr_Willis, what I have in mind is basically fluxbox with a recent kernel00:40
jondavis_how did he know where i live00:40
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  there are 'geoip' programs that tell you what ips are in what area. thats trivial00:40
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  thers a bot in #puppylinux that has the !geoip command00:40
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  like that really makes your system insecure? Not really.00:40
libtechhow do i copy and paste on a mac book pro 13 inch running ubuntu?00:40
jondavis_but i have ubuntu linux9.0400:40
giikersXeChris: cinco?what about damn samll linux?00:40
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  so what? he saw your IP and looked it up..  os wouldebnt matter.00:41
giikerSupersaiyan_IV: sXeChris: cinco?what about damn small linux?00:41
giikerSupersaiyan_IV: what about damn small linux?00:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:41
Dr_WillisSupersaiyan_IV:  Tiny Core can do that., and other tiny distros can all do that..  so go try them.00:41
Supersaiyan_IVDr_Willis, giiker, thx for introducing me to a few new names :)00:42
Dr_WillisTiny Ubuntu variant - fluxbuntu , or just install fluxbox on ubuntu.00:42
jondavis_so how can i stop from some one in here who is a hacker  stop geting into my os00:42
bjorkLinuxi evicted gnome off my machine to replace with something minimal00:42
bjorkLinuxand now ubuntu seems upset...00:42
Dr_WillisSupersaiyan_IV:  go to the 'disrtowatch.com' web site00:42
Supersaiyan_IVbeen there00:42
bjorkLinuxit won't run X without hanging.00:42
giikerSupersaiyan_IV: i qould install them in a VM first!00:42
jondavis_i need to know00:42
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  #1 stop being paranoid. #2 - stop using the useless term 'hacker' , #3 dont use services you dont need. and #4 follow common sence security guidelines.00:42
Areyna1976ok yartiss, the last for this moment (I hope) i have 2 partitions on the disk (about 190 Gb each), do you recomend to try install in the second partition, but my question is, at the time of instalation, ubunto with kill the actual boot code and replace or i can have a backup?00:43
yartissjondavis_ : again, security is a BIG question... go buy a book...00:43
jondavis_how do i do all that00:43
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  you are running ubuntu. that puts you miles above any windows os.00:43
yartisswww.amazon.com :D00:43
Supersaiyan_IVjondavis_, you can begin by not troll people here00:43
jondavis_yes i am run ubuntu linux00:43
giikerjondavis_: also, you are already much more secure with ubuntu than any windowz box00:43
rafael1Hi, could anyone explain to me why a ubuntu installation formats the boot partition? I have several distributions installed, a separated partition for /boot and everytime I install ubuntu I loose all my init and configs over there... How can I prevent this from happening?00:44
jondavis_so how did he this hacker/craker just now got into my os00:44
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  i never saw that 'got into my os' statement proven.00:44
rafael1This happens even if I don't tickle the format box for boot partition. is this a bug?00:44
jondavis_he touls me a lot of stuff00:44
Dayofswordsi beileve when you installed right at the end, you could go to advanded options and choose to turn off boot loader00:45
giikerjondavis_: like what kind of stuff?00:45
nefahi! how can i see the changes of the packages, when i update on the console?00:45
jondavis_that he found e plots in my os00:45
jondavis_and i need to be safer00:45
jondavis_x plots00:45
giikerjondavis_: you sound knowledgeable and like trying not knowing about the subject, that is very fishy, if that is what you are doing!00:45
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  you are being vague again.    There have been recent kernel updates to fix the common exploits.00:46
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  so good luck. Time for you to go read some security web sites i guess.00:46
jondavis_i did now know about all this untell the hacker/craker tould me all this00:46
giikeri think he is going to insist00:46
yartissjondavis_ : I can tell you that you live in Houston Texas, your internet provider is Bell, and your IP is  I must be a hacker.....00:46
bastidrazorjondavis_, you're still trolling. just like an hour ago.00:47
Dr_Willisyartiss:  you are soo leet..00:47
yartissor... maybe I just typed whois?  ;)00:47
jondavis_how do u know about my isp00:47
giikeri knew it00:47
yartissI'm a hacker00:47
yartissI am emptying your bank account right now00:47
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  you get that info from the ip.  thats trivial to find.00:47
jondavis_i am not trolling00:47
Dayofswordsjondavis_: its your whois =p00:47
macoyartiss: that would make you a cracker, not a hacker00:47
macoyartiss: please don't misuse the term hacker and give my friends bad names00:48
jondavis_how do i find all of this00:48
bastidrazoryartiss, you're a white guy who can type.. cracker00:48
yartissSorry, I meant baker.00:48
giikerjondavis_: one question, how are you conecting to this channel right now?00:48
macojondavis_: type /whois <nick>00:48
jondavis_i am dsl00:48
macojondavis_: if you dont have a cloak, itll show your IP & ISP...just like it showd Grim76's IP & ISP as he /quit00:49
yartissso... as I was saying:  Does anyone know how to find the original GID of the admin group?00:49
test34_yartiss, whats my IP00:49
jondavis_how do i get a cloak00:49
lstarnesjondavis_: join #freenode and ask there00:49
macojondavis_: ubuntu members get them, and freenode staff can give 'em ot00:49
lstarnesjondavis_: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks also has info00:50
Stalker`omg - i flipping love ubuntu00:50
giikeryartiss: i thought you found it out already, you even thanked someone here00:50
stepheneshermanwill Update Mgr be offering upgrade to Pidgin 2.6.1? If so, when?00:50
Stalker`someone install freenx on ubuntu jaunty and ill give them a free remote desktop on a 100mbit line00:50
yartissgiiker: no no...  I need to find the ORIGINAL GID00:50
Stalker`i got it setup, its just busted. and i hvae no time :|00:50
lstarnesstephenesherman: in which version of ubuntu?00:51
macoyartiss: i can tell you mine...itd be the same00:51
macoyartiss: 11800:51
yartissmaco: no, the admin GID are not the same for everyone00:51
tenachstephenesherman, add their PPA and it will show up.00:51
macoyartiss: i thought it was the same on a fresh install..00:52
stepheneshermantenach, sorry I must be a noob ... pls explain00:52
tenachstephenesherman, http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/00:52
giikeryartiss: cat /etc/group | grep admin00:52
tenachInstructions are there.00:52
yartissI already tried 121 (which a lot of people had)00:52
lstarnesstephenesherman: pidgin 2.5 will be the version in the brepos for ubuntu 9.0400:52
swiftegzhey i need the my screen resolution fix00:52
yartissgiiker: not my CURRENT GID, I need the original one00:52
lstarnesstephenesherman: but it will be patched as necessary to fix bugs and security vulnerabilities00:53
yartissmy etc/group  was thrashed00:53
stepheneshermanlstarnes, tenach, ... okay ... i see the info on that page00:53
giikeryartiss: ohhhhhh00:53
RORgasm /join #railsbridge00:53
yartissgiiker: and a simpler way would just be : id    :)00:53
stepheneshermani'm surprised that releases are not part of update packages00:53
swiftegzi need my screen resolution fix00:54
stepheneshermanmaybe Koala will have Pidgin 2.6???00:54
yartissI've been looking for this for days now...00:54
swiftegzi need my screen resolution fix00:54
deanystephenesherman, you can have it too, just add the ppa00:54
lstarnesstephenesherman: karmic00:54
giikeryartiss: i remember reading a script somewhere to find GID of admin groups00:54
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swiftegzi need my screen resolution fix00:54
swiftegzi need my screen resolution fix00:54
giikeryartiss: i dont know if that might help though00:54
swiftegzi need my screen resolution fix00:54
FloodBot3swiftegz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:55
deanystephenesherman, I agree, if they have certain packages as "defaults" then maintain them...00:55
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joevandyka deb package is setup to install stuff to /opt/somedir by default.  is it possible to change where it installs its files?00:55
yartissgiiker: not if it gives me the current GID :)00:55
stepheneshermandeany, sorry ... but what does 'add the ppa" mean?00:55
dog5point0hey i need some help00:55
deanydont just do security fixes.. whats that mean for a version thats 4-5 versions old00:55
giikeryartiss: did you delete it?00:55
=== buddha is now known as Seidos
deanystephenesherman, pidgin.im  add the ppa00:56
ctmjr!ppa | stephenesherman00:56
ubottustephenesherman: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.00:56
swiftegzi need my screen resolution fix00:56
yartissgiiker: I have worked and re-worked my /etc/group file, so impossible to know anything about original GID  (but it was not deleted, just lost all the users)00:56
dog5point0i cant install ubuntu it gets to 35% and then fails im funning it off the disc right now00:56
swiftegzi need my screen resolution fix00:56
swiftegzi need my screen resolution fix00:57
Stalker`anyone good with freenx?00:57
swiftegzi need my screen resolution fix00:57
giikeryartiss: the script i told you about finds all GIDs then you find any gaps in the group list00:57
ctmjr!repeat | swiftegz00:57
ubottuswiftegz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:57
swiftegzi need my screen resolution fix00:57
yartissgiiker: that's what I thought, hence why I say I can't find any original group ID's  ( I changed them trying to fix my problem)00:58
lstarnes!resolution > stephenesherman00:58
ubottustephenesherman, please see my private message00:58
lstarnesstephenesherman: oops, ignore that00:58
lstarnes!resolution | swiftegz00:58
ubottuswiftegz: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:58
yartissgiiker: thing is, at the beginning, all I knew was that something was broken, so I tried all kinds of things.  NOW I am pretty sure it's because of the GID number00:58
giikeryartiss: i am going to leave in 5, but I'll see if I find that script, I even ran it in my box just to see the results.00:58
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roscoeis the command to upgrade from Jaunty to karmic "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"00:59
yartissgiiker: I already looked at the gaps, no help...00:59
yartissI need something that looks elsewhere then /etc/group for that info00:59
giikeryartiss: dam*00:59
yartissgiiker:  sigh......00:59
giikergive 3 mins I will look it up00:59
yartissdude, if you find it in 3 mins, I'm buying you a pizza01:00
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yartissI've been looking for days!01:00
ctmjrroscoe: no it has not been released yet01:00
roscoeOK thanks what would I use to get the beta that is current01:01
Vosskarmic is still in alpha01:01
EagleScreenwhen I install an ubuntu system in a chroot with debootstrap, apt warn me that packages from the Ubuntu archive are unsigned01:01
roscoeI realize that, it I change the sources list to karmic will that allow me to do it01:02
ctmjrroscoe: you can check in #ubuntu+1 they might have answers for you01:02
madLyfeis it possible to mount a win7 share in most recent ubuntu?01:03
roscoectmjr thanks for the pointer01:03
MyWaywhich is the easier to configure mta?01:03
giikeryartiss: i wish there was an app to put tags on every file i have. i cant find it sorry01:04
yartissgiiker: thanks for the effort :)01:04
yartissI know, it's a toughy01:04
yartissI REFUSE to re-install my system because I can't find a number!01:05
giikeryartiss: np01:06
pcccHey, what partition table type should I put on my drive for ubuntu? (msdos,aix,amiga,bsd,dvh,gpt,mac,pc98,sun,loop)01:06
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yartissback to the drawing board....01:08
yartiss Does anyone know how to find the original GID of the admin group?01:08
J-_Is aptitude dist-upgrade the same as apt-get upgrade?01:08
navatwookay, so this is spammed into my window when I go into the terminals through ctrl + f2 (forget what they are called.) emask 0x10 sact 0x0 sErr 0x4000000 action oxe frozen. Anyone know what this means, and how to avoid it. It stops me from running "shutdown -r" even. Just spams it in six different sections on my screen. Its not a command, so pressing ctrl+c to stop it did not work. Anyone have any ideas? Google returned no answers.01:08
swiftegzresolution still not working01:09
lstarnesyartiss: assuming that I read the postinst script for the sudo package correctly, the GID is most likely 2701:09
bastidrazoryartiss, try asking in ubuntu-offtopic.. honest though. they know a far bit. plus it can't hurt to get more people to see your issue01:09
giikeryartiss: i think I read it here: http://books.google.com/books?id=Df7P1WyG87sC&printsec=frontcover&dq=cool+shell+scripts#v=onepage&q=&f=false01:09
swiftegzresolution still not working on my dv600001:09
giikeryartiss: i am not sure but thats the best i can do now!01:09
giikerbye bye everyone, going to watch district 9...01:09
lstarnesyartiss: for me, the admin group is GID 10901:10
yartissistarnes: thanks, but from what I read, it should be over 100, Debian doesn't use the admin group...01:10
Supersaiyan_IVgiiker, in the end i chose puppylinux, it was most lightweight bzw most recent kernel01:10
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yartissbastidrazor: thanks, I will try that too :)01:10
K1LL9i need help with ubuntu, not been able to mount sdb101:10
yartissgiiker: thanks a lot, have a great time at the movie :)01:10
K1LL9sdb1 is an external hard drive01:11
K1LL9and it wont mount, can someone help me01:11
giikerSupersaiyan_IV: good choice, i used it on a laptop that had a 600 mhz cpu, so fast puppy!, good luck01:11
lstarnesK1LL9: what happens when you try to mount it manually?01:11
K1LL9lstarnes, nothing, it does nothing01:12
K1LL9i unmounted it using fdisk01:12
K1LL9but when i go to mount it again, it does nothing01:12
RyanT50001is there a way to change the resolution of the "New Login in a Window" window?01:12
lstarnesK1LL9: it doesn't mount at all?01:12
lstarnesK1LL9: check the output of dmesg01:13
K1LL9im not to good with ubuntu, so you may have to help me, sorry01:13
lstarnesK1LL9: dmesg is a command-line tool for viewing one of the system log01:13
innomenhey guys is there an app i can use to make an ubuntu install cd with my current selection of packages and sources already built in? (like nlite for windows)01:15
ctmjr!clone | innomen01:15
ubottuinnomen: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate01:15
gaffo_laptophello, had a question. I'm trying out 9.10 and I have a (non-ubuntu) deb that is failing. Is there a way to file that as a bug. apport won't file it.01:15
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility01:15
K1LL9lstarnes, this is the output from dmesg: http://pastebin.ca/153578001:15
innomenctmjr, no i mean to integreat into the install01:16
swiftegzi need my screen resolution fixed on my hp dv6000 running ubuntu 9.04 64bit01:16
lstarnesK1LL9: according to dmesg, sdb1 was mounted01:16
IdleOneinnomen, look at the remaster factoid01:16
lstarnesK1LL9: as an ext3 partition01:16
bastidrazorinnomen, remastering the cd would be the easiest way01:16
zrutyIsn't that called slipstreaming?innomen >01:17
TheK3vinHey, I was trying to edit xorg.conf for the Radeon driver and I got an error, and I had to go into low-graphics mode (Don't recall exactly what it's called).  I posted my xorg.conf and some other details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124474701:17
innomenIdleOne, bastidrazor  Cool, where to begin?01:17
innomenzruty, indeed01:17
K1LL9lstarnes, well i can view it, i cant ls on it, nothing01:17
innomenzruty, but i'm also wanting to remove components01:17
IdleOneinnomen, the links provided in that factoid01:17
swiftegzi need my screen resolution fixed on my hp dv6000 running ubuntu 9.04 64bit01:17
innomenIdleOne, what links what are you talking about?01:17
K1LL9lstarnes, mind if we talk in a IM, i cant stand talkin in the main channel like this01:18
IdleOne!remaster > innomen01:18
ubottuinnomen, please see my private message01:18
innomenpm sorry heheh01:18
lstarnesK1LL9: it sounds like it could be a permissions error01:18
madLyfeis it possible to mount a win7 share in most recent ubuntu?01:18
innomenthanks guys now i have a starting point01:19
lakotajamesbrasero is stuck at "Normalizing tracks".  what do I do?01:19
lstarnesK1LL9: what error messgae do you get when using ls?01:19
swiftegzi need my screen resolution fixed on my hp dv6000 running ubuntu 9.04 64bit01:20
swiftegzi need my screen resolution fixed on my hp dv6000 running ubuntu 9.04 64bit01:20
lstarnes!fixres > swiftegz01:20
ubottuswiftegz, please see my private message01:20
MyWaywhich is the easier to configure mta?01:22
K1LL9lstarnes, i cant remember how i did it01:22
ctmjrTheK3vin: change the driver from ati to Radeon add an input device section for the mouse01:23
C-S-BCrontab cant be started non-root and isn't running. Any suggestions?01:24
TheK3vinctmjr: Oh, right.  Why would I say "ati"...  Thanks!  What goes into the input device section?01:24
dividebyzer01can anybody help me with an issue im having with urar a file?01:24
dividebyzer01anybody help me with an Unrar issue?01:26
ctmjrTheK3vin: this is very generic you might have to play with t but gives you an idea http://pastebin.com/m6455c67201:26
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TheK3vinctmjr: Thanks a lot :D01:27
vesaythHello, quick question. Does anyone know if ext4 is stable enough for a production system yet? All the information I'm finding on it is out of date. Thanks in advance.01:27
ctmjrTheK3vin: sorry at the end of it make sure you put EndSection01:27
ctmjrTheK3vin: your welcome01:28
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kaddihi :)01:29
romI have a very very strange network problem01:29
romI can't connect to gandi.net (while any other people can), but I can connect to all other websites01:30
romwhat is strange is I get an ICMP "network unreachable"01:30
romplease see the wireshark capture : http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=33894101:30
madLyfewhen i try to mount a win 7 share it says unable to mount location "failed to retrieve share list from server"01:30
romgandi server answer me "network unreachable" o_O01:30
buckyrom can you ping gandi.net01:31
rombucky, yes01:31
AndorinHi, guys, I need some help with keybindings under Compiz. When I had Compiz disabled I had my Mute and Calculator keys manually bound to their respective buttons, as they wouldn't work otherwise. When I turn on Compiz, those keys stop functioning.01:31
rombut $ nc gandi.net 8001:31
romgandi.net [] 80 (www) : Network is unreachable01:31
rom$ ping gandi.net01:32
romPING gandi.net ( 56(84) bytes of data.01:32
rom64 bytes from website.vip.gandi.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=245 time=20.6 ms01:32
buckyrom i can't nc gandi.net 8001:32
romcan you go to gandi.net with a browser?01:33
buckyrom yes01:33
pink_hello buntu-ers01:38
buckyhi pink bits01:38
pink_=D  how is everyone?01:39
pragmatichi all01:39
TheFunkbombquick question.  My computer is showing a port scan was done on me.  How can I figure out who did it?01:39
NauTiluS1eating :P01:39
pink_:( I wanna eat01:39
pink_dinner so far ... away01:39
pragmaticwhat is does it mean when something is a transitional package?01:39
C-S-Bdo you have to direct a programs output for cron to run it?01:40
pink_not that I know of01:40
pink_Anyone have any idea why my controller would be going CRAZY? all the buttons cause joystick movement in random directions @_@01:41
pragmatici.e. deluge vs. deluge-torrent01:41
matt777hey guys i just installed jaunty 9.04 and my sound is not working can someone help me fix it please01:41
pragmaticdeluge-torrent being a transitional package01:41
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lstarnespragmatic: it's a package that is meant to be replaced by a new package01:42
innomenHow would i export my synaptic package manager list in such a way that UCK package manager can see and read it? ("saving markings" does not work)01:42
inspiron_hi there01:42
pragmaticohh thanks lstarnes01:42
pragmaticso is it safe to assume that deluge is the replacement for deluge-torrent?01:43
inspiron_need help here,,,, somebody there??'ç01:43
C-S-Banswered my own question...01:43
lstarnespragmatic: probably01:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:43
innomendoes anyone here ahve experiance with the uck?01:44
inspiron_ehh,,,, i have truble whit my resolution... i cant get a default01:44
Redeuxxhow do i search for an installed package using apt?01:44
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:44
oldude67Redeuxx, try apt-cache01:45
innomenwhat does save markings mean in synaptic package manager?01:45
C-S-Bmy issue still remains that i cant run crontab as a user...01:45
Redeuxxi've used the command before and I'm pretty sure it wasn't apt-cache01:45
stercorI'm tracking down the reason that Evolution won't send messages (it receives fine).  Wireshark reports bad checksums (along with the correct value) in the packets.  Where is this checksum calculated?01:46
inspiron_the problem is that i set  1280 x1024 n when i restart get back to 1600x120001:46
nefaRedeuxx: dpkg -l "*name*"01:47
mykas0hi everyone01:47
ctmjrRedeuxx: how much info you looking for dpkg -l or dpkg -L plus package name will give you some01:47
Redeuxxahh yes, thanks!01:47
dividebyzer01how do i update java.. I dont think its working01:47
dtcrshris it possible to use flash with oss? iv followed some tutorials on the web but none worked. the normal flash from adobe works fine, with no sound. i use ubuntu 8.04 6401:47
pink_apt-cache pkgnames01:47
RedeuxxI just needed to find out which java was installed, so I'm guessing dpkg -l *java* would work01:47
mykas0I kinda need your help; a friend of mine is trying to install ubuntu, but apparently some sectors of her hard drive are damaged, is it still possible for her to install the OS in the other ones?01:47
Redeuxxthanks again01:47
durandoi am trying to perminatly mount my /dev/sdb1 to /home/durando/Videos/Television\ Series/ but cant seem to make it work01:48
icarusfor some reason vuze will not start what should i do?01:48
n8tuserdurando you may have to use the UID instead of the /dev/sdb101:48
durandon8tuser: can you please explain fully how i can do this?01:49
durandoi already did it with UUID01:49
n8tusermykas0-> it is possible, is the disk just for play or production ?01:49
pink_dividebyzer01> http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp  get the latest from there01:49
durandoUUID=038666ad-b094-4fc8-ac69-b533e1d79ec0 /home/durando/Videos/Television\ Series/ ext4    defaults 0 001:49
mykas0n8tuser, it's a disk for personal use only, not an enterprise one01:49
durandois what i put into my fstab and its still not working01:49
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pink_can anyone name an alternative to jscalibrator ?01:50
dividebyzer01how do I update java?01:50
lstarnesdurando: try "/home/durando/Videos/Television Series/"01:50
inspiron_hi there guys.. please im kinda new on linux n i dont now how to get my default resolution to 1280x1024, cuz everytime i set it when i restart it goes back to 1600x120001:50
nefaRedeuxx: use single or double quote. otherwise * will be interpreted by the shell before it gets to dpkg01:50
n8tuserdurando-> can you paste in pastebin your /etc/fstab ?01:51
arashim trying to transfer my wubi install from one pc to another. can it be done?01:51
stercordurando: Here's my mtab entry for just about what you're trying to do: '/dev/sdb1 /Music ext3 rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 0'01:51
inspiron_hi there guys.. please im kinda new on linux n i dont now how to get my default resolution to 1280x1024, cuz everytime i set it when i restart it goes back to 1600x1200 please help. (xubuntu)01:51
durandoty ster i'll try it01:52
n8tusermykas0-> then its okay to play with a partially non-working sectors.. just let her be aware that its a potential source of failure later01:52
mykas0n8tuser, can she simply make a normal installation, is that it?01:52
stercordurando: I'll wait here.01:52
pink_inspiron> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397301:52
n8tuserarash-> i dont believe so, wubi was designed for the try out only, at least thats what i remember01:52
froeshi.. do anyone knows how can i install ng++  ?01:53
n8tusermykas0-> yeah, she create a new partition to install a new linux on it01:53
mykas0ok, thanks :)01:53
arashn8tuser: wubi lets you run ubuntu completely without repartitioning01:54
andre_planyone managed to get all the deps in place for pidgin's voice/video support yet?01:54
arashn8tuser: it stores on NTFS Windows drive01:54
swiftegzi cant type my password in the terminal01:54
swiftegzwhat should i do01:54
n8tuserarash correct, and you cant move that over to an ext3 partiion01:55
kbpswiftegz: when u typing ur passwd it doesnt show up **** like in Windows01:55
arashn8tuser: oh no, i meant move over to another windows pc01:55
inspiron_THX Pink01:55
AndorinHi, guys, I need some help with keybindings under Compiz. When I had Compiz disabled I had my Mute and Calculator keys manually bound to their respective buttons, as they wouldn't work otherwise. When I turn on Compiz, those keys stop functioning.01:55
pink_np inspiron01:55
n8tuserarash-> you can  try, but i believe its unworkable, but you can try anyways, good luck to you01:56
ipatrolAnybody have the Karmic alpha and a BitTorrent client?01:56
swiftegzit doesnt01:57
dpratt71how can I get MS fonts in Karmic?01:57
ipatroldprarr71: You have karmic?01:57
binarymutantdoes 'bzr branch lp:ubotutn' just work in Ubuntu or does it work with all bzr?01:57
swiftegzi cant type my passwd in the terminal01:57
TheK3vinHey, just wanted to pop in and say the xorg.conf fix worked perfectly.01:58
dpratt71ipatrol: pretty sure01:58
ipatrolDo you still have the iso?01:58
zvacetswiftegz : you can not type or you can not see what are you typing01:58
dpratt71yes, is it there?01:58
ipatrolOpen Transmission and seed it, we only have three running peers?01:59
zvacetswiftegz: if you don´t see what are you typing that is the way it should be01:59
swiftegzwhen i type i do not see anything01:59
swiftegzo ok01:59
pink_swiftegz: just type it anyway and hit enter01:59
zvacetswiftegz : just type your password correctly01:59
=== sean is now known as Guest268
AndorinHi, guys, I need some help with keybindings under Compiz. When I had Compiz disabled I had my Mute and Calculator keys manually bound to their respective buttons, as they wouldn't work otherwise. When I turn on Compiz, those keys stop functioning.02:00
ipatrol6010Anyone have the Karmic alpha?02:01
dpratt71ipatrol: not sure there'd be much point, I'm running in a VM that isn't running most of the time02:01
swiftegzok now can i get the code to fix my screen resolution again please02:01
oldude67ipatrol6010, try ubuntu+102:02
ipatrol6010hold on, does irc.ubuntu.com redirect to freenode?!02:02
lstarnesipatrol6010: yes02:02
samitheberberswiftegz: what kind of code, xrandr?02:03
samitheberberswiftegz: I use: xrandr --output <my_output> --auto02:04
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=== deacon_ is now known as rumphole
swiftegzi need one to fit a 15.4 inch02:05
Ben64swiftegz: when did you receive such code?02:05
Ben64today? who gave it to you? what command was it?02:06
swiftegzim tryin to get it again i lost it02:06
Ben64i know02:06
upgrdmanim trying to compile a package that needs sqlite3. i have it and the version installed is newer than the requirements but ./configure cant find it. sqlite3 is in /usr/bin ... export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/bin && ./configure still isnt working. am i doing something wrong?02:06
Ben64i log all my irc channels, so i could search for it if you give me some info02:06
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samitheberberswiftegz: are you trying to get correct resolution for X or for terminal?02:07
samitheberberwhich one?02:08
MadGirlhmmm... which one is it blaise?02:08
ipatrol#ubuntu+1 is currently dead02:08
swiftegzi got a hp dv6000  and im new to this linux thing02:08
coordinadorhi all02:08
ipatrolwell welcome aboard swiftegz02:08
Ben64swiftegz: if you got it before in this channel, give me some information on how you received the info, and i'll look through my log for you02:08
swiftegzit was something like  sudo   /etc/init.d.dm/   restart02:09
samitheberberswiftegz: you can't select it with gui tools?02:09
bazhangMadGirl, ubuntu02:09
MadGirli guess ubuntu is the one for me. good luck all.02:09
swiftegzgui tools??02:10
Ben64!fixres | swiftegz02:10
ubottuswiftegz: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:10
aluxanyone have *any* idea how i'd fix my problem? GParted was playing up and i'm on my install disk atm, nothing much seems to be wrong but my ubuntu partition (the only one I have other than boot) is set as read only02:10
Ben64is that what you're looking for?02:10
Ben64alux: you try restarting?02:10
aluxyep :(02:10
Ben64alux: starts up read only??02:11
swiftegzlets see what happens02:11
Ben64alux: put in ubuntu cd, unmount everything, run fsck on your root partition02:11
aluxit's read only on this install disk, too02:11
upgrdman9.04 = jaunty?02:11
Ben64upgrdman: believe so02:11
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents02:11
aluxone sec, i'm sure I ran fsck but i'll give it a go :D02:12
Ben64alux: but you can't run fsck on a mounted partition02:12
Ben64and make sure you set the options of fsck to actually make changes02:12
aluxyeah, i'm on my install disk :P02:12
alux /dev/sda1 contains a file system with errors, check forced.02:13
aluxhmm, seems to be doing more this time than it did last time :P02:13
madLyfei cant mount my windows 7 share from jaunty02:14
madLyfeanyone have any ideas..? i can see the workgroup, but it says failed to retrieve share list from server..02:15
AndorinHi, guys, I need some help with keybindings under Compiz. When I had Compiz disabled I had my Mute and Calculator keys manually bound to their respective buttons, as they wouldn't work otherwise. When I turn on Compiz, those keys stop functioning.02:16
Arcdoes anyone know how to print sideways with OO 3.0?  i'm trying to print on envelopes fed lengthwise and not finding the right setup that supports this02:16
dpratt71any opinions on good fonts for Gnome?02:16
dcheezensteinHi can someone help me set up my wireless for an acer aspire 3680 with a broadcam wireless card, Ive installed the drivers from hardwaredrivers02:17
dcheezensteinand nothing happens02:17
dcheezensteinsorry im using ubuntu studio 9.0402:18
=== icarus-c_ is now known as icarus-c
syntaxi have the konversation_1.2~alpha4.orig.tar.gz..How would i got about installing it on ubuntu linux02:21
dcheezensteinCan anyone help?02:22
zhenghi, where can I find gnutls-devel v2.0.* deb file?02:22
soreausyntax: apt-get install konversation02:22
cuculucuHello, I need help with codeblocks or anjunta.02:22
syntaxthat installs the 1.102:23
syntaxim tryin to use the 1.202:23
cuculucuI can´t compile with anjunta and codeblocks02:23
sumo_sui used to access my NTFS hd by clicking places/drive name... this doesnt work since the other day... what could be the matter?02:23
soreausyntax: Then you need to extract the tarball and compile it02:23
syntaxhow to i compile it02:23
soreau! who | syntax02:23
ubottusyntax: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:23
syntaxhow do i compile i it mean02:23
neil_don my amd64 the flash player has stopped working :( firefox says it hasn't the plugin :( I have re-configured the "flashplugin-installer" package but this hasn't helped.02:23
syntaxsoreau how do i compile it...sorry about that02:24
alexnetdo i need a .pem for a self signed cert?02:24
soreausyntax: 'tar -xf ./konversation_1.2~alpha4.orig.tar.gz' will extract it into cwd02:24
noobHi guys02:24
ipatrolWe now have 11 seeders for karmic on BitTorrent02:24
syntaxok then what02:24
cuculucuI need help to compile in c++ in anjunta or codeblocks02:25
soreausyntax: Or, double click on it and extract it to some place in your home dir02:25
syntaxsoreau whats the next step after that02:25
soreausyntax: After it's extracted, you need to look at the contents for a README or INSTALL file02:25
samitheberbersyntax: jaunty has that version, but if you really want to compile it: tar xvfz konversation_1.2~alpha4.orig.tar.gz then enter the dir and ./configure and then make && check-install02:26
soreausyntax: The file should tell you how to go about installing it02:26
noobI am having problem with my macbook pro. LCD backlight works when i press f1 and f2 but after few sec it goes back to dim. I have followed all steps from: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages02:26
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noobany idea?02:27
MadGirlany idea is, like, appreciated02:27
samitheberbersyntax: ./configure does the configuring for your system and make will compile it. check-install will make you a package and install it02:27
cwraighi all how can i re-enable ctrl+alt+backspace on 9.0402:27
cuculucuhow I configure codeblocks or anjunta to compile in c++?02:27
lstarnes!dontzap | cuculucu02:28
ubottucuculucu: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.02:28
lstarnescuculucu: oops, that was for cwraig02:28
cuculucuistarnet: Yes.02:28
cuculucuAnyone knows how to configure codeblocks, or anjunta... to compile in c+?02:29
noobanyone can help me with my macbook pro?02:29
gOLDfeeshI get the following whenever I modprobe something: WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ralink, it will be ignored in a future release.02:29
samitheberbercuculucu: I think you find the answer from ./configure --help02:30
gOLDfeeshWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release.02:30
AndorinHi, guys, I need some help with keybindings under Compiz. When I had Compiz disabled I had my Mute and Calculator keys manually bound to their respective buttons, as they wouldn't work otherwise. When I turn on Compiz, those keys stop functioning.02:30
alexnetWhy does the ubuntu website's ssl tutorial specify sites-available/default as the file to add the SSLEngine On line? Is this correct?02:30
samitheberbersyntax: did it work?02:30
outoftimedoes anyone know of a file manager that gives a media-center-like feel? mostly keyboard navigation, panes, that sort of thing?02:31
neil_don my amd64 the flash player has stopped working :( firefox says it hasn't the plugin :( I have re-configured the "flashplugin-installer" package but this hasn't helped. Can anyone help?02:31
syntaxdidnt work02:31
BookmanIs there an integrated add on for Nautilus that does bulk image resizing?02:31
samitheberbersyntax: which part gave errors, ./configure?02:32
C-S-Bi cant run crontab as a user. any suggestions?02:32
andresmhwhat's a good simple stopwatch app that beeps?02:32
samitheberbersyntax: Does it tell that you don't have all required packages?02:32
neil_dC-S-B: you could use "sudo crontab ...."02:32
syntaxsamith bash: ./configure: No such file or directory02:32
PiciC-S-B: Why not? What command are you trying?02:33
hey`I was trying to connect my laptop to the tv, through 'system/preferences/screen resolution/'02:33
hey`but ain't working, any suggestion?02:33
soreauandresmh: timer-applet02:33
dcheezensteincan someone help me setting up my wireless for a broadcom wireless card on a laptop? ubuntu 9.0402:33
soreau! broadcom | dcheezenstein02:34
ubottudcheezenstein: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:34
gbrethenI currently have a dual boot system and I would like to grab more space from the windows partition and add it to my ubuntu partition.  Is this possible?02:34
C-S-Bneil_d: yeah, i HAVE to use sudo crontab -e, shouldnt i be able to call it without sudo02:34
znagi have a problem with surround sound in jaunty, i changed the default-sample-channel options to 6 and speaker-test -D surround51 -c 6 works but when i try to enable 5.1 in vlc i just get an error for the alsa device "surround51" (resource busy). any suggestions?02:34
soreaugbrethen: gparted02:34
C-S-Bgbrethen: yes with gparted02:34
gbrethenis there a howto for this?02:35
C-S-Bgbrethen: its drag and drop easy, just make sure you backup02:35
PiciC-S-B: Are you getting an error when you try it with a regular user?02:35
neil_dneil_d: don't know.. never used it. but I think you should be able to.02:35
soreaugbrethen: Just boot a live cd so no partitions are mounted, run 'sudo gparted' and use the gui to do what you want02:35
C-S-Bpici : /var/spool/cron/crontabs/csb: Permission denied <---im not supposed to chown that am i?02:36
C-S-BPici: looking on the net, working configs match my perms, what are yours?02:36
PiciC-S-B: No, you shouldn't have to change anything to use crontab as a user02:36
zvacetsee you soon02:37
samitheberbersyntax: you need to use: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release02:37
neil_dC-S-B: are you a member of the crontab group?02:37
PiciC-S-B: They're owned by username:crontab, e.g: -rw------- 1 www-data crontab  311 2009-05-01 13:22 www-data02:37
Picineil_d: You don't need to be.02:38
PiciC-S-B: How are you trying to modify your crontab? Are you using crontab -e ?02:38
Um_cara_qualquerwhat's the diference between "i386" and "AMD64"?02:38
C-S-BPici: yes crontab -e02:38
lstarnesUm_cara_qualquer: i386 is 32-bit02:38
ConstantineXVIHow difficult is Lua to learn for a non-programmer?02:38
NewbieXHello everybody02:38
lstarnesUm_cara_qualquer: AMD64 is 64-bit02:38
cwilluUm_cara_qualquer, on is 64bit, the other isn't02:38
neil_dUm_cara_qualquer: i386 is for 32 bit processors, AMD64 is for 64bit AMD processors02:39
cwilluConstantineXVI, generally if you're using lua, the things that make programming really complicated have already been taken care of02:39
Um_cara_qualquerhow do i know which one is my pc?02:39
lstarnesUm_cara_qualquer: uname -m02:39
cwilluConstantineXVI, it's generally quite straightforward02:39
lstarnesneil_d: it also works on 64-bit intel02:39
neil_dlstarnes: oh!02:39
ConstantineXVIcwillu: good; shouldn't be too hard for him02:39
Um_cara_qualquero_O appeard: i68602:39
PiciC-S-B: And have you made changes to /etc/cron.deny or /etc/cron.allow ?02:39
Um_cara_qualquerwhat the hell is this?02:40
MadGirlit has been said that this is day two of non sequitors02:40
NewbieXHow can I create a PPPOE Connection (username and password) and how do I connect with it?02:40
PiciConstantineXVI: This isn't related to Ubuntu support, #lua would be a more appropriate channel02:40
lstarnesneil_d: that doesn't include itanium though02:40
Supersaiyan_IVneil_d, there are two 64bit implementations, EMT64 and AMD64, one is intel, the other is amd02:40
kismethello there... i have a brief question... should I have /usr/src/linux-source-<version> folder...?02:40
C-S-BPici: initially they didnt exist, now i have an empty deny and my user name in the allow.02:40
lstarneskismet: I don't see anything wrong with having it02:41
neil_dSupersaiyan_IV: thought they was a difference.02:41
kismetlstarnes: but it is not there..02:41
kismethow can i get it?02:41
neil_don my amd64 the flash player has stopped working :( firefox says it hasn't the plugin :( I have re-configured the "flashplugin-installer" package but this hasn't helped. Can anyone help?02:41
lstarneskismet: install the appropriate linux-source package02:41
PiciC-S-B: You don't need either file to exist for normal crontab behavior.02:41
kismetwith sudo apt-get install linux-source? lstarnes02:42
akis333hello, i just installed compiz but the cube is flat , can someone help me?02:42
lstarneskismet: probably02:42
C-S-BPici: as i thought, but with desperation i created them.02:42
kismetbut its not there02:42
kismetthe command says that linux-source is already the newest version.02:43
kismet0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded02:43
PiciC-S-B: Out of curiousity, does crontab -l list anything for you?02:43
C-S-BPici: csb@csb-netbook:~$ crontab -l02:44
C-S-B/var/spool/cron/crontabs/csb: Permission denied02:44
dcheezensteinok I followed those directions and when I used ifconfig I did not have a wireless interface listed02:44
dcheezensteinBUt the hardware drivers gave me the bf43 drivers and yet I still cant get it to work02:44
victoriacan anyone tell me how to set aim on pidgon02:45
PiciC-S-B: If you type sudo -i, put in your password, what does ls -l /var/spool/cron/crontabs/csb say the permissions for the file are?02:45
digital1this  processoreAMD Sempron, 1600 MHz (8 x 200) 3000+,  install ubuntu PC (Intel x86) desktop CD or 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD?02:46
lstarnesdigital1: either02:46
victoriai have only made changes in pidgon02:46
C-S-BPici: -rw------- 1 csb crontab 270 2009-08-10 01:35 /var/spool/cron/crontabs/csb02:46
dcheezensteinCan anyone help me find out how to get my wireless to work even though the driver and firmware are installed and the computr acknowledges it02:47
sebaaghi , someone plays warcraft 3?02:47
AndorinHi, guys, I need some help with keybindings under Compiz. When I had Compiz disabled I had my Mute and Calculator keys manually bound to their respective buttons, as they wouldn't work otherwise. When I turn on Compiz, those keys stop functioning.02:48
PiciC-S-B: hmm02:48
PiciC-S-B: Is there anything in that file that you need?02:48
SpudsterI have an init.d question: I have a service that I am trying to get to load on boot (Ubuntu 9.04), if I login via SSH as root, I can run the script and it starts up just fine.  I have a symlink in /etc/rc2.d/ S99drqmaster -> /etc/init.d/drqmaster, I have posted the script here: http://pastebin.com/d358e330 Please Help!02:48
C-S-BPici: as a direct result of not being able to my own jobs, nope.02:49
PiciC-S-B: Can you delete the file using sudo and then drop back to your own user's account and try crontab -e again?02:49
neil_dSpudster: what are the permissions of the file.02:50
digital1 lstarnes i have problem with geforce 6600......either?02:50
Spudsterneil_d: 1 second, I'll check02:50
C-S-BPici: samething...02:50
lstarnesdigital1: either should work02:50
PiciC-S-B: What does the output of groups say?02:50
Spudsterneil_d: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  1049 2009-08-19 20:29 drqmaster02:50
lstarnesdigital1: unless you have 4 GB of RAM or more, it might be better to use the i386 version, although I have almost no problems with the amd64 version02:51
kismethey anyone experience with phc-linux02:51
C-S-BPici: csb adm dialout cdrom audio plugdev lpadmin pulse pulse-access pulse-rt admin sambashare02:51
valrosis there any pulse workaround with skype, pulse is the only option that at least gives sound out and with pulse comes the delay in outgoing sound02:51
sebaagsomeone knows how to play warcraft 3 on battle.net ?02:51
Spudsterneil_d: It runs from a command prompt, and I have the user drqueue added to the machine and can login as that user02:51
SmithXdoes anyone know if there's a way to become part of a group you just got added to without needing to log in again?02:52
alexnetHow do I enable the site located in my default-ssl file? It doesn't appear to be running when i type apache2ctl -S02:52
neil_dSpudster: init.d scripts run as root...  can you run it manually as root?02:52
FloridaGuysoftware update and synaptic are giving me... Error failed to fork pty...terminal is giving me.. There was an error creating the child process for this terminal...?02:52
Spudsterneil_d: yes02:53
innomenhow do i get a list of my currently installed packages from the terminal?02:53
Spudsterneil_d: it runs great manually02:53
neil_dSpudster: can you run it manually as root from the rc2.d directory02:53
craCkpotcan anyone recommend raid drivers?02:53
Spudsterneil_d: Let me try02:53
SmithXinnomen: dpkg -l02:53
PiciC-S-B: This is really odd. The only other thing that I can think of would be to delete the cron.allow and cron.deny files, but since you created them after you started having your problem, it probably won't help.02:54
innomenSmithX, thanks :)02:54
Spudsterneil_d: Yes that works too02:54
alexnetHow do I enable a VirtualHost?02:54
C-S-BPici: yeah02:54
C-S-BPici: ill delete them for thoroughness.02:54
kismetanyone knows how to compile kernel02:55
C-S-BPici: which has expectantly made no difference02:55
innomenSmithX, how can i output that to a file?02:55
SmithXif I do "useradd smithx audio" I won't actually be able to hear audio until I do "sudo su - smithx"02:55
wall-e_hoping someone can help with this nbr9.04 problem?02:55
neil_dSpudster: was that using the link ?02:55
Spudsterneil_d: Yes, using the link02:56
SmithXbut I want to add myseld to the audio group in a script, so it breaks things if I do the "sudo su - smithx"02:56
wall-e_i cant right click and add anything to my GUI desktop02:56
SmithXinnomen: dpkg -l &>out.txt02:56
ipatrolHow do I enable VNC _server_ on Ubuntu?02:56
neil_dSpudster: I am out of ideas with that.02:56
SmithXkismet: the "linux from scratch" project is a really good way to learn how to build the kernel02:56
wall-e_anyone direct me on if this is a setting problem or if i need to reinstall02:56
dre360kismet use the readme or use ./configure, make, make install02:57
Spudsterneil_d: Ok thanks for the help02:57
bobtheblobhey i have a problem I've tried to enable compiz and the extra effects in appearance, but they decided not to work. I've been using jaunty for about a month now02:57
SmithXbobtheblob: check dmesg for errors02:57
neil_dSpudster: there is a command to auto setup the init.d links but I can't remember what it is now.02:58
Spudsterneil_d: I setup the command in Webmin, it did most of the configuration02:58
C-S-BPici: any other ideas? anything that might be differet to your setup?02:58
SmithXanyone know how to solve my "new group without logging in again" problem?02:58
kismetif i am in my source folder and try to type in make menuconfig .. it says02:59
kismetUnable to find the ncurses libraries or the02:59
Alexiabobtheblob, do you have a 3d enabled graphics card02:59
bobtheblobsmithx: specifically look for what?02:59
PiciC-S-B: Is your system fully updated?02:59
kismethow can i isntall them02:59
FloridaGuysoftware update and synaptic are giving me... Error failed to fork pty...terminal is giving me.. There was an error creating the child process for this terminal...?02:59
Spudsterneil_d: It is located on an NFS share, do you think it could be trying to load before fstab mounts the /mnt/que share?02:59
SmithXkismet: sudo apt-get install ncurses02:59
C-S-BPici: yes02:59
biovorekismet: libncurses-dev02:59
Alexiabobtheblob, like Nvidia or ati, ie not integrated02:59
bobtheblobAlexia, yes I've had them enabled before...02:59
SmithXbobtheblob: look for errors02:59
bobtheblobi have intel02:59
kismet?? which one?? SmithX biovore02:59
biovorekismet: both02:59
wall-e_this problem is kinda funkie cuz iv reinstalled acouple times and cant find what iv done different to get this to work03:00
bobtheblob[ 1012.166346] [drm:gm45_get_vblank_counter] *ERROR* trying to get vblank count for disabled pipe 003:00
bobtheblobtheres one03:00
neil_dSpudster: could be.. try making a copy somewhere that isn't on the nfs drive.. and try that.03:00
Spudsterneil_d: I'll give it a shot03:01
SmithXbobtheblob: specifically try to find stuff about your video drivers. if all else fails, try googling the error message03:01
wall-e_can anyone help?03:01
kismetbiovore: cool now the command works... but i just needed to install libncurses-dev.... ncurses couldn't be instlalled03:01
dre360wall-e what happened03:02
SmithXkismet: I didn't know the exact name of the package03:02
kismetSmithX: oh okay .... :D thats fine... thanks03:02
wall-e_when i installed 9.04 ubuntu nbr it wont let me add anything to my GUI desktop03:02
PiciC-S-B: One more thing to try, what does ls -l say the permissions for /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ is?03:02
biovorekismet: if you install the dev package..  probably got the base package as a dependency..03:02
histoIs it possible to use opengl with sdlmame without X?03:03
biovorekismet: should be good to go..03:03
kismetbiovore: that could be...03:03
wall-e_from what i can tell i can pretty much do everything as normal but i kinda like adding stuff to the desktop to a visual thing03:03
biovorekismet: see if you have it installed..   dpkg -l | grep ncurses03:03
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C-S-BPici: -rw------- 1 root root 292 2009-08-20 09:16 root03:03
wall-e_like right-click wont work at all03:04
kismetncurses-bin and ncurses-base is installed03:04
PiciC-S-B: Aha!03:04
_genuser_Hello People.03:04
_genuser_the sound is playing really choppy on my system.03:04
C-S-BPici: root owning what it shoudnt?03:04
_genuser_I am not sure how to debug it.03:04
SmithXwall-e_: what desktop and window manager do you have installed?03:04
PiciC-S-B: drwx-wx--T and root:crontab are the correct permissions03:04
xorHi there. I have this problem, can someone help me out please? http://nopaste.com/p/aMKEvXKW403:05
hassanakevazirwall-e_, whats ubuntu nbr?03:05
wall-e_how can i check that again?03:05
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wall-e_netbook remix03:05
PiciC-S-B: Er, are you sure that you gave me the proper file's permissions, there is not directory bit set in your paste03:05
dre360wall-e control center03:05
wall-e_im running this on a msi U10003:05
hassanakevazirwall-e_, oh , they don't have right clicks, but I think you can change its settings to turn into one, if I recall correctly03:06
dre360wall-e did you update03:06
C-S-BPici: you placed a '/' at the end of what you said... shall i run with /var/spool/cron/crontabs03:06
Spudsterneil_d: No luck, does Ubuntu log init.d failures anywhere?03:06
dre360wall-e in control center you will find all of that03:06
wall-e_iv reinstalled this several different times and it works 50/5003:06
C-S-BPici: csb@csb-netbook:~$ sudo ls -l /var/spool/cron/crontabs03:07
C-S-Btotal 403:07
C-S-B-rw------- 1 root root 292 2009-08-20 09:16 root03:07
PiciC-S-B: What does it say for '.' ?03:07
neil_dSpudster: not sure.03:07
error404notfound1. Can i force an application start only in a specific workspace? 2. Can i start an application at bootup in a certain workspace?03:07
wall-e_i just play around on this so when i mess something up and it doesnt work i just reinstall03:07
PiciC-S-B: you may need ls -la03:07
Spudsterneil_d: Ok, thanks for your help, I'll keep RTFM'ing :)03:07
neil_dSpudster: see if there is anything relevant in syslog03:07
dre360wall-e try and fail03:07
dre360wall-e then try again03:08
PiciC-S-B: sorry, I have an alis setup for ls -l here and I forgot its really for ls -la03:08
wall-e_im getting to the point where this is the only semi problem i have and  i cant remedy03:08
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C-S-BPici:  i pasted in pm03:08
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dre360wall-e control centre03:09
PiciC-S-B: Okay one more thing to check then.  What are the permissions on /usr/bin/crontab ?03:09
C-S-BPici: ls -la?03:09
Alexiabobtheblob, did you fix your problem?03:10
xorIs there a way to force totem to ask again if we want to install a codec?03:10
C-S-BPici: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root crontab 31632 2009-05-13 05:49 /usr/bin/crontab03:10
dre360did someone want to know how  to compile the kernel here is a link       https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile03:10
PiciC-S-B: There we go, thats not correct.03:10
FloridaGuyhow to i remove ubuntu-desktop and everything it installs03:11
PiciC-S-B: sudo chmod g+s /usr/bin/crontab03:11
deexannihilatedcheezenstein: what type of computer03:11
OzarkFlorida, why uninstall ubuntu-desktop?03:11
OzarkUbuntu is gnome.03:12
C-S-BPici: this must have been during my accidental get rid of suid on everything session. Not funny when sudo doent work...03:12
OzarkKunbuntu is KDE03:12
PiciC-S-B: Sounds likely03:12
NewbieXHow can I create a PPPOE Connection (username and password) and how do I connect with it?03:12
C-S-BPici: working now, thanks. Didnt realise it need set uid03:12
wall-e_im really not as happy with 9.04 as with 8.1003:12
wall-e_but it loads quick its the only really thing i find awesome about it!03:12
frostbite7hey. my laptop wont connect to or even fund any wireless signals when im using ubuntu, can any one help?03:13
wall-e_i still have no idea how to set up grub and ext403:13
PiciC-S-B: sure thing03:13
wrapsteri just finished apt-get install sunwspro... And after about 12hrs of constant dwd and subsequent search im unable to find that pkg03:13
hassanakevazirerror404notfound, I remember something called "devilspie" that could run windows with a set of defined rules, maybe that can do it03:13
wrapstercan anyone please help.. its utmost important that i get it03:13
dre360wrapster what's up03:13
Spudsterneil_d: Syslog doesn't mention anything. Thanks again for your help, I'll do some digging around on the forums03:13
error404notfoundhassanakevazir, hate that app :(03:13
wrapstersecondly apt-get returned a success message once the dwd was done03:13
frostbite7hey. my laptop wont connect to or even fund any wireless signals when im using ubuntu, can any one help?03:14
wrapsterdre360: I dont know :( what has happened03:14
wall-e_control center? where do i find?03:14
ipatrolhow do you seed the karmic torrent?'03:14
=== bruenig is now known as bruenigerian
dre360wrapster cool03:14
wrapsterdre360: please help...03:14
C-S-BPici: while im at it, any other programs that need +s ? other than passwd sudo and cron?03:15
hassanakevazirerror404notfound, heh, yea I used it before for a border-less terminal, but gave up after so many screw ups.03:15
dre360wrapster let me know you story and i will try03:15
mividaendigitalfrostbite7: did you install the driver03:15
wrapsterthe strange thing is now 'apt-get install <pkg>" says could not get a lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open(11 resource temporarily unavailable)03:15
wrapsterunable to lock download directory03:16
dre360wall-e gnome-control-center03:16
rizoma1i've some problem converting rpm files, anyone can help?03:16
=== kaie is now known as Guest93196
NewbieXwrapster: this usually happens when you are downloading something else, via Terminal or via Package Manager03:16
wrapsterNewbieX: thats fine.. but the dwd says its done!03:17
Ozarkwrapster:  sudo apt-get install <pkg>03:17
wrapsteror rather said :(03:17
=== bruenigerian is now known as bruenegro
hassanakevazirrizoma1, just ask away, anyone who knows will answer03:17
frostbite7what driver?03:17
wrapsterOzark: that exactly what i did.. sudo apt-get install sunwspro03:17
wrapsterand after 12 hrs this is the fate :(03:17
qwwewqPublic service message: Discuss anything anonymously without registering an account at the only place on the Internet where grammar, spelling and punctuation actually matters: http://www.anontalk.com/ (or https://www.anontalk.com/ for immediate encryption). A definite bookmark for every smart Internet user! No annoying ads and 100% privacy.03:18
mividaendigitalthe wifi driver03:18
frostbite7oh no how do i do that?03:18
hassanakevazirfrostbite7, system > administration > hardware drivers03:18
PiciC-S-B: Yes, heres a list of executables in /usr/bin on my system sorted by permissions: http://pastebin.com/f63850c3b03:18
wrapsternow in /var/cache/apt/archives .. i see a whole list of .deb pkgs that were contanined in the sunwspro(binary pkg)03:18
rizoma1ok, i get <Unknown type of package> using alien to convert some rpm files03:18
frostbite7lol. cool thanks to both of you03:18
wrapsterhow can i resolve this?03:19
mividaendigitalwhat card you have03:19
C-S-BPici: thanks, i thought i would get tripped up by this eventually.03:19
dre360wrapster try apt-get autoremove03:19
rafaelanyone can paste for me a fstab line which uses UUID?03:19
mividaendigitalyour welcome03:19
dre360wrapster that don't work boy i can03:20
ipatrolWhere's the Ubuntu BitTorrent tracker?03:20
frostbite7idk. it says that no drivers are in use on the system,,,, what do i do?03:20
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dre360wrapster tell you what to do but you may deal with rm -rf the dpkg files03:21
rafaelplease paste me an /etc/fstab line as example03:21
Ozarkrafael  fstab entry for what kind of file system?03:21
hassanakevazirrafael, UUID=eaeac996-a869-4c92-9a39-96faacfe2c53 /               ext4    relatime,errors=remount-ro 003:21
hassanakevazirits ext4 thought03:21
mividaendigitalfrostbite7: what else appears03:21
rafaelfor root03:21
dre360wrapster i got the same problem and i rm the files and rebooted and it worked but that was in my vm test03:22
frostbite7nothing else. just a window with a message that says no drivers are installed03:22
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mividaendigitalwhat card you have03:23
rizoma1please anyone knows why i'm getting <Unknown type of package> converting rpm files with alien?03:23
hassanakevazirfrostbite7, lspci | grep Network   [ run this in terminal and paste the output here]03:23
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frostbite7an internal03:23
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ipatrol_Is my question answered?03:25
rafaeli haven't /etc/fstab file because I had to install Ubuntu using debootstrap and later tasksel03:25
mividaendigitalfrostbite7: lspci | grep Network   [ run this in terminal and paste the output here ]03:25
madLyfeis there a gui for samba settings?03:26
innomenremastersys is askign for thinkgs like "casper" and i cant find them03:26
innomenas a dependancy03:26
dre360madlyfe yes03:26
ipatrol_Where's the Ubuntu BitTorrent tracker?03:26
madLyfewhats it called?03:26
innomenam i like the only human on the planet that wants to make an install cd based on my current packages settings etc?03:26
heaterIf someone has some time and is good with qt/eclipse i have a question(have tried the eclipse/qt channels and nothing)03:27
frostbite7run the "lspci first then run the "grep network" after?03:27
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate03:27
dre360madlyfe use your synaptic package manager03:27
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=== Um_cara_especifi is now known as Umcaraespecifico
dre360madlyfe it's a gnome gui03:27
innomenis there a gui way to do that?03:27
samitheberberrafael: you can also call disk with dev: /dev/sda3 / ext3 noatime 0 103:28
madLyfei cant get ubuntu to get my win 7 share...03:28
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mividaendigitalrun lspci | grep Network all together03:28
histoinnomen: maybe somewhere in synaptic03:28
madLyfei can see the workgroup but it says it cant connect..03:28
samitheberberrafael: and swap example: /dev/sda2 none swap sw 0 003:28
guest1whats up guys03:28
hassanakevazirmadLyfe, Gadmin has one for samba, their proftpd GUI was good, but I haven't used the samba one03:28
innomenhisto, i'll try to avoid being a smart alec but thats niot very helpful :)03:29
histoinnomen: file > save markings03:29
guest1anyone know how to change the look of ubuntu netbook remix03:29
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:29
madLyfehassanakevazir: how do i get gadmin for samba?03:29
dre360madlyfe i you may try connecting using the correct pas but can03:29
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innomenhisto, many of my installed were deb downloads that cant be foudn in any repo, plus i have the custom sources, but i know how to move those already03:29
frostbite7what is that line in the middle?03:29
dre360madlyfe connect03:29
frostbite7have patients03:30
d1bhi um im getting the the following thing Error: descriptor table full sock.c:104: Too many open files03:30
d1blibgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work03:30
d1bwhen i run siege at time s...03:30
histoinnomen: yeah as far as the packages in the repos you can use that03:30
guest1how do i change the look of netbook remix? like the color scheme03:30
mividaendigitaluse Shift and the key under Backspace03:30
innomenalso i want to remove some packages, like the wif manager for exaple i have replaced it03:31
guest1how can i make netbook remix more happy?03:31
C-S-Bguest1: with themes under 'appearance'03:31
rafaeldont you have in root an option similar to errors=remount-read-only?03:31
innomenreconstructor is the closest thing but it's support chan has a whopping 3 people in it03:31
innomenand it only knows how to add packages03:31
innomenand then only to the alternate03:31
frostbite7it gave me nothing03:32
guest1i want my netbook remix to be more colorful. like a new theme or something. how do i change it?03:32
C-S-Binnomen: i like where you're going... the only reason I havent formatted this machine and started over is purely cos I need it configured as it is and dont wat the hassle of setting it to this point again...03:33
rizoma1i cant believe it i've renamed test.RPM to test.rpm and now it work oh my god03:33
rafaeli have installed Ubuntu in a USB-stick, it is slowly for disk operations03:33
mividaendigitaltry lspci alone, then look for something like network, ethernet, wireless, etc.03:33
C-S-Bguest1: like I said, system, preferences, appearance03:33
_cbCan I deploy noMachine on an Ubuntu Server or do I need to deploy it on Ubuntu desktop?03:34
innomenC-S-B, remastersys seems designed expressly for that but its old and i cant get it installed, i am shocked that there isn't a more robust developed option for this, i mean what if i wanted to deploy ubunt in a lab of 50 machines? am i seriously expected to go do this package read write for each machine?03:34
hassanakevazirfrostbite7, sudo apt-get install pastebinit && lspci | pastebinit03:34
hassanakevazirthen paste the URL here03:34
C-S-Binnomen: true, also that doesnt cater for packages not in the repositry does it?03:35
innomenC-S-B, nope, is there anything liek ghost for ubuntu?03:35
C-S-Bghost? try clonezilla?03:35
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning03:35
innomenC-S-B, i mean i could always ghost the drive, delete my home folder and then deploy that way03:35
dre360hey all i am hak5ing it write now i will be back in a min03:35
innomenC-S-B, but thats just xerox, i kind want to rebuild from a given list of packages and sources03:36
madLyfecan anyone help me connect to my win 7 share from ubuntu?03:36
innomenC-S-B, like, system snap shot03:36
monTreedre360, haksing?03:36
dre360montree hak5 bro03:37
innomensee i keep selling my friends and family on ubuntu but 90% of its usefulness is things that i've found not default how can i share This ubuntu ?03:37
monTreedre360, hake03:37
innomenC-S-B, maybe you can take a look at remastersys ?03:37
dre360montree hak5.org you will see03:38
xsebsxhello, i recently installed kubuntu, my laptop c omes with a dvd player and burner yet i am having trouble reading some vcd format dvd any help much appreciated03:38
hassanakevazirfrostbite7, no man, the one last one, the pastebinit URL03:38
dre360monTree its hak503:38
C-S-Binnomen: I might when i get time. Ive been planning on formatting this machine and Ive been putting it off for karmic03:38
Ben64xsebsx: try playing them in mplayer03:38
Um_cara_qualquera massage apeears when i try to set extra efects: Can not set visual effects. How can i fix it?03:38
dre360monTree or try revision303:38
innomenC-S-B, thats another scarey thing, once it comes time to update it really looks like i'm just going to have to start over from scratch'03:38
frostbite7it didnt give me ant other03:39
C-S-Binnomen: ouch...03:39
madLyfewhen i try to connect to the workgroup it says unable to mount location: failed to retrieve share list from server...03:39
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innomenC-S-B, well i mean ghost wont help me, and there apears ot be no real way to migrate package and source choices or downloads03:39
hassanakevazirfrostbite7, the last URL, http://pastebin.com/###### , nothing like that there?03:39
C-S-Binnomen: if it helps, you can create a local network mirror of packages and install them on your machines from there. that wil stop a whole world of bandwith usuage03:40
ipatrol_torrent.ubuntu.com ?03:40
Ben64innomen: install ubuntu, get all packages you want, make image of install03:40
innomenC-S-B, i dont even know where the packages are stored03:40
Ben64copy image to whoever's computer, change their username, and done03:40
monTreedre360, try revision 3 of what at hack5.org?03:41
juxtahmm, someone in this channel has a bot running which tries to brute force any hosts which connect and have an FTP server running03:41
innomenBen64, ok, how?03:41
Ben64innomen: norton ghost can do the imagine03:41
frostbite7(from .../pastebinit_0.11.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb) ...03:41
Ben64juxta: what ip?03:41
C-S-BmonTree: hak5 is an internet tv show centred on 'hacking' revision 3 is the online 'tv channel'03:41
juxtaBen64: the user is test2Rohff114, ip is
=== ipatrol_ is now known as ipatrol
innomenBen64, you probabaly didnt catch it in the scroll but thats not going to help, i dont want a bit for bit duplicate of my machine, i want a depersonalized version, i want just packages and sources and downloaded debs03:42
dre360monTree just go to hak5.org and checkout the cool it tricks03:42
Ben64innomen: all you have to do is change the username once you copy image, and then it's all good03:42
C-S-Binnomen: you need suse studio :)03:42
monTreedre360, i am... dont see revision 3 or tv channel03:42
innomenBen64, i want to make an install of ubuntu for my family where i ahve alreayd done the work03:42
monTreeC-S-B, ok03:42
IdleOnejuxta, join #ubuntu-ops and let someone there know so they can take care of the issue please03:43
Ben64innomen: i know, and I'm telling you an option03:43
hassanakevazirfrostbite7, just do : lspci, and see if anywhere it mentions a network card or a wireless card, then post that line here03:43
juxtaIdleOne, will do03:43
dre360monTree http://revision3.com/03:43
frostbite7hey i appreciate your help and patience03:44
wrapsterdre360: so your telling me to rm -rf the .deb files and try a reboot? praying that sunwspro will actually be installed03:44
ben64_now let's see if i get ftp brute-forced03:44
innomenben64 you keep talking like i knopw how to do these things "change use name" for example, what rename my home folder? i dont want them to have my home folder at all :P03:44
Ben64innomen: menu -> system -> users and groups?03:44
dre360wrapster some what so03:44
wrapsterok... pray for me.. I dont want to sit idle for another 12hrs03:45
innomenben64: username is greyed out03:45
C-S-Binnomen: you need to 'unlock'03:45
Ben64on their computer you could add a user for them, log into it, and delete your username03:45
Ben64innomen: OR, you can just install the packages at their house03:45
Ben64ubuntu doesn't really take long to install03:46
innomenBen64, well where would i get the packages? where are they on this machine? hwo do i move them? not everything is in the repos03:46
innomenbut i see the delete user thing thats very helpful03:46
Ben64where did you get packages that aren't in repo?03:46
hassanakevazirmadLyfe, see if this thread helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1169149 , used it once before... not sure thought03:46
dre360wrapster 'but' pray and use apt-get autoremove then use the synaptic you may get a error pakage missing or broken to  fix but you are good03:46
innomenben64, the internet03:46
dre360wrapster let me know if it works03:47
innomenben64, about as helpful as the question, what was i supposed ot spit out 50 urls from memory?03:47
innomenone of them i had to compile with much help from this channel :)03:47
frostbite7i dont see anything that mentions anuthing about a wireless card or network03:47
Ben64innomen: why do your family members need programs you need to compile to work?03:47
C-S-Binnomen: script it.03:47
_cbCan I deploy noMachine  on an Ubuntu Server or do I need to deploy it on Ubuntu desktop. I am thinking desktop but not sure03:47
Ben64Aug 19 21:44:45 ben64 sshd[2646]: Failed password for root from port 46137 ssh203:48
mykas0hi everyone03:48
innomenBen64, why because projectm is pretty?03:48
Ben64not only that, but he is trying to force into my ssh03:48
dre360wrapster ONLY rm the files thatttt are giving trouble03:48
dre360wrapster no more03:48
mykas0my friend wants to install Windows XP and Ubuntu as a dualboot system, is there any correct order for doing so?03:48
IdleOneBen64, could you go to #ubuntu-ops and comfirm03:48
Ben64juxta: thanks for the info on this brute-forcer dude03:48
Ben64IdleOne: oh yeah, doing that now03:48
wrapsterdre360: well the lock issue was resolved after a reboot...03:48
jdsandeson? how big a machien do i need to serve 20 thin clients?03:48
innomenhehe this is just one of those defensive things i'm going to have to wait for, eventually enough people will use ubuntu in a professional setting that this sort of thing will be demanded, like nlite, it looks like reconstructor will eventually turn into the solution for this issue, for now it dosent exist03:49
juxtano problems Ben6403:49
wrapsterbut i didnt quite get the rm thing... could you please elaborate?03:49
_cbjdsandeson what are you using to server the thin clients? (LTSP? NoMachine?)03:49
juxtahe was here yesterday too, but on a different IP03:49
Ben64juxta: those people piss me off03:49
Ben64i've gotten quite good at emailing abuse@ their ips03:50
Ben64isp's*; my server gets bombarded often03:50
hassanakevazirfrostbite7, you need to find the model of the wireless card to find help, so find its box, or boot into windows and look into hardware manager, but before that, try this command: iwconfig03:50
dre360wrapster good know use open synaptic you may get a error but you are okay just reload your package03:50
jdsandesonjust going tu use ubuntu and the server will allow the cliants to remotely logg in with a desktop03:50
jacakhi ubuntu.  if my device shows up in aplay -l, is it good to go?03:51
_cbjdsandeson using xwindows?03:51
dre360wrapster and remove the broken package if it is still there03:51
innomenLEts see if i can do this just by playing with the contents of the install iso, where are all my packages kept?03:51
soreaujacak: Is it not working?03:51
slestak_whassup guys.  im about to pull an hd from an older laptop and do an ubuntu minimal install.  put the drive back into the old lifebook and resume for the dl finish up03:51
jdsandesonyes seems to take about 200 meg of ram per in the test03:51
hassanakevazirmykas0, yes, first install XP, then Ububntu03:51
dre360wrapster let me know how it's going03:52
innomenor better yet where can i find a general break down of what the various folders do in ubuntu?03:52
slestak_ive dome similar type installs with gentoo back in the day, but id really like to kit this out with ubuntu for the laptops owner03:52
_cbjdsandeson do you have a background in thin client like terminal services or Citrix?03:52
jacakno, and i wasn't sure when searching the forums what to do.  it shows up in aplay -l, and i've messed with alsamixer but no go03:52
kamokowI need to use a backup disk (the one that restores your computer to factory defaults) but I just got my ubuntu the way i like it. Is there anyway to keep it from being affected from the restore disc?03:53
jdsandesonno work flunked a windows licencing audit and i am trying to come up with a temporary set up03:53
jdsandesonbased on what i do here at home03:53
soreaujacak: Has it ever worked ?03:53
frostbite7it says no wireless extentions03:53
ae86is people.ubuntu.com still offering space to newly registered users?03:53
madLyfeubuntu fails to retrieve share list from my win 7 box..03:54
jacakit did on hardy heron without me configuring anything.  I just reinstalled 9.04 today03:54
frostbite7its an internal wireless card03:54
jacakalso, i've noticed sometimes subdevices is 0/1, and sometimes 1/103:54
kamokowwait, nevermind i have an idea ^_^03:54
kismethey ...03:54
soreau! audio | jacak03:54
ubottujacak: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:54
kismeti am still trying to compile my kernel03:54
kismetcould anyone help me out03:55
innomenC-S-B, thanks for your help, i'll let you know if i find a realistic solution. :)03:55
kismeti tried the following command fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-phc001 kernel-image kernel-headers and it says /usr/bin/fakeroot: line 176: make-kpkg: command not found03:55
jacakwell i have hda nvidia alsa mixer03:55
dre360kismet got to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile03:56
soreaukismet: Why are you trying to compile the kernel?03:56
kismetsoreau:  because i would like to undervolt my cpu core03:57
dre360kismet follow the steps and you are good after 2 hours of compiling03:57
Ben64kismet: you should be able to do that through your bios?03:57
frostbite7it says no wireless extentions and i have an internal card03:58
kismetben64 on my leptop it is not possible.... i didn't found a menu for that03:58
hassanakevazirfrostbite7, we need the exact name, since nothing shows up, Ubuntu is not recognizing your card at all. Go to windows, then in control panel> system > hardware > hardware manager. then see what it says for your wireless card. it works on windows right? or you can open the case and read the model off the card itself. then google "Ubuntu <card name>" and see what comes up03:58
soreau! who frostbite703:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about who frostbite703:58
Ben64kismet: why would you want to undervolt it anyway? could cause issues03:58
soreau! who | frostbite703:58
ubottufrostbite7: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:58
kismetben64 to increase my battery life of my leptop03:58
frostbite7lol okay cool03:59
Ben64kismet: cpu is actually a very tiny chunk of battery life, screen backlight is the most03:59
jdsandeson?how many users can log in to one machien via XDMCP at one time?03:59
frostbite7hassanakevazir thanks03:59
hassanakevazirfrostbite7, np04:00
kismetBen64: in windows without undervolting i have a 1:55 battery life and with undervolting i had a 2:20-2:3004:00
biovorejdsandeson: a crap load..  more then 100004:00
jdsandesoncool then it should work04:00
matt777hey guys I am having a sound promlem with 9.04 can anyone help me? please04:00
ipatrolHow do I run an ubuntu VNC server on jaunty?04:01
=== Nightw0l1 is now known as Nightwolf
dre360alot of people are having problems with 9.04 and sound04:02
hassanakevaziripatrol, system > preferences > remote desktop ?04:02
jacaksoreau: if my device shows up in aplay -l and lspci -vv, should i be ok?04:02
soreaujacak: Not if it isn't working, though that is a good sign04:03
dre360natt777 what system do you have04:03
kenooi hve a problem too04:03
kenooa sound problem*04:03
matt777i have a toshiba a505-s696004:03
matt777i just installed 9.04 today04:04
craCkpotanyone have experience setting up ubuntu to recognize an already existing RAID0 array?04:04
ipatrolhassanakevazir: Remind me of that in the morning?04:05
ectospasmIf I want a command ("date >> /var/log/uptime") to run right before I reboot or halt, how do I get this to work?  I tried adding the command to do_stop in both /etc/init.d/reboot and /etc/init.d/halt, but when I went to the GNOME session menu and chose "Restart...", /var/log/uptime had not been created (I have not tested the halt functionality).  How do I get this working?04:05
matt777dre do you have any ideas?04:06
hassanakevaziripatrol, i don't understand.04:06
IndyGunFreakmatt777: well what do you need help w/?04:06
hassanakevazirmatt777, please describe the problem in full detail04:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:06
_cbjdsandeson if you are serious about thin client on linux you may want to look at noMachine http://www.nomachine.com/ I test drove gimp from windows and I think it was as fast or faster than Citrix. Am trying to find more about it.04:07
cplx_anyone here pretty clued up with proxypass directives in apache?04:07
cplx_just a quick question04:07
dre360matt777 give me one min04:08
ectospasm!ask | cplx_04:08
ubottucplx_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:08
nullQuestion:  I need to start backing up files to DVD's, does anyone know of any scripts/software to keep track of what is burned onto what DVD?04:08
craCkpoti have a raid0 array of 2 250gb discs setup and is formatted NTFS, generally used by windows, but I would like for linux to be able to use it as well.  the raid is setup via nvidia's MediaShield and set to RAID in BIOS.04:08
=== umpc is now known as umpc|macbookpro
dre360matt777 got to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 this guide should help04:09
matt777hassanakevazir, I installed 9.04 today and my sound wont work, not online, or on my local system in media player the bar wont even move,  and when i try to test for sound i hear nothing04:09
|sanchez|craCkpot: gotta redo entire configuration04:09
|sanchez|with raid setup both drives are in use and unless you add another physical drive you cannot04:09
craCkpotmeaning i would have to rebuild the array and basically lose everything?04:10
|sanchez|you could back it up elsewhere04:10
|sanchez|but you would have to rebuild it04:10
craCkpotmeh screw that04:10
cplx_Hi guys, I have an apache config.. multiple vhosts etc.. I have a section here that doesn't seem to be working - Proxypass etc doesnt look to be working, http://inetpro.org/pastebin/1887/04:10
ShapeShifter499I have a PowerBook G4 (ppc arch) with ubuntu 9.04 and I want to run a second life environment04:10
|sanchez|as far as i know04:10
craCkpotokay, good info, thank you04:10
|sanchez|although you might be able to try to resize the ntfs partition04:10
|sanchez|if you can resize it04:10
hassanakevazirmatt777, what does this say in terminal: lspci | grep Audio04:11
|sanchez|you very well might be able to continue with the raid on both drives04:11
craCkpotbasically i want to try to play wow on my linux install04:11
|sanchez|if thats all04:11
|sanchez|be much easier04:11
craCkpotwow is currently installed on my raid array, i suppose i can move it to another hdd04:11
madLyfeanyone here good with win shares?04:11
Ben64|sanchez|: i think he just wants to access it, not modify the filesystems04:11
|sanchez|i see04:11
craCkpotyeah i just want to be able to use it like i can with my other ntfs hdd (has vista on it)04:11
Ben64i don't know much about raid in linux, but it should be as easy as just mounting it04:12
matt777hassanakevazir, it says 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 0304:12
Ben64not sure what device it would be under though04:12
craCkpotwell i can't mount it04:12
craCkpotfdisk -l sees them as 2 different drives04:12
craCkpot/dev/sdc and /dec/sdd04:13
Ben64but shouldn't the motherboard be creating another device?04:13
MadGirlwell is, like, there a 4.3 out?04:13
craCkpotthe array is there04:13
craCkpotand is healthy according to my pre-os boot screen04:13
craCkpotand obviously windows can see/use the array04:14
craCkpoti guess i need a driver of some sort so linux can see it04:14
ramiroin apt-get, how do I force download of a package I already have installed?04:14
ramiro(I want the exact same .deb file)04:14
ctmjr!raid | craCkpot it might help am not sure04:14
ubottucraCkpot it might help am not sure: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto04:14
craCkpoti wonder why my googling didn't bring me to those pages...thanks ctmjr04:15
craCkpotill take a look04:15
mattwj2002hey everyone04:15
matt777hey whats up04:15
dre360what''''''s up04:16
mattwj2002hey guys :)04:16
guest1so how do you change the theme on netbook remix04:16
guest1how do you change the theme on netbook remix04:17
hassanakevazirmatt777, looks like that one has some serious issues with ubuntu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/274424 , #28 and #29 should help04:17
colton_I can't get youtube videos to play on my ubuntu install. Any one know why? WHere's a fix?04:17
hassanakevazircolton_, all flash or only youtube?04:18
edbiancolton_: You need flash player installed (just like on linux)04:18
edbiancolton_: PM me04:18
guest1uninstall and reinstall flash!04:18
guest1i had the same problem04:18
edbiancolton_: (just like on windows*)04:18
guest1uninstall and reinstall flash from the site. it worked for me04:19
colton_I believe I do have it installed.04:19
guest1uninstall it though. and reinstall! it works04:19
colton_What I mean to say, is that the video plays, but the sound doesn't work. I don't get any sound.04:20
guest1i know! that is the same problem i had04:20
guest1uninstall and reinstall04:20
dre360conlton_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 this should help04:21
guest1does anyone here know how to change the theme in netbook remix?04:21
xphill64xHello, Ubuntu isn't recognizing my touchpad, here's some output from cat /proc/bus/input/devices http://pastebin.com/m49f9de804:22
Revolutionhi can anyone help me im having an error when im trying to install this MTA 1.0 server  --> console log ==http://pastebin.com/d3c9fae20     more info==>http://code.google.com/p/multitheftauto/wiki/HowToBuildLinux04:22
histoIs there a way to tell which nvidia-glx-1xx file I need for my card?04:22
Revolutiondoes it not do that auto?04:23
histoThis install just has xorg no gnome or any of hte extras. The card is a GeForce FX 520004:23
guest1how do i change the theme in netbook remix?04:23
xphill64xhisto: Have you tried System > Administration > Restricted Drivers04:23
matt777hassanakevazir, it didnt work :(04:23
histoxphill64x: again I don't have gnome installed just xorg04:23
kbpAfter I typed gksudo/sudo gedit, it opens gedit but the terminal cannot be used anymore (until gedit close), is there anyway to use that terminal but with gedit still running ? (gedit is just an example)04:24
xphill64xhisto: Are you in a console?04:24
Revolutionis there a c++ channel?04:24
xphill64xkbp: I think screen would be the command you'd use, I'm not sure. Try man screen ?04:24
histoxphill64x: at the moment yes04:24
xphill64xkbp: without the question mark :)04:24
xphill64xhisto: Why is that? Did you uninstall gnome or is it just not running?04:25
Cyber-DoggI just installed mythbuntu04:25
kbp!man screen04:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about man screen04:25
andre_pl_how do I sest permissions on an file so that it can execute with root permissions without requiring sudo?04:25
Cyber-DoggI have a bcxx card in this box04:25
matt777hassanakevazir, asla seens to not see my sound card04:25
kbpthankyou xphill64x04:25
Cyber-DoggI'm trying to configure the wireless now04:25
xphill64xkbp: Don't thank me till it works :)04:25
Cyber-DoggI appears that I'm missing something04:26
dre360ander_pl  ls -l04:26
Cyber-DoggI have setup /etc/network/interfaces04:26
histoxphill64x: No i'm not using gnome just X1104:26
histoxphill64x: I found it I think it needs 17304:26
Cyber-Doggand then /etc/init.d/networking restart04:26
edbianandre_pl_: "sudo chmod +x <file>" will make it executable by everybody04:26
Cyber-Doggit says that it is sending out dhcp requests but it never gets a response back04:26
xphill64xhisto: Cool, sorry I couldn't be more help, I'm still curious why no window manager xD04:26
Cyber-DoggI'm using SPA on it04:26
Cyber-Doggso I'm guessing that something isn't setup right and it can't connect04:27
xphill64xCyber-Dogg: And you've checked that there is no Wireless Access List on the router right? (Mac Filtering?)04:27
dre360andre_pl and you will see the owner root group root > -rwx rwx rwx  1 owner 2 is group and 3 is other04:27
xphill64x(10:22:08 PM) xphill64x: Hello, Ubuntu isn't recognizing my touchpad, here's some output from cat /proc/bus/input/devices http://pastebin.com/m49f9de804:27
hassanakevazirmatt777, search around with "82801I" see what you can find04:28
xphill64xCyber-Dogg: Hmm, I had wireless problems the other day, do you know what wireless card you have? Or you could try connecting to unsecured networks, see if it works?04:28
Cyber-Doggit's a BCM430604:29
Cyber-Doggrev 0304:29
Cyber-Doggno unsecured networks available04:29
Moultwhat kernel does the latest stable ubuntu (jaunty) run on?04:29
slestak_check the packages.ubuntu site?  the kernel is a package liek al others04:30
hassanakevazirkbp, try: "gksudo gedit &" , wait for it to load, then go back to the terminal and press enter04:30
Ben64Moult: are you on jaunty?04:30
MoultBen64: if i was, i could've easily checked myself :)04:31
ike_hey ppl how much do u recommend to upgrade gnome 2.24 to gnome 2.26 in intrepid (ignoring the option to upgrade to jaunty)04:31
Ben64Moult: yep, but not everyone knows that04:31
MoultBen64: ok ;)04:31
_cbCan I deploy FreeNx  on an Ubuntu Server or do I need to deploy it on Ubuntu desktop. I am thinking desktop but not sure04:31
ike_is there any repositories04:31
xphill64xCyber-Dogg: That sucks, I can't really help you, wireless isn't my thing. I was just  covering the idiot bases. :D04:32
ctmjrCyber-Dogg: iwlist wlan0 scan find your access point?04:33
Cyber-Doggbroadcast isn't on04:33
Cyber-Doggno scan results04:33
craCkpotit seems the package dmraid can view any raids setup by nvraid (nvidia's raid controller), which is what setup my raid array04:34
ctmjrCyber-Dogg: but the drivers for it are loaded right?04:34
craCkpotit will let me mount the array and use it as normal, according to my research04:35
Terabytei'm wondering what's easier to transfer a file over a network, connect to a share on windows, or create a share on linux (file going from windows to linux)04:35
Cyber-Doggas far as I know yes04:35
Cyber-DoggI installed b43-fwcutter04:35
Cyber-Doggand now I can successfully run ifconfig wlan0 up04:35
|sanchez|Terabyte: alldepends on who and how much they know about either04:35
|sanchez|either is a google tutorial away04:35
dre360Cyber-Dogg bt3 u say04:36
Terabyte|sanchez|: well i know a lot about windows, but either way, linux is making it awkward, since i either have to setup a share on linux, or connect to a windows share from linux, now which is the easiest to do?04:36
dre360Cyber-dogg what is your prob agian04:36
Cyber-Doggit just doesn't seem to associate with the access point04:37
Cyber-DoggI know the card is good04:37
Cyber-DoggI know everything on the access point is good as far as setup is concerned04:37
ike_do yo know the name of the AP ?04:37
Cyber-DoggI used wpa_passphrase to generate out the key04:37
DJAshnarI have an AMD Kuma core 2.7ghz PC with 4GB of ram and a Radeon 3870 and SB XFi Xtreme Gamer card.  Would I run into any issues installing Ubuntu or ubuntu studio on it?04:37
ipatrolDo we share a repisitory with debian?04:37
Cyber-DoggI just don't know if I'm missing some step in getting it to use the drivers properly or something04:37
zrutyDJAshnar: Try live CD04:38
dre360Cyber-Dogg  use iwconfig wlan0  mode managed then04:38
dre360Cyber-Dogg iwconfig wlan0 essid 'the ap'04:38
DJAshnarOk.  Where would I get a torrent of the live?04:38
ike_try this: iwconfig wlan0 essid YourEssid key Yourket04:38
DJAshnarty :)04:38
ike_then just type dhclient wlan004:38
xphill64xDJAshnar: You know Ubuntu is free, right?04:39
Cyber-Doggdre360 I already set all that in the /etc/network/interfaces04:39
hassanakevazirTerabyte, easiest way for me is in linux: right click the file, properties > share, and check all three and click on create share04:39
Cyber-Doggand when I do iwconfig it should the ESSID that I set04:39
Cyber-Dogghowever, I don't get an IP on it (and DHCP is running on the AP)04:39
ctmjrCyber-Dogg: is wpasupplicant04:39
ike_try typing as root dhclient wlan004:39
dre360Cyber-Dogg did you dhclient wlan004:39
Cyber-DoggDHCP requests go unanswered04:39
ike_what wireless card do you have04:40
dre360Cyber-Dogg yea what card04:40
Cyber-Dogglinksys b/g (BC4306 rev 03)04:40
dre360Cyber-Dogg i use bt4 by the way04:41
Cyber-Doggdon't know what tha tis :-)04:41
ike_do u have the firmware of that card in /lib/firmware ?04:41
buckyCyber-Dogg: apt-cache show b43-fwcutter  is that installed?04:41
dre360Cyber-Dogg what is the  network manager you are using04:42
buckyCyber-Dogg: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b4304:42
Cyber-Doggdre360: no idea...04:42
dre360Cyber-Dogg ifconfig wlan0 down the ifconfig up then use the command iwconfig wlan004:43
kiran_hoe to install meatcity themes04:43
DJAshnarI wonder if my wife will let me install Ubuntu 9.04 Netbook remix on her Asus EEE PC 701 4G surf....04:43
kiran_please anyone04:43
mramosyPuerto Rico04:43
Cyber-Doggbucky, thanks... I think that is what I was missing04:43
C-S-BDJAshnar: dont ask?04:43
giikerhi everyone04:43
mramosySomeone here are from Puerto Rico??04:44
dre360Cyber-Dogg then iwocnfig wlan004:44
DJAshnarShe's running a hacked up XP now04:44
DJAshnarand if her screen goes into power save, it gets corrupted on wake04:44
dre360Cyber-Dogg is you wireless card wlan004:44
kiran_bucky how to install metacity themes04:45
DJAshnarOk.  She has 2GB of ram and 4GB of SSD.  Will that be enough for Ubuntu?04:45
Terabytefantastic, just like linux, so i try to connect to a share, and firstly, the language doesn't align with that used in the windows world, the connection fails, i get an ugly error message which doesn't tell me why, and lastly i lose the dialog box where i entered all my info and have to start again. Typical Linux. Is this really for humans?04:45
Revolutionhow do i set a whole folder and files to chmod 777 ?04:45
Cyber-Doggdre360: I think bucky's suggestion is going to fix it04:45
C-S-BDJAshnar: yes04:45
Cyber-Doggthat feels like something I've missed04:46
buckykiran_: apt-cache search metacity    install some themes04:46
sp_I have a problem with acpi04:46
DJAshnarI need to buy some 16GB SD cards....04:46
Revolutionhow do i set a whole folder and files to chmod 777 ?04:46
icerootDJAshnar: i am using ubuntu with 4gb ssd and 1gb ram04:46
DJAshnarI have a windows problem.  Microsoft charges for buggy crap.04:46
dre360Cyber-Dogg iwconfig would do the jobs faster04:47
sp_Revolution,  -R is recursive04:47
Revolutionok thanks04:47
dre360Cyber-Dogg but what works is good ^_^04:47
DJAshnarSorry to be a pain, but is the Atheros card in the 701 4G surf supported?04:47
DJAshnarBTW - Netbooks wit backtrack on USB rock :)04:48
sp_I have a problem with acpi, /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0 shows incorrect info04:48
Cyber-Doggn/m... I did already do that04:48
icerootDJAshnar: eeepc 701g is full supported in 9.0404:48
Cyber-Doggthat was the b43-fwcutter04:48
icerootDJAshnar: 701 4g04:48
Cyber-Doggso... iwconfig wlan004:48
DJAshnarI was at my doctors office, looking to get online for a bit, and found a laptop in ADHOC mode connected by wire to the main net.  Funny thing is, there was NO security on the net and I managed to migrate to the database files for their medical records system04:49
histoSo frustrated with ubuntu right now.04:49
histoI installed xorg. I can get X working but can't install nvidia drivers from the repos They fail.04:49
DJAshnarDownload the SUN vmware and install it with that under windows, to test :)04:49
Cyber-Doggdre360: the link bucky gave me actually wasn't anything new04:49
histoI also can't get sound working on this systme04:49
iceroothisto: which nvidia-card?04:49
dre360DHAshar good hacking04:49
hassanakevazirTerabyte, A subset of it, yea, create the share on Ubuntu like I said above, and access it from windows, works everytime for me.04:49
leaf-sheepDJAshnar: o.O04:50
histoiceroot: GeForce FX 5200 i've tried both the 173 and 96 packages int he repos04:50
sp_sorry guys, is this the right channel to ask questions?04:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:50
sunapi386I downloaded netbook remix .img file, and verified md5. then i used Win32DiskImager.exe and wrote the image to a 2gb kingston usb. i stuck the usb into a toshiba nb100 netbook, set it to boot from usb. however, it does not. anyone?04:50
leaf-sheepsp_: For Ubuntu-related, yes it is.04:50
histoiceroot: I DKMS fails to load the module when booting04:50
dre360Cyber-Dogg do you know about iwconfig command04:50
sp_yes, I asked but no one seemed to notice04:50
iceroothisto: in the repos???? you want to use the non-free driver?04:50
Cyber-Doggiwconfig shows wlan0 and it's ESSID is what I want04:51
sunapi386I downloaded netbook remix .img file, and verified md5. then i used Win32DiskImager.exe and wrote the image to a 2gb kingston usb. i stuck the usb into a toshiba nb100 netbook, set it to boot from usb. however, it does not. anyone? I know it can boot from usb, since I booted Backtrack 4 from it.04:51
histoiceroot: yes04:51
dre360Cyber-Dogg good04:51
leaf-sheep!details | sp_04:51
ubottusp_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:51
sp_yes, I did04:51
iceroothisto: why not using the restricted hardware-manager?04:51
histoiceroot: i'm assuming there are some X libraries i'm missing is why its failing04:51
sp_please refer to my earlier msg04:51
DJAshnarleaf-sheep:  I went to the main desk and had shown the lady there what I was accessing.  She called the office manager, who had no clue, until I mentioned it is a HIPAA privacy act breach.  She got on the phone with their contract IT guy QUICK04:51
histoiceroot: I'm not using gnome04:51
Ben64histo: i used to use fx5200 on linux all the time04:52
histoiceroot: just a plain xorg04:52
sp_gives nonsense information04:52
dre360Cyber-Dogg and the key04:52
sp_no strange messages in dmesg as far as I can tell04:52
Schmickanyone have had problems with gvfs-fuse-daemon? it used to run and mount under .gvfs automaticly, but now I have to run it on console ($ gvfs-fuse-daemon $HOME/.gvfs)... not much docu available on gvfs .. sad. :(04:52
histoBen64: yeah but the nvidia-glx-1xx packages are all messed up04:52
Cyber-Doggthe key is setup in /etc/network/interfaces04:52
Ben64histo: try nvidia-new?04:52
kpkudihas anyone ever experienced opera freezing a lot when you visit sites that are "heavy" like face book04:52
Cyber-Doggand I did a /etc/init.d/networking restart after I save that file04:52
icerootkpkudi: no04:52
beginnerhi, i have installed postgres using aptitude, in which dir it will install it?04:52
histoBen64: I need the 173 or 96 for this card04:53
leaf-sheepDJAshnar: Well I never know how to do any remote exploits but I always would love to learn how to do that to satisfy my inner cravings. :X04:53
DJAshnarI need a new motherboard for the AMD box... I wanna unlock that 7750 BE04:53
sp_leaf-sheep, do you know where else I should look for signs of trouble?04:53
icerootbeginner: different dirs04:53
Ben64histo: whoops, i meant "nvidia-glx-new"04:53
dre360Cyber-Dogg no iwconfig wlan004:53
DJAshnarleaf-sheep: google "backtrack linux"04:53
madLyfeaparently the ati control center i installed messed with my graphics and now it messed everything up.. how do i uninstall it from command line as root?04:53
Ben64you don't need 173 or 96, i didn't on my 520004:53
icerootbeginner: libs, executable, configs and so on04:53
kpkudiiceroot: i have no idea its like it wants to do something and then it just quits at it and i have to press exit like 20 times04:53
Cyber-DoggI can't... iwconfig doesn't support wpa right?04:53
dre360Cyber-Dogg is the pass set there04:53
leaf-sheepDJAshnar: I'm aware of Backtrack, based on Ubuntu distro.  However, I'll have to burn it and start following instructions and such. Thanks for the tips. Maybe I'll do it at one point but... well, yeah.04:53
icerootkpkudi: start opera from the shell and look at the output, maybe there are some hints04:54
beginnericeroot: when do a manuall compiling of postgres i have --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql-8.3" so that it will keep everything in that dir.04:54
Cyber-Doggdre360: I don't see it...04:54
dre360Cyber-Dogg it show look like this Encryption key:off04:54
icerootbeginner: apt-get is using different dirs for executable, libs and so on04:54
madLyfeor how do i restart from root command line?04:54
Cyber-DoggI don't see Encryption key anywhere in the output04:54
icerootmadLyfe: reboot  or shutdown -r now04:54
DJAshnarbtw - I will be giving my a 2.7ghz AMD dual to my wife, keeping the other for me, giving the Pent D 940 to my 11 year old son, and using the 3.2ghz Pentium 4 for PF-Sense and use WPA-2 Enterpris WITH RADIUS on my net soon, after what happened at the doctors04:55
Cyber-Doggwant me to pastebin it?04:55
dre360Cyber-Dogg or Encryption key: 12345-455-566 etc04:55
MOUDHey all04:55
DJAshnar*my wife04:55
mermais here a pastebin plugin for gedit?04:55
icerootmadLyfe: and shutdown -h now   for shutdown04:55
=== maccam-sager is now known as maccam94
sp_Cyber-Dogg, use wpa-supplicant04:55
kpkudiiceroot: well i got a error right off the bat04:55
sp_leaf-sheep, do you need more details? where should I look for them?04:56
madLyfei dunno how to delete the ati thing if i cant log in cuz the graphics are all messed up...04:56
Cyber-Doggdre360: http://pastebin.ca/153594004:56
MOUDThe network thing that appears next to the clock disappeared and so is the program for it that is on the System > Preferences...  How can I make it come back?04:56
dre360Cyber-Dogg okay04:57
sp_MOUD, try nm-applet in a console ?04:57
leaf-sheepsp_: Actually, I never have any issues with power management or acpi.  I'm not even sure what your issue is. Usually, lot of googles might get you somewhere more than IRC but you're welcome to try what you can.  Google your hardware/model/etc specs, power issue, etc.04:57
dre360Cyber-Dogg your Power Management:off is off that is y04:57
sp_leaf-sheep, I googled all I could, searched bugzilla, etc04:57
C-S-BMOUD: right click add notification area?04:57
Cyber-Dogghow do I rectify that?04:57
MOUDsp_: I'm not on ubuntu04:58
sp_now I'm out of ideas, anyone familiar with troubleshooting acpid?04:58
sp_MOUD, you're on #ubuntu04:58
MOUDsp_: I mean that I'm not running ubuntu atm04:58
MOUDC-S-B: I'll try it later04:58
zrutyWhat's atm in this context...?04:58
DJAshnarleaf-sheep, sad thing is that I could have easily booted windows and done the same thing.  The laptop adhoc was unsecure in the docs office04:58
sp_MOUD, I see, what are you running then?04:58
dre360Cyber-Dogg use this command iwconfig wlan0 key 234556 etc or you can use the   long enc key sdkfsdf32304:59
MOUDsp_: Win XP (dual boot)04:59
MOUDzruty: At the moment04:59
zrutyMOUD > Ah I see... Thanks04:59
iceroothow to set time + timezone in ubuntu (command line=04:59
sp_MOUD, can you see the wireless card in the windows network center?05:00
MOUDzruty: no problem05:00
Cyber-Doggdre360: still says power off05:00
sunapi386___ I downloaded netbook remix .img file, and verified md5. then i used Win32DiskImager.exe and wrote the image to a 2gb kingston usb. i stuck the usb into a toshiba nb100 netbook, set it to boot from usb. however, it does not. I know it can boot from usb, since I booted Backtrack 4 from it.05:00
kpkudiiceroot: http://pastebin.com/d45564d5705:00
sp_and date05:00
dre360Cyber-Dog forget for now05:00
madLyfehow do you uninstall a pkg from commandline ?05:00
MOUDsp_: both my Ethernet and Wireless were working fine a few minutes ago but they disappeared without a trace05:00
Lacutisis there a program for ubuntu that will auto convert .avi etc into dvd files to be burned?05:01
madLyfei dunno what the package is called exactly tho..05:01
dre360Cyber-Dogg just type this : iwconfig wlan0 key passcode and enter05:01
ctmjrCyber-Dogg: just making sure thru all the help your getting your using wpa correct?05:01
sp_madLyfe, sudo apt-get remove xxx05:01
kermiti need the most current iwlagn driver, this one is buggy, how do i get testing or beta versions that arent part of automatic update?05:01
Revolutionso when is ubuntu 10.x comming out?05:01
madLyfewell i have to boot into recovery mode..05:01
sp_MOUD, do your interfaces appear in the device manager?05:01
Cyber-Doggctmjr yes05:02
Cyber-DoggWPA with TKIP05:02
sp_MOUD System -> Hardware -> Device Manager, IIRC05:02
MOUDalso, in terminal I tried network-manager, both my eth0 and wlan0 wwere down, so I used up, but still nothing05:02
hassanakevazirmadLyfe, write the first letters of the package name, then press tab twice, see what shows up05:02
madLyfesp_: cuz its messing with the graphics and i cant loginto the desktop.. but i dont know what its name is..05:02
madLyfeah ok05:02
dre360Cyber-Dogg just type the  command with the passcode05:02
zrutyCyber-Dogg: Power Management off or TX-power off?05:03
Cyber-Doggpower management off05:03
Cyber-Doggtx-power is 20 dbm05:03
MOUDsp_: yes. I think they disappeared after I installed arping, not sure though05:03
MOUDsp_: also tried recovery mode and no change05:03
dre360Cyber-Dogg for get the power management for now05:03
dre360Cyber-Dogg sorry forget05:04
Cyber-Doggdre360: zruty asked me05:04
Cyber-Doggso I responded...05:04
zrutyCyber-Dogg: ... that all looks good then... Just checking...05:04
dre360Cyber-Dog ^_^05:04
DasEi!karmic | Revolution05:05
ubottuRevolution: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:05
dre360zruty ^_^05:05
madLyfecrap.. im not sure.. i know it was the ati control center.... but all i am getting is aticonfig, atieventsd, atiodcli, atiode.... i dunno which is the driver or the control center..05:05
MOUDI can't boot to Ubuntu right now, kinda busy. I'm just trying to get some help so that I can try later05:05
Cyber-Doggany reason to not just go edit the wpa_supplicant.conf?05:05
craCkpotubuntu now correctly recognizes my raid0 array and can read my ntfs partition on it05:06
mook_hey guys hows it going ?05:06
sp_MOUD, so, in ubuntu you see the interfaces?05:07
mook_ok i got my hard drive patitioned for windows and linux but my linux is not seeing my windows partition well it is but not under wine05:07
dre360Cyber-Dogg you can but i rather iwconfig . iwconfig will do the rest backtrack for life'05:07
mook_any ideas ?05:07
dre360mook_ dude try not to dual boot05:07
sp_mook_, did you check under /host/05:07
MOUDnot bad mook_ , what about u?05:08
MOUDsp_: used to, some minutes ago05:08
dre360mook_ try using vmware05:08
mook_ no never looked thare im trying to install apps05:08
Cyber-Doggdre360 can iwconfig do WPA though?05:08
Cyber-DoggI didn't think it could05:08
sp_mook_, did you use wubi install or separate partition?05:08
ian__i have an old monitor and i dont know its specifications and i want my display to be smaller05:08
kermitif i need a more current driver than what's in the current jaunty kernel, how should i go about that?05:08
ian__my resolution higher i guess.05:08
sp_MOUD, sorry, maybe you should check /etc/network/interfaces and see if everything is all right there05:08
dre360Cyber-Dogg yes all05:09
nokia9300ian_ what resolution you have now?05:09
sp_MOUD, you should (maybe) have a interfaces.backup file you can use if everything is screwed up05:09
mook_cant remember i know when i installed ubuntu i just shortened the  ntfs partition and let ubuntu do its thing05:09
ian__It appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool.  Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?05:09
Cyber-Doggwell when I do iwconfig wlan0 key <passcode> it tells me the code is an invalid argument05:09
sp_mook_, then you used wubi and your windows files should be in /host/05:09
zrutyCyber-Dogg: Does it work with WEP (temp test?)?05:10
mook_ok um wubi ? im kinda new to linux05:10
dre360Cyber-Dogg how long is the passcode05:10
sp_mook_, /media/host/05:10
Cyber-Doggyes... if I put in a wep key it works05:10
sp_wubi is the name of the windows installer05:10
Cyber-Dogguh... 16 characters05:10
MOUDsp_: I'll take a look later, thanks for the help05:10
leaf-sheepWhat's the factorid for installing Ubuntu on Mac?05:10
sp_MOUD sorry I couldn't be more helpful, I'm still green beans :P05:11
mook_dude you rock man ty05:11
dre360Cyber-Dogg that's a good passcode no wifi hacks ^_^05:11
sp_you're welcome :)05:11
Cyber-Doggyes I know... it would be better if I was using AES and not TKIP... but not THAT worried about it...05:11
Cyber-Doggnonetheless... iwconfig says it's invalid05:12
ian__i think i accidently installed the ATI thing05:12
XerranI love the combination of KeePassX and Dropbox05:12
ian__and now i cannot uninstall it05:12
Cyber-Doggwhich seems to say to me that it can't handle a WPA key05:12
ctmjrCyber-Dogg: you need a wpasupplicant.conf file with your settings in it wpa needs more settings than wep like the tkip stuff05:12
madLyfei dont know what to uninstall, but i cant login cuz something is messing with the graphic output.. and the only thing i cant think of that i installed was the ati control center..05:12
mook_thanks sp i might have more q's for ya be back in a minute05:12
ian__One or more applications depend on xorg-driver-fglrx. To remove xorg-driver-fglrx and the dependent applications, use the Synaptic package manager.05:12
sp_mook_, ok no prob05:12
Cyber-Doggctmjr: right, but I thought that the /etc/network/interfaces file was supposed to automate all that05:13
MOUDI'm going now. See you ppl later05:13
dre360Cyber-Dog just apt-get install wicd  and gui it all the way after ok05:13
sp_MOUD, good luck05:13
nokia9300ian_ try  sudo apt-get purge xorg-driver-fglrx05:13
madLyfeand i just tried to remove everything starting with ati (4 items) and every one said package not found..05:13
sp_dre360, agree!05:13
ian__its ian__05:14
ian__sorry i like the flashing :p05:14
dre360Cyber-Dogg just type wicd then wicd-client after you install05:14
sp_yes sorry tab-complete fail !05:14
endercan anyone here help me edit grub?05:14
ian__my current resolution is 800 X 60005:14
sp_ender, more details please05:14
naiadI just updated my NVIDIA drivers ( official ones from nvidia ) and gnome is now maximizing windows overtop the top dock panel.  Anyone seen this before?05:14
enderI recently reloaded grub so I could boot ubuntu05:15
nokia9300ian__  :)05:15
mook_ok man give me a sec gonna see if it runs05:15
endernow I cant boot windows xp and get grub error 2205:15
cdw32hi guys i have a stupid question..I dl Songbird, but how do i install it?05:15
ctmjrCyber-Dogg: try wicd if it does not work i will pastebin what you need for wpa05:15
sp_ender, could you paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst in pastebin ?05:15
loshermadLyfe: there is a log of packages, in the order you installed them, in /var/log/dpkg.log. Use that to decide what to uninstall...05:15
sp_ctmjr, sudo apt-get remove songbird ?05:16
enderwhere is pastebin (first time RFCer)05:16
iceroot!paste | ender05:16
ubottuender: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:16
giikerender: you probably killed your mbr05:16
durandoi am having alot of problems getting a drive to auto mount you can view my fstab at http://paste.ubuntu.com/256098/05:16
sp_giiker, not likely05:17
ctmjrsp_: wrong nic05:17
durandoits the /dev/sdb1 line05:17
nokia9300bye for now guys - my arm linux android kernel successfully built - now time to try it on the device05:17
sp_ctmjr, please elaborate?05:17
ian__heres this05:17
ian__Integrated Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 900 with up to 128 MB shared DDR memory05:17
dre360Cyber-Dogg just type wicd then wicd-client after you install i just cat > wicd !#bin/bash echo off wicd wicd-clein. in the Auotstart dir05:17
BesogonHello. What make link-lical adress (169.254.0.xxx) in 9.04?05:17
giikersp_: I know, but itś faster if he rebuilds it...05:18
BesogonMy UNR dont use that05:18
sp_giiker, that's true though :P05:18
=== ian__ is now known as xianx
durandocan anyone help me get this drive to mount correctly in fstab05:18
losherdurando: does it mount when you do "sudo mount -av" ?05:18
=== xianx is now known as ianCC
jssaHi guys, I've installed pidgin 2.6.1 and libpurple but I have no options to send audio/video over XMPP05:18
jssacan you help me?05:18
sp_durando, more details please05:18
ianCCso is there anything i can do05:18
giikerBesogon: what did you mean to say?!05:18
ianCCto make things smaller on the screen05:19
ctmjrsp_: sp_ ctmjr, sudo apt-get remove songbird ? i did not ask anything about songbird05:19
durando[mntent]: line 12 in /etc/fstab is bad05:19
mook_sp if your curios on what im doing im trying to get everquest running through wine05:19
ravinduI got genius USB speakers for laptop but ubuntu 9.04 even recognize it but works fine with windows.05:19
dre360Cyber-Dogg the autostart dir is in your home folder ~/,kde3/Autostart/05:19
durandois what i get for a return when i sudo mount -av05:19
cdw32i asked about songbird05:19
sp_ctmjr, you're right sorry!05:19
ravinduI want to get it worked with ubuntu coz I hate microsft05:19
sp_cdw32, sudo apt-get remove songbird05:19
sp_cdw32, or sudo apt-get purge songbird to delete configuration files also05:20
ctmjrsp_: np just wanted to make sure your msg got to the right person05:20
enderwow thanks sp didnt know about purge switch05:20
sp_man apt-get has lots of info05:20
giikerdurando: can you paste your fstab?05:20
enderit does05:20
cdw32sp_: terminal says that the package songbird couldnt be found05:21
losherdurando: there is a space in the directory path name. I find that confuses lots of programs. Can you rename it so it has a dash or underscore instead?05:21
ravinduany help friends?05:21
ctmjrcdw32: are you trying to install it or remove it?05:21
enderdid anyone here get my poste?05:21
giikercdw32: I installed songbird once and did not run that well in Jaunty, just a heads up,05:22
cdw32giiker i am running hardy05:22
sp_ender did you post the link to the pastebin?05:22
cdw32for some reason i cant install jaunty05:22
sp_I must have missed it05:22
enderI thought I did05:22
enderbut no one has responded yet05:22
sp_I think you didn't05:22
cdw32giiker: i just need a program to let me put songs on my ipod05:23
ender# menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)05:23
ender#            grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),05:23
ender#            grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub05:23
ender#            and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.05:23
ender## default num05:23
FloodBot3ender: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:23
ender# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and05:23
giikercdw32: just download the tar and extract it, there will be a binary there05:23
DasEi!ipod | cdw3205:23
ubottucdw32: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod05:23
giikercdw32: and then just make a link to the binary that is it!05:23
cdw32giiker:i have no clue what that means05:23
sp_visit those websites05:24
giikercdw32: ohh ok05:24
cdw32giiker and sp_ i have on ly been on linix for a few weeks05:24
Besogongiiker, When I had come to my friend and tried to connect with a wire my netbook to his computer, my link-local adress wasn't appropriated to netbook. So I did it by hand.05:24
giikergo to songbirdd website and download the file05:24
madLyfewhen i type in /var/log/dpkg.log as root is says permission denied05:25
giikercdw32: once you have it, right click it and choose extract here05:25
sp_cdw32, a tar is like a zip, you use tar -xvvf (archivename) to extract05:25
trakcyiacan I delete Linux Kernel Headers safely?05:25
=== w_a_n_d_ is now known as w_a_n_d
sp_cdw32, and a binary is an executable file, like windows *.exe05:25
giikercdw32: once the extracted you will see a folder named songbird05:25
cdw32giiker once i have what05:25
giikercdw32: go in it and double click songbird.bin05:26
sp_madLyfe, use sudo05:26
giikercdw32: once you have the file in your box05:26
trakcyiaCan I safely delete Linux Kernel Headers?05:26
enderPaste from Ender at Thu, 20 Aug 2009 00:25:54 +010005:26
madLyfesudo /var/log/dpkg.log ?05:26
DasEitrakcyia: you speak of recent kernel versions ?05:26
enderdoes that mean I have successfully used the pastebin?05:26
madLyfethat says command not found..05:26
giikertrakcyia: it depends05:26
sp_ender, yes ?05:26
sp_ender, give us the link05:27
enderwhere is it?05:27
MadGirli guess it is showing all errors or that emerge -uDNvt @system @world does bring up (brought) up packages... but it seems maybe not all of them .... or it is a recent problem or a problem because we usually assume you are working from a root terminal, unless we tell you to logout of the root terminal05:27
cdw32i will try to follow this giiker05:27
wrapsterfinally i resolved all the dependency errors in installing sunwsproc and ended up with this one..needed help pls05:27
trakcyiaDasei yes this is a fresh install05:27
giikercdw32: ok05:27
slightlysaltedcan someone help me? i want to have visual effects my i need to update my driver but hardware driver doesn't find it05:27
wrapsterdpgk -i sunwsproc*.deb05:27
sp_ender, the address in the address bar after you posted05:28
sp_ender, good05:28
wrapsterError: sunwsproc depends on sprosslnk; however pkg is not installed05:28
helloweDo you care? http://www.anontalk.com/ICARE !05:28
sp_ender, so, remind me of the problem?05:28
DasEitrakcyia: it's always wise to have 2 or more working kernels, in case an update fails, so not usefull to delete the headers, need them for hardwaresupport05:28
enderI had the grub error 17. So I reloaded grub to fix it. Then I found I couldnt boot to xp and recieved grub error 2205:29
sp_ok good05:29
server7Hi everyone, I'm getting "DUAL SPLIT SCREEN" on my mythbuntu (Only watch tv).. I have ATI RADEON XFX 4850HD   3DDR, 1GB), I have a Samsung 1080p sync Master T260HD  25,5 inch. I know the problem is with a graphic card, but how do I fix this problem?? Thank you05:29
wrapsterbut when i try to install sprosslnk.. this is what i get.... Error: <sprosslnk*.deb trying to overwrite /usr/bin/c++filt' which is alos a pkg binutils >05:29
wrapsterwhat do i do now?05:29
trakcyiadasei, assume all hardware is installed properly, could the headers then be removed without removinc hardware dependencies?05:30
sp_ender, cat /etc/fstab and paste that in pastebin05:30
ravinduI got genius USB speakers for laptop but ubuntu 9.04 even recognize it but works fine with windows.I want to get it worked with ubuntu coz I hate microsft05:30
trakcyiaI ask because I have several backups with clonezilla05:30
sp_ravindu, sound problems are pretty difficult to debug05:30
trakcyiaSo I don't worry so much about failure, I keep my important data on a separate partition05:30
sp_ravindu, for me at least05:30
ianCCguys know how i can change my resolution05:30
DasEitrakcyia: many programs need them to function properly, you can dry with --dry-run option to see, what else (uneeded packages afterwards) will go05:31
trakcyiaAh, thanks DasEi for the very informative reply.05:31
sp_ianCC, lxrandr, or grandr05:32
dre360wrapster ^_^05:32
ravindusp_ ,thing why ubuntu hardly recognize USB Devices05:32
sp_ender, do you know what's on sdb3, sdb2, and sdb1 ?05:33
wrapsterdre360: can you look into this pleasE?05:33
enderI believe sbd1 is my windows partition05:33
mook_well sp it seems to be updateing everquest so i think it might work05:33
wrapsteryou want me to write and paste it once again? I'll do that :)05:33
sp_what you need to do is figure out what partition has windows (maybe use gparted?) and let grub (using menu.lst) where to load it from05:33
DasEitrakcyia: another thing is when you collected lots of kernels and dkms d/l 'ed all the headers, you won't need them any more, just have least 2, better more kernels an their environment alive05:33
enderlet me run gparted real quick05:33
giikercdw32: did you get it?05:34
sp_ender, that should do the trick... when you find windows we can work on the menu.lst05:34
endermy xp partition is sdb105:34
sp_mook_, I've never used wine05:35
MadGirlAnyone is, like, using xorg-server with USE=minimal?05:35
giikercdw32: it is like downloading a zip file and extract it, after that you just have to run the binary (executable) that is it05:35
DasEi!compile | cdw3205:35
ubottucdw32: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:35
ianCCi imstalled grandr, but how do i run it05:35
crdlbMadGirl: wrong channel?05:36
dre360wrapster may be the sprosslink has dependency tree that is not install05:36
MadGirlbugger all, i dunno, crdlb05:36
enderxp is sdb105:36
giikerDasEi: songbird does not install05:36
crdlbMadGirl: sounds like you want #gentoo05:36
DasEiianCC: type it in trml05:36
mook_sofar so good05:36
wrapsterdre360: ill do a pastie and let you knw.. the way ppl are conversing here its very difficult to follow...05:36
wrapsterhold on pls05:36
ravinduI got genius USB speakers for laptop but ubuntu 9.04 even recognize it but works fine with windows.I want to get it worked with ubuntu coz I hate microsft05:37
DasEigiiker : what error do you get ?05:37
dre360wrapster past it a 3 min i am install grub2 and going to configure and reboot05:37
sp_ender, do you have your windows CD?05:38
giikerit is not me who has the prob, it is cdw3205:38
error404notfoundAlexia, there?05:38
ianCCstill only gives me to resolution options05:38
sp_it seems like the easiest way is to boot windows CD, press R for recovery console, and then type FIX MBR05:38
buckyMadGirl: you mean Option "GlxVisuals" "minimal"  in xorg.conf05:38
giikercdw32: have you already tried Amarok, it rocks, better than Songbird for me.05:38
dre360wrapster just give me 3 min05:38
enderno I only have a crack cd05:38
enderwhich I cant get into command line05:38
giikerDasEi: it is not me who has the prob, it is cdw3205:39
DasEicdw32: what do you need the app for ? see :05:39
mykas0hi everyone, once more05:39
Veroi'm listening to The Killers with I Can't Stay since 02:4005:39
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:39
sp_or maybe use grub-install /dev/sda05:39
sp_ender, or maybe use grub-install /dev/sda, and see if that helps05:39
sp_I'm not sure about that one though... try it out and tell us how it goes05:40
madLyfesudo /var/log/dpkg.log ? that says command not found..05:40
Cyber-Doggso how about my ATI x10 remote?05:40
Cyber-Doggremote wonder05:40
mykas0How can I fix hard drive (i.e. sector) disk errors in ubuntu? Can anyone please help me with this?05:40
Cyber-Doggit worked fine during the install process05:40
Cyber-Doggbut after install, it doens't work now05:40
enderit wants me to check to see if the map is right05:41
DasEimykas0: e2fsck05:41
sp_madLyfe, cat /var/log/dpkg.log05:41
sp_and sudo it05:41
giikermykas0: bad sectors are sgns of HD eminent HD failure, back up and get a new one05:41
cdw32giike: im not having any luck iwth this05:41
giikercdw32: did you get any error?05:41
giikercdw32: have you already tried Amarok, it rocks, better than Songbird for me.05:41
mykas0giiker, the problem is that I can't, in this particular case; I just want to fix them, to make them work at least for a while05:41
mykas0DasEi, can you please give me a "for dummies" explanation on how to use that?05:42
cdw32giiker: and i can put songs on my ipod iwth it?05:42
DasEimykas0: best way is to boot in live, then run : sudo e2fsck -p  /dev/sdXX   with the hd  NOT mounted , find correct device by sudo fdisk -l05:42
enderthat was output05:42
giikermykas0: well, i have a question, do you have any critical/important data in your HD?05:42
sp_yes I read it05:42
sp_hold on05:42
mykas0giiker, no05:42
sp_you have 3 hard drives ?05:42
sp_windows is in partition 1 of drive 1, right?05:42
giikercdw32: that i dont know, dont like ipdos05:42
enderone is a usb I am fixing for a friend05:43
giikermykas0: well bad sectors will be handled by the HD itself nowadays, and will be not shown to the OS05:43
giikermykas0: but you will keep getting bad sectors05:43
mykas0giiker, I know, but the problem is that I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu and xp, and it doesn't let me, because of all those errors05:44
cdw32giiker; songbird i cant get to work and banshee was no better05:44
wrapsterdre360: http://pastie.org/58942205:44
giikermykas0: until you begin to losing data05:44
giikercdw32: have you already tried Amarok, it rocks, better than Songbird for me.05:44
wrapsteror anyone who can help me on this... http://pastie.org/58942205:44
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:44
Veroi'm listening to The Killers with The World We Live In since 01:5405:44
slightlysaltedcan anyone help? Hardware Driver isn't finding my video driver.05:44
giikercdw32: read the bot msgs05:44
error404notfoundi followed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1120475 but now when firefox loads, its like its a brand new profile, all bookmarks, extensions, themes, etc gone, just a plain new default profile eve through the script does copy the data...05:44
=== VanDyke_ is now known as VanDyke
madLyfesp_: what you mean sudo it?05:45
giikerVero: Vero, are you Veronica?05:45
sp_sudo is a command you use when you need root permissinos05:46
VeroMy name is Kyle05:46
giikercdw32: take a look at this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-songbird-music-player-in-ubuntu.html05:46
ianCCyoutube videos are palaying in a really weird player05:46
giikerVero: sorry, I thought it was my friends's nick05:46
sp_madLyfe, so you need to type "sudo cat /var/log/dpkg.log"05:46
DasEi1!rockbox | cdw3205:46
ubottucdw32: rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!05:46
giikercdw32: are you reading the botÅ's msgs?05:47
madLyfecrap how do you scroll up to see what all i have installed?05:47
DasEi1madLyfe: you want a list of your installed pakages ?05:48
sp_cat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep ins05:48
giikermykas0: more and less?05:48
mykas0giiker, what do you mean?05:49
dre360hey all guess what05:49
DasEi1mykas0: can you get by in with info for checking your harddrive ?05:50
giikermykas0: you said scroll up, so i thought you were seeing the list passing by in your screen05:50
sp_wrong nick, I think he was talking to madLyfe05:50
cdw32giiker: i have dl a tar but what is the next step again05:50
sp_cdw32, untar?05:50
giikercdw32: yesssssss05:50
giikercdw32: tar -xvf05:50
sp_cdw32, tar -xvvf (archivename)05:50
DasEi1!compile > cdw32 , read n follow05:50
ubottucdw32, please see my private message05:50
sp_v is for verbose05:50
madLyfei just want a list of recent ones.. cuz i installed something that messes with the graphics and it makes it so i cant log in..05:51
syntaxwhat does cdw32 do?05:51
madLyfeso i have to remove it from root command line..05:51
sp_madLyfe, cat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep installed05:51
giikercdw32: if you dont know how to untar it , just righ click it and extract it05:51
coreymanSo I am trying to install ubuntu on my 149GB Hitachi Hard Disk, I think I accidentaly wrote something or another about fake raid to it with my fake raid controller.05:51
coreymanI am at the prepare partitions step and it shows absolutley nothing there. How can I get it back to normal?05:51
DasEi1syntax: trying to install a app for ipod05:51
syntaxoh ok05:52
giikercdw32: inside the extracted folder you will see a file named songbird, just double click it and it will run05:52
dre360don't install grub2 if you don't know what you are doing reason grub2 has hd1 and not hd005:52
cdw32giiker: thats where i run into a problem...i click extract and it asked for a location and i have no clue05:52
ianCCis there a driver installer for ubuntu. i need audio lol and my video needs it too05:52
giikercdw32: just choose here05:52
=== one_ is now known as cpu_temp
giikercdw32: the working folder05:52
coreymanSo I am trying to install ubuntu on my 149GB Hitachi Hard Disk, I think I accidentaly wrote something or another about fake raid to it with my fake raid controller.  I am at the prepare partitions step and it shows absolutley nothing there. How can I get it back to normal?05:53
DasEi1!sound | ianCC05:53
mykas0giiker, we're trying to patch it up05:53
ubottuianCC: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:53
cpu_temphi, I want to know whats a safe cpu temperature, mine shows "Thermal 1: ok, 90.0 degrees C"05:53
DasEi1!ati | ianCC05:53
ubottuianCC: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:53
giikermykas0: oh ok!05:53
sp_cpu_temp, that's quite hot05:53
sp_cpu_temp, where did you get that number?05:53
cpu_tempsp_: I do acpi -V05:54
DasEi1ianCC : is your graphics listet under hardwaredrivers ?05:54
cpu_tempsp_: isnt it suposed to be 60 C ?05:54
dre360i am in my live cd05:54
enderthanks a bunch05:54
sp_cpu_temp, mine is 30º... depends a lot on the cpu05:54
sp_90 is way too hot though05:54
cdw32nothing happend...i think im just going to give up05:55
cpu_tempsp_: do you know any other command to check ?05:55
dragonwhat's the default root password for mysql on ubuntu?05:55
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:55
ianCC00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04)05:55
DasEi1heh, depends on the cooler05:55
coreymanI think I accidentaly wrote something about fake raid to my hard disk, how can I format it now?05:55
Nerd42Hey I'm trying to setup NTFS support. I installed the package "Support Device Manager"05:55
madLyfecrap.. still cant find it..05:55
giikercdw32: nooooo, have you ever used synaptic?05:55
cpu_tempsp_: I am using intel centrino duo, core 2 duo05:55
giikercdw32: you might wan to try amarok05:55
cpu_tempon Lenovo thinkpad T6005:55
DasEi1coreyman: have you got a live cd ?05:55
sp_cpu_temp, cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature05:55
Nerd42I have two NTFS hard drives. Xubuntu is running via Wubi on the first one05:55
cdw32giiker im not sure if i have05:55
Nerd42I'd like to mount both in xubuntu05:55
Nerd42is that doable?05:56
cdw32i really have no clue with linux05:56
ianCCit doesnt say i need any drivers05:56
coreymandasei1 I am booted in to the live cd and I couldn't mount the disk..05:56
* Nerd42 is following the instructions from !ntfs05:56
DasEi1coreyman: sure, ope a terminal ..05:56
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:56
cpu_tempsp_: yes it shows 90C for both :(05:56
Comrade_TuttleHey quick question, I'm trying to install Enemy Territory via the .run file from Id. I'm installing it by making it a executable through preferences but it won't give me permission to write to the file directory. How can I give it permission?05:56
sp_cpu_temp, are your legs on fire?05:56
ianCCthis is where i would normaly get them > http://support.gateway.com/support/drivers/search.asp?ref=step&st=browse&platform=10021&model=11469&os=10406&type05:56
giikercdw32: did you read here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-songbird-music-player-in-ubuntu.html05:56
coreymandasei1 it told me that there was an error mounting it the ntfs file system was corrupt or something05:57
cpu_tempsp_: should I try cleaning up the cpu fan ?05:57
cpu_tempsp_: I cleaned it up about a month ago05:57
DasEi1coreyman: terminal open ?05:57
sp_cpu_temp, your cpu should never run that hot, it's designed to shut down at 70-80º05:57
coreymandasei1 one sec botting back in05:57
cpu_tempwhat do you suggest sp_ ?05:57
cjsSo how do I download and examine an ubuntu source package?05:57
BesogonHello. What make link-lical adress (169.254.0.xxx) in 9.04? I have found on page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZeroConfNetworking that there is needed zeroconf package. But in my repositary I have only kde-zeroconf. And I don't use KDE! help05:57
sp_but of course, if the fan is acting up, and you're experiencing related issues, cleaning it is a good idea05:57
sp_cpu_temp, is it a laptop?05:58
coreymandasei1 booting up now, may take a minute05:58
ianCCi need my drivers05:58
silv3r_m00nhow to install this > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MySQLadministrator1.png   , I mean what is the package name05:58
DasEi1!source | cjs05:58
ubottucjs: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html05:58
prince_jammyscjs: apt-get source package_name , if you have the deb-src lines in your sources.list05:58
mykas0giiker, any more ideas on how to patch it up, at least for the time being, i.e. less than 1 month?05:58
giikercpu_temp: 90 degrees Celcius or Farenheit?05:58
sp_cpu_temp, if you can touch the bottom without getting burned, I think it's safe to assume it's not really 90º05:58
cdw32giiker no but i will try05:59
Comrade_TuttleHey quick question, I'm trying to install Enemy Territory via the .run file from Id. I'm installing it by making it a executable through preferences but it won't give me permission to write to the file directory. How can I give it permission?05:59
coreymandasei1 out of curiosity what commands are we going to be running when i get booted up05:59
cjsOh, I see. Silly me, thinking that aptitude would allow me to get the source.05:59
giikercdw32: thatÅ is the easiest one i remembered!05:59
sp_Comrade_Tuttle, use sudo chmod +x05:59
neil_don my amd64 the flash player has stopped working :( firefox says it hasn't the plugin :( I have re-configured the "flashplugin-installer" package but this hasn't helped. Can anyone help?05:59
naiadIs it possible to just update my sources file and have gnome 2.2.6 installed on hardy?05:59
Comrade_Tuttlethank you05:59
cpu_tempI think I will shut it down05:59
cpu_tempgiiker" thats celcius05:59
sp_sorry chattr05:59
DasEi1coreyman: install partitoner and rewrite parti-table05:59
giikercplx_: that's hot06:00
giikercpu_temp that's hot06:00
ianCCwhats with this weird flash player too06:00
cjsubottu, prince_jammys, And now, where did it put the source code?06:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:00
coreymandasei1 i tried to create partitions with the installation cd, is this going to do anything different?06:00
sp_giiker, don't you think 90 is WAY too hot?06:00
prince_jammyscjs: downloads it to your current working dir.06:00
sp_Comrade_Tuttle, sudo chmod +x (file-name)06:01
Xerranneil_d: U still there?06:01
DasEi1coreyman: hopefully succesfull, heh06:01
AlexiaWould the person I was talking to about devilspie please send me a tell06:01
neil_dXerran: yes06:01
giikersp_: oh yeah!! but sometimes there are problems with the readings06:01
cjsI take it that the directory it unpacked includes the patches?06:01
giikercpu_temp did you touch it yet?06:01
coreymandasei1 :(06:01
Xerranneil_d: Go to synaptic and uninstall flash plugin and installer06:01
DasEi1coreyman: trml up ?06:02
dsl830cpu_temp is gone i think06:02
Xerranneil_d: tell me when your done06:02
giikerthat's why i could not autocomplete his nick06:02
Alexiadoes xchat have a history function06:02
coreymandasei1 for some reason that time it gave me an error when i selected the "try ubuntu without any change to computer" after loading for a while it said /dev/sda error blah blah06:02
cjsGrr. "Cron Daemon" is hard-coded as the full name when cron sends e-mail.06:02
giikerbut i still saw him online, weird06:02
cjsSo I have messages from twenty different machines in my mailbox, and they're all from "Cron Daemon."06:03
coreymandasei1 i think its loading this time06:03
DasEi1coreyman: give it time, though complains, shall boot06:03
coreymandasei1 oh ok, lol06:03
loshercjs: what kind of messages?06:04
coreymandasei1 yea it's bootin up i see the gui now06:04
Xerranneil_d: Did you do it yet?06:04
cjsOutput of various cron jobs. Apticron, our business systems, etc.06:04
The_Bridgeg' afternoon (GMT + 7) all06:04
giikersp_: sometimes the temp reported by the bios is higher than the surface temperature06:04
neil_dXerran: just finished.06:05
cjslosher: Oops, wrong channel.06:05
varsendaggrj /Blender06:05
dsl830maybe his cpu died just now ;)06:05
Xerranneil_d: download this http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
coreymandasei1 ok .. sudo apt-get install partitioner ?06:05
cjsOh, no it is the right one.06:05
loshercjs: usually cron will only send messages when something it runs produces output. If you make sure to pipe the output from jobs into a mail program, you can set the subject line explicitly. Let me know if you need an example...06:05
cdw32giiker: im not having any luck...im just not cut out for linux06:05
DasEi1coreyman: sudo apt-get install gparted06:05
coreymandasei1 oh i already tried that06:06
coreymandasei1 the disk has to be mounted first06:06
Xerranneil_d: go to your .mozilla and make a folder called "plugins"06:06
coreymandasei1 and it won't mount the disk, gives me an error06:06
DasEi1coreyman: NO06:06
loshercjs: seems on-topic to me...06:06
cjslosher: That seems a bit of a pain, since I also then have to deal myself with making sure it doesn't send mail if there's no output, right?06:06
coreymandasei1 installing06:06
giikercdw32: to run songbird, one does not have to install it. so you might be doing something wrong, go take a break and do it again06:06
dbdii407Where are all the applications installed at?06:06
cjsYou're talking basically, "foo 2>&1 | sendmail -s "foo output"" kinda thing?06:07
Xerranneil_d: extract the .so file and drag it or copy and paste it into that plugins folder you made06:07
neil_dXerran: its going now... I wonder why it didn't work when I did a dpkg-reconfigure on the same package.06:07
giikercdw32: sometimes once get stuck on the same thing again and again, but with a little cofee, you will see thing clearer06:07
coreymandasei1 ok done installing06:07
naiadcan anyone point me to a sources list that will update gnome to 2.2.6 on hardy? (8.04.3)06:07
DasEi1coreyman: sudo geparted06:08
GrifulkinI don't know who I asked for help earlier from but if they are still here and looking at what I am writing then I fixed my problem with bad internet connection I thought it was because it was Ubuntu while all the other computers were Windoze but I downloaded Wicd and now it works flawlessly I didn't know the network manager had that much to do with it06:08
cdw32giiker: i am im going to bed...thanks for the help...06:08
cjsAnyway, seems to me that perhaps working from the mutt display end of things first might be a better solution.06:08
Xerranneil_d: extract the file than drag it to the plugins folder you made06:08
Guest48422hi this is my second day of chatting...06:08
Acediphow do i play .mov files in ubuntu??06:08
coreymandasei1 sudo gparted ? or sudo geparted06:08
giikercdw32: np06:08
Xerranneil_d: is it working now?06:08
GrifulkinI'm never going to use a different network manager I don't think06:08
Brando753what is the maximum supported ram for ubuntu 9.0406:08
DasEi1coreyman: sudo gparted, *06:08
coreymandasei1 ah ok, well its up and running06:09
DasEi1Acedip: vlc or mplayer or ...06:09
neil_dXerran: yes06:09
coreymansays no devices detected in bottom left06:09
giikerallright everyone, have a good night...06:09
Xerranneil_d: cool06:09
neil_dXerran: thanks.06:09
AcedipDasEi1, no its not playing .mov files06:09
Guest48422can u help me to learn linux06:09
quantolfhey all, i need some help with samba shares...specifically user control with samba06:09
Xerranneil_d: np06:09
DasEi1Acedip: vlc for sure06:09
quantolfi want to share a folder06:10
quantolfi have one user with read write access that was added on the ubuntu install06:10
DasEi1coreyman: choose your 150 gig disk ( upper right corner)06:10
quantolfand i just added another user that i want to only have read access06:10
quantolfi created the new user in ubuntu06:10
coreymandasei1 nowhere listed06:10
loshercjs: actually, I cheat. The only thing in my crontab is 50 3 * * * /bin/sh /home/losher/save/cronjobs/daily 2>&1 | mailx -s 'losher1 daily run' losher. Then I run everything from  /home/losher/save/cronjobs/daily and all the various outputs go in one big email to losher. If I needed anything more sophisticated e.g. put the output in a file, onlly send email if the file is non-zero size, then I could do it inside "daily"06:10
quantolfand added him to the read only list in the smb.conf file06:10
quantolfbut it's not permitting him to login06:11
cjsYeah, my jobs are not just daily, though.06:11
cjsI really do use all of the facilities of cron, including various things running as various users.06:11
kermitoh i bet all my wireless troubles (intel 5100agn) were from having old firmware06:11
loshercjs: I understand, but the same principle applies. Just a suggestion...06:12
AcedipDasEi1, well vlc cant play it06:12
Brando753whats ubuntu max supported ram?06:12
cjslosher: Thanks. It would be painful for me to move that way, Unfortunately. Some of these are from hosts I have very little admin access to, as well, and the admins would probably rebel against major changes in how they set up cron jobs.06:12
cjsBrando753: Depends on the host and architecture, but probably in the hundreds of gigabytes.06:13
loshercjs: I suppose another option would be to filter your incoming mail, looking at the headers, which *will* say which machine they are from, and process the mail accordingly...06:14
DasEi1coreyman: in the upper right corner of gparted there is an downeeroor, click it, select disk06:14
cjsI use 12GB machines regularly, and I saw no reason why on some of these it would fail if I just filled up the slots and went to, say, 96 GB. I don't know if it would show up interesting performance problems in the kernel, though.....06:14
coreymandasei1 everything is grayed out except help and the very left menu button06:14
neil_dcjs: just how many slots do they have?06:15
DasEi1coreyman: you started with sudo ?06:15
cjsneil_d: 24.06:15
coreymandasei1 yes06:15
losherservers these days have room for ridiculous amounts of memory06:15
quantolfwhat' the comand to print the group of a user?06:15
coreymandasei1 i checked to make sure disk was running, it is running, i plugged it in different slot and just rebooted06:15
cjsneil_d: These are some fairly nice supermicro 1U boxes.06:16
The_Bridgeneed advise on RAID configuration06:16
cjsquantolf: "id <user>"06:16
DasEi1coreyman: strange, close gparted, run : sudo fdisk -l06:16
=== nabeel is now known as Guest10682
mazda01anyone tell me where the default ubuntu wallpapers are storefd? i'd do a locate but I don't know the filename06:16
losherquantolf: er, groups06:16
coreymandasei1 yea nothing was listed06:16
neil_dcjs: and I thought 4GB was a lot.06:16
mazda01quantolf, groups06:16
quantolfhow do i print all groups available?06:16
cjsHee hee hee. I've not bought a machine with less than 6GB in ages. :-)06:16
mazda01quantolf, will show you all the groups the user running the command belongs to06:16
DasEi1coreyman: plugged in ? a usb so, the drive has to be attached, but not mounted06:17
neil_dquantolf: cat /etc/group06:17
mazda01quantolf, not sure, but you can look at the users and groups within system, admin06:17
losherneil_d: for home uise it's plenty. But lord knows what the big boys e.g. google, ebay, amazon have in their servers...06:17
cjsFrom the groups manpage: "Same as id -Gn.".06:17
mazda01quantolf, neil_d is correct. good call06:17
quantolfi'm doing this cli06:17
mazda01anyone tell me where the default ubuntu wallpapers are storefd? i'd do a locate but I don't know the filename06:17
quantolfi have ubuntu-server installed06:17
quantolfand i think it's about time i get cli understood06:17
coreymandasei1 as stated above the disk is plugged in and running, i just switched the hole the sata cable was connected to06:17
quantolfand how do i add a user to a group?06:18
quantolfyou guys are like a faster version of google :B06:18
cjsquantolf: "adduser username groupname"06:18
quantolfps. anyone know of a great reference guide online?06:18
neil_dlosher: I don't know... but I think they mostly rely on 100's or 1000's of individual servers.06:18
coreymandasei1 ok i see it now06:18
coreymandasei1 it is listed there...06:19
coreymandasei1 let me see what i can do now06:19
DasEi1Acedip: I watched a mov few hours ago in vlc, for sure;; prbly not completely downloaded, start vlc from trml to see06:19
coreymandasei1 this scrub raid controller for this old board is quirky06:19
DasEi1coreyman: in fdisk or gparted you can see it ?06:19
quantolfok that didn't work damnit06:19
coreymaninstalling gparted right now06:19
quantolfanyone know samba well?06:20
losherneil_d: I don't know either, but from a management standpoint, better 100 really big machines than 1000 small ones06:20
=== TannerS is now known as TS
=== TS is now known as Guest15007
ian__ok i got my monitor specs06:21
=== Guest15007 is now known as BLU3Y3Z
ian__so how can i configure the resolution06:21
quantolfwow i fixed my problem06:22
quantolfi hate how simpel that was06:22
quantolfhow do you remove a group from a user?06:22
coreymandasei1 sweet i see it in gparted now, odd how i just had to change the slot it was plugged in06:22
coreymanis ext4 good now? like should i use it for a main FS? or should i wait for bugs to be gone.06:22
neil_dlosher: this a little off topic.. but there is a limit to how many concurrent connections any CPU can handle, no matter how much RAM it has.06:22
ian__can anyone help06:23
Guest48422any one there ??06:23
Guest48422i need help06:24
DasEi1coreyman: fine, now device >create partition table06:24
error404notfoundis there a way to give "f" priority over "i" in command likes cp, mv, rm? i have created aliases of these commands with -iv, when i use rm -rf from command line, it behaves like rm -rvif so asks me for confirmation, i dont wanna unalias rm/cp/mv everytime i need to delete lot of files.06:24
neil_dGuest48422: 1257 loged on atm06:24
Guest48422funny :)06:24
quantolfhow do you remove a group from a user?06:25
areadquantolf: remove their name in the group file.06:25
DasEi1!ask |  Guest4842206:25
ubottuGuest48422: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:25
gogetaDasEi1: youy runed it06:25
cjslosher: Turns out that in mutt, "subscribe ^root@.*$" does the trick if you use %L for the name display in the mail index format (which is the default).06:25
quantolfor where06:25
=== BLU3Y3Z is now known as lacey
loshercjs: very cool. Much neater than the pile of perl I would've used...06:26
Guest48422i need to know about linux kernal06:26
areadquantolf: gedit /etc/group06:26
=== lacey is now known as Undecided
coreymandasei1 what type of partition table? msdos?06:26
neil_dquantolf: use "system->administration->User and Group" for a GUI06:26
Guest48422why it is differ from windows kernal06:26
DasEi1coreyman: yes06:26
coreymandasei1 k done06:27
DasEi1coreyman: when done, click apply06:27
quantolfi'm enjoying vi :D06:27
* gogeta just lost intrest in the topic06:27
danlwhat is the max number of characters bash can accept as parameters to a command typed by the user in terminal? or is there a max?06:27
DasEi1gogeta: see you over in a sec06:27
neil_dGuest48422: It differs in many ways (on being it works properly)06:27
coreymandasei1 yea it did that, and i also told it to create a new ext3 file system spanning the whole disk, and it's working on that now06:28
gogetaDasEi1: lol does not the windows vs linux topic06:28
cjslosher: I'm still tempted to munge it with procmail, since there's still a lot of redundant info in that 15 char field, but it will do for the moment.06:28
dsl830wait, they're different? ;)06:28
Guest48422<neil_d> when we trying install ubuntu inside of windows how that two kernals manage them selves06:29
coreymandasei1 all operatoins successfully completed, looks like i'm on my way to install now.06:29
DasEi1coreyman: that wouldn't have been needed, the installer would recognize the disk after the initial steps already, I think you'are best off with guided install, so you it double06:29
losherdanl: I'm pretty sure there'll be a maximum, but it'll be quite large. Best not to rely on it though as it might vary from system to system06:29
gogetadsl830: nope one and the same at least in oz land06:29
danllosher: ok, was just wondering, I was writing a perl script for a client and didn't know the max number of arguments that they would be allowed to enter, might also be better asked in #perl, thanks06:30
DasEi1danl : tell me if you find it in short06:31
coreymandasei1 is there a way to get a server install from the regular cd?06:31
losherdanl: same problem. If you push the limit, there's no guarantee it'll be portable or even compatible from one version to the next.06:31
histoOkay how does ubuntu tell X to use the nvidia driver if it doesn't add anything to xorg.conf06:31
gogetahisto: its called automation06:32
DasEi1coreyman: no, but you can apt-get anything just even from a minimal install06:32
gogetahisto: very neat trick we have been doing since 199506:32
histogogeta: well i'm trying to do it with just xorg installed and need to know what their scripts are doing.06:32
coreymandasei1 yea server is bare min and that's what i was looking for, guess i'll just download the disc06:32
ian__i need to change my resolution06:32
ian__please help me06:32
loshergogeta: if only it worked better....06:32
danlI don't expect them to push the limit, but I like to know for bounds testing :-) granted it just takes a comma separated string, splits it, sticks it into an array and loops on the array, if it works for 10, it should work for 1000000000...06:32
ian__i have my monitor specs06:32
gogetalosher: lol yea06:32
ian__i need this done06:33
DasEi1coreyman: no, minimal is bare min, server is extended to webservices06:33
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:33
gogetahisto: well you can still use the xorg.conf as a override for the auto if you have issues06:33
histoI can get it working by specifying Driver "nvidia" just wondering how ubuntu does it.06:33
coreymandasei1 i wanted webservices -gui last time i installed it, that's what it was06:33
histogogeta: I'm just running xorg no gnome etc... So I don't have all the bells and whistles06:33
varsendaggrhey blender is all funky with ubuntu!!   it sucks06:33
losherdanl: ok, as long as you understand the risks...06:33
ian__all you have to do is tell me how to edit the conf file or whatever06:33
gogetahisto: heh06:34
Guest48422hi did any one knows linux network06:34
ian__i have been trying but it gives me wierd warnings and stuff06:34
DasEi1coreyman: that's the server cd then, but anyway you can alter it forth and back later as you wish06:34
Guest48422how to gei GUI in ubuntu server06:34
Guest48422how to get GUI06:35
gogetaGuest48422: -100 for asking abought gui and server06:35
durandohey guys i have a drive that mounts through fstab to a folder but still shows up under places how can i have it mount but not show the drive under places06:35
DasEi1 Guest48422 : do you have a desktop ?06:35
gogetaDasEi1: he said server06:35
DasEi1 Guest48422 : so that's a GUI06:35
Guest48422i installed server os to it06:36
losherGuest48422: you can install the X11 stuff on a server distro if you want06:36
dre360hey all i am back after a hell of grub2 shit06:36
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution06:36
gogetaDasEi1: -100 as i said06:36
moneyhey guys06:36
ian__how do i edit the file to this http://www.monitorworld.com/Monitors/nec/multisync3vjc1535vma.html06:36
ian__i need to finish06:36
ian__please please help06:36
Guest48422but it only contain comand prompyt06:36
loshergogeta: it's a legitimate question, converting a server distro into a desktop distro...06:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver06:37
* losher sighs06:37
gogetalosher: rather then going w desktop06:37
DasEi1gogeta:what might #ubuntu-offtopic be like around this time ? ;-)06:37
gogetaDasEi1: im in ther06:37
dre360please before you all go installing grub2 please use this link to get the info on the grub2 bug http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-upgrade-to-grub2-on-ubuntu-jaunty.html06:37
histonow I just have ot figure out how to get my sound working06:37
loshersomeone please tell Guest48422 what to type to get the x11 server installed instead of just kibitzing...06:37
ian__you guys know how to help, and all im asking for is your help06:38
gogetalosher: fine06:38
Karhutonhow can i see the package update descriptions from command line?06:38
ian__i have 5 min to get this done06:38
gogetahe left06:38
ian__i nes ubuntu was shit06:38
loshergogeta: I'm not surprised. We were monumentally unhelpful considering we're a support channel...06:39
losherian__: here's your money back...06:39
gogetalosher: baa thers support then thers dumb moves06:39
loshergogeta: if you're not willing to put up with the occasional dummies, you're in the wrong channel...06:40
gogetalosher: lol the why is linux diffrent get me the most06:40
gogetalosher: dont take me to hart today tired06:41
Comrade_TuttleSo i tried the sudo chmod +x and then booted the .run file with in the same terminal and still getting no write permission06:41
loshergogeta: I don't mind that either. I hate the ones too lazy to google...06:41
dsl830is chmod +x the same as chmod a+x?06:42
gogetalosher: driving linux bliend is one thing adding the other factor is another06:42
zrutySometimes Google yields all kinds of results except what one is looking for06:42
Karhutondsl830: yes06:42
loshergogeta: or the ones who keep me waiting 10 minutes then come back and say "sorry, I was on the phone". Like my time is worth nothing because they aren't paying. Mutter, mumble...06:42
leaf-sheepdsl830: No. +x just add execution permission for your user where a+x add execution permission for all users.06:42
Karhutonno? hm06:42
dsl830ty leaf-sheep06:42
Karhutondsl830: it is06:43
leaf-sheepdsl830: Using a+x mean applying it to root account too... and any other users you may have.06:43
leaf-sheepdsl830: Welcome.06:43
gogetazruty: we where just flying off topic nv us06:43
Karhutonleaf-sheep: it adds it to everyone06:43
durandoi have a drive that mounts through fstab to a folder but still shows up under places how can i have it mount but not show the drive under places06:43
quantolfi'm attempting to install the 3ware CLI (eventually the web gui).  i downloaded and untarred the files and now I'm left with a .bin file...where do i go from here?06:43
Karhutonleaf-sheep: +x is same as a+x, just try it out06:43
quantolfthis is in CLI fyi06:44
dsl830Karhuton is right06:44
dsl830just tried it06:44
canthonyi am using xrandr to add my second monitor to the right of the first.  everything works as expected when i issue a --same-as command, but when i doe a --left-of or --right-of, it extends the desktop but still mirros the screens.  it is actually making the virtual desktop bigger (and the appropriate options are in xorg.conf) but the two are still mirrored06:44
loshergogeta: or user devzero, who berated me publicly, telling me I shouldn't be advising people at all, when the advice I gave him was correct, he just didn't wanna hear it...06:44
areadleaf-sheep: chmod doesn't know about users.06:44
* losher <rant mode off>06:45
canthonythe same command work fine in Karmic, but thats proabbly irrelevant06:46
* gogeta total iq lost to windows user -1006:46
mixmatchanyone else having issues with kernel updates being pushed to them daily?06:46
Karhutonquestion: how can i see the package update descriptions from command line? the "bugs fixed" info that is shown in the graphical updater06:46
Karhutoni've tried googling for this but seems impossible because the terms are too vague06:46
losherKarhuton: no, it's a good question. I'm looking forward to hearing someone answer..06:47
canthonyKarhuton, apt-cache show <pkg> might provide that info06:47
mcmlxxiI've found F12 to lock screen, but it doesn't work. how come?06:47
qdbhello. i connected to internet with pppoeconf and set to connect on start, but now it did not connect automatically on or 2 times. how can i check what are options of pppoeconf now? where is configuration file?06:47
mazda01my screenshot command just sits there forever after I click save. the folder is there and writable, what could be the problem? anyone know how to issue screengrab from command line so I can see ouputing error possibly?06:48
DigitalKiwimazda01: scrot06:49
mixmatchI'm getting kernel 2.6.28-15 as an update every day. is anyone else having this issue?06:49
AlexiaI was for a few days mixmatch06:49
Karhutoncanthony: i now have apache2 as upgradable package but apt-cache didn't show anything extra06:49
theatromixmatch, did you update it ?06:49
theatromixmatch, or does it say package was kept back?06:49
mixmatchyes, why is it sending the same version number again?06:50
areadKarhuton: Have you looked at aptitude?06:50
Alexiamixmatch, I installed it once and then it asked again, and I installed it again now it doesnt come up anymore06:50
leaf-sheepKarhuton: aptitude changelog <packagename>06:50
mixmatchok, well, I've seen the same thing on my desktop and server with the generic and server versions of the kernel06:50
Karhutonleaf-sheep: found the info, thank you06:50
mixmatchI wish they would update the version number of they are going to push changes so I don't think something is wrong. you know?06:51
Alexiamixmatch, Yah it really is confusing, im not sure what the problem is06:51
Alexiamixmatch, I agree06:51
mixmatchwell, hopefully it won't come up again...06:51
mixmatchthanks alexia06:51
Alexiamixmatch, your welcome anytime06:52
mcmlxxiI've bound F12 to lock screen, but it doesn't work. any ideas?06:52
LavaEagleYou didn't have it combo'd at all did you?06:53
quantolfhow do i extract a .bin file?06:53
Alexiamcmlxxi, do you have a keyboard with seperate functions(such as media functions) on top of the function keys06:53
Karhutonquantolf: .bin files are of not any standard format - type 'file nameoffile.bin' to console and check if it tells you what type of file it is06:54
LavaEagleI would like to explode my computer.  Would I need to use sudo for this?06:54
differentrealityhey!  I would like to know if I can access .hta files from linux, right now i am running ubuntu 9.04    thanks06:54
quantolfKarhuton: POSIX shell script text executable06:54
AlexiaLavaEagle, lol06:54
LavaEagleCompile the bin file?06:54
Karhutonquantolf: so it's not a binary file, it's a text file06:54
Karhutonit's a nvidia driver package?06:54
quantolfKarhuton: 3ware 3dm206:55
Karhutonyou just execute it06:55
quantolfhow through cli?06:55
Karhutonchmod +x thefile.bin if it's not executable yet06:55
mazda01all of a sudden gnome-screenshot --interactive doesn't save the screenshot anymore. it just sits there with the spinning wheel like it's trying to save the picture but it can't? any thoughts?06:55
quantolfKarhuton:  i get this error:           'bc' command was not found. Please make sure bc is in the path and run the installer again.06:55
EagleScreenKarhuton: the changelog?06:55
EagleScreenLavaEagle: you can o it without sudo06:56
quantolfKarhuton: i've installed it before through a gui and a java gui popped up and i used that to install06:56
quantolfKarhuton: i'm trying now thorugh cli only06:56
mazda01nevermind, somehow / is full. need to find out what to delete pronto06:56
LavaEagleEagleScreen: You don't know how much time you just saved me!06:56
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Karhutonquantolf: try: ./thefile.bin --help or -h06:57
mazda01where the trash can again in jaunty?06:57
Karhutonmaybe it gives some parameters you can try to get it running06:57
* DigitalKiwi thought everyone had bc06:57
Karhutonand try: 'which bc' to check that you actually have it already06:57
quantolfsame error06:57
quantolfoh shit fuck did i forget to do that06:58
quantolfgod damn me06:58
FloodBot3quantolf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:58
eekfonkyhow do I register at nickserv?06:58
mcmlxxiAlexia, no I don't06:58
DigitalKiwi!language | quantolf06:58
ubottuquantolf: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:58
leaf-sheep!register | eekfonky06:58
ubottueekfonky: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode06:58
EagleScreenLavaEagle: you can explode your ubuntu without sudo, but it will be safe after reset computer, but sudo or root account is ussualy easy to hack in ubuntu06:58
quantolfi can't spell06:58
zrutyYou know how to spell 4 letter words though06:59
quantolfthat's plum luck06:59
mazda01where the trash can again in jaunty?06:59
areaddifferentreality: IE under Wine.06:59
leaf-sheep!trash | mazda0106:59
ubottumazda01: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash06:59
quantolfKarhuton: didn't have bc installed :) working so far... :)06:59
quantolfi'm so happy i could lick a flower07:00
majukquantolf: Just one?07:00
mazda01thanks leaf-sheep07:00
DigitalKiwithe poor flower!07:00
quantolfmajuk: 4 if it's a clover!07:00
zrutyLick a rose: It will hurt a bit but you'll smell better07:00
quantolfzruty: i like spinach too :)07:01
quantolfi'm going cross-eyed07:01
dsl830i'm so happy i could lick a toad07:01
LavaEagleAh man I just sudo'd all over my computer07:01
LavaEagleThis chinese food is terrrible07:02
AlexiaLavaEagle, LOL!!07:02
DigitalKiwiyou accidentally the entire sudo?07:02
LavaEagleAll of it07:02
zrutyI just reallized... sudo is also a 4 letter word07:02
quantolfBut what about sudoku?07:02
LavaEagleJust sitting here and I accidentally it on my desk07:02
Myrttilet's keep ontopic please07:02
Myrttithis channel is for Ubuntu support07:03
quantolfFair 'enuff07:03
LavaEagleMy apologies07:03
sharperguyHow do i view stored passwords in firefox?07:03
Myrttiofftopic to #ubuntu-offtopic07:03
EagleScreenI have a Debian testing installation, and inside it, in /jaunty-root i have a full usable installation of Ubuntu jaunty, Can I boot that jaunty installation from grub or grub2?07:03
* zruty switches his behave mode ON07:03
Myrttisharperguy: there should be a button for showing them07:03
LavaEagleI just got my brother to install Ubuntu after trying Mint, kubuntu and LXDE.  Any suggestions to make his comp a bit more l33t?07:04
dre360to all has anyone used ksplice it is sweat07:04
DShepherdsharperguy, edit-preferences-security-saved password07:04
leaf-sheepLavaEagle: L33T? Remove usplash so you can see text scrolling up at boottime.07:05
sharperguyDShepherd, thankyou07:05
dsl830remove X?07:05
DShepherdsharperguy, your welcome07:05
EagleScreenor remove quiet to see text and usplash at the same time07:05
losherEagleScreen: yes, you should be able to boot it from the debian grub by suitably editing the boot files. I dunno the details for the debian boot stuff though...07:05
qdbhello. i connected to internet with pppoeconf and set to connect on start, but now it did not connect automatically one or 2 times. how can i check what are options of pppoeconf now? where is configuration file?07:05
=== ballzee is now known as Sinister
AlexiaLavaEagle, Install a custom Booscreen07:06
EagleScreenlosher: Debian boot stuff is just the same than Ubuntu07:06
AlexiaLavaEagle, and an awesome splas screen07:06
LavaEagleAlexia: Good idea!07:06
LavaEagleAlexia: You got any sites or am I off to google?07:06
losherEagleScreen: then you can copy the debian boot entries in its menu.lst and change the paths and uuids etc. to point to files in /jaunty-root07:09
EagleScreenhow can I set in menu.lst or grub.cfg a root= parameter that points to a folder inside a partition?07:10
EagleScreenroot=/dev/sda2/jaunty-root does not work07:10
riz0nis there software on the ubuntu live CD that can mirror the contents of one partition to another?07:11
areadrizon: dd07:11
areadriz0n: sorry, dd07:11
EagleScreenriz0n: gparted may do it, but the best it partimage unless partition to be ext407:12
riz0nits going to be an NTFS drive to be honest with you07:12
EagleScreendd is also a good choice07:12
losherEagleScreen: oh, I see.  You're right, I don't think it can be done. You'd have to make a new root partition and move the contents of /jaunty-root to it...07:12
EagleScreenyeah, losher but i really do not want more partitions07:13
nomadu want the link or can u open it on your laptop?07:13
nomadsrry wrong chat07:13
EagleScreenriz0n: partimage has experimental support for NTFS07:13
losherEagleScreen: I don't think you have any choice in the matter. Like you said, I don't think you can boot to a folder inside a partition...07:14
riz0nEagleScreen: thanks. i'll give it a try. worse comes to worse, i can set everything up fresh on the PC. there's practically nothing on it anyway.07:14
EagleScreenlosher: i know it would be a good improvement in GRUB07:14
Mrokiihello all. Recently I built a new kernel (2.6.30) and now I found that there are a lot of sources from older kernels on the hd (like a folder named "linux-headers-2.6.28-11"). Is it save to remove/uninstall them?07:15
losherEagleScreen: Cool. start programming. Grub needs programmers :-)07:16
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ZeDN0Rsomeones already bug?07:16
extuserdoes anyone know of an irc channel dealing with the topic of depression? or a good place to search for such? google was no help.07:18
leaf-sheepextuser: IRC is not a place for that.  Period.07:19
extuserit would probably beat sitting at home alone.07:20
Myrttiextuser: a) this is Ubuntu support, not Yellow Pages b) professional help!07:20
leaf-sheepextuser: Join #ubuntu-offtopic #defocus and participate in conversations -- But not about depression.  You're just bored.  Is all.07:21
gogetaextuser: jump off the nearest bridge and make shure to post it on youtube well have a buddy do it07:21
Myrttigogeta: you're not helping.07:22
ThreetimesHi, I want to access a FTP directory, but it doesn't work in all programs.07:22
wrapsterdre360: you there?07:23
vitek_Threetimes, are you sure all connection settings are correct? (port,passwd...etc)07:23
wrapstercan you look into the pastie and let me know please07:23
Steilhow do i play 1080p on ubuntu?07:24
LavaEagleThreetimes: FileZilla, Make sure Correct user and password, don't put a port.07:24
dinexiHello. How can I set up a virtual device in ALSA that outputs sound to both onboard sound card (hw0) and USB 5.1 headset (hw1)?07:24
Threetimesvitek_: I can access it with Nautilus and many other programs, but some programs don't like FTP.07:24
Steili want to play x264 on ubuntu07:24
LavaEagleSteil: Have a monitor that supports it, have a file like mkv or something, and VLC07:24
extuseryeah not helping. i didn't realize until his post that i'm not doing as well as i thought.  maybe helping myself is not such a great idea.  i'll see the family doctor tomorrow. i'll be alright.07:25
mcmlxxican anyone help me with my key-binding problem?07:25
dre360wrapster i am back07:25
SteilLavaEagle: i just wanted to see the crabs on the actress07:25
Steilits a nudie flick07:25
Steilmy monitor doesn support it07:25
Steili just want to zoom in07:25
wrapsterdre360: http://pastie.org/58942207:25
FloodBot1Steil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:25
eekfonkyubuntu one daemon keeps crashing with a fatal error on start up, can I fix this?07:25
LavaEaglemcmlxxi: What you need?07:25
wrapsterdre360: that the pastie07:25
SteilLavaEagle:  can you zoom in on vlc?07:25
dre360wrapster sorry but grep2 shit up my system got the link07:25
ActionParsnipeekfonky: is it essential?07:26
wrapsterthats fine... I just need help from you :)07:26
vitek_Threetimes: then its definitely in settings, the principle of ftp access is the same for all.07:26
Threetimesvitek_: I mean I used the places menu to connect to me FTP-server and I made a bookmark to the right folder. In most Open/Save/whatever dialogs I can see the bookmark. Not in all programs. It's a QT4 program, if that matters.07:27
eekfonkyActionParsnip: I really need to sync the files so as that my colleague in france can use and update them07:27
ActionParsnipeekfonky: you could disable it as part of your bootup sequence but have it starting later07:27
paul_nmim having a problem installing an nvidia driver ubuntu 8.1007:27
mcmlxxiLavaEagle, I've bound F12 to lock screen, but it doesn't work. any ideas?07:27
canthonyi have a single card on radeon driver and two DVI ports.  everytime i xrandr one dviport/monitor, the same settings are applied to the other dvi port.  for example if i --pos 1680x0 for DVI-1, the same --pos is applied to DVI-0.  the display settings app works fine however07:27
ActionParsnipeekfonky: if you install bum and run it with gksudo you can edit the bootup and edit it out07:27
vitek_Threetimes: hmm, i use muCommander and its all i need. try watching terminal, where that program of yours goes wrong.07:28
canthonyany idea as to why xrandr is not making a distinction between my DVI ports?07:28
EagleScreenlosher: it would be a kernel improvement, not a grub improvement07:28
losherEagleScreen: I suspect it would be both...07:28
Threetimesvitek_: I just cannot see the Place in the Import dialog, that's what goes wrong.07:29
ActionParsnipeekfonky: maybe it needs something that isnt loaded yet during the boot07:29
haf1ztangsome canhelp me with my wireless?07:29
haf1ztangcant detect wireless spot07:29
eekfonkyActionParsnip: I'll switch it off for start up and try it, thanks07:29
ActionParsniphaf1ztang: can you provide a pastebin of the output of: sudo lshw -C network; sudo iwlist scan07:29
vitek_Threetimes: ok then, look where the prog stores the fav sites list and if you have write rights for that directory. or else i dunno.07:31
haf1ztangActionParsnip:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/256150/07:31
uhokHi, I have little black squares above the Gnome Applications menu, I'm not sure what to do.07:32
ActionParsnip!broadcom | haf1ztang07:32
ubottuhaf1ztang: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx07:32
paul_nmcan someone tell me the ubuntu server for latin american's07:32
xangua!spanish | paul_nm07:33
ubottupaul_nm: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mx07:33
haf1ztangActionParsnip: what is the problems?07:33
Rishab_hello every one am debian user and was looking to switch ubuntu. the thing attract me is the berly effect in ubuntu can any one explain me a-bit07:33
ActionParsniphaf1ztang: bad driver07:34
xangua!compiz | Rishab_07:34
ubottuRishab_: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz07:34
haf1ztangso i need to install new driver?07:34
ActionParsnip!beryl | Rishab_07:34
ubottuRishab_: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz07:34
ActionParsnipRishab_: you can use compiz-fusion in any distribution of linux07:34
xanguaRishab_: Compiz Fusion is aviable for debian also07:34
dre360 wrapster what is your os07:35
Rishab_can i get the same jelly effect in my debian ??07:35
wrapsterIm running Nexenta on Vbox and solaris as host07:35
ActionParsnipRishab_: yes, its the same application07:35
syntaxwhats the jelly effect?07:36
wrapsterdre360: Im running nexenta as guest on vbox and solaris as host07:36
ActionParsnipsyntax: i think s/he means wobbly windows07:36
syntaxoh ok07:36
dre360wrapster solaris good07:37
canthonyman no matter what i do xrandr keeps affecting both DVI ports, i dont know why/how the display configuration app is working and xrandr is not07:37
=== jan is now known as Guest56000
wrapsterim essentially trying to compile a few things on nexenta for which i need sunwspro(sun studio12) but running into these issues07:37
ActionParsnip!dualhead | canthony07:37
ubottucanthony: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama07:37
wrapsterdre360: solaris is good...07:37
DigitalKiwilol switch distro for desktop effects >.>07:37
wrapsterdre360: do you suggest i remove that default one present and install or is there a way to overwrite it?07:37
canthonyyeah dude im pretty well versed in xrandr xineramr, i have a 4-head setup at work07:38
wrapsterdre360: with the new pkg i want to install (that being sprosslnk)07:38
xanguaRishab_: and what versión of debian are you using¿¿07:38
CodeWarfrom under /sbin/init I m seeing a lot of ***d applications launched in my process manager. Is there a way to control what daemons are launched when my system starts07:38
myselfis there any way to make it so the "Open with.." doesn't keep changing the program, like say for image files from Gimp to Image Viewer every time I use a various program to open a file, because it moves from the menu to the top at the spot of the pop-up menu. I'm talking about this: http://i32.tinypic.com/2uzxhzt.png07:39
ActionParsnip!bum | CodeWar07:39
ubottuCodeWar: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:39
dre360wrapster solaris is like a BMW in unix07:41
dre360wrapster follow link http://www.mail-archive.com/gnusol-devel@lists.sonic.net/msg00104.html07:42
wrapsterI know :)07:42
dre360wrapster http://www.mail-archive.com/gnusol-devel@lists.sonic.net/msg00103.html07:42
haf1ztangguys, some pls help me with my wiresless connection07:42
Rishab_xangua am using BOSS (debian based OS)07:42
dre360wrapster what is get is that you have to download sunwspro package and compile07:42
ActionParsniphaf1ztang: i gave you the guide, you need to use the b43fwcutter07:42
dre360wrapster sorry for the typing ^_^07:42
ActionParsniphaf1ztang: that will make you a driver07:42
eekfonkyActionParsnip: restarted then waited a few minutes before opening ubuntuone daemon, still crashed07:43
zrutyHow to make sure html gets redirected to an https URL? Apache07:43
wrapsterdre360: what i did was apt-get install sunwspro... This download took 12hrs and all the dependencies were downloaded... then many of them were not installed as the order of installation was not right.. I rectified everythign and now i'm left with only this... one07:44
wrapsterdre360: apparently without this im unable to dwd some other pkgs like mercurial-common07:44
ActionParsniphaf1ztang: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/wireless-internet/146665-solved-wireless-setup-ubuntu-9-04-a.html07:44
wrapsterdre360: as there is a conflict at sprosslnk07:44
firecrotchzruty: This should help you: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-apache-force-https-secure-connections.html07:45
haf1ztangActionParsnip: eventho im using Wicd connection manager07:45
ActionParsniphaf1ztang: you could be using no manager at all, if the driver is bad yo won'y get anything07:45
ActionParsniphaf1ztang: you dont have a good driver for your wireless, you need the driver installing so you can then use wicd07:45
ActionParsniphaf1ztang: like if you have no sound, if your sound driver is bad, no amount of moving the volume sliders up and down will do anything as the card is not configured07:47
=== shady` is now known as shady
tazmaniawhat is the recommended swap area size on a 15GB space?07:47
gogetatazmania: eh they used to say dubble the ram but 512 mb pr 1gb should do07:48
tazmaniaI am trying to install ubuntu desktop version on my laptop to have dual boot with my XP07:48
tazmaniamy ram is 1GB07:49
ActionParsnip!dualboot | Azzmodan07:49
ubottuAzzmodan: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:49
ActionParsnipwrong target, tazmania see above^07:49
mereoGood morningéMight07:49
ActionParsniptazmania: make sure you MD5 check the ISO file you download07:49
canthonyActionParsnip, i figured out xrandr's problem, it was force using the same crtc for each monitor identifier07:50
tazmaniaActionParsnip: what do you mean?  I just downloaded the desktop version from ubuntu website07:50
ActionParsniptazmania: thats fine, but you have no way of knowing the data is ok do you07:50
histoI'm really confused now.07:50
DigitalKiwihttp://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-swap-space.html tazmania07:50
ActionParsnip!md5 | tazmania07:50
ubottutazmania: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:50
histosdlmame has no sound. But if I ssh to the box and forward X and run sdlmame the box plays the sound.07:51
wrapster1dre360: you there07:51
histobut a local user can't07:51
ActionParsniptazmania: install CDs are massively intollerant of bit errors, so you can check it with MD5 to make sure what you have is correct07:51
zrutyfirecrotch: Thanks!07:51
tazmaniawhy do I need to check the md5 of the downloaded iso?07:51
histoI need a smoke at my last straw07:51
tazmaniaoh i see07:51
ActionParsniptazmania: ubottu gave you some links, use them07:51
firecrotchzruty: You're welcome :)07:51
ActionParsniptazmania: if the hashes do not match you will need to redownload07:52
=== mcmlxxi is now known as Kartagis
dre360wrapster  i am here trying to figure out your problem and google it at the same time ^_^ O i found out i am going to be a father yesterday07:52
tazmaniawhat are the chances?07:52
ActionParsniptazmania: some07:53
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ActionParsniptazmania: its very advisable to chack as if you have a bad ISO the install will be bad or may not complete or may damage your system07:53
ActionParsniptazmania: it takes like 20 seconds07:53
haf1ztangActionParsnip: b43-fwcutter is already the newest version. <- do you i already installed it?07:54
leaf-sheeptazmania: It's a simple command. md5sum ubuntu-jaunty.iso and it'll print out bunch of characters.  You compare it with the website to ensure your downloaded ISO are not corrupted.07:54
=== armia is now known as rhljnk
nitheeshi want install redmine07:54
ActionParsnip!info redmine07:54
ubottuPackage redmine does not exist in jaunty07:54
nitheeshi want to install redmine07:55
nitheeshany help07:55
ActionParsnipnitheesh: http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/Download07:56
haf1ztangActionParsnip: b43-fwcutter is already the newest version. <- i think i had installed07:56
ActionParsniphaf1ztang: ok now use it07:56
nitheeshany one needs help?08:00
tazmaniai couldn't find the md5sum on ubuntu website08:03
tazmaniathe iso i downloaded was ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso08:03
Ben64tazmania: http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/MD5SUMS08:04
Ben64google is your friend :)08:04
Dayofswordsalso right as yu download the page says "Learn how to verify that your CD downloaded ok: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM"08:05
tazmaniamy iso matches the md5sums link08:05
tazmanianow I can install, correct?08:05
Dayofswordsalso found the link for all version's md5 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes08:06
ActionParsniptazmania: http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2Fcommunity%2FUbuntuHashes&ei=7PWMSr3LB4-ltge8m-jhDQ&usg=AFQjCNGEGRaIY-7JqH0wp-8J6-FSv8y34Q08:06
ActionParsnipo god i hate google08:06
ActionParsniptazmania: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes08:06
gogetaActionParsnip: lol08:06
Dayofswordsi know first link is funny08:06
lilluxhello everybody from italy!  i got a  problem with grub... can someone help me? thanks in advance08:06
Ben64!ask | lillux08:07
ubottulillux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:07
LavaEagleDoes anyone need any help??08:07
LavaEagleAlright cool.08:07
Dayofswordsitaly? is it nice there? btw you can just ask, no need to ask to ask08:07
ActionParsnip!it | lillux08:07
ubottulillux: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)08:07
ActionParsnipDayofswords: gogeta: why do they insist on doing that, its so frustrating and scrolls irc channels08:08
LavaEagleCan someone explain to me what grub is?08:08
C-S-Bhas anyone played bluray through a vista VM?08:08
dutchbuntuLavaEagle: http://www.google.com/cse?cx=partner-pub-2070091971271392%3Aougxymc6y19&ie=UTF-8&q=what+is+grub&sa=Search08:08
C-S-BLavaEagle: grub = bootload08:09
tazmaniaso 1GB for Swap08:09
Jyxtgrub is a bootloader..its what tells your computer what to do after the BIOS is finished08:09
LavaEagleTy CSB08:09
tazmaniaPrimary or Logical?08:09
Dayofswordsits just polite to ask, you know in school, that say "raise your hand to ask" then later you said "can i ask you something?" its programmed into us!08:09
dutchbuntuLavaEagle: in short: grub is a bootloader. Gives you the possibility to choose between OS'es08:09
LavaEagleThats all I was looking for :)08:10
ActionParsniptazmania: make 3, swap / and /home08:10
lilluxhello! im  unable to boot my ubuntu 9.04, grub told me error 22 no such partition....08:11
tazmaniaActionParsnip: Why /home?08:11
tazmaniaI have 15GB of space, swap 1GB -> primary?08:12
ActionParsniptazmania: it helps if you need to reinstall, you can simply wipe out the other 2 and reinstall, then re-add the home partition to fstab (although the ubuntu installer allows you to set its mount point at install time)08:12
dutchbuntulillux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41420508:12
lilluxthe live cd of ubuntu 8.04 told me that i have 2 media, the one with  ubuntu 9.04 and one little that i think is of ubuntu 8.0408:12
dutchbuntulillux: probably an error in your menu.lst08:13
tazmaniai see08:13
dutchbuntulillux: sorry, ignore last post08:13
ActionParsniptazmania: if you have 1Gb ram then 1Gb swap will do you, 15Gb isnt a huge amount to play with08:13
dutchbuntulillux: link is ok though. might work for you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41420508:13
ActionParsniptazmania: you could give about 5 or 6Gb to / and leave the rest to /home08:13
tazmaniamy entire hard drive is only 60GB and XP has only taken 45GB08:13
lilluxi have deleted ubuntu 8.04 so the  grub is drunk.....08:14
dutchbuntuhmm, so might be your menu.lst after all08:14
lilluxyes i think so08:15
Dextorionlillux, if you deleted the linux partition you probably need to reset your MBR aswell. Do you run linux at all now?08:15
lilluxi m on live cd08:15
Dextorionlillux, right. And on your harddrive?08:15
thomthomyou can restore gurb from the live cd lillux08:15
lilluxim running on my laptop, only by live cd08:15
Dextorionlillux, what do you have on your hard drive? Windows? Linux?08:15
tazmaniathe install is quite slow compared with fedora08:16
Dayofswordswinxp bootloader setup is annoying you forget how08:16
Dayofswordsto fix it08:16
alper_ylillux i think it can help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435108:16
tazmaniawhat's the difference between creating a Primary or Logical partition?08:17
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lilluxDextorian good question :) let me explain :D  i had win and ubuntu 8.04, then i deleted win and  i installed ubuntu 9.04 ...  then again i move my personal file from ubuntu 8.04 to 9.04 and deleted the 8.04 one08:17
ActionParsniptazmania: go find out08:17
tazmaniawhat's your recommendation08:17
lilluxand now grub tell me that i have 9.04 and 8.04 but doesnt work08:18
Dextorionlillux, so you have ubuntu 9.04 only. But it doesnt work.08:18
ActionParsniptazmania: you can have 4 primary partitions so if you are using less than 4 partitions you can make them all primary08:18
Dextorionlillux, ok, and grub think you still have both.08:18
lilluxyes, and the live cd tell me that i have 2 media: the part with 9.04 and the old swap of 8.0408:18
Dextorionlillux. alright.. i guess first thing would be to edit your menu.lst. i belive dutchbuntu pasted a good link for you. lets see08:20
Dayofswordshey i've have yet to try the NBR, does it have a live part to it like the cd versions?08:20
Dextorionlillux, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41420508:20
lilluxthank you guys i really appreciate ;)08:20
ActionParsnipDayofswords: sure08:20
Dextorionlillux take a look at that one first. see if it can help you08:20
Dextorionlillux: you will have to know what harddrive and what partition you have your ubuntu 9.04 on.08:21
lilluxhow can i do it?08:21
nrashow can i update to latest version of ubuntu08:22
lilluxi have only one hard drive partitioned08:22
Dextorionlillux ah.. your on a live cd. hm08:22
J-_Is there anyway to not have gnome apps in KDE? Does anyone know if there's a script, or setting available to not show them?08:23
Dextorionlillux i guess you will have to mount your ubuntu 9.04 partition first.08:23
jcmariniJ-; yes08:23
lilluxomg... i a newbie  :( how can i do it/08:23
nrasCan i updtate to the lastes release without downloading and burn to cd.08:24
J-_jcmarini: How do you do it?08:24
nightvisioafter ubdating the kernel and nvidia drivers, my glxgears no longer works08:24
nightvisionvidia control panel says: "Fail to query the GLX server vendor."08:24
nightvisioand glxgears:08:24
DasEi1!upgrade | nras08:24
ubottunras: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:24
nightvisionerijus@nerijus-desktop:~$ glxgears08:24
nightvisioXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:24
nightvisioError: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual08:24
jcmariniyeah! but everyone is newbie at some time- hey brud08:25
thomthomlillux:  http://preview.tinyurl.com/mvq93o08:25
DasEi1nras : yes, but just one distro a time08:25
* J-_ pokes jcmarini 08:25
nrasDasEi1: tnx08:25
Dextorionlillux, i dont think i ever used a live cd, im afraid i cant help you with that. Perhaps ActionParsnip or dutchbuntu can help you to edit menu.lst from the livecd.08:25
westmireinstall drivers:08:25
lilluxthanks yo ;)08:25
nitheeshtell me08:25
ActionParsniplillux: the livecd is read only08:26
ActionParsnipits a cd08:26
lilluxso how can i do?08:26
thomthom@ lillux http://preview.tinyurl.com/mvq93o reinstall grub08:26
ActionParsnipor worm (write once, read many)08:26
DextorionActionParsnip, we want to edit menu.lst on hes lost ubuntu hard drive partition.08:26
nightvisiowestmi, but I have just installed them08:26
nitheeshtry to reburn the cd08:26
ActionParsnipDextorion: oic08:26
DextorionActionParsnip, hes booted with the live cd. He has to mount his harddrive partition, right?08:26
ActionParsniplillux: you can run: sudo fdisk -l   from the live cd08:26
lilluxthomthom the link doesnt work for me :( im on a live cd08:27
DextorionActionParsnip, i never really worked with those live cds myself.08:27
ActionParsniplillux: you can then mount the internal partitions08:27
ActionParsnipDextorion: its exactly the same as an installed system, just running in ram08:27
westmigoogle it08:27
DextorionActionParsnip, alright cool.08:27
ActionParsniplillux: you can mount your partitions to folders then you can simply edit the files as you wish08:28
westmimy solution for most problems, i've got nvdia also, and never have a problem with it-what are you doing?08:28
lilluxtell me what i have to do step by step... im a dumb :P08:29
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
ActionParsniplillux: sudo mkdir /media/sda1; sudo mkdir /dev/sda3; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 -o uid=1000,rw,user; sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/sda3 -o uid=1000,rw,user08:30
ActionParsniplillux: should do you nicely08:30
ActionParsniplillux: oops08:30
ActionParsnipscrap that08:30
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:31
ActionParsniplillux: sudo mkdir /media/sda1; sudo mkdir /media/sda3; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 -o uid=100; sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/sda3 -o uid=10008:31
ActionParsniplillux: you will then have 2 extra folders in /media that relate to the partitions08:31
banisterfiendis there a way to run make a Makefile from a directory other08:31
banisterfiend                than the one the Makefile is in?08:31
ActionParsniplillux: if you venture into them you will see the files08:32
westmigee that sux08:32
banisterfiendi wnat to be able to run 'make' somehow even though the08:32
banisterfiend                Makefile is in a subdirectory called src/08:32
banisterfiend and i want to be able to do it without modifying the Makefile08:32
coreymanI installed kde on a minimal install of ubuntu, i have to log in at what i suppose is shell.. terminal like interface, AND kde, i want to auto log in on both, how do i set shell to auto log me in?08:33
dutchbuntubanisterfriend: just use the absolute path to the makefile08:33
ActionParsnipcoreyman: sudo apt-get install --reinstall kdm08:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netslip08:34
lbhow can i create a fresh xorg.conf  ?08:34
ActionParsniplillux: its uid=1000   sorry08:34
coreymanactionparsnip whats the difference between kdm and kde08:34
ActionParsniplb: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:34
LavaEagleError: Dependency is not satisfiable: python-support (>= 0.90.0)08:35
LavaEagleWhile I was trying to install Startup-Manager, do I just download Python?08:35
ActionParsnip!info kdm | coreyman08:35
ubottucoreyman: kdm (source: kdebase-workspace): KDE Display Manager for X11. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 1226 kB, installed size 3344 kB08:35
Dextorionbanisterfiend tried make -f dir\makefile08:35
lilluxActionParnship it give me the same error08:35
ActionParsniplillux: try: sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/sda3 -t ext3 -o uid=100008:35
lbActionParsnip: i've done so. but i cannot edit the monitor settings with "kdesudo displayconfig". says error. wiki says this is because xorg.conf is not original .. any idea ?08:36
lilluxActionParnship .... it gives the same error again.. it doesnt work]08:36
ActionParsnip!mount | lillux08:37
ubottulillux: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount08:37
ActionParsniplb: boot to recovery mode, then select fix graphics from the menu08:37
theCarpenterif i launch an app from a terminal window, is there a way to keep that app from stealing focus?08:37
lbok i will try, thank you08:37
ActionParsniplillux: what filesystem does /dev/sda3 use?08:38
coreymanactionparsnip thx08:38
lilluxi dunno..08:38
ActionParsniplillux: well sda1 mounted right?08:39
lilluxmmm yes08:39
lilluxi think so08:39
ActionParsniplillux: does that partition contain what you need08:39
ActionParsniplillux: nautilus /media/sda1 &08:39
lillux[1] 1605408:40
lillux and then its open a folder08:40
lilluxmedia with sda1 and sda308:41
lilluxsda1 is my ubuntu 9.0408:41
ActionParsniplillux: yes, you can observe the data on the partition now08:41
lilluxmmmmmmm if i click on sda3... its empty!08:41
ActionParsniplillux: thats because the mounts are filing arent they08:42
ActionParsniplillux: think about it08:42
lilluxanyway, sda1 is where my precious data are stored :)08:42
ActionParsniplillux: but is it the partition you want to manipulate?08:42
lilluxi just want to start my ubuntu .... open my laptop, then grub, choose ubuntu 9.04 ...thats it08:43
ActionParsnip!grub | lillux08:44
ubottulillux: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:44
coreymanHow can I auto login kde gui?08:44
Dextorionlillux, look in your media sda1 directory. do you have a boot directory in there now?08:44
DextorionActionParsnip thanks action!08:44
ActionParsnipDextorion: ?08:45
DextorionActionParsnip for helping :)08:45
lilluxyes, ihave a boot directory08:45
ActionParsniplillux: thats ok then, follow the guide to reinstall grub and you'll be ok08:45
ActionParsniplillux: or you can modify the boot folder appropriately yourself (not advised for your level)08:46
ActionParsnipDextorion: np man08:46
LavaEagleWhen i try to install Startup manager I get: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python-support (>= 0.90.0)08:46
lilluxthe second one.. .try to modify the boot folder08:47
ActionParsniplillux: your call dude08:47
dutchbuntuLavaEagle: how are you trying to install it?08:47
dutchbuntuLavaEagle: try synaptic08:47
LavaEagleyes I am, and I will try that right now08:48
=== sand_ is now known as sandrine27
syntaxhow do i get the audocity mp3 player to play louder on ubuntu cause it sounds low and my vol is all the way up..my movie player plays louder08:48
ActionParsnipsyntax: is there a volume control for the app within the app?08:49
syntaxyea thats all the way up to08:49
LavaEagle@Dutchubuntu !beer08:49
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.08:50
dutchbuntuLavaEagle: cheers!08:50
=== swoody_ is now known as swoody
westmisyntax, i just got a pair of self-powered speakers08:52
tazmaniamy ubuntu is up and running now :)08:52
syntaxwest thats tight08:52
syntaxtazmania how is it working out for you08:53
tazmaniasyntax: need some time to play around.  I have been used to the Fedora08:53
ActionParsniptazmania: wtg08:54
westmithen plug a pair og heaphones in, and you will never have a problem hearing again08:54
livingdaylightdid this morning's update fix a whole bunch of stuff?08:54
syntaxtaz i think you will like ubuntu08:54
ManDayHello, I've got a problem with my mouse. First, it's way too sensitive, even with sensitivity turned all the way down. Second, I need a different sens. for my touchpad and any plugged in mouse - is the latter possible?08:54
Kartagis!info xev08:54
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: i'd imagine so08:54
ubottuPackage xev does not exist in jaunty08:54
Kartagis!info xorg-utilities08:55
ubottuPackage xorg-utilities does not exist in jaunty08:55
livingdaylightActionParsnip: today was a major update, no?08:55
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: not sure, my systems are all off and in boxes08:55
Kartagisdoes xev exist in ubuntu?08:55
ActionParsnipKartagis: sure does08:55
dutchbuntulivingdaylight: when did you last update?08:55
KartagisActionParsnip, what package?08:55
livingdaylightI don't know about anyone else but i kept getting usplash crash reports everytime i booted up... recent update seems to have fiexed that08:55
ActionParsnip!find xev08:56
ubottuFound: libxevie-dev, libxevie1, libxevie1-dbg, xevil, libxcb-xevie0 (and 2 others)08:56
dutchbuntulivingdaylight: and which version are you on?08:56
ActionParsnipKartagis: not sure tbh08:56
livingdaylightdutchbuntu: 9.0408:56
dutchbuntulivingdaylight: and you previous update was when?08:56
ActionParsnipKartagis: comes with nearly all linux distros so i never thought about it08:56
kemashello, i am from indonesia08:56
kemasi love ubuntu08:56
dutchbuntukemas: ubuntu loves you too08:57
livingdaylightdutchbuntu: why?08:57
Myrttikemas: hello and welcome. Did you have a ubuntu support question?08:57
syntax:) @ ubuntu08:57
dutchbuntulivingdaylight: to figure out which updates you received this morning08:57
livingdaylightdutchbuntu: i received kernel update i tell you08:57
kemasMyrtti: no thank you. i'd just like to say hi to you all08:57
dutchbuntulivingdaylight: okay, i missed that08:58
ActionParsnipdutchbuntu: could check the age of the files in the apt-cache ;)08:58
thomthom!omg pink ponies08:58
tazmaniaThanks folks for helping me out in setting up my first ubuntu ...08:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about omg pink ponies08:58
livingdaylightkemas: you are what you are because of what i am - i am very sorry for you :p08:58
dutchbuntulivingdaylight: that was a major update, yes08:58
oguncakhi friends. i just installed pidgin 2.6.1 and wors perfect. but does anyone know how to enable video and voice chat function on gtalk?08:58
Myrttikemas: :-) If you want to chat, please join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat, this channel is for Ubuntu support08:58
westmiis command line a language, or is it a bunch of commands to be learned or memorized?08:58
livingdaylightdutchbuntu: very necessary, because ubuntu was bork before then....08:58
kemasok sorry guys.08:58
kemasi am off now08:58
Myrttikemas: no probs08:58
ActionParsnipwestmi: just know what you need to know. you'll never know tem all as there are millions08:59
dutchbuntulivingdaylight: not on my machines, but im glad it works ffor you08:59
ActionParsnipwestmi: plus there are all the options on each command08:59
livingdaylightdutchbuntu: i'm glad they fixed it becausae i was about to ditch this os08:59
livingdaylightdutchbuntu: i like having the latest, but also need a bit of stability, eh!?09:00
nmvictorhi, some issue here. USB device is not available guest OS in virtual box even after i have activated USB in the settings.anyone know what im supposed to do?09:00
ActionParsnipnmvictor: i'd ask in #vbo09:00
dutchbuntulivingdaylight: ;)09:00
westmiActionParsnip,  what is the place to learn all this?09:01
Myrttinmvictor: do you have OSE version or the one downloaded from Sun?09:01
ActionParsnipwestmi: right where you are sat, use the command line and research commands when you need them09:01
Dayofswordsthere is also linux commands in book you can get at the library09:01
Dayofswords500 pages of cammands and their options...09:02
ActionParsnipDayofswords: it will have the main commands but some more obscure ones it will be missing09:03
ActionParsnipDayofswords: you'll probably find most of it is ffmpeg and mencoder09:03
nmvictorMyrtti: i just downloaded it from http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/3.0.4/virtualbox-3.0_3.0.4-50677_Ubuntu_intrepid_i386.deb and its version 3.0. So i cant tell which server it really it belongs with.09:03
apparlewhy do I gt this while bootiing [   18.268980] agpgart-ati 0000:00:00.0: unsupported Ati chipset [1002/5a33])09:03
ActionParsniphe who reads man mencoder is a lost soul09:04
Myrttinmvictor: ok, so it is the sun version, I'd assume.09:04
ajushiHi, I'm using and trying to do a "apt-get install subversion" but I'm getting errors: http://pastebin.com/de45a959 how do I fix it?09:04
nmvictorMyrtti: so??09:04
ActionParsnipajushi: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install subversion09:04
alankilaajushi: rm that broken libneon27-gnutls file09:05
ajushialankila: how?09:05
alankilaapt-get clean can do that as well, I guess.09:05
alankilarm $the_file ;-)09:05
Myrttinmvictor: so it should work. people in #vbox or similar might be able to help too09:05
ajushiActionParsnip: i'll try it09:05
ajushiok thanks :)09:05
alankilathat libsvn1 is probably also broken.09:05
nmvictorMyrtti: posted over their, no one is helping.09:06
DasEi1nmvictor: you also can add the repo for vbox, so getting the updates09:06
lbhow may i identify my grafics card ?09:06
ActionParsniplb: sudo lshw -C display09:06
DasEi1lb : lspci or hwinfo, then filter with grep09:06
nmvictorDasEi1: no idea on how to do that, any help?09:06
DasEi1nmvictor: jaunty ?09:07
lbthank ou09:07
nmvictorDasEi1: intrepid09:07
ajushii'm still getting the same errors :/ I guess the packages are corrupted in the repo?09:07
ActionParsnipnmvictor: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads09:08
ActionParsnipnmvictor: scroll past the files and read09:08
nmvictorActionParsnip: thanks09:08
ActionParsnipnmvictor: there is a repo for your release there, you will then need to follow the remainder of the guide to add gpg keys etc09:08
ajushiI'm getting these errors now: http://pastebin.com/d725817a09:08
dutchbuntuajushi: try what it says on line 209:09
dutchbuntuajushi: 'sudo apt-get install -f'09:09
Sky[x]its safe to connect on server with SSH from some open wireless ? or i have to enable some better encryption ?09:09
dutchbuntuajushi: without the quotes ;)09:09
nmvictorhow would one install lamp using the taskel command?09:09
DasEi1nmvictor: http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2008/12/10/setting-up-sun-virtualbox-6-under-ubuntu-810-intrepid/09:09
ajushidutchbuntu: i did it and it goes on installing the libs again but I'm still getting the errors: http://pastebin.com/de45a95909:10
nmvictorDasEi1: thanks alot, i'll get back in case im stuck again09:10
ManDayHello, I've got a problem with my mouse. First, it's way too sensitive, even with sensitivity turned all the way down. Second, I need a different sens. for my touchpad and any plugged in mouse - is the latter possible?09:10
DasEi1Sky[x]: quite save09:11
dutchbuntuajushi: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install -f; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get upgrade09:12
Q-FUNKI've been trying to figure out which package provides /etc/profile - would anyone know?  it's not reported by dpkg -S09:12
apparleMy sytem is behaving oddly..sometimes it starts up all graphic effects and sometimes it doesn't........same behaviour in vista09:12
dutchbuntuManday: i don't think the latter is possible09:13
westmiapparle, maybe a hardware problem................09:13
ManDaydutchbuntu, there was something im hal, wasnt there?09:13
ajushidutchubuntu: i'm still getting errors argh..do you guys think i should change country repositories?09:14
apparlewestmi: but sometimes its fine and sometimes its not........and since winXP has no graphic effects...it runs smooth09:14
oguncakdoes anynone know how to enable voice and video chat on pidgin 2.6.1????????09:14
nmvictoranyone know how i would install lamp using the taskel command?09:14
dutchbuntuManDay: I dunno, sorry09:14
westmimight have connection problems09:14
ajushior should i install the libs manually via dpkg?09:14
ManDayOk thanks.09:14
apparledoes ubuntu support agpgart-ati module by default?09:14
westmisee? no grphics=no problem09:15
DasEi1apparle: could be hardware (heat ?) ; check /var/log/syslog in the cases it fails, also messages and look through dmesg.txt after doing dmesg > dmesg.txt in trml09:15
ActionParsnipapparle: i believe it an xorg.conf option09:16
DasEi1apparle: the distros since hardy lack ati - support09:16
westmiapparle, make sure your connections are clean and tight09:16
=== anonymous_ is now known as Achmed
coreymananyone suggest a vnc server/client ?09:17
dutchbuntuajushi: which country are you on now?09:17
apparlewestmi: I have an integrated graphic card......hence no question of connections09:17
Achmedtightvncviewer /tightvncserver09:17
ajushidutchubuntu: Philippines (ph)09:17
ActionParsnipcoreyman: none, im sure there is something more graceful09:17
apparleActionParsnip: you mean the agpgart-ati option?09:17
coreymanachmed i tried it and i get connection refused from my client to my server09:17
Achmedcoreyman: tightvncviewer /tightvncserver. But I'd suggest FreeNX/NX09:17
ActionParsnipapparle: possibly, see if it exists in wbsearches09:17
jerrcshi there. I'm getting errors like this "Aug 20 03:11:44 hades kernel: [879071.847344] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_BAD_TARGET driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK" .. any clue what could be wrong with the drive?09:18
ActionParsnipcoreyman: why do you need vnc, what are you wanting to achieve?09:18
Achmedcoreyman: try looking up freenx on google09:18
AchmedActionParsnip, it's probably some kind of remote box09:18
apparleActionParsnip: I get this in syslog [   18.268980] agpgart-ati 0000:00:00.0: unsupported Ati chipset [1002/5a33])09:18
ActionParsnipAchmed: true but there are far better solutions to many situations than vnc09:18
westmiapparle, it still sounds like some kind of hardware problem,overheating, or many different things when was the last time you dusted?09:18
coreymanachmed already on it09:18
ActionParsnipcoreyman: what are you using the vnc to achieve?09:19
AchmedActionParsnip, which is why freenx was invented :)09:19
dutchbuntuajushi: try another country, just to be sure09:19
ManDaydutchbuntu, there was something im hal, wasnt there?09:19
ActionParsnipAchmed: often the whole desktop isnt needed, or a web interface exists which is much slicker09:19
ajushidutchubuntu: how do i change country repos?09:19
apparlewestmi: never dusted........does dusting help???...........and yes my computer is on for 15hrs or more in 24hrs09:19
westmiapparle, ati graphics do not play nice with ubuntu09:19
ActionParsnipwestmi: mid range ones do, bleeding edge dont09:20
westminvdia is much better09:20
apparlewestmi: but I get the same problem in vista also09:20
AchmedVISTA FAILS. period.09:20
dutchbuntuajushi: System -> Administration -> Software Sources09:20
qwyethMy gnome theme manager is broken in 9.04... After clicking Install Theme I get a message saying the theme is installed, and the files do get copied to ~/.theme, but it's not actually added to my theme list.09:20
mermaAchmed, actulla, Vista FAILED09:20
coreymanactionparsnip having my server machine in a remote location on my lan with no monitor, keyboard, or mouse09:21
apparlecan it be any option in BIOS09:21
ActionParsnipcoreyman: thats fine, but why do you need the entire desktop? what are you doing on it that requires the whole desktop to be seen?>09:21
westmiapparle, my opinion=graphics09:21
Achmedmerma, windows 7 is the new vista btw :D09:21
Achmedmerma, it's starting to bsod on ppl09:21
ActionParsnip!ot | Achmed09:21
ubottuAchmed: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:21
westmiapparle, YES dusating is good-09:22
apparlewestmi: but what in graphics??............09:22
westmidusting=cooler pc09:22
mermaAchmed: probably due to video card drivers09:22
coreymanactionparsnip you suggesting ssh?09:22
Achmedcoreyman, ssh is simpler than using a desktop and dealing with issues that arise with the remote desktop09:23
jerrcscan anyone help me with this error? "Aug 20 03:11:44 hades kernel: [879071.847344] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_BAD_TARGET driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK"09:23
apparlewestmi: I'll do it first thing.........and yes after restarts graphics starts....and once started its fine but again stops after restart.....behaving randomly in both vista and linux09:23
ActionParsnipcoreyman: no, i want to know what you are achieving with vnc, there is most likely a more sophisticated way which will be faster09:23
stshello folks. whats the current stable release of ubuntu?09:23
coreymanactionparsnip and that would probably be ssh, figured vnc would have less install set/up time and i could do ssh later09:23
dutchbuntusts: 9.0409:23
Kittykissfs: 9.04 jaunty09:24
ActionParsnipcoreyman: no way, sudo apt-get install openssh-server09:24
Kittykisinsert a slash or quotation marks as you prefer09:24
ActionParsnipcoreyman: job done09:24
Achmedsts, they're right. 9.04. you could just as easy check ubuntu.com09:24
westmiapparle, i've heard of lots of problems with ati graphics, i have nvdia, and never had any problems-check the ubuntu forum-09:24
rashed2020Anyone have that site that automates layout.xml?09:24
coreymanactionparsnip kk thx09:24
* Kittykis licks Achmed?09:24
ActionParsnipcoreyman: x forwarding is also enabled by default so you can run x based apps on the system and the display will be shown on the client system09:24
ActionParsnipcoreyman: if its windows based you will need to install and run xming09:25
apparlewestmi: I use open source drivers.......and well windows has the ATI drivers.......then what's the problem......in them and that also the same problem09:25
ActionParsnipcoreyman: but again it depends what you are wanting to achieve, if you just want to connect to run updates then a whole desktop is way OTT and ssh will do very nicely09:25
coreymanactionparsnip k well im goin to bed ill get on that tomorow09:25
ActionParsnipcoreyman: but you wont say why you need a full desktop so I can but guess09:25
Kittykisvnc is irritatingly slow as i recall09:25
coreymanactionparsnip i dont really know im just playing around09:26
westmiapparle, i would do the dusting,cleaning-you would be suprised at the amount that can accumulate09:26
AchmedFreeNX is honestly faster and more reliable.09:26
ActionParsnipcoreyman: if you want to manage samba shares you can easily modify smb.conf and restart samba to add / remove shares09:26
Kittykisstick with ssh for now, simpler09:26
ActionParsnipcoreyman: in most cases vnc is very overkill and apps now have web interfaces or flat out better ways of doing things09:26
apparlewestmi:  that's 1st priority now......thanks for the tip.........09:26
nmvictoreverytime i insert a flash disk, memory card or eject a CD,nautilus shuts down for a while,(i.e every nautilus window close and the desktop icons disappear ).is this normal?09:26
ActionParsnipcoreyman: plus vnc is unencrypted so using it over www without an ssh tunnel is foolhardy09:27
westmiapparle, do the dusting,cleaning-that's probibly the problem, if it is a recent one09:27
AchmedActionParsnip, i don't think he's here anymore.09:27
ActionParsniphe only missed the last bit so its all gravy09:27
Achmedyeah that works09:27
PolarinaIs there a simple way to install either denemo 0.8.6 or 0.8.8?09:28
apparlewestmi: last 6 months.......but I was using KDE4 so I thought the problem was due to its stability but I recentl y installed vista and found this09:28
lbgot another question :) i've tried to reconfigure my xorg.conf ->  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" as said in the wiki. but i wasnet asked about my grafics driver. just about kernel-frambuffer + keyboard. how may i configure the grafics card then ?09:28
ActionParsnipapparle: you wonder why users are crying out for a kde 3.5 for jaunty etc09:29
ActionParsnip!info denemo09:30
ubottudenemo (source: denemo): A gtk+ frontend to GNU Lilypond. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.7-3.1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 351 kB, installed size 1764 kB09:30
westmiapparle, well like i said, i've heard of all sorts of problems with ati........i dont have any links available to me, but search the ubuntu forums and you'll find em.....09:30
ActionParsnipPolarina: you will need a repo for the newer version as the official repo has 0.7.709:30
apparleActionParsnip: no.........not at all because KDE4 is cool......did you check KDE4.3......its quite stable and also awesome09:31
alankilaIt's good that the radeonhd or other drivers work at least halfway because the fglrx just plainly never does these days. Last time it worked for me must have been like 6 months ago. ATI sucks, AMD involvement or not... :-/09:31
eueuHello! I would please like to know which command could tell me the encoding of a file?09:31
ActionParsnipapparle: i use lxde now, much faster and very stable09:31
ActionParsnipeueu: file <filename>09:31
alankilaeueu: "file" tries to guess it I think, but it's of course not possible to reliably determine this.09:31
alankilain every case, anyway09:32
eueuyes I know09:32
eueuI just would like to know which files are stored in a latin1-incompatible way09:33
ActionParsnipPolarina: https://launchpad.net/~agutarra/+archive/ppa09:33
alankilanone, because any file can be interpreted as containing latin1 encoding without actual error.09:33
iwobblesHi ppl, Im having issues with firefox, lost all the buttons on some sites like Lycos and cant send emails anymore, Ive googled it but cant find any answers09:34
alankilait's actually possible to determine if a file is valid UTF-8 because of the specific canonicalized representation of valid UTF-8, but that's an exception.09:34
ManDayGuys, when I mute my speakers they start cra09:34
GneaManDay: make sure they're plugged in all the way09:35
ManDayGuys, when I mute my speakers they start crackling. Any idea what's this? It also happens when I turn the volume down to 0.09:35
ManDayGnea, it's a laptop...09:35
dutchbuntuManDay: is that an Ubuntu issue?09:35
ActionParsnipManDay: if you slide the sliders round does it changethe volume of the noise?09:35
ManDayYes, it is09:35
ManDayActionParsnip, it's still a laptop09:35
ActionParsnipManDay: i know, with the mute on, youo can still slide the volume sliders09:35
GneaManDay: the internal speakers still have a wire that connects to the motherboard.09:35
alankilaManDay: so is it almost silent if you leave just a bit of volume, but begins to make some noise when you put it all the way down?09:35
ActionParsnipmndyou can do that on any laptop or desktop09:36
ActionParsnipManDay: ^09:36
alankilaand does the noise stop if you stop the sound source?09:36
ManDaysorry man this keyboard is so tiny09:36
ManDayill try09:36
GneaManDay: are you using pulseaudio?09:36
ActionParsnipManDay: if you pull the sliders down with it muted does the noise stop? this will work on a laptop09:36
asfjiohello, can someone tell me what spellchecking application is using evolution to correct mistakes while writing an email? because in spell checking section in the preferences i have languages that if they are checked or not there is no difference. only english words are checked.09:37
ManDayalankila, the noise stops when I stop the sound source. Yes, I think this must be pulse, ActionParsnip it happens at both ocassions: Muted AND/OR turned down09:37
ActionParsnipManDay: ok, have you tried switching to ALSA?09:38
ManDayalankila, so this means the noice is actually coming from ubuntu...09:38
ActionParsnip!sound | ManDay09:38
ManDayhm, im actually not even sure what im using. how can i quickly find out?09:38
ubottuManDay: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:38
alankilawell, I guess this at least sounds like a bug in the way the dac is being driven... It would be in ALSA in that case, and only affect the volume level 0.09:38
dutchbuntuasfjio: I guess apsell09:39
alankilaor it might be more subtle and actually distort all audio but is only become really apparent at specific volume settings like 0.09:39
dutchbuntuasfjio: aspell09:39
asfjiodutchbuntu: how can i see what language packs i have?09:39
ykphuahtransmission download more than one file when I ask it to download just a single file from the torrent, anyone else have this problem? or suggest me another good bt client. :)09:39
apparlewestmi: right now all the effects are off but I still get 140fps in glxgears09:40
ManDayso, ive changed my devices to alsa all the way, do i have to restart or anything?09:40
g_giulioykphuah: i use ktorrent and it goes faster...09:40
ActionParsnipykphuah: check your settings, mine asks which files. If i use my G1 phone it downloads all09:40
asfjiodutchbuntu: in synaptic i searched for aspell and aspell-my_language is selected as green to the left. do this mean that it is installed?09:40
ActionParsnipg_giulio: you'll need a tonne of qtlibs extra for that09:41
ykphuahActionParsnip: when I select to download only foo3, it will donwload foo3 in total and partial of foo2 and foo409:41
ykphuahActionParsnip: and I have to go there and remove foo2 and foo409:41
ManDayActionParsnip, alankila , I've changed to ALSA and restarted my audio program - still the same. If I mute/turn down the volume of the mixer and the program still plays I get this ugly noise.09:41
ykphuahg_giulio: yeah I prefer not to pull down the whole kde framework. :P09:42
ActionParsnipykphuah: you could try: cd ~/; ls -a09:42
dutchbuntuasfjio: yes09:42
g_giulioActionParsnip: sorry i've not understand...09:42
g_giuliook, sorry... kde...09:42
ActionParsnipykphuah: if there is a .transmission folder, rename it after killing transmission09:42
ykphuahActionParsnip: you guessing its configuration problem?09:43
ActionParsnipg_giulio: yes, ktorrent relis on qt which is not part of an ubuntu default install09:43
dutchbuntuasfjio: make sure 'aspell' is checked, as well as 'aspell-<language_code>' for each language you want to check09:43
alankilaManDay: yes, I do believe that your sound card driver has a bug of some kind. It would be worth googling for this issue, there can be a workaround like adjusting other mixer controls but the volume, perhaps the PCM control.09:43
ActionParsnipykphuah: could be, we only rename so we can easily rename back. let your current downloads finish09:43
westmiapparle, got any idea what glxgears is?09:43
ActionParsnipykphuah: or you may lose the data you have pulled down09:43
ykphuahActionParsnip: I have changed my download path to somewhere else though.09:43
ManDayalankila, okay09:43
apparlewestmi: nope...can you tell09:44
alankilaManDay: what card is it, anyway?09:44
mattdh01g_giulio do you think09:44
ActionParsnipykphuah: the config uration will still be stored in the same place no matter where you set the download path09:44
Ingraterhas someone in here experience with a usb boot cd? (help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB)09:44
ykphuahActionParsnip: alright I will try that.09:44
cjsWhat's the cannonical way to enable and disable servers in Ubuntu? By "disable" I mean, "won't start again at next reboot."?09:45
westmisounds like some kind of driver issue...see http://www.xfree86.org/4.4.0/glxinfo.1.html09:45
ActionParsnipykphuah: on the blank config you can set your download location as you have now and hopefully it will allow you to select individual files09:45
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alankilacjs: there is a runlevel editor, see Administration/Services09:45
ActionParsnipykphuah: you could also scour the settings to see if your settings are telling the client to download 100% of all torrents09:45
westmiapparle, see http://www.xfree86.org/4.4.0/glxinfo.1.html09:45
cjsI'm on a server; I have no GUI.09:45
mattdh01.21-6ubuntu1 (using .../libdb4.6_4.6.21-10_i386.deb) ...09:45
mattdh01Unpacking replacement libdb4.6 ...09:45
jamiewancan someone advise me of most compatible printer for jaunty09:45
mattdh01Preparing to replace base-passwd 3.5.16 (using .../base-passwd_3.5.18_i386.deb) ...09:45
ykphuahActionParsnip: currently it does allow, just that it download more than what its requested to.09:45
mattdh01Unpacking replacement base-passwd ...09:45
mattdh01Setting up base-passwd (3.5.18) ...09:45
mattdh01(Reading database ... 107231 files and directories currently installed.)09:45
mattdh01Preparing to replace makedev 2.3.1-84ubuntu1 (using .../makedev_2.3.1-88_all.deb) ...09:45
mattdh01Removing obsolete conffile /etc/init.d/Unpacking replacement libcucul0 ...09:45
FloodBot2mattdh01: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:45
ManDayalanilla, errm its an EEE Pc that must be INTEL HDA onboard09:45
ragsi've installed  apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql, but php files are still not being parsed...09:46
cjsCan someone give me some clues as to how to find the name of whatever does this?09:46
KartagisI've bound F12 to lock screen, but it doesn't work. any ideas? actually, mo matter what key I bind to lock screen, it doesn't work09:46
illikawncjs try renaming /etc/rc.X/SserviceXX to KserviceXX rc.X being the initlevel and service XX the difference from 10009:47
cjsOuch. I was hoping to avoid manually running through and, e.g., deleting all the links.09:47
jamiewancan someone advise me of best compatible printer for jaunty? is HP the best option09:47
cjs(At every rc level that has the darn thing.)09:47
majukrags: what happens when you invoke phpinfo or similar generic php09:47
ActionParsnipjamiewan: there is no best, hp are very compatible though09:47
illikawncjs read /etc/rc3.d/README09:47
alankilaManDay: ok. I can easily find complaints that there's some kind of noise coming from headphone output. Perhaps this guy has headphones muted and is experiencing your issue.09:48
ragsmajuk: it asks to downlod the file09:48
ActionParsnipjamiewan: http://hplipopensource.com/09:48
jamiewanActionParsnip: thanx mate09:48
ActionParsnipjamiewan: see what is compatible there09:48
ragsmajuk: libapache2-mod-php5 is also installed09:48
majukrags: Hmmm... have you restarted Apache since you installed PHP09:48
cjsOk, so Ubuntu doesn't have the tool. I'll just install and use the Red Hat package.09:48
westmiapparle,  opps sorry, try this   http://www.xfree86.org/4.4.0/glxgears.1.html09:49
ActionParsniphp printer + nvidia gfx + atheros wifi + realtek soundcard = winner09:49
ActionParsnip!alien | cjs09:49
ubottucjs: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)09:49
cjsIf I can remember what it was called, so I can install it. "chkcfg"?09:49
ragsmajuk: I insatalled everything in one swoop tht is aptitude apache2,php, etc....also I'm running Hardy09:49
illikawncjs i dont know if ubuntu has the tools, its based on debian so maybe not09:49
ykphuahcjs: man update-rc.d09:49
IngraterHi, can some in here help me with a usb boot cd?09:49
cjsThere's an ubuntu package of the red hat tool. I've used it. But I can't remember the freaking name.09:49
ykphuahcjs: the redhat tool is chkconfig09:50
illikawnsvcadm type program right?09:50
majukrags: Well, you may still have to manually enable PHP for apache in a config. I'm honestly not sure, I come from Gentoo where you have to do EVERYTHING by hand.09:50
ActionParsnipIngrater: i use this: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/09:50
ActionParsnipIngrater: use a windows pc to make a usb boot device09:50
nitheeshi want to dump my svn repo from websvn server to ssh server09:50
nitheeshany idea09:51
westmiapparle, try google that problem09:51
omacblahI hosed my system by stopping some core services.09:51
ragsmajuk: I thought aptitude should take care of everything....so..how should I  got abt tht?09:51
commander_is there a way i can use my blackberry on here?09:51
cjsykphuah: Yeah, I've played a bit with update-rc.d, and it's quite mysterious, not only not seeming to do anything, but also producing wonderful output such as:09:51
nitheeshany idea about that09:51
cjsUse of uninitialized value $ARGV[1] in pattern match (m//) at /usr/sbin/update-rc.d line 215.09:51
cjsBut thanks for the chkconfig hint.09:51
alankilaGood old Perl09:51
nitheeshi have tried with svndump and svn load09:51
nitheeshbut i wont work09:51
Ingraterthe problem is that the pc which it should run on can not boot from usb fothermore it does not detect usb drives in bios. So i have to rely on the linux kernel to detect the usb drives and mount it. I found a description how to do so: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB09:52
illikawnerr chkconfig not svcadm oka09:52
nitheeshcan i get help on09:52
ActionParsnipIngrater: you can boot to a floppy with grub on it to then kick up the usb09:52
majukrags: I don't know off the top of my head, I'm sure it's covered in the Apache docs. And as thorough as aptitude is, I'm willing to bet they would not enable PHP for you because of the inherent security risks it presents.09:52
omacblaheverything boots up to the gdm login screen but I can't type at the keyboard or mouse.  Any tricks I could do to add a command somewhere to just get keyboard and mouse back up....they're both usb.09:52
ragscjs:try sysv-rc-conf09:52
Ingraterunfortunaltely it fails mounting the root/ directory. Then the bus-box pops up. If i mount the root directory manually and return the system boots correctly09:53
majuknitheesh: Someone will help if they think they can. Be patient.09:53
ragsmajuk: k..thx..actually many online texts just mention a simple aptitude install09:53
omacblahluckily I have usb flash disk with ubuntu jaunty on it.  I can edit the hard drive startup scripts but everything I've tried doesn't do anything to make the usb mouse and keyboard work.09:54
Ingratergrub can only boot usb-drives which are predetected by bios. But the pc is so old it does not do this. So I need the linux kernel to first load the usb drivers and then boot from it.09:54
majukrags: ...ok, so don't check the configs, whatever.09:54
cjsrags: I think I'm going to stick with chkconfig; it also gives me a listing of what's on and off. Not that I can check that into revision control the way I can with BSD's /etc/rc.conf file, but at least it's an easy-to-read list.09:55
sharperguyOk how come the "at" command suddenly no longer does anything? That's twice it was supposed to wake me up and it didnt.09:55
alankilahm, it might be awesome to use my mobile phone's USB capabilities to turn it into a boot disk for PCs.09:56
alankilaSince it can pretend to be USB storage I guess it will do the same for BIOS as well.09:56
ragscjs: ubuntu has problems with chkconfig...I faced a lot of problesm related to inserv..sysv-rc-conf is very simmilar09:56
omacblahat command is controlled by the atd demon...start it.09:56
cjsReally? I can believe it. How Linux ended up with sucky SysV startup scripts I have no idea.09:57
omacblahLinux tried to be everything compatible with Unix AT&T style.09:57
omacblahubuntu and debian decided to try something new and go with a new infrastructure called upstart.  When exactly they made the move I don't know.09:58
Leenuxi get error from my apache log09:58
Leenux/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2: undefined symbol: FT_Library_SetLcdFilter09:59
ragscjs: well ubuntu at least uses that...if u install chkconf it will mess with all your startup scripts and every package you try to install therafter will throw up insserv warnings...09:59
NET||abusehey guys. anyone use banshee here? Looking for a good source of online radio stations for it, or a magnatune/ jamendo plugin like in rhythmbox?09:59
Leenuxi try to search package libcairo.so.2, but nit found09:59
cjsrags: Oh, suck. Well, thanks for the warning.09:59
Leenuxplease help me to fix it09:59
alankilaLeenux: contained in package libcairo2. Try apt-get --reinstall install libcairo210:00
cjsrags: Ah, sysv-rc-conf is not the same as the sysvrc command.10:01
jeeves_Mosshow can I set up a random number generator to make a random "wait time" to be put in @ the end of my script?10:01
nitheesh Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName10:01
nitheeshany idea?10:01
ActionParsnipnitheesh: have you been messing around with your host name10:02
nitheeshso wat should i do10:02
bullgard4Where in the file hierarchy does Ubuntu show a contingent Bluetooth device?10:02
ActionParsnipnitheesh: make sure the host name in /etc/hostname     is the one resolved to and in /etc/hosts10:02
omacblahnitheesh: ignore this warning....it always pops up and even if you have https configured correctly.10:02
cjsGah. Who actually uses run levels anyway, outside of single and multi-user?10:03
Qu4R0wany1 can tell me how to cennect to wireless with manual mac and manual ip?10:03
ActionParsnipQu4R0w: network manager will do that, just click on IPv4 config and set your own IP address10:03
Qu4R0wor can i make .sh script?10:04
jeeves_Mossbullgard4, can you give me a hand with making a random wait time for the end of a script?10:07
surma_hej :)10:07
surma_cześć :)10:08
surma_jest tu jakiś polak??10:08
jeeves_MossActionParsnip, are you still here?10:09
surma_is there a polish man??10:10
ActionParsnipjeeves_Moss: sup10:10
sharperguyAnone know why 'at' might have stopped working? I was using it to trigger mplayer to wake me up, but suddenly it just doesn't so anything when it's supposed to.10:11
legend2440!pl | surma_10:11
ubottusurma_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.10:11
surma_thank. bye10:11
jeeves_MossI'm trying to make a random wait time @ the end of a mailx script.  I need to be able to have it run the mailx script, then generate a random whole number between 1-5, then have the script pause till the "wait" is over, then move onto the next email in the list10:11
ActionParsnipjeeves_Moss: have you asked in #bash or websearched?10:12
ykphuahActionParsnip: just found out that its "normal" -> http://forum.transmissionbt.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7477&sid=7d45f98849176158dc7ea5f92bc0c9c810:12
jeeves_MossActionParsnip, yes, I asked in bash, no one is there10:12
=== antoine_ is now known as Quentinv57_
ActionParsnipjeeves_Moss: try:  sleep $RANDOM;10:14
AlexiaActionParsnip, Random Sleeps?10:14
nmvictoranyone willing to help me configure php,apache is working fine.So i have placed a file test.php with this code inside " < ?php echo "Hello World"; ?>", and pointed firefox to http://locahost/test.php and al i got was a save download file dialog,with the file being a php code.anything i should have done?10:15
ActionParsnipjeeves_Moss: if RANDOM cannot be accessed that way then use: number=$RANDOM; sleep $number10:15
ActionParsnipAlexia: yeah why not ;)10:15
AlexiaActionParsnip, lol =)10:15
jeeves_MossAlexia, yes.  I'm working on something that's VERY CPU insensive, so I'd like to run a single step through the fist command, then sleep for between 1-5 mins, then run the next step10:15
ActionParsnipjeeves_Moss: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/randomvar.html10:15
fantomasHi. How to change font sizes for KDE apps on Ubuntu?10:15
jeeves_MossActionParsnip, ok, so in bash, it's the var's name, then the command?10:16
Alexiajeeves_Moss, Thats a really Great idea,I hadnt ever thought of that before10:16
ActionParsnipjeeves_Moss: read the example, it will be clearer than i can explain10:16
jeeves_MossActionParsnip, ahhh, ok, thanks10:16
omacblahnmvictor: google search about cgi cgi-bin php apache configuration10:17
MaT___trying to install pidgin 2.6.1 from getdeb (http://www.getdeb.net/release/4698) on my jaunty 64b. When opening pidgin-data with package installer the 'install package' button is greyed out.10:17
omacblahfantomas:  go to Menu->System->preferences->appearance->fonts10:18
m3asmibismi alah10:18
alberticohi I have a serious problem with apt10:18
alberticocan someone help please, I have an installed package broken and i cant remove or reinstal for fixing10:18
alberticocan anybody help, please http://pastebin.com/m7f38a48910:18
jeeves_MossActionParsnip, this is what I'm using http://pastebin.ca/1536102 and I need to insert an echo command in there to let me know what e-mail has been sent, and the random wait time10:18
Steilwhoah wtf is this: "As our way of thanking you for your positive contributions to Slashdot, you are eligible to disable advertising."10:18
ActionParsnipalbertico: sudo touch /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/postrm/update-ogre-plugins     is my guess10:19
jeeves_MossActionParsnip, did you get a sec to see that post?10:19
alberticoActionParsnip: it doesn exists10:21
ActionParsnipjeeves_Moss: then use the random number generation in the post i gave to wait a  random amount of time. You could ask for the command to send the email to return a value to see if it was sent10:21
jeeves_MossActionParsnip, how would I do that?  do I put the random wait in after ${email}?10:22
fantomasomacblah: how this related to KDE?10:22
ActionParsnipjeeves_Moss: try it, i code very basic scripts that do a lot of stuff, nothing like emailing though10:22
jeeves_MossActionParsnip, lol.  ok10:22
gsedejHi! New to servers. Made ssh, it worked, installed torrentflux (mysql, apache2,...) and it doesent work. Now ssh desn't work (... port 22: Connection refused). I have router, but I forwarded right ports. What is the metter?10:23
ActionParsnipalbertico: i know, thats why we use touch to create it to satisfy the uninstaller10:24
ActionParsnipalbertico: or installer, whichever its not importnat10:25
cjsWhat init.d script starts the kvm guests?10:26
omacblahgsedej:  If you have ufw up and running, you might want to see if it is still blocking some ports that stop you from doing what you want.  I'm also quite certain your ports on the router aren't open for all your apps either.10:26
m3asmihi i find program to download like (internet download manager in windoaws ) pleas help10:26
Pitchwhen i run xine, I'm getting a window telling The Stream there is no MRL. uses an unsupported codec. Video codec :MPEG 1/2 (0x0) Start playback anyway10:28
dutchbuntu<m3asmi> d4x10:28
m3asmithis is her name d4x ?!10:29
bullgard4Where in the file hierarchy does Ubuntu show a contingent Bluetooth device?10:29
dutchbuntum3asmi: yes10:29
dutchbuntum3asmi: sudo apt-get install  d4v10:29
dutchbuntum3asmi: sudo apt-get install  d4x10:30
ActionParsnip!find d410:30
ubottuFound: libggzmod4, libgpod4, libgpod4-nogtk, librrd4, d4x (and 7 others)10:30
m3asmithinks very mach dutchbuntu10:30
dutchbuntum3asmi: np10:30
wdstudioi think d4x could not be install from that command10:30
Leenuxi get error (EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed, when run Xvfb in my ubuntu 8.10. My vga is Intel10:31
jeeves_MossActionParsnip, try this one10:31
dutchbuntuwdstudio: I just did10:31
Leenuxi think my driver was installed10:31
ActionParsnipjeeves_Moss: which one?10:31
jeeves_MossActionParsnip, the random sleep command10:31
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ActionParsnipjeeves_Moss: i dont have access to any *nix pcs10:31
dutchbuntuwdstudio: yes10:32
wdstudiolast time i try apt-get install d4x .. fail10:32
wdstudiowith sudo10:32
wdstudio<dutchbuntu> : any ideal why10:32
jeeves_MossActionParsnip, lol.  now I can even get it to report the e-mail address it was sent to!!!10:32
ActionParsnipwdstudio: can you please expand on "fail". package not found? server not found?10:33
Pitchwhen i run xine, I'm getting a window telling The Stream there is no MRL. uses an unsupported codec. Video codec :MPEG 1/2 (0x0) Start playback anyway, can anyone help ?10:33
wdstudiopackage not found10:33
nmvictorok. i ran  sudo a2enmod php5 to enable modules for php5 then cleared firefoxs cache and now pointed the browser to http://localhost/test.php and the browser displayed the exact code.Anyone know what is missing/10:33
ActionParsnipwdstudio: better, please use tis mentality n future rather than "fail"10:33
ActionParsnip!info d4x10:34
ubottud4x (source: d4x): graphical download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 711 kB, installed size 2056 kB10:34
ActionParsnipwdstudio: do you have universe repos enabled?10:34
wdstudionvm . forget it . i try just now , in 9.04 i can10:35
ActionParsnipyour call10:35
Jyxthrm...so i just did sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager10:36
Jyxtworks nice enough...but the existing windows + all new windows are opened on *top* of the taskbar10:36
Jyxtrather annoying10:36
ActionParsnipJyxt: you only needed to install the manager, it is dependant on compiz so would install it anyway10:36
Jyxtanyone know a fix?10:36
Leenuxanyone can help me ? I get error (EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed, when run Xvfb. My vga is intel. ?10:36
AlexiaPitch, can i pm you10:37
Jyxtno else has had this issue?10:37
ActionParsnipJyxt: i dont use compiz. i think its worthless. maybe there is a setting in ccsm10:37
ActionParsnipJyxt: or you could ask in #compiz10:38
fantomasHow to change menu font size for KDE app on Ubuntu/Gnome for applications like kcachegrind?10:38
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mgoetzehello - i want to install ubuntu hardy from a lenny fai server. however, when generating the nfsroot on my lenny server, the initramfs doesn't get generated, whereas it does if i generate it on a hardy server. http://paste.debian.net/44611/ - does anyone have a hint why this might be happening?10:42
IvozHi there, I installed apache but when I run apache from terminal it says bad user name. I setup a username for it and changed what it said in envvars but its doing the same thing.. anyone knoe how to set it up correctly?10:42
Jyxtand now i apparantly have no window manager10:43
nmvictorIvoz: did you restart it after making the changes? sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart is the command.10:44
ActionParsnipJyxt: you can press alt+f2 and type   metacity --replace10:45
Ivoznmvictor, i did that, says it can't determine FQDN, also typing apache at console still says apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}10:46
JyxtActionParsnip: thanks, i did xfwm4 --replace and it seems to have fixed things10:46
PitchAlexia , can you help me?10:47
bullgard4Where in the file hierarchy does Ubuntu show a contingent Bluetooth device?10:47
AlexiaPitch, Sure can10:47
AlexiaPitch, can i talk to you in a private chat, its easier for me10:48
PitchAlexia yes10:48
ActionParsnipJyxt: yeah you just swapped out compiz for xfwm, you can now try switch back to compiz if you want10:48
PitchAlexia, but how10:48
AlexiaPitch, are you using xchat?10:48
Pitchalexia, no  opera chat10:49
AlexiaPitch, ok10:50
AlexiaPitch, what type of file are you trying to play?10:50
ActionParsnipPitch: try /msg Alexia hi10:50
nmvictorIvoz: ok, sudo gedit /etc/apache2/envvars and against export APACHE_RUN_USER=www-data  and APACHE_RUN_GROUP=www-data10:51
nitheeshCommand 'su' is available in '/bin/su'10:51
nitheeshThe command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.10:51
nitheeshany idea10:51
nmvictorIvoz: is that how your file looks?10:51
Alexiabullgard4, install the gnome-bluetooth package from the repository10:51
nitheeshCommand 'su' is available in '/bin/su'10:52
nitheeshThe command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.10:52
Polarinanitheesh: Be patient.10:52
nitheeshCommand 'su' is available in '/bin/su'10:53
nitheeshThe command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.10:53
JyxtActionParsnip: thanks...actually reloading the default wm then back to compiz seems to have fixed things10:53
Polarinanitheesh: Be patient.10:53
Alexianitheesh, please be patient10:53
Ivoznmvictor: yes10:53
Polarinanitheesh: What does  echo $PATH  give you?10:53
ActionParsnipJyxt: imho compiz is a bit flakey and chews a bit of resources too so i dont use it, it can also make things misbhave so watch out10:54
Ivoznmvictor: do i need to create that user and group manually as well?10:54
nitheeshecho "export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin" >> ~/.bashrc10:54
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nmvictorIvoz: no, mine is just like that and its working fine10:54
nitheeshhi Polarina10:55
samitheberbernmvictor: echo $PATH10:55
nmvictorsamitheberber: im not understanding you, what?10:56
samitheberbernmvictor: what is the ouput?10:56
Leenuxi get error when run Xvfb10:56
LeenuxCould not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic, removing from list!10:56
Leenux(EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed10:56
bullgard4Alexia: You did not answer my question.10:56
Leenuxi asking in #xorg and #intel-gfx10:57
Leenuxbut not get reply10:57
MatBoyI don't get it, when I want to remove swfdec-mozilla, it wants to remove whole gnome :S10:57
Leenuxhow to fix it ?10:57
Polarinanitheesh: Have you modified your PATH environment variable?10:57
Leenuxanyone can help me ?10:57
samitheberbernitheesh: oh, you have lost your default path10:57
nitheeshnow wat to do10:57
nmvictorjust the same code thats in the test.php file, its not formated.10:57
bullgard4Leenux: Please do not replace interpunction with the Enter key.10:57
Polarinanitheesh: Fix it.10:57
MatBoywhy is swfdec integrated anyway :S10:58
samitheberbernitheesh: echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin" >> ~/.bashrc10:58
samitheberbernitheesh: that's why it didn't work10:59
nitheeshnow wat should i do10:59
samitheberbernitheesh: edit the ~/.bashrc10:59
nitheeshwat should i edit there10:59
nmvictorsamitheberber: just the same code thats in the test.php file, its not formated.11:00
samitheberberwhat kind of lines do you have in there, which are relevat to source PATH11:00
nitheeshtell me  clearly11:00
RobUkMorning all, I have jaunty, 2.6.28-15 kernal cant get nvidia card to run, nor can i run the nvidia-xconfig becouse i need to have it plugged into the nvidia port to pic up the monitor details. any ideas11:01
RobUkrescue mode freezes11:01
nitheeshany idea11:01
samitheberbernitheesh: give the output of: cat ~/.bashrc | grep "source PATH"11:01
ActionParsnipRobUk: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   and change the driver from nvidia to nv11:02
RobUktried that , also set to vesa as well11:02
nitheeshbash: grep: command not found11:02
nitheeshCommand 'cat' is available in '/bin/cat'11:02
nitheeshThe command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.11:02
ActionParsnipRobUk: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:02
ActionParsnipRobUk: then restart x11:02
samitheberbernitheesh: do you have another user, which has sudo-right?11:03
ActionParsnipRobUk: you could also use: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18011:03
nitheeshroot user only11:03
RobUkproblem is to run it it needs to be connected to nvidia port so that the port pics up the monitor details. can get into command line from the rescu mode as it freezes11:03
samitheberbernitheesh: so you can log in with root?11:04
ActionParsnipRobUk: ive never heard of an "nvidia port" can you please clarify this11:04
LeenuxActionParsnip: i get error when run Xvfb in my ubuntu 8.10, (EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed11:06
Leenuxhow to fix it ?11:06
Leenuxmy vga is intel11:06
ActionParsnipLeenux: no idea sorry, have you tried websearching the error message?11:06
Leenuxand driver was installed11:06
VanionHaving trouble with Transmission , every time i reboot Transmission begins to download the files again... someone know what the problem?11:07
Vanionhot to solve it *xD11:07
tarelerulzI just had windows system Vista just restart and keeps restarting for no reason. I think it might be virus .  Is there any Linux anti-virus I could use to scan  windows with ?11:08
iceroottarelerulz: antivir (the same as for windows), clamd11:09
Alexiatarelerulz, you can install clam-av11:09
mumeiuhh.. hi.. can anybody tell me how do i track software installed? i know theres synaptic but theres like a thousand stuff in there.. i just dont know where to look.. cause sometimes i uninstall stuff with add/remove but they are still around like the restricted extras.. any help much appreciated thanks in advance =)11:09
SteilIs there a program that'll put a bandwidth limit on my computer so that once i reach a certain download limit things will throttle?11:09
Steili want to put it on my gateway11:10
imduffy15Hi, should i have a ipv6 settings tab on the network-manager?11:10
bullgard4mumei: Despite your statement Synapric is still the best tool to look for installed software.11:10
mumeibullgard4: ok thanks.. ill go check the manual for synaptic11:11
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Cheeryhow to get filled manpages?11:11
Cheeryfor instance, it seems like I wouldn't get anything for man 3 mmap or man 3 open11:12
westmiVanion,right click the files and then left click remove, do that to each of the files11:12
SteilHi guys, I have a problem where I go way over my bandwidth allocation, is there a program that I can put on my gateway that will throttle external network speeds when a set limit is reached?11:12
Vanionwestmi: remove the files?:O11:12
MatBoywhat kind of flash plugin are you guys using ?11:13
westmiVanion, yes- you have to remove finished files or they will start every time you do transmission11:13
Cheerydamn you, it's like this channel would be full of noobs looking for answers these days. utterly useless. :/ better rely on google or smaller channels.11:13
Vanionwestmi: I want to keep the torrents in Transmission to seed:D but the problem is that they begin to download again after every restart11:14
westmiwell are you sure its downloading, or seeding? i dont know how you can seed and download, ???11:15
mumeiCheery: everybody was once a noob... nobody can be pro in one day..  and they need a place to start =)11:15
Steilthey need to RTFM11:15
MatBoyCheery: indeed...11:15
MatBoyCheery: but flash is a pain these days...11:16
Vanionwestmi: Of course i can't seed them when they begin to download the files again11:16
Cheerymumei: yeah, though there should be guys on answering the stuff, it's like the frustation capacity of this channel is filled in seconds and then lots of those simple questions go unanswered.11:16
mumeiSteil: LOL kkkkkkkkk ill keep that in my noob mind from today onwards..11:16
CheeryMatBoy: sure it is, actually flash is a stick in the arse of webkind.11:17
westmivanion,just get deluge and forget transmission-its much better11:17
MatBoyCheery: that is why I have so much pain on the toilet every time11:17
mumeiCheery: actually i think this place is quite ok... if you go on smaller channels.. you dont get somebody answering until about.. a few hours? xD11:18
SteilHi guys, I have a problem where I go way over my bandwidth allocation, is there a program that I can put on my gateway that will throttle external network speeds when a set limit is reached?11:18
Vanionwestmi: Ok  , think i'll try it , thanks anyway =)11:18
bullgard4Cheery: With me, 'man 3 open' obtains a reesonable result. (Ubuntu 9.04).11:20
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koszhi, can anyone tell me where the config file for apache resides in ubuntu ? I'm trying to add authz_svn_module to an already exisitng svn setup11:20
Cheerybullgard4: yeah, but manual pages need to be installed for that11:21
bullgard4Cheery: Yes. Without input there will be no output.11:21
Cheeryanyway, one other linux channel helped me and told the correct packages to install.11:22
koszanyone ?11:22
Cheerynow I have the pages.11:22
OsamaK_Is there a package for emacs23 for ubuntu 9.04 somewhere?11:23
koszhow can i install a new mod for apache with apt-get in ubuntu ?11:24
OsamaK_kosz: which mod?11:25
OsamaK_kosz: if you want mod_python, they try 'apt-get install libapache2-mod-python'11:26
achadwickkosz: "apt-cache search libapache2-mod-"  (minus the quotes) to see what's available, "apt-get install libapache2-mod-THING" to install.11:26
koszthanks guys , sorry for the late reply. i am looking to install authz_svn_module , i'll try the suggestion right now11:29
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omacOk.  For those of you who don't want to lose you keyboard or mouse input, PLEASE DON'T TURN OFF THE "DBUS" SYSTEM ADMIN SERVICE.  Immediately after turning it off, you'll be in a state that you won'd be able to type or use the mouse.  In other words it's ugly, if you don't have an Ubuntu CD/USB Boot disk handy.  To fix it, you need to check out your /etc/init.d/rc2.d/ directory and then make sure the dbus service has S12dbus linked to ../init.11:29
omacd/dbus.  If the file isn't in there, your mouse or keyboard just won't work.11:29
koszOsamaK , achadwick , i tried : apt-cache search libapache2-mod-authz-svn , but nothing was found11:30
illikawnomac bsd will ctrl-alt-f1 from X with a bad config :)11:30
SteilHi guys, I have a problem where I go way over my bandwidth allocation, is there a program that I can put on my gateway that will throttle external network speeds when a set limit is reached?11:30
syntaxif you lock your self out on the login screen is there a way to pass it?11:31
illikawnim not getting any smarter11:31
omaclucky for your in BSD, but this dbus service being turned off was ugly.11:31
ActionParsnipSteil: you cant go over the speed allocated to you by your provider11:31
imduffy15Can I manage ipv6 connections with network-manager?11:31
omacIt's hard to go to ctrl-alt-f1 when the keyboard isn't working.11:32
omacgood night.11:32
ActionParsnipomac: boot to recovery root console then11:32
OsamaK_kosz: I think that is a file, not a package. you should put it in /apache2/modules. so I think you need to ask apache guys about it.11:33
OsamaK_kosz: try http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/11:35
RobUkmsg Alexia hi there11:35
ActionParsnipRobUk: start it with a '/'11:37
syntaxwhere can you get audacious themes at?11:38
achadwickkosz: the package you want is libapache2-svn (the Subversion modules are bundled together).11:38
EnissayI'm using UberScript for XChat, when trying to slap someone i got this "Usage: TIMER [-refnum <num>] [-repeat <num>] <seconds> <command>"... how to use it please?11:39
achadwickkosz: consult the docs in /usr/share/doc/libapache2-svn whemn you have the package installed. In particular any README.Debian for Debian/Ubuntu-specific oddities.11:39
ActionParsnipsyntax www.gnome-look.org seems to have some11:39
nefahi! does anyone know why the update manager shows more updates than 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'? I thought both methods were equivalent, but apparently they're not. Update manager shows me 11 important security updates, whereas 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade' gets me: '3 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded'. Any idea what's wrong here?11:40
richardcavellWhen I use apt-get it offers to remove certain packages, but I want them to stay.  Is there some way of flagging a package as being used so apt-get doesn't want to autoremove it?11:41
westmiEnissay,  try #xchat11:41
ActionParsnipnefa: the not upgraded ones are held until their deps are met. I personally only use apt-get as I find it quicker than synaptic11:42
The_Jaghi all, I still have problem with flash in firefox: all videos are played stuttery and cpu always hit high usage while a page with flash in it is shown in the browser. any help?11:42
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: can you give the output of: uname -a    please11:43
tarelerulz1I am using clam-av and it says you have to edit  it config file ? What does it mean .  What do you do to it if anyone knows11:43
The_Jagwait a sec11:43
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: here it is: Linux Jag-Laptop 2.6.28-15-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 18:40:08 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux11:44
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: ok 32bit should be ok11:45
The_Jagi'm using shiretoko as a browser, but each browser I tried (firefox 3.0, opera, shiretoko) gives the same problem :(11:45
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: killall firefox; sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get clean11:46
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: shiretoko == firefox11:46
The_Jagyes but ver. 3.5.211:46
The_Jagif i'm correct11:46
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: yes but firefox 2.0 is still firefox also11:47
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: once you have got rid of the old plugin and closed all firefoxes. simply visit: http://www.rathergood.com/blode211:47
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: the plugin will be offered to you11:47
Enissaywestmi, kk, thks :11:48
Alexiatarelerulz1, http://techgurulive.com/2009/01/13/how-to-install-and-configure-clamav-on-ubuntu/11:48
test375anyone know of any socks5-proxy-server package you could install easily? ssh is going waaay to slow...11:48
ActionParsniptest375: ssh is text only so should be fast11:49
Amnesiahi, I've got a simple question, anyone who's able to answer it?11:49
zyxxyActionParsnip: ssh can do so much more than just remote shell ;)11:49
ActionParsnip!ask | Amnesia11:49
ubottuAmnesia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:49
PolarinaAmnesia: Depends on the question.11:49
ActionParsnipzyxxy: true11:49
Amnesiawell I was wondering, when isntalling a distribution from scrap11:50
Amnesiahow is it possible to install a packagemanager11:50
test375i only get around 300KB/s with a 100MBit/s connection now11:50
pozicHow can I get my sound on Ubuntu to work? 03:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs CA0106 Soundblaster The driver is loaded: snd_ca0106 33792  111:50
ActionParsnipyou mean scratch11:50
zyxxytest375: what exactly do you want to do?11:50
test375what could be wrong?11:50
Amnesiafrom source, but how would it be possible to install the compiler?11:50
pozicWhen I do alsamixer, I see lots of bars, but I don't hear anything, even with everything raised.11:50
nefaActionParsnip: I now did an update on the console, the 3 packages were installed, but the 4 other packages are still kept back. After it was finished, update manager popped up, offering me 8 updates.11:50
test375browse the web =P11:50
ActionParsnipAmnesia: the installer is a binary and simply copied into place, it can then be used to install the rest11:50
Amnesiainstaller of the compiler?11:51
ActionParsnipAmnesia: you're getting into the realms of how is a compiler compiled etc11:51
Amnesiaor is the compiler just binary?11:51
zyxxytest375: via an insecure connection? if it doesn't have to be encrypted, you could just disable it11:51
ActionParsnipAmnesia: the first thing installed will be the installer, its files are copied around so that it will work, this can then be used to install oter apps11:52
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: ....11:53
test375how can i do that in putty? =P11:53
ActionParsnipa compiler is a binary, a good example here is gentoo, you download a compiler binary, compile a new compiler using source to replace it thenyou can compile the rest11:53
kindofabuzzhow can i make it to where when i try to save a file in IDLE, the save window doesn't show hidden folders?11:54
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: no download...11:54
ActionParsniptest375: you can ssh and use lynx2 or you can use x forwarding to x forward the browser of your choice, it wil rn on the remote pc but be displayed on the client system11:54
TimothyAkindofabuzz; sounds like an security issue you have there11:55
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: weird11:55
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: do you have other flash plugins install like swfdec or gnash?11:55
kindofabuzzTimothyA, security issue?11:55
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: i still can play the flash file on your paga :(11:55
The_Jaglet me see11:55
The_Jagprobably, since i didn't make the config on this system...11:55
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: I have both11:57
crzedmonkhey anyone here?11:57
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: uninstall them?11:57
Alexiacrzedmonk, nope11:57
crzedmonkI have the stupidest question ever asked this channel!11:57
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: yes if you have more than one they fight11:57
Alexiacrzedmonk, lol what is it;11:57
WizzupI was wondering, is it possible to upgrade to mpd 0.15 using the package manager? (Current is 0.13 in Jaunty)11:57
nefaActionParsnip: ...so the dependencies don't seem to explain the difference.11:57
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: i also have adobe-flashplugin11:58
crzedmonkI recently switched to debian from ubuntu in ubuntu there is a notes program the icon looks yellow and it saves all the notes your working on up top what is the name of this program?11:58
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: get rid of that too11:58
buchI have this problem, when i updated kernel, by a accident i chosed to keep the old menu.lst - any one can help me boot with the new kernel?11:58
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: ok11:58
AlexiaWizzup, you can use the debian package installer and would sort of be using the package manager11:58
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karangacrzedmonk: TomBoy Notes?11:59
Alexiacrzedmonk, Tomboy11:59
crzedmonkquick I will ask al gores the interweb11:59
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: ok now i visit your page again?11:59
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: clos all web browsers first12:00
crzedmonkthank you12:00
crzedmonkbest nerds ever!12:00
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: done already12:00
Alexiacrzedmonk, LOL12:00
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: then go to that page again, its got a wacky anim on it so you should be offered flash12:01
crzedmonkAlexia: I love this tomboy12:01
crzedmonkso swift12:01
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: the animation started without any prompt12:01
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: uhm12:01
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: then you have flash, is it running ok?12:02
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: now yes12:02
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: ok try other stuff12:02
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: without stuttering as of now12:02
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: and no cpu usage12:02
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: very TY!!!12:02
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: np bro12:02
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: multiple flash plugins = problems12:03
digital1i have install ubuntu 9.04 but display not able12:03
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: true, and multiple ppl working on the same machine pretendint to be linux master = huge disaster... ;)12:03
mwarningHi, I have an ubuntu installation with no user, only root (password is set). But the ubuntu login screen won't allow me to login, not even for the failsave terminal. Any idea how to access the console? I use vmware and it doesn't forward the STRG+ALT+F1.12:03
dragonrigswhat the hell12:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spam12:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wait12:03
dragonrigshow do u spell patiance12:04
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: true, thats why you restrict access to people who will break it most12:04
crzedmonkhow is ubuntu 9?12:04
zichoi run a shellscript in my conky using rhythmbox-client, this forces rhythmbox to open whenever i run conky. can i disable this somehow?12:04
digital1how i can see display?12:04
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digital1i listen only sound and display is black12:05
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: runs ok here12:05
digital1help me12:05
crzedmonkI kinda miss ubuntu but not really12:06
crzedmonkI enjoy lenny alot12:06
Alexiacrzedmonk, I love Ubuntu 9 its great12:06
=== HACKER10011 is now known as aaron11
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: right...! Last thing to bother you: Alsa is not discovering my soundcard in my laptop (Asus W5Fm), I found a solution to just recompile the alsa libs and drivers with forced address, now the question: since alsa said that my pc should be recognised from start (driver: hda-intel) do I have to do something else or each time I upgrade kernel I have to do the recompiling again?12:07
Alexiacrzedmonk, I would us debian but I hate that they stay so far behind in the packages12:07
zyxxycrzedmonk: i switched to 9.04 from mac os and couldn't be happier :)12:07
aaron11does anyone know how to auto identify12:07
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: you will need to recompile the kernel modules again for the new kernel12:08
digital1little help for me?12:09
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: ok, I can make a script for that I imagine right?12:09
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: you do not need a new kernel if everything is running ok so ifyour system is fine ignore the kernel updates12:09
ActionParsnipThe_Jag: sure you can script anything12:09
karanga9.10 alpha has sorted the issues with the Intel Video drivers performance as well which was my only gripe with 9.0412:09
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: ok nice! I try and see what happens :D12:09
The_Jag@ActionParsnip: TY again!12:09
StivoHello. I'm having a problem installing the webmin deb file. I've downloaded it, but it's failing on dependancies with I try to use dpkg to install it. apt-get just says it can't find the package. How to I make this work?12:11
ActionParsnip!webmin | Stivo12:11
ubottuStivo: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.12:11
Stivoebox - ok.12:11
ActionParsnipStivo: why do you need webmin?12:11
crunchoh my, don't use webmin12:12
StivoIt's what I'm familiar with when it comes to configuring services, and I'll be doing most of the management remotely.12:12
crunchone knows that12:12
crunchoh my12:12
StivoSo where do I get this ebox thingy?12:13
crunchStivo, I would suggest you take this opportunity to learn better ways of administering services12:13
Stivocrunch, I agree with you there - my methods are certainly out-dated.12:13
crunchStivo,  it is not so much the outdated-ness, as the insecurity and instability webmin brings12:13
bullgard4Where in the file hierarchy does Ubuntu show a contingent Bluetooth device?12:14
StivoWell I'm happy to look at better options.12:14
ActionParsnipStivo: services can easilyt be managed by ssh, what particulr services?12:14
crunchStivo, may I ask what services you are configuring?12:14
silv3r_m00nhi there12:14
silv3r_m00nhow to keep the lcd bright when on battery .... in netbook remix12:15
crunchexactly. You can SSH in, or if you are feeling all GUIy you can use tightVNC etc.12:15
hateballsilv3r_m00n: under screensaver options iirc... not on NBR atm12:15
StivoThe server I've setup is a glorified router and file server. I just want a simple web based interface to configure those services... like iptables samba and the DNS services.12:15
ActionParsnipStivo: you can also use X forwarding (defualt in openssh-server) to run the gui apps on the server but view them on the client system12:15
remoteCTR1hi all!12:15
remoteCTR1how do i extract the contents of a .deb package?12:15
ActionParsnipStivo: samba can be really easily managed via /etc/samba/smb.conf12:16
crzedmonkwhat are some cool apps that I do not know about?12:16
crunchweb based interface? I feel ill. Very ill. Oh my, the state of people wanting to use *nix nowdays really causes me concern. How rude.12:16
ActionParsnipremoteCTR1: deb x <deb file>    i believe12:16
StivoActionParsnip I'm not the best when it comes to code in the raw files.12:16
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: depends what you wanna do12:16
crzedmonkActionParsnip: stuff!12:16
ActionParsnipStivo: once you see one layout for a folder yuo have seen em all12:16
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip, thanks i will try that12:17
crzedmonkI like messing with bash commands and things that force me to learn12:17
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: well i could tell yo uof graphic editting apps but if you arent interested in that its a waste of time12:17
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip, err... no such command...12:17
crzedmonkman I wish I had the patience to compile gentoo12:18
ActionParsnipremoteCTR1: dpkg -x <deb file>12:18
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: its not hard12:18
StivoHas anoyne setup Asterisk on Ubuntu server?12:19
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip, right, thanks!:)12:19
crzedmonkActionParsnip: I have heard horro stories12:19
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: just have the handbook by your side, you'll be fine12:19
AlexiaremoteCTR1, do you still need help with .deb files/12:19
crzedmonkYAAY Handbook!12:20
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=== Phil_Ewert|aw is now known as Phil_Ewert
Alexiacrzedmonk, yah i think thats the sign of when you really are a linux UBERgeek is when you can compile gentoo or slackware or especially LFS12:21
cwillusamba keeps stealing the names of other hosts on the network when I turn it on (where turn it on == install it without doing anything beyond the default config files)12:21
AlexiaremoteCTR1, you can also use fileroller to extract .deb files12:21
cwilluthis is a Bad Thing (tm), as it means all shares on the network stop working (because I don't have them on this server)12:22
cwilluwhat gives?12:22
bazhangcrzedmonk, did you have a support question?12:22
ActionParsnipcrzedmonk: you can use similar to emerge in ubuntu with apt-build12:22
ActionParsnipcwillu: how do you mean by "stealing names"?12:22
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Woodihi ppls, lastly i upgraded ubuntu and after reboot only / partition is mounted, no any editor program (maybe on /usr?), no sudo too.. so no root - should i reinstall ubuntu ?12:23
StivoSo I'm trying to install ebox now because it's apparently supported better by ubuntu, but apt-get is telling me it can't find a package called ebox. What now?12:23
cwilluActionParsnip, I install samba, and then machines that had shares (say, //hp_server) show the default samba shares instead of the shares that are actually on the machine12:23
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
ActionParsnipcwillu: conflict of hostname?12:24
cwilluActionParsnip, other hosts on the network resolve names to the samba server's ip address (say, //hp_server stops resolving to its ip, and instead resolves to ubuntu's)12:24
cwilluActionParsnip, not a chance12:24
cwilluActionParsnip, _every_ hostname on the network does it12:24
ActionParsnipcwillu: its possible though. i assume nothing12:24
ActionParsnipcwillu: i see12:24
ActionParsnipcwillu: are any of the other systems linux+samba based?12:25
RoRzawhat's the command to display a path of the current folder ?12:25
cwilluActionParsnip, there's an nas server which I know runs samba, but its been trouble-free for these folks for a few years12:25
dutchbuntuRorza: pwd12:25
cwilluotherwise, yes12:25
cwilluthe rest are winxp12:25
RoRzafrom command line ...something  similar to whoami12:25
RoRzadutchbuntu: thx12:26
cwilluActionParsnip, my hunch is that samba is acting as the browse master, and royally screwing it up12:26
ActionParsnipcwillu: ok, you could make sure the samba box is in the same workgroup as the rest, if not try a different one12:26
ActionParsnipcwillu: sounds like a possibility12:26
ActionParsnipcwillu: definately log a bug though, thats some crazy activity12:27
sysadmin(in /var/www/rails_apps/redmine)12:27
sysadminrake aborted!12:27
sysadminno such file to load -- openssl12:27
FloodBot2sysadmin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:27
sysadmin(in /var/www/rails_apps/redmine)12:30
sysadminrake aborted!12:30
sysadminno such file to load -- openssl12:30
sysadminany idea12:30
FloodBot2sysadmin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:30
sysadmin(in /var/www/rails_apps/redmine)rake aborted!no such file to load -- openssl12:30
ActionParsnipsysadmin: if you use a pastebin instead you don't scroll the channel and the floodbot won't slap you around so much12:31
remoteCTR1alexia: no you cant12:31
ActionParsnipRoRza: pwd12:32
ActionParsnipRoRza: present working directory ;)12:32
ZyMeна рус яз есть кто? можете помочь с установкой драйверов радеон :)12:32
ActionParsnip!ru | ZyMe12:32
ubottuZyMe: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:32
RoRzaActionParsnip: thanks12:32
bazhangZyMe, #ubuntu-ru12:32
jerry1.t shandong12:34
zichoi run a shellscript in my conky using rhythmbox-client, this forces rhythmbox to open whenever i run conky. can i disable this somehow?12:34
ActionParsnipwow pwd takes option12:34
ActionParsnipman pwd = http://www.manpagez.com/man/1/pwd/12:34
AlexiaremoteCTR1, im sorry i thought you could but if you cant, then this command should work fine dpkg -x filename.deb foldername12:35
remoteCTR1Alexia, yeah thanks, ActionParsnip said that already;)  (fileroller shows a completely different content than dpkg -x does, checki it out!;)  )12:36
Steilis there a driver for my fufme f drive for ubuntu?12:36
AlexiaremoteCTR1, well I tried lol12:37
sysadminany idea ?12:37
Steilsysadmin: genital herpes/12:38
sysadminany solutions12:38
arandI get a kernel panic on shutdown, I would like to know the easiest way to capture it for attaching to bug report?12:38
MyrttiSteil: this is Ubuntu support channel, respect the rules of it12:38
bazhangSteil, that is not appropriate for this channel12:38
Steilsysadmin:  valtrex can help but its not a cure, you may still transmit genital herpes to your partner even if you show no symptoms12:38
Steil<bazhang> stay on topic12:39
Steil<Steil> okay sorry12:39
joaopintoarand, check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelOops12:40
bazhangSteil, this is a support channel. chit chat elsewhere please12:40
ActionParsnipremoteCTR1: i dont use fileroller, takes too long12:40
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip, i only use it if i want to look into somethings contents but not for the actual extractioni...12:42
ActionParsnipremoteCTR1: makes sense12:42
arandjoaopinto: Cheers, but unfortunately the Oops/panic does not show up in dmesg.12:43
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip, do you happen to know what bash variable contains the success/failure value of the last command?12:44
MyrttiremoteCTR1: $?  iirc12:45
dutchbunturemoteCTR1: or $exit12:45
remoteCTR1Myrtti, dutchbuntu thanks guys!12:45
ActionParsnipi think its just $ let me websearch12:46
hbekelremoteCTR1: it's $?12:46
AlexiaCash? can I have some lol12:46
hbekelActionParsnip: nope12:46
dutchbunturemoteCTR1 hbekel and Myrtti are right12:47
ActionParsnipor you could be more absolute and use result=command then perform logic on $result12:47
ActionParsniphbekel: but yeah $? is looking right12:47
serialsito$? report the exit code12:48
Mark__what does an asterisk signify in a history entry12:48
Mark__in bash12:48
Mark__i.e. 123* some command12:48
Mark__never seen it before and its driving me nuts12:48
titanichi guyzzz12:48
titanicI need help guyz12:49
s27how to find name of files ending with .o12:49
titanicany one help me please12:49
Myrttititanic: ask12:49
Dr_Williss27:  clarify what you mean. You dont mean 'locate .o' do you ?12:49
ActionParsnips27: sudo find / -name "*.o"12:49
Mark__s27 try locate \.o12:49
serialsitoupdatedb before12:49
serialsito"updatedb" i mean12:50
Flomarmorning sirs!12:50
Flomari`m back with my nvidia problem :(12:50
serialsitothis update the locate db12:50
Dr_Willisactually it would be 'sudo updatedb' i think.12:50
Dr_Willisthe locate datebase gets auto-updated like once a day I recall.12:50
Flomari upgraded to the last nvidia site driver 185.18.31 from nvidia site... all other drivers (ubuntu tested) failed12:51
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: i uninstall it. its silly12:51
Flomarbut i guess is a X issue but i don`t know how to fix it...12:51
cwilluActionParsnip, uninstalling locate is silly12:51
orochiwhoops! need more screens :>12:51
Dr_WillisI use it all the time ActionParsnip  :)  but i also got it set to index my err...  video  collection. :)12:51
Dr_WillisThis is linux - do what you want.. silly or not.12:52
ActionParsnipcwillu: i prefer to use find, i can then use exec after it too :)12:52
Flomari get renderization errors, the screen mess up with diagonal render lines12:52
Dr_WillisCompared to the indexing disk-trashing i see done on windows.. i will stick with locate.12:52
Dr_WillisI use locate for totally diffrent tasks then i do 'find'12:52
dvz-heya, is it possible to install fedora (from livecd) on a 2nd external hd from within ubuntu? (rather than restarting into the livecd)12:53
ActionParsnipmind you its rare i need it, i have a cool filing system for my own data12:53
cwilluI do too:  I dump everything in to any folder I want, and then when I want to find something, I type "locate something", and I find it :)12:53
shp1does anyone know how to uninstall the software installed using a .bin file ?12:54
ActionParsnipdvz-: you'll need to install fedora in the standard fedora way and keep your internal drive as the bootable disk12:54
cwillushp1, bin is a made-up fileextension that usually means an executable of some form.  Generally made by companies that feel the need to reinvent their own installers.  Hopefully they just dumped stuff into /usr/local/.../, or they provide an --uninstall or equivilent12:55
hbekelshp1: try blah.bin --help or similar, and if you're lucky, they provide an uninstall option12:55
cwillushp1, but you'd have to check their documentation12:55
Dr_Willisshp1:  totally installs on the bin  - 'bin' could do ANYTHING - and has no guarentee it even has an uninstall feature. This is why you shoudl avoid bin.12:55
hbekelshp1: in any case look at the file to see what it does12:55
dvz-ActionParsnip: my internal drive is dying, and i'm trying to set it up so that it has grub info and menu.lst on sdb1, a swap primary (sdb2), and LVM (sdb3)...but fedora insists on overriding my preformatted/partitioned disk and it's frustrating. meh.12:55
Dr_Willistotally depends on the .bin i mean. :)12:55
cwillushp1, if you can find a deb of the software, that is almost always preferable (somebody might have packaged it up into a repository on launchpad, for instance)12:55
ActionParsnipshp1: or look where it installs (most likey /opt) and you may find an uninstaller12:55
Dr_Willisshp1:  or if i have to use .bin i fiure out how to install it on a 'per user' basis so it goes in the users home dir. or /opt12:56
ActionParsnipdvz-: ask in #fedora they may be able to tell you how to beat their installer into submission12:56
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muhammedhi alla12:57
cwillushp1, of course, if you can tell us what software that bin is...12:57
shp1well guys its PostgreSQl12:57
muhammedwhat is the path of programs in ubuntu ?12:58
cwilluugh, postgre is definitely packaged up already :p12:58
cwillu!info postgresql12:58
ubottupostgresql (source: postgresql-8.3): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 8.3.7-1 (jaunty), package size 229 kB, installed size 268 kB12:58
Myrttimuhammed: why are you asking? want to uninstall something?12:58
hbekelmuhammed: echo $PATH12:58
cwillumuhammed, binaries are in /usr/bin generally, libraries in /usr/lib, documentation in /usr/share/doc (and other stuff in /usr/share)12:58
muhammedno..just to knw12:59
cwilluruntime stuff is in /var12:59
cwilluand settings are in /etc12:59
kholerabbihey, how can I find what model and brand is my wireless card?12:59
cwilluthat's pretty much everything in a nutshell :)12:59
Myrttigames are in /usr/games12:59
dutchbuntukholerabbi: iwconfig12:59
sysadminany idea12:59
cwilluMyrtti, which is rather odd12:59
muhammedthnx a lot guyz13:00
kholerabbidutchbuntu: thanks, I'll check it out13:00
hbekelcwillu: that's traditional13:00
cwilluhbekel, it's also odd13:00
digitalvaldostaGood morning (or whatever). I was wondering if anyone knows of a program I can use to find out why an external hdd would have slow access time. I got this from a customer and they are only using 9% of 320gb.13:00
sysadminany idea?13:00
muhammedguyz ... i put a password to the grub ...how could i remove it?13:01
cwillusysadmin, a pastebin without any description of what it is isn't going to get many people looking at it :p13:01
cwillusysadmin, everyone will just assume it was intended for someone in particular13:01
sysadmintry this13:01
kholerabbidutchbuntu: iwconfig doesn't show me the manufacturer or model, that I can see...13:01
cwillukholerabbi, lspci|grep -i net should show you something13:02
taavikkokholerabbi: "lshw -C network"13:02
cwillukholerabbi, it'll include the wired adapter too though13:02
kholerabbithanks cwillu13:02
muhammedthnx sysadmin13:02
digitalvaldostaThe external HDD is a SimpleTech SimpleDrive. Does anyone know what command I can run in the command Line to test it to see whats wrong? :D13:02
cwilludigitalvaldosta, usb?13:02
digitalvaldostacwillu, yes13:03
cwilludigitalvaldosta, you're limited then in what sorts of diagnostics you can run.  Smart-disk checks (i.e., hardware checks) generally aren't supported over usb13:03
cwilludigitalvaldosta, additionally, depending on the usb port you're plugged into, and other assorted factors, you may be running at old usb speeds, which would be quite slow13:04
hbekelsysadmin: have you run with --trace?13:04
cwilludigitalvaldosta, use a port on the back of the computer (one with the port attached to the motherboard) if you can, they're more likely to be highspeed in some circumstances13:05
=== Phil_Ewert is now known as Phil_Ewert|aw
c4pthello i was wondering how i can slow down the boot process i am trying to capture the error from a kernel panic while using xen.13:05
muhammedcould i use Knoppix CD in ubuntu?13:05
hbekelsysadmin: what is your question?13:05
digitalvaldostawell it is 2.0. every other hdd I run on that port run fine. this is a drive that I am testing for a customer. it was running slow on his computers (2). and I just plugged it in here and it is still attempting to open a folder. :(13:05
zirodaymuhammed, to do what exactly?13:06
cwilludigitalvaldosta, you could also use hdparm -t /dev/whatever-device-it-is13:06
TRIBALEROhi, where i can get free bnc ?13:06
cwilludigitalvaldosta, which should show you some performance data13:06
hbekelsysadmin: well, you seem to miss openssl for ruby13:06
digitalvaldostacwillu, ok I will try that.13:06
cwilludigitalvaldosta, that sounds like a drive failure, re-reading sectors to overcome errors13:06
sysadminso wat should i do now13:07
NantoRokuseikenhello to everyone.my problem is that i connected on my ubuntu 9.04 laptop a usb keyboard and after a while it was working fine. when though i unplugged the mouse my laptop keyboard is not functioning properly.how can i reconfigure it?13:07
cwilludigitalvaldosta, which is why I started with the smart-disk check, which you probably can't do without taking the drive out of the enclosure and plugging it in directly13:07
TRIBALEROhi, where i can get free bnc ?13:07
muhammedrecover my grub password13:07
cwilludigitalvaldosta, if the enclosure has esata, that would also be suitable13:07
PiciTRIBALERO: Not here, this is a support channel.13:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smart-utils13:07
cwillu!info smart-utils13:07
ubottuPackage smart-utils does not exist in jaunty13:07
digitalvaldostacwillu, thats what I am thinking as well. I had done a google search and found that other people had problems with the same brand drive but that pcworld mag said it is a great buy. lol13:07
ubottusmart is another meta-package manager available for Ubuntu. It's quite stable, uses APT's repositories, can handle mirrors/multiple-connections, and is supposed to make Ubuntu BiArch-compatible. See http://labix.org/smart and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SmartPackageManager13:07
hbekelsysadmin: isn't it obvious?13:08
cwillu!info smartmontools | digitalvaldosta13:08
ubottudigitalvaldosta: smartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.38-2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 322 kB, installed size 804 kB13:08
cwilludigitalvaldosta, that package has smartctl which has test modes which are useful.  Generally they don't work over usb devices though :(13:08
hbekelsysadmin: yes?13:08
muhammedguyz ...I know the password of my grub...but how could i remove it?!!13:08
digitalvaldostaok, cwillu13:08
cwilludigitalvaldosta, well, any drive will start doing that if you drop it from 3 feet onto a concrete floor :p13:08
digitalvaldostalol, cwillu.13:09
muhammedlo cwillu13:09
zirodayc4pt, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelDebuggingTricks13:09
zichoi run a shellscript in my conky using rhythmbox-client, this forces rhythmbox to open whenever i run conky. can i disable this somehow?13:09
cwilludigitalvaldosta, my boss currently doesn't believe that harddrives fail.  Ever.  His laptop still works fine after 3 years :p13:09
digitalvaldostacwillu, maybe not SSDs but I have not tested that theory yet as i don't have one of those.13:09
cwilluso, selling him on the concept of backups is a bit tricky :p13:09
muhammedguyz ...I know the password of my grub...but how could i remove it?!!13:10
zirodaymuhammed, edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst13:10
digitalvaldostacwillu, tell him to prepare for the battery failure soon. lol.13:10
cwilludigitalvaldosta, he only ever uses it plugged in.  I don't know that he has any battery life to speak of anyway :p13:10
muhammedthanx ziroday13:11
zichoi run a shellscript in my conky using rhythmbox-client, this forces rhythmbox to open whenever i run conky. can i disable this somehow?13:11
ActionParsnip!help }| digital113:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help }13:12
ActionParsnip!ask | digital113:12
ubottudigital1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:12
Slartzicho: well.. if the shellscript has to run your script and your script forcecs rythmbox to open then.. no.. rythmbox will open13:12
Dr_Williszicho:  make the script see if rythm-box is allready running... if so contiue. if not.. exit.. i guess13:12
digital1my ubuntu' display is black13:12
muhammedziroday....then ?13:13
Slartzicho: you might want to consider if you really have to run the shellscript, if the shellscript has to call rythmbox or if the rythmbox command has to start rythmbox... but as you described it there's no way out of it13:13
dutchbuntudigital1: I prefer it that way too13:13
zirodaymuhammed, remove the password line13:13
digital1i have install ubuntu 9.04 but display not able13:13
zichoSlart i think it has to13:13
digital1it's black13:13
muhammedziroday...this" password --md5 $1$gLhU0/$aW78kHK1QfV3P2b2znUoe/"?13:14
zirodaymuhammed, sure13:14
muhammedthnx alot13:14
digitalvaldostacwillu, I tried it with -t and -T and they ran in 2-3 sec. I will now try the other package later.13:17
cwilludigitalvaldosta, but what was the transfer rate it reported?13:18
cwilluthat's the interesting number, not how long the test took13:18
digitalvaldostacwillu, Timing cached reads:   630 MB in  2.01 seconds = 314.20 MB/sec13:18
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:19
nErVeI wonder how stranger can things get..flash videos were working fine till yesterday night when but today they wont play I keep getting javascript turned off or flash plugin install error13:19
ActionParsnipnErVe: is javascript enabled?13:20
nErVeActionParsnip: Yes it is13:20
ActionParsnipnErVe: and can you view http://rathergood.com/blode213:20
nErVeActionParsnip: If its a funny video of two heads. Yes I can.13:21
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto13:22
nErVeActionParsnip: I am having problems with you tube. Now that I think of it.13:23
ActionParsnipnErVe: ok ten flash is working13:23
ActionParsnipnErVe: its just a site i know that use flash but not javascript :)13:24
nErVeActionParsnip: What should be my next plan of action to get this fixed.13:24
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:25
BoohbahSteil: the sky is falling13:25
samitheberbernErVe: what browser do you use?13:25
coensan the french13:25
Boohbahcoens: ban the french?13:26
bazhangcoens #ubuntu-fr pour francais13:26
indushi folks13:27
nErVesamitheberber: I use Firefox 3.0.1313:27
ActionParsnipnErVe: do you have multiple flash plugins installed?13:29
samitheberbernErVe: check that you have javascript enabled in Edit → Preferences → Content13:29
B4ckBOneis there a way to redirect lm-sensors output to a website?13:29
BoohbahB4ckBOne: curl13:29
iwobblesare we safe now ?13:30
B4ckBOneI want to monitor my server using lm-sensors through a website .. is it possible?13:30
Snake23B4ckBOne:  you want a web based monitoring system?13:32
B4ckBOneSnake23,  exactly!13:32
Snake23what do you want to monitor?13:32
B4ckBOneTemperatures voltage diskspace uptime load ...13:33
Snake23maybe you should try webmin13:33
Snake23i don't know if you can monitor what you want to monitor but...13:33
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.13:33
Snake23ubottu: you rocks13:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you rocks13:34
gbrethen? need help with some partitions13:34
B4ckBOneMyrtti,  what would you use?13:35
sysadminany idea13:36
MyrttiB4ckBOne: ebox, since that's what the bot suggested13:36
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox13:36
sysadminhow to install ruby sourcecode on ubntu13:37
cwillusysadmin, apt-get source ruby13:37
Kartagis!ruby | sysadmin13:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ruby13:37
cwilluwill dump the source into the current directory13:37
cwillu!info ruby | Kartagis13:38
ubottuKartagis: ruby (source: ruby-defaults): An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In component main, is optional. Version 4.2 (jaunty), package size 20 kB, installed size 100 kB13:38
BoohbahB4ckBOne: also look at munin and nagios13:38
hbekelsysadmin: have you looked at mkmf.log, tried the --with-openssl* options, located openssl.h?13:38
jetienneq. when doing 'sudo apt-get upgrade', some packages are kept back, *but* when i do update with the 'update manager', those packages are updated without asking questions. why ?13:38
dutchbuntujetienne: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:39
Quick-StartHi! How do you create a live CD (or DVD) of Ubuntu?13:39
hbekelsysadmin: do yoz have the openssl dev package installed?13:39
Picijetienne: Because using update-manager would be the equivalent of using apt-get dist-upgrade, you are missing out on packages by just doing upgrade13:39
jetiennePici: ah ok. thanks13:39
dutchbuntuQuick-Start: download the ISO and burn it to CD13:39
Quick-Startthats it? No special steps?13:39
ActionParsnipQuick-Start: dont forget to md5 check it forst13:40
ActionParsnipQuick-Start: and burn slowly13:40
Quick-StartOK, I can do that. thank you!13:40
ActionParsnip!md5 | Quick-Start13:40
ubottuQuick-Start: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:40
hbekelsysadmin: s/openssl.h/ssl.h/ sorry13:40
Steilcan someone help me with that?13:42
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
ak5hello, is there a package that *replaces* firefox3.0 with firefox 3.5 ??13:45
bazhangak5, they co-exist13:46
ak5bazhang: yes, thank I know, I was wondering if there was a package that replaces 3.0 instead of me having to do it manually13:46
DJones!ff5 | ak513:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ff513:46
DJones!ff3.5 | ak513:47
ubottuak5: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY13:47
=== Quick-Start is now known as KB1PKL
bazhangak5, you need to keep 3 installed when installing 3.513:47
ak5bazhang: why, exactly?13:47
bazhangak5, see the link above?13:47
=== raven is now known as Guest57489
B4ckBOnephpsysinfo was what im looking for ....13:48
=== Stivo is now known as Steevo
kyjaI am being flooded by floodbot info13:49
sysadminno use13:49
sysadmini need very urgent help13:49
ak5bazhang: I stumbled across that, when I googled, I was just wondering why something like this can not be a end-user choice - upgrading 9.04 to karmic (isn't that unstable?) because I want to use a newer version of my browser seems kind of strange, for the lack of a better word13:49
kyjaI understand13:49
hbekelsysadmin: you don't answer any questions, why should i help you?13:49
Boohbahak5: firefox 3.5 is also unstable13:50
sysadmin s/openssl.h/ssl.h/ sorry means ?13:50
Boohbahsysadmin: substitute ssl.h for openssl.h13:50
ak5Boohbah: true, but it seems funny to want *everything* to be unstable if I want 1 unstable program13:50
hbekelsysadmin: oops, that means "i meant ssl.h, not openssl.h" (i typo'ed)13:50
sysadminwhere is that13:51
fatal1tyhi guys13:51
fatal1tyim new here :D13:52
hbekelsysadmin: have you installed libssl-dev?13:52
ubottuWelcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.13:52
ak5so the answer is: "no there is no package that replaces firefox-3.0-* with firefox-3.5-*13:52
Boohbahak5: where does it say you need to upgrade to karmic to use firefox 3.5? http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/firefox-3.513:52
bazhangak5, from the repos? using the package manager? no.13:52
IdleOnebazhang, there is a firefox-3.5 in the repos13:53
bazhangak5, 3.5 is in the repos for jaunty. and is final.13:53
sysadminno , i am installing now13:53
thiebaudeak5, http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/firefox.html13:53
bazhangIdleOne, yep ak5 seems confused13:53
hbekelsysadmin: probably that's all you're missing13:53
sysadminlet me try that one13:53
ak5Yes I am really confused13:53
ak5if it is final, why keep firefox3.0 oO13:54
SoulAssassinIs there someone that can help me set up a root password for Ubuntu 9.04 on a PS3?13:54
Slartak5: afaik it's a policy thing.. ubuntu does things a certain way.. ie keeping versions unless there is a security upgrade and so on13:55
thiebaudeak5, some people use firefox 313:55
Boohbahbazhang: are you sure firefox-3.5 depends on firefox-3? I don't see it in the dep list at http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/firefox-3.513:55
freko28SoulAssassin i've you got probleme with wifi or other with ubuntu 9.04 on ps3?13:55
Slartak5: if I understand things correctly it's for stability.. ubuntu 9.04 comes with firefox 3.0 and that's something developers and users should be able to count on .. I'm not sure if 3.5 is totally backwards compatible with 3.013:56
IdleOnewhat is the difference why 3.0 is still there, if you want to use 3.5 go ahead13:56
bazhangBoohbah, if you try to remove it will be reinstalled with addition of 3.513:56
ak5Slart: yes, I understand, I just don't understand why there is no choice to replace firefox-3, I have to manually get rid of it. That firefox3.5 is not a forced update makes a ton of sense to me13:56
orochiak5: Well for one thing there's a bug in firefox 3.5 that causes it to crash when full screening flash videos, the fix is being pushed for 3.5.3...so it's not as stable as people would like to think, yet13:56
thiebaudeIdleOne, exactly13:56
ak5well, ok13:56
ak5thanks for helping me guys :)13:57
kannan02i cant find alloc.h in gcc .. can any one help me..13:57
SoulAssassinWhat is the problem?13:57
Boohbahkannan02: is libc6-dev installed?13:57
Slartak5: well.. you can of course replace firefox 3.0 with 3.5.. but it's not supported by the repos (nor this channel) .. that I guess is because the developers only have so much time and checkings things, creating packages the replace 3.0 with 3.5 and so on takes time13:58
kannan02boohbah:ya installed13:58
hbekelkannan02: define "can't find in gcc"13:58
Slart!find alloc.h13:58
ubottuFile alloc.h found in apcalc-dev, asterisk-doc, autoconf-archive, autoproject, avida-base (and 198 others)13:59
Slartwow.. 198 packages.. let's hope it's the same one in all =)13:59
ubuntu_i run a c program and after that my system stop responding for some time any delp13:59
kannan02hbekel:when i compile error report says that "ex6.c:3:18: error: alloc.h: No such file or directory"13:59
ubuntu_kannan02: you should use stdlib.h14:00
kiran_how to install metacity themes14:00
freko28SoulAssassin wifi connection14:00
freko28or no sound14:00
Slartubuntu_: might be because the c program does something bad.. what kind of c program is it?14:00
kiran_ubuntu how to install meatcity themes14:00
infridhello, can I have operator privileges please?14:00
hbekelkannan02: your own program or are you trying to build sth from source?14:00
KB1PKLDoes Steam work with Ubuntu?14:00
Guest57489hello - could someone give me a briefly summary about the experience TASCAM US 144 + ubuntu? tnx14:00
infridonly kidding - I was just reading the irc faq ;)14:00
kannan02ubuntu_:will it give all alloc.h functions14:00
xorkvm breaks VBox14:00
IdleOneinfrid, #ubuntu-ops14:00
Boohbahkannan02: how bout libstdc++6-4.2-dev ?14:00
Slartinfrid: usually asking for it automatically disqualifies you.. but ask in #ubuntu-ops if you really really want to14:01
kiran_hello ububntu14:01
ubuntu_slart: my system is still freezed14:01
kannan02hbekel:own program14:01
ubuntu_kannan02: yes14:01
SoulAssassinIs there a way to activate the root user account?14:01
infridI actually have  a question about ssl certificates, and where they are stored14:01
IdleOne!root > SoulAssassin14:01
ubottuSoulAssassin, please see my private message14:01
SlartSoulAssassin: it's there and active.. you just don't have a password for it.. sudo will let you run things as root14:01
infridI'd be very grateful for help. I need to know where wget, or lynx stores the ssl certificates it uses, as I want to delete them14:02
Slart!sudo |  SoulAssassin14:02
ubottuSoulAssassin: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)14:02
infriddoes anyone know where I can find out how to find them, please?14:02
ubuntu_kiran: try synaptic package manager14:02
wookieeassassinI am having trouble registering my nick. It says my email isn't valid. Is a live  email or gmail  not valid14:02
Boohbahinfrid: they are stored wherever you choose to put them as you can specify the location in every app's configuration that uses them. but /etc/ssl is a good place14:02
kannan02boohbah:but 6-4.3-dev i think i got the solution from ubuntu_ thank u...14:02
Slart!register | wookieeassassin14:02
ubottuwookieeassassin: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode14:02
infridBoohbah, thanks14:02
Piciwookieeassassin: #freenode for registration help please14:02
gregdhi guys, I am on Jaunty, and would need a few packages from Karmic... is there a simple way to install the required package with all the dependencies taken from Karmic rep? (I dont want to update all packages, just the one and the requirements)?14:03
tim_good day14:03
bazhanggregd, mixing version packages and such is not supported and will break things.14:04
IdleOnegregd, no there isnt. karmic packages will probably break jaunty14:04
wookieeassassinI am getting grub error 5 when trying to boot ubuntu from a logical partion /dev/sdb614:04
Slartgregd: you'll probably end up updating all the packages anyway.. mixing repos/version is a bad idea14:04
gregdfair enough14:04
wookieeassassinWhen I try to use super grub disk it won't even detect an extended partition]14:04
Boohbahinfrid: sorry i missed the last part of your question. not sure, but i'd guess wget and lynx store downloaded certs somewhere in /tmp. you can find out for sure by running lsof on one of them while you download a cert14:04
infridBoohbah, thanks :)14:05
tim_is anyone using the zotac 9300 itx mainboard with ubuntu 9.04? it contains a usb wifi card that i would like to use.14:05
ubuntu_slart : the program uses pow() function and structure pointers other than that i donot think there is anything that can cause the problem also i am not making any system call14:05
KapliHi, sometimes when I start my computer there's noise on the left side on my audio, I have to reboot to fix it, how can I fix this permanently?14:06
Slartubuntu_: try running the c program with "nice" or "ionice" and see if that makes any difference.. it might not be about the c program at all but it's worth a try14:06
wookieeassassin /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER wookieeassassin dmtibwycmpxe14:07
Slartwookieeassassin: oops.. better find a new password14:07
PiciSlart: thats a verify, its not the real password.14:07
wookieeassassinwhy is it saying that is an invalid command?!14:07
wookieeassassinit won't work in NickServ14:07
Piciwookieeassassin: #freenode...14:07
SlartPici: oh.. it's been to long since I registered14:07
IdleOnewookieeassassin, because that is an invalid command14:08
IdleOnewookieeassassin, before verifying you need to register14:08
pianistbabywithout opening up my Computer case, is there a quick way to tell whether it will accept a Serial ATA hard drive?14:08
duriantangCan i install 64bit ubuntu into 32bit windows xp via wubi? filesystem is ntfs.14:08
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.14:08
thiebaudeduriantang, im not sure if that will help14:09
ubuntu_slart: after using nice i am not getting any error14:09
wookieeassassinIdleOne: I did14:09
Slartubuntu_: ah.. good..14:10
IdleOnewookieeassassin, and you got the message from Nickserv that your nick was registered?14:10
wookieeassassinAnyway, why am I getting GRUB error 5? I thought GRUB could boot Linux from logical partitions14:10
[eXception]why I'm getting this: when I do apt-get: Failed to fetch ...Size mismatch14:10
ubuntu_slart: does it mean that the problem is due to scheduling issues14:10
Slartubuntu_: I would look into your program.. if you've got the source code.. perhaps it can be modified to be more friendly to the rest of the system14:11
Slartubuntu_: or just remember to run it with "nice"14:11
ubuntu_slart : yeah can i send u the source code14:12
freko28<SoulAssassin> Is there a way to activate the root user account? no root acount on ubuntu14:12
Slartubuntu_: oh.. I'm not very good with c.. you could ask in ##c or perhaps in ##programming14:12
ubuntu_slart : ok thanks14:12
PDanihow can i install an linux-image deb package without generating initrd?14:13
heoHow can I put a process to background like ^Z, but without stopping  it?14:14
Guest57489has anyone experience with the TASCAM US-144 audio/midi interface? will it work?14:14
Slartheo: ctrl+z, %1&14:14
ubuntu_heo : just use & after the program14:14
Slartheo: or just start with <yourcommand> &    in the first place14:14
heoSlart: Example. This irssi. How can I put it to background so that I won't disconnect14:15
darkest_nighthi @ all, i have a problem: i detect with lsusb more usb-devices than i have installed,14:15
darkest_nightbut, i want to disconnect one of them.... can some1 say me how this works? e.g. with the14:15
darkest_nightdevicenumber 00214:15
hbekelheo: run it in screen14:15
Slartheo: hmm.. you could use screen.. that's popular from what i've heard14:15
heohbekel: I am in screen :)14:15
Piciheo: ooh, you really should run irssi inside of screen instead of putting it into the background like that.14:15
duriantangthiebaude: thx, i'm downloading 64bit ubuntu.14:16
hbekelheo: then just detach the session14:16
thiebaudeduriantang, great14:16
Piciheo: If you don't want to do that, you could use ^z and then use fg and bg to control whether you can interact with the program or not14:16
PiciI'm not sure if that dies when the parent process is closed though14:16
darkest_nighti want to disconnect an usb-device in the terminal, can some1 say me how this works?14:16
indusdarkest_night: wich devices do u have connected14:16
samadhiI'll state my problems and maybe someone can help14:17
xoris there a channel for xchat-gnome?  I'm new, <i think it sucks, can't use alternate ports?14:17
darkest_nightindus: physically 3, but lsusb says 414:17
heohbekel: does deattaching disconnect?14:17
indusdarkest_night: ya must be some usb hub probably14:17
hbekelheo: no, that's the whole point of screen14:17
indusdarkest_night: do u know which one u want to disconect?14:17
samadhisome time ago I installed Ubuntu 9.0414:17
darkest_nightindus: yes14:17
hbekelheo: press C-a d to detach, then open a terminal and runn screen -r to reattach14:17
indusdarkest_night: do a mount in terminal14:18
Piciheo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen might be helpful too14:18
Pici!enter | samadhi14:18
ubottusamadhi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:18
indusdarkest_night: i mean type mount in terminal and see where its mounted14:18
heohbekel: You are right.  Thank you.14:18
thiebaudesamadhi, what problem do you have?14:18
darkest_nightindus: do u mean mount <devicenumber> or just mount?14:18
Guest57489has anyone experience with the TASCAM US-144 audio/midi interface? will it work?14:18
samadhihi thiebaude14:18
indusdarkest_night: then do a sudo umount <dev location> or <dev name>14:18
thiebaudesamadhi, hi14:18
indusdarkest_night: just mount14:18
darkest_nightindus k14:18
samadhii can't get my windows to boot after i have installed GRUB14:19
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:19
indusdarkest_night:sorry my mistake, it wont show usb drives other than hard disks14:19
thiebaudesamadhi, try that14:19
indusdarkest_night: but anyways try it14:19
indusdarkest_night: which is the device name14:19
xorwhat client is the best for Gnome desktop?  does xchat blow, or am i dumb? cant specify alt port?14:19
=== nabeel is now known as Guest87107
darkest_nightindus: thats the problem... its not an usb-drive, its an usb-device.....14:20
samadhiok thiebaude, I'll have a look14:20
Picixor: Use xchat, not xchat-gnome, they are different packages.14:20
thiebaudexor, im using xchat now14:20
indusdarkest_night: can i see paste of ls-usb14:20
thiebaudexor, sudo apt-get install xchat14:20
indusdarkest_night: also,what is it u trying to unmount14:20
darkest_nightindus: y, w8 a sec14:20
darkest_nightindus: Bus 008 Device 002: ID 044e:3017 Alps Electric Co., Ltd14:21
indusdarkest_night: what device is this14:21
DaDa|Urkawhy am i getting 405 from my apache when using the PUT Method?14:21
darkest_nightindus: i dont know, i disconnected everything i have connected via usb, but it still is there....14:21
PiciDaDa|Urka: Thats probably a more on-topic question for #httpd (the apache channel) than for here.14:21
indusdarkest_night: then why bother14:22
DaDa|UrkaPici: thx14:22
=== NWOCollapse is now known as ohnoes
darkest_nightindus: and i want to disconnect it for now, because i cant update my openmoko :(14:22
indusdarkest_night: let it be there :)14:22
indusdarkest_night: ok do  a sudo fdisk -l14:22
indusdarkest_night:if nothing is plugged , i suggest just restart pc14:22
darkest_nightindus: ok, then?14:22
darkest_nightindus: i tried, but it is there....14:22
indusdarkest_night:can i see the paste14:23
indus!paste | darkest_night14:23
ubottudarkest_night: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:23
smxsyi broke my GRUB :(14:24
smxsyim booting from super grub dics now14:24
indussmxsy: ill help u fix it14:24
darkest_nightindus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/256345/14:24
smxsyreally indus? thanks :)14:25
darkest_nightindus: but it is in german^^14:25
sp_Hi, I stored a link in /usr/bin/ but I need it to start a different directory so paths don't break14:25
sp_any tips?14:25
indusdarkest_night: is it /dev/sdb?14:25
smxsyit was my own stupid fault14:25
indusdarkest_night: do  a sudo umount /dev/sdb14:25
indusdarkest_night: do  a sudo umount /dev/sdb114:25
indusdarkest_night: guten :)14:25
darkest_nightindus: nope, thats not the alps-device.... this device is an maxtor-device^^14:25
smxsyi was installing mythbuntu to an external ide hdd plugged into usb through a converter14:25
smxsybut i forgot that by doing that the installer would still update GRUB on my primary hdd14:26
indusdarkest_night: then hmm i have no idea, what is an alps device14:26
smxsyso im sure it's a simple config thing14:26
__theIdiotBoxhello everyone14:26
indussmxsy: that can be changed14:26
darkest_nightindus: i dont know, but is there no command to simply disconnect an usb-device?14:26
indusdarkest_night: umount -a14:27
indusdarkest_night: try it14:27
darkest_nightindus: =14:27
indusdarkest_night: will unmount all damn things14:27
sp_Hi, I stored a link in /usr/bin/ but I need it to start a different directory so paths don't break14:27
sp_anyone read that?14:27
sp_any tips you can give me?14:27
__theIdiotBoxdarkest_night, sudo umount /dev/sdx replace x for your usb14:27
indusdarkest_night: so did it work? did u do a lsusb14:28
darkest_night__theidiotbox: i try14:28
hbekelsp_: you mean start in a certain directory?14:28
sp_hbekel, exactly14:28
indusdarkest_night: how can u do a /dev/sdx when u dont know what device it is14:28
=== Julia is now known as Guest3998
hbekelsp_: don't use a symlink, use a frontend script, ie "cd somedir; run command"14:29
darkest_nightindus: well.. i just try to disconnect it, without knowing what it is, it is no harddisk, for sure....14:29
indusdarkest_night: i think ignore it, some internal usb bus address it is14:29
sp_hbekel, okay, where do I store that script so it works from everywhere? /usr/bin/ ?14:29
samadhithiebaude: it's still not clear to me about what i should do14:29
smxsyindus i did some googling and found how to reconfigure my menu.lst, I'll try a few more things before i bother you14:30
indusdarkest_night:i dont know iam stumped14:30
smxsybut thanks for your kind offer of help14:30
indussmxsy: i can solve ur problem in 3 easy steps14:30
hbekelsp_: you can use any dir in $PATH14:30
smxsyif you do i will worship you as a genius forever14:30
darkest_nightindus: but i cant do anything with my openmoko caused by this device, the openmoko-program14:30
darkest_nightsays, that i have to disconnect this device first....14:30
indusdarkest_night: hmm cool14:30
indusdarkest_night: so u have no idea what device this is?14:31
darkest_nightindus: nope14:31
indusdarkest_night: tell me that lsusb again14:31
infridok, no joy, if wget, or lynx negotiate an ssl handshake for me (e.g. https request), then what type of file will it store (e.g. what will it look like, name/extension).14:32
darkest_nightindus: Bus 008 Device 002: ID 044e:3017 Alps Electric Co., Ltd14:32
darkest_nightBus 008 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub14:32
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sp_hbekel, worked like a charm, thanks!14:32
infridI had a suggestion earlier, but it's difficult for me to solve it, and googling ssl basically takes me to apache/tomcat land :/14:32
indusdarkest_night: this is some internal thing on the motherboard i think14:32
indusdarkest_night: or a short of usb ports14:32
darkest_nightindus: hm... shit.... but thx for trying to help :)14:32
indusdarkest_night: have u ever seen this device name before14:33
indusdarkest_night: can u configure open moko to ignore this usb device14:33
samadhii'll restate my problem: i had ubuntu; i installed windows on a different partition and i couldn't boot ubuntu after that; i installed GRUB and now i can't boot windows14:33
LordSnakehi, I am trying to install ubuntu on an old pc, I haver never used linux b4 ever. I got linspire working installed but the CNR doesn't work since linspire no longer exists, so wanted to try ubuntu, however it will not install, it just freezes during the install and nothing happens14:33
indussamadhi: hi14:33
indussamadhi: what do u mean u cant boot windows?14:33
samadhihi indus14:34
smxsylordsnake boot with cheat code 'splash' removed14:34
indussamadhi: do u see a grub menu14:34
samadhii mean i don't have that option14:34
smxsyand also 'quiet'14:34
darkest_nightindus: i dont know, i got the openmoko today and the computer says that i have to disconnect this14:34
darkest_nightdevice first.... nope, i cant configure openmoko to ignore this device (www.openmoko.com)14:34
samadhiif i press ESC yes14:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about openmoko14:34
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:34
smxsythen when it boots again you will see the error it stops on14:34
indusdarkest_night: ok i suggest open the case and have ea look inside :)14:34
smxsythat will help us find what is wrong14:34
oldude67LordSnake, how much ram does this computer have and what version of ubuntu are you trying to load?14:34
indussamadhi: u using karmic?14:34
indussamadhi: why do u need to press esc for grub menu?14:35
LordSnakesxmsy, ok but how do I do that?14:35
samadhiindus i don't know what that is14:35
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LordSnakeoldude67, it is latest version downloaded yesterday, 1GB RAM14:35
indusdarkest_night: i see a dev/sdb and a dev/sdb114:35
indusdarkest_night: can u translate a little what it says there14:35
indussamadhi: ok which version of ubuntu14:36
indussamadhi: can u explain what u mean by, cant boot ubuntu14:36
darkest_nightindus: what shall i translate?14:36
indussamadhi: do u see windows in grub menuy14:36
indusdarkest_night: that thing written above /dev/sdb14:37
indusdarkest_night: platte14:37
orochiis there any way that i can find out via a console utility or otherwise the exact specifics of what ram is installed in the machine? (not the physical amount, but what type, whether or not it's DDR-800 or not, etc.)14:37
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indusdarkest_night: also whats sdb1, u boot from it?14:37
samadhiindus nope, just linux kernel normal + recovery mode and memtest14:37
LordSnakehow do I  boot with cheat code 'splash' removed?14:37
Guest90813trying to settup X-Fi driver on my ubuntu jaunty system can anybody help me?14:37
indussamadhi: ok use live cd and repair grub14:37
darkest_nightindus: nope, i boot from sda1, sdb is my extern usb-drive14:37
indusdarkest_night: and whats sdb114:38
yoyonedLordSnake: press e at the grub screen14:38
samadhiwhat exactly do I do?14:38
indusdarkest_night: just do umount /dev/sdb114:38
darkest_nightindus: the first partition on my external drive sdb :)14:38
XerranGuest90813: I can help you because I have that card :)14:38
indusdarkest_night: lool ok14:38
XerranGuest90813: one sec14:38
Guest90813is there anyway we can grab a personal chat for a couple minutes14:38
indussamadhi: u installed windows over linux right?14:38
indussamadhi: can i see output of caommand sudo fdisk -l14:39
indus!paste | samadhi14:39
ubottusamadhi: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:39
samadhiindus yes, and then I installed grub14:39
indussamadhi: how did u install grub14:39
XerranGuest90813: what x-fi card do you have?14:39
Guest90813i think its x-fi titanium14:39
indussamadhi: so u installed grub but dont see the windows entry in menu? correct?14:39
Guest90813i installed the driver off creative's site, and enabled it on my hardware drivers14:40
GuidMorrowhey, what's with the update manager going off this morning?14:40
samadhiindus correct14:40
Guest90813but it doesn't show in my sound14:40
indussamadhi: so now,take a live cd and boot from it14:40
indussamadhi: but first let me see fdisk -l14:40
dutchbuntuGuidMorrow: what do you mean?14:40
GuidMorrowglowing button on the task bar, and then when I opened it, it said it had security updates14:41
XerranGo here http://tinyurl.com/5auo8w14:41
indusill cu in some time14:41
indusgtg now14:41
LordSnakei presume the GRUB screen is the install menu. pressing e doesn't do anything here, I have f1-f6 as options, and none say anything about removing splash14:41
XerranDownload the linux driver14:41
dutchbuntuGuidMorrow: Jaunty?14:41
samadhiindus i guess ill talk to someone else14:41
XerranGuest90813: did you reboot after u installed the driver?14:42
ubuntu_samadhi: it is not wise to install windows after linux because it deletes the existing boot information just what happened in ur case14:42
unpersonHi.  I want to rsync a users home directory between two machines running ubuntu.  I have sudo ability on both machines.  Is it possible to rsync the two directory perserving the file ownership without enabling root login on the machines?  If so, how?  If you use rsync to connect to a remote machine as a normal user, it seems to chown everything to that user.14:42
geirha!grub | samadhi14:42
ubottusamadhi: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:42
Guest90813yea thats the driver i have14:43
XerranGuest90813: did you cd into the extracted folder?14:43
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ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.14:43
samadhigeirha:  i have already look on those pages14:43
XerranGuest90813: you made all the install commands form there right?14:43
ramirohow do I edit a .deb to say "no, you do not depend on this library"14:43
Boohbahinfrid: so after playing with lsof and reading the wget source, i've determined that the certificate is not written to disk14:43
samadhiubuntu_ i didn't know that, otherwise i wouldn't have installed it14:44
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Boohbahinfrid: what is it you're trying to accomplish?14:44
geirhasamadhi: Oh, sorry, haven't followed your case :/14:44
XerranGuest90813: what version of ubuntu are you running?14:44
Guest908139.04 jaunty14:44
Guest9081364 bit14:44
ramiroit probably involves unpacking the deb, editing some file, and packing it again, but I suppose there must be an easier way around14:44
XerranGuest90813: same here14:44
samadhigeirha: do you want me to repeat?14:44
hbekelinfrid: tried to locate .pem files? looked at man -P 'less +/ca-directory' wget ?14:44
ubuntu_samadhi: i would suggest you to install windows first14:44
GuidMorrowdutchbuntu: http://imagebin.org/6036114:44
XerranGuest90813: you get no sound at all?14:44
Guest90813been trying to fix this for a long time hah.. no luck :(14:44
Guest90813nope none14:44
infridBoohbah, I'm glad you worked that out , I just thought I was using it wrong14:45
infridBoohbah, thanks for looking I'm trying to remove a certificate. I'm connecting an ssl uri, but it say's the certificate authority is wrong14:45
dutchbuntuGuidMorrow: glad to see you are up-to-date14:45
samadhiubuntu_ i hope there is an easier way14:45
infridthe provider of the uri has asked me to remove any cached certs as they think they somehow distributed an incorrect one previously14:45
macoramiro: what are you trying to do to a deb?14:45
XerranGuest90813: you know the latest kernel update killed the drivers, that may be why...to fix it you have to install the drivers again14:45
GuidMorrowfalse alarm?14:45
Guest90813i just installed 5 minutes ago14:46
dutchbuntusamadhi: has the following been suggested? Boot from Ubuntu Live CD and repair GRUB14:46
Boohbahinfrid: yes, that means it's not signed by a recognized CA that you have a certificate for. you have installed ca-certificates yes?14:46
Guest90813but i never did update14:46
Guest90813think thats the problem?14:46
XerranGuest90813: Sorry, beyond that I'm of no use to you.14:46
dutchbuntuGuidMorriw: your screenshot says you're uptodate14:46
Guest90813do you think it might not work because inever updated?14:46
samadhidutchbuntu: by that you meant reinstalling GRUB?14:46
infridBoohbah, it's selfsigned - that is true. Probably I need to get the cert off them - doh!14:47
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XerranGuest90813: possibly, get eall your updates14:47
ramiromaco: I get a .deb from a powerpc, pass it through dpkg-cross, but it says it depends on findutils-powerpc-cross, which is wrong, plain native findutils is what's needed.14:47
infridBoohbah, but what's strange is that it says that the cert has the wrong hostname, which made me think it had already downloaded the cert14:47
geirhasamadhi: No need, I greped through the logs. Pastebin of the output of «sudo fdisk -l» and the content of /boot/grub/menu.lst would be helpful14:47
Guest90813right on thanks 4 the help14:47
macoramiro: if you just want to force the installation without the dependency, you can use one of dpkg's --force commands14:47
XerranGuest90813: did you get the ubuntu-restricted-extras?14:47
Boohbahinfrid: yup, if you save the self-signed cert in the right place in /etc/ssl it should work14:47
dutchbuntusamadhi: yes14:48
ubuntu_samadhi: this link will do it for you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub14:48
ramiromaco: but then it will always warn me whenever I want to install something else. and if I run apt-get install -f it gets uninstalled14:48
Boohbahinfrid: nope, it checks the hostname on the cert against the hostname reported by the web server14:48
macoramiro: if you want to fix it, you need the source package, and then modify it in debian/control and rebuild the binary package with dpkg-buildpackage14:48
samadhigeirha: i'll get to it in a minute, this is not the computer with the problem14:48
GuidMorrowdutchbuntu: when I booted into ubuntu, the update manager had said something about the Linux kernel needing a security update14:48
infridBoohbah, it lists both the hostname it expected, and the hostname in the cert.. it's not garbage, so that made me think I had it.. weird, but I'll give it a shot thanks!14:48
Boohbahinfrid: welcome :)14:48
ramiromaco: rebuilding the binary package -> does that imply recompiling or just repacking the .deb?14:48
XerranGuest90813: Sorry, maybe someone else can help you farther..I'm still a linux n00b myself14:48
macoramiro: recompiling14:48
dutchbuntuGuidMorrow: and did you install those updates?14:48
GuidMorrowit's installed, though I can't tell WHAT package was installed14:49
dutchbuntuGuidMorrow: please post output of "uname -a"14:49
ramiromaco: hmm, no good =( is there no way to just repackage?14:49
ahmedI'm trying to startx on ubuntu xen domU it's give me exec: 5: /usr/bin/X11/X: not found xinit:  Server error.14:49
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g3orgesHello , im runnig an apllication, on port 81 ... how can i see if its really connected ? like reachable ? (ports are correctly forwarded)14:49
GuidMorrowdutchbuntu: "Linux hc-sapphire 2.6.28-15-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 19:25:34 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux"14:49
ahmedg3orges, try nmap14:49
joaopintog3orges, netstat -lp14:50
g3orgesahmed can you developp plz .. im not very good at this ..14:50
macoramiro: ive heard that debs are just tars like how rpms are just cpios, but i dont know if its true14:50
joaopintog3orges, netstat -lp which show listenning ports and processes14:50
dutchbuntuGuidMorrow: a new version of the kernel was released a few days ago. That's what Update Manager was showing. You installed it, that's why you are up-to-date.14:50
joaopintomaco, that is not correct, .deb are ar archives14:50
Boohbahg3orges: sudo apt-get install netcat; nc server 8114:51
ahmednmap will show you only open ports14:51
dutchbuntuGuidMorrow: do you have any problems in Ubuntu?14:51
XerranWhat is the command to save after running this?# http://pastebin.com/d199d142e14:51
macojoaopinto: ah ok thanks.14:51
macoramiro: see what joaopinto said14:51
raubvogelHow do I get the kernel page size?14:51
joaopintousing nmap to check a single port is overkilling14:51
ahmedany one help in my Xserver problem14:51
Boohbahahmed: is X installed?14:51
GuidMorrowI wasn't aware of any problems...?14:51
ahmedBoohbah, how could I know14:52
dutchbuntuGuidMorrow: excellent. ;)14:52
g3orgesBoohbah it says connection timed out .. so its not running then ?14:53
g3orgesBoohbah or maybe not accepting connection ?14:53
Boohbahahmed: sudo dpkg -l |grep xserver-xorg14:53
hbekelg3orges: use nc -vv for more info14:53
samadhigeirha:  could you tell me what exactly interests you from the output of sudo fdisk -l so I wouldn't have to type everything? As i told you this is not the computer with the problem. On the one with the problem I can't make the Internet work (this is my second problem)14:53
g3orgeshbekel it says no info :/14:54
ahmedBoohbah, nothing return14:54
joaopintog3orges, please use netstat there is no poing in doing a client side check if you can do a server side, which is more reliable14:54
Boohbahg3orges: could be, use netstat on the server to see if it is actually listening on port 81, 'sudo netstat -anp'14:54
joaopintog3orges, for a cliente side check you just need telnet14:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:54
Boohbahahmed: which desktop environment do you want to use, gnome, kde, xfce?14:54
geirhasamadhi: Which device node the NTFS "C:" is on, and to compare that with the windows entry in menu.lst14:54
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ahmedBoohbah, I install fluxbox and I want to run it on xserver14:54
Boohbahahmed: have you installed fluxbox? it should install xserver deps automatically14:55
blizzkidlo all, How comes the Atom 280 shows up as 2 cpu's in /proc/cpuinfo? I thought it was a single core?14:55
ahmedBoohbah, I install it14:55
RoRzawhat's the opposit of:     sudo adduser git14:55
Boohbahahmed: what version of ubuntu?14:55
RoRzaif I want to delete it14:56
ahmedBoohbah, jaunty on xen14:56
xray7224how do i add stuff to the default run level14:56
grawityRoRza: sudo userdel git; and then remove the home directory using usual methods14:56
xray7224the ubuntu way of rc-update add <thing> default <<< from gentoo14:56
Boohbahxray7224: update-rc.d14:56
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RoRzagrawity: what's usual method ?14:56
joaopintoxray7224, man update-rc.d14:57
xray7224i know im looking14:57
* xray7224 is aware of the man command14:57
g3orgesBoohbah joaopinto its a software under wine .. a winamp plugin .. shoutcast is connected correctly under winamp , but not the other one .. does wine support multiple internet connections ?14:57
raubvogelEasy question of the day: How do I get the kernel page size?14:57
infridBoohbah, plot thickens... the problem is, there cert WAS self certified (which must've been stored somewhere), but now they use verisign... which is why I don't get garbage, but get legitimate (albeit mismatched) names14:57
smxsyw00t i fixed my GRUB14:57
joaopintoRoRza, man adduser, read the "SEE ALSO" section14:57
LordSnakeaccording to that URL the grub menu is on the MBR, how would I have this if ubuntu is not installed menu as there is nothing to boot?14:57
ahmedBoohbah, when I try to start fluxbox it's give me Error: Couldn't connect to XServer14:57
infridBoohbah, so I'm back to square one, I have to find a cert file, called - god knows what, stored, who knows where, and encrypted...14:58
LordSnakei have tried hititng esc as the cd boots but nothing14:58
joaopintog3orges, this is not the best channel for wine support, try #winehq14:58
samadhigeirha    /dev/sda2 and the part in menu.lst is root (hd0,0)  makeactive  chainloader +114:58
LordSnakestill gets to the installer menu14:58
infridBoohbah, so I'm opting to search for all files modified in last X days.. fingers crossed :)14:58
samadhigeirha: i hope that's it14:58
__theIdiotBox!adduser | RoRza14:58
ubottuRoRza: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo14:58
Boohbahinfrid: i tried that, it didn't work :)14:58
Boohbahinfrid: do you have root access to the server?14:58
infridoh yes :)14:58
ahmedBoohbah, and when I try to startX it's return no screens found14:59
samadhigeirha: i haven't found any other mention about windows in the menu.lst14:59
Boohbahinfrid: http://lynx.isc.org/current/README.sslcerts14:59
Boohbahinfrid: look for a .crt file on the server14:59
joaopintoinfrid, you just need to check the configuration for the application that uses those certificates, it's location is usually defined on the config15:00
geirhasamadhi: sda2 typically corresponds to (hd0,1) in grub, so try changing that in grub15:00
infridthank jaopinto, I'll see15:00
infridBoohbah, thanks15:00
LordSnakehow do i access the grub menu during installation?15:00
mstevensthis may sound mad but has anyone seen problems with a recent ubuntu update breaking the network?15:01
dutchbuntuLordSnake: what do you mean with 'during installation'?15:01
__theIdiotBoxLordSnake, why do you want to that during installation?15:01
LordSnakebecause i was told to above15:01
__theIdiotBoxLordSnake, does not make sense...what exactly is the problem ?15:02
LordSnakeubuntu will not install, it freezes, I was told I need to disable splash in the grub menu15:02
recon69_laphi all, I'm trying to add a guest user account and it wont accept any password i set?? keeps saying there are invalid characters ? anyideas?15:02
infridBoohbah, I'm beat - I've found every *.crt on the box - none of them have the correct date..15:02
__theIdiotBoxrecon69_lap, have u tried setting some simple chars?15:03
joshigginsrecond69_lap: are you using symbols? fn key stuck?15:03
samadhigeirha: so you mean i should switch and have something like: Linux root (hd0,0)  Windows root (hd0,1)? On my computer, Linux is on the first partition and Windows on the second15:03
Pirate_Hunteris there an application that helps a person work on a project i.e. I want to be able to write about the project, see its progress, finished tasks etc?15:03
__theIdiotBoxjoshiggins, i think that must be the case15:03
__theIdiotBoxPirate_Hunter, version control sys in general15:04
ab2qikHi. About to install ubuntu desktop on a fujitsu siemens laptop. Any known issues with this laptop. Its Esprimo mobile v550515:04
geirhasamadhi: Yes. isn't the linux entries already (hd0,0)?15:04
joshigginsab2qik: google is your friend :)15:04
recon69_lapjoshiggins, theIdiotBox, not as far as i can tell, just letters and numbers15:04
joaopintoab2qik, test drive it with the livecd before processing with a real install15:04
ahmedBoohbah, could you help please15:05
__theIdiotBoxPirate_Hunter, that was to get involved in any open source project..but i dont know the exact ans15:05
joshigginsrecon69_lap: try using the passwd util in the terminal, see if that accespts your password15:05
joaopintojoshiggins, that is not an helpful answer15:05
x404xi get "no such file or dir" for root/dev /sys /proc during mount and ubuntu 9.04 fails to boot, it does find the drive and grub/loader. any ideas to fix this ? i have 2 other pcs running that did not crash so i vonder what happened to it. seems to have suddenly nuked some dirs ? I also get initramfs at the bottom of the screen15:05
hbekeljoaopinto: yes it is15:05
__theIdiotBoxrecon69_lap, r u trying from gui?15:06
Pirate_Hunter__theIdiotBox:  yeah was going to say something similar i wish to start some web delepment projects I just finding it hard, other than basket I was wondering if there were any other types of applications15:06
joshigginsrecon69_lap: e.g. # adduser guestaccount15:06
XerranHow do I get out if the terminal after running this?: http://pastebin.com/d199d142e15:06
recon69_lapyes the gui, trying the cmd line now15:06
joshigginsrecon69_lap: # passwd guestaccount15:06
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.15:06
XerranHow do I get out of the terminal after running this?: http://pastebin.com/d199d142e15:06
=== Awt is now known as fumblenoob
joaopintoXerran, you should be careful executing scripts you do not understand15:07
joaopintoit depends on which part of the script it is, usually CTRL-C will do15:07
ab2qikjoaopinto How do i go about using the livecd instead of a real install?15:07
__theIdiotBoxPirate_Hunter, yeh...i dont have exact idea on that, btw15:07
=== fumblenoob is now known as fumblnoob
schurroab2qik: boot from the CD and then the menu comes up, look there for LiveCD or such similar thing.15:08
recon69_lapwell, worked using the cml, but a bit of a let down that the GUI failed15:08
joaopintoab2qik, just download the dekstop CD, that's a live cd, it will boot Ubuntu from the CD, before clicking the install icon check your hw was fully recognized15:08
Xerranjoaopinto: I was following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/USB15:08
Pirate_Hunter__theIdiotBox:  no problem will use baskquet for now until i find something better15:08
tim_i compiled and installed the driver source for my wifi card (via vt6656), but the wifi adapter doesn't show up in networking tools. what did i miss?15:08
__theIdiotBoxXerran, i better suggest use the automate option for all this things to get rid of the mess/hassle.15:08
joaopintoXerran, if you are looking for vbox usb support, make sure you use Sun's version, the one from repositories does not support usb15:08
__theIdiotBoxPirate_Hunter, fine...:-)15:09
azloni just recieved 2 new 500GB HDDs from NewEgg and i want to set them up in a RAID-1. i have read that i need to run a SMART test. how do i do this?15:09
joshigginsab2qik: this may be of use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/FujitsuEsprimoV550515:09
joaopintotim_, have you tried to manually load the driver with modprobe -v driver ?15:09
tim_joaopinto: i have not. will do now.15:09
Xerranjoaopinto: I did th ecommand sin the guide already, i just need to know how to save/exit15:09
XerranI get a warning about leaving the terminal15:09
tim_i'm on virtualbox as well btw, not sure if it matters15:09
__theIdiotBoxjoaopinto, very true about the usb support15:09
joaopintoXerran, that script shouldn't have nothing to exit from...15:10
joaopintoXerran, oh you are on a sudo (root) terminal15:10
__theIdiotBoxFrankLinux, ?15:10
joaopintoand you left some app running on the background15:10
Xerranjoaopinto: it says there is still a process running15:11
TomassoI plugged another old monitor to my laptop, ubuntu detected it and I was able to move windows between monitors. But the screen resolution got a bit smaller on my laptop. Now I removed the extra monitor, and the screen resolution is still small, how do I fix it ?15:11
joaopintoXerran, just type: exit15:11
Xerranjoaopinto: thx15:11
joaopintoXerran, but it's odd, I don't see anything launched on the background on the script15:11
tyler_dI am trying to forward my xsession through an ssh tunnel... ie. log into server then get x to forward locally for server anyone want to help out?15:11
joaopintoXerran, that warning happens when you launch something on the background15:11
joaopintotyler_d, are you using ssh -X ?15:12
FrankLinuxalgem ai é do Brasil?15:12
Xerranjoaopinto: maybe because I'm running VirtualBox?15:12
joaopintotyler_d, is Xfowarding in enable on the server sshd config ?15:12
tyler_djoakim-: yes15:12
joaopinto!br | FrankLinux15:12
ubottuFrankLinux: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:12
tyler_djoakim-: yes15:12
x404xi get "no such file or dir" for root/dev /sys /proc during mount and ubuntu 9.04 fails to boot, it does find the drive and grub/loader. any ideas to fix this ? i have 2 other pcs running that did not crash so i vonder what happened to it. seems to have suddenly nuked some dirs ? I also get initramfs at the bottom of the screen15:12
joaopintotyler_d, do an echo $DISPLAT after logging in with ssh -X15:12
joaopintoops, DISPLAY15:12
RoRzaI am folowing instructions on how to install git on my Ubuntu server from15:12
tyler_djoakim-: I did DISPLAY=my.ip.add.ress:0.0 ; export DISPLAY already15:13
RoRzabut when I reach the point where it says :  sudo chown git.git /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys15:13
RoRzaI get an error why is it ?15:13
tim_joaopinto: what do i give modprobe -v? the full module path? it says module not found.15:13
maniaksi just installed ubuntu 9.04, but i have no sounds15:13
RoRzathis is the error15:13
RoRzachown: cannot access `/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys': No such file or directory15:13
__theIdiotBoxmaniaks, sys config?15:14
maniaksMobo : gigabyte ep31-ds3l15:14
ab2qikjoshiggins Thankyou for that link. I think all seems to work apart the sound that needs some fiddling with.15:14
maniaksits what you need?15:14
joaopintotim_, if the module was installed on the expected kernel modules dir, you should not need the pathname15:14
joaopintotim_, do a find for the module15:14
fedehey, can someone tell me why ubunut needs 3 schedulers (anacron, atd, cron) and 2 loggers (klogd, sysklogd)?15:15
maniaksso what ? __theIdiotBox15:15
tyler_djoakim-: as well on my local I did xhost +
__theIdiotBoxmaniaks, nops? h/w...which brand/model no etc? sound prob is pretty well known prob with many brands15:15
joaopintotyler_d, when you use X forwarding you do not set your DISPLAY manually, that is an ssh -X task15:15
joaopintoif your DISPLAY is not automatically set, then x forwarding was not properly setup15:15
ociugiwhat is the recommended partition for /boot and /swap for a 4gig memory?15:16
joaopintotyler_d, xhost, export DISPLAY are for regular X access, you don't need those for X over ssh15:16
ab2qikIs it correct there are just 2 versions of ubuntu. 1.Desktop 2.server. There is no laptop specific version?15:16
fedeociugi, swap should be double the amount of memory....for boot it doesnt mather15:17
RoRzaHow can I come arrownd this error15:17
RoRzacd /home/git15:17
maniaks__theIdiotBox, i think "Realtek Function driver for Realtek Azalia audio chip (Including Microsoft UAA Driver in English edition)" would help15:17
joaopintoociugi, for boot just use the default, or don't create a /boot at all, for swap I allways use the 2xram rule, but that's arguable15:17
RoRzachown: cannot access `/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys': No such file or directory15:17
joaopintoab2qik, there is a netremix whatever edition :P15:17
__theIdiotBoxociugi, swap 2 gig, boot default or 200mb is enough15:17
joaopintoab2qik, actually they are all just set of packages, you can install any package on any of the editions15:18
ubottusmart is another meta-package manager available for Ubuntu. It's quite stable, uses APT's repositories, can handle mirrors/multiple-connections, and is supposed to make Ubuntu BiArch-compatible. See http://labix.org/smart and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SmartPackageManager15:18
joaopintoRoRza, the message is prrety clear, you are doing a chown for a non existing dir15:18
joaopinto!commands | RoRza15:18
ubottuRoRza: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:18
tyler_djoaopinto: k I am going to tias.. tyvm :)15:19
IyunkateusHey everyone, I have a little issue with Ubuntu on one of my computers. It's not really an issue, I can just uninstall and reinstall the latest, but I think it was corrupted attempting to update. Whenever I start it up and log in, it's all black except for my startup programs and says there's a problem with GNOME Power Manager. I see a solid color background and the outlines of the menus whenever I press the power button, right before it turns off.15:19
joaopintotyler_d, yw :)15:19
ociugi<fede> what happen if i make the swap partition lessthan the memory size for example memry is 4Gig and swap is 2gig? sorry?15:20
tyler_dX11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.15:20
tyler_dX connection to localhost:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).15:20
joaopintoociugi, you will not be able to suspend to ram15:20
fedeociugi, nothing15:20
ab2qikjoaopinto Need to run lamp on laptop. I dont need to install server version do i. Desktop should work?15:20
loki_heya all, got a random question, ive got an acer aspire one with 1.60ghz processor but in ubuntu it says the chip is 800mhz, anyone know if thats normal or is something wrong?15:20
tyler_djoaopinto: X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.15:20
tim_joaopinto: ok, i'm getting 'insmod /lib/modules/...blabla.../modulepath'15:20
__theIdiotBoxmaniaks, no clue yet but this might help: www.moderngeek.com/node/1015:20
IyunkateusAnd what's worse is that since I've used Windows most of my life, all I can think to do is press Ctrl-Alt-Del15:20
joaopintotyler_d, are you doing an su - after the ssh -X ?15:21
joaopintotim_, check "dmesg" to see if was loaded or if there was an error15:21
tyler_djoaopinto: unfortunately have to use "appusr" to get to a diff user15:21
tyler_djoaopinto: no way around that15:21
maniaks__theIdiotBox, i wrote "alsamixer" in bash and there is "chip realtek ALC888"15:21
joaopintotyler_d, there is, but you need to setup authentication about doing an su on the remote shell15:21
ociugiok thanks15:22
joaopintoi don't remember the instructiosn right now15:22
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
__theIdiotBoxmaniaks, ltgify...wait a min15:22
joaopintotyler_d, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/49415:22
__theIdiotBoxmaniaks, ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1155630.html15:23
tim_joaopinto: last two dmesg entries were the addition of the module and registration of a new usb wifi adapter15:23
tim_so it doesn't look bad15:23
joaopintotim_, it does look good, "lsmod" should also show it15:24
joaopintotim_, you may need to restart network manager for it to show up15:24
GuidMorrowubuntu makes me feel like I'm using a macintosh15:25
remoteCTR1can anyone pls tell me how to execute the whoami command from within a php script?15:25
GuidMorrowI can't find the clock sometimes15:25
malnilionGuidMorrow, why?15:25
tyler_djoaopinto: xauth list $DISPLAY shows me no output :s15:25
tim_joaopinto: yes, lsmod shows it as well. i'll just try and reboot15:25
canburakI'm looking for a way to cenver my mac formatted ipod to windows, but I couldn't find instructions for 4th gen nano.15:25
tim_brb :)15:25
IyunkateusGuidMorrow, I was going to say, in a good way or a bad way?15:25
malnilionGuidMorrow, the clock's wherever you want it to be...15:25
GuidMorrowusually the clocks on the lower right-hand corner of the screen15:25
IyunkateusGuidMorrow: then move it there15:25
fedehey, can someone tell me why ubunut needs 3 schedulers (anacron, atd, cron) and 2 loggers (klogd, sysklogd)?15:26
GuidMorrowcan you move it from one panel to the next?15:26
IyunkateusGuidMorrow: actually I'm pretty sure you just remove it from one and choose it from a menu on the other one15:26
malnilionGuidMorrow, of course, just right click on it, unlock it and drag it down.15:26
__theIdiotBoxwill be right back...c ya guys15:26
Iyunkateus@ malnilion: GuidMorrow, that too15:27
dutchbuntuGuidMorrow: or right-click on your other panel, select 'Add to panel' and choose Clock15:27
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:27
jeeves_Mosswhat is the channel for OpenOffice?  I need to figure out how to adjust the line spacing between lines15:27
joaopintotim__b, the xauth list must be done after the login, not after the su15:27
joaopintoops was for tyler_d15:27
malnilionjeeves_Moss, #openoffice.org15:28
jeeves_Mossmalnilion, thanks.15:28
GuidMorrowhow do I turn on my HDD temperature sensor? I enabled it the last time, but...15:28
jerrcscan anyone help me with this error? "Aug 20 03:11:44 hades kernel: [879071.847344] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_BAD_TARGET driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK"15:28
LordSnakeok finally got it installed by using acpi=off, but i have the following errors and it seems to have frozen up, no mouse or keyboard control. failed to initialize HAL. the panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_INDICATORAPPLET"15:29
Iyunkateusmalnilion: and there you go and tell him one second after I find it in the /list15:29
dutchbuntujeeves_Moss: #openoffice.org15:29
tyler_djoakim-: just logged out and in again and got the output... still no go though15:29
tyler_djoaopinto: just logged out and in again and got the output... still no go though15:30
samadhihello geirha are you still around?15:30
tyler_djoaopinto: unsure though, should I be adding the first $DISPLAY echo on the first server or the second $DISPLAY (the internal where I am su'ing)15:30
IyunkateusHas jeeves_Moss...well obbiously he hasn't or that wouldn't autocomplete15:30
Iyunkateuslol, obbiously15:31
jeeves_MossIyunkateus, ????15:31
joaopintotyler_d, the first $DISPLAY is from the remote server, but before using su15:32
EagleScreenthe defailt "init=" boot parameter for a Debian system is "init=/sbin/init", which is the default for Ubuntu?15:32
Iyunkateusjeeves_Moss: For a second I had a mental pause and forgot about that new technology that allows us to be in two places at the same time, or 2 IRC channels at least15:32
joaopintoEagleScreen, try asking on #debian, we don't use debian here :)15:32
joaopintounless I misunderstood your question15:32
jerrcsYou didn't read very well.15:33
ojiihi everyone. Yesterday my dvd drive just stopped working. I can insert any disk and it just doesn't show up. It does make weird sounds tho and spins the dvd around a lot. It used to work fine before... Any ideas how to fix that?15:33
EagleScreeni want ot know the Ubuntu default init parameter, I already know the Debian one15:33
jerrcsHe's asking for the init line on ubuntu15:33
jeeves_MossIyunkateus, lol, and don't forget, it allows us to reach out and wake up our exs with a well placed txt msg called from a cron job @ 3am!15:33
tim_alright, back15:33
joaopintook sorry :P15:33
MikeSethojii: dead drive, probably15:33
majnoonjoaopinto, we more FRIENDLY here then #debian15:33
Iyunkateusjeeves_Moss: XD15:33
tyler_djoaopinto: k well this isn't just ssh'ing into one server.. this is going into an access point, then into another server - I want the X forwarded from the internal through the access point and to my machine....:s15:33
=== kb is now known as Guest74165
tim_joaopinto: wifi adapter still doesn't show up, but it might be possible that it's a vbox issue and not ubuntu15:33
joaopintotyler_d, oh, you want X over ssh over ssh, I am not sure it can be done15:34
jeeves_MossIyunkateus, I LOVE cron jobs.  This mobile e-buddy is a serious pain in the a**!  too bad txting "stop" won't work15:34
ojiiMikeSeth, explain? It's still spinning and detected by ubuntu (scsiadd -s) and it used to work fine. It's also a rather new drive (about 1 year)15:34
Iyunkateusjeeves_Moss, try PLEASE STOP15:34
MikeSethojii: does it throw errors? (type dmesg)15:34
joaopintoEagleScreen, that is not an easy question for non developers, maybe at #ubutu-devel someone will be able to help15:35
Iyunkateusjeeves_Moss: wait, no, try SUDO STOP see if that works15:35
jeeves_MossIyunkateus, lol, ahhhh, a local SMTP server is a BAD thing!15:35
ojiiMikeSeth, what would I look for in dmesg?15:35
MikeSethojii: driver errors, timeout messages etc15:35
joaopintotim_, oh wait, you are on vbox ?15:35
tyler_djoaopinto: cool, ty anyhow, very informative :)15:36
joaopintoare you trying to build the module on a vbox guest ?15:36
jeeves_MossIyunkateus, my ex is a computer geek, so I pulled that one night in an argument.  let's just say that it stopped and we broke out in laughter.  "Sudo, I have the last word and this is the end of the argument"15:36
jeeves_MossIyunkateus, later, I sched a cron job to search her /dev/15:36
joaopintotyler_d, you will need to setup a cross ssh tunnel, with -L15:37
ojiiMikeSeth, see anything? http://paste.ubuntu.com/256379/15:37
Viking_i have script to clean up desktop it works if i run it from my home dir but when i make launcher on desktop i will only hide desktop15:37
GuidMorrowwhere are my hard drive temperature sensors15:37
Viking_here is the script http://tnoergaard.pastebin.com/m2c2ed1af15:37
joaopintotyler_d, then, you can ssh directly to your target system, using the -L tunell, however, I don't think the X tunneling will work, because that would require and extra tunneling with -L15:37
Iyunkateusjeeves_Moss: well I better stop talking about this subject before I get kicked for not talking about support and making bad jokes15:37
SlartViking_: "hide" your desktop? sounds weird..15:37
jeeves_MossGuidMorrow, lol, in the little sensor diode inside the drive case?15:37
joaopintotyler_d, what you can do, is create a -L tunnel, for the X port on the other host, assuming you can reach the X port from your middle host15:38
Viking_well u right i mean hide desktop icons folders15:38
Viking_thanks slart15:38
joaopintoand then you can just export DISPLAY to your local tunnel15:38
MikeSethojii: no, but you are in vbox, does the drive work out of vbox?15:38
tim_joaopinto: yes, i'm on vbox15:38
joaopintotim_, but, it's linux the guess or host ?15:38
tyler_djoaopinto: talked to a few people, I think I may just have to request a vpn problem then solved15:38
joaopintotyler_d, ok :)15:38
Iyunkateushey wait I just thought of something; somebody needs to invent a soft drive. Don't know exactly how that would work though15:38
tim_joaopinto: linux is guest, host is win7 pro15:38
ojiiMikeSeth, vbox= virtualbox right? I'm not... I have that installed but don't use it atm15:39
MikeSethojii: durr15:39
joaopintotim_, you can't see you real hardware on a guest system, your attempt to build the kernel doesn't make much sense ;)15:39
joaopintoops, kernel module15:39
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:39
ojiiwoah the dvd drive makes scary noises!15:39
MikeSethojii: there arent any error messages.. a broken drive would usually throw some15:39
tim_joaopinto: i haven't yet progressed to the point where i make sense of my actions :)15:40
MikeSethojii: but your dvd is prolly dead anyway15:40
ojiiit sounds as if the drive literally eats the dvd15:40
jeeves_Mossojii, is the disk seated properly on the spindle?15:40
joaopintotim_, on your guest system you will only see the vbox emulated network card15:40
tim_joaopinto: yea, but the wifi card shows up in the usb devices that can be passed on to the guest15:40
ojiiyes jeeves_Moss, tried a lot of different dvds/cds and they work on another pc, and I know how to insert disks15:40
joaopintotim_, you need eithe to use NAT or bridge to your host card, using vbox network config15:40
GuidMorrowreinstalled the hddtemp package, still no sensor15:40
jeeves_Mossojii, ok, it was just a question.  is it in a tower?  or a laptop?15:40
joaopintotim_, ah,  usb card, ok, that makes more sense15:41
ojiijeeves_Moss, laptop...15:41
IyunkateusI'm not sure if this is long enough to need to be pastebin'd, but no one responded when I actually typed it out: http://paste.ubuntu.com/256382/15:41
tim_joaopinto: but when i try to add it vbox throws an error about the card being busy with a previous request15:41
joaopintotim_, but can't you just setup the usb card on windows ?15:41
nErVe hi there I m having problems playing flash videos in firefox 3.0 and not shiretoko.?15:41
joaopintothen just bridge it or NAT over it from the vbox15:41
jeeves_Mossojii, make/brand?15:41
nErVewhat could be the underlying problem.15:42
ojiijeeves_Moss, it just went wild so i tried to eject the disk, i pressed the drive in a bit and mplayer starts! I guess its a broken contact or whatever15:42
tim_joaopinto: it's already set up in win7, but i'd like to use it in ubuntu for networking stuff15:42
Viking_if anyone have solution it will be aprecaited15:42
MikeSethIyunkateus: boot into console, sudo to root and startx - what happens then? (are you sure its not a video driver problem?)15:42
Pupuser402-1nerve: check to make sure the plugin is installed withing firefox15:42
Kage[Work]Probably the wrong place to ask, but anyone to know of a good way to auto-generate SSL certificates?15:42
Kage[Work]Not looking for anything trusted, just a generic snakeoil for when generating new machines15:43
MikeSethKage[Work]: openssl15:43
jeeves_Mossojii, does the drive vibrate like mad?  if so, one of the rails may be loose.  my Toshiba did that.  a small jewler's screw driver fixed it15:43
Kage[Work]MikeSeth, yeah, but it prompts15:43
Kage[Work]I'm looking for something fully automated15:43
darwishKage[Work], use `epxect'15:43
IyunkateusMikeSeth: Actually it's on another computer that I can't access right now, but the Ubuntu on this computer is screwed up too15:43
Kage[Work]That literally you do: generateCert SERVERNAME and it spits out two pems15:43
ojiijeeves_Moss, it sounds like its 'searching' something for about 2-5 minutes then it changes to a loud scary noise that sounds like a self-destruct mechanism15:43
Kage[Work]darwish, tried that15:43
nErVePupuser402-1: I checked in firefox to check if the java script is enabled. how do i check for the plugin info you are talkin about.15:43
chessnutmushroomhi, I am experiencing slow performance with a nvideo geforce 8600m GT using 9.04, any ideas?15:44
Kage[Work]darwish, ./generateCertificate: line 12: expect: command not found15:44
jeeves_Mossojii, pull it out of the laptop.  it sounds like something is loose, and it's more than likley going to cost ya to get a new one15:44
Kage[Work]Using #!/bin/bash15:44
ojiijeeves_Moss, can't take it out15:44
MikeSethKage[Work]: it's 4 lines of shell script, just slap it together15:44
darwishKage[Work], it's not installed by default on ubuntu15:44
joaopintoKage[Work], you need to install expect15:44
maniakssomeone can help me?15:44
maniakswith sound15:45
ojiiit is kinda loose tho jeeves_Moss15:45
jeeves_Mossojii, then my friend, I think you're up a creek with lots of polycarbonate to float on15:45
Kage[Work]Ah, someone misinformed me that it's a bash command15:45
Pupuser402-1nerve: it should be listed under addons    (i don't know how to whisp15:45
joaopintoKage[Work], install the expect package :)15:45
jeeves_Mossojii, are there screws to tighten it up?  as I said, that's what was wrong with my first Toshiba15:45
Kage[Work]I am15:45
tim_joaopinto: i guess i'll let it rest for now and eventually add ubuntu to my multi-boot for a proper, native system :)15:45
tim_thanks for the great advice15:45
xray7224im really struggling with samba to windows 7 every time i try and see some files on the windows 7 machine it asks for a username and password15:45
joaopintotim_, :)15:45
ojiijeeves_Moss, there's scres but none for the rails... just for the motor/spinning bit and that one is solid15:46
ojiilooks like i have to bring it to the manufacturer15:46
jeeves_Mossojii, DON'T screw with the laser or drive assembly.  that'll pooch it.  if the rails are physically loose on the tray, some red locktight can fix that15:47
MikeSethxray7224: start poking around with smbclient15:47
nErVePupuser402-1: I have a shockwave flash installed dont know if it help is solving my problem , I cannot find a adobe flash plugin. in the past i had a few problems with sef codec from gnu so switched to adoble flash plugin15:48
ojiijeeves_Moss, i won't screw anything unless my warranty is expired anyway, looking for it right now15:48
jeeves_Mossojii, that's always the best plan15:48
JustcoolWhen I am trying to use apt-get install libgstreamer0.10.0 getting this error http://gstreamer.pastebin.com/m25215f5715:48
kubuHi, pals. Any idea on how i could save ".swf" sound.15:49
ojiijeeves_Moss, well at least when one knows where the warranty is...15:49
jeeves_Mossojii, ok, have fun.  I've got some people to annoy/wake up15:49
darwishJustcool, I can't see anyth gstreamer related in the pastebin link15:50
Pupuser402-1nerve:  k I am not an Ubuntu expert by any means but if I remember correctly, they incorperated an easy install for flash on adobe's site, I would try that, because it may add the correct plug in for you15:50
nErVePupuser402-1: I tried installing that it said its already installed. Should I take my query to a forum then.15:51
Pupuser402-1nerve : I think so   or search the forums for simular problems    sry i wasn't much help15:52
Terabytehi, when i type  sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop i get "ignoring unkown interface eth0=eth0" is this normalk?15:52
darwishTerabyte, check the content of the initscript and see15:53
Justcooldarwish: Sorry, I pastebin wrong thing this is what I am getting when trying "apt-get install libgstreamer0.10-0" http://gstreamer.pastebin.com/m7e0b38d015:53
yasserwe have a broblem15:53
Terabytedarwish, i wouldn't know what i'm checking for15:53
Boohbahyasser: is it that the 'p' key was replaced with the 'b' key? :P15:53
orochibropably not15:54
KB1PKLMy ubuntu does not launch, and the md5 returns bad, and I've downloaded 2 times already. Any help?15:54
Pupuser402-1Terabyte:  You may get a clue from ifconfig15:54
nErVePupuser402-1: Its cool dude atleast you replied...Cheers15:54
yasserin my wirless15:54
icarus-cKB1PKL: burn the disk at a slower speed15:54
TerabytePupuser402-1: yes well it gives me a load of ip information, but doesn't tell me why it can't stop eth015:55
ubuntunewbiehi would like to know is there any good application to schedule record internet radio station ?15:55
KB1PKLIts going as slow as possible. Its the download that the md5 doesn't come clean on15:55
icarus-cdoes ubuntu use md5sum ?15:55
icarus-cfor cd image checksum15:55
Boohbahicarus-c: yes15:55
Boohbahicarus-c: you may find them in the same directories as the cd images15:56
azlonhow can i get firefox 3.5?15:56
azloni thought it would automatically update15:56
Boohbahazlon: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.515:57
samadhiguys, quick question: how do i make changes in the grub/menu.lst ?15:57
malnilionazlon, when it installs it will be called "Shiretoko"15:57
silnerazlon, I'm sure there's a ppa somewhere. I'll see if I can find it15:57
malnilionsilner, no need, it's in the repos already15:57
Justcool darwish: Is there any problem ?15:58
G_A_CI got firefox 3.5 from the universe repo15:58
azlonsilner, i got it... Boohbah's apt-get worked15:58
silnermalnilion, oh sorry I don't keep up enough15:58
G_A_Cand then used about:config to change the useragent to firefox from shiretoko15:58
Iyunkateusmalnilion, why is that? Did they import it directly from Japan?15:58
Terabyteguys the goal is not to have achived turning off the network interface, this isn't some great lifetime achievment, this is one step of many in a tutorial i'm following, which when i'm done following may or may not even get me what i want. for gods sake it's rightclick disable in windows....15:58
darwishJustcool, you're sure you have enough space in the hard-disk?15:58
G_A_Cotherwise a handful of sites wouldn't recognise it properly15:58
silnermalnilion, I know too many of my addons haven't made the move yet so I have to wait for them :(15:59
BoohbahG_A_C: silly broken sites15:59
malnilionIyunkateus, no it's hard to explain, it has to do with the fact that 1) you'll probably have regular firefox still installed and 2) that it's not an *official* build, I think.15:59
samadhiguys, quick question: how do i make changes in the grub/menu.lst ?15:59
Boohbahsamadhi: sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst15:59
Justcool darwish:  I have 800 MB free in Disk, which seem enough :)15:59
samadhiBoohbah: thanks15:59
februariusxhi. im looking for good clustering suite for load sharing capabilities15:59
Boohbahsamadhi: or gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst if you prefer15:59
G_A_CBoohbah: indeed, I probably should have written to them and suggested better browser detection than simply user agent strings, but one of the sites was Facebook so I didn't fancy my chances much...16:00
Boohbahfebruariusx: web, app, db, what type?16:00
KB1PKLMy download of Ubuntu is corrupted....twice in a row. Should I try a different mirror?16:00
darwishJustcool, OK, can you try installing another package and see if the same error exists?16:00
BoohbahKB1PKL: yes16:00
KB1PKLBoohbah:OK, thank you16:00
Terabyteok for what ever reason, i tried it again, after changing nothing, and it worked16:01
SlartKB1PKL: try using a torrent.. that way you get automatic error correction16:01
februariusxBoohbah hmm.. for overall application specially VM16:01
KB1PKLSlart:OK, I'll try that to16:01
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darwishJustcool, success or failure?16:03
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Justcooldarwish: No, I am not getting error when trying other things16:03
g3orgesHello, what is the lightest software to create a virtual machine under ubuntu ?16:04
DamakiHello, I'm new to Ubuntu and I'm having some problems with my network. I've looked for solutions on the internet but they tell me to go to "System -> Administration -> Networking". But the "Networking" option isn't there in the "Administration" menu. How do I enable it?16:04
DamakiThe only option I do have about networking is "Network Tools"16:04
Slartg3orges: virtualbox is a personal favourite16:04
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Slartg3orges: I'm not sure if a vm can be very light though..16:05
darwishJustcool, I'll see what does dpkg error code 100 means ..16:05
malnilionDamaki, networking should be handled mostly by network manager16:05
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Kage[Work]joaopinto, know of a way to mute the "send" part of expect?16:05
malnilionDamaki, the nm-applet should be sitting in your system tray.16:05
SlartDamaki: menu options move around between versions.. if you tell us what you're trying to do we might be able to tell you where it is in the version you're using16:05
Kage[Work]I don't see anything16:05
bubbles|what's that font that is used by default on the shell in ubuntu? (can i use it in windows too?)16:05
joaopintoKage[Work], remove them from the script :) ?16:06
baldurbuntucan anyone chat about a ubuntu problem?16:06
Slartbubbles|: it's not the "sans" font?16:06
darwishJustcool, possibly the source can help .. nor man page or googling have enough info .. I'm checking it now16:06
ubuntunewbiehi would like to know is there any good application to schedule record internet radio station ?16:06
g3orgesSlart i have AMD  Athlon 64 2x 1.9 GHz L2: 1bo, FSB: 1000MHz, 2gb ram and 20gb HDD , will it run smooth ?16:06
Damakimalnilion: So the nm-applet is the same as the "networking" menu option?16:06
mystamaxhello, i have a laptop i want to upgrade to 9.04, but I'm using a lot of third party software sources. Will it update the software from the ubuntu repositories? Also, what happens to these software sources on an upgrade?16:06
bubbles|i don't know slart16:06
joaopintoubuntunewbie, search for them on synaptic and test drive :)16:06
DamakiSlart: Sorry, I forgot to mention I'm running Ubuntu 9.04.16:06
darwishIf anyone here have passed a dpkg ``error code 100'',  please ping16:06
EagleScreen!ask | baldurbuntu16:06
ubottubaldurbuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:06
Iyunkateusbaldurbuntu: I'm pretty sure that's what this channel was made for :)16:06
Slartg3orges: I would say it depends on what guest os you install and what you run in that guest os.. sure, running windows xp with minesweeper will be smooth16:06
baldurbuntuI installed 9.04 on a dual pentium and jetway motherboard, only get loading...16:06
malnilionDamaki, well, kind of, it's probably the easiest way to access your networking questions.16:06
malnilionDamaki, er, networking settings.16:07
joaopintomystamax, you should disable those software sources before upgrading, and check on their sites if they provide packages for the newer release16:07
Slartg3orges: running Vista on my quad core 9850 is not a pleasant experience on the other hand16:07
g3orgesSlart OS will be winXP , will be running 2 winamp ( classic version with minimum settings) and will my winamp there be able to connect to internet ?16:07
IyunkateusI don't like you ubuntu bot, stealing my idea of restating obvious things and then putting a smiley face at the end16:08
AcsAnyone know the name of the app that is like MS Visio but it's for linux?16:08
G_A_CAcs: dia?16:08
kajeHow do I roll back a package and its dependencies to an older version in the repository? GUI or TUI methods are fine16:08
Damakimalnilion: My specific problem is that my /etc/resolv.conf keeps getting reset back to my router's IP, which has a crappy DNS server. I added the OpenDNS servers but they keep getting removed every so often. I'm trying to make the changes permanent.16:08
joaopintoAcs, oo draw ?16:08
malnilionIyunkateus, I found out the Shiretoko question...it was the codename for FF 3.516:08
Slartg3orges: your vm can be connected to whatever network connection the host os has running if you want.. and running winamp shouldn't be a problem16:08
joaopintokaje, sudo apt-get install package=version16:08
malnilionDamaki, are you using dhcp?16:08
Damakimalnilion: yes I am.16:09
kajethanks joapinto!16:09
g3orgesSlart okay thanks alot m8 :) u rock16:09
joaopintoDamaki, edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf16:09
joaopintoDamaki, remove the "domain-server" from the request list16:09
Slartg3orges: you're welcome16:09
Damakijoaopinto: Ok, thank you.16:09
darwishJustcool, Isn't it weird the log saying: ``#libgstreamer0.10-0 is already the newest version.'' . It seems you already have the package installed16:10
Acsjoaopinto what?16:10
ubuntuco tam16:10
darwishJustcool, it's just purged locals16:10
AcsI want to draw diagrams like I can in visio16:10
joaopintoAcs, what what ?16:10
Acsbut I know there is something for linux16:10
joaopintoAcs, open office draw allows that16:10
Acsjust can't remenber the name of the ap16:10
joaopintoand, dia16:10
Damakijoaopinto: I have "domain-name-servers". Am I correct in assuming that's what you mean?16:10
joaopintoDamaki, that is correct16:10
Acsthat's it16:10
Damakijoaopinto: Ok, thank you.16:10
malniliondia kicks arse16:11
joaopintoAcs, I personally prefer oo draw to dia, but it's your choice :)16:11
SlartAcs: there's nothing quite like visio for linux.. dia is a pale alternative..16:11
baldurbuntudoes anyone know of an obvious reason why ubuntu cd 9.04 can't start up a computer that had ubuntu 8.04 before?16:11
darwishJustcool, just in case give me the output of: dpkg -l | grep libgstreamer16:11
g3orgesSlart oh ..; one more question , im a doing this on a server , RPS ... is it possible that kernel wont support virtualization ? or that has nothing to do with it ?16:11
bullgard4After updating my kernel routing table is empty. How to restore my kernel routing table?16:11
joaopintobaldurbuntu,  plenty of reasons, hw not properly supported on the newer kernel/drivers ?16:11
joaopintobullgard4, you mean iptables ?16:12
Slartg3orges: virtualbox comes with its own kernel module.. if the server kernel doesn't support virtualisation software I don't know what it's for.. =)16:12
darwishbullgard4, the routing table isn't persistent. Scripts initialize it on each boot16:12
baldurbuntuok, jetway L775 and intel core2duo16:12
Justcooldarwish: I am getting 'dpkg command not found'16:12
g3orgesSlart thanks again :)16:12
ubuntucar draiver16:12
hbekelbullgard4: the init scripts set that up using the "route" command16:12
bullgard4darwish: Rebooting did not restore my kernel routing table.16:12
baldurbuntudo you know where i could fint info on the hardware compatibility?16:13
|lilo|hello everybody16:13
darwishJustcool, is this a bootstrapped system or normal CD install?16:13
ubuntuco tam ziomek16:13
darwishbullgard4, what's your main goal?16:13
joaopintobullgard4, just read what darwish wrote :)16:13
|lilo|somebody helpe16:13
bullgard4darwish: To re-establish networking.16:13
JustcoolI am using chroot (hardy system )16:14
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darwishJustcool, now things makes sense now ..16:14
darwishJustcool, you should have said that16:14
Justcooldarwish: Sorry for that I think this does not matter16:14
woblehey there, i have a problem with wired networks since i upgraded to jaunty, they keep disconnecting on auth, wireless works.. <-- anyone heard of this before?16:15
darwishJustcool, you have debootstrapped a chrootdir then local purged it .. right?16:15
|lilo|hello everybody... i need that somebosy helpme, a parent say me that he needs to mount a cyber.16:15
Justcoolyah I debootstrapped and mounted  /home16:16
|lilo|i say him that use linux, exactly ubuntu 9.04... the wrong is when he ask me for cybercontrol software16:16
|lilo|somebody can helpme16:16
|lilo|i am form colombia16:16
|lilo|and i dont know to tlak english very well16:17
joaopinto!es | |lilo|16:17
ubottu|lilo|: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:17
Justcooldarwish: I have mounted /home with  debootstrapped in chroot dir16:17
DaZ!co |lilo|16:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about co16:17
februariusxwhat you mean cybercontrol software?16:17
woblein other words: How can I downgrade network manager?16:17
joaopintowoble, you can't16:18
wobleI cant? hmmz..16:18
g3orgesHello i want to install virtual box, i have 2 packages i386 and amd64 ... my processor is amd X2 , so i hould take amd64 or that has nothing to do with it ?16:18
darwishJustcool, I've done debootstraps several times .. you're sure yours was complete .. every time I have dpkg installed there16:18
darwishJustcool, http://darwish-07.blogspot.com/2007/08/constructing-minimal-debian-linux-usb.html16:18
wobleAnd this version is unstable16:18
joaopintounless you build it from source, and still it may break your system because of other packages depending on it16:18
paulnickersongcc fails with the following error: as: error while loading shared libraries: libopcodes-2.19.1.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. i tried apt-get build-deps for gcc and binutils. and nothing worked. can anybody help me please?16:18
mgedminhardy: is there a way to check whether a server needs rebooting?  does apt-get upgrade drop a file in /var somewhere to indicate when a restart is required?16:19
mgedminpaulnickerson: you might want to do a filename-based search on packages.ubuntu.com to see which package ships libopcodes-2.19.1.so16:19
g3orgesHello i want to install virtual box, i have 2 packages i386 and amd64 ... my processor is amd X2 , so i hould take amd64 or that has nothing to do with it ?16:20
* woble is going to downgrade back to intrepid16:20
mgedming3orges: it depends on whether you're running 32-bit or 64-bit os; check with uname -m (i686 -> 32-bit, x86_64 -> 64-bit)16:20
Justcooldarwish: I followed this page http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/wiki/GStreamer_Cross_Compile_With_MinGW_In_Chroot_Environment16:20
g3orgesmgedmin it i686 , so ?16:21
KB1PKL*sigh* This is my third mirror, and the md5sum still didn't come out good. I'm downloading from the torrent16:21
sipiorpaulnickerson: can you verify the existence and permissions of /usr/lib/libopcodes-2.19.1.so?16:21
mgedming3orges: get the i386 package then (or just sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose)16:21
paulnickersonmgedmin: looks like it's binutils, but i have the latest version and i already apt-get build-deps on it16:21
hbekelpaulnickerson: have you tried to locate the file?16:21
yo34ps3when you install an alpha release, do you have to reinstall the next alpha completely?16:21
mgedminyo34ps3: you could try to upgrade with apt-get or aptitude (or synaptic, or update-manager)16:22
mgedminyo34ps3: reinstalling might be safer, but also more tedious16:22
paulnickersonsipior: not there16:22
mgedminalso, alpha releases and "safe" don't really mix ;)16:22
sipiorpaulnickerson: might be worth reinstalling binutils16:22
paulnickersonhbekel: i tried cd / then sudo find | grep libopcodes16:23
darwishJustcool, ok .. If I were you I'll debootstrap again (just the ``#sudo debootstrap hardy mingw-chroot'' line) and see if dpkg is there16:23
mgedminpaulnickerson: mg@platonas:~ $ ls -l /usr/lib/libopcodes-2.19.1.so16:23
mgedmin-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 555116 2009-02-10 18:13 /usr/lib/libopcodes-2.19.1.so16:23
* mgedmin hopes 2 lines don't count as a flood16:23
g3orgesmgedmin was following a tutorial but will try your way :) thanks ....16:23
darwishJustcool, if it's not, then something is wrong in the repository OR you've accidently removed 'dpkg' from your chroot OR dpkg is there in the wrong permission16:23
paulnickersonls: cannot access /usr/lib/libopcodes-2.19.1.so: No such file or directory16:24
Terabytehey , i'm trying to setup a bridge for virtualbox, following this tutorial: http://www.bluetwanger.de/blog/2007/04/30/host-networking-with-virtualbox-on-ubuntu-704-feisty/    but i'm getting errors along the lines of "error: "net .piv4.conf.tap0.proxy_arp is an unkown key, interface tap0 does not exist!"16:24
mgedming3orges: well, virtualbox-ose is probably older than what you'd get from upstream, and it lacks some features that the non-free version has, but it's easier to install16:24
g3orgesmgedmin i got that error : no suitable module for running kernel found ? :/ HELP ?16:24
darwishJustcool, you have no ``$CHROOT/usr/bin/dpkg'' .. right?16:24
mgedming3orges: although installing the upstream package following a tutorial might be easier than installing the package without a tutorial16:24
mgedming3orges: you need to also install virtualbox-ose-modules and dkms16:25
mgedming3orges: or go back to the tutorial, which may be simpler16:25
darwishJustcool, so the first step now is to please check /usr/bin/dpkg in your chroot and see if it's executable .. actually try running it too with --help to see if everything is fine16:25
Justcooldarwish: yah it giving error16:26
mgedminTerabyte: did you know that newer versions of Virtualbox can do all that for you automatically from the virtualbox GUI?16:26
paulnickersonsipior: removing, reinstalling binutils seems to have fixed the problem. thanks!16:26
Terabytemgedmin, no i didn't16:26
Terabytemgedmin: i'll try that thanks16:26
darwishJustcool, which is?16:26
mgedminfeisty (7.04) was a long time ago (early 2007, in fact)16:27
Justcooldarish : $CHROOT/usr/bin/dpkg''16:27
KB1PKLIs the md5sum always accurate?16:28
JACKSUcan anyone tell me if its possible to use cygwin on windows, to modify/play with ubuntu server, running in virtual machine from my windows, please /q16:28
DaZKB1JWQ, just... lol16:28
AmnesiaHi, does anyone know anything 'bout a stripped down ubuntu which only has basic stuff in it?16:28
Terabyteok so i fiddled with my /etc/network/interfaces file, i made a backup before hand, but after restoring the backup and restarting the networking start command, it doesn't start eth016:29
DaZAmnesia, debian?16:29
darwishJustcool, no I want you to chroot to your directory using:16:29
darwish $ chroot <YOUR-CHROOTED-DIR> /bin/bash -i16:29
Terabyteshould note there was no eth0 in the original file....16:29
malnilionHaha, I was going to suggest debian as well, DaZ16:29
AmnesiaDaZ: yeah but according to a friend I should take debian sid since it uses the same repos16:29
mgedminAmnesia: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos16:29
AmnesiaDaZ: and I can't either find the iso of it..16:29
hbekelJACKSU: if you have ssh in cygwin you should be able to log into your ubuntu16:29
darwishJustcool, and then go to /usr/bin from there and execute dpkg. Are you following me?16:29
DaZamerinese, same repos? ;o16:29
DaZdebian doen't use ubuntu repostiories16:30
Amnesiaahh 'kay16:30
JACKSUhbekel and how would i find out if i have ssh in cyg16:30
Amnesiawhat does a "virtual kernel consist"?16:30
hbekelJACKSU: do you know what ssh is?16:30
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mgedminAmnesia: or you could use install a minimal system from an Ubuntu Server CD16:30
Justcooldarwish : getting this http://gstreamer.pastebin.com/m2c25230216:31
Amnesiathanks folks16:31
Amnesiata ra16:31
Terabytesurely if i restore the backup everything should go back to tnormal16:31
Terabyteis there no way to reset to 'factory' settings?16:31
darwishJustcool, use a space between ``mingw-chroot'' and ``/bin/bash''16:31
malnilionAmnesia, also: http://www.debian.org/CD/netinst/16:31
mgedminTerabyte: in theory, you're right16:31
Amnesiaahh 'kay thanks16:31
mgedminTerabyte: a reboot could help, or maybe you need to restart Network Manager16:31
mgedminTerabyte: when /etc/network/interfaces doesn't explicitly list eth0, it's managed by Network Manager16:32
darwishJustcool, and make sure mingw-chroot is in your current directory (i.e., the relative path is correct .. otherwise use an absolute path)16:32
Terabyteok how would i restart network manager (will reboot in the meantime)16:32
DaZamerinese, ...?16:32
g3orgeswhat does : has broken dependencies mean ?16:32
Justcooldarwish: done but nothing getting as output16:32
g3orgesmgedmin broken dependencies error while isntalling , help ?16:32
darwishJustcool, you should have a shell now16:32
amerinesedaz: what repos?  what was that in reference to?16:32
nmvictorhello rimen16:32
rimencan someone help me about Totem Media Player16:32
darwishJustcool, supposedly now, the chroot dir is treated as root16:32
Justcooldarwish : ah16:32
mgedminTerabyte: I thought that when you edited the /etc/network/interfaces file, n-m automatically re-read it, no idea why it didn't work for you16:33
nmvictorrimen, what about it?16:33
malnilionAmnesia, or if you want Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:33
mgedminnice way to screw up your ssh session is to save /etc/network/interfaces in the middle of an edit16:33
DaZamerinese, i meant Amnesia :f16:33
Terabytemgedmin: just rebooting :)16:33
darwishJustcool, now I want you to open a new terminal and make sure that the content of root is different than the content you can see from your chrooted shell16:33
DaZamerinese, tabfail, sorry.16:33
darwishJustcool, mainly, I want to make sure you're really in the chroot now16:33
mgedminactually, maybe that magical autoreload is only happening since jaunty16:33
rimenTotem is the only player that have sound on my pc, but its also the only one that have wrong aspect ratio...16:33
* mgedmin finds the answer to his question: /var/run/reboot-required16:34
Justcooldarwish: I have different content now16:34
darwishJustcool, for example check /home contents from the chroot terminal, and /home from a new terminal .. They *should* differ16:34
Terabytemgedmin: it's  working :)16:34
darwishJustcool, great16:34
sumedhwhat is the best dvd writer for ubuntu16:34
darwishJustcool, now from your chroot terminal, go to /usr/bin16:34
=== sumedh is now known as samurai
mgedminno, hardy used something else... assuming hardy used anything16:34
rimenit seams like I can't get aspect ratio right, all ratios that are in view menu are wrong... how could I fix this thing, I checked all totem blogs on forums but it seams like no one has an answer16:35
snikkerhi, i've got a problem  thi wireless card... i'm associated to AP, but i'm unable to ping nothing, i've got:  "Destination Host Unreachable "16:35
a94060could someone tell me how to visit my windows shares on ubuntu?16:35
Justcooldarwish : done16:35
samuraidvd writer for ubuntu16:35
darwishJustcool, now type the following: ./dpkg --help16:35
Flare183!burners | samurai16:36
ubottusamurai: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:36
baldurbuntuwell, thanks anyway, im sure an irc is a nice idea :)16:36
Justcooldarwish: getting http://gstreamer.pastebin.com/m45ee7d6316:36
nmvictorsamurai: brasero(preferred), Gnoe baker,KB316:36
mgedminrimen: Totem doesn't exactly burst with bells and whistles; if it has working audio then it must be possible to configure other players to have working audio16:36
mgedminrimen: have you tried mplayer -ao pulse?16:36
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mgedminrimen: mplayer is the swiss-army-tool of video players; it's not exactly very convenient, but it can be made to play anything16:36
levanderWhat is a sure fire way to test my sound card?  Like, from the command prompt, I want something that should play sound.16:37
darwishJustcool, OK. I'm guessing you can't install any package from there16:37
rimenI tried mplayer and VLC... both of them can't play sound, I have tried every possible audio driver on them16:37
a94060i like mplaye]16:37
samuraiubottu: confused, please help16:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:37
darwishJustcool, i.e. any apt-get install from your current terminal will fail16:37
a940605 352e 0*3ayer,haha16:37
g3orgesCan someone checkout my error please ? http://pastebin.com/m2bec8121 thankss16:37
rimenI do have mplayer, but it can't play sound at all16:37
mgedminlevander: I usually do mplayer ~/Music/somemp3file.mp316:37
samuraiis it16:37
nmvictorsamurai: ok, brasero must be available if you ate using gnome16:37
levanderg3orges: You tried 'apt-get -f install' like the output suggested?16:38
mystamaxjoaopinto: i forgot to say thanks to your reply earlier. so Thanks :)16:38
* Flare183 uses Gnomebaker. 16:38
KapliHi, is it possible to share files between ubuntu and windows with network cable connecting the two computers?16:38
w_a_n_dHi everyone -- I am a novice user who just bought a VPS and it came with Ubuntu 64bit I believe..  The problem is, the sources.list it shipped with is giving me nothing but errors..  Can someone please show me how to fix my sources.list?  Here is a pastebin of the list, and the errors I get when trying to apt-get anything:  http://bcas.tv/paste/results/rETuLP27.html16:38
nmvictorkapil: possible with packages like samba and somemore16:39
darwishJustcool, simply the chroot image is corrupted. AFAIK dpkg *should* be there .. It's an *essential* package16:39
joaopintomystamax, np :)16:39
darwishJustcool, your chroot is corrupted16:39
majnoonanyone have any urls for speeding up internet connection in linux ??16:39
Kaplinmvictor: can you go into more detail? I have installed samba16:39
darwishJustcool, every Debian or Ubuntu debootstrap should have `dpkg' ..16:40
dayohow can i tell which version gnome i'm using?16:40
Justcooldarwish: I am getting any error in installing other things16:40
g3orgeslevander stupid me ... i jsut did it worked ..16:40
dayomajnoon: www.squid-cache.org16:40
boingboingbongghey people how are you doing16:40
g3orgeslevander but during setup .. it says i shold install kernel headers ? anything on that ?16:40
darwishJustcool, exactly .. cause your chroot environment misses an ``Essential'' package16:40
rimenwhat do I do with mplayer to play sound16:40
majnoondayo, i'll look thanx16:40
dayomajnoon: u're from identi.ca, right? !drupal?16:40
dayomajnoon: u're welcome16:40
nmvictorKapli: Me too but have never decided to configure it yet.16:40
darwishJustcool, It's like an operating system where someone opened its root and deleted some files there16:41
andresmhI'm trying to install Acrobat Reader. I added (I think) medibuntu repos and then I did sudo apt-get install acroread but I got this error: Package acroread is not available, but is referred to by another package.16:41
levanderg3orges: Have you compiled anything yourself?  That would be only reason you need kernel headers.16:41
nmvictorKapli: however, their are lots of tutorials, just google16:41
levanderg3orges: Paste the output of the command.16:41
darwishJustcool, now I should go .. I hope your problem is clear now (it should be)16:41
boingboingbonggHey can anyone point me to a resource for video tutorials on networking?16:41
Ben64hey, ubuntu wants me to upgrade my kernel, but nvidia isn't listed in the upgrade list.... is it gonna screw stuff up? I though nvidia needed to be updated with each new kernel?16:41
crashoverrideI just install namp on ubuntu 9.04.so how do I get it up and runing so i can be safer from outher people in here ?????//16:42
jeeves_Mosshow can I fix the line spacing in a document in OpenOffice?  I've tried setting the page spacing to single space, and yet, NOTHING on the lage changes16:42
darwishJustcool, Bye :016:42
DaZBen64, sometimes it doesn't16:42
levanderBen64: I don't know, but I bet the nvidia driver is a dependency of the kernel.  So, it'll get pulled with the kernel.16:42
boingboingbonggI searched google and found lots of tutorials but cudnt find a resource with video tutorials16:42
mystamaxBen64: I upgraded my kernel last night w/o issue. I have a nVidia card16:42
Ben64levander: but it's not saying it will upgrade16:42
jeeves_Mosslevander, good luck with the nVidia thing.  I fought for MONTHS, and I still didn't get it working fully16:43
AndyBHi, i am trying to install this https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/xserver-no-backfill package so i can use desktop effects with my ati card. I have added the software sources but it does not say what do to next. Any advice?16:43
crashoverridedid yall read what i said16:43
levanderjeeves_Moss: I'd try to find an OpenOffice channel.  Look on openoffice.org for one.16:43
Ben64crashoverride: what is namp16:43
levanderBen64: Maybe it's just saying the main packages it will upgrade, but those main packages have dependencies, and the dependencies will upgrade also?16:43
g3orgeslevander pastebin.com/m6d787501 is the error log16:43
crashoverridelook it for on google16:43
crashoverrideif yall dont know what nmap is16:44
levanderjeeves_Moss: Wrong person, I'm not doing anything with nvidia.16:44
Ben64levander: thats not how the updater works, it shows all dependancies16:44
linuxninjais anyone one here Ubuntu certified?16:44
mystamaxcrashoverride: you said namp, not nmap16:44
Ben64crashoverride: you totally said namp16:44
Justcooldarwish: thanks :)16:44
Ben64crashoverride: sudo apt-get install nmap16:44
rizomahi, i need to choose from two xorg.conf before login, it's that possible?16:44
Ben64but i don't know how nmap makes you safer from "people in here"16:44
crashoverridelike yall tell everyone in here GO look it up on google16:45
levanderg3orges: Hmmm, as part of the install process, virtualbox is trying to compile something...16:45
darwishJustcool, you're welcome :)16:45
Ben64crashoverride: or maybe you can READ what we've said16:45
mystamaxjust maybe16:45
crashoverridei have install it16:45
g3orgeslevander apaprently he said kernel is not suitable .. so he tried comiling , i think its own kernel , he said to do taht then launch setup again .. now what ?16:45
crashoverrideI need to know how to run it16:45
Ben64crashoverride: type "nmap"16:46
zangocrashoverride: you haven't be hanging out with acidburn again have you? :O16:46
crashoverridei need to hide my ip16:46
levanderg3orges: No, it's trying to compile a driver, for which you always need to compile against the kernel headers.16:46
Ben64nmap doesn't hide ips16:46
nmvictorAnyone know how to configure mysql, whenever i boot cupsd and mysqld are the ones that report a fail, i have evrything working, php, apache, phpmyadmin now i just wanna have mysql database up and running.16:46
AndyBcrashoverride, then use a proxy16:46
levanderg3orges: 'sudo apt-get linux-headers-generic'16:46
leilaHi all, Is there a way for me to map keys to automatically use the modifiers ctrl+alt ?16:47
crashoverridewhere do i get a proxy16:47
levanderg3orges: actually, what is the output of uname -r for you?16:47
crashoverridehere do i get a proxy16:47
mgedminandresmh: wasn't the name of the package acroread-nonfree?  try searching with apt-cache search acrobat16:47
levanderAnd g3orges, if you compile your own driver, every time the kernel gets upgraded in the repositories (and you try to download it with apt-get or synaptic) that driver is going to break, needs to be recompiled.16:48
rizomasorry fro repeat myself, anyone know how to choose from two different xorg configuration before login?16:48
mgedminandresmh: personally, I much prefer Evince over Acrobat, although I suppose there might be features that it doesn't support16:48
crashoverridehow do i get a proxy16:48
digital1help for me, my ubuntu 9.04 have display black16:48
hbekelleila: that's a little vague, can you give an example?16:49
mgedmindigital1: ouch.  do you know what kind of video card you have (intel, ati, nvidia)?16:49
dos000anyone tried building openjdk on intrepid ? i am getting a stupid error and no google help so far16:49
crashoverridei have ask yall 3 times now .tell me where i can get a proxy16:49
levanderg3orges: damn boy, you got all kinda weird setup16:49
andresmhmgedmin, evince has a bug since 2005 that is important to me: the ability to select text in a 2-column docment16:49
mgedmindigital1: is this after a fresh install, an upgrade from an older ubuntu, after a kernel upgrade, or after an X configuration change?16:49
digital1mgedmin: geforce 660016:49
dos000common/internal/BinaryPlugs.gmk:133: *** target pattern contains no `%'.  Stop.16:49
g3orgeslevander what does taht mean ? ::16:49
andresmhmgedmin, E: Couldn't find package acroread-nonfree16:50
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:50
digital1new install image to ubuntu16:50
levanderg3orges: sudo apt-get linux-headers-`uname -r`16:50
crashoverrideTELL ME WHERE O CAN GET A PROXY16:50
gaffo_laptopcrashoverride, http://tinyurl.com/qu6a8o16:50
mgedminandresmh: I wasn't sure of the package name, that's why I suggested searching with apt-cache search16:50
levanderg3orges: Note the back ticks around uname -r, they're important.16:50
levanderg3orges: That should get the headers you need.16:50
mgedminandresmh: hey, actually there is an 'acroread' package in the official Canonical Partner repository16:51
leilahbekel, I have a logitech G11 with all these nice extra buttons and I have them mapped in linux. However since wine has everything hardcoded it does not see these new scan-codes (ok with xmodmap they are forwarded to the kfree86 variant and most are unkown to wine as well). Now I was thinking as a work-around if I could make the G1 key behave like ctrl-alt-1 wine would probably pick it up and I would be  able to use the keys in like games.16:51
majnoondayo, installed it how do i USE it now ??16:51
mgedminandresmh: you can enable it with a checkbox in system -> administration -> software sources16:51
levanderg3orges: The output of 'uname -r' is the kernel version you're running.  If that's what you were asking when you said "What does that mean?"16:51
crashoverrideYOi am a home user so do i need a proxy16:52
dayomajnoon: it's actually a proxy. i use it on our network to manage the bandwidth16:52
mgedmindigital1: ouch again.  I've got an nvidia 7600 and ubuntu 9.04 works for me; my sister has the same card and I could never figure out how to get ubuntu to work on her pc...16:52
g3orgeslevander http://pastebin.com/mdc8506f :/16:52
mgedminI now just try to avoid nvidia cards like the plague16:52
majnoonthen SHOULD be automatic ??16:52
nmvictorCan't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)  thats the output whenever i start mysql, anyone know how i could configure mysql to work?16:52
levanderg3orges: Where did you get the kernel you are running?16:53
levanderg3orges: Did you compile it yourself?16:53
g3orgeslevander its a server in a server farm ... rented server16:53
hbekelleila: i vaguely remember that you can redefine keys in such a manner in the keyboard input device section of xorg.conf16:53
dayomajnoon: no, u need to configure it first. depending on the scenario u're trying to create. the config file should be in /etc/squid/squid.conf16:53
levanderg3orges: is it a VPN or a dedicated machine?16:53
dayomajnoon: what exactly are u trying to implement, maybe i can help16:53
g3orgeslevander yes its called RPS , real private server16:53
majnooni want to speed up secondlife and flash videos (streaming)16:54
dayomajnoon: http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples16:54
AndyBHi, i am trying to install this https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/xserver-no-backfill package so i can use desktop effects with my ati card. I have added the software sources but it does not say what do to next. Any advice?16:54
nocleaderWhats a good way to grep a LARGE file that hangs when I try and grep it ( I can tail the file)?  Do I have to split it up?16:54
lluais there a way to get my media keys to work while in full screen games?16:54
dayomajnoon: then i guess u would want to configure delay pools. hang on let me find u a good link.16:54
boss_mcAndyB: run apt-get update to get the package list from the server16:54
boss_mcAndyB: then install the package you want as normal (or it might appear as an upgrade)16:55
levanderg3orges: The thing is, usually packages look in a directory called /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r` when they are looking for kernel source code.  You need to find the source code that was compiled to make the kernel and put it in that directory.16:55
dayomajnoon: to speed up stuff like that, u want to allocate a large(r) portion of your available bandwidth to flash et al. then have squid cache it16:55
levanderg3orges: Are you sure this RPS isn't a VPN?  You have your own computer in their farm?  Not just a piece of software that looks like a computer?16:55
Brian__the cpu on my net book when nothing is running is at 60-68 percent full16:56
AndyBboss_mc, i have updated the list but i do not know what the package name is16:56
boss_mcAndyB: is it not called xserver-no-backfill?16:56
dayomajnoon: http://quark.humbug.org.au/publications/squid/aclsquid.html16:56
g3orgeslevander that's exactly it http://www.ovh.com/fr/produits/rps3.xml and i dont think its dedidated :/16:57
AndyBboss_mc, Thats what i thought but keeps saying could not find package. no matter how many times i run the update16:57
Brian__should my cpu be running so close to 100 percent with nothing active16:57
levanderg3orges: for example, if you were to 'sudo apt-get linux-headers-2.6.2.xxx', the headers would go in the directory "/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.2.xxx".  So, you need your headers in a directory called "/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6-ipv4-xxxx" - whatever your long string was.16:57
dayomajnoon: are u going to use it just on your local desktop/laptop or will squid run on a server?16:57
Brian__rite now nothing is open and it at 59%16:57
Jari--hi, is it difficult to upgrade Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty without any GUIs, just console?16:57
Jari--if so, how?16:57
levanderg3orges: You can't run virtual box inside a VPS (virtual private server), you have to run it on the operating system actually running on the hardware.16:58
boss_mcAndyB: according to the site, the package is probably called xserver-xorg so it should appear as an update to your normal copy (or you'll have to force version in synaptic)16:58
grawityJari--: It is easy.16:58
lluais there a way to get my media keys to work while in full screen games?16:58
Jari--grawity: can you tell me how...16:58
Jari--how long does it take?16:58
levanderg3orges: that solves it? cause i gotta go unless you have another quick question16:58
pikacodejust added a nice video card and second monitor to my pc, both come up just fine, but the panels are on the left monitor when i'd like them on the right monitor. easy way to change?16:59
AndyBboss_mc, ah that worked, but it says its already at the newest version, how do i force it?16:59
g3orgeslevander so the answer is , i cant create virtualmachine isnide it :( right ?16:59
boss_mcJari--: just type do-release-upgrade16:59
dayomajnoon: i'm going to paste a sample config which might be applicable to your scenario. gimme a minute16:59
levanderg3orges: That machine is already running some kind of virtualization software, and you're one of the guests inside the virtualization software.16:59
boss_mcAndyB: open up synaptic, search for xserver-xorg16:59
levanderg3orges: Why did you want to run virtual box inside a VPS?16:59
boss_mcAndyB: select it and click package->force version17:00
MadsyWhere can I find the Ubuntu kernel sources for other architectures than x86? They aren't available on archive.ubuntu.com17:00
boss_mcAndyB: see what options are there17:00
g3orgeslevander for winamp + shoutcast .... wine is not letting winamp connect to the internet :/17:00
grawityJari--: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#7.04%20to%207.10%20%28Feisty%20to%20Gutsy%2917:00
boss_mcBrian__: run top in a console and see what's using the processor, it might be compiz or a stalled firefox process17:00
levanderg3orges: why not just run winamp on your PC at home?17:01
majnoondayo, you on yahoo or aim ??17:01
dayomajnoon: both17:01
g3orgeslevander its for a radio , icant keep my homepc on 24/7 :/17:01
savidHow do I kill gnome-panel without having it automatically restart?  I remember some prefs window where I could change that, but can't remember where it is...17:01
levanderg3orges: Check out alternative packages written for Linux.  I'm sure there are some.17:01
grawitysavid: gconf-editor17:01
levanderg3orges: What you were doing was a huge hack and a lotta work anyway.  It's better off you can't do it.17:02
grawitysavid: I don't remember the exact path, but search for 'required-components'17:02
ubuntunewbiehi would like to know is there any good application to schedule record internet radio station ?17:02
levanderg3orges: Just find a native Linux audio streamer.17:02
nmvictorCan someone please help me configure mysql in ubuntu, whenever i start it from the terminal, it gives the output: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)17:02
hbekelleila: quick hack: bind your special key to a script and send fake key events using xdotool?17:02
alexanderXubuntuAnyone here? Using Xubuntu?17:02
grawityalexanderXubuntu: Just ask your question.17:02
g3orgeslevander shoutcast runs smoothly ... i make it connect to localhost ... and put shoutcast serv on same machine .. but other plugins need internet and not working ...17:02
levanderg3orges: And, I didn't answer your question directly.  No, you can not run virtual box inside a VPS.17:02
AndyBboss_mc, I ran the search, there is no package option for xserver-xorg, only the option to remove. however there is a package called xserver-xorg-dev that is not installed, its comments say no backfill. im going to assume thats it. Ill try installing it17:02
savidgrawity,   I know there used to be a prefs window where you could change that,  where it showed a list of apps that started up,  and the "startup type",  and you'd chagne the icon to a trashcan or whatever...17:03
alexanderXubuntuI was following a guide, which said: (System -> Preferences -> Appearance)  and click Install and point to our newly created MyTheme.tar.gz archive.    But I seem not to find that buttom where Ican install ?17:03
g3orgeslevander i can broadcast with linux ... but i havethta song requester system , only works under winamp :/ so im stuck again17:03
savidgrawity,  not sure if gnome has that any more though.. maybe they took it out17:03
boss_mcAndyB: you don't right click on the package name, it's in the menu's at the top (it shouldn't be but... what you gonna do?)17:03
grawityalexanderXubuntu: The guide is probably for GNOME. Try simply dragging the .tar.gz to the appearance settings window (to the list)17:03
leilahbekel, thanks I shall try that17:03
lluais there a way to get my media keys to work while in full screen games?17:04
levanderg3orges: Winamp is a client.  Why do you need to run the winamp client on the server?17:04
alexanderXubuntuNope grawity, it won't allow me.17:04
Tyrusllua, not really  whats a "media key"  anyway?17:04
hbekelleila: not sure if that would work...17:05
g3orgeslevander winamp has shoutcast plugin .. braodcasts to shoutcast server , and the songrequest plugin is under winamp too .. shoutcast server needs winamp to brodacst17:05
alexanderXubuntuIt just makes it return to the folder where its placed.17:05
boss_mcTyrus: like play/pause keys on a keyboard17:05
millevathello there17:05
grawityTyrus: Many keyboards have special "media" keys such as play, pause, stop, volume control.17:05
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:05
Tyrussolution: get a normal keyboard without gimmiks17:05
AndyBboss_mc, when i select it and click package, the force version menu option is blanked out/disabled. Ive installed the dev nobackfill version. Im on a fresh install so im going to run all updates and reboot. See if my ati card will still work17:05
savidUgh.  Where does gnome-panel keep its config?  I deleted the apps/panel dir in gconf but its still not resetting17:05
levanderg3orges: Are you sure you can't run Winamp on a different machine when you do that thing you're talking about?17:05
millevati want to install linux on an external hdd drive but gag doesn't read external usb drives. how i can make it read external hdd?17:06
leilahbekel, perhaps in combination with xbindkeys17:07
g3orgeslevander i can do taht .. but then i would need a windwos server , and these cost alot :/ licences ....17:07
alexanderXubuntuAnyone knows how to install a new theme ? I am using Xubuntu 9.0.1...17:07
Lartza_How do I map FTP drive to ubuntu? I don't have gnome and the menus I am on openbox.17:07
levanderg3orges: What I'm wondering is there's a package in Ubuntu called icecast-server.  I'm wondering if you could use icecast instead of shoutcast, and just use icecast on the Linux server at the server farm and Winamp on a client at your own house?17:08
millevatis there anyone that can help me?17:08
levandermillevat: Don't ask to ask, just ask.17:08
bzrkLartza_: check out lufs17:09
lyhana8hi, why the heck does my touchpad doesn't work anymore on jaunty. It's was working fine on hardy :S17:09
nmvictormillevat: what the prob?just say and someones gonna help17:09
alexanderXubuntuAnyone knows how to install a new theme ? I am using Xubuntu 9.0.1... Its a .tar.gz file.17:09
g3orgeslevander taht would be my last resort ... then i would ahve to keep a computer here on 24/7 :/ which is not a very good idea , but wotn ahve any other choice at taht point ... tahnks for everything man17:09
Lartza_levander: He already asked and now asked someone would answer to his question17:09
millevati want to install linux on an external hdd drive but gag doesn't read external usb drives. how i can make it read external hdd?17:09
levandermillevat: What is gag?17:09
|SonGoku|i dont now17:09
millevatgraphical boot manager17:09
levanderg3orges: It's possible you can find a pure linux solution maybe, just keep looking.17:10
FloodBot2|SonGoku|: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:10
levandermillevat: You've tried grub, which is what I think most Ubuntu installs use?  Did they change from grub to gag?17:11
savidoh nm,  I need to be using gconftool instead17:11
dimitrusshello are you from spanish17:11
frpaulnope, Russia17:12
millevati want to use gag because i want to install many distributions and grub sometimes makes problems17:12
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dimitrussmillevat use grub administrator17:12
frpaulany Pythion coders present?17:13
GPLwhat's the command to Reset Sockets || IN Windows, it was "netsh reset winsock catalog"17:13
levandermillevat: If it doesn't support external hard drives, it doesn't support them.  And, that's like a question about a package that's not common in the Ubuntu world.  Have you tried finding a gag specific support forum?17:13
levanderfrpaul: #python17:13
frpaulright python17:13
levanderfrpaul: That's the name of a channel that has a lot of python programmers in it.17:13
frpaullearning Tkinter, is it worth it?17:13
dimitrusscan you write fstab or munt the file system17:14
millevatno i haven't been on a gag forum. thanks for the advise... i'll search something there17:14
levanderfrpaul: That's a very vague question.17:14
guntbertGPL: what do mean "reset sockets"?17:14
levanderfrpaul: Head to #python and see what those people will tell you.17:14
frpaulsure. thanks17:14
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GPLguntbert : In windows, when i used to use uTorrent or bittorrent clients, it possibly corrupted windows sockets, so i had to use this command "netsh reset winsock catalog" to reset it, that would repair the sockets, and i can use the internet normally ....17:15
GPLguntbert :  i switched to ubuntu, about 2 weeks ago, but i am unable to figure out how to reset it :(17:16
watshisnameIs there a folder where all the emails are kept. I would like to make a backup of all by emails before i reinstall ubuntu.17:16
GPLguntbert, the problem is that .. if i dont reset it, then i get Read Error/ Write Error / Connection Lost, etc. errors ...17:16
grawitywatshisname: What email client are you using -- Evolution, Thunderbird, other?17:17
guntbertGPL: I never heard of that under linux - I'd say no need for this - but maybe someone else has a different notion17:17
sipiorGPL: have you actually seen such problems under linux?17:17
GPLsipior : Yes.17:17
sipiorGPL: perhaps you could post error messages for us to look at17:17
grawitywatshisname: Evolution has an "Export" option somewhere. If it does not -- backup ~/.evolution/17:17
g3orgesAnyone knows a songrequester for shoutcast for ubuntu ?17:18
pikacodejust added a nice video card and second monitor to my pc, both come up just fine, but the panels are on the left monitor when i'd like them on the right monitor. easy way to change?17:18
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GPLguntbert : after i use Bittorrent Client aka Transmission .. i cant use IM protocols or IRC ... :( lag goes high, and i get Connection Lost error on IRC, when using Pidgin, i get Writing Errors all the time :(17:18
azloncan i format a RAID-1 as NTFS so my other windows machines can access it?17:18
watshisnameright thanks grawity.  i will do that but i still wonder if there is a folder somewhere ...that all the emails are kept in17:18
grawitywatshisname: There is, and I just said where.17:19
the_archit3cthi (:17:19
guntbertGPL: sorry, no help from me there - I *never* saw such behaviour, sipior asked for error messages17:19
nmvictori updated cairo-dock and now the newest version is packed with some OPenGL stull that are not working well on my laptop.Any idea how i would completly eliminate the OpenGL stuff?It has  option to start cairodock without OpenGL stuff but that doesnt help much,Its like OPenGL has spread its claws all over cairo-dock,any ideas?17:20
sipiorGPL: is it only an issue when the bittorrent client is running?17:20
watshisnamejust looked for export in evolution ..but can only find import??17:20
GPLsipior : after Bittorrent Client runs, it corrupts the sockets, so  i 've to reset it somehow, after it all the things go fine ..17:20
sipiorGPL: you keep saying "corrupts the sockets", but i have no idea what you mean by that, or indeed how you verified that this in fact the issue.17:21
sipiorGPL: what steps have you taken to isolate the problem?17:21
GPLsipior : windowsxp.mvps.org/winsock.htm <- have a look here, maybe you get the idea17:21
GPLsipior : Under Windows, i used to do that, and everything went fine...17:22
sipiorGPL: we're talking about linux here, yes?17:22
GPLsipior : yes , but you can figure it out :) probably.17:23
GPLI am sure, it's related with corruption of sockets settings.17:23
sipiorGPL: if you try "ifconfig" for your network interface, does it report a large number of TX or RX errors?17:24
GPLsipior, let me do so17:24
boss_mcwatshisname: if the email server is using smtp to send the mails, there's likely to still be copies of the emails on the server17:24
sipiorGPL: (collisions, dropped packets...)17:24
grawitywatshisname: ~/.evolution/17:24
lobakim trying to backup my Desktop dir with rsync into my thumbdrive..when i use command rsync -av /home/me/Desktop /media/thumbdrive/backup ..it will copy the Desktop dir into the backup dir.. how can make only the content in Desktop to be copy into the backup dir?17:25
GPLsipior : output of ifconfig -> http://pastebin.com/m1afca9b617:25
boss_mclobak: just a guess but  rsync -av /home/me/Desktop/* /media/thumbdrive/backup?17:25
sipiorGPL: can you also paste a copy of netstat -antup when the network is behaving poorly?17:26
watshisnamei'm a bit new to this ...but why doesnt it just file the emails away in a local folder like all the other programmes seem to do ...ie. xchat stores in home folder(hidden)17:26
nmvictorlobak: maybe rsync -av /home/You/Dekstop/*. /back/up/directory17:27
lobakgot it17:28
aesthesiaHi, I'm trying to set my preseed install file to set the hostname of the machine to the hostname provided by the DHCP server, but seem to be unable to get the syntax for the stanza right. does anyone know the correct syntax for it?17:28
lobakthanks boss_mc, nmvictor17:28
GPLsipior, http://pastebin.com/m159b7d6b <- output of netstat -antup17:29
nmvictorlobak: no problem dude, anytime17:29
leilahbekel, http://www.doctort.org/adam/nerd-notes/x11-fake-keypress-event.html could be interesting as well17:29
guntbertwatshisname: look in .evolution/mail/local - I guess you will find mail files there17:30
sipiorGPL: try shutting down your irc daemon, et alia, and see if one of these is the culprit.17:30
GPLsipior : i already tried that ...17:31
grawitywatshisname: I TOLD YOU TWICE, it stores emails in ~/.evolution/ folder.17:31
sipiorGPL: what is the *precise* behaviour you see when your network is erratic?17:31
quantolfanyone familiar with rtorrent that can help me?17:32
azlonhow can i format a drive to NTFS? mkefs only does ext2/3 doesnt it?17:32
grawityazlon: mkfs.ntfs :) It's in the ntfsprogs package.17:32
sipiorGPL: also, any interesting log entries that coincide with the time of the issue?17:32
jynckaI'm trying to boot hardy and I keep getting a busybox error, what can I do about this?17:32
* veiz is away: Been a while17:33
quantolfalso...when i'm compiling a program and i do ./configure, make, make install in my ~/ folder is that where the file is installed?17:33
* veiz is back (gone 00:00:02)17:33
azlongrawity, thanks!17:33
quantolfor do i need to manually move it to the location that it shoudl be?17:33
grawityazlon: also, you might want to try 'gparted'17:33
nmvictorquantolf: no, thats not where its installed17:34
sipiorquantolf: most autotools installs default to /usr/local, but that can easily be modified17:34
boss_mcquantolf: it's installed as the makefile defines, if it's an executable, it's likely in /usr/bin/ or /bin or /usr/local/bin17:34
grawityveiz: Please turn off the away messages. We do not care how long does it take for you to pee.17:34
veiz 17:34
ggcchey guys i need some help with setting up Dual Screen on my Ubuntu Desktop17:35
azlon"sudo mdadm --detail --scan >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf" gives me "Permission denied"... why would that be?17:35
ggccthis is the steps im taking http://pastie.org/58998217:36
boss_mcggcc: what graphics card?17:36
ggccbut its not even letting me edit the xorg files17:36
happosadeWill this wlan-card work well http://www.verkkokauppa.com/popups/prodinfo.php?id=1378217:36
veizgrawity, sorry for tthat~ got it now~17:36
GPLsipior : i cant get into any of IM Protocols using Pidgin, i cant use IRC, it says Connection Lost at my end, and Connection reset by Peer, it's due to corrupted Sockets TCP/Ip Stacks, High network traffic etc. || I can Use HTTP thow, without any change .. in mIRC , i get 10053 error , when using other softwares, it just tries to reconnect me every time .. .. i 've watched .. over time, and it only happens after i use some bittorrent client like17:37
GPL Vuze, utorrent, in Windows, and now it happened after i used Transmission17:37
jordanwbI'm having a problem with a Emachine computer to boot. It gets to the boot screen then the screen goes black. The machine does not respond to the SysReq sequence and required a hard reboot. Starting the PC using Recovery mode and selecting xfix solves the problem, but only temporary17:37
ggccboss_mc: its an ATI gfx card17:37
jordanwbnot boot screen, the splash loader17:37
hellhoundi am having trouble with Ubuntu 9.04 automounting my Samba Server.  When I reboot it does not mount with my other devices, but it will mount when I run sudo mount -a.  I have it mount through fstab with: //THE_BORG/borgfiles   /media/BORGQUEEN   cifs   credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 017:37
boss_mcGPL are you behind a router?17:37
GPLboss_mc , yes17:37
boss_mcGPL: my router sometimes seizes up after a lot of usage (i,e, heavy downloading)17:38
GPLboss_mc, i am 100% sure, it's not because of router .17:38
boss_mcGPL: have you tried power-cycling the router?17:38
jordanwbhellhound: try adding "auto" to the end of the mount opetions17:38
GPLboss_mc, No Need. .. When in windows, this problem occurred, i just used "netsh reset winsock catalog" command, and restart my computer, the problem vanishes like MAGIC ...17:39
hellhoundjordanwb, thank you.  should I put that after the " 0 0"??17:39
ggccthis is the error im getting :  root@ggcc-hq:/etc/X11# gedit xorg.conf17:39
ggcc(gedit:4643): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:17:39
grawityGPL: netsh winsock reset, actually -- but Linux does not have anything evenremotely similar.17:39
grawityggcc: Are you in the console now? Try using nano instead17:40
Thesoloniustest message17:40
jordanwbhellbound: no after the "dir_mode=0777" bit, like so: "dir_mode=0777,auto"17:40
Brian__i made some changes to conky and i dont want to restart my computer everytime i make a change, isnt there a way to restart the desktop without rebooting17:40
GPLgrawity : that command is for windows.17:40
boss_mcGPL: because it restarts all the connections (and in the process restarts the connections in the router)17:40
ggccgrawity: dont know how to do that17:40
grawityGPL: I know, used it a few times.17:41
grawityggcc: Just replace 'gedit' with 'nano'17:41
ggccgrawity: ahhh ok one sec leme give it a try :)17:41
hellhoundjordanwb, thank you!17:41
jordanwbhellbound: your welcome17:41
GPLboss_mc, can you point me to some documentation, that talks about TCP/Ip Stack , its settings ?17:41
rich__does anyone know if a copied partition from a usb drive is compatable with a sata drive?17:42
boss_mcGPL: no, but I'm sure my friend google can...17:42
linuxninjaGPL: TCP/IP Stack?17:42
jordanwbrich__: yes because all block devices (flash drives, sata drives) use the msdos partition table17:42
GPLlinux : yeah i want to reset the Stack entries :(17:43
rich__Do you know what would cause windows vista to not boot after I copied using gparted and reloaded grub17:43
linuxninjaGPL: Reset? Are you talking about your IP Address etc...?17:43
jordanwbrich__: so you installed grub?17:43
grawityjordanwb: Some use GPT now.17:43
GPLlinuxninja, No.17:43
Positivityrich__: You might have re-numbered partitions? That causes the Windows boot loader to sometimes stop working.17:44
jordanwbrich__: You would need to add an entry to the /boot/grub/menu.lst file for Vista17:44
Pirate_Hunterjus got hardy on vbox working with guest addition not bad17:44
linuxninjaGPL: What in the TCP/IP stack are you talking about then...17:44
jordanwbgrawity: not all computers support it. I tried17:44
dayohow do i unset this:  gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager awesome17:44
Positivityrich__: Or you might have the Windows entry missing for the boot loader, as jordanwb suggests17:44
rich__If I pasted it would you be able to tell?17:44
The_JagLittle help here: how to get rid of old kernels? even the headers too17:45
GPLlinuxninja, http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/fix-winsock-lsp-issues-and-reset-tcpip-stack-to-repair-internet-connectivity/ <- i want Ubuntu Version of this Article.17:45
grawitydayo: Do the same, but replace 'awesome' with 'metacity'17:45
Positivityrich__: Sure! But I think you ought to paste the contents of the file to pastie.org or a similar site and send us the URL17:45
dayograwity: ok17:45
jordanwbgrawity: I'll try GPT on a newer machine17:46
PositivityThat helps keep it out of the way of people in the channel who are doing other stuff. Pasting source code or config files directly into an IRC channel annoys some people for precisely that reason.17:46
hellhoundjordanwb, unfortunately that did not work :(17:46
jordanwbhellbound: That's odd.17:47
grawityjordanwb: Not all machines support _booting_ from GPT (I think only EFI ones do), but I know both Windows (XP) and Linux support using GPT on secondary disks.17:47
linuxninjaGPL: I'm not sure we have that issue in Ubuntu17:47
rich__I removed the maps because that has worked in the past17:47
rich__for windows17:47
jordanwbrich__: Where is vista located right now?17:48
ggcchey guys how do i save changes i made in nano17:48
rich__let me check17:48
GPLlinuxninja, there must be some interface in Linux/Ubuntu, which deals with the TCP/IP stack .. and LSP ?17:48
Positivityrich__: You have 3 entries for Vista :-(17:48
boss_mcGPL: does <<sudo ifconfig eth0 down && sudo ifconfig eth0>> up help?17:48
grawityGPL: I don't think Linux has "LSP"...17:48
jordanwbggcc: If you want to save without exiting, use Ctrl+O17:48
hellhoundah ... hah should have tested fstab before rebooting.. now when i type sudo mount -a it says that the line is bad17:48
rich__I see thats why I have three boot options17:48
ggccthanks :)17:48
linuxninjaGPL: That's assuming something is listening to the Internet connection17:49
GPLboss_mc, let me try that ...17:49
boss_mcGPL: that should just restart the connection17:49
jordanwbrich__: If Vista is on /dev/sda1 you don't need the map commands17:49
Positivityggcc: Why don't you use pico? It's simple to use.17:49
boss_mcGPL: that's eth0 up at the end not just eth017:49
grawityPositivity: Because he uses nano.17:49
SpCombGPL: linux doesn't have anything like Window's LSP:s (thank god)17:50
grawityPositivity: pico is not included with any Linux distro anymore -- now it's the open-source version, nano, which is mostly equivalent in its interface.17:50
hellhoundjordan, h ... hah should have tested fstab before rebooting.. now when i type sudo mount -a it says that the line is bad17:50
Positivitygrawity: Isn't pico open-source?17:50
SpCombGPL: if bittorrent use is causing you connectivity issues, then either your home router/nat box sucks or your ISP's throttling you17:50
jordanwbhellbound: can you post your fstab file to pastebin17:50
grawityPositivity: The source of pico and pine is public, yes, but AFAIK, there are some restrictions.17:51
Positivitygrawity: When I SSH into my Linux box, I find that vi goes crazy when I try to use the cursors on the keyboard, but pico works fine17:51
Positivitygrawity: I wonder if pico supports syntax highlighting17:51
grawityPositivity: And because of those restrictions, there is now 'alpine' (written by the same guys, I think), and 'nano' (written by ...no idea who)17:51
gartralPositivity: what about vim?17:51
grawityPositivity: I don't know about pico, but nano does have simple highligting.17:51
jordanwbLet's not get into an argument about text editors17:52
Positivitygrawity: I guess I'll try running nano then17:52
shahzadhi everybody: how could i extract .sis files in ubuntu 917:52
grawityPositivity: Yes, what gartral said - you should try vim. The original vi actually did not support arrows - only hjkl.17:52
grawityjordanwb: This is not an argument. (Yet...)17:52
Positivityjordanwb: Just discussing text editors. I've never used nano and would like to know why ppl use it.17:52
jordanwbgrawity: my point: yet17:52
linuxninjaGPL: Every network operating system has a TCP/ip stack17:52
jordanwbPositivity: I know17:52
linuxninjaGPL: Doesn't mean they have an LSP issue17:53
Positivitygartral: I use Ubuntu 9.04 and simply type "vi". Is that linked/alias-ed to "vim" or other editor?17:53
grawitylinuxninja: GPL was offline17:53
akis333is there a problem with ati mobility HD 2600 and ubuntus desktop cube?17:53
rich__how do I remove the two entries17:53
happosadeWill this wlan-card work well http://www.verkkokauppa.com/popups/prodinfo.php?id=1378217:53
akis333cause i can make it to work properly17:53
grawityPositivity: Today, 'vi' usually runs vim in compatibility mode.17:53
rich__I am not familiar with editing grub17:53
linuxninjagrawity: ya, just saw that. Thanks17:53
jordanwbrich__, edit the file as root and delete the lines17:53
ronanAll of the sudden ubuntu refuses to find my wireless network17:53
gartral(FTR) I like Vim, I like Nano, I like gmacs, they all have strength and uses... (end line) >.>17:53
grawityPositivity: And in that mode, it acts just like the original vi. No arrow cursors.17:54
rich__which ones?17:54
gartralPositivity: vi != vim, they are seperate editors17:54
ronanIt doesn't show up at all, but my neibougrs network shows up17:54
Positivitygrawity: Oh. I guess typing "vim" disables the compatibility mode then17:54
lyhana8hi, I just install kubuntu 9.04 few days ago and my touchpad doesn't work anymore (worked on hardy), cat /dev/input/mouse* give nothing17:54
jordanwbrich__: the second and thrid vista set17:54
hellhoundjordanwb: here is my full fstab: http://pastebin.com/ma8412d17:54
GPLSpcomb : Running a Test : to figure that out.17:54
ronanIt's a wpa2 network17:54
grawityPositivity: I guess so. If it does not, you could add "set nocompatible" to your ~/.vimrc17:54
rich__cool thanks17:54
Positivitygartral: Doesn't "vi" point to "vim" nowadays, except in compatibility mode? Or do "vi" and "vim" point to totally different executables altogether?17:55
grawityPositivity: But I don't think Ubuntu even _has_ vim... you may need to install it separately.17:55
shahzadhi everybody: how could i extract .sis files in ubuntu jaunty??17:55
jordanwbhellhound: you want it to be "dir_mode=0777,auto", with the comma before auto, and with no space17:55
Positivitygrawity: Thanks, I'll make a note of that.17:55
LavaEaglePositivity: You are correct.17:55
gartralPositivity: on my box, they are different editors17:55
grawitygartral: With different file sizes?17:55
Ivozanyone know why all the ubuntu releases are .04 or .10?17:55
LavaEagleThe_Jag: ?17:55
MaGicMaXhey guys, i have just formatted a 2nd HDD as ext3 and created a directory, then mounted it. I noticed i need root priveleges to access it (read/write). As only media will be on this drive i would like to remove root priveleges so i can access the drive freely (and my programs can access it). Is that possible?17:56
ronanApirl - 4th month17:56
Positivitygrawity: Oh. I guess I ought to check my package manager to make sure.17:56
grawityIvoz: That is the release month - 9.04, for example, was released on 2009-0417:56
odderIvoz: count17:56
jordanwbLavaEagle: Jag wants to get rid of old kernels17:56
boss_mcIvoz: 9.04 = 09/04 = sept 200917:56
grawityIvoz: And they are released every 6 months o so.17:56
odderIvoz: every half a year17:56
ronanOctober - 10th month17:56
Pricey!Name | Ivoz17:56
ubottuIvoz: Ubuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more17:56
LavaEagleOh ok, not my area17:56
ronanSemptemer taht is17:56
The_Jag@LavaEagle: anyone know how to get rid of older kernels and headers ?17:56
boss_mcIvoz: ecxept in reverse.... 04/09 = April 200917:56
grawityThe_Jag: Simply remove them using apt-get or aptitude or synaptic17:56
grawityboss_mc: What kind of damned date format is that? o.o17:56
Ivozoh ok, that makes much more sense than cryptic alignment of versions numbers hehe thanks :)17:57
coreymanhow come I don't have kdesu after installing kdm?17:57
PositivityGTG... have a good day, everyone!17:57
boss_mcgrawity: yeah, i went slightly insane there :-) fixed after....17:57
The_Jag@grawity: Do they disappear from grub too?17:57
MaGicMaXhey guys, i have just formatted a 2nd HDD as ext3 and created a directory, then mounted it. I noticed i need root priveleges to access it (read/write). As only media will be on this drive i would like to remove root priveleges so i can access the drive freely (and my programs can access it). Is that possible?17:57
=== guido is now known as Guest36690
shahzadanbody who could help plz: how could i extract .sis files in ubuntu 917:57
ronanUbuntu won't find my network. Other networks work, and windows finds it.17:57
grawityboss_mc: I meant 04/0917:58
IvozMagicMax, just set the Other privledges to read and write17:58
jordanwbMaGicMaX: Yes and no, you don't need root privedges under certain circumstances.17:58
boss_mcgrawity: 04/09? as in mm/yy?17:58
jordanwbMaGicMax: If the drive is USB, then no17:58
linuxninjaronan: What do you mean ubuntu won't find your network?17:58
boss_mcgrawity: it's european standard dd/mm/yy without the dd17:58
grawityboss_mc: As a programmer, I find YYYY-MM-DD the only sane order. (YYYY/MM/DD and such are acceptable.)17:58
MaGicMaXthe drive is SATA2, interior HDD17:58
grawityboss_mc: And I do live in Europe, by the way. My country uses YYYY-MM-DD.17:58
rich__no dice17:58
aesthesiaHi, I'm trying to set my preseed install file to set the hostname of the machine to the hostname provided by the DHCP server, but seem to be unable to get the syntax for the stanza right. does anyone know the correct syntax for it? I'm prompted to enter the hostname, but its always correct, i'm just trying to make it so that it accepts the hostname without me having to confirm it.17:59
jordanwbMaGicMax: If you want to be able to mount the drive by a non-root you need to add a line to your /etc/fstab file as root17:59
ronanLinuxninja doesn't show up in the networkmanager or with iwlist17:59
rich__it just got rid of the other unbootable options :(17:59
MaGicMaXI know i can use the command to open Nautilus with root to write to the drive but im using programs that read/write to that drive so...17:59
boss_mcgrawity: for programming I would use yyyy/mm/dd (for date comparison ease) but in everyday life I use dd/mm/yyyy (in the UK, maybe it's not pan-european)17:59
jordanwbMaGicMax: So you can mount the drive but you aren't allowed to write to it, is that correct?18:00
linuxninjaronan: Is this a laptop? If it is make sure the wireless card is turned on. Laptops have an on off switch for the wireless card18:00
shahzadhi everybody: how could i extract .sis files in ubuntu 918:00
SpCombMaGicMaX: sudo chown <your user>:<your group> /path/to/mnt18:00
Ivozgrawity: do you have yyyy-dd-mm?18:00
jordanwbMaGicMax: Okay, so what you want to do is "sudo chmod 0777 /path/to/mount/point"18:00
Ivozgrawity: *hate18:00
SpCombyou don't need a chmod if you just chown it to your user18:00
boss_mcIvoz: I find that really confusing18:00
jordanwbSpComb: True18:01
orochijordanwb: That would also be horribly insecure18:01
grawityIvoz: I haven't seen that order used anywhere... but mm/dd/yy is used often, and I hate that.18:01
Ivozyeah, frustrating18:01
krg_i experienced an error in the automatic ubuntu kernel upgrade. Anyone else had problems with it?18:01
ronanlinuxninja: Its a desktop and wireless is enabled as I can find other networks that is not mine.18:01
jordanwbMaGicMax: "sudo chown username /path/to/mount/point"18:01
MaGicMaXjordanwb: hmm what about spcomb's command there?18:01
shahzadnobody could help: on how could i extract .sis files in buntu18:01
GPLSpComb: I did a test, ISP isnt throttling my Bittorrent downloads, but yes, Connection Issues happen only after it.18:02
gartralronan: sure your router isnt set up to hide its ssid?18:02
Ivozanyone have any idea why ubuntu would go crazy and spit errors upon resuming from suspend when I re-open my HP laptop?18:02
SpCombGPL: are you using a router/NAT device?18:02
linuxninjaronan: Hmm... You could just add it in18:02
linuxninjaronan: You could also change the channel your access point is on18:02
gintasdxGot GCC instaled? PM me18:02
ronangartral: Yes other devices finds it ok.18:02
SpCombshahzad: .sis? s60 installers?18:02
GPLSpComb, i am using Beetel 220 BXI Modem18:02
grawityIvoz: Are you using any prorietary drivers? (Many of them break suspend/hibernate.)18:02
krg_anyone experienced errors with kernel upgrade from .14 to .15 ?18:02
ronanLinuxninja how?18:03
linuxninjaronan: by default they are on channel 6. move it to 11 or 118:03
Ivozgrawity: the nvidia ones?18:03
cesar_boHello, anyone knows how to launch an application with an especific metacity theme, averriding the desktop default?18:03
SpCombGPL: well... does rebooting it resolve your connection issues?18:03
ronanlinuxninja: How would I do that18:03
grawityIvoz: Yeah. (I am stuck with v96...though I just switched to open-source ones)18:03
linuxninjaronan: You can change the channel on the access point18:03
MaGicMaXjordanwb: ok trying brb18:03
grawitycesar_bo: It isn't possible - you can only change themes globally.18:04
GPLSpcomb : okay, let me try it ..18:04
Ivozgrawity: so its the nvidia drivers killing it? Do the open source ones work?18:04
cesar_bograwity, I am sure there is a workaround18:04
grawitycesar_bo: What is your actual problem?18:04
TheChucksterhi. i am trying to get my xbox360 controller working in linux18:04
TheChucksterit shows up in lsusb18:04
TheChucksterbut not in xinput list18:04
TheChucksterit is currently not working18:05
grawityIvoz: I heard the newer ones fixed the suspend problem, but they don't support this piece of turd I'm typing on, so can't say...18:05
TheChucksterdo you guys have any suggestions?18:05
ronanlinuxninja: Still not sure how I would go on doing that..18:05
TheChucksteri thought there was a driver built into the kernel18:05
TheChucksterit worked with an older version of ubuntu18:05
TheChucksterbut i have long since upgraded18:05
|lilo|how do i do  to get a spanish ubunttu irc18:05
TheChucksterand now it isn't working anymore18:05
cesar_bograwity, test several metacity themes that I made, without changing the global desktop themes18:05
gartralTheChuckster: jscalibrator18:05
boss_mc!es | |lilo|18:05
ubottu|lilo|: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:05
TheChucksterhablo espanol mas o menus... que es tu problema?18:05
MaGicMaXjordanwb: hmm, says no such file or directory, "/media/sdb1" thats the mount point i put in18:05
Ivozgrawity: I have 180.44.. I think thats the ubuntu-packaged ones.. newer than that?18:05
grawitycesar_bo: Then just change the Metacity theme, not the rest.18:06
linuxninjaronan: You have to log into the access point and look at the configs18:06
lanzellothhey all18:06
jordanwbMaGicMax: so you ran "sudo chown username /media/sdb1" without quotes?18:06
NBNUBUNTU  after updating the screen no longer works, but rather the entry of a command line only18:06
cesar_bograwity, my issue is to have tree or four windows with diferent metacity themes for testing18:06
MaGicMaXjordanwb: ill try again18:06
TheChucksterde nada18:07
|lilo|quiero montar un cafe internet18:07
lanzellothwhen the update manager tried to merge my old menu.lst with 2.6.28-15 it crashed. now i'm not sure how to get it into my menu.lst18:07
|lilo|y quiero montarlo con ubuntu18:07
TheChuckstercon ubuntu?18:07
|lilo|el problema es el software del ciber18:07
jordanwblanzelloth: "sudo dpkg --configure -a"18:07
lyhana8hi, how could I enable my touchpad ?18:07
PiciTheChuckster: Please continue this in #ubuntu-es, #ubuntu is english only.18:08
rich__is there anything on that that would make me not be able to boot vista?18:08
xangua!es | |lilo|18:08
TheChuckster|lilo|, lo siento pero no puedo continuar hablado aqui18:08
ubottu|lilo|: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:08
|lilo|ubuntu 9.0418:08
TheChucksterPici, sorry18:08
MaGicMaXjordanwb: ok the command went through but it didnt work, still says its owned by root and i cant access it18:08
lanzellothjordanwb, will try that18:08
jordanwbrich__: That's correct, although I don't know why its not boot, does it give an error message?18:08
cesar_bograwity, don't worry I found metacity-theme-viewer18:08
NBN|lilo|: after updating the screen no longer works, but rather the entry of a command line only18:08
jordanwbMaGicMax: are you running it as root?18:09
alexanderubuntuHey! I forgot the command to open root with full admin permission, anyone know?18:09
|lilo|whatever i will be asking you...18:09
adasz_i want use teamspeak but i cant heare nobody and i cant talk why? what must i do that it work?18:09
grawityalexanderubuntu: Depends on what you mean by 'root'... but you are probably looking for either 'sudo -s' or 'gksu'18:09
xanguacesar_bo: the best theme is Gnome Colors - http://code.google.com/p/gnome-colors/18:10
alexanderubuntuI remember it was gksu th____ something.18:10
MaGicMaXjordanwb: u mean the command? yes i preceeded it with sudo and entered my password18:10
jordanwbxangua: looks cool18:10
jordanwbMagicMaX: That's odd, is your user the only one in the system besides root?18:10
GuidMorrowrunning windows xp SP318:11
grawityalexanderubuntu: 'gksu thunar' in Xfce, or 'gksu nautilus' in GNOME.18:11
MaGicMaXjordanwb: yes18:11
grawityalexanderubuntu: Actually, both work.18:11
GuidMorrowis there any drivers for ATI TV WONDER VE, or the Logitech Wireless Desktop EX10018:11
GuidMorrowfor Ubuntu18:11
MaGicMaXjordanwb: maybe i got the mount point wrong? im using the one it shows in nautilus18:11
NBNafter updating the screen no longer works, but rather the entry of a command line only18:12
ohzsomeone can tell me how i can do from bash for looking about buildessential if are installed or not ?18:12
jordanwbMagicMaX: Is it saying "File not Found" or "Permission Denied"?18:12
MaGicMaXjordanwb: "you do not have the permissions nessisary.. blah blah"18:13
pulse00hi all. anyone knows if it's possible to recover deleted files ?18:13
pulse00by deleted i really mean the rm command18:13
jordanwbMaGicMaX: Permissions nessisary to do what?18:13
grawitypulse00: No, it isn't.18:13
Al91860Good evening18:14
pulse00grawity, thanks, thought so18:14
MaGicMaXjordanwb: listen to a mp3 i copied to it as root (cause it was the only way i could)18:14
Ivozohz: dpkg --get-selections | grep <whateveryou'relookingfor>18:14
ohzanyone knows how to see if buildessential are installed yet ?18:14
ohzThanks Ivoz.18:15
jordanwbMaGicMaX: a few moments ago you quoted a part of the error, could you post the entire message18:15
ohzThanks a lot.18:15
MaGicMaXjordanwb: view the contents of..18:15
IvozStratocaster: you from gotgames.com.au perchance?18:15
jordanwbMaGicMaX: it says that when you try to run "sudo chown ..."?18:15
MaGicMaXjordanwb: in other words, i have no read18:15
NBNafter updating the screen no longer works, but rather the entry of a command line only18:16
MaGicMaXjordanwb: no when i try to listen to an mp3 on the drive18:16
MaGicMaXjordanwb: from nautilus18:16
jordanwbMaGicMaX: As root, run "sudo chmod -R 0755 /media/sdb1"18:16
jordanwband try viewing the folder18:17
LavaEagleJeeze is there a way to turn off the people coming and going?18:17
MaGicMaXjordanwb: as root? u mean the sudo in there isnt enough?18:17
jordanwbMaGicMax: my mistake as your user run "sudo chmod ..."18:18
MaGicMaXjordanwb: omg it worked, ok i can read to it now, leme check if i can write18:18
jordanwbMaGicMaX: you won't18:19
jordanwbMaGicMaX: I don't think you will18:19
MaGicMaXjordanwb: oh wow i can write now, but why is the padlock icon still displayed on the folders?18:20
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
jordanwbMaGicMaX: Because your user does not own those files. If you want to own those files, run "sudo chown -R username  /media/sdb1"18:20
kaffienanyone here installed the acronis linux agent?18:21
kaffienon ubuntu  that is18:21
MaGicMaXjordanwb: omg its fixed, thank you very very much18:22
jordanwbMaGicMaX: your welcome, now if I could get my problem fixed.18:22
NegBlaNiI am sick of those niggers and their antics!18:22
maco!language | NegBlaNi18:22
ubottuNegBlaNi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:22
NegBlaNiHowever I am Mexican and the KKK won't accept me.  What do I do?18:23
jordanwbmaco: what does that do?18:23
NegBlaNiWell there is a solution!18:23
MaGicMaXjordanwb: now is there a way i can rename the drive (the name it shows in nautilus) right now it just shows "500.1GB Media"18:23
jordanwbNegBlaNi: become an hero18:23
jordanwbMaGicMaX: I do not know.18:23
MaGicMaXjordanwb: i dont think i would be much help, but ill let u know :018:23
vyoxHello, how can I get my files back from a harddrive that I accidently removed the filesystem from?18:23
macojordanwb: it makes ubottu give the "no swearing...family friendly....etc" factoid to the person18:24
jordanwbMaGicMaX: I think you would need to change the file system label but I don't know how to do that18:24
g3orgesHello , what does this mean ? “sh winetricks comctl32 wininet ie6 allfonts divx”18:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:25
vyoxg3orges: that it will execute those scripts18:25
MaGicMaXjordanwb: i dont know if its related, but when i plug in my ipod, it shows the name i named it in windows, but wont let me rename it, however i can in windows. Is there a way to do it?18:25
eanHi. I use Openbox. And I have noticed that I get a sound everytime I minimize and klick a button (for ex: thunar). How can I disable that? This I don't have any sound when I use Gnome. :<18:25
jordanwbg3orges: Not completely sure, but it has to do with installing a program for wine18:25
jordanwbMaGicMaX: I don't know18:25
g3orgesjordanwb vyox true , its to enhance winamp under wine ... but how do i execute it ? i tried it in terminal .. didnt look it was the right place18:25
jordanwbg3orges: is winetricks installed?18:26
g3orgesjordanwb nope ... working on it now18:26
MaGicMaXjordanwb: i can rename it in Rythmbox and it will show up as that name in the program but it will still show the old name in nautilus18:26
jordanwbg3orges: try installing it ;-)18:26
jordanwbMaGicMaX: what does it say in Nautilus?18:26
grawityMaGicMaX: e2label is probably what you need.18:27
|lilo|good evening to everybody... have a nice night18:27
MaGicMaXjordanwb: "Rigo's ipod" in nautilus, i renamed it in Rythmbox as "Janeth's ipod"18:27
grawityMaGicMaX: Or, for iPods and other FAT32 devices -- dosfslabel.18:28
g3orgesjordanwb i downlaoded it ... with wget , now ?18:28
jordanwbMaGicMaX: I think you may need to unplug, and plug it back in for changes to take effect18:28
einbAnyone have a good link on how one would setup a network install source? I'd like to be able to install Ubuntu Desktop and Server via a local source. The links I've found don't detail an "install" source only an APT mirror.18:28
jordanwbg3orges: I don't know, I've used it only once and that was a while ago18:28
MaGicMaXjordanwb: ya thats the first thing i did... and in rythmbox it recognized the new name but not in nautilus18:29
einbNetboot/PXE optional. I don't mind booting from the NetBoot mini.iso.18:29
jordanwbMaGicMaX: I don't know, I don't have an iPod18:29
g3orgesjordanwb i retype the command , working like a cahrm :p18:30
alejandrocastanohi, everybody. It's the first time I connect in to the #ubuntu channel, I hope I'll learn a lot from you. :)18:30
dattaalejandrocastano: of course you will18:31
jordanwbg3orges: good18:31
dattai need to know how you can record in line in with audacity pleasee help me18:31
nicklas_quake live for linux is out :-D18:31
MaGicMaXjordanwb: aww, my next question was how i can get .ogg to play on my ipod, but since u dont have one... :P18:31
MaGicMaXjordanwb: ive already converted all my mp3s to ogg with Sound Convert what a great little program18:32
SeidosMaGicMaX, I think the only way to rename it is to backup your music, then reformat, and then copy music back.  I gave up on syncing ipod with Ubuntu18:32
jordanwbrich__: you still there?18:32
MaGicMaXSeidos: do u know how i could reformat without itunes?18:32
SeidosMaGicMaX, I hear the ipod nano's are easier to set up18:32
MadsyIs there a reason why bridging network devices does not work with Wifi yet?18:33
spydonHow can I get files back from a partition that my brother accidently removed the filesystem from?18:33
MadsySome two year-old forum threads I found said that, which seems to match my experience with bridge-utils.18:33
MadsyAnyone know of a resolution?18:33
SeidosMaGicMaX, don't know.  You aren't the only one with this problem though.  There was a forum topic about this problem.  I think there were some things to try, but I didn't try them18:34
MaGicMaXSeidos: ive checked out http://www.rockbox.org/ tuns out it doesnt support ipod classics, i got the 80GB classic :(18:34
MadsyAs soon as br0 goes up, eth0 (wifi) goes down.18:34
sol93I changed the Desktop directory to be my home with gconf-edit ("/apps/nautilus/desktop/preferences/desktop is home dir") and back several times, now I can't get it to use ~/Desktop again. Strangely, when re-creating the folder ~/Desktop, it does no longer get the specific icon, but is shown as normal folder. How can I get my ~/Desktop back?18:34
jordanwbspydon: unless they're in the trash can, you can't18:34
spydonjordanwb, bullshit18:34
spydonI have done it on an windows machine18:34
spydonwith file scavenger18:34
jordanwbspydon: Windows != Linux18:35
orochispydon: And Windows is a Linux distribution? :>18:35
Berzerkerof course18:35
spydonorochi, it means it isn't impossible18:35
SeidosMaGicMaX, I have an Ipod 5th gen 80GB.  I tried out gtkpod, which worked somewhat.  The amount of work, as I see it, for me to get it working is daunting, and I figure not worth the time.18:35
MaGicMaXSeidos: i could care less for mp3 support or the apple GUI in my ipod, i would just love to format the thing and get someone else on it18:35
orochispydon: As an aside, yelling "bullshit" at someone who is trying to help you is probably not going to help you much18:35
grawityMaGicMaX: Say, what is your problem anyway?18:35
niekieAnyone familiar with people.ubuntu.com?18:35
spydonorochi, sorry, I just really need those files18:35
niekieI seem to meet all requirements (uploaded SSH key, signed CoC) but can't access it :(18:35
niekieAh, never mind.18:36
niekieRead the FAQ better now :P18:36
SeidosMaGicMaX, I just care about some of the music on my Ipod, otherwise I'd work on getting it reformatted.  Can't back it up effectively without Itunes however18:36
MaGicMaXgrawity: just trying to get ogg  files to play on my ipod, and trying to rename my ipod18:36
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niekieI just need to wait a bit, I guess :)18:36
pLrSeidos: U can run iTunes through WINE or a Virtual Machine18:36
grawityMaGicMaX: For renaming, I think you could try dosfslabel (if the iPod is "Windows-formatted")18:36
spydonorochi, jordanwb, if someone else asks tell them to try r-linux18:37
grawityMaGicMaX: Also, what generation is your iPod?18:37
MaGicMaXSeidos: ya i formated my windows partition yesterday, im converted now, theres no going back :P18:37
SeidospLr, I have considered using virtual box.18:37
SeidosMaGicMaX, Ubuntu is the only operating system on this system.  I never attempted configuring a dual boot18:37
MaGicMaXSeidos: im sure itunes works on in wine? i kinda wanted to stay away from using wine but... i just might18:37
* grawity waves at niekie, and goes to read what the hell is people.ubuntu.com18:37
pLrSeidos: I used virtualbox for a long time to manage my ipod w/ itunes it worked very well after updating to the latest virtualbox release18:38
jordanwbspydon: there are more file systems than just ext2 and 3.18:38
sol93I messed up something, the gconf-edit setting /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop is home dir does no longer have any effect. How can I get the system back to using ~/Desktop instead of ~/. ?18:38
MaGicMaXgrawity: its the ipod Classic 80GB18:38
SeidosMaGicMaX, I'll use virtual box, but not wine18:38
grawityMaGicMaX: And what generation?18:38
dattai need to know how you can record in line in with audacity please help me18:38
grawitysol93: Have you tried logging out and in again? (Or just killing/restarting Nautilus)18:38
TheHateis this an ubuntu help channel18:38
MaGicMaXSeidos: got a link to that virtual box, what is it?18:38
grawityTheHate: Yes, welcome to #ubuntu :)18:38
jordanwbTheHate: No duh18:39
anxiolytic_I have a cronjob that doesn't work. what's up with this? I want it to run every 1 minute. 1   *   *   *   *  /usr/bin/wget http://localhost/?PING18:39
Terabytecan anybody recommend decent stable router software for ubuntu? Preferably one with a GUI....18:39
yan_hi people)18:39
pLrSeidos: You'll eventually only use VmWare :p18:39
MaGicMaXgrawity: umm thats the generation isnt it, ipod Classic 80GB?18:39
TheHatewell you've probably heard this 1000 times, my sound will not work18:39
grawityanxiolytic_: That line runs on every hour first minute18:39
TerabyteI want to be able to shape traffic...18:39
grawityanxiolytic_: You probably want */1 * * * *18:39
grawityMaGicMaX: Or just * * * * *, actually.18:39
ubuntunewbiehi would like to know is there any good application to schedule record internet radio station ?18:40
jordanwbTheHate: And there's probably 1000 different reasons for your sound not to work18:40
SeidosMaGicMaX, I think you can install it sudo apt-get install virtualbox, otherwise, no, don't have a link off hand.18:40
=== jon is now known as Guest64511
sol93grawity: of course - after setting the Desktop to ~, and deleting ~/Desktop, recreating the ~/Desktop folder results in a special icon. That behavior was so before, but suddenly, the folder does no longer get the desktop icon, and when I log in again, Desktop is still ~/. although the setting is set to what I would like to have again.18:40
dhillon-v10hi everyone18:40
pLrTerabyte: Look at pfsense18:40
anxiolytic_grawity: thanks18:40
TheHatemy computer detects my sound card18:40
TheHateim running 9.0418:40
jordanwbSeidoes: you have to download the .deb file from virtualbox.org IIRC18:40
grawityMaGicMaX: er, ignore that last line.18:40
RanyAlbegHi guys i need help. im trying to run an application my friend built and i get "Could not load UI: Repositor.ui: required gtk+ version 2.16, current version is 2.14" , i tried to install the package libgtk2.0-dev but no success. im new to ubuntu so i dont know how to compile gtk-2.16.0 package from source YET. can you advice me of an easier way to update the gtk+ version untill i'll be familiar with compiling from source package? tha18:40
SeidosMaGicMaX, if it can play videos it's a 5th gen18:40
MOUDHey all18:40
TerabytepLr: that's a dist? I was looking for one for ubuntu18:41
jordanwbThe joys of owning an iPod18:41
niekieHey, sweet.18:41
MaGicMaXSeidos: never tried videos but ya it can play them18:41
niekieIf I turn on this blow-dryer the lights flicker in the entire building.18:41
MaGicMaXSeidos: what does virtual box do exactly?18:41
pLrTerabyte: it is a dist. for ubuntu ask around.. pfsense is really good though18:41
sol93grawity: i could afford to loose my home dir contents, if nuking it helps18:41
niekieI can send morse messages xD18:41
SeidosMaGicMaX, I'm pretty sure you have a 5th gen then18:41
beginnerhi i installed ossd-uuid package using "sudo aptitude install postgresql-contrib" where does it keep the files in that package(i want to know the path to contrib)18:41
MOUDHow can I connect to an ad-hoc via terminal?18:42
TerabyteMaGicMaX: Virtual box will let you run say windows on linux. or linux on windows. or generally another OS on linux18:42
sol93grawity: but i like to find out, what happened18:42
MaGicMaXSeidos: all i know is rockbox wont work, ive tried18:42
grawitysol93: Try first nuking ~/.nautilus/ ...if that doesn't work, rename ~/.gconf or ~/.gnome218:42
SeidosMaGicMaX, from what i know about it, it does what wine does.  I have it installed, I just started it up.  I can try tinkering with it18:42
TerabyteMaGicMaX: I'm using it at the moment18:42
sol93grawity: thanks18:42
SeidosMaGicMaX, never tried rockbox.  I looked up Linux on the Ipod.  There are some guys working on that.  I think the 5th gen is out though.18:42
pLrbeginner: dpkg -L packagenamehere18:42
abhifxi need help with xfce18:42
megaimpulseHow do you remove the ubuntu-desktop from a server once installed?18:42
MaGicMaXTerabyte: hmm i have no windows OS though, so how would that work for me?18:43
pLrabhifx: !ask18:43
beginnerpLr: ok thanks. i will check it18:43
sol93grawity: it's so hard to repair stuff, too much to learn :( i hate reinstalling18:43
einbAnyone have good info/link(s) on how one would create a local install mirror? I'd like to be able to install Desktop and Server from a local HTTP source. The links I've found so far only detail how to create a local APT repo/mirror.18:43
TerabyteMaGicMaX: what is it you're trying to do?18:43
grawitypLr: it's !ask | abhifx18:43
SeidosMaGicMaX, but still, installing linux on my ipod would put my music in jeopardy, so I'm not going to do that...not until I can back it up18:43
TheHatewell how can i narrow down the sound problem?? the computer detects my soundcard18:43
TheHatemaybe its just firefox??18:43
pLrgrawity: lol forgot syntax.. i havent been here in a while18:43
pLrgrawity: bot is down?18:43
MaGicMaXTerabyte: well theres 2 things, i have an unsupported scanner "Canon Lide 90" so i think i need to run a windows driver, plus i need to use itunes to formatt my ipod heh18:44
MaGicMaXSeidos: ya ive already backed up all my ipod songs using Rythmbox18:44
TerabyteMaGicMaX: in which case you will need a license for a windows operating system which supports the Canon Lide 90. After you have that, you can install Windows on VirtualBox, and what will happen is, when you fire up ubuntu, you doublclick the Virtualbox program, pick the OS you want to run, and in it's own window, like magic, windows will run on linux.18:45
sol93the file ~/.nautilus/metafiles/file\:%2F%2F%2Fhome%2Fhmw%2FDesktop.xml  shows:  <?xml version="1.0"?> [NewLine] <directory/>  - what does yours show?18:45
mumtazah1hello, i would like to know, why wireless not detect in my laptop. Before this wireless was able18:45
SeidosMaGicMaX, rhythmbox worked?  Do you have a guide on how to do this?  I was under the impression rhythmbox didn't work with an ipod.18:45
sol93the file ~/.nautilus/metafiles/file\:%2F%2F%2Fhome%2Fhmw%2FDesktop.xml  shows:  <?xml version="1.0"?> [NewLine] <directory/>  - what does yours show? grawity18:45
SeidosMaGicMaX, what ver of rhythmbox are you using?18:45
anxiolytic_do I need to reload cron after editing my crontab?18:45
TerabyteMaGicMaX: you can then install itunes etc on the virtual windows machine. and go like normal18:45
jordanwbI'm having a problem with my Creative ZEN, I can copy songs onto it via gphoto2 but it can't find the songs18:45
MaGicMaXTerabyte: so the virtual OS is on its own partition "magically"?18:46
pLrLet Apple manage ur Apple hardware and you'll be happy. If u dont, you will bleed and should contribute all bugs you hit.18:46
jordanwbMaGicMaX: no, the VirtualMachine resides in a massive file on your hard drive18:46
MaGicMaXSeidos: 0.12.018:47
SeidospLr, is there a portable music player (PMP?) that you recommend?18:47
TerabyteMaGicMaX: exactly, so i missed a step, just before that, you create a virtual hard drive (literally a 20gb or however big you want to make it), file that sits on your linux system. for example "MyVirtualDrive.vdi" and it literally contains a virtualbox operating system18:47
TerabyteMaGicMaX: what's more you can take this file anywhere and fire it up on another machine :)18:47
TerabyteMaGicMaX: think of it as a portable OS...18:47
pLrSeidos: portable in what sense..18:47
megaimpulseAnyone know how to uninstall a ubuntu-desktop gui from a 9.04 server?18:48
plovsrunning jaunty on an hp dv6000, noticed that the processor is running at 2.1ghz all the time, it should slow down to 800mhz if i do nothing , how can  i do this?18:48
MaGicMaXTerabyte: oh i see, ya that sounds pretty useful... besides the fact i need to buy a windows license :P18:48
sol93Seidos: i bought a Flashdisk/MP3 player for 20€, it has no special software and just works under any circumstances. Maybe you get lucky and find something similar, too.18:48
pLrSeidos: Amarok is the best media player because of it plugins IMO18:48
grawitymegaimpulse: Remove X, remove GNOME, remove the programs that came with it (Firefox, OpenOffice, etc) - and then apt-get autoremove18:48
SeidospLr, can fit in your pocket18:48
SeidospLr, like a walkman18:48
pLrSeidos: I love the iPod Touch.. i use one all the time18:49
Seidossol93, maybe when I get a job.18:49
abhifxi want to start cairo dock in xfce only, but it starts up on gnome too. any advice?18:49
TerabyteMaGicMaX: well.. there are of course grey ways of obtaining a windows license, certainly if XP is ok, i think xp prices are less than the cost of the starbucks i'm holding....18:49
sol93Seidos: what i meant, look for a cheap no-brand player18:49
AvonGenesisHey guys, If I install an updated different updated version of an ubuntu distro, will my settings be saved?18:49
TerabyteAvonGenesis: don't count on it18:49
AvonGenesisTerabyte: Really? :(18:49
sol93AvonGenesis: let me phrase it this way: some _might_ be kept18:49
MaGicMaXSeidos: yes Amarok is cool i hear, was planning to try it out right now18:49
TerabyteAvonGenesis: I'm sure in theory they should be saved, but my experience is, if you touch it, you broke it.18:50
TheHateany ideas how i can get my sound working?18:50
AvonGenesisWell, I'm using a netboot remix, its light weight, and now I want to install the full package.18:50
TerabyteAvonGenesis: so make a backup :)18:50
zagabar1Is there a tutorial somewhere on how do set up an irc server in ubuntu?18:50
Seidossol93, it's good advice, but I need to save my money.  how many gigs is your non brand portable?18:50
MOUDI was just googling... Does this command work on ubuntu:   sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "WLAN" mode ad-hoc      ?18:50
sol93Seidos: not large, 2GB i guess, might be 418:50
pLrzagabar1: Here it is sudo apt-get install ircd-hybrid18:50
MaGicMaXTerabyte: i like grey ways, but only if they work lol... my last gray way didnt work due to windows genuine alert or whatever that darn thing is18:50
AvonGenesisAlright thanks guys.18:51
Seidossol93, after I got rid a lot of the crap on my ipod, that's probably all the space I would need18:51
jordanwbMaGicMaX: I have a grey way but I'd get in trouble and I need a bit of assistance18:51
TheHatecan anyone help me18:51
TerabyteMaGicMaX: ah yes, the genuine issue, of course you don't need to update and activate it if all you're doing is itunes and some scanner. but yes.18:51
sol93Seidos: was below 20€, btw. It's just, that all the big names use either special methods to copy data to the drive, or they use proprietary formats. I prefer to put real mp3 or even wav files on my player18:51
TerabyteMaGicMaX: are you a student by any chance? if so check out msdnaa18:52
zagabar1pLr: Yaeh, I tried ircd-hybrid but I coun't manage to make it publicly connectable from the outside.18:52
SeidosMaGicMaX, did you use a plugin in rhythmbox?18:52
MaGicMaXTerabyte: just graduated last semester18:52
pLrzagabar1: meaning you could connect to localhost?18:52
jordanwbI'm having a problem with my Creative ZEN, I can copy songs onto it via gphoto2 but my PMP can't find the songs18:52
TerabyteMaGicMaX: that's a dam shame, you missed out on windows 7 for free :)18:52
zagabar1pLr: Yaeh18:52
BiezelText hier eingeben...18:52
tyler_dhow do you clear the clipboard from term?18:52
MaGicMaXSeidos: nothing that didnt come with it by default18:52
Berzerkerit's too bad that the RTM is so much better than the RC18:53
abhifxi want to start cairo dock in xfce only, but it starts up on gnome too. any advice?18:53
MaGicMaXSeidos: i just manually selected all my songs and copied them over18:53
Seidossol93, that makes sense, I figured that's why the Ipod nano's work better with Ubuntu18:53
grawityBerzerker: Why is it bad?18:53
TerabyteMaGicMaX: i'm about to vanish, was that all?18:53
Berzerkerit's not bad, the RTM is just so much better.18:53
Berzerkerfaster, more stable, more compatible.18:54
abhifxi want to start cairo dock in xfce only, but it starts up on gnome too. any advice?18:54
MaGicMaXTerabyte: ya thanks18:54
pLrzagabar1: http://tinyurl.com/nluxy818:54
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SeidosMaGicMaX, it's been awhile since I've tried this.  It's been like 6 months, but I remember trying it, and not being happy with the results.  Didn't seem like it copied properly, but I'll play around with it again18:54
pLrzagabar1: with server programs you have to allow those connections most times18:54
MaGicMaXAmarok is good too18:54
zagabar1pLr: Thanks, I'll try it. =)18:55
jordanwbabhifx: In gnome try going to System->Preferences->Startup Applications, you may seen cairo dock in there18:55
=== TheHate is now known as Katastrophie
RanyAlbegHi guys i need help. im trying to run an application my friend built and i get "Could not load UI: Repositor.ui: required gtk+ version 2.16, current version is 2.14" , i tried to install the package libgtk2.0-dev but no success. im new to ubuntu so i dont know how to compile gtk-2.16.0 package from source YET. can you advice me of an easier way to update the gtk+ version untill i'll be familiar with compiling from source package? tha18:55
abhifxjordanwb : but then it stops in xfce too18:55
MaGicMaXSeidos: only problem ive come accross managing my ipod is that i cant seem to copy a playlist created in Rythmbox to the ipod, although i can select the songs and drag them over stil... on the ipod i have to browse by artist and album to find them, instead of it being under playlists18:56
pLrRanyAlbeg: Find a .deb of gtk+ 2.1618:56
pLrRanyAlbeg: on google18:56
mogi22how  do i check if my dvd-r drive is installed on jaunty (putting dvd in does not mount it)18:56
mogi22mount cmd fails too18:56
LavaEagle1What is the advantage of changing your kernels?18:56
mogi22although i dont really know what dev to use18:56
jordanwbRanyAlbeg: what version of Ubuntu do you have? I have 9.04 and I have 2.16 installed18:57
Katastrophiehellooo everyone, i have a problem with my audio: it simply will not work. it seems this problem is rather common, after many google searches and tutorials, i have not yet suceeded =[ perhaps someone on here could guide me through narrowing down what the problem is? any info i am happy to provide18:57
AzizLighthi everybody18:57
salil_!hi | AzizLight18:57
ubottuAzizLight: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nm18:58
salil_LavaEagle1, It makes your system work better at the core.. less chances of bugs.. more fairness to idiot apps etc18:58
D3RGPS31off the top of the head, anyone know of a script that prints the external IP, every time is changes, to a file/variable (eg, externalip =
jordanwbLavaEagle1: It can also include new drivers18:58
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw
abhifxi want to start cairo dock in xfce only, but it starts up on gnome too. any advice?18:58
RanyAlbegjordanwb: i have 8.10 intrepid ibex18:58
Pici!sound | Katastrophie have you seen this18:58
ubottuKatastrophie have you seen this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:58
D3RGPS31Katastrophie: have you tried killing pulseaudio18:59
MaGicMaXspeaking of sound problems, i noticed i need to crank up my volume knob on my speakers way higher than i did in windows to achieve a satisfying level. Is this common? Or should i try an alternate driver or something?18:59
BerzerkerMaGicMaX, try going into alsamixer and trying to muck with the settings19:00
jordanwbMaGixMax: In the Volume Control window, try turning up PCM19:00
D3RGPS31MaGicMaX: have you tried setting PCM to max o:19:00
salil_MaGicMaX, Open volume control on the volume icon and tweak all settings available to the highest19:00
MaGicMaXBerzerker: ya thats the first thing i tried with no avail19:00
SeidosMaGicMaX, I tried the same thing, I think it did xfer, but at the time I was looking for a itunes replacement.  I'm going to backup the music and look into install Linux on the Ipod, or finding some solution to making this ipod more like a flash drive.  I'm xfering now and getting import errors on some of my songs.  Did you get any errors on your songs?19:00
Qvintvscould someone who had the ubuntu installer set up grub for them pastebin their grub.conf file to me or something?19:00
AzizLighthow can add a new line to a bash read prompt so that something like that would actually work please? http://azizlight.pastebin.com/d534883f719:00
salil_tweak all controls until they start making the "tweaaaaak" sound19:00
jordanwbQvintvs: why?19:00
SeidosMaGicMaX, maybe there's a way to make the ipod 5th gen more like a flash based mp3 player19:01
Katastrophielol no19:01
mogi22my dvd-ram drive didnt install on jaunty, do i need to manually load the drivers?  the cdrom drive installed just fine as did the dvd drive19:01
Katastrophiei justt just got this computer19:01
Qvintvsjordanwb: I just want to see what ubuntu sets up by itself19:01
Katastrophiei have never ever even thought of using linux before19:01
mogi22and an older dvd-ram was fine19:01
abhifxi want to start cairo dock in xfce only, but it starts up on gnome too. any advice?19:01
Katastrophiei have absolutely no idea what im doing haha19:01
MaGicMaXSeidos: i got no errors, however none of my music was purchased from itunes :P19:01
Katastrophiebut i will checkj out those guides, thank you19:01
abhifxhow to add startyp in xcfe only19:02
abhifxhow to add startup in xcfe only19:02
MaGicMaXSeidos: yes i would love to make it worth like a flash based mp319:02
SeidosMaGicMaX, that explains it.  oh well, don't need encrypted music anyway19:02
abhifxhi all. can sumone help me? how to add startup in xcfe only?19:02
jordanwbQvintvs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/256463/19:03
MaGicMaXby the way all my volume is maxed in the advanced volume controls guys19:03
Katastrophiei always get lost in the terminal19:03
jordanwbQvintvs: That's mine, my laptop has encrypted LVM19:03
Katastrophiei have no experience coding19:03
Katastrophieall i know is that thee sound card IS in fact detected19:03
jordanwbI'm having a problem with my Creative ZEN, I can copy songs onto it via gphoto2 but my PMP can't find the songs19:04
Qvintvsjordanwb: ty19:04
Berzerkerterminal is hardly "coding"19:04
jordanwbQvintvs: you're welcome, I guess19:04
Katastrophiewhoaaaa.... thats nice...19:04
frpaul_anyone uses fluxbox? wheres the config to map keyboard media-buttons?19:04
pLrfrpaul_: you should use xfce as a lightweight wm19:05
SeidosMaGicMaX, maybe ipodlinux (http://ipodlinux.sourceforge.net/index.shtml) will work on our ipods19:05
PiciAzizLight: #bash would a more appropriate place to ask this19:05
pLrfrpaul_: more support, updates in 2009..19:05
frpaul_I like fluxbox - looks great19:05
MaGicMaXwow whats with all these leavers19:05
MOUDWhen I run   " nm "  I get the following error:   nm: 'a.out': No such file    How do I fix this?19:05
Pici!netsplit | MaGicMaX19:05
Berzerkermeh, bots not here19:05
PiciYes it is, its just lagged.19:06
salil_MaGicMaX, netsplits.. network maintenance..19:06
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:06
grawityMaGicMaX: This is called a netsplit - when two IRC servers lose their connection with each other.19:06
ubottuMaGicMaX: please see above19:06
AzizLightPici: yeah I also asked the question there but nobody is answering...19:06
cmilleri think i found something as to why my apt-get update isnt working19:06
MaGicMaXoh i see19:06
MaGicMaXim new to IRC19:06
Seidosfrpaul_, I like fluxbox too, but couldn't figure it out when I installed it back in the day.  I should install it again19:06
cmillerwhere in ubuntu can you set a static ip other than /etc/network/interfaces?19:06
salil_this tickles19:06
KatastrophieMAKE LOVE NOT SPLITS19:06
Seidoscmiller, ifconfig19:06
MaGicMaXSeidos: im checking it now, nice find19:06
cmillerif i do ifconfig, i see eth0 as, but it should have a static ip of
salil_!lovesplits | Katastrophie19:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lovesplits19:07
jordanwbKatastrophie: lol!19:07
cmillereth0 says, but etho:0 says
Katastrophiewould i get kicked if i pasted something thats like.... 7 or 8 lines??19:07
cmillershoudln't these be the same?19:07
PiciKatastrophie: Please use a pastebin19:07
mogi22how do u tell what device to use for your dvd?19:07
Katastrophiegood idea19:07
salil_Katastrophie, Instead of wasting time on asking, you should have used a pastebin :P19:07
mogi22sorry dvd-ram19:07
jordanwbmogi22: its usually /dev/sr019:07
jordanwbsalil_: At least (s)he asked19:08
salil_he he..19:08
Seidoscmiller, do you have multiple network devices in your system?19:08
MaGicMaXSeidos: bookmarked, trying to see if my ipod is compatible19:08
cmilleryes, 2 nics19:08
SeidosMaGicMaX, last time I checked, mine isn't19:08
cmillerbut i am only using one of them19:08
GonzaloHi I need help with google earth + compiz and a Intel Integrated Graphics GM965 video card19:08
Seidoscmiller, how are you statically assigning the ip?19:09
MaGicMaXSeidos: so i have a 5th generation ipod Classic right? how can i be sure of this?19:09
mogi22jordanwb, if mount fails on that dev, is it just not installed or something?19:09
cmiller The primary network interface19:09
cmillerauto eth0:119:09
cmilleriface eth0:1 inet static19:09
cmiller        address
Katastrophieclosest thing i could find to audio controller19:09
SeidosMaGicMaX, I think there's a way to tell by the serial number on the back19:09
jordanwbmogi22: the cd/dvd should automount when you put a disk in19:09
cmiller i have multiple sites setup on this box as well. hence the eth0:119:09
jordanwbmogi22: are you on a server?19:10
frpaul_got minimised seamonkey mailer window (cant see it). :) How to get it back. ctrl+2 doesnt help19:10
mogi22jordanwb, no its a desktop and it didnt automount19:10
Seidoscmiller, I've never configured a server with multiple nics.  I have a server with a single nic, but I haven't assigned a static ip to it yet19:10
mogi22jordanwb, so makes me wonder if all is ok.  odd b/c the cd and dvd drive do automount, the dvd-ram doesnt19:11
jordanwbmogi22: in a terminal, run "dir /etc", look for sr019:11
cmillerok thanks19:11
MaGicMaXSeidos: i did the serial check thing and found out for sure its a ipod classic but i dunno about the generation19:11
ubuntunewbiehi would like to know is there any good application to schedule record internet radio station ?19:11
jordanwbmagi22: Oh its a DVD-RAM drive you're using19:11
MOUDWhen I run   " nm "  I get the following error:   nm: 'a.out': No such file    How do I fix this?19:11
jordanwbmagi22: RAM disk I mean19:11
Seidosubuntunewbie, have you tried rhythmbox?  I know it has stations now, not sure about recording19:12
PiciMOUD: What are you trying to do?19:12
ubuntunewbieSeidos : Really trying now19:12
SeidosMaGicMaX, how did you check?  I haven't checked, but last time I did, I remember it was a 5th gen.  Is their a link on the ipodlinux site?19:13
MaGicMaXSeidos: hmm according to the FAQ "The only unsupported iPod version is the mini. The original scroll wheel (gen-1), touch wheel (gen-2) and dock (gen-3) iPods all work fine." he didnt mention 4th or 5th tho lol19:13
mogi22jordanwb, nope not in there19:13
MaGicMaXSeidos: ill try to find it again, checked a while ago19:14
mogi22jordanwb, but cdrom and cdrom1 are not in there either (those are the devices for my cdrom and dvd drives)19:14
jordanwbmogi22: Right now, if you were to put a regular CD or DVD in, does it automount?19:14
vekposhi! is there anyone who got DSL with pppoe configured via the Network Manager? i just can run it with pppoeconf19:14
mogi22jordanwb, yes the cd and dvd do but only in those drives (i have 3 drives)19:14
mogi22jordanwb, anything in the dvdram doesnt mount19:14
mogi22jordanwb, auto or by guessing the mount /dev/? /mnt cmnd19:15
jordanwbmogi22: I'm confused, you have 3 optical drives, 2 of which work no problem.19:15
mogi22jordanwb, yes19:15
MOUDPici: the "nm" program doesn't work anymore (it runs at startup by default on ubuntu), but it doesn't work anymore and it isn't in the System > Administration/Preferences too (it used to be there). When I tried to run it on terminal I got that error.  I searched the filesystem but found many a.out.h files but not  a.out   . I'm running windows now because I can't get my wireless to connect...19:15
MOUD...to my ad-hoc.19:15
ubuntunewbieSeidos : how t oconnect ?19:15
mogi22jordanwb, but those 2 dont write, i need the dvd-r19:15
jordanwbmogi22: I'm not sure if Linux supports RAM drives19:15
jordanwbDoes the DVD-R drive automount a standard DVD?19:16
nick_hif i have write permission on a directory and its parent directory, why would i not be able to chmod the former?:  http://pastie.org/59011319:16
mogi22jordanwb, nope not even that19:16
PiciMOUD: nm has nothing to do with wireless, I think you have your executable names confused.19:16
jordanwbmogi22: I think your drive is fried, or not connected properly19:16
mogi22jordanwb, also i may be wrong on my terminology dvd-ram.  its just a regular dvd writable drive19:16
vinicius_can anyone give me any direction about redirecting the mouse scroll event to "pointer after middle click", like on windowze...?19:16
MaGicMaXSeidos: this might help, cant find the link i used a while back http://www.ipodrefresh.com/identify-your-ipod.html19:16
jordanwbmogi22: how does your drive connect to the motherboard?19:16
mogi22jordanwb,  hmmm ok, its new though19:16
mogi22jordanwb, its a master19:17
jordanwbmogi22: is there anything connected to slave?19:17
PiciMOUD: Do you mean NetworkManager? Its not the same as nm19:17
mogi22jordanwb, hmmm can i check w/o opening it?19:17
Seidosubuntunewbie, let me try playing a station19:17
mogi22jordanwb, any cmnds19:17
jordanwbmogi22: only if you have x-ray vision or a clear case19:17
dattaplease can anyone help me with audacity and how to record line in? this is killing me when i try to record with audacity19:17
mogi22jordanwb, hehe ok hold on19:18
MOUDPici: I'm not sure. It's the one that appears next to the clock that shows your wireless connection.19:18
dattai have also tried ardour but doesn't help either19:18
ubuntunewbieSeidos : ok thanks19:18
MaGicMaXSeidos: according to that site i have the ipod video 5th gen, its certainly not 6th because theres no 80GB avaiable19:18
mogi22jordanwb, ok nope19:18
Seidosubuntunewbie, I just clicked radio, then double clicked a station.  I'm listening to HBR1.com -I.D.M. Tranceponder.  cool!19:18
mogi22jordanwb, i've got hd master1 w/ cdrom slave1 and dvd-r as master219:18
dattai have picked up my alsa mixer for the input and the same type output but still doesn't work19:19
ubuntunewbieSeidos : is it Rhythmbox 0.11.5 ?19:19
=== Nicky is now known as Guest10040
SeidosMaGicMaX, we do have the same one, then.19:19
mogi22jordanwb, funny thing is i have the same desktop in another room and it loaded an old dvd-r just fine19:19
PiciMOUD: Have you recently made any changes that would have done this?19:19
Seidosubuntunewbie, 0.12.019:19
jordanwbmogi22: okay, so it may be that you haven't set the jumpers properly on the DVD-r drive19:19
mogi22jordanwb, ok let me know finangle w/ it.  hold on sec19:19
jordanwbDon't change the jumpers while its on19:19
MaGicMaXSeidos: whats urs? mine accordsing to apple matching the serial is ipod classic, but i think they renamed it video, i think there the same19:20
ubuntunewbieSeidos : oh.. so can you record it ?19:20
SeidosI remember it being a ipod 5th gen 80GB19:20
telmichwhere to report success with ubuntu 9.10?19:20
Seidosubuntunewbie, I'm sure recording it is possible, maybe additional software is required.  do you have 0.12.0 installed?19:21
MOUDPici: Yes and no. I didn't change anything, I just installed some programs such arping and some others arpX  type of files19:21
MOUDall via sudo19:21
stephans_what is the best multimedia benchmarking tools for linux/windows/mac?19:21
ubuntunewbieSeidos : nope the latest is 11.5 using hardy no upgrade avaliable19:21
dattaplease help me with audacity, i need help19:21
stephans_I am experiencing performance issues on a linux machine with superior HW to my MAC mini that performs welll in video playback.19:22
=== sander_ is now known as Snadder
datacrusherhi everyone. im having some issues with my wireless connection. im using ubuntu 8.04 64, and got an atheros ar242x device. Iv managed to install it though ndiswrapper, and its windows most actual driver, but i can see the networks (that are without security) but the icon keeps spinning, and just DONT connect. how do i troubleshoot this? i got no error, just no connection.19:22
MaGicMaXSeidos: do u know what is meant by "USB/audio input recording/" apparently the ipod linux does not support it yet19:22
gNewPowerHi, I currently run Ubuntu Hardy 8.04LTS.  How can I drop the LTS and upgrade to Ubuntu 9?19:22
Seidosubuntunewbie, I don't think recording will work with rhythmbox.  It doesn't have a record button.19:22
SeidosMaGicMaX, no idea.  Never heard of it19:22
SeidosMaGicMaX, sounds cool though19:23
telmichgNewPower: run "update-manager"19:23
ubuntunewbieSeidos : been look for it for days19:23
PiciMOUD: What does dpkg -l network-manager say?19:23
Seidosubuntunewbie, what have you tried?19:23
MaGicMaXSeidos: i hope it doesnt mean transfering music via USB lol19:24
MaGicMaXSeidos: in leymans terms19:24
ubuntunewbieSeidos : download manager19:24
gNewPowertelmich, nope, as my sources are still 8.04LTS.19:24
SeidosMaGicMaX, yeah, then syncing won't work19:24
MOUDPici: I dunno (can I say "dunno" ?) I'm running windows now because I can't connect to my ad-hoc on ubuntu19:24
gNewPowertelmich, I need to drop the LTS part19:24
Seidosubuntunewbie, synaptic package manager?19:24
ubuntunewbieSeidos : wanted to record music from shoutcast19:24
ubuntunewbieSeidos : i mean which program ?19:24
PiciMOUD: It sounds like you may have installed something that conflicted with NetworkManager, did you get any alerts that packages would be uninstalled when you installed those programs?19:25
kozakHi all!19:25
Seidosubuntunewbie, I'm not sure.  Maybe audacity would work, or something19:25
BenoCiao. Per caso conoscete un'alternativa al software Orbit (windows) per ubuntu?19:25
mogi22jordanwb, ok its a sata drive!19:25
Seidosbrb, gotta' brush teeth19:25
ubottuQt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports19:25
kozakI new to linux programming, would like to request some reference to writing daemons19:26
danbhfivegNewPower: Sys > Admin > Software Sources > Release19:26
jordanwbmogi22: the tray opens when you push the button?19:26
heatmzzrwhat is the command to open a tar.bz2 file so it goes where its supposed to19:26
MaGicMaXSeidos: in the spirit of all things open-source, if your not sure, TRY IT! lol19:26
Flomar[14083.188030] NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 8, Channel 0000002019:26
Flomar[14095.189582] NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 8, Channel 0000002019:26
Flomar[14095.192559] NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 9, Channel 00000000 Instance 00000000 Intr 0010000019:26
Flomar anybody seen this errrors in nvidia 180.44 driver?19:26
FloodBot2Flomar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:26
ubuntunewbieSeidos : do you know any window application that can record radio music?19:26
gNewPowerdanbhfive, thanks!  I will try that!19:26
MaGicMaXSeidos: anyway i can always load the original apple OS from itunes19:26
linuxninjaheatmzzr: Tar files go where you tell them to go.19:26
william56hey, i've installed the nvidia drivers from the restricted repo for my gts 250, and glxinfo is giving me "extension GLX missing" .. anyone got ideas for resolving this?19:26
=== Evil is now known as Guest72958
mogi22jordanwb, yup has power19:27
kozakOr caan someone point out the channel I should be asking questions on daemons for linux19:27
MOUDPici: no, but after installed one of these programs it run automatically a terminal UI like asking some Yes/No questions, so I went with the default ones19:27
jordanwbmogi22: If you can, go into the BIOS and see if the computer itself detects the drive19:27
Flomarwilliam56, lucky guy, nvidia driver is freezing entire x for me19:27
Flomarhey people anybody is experiencing weird problems with nvidia restricted drivers in jaunty?19:28
heatmzzrlinuxninja: its xv something isnt it, i dl'd flock 2.5.2 to my desktop, how do I install it correctly19:28
mogi22jordanwb, drive has 3 pins but no jumpers, just ignore?19:28
jordanwbmogi22: yes, SATA drives do not have jumpers19:28
felixsullaIf "mount" shows volumes mounted, how do I dismount something?19:28
MOUDFlomar: not that I know of19:28
dattaplease can anyone help me with audacity, this chat doesnt help me with audacity at all19:28
linuxninjaheatmzzr: Flock should be a binary.19:28
dattaplease can anyone help me with audacity, this chat doesnt help me with audacity at all19:28
linuxninjaheatmzzr: Just leave it in your home directory. tar -xvf filename.tar19:29
william56felixsulla: umount19:29
MOUDFlomar: which card do you use?19:29
FlomarMOUD, geforce 7100gs19:29
SeidosMaGicMaX, I have to go, but it would be cool to keep track of each other's progress on the ipod problem.  Maybe I should start a thread on the forum?19:29
jordanwbmogi22: if the bios does not list the drive, try setting it to auto detect19:29
Flomari'm thinking to change my videoboard19:29
Flomari can't believe why it`s not working19:30
SeidosMaGicMaX, I usually stay connected in this channel when I'm available though19:30
MaGicMaXSeidos: i found another app that you might want to try for getting ur songs off the ipod19:30
MaGicMaXSeidos: gtkpod19:30
felixsullawilliam56: gvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/username/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=username)19:30
MOUDFlomar: and which driver version you have installed?19:30
FlomarMOUD, yesterday i already talked with other ircmates here but none solution worked19:30
felixsullawilliam56: If that's the reading from mount, how do I use umount to get rid of it?19:30
masiddiquihi, from where can i get dev c++ for linux19:30
SeidosMaGicMaX, I tried gtkpod, it did as good a job as rhythmbox, as far as I could tell.19:30
MaGicMaXSeidos: oh ok19:31
SeidosMaGicMaX, I know it's the encrypted music now19:31
FlomarMOUD, well, i tested all three supported drivers and also the default vesa support and all fails, the behaviour is quite the same: X freeze and slows down all pc for minutes or begin to show renderizatinon errors19:31
MaGicMaXSeidos: ya encryption blows..19:31
william56i'm not 100%, but umount /home/username/.gvfs maybe?19:31
FlomarMOUD right now i`m using ENVYNG with the 180.44 driver enabled19:31
SeidosMaGicMaX, I should probably learn more about it.19:31
MOUDFlomar: have you tried the 173.xx version?19:31
SeidosMaGicMaX, especially for email19:32
FlomarMOUD yes, with no sucess... and the 96.43 too19:32
FlomarMOUd i`ve even installed the non oficial new driver from nvidia, the 18519:32
Flomarbut all versions behave the same19:32
felixsullawilliam56:  Thank you!19:32
MaGicMaXSeidos: check this out http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/software/linux/19:32
xanderdudewhat bash command can a apply to a symlink to know the location it's linking to?19:32
william56np felixsulla19:32
FlomarX freezes, and even with magic keys i cant go to console for some minutes19:32
MOUDFlomar: Strange. Are you using a desktop or a laptop?19:33
Flomarand the machine load grows19:33
Flomari used 8.04 but the problem began with the new SAMSUNG SYNCMASTER 933 monitor19:33
Flomarno way to detect the correct resolution19:33
Flomarso i installed in other hd the 9.04 jaunty19:33
Flomarand my headache began after that19:33
MOUDFlomar: ok. Do you have any other video card installed too? (Like those built-in video cards that come with some motherboards)19:34
FlomarMOUD, no, sad19:34
MaGicMaXSeidos: i know nothing about encryption either19:34
FlomarMOUD, i have other old graphic card... a jurassic tnt2 32mb =/19:34
MaGicMaXSeidos: but if anything can be encrypted it can be decrypted, you just have to know how it was encrypted lol19:35
josesitohow can I bind actions to some keys that don't get registered in xev, but do get registered with showkey (they show keycodes but no scan codes)?19:35
SeidosMaGicMaX, I wonder if GNUPod would work19:35
mogi22jordanwb, u know that feeling when the simplest solution that you already knew is exactly what u overlooked?  yeah i'm there right about now.  bios didnt have sata1 set to on.19:35
SeidosMaGicMaX, true, or have enough computing power and/or time19:35
MaGicMaXSeidos: when i doubt, try it! lol19:35
MOUDFlomar: that's really strange. Usually that happens when you have more than one video card installed. Wait, I'll see what I can find.19:35
SeidosI'll have to try it later, I did the backup19:35
Seidoswith rhythmbox19:35
jordanwbmogi22: we al have those moments19:36
FlomarMOUD, http://paste.ubuntu.com/256477/ look at this paste i get these NVRM errors, i opened a bug ticket but no response about it till now19:36
MaGicMaXi think im gonna give that ipodlinux a go19:36
mogi22jordanwb, it shows as a dvd-ram writer under lshw btw.  but it has 4 logical names, which should i use?  does it even matter19:36
MOUDFlomar: ok19:36
dattaplease can anyone help me with audacity, this chat doesnt help me with audacity at all19:36
dattaplease can anyone help me with audacity, this chat doesnt help me with audacity at all19:36
MaGicMaXjust gonna see if i have the ability to install it first lol19:36
darkscriptanybody know how to use NetworkManager from the command prompt19:37
darkscripti have not had any luck with this19:37
jordanwbmogi22: It has 4 logical names?19:37
dattaplease can anyone help me with audacity, this chat doesnt help me with audacity at all19:37
mogi22yup dvd1 scd1 cdrom0 scd019:37
RUNINWATER_CPO2get linux lol19:37
superbokidatta: whats the question?19:38
dattai need to record with audacity but it doesn't record19:38
mogi22jordanwb, yup dvd1 scd1 cdrom0 scd019:38
jordanwbmogi22: I have those too19:38
Flomarmoud, other friend with GeFroce 5200 also had problems until he moved to a VIA board19:38
mogi22jordanwb, hmm it didnt mount however, said wrong fs type bad superblock etc etc19:39
jordanwbmogi22: I'm not sure about that19:39
dattaplease how do i record it in ubuntu through line it? i tried ardour but doesnt work19:40
MOUDFlomar: you sure? I had ubuntu 8.10 installed on my desktop with a GeForce 5200 and it worked fine. I'm doing some googling now19:40
mogi22jordanwb, syslog says grow-buffers out of range block for device sr119:40
mogi22jordanwb, wtf its sr1 as well?19:40
jshriverhow do save the current iptables settings to default?19:40
jordanwbmogi22: since you have two optical drives, one is sr0 and the other is sr119:40
tanveeerhow to check if have java installed on ubuntu19:40
FlomarMOUD, he`s not here, but he had other problems... i guess is the resolution of these monitors... 1360x76819:41
tanveeerhow to check if have java installed on ubuntu?19:41
MOUDFlomar: one more question... Have you tried running the Nvidia Manager on System > Administration ?19:41
jshriverif I do a "iptables -I input etc etc" it doesnt keep them after a reboot19:41
mogi22jordanwb, so is the disc bad too?  since it couldnt mount it still?19:41
dattaplease can anyone help me with audacity, this chat doesnt help me with audacity at all19:41
FlomarMOUD, in 8.0.4 these board worked perfectly with 1280x1024, i changed the version because the resolution that wasn`t supported in no way19:41
MOUDFlomar: yes, that's the problem. 5200FX doesn't support that resolution19:41
jordanwbmogi22: it could be only the disk being bad19:41
FlomarMOUD, :D solved, but 7100GS should19:42
FlomarMOUD, or not?19:42
MOUDFlomar: which one is solved, the 5200 or your 7100?19:42
mogi22jordanwb, its not in my fstab either, so automount magic wont occur will it?19:43
Flomar5200 rsrs the resolution is not supported... so my friend had problems because this19:43
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MOUDFlomar: oh ok. Just give me a min19:43
FlomarMOUD, ok, thanks19:44
adammy desktop on xfce isn't showing properly.. no background or desktop icons19:44
dattaplease can anyone help me with audacity, this chat doesnt help me with audacity at all19:44
dattaplease can anyone help me with audacity, this chat doesnt help me with audacity at all19:44
adami have nfc what happened19:44
dattaplease can anyone help me with audacity, this chat doesnt help me with audacity at all19:44
FloodBot2datta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:44
=== adam is now known as Guest18027
jordanwbmogi22: You may see /dev/scd0 listed there19:44
darkscriptdatta try joining #audacity19:44
bastidrazor!cookie | datta19:45
mogi22jordanwb, i wonder what  those 3 pins were for if not m/s selection.19:45
dattadarkscript: at last someone responded to my question, i am really happy19:45
jordanwbmogi22: no clue19:45
mogi22jordanwb, i think its not in fstab b/c i didnt have sata on during install19:45
ubottudatta: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!19:45
mogi22jordanwb, ready for another twist?  i just put the dvd into my old dvd-ram on another pc, and it did load and mount!19:46
jordanwbmogi22: possibly, change /dev/scd0 to /dev/scd1 if that exists19:46
FlomarMOUD, in nvidia settings i haven`t other similar resolutions that fits in my monitor :( i hate 18.5 screens... but it`s in my work so... i have no choice...19:46
aspiditesif /tmp isn't a separate partition, what determines its size?19:46
tanveeerhow to check if have java installed on ubuntu19:46
tanveeerhow to check if have java installed on ubuntu?19:47
MOUDFlomar: what's your resolution now?19:47
MOUDtanveeer: try typing  "  java  " on a terminal19:47
MOUDtanveeer: if you get an error then that means that doesn't work19:47
Berzerkerjava -version19:47
Berzerkerto see what version you have19:47
Berzerkerif you do have it19:48
ubuntunewbiehi would like to know is there any good application to schedule record internet radio station ?19:48
MOUDFlomar: one sec,19:48
ubuntunewbiesuch as shoutcast19:48
MOUDgonna reboot my machine19:48
mogi22jordanwb, no i'm not worried about automount, i mean the disc mounted just fine on another older dvd-ram drive, but this newer one couldnt mount it?  how is that possible?19:48
ubuntunewbiethank you19:48
mogi22jordanwb, or are u saying do something else to make disc work on the newer sata drive?19:49
mogi22jordanwb, the sata drive is dual layer capable btw19:49
mogi22jordanwb, not sure if that matters19:49
balorWhat's the name of Ubuntu's graphical X configuration UI?19:49
jordanwbmogi22: I'm not sure what to do, I've never had two optical drives in one computer before. Try removing the other one and see what happenes19:49
Berzerkerbalor, there is none. sudo pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:50
mogi22jordanwb, no the older dvdram is in another but identical pc19:50
mogi22jordanwb, they're not in same pc19:50
balorBerzerker: I thought Bulletproof X meant that there was some kind of config UI (eg: http://fosswire.com/post/2007/08/ubuntu-getting-xorgconf-gui/)19:50
jordanwbmogi22: Oh19:50
mogi22jordanwb, its just weird that both drives work now (can see them in lshw) but only one can mount the disc and its the older one?!19:51
Guest18027my desktop on xfce isn't showing properly.. no background or desktop icons19:51
Guest18027any clues?19:51
Berzerkerbalor, no idea.19:51
Guest18027i've looked all the settings19:51
aspiditesGuest18027: IIRC there is a manage desktop option for xfce's file manager19:51
FlomarMOUD, my resolution is the native format for 18.5 `` monitors: 1360x76819:52
jordanwbmogi22: I don't know how Ubuntu automounts devices19:52
need_helphey need help! why this not working! find /home -name ".backup.sh" -exec chmod a+x {} \; thx19:52
bastidrazorbalor, which version of ubuntu?19:52
Guest18027aspidites, not seeing it bro19:53
bastidrazorbalor, system>preferences>display  for 9.0419:53
SaintAardvarkneed_help: how is it not working? do you mean to start the filename with a dot, or is it meant to be a wildcard?19:53
stinkyhello.. I am having a hard time adding workspaces to my desktop in compiz... Is there a way to tell compiz to add a workspace from the commandline like: compiz -addworkspace19:53
mogi22jordanwb, but its not automount i care about.  i cant manually mount on the new drive but i can on  the old19:54
Guest18027aspidites, that is the setting I am looking for, though19:54
need_helpSaintAardvark file called .backup.sh19:54
balorbastidrazor: What's the actual command? (My X is broken)19:54
mogi22jordanwb, i dont get why the new one just cant read the disc19:54
aspiditesGuest18027: on KDE4 right now..gimme a sec19:54
jordanwbmogi22: try a different disk19:54
Guest18027it's just weird... no desktop icons19:54
Guest18027no background19:54
bastidrazorbalor, in cli you could use xrandr19:54
Guest18027it's just a blue background19:54
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balorbastidrazor: One would need a working X to use xrandr :)19:55
bastidrazorbalor, with X being broken you don't need to set up your screen.. you need to fix X.19:55
ideamonk_how do we look for "any of the matches" in grep ?19:55
aspiditesis the size of your /tmp directory determined by your swap partition if it isn't mounted separately?19:55
ideamonk_is it [] or ^ ?19:55
mogi22jordanwb, what is it today?  i just dont consider the obvious things.  hold on19:55
l1m5i'm having trouble ssh-ing into my jaunty machine. i use <username>@IP:<dir> but when i type (the correct) password it says permission denied19:55
SaintAardvarkneed_help: try find /home -name ".backup.sh" -ls19:56
SaintAardvark see what that shows19:56
l1m5its permission denied (publickey,password) rather19:56
MaGicMaXif my device is "scsi11" which device would i have to use in the /dev/sd?19:57
mogi22jordanwb,  ok everythign just got weirder, not only did it automount the other disc, it did it to the parent dir that normal mounts are in?!  but there is nothing in fstab about this dev!19:58
bastidrazorbalor, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg  .. have you tried anything like this to get X back in working order? have you installed drivers that are not working?19:58
MOUDFlomar: sorry, had things to do on the last minute.19:59
jordanwbmogi22: so where did it mount to?19:59
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balorbastidrazor: I'm getting there.  I just thought there may be an easier way.19:59
Travis-43every now and then (every 2-3 days) ubuntu will randomly lock up entirely. What is a good way to try to figure out what is causing this?19:59
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MOUDFlomar: try this on a terminal:  sudo nvidia-xconfig -a     then reboot your machine19:59
cmilleris there a repository for php where i can get a stable version of php 5.3.0 for ubuntu 9.0419:59
mogi22jordanwb, to /media when normally its /media/cdrom020:00
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jordanwbmogi22: That's not right20:00
mogi22jordanwb, i put the problem disc back in the sata drive and still no mount when it just mounted a similar disc seconds ago!20:00
MaGicMaXthe output of "cat /proc/scsi/scsi" states that my ipod is "scsi11" which device would i have to use in the /dev/ directory to access it?20:00
mogi22jordanwb, this is so fried20:00
jordanwbmogi22: So there seems to be nothing wrong with the drive itself, but rather the automounter, which I believe it hal20:01
mogi22jordanwb, no i cant manually mount the disc either20:01
ruadhI have typed the following in Rhythmbox -> New: http://www.smoothradionorthwest.co.uk , added it to the list, but on clicking the radio station I get an error saying 'text/html decoder. What should I try?20:02
mogi22jordanwb, and the the drive automounted the other disc just fine ... well to the wrong dir but still mounted20:02
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jordanwbmogi22: so you can't do "sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mount/point"?20:02
SaintAardvarkTravis-43:  my guess would be either memory or graphics card20:02
SaintAardvarkIf you're using restricted drivers for the graphics card, try disabling them20:02
FlomarMOUD, i`ll try20:02
SaintAardvarkAs for memory, might want to try memtest when you boot up20:03
mogi22jordanwb, exactly20:03
mogi22jordanwb, but i can w/ the other disc20:03
jordanwbthen there is something wronf with the disk that won't mount20:04
paulnickersoni think my os is missing a bunch of needed files, and i dont know what they are. is there a way to revert to just after my ubuntu install without actually reinstalling unbuntu?20:04
MOUDhello adix66620:07
MaGicMaXthe output of "cat /proc/scsi/scsi" states that my ipod is "scsi11" which device would i have to use in the /dev/ directory to access it?20:07
ubuntunewbieSeidos : just to inform I found a how to record it20:07
ubuntunewbieSeidos : at synaptic , find kstreamripper :)20:07
Seidosubuntunewbie, cool, hopefully I'll remember if I ever want to record streams20:07
D3RGPS31how do i replace what a variable is equal to using sed, if i don't know what the variable is equal to20:07
ubuntunewbieSeidos : you can download it , just 200kb only20:08
mogi22jordanwb, except that the "bad" disc does mount just fine in the old dvd-ram20:08
Seidosubuntunewbie, I would if I needed it20:08
chrisdebaldhi my friends can some one help me installing printer driver for brother dcp 7010l20:08
jordanwbmogi22: That's odd20:08
Seidosubuntunewbie, how did you find it?20:08
mogi22jordanwb, u r telling me20:09
IsaacariahHi all20:09
mogi22jordanwb, i'm beyond baffled20:09
MOUDhello Isaacariah20:09
SaintAardvarkD3RGPS31: is this in the middle of a larger shell script?20:09
IsaacariahI've got an animated gif of my desktop that I made in ubunut, its only a few seconds long, but its 2 meg20:09
Isaacariahis there any sort of animated gif optimiser I can isntall?20:09
mogi22jordanwb, its like it works and doesnt work!  damn glad i didnt toss the old dvd-ram20:09
D3RGPS31SaintAardvark: not large, but yes20:09
jordanwbmogi22: I can't help you any furthur20:10
mogi22jordanwb, hehe no worries, u did wonderfully thus far.  time to pay it fwd i guess20:10
SaintAardvarkD3RGPS31:  So you want to do something like:  FOO=$(something); sed -e's/this/$FOO/'20:10
SaintAardvarkis that right?20:10
jordanwbmogi22: You may want to try the ubuntu forums20:10
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D3RGPS31SaintAardvark: yes; but when i try that it just adds to what the variable is equal to; not replacing with it is equal to20:11
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SaintAardvarkD3RGPS31:  Hm...can you put a snippet into paste.ubuntu.com?20:12
stinkyok, google saved my day again... nevermind :D20:12
MOUDHow do I configure my wlan0 with IP, Subnet, Default Gateway, and DNS?20:12
boxhey, i want a shell script to be able to run as root without the user running it having to sudo to root. I did chown root:root file.sh and chmod 7777 file.sh and it's still not working. any ideas?20:13
MOUDHow do I configure my wlan0 with IP, Subnet, Default Gateway, and DNS? Via Terminal20:13
D3RGPS31SaintAardvark: http://paste.ubuntu.com/256486/20:13
jordanwbbox: changing the file permissions only change that20:13
boxjordanwb, what?20:14
jordanwbbox: In order to run a program as root you must use sudo20:14
hwildewhat is the link for the apt alt http based repos to download packages?20:14
jordanwbbox: chmod 0777 changes the file's permissions20:14
josh|box and jordanwb : google setuid20:14
boxjordanwb, i know, but what about the setuid bit? there's no way i can get it to work?20:14
boxjosh|, i'm setting the setuid bit20:14
jordanwbbox, josh|: I don't know about the setuid bit20:15
owen1how to find serial number of my machine?20:15
owen1(from the terminal)20:15
josh|might be chmod 4755?20:16
Slartowen1: serial number? there might be more than one.. lshw might tell you more20:16
boxjosh|, i've got it set to 7777 and i figured that would work20:16
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:16
owen1Slart: i did it, can't find it there20:16
Slartbox: scripts can't be set to setuid.. for security reasons20:16
boxSlart, so what, i'm gonna have to write a C program?20:17
jordanwbSlart, josh|: so what does the setuid bit do?20:17
Slartbox: what kind of script is it?20:17
FlomarMOUD, hi, i'm back20:17
Slartjordanwb: afaik it runs the file not as the person that tries to run it but as the user that owns the file20:17
MOUDFlomar: welcome back20:17
boxSlart, it's changing passwords with passwd, and yes, i'm aware this is a bad idea.20:17
hwildeanybody have the link to the apt alt url http based deb package download page?20:18
MOUDFlomar: news?20:18
jordanwbSlart: I see20:18
FlomarMOUD,  nvidia-xconfig -a returned 1 warning and 1 error20:18
FlomarMOUD, but writed data to xorg.conf20:18
boxSlart, jordanwb that's correct, but as far as i can tell it only works with executables, that is, my sh executable would have to be owned by root and have the setuid bit set.20:18
josh|slart, someone here mentioned also that shell scripts couldn't be setuid root: http://www.unix.com/unix-dummies-questions-answers/17935-setuid-root-chown.html20:18
Slartbox: well.. I don't really know how they did the "no setuid bit for scripts" so I don't know how to do it.. I can imagine a few elaborate work arounds though20:19
josh|Slart, but someone else disagreed.. should be simple to test20:19
MOUDFlomar: yes, that's normal. Is it working good now?20:19
owen1how to find serial number on macbookpro?20:19
FlomarMOUD, http://paste.ubuntu.com/256488/20:19
Slartjosh|: I've already tested it =) can't remember what I wanted to do.. something with alsa I think20:19
MOUDFlomar: ok, did you reboot?20:19
FlomarMOUD, well, it`s appering to be OK... i`lll monitor my dmesg and see if i get new NVRM errors... or if my X freezes again20:19
FlomarMOUD, thanks ;)20:20
Isaacariahis there anyway to compress GIF files to make a 3 second gif smaller than 2MB?20:20
TokeiitoIsaacariah: how this question related with Ubuntu?20:20
Tokeiitoand yes it is. use a bit smaller inner images20:20
SaintAardvark 20:20
SaintAardvarkD3RGPS31:  Try http://paste.ubuntu.com/256489/20:20
MOUDFlomar: no problem. I hope it stays good. :)20:21
IsaacariahTokeiito, I used the ubuntu screen capture software to create an animated gif of my desktop, I was wondering if theres any software available for ubuntu that can compress the gif into the smaller size20:21
SaintAardvarkD3RGPS31: I needed double quotes to avoid passing $ip literally (dollar i p);20:21
hellhounddoes anyone use gyachi?20:21
Slartbox: this looks easy to edit to your needs http://blog.mecworks.com/articles/2006/02/23/bash-scripting-tip-running-a-script-as-root/20:22
SaintAardvarkAnd the brackets in the regex let you replace the IP address20:22
RaulinHow do I enable gdm in ubuntu? rc-update doesn't work.20:22
boxSlart, i'll look into it.20:22
PiciRaulin: sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults20:22
Slarthellhound: have a look http://popcon.ubuntu.com/20:23
boxSlart, nah, i need it to work without requiring the root passwd20:23
ChogogoHello, Im running ubuntu Jaunty, Clean installation, Graph card nVidida GeForce 8400. driver installed with Envyng. 3D effects working  until I activate pluggin "Cube desktop or Rotate Cube" then 3D stops with no fail message (the cube works thoug). Have to activate desktops effects in "System/Apperance/Visual effects" menu to get effects again, but then the Cube is then diactivated...What is happening...how can i Fix it?20:23
MOUDhow do I know my wlan settings on terminal? (IP, subnet, def gateway, DNS)20:23
RaulinPici: that gives me the nice "missing LSB information" error.20:24
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Slartbox: you might want to check the man page for sudo too.. I think you can pipe the password from a file.. of course this file will have your password in plaintext so it's a big security concern.. but at the end of the day it's your machine20:24
D3RGPS31SaintAardvark: thank you :D20:24
SaintAardvarkNo problem!20:24
boxSlart, yeah20:25
Slartbox: or at least it's your machine until someone roots it becuase you had your password in a file.. but you've been warned20:25
client3424MOUD: "ifconfig", "route" and "cat /etc/resolv.conf"20:25
boxSlart, yes i have.20:26
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ErTutinahi all20:27
hellhoundI am using gyachi 1.2.2 on Ubuntu 9.04 and for some reason it will set my status to "Auto Away" after the time set regardless of me still on the computer (web browsing, working on a document, etc.) and it will not let me change the status unless I chat with someone or log off and log on20:28
MOUDclient3424: thanks20:28
gwildorhellhound, your are setting the idle time of that app...not the computer..20:28
hwildeanybody have the link to the apt alt url http based deb package download page?20:29
CharlesI wanted to install exaile audio player but synaptic wants to delete gourmet recipe software.  Anyone know why?20:29
dividebyzer0what opens a .xps file?20:29
FlomarMOUD, happens now20:29
hellhoundgwildor: do you know of a way to have it read the computer's idle time?  There is only one idle setting on gyachi20:29
Slartdividebyzer0: what kind of file is it?20:29
FlomarMOUD, almost freezes my X [ 1114.072532] NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 8, Channel 0000000020:30
dividebyzer0slart: its some kind of document file20:30
dividebyzer0slart: I tried openoffice but cant find what will open it20:30
hwildedividebyzer0, it should just be a text file.20:30
dividebyzer0hwilde: it wouldnt open, it asks for some kind of filter?20:31
dividebyzer0should I try with notepad?20:31
hwildedividebyzer0, vi20:31
boxgod damn, i just wrote a C program to test setuid and it still doesn't work.20:31
hwildedividebyzer0, gedit20:31
Slartdividebyzer0: well.. it's a microsoft format.. not sure you'll find much interest for a proprietary alternative to pdf (at least that's what it looks like from a quick google)20:31
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hwildedividebyzer0,  GhostXPS or Okular will open it20:32
need_helphey need help find . \(! -name Linux\) -print ( need to find all files expect Linux ! how i can fix it give me error thx20:32
dividebyzer0gedit not able to detect character coding20:32
dividebyzer0ghostxps? can I get that with synaptic>20:32
hwildeneed_help, grep -v Linux20:32
Slartdividebyzer0: it seems okular might have some support for it though20:32
MOUDFlomar: can you pastebin your xorg.conf file?20:32
need_helphwilde lol actually i'm trying to learn about find20:32
dividebyzer0thanks, brb20:32
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SokaGakkai_CPO2what is goiung on guys?20:33
FlomarMOUD, sure !20:33
SaintAardvarkneed_help: can you paste the output into paste.ubuntu.com20:34
need_helpSaintAardvark thx :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/256494/20:35
dividebyzer0hey it says okular is KDE420:35
dividebyzer0Im not running KDE20:35
dividebyzer0i am on GNOME20:35
need_helpSaintAardvark maybe need Linux \) ? right20:35
hwildeneed_help, do your find and then pipe it to    | grep -v Linux20:35
FlomarMOUD http://paste.ubuntu.com/256495/20:35
MOUDFlomar: ok20:35
FlomarMOUD now i note something strange... the monitor is unknown but in the nvidia settings panel it shows the correct model, Samsung Syncmaster, etc...20:36
SaintAardvarkneed_help:  yep, space between Linux and slash bracket20:36
need_helphwilde why i want to use grep! i'm trying to learn via find command ! i know using grep :)20:36
need_helpSaintAardvark thx =)20:36
dividebyzer0slart: still there?20:36
Slartdividebyzer0: yes20:36
dividebyzer0it says okular is for KDE20:36
Slartdividebyzer0: so?20:36
dividebyzer0would it still run if I dont have KDE?20:36
Slartprobably not..  but what's stopping you from installing KDE?20:37
MOUDFlomar: try downloading the Monitor drivers.20:37
fatbrain_tHi, when booting with LiveCD (9.04) installing openssh-server is there something (by default) blocking incoming connections?20:37
x404xis apache obsolete ?20:37
dividebyzer0I like GNOME20:37
Slartdividebyzer0: they are not exclusive you know.. you can run KDE apps on GNOME and vice versa20:37
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:37
dividebyzer0ooOoh k Ill give it a shot20:37
hellhoundgwildor: do you know of a way to have it read the computer's idle time?  There is only one idle setting on gyachi20:38
Slartdividebyzer0: if it's in the repos just install it.. you'll have to install something like 30 MB of extra KDE libraries.. but that's all20:38
ubuntunewbieSeidos : sorry i was away . Found it through google .Kinda hard to find .Anyway gtg now see you next time :)20:38
FlomarMOUD, where?20:38
dividebyzer0yeah I see that now20:38
MOUDFlomar: try googling it20:38
=== Taube is now known as taube
boxUGH. apparently the setuid bit sets the effective uid and not the real uid, and passwd checks the real uid.20:39
heatmzzrwhats up with getdeb.net   wont load up?20:40
hwildeheatmzzr, same here.20:40
hwildethere was an alt apt http based thing somewhere but I can't remember the link now20:41
FlomarMOUD, Samsung just displays driver for win =/20:41
heatmzzrhwilde: no biggy. was gonna try that flock browser20:41
MOUDFlomar: Syncmaster what?20:42
FlomarMOUD Syncmaster 933SN20:42
MOUDFlomar: ok20:43
hwildeanybody here know about compiling arm kernels?20:44
foster04hello there... I am looking for some information on hashing... is this the right place?20:46
apparleplease suggest a dictionary which can work offline20:46
heatmzzrapparle: hashing? smoking hash or what?20:46
MOUDFlomar: there's no driver for it and also tried similar models too. BTW, are you using ubuntu 32-bit or 64-bit?20:47
xorIs there a way to use more recent packages then the original ones?20:47
Flomar32 bit20:47
apparleapparle: what?20:47
foster04nop dude... I need to know how to extract hashes from a php or html login page20:47
FlomarMOUD, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=648349 what do you think to update settings manually in xorg?20:48
apparleheatmzzr: foster04 wants info on hashing..........do you know a dictionary which will work offline20:48
x404xis there a setting in apt.conf to delete packages after download ? like is possible in synaptic20:48
Picifoster04: Thats not really on-topic for this channel. Maybe ##security ?20:48
johnhi all20:48
foster04apparle: what do you mean by that??? like a words dictionary? or something else????20:48
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foster04Pici: Thanks a lot20:49
Guest19008can someone tell me how to dd an img to my kingston usb drive ?20:49
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apparlex404x: you mean you want to download the package...install it and then deleted the deb fine downloaded??20:49
x404xyes apparle20:49
apparlefoster04: word dictionary similar to 'wordweb' on windows20:49
Guest19008dd if=<PCBSD7.1.1-x86-USB.img>(((( of=/dev/da0 bs=1m ))))  jow do i know were ?20:50
x404xthere is a setting in synaptic for it. but i am building an installscript using apt-get20:50
vikbubuntu boot times slow20:50
foster04apparle: sorry but no idea.... try search functuin on google20:50
Guest19008edbian ! :D20:50
Guest19008the king of ubuntu :P20:50
apparlex404x: you can use the command 'sudo apt-get clean' to delete the downloaded files20:51
x404xall of them or just the last package ?20:51
MOUDFlomar: I'm not sure about it because if you mess up with it then all your interface might stop working. Also, it's unlikely to work because it's for an old ubuntu version.20:51
edbianGuest19008: Am I that good? :)20:51
edbianGuest19008: Dr_Willis surely knows more than me20:51
hatter243How does one tell what resolution their X is running at from the CLI?20:52
Guest19008edbian ehm u helped me befor by saying how to get that dock to that program.. dont remember the name off it20:52
Guest19008edbian are you good on knowing how to mount img files to usb ?20:52
x404xk ill try that, thanx apparle20:52
MOUDFlomar: Which resolution are you using now? And is it 32-bit or 64-bit ubuntu?20:52
edbianGuest19008: Avant Window Navigator?20:52
edbianGuest19008: Well whatever it was, I'm glad I helped20:52
Guest19008edbian yes that was me20:52
Guest19008edbian yesterday20:53
edbianGuest19008: Is there anything else you need help with? :)20:53
FlomarMOUD, 32 bit ubuntu with the resolution that i want to keep: 1360x76820:53
rufensisHelp!!  I messed with iptables the other day and now I can't even access the internet from the desktop machine (ibex) I had planed to use as a media server.  I was screwing around with vpn and followed a guide.  Now I really just want to revert to the default before I started messing around.20:54
apparlewhat is the diffrence between remove and purge for apt-get20:54
supersashohi.. how can i copy from console tty1 for example20:54
llutzapparle: read man-page20:54
Guest19008edbian yes it is actualy20:55
morphias_remove - remove a certain package; purge - removes anything that is no longer used from the system ?20:55
llutzmorphias_: wrong20:55
edbianrufensis: pastebin the output of "sudo iptables -L"20:55
Guest19008edbian this comand just readed it dd if=<PCBSD7.1.1-x86-USB.img>(((( of=/dev/da0 bs=1m ))))  jow do i know were ?20:55
MOUDFlomar: Well, you can try the beta driver from nvidia but I never tried it. You may need to ask help on installing it if you want to.  http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_190.18.html20:55
Piciapparle, morphias_: remove just removes the package, purge will get rid of any system configuration files associated with the file as well.20:55
edbianmorphias_: remove - removes the binary and most other things, purge - removes everything except the .<appname> folder in /home/<you>20:55
FlomarMOUD,  i already tested with no sucess :( the 185 version20:56
IsaacariahHello, my ubuntu laptop has an intel GMA 4500M graphics accellerator, but the performance is considerably slower than that of dual booted Vista. I was just wondering if i need to install a GMA driver or enable it somehow?20:56
MOUDFlomar: Other than that I can't really help, sorry20:56
Guest19008edbian i need to know how to know were my usb drive is20:56
edbianGuest19008: That command is mostly nonsense?  What's with all of the parentheses?20:56
FlomarMOUD, thanks, really :D i'll change my board to an old tnt riva 32mb to see how it behaves20:56
llutzGuest19008: sudo fdisk -l, compare size20:56
edbianGuest19008: To figure out the device name (/dev/<something>) look at the output of "sudo fdisk -l"20:56
edbianwhat llutz said20:57
x404xcan i use sudo -i and send the password directly ? it would save a lot of sudo in my scripts20:57
gbrethenis there any lightscribe for 64 bit ubuntu?20:57
rufensisedbian:http://pastebin.com/d497b2580   What's weird is i can ssh into that machine over a linksys router20:58
edbianx404x: I think su -c will make the script prompt for sudo  power20:58
Guest19008edbian i got an list but it dosent say somthing of usb20:58
Guest19008edbian aah i found it :)20:58
edbianGuest19008: there ya go20:58
vikbI have installed kubuntu since then boot times are slower20:59
MOUDFlomar: The only thing that I can think of is that even if you geforce support a high resolution it might be struggling to run with your resolution. You might trying to 1280x960 or 1280x768  . Or, it might be a fan problem on your Nvidia card. Try cleaning it.20:59
Guest19008edbian will look now if i can fix this20:59
edbianGuest19008: now: "dd if=/path/to/input of=/dev/<usb>20:59
MOUD*trying to run at 1280...20:59
edbianrufensis: Your iptables is totally blank and allows all connections.  It isn't blocking internet access in any way.  (It isn't doing anything)21:00
Guest19008edbian i got this agen bash: of=/dev/sdb: No such file or directory :(21:00
apparlePici: thanks.....21:00
edbianGuest19008: The command is "dd"21:00
x404xhm dont look hopeful su -c only gives a help menu, su -c sudo -i gives invalid option21:00
edbianGuest19008: "dd if=/some/input of=/some/output"21:00
FlomarMOUD, 53 C degrees is too hot? that`s the temperature that the nvidia x server is showing21:00
edbianGuest19008: Alternatively you could just use "cp" (copy)21:00
Guest19008edbian yes i did that21:00
rufensisedbian: thanks, at least I can eliminate that as the problem.21:00
edbianGuest19008: ??? Typo?21:01
Guest19008edbian it sedd wen i did that command that u sedd before was Disk /dev/sdb: 16.0 GB, 16059990016 bytes21:01
Polt{laptop}hey guys I wanted to ask someone a question about ext421:01
edbianrufensis: Unless you specify otherwise iptables rules are not saved after reboots21:01
Polt{laptop}I managed to finally convert21:01
Polt{laptop}what are the benefits of a fresh formatted ext4 vs a conversion21:01
guntbert!enter | Polt{laptop}21:01
ubottuPolt{laptop}: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:01
edbianGuest19008: So you have a 16Gb flash drive at /dev/sdb ??21:01
wingdspurI'm having problems trying to mount an LVM partition that was created in gentoo21:01
Polt{laptop}!enter gunbert21:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter gunbert21:01
Polt{laptop}ah ok I see21:01
Guest19008edbian yes21:02
edbianGuest19008: What file are you trying to copy there?21:02
edbianGuest19008: A partition on your hdd?21:02
Guest19008edbian this dd if=<PCBSD7.1.1-x86-USB.img> of=/dev/sdb bs=1m21:02
MOUDFlomar: I don't think so, mine runs at 60 C sometimes. I think it's the resolution then.21:02
x404xhm maybe i can just put su in the top of the script, then type the pass and take 15 pots of coffee lol21:02
rufensisedbian: good to know.  I wonder what's going on then.  I have full connectivity over the router with this machine, but i can't even ping the router from the problem machine once I ssh into it.21:02
x404xupgrading takes a while on dsl21:02
Polt{laptop}and for future record ... I do use my enter key a little bit but I talk in spurts and then I allow others to talk. There is no need to harp on something so minor and make issue of it. I can see how some people might annoy you with that but I am not one of them so no prejudice please.21:03
Polt{laptop}thank you21:03
Guest19008edbian isit somthing rong i spell here ? dd if=<PCBSD7.1.1-x86-USB.img> of=/dev/sdb bs=1m21:03
wingdspurHow would I go about mounting an LVM parition that already has the volume groups and stuff created21:04
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MOUDI have to go. See you ppl later.21:05
unopwingdspur,  http://www.brandonhutchinson.com/Mounting_a_Linux_LVM_volume.html21:06
Guest19008edbian dd if=PCBSD7.1.1-x86-USB.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1m turned out  dd: invalid number `1m'21:07
le1alguem pode ajudar um ignorante ?21:07
edbianGuest19008: Remove those <'s21:07
llutzGuest19008: try bs=4k21:08
le1alguem do brasil?21:08
edbianGuest19008: Why limit the BYTES at all?21:08
le1can anyone help a complete ubuntu dummy?21:08
llutz!br | le121:08
ubottule1: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:08
=== gardar_ is now known as gardar
le1Ubottu - valeu21:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about valeu21:09
Guest19008edbian dont know at all what im doing so :P21:09
Ben64Guest19008: BLOCKS and BYTES may be followed by the following multiplicative suffixes:21:09
Ben64xM M, c 1, w 2, b 512, kB 1000, K 1024, MB 1000*1000, M 1024*1024,21:09
Ben64GB 1000*1000*1000, G 1024*1024*1024, and so on for T, P, E, Z, Y.21:09
Guest19008edbian it turned out dd: opening `/dev/sdb': Permission denied21:09
edbianGuest19008: LOL.  just take that bs= part out21:09
le1valeu = many thanks21:09
Ben64that was supposed to be on one line..21:09
Ben64anyway, Guest19008, what are you trying to do, dd is a dangerous command21:09
edbianGuest19008: "sudo dd if=yourfile of=/dev/sdb"21:09
edbianBen64: He's copying some .img file onto his flash drive.  Wanna help him?  I have to go.21:10
Guest19008edbian i think it works now :)21:10
edbianGuest19008: O good! :)21:10
Guest19008edbian it just stands there and blinking :S21:11
ibuclawGuest19008, dd will take a while to copy over the img21:12
PATXWhat does it take to get a project into the packages that you can apt-get?21:12
guntbert!packaging | PATX21:12
ubottuPATX: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports21:12
Guest19008ibuclaw it seems thoe that it dont do nothing21:13
ibuclawGuest19008, is the USB light flashing?21:13
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wildc4rdevenin' all21:13
c_kornhow can I extract ace files with ubuntu ?21:14
Guest19008ibuclaw the usb dosent have an light21:14
ibuclawGuest19008, the command dd itself won't display any text until the job is done.21:14
Guest19008ibuclaw ah okey then it seems that it goes slowley then :)21:15
decoanyone know how to disable the black frames that appear when you minimize a window ?21:15
ibuclawdeco, in metacity?21:15
decoibuclaw: yeah21:15
frpaul_is there any decent IDE for Python?21:16
edbianfrpaul_: geany21:16
decofrpaul_: vim or emacs ;-)21:16
=== TheChuckster_ is now known as TheChuckster
frpaul_Yeah, vim is great. I just dont dig Tkinter21:17
ichatc_korn:  - try http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+ace21:17
Guest19008ibuclaw it seems so long time :S the file btw is 1.9 gb21:17
c_kornichat: yes, but unace gives: File compressed with unknown method. Decompression not possible.21:17
tornWhat happened to the "temporary guest session" that was available in 8.10? I do not see it anywhere in 9.04.21:17
ibuclawGuest19008, yeah, give it about 10 minutes21:17
c_kornforgot to mention that21:17
ibuclawGuest19008, where are you copying the data to?21:17
KaptenRodSkagg_anyone know how to get nm-applet back beside the clock? i deleted it unfortunaly21:18
ibuclawa USB drive?21:18
KaptenRodSkagg_network manager21:18
Guest19008ibuclaw have you tested usb pcbsd ? maby u know how long time it goes21:18
decoanyone know how to disable the black frames that appear when you minimize a window ?21:18
SpreadsheetI want to install a keyboard layout. The website for the layout tells you many ways to install it. There is a way using setxkbmap, and a way using the console. If I use setxkbmap, will I be able to use it in the virtual terminals? (Ctrl-Alt-F#)21:18
Guest19008ibuclaw to usb21:18
ibuclawGuest19008, ew! I prefer to go pure FreeBSD thankyou :)21:18
Guest19008ibuclaw i dident find usb thing for that one so i got pc bsd21:19
SpreadsheetActually I'll go to #xorg21:19
ichatc_korn:  sounds like your problem21:19
ibuclawGuest19008, to copy over a 30GB filesystem from one section of my filesystem to another took about 30 minutes.21:19
ichatlink http://www.frenssen.be/?q=node/221:19
ibuclawconsidering USB has a slower transfer speed, do the maths :)21:20
andrew__tech nerds like what my brother like what my nigga?21:20
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
Guest19008ibuclaw it stoped and showed status: missing job name21:20
andrew__usb is hella fast my brothe rin linux nerdish land21:20
Guest19008ibuclaw or no it was me that wright status :S21:21
Guest19008ibuclaw it gave this 1992294400 bytes (2.0 GB) copied, 556.082 s, 3.6 MB/s21:21
andrew__u need new usb stick?21:21
guntbertKaptenRodSkagg_: right click on the panel - add to panel - select network manager21:21
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ibuclawGuest19008, it should be finished then Guest1900821:21
thefamousnomohello people21:21
spyneshi, somebody have installed Oracle client on Ubuntu?21:21
andrew__i'm andrew btw21:22
ichatAndrew__ fast compared to??? -   nullmodem (yes)  pata (maybe) older types of scsi (sometimes)  -   esata (no way)   ;)     it all just depends ;)21:22
ibuclawGuest19008, notice how it transferred at 3.6MB/s ;)21:22
Guest19008ibuclaw do u know if i can put an rar file there to and not desterb the boot files ?21:22
=== andrew__ is now known as gfunk
thefamousnomostill getting updates inc kernel images in dapper... when does support really end?21:22
B4ckBOnehow do i give my lan server a domain?21:22
ScottGDoes anyone here use chromium-bin and know the option or flag to open a new window and not a new tab?21:22
gfunki need an offical name i gusse21:22
gfunknah i have google chrome21:22
Ben64thefamousnomo: should be 201121:23
ibuclawGuest19008, you should be able to ...  install gparted, then go to System->Administration->Partition Manager21:23
gfunkwhy the hell is guest?21:23
bearleontraxHey guys21:23
Guest19008ibuclaw and what does that mean xD ?21:23
gfunkbuy a new usb stick and call it good21:24
thefamousnomo@Ben64 is that not beyond normal 3 years lts? seems like ive had installed for ages21:24
ichatc_korn:  -  dit the last link help you ?21:24
ibuclaw!offtopic > gfunk,21:24
bearleontraxCould I get some suggestions or maybe even some opinions?21:24
gfunkno its not he said his usb stick failed21:24
Ben64thefamousnomo: oops my bad, 5 years is only for server21:24
c_kornichat: yes, thanks. did not read carefully. bye21:24
hwilde!who | gfunk21:24
ubottugfunk: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:24
gfunkibuclaw is way off base never mind topic21:24
Ben64so dapper would stop ... june 2009 : /21:25
gfunkwho me nigga hater21:25
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
GArReT`Hey guys, what Archive/Package should i use if i want an eggdrop bot to Ident Himself to a server...21:25
Ben64thefamousnomo: you should upgrade while you still can21:25
thefamousnomo@Ben64 which is hasnt...21:25
ibuclawGuest19008,   sudo apt-get install gparted21:25
heatmzzrgetdeb.net was down a minute ago21:25
thefamousnomoyep, but using on an old compaq n610c21:25
Ben64june 2011 for server version of dapper21:26
Ben64thefamousnomo: so?21:26
Guest19008ibuclaw im installing it now.. but im an noob so i think i wont make it :/21:26
ibuclawGuest19008, then browse to  System->Administration->Partition Manager in the Ubuntu menu.21:26
KaptenRodSkagg_guntbert> well that app dont apper in my list.. :-(21:26
thefamousnomo@Ben64 found some of the newer releases to need bit more resources21:26
Guest19008ibuclaw now i have done that what do i do now then ?21:27
Guest19008ibuclaw how to use it in other words21:27
ibuclawGuest19008, gparted is open?21:27
need_helphey need to ask in /etc/hosts.deny => ALL : ALL EXCEPT localhost (this allow system only localhost can execute any commands and use any service in the system) ? thx21:27
coldReactive42I just got myself a Toshiba NB205, didn't know so many problems existed for it21:27
gfunkmy name isn't guset21:27
Ben64thefamousnomo: they shouldn't, unless you have effects on or something21:27
gfunki'm the king of this21:27
Guest19008ibuclaw yes21:27
thefamousnomo@Ben64 my son has a 7.10 install that he loves but i had trouble even booting 8.1021:27
ibuclawGuest19008, in the top right hand corner of the window, you should see a drop down box21:27
gfunki'm a billy bad ass of the command line word to da sista21:27
thefamousnomo@Ben64 now cant install anything for it, gutsy21:28
gfunkstopp booting into old ubuntus21:28
coldReactive42Can someone tell me that if I reformat my Toshiba NB205, I will lose my wifi capabilities in linux?21:28
Ben64thefamousnomo: yeah, the lts last for 3 or 5 years, other ones a lot less21:28
Guest19008ibuclaw yes i got the hard driver and then usb driver there21:28
gfunkdrop downa nd and whoo can't say that here! cause it'd be cesored up like the bush yeras were21:28
ethicxhello you all.21:28
ibuclawGuest19008, select the USB drive21:28
gfunkcesnor ship runs rampant in irc21:28
thefamousnomo@Ben64 anyway, support was sposed to have stopped, but its not... :) not complainin21:28
Ben64like i have 8.04 LTS, and i'll upgrade to 10.04 LTS when it comes out21:28
Guest19008ibuclaw done that21:28
Ben64thefamousnomo: oh but it will, and then everything will suck21:29
ibuclawGuest19008, do you see a filesystem, then grey space after it ?21:29
thefamousnomo@Ben64 yep, prefer the lts myself21:29
Guest19008ibuclaw select the unallocated then new ?21:29
gfunkrun 9.04 like  a good lilttle boy!21:29
thefamousnomo@Ben64 yes, worried bout that :)21:29
FiremanEdGArRet`: I use gidentd for my eggdrops21:29
ibuclawGuest19008, bingo!!21:29
ichat10.4 is sceduled to be an lts??? :)21:29
gfunkok to ask about goppder?21:29
Ben64but i suggest you go to 8.04 while you can21:29
qwyethcoldReactive42:  It won't work out of the box, but all you have to do to make it work is install one package.  See here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121566521:29
Guest19008ibuclaw :D i feel smart xD21:29
Ben64cause once dapper repo's are down, it's tough21:29
bearleontraxI've read just about everywhere that for someone who's been using Windows for years, Ubuntu is a great beginner's choice but I can't seem to find why. I'm desperately seeking to get out of the Windows rat race because frankly, I'm not big on the direction that Microsoft is heading. Eye candy can be nice, but I'm looking for optimal performance while still being able to maintain my interests in web and graphics designing. Could anyone tell21:29
Ben64ichat: LTS every 2 years21:29
guntbertKaptenRodSkagg_: I see, I was too quick, in my system the nm-applet sits in the "notification area" and I have no idea how to add/remove applets from there - but I'll investigate21:29
Guest19008ibuclaw but now then xD21:29
coldReactive42qwyeth: But will it work without Windows present to enable wifi?21:30
gfunkcuase its easy to use brain trust21:30
Guest19008ibuclaw just add ?21:30
qwyethcoldReactive42: If it's already enabled then yes21:30
thefamousnomoBen64: tbh, found Tinycore for my old compaq n400c, runs like a dream, prob will move to that and leave ubuntu to the desktops21:30
gfunkubuntu is one of the easiest linux flavors to use its alot lkie windoze21:30
ibuclawGuest19008, When you select "New"  set the "File System" as Fat3221:30
coldReactive42qwyeth: But I'm removing windows, won't that disable it?21:30
Ben64thefamousnomo: you ever try xubuntu? works great on slow systems21:30
gfunknow does ya puke infest brain cells get it?21:30
ibuclawGuest19008, then Select "Add".  Then press the "Apply" button (green tick)21:31
Guest19008ibuclaw yes ive done that now21:31
marcellocaetanoo que é isso21:31
ichatbearleontrax:  -  ubuntu is not windows, but at some points its better at some points its not (or at least not for everyone... -  yet still you can add or make changes to it... by installing new packages etc.21:31
gfunkno its sucks shit trew a straw i don't us eit21:31
jiohdiben better than icewm?21:31
GArReT`FiremanEd, is that easy to install and use? since i've used a few Ident server already and none of them worked21:31
thefamousnomoBen64: had that running on an old thinkpad but the sound was a NIGHTMARE!21:31
gfunkubuntu is better over all21:31
Guest19008ibuclaw now its green21:31
thefamousnomoBen64 c6334 or some such issues...21:31
jussi01!language | gfunk21:31
ubottugfunk: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:31
james__hi all21:31
Ben64jiohdi: no idea, i haven't tried all wm's21:31
Guest19008ibuclaw how do i add the rar file now then ?21:31
qwyethcoldReactive42: No...  the only problem with that chip is that there is an "on/off" hardware feature that isn't supported yet in ubuntu... so if it's on, it'll stay on, and if it's off, it'll stay off21:31
james__i am james21:31
ibuclawGuest19008, the filesystem is created :)21:31
bearleontraxichat: my main concern is whether or not I'll be able to stick to web designing. Are there any supported applications for Ubuntu?21:31
thefamousnomoBen64: the cirrus nightmare21:31
Ben64thefamousnomo: it's the same as ubuntu, just different window manager21:31
guntbertKaptenRodSkagg_: for now, in terminal type nm-applet &, you should get it back, but I don't know if that will last beyond a reboot21:32
gfunkgnome is your bets bet21:32
marcellocaetanoquem são vocês?21:32
JakobsenHey.. I'm creating a minimal Ubuntu 9.04 install with XBMC.. I need to connect to a WPA2-PSK wireless network at boot.. How do I get it right? I found some guides, but they doesn't exactly help..21:32
ibuclawGuest19008, close gparted. Then go into your Computer, and you should see the partition listed21:32
FloodBot2james__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:32
coldReactive42Thank you qwyeth. Will it be supported in Ubuntu 9.10 or 10.04?21:32
guntbert!ohmy | gfunk21:32
ubottugfunk: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:32
thefamousnomoBen64: yep, sure it was 8.04 had used, but the thinkpad struggled even with xfce...21:32
marcellocaetanode onde falam?21:32
need_helphey need to ask in /etc/hosts.deny => ALL : ALL EXCEPT localhost (this allow system only localhost can execute any commands and use any service in the system) ? thx21:32
FiremanEdGArRet`: make sure port 113 is not blocked21:32
marcellocaetanoeu sou do Brasil..21:32
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:32
Guest19008ibuclaw it says 1 operating somthing21:32
ichatbearleontrax:  - but  its nearly imposible to tell you how to make ubuntu  your perfect os  if we dont know you - (and we dont) - so unless you have a quick way of telling  exactly what you want (and need)  - we'd never be able to tell you whats good for you21:32
gfunkomg censor ship time has arrived21:33
Guest19008ibuclaw wen i try to close it21:33
gfunktime to take me out lkie all da rest of dem freaks do21:33
GArReT`FiremanEd, will the eggdrop ident himself? or does it need settings?21:33
gfunkcan u say power mad freak?21:33
guntbert!pm | KaptenRodSkagg_21:33
ubottuKaptenRodSkagg_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:33
guntbert!ops | gfunk21:34
ubottugfunk: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:34
ibuclawGuest19008, hmm? can you take a screenshot? Not entirely sure what you mean.21:34
FiremanEdGArRet`: one sec. let me check the config, it's been awhile since I messed with it21:34
jussi01!guidelines > gfunk21:34
ubottugfunk, please see my private message21:34
bearleontraxichat: I'm a web designer. If there are any web designing applications out there that Ubuntu supports, that's really what I'm looking for. If not, can anyone confirm that WINE supports Adobe products?21:34
GArReT`FiremanEd, thank you I will appreciate it21:34
ichatbearleontrax:  -   to be honnest i wouldn't know -   ive tried nview - witch is a laught - and a piece of ......... pooh21:34
jussi01!appdb | bearleontrax21:34
ubottubearleontrax: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:34
qwyethcoldReactive42: I can't tell you for sure...  it is possible to use that feature with current linux drivers, but it's not in Karmic 9.10 yet because of conflicts with bluetooth.21:34
guntbertKaptenRodSkagg_: I'm not familiar with that error, please ask the channel again21:34
gfunkno thanks hater21:34
coldReactive42Figures -_-21:34
ichatso whenever i do stuff in webdev - you just use a text-editor21:34
gfunkthe latets version should be fine21:34
ichati never tried looking further21:35
gfunkdo u guys know u can use old packages if uwanna fix issues with ubuntu?21:35
qwyethbearleontrax: Have you considered running your neccessary tools in a virtual machine, like VirtualBox or VMWare?21:35
bearleontraxthank you jussi0121:35
afazelMy wife is at home on the computer logged in on her user account through Gnome. I'm at work on my Windows PC and want to use SSH tunneling to VNC into the computer. I've looked here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC and that's fine, but it doesn't seem to work unless your computer is at the login screen. How do I do this?21:35
need_helphey need to ask in /etc/hosts.deny => ALL : ALL EXCEPT localhost (this allow system only localhost can execute any commands and use any service in the system) ? thx21:35
ikoniagfunk: calm down please21:35
gfunkjust thought i'd metion that21:35
ibuclawgfunk, /join #ubuntu-offtopic21:35
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gfunknot really21:35
ichatbut i do think there are good code editing tools with syntax highligting and stuff for ubuntu21:35
gfunku can do that21:35
Guest19008ibuclaw now i have an screenshott were can i send it to ?21:36
bearleontraxqwyeth: I haven't yet installed any Linux Distro. I'm on Windows right now... just trying to decide whether or not it would be a smart decision to move to Ubuntu21:36
Pricey!live | bearleontrax21:36
ubottubearleontrax: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.21:36
ibuclawGuest19008, any image hosting site.  ie:  http://imageshack.us21:36
bearleontraxPricey: Is the LiveCD compatible with WINE?21:36
bearleontraxOr, I guess a better question would be whether or not WINE is compatible with the LiveCD.21:37
Ben64bearleontrax: you can check winehq.org for compatability21:37
bryhoytDoes anyone know: is the bootup speed likely to be quicker in karma than in jaunty?21:37
bearleontraxBen64: Thank you. I'll look into it.21:37
joaopintobearleontrax, if you are not familiar with Linux you should use dual boot21:37
ibuclawbryhoyt, as far as I'm aware. The target is 10 seconds in Karmic on a netbook.21:37
Guest19008ibuclaw here http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/6819/screenshotrkw.png21:37
Priceybearleontrax: the livecd will run any application a normal install would21:37
guntbertbearleontrax: with the live CD you get a running ubuntu without any changes to you system, so you can try it out21:38
ibuclawGuest19008, ooh21:38
Priceybearleontrax: You won't get hte same performance, and preferences won't save21:38
bearleontraxPricey: Excellent. That's all I needed to know. =)21:38
ichatbearleontrax:  -  its a good tip (specially if you have for example windows 2000 lying arround (or can get ur hands on it) -   it will install nicely in  Virtualbox,   you could than run your webdev tools in vbox verry nicely (as if they run in ubuntu itself (seamless mode)21:38
bryhoytthanks, ibuclaw21:38
qwyethbearleontrax:  There are some good web design tools in linux... if you're used to Adobe products you should try Quanta.  I can't tell you from experience what works in Wine or not, but rest assured that if you have something that won't run and you need it to, you can always fall back on Virtualbox21:38
jussi01!code | bearleontrax21:38
ubottubearleontrax: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, QtCreator21:38
Priceybearleontrax: I would suggest though you look for native linux applicatinos rather than forcing windows stuff to run on here21:38
ibuclawGuest19008, select "Cancel" ... then press the "Apply" button21:38
FiremanEdGArRet`: I have nothing special in the *.conf file, just had to make sure that I added to the linksys to port foward (port 113) to my local router IP address.21:38
rufensisI need advice on an ethernet problem.  Everything used to work.  I don't know what I did, but somehow I get no connection at all to the internet.  I'm in the middle of restarting right now and the system (ibex) is hung up on "Configuring network interfaces."  What can I do to rebuild the network interfaces config from scratch to get networking up?21:39
bearleontraxOh, whoah. Please, jussi01. No offense to you and with all due respect, but I have no idea what all of that means. I have no prior experience with Linux.21:39
KaptenRodSkagg_anyone know how to get nm-applet back beside the clock? i deleted it unfortunaly (network manager)21:39
Guest19008ibuclaw the ! yellow sign is there somting to wory about ?21:39
jussi01bearleontrax: sorry, was a slight mistake on my part21:39
=== lilli is now known as nnnnnnn
Guest19008ibuclaw now it got an error wen i tryed to apply21:39
qwyethbearleontrax: That was a list of development programs that might work for you.21:39
bearleontraxjussi01: Not a problem. =) I'm just here looking for answers. I appreciate you trying to help.21:40
ibuclawGuest19008, hmm21:40
bearleontraxqwyeth: Thank you. I was wondering lol.21:40
GArReT`FiremanEd, how do i do that... since I am linking a Windows PC to the Ubuntu PC via LAN...21:40
Guest19008ibuclaw says this If you want support, you need to provide the saved details!21:40
GArReT`and The Windows PC is the only one that can connect to the Internet @ FiremanEd21:40
limpchave a problem with my ubuntu. im using jaunty, and whenever a new window, alert, etc pops up, it pops up behind stuff and minimized21:40
jussi01!html | bearleontrax - this is what I was after.21:41
ubottubearleontrax - this is what I was after.: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/21:41
ibuclawGuest19008, I think we should really take a new route into putting a liveCD image on your usb stick then... This seems to be going topsy turvy.21:42
Guest19008ibuclaw ok ty for the help anyways... im gonna try laying the tr file and test if it workes anyways21:43
ibuclawGuest19008, have you heard of unetbootin ? It's an application that installs ISO images onto your USB drive.21:43
ibuclawie: turning them into LiveUSBs21:43
meekatronhello there i got a little question is there a terminal based program which will read the tags of my flac files and move and rename them into a folder say artist/album/track....21:43
=== taube is now known as Taube
hwildemeekatron, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36393821:46
RandallI have a unique situation. I am ssh'ing to my friends Ubuntu machine, and I need to get his attention, what is a good way to do this via ssh command line?21:47
spynes>hi, somebody have installed Oracle client with PHP on Ubuntu?21:47
aesthesiaRandall: $write <username>21:47
aesthesiastart writing21:47
aesthesiathen press ctrl+d when done21:47
Randallperfect =)21:48
ikoniaspynes: what's the issue ?21:48
guntbertKaptenRodSkagg_: you might need to post the error from running  nm-applet here, so someone can recognize it and help you...21:48
ikoniaspynes: the oracle client is nothing to do with php21:48
ikoniaspynes: or do you mean the oracle RDBMS extentions for php21:48
spynesikonia: the drive oci8 is not working when I try to connect21:48
lanzellothmy volume control applet doesn't control or show my real master volume, halp!21:48
KaptenRodSkagg_guntbert, ** (nm-applet:6364): WARNING **: <WARN>  applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken.  Return: 321:48
hwildelanzelloth, alsamixer21:49
zagabar1I sudo apt-getted ircd-hybrid but when it is supposed to start, I get this: http://pastebin.com/m492725b521:49
ikoniaspynes: I suggest trying to connect using the Oracle client first to make sure you have a valid platform to connect from21:49
x404xi removed the cups package, why does it still show as a service ? can i remove a package for the service ?21:49
qe2eqeRandall, eject =)21:49
ikoniaspynes: what is the error you get then you try to connect21:49
lanzellothhwilde, the thing is I didn't messed around that, I think what happened is I accidentaly clicked something on the volume control window21:50
spynesikonia: Fatal error: Call to undefined function oci_connect()21:50
hwildelanzelloth, right click on it and go to preferences21:50
guntbertKaptenRodSkagg_: you could try using the guest account  to see if it is working there21:50
guntbert*guest session21:50
=== lupine_85 is now known as spander
spynesikonia: php_oci8.so in on /ext directory ok21:51
daltonnewbe here...  needs a little help21:51
ikoniaspynes: what do you mean on /ext directory ?21:51
MastaAceHello everyone.21:51
alejandrocastanogood night21:52
spynesikonia: the php extensions directory21:52
lanzellothhwilde, ok thanks :D but the icon still doesn't update but i'm gonna try something21:52
ikoniaspynes: that looks like an Oracle 8 client library21:52
daltonwhat is the directory ubuntu 9.04 stors newly installed software (sun virtualbox)?21:53
ikoniaspynes: what is your extensions directory full path21:53
MastaAceCan anyone tell me how to look-up which window manager is started as default? I'd like to enable the GDM as default, aber since I habe installed KDE ist KDM. How to get rid of this? Uninstalling the KDE package did not helped.21:53
KaptenRodSkagg_guntbert, nope same problem.. :-(21:53
afazelMy wife is at home on the computer logged in on her user account through Gnome. I'm at work on my Windows PC and want to use SSH tunneling to VNC into the computer. I've looked here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC and that's fine, but it doesn't seem to work unless your computer is at the login screen. How do I do this?21:53
spynesikonia: is /usr/lib/php5/extension/21:53
srihi all21:53
sriis there a ubutu package to test the speed of websites?21:54
aesthesiaMastaAce: dpkg-reconfigure kdm21:54
aesthesiaMastaAce: dpkg-reconfigur gdm21:54
MastaAceaesthesia: thanx21:54
aesthesiaMastaAce: sorry, latency issues21:54
ikoniaspynes: is the client libarary Oracle 8 ?21:55
aesthesiaMastaAce: but one of those should work21:55
MastaAceaesthesia:  np21:55
MastaAceaesthesia: with sudo?21:55
oscurochuHow do I move a panel? I've tried clicking and dragging and it just won't move! If there is a file I can edit, that will be all I need.21:55
spynesikonia: is instantcliente 11.121:55
aesthesiaMastaAce: yes, since you're reconfiguring machine wide behaviour21:55
spynesikonia: oci8 is a generic name21:55
hwildeoscurochu, you might have to right click and unlock the panel first21:56
ikoniaspynes: not used the 11 client, 8,9.10 only, I know there was problems connecting from 8 clients to 10 database, hence my question21:56
einbdalton: Could be many directories, depending the the software. Typically executables are stored in "/usr/bin".21:56
oscurochuhwilde: there is no unlock option, even in the properties window.21:56
daltonwill look!   driving me MAD! THX21:56
hwildedalton, in synaptic click the package and go to properties, then the Installed Files tab21:56
lstarnesdalton: for things that weren't installed from .deb packages, look under /opt or /usr/local21:57
MastaAceaesthesia: thx, this looks quite good21:57
guntbertKaptenRodSkagg_: its getting stranger and stranger - what version of ubuntu are you running?21:57
hwildedalton, or just run sudo updatedb  and then  locate <filename>21:57
aesthesiadalton: dpkg -L <package-name> if its installed21:58
aesthesiadalton1: if its not installed21:58
aesthesiadalton1: aptitude download it21:58
aesthesiadalton1: run "dpkg -I <debname>.dab21:58
aesthesiadalton1: <debname>.deb *21:59
TheCheezecan anyone tell me how to extract from .001 filetypes? package manager says it's not recognized21:59
buckyaesthesia: how about dpkg -I <debname>21:59
aesthesiabucky: thats what i said, just with a typo21:59
traemccombshey guys I need to change my remote desktop (vnc) password via command line.  I can't remember what it is.  Where is that saved?21:59
meekatronumm anyone know how to view the tags of flac files from the terminal22:00
buckyaesthesia: don't put .dab or .deb on the end22:00
traemccombsI can ssh in to the box just fine, and I have vnc turned on cause it's prompting me for the password, but I've forgotten what I made the pass lol22:00
aesthesiabucky: depends on whether you're acting on a file or on a package in the database22:01
stroyanTheCheeze: .001 does not sound like a filetype at all.  Can you give a couple of specific examples of file names?  Can you explain where these files came from?22:01
buckyaesthesia: dpkg -l curl_7.18.2-8ubuntu4.1_i386.deb   what does that say22:01
=== spander is now known as lupine_85
hwildemeekatron, id3 -l22:02
aesthesiabucky: nothing, since the deb file is not in my directory22:02
buckyaesthesia: dpkg -l curl   how about that?22:02
murlidharokies my partition table has changed and i am not able to automatically mount the ntfs partitions..... how to automatically mount the ntfs during the boot ?22:02
bobbob1016How can I move my existing Jaunty install to a different HDD?  The other HDD is connected via USB.22:02
aesthesiahowever, dalton downloaded the v3 deb of virtualbox22:02
NoahWINE doesn't seem to want to load some of the software I load, any advice?22:02
stroyantraemccombs: Run the vncpasswd command to set/reset the password.22:02
crashoverride300How do i tell if i have i need to update my kernel for valnerabilities so a craker will not get in my os22:02
hwildebobbob1016, dd22:02
aesthesiathats what he could be working with22:02
buckyaesthesia: or dpkg -L curl  if you prefer22:02
hwilde!dd > bobbob101622:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dd22:02
TheCheezethey came from usenet. they work fine with winrar on windows22:02
hwilde!clone | bobbob101622:02
ubottubobbob1016: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate22:02
MastaAcea question concerning GRUB: I habe edited the menu.lst. But whatever change I do on the tim eor default boot partition, it seems like GRUB ignores my changes. I saved with SUDO. And the changes are persistent. But GRUB seems just to dont care when booting up. I've put the time to 10 seconds, but it boots alway ubuntu after ca. 2 seconds.22:02
TheCheezeshould i just try to run winrar through wine?22:03
hwildeMastaAce, what is the path to the file you are editing ?22:03
traemccombsstroyan: I don't have that command via command line is it part of a utility to grab?22:03
NoahWINE won't run winrar for me for some reason. =/22:03
murlidharTheCheeze: just sudo apt-get install unrar22:03
MastaAcehwilde: /boot/grub/menu.lst22:03
crashoverride300hay I ask yall a ??22:03
murlidharTheCheeze: then use ur archive manager ....22:03
aesthesiaNoah: any reason you're running winrar?22:04
buckyaesthesia: if you do a dpkg -l <debname_version.deb>  then it's going to say it's not installed22:04
stroyanTheCheeze: Those are just parts of a file that was broken up into smaller chunks.  You can join them together with "cat name.*".  See http://www.binaries4all.com/001/22:04
chessnutmushroomguys, do you know how to speed up openGL effect in gnome, its really lagging22:04
traemccombsstroyan: what package is vncpasswd in?22:05
lstarnescrashoverride300: you should automatically recieve updates22:05
stroyantraemccombs: I have man page for "vncpasswd".  But the executable on my system is /usr/bin/tightvncpasswd from the tightvncserver package. ?22:05
lstarnescrashoverride300: you don't need caps22:05
aesthesiabucky: yes thats why i wasn't suggesting that22:05
crashoverride300I WANT TO MAKE SURE THAY WORK22:06
shiki-chessnutmushroom, what do you mean?22:06
xanguacrashoverride300: please don't scream22:06
shiki-chessnutmushroom, which opengl effect you mean?22:06
murlidharhow to reread the partition table ????22:06
shiki-murlidhar, huh?22:06
Um_cara_qualquerhow i update VLC player on ubuntu?22:06
chessnutmushroomcompiz fusion22:06
traemccombsstroyan: ahh I wonder if it'll be possible to do that since I'm running a different vnc server remotely now :(22:06
crashoverride300i want to make sure everthing is hacker safe for my home pc22:06
aesthesiamurlidhar: sudo fdisk -l <device file>22:06
lstarnescrashoverride300: the updates will almost always work with no issues22:06
chessnutmushroomits really slow, im using the beam effect for minimizing window, its lagging22:07
lstarnescrashoverride300: nothing is absolutely safe from being cracked22:07
chessnutmushroomim using an nvideo geforce 8600m GT22:07
xanguaUm_cara_qualquer: @google vlc ppa22:07
murlidharaesthesia: eerrr what's <device file> ?22:07
shiki-chessnutmushroom, have you installed a driver for your vga?22:07
xangua@google vlc ppa | Um_cara_qualquer22:07
hwildecrashoverride300, there are no servers installed by default, so it is relatively safe.22:07
chessnutmushroomyeah the nvideo recommended driver22:07
aesthesiamurlidhar: /dev/sda for the first SATA drive for instance22:07
Um_cara_qualquerxangua: what is ppa?22:07
xanguajum no bot¿¿22:07
lstarnes!ppa | Um_cara_qualquer22:07
ubottuUm_cara_qualquer: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.22:07
shiki-chessnutmushroom, if you type this into terminal: glxinfo | grep direct    what does it say?22:07
murlidharaesthesia: okies but will it make the new partitions mount automatically ?22:08
jussi01!bot | xangua22:08
ubottuxangua: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:08
crashoverride300ok how do i know all that22:08
xanguaok thanks22:08
pianistbabyis there a way to tell whether my computer takes Serial ATA hard drives without opening it up?22:08
aesthesiamurlidhar: no, it will just list the existing partition table22:08
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code22:08
pianistbabyQuestion 2: what command do i run to find out my computer's processor name and speed?22:08
murlidharaesthesia: then how to i automount the new partitions ?22:08
aesthesiamurlidhar: if you want to repartition your drive you should really read a doc about it22:08
chessnutmushroomgl_ext_depth_bounds_test, GL_EXT_direct_state_Access22:08
Um_cara_qualquerxangua: i can upgrade all programs with "program ppa" ?22:08
aesthesiamurlidhar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition22:09
lstarnespianistbaby: cat /proc/cpuinfo22:09
aesthesiamurlidhar: thats a fucntion of the /etc/fstab file22:09
murlidharaesthesia: i have already made partitions to a new hard disk22:09
axisyshttp://pastebin.com/f18b38441 which emacs is recommended ?22:09
murlidharaesthesia: yes i know fstab but i don't want to update it manually :(22:09
crashoverride300how do i tell if a craker/hacker is or has been in my os22:09
hwildeMastaAce, did you change the /boot partition or /etc/fstab ?22:09
pianistbabylstarnes: thanks22:09
crashoverride300tell me22:09
aesthesiamurlidhar: dunno how to help you there22:09
stroyanpianistbaby: "sudo lshw | grep SATA" could report a SATA controller.22:09
chessnutmushroomi have turned off vsync and put my settings to fast instead of quality22:10
lstarnescrashoverride300: it's not possible to detect every single intrusion22:10
chessnutmushroomits still slow22:10
murlidharaesthesia: when i install ubuntu the fstab is made automatically ...... so i tot there must be something22:10
pianistbabyWhich of the 2 processors is better/faster: 1) Intel Celeron 1.7 GHz.  or 2) AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3800+ (1000 CPU MHz)22:10
murlidharaesthesia: okies. thanks anyways22:10
lstarnescrashoverride300: there are several log file under /var/log that may be usefuk22:10
woblehey there, im suffering major wifi problems after upgrade to jaunty.. speed drops to 1mbit max (got 100mbit but 54mbit router) <-- would it be an option to install backports newer version?22:10
shiki-chessnutmushroom, uhm... you can define your display size also..well.. only sync and refresh stays22:10
crashoverride300but hacker allway want to go in root22:10
pianistbabystroyan: it shows nothing22:10
lstarnescrashoverride300: that's why the root account is locked by default22:11
pianistbabystroyan: it probably means i have something newer than serial ata hard drives, huh?22:11
aesthesiamurlidhar: theres a script yea, i just don't know where it is, and if its just in the d-i exe22:11
crashoverride300how sure r u22:11
pianistbabywhat's one "generation" than sata hard drives22:11
lstarnescrashoverride300: i/var/log/auth.log /var/log/syslog /var/log/messages and /var/log/dmesg are four of the main logs22:11
lstarnescrashoverride300: ubuntu always locks it by default22:11
hwildecrashoverride300, look into the utilities chkrootkit and rkhunter22:11
murlidharaesthesia: name of the script ?22:11
lstarnescrashoverride300: its priviliges can be accessed using sudo, but it is set up so that only users of the admin group can use it22:11
aesthesiamurlidhar: yea, if it is a script. like i said, i dont know how d-i builds the fstab22:11
aesthesiamurlidhar: google could probably tell you22:12
lstarnescrashoverride300: and I think only root can change users' groups22:12
murlidharokies aesthesia ty22:12
murlidhari will now22:12
crashoverride300so i do i know it is safe22:12
lstarnescrashoverride300: tools such as rkhunter and chkrootkit can detect rootkits, but they sometimes retuen false positives22:12
stroyanpianistbaby: If you look at the full output of "sudo lshw" you could see what SATA or IDE (or SCSI) controllers are present.22:12
crashoverride300so what is the 1 best22:13
lstarnescrashoverride300: both22:13
lstarnescrashoverride300: the two should be used together.  Sometimes one will return a false positive (saying something is a rootkit when it isn't)22:13
TheCheezestroyan, i did the cat filename.* and it is scrolling a bunch of wierd symbols. is this normal?22:14
crashoverride300ok but i need one that will tell the truth22:14
guntbert!best | crashoverride30022:14
ubottucrashoverride300: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:14
lstarnescrashoverride300: that's why you use both22:14
crashoverride300how do i tell22:14
lstarnescrashoverride300: it is impossible for anything to be 100% accurate22:14
jMylesTheCheeze: What kind of file?22:15
lstarnescrashoverride300: carefully read the results and check things for yourself22:15
stroyanTheCheeze: You need to cat those files into another file.  Something like  "cat bigfile.mp3.* > bigfile.mp3".  Then use the new file.22:15
TheCheeze.001 file parts22:15
pianistbabystroyan: is IDE/SCSI newer than SATA for hard drives?22:15
zagabar1http://pastebin.com/m492725b5 I get this when starting a fresch installed ircd-hybrid. What can be the issue?22:15
jMylespianistbaby: No.  I love your nick by the way.22:15
lstarneszagabar1: try sudo /etc/init.d/ircd-hybrid start22:16
pianistbabyide/SCSI is older than SATA, jMyles?22:16
crashoverride300is it good to make sure that everthing is update right22:16
crashoverride300and how22:16
pianistbabyjMyles: (why do you love my nick? Do you like pianos or do you like babies?)22:16
lstarnescrashoverride300: sudo apt-get update && sudp apt-get upgrade22:16
lstarnescrashoverride300: replace sudp with sudo, it was a typo22:17
jMylespianistbaby: That's correct.  SATA is newer.  I love both pianos and babies.  :-)22:17
TheCheezestill scrolling a bunch of weird symbols...22:17
TheCheezemight try a 7zip instead22:17
stroyanpianistbaby: IDE and SCSI are older than SATA.  There is no commonly used newer disk type.  Firewire is less common.  Datacenter servers use more exotic types like "Serial Attach SCSI(SAS)" or "Fibre Channel".22:17
pianistbabycan someone take a look at my lshw report and tell me whether i have a SATA hard drive or SCSI/IDE hard drive inside? http://pastebin.ca/153690522:17
dattai think i have just deleted by alsa mixer from my system, when i click on the volume controller at the top of the desktop and go to volume control, it says Failed to start Volume Control: Failed to execute child process "gnome-volume-control" (No such file or directory)22:18
lstarnespianistbaby: it looks like SATA22:18
pianistbabylstarnes: thanks. Yes!!! I can use a SATA hard drive that my friend gifted me with!!!22:18
dattacan anyone tell me how to get this back? is it the alsa mixer that is not here? and if yes how do i get that back?22:18
lstarnespianistbaby: there is a chance that it could be ide22:19
lstarnespianistbaby: almost all recent computers have sata22:19
hwildepianistbaby, open up the computer and look at the connectors22:19
pianistbabylstarnes: why a chance? Can't we make sure22:19
pianistbabyhwilde: that's what I wanted to avoid doing. 8-)22:19
thanatosI'm having trouble using vpn (pptp) with my Ibex machine.  It works fine on my debian lenny, and the same account settings do nothing in ubuntu 8.10. In fact, when I use network manager and click on the vpn account it does not even appear to try to connect.  Whenever I try and change the settings to use mpee encryption and then hit ok, when I bring back preferences that choice is no longer highlighted.  Anyone know what might be going on?22:19
lstarnespianistbaby: I don't have the full specifications for your hardware or physical access to it22:19
stroyanpianistbaby: Line 197 shows an unused SATA connector22:19
dattain the ubuntu forums someone had posted that this would help sudo apt-get install gnome-media  will it? please someone help me22:19
pianistbabyI remember giving away ATA/IDE hard drives coz they were incompatible with my comp.22:20
pianistbabyis SATA = ATA/IDE?22:20
pianistbabyor is ATA/IDE = SCSI?22:20
lstarnespianistbaby: IDE is usually PATA22:20
pianistbabyPATA? huh?22:20
lstarnespianistbaby: SATA and PATA are probably both ATA22:20
pianistbabyi see.22:20
TheCheezethat seems to be working better22:20
MaGicMaXhey guys, i was wondering if there was a way to make map my mouse wheel tilt buttons (left/right) to switch between workspaces?22:20
lars_bauerSearch for at photo program which atomatic turn pictures to the right position ?22:20
mscyber07hey, can anyone tell me which driver goes with my hard drive?22:21
mscyber07I have a Dell Latitude XT.22:21
stroyanpianistbaby: You could add a second SATA drive, (if you have the space and power and cooling for it.)22:21
pianistbabycooling? I thought only processors get a fan. stroyan.22:21
pianistbabythe only cooling my current hard drive gets is room temperature.22:22
stroyanpianistbaby: You only have 1GB of RAM in there.  It could be very nice (and cheap) to at least double that.22:22
pianistbabystroyan: how much?22:22
pianistbabyi'm a student22:22
pianistbabymy comp was a gift and the 2nd hard drive was a gift22:22
MaGicMaXhey guys, i was wondering if there was a way to map my mouse wheel tilt buttons (left/right) to switch between workspaces? Im assuming the easiest way would be to make the left tilt produce the CTRL+ALT+Left arrow key keyboard command, and so on with the right.22:23
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stroyanpianistbaby: A system can overheat from adding hard drives.  It is a question of case fan and airflow.  Cheap power supplies can also get flakey when adding more hardware.22:23
mscyber07can anyone tell me which driver goes with my hard drive?22:23
pianistbabystroyan: i see. i didn't know that.22:23
mscyber07I have a Samsung Model HS 122JC22:23
pianistbabystroyan: oh, yes. case has a case fan!. 8-) we're good. 8-)22:23
xanguaMaGicMaX: maybe with mouse gestures - easystroke22:23
DasEimscyber07: harddrives are usually found by hal, any special device ?22:24
dattagood i just reinstalled by gnome volume and fixed it22:24
mscyber07Ubuntu 9.04 (the text version) recognizes that there's one present, and22:24
mscyber07gives me a list to choose from.22:24
DasEimscyber07: so it's detected22:25
zagabar1Okay, when trying to connect to my ircd-hybrid server, I get a "23:24 -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server www.pallkars.net port 6667 [Connection refused]22:25
zagabar1". Do I need to change something to be able to connect to it?22:25
mscyber07what's hal?  ...yes.22:25
mscyber07it detects it, then asks which driver suits it.22:25
MaGicMaXxangua ive installed easystroke, not sure how it works though22:25
mscyber07I don't know, and I'm not sure where to go to find out.22:25
DasEi!who | mscyber07 ; hardware abstraction layer22:25
ubottumscyber07 ; hardware abstraction layer: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:25
xanguaMaGicMaX: the easystroke incluided in jaunty has a bug, you first need to create a global gesture to work22:26
DasEimscyber07: where do you hang then ?22:26
mscyber07!DasEi what do you mean where do I hang?22:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:26
xanguaMaGicMaX: you could try the ppa from easystroke in luanchpad, this bug is removed22:26
MaGicMaXxangua: i installed one from the repositories22:26
dattadid anyone record with audacity and how? the sound comes up but it is a lot less than the regualar way22:27
hwildedatta, alsamixer22:27
MaGicMaXxangua: i added the source from the launchpad PPA22:27
guntbertzagabar1: "your server" is running on your local machine?22:27
dattahwilde what aabout it?22:27
DasEimscyber07: you asked for a driver for your hardware, though ubuntu's kernel seems to fit it (the "!") triggers the channel ro-bot22:27
hwildedatta, go to the recording tab and check the volume22:27
zagabar1guntbert: No, "my server" is running on my ubuntu server machine.22:28
mscyber07DasEi: the kernel fits, I'm just not sure WHICH driver goes with my hardware.22:28
xanguaMaGicMaX: then try it, easystroke is great!! :D22:28
dattahwide one is capture which is at full and the other is capture 1 which is in 022:28
hwildezagabar1, can you telnet to that ip and port22:28
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mscyber07DasEi: I don't want to screw it up by giving it the wrong one.22:29
guntbertzagabar1: are you sure the irc server is running?22:29
zagabar1hwilde: i have never used telnet, only ssh22:29
zagabar1guntbert: no, how can I get sure?22:29
hwildezagabar1, type in   telnet ip port     see if it's even listening22:29
MaGicMaXxangua: i have version 0.4.9 i see the icon on my panel but all it does is let me disable it or see info22:29
DasEimscyber07: you can't, you can choose partitoning at install, not kernelbehavior22:29
dattahwide what does it mean when one is at nothing and the other is at the full maximum?22:29
xanguaMaGicMaX: LEFT clic on it22:29
MaGicMaXxangua: how do i go about doing it22:30
zagabar1hwilde: I did it in cmd, and I got "could not open connection"22:30
mscyber07DasEi: I've got the install going right now.  Would you like to private chat and walk me thru it?22:30
MaGicMaXxangua: ok i got it heh22:30
guntbertzagabar1: on the server type lsof -i | grep 6667, is there an output?22:30
MaGicMaXxangua: could u guide me through doing it?22:31
zagabar1guntbert: no output22:31
DasEimscyber07: I won't stay up long (up since more then 35 h), why private, it's common sense here22:31
enduser000so I have a gateway p-6831fx with the latest updates (2.6.28-15-generic headers) in ubuntu 9.04 and the sound doesn't work. it does work, however when you plug in headphones22:31
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enduser000does anyone know how I can fix that?22:31
guntbertzagabar1: then its either not running or listening on another port22:31
hwildezagabar1, ok so you either have a network related issue or the server is not listening22:31
balleyneis there a command to print out my username?22:32
xjuniorhi, I'm trying to plug my notebook on my tv, via RGB, but when ubuntu starts, and GDM login screen pops up, I can see it on my TV, after I login, the TV gets blank and a "no signal" message appear. Can somebody try to help me?22:32
Gillok2Anyone knows how to show the 4 desktop icons in the tray of xfce ?22:32
enduser000balleyne: whoami22:32
DasEimscyber07: http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-9.0422:32
balleyneenduser000: ah, right -- thanks!22:32
zagabar1guntbert: how do I start the server then, to make sure it is running? In the config file I saw that it listened on 6666-6669. I don't think it is a network related problem. My forum,minecraft server, etc is working22:32
alberto_hey guys somebody know where are the wireless's network passkey stored in ubuntu?22:32
brynjarhcan I replace a string of text in 10 text files all at once from the command line? (just like search and replace but on many files at once)22:32
enduser000so I have a gateway p-6831fx with the latest updates (2.6.28-15-generic headers) in ubuntu 9.04 and the sound doesn't work. it does work, however when you plug in headphones22:33
enduser000alberto_: accessories > passwords and encryption keys22:33
enduser000I have a gateway p-6831fx with the latest updates (2.6.28-15-generic headers) in ubuntu 9.04 and the sound doesn't work. it does work, however when you plug in headphones22:33
guntbertzagabar1: try (on the server) /etc/init.d/irc<tab> (should expand to a file name) start22:34
mscyber07DasEi: thanks, I'll give it a try.22:34
zagabar1guntbert: Starting Hybrid 7 IRC Server: ircd-hybridroot@pallkars:/etc/ircd-hybrid#22:34
zagabar1I'll try to connect now22:34
JazzDrummerGirlhello. i need some help with downloading a webcam program22:34
guntbertzagabar1: now the lsof... once more22:35
zagabar1guntbert: Still nothing.22:35
enduser000JazzDrummerGril: just to see it? or to talk to others? try cheese or ekiga, respectivley22:35
guntbertzagabar1: ok - on the server type lsof -i | grep 666, is there an output?22:35
TheCheezeso now i have a FNG question...22:36
zagabar1guntbert: naope.22:36
xjuniorplease guys?22:36
Psi-Jack[ 115.340885] ACPI: Unable to turn cooling device [f7076f18] 'on'22:36
xjuniorhi, I'm trying to plug my notebook on my tv, via RGB, but when ubuntu starts, and GDM login screen pops up, I can see it on my TV, after I login, the TV gets blank and a "no signal" message appear. Can somebody try to help me?22:36
TheCheezei have 64bit os installed, but the Xserver settings only go to 24bit?22:36
JazzDrummerGirlenduser000: i think cheese was the one i wanted to use. i am getting errors tho :/22:36
Psi-JackI keep getting that in my syslog every 10 seconds, and I'm trying to stop it properly.22:36
TheCheezexjunior- what vid card drivers?22:37
xjuniorTheCheeze, intel22:37
Psi-JackI can't seem to echo anything into /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/trip_points, it just gives me "No such device" errors.22:37
alberto_enduser000 thanks, now i have another question, how do i know what the passkey is when all i see is "2343bec...."?22:37
stroyanTheCheeze: 64-bit is the size of an address pointer.  24-bit is the number of bits representing one pixel of color.  8 red + 8 green + 8 blue22:37
TheCheezedamn, dont know how to help ya then. i know how to do it with nvidia22:37
sanjaygudmorning to all22:37
TheCheezestroyan- so there really isnt much of a graphical difference in 64bit? i havent noticed one22:38
stageranyone know how to get quicktime working for firefox? So i can watch apple trailers. Im using Jaunty.22:38
sanjayI'm using xubuntu 9.04.. can i use yahoo messenger with voice and video chat22:38
guntbertzagabar1: it looks like you have a problem in the server config, try to look into the log files (/var/log/syslog or /var/log/irc... or so), I have unfortunately no experience with irc servers so please put further questions to the channel again22:38
TheCheezequicktime is the devil22:38
stroyanTheCheeze: There is no graphical difference at all from 32-bit vs 64-bit pointers.22:38
enduser000JazzDrummerGirl: what errors are you getting? have you tried installing it in the command line (sudo apt-get install cheese). you could also try to get the dependencies with sudo apt-get build-dep cheese22:38
enduser000alberto_: yeah, that tells you the user, not the password22:39
mogi22hey the 2 major formats for mail are mbox and maildir, right?22:39
mscyber07I just fixed it!!22:39
stagerwhat plugin should i use to watch .mov files from apple?22:39
TheCheezestroyan to then what really IS the difference? sorry, before this i used windows MCE 32bit22:39
zagabar1guntbert: Okay, I will. Thanks anyway. =)22:39
guntbertzagabar1: you are welcome - good luck22:39
sanjayI'm using xubuntu 9.04.. can i use yahoo messenger with voice and video chat in my xubuntu22:40
xanguastager: sudp apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras (only if you use ubuntu-Gnome) ; it installs adobe flash, gstreamer CODECS, rar unrar, etc22:40
IdleOneI just did a fresh re-install of 9.04. firefox-3.0 does not seem to have it's default icon. How can I get it back?22:40
mogi22is there any way an mbox file could be binary format (according to less or vim) but still functioning when i go to access it in the webmail?22:40
xanguaIdleOne: reinstalling firefox22:41
JazzDrummerGirlenduser000: i get the eror W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/cheese/cheese_2.26.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb Could not resolve 'wap.metropcs.net' i dont know what that means, can you please help? :)22:41
xanguasanjay: use yahoo yes, video/audio conversation no22:41
IdleOnexangua: I tried that and it did not re-install the icon22:41
stroyanTheCheeze: A 64-bit processor can access more RAM  and virtual address space.  The x86 processors also have more registers available when in 64-bit mode.  That might cause some performance improvement using an OS that is targeted at 64-bit mode.  It is not likely to be noticeable.22:41
ngduoi am getting a message saying that my email is no good...cant register, can anyone help22:41
xanguaor at least i don know a client that it does sanjay22:41
enduser000JazzDrummerGirl: it sounds like you're not connected to the internet. can you get stuff in firefox?22:42
sanjayI installed wine  for xubuntu... but yahoo doen't work under wine in my xubuntu22:42
TheCheezegotcha. so in idiot's terms... 64bit just runs a little smoother22:42
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: are you using a mobile broadband connection?22:42
guntbertngduo: ask in #freenode please22:42
stagernow firefox just crashes when i try to play .mov file from apple with restricted extras22:42
ngduohow do i get there22:42
whiteshepQuestion for the group.  I recently switched from Windows to Ubuntu server.  Problem is in Windows when a program calls a directory of files it gives them alphabetical.  But under Ubuntu it gives the files in random order.  This random order messes up some gallery scripts and programs when it comes to sorting.  Aside from having to reprogram everything.  Is there a way to tell Ubuntu's file system (using ext3 atm) to give prog22:43
whitesheprams who request files in alphabetical order?22:43
xanguasanjay: using wine is not a guaranty all windows programs will work22:43
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: yes if that means i am using my phone for the internet, yes22:43
leftyfbwhere would I go to to get help with the people.ubuntu.com members sftp?22:43
enduser000I have a gateway p-6831fx with the latest updates (2.6.28-15-generic headers) in ubuntu 9.04 and the sound doesn't work. it does work, however when you plug in headphones22:43
guntbertngduo: /join #freenode (with the / as first character on the line)22:43
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: but when i connect to the wifi at home, it still doesnt work tho22:43
will-sJazz DrummerGirl: try gettin internet on your phone, the connection may be down there22:44
sanjayXangua:then what to do to run yahoo messenger.. is ther any other option for yahoo messenger  for xubuntu22:44
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buckywhiteshep: how about ls -r22:44
xanguasanjay: i use pidgin for conecting to yahoo network22:44
TheCheezesanjay- pidgin runs the yahoo engine22:44
TheCheezeand should do all of your audio/video conference stuff22:44
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: try a different repo22:45
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: mhmm. i can use the internet with the phones browser22:45
=== Taube is now known as taube
xanguasanjay: but the pidgin included in jaunty has a yahoo bug, adding the repos will fix them22:45
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: what is a repo. how can i connect to it22:45
sanjayin pidgin, audio and video stuff is not working :(22:45
xanguasanjay: you can check the instructions in http://pidgin.im22:45
whiteshepbucky: Problem is it's different programs are expecting to find files in alphabetical order.  I'm not using LS.  Is there any file system that sorts requests in alphabetical order?22:45
TheCheezeall i did to fix the yahoo bug was assign a differenct messenger server22:45
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: go to System->Admin->Software sources, then "download from"22:46
buckywhiteshep: what language?22:46
buckywhiteshep: you're not using ls that rules out bash...  what language?22:47
sanjayxangua: thank u  boss!!22:48
xanguajum boss¿¿22:48
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: I can't reload the packages because it can't resolve wap.metropcs.net... In Network Proxy settings, I have just set it to a direct connection and it still does not work.22:50
whiteshepbucky: I'm using Freepascal Findfirst and FindNext functions.22:50
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: can you get normal internet?22:50
buckywhiteshep: so your gallery script is written in freepascal ?22:50
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: Yes, pidgin (irc) and firefox work. I am on it right now22:50
stroyanwhiteshep: I have never seen a filesystem that sorts readdir() results alphabetically.  (Sorting alphabetically actually depends on the locale, which the kernel and filesystem don't actually know about.)22:51
whiteshepbucky: Mine is yes.22:51
zagabar1guntbert: I just discovered a thing with my ircd-hybrid server. It isn't shown in ps ux, and it has no ircd.conf. I searched the whole computer.22:51
buckystroyan whiteshep that's why php has scandir22:51
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: Good point, which package manager are you using? Synaptic, or Add / Remove, or apt-get22:51
buckywhiteshep: you'll have to find the freepascal equiv of scandir22:52
guntbertzagabar1: how did you install it? and try ps aux22:52
doktoreashello everybody..is there a way to set max memory per process?22:52
whiteshepstroyan: Windows uses a b-tree for filename lookups.  So directory listings are alphabetical.  I was hoping Ubuntu could do this?22:52
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: All of them lol22:52
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: hmm.. 1 min, i will check if i can get updates..22:53
GuidMorrowhow do I run !fsck on a vfat drive?22:53
whiteshepbucky: I posted a week ago to their forums with no response.  But I'll google.  Perhaps someone has written something so I won't have to do it all by scratch.22:53
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: It works on all my friends' Ubuntu systems22:53
zagabar1guntbert: it wasn't in ps aux either (btw what does that do that differs from ps ux?) and I installed it by typing sudo apt-get install ircd-hybrid22:53
bruno123hi all, just to let you know that here in canada (and probably US) walmart sells a UVC webcam that appears to work well (so far) with ubuntu.  The webcam is a Lexma Panda 10c (there is a 9c for notebooks) and sells for $23.98 canadian.22:54
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: yep, i can get it22:54
bruno123I have gotten it to work with Ekiga and Skype22:54
ironfoot_495Hello I've tried a lot of Google topics on Movie Player Has no permissions at this location and I hope someone can help me find away to solve this problem???22:54
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will-stry changing it back to "main server", then updating / refreshing, then installing22:54
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: try changing it back to "main server", then updating / refreshing, then installing22:54
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: Alright I will try it one second22:55
xanguaironfoot_495: what location ¿22:55
ToStItOs_Does anyone know the channel Marcel Cagne is?22:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fsck.vfat22:55
guntbertzagabar1: if I remember correctly the aux gives processes from "all" users, not just your own ones (type ps ux| wc, and the ps aux|wc)22:56
ironfoot_495xangua: when ever I try to use youtube for movies I get the error permissions denied at this location???22:56
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: I changed to Main, and the United States one and I still get the same errors :'(22:56
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nerdy_kidhow do i extract a floppy image to a floppy?22:57
ironfoot_495xangua: Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file22:57
ToStItOs_I cannot connect to Marcel Cagne Channel is there a way to talk to him?22:57
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will-sJazzDrummerGirl: what about if you type us.archive.ubuntu.com into firefox?22:57
guntbertzagabar1: as for the server - you might get better answers in #ubuntu-server, or look into the docs (maybe in /usr/share/doc/irc...)22:57
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buckyToStItOs_: l  #wftlchat  on chat.marcelgagne.com22:58
xanguaironfoot_495: cache is located on /tmp/ , normal users have no permissions22:58
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: Index of / ubuntu/ Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) Server at us.archive.ubuntu.com Port 8022:58
nerdy_kidwhat command do i use to extract .img files to floppy?22:58
ToStItOs_bucky: freenode server?22:58
xanguaironfoot_495: what wrowser do you use''¿ if you use FX you should try one of ther thunsand addons22:58
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: It's like apt is unaware that I changed proxy settings22:58
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: that's odd22:58
MaGicMaXhow to i make ubuntu automatically mount my 2nd HDD (at the same point point everytime) everytime it boots?22:58
ironfoot_495I stuck on figuring this out everything I've triedfirefox22:59
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:59
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: did you change the proxy globally?22:59
buckyToStItOs_: l  #wftlchat  on chat.marcelgagne.com  <-  Marcel's server22:59
th0rMaGicMaX: put a line in fstab for the drive22:59
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: (System Wide?)22:59
volodexhi people22:59
MaGicMaXth0r: how?23:00
ToStItOs_bucky I have Xchat is that on the list of servers?23:00
chordoggdoes anyone know how to prevent ubuntu from switching back to X when you logout of a tty?23:00
MaGicMaXi would like it to be mounted to /media/sdb123:00
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: Synaptic ->settings->prefs->network23:00
ironfoot_495an addon will fix this ?23:00
th0rMaGicMaX: http://www.google.com/search?q=add+a+drive+to+fstab&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a23:00
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: I just tried clicking "Apply System-wide" and I still can't update the packages23:01
sumo_sui can't mount my ntfs drives anymore. i didnt modify anything... what could be the problem?23:01
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: I will look at that one second23:01
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: once you set it, you have to restart synaptic (probably)23:01
zagabar1guntbert: Okay, I will go there.23:01
xsebsxi keep plugging my cellphone to my laptop and for some reason i don't see it load the phonecard device like it usually does can anyone help me figure out what i have to do23:02
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: Synaptic's settings already showed direct connection.. I clicked it again and hit apply, then close, then I restarted Synaptic and hit the big Reload button, but the same wap.metropcs.net error still comes up. I have no idea why this is happening23:03
chordoggwhen i logout of tty1 for some reason ubuntu switches me back to tty7, when i really want to just stay in tty1...i know this seems trivial but it is annoying. is there any way around this?23:03
snakedocWill iptables block a virtualbox bridged adapter?23:03
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: aren't you using a proxy?23:03
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: Well for now I just want to download cheese, but in the future I intend to use a proxy. When I am using the proxy I still get the same error though23:04
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: If I don't use a proxy, then I can't connect to the Internet through my phone.23:04
revolutionany help23:04
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: you could temporarily get it from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/cheese23:05
IyunkateusHey everyone. Earlier today I asked about some problems with Ubuntu on this machine, but I didn't have access to it at the time. I've taken these screenshots: http://imagebin.org/60401 http://imagebin.org/60402 http://imagebin.org/6040323:06
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: Okay. If I do that, will I get updates later on when apt finally works? Update manager seems to work downloading updates I will check23:06
x404x i get failed to resolve news.lan  in slrn not sure if thats correct for the local leafnode server ? its not what i have in /etc/hosts23:06
tplushello. i am new to irc chat. can someone let me know the security options i should setup immediately?23:06
Iyunkateustplus, what do you mean by security options?23:07
sumo_sui can't mount my ntfs drives anymore. i didnt modify anything... no error message exept "unable to mount volume". what could be the problem?23:07
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: try closing & opening synaptic, or if you are using proxy, set proxy in synaptic23:07
kosmicWireshark capture has shown me that 24% of packets passing through my network fail checksums23:07
buckyrevolution: do you have libboost1.35-dev installed?23:08
xanguaIyunkateus: do you deleted your package list!!¿23:08
enduser000hey, does anyone know why my sound works when I have headphones in but not otherwise?23:08
Iyunkateusxangua, it happened whenever I was installing updates23:09
Iyunkateuserr, when I was installing updates23:09
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: Doesn't work :/ Same error :(23:09
xanguait happended¿¿ that kind of things doesn't just happen Iyunkateus ...23:09
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: what do the firefox proxy settings look like?23:10
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: also, r u sure that it works over wifi?23:10
Iyunkateusxangua, well I was installing updates a few days ago, it restarted, and I saw what is in screenshots 1 and 223:10
stroyankosmic: It could be checksum offloading.  See http://www.wireshark.org/faq.html#q11.123:10
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: Yes it works over wifi I am on it right now. And Firefox uses system proxy settings23:10
tplusi mean how do i hide my ip23:11
tplusand how do i setup firewall exception23:11
kosmicstroyan: ty23:11
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: what are your sysProxy setttings set to?23:11
bazhang!cloak > tplus23:11
ubottutplus, please see my private message23:11
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: How do I find out?23:11
tplusubottu ?? where ?  i cant see it23:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:11
b3rz3rk3rtplus, in your channel list23:12
bazhangtplus, ask in #freenode about getting a cloak23:12
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: System->prefs->network proxy23:12
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks23:12
Iyunkateustplus, ubottu is a bot, there should be another window or tab titled Ubottu23:12
tplusyeah just read it23:13
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: Oh GNOME says direct connection right now23:13
MaGicMaXth0r: ok im gonna restart and see if this worked23:13
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: and apt-get install cheese doesnt work?23:13
buckyrevolution: is there a reason you're not using spring-installer - 20090119-0ubuntu1~9.04~ppa1  https://launchpad.net/~spring/+archive/ppa23:14
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: It's weird how only apt can't update proxy settings... but now i have to reload packages and it doesnt work23:14
buckyJazzDrummerGirl: your repos are all messed up... the non official ones change a lot23:14
GuidMorrowhow do I use fsck to check a disk for errors23:15
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: i cant work out what's wrong, youll have to ask someone else (or download it).23:15
dividebyzer0I have a question: I have a laptop that has a subwoofer and the volume isnt nearly as loud as it was on windows.. how do i go about fixing this?23:15
Iyunkateusthe funny part about my problem is that whenever I first saw the error I tried a bunch of random key combinations trying to get process manager or whatever, but I just remembered today that I had set (or it is that way by default, I don't remember) Ctrl-T as a shortcut for terminal23:15
JazzDrummerGirlbucky: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ is mine right now23:15
will-sJazzDrummerGirl: computer restart?23:15
GuidMorrowomg hacker23:16
b3rz3rk3rdividebyzer0, have you visited the volume options?23:16
JazzDrummerGirlwill-s: I will try a computer restart in a second now, but it hasn't been working for a while anyway even after restarting so far23:16
IyunkateusGuidMorrow, What about hackers?23:16
dividebyzer0b3rz3rk3r: you mean the Alsa mixer?23:16
will-sanyway, got to go now, so maybe see y'all soon..23:16
kamenhey guys23:16
tplusi was trying to setup microsoft vx1000 cam on xubuntu.. is this possible? all i can see is the green led of the cam on plugign in23:16
buckyJazzDrummerGirl:  that should work... what does sudo apt-get update23:17
b3rz3rk3rdividebyzer0, well yes, but have you been into prefs there and enabled all of your other channels?23:17
dividebyzer0I only have the master channel listed23:17
craCkpotwhere would be the ideal place to install firefox? (i'm using the package downloaded from getfirefox.com, not the packages listed in synaptic)?23:17
kamenI got an ubuntu problem with conecting to the interenet23:17
tplustried this   :    http://start.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=885795&page=223:17
Ben64craCkpot: why not use synaptic?23:17
b3rz3rk3rdividebyzer0, a lot of them will be disabled and set to zero be default23:17
craCkpotBen64: the packages it has is behind in terms of updates23:18
dividebyzer0b3rz3rk3r: which device do I use?23:18
craCkpotare behind*23:18
Ben64craCkpot: you could add the firefox ppa repository for brand new versions23:18
dividebyzer0b3rz3rk3r: can I PM you?23:18
b3rz3rk3rdividebyzer0, right click on your volume icon, and choose prefs, then enable all your devices23:18
b3rz3rk3rdividebyzer0, sure23:18
craCkpotooohhh, good call, Ben64!23:18
Ben64craCkpot: using the version from firefox.com could cause some issues23:18
craCkpothow so?23:18
xanguacraCkpot: no they are not, just activate proposed and backport support23:18
JazzDrummerGirlbucky: Can't resolve wap.metropcs.net (I have GNOME set as direct connection though) Some index files failed to download you should run apt-get update (thats what i just ran lol)23:18
kamenIf somone could spare a second, I could use some help with getting ubuntu to work on my computer23:19
xanguaproposed and backport updates*** craCkpot23:19
Ben64craCkpot: they have a daily ppa if you really want the bleeding edge23:19
buckyJazzDrummerGirl:  i can't get to wap.metropcs.net in firefox because the site is down23:19
Ben64i'm using it, but there are a couple issues23:19
craCkpoti don't necessarily want their daily builds or anything23:19
tpluskamen i just set it up few minutes back on my computer23:19
DasEi!details | kamen23:19
ubottukamen: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:19
Ben64craCkpot: what version of ubuntu you have?23:20
xanguaBen64 craCkpot there is also the mozilla security team ppa - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa23:20
GuidMorrowfound some updates : http://imagebin.org/6040723:20
xanguastable packages of firefox23:20
craCkpotim using 9.0423:20
Ben64xangua: yeah, but that doesn't work for hardy23:20
Ben64craCkpot: it'll work for you23:20
kamenI have Jaunty I think23:20
xanguaBen64: then try ubuntuzilla23:20
guntbertxangua: are you sure that it is a good idea to suggest enabling "proposed"?23:20
tplus9.04 = jaunty23:20
Ben64xangua: meh, i used the daily build, then locked version23:20
tplusis that right?23:20
JazzDrummerGirlbucky: It's port 3128 and yeah it is down... I want a direct connection though at least for right now. Apt-get is not recognizing I want a direct connection23:21
Ben64i haven't seen many issues23:21
buckyJazzDrummerGirl: your repos are all messed up... the non official ones change a lot23:21
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:21
kamenI have a usb wireless card that will show the networks but when I try to conect to one, it just tells me to try again, the network is protected and I have the key but that doesn't seem to make a difference23:21
xanguacraCkpot: then try Ubuntuzilla (a script that downloads and automaticaly installs the latest firefox)23:21
craCkpoti installed package 3.5 from synaptic, but its still saying im using 3.0.13 which is the first version listed in synaptic23:21
xanguacraCkpot: are you using jaunty ¿¿23:22
JazzDrummerGirlbucky: I have tried a a multitude of repos23:22
craCkpotyes i am23:22
tplusarquebus (n=shintaro@ has joined #ubuntu23:22
tpluswhy is this shown?23:22
Ben64craCkpot: just use security ppa23:22
GuidMorrowdid anyone see my imagebin post yet23:23
IyunkateusIs there anything I can do to try to solve these problems? second one happens after login http://imagebin.org/60401 http://imagebin.org/60402 http://imagebin.org/6040323:23
stroyanJazzDrummerGirl: Does "grep -ir proxy /etc/apt/" find any proxy lines?23:23
JazzDrummerGirl1 sec23:23
buckyJazzDrummerGirl:  well wap.metropcs.net is dead right now so what are you going to do?23:23
x404xany idea what is wrong when slrn does not create /root/.jnewssrc file ? i have a news user and running it as root23:23
xsebsxhelp, ubuntu's not reading my cellphone when i plug it in23:24
tplus(n=shintaro@ ?? what is this?23:24
craCkpotokay thank you Ben64 and xangua23:24
arquebustplus- my isp23:24
xsebsxi know it's particular cause i've already plugged it to another computer23:24
bazhangtplus, what irc client? you can hide parts and joins23:24
xsebsxand it detected the usb connection23:24
JazzDrummerGirlbucky: For now I want a direct connection and I am trying to get apt to not use the metropcs thing and I am working on what stroyan is saying23:24
tplusbazhang : xchat23:24
bazhangtplus, right click channel name23:25
xangua!es | arquebus ¿¿23:25
ubottuarquebus ¿¿: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:25
JazzDrummerGirlstroyan: No output23:25
MaGicMaXit worked!23:25
buckycraCkpot: either your exec in you lancher is point to the old FF or you need to update-alternatives your default browser23:25
arquebusgracias :)23:25
tplusbazhang : restart?23:25
buckyJazzDrummerGirl: are you really a girl?23:25
tomekhdoes synaptic have an option to show _only_ installed packages?23:25
bazhangtplus, no, just right click the channel name ( #ubuntu ) click hide joins/parts23:26
buckytomekh: yes but easier yet dpkg -la23:26
JazzDrummerGirlbucky: Yes lol with a guy friend also trying to help me23:26
bazhangbucky, is that related to ubuntu somehow?23:26
danbhfivetomekh: its one of the options...23:26
buckybazhang: i don't think i'm getting any real answers to my question from someone posing as a female23:27
xsebsxhelp, i have a sony ericsson w595, usually i've connected to my laptop but for some reason when i plug it in with the usb now it wont read it23:27
tplusbazhang : is it hidden? can u see my isp ?23:27
bazhangtplus, /join #freenode23:27
tomekhbucky: I want to remove some packages with dependencies, browsing All packages is pain for my eyes. How can i do that? should i use aptitude or synaptic?23:27
MaGicMaXanyone here use Ktorrent? I got a question about plugins23:27
Iyunkateustplus, just curious, why are you so concerned about your IP showing?23:28
MaGicMaXanyone here use Ktorrent? I got a question about plugins23:29
bazhangMaGicMaX, ask the question; if someone knows they will answer23:29
buckytomekh: apt-get remove <package>  then apt-get autoremove will remove any packages that are not depended on anymore and apt-get remove --purge <package> will remove all files including configuration files like in /etc/23:30
JazzDrummerGirlbucky: I am going to restart now and see if it works.23:31
MaGicMaXok, well i could like to have Ktorrent show the upload and download speed in real time on my panel, know if its possible?23:31
buckyMaGicMaX: apt-cache show plasma-widget-ktorrent23:32
MaGicMaXlike show the number on the panel permanently so i dont have to hover over the icon and wait a few secs everytime, id like to always look over and see the numbers23:32
bryhoytis there any way to add custom fields to a file on the Ubuntu filesystem (ext3)? Eg I have a list of photos, and I want to add a short "description=my description" label to each one, at the filesystem level. Any ideas?23:32
buckyMaGicMaX: apt-cache show plasma-widget-ktorrent23:32
ubuntujenkinshow do i get my webcam working in empathy?23:32
* Iyunkateus is away: Away23:33
MaGicMaXbucky: so run that all as a command?23:34
bazhang!away > Iyunkateus23:34
ubottuIyunkateus, please see my private message23:34
* kamen test23:34
buckyMaGicMaX: apt-cache show plasma-widget-ktorrent23:34
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
=== tplus is now known as test1
xanguaubuntujenkins: webcam in empathy only works for jabber23:34
=== test1 is now known as tplus
buckyubuntujenkins: install ekiga and set your cam up with that is probably the easiest way23:35
MaGicMaXbucky: ?23:35
ubuntujenkinsxangua thats disapointing back to pidgin then. thank you23:35
buckyMaGicMaX: type that command in a term and read it apt-cache show plasma-widget-ktorrent23:35
x404xi removed brltty ,cups and all bluetooth packages and yet the services menu still lists these as active . why cant i remove them ? I also rebooted and tryed service stop (name) gives me unrecognized service23:35
bucky!info plasma-widget-ktorrent | MaGicMaX23:36
ubottuMaGicMaX: plasma-widget-ktorrent (source: ktorrent): KTorrent Plasma widget. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1+dfsg.1-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 81 kB, installed size 236 kB23:36
Lord-ReadmanHello, how do I fully remove a package in ubuntu, as I did aptitude remove PACKAGE, and now it wont reinstall23:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about purge23:38
buckyLord-Readman: sudo apt-get install --reinstall <package> ?23:38
MaGicMaXbucky: thanks, just installed it, how do i get it up and working?23:38
MaGicMaXbucky: ive never used a widget before :P23:39
Lord-ReadmanThat didnt work bucky23:40
kamenalright, how do tell which version of ubuntu your running23:40
bazhang!version > kamen23:40
w0rmh0leI am a version 1.1.0 PyBorg23:40
ubottukamen, please see my private message23:40
=== elementz_ is now known as elementz
shammhi all23:41
danbhfiveLord-Readman: whats the error?23:41
Lord-ReadmanWell I removed blockcontrol23:42
shammfinally got Virtualbox to connect using eth1 in host-interface mode.23:42
Lord-Readmanand saw that /etc/blockcontrol/ was stil lthere, so i removed it, now i want to install, and it says grep /etc/blockcontrol/ no such file or directory23:42
Lord-Readmanso was wondering how to make ubuntu think iv never installed it23:42
Lord-Readmanso it will just put it back23:42
shammapt-get autoremove23:43
danbhfiveLord-Readman: but what is the actual error?23:44
buckyLord-Readman: got an error?23:44
kamenokay I'm running hardy, I got a problem with my wireless internet, it shows the network and the strength but when I go to put in my network password it doesn't seem to take it, it just acts like I hadn't done anything23:45
xsebsxhelp i have to do this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=975622&page=423:45
xsebsxbut i don't know how23:45
kameneg after I click ok23:45
xsebsxi downloaded the tars and extracted the files to the desktop23:45
buckyMaGicMaX: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/JauntyJackalope/Final/Kubuntu#KTorrent 3.2  Upgraders may have to add the Network Management plasma widget to their taskbar or desktop manually23:45
xsebsxbut i don't know hwo to copy them unto that file i tried it on the terminal and it wouldn't let me do it23:45
shammheya bucky23:45
shammbucky: I find kvm very interesting.23:46
buckyi don't do virtualization23:46
Lord-Readmanapt-get remove --purge PACKAGE fixed it23:46
shammI must've talked to different person before, sorry.23:47
MaGicMaXbucky: how do i do thaT?23:47
danbhfivexsebsx: sudo cp 65-persistent-storage-rules /etc/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage-rules23:47
buckyMaGicMaX: have you restarted ktorrent yet to see if the widget works?23:47
sergiu_ch_The firefox 3 in ubuntu linux work really slowly23:48
buckyMaGicMaX: might have to log out and back in again too23:48
shammsergiu_ch_: 3.5?23:48
MaGicMaXbucky: yes, doesnt23:48
sergiu_ch_shamm: i guess yes, ubuntu 9.04 ..23:48
mrwesAny opinions on whether rsync is faster than scp from a desktop to a server?23:48
buckyMaGicMaX: yes what?23:49
MaGicMaXbucky: do i need "plasma-widget-network-manager" ?23:49
IceMan99999hello i am new to ubuntu.is there a outher ver of ubuntu than ubuntu 9.0423:49
MaGicMaXbucky: oh i didnt log out but just shut Ktorrent down and reopened, didnt work23:49
qwyethI have a Chaintech GeForce FX5200 connected with a single-link DVI cable to an Asus V242H.  I should be able to push 1920x1080 but instead I'm stuck with a blurry 1440x900.  Any ideas?23:49
buckyMaGicMaX: it23:50
IyunkateusIceMan99999, other as in newer or older?23:50
buckyMaGicMaX: it's a desktop app you might need to restart the desktop23:50
MaGicMaXbucky: k brb23:50
IyunkateusIceMan99999, in that case no23:50
=== SkiDawg_ is now known as SkiDawg
Illuxiif i made code in c#, would ubuntu be able to use it23:50
IceMan99999ok thanks23:50
IyunkateusIceMan99999, A new version is released every six months23:51
shammqwyeth: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:51
buckyIlluxi: yes23:51
xsebsxdanbhfive: cp: cannot stat `65-persistent-storage-rules': No such file or directory23:51
IceMan99999so can u tell me what i can do witch a linux23:51
IceMan99999i hate windeos xp23:51
leninahi @ all - is there an issue known on psb-drivers and firefox ?23:51
IyunkateusIceMan99999, uh, well there's one thing, you can not-freeze up all the time23:51
qwyethshamm:  Oh, right.  Thank you... here goes.23:51
leninamy laptop freezes, when i scroll in firefox23:52
danbhfivexsebsx: did you download the file?  "cannot stat" just means it can't find it23:52
icerootIceMan99999: if you are not a gamer, the same as with windows23:52
tony__accidentally deleted the boot directory, I managed to copy the kernel img and disk memory back, the system can boot normally, but the encrypted HOME directory won't mount, any advice?23:52
buckyIlluxi: yes it's called mono-2.0 in linux23:52
IceMan99999no i am not a gamer23:52
CruxerzQue pasa banda23:52
icerootIceMan99999: and you dont have to reboot for everything23:52
imihow to install a package with apt-get as a dependence (e.g. in a wat that autoremove would consider removing it)?23:52
IceMan99999i like to do something better23:52
xsebsxdanbhfive: yes i downloaded it to the desktop23:52
kamenHardy, can some one help me connect to the intenet? I got the password for the network, but when I enter it in, it just spins forever23:52
kamenthen stops23:52
IyunkateusIceMan99999, Better as in...23:52
xsebsxwhere should i download it to23:52
danbhfivexsebsx: sudo cp ~/Desktop/65-persistent-storage-rules /etc/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage-rules23:53
MaGicMaXbucky: nope didnt work23:53
IceMan99999well i like to become better at linux because my friends tould me to try it so i am here23:53
danbhfivexsebsx: oops, spelling error, my bad23:53
FiloSottilehow can i get two monitors working, one of them rotated 90° with nvidia?23:53
IceMan99999but i am not sure what u can do witch it23:53
IyunkateusIceMan99999, You can do all kinds of things23:54
epaphusHello, is there a password generator preinstalled in UBuntu? or one that I can install with apt-get to use in the command line?23:54
IceMan99999I dont know how to programe anything23:54
IyunkateusIceMan99999, It's kinda like Windows, except it doesn't suck23:54
zvacetIceMan99999 : try live cd and if you like it install it and play with it and you will see ig that is what you want23:54
Tony-serverlol try the add/remove apps under applications23:54
danbhfivexsebsx: sudo mv /etc/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules.old && sudo cp ~/Desktop/65-persistent-storage.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules23:54
qwyethshamm: Hmm... it doesn't have resolutions listed like I expected...  here is my entire xorg.conf: http://pastebin.org/1068623:54
IceMan99999i have install it23:54
IceMan99999i over right my os23:55
ejvepaphus: sudo aptitude install pwgen23:55
paulnickersonare there any good packages to check hard disk integrity?23:55
MaGicMaXbucky: ill try that other package, what was it again?23:55
=== VirusTB_ is now known as Phuzzzy
FiloSottileTony-server: ?23:55
Tony-serverisnt zerocool that n00b hacker that got arrested awhile back lol23:55
IyunkateusIceMan99999, Well if you want to get into programming, try learning Python23:55
zvacetIceMan99999 : sorry I just come here is some kind of problem with ubuntu23:55
AlexiaTony-server, I thought zerocool was only a character in the movie Hackers23:56
IceMan99999i have tryd python it is a little bet hard23:56
FloodBot2Phuzzzy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:56
Tony-serveri meant @ empapus23:56
craCkpothmm why is Firefox 3.5 being called shiretoko?23:56
jerrcshttp://pastebin.com/m312f8f71 < getting some errors when I try to mount a drive.. can anyone help?23:56
IyunkateusIceMan99999, It's not easy to learn a language23:56
Tony-serverthere are password generators listed under the add/remove feature for applications23:56
PhuzzzyHow do i get to install WINE onmt laptop from the terminal?23:56
=== Phuzzzy is now known as Phuzzy
e370Phuzzy: its easier to use add/remove23:57
IyunkateusPhuzzy, it's in add/remove, just search for wine23:57
Phuzzye370:  ok how do i do that, im 100% newbie23:57
IceMan99999I really like to know what all that you can do with a linux that you can not do on windeos xp or vista23:57
zvacetPhuzzzy : sudo apt-get install wine23:57
icerootPhuzzy: sudo apt-get install wine23:57
IceMan99999i am thinking about hacking23:57
ejvlol.. hacking23:58
* ejv rolls eyes23:58
=== Someone67 is now known as Someone67`
danbhfiveIceMan99999: developer week is in about a week and a half!!23:58
Phuzzyok thanks, and whats the site where I can see the apps for wine?  iceroot, e370 Iyunkateus ?23:58
icerootIceMan99999: first learn what linux is and how to handle, and then learn what hacking is (and what is the difference to cracking)23:58
IyunkateusIceMan99999, hold on a second, I think I have a link you might be interested in23:58
e370< noob 223:58
AlexiaIceMan99999, no one here is likely to teach you hacking, (maybe script hacking),23:58
ejvyou wanna hack, learn C, then C++. See you in 2 years.23:58
=== tony__ is now known as digitalsatori
epaphusejv, thanks23:59
icerootPhuzzy: http://appdb.winehq.org/23:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:59
ejvyou're welcome epaphus23:59
IceMan99999what is script hacking23:59
IceMan99999can u give me a link23:59
Tony-serverhacking of scriptz23:59
IyunkateusPhuzzy, Ubuntu uses Wine automatically whenever you run an exe or other windows application23:59
iceroot!ot | IceMan9999923:59
ubottuIceMan99999: please see above23:59
e370l337 hacker eh?23:59
AlexiaIceMan99999, editing shell scripts, etc23:59
bazhangplease take the chat to #ubuntu-offtopic23:59

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