
=== rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride
eekfonkyubuntu one daemon keeps crashing with a fatal error on start up, can I fix this?07:04
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sladencould somebody demilestone, move to 'ubunet' and remilestone   bug #416300  bug #416304  bug #41630811:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416300 in ubuntuone-client "Web Interface: Add coments field to File Info" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41630011:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416304 in ubuntuone-client "Web Interface: Add move and copy files to another Folder" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41630411:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416308 in ubuntuone-client "Web Interface: Add Read the Guide download option" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41630811:21
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xray7224im struggling linking this computer with my ubuntu one account12:25
xray7224this computer runs ubuntu 9.1012:25
xray7224doesn't matter fixed it12:32
urbanapemorning, all.14:20
jblounturbanape: yo14:22
aquariushey urbanape14:27
urbanapejblount, made your arrangements for london?14:57
urbanapegot mine squared away finally14:58
jblounturbanape: Not yet, but it's in the plans for today.14:58
jblountOne of those things that slip my mind quickOH LOOK< SHINY!@#!14:58
* aquarius remembers to pay attention at 3pm for the first time all week14:59
urbanapeyup, don't wait too long14:59
rodrigo_aquarius: 10 seconds to go :)14:59
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
jblountHello hackers! Let's all tell each other about our progress and where we are headed. Please respondn with "me" if you'd like to take part:15:00
urbanapeDONE: Wrote some tests and skeletal code to support multiple file downloads15:02
urbanapeTODO: Finish up ZipStream integration and wire up javascript side15:02
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:02
urbanapejblount: you're up.15:02
jblountDONE: Fixed wifi on (stupid frackin) dell laptop, setup 1/2 of dev environment on new laptop, stabbed dell in the face with a icepick.15:02
jblountteknico: rocknroll15:02
teknicoDONE: more reviews, helping markgsaye's split his mammoth branch, looking at the phones web ui15:02
jblountTODO: finish last 1/2 of dev environment, get branch for modal dialogs pushed, finish off human computer name branch, make flight arrangements for London in a few weeks15:02
teknicoTODO: reviewing markgsaye's branches, working on the phones web ui15:02
teknicoBLOCKED: none15:02
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:02
tekniconext: rodrigo_15:02
rodrigo_• DONE: Released couchdb-glib 0.4.4 and submitted package. Discussed with Jonh Carr about http://github.com/Jc2k/tracker-replicator/tree/master . Submitted json-glib-0.7.6 package. Discussed with sandy about multiple sync servers and how it's not a good idea for this cycle15:02
rodrigo_• TODO: Add more tests in couchdb-glib test suite. More openSUSE packaging. Patch tomboy ubuntu package to have ubuntuone.com as default sync server. Add social services accounts config to about-me. Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Propose couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb for GNOME 2.29. Store UUIDs for postal addresses. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool15:02
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: none15:02
rodrigo_next: aquarius15:02
aquarius⚀ DONE: fix test problems with design-docs-load branch; make DC create oauth tokens on initial setup and save them in the gnome keyring15:02
aquarius⚁ TODO: piston oauth in snowy; learn about process groups; review desktopcouch changes from past week; work with eric on having dc.records use oauth; have pairing app actually do oauth token exchange and save into management db; DC startup kick off continuous replication to all paired servers15:02
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED: need to pull couchdb trunk *again* for packaging to get latest patch. Talk to statik about this and watch him and kenvandine wag the waggy finger of disapproval15:02
aquarius"I ask you to kill vds and you can't even do that one simple thing" - Robert Vaughn, Superman 315:02
vdsDONE: landed branch for sync record, code review, discussed about default contact fields, completing mark's branch for funambol extra fields, sent mail to funambol support15:02
vdsTODO:  finish branch do more review15:02
vdsBLOCKED: no15:02
vdsstatik: please15:03
aquariusurbanape, what's ZipStream?15:05
urbanapeIt's a chunking zip file iterator from spideroak15:06
urbanapeThink we're gonna try using it for multiple file downloads.15:07
aquariusreally? that's quite cool :)15:07
statikDONE: couchdb package, hacking on nautilus, lots of talking, reviews and merges TODO: more nautilus spelunking, a new couchdb package maybe BLOCKED: still waiting on spawning installed on the servers15:07
statiksorry, i'm lagged really badly15:07
statikaquarius, so whats the latest patch in couchdb that we need?15:07
jblountMEETING ENDS (I think?)15:07
aquariusstatik, the oauth stuff currently only reads user accounts from the couch _user database, not from the couch ini file. jasondavies today wrote a (pretty trivial) patch which makes it read from the ini file too, just like standard basic auth does.15:08
aquariusstatik, I need to test this patch to confirm it works, but it will make our lives 100 times easier if it's in.15:09
aquarius(I thought it already did this, but it doesn't)15:09
rodrigo_statik: did the dbus thing work?15:10
kenvandineaquarius, so we need a new snapshot of couch?15:11
aquariuskenvandine, yes, if we can (I need to test that it actually works as claimed first :))15:11
kenvandineit isn't in karmic yet15:11
kenvandinei want them to branch 0.10 first15:12
aquariusis the time I have to confirm this measured in minutes, hours, or days?15:12
kenvandineso we know it might be kind of stable :)15:12
kenvandineaquarius, any idea when they will branch it?15:12
aquariusoh, cool, so it'll be in a 0.10 branch when it happens, since it's in trunk now -- but I'll test to make sure it actually, y'know, works first ;)15:12
aquariuskenvandine, I do not...15:13
kenvandineaquarius, yeah... lets keep our snapshot in the ppa up2date15:13
kenvandinebut i really want it in karmic asap15:13
kenvandinebut want them to branch first15:13
kenvandineaquarius, can you get an eta on that branch?15:13
aquariusthe thing that's stopping them branching is that damienkatz wants to review the history patch15:16
statiki can roll a new snapshot15:17
statikand this time i will include the permissions fixes from kenvandine :)15:17
statiki don't think it will be this week because damien was on vacation, and he needed to review the history patch before deciding whether it could be included in the 0.10 branch15:18
kenvandinestatik, i thought that was what we discussed yesterday, that they would branch without the revision history?15:20
statiknot sure if this went through before, my connection dropped15:28
statikkenvandine, if damien finds major problems with the history patch, then we go without it15:28
statikif he says fine, commit it, then we want to have it because it's really really good to have15:28
kenvandineso we will wait for that decision15:28
kenvandinethen lets upload what we have15:28
kenvandinelets say whatever we have end of day tomorrow, i will prepare for upload friday morning15:29
statikthanks kenvandine! you are a star15:29
aquariustomorrow *is* Friday15:30
aquariusisn't it? the timezone difference isn't that big. :)15:31
kenvandinei am all screwed up.. i missed monday :)15:31
kenvandineok... monday then :)15:31
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hollmanhello all16:18
hollmanhay i have a problem with my ubuntuone, when it try to start, it show me a error that the ubuntuone-syncdaemon16:22
joshuahooverhi hollman16:22
hollmanhttp://img41.imageshack.us/i/problemuo.png/ --> the message16:22
joshuahooverhollman: can you file a bug for this and attach log files?16:25
hollmanjoshuahoover, this is my other cuestion, I looked in launchpad and i don't know if this bug are reported or not16:27
joshuahooverhollman: i believe it has been filed: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/41629016:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 416290 in ubuntuone-client "Ubuntu One Software Doesn't Start" [Undecided,New]16:28
joshuahooverhollman: if you can run the following command at a terminal session, we'll get some logs attached to that bug: apport-collect -p ubuntuone-client 41629016:29
joshuahooverhollman: some log files will help the devs troubleshoot this and get the problem nailed down :)16:29
hollmanYes, that is16:30
joshuahooverjblount: ping16:30
jblountjoshuahoover: yo16:32
joshuahooverjblount: thoughts on this user's request (see last comment in particular): https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+bug/41463016:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 414630 in ubunet "folder open icons do not toggle" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:32
joshuahooverjblount: i don't think the previously opened folder should close when you open another via the web ui16:34
jblountjoshuahoover: The folder icons should toggle, something is not working, I'm not positive what it is. Please assign it to me, I need to dig around and sort that out.16:34
jblountjoshuahoover: We both agree he's talking about the icons right?16:34
jblountThe little folder icons on the left of each folder, there is one for opened, and one for closed and they are not behaving correctly.16:35
jblountAnd, I guess, if you have sub folder of a parent open, the parent should have the "open icon" not the closed one.16:35
joshuahooverjblount: i'm thinking of when i use nautilus in list mode and how that behaves...when i open another folder using the arrow in nautilus, the previously opened folder doesn't close16:36
jblount"previously opened" changes depending on if it's a parent of what you currently have opened.16:36
jblountIf it's a parent of current, it should stay open, if it is some unrelated folder it should be closed.16:37
joshuahooverjblount: ok, that would still behave differently than nautilus (which may be fine, but what you're describing isn't what i would expect)16:37
jblountjoshuahoover: I would suggest documenting how you feel, and having the discussion on the bug so it's there for the bug reporter and we can point the design team at it, I'll update with my opinions also.16:38
joshuahooverjblount: cool...wanted to get your thoughts before i post mine :)16:39
jblountI'm not saying I'm right, I haven't thought about this much, the answer seemed clear to me. :)16:39
joshuahooverjblount: :)16:40
* jblount goes running while the inital 'make test' runs on this machine16:41
xray7224ubuntu on is good16:43
joshuahooverthank you for the compliment xray7224 :)16:48
jdooh crap...I'm supposed to have face duty today17:25
joshuahooverjdo: you are?17:40
jdojoshuahoover, I thought I was17:47
joshuahooverjdo: i thought christian was today17:47
jdojoshuahoover, he's on a spring17:50
jdosprint...I was supposed to substitute17:50
joshuahooverjdo: ah, got ya17:51
aquariuskenvandine, ping18:12
aquariusor statik, ping18:12
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Help contact: | File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 163, Protocol Revno is 63 | Release 0.92
urbanapestatik, I don't think ZipStream, per se, will be doing quite what we want.18:33
urbanapeIt wants to operate on a filesystem path.18:33
urbanapeIf there was a nice way to "StringIO"-ify a tree of files, that'd be killer.18:34
urbanapeso, we could create a virtual path that we could pass it and it'd zip everything up.18:34
urbanapewho can give me a crash course in how we're storing notional directories in U1?18:55
urbanapedo we just serialize the tree structure with links to other S3 keys?18:56
gaftonurbanape: directpries don't have s3 keys. basi cally they are just nodes that have a parent node to another node18:58
urbanapebut they exist somewhere, yeah? Lemme rephrase: how do we store the actual directory tree for U1?19:00
gaftonurbanape: they are objects/rows) in a table/ in a database19:11
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fgagnonHi there! One tiny question : Is the client supposed to run with a PPC processor?20:59
fgagnonCould it be the reason why -- after a few attempts -- the client doesn't want to install on the webpage? (I read the bug report)21:00
jblountfgagnon: Hi! As far as I know, no one has been able to get the client software running on ppc, although I've heard it wouldn't be very difficult :)21:03
fgagnonSo I'd just need to compile it myself, I guess...21:04
statikfgagnon: yes, exactly. you can apt-get source ubuntuone-client-gnome and it's dependencies, and then rebuild the source packages locally21:07
statikit sounds like a big headache to me though :)21:07
fgagnonWell I'm not exactly an expert on this, and this is my office machine... Guess I'll pass.21:07
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urbanapewoohoo, multi-file success. In the lamest way possible.21:48
urbanapeso, more like wooboo21:48
statikworse is better21:50
statikand then you win21:51
urbanapeBut seriously, I've pretty much undone what we were setting out to do.21:55
urbanapeif we're going to use ZipStream, we'll have to do something even uglier, I'm afraid. Or invest some resources into something like py.path.memory...21:55
urbanapeI just pushed my branch. It's not wired up to the javascript view just yet, but I've tested it by computing a URL based on multiple files, and I get a zip archive that can be extracted.22:07
urbanapeI put a lot of what I'm thinking into the commit message, too.22:07
urbanapeprobably bears some discussino.22:07
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