
Nerd42Third time's the charm!!04:40
* Nerd42 is finally chatting to you live in a Wubi Xubuntu install that's WORKING with the latest updates!! :)04:40
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE04:41
Nerd42knome, sorry about earlier, I was just getting frustrated I guess04:44
Nerd42Hey :)05:58
Nerd42er wait this is probably a better question for ##windows i'll ask there05:58
BesogonWhat make link-lical adress (169.254.0.xxx) in 9.04? I have found on page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZeroConfNetworking that there is needed zeroconf package. But in my repositary I have only kde-zeroconf. And I don't use KDE! help05:59
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evilbughow can i change my login theme?07:27
evilbugnevermind, forgot where it's located. X_X07:29
Kijunahey, anyone alive?07:31
KijunaI'm trying to make a keyboard layout with english, vietnamese, greek, spanish, turkish, and icelandic characters07:36
majukGood luck.07:37
KijunaI need help.07:37
majukI have no idea where to even begin. Available != Informed07:37
_Pete_always goog place to begin is google07:41
KijunaDid that07:41
KijunaI got a bunch of stuff that I can't even begin to understand :/07:41
_Pete_then maybe delegate job to someone who understands or start learning?07:42
KijunaNobody else seems to understand either.07:42
Kijunawhat is X11?07:44
_Pete_graphical window system07:44
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:12
benchikwhere are the power settings in xfce? i want to change the timing of screen turn off08:55
Kijunaso i just rebooted my x09:09
Kijunaand i am none the wiser on how to make a keyboard layout09:09
Kijunaso guys10:54
Kijunawhere is the vietnamese keyboard layout10:54
Kijunain the folders10:54
TheSheepKijuna: have you tried /usr/share/X11/locale/ ?11:09
Kijunalol i have no idea what all the letters in this folder mean11:12
Kijuna...I've spent all day on this. There is no reason for this to be so difficult.11:21
Kijunabut yeah none of the stuff in this folder is keyboard layouts11:22
Kijunai might just be better off just guessing the letter's name11:23
TheSheepif you know the name of the file, you could use locate...11:24
KijunaI'm trying to make a keyboard layout with an o with horn11:25
Kijunalol @ article needing citation11:29
Kijunathe sky is blue [citation needed]11:30
Kijunaok so11:55
Kijunai finished changing the layout11:55
Kijunaand now it is saying that I don't have the permissions to save it11:55
KijunaCould not save the file /usr/share/keymaps/atari/atari-de.kmap.11:56
KijunaYou do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.11:56
TheSheepKijuna: save it in your home directory, then start 'gksu thunar' and copy it in place12:20
KijunaThx <312:21
TheSheepshame there is no O with two horns, could be cool character for a roguelike game12:21
KijunaI like the way you think.12:21
TheSheepI thought that in Vietnam the Chinese characters are used?12:23
KijunaAt least judging by the heyboard layouts that came pre-installed. :p12:24
KijunaStill saying I don't have permission.12:25
KijunaSaved it on the desktop ok12:25
Kijunai typed "gksu thunar"12:26
Kijunanow what12:26
TheSheepuse it to copy the file12:30
TheSheepto the right location12:30
Kijunause what to copy the file?12:34
* Kijuna linux noob.12:34
TheSheepwell, you should see a file manager window, with a red warning on top12:35
Kijunacopy /home/kijuna/desktop/atari-de.kmap , then paste /usr/share/kmaps/atari ?12:36
KijunaNope, nothing like that12:36
Kijunalufflewaffles:/home/kijuna# copy /home/kijuna/desktop/atari-de.kmap12:40
Kijunabash: copy: command not found12:40
TheSheepit's cp12:41
TheSheepbut it's easier to do it with thunar12:41
Kijunacp /home/kijuna/desktop/atari-de.kmap12:41
KijunaThunar never opened12:41
TheSheepyou typed 'gksu thunar' in terminal and entered your passowrd in the prompt?12:47
KijunaThere was no prompt12:47
Kijunanope, no prompt12:48
Kijunaso hey13:20
Kijunai just changed a keyboard alayout, how i save it13:20
Kijunamore specifically13:22
Kijunahow do i copy a file into a folder i don't have permissions to edit13:22
Kijunai have no idea what keyboard layout i just edited.13:30
Kijunaso like13:37
Kijunai can't find it in the layout menui13:38
Kijunai have been doing this for longer than most people spend awake in a day.13:38
Kijunathere are no words13:38
Kijunafor what a ridiculous process this way.13:38
Kijunaand is13:39
TheSheepKijuna: maybe you should use some howto?13:47
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts13:47
AquinaThe CLP "/usr/lib/kde4/bin/kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental" prints the following: "kbuildsycoca4(10636) KBuildMimeTypeFactory::createEntry: Missing <comment> field in  "/usr/share/mime/text/x-boo.xml" "13:48
Aquina30 more warnings were issued is this a reason for concern?13:48
AquinaI had a look into some of these mime-files and they state "Created automatically by update-mime-database. DO NOT EDIT!"13:49
Keriois it common for libcurses taking long time to install?14:13
AquinaNo, I don't think so...14:21
KijunaError activating XKB configuration.14:46
KijunaIt can happen under various circumstances:14:46
Kijuna- a bug in libxklavier library14:46
Kijuna- a bug in X server (xkbcomp, xmodmap utilities)14:46
Kijuna- X server with incompatible libxkbfile implementation14:46
KijunaX server version data:14:46
KijunaThe X.Org Foundation14:46
KijunaIf you report this situation as a bug, please include:14:46
Kijuna- The result of xprop -root | grep XKB14:46
Kijuna- The result of gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd14:46
knome!pastebin | Kijuna15:19
ubottuKijuna: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:19
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
knome!hi | Kerio15:22
ubottuKerio: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!15:22
Kerioim trying to unpack a kernel and apply a patch15:23
Keriofollowing the guide: http://wiki.fragaholics.de/index.php/EN:Linux_Kernel_Optimization15:23
Keriobut im using different version then that in the example15:24
Kerioand i cant get it to work15:24
Keriotar zxf linux-
Keriocd linux-
Keriozcat ../patch- | patch -p115:24
Keriowhat does zcat do?15:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zcat15:25
knometo be honest, you shouldn't try to patch a kernel if you don't know what things do15:25
Kerioi understand your point15:25
Keriobut if you dont experiment you wont learn15:29
knomeyou should read some tutorials/manuals then15:29
knomei don't know what zcat does myself.15:29
Kerioim following this guide15:29
Kerioctrl+f: Now unpack the Kernel and apply the patch15:30
Kerioand you'll see15:30
Keriotar zxf linux-
Keriounpacks a file - right?15:37
Keriocd change directory15:37
Kerioi get a msg that my terminalwindow is to small to run menuconfig16:37
Kerioi have to fix the resolution in that case- right?16:37
abra.пе How do I switch system sounds on?16:53
abra[fixed] How do I enable system sounds?16:55
crazygirwhen trying to access the audio device, I get resource busy: http://dpaste.org/GtuU/19:32
crazygirany debugging suggestions? I don't see why it would be locked up..19:32
crazygirthis happened pretty suddenly, I've always been able to play from multiple sources, and I don't have anything using the device19:33
* crazygir waves19:38
Kerioim trying to "Setting your servers to run with realtime scheduling "19:38
Kerioi have entered: ps ax | grep hrtimer19:39
Kerioin i got:  12 ?        S<     0:00 [sirq-hrtimer/0]19:39
Kerio 4951 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep hrtimer19:39
KerioThere should be something like [softirq-hrtimer/N] for each CPU (N is a number). Strip the brackets and the /N and use what is left...19:40
Kerioi dont quite get the latter19:40
Keriostrip the /n and use what is left19:40
Kerioany ideas?19:41
TheSheep[] <-- brackets19:42
* crazygir curses sounds19:42
* crazygir curses sound19:42
TheSheep /0 <-- /N19:42
Kerioim following the guide: http://wiki.fragaholics.de/index.php/EN:Linux_Kernel_Optimization19:46
Kerioim at "Setting your servers to run with realtime scheduling"19:46
Kerioshould i just paste "sirq-hrtimer" into /etc/crontab19:48
crazygirany thoughts? http://dpaste.org/GtuU/19:57
Keriowhat does: echo ?linux addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so? > /usr/hlds/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini20:48
geniiKerio: I imagine the question marks in that line are meant to be double-quotes. That line copies a Half-Life mod definition into the plugins.ini file. Specifically that mod is described here: http://www.amxmodx.org/index.php21:00
PeterDarknessAnybody home?21:40
vinnlDepends on your question :P21:40
PeterDarknessWell to start off, I run an MSI wind netbook, and I'm trying to enable dual screens. I.E One screen on lappy, one on a monitor.21:41
PeterDarknessBut, I'm 100% unsure how to go about doing this.21:41
PeterDarknessRight now its mirrored21:42
PeterDarknessAny ideas? :P21:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screens21:42
vinnlHmm :S21:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about monitor21:42
PeterDarknessNeither does google. :S21:43
vinnlI'm trying to think of the name of the application I think you need21:43
vinnlBut my mind's leaving me in the dark right now21:43
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead21:44
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama21:44
vinnlPeterDarkness, there :)21:44
* PeterDarkness looking over dual head21:45
PeterDarknessI've looked at the xinerama thing, my only problem is in my xorg, it doesn't specify video card info21:45
PeterDarknessIt just says this Section "Device"21:46
PeterDarknessIdentifier"Configured Video Device"21:46
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:46
vinnlThe configuration file no longer contains what it used to21:46
vinnlMeaning that it contains nothing now because it should autoconfig21:47
vinnlI think you'd need to add such a section yourself21:47
vinnlUnfortunately I wouldn't know how to do that21:47
vinnl!hi | goldrake21:47
ubottugoldrake: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!21:47
goldrakethank you for your wellcome21:48
PeterDarknessWell thx for the help *continues reading*21:48
vinnlGood luck :)21:48
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PeterDarknessAnyone home?23:45
SiDiyeh, but going bed, sorry :|23:45
PeterDarknessNight :)23:47

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