
dgroosgood evening all01:13
dgroossbalneav, I've been experimenting with Sabayon--want some log files?01:14
sbalneavNah, paneldelegate's pretty broken, and probably the source of most of the problems now.01:16
sbalneavI've got it failing quite a bit.01:16
sbalneavOh, as for your auth problem, have you tried restarting dbus?01:16
sbalneavMight have a new version.01:31
sbalneavlots of panel operations, no dumps or crashers.01:49
sbalneavWe may have a winner here01:49
sbalneavok New version of sabayon pushed.01:49
Lnssbalneav: !! =)01:50
Lnsyou rock and stuff01:50
sbalneavI'm not smart.01:50
sbalneavjust doggedly determined :)01:50
Lnsyou must be getting a pretty good grip on gconf through all this, eh?01:50
sbalneavbetter than I did.01:50
sbalneavhere's the laugh: debian wants me to be the maintainer for sabayon  :)01:51
LnsIt would be interesting for you to do a braindump on what you think are relevant keys in gconf for ltsp type setups..almost like a master list of tweaks to make things work well/better01:51
Lnsnice! hahaha01:51
sbalneavthey've actually dropped the package since it's so brookeeen01:51
Lnswow..that's saying a lot for debian... ;)01:51
sbalneavOh, that's easy01:51
sbalneavtake a look at the gnome administrators guide01:52
sbalneavthey've got a whole SECTION on gconf stuff for low bandwidth/low memory usage.01:52
sbalneavit's actually a pretty good guide.01:52
sbalneavhold on, I'll find the link01:52
dgroosSbalneav--I did a lengthly test of Sabayon and it seem basically ready for prime time :)01:53
Lnswell i've read most/all of the gconf section of the gag01:53
sbalneavdgroos: Check the one building now when it's done01:54
sbalneavI've (I think) fixed several crasher bugs that were in paneldelegate.py01:54
dgroosI created a limited user profile, eliminating most games etc.01:54
Lnssbalneav: well also what i was thinking was lockdown / multi-user geared keys01:54
dgroosThen I applied it to a couple of users. that too went fine,01:55
Lnssbalneav: did you see my paste from yesterday?01:55
dgroosthen I logged in as one of those users and... it worked!01:55
sbalneavGood, I'm glad we're making some progress01:55
sbalneavLns: yeah, you were crashing in paneldelegate.01:55
Lnswhat about the 12/24hr time changes, desktop launcher stuff?01:55
Lnssame deal?01:55
sbalneavI think01:56
* Lns will test01:56
sbalneavwait 'till this versions up on lunchpad01:56
sbalneavjust dputted it01:56
sbalneavusually takes about 10 minutes to build01:56
* Lns suggests a new nickname for launchpad...lunchbox01:56
sbalneavyeah, I usually call it lunchpad or lunchpod01:57
Lnsthought that was a typo ;)01:57
sbalneavno, deliberate :)01:57
sbalneavIt'll be so nice when people ask "so how do I manage my desktop profiles?" and we don't have to say "...errr, ummm, welllll...."01:58
dgroosDo I take this to mean that in a few minutes there will be a new version of sabayon to test in 10 or so minutes?01:59
sbalneavEvening ogra02:05
Lnssbalneav: agreed. I am looking forward to having a whole set of apps stable and ready to make any ltsp admin's life easier =)02:06
LnsI definitely think we should make a metapackage for the apps once they are all ready (and add more later as they become ready). I'm totally willing to do docs for them all, and even videos02:06
sbalneavok, build's done02:06
Lnsxvidcap is awesome =)02:06
dgroosOK--I got an e-mail from someone in Ghana asking for my help in setting up a server.02:07
dgroosMust have thought I knew something because I'm working at it :)02:07
dgroosHowever, it did give me a huge idea...02:07
dgroosI've been working all summer (literally) on setting up this jaunty server.02:08
dgroosWell, when I'm done I'll clone it and put it on 2 other servers for 2 other GCoS classrooms as well.02:09
dgroosHere's the idea...02:09
dgroosI bet someone who knew what they were doing could set up a great server w/localapps etc in just a couple of days time (right?)02:10
dgroosThen, put this image available on line--people can download it and with clonezilla (works for beginners such as myself) burn it onto their server and voila!02:11
dgroosOf course there need to be parameters such as a 2 nic system, but really, not much else, I think.02:11
dgroosCool, ay?02:11
Lnsdgroos: good idea, though it's trivial enough to get ltsp going through ubuntu alternate CD..the only things you really have to do by yourself you'd want to anyway (IP network, # of NICs, localapps installed, etc)02:12
LnsMaybe there's a way to integrate the alternate CD installer for LTSP in a package?02:12
Lns(I think I asked ogra that a while back and he said it wouldn't work that way)02:13
dgroosOK, may seem trivial--but I've been working, with knowledgeable people's help for WELL over 1 hundred hours this summer!02:13
Lnsdgroos: what were your major hangups?02:13
dgroosAhh... let me see what I can dredge up...02:13
dgroosiTALC, still not working02:14
dgroosLocal apps and NAT02:14
dgroosLocal Apps were working but aren't now02:14
Lnssbalneav: hmm, feature request of confirmation dialogue when removing a profile?02:14
dgroosInstalling CmapTools on the chroot to use it as a local app.02:15
Lnsdgroos: what's cmaptools?02:15
dgroosMaking flash work satisfactorily02:15
sbalneavI'd have to dig into the gui code for that.  I'm pretty bad at ui's but it makes sense.02:15
dgroosCmapTools is the cat's meow.02:16
Lnssbalneav: yeah.. i was just surprised not to be presented with one02:16
dgroosit's not open source though--just free ware :(02:16
Lnsdgroos: what was the hangup with flash? that's got to be the easiest thing :)02:16
sbalneavWhat I'd rather have first is a way to apply profiles based on GROUP membership, as opposed to userid02:16
Lnssbalneav: +102:16
Lnsor either?02:16
Lnssabayon acls ;)02:17
dgroosit's a concept mapping tool that has a server component so several people can simultaneously concept map on the same map!02:17
sbalneavwell, we can do it easily enough as a shell script, but I'd like that at least to be in the gui02:17
Lnsdgroos: interesting02:17
dgroosLns: to gnash or not?02:17
Lnsdgroos: is gnash even usable yet?02:17
dgroosWell, I didn't know that...02:18
dgroosThings are supposed to work but... only if you know detail x...02:18
Lnsthere's a great howto on the ubuntu ltsp page for installing flash (written by yours truly ;) )02:18
dgroosAnd, I'm sure I've used it!!!  (thanks!)02:18
Lnsdgroos: well its a license issue too.. but there's a flashplayer-nonfree package iirc that does it for you (though it's usually not the latest/greatest)02:19
dgroosAs a matter of fact, we (and I say we because a local volunteer has been helping tons) are currently trying to get firefox to run as a local app again and... for several hours haven't had any luck!02:21
dgroosAs a matter of fact...02:21
dgroosthat volunteer, jimrockford, is sitting next to me at my dining room table at this very moment, trying to get it working...02:22
dgroosSo, while it seems that it is a bunch of trivial things, really, really it isn't.02:23
dgroosI'm very excited about Sabayon and think I'll give the new update a run...02:24
sbalneavI'd be interested in any crashers you get.02:24
Lnsi can't really help w/localapps..perhaps one might pick up the 'ltsp-manager' project ogra started a while ago, or maybe pick up the 'easy-ltsp' software to integrate easy install/configure of localapps in the chroot02:24
dgroosHmmm... I'll check into them.02:25
Lnsneither one will do any good for edubuntu right now..they need to be worked on02:26
Lnssbalneav: any cleanup necessary for users that have been 'used' before for profiles ? I'm still getting a bunch of settings not applied02:27
Lnsi'll try with a new user too02:27
dgroosI'll try with a new user as well...02:28
Lnsbasically nothing worked with an existing user except for a (nonfunctional) desktop launcher i created (I changed background, 12->24hr time, removed applets and added new ones, changed gtk theme)..02:29
Lnsnew user works :)02:30
dgroosHey--should sabayon-admin have a home directory?02:34
Lnssbalneav: another request :) when exiting profile editor, a dialogue to prompt on saving it?02:35
dgroosBTW--I'm using KUser instead of GNOME's Users and Groups app.  Hope this won't cause problems with sabayon since it is KDE not GNOME?02:36
Lnsholy crap, the lockdown section is awesome!02:37
=== mhall1191 is now known as mhall119
Lnswow...everything is looking good at first edit of a new user. I'll have to try editing existing users, using them to change things, then logging out/in/changing in sabayon...02:41
LnsI'm out for the night..thanks sbalneav for all the good work!! I can't believe how extensive this tool is getting02:41
dgroos_Have a good eve Lns.  sbalneav--I'll be doing a good bit of sabayon testing this eve...02:45
Lnsbye dgroos_ =)02:45
dgroos_sbalneav: I'm editing user profile: "level1".03:33
dgroos_Now, jimrockford got firefox to again work as a localapp (!yea!)03:33
dgroos_So... I launch firefox in the user profile but I don't know if it is running locally--wait this doesn't make sense to ask...03:34
sbalneavit won't be.03:34
dgroos_scratch my question.03:35
sbalneavAnd I have absolutely NO idea how well Sabayon will work with localapps.03:35
dgroos_so--since you are here-- if I disallow erasing the history or set some particular proxy in the firefox prefs, can I get that so the student can't change the prefs?03:36
sbalneavI'm not an expert in Firefox lockdown myself.03:42
sbalneavHeh, got two kids, but never needed to lockdown anything :)03:44
Ahmuck-Srur the exception03:46
Ahmuck-Srnn, got to go03:46
dgroos_I've got 2 and never did with them either, but03:46
dgroos_Later Ahumck-Sr03:47
Ahmuck-Srsbalneav: remember, this education, and kids will do all kinds of things, not just ur kids03:56
sbalneavheh, remember, I don't work in education :)03:56
dgroos_For sure.  In idle time I've considered analogies to help non-teachers understand this.03:59
sbalneavI understand it completely04:00
sbalneavI just don't happen to agree with it.04:00
sbalneavI don't think education is served by locking enquiring minds out of things, myself, personally :)04:00
dgroos_Well... I'd hazard a guess that if you were a middle school teacher for a week you would reframe that principle...04:01
dgroos_like, we don't let kids drive when they want--we expect them to have a certain level of skill and maturity.04:02
sbalneavI volunteered lots at schools, and taught several volunteer classes on Chess, Computers, etc.04:02
dgroos_I don't want to start to argue against free and inquiring minds--that polarizes things.04:03
sbalneavAnd there's a big difference between driving a car, and driving a computer.  If one mishandles a car, one can kill oneself, or others.  If one mishandles a computer, the wost that happens is an account reset/restore, or a reboot :)04:03
sbalneavHowever, I'm here to provide the working tool for people to do the lockdown who want it.04:04
dgroos_Very true.  That wasn't my point at all.04:04
dgroos_It's like a paradox--you have to create the space (the environment, the task, the social sphere, etc) so that it is both bounded (ie  has limits--provides limited choices) and is unbounded (ie encourages free-creative thinking).04:07
dgroos_without the first you have chaos, without the second you have prisons.04:08
dgroos_So... when properly used, Sabayon will help allow for creative, fun, learning community.04:09
dgroos_I'll step of my soap box now :)04:10
sbalneavYou don't have to convince me, I know people want it, that's why I'm working on it.04:10
sbalneavI disagree with the principle myself personally, but I don't allow my personal philosophy to colour what needs to be done for the sake of edubuntu.04:11
sbalneavI am, however, never shy about sharing my opinions :)04:11
dgroos_Thanks, over a beer sometime--I buy :)04:12
sbalneavWell, lets see if others make out ok with this sabayon first before I kill off more braincells with beer :) I may kill the one that sort of understands the byzantine obfuscation that is paneldelegate.py :)04:14
sbalneavAfter I get sabayon at least funtional, then I have to get (in the dwindling time left YIKES) the edubuntu handbook into some kind of shape04:15
sbalneavI still haven't had a look at that new piece of software that's a sabayon replacement.  We'll need to evaluate which is best.04:16
sbalneavWhat would be IDEAL (for people looking for proxy redirects) would be some kind of patch to firefox to have it use Gnome's standard proxy setting, rather than it's own built in stuff04:17
sbalneavthat way, an administrator could just set a mandatory gconf key ONCE, and the whole system would be proxied.04:17
sbalneavHo/win 204:18
sbalneavmeh, too many windows open in irssi04:18
dgroos_There are firefox extensions that do this, I think, though probably nothing for 3.5.04:19
sbalneavextentions are their own nightmare.04:19
sbalneavthere doesn't seem to be a "good" way to install extentions globally04:19
sbalneavLinux used to be great for multi-user setups.  All configs were text files in /etc/. As an admin, you set things up, and everything just worked.  Of course, users if they wanted customizations either had to figure out how to create their own .files, or just deal with the deafults.04:21
dgroos_I'm looking into squidguard, but that's another area of study...04:21
sbalneavNow, things are so "easy to use", things are ALL customizable out of your $HOME, and it's next to impossble as an administrator to provide nice, neat global defaults.04:22
sbalneavLots of people use squidguard or dansguardian.04:22
sbalneavCombine that with standard iptables transparent proxying, and you've got a nice, "non-overridable" solution.04:23
dgroos_Ah... maybe next summer :)  Or, the district guy can help me on this if he makes the time but like all tech people in education he is way overbooked...04:31
dgroos_You know--sabayon seems ready for prime time.  right?  I'm not getting error messages, things aren't crashing, they are just... working :)04:33
sbalneavI'll have to see if I can get someone to sponsor an upload.04:35
dgroos_sponsor an upload?04:42
sbalneavWell, these packages are only in my ppa04:47
sbalneavfor all my years of work on Edubuntu, I'm not actually authorized to upload anything to the "real" package archive :)04:47
dgroos_hmmm... I've heard others frustrated about that, but you've got the years--have you requested permission?04:48
sbalneavSo, I'll have to get someone like LaserJock or HighVoltage to do it for me.04:48
sbalneavWell, it's like debian: a meritocracy.  You have to:04:48
sbalneav1) "Pay your dues"04:49
sbalneav2) Prove your proficiency04:49
sbalneav3) Ask.04:49
sbalneavI've done 1, certainly04:49
dgroos_Well, I'm mighty impressed with your sabayon work and I've heard from several sources in the know that this is not easy stuff.04:50
sbalneav2) I'm never sure on, as I sometimes make mistakes, so it's unlikely I'll ever do 304:50
sbalneavMost people want to go directly to step 3, and when they find out they're expected to do a little work before they get the keys to the castle, they usually disappear pronto :)04:50
dgroos_May be time to #304:50
sbalneavIf I don't have the authority, I don't have to bear the responsibility :)04:51
sbalneavI'm an old fart: I cut my teeth on the wget http://website/package.tar.gz ; tar xzvf package.tar.gz ; cd package; ./configure ; make install era04:52
sbalneavall this fancy-schmancy packaging stuff comfuses me sometimes :)04:54
dgroos_in Gregorian calendar that would be...?04:55
dgroos_I max out at paper or plastic ;)04:56
sbalneavI just turned 4104:57
sbalneavBeen using GNU/Linux since October 199304:57
sbalneavBeen on the internet since 198504:57
sbalneavBeen windows free since 1999 :)04:58
dgroos_sbalneav: is there a way to make it so that at students in the entry level can't just right-click on the desktop and access their appearances preferences?05:09
sbalneavI beleive that's in the "lockdown" section05:16
dgroos_Thanks--I'll check tomorrow.  Something interesting.  When jimrockford was updating the chroot, it gave the messages that several things related to the 1 users Ive got in the test 'level1' group didn't get saved.  I'll try to recreate tomorrow and send you those lines from terminal.05:19
dgroos_have a good eve :)05:19
highvoltagesbalneav: you could put your packages up on revu if they're ready06:13
highvoltagesbalneav: ping09:45
sbalneavhighvoltage: pong14:43
highvoltagesbalneav: hi!14:43
highvoltagesbalneav: have you ever uploaded something to revu before?14:44
sbalneavRemember, I'm completely sucky when it comes to packaging14:48
sbalneavI'm not even motu. :)14:48
andvhighvoltage, any problem wih revu?14:48
highvoltageandv: nope14:49
andvhighvoltage, I saw you asked to sbalneav before about revu14:49
andvI thought you add some issues with it14:49
andv* had14:50
highvoltagesbalneav: no it's just that uploading to revu is the same as uploading to a PPA, so I wondered if you might want to upload the sabayon packages to revu, if we can get 2 people to review and approve we could get it in before feature freeze14:50
highvoltagesbalneav: and from the sounds of it you're comfortable uploading to the PPA.14:51
ograhighvoltage, its in main14:51
ograjust give it to me and i'll upload ;)14:51
highvoltageogra: aah, so that also means that we don't have to worry about next week's feature freeze :)14:52
sbalneavok, how do I get it to you?  Is it something you can just grab from my ppa?14:52
ograits bugfixes allover14:52
ografeature freeze only applies to new upstream versions14:52
highvoltageogra: aah14:52
ograi'm assuming sbalneav's changes only apply ubuntuX revisions anyway14:53
sbalneavWell, no14:53
sbalneavit's using the latest upstream14:53
ograwhich should be in karmic, no ?14:53
sbalneav2.27.1 is in karmic14:53
ograits a minor bump, still fine14:54
ogra2.28 would require an exception14:54
ogra2.27.1 should be fine14:54
highvoltageogra: here's where sbalneav's PPA is: https://edge.launchpad.net/~sbalneav/+archive/ppa14:54
ograand along that, all of gnome has a rolling exception anyway14:54
ograwhere does that .91 come from ?14:55
ogradoes upstream actually have a .91 release ?14:55
ogra(and is your packaging based on the ubuntu package ?)14:56
sbalneavjust got released a couple of days ago, from some patches I sent upstream14:56
sbalneavYes, I think so, the debian dir I stole from the old version of sabayon14:56
ograhow old14:56
ogracould you repackage based on what is in karmic right now ?14:57
sbalneavthe standard jaunty version14:57
ograelse the merge is really hard14:57
ogra(the ubuntu changes that are in atm need to be carried over)14:57
ograsabayon already had three or more uploads in karmic14:57
sbalneavYeah, my karmic box is at home, and powered off right now, but I could make a karmic ppa tonight14:57
ogracool !14:58
ograping me if thats done14:58
sbalneavWill do.14:58
ograbase it on 2.27.0-0ubuntu114:58
ogra(yours will need to be versioned 2.27.91-0ubuntu1 then)14:58
sbalneavWell, the jaunty ones I have in my ppa are 2.27.91-0ubuntu4, right atm14:59
sbalneavWill that cause a problem?14:59
ograno, but for karmic you should use a proper ubuntu versioning15:05
ograthe version is ok for jaunty15:06
ograsbalneav, hmm, you should always use ~ppaX for your ppa packages15:08
ogra(for the future :) )15:08
ograupdate-manager looks for that suffix and makes sure ~ppaX packages get superseded with the ones from the main archive on release upgrades15:09
ograuploading a jaunty 2.27.91-0ubuntu4~ppa1 will help15:09
ogra(to your ppa, for people having it enabled in jaunty and upgrading to karmic)15:10
sbalneavSo, I should use (in the future) 2.27.91-0ubuntu~ppaX?15:11
sbalneavyou just said15:12
sbalneavgeez, LEARN TO READ SBALNEAV15:12
* sbalneav dopeslaps self15:12
sbalneavI can do that there thing15:12
highvoltageogra: LaserJock is inbetween Internet connections at the moment looking for a new house. could you perhaps sponsor some Edubuntu seed changes as well (assuming that I get to figure out exactly what must be done)15:16
alkisg"What would be IDEAL (for people looking for proxy redirects) would be some kind of patch to firefox to have it use Gnome's standard proxy setting, rather than it's own built in stuff" ==> sbalneav this is possible now... you can tell firefox to use the default system proxy, and then use lockpref to lock down that setting.15:20
wimai read here http://www.ltsp.org/~sbalneav/LTSPManual.html#session-dispatching that when LDM_SERVER is set, users cqn select a server from the list in LDM15:20
wimaIs this implemented in ubuntu 8.4?15:20
wimasorry, i mean 9.0415:22
dgroossbalneav: is what alkisg is saying relate to what I asked you last night about locking down firefox prefs with Sabayon?15:25
alkisgdgroos: http://www.pcc-services.com/kixtart/firefox-lockdown.html15:26
alkisgThis is firefox-based locking, not gnome-based. Works fine nevertheles..15:27
sbalneavwima: yes, it is15:28
wimai didn't see where to select the host though. maybe i overlooked15:29
sbalneavOn the login screen, lower right corner.15:29
sbalneavYou have to set up multiple servers, though.15:29
dgroosalkisg: wow!  This is great.  It talks about firefox 2.x--do you think it might work with firefox 3.5?15:30
wimabut i see now that the client cannot resolve the hostname15:30
alkisgdgroos: in jaunty (firefox 3.0) it's really really easy, you just make a user.js file and put whatever lockpref()s you want there15:30
alkisgI suppose it'll work with 3.5 as well.15:30
sbalneavwima: If you want hostnames, probably best to put them in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/hosts, then rebuild the ltsp image15:31
alkisgdgroos: try it: create a /etc/firefox-3.5/pref/user.js file, and put this in it: lockPref("browser.startup.homepage", "http://students.sch.gr");15:31
alkisgIf you get a locked down home page, then it works.15:31
alkisglockPref("network.proxy.type", 5); ==> makes firefox always use the gnome proxy settings.15:32
wimawhen i do cat /etc/resolv.conf15:33
wimai get an input/output error15:33
dgroosalkisg: Thanks--I'll try this.  Not at my server right now but will be in about 2 hours--can't wait to try this!  I'll let you know :)15:33
wimasorry for the caps15:35
wimastrange keyboard :)15:36
wimasbalneav: is /etc/hosts not overwritten by something?15:47
wimaif i check on the client, 'server' and the client are in there, but not the servers i defined15:48
alkisgwima: /etc/hosts getrewritten on each boot15:48
wimaright. i just saw it. it says so in the top of the file :)15:49
wimaany ideas how i can make the client resolve the servernames then?15:50
alkisgwima: you can put entries in /etc/hosts.ltsp15:50
alkisgThis gets automatically included while the new etc/hosts is being created15:50
sbalneavWhen did we start overwriting /etc/hosts?15:50
* sbalneav shakes head15:50
sbalneavWe didn't used to.15:50
alkisgsbalneav: don't know, but it's in initscripts/ltsp-setup15:51
sbalneavWe used to append to it, not overwrite it.15:52
* sbalneav shrugs15:52
wimashould the client not use the dns server?15:53
alkisgwima: it doesn't, by default. Use the lts.conf variable named DNS_SERVER, along with SEARCH_DOMAIN (both needed)15:54
ograsbalneav, you need to recreate it15:54
wimaah. thanks15:54
* alkisg thinks that the dns server that comes from dhcp should be respected...15:54
ograyou could hae a one liner in it but its moot15:54
sbalneavalkisg: file a bug.  Probably should as default value15:56
ograyes, resolv.conf could be handled nicer15:57
alkisgnow with the udhcp script it's ok15:58
ogranot really15:58
alkisgWhy not?15:58
ograsince the ltsp-setup script still forcefully overwrites it15:58
ograthe code could surely be more elegant than te sledgehammer it is now :)15:59
alkisgYeah udhcp sets DNS_SERVER is if itsn't already set, so it takes effect after ltsp-setup15:59
alkisgIt "fakes" it so it's considered to be an lts.conf variable16:00
alkisg(if DNS_SERVER isn't already set, that is...)16:00
wimathe hostnames resolv now (i added them to hosts.ltsp) but still no way to select the host :(16:03
sbalneav!bug 41699818:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416998 in sabayon "sabayon-admin should be a system user" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41699818:57
dgroosEarlier alkisg said: "create a /etc/firefox-3.5/pref/user.js file, and put this in it: lockPref("browser.startup.homepage", "http://students.sch.gr") and this can lock down users start pages, for example.  Did anyone try this and get it to work?  I don't seem to get it to work.23:13

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