
=== Crusher is now known as Guest27349
=== ikt__ is now known as ikt
=== txwikinger3 is now known as txwikinger_work
=== egon_ffj1 is now known as egon_ffj
fcarramatedoes anybody know if UbuntuDeveloperWeek videos will be available through web interface?15:55
fcarramateor if those videos would be available for offline viewers15:55
pleia2fcarramate: the sessions are irc-based16:02
pleia2no video16:02
fcarramateso we ca also see the logs after...  :)16:05
fcarramatepleia2: thanks for the reply16:05
pleia2fcarramate: no problem, just /join here and #ubuntu-classroom-chat to take part on aug 31st :)16:06
X3MBoyIs there other activity until then???16:07
pleia2X3MBoy: no, there are no classes planned until UDW16:09
X3MBoypleia2: Thx16:09
=== egon_ffj1 is now known as egon_ffj
=== Irishmanluke is now known as idleluke
=== JackBauer is now known as Kieffer
=== idleluke is now known as Irishmanluke
=== egon_ffj1 is now known as egon_ffj
=== Irishmanluke is now known as _
=== _ is now known as Guest43620
=== Guest43620 is now known as Irishmanluke
=== Irishmanluke is now known as _
=== _ is now known as Irishmanluke

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