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* lool waves15:57
rickspencer3hi lool15:57
* slangasek waves15:57
mvoI'm covering today for colin and robbie16:00
slangasekpgraner, ogra, Riddell, marjomercado, sbeattie, dendrobates, soren, Hobbsee, ScottK, apw: ping16:01
=== marjomercado is now known as marjo
rickspencer3hi marjo16:01
marjohi rickspencer316:02
pgranerslangasek: rtg & apw will be covering for me16:02
slangasekpgraner: ack, thanks16:02
njpatelhey hey16:02
rickspencer3slangasek: I'll be covering for pitti16:02
ograslangasek, lool is back so i think he will take mobile again from now on16:03
slangasekrickspencer3, ogra: ack16:03
loologra: You mean you dont attend all release meeting??16:03
ograi lurk16:03
MootBotMeeting started at 10:03. The chair is slangasek.16:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:03
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2009-08-2116:03
ograbut you got the info16:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2009-08-2116:03
* apw waves16:03
* apw is covering kernel16:04
slangasek[TOPIC] Actions from previous meetings16:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Actions from previous meetings16:04
rickspencer3hi apw!16:04
slangasekunfortunately most of these action items were for people who aren't here today16:04
sorenI can fill in for ttx.16:04
slangasekfader: did you and seb128 come up with a plan yet for the nautilus failures in the hw lab?16:04
faderslangasek: Not yet, no.16:05
slangasekok, leaving that on the list then16:05
slangaseksoren: right, did ttx follow up with you regarding the UEC setup doc? :)16:05
rickspencer3slangasek: fader: not that seb128 is on holiday next week as well16:05
slangasekrickspencer3: ok16:05
faderrickspencer3: Ah, thanks.16:06
sorenslangasek: Er... Yes. About the AWS page:16:06
sorenAWS pages for the 32 and 64 bit alphas have been submitted to amazon on Tuesday 9/18.  On the submission page it says "Important: After submitting your  information, it will be reviewed by AWS, during which time you will not be able to view or edit your submission. "  At this point I am 'not able to view'16:06
sorenI == smoser. I'm just relaying stuff here. :)16:06
slangasekok, so we're waiting on Amazon16:06
sorenIf nothing has happened yet on Monday, we'll go and poke them.16:06
slangasekhow about the UEC setup doc?16:07
sorenAs for UEC setup page, I haven't personally worked on it. FeatureFreeze is a-coming, so it's been deferred a little bit.16:07
sorenI have, however..16:07
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
sorenWritten a script that does almost all of it. It just needs some polish. I expect I'll put it in the eucalyptus package, so it should be /really/ simple from there.16:08
slangasekah, spiff16:08
slangasekso it should be a short doc when the time comes :)16:09
slangasekok, moving along16:09
slangasek[TOPIC] QA Team16:09
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Team16:09
slangasekfader, marjo: hello16:09
faderHowdy :)16:09
faderHardware testing:16:09
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~fader/hw-testing/current.html16:09
faderNo new distro bugs have turned up this week.  We are still seeing the nautilus crash, but only on a subset of the systems that were showing this issue last week.  (Including in desktop image tests of two of the VMWare virtual machines.)16:09
faderI am monitoring this to see if the problem is simply intermittent or if it has actually been resolved on some systems.16:09
faderThis past week mathben, our intern in the Montreal office, helped verify the existence or closure of some outstanding bugs on the System76 systems we have in the lab, adding logs and further testing to the bugs.16:09
faderRight now mathben is testing the updated kernel images from ogasawara for bug 404264.16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404264 in linux "karmic installer fails to detect Intel 82567 network card" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40426416:10
faderDuring this week I have been working with manjo to make a new and improved version of a bootable USB hardware testing image.  This will be used at the upcoming Atlanta Linux Fest to test a variety of available hardware.16:10
faderThe intent here is to gather hardware compatibility data and, as much as is possible at the show, file bugs from the affected hardware.16:10
fadercr3 has recently added functionality in Checkbox to allow bug filing when a test failure occurs, so we will be using this feature to get bugs filed.16:10
faderSpec progress:16:10
faderThis is targeted for Alpha 5 and is on target.  The automated portion is complete, and the manual portion is mostly done.  I need to extend the manual test cases somewhat to ensure that they cover as many inputs and outputs on audio hardware as possible, after which the spec will be complete and ready for addition to Checkbox.16:10
rickspencer3(note even)16:11
faderAny questions about the testing or the checkbox audio spec?16:11
slangasekfader: nope - were you going to give status updates for the other specs on the list as well, or will marjo, or do we wait until next week for that?16:12
marjo* karmic-qa-increase-apport-adoption - Brian Murray worked with the Ubuntu Documentation team cleaning up the http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReportingBugs page to address usability issues.16:12
marjoI will continue to nag the LP team.16:12
marjo* karmic-qa-metrics-based-testing - Beta available. Marc is in Phase I.I.16:13
slangasekah, that's in the spec :)16:14
marjoany questions?16:14
slangasekmarjo: should the milestone target for karmic-qa-metrics-based-testing be pushed back to alpha-5 (or alpha-6)? it's evidently not done for alpha-416:14
cr3slangasek: phase I has been done for a while, it should've probably been two specs16:14
marjoslangsek: I will look into that & update later16:14
slangasekcr3: ok - perhaps splitting it now is worthwhile, so I'm not polling about it for these meetings ;)16:15
cr3slangasek: sounds reasonable, will do. no objections marjo?16:15
marjocr3: none; thx16:16
slangasekfader, marjo: thanks for the status update16:16
slangasekbit of agenda-shuffling, now; soren who's covering for the server team has asked to move up due to schedule conflicts, so we'll take him next16:16
slangasek[TOPIC] Server Team16:17
MootBotNew Topic:  Server Team16:17
slangaseksoren: go ahead16:17
sorenserver-karmic-eucalyptus-in-main: MIR processing in progress, unfortunately most of MIR team were in vacation recently16:17
sorenserver-karmic-cloud-cluster-computing: classads has been uploaded, condor is almost ready16:17
slangaseksoren: what does that mean as far as mpich, which is mentioned prominently in the spec?16:18
loolThere's a separate MIR for vtun16:18
loolIs this under control?16:18
slangasekfor the MIR processing, do you think the remainder is on target for alpha-5?16:18
loolvtun is not very welcome in main, so I was wondering whether this was being discussed with the upstream euca folks16:18
sorenslangasek: I'm not sure, to be honest. I believe so, but it's in the hands of the MIR team.16:19
loolslangasek: I'm not sure all of it will make it for A5, but probably some 2/3; we can probably bump stuff to main and milestone the final reviews for A6 in the worst case16:19
sorenlool: It is being discussed, yes.16:19
sorenI'm curious..16:19
loolThere are some security reviews and simply a lot of packages16:19
sorenWill we be considering the MIR process part of the various freezes as well?16:20
* lool has no opinion on this16:20
slangaseksoren, lool: ok, someone should take an action to get eucalyptus seeded in time for A5, and ask the archive admins to promote the other packages that are still MIR pending16:20
slangaseksoren: should that be you, or do you want to give that to someone else on your team?16:20
sorenI'm just wondering since AFAIR we didn't used to consider moves to main for the various alphas.16:20
loolDo we have the final version of euca in main yet?16:20
sorenslangasek: I can take that action.16:21
sorenlool: No.16:21
slangaseksoren: if you mean the milestone freeze, no, we don't stop fixing up package components in freeze16:21
loolI'm not sure: do we want to promote the current and AFAICT completely unrelated version of euca to main?!16:21
loolOr will the new one land before A5?16:21
slangasek[ACTION] soren to get eucalyptus seeded in advance of A5 (~1 week before), and ask the archive admins to promote the other packages that are still MIR pending16:21
sorenslangasek: Ok, didn't think so. Thanks for clarifying.16:21
MootBotACTION received:  soren to get eucalyptus seeded in advance of A5 (~1 week before), and ask the archive admins to promote the other packages that are still MIR pending16:21
sorenlool: The new one will land today.16:22
loolAh that clarifies, thanks16:22
sorenlool: Or Sunday... Before Monday, for sure! :)16:22
slangasekanything else we need to cover with the server team?16:22
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loolsoren: Sounds like a good week-end   :-)16:23
sorenlool: I'm inches away from being done, I just have a load of real world things to deal with today and tomorrow :)16:23
slangasek[TOPIC] Desktop Team16:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Desktop Team16:24
slangaseksoren: thanks, you're off the hook now :)16:24
slangasekrickspencer3: hi16:24
rickspencer3I've made comments about each release bug here:16:24
rickspencer3There are only two I am worried about:16:24
sorenslangasek: Thanks, and thanks for adjusting the agenda.16:25
rickspencer3bug #40354916:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403549 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV immediately after start up" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40354916:25
rickspencer3as it is stuck upstream16:25
rickspencer3bug #39444716:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394447 in hplip "karmic printing regression on HP PSC 750" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39444716:25
rickspencer3as we don't have the capability to debug ourselves - lack the hardware16:25
rickspencer3in terms of changes ...16:25
=== imlad is now known as imlad|away
rickspencer3Expect some possible regressions as we land updates over the next few days:16:25
rickspencer3New Mesa (7.6)16:25
slangasekrickspencer3: well, I have the hardware and could arrange to give remote access to it if that were useful16:25
rickspencer3Possible new -intel16:25
rickspencer3Session menu16:25
rickspencer3desktopcouch on CD (via evolution-couch)16:25
rickspencer3CUPS 1.4 from svn head will be uploaded before FF (as it's final code, but not marked as such)16:26
rickspencer3slangasek: yes, if you could arrange that with Till, would be fabulous16:26
slangasekhas he said that's what he needs to work on this?16:26
rickspencer3I think he has some confidence that upstream will fix it, but I get concerned when we don't have the capability ourselves16:26
slangasek[ACTION] slangasek to follow up with Till regarding hardware access for bug #39444716:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394447 in hplip "karmic printing regression on HP PSC 750" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39444716:26
MootBotACTION received:  slangasek to follow up with Till regarding hardware access for bug #39444716:26
rickspencer3slangasek: yes, and also that hp often fixes these themselves16:26
rickspencer3also note from the Ubuntu desktop side:16:27
rickspencer3 No change to X server (sticking with 1.6)16:27
rickspencer3Somewhat above burndown, but team expects lots of work items to be closed over next week:  http://piware.de/workitems/desktop/karmic/report.html16:27
slangasekrickspencer3: why does desktopcouch landing warrant highlighting as a possible regression?  seems to be a small new package?16:27
rickspencer3slangasek: good point16:28
rickspencer3not a regression really, just a visible change16:28
slangasekoh; but it pulls in couchdb which isn't so small :(16:28
rickspencer3will interact with evolution and such16:28
rickspencer3yes, exactly ... it is new core technology on the desktop, you should be aware16:28
rickspencer3Riddell: do you want to cover Kubuntu status?16:28
rickspencer3(note that we've added Kubuntu release status to the desktop team release status page)16:29
slangasek[LINK] http://piware.de/workitems/desktop/karmic/report.html16:29
MootBotLINK received:  http://piware.de/workitems/desktop/karmic/report.html16:29
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:30
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:30
Riddellshall I paste the kubuntu points?16:30
rickspencer3Riddell: yes16:30
RiddellKubuntu networking working well thanks to asac and others16:30
RiddellImpact of xsplash on Kununtu not clear, need to follow up with keybuk next week16:30
RiddellCD building currently broken on nvidia-common and python-apt16:30
RiddellKubuntu Council voted for return to Konqueror as default browser16:30
RiddellMessage Indicator KMail support waiting for new libindicate upload16:30
RiddellCurrently blocking on GPSD main inclusion report Bug #40979616:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409796 in gpsd "main inclusion report gpsd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40979616:30
mvoRiddell: could you tell me about the issue with python-apt (after the meeting or out-of-band)?16:31
davidbarthRiddell: on xsplash you can follow-up with agateau next week; he can help with integrating kubuntu reqs16:31
Riddellmvo: see the CD build logs, packagekit issue16:31
Riddelldavidbarth: ok, I also scheduled a meeting with keybuk inviting you a few minutes ago16:32
slangasekrickspencer3: mm, the comments on bug #396448 on the status page are wrong; this bug causes an intrusive popup at every login for the users affected (not the same as bug #386699, which has the same comment)16:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396448 in gvfs "inconsistent automounting on startup" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39644816:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386699 in gvfs "Mistakes external USB flash disk for system-internal disk" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38669916:32
mvoRiddell: oh, right - glaztor is on it16:32
Riddellmvo: I never doubted him :)16:32
rickspencer3slangasek: ok ... I just copy and pasted from pitti's last comment, as it seemed he wasn't too concerned16:33
slangasekRiddell: what's broken with python-apt?  I saw that nvidia-common is being resolved16:33
rickspencer3can we give pitti an action to follow up?16:33
mvoslangasek: it break packagekit (it uses some internal api) - I can have a look later16:33
slangasekah, mvo asked that question while I was wading in scrollback ;)16:34
slangasek[ACTION] pitti to follow up on bug #396448, which should not be marked as "not a release blocker" in the status report16:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396448 in gvfs "inconsistent automounting on startup" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39644816:34
MootBotACTION received:  pitti to follow up on bug #396448, which should not be marked as "not a release blocker" in the status report16:34
slangasekrickspencer3: done16:34
slangasekrickspencer3: regarding the upstream bug 402169, 402175 - they're also trivial patches; if you want support from foundations on this to work up the patches, we can probably oblige16:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402169 in brasero "brasero_video_options_new implicitly converted to pointer" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40216916:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402175 in gnumeric "gtk_tree_view_column_get_cell_renderers implicitly converted to pointer" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40217516:35
rickspencer3slangasek: ok16:35
rickspencer3that would be sweet16:36
slangasek[ACTION] slangasek to look at Foundations providing patches for the 64-bit build failures16:36
MootBotACTION received:  slangasek to look at Foundations providing patches for the 64-bit build failures16:36
slangasek(probably means me, as the erstwhile Debian Alpha porter :)16:36
slangasekanyone else have questions for Desktop Team?16:36
rickspencer3slangasek: can you give slangasek an action to make those patches16:37
slangasekrickspencer3: btw, if gpm is no longer handling brightness, what is?  The last I saw (during the sprint), gpm /was/ still doing it, and if it's going elsewhere I'll need to know for follow-through on a couple of unrelated bugs :)16:37
rickspencer3slangasek: I forget, but that's on the Dx team's plate, really16:38
rickspencer3davidbarth should be able to speak to that16:38
rickspencer3we're just waiting on them16:38
slangasekok; will follow up out of band16:38
slangasek[TOPIC] Mobile Team16:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Mobile Team16:39
slangaseklool: hi16:39
lool[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic as usual; with a new per spec sub report (with its own bugs  :-)16:39
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic as usual; with a new per spec sub report (with its own bugs  :-)16:39
slangasekrickspencer3, Riddell: thanks16:39
lool- good progress on getting final kernels (with naming etc.) in archive16:39
lool- livefs builder fixed; first working imx51 image came out today16:39
lool- armv7 buildds being deployed16:39
davidbarthrickspencer3: the patch is on the packaging queue, in the bug report16:39
lool- overall still relatively short on ARM developer hardware as the boards get obsoleted and new+working boards remain hard to get16:39
lool- UNR in a good shape, except for a bunch of small bugs introduced with the new upstream versions; being worked on by njpatel16:39
mdzbug 410655 is one davidm mentioned he was concerned about16:40
ubottuBug 410655 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/410655 is private16:40
mdzthough it's not on your status page or on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/KarmicReleaseStatus16:40
loolYes, it's one of these bugs we have with UNR16:40
mdzdbarth? njpatel?16:40
loolThe new UNR introduced a lot of crashers in various places16:40
njpatelmdz: I thought I'd fixed it but apparently it's still there. I'll reconfirm and try to fix it again16:40
ograwhy is that still private thogh16:41
loolSome were addressed just after A4; others are still being addressed16:41
ograretrace is done16:41
mdz(I've fixed the privacy flag now)16:41
njpatelmdz: I've updated that page with the bug when I was made aware it was still an issue16:41
slangaseklool: any idea how long the armv7 buildd roll-out is going to take?  IIRC the toolchain defaults were targeted for alpha5, so the buildds obviously need to be up and running before that16:41
loolmdz: milestoning it, thanks16:41
davidbarthmdz: we've had a couple like this one and njpatel is looking into it16:41
loolslangasek: IS said about 2 weeks last week16:42
loolSo should happen over next week16:42
slangasekso, cutting it rather close for A516:42
slangasekare the toolchain changes themselves staged somewhere and ready to be uploaded?16:42
loolslangasek: As I note,I think we'll change them just after A5 rather than just before16:42
loolDoesn't gain us anything just before16:42
loolslangasek: No, we will push them to a PPA as soon as the buildds appear16:42
loolThe flags are documented in a toolchain discussions bug16:43
* slangasek nods16:43
mdzlool/davidbarth/njpatel: can you speak to the messaging indicator in UNR (or lack thereof)? Mark asked about this the other day16:44
davidbarthmdz: yes, the design is compatible16:44
njpatelmdz: I need to update the default panel configuration with it. Also need the new FUSA, so was waiting for that to be included in main before re-doing the gconf-defaults in ubuntu-netbook-remix-default-settings16:44
loolmdz: Sorry which package is that?16:45
mdzso this is planned to do before FF?16:45
loolnetbook-remix: * (indicator-messages)16:45
njpatelmdz: yes16:45
loolOh in the config16:45
loolRight that's an omission16:45
njpatellool: indicator-applet16:45
njpatel& indicator-messages16:45
ogra+ fusa :)16:45
njpatelwell, indicator-applet-session or something like that afaik16:46
loolI'd like to note that we discussed a long term fix for seeds getting out of sync during the sprint16:46
ogranew name ...16:46
njpatelnew code16:46
ogranew world \o/16:46
loolAnd cjwatson said we needed a new germinate feature to do this properly which would take a couple of months to happen and we agreed we'd simply continue manually syncing until then16:46
lool(But here it's gconf settings not packages so not the same things again)16:47
mdzlool: in the meantime, we'll need to track this more closely I think16:47
loolYes, I did ask for a heads up when things would be landing but I realize it's not proper tracking16:47
loolPerhaps I should add that to our weekly meetings or similar; suggestions welcome16:48
loolFor the seeds I'll subscribe to the desktop ones and read commits16:48
slangasekshould there be an action item for this messaging indicator discussion, or is there a bug # that should be targeted to karmic & milestoned?16:48
njpatelslangasek: I should file a bug and target it. there wasn't a blueprint16:49
njpatellool: what should I file against?16:49
loolI guess we could track it as a bug or as an action item that we're waiting on new FUSA and will change the gconf settings afterwards16:49
loolnjpatel: unr-default-settings16:49
njpatellool: coolio, I'll do that before I log off today16:49
slangasek[ACTION] njpatel to file bug against unr-default-settings for tracking of message indicator status16:50
MootBotACTION received:  njpatel to file bug against unr-default-settings for tracking of message indicator status16:50
slangasekanything else to cover for Mobile?16:50
ograthere will be lots of armel bugs coming in shortly now that we actually can build images16:50
loolFiled as 41700116:50
loolJust got word that oo.o doesn't start on armel in the new image produced today16:51
slangasek[TOPIC] Kernel Team16:51
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Team16:51
loolWill file a bug16:51
loolWell ogra will  :)16:52
slangaseklool: oh, do we need to discuss that further?16:52
loolNo, too early16:52
loolJust discovered16:52
slangaseklool, ogra: thanks16:52
slangasekrtg, apw: hello16:52
ograi booted the first armel image 30min ago :)16:52
ogragive me some time ;)16:52
apwslangasek, here16:52
apwOverall kernel team status is summarised at the URL below,including the bugs called out. AppArmor has patches in testing.  Eucalyptus aoe panic has fixes ready for commit.  The installer bug has patches out for testing.  The remaining two are pending.16:52
apw[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic16:52
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic16:52
loologra: You have, just wanted to mention it16:52
apwAll items which impact the distro release schedule seem to be on track at this time.  The ARM enablement branches have undergone some major work this week getting the naming acceptable to the archive admins and the installer.  We should see uploads for both soon.16:52
apwAll the issues which were preventing packages being accepted (lost copyright etc) should be resolved now and in the new uploads.16:54
slangasekapw: status on the top two kernel bugs seems unchanged since last week (and for several weeks before); are these bugs really as stalled as they appear from Launchpad?16:55
slangasekthats bugs #359338, #29015316:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359338 in linux "apparmor paths are broken when using ecryptfs on jaunty" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35933816:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290153 in linux "Fails to find boot device in Intel D945Gnt" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29015316:55
apwthe first one has progressed, the status should end 'patches for the workaround are in progress'16:55
apwthe second is stalled currently, though symptoms are majorly improved in karmic latest kerenls16:56
apwthat should have been 'in testing'16:56
apwwe have a fair number of regression-potentials which are in work16:57
apwthe enablement branch work has thrown a number of things off track in the short term16:57
* slangasek will triage the regression-potential list further this week, to get higher visibility on some of those for the release16:58
slangasekany other questions for the kernel team?16:59
slangasekI think everyone involved has a good idea where the armel packages stand at this point, at least :)16:59
ograshould all be good now16:59
* apw crosses everything16:59
ograthanks a lot for a few weeks of hard work to the kernel team17:00
ograthat was quite some effort17:00
apwit _was_ a lot of work, but going forward we should be in a more maintainable place17:00
ogra(meta just hit the archive for imx5117:00
slangasekyes, thanks to everyone who's been putting work in on those packages17:00
ograit would really be good to be able to build images earlier next release and i think the decoupled trees will make that possible17:00
ograsimply we can acrry them forward outdated for the first alphas until the new patcsets are there17:01
apwyes we can cope with more deviant invasive code in this new model without impacting x8617:01
slangasek[TOPIC] Foundations Team17:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Foundations Team17:01
mvoUp-to-date status can be found here:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic17:02
slangasekapw: well, let's hope we might also have less deviant code in the future. :)17:02
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic17:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic17:02
* apw will die if we don't17:02
ograhigh hopes :)17:02
mvo>   * Foundations17:02
mvo>    * Bug:384579: Linux thinks there’s a floppy drive when there’s not. Probing slows down bootup by almost a minute17:02
mvo       No updates this week.17:02
mvo>    * Bug:403021: OEM install: black screen with cursor on login17:02
mvo       Developer (evand) assigned for investigation.17:02
mvo>    * Bug:402178: gzopen64 implicitly converted to pointer17:02
mvo       Not investigated yet. The package seems to be related to X stuff, so17:02
mvomaybe Bryce should look at this.17:02
mvo>    * UbuntuSpec:foundations-karmic-apturl-policy (overdue, mvo on leave)17:02
mvo       Should be moved to "Implemented" (its currently in beta-available), the code changes to software-properties seem to work fine17:02
mvo>    * UbuntuSpec:foundations-karmic-robust-python-packaging17:02
mvo       Slow progress, Debian is working on it, in the meantime we will convert critial packages to use DH_PYCENTRAL=include-links17:02
mvo>    * UbuntuSpec:foundations-karmic-upgrade-support-in-landscape17:02
mvo       The update-manager side of the implementation is ready to use for landscape17:02
mvo>    * UbuntuSpec:foundations-karmic-cloud-setup-in-server-installer17:02
mvo       On track for delivery in Alpha 517:02
mvo>    * UbuntuSpec:foundations-karmic-grub217:02
mvo       Practically done, but there are some additional changes that enhance the17:03
mvo       boot experience that are targeted to be in for Alpha 5.17:03
mvo>    * UbuntuSpec:foundations-karmic-multiarch-support17:03
mvo       Slow progress on the apt side17:03
mvoslangasek: you may want to add more info about the multiarch spec :)17:03
slangasekmultiarch - slow progress; Guillem has had limited availability to work on the dpkg side, as of yesterday he's done some more work but it's too early to tell if we'll really have something that can land in time for karmic17:03
mvoon the bright side, lots of interesst in it now, if it does not make karmic, we should get it for karmic+117:04
slangasekTheMuso has posted to ubuntu-devel about hedging bets against multiarch by getting pulseaudio building with biarch, the list of packages affected makes me cringe and inspires me to try harder on multiarch :(17:04
loolon Bug:384579 I think there's a confirmed upstream patch; would be nice to pull it17:05
sbeattielool: actually, on bug 384579, I've pulled it and packaged it; just needs sponsorship.17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384579 in devicekit-disks "Linux thinks there’s a floppy drive when there’s not. Probing slows down bootup by almost a minute." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38457917:06
loolsbeattie: Yeah that's how I noticed17:06
slangasekmvo: bug #402178> yes, it's an X dependency, but given that I'm already volunteering to take on the even more desktopy build failures, I figured that one was definitely up our alley :)17:06
loolDidnt see it was just waiting for sponsorship though17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402178 in libpciaccess "gzopen64 implicitly converted to pointer" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40217817:06
mvoslangasek: ok17:07
slangasekmvo: bug #384579 - seems sbeattie has a patch, perhaps someone should look at sponsoring this17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384579 in devicekit-disks "Linux thinks there’s a floppy drive when there’s not. Probing slows down bootup by almost a minute." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38457917:07
mvoslangasek: I can have a look after the meeting17:07
slangasekmvo: alternatively, I'll be seeing sbeattie in person in an hour or so and could sponsor it in realtime there :)17:07
mvoslangasek: either way is fine, lets see who manages to upload it first ;)17:08
slangasekok, I'm done digesting17:09
slangasekanyone else have questions for Foundations?17:09
slangasekmvo: btw, if you think foundations-karmic-apturl-policy should bemoved to 'Implemented', I can think of no better person to switch it? :)17:10
mvoslangasek: heh :) I will do that, I tend to leave my stuff too long in beta-available (just as my version number are below 1.0)17:10
slangasek[TOPIC] MOTU17:11
MootBotNew Topic:  MOTU17:11
slangasekmvo: thanks17:11
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slangasekScottK2: around?17:11
slangasekany other motu-release folks in the room?17:12
slangasek(ISTR from the mailing list discussion that this was about the time ScottK2 was going to have limited availability)17:12
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB17:12
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB17:12
slangasekanything else that we should discuss here?17:13
slangaseksome may notice "ISO size" dropped off the agenda17:13
slangasekI decided it wasn't worth having a monologue from me every week about the importance of controlling ISO size17:13
slangasekbut it's still important, I'm just not going to harp on it to no effect every week :)17:14
apwslangasek, perhaps just report the delta?17:14
slangasekapw: well, the key point is "everything's too big, we have no room for langpacks", and that's been status quo for weeks17:15
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:16.17:16
loolslangasek: thanks17:16
slangasekI see everyone's wandered away from their desks already for coffee, then. :)17:16
apwthanks slangasek17:16
slangasekthanks, folks17:16
mvothanks slangasek!17:18
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=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
=== fader is now known as fader|away
=== fader|away is now known as fader
=== The_Toxic_Mite is now known as Eurostar
=== Eurostar is now known as The_Toxic_Mite
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
=== fader is now known as fader|away
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
=== imlad is now known as imlad|away

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