
micahgalways call /usr/bin/firefox-3.5 for FF3.500:00
asac___problem is that $0 is also used if you tell firefox to make itself the default00:00
micahgalways call firefox-3.0 for 3.000:00
asac___so if thats versioned it will break on next update00:00
asac___i dont want that to happen for the default browser00:00
micahgwait, can't we just make it pkg specific?00:00
asac___micahg: firefox-3.5 is a script too ... same boat00:00
asac___we have to00:01
asac___but all have to use the sme approach00:01
asac___(instead of real)00:02
asac___and firefox-bin00:02
asac___being links to the binaries and the script calling those instead of the binaries in the firefox pkglibdir00:02
micahgwhat does firefox call when it restarts?00:03
micahgdoes it fork a process00:03
micahgI still don't get why we can't call what's in /usr/bin instead of /usr/lib/ff*00:06
asac___the code does not know about /usr/bin/00:06
asac___it knows about the firefox dir in lib00:06
asac___and it knows about the $0 path00:06
asac___thats it00:06
micahgIs this upstream code or our code?00:07
asac___we have a patch that fixes it to usr /usr/bin/firefox ;)00:07
asac___and i tried to fix some $0 bugs at some point00:07
asac___could be that we have left overs from that too in the tree00:07
=== asac___ is now known as asac
micahgso can't we change the patch based on the internal version number to point to /usr/bin/firefox-3.0 and /usr/bin/firefox-3.5 respectivelyt?00:08
asacmicahg: system_path_launch_child.patch00:08
asacthats in xulrunner00:08
micahgok, I'll pull down source and take a look00:08
asacbranch lp:~mozillateam/xulrunner/xulrunner-1.9.3.head00:09
asacmicahg: so upstream does this:00:09
asac1. cut leaf from argv[0]00:09
asac2. try to find the same binary in firefox lib dir00:09
asacand start that00:09
asacproblem is that if you upgrade from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 you dont have same libdir ;)00:10
asacso it doesnt exist and restart fails00:10
asacat some other place it uses something similar to set the "default" http handler in gnome (we have that check disabled by default so you dont see that feature)00:11
asacthats patched in lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.7.head00:12
asace.g. lp185622_system_path_default_browser.patch00:12
asaci think there its even trickier, because there is no access to argv[0] without much effort00:12
micahgso, is there a variable that would give us the series version number?00:12
asacbut i might be wrong because i havent looked at that code in depth for ages ;)00:13
micahgthat's what I'm thinking00:13
micahgsomething like MOZ_APP_NAME - MOZ_VER?00:14
asacwhat would you do with that?00:14
micahgknow which binary to launch based on version00:15
micahg3.0.x would be firefox-3.000:15
asacwell. we could do that easily. but i dont want that because that would be a home brewn thing again ... which would mean a patch00:15
asacwe could even code the version static in the patch00:15
asacthe argv[0] thing feels upstreamable00:16
micahgwell, that would prevent the patch working for all version00:16
asacyes. there are various ways to do that00:16
micahgI was refering to the patch you showed me in firefox-3.7 not xulrunner00:16
asaci just said that even bumping the version once wouldnt make it harder to maintain00:16
asacthe main problem is that all patches cause efforts on dailies ;)00:17
asaci have no idea how to do that best in an upstreamable fashion00:17
asacactually in a fashion beneficial for all upstream builds00:17
micahgnetiher do I, but I think I can fix it for us at least00:17
asacwe can upstream it with special configure flags most likely00:17
asacthe default thing shouldnt be versioned for the default browser00:18
asacso that would still require some manual tweaking00:18
micahgfor the xulrunner patch, I could write something to parse the version out of argv[0] and use that00:19
micahgto use /usr/bin/firefox- <--whatever was parsed00:20
asacthe xulrunner patch should be fixed properly00:20
asaclike i said. i will probably just do that00:20
asaci am fine to have the other patch fixed00:20
asacmaybe we can make a patch.in ?00:20
micahgso, 1.  What to do with that bug? 2.  Can I help with any of this?00:21
asaci dont like the idea to do that in the mozilla build system00:21
asacone second00:21
* asac is really slow right now00:24
asacmicahg: ok its really just creating the links i mentioned00:26
asacwe currently patch the right versioned path into the startscript00:26
asacinstead you should use that version info to create a link /usr/lib/firefox-$VERSION/firefox /usr/bin/firefox-$VERSION_IF_NOT_DEFAULT-bin00:27
asacand the script should call that00:27
micahgso, should I mark Medium -> Triaged -> assign to you?00:27
asacif you dont want to do that ;) ... then yes, please.00:27
micahgah, so I can try to create that?00:28
micahgso are we talking about having a /usr/lib/firefox-3.5 symlinked to /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.x?00:29
asacmicahg: there we could get argv0 if it helps for the set-default patch00:29
asacfirefox-3.5-real to /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.x/firefox00:30
micahgwhere is firefox-3.5-real?00:30
asacit doesnt exist yet00:30
asaci guess00:30
asacnot sure if there is a better place ;)00:30
micahgwhy is that different than /usr/bin/firefox-3.5?00:31
* micahg is apparently slow too :)00:31
asacbecause firefox-3.5 cannot be a link as its a script and hence it00:31
micahgnow I get it00:31
asacwould break argv000:31
micahgyou want to link to the binary, not the script :)00:31
asacyes. we can provide a proper link that gets properly updated for minor updates00:32
asacand restart should work00:32
micahgso this would be in the firefox package?00:32
asacaccross major versino upgrades that probably wont work ... unless they used the unversioned default links00:32
asacmicahg: i would think so. probably created using dh_link in debian/rules directly00:32
asacas we have the version info available there00:33
micahgwell, we don't do major version upgrades in ubuntu, right?00:33
asaccheck that file... there are already a bunch of dh_link dh_install etc. calls00:33
asacmicahg: we do. like if you have meta firefox installed in jaunty and upgrade to karmic you get a major upgrade00:33
asacwould be great if resetart just works ... actually i think it will00:33
asacas both will have /usr/bin/firefox-real00:33
micahgah, yes, it should :)00:33
micahgin teh default package, right?00:34
asaci dont know if we ship the links in the meta package00:34
* micahg is pulling down ff3.7.head right now00:34
asaci dont think we do00:34
asacfor now put them wherever we ship the /usr/bin/firefox link00:34
asac(in the default package)00:34
micahgWhere do you want me to make the patch?00:35
asacoh fore firefox-3.7 htere is no default package so its definitly in 3.700:35
micahgdo I push to a branch under me?00:35
asacmicahg: where?00:35
asacah ... yes00:35
micahgI've never done this before :)00:35
asacuse ~micahg/firefox/firefox-3.7.head.lpXXXXX00:35
asacso with the bug id appended ... thats good as then you can just mark it merged keep it forever00:36
micahgok, do I do that when I push?00:36
asac(if your launchpad id is micahg)00:36
micahgit is :)00:36
asacmicahg: yes.00:36
micahgso, I'll take this one then?00:36
asacbzr branch ... work ... bzr push lp:~$YOURACCOUNT/....00:36
asacwhy not. problem is that i will be on holiday next week ;)00:37
asacbut i think fta will also guide you in case you need help00:37
micahgok, well, maybe I'll work on it next week, is there any urgency?00:37
asacmaybe you get it even done tomorrow ;)00:37
asacyeah. as you wish00:37
* micahg has a lot of work work to do :)00:37
asacits open long enough so it can wait another few days00:37
micahgshould I assign to me if I won't work on it till next week?00:37
asacmicahg: depends on how you work flow is00:38
micahgis the new one a dup then?00:38
* micahg has nothing assigned00:38
asacif you can remember without assigning then its ok to not assign or whaeever you prefer00:38
micahgis this an old problem?00:38
asaci dont remember anything without a major light blinking all day ;)00:38
asacits there since we have more than one branch00:38
asaci would thihnk00:38
asacbut it only became really relevant when ubufox started to show "restart" button00:39
asaci think that was intrepid00:39
micahgso, is the current bug in ubufox?00:39
asacthats where i landed the fix00:39
asacubufox just relies on that feature to work accross version upgrades00:39
asacso without doing anything that restart feature would be even more busted as it would never work for minor upstream versino upgrades00:39
micahgok, I'm just wondering if it's a dupe or not, this new one00:40
micahgbefore I mark it triaged00:40
asaceven if its a dupe ... the bug that is worked on is always the master ;)00:40
micahgok, so I'll mark this triaged00:40
asacdo a quick check ... if you dont find something just work on it ;)00:40
micahgis this considered low?00:40
asacmedium i would say00:41
asacat least ;)00:41
asacits quite an odd behaviour00:41
asacmicahg: its probably low on the current default version (e.g. 3.5) because that works ;)00:41
asacbut for 3.6 etc its medium00:41
asacyou can use firefox-3.6 and firefox-3.7 package already in launchpad afaik00:42
asacbecause they are in a ppa00:42
asacso add those targets if you want ;)00:42
asacthe other thing we have to do is to get rid of firefox-3.0 ;)00:42
micahgyeah, next week, I'll start on verifying the blueprint00:44
micahgI need some time off this weekend00:44
micahgthanks for spending the time going through all that though00:45
micahgI learned quite a but00:46
micahgasac: do we really want to start tracking stuff against 3.6 and 3.7?00:48
micahgsince there's no official version in Ubuntu for it, how would we ever marked fix released?00:49
asacthose bug pages were created because of ppa uplaods ;) so bug fixes could be done in ppa01:06
asacbut i dont mind01:06
asacwe can also not do that ;)01:06
micahgif you want to track bugs for ppa, I'll do it01:07
micahgAlso, that issue we were talking about, would it be fixed for 3.0 as well?01:08
asacwhy not ... but not for < karmic01:13
asacat least not without quite a long bake time ;)01:13
asacok i am out... talk to you tomorrow ;)01:13
micahgok, night01:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fta04:27
micahge-jat: fta is probably offline as it's early morning in europe05:09
mac_vmicahg: hi... asac asked me to test firefox 3.5.2 to check if a bug is solved , he said , i have the firefox3.5.2.tar.bz  , do i just replace my profile firefox with this? or how do i do it?05:26
micahgdid he as you to test the upstream version?05:27
micahgor our version?05:27
micahg3.5.2 has been out for 2 weeks05:27
micahgis there bug number?05:27
mac_vhe yeah , and he gave the link to the tar.bz , it the cursor bug , just a sec05:28
mac_vsheesh! so many typos!05:29
mac_vmicahg: Bug #41395005:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413950 in firefox-3.5 "Incorrect cursor positioning in Firefox." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41395005:29
micahgso why would he ask you to check 3.5.2?  are you running 3.5.1?05:30
micahgor did he ask you to try 3.5.3?05:30
mac_vhuh...! wait05:30
mac_voops ! i was blind ! he probably gave the wrong link accidentally , and i didnt check :(05:31
micahgwhat are you running?05:32
mac_v3.5.2 in Karmic05:32
micahgok, so what's the link he gave you?05:33
mac_vjust a sec , checking FF history05:34
micahgok, maybe he wanted you to check to see if the upstream version has the bug05:35
micahggo for it05:36
micahgjust download and decompress and run the binary05:36
mac_vmicahg: oh ok , just run from the /firefox-bin ?05:37
mac_vhmmm... ok thanx05:37
mac_vhehe , you guys are confusing! ;p he said upstream version too , i thought that meant the next higher version from upstream !05:47
asacfta: you are insane (wrt songbird fixing) ...11:12
asacinsane == in a good way11:13
asaci think we talked with stevel that having someone from songbird folks caring for the packaging in ubuntu would be a requirement to get this into universe11:13
asacmaybe we can use that to get their support on dailies as an excersize on how to maintain stuff11:13
ftaasac, i fixed it because someone complained it was broken for too long11:20
asacETOOMANYNEWBUGS to start on nm bug processing11:24
* asac does something else11:24
asachttp://identi.ca/notice/8534673 ... hehe11:27
asacfta: i think we should do dailies for 3.0 for < karmic11:30
asaccurrently folks are stuck with a partial migrated default ffox 3.511:30
asaci dont even know the status they are in ;)11:30
asaci would think we just need the firefox package to be daily (no xul)11:31
asacactually we would just need to care that we do an upload whenever i do a security release ... but i have the feeling that having dailies would be easier to (not-) remember11:31
asacJazzva: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jazzva/firefox-extensions/mozilla-livehttpheaders-0.15/+merge/10107 ... i guess i failed on that one?11:48
Jazzvaasac: failed?11:50
asacJazzva: yes. its outstanding stilll ... so i assume i failed to review that ;)11:51
Jazzvaasac: You probably missed it :)11:52
asacheh. i had it in my inbox still ... so i didnt miss completely (otherwise i wouldnt have found it now)11:52
asaclet me do that11:53
Jazzvaok, thanks :)11:53
asacalso diverged11:53
asacgues its really old then11:53
asacJazzva: the nspluginwrapper changes are not made on top of current nsp branch11:54
asaccan you check whether its ok?11:54
asaci will then merge it ... but wasnt sure11:54
Jazzvaasac: I'm using it right now, and it works for me. IIRC, I uncommitted revs 54-56, applied the diff between 0ubuntu5 and 0ubuntu6 to revision 53, and then worked on top of that.11:56
Jazzvathat is the reason why it is not the same.11:57
asacJazzva: done liveheaders11:58
Jazzvayay, thanks :)11:58
asacJazzva: you mean you made it now apply cleanly?11:58
Jazzvaasac: apply cleanly? to lp:nspluginwrapper branch?11:58
asacah you uncommitted the uplaod that wasnt done11:59
asaclet me check that11:59
asacJazzva: you should have used debcommit -e12:01
asacthe uncommit/recommit doenst have the changelog changes in it now12:02
asacand the release is not marked properly with a release commit12:02
gnomefreak:) here but tired as hell and wont be here long i just got home maybe 20minutes ago12:02
asacJazzva: do you use debcommit at all?12:03
Jazzvaasac: I use it.12:03
asac1.3.0-0ubuntu1 was never released. you could have re-released with same version12:03
Jazzvaasac: do you want me to redo the revisions and correct it?12:03
asactough question12:04
asaci hate to not have a release commit12:04
asacbut its many revisions and i dont know about a tool that automatically rebases12:04
Jazzvawell, it's not that hard. I'll go commit by commit, and just apply diff from the current branch :).12:04
asacoh ... what you could try is do a release commit after the revision12:04
asacand then try the bzr rebase command12:04
asacof your branch against the branch with the release commit on top12:04
asacwith some luck it will work12:04
gnomefreakasac: thanks for the push12:05
asacif you dont want to, i can probably also give it a shot12:05
asacgnomefreak: no problem. i hope i can do lighting today before going to vacation for one week12:05
asacwill be back on 1st sep12:05
JazzvaI'm not sure I followed the part about bzr rebase?12:05
JazzvaHow do I do that?12:05
gnomefreakasac: thanks12:06
asacJazzva: install bzr-rebase12:06
asacthen ...12:07
asacbranch revision 54 ... uncommit and commit it with debcommit -e (with UNRELEASED) ... then do a release commit (just flip to karmic and use debcommit -r)12:07
asacso now you have the new branch with the fixed revision12:08
asacnow you pull your branch and run bzr rebase against the branch with the release commit on top12:08
asacthat should replay your commits on top of the one with the new release commit12:08
Jazzvaasac: Ok, I'll try12:09
Jazzvaasac: I should pull rev 54 from my branch, right?12:18
asacJazzva: yes. pull that, uncommit that ... change to UNRELEASED, use debcommit -e (and explain the uncommit stuff on top of what gest generated12:19
Jazzvaah, ok :)12:19
asacand then change manually to karmic and commit with debcommit -r12:19
asacthen try to rebase your branch on that one12:20
Jazzvaasac: ok12:20
asac(best backup what you just did in case you get it wrong ;))12:20
bdrungasac: thanks. i wish you a relaxing vacation.12:21
asaci will ;)12:26
Jazzvaasac: That uncommit/commit and then release commit ended up as the newest revisions (after release for 1.3.0)12:36
Jazzvaand diff shows them as empty commits.12:36
asacJazzva: you rebased in the wrong direction then12:38
asacyou probably rebased the new against the old branch (old is the one with all your commits)12:38
asacyou need to rebase the old against the new ;)12:38
asacbut good that rebase was smart enough to empty them ;)12:39
Jazzvaah... ok :)12:39
bdrungasac: i intend to help on universe sponsoring and helping in mozilla related packages suggests itself.12:40
fta2Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module": /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libcanberra-gtk-module.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6412:52
fta2ALSA lib ../../src/conf.c:2700:(snd_config_hooks_call) Cannot open shared library libasound_module_conf_pulse.so12:52
fta2ALSA lib ../../../src/pcm/pcm.c:2211:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default12:52
fta2asac, we should really have the x64 flash, ia32 is really broken12:52
Jazzvaasac: rebase thing is not working, but it's reporting some revisions that don't exist and to report a bug. I'll paste the report now13:07
Jazzvaasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/256870/13:08
gnomefreak!info firefox hardy13:09
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 64 kB, installed size 120 kB13:09
gnomefreak!info firefox-2.0 hardy13:09
ubottuPackage firefox-2.0 does not exist in hardy13:09
gnomefreakasac: have a nice vacation13:14
andvasac, going out for vacations?13:16
asacfta: luke is working on a proper biarch build for sounds libs now13:16
asacfta: did you see the mail on devel from today?13:16
andvgnomefreak, is he leaving for vacations?13:16
asacfta: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-August/028774.html13:17
asacfta: so once he has that done we should replace the current libs with those (or maybe depends) in ia3213:17
asaci think he is looking for help ;)13:17
asache also mentioned that alsa is now properly done already. so you could start with that13:18
andvasac, leaving for holidays?13:19
andvweekend or more days?13:19
fta2asac, the split will make backports almost impossible with one branch13:20
asacfta2: which split13:20
asacwe have a branch?13:21
asaci guess that only effects builds that require ia32 during build?13:21
asaclike your old chromium?13:21
andvasac, news about mozilla-devscripts upload?13:24
asacdoes it block anything?13:24
andvyeah, all-in-one upload13:25
asaci think I should upload it today13:25
andvasac, all-in-one is ready13:25
asacwill take care that it happens13:25
andvif you want me to provide you branch name13:25
fta2asac, no, i mean, as a consumer of ia32, if the content of ia32-libs changes, that would be impossible to accommodate to with a single branch (like ours) because of the deps/build-deps13:25
andvasac, ready branch is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mozilla-extensions-dev/firefox-extensions/all-in-one-sidebar.ubuntu13:25
asacfta2: i would think that ia32-libs would just get changed depends on its own ... so its transparent for depends13:26
andvfeel free to change the distro from unreleased to unstable13:26
andvif you gonna push it13:26
asacfor build-depends i am not sure .... but we dont use ia32-libs to build anything except previous chromium iirc13:26
asacandv: yes13:26
andvasac, or just let me know if you won't do it13:26
asacandv: is that a new package in debian?13:26
andvasac, yep13:26
asacandv: you would notice it by the upload not going out by end of tomorrow13:26
asac(in worst case)13:27
bdrungasac: there is no abrowser-3.0 package?13:27
andvasac, ok perfect13:27
andvasac, if any other change is needed just ping me and it will be fixed13:27
gnomefreakandv: there is a abrowser-3.0 package13:27
asacbdrung: yes. that feels like a bug13:27
andvgnomefreak, ?13:27
asacguess we need to review how we do meta/vs non-meta for abrowser13:27
gnomefreakalthough it might be just abrowser as a name13:28
gnomefreakoops sorry andv13:28
asacgnomefreak: it was bdrung asking13:28
asacthere is no abrowser-3.0 package here indeed13:28
asacits a bug i am sure13:28
gnomefreakasac: i saw13:28
gnomefreakasac: abrowser is 3.0 isnt it?13:28
gnomefreakwe no longer have any 2.0 in any release13:28
asacgnomefreak: its now 3.5 i would hope ... hiding the 3.0 package13:28
bdrungasac: how to fix it? introducing abrowser-3.0 or dropping it in xpi.mk?13:29
gnomefreakoh damn13:29
gnomefreaki forgot the changes to default browser13:29
asacbdrung: we should fix it by having always versione dpackage and only one unversioned one in the default (like for firefox)13:29
andvasac, I had a talk with myon about my NM status he mailed me about, and he said me keyring managers will probably process new debian developers this weekend13:30
andvasac, just as an update13:30
andvasac, but I assume you'll be away13:30
andvgnomefreak, I see a flashgot package on the queue here, any news about it?13:30
gnomefreakandv: waiting for asac to review and upload13:31
gnomefreaksince we are at or near FF it is possible it wont make it again13:31
andvgnomefreak, yeah13:32
andvlet's have it for karmic+1 then13:32
bdrungasac: currently we do not have the firefox package in xpi:Depends13:32
andvif asac won't make it13:32
gnomefreakandv: that was the plan but he has 1 more of my packages to push besides flashgot and hes on vacation for the next week/10 days13:33
mac_vgnomefreak: could you have a look at this Bug #416084  , this always happens to me ... do i have to add any additional info?13:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416084 in thunderbird "thunderbird-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_main_do_event()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41608413:34
andvgnomefreak, which issues did he find on flashgot?13:34
asacgnomefreak: did you package latest flashgot?13:34
asacplease bump to the most recent stuff available13:34
gnomefreakandv: this time around none. not since i updated to 1.2(i think that is the version in my PPA13:34
asacthe author send me that all the licensing issues are done13:35
asacso we can finally upload it with heads well up13:35
andvgnomefreak, if asac can't make it13:35
andvI'll take a look at it13:35
gnomefreakandv: let me guess your thunderbird bug is IMAP13:35
andvgnomefreak, is it NEW?13:35
mac_vasac: you here too :) , could you also have a look at the thunderbird bug? ^ any additional info i need to provide?13:35
andvgnomefreak, if yes, just have asac give a look at it and then I'll do the rest13:35
bdrungasac: do you want to have a special sorting for xpi:Depends?13:36
gnomefreakasac: i saw in email that 1.2 fixed the licenceing issues13:36
gnomefreakandv: new package yes13:36
andvgnomefreak, ask a first review from asac then I'll do the rest13:36
bdrungasac: in 0.14 it is sorted alphabetically, but this is not required any more13:36
gnomefreakandv: i have asked he just has to find time for review13:36
andvasac, you won't have an internet access on your hotel (or wherever you go)?13:37
gnomefreakvacation == little to no work as possibile ;)13:37
andvgnomefreak, yeah, but usually I can't live without my laptop for more than 3-4 days13:38
gnomefreakdid foomatic-db replace foomatic-db-hpijs13:38
asacwelcome cyphermox  .... he is going to help me on NM stuff ;)13:39
asacandv: i dont want to have internet access there13:39
asaci will be over and out for that week ;)13:39
andvasac, lucky you, have fun :)13:39
bdrungotherwise it would probably no vacation :)13:39
asacthx. much needed13:39
andvif you are not married I hope you to find as much girls as possible13:40
asacwelcome cyphermox ... for others: he is going to help out on NM stuff in ubuntu ;)13:40
asacandv: i am in married state13:40
andvthen nothing13:40
asacwill be there with my girl ... so thats fine ;)13:40
andvwhich location?13:41
andvnear to italy?13:41
asacalso i am just looking for sun and beach and water and sleep :)13:41
asacwe had to book last minute and so we ended up going to #turkey13:41
asacas its just for one week13:42
andvby plane I guess13:42
asacwe usually dont travel in europe but more asia/carribean etc.13:42
andvcome to italy!13:42
asacbut for one week thats good ... super hot most likely ;)... but at least water is 27C ;)13:42
asacitaly is far too crowded on beaches ;)13:42
andvyeah : /13:42
andvturkey is a really great place13:43
asacthats why we usually dont travel to europe ... far too many folks squezing on a tiny dirty beach ;)13:43
andvI'm sure you'll have a great time13:43
asacunless you go for cold atlantic13:43
asacbut super hot atm ;)13:43
asac39°c  (102°f)13:44
asacClear ;)13:44
asacno shade13:44
asaci think turkey and egypt are the only places where i get even sunburned in the shade of a beach umbrella thing13:45
asacgnomefreak: ^^ how do you call that in english?13:45
* asac lazy13:45
andvsunbrella is the thing you go under when in the beach?13:45
andvlike a big umbrella planted in the sand13:46
andvdon't know the english word too13:46
fta2gasp, almost no sound after my last reboot, volume maxed out, i just hear whispers13:46
andvasac, my gf's parents just went back from turkey13:47
andvasac, they were really excited13:47
andvasac, like 'the best trip ever'13:47
gnomefreakasac: what in english?13:47
asacgnomefreak: on the beach if you have an umbrella styled thing for shaed13:47
asacsunbrella ?13:47
mac_vfta2: might be a silly thing , i have faced the same prob , but sometimes if you mute and unmute from the sound prefs , it returns the volume13:48
gnomefreaki just call it an umbrella13:48
gnomefreakasac: ^^^13:48
asacgnomefreak: ok but if you dont point at tit you probably say "sun umbrella"?13:48
asacor is it clear from context?13:48
fta2mac_v, tried that already, no effect13:48
gnomefreakasac: some people i know call it sun umbrella but to me its still just an umbrella13:49
gnomefreaki do that since you dont call an umbrella for rain a rain umbrella :)13:50
* mac_v wonders , aernt all umbrellas supposed to be pointed at the sun13:50
asacgnomefreak: dictionary suggests: "parasol" or "sunshade"13:50
asacdoes that sound familiar or is that far off from reality in the US?13:51
gnomefreakasac: no they are correct terms for that13:51
asacbut you wouldnt use it?13:51
gnomefreakasac: i dont go to beach anymore (most likely to see them at beach)13:52
gnomefreakbeach == too damn hot13:52
asacgnomefreak: still you should have a feeling what you guys in the US would say ;)13:53
asacwould someone really say "gimme a parasol" :)13:53
andvsounds bad13:53
asacor if i tell someone ... where can i find a sunshade13:53
andvasac, the italian name for it13:53
asacwould they know what i am talkinga bout?13:53
gnomefreakasac: yep. i thought a parasol was something you wear but sun shade is the best term13:53
andvis 'ombrellone'13:53
andvwhich is a bit strange too13:54
asacgnomefreak: i would think they send me in a corner where i can find shde ;)13:54
asacif i ask for a sunshade :)13:54
asacbut if you say thats the right term then i will use it next time ;)13:54
asacandv: isnt that the same word as for the rain thing?13:54
gnomefreakasac: they should know what you mean but all depends where you are going. the southerners in US call things different than the northeners do. i am from north but live in the south now13:55
andvasac, rain thing is ombrello13:55
andvasac, and sun thing is ombrellone13:55
andvyeah quite similar13:55
asacgnomefreak: so maybe a parasol is a small umbrealla you wear by sticking on your head (like they have in asia) ;)13:55
asacgnomefreak: so you like southern ways to communicate?13:55
gnomefreaki didnt see an uninstall folder in upstream source :(13:55
gnomefreakasac: nope im a northern at heart13:56
asacandv: is one something that is somehow related to sun?13:56
andvasac, yes13:56
andvasac, ombrellone is the thing you plant in the sand13:56
andvasac, to have shade13:56
andvin the beaches13:56
asac i mean the word13:56
asacthe difference ie "o" vs. "one"13:57
cyphermoxisn' t a parasol just another term for umbrella?13:57
asacwhat is the word for sun?13:57
andvsun = sole13:57
asaccyphermox: well para - sol == against sun13:57
cyphermoxwell yes13:57
asacnot sure what umbrella translate to (and where it comes from)13:57
andvasac, so they don't have anything similar to the word 'sun' in their names13:57
asacbut it seems its romanic heritage as the italian word is similar to the english13:57
cyphermoxjust saying that because here we say parasol no matter what, in french, and the corresponding english word is umbrella ;)13:57
asacwe have a completely different word in german13:58
andvasac, I guess it's latin yes13:58
asacyeah para-sol and umbrella are probably both roman and french pushed more for the former13:58
andvill check my latin dictionary13:58
asacbut i am bad at linguistics so i stop ;)13:58
andvasac, found it14:00
andvasac, umbella , ae is the latin word14:00
asacwhat does it mean?14:00
gnomefreakhttp://www.landscapeforms.com/en-US/products/pages/UmbrellasSunShades.aspx might help a little14:00
andvasac, means 'ombrello'14:00
andvasac, so paresol14:00
asacok so they already had that 2k years ago ;)14:00
andvasac, or umbrella14:00
andvwe added an 'r'14:01
asacparasol is apparently a more generic sun coverage ... as it simply means "against sun"14:01
asacandv: but it still does not explain where umbrella comes from14:01
asaconly that it was already used in latin14:01
asaci would have hoped it to be explainable by combination ;)14:01
asacbut maybe that happened even before ;)14:01
asacin greek?14:02
andvasac, I should investigate who used in the past and why14:02
andvdunno, didnt study greek14:02
andvonly latin14:02
asaca deep latin understanding is usually coupled with learning greek ;)14:02
andvbut I did a scientific high-school14:03
asacusually you learn latin to supplement something else ;)14:03
andvso (luckily) no greek14:03
asacso no greek14:03
andvgreek is far more harder than latin14:04
asaci can read greek, but have absolutely no clue what it means ;)14:04
andvyou need to learn a new alphabet too14:04
asacbut when i tried to learn it a bit it felt that it would be easier for me to learn than latin ;)14:04
asacbut i cannot learn any language, so it would not have mattered ;)14:04
andvgerman looks really hard to understand14:05
andvto me14:05
asacyeah. i wouldnt suggest to learn that ;)14:06
asacunderstanding probably is possible14:06
asacbut speaking and writing properly is a complete desaster14:06
asacmost germans cannot even speak german properly ;)14:06
asacbut i think thats the problem everywhere14:07
asactoo many uneducated people14:07
andvsame in italy14:07
andvtoo many dialects14:07
asacits just that you hear stuff so often that you dont even notice that what they are saying has actually no real meaning14:07
gnomefreakasac: after running sunbird from upstream source using ./sunbird now i cant remove the bits from it. is there an easy way to do this?14:07
asacbut you know what they want to say ;)14:07
asacgnomefreak: what are "the bits from it"?14:08
andvasac, off for a while, if you need anything for all in one just ping me14:08
andvI'll catch it back14:08
asacyeah unlikely14:08
asaci have a haystack of things to clear before i can go to holiday without feeling ba14:09
gnomefreakasac: wish i knew  but it is conflicting with 0.9 and causing crashes14:09
andvit's everything fine so I don't think you'll have problems14:09
asacgnomefreak: probably busted your profile?14:09
asacgnomefreak: fresh profile might help ;)14:09
gnomefreakasac: treied with new one14:09
asacthen you can try to recover your caldnar data14:09
asacgnomefreak: sunbird from upstream shouldnt do any harm to anything but profile14:09
asacunless you run it as root14:09
asacor unpackt it in the middle of /usr/lib ;)14:09
gnomefreakasac: i know better than to run as root but 0.9 wasnt crashing before i tried 1.014:10
gnomefreakits unpacked in ~/sources14:10
asacgnomefreak: strace -f -eopen /usr/bin/sunbird -> paste that14:10
asacafter it crashed14:10
asacgnomefreak: how does it crash?14:10
asacX error?14:10
asacor segfault?14:10
gnomefreakcoredump never opens the calendar14:11
gnomefreakasac: here is crash and strace http://paste.ubuntu.com/256900/14:13
asacgnomefreak: thats the fortify fail because of the MAX_PATH thing14:14
asacdo you still have that patch ?14:14
gnomefreakasac: i applied it IIRC14:14
asacensure that its really applied still14:14
asacyou probably merged it wrongly or something14:15
asacgnomefreak: no14:15
asacthere should be a MAX_PATH patch14:15
asacgrep for MAX in the patches14:15
gnomefreakasac: grabbing branch again i had gotten rid of it locally to save space on backup14:17
gnomefreakasac: i also dont see where we added that patch at all14:17
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
asacgnomefreak: if we didnt add it yet, then we should add it. ... its in tbird package if you want to copy it14:24
gnomefreakasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/256908/ all patches. i will grab tbird source while your looking at that14:25
Jazzvaasac: I manually applied the changes to the branch (using diffs from the old branch). I'll test it now. Do you want me to overwrite the current branch?14:26
asacJazzva: rebase didnt work?14:28
asacJazzva: yeah14:28
asaci would have hoped that rebase works ... i didnt want to put that work on you14:28
gnomefreakasac: in tbird2 branch no patch with MAX in name14:29
asacgnomefreak: you probably look at the wrong branch?14:29
asacits mozillateam/thunderbird/thunderbird.dev14:29
asaci have a patch there at least14:29
gnomefreakasac: thats the one i have14:30
gnomefreakbzr branch lp:~mozillateam/thunderbird/thunderbird.dev14:30
gnomefreakah ok14:31
asacthat has MAX in it ;)14:31
gnomefreakok pushing it and building it14:40
Jazzvaasac: https://code.launchpad.net/~jazzva/nspluginwrapper/1.3.014:42
gnomefreakill be gone while it builds, i have other things i have to get done today14:52
mac_vasac: you asked me to test Bug #413950 with upstream build , i did and i can confirm it exists with the upstream build too.15:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413950 in firefox-3.5 "Incorrect cursor positioning in Firefox." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41395015:12
jcastrofta2: thanks for the CC15:13
asacmac_v: ok so please forward that or ask micahg to do that15:14
jcastrofta2: what about just like 3 symlinks? stable, beta, dev?15:14
mac_vasac: forward upstream ? ok ,i'll see to it , if i can't i'll ask micahg :)15:15
fta2jcastro, yep, whatever, as long as there's something we can use. I mentioned DEPS as this is something they use everywhere15:15
jcastroah ok, excellent15:16
jcastrofta2: maybe we should remind them about /bin/sh and /bin/bash again. :p15:16
fta2they fixed it already15:17
fta2the ppa is not impacted btw15:17
asacmac_v: check with micahg ... he should know how to track stuff and proxy questions to me if needed etc.15:19
asacmac_v: before filing bugs. double check for eventual duplicates15:19
asacmost of the times there are already bugs opened15:19
mac_vasac: i would but he's not here now , sure ,i'll double check :)15:19
gnomefreakasac: what would cause the following:15:27
gnomefreakdragging a tab downwards at all results in the  tab being promoted to a new window15:27
mac_vgnomefreak: i think it is related to the bug i said above , ^15:28
mac_vgnomefreak: the cursor the cursor is always in the wrong position15:29
gnomefreakmac_v: ok im asking now15:29
mac_vgnomefreak: hehe ,i was there too ;)15:30
fta2jcastro, good, we now have the release manager in the loop15:30
jcastroI saw15:30
gnomefreakmac_v: :) thanks for taking it over im working on other things atm15:31
jcastrothis is going to be great15:31
gnomefreakmac_v: what works now may not work tomorrow15:31
mac_vgnomefreak: i'm trying to forward the bug upstream , just one doubt , i have a bugzilla account , will that work or do i need a seperate bugzilla.mozilla account15:35
gnomefreakmac_v: it will work15:38
gnomefreakmac_v: what bugzilla account?15:38
gnomefreakmac_v: gnomes?15:38
gnomefreakyou will have to make a mozilla account IIRC15:39
mac_vhmm.. ok will do :)15:39
gnomefreakok fixed FTBFS and fixed a couple of other things. it builds and installs and works at least here it does15:45
asacgnomefreak: sunbird?15:45
asacgnomefreak: please give me branch so i can test and upload before going to holiday15:46
gnomefreakasac: yes ok let me get it15:46
gnomefreakthat way you can see the changelog15:47
asacgnomefreak: you must not run bzr add ... without specific files ;)15:48
asacgnomefreak: you added stuff like bzr_log.Aoovuj15:48
asacgnomefreak: bzr uncommit15:48
asacbzr rm THOSEFILES15:48
asaccommit again15:49
gnomefreakasac: ok doing15:49
asacgnomefreak: also you did everything in one commit ... thats ok, but feel free to do one commit per thing you do ;)15:49
gnomefreakasac: ok15:50
asacgnomefreak: please start with the latest branch15:50
asacnot with your branch15:50
asacyou didnt start with the latest from the rtelease branch15:51
gnomefreakasac: i did start with that one last commit to mt branch was the translation you fixed15:52
gnomefreakasac: you added that after i did mine15:52
gnomefreaki fixed that in ubuntu3 and screwed up and pushed with ubuntu4...5...6..15:53
gnomefreaki have since condenced into one push15:54
asacgnomefreak: try to bzr uncommit .... bzr pull from my branch and then commit15:54
asacmaybe it works15:54
asacand it gets nicely merged15:54
asacwait aa second15:55
asacgnomefreak: yeah there is conflict in changelog during merge15:55
gnomefreak#  Published  on 2009-03-2615:55
asacanyway. cleanup your branch15:55
gnomefreakclean it up?15:56
gnomefreakit is clean :)15:56
asacremove the cruft15:56
gnomefreaki am15:56
asacthe bzr files are still in there15:56
asacalso review if you added something else you didnt want to add15:56
asac    * bzr_log.Aoovuj15:56
asac    * bzr_log.Aoovuj.save15:56
asacthose are cruft ;)15:56
asacfor sure15:56
gnomefreakyeah removed them15:58
gnomefreakwaiting for push to finish and update15:58
fta2Total builds:  999615:58
fta2Failed 132515:58
fta2Pending 115:58
fta2Superseded 48115:58
fta2Succeeded 818915:58
fta2asac, ^^ umd :)15:58
gnomefreakasac: its updated16:04
asacfta2: complaining about the failures, or happy that we break the 10k anniversary today? ;)16:09
andvasac, I'm leaving, will be back this late evening, have a nice trip and thanks for pushing all in one16:10
andvenjoy yourself! :)16:10
fta2asac, the 10k ;)16:14
asacfta2: we should blog about it i guess ;)16:15
fta2jcastro, ^^16:19
jcastroyeah I'm on that already. :D16:22
asacjcastro: http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/158-Ubuntu-Mozilla-Daily-Archive-with-firefox-3.1-and-3.2-for-hardy,-intrepid-and-jaunty.html16:23
asacjcastro: thats the initial announcement where the dailies hit the lights ;)16:23
asacjcastro: interesting that its not long, but it feels like they have always been there ;)16:24
fta2thunderbird-3.0                   1014   0.08%       105     645     263       116:25
fta2new barrier too, 1k :)16:25
fta2chromium is at 10k today too16:25
asacchromium is at 2361 for me16:28
jcastrohe means users16:29
jcastrofta2: when you get home get me graphs on FF and tbird too please16:29
jcastrothat'll make it look better.16:29
asacah ;)16:30
fta2jcastro, i didn't keep track of tb/ff, just chromium16:30
jcastroah ok, no worries16:31
asacmaybe just post current stats16:31
fta2i just have yesterday's stats (today will arrive in a few hours)16:31
asacjcastro: you can also say that the network-manager team also uses fta bot http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/164-ubuntu-network-manager-team-offers-daily-builds-for-trunk-aka-0.8-now.html16:32
asacif you want more success stories16:32
asacalso has a few words on upstream relationsship wrt to dailies etc.16:33
asacjcastro: ^^16:33
asacok i am preparing to fly away ;)16:33
asacwill check back later tonight to do some more sponsoring and pre-vaction cleanups16:33
fta2pastebin clock is fucked up16:34
jcastroasac: was already going to reference it. :D16:34
asacfta2: someone else also uses your bot, right?=16:35
asacwasnt there someone asking you how to do that?16:35
asacjcastro: ^^16:38
jcastroasac: got that one too. :D16:39
jcastroasac: we got it dude, fta and I are on it. :D16:39
asacgreat. you seem to be on top of what we do here ... thanks for caring ;)16:39
jcastro~ubuntu-smokers gotta stick together16:40
gnomefreak!info flashplugin-nonfree hardy16:45
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)16:45
micahgping mac_v16:53
mac_vmicahg: hi... just a sec17:06
mac_vmicahg: yup... i'm here :)17:10
micahgok, you might want to try the dailies as well to see if it's fixed17:10
mac_vmicahg: upstream dailies? could you give me the link pls?17:11
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
micahgnah, just our dailies since you confirmed it happens with upstream version as well17:12
mac_vmicahg: ok... downloading ... will test it out in a bit :)17:12
* micahg has to get going...later17:13
mac_vmicahg: wiat17:14
mac_vmicahg: do i download the debs, or the original.tar.gz ?17:14
mac_vasac: you still here? same question^17:16
asacmac_v: just dist-upgrade ;)17:19
asacyou need the .debs of course. but better use apt-get for that17:19
mac_vasac: no , i dont want to do that . :( what if it breaks something ?17:19
mac_vfrom the frying pan to the fire  , ;p17:20
mac_vsomething easy like the build method would be nice :)17:20
asacmac_v: enable ppa ... sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox-3.7 firefox-3.7-gnome-support17:23
asacdisable ppa17:23
asacrun apt-get update one more time to be sure it wont upgrade anything else17:23
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
mac_vhmm... hehe , knew this workaround , i thought it would mess up my profile... good to know it wont \o/17:25
mac_vasac: downloading 3.7 , whats new in 3.7 ? also.. any known problems i should know?17:47
mac_vasac: lol , the cursor to pointer difference increased from 3 lines in 3.5 to 4 lines in 3.7 ..!18:11
asacmac_v: i think its a gtk/gdk issue18:18
asacor maybe related to dpi18:18
asacwhat dpi settings do you have?18:18
mac_vasac: 96dpi , but it doesnt happen in other apps :(18:19
mac_vasac: i'm keeping minefield installed, in case any testing has to be done , would the be any problem with 2 xulrunner versions installed?18:21
asacmac_v: about:config ... what value do you have?18:22
asacalso what do you get with xdpyinfo  | grep resolu18:22
mac_vlayout.css.dpi is -118:23
mac_v~$ xdpyinfo  | grep resolu >  resolution:    98x98 dots per inch18:23
mac_vhuh! 98!18:23
mac_vbut my appearance prefs says  96!18:23
mac_vminefield layout.css.dpi is also -118:24
asacappearence pref is kind of hoax18:24
asacits for fonts only18:24
* mac_v awaiting further instructions18:28
micahgmac_v: I use apt pinning to insure that I only get what I want from the daily ppa18:45
mac_vmicahg: you mean "Lock versions" , how do i use it actually?18:48
micahgno, not lock versions18:48
micahgidk what that is18:48
mac_voh, synaptic has that "Lock versions"18:48
micahghere: http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html18:48
micahgthat's for debia18:49
micahgbut the concept is the same18:49
mac_vnice... thanx...18:49
micahgI pin all PPAs at 450 so that I have to choose to install it18:49
* mac_v reading18:49
micahgso I get 3.6 and 3.7 daily, but not 3.5 and 3.018:49
mac_vmicahg: so i have to mention the "#Stable" in the /etc/apt/sources , right?18:57
mac_vmicahg: could you check these ... sources > http://paste.ubuntu.com/257066/ , preferences > http://paste.ubuntu.com/257067/19:05
asaci think you can also match pins by special URLs19:05
asacbut thats just me ... the one who never pins ;)19:05
mac_vi'm not sure where to add the #stable19:06
* mac_v reads again , where to add the url19:06
mac_vasac: any thing else about the cursor?19:08
mac_vor should i just submit the present info upstream?19:08
asacmac_v: check if there is a bug and then submit it .. yes.19:10
asacmac_v: use a reasonable component ;)19:11
asacprobably like core -> something19:11
micahgmac_v: that's won't work for Ubuntu19:14
mac_vasac: oh crap! no component called core ! :( , shell integration19:14
mac_vmicahg: i dint understand19:15
mac_vwhat should i change19:15
asacmac_v: its product core ... component SOMETHING19:15
micahgThis is what I have for ppa's http://paste.ubuntu.com/257072/19:15
asacmac_v: try with gfx widgets or something19:16
mac_vmicahg: can i  use > http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu  , i have other ppa which i use as the main :(19:18
micahgoh, ok19:18
micahghold on19:18
micahgThis is what I do for mozilla security, you can do the same for the dailies pppa19:18
micahgjust make the priority lower than 50019:19
micahgand here is the this for the daily one LP-PPA-ubuntu-mozilla-daily19:19
mac_vmicahg:  do i have to set prority for the rest or just the priority for the ppa?19:20
micahgnope, just priority for the ppa, you can check it all but running apt-get update and then apt-cache policy19:21
mac_vlol... just now i installed 3.7 and already there is an update !19:21
mac_vmicahg: policy shows rest as 500 and the daily as 450 \o/19:22
mac_vwow , this is great , totally wonderful!19:23
micahgand anything you install from the ppa will keep updating19:24
micahganything you don't will you whatever is at 50019:24
mac_vthis is soooooo useful , i was always switching ppa on and off for testing!19:25
micahgyep, this eliminates that19:25
micahgyou can add as many as you want ot he preferences fil19:25
mac_vso basically i have to check the name in the apt cache policy and set the prefs , absolute beauty19:28
mac_vmicahg: about the cursor bug , which component do i file it in... shall i just file it in general? since it affect several things19:30
mac_v3 as of now19:30
mac_vasac: are you sure its product core and not firefox? i cant reproduce it in thunderbird19:32
mac_vthe cursor works correctly in thunderbird19:33
asacmac_v: i had folks complaining that if they drag drop mails over long folder lists19:36
asacthat a folder furthe above gets highlighted19:37
asacfelt similar19:37
asacmac_v: in any case ... use core layout text forms19:37
mac_vasac: oh folder , yeah19:37
asacmac_v: Core -> Layout:Text is a good starting point i guess19:37
mac_vi see it , its the same , i was just testing with text19:38
asacmac_v: anyway. i am not sure where to put it. so start with text and mention in bug that you see something similar in thunderbird19:38
asacsomeone will guide you then19:38
mac_vok , asac do you have the lp bug# for thunderbird? i'll link that too19:38
asacmac_v: no ... someone showed that to me directly19:38
asacmac_v: poke launchpad ;)19:38
asacthere probably is a bug i didnt see19:38
mac_vasac: found it \o/ Bug #40332519:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403325 in thunderbird "drag and drop to local folders is offset" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40332519:43
micahg1asac: yeah, I commented on that TB bug, but TB bugs are separate anyways19:43
micahg1that's what mozilla told me19:43
mac_vmicahg1: so for upstream , i should file seperate bugs for thunderbird and firefox ? or just in core will do?19:44
mac_vjust 1 in core19:44
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
micahg1mac_v: separate19:50
asacmac_v: so file a new bug for firefox against the commponent i said and also mention the tbird launchpad bug19:51
asacbased on what they say open a new one or just link the launchpad one to the firefox bug (which is a core bug in mozilla)19:51
micahg1asac: when I asked in the #firefox channel, they said to file separately in TB19:52
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
asacmicahg1: my suggestion is to not file it against tb until a real core developer looks at the firefox bug19:52
asacmicahg: please CC :reed19:53
asache is busy, but he usually still CCs the right ones (if you metnion its ubuntu)19:53
micahgah, ok, you want to make sure it's a real bug first :)19:53
asacmicahg: no. i dont want to file a tbird bug until we know its not a dupe of the core -> layout bug we are now filing for firefox19:53
asaci am sure its related19:54
asacand tbird folks will not able to fix it anyway19:54
* mac_v confused :(19:54
micahgasac: well, even if it's a dupe, they would have to patch separately19:54
asacmac_v: you just file your firefox bug against core -> layout text forms and mention the tbird problem19:55
asacmicahg: no19:55
asacif its a core bug its a core bug19:55
micahgno?  I thought they run a separate version of xulrunner?19:55
asacmicahg: they need to have the source ... but its the same code19:55
asacyou just cannot link against the system xulrunner19:55
micahgright, but I thought they already had their core snapshot for TB319:56
asacthunderbird is basically just the mailnews/ and mail/ tree in mozilla-central19:56
asacfirefox is browser/19:56
asactoolkit is toolkit/19:56
asacmost of the rest is core19:56
asacmicahg: tb3 is using the 1.9.1 branch19:56
asacso we fix it in core trunk19:56
micahgah, so this would be fixed in trunk and then the patch would be backported to TB319:57
asacthen we need to request landing there for firefox anyway19:57
asacmicahg: not to tb319:57
asacto mozilla-1.9.1 branch19:57
asactb3 pulls in that branch19:57
micahgso why would htey tell me to file a different bug for TB19:57
micahgI thought it was like you're telling me19:57
asacmicahg: because they gave the standard answer19:57
asacmicahg: who replied?19:58
* micahg is looking19:58
micahg(11:06:08 PM) micah: do you keep firefox and thunderbird bugs separate even if they're the same symptom?19:58
micahg(11:07:41 PM) JonathanS: yes, different product19:58
asacdont know him19:59
asacso #firefox is like #ubuntu ... user support19:59
asacthere is a special channel for this19:59
asacbut i forgot19:59
asacyou might want to ask on #developers where to ask for right components if you forward ubuntu bugs19:59
asacor ask on #developers and if they will complain if they think its off-topic ;)19:59
micahgah, that seems to be an unpulished channel on irc.mozilla.org20:00
asactoo bad reed isnt here ;)20:00
asac#developers is the big channel20:00
asaclike #ubuntu-devel20:00
* micahg kept jumping in #qa to ask questions20:00
asacmicahg: for this issue i would just ask on #developers if they have a clue what this might be and where to file it against20:01
asacits odd enough to ask there ;)20:01
asactell them its in karmic. i think its a gtk related regression20:01
micahgcan mac_v do it?  I need to get a few things done at the office here20:03
micahgotherwise I can do it over the weekend20:03
mac_vmicahg: i'm now searching for dupes , I'll inform you if i report it :)20:03
mac_v^oh my face got cut !20:04
asacmicahg: you are doing more bug work all the time so it would be more beneficial for you to do that20:04
asacmac_v: should just file a bug20:04
asacyou can ask later if thats the right compnonet or if someone has an idea there20:04
asacso they get to know you ;)20:04
* mac_v wonders why he got into this mess!20:05
asacmac_v: hehe. so if you dont find anything. file against the component i mentioned. and you are done20:05
asacjust follow up if something happens20:05
micahgok, I'll do that20:05
mac_vmicahg: huh ? you'll file it? ok  thanx :)20:06
micahgno, you file20:06
asacmac_v: no. he will take care20:06
micahgI'll follow up :)20:06
asacthat it gets proper upstream attention20:06
asacand gets moved against right component etc. ;)20:06
mac_vok no probs :)20:06
asacmac_v: you can also do all that but i guess you want to stay out of that ;)20:06
mac_vyeah , too much to deal with , i have other bugs waiting :)20:07
asacright. so file it good and then you are good ... just drop the upstream bug id in launchpad and move on20:07
mac_vsure :)20:08
andvasac, back20:21
andvasac, any news?20:21
asacno. but soon20:22
asacbdrung: there?20:22
andvasac, ok :)20:22
asacbdrung: if you want me to keep you as changelog owner i need you to sign off the current state and close the changelog witha release commit. i will then sponsor it to debian20:24
asaci think we should call it an end now. and maybe work on 0.16 for a last karmic update20:24
asacif we really have urgent stuff to do20:24
mac_vasac: i'm compelled to tag the bug major severity , > since a major feature is broken, or is it just a normal severity ?20:39
asacmac_v: did i say that i see that too?20:40
mac_vno... i'm asking20:40
asacmark it high20:41
asacits a bad UI glitch20:41
mac_vok :)20:41
mac_vsheesh ! https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51195520:55
ubottuMozilla bug 511955 in Layout: Text "Incorrect cursor positioning , while using drag and drop" [Major,Unconfirmed]20:55
mac_vasac: micahg could you confirm the bug ^20:55
mac_vdid i do it correctly ? reporting on gnome bugzilla is sooo much easier20:58
micahgmac_v, looks fine21:03
mac_vmicahg: just a reminder , asac was saying something about forwarding the bug to "reed"21:04
ftajcastro, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/chromium-popcon-6.png21:07
ftajcastro, sorry for the delay21:07
ftajcastro, please use a copy, mine is volatile (.../tmp/)21:08
jcastrono worries, thanks!21:11
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
ftajcastro, todays #, http://paste.ubuntu.com/257135/21:20
jcastrofta: got an example of a bug filed upstream that got spammed by users with meaningless data?21:33
jcastro(I'm writing about the plusses and minuses of easily available dailies)21:33
jcastrothat /bin/sh one probably21:33
dtchenjcastro: (sometimes upstreams don't see much value in dailies. e.g., i chatted with lennart (of pulseaudio) early in the karmic dev cycle, and he didn't find much use for them)21:38
jcastrodtchen: yeah I am blogging about that in a minute. :D21:38
ftajcastro, ^^ #3221:40
ftajcastro, it was never something i did, i just had to find the error & fix it to close the debate21:42
ftaand the fix is still only in ubuntu21:43
jcastrofta: let me mail you a draft, I want to make sure I get it right21:44
ftajcastro, http://paste.ubuntu.com/257147/21:48
ftanot sure how the debian popcon is representative though21:50
ftaseems we have leaks21:51
ftapeople from one distro using repos from the other21:52
ftafor ex, we have some iceweasel in ubuntu21:52
ftathey have some firefox21:52
ftawell, it's outside of the scope21:53
andvasac, you have to wait bdrung for uploading 0.15?21:59
jcastrooh right right22:02
jcastrofta: so what do you think about the draft, any issues?22:02
ftajcastro, just read it, all good22:03
* jcastro would like to post it soonish so he can drink beer and be done22:03
ftajcastro, instead of the ripps branches, maybe point the ppa22:04
ftajcastro, "So if you're a project who is already in launchpad"  hmm22:05
ftamissing word?22:06
jcastrofixed and posted, thanks!22:12
micahgfta: I see Namoroka is named now22:14
BUGabundoasac: FYI last night daily has 3G MM working :)22:30
ftahttp://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=19987  not sure what i should do about that22:43
BUGabundohey fta22:48
ftaBUGabundo, yop22:57
ftarickspencer3, any idea what i should do regarding http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=19987 ? seems to be an ubuntu desktop choice making other upstream unhappy23:09
ftabug 22076523:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220765 in xdg-utils "xdg-open should use xdg-mime instead of run-mailcap when no DE detected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22076523:12
bdrungasac: i am back23:15
asacbdrung: got what i wrote?23:19
bdrungasac: how long are you awake today?23:23
asacbdrung: not sure.23:25
bdrungasac: if you give me 10 minutes, i could change the xpi:Depends sorting23:26
asacif you dont add more, but just sign-off/release commit, i can also upload tomorow23:26
asacbdrung: is that required?23:26
asacwhat bug does that address?23:26
bdrungasac: currently it is sorted alphabetically (e.g. abrowser | firefox | iceweasel)23:26
bdrungasac: but something like firefox-3.5 | firefox-3.0 | iceweasel | abrowser would be better, wouldn't it?23:27
bdrungasac: what was the command for sign-off/releasing?23:28
bdrungi have bumped the Standards-Version to 3.8.3 and sort the build-depends (cosmetic)23:28
bdrungasac: there is no bug opened for that, but if you have nothing installed of it, the first fitting dependency is used. on ubuntu the latest firefox should be installed and on debian iceweasel23:30
ftaasac, any idea about the xdg-open thing?23:30
e-jatfta, if i already --enable-plugins for chromium .. then the flash doesnt work :( previously work well .. lately it failed to show the flash :( .. should i purge then reinstall ? i already try to clean the cache seem it still not work :(23:33
ftae-jat, amd64?23:33
ftastart in a shell, any message?23:34
e-jatfta: wait ..23:34
ftais it listed in about:plugins ?23:35
e-jati think i get something in about:plugins ..23:38
bdrungasac: the patch for the changed sorting: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257189/23:39
bdrungasac: for adblock-plus it would be xpi:Depends=firefox-3.6 | firefox-3.5 | firefox-3.0 | iceweasel | abrowser-3.6 | abrowser-3.5 | iceape | seamonkey | icedove | thunderbird-3.0 | conkeror | prism23:39
ftafirefox-3.7 too23:40
bdrungfta: do you have more suggestions?23:40
asacbdrung: i dont think we need this worting.23:40
bdrungasac: why not?23:41
asacat least i dont understand why it should be sorted in which way23:41
asacso lets not do it for this upload23:41
e-jatfta : http://imagebin.ca/view/5APf7TN.html23:41
bdrungasac: my ideas: listing the prefered app first (e.g. firefox before abrowser) and sorting it descending (e.g. firefox-3.5 before firefox-3.0)23:42
ftae-jat, i just tried, mine is broken too, i'm quite sure it was still working yesterday23:42
e-jatowh ...23:42
asacbdrung: i dont think thats what we want.23:42
bdrungasac: why not?23:43
asacbecause that order is random too23:43
bdrungasac: so sorting it alphabetical is better?23:43
asacfirefox-3.6 is wrong to be before 3.523:43
asacbdrung: i dont want to replace something that is wrong with something that is still wrong ;)23:43
e-jatits ok then .. it mean im not the only one :)23:43
bdrungasac: would there a sorting which would be correct?23:44
asacits not understood. thats why i think we dont want to do anything atm23:44
asacit probably needs manual tweaking by distro/release etc.23:44
bdrungasac: not understood?23:44
asacits not understood what we want23:44
asacto address the sorting issue23:44
bdrungthen i will only add firefox-3.7 and remove abrowser-3.0. is this ok?23:45
asacbdrung: keep abrowser-3.023:45
asacits a bug that it doesnt exist23:45
bdrungasac: but the package never exists23:45
asacyes. thats a bug23:45
asaci have to figure what to do about that first ;)23:46
asacmight as well be that it goes away23:46
bdrungso only adding firefox-3.7 and abrowser-3.723:46
asacdo we have toolkit@mozilla.org?23:47
asacthen it also needs a new xulrunner i guess23:47
bdrungpackages_toolkit@mozilla.org := xulrunner-1.9 xulrunner-1.9.1 xulrunner-1.9.223:47
asacso those three23:48
bdrungasac, fta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257197/23:49
asacand for 0.16 we need to understand how to configure behaviour23:49
asacin a way tha addresses the sorting issue and the ever growing package number23:49
bdrungasac: the dh 7 bug should be delayed to 0.16?23:51
ftawho requested dh 7?23:52
bdrungfta: some people do not like cdbs.23:52
bdrungfta: that's why it would be nice if you can use xpi.mk with simple dh 723:52
ftalooks painful to me23:53
bdrungfta: it should be simple as http://paste.ubuntu.com/257198/23:54
ftamaybe move most of xpi.mk to xpi-core and include it in 2 xpi files, 1 for cdbs (xpi.mk, for legacy) and the other for dh23:54
bdrungbut it did not work23:54
ftayep, but i don't know dh enough to help here23:54
bdrungfta: the optimum would be if someone could write a dh 7 perl plugin. then it would be a two liner:23:55
bdrung    dh --with xpi $@23:55
asac___  * Use run-mailcap for generic xdg-open support.23:55
asac___00:49 < bdrung> asac, fta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257197/23:55
asac___00:49 < asac> and for 0.16 we need to understand how to configure behaviour23:55
asac___00:49 < asac> in a way tha addresses the sorting issue and the ever growing package number23:56
asac___00:50 < asac> seems ok23:56
asac___00:50 < asac> what about iceweasel?23:56
asac___00:50 < asac> oh missed it ;)23:56
asac___00:52 < asac> fta: the back sounds not so good23:56
asac___00:53 < asac> so xdg-utils is in sync with debian23:56
asac___00:54 < asac> debian bug 48460223:56
ubottuDebian bug 484602 in xdg-utils "xdg-utils: xdg-open does not open HTTP URL" [Unknown,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/48460223:56
asac___00:55 < asac___>   * Use run-mailcap for generic xdg-open support.23:56
bdrungasac: the dh 7 bug should be delayed to 0.16?23:57
bdrungasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257198/23:57
ftaasac___, ??23:57

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