
bazhang* [Chien2Rohff41] (n=just4tes@  les amis seems to be ban dodging00:18
bazhangah he quit00:19
Picibazhang: its fine to ban again if you think they are dodging.00:31
Picioh, you did, nevermind00:31
bazhangPici, right, he quit; then returned00:34
ubottuedbian called the ops in #ubuntu (FusiouS)01:15
* Pici sighs02:58
PiciThe bot has been gone for like 45 minutes and no one reported it?02:58
FlannelPici! Pici! Ubottu is gone!02:58
FlannelShe's fallen in the old well!02:58
PiciStarting to sync now, so hopeully wont be too much longer03:01
ikoniagot him in pm06:32
ikoniahe was a jerk in PM, constantly messing around. I'll shift the ban after 48 hours when he either may not come back, or comes back without the need to be an idiot06:35
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)10:45
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)10:45
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)10:45
jussi01ikonia: see pm please11:12
ubottuorochi called the ops in #ubuntu ()12:42
* jpds takes a look.12:43
jussi01Lads and Ladies, we need to remember to clear our oldbans,not just in #ubuntu12:47
naliothand #ubuntu-offtopic12:47
jussi01nalioth: read carefully what I just said :)12:52
* nalioth has not sletp in days and is doing well to maintain minimal function12:54
PiciI find it handy to have a bookmark that looks for unremoved bans in my name12:59
PiciThanks, but I also like to remove my bans in context with the logs13:03
MyrttiPici: so do I - I just can't find anything useful with the search of bt13:04
ikoniagenius thy names are Pici and Myrtti13:11
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:35
zirodayHi all, orochi generally trolling and sending me grouchy PM's. Someone might want to keep an eye on him/her15:33
orochiSo, which Ubuntu channels are you allowed to use "extreme" language in? Where is the list of words that you're not allowed to use?15:58
orochiThat's only half an answer. :>15:58
ikoniaorochi: just common sense really,15:58
PiciIt was the answer to the first question.15:58
orochiikonia: Not really, no. You can prick your finger but you can't finger your prick, for example. :P15:58
ikoniaorochi: that's common sense15:59
ikoniaorochi: pricking the finger is different than talking about pricks (penis)15:59
orochiI assume there must be a list of words that Ubuntu has decided you can't say, how else would you base bans on that reason?15:59
Piciorochi: And you seem to know the difference so use common sense...15:59
ikoniajust use polite conversation,15:59
ikoniaorochi: its not specific words, although obviously swear words would be obvious15:59
ikoniaorochi: it's the topic, eg: we'll fix your film problems, we don't need to know it's a porn film15:59
orochiikonia: What if I was talking about my opposition to the Iraq War in offtopic for example? Some consider that offensive16:00
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct16:00
ikoniaorochi: yes, I can see how that maybe offensive,16:00
PiciIf they asked you to stop, then do so.16:00
orochiikonia: So will you ban me from offtopic for mentioning it?16:00
ikoniaorochi: just use common sense, talk about it, if people find it a bit to harsh, move away16:00
ikoniaorochi: not at all, just guide you away from it16:00
PiciBans are a last resort16:01
ikoniaorochi: although it's also a valid topic, so don't stray into dangerous water in it, just use common sense to judge the topic/mood16:01
orochiikonia: I'm sure you can see the problem. :> What is defined as "offensive" is too vague to really know what you can and can't say in -offtopic16:01
ikoniaorochi: not really, common sense and respond to the channel16:01
orochiIn some cases it's clear, in other's it's really not16:01
ikoniaif it's not clear and you use it, you'll be asked to stop16:01
ikonianot a problem16:01
orochiikonia: Alright...so if I've got this straight...try not to mention anything that might possibly be offensive to anyone at all, ever, or else I'll be asked to stop. Even if it's in an offtopic channel where one would think any topic would be up for grabs. Got it :>16:02
ikoniathat's being silly16:03
ikoniare-read what ubottu posted on 04016:03
ikoniasome topics can be a bit offensive so judge them with the mood16:03
ikoniastating your opinion is fine, but just follow the tone and requests of the channel16:03
orochiOtherwise I'll be asked to stop, and if I don't stop then the ban hammer comes down. Well, at least I have advanced warning, in the event I accidentally say some word that someone in some language doesn't like :>16:03
ikoniait's not a "word"16:03
ikoniayou seem to be trying to provoe a situation16:04
ikoniajust use common sense,16:04
ikoniapeople in the channel will guide you if it's a bit too close to the rules16:04
ikoniait's moderated by the users in the channel generally, so just follow the tone16:04
orochiikonia: I'm not trying to provoke a situation, I was told to come here and ask for clarification on the rules rather than do it in #ubuntu :> You seem to be interpreting it as a provocation but that's not really my fault16:04
orochiIs there somewhere else I should go to ask questions about the channel to the ops?16:05
ikoniato get ops where ?16:05
ikoniayou're in the channel with the operators in16:05
orochiYes, I noticed, but if one of those ops happens to think that I'm trying to "provoke a situation" then I'm probably not going to get to ask many questions for long :>16:05
Piciorochi: Sometimes it seems like people are looking for loopholes.16:05
ikoniaorochi: ok - so the bottom line is listen to the channel and use common sense16:06
ikoniaorochi: people will give you friendly nudges if the topic strays too far16:06
ikoniathere is no "ban hammer" after a warning, it's much more friendly than that16:06
ikoniaif you ignore the requests, then yes, you can be banned, which is a reasonable step for someone refusing to follow guidence16:06
ikoniadoes that make it a little more clear for you ?16:06
orochiPici: Perhaps yes, I can understand that...but treating a regular visitor as someone who's trying to provoke an argument just for asking a few questions is a bit much, it's not at all "friendly" to people who are recommended to come here for advice16:07
ikoniaorochi: then I apologise to you and hope that you now understand the guidelines for #ubuntu-offtopic16:07
orochiikonia: What will happen is perfectly clear to me, yes. :> What will cause it to happen isn't so clear but I'm guessing that won't be resolved, I'll just assume that my speech is restricted in those channels and act accordingly.16:07
ikoniaorochi: that's right, just follow the topic and guidlines16:07
Piciorochi: We don't get a lot of curious people here, sometimes we get stuck in the wrong mode for dealign with people.16:07
ikoniaincase you missed it before16:08
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct16:08
ikonia^ ^16:08
ikoniaorochi: note "take care" not "don't speak"16:08
orochiikonia: Take care is more polite language yes, but it translates into "don't speak" if you do it more than once, no? ;P16:08
orochiI'll read it over in either case16:09
ikoniano it doesn't translate to don't speak16:09
PiciThe topics are not banned; stating your position is ok....16:09
ikoniait translates to "take care with how you discuss the topics, they can upset people"16:09
ikoniaand as I said it's not warn->ban you will get guided by the cahnnel16:09
orochiikonia: Understandably, yes. Aside from foul language and political debates though, how do you really know what's going to upset someone?16:09
ikoniayou don't16:10
ikoniasome topics are obvious though16:10
ikoniahence Take care16:10
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:10
ikoniahot political topics, sex, race etc etc16:10
ikoniahence why I keep suggesting use common sense16:10
orochiikonia: I understand that yes, and I know what I certainly won't be saying. I suppose it's just an idle musing how strange it is that the Ubuntu community would be all about free software and absolutely AGAINST free speech. I suppose when you're on IRC you don't get that privilege what with the amount of people abusing it :>16:13
ikoniaorochi: want to tell us your real name16:14
ikoniablind melon chit for example16:14
orochiikonia: My real name is personal, this is my IRC name16:14
ikoniaok - so you're denying your "blind|melon|chit"16:14
orochiikonia: ...I would assume so, being that I've never actually heard the name?16:15
ikoniaif you could hang on while I reqest freenode staff look into this16:15
orochiikonia: Sure.16:15
ikoniaapologies if this takes a moment as it looks very much like you are a banned user avoiding a ban16:16
ikoniastew: hi16:16
ikoniajust on queue16:16
ikoniastew: you have BT access ?16:16
Piciikonia: that ban was removed...16:16
ikoniaoh really16:16
Piciby you16:16
orochiikonia: No problem, take your time. I'm not avoiding any ban that I know of.16:17
ikoniaso it was, my mistake/apologies16:17
ikoniaorochi: no - your correct, the ban I'm taling about was removed16:17
orochiikonia: I appreciate your apology but I'm receiving a rather rude reception in here and I don't know why. I'll just leave, thanks for the help...16:17
ikoniait is him16:18
ikoniait's the same thing he did before16:18
ikonialook at the info in BT16:18
ikoniaand he's trying to provoke stuff, exaclty as blind|melon|chit16:18
PiciI am, I don't see anything except for the I{16:18
ikoniastew: sorry - I'm on windows and my cut and paste to you messed up16:19
stewwindows? egads!16:20
ikoniadoing visio16:21
stewyeah, I'm familiar to blind|melon16:21
stewthanks I'll keep an eye on him16:21
ikoniastew: danke16:23
Picistew: do you have bantracker access?16:27
stewPici: no, I'm not familiar with it.16:27
ikoniaallow me16:35
ikoniastew: incoming pm16:35
jussi01stew: try @login here in channel please16:40
Picistew: try @login here16:40
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.16:40
ikoniajussi01: is on the job16:40
jussi01stew: pm16:40
orochiHello again. :> Sorry to have to intrude a second time, just another question on channel policy...I know telling someone to "google it" isn't an acceptable answer for a problem, is it acceptable to post a link to an article that answers the question that you found FROM google?17:27
orochi(Just so I don't post a google-cached link in the channel if it's not allowed)17:31
orochi...right. Well, I'll just assume it's okay then, thanks!17:39
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, snuxoll said: !isitdown is <reply> Instead of asking the entire channel if something is down check for yourself at downforeveryoneorjustme.com18:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about isitdown21:26
Amaranthikonia: was it club?22:36
ikonia#archlinux-offtopic they decided to go and troll offtopic22:36
ikonianot standing for it22:36
ikoniabruening plays dumb22:36
ikonia#archlinux-offtopic <gulash> let's go to ubuntu-offtopic,  bruenig    [is in #ubuntu]22:36
ikonia#archlinux-offtopic <bruenig> ok    [is in #ubuntu]22:36
ikonia!staff | bruening ban doding as indeedhmm in #ubuntu-offtopic22:38
ubottubruening ban doding as indeedhmm in #ubuntu-offtopic: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)22:38
ikoniadone with #archlinux-offtopic idiots22:40
ikoniaI want staff involved now please22:40
Amaranthforget how to do a nameban but they're using freenode webchat22:40
Amaranthabout to just ban webchat22:41
ikoniadone it22:41
ikonia!staff | assistance please with trolls from archlinux22:41
ubottuassistance please with trolls from archlinux: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)22:41
ikoniavorian: bruening from #archlinux-offtopic22:42
ikoniaserial ban doding, plotting trolls etc22:42
ikoniaenough is enough22:42
Amaranthheh, gulash saw vorian, did a whois, and panicked22:43
ikoniashock horror22:43
ikoniavorian: bruening has a long history of causing an issue and I now have him logged planning trolls of #ubuntu channels - it has to stop22:44
ikoniaI'd like to remove / ban bruening from #ubuntu also. I'm not happy with the people in that channel planning trolls and have a history of trolling channels just lurking22:47
Amaranthugh, I think /b/ is actually more intelligent than that channel22:51
ikoniaclearly not22:51
ikoniait's regular behaviour, not a one off22:52
ikoniahence why I'm not accepting it22:52
voriani didn't know people actually used archlinux anymore22:52
ikoniathey don't22:52
ikoniait's a troll pit channel22:52
ikoniait's nothing to do with arch linux22:52
Amaranthvorian: half of #ubuntu-offtopic is archlinux users22:52
vorianit's very interesting22:53
Amaranthbut #archlinux-offtopic is just a bunch of idiots22:53
ikoniait's a troll pit without any ops22:53
ikoniaso they just sit there planning to disrupt channels22:53
Amaranthit's interesting like a car accident :P22:53
vorianAmaranth: pretty much :)22:53
ikoniahence they reason pretty much all the channel is also in #ubuntu22:53
ikoniaso they can co-ordinate their stupid games22:54
Amaranththey've even got their own ubottu22:55
ikoniavorian: I'm seiours though, bruening has just ban dodged intentionally 3 times and abused freenode web chat to ban dodge too - I'd like to see this stop22:56
ikoniait's getting old now22:56
ikoniaI've just had to ban freenode webchat from #ubuntu-offtopic22:56
ikonia"serious" I meant, no idea what seiours meant22:56
vorianwhy not just ban the ident?22:56
ikoniavorian: it was changing22:56
ikoniahence band doding multiple times22:56
ikoniahence I'm not happy22:56
voriani can tell22:57
ikoniaband doding22:57
ikoniavorian: not the first time, hence the staff call22:57
PriceyThat ban won't work will it?22:57
ikoniawhich one22:57
ikoniathe freenode web chat cloak ban worked well22:57
ikoniajust removed the ban though22:58
PriceyIt shouldn't.. :S22:58
ikoniaseemed to work fine22:58
ikoniaif it did or not I don't know, it seemed to22:58
Priceyikonia: I didn't expect there to be hostnames in that form. That ban mask is not effective.23:00
ikoniaPricey: not quite sure how it didn't work as banning the freenode web chat cloak stopped them coming in ?23:01
ikoniawhy wouldn't *!*@gateway/web/freenode/session work ?23:02
ikonia(got to learn from mistakes)23:02
Priceyikonia: gateway hostnames are usually randomised.23:02
ikoniaPricey: most of the freenode web chat I've seen has that cloak23:03
ikoniaor hostname23:03
Priceyikonia: gateway hostnames are usually randomised.23:03
ikoniawhat is chii the freenode bot ?23:03
ikoniaPricey: rww has just commented on it too in #ubuntu - some have that host, others the random host you're suggesting23:04
ikoniain -offtopic sorry23:04
Priceyikonia: We're aware of it.23:05
ikoniaahhh ok23:05
ikoniaaware of the host thing - or the bot question23:05
Priceyikonia: /whois23:05
Priceyikonia: How many users evaded using webchat23:06
ikoniaonly bruening23:06
ikoniaalways him23:06
ikoniathe others left after bruening was blocked and didn't come back23:06
ikoniatook me a minute to deal with him before had chance to deal with the others,23:07
PriceyHow many evasions were there using webchat just then?23:07
ikoniausing webchat just 123:07
ikonianick, ident, ip then web chat23:07
PriceyI don't think attempting to block webchat was at all warranted.23:07
ikoniait was a short term thing23:07
ikoniawell - I'll put it back in your court then as a staff member23:08
ikoniaplease deal with these persistant trolls on the network and the troll pit channel23:08
Priceyubuntu irc councillor right now23:08
ikoniaPricey: no no - thats fine, I'll take the critisism23:08
Pricey(or the correct spelling)23:08
ikoniait was a jerk re-action to mutliple evasion23:08
ikonia4 bans in about 60 seconds23:08
ikoniaall for one user23:09
ikoniathe fact that this guy is a known issue also suggested I should put a stop to it short and sharp, so yes, blocking the webchat host mask may have been harsh looking back23:09
Priceyikonia: Have you engaged bruenig at all?23:10
ikoniamany times23:10
ikonianot latley23:10
ikoniait's a pointless excerise23:10
ikoniait goes round playing dumb "I don't know what you mean, I didn't do anything"23:11
ikoniahence why I acted sharp on this23:11
ikoniaand the rason I called to staff23:11
ikoniayou have the log off archlinux offtopic and the BT records23:11
PriceyStaff have the same tools as you do.23:11
ikoniathey planned to troll #ubuntu-offtopic and started the regular pattern, using CAPS, picking hot topics23:11
ikoniaPricey: staff carry more weight as this user does not respect any of the attempts to moderate him in #ubuntu channels23:12
PriceyI'm going to take another look into this. Will probably also drop him a PM.23:12
ikoniaPricey: take what action you feel nessasary, I disagree - I'm personally tired of seeing this troll pit play stupid games and brueing as one of the leader persistantly offend with it23:13
ikoniaBlarghs appears to be another archlinux-offtopic person under a different nick23:37
Priceyikonia: I'll deal with it23:39
ikoniathank you23:39
ikoniawhy must this continue23:39
stewikonia: no, Blarghs is Magnus-swe23:53
stewnot a troll, per-se, just very very odd23:53
ikoniaahhh him again23:54
PriceyHe hasn't been that trollish in PM, but yes, very very very odd.23:54
ikoniaI've got him under a few nicks in BT23:54
ikoniahe thinks he can do what he wants as he has a gnu app written23:55
stewprobably, he doesn't stay with one very long23:55
ikoniagets klined a lot from memory23:55
stewusually from dialup.ice.net, but sometimes from telia23:55

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