
IceMan99999no one have me a link00:00
e370bah bazhang chill :D00:00
IyunkateusIceMan99999, say /join #ubuntu-offtopic00:00
icerootIceMan99999: google have a link. hacking is not supported here00:00
bazhange370, its offtopic here. chat elsewhere00:00
Phuzzyiceroot:  hey! it tells me "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded."  how to upgrade the 2 items ??00:00
spikestaryo wuz up room00:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:00
icerootPhuzzy: sudo apt-get upgrade00:00
arquebusIceMan99999: to learn the power of linux you have to learn to use linux from console only00:00
thiebaudearquebus, i agree with that00:01
ejvyou wanna learn, you shouldn't be here, you should be in #gentoo00:01
icerootarquebus: and from scratch...00:01
DigitalKiwi<3 console00:01
AlexiaPhuzzy, that just means you dont need to upgrade those items00:01
Phuzzyiceroot: The following packages have been kept back:00:01
Phuzzy  linux-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic00:01
PhuzzyAlexia: ? it tellme this "The following packages have been kept back:00:01
Phuzzy  linux-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic00:01
DigitalKiwigentoo is suckage ;p ejv00:01
icerootPhuzzy: ok for that  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:01
icerootPhuzzy: this includes kernel-updates and so o00:02
ejvDigitalKiwi: for those that can't wield it, sure why not00:02
FenyxI'm trying to setup a second raid on my machine. I'm running 'sudo modprobe md' but I get this error message 'FATAL: Module md not found.' Anyone know why? It worked a couple years ago when I set the first raid up.00:02
DigitalKiwimeh, arch > gentoo00:02
slimgIs it possible to chmod a dir so that files within will inherit the permissions, and not only the group of the dir?00:02
AlexiaPhuzzy, Can I private message you00:02
icerootFenyx: maybe you mean dmraid?00:02
icerootFenyx: or was it mdraid? doesnt know anymore00:02
digitalsatorianyone has experience about how to recover the encrypted directory?00:02
PhuzzyAlexia:  sure just PM'd you00:03
hackerseraphwelcome back00:03
Fenyxsudo modprobe mdraid gives me the same error.00:04
DigitalKiwibut IceMan99999 might like gentoo ;D00:04
ejvDigitalKiwi: binary installations suck :)00:04
icerootFenyx: sudo apt-get install dmraid00:04
DigitalKiwigentoo is binary installation! :P00:04
ejvno, it's not. it's source-based00:05
icerootDigitalKiwi: no00:05
DigitalKiwisource based distro, but installation is binary00:05
icerootDigitalKiwi: ubuntu, debian, suse, redhat, fedora are binary00:05
arquebuswhats even better than gentoo is to just use a linux shell account, that forces you to use linux the way it was meant to be and not fall back on the GUI00:05
icerootDigitalKiwi: gentoo is source-code00:05
FiloSottilehow to rotate a x screen of 90°00:05
ejvthe installation is also NOT binary00:05
ejvyou're mistaken DigitalKiwi00:06
=== MidsummerDawn is now known as AllUnderHeaven
DigitalKiwiwhen you install gentoo you install prebult packages, after that you intsall from source00:06
FiloSottileusing nvidia cadr?00:06
iceroot!ot | DigitalKiwi00:06
ubottuDigitalKiwi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:06
icerootDigitalKiwi: sorry :)00:06
FiloSottileanyone.... how to rotate a x screen of 90° using nvidia card?00:08
hackerseraph@filosottile use system>display00:08
tontinuis there an ubuntu studio chatroom00:08
hackerseraphwoops preference>display00:08
Alexiatontinu, not that i am aware of but we might be able to help you here00:09
tontinuits ubuntustudio :)00:09
hackerseraphubuntustudio is the same as ubuntu with extra apps and a different gtk theme00:10
hackerseraphwe can help you00:10
hackerseraphand im not familiar of an ubuntustudio room00:10
hackerseraphits awfully quiet in her00:11
=== J_- is now known as J-_
KittyBootsI am looking for software suggestions, specifically programs for budget management.  Any advice?00:12
craCkpothow can i find out where an application was installed?00:12
=== miguel is now known as Guest66869
tontinuhackerseraph: i have some studio related questions00:12
hackerseraphopen your terminal and type which APPLICATION NAME HERE00:12
Guest66869hola a todos00:13
zvacetcraCkpot : locate package_name00:13
hackerseraph@tontinu feel free to ask00:13
dganmerhaba millet00:13
kavurtKittyBoots: have you heard about gnucash?00:13
dganBen ubuntu kuracagım00:13
kavurtdgan: !tr00:13
KittyBootskavurt: I am checking it out now00:14
kavurt!tr dgan00:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tr dgan00:14
shammhow well can Linux handle as DNS server in windows environment?00:14
MaGicMaXi have a problem i installed this package "plasma-widget-ktorrent" but the widget doesnt seem to be working when i have Ktorrent open.00:14
kavurtdgan: ubuntu-tr ye girdiniz mi?00:15
b3rz3rk3rshamm, you mean running DNS server in windows and using it from Linux?00:15
majukshamm: DNS is OS independent.00:16
=== lukjad007 is now known as lukjadOOL
shammb3rz3rk3r: Right now I am running DNS in Windows 2003 x64 with Exchange 2007, I'm trying to figure out a way to improve the DNS responsiveness.00:16
shammI'm thinking about moving DNS from Windows 2003 to Linux00:16
rednano12What's wrong with OpenDNS?00:16
majukshamm: That would do it. There would be no difference.00:17
incorrectis it me or is apple blocking streaming video again?00:17
majukOr, little difference, anyway00:17
shammmajuk: if there is no difference, then I wouldn't worry about it.00:17
b3rz3rk3rshamm, obviously anyone in here will reccomend using linux as your server platform, as would i00:17
odderrednano12: what do you mean? my ISP is using OpenDNS00:17
hackerseraph@incorrect what do you mean blocking video streaming?00:17
majukshamm: I mean operationally. It would most likely be faster, although I havem00:17
rednano12Never mind.00:17
rednano12My bad.00:17
incorrecthackerseraph, well i can no longer watch trailers from apple,00:17
libtechim prompted for a password when i try to access shared folders from another ubuntu machine. im not sure what password it is expecting?00:17
incorrectthey seem to have changed something00:17
hackerseraph@incorrect in what browswer?00:17
majukshamm: haven't played with Windows DNS serving before. My opendns server at home is pretty speedy.00:17
shammmajuk: ok.00:18
b3rz3rk3rbut if you want to keep it the way it is, there really shouldnt be any compatibility issues is its just DNS that you want00:18
shammWindows 2003 x64 got a lot of services, I'm trying to balance it into 3 other servers.00:18
ironfoot_495Hello I have a problem with movie player is there anyone who can help me solve this???00:18
odderironfoot_495: just ask, we'll see what can be done.00:18
hackerseraph@ironfoot_495 whats the problem with your movie player?00:18
majukironfoot_495: State your problem, we'll help if we can00:18
dpratt71how do I install/configure fonts manually (running Ubuntu Karmic)?00:18
rednano12He can't watch movies from apple.00:19
odderdpratt71: just drag&drop them to the .fonts directory in your /home00:19
b3rz3rk3rshamm, you could always run virtual machines, linux would be a better platform though, as it much lighter afaik00:19
shammb3rz3rk3r: I'm currently moving Spiceworks from windows 2000 server to Ubuntu 9.0400:19
dpratt71odder: thanks; and if there isn't such a directory, just make one?00:19
shammrunning Windows XP guest.00:19
ironfoot_495thanks guys it's a permissions problem the error is ->Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.00:19
craCkpoteven unbuntuzilla installs 3.0.1300:19
craCkpot(of firefox)00:20
odderdpratt71: I am not using Karmic, but I guess so, yes00:20
MaGicMaXi have a problem i installed this package "plasma-widget-ktorrent" but the widget doesnt seem to be working when i have Ktorrent open.00:20
rednano12craCkpot: what version of Ubuntu are you running?00:20
dpratt71odder: ok, I'll try that, thanks00:20
ironfoot_495when ever I try to go to youtube this is the error I get!!!00:20
bazhangdpratt71, #ubuntu+1 for karmic NOT here00:20
craCkpot9.04 (jaunty)00:20
dpratt71bazhang: ok00:21
shammI love to be the only IT person, but hates the pressure...00:21
ironfoot_495I've search google and can't find a solution?00:21
odderironfoot_495: you can't play youtube films, right?00:21
rednano12crackpot: what version of flash?00:21
ironfoot_495odder: No I get the error Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.00:21
craCkpotnot sure, whatever aptitude get00:21
timboyhow can I make window contents visible when resizing? (using compiz)00:21
ironfoot_495it's been driving me crazy for the last few days.00:22
b3rz3rk3rironfoot_495, sudo?00:22
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
FenyxI'm getting a bunch of start up errors. How do I look at them (they scroll past really fast)?00:22
ironfoot_495sudo ?00:23
rednano12craCkpot: try installing the latest from Adobe.00:23
rednano12Tell us how that works.00:23
b3rz3rk3rironfoot_495, if you get an error saying u dont have privs, or acant access something.. use sudo to gain root00:23
craCkpotmy version of flash will effect the version of firefox that is installed?00:23
majukironfoot_495: Well, obviously your permissions are screwed somewhere. I would guess either the place FF is storing the video or the Flash player itself.00:23
rednano12Doubt it.00:24
majukironfoot_495: Where do you see the error?00:24
majukironfoot_495: Furthermore, have you tried any other flash-driven sites to see what happens?00:25
ironfoot_495majuk: it's in the movie player when i complete the search and I double click on a choosen film I get the error  ->Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.00:26
craCkpotthis is retarded00:26
craCkpotall i want is to use firefox 3.5.2, yet everything i've tried has installed 3.0.1300:26
FenyxDoes it dump the startup errors to a file somewhere?00:26
majukironfoot_495: Ah, right, I thought you said YouTube. Then the permissions on that file/those folders needs to be altered so your user has access.00:26
rednano12Even Ubuntuzilla?00:26
craCkpotthat is what i just tried00:26
ironfoot_495I've looked at some of the totem files and they all have permission???00:27
majukironfoot_495: lol, what permissions?00:27
shammcraCkpot: apt-get install firefox-3.5 ?00:27
majukironfoot_495: Not Totem, the actual files your trying to open00:27
ironfoot_495That's what I'd like to know when I log in as root??00:27
=== lukjadOOL is now known as lukjad007
ironfoot_495I'm tyring to look at movies that I find on youtube and this is the error that it gives me?00:28
Polt{laptop}I asked a question earlier but didn't get an answer so I will ask once more before I go to my grandpa's birthday party. What are the benefits over creating a fresh formatted ext4 partition vs converting an ext3 to ext4. I converted an ext3 the other day into ext4 and I was just curious00:28
SuPeRhOmEmhi, What's the driver for a bluetooth chipset bcm2046? It isn't loading automaticaly00:29
leninaok, my problem again (firefox wasn't the reason): after my installation of psb-kernel-source (poulsbo-driver) the monitor freezes all the time plus i cannot switch to another tty... i used this howto: http://tinyurl.com/mhuxth00:29
craCkpotyep tried that00:29
ironfoot_495using movie player so that's why I'm confused??00:29
shammany error coming from apt-get?00:29
rednano12Polt: ext4 is faster, but a bit more buggy.00:29
kavurtcraCkpot: I think you did something wrong with ubuntuzilla. I just installed with ubuntuzilla and everyting is fine00:29
leninashamm: was this for me ?00:29
craCkpothow can i do something wrong?00:30
ironfoot_495I don't know where to find the error that why I'm asking if anyone has had this problem before??00:30
shammto crackpot -- sorry lenina00:30
rednano12craCkpot: Same here.00:30
rednano12Try redoing it.00:30
Polt{laptop}rednano12 is there an advantage to converting to ext4 vs a fresh partition ?00:30
craCkpotit installed thunderbird no problem00:30
rednano12I'm not really sure.00:30
craCkpottrying it again00:30
rednano12craCkpot: cool.00:30
shammapt-get install -f firefox-3.500:30
Polt{laptop}I have heard that a fresh ext4 is better but I just didn't know why00:30
Polt{laptop}also shamm you might be interested in ubuntutweak because you can get the development version of firefox. I have 3.5.3pre and I like it so far no real problems00:31
TailsfanHello, I'm trying to install 9.04 on my IBN NetVista 2276 and it's at the hard disk scanning, it got done, but then it spits out an error showing "??? ???"00:31
jeiworth_Polt{laptop}: well, the thing is that if you convert an existing ext3 to ext4 only newly written files will make use of the advanced features of ext400:31
kavurtcraCkpot: did you run ubuntuzilla.py, after installing ubuntuzilla?00:32
jeiworth_thats why i am waiting to convert until just before the upgrade to karmic00:32
Polt{laptop}jeiworth_ I had heard that before but I did not know for sure00:32
craCkpotof course00:32
craCkpotlike i said it installed thunderbird no problem00:32
leninahas anyone an idea ?00:32
craCkpotThe following extra packages will be installed:00:32
craCkpot  firefox-3.0 firefox-3.0-branding00:32
craCkpotthose are the 2 lines from ubuntuzilla00:33
KittyBootsWhat should I install so that I can print to pdf?00:33
lenina@KittyBoots: do you mean convert ?00:33
shammKittyBoots: do you mean saving a file to pdf?00:34
jeiworth_KittyBoots: openoffice has it included, my kubuntu also brings a pdf printer with it by default00:34
shammopenoffice can do that.00:34
KittyBootsjeiworth_ shamm lenina: I want to print from firefox to a pdf00:34
shammwhat jeiworth_ says00:35
rednano12craCkpot: Try running this, exactly.00:35
rednano12ubuntuzilla.py -a install -p firefox00:35
jeiworth_KittyBoots: i just chose "print to file" and then pdf00:35
jeiworth_allreight, gotta go, cy@ll00:35
craCkpotwhat command do you think i was running? i got it from ubuntuzilla's Wikki page00:35
rednano12You'd be surprised.00:36
rednano12Try the manual install then.00:36
shammcya jeiworth_00:36
e370whats a 500mW usb wireless card lol00:36
craCkpoti have downloaded the package from getfirefox.com00:36
e370sounds dangerous00:36
craCkpotwhich is what ubuntu said00:36
shammbrb -- rebooting with new kernel00:37
craCkpoti can install 3.5 from synaptic, but it uses the code name and that bothers me for some reason00:37
craCkpotshiretoko or something like that00:37
firecrotchcraCkpot: There's a reason that it uses the code name though00:38
leninai *really* need suggestions - i need my laptop for work and it's very unpleasent that i can only do stuff for about 5min00:38
firecrotch!ff35 | craCkpot00:38
ubottucraCkpot: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY00:38
leninasorry, bad english (i'm german)00:39
firecrotchlenina: what happens after 5 minutes?00:39
craCkpotso basically because the official browser is FF3.0, they use the codename?00:39
Vil_Coyote76hi all, test00:39
leninafirecrotch: monitor freezes, no tty or anything else - seems that it only happens, when i run memory-intensive programs like firefox00:40
firecrotchcraCkpot: Yes00:40
Vil_Coyote76test ok ?00:40
rednano12craCkpot: Yes, but I have no idea why UbuntuZilla ain't working.00:40
rednano12Try posting a thread in their forums.00:40
firecrotchVil_Coyote76: 10-4 good buddy, we read you loud and clear00:40
craCkpoti guess ill just have to live with shiretoko...00:41
BookmanI am using Nautilus connected to a remote ftp site and I'm trying to sort a directory to isolate all files that match *.jpeg.  I tried the search button , but it seems to be working and then returns nothing.00:41
craCkpotany ETA on a rebrand? im assuming the next version of ubuntu (in october, right?)00:42
bazhangcraCkpot, correct.00:43
firecrotchcraCkpot: Correct00:43
craCkpot9.10 right?00:43
firecrotchcraCkpot: Yes00:43
bazhangcraCkpot, aye00:43
craCkpotyay i remembered their naming convention00:43
bazhangcraCkpot, all explained the in the link.00:44
gNewPowerHi!  What is the command to detect all disks in a computer, included not mounted ones?00:44
craCkpotfdisk -l?00:44
bazhanghttp://is.gd/1reB3  <----- craCkpot00:44
gNewPowercraCkpot, thanks!00:44
craCkpotyeah now its not showing the addons that i use on my windows install of 3.5.200:46
NET||abusehey all, http://movies.apple.com/movies/fox/avatar/avatar2009aug0820a-tsr_480p.mov   can anyone play it? tried with totem and vlc, also tried to wget it.00:46
NET||abusewget just gets a text file, and i wasn't able to figure out what it meant.00:47
khermansive got 5 minutes -- i want to solve 5 people's problems ... LETS GO -- shoot me your most difficult issues now :-)00:48
th0rkhermans: world peace00:48
Katastrophiehello, my sound will not work at all... my computer detects my sound card, but my sound fails to work. i've checked all the volume settings in alsa to no avail, is there anyone who could guide me through the process of finding out what the problem is?? any info needed i am happy to provide00:48
khermansth0r, sudo aptitude install world-peace00:49
NET||abusekhermans, i can't play this video00:49
BookmanOk, later...00:49
sumo_sukhermans: i want to downgrade from ext4 to ext300:49
khermansKatastrophie, alsamixer00:49
craCkpotdownloading firefox from getfirefox.com and running ./firefox runs version 3.5.200:49
shammkhermans: moving DNS / DHCP from Windows 2003 to Ubuntu 9.04 jaunty00:49
Katastrophie?? :D00:49
th0rkhermans: can't install it...missing dependencies libcommonsense and libintelligence00:49
GuidMorrowok, for some reason, bits and pieces of screen will turn black, as if the graphics will get corrupt, how do I fix this00:49
firecrotchkhermans: I'm in love with a girl who is married but having problems with her husband, to the point that they've filed for divorce, but they're trying to work things out.  Go.00:49
khermansNET||abuse, sudo aptitude install mozilla-plugin-vlc00:50
Katastrophiethats what i ment, alsamixer is fine00:50
joaopintofirecrotch, please keep on topic00:50
khermanssumo_su, sudo aptitude install gparted; then resize your partition down to smallest it can be, create ext3 in slack space, migrate your data, delete your ext4, expand ext3, done00:50
shammkhermans: would it be a problem if I move DNS/DHCP from windows 2003 AD (Doain Controller master)00:50
goatmanhi, i see too many mailing lists on the lists.blender.org, which one should i sign up for general advice on blender's code?00:51
meoblast001how do i unstop a process in gnome system monitor?00:51
GuidMorrow!ot | firecrotch00:51
ubottufirecrotch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:51
shammto linux that is.00:51
joaopintogoatman, try asking on blenders channel00:51
firecrotchjoaopinto, GuidMorrow: well he asked for my biggest problem!00:51
joaopinto!ot | firecrotch00:51
NET||abusekhermans, no joy, vlc won't play that stream00:51
khermansshamm, check out bind00:51
shammok, will check that out00:51
JazzDrummerGirldoes chesse00:52
GuidMorrowhow do I fix graphics corruption?00:52
losherGuidMorrow: I'd be worried it's a hardware issue. Do you see it with the live cd?00:52
PlagmanHow do you fix "Failed to contact the GConf daemon; exiting." when trying to start gnome-terminal?00:52
Plagmanfirefox doesn't start either00:52
khermansshamm, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryHowto00:52
joaopintoGuidMorrow, it could be a graphics card driver issue00:52
shammthanks, -- reading..00:52
GuidMorrowwell, does it matter? do I need to run recovery mode and run a command?00:52
khermansfirecrotch, http://www.PlentyOfFish.com00:53
loshersumo_su: the only way I know of to go from ext4 to ext3 is to backup the ext4 data and restore to an ext3 partition.00:53
joaopintoGuidMorrow, no, you need to identify if there is a better a driver for your model00:53
JazzDrummerGirlis tethering illegal00:53
GuidMorrowI have nvidia driver 180.4400:53
firecrotchkhermans: No thank you, I've run into my share of psychos there :(00:53
shammhmm I would prefer Windows 2003 to keep  AD while Linux run DNS/DHCP00:53
joaopintoGuidMorrow, I am not familiar with nvidia drivers, but I believe you have several versions of the driver you can try00:54
sumo_sulosher: well my installation is in ext4 so i'll jus stick with it00:54
tuxforceI love patata00:54
firecrotchshamm: You shouldn't have any problems, I did the same thing00:54
joaopintosumo_su, there is no problem on using ext4...00:54
khermansfirecrotch, not me ;-P  met a cool girl who is a dentist ... my dream girl!!00:54
shammfirecrotch: h.00:54
khermansshes more educated than me!  grad degree, damn!!00:54
loshersumo_su: might as well, not worth the bother of downgrading, though I wouldn't choose ext4 personally...00:54
joaopintono bot, funny guys on the channel00:55
sumo_sujoaopinto: well i had a corrupted system file that caused quite some trouble... ppl told me that might be data corruption due to ext400:55
firecrotchshamm: granted I have a small, small network00:55
tuxforcethere is here any guy from Australia ?00:55
tuxforcei search autralian girl or boy00:55
shammfirecrotch: I'm Technology Coordinator running 5 servers and 300 workstations00:55
bazhangtuxforce, this is ubuntu support only00:55
loshershamm: there are dns and dhcp servers for linux. That's about all I know about it...00:55
shammI'm trying to figure out a way to improve DNS services00:55
tuxforcebazhang,  i search infact a australian ubuntu users00:56
ubottuThe Australian Local Community Team has channels here on Freenode. They are #ubuntu-au for technical discussion, and #ubuntu-au-chat for social chatter.00:56
bazhang!au > tuxforce00:56
ubottutuxforce, please see my private message00:56
shammlosher: ok00:56
tuxforcebazhang,  tnk very much00:56
joaopintosumo_su, I am using ext4 for quite some time, never had troubles, I always trust my data to beackups, not to filesystems, hw failures are much more likely than a filesystem corruption :)00:56
khermansNET||abuse, its a poorly coded website00:56
shammlosher: will I be able to transfer the DHCP/DNS settings to linux?00:56
shammlosher: do I need to convert anything in the process?00:56
khermansNET||abuse, but you can utilize this addon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/300600:56
khermansworks for me00:56
joaopintoshamm, you will need to learn how to setup a dns/dhcp server first, that will give you all the answers00:57
sumo_sujoaopinto: thats kinda what i thought... cant be that difficult to code an upgraded FS and make it so solid that it doesnt mess up your data:)00:57
loshershamm: unlikely, but I'm no windows expert. Maybe someone on ##windows can help? Also try googling for migrating service from windows to Ubuntu..00:57
khermansi think I have only one minute left -- did i solve 5 questions or not00:57
shammjoaopinto: I've set up that server before -- starting from scratch, but not in the existing environment00:57
NET||abusekhermans, ah, not a bad idea, i'll give it a chance.00:58
GuidMorrowok, I'm in the X-Server settings, do I need to enable V-blank?00:58
shammlosher: Aha... -- migrating -- that was the word I was looking for00:58
shammdoing google00:58
GuidMorrow*sync to V-blank?00:58
NET||abusekhermans, i'll count mine as solved :)00:58
khermans+1, yay!00:58
shammsometimes I hate it when English is my 2nd language00:58
loshershamm: you're doing fine. At least you're not American...00:59
shammlosher: I'm American :)00:59
NET||abusekhermans, hmm, unfortunately that download helper doesn't work for this site...00:59
shammAmerican Sign Language is my first language -- I'm deaf00:59
shammhit alt+f4 by mistake01:00
loshershamm: interesting. I find Americans speak the worst English...01:00
shammwho privmsg'd me?01:00
GuidMorrowjoaopinto, does turning on vsync help with corruption any?01:00
NET||abusekhermans, i still count it as solved as now i've ignored it and am watching a family guy clip.. problem solved.01:00
shammlosher: lol01:00
zagabar1How do I log in as OP on my irc server?01:00
joaopintoGuidMorrow, no idea01:00
joaopintozagabar1, check your irc server configuration01:01
joaopintothat is irc server softwar dependent01:01
zagabar1joaopinto: I see.01:01
joaopintousually you need an o:line01:01
craCkpotthose of you that are using ubuntuzilla, what version are you running?01:02
losherzagabar1: what's OP? Opie?01:02
* shamm do not use ubuntuzilla01:03
GuidMorrowshamm: ubuntuzilla?01:03
craCkpoti'm wondering if i should use an older version.01:03
* GuidMorrow . o O what the !language does that mean?01:03
* shamm points GuidMorrow to craCkpot 01:04
losherapparently ubuntuzilla is some kind of mozilla installation utility...01:04
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revygttamI accidently deleted the /lib folder on one of my boxes.. what is the best way for me to salvage whats left and reinstall ubuntu ?01:05
craCkpotubuntuzilla allows you to safely install 3.5.2 (and im assuming keep the firefox brand)01:05
GuidMorrowwth no package!01:05
shiva1hey i have a question concerning01:05
shiva1i need to execute a .run file01:06
shiva1and when i do01:06
shiva1and then enter my passowrd01:06
FloodBot2shiva1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:06
losherrevygttam: boot the live cd and use it to backup anything you can't without01:06
a94060shiva1: ./run_file.run01:06
GuidMorrowcraCkpot: "E: Couldn't find package ubuntuzilla"01:06
a94060shiva1: sudo ./run_file.run01:06
shiva1i tried that and it says01:06
=== Guest57016 is now known as Julia_
shammdpkg -i /path/to/ubuntuzilla*.deb && apt-get install -f01:07
shiva1hmm okay it seems i need to do init 101:07
a94060shiva1: what does it say?01:07
shiva1to get out of the GUI ..its working now ..now it says to exit the X server01:07
GuidMorrowID10T error :(01:07
shiva1and try installing then01:07
shiva1i might try that one out then ..01:07
edbian!hi | JazzDrummerGirl01:07
ubottuJazzDrummerGirl: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:07
shiva1so i should do init 1 ?01:08
Ben64i'd suggest using the mozilla team's repositories over ubuntuzilla01:08
shiva1well tryin to do Init 1 but it says admin privi needed01:08
* GuidMorrow searches google01:08
Ben64init 1 will take you to single user mode01:08
JazzDrummerGirledbian:  hi i need help01:08
edbianJazzDrummerGirl: You do?!?  With what?01:08
i00nsuhi guys, can anybody tell merve all package needed to install X server in a Ubuntu-Server but without the fast-solution (apt-get install [k]ubuntu-desktop?01:09
GuidMorrowhow do I run "git://"01:09
craCkpotget a git client? (if there is one)01:09
JazzDrummerGirledbian: with my internet conection01:09
craCkpotgit is similar to svn isn't it?01:09
a94060there is a list actually,iforgot where it is of all the packages01:09
Ben64i00nsu: why not just do ubuntu-desktop?01:09
edbianJazzDrummerGirl: Gotta be more specific than that.01:09
Ben64JazzDrummerGirl: seems like it's working so far01:09
JazzDrummerGirledbian:  i am tethering but  it stopped working01:10
GuidMorrow...wait that's the source code, nvm01:10
JazzDrummerGirlim using my friends route01:10
edbianJazzDrummerGirl: I don't think I'm gonna be of much help.  I don't even know what tethering is.  I'm going to google now a bit.01:10
Ben64JazzDrummerGirl: you're using a cell phone for internet on your computer?01:10
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GuidMorrowWrong architecture: i38601:10
a94060Ben64: i think thats what she means01:10
JazzDrummerGirlBen64: yes  i am01:11
Ben64GuidMorrow: just use repositories for mozilla... https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa01:11
Ben64JazzDrummerGirl: verizon, sprint, att?01:11
JazzDrummerGirlben64 metro pcs01:11
Ben64the more information you give, the less we would have to ask you to answer01:11
FusiouS ace01:11
i00nsuben64: first becouse I want to know all pacage needed to do it, secound becouse I want to personalize all tools, and third becouse I want to use KDE3.501:11
Ben64JazzDrummerGirl: was it working ever?01:12
Ben64are you connecting your phone with usb, and using it as a DUN connection?01:13
JazzDrummerGirlBen64:  up until this morning01:13
Ben64and it's dialing #777?01:13
th0ri00nsu: we got it working the other day by installing xorg and xfce01:13
JazzDrummerGirlben64 YES01:13
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JazzDrummerGirlBen64 i think its the proxy01:13
Ben64sheesh don't yell at me, you're the one making me ask you for information to solve your problem01:13
th0ri00nsu: course, you might prefer twm or some such to xfce...your choice01:13
MadScientisthi people..I have a silly question...when i write "TM" ubuntu put it in superscript....how i can deactivate this option? it is very annoyingXD01:13
Irishmanlukeok which is better aptitude or apt-get01:14
xsebsx_HELP!!!: I am getting the following problem, when I plug in my cellphone to the laptop which has jaunty on it, the system will not detect the USB connection or to be more specific it won't mount it automatically, i typed lspci and this showed up: Bus 001 Device 014: ID 0fce:e0f3 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB so it means it does see it but ti doesn't automatically mount it, so i did some research and i found there's a fix for the problem, on th01:14
xsebsx_is thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=975622&page=3 it says i have to download osme tar files and copy them in /etc/udev/rules.d/ but i don't know how to do that,01:14
Ben64JazzDrummerGirl: do you pay for tethering?01:14
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edbianIrishmanluke: Personal preference.  Aptitude is more advanced.  It tries to figure out things for you.01:14
JazzDrummerGirlben64 no just on my phone01:14
GuidMorrowBen64: which package...? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa/+build/114912601:14
QERTY ace01:14
QERTY  good01:14
QERTY  hello01:14
QERTY  hey01:14
QERTY  hi01:14
QERTY  lol01:14
edbianxsebsx_: Is this the old sebsebseb???01:15
Irishmanlukeedbian: so it's safer to use apt-get01:15
FusiouS ace01:15
FusiouS  good01:15
FusiouS  hello01:15
FusiouS  hey01:15
FusiouS  hi01:15
Ben64GuidMorrow: add the repos listed there, and install whatever you want to install, be it firefox, thunderbird, or seamonkey01:15
i00nsuth0r, just kde, I really like kde3.5..01:15
JazzDrummerGirlqerty stop spaming01:15
FusiouS ace01:15
FusiouS  good01:15
FusiouS  hello01:15
FusiouS  hey01:15
FusiouS  hi01:15
edbianIrishmanluke: It's not considered dangerous to use aptitude.  But it is more explicit to use apt-get yeah.01:15
edbian!ops | FusiouS01:15
ubottuFusiouS: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:15
JazzDrummerGirlFusiouS: stop spamming01:15
* Ben64 air-fives bazhang 01:16
Ben64oh snap01:16
haggisbasheruknow i remember why i don't come here :P01:16
decowhat happened ?01:16
th0ri00nsu: well....your choice. I would go with something lighter on a server. BTW, be careful not to install network manager...we initially installed xubuntu-desktop and lost all connection to the server, had to reinitialize the server and start over01:16
Iyunkateuswhoa, that was epic01:17
losherhaggisbasheruk: you just caught us at a bad moment. It's still worth it...01:17
IyunkateusI've never seen a netsplit before01:17
eboyjr_JazzDrummerGirl: The proxy for MetroPCS is down right now.01:17
Ben64someone needs to upgrade their servers01:17
GuidMorrowwhere's ben64 at01:17
Ben64<eboyjr_> JazzDrummerGirl: The proxy for MetroPCS is down right now. << where did you get that info?01:17
decowhat's a netsplit ?01:17
JazzDrummerGirleboyjr_:  your a fag\01:17
losherIrishmanluke: you can mix & match them, so try both & see which you like more...01:18
Ben64GuidMorrow: here01:18
Ben64deco: there are multiple servers linked together for irc on big networks01:18
Irishmanlukeedbian: but you generally tell people to use apt-get on here?01:18
Ben64when the connection is lost between two or more of them, this happens01:18
eboyjr_!netsplit | deco01:18
JazzDrummerGirleboyjr_:  you suck01:18
bazhangJazzDrummerGirl, that language is not appropriate for here01:18
decoBen64: oh thanks01:18
GuidMorrowBen64: abrowser-3.5-branding: "Error: Conflicts with the installed package "firefox-3.5-branding"01:18
bazhangJazzDrummerGirl, stop that01:18
losherJazzDrummerGirl: uncalled for...01:18
eboyjr_JazzDrummerGirl: Can you please stop harrasing us? We are here only to help.01:18
JazzDrummerGirlbazhang:  eboyjr is my freind sitting next too me01:18
edbianIrishmanluke: I do. Just so I know that what I tell them to do is the only thing that happens.  Aptitude will auto-remove and things like that behind the scenes01:18
Iyunkateus!netsplit | Iyunkateus01:19
eboyjr_JazzDrummerGirl: Excuse me?01:19
Ben64GuidMorrow: then you'd have to not use firefox branding or abrowser, gotta choose01:19
JazzDrummerGirlbazhang:  hes not helping01:19
bazhangJazzDrummerGirl, take chat elsewhere, and be civil01:19
TylorI need help bridging eth0 and eth1, so that i can connect a desktop computer to my laptop and use the wireless card in the laptop (Ubuntu 9.04)01:19
GuidMorrow!language > JazzDrummerGirl01:19
Iyunkateusoh wait what does that do01:19
JazzDrummerGirleboyjr_:  devin stop it01:19
ikanobori!offtopic > JazzDrummerGirl01:19
ikanoboriOt does that not work?01:19
Ben64ubottu is gone01:19
xsebsx_on the terminal how do i copy a file that's onthe desktop to folder /etc/udev/rules.d/ ? i know it involved cp01:20
Ben64lost in the intertubes01:20
edbian!hi > edbian01:20
JazzDrummerGirlall i was trying to do is get help01:20
i00nsuso the spam/flood has nothing about what happens?01:20
IyunkateusI used !netsplit thinking it was something informational01:20
edbianxsebsx_: "cp /path/to/file /path/where/you/want/it/to/go" lol01:20
JazzDrummerGirleboyjr_: stop trying to mess with me i need my internet01:20
x3017xxsebsx_,  sudo cp ~Desktop/nameof.file /etc/udev/rules.d01:20
eboyjr_JazzDrummerGirl: Seriously you need to know how to ask questions and harrasing the people who are trying to help.01:20
zvacetxsebsx_  : cd Desktop and then sudo cp filename /etc/udev/rules.d/01:21
edbianxsebsx_: cp /home/xsebsx/Desktop/<file> /etc/udev/rules.d/<newFileName>01:21
edbianxsebsx_: as root01:21
chrisn2323?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 001:21
Irishmanlukeoh wow01:21
Ben64this channel has gotten quite crazy in the past few minutes01:21
ikanoboriGood. Now the FloodBots go berserk.01:21
edbianWhat the heck?  The channel is a mess right now!  Where are the ops?01:21
GuidMorrowBen64: All packages are installed ...01:21
TylorCould someone please explain how to bridge my ethernet and wireless adapters in ubuntu?01:21
edbianTylor: Do you want to share your connection?01:22
edbianTylor: Is that what you mean by bride?01:22
ikanoboriedbian: bazhang is here and actively engaging in actions.01:22
Irishmanlukelet's see how to ignore join/part messages from #ubuntu in irssi lol01:22
edbianbazhang: Thanks!01:22
Ben64GuidMorrow: isn't it good to have stuff installed?01:22
Tyloredbian: yes. Need to get internet on a desktop comp, and all i have is wireless.01:22
lstarnesIrishmanluke: try /ignore #ubuntu joins parts quits nicks01:22
edbianTylor: PM me01:22
fuzzybunnyhey everyone for some reason I cannot connect to my brothers machine unless he pings me or I do a arp -s. As far as I know I do not have any firewalls or anything enabled and I ran one of these networking scripts I found on the internet and it said I had 2 default routes but I am not really sure what could be causing the problem. Are there any networking experts that could help shed some light on whats happening?01:23
GuidMorrowhey, ubottu crashed!01:23
Tyloredbian: dont know how. sorry :)01:23
e370everyones dissapeard :(01:23
edbianTylor: Right click my name and click "Private Message"01:23
losherGuidMorrow: that does happen occasionally. It's software ya' know...01:23
joemis anybody running ubuntu 9.04 on a macbook?01:23
majukfuzzybunny: I *think* you can resolve that by adding your bro's IP and a hostname to /etc/hosts01:23
edbianTylor: "Private Chat"01:23
Ben64GuidMorrow: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:24
IyunkateusWhat does !netsplit | name do?01:24
xsebsx_cp: missing destination file operand after `~Desktop/60-persistent-storage.rules/etc/udev/rules.d Try `cp --help' for more information.01:24
e370linux has netsplits?01:24
Irishmanlukelstarnes: thank you much appreciated01:24
=== taurean is now known as zatoichi
e370not cool01:24
lstarnesIyunkateus: it tells someone about netsplits01:24
Ben64Iyunkateus: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:24
zatoichiholy shit01:24
marcelo_how do I specify the rpath compiler flag when installing a gnu package from source?01:24
i00nsuanyway, th0r or ben64, can any of you know a forum/site/pastebin of all packages needed to make my own?01:25
GuidMorrowBen64: something went wrong with the firefox upgrade : http://imagebin.org/6041601:25
lstarnesIrishmanluke: I strongly recommend not using it01:25
binskipy2uhey guys if i were to do a MINIMAL install of ubuntu.. HOW can do a command line install of synaptic (apt-get install synaptic?) if so.. how can I add a repo in commmand line to synaptic or apt01:25
Irishmanlukejust for this channel01:25
binskipy2uif i want something different01:25
lstarnesIrishmanluke: it's annoying when someone who you're helping suddenly leaves or changes nicks and you can't see it01:25
IyunkateusOh, well it just seemed kinda suspicious that ubottu crashed right after I used !netsplit01:25
fuzzybunnymajuk, I did add him to my hosts01:25
IyunkateusI figured it tells you about netsplits01:25
fuzzybunnybut the name was md01:25
Ben64GuidMorrow: how are you running it01:25
majukfuzzybunny: I don't understand, 'the name was md'?01:26
binskipy2ui want to install a system from the command line.. but i want to be able if possible to add a repo to apt-get01:26
GuidMorrowwhat do you mean "how"...01:26
binskipy2uso i can add something to the list of apt-get install blah blah01:26
majukfuzzybunny: You can name him whatever you please in your hosts file01:26
dividebyzer0fuzzybunny: nice name.. is that from the fuzzybunny virus?01:26
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Ben64GuidMorrow: 1. firefox isn't running; 2. ???; 3. firefox is running01:26
Ben64what did you do in step 201:26
lstarnesGuidMorrow: try running it as firefox-3.501:26
lstarnesGuidMorrow: it doesn't replace the existing firefox package01:27
losherbinskipy2u: apt-get gets its list of repositories from /etc/apt/sources.list01:27
fuzzybunnymajuk, well that is his username so he just told me to put md into my hosts01:27
dividebyzer0is there some trick to using wine?01:27
binskipy2ui know ..but how do i add a line to it while in command line01:27
eboyjr_bazhang: Am I muted? JazzDrummerGirl was using my network but she is annoying me01:27
fuzzybunnydividebyzer0, oh no I just like it so I called myself that01:27
binskipy2uso i dont have to install a desktop/synaptic01:27
binskipy2uso i can do it from command line01:27
fuzzybunnydividebyzer0, it is kind of cute sounding01:27
binskipy2uif that question makes any sense at all01:27
losherbinskipy2u: you have to use a text editor. Or do something fancy with the echo command...01:28
lstarnesbinskipy2u: use a text editor such as nano, vim, or emacs01:28
majukfuzzybunny: Hmmm... how are you trying to connect>01:28
jonestoddbinskipy2u:  The repository you add has to be valid for the software, then you can run update and install from the clie as normal.01:28
xsebsx_edbian:  can you help me?01:28
loshereboyjr_: we can hear you...01:28
binskipy2uthank you01:29
Iyunkateussudo revive ubottu01:29
dividebyzer0how do you use wine?01:29
GuidMorrowwhat is this! "Shiretoko"01:29
jonestoddbinskipy2u: I have one for Miro on ibex, after editing the file, apt-get update, 'apt-get install miro'.  It also adds it to synapic.01:29
lstarnesGuidMorrow: firefox 3.501:29
IyunkateusGuidMorrow, it's the code name for FF 3.501:29
lstarnesGuidMorrow: shiretoko is the development codename for firefox 3.501:29
binskipy2uthanks jones01:29
dividebyzer0shiretoko didnt like a lot of java stuff01:29
lstarnesGuidMorrow: it is EXACTLY the same except for different branding01:30
dividebyzer0so i went back to 3.001:30
losherdividebyzer0: basically you install it, then configure it, then type "wine <windows .exe filename>"01:30
binskipy2ui want to install a minimal desktop using command line.. i have the directions how to do it, installing ubunutu01:30
binskipy2ubut i want Kde 4.3.0 instead01:30
binskipy2uso i want to know how to add the ppa repos01:30
binskipy2uin the command line01:30
binskipy2usoi can apt-get install kde-core01:30
dividebyzer0losher: so you HAVE to run it in a command line?01:30
binskipy2uand it be 4.3.001:30
bazhangbinskipy2u, ask in #kubuntu yet?01:30
majukfuzzybunny: Nevermind, that's not really important. If it won't establish until you run ARP -a or he pings you, that means you're not getting an ARP table entry for him without forcing one. I'm not sure what would cause that, unless you have conflicting DNS servers or something strange.01:30
fuzzybunnymajuk, even if I just ping his machine I cannot ping it unless I do arp -s or until he pings me01:31
Dr_Willisbinskipy2u:  'kubuntu-desktop' is the 'kde' desktop enviroment package.. but Ive no idea on the versions that are inthe repos.. Yoiumay need to add some newer repos for the latest01:31
binskipy2unot many people in there, no responses01:31
robert__how do i put a .img onto a flash drive? i wanna try out moblin01:31
lstarnesGuidMorrow: you may want to go to about:config and change general.useragent.extra.firefox to Firefox/3.5.201:31
binskipy2ualways more in here01:31
Dr_Willisrobert__:  with the 'dd' command normally01:31
bazhangbinskipy2u, ie the /topic in there?01:31
Dr_Willisrobert__:  the 'ubuntu netbook remix' page gives details on how to do it.01:31
binskipy2usorry to ask in here.. not many people in there01:31
binskipy2uand i have the question posted on kubuntu/ubuntu forums01:31
dividebyzer0is there an add-on of somekind that makes ubuntu look like mac OS? as far as the desktop/panels?01:32
jonestoddbinskipy2u: here is an example for a Chromium on Jaunty, just copy into sources.list and update. https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa01:32
Dr_Willisthe KDE desktop is not going to be 'minimal01:32
losherdividebyzer0: um, dunno. Just because I do doesn't mean you'll have to. Isn't there a howto somewhere? Try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine01:32
majukdividebyzer0: Try Google.01:32
Dr_Willisdividebyzer0:  theres some mac4lin theme page/gizmos - but its not worth the effort.01:32
* shamm recalls Enlightenment01:32
Dr_Willisdividebyzer0:  install gnome-do and use its  'dock' theme - its a decent dock iof you want a dock01:32
puffA friend asked me to help him set up RAID 1 on his new ubuntu box.  How hard is this?01:32
puffI looked into it about two years ago and it seemed doable but non-obvious, has it gotten easier?01:33
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majukpuff: It's easy.01:33
Dr_Willis!raid | puff01:33
jonestoddbinskipy2u: go to the link I gave and read the 'Read about installing' link.  It should answer your questions.01:33
majukpuff: Now go do it.01:33
ikanoboriDr_Willis: Apparently ubottu has died.01:33
bazhangbinskipy2u, there wont be a minimal install if you include kde4.3 as Dr_Willis states01:33
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GuidMorrowyou mean ubottu had a kernel panic?01:34
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x404xwhat scared it ?01:34
majukGuidMorrow: I asked it the meaning of life.01:34
binskipy2ujust want to do kde-core01:34
binskipy2uthe bare minimum01:34
binskipy2uand add what i want01:34
majukIt spit out 220 numbers and crashed.01:34
x404xah 42 ;=)01:34
GuidMorrowall these people picking its brain all at once made its CPU get fried01:34
Dr_Williseven kde-core issent veyr minimal. :)01:35
binskipy2uless then kde or kubuntu-desktop01:35
GuidMorrowmaybe it got stuck in that netsplity01:35
Dr_Willisbinskipy2u:  so ... whats stopping you from doing it?01:35
Ben64Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:35
Irishmanlukemajuk: did you get that from pi01:35
binskipy2ui want to do it from command line01:35
TheCheezeso someone in here said winrar doesnt work on wine?01:35
losherwhile ubottu is down, make do with http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi01:35
binskipy2unevermind, i guess i'm asking it the wrong way01:35
binskipy2uor dont know how to ask the right question01:35
TheCheezethe 3.90 final version does. i just tested01:35
DigitalKiwiwinrar in wine? lolwut01:36
GuidMorrowwhile you guys sort things out I'll reboot to windows01:36
Dr_Willisbinskipy2u:  you said you wanted to install the kde minimal stuff.. use the package manager to find out what you want  to install then i guess. i dont think theres a 'kde-minimal' package. but you should install the kde apps you want first then see what else you may need i guess01:36
DigitalKiwido tell why you would want that01:36
Dr_WillisDigitalKiwi:  i do Winrar in wine all the time01:36
Dr_Willisbecause winrar has more features/supported stuff then the rar native clients.01:37
Dr_Willisfor one.01:37
=== shamm is now known as LinuxGold
losherbinskipy2u: well, start with telling us why you've decided you need kde3.whatever...01:37
TheCheezeDigitalKiwi, yes. i was told earlier it wouldnt work, but i tried anyway and it installed and ran fine on newest version01:37
DigitalKiwicool I guess01:38
zyrellor hi..01:38
squiggieI am needing some help compiling mediatomb from source. I've got the source from sourceforge and it just says to ./configure make and make install but I don't even see those files in the code.01:38
losherTheCheeze: so much for advice...01:38
overcod3hola zyrell01:38
DigitalKiwidoes it actually work or just seem to work?01:38
zyrellopera rulz!01:38
xsebsx_how do i switch the working directory back to / on the terminal?01:38
TheCheezeit actually works01:38
loshersquiggie: no configure file?01:38
Dr_Willisxemacs:  try 'cd /'01:38
=== jocelyn is now known as Guest96398
majuksquiggie: make is a command, not a file01:38
TheCheezei extracted a 6.4gb iso from a .001-style download01:38
Dr_Willisxemacs:  might be tme to read a few bash beginner guides. :)01:39
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squiggielosher: it has a configure.ac and a makefile.am but no configure file01:39
zyrellto format ubuntu anyone know how?01:39
Ingsocok I installed ubuntu on a friends laptop as a dual boot system, and when I did i let ubuntu take up as much space as it wanted (it was a brand new laptop with a fresh windows vista install on it) now I want to shrink the ubuntu partition and expand the windows partition to give her more room in windows. Can gparted do this without nuking everything?01:39
Dr_Williszyrell:  you format 'fileysstems' ubuntu is an operating system.. what are you trying to do EXACTLY?01:39
KB1JWQIngsoc: Yeah.  For best results do it from a liveCD.01:39
majukIngsoc: Yes01:39
Ingsoccool ty guys01:40
jocelynm2How can I make CPU frequency scaling work correctly on a 1.6ghz pentium m? I'm stuck at 600mhz, tried $ sudo cpufreq-set, etc01:40
qe2eqesay man01:40
loshersquiggie: try running autoconf. That should generate a configure file from configure.ac.01:40
overcod3algun español?01:40
Dr_Willisjocelynm2:  for my machines it normally says the slower speed,s then it throttles up as needed.  often so  quickly i  rarely notice it going up/back down01:40
losherovercod3: solamente ingles. Intenta #ubuntu-es01:41
Dr_Williszyrell:  tell it to the channel please.01:41
Ben64jocelynm2: how do you know it doesn't go up automatically?01:41
DigitalKiwiIngsoc: gparted can theoretically resize file systems without data loss, in practice i don't trust it ;p01:41
jocelynm2Dr_Willis: I realize this, $ cpufreq-info reports a minimum and a maximum of 600mhz for governor "ondemand"01:41
LinuxGoldI recall back in Slackware  days where I can setconsolefont my VT -- what is binary for that in ubuntu?01:41
IngsocDigitalKiwi: have you had problems in the past?01:41
overcod3gracias losher01:41
TheCheezemobile systems are designed to underclcok themselves when not under a load so as to save battery and prevent overheating01:41
DigitalKiwiIngsoc: yes01:42
Ben64jocelynm2: do you have anything that shows the current cpu speed01:42
jocelynm2Yeah, the gnome panel applet01:42
Ben64jocelynm2: dual core cpu or single?01:42
Dr_WillisLinuxGold:  Hmm.. i rember doing that recently.. i forget the command however.  'setfont' 'setconsolefont' or somthing like that01:42
IngsocDigitalKiwi: resizing an existing windows partition?01:43
Ben64jocelynm2: open a terminal, type in "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null"01:43
zyrellwhen i start ubuntu a message error appears, it says "file damage please reinstall windows root system32 hal.dll01:43
Ben64speed *should* go up to maximum01:43
DigitalKiwiresizing any partition01:43
losherAnd they said high-school spanish would never be good for anything.01:43
IngsocDigitalKiwi: How long ago? What version of gparted?01:43
jocelynm2Ben64, one sescond01:43
jocelynm2I tried this, as per recommendation of a forum thread -- $ sudo cpufreq-set -g ondemand -d 600000 -u 1600000 -c 001:44
c_kornhow can I start another gpg agent when the one I had running turned into a zombie ?01:44
DigitalKiwiIngsoc: i don't recall01:44
IngsocDigitalKiwi: Are we talking years ago or recently?01:45
jocelynm2Ben64, it's running in my terminal, no change on the cpufreq01:45
Mike_lifeguardIf I have a windows partition, can I "boot" that up as a VM from inside ubuntu? or something like that?01:45
DigitalKiwithe makers themselves say to backup all data ;p01:45
squiggielosher: that created my configure file, and now I"m getting configure errors...go figure. Thanks for the help though :)01:45
DigitalKiwiumm, a few months with whatever the newest gparted was at the time01:45
Irishmanlukec_korn: I have no clue what happens when you try to kill it01:45
Ben64jocelynm2: try "sudo cpufreq-selector -g performance"01:46
Dr_Willisone should alsays 'backup all data'01:46
c_kornIrishmanluke: it just "lives" http://pastebin.com/d2afe651b01:46
Ingsochmm now I am nervous01:47
beatbreakerOk, so i'm having some problems with networking on Ubuntu, netowrking will not work up until i get onto the desktop, and i know the service starts way before that. Now a boot will take about 4 minutes because it gets stuck01:47
Irishmanlukec_korn: kill -s 9?01:47
loshersquiggie: the fact that there was no configure file suggests to me that you got a development version that's still being worked on and not ready for general use. Poke around the web page a bit more...01:47
c_kornIrishmanluke: nope01:47
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  wireless or wired? (always good to mention which is it)01:48
nimrod_1491hey guys01:48
DigitalKiwiIngsoc: it's not that it always fails, or that it doesn't work, it's just don't do it on stuff you care a lot about, new installs means you shouldn't have too many problems in both a performing the actions and b recovering if they fail01:48
nimrod_1491how do u get skype to work on linux01:48
nimrod_1491im a 100% n00b01:48
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  static or dynamic ip? anything special about the network?01:48
Dr_Willisnimrod_1491:  i found/installed teh skype package from the Medibuntu repositorys I recall.01:49
Ben64i always suggest using a static ip, i don't trust that dhcp character01:49
beatbreakerDr_Willis, set to static from the router. I would love to set the static address from Ubuntu but it's impossible in 9.0401:49
Ben64beatbreaker: cannot be impossible :|01:49
beatbreakeri wasted 4 days trying to get it to work01:49
jocelynm2Ben64: it hangs at the terminal01:49
Dr_WillisI never use static ip any more.  -  well.. actually my router lets me set basically a 'rember forever' based on mac setting. :) so the ips are static.. but the dns and other stuff get changed as needed.01:49
IngsocDigitalKiwi: Yeah but I did the install about 1 year ago. I guess I'll have to clean out my thimb drive01:50
jocelynm2Ben64: nevermind, it completed the command01:50
DigitalKiwioh i thought you said fresh installs >.>01:50
losherbeatbreaker: 'set to static from the router' sounds like a contradiction in terms...01:50
beatbreakeryeah i do the same, from the router. I also use Arch Linux and it was very easy to set it from the computer01:50
jocelynm2Ben64: Performance is now selected in the applet01:50
DigitalKiwiwoot arch01:50
jocelynm2and still 600mhz01:50
IngsocDigitalKiwi: Well it was a fresh install when I did it. ;)01:50
beatbreakerlook i'm not a computer graduate, i taught myself everything i'm sorry if i don't know my terms properley01:51
jocelynm2running dd01:51
beatbreakerthe fact is that i've got a problem getting the service [networking] to run properley on boot on my Ubuntu machine01:51
losherDr_Willis: I *always* use static for my desktops. DNS gets proxied through the router so it never changes on the desktop.01:51
jocelynm2and it's frustrating, because all of my apps keep locking up01:51
losherbeatbreaker: sorry, sometimes we nerds get a bit sidetracked...01:52
beatbreakerwhat can i do to fix this?01:52
DigitalKiwigeek > nerd01:52
DigitalKiwinerds don't get girlz01:52
beatbreakerDigitalKiwi, true01:52
Dr_Willisthey get nerd girls01:53
losherwassamatter ubottu? cpu got your tongue?01:53
bazhangplease take chat elsewhere01:53
beatbreakerSo.... networking service huh, who can help? It boots, then hangs when i'm trying to mount a network share THEN the network starts only when i reach the desktop01:54
DigitalKiwioi networkmanager?01:54
macobeatbreaker: if you need the network configured before network manager kicks in at the desktop, "man 5 interfaces" to see how to setup /etc/network/interfaces01:54
nimrod_1491oh btw01:54
nimrod_1491i downloaded it off the site01:54
DigitalKiwinever seen networkmanager start a network without logging into X01:55
nimrod_1491that is01:55
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  what kind of network share?   the desktop is launched  concurently with the other services..   it shouldent start 'suddendly' when the desktop loads up01:55
DigitalKiwior well wireless, not sure about wired, think it does wired...01:55
MaslowAny of you happen to know the command to run the Nvidia X Server Settings panel?01:55
DigitalKiwi<3 wicd01:55
Dr_WillisThe desktop has the tools for the wireless passwords.. but it canbe setup where its not needed i recall.01:55
DigitalKiwinvidia-settings ?01:55
beatbreakerDr_Willis, it's in fstab01:55
MaslowHey that did it, thanks01:56
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  samba or nfs share?01:56
beatbreakerDr_Willis, samba share.01:56
e370How do i install ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img onto a USB flash drive01:56
blackest_knighte370 unetbootin01:56
e370wheres that01:56
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  ive had some quirky issues with samba shares getting auto mounted.. I ended up mounting them from rc.local after a 'sleep 20' command. that let the network be sure to be up befor trying01:56
e370in terminal?01:57
DigitalKiwiblackest_knight: if it's a .img doesn't he just use dd?01:57
Dr_WillisYou DONT use unetbooting to install a .img file to flash drive01:57
DigitalKiwi^5 Dr_Willis01:57
Dr_Willisthe ubuntu UNR homepage mentions the proper ways to isntall a .img to a flash drive.01:57
jocelynm2Ben64: Any ideas??01:57
blackest_knighti use it for an iso01:57
beatbreakerDr_Willis, that's a good idea01:57
losherbeatbreaker: comment out the share from your fstab and see if that solves the boot delay. If so, that will prove Dr_Willis theory, and also give you a workaround for the moment...01:57
Dr_Willisimg is NOT an iso file, its a flash 'image'01:58
puffSo, the normal advice for partitioning is that swap should be at least the same size as your RAM, maybe 1.5 or 2 t imes.01:58
Ben64jocelynm2: not sure, i've never had an issue with frequency scaling not working at all01:58
e370do you have a link to the guid?01:58
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  i also have had Huge issues with shutdowns taking forever whith mounted samba shares.. theres a way to run ascript on shutdown that forces the shares to unmount also.01:58
puffWhat do you do when your RAM is 192 GB?01:58
blackest_knightok i was thinkin he wanted to install  netbook remix to a drive to install it01:58
majukpuff: ....what?01:58
Dr_Willise370:  check the ubuntu.com UNR page.01:58
jocelynm2it's very frustrating01:58
Gneapuff: use it01:58
puffmajuk: Yeah, that's what I said :-).01:59
majukpuff: You have almost 200gigs of RAM? /Awesome/.01:59
blackest_knightpuff:  sell microsoft01:59
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DigitalKiwiyou call up all your geek friends and brag about how much ram you have01:59
Irishmanlukec_korn: let's see you could try to kill the parent process01:59
puffmajuk: That's the machine I'm installing the RAID on.01:59
beatbreakerbut my problem is that network will only start when i get into my desktop, it doens't start when the other services start01:59
losherpuff: in that case, you probably don't need a lot of swap, since you hopefully never run out of RAM01:59
beatbreakeri think fstab is part of it too ofcourse01:59
puffYah, but knowing these guys...01:59
puffIt's software to calculate radiation scatter.01:59
Ben64puff: depending on available space, i'd say like 2GB01:59
c_kornIrishmanluke: how do I find the parent process ?01:59
macobeatbreaker: try setting up /etc/network/interfaces01:59
DigitalKiwihttp://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-swap-space.html puff02:00
e370do motherboards support 200gb of ram lol02:00
macobeatbreaker: network manager wont manage until you login, but the networking initscript will handle it if you do it with the interfaces file02:00
Ben64e370: some do, yes02:00
DigitalKiwi16 gb apparently02:00
majukpuff: I would still think 200gigs would be enough to crunch those kinds of numbers.02:00
e37016gb is the max supported atm02:00
e370im sure02:00
DigitalKiwihttp://xkcd.com/619/ related02:00
puffmajuk: Depends on how fast you want the answer.02:00
blackest_knightbeatbreaker:  different services have different run levels you need to get networking to start at a low enough runlevel02:01
loshere370: someone asked about that yesterday. Do you have a cite for that claim?02:01
macoblackest_knight: you're overloading the term runlevel02:01
beatbreakerI want to get it to start early because it has to send a WOL command to the server, then it boots into XBMC02:01
* LinuxGold is trying to figure out which file to download for setfont similiar to monospace size 902:01
e370hell no lol just most boards ive looked at in the past supported upto16gb of ram, but the way things changed i wouldnt be suprised...02:02
majuke370: Maybe by /standard/ mobos, I've worked with specialty equipment with 50+ gigs before.02:02
majukAlthough never anything close to 200. That's a bit nuts.02:02
e370why would u even need 200gb of it02:02
VarthCan someone help me get Audacity to record input on a Lenovo S10 netbook running 9.04? Google has been no help.02:02
blackest_knightmaco:  probably02:02
loshermajuk: e370: well, those aren't desktops. They're megaservers...02:02
majuke370: Calculate particle scatter of radiation something? :D02:02
macobeatbreaker: what is the S level of your network filesystem in /etc/rcS.d/ ?02:02
macobeatbreaker: networking is S40 on mine so i would hope your FS is somewhere after S40?02:03
majuklosher: Indeed. Puff doesn't seem to be working with a desktop.02:03
macoblackest_knight: all runlevels on ubuntu (save 0=shutdown, 6=reboot) are identical02:03
e370only one machine i know would need such memory Hadron partical accelirator in sweeden...02:03
puffI'm a little scared of what I'm going to find, to be honest... they didn't even ask me for advice in building this, let alone ask me to ask my friends who deal with hardware all the time (which is what I would have done anyway :-)02:04
Dr_Willisfstab is read/mounted befor the networking i imagine. since  some of the /whatever dirs may be needed to boot up02:04
puffFor all I know, I'll show up and they'll have a MB that maxes out at 32GB.02:04
puffI guess, first thing I'll do is look at /proc, etc, before I commence to reinstalling with RAID.02:04
DigitalKiwipuff: did you see the link i sent?02:04
DigitalKiwialso i would like to subscribe to your news letter about this computer02:05
puffDigitalKiwi: Yeah :-).02:05
puffDigitalKiwi: I'll let you know how it turns out.02:05
th0re370: the hadron is in switzerland....the one WITH the alps02:05
jocelynm2thanks for the help -- I'm gonna continue trying to get it to work correctly02:05
blackest_knightok maco i bow to your superior knowledge but doesnt it depend on what run level your at as to you having a shell or a running x server02:05
blackest_knightth0r:  the hadron runs ubuntu ?02:06
e370i ment swissland lol02:06
th0rblackest_knight: it will when they upgrade it02:06
Dr_Willisblackest_knight:  'GDM' is just another service - ubuntu dosent  do the runlevele stuff like other/older disrtos do.02:06
c_kornIrishmanluke: ok, the parent process was gdm obviously :P02:07
losherblackest_knight: other linuxes would run at level 3 for shell only, and 5 for x11. Ubuntu messed with all that and runs at level 2 by default, which includes an X server02:07
c_kornIrishmanluke: but now it is restarted too. thanks for your help02:07
blackest_knightok i admit it i'm too old :P02:07
Dr_Willisgdm is one of the last services loaded. thus X should start  as the other serices are all finishing up.02:08
Dr_WillisYou Could launch gdm from  rc.local if you need X to be the absoutely LAST thing to load.02:08
losherblackest_knight: I'm so old I remember when spam didn't exist. Or browsers. Or transistors...02:08
Ben64i remember when there was no security on the internet02:09
blackest_knightmy first stereo was mono and i first blew myself up with an 8 track02:09
LinuxGoldlosher: back in old days -- amiga, intellivision..02:09
VarthCan someone help me get Audacity to record input on a Lenovo S10 netbook running 9.04? Google has been no help.02:09
sanjaymy second hard disk is ext3 file format and while in intsalling xubuntu i assigned its mount point as /home/Foldername.But after the copmletetion of xubuntu installation.. in File System 's Home Folder it only showing Folder Name.It contains only Lost And Found Folder.But i can't access my second hard disk02:09
blackest_knighti started with a zx81  without the 16k ram pack02:09
losherblackest_knight: bah, 8-track. Dang newfangled gizmo technology. I remember b&w TV...02:10
alexnetCan someone help me with this command? sudo iptables-save >/etc/iptables.rules     result: Permission denied02:10
DigitalKiwiBen64: wow I do too! wasn't that yesterday?02:10
Dr_Willissanjay:  i hope you dident tell it to format the filesystem during install.02:10
pufflosher: I'm so old I remember how breathtakingly fast 1200 baud modems seemed.02:10
vaiohi guys02:10
vaiofrom UK02:10
Dr_Willissanjay:  figure out what device it is, try mounting it manually somewhere.02:10
vaiowould appreciate some help if anyone is free02:10
LinuxGoldvaio: spill the question02:10
losherpuff: I telecommuted with a 2400 baud modem and a vt100. It was state of the art...02:10
DigitalKiwiwell dont' spill it that's messy02:10
LinuxGoldyeah, 56k was the latest02:11
LinuxGoldDigitalKiwi: lol02:11
vaioi am pretty new to linux, and have been playin around with it on my sony netbook (pcg-tr5mp)...using xbuntu02:11
pufflosher: you and your newfangled vt100!  I'll take my trusty old teleray t10 any day.02:11
puffActually I won't.02:11
vaioi would llike to know how i can get the Fn keys working again02:11
puffBut I remember vt52 :-).02:11
blackest_knightlosher:  i remember b&w too mainly coz my dad wouldnt pay for colour02:11
sanjayDr.Willis: i don't know how to mount manually.. i installed mount manager and gaprted partition manager.. but..  i can't  mount it.. can u pls help me on this regard02:11
puffvaio: Don't take any wooden nickles.02:11
benkayYou mean media keys like Stop, Play, Next, and so forth?02:11
losherblackest_knight: remember the little white dot when you switched off. And 'warming up' the tv 15 minutes before a program?02:12
vaiolaptop function keys02:12
Dr_Willissanjay:  ' the 'mount' command.        sudo mkdir /media/TEST      sudo mount /dev/SOMTHING /media/TEST02:12
vaioFn - near the window key02:12
drakonikAlright. I am runing 9.10, and in the middle of a bunch of updates, I guess my computer crashed, because I first rebooted into "please fsck the disk" mode, and after I fsck'd it, it rebooted into a tty and when I tried to start gdm, it gave me a bunch of errors about not being able to secure a name, and therefore being unable to start.02:12
puffEmacs was also good for finding the bugs in your vt100 emulation.02:12
vaioFn+f5 = increases breightness02:12
puffI remember how overjoyed I was when I found out that the kermit modem client had good vt52 emulation.02:12
vaioFn+f4 inc volume02:12
losherpuff: nice one...02:12
alexnetWhy am I getting Permission denied when running a sudo command?02:13
drakonikSo, a quick answer that might help me is, where are the X server error logs?02:13
vaioi thought the latest kernal etc came with the modules02:13
vaioany ideas?02:13
puffMy brother figured out how to reprogram the vt100 answerback buffer.02:13
Dr_Willisalexnet:  give details to the channel.02:13
puffBack in college.02:13
losherdrakonik: /var/log/Xorg.log*02:13
th0rdrakonik: /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:13
benkayvaio, Brightness is usually handled in the BIOS (although evidently not if it isn't working for you). Volume should indeed be handled by your desktop environment.02:13
puffSo, for a brief time, if you fingered his account, it logged you off.02:13
Sylphidhow can i find the native block size of a storage device?02:13
beatbreakersorry i'm still here working on the netowrk, i just was on the phone, I'm going to try to edit rc.local now, and follow the rest of the gueestions people have made down02:13
losherpuff: I remember that. It wasn't popular at work...02:14
blackest_knightlosher:  yes and watching the american ussr linkup in orbit, not so sure about the moonlandings thou02:14
blackest_knightalexnet: try sudo su and try it02:14
alexnetWhen running sudo iptables-save >/etc/iptables.rules  I recieve the message : -bash: /etc/iptables.rules: Permission denied.   Any idea why?02:14
benkayvaio, Fire up a terminal and start the program xev. Press the keys and see what kind of output you get.02:14
drakonikalright, time to skim the X logs and see what I can find02:14
vaiook thanks02:14
DigitalKiwiwow ubuntu really is for old people02:14
e370are ubuntu updates important?02:14
vaiobenkay can i pm ..its kinda hectic in here02:14
lamer_naw updating is for wimps02:14
Dr_Willise370:  only oif you consider security and stability imporntant02:14
lamer_much better to leave buggy code on your systems02:15
DigitalKiwiif it works why break it with newer more buggy code?02:15
DigitalKiwilook at xorg ;p02:15
alexnetblackest_knight, that worked... whats sudo su?02:15
alexnetblackest_knight and how do i get out of my leet # prompt?02:15
losherDigitalKiwi: well, sometimes it doesn't work...02:15
macoblackest_knight: not in the debian world. outside debian, runlevel 2&4 are meaningless (ubuntu runs in 2). 3 = text login, no gui. 5= gui login. that doesnt mean you pass through runlevel 3 on the way to runlevel 5 though02:15
Ben64alexnet: CTRL+D02:15
Ben64it's the leetest way to get out of a terminal02:16
drakonikOkay, the log isn't tell me anything useful02:16
ritztechanyone kno of a good program like dreamweaver in windows02:16
macoblackest_knight: in the ubuntu, 2-5 are all the same thing02:16
macoritztech: kompozer?02:16
th0rlet's ask drakonik what he thinks about updates02:16
e370so yes its important to update02:16
drakonikUpdates are a good thing, as long as your computer is stable enough to complete them safely.02:16
sanjay it is not working02:16
paissad-hphi everybody !02:17
e370my pc is about 2004/2005 dated :\02:17
ritztechwould it work if i install it on the Kde02:17
blackest_knightthat would make sense if they dropped the other runlevels02:17
drakonikMine is not, which is why I'm in this situation. The xorg logs aren't teling me anything definite. I'm not seeing any "ERROR: CANNOT DO THIS" lines in the logs02:17
drakonikHm. Is it safe to remove the logs? Or at least rename them?02:17
SpiceManritztech: most programs that start/include a K in their name are from the KDE development group02:17
Dr_Willissanjay:  on irc you want to be verbose, and concise. the phrase 'its not working' tells me very little.  You may want to research how the 'mount' command and 'linux mount fileysstems'  works.    I just HOPE you dident accidently format your data drive02:17
th0rdrakonik: might check /var/log/messages and dmesg02:18
sagaciBen64: what is?02:18
drakonikAlright th0r02:18
ritztechthats kinda nice to know even though it shows it for ubuntu02:18
losheralexnet: you'll like this: it runs iptables-save as root, then returns to the regular user to write the output to /etc/iptables.rules, which fails because regular users can't write to /etc02:18
Ben64sagaci: huh?02:18
SealedWithAKissDoes anybody have any experience running Medieval War II under WINE in Ubuntu Linux? Or any advice for running any Windows based games under Linux?02:19
beatbreakermaco, you suggested to have a look in /etc/network/interfaces - what should i do there? it looks like this now:02:19
beatbreakerauto lo02:19
beatbreakeriface lo inet loopback02:19
drakonikoh no02:19
DigitalKiwiSpiceMan: kompozer isn't kde02:19
Ben64SealedWithAKiss: check winehq.org for lists of games and programs that work with wine02:19
drakonikin dmesg, xorg is having a bunch of segfaults02:19
drakonikOh, this is bad02:19
DigitalKiwiit's not even Qt02:19
macobeatbreaker: setup a stanza for the interface you want to connect with. "man 5 interfaces" explains the syntax02:19
th0rdrakonik: then maybe you shouldn't look02:20
e370right thats that sorted now where do i find this usb-imagewriter?02:20
SpiceManDigitalKiwi: I've just found out that XD02:20
macobeatbreaker: it should setup the interface at boot instead of waiting for the network manager gui to initialize. the flip side is that it will not be able to be modified using the network manager gui anymore. youll have to use the file02:20
blackest_knightSealedWithAKiss:  all i can do is recomend looking at the codeweavers site its pretty good at showing what might work02:20
macoSpiceMan: kompozer = mozilla webpage creator02:20
th0rdrakonik: just a shot in the dark, try reinstalling xorg from the cli02:20
drakonikHm. Can I install the x server and such fresh?02:20
Dr_Willise370:  http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download-netbook    --> how to install UNR link02:20
drakonikMy thoughts exactly, th0r02:21
drakonikMy main concern was keeping the config02:21
drakonikWhile wiping the binaries and writing them over fresh02:21
drakonikAlright, worth a shot.02:21
DigitalKiwiyour sentence would better be constructed, even though this is less the case now... "most programs in kde start with K"02:21
losheralexnet: try02:21
beatbreakermaco, i'm very happy to have it managed in the CLI, i don't like the GUI anyway02:21
losherERC> alexnet: try sudo bash -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules" if you're still listening. And if you're not, your attention span is too short...02:21
th0rdrakonik: sudo apt-get remove xorg && sudo apt-get install xorg...should keep the configs and dump the binaries02:21
beatbreakermaco, is there a readme about it somewhere too? I'm reading the MAN now02:22
alexnetlosher, the sudo su stuff ran and worked, should i try that still?02:22
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dividebyzer0anybody avail to help me with Wine?02:22
macobeatbreaker: the manpage is all ive used. there's a readme for wpa supplicant that can explain wpa syntax for wireless, but its pretty simple "wpa-ssid linksys" and "wpa-psk thisismypassword" lines02:22
losheralexnet: if you have it working, that's fine...02:22
drakoniksee, th0r02:22
drakonikThat's way better than what I just did02:22
drakoniksudo apt-get remove x*02:23
donavan_does any one know if they fixed the issues with ATI cards using multiple monitors at different resolutions?02:23
th0rdrakonik: well...that WILL clean things up02:23
sagaciBen64: what's the leetest way to get out of a terminal, i missed it02:23
alexnetlosher, will i need to do somethign special like this for the start-up script in the network interface?02:23
cornjulioxok i'm having a little problem here, it looks like I can't play mp3s stored locally when I have youtube open and vice versa.02:23
Ben64sagaci: CTRL+D02:24
dividebyzer0wine wont work for me, says I am missing a DLL. When I put the DLL in the folder and run it, it goes crazy and gives me another error02:24
Dayofswordsleetest way? is the x not cool enough for ya?02:24
chupyhow can i shut up an aplication in linux that dont have a silence button?02:24
DigitalKiwisagaci: you create a bash forkbomb and crash your system, that is how i do it02:24
Ben64Dayofswords: mouse is slower than keyboard02:24
beatbreakermaco, i'm twrrible at netowrking, it's all greek to me. anyway i'm not on wireless thank god02:24
redrebelis there a way to connect to my ubuntu using the COM1 interface?02:24
macobeatbreaker: do you use dhcp?02:25
th0rredrebel: it is probably /dev/ttyS0 or some such...not Com102:25
losheralexnet: the sudo bash workaround above should work from a script. Test it, of course...02:25
beatbreakermaco, yeah, but the IP is fixed02:25
drakonik"Connection 1.52 is not allowed to own org.Gnome.Displaymanager due to conflicts in the config file"02:25
drakonikThat's the error I get.02:26
wiggywo0t1i need to obtain all usb modules and firmware classes02:26
alexnetlosher, well im just adding   pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules  to /network/interfaces... so maybe i should just chmod o+x the iptables.rules?02:26
SealedWithAKissHow do I add a new application to by running winecfg ?02:26
IrishmanlukeDigitalKiwi: nice02:26
wiggywo0t1 modprobe uhci_hcd02:26
wiggywo0t1WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release.02:26
wiggywo0t1FATAL: Module uhci_hcd not found.02:26
wiggywo0t1can anyone tell me what usb modules / firm ware classes i need ?02:26
macobeatbreaker: you mean there's a dhcp reservation?02:27
losheralexnet: that should be fine, It's not like the rules change very often...02:27
alexnetlosher, i'll test it of course... but theoretically speaking now that I have the script saved all im worried about is it beind executed later right?02:27
DigitalKiwiIrishmanluke: did it just the other day with my lua script >.>02:27
IrishmanlukeDigitalKiwi: what was it :(){:|:&} ?02:27
DigitalKiwiepic lulz02:27
alexnetlosher okay, thanks02:27
beatbreakeryeah, well i don't know the technical term for it but the router assigns the mac address the same IP every time02:27
macobeatbreaker: ok if the router's assigning it then its dhcp and you dont even need to think hard :)02:28
blackest_knightredrebel: should be why that interface?02:28
alexnetAnother question: ignoring what my router actually does, how does one do the ubuntu-side configuration for a static ip? eg
macobeatbreaker: just put "iface eth0 inet dhcp"02:28
losheralexnet: easy enought to test, just run iptables -L after a reboot and make sure the rules are all there like they're supposed to be...02:28
C-S-BIrishmanluke: a way to bring you a world of pain.02:29
beatbreakermaco, into interfaces?02:29
macobeatbreaker: yep02:29
macobeatbreaker: just put that on its own line02:29
Irishmanlukedoes anyone have a really simple question for me to answer so I can feel smart?02:29
macobeatbreaker: if you need it to redo its configuration (dunno why youd need to since its not wireless but meh), "ifdown eth0" and "ifup eth0" are how it works. if youve used red hat this is like /etc/sysconfig/interfaces/if-* (uhh hope i got that path right)02:29
DigitalKiwifunction hi(a) a = #s * 10; while true do return hi(a) end end; hi("HELLO")02:30
DigitalKiwithat was it Irishmanluke02:30
beatbreakermaco, it looks like this now http://pastebin.com/d5c6a5cf02:30
DigitalKiwithe # is about three times faster than string.len so it is optimized02:30
losheralexnet: here is my /etc/network/interfaces file. Just change the addresses for your setup: http://pastebin.com/m2a5e00802:30
macobeatbreaker: looks good02:31
christiaaani have a problem i need install aircrack-ng but when i try to install say this02:31
beatbreakernot a redhat user unfortunately, just arch and ?buntu02:31
christiaaanLa versión de `libsqlite3-0' en el sistema es 3.4.2-2.02:31
christiaaan aircrack-ng depende de iw; sin embargo:02:31
christiaaan  El paquete `iw' no está instalado.02:31
alexnetawesome, thanks again losher02:31
macobeatbreaker: reboot and give it a try02:31
beatbreakermaco, rebooting02:31
Ben64Hey Irishmanluke, how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie-roll center of a tootsie-pop?02:31
SealedWithAKissHow do I determine my Ubuntu version?02:31
macoSealedWithAKiss: lsb_release -a02:32
IrishmanlukeBen64: 64?02:32
losherchristiaaan: ici on parle seulement anglais. Essaie #ubuntu-fr02:32
Ben64Irishmanluke: nope, it's 3 :(02:32
SealedWithAKissmaco, command not found.02:32
SealedWithAKissmaco, sorry it worked.02:32
IrishmanlukeBen64: but that's not a power of 2?02:32
Ben64Irishmanluke: so?02:32
SealedWithAKissmaco, it's 8.04 Hardy. How do I update it?02:33
losherchristiaaan: oops. se habla solamente ingles acqui. Intenta #ubuntu-fr02:33
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losherchristiaaan: oops. se habla solamente ingles acqui. Intenta #ubuntu-es02:33
macoSealedWithAKiss: you want to go to 8.10?02:33
christiaaanokay thank u02:33
dividebyzer0can somebody help me get Wine working?02:33
Ben64Irishmanluke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ0epRjfGLw02:33
SealedWithAKissmaco, how do I update from Hardy to the newest distribution?02:33
LinuxGolddrink wine02:33
Irishmanlukewell the memory addresses would be 00 01 and 10 what about 11?02:33
Dayofswordsi wonder what the world would be like if linux based OS's had 50% of the computer market....02:33
macoSealedWithAKiss: system -> administration -> software sources. change it so that itll show all new versions instead of only long term support releases02:33
IdleOneSealedWithAKiss: use the upgrade manager02:33
macoSealedWithAKiss: you have to go through 8.10 to get to 9.04. skipping's not really supported02:34
macoIdleOne: hardy doesnt show non-lts new versions by default02:34
IrishmanlukeDayofswords: this channel would be impossibly full02:34
IdleOnemaco: right I forgot about that02:34
cversion7hello all, i have a question relating to an SD card... my reader is showing up fine in ubuntu 9.04, but it says there's no media when I insert a brand new microSD card (with SD adapter)02:34
macoSealedWithAKiss: once thats done, run the system -> administration -> update manager andtell it to check for updtes. it should then offer you 8.1002:34
losherSealedWithAKiss: why bother. Nothing wrong with 8.04. Nice and stable...02:34
whiteshepDoes anyone know if there is a way or filesystem for Ubuntu that will list files alphabetical by default?02:35
beatbreakermaco, Dr_Willis that's beautiful now, perfect! Thank you. The problem now is i've got to put in a umount command on shutdown because unmounting the share takes forever too02:35
SealedWithAKissWhat do I do once  am in software sources?02:35
SealedWithAKisslosher, I fancy upgrading anyway.02:35
macoSealedWithAKiss: see the setting in tehre about what kind of updates to show?02:35
SealedWithAKissmaco, yesah.02:35
macoSealedWithAKiss: it should offer like "only long term support releases" or "all new versions" or "dont tell me" i think?02:35
macoSealedWithAKiss: the default is long term support releases only. change it to all02:36
losherSealedWithAKiss: then make a backup before you do. You won't be the first person to come back to 8.04 after trying 9.0402:36
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inx-mdgwhiteshep: can you explain  a little more what you are trying to accomplish and using what application?02:36
SealedWithAKisslosher, could the upgrade cause data loss?02:36
SealedWithAKissWhat does this mean? W: GPG error: http://apt.tt-solutions.com edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 06EA41DE4F6C1E8602:37
losherSealedWithAKiss: unlikely, but this group is littered with people whose upgrade went wrong somehow, or who lost sound, or flash stopped working, or wifi stopped working. The sound stuff seems particular stubborn...02:38
Irishmanlukecversion7: I don't think this is really the best command but what does ls /media show02:38
Sylphidhow can i find the native block size of a storage device?02:38
drakonikGreat. gdmsetup and gnome-session all fail with "cannot open display" but refuse to tell me why02:38
cversion7irishmanluke: cdrom  cdrom0  cdrom1  floppy  floppy002:38
losherSylphid: what's the device?02:39
beatbreakercan anyone help me in putting in a umount command up shutdown? i know what to write but i don't know WHERE it goes02:39
inx-mdgwhiteshep: in a gui, nautilus default is alphabetical starting with folder names02:39
drakonikHow do I proceed from here?02:39
Irishmanlukecversion7: ok well it's definately not mounted in /media02:39
cversion7irishmanluke: the sd drive shows up in nautilus, but it says there's no media02:39
cversion7irishmanluke: and the reader shows fine with lsusb02:40
lstarnesdrakonik: how are you starting them?02:40
Sylphidlosher, a-data 4G SDHC card02:40
drakoniklstarnes: From the terminal? With AND without sudo02:40
lstarnesdrakonik: from a graphical terminal, or from one of the system consoles?02:40
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drakoniksystem console02:40
lstarnesdrakonik: what does "echo $DISPLAY" say?02:40
drakonikI don't have X, I don't have gnome02:40
drakoniklstarnes: Empty string02:41
Dr_Willisdrakonik:  X runs under gnome...02:41
lstarnesdrakonik: what's most likely happening is gdmsetup and gnome-session are failing because DISPLAY is undefined and/or X isn't running02:41
drakonikMakes sense.02:42
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Dr_Willislinux kernel -> OS -> X -> windowmanager  :02:42
lstarnesdrakonik: usually DISPLAY is set to :0.002:42
drakonikDr_Willis: Then by that definition, Gnome runs under X. But it's a moot point, and I don't care what runs under what, at the moment, because nothing is running at all02:42
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drakoniklstarnes: Worth a try02:42
beatbreakercan anyone help me in putting in a umount command up shutdown? i know what to write but i don't know WHERE it goes02:42
Dr_Willisdrakonik:  you got it backwards.. gnome runs on TOP of X.02:42
losherSylphid: good question. Turns out I don't know the answer, sorry...02:43
Irishmanlukecversion7: sorry I kind of  missed that it was a usb sd card reader02:43
Ben64beatbreaker: everything should already get unmounted upon shutdown02:43
drakonikYeah, we're not clearly defining what "under" or "on top of" means.02:43
drakonikBut anyway02:43
cversion7irishmanluke: yeah, i just tried another SD card and it won't mount either02:43
Irishmanlukecversion7: ok02:43
beatbreakerBen64, it doesn't myne hangs, Dr_Willis said he had the same problem02:43
cversion7irishmanluke: lsusb shows Bus 001 Device 007: ID 058f:6362 Alcor Micro Corp. Hi-Speed 21-in-1 Flash Card Reader/Writer (Internal/External)02:44
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  whats the problem again? ive frogotten.02:44
christiaaanhow can install driver 802.11g wireless pci ?02:44
beatbreakerDr_Willis, mounted samba share, will hang and not unmount up shutdown02:44
drakonikoh god how do I set the display variable?02:44
Irishmanlukecversion7: what does /var/log/syslog show after you insert the card02:44
lstarnesdrakonik: export DISPLAY=:0.002:45
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  so the share being in fstab dosent affect the network hanging eh>02:45
ritztechhas anyone ever used Compiz fusion on 2 monitors ( i have 2 but i havent hooked it up seems weird though)02:45
Dr_Willisritztech:  it works here on my nvidia 8800gtsXXX card with 2 monitors02:46
cversion7Irishmanluke: it doesn't have anything listed after i plug it in, last thing was 6 minutes ago in that log02:46
drakonikOkay. Even after exporting the display variable, I'm getting the exact same error02:46
beatbreakerDr_Willis, i moved it to rc.local upon your suggestion02:46
drakonikTalking about security conflicts in the config file02:46
drakonikWhere can I find some gdm config file dealing with "Security policies"?02:47
ritztechoh wow really how does it run though on the 2nd monitor does it only work on 1 but then you have techinally 8 desktops if you have 4 desktops02:47
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  try not mounting the share at all perhaps. to prove its a samba issue..  I guess.. elimnate what might be the problem.. ..02:47
drakonikBecause that's what's stopping gdm from acquiring whatever name it needs.02:47
dbdii407Yea. Um i typed curl in my terminal a couple of times (for my project) and how my computers chopping up? i typed control+c but it's still choppy02:47
beatbreakerDr_Willis, i remember you saying that you needed a script to unmount it02:47
Irishmanlukecversion7: what about /var/log/dmesg02:47
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beatbreakerok well how about i'll manually unmount it now, shutdown, and see if it hangs anywhere?02:48
Dr_Willisritztech:  i have a single 'wide' spaning 2 monitors 'desktop' thats using the twinview feature. I have virtual desktops   when i jump to them . its the same as a single monitor setup.02:48
drakonikdbdii407: Try 'killall curl'02:48
beatbreakerDr_Willis, as above, brb02:48
cversion7Irishmanluke: it also doesn't change when the card is inserted/re-inserted02:48
alexnetlosher, my network section doesnt have eth0 it only has lo? is that normal? (i dont have wifi, and its a reall old computer)02:48
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  there can be a script to make it unmount  manually, that makes shutdown go faster.. but i dont rember where/how i did it now.02:48
ritztechsweet ill try that02:48
dbdii407drakonik, Opps. Forgot to mention, i did that, still choopy and nothing was killed. :X02:48
KorrI have a small problem, apparently my entire /usr directory has permissions reset to 770. Anyone have any great suggestions about how to reset them to their correct perms?02:48
ritztechi have nvidia how can i tell what model video card i have02:48
drakonikdbdii407: Ah. Interesting. Does ps -aux list anything unusual?02:49
BhaalWKpackages.ubuntu.com is down?02:49
drakonikAlso, it'd help to define 'choppy'.02:49
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  shuting down without unmounting it will make the system 'wait' like 60 sec or so - till the server times out i recall.02:49
beatbreakerDr_Willis, ah i see02:49
Irishmanlukecversion7: are you positive the reader works?02:49
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KorrUsing the 'live cd' is there a 'repair' option?02:49
beatbreakerDr_Willis, yeah it seems to be waiting a long time before i get it to close proplerley02:49
cversion7Irishmanluke: works in Windows :) trying not to reboot into that partition02:49
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  thats  shoudlent be affecting Boot UP 'times' however.. or was this whole problem  You having hangs at 'shutdown' only?02:50
alexnetQuestion: my /etc/network/interfaces only has an 'auto lo' section... I'm trying to give myself a static ip (and i have the code to do so) but I have no etho section! Do I add an etho? Or is my computer just lo02:51
cversion7irishmanluke: guess i'll reboot and see if it still works :(02:51
lstarnesalexnet: you could manually add a section for eth002:51
beatbreakerDr_Willis, i just fixed the boot up, as you suggested move mount command to rc.local and change interfaces upom marco's suggestion - shutdown still hangs and i guess i'd rather it to just be smooth02:51
Irishmanlukecversion7: yeah sorry I have no clue02:52
lstarnesalexnet: you could also try configuration with ifconfig02:52
cversion7irishmanluke: thanks for the help :)02:52
Irishmanlukealexnet: what does ifconfig show?02:52
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  i forget the script/thing  to use.. i just never worried about it much it eventually shuts down.. but i just dont rember how i made it quicker02:52
drakonikoh god, I found the gdm config directories02:53
alexnetmy ifconfig looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/256625/02:53
drakonikNow I just have to find which one has to do with "Security policies"02:53
Irishmanlukealexnet: lstarnes is right just add it manually02:53
alexnetokay, i'll do that thank you02:53
HobbleAlongKorr: cd to / in a terminal sudo chmod -R 755 usr02:54
Korrthat breaks a lot of stuff that needs +s02:54
Dayofswordsis ifconfig linux's version of ipconfig on windows? (learning still=p)02:54
macoDayofswords: yes02:55
beatbreakermaco, Dr_Willis ahh actually now i don't have netowrking at all on that machine, i was just testing02:55
macobeatbreaker: i dont know what youve changed since last time02:55
drakonikYou really lose faith in a program when a comment in the config file says "Is this alright, or is this on crack?"02:55
macobeatbreaker: im in a meeting in another channel so i lost track after "yay it booted right! its slow to shut down :("02:55
beatbreakermaco, same thing, http://pastebin.com/d5c6a5cf02:55
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DouglasKQuestion: how is Ubuntu's support for add-in USB2 cards?02:57
beatbreakermaco, it booted beautifully, but no network. I've been doing everything vie SSH and i just tried to ping it and it was dead, i tested the machine and neither LAN or WAN are working02:57
IrishmanlukeHobbleAlong: wait give everyone read and execute permissions to everything in /usr ?02:57
macobeatbreaker: oh. boo. wait, in ifconfig, is your interface for-sure called eth0?02:57
Dr_WillisDouglasK:  ive used several PCI usb cards to expand my machines with n o hassles under any linux's ive tried.02:58
beatbreakermaco, i'm pretty sure, but i'll check again02:58
rayluKorr: find can find only directories or only files02:58
rayluKorr: from there, you can use -exec chmod -r {} \; and -exec chmod -rx {} \;02:58
SealedWithAKissHow do I run a wine application from the terminal?02:59
Ben64wine application.exe02:59
DouglasKDr_Willis: thanks... gonna grab one off ebay... got a box that has USB1, but makes a nice little server.02:59
SealedWithAKissI don't know what the application is called.02:59
rayludrakonik: http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/2/15/71552/779502:59
GneaSealedWithAKiss: you have to install it first02:59
drakonikI"m stuck in terminal02:59
SealedWithAKissGnea, I have.02:59
IrishmanlukeHobbleAlong: nevermind that's the normal permissions lol02:59
ParajI'm affected by this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/395366 and I can't update my system. How can I fix this?02:59
drakonikdunno how to browser02:59
GneaSealedWithAKiss: then it's in the wine path02:59
beatbreakermaco, well if i do ifconfig now eth0 isn't even there03:00
SealedWithAKissGnea, I wanna run it from the terminal.03:00
Ben64SealedWithAKiss: you installed something, but don't know what you installed?03:00
beatbreakermaco, i only get lo03:00
GneaSealedWithAKiss: just give it the absolute path to the c drive03:00
macobeatbreaker: ifconfig -a03:00
GneaSealedWithAKiss: you said that.03:00
rayludrakonik: oh, it's not important or relevant to your problem03:00
GneaSealedWithAKiss: it's usually in the ~/.wine/ directory03:00
Irishmanlukebeatbreaker: ifconfig eth0 up03:00
rayludrakonik: but lynx, links, and elinks are good cli browsers03:00
drakonikraylu: I opened it in my laptop03:01
rayludrakonik: if you don't want to mess with gdm configs, i suggest dpkg-reconfigure gdm. most likely, though, the issue is not with your gdm config03:01
drakonikReading the URL from across the room03:01
drakonikraylu: Alright, I'll try that.03:01
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Dayofswordsoh come on, even ubuntu pastebin get viagra spam >.<03:02
drakonikokay, it's asking me to reboot03:02
SealedWithAKissHow do I cd into a directory with a space?03:02
drakonikI guess?03:02
Mike_lifeguardSealedWithAKiss: escape the space with03:02
GneaSealedWithAKiss: use the tab key03:02
Mike_lifeguardSealedWithAKiss: or use quotes03:02
drakonikSealedWithAKiss: "cd blah\ blah\ dongs"03:02
DigitalKiwiGnea: you're too fast03:03
drakonikanyway, brb, I'm sure.03:03
HobbleAlongKorr: you're right sorry...  There are also a bunch of .c files that need 644, and maybe others.  I'm not sure of anything quick and easy :o(03:03
cWo_3m0fuck you....!!!!!!!!!!!03:03
SealedWithAKissGnea, thanks.03:03
Mike_lifeguardHow can I get my processor type (32/64 bit) from ubuntu?03:03
Gnea!lantuage | cWo_3m003:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lantuage03:03
PicicWo_3m0: Please watch your language03:03
rayluParaj: can you show us the result of either an apt update or dpkg --configure -a?03:03
Mike_lifeguardcWo_3m0: uh, no, you don't swear in here, ok?03:03
Gnea!language | cWo_3m003:03
ubottucWo_3m0: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:03
Parajraylu: Same as in the bug03:03
Ben64Mike_lifeguard: you can find if you're running 32 or 64 by doing "uname -a"03:03
GneaDigitalKiwi: how so?03:04
cWo_3m0sex with me????03:04
tim167how do i change the 'modified' and 'created' date of a file ?03:04
Mike_lifeguardBen64: is that the i686 bit?03:04
Ben64not sure if you can tell if you have a 64bit cpu on 32bit ubuntu03:04
SealedWithAKiss:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/SEGA$ wine Medieval\ II\ Total\ War/03:04
SealedWithAKisswine: cannot find 'Medieval II Total War/'    ??03:04
Ben64Mike_lifeguard: yeah03:04
rayluParaj: you're using lilo?03:04
DigitalKiwiGnea: i was about to answer "use tab completion" but you had already answered03:04
Parajraylu: Yes03:04
Ben64Linux ben64 2.6.24-24-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 24 22:15:50 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:04
drakonikDidn't do a thing.03:04
GneaDigitalKiwi: clearly this person doesn't fully understand the concept, yet03:04
Ben64so i'm running 64bit03:04
Mike_lifeguardSealedWithAKiss: are you sure you're entering the correct directory? That is a directory in your $HOME03:04
rayluParaj: why not grub?03:04
Beatbreakemaco, ok it's beatbreaker, i'm on another PC now, downstairs03:05
kholbyI'm having some problems with DVD playback and flash movies on Xubuntu 9.04 kernel 2.6.28-15 on an old emachines with 180MB of ram.  No one's saying anything on the Xubuntu channel.  Any ideas?03:05
Dayofswordsman....... i hate how i have to use ubuntu as a rescue disc for my xp, 15 gb of data needs to be saved >.<03:05
Beatbreakemaco, yeah i did ifconfig -a and there's eth0 there03:05
rayluBen64: the lm flag in /proc/cpuinfo will tell if your processor is 64-bit03:05
Mike_lifeguardkholby: you should start by saying what problem(s) you're having03:05
drakonikOkay. dpkg says that I can reconfigure things once all X sessions are closed.03:05
Parajraylu: Installed using alt CD, used multiple encrypted (dm-crypt) volumes for the OS03:05
macobeatbreaker: so if you "sudo ifup eth0" what happens?03:05
Ben64raylu: didn't know if it would have that if you're running a 32bit linux03:05
GneaDayofswords: would you hate it more or less if you didn't have a rescue cd at all?03:05
drakonikAnd then it barfs up some error about "initscript gdm, action "reload" " failing03:06
Mike_lifeguardBen64: and i686 is what kind? I don't see the number 32 or 64 there :D03:06
Ben64it's 32 Mike_lifeguard03:06
Dayofswordswell i'm not complaining that i have to use ubuntu, i just hate that i would have to use any thing03:06
rayluBen64: it will, since "32-bit linux" is just a 32-bit kernel (and userspace) and the processor flags will be the same regardless of what you're running03:06
Mike_lifeguardBen64: and what would 64 be?03:06
kholbySorry.  I installed the packages supposedly necessary for DVD playback and several players, and finally got the DVDs to mount, but when I try to play one I'm told that I don't have permission.03:06
Ben64Mike_lifeguard: try "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i lm"03:06
GneaMike_lifeguard: linux has always been 32bit03:06
Beatbreakemaco, all good if i do that command, how can i get it on bootup?03:06
macobeatbreaker: hrm. /etc/rcS.d/S40networking should have done that.03:07
rayluBen64: or you could just grep -i lm /proc/cpuinfo03:07
macobeatbreaker: that file exists for you right?03:07
DigitalKiwiDayofswords: system rescue cd ftw03:07
Ben64raylu: well i didn't know that the 64bit flags would show up on 32bit03:07
GneaDayofswords: then use nothing, and your life will be bliss?03:07
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Ben64raylu: ok... theres many ways to grep stuff.... :|03:07
imran_Firecrotch, maybe but I don't learn in passin period, lunch, and seminar03:07
kholbyI was able to get DVDs to play successfully on my laptop running Ubuntu 9.04 in a similar manner with almost no trouble.03:07
Mike_lifeguardBen64: that gives no output -- what line in there should I be looking at?03:08
imran_Ghod I lhuv cod 403:08
Ben64Mike_lifeguard: do you know which cpu you have? try pastebin'ing "cat /proc/cpuinfo"03:08
Mike_lifeguardBen64: http://p.defau.lt/?acA7zO8Zt5msTeAM__Qy6g03:08
raylukholby: output of groups?03:09
Beatbreakemaco, yeah i got that file, it's got stuff inside it03:09
Ben64Mike_lifeguard: toshiba?03:09
Mike_lifeguardBen64: yes03:09
Ben64Mike_lifeguard: which model?03:09
macobeatbreaker: i wonder if the script is broken...03:09
* Mike_lifeguard turns it upside down03:09
kholbylee adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare03:09
macobeatbreaker: lemme try to debug it tonight and we'll talk tomorrow?03:09
Mike_lifeguardBen64: A100-OFH03:09
Ben64well to answer your question, no 64bit on that cpu03:10
raylukholby: what are you using to play DVDs?03:10
Mike_lifeguardBen64: thanks03:10
kholbyI have KMPlayer, MPlayer, Movie Player and VLC.  None seem to work.03:10
m0d0Hello, any ubuntu guru about?03:10
Ben64but i have the same cpu in my laptop, pretty fast03:10
Mike_lifeguardm0d0: you should say what your issue is03:10
Ben64m0d0: i'm a guru of all things, wassup03:10
Beatbreakemaco, ok I guess, will someone elses script work on my machine?03:10
rajWHy is my wireless card TEW-424UB inconsistent even when it worked out of the box? my signal goes from 20% then 66% then 100% then 50% . why is it jumping around like that? i am using opensource drivers as it is .. out of the box but its inconsistent . HELP03:11
DouglasKm0d0: diff peoplee are good in diff areas.  ask the question.  :-)03:11
Mike_lifeguardyeah, it's good I was just wondering03:11
gmaculoogle is a good dvd app03:11
Mike_lifeguardBen64: I didn't know 64 was faster03:11
macobeatbreaker: its a generic script that *should* go through everything in the interfaces file and start it03:11
macobeatbreaker: if its not doing that, thats bad03:11
shovonI need help installing kubuntu on wubi, and I already have ubuntu installed on wubi.03:11
Ben64Mike_lifeguard: not necessarily faster, but it uses the processor more efficiently, how it was designed.03:11
shovonNow the problem is, when I run the wubi installer, it tells me to uninstall ubuntu first.03:11
raylukholby: cool. can i see the output of mplayer dvd://103:11
DouglasKshovon: openn a shell, type "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop" and press enter03:12
Ben64it would be like using only 4 cylinders in a v8 car03:12
Mike_lifeguarda bad idea :D03:12
m0d0hey, Well this is my first time with a ubuntu install so i'm kinda n00b but I have a HP dv7 and I'm having trouble getting the sound to work. I've updated alsa and looked at the forums to update the config document with my model.03:12
ParajIs there any solution which doesn't involve me installing Grub instead of LILO?03:12
DouglasKshovon: That'll install KDE desktop and you can pick which you want on login.03:12
Gneam0d0: what method did you use to update alsa?03:13
MaGicMaXanyone here familiar with Devede? Ive noticed when encoding it does not utallize all 4 of my CPU cores, is there a way to fix it?03:13
macoshovon: if you made the space big enough, you can install kubuntu-desktop inside your ubuntu wubi03:13
macoshovon: then you pick from kde or gnome on login03:13
Beatbreakemaco, so i'll just use that up command before if i want it working manually in the meantime, and i'll pastebin my S40networking file to you03:13
kholbyI'm running it on another PC, so I'll give you the last few lines:  Playing dvd://1 \n Can't open VMG info!03:13
Beatbreakemaco, hold on03:13
m0d0I downloaded the packages from the website and ran config03:13
kholbyNo stream found to handle url dvd://1 \n\n\n Exiting... (End of file)03:13
Ben64m0d0: try "lspci | grep 82801"03:14
macobeatbreaker: try just putting "ifup eth0" in the "start" function of that file as a workaround :P03:14
macobeatbreaker: i was going to say we probably have the same, but im on unstable so yeah yours might be different03:14
wfiuewfewHi! I'm trying to copy files from an old hard drive to a new one. But there's a problem! cp: reading ...: Input/output error03:15
wfiuewfewWhat is this?03:15
m0d0Ben64: Ok that seemed to do something in terminal03:15
Ben64m0d0: did it output anything?03:15
kholbyColbyIsColby: But I am Kholby!03:15
MaGicMaXanyone here familiar with Devede? Ive noticed when encoding it does not utallize all 4 of my CPU cores, is there a way to fix it?03:15
m0d0Ben64: yes it listed a load of Intel devices03:15
raj WHy is my wireless card TEW-424UB inconsistent even when it worked out of the box? my signal goes from 20% then 66% then 100% then 50% . why is it jumping around like that? i am using opensource drivers as it is .. out of the box but its inconsistent . HELP03:15
ColbyIsColbyLol. Well, I am Colby.03:16
Ben64m0d0: could you pastebin em?03:16
kholbyColbyIsColby: doppelganger03:16
m0d0Ben64: In this window? Sorry (first time using xchat) :)03:16
SealedWithAKissHow do I go from wine version 0.9.59 to the most stable recent release?03:16
snarksterim having a real issue mounting DVDs from netflix..03:16
beatberakermaco, here it is: http://pastebin.com/f3ada7d0903:16
snarksterI get no error message other than it doesnt mount03:17
eboyjrHey I downloaded /home/eboyjr/Sources/alsa-driver-1.0.20 and compiled with --with-cards=all and make and sudo make install, but I want to revert changes. Because now GNOME sound recorder crashes when I hit record..03:17
macobeatbreaker: kk. will try to figure it out tonight03:17
ParajWelcome to PulseAudio :/03:17
ColbyIsColby@kholby lol. I am the ghost of christmas past. OOoooOOOoooOOO.03:17
wfiuewfewAny ideas what does input/output error mean and how do I fix it?03:17
imran_I'm proz at cod4 w/ p90 silenced03:17
unitheoryraj, are you experiencing connection problems? or just notice that the level fluctuates?03:18
beatberakermaco, sorry i'm actually on the machine now, you might have to know this machine is running MythBUntu, but it's 9.04 and runs xfce instead, everything should be the same03:18
m0d0ok i pasted them into pastebin03:18
{aaron}hi guys, i downloaded ruby gems manually and ran setup.rb... but it didn't land in my path...should I have used the Ubunty system rubygems package?03:18
Ben64m0d0: doesn't help anyone if you don't post the url03:18
rajUnitheory: Yes connection problems when i am on skype and playing urbanterror . i get hickups .. alot of them :(03:18
macobeatbreaker: ok. im on 9.10 so having yours is useful as it may have changed since 9.0403:18
Ben64m0d0: the url to what you posted................................03:19
Strife89Does anyone have any experience with compiling Farsight 2? I've been trying to compile it over the past three days but keep running into roadblocks.03:19
emac_modemAny chance of eMac modem working?03:20
ParajFatal: raid_setup: stat("/dev/sdh") after using 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' after a failed update, occurs during configuring the assorted linux-reistricted-module s03:20
raj WHy is my wireless card TEW-424UB inconsistent even when it worked out of the box? my signal goes from 20% then 66% then 100% then 50% . why is it jumping around like that? i am using opensource drivers as it is .. out of the box but its inconsistent . HELP03:20
Ben64m0d0: ok, just as i thought, a LOT of people have come in here recently with problems with that audio card, don't know if a solution has been found03:20
Parajraj: Probably environmental issues or the driver is reading the signal wrong03:21
MaGicMaXanyone here familiar with Devede? Ive noticed when encoding it does not utallize all 4 of my CPU cores, is there a way to fix it?03:21
rajPajar: Its not that i get major Hickups on skype . and no it works fine under windows .. should i use windows drivers on ndiswapper?03:21
Ben64MaGicMaX: there is an option somewhere for cores03:21
Strife89http://pastebin.com/m139eede7 <--- only the last two lines are meaningful03:22
HobbleAlongMaGicMaX: have you found anything that says it *should* use 4 cores.  It needs to be written with a thread per core..03:22
Parajraj: You can try, but I doubt it'll work. I've never had drivers for USB wireless cards work in ndiswrapper03:22
ParajIn fact, I've had similar issues to yours when dealing with USB wireless cards in *nix03:23
kholby<--Not a fan of ndiswrapper03:23
Ben64MaGicMaX: check out the last post on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54482803:23
Strife89How can I install gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10.23 or newer?03:23
Parajndiswrapper sucks I know, but so does PulseAudio, LILO and a bunch of other stuff they make us use03:23
DouglasKParaj: I have had them work before with a WUSB300N card from linksys03:23
Strife89Synaptic only appears to offer me version
m0d0I got some alsa information from website on the sound card I don't know if this helps any http://paste.ubuntu.com/256646/03:23
rajParaj: I know it sucks .. skype breaks up alot .. everytime my signal drops ..03:24
Strife89Also, Totem keeps giving me the message: Failed to create a GStreamer play object. Please check your GStreamer installation.03:24
drakonikOky, how do I kill all X sessions?03:25
MaGicMaXBen64: yes ive endabled the mulitcore thing, i have the newest version of mencoder03:25
drakonikdkpg won't let me reconfigure gdm until all X sessions are dead03:25
drakonikAnd somehow, I've got an x session running03:25
Strife89My version of Ubuntu is 9.04, 64-bit kernel.03:25
HobbleAlongMaGicMaX: did you try -lavcopts threads=2 and use 2 cores?  That may be all it was written to use...03:25
garvinrick4Using 9.10 desktop program gnome-app-install does not open. Have downloaded fresh app from repository and gives same error message.  Anyone can help03:25
kholbyOK, so maybe I'll pass on DVD for now, but I can't get flash videos to work in Firefox using gnash (YouTube specifically).  Any ideas here?  Adobe didn't work either.03:25
DouglasKdrakonik: well, hit Ctrl-alt-F1, login, do a /etc/init.d/gdm stop, then reconfig it.03:26
Parajdrakonik: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:26
m0d0Ben64: Would this information help you at all - http://paste.ubuntu.com/256646/03:26
drakonikSame error.03:26
drakonikEven though the stop command gave a thumbs up and no error03:27
ParajAm I wasting my time finding answers to my dpkg and LILO problems here?03:27
DouglasKdrakonik: try sudo killall -9 gdm03:27
MaGicMaXHobbleAlong: havent tried that03:27
dax2112rush1Hi all. Every once in a while, gnome seems to freeze on my system, ie. taskbar and gnome-panel stop responding. All other apps continue running fine (even apps in notification area). How do I debug that?03:27
drakonikIt's not running.03:27
ctmjrStrife89: try this or see if there is a ppa for it http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/GStreamer-Plugins-Base-Download-8959.html03:27
drakonikGDM isn't running. Which is my problem. I"m stuck in my stupid system shell03:27
MaGicMaXHobbleAlong: is it safe on open a 2nd Devede if ones up currently encoding? its already half done heh03:27
drakonikAnd for some reason, dpkg things that there's an X session running03:28
HobbleAlongMaGicMaX: look at the docs for mencoder and see if it can use 4 cores ie 4 threads03:28
JGodboutdax2112rush1: Does it happen after using multiple programs which use sound?03:28
* DouglasK watches with interest...03:28
JGodboutdax2112rush1: Rhythmbox and youtube, for example?03:28
Strife89ctmjr: Thanks, I'll just try to compile it.03:28
ParajLOL, he was using an IRC client on another console wasn't he?03:29
dax2112rush1JGodbout: Yes, it is possible, but I never notice the exact moment where this happens as it doesn't affect apps.03:29
garvinrick4Anyone know about gnome-app-install.03:29
drakonikThat didn't work.03:29
EscobarXHi, i wanna install ubuntu jaunty on my new hp mini and since it has no cd room , i am going to use wubi, my question is : how to install the 32 bits version using wubi, "start it with the 32 bits argument" is all i found in websites but i kinda dont understand how, thanks in advance03:30
HobbleAlongMaGicMaX: I don't know I've never used Devede;  I'm just trying to come up with things you can check.03:30
Laserbeak431hello, I want to install the JDK, the choices are a .bin or .rpm on the website.  which one do i choose? and how do i install it?03:30
dax2112rush1JGodbout: but I'll try to pay attention when using Banshee and youtube or other apps03:30
JGodboutdax2112rush1: Ah okay. I just notice that it sometimes happens to me after using Amarok, and something like Youtube at the same time.03:30
dax2112rush1JGodbout: any known fix for that?03:30
Irishmanlukedrakonik: how do you know there's no x session03:30
JGodboutdax2112rush1: I fixed it by changing the output for Amarok to ALSA.03:30
garvinrick4wubi will install 64 bit if your system is capable. That is your option. Takes 12 hours or so03:31
IdleOneLaserbeak431: neither. search in Synaptic package manager for jdk03:31
JGodboutRather than autodetect03:31
Strife89ctmjr: I hate dependency hell. "liboil-0.3.14 or later required"03:31
MaGicMaXHobbleAlong: looking03:31
Laserbeak431IdleOne: ok thx03:31
drakonikIrishmanluke: Well, I'm pretty sure tehre isn't03:31
Beatbreakemaco, sorry i just want to ask, if I was to put "sudo ifup eth0" into that script, where would i put it? http://pastebin.com/f3ada7d0903:31
drakonikI mean, I'm in system terminal mode03:31
wfiuewfewHi! Any ideas about why I am getting an input/output error when copying files between hard drives???03:31
EscobarXHi, i wanna install ubuntu jaunty on my new hp mini and since it has no cd room , i am going to use wubi, my question is : how to install the 32 bits version using wubi, "start it with the 32 bits argument" is all i found in websites but i kinda dont understand how, thanks in advance03:31
craCkpotokay after messing around with firefox for a while it seems that my profile isn't being saved.03:31
drakonikps -aux doesn't list anything to do with X, there's no GNOME session03:31
drakonikI don't know why dpkg is convinced there is an X session03:32
drakonikAnd I have no idea how I can actually check03:32
drakonikI've checked /etc/init.d/ for some way to stop X, there's nothing03:32
MaGicMaXHobbleAlong: btw, i usually encode from .avi, does that use the mencoder at all?03:32
drakonikI don't know where to turn.03:32
macobeatbreaker: after line 52 "start)"...just put it on the next line03:32
craCkpotfor example, when i load firefox it doesn't restore my previous tabs like i have it set to do03:32
Irishmanlukedrakonik: ps aux | grep x-session doesn't show anything?03:32
macobeatbreaker: dont need the sudo as its run as root03:32
ParajDid you try --force with dpkg ?03:32
dax2112rush1JGodbout: I'll experiment with that but I need to be able to route all audio through pulseaudio... audio in linux is such a mess :'(03:32
dax2112rush1JGodbout: thanks03:33
Beatbreakemaco, ah great, thanks very much03:33
JGodboutdax2112rush1: Yeah - it can be a bit fiddly. Good luck with it all03:33
garvinrick4Wubi click 32 bit, how big a chunk out of windows dual boot. Will do it;s thing, cannot screw it up.03:33
drakonikIrishmanluke: Not a thing, other than "ps -aux | grep x-session"03:33
drakonikParaj: I can try03:33
ctmjrStrife89: well that did not help your problem sorry03:34
drakonikParaj: Nope, --force didn't change anything.03:34
HobbleAlongMaGicMaX: I'm not sure, you'll need some other advice or check the docs.03:34
drakonikIt's still waiting for the X session to end before it will reconfigure gdm.03:34
craCkpotokay for some reason it will only run properly when i do: "sudo firefox" from a terminal, is there any way to fix it?03:34
drakonikWhat X session? I don't know. But it thinks there's one running.03:34
MaGicMaXHobbleAlong: checked the man page and i dont see avi support listed for it, not sure with encoder is uses for that, whatever it is... it only uses a single core...03:34
Strife89ctmjr: Thankfully Synaptic had the package. gst is making now, wish me luck ....03:34
ParajIf all us fails just reboot and try again03:34
macobeatbreaker: hang on03:34
Parajelse fails*03:34
drakonikParaj: I have, several times now.03:35
macobeatbreaker: is mountnfs the one you're using?03:35
JGodboutHow can I set it so that my keyboard layout is changed from dvorak to qwerty whenever I hold down Left Ctrl? I want to be able to use dvorak for typing, but still have nicely placed qwerty shortcuts.03:35
drakonikIt always thinks there's an X session.03:35
macobeatbreaker: im being reminded of how the new upstart boot process works03:35
drakonikIs tehre like...a text file with a cookie in it, saying "Yeah, X is active"? Maybe the file got orphaned or isn't being deleted or cleared?03:35
drakonikI'm grasping for straws now.03:35
slideHow do I access mounted network drives when trying to open files? Im trying to install something in VirtualBox but the network locations that show up in File Browser arent there03:36
ctmjrdrakonik: try sudo killall gdm it's ugly but works or should03:36
drakonikI tried to boot into the Ubuntu recovery mode. dpkg gave some screwy errors and didn't do anything03:36
slidei don't see them in /mnt or anything03:36
drakonikctmjr: No process found.03:36
drakonikI'm telling you guys, gdm and X aren't running.03:36
slidethey dont appear to be truly mounted03:37
drakonikSomething is tricking dpkg into thinking X is running.03:37
HobbleAlongMaGicMaX: You may have to do some more digging.  I'm not familiar with those programs, sorry.03:37
macobeatbreaker: is nfs what you're using?03:37
m0d0Is there anyone else on here that wants to have a crack helping me fix the sound for my HP dv7? Or is there just no fix for this yet?03:38
kholbyCan anyone help with flash stuffs?03:38
macobeatbreaker: pastebin the ####'d part of /etc/rcS.d/S45mountnfs.sh03:38
JGodboutCan anyone help with making my keyboard layout switch to qwerty when I hold down Left Control?03:39
kn100heres a puzzler for you guys, why in ubuntu is my internet at around 8mbps, while in windows xp it wont go past 4mbps, this is a clean install of genuine windows with the drivers that came on the disk for the wifi stick03:40
charles`_the address is always routing to localhost, even when all of my interfaces are down.  I have another computer at that address that I need to access but I always just get this computer instead03:40
charles`_running route doesn't show it03:40
kn100the download speeds in ubuntu are authentic too, i can download from torrents at 1mbps03:40
kn100so any ideas?03:40
Lostinspace_46In xmodmap I want <Alt_R> + <L_Arrow> to = left mouse button...any suggestions?03:40
drakonikcharles`_: Check your HOSTS file03:40
Silver_Swordskn100: it could be a wireless N.  some hardware on windows wont work at N speeds.03:41
Strife89ctmjr: Okay, tried to configure Farsight again, but this time, "Could not find Python headers".03:41
charles`_drakonik: there isn't a corresponding entry there for that address03:41
HobbleAlongkn100:  microsoft uses a broken tcp/ip stack apparently.  I've had the same sort of thing happen.03:41
Lostinspace_46JGodbout: You mean you want to set it up that way?03:41
kn100Silver_Swords: doubt it, all my hardware is g03:42
drakonikcharles`_: Strange. What are you using for DNS for that computer?03:42
kn100all i have windows installed for is my wii emulator anyway03:42
JGodboutLostinspace_46: I want a dvorak layout with qwerty shortcuts03:42
Irishmanlukeooh wii emulator nice03:42
Lostinspace_46JGodbout: are you using xmodmap or loadkeys?03:42
charles`_drakonik, just my router03:42
charles`_drakonik, even when I bring down all interfaces that address is corresponding to local host03:43
Irishmanlukekn100: can you hook up wiimotes to use with that too?03:43
JGodboutI'm not sure. I'm just using the System->Keyboard->Layout option atm03:43
kn100Irishmanluke: never tried03:43
kn100Irishmanluke: there is probably a way somewhere03:43
drakonikI dunno, is there a linux equivalent to "ipconfig /flushdns"?03:43
charles`_drakonik, is there a way to see what all config files in etc differ from their defaults?03:44
drakonikcharles`_: Beats the ever loving hell out of me. I"m in here for a problem of my own that's way above my head.03:44
Irishmanlukekn100: there are drivers for the wiimotes but I don't know 1 if they cover all the inputs of the wiimote or 2 if it will work with the emulator03:45
Lostinspace_46JGodbout: well you can switch layouts that way, but to mod the layout, it takes more.  Why dont you pm me.03:45
Silver_Swordsallot of HP machines suck. there are some that work well with linux thou.03:45
kn100Irishmanluke: the emulator uses the mouse and im sure theres a way ro use a wiimote to control the mouse03:45
kn100so it might work03:45
kn100dont have a wiimote though :P03:45
refrerhmmm.. I wanna do some music programing.. I wanna do keyboards.. does anyone know any good softwares for that?03:46
Irishmanlukeyeah you can definately do that03:46
DouglasKrefrer: rosegarden03:46
kn100Irishmanluke: the emulator ROCKS, its better than the original console03:46
refrerDouglasK : thank you03:46
kn100it can output 720p03:46
DouglasKno worries.... I've driven my kbd with it before, and you can do staff based editing03:46
webbanyone know why i cant hit control alt backspace to reboott system03:47
gartralkn100: wiicd is the app/driver, and it has highly limited mouse capabilities, and none at all without 2 ir sonsors ("or a modified wiibar)03:47
kn100webb: disabled in 9.0403:47
bastidrazor!dontzap | webb03:47
ubottuwebb: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.03:47
kn100webb: a similar shortcut is ctrl alt printscreen k03:47
frozeneskimohey, does anyone know if it's possible to reset an overrun serial port?03:47
craCkpotcan anyone recommend a good PHP ide? with syntax highlighting and the like?03:47
webbk thanks03:47
frozeneskimoi keep on having to reboot03:47
kn100jesus windows feels primitive03:48
gartralwooo netsplits!03:48
webbwhere do i get dontzap from03:48
=== ryanakca is now known as Guest76526
gartralwebb: sudo apt-get dontzap <- this has been mentioned a few times in the past few minutes03:49
kn100!dontzap | webb03:49
ubottuwebb: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.03:49
nmvictorThank God everythings back to normal, now this looks like an ubuntu channel03:49
IdleOnewebb: Sytem > Administration > Synaptic package manager is another way of installing packages03:49
gartralkn100: that info lacks how to install dontzap03:50
kn100open a terminal, type sudo apt-get install dontzap03:50
Alexiaubottu, what is SysRq?03:50
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:50
webbi got it03:50
kn100gartral: sorry, another bot in another channel had the command03:50
kn100i assumed this one had it03:50
Alexiaubottu, LOL03:50
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.03:50
Alexialol its actually a bot03:50
Alexiai thought ubottu was real03:50
drakonikI lol'd03:51
kn100ubottu is epic03:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is epic03:51
IdleOneAlexia: it's a bot yes03:51
gartral!bot | Alexia03:51
ubottuAlexia: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:51
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!03:51
Alexiathat is so funny i cant believe I thought ubottu was a real person LOL!!03:51
IdleOneAlexia: lots of people do03:51
kn100ubnotu ftw03:51
refrerDouglas : does guitar chords even work in that software03:51
ctmjrStrife89: did you read this yet? http://amsn-project.net/wiki/Farsight03:52
refrerDouglasK : does guitar chords even work in that software03:52
nmvictoranyone willing to help me setup phpmyadmin and mysql?Its stressing me out03:52
Cpudan80!lamp | nmvictor03:52
ubottunmvictor: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:52
craCkpotnmvictor: I would recommend using XAMPP http://apachefriends.org03:53
Irishmanlukenmvictor: I just learned the bare essentials to that, anything complex idk03:53
craCkpotdecompress it and run: /opt/lampp/lampp start and your server starts03:53
craCkpotphpMyAdmin is preinstalled03:53
IdleOneHow do I enable voice chat in Empathy? using jaunty03:53
namehow can i make firefox start maximized?03:54
DouglasKrefrer: I don't know off hand ... I know you can do chords, but I don't know if you can tell it, "Play an E major"03:54
Strife89ctmjr: I have now, thanks. However, I'm trying to compile Farsight because I read that it would enable audio support for Yahoo in Pidgin.03:54
=== name is now known as Guest55287
nmvictorIrishmanluke: could the bare essentials include username and password setting in mysql?that'd help03:55
nmvictorIrishmanluke: could the bare essentials include username and password setting in phpmyadmin?that'd help03:55
Irishmanlukenmvictor: yes03:55
IdleOnenmvictor: please dont repeat so quickly03:55
Irishmanlukenmvictor: I have to see if I remember this though03:56
nmvictorIrishmanluke: how do i go around that?03:56
Silver_Swordsthose that want audio/video with yahoo chats, try gyachy03:56
ctmjrStrife89: oh ok do not know much about it there was something on there about audio in msn do not know if it will work with yahoo03:56
nmvictorIdleOne: sorry, i had mistyped something03:56
Strife89Silver_Swords: How stable is it?03:57
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Strife89ctmjr: Thanks anyway. :)03:57
IdleOnenmvictor:  your right I just saw that03:57
Irishmanlukenmvictor: alright so you've logged into mysql as root?03:57
frozeneskimohi, i'm trying to unload the usbserial kernel module temporarily, but it errors out: "ERROR: Removing 'usbserial': Resource temporarily unavailable", is there anyway I can remove it? (i tried force in rmmod with -f)03:57
TheChuckstercan someone verify that http://thechuckster.homelinux.com/ works?03:58
Silver_SwordsStrife89, i dont use it, but according to my little sis it works great.03:58
ParajFound my problem with dpkg erroring with raid errors when trying to install linux-restricted-module s. /boot partition was too small, because it would have been so friggin hard to say that in a log file or terminal output or somethhing >:(03:58
frozeneskimoTheChuckster, works for me03:58
Mike_lifeguardHow can I make Transmission, the P2P client, use encryption?03:58
TheChucksternow my openbsd server is officially upgraded to 4.503:58
Strife89Silver_Swords: I'm having little luck finding it; got a link?03:58
TheChucksterclean install and everything!03:58
Silver_SwordsStrife89: http://gyachi.sourceforge.net/intro.shtml03:59
TheChuckstergot any good suggestions on how to secure it?03:59
TheChucksteri dont want my site hacked03:59
Strife89Silver_Swords: Thanks; I'll give it a whirl. :)03:59
FlannelTheChuckster: This is #ubuntu, you should ask the openBSD people about your openBSD box.03:59
Silver_SwordsStrife89: good luck.03:59
nmvictorIrishmanluke: #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)  thats what i get, and whats the username and password anyway?don't think i have that right either.03:59
TheChucksterwoops i'm sorry03:59
TheChucksterFlannel, i wasn't sure03:59
TheChucksteri was in the wrong xchat tab04:00
Silver_Swordsbye all04:00
giikeranybosy used zoneminder? here04:00
giikeranybody used zoneminder? here04:00
Irishmanlukenmvictor: when you first try to login to mysql you just need to type myswl then you get to configuring users and passwords, to login with a user and password mysql -u user -p then tupe password04:01
automan070192hey my su password and my user password arent the  same thing any thoughts?04:01
Irishmanlukenmvictor: based on your error though that is not the problem04:01
Flannelautoman070192: su uses the root password.  The root account is disabled by default.  sudo uses your user password (by default)04:02
automan070192well its not working i type it in and says authentication failure04:02
psycho_oreosin other words you're meant to use sudo <command>04:03
Hydrantdoes anyone know how to install the latest gcc without breaking the whole system?04:03
puffHm, okay, perhaps an odd question, but what's the performance impact of a software RAID?04:04
drakonikSo I've managed to pare my problem down a bit.04:04
puffThat is, if you're doing some CPU-intense calculations on a fairly buff CPU, is the CPU usage of a software RAID setup going to be noticable?04:04
drakoniksudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart yields the error "changes will take effect when all current X sessions have ended"04:05
gartralHydrant: im not sure, but i think your limited to useing GCC version only supported by our libc...04:05
automan070192how do you install java?04:05
Irishmanlukenmvictor: I think I know what your problem is but I have to think for a sec there's something you have to run to configure mysql04:05
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:05
drakonikSo for whatever reason, gdm itself thinks X is running.04:05
gartralpuff: that depends on what raid type your running, and accros how many drives04:06
drakonikAny ides on how to fix it?04:06
puffgartral: RAID 1.  Two drives.04:06
puffnmvictor: Mysql?04:06
jason__drakonik, there may be some clues in the script - in /etc/init.d/gdm04:06
puffnmvictor: Gimme a sec to check the scrollback, but it sounds like you're having the usual setup issues.04:06
drakonikI'll look04:06
nmvictorIrishmanluke: yes and maybe this will also help, ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2).its what i get when i type mysql -u root04:06
drakonikas much as I don't wanna04:06
gartralpuff: laughable at worst.. but it also depends on the software running the raid04:07
puffgartral: Ubuntu?04:07
Alexiapuff, I have several benchmarks for you to look at would you like for me to message them to you04:07
nmvictorpuff: yea, i'll really appreciate,any help?04:07
Lostinspace_46In xmodmap I want <Alt_R> + <L_Arrow> to = left mouse button...any suggestions?04:07
puffgartral: Basically, I have a friend whose small startup just built a linux box with 192 GB of ram for this radiation exposure software they're working on.  They've asked me to come by and set up RAID 1.04:07
gartralpuff: Ubuntu is the OS, i dont know what Ubuntu uses to do software raids04:07
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puffAlexia: I guess, I'm hoping for just a general sense of the answer :-).04:08
puffgartral: mdmadm, I think.04:08
Mike_lifeguardgartral: software raids... is that like kitchen raids?04:08
puffnmvictor: Okay, so you installed mysql?04:08
Lostinspace_46My main issue is defining the mouse button in xbindkey04:08
uplinkHi everyone04:08
nmvictorpuff: yea04:09
puffnmvictor: Using the u buntu package manager?04:09
Strife89Can I get some help with the instructions on this page? https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa04:09
Strife89I'm having difficulties with the signing key.04:09
AlexiaWell it may be different for you but the benchmarks I have found say that in certain scenarios performance can be equal to or better than a hardware raid04:09
Mike_lifeguardStrife89: what kind of help?04:09
drakonikI can sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start04:09
Inc`Did I miss a notice about packages.ubuntu.com being down for maintenance? Or is it not supposed to be down?04:09
puffnmvictor: Did you do anything else with mysql after you installed the package?04:09
nmvictorpuff: aptitude04:09
drakonikAnd it says "GDM running"04:09
nmvictorpuff: nop04:09
Alexiapuff, http://advosys.ca/viewpoints/2007/04/setting-up-software-raid-in-ubuntu-server/04:09
Strife89Mike_lifeguard: I'm having trouble with the signing key.04:09
FlannelInc`: It's not supposed to be down04:09
Mike_lifeguarddrakonik: what did you expect?04:09
puffAlexia: Yeah, I got that point and that's cool, I'm just wondering if it will use up noticable amounts of CPU.04:09
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
Mike_lifeguarddrakonik: try restart instead of start?04:09
gartralpuff: if that's so, you should be able to throw it together with no measurable cpu usage unless they're trasnferring the entire RAM contents to HDD...04:09
drakonikMike_lifeguard: I expected gnome to start.04:09
gartralMike_lifeguard: don't make me lart you04:10
puffAlexia: That is, it just occurred to me, if it's using the CPU to do that, and they're running these CPU intense calculations... maybe they'd be better off with some sort of nightly backup.04:10
drakonikGNOME isn't running in any imaginable capacity04:10
Strife89Mike_lifeguard: I'm following the instructions to a T, but Ubuntu continues to tell me that the public key is unavailible.04:10
nmvictorpuff: so....04:10
Mike_lifeguardStrife89: keyserver may well be down04:10
drakonikNor is X. Which is why I"m so puzzled when 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm' chokes and dies.04:11
puffnmvictor: Okay, cool, so did oyu do anything else after doing sudo aptitude install mysql ?04:11
Mike_lifeguardOne wonders why we let these people write our os if they can't keep a keyserver up for a reasonable proportion of the time04:11
drakonikDies saying "Changes will be applied once all current X sessions are stopped.04:11
puffnmvictor:  Also, you said you wanted to install phpadmin and al that?04:11
Strife89Mike_lifeguard: Could it have something to do with the R? The full key is 1024R/DB2035A6 .04:11
Alexiapuff, I think it is just going to be so dependent on a huge variety of things, cpu-speed, diskwrite performance, size of file chunks, etc04:11
puffnmvictor: In which case you're going to need to install some related packages.04:11
puffAlexia: Well yeah, obviously.04:11
gartraldrakonik: are you using x11 forwarding over ssh?04:11
Alexiapuff, I dont think there is any one answer to your question04:12
puffnmvictor: But first things first, let's get mysql done.04:12
drakonikgartral: No.04:12
gartraldrakonik: ok.. my ideas shot down then04:12
drakonikAt the moment, I'm in a system shell04:12
puffAlexia: I'm just looking for a rough sense of it, an order of magnitude estimate.04:12
puffdrakonik: One odd idea, use ps to check and see if you have a hung X process maybe.04:13
Alexiapuff, look through the benchmarks, besides that Im not sure what to tell you04:13
drakonikI don't.04:13
drakonikI know I don't.04:13
puffdrakonik:  Or possibly reboot - something hasn't let go of a lock file, maybe?04:13
puffAlexia: Alright, thanks though.04:13
nmvictorpuff: yea, and hel phpmyadmin is already installed, its the username and password to access it that i havent configured too.so lets fix mysql right?04:13
Mike_lifeguardStrife89: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/keyserver.ubuntu.com04:13
* gartral wonders what horm s screaming about04:13
drakonikpuff: That's my theory04:13
drakonikBut I have no idea how ot find out what lock file it is04:13
drakonikAnd reboot doesn't help.04:13
puffnmvictor: Okay, so you still haven't answered my question :-)04:13
drakonikI've rebooted at least ten times tonight.04:13
Strife89Mike_lifeguard: Ah, okay. :)04:13
puffnmvictor: Did you do anything after running "sudo aptitude install mysql"?04:14
Mike_lifeguardStrife89: you'll get used to it, the keyserver has pretty bad uptime :\04:14
ctmjrStrife89: click on the link for the key then click it again copy and paste it (where it says begin key here not the big fonts) into a text editor then save it then add it to synaptic04:14
Strife89Mike_lifeguard: It appears I can still get the packages anyway, they just can't be authenticated.04:14
Mike_lifeguardStrife89: yes, the packages themselves are elsewhere04:14
nmvictorpuff: i dint do anything to it except for the passwd or something, its been a while since that installation.04:14
DouglasKOoohhh.... Lightning tonight!04:14
Mike_lifeguardit's probably safe, but you shouldn't technically install anything you haven't verified :\04:15
drakonikRebooting doesn't help, and I"m not starting anything even remotely related to X04:15
puffnmvictor: canyo clarify "except for the password or something?"04:15
DouglasKEither that or a transformer blew at the power station across the river.04:15
drakonikSo there's no reason for dpkg to hang up, unless there's some kind of lockfile that isn't being cleaned up the way it should04:15
puffnmvictor: Also, to be specific, are you installing all of this on the same box?04:15
Irishmanlukenmvictor: the mysql daemone is not running04:15
nmvictorpuff: could be the password, i cant really remember but while installing it did ask for something related to that04:15
Strife89gyachi installed, logged in. Anyone willing to help me test it?04:15
puffIrishmanluke: We'll get to that...04:16
coreymanI'm editing /etc/network/interfaces and what is the broadcast and network switch? I'm not sure what to put here, I know what my gateway is, I know what my netmask is, and i know the static ip i want to assign it.04:16
b3rz3rk3rStrife89, test what?04:16
puffnmvictor: Okay, before we take the next step, is anybody else using this box, do we have to worry about interrupting service or losing user data?04:16
nmvictorpuff: phpmyadmin and mysql, yea they are already installed in the same box04:16
Strife89b3rz3rk3r: I'd just like to test gyachi's video and/or audio features.04:17
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puffnmvictor: next step then, "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql status"04:17
puffnmvictor: Wait, you didn't answer the user question.04:17
Strife89b3rz3rk3r: Basically, I need someone who uses Yahoo Messenger or a related client.04:17
nmvictorpuff: using means something like, another user, no their is just me and root.that gave stopped04:17
coreyman I'm editing /etc/network/interfaces and what is the broadcast and network switch? I'm not sure what to put here, I know what my gateway is, I know what my netmask is, and i know the static ip i want to assign it. I'm asking because i was ssh'ing into the box and now I can't access it via the ip I assigned it.04:18
puffnmvictor: Okay, so next step then, "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql status"04:18
b3rz3rk3rStrife89, sry irc only04:18
b3rz3rk3rStrife89, oh, having said that.. i do use google chat04:18
nmvictorpuff: MYSQL is stopped.thats the output04:18
b3rz3rk3rStrife89, that work?04:18
puffnmvictor: Good 'nuff then, Irishmanluke  is right.  Next step:  "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start"04:18
gartralcoreyman: not sure about the broadcast part, but networkswitch should be left alone unless you specifically want all traffic routed through a switch04:19
tonsofpcsis there a gui tool for creating disk (or partition) images and the same or another tool to mount the image (from a gui.  Yes, I know you can do this with a command line)04:19
Irishmanlukepuff: that's what you get from the error message when runningb mysql04:19
Strife89b3rz3rk3r: Unfortunately, no. Gyachi is Yahoo only, from what I can tell.04:19
nmvictorpuff:  Irishmanluke  ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)04:19
coreymangartral no...... they are vaules in the file04:19
coreymangartral they dont specifically say switch04:19
coreymangartral i was reffering to them as a switch.04:19
sahadev1hello, on my laptop, wireless auto-connects when I log on to gnome (i am a member of the 'admin' group), but when other users who aren't members of the admin group log in, wireless does NOT auto-connect.04:19
coreymangartral i'll refer to value now04:19
gartral!enter | coreyman04:20
ubottucoreyman: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:20
Irishmanlukepuff: what needs to start is mysqld but it needs to be configured first04:20
sahadev1what should i change in my network config to make that happen?04:20
coreymangartral thank you very much I couldn't think of everything i wanted to say in one paragraph04:20
nmvictorIrishmanluke: think you are right, still on this puff ?04:20
nmvictorpuff: know how to confugure?04:21
puffnmvictor:  Hang on, I'm checking on this.04:22
gartralcoreyman: well... sometimes it's better to hold your thought back and formulate a larg cohesive one, rather than many small, hard too follow ones, but im not sure what to do with those values either04:22
nmvictorpuff: cool04:22
puffnmvictor: Btw, did you do any ubuntu updates since you installed mysql?04:22
=== Seidos_ is now known as Seidos
nmvictorpuff: yea, yesterday, through update manager04:23
hormAnyone willing to help: I've got a problem with nm-applet. In the process of adding applets to the panel in gnome (9.04, 64bit), nm-applet and the bluetooth applet somehow got removed. Network connections still work fine, and my wifi card would still autoconnect to my home network, but i have no control over it. When I try to run "nm-applet" in the terminal, I get this error: http://www.geeknook.org/p/paste/45/ ---- Any ideas?04:23
Irishmanlukenmvictor: alright I think the first time t04:24
Seidosanyone else not getting low battery notifications before they run out of juice?04:24
Seidosthought I solved the problem, but it seems to have creeped up again04:24
puffnmvictor: Is your disk full?   check "df"04:24
nmvictorpuff: then i reinstalled apache2 and phpmyadmin, so i have a feeling it reconfigured everything with mysql04:24
ironfoot_495Hello I hope that someone can help me find out why on movie player I can no longer stream youtube video's I get the error  -> Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.04:24
tonsofpcshorm: ps aux | grep -i n[m]-applet04:24
coreymangartral i think im going to leave out those values and see if it works.04:24
drakonikoh dear04:25
tonsofpcswhat's that say? [lists processes, pipes through grep to only select lines where nm-applet appears]04:25
drakonikI saw a kernel panic somewhere in the bootup sequence04:25
Irishmanlukenmvictor: the first time you start the mysql server you want to use mysqld_safe so try running that04:25
drakonikThis does not bode well.04:25
puffnmvictor: I'm seeing other reports of similar problems after an upgrade.04:25
nmvictornop, i have some giga left, like 4.its a dualboot with vista, and you know how selfish vista can get with HDD.04:25
ironfoot_495I really need some serious help with this one!!!04:25
puffnmvictor: Last resort would be to completely remove and purge mysql and reinstall it, but let me dig a little before we do t hat.04:26
hormtonsofpcs: horm     17601  0.0  0.4 183352 14972 ?        S    23:11   0:00 nm-applet --sm-disable04:26
tonsofpcshorm: it seems that it is already running then.04:26
drakonikyep. kernel panic.04:26
drakonikOn top of sixteen thousand errors related to the hard disk somehow04:26
hormtonsofpcs: yes, that's where im confused04:26
tonsofpcshorm: desktop/personal machine or server?  [can you safely reboot without it being a pita?]04:26
nmvictorpuff: wasnt an upgrade though, just an update or are they one and the same thing?04:26
ironfoot_495Is there anyone familiar with this problem??04:27
hormtonsofpcs: yeah, personal04:27
drakonikTime to burn a livecd, fsck the hell out of it, and see what I can salvage.04:27
tonsofpcsdrakonik: check that your PSU is providing enough power04:27
tonsofpcshorm: try rebooting?04:27
drakonikWell, for tonight, I'm done.04:27
hormtonsofpcs: been like this for a week, yesw04:27
Irishmanlukenmvictor: did you try running mysqld_safe04:27
sahadev1hello, on my laptop, wireless auto-connects when I log on to gnome (i am a member of the 'admin' group), but when other non-admin users log in, wireless does NOT auto-connect. what should i change in my network config to make that happen?04:27
hormtonsofpcs: i created a new user account and it shows when i log onto that one04:27
nmvictorIrishmanluke: command not found04:27
ironfoot_495I tried here earlier but they confused me about movie player and I went back to google and still I have not found a cure for  -> the ERROR Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.04:28
tsrk_sahadev1, right click on the network icon, click edit connections, choose the connection and click edit. in the box, at the bottom, there is a checkbox - "available to all users"04:28
bumblebeei screwed up my gstreamer installation and totem does not open any vide file i do rectify gstreamer04:29
CoJaBo-AztecI thought XFCE wasnt supposed to use a lot of memory?04:29
Irishmanlukenmvictor: you'll want to run this as root so sudo /usr/bin/mysqld_safe04:29
K4kAttempting to install ubuntu 9.04 on a machine with a RAID 1 setup. Tried running install with boot options "/casper/vmlinuz noapic nolapic" and got an error message stating "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block" Can anyone help me out, I get this with multiple CD images and multiple Ubuntu versions04:29
nmvictorIrishmanluke: ok04:29
puffnmvictor: Shot in the dark, but use ifconfig to check if the loopback device is u p.04:29
Irishmanlukenmvictor: if it worked try mysql again04:30
sahadev1tsrk_: thanks very much.04:30
hormno more ideas, tonsofpcs?04:30
hormnot trying to pester, just want to know if i should be waiting for a response04:30
rsvpjust wondering why mawk is included in Ubuntu, whereas gawk is not (by default)...04:30
=== unforgiven512 is now known as unforgiven512-aw
lowkihow do I set how long before the screen goes black04:31
nmvictorpuff: Irishmanluke: mysqld_safe  gave this nohup: ignoring input and redirecting stderr to stdout04:31
nmvictorStarting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql04:31
nmvictormysqld_safe[10015]: started04:31
nmvictorSTOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid04:31
nmvictormysqld_safe[10025]: ended04:31
FloodBot2nmvictor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:31
bumblebeehow do i remove a application when it is installed from source.04:31
gartral    * Read the news on our blog;04:31
gartral    * If you are a developer, get all the tecnhicall information on development page;04:31
puffnmvictor: So does the mysql client work now?04:32
biovorebumblebee: if you still have the stuff you used to install it.. some packages have a make uninstall04:32
nmvictorpuff: Irishmanluke: Got that?04:32
gvsa123help please... my usb isn't mounting at all.... it did just a couple of days ago.. i don't know what happened]04:32
nmvictorpuff: Still stopped04:33
Irishmanlukenmvictor: yeah04:33
mds58can anyone help me to get gutenpy started I installed the .deb (sudo dpkg -i **.deb) but it wont run when selected in applications04:33
nmvictorpuff: thats what /etc/init.d/mysql status reports. MYSQL is stopped04:33
Lostinspace_46In xmodmap I want <Alt_R> + <L_Arrow> to = left mouse button...any suggestions?04:34
puffnmvictor: Well since you didn't start it with /etc/init.d/mysql, that might not show up, try "ps -ef | fgrep -i mysql"04:34
bumblebeebiovore:thanks it worked04:34
lowkithanks go ti04:35
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LoafersI wanted to play quicktime videos in browser so I installed "ubuntu-restricted-extras" and it still doesn't play quicktime  and now it has my fonts all messed up.  So I uninstalled/purged it and the fonts are still screwy... How do I fix this?04:35
puffnmvictor: Just to check, the error you pasted, you got that when you tried:  "sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start" ?04:36
nmvictornmvictor-10090-8265-0 06:35-pts/2-00:00:00 fgrep -i mysql04:36
puffnmvictor: Just to check, the error you pasted, you got that when you tried:  "sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start" ?04:37
nmvictorpuff: your command gives that. ignore the hyphens, dint want to flood again.nmvictor-10090-8265-0 06:35-pts/2-00:00:00 fgrep -i mysql04:37
taijirobothi, guys, a question: if I had an account, what command should I use to get my identified by server?04:37
taijirobotmy->me, sorry:-)04:37
puffnmvictor: Okay, so there's no mysql process.04:37
puffnmvictor: But the reason I asked was because that error message is a mysql client error message, not a mysql serve rerror message. Hm.04:38
gvsa123i wonder if some could help...my usb isn't mounting04:38
fazzanyone got invitation for demonoid?04:38
nmvictorpuff: so i just have to purge?i still have the .deb backed up somewhere, i just need you to tell me the exact files i should place in /var/cache/apt/archives/04:39
puffnmvictor:  Yeah, wait  a sec first.04:40
taijirobotoh~~no body answer my question??04:40
Irishmanlukepuff: nmvictor so it seems like we need to figure out some way to start mysqld or mysqld_safe but nothings working?04:40
puffnmvictor: Join #mysql and let's talk about it there.04:40
nmvictorIrishmanluke: yea, we are considering a reinstall04:40
IdleOnetaijirobot: on freenode you mean?04:40
nmvictorpuff: see you their04:41
IdleOnetaijirobot: /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD04:41
mds58can anyone help me to get gutenpy started I installed the .deb (sudo dpkg -i **.deb) but it wont run when selected in applications04:42
nmvictorpuff: need to register first b4 i can use #mysql.right?whats the command to register?04:43
gvsa123ok... so i can't see the usb using fdisk... any ideas04:44
lstarnes!register | nmvictor04:44
ubottunmvictor: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode04:44
coreymanWould someone that knows something about raid 1 arrays please message me.04:44
mds58gvsal123 does the drive light up when plugged in?(I know dumb question but sometimes it is the most obvious thing we over look)04:45
nmvictorlstarnes: that works in #mysql too?04:45
kohlrakwhat's the command to display the contents of a file in the terminal so i can grep it?04:45
lstarnesnmvictor: that is for all channels on freenode04:45
leaf-sheepkohlrak: cat fileName.txt04:46
lstarnesnmvictor: this channel is on freenode too04:46
nmvictorlstarnes: thanks04:46
kohlrakahh, can't believe i forgot it, thanks leaf-sheep04:46
vaioCould anyone help me find out why my Function key isnt working on my sony vaio laptop using Xubuntu04:46
=== unforgiven512-aw is now known as unforgiven512
kohlrakfunction key?04:47
SnakDocanyone ever had battery no longer show up ?04:47
gartralvaio: does it work in windows?04:47
gartralkohlrak: the "fN" key on laptops04:48
mds58can anyone help me to get gutenpy started I installed the .deb (sudo dpkg -i **.deb) but it wont run when selected in applications, has anyone else here used gutenpy???04:48
bastidrazorSnakDoc, look in the power management settings. you have the option to display it or no.04:48
kohlrakwhat are you trying to do with it?04:48
gartral!who | kohlrak04:48
ubottukohlrak: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:48
SnakDocbastidrazor the icon there but shows that it is running on ac power. i am starting to believe it is a hardware issue04:49
vaiogartal yes04:49
vaioi cant control the brightness04:49
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vaioand its stuck on full04:49
vaioand drains the fukin battery04:49
psi-jackOkay. So, if you're primary focus on making an ubuntu 9.04 server was to make it a router, would you use ufw, firestarter, or something else?04:50
grouperhello, i've installed ubuntu netbook remix on my eeepc with a 4gb ssd04:50
grouperi used ext404:50
psi-jackWhat I'm looking for, is preferably easy maintenance, possibly web interface for it, and presently, not eBox.04:50
=== khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth
gartralvaio: sounds like the keymap is wrong (generic US 104 key, maybe?)04:51
gartralvaio: no need to swear, i understand the frustration, but you need too find a keymap that's for your specific system's keyboard04:51
SnakDocvaio you can change brightness in the menus i have same pc or atleast a sony vaio04:51
grouperand i have disabled journaling via "sudo tune2fs /dev/sda1 -O ^has_journaling"04:51
grouperthen reboot04:51
psi-jackgrouper: THAT WAS VERY BAD!04:51
vaiosorry for swearing04:52
grouperand it fails to boot giving me a "Gave up waiting for root device" error. then it drops me to busybox, from busybox if i try to mount /dev/sda1 / it says "couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (240)."04:52
grouperwhat should i do?04:52
vaioyeh keymap maybe wrong04:52
vaioim from UK04:52
grouperpsi-jack: any suggestions?04:52
vaioany ideas wot it may be04:52
psi-jackgrouper: First of all, I suggest not using ext4, period.04:52
psi-jackgrouper: It's still prone to failure. Secondly, if you want a good filesystem, try xfs, it works, period, simple. ;)04:53
* fazz ?04:53
fazzset ?04:53
FloodBot2fazz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:54
grouperi'm kinda upset that even in the netbook remix edition i don't have the option to format a partition as ext4 without jounaling from the GUI installer04:54
Ben64.......why would you want ext4 without journal04:54
psi-jackgrouper: Dude.. Why in the world would you use ext3 or 4 WITHOUT journalling? That's pathetic.04:54
vaiosnakedoc what menus?04:54
jikutyas an experiment, i'm planning on installing ubuntu9.04 using WUBI, and then going into the wubi install and rewriting ubuntu with another distro (like fedora, or opensuse, etc)... does anyone know if this is possible?04:54
zackeryi wish itunes would work on ubuntu04:54
gartralgrouper: well.. you have an apt name... i hope you have a backup somewhere.. you officially screwed your main partition sideways, for lack of a better term.. you need to reinstall04:55
SnakDocvaio if you right click the battery icon it has preff its option in there04:56
coreymanWould someone that knows something about raid 1 arrays please message me.04:56
mds58can anyone help me to get gutenpy started I installed the .deb (sudo dpkg -i **.deb) but it wont run when selected in applications, this is very frustrating04:56
stewgartral: you can reverse the "sudo tune2fs /dev/sda1 -O ^has_journaling" with "sudo tune2fs -j /dev/sda1", you would not need to reinstall04:56
vaiosnakedoc i dont have a battery icon?04:56
grouperpsi-jack, because it's an SSD04:56
psi-jackgrouper: So?04:57
grouperit was a clean install04:57
grouperno loss04:57
pravinhow to use gtalk04:57
leaf-sheepvaio: Google "ubuntu community, <your model>" -- You might find workarounds if there are any.04:57
gartralstew: why on EARTH are you telling me this?04:57
stewgartral: sorry it was menat for grouper04:57
SnakDocvaio system > preferences > power management04:57
pravinanyone help04:57
pravinme to connect gtalk04:57
stewgartral: but in any case, there is no reason to tell him he has screwed his partition, since its reversable04:58
gartralstew: i did that too myself some time ago and everyone told me i had screwed up my system04:58
grouperthanks, i was actually looking for solutions where i can leave journaling turned off04:58
stewgartral: that's too bad04:58
stewgrouper: just mount it as ext204:58
lstarnesgrouper: why does journaling need to be disabled?04:59
grouperlook, i'm not really concerned with what you think i need to do04:59
grouperi have an ssd04:59
psi-jackgrouper: Well, you're plain stupid for trying, lemme say that much.04:59
vaio_i jus put a battery in now04:59
vaio_and dont get any settings to adjust brightness as such05:00
stewpsi-jack: he's not, and there is really no need for that05:00
grouperand shutting journaling off in conjunction with noatime decreases the number of writes to my tiny slow-ass SSD05:00
mds58if someone is here that means that they have the intelect to at least try to make or break there system05:00
psi-jackYou loose pretty much the entire value of ext3 AND ext4, by not using journalling.05:00
SnakDocvaio_ its under display on mine05:01
stewyes, it turns it into ext2, which is exactly what he wants05:01
psi-jackJust because it's SSD, doesn't make it perfect. Journaling isn;t just for stability, but also is in for speed, somewhat, as well.05:01
psi-jackstew: NOT for ext4 it doesn't.05:01
psi-jackstew: ext4 is NOT backwards compatible.05:01
=== D4rkEyes is now known as DarkEyes
stewpsi-jack: how does journaling increase speed?  i wasn't aware of that05:01
grouperpsi-jack: apparently i'm stupid for coming in here and asking for help, i could have reversed what i did easily05:02
psi-jackstew: By journaling in front, it prevents fragmentation more readilly, for starters.05:02
Ben64journaling increases reliability05:02
gartralsomething's gone wonkey with my controlls.. my mouse is acting like the wheel is being constantly held down and spun, making my focus follow the mouse and scroll up on scrollable applications, and my keyboard thinks shift and plus are an F# combo...05:02
mds58puppy runs on ext2 and it is increadibly fast05:02
psi-jackstew: Did you know ext3, for example, is faster with FULL journalling enabled than it is with just metadata?05:02
IdleOnepsi-jack and stew please argue this in #ubuntu-offtopic please05:02
Ben64grouper: you should just use ext2 and be done with it05:02
psi-jackIdleOne: It's not off topic, though.05:02
johnfis packages.ubuntu.com having issues? been down for the last few hours05:02
IdleOnepsi-jack: I see it quickly becoming offtopic05:02
gartralpsi-jack: arguments are allways OT, even if the topic of the argument isn on topic for the channel05:03
psi-jackWho's arguing?05:03
psi-jackI'm discussing Linux material, simple.05:03
psi-jackIt's TURNED off topic, because IdleOne said to take it elsewhere, however. :p05:04
gartralpsi-jack: i belive the disscussion has escalated into a debate05:04
psi-jackgartral: Noted. It's not. Thank you.05:04
IdleOnepsi-jack: now your being a tool.05:04
mds58can anyone help me to get gutenpy started I installed the .deb (sudo dpkg -i **.deb) does this package need any dependancies the are not listed on there site05:04
gartralIdleOne: no street-speak, man05:05
pianistbabyguys, I'm trying to install ubuntu from USB stick. (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick). I tried this, but when I restarted, computer says non-system disk.05:05
Ben64pianistbaby: you make sure your bios is set to boot from usb?05:05
mds58pianistbaby do you have usb set as first boot device in bios05:06
grouperokay, can someone actually help me get ubuntu installed on an ext4 partition with journaling turned off... or shut journaling off after it's installed and have it still boot?05:06
pianistbabyBen64: yes. it reads from USB, but i guess the files on usb are not set up properly by usb-creator05:06
matthew_can anyone tell me how to find out what sound card I am using05:06
psi-jackIt's simple. ext3 and ext4 are similar, but ext4 added extents.. Cheap, method, but functional, and not nearly yet truely stable in actual world tests, so far. But journalling, helps prevent fragmentation when using full journalling, instead of just using ordered journalling, because then it all goes into one spot and then into the data in a stream.05:06
pianistbabymds58: yes, usb is the boot device that computer reads from. I did change boot order05:06
psi-jackJust because you use SSD, doesn't make it not necessary.05:06
psi-jackThat was my point.05:06
br34l_allright, i think thats it...my ubuntu froze 4 times in a row05:07
pianistbabyhow do i format my usb drive?05:07
mds58pianistbaby: did you install grub onto the flash drive an togle it as bootable when in gparted05:07
pianistbabymds58: i did not install anything on the usb aside from what usb-creator puts on it.05:08
coreymanWould someone that knows something about raid 1 arrays please message me.05:08
mds58can you check it with gparted an make sure that it is set a a boot partition that it greated05:08
zrutymatthew_ > lspci tells you something05:09
mds58if the partition is not flagged as boot it may conflict with booting (experiance)05:09
psi-jackIdleOne: If it's being a tool to be very accurate, very thorough, and detailed, then that would be me, but since that's not the proper definition of being a tool, it's not the case. I will instruct someone the right information, not thinking of someone as a newbie, but as a tech wanting to learn more.05:09
lilsnoopanyone running jaunty on dell mini?05:09
grouperi take it that means that no one can help me05:10
br34l__and agian05:10
IdleOnepsi-jack: You have demonstrated your superiority when it comes to Linux file systems. Congratulations!05:10
psi-jackgrouper: Seriously.. I really want to know what you're logic is here.05:10
mds58grouper: sorry for the debate over your drive preferences if I knew more about ext4 I would gladly help you accomplish any goal the you seek05:11
k3kshi, i've got a proplem05:11
stewgrouper: what exactly do you need?05:11
psi-jackIdleOne: Nothing about superiority. Just facts.05:11
talntidHi all05:11
k3ksi use ubuntu 9.04 and my touchpad doesn't work05:11
IdleOnepsi-jack: ok cool.05:11
IdleOne!touchpad > k3ks05:12
ubottuk3ks, please see my private message05:12
mds58has anyone here tried to install gutenpy and has anyone succeeded?05:13
grouperi'm trying to turn journaling off on my ext4 filesystem05:13
IdleOnegrouper: as much as I might hate to say this I think you need to talk to psi-jack because he does seem to know what he is talking about05:14
grouperi booted from USB and did "tune2fs /dev/sda1 -O ^has_journal" then rebooted but grub gives me an error "Gave up waitinf for root device"05:14
unjsudo dpkg--reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:14
unj 05:14
unjis that not correct?05:14
Ben64grouper: please just use ext205:14
grouperben64: i'm getting ready to05:15
IdleOneunj: space after dpkg05:15
[TOP]kangu<--- newbie to ubuntu just downloaded it today.. had a few quick questions with gfx / audio / mouse configuration if anyone has the time could possibly msg me?05:15
raylugrouper: i've always made my filesystems manually and then told the installer what to put where05:15
grouperdoes noatime imply nodiratime?05:15
raylugrouper: i don't see why you have trouble setting specific filesystem options at install time05:15
unjIdleOne: nah...something else05:16
psi-jackgrouper: Seriously. ext4 is /not/ backwards compatible to anything prior to ext4. extents makes that impossble with how the data structures are very very different.05:16
IdleOneunj: then I dont know05:16
bastidrazorunj,  just 1 - between dpkg-reconfigure05:16
rayluunj: dpkg-reconfigure05:16
=== br34l__ is now known as br34l
rayluoh, he said it already =\05:17
IdleOnesee I was right, I did not know05:17
grouperraylu: it's probably just because i don't know what i'm doing :P the GUI installer doesn't give an option to disable journaling... if i use mkfs.ext4 and disable it there it works just fine but then the installer forces it back on by formatting even when the format checkbox is empty05:17
Ben64grouper: what kernel version is it?05:17
SnakDocis there a fast way to make full system image ? that i could reinstall from ?05:17
[TOP]kanguanyone familiar with lunix / quake 3 / live configurations? =/05:17
grouperit's whatever comes with the 9.04 image05:17
stewgrouper: if extents are enabled you can't disable them, if you have extents, you'll need to stick to ext4.  if you don't have extents enabled, you may be able to go back to ext205:18
IdleOnegrouper uname -a05:18
Ben64anyone using 9.04 can tell me what kernel you're running?05:18
gartral[TOP]kangu: quake3 playing client, or dedicated server?05:18
mds58grouper: I think that you might do well with trying to start with 8.04 then upgrade through to 9.0405:18
erwin027anyone able to make built in cardreader work/05:18
[TOP]kangugartral playing client.05:18
raylugrouper: that was the behavior in 8.10 and previous. it didn't force me to do that for 9.1005:19
mds58I think I was able to stay with ext3 and ext2 file systems that way05:19
Ben64well thats the problem05:19
Ben64the ability to remove journal from ext4 doesn't make it into the kernel until 2.6.2905:19
[TOP]kangui just installed ubuntu im completly new to this OS... but ive been doing some reading.. got some stuff.. dont know what i did last... but i believe i updated my vid card driver.. now when i try to load quake... its all choppy with no sound...05:19
[TOP]kangunow i have no audio... nor the game play is all choppy =/05:20
laza_Hi, i got a problem with port forward, I open a port in my router as it used to, but the port still closed, where05:20
grouperben64: thank you, i believe that might be what the problem is05:20
stewgrouper: do you have a livecd you can boot if your current install isn't bootable?  if so, the output of "tune2fs -l /dev/sda1" might help us asses exactly where you are at05:20
grouperyeah, i'm going to turn journaling back on with the live cd, update the kernel, then try to turn it back off05:20
Ben64grouper: so you can use ext2 until the 2.6.29 kernel comes out, upgrade to ext405:20
stewgrouper: if you have extents enabled, you can't go back05:20
gartral[TOP]kangu: what gfx card do you have?05:20
SnakDocdd if=image.img of=/dev/sda would that work to make system image ?05:21
raylustew: *assess, please =\05:21
IdleOneBen64: or wait till karmic is released05:21
laza_where's the switches for ports, is there any program for it, i'm new with ubuntu pls help05:21
macoSnakDoc: that would overwrite your hard diskwith the .img05:21
Ben64SnakDoc: you should be very very very sure /dev/sda is where you want to write to05:21
stewgrouper: http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Can_I_mount_existing_Ext3_as_Ext4.3F_And_vice_versa.3F_Similarly_from_Ext2_to_Ext4_and_its_reverse.3F05:22
SnakDoci did that in reverse then i am wanting to pull hd to image05:22
Ben64laza_: ubuntu doesn't filter any ports by default05:22
stewgrouper: the important part being "Once you have enabled extents or created a journal on a former ext2 filesystem, it is an ext4 filesystem and cannot be reverted to ext2. "05:22
laza_Ben64, than why is it closed? :S05:22
SnakDocdd if=/dev/sda of=image.img that look better05:22
rayluSnakDoc: if means input file... so i think your command is backwards05:22
Ben64closed just means not in use05:22
Ben64filtered = firewalled05:22
rayluSnakDoc: also, why are you doing this?05:22
SnakDocraylu was wanting to make system image you know of better way this was just my idea05:23
SnakDocraylu i had used dd command in past05:23
rayluSnakDoc: yes, but why do you want a system image? rsync is better for incremental backups, and you can choose to not back up certain sections05:23
rayluSnakDoc: there are also a ton of other backup tools for keeping smaller backup files by date05:24
rayluSnakDoc: dd should be a last resort for backing stuff up05:24
madLyfeis there like a way to recover ubuntu?05:24
SnakDocraylu i am formatting cause i have to but would like to restore right back to as is05:24
stewSnakDoc: if it makes it easier to remember, you can skip dd and just use "cp /dev/sda /some/image.img" to make an image and "cp /some/image.img /dev/sda" to restore it05:24
rayluSnakDoc: then... why are you formatting?05:24
madLyfei have done something with the graphics and now am unable to get a screen where i can login...05:24
mds58madLyfe: how broken is it05:24
mds58does it drop you off in a command prompt05:25
Ben64!pm | laza_05:25
ubottulaza_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:25
SnakDocraylu i am having hardware error if i can prove that error in windows laptop will be replaced05:25
=== root is now known as Guest7633
raylucommand prompt =\05:25
madLyfei had installed mythbuntu on top of my ubuntu.. then installed the ati catalyst control center and when i rebooted the grapics are all messed up and i cant see anything..05:26
rayluSnakDoc: oh.05:26
madLyfebuncha lines across the screen..05:26
rayluSnakDoc: ok, go ahead.05:26
mds58madLyfe: did you try ctrl+alt+bckspc05:26
Guest7633any idea05:26
k3ksAlexia: it works!05:26
coreymanWould someone that knows something about raid 1 arrays please message me.05:26
mds58I have gotten a few back that way05:26
k3ksAlexia: thank you very much!05:27
SnakDocraylu laptop not showing battery or changing but just to keep it from being blamed on ubuntu when i take it back was going to install default image to it05:27
macocoreyman: if youre tyring to use RAID, you ahve to use the alternate cd, not the desktop/live cd, to install. the live cd has no RAID support05:27
madLyfemds58: whats that do?05:27
=== nabeel is now known as Guest48253
Guest7633any idea05:27
SnakDocraylu would it be bad for the partition to be mounted ?05:27
madLyfeand or when do i use those keys?05:27
mds58madLyfe: resstarts x-server05:27
rayluSnakDoc: partitions on the drive, you mean? yes05:28
macomadLyfe: on versions 8.10 or older. if using 9.04 youd have to explicitly enable that05:28
SnakDocraylu nm found ans it would be bad need to use live image found this http://www.linuxweblog.com/blogs/sandip/20050211/image-your-hard-drive-using-dd05:28
raylumds58, madLyfe: also, X isn't even running, so that's kinda pointless05:28
coreymanmaco I'm not sure what i did wrong, I used the minimal install and went that way, I set up the raid 1 array, and my controller is telling me invalid raid... i am unable to boot into ubuntu, should i be using a different drive to boot and using the raid drives for storage only?05:28
madLyfeya im on 9.0405:29
madLyfei have my install disk but i didnt see any recovery options..05:29
macocoreyman: its possible that one's unsupported. ive never dealt with raid, i just know people trying to use the desktop cd are a common question05:29
coreymanmaco thx05:29
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto05:30
mds58madLyfe: well you can get to a command prompt with ctrl+alt+f1 but I dont know the command to use to disable the video driver that is making the error05:30
macocoreyman: check google to see if your raid controller is known to work with ubuntu?05:30
raylumds58: there is no such thing as a command prompt here =\05:30
macomadLyfe: if you want to restart X from cli in the f1 thing that mds58 said, type "sudo service gdm restart"05:30
adrenalineanybody know how to turn the annoying keyring off?05:31
coreymanmaco operating systems have to support raid controllers? I figured that the controller did all the work05:31
raylumaco, madLyfe: since he just installed the radeon drivers, i'd recommend removing his xorg.conf05:31
macocoreyman: need the driver05:31
mds58raylu: sorry I still speak in dos occasionaly05:31
laza_http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/9454/ubuntuportproblem.png what am I doing wrong? please help05:31
macocoreyman: like i said, live cd cant talk to raid. it lacks raid drivers. the alternate usually can, but not necessarily all hardware works05:31
madLyfewell the ati drivers that installed worked fine.. it was when i was using the add programs thingy and i saw ati control center and that totally messed things up.. partly because i forgot ati doesnt even support this onboard card anymore..05:32
Dragnslcrcoreyman- it depends on if you have a true hardware RAID controller or one of the fake controllers that actually do the work in software05:32
madLyfereally old mobility readon..05:32
coreymandragnslcr I've been trying to figure it out.. I think it's one of the fake controllers.05:32
Dragnslcrcoreyman- if you have a typical consumer motherboard that claims to have hardware RAID, it's probably not a true hardware controller05:33
biovoreyeah.. if it wasn't $300 bucks +..  its probably a software controller..05:34
coreymandragnslcr it's actually an old board that doesn't even have a controller, i plugged in a pci raid controller.05:34
TheCheezespeaking of raid... i have a spare 4-bay hotswap cage i am trying to sell if anyone is interested05:34
sharperguyAnyone know how I can produce a zero-width character?05:34
mds58madlyfe: you can use apt-get to remove it is you can remember the name of the ati package you installed05:34
Guest7633ERROR:  could not find gem activerecord-postgresql-adapter locally or in a repository05:35
Dragnslcrcoreyman- that one might be a real hardware controller. What's the brand and model?05:35
Guest7633any idea05:35
madLyfemds58: ya no idea what it was called.. i even tried to double tab to get anything ati.. and actually tried to remove all of the ati things but only got errors(packages not found or something, i cant remember)05:35
leaf-sheepadrenaline: http://davestechsupport.com/blog/2009/01/16/how-to-remove-ubuntus-password-keyring/05:35
NitheeshERROR:  could not find gem activerecord-postgresql-adapter locally or in a repository05:36
Nitheeshany ideas05:36
HobbleAlongcoreyman: you're better off using software raid.  If your hardware controller fails you'll have to find an identical one or you won't be able to access you drives.05:36
DFW 06:37AM DFW on #ubuntu (Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Channel Gui... [Ctrl-N to #ubuntu-offtopic] [IRC 3m] [Lag 0.22s] naimrn05:36
Um_cara_qualquerhow i delete a partition?05:36
coreymandragnslcr looking it up now... hummm...  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681512301505:36
laza_http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/9454/ubuntuportproblem.png what am I doing wrong? If there's no closed ports than how could be possible this? please help05:36
DouglasKUm_cara_qualquer: first, unmount it, then use fdisk or gparted.05:36
coreymanhobblealong yea i was reading that i would need to duplex if hardware raid05:37
Nitheeshany one is there05:37
Um_cara_qualquerlets see05:37
Nitheeshany one is there05:38
leaf-sheeplaza_: Toggle off "Use UPnP or NAT-PMP port fowarding" works?05:38
Psi-Jack__One thing the blasted Ubuntu UFW guide doesn't tell you, is to be able to use DNS in IP Masquerading, you have to actually ufw allow 5305:39
laza_leaf-sheep, i tried, but it didn't05:39
vaio_anyone know why i cant watch apple trailers using mplayer plugin in firefox05:39
vaio_it just restarts firefox05:39
vaio_or rther closes it05:39
=== insigne is now known as vava
NitheeshFATAL C28000 Mpassword authentication failed for user "redmine" Fauth.c L1003 Rauth_failed05:41
vavaoi biabia05:41
leaf-sheeplaza_: Try canyouseeme.org05:41
x404xleafnode fetchnews logs in and auth successful but finds no new newsgroups, do i need a remote.groups file ? i have a local.groups05:41
Nitheeshi need very urgent help on this please05:41
FloodBot2Nitheesh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:41
laza_leaf-sheep, would you recommend a port for torrent?05:42
Nitheeshnow help me05:42
Psi-Jack__Nitheesh: What is that from?05:42
leaf-sheeplaza_: 514...whatever you were using... is fine.  There are no standard port for torrent.  Just randomly as long as UPnP is toggled on.05:42
grouperis nodiratime implied from noatime?05:43
leaf-sheeplaza_: If the website say your port is open, then it's a bug with Transmission.  Is it open?05:43
raylulaza_: anything over 1024 is fine, but it's recommend you choose something in the 50000-65535 range05:43
coreymanwhat package do i need to install for software raid drivers?05:43
Nitheeshwhen run this command  http://paste.ubuntu.com/256688/05:43
Nitheeshnow help me pleasse05:43
raylu!patience | Nitheesh05:43
ubottuNitheesh: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.05:43
wrapsterhttp://pastie.org/590763 , can anyone please look into this.. Im new here05:44
Zylstra555Quick question: Best backup program for Ubuntu that supports FTP and encryption?05:44
Psi-Jack__Nitheesh: That's not for this channel to support Ruby on Rails. Try the proper channel.05:44
raylugrouper: http://lwn.net/Articles/245002/05:44
ZzZany idea why it takes half 20 minutes to burn a dvd in jaunty?05:44
rayluZylstra555: why ftp?05:44
rayluZylstra555: ftp transmits passwords in cleartext, so...05:45
Zylstra555raylu: Because thats what I have available05:45
leaf-sheep!backup | Zylstra55505:45
ubottuZylstra555: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:45
Zylstra555raylu: Ah, but, if the data you are sending is encrypted in a different format, it won't make a difference05:45
leaf-sheepZylstra555: Maybe rsync + external encrypted hard drive?05:45
rayluZylstra555: what, does the account not have read access?05:45
leaf-sheepZylstra555: Avoid FTP, use SFTP instead.05:46
Zylstra555FTP is fine05:46
Zylstra555the FTP server is on the local network05:46
Zylstra555and, SFTP is extremely slow05:46
ZzZguys how long does it take you to burn a dvd in jaunty?05:46
Ben64ZzZ: depends on burner speed, hard drive speed, and other stuff05:46
rayluwrapster: why are you running dpkg-buildpackage on a .deb?05:46
laza_Error: I could not see your service on on port (65500)05:47
laza_Reason: Connection refused do yo think my isp filter my ports?05:47
rayluZylstra555: even if your data is encrypted, a user with the password can delete your files regardless05:47
Zylstra555raylu: unless I make it so they can't. But, its on the local network05:47
Zylstra555raylu: Its not an FTP system accessible by the outside05:47
rayluZylstra555: and if security is not an issue because you're on a local network, why are you encrypting the data?05:47
ZzZBen64, my laptop is 1 year old, it came with vista, and used to burn dvds in under 3 minutes... just dont understand05:47
Zylstra555raylu: To prevent people from reading it05:48
Irishmanlukeuse scp05:48
Ben64ZzZ: increase burner speed in whatever program you're using to burn05:48
HobbleAlongZzZ: depends on the speed and how much data.  Can be up to 40 minutes or so if your burner is slow (or speed set slow) to burn a full disk.05:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubu‌ntu05:48
rayluZylstra555: ok. if the data is going to be backed up multiple times, consider running an rsync daemon. you're likely to get better speeds than sftp/scp05:49
ZzZBen64, I tried brasero, cd/dvd creator, now trying gnome baker... all the same duration somehow05:49
Ben64increase speed??????05:49
Zylstra555raylu: The backup goes to a Windows computer... I'm just not sure if I want to try getting Rsync to work with Windows05:49
Ben64also, i suggest k3b, very excellent burner05:49
ZzZBen64, yes, at 1605:49
rayluZylstra555: oh, fun. i have no idea then, since i don't have any experience with backup tools. ubottu should have given you some links, though05:49
ZzZk3b i havent tried yet.. probably should05:50
Zylstra555raylu: Looks like I found a solution, on the ubuntu backup page :)05:50
soreauZzZ: gnome-backer, brasero and the other default gnome dvd burning software all ultimately end up using 'wodim'. Not sure what k3b does, but you could give it a try05:50
ZzZsoreau, wodim is what?05:51
AvonGenesisCan anyone help me with my gnome-panel? I can't solve this error: http://pastebin.com/m3968793a05:51
soreauZzZ: wodim --help05:51
leaf-sheepAvonGenesis: Why are you starting gnome-panel in a terminal? o.o05:52
ZzZsoreau, :)05:52
leaf-sheep!info wodim | ZzZ05:52
ubottuZzZ: wodim (source: cdrkit): command line CD/DVD writing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.9-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 428 kB, installed size 876 kB05:52
AvonGenesisleaf-sheep: Well, it won't startup on boot, so I decided to start it through terminal.05:52
soreauZzZ: Even more verbosity: man wodim05:52
ZzZthanks guys05:53
raylu!resetpanel | AvonGenesis05:53
ubottuAvonGenesis: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »05:53
leaf-sheepAvonGenesis: Do "killall gnome-panel" in the terminal.  Ubuntu should restart gnome-panel automatically.  Otheruse, try ALT+F2 and type in that instead.05:53
jezi22guys how can i use proxy in ubuntu?05:53
ZzZeverything seems to be up to be setup properly for burning, just cant believe it takes this much longer than in Win05:54
soreau! info k3b | ZzZ05:56
ZzZsoreau, im installing it as we speak05:56
soreau!info k3b | ZzZ05:56
ubottuZzZ: k3b (source: k3b): A sophisticated KDE CD burning application. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.5+kde4svn935857+really1.0.5-3ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 718 kB, installed size 2260 kB05:56
rayluooh, "sophisticated"05:56
[TOP]kanguhow to pastebin?05:57
lstarnes!pastebin | [TOP]kangu05:57
ubottu[TOP]kangu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:57
ZzZshoot, i guess it is sophisticated:)05:57
WhittIs there someone here who is able to help me setup dual monitors?05:58
soreauWhitt: Which graphics driver?05:58
soreauWhitt: Tried amdcccle?05:58
[TOP]kangui just installed this ubuntu today and he had me change soem stuff in xorg.conf /etc/X11 and now my game i was playing is all messed up05:59
AvonGenesisAlright, that seems to have fixed the problem. Thanks a lot.05:59
[TOP]kangupossibly anybody might know if it was an error in that file.05:59
soreau[TOP]kangu: What game, and what problem?05:59
WhittI just get a corrupted view on both monitors, and X does not respond to anything05:59
[TOP]kanguquake live..05:59
[TOP]kangugfx is messed up and sound is gone05:59
soreauWhitt: The X log from the failed session might have some clues06:01
WhittHow do I get to the log?06:02
soreauWhitt: It should be in /var/log as Xorg log06:02
SnakDocIntel® Core™2 Duo mobile processor P8600 would that run a 64bit os anyone know off top there head ?06:02
raylu!xinerama | Whitt06:03
ubottuWhitt: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead06:03
AvonGenesisHow do I put back the applications menu on my gnome-panel?06:03
Ben64SnakDoc: google is your friend06:03
rayluSnakDoc: grep lm /proc/cpuinfo06:03
rayluSnakDoc: also, i'm pretty confident it is 64-bit06:03
SnakDocBen64 i can was just asking cause irc was up and firefox wasn't i know lazy06:04
ZzZThanks guys, k3b works fine06:04
Whittthanks for the look at xinerama06:04
WhittI will look into that06:04
soreauAvonGenesis: Right click on the panel and select Add to Panel>Main Menu06:04
Ben64ZzZ: np06:04
johnyI can not here sound on ubuntu. Please help me as i need to prepare a video.06:05
ll__johny: what kind of soundcard/computer?06:06
johnyhttp://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=1de9166e4e09bcb674992192e661ae1571379bd0 here is the alsa report06:06
AvonGenesissoreau: Where ever I rightclick, there is no option for add to. Any ideas?06:06
soreauWhitt: You might have to enable Big Desktop by setting Option"DesktopSetup" "horizontal" in the Device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:06
MajostIs packages.ubuntu.com down?06:07
Whittsoreau, would I be able to PM you a copy of my xorg.conf file and the log?06:07
soreauAvonGenesis: Some times, you will not have any empty space on your panel for the actual panel. You may have to shuffle some items out of the way06:07
soreauWhitt: No06:07
soreau! paste | Whitt06:07
ubottuWhitt: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic06:07
SnakDoccan the dell image install to any dell ?06:08
AvonGenesissoreau: Your right! Thanks!06:08
Whittsoreau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/256695/06:09
WhittIts the Xorg.conf file06:09
johnyll__: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=1de9166e4e09bcb674992192e661ae1571379bd0 here is the alsa report06:09
[TOP]kanguanyone have any ideas why i have no audio?06:10
soreauWhitt: That's a mess. You're specifying to completely different drivers. Pastebin the X log06:10
optimuswant an image of ubuntu 9.04 to burn06:11
soreau! download06:11
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low!06:11
Whittsoreau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/256697/06:12
frpaulwhats so bad about ubuntu? why other linux users hate it?06:14
goofykinkyhi guys I was wondering how expensive is if someone charge for the service of installing Mail Server / DNS on Ubuntu Server?06:14
wrapsterraylu: Sorry for the late response06:15
soreauWhitt: The only thing I see is (--) fglrx(0): Virtual size is 2560x1024 You should make your total resolutions of your monitors higher than that06:15
wrapsterraylu: what I did was actually specified on one of links i read...I mean may be I might have misread it06:15
wrapsteras well06:15
soreauWhitt: Errr.... Shouldn't*06:15
[TOP]kangui had a friend give me some commands to put in /etc/X11/xorg.congf but i believe it has messed up my GFX and as well as my sound .. im a new user to ubuntu06:16
wrapsterraylu: can you tell me what needs to be done?06:16
rayluwrapster: generally, dpkg -i filename.deb06:16
=== br34l__ is now known as br34l
wrapsterraylu: that will install..06:17
rayluwrapster: wait, what are you trying to do?06:17
phillI'm having trouble getting my touchpad to be seen in linux. I'm also having trouble with my laptops screen only setting the brightness from 0 to 1. (Only two levels of brightness sucks) Dim and more dim.06:17
wrapsterraylu: http://www.mail-archive.com/gnusol-devel@lists.sonic.net/msg00103.html06:17
wrapsterraylu: have a look at it... Thats what I want06:17
Whittsoreau: thats odd, I've got both screens set at 1024x76806:17
rayluwrapster: no idea, sorry06:18
wrapsterraylu: thats ok.06:19
soreauWhitt: That may be the problem. You should add a Virtual line increasing it to at least 2560x2048. Are you having desktop effects starting as well or does this happen at the login screen?06:19
WhittI've been trying to configure it with Aticonfig, and it happens once I press enter on sudo aticonfig --enable-monitor=crt1,tv06:21
Whittif I restart the PC, it works fine at the login screen and then reverts to cloned screens at the desktop06:22
soreauWhitt: When does the corruption first happen?06:22
gartral[TOP]kangu: still around friend, that took longer than expected06:24
lsdeviantis this channel filled with bots06:27
lsdevianti need someone to chat with i'm lonely06:27
Whitt_soreau: I just tried it, it corrupts when I try to run sudo aticonfig --enable-monitor06:27
Whitt_I can restart gdm and it recovers fine06:27
Whitt_when I get into the desktop I have two displays that are a clone06:27
Whitt_at hte login screen I have one big display that works06:27
=== Whitt_ is now known as whitt
myfDoes anyone have the same problem? ever since i updated my kernel to 2.6.28-15, my flash videos would freeze after 10 second06:29
soreauWhitt_: You have a few different options. Easiest would be to test with both at 640x480 to see if it's a resolution problem. The reality is that fglrx no longer supports you card but the open ati driver does. Try turning off desktop effects06:29
soreauwhitt: ^^06:29
lsdeviantstand by me06:30
lsdeviantplease stand by me06:30
soreauwhitt: If 'fglrxinfo' talks about ati and not mesa, the fglrx driver should already be working ok06:30
soreauwhitt: Or rather, at least be installed ok06:30
ikonialsdeviant: this is a support channel for ubuntu, please keep the singing out06:31
lsdeviant:D hey.  support needs all the love it can get.06:31
ikonialsdeviant: ask a support question and wait for an answer then, this is not a chat channel06:32
* lsdeviant hugs support06:32
lsdeviantshut up ikonia06:32
pelizzerboa noite06:33
pelizzeralguem quer tc06:33
soreauWhat language is that?06:33
Myrtti!pt | pelizzer06:33
ubottupelizzer: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.06:33
dibblegowhy do I occasionally have a dialog window pop up to tell me about available updates? how do I turn it off?06:34
myfDoes anyone have the same problem? ever since i updated my kernel to 2.6.28-15, my flash videos would freeze after 10 second06:34
jdbdibblego: why do you want to turn it off? it's a good idea to update your computer06:34
faithclarinet: Hi06:34
clarinetfaith: hi.06:35
dibblegojdb, because I don't want to have a window open ever hour or so to tell me06:35
clarinetfaith: very well.06:35
faiththis is my first time to use this software06:35
[deXter]Anyone here using Ubuntu or its derivatives on a laptop?06:35
eminordibber, gconftool -s --type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false06:35
soreaudibblego: Settings Manager>Settings06:35
clarinetfaith: too much people, huh?06:35
dibblegoSettings Manager?06:36
soreaudibblego: Sys>Admin>Update Manager>Settings06:36
optimusi have already install ubuntu, and that cd is lost, i want an setup so i can install it on another pc, do i have to download, or i can somehow extract it from already installed version?06:36
faiththis is my first time to use this software06:36
xim_can i run regualr ubuntu on my 64 bit pc if im too lazy to redownload the 64 bit version (atleast till karma comes out?)06:36
eminoroops, dibblego06:36
soreaufaith: Did you have a question about ubuntu?06:36
eminorxim_, yes06:36
faithclarinet: what is ubuntu?06:36
di||itanteoptimus: better off to just DL it again06:37
Cbethello all, don't mean to interrupt but have quick question....maybe.06:37
soreau! wiki | faith06:37
ubottufaith: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.06:37
HobbleAlongxim_: no problem06:37
Cbetcan i install ubuntu on a new system as my only OS06:37
xim_lol but i want to reinstall quick so i can watch a movie since alpha karma crapped out my sound06:37
faithany one call me?06:37
xim_cbet: of course06:38
soreauCbet: Yes06:38
Cbetso i just download ubuntu, burn to cd, finish my build and bios my boot to the dvd drive and pop in my ubuntu cd?06:39
HobbleAlongxim_: I'd settle for that.  Wouldn't even install on the box I tried it on.06:39
soreauCbet: You mean building your machine? Then yes, sounds right06:40
xim_HobbleAlong, karmic alpha you mean?  ive been using it since the 4th, (i know cause i got the daily build) and it has been slowly rotting and decaying into a filthy stinking mess06:41
losherCbet: yep, that's pretty much it. Don't forget to burn the iso in image mode. If it's your first time with Ubuntu, I recommend 8.04 LTS, as it's the most stable.06:41
[deXter]Does the Ubuntu have laptop-friendly features like hotkeys for changing LCD brightness, battery care, CPU throttling, and good power management schemes?06:42
ikonia[deXter]: it sure does06:42
ikonia[deXter]: not supported on all laptops though,06:42
[deXter]ikonia, is there a list of supported laptops+features?06:42
HobbleAlongxim_: yes, Alpha 4.  In 11 tries never got through the fomat ext3 or ext4.06:42
ikonia[deXter]: not specifcally as that would change every day/week as laptops come out06:42
[deXter]Hmm, fair enough.06:43
ikonia[deXter]: most "main" brand laptops/hardware will have support06:43
[deXter]I'm on a Sony VAIO06:43
[deXter]near about an year old06:43
xim_HobbleAlong, lol im sure itll be good on release tho06:43
ikonia[deXter]: they do thinks different (typical sony) but I'd put a small bet on that you'd be fine06:43
losher[deXter]: just google sony vaio ubuntu & see what people say06:44
ikoniaHobbleAlong: xim_ 9.10 support is in #ubuntu+106:44
[deXter]I'm a bit skeptical, because I've tried Windows 7 on this laptop and it couldn't find the drivers for the power management features06:44
Cbetthank you, is there any other resources i could check out?06:45
HobbleAlongxim_: Always seems to make it.06:45
ikonia[deXter]: windows 7 has nothing to do with anything, don't use it as a bench mark06:46
HobbleAlongxim_: thanks for that06:46
xim_funny and true06:48
ikoniawhat is ?06:48
losherCbet: if you're used to windows, one approach is to run windows and then install ubuntu into vmware or virtualbox. That way you can get a feel for ubuntu without having to commit totally to it...06:49
phishiethat win 7 thingy06:49
AndorinI downloaded gnash from the GNU site and I'm trying to install. I've not got much experience with compiling and installing from source, and when I run ./configure, part of the output is this: http://pastebin.com/m46cd25ae What I'm wondering is, do I have to install all of those in order to install gnash, and is there a way to do it all at once, or must I do them all at once?06:49
AndorinEr, must I do them one at a time?06:50
losherAndorin: I hear disappointing reports about gnash i.e. it's not ready for prime time. I wouldn't waste time on it yet..06:50
AndorinI see. I was hoping to have a free alternative to Adobe Flash. =x06:51
ParajI'm getting a "Fatal: raid_setup: stat("/dev/sdh")" when I update a fresh install of 9.04, happens for linux-restricted-modules with LILO06:51
xim_cbet, just dive in, its not hard, id say ubuntu is as easy as macintosh, then when you have a malfunction, come here and ask about it and you will learn06:51
Parajxim_: Assuming you get your problem solved that is06:51
losherAndorin: eventually you will. Just not yet...06:51
freeflowcauveryAndorin, but to answer your more general question of installing dependencies one at a time, yes....unless you opt to install from *verse repositories06:51
soreauAndorin: Yes, you would need development packages installed to provide the headers necessary for compilation. Or, you could just install gnash from ubuntu repos06:52
AndorinI can install it from repos? Note to self: Stop forgetting about the fact that you have a hugely convenient set of repositories that you can check...06:52
xim_Andorin, (i still think of flash being macromedia, adobe flash sounds strange) why are you not installing through a package manager?06:53
AndorinIt was never this easy in Windows, which is what I used for years before switching.06:53
[deXter]Andorin, Ditch flash already. Switch to HTML5.06:53
Andorinxim_: Because I forget about the repos? ^^;06:53
xim_Andorin, yeah always goto synaptic first to install anything, for flash theres a free and nonfree version, ive had trouble with both tho honestly, flash is one o the things linux has yet to get its act together with IMO06:54
d0wnhi, i'm a little confused. to be able to have a partition bootable by the computer, does it have to have the boot flag on the partition?06:54
Andorinxim_: I've actually not had many problems with Flash in Linux. I haven't tried the free version, though.06:54
soreaud0wn: You should also have a working bootable kernel installed on it06:55
xim_Andorin, maybe that waas my problem, but npviewer.bin is a major memory hog and sometimes goes rogue or crashes or you will get a blank grey box instead of the intended flash 1/10 times i thought with both versions but maybe it was just the free one06:56
d0wnsoreau: so if i have a seperate partition for /boot/, should that one be the only one with the boot flag?06:56
Mike_lifeguardHow can I get dpkg to reconfigure a package? I don't see the option in the man page :\06:56
Andorinxim_: Perhaps I ought to wait around until gnash is more dependable?06:56
HobbleAlongd0wn: strangely no it doesn't need to be set.  In fact I have an Ubuntu server admin book that says not to set it???06:56
soreaud0wn: I would assume, but not entirely sure. Try it!06:56
leaf-sheepMike_lifeguard: Look harder. I see it in the manpage. :)06:57
=== Chazz is now known as Asleep
xim_Andorin, i had never heard of gnash but you gotta have a flash player or your internets will suxxcks, id just go with the nonfree mozilla plugin06:58
xim_Andorin, it still works 9/10 times06:58
d0wnoh goodness :[ i've done it now :[ i messed up my windows truecrypt06:58
Andorinxim_: I do have the nonfree. I was simply interested in converting to the free version, provided that it's good enough.06:58
d0wnrescue disk ftw06:58
losherAndorin: It could take years before gnash works properly. And flash caused a lot of problems for many people in 9.04. In 8.04 it just works...06:58
Andorinlosher: Odd, because I run 9.04 and I can't think of any outstanding problems I've had with it.06:59
Mike_lifeguardleaf-sheep: if you use --configure will that work?06:59
losherMike_lifeguard: dpkg-reconfigure06:59
xim_Andorin, ahic well try it and see worst case you go back to nonfree, my flash problems were with 8.10 which i just upgraded from06:59
Andorinxim_: If I install it will it conflict with the Adobe plugin? Should I remove it?06:59
Mike_lifeguardlovely, thanks06:59
losherAndorin: no need to take my word for it, check the #ubuntu archives since 9.04 came out...07:00
leaf-sheepMike_lifeguard: Yes. "Reconfigure an unpacked package. If -a  o  --pending is given instead of package, all unpacked but unconfigured packages are configured."07:00
d0wnanyways, i forgot to thank both soreau and HobbleAlong for your help. thanks!07:00
ParajI'm having dpkg problems07:02
xim_why is 8.04 maintanined until 2011 but 9.04 is only maintained until 2010?07:03
Beldingbecause 8.04 is a long term release07:03
xim_Andorin, id only install one at a time, just so you know where any problems are coming from07:04
Andorinxim_: Alright, thanks.07:04
vicmmuranhello somebody can help me with the webcam 110 genius installation   in ubuntu 9.0407:04
ActionParsnip!lts | xim07:04
ubottuxim: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0407:04
qwmso ubuntu has skeletons in the closet eh.07:05
ActionParsnipvicmmuran: can you please provide a pastebin of: lsusb07:05
ActionParsnipqwm: can you expand on that?07:05
xim_qwm: yeah....once.....it killed a guy07:06
ParajI'm getting a "Fatal: raid_setup: stat("/dev/sdh")" when I update a fresh install of 9.04, happens for linux-restricted-modules with LILO07:06
qwmActionParsnip: take a look in /etc/init.d07:06
ActionParsnipqwm: i can't all my *nix boxes are in boxes07:06
qwmthat's ironic.07:07
ActionParsnipqwm: how?07:07
qwmboxes in boxes.07:07
xim_no thats a coincidence07:07
ActionParsnipqwm: yeah, that happens a lot. its not ironic at all07:07
xim_irony is when something normally would be one way and instead its another07:07
caveman27does anybody know where I can find libgmp.so.3, I need it for a game to work and cant find the file for download anywere, im using ubuntu 8.10 64bit but need libgmp.so.3 in 32bit for targetware.. where can i download this file?07:07
qwmok, it's just a little funny07:08
ActionParsnipqwm: i bet you are an american07:08
qwmhow much?07:08
soreauWhat is ironic is he's provided support for that which he is not running :)07:08
ActionParsnipcaveman27: sudo apt-get install apt-file; sudo apt-file update; sudo apt-file find libgmp.so.307:08
ActionParsnipqwm: enough07:08
qwmi'm swedish07:09
calientehey fellas, i have a wireless question if anyone can help07:09
ActionParsnipqwm: just like all that stuff in Ironic by Alannis Morisette isnt ironic either07:09
calientei have a bcm4328 and i cant get it actually find wireless signals07:09
KB1JWQqwm: Install da lee-nux, bork bork bork. :-D07:09
* KB1JWQ knows next to nothing about Sweden besides the swedish chef on sesame street. 07:10
soreaucaveman27: You probably need to install libgmp3c207:10
* qwm eyes KB1JWQ suspiciously07:10
ActionParsnip!broadcom | caliente07:10
ubottucaliente: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx07:10
qwmKB1JWQ: i know next to nothing about that chef.07:10
LSD|NinjaScrapping the broadcom wireless card was probably the best thing I ever did to my sisters laptop07:10
ParajWho here has been using (or attempting to use) Ubuntu since 5.10?07:10
KB1JWQqwm: Unintelligble gibberisn punctuated with "bork bork bork."07:10
KB1JWQqwm: http://www.google.com/intl/xx-bork/07:11
Myrttiplease keep the discussion to support issues07:11
KB1JWQSorry. :)07:11
qwmMyrtti: where do you discuss skeletons?07:11
soreau! ot | qwm07:11
ubottuqwm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:11
ActionParsnipLSD|Ninja: i refuse to buy systems with them in or aapters based on them07:11
ActionParsnipqwm: try #skeletons07:12
ParajWhere is the channel which actually does support? :P07:12
qwmsoreau: merci beaucoup chéri07:12
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org07:12
ParajReally, could have fooled me :P07:12
qwmshouldn't it say "this #ubuntu"07:13
ActionParsnipParaj: thats because you are easily fooled07:13
qwmevery #ubuntu can't be official07:13
ActionParsnipqwm: irc channels must be unique07:13
LolikonOkay, hi. So I have a headset (with a mic that does not work), and a webcam that I use as a mic. When I do not have the webcam plugged in, my audio works fine, ie youtube videos load correctly. Now if I plug in the webcam, youtube videos no longer work. In alsamixer, all it says is Card: USB20 Camera ... I can not get back to the other device, which is named USB too. Here is a screenshot of the settings that work perfectly in Mumble; is ther07:14
Lolikone a way I can make them operate like that globally? I would be pleased if that is possible. http://i25.tinypic.com/28i9rbn.png ..... thank you in advance!07:14
ActionParsnipqwm: you can have #ubuntu on another irc server but the one which is on freenode is the official one07:14
d0wnhi, I was trying to install flashplugin-installer, and I had to kill the dpkg process because I lost wifi, and it froze while downloading. so i had to kill the dpkg process, and now I cannot install it. it says it is already installed, which it isnt07:15
kismethey there07:16
kismetis it possible to scroll horizontal with multitouch07:16
kismetin ubuntu 9.0407:16
soreaud0wn: Why not install flashplugin-nonfree?07:16
d0wnsoreau: what is the difference?07:16
leaf-sheepkismet: Check Mouse Preferences.07:17
kismetleaf-sheep: i will thanks07:17
soreaud0wn: That's a good question. Why are you trying to install flashplugin-installer?07:17
luis_this channel is in spanish?07:17
soreau! es | luis_07:18
ubottuluis_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:18
kismetleaf-sheep: do i have to restart07:18
Lolikon/join #ubuntu-es07:18
luis_tengo un problema07:18
Lolikonluis_, ^07:18
soreauluis_ /j #ubuntu-es07:18
d0wnsoreau: I did it directly from Firefox when it detected a needed plugin. it was the only adobe option. nevermind though, flashplugin-nonfree worked :]07:18
majukAnyone care to take a swing at where I can find more information for this warning I'm seeing in syslog? "Aug 21 00:18:21 slicktop NetworkManager: <WARN>  check_one_route(): (eth1) error -34 returned from rtnl_route_del(): Sucess"07:19
xim_anyone know why brasero would not detect a blank disc in the drive even tho ubuntu does and puts a blank cd icon on the desktop?07:19
leaf-sheepkismet: I don't think so. I just know it is there when I edited my mouse preference once upon a time.07:19
dfgashow do i make file sort by name? like a usb drive that doesn't sort my abc07:19
ActionParsnipd0wn: sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-installer07:19
ParajIs it just me of is http://www.ubuntu.com/support/paid down ?07:20
Parajor is*07:20
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ActionParsnipParaj: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com07:21
ActionParsnipParaj: you need never ask again07:21
jerry1my name is llf07:21
vitek_?can i set terminal as a log viewer? something like console on macs?07:21
Lolikon`nano /path/to/logs07:22
LoafersI wanted to play quicktime videos in browser so I installed "ubuntu-restricted-extras" and it still doesn't play quicktime  and now it has my fonts all messed up.  So I uninstalled/purged it and the fonts are still screwy... How do I fix this?07:22
ParajSo it is down, I'll use the Google cache07:22
Myrttivitek_: watch /path/to/log07:22
majukvitek_: You can monitor files, such as longs, with tail -f /path/to/file. It'll keep montioring that file and output any changes07:22
vitek_thanks guys07:22
MezMyrtti: watch will try and run a command ...07:22
MyrttiMez: hm, true07:23
MezMyrtti: I think you mean tail -f /path/to/log?07:23
majukYea he does.07:23
ActionParsnipParaj: whack it in your favourites and you are set for life07:23
Myrttimajuk: who?07:23
Mezmajuk: Myrtti is a she. (well, either that, or has a really good plastic surgeon!)07:23
vitek_the thing is, i need to monitor realtime operations something like when you start a program from a terminal, but altogether and timestamped.07:23
ParajParaj: With the number of reinstall I do it won't last long07:24
MyrttiI blame on the fact of being without coffee for a week due to doctors orders... (and yesyes, I know it's better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic)07:24
majukMez, Myrtti: Sorry my psychic powers failed me.07:24
ActionParsnipParaj: then put /home on a sperate partition07:25
ActionParsnipParaj: or have a backup copy of ~/.mozilla before reinstall07:25
ParajActionParsnip: I knew you'd say that, means nothing I can't get the damn OS working07:25
majukvitek_: Are you saying tail -f is not what you want?07:25
kismethmm still not working my scrolling with multitouch07:25
darlekanyone bother with antivirus on Ubuntu?  I have AVG on my winXP partition but haven't thought about adding any on Ubuntu07:25
* Mez hugs Myrtti. Allowed tea?07:25
soreau! virus | darlek07:26
ubottudarlek: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:26
leaf-sheepdarlek: Anti-Virus is optional in the world of *nix.07:26
vitek_havent tried yet, got here a nice desktop mess to deal with first :)07:26
darlekthought so, thanks both soreau leaf-sheep07:26
kismetdose anyone know how the horizontal scroll with multitouch works07:26
Mezdarlek: I run nightly scans wth clamav. But thats just to make sure I dont get viruses downloaded. They'd probably not run if I tried them, but I could potentially send them to other people. Plus, I have to, for PCI compliance .:(07:27
ActionParsnipParaj: well keep punching till you work it out, if you use advanced partitioning you canspecify partition sizes, you need a swap partition a / partition and a /home partition, make / about 10Gb and use the rest for /home, when you reinstall, simply tell the installer the format the / partition and tell it to mount the largest partition as /home07:27
majukvitek_: Well try it, that's what you're looking for I'm pretty sure. You can even monitor multiple log files in the same terminal with &.07:27
TheCheezeif you are insanely paranoid, bitdefender has a free distro for linux07:27
Um_cara_qualquerhow i remove a partition from this same HD?07:27
vitek_yeah it works, thanks :) very helpful.07:27
ParajActionParsnip: That's not the problem, my problems all relate after installation like the one I'm having now with updating the assorted linux-restricted-module07:27
darlekMez, ah i see, so it's good to have to scan from linux at windows or at files I might send07:27
ActionParsnipUm_cara_qualquer: i'd do it in a livecd environment07:28
Mezdarlek: yup. Espescially if you handle Credit Card info.07:28
darlekMez, good reason!07:28
majukUm_cara_qualquer: gparted07:28
darlekTheCheeze, had not heard of that one, I don't think I need anything crazy huge07:29
ActionParsnipUm_cara_qualquer: boot to your install CD like you did when you installed, you can then use gparted to delete whatever partition you like (WARNING: The data will be destroyed when you do so tread VERY carefully)07:29
Mezdarlek: not a good reason. A neccesary reason. If you don't, your company can potentially be shut down in a PCI audit.07:29
Mezor fined stupid amounts of money07:29
darlekMez, well, with so much fraud abounding these days you don't want to be tarred with someone else's problems07:30
darlekMez : thus you are not sued ;)07:30
ParajMost people just use a third party for credit card processing since the audits alone cost upwards of 10k07:31
ActionParsnipParaj: does your CD verify as ok? Bad media will make a bad install07:31
GungaDinis there a root password in Ubuntu?07:31
GungaDinis it possible to log in as root?07:31
ParajActionParsnip: Media is fine07:31
darlekGungaDin, no, check out sudo07:31
ActionParsnipParaj: ok thats cool07:31
LolikonOkay, hi. So I have a headset (with a mic that does not work), and a webcam that I use as a mic. When I do not have the webcam plugged in, my audio works fine, ie youtube videos load correctly. Now if I plug in the webcam, youtube videos no longer work. In alsamixer, all it says is Card: USB20 Camera ... I can not get back to the other device, which is named USB too. Here is a screenshot of the settings that work perfectly in Mumble; is ther07:31
Lolikone a way I can make them operate like that globally? I would be pleased if that is possible. http://i25.tinypic.com/28i9rbn.png ..... thank you in advance!07:31
GungaDindarlek - what if I messed up sudoers?07:31
ParajActionParsnip: I get a "Fatal: raid_setup: stat("/dev/sdh")" error during update for linux-restricted-module s. I'm using LILO07:31
Mezdarlek: *shrugs* I just know what I know because of work.07:31
GungaDinI can't sudo anything07:31
leaf-sheepdarlek: Knowingly send out infected files to your Windows buddies and listen to the sound of them whining as they hose down their machines.  It's their fault for running Windows especially when they don't update and maintain their AntiVirus software. :)07:31
darlek!sudo | GungaDin07:31
ubottuGungaDin: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)07:31
ParajAnd if one more person tells me to use Grub....07:32
ActionParsnipGungaDin: boot to root recovery console and fix it07:32
jerry1how to rename system subarea07:32
ActionParsnipParaj: i find lilo more flexible07:32
jerry1for help07:32
johnfanyone know what's up with packages.ubuntu.com07:32
ActionParsnipParaj: but i only single boot linux so a fancy bootloader is wasted on me07:32
GungaDindarlek - I actually installed andLinux, and I dont' knwo if it has this option :(07:32
darlekleaf-sheep, haha.. tempting07:33
leaf-sheepjohnf: Try a different mirror.07:33
ActionParsnipGungaDin: if its not an official release its not supported here07:33
ParajActionParsnip: This is a single boot also, at first I thought it was because my /boot partition was too small (As shown in a few bugs in launchpad) but that's not the case07:33
darlekGungaDin, yep it's unnecessary as noted about in the ubottu post.  Follow the link there for more info if you need it07:33
johnfleaf-sheep: the web interfaces has mirrors?07:33
Fire^foxhello i have a little prob with firestarter07:34
timClickshi all, am having real trouble getting X11 to start - from webposts is looks like my ATI drivers are conflicting - could a guru or two take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7821831#post782183107:34
wiggywo0tquestion: how do i determine what driver is being used with my wireless card?07:34
Fire^foxquestion: my mediacenter is blocked when firestarter is on how can i find the address  or port ?07:34
ActionParsnipwiggywo0t: sudo lshw -C network | grep -i driver07:34
darlekwiggywo0t, lsmod or lshw07:34
leaf-sheepjohnf: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ is down. If you're trying to find something, use terminal or synpathetic instead.07:34
wiggywo0tty guys let me try that now07:34
ActionParsnipwiggywo0t: if you want more info, omit the pipe and grep07:35
johnfleaf-sheep: trying to work out what versions of a particular package exist in intrepid. I probably have an intrepid box somewhere I guess I'll use that07:35
leaf-sheepjohnf: What package?07:35
ActionParsnipjohnf: ask ubottu07:35
ActionParsnipjohnf: she knows all07:36
ActionParsnip!info firefox intrepid07:36
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB07:36
ActionParsnipfor example07:36
m0r0nI need help installing a mic07:36
darlekjohnf : info about all packages on the system or about a particular package?07:36
johnfahh cool :)07:36
ActionParsnipjohnf: if you dont specify codename she will use the latest stable release by default07:36
SteevoHas anyone had trouble with the server edition and software raid partitions?07:37
johnftalking to her now :)07:37
timClicksm0r0n: take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/search.html?cof=FORID:9&cx=003883529982892832976:e2vwumte3fq&ie=UTF-8&q=mic&sa=Search07:37
ActionParsnipjohnf: or you can use apt-cache search <something> on an intrepid box07:37
timClicksm0r0n: hopefully something there is helpful07:37
ParajAnyone have experience with Canonical's Desktop support?07:38
Steevoi'm doing a new install and I'm having lots of problems with partitions not being recognised, then being recognised and unable to modify etc...07:38
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optimusany idea about development portal, website, channel regarding gaming in c/c++07:39
rackarakai am wondering how can i use the scim in ubuntu 8.10 with the default language and enabling typewriting in foreign languages. I have already checked the languages in system -> administaration -> language support as well as restarting the computer07:39
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timClicksm0r0n: this may be more helpful07:41
timClicksm0r0n: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting#Getting Line Input to work (Microphone, etc)07:41
wiggywo0tdriver is showing ....07:41
wiggywo0tdriver=bridge driverversion=2.307:41
m0r0ntimClicks: I have a mixer07:41
wiggywo0tits a ralink usb card, i was expecting it to be rt73 or rt 275007:41
m0r0ntimClicks: and I'm trying to figure out if it's set properly too to send a signal I think Ubuntu is fine, I think it's my mixer possibly07:42
timClicksm0r0n: hrm... do you know which drivers you are using?07:42
m0r0ntimClicks:  No clue...07:42
rackarakaif anybody can help. it is greatly appreciated07:43
ActionParsnipwiggywo0t: install the backport modules may help, or you can compile the driver from ralink07:43
wiggywo0tim trying to install rt73 drivers.... its my understanding those are the best drivers?07:44
timClicksm0r0n: this thread is very comprehensive http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544907:44
SteevoIs there a way I can format my drives that will allow the ubuntu installation to behave normal? I keep getting all sorts of abormalities when trying to create partition tables.07:44
rackarakaoptimus: here is a link to linux gaming. i'm not really familiar with it but hope this helps.07:44
wiggywo0t.... while playing with my external card i must have done something to mess up my internal card ... i cannot connect to WPA networks =X07:44
rackarakaSteevo, what is the problem?07:45
optimusrackaraka: give me the link07:45
rackarakaoptimus, haha. i thought i pasted it in. http://lgdc.sunsite.dk/07:45
SteevoProblem with setting up partitions and software raid - it's giving me errors when I set it up, and when I restart there's a raid device that I can't remove or modify.07:46
rackarakaSteevo, i don't have any experience with raid.07:47
SteevoI had a fedora installation on there, which turned out to be a nightmare so decided to change to ubuntu server... problem was fedora supported raid 6 and ubuntu 8 doesn't, I think that's where my problems come in.07:47
rackarakaSteevo, do you need the raid though? if it is disabled, does the installation go through?07:47
SteevoYes I do, to get it setup without it would not perform the function that is required.07:48
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Kartagis!info lsb07:48
ubottulsb (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 4.0 support package. In component main, is extra. Version 4.0-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 17 kB, installed size 44 kB07:48
rackarakaSteevo, ummm. are you using ubuntu 8.10>07:48
ActionParsnip!info lsb jaunty07:49
ubottulsb (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 4.0 support package. In component main, is extra. Version 4.0-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 17 kB, installed size 44 kB07:49
majukSteevo: You're trying to use the RAID6 device as / ?07:49
majukSteevo: Or you want to, anyhow?07:49
XtremoXhow to install icewm on ubuntu?07:49
wiggywo0tquestion: I am having issues connecting to a wireless network.. it keeps prompting me for WPA key.. where can i find a log to investigate what might be the issue?07:49
Steevomajuk, I'm just wanting to remove the partitions and install, but ubuntu can't seem to manage it. I'm trying something via the bios now, will get back to you.07:50
majukSteevo: Remove the partitions... from the RAID device?07:50
madLyfei cant mount my windows share.. says unable to mount location: failed to retrieve share list from server07:51
LoafersHow do I revert to default Ubuntu Firefox fonts?  I installed "ubuntu-restricted-extras" and it changed my firefox fonts and when I uninstalled it still remained the same.  Firefox options however have remained the same... What is going on!?!?07:52
rackarakamadLyfe, do you have the ntfs-3g installed?07:52
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255872&highlight=mounting+shares07:52
majukSteevo: fyi BIOS settings are going to make no difference with software RAID. That only matters to Windows, not Linux07:52
ActionParsniprackaraka: its a windows share so will need smbmount not ntfs-3g07:52
rackarakamadLyfe, is that a partition or web server?07:52
XtremoXhow to get to windows xp skin on ubuntu?07:53
ubottuXP, or "eXtreme Programming" is a style of programming, for more information see: http://www.extremeprogramming.org/07:53
rackarakaActionParsnip, oh. i don't know much about ubuntu. i'm just trying to help where ever i can.07:53
bazhangXtremoX, themes?07:53
XtremoXyes themes07:53
bazhang!themes > XtremoX07:54
ubottuXtremoX, please see my private message07:54
YazzYhi lads07:54
ActionParsniprackaraka: nothing wront there duder :)07:54
YazzYhow can i define what apps to run after i loged in?07:55
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot07:55
ActionParsnipXtremoX: http://ubuntu.online02.com/node/1407:55
YazzY(with gnome=)07:55
YazzYLoafers: dont have "sessions" menu07:55
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LoafersYazzY, System > Preferences > Startup Apps07:56
myfDoes anyone have the same problem? ever since i updated my kernel to 2.6.28-15, my flash videos would freeze after 10 second07:57
madLyferackaraka: its a file on my windows machine on one of my hdds...07:57
Achmedmyf, I do have a similar problem, but more related to video lag. What gfx card do you have? (xchat, /sysinfo is helpful)07:57
YazzYLoafers: thanks07:57
timClicksI'm having real issues trying to get X11 to start: please take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124590107:57
rackarakacan anyone help me with foreign language input? i have read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102778 and i can't type japanese. i know the website is targeted for hindi but i thought the steps would be the same.07:58
ActionParsnipAchmed: or in terminal: lspci | grep -i vga   will work on any *nix system07:58
madLyferackaraka: no ntfs-3g installed(that i know of) brandnew to linux..07:58
AchmedActionParsnip: that's good to know07:58
Kartagishow can I remove a package and all that it has installed?07:58
Achmedapt-get remove package-name07:59
timClicksKartagis: sudo apt-get remove package07:59
Achmedafterwards, probably apt-get autoremove07:59
rackarakamadLyfe, as ActionParsnip was saying earlier. maybe use smbmount? does the file have the right permissions? maybe there needs to be a chmod?07:59
timClicksI'm having real issues trying to get X11 to start: please take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12459008:00
timClickssorry for double post, pushed up too many times08:00
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: also the account you connect with must have a password08:00
Kartagishow can I change my existing printer's driver?08:00
AchmedtimClicks: that link is a PPPoE thread?08:01
madLyfeya but i cant get to the part to type in a user or pass..08:01
madLyfejust says it cant get the share list.. but it sees the "workgroup"08:01
madLyfejust wont let me into the workgroup..08:01
timClicksKartagis: what do you want to do? Does this help? http://www.eioba.com/a2276/printing_with_ubuntu08:01
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: read online about smbmount08:01
timClicksKartagis: flick through to Troubleshooting down the bottom08:02
rackarakaanybody familiar with foreign language input or scim?08:03
myfAchned, my graphic card is Intel X310008:03
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: you can put your credentials in /etc/samba/user08:04
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba08:04
myfit will load up to 10 seconds or so then stopped moving. it's not lagging but rather not loading08:04
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: if you use that file you can add this line in /etc/fstab and it will mount at boot: //server/share   /mnt/data   smbfs   credentials=/etc/samba/user,rw,uid=bob   0   008:05
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: obv, change bob for your users name08:05
rackarakaok. i figured out how to change my language. i just had to change default language to the one i wanted08:06
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: and change /media/data for the mount point you desire,it must be a folder that exists08:06
smogattackI am using Exaile music player and lots of times the screen turns black and then goes to login screen.... it says something about pulseaudio in a red asterisk. I'm using ubuntu 9.04. Any help?08:07
madLyfewould "sharename" be the file that i am sharing on the windows machine?08:07
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: yeah just populate the information needed08:08
boingboingbonggi have a strange problem with wireless in ubuntu 9.04. i have siemens adsl router. i configured it for adsl with wpa2 .. it worked the first day , then the second day i have to reboot the router sometimes to get it work . now i cant even see the wireless network on windows and linux08:08
boingboingbonggcan anybody help me?08:08
ParajHow do I install grub onto a disk where /boot is within an LVM?08:09
di||itanteboingboingbongg: sounds like a bad router08:09
smogattackI am using Exaile music player and lots of times the screen turns black and then goes to login screen.... it says something about pulseaudio in a red asterisk. I'm using ubuntu 9.04. Any help?08:09
lobakdoes anyone had experienced installing OS (linux) on compact network appliances platform like axiomtek na-810b ?08:09
boingboingbonggits a nokia siemens networks router .. do you think its any good?08:09
Dayofswordshey, is the ubuntu.com homepage down for you guys?08:09
boingboingbonggdoesnt come with a manual or a cd.. costs like 40 $08:10
ActionParsnipboingboingbongg: i suggest you reset the router to factory defaults after making a note of any settings you may need08:10
Parajubuntu site has been on and off for me for the last hour or so08:10
madLyfewhat would i set the /mountdirectory to?08:10
di||itanteboingboingbongg: no idea, but sometimes stuff is just broken08:10
joemis anybody in here running 9.04 on a macbook?08:10
gogeta1epic win for me08:10
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di||itanteboingboingbongg: why are you not using the one from your provider08:10
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: wherever you want the sare to be accessible from, make a folder someplace and use that to mount to, do not use spaces i the name, makes life easier08:10
boingboingbonggits the one from my provider08:11
boingboingbonggcan you suggest some good and cheap adsl router?08:11
AndorinI have a couple questions for someone who's familiar with compiz. Would any of its plugins prevent me from switching workspaces?08:11
di||itanteboingboingbongg: oh, callem and complain08:11
boingboingbonggthis is india .. nothing will happen if i complain . and the router is probably billed to my adddress by now08:11
madLyfeuhhh.. what would be a good place off the top of your head? why cant i just access it through places>network?08:11
bazhangboingboingbongg, better to ask in ##hardware08:11
ActionParsnipboingboingbongg: there will most likely be a tiny hole in the back that you can jam a pen into for 5 seconds to default it, i'd call them first08:11
gogetaboingboingbongg: if it not broke dont fix it08:12
ActionParsnipboingboingbongg: if there is an account in the router, you may want to access it via a wire to get your account details from it08:12
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: there is no good place really, just not in /proc08:12
boingboingbonggthats the weird thing .. this router doesnt have the pin to reset it tod default.. it doesnt show the advanced settings until i go to without main.html it shows just basic setings08:12
boingboingbonggi am connected via the wire to the router08:12
di||itanteboingboingbongg: oh, ok. I dont really know of any good DSL routers. Never really used them much, but we have a Seimans at work and one of them ran for 9 years straight08:12
gogetaboingboingbongg: they all have reset pins08:12
boingboingbonggwell this one doesnt08:13
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: something like /media/smb is usual. You really can mount it anywhere you like, you can even make a folder in your home directory if you like08:13
boingboingbonggi am connected to it via a wired connection.. the router page says wireless is enabled.. the lighrs are all on08:13
gogetaboingboingbongg: i have a 2 wire from my isp very good08:13
evilbugi have a logitech s510 keyboard and mouse combo and i need some help making the media keys work please.08:13
gogetaboingboingbongg: wired wireless08:14
wangcongquick question, whats a standard socks5 proxy package?08:14
Dayofswordswired... wireless....08:14
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boingboingbonggi am connected via wired connection but wireless is not working08:14
ParajIf I install lvm2, mount the boot partition and use grub-install on it, would that work?08:14
madLyfedoes the m have to be caps if it is in ubuntu?08:14
gogetaboingboingbongg: so turn it on08:14
boingboingbonggwireless it turned on08:14
KartagistimClicks, when I attempt to change the driver, should I select the option whole new PPD or transfer from the old PPD?08:14
di||itantefotoflo: I use ssh to make proxies08:14
theTravhello ubuntu guru's.  I have a dell bluetooth travel mouse.  I've managed to get my ubuntu machine to recognise it exists, it even comes up as Dell Bt Travel Mouse in the bluetooth preferences list, but it does not move the cursor around08:14
gogetaboingboingbongg: may not be the roughter then08:15
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: sure if you want, the data in 'Music' will be unaccessible and will be replaced by the data in the shared folder for the duration of the mount08:15
boingboingbonggthe light is on on the router. in the router setting page it says wireless is on ..  in ubuntu and another laptop running vistsa wireless is on .. but it doesnt show the signal08:15
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: if its an empty folder, no love is lost08:15
fotoflodi||itante: I do too, but i want to roll this one out to a few hundred users, so I need something that just works08:15
boingboingbonggthe ssid is not set to hidden mode08:15
gogetaboingboingbongg: some are set to low power cracnk it to max08:15
ActionParsnipboingboingbongg: have you tried turning the wifi off and on in the router08:15
smogattackI am using Exaile music player and lots of times the screen turns black and then goes to login screen.... it says something about pulseaudio in a red asterisk. I'm using ubuntu 9.04. Any help?08:16
boingboingbonggi tried rebooting the modem many times .. it worked yesterday without  rebooting08:16
MrEgg964Hi all. How can setup my server to automatically retrieve a (backup) copy of my email on pop.myprovider.com ?08:16
theTravI should have mentioned I'm running ubuntu 9.04 AMD6408:16
marinessmogattack: PA is an evil :>08:16
boingboingbonggthen it started to work after rebooting couple of times08:16
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fotoflodi||itante: i need something that will just work with a firefox plugin: enter an ip address and l/p and it just works... thats why i need a socks proxy08:16
boingboingbonggnow it doesnt work at all08:16
smogattackmarines, should I uninstall it?08:16
di||itantefotoflo: Your prolly looking for squid. Its pretty much the defacto proxie server.08:17
marinessmogattack: yeah, then install "esound" and change settings every application to use ALSA instead of Pulse Audio08:17
marinesthis works for me08:17
Gneamarines, smogattack: this is not a good idea08:18
ActionParsnipboingboingbongg: if you have usernames and passwords in the device for your account, copy them down. I'd call your provider as this falls on them to support you as they provided the router and the service08:18
di||itantefotoflo: I run Firefox through my ssh proxie every day, it is 5 cpmpliant08:18
Gnea!pulseaudio | smogattack08:18
ubottusmogattack: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions08:18
marinesGnea: why?08:18
gogetaActionParsnip: depends if he bought it or they lease it08:18
fotoflodi||itante: right, but if youre on windows you need to install OpenSSH, and then write a login script to use preshared keys, right?08:19
gogetaActionParsnip: most just sell em08:19
xiaobaomy computers is update,install wine,but it was broken and appear E:TYPE '--2009-08-20'is not knownon the line in sources list  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.d E:the list of sources could not be read  ,can you help me08:19
ActionParsnipboingboingbongg: personally i'd use the reset button on the back after writing any account details but this may sever your connection from the internet08:19
di||itantefotoflo: oh, didnt figure thay were win boxes08:19
Gneamarines: because pulseaudio actually works, and in rare cases, it doesn't. it has, in recent times, been able to be tweaked to the point of working when it was once a hinderance. we do not like to blindly remove something without making sure it needs to be removed first.08:19
fotoflodi||itante: yes, im probably looking for squid...08:19
ActionParsnipgogeta: true but then they should know the settings of the routers. i'd just reset it08:19
di||itantefotoflo: yeah you would have to do that08:19
fotoflodi||itante: hehe, where have you seen 100 linux users in 1 room (except at a LUG)08:19
madLyfei did smbmount //MADLYFE-PC/mp3 /home/madlyfe/Music -o username=name,password=pass and i got this, smbmount is not installd... does that mean none of samba is installed?08:19
theTravI shouldn't have to tell ubuntu to use the external bluetooth mouse should I?  It came up as a mouse icon when it detected it, so I assume it already knows how to use it08:20
gogetaActionParsnip: oh yea his account info he can get most of the time its just his name and street adress for login and pass08:20
boingboingbonggif i would do that i will have to take another 30 mins setting up the security .. and theres still a chance it wont work tomarrow.. i will try to return the router08:20
xiaobaowho can help me08:20
boingboingbonggi have a 2.5Gb per month download limit08:20
ActionParsnipgogeta: wow that massively unsecure08:20
di||itantefotoflo: well... large installations are more common08:20
Gnea!helpme | xiaobao08:20
ubottuxiaobao: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience08:20
lars_bauerhello anybody now about a photo program who turn pictures automatically ?08:20
gogetaActionParsnip: well its just to get on the line08:20
ActionParsniplars_bauer: like a slideshow?08:20
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Gnea!sources | xiaobao08:21
ubottuxiaobao: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories08:21
boingboingbongg2.5 Gb per month download limit on a 2 mbps connection... what would you do if your service provider sucked this hard?08:21
xiaobaook  i know08:21
lars_bauerActionParsnip, yes but vith a script interface08:21
marinesGnea: i've always had problems with PA and i can't see anything against uninstalling it08:21
boingboingbonggand what if your service provider was best in the country?08:21
gogetaActionParsnip: you would need a modem on his line to work08:21
Gneamarines: I used to as well. Then, I saw the light.08:21
ActionParsniplars_bauer: not sure, i'd use the term slideshow rather than "turn" its a tonne clearer08:21
gogetaActionParsnip: thats where the securty comes into play08:21
Gneasmogattack: sec, haven't tried exaile08:21
marinesGnea: so i'm waiting for the light ;]08:22
Gneamarines: what soundcard do you have?08:22
ActionParsnipgogeta: we use the mac address of the configuring device to clone accross, no silly passwords to remember. just gotta remember which pc is the key, or just write te mac down ;)08:22
theTravahh, it detected that I have a dell BT travel mouse, but it failed to pair with it, that is the problem, anyone know what that PIN business is all about?08:22
Gneamarines: did you setup your /etc/asound.conf?08:23
lars_bauerActionParsnip, ohh no i mean when the foto is upside down , then the program fix that08:23
marinesGnea: nope08:23
Gneamarines: that's probably why....08:23
Gnea!pulseaudio | marines (check this site out, it explains what it should look like)08:24
ubottumarines (check this site out, it explains what it should look like): PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions08:24
theTravxoh wow, it randomly started working08:24
gogetaActionParsnip: i got +100 epic win points today08:24
lars_bauerActionParsnip, how do you say that in english , my english is brooken.08:24
gogetaActionParsnip: xp running nativv off usb08:24
madLyfehow long does it take to mount? cuz i hit enter and now the cursor is just blinking and not getting me back to :~$ in terminal08:24
fotoflodi||itante: do you know if there is a perl or other (easily installable on commodity $3.99/month webserver) proxy server out there?08:25
ActionParsniplars_bauer: oh then imagemagick can do that08:25
gogetaActionParsnip: from a unmodded cd08:25
marinesGnea: thanks, i'll check this out, but i don't think i will back to PA soon ;] perhaps in october ;]08:25
ActionParsnipgogeta: you can use bartpe to create an ISO then tool to put ISO onto usb ;)08:25
lars_bauerActionParsnip, ill check that, thx :O)08:25
ActionParsnipgogeta: wtg though. good times08:25
gogetaActionParsnip: nope08:25
gogetaActionParsnip: real full install08:25
ActionParsnipgogeta: nice08:26
marinesGnea: oh and skype doesn't like PA08:26
Gneamarines: ah, okay08:26
ParajI've mounted an LVM partition under /mnt/nixboot (LVM is on /dev/sdb) but when I try to run "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/nixboot /dev/sdb" it fails saying it can't find the BIOS device for /mnt/nixboot. Why is it doing that?08:26
Kartagisit says "filter pstoufr2cpca not found" when I am trying to use my printer. I tried upgrading the driver too08:27
gogetaActionParsnip: i used linux and vbox then usboot.org to add usb support to the real os being i installed to the real hdd via vbox08:27
Kartagiswhat can I do?08:27
quantolfhelp:  looking to mount a hard drive on boot with fstab.  looking to boot a raid 5 array managed by my 3ware card.  help?08:28
ActionParsnip!raid | quantolf08:28
ubottuquantolf: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:28
marinesGnea: argh, now i remember, yup, i've played with asound.conf but without any positive result08:28
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gogetaActionParsnip: im shocked at how well my gma works in xp08:29
GungaDinIs the latest bzr version in the repo really 1.13?08:29
ActionParsnipgogeta: gma?08:29
quantolfActionParsnip: i can run: sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /raid08:29
quantolfthat works fine, but i want to do that auto at boot08:29
quantolfany help?08:29
gogetaActionParsnip: yra intel gma its aculy runing 3d games fast08:29
ActionParsnipgogeta: yeah i dont really rate intel video cards08:30
gogetaActionParsnip: it could barly get 2 fps in ubuntu08:30
quantolfActionParsnip: my raid's managed by my 3ware hardware, i just want ubuntu to auto-mount on bootup08:30
ParajUse a startup script08:30
quantolflink me so i can learn how to make one!08:30
gogetaActionParsnip: well when its all you got insdie your netbook08:30
quantolfplz :B08:30
ActionParsnipquantolf: if you run: sudo fdisk -l      you will see the partitions, you can then add that to /etc/fstab08:30
ActionParsnipgogeta: yep, theres a reason they are in netbooks ;)08:31
evilbugwould a linksys wmp54g wireless adapter be automatically functional within ubuntu?08:31
Kartagisit says "filter pstoufr2cpca not found" when I am trying to use my printer. I tried upgrading the driver too08:31
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gogetaActionParsnip: i had it running a very heavy 3d game well08:31
Kartagiswhat can I do?08:31
ActionParsnipevilbug: depends what wifi chip is inside it08:31
quantolfActionParsnip: aye i've used that... i was tryign to automount using the UUID but i guess that'll be a nog o08:31
ActionParsnipquantolf: you can use uuid08:31
quantolfalso with fdisk -l i get this warning only for the 3ware disk:08:31
quantolfWARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdc'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.08:31
ActionParsnip!1blkid | quantolf08:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 1blkid08:32
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)08:32
LiraNunaubuntu.com is down?08:32
ParajWas last time I checked08:32
ActionParsnipquantolf: maybe you need some module loaded to get the card detected?08:32
LiraNuna"It's not just you! http://packages.ubuntu.com looks down from here."08:32
quantolfperhaps? i can mount after boot up08:32
evilbugActionParsnip: hey, long time. here's the link for it > http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683312411508:32
LiraNunawhat's up with it?08:32
quantolfbut i'd prefer it being automated08:32
evilbugActionParsnip: if you don't mind.08:32
quantolfActionParsnip: i used the UUID for the drive from blkid...altho i'm using type ext3 but with blkid it says it has secondary type of ext208:33
ActionParsnipquantolf: then add the module to /etc/modules08:33
leaf-sheepevilbug: eBay. :)08:33
LiraNunahow can I find what packages depends on a packge?08:33
ActionParsnipevilbug: that site tells you nothing08:33
leaf-sheepLiraNuna: "aptitude show firefox"08:33
ActionParsnipevilbug: its aimed at casual consumers, you need to dig around to find out what chip it uses08:34
LiraNunaleaf-sheep, reverse08:34
LiraNunaleaf-sheep, all packages that depends on package X08:34
LiraNunasorry, phrased it wron08:34
evilbugActionParsnip: gotcha. thanks.08:34
quantolfActionParsnip: i don't know what module that is08:34
ActionParsnipevilbug: everyone seems to point to it using ndiswrapper08:34
leaf-sheepLiraNuna: Just do "aptitude show <xyz-package>" and it'll show as long as it's not metapackage.08:34
quantolfActionParsnip: also id on't know if is hould use type ext2 or ext3 for fstab08:34
quantolfActionParsnip: cuz in blkid it says type=ext3 and sec_type=ext208:35
ActionParsnipquantolf: then if you run: lspci   you can find the chip on the raid controller and see what it needs to get going08:35
leaf-sheepevilbug: You are considering buying one or you have that?08:35
LiraNunaleaf-sheep, that shows that the package depends /on08:35
LiraNunaI want to know what packages depends on the package X08:35
Parajext3 is backwards compatible with ext208:35
evilbugleaf-sheep: considering getting it for an older desktop that won't be near a router.08:35
hyperutzhow can i connect to a samba share using gnome commander?08:35
FlannelLiraNuna: Just immediately? or all the way up? (packages that depend on packages that depend on X)08:36
quantolfParaj: ty08:36
ActionParsnipquantolf: you would need to use some other command to find out the file system for that08:36
leaf-sheepevilbug: http://deals.ebay.com/deals08:36
LiraNunaFlannel, preferably the ones I have installed08:36
quantolfActionParsnip: i like that command, lspci, it's neat :D.  found this: 06:00.0 RAID bus controller: 3ware Inc 9650SE SATA-II RAID PCIe (rev 01)08:36
FlannelLiraNuna: sudo apt-get --simulate remove X08:36
LiraNunaFlannel, I'm trying to remove libsasl2-2 and for some reason it tries to remove apache208:36
evilbugleaf-sheep: thanks.08:36
GungaDinHow come the packages I'm downloading are so old?08:36
LiraNunaI'm pretty sure apache2 doesn't depend on it08:36
GungaDinI already did apt-get update08:36
GungaDinany ideas?08:36
ActionParsnipquantolf: then get websearhing08:37
ParajHow can I install grub on a partition within a LVM?08:37
FlannelLiraNuna: What version of Ubuntu?08:37
ActionParsnip!hcl | quantolf08:37
ubottuquantolf: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:37
LiraNunaFlannel, "hardy" 8.04 LTS08:37
FlannelParaj: You put /boot on a separate partition (outside of LVM)08:37
leaf-sheepevilbug: Keep it in mind.  It's refurbished.08:37
GnUMeNaLhelp me error 11 grub08:37
GnUMeNaLhelp me error 11 grub08:37
ActionParsnip!hcl | evilbug08:37
ubottuevilbug: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:37
quantolfActionParsnip: ok i'm gonna start my bingling.  also can you point me in a direction so i can learn start up scripts?08:37
ParajFlannel: I couldn't do that, installer wouldn't let me add more than one partition within the physical volume. Should I try doing it manually (outside the installer)?08:37
ActionParsnip!boot | quantolf08:38
ubottuquantolf: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:38
ParajSo there's no way to do it within an LVM?08:38
quantolfActionParsnip: awesome, thank you :)08:38
ActionParsnipnp bro08:38
Rev_Slid3rhey I am having an issue with a fresh instll of jaunty .. it wont auto detect and mount my other drive ... I have tried adding it to /etc/fstab .. but it is hit-and-miss on each boot08:38
gogetaParaj: boot does not have to very big like 100mb08:38
FlannelParaj: The installer will allow you to put a second partition on a drive with LVM, you just need to make a partition of LVM, instead of "use entire disk" or whatever.08:38
Rev_Slid3rsometimes I reboot and it's there, sometimes not08:38
FlannelParaj: You don't want to go through the trouble of getting /boot on LVM08:38
GnUMeNaLhelp me error 11 grub08:39
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ParajFlannel: Haha yeah I'm experiencing the trouble now, but for some reason it wouldn't let me create multiple partitions on the physical volume hence why I used an LVM in the first place.08:39
evilbugleaf-sheep, ActionParsnip: thanks for the help.08:39
Beardbardoes anyone know a good tutorial web server security. using ubuntu server edition on a home box.08:39
ParajAlso is there some way to specify installing Grub instead of LILO when using the alternate install disk?08:39
ActionParsnipevilbug: my atheros 5000X based card (netgear) works out of the box even in karmic08:40
FlannelLiraNuna: apt-cache showpkg libsasl2-2 (the big tall list is reverse depends)08:40
LiraNunaFlannel, thanks, let's see if apache2 is included08:40
gogetaParaj: you can have a max of 4 partations without making a extended08:40
gogetaParaj: you can have 8 with extendid08:41
FlannelParaj: GRUB is default on alternate CD08:41
LiraNunaFlannel, any idea why when I try to remove libsasl2-2 it tries to remove apache2 as well08:41
LiraNunaFlannel, it's not in the reverse depends08:42
ParajFlannel: Then why does it keep installing LILO? I'm using dm-crypt on my / and /home partitions. Is that why?08:42
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madLyfereally cant be this hard to access windows files over the network from ubuntu...08:43
leaf-sheepmadLyfe: network:// in Nautilus08:44
ParajmadLyfe: Unless you do what every one else does and not deviate, everything is hard :/08:44
majukAny idea how to monitor my GigE NIC's up/down state with ethtool?08:44
FlannelLiraNuna: I'm looking08:44
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: its hard as its new to you, once you become familiar its easy08:45
evilbugActionParsnip: i'd expect the linksys one to work either way. i'm looking to try freebsd on the computer i'll get first and see how i deal with that. i hope it'll be compatible.08:45
ActionParsnipevilbug: the brand is irrelevant, its the chip that dictates how it will act08:45
LiraNunaFlannel, thanks, I'm too08:46
KartagisActionParsnip, when I try to print, I get NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME. I am running jaunty. any ideas?08:46
evilbugActionParsnip: i understand but doesn't/shouldn't linksys utilize the same chip/brand in their cards?08:46
FlannelLiraNuna: libaprutil1 depends on libldap-2.4-2 which depends on it08:46
LiraNunawow ...08:47
ActionParsnipKartagis: no idea. i dont use printers sorry08:47
ActionParsnipevilbug: no, in one line they may use atheros, in another they could use broadcom08:47
evilbugActionParsnip: i have a friend who has an older linksys adapter and he told me his worked when plugged in.08:47
madLyfeanyone know of any video tutorials on mounting windows shares?08:47
ActionParsnipmadLyfe: www.youtube.com08:47
evilbugActionParsnip: ah. ok, thanks. i'll look into it.08:47
LiraNunaFlannel, thank you08:47
FlannelmadLyfe: Does it need to be a video?08:47
FlannelLiraNuna: no problem08:47
leaf-sheepmadLyfe: I take it Windows Share works for you now?08:48
leaf-sheepMeh. Nevermind. You can access it just fine. :o08:49
leaf-sheepmadLyfe: You're using smbfs?08:50
ParajmadLyfe: This might be helpful http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/16508:51
leaf-sheepmadLyfe: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=280473 <-- I find something.08:51
erickcionhow i can install 2 webcams??? where i found information please!08:53
ParajV4L sucks, this is the time to lose all hope :/08:54
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ActionParsniperickcion: you can use: lsusb to get the identifiers and websearch those08:58
ikoniaParaj: what's the problem08:58
ParajParaj: Many, except I'm trying a new solution which will take a while. When that doesn't work I'll give an update08:58
Parajikonia: Err, look above. No idea why I addressed myself :/08:59
ikoniaParaj: I don't understand what your saying is a problem, so I until you explain what you're complaining about I can't help08:59
Parajikonia: I had a series of problems, except I'm trying something to fix it but I can't try other things at the same time09:00
ikoniaParaj: ok - so stop complaining until you are able to explain your problem and we can take it forward09:01
ParajWhen was I complaing?09:01
ikonia08:54 < Paraj> V4L sucks, this is the time to lose all hope :/09:01
ParajThat was a response09:01
Parajikonia: First it was linux-restricted-modules not updating because of an error steming from LILO, so I tried to install grub instead except my boot partition was inside an LVM and the installer for some reason won't let me create multiple partitions on this physical volume so I created them using gparted and now I'm installing Ubuntu again this time without an LVM09:02
leaf-sheepThat was a response in a form of complain.09:02
ParajHopefully that'll fix my problem of updates not working09:02
ParajWell yeah, because V4L support for webcams sucks09:03
benchikhello. after upgrading to kernel 2.6.24-24-386 skype stopped working. when i launch it i get "aborted" in the terminal. i use ubuntu 8.0409:05
benchikplease help09:05
mralexandroif i want to install a linux package should i choose debian?09:06
Untouchab1e1Anyone know where the system version info is stored? I know its in /proc/sys/kernel/ somewhere09:06
leaf-sheepUntouchab1e1: uname -a ?09:07
Untouchab1e1no, i mean in which file in /proc/sys/kernel/09:07
Untouchab1e1I am just developing a small C app which retrieves that info09:07
Untouchab1e1I found /proc/sys/kernel/version09:08
Untouchab1e1which almost does it09:08
=== vlt__ is now known as vlt
Untouchab1e1found it... /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease09:08
benchikwhat's the latest ubuntu 8.04 kernel?09:10
pretenderI have a me-tv recording .mpeg that does not have sound.  Any ideas09:11
benchikwhat does it mean that when i sudo apt-get update all the repos get hit or ign?09:12
SteevoHow do I get my USB misile launcher working on ubuntu?09:13
ashishhow to program in gtk2 in ubuntu09:13
ParajSteevo: I have a friend who has one of those, from memory he said it required proprietary drivers09:13
nalioth!fonts > andre109:13
ubottuandre1, please see my private message09:13
ashishi have tried sample code from gtk.org09:14
SteevoI want to VNC into my ubuntu server and then launch misiles from the USB misile launcher at unsuspecting staff members.09:14
ashishbut that does not works09:14
benchikno help here. a useless channel. to many people to pay attention09:14
Kartagiswhen I try to add a printer, do I select pxlmono or gutenprint driver?09:14
leaf-sheepSteevo: Ubuntu Server generally don't run X or any GUI-affiliated softwares.09:15
leaf-sheepSteevo: In that case, find out how you can launch the missle using commands.  Then ssh in and bomb away the command.09:15
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ParajSteevo: Look for something called PyMissile, the home page for it doesn't seem to work but might be able to find something elsewhere09:16
SteevoThanks! I will show them... muahaha!09:17
ashishhow to program using gtk in ubuntu09:17
ParajSteevo: Have fun, should look at getting an Arduino or something for more extra fun :P09:17
mapperHow to show all the dns servers a DNS lookup went through?09:18
Ben64mapper: "cat /etc/resolv.conf" ?09:19
ashishi have tried gtk samples but they do not work09:19
prince_jammysbenchik: 2.6.24-2409:19
SteevoFire the missile at the power switch to turn on the heater, which then sets fire to the newpaper, which is next to a petrol tin.... Muhahaha!09:19
ShawnCHey, my fan on my comp (satellite a105) doesn't run properly, so my comp get's too hot and programs won't run and my mouse freezes etc. How do I make my fan work peroperly with the cpu scaling?09:19
ShawnCI'm on ubuntu 8.0409:19
Kartagiswhen I try to print, I get NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME,  then unable to connect to CIFS host. any ideas?09:20
KartagisI'm on jaunty09:20
mapperBen64: No I want to show all the DNS servers a lookup really took09:21
Ben64mapper: thats not how dns works09:21
leaf-sheepParaj: What is Arduino? :<09:21
Parajleaf-sheep: Small platform which uses an ATmega chip :)09:22
Parajleaf-sheep: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardDuemilanove09:22
ParajBit OT though :/09:23
KoolDcan someone please tell me of a irc client that has the dccserver command09:23
mapperBen64: basically I have 2 slaves here, and one master, it turns out some zone file didn't get propagated to slave, but DNS still works for that zone. My guess is the lookup went straight to the master, but is there a quick way to verify this?09:23
ShawnCHey, my fan on my comp (satellite a105) doesn't run properly, so my comp get's too hot and programs won't run and my mouse freezes etc. How do I make my fan work peroperly with the cpu scaling? I'm on ubuntu 8.04.09:23
leaf-sheepParaj: Can you give me examples of what one could do with this?09:23
fvilamapper: well, you can dig especifically to the slave09:23
tuxforcehi australia !09:23
fvilaand see if it is authoritative09:23
paissad-hphi everybody09:24
fvilamapper: dig @slave-ip domain09:24
ShawnCHey, my fan on my comp (satellite a105) doesn't run properly, so my comp get's too hot and programs won't run and my mouse freezes etc. How do I make my fan work peroperly with the cpu scaling? I'm on ubuntu 8.04.09:24
paissad-hpi have a 3g+ usb key and i would like to use it, i googled but i still don't find the right tutorial for installing and using it onto ubuntu !09:24
paissad-hpor linux09:24
paissad-hpcan someone help me, thx in advance09:25
cmannsHow much can you do on a ubuntu live cd?09:25
prince_jammysquite a lot09:25
Ben64cmanns: just about everything that doesn't require a reboot09:25
mapperfvila: we have LBR in front of these 2 slaves. It keeps showing me the LBR VIP in the AUTHORITY SECTION09:26
cmannsapt-get will werk?09:26
Ben64cmanns: but livecd is slower than if it was installed09:26
dalurkaso what's up with ubuntu.com ?09:26
Ben64cause it has to load so much into ram, plus cd speeds suck compared to HD09:26
prince_jammyscmanns: yes.09:26
EagleScreenCD-ROM drive is slower than HD09:27
fvilamapper: and can you log in to the slave machine?09:27
mapperfvila: Yes, I just did that on the slave machine.09:27
fvilamapper: from there you could try a dig localhost....09:27
fvilamapper: mmmmm09:27
mapperfvila: I did that as well.09:27
cmannsBen64, hmm09:28
cmannswell i dont think it'll use much09:28
cmannsI wanted to make a custom xpud live cd :309:28
ShawnCHey, my fan on my comp (satellite a105) doesn't run properly, so my comp get's too hot and programs won't run and my mouse freezes etc. How do I make my fan work peroperly with the cpu scaling? I'm on ubuntu 8.04.09:28
cmannsGet xchat n such :D09:28
fvilafvila: now I can't find a way to check.... and in the slave configuration files, the slave zone files are created?09:29
fvilamapper: now I can't find a way to check.... and in the slave configuration files, the slave zone files are created?09:29
mapperfvila: basically the slave configuration file is messed up, dev and test zones from master are all configured to point to dev zone on both slave servers.09:30
mapperfvila: but it works for more than a year.09:30
kismethey has anyone a clue why my horizontal scroll with multitouch doesn't work?09:30
kismetor how I could getting to work09:31
ShawnCHey, my fan on my comp (satellite a105) doesn't run properly, so my comp get's too hot and programs won't run and my mouse freezes etc. How do I make my fan work properly with the cpu scaling? I'm on ubuntu 8.04.09:31
mapperfvila: So if I update conf file for dev, it would update that same dev zone file, same thing if updating test zone conf file on master node.09:31
fvilamapper: mmmm09:32
madLyfewhat is the location of "desktop" in ubuntu?09:32
fvilamapper: I can't find a way another than recreating the slave configuration and configure master to point to the correct files....09:33
fvilamapper: if you want to check if the slave answers, you can try with tcpdump or another sniffer09:34
fvilamapper: you can filter to the dns port...09:34
mapperfvila: The master is having the right configuration, the problem is with the slave.09:34
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fvilamapper: yes, I mean reconfigure slave, create new configuration for the zones pointing to the right files, and not the dev and test zones point to dev file09:35
fvilamapper: anyway, I don't have a deep knowledge on bind09:35
mapperfvila: ok, I was trying to avoid using tcpdump, to see if there would an easy way .. Thanks anyway ..09:36
fvilamapper: no problem, and sorry (and good luck!)09:36
benchikanyone with kernel 2.6.24-24 has skype? any problems?09:37
=== Someone67 is now known as Someone67`
=== Someone67` is now known as Someone67
b3rz3rk3rmadLyfe, /home/USERNAME/Desktop09:40
SteevoOk I got a tough one peoples. Installing Ubuntu server 8.10 with 5 hard drives all partitioned equaly. 2 x 500 mb 1 x the rest and then thos partitions are split into 1 x RAID1 2 x RAID5. But I keep getting an error after creating the raid devices.09:41
SteevoThe kernel was unable to re-read the partition table on /dev/md0 (Invalid argument). This means Linux won’t know anything about the modifications you made until you reboot. You should reboot your computer before doing anything with /dev/md0.09:41
ShawnCHey, my fan on my comp (satellite a105) doesn't run properly, so my comp get's too hot and programs won't run and my mouse freezes etc. How do I make my fan work properly with the cpu scaling? I'm on ubuntu 8.04.09:42
SteevoEither ubuntu is broken, or there is a problem with the keyboard driver.09:42
b3rz3rk3r!ru | epishkin_09:45
ubottuepishkin_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:45
madLyfeholy hell i got it to work09:45
b3rz3rk3rmadLyfe, you found the desktop? :p09:46
MrEgg964I'm about to set up an Ubuntu Server for our small company (4 laptops). Is is recommended that I install openLDAP, or is there no real added value for such a small structure?09:46
ParajmadLyfe: Did smbfs work?09:46
b3rz3rk3rMrEgg964, i know very little about Ldap, but im pretty sure that you wont need it for such a small LAN09:48
haggisbasherukwell done madLyfe , whatever you got to work :)09:48
s_how to do list the running proccesses?09:49
MrEgg964b3rz3rk3r: thanks09:49
b3rz3rk3rMrEgg964, i myself run a larger LAN than that with very little issue.. np ;)09:49
fat_freddie_s_: ps -e09:49
SteevoNext time somone asks me to setup a raid system with linux on it, I'm going to beat them to death.09:50
ShawnCWhat's the command to make my fan spin on 8.04? My fan isn't even spinning at all09:50
nnulli have to use ndiswrapper for my wireless card, do i use the .inf from the XP or vista?09:50
nnullvista right?09:50
MrEgg964b3rz3rk3r: I want eveyone to be able to connect to their own session, regardless of what machine they're on. I'm thinking of using FreeNX. Any other suggestion?09:50
b3rz3rk3rShawnC, just reach into the case and crank the power on it09:50
b3rz3rk3rMrEgg964, i use FreeNX for that exactly that. Works like a charm for me, you can also use it to provide remote assitance using the "shadow" option too09:52
madLyfeParaj: i used smbmount.... its got to be easier than that..09:53
b3rz3rk3rvery handy :)09:53
fishy6969b3rz3rk3r, I've tried the alternatives (nomachine and vnc) and freenx beats them all. running pidgin using it now.09:53
MrEgg964b3rz3rk3r: shadow? I'm not familiar with that. What does it do specifically?09:53
madLyfei mean you should beable to go to network, click work group see the computer then see all the shares under whatever box under that workgroup09:53
b3rz3rk3rfishy6969, yup, right on. i recommend it to everyone09:53
madLyfecrazy hard for anyone new to linux09:54
b3rz3rk3rMrEgg964, instead of creating a new session on that box, you can connect to an already open session and collaborate09:54
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:54
Kartagiswhen I try to print, I get NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME,  then unable to connect to CIFS host. any ideas?09:54
fishy6969b3rz3rk3r. Google have put together an nx alternative - neatx. Seems to have some good features but not as 'complete'. May be worth a look in 6 months?09:55
MrEgg964b3rz3rk3r: Excellent. I'll look into it.09:55
muhammedhi all09:55
KoolDhey ppl...my xchat is causing a performance lag.the xorg cup% tops off when i run it. is there a way to solve this or is there any good alternative to xchat??09:55
muhammedguyz.....I've a problem with my synaptic09:56
vaxetihirrwhat problem?09:56
b3rz3rk3rfishy6969, im always up for anything from google.. still waiting for wave  tho  :(09:56
vaxetihirrare you referring to the synaptics package manager?09:56
randy2009Hello, lately 1 of our servers the power goes off. Everytime the private key for ssh is gone. is this a known bug?09:56
ParajUPS :P09:57
b3rz3rk3rKoolD, irssi09:57
muhammedif i mark any thing to install ... it want  an ubunu 9.04 CD09:57
indusmuhammed: what is the problem09:57
randy2009i know:)09:57
fishy6969b3rz3rk3r: trying to find an nxclient for my andoid phone........09:57
vaxetihirrnever heard of that one muhammad09:57
vaxetihirrmust be lucky :-)09:57
randy2009but i find it weird, that i had to generate a new key 4 times last month, because everytime the key is gone09:57
b3rz3rk3rfishy6969, i was just going to pick one of those up in 2 weeks.. how dya like yours?09:57
MrEgg964b3rz3rk3r: How many different freenx user sessions would you say a quad core xeon server host at the same time w/o performance degradation?09:57
indusmuhammed: go to repositories and uncheck install from cd rom09:57
KoolDb3rz3rk3r:isnt that a terminal app....does it support file transfers??09:58
b3rz3rk3rMrEgg964, that really depends on what your users are running, so its hard to say09:58
muhammedhow could i do this09:58
vaxetihirrlol that was fairly obvious i suppose09:58
indusmuhammed: in synaptic>settings>repositories09:58
muhammedok ..brb09:59
b3rz3rk3rKoolD, yes it is, and yes it does.. but if you want something more graphical id look into pidgin or an extention for Firefox maybe?09:59
MrEgg964b3rz3rk3r: you're right, of course. Suppose openoffice related stuff, up to 10 MB per file.09:59
b3rz3rk3rKoolD, personally i love my xchat09:59
ParajExcept the windows versionm09:59
muhammedindus...thanx alot10:00
fishy6969b3rz3rk3r: HTC touch on vodafone UK. Works sweet!10:00
muhammedit works10:00
indusmuhammed: i know10:00
b3rz3rk3rMrEgg964, if you are just running word processing and file hosting for a small LAN, id say dont even worry about it mate ;) That will be more than sufficient imo10:00
KoolDb3rz3rk3r: yeah ..i  like xchat too but this lags bugging me...guess i'll go for irssi10:00
MrEgg964b3rz3rk3r: thanks10:01
b3rz3rk3rfishy6969, im gonna be in the UK next week, whats the best carrier there atm?10:01
vaxetihirrcarrier for what?10:01
vaxetihirrim from the uk10:01
benchikmy 2.6.24-24-386 kernel is corrupted. it screwd up gstreamer and skype. how can i reinstall it from synaptic? what's the package name?10:01
b3rz3rk3rKoolD, is the lag being caused by Xchat? or you are laggin normally and it bugs u in Xchat?10:01
b3rz3rk3rvaxetihirr, want an android phone (prob G1)10:02
vaxetihirrT Mobile10:02
HalabundAfter a few minutes of playing an ogg stream in Rhythmbox (that comes pre-bookmarked with Ubuntu), playback always stops with the message "internal dataflow error".  Did anyone else experience this?  How can this be fixed?  I tried using Banshee instead of Rhythmbox, and the same thing happened...10:02
vaxetihirrwithout a doubt10:02
KoolDb3rz3rk3r: yeah i'm sure its caused by xchat. It normally runs fine.10:02
vaxetihirrgot a good network coverage10:02
Halabund(The radio station I was trying to listen to is "NRK Alltid Klassisk")10:02
b3rz3rk3rvaxetihirr, so im gonna need to h4x it then? cos its 02 only over there right now isnt it?10:03
majuk1vaxetihirr: G1, onscreen keypads are for girls and Mac users.10:03
vaxetihirrb3rz3rk3r er, not that im aware10:03
vaxetihirrive never seen it on O2 website10:04
vaxetihirrmajuk1 whats wrong with touchscreen?10:04
b3rz3rk3rvaxetihirr, so u reckon T mobile? how are the rates?10:04
b3rz3rk3rcompared to others?10:04
majuk1vaxetihirr: I just said, they're for girls and Mac users.10:05
muhammedI got this when I'm install virtualbox "VirtualBox will not start until this problem is fixed. Please consult /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out why the kernel module does not compile. Most probably the kernel sources were not found. Install them (the package name is probably linux-headers-<version> whereby <version> can be determined by 'uname -r') and execute10:05
muhammed  /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup10:05
muhammedas root.10:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:05
NeXstaRhi all.... how do one upgrade openoffice.org in jaunty ?10:05
paulil| tor users: Kindly ask an op for a voice order to shat in channel.10:05
=== kb is now known as Guest60415
rskNeXstaR: you download it from openoffice.org10:05
nmvictorpuff: hi10:05
Guest60415I have a very beginner question: I have a *.sh script - how can I "install" it so that it is generally available in a shell window as a command?10:06
indus!who | muhammed10:06
ubottumuhammed: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:06
vaxetihirrb3rz3rk3r, youre looking at about £30 per month10:06
HalabundCould at least someone please try if it works for them?10:06
NeXstaRrsk: i have openoffice 3.0 i need to upgrade to 3.1 , must i download whole package of suite again ?10:06
rskNeXstaR: yes10:07
nmvictoris it possible to install linux kernel 2.6.28 in intrepid ibex?10:07
MrEgg964muhammed: it looks like you need to install your linux-headers10:07
muhammedindus ..i got this  when i'm installing virtual box 3.0...."VirtualBox will not start until this problem is fixed. Please consult /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out why the kernel module does not compile. Most probably the kernel sources were not found. Install them (the package name is probably linux-headers-<version> whereby <version> can be determined by 'uname -r') and execute10:07
muhammed  /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup10:07
muhammedas root."10:07
rsknmvictor: yes10:07
SteevoIs there a program that will let me administer most server functions, including the installation of packages simmilar to webmin?10:07
ParajHalabund: I see a few threads on it on forums, have you searched around using Google?10:07
indusmuhammed: sorry cant help with this10:07
muhammedhow to install linux headers?10:07
b3rz3rk3rvaxetihirr, thats not too bad i guess.. think i saw them for about 20 or 30 quid most places... nice. thx10:07
HalabundParaj: yes, but found no solution10:07
rskmuhammed: install the package with apt-get10:07
nmvictorrsk: whats the command?10:07
indusmuhammed: have u instaleld the package build-essential10:07
MrEgg964in Terminal, type : uname -r10:07
vaxetihirrno probs b310:07
muhammedok thanx indus10:07
rsknmvictor: there's to official command10:07
majuk1Guest60415: You need to A) chmod it so it's executable B) either add the directory it's in to the $PATH variable or move the file to one of the directories listed in $PATH10:08
majuk1If memory serves.10:08
MrEgg964muhammed: that command will return your kernel.10:08
indusmuhammed: install 'build-essential' for compiling anything,this probably pulls the headers too10:08
indusbut kernel headers are installed already i believe10:08
muhammedhow to do that?10:08
nmvictorrsk: please give me the command, that'll make it alot easier.i dont want to update  my source.lst right now10:08
indussudo apt-get install build-essential10:09
MrEgg964muhammed: in Terminal, type : uname -r10:09
rsknmvictor: you can do it in many different ways, and all are quite compilcated. don't look for one command one fix solution10:09
nmvictorrsk: ok,give me one way10:09
rsknmvictor: also updating sources.list isn't how you upgrade. you use sudo update-manger -d10:09
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rsknmvictor: download the kernel from kernel.org compile it and install it is one way10:10
muhammedmr Egg....i typed and i got this "2.6.27-7-generic10:10
nmvictorrsk: thats the hardest and most risky way i guess,any other?10:10
nmvictorrsk: i'd apreciate apt-get way, more details?10:11
rskno idea about that10:11
MrEgg964muhammed: ok, so that's your kernel version. Now in Terminal, type : sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic10:11
indusmuhammed: trye the nick nameof person u addressing then press tab for auto completion10:11
muhammedok guyz.....I'll try10:12
nmvictorhow do i get the 2.6.28 kernel in synaptic?10:12
rsknmvictor: upgrading is probably your easist option10:12
nmvictori dont have the bandwidth,thats the problem.Theirs got to be a way,right?10:13
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rsknmvictor: you can order newest ubuntu cd from shipit for free10:14
nmvictori have alternate install and desktop edition, can i get the kernel packages from it?10:14
nmvictorrsk: i have alternate install and desktop edition of 9.04, can i get the kernel packages from it?10:15
rskdunno sounds possible10:16
zsolty_hi, can somebody explain to me what is hostname and domainname ? I require this information for postfix10:16
rskzsolty_: might want to try #network or such10:17
zsolty_rsk: ok, I'll trie10:17
nnulli when i start gtkndis tool it says, Unable to see if hardware is present in msgbox, but then says Hardware is present in the display.. iwconfig/ifconfig resolve nadda>>>?10:18
rskzsolty_: also the info is easily avail on google10:18
ra21viI am findng the best channel to get guide on cvsnt10:19
linuxson25bazhang: did you get my pastebin message?10:19
ra21vii have to crate this ubuntubox a cvsnt server10:20
optimusguys one question for debate: Is it better to prompt dependencies of application before installing or rather let the user install the application and then prompt him with proper message.10:23
nikolamHello. How do you search for files on disk10:23
MrEgg964optimus: prompt before10:23
nikolamand search for content of them10:23
nikolamand gui?10:23
benchikis it safe to remove completely linux-image-2.6.24-24-386 in synaptic. or should i mark for only remove (not "mark for completely remove")10:24
optimusMrEgg964: Justify10:24
nnullndiswrapper help: dlink 120 dwa -- i when i start ndisgtk tool it says, Unable to see if hardware is present in msgbox, but then says Hardware is present in the display.. iwconfig/ifconfig resolve nadda>>>?10:24
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
QuantumKaosdoes anyone of u know or use ddrescue?10:24
QuantumKaosnikolam: nautilus > tools > search10:24
nikolamthere is no tools in Nautilus here on Hardy10:25
MrEgg964optimus: required deps are... required, so I find it better to know in advance what must be install ahead of time, before I install the actual application.10:26
nikolami get no results and i know i should get10:26
silareHi, everyone. Does anyone know a good note-taking app that's a GTK app? I know BasKet or so exists, but I'd very very much prefer GTK. Tomboy feels too much like a toy or like for more of a 'sticky notes' or 'todo list' versus something I could use for seriously taking notes in a classroom setting.10:26
=== anthony is now known as Guest12151
nikolamsearching disk is such broken in ubuntu10:26
nikolamand tracker is fool`s tool10:27
MrEgg964nikolam: did you try beagle?10:27
Oddieis there a command to list the wireless network device connected?... basically im setting up kismet and i need the card name and such...10:27
rskOddie: click the network manager?10:28
nikolamMrEgg964, beagle was cpu time crazy. Stopped me in the middle of my work with its searching. No way to make it behave and index while idle..10:28
majuk1silare: PM me10:28
nmvictoris it possible to have mysql-server-4.0 with php5 and apache2?10:28
nikonikolam: locate is good10:28
nikolamniko, and GUI?10:28
nikono gui for locate10:29
silaremajuk1: On IRC still or on Ubuntu forums?10:29
Oddiersk: network manager shows the user friendly names?.... i need it for kismet... unless im looking wrong10:29
nikolamI want GUI that can search contents of files10:29
optimusMrEgg964: Accepted, you are absolutely right, but does it stops user experience, i mean user may feel like not trying further if u prompt him?? i am just suggesting..10:29
Oddiethanks though10:29
cudaHi guys, every 120 seconds, ath5k_pci (my wlan module) is my top process for 10 seconds and lags all network connection. Any idea why this happens?10:31
nikolamCatfish simply not working with any search option10:31
QuantumKaosim using ddrescue in order to copy the files from a corrupted external hd onto one of my hds, command is "ddrescue -r 1 /dev/sde1 -o /dev/sda1/BackUp1 rescued.log" but this copies em directly on the disk, i want em to be copied in a specific folder, the starting position on the output file's command is "-o" but i dont really know where to put this "-o", and how to specifiy the folder, any idea?10:32
MrEgg964optimus: I see it the other way around. As a user you want to install your application, right. Psychologically, I find it better to first prepare (ie install the required deps), then install the proper application, then run it ; rather than installing the actual application only to find out that it doesn't work yet. What I mean is, logically, we want to be able to run the app right after we've installed it.10:33
nmvictorI get this error message when i try to log in through phpmyadmin :  #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured). Will someone please help?10:34
AsphaltHey all, I did a apt-get upgrade and now my domain controller is messed up.  I believe the server has the incorrect ldap password10:35
Asphaltany idea?10:35
optimusMrEgg964: good theory, might change my view..10:36
mercury1Hello everybody, I have a problem with grub. On my hd I have intalled two distro frist Fedora and after Ubuntu on a volume group. The two distro share the swap and home partitiions but Fedora have a root partition lv_root and Ubuntu have a root partition lv_ubuntu_root. I configured grub, but when I boot Ubuntu I have a alert message  /dev/mapper/vg_mercury-lv_ubuntu_root that does not exist. and drop me a shell. Can you help me?10:40
c_nickany community for codeblock related forum10:41
mercury1Hey can help me?10:43
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miquel_puigwhat's the problem?10:44
rsk!ask | mercury110:44
ubottumercury1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tomboy10:45
teolicyHi. I'd like to setup an encrypted loopback device using 9.04, and losetup keeps failing (saying the requested key length is not supported by the kernel, though /proc/crypto claims it is). I have experience with encrypted losetup on other platforms. I've tried plain losetup as well as 'apt-get install loop-aes-utils'. From what I see here (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto), it seems that Ubuntu recommends using10:45
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.10:46
mercury1Hello everybody, I have a problem with grub. On my hd I have intalled two distro frist Fedora and after Ubuntu on a volume group. The two distro share the swap and home partitiions but Fedora have a root partition lv_root and Ubuntu have a root partition lv_ubuntu_root. I configured grub, but when I boot Ubuntu I have a alert message  /dev/mapper/vg_mercury-lv_ubuntu_root that does not exist. and drop me a shell. Can you help me10:47
elteseHi. How do I open .bin files ?10:49
mercury1I have a problem with grub. On my hd I have intalled two distro frist Fedora and after Ubuntu on a volume group vg_mercury. The two distros share the swap and home partitiions but Fedora have a root partition lv_root and Ubuntu have a root partition lv_ubuntu_root. I configured grub, but when I boot Ubuntu I have a alert message  /dev/mapper/vg_mercury-lv_ubuntu_root that does not exist. and drop me a shell.10:49
mercury1Can you help me?10:49
rskeltese: with mount or mplayer depending on what the file is10:50
teolicyeltese: The 'file' command (file foo.bin) can possibly help you determine what the file is.10:50
nmvictorwhy isn mysql5.0 working in my system?10:51
eltesersk and teolicy : this is the file jre-6u15-linux-i586-rpm (its a java file from java.com containing installer)10:51
nmvictorwhy isn't mysql5.0 working in my system?10:51
teolicyRegarding my losetup issue, problem solved, I didn't modprove cryptoloop, duh.10:51
rskeltese: ok there's java packages for ubuntu, no need for that one.10:51
eltesersk: lol, Ive managed to miss it in synaptic :P10:52
eltesewhile Im here is there anyone who can help me with my flash player ? Some things in my firefox just wont play and the videos that will play do so extremely badly (lots of stuttering, impossible to see the screen let alone hear the words)10:54
mercury1I have a problem with grub. On my hd I have intalled two distro frist Fedora and after Ubuntu on a volume group. The two distro share the swap and home partitiions but Fedora have a root partition lv_root and Ubuntu have a root partition lv_ubuntu_root. I configured grub, but when I boot Ubuntu I have a alert message  /dev/mapper/vg_mercury-lv_ubuntu_root that does not exist. and drop me a shell. Can you help me?10:54
QuantumKaosguys help, one of my hd's desappeared, itz unmountable, it was mounting it automatically, it was on the fstab, now it just desappeared, what happened?10:55
azloni am following a tutorial online for creating a RAID. the tutorial is for a RAID-5 but i am making a RAID-1. in there it says to add "/dev/md0 /var/mdeia auto defaults 0 3" to my /etc/fstab file... what does the 3 at the end of the command mean? number of drives? should i change this to a 2?10:55
silareQuantumKaos: Look in GParted10:56
silareOh, nevermind. He/She ditched. =/10:56
SteevoAnyone know where I can find some docs on how to configure pppoe at command line?10:57
muhammedguyz...how to make virtualbox get connect to wireless internet connection?10:57
muhammedguyz...how to make virtualbox get connect to wireless internet connection?10:58
Asphaltanyone know how to backup and restore ldap database?10:59
eltesewhile Im here is there anyone who can help me with my flash player ? Some things in my firefox just wont play and the videos that will play do so extremely badly (lots of stuttering, impossible to see the screen let alone hear the words)11:00
silareeltese: What distro, version, and architecture?11:00
hassanakevaziranyone has any idea what is hal-system-smbi process, google shows nothing, it takes all my CPU11:00
elteseah sorry my bad. Im using Ubuntu 9.0411:00
Gustavahiya, I've got processes that are getting no CPU time. their 'waiting channel' says 'futex_wait', but I have heaps of CPU free. The processes are Matlab, which runs Java, but I'm pretty sure I started them withoug Java. Any suggestions?11:01
silareQuantumKaos: Go into your Partition Editor/GParted and see if your partition is still in there.11:01
silareeltese: Architecture?11:01
Gustavarunning 9.04 vanilla on Core2Quad11:01
eltesesilare: hm? Gnome if thats what you mean :)11:01
QuantumKaossilare: it is, also in media, when i try to open it, it asks my for the root password cuz "internal policy prevents drives to be mounted" ????11:02
silareeltese: That's desktop environment. =P Architecture means 32-bit (x86 or i386) or 64-bit (x86_64 or amd64).11:02
eltesesilare: ah ok =) 32-bit11:02
silareQuantumKaos: If it's in GParted, did it have any warnings or anything attached to it? If it has that triangle sign with the ! inside it, you might wanna' view its properties.11:03
eltesesilare: and Ive used both the adobe packages in synaptic and the ones from adobe's homepage. With no difference11:03
GustavaI'm pretty sure this problem has appeared with the latest kernel (or maybe the prev one - there were two kernel updates in a few days, IIRC) - are there any known bugs with that?11:03
silareeltese: Erk. When did you download the new Adobe plugins? because the one I DL'd lately seems to have no bugs on it. I can watch things fine.11:03
silare*and by lately I mean two weeks ago.11:04
wickerwhen did you download the new Adobe plugins? because the one I Dl'd lately seems to have no bugs on it.11:04
eltesesilare: hmms well I did download it yesterday. Maybe Ive done it wrong though11:06
azloni created a RAID-1, how do i mount it now?11:07
azlonactually, in gparted it says it is already mounted, but i cant see it...11:07
azlonwhen i do df it doesnt display11:08
azloni only see sdc1... i should see sda1 and sdb1 also, correct?11:08
SteevoI have 4 ethernet ports in my server. Only the one that is connected is showing.11:09
SteevoDo the ports need to be plugged in?11:09
silareeltese: Try reinstalling the one from Adobe - not the one in the *buntu repos or whatever, but the Adobe ones.11:09
silareeltese: And make sure if you DID install flashplugin-nonfree or whatever you remove them too.11:10
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:10
eltesesilare: ok. Time for me to be an exterminly annoying dude for you . Can I do that via the terminal? Cos I have no clue how to do it :s11:11
silareeltese: lol It's fine. Terminal? Umm. If you wanna' do it by command line, then do you know if you installed any packages via APT earlier for Flash? If you do and know the package names, aptitude remove should do it.11:12
azlonhow can i view all of my driver?11:13
rskazlon: lsmod11:13
silareaslon: Got GParted?11:14
azlonsilare, yeah, gparted sees the drives, but i cant see them when im navigating through the cmd line11:15
eltesesilare: Hmms I got it to work now. Removed flash player and installed swfdec instead. That seemed to do it11:15
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eltesesilare: thanks for your help11:15
silareeltese: xD You're welcome. Glad it worked somehow. o.O11:15
silareazlon: Navigating through the Command Line... See them as in the contents of them or what? You have to mount them before you can see them.11:15
alejandroBuenas a la gente del canal11:16
azlonhad to get new batteries for my mouse11:17
azlonsilare, gparted says they are mounted, but i cant find them11:17
azlonsilare, they are 2 drives as a RAID-1... this is my first time playing with a RAID so i don't really know what i am doing11:17
silareazlon: Hmm. Does GParted specify a Mount POint?11:18
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azlonbrb, i need to restart11:18
andyeb_ok, any ideas how to get glassfish install on jaunty? installing glassfish-javaee doesn't seem to do a lot11:19
andyeb_same with glassfish-appserv and glassfish-activation11:19
andyeb_none of these give me a working glassfish that I can see11:19
Guest20025I got Nvidia x server program and every start up i need to set resolution cose it's every time 800x600 low and when i press button Save to x configuration file it say unable to remove old x config backup. How should i make it save?11:20
SandCatIf I have a fullscreen program that crashes on me, what can I do besides a hard reboot?11:22
ikoniaSandCat: what is the application ?11:23
silareSandCat: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace willkill xserver-xorg....11:23
silareYou'll lose anything that's GUI-based though and is unsaved.11:23
ikoniasilare: not in jaunty it won't11:23
rsksilare: isn't that disabled in 9.04?11:23
andyeb_or do Ctrl+Alt+F111:23
andyeb_to switch to console11:23
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.11:23
silareBy default. If you have don'tzap...11:23
silareYeah. What ubottu said.11:23
ikoniasilare: I assume you installed visual boy advanced using synaptic ?11:24
azlonsilare, ok im back... mouse is working again11:24
ikoniasilare: sorry not you11:24
silareikonia: <_< I think you mean SandCat.11:24
ikoniaI did11:24
azlonsilare, so i created a RAID-1 and now i dont know how to mount it11:24
azlonsilare, hold on... let me see if anything changed since i restarted11:24
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silareazlon: Wilkommen. Can you give me a bit more detail on your RAID1 stuffs? (Alright. I'll wait.l)11:25
Guest20025 silare: i don't want to kill xserver11:25
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azlonsilare, i have 2 500GB HDDs formatted as NTFS running in RAID-111:25
azloni formated to ntfs because i need my other machines to access it easily11:26
silareGuest20025: You're going through the same problem as SandCat too? O.o11:26
azlonsilare, GParted sees the two drives (sda and sdb) as mounted, but when i do df it doesnt display them11:26
Guest20025silare: i don't know what problem he have11:27
silareazlon: Gah... What df?11:27
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silareGuest20025: Well, SandCat had a problem with VisualBoyAdvance (fullscreen app) crashing on him and he didn't wanna' do a hard shutdown on his computer, so I told him to kill X.11:27
azlonsilare, i type "df" to display my drive information... i dunno11:28
SandCatI think I pressed something I shouldn't have11:29
Guest20025silare: sorry, didn't notice, i thought u send message to me. Nvidia x server don't save me resolution so i have to do it with every startup.11:29
silareSandCat: Why?11:29
SandCatwhat is ctrl-alt-F1 SUPPOSED to do?11:29
silareGuest20025: Oh. >_o It's fine. Hmm... You're editing things through your xserver-xconfig file?11:29
JyxtSandCat: press the keys and find out :P11:29
silareSandCat: Opens a virtual terminal.11:29
SandCatmy screen turned off, and my laptop screen gave me a terminal prompt11:29
silareSandCat: BEFORE YOU HIT IT...11:29
SandCatI already did lol11:30
AmbientShadeazlon: are you sure that df sees the ntfs format or does it only see ext?11:30
SandCatI mean, when I dissapeared earlier11:30
silareSandCat: Know that when you do it and it goes Command Line on you... When it goes into Command Line mode... I think Alt+F7 breaks you out.11:30
Guest20025silare: only resolution cose different way it is not workin11:30
azlonAmbientShade, uhmm... i only sees my ext drive which is sdc11:30
AmbientShadeazlon: then it only probably sees fs formats that are ext11:31
silareGuest20025: ...When you edit your xconfig, it doesn't keep the changes?11:31
azlonAmbientShade, how can i see my NTFS drives?11:31
SandCatso I can use that terminal to kill the crashed program?11:32
AmbientShadeazlon: ubuntu normally auto mounts drives that are just plugged in... can you unplug them and replug them?11:32
azlonAmbientShade, does it matter that they are in RAID?11:32
AmbientShadeazlon: is it a hardware raid or a software raid?11:33
AmbientShadeazlon: you should probably consult forums for the software raid and ubuntu... I'm not familiar with software raids at all11:33
azlonthe tutorial i am following told me to put "/dev/md0 /var/media auto defaults 0 3" in my /etc/fstab file... but the tutorial is for RAID-5 with 3 drives and i am doing a RAID-1 with 2 drives11:33
AmbientShadeazlon: I have a hardware raid working with ubuntu server and it automatically recognizes it11:34
Guest20025silare: only until i turn off comp, then i need to set it again wtih start up11:35
silareSandCat: You can. killall visualboyadvance or so.11:35
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:35
Yvier6where is the german ubuntu chaANNEL?11:35
odderYvier6: #ubuntu-de11:36
lessshastecan anyone play http://www.youtube.com/demo/google_main.mp4?2 and if so, how?11:36
silareGuest20025: Ergh. What does the file change into? Are you sure you forced the change to save?11:36
silarelessshaste: I have an MPlayer plugin on my Firefox.11:36
a514I think Empathy did not list the channels? so i typed this one in11:36
lessshastesilare, does it play?11:37
Yvier6  /join #ubuntu-de11:37
SandCatoh that is freaking COOL11:37
SandCatthanks a lot silare!11:37
deedub1lessshaste works here11:37
deedub1just entered the link11:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mdadm11:37
lessshastedeedub1, what is playing it on your system? Gstreamer?11:38
deedub1how do I tell?11:38
deedub1just opened in firefox11:38
a514anyone using voip or ata in empathy?11:38
lessshastedeedub1, that's a good question :)11:38
The_Warlockhow am i to use a window manager in karmic? I have not option to select it while bootup11:38
lessshastedeedub1, which distro?11:38
rskThe_Warlock: #ubuntu+111:38
deedub1ubuntu jaunty 6411:38
Guest20025silare: don't know what das it change into. Only thing what i am able to try with my comp skills is to press button save x configuration, what it send me  thaty is not able to do that.11:38
deedub1probable worked with ubuntu-restricted extras I guess11:39
silarelessshaste: Yes.11:39
deedub1but had this setup so long dunno what things Ive added by now :)11:39
silareSandCat: You're welcome. =3 If things like your GNOME Panel act up or anything either, killall gnome-panel is nice to have. ^_~11:39
prodoes anyone know where i can find how i can strip an installed version of ubuntu down to the minimum, i need to make it as small as i can11:39
lessshasteok.. so gstreamer on ubuntu is a total failure!11:39
silarelessshaste: To be fair, I'm actually on Mint, not Ubuntu. >_>;11:40
Draglordeedub1: Which plugins do you have in your firefox? (one of them should be handling mp4 video)11:40
proi have done a dpkg -l and removed everythign i can, and removed all the docs and mans and so on11:40
lessshastesilare, :)11:40
SandCathehe, I just tested it, the fullscreen actually has a different process name from the frontend, so my method didn't kill it, good thing I tested it before I let it crash on me again.11:40
scyxhi, probably a silly question but is there a way to start programs from terminal without locking it ?11:41
Draglorscyx: Command &11:41
odderpro: there is a non-official ubuntu-derivative projetc called U-lite, see http://u-lite.org/11:41
silareGuest20025: Ouch. D: Hmm. You saved it while you're Super User editing it and then it still changed back?11:41
erUSULscyx: put a & at the en of the command line11:41
scyxoh, that's easier than i thought :p thanks11:41
proodder, thanks11:41
silareGuest20025: Try and figure out what's changing it or so... Or if you have some process where NVIDIA tries to change something on bootup/shutdown, cut it.11:41
deedub1ok got vlc, mozplayer, shockwave 10, and divx player11:41
Draglorscyx: to get it back on konsole you have to enter "fg"11:42
SandCatI am having a lot more fun with the ubuntu terminal then I ever did with DOS X311:42
aaron11SandCat: why is that11:42
Rajah^any user here with Intel GL40 chipsetIntel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500M>11:42
silareSandCat: UNIX Terminal > Command Prompt xD (Although I'm aware too that Command Prompt is DOS: Crap Edition.)11:42
Guest20025silare: where i would find bootup/shutdown?11:42
AmbientShadeshutdown -h 011:43
Rajah^I want to know about jaunty's graphics performance on Intel GL40 chipsetIntel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500M?11:43
SandCatI probably because I know more now, actually, I liked using DOS commands over doing things through windows anyway.11:44
Rajah^Its a new compaq laptop that my friend has bought11:44
SandCatI like power XD11:44
COm_BOY[14:19] <COm_BOY> how to install a shared printer.. that is on another network in hardy heron11:44
COm_BOY[14:19] <COm_BOY> the ip is and the share name is HP .. everyone having windows uses it but i cant11:44
deedub1Comboy -- what you using?11:45
Rajah^anybody who can report on intel graphics performance in jaunty?11:47
forceflowRajah^: due to a bug in mesa, I have swap issues11:47
ziggyfishRajah^, depends on the card11:50
Rajah^Intel GL40 chipsetIntel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500M11:50
COm_BOYi m using Kubuntu11:50
COm_BOYhardy heron11:50
VonGuardi can't find linux-backports-modules-jaunty in synaptic11:50
VonGuardeven with upgrades turned on11:51
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VonGuardunsupported i mean11:51
iamlenekois it normal that the ubuntu firefox version is radically slower than the windows xp one ?11:51
iamlenekoor is it my computer that have some poor graphic driver issue ?11:51
ziggyfishiamleneko, nope11:52
silareGuest20025: Gah. Sorry I vanished. D: Umm... Startup Applications.11:52
silareDunno' about shutdown though. ._.11:52
iamlenekoziggyfish, you have decent performance ?11:52
ziggyfishyes, always had better performance that windows11:52
PolitikerNEUiamleneko: It is normal that JS-performance is a bit worse - but not dramatically11:53
iamlenekoyou made comparaison ?11:53
deedub1don't know kde too well here.11:53
iamlenekoor it feel like it is ?11:53
ziggyfishfeels like11:53
Guest20025 silare: and then what?11:53
iamlenekostrange in opposite the chromium version is faster on linux than the chrome on windows11:53
silareGuest20025: Look and see if anything involving your xconfig or NVIDIA is around... If not, I dunno'... D: Hmm...11:53
PolitikerNEUiamleneko: I made the comparision between windows Vista, Fedora 10 and Ubuntu 9.04 some time ago. Windows was best, Fedora a tiny bit worse than windows and ubuntu another bit worse11:54
iamlenekoso it is not a linux issue but an ubuntu one11:54
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PolitikerNEUiamleneko: At least partially, but windows builds are generally better bec. of the better compiler11:54
ubun00bHello all. I was wondering if anyone on here has any experience with audio issues in Ubuntu 9, for a HP DV7 laptop.11:55
Gnea!sound | ubun00b11:56
ubottuubun00b: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:56
ziggyfishPolitikerNEU, mm, http://www.tuxradar.com/content/benchmarked-firefox-javascript-linux-and-windows-and-its-not-pretty ?11:56
SandCatI have a new conclusion, visualboyadvance sucks, I'm not going to use something that crashes this often.11:57
azlonso i made some headway with my raid, but i still have issues11:58
ziggyfishPolitikerNEU, also AFAIK the compiler is the same for both platforms (GNU gcc)11:58
azloncan i view the contents of a drive before it is mounted? like i have a RAID1 at /dev/md0 but i cant browse the contents11:59
azlonit says md0 is not a directory11:59
ubun00bThx guys but I have been searching high and low for a solution to this audio, I installed the latest alsa drivers, libraries etc. If someone could look at this alsa information script - http://paste.ubuntu.com/256836/ - it might give you more an idea of the problem i have12:00
PolitikerNEUziggyfish: So that is strange - maybe I had a different version of the graphics driver? I also have to admit that my "benchmark" was not really exact - just moved some JS-windows fast and looked the system monitor12:00
iamlenekoi really think than linux is not so great in the graphical domain, refreshing, scrolling etc is so heavy on cpu in regard of the main commercials oses.12:00
iamleneko(but kickass at networking and computing on the other hand)12:01
Irishmanlukeit depends really on your graphics card12:01
PolitikerNEUI had a nvidia graphics chip which is said to have good performance12:02
iamlenekomaybe but for this last 10 years as a daily linux user i never had really great performance12:02
majuk1I have!12:03
spantherwindows has backdoor :/12:03
iamlenekoi think it is maybe there is a bunch of acceleration stuff put on the graphic chip dedicated to ms windows12:04
majuk1iamleneko: They have proprietary code to interface with the technology on those cards that they've been developing and refining for years. That's the difference.12:04
majuk1And why we're catching up.12:04
Irishmanlukesome cards have proprietary drivers for linux, don't some even have official gpld drivers for linux?12:05
rskIrishmanluke: about every card has a driver free or non-free12:06
majuk1Irishmanluke: Yea, but it's not just the drivers, the whole DirectX code on top of that opens another world to them. X is comparitively young.12:06
majuk1Especially in terms of professional manhours.12:07
IrishmanlukeI've gotten good performance on OpenArena with my latitude d60012:08
Irishmanlukersk: but I mean a driver that the manufactuer makes which is gpl12:09
majuk1Irishmanluke: Sure, that's 10 year old technology. And the Quake 3 source was released to the public. That's why it's so good.12:09
mtlifeis this the right place to ask about upgrading 7.04 to 9.04?12:09
rskmtlife: sure.12:09
rskmtlife: what's the problem? sudo update-manager -d not working?12:09
mtlifersk: well, the problem is. I fixed the pc running ubuntu recently, thats why the distribution is so old12:10
rskmtlife: still not seing the problem :)12:10
mtlifersk: with fixing it, i mean new motherboard and new graphic card. So now i can not boot into gnome or anything12:11
rskmtlife: best option is fresh install of 9.0412:11
mtlifersk: when i try to install nvidia legacy drivers, it tells me it cant find the package repository12:11
rskmtlife: 7.04 is end of life.12:11
extorHow can I trick ubuntu into install a PDF printer device that I can print web pages to so they end up as PDF docs?12:11
deedub1mtlife, isnt it time just to do a reinstall from scratch?12:11
mtlifersk: yeah and thats where i get anxious, my ftp, apache, mysql, svn and user base are all running on that pc12:12
dutchbuntuextor: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/63612:12
mtlifedeedub1, thats what i wanted to do. but i have NO idea how to easily backup every config and every service running12:12
deedub1extor you can print -- file -- print --- print to file, select pdf in ubuntu jaunty12:12
iamlenekomtlife, test your migration on a spare computer12:12
shashwatpns!ubottu | shashwatpns12:12
ubottushashwatpns, please see my private message12:12
extordeedub1, no actually that doesnt work. I need it to show up as a dummy printer device for when I am printing from java applets on the web12:13
deedub1I normally backup /etc and /home and it does the trick12:13
iamlenekoupgrading server in exploitation could be very very problematic12:13
Nitrodisthi, how do I fix my 'broken' packages?  I removed a bunch of packages through synaptic package manager and 'purged' them as well, but now when I want to re-install any of those packages that I uninstalled I get a big 'broken' packages error.  http://gist.github.com/17187212:13
deedub1then I do /var if its a web server12:13
iamlenekomtlife, is it some personnal web server or some server in exploitation for customers12:14
mtlifedeedub1: yes, /home is on a different partition for me so that wouldnt be a problem12:14
mtlifeiamleneko: personal12:14
dutchbuntuextor: http://hydtech.wordpress.com/2009/03/17/how-to-print-to-pdf-in-ubuntu-intrepid-ibex-and-jaunty-jackalope/12:14
LockziHi, there don't happen to be any MySQL wizards around here?12:14
hassanakevazirHi, I need to downgrade hal, how do I go about that?12:14
LockziI need some help allowing remote access for root user.... Incredibly enough I reinstalled my MySQL server and now I can't get it working. I've logged on localy to the MySQL server and runned GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD 'password'  and flush privileges, but  it says 0 rows affected and also it has no affect when trying to logon remotely. Any ideas anyone?12:14
DraglorNitrodist: try to install them using "sudo apt-get install --fix-broken $packages"12:14
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LockziI've also commented out the bind = localhost in /etc/mysql/my.conf file.12:14
dutchbuntuNitrodist, sudo apt-get install -f12:15
mtlifeand the www-data is in /home too, so that wouldnt be a problem either. Only i am a programmer too and i am running a svn server so i do not want to screw that up12:15
mtlifemysql backup would be easy12:15
iamlenekoLockzi, did mysql server is bind to an accessible adress on your network ?12:15
extorapt-get install cups-pdf :)12:15
deedub1so how much data do you have to backup mtlife?12:15
Nitrodistdutchbuntu, Draglor: nope, neither works12:16
Nitrodistit says that nothing is broken12:16
mtlifemmm since /home is where i keep all the personal files (including www and svn) it should stay there and be safe. I think its about 1 gig left to backup then12:16
Lockziiamleneko: I commented out the bind. I can connect locallly with root, but not remotely since it says "root@TheMySQL-server.domain.tld access denied" something12:16
dutchbuntuNitrodist, maybe sudo apt-get clean12:17
mtlifebut i want to be sure that i do not loose my svn, mysql users etc12:17
mtlifeand thats not only in the /etc folder12:17
Nitrodistdutchbuntu, nope12:17
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deedub1 /etc folder is small12:17
mtlifei know12:17
DraglorNitrodist: Try giving apt-get ALL packages which are complained12:17
iamlenekoLockzi, same issue with another user than root ?12:17
deedub1it sounds like you need to do a really good backup, use clonezilla or something12:18
Draglornot just kde-base12:18
Lockziiamleneko: I haven't tried any other user since I have a dedicated MySQL server (the one I'm trying to get working again after reformatting). I wanna manage everything remotely12:18
legend2440Nitrodist: try   sudo aptitude install kdebase   sometimes aptitude offers solutions that  apt-get does not12:18
mtlifedeedub1: any experience with mysql database backup?12:18
user_how to access the workgruop computer in windows network12:19
mtlifeincluding users etc12:19
deedub1you can manually edit your sources list and maybe take it up to 8.0412:19
LockziI could try to create a new user to try12:19
iamlenekoLockzi,  i'll try to set another user with @% see it is the same problem12:19
deedub1a little with a wordpress install upstairs , but not much12:19
xerox1hi, i am using two displays and i would like to know $DISPLAY of each one; how to do that?12:19
Lockziiamleneko: I'll try that, thanks for your help and I'll get back to you if no success :)12:19
mtlifedeedub1, mmm manually edit sources. What are the risks involved in that?12:20
deedub1if you take a clone of the drive, little cause you can clone it back on again12:20
extorDamn this cups-pdf works in ubuntu but not on lenny. And it still doesnt fool java :(12:20
deedub1and with the value you are putting on this data, you'd be silly to upgrade one level of os , let alone 4 or 5 without it12:21
user_how to access the workgroup computer in windows network through ubuntu 912:21
=== saf is now known as Guest61881
vigoNitrodust: Have you tried the dpkg -help and such?12:21
Dragloruser_: type "smb:/" in dolphin12:21
Nitrodistthanks legend2440, got it fixed (hopefully; it's still installing"12:22
Lockziiamleneko: Should I create the new user with host as localhost, or %?12:22
Dragloror any other file manager (using kde, don't know if gnome supports the sam vfs types)12:22
deedub1so in your sources youd change all the feisty to hardy and its only going to upgrade two levels of OS, should work, but heck, aint done it so can't guarentee12:22
mtlifedeedub1, i agree. I have no experience with clonezilla, is it possible to open the backup in some sort of file manager and get my config from there? (should save me time backing up /etc manually)12:22
deedub1yes you can. Its not easy.12:22
mtlifeclonezilla not easy?12:23
deedub1What I have done in the past, is use clone zilla, then boot to a live CD and tar /etc /var and /home so I have multiple options12:23
deedub1then let rip the manually edited sources.list and see what happenes12:23
deedub1clonezilla is pretty straight forward12:23
deedub1follow the prompts12:23
dehqangood day everybody ; how can be a mp3 be played for anotherone in chat in pidgin app ?12:26
deedub1the "not easy" was unzipping the clone zilla backups. If I recall, the last time I wanted access, I used VirtualBox. Just uncloned to a hard drive in virtual box,. Workled a treat12:26
mtlifemmm sounds like a pain, better to backup /etc and /var just in case12:27
IrishmanlukeLockzi: my mysql says that global priveleges are granted by the statement grant all on *.*12:27
mtlifewouldnt it be better to do a fresh install instead of changing sources?12:27
LockziIrishmanluke: I seem to have fixed it by creating a new user. Really odd but thanks :)12:28
deedub1Fresh install means you can go straight to Jaunty12:28
dehqanin yahoo messenger with voice conference this work was possible ..12:28
deedub1Id like to know if you could do it manually editing sources.12:28
dehqannow in pidgin12:28
dehqana mp3 that is playing in debian how can be played for friend in chat ?12:28
deedub1if you dont have strick download quotas, its less configuration12:28
deedub1Generally, installing fresh gives better results12:29
IrishmanlukeLockzi: ok congradulations12:29
=== Arvan is now known as Tao_J
vigoFrom what I have read and done, a System Upgrade is done in stages, 1,2,3, not 1,3 , that would be Fiesty,Gutsy,Hardy,Jaunty. I agree a fresh install is usually better than a mas package upgrade.12:31
mtlifedeedub1, no download quotas here. Fresh should give better results and i understand that, makes a nice clean install.. will first try to do it via sources and if that fails do a fresh install12:31
mtlifebut first backup12:31
deedub1But system upgrade from 7.04 to 8.04 will more than likely work as hardy is lts12:32
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:32
orochiit's fairly easy to get a 32gb usb key or the like, move your home directory onto it, install the new release and move everything back12:32
orochior a 1tb usb hard drive if you have too much porn for a usb key :P12:32
dehqanany opinion ,thanks but it's urgent12:32
deedub1let us know if you can mtlife12:33
Irishmanlukersync + cron ftw12:33
mtlifeorochi: but its a server with svn, mysql etc ;) so not only the home dir to backup12:33
mtliferunning mirc from windows now, so i can stay online if anything goes wrong :D12:33
gdsgsdgdehqan: i don't think that it is possible to play mp3's in pidgin - at least i've never heard of it12:34
dehqangdsgsdg no this is not aim12:34
dehqannot to playing mp3 in pidgin12:34
dehqanplay for another one in chat conference a mp3 that is playing with e.g mplayer ...12:35
vigodehqan: Gnome?12:35
dehqanyes vigo12:35
randy2009Hello, can someone tell me what KbdInteractiveAuthentication is?12:36
randy2009(as in ssh)12:36
orochiAs an aside...the user-agent info in ubuntu's package of firefox 3.5 refers to Shiretoko instead of Firefox, obviously...the problem is that it results in a lot of errors on different sites asking you to switch to Firefox when it's not recognized12:36
dehqanplay for another one in chat conference a mp3 that is playing with e.g mplayer ... this was possible in windows ...by making internal voice ...12:36
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vigodehqan: Here is from the Forums, looks like Totem may be wrong, here is the fix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1240817&highlight=pidgin+music12:37
xerox1i am using two displays and i would like to know $DISPLAY of each one; how to do that?12:38
deedub1echo $DISPLAY12:38
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Draglorxerox1: First should be :0 second :112:39
Guest24525any aspire one users12:39
deedub1xerox1 open xterm and type echo $DISPLAY on the appropriate display will work just fine12:39
jorge_i am a aspire one user12:40
deedub1one will be :0.0 the other will be :0.112:40
deedub1if I recall12:40
xerox1Draglor, deedub1 thx will try that12:40
Guest24525how does your system run12:40
Draglordeedub1: formally, yes, but :0 should work as well12:40
jorge_ubuntu 8.0412:40
jorge_its very good12:40
dutchbuntu!flood |jorge_12:41
ubottujorge_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:41
vigodehqan: And here are some plugins that Pidgin supports and uses: http://code.google.com/p/pidgin-musictracker/12:41
Guest24525i am using backtrack 412:41
dehqanthanks vigo should be read12:41
dehqanbye 4 now12:41
jorge_i dont know what is backtrack 4?12:41
Guest24525i am gathering info about everyone in here12:41
Guest24525vigo your password is too simple12:42
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!12:42
DraglorI'm sometimes starting an xserver using "DISPLAY=:1 ; startx " for testing and it works I even can start other apps using DISPLAY=:1 on this ;)12:42
jpdsGuest24525: Hi.12:43
Guest24525draglor info is downloading now12:43
Guest24525connecting to iron12:44
dulipakGuest24525: try me..12:44
jpdsdulipak: Too late, mate.12:45
jiohdiwhy does the system not turn off after shut down? I get to system halted and then it just sits there?12:45
jiohdianyone else have this happen?12:45
deedub1jpds did you  ....... invite .... it to leave :)12:45
deedub1jiohdi : Ive had it happen before, but not for some time12:46
jpdsdeedub1: Not really, just being a little pushy. ;)12:46
deedub1next time can you arrange for a double back filp and half twist?12:46
jiohdideedub, I have 3 machines, the laptop shuts down just fine, but the other two just sit12:46
vigoGuest24525: How do I fix that?12:48
dutchbuntudeedub1, i've had this happening on my desktop with 7.10 and 8.04. it disappeared in 8.10 and reappeared in 9.04...12:48
jiohdiwhy use gnome when xubuntu is so much better at memory management?12:48
zetheroo1I have an external USB HDD and a friend wants to borrow it to copy some stuff off of it ... I would like to make it so that he can only access the one folder and not the others .... is there a way to do that?12:48
orochivigo: Do you have sshd running on your system12:49
Dr_Williszetheroo1:  what fileysstem? ext2/3? if he knows linux he can get full access...12:49
deedub1jiohdi, eye candy is about it12:49
deedub1got enough memory, and grunt it makes no difference12:49
jiohdideedub, is there anything you can't do besides eye candy with xfce?12:49
Dr_Williszetheroo1:  unless you move all your secret stuff to some password protected encrypted file or similer.12:49
zetheroo1Dr_Willis: I am using ext4 ... he is running Windows XP and knows nothing of Linux12:49
deedub1prob not12:49
Draglorzetheroo1: Have a look at truecrypt12:49
deedub1guess its what your used to12:49
vigoorochi: I do not think so, I have to relearn this every day.12:49
orochivigo: He's probably lying about having gotten your password then, but just in case, open a console and type passwd12:50
Dr_Williszetheroo1:  I am unaware of any tools for windows to let it read ext4 at this time.12:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifs12:50
zetheroo1Dr_Willis: oh sorry ... the USB HDD is NTFS12:50
Dr_Williszetheroo1:  theres no way to protect a ntfs filesystem like that - that i know of.12:50
Draglorzetheroo1: It's no problem, Linux hasr full r/w access to NTFS12:50
zetheroo1Draglor: I have heard of it ... but thought it was more for encrypting volumes ... can it lock a folder?12:51
Draglorjust encrypt anything you don't want him to see12:51
Dr_Willisencrypt all the files.. :) fun.12:51
Dragloryou can set up an encrypted file, yes12:51
Dr_Willisand hope they dont get messed up. :)12:51
DraglorNever had problems Dr_Willis12:51
zetheroo1I was hoping there was a way to restrict access to a folder12:51
Dr_WillisDraglor:  on NTFS?12:52
DraglorNot really, as he's root/admin on his box, zetheroo112:52
Dr_Willisid hate to enctypte 100GB of files just to keeop them 'safe'12:52
DraglorNeither NTFS nor any other filesystem I use truecrypt on.12:52
aaron11does anyone know how to uninstall blender which has been downloaded from the blender website12:53
zetheroo1Dr_Willis: exactly12:53
Dr_Willisaaron11:  depends on how it installed... .deb .bin .sh .???12:54
DraglorI normally use encfs for on-the-fly encrypting anything on external storage ... but sometimes I use truecrypt as well as windows users can access the files as well (If they got the keys)12:54
apparlehow to see which modules are loaded...........tell the command12:54
aaron11Dr_Willis: i installed it by the debi package instaler12:54
jiohdianyone know how to get an xls file to work on Xubuntu as a launcher?12:55
Dr_Willisaaron11:  then you shoudl be able to use the package manager tools to  remove it12:55
deedub1jiohdi what do you want to open the xls in?12:55
aaron11!who apparle12:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about who apparle12:55
jiohdideedup, open office12:55
aaron11!who | apparle12:55
ubottuapparle: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:55
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:56
deedub1ooffice openthisone.xls12:56
deedub1create a customer launcher with that as command12:56
jiohdiI will attempt12:56
apparleMy friend  used this http://kernelnewbies.org/KernelBuild (1st method) to build the kernel.....now has only CLI and no GUI ........how to fix it12:56
ubun00bhow do i get my mouse wheel to scroll 1 line instead of the default. Cant see it when i goto mouse options12:56
deedub1you might need to give full path names12:56
apparleaaron11: I asked the question to everyone :)12:57
Draglorapparle: Reboot to the old working kernel.12:57
deedub1lsmod lists modules12:57
apparleDraglor: then12:58
sipiorapparle: he probably just needs to rebuild the display driver to match the kernel he constructed.12:59
deedub1probably has proprietry drivers, so now he needs them reinstalled12:59
apparlesipior: how to do that......any tutorial of link13:00
deedub1could copt xorg.conf xorg,conf.old then delete xorg.conf and X will probably start on the open source drivers13:00
deedub1then go to hardware drivers and reinstall13:00
m3m0r3xXx``hey, how to make my soundcard go output 5.113:01
deedub1copt = copy13:01
deedub1ick typing sux13:01
deedub1m3m google pulse audio 5.113:02
sipiorapparle: find the vendor for his video card. grab code and compile according to the instructions given.13:02
deedub1keep meaning to set it up, found some good stuff but haven't done it yet13:02
Picideedub1: Please don't refer people to google here, *this* is the support channel.13:02
deedub1sorry buddy13:02
apparleof thanks guys..............I'll do it13:03
=== niels_ is now known as NielsE
ubun00bDo the audio drivers in Vista use the same codec names that ubuntu does?13:03
deedub1gice a man a fish he eats for a day. Teach him to fish ,,,,.....13:03
Draglorubun00b: What do you mean saying "codec names"?13:03
NielsEI'm subscribed to a lot of mailing lists in gmail, can I configure Evolution in such a way that I get only the messages in my Inbox?13:04
Picideedub1: With that logic we could just have a bot here that says 'google it' and we could all go home :(13:04
deedub1not really13:04
deedub1still need to google the right thing13:04
m3m0r3xXx``I don't have .asoundrc in my home dir can I create it ?13:04
deedub1feel free to come up with the right answer though, I do mean to try it out on my system upstairs, on list of things to do13:04
DraglorPici: But some questions are to general ... I have been about to write something similiar to deedub1, but he was faster13:04
deedub1m3m yep, you can13:05
ubun00bDraglor: Well I'm searching the git.alsa-project.org for alsa version, and to find the codec my audio card uses. But because alsa doesnt pickup my audio card i do not know the codec, so i was wondering if vista uses the same name reference.13:05
majukDangit, someone jinxed me, I rebooted now ALSA won't work.13:05
kebomixanyone give me the path where ubuntu download update packages on it13:05
apparleubun00b: which soundcard do you have13:05
ubun00bapparle:  Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)13:06
JontaAnyone who dualboots with MSW who can pastebin their /boot/grub/menu.lst?13:06
legend2440kebomix: /var/cache/apt/archives13:06
apparleubun00b: and what codec does vista report13:06
apparleJonta: what happened13:06
majukomg and now it does. gg slow loading alsa modules13:06
JontaPreferably one that's a bit older13:06
Jontaapparle: Bootorder.13:07
JontaBasically it can't find the MSW-path13:07
Jonta"Selected disk does not exist"13:07
ubun00bapparle: I havent checked that out yet, i wanted make sure that it does before rebooting (alsa info for my card - http://paste.ubuntu.com/256869/ )13:07
JontaThough, this one would be more personalized to my computer, wouldn't it?13:07
kebomixlegend2440: there is no packages on it !13:07
jjmonteshi guys... I have a question on packaging and I am confussed about the way metapackages work...13:08
jjmontesis this a proper place to ask?13:09
apparleubun00b: check in syslog for something like codec read timeout etc.....I used to get that until I told the driver to load ac97codec specifically13:09
tux_is there a way to save a favourite radio station in VLC ?13:09
legend2440kebomix: do you have option selected  in synaptic that says     Delete Packages after install?13:10
Dr_Willistux_:  i think you can save the url to a file (or .pls) file, and tell vlc to load it.13:10
tux_Dr_Willis, kinda lame huh?13:10
apparleJonta: pastebin you current menu.lst13:10
Jontaapparle: OK. Hang on13:10
Dr_Willistux_:   I have better 'radio' player programs then vlc. so i dont really care :)13:10
tux_Dr_Willis, don't stop caring, someone has to think of the children..!13:11
jjmontesI created a package that installs a few other packages (it depends on them)... now, if I manually uninstall any of them, my package gets uninstalled... however, all other packages are suggested for autoremoval now, while I need them to stay installed (like if they were manually marked for installation)13:11
ubun00bapparle: Thanks for your help dude... Its weird because it see's the sound card but alsa just doesnt recognise it. Where would i find the syslog in ubuntu (this is my very first ubuntu install, still finding my way around the palce)13:11
Dr_Willistux_:  it takes a village!13:11
apparleGuys plz tell how to open syslog in ubuntu to ubun00b .....I use kubuntu so I don't know in gnome13:12
pablo__how you doing13:12
Liudvikasinstal linux nov13:13
pablo__is there anyone to talk to me13:13
ubun00bplease :)13:13
Jontaapparle: http://pastebin.com/m8fbfac613:13
legend2440apparle: well one way is open  System>Administration>Log File Viewer13:14
JontaHi Liudvikas13:14
Liudvikashi Jonta13:15
odderubun00b: tail /var/log/syslog ?13:15
apparleJonta: how many MSW installations do you have......................post the complete menu.lst and also post the output of 'sudo fdisk -l'13:17
Jontaapparle: Just the one. Different listings for different tries though13:17
_daniel_hi, i'm having some issues configuring my bluetooth-keyboard with my ps3 on jaunty... i found a workaround: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ps3-port/+bug/29204213:18
_daniel_but as you can see, its not working for me, can you help me?13:18
punkrockergulhello guys.. i hav forgotten my password in xchat ..is ther anyway i can get it back?13:19
apparleubun00b: see this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1156040 I got this error and fix13:19
Dr_Willispunkrockergul:  if you mean your passwprd for your nickname on this IRC server  yoyu can get that back i think   /msg nickserv help13:19
ubun00bapparle: thank you13:20
punkrockergulDr_Willis, r u sure i will get it back..?13:20
Dr_Willispunkrockergul:  you regiestered it and gave it an email address... it can reset it i think13:20
Dr_Willispunkrockergul:  read the nickserv help/docs/website and see.13:20
sarmisakhi all13:20
m3m0r3xXx``thanks for the help mates, now I don't have sound at  all :))13:21
punkrockergulDr_Willis, i want to register newly.. wat is the command plz13:22
=== lucas_ is now known as hellues
Dr_Willispunkrockergul:    /msg nickserv help13:23
helluesare you james_B13:23
Jontaapparle: http://pastebin.com/d5d686e1113:24
Tao_J.g dreambot13:24
turin13Maybe someone can help me with Gnome Commander?13:25
Lartza_Anyone familiar with trickle? Can I change the speed limit of a program after launching it with limit like 40 and I want to lift it to 80 for example.13:25
Tao_Ji send wrong message.13:25
punkrockergulregister samzraiz punkrockergul@hotmail.com13:26
mtlifedeedub1, i'm trying to boot clonezilla live cd, tried 2 different distro's (the debian and ubuntu one) both of which give a crc error (burned with img burn and verified correctly), any ideas?13:26
turin13I just cannot rename group of files13:26
punkrockerguloh shit13:26
boxmy ubuntu 9.04 is autologin, everytime it loads the desktop, then will ask me a keyring password to connect the wirless connection, can the wirless connects without that password?13:26
orochipunkrockergul: /msg nickserv register password e-mail13:26
turin13I have to replace dots (.) with spaces and dont know how13:26
orochijust don't use that one :>13:26
mtlifeanyone experience with clonezilla? it wont boot for me13:27
maginotI removed and downloaded the last openoffice .deb package from openoffice page, installed without errors but when trying to openany file it keeps crashing (ubuntu 8.10)13:27
erUSUL!info mmv | turin1313:27
ubottuturin13: mmv (source: mmv): Move/Copy/Append/Link multiple files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.01b-14 (jaunty), package size 23 kB, installed size 84 kB13:28
punkrockergulorochi, i doomed :P13:28
mtlife!info backup13:28
ubottuPackage backup does not exist in jaunty13:28
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:29
=== punkrockergul is now known as punk
orochipunkrockergul: nah i've seen people do it in here before i'd recommend a password with more numbers and special characters though13:29
Dr_Willisturin13:  theres several ways to do it.   mmv, or qmv, or some basic scripting.13:29
ActionParsnip!hi | Cristi113:30
ubottuCristi1: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:30
apparleJonta: you did not post the output of 'sudo fdisk -l'13:30
Cristi1my title bar are disapearing when starting compiz13:30
turin13Dr_Willis: As i understand - dot - is a replacement for any symbol. So, if i put the dot in dialog system think that i mean anything. If that, how i can remove dots?13:30
ActionParsnipCristi1: do you have an vnidia graphic card?13:31
Cristi1i just want to fix this13:31
ActionParsnipCristi1: will do, they are called window decorators btw13:31
ActionParsnipCristi1: let me find a guide, you need some lines in xorg.conf13:32
Jontaapparle: http://pastebin.com/d2822f9d713:32
=== FFEMTcJ_ is now known as FFEMTcJ
=== kb is now known as Guest47511
ActionParsnipCristi1: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:32
ActionParsnipCristi1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64948013:32
=== punk is now known as punk_rocker_gul
Cristi1this will fix it13:32
ActionParsnipCristi1: add the lines, save the new file, restart x13:32
=== punk_rocker_gul is now known as punk
ActionParsnipCristi1: yep13:32
=== punk is now known as punk_rocker_gul
ActionParsnipCristi1: you can also run ccsm and Go to the Advanced Desktop Effects and Settings and enable the Window Decoration feature.13:33
DigitalDaz21Hi all, does anyone no how I can add pointopoint to my network interface during install?13:33
Cristi1i dont like that one13:33
Cristi1too simple13:33
turin13Dr_Willis: As i understand - dot - is a replacement for any symbol. So, if i put the dot in dialog system think that i mean anything. If that, how i can remove dots?13:33
Cristi1i love compiz and the cube13:33
Dr_Willisturin13:   . CAN mean  a pattern.. or its also a character.13:34
Dr_Willisturin13:  you can escape it wht  a backslash.. or  other methods.13:34
turin13In Gnome Commander its a pattern. And i used it13:34
Dr_Willisthen read the gnome-commandder docs and perhaps see how they escape it.13:34
turin13Dr_Willis: backslash? Ill try13:34
apparleJonta: put this in menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu.com/256885/ and then try booting it13:35
Cristi1my friend wants to install ubuntu along windows on a 256 mb ram PC is this right?13:35
ActionParsnipCristi1: i think its ghastly13:35
Dr_WillisI dont use that tool. i perfer rox filer. :) it has a nice multi-rename feature13:35
ActionParsnipCristi1: 256mb is fine13:35
coensi am french13:35
Pici!fr | coens13:35
ubottucoens: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:35
turin13Dr_Willis: backslash works!13:35
Cristi1ok thanks13:35
turin13Dr_Willis: Thanks! :)13:35
wrapsterI have a .pkg file that I need to convert to .deb13:36
wrapsteris there a way to do it?13:36
ActionParsnipCristi1: if you want a more responsive system use xubuntu or install lxde on the system13:36
Jontaapparle: Testing...13:36
Pici!fr | diedhiou13:36
ubottudiedhiou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:36
Jontaapparle: Whoopey! Thank you!13:36
_daniel_noone any idea?13:36
apparleJonta: ok enjoy :)13:37
abbronzatohello, i need help for the "guest" session: is it possible to start it directly from the login window?13:37
ActionParsnip_daniel_: i dont see your query, wassup?13:37
Detoxanyone up for a rsync question?13:38
abbronzatoi'd like to have a "volatile" user that cannot access to all the hd datas, if it is possible13:38
* Cristi1 slaps Cristi1 around a bit with a large trout13:38
* Cristi1 slaps Cristi1 around a bit with a large trout13:39
Cristi1what is slap?13:39
PiciCristi1: Please don't do that here13:39
Cristi1what it is doing13:39
Dr_WillisCristi1:  if you dont know.. then stop doing it.13:39
PiciCristi1: Its creating needless noise in an already busy channel.13:39
Cristi1ohh sorry13:39
ActionParsnipCristi1: its a lame use of the /me irc command, it actually does nothing but display text13:40
Dr_Willisabbronzato:  the 'guest' session is a special session. You could in theory make a 'guest-type' user that you can use from the login screen.13:40
linuxhallo an alle13:40
ribotim having a problem with watching youtube vidoes. at first i installed gnash, then flash, uninstalled gnash, still doesnt work13:40
coenshi i am french13:41
Dr_Willis!fr | coens13:41
ubottucoens: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:41
linuxkennt sich jemand mit der einrichtung eines touchpads bei ubuntu aus?13:41
Cristi1ribot : does it display any mesage?13:41
Pici!de | linux13:41
ubottulinux: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:41
ribotCristi1: no, the video is just a light gray rectangle13:41
ActionParsnipribot: run: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; dpkg -l | grep flash > ~/temp.txt; pastebinit ~/temp.txt; rm ~/temp.txt13:41
abbronzatohello Dr_Willis , thanks, i tried with desktop user and unprivileged, but: that user store all datas in their home, and, i don't understand it, can access to all the datas in the whole disk (eg: the /boot folder, and the administrator home!!!)13:42
maginotwhat is Für  ?13:42
Cristi1do you have a good connection?13:42
abbronzatocannot delete, ok, but can read all!13:42
abbronzatothe "guest sessione, works well)13:42
Dr_Willisabbronzato:  if the permissions on the other directories were set mor esecurely - they wouldent be able to. they can 'see' the data.. but not change it. so its not really a security issue13:42
ActionParsnipribot: what is the link your terminal displays?13:42
dos|equisneed help13:42
ActionParsnip!ask | dos|equis13:43
ubottudos|equis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:43
abbronzatoyes , yes, any idea for have that user volatile?13:43
dos|equiswhy is my directory, "/usr/lib" have so many files?13:43
Dr_Willisabbronzato:  nope. Not really somnthing i need.13:43
Dr_Willisdos|equis:  because thats were all the system libraries are stored?13:43
ActionParsnipdos|equis: its the location of all the libs that all your apps use13:43
abbronzatois for left the pc alone, with some "from zero" user13:43
Dr_Willisdos|equis:  any reason it shouldent have a lot of files?  does it matter?13:43
ActionParsnipdos|equis: they can be used by more than one app which uses ram and hdd space better13:44
dos|equisCan I eliminate some useless files in my /usr/lib directory?13:44
coensturin 13 please13:44
Dr_Willisdos|equis:  why are you worried about it?13:44
ActionParsnipdos|equis: uninstall unnecessary programs, if there are libs that no other app uses, it will be removed13:44
Dr_Willisdos|equis:  if you dont know what they are/doing - good idea to leave it alone.13:44
ribotActionParsnip: it greps adobe flash player plugin version 1013:44
ribotand installer13:45
ActionParsnipribot: ok then remove that too13:45
ActionParsnipribot: i was kinda hoping yuoud paste the link in here too13:45
ribotActionParsnip: yes but i dont wanna install pastebin13:45
ActionParsnipribot: its hugely useful13:45
coenshow are you13:45
=== Travis-43 is now known as Travis-42
ActionParsnipribot: i got a meeting to chair, back in 10 ok13:45
Dr_Willisthen cut/[aste the stuff manually.. :)13:45
zarsharkI'm developing Ariel. It is a software which allows to manage own customized vocabularies and provides the user with a training module in order to learn terms. If you are interested to join in the project, feel free to contact me from the website: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ariele/13:46
abbronzatoDr_Willis, thanks, last question, without a user pwd, and any autologin option, is it "secure" (is not a bank, for the average user) use the guest session? or is there some workaround to bypass it?13:46
Picizarshark: Please don't advertise here.13:46
dos|equisThanks, guys.13:46
Picizarshark: If you want to talk about the project, you can do so in #ubuntu-offtopic13:46
coenshow are you Pici13:47
LordMetroidDo one use any iso for the usb-creator?13:47
Dr_Willisabbronzato:  users  by default are locked down enough where they cant hurt the system - thats sort of fundamental. Theres ways to lock them down further if you wanted.13:47
Picicoens: I'm fine.13:47
_daniel_my query was:13:47
_daniel_hi, i'm having some issues configuring my bluetooth-keyboard with my ps3 on jaunty... i found a workaround: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ps3-port/+bug/29204213:47
_daniel_but as you can see, its not working for me, can you help me?13:47
qnixhi, how could I check what,s the error if my lilo freezes/stalls after the message: Bios data check successfully ?13:47
FloodBot3_daniel_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:47
Dr_WillisLordMetroid:  unetbootin can use a range of iso/disrtos if you want to try it.13:47
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ribotActionParsnip: ok it's working now, thanks13:49
abbronzatoyes i know it, unlucky my english is not so good for explain better i retry: if i left the pc with a "guest session" to a user that does not know any users password, and the autologin deactivated, can be considered "secure" ? (eg:for left the guest session, and enter in a normal user one is always requested a user pwd?)13:50
jonny_bhello,running FF 3.0.13 and just isolated flashplayer 10.0 r32 as the source of my many crashes.What can i do13:50
dos|equisAnyone knows how to speed up my ubuntu 8.04?13:51
Dr_Willisdos|equis:   why do you think its slow?13:51
dos|equisI guess so.13:51
Dr_Williscoens:  is there some reason you feel the need to msg me?13:51
dos|equisMy windowXP runs a little faster than my Ubuntu 8.0413:51
coensyour god13:51
sebrockanyone knows why I get Error 16:Inconsistent filesystem structure after a kernel update? This has happened two times now. The old kernel works fine.13:52
apparledos|equis: disable the graphic effects13:52
dos|equisI dont use effects in my UI13:52
Cristi1dos|equis : how much ram do you have?13:52
Dr_Willisdos|equis:  my Ubuntu box runs 2x as fast as my windows... so.. to each their own i guess13:52
dos|equisI know, Linux runs faster than M$13:53
jakemy Ubuntu box did a full reboot before my wife's vista could go from the logon screen to windows13:53
dos|equisbut, could someone help how to speed up my system?13:53
Cristi1jake: cool13:53
Dr_Willisdos|equis:  #1 - how are you even going to 'test' the speeds?13:53
jakedos what do you need help with?13:53
dos|equisI want my ubuntu box to run faster13:54
ActionParsnipribot: cool13:54
dos|equisEven than rendering of graphics is a little slow13:54
JarlGIf I am running ubuntu, and I install xfce, and delete GNOME, will that be equal to a switch between Ubuntu to Xubuntu?13:55
Dr_Willisoverclock and liquid oxygen cooling.. :)13:55
jakeis it 3d that's going slow for you?13:55
jakeor 2d graphics13:55
Guest20025how can i make video workin in internet. I mean for any site and program. is there any program what would my video workin no matter what kind is on site?13:55
Dr_WillisJarlG:  basically. may be be a few issues..  but thats doable.. personally i keep both desktops installed.13:55
ActionParsnip_daniel_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59462413:55
apparleGuest20025: install flash player13:55
dos|equisI'm only using eclipse and some other non-heavyweight graphics app I'm using.13:55
apparle!flash | Guest2002513:56
ubottuGuest20025: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:56
misse-JarlG: kindof. Try by installing the xubuntu-desktop package, you'll get a complete xubuntu isntall. I'm not sure how to completeley remove the gnome part though13:56
jakedos: ati or nvidia?13:56
JarlGOkay, thanks!13:56
ActionParsnipdos|equis: have you installed video drivers?13:56
Dr_WillisGuest20025:  theres no  guarentee of 'for any site and program'    you could just try the various converter tools and download/convert the vidoes to somthing you know you can watch.13:56
dos|equisI don't know if the legacy code for nvidia is installed13:56
ActionParsnipdos|equis: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18013:56
dos|equiscan you help me how to check if its install13:56
dos|equisI'll try13:56
Cristi1im going to install ubuntu13:57
Cristi1wish me goog luck13:57
Dr_Willis'do or do not, there is no try' :)13:57
dos|equisI'm having a problem13:57
dos|equisIt displayed an error13:57
qnixdoes anyone have a package of kernel 2.6.18 for hardy?13:57
Cristi1can i emulate games with cedega from my hard drive?13:57
dos|equisE: Couldn't find the package nvidia-glx-180 <---- It produce an error like this one.13:58
ActionParsnipCristi1: if they are very portable then yes, they will most likely need installing under cedega13:58
farciarz84wodim: No such file or directory.13:58
Dr_WillisCristi1:  with wine/cedega its best to reinstall the app using wine/cedega13:58
farciarz84Cannot open SCSI driver!13:58
ActionParsnipdos|equis: what is the ouput of: lsb_release -c13:58
farciarz84how to mount my cdrom, sdc0 and cdrom doesn't exist in my /dev/13:58
Cristi1witch are the chances that a game that works in win to work in ubuntu through wine?13:59
Dr_Willisfarciarz84:  my cd is /dev/sr013:59
ActionParsnipCristi1: some games may, if you contact the support number you have then they will be able to give the support you have paid for13:59
Dr_Willis!appdb | Cristi113:59
ubottuCristi1: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:59
ActionParsnipCristi1: some do, some don't13:59
farciarz84Dr_Willis: how to find which is mine?13:59
dos|equisI'm using hardy heron13:59
Dr_WillisCristi1:  varies from Next to never.. to always.. :)13:59
_daniel_ActionParsnip: probably not working. as i can perform --hidd search, but its only the touchpad of the keyboard, which connects..13:59
ActionParsnipCristi1: some even have linux installers to run natively (like doom3)13:59
Dr_Willisfarciarz84:  see if /dev/sr0 exists?13:59
dos|equisIt's been awhile since I have a internet connection13:59
ActionParsnipdos|equis: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx14:00
farciarz84Dr_Willis: no14:00
ActionParsnipdos|equis: hardy is slightly different but achieves the same end14:00
caesar_What about Parallels for gaming??14:00
orochicaesar_: Not available for Linux14:00
dos|equisI guess I already have the package installed14:00
Cristi1almost all my fav games work14:00
Cristi1thanks for help14:01
Dr_Williscaesar_:  try wine first.. its free14:01
ActionParsnipdos|equis: then run: sudo nvidia-xconfig14:01
ActionParsnipdos|equis: then restart your x server14:01
caesar_shame, I have run the non gaming version on linux though14:01
farciarz84Dr_Willis: any method I can find that info?14:01
Cristi1thre is a gaming version of ubuntu?14:01
Dr_Willisfarciarz84:  check 'dmesg' output carefully i guess14:01
orochicaesar_: Virtualbox 3.0 supports Direct3D 9 with its included drivers14:01
dos|equisHow should I restart my X server?14:01
orochiif your pc is fast enough you can play games that way14:01
ActionParsnipdos|equis: ctrl+alt+backspace14:01
* Dr_Willis guesses dos|equis figured it out14:02
ActionParsnipCristi1: if you install gaming apps like wine etc it will be a gaming ubuntu. te only difference between the *unntus is the default app list14:02
caesar_seems to me running win games in a VM defeats the purpose of running a fast linux, better to dual boot instead14:02
farciarz84Dr_Willis: ata1.00: ACPI cmd c6/00:10:00:00:00:a0 succeeded14:03
orochicaesar_: Well yes, it is14:03
ActionParsnipplus vms runnikng games run pretty badly14:03
orochicaesar_: Wine fixes and breaks games on a regular basis, you never know if what you're running is going to work on the next update or not and most things don't run well in it anyway14:03
caesar_OH well there is always tic-tac-toe in linux :))14:03
ActionParsnipcaesar_: tuxkart :)14:03
ActionParsnipcaesar_: urban terror and penumbra run very well and are native14:04
Cristi1when i try to install ubuntu inside windows it sayz please use all lower case in the user name14:04
caesar_orochi: yes your right wine is okay for only a few win apps i find.14:04
IdleOneCristi1: yes it does14:05
ActionParsnipCristi1: just makeslife easier14:05
ActionParsnipCristi1: linux is hugely case sensitive14:05
Cristi1but i used them all14:05
Cristi1and i cant install it14:05
ActionParsnipdos|equis: better?14:05
dos|equisthanks alot ActionParsnip14:05
caesar_I have run UT in linux and it runs mostly fine, but never played penumbra14:05
farciarz84cdrom problem help!14:05
ActionParsnipdos|equis: to change the display use: gksudo nvidia-settings14:06
IdleOneCristi1: what do you mean you used them all?14:06
dos|equiscan you explain it to me14:06
Cristi1i completed all the cases14:06
ActionParsnipcaesar_: it uses ragdoll physics and you actively interact with everything14:06
Cristi1and it sayz please use all lower cases14:06
dos|equisor can you share me some resources to read on.14:06
misse-ActionParsnip: nvidia-settings can be run without sudo.14:06
ActionParsnipdos|equis: in a terminal type: gksudo nvidia--settings14:06
ActionParsnipmisse-: not if you want to write the settings to xorg.conf14:06
Cristi1i made it14:07
Cristi1it most not contain numbers14:07
ActionParsnipdos|equis: setup the display you desire, then click on "save to xorg.conf" your settings will now stick14:07
misse-ActionParsnip: Oh. Didn't see that that was his problem14:08
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ActionParsnipmisse-: its not but s/he has just got nvidia gfx drivers in so stuff needs setting up (or not)14:08
dos|equisI've already type: gksudo nvidia--settings, but nothing happens. No window or something pop-up in the screen.14:08
misse-dos|equis: gksudo nvidia-settings14:09
misse-dos|equis: you have two dashes in your line14:09
prakash_do we have google voice chat in ubuntu? i am new to ubuntu....plz help...14:09
ActionParsnipdos|equis: you can use tab to complete commands14:09
ActionParsnipprakash_: apparently the new pidgin does it14:09
ubuntistashow can i enable google chrome flash plugin any idea?14:10
prakash_but i cant make a voice chat...could you help me to configure pidgin.14:10
dos|equisstill, nothing happened.14:10
majnoon<-STILL trying to figure THAT out14:10
ribothomies.. i was just about to ask about an issue, and then resolved it14:11
jonny_b flashplayer 10.0 r32 crashes firefox 3.014:11
legend2440dos|equis: the command is   gksudo nvidia-settings14:11
dos|equisYes, I already type that.14:12
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dos|equisBut nothing happens14:12
ubuntistasrar for linux?14:12
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ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free14:12
dos|equisbrb, guys.14:12
MK13how could i find the computer name of a computer on my lan if i know it's ip??14:12
mtlifewhy do i get crc error after loading initram.igz?14:13
=== Floops[w] is now known as Fringe
pachibuen dia¡¡14:14
ActionParsnipMK13: ping -a <ip>14:14
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:14
ActionParsnipMK13: nslookup <ip>14:14
MK13ActionParsnip, thnx14:14
ubuntistashow can i enable google chrome flash plugin any idea?14:15
llutzMK13: dig -x <ip>14:15
ActionParsnipubuntistas: make a symlink to libflashplugin.so in the chrome plugin folder14:15
MK13llutz, thanx14:16
arandubuntistas: /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins/ and then start "chromium-browser --enable-plugins"14:16
pachiok thany you my friens ¡¡ good bye ¡¡14:16
brotkastenhey, can anyone point me to some docu how to set pam max password retries before reporting an error?14:16
ActionParsnipubuntistas: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so /opt/google/chrome/plugins/libflashplayer.so; file /opt/google/chrome/plugins/libflashplayer.so14:17
ActionParsnipubuntistas: if it says, symbolic link to libflasplugin.so or something thats not an error, you win14:18
ubuntistasactionparsnip yes it says that but in the end say that existas14:19
punk_rocker_gulhello.. i downloaded knet attach from internet...and its not there in the list of installed applications.. anyway of removing it?14:20
sipiorbrotkasten: have a look at /etc/pam.d/common-auth and friends14:20
ubuntistasbut i cannot play video again actionparsnip14:20
arandubuntistas: chromium-browser --enable-plugins, like I said.14:21
ubuntistashow arand?14:21
ActionParsnipubuntistas: you need the .so file to appear in the plugins folder. Is there a ~/.chrome folder?14:21
Nitrodistpunk_rocker_gul, sudo apt-get remove knet-attach14:21
arandubuntistas: from terminal.14:22
Nitrodistor whatever the package is named14:22
brotkastensipior: thank you, i did ... but there's nothing in pam_unix.so or anything else i looked at14:22
fat_ratafter latest kernel update in hardy, my portable speakers aren't working... :((( i'm running ubu on eee14:22
ActionParsnipubuntistas: press alt+f2. type "chromium-browser --enable-plugins" without the quotes, press enter14:22
arandActionParsnip: I don't think chromium does per-user plugins yet.14:22
Nitrodistor alternatively, go into 'synaptic package manager' and search for the package in there14:22
Nitrodistand mark it for removal14:22
ubuntistasok thx arand14:22
ActionParsniparand: worth a look though ;)14:22
Johnhi ,everyone14:22
=== John is now known as Guest95774
brotkastensipior: maybe you know a different pam module that will handle that ... i already managed to introduce pam_tally and other things ...14:23
brotkastensipior: but the login retries ... i just cant find anything on it14:23
punk_rocker_gulNitrodist, where do i giv this command? sorry i m lame in ubuntu14:23
Nitrodistpunk_rocker_gul, in a terminal14:23
Guest95774ubuntu server is well14:23
Nitrodistapplications -> accessories -> terminal14:24
Nitrodistthis is assuming that you know the package name though14:24
punk_rocker_guli know14:24
fat_rati need help... after latest kernel update in hardy, my portable speakers aren't working... :((( btw i'm running ubu on eee14:24
punk_rocker_gulNitrodist, thanks..14:24
punk_rocker_guli hav one more doubt14:24
punk_rocker_gulmy ubuntu is named Karthiya how do i change the name..14:24
sipiorbrotkasten: try pam_tally14:25
Boohbahpunk_rocker_gul: sudo hostname14:25
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Boohbahpunk_rocker_gul: sudo echo newhostname > /etc/hostname14:25
Nitrodistpunk_rocker_gul, are you talking about your user name?14:26
Nitrodistlike... when you log in?14:26
dustinexcellent, support chanel14:26
Boohbah!hi | dustin14:26
ubottudustin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:26
brotkastensipior: as far as i know pam_tally just counts the failed logins and introduces account lockouts ... but not the login retries befor you get an error message like "access denied"14:26
ubuntistasarand video is playing but when i close the browser and reopen it doesn't play14:26
punk_rocker_gulyeah .. the username of my laptop for ubuntu14:27
Nitrodistor in the terminal, Karthinya@some-host-here:~$14:27
sipiorbrotkasten: why is an account lockout not sufficient?14:27
arandubuntistas: yea, because you'll have to run with the --enable-plugins option every time.14:27
dustinseems better than the other ircs I've tried lately :) everyone gets aggravated when I ask a question14:27
ubuntistasaha ok14:27
NitrodistBoohbah, got any insight on this?14:27
fredein appereance -> visual effects, whats the difference between none and normal?14:27
Nitrodistchange the home directory?14:27
sipiorbrotkasten: actually, have you verified that the "deny" keyword to pam_tally.so is not what you want?14:28
NitrodistI'm going to suggest creating a new user14:28
punk_rocker_gulNitrodist, i want to change it to my nickname14:28
brotkastensipior: sipior wait a tic... checking14:28
dustinalright, I wiped windows, installed fedora and opensuse, and grub isn't showing it on the bootlist. I'm not altogether comfortable working from a terminal, so I was wondering about swapping to lilo14:28
Nitrodistjust to log in punk_rocker_gul ?14:28
=== Ubuntu is now known as mc-kay
mc-kayneed ty14:28
punk_rocker_gulno.. i m talking about ubuntu.. username..14:28
mc-kayi need to fix that14:29
dustinwould swapping to lilo be... simple?14:29
Topy44hi everyone, linux-noob here with some trouble getting the network to work the way i want it14:29
brotkastensipior: no ... deny is the number of login attempts before the user is locked out14:29
sipiorbrotkasten: that isn't what you want?14:29
Topy44system: easypeasy (essentially on ubuntu intrepid)14:30
punk_rocker_gulno.. not for loggin in punkrockergul14:30
Topy44*based on14:30
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know how to setup gnome-ppp?14:30
punk_rocker_gulmy ubuntu username is karthiya i want it as punkrockergul14:30
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dustincan anyone tell me if swapping to lilo would be particularly difficult?14:30
nematauim using internet with 'wvdial' command and i cant find to see my traffic statistics [downloaded/uploaded atm] where i can find it?14:30
ubottulilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.14:30
Topy44anyway: i have internet access through pppoe, a local LAN and a public WLAN, all at the same time14:30
rsknot much info there heh'14:30
brotkastensipior: no. if you login to the system and you type your password 3 times ... it says "login failed" but you may try again by typing your username again and restarting the whole auth process14:30
Nitrodistpunk_rocker_gul, log in where? on the ubuntu forums?14:30
sipiordustin: better to get grub working. lilo can be annoying at times.14:30
ActionParsnipdustin: not hard at all14:30
dustinwhat do you mean by annoying at times?14:31
brotkastensipior: i want to restart the whole auth process after say the 2nd invalid password input14:31
Topy44but neither network-manager nor wicd allow me to be on all 3 at once - wicd allows just one connection at the time, and network manager allows wifi and pppoe or lan, but not all 314:31
raubvogelpunk_rocker_gul: If in your machine, edit the passwd file and then14:31
punk_rocker_gulNitrodist, when the laptop starts.. it asks for username and password i want to change tht username to punkrockergul14:31
Nitrodistthat's what I thought14:31
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=== Julia is now known as Guest79128
raubvogelCan I run aptitude and select which files I want to update? Or am I better to just run a script?14:31
Topy44i have tried a ton of stuff but nothing worked. i had xandros installed before, there it worked14:31
dustinif I swap to lilo, how would it affect me? I'm running 8.04 btw14:32
Topy44(afaik xandros uses its own proprietary network manager)14:32
Nitrodistthe long and short of it is... create a new user, punk_rocker_gul, because migrating everything and the setting the correct permissions for all of your stuff is a headache14:32
nematauim using internet with 'wvdial' command to connect, and i cant find to wh see my traffic statistics [downloaded/uploaded atm] where i can find it?14:32
Nitrodistand all of that has to be done from the recovery console14:32
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Nitrodistso it would be a lot of command line stuff14:32
Nitrodistand THEN... some programs may not work correctly14:33
dustinHow would swapping to lilo affect me?!?!14:33
dustinI'm not the type to follow blindly14:33
Nitrodistit's a crap shoot at best14:33
Nitrodistdustin, what's lilo14:33
grawityNitrodist: adduser, tar xvzf, chown14:33
Boohbahpunk_rocker_gul: sudo sed 's/Karthiya/punk_rocker_gul/g' </etc/group && sudo sed 's/Karthiya/punk_rocker_gul/g' </etc/passwd && sudo mv /home/Karthiya /home/punk_rocker_gul14:33
ActionParsnip!lilo | Nitrodist14:33
ubottuNitrodist: lilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.14:33
raubvogelNitrodist: I would be more concerned about sudo; she'd have to make sure new user is in the admin group14:33
grawityNitrodist: lilo is a Linux bootloader. Used to be popular, now everyone uses grub.14:33
llutzdustin: you will get a complete different bootmanager, why do you want lilo?14:33
sipiorbrotkasten: well, if you can't find it, time to write your own module. is it really worth the trouble?14:34
raubvogeldustin:  boot off a cd single user mode, chroot, and have fun14:34
dustinwhat now?14:34
Topy44dustin: you should answer the question: why do you want lilo in the first place?14:35
Nitrodistwhat's wrong with grub?14:35
dustinalright, I'm hoping it will detect opensuse and fedora and allow me to boot into those Oses14:35
brotkastensipior: my boss thinks so :D14:35
llutzdustin: configuring lilo is even more tricky than grubs config. imho one needs a good reason to use lilo today14:35
dustingrub will not, grub won't even drop windows xp which I wiped14:35
llutzdustin: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, add those entries, be happy14:36
Topy44the only reason to use lilo is if you insist on silly hires bootmenus :)14:36
Nitrodistuse a grub editor ;P14:36
raubvogeldustin: did you edit the grub config file to fit your needs?14:36
Nitrodistentries don't magically disappear from lists14:36
dustinyes, HOW do I edit /boot/grub/menu.lst?!14:36
llutzTopy44: /boot on xfs?14:36
Nitrodistdustin, install 'kgrub'14:36
unopBoohbah, sed does not do an inplace edit by default - so that command is unlikely to have caused any changes to /etc/{passwd,group}14:36
llutzdustin: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst14:36
raubvogeldustin: vi /boot/grub/menu.lst perhaps?14:36
dustinI've tried it14:36
dustinI can't make heads or tails14:36
fcarramateunop and Boohbah: try to use -i option on sed command14:37
dustinI don't know how to add fedora and opensuse, not 100% sure what the linux names for my hard drives are and don't want to screw up my comp14:37
punk_rocker_gulNitrodist, i wasnt able to remove knetattach14:37
dustinkgrubeditor, one second14:37
punk_rocker_gulcan u give me the command14:37
unopfcarramate, that still wouldn't work here due to the redirection14:37
llutzdustin: when installing fedora/suse, have they wirtten their grub into partition?14:37
Nitrodistpunk_rocker_gul, sudo apt-get remove knetattach14:37
ChiiiiizI have a problem with Jaunty, My Radeon X1300/X1550 Series and Catalyst. Can someone help me?14:38
Peterflipwhat's the problem with it?14:38
dustinllutz: opensuse has not, I think THINK that fedora has14:38
llutzdustin: you know on what partition you installed fedora/suse?14:39
fd*** i've an issue, i try to look TV with my TV card, but i can't.14:39
ChiiiiizI wanted to have a dual screen, with extended display (going with the mouse to other screen by going on the right).14:39
dustinnot sure if suse exists anymore though14:39
grawitydustin: OpenSuSE.14:39
fdi've installed mplayer and kaffeine but i don't know how could i see my TVcard14:39
ZemmyJaunty see's a blank DVD-R as a DVD-ROM, which means I cannot burn to it. Any thoughts?14:39
dustinbut fedora I gave my entire secondary hard drive14:39
usb_wifi_donglei want to use my netbook as an AP and i have 3 different USB wireless dongles whose chipsets are ralink rt73usb, zydas zd1211rw and realtek rtl8187. has anyone here *recently* managed to use any of those in Master Mode, that is AP mode?14:39
Peterflipin this chat are too many people, i think14:39
fdwhen i make a : lsusb my car is reconized :14:40
dustinwhich is technically my primary but ubuntu occupies my larger drive so I call that primary14:40
fdBus 001 Device 002: ID 2040:6502 Hauppauge WinTV HVR-90014:40
llutzdustin: please pastebin your /boot7grub/menu.lst14:40
llutzdustin: please pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst14:40
ChiiiiizI heard that the Jaunty Xorg version was not compatible with Catalyst 9.3, so I waited... I installed today Catalyst 9.6... My PC boots fine, but the displays shows colors dots... I can do nothing. Any idea?14:40
fdmy card is a Hauppauge WinTV HVR-90014:40
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:40
ubun00bDoes anyone have experience with OSS4 sound, Ive just got that instead of Alsa. I now hear bleeps when I sound test in preferences, however  rhythmbox still will not play14:40
Guest67803Hi,Is anyone here?14:40
Dr_WillisGuest67803:  1326 people here.14:40
dustinwait a second14:40
dustinkgrubeditor looks great14:40
dustingive me a minute or two and if it doesn't work I'll pastebin14:41
Dr_Willisid like a gui syslinux editor. :014:41
llutzdustin: good luck14:41
raubvogelGuest67803: No. Only meat popsicles14:41
Zemmyheh meat-popsicles14:41
dustinalright I've got something14:42
g8torhello all14:42
Boohbahunop: you're right, i forgot to redirect the output to a file14:42
IdleOneGuest67803: did you need any help with Ubuntu?14:42
apparleubun00b: did you find anything in syslog14:42
dustinit says to enter where the os that is this entry will boot is located14:42
Boohbahpunk_rocker_gul: sudo sed 's/Karthiya/punk_rocker_gul/g' </etc/group >/etc/group && sudo sed 's/Karthiya/punk_rocker_gul/g' </etc/passwd >/etc/passwd && sudo mv /home/Karthiya /home/punk_rocker_gul14:43
unopBoohbah, well, you don't have to redirect at all if you use sed's -i14:43
dustinit has a suggestion box, but what should I put for first hard drive, or "c" drive in windows14:43
NitrodistBoohbah, she's gone for a reboot14:43
llutzdustin pastebin output of "sudo fdisk -l" please14:43
ubun00bApparle: nah nothing that I understood... However I stumbled upon a guide to change over to OSS4 instead of Alsa, which i followed and now when I do a sound test in preferences I hear bleeps14:43
Guest67803Excuse me,I'm a Chinese,My english is poor14:43
Nitrodistdustin I would help you but I have to restart before I can14:44
ZemmyJaunty see's a blank DVD-R as a DVD-ROM, which means I cannot burn to it. Any thoughts?14:44
steve_3199ive noticed a problem in ubuntu that could be quite troublesome, where can i make a suggestion?14:44
dustinsudo fdisk -l?14:44
g8torI've just setup postfix to sent email (locally only) I setup an alias for root to my account and am recieving thos messages sent to root from cron jobs. However when I try to reply to the email mutt says "/home/g8tor/sent: Permission denied (errno = 13)". Help Please14:44
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thinktank14:44
Nitrodiststeve_3199, ubuntu-forums14:44
dustin  14:44
Nitrodiston the internet!14:44
Dr_Willis'problem' = bug Id think..14:44
Dr_Willisbut with out more details. :) we cant say14:45
bnmrrsHey everybody.  I need to set up an "ftp drop box" where users will be able to upload files but not get a listing and not download.  My current idea is to install proftpd and create an ftp-dropbox user.  I would then have directories in ftp-dropbox's home directory or additional users.  Each additional user would only have write access to /home/ftp-dropbox/<user-dir>.  Does that sound like a good idea?14:45
apparleubun00b: I had used OSS before starting alsa..........but using OSS is pain in ass.........better try ALSA..........anyways..........do you have mp3 codecs installed14:45
IdleOneNitrodist: bugs.ubuntu.com14:45
Nitrodiststeve_3199, bugs.ubuntu.com14:46
ubun00bapparle:  hmm this is what i was thinking, how do i check?14:46
steve_3199oh, its on the home page14:46
steve_3199i should of looked there, lazy me14:46
punk_rocker_gulNitrodist, can u plz giv me the command to remove again?14:46
dustinif I simply tried lilo would it be any problem?14:46
dustinwould it work by default?14:46
Nitrodistpunk_rocker_gul, sudo apt-get remove knetattach14:46
llutzdustin: i doubt that14:46
apparleubun00b: what does alsamixer command give you??14:46
IdleOnesteve_3199: not exactly but that link will redirect you to launchpad which is what ubuntu uses for bug tracking14:46
dustinlilo doesn't work by default ?!?14:47
apparle!mp3 | ubun00b14:47
ubottuubun00b: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:47
punk_rocker_gulwat is sudo password/14:47
Nitrodistyour password to log in14:47
IdleOnepunk_rocker_gul: your password that you setup at install14:47
Dr_WillisLili may need some configuring.. and lilo is known to be problematic on some hardware14:47
llutzdustin: i'm not sure if it will perform an OS-scan. it will work, but maybe not as you expect14:47
=== welcome is now known as Blizzerand
punk_rocker_gulbut when i type the password its not coming14:47
boscophey. I have a problem with firefox on ubuntu. when I download a file, and double-click on it, I can't open it with the assiciated program. instead, it shows a dialog to search for an app. this is very annoying. do you have any suggestions?14:47
ubun00bapparle: Sorry dude, still uber n00b with ubuntu here, whats  alsamixer command?14:47
punk_rocker_gulthe cursor stops there.. ;P14:48
dustinwell, will it prevent ubuntu from booting, because if I can acess ubuntu, I can reboot it14:48
Nitrodistpunk_rocker_gul, it's supposed to be 'blank' when you type so that no one knows the length of your password14:48
BlizzerandIsn't it the root passd14:48
dustinremove it*14:48
grawitypunk_rocker_gul: it works correctly.14:48
ubun00bThx ubottu i will check it out14:48
Nitrodistpunk_rocker_gul, type the password and hit enter14:48
grawityBlizzerand: sudo asks for _your_ password.14:48
Dr_Willispunk_rocker_gul:  it dosent 'echo' anything back to show you entering text14:48
IdleOnepunk_rocker_gul: when you type your password you wont see it or **** but it is there. type the password and hit enter14:48
apparleubun00b: goto terminal and type alsamixer and press enter14:48
grawitypunk_rocker_gul: Terminal applications will never show ****s when they ask for passwords.14:48
punk_rocker_gulthanks everyone i got it..14:48
Nitrodistlike 8 replies14:48
steve_3199well, its more of a feature that can help resolve another problem from happening,would i put it as a bug report or post it to ubuntu devel, its about having some sort of protection during the updates14:48
ubun00bubun00b: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:49
grawityNitrodist: It's common on such channels.14:49
apparleubun00b: can you give me a link to your laptop product specs14:49
IdleOneNitrodist: we all reply the same thing basically?14:49
Blizzerandgrawity : Ah I have 1 doubt . Even if I update my kernel is it possible to boot with the old kernel14:49
Dr_Willis'bad window habbits/training 101' :)14:49
ubun00bapparle: sure gimme a sec14:49
Dr_Willisexpecting a * or somthing when entering a password14:49
NitrodistIdleOne, clearly MY reply was the greatest!14:49
=== OttifantSir1 is now known as OttifantSir
grawityBlizzerand: Ubuntu does not automatically remove old kernels when installing new ones.14:49
ubun00balsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory14:49
IdleOneNitrodist: ok I'll gie you the points in that case14:49
Nitrodistchalk it up14:50
Blizzerandgrawity : So after my update my boot up speed reduced , so if I boot from the old kernel can it have the old speed14:50
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:50
ubun00bapparle: http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/uk/en/ho/WF06a/321957-321957-3329744-64354-64354-3756677.html14:51
apparleubun00b: I think your problem is exactly similar to mine...............see is you can pastebin the syslog output14:51
ubun00bapparle: Sure one sec14:51
Leenuxwhere i can found libxft2 ?14:54
Blizzerandgrawity : You still there14:54
gcl_hi guys, does anyone know how i can fix the problem with usin14:54
Leenuxi try seacrhing in google or apt-get14:54
Leenuxbut, i not found it14:54
apparle!info libxft214:54
ubottulibxft2 (source: xft): FreeType-based font drawing library for X. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.13-3ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 49 kB, installed size 140 kB14:54
apparleLeenux: why version of ubuntu? jaunty hardy etc..14:55
grawityapparle: what*14:55
SteevoI've copied a bash script file to my home directory and I'm trying to execute it, but it is giving me an error saying bad interpreter: no such file or directory14:55
SteevoHow do I get this stupid thing to execute?14:56
grawitySteevo: What is the first line of that script?14:56
Leenuxapparle: interpid ibex14:56
Dr_WillisSteevo:  check the first line of the script..s ee what its trying to run14:56
Dr_WillisSteevo:  and how are you trying to run it?14:56
ubun00bapparle: Still waiting for pastbin to work... must be a big file :S14:56
BlizzerandHello there , I just updated my ubuntu kernel and the boot up speed got reduced . If i try to boot from the old kernel can it solve the prob14:56
Dr_WillisBlizzerand:  try booting from the older one and see if it works?14:57
ubuntuhola a todos14:57
Pici!es | ubuntu14:57
ubottuubuntu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:57
ubuntucon que teclas agrando el terminal14:58
epshow can i see how many files are in a directory ?14:58
grawityeps: ls | wc -l14:58
BlizzerandDr_Willis : Will it result in loss of data14:58
epsthank you !14:58
grawityeps: For a recursive one (with subdirectories), it's find | wc -l14:58
Dr_WillisBlizzerand:  why would it?14:58
grawityeps: err, find -type f | wc -l14:58
epscool, thanks its non recursive14:59
Dr_Willisit was the kernel you were using befor..14:59
ubun00bapparle: This log file has 77370 lines of code.14:59
Steevosorry about that. grawity, the first line is #! /bin/sh14:59
ubun00bapparle: http://paste.ubuntu.com/256924/14:59
Dr_WillisSteevo:  it shoudl be #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash NO space after the #!14:59
BlizzerandDr_Willis : Can't think of loosing current system . k let me try14:59
grawityBlizzerand: The space is allowed.15:00
Dr_Willis You srue about that grawity ?  ive never seen a space in there befor.15:00
SteevoOk, I'll try that!15:00
grawityBlizzerand: In fact, some older Unix systems even required the space.15:00
llutzDr_Willis: it is allowed15:00
Dr_Willisold skool. :)15:00
grawityDr_Willis: I'm sure, and I've even read a comparison of how various old systems interpreted that line.15:00
Dr_WillisI DO recall swwing an issue with #!/bin/sh<CR><LF>  ONCE that took me forever to find.15:00
grawityThat could be the problem.15:01
Dr_WillisI forget what editor/how i accidently had  a extra char at the end. (notepad.exe) i think did it.15:01
SteevoStill the same error.15:01
Blizzerandgrawity  : I am quite sorry but what space15:01
grawityDr_Willis: anyway, http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/various/shebang/#details15:01
ActionParsnipBlizzerand: if your data is important you should have a backup15:01
grawityBlizzerand: The one after #!15:01
Dr_WillisI forget what editor i used that even showed the <cr><LF> at the end of the lines.15:01
grawityBlizzerand: Anyway, ignore that - I replied to the wrong nick.15:02
grawityDr_Willis: Notepad2 does, for example.15:02
MaGicMaXhey, im using sound convert to convert mp3 to ogg, i was wonder if its worth it to "Resample" and if so, which freq(is higher always better)?15:02
mtlife!info partimage15:02
ubottupartimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.7-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 275 kB, installed size 964 kB15:02
chriss5Is dualbooting XP and Ubuntu recommended? Or should I just use ubuntu fulltime with Wine and Crossover?15:02
Dr_Willisgrawity:  yea. i think i  used fte to look at the problem script and discovered teh extra characters. :)15:03
ActionParsnipMaGicMaX: converting from one lossy typye to another lossy type will degrade quality15:03
BlizzerandActionScript : Thanks.15:03
Dr_WillisI recall it was giving some odd error similer ot what he was getting.15:03
SteevoSo what do I try now?15:03
zirodayMaGicMaX: you usually on resample if you want to make a sound of lower quality, not higher one.15:03
ActionParsnipchriss5: crossover is a paid for software15:03
Dr_Willis!info notepad215:03
ubottuPackage notepad2 does not exist in jaunty15:03
ActionParsnipchriss5: not all linux software is fre15:03
thiebaudechriss5, nothing wrong with dual booting if you need too, i dont myself15:03
grawityDr_Willis: Notepad2 is a Windows app (though I do use it on Wine sometimes).15:04
MaGicMaXchriss5: i would try out the live CD to make sure ur hardware works the way you want, then if you can find alternative ubuntu programs for everything in windows, i would reccomend going all ubuntu, i did :)15:04
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
llutzchriss5: problem with dualboot is, that you will always boot the wrong system :)15:04
SteevoSo do I need to apply any special modes to run a script?15:04
MaGicMaXziroday: so resample is not good to do?15:04
punk_rocker_gulhello Nitrodist15:04
Dr_WillisSteevo:  its possible theres some extra characters at the end of that #!/bin/sh line.15:04
zirodaySteevo: you have to make it executable15:04
sebrockanyone knows why I get Error 16:Inconsistent filesystem structure after a kernel update? This has happened two times now. The old kernel works fine.15:04
SteevoSo how to I eliminate that?15:05
ActionParsnipSteevo: no just chmod +x the text file and it will be a script15:05
zirodayMaGicMaX: if you want the sound to be of lower (and therefore smaller filesize) quality then sure15:05
Dr_WillisSteevo:  where did this script come from?  perhaps pastebin the whole thing15:05
punk_rocker_gulwats the best ftp software for ubuntu 8.04?15:05
ziroday!best > punk_rocker_gul15:05
ubottupunk_rocker_gul, please see my private message15:05
ActionParsnip!best | punk_rocker_gul15:05
ubottupunk_rocker_gul: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:05
MaGicMaXziroday: ive resampled about 300 of my mp3s already at 4800hz, side by side i cant tell the diff between them quality wise15:05
SteevoI've cut and pasted the code from a website and then cut out the chunks I don't want.15:05
chriss5Hm. Kay, I've pretty much decided. I'll just run ubuntu from now on. Might be a newbish question, but I do want to make sure: Installing ubuntu will wipe out everything, so I don't have to uninstall any programs now, right?15:05
Dr_Willispunk_rocker_gul:  would depend on your needs.. I suggest learning to use ssh, and forgetting about ftp15:05
ActionParsnippunk_rocker_gul: best is an opinion and is therefore not concrete15:05
Dr_WillisSteevo:  using  what os/editor?15:05
ubuntuplease my friends15:06
ActionParsnippunk_rocker_gul: and do you mean ftp client or server?15:06
mtlifewhy is clonezilla not working for me? its not booting? tried newer and older versions15:06
MaGicMaXziroday: in fact the ogg's sound a bit better on the highs15:06
Leenuxapparle: i had install libxft2. But my error not resolved15:06
zirodayMaGicMaX: more then likely, most (if not all) people can tell the difference15:06
ubuntuneed help15:06
ActionParsnippunk_rocker_gul: ftp is only a protocol, you havent clarified server or client15:06
zirodayMaGicMaX: but some people like to get wound up on that sort of thing :)15:06
Leenuxapparle: need help in http://pastebin.com/m7c79d89215:06
apparleLeenux: what's the error15:06
b3rz3rk3r!question | ubuntu15:06
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:06
MaGicMaXchriss5: thats right, it will format during install (choose use entire disk)15:06
ActionParsnip!ftp > punk_rocker_gul15:06
ubottupunk_rocker_gul, please see my private message15:06
punk_rocker_gulActionParsnip, i want ftp client15:07
ActionParsnippunk_rocker_gul: see ubottu's output15:07
punk_rocker_guli saw15:07
chriss5MaGicMaX and everyone else who answered: Right. Thanks! I'm off then.15:07
b3rz3rk3rpunk_rocker_gul, filezilla15:07
grawitypunk_rocker_gul: You can use the builtin FTP support of GNOME -- Places -> Connect To Server...15:07
llutzpunk_rocker_gul: lftp15:07
zirodayLeenux: we don't support eyeOS here.15:07
Nitrodistpunk_rocker_gul, filezilla, you can install it from firefox15:07
ActionParsnippunk_rocker_gul: i'd omit "best" from your questions. best doesnt exist outsaide of an evaluation of something to your own needs. There is no universal best anything.15:08
MaGicMaXziroday: i know nothing about audio quality settings, i just go by ear, and so far ive been impressed at how low the settings can be on ogg but still sound just as good15:08
SteevoWindows notepad to make the changes, then dumped it via a terminal.15:08
punk_rocker_gulNitrodist, thanks.. u rock my world!15:08
zirodayMaGicMaX: mmhm15:08
ActionParsnippunk_rocker_gul: there are any many ftp clients, try a few, see which you like15:08
punk_rocker_gulthese bots r making me sick15:08
STELIOShow do i split a 2.52 gig txt file?15:08
Dr_WillisSteevo:  if you used windows notepad.. then you MOST likely got extra chacaters on the end of each line15:08
gcl_hey guys, does anyone know how to manually change the native resolution over HDMI?15:08
alankilaMaGicMaX: format conversions are awfully lossy. If you start from mp3 and go to vorbis, you lose the stuff mp3 forgets and also the stuff vorbis forgets, getting worst of both worlds15:08
llutzSTELIOS: use split15:08
Dr_WillisSteevo:  thats EXACTLY how i messed up a script once.15:08
Leenuxziroday: this error not in scripts, but my ubuntu not undefined symbol: FT_Library_SetLcdFilter when try OO 2.415:08
ActionParsnippunk_rocker_gul: if you improve your questions you will get less from the bots15:08
zirodaygcl_: you can use xrandr and set a modeline, I don't know the exact syntax however15:08
punk_rocker_gulActionParsnip, ok :P i get it15:09
STELIOSwhat would trhe command be?15:09
zirodayLeenux: you are using eyeOS, not ubuntu. We don't support eyeOS here.15:09
ActionParsnippunk_rocker_gul: good15:09
alankilathere are no clever algorithms that can repair the detail once it's lost.15:09
llutzSTELIOS: read "man split" and chose your options15:09
STELIOSthe options were confusing15:09
MaGicMaXalankila: ive been told this, but its the only way to get mp3s off my system at the moment, and by ear i can tell its lost a whole lot, in fact, i heard some distortions in the original mp3 that disapeared in the ogg, not sure how15:09
Dr_Willis!info tofrodos15:09
ubottutofrodos (source: tofrodos): Converts DOS <-> Unix text files, alias tofromdos. In component main, is optional. Version 1.7.8.debian.1-1 (jaunty), package size 19 kB, installed size 80 kB15:09
STELIOSlines or size etc15:10
MaGicMaXcant tell*15:10
Dr_WillisSteevo:  you may wan tto isntalll the 'tofrodos' package and try the 'dos2unix' command on the script to see if it can convert./remove the charqcters properly.15:10
punk_rocker_gulNitrodist, should i download filezilla from firefox?15:10
zirodaypunk_rocker_gul: no.15:10
alankilaMaGicMaX: well, what you describe ought to be impossible for sure.15:10
Nitrodistwhy no ziroday15:10
Nitrodistit's the easiest and simplest way15:11
b3rz3rk3rpunk_rocker_gul, get it from the repos15:11
grawityNitrodist: besides repos?15:11
punk_rocker_gulok b3rz3rk3r and Ziroday15:11
zirodayNitrodist: you should install filezilla from the repo's, like every other piece of software15:11
sipiorMaGicMaX: probably because the distortions you noticed earlier have been swamped by the overall loss in fidelity.15:11
Nitrodistcontrary to what linux users are used to, installation through firefox or through an installer file is miles easier than even knowing what a repo is and how to use it ;P15:11
alankilaanyway, resampling is usually done by some component of the system. I recommend not changing the sample rate of the source audio stream, it's best to leave resampling to happen during playback if at all. Resampling only loses detail as well, because it's a nontrivial process with tradeoffs to make.15:12
MaGicMaXalankila: im not sure if it was distortion, but it was a fussy sound in the deep bass parts of the song, it would crackle in the mp3, the ogg's bass didnt crackle at all15:12
Dr_WillisNitrodist:  untill it breaks  stuff....15:12
apparleubun00b: what does OSS detect your sound card as15:12
zirodayNitrodist: you might want to do your homework on why repo's exist15:13
orochiDr_Willis: The Ubuntu packaged version of Firefox 3.5 breaks when you full-screen flash, the downloadable version from Mozilla doesn't :> Depends on your perspective what breaks15:13
alankilaMaGicMaX: *shrug*. my major complaints against mp3 are the usually severely lost treble, and vorbis can "warble" for some audio streams which just interact badly with the encoder. I'm not sure if the bug is fixed, but I have some piano music that sounds like a bird is chirping in the background, all constructed by the vorbis encoder.15:13
Dr_Willisorochi:  i dont even see much need for me to use 3.5.x yet.15:13
Nitrodistyeah, I can see why installing it onto firefox as an extension is WAY harder than installing it to the core of the system15:13
b3rz3rk3rNitrodist, the whole idea behind the repos is to make packages easy to find and get15:13
Dr_Willisorochi:  i am testing out google chrome. :P15:13
orochiDr_Willis: There probably isn't a reason to if you're happy with Chrome or 3.0...the point is more along the lines that just because it came from a repository doesn't mean it'll never break :>15:14
ubun00bapparle: High definition Audio 0x111d76b is what it says.15:14
* Dr_Willis condiders flash 'broken' by definition.. :)15:14
apparleubun00b: ok and what is the codec in vista15:14
MaGicMaXalankila: i know exactly what you mean by the chirping, i have some classical piono songs too, in mp3 even at 192bps it was doing it, i dont thin i did compare the ogg leme go listen heh15:14
STELIOScan any one tell me the command for splitting a 2.52gig txt file please15:15
zirodayorochi: what works for you doesn't work for everybody. If everyone was to attempt to manually install flash a) the install process would be a lot more convulated and b) much more likely to break15:15
ubun00bapparle: one min I will have to reboot to find out.15:15
Dr_Willisa 2.52 gb ascii text file? gee.. i wonder what sort of compression ya would get on that with an archiver..15:15
orochiziroday: I don't manually install flash, I manually install packages that aren't working properly on the other hand15:15
STELIOSno a normal text file15:15
sipiorSTELIOS: try "split"15:15
Dr_WillisSTELIOS:   define 'normal' ?15:16
STELIOSyeah i have tried but i keep getting it wrong15:16
Dr_Willisascii would be a normal text file to me..15:16
zirodayorochi: look I really don't want to get into this argument, and not specifically here either. It's much better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic15:16
STELIOSi want to split in half15:16
=== John is now known as Guest42549
Guest42549which is better?ubuntu or redhat?15:16
RoRzaanyone here know the command on how to rename a folder from a command line15:16
orochiziroday: As an aside, if everyone were to manually attempt to install flash then there would be a standardized method and instructions on it on the Ubuntu site very likely, so your point doesn't make sense anyway. But yes, feel free not to argue. :>15:16
Dr_WillisGuest42549:  use what you like.15:16
* sipior wonders if trolls really are vulnerable to fire15:17
IdleOneGuest42549: windows15:17
b3rz3rk3rSTELIOS, you could just go in, copy half and paste into another file surely? :p  or am i missing the point?15:17
MaGicMaXubuntu :)15:17
grawityRoRza: Using 'mv'15:17
RoRzarenaming a file15:17
llutzSTELIOS: split -b 1.3G infile.txt outfile15:17
grawityRoRza: mv oldname newname15:17
zirodayRoRza: mv /path/to/old/file /path/to/newfilename15:17
b3rz3rk3rSTELIOS, do you mean you want to compress it in a multi-part archive?15:17
NitrodistGuest42549, clearly... it's Minix15:17
Dr_WillisNitrodist:  CP/M15:17
zirodayorochi: glad we've come to an understanding15:17
Nitrodistmonolithic kernels were always doomed from the start15:17
Vincemanwhat do you do if you have a problem that nobody else had?15:18
STELIOSi will try what you said about c and p15:18
grawityVinceman: You try to solve it.15:18
Dr_WillisVinceman:  start a thread on the forums.15:18
orochiziroday: I didn't think you were going to continue this discussion, you're one of those last word types I suppose? Go ahead and have it if it makes you feel better. :P15:18
zirodayVinceman: you figure out how to duplicate your problem, and check if it happens on a fresh install15:18
zirodayVinceman: (and an explanation of your issue would be wonderful)15:19
sipiororochi: i see what you did there.15:19
NitrodistVinceman, first post it on the forums15:20
STELIOSopening  a file that large hangs my craptop out15:20
Nitrodistand if they suggest to create a new bug ticket... then do that :P15:20
=== BlackJack is now known as Dreaman
sipiorSTELIOS: what sort of errors are you seeing?15:21
STELIOSnot errors15:21
Dr_Willissome text editors could handle a 2+gb text file.. I just wonder what sort of data/process MAKES a 2+GB text file...15:22
Dr_WillisHuman genome sequence in ascii? :)15:22
boss_mcSTELIOS: are you opening it in a graphical editor (like gedit) or in a cli one (like vim/nano) cos a graphical one might have file size restrictions15:22
MaGicMaXalankila: ok i just did a comparison of one of my mp3 piano songs that chirped alot in the highs, i did a 160bitrate, i converted to 128 ogg (no resample) and the chirping is gone...15:22
rskDr_Willis: cat /dev/urandom file ? :O)15:22
ryanakcaWhat's wrong with this command? for i in `/bin/grep -rin "'/'.\$html->webroot" * | cut -d':' -f 1 | uniq`; do sed -e "s@'/'.@@g' $i; done15:22
orochiDr_Willis: An obscure example but temperature monitors for the marine labs i've worked in have to spit out abot that amount a week15:22
b3rz3rk3rDr_Willis, windows anti-virus scan log?15:22
MaGicMaXalankila: i would love to send you both the songs and you could listen for yourself heh15:22
grawityb3rz3rk3r: Only if it logs clean files too.15:23
STELIOSi just want to split in half15:23
Dr_Willisorochi:  pastebinit! :)15:23
ryanakca(I'm trying to get rid of all "'/'." in front of "$html->webroot"15:23
zirodayryanakca: #bash might be more fruitful15:23
sipiorSTELIOS: then how do you know the machine is hanging? we're trying to understand the problem you are having15:23
ryanakcaziroday: I don't use #bash ;)15:23
b3rz3rk3rhey grawity, didnt see ya there :)15:23
grawitySTELIOS: dd might help in splitting the file.15:24
grawitySTELIOS: Or wc/head/tail, if it's made of many lines (not just any bytes)15:24
boss_mcSTELIOS: also, tail will give you the end of the file (you can make it as long as you like)15:24
MaGicMaXalankila: near the end of the song theres some REALLY bad parts on the original that come through on the ogg but are not nearly as spine tingling15:25
MaGicMaXalankila: like i said im no expert, i go by ear, but i know my ear doesnt lie... and i think i have a pretty good one15:26
boss_mcMaGicMaX: as much as I'd like ogg to be the reason, there are many posibilities for why you're getting the results you speak of15:26
marcelo_how do I make a given, already installed program, look for shared libraries in a given directory?15:26
boss_mcMaGicMaX: like the reverse of compression noise15:26
MaGicMaXboss_mc: yes i realise it could just be some bad codecs but..15:27
b3rz3rk3rmarcelo_, what program?15:27
boss_mcMaGicMaX: or ogg is clipping the sound/128bit ogg does not allow for really high notes15:27
marcelo_b3rz3rk3r, The root-system15:27
mazda01my / folder has become full and I can't even start up disk janitor. can anyone give any thoughts of how i can free enough space to run disk janitor? i have already run sudo aptitude clean and aptitude auto-clean.15:28
marcelo_b3rz3rk3r, Should I edit LD_LIBRARY_PATH by hand or should I use a command to change it?15:28
MaGicMaXboss_mc: ive noticed the ogg is actually better at the highs than the lows, the bass was lacking in a couple of my comparisons, but not by much, and thats cause the mp3 was over 300bitrate15:28
STELIOStwo files15:28
STELIOSi keep messing up and getting loads of files15:28
b3rz3rk3rmarcelo_, im not following? what program are you trying to edit?15:29
MaGicMaXboss_mc: and as a result the mp3 was more than 4 times the size :P15:29
STELIOSi must of dropped out?15:29
dandyHello, I am trying to create a bootable ubuntu USB drive using the USB startup disk creator. When i start it up it finds my USB drive but tells me it needs formatting, so i click format but after i lick the drive disappears from the list15:29
boss_mcmazda01: remove some programs that you know about (and replace them after) I had to remove openoffice to upgrade my eee to 8.1015:29
dandyAnybody know why?15:29
sipiorSTELIOS: yes?15:30
STELIOSyou still here bud?15:30
mazda01boss_mc, i just did sudo aptitude remove --purge gnome-partition-editor and now it want's to remove tons of packages. here are some of them: dvd-slideshow{pu} evince-dbg{pu} evolution-data-server-dbg{pu} evolution-dbg{pu}15:30
marcelo_b3rz3rk3r, the root program from root-system package, I just want to make it look for shared libraries in a given location...15:30
STELIOSi don't get errors15:31
mazda01boss_mc, what does the {pu} mean?15:31
sipiorSTELIOS: great, so it works!15:31
STELIOSI just mess up the command switches and end up with loads of files15:31
=== bfox_ is now known as bfox
STELIOSI wish lol15:31
boss_mcmazda01: {pu} means Purge because it is Unused15:31
sipiorSTELIOS: well, what command are you issuing?15:31
mazda01boss_mc, it wants to get rid of these and many many more also. libgsf-gnome-1-114-dbg{pu} libgstreamer0.10-0-dbg{pu} libgtk2.0-0-dbg{pu}15:31
sipiorSTELIOS: the precise options, please15:32
b3rz3rk3rmarcelo_, other than the default? id guess that you just edit the location that it searches in the config file? but i havent done that myself so id check with tothers first if i were you15:32
STELIOSone sec15:32
mazda01boss_mc, oh, sweet! that'll free around 256MB. that should be enough. i already remove old linux-images that im not booting also.15:32
boss_mcmazda01: those are all debugging libraries, if you don't develop code than you don't need them anyway :)15:32
ltcabralwhat file do i change enviroment variables?15:32
mazda01boss_mc, i figured that out about the -dbg packages. thanks for the help15:32
iceroothow to optimize this script   cd foo; bar; bar; bar;  i need something like cd foo; for(int i=0, i<3;i++){bar}15:32
boss_mcmazda01: sweet15:32
STELIOS$ split –bytes=1m /path/to/large/file15:33
ubun00bapparle: IDT High Definition Audio Codec15:33
sipiorSTELIOS: but you don't want to split it into 1-megabyte pieces, do you?15:33
mazda01boss_mc, it can't even write the state file so I can't even use the terminal to remove packages. i'll have to boot into recovery mode I guess, right?15:34
STELIOSjust change the 1 opyion?15:34
sipiorSTELIOS: yes, make it half of the original file size15:34
STELIOShalf of 2.52 gig would be?15:34
sipiorSTELIOS: 1.2615:34
IdleOnesimple math15:35
STELIOSthanks mate was never good at maths15:35
sipiorSTELIOS: i vote that arithmetic doesn't count as "maths" :-)15:35
STELIOSyes and I am a simpleton15:35
brotkastenhey is there a way to configure sshd's login fail delay (delay between 2 login attempts)15:35
STELIOSthanks for the help15:36
boss_mcmazda01: that probably won't help15:36
boss_mcmazda01: no space = no space whether you are root or not :)15:37
=== uuukev is now known as ukev
sipiorbrotkasten: have a look in /etc/login.defs. that might help with your earlier question as well.15:37
prodigelhi all. I want to blur human faces on some pictures, and I want to do it as fast as possible, just open picture, move the mouse a little, and overwrite the picture. any idea if such programs exist?15:38
boss_mcmazda01: try deleting/backing up some file?15:38
boss_mcprodigel: open them all in gimp! (might not be 'fast')15:39
zirodayprodigel: through imagemagick or gimp?15:39
lolmakeri ve installed desktop 9.04 with "next to windows " option but linux doesnt show up in boot menu15:39
sebrockanyone knows why I get Error 16:Inconsistent filesystem structure after a kernel update? This has happened two times now. The old kernel works fine.15:39
luis_alguien podria ayudarme?15:39
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:39
prodigelgimp is not a good option because every time I save a file I have to configure extension and filename to replace the same file. I want only one click save15:40
toniisebrock: you use raid?15:40
boss_mcprodigel: print them out in huge, paste them to your house, when google street view come past, they will blur the faces for you, then you can get them off maps.google.com :-)15:40
sipiorbrotkasten: actually, it looks as though FAIL_DELAY has been obsoleted, and moved into pam. although even *that* delay appears to be hard-coded now.15:40
mazda01boss_mc, yeah, i don't know what could be taking up the space because i have home on it's own partition and i mount nfs and samba shares for /mnt and /media. so I don't know where to look for a file to delete15:40
_zoomwhich is the lightest browser for ubuntu?15:40
boxr_zoom, lynx15:40
_zoomwhich is the lightest browser for ubuntu15:41
boxr_zoom, lynx15:41
sipiorbrotkasten: ah, but i see there is a pam_delay.so15:41
mazda01_zoom, file browser, web browser, desktop browser. what kind of browser are you talking about?15:41
boxr_zoom, but that's text based. I know you don't want that. Dillo is next.15:41
sebrocktonii, no15:41
boxr_zoom,  it's graphical, but doesn't have javascript etc.15:42
sebrocktonii, I think grub gets mixed up somehow15:42
binhchao ca nha15:42
Guest72136what is the best pugin for youtube?15:42
toniisebrock: ah, looking into it now15:42
Iyunkateushey, quick question, what's the difference between ending and killing a process?15:42
toniidamn my net is slow today15:43
mazda01_zoom, opera is believe it or not, pretty small. epiphany is also pretty small15:43
dehqangood day every body ,how can to play music for someone in chat in linux ?15:43
Krissedjoin #linus15:43
brotkastensipior: hey ... super15:44
brotkastensipior: this is what i was looking for15:44
Al1what is the best plugin for ubuntu?15:44
toniiIyunkateus: I believe a gracefull kill of an app allows it to save data and neded stuff before terminating. a force kill just kills it.15:44
ziroday!best > Al115:44
ubottuAl1, please see my private message15:44
indusAl1, what do u mean15:44
judazhey, How can a reconfigure the   ldap password?15:44
judazdpk-reconfigure libnss-ldap dos not do nothing15:45
Iyunkateustonii: So ending is a "graceful kill"?15:45
sebrocktonii, thanks but how?15:45
_zoommazda01 : will opera be available on repo.15:45
Pici!opera | _zoom15:45
ubottu_zoom: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser15:45
mazda01_zoom, no, you download it from there website.15:45
boxr_zoom,  if you want to go really light you can use "netcat domain.com 80", then use "GET / HTTP/1.1" and press enter twice. That's about as light as you'll get.15:46
engineer__net cut for linux15:46
mazda01_zoom, it's a deb file, so you just double click it and it will install. there's also a way to do it from cli using dpkg but you'll have to read about dpkg using man dpkg15:46
mtlifewhats recommended here for backup, partimage or clonezilla?15:46
_zoommy ram too low 512mb15:46
Al1indus: plugin fot could work for most of videos15:46
richardm_hey guys i have a networking question..now lets say i have a network in NY and a network in CA, these networks are connected via VPN and can ping each other fine. Now my problem is we here in NY have a VPN to our dedicated servers now what we want to do is make the comes through us to get to the servers so i thought i could add a route but it seems that it doesn't like when i add routes across different subnets? can15:46
richardm_ i do that with one card or would i need two nics on each subnet?15:46
b3rz3rk3rmtlife, i prefer Sbackup myself.. very simple, and hassle free15:46
mazda01mtlife, i've used partimage. very good. I use simple backup now though. it backs up only what I want15:46
lolmakeri ve installed desktop 9.04 with "next to windows " option but linux doesnt show up in boot menu15:46
boxr_zoom,  cause compared to lynx or dillo, or especially netcat, opera and ephiphany are HUGE15:47
mtlifesbackup = simple backup?15:47
b3rz3rk3rmtlife, yes15:47
indusAl1, use movie player to play the file,it will automatically download the codec/plugin15:47
b3rz3rk3rmtlife, different names for the same thing15:47
judazhey? someone has been playing with ldap in ubuntu? I need some help15:47
_zoomboxr: ok so domain.com whats dat15:47
indusAl1, if u are having difficulty playing a certain file,try to install another movie player like vlc or mplayer15:48
judazin jaunty,  files aren't as the howtos say15:48
mtlifeb3rz3rk3r, not capable of complete drive clone is it?15:48
toniisebrock: tried to google, but can't find any specific useful information. you could try and run fsck in the kernel that works15:48
Al1indus: could u please explain me how to manage that, cos i'm a bit retard in it.15:48
dehqangood day every body ,how can to play music for someone in chat in linux ?15:48
b3rz3rk3rmtlife, no, its a basic backup solution as the name implies.. if you want drive cloning, id say go with clonezilla15:48
boxr_zoom,  nevermind. Anyway, you are saying firefox is too heavy?15:48
indusAl1,just double click the movie file you are trying to play15:48
mtlifeb3rz3rk3r, you prefer clonezilla over partimage?15:49
SteevoThanks for all the help people! Server is up and running, and I've gained enough knowledge to spend my weekend TAKING OVER THE WORLD! MUHAHAHA!15:49
indusAl1, right now,are you having problems playing some file? double click that file15:49
b3rz3rk3rmtlife, i havent used partimage, so i cant say15:49
_zoomboxr: low RAM but sometimes using facebook it hangs15:49
sipiorSteevo: good to have goals15:49
toniiIyunkateus: the terminology used depends on what way you terminate the app I suppose :)15:49
boxr_zoom,  ah, there's your problem right there. Don't use facebook.15:49
Al1indus: hold on i turn some porn if it is workin :-D15:50
mtlifeb3rz3rk3r, ok thx15:50
IdleOne!ohmy > Al115:50
ubottuAl1, please see my private message15:50
mazda01boss_mc, i just moved 3 files that were over 10MB but df -h still says I have 0% free. what else can I move?15:50
indusAl1, please , no references to p**n,mention it as a fil;e15:50
alpha20b3rz3rk3r, hai15:50
b3rz3rk3ralpha20, hi15:50
_zoomboxr: lol15:50
alpha20b3rz3rk3r, have you used pidgin latest15:51
boxr_zoom, ;)15:51
_zoomboxr: litlle knowledge little solution15:51
b3rz3rk3ralpha20, no... why?15:51
Al1 indus: sorry, just tryed to be funny15:51
mbeierlanyone know where the Gnome "Documents", "Music", etc bookmarks are stored?  I've changed my home directory location and the bookmarks still appear to point to the old location15:52
boxr_zoom, but seriously, you can install opera but it's a bit of a hassle. If you are going to use firefox, make sure facebook is the only tab open. That'll help with memory15:52
alpha20b3rz3rk3r, i heard it has voice chat15:52
indusAl1, i know,but in future be careful ok15:52
_zoomboxr: thnx15:52
erUSULmbeierl: ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs <<<< maybe here15:52
b3rz3rk3ralpha20, orly?15:52
boxr_zoom,  you should be able to browse facebook no problem with 512M as long as nothing else too big is running15:52
_zoomboxr: with totem player15:53
orochiindus: Indulge me for a minute here, why is it against the rules to mention the word "porn?" What if you're trying to play a movie in Totem and it isn't working, are you going to get banned just for mentioning that it happens to be a porn movie? Seems a bit extreme. :>15:53
alpha20b3rz3rk3r, just to know ,mine is not working15:53
Al1indus: ok sorry agian15:53
boxr_zoom, you'll get freezing when using it with totem player as the CPU switches context15:53
indusorochi, ask the ops15:53
grawityorochi: that _is_ extreme15:53
IdleOneorochi: because it is. Ubuntu is a family friendly distro and we try to keep it's support family friendly also15:53
mbeierlerUSUL: that's a good start, but that file has "DOCUMENTS=$HOME", and my $HOME is properly set to the new location, so maybe not.15:53
grawityorochi: But the channel is best kept family-friendly.15:53
Ollehomg my goat porn wont work.. halp! (kidding o.o)15:54
indusorochi, its a reference to it i mean which is not acceptable here, so it can be mentioned15:54
Olleh /bannned15:54
boxrorochi, save that kind of thing for #crunchbang ;-)15:54
X-SetiProblem, my other ubuntu 9.04 boxes after then update refuse to connect to the net, in ifconfig, it shows these are still being given the local ip, but that is it, no outside connect is possible15:54
Al1indus: sorry15:54
boxrThe greatest distro in the history of ubuntu15:54
ugliefrogi did a clean intstall of jaunty 64......i dont see the popup manage icon in the settings anymore....is it supposed to be there or is it a download15:54
_zoomboxr : thnx for all dis15:54
erUSULmbeierl: next go to gconf-editor and see if something appears under app>nautilus or similar15:54
alpha20b3rz3rk3r, what kind of nick is this15:54
X-Setiit shows its connected, but all sites come up not found?15:54
indusAl1, so did u double click the file?15:54
boxr_zoom, it's what I do15:54
pos69sumright now ssh is open to the world on my machine.  i want to close ssh except for subnet 12 and several individual ip addresses.  would i first sudo iptables -p tcp --dport 22 -j REJECT - then open up the subnet, then open up the individual ips, then iptables save?15:55
_zoomboxr: why dis problem doesnt comes in windowa15:55
b3rz3rk3ralpha20, its alphanumeric, much like yours :p15:55
indusAl1, and?15:55
orochiIdleOne: Would it be considered too "extreme" for offtopic as well?15:55
zirodaypos69sum: sounds correct to me15:55
ugliefrogi did a clean intstall of jaunty 64......i dont see the popup manage icon in the settings anymore....is it supposed to be there or is it a download15:55
alpha20b3rz3rk3r, fine fine15:56
Al1indus: this time nothing,15:56
ziroday!iptables > pos69sum (should help too)15:56
ubottupos69sum, please see my private message15:56
boxr_zoom, I couldn't say without looking at your system. Linux isn't going to be faster at all things than Windows. For a lot of multimedia/desktop stuff it's going to be slower and more of a hassle15:56
ikoniaorochi: we can help y ou play a movie15:56
indusAl1, is it playing or giving some error messages about missing plugins?15:56
zirodaypos69sum: no problem15:56
ikoniaorochi: we don't need to know what type of movie it is15:56
boxrI'll get flamed now ...15:56
Pindakaaswill karmic has the new pidgin 2.6.1 with voice/video enabled?15:56
IdleOneorochi: certain channels tollerate more then others. but the official policy for all ubuntu irc channels is no religion,politics or sex15:56
ikoniaPindakaas: 9.1- discussion in #ubuntu+115:56
PiciPindakaas: Karmic support and discussion in #ubuntu+115:56
orochiikonia: That's not really my point, I'm wondering where it's possible to use language that is considered offensive in here15:56
orochiin another channel, that is15:57
mbeierlerUSUL: nope...  doing a recursive grep right now to see if I can find it anywhere under the .conf or .gnome, or...15:57
ikoniaorochi: it's not allowed to use language that is offensive15:57
boxrorochi, I told you - #crunchbang15:57
Al1indus: it's just not plain or with another is goin too slow15:57
Piciorochi: Please keep #ubuntu to support only, if you have an issue with the rules you can take it up with the ops in #ubuntu-ops, other chat in #ubuntu-offtopic15:57
orochiboxr: Is that an Ubuntu channel?15:57
IdleOnenow can we get back to support15:57
dehqangood day every body ,how can to play music for someone in chat in linux ?15:57
ikoniaorochi: it's not15:57
orochiPici: Sounds good to me.15:57
b3rz3rk3rPindakaas, assuming they patch the security holes in time for release i dont see why not.. but nobody really know for sure15:57
indusAl1, what do u mean its not plain?15:57
_zoomboxr: except browser thing rest it can handle many process  so better than windows xp  ... i use only ubuntu15:57
mazda01is there a way to have aptitude show me which packages take up a certain amount of space?15:57
boxrorochi, it's a distro derived from ubuntu. For more your hardcore linuxer15:57
Boohbahdehqan: mpd, icecast15:58
Al1indus:i click on it and no response15:58
Pindakaasb3rz3rk3r: thanks15:58
boxr_zoom, well, offhand I would say Gnome (or KDE) is eating up a lot of that RAM15:58
indusAl1, ok hmm did the movie player window open?15:58
danopiais there a qcelp decoder in apt? i can't find one15:58
Al1indus: no15:58
mazda01_zoom, look at top  and see what is taking up ram. look at the virtual ram column15:58
boxrMy personal opinion is that Gnome and KDE are way too much overkill, but the kids loves the eye candy15:58
dehqanBoohbah thanks mpd ?15:59
Boohbah!info mpd15:59
ubottumpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14.2-3ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 162 kB, installed size 496 kB15:59
indusAl1, hmm ok ,does this file play well on windows?15:59
Al1for example even on chat rooms where i should be able to see friends on camera, after clicin on is just blank screen15:59
_zoomboxr : im not getting dat column16:00
jhesketh_Hey... just wondering where on the live CD all the gnome autostart programs are listed? eg the programs in System->Preferences->Startup Applications, where are they stored on the live cd16:00
Al1indus: i think yeah16:00
AtisSegítség kéne: újraraktam a windowst, és eltûnt a LILO, hogyan tudom visszaállítani?16:00
llutz!hu | Atis16:00
ubottuAtis: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál16:00
indusAl1, try another movie player, in a terminal type 'sudo apt-get install vlc'16:00
_zoomboxr: got it ya firefox maximum and den nautilus than totoem player16:01
boxr_zoom,  I hope you don't have any chicks as friends on facebook16:01
Oli``Does anybody know how to match SDL windows for Compiz window rules? title=WindowTitle doesn't appear to work for some unknown reason16:01
_zoomboxr : no dude me not  a prurient .. presently im not using facebook16:02
boxr_zoom,  hot dawg16:02
usmanhi, anyone know about time attendance software16:02
Al1indus:E: Invalid operation instal16:02
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:03
b3rz3rk3rnetsplit! :D16:03
Al1indus:sorry, other response : : Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)16:04
Al1E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?16:04
boxrI'm really scared :(16:04
Oli``Alternatively does anybody know how to list information on all windows? xwininfo doesn't work for me because I don't have mouse control when a SDL game loads up16:04
dehqanBoohbah thanks what is mpd ?16:05
_zoomboxr: hows chromium16:05
mazda01anyone help me with find command. i am no good at expressions and the exact sytnax. i am trying to find all files that have a tilde at the end of the name and remove them. i tried find / -name *~ but that didn't work16:05
dehqanBoohbah thanks what is mpd ? and icecast how can be used in chat ?16:05
dehqanBoohbah thanks what is mpd ? and icecast how can be used in chat ?16:05
hellueshey i need tutos for DFS and BFS how can i implement that algorithms with adjacency list approaches in java16:05
helluescan someone suggest one16:05
indusAl1, please close all open windows16:05
indusAl1, only keep terminal open16:05
boxr_zoom, well, they say the pre-alpha builds are quicker than firefox. I don't know about he memory footprint though16:05
ankushi need help in compiling a package beryl on ubuntu16:06
Al1 indus:even a messenger?16:06
samadhihello all!16:06
indusAl1, no that can be open.16:06
JustcoolI want to reset all the permission of the /home folder, how to reset that16:06
_zoomboxr: when i open tabs in chromium there are many other pipe wait processing taking up ram same name as chrome16:07
samadhii have returned with my problem16:07
Al1indus:got it16:07
mazda01figure it out if anyone is interested. it's sudo find / -name '*~' -exec rm -rf {} \; but be very careful, this will permanently remove all files with the ~ on the end.16:07
indussamadhi, hi i16:07
boxr_zoom,  yeah, it opens a new process for each tab16:07
indusAl1, so is it installing16:07
_zoomboxr:bad than16:07
ankushthere are 2 folders here...beryl core and beryl manager...i have used .\configure command , but make command does not work in either of them..how to compile?16:07
_zoomboxr : where r u from ?16:08
boxr_zoom, not really. Firefox uses more memory the more tabs you open as well16:08
Al1indus:nothing happens16:08
boxr_zoom, Chitown16:08
indusAl1, did u run the command?16:08
indusAl1, sudo apt-get install vlc16:08
Al1indus: just done it16:08
_zoomboxr :country i mean?16:08
boxr_zoom, US of mofo A16:09
indusAl1, now check in main menu>applications >sound and video16:09
Al1indus:it is there16:09
samadhiindus: here's what's wrong: I had Ubuntu. Then I installed Windows on a different partition, which caused my Ubuntu to stop booting. Lastly, I used a live cd and I installed GRUB. Now I don't have Windows in the boot menu16:09
indusAl1, so open vlc and play the file16:09
indussamadhi, i know16:10
helluessorry wrong channnel16:10
samadhiah, ok16:10
Al1indus: how about files in internet?16:10
indussamadhi, can u repeat the steps to install grub16:10
indusAl1, which files16:10
luis_help me please16:10
danopiawe are -J :O16:10
indusluis_ ask your question16:11
samadhiindus:  i think you wanted the output of sudo fdisk -l and the contents of the /grub/menu.lst, right?16:11
indussamadhi, yeah16:11
Al1indus: just videos16:11
indusAl1, well hmm for that nothing to be done generally its all flash videos these days16:11
samadhiindus: ok, should I copy it here? it's pretty big16:11
indus!paste | samadhi16:11
ubottusamadhi: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:11
indusill brb need to order some food 2 min16:12
Al1indus:allright, thanks than. U r great!16:12
_zoomboxr, ur a chick ? i guess no?16:12
_zoomboxr, lol16:12
boxr_zoom, no way pappy16:13
luis_indus... my problem is with a grub, im a novel in ubuntu... yesterday install ubuntu for practice, but16:13
_zoomboxr, from hw many yrs u using linux16:13
boxr_zoom, 13.216:13
=== jamur2_ is now known as jamur2
_zoomboxr, too much...  your age?16:13
luis_im cant login in my windows, and need help really16:14
boxr_zoom, 34.12316:14
ugliefrogomg...i never heard of Miro until now...looks sweet16:14
MckyleI have a question about running world of warcraft... on Ubuntu 9.04 i have Wine and everything but the game runs extremely choppy and quits sometimes is there anything that can be done?16:14
indusluis_ ok16:14
_zoomboxr, ur job?16:14
boxr_zoom,  I wash Chinamen16:15
_zoomboxr, ur  on facebook ?16:15
sebrocktonii, I will, however I don't think it will find anything16:15
boxr_zoom, no way16:15
indusluis_ are you on live cd now?16:15
_zoomboxr, orkut?16:15
luis_no no, im in the partition of ubuntu16:15
boxr_zoom, no way. Social networking is the devil's tool16:16
indusluis_aah ok then open a terminal16:16
sipior_zoom: this has gone beyond the point of creepy. kindly take this to #ubuntu-offtopic (or just stop altogether, really)16:16
_zoomboxr, why ill love to know dat?16:16
boxrsipior, yes.16:16
_zoomsipior, ok16:16
luis_ok, im open the terminal now16:16
boxr!ot | _zoom16:16
ubottu_zoom: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:16
indusluis_ type sudo grub16:16
_zoomubottu, k k16:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about k k16:17
JustcoolI want to reset all the permission to default, how can I do that?16:17
=== mike is now known as Guest2326
_zoombye all16:17
indusluis_ i believe you cant find windows entry in grub menu when u boot?16:17
lolmakeri cNT install this damn chit16:17
boxr!ubottu | _zoom16:17
ubottu_zoom: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:17
jlillyis there a way to find projects used in gnome that are powered by pygtk?16:17
luis_i cant16:17
indus_zoom, bye16:17
luis_this is a pastebin16:17
rutgherhello all16:17
IdleOne!ohmy > lolmaker16:17
ubottulolmaker, please see my private message16:17
indusluis_ya ok did u type sudo grub in terninal16:18
ricardoromaoHello, is possible sniff gtalk on linux, like imsniff do with msn ?16:18
boxrricardoromao, yes16:18
ricardoromaoboxr, the of aplication is Next ?16:18
indussamadhi, hi iam waiting for your paste16:19
boxrricardoromao, oh, no.16:19
need_helphey need to ask! is root file system = "/" ?16:19
ricardoromaoboxr, so, what's the name ?16:19
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
luis_im im type sudo grub in a terminal, now?16:19
boxrricardoromao, find out what ports gtalk runs on, then use Wireshark to capture those packets.16:19
fcarramateneed_help, yes16:19
indusneed_help, yess16:19
boxrricardoromao, I would personally use tcpdump, but I'm guessing that would scare you16:19
rutgherIs there a way to 'switch on' a broadcom wifi card in Ubuntu. I installed the drivers and stuff, but the light won't switch on. Installed Ubuntu before but did a fresh reinstall and removed Windows XP16:19
need_helpfcarramate thx16:19
ricardoromaoboxr, but can I saw the messages with tcpdump ?16:20
grawityricardoromao: Google Talk uses the standard XMPP ports 5222 and 5223, but all its traffic is encrypted.16:20
grawityricardoromao: So, no.16:20
luis_im in the grub16:20
samadhiindus:  here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/256963/16:20
=== jackson is now known as jackson_
ricardoromaograwity, I suspect this16:20
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
RoAkSoAxluis_, pastebin you /boot/grub/menu.lst16:20
indusluis_ok now type find /boot/grub/stage116:20
boxrricardoromao, yes, you can. But if the traffic is encrypted your SOL16:20
luis_im exit to sudo grub?16:20
indusluis_ and yes, also what RoAkSoAx says but we do that later16:21
indusluis_no no16:21
=== bambam is now known as Guest34898
indusluis_ when u type sudo grub u enter grub menu16:21
indusluis_ then type find /boot/grub/stage116:21
nsahoois there a way to install intel c compiler through apt or synaptic?16:22
indusluis_so didu get any output16:22
sipiornsahoo: no, i believe you'll have to get it from them16:23
erUSULnsahoo: i do not think so. propietary software16:24
luis_ok ok, (hd0,3)16:24
indusluis_ aah ok thanks u just need to add the windowsentry for this,16:24
_zoomlightest music player for ubuntu if i dont want to have any playlist16:24
grawity_zoom: mpg12316:24
nsahoough ..16:24
prospireI don't know why but I can't signin in pidgin with my google/gtalk id16:25
prospirein ubuntu16:25
_zoomgrawity, is it lighter than totem16:25
=== ben is now known as Guest82925
luis_and how make these?16:25
grawity_zoom: It's ligher than everything.16:25
prospireanybody who can help me?16:25
prospireor tell me what kind of prob is that?16:25
grawityprospire: What account settings are you using?16:25
grawityprospire: Including the ones in Advanced t ab.16:25
_zoomgrawity, but what abt suppoted formats16:25
indusluis_ i edited menu.lst here http://pastebin.com/m43da4dfe16:26
indusluis_ just copy that last 4 lines and add to menu.lst16:26
luis_copy and paste?16:26
_zoomgrawity, what at supported formats?16:26
indusluis_ yeah16:27
luis_ohhh ty16:27
indusluis_ then it will give u windowsentry in grub16:27
indusluis_ so good luck16:27
swapyhelp me16:27
swapysmall issue16:27
prospiregrawity: protocol -> XMPP Username,domain id and in Advanced tab the port is 5222 while the File Transfer Proxies is -> proxy.jabber.org16:27
indusluis_ forget the terminal thing for now16:27
b3rz3rk3r!ask | swapy16:27
ubottuswapy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:27
indusluis_ just make these changes and reboot16:27
swapyi want that xchat must load  the ircs that i have added to favourites at startup16:27
luis_ok ok, im comin now16:28
prospireI was able to login last day but today I aint able to login in16:28
=== [1]Sergeant_Pony is now known as Sergeant_Pony2
indussamadhi, can u follow similar steps?16:28
prospiregrawity: /16:28
=== Niamor59 is now known as Niamor
samadhisure, just tell me what to edit16:28
insane_aliencan someone point me in the direction of the cpufreq documentaion? i seem to be having trouble finding one that deals with installing it so you can use the applet thingy to change the settings16:28
_zoomwhat name does mpg123 comes in  program list16:29
b3rz3rk3rinsane_alien, just right click on your panel and choose it from the menu16:29
swapyhow to do that16:29
mookhey guys  i got a question whats a good mmmorpg for linux ?16:29
insane_alienb3rz3rk3r, i've done that. when i try to change the governor it doesn't work16:29
_zoomwhat name does mpg123   music player comes in  program list16:29
indussamadhi, see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/256969/16:30
=== immortal is now known as Guest65630
indussamadhi, copy paste thta16:30
indusluis_ hi added16:30
erUSULmook: GW works very well in wine... als WoW can be made to work or so i heard16:30
erUSUL!appdb | mook16:30
ubottumook: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:30
samadhiindus: ok16:30
indusluis_ to edit menu.lst use the command gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst16:30
marines_perhaps do you know why Xorg eats constantly about 55-65% of CPU?16:30
mooki got wine installed but i cant get like everquest or something like that to run16:30
Hillshummsg nickserv identify bookofMormon&3416:31
swapyb3rz3rk3r, i want that xchat must load  the ircs that i have added to favourites at startup16:31
swapyit asks me everytime what to load16:31
mookwish i knew how to install the latest edition of wone but im a idiot when it come to linux16:31
Ubersoldatnice password16:31
erUSULmook: check the appdb16:31
* Hillshum should change his password16:31
* erUSUL nods16:31
UbersoldatHillshum: yeah, that's a good idea16:32
swapymook, what is that16:32
mookeverquest ?16:32
indusHillshum, i like the password16:32
Hillshumindus: are you LDS?16:32
mookits like wow but way way better imo16:32
luis_mmmm im know i make16:32
b3rz3rk3rswapy, you need to edit your server to load those channels on startup. Choose "autoconnect" and then put in the channels that you want16:32
indusHillshum, whats lds16:32
luis_im send my pastebin?16:32
erUSULHillshum: you are not the first one... nor will be the last one to make such mistake ;P16:32
Xerranmook: I have played both and they sucked my life away :P16:32
induswhois indus16:32
UbersoldatThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints16:32
mookxerran i got a lvl 86 bard on eq with 31k hp16:33
indusHillshum, u better scram and chagne all your passwords now16:33
induswhats LDS btw16:33
mookanyways xerran have you got eq to run inder wine ?16:33
HillshumI think this is the only place I used it16:33
Hillshumindus: Latter-Day Saint16:33
IdleOneHillshum: is it changed?16:33
marines_nobody knows?16:34
indusHillshum, nope iam not16:34
* Hillshum is reading how16:34
IdleOne!ot > Hillshum16:34
ubottuHillshum, please see my private message16:34
Xerranmook: I actually got my linux partition to get away from games, I'm trying to learn and games are too distracting16:34
luis_my paste bin   http://pastebin.com/d7997331e16:34
sipiormarines_: well, what are you running? your question doesn't give any details at all.16:34
icaruswhat can i use to open .7z16:34
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression16:35
b3rz3rk3ricarus, 7zip perhaps?16:35
=== [1]JeZ-l-Lee is now known as JeZ-l-Lee
Xerranmook: I relegated my Vista partition to games only duty16:35
sipiormarines_: or, to ask another way, why do you feel this cpu usage is excessive?16:35
b3rz3rk3ricarus, im pretty sure rar does too man16:35
marines_sipior: ubuntu 9.04, intel integrated graphic card, pentium dual-core, lenovo notebook16:35
DRUID_hi :-)16:35
mookim just looking for a good mmorpg so me and my gf can play  at home to kill time i live 45 minutes from town yeah im out in hillbilly ville16:35
swapyb3rz3rk3r, i didnt get that option16:35
indusluis_ yes its fine now reboot16:35
XerranOne great combo for passwords is KeePassX and DropBox16:35
marines_it happens both on alpha and stable intel drivers16:36
swapywhere is it16:36
indus!who | luis_16:36
ubottuluis_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:36
sipiormarines_: i meant, what programs are you running?16:36
b3rz3rk3ricarus, just check the repos, they all give a description i think16:36
boxrmook, is your girlfriend a larger style female?16:36
mooki tried vista im not a big fan of it besides i know wine can run vista software]16:36
marines_sipior: opera, quodlibet, pidgin, few nautilus windows, wicd, mnemosyne16:36
indusluis_ wait16:36
mookno she is not :P16:36
marines_but it happens just from startup16:37
yartisskeepassx, and dropbox, nice idea... I like it.16:37
boxrmook, well, let's keep it that way. Not too much MMORGs16:37
indussamadhi, did it work?16:37
samadhiindus: btw, do i uncomment those lines you gave me?16:37
indussamadhi, of course16:37
ikoniaboxr: mook #ubuntu for support please ;)16:37
OttifantSirHardware question: Installed a new processor, an Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 on an MSI P6NGM-D mobo. Also a Gainward GeForce 9400GT graphics card. Now, the graphics card does a BIOS boot before the mobo, and the machine halts at POST. It says Speed: 335x6=2010 MHz on a 3GHz processor. Is something wrong with the processor?16:37
marines_oh, and xchat ofc ;]16:37
samadhiindus: ah, ok. trying now16:37
Xerranyartiss: So the KepassX database file is placed in dropbox :)  then your synced acrosss all your PC's16:37
* Hillshum has changed password16:37
Piciikonia: this is #ubuntu ...16:38
yartissXerran: ..euh yeah, I got it ;)16:38
extorHow does a process or daemon run with "realtime priority" as opposed to normal priority? This watchdog daemon seems to be running itself in realtime priority and I wonder if there is a way to make other important processes and daemons run like that so they crash last?16:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:38
sipiormarines_: well, usage will be high at startup, temporarily. if you leave the machine running with no programs started, does the system quiet down? also, can you pastebin representative output from "top"?16:38
ikoniaPici: yes, not discussing female body sizes16:38
yartissXerran: I'm looking up to see if there is an Android app for dropbox right now...16:38
Piciikonia: misread, sorry.16:38
XerranI have insanely long 356-bit passwords for my network16:38
ikoniaPici: not a problem16:38
speedmccoyCan anybody help me with installing Dell monitor drivers? The instructions they provide on thier download page results in an error in terminal.16:39
Xerranyartiss: i need one for webOS :P16:39
IdleOneubottu: not responding to /msg?16:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:39
boxrXerran, lol why? You want someone to have to take 400,000 years to brute-force it instead of 200,000?16:39
marines_sipior: yeah, give me a second16:39
indusikonia, Pici can u tell me how to create an ubuntu personal wiki page, i am trying to read instructions but cant figure it out16:39
samadhiindus: it says invalid device requested16:39
Xerranboxr: hehehe, something like that16:39
ikoniaindus: #ubuntu-docs may help16:40
icarusthank you16:40
indussamadhi, when does it say that16:40
sipiorXerran: this seems appropriate: http://xkcd.com/538/16:40
Guest82925Is threr16:41
Xerransipior: lol16:41
Mesogotta love how there is 1337 users in the channel16:41
_zoomhow to play songs in mpg12316:41
Guest82925Is there any fantastic software to make video such as Premiere in Ubuntu16:42
XerranGuest82925: Kdenlive?16:42
HillshumGuest82925: Cinelarra16:42
* Hillshum thinks he spelled that wrong16:42
industhose are in no way 'fantastic'16:42
filefreakhi all. Is there a way to set sound output to mono (or alternatively, direct both sound signals to one channel)?16:42
_zoomhow to play songs in mpg12316:42
XerranHillshum: is that in the repository?16:43
marines_sipior: here it is http://pastebin.com/d6add5bb916:43
Trijntje!mpg| _zoom16:43
ubottu_zoom: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:43
indusGuest82925, try kino too, but they both are sad excuses for movie editing16:43
_zoomhow to play songs in mpg123 dis a music player not a media format16:43
speedmccoyCan anybody help me with installing Dell monitor drivers? The instructions they provide on thier download page results in an error in terminal.16:43
IdleOneHillshum: cinerella I believe it is16:44
filefreak_zoom, ubottu answered your question16:44
indusGuest82925, also, kino will crash a lot so u have been warned16:44
sipiormarines_: and if you quit quodlibet, opera and everything else, do you still see the same cpu load?16:44
MesoI'd save movie editing to Mac.16:44
indusspeedmccoy, there is no such thing as a monitor driver,its usually plug and play16:44
samadhiindus: i solved the problem. The thing was i had it right the first time Windows (hd0,1), just that it was commented16:44
indussamadhi, its hdo,1? hmm wait let me check again16:45
speedmccoyindus: The best resolution I'm getting with Ubuntu 9.0.4 out of the box is 800x600. How can I do better?16:45
Xerranindus: you mean there is no such thing as a monitor driver for Ubuntu?16:45
indussamadhi, its firstr device, and 2nd partition16:45
Guest82925thank U  every one   I  will  try16:45
indussamadhi, aah damn u are right16:45
Xerranspeedmccoy: try installing video card drivers maybe16:45
indussamadhi, poor luis_ he will have issues16:46
marines_sipior: argh, closing opera does the trick :/16:46
filefreakspeedmccoy: goto preferences -> display and change it?16:46
indusluis_ hi sorry it should be a little chagne in menu.lst16:46
samadhiindus: why? thank you for your help16:46
samadhiindus: ah, you told him the same thing16:46
indussamadhi, i erred on the numbering ,for example sda3 is 0,1,216:46
luis_yes?, mmmm im reboot and no have changes16:46
grozahow can i install hamachi16:47
indusluis_ please open that menu.lst again and in bottom line change to hd0,216:47
sipiormarines_: yeah, a web browser's the usual culprit :-)16:47
luis_mmm yea i make after reboot16:47
filefreakgroza: http://www.supware.net/HamachiUbuntuHowto/ - a simple google always helps16:47
QuantumKaoshi guys, i need some serious help overhere: i was backupping my friend's external corrupted ntfs hd on one of my ntfs hd's using ddrescue and ive probably done something wrong and it was unaccessible afterall. after performing a check with gparted, it suggested to run a chkdsk on windows, since the fs is ntfs, this done i can access it but poof! all my data's not there anymore, but there is instead my friend's. now if i check the used and free16:47
QuantumKaosspace it says 1tb is the whole hd, of which 700gbs is used, but by selecting all the files it appears to be only 400gb all together. so apparently there's 300gb which it doesnt see! my data! how do i make it reappear? please tell me there's a way, it was 2 yrs of music and pics, i cant lose it. (same free and used situation on windows and linux)16:47
indusluis_ wait paste that fdisk -l again and menu.lst again ill correct it for u16:47
samadhiindus: yeah, i read about that somewhere, that's why i put (hd0,1)16:47
luis_ok, im make now16:47
indussamadhi, i too knew it but i made mistake16:48
speedmccoyXerran: I'll look at video drivers. Thanks.16:48
indussamadhi, thanks a lot , so now u boot windows?16:48
samadhiindus: don't worry about it, it happens to the best16:48
Xerranspeedmccoy: what video card do you have?16:48
indussamadhi, thanks for the help :)16:48
marines_sipior: damn, i have to do something with opera...16:48
speedmccoyXerran: lol. I don't remember. I grabbed on out of the drawer and it worked.16:48
samadhiindus: yes, i'm in windows, and thank you for your help16:49
Xerranspeedmccoy: lol16:49
speedmccoyXerran: I'll have to take this box apart unless you know how I could pull up properties. I'm new to Linux.16:49
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luis_ok indus, this is a pastebin   http://pastebin.com/d3c1bba4416:50
samadhiindus: btw, do you know a method of accessing my linux partitions from windows?16:50
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Xerranspeedmccoy: try system > admin > Hardware drivers16:50
catphishcan anyone point me at information on using gfs with ubuntu16:50
filefreaksamadhi: you can download ext3 drivers somewhere for windows, a google search may help16:51
Xerranspeedmccoy: what version of ubuntu?16:51
filefreakIs there a way to set sound output to mono (or alternatively, direct both sound signals to one channel)?16:51
speedmccoyXerran: No drivers present. I am running 9.0.416:51
sipiorQuantumKaos: how are you mounting the volume under linux?16:52
Xerranspeedmccoy: if it is offering drivers..activate them them reboot16:52
samadhifilefreak: i have already installed them, but when i try to access the partitions it tells me to format the partition16:52
Xerranspeedmccoy: *then16:52
samadhifilefreak: when i look at the properties of the partitions it says that they are inactive16:52
Xerranfilefreak: do you have x-fi?16:52
geezerHi.... Anyone know where I can get some cool widgets for my desktop?... the ones that come with "Screenlets" kinda suck.16:53
indusluis_ just comment out that chainloader for the dell16:53
boscophey. I have a problem with firefox on ubuntu. when I download a file, and double-click on it, I can't open it with the assiciated program. instead, it shows a dialog to search for an app. this is very annoying. do you have any suggestions?16:53
Trijntjegeezer: desklets16:53
luis_mmmm the hd0,3?16:53
speedmccoyXerran: "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system."16:53
speedmccoyXerran: I'll just shutdown and peek at the card.16:53
filefreakXerran: no, it's on-board audio16:53
Xerranspeedmccoy: ok16:53
JloneAnyone here use cPanel at all?16:54
JloneGot a QQ16:54
filefreaksamadhi: http://www.fs-driver.org/16:54
boxrJlone, that is not an Ubuntu question16:54
indusluis_ make that hd0,2 instead of hd0,316:54
Jloneboxr: I know16:54
Xerranfilefreak: I only have experience with x-fi on ubuntu..sorry16:54
Jloneboxr: but I'm running it on ubuntu16:55
geezerTrijntje, I tried that as well.... I'm looking for those clear, transparent looking types... sorta like this, My desktop: http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/5213/screenshotzlv.png ... looking for one that can display what I'm listening to on Audacious or Songbird... any ideas?16:55
filefreakXerran: no problem. There might not even be an option for it :(16:55
boxrJlone, join #cpanel16:55
luis_yes im make with 3, but not have change, anda im paste 2 anda my display send a mensage of starting16:55
indusluis_  just copy paste what i send u16:56
ikoniaroot__: ?16:56
Xerranfilefreak: My ladies machine has onboard audio but she never really plays with it16:56
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ikoniaroot__: please don't advertise in here16:56
indusluis_ now show me paste again16:56
filefreakxerran: I have a mono TV :P16:56
grozahow to install hamachi16:57
grozai tried the tutorial but it doesnt work16:57
filefreakgroza: I answered this before16:57
indusluis_ new paste after u change menu.lst16:57
Xerranfilefreak: you are running ubuntu on a mono tv?16:57
filefreakgroza: oh...ill have a look16:57
filefreakxerran: yes :D MythTV16:57
grozait gives me an error16:57
Achmedgroza: you're probably going to have to unpack the client with apx(?) I believe16:57
grozain terminal16:57
Achmedwait? tutorial?16:57
grozaim a noob16:58
luis_my pastebin http://pastebin.com/d54f46a5316:58
Achmedlol okay. one minute16:58
filefreakgroza: what error, and for which step?16:58
Achmedactually can't help much. my aptitude is being a pain.16:58
Xerranfilefreak: ahhh ok16:58
grozawhen im trying to extract the archive16:58
indusluis_ i tell u change that line hd0,3 to hd0,216:58
indusluis_ root         (hd0,2)16:59
luis_ahh ok ok yea, sorry16:59
tm512question: I have ndis wrapper set up and everything. would a simple "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper", then "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" and then "sudo dhclient wlan0" get me into public wifi?16:59
luis_im make16:59
filefreakgroza: make sure that you are in the same directory as the archive and that the name is correct16:59
indusluis_  gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst17:00
indusluis_ ok correct17:00
indusluis_ now reboot17:00
dos|equisStill confuse with the files residing in my /usr/lib17:00
dos|equiscould someone tell me to minimize the files in /usr/lib17:00
dos|equisIt takes up a lot of space in my drive17:01
need_helphey need help! got exam while i'm reviewing see: Vistual Filesystem! is virtual file system where all like under "/" same filesystem ?17:01
boxrneed_help,  need google!17:02
XerranI'm dual-booting Ubuntu 9.04 and Vista on two separate drives, if I back up both partitions using Clonezilla will I have to do anything special after a restore? Will GRUB be intact?17:02
need_helpboxr i try but don't get exact mean , do u got exact mean for this ?17:02
tm512for big channels like this they need to get rid of the join notifications17:02
boxrneed_help, no. But I don't think it's really for this channel17:02
boxrtm512, get rid of them in your client17:03
dos|equisSames most are sleeping right now.17:03
nErVehow do i get rid of wine i had installed it and removed it but i still find its entry in teh applications men17:04
prospireis there any software in ubuntu which can read pdf's and convert them into text?17:04
rufensisI am having trouble with PPTP vpn in jaunty (was having the same problem in Ibex).  I configured it with the gui and when I try to click on my connection it does not even appear to be trying to connect - no green light in the bubble, not lock icon swirling around the nm display.  I am using a static address on the machine. I have this same vpn setup on my laptop running debian lenny and everything works perfectly.  The same settings17:04
rufensis in ubuntu are a no go.  Can anyone help??17:04
deanyXerran, thats what clonezilla is for, nothing special needed17:04
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RanyAlbegwhen does .profile is being executed17:05
sharperguyTrying to set up SVGA out and every time I try to turn the other monitor on (actually a TV) it says it needs to set the virtual resolution and tells me to log out. But when I do that it just resets everything so I get stuck in a loop.17:05
deanyXerran, are you backing up an ext4 partition?17:05
Xerrandeany: cool.... thanks17:05
Xerrandeany: I fist backed up NTFS (vista) then ext3 (Ubuntu)17:06
tarnernew to linux/ubuntu whats the easiest way to map a windows share to /media/localmount??? thanks17:06
Xerrandeany: *first17:06
linuxson25Hi. Looking for a server to join in connection with remastersys, or cloning17:06
boxrtarner, samba17:06
evondoes anyone know if it's possible to install windows with unetbootin?17:06
Xerrandeany: I'm running Clonezilla live and saving the images to a local drive17:07
indusevon, no its not17:07
deanyXerran, ok.  Well you need the experimental ubuntu based version if you need to backup/restore ext4.  also, you dont need to back them up 1 by 1..17:07
tarnerwell i figured samba and smbfs had a read at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently17:07
evonindus: thanks. you know if it's possible to do it off a USB?17:07
deanyXerran, savedisk will backup the whole thing, just saying.17:07
indusevon, do what17:08
Xerrandeany: even though I have Ubuntu and Vista on separate drives?17:08
deanyXerran, ah,.. ok forget what I said :)17:08
evonindus: install windows off a usb17:08
DraconPernhelp, after I did an update from a clean install, I can't boot anymore.17:08
indusluis_ yes?17:09
samadhifs_driver doesn't work for me17:09
linuxson25Cloned my Ubuntu distro on my laptop with remastersys, tried re-installing as-is on my desktop17:09
indusevon, might be possible but iam not aware of such tools17:09
apparleevon: which version of windows..................and reply as a private message17:09
revygttamHi, I accidently deleted my /lib directory yesterday, today i went to reinstall the OS but the installer says the CD-Rom does not contain a valid 'Relese' file.  As well before it boots it reads logical errors from /dev/sr0, cd drive works, any ideas?17:09
DraconPernit says Starting up... [  numbers] Not responding.17:09
Xerrandeany: how do you rate clonezilla live? Do you think there is anything better?17:09
luis_mmmm im reboot my laptop, and login in windows but only send a msg of starting, and not run17:09
linuxson25As soon as I try booting into it after installation, enter username and password, I am greated by a white screen17:09
PoisonSerpent_revygttam: redownload and burn the Ubuntu iso again, and see if it works.17:10
indusluis_ so did u see windows logo?17:10
boxrrevygttam, how did you accidently delete /lib?17:10
revygttamPoisonSerpent_, I am in the works of that now17:10
PoisonSerpent_Lol. You read my mind, I guess.17:10
revygttamboxr, thought i was in an ssh session and did a sudo rm -rf /lib  ...obviously, wrong box17:10
PoisonSerpent_What OS are you downloading it on?17:10
deanyXerran, it works.17:10
apparleevon: If you are trying to install vista then its possible17:10
boxrrevygttam, wow, that's gotta suck17:10
luis_mmmm not, only a black display17:10
revygttamboxr, its a home server it sucks if i corrupted something else but Im okay with reloading the server, but now i get this mess17:11
boxrrevygttam, well, depending on how much you've updated, you can do as suggested and hope there isn't too much dependency hell17:11
indusluis_ u see windows in grub menu ? then u select windows xp?17:11
DraconPernno one can help?17:11
revygttamboxr, i gotta funny feeling nothing is gonna play nice today17:11
linuxson25No help?17:11
AchmedDraconPern, what do you need?17:12
edbianlinuxson25: I just got here.  What's your question?17:12
luis_yes, im see and select windows, but only send me a msg of starting17:12
luis_and not run17:12
indusluis_ ok no problem, i want sudo fdisk -l again please17:12
AchmedDraconPern, what do you mean it doesn't boot? no bootloader, nothing?17:12
DraconPernon start up, it says "Starting up..." then 3 messages of not responding, then reboots.17:12
indusluis_ u only see black screen ? no windows sign/logo?17:13
linuxson25edbian: Hi. I "cloned" my laptop Ubuntu install with remastersys, and tried to install it on my desktop. Everything works fine up untill entering the username and password, after which I just get a white screen17:13
indusluis_ so it means we select wrong partition17:13
luis_the black screen with a msg up to starting17:13
linuxson25edbian: I then press Ctrl+Alt+Del twice, and then for a second, my desktop background shows, and then it shuts down17:14
edbianlinuxson25: Mmm.  My that's odd.  Is the system unresponsive?  Try Ctrl + alt + F1 at the white screen.17:14
indusluis_ sudo fdisk -l please17:14
indusluis_ ill be back 2 min17:14
samadhimaybe windows is broken17:14
samadhianyone know a way to access my linux partitions from windows?17:14
PoisonSerpent_Ubuntu 9.10 is on Alpha 3 right now, am I correct?17:14
linuxson25edbian: Ctrl+Alt+F1...and this will do?17:15
indusPoisonSerpent_, alpha 417:15
luis_ok im wait17:15
linuxson25edbian: Does it reload the gui?17:15
indusluis_ iam back17:15
linuxson25edbian: The desktop?17:15
PoisonSerpent_Oh. I guess I'm behind.. lol17:15
samadhii have already tried fs_driver and linux reader17:15
edbianlinuxson25: It switches to tty1 (which should be a cli prompt)17:15
indusluis_ paste fdisk -l17:15
DraconPernAchmed: ok, this is weird, it was a usb hub problem..17:16
linuxson25edbian: The desktop I am trying to install it on does have some serious differences in hardware setup. Its an AMD64, monster machine. Can it be that because it a major hardware change, that its not working?17:16
edbianlinuxson25: That's what I suspect.  Can you get to tty1 ?17:17
linuxson25edbian: OH yeah, a virtual prompt17:17
edbianlinuxson25: So it's working?17:17
linuxson25edbian: Will have to try that later on....working on the notebook now17:17
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linuxson25edbian: WIll have to get back to you on this one17:17
edbianlinuxson25: OIC.  I was going to tell you to go there and look at "dmesg" to get a hint of a problem17:17
Keifferhi. I can't change keyboard's layouts17:17
linuxson25edbian: OK. Will also try that17:18
indusluis_ u know what /dev/sda5 is?17:18
KeifferI can't see the problem, the layout is installed, keys for switching are set but i can't even test it17:18
linuxson25edbian: I will pastebin it when its done17:18
linuxson25edbian: Let you know17:18
anwoke8204Hi I have a question, I am trying to compile a package from source, I have installed the build-essential package, and automake, but it is telling me that it can't find gettextize17:19
anwoke8204how do I resolve this?17:19
edbianlinuxson25: When the system boots it probes all of the hardware and loads the appropriate modules right there.  That's how linux works without drivers (it has a massive repo of them and picks the one's it needs when you boot).  I suspect that you would have the same issue if you had just fresh installed ubuntu on this machine but I could be wrong.17:19
luis_i dont know17:19
Simmo_Saanubuntu has no wifi search right?17:19
linuxson25edbian: There any way I can add you or email you the results? Will have to reformat and install first before I can test this17:20
=== Simmo_Saan is now known as sim642
edbianSimmo_Saan: What do you mean "wifi search" ??17:20
indusluis_ what is dell utility partition?17:20
anonymous_sim642,  just left-click your network icon on the top right (assuming gnome)17:20
edbianlinuxson25: I'm not necessarily suggesting a fresh install.  I think you have a good shot at fixing the one that's on there. PM me and I will give you an email address17:20
luis_mmm my pc is a laptop, its how a recovery17:20
linuxson25edbian: You think the 64 arch has anything to do with this?17:20
anonymous_sim642, that'll give you a list of networks in range.17:20
samadhiok, i'll try some other time, bye guys17:20
apparleanwoke8204: I am not sure but install the package 'gettext'17:20
mermaanybody knows where java_home is if I run Eclipse from my home from a downloaded folder?17:20
edbianlinuxson25: 32 bit OS should work fine on a 64 bit machine.17:21
sim642for some reason it doesn't17:21
anonymous_sim642, what network adapter do you have?17:21
indusluis_ put a # symbol before the dell utility lines for all entries, title ,root, etc17:21
indusluis_ u understand?17:22
KeifferI can't see the problem, the layout is installed, keys for switching are set but i can't even test it17:22
Keifferhi. I can't change keyboard's layouts17:22
anwoke8204now it saying that it cant find the inittoolize tool17:22
devkhadkawhere do i find gnutls/openssl.h in ubuntu 9.0417:22
sim642mabye u mean intel wireless wifi link 4965agn ?17:22
tarnerFFS cifs doesnt resolve IP addresses automaticly grrrrrr17:22
sim642and im currenly on windows cause i cant get to internet17:23
ggabe_ /join #mediarain17:23
anonymous_sim642, yes that's exactly what i meant. hmm I would think that card works as-is, as I have a Intel Wifi Link 5100 and it's working fine from a clean install17:23
edbianggabe_: Almost!17:23
ankushi need help compiling beryl effect ..17:23
ggabe_no kidding17:23
edbianankush: berl merged with compiz to form compiz fusion.  There is no beryl anymore17:23
indusluis_ ok copy this http://pastebin.com/m63ab3eb217:24
indusluis_ copy from bottom white section not top one17:24
anonymous_sim642, you're running Jaunty 9.04 right?17:24
ankushedbian: ok..are those lovely effects still available?17:24
edbianankush: They sure are!  Go to: System -> Preferences -> Appearances -> Desktop Effects tab17:25
anonymous_sim642, are you able to access any networks, or even show a list?17:25
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:25
sim642LAN connections are working nicely17:26
Keiffercould someone, please, aid me in testing my internet connection? it's very lazy, laggy and netsplitty and i want to be 100% sure that is not a local issue befor killing the ISP17:26
Terabytehi, i'm trying to setup webmin on ubuntu, and i've ran into this error: Executing /etc/init.d/webmin-ipt start ..17:26
TerabyteCan't open /etc/webmin/firewall/iptables.save: No such file or directory17:26
indusluis_ paciencia :)17:26
anonymous_sim642,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5655663&postcount=4 try this17:26
luis_hablas español?17:27
indusluis_ nope, google translate :D17:27
bboruhey all17:27
edbian!hi | bboru17:27
ubottubboru: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:27
UltraNavhi guys ! how can I determine/visualize page size/page miss/transaction look aside buffer (tlb) and such ?17:27
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edbianUltraNav: You mean like swap stats?17:28
majnoonok here is my problem i try to log into gnome and X crashes (using ubuntu jaunty) (using xfce no problem and using gnome programs NO problem)17:28
indusluis_ ok now reboot , if that no work, then try change line to hd0,4 maybe windows in that place17:28
luis_jejejejee ok ok17:28
ankushis there any feature in ubuntu resembling to restore function in windows?17:28
luis_you check the pastebin?17:28
edbianmajnoon: IT crashes immediately?17:28
anonymous_ankush, you mean system restore in windows?17:28
jlillyis there a way to find projects used in gnome that are powered by pygtk?17:28
majnoonyup i tried making another user same thing17:28
indusluis_ yes its good buena suerte17:29
ankushanonymous-: yups, exactly17:29
indusluis_ reboot, i wait here17:29
luis_ok ty17:29
edbianankush: Basically it's a backup utility.  There are loads of them in the repos.  Nothing as seemless as "Window System Restore" or Mac's "Time Machine"17:30
steve_3199how do i restart my sound when it starts playing up17:31
ankushedbian: i dnt have a desktop themes tab in appearence, will installing Desktop effects do the thing?17:31
ankushedbian: from add/remove applications17:31
edbianankush: What tabs do you have there?  I think it's the last one.  The desktop effects are installed by default in ubuntu17:31
anonymous_ankush, I see on the forums something about "sbackup." There isn't an backup system implemented, but sbackup seems to be the way to go according to them. apt-get install sbackup to install, apt-cache search sbackup for info on it17:31
apparlesteve_3199: what do you mean restart sound17:32
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edbianankush: I'm sure there is a tab in there for it.17:32
ankushedbian: no, i have visual effects17:32
edbianankush: That's it17:32
UltraNavedbian: like... but not exactly...17:32
campsterHi, I installed ubuntu 8.10 and updated it to version 9.04 ... Is their a way to get version 9.04 from my computer to install it to another computer at my home ?17:32
ghostknife_How can I list the details a raid array was created with (like the chunk size)?17:32
linduxed1ive got an old samba PDC fileserver that i want to replace with a new one. The thing is though that ive already added a ton of machines onto that server and i dont want to add them again, any way to do this?17:33
linduxed1are they stored in a file?17:33
Achmedcampster: you could download the cd image from ubuntu.com17:33
steve_3199well, im not good with identifying sound problems, but there are lots of delays in the sound, and its usualy fixed by a reboot, but i dont want to reboot17:33
edbianUltraNav: The "free" command shows swap usage  "free -m"17:33
ankushthat func doesnt give me features of beryl..17:33
campsterAchmed: i don't have enough bandwith :/17:33
Achmedcampster: at the location your at, or at home?17:33
edbianankush: What specifically were you looking for?17:33
Achmedcampster: is your home computer running windows?17:33
campsterno, I'm running ubuntu 9.0417:34
Achmedcampsterr: oh? i see now nevermind lmao I'm tired, sorry.17:34
edbiancampster: There are utilities to make an ISO from your ubuntu install but it is difficult because a typical person's install does not fit on 1 CD17:34
DaZ-campster, debian had an application to build iso from repositories afair17:34
QuantumKaoshi guys, i need some serious help overhere: i was backupping my friend's external corrupted ntfs hd on one of my ntfs hd's using ddrescue and ive probably done something wrong and it was unaccessible afterall. after performing a check with gparted, it suggested to run a chkdsk on windows, since the fs is ntfs, this done i can access it but poof! all my data's not there anymore, but there is instead my friend's. now if i check the used and free17:35
QuantumKaosspace it says 1tb is the whole hd, of which 700gbs is used, but by selecting all the files it appears to be only 400gb all together. so apparently there's 300gb which it doesnt see! my data! how do i make it reappear? please tell me there's a way, it was 2 yrs of music and pics, i cant lose it. (same free and used situation on windows and linux)17:35
j1nnhi all. i need help with wifi on asus eee 1000ha on ubuntu 9.04. after last updates it suddenly stopped working.. systems sees no interface. modprobe ath5k does not help.. may some please help me?17:35
ankushedbian: i saw the beryl effects on a video on youtube..so installed beryl source files ..but they are not compiling...17:35
cheasullyhey does anybody know if deleting stuff from /usr/src will be detrimental to my system?17:35
campsterokay.. can't I update the 8.10 install from the other computer running the 9.04 ?\17:35
XerranWhats the best way to see Quicktime video in ubuntu?17:36
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:36
edbianankush: I'm telling you beryl is deprecated.  Compiz can do anything beryl can do + much more :)  If you'd like to configure compiz install "simple-ccsm"17:36
steve_3199QuantumKaos, i have a program you might want to look at, wait a minute while i findit17:36
cheasullyim running ubuntu on an eeepc 900a with 4G of mem and i need to make space for other stuff, /usr/src has like 1.5 G or stuff in it17:36
cheasullycan i delete some of it?17:36
campstercan't I update the 8.10 install from the other computer running the 9.04 ?17:36
DaZ-campster, you can17:37
Xerranthiebaude: i have the medibuntu codecs17:37
edbiancheasully: What do you have in there?  Mine is empty?17:37
thiebaudeXerran, im not sure about quicktime, dont use it17:37
campsterDaZ, will it do it automatically if i connect them on a network ?17:37
cheasullyhold on lemme check17:37
QuantumKaossteve_3199: i really hope so man :D17:37
cheasullylinux headers17:38
thiebaudeXerran, do you use wine?17:38
DaZ-campster, i don't know, probably not17:38
cheasullyand vbox driver i believe17:38
edbiancheasully: I don't know why you have anything in there.  Did yo compile you're own kernel?17:38
devkhadkawhere is gnutls/openssl.h located17:38
devkhadkahow do i find gnutls/openssl.h17:38
cheasullyno thats why i thought it was kinda weird17:38
ankushedbian: i went offline, can u help me gettng those wonderful graphics17:38
edbiancheasully: /usr/src is used for source code that the user has hand-compilied.  IF you have already gotten a binary from that source code it is safe to delete17:39
campsterDaZ: But their is a way .. do you think I can find out more on the forum perhaps ?17:39
cheasullythats what i thought thanks edbian17:39
edbianankush: Yeah. Compiz can do everything beryl can do + more.  If you'd like to configure it install "simple-ccsm"17:39
DaZ-campster, you should have cached packages17:39
j1nni guess i'm the only person with this issue?17:39
edbianankush: The cube, the wall, fire  all of it is in compiz17:39
campsterI have no idea what that is17:40
edbiancheasully: NP17:40
cheasullyedbian: NP?17:40
edbiancheasully: No Problem = NP17:40
Vooloois there a GOOD mailing list to stay up to date with security updates?17:40
cheasullylol sorry tired thanks17:40
edbiancheasully: NP ;)17:40
hellhoundi am trying to use this how to: http://howtoforge.com/sharp_fonts_gnome_p2  on Ubuntu 9.04 but I cannot figure out how to get X to 96dpi since 9.04 does not use xorg any longer.  if it helps I have an NVidia card.   Please help17:41
edbianankush: "sudo apt-get install ccsm"17:41
edbianankush: "sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm"17:42
steve_3199QuantumKaos, http://www.cgsecurity.org/17:42
ankushthanx edbian: i have learnt how to install :)17:42
edbianankush: np17:42
edbianankush: I LOVE compiz-fusion :)17:42
steve_3199it helped me in similar situations, might be able t help you, i dont know but give it a try17:42
QuantumKaossteve_3199: talking about testdisk? or photorec? been there done that, they dont work well :(17:42
thiebaudeedbian, i wish i had the graphics card to run it17:42
steve_3199yeah, thats all i can think of17:43
edbianthiebaude: I bought an ATI radeon 9550 from tiger for $20 that runs them great!17:43
ankushedbian: its so easy in it, just tick...17:43
edbianankush: Yep17:43
thiebaudeedbian, cool, i love tigerdirect here in N.C17:43
steve_3199have the disks actually been initialised? or just reformatted17:43
edbianthiebaude: Here in Monmouth, Il (bumble-fuck) things come in 1 day (nothing gets here in 1 day)17:44
valeriojackhi, everyone17:44
edbian!hi | valeriojack17:44
ubottuvaleriojack: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:44
apparlecan I share internet over bluetooth??17:44
steve_3199apparle, its possible, there is software there for it17:44
j1nnhappy people with internet..17:45
apparlesteve_3199: tell me the name17:45
speedmccoyxerran: you were helping me earlier with my video card.17:45
valeriojacki have a little question: does anyone know if netbook remix works on hp 2133?17:45
apparlej1nn: what happened to u17:45
Xerranspeedmccoy: hey17:45
speedmccoyxerran: I found another card and was able to download drivers17:45
speedmccoyxerran: I"m good to go at 1024x768. Thanks for your help.17:45
j1nnupdates happened to me. since i installed the latest, my netbook does not see wifi interface.17:45
steve_3199i cant think of it, but if you look in the ubuntu package list you will find some related stuff17:45
Xerranspeedmccoy: np17:45
valeriojackyes no maybe ?17:46
geniiI can't find any good info on some linux-friendly wifi card based on ExpressCard 54mm type slot. Any suggestions?17:46
valeriojacki m downloading it because it s difficoult to make via chrome vga driver work with other distro17:47
luis_not changes17:47
ubuntufreakSorry that it may be a dump question but i would like to know how we can find the installed Ubuntu OS is a 32-bit or 64-bit17:47
steve_3199genii, in ubuntu, it will run most PCI and USB wireless cards very easily17:47
buckyvaleriojack: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks17:47
geniisteve_3199: Yes, however my new laptop comes with the ExpressCard slot17:48
valeriojackoh damn17:48
bboruJust installed Jaunty yesterday....  keeps locking up completely.  REISUB, ctrl alt bckspace dont work.  Will eventually boot after like 5 reboots of: "Code:     Bad EIP value", then lock up again.  Is there a repair install function or something?17:48
hellhoundi am trying to use this how to: http://howtoforge.com/sharp_fonts_gnome_p2  on Ubuntu 9.04 but I cannot figure out how to get X to 96dpi since 9.04 does not use xorg any longer.  if it helps I have an NVidia card.   Please help17:48
boss_mcbboru: sounds like the install media might have been corrupt17:49
mramosyUbuntu Netbook Remix on Acer Aspire One17:49
mramosyProblem with cheese app17:49
bboruboss: is there a repair ability so i dont have to lose all my progress?17:49
buckyapparle: grml-btnet  YMMV17:49
apparlebucky: what17:50
mramosyvideo recording lags17:50
valeriojackdoes anyone know a distro that makes this damn hp 2133 work decently exept suse17:50
indusluis_ what happened/?17:50
buckycan I share internet over bluetooth??    apt-cache show grml-btnet17:50
buckyapparle: ^^17:50
boss_mcbboru: if that was the cause of the errors then the damage will not be predictable enough for a repari program to work17:50
apparlebucky: oh thanks17:50
j1nn..asus eee1000ha - wifi breaks up after an update.17:51
j1nnanyone, any idea, please?17:51
luis_indus... not changes17:51
indusluis_ did u see windows in boot menu?17:51
luis_the display in black with the msg: starting17:51
boss_mcbboru: what progress have you made?17:51
bboruboss:  the iso was verified when burned so i'm leaning toward something else.17:51
luis_only the mensage of starting17:52
mtlifeis enlightenment still supported in ubuntu?17:52
indusluis_ ok last  change, change root         (hd0,2) to  hd0,417:52
=== guillaume is now known as freko28
bboruboss:  i just uninstalled the last thing i put in (snort) and did a reboot.  looked good for about 10 minutes then just locked up completely17:52
luis_im change17:52
mramosyUNR on AA1 problem with cheese app video recording lag, no sound17:52
apparlebucky: how to do it exactly17:53
bboruboss:  also, if it matters, when it locks up my caps lock light flashes17:53
indusluis_ sorry man17:54
ravenhello... i just didn't trust my eyes - ARDOUR 3.0 is available for windows but not for linux yet - is that true??? (ardour-midi support within linux?????? tnx17:54
luis_wast up?17:54
luis_im change17:54
apparleluis_: what's the problem17:54
indusluis_ yes17:54
indusluis_ can i see paste17:55
Brian_im looking for a better menu for gnome like  "start" menu is their any good alternatives. also im lookin for a better panel any ideas?17:55
=== sascha is now known as saschahl
ftabBrian_ sudo apt-get install gnome-mainmenu17:56
Shirotokois there's a way to make compiz ignore smplayer windows for instance? so the videos play nice?17:56
ftabthat also has integrated Beagle for search17:56
mtlifehello, can enlightenment be removed after installation?17:56
=== Irishmanluke is now known as idleluke
Brian_thanks ill check it out17:56
luis_my pastebin   http://pastebin.com/d2ab170bb17:57
ftabBrian_ ok good luck17:57
cellstormhi i want someone to help me !17:58
indusluis_ use this http://pastebin.com/m1cccee3e17:58
Brian_oh i already had that but when i click more apps the menu closes and opens another window i didnt like that, i was hoping it would just open a sub menu17:58
DaZ-mtlife, why not? :f17:58
cellstormis here anzone to help me ?17:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:59
luis_yes im change17:59
indusluis_ ok reboot17:59
cellstormi want help with my printer17:59
mtlifeDaZ-: dunno just wondering :)17:59
boss_mcbboru: that error message claims to be a hardware failure error causing kernel panic, do you have any strange HW in the machine?17:59
luis_ok ty17:59
mtlifeDaZ-: can i run gnome and enlightenment next to each other?17:59
cellstormi have canon ip 350017:59
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bboruboss: no, it's a hp mini 1010nr netbook18:00
cellstormbut there isnt anz driver for this18:00
DaZ-mtlife, ...yes18:00
bboruboss:  i'm going to upgrade the firmware from the hp site and see how that goes18:00
boss_mcbboru: good plan18:00
=== cellstorm is now known as mixalis
bboruboss: i'll shoot an update when complete, if you're around18:01
mixaliscan anyone help me ?18:01
hellhoundi am trying to use this how to: http://howtoforge.com/sharp_fonts_gnome_p2  on Ubuntu 9.04 but I cannot figure out how to get X to 96dpi since 9.04 does not use xorg any longer.  if it helps I have an NVidia card.   Please help18:01
indusluis_ u reboot or no18:01
DaZ-ubuntu doesn't use xorg? ;o18:02
earthlingno xorg!!!18:02
=== Deformed is now known as Dreizer
Dreizerhi all18:02
ftabDreizer hi18:03
benediktI pop in my digital camera and Gnome pops up with gphoto2://[usb:001,019]/. Since this isnt on my filesystem, how the heck do i access it without gnome (cli)18:04
Dreizerany hackers or crackers here :?18:04
giampieroHello, I've got a question: when I turn off PC and then restart it, volume is always turned off and I manually have to turn it back on. Can anybody explain how to fix that?18:04
dos|equisCould someone explain to me why I have a lot of files under my / directory, except for my home folder18:04
DaZ-giampiero, alsactl store? :f18:05
giampieroDaZ-: Pardon?18:05
dos|equisI mean, could I minimize the files being placed in the folder.18:05
di||itantedos|equis: / is where everything is including /home18:05
dos|equisThat is why I said "except for my home folder"18:06
DaZ-giampiero, just type it into the console :f18:06
dos|equisIt takes a lot of my drive space.18:06
di||itanteRead up on FHS18:06
DaZ-with sudo for the best effect ;f18:06
di||itantedos|equis: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard18:06
dos|equisI'm reading it right now18:07
mick_hi all does any 1 no were i can get a avi to dvd converter for ubuntu18:07
Dreizerlook in google18:07
benediktI pop in my digital camera and Gnome pops up with gphoto2://[usb:001,019]/. Since this isnt on my filesystem, how the heck do i access it without gnome (cli)18:07
giampieroDaZ-: Can you explain it effect?18:07
IdleOnemick_: Synaptic package manager18:07
dos|equisbut, my question is, can I remove files that are not being used18:07
di||itantedos|equis: like what?18:08
=== nocturn_ is now known as nocturn
DaZ-giampiero, google,man18:08
dos|equisI don't know what are these files18:08
dos|equisThere are so many of them18:08
dos|equisI'm still new to Linux.18:08
di||itantedos|equis: first of all in chat, type my nick to make sure I see your conversation18:08
OttifantSirHow do you flash the BIOS from Ubuntu 9.04?18:08
di||itantedos|equis: give me an example18:08
giampieroDaz-: that's what I get when I type it: alsactl: save_state:1541: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing: Permission denied18:08
DaZ-giampiero, ..sudo? :f18:09
dos|equisdi||itante : what sample?18:09
di||itantedos|equis: of a file you want to delete18:09
dos|equisdi||itante : That's my problem. I don't know which file(s) to delete.18:10
IdleOne!english | protop9618:10
ubottuprotop96: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:10
IdleOnethank you18:10
di||itantedos|equis: then do them all and see what happens18:10
dos|equisdi||itante : I really want to learn linux. This will be my strength if ever I graduate in college.18:10
giampieroDaz-: already done: E: core-util.c: Home directory /home/giampiero not ours.18:10
abranches_hello everyone. I installed a deb with  dpkg --force depends -i package.deb, because I knew the app would work without some dependencies that were required. now every time I execute apt-get, it says that I must do  "apt-get -f install" to remove the package installed. I don't wanna remove the app installed, so what can I do?18:10
server_hola alguien sabe como se repara una virtualbox18:10
benedikt!english | server_18:11
ubottuserver_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:11
IdleOne!es | server_18:11
ubottuserver_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:11
protop96What better forum for the problems of Linux ?18:11
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IdleOneprotop96: #linux might be better but if you are using ubuntu this is the place18:12
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earthlingis there anyother project like arc colors that is taking care of gnome themes?18:13
earthlingalso any good place to get login splash screens other than gnome looks?18:14
protop96The problem of sound in the microphone Skybe18:14
IdleOne!eyecandy > earthling18:15
ubottuearthling, please see my private message18:15
giampieroDaz-: Could Aumx help, maybe?18:15
eptalondoes ubuntu 9.10 support hfs(+) volumes?18:15
giampieroDaz-: Aumix, sorry18:15
earthlingthanks man..18:16
Berzerkerearthling, not that I know of. you can just do a google search, couple of websites may have some complications18:16
abranches_hello everyone. I installed a deb with  dpkg --force depends -i package.deb, because I knew the app would work without some dependencies that were required. now every time I execute apt-get, it says that I must do  "apt-get -f install" to remove the package installed. I don't wanna remove the app installed, so what can I do?18:16
DaZ-giampiero, i don't know :f18:16
earthlingBerzerker , IdleOne   thanks18:16
Berzerkerabranches_, just run sudo apt-get -f install18:17
giampieroDaz-:never mind, thank anyway.18:17
tdnHow do I make a script run every time the machine is started up, and the network has come up?18:17
DaZ-giampiero, alsactl didn't work because of something related to pulseaudio imo18:17
DaZ-and i don't know anything about pulseaudio :F18:17
zatoichidd is awesome18:17
grozawhat do i need to play counter-strike in ubuntu?18:18
doktoreashello everybody..is it possible to give a priority to the oom-killer ?18:18
abranches_Berzerker: if I do that, it will remove the app that I installed. and I don't wanna do that. isn't there any way to ignore that dependencies that I ignored with the "dpkg --force depends" ?18:18
di||itanteabranches_: use your package manager ot mark it ignored18:18
orochigroza: The latest version of wine, winehq.org and read the instructions for installing the ubuntu package from their repositories18:18
Seidosyou master one 3d shooter, you've mastered them all18:18
IdleOnetdn: cron would be the way but I don't know how to use cron. man cron will help you18:19
grozaorochi: but i know i need and something else18:19
Berzerkerabranches_, why don't you try running it, then reinstall the app normally?18:19
grozabut i dont remember18:19
dos|equisCould someone help me!18:19
grozasomething with gentoo18:19
tdnIdleOne, isn't cron for things that should be run cronostically?18:19
buckyabranches_: i'd try this.. put a hold on the package you installed with force18:19
Seidosgroza, have you considered playing a 3d shooter that's ported to linux?18:19
Ipse-Dixithello, could anyone help checking whatz wrong with my fstab? here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/257037/ i compiled it myself, everything works but one of my hd, whenever i want to open it, it says "System policy prevents mounting internal media" then i have to type the pw and i can get in, how can avoid that? thanks18:19
tdnIe. in time intervals?18:19
Seidosported or native18:20
orochigroza: What is the other thing that you need?18:20
grozawhat do you recomand?18:20
grozai dont remember18:20
linuxson25Installed the cloned version of my laptop on my desktop pc18:20
grozai played once and it promped me for installing other program18:20
Seidosgroza, look on the web.  I saw a couple 3d shooters.  "best 3d shooters for linux" is a start18:20
lanzellothhello. my system -> admin -> drivers says I don't have any proprietary driver running, but I remember installing fglrx. Could this be mistaken? Will I damage anything if i do sudo apt-get instal fglrx?18:20
linuxson25When its finished, and I enter my username and password, I can see the mouse cursor, and just a white screen18:21
arun_sukesanplease help18:21
abranches_Berzerker: the app is searching for python2.4-dbus, and the ubuntu repositories only have python2.6-dbus, and that one works perfectly well with the app18:21
IdleOnetdn: I believe so but it can also be set to run a script at boot. like I said I don't know how to use it but reading up might get you more info18:21
arun_sukesanis there any software for playing wmv files in ubuntu18:21
Berzerkerabranches_, and others might not, so why not update? there's nothing that it can hurt.18:21
arun_sukesani tried vlc18:21
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:21
arun_sukesanbut there is only audio18:21
GPLhow to set default programs for particular extensions in Ubuntu, for example, when i click a URL, it opens up in BlueFish Editor rather than in Mozilla Firefox18:21
arun_sukesanbut no video18:21
abranches_Berzerker: so, I can't install normally unless I get python2.4-dbus from other source18:21
buckyabranches_: try putting a hold on the package you installed with force18:21
abranches_bucky: what do you mean with putting a hold?18:22
buckyabranches_: and the easiest way to do that IMHO is to install wajig, a python front end for apt and do a wajig hold <packagename>18:22
macoGPL: right click an html file and go to properties -> open with and set the default application18:22
Berzerkerabranches_, pretty sure it should say >= 2.418:22
macobucky: whats hard about aptitude hold <packagename>?18:22
Berzerkerabranches_, so 2.6 would work18:22
Seidosgroza, I've been playing Battle for Wesnoth18:22
IdleOnearun_sukesan: please talk in here so others can benefit18:23
GPLmaco, that way, i 'd have to create a html file , isnt there some sort of preferences in Control Centre ?18:23
abranches_bucky: I will try that, thanks18:23
MaNU_How to convert pdf to doc? please help18:23
linuxson25I can open up virtual terminal, and when I give the command dmesg, I get this: http://pastebin.com/d429243fd18:23
macoGPL: i dont know how to change file associations other than that way18:23
Berzerkerinstalling an apt front-end for apt.18:23
IdleOne!pm | arun_sukesan18:23
ubottuarun_sukesan: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:23
Berzerkerthat sounds useful [/sarcasm]18:23
cremasterhi folks, i'm trying to get my wireless connection working on jaunty (it was working before i upgraded)18:23
IdleOnearun_sukesan: do not innitiate a dcc without asking first18:24
abranches_Berzerker: yes, 2.6 works perfectly, but the app only searches for 2.4 and not >=2.418:24
buckymaco abranches_  aptitude doesn't hold thru a dist-upgrade... i prefer wajig   it just works18:24
lanzellothcremaster, is the network using 64 bit wep?18:24
linuxson25Any help?18:24
xeprahrm, I have a fresh install of 9.04 desktop 64 bit on an hp dv2000 laptop.  There is about a 10 second delay after the login display pops up before I can use the keyboard.  Mouse works fine the whole time.  Any ideas?18:24
cremasterwould someone mind looking at my sudo lshw -C network and help me interpret it?18:24
lanzellothcremaster, it's just that I heard ther's a problem with 64bit wep for newer versions18:24
linuxson25Would like to get my desktop up and working18:24
Berzerkerxepra, wait the 10 seconds?18:25
MaNU_Somebody please tell me to convert pdf to *.doc???18:25
cremasterlanzelloth, well i'm just trying to get a list of available networks in my vicinity18:25
xepraBerzerker, lol, thx, real helpful18:25
Berzerkerxepra, I mean lol, it's 10 seconds, does it really kill you?18:25
arun_sukesanok IdleOne18:25
xepraBerzerker, its annoying as hell, and shouldn't be happening18:26
Berzerkerxepra, if the keyboard and computer overall actually work, then I wouldn't see any problem with it.18:26
Berzerkerxepra, it's probably just your USB powering up your keyboard18:26
xepraSo no, its not like its mission critical or anything, it just seems like it should be easy to fix18:26
linuxson25xepra: You a perfectionist like me, and it would bug the hell out of me too... :)18:26
arun_sukesani just wanted to know how can i play wmv files in ubuntu18:26
simranhi guys, i just installed ubuntu, removed movie player (totem) and installed Mplayer....am i still required to instal w32codecs to obtain full compatibility ??18:26
xeprawhys trackpad work then?  and did older versions work fine?18:26
Berzerkerxepra, is it an overly power hungry keyboard?18:26
di||itantexepra: you could boot into text mode then start x undter strace ad see if that give you an idea of what is taking uo the time18:26
IdleOne!wmv > arun_sukesan18:26
ubottuarun_sukesan, please see my private message18:26
xepraand why did*18:27
Berzerkerxepra, because your trackpad doesn't og over USB.18:27
xepraand USB does?18:27
=== taube is now known as Taube
cremastersudo lswh -C network lists my wireless card but then below it doesn't list it to say ENABLED/DISABLED/etc it only lists my ethernet and the virtualbox adapter18:27
Berzerkerxepra, ...yes USB goes over USB *sigh* lol18:27
xepradi||itante, thats a good idea, I was wondering the best way to start debugging18:27
Berzerkeroh you're using a laptop keyboard18:27
xepraBerzerker, ugh, I suck at english :/, clearly I meant trackpad18:27
xeprai mean keyboard18:28
arun_sukesanok thankks for the reply ubottu18:28
IdleOneubottu: is a good person18:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:28
Berzerkerwell it could be something weird with your keyboard drivers, but I don't think it should bother anyone.18:28
linuxson25lol...that was funny18:29
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:29
earthling_arun_sukesan : new to the channel .. ubottu is a bot.. and a good one at that..18:29
simranmovie player codec question18:29
xeprasimran, why don't you just check to see if you can play what you want to play18:29
simrani dnt want to bloat it18:30
=== MrObvious2 is now known as MrObvious
simranif mplayer installs the codecs18:30
IdleOnesimran: try playing a mp3 and if it needs a codec ubuntu will tell you18:30
simranthen i dnt need w32codec18:30
linuxson25Some input please?18:30
simranthats what im asking basically18:30
simrandoes mplayer install the same external codecs as w32codecs18:30
IdleOnesimran: yes18:31
terrestresimran: did you install ubuntu-xtra-codecs?18:31
simranwhat is that18:32
Adrenaline`AwayCan I use software like Sony Vegas or Adobe programs on Ubuntu?18:32
terrestresimran: flash, java, mp3 codecs all of that18:32
linuxson25Hello? Some help, please?18:32
linuxson25Installed the cloned version of my laptop on my desktop pc18:32
llutzAdrenaline`Away: if you want to use windows-software, use windos18:32
linuxson25When its finished, and I enter my username and password, I can see the mouse cursor, and just a white screen18:32
arun_sukesandoes the ubuntu xtra codecs charge any fee??18:33
IdleOnelinuxson25: patience please. and try asking your question every 10 minutes or so18:33
linuxson25I can open up virtual terminal, and when I give the command dmesg, I get this: http://pastebin.com/d429243fd18:33
simranyou know that ubufox extesion for firefox18:33
simranis it needed18:33
=== bambam is now known as Guest50140
simranit has 1 *18:33
=== meffo is now known as meff
linuxson25IdleOne: Will do, thanx18:33
th0rlinuxson25: you mean you installed the laptop video drivers on the desktop and now the video doesn't work? wonder why?18:33
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linuxson25th0r: So then we talking about conflicting video drivers here? Wow, thanx...that kinda makes sense. But doesnt Ubuntu detect hardware before it boots up, including which video drivers to use?18:34
deanyubuntu-xtra-codecs?   its ubuntu-restricted-extras18:34
xepralinuxson25, try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg18:35
terrestredeany: yes that, sorry my ubuntu is in another language18:35
linuxson25th0r: I mean, when I typed in dmesg, it gave me all the up to date details of my AMD64 machine18:35
linuxson25xepra: thanx, will try that18:35
jadohi i have a dns problem i can ping the ip's but not the domain names18:36
terrestresimran: you can install all at once writting "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras"18:36
lanzellothwhere do I get fglrx?? I've enabled the multiverse repositories18:36
xeprajado, dns servers are in /etc/resolv.conf18:36
linuxson25xepra: will get back to you with results just now. Thanx for the hint18:37
simranah i just hit superkey+r  and its zoomed in18:37
simranhow do i zoom out18:37
xeprajado, just put "nameserver" in that file18:37
notlisteningroght opinion needed. I ma using pulseaudio on 9.04 a PPA version and my app a speech engine is putting puulseaudio under a littl more stress than it is used to and it is cauing a CPI overload as it calls it, is that a feature or a bug?18:37
lanzellothsimran, super + x i think18:37
xepralinuxson25, no problem -- hope it works18:37
GPLsimran : click on desktop and press SuperKey + R again.18:37
Guest50140simran: Hi Simran18:37
linuxson25xepra: Thanx :)18:37
Guest50140simran: Bye Simran18:37
MwaHow do I make an internet sharey thing, wifi->ethernet?18:37
simranthts a great feature18:38
heatmzzrI'm trying to use imagewriter to install on acer (no cd) in imagewriter should it be fat16 or fat32 for the usb drive?????18:38
lanzellothsimran, you can get ccsm to configure all the desktop effects18:38
terrestresuperkey + r <---- compiz zoom?18:38
MaNU_Hi all18:38
grawity!ics | Mwa18:38
ubottuMwa: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php18:38
deanySuper+ scroll mouse18:38
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:38
MaNU_Please tell me how to convert pdf to doc18:39
terrestrepdf to doc?18:39
Signastyhello all18:39
notlisteningpdf2txt is an option18:39
xepraMaNU_, ctrl-a, crl-c, ctrl-v18:39
arun_sukesancan any one tell what is the difference between aptitude and apt-get??18:40
jadoxepra: actually i was not precise. the dns problem happens a while after my connection is working and then i have to reboot my router to make it work again. I have this problem on all my computers, linux/windows18:40
deanyopen pdf in open office and save as doc?18:40
Signastyapt-get is short for aptitude18:40
simranubuntu comes with compiz...whats the difference between tht and compiz fusion?18:40
Signastythats all18:40
MaNU_to convert pdf to word18:40
xeprajado, does the routher point the dns at itself?18:40
MaNU_is there any solution18:40
Mwathanks grawity18:40
heatmzzrI'm trying to use imagewriter to install on acer (no cd) in imagewriter should it be fat16 or fat32 for the usb drive?????18:40
buckyMaNU_: by a third party app for your windows machine like pdf2doc18:40
GPLsimran : pressing Escape helps too. also try out SuperKey+E18:41
simranyep i tried tht one GPL :)18:41
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide18:41
simranthanks for letting me know though18:41
MaNU_yeah like pdftodoc18:41
lanzellothso... flash isn't performing well and I have the adobe player18:41
MaNU_is there anything like dat18:41
GPLsimran: no problem.18:41
xepraheatmzzr, I'm not familiar with imagwriter, but it shouldn't matter.  I would go with fat3218:41
simrangpl what is compiz fusion like18:41
simranany better?18:41
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)18:41
GPLsimran: desktop effects :)18:42
jadoxepra: what does that mean? the router is supposed to resolve the domain names as usual18:42
jadoxepra: but sometimes it just stops doing that18:42
simranis it a complete new program or a plugin18:42
buckyMaNU_: http://www.verypdf.com/pdf2word/pdf2doc.html18:42
mikeyI just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on a computer and set up a dual boot with Windows XP. Now the windows install freezes when I try to start it up. I can still boot into safe mode though.18:42
simranthe compiz-fusion18:42
simranhow would i go about installing it18:42
Signastysudo apt-cache search compiz18:42
Signastyfind the fusion one18:43
mikeyWhy would windows freeze on startup after a linux install?18:43
mrwesAnyone have a command line script to batch convert mp3 files to wav?18:43
terrestremikey: you can do a scancheck i dont remember the name18:43
xeprajado, routers don't resolve domain names, servers do, however through dhcp the router tells the computers connected to it which dns servers to use.  some home routers nowadays point dns queries to itself, and it forwards them on appropriately18:43
GPLsimran : i would try using Synaptics package manager18:43
MaNU_bucky:i was luking for free version18:43
mikeyterrestre: Is that in windows or in linux?18:43
peterzhow does one remove a package that already has all the files removed?18:43
xeprajado, i was asking because if the router is pointing the dns at itself, then it could just be a buggy router, especially if all the computers fail at once18:43
terrestremikey: windows18:44
MaNU_bucky: which must be open source18:44
notlisteningany opinion on my pulseaudio issue E: cpulimit.c: Received request to terminate due to CPU overload. when kicking its arse with the speech engine but in theory it should not bum out if this is a valid usecase even though most humans would never be able to interpret the speech at this rate18:44
xeprajado, or it could be that the computers got a lease while there was no dns, and you simply need to do a dhcp refresh18:44
simrangpl would i need to uninstall compiz first18:44
arun_sukesanmount -t ntfs /dev/sda5 /mnt/windows... can i use this command to mount ntfs partition in windows?18:44
ortsvorsteherpeterz: try in an !terminal "sudo apt-get remove <packagename>"18:44
GPLsimran: no need18:44
MaNU_bucky: like there are pdftotxt or pdftohtml18:44
simranthanks mate18:44
arun_sukesanhow can i add that to the fstab??18:44
jadoxepra: so what can i try? where should i look?18:44
simranwhere you guys from18:44
MaNU_bucky:kword can do this18:45
xeprajado, well what does /etc/resolv.conf say?18:45
buckyMaNU_: are you going to use doc files on linux?18:45
GPLobviously from #ubuntu18:45
mikeyterrestre You have no idea how to do that though? :/18:45
zenlunaticarun_sukesan: vi /etc/fstab18:45
th0rsimran: earth, mostly18:45
jadoxepra: "nameserver" so my router18:45
peterzortsvorsteher: uhm, that's what I done, it complaints it can't find the files associated with that package -- cuz I removed them allready18:45
MaNU_bucky:i wanted to edit a pdf file18:45
simransame here18:46
arun_sukesanyes vi /etc/fstab helps to edit the file but how to do that??18:46
xeprajado, can you ping it?18:46
jadoxepra: right now i'm talking to you while the dns is not working18:46
ortsvorsteherpeterz: may you try at first to install the package again, after that you try to remove. you know how you can do this?18:46
jadoxepra: sure18:46
xeprajado, and is that what it says when its not working?18:46
notlisteninguse nano instead of vi more friendly18:46
MaNU_bucky:or can we convert it to odf format18:46
xeprajado, sounds like your router is fubar18:46
peterzortsvorsteher: if the package were still in the repo, yes :-)18:46
xeprajado, try upgrading the firmware on your router18:46
ortsvorsteherpeterz: good luck ;) which package do you mean?18:47
jadoxepra: but it works very well and then sometimes it stops and i have to reboot it's weird18:47
xepraalso you can check to see what dns server it is getting from your isp18:47
zenlunaticarun_sukesan: type it in a virtual terminal or terminal emulator???18:47
jadoping: unknown host www.google.com18:47
peterzortsvorsteher: linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-server18:47
xeprajado, i meant ping the router18:47
nightrid3rjado: linksys wrt160N ?18:47
jadoxepra: pinging the router works18:47
jadoxepra: pinging ip's works also18:47
ortsvorsteherpeterz: ah, you tried to remove an old kernel?18:48
jadonightrid3r: what is that, a router?18:48
orochijado: Are you sure ICMP isn't blocked by your router18:48
peterzortsvorsteher: nah, I actually did remove it, including the /lib/modules/ mess18:48
xeprajado, so take a look to see what dns servers the router is getting, maybe try putting those in your resolv.conf18:48
jadoorochi: what is ICMP?18:48
xepraand see if it works18:48
peterzortsvorsteher: but now apt things its needs to remove the package18:48
peterzortsvorsteher: and gets all confused18:48
orochijado: It's the protocol used to "ping" sites18:48
macojado: icmp = ping18:48
nightrid3rjado: just checking, i have one of those and it has the same problem18:48
xepraif it does then it is likely the router18:48
orochi(To put it simply)18:48
xepraif not, then it is likely your isp's dns servers18:48
ortsvorsteherpeterz: take care if you remove the next kernel, always use synaptic package manager for that. it will do a clean uninstall18:49
arun_sukesanzenlunatic: i reached there, but there are options such as18:49
orochiMany, many ISP's block ICMP type 8 because it used to be used for flooding servers18:49
jadoorochi: no it is not since i can ping them usually18:49
xeprajado, so I will repeat, try upgrading your routers firmware18:49
arun_sukesanfile system and mount points are ok18:49
peterzortsvorsteher: right, too late for that now ;-)18:49
dos|equisCan you suggest me. I'm learning java, is this the right tool for open source programming?18:49
orochijado: Ahh, I see...so it wouldn't be a block on that end then, hmm18:49
prhey guys18:49
jadoxepra: there is no way it's the isp, it's the router i think if if put the dns servers in resolv.conf then it will work18:49
arun_sukesanbut what is options dump and pass18:49
ortsvorsteherpeterz: the next kernel will come to your system ;)18:49
deanyhas the router auto-detected the dns servers to use from your isp?18:49
ruben23hi guys18:49
deanymost of them do18:49
peterzortsvorsteher: yeah, I know, I build tons of them each day18:50
pri was wondering if it's possible to use the normal 9.04 *just* to reinstall a fresh grub which's automatically detecting existing operation systems and writes itself to the MBR18:50
pri want *just* to fix grub18:50
xeprajado, for the last time, try upgrading your routers firmware; if that doesn't work then try a new router18:50
jadoxepra: yes i get it :)18:50
zenlunaticarun_sukesan: options are parameters you set for that entry18:50
xeprajado, kk :)18:50
zenlunaticarun_sukesan: such as read only, read write, etc...18:50
grozai tried to play warcraft through wine but all i get is a white screen with black edges?18:50
grozawhat can i do18:50
pyxpHelp!!! I upgrade Ubuntu form Intrepid to Jaunty. But I configure the keyboard wrongly. When I restart Ubuntu and come to the login window, I can't find my keyboard. How can I fix the problem?18:50
xeprapyxp, have you tried waiting like 20 seconds?18:51
th0rpr check update-grub18:51
xeprapyxp, mine takes a long ass time to come up on jaunty18:51
nightrid3rgroza: check winehq app db18:51
orochigroza: If you're using the version of Wine that you installed by default from Jaunty, then go to the Wine website and upgrade to the development version18:51
pyxpI restart my machine for several times.18:51
arun_sukesanzenulatic: ok, that means if I have to mount an NTFS partion of sda5 to /mnt/windows with rw permission, how can i edit the fstab??18:51
pyxpbut it doesn't work.18:52
grozahow can  make my fat32 partition to auto mount at start up?18:52
xeprapyxp, does the keyboard respond at all?  can you get to tty1 (ie ctrl-alt-f1)?18:52
orochigroza: That being said even the "platinum" supported games in Wine work on some systems but not others, at varying degrees of success. It's pretty unpredictable :/18:52
xepragroza: fstab18:52
pyxpthe keyboard don't repond any keystroke.18:52
pyxpbut it repond to the mouse movement.18:53
xeprapyxp, I repeat, have you tried waiting for like 20 seconds to a minute?18:53
grozaxepra more details18:53
xeprawhen I went to jaunty for some reason the keyboard takes forever to start responding to keystrokes18:54
xepragroza, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=fstab18:54
pyxpI install my ubuntu in a usb disk. and when i restart my ubuntu, i don't power off the usb disk.18:54
pyxpshould i power off the usb disk too...18:54
ascheelCan someone tell me how to rename a removable drive (SD card in this case)18:54
xeprapyxp... shouldn't matter18:55
pyxplet me try it again. see you later...18:55
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:56
ruben23 hi i have installed samba on my desktop linux- which is going to network to an exisitng windows workgroup..i can view the windows workgroup-including the individual workststion problem is when i double click on the gui i get error cannot mount to location..18:57
rufensisI can't figure out why my vpn (pptp) will work with my debian system but not my ubuntu using the same exact settings.  this is a two-week long frustration, and I'm almost ready to junk jaunty.18:57
ruben23anyone have idea..?18:57
di||itanteruben23: do you have access rights on the machine you are attempting to connect to?19:00
grozahello i cant login to my yahoo acount in pindgin19:01
grozaits sayz conectin - Available19:01
jerkmanhey i have a bit of a random question here about phone lines19:02
combohello there, if i've installed *.run application, how can read its documentation (it was a part of the installation)? i've installed it with "sudo sh *.run" command..19:02
geealgum brasileiro19:02
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:02
jerkmancan i ask a phone line/broadband related question in here?19:02
ortsvorsteher!assk | jerkman19:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about assk19:03
ortsvorsteher!ask | jerkman19:03
ubottujerkman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:03
grozaits sayz conectin - Available19:03
grozahello i cant login to my yahoo acount in pindgin19:03
grozaits sayz conectin - Available19:03
ortsvorsteher!enter | groza19:03
ubottugroza: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:03
grozaand it iz freezing19:03
jerkmanok,i just plugged my modem into a bt test socket and i got ~7000kbps rather than usual 3500-3900kbps. Is it safe to use a test socket with a filter and no faceplate19:04
grozacan someone answer to me?19:04
ruben23di||itante:..ow ok so i need to add up on the windows client the access right of my ubuntu user..? same as vice versa...-windows to ubuntu.19:05
Mike_lifeguardWhat license is Ubuntu?19:05
wildc4rdevening all19:05
ortsvorsteher!patience | groza19:05
ubottugroza: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:05
guntbert!yahoo | groza19:05
ubottugroza: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.19:05
grawityMike_lifeguard: Most of it is GPL, if I remember correctly.19:06
SidearmHey guys, are there any disadvantages to using 64 bit on a 32 bit system? I think my 32 bit DVD is dead, but I still have a 64 bit one.19:06
orochiSidearm: Yes, it won't work :>19:06
Ipse-DixitJames_N: alright so if i enable it from disk manager its fine, but it doesnt do it automatically19:06
Berzerker-only the other way around it will work19:06
orochiSidearm: Not unless the processor is both 32bit and 64bit capable19:06
Berzerker-32-bit on 64-bit system19:06
SidearmI'm not sure which one it is19:07
jerkmanok,i just plugged my modem into a bt test socket and i got ~7000kbps rather than usual 3500-3900kbps. Is it safe to use a test socket with a filter and no faceplate19:07
Berzerker-Sidearm, what kind of processor is it19:07
heatmzzrIs anyone familiar with ubuntu imagewriter?19:07
whileimhereHi when I close my Pidgin Buddy list it closes everything rather than go to the taskbar like it used to. Anyone know why?19:07
linxehjerkman: yes19:08
SidearmPentium 4, Berzerker19:08
Berzerker-Sidearm, not 64-bit.19:08
linxehjerkman: you only need the filter if you want to use telephones19:08
linxehjerkman: however, you should ring up for the NTE2000 faceplate with built in ADSL filter19:08
Berzerker-Sidearm, pentium Ds are the first intel 64-bits, and the Athlon 64s are the first AMDs that are 64-bit.19:08
jerkmanlinxeh: ok, i have a microfilter in the test socket right now, and i can make  and recieve calls19:08
linxehjerkman: thats fine then19:09
SidearmOk, Berzerker19:09
di||itanteruben23: ?19:09
jerkmanlinxeh: so what is the point of a normal faceplate19:09
linxehjerkman: chances are if you disconnect the ring wire from the extensions (just leave pins 2 and 5 connected) it will be ok too19:09
pyxpI have waited for more than one minute to start Ubuntu. But it doesn't work. ---  I upgrade Ubuntu form Intrepid to Jaunty. But I configure the keyboard wrongly. When I restart Ubuntu and come to the login window, I can't find my keyboard. How can I fix the problem?...19:09
jerkmanall the extensions are non-hardwired19:09
ruben23di||itante:..yes how do i do it with permission19:10
linxehjerkman: the normal faceplate has connections for extensions, and via an LC bridge gives a ring wire19:10
jerkmanlinxeh: they are off various splitters19:10
linxehit shouldnt make a difference to your signal then if they arent wired in19:10
di||itanteruben23: you need to set that up on the windows machine19:10
linxehBT are providing those faceplates cheaply now though if you ask for one19:10
jerkmanlinxeh: so i have this normally [MASTER]>(FILTER)>ADSL LINE and telephone splitters19:11
jerkmanlinxeh: now i have [TEST]>[FILTER]>Same as before19:11
linxehjerkman: its possible the connections on the main faceplate are damaged I guess, or maybe one of the components is on its way out. I'd try with the new faceplate19:12
linxehjerkman: but you are allowed to do whatever you want after the test socket - you just cant alter the wiring before it19:12
linxehjerkman: thats why the split faceplate is there19:13
di||itanteruben23: I dont know the details bc I dont use windows, but you will need permission from the windows machine to access it from the Linux machine19:13
jerkmanlinxeh: ah cool. But for now, the microfilter is actig as the faceplate kinda?19:13
pyxpAnyone encounter the problem? --- I upgrade Ubuntu form Intrepid to Jaunty. But I configure the keyboard wrongly. When I restart Ubuntu and come to the login window, I can't find my keyboard. How can I fix the problem?...19:13
jerkmanlinxeh: will i see any adverse effects from using this19:13
HillshumI installed a custom alsa driver and removing it leaves me with no driver. How can I get the default back?19:13
linxehjerkman: nope19:14
jerkmanlinxeh: so for now, i can just leave it and enjoy a better speed19:14
linxehjerkman: the faceplate doesnt have any filtering, other than the LC bridge for the ring wire (nothing to do with ADSL)19:14
linxehjerkman: yeah definitely :)19:14
ruben23ill do that19:14
jerkmanlinxeh: cool, it almost doubled my speed!!19:14
erika1984if a i burn new ubuntu 9.04 cd will it have all the updates on it or do i have to download them19:14
linxehjerkman: how long have you had adsl on the line ?19:15
jerkmanlinxeh: thanks for all your help19:15
xanguaerika1984: no, you will19:15
puffHey, I'm trying to troubleshoot this ubuntu server install.  They set i tup with a static IP and it appears to have eth0 up, but I don't get a response from the network.19:15
jerkmanlinxeh: a few years, with bad speed always19:15
di||itanteerika1984: you will be having to DL a number of updates19:15
grawitypuff: Does 'route' list a default route?19:15
linxehjerkman: I'm getting 3.5mbit - and that is *good* for here :(19:15
puffgrawity: Yes.19:15
erika1984surprised they dont have new version like  9.0519:16
grawitylinxeh: Millibits?19:16
erika1984an include them19:16
linxehgrawity: arf19:16
jerkmanlinxeh: i was getting 512k, then rung up ISP and it went to 2mb gradually increased to just under 4. now im getting 7 and hve just paid for up to 2419:16
hanasakihow can I submit a IP, hostname and company to a spam list?19:16
xanguaerika1984: ubuntu is released every 6 months, not every month19:16
puffgrawity: I plugged the cable into a laptop and could get out on the laptop, could ping the gateway, but I can't ping the gateway from the server.19:16
grawityhanasaki: I don't think there is any global spam list.19:17
erika1984when isthe next release19:17
hanasakigrawity:  so what do you use?19:17
hanasakifor incoming mail?19:17
di||itanteerika1984: Ubuntu versions don work like that, the next 9.04 would look like 9.04.119:17
grawityhanasaki: Gmail's spam filter :)19:17
IdleOneerika1984: the version numbers work year,month so 9.04 is 2009,april19:17
grawityhanasaki: Bogofilter and SpamAssassin are good too.19:17
hanasakithey use umm sorbs19:17
xanguadi||itante:  that will never exist because is not LTS19:17
ShadowGoonAlright, I'm just going to put this out there... is anyone willing to help me troubleshoot why lirc support for my remote is spotty? ive tried countless combinations of OS and LIRC configs, and looked at just about every conceivable howto and guide that google offered up. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt, no idea what causes it to go on and off19:17
Ipse-Dixitnothing, im not lucky with this permissions, could anyone help? trying to get permissions for one of my hd's itz an ext3 on the fstab, all the other ones, ntfs included, get automounted at boot, out of luck with this one, anyone?19:18
di||itantexangua: ahhh19:18
erika1984so in september we will see new release19:18
IdleOneend of october19:18
xanguaerika1984: no, october (9.10)19:19
jerkmanlinxeh: i just downloaded a movie in 18minutes lol19:19
SidearmI put in the 8.04.1 CD19:19
SidearmMy monitor is connected via DVI on-board19:19
SidearmI got to the "Install Ubuntu" menu19:19
prth0r: i don't get how that is supposed tu work19:19
SidearmAnd now it doesn't give any input19:19
prth0r: sudo grub-update /dev/sda?19:19
prth0r: i mean update-grub19:20
karolanyone I can`t get sounds in Kadu working19:20
Achmedjerkman linxeh: adsl will always be like that. go with fiber or cable (in the usa it's faster than adsl)19:20
Achmed!hi | dev2467019:20
ubottudev24670: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:20
dev24670newest newbie<<<<<<<<<<<<19:20
dev24670thank you19:21
slimgI'm having trouble disconnecting from a karmic server when connected with ssh, when hitting enter after "exit", the terminal-output just stops, and then I have to close the terminalwindow on the client, does anyone know how to fix this?19:21
IceMan1213345does anybody know how i can do a trace route on a ubuntu linux19:21
jerkmanAchmed: shame, im in the uk. but adsl2+ is upto 24 and i get it for £4 pm19:21
midohi guyz....how to get the info of my hardware?19:21
PiciIceMan1213345: tracepath19:21
staminnahey guys, I have toshiba A300 laptop with C1,C2 and C3 power BIOS support, though is not recovering from Suspension or Hibernation19:21
linuxson25Hi everyone19:21
IdleOnemido lspci19:22
IceMan1213345yes but how do i do that pici19:22
* Hillshum gets adsl 1.5/.75M for $20 or so19:22
PiciIceMan1213345: mtr is a neat tool too, but I don't believe its installed by default.19:22
Achmedjerkman: hmm, so how fast (in mbit or MB) are you getting?19:22
PiciIceMan1213345: tracepath someserver19:22
linxehAchmed: 1) I'm not in the USA 2) I dont have the option of fibre or cable19:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:22
midothnx alot adl19:22
prjust to be clear19:22
IceMan1213345i said how19:22
pri want to (reinstall) a fresh grub in the MBR19:22
jerkmanAchmed: right now, 7mbit. i have only jjust upgraded to 24, so its not in effect yet19:22
prwith the ubuntu live version19:22
PiciIceMan1213345: Do you know how to get to a terminal window?19:22
prupdate-grub doesn't help here19:23
slimgIceMan1213345: just install traceroute (sudo aptitude install traceroute)19:23
linuxson25cloned my laptop install to my desktop with remastersys. Installed fine, but when it starts up the desktop after logging in, I just get a white screen19:23
panfisti applied an update to ubuntu and now i can't figure out why i can no longer access samba shares19:23
dev24670does ubuntu have an equivalent to a command line window and if so could you please tell me the name I am trying to install java with netbeens on ubuntu?19:23
IdleOnePici: which package installs lsb_release seems I dont have the module19:23
PiciIceMan1213345: What do you want to traceroute too?19:23
gwildorlinuxson25, probably a graphics driver issues.19:23
linuxson25I've reconfigured xserver in cli, and restarted gdm....but to no avail19:24
IdleOnedev24670: Terminal19:24
IceMan1213345any thing19:24
linuxson25gwildor: I think I heard that somewhere before...but how do I fix it?19:24
xanguadev24670: those packages are in the repository19:24
IceMan1213345so i can find people in real time19:24
PiciIceMan1213345: People? Thats not what a traceroute does.19:24
gwildorlinuxson25, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf    see if there is any driver configured... if there is, change it to 'vesa'19:25
IceMan1213345then what does it do19:25
PiciIdleOne: I don't know, I always get the message that no lsb modules are available when I use lsb_release -a19:25
linuxson25gwildor: It could very well be, cause the desktop I am installing it on is a AMD64, with a Leadtech 9600GT19:25
Lostinspace_46Should not " if [ -x /usr/bin/xbindkeys ]; then /usr/bin/xbindkeys fi " cause xbindkeys to run at startup?19:25
IceMan1213345also i think it is now install19:25
linuxson25gwildor: Ok, will check that19:25
gwildorlinuxson25, after we get  the screen working at all... we can get your propper driver working.19:25
PiciIceMan1213345: It gives you the hops that the packets take from your computer to the target server19:25
linuxson25gwildor: OK :)19:25
dev24670you mean i did not have to download it? repository being the add/remove?19:25
Lostinspace_46!welcome | karme19:26
ubottukarme: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.19:26
Achmed!welcome Forty0z19:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about welcome Forty0z19:26
IdleOnePici: strange thing just happened, earlier when I tried lsb_release -a I got no output. Now I get the output with no LSB modules available19:26
Achmed!hi | Forty0z19:26
ubottuForty0z: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:26
=== phisher2 is now known as phisher1
IceMan1213345i think i have install it but it is saying not work19:26
Achmedi failed19:26
FloodBot2Achmed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:26
AchmedApparently I'm flooding? O_o19:27
Forty0zfail sauce19:27
Lostinspace_46Achmed: you need a pipe in there19:27
IdleOneAchmed: 3 lines in 30 seconds triggers floodbot19:27
IceMan1213345E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)19:28
IceMan1213345E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?19:28
IceMan1213345Reading package lists... Done19:28
IceMan1213345Building dependency tree19:28
IceMan1213345Reading state information... Done19:28
FloodBot2IceMan1213345: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:28
IceMan1213345Reading extended state information19:28
* Achmed is new to the whole Ubuntu IRC chat.. 19:28
IdleOne!paste > IceMan121334519:28
ubottuIceMan1213345, please see my private message19:28
navetzhey can anyone here direct me to a good place to get info about Voice over IP for cell phones?19:28
PiciIdleOne: the bot does that when it mutes someone fyi19:28
PiciForty0z: Please mind your language here19:28
Lostinspace_46Should not " if [ -x /usr/bin/xbindkeys ]; then /usr/bin/xbindkeys fi " cause xbindkeys to run at startup?19:29
IdleOnepici the bot does what? set -z?19:29
gwildorIceMan1213345, if you read what you pasted... it looks like you have appt already running... synaptic, add/remove, maybe another apt-get install...19:29
PiciIdleOne: It pm's them about !paste19:29
IdleOnePici: good to know19:29
PiciYep :)19:29
puffgrawity: I just noticed something... this machine has three wired interfaces, eth0, eth1 and virbr0.  It is set up with a static IP on eth0, and eth0 is up.  When I checked route, it showed a default route, but I just noticed that the default route is 192..168.122.1, which is the IP for virbr0, not eth0.19:30
AchmedSorry if this is offtopic, but what is mode z on this ircd?19:30
Pici!modes | Achmed19:30
ubottuAchmed: There are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml19:30
grawityAchmed: User mode or channel mode?19:30
stewAchmed: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml19:30
Achmedlol freenode, now that makes more sense. I would suppose user mode, seeing as it set +z on IceMan19:30
fgsfdsHello everyone! I finally decided to fully switch to Linux and have to move all my music, video and photos to ext3. What place in my filesystem would you recommend to put it? I don't want to use the default ones in my homedir, because they'll be shared among several users with absolutely the same access permissions.19:31
stewLostinspace_46: you seem to be missing a ';' between "xbindkeys" and "fi"19:31
orochifgsfds: Well you can always create a folder in your home directory that has permissions set to it that only you can read/write19:31
puffIPTables appears to be running here, hm.19:31
xanguafgsfds: and why not better make a diferent user for all the family members¿¿19:31
erUSULfgsfds: /home/media ? it is up to you really19:32
alankilaI just have /music or /data or something and stuff it all there, also mount that from separate large data partition19:32
stewfgsfds: shared photos would typically go into /usr/share/ or /usr/local/share/ somewhere (share being for arch independent files).  they could also fit in /srv somewhere19:32
LordMetroidj #Ubuntu-offtopic19:32
Lostinspace_46stew well, duh!! I do, don't I?  Thanks19:32
puffCan anybody help me get this fresh ubuntu server install on the network with a static IP?19:32
alankilaI don't much care for all the filesystem layout guidelines, especially for my own stuff. :)19:32
Nava2okay, so I have completely ruined my HD19:33
Nava2I now I have over 300 partitions, and none of which have anything on them. I do not know what happened, but I know its not good.19:33
detrixHello everyone.  I have an older sd chip, it fs is VFAT and I want to change the volume name.  How do I do that?19:33
grawitydetrix: dosfslabel, if I recall correctly.19:33
nightrid3rpuff: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html19:34
detrixgrawity: that seems to be it.. thanks19:34
HillshumCan anyone help me reconfigure my sound after removing some custom drivers?19:34
SidearmYay, switched to a VGA cable and I did get input now19:34
johannesgerhardugood evening19:34
=== Julia is now known as Guest63234
prFUck that.19:35
Nava2Can someone help me fix my issues, I have 255 partitions, all the same size, none of which contain anything. As well, the size of each one is 90gb and I only have a 320gb Harddrive. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?19:35
preven the "mess around with the installer trick"19:35
prdoesnt work anymore19:35
fgsfdsstew: I thought about /usr, but Filesystem Hierarchy Standard says it should be read only.19:35
prhow the heck to install grub now?19:35
pri don't want to install ubuntu.19:36
majnoonok i compiz crashing Xserver19:36
prjust (re)install grub19:36
printo the MBR19:36
FloodBot2pr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:36
Picipr: That language is uncalled for here, please keep it family friendly.19:36
puffnightrid3r: Thanks, but they already gave it a static IP during the install.19:36
Achmedpr: 1) Mind your language, 2) what do you mean reinstall grub? you're missing the grub bootloader?19:36
Lostinspace_46stew I double checked and none of the "if" statements has a ; after the final command e.g. " /usr/bin/xbindkeys "19:36
steve_3199Nava2, i would just run "cat /dev/zero >> /dev/disk19:36
prAchmed: right19:36
prAchmed: i screwed it up some time ago19:36
linuxson25gwildor: Ok....I got the file open....showing up at Section "Device" Identifier: COnfigured video device19:36
Achmedboot into livecd19:36
steve_3199and wipe everything19:36
pryeah, i did19:36
Achmedone sec19:36
fgsfdsxangua: erusul: yes, this seems to be the best choice yet... i just thought perhaps it's common practice to create a separate dir in the root of the fs...19:37
linuxson25gwildor: But now how do I edit that configuration?19:37
Lostinspace_46stew in the ~/.bashrc file19:37
Nava2ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cat /dev/zero >> /dev/disk19:37
Nava2bash: /dev/disk: Is a directory19:37
colin|applegateok bernie here i am :-D19:37
Nava2steve_3199: ^19:37
stewfgsfds: then maybe /srv or if this data is going to be consumed by some application, perhaps in /var/lib/ somewhere19:37
Achmedpr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257088/ I believe you have to do something along these lines.19:37
erUSULfgsfds: well i hold my media in different partitions so i have them in /media/* like many other disks19:37
gwildorlinuxson25, is that all it says?19:37
prAchmed: doesn't work19:37
pri can paste the error19:38
prif that'd help19:38
Achmedpr: really? that would. but use http://paste.ubuntu.com19:38
prsetup (hd0,0) raises: Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition19:38
linuxson25gwildor: Hmmmm.....Says: Section Device Identifier: Configured Video Device19:38
pr(on hd0, where grub was before (and some parts seem to be there) is just windows)19:38
fgsfdsstew: /srv seems to be a vary interesting option, thanks!19:38
IdleOnecan you remind me how to downsize a dd image to the actual data that is in the partition and not the entire size of the disk?19:38
gwildorlinuxson25, is that it?...nothing below that?19:38
linuxson25gwildor: Section Monitor Identifier: Configured Monitor19:38
Achmedsetup(hd0)<=run just that19:38
erUSULfgsfds: another option is /opt/something19:39
prAchmed: same error19:39
Nava2pr: grub error?19:39
erUSULIdleOne: gzip it ? zeros compress quite well19:39
linuxson25gwildor: Section Screen Identifier: Defautl Screen, Configured Monitor, Configured Video Device19:39
steve_3199Nava2 disk is where your hard drive would be19:39
Achmedpr: Do you have dual hard drives?19:39
Ipse-Dixitalright i was finally able to set the fstab right now the only thing is under "root > media" it doesnt appear with its name like the other ones, but it appears as "disk" and if i try to rename it it wont let me, any idea?19:39
gwildorlinuxson25, sorry, i cant help you any more... this new xorg crap pisses me off19:39
prAchmed: yep19:39
prAchmed: that's right19:39
Achmedtry hd1 instead of hd019:39
Nava2steve_3199: I'm not following19:39
linuxson25gwildor: Ah...dont sweat it, its okay19:39
prsame error Achmed19:39
jiohdiI used gpart to turn an xp partition into an ext3 partition... how do I take ownership of it from root?19:40
prthat's strange19:40
Nava2I don't know where it would be steve_319919:40
linuxson25gwildor: thanx for the help so far19:40
gwildorjiohdi, there is no partition owner.19:40
gwildorlinuxson25, sorry man19:40
jiohdigwildor, it will not allow me to create new folders on it19:40
steve_3199so how do you know the disk has 255 partitions if you dont know where it is in /dev?19:40
Achmedpr: Reading the ubuntu forums, came across a response that said this thread helped: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24478819:40
prAchmed: i'm running grub through sudo. should i do something ugly like sudo su19:40
Nava2steve_3199: I opened gParted19:40
ltcabralhow can i create /work/repo/dir1/dir2/dir3 with just 1 command, considering dir1, 2 and 3 dont exist?19:40
gwildorjiohdi, in / or inside of a folder?19:40
Achmedpr: I don't think there's a difference19:40
jiohdigwildor, from nautilus outside the lost and found folder which is the only one there19:41
puffnightrid3r: Oddly, when I manually set the address via "sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask" it started working.19:41
linuxson25Anyone else feel like giving it a ~/.bash? lol19:41
jiohdigwildor, I can do it from root but not from my account19:41
steve_3199i am not doing anything wrong19:42
Achmedlinuxson25, I don't even have a ~/.bash O_o19:42
spvenskof i have a drive mounted, and i'm attempting to unmount it through umount but it complains about the device being busy, how can i find out which processes are using it?19:42
steve_3199just minding my own business19:42
Nava2steve_3199: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257091/ check that out..19:42
steve_3199why doesnt someone talk to me before klining me19:42
gwildorjiohdi, maybe your account doesnt own the place it is mounted to...19:42
linuxson25Got an issue with my graphics display driver19:42
stewsteve_3199: if you are klined you should send email to kline@freenode.net instead of evading the ban19:42
linuxson25Achmed: lol19:43
Achmedlinuxson25, oh? do you mean .bashrc ?19:43
gwildorjiohdi, if it is mounted to /mnt/oldhdd   you need tot change permissions of /mnt/oldhdd19:43
jiohdigwildor, it mounts like it was an external drive19:43
steve_3199you are making acusations about me19:43
fgsfdserusul: thanks! weird, but FHS says that /opt is intended for "Add-on application software packages"... oh these silly guidelines and rules we should follow...19:43
steve_3199very bad ones too19:43
linuxson25Achmed: Nah, I was just joking around. Normal translation being "giving it a bash"....giving it a try19:43
steve_3199why do youdo this to me?19:43
Achmedsteve_3199, Ubuntu does not own the network. Freenode does. Ubuntu does not handle the klines and such.19:43
Achmedsteve_3199, Ubuntu does not own the network. Freenode does. Ubuntu does not handle the klines and such. <= read it19:43
PiciAchmed: hes gone19:43
Achmedno he's here19:43
erUSULfgsfds: as i said in m first reply is your choice... under home is a nice place becouse it is users data after all19:43
PiciAchmed: sorry, i missed the rejoin19:44
WizzupNava2: That looks fucked19:44
AchmedLol. Idm. :P19:44
FlannelWizzup: Please mind your language19:44
PiciWizzup: Please mind your language here.19:44
steve_3199i try to be as honest as i can, i dont want to get involvedin other peoples proble19:44
Nava2Okay, so I have wayyyy too many partitions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257091/. I do not know how I can fix this. Does any know why they would repeat themselves? They are all the same.19:44
WizzupFlannel and Pici, I don't think that was that bad. And it really is, look at his paste19:44
linuxson25Got an issue with my graphics display driver19:44
Achmedsteve_3199,  if you're so concerned about the k-line, join #support19:44
Wizzup /dev/sda25519:45
FlannelWizzup: There's plenty of other ways you can express your disdain19:45
Picisteve_3199: #ubuntu does not deal with running this network, try #freenode19:45
WizzupFlannel: Not for me19:45
linuxson25Cloned my laptop ubuntu install to my desktop, running an AMD64 CPU, and Leadtech 9600GT card19:45
dbeIs there a on-the-fly encryption text editor package for GPG encrypted files?19:45
Achmedlol stew is mad :)19:45
terrestrenava2 lol i thought i have too many partitions19:45
Lostinspace_46What is klined?19:45
FlannelWizzup: Please try to.  If you continue to use that sort of language, you'll find yourself outside of this channel.19:45
AchmedKline is version of gline. One moment.19:45
WizzupFlannel: I've been here for months, and I've never had this issue. I fear passive agressiveness is worse19:46
Nava2terrestre: it wsa far from intentional.19:46
Nava2fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... I might have to reformat my hdd.19:46
Achmedhttp://wiki.inspircd.org/Commands#.2FKLINE_.5Buser.40host.5D_.7B.5Bduration.5D_:.5Breason.5D.7D <= Kline information. For InspIRCd at least.19:46
stewAchmed: not at all.  best to just ignore it :)19:46
PiciNava2: Please mind your language here.19:46
AchmedLol. Works for me, stew.19:46
staminnatoshiba A300 suspend/hibernate help anyone?19:46
Nava2Pici: hate to say it, I didnt swear.. =/19:46
terrestrenava2 how do you do that?19:46
terrestrenavaw how did you i meant19:47
Nava2staminna: does it just not come back?19:47
FlannelNava2: Obfuscated swearing still is.  Please find other ways to express yourself.19:47
Nava2terrestre: start typing a name and press tab toauto complete.19:47
wingdspurdoes anyone have the acroread package installed with jaunty19:47
Nava2Just so you know ;)19:47
fgsfdserusul: exactly, it's absolutely up to me. but windows doesn't give any guidelines at all except that we should stay away from that Windows dir, which makes our MS users' lives simplier... I think the question has been answered, so thanks everyone for the help!19:47
linuxson25Sorry, GeForce 9600 GT19:47
terrestreNava2: i was askiing you, how did you do so many partitions19:48
staminnaNava2: Crashes image and freezes19:48
wingdspurI'm not seeing it in medibuntu repo for jaunty, anybody know of another source for acroread package?19:48
ekimmargniCan ubuntu tell me what my IP is?19:48
Achmedekimmargni, www.ipchicken.com19:48
Nava2staminna: im on an Asus U50V and I can't suspend, and come back its odd.19:48
th0rekimmargni: ifconfig19:48
Nava2terrestre: I don't know. I think it fucked up19:48
steve_cthis isnt getting any of us anywhere, i am just trying to be peaceful19:48
terrestreNava2: gparted will let you put all that together without any file lost, but its gonna take a while19:48
Nava2sorry for swearing.19:48
linuxson25Got an issue with my graphics display driver19:48
Nava2terrestre: how?19:48
linuxson25Cloned my laptop ubuntu install to my desktop, running an AMD64 CPU, and Leadtech 9600GT card19:49
steve_cyou gonna punish me for not talking about others19:49
Wizzupterrestre: How? I fear it was gparted that did this to him anyway19:49
Lostinspace_46Achmed: Thanks. that was informative19:49
Flannelfgsfds, erUSUL: I've seen it in /var and /usr (generally /usr/local, at that)19:49
linuxson25Cloned my laptop ubuntu install to my desktop, running an AMD64 CPU, and GeForce 9600 GT19:49
AchmedLostinspace_46, what'd I do? Lol19:49
linuxson25Just getting a white screen after log in19:49
terrestreNava2: i am a gparted user for a while never have an issue with it, even for partition and put together a vista partition19:49
steve_cyou gonna tell me any more info?19:50
staminnaNava2: Specially when the ACPI modules and everything else seem [ok]. I will have to crash for purpose and examine the logs. Try installing powertop19:50
steve_cwhy are you banning me?19:50
terrestreNava2: you can use a gparted live cd or just use a gparted version inside ubuntu19:50
Nava2terrestre: same. I think it was because I didnt "close" gparted. I finished everything I was doing then I just restarted the computer19:50
Nava2so yeah =/19:50
Nava2terrestre: go on..19:50
Lostinspace_46Achmed: Posted the link  to http://wiki.inspircd.org/Commands#.2FKLINE_.5Buser.40host.5D_.7B.5Bduration.5D_:.5Breason.5D.719:50
AchmedOh lol okay :)19:50
AchmedI was like wait what?19:50
slimgwingdspur: https://launchpad.net/~r0lf/+archive/ppa19:50
Nava2terrestre: I have gparted open, where do I go from here?19:51
Lostinspace_46Achmed: Sorry to have confused you...LOL19:51
wingdspurthanks slimg19:51
nightrid3rlinuxson25: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-how-to-reconfigure-x-windows-system-xorg-server/19:51
AchmedLol I don't mind. I'm just extremely tired, and things happen.19:51
linuxson25Thanx nightrid3r19:51
linuxson25Will have a look see19:51
terrestreNava2: well, you cant tweak a mount partitions so right know you only can deleted every empty partition19:52
terrestreNava2: well, you cant tweak a mount partitions so right know you only can deleted every unoumted and empty partition19:52
Nava2terrestre: every one is empty19:52
nightrid3rlinuxson25: you'll have to switch to console mode19:52
Lostinspace_46Should not " if [ -x /usr/bin/xbindkeys ]; then /usr/bin/xbindkeys fi " cause xbindkeys to run at startup? I double checked and I don't see anything wrong with the code, but then I AM new19:52
dpratt71I came across a command the other day for discovering where a program on the path was; does anyone know what I'm thinking of?19:52
linuxson25Got that :)19:53
terrestreNava2: just delete all of them19:53
nightrid3rdpratt71: which or locate ?19:53
Nava2I don't know where my files are =/19:53
th0rdpratt71: which19:53
linuxson25cli, console mode? same thing?19:53
nightrid3rlinuxson25: yes19:53
Nava2terrestre: then what does that leave me with..19:53
dpratt71silly me, I thought it was "where" :-) thanks!19:53
linuxson25nightrid3r: Oh, ok... lol. But I already tried this reconfig command. Didnt work19:54
linuxson25nightrid3r: Still stuck with a white screen19:54
=== kb is now known as Guest68711
dpratt71another easy one: how do I update an environment var so it persists across sessions?19:55
linuxson25nightrid3r: Oh no, wait....there is something different happening now....19:55
linuxson25nightrid3r: The command someone else gave me read  - sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg19:57
loaoh well, I got a problem with virsh on my ubuntu server 9.04 so Il just throw out what I know about my server and hopefully someone might know something..19:57
linuxson25nightrid3r: Thats why nothing happened.....hmmmmmm19:57
furikeni know u can do wildcard subdomains, ala  *.domain.com ,  but how to do it for domains?   i want basically all domains pointed to us to use a single vh i have.19:57
terrestreNava2: after delete them you can resize every "correct" partition to  ocupy the rest empty space in your HD, did I clear enough?19:57
loaso I updated the server from 8.4 -> 8.10 -> 9.04 yesterday19:57
loaand when I tried to start my virt systems it didn't work19:58
Nava2terrestre: I'd like to try and keep my files though =/19:58
loavirsh complains that it fails to connect to the hypervisor19:58
dpfriedok, i just installed ubuntu (jaunty) for the first time a few days ago, so i'm a linux nub... (i still find get-apt awesome).  And i'm having what seems to be a common issue... my Flash is choppy.  But, all i've found on google is choppiness in full screen mode... mine is choppy all the time.  Also, to make up for the choppiness, when the flash is actually playing, its sped up... so everyone has a slightly chipmunk-esque pitch in t19:58
dpfriedheir voice.  I've tried installing various different versions of the flash .so file but the non debian version made things worse... any suggestions?19:58
dpfriedhehe, wall of text.19:58
Lostinspace_46Let me rephrase my question.  How do I get a program to run at startup?19:58
terrestreNava2: "resize" option didnt delete anything19:58
Nava2thing is19:59
Nava2I have nothing to resize19:59
FlannelLostinspace_46: When you log in, or when your computer boots?19:59
Nava2gparted treats every one as a different completely SEPARATE drive.19:59
dpfriedtldr: flash choppy, everyone sounds like chipmunks19:59
loaperhaps I can rephrase... are there an irc channel for server edition?19:59
Nava2So there is nothing to resize..19:59
Flannelloa: #ubuntu-server, and this channel as well.19:59
loalannel: thanks mate19:59
terrestreNava2:  i will help you waite19:59
Lostinspace_46Flannel: On boot.  I automatically login at boot.20:00
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:00
Lostinspace_46Flannel: Hmm so either way I guess..lol20:00
Flannel!startup | Lostinspace_4620:01
ubottuLostinspace_46: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot20:01
FlannelLostinspace_46: Also, the bum stuff ubottu just said, if you wanted to do it at boot.20:01
=== Seidos is now known as seidos
Lostinspace_46Flannel: Thanks. Let me go look at that.20:02
linuxson25nightrid3r: For a moment there, it almost looked like I had it sussed....it looked like it was gonna load the two taskbars....but alas, just white screen again20:03
=== DaZ- is now known as DaZ
linuxson25nightrid3r: There any specific links or sites where they take you step-by-step through the whole xorg-cli setup procedure?20:04
linuxson25nightrid3r: Just incase I did something wrong here20:05
linuxson25nightrid3r: It just asks a whole lot of keyboard input and model question???20:05
nightrid3rlinuxson25:  let me check20:05
linuxson25nightrid3r: Thanx20:05
seidosif I run Ubuntu on a laptop without a gui, how will I get low battery notifications?20:06
macoseidos: you wont. you can run "acpi -b" in a shell to find out your battery status20:06
macoseidos: on the other hand, i do have a friend with a .bashrc that makes the shell prompt change color as your battery life changes20:06
simranhey guys ...ive downloaded several packages using synaptic gui...and i downloaded 1 (adobe flash) using deb packager installer....in synaptic Local/main the only package that shows is the adobe flash and not the others20:06
simranhow coe20:06
linuxson25seidos: You can open a virtual terminal. Ctrl+Alt+F120:07
Flannelseidos: Or you can put it in your screen hardstatus or something20:07
linuxson25Then do the command20:07
Piciseidos: byobu (the screen-profiles-like tool) does have battery status as one of its notifiers though.  I'm not sure if thats in karmic only though.20:07
seidosmaco, hey that's cool, a shell script that changes the color20:07
Lostinspace_46Flannel: Thanks! I get so caught up in learning to code stuff that I forget about the easy way to do things..lol.20:07
nightrid3rlinuxson25: sudo apt-get installxserver-xorg-video-nv20:07
nightrid3rthat will give basic nvidia driver20:07
seidosI'm using jaunty20:08
linuxson25nightrid3r: Am I gonna need a internet connection for this?20:08
nightrid3rlinuxson25: yes20:08
linuxson25nightrid3r: Or use the Ubuntu install disc?20:08
HillshumI get this when I try to enable my sound module after removing some custom drivers I installed. Any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/257102/20:08
linoobxhi all20:08
linuxson25nightrid3r: Ah man....how am I gonna do that? I only got a E220 dongle20:09
rumpelhi i have a little sound problem here and i would be very thankfull if anbody could give me a hint on how to solve it. i have a soundblaster audigy 2 card in my system that supports hardware mixing including features like stereo to 5.1 upmix or crossover to subwoofer. On last ubuntuversion i tried everything works fine i used alsamixer to enable the upmix capabilities but on the actual 9.04 version it wont work i used alsamixer and enabled upm20:09
rumpelix but nothing happpens stereo inpout still gives me stereo output  i think it has something to do with pulseaudio which is the only thing that looks new to me. anyone know how to make pulseaudio use the hardware upmix features or disable pulseaudio?20:09
linoobxmaybe someone know how to crack a simple md5 hash??? -___-20:09
linuxson25nightrid3r: Can you setup and run that from cli??20:09
Lostinspace_46!linoobx | hi20:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about linoobx20:09
nightrid3rlinuxson25: no idea20:09
Picilinoobx: Thats not on-topic for thios channel, maybe ##security20:09
linoobxok thanks a lot20:09
seidosit sounds like byobu is the most efficient solution20:10
seidosfor me20:10
linuxson25nightrid3r: Hmmmmm....will have to have a look at that one...but thanx for the help. Will get back to you on how I did that20:10
gwildorrumpel, i just found an article today.   google disable pulseadio use alsa for ubuntu     or something similair.20:10
seidosbyobu isn't an installable package.  maybe I'll come across a solution at some point.  i wonder how gnome-power-manager is doing it.20:11
Seitohi! can anyone suggest something about how to make possible listening to multiple audio sources in subj?20:13
revygttamHi, I accidently deleted my /lib directory yesterday, today i went to reinstall the OS but the installer says the CD-Rom does not contain a valid 'Relese' file.  As well before it boots it reads logical errors from /dev/sr0, cd drive works, any ideas?20:14
Lostinspace_46How would I describe a mouse click to an app?  Left_click, 1, select?20:14
pyraki need help reformatting an SD card20:15
pyrakfor some reason, gparted doesn't pick it up20:15
Lostinspace_46xev gives me "button 1, button 2, etc. xbindkeys-config gives me nothing20:15
revygttampyrak, is the drive mounted?20:16
pyrakrevygttam, tried both mounted and unmounted20:16
pyraki'm open to just doing this from the command line... i had formatted it as a bootable linux drive, so with some swap and some ext320:17
pyraknow i just want to put some files on it and have it be compatible with my printer... so i'm guessing i want fat32?20:17
simranwhy dont my installed packages show in local in synaptics20:17
revygttamyeah, fat32 would be good20:17
simranthe only one tht shows is the one i installed throught the packager20:17
devkhadkawhere do i find gnutls/openssl.h   file20:18
pyrakrevygttam, so the first step i think is to figure out "where it is", ie /dev/something20:18
pyrakhow do i check that?20:18
revygttamor you can do sudo fdisk -l20:18
devkhadkawhere do i find gnutls/openssl.h file20:19
pyrakok, looks like it's at /dev/mmcblk020:19
nealmcbhow can I re-mount a usb drive?  my hardy desktop automounts a usb drive.  I have a script that works on it an umounts it when done.  Now I want to remount it, but I don't want to have to unplug and replug it (and also reconfigure the usb drive itself so it can be mounted?)20:20
WebcamWonderIs the Xorg in Jaunty laggy for other people (nVidia drivers here)?20:20
nealmcbI basically want to understand the plumbing underneath the automounting of usb drives...20:21
WebcamWondernealmcb: mount /dev/sda<number> /mount/to/point/20:21
revygttamnealmcb, you have to know the UUID of the drive and add it to your fstab20:21
jamescarrI want to output my display from my laptop for a dual display, but I cannot for the life of me find the config option that lets me20:21
nealmcbWebcamWonder: right, but this is mounted in /media/disk, which doesn't exist20:21
jamescarrany ideas?20:21
jamescarrbefore, I used the preferences -> display in gnome20:22
nealmcband I don't want to make the directory, then remember to delete it when done so automounting works again in the future20:22
jamescarrbut only one monitor shows up there20:22
jamescarrer, one display20:22
shiki-question: does anyone have a Lenovo T500?20:22
revygttamnealmcb, create a folder in /media/whatever, type sudo blkid, that will give you the UUID for the drive you want to add.  Then you add that to fstab20:22
predraghi is somebody using Empathy?20:22
nealmcbrevygttam: good point - that would help, but again I don't want to have to mkdir/rmdir20:22
WebcamWondernealmcb: Then read what revygttam wrote. You can use the UUID to fix the mount point20:22
legend2440right now i have ubuntu with root / and swap partitions. i know the advantages of a separate /home partition but is there any advantage to having a seperate /boot partition? i dont dual boot. only use ubuntu20:23
revygttamnealmcb, you wont have to ever again20:23
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puffHm, so they want to use KDE on this machine that was installed with the ubuntu server install.  I've been watching apt install the ubuntu-desktop package and Iw as just reading the package web page and it mentioend kubuntu-desktop.20:24
puffShould it be safe for me to control-c out of the "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop" and start "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop"?20:25
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WebcamWonderpuff: Is it downloading the packages? Or installing them?20:25
coreymanI have a web cam built in to this laptop, it is mounted upside down, how can I flip the image?20:25
revygttampuff, i would let it finish, then do a sudo apt-get remove ubuntu desktop20:25
revygttamactually, do a sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:26
Jontacoreyman: Out of interest, what laptop?20:26
synfinWIth the `free -m` command I get the -/+ buffers/cache line.  For example: "-/+ buffers/cache:        426        567" what does it actually mean?20:26
WebcamWonderrevygttam: Throw in a purge as well ;P20:26
revygttamjust dont do what i did and delete you /lib file like a moron20:26
revygttamapparently servers dont like that stuff20:27
coreymanJonta Asus G50V20:27
ehird_I have a 6.06 installation - don't ask; no, I can't upgrade - and there is no "twm", "icewm" or "squeak-vm" packages. It seems the repositories have been massively stripped down. Is there an archive of the full repositories?20:27
dpfriedanyone have issues with flash where the sound is just slightly too high pitched?20:28
prAchmed: hey20:28
Lostinspace_46How would I describe a mouse click to an app?  Left_click, 1, select?  xev gives me "button 1, button 2, etc. xbindkeys-config gives me nothing20:28
Achmedpr: yes?20:28
prAchmed: i managed to get to some grub prompt, using the super grub disk20:29
prwhat do i need to do now? just set root (hd0,0)?20:29
Achmedroot (hd0)20:29
Achmedsetup (hd0,0)20:29
prAchmed: root (hd0) returns: (hd0): Filesystem is unkown20:29
Achmedthat's how it normally is. i have to do that every time i install ubuntu20:29
AchmedHmmm, that's strange?20:30
Achmedtry hd120:30
AchmedI wouldn't know which hard drive is which, as you're the one with the two hard drives :P20:30
prAchmed: same for hd1 ._.20:30
prwell, tab completion just shows hd0, hd1, hd2(whats that?) and hd31(what's that?)20:31
prat least i've got tab completion now20:31
coreymanAnyone know of a tool to flip webcam orientation?20:31
mikail_Can you help me to instal ubuntu whith agp ati radeon hd 3650? i can't start picture on the monitor.20:32
AchmedDo you happen to know what partition your Ubuntu / partition is on? (or /boot) pr20:32
timo1Hi Can any one tell me now to remove a "hiberfile" so I can mount my ntfs hard drive.20:33
macoseidos: friend finally responded. he's gonna pastebin it20:33
Achmedmikail_, I'm running that card without any issues on a default install of ubuntu.20:33
WebcamWondertimo1: I believe the recommended practise is to actually boot up in Windows and then shut down properly20:33
Achmedmikail_, did you install gnome or kde when you ran the ubuntu installer?20:34
MaGicMaXcan anyone tell me how to install skins for Audacious?20:34
turckoHi, someone can help me width a iptables problem that I have?20:34
prAchmed: oh, that's what i wanted to make clear20:34
seidosmaco, cool.  thanks.  hopefully I can figure out how to use it20:34
timo1WebcamWonder: I have tried20:34
prAchmed: i've got no ubuntu installed :) i just wanted to use ubuntu's live cd to fix (reinstall) grub20:34
Achmedoh. what os are you trying to run?20:35
prgrub was installed in the MBR of my windows (hd0 i guess), and on the second hd i got netbsd running20:36
vj1hi can somebody help me with this ?   When i click a html document ubuntu (gnome) tries to open it in thunderbird (and that is impossible) so i gave a custom command to open it in firefox.  How can i change this behavior so that the document is opened in firefox by default?20:36
Achmedoh and you're trying to get Windows back on that list?20:36
WebcamWondervj1: right click on the file -> properties -> Open with -> Select your application20:36
Achmedif I knew that, I would've given you totally different directions lmbo20:36
nmvictorvj1: right click the file and select properties, then edit <Open with> tab20:37
prAchmed: yeah, i'm trying to get grub back :) some time ago i installed netbsd, and that of cause (at least i think thats the reason) made grub not work any longer20:37
Achmedokay then that's the kind of specifics i needed to know rofl20:37
vj1webcamwonder : i already tried that but firefox is not in the list20:38
eptalonIs there a way to customize ubuntu desktop (CD) to add 2 apps, and to set keyboard layout/language defaults?20:38
Achmedpr: http://stringofthoughts.wordpress.com/2009/04/16/auto-mount-window-drives-at-startup-ubuntu-810/20:38
WebcamWondervj1: You can add it by clicking the add button20:38
nmvictorvj1: then add firefox as the command20:39
BlackCoffeewhat aplication can i use to convert an wav file i recorded with a camera to a mp3 file.20:39
nmvictorvj1: then add firefox from the dialog20:39
revygttamblackcoffee, i think ffmepg20:39
prAchmed: so what's that for? mounting some ntfs drive?20:39
Achmedi believe so.20:40
revygttamffmpeg -i /path/to/song.wav /path/to/newmp3.mp320:40
timo1WebcamWonder:  I cant boot from the drive and restart windows as the drive has no window in it !! Used too not now thou20:40
Achmedit's a tool for mounting windows partitions from what it appears to be20:40
macotimo1: format it?20:40
prAchmed: why would i need that? becauase of the strange error grub raised earlier?20:40
Achmedeither that or I could link you to how to do it with lotsa commands. Well, more like five or size.20:40
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timo1maco it has all my important data ;-)20:40
macotimo1: oh20:41
nmvictorBlackCoffee: sound converter also works, vonerts any file, video and audio to mp3, you must edit the preference first.20:41
macotimo1: did you try forcing the mount?20:41
timo1no! how?20:41
vj1webcamwonder : nmvictor : thank you very much20:41
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nmvictorvj1: np20:42
terrestresoudnconverter is cool20:42
BlackCoffeenmvictor:sound converter?i'll check that out,does it use a gui?20:42
timo1but why isnt "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sdb/mediaSamsung" working ?20:42
Max007_Hi I have a problem with emerald.. all my windows has no border so it's not easy to resize them... any idea ? (pidgin, gnome-terminal, update manager..)20:42
nmvictorBlueEagle: of course20:42
coreymanhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=838210 can someone help me understand how to apply this fix? I'm not sure what I should be doing for step one.20:42
nmvictorBlueEagle: sudo apt-get install soundconverter20:42
strixvALSA 1.0.20: Every time I download and compile this from source (only way to get my sound card to work), next time I get some "auto updates" it reverts me back to 1.0.18. How the hell can I get it to stop installing an older version??20:43
macotimo1: /dev/sdb/mediaSamsung?20:43
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macotimo1: it should be /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdb2 or some such20:43
JontaAnyone with a quick word about netbooks from Toshiba? Good, bad, slow, shaky, sturdy?20:43
BlackCoffeeheh,i had to replace the apt get to yum though,i'm running fedora20:44
ZPerteehi.  I am wanting to setup a linux internet filtering server for my parents.  They are not necessarily the most computer literate so dansguardian is probably out of the question unless there is a nice gui somewhere.  any ideas?20:44
WebcamWondertimo1: And you are missing the mount point there20:44
nmvictorBlackCoffee: yea, you have to.dont know what to replace it with though,just for the record, what do you replace it with?20:45
timo1WebcamWonder:  i actually tried that and  maco: this disk is /dev/sdb: mount piont is mediasumsung20:45
BlackCoffeeyum install soundconverter20:45
strixvAptitude question: How to mark something (like ALSA 1.0.20) as "don't downgrade this back to 1.0.18" at every auto-update?20:45
terrestrei like asus because they have a linux netbook20:45
LordMetroidI got my work on both my laptop and my desktop as well as backing it up on my server... What software would be able to syn the dekstop and laptop as well as managing backups?20:46
timo1Ok it worked "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sdb1 /media1/Samsung/"20:46
WebcamWondertimo1: Yeah, your mount command had some missing things :p20:46
nmvictorBlackCoffee: thanks, someday i might try it out. have it install CD but ubuntu never seems to give me a reason to install anything else.bytheway, im not sure if sound converter is available for fedora, you might want some help from their IRC if they got one.20:47
Max007anyone ?20:47
timo1Yeh thanks WebcamWonder and maco20:47
Max007Hi I have a problem with emerald.. all my windows has no border so it's not easy to resize them... any idea ? (pidgin, gnome-terminal, update manager..)20:47
BlackCoffeenmvictor, it is available,actually the installation just finished :D20:47
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macoMax007: just use the builtin gtk-window-decorator with compiz instead of emerald. emerald is buggy and upstream has no intention of fixing it..just letting it die20:48
nmvictorBlackCoffee: Good for you, enjoy your mp3s20:48
JontaNever mind about Toshiba. They have four models, all sold with MSW.20:48
nealmcbrevygttam, WebcamWonder:  thanks - making more sense now....20:49
terrestrei have a toshiba and I always thought other brand give you more options for the same price range20:49
maticis there any programs (for ubuntu) with wich you can do the HD movie20:49
revygttamnealmcb, np if you need more help pm me20:49
Jontamatic: VLC?20:49
Max007maco: ok... so I just uninstall emerald and install gtk-window-decorator ?20:49
nmvictormatic: think smplayer is also fime20:50
toniiwhat's the cli command to show active internet connections, and what service/app they are connected to? (netstat is useless)20:50
macoMax007: shouldve been installed by default. if you have compizconfig-settings-manager (ccsm) installed, you should be able to set your prefered window decorator in there20:50
nmvictormatic: *fine20:50
maticbecouse i have HD camera and i need program for  processing  HD movies20:50
JontaWhat players don't do HD?20:50
nealmcbrevygttam: I see you're interested in android also - and that is exactly what I'm using this for :)20:50
th0rmatic: mythtv will give you the whole nine yards20:50
Jontamatic: kdenlive?20:50
macotonii: er...actually, netstat is the usual answer... maybe you need to change the options you give it?20:50
revygttamnealmcb, <3 android20:51
sarthorksEvince hangs on "LOADING" while opening a file. Using Hardy. Please anyone help me?20:51
terrestretonii: you can't use netstat?20:51
matici need program not for watching just for doing (procesing) movies in HD resolution20:51
toniimaco, hm. guess I should read the man page again.20:51
WebcamWondersarthorks: minimize the window, and then restore it, that should fix it20:51
macotonii: i think n and p are two of the letters you need20:51
toniiterrestre: it doesn't show what app ip20:51
toniimaco: alright20:51
Max007maco: i dont find the option in ccsm20:51
terrestretonii: netstat -ntp20:52
nmvictormatic: mplayer and smplayer work fine20:52
toniiterrestre: alright, I'll try that.20:52
sarthorksWebcamWonder: it used to work out that way. Thats doesnt work out any more.20:52
WebcamWondersarthorks: Is the HDD working?20:52
nealmcbrevygttam:  check out my lightning presentation at google io about android and open source and ubuntu: http://en.androidwiki.com/wiki/OpenSourceAppSupport20:52
toniimaco, terrestre: worked nicely with -ntp20:52
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sarthorkswebcamwonder:what is HDD??20:52
WebcamWondersarthorks: harddisk20:52
Max007maco: and gtk-window-decorator isn't installed..20:53
sarthorkswebcamwonder:yes Hard disk is working fine20:53
maticnmvictor: I need programm for doing or processing movies AVHCD/HD resolution20:53
matici will do movies20:53
WebcamWondersarthorks: No, I mean, is it constantly working during the Loading?20:53
toniiterrestre: I'm used to sockstat from freebsd, which lists that stuff as default. :P20:53
macoMax007: this package isnt installed? compiz-gnome20:53
nmvictorterrestre: their isn't any alternative that is more realtime, on the fly kind of thing20:54
terrestretonii: n means just number, t means tcp protocol, p menas program20:54
Max007maco: compiz-gnome is installed20:54
sarthorkswebcamwonder: the ps document i was viewing was working fine. except i kept reloading it (CTRL+R) - im using LATEX- so keep updating it. after some point, it hangs on LOADING.20:54
toniiterrestre: yeah :)20:54
terrestrenmvictor: i have looking for something to do that too20:54
toniiguess I should make an alias for it20:54
sarthorkswebcamwonder: i am not sure if HDD is working or not20:54
Max007maco: it works now.. thanks20:54
macoMax007: in ccsm, go to the effects category, make sure "window decoration" is enabled20:55
WebcamWondersarthorks: Try closing and reopening it... that solves most problems20:55
nmvictormatic: have you tried avidemux, not sure but its a good video editor though it couldnt load my audio device20:55
SidearmGuys, I deleted the network button somehow on the taskbar (8.04), any ideas on getting it back? >.<20:55
macoMax007: what does "command:" say?20:55
sarthorkswebcamwonder: that USED to work. even that's not helping any more.20:55
terrestretonii, theres a network tool in the menu too20:55
maticnmvictor: i will try it20:55
toniiterrestre: GUI I suppose? I find it faster to some stuff via terminal though :)20:56
macotonii: did you remove the notification area, maybe?20:56
nmvictorSidearm: tasbar? do you mean panel?20:56
SidearmYeah the ubber gnome panelm20:56
FloodBot2Sidearm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:56
toniimaco: that wasn't meant for me, was it? :P20:56
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puffrevygttam: Hm, would removing ubuntu-desktop first cause it to delete all the secondary packages?20:56
SidearmAny ideas, nmvictor?20:57
macotonii: nope for Sidearm20:57
toniifigured as much :P20:57
macoSidearm: did you remove the notification are off of hte panel?20:57
nmvictorSidearm: right click an empty part of the panel then select Add to panel, just like you do in windows then select whatever you deleted from that dialog20:57
SidearmBut it isn't the same :<20:57
SidearmEh, the "New Downloads" and Volume etc are still there, maco20:57
macoSidearm: volume is its own applet though20:58
revygttampuff, by removing ubuntu-desktop it should remove the packages it installed.  Cant guarantee all though, gnome may stay.20:58
macoSidearm: it just happens to be placed near the notification are20:58
sarthorkswebcamwonder: its specifically with the ps file. pdf's are opening fine. only the ps document is hanging on LOADING.20:58
macorevygttam: no it doesnt20:58
macorevygttam: removing ubuntu-desktop just means you wont get the new packages seeded for new versions of ubuntu20:59
sarthorkswebcamwonder: its specifically with the ps file. pdf's are opening fine. only the ps document is hanging on LOADING.20:59
macopuff: see what i said to revygttam20:59
SidearmDang it20:59
WebcamWondersarthorks: Yeah, I have no clue... maybe others would be able to help20:59
SidearmI just want to look for wireless networks :(21:00
timo1I dont know if any one can help get my sound working.  I can hear the test sound in open sound system. None of the music is working thou.21:00
upiityI am trying to install the Biblos Greek Font (for Greek New Testament)  from this website http://christianhospitality.org/index.php?name=Web_Links&req=viewlink&cid=6 and I followed the directions from this website http://www.arsgeek.com/2007/07/19/how-to-install-truetype-fonts-on-your-ubuntu-computer/ but when I do this openoffice just shows little squares. Any suggestions (helpful hopefully).21:00
sarthorkswebcamwonder: thanks anyway!21:00
macoSidearm: re-add the notification area21:00
simranweird i installed compizconfig and cube doesnt work21:00
macosimran: did you enable it?21:01
SidearmEh, now there's two, maco21:01
sarthorksEvince hangs on "LOADING" while opening PS documents. pdf's working fine. Please anyone help me?21:01
[TOP]kangujust had a quick question new to ubuntu.. i dont have no sound for some reason... how would i update or install sound drivers?21:01
puffmaco: The goal is to switch from gnome to kde, on an ubuntu-server install.  I just finished apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, which took a coupla hours;  I realized in the middle that I shoulda apt-get install kubuntu-desktop.21:01
simrani just pressed enabled21:01
simrando u need sum special gfx driver21:01
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puffmaco: So the general question is, what's the shortest path from here to kubuntu-desktop, or is it going to be a big hassle?21:01
macopuff: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde21:01
deany!u | simran21:02
ubottusimran: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.21:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about a21:03
upiityAny one know why openoffice renders the fonts I just installed as little squares?21:03
upiityThese are truetype fonts.21:03
terrestreaptitude used to work better to install  -remove other desktop, but I dont know now21:03
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nealmcbrevygttam: my next problem is that somehow this seems to have change the time zone for files on the mounted android file system (vfat)21:05
deanyI`ve never seen any difference between apt-get and aptitude.  I know the ununsed dependencies whatever in aptitude, but so does apt-get?  it tells you, and autoremove removes em..so why the need for more confusion and another program21:05
nealmcbso when I do an rsync it seems changed21:05
nmvictoris their a package out their that can do fingerprint reading?i once read that 9.04 will include such a package.Im still doing good in intrepid, so jaunty guys anything like a fingerprint reader over their?21:05
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coreymanurgent help please... i was following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=838210 I got to the last step and the second and third commands don't work! what's wrong!21:05
rumpelhow can i deactivate pulseaudiy @jaunty?21:05
revygttamnealmcb, not too sure what thats about21:05
timo1Any one know how i can get the front jack of my headphones working21:06
nmvictorcoreyman: a short description on the problem might help one decide wheter to point their browser to that link or not, whats the problem about?21:06
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alycei am new to linux and i have an hp deskjet f380 all in one printer i cannot get to work after installing ubuntu, can someone help me please?21:07
SidearmAny way to just SCAN for wireless networks? T_T21:07
coreymannmvictor it's an ubuntu forums link..... <.< my problem was stated, the second and third command on the last step there didn't work21:07
stillinbetaalyce: what have you tried thusfar?21:07
terrestreSidearm: what verion of ubuntu?21:08
danbhfiveSidearm: sudo iwlist <wlan0> scanning21:08
Sidearm8.0.4.1 terrestre21:08
alycestillinbeta: i've tried scanning for printers and it doestn detect it, it is hooked up by USB21:08
nmvictorcoreyman: just one word about the issue, is it a hardware installation, some package or what?21:09
jerkmananyone here want a copy of netware 5 in box...21:09
jerkmanwith all manuals and disks et21:09
bnmrrsCan a home directory live within another home directory?21:09
guntbert!info thinkfinger-tools | nmvictor21:09
ubottunmvictor: thinkfinger-tools (source: thinkfinger): utilities for the STMicroelectronics fingerprint reader. In component main, is extra. Version 0.3+r118-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 15 kB, installed size 92 kB21:09
jerkmangoing in trash...21:09
terrestreSidearm: i think danbhfive give you the answer, btw the last version 9.04 do it GUI style21:09
sarthorksrhythmbox hangs in hardy for like 10-15minutes initially. Anyone help please?21:10
sarthorksrhythmbox hangs in hardy for like 10-15minutes initially. Anyone help please?21:10
coreymannmvictor it's a hardware installation, they are basic commands and I figure if someone here knows what the guy posted wrong they could tell me with little or no knowledge about this type of hardware21:11
nmvictorguntbert: thanks, so i probably cant get one for my ibex box, right?21:11
SidearmI can't update without a network, can I, terrestre :p21:11
stillinbetaalyce: hmm. My first google pass isn't yielding much help. Probably why you came here, eh?21:11
alycestillinbeta: yep im scanning the forums now21:11
danbhfivealyce: you used the find printer dialogs, and ubuntu didnt see anything?21:12
myfDoes anyone have the same problem? ever since i updated my kernel to 2.6.28-15, my flash videos would freeze after 10 second and stopped loading. I am using Intel X3100 graphic card and Firefox-3.521:12
terrestreSidearm: are you planning to update? I don't know but I preferd a clean install, I dont know about everyone else21:12
alycedanbhfive: yes that is correct21:12
macoSidearm: ps -ef | grep nm-applet21:12
macoSidearm: get anything?21:12
guntbertnmvictor: I use it on my lenovo t60 fine, if your fingerprint reader is "the same" it should work, but if there are troubles - search in the forums21:13
SidearmYes, maco21:13
upiityI seem to be having problems installing truetype fonts in ubuntu. Openoffice renders them as squares.21:13
danbhfivealyce: well, that might be a worse problem than not getting it working.  AFAIK, it should at least see it through usb, even if it can't get it working21:13
macoSidearm: so it says nm-applet is running?21:13
SidearmI'm not quite sure what it says, but the end of one of the two lines is nm-applet --sm-disable21:14
simranif i have no proprietary video driver...will it affect some fx in compiz fusion21:14
alycedanbhfive: i searched through printer config, and from the printing option under system, is there another way?  im really not good at this, im 68 lol21:14
terrestresimran: I think you will not have fx at all21:14
terrestrehave not21:15
terrestreme english sorry21:15
nmvictorguntbert: i see the package is for jaunty, so probably it wont work in my ibex box,will it?21:15
sarthorksrhythmbox hangs in hardy for like 10-15minutes initially. Anyone help please?21:15
SidearmDid you get that, maco21:15
ruben23how to set time21:15
ruben23on ubuntu server21:15
danbhfivealyce: the only way I see is Sys > Admin > Printing > New21:15
the-mentorhi guys i have a problem with ubuntu 9.04 and my wireless card TL-WN510G21:16
nmvictorsarthorks: a reinstall wight help, though thats usually a last resort.someone might come up with some sort of help21:16
nmvictorsarthorks: *might21:16
alycedanbhfive: it turns up nothing, not even a place to add a usb printer21:16
terrestreruben23: ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com21:17
the-mentori cant get the wireless to work21:17
danbhfivealyce: try lsusb and see if it shows up there21:17
sarthorksnmvictor: oh thats that?21:17
stillinbetaruben23:  http://www.linuxsa.org.au/tips/time.html21:17
guntbertnmvictor: I use it at least since 8.04, so you will find it too, are you using synaptic or apt-get/aptitude for software management?21:17
alycedanbhfive: how do i do that?21:17
sarthorksnmvictor: i'd appreciate another way to fix this rhythmbox problem, though, still.21:17
danbhfivealyce: on a terminal21:17
nmvictorsarthorks: dont jump to that, stick around a while longer for another help, i just gave a last resort21:18
sarthorksnmvictor: lol. thanks!21:18
nmvictorguntbert: yea21:18
Cerrdor88whats the rhythmbox issue?21:18
alycedanbhfive: ok and it didnt show the printer just my mouse and open ports21:18
sarthorkscerrdor88:rhythmbox hangs in hardy for like 10-15minutes initially. Anyone help please?21:18
Cerrdor88same is most distros21:19
elPirateDeChron hey does anybody know the command to launch calculator so I can make a keyboard shortcut?21:19
danbhfivealyce: well, then its a usb problem, are you sure the printer is on?  Does it work...21:19
nmvictorsarthorks: think Cerrdor88  has got some hel21:19
terrestreruben23: "sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com" I wonder if it works in server install?21:19
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sarthorkscerrdor88:so can u suggest some work around?21:19
ruben23i want to change my time zone for IST to EDT21:19
leaf-sheepI'm curious about GRUB2 -- Will that be upgradeable once Karmic is released or I'll have to reinstall it?21:20
guntbertnmvictor: yes - what? but I guess you know how to install software - so my question was not important :-)21:20
the-mentorhi guys i have a problem with ubuntu 9.04 and my wireless card TL-WN510G and the chipset is AR521221:20
guntbert!karmic | leaf-sheep21:20
ubottuleaf-sheep: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:20
alycedanbhfive: i found the driver i need on openprinting.org, how do i install it?21:20
Cerrdor88sarthorksthere is no work around rhythmbox is ssuper slow to load21:20
danbhfivealyce: I don't think it matters.  If it doesn't show up on lsusb (and it is a usb printer) then no driver will help21:21
nmvictorguntbert: something important would be <name-of-package> in sudo apt-get install <name-of-package>21:21
danbhfivealyce: is the printer on?  Does it work in windows?21:21
sarthorkscerdorr88: it used to work pretty well before. suddenly, this rhythmbox hanging has become usual problem. what could the reason for the sudden change?21:21
guntbertnmvictor: try sudo apt-get install think<tab><tab>21:22
Cerrdor88too many processes running21:22
sarthorksCerrdor88:as in? - too many processes?21:23
Cerrdor88open a terminal and type in ps aux21:23
vesaythHello! Can anyone tell me where I can find my grub menu.lst file? I installed Ubuntu side-by-side with Fedora, and when I boot the computer, it is using Ubuntu's menu.lst. However, when i go to /boot/grub/menu.lst it is the Fedora version of the file.21:23
hassanakevazirsarthorks, try running it in a terminal, maybe it outputs a warning/error21:23
Lostinspace_46How would I describe a mouse click to an app?  Left_click, button 1, select?  xev gives me "button 1, button 2, etc. xbindkeys-config gives me nothing21:23
terrestreruben23:  dpkg-reconfigure tzdata <--- i have never tried it my self21:23
alycedanbhfive: i got it working the usb port was bad, thanks for thehelp21:24
upiityI seem to be having problems installing truetype fonts in ubuntu. Openoffice renders them as squares. Any ideas?21:24
sarthorkshassanakevazir: it just shows the usual warning about not able to open /dev/radio0. the HANGING issue comes up when i TRY searching for a song.21:24
Lostinspace_46I guess what I really need is the command lines associated with with a mouse click21:25
sarthorksCerrdor88: to clarify, rhythmbox hangs only when i attempt to search for a song in my big playlist. it wouldnt hang before. but it happens often now.21:26
Lostinspace_46sarthorks: When that window comes up, just click it away21:26
nmvictorguntbert: thanks it worked21:26
Lostinspace_46sarthorks: oop, misread21:26
sarthorkslostinspace_46: looks like that21:26
danbhfiveLostinspace_46: don't you need to just work with whatever framework you are working with?  I thought each frame work has its own event stack...21:26
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guntbertnmvictor: nice :-)21:26
Lostinspace_46danbhfive: I don't know what you mean.21:27
danbhfiveLostinspace_46: I assumed you are programming something21:27
terrestreLostinspace_46: are you written a program using what?21:27
nmvictorguntbert: so whats the command to fire it up,cant see it in the menu nor can gnome do index it21:27
deostrollhi how do u search for new packages via shell?21:28
orochideostroll: apt-cache search name21:28
terrestredeostroll: new pacckages? update? sudo apt-get update21:28
orochideostroll: Or did you mean update your packages21:28
kloshey is it possible to mount an osx soft raid in linux?21:28
Lostinspace_46danbhfive: Ahh, no, I am trying to assign key presses as mouse clicks21:28
Cerrdor88deostroll, try apt-cache21:28
deostrollorochi: hw abt search online repositories?21:28
orochideostroll: That command would search everything available in the online repositories you have configured21:29
sarthorksMy SD card doesnt mount unless i restart my hardy. After hibernating, SD card never mounts. Can anyone help?21:29
orochideostroll: If you want to update all your packages to what's most recent you can use the gui tool or run this with root permissions: "aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade"21:29
danbhfiveLostinspace_46: ok, I see.  Mouse clicks to keyboard presses?  I don't know about that.  If you get an answer, let me know.  I'm curious21:29
jenkinsanyone seen a problem where it seems like UDP packets going out have the wrong checksum?21:30
guntbertnmvictor: sorry, I don't remember - please search the forums - wait, I'll PM you a link21:30
Lostinspace_46My plan is to use xbindkeys, but I think for that I need the underlying commands associated with a mouse ckick21:30
veinorI can't get ndiswrapper to work on my Ubuntu 1008HA.21:30
veinorwhen I try modprobing in ndiswrapper it won't use it, despite the fact that ndiswrapper -l says that the device is present21:31
Lostinspace_46In other words I can't just tell xbindkeys "button 1" I need to give it a command.21:31
orochijenkins: Don't suppose you have onboard Intel ethernet do you21:31
jenkinsorochi: yeah, how did you know?21:32
orochijenkins: It's a known bug with that particular chipset, it was supposed to be fixed sometime in 8.10 but they never did21:32
sarthorksSD card doesn't mount after hibernation.21:32
orochijenkins: I had to buy a new card and use that instead, e1000e driver ruined the on-board chip i had because of the bug21:33
sarthorksusing hardy.21:33
nmvictorok, thinkpad-keys should be the command to fire it up, but it gave this error: Could not open nvram device: No such file or directory so i guess my fingerprint scanner might not be so compatible,unless the forums have something else21:33
nmvictorguntbert: ok, thinkpad-keys should be the command to fire it up, but it gave this error: Could not open nvram device: No such file or directory so i guess my fingerprint scanner might not be so compatible,unless the forums have something else21:33
jenkinsorochi: oh, yikes21:33
orochijenkins: Actually, are you running Jaunty21:34
jenkinsorochi: is there a bug# i can look at?21:34
guntbertnmvictor: please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinkFinger too21:34
orochijenkins: Well, you can look at this if it helps: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/jaunty-changes/2009-February/005702.html21:34
Lostinspace_46jenkins: Did you blacklist "ssb" and "b43" ?21:34
orochijenkins: Look for e1000e in there and it says that the bug has been fixed in jaunty21:34
orochi(Although it hasn't :>)21:34
JarlGHey folks! I just installed ubuntu on my mac, and I cant seem to find any drivers for the integrated wireless internet card (airport). Any suggestions as to where I could find one?21:34
gomahello guys21:34
alexnethow do I get information about what groups my user is a member of?21:34
gomai got a problem with my sound card21:35
llutzalexnet: id <user>21:35
sarthorksgoma:which model laptop? which ubuntu?21:35
Lostinspace_46jenkins: Did you blacklist "ssb" and "b43" ?21:35
alexnetthank you llutz21:35
dumblebee100hey guys ..Im new to irc ..21:35
gomaHP 6735s running on ubuntu jaunty21:36
jenkinsLostinspace_46: no. i'm going to try a newer kenrel21:36
sarthorksgoma: no mp3,ogg, video files play sound?21:36
jenkinsorochi: thanks21:36
nmvictorok,but i wouldnt be surprised if the windows vista labled fingerprint scanner on my Toshiba laptop wont be compatible, i would be surprised.21:36
orochijenkins: If you're running something earlier than Jaunty I'd suggest upgrading to that and trying it, they -may- have fixed it for your particular chipset and not mine21:36
gomasarthorks, no sound at all21:36
furikeni know u can do wildcard subdomains, ala  *.domain.com ,  but how to do it for domains?   i want basically all domains pointed to us to use a single vh i have.21:37
orochiOr it could just have been trashed by the initial bug, which actually caused the port to physically not function any more :> So at your own risk21:37
dumblebee100could you guys please tell me whether it is worthy to clean install karmic alpha 4 ..because when I upgraded to karmic 1 the kernel crashed ..so should I try now or should I wait till final release21:37
sarthorksgoma: have you tried typing alsamixer in terminal? maximise all volume bars and unmute if anything is muted (using m)21:37
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orochidumblebee100: If you'd like a stable system for day to day use then you'd want to wait for the final21:37
terrestrehow upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 is working= anything well or do you recommend just a fresh install of 9.04?21:37
Lostinspace_46jenkins I ask because if they are not blacklisted they interfere badly, also after blacklist you need to run initramfs. Just a thought21:38
orochiterrestre: From my own personal experience (just mine) an upgrade has _always_ caused at least a handful of problems21:38
dumblebee100but the present system is giving me more problems than usual21:38
dpratt71if I open a terminal window and do something like "export Foo=Bar", the environment variable only applies to the current session (right?); how do I get an environment variable to persist across sessions/restarts?; I guess I'm looking for the Linux equivalent of autoexec.bat21:38
dumblebee100my nautilus has a mega problem ..with location bar ..21:38
llutzdpratt71: define them in ~./profile or ~/.bashrc21:39
dumblebee100when I press CTRL+ L I get this error GConf error: Can't overwrite existing read-only value: Can't overwrite existing read-only value: Value for `/apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_location_entry' set in a read-only source at the front of your configuration path21:39
stefgterrestre: you'd have to go 8.04>8.10>9.04 ... not worth the bandwidth. See ! clone how to replicate you package selection when reinstalling21:39
sarthorksSD card doesn't mount after hibernation, can anyone help?21:39
dpratt71llutz: thanks; makes no difference?21:39
stefg!clone | terrestre21:39
ubottuterrestre: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate21:39
llutzdpratt71: it does, depending on invocation of the shell21:40
llutzdpratt71: read bash man-page for further info21:40
Lostinspace_46Where can I find out what commands my mouse buttons generate?  I assume there is a file somewhere.21:40
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dumblebee100could any one solve my problem with nautilus ..which I mentioned previously21:41
gomasarthorks, still nothing21:41
terrestreorochi: thanks stefg, but actually my question was in the the orochi answer, i use to have problem doing upgrade so now I'm just a fresh install guy21:41
dpratt71supposing I wanted to create or update a machine-wide environment variable, how would I do that?21:42
terrestrestefg: thanks for the tip about clonning btw21:42
llutzdpratt71: define and export it in /etc/profile21:42
sarthorksgoma: ok. go to Syst->admin->system monitor21:42
gomasarthorks,  the headphone i like at 0%21:42
_daniel_is it possible to perform a dist-upgrade from jaunty to karmic?21:42
flohackHi! Can someone please help me with a missing /dev/bus (/usb) directory after an upgrade from gutsy to hardy?21:42
dpratt71llutz: ok, thanks again21:42
terrestre_daniel_: not yet21:42
sarthorksgoma: and check if theres a process called pulseaudio running. if so, kill it.21:43
sarthorksgoma: thats fine. it shows 0% only, its fine.21:43
flohackOn my laptop (hardy upgraded from gutsy) the directory is there, but it's missing on my server, which I upgraded just now.21:43
terrestre_daniel_: well actually you can lol21:43
gomasarthorks, i've killed pulseaudio21:44
Shirotokowhat editor do you recommend i need something light and with html, css,pph, etc... autocomplete?21:44
flohackThe usb drivers are loaded and /sys/bus/usb/devices/ shows the devices on the bus, it's just that /dev/bus/usb is missing21:44
sarthorksgoma: now try running music files21:44
Shirotokosomething like notepad++ but for linux21:44
flohackI rebootet and restarted udev, to check if it fails somehow, but it does not report any errors21:44
gomasarthorks, nothing at all21:44
terrestre_daniel_:  i don't know but in linux you can do almost anything21:45
nmvictorguntbert: thanks, i just have to find another fingerprint scanner .The one built in on my laptop can not be detected. Thanks,i really appreciate.21:45
sarthorksgoma: go to syst->pref->sound and try different options from the drop-down menu, and test if sound comes on anyone.21:45
terrestre_daniel_: but simple and oficcial not upgrade to karmic yet21:45
helluesubuntu sucks21:46
terrestrehellues: yeah21:46
_daniel_terrestre: well, that would be a bit too much work21:46
ortsvorsteher!ot | hellues21:46
ubottuhellues: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:46
_daniel_and is a downgrade then possible?21:46
di||itante_daniel_: better to wait till karmic is released21:46
Lostinspace_46dumblebee100: Maybe find the nautilus file mentioned and try to fix it there?21:47
terrestre_daniel_: i have no idea, I've never tried to downgrade21:47
hellueswhy ubuntu release new version in every six months21:47
helluesthat sucks i think21:47
terrestrebecause gnome have a new version every 6 months21:47
guntbertnmvictor: good luck then :-)21:47
binarymutanthow long does a paste last at paste.ubuntu.com ?21:48
flohackI found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/+bug/156085 but the lines in /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh are not enabled on my laptop either21:48
Guest6108hellues: you are right...you should check out suse instead21:48
_daniel_terrestre: its not because of gnome.. i'm having some bluetooth issues with my ps3... karmic has a much newer version of bluez and utilities21:48
helluesalso suse sucker than ubuntu21:48
Lostinspace_46dumblebee100: message me21:49
dumblebee100some time back I messed up with gconf with a nautilus script ..from then onwards nautilus is not showing .so I have to manually keep the value always show address bar something like that to mandatory value ...so thats my problem ..if I release that key from mandatory value then nautilus dont open21:49
Picihellues: This channel is for Ubuntu support, please stay on topic21:49
revygttamim getting "i/o error on device sr0" when trying to install ubuntu 9.04 any ideas?21:49
sarthorksgoma: if it still doesnt work, re-start your computer, and check out post number 4 here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84270021:49
the-mentorhi guys i have a problem with ubuntu 9.04 and my wireless card TL-WN510G the wireless chipset is AR5212 any ideas?21:49
guntbert_daniel_: ask in #ubuntu#1 please - but downgrades are *not* supported in ubuntu21:49
paaniihi every one21:49
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helluesa question21:49
gomasarthorks, no sounds21:49
terrestre_daniel_: aah but its unestable, maybe you can just install a karmic version in another partition so you can tried the unstable release and the stable release21:49
helluesare thre any tool that is stronger than fsck21:50
sarthorkscheck out post #4 here:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84270021:50
helluesbecause fsck doesnt check all things in partition through21:50
ubuntu_Gparted's check option been running for 8 1/2 hours, checking a 180 gig partition.  how patient should i be?  did a top command and looks like it is using cpu space.21:50
nebohellues, rm21:50
helluesnebo,  i do fsck21:50
terrestrehellues: fsck is cool21:50
helluesand imy partition okey21:50
helluesafter two days21:51
sarthorksSD card doesn't mount after hibernation.21:51
hellueswhile i am listening a song21:51
gomasarthorks, i'm here21:51
helluesos freeze21:51
sarthorksgoma: did you check out the post?21:51
gomasarthorks, will do it21:51
sarthorksgoma: its a small thing, you can try right now.21:51
helluesagain i do fsck and it is okey again than after two days os freeze again in the same song in the same time21:51
gomasarthorks, i'm loading the page right now21:51
the-mentorno one has word of wizdom regarding a wireless card that dosent work?21:51
terrestreubuntu_: running for 8 hours!!!?21:52
th0rhellues: you might considering not playing that song21:52
flohackCan somone please help me with a broken usb device filesystem (udev) on hardy?21:52
terrestreflohack: you can use fsck21:52
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ubuntu_Yes gparted's check feature been running 8 1/2 hours, you think it is locked up?21:52
the-mentorflohack what are you trying to do ?21:52
the-mentorrecover data?21:52
orochiubuntu_: It's definitely not supposed to take that long, that's for sure21:52
_daniel_terrestre: i only got 10gbs on my ps3 for linux, another installation might not fit then;)21:53
flohackthe-mentor: No I just want to use lsusb21:53
the-mentorwhat filesystem are you running on the usb?21:53
flohackterrestre: ? fsck on usbfs...21:53
nmvictorI wanted to upgrade my kernel to the one in jaunty,should be 2.6.28.(14/15)-generic, i know it comes with ext4.filesystem and thats which is one of the reasons i need the kernel-update.Im in intrepid and i dont intend to move to jaunty anytime soon, will upgrading to the jaunty-shipped kernel pose a threat to my data due to the ext3  to ext4 filesystem?21:53
guntberthellues: if that is just in one file - I don't think that has anything to do with the file system - so fsck will not give you meaningful results for your problem21:53
terrestreubuntu_: are you resizing or something?21:53
orochinmvictor: Jaunty defaults to ext3 itself, ext4 is an option you can choose21:53
flohackthe-mentor: I'm not having a problem with a usb device, udev does not populate the /dev/bus/usb directory, so lsusb does not work21:53
ubuntu_i was going to terminate the Gparted check and do fsck -y but got the DANGER message about ending the check feature prematurely21:53
jerknextdoorcan someone tell me where the preferences are for NotifyOSD in 9.04?21:54
helluesguntbert,  10-20 files21:54
the-mentorflohack: oh with that i have no idea sorry21:54
nmvictororochi: so,the option is during installation or the download?21:54
ubuntu_I got error reading blocks when getting next inode from scan using fsck and was taking hours of hitting Yes to fix21:54
terrestreubuntu_: resize a vista partition can take a couple of hourse but 8 i think is a lot21:54
flohackthe-mentor: Thanks anyway!21:55
flohackIs anyone here familiar with udev on hardy?21:55
the-mentorubuntu_ you can run fchk with the -y switch21:55
orochinmvictor: During installation, I can't remember exactly when but you're explicitly given the choice of filesystems at some point in the install process21:55
guntberthellues: still - file system corruption seems an improbable cause here, did you play the songs with another application too?21:55
ortsvorsteher!anyone | flohack21:55
ubottuflohack: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:55
orochinmvictor: In either case if you upgrade to Jaunty it's not going to automatically "upgrade" your partitions to ext4 anyway, so you shouldn't need to worry unless you choose it yourself21:55
ubuntu_right but i thougt i should end the Gparted check before i do the fsck-y, and get the World will end if i prematuraly end the check21:56
jerknextdoorand is there a way to make all of the icons on the right of gnome-panel load in the same order everytime?21:56
flohackortsvorsteher: Thanks, but I already asked the question twice ;-)21:56
DarthArachides!karmic DarthArachides21:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:56
DarthArachideswhat's the channel for karmic?21:56
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:56
flohackortsvorsteher: I'll try again...21:56
DarthArachidesgot it21:56
ortsvorsteherflohack: take !patience, someone will answer if he knows answer... ;)21:56
nmvictororochi: im still on intrepid, with the third extended filesystem will opting for ext4 pose a threat to my data?21:57
flohackWhy does udev on my hardy server fail to populate /dev/bus/usb21:57
gomasarthorks, i saw it21:57
the-mentorubuntu_: running fchk with the -y will automaticly answer yes to everything21:57
sarthorksgoma: try it out21:57
gomasarthorks, now trying21:57
_daniel_is there any possibility then of easiliy upgrading my bluez components?21:57
sarthorksgoma:PM me if you have problems21:57
JontaI thought Lenovo offered netbooks with Linux?21:57
JontaDitto Dell21:57
gomasarthorks, ok21:57
sarthorksgoma: pm me if you have problems21:57
orochinmvictor: Well, I haven't experienced any data loss with it myself, but ext4 is not considered a "production" filesystem yet, it's just too new...and in the case of some earlier versions of KDE 4 and ext4 combinations there were actual data loss issues21:57
ubuntu_so after 8 1/2 hours i should teminate teh Gparted check, risk the world ending and do the fsck -y21:58
orochinmvictor: I would say go with ext4 if you specifically need a feature in ext421:58
the-mentorubuntu_: i had the same problem and and fsck with -y took about an hour and a half on a 1.5TB drive21:58
terrestre_daniel_: if you want to test the new bluez, you can just run a live cd21:58
malodixI'm getting the follow 'errors' when logging in from GDM: http://pastebin.ca/153817421:58
malodixAny ideas?21:58
_daniel_live cd probably wont start on ps321:58
_daniel_i guess...21:58
the-mentorubuntu_: well it depends on your level of pertiance :D21:59
terrestre_daniel_: i think you can go to #ubuntu+1 for advice about how to upgrade easily21:59
nmvictororochi: i need the efficiency it comes with,its definitely better than ext3.isnt it?21:59
flohackHa! Solved it, I missed two new lines in /etc/udev/rules.d/20-names.rules, because I modified that file and kept my modified version.22:00
ubuntu_i just wish i had more specfics on just how bad ending Gparted's check will be.22:00
oscurochuNo user names show up on the Ubuntu login theme with face browser.22:00
superbokiwhat would i write to imagemagick convert to get a 100x100 scaled down center of any image22:00
orochinmvictor: Not particularly, it does offer the capability of handling larger filesystems on 64 bit machines22:00
=== kakardhia is now known as heroid
the-mentorubuntu_: i dont think ending the check would cause any damage but i cant guarantee22:01
di||itanteubuntu_: ending a diskcheck early should have no ill effects22:01
orochinmvictor: There are some features to reduce fragmentation of large files as well, but I don't know if it's worth risking _losing_ your files just to get those features22:01
sarthorksSD card doesn't mount after hibernation. can anyone help?22:01
ubuntu_Thanks all and God speed.22:01
=== ubuntu__ is now known as PauloRicardo
guntbertflohack: thx for reporting back - might come in handy some day :-)22:02
nmvictororochi: do you mind giving me a oneline command(tasksel/aptitude) that will help me update to the kernel in jaunty(im not even sure about its version digits).im completely put off with the word compile whenever it is placed next to the word kernel22:02
orochinmvictor, I'd recommend you look at the "disadvantages" section here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext422:02
oscurochu1No user names show up on the Ubuntu login theme with face browser.22:03
nmvictororochi: thanks22:03
orochinmvictor: Are you running Intrepid? I don't think that it's possible to run a kernel from a later distribution on an earlier one unless you do compile it22:03
gomasarthorks, sorry but want to know how do i do to install proper drivers for my laptop22:03
revygttamWhen trying to install ubuntu 9.04 server from the live cd i get "i/o error on device sr0 ubuntu" does anyone know how to fix this?22:03
malodixCan anyone help me solve this? I'm getting the follow 'errors' when logging in from GDM: http://pastebin.ca/153817422:03
Commie_Caryusally I can set my desplyu to 1920 x 1080 but it s not letting me?22:04
gomasarthorks, lspci is saying that i got a FGLRX ATI/AMD graphic card22:04
Commie_CaryI just had a power shortage22:04
Commie_Caryif that helps22:04
oscurochu1No user names show up on the Ubuntu login theme with face browser. Can I get some help please?22:04
sarthorksgoma: ok, but what about your sound problem> is that fixed?22:04
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nmvictororochi: i guess that leaves me no choice than an upgrade, im prepared to stick to intrepid for any other reasons except the kernel.22:05
gomasarthorks, i saw an application that allow to find the good and recommanded one22:05
gomasarthorks, for the sound i think i'll do it quietly22:05
sarthorksgoma: i dont know much about drivers in ubuntu.22:05
nmvictororochi: just a query,do you know how to compile?22:05
nmvictororochi: the kernel?22:05
orochinmvictor: Well, how you compile something depends on what you're compiling :> There are instructions on the Ubuntu wiki that will tell you how to compile your own kernels and install them as proper Ubuntu packages, however22:06
=== janne2 is now known as Skiessi
orochiI don't know the page offhand but if you do some searching there I'm sure it'll turn up22:06
sarthorksgoma: you should ask your questions in public, without addressing me, that way, you will get more and better responses.22:06
gomasarthorks, ok22:07
epaphusHello, is it true that If I install ubuntu 9.04 on a machine...and I transfer the hard disk into another box... it might not work? or does the kernel adapt while the machine is of the same arch in this case i386 ?22:08
oscurochu1No user names show up on the Ubuntu login theme with face browser. Help please?22:08
sarthorksSD card doesn't mount after hibernation.22:08
helluesvista sucks22:09
helluesyeah i play same songs with another application22:10
apparlehellues: this place is for getting help for ubntu not for abusing vista22:10
helluessame second in the same song has problem22:10
nmvictororochi: ok,the only bad thing is the integrity of the archive that the kernel comes with, i downloaded 2.6.30.* version for some 'edu_purposes' and couldnt extract using nautilus, so i had to use the tar at the terminal which also echoed an error message after the extraction.How does one gamble a whole system with such minor integrity errors?22:10
guntbert!enter | hellues22:10
ubottuhellues: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about behave22:11
helluesguntbert,  sorry yes i try different application by the way22:11
veinorI can't get ndiswrapper to work on my Asus 1008HA22:11
parolangWhen's the next version of Ubuntu due?22:12
veinorparolang: sometime in october22:12
veinorI don't remember which day, but I think it's mid-late22:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about behaving22:12
parolangveinor: Oh, I was thinking August for some reason.22:12
Um_cara_qualquerwhen i try to boot a partittion witch was doing fine since yestarday, it goes to a terminal with the name "initramfs>"22:12
parolangDoes anyone know if the next version of Ubuntu will fit in 2GB?22:13
veinornope, it's always april and october22:13
Um_cara_qualquerhow can i start this partittion in the graphic way?22:13
veinorwhy do you think they're called 9.04 and 9.10 :D22:13
apparleparolang: what do you want to fit it onto22:13
parolangveinor: Version numbers?22:13
veinorparolang: yeah, but they're named after the release months I mean22:13
parolangapparle: Asus EEEPC 2G Surf.22:13
parolangveinor: I didn't know that.22:14
nmvictorUm_cara_qualquer: grub is probably confused or it can find the boot files22:14
parolangapparle: Right now I'm using Debian, but I'm interested in the fast boot time and I saw a screenshot in a magazine today.22:14
apparleparolang: and what's that22:14
ubottuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...22:14
epitopGreetings, /exit22:14
parolangapparle: netbook?22:14
stinkyhello, in windows I use the"start" shell script command to execute multiple applications at the same time, is there a bash equivalent to start, or launch? thanks :)22:14
Um_cara_qualquerand how can i fix it?22:14
guntberthellues: that is really strange, but I don't use sound /play music very much on my computer so... - did you look into the log files after such a freeze?22:15
veinorstinky: you mean to run multiple programs at once?22:15
hellueswhich log file22:15
veinorjust do program1; program2; program3; program422:15
apparleparolang: I think ubuntu already has a netbook version..........but is the HDD so limited that you want it to fit it in 2GB22:15
parolangstinky: In bash you can append the amperstand (&) to run the program in the background.22:16
stinkyyea thanks veinor  and parolang  :)22:16
parolangapparle: It's a SSD, not a hard drive.22:16
malodixCan anyone help me solve this? I'm getting the follow 'errors' when logging in from GDM: http://pastebin.ca/153817422:16
RanyAlbegHi , i used dpkg -r opera to remove the opera web browser. also dpkg -P opera to purge . but i can still see .opera folder inside my home. i removed it using rm -r ~/.opera. how do i know that im done with this web browser and there are no files of opera in my system,22:16
veinorRanyAlbeg: you can always do find / -iname *opera*22:16
parolangstinky: Type "jobs" to get a list of background programs run from that terminal.22:17
nmvictorRanyAlbeg: locate opera | less22:17
veinorwhich will find any files with the name opera in them22:17
apparleparolang: ok..............why don't you see if you can remove any packages that are not required.........beacuse if it can fit in a CD it will fit on SSD22:17
veinoror locate yeah22:17
nmvictorRanyAlbeg: type that at the terminal22:17
parolangapparle: That's a good point.22:17
RanyAlbegim not going to type it here. but i thought of a tool that will remove it completely.22:18
orochinmvictor: Well a corrupt download could happen for any number of reasons, which sounds like what happened...you might want to download it again and then check the md5sum against the one posted on the download page to make sure it matches22:18
epitopHello. I seem to have completely lost direct rendering on my radeon xpress 200m chipset in jaunty after some updates went through. any suggestions?22:18
nmvictorRanyAlbeg: what tool?22:18
orochinmvictor: As an aside, though, if you're thinking of upgrading to Jaunty just to get ext4, then stick with Intrepid, unless there's a feature in ext4 that you absolutely must have22:18
RanyAlbegnmvictor: i thought you know what tool.22:19
RanyAlbegnmvictor: :)22:19
apparleparolang: well the current version http://www.canonical.com/projects/ubuntu/unr requires 4GB22:19
apparleparolang: the discussion of karmic is at #ubuntu+1 ask there22:19
nmvictorRanyAlbeg: this is linux,linux is the tool22:19
RanyAlbegnmvictor: nice one.but not good enough :)22:20
RanyAlbegnmvictor: thanks :) have a nice day22:20
dos000i have a vmware instance of ubuntu 8.10. how do i make my keyboard english ?22:20
malodixCan anyone help me solve this? I'm getting the follow 'errors' when logging in from GDM: http://pastebin.ca/153817422:20
arlbeeI am running Hardy Heron & have accidentally deleted my Aplications, Places & System menus.....how can I retrieve them back ?22:20
nmvictororochi: thanks, thats important.hadnt thougt of md5sum22:21
orochinmvictor: np22:21
guntbert!who | hellues22:22
ubottuhellues: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:22
nmvictorarlbee: what do you mean by delete,remove them from the panel or deleted their config files?22:22
th0rarlbee: right click on the panel and choose add an item22:23
guntberthellues: look at /var/log/syslog, you can see many log files via system/administration/system log22:23
=== DaZ is now known as \\
arlbeeI deleted the panel......I have managed to add a panel back in & I can add apps to the panel but I don't know how to recreate the menus22:24
nmvictorarlbee: just add another menu, it will recreate itself.22:24
apparleparolang: this site if for installtion of normal ubuntu on a flashdrive22:25
apparleparolang: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/22:25
arlbeehow do I add the Applications Menu ?22:25
epitaphHello, I have a laptop with a radeon xpress 200m and 9.04... direct rendering used to work but some kernel update appears to have killed it... I cannot get it to work again. Any suggestions? Thanks.22:25
nicklas_whats the difference between apt-get and aptitude?22:25
nmvictordoes deleting everything in /var/log affect the system in any way?22:26
guntbertdos000: go to system/preferences/keyboard - tab Layout22:26
\\nmvictor, doesn't22:26
Um_cara_qualquerdoes anyone knows how to start in graphic mode a partition that starts as a terminal with the name "initiramfs>"?22:27
Mech0z_Is it possible to run software Raid6 and add drives as I get them? (like OCE) on Ubuntu22:27
resnoi am trying to grep a set of directories. I am using grep -ri <file> directory and its not going into the directories.22:27
OttifantSirHow do I do a recovery on an ext3-file system? During boot, that's what it said to do. There's no resume image, so it goes straight to CLI, but then after a few seconds, the screen goes black. If I go into recovery mode, I have some options, and the screen stays on. 9.04, P6NGM-FD MB, C2D E6850 up from C2D E4600.22:27
nmvictornicklas_: almost the same,except while in ap-get you would say apt-get install <package> aptitude would say aptitude install <package>22:28
malodixCan anyone help me solve this? I'm getting the follow 'errors' when logging in from GDM: http://pastebin.ca/153817422:28
llutzresno: fgrep -ri pattern dir/file*22:28
nicklas_nmvictor: but why are there two different commands then?22:28
nicklas_nmvictor: if there are no technical differences?22:28
fester64x2you peaople are n00bs22:29
guntbert!attitude | fester64x222:29
ubottufester64x2: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:29
fester64x2yeah you are right22:29
fester64x2i was looking for help22:29
fester64x2i was wondering wich i/o scheduler i should run22:29
th0rand I can't understand why you didn't get it22:29
fester64x2Linux archx2 2.6.31-rc6-zen0-chr0n1x #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT Fri Aug 21 11:38:49 EDT 2009 x86_64 AMD Athlon(tm) 7550 Dual-Core Processor AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux22:30
prince_jammysnicklas_: because they are different applications that manage packages differently, though there's some overlap.22:30
RockNRollafester64x2, you are an ubuntard22:30
fester64x2RockNRolla, can u help me kernel22:30
CoUrPsEHow can i get directorys and files using terminal's FTP commands?22:30
helluesguntbert, http://paste.org/pastebin/view/993222:30
nmvictor\\had some issue yesterday,deleted everything and now programs that writes their logs in dirs under /var/log  like apache2 and mysqld reported errors while starting,isnt that quite unfair to the system?22:30
bruenigfester64x2: wrong channel for that kind of thing, this channel is for questions that start with: What do I need to click to...22:30
prince_jammysnicklas_: aptitude for one has a text-mode interface. type just 'aptitude' and see (no sudo needed).22:30
fester64x2bruenig, thats why i use archlinux22:30
guntbert!ot | fester64x222:30
fester64x2ubuntu sucks22:30
ubottufester64x2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:30
bruenigoh gees22:30
resnoCoUrPsE: do you mean ssh?22:31
resnoCoUrPsE: dir22:31
fester64x2can i not click this22:31
prince_jammysfester64x2: just to tell yourself you're better?22:31
Mech0z_Is it possible to run software Raid6 and add drives as I get them? (like OCE) on Ubuntu'22:31
fester64x2some userbase lol22:31
fester64x2prince_jammys, no because ubuntu is too noobish for me22:31
resnoCoUrPsE: or ls22:31
ChrystallicHi, I got a question. I was just browsing through some possible looks on ubuntu and I came across  Easypeasy(former ubuntu-eee) I have tried to get teh looks to it, but for some reason I fail.... any help?22:31
CoUrPsEresno, I dont wanna just view.22:31
prince_jammysfester64x2: right, to tell yourself you're better.22:31
nmvictornick_h: man aptitude and man apt-get will really help22:31
CoUrPsEI wanna download.22:31
nicklas_prince_jammys: cool22:31
fester64x2no archlinux is just more uptodate22:31
fester64x2and stable22:32
Blarghsfester64x2: "some userbase lol" ?22:32
resnoCoUrPsE: ah scp server:dir youcomputerlocation22:32
th0rBlarghs: please don't feed the troll22:32
seidos!attitude | fester64x222:32
ubottufester64x2: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:32
prince_jammysjust having fun with arch kiddie.22:32
fester64x2<bruenig> fester64x2: wrong channel for that kind of thing, this channel is for questions that start with: What do I need to click to...22:32
Walthersi have a question22:32
Blarghsth0r: Ok, my team will not crush it22:32
ChrystallicI've downloaded hte ISO, and it won't work if I don't boot it from a memorystick... something that takes about 2-3min, and when I restart comp. I loose all my works....22:32
gulashfester64x2: go you! archlinux ftw22:32
Walthersmy ubuntu is not working right22:32
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)22:33
nmvictorWalthers: how22:33
resnoCoUrPsE: scp localhost: directory </where you want it  to go>22:33
malodixCan anyone help me solve this? I'm getting the follow 'errors' when logging in from GDM: http://pastebin.ca/153817422:33
seidosfester64x2, you're bored.  go to #ubuntu-offtopic22:33
resnoCoUrPsE: in the localhost is your servers address22:33
CoUrPsEresno, From a FTP?22:33
Walthersit don't connect to the internet22:33
guntberthellues: there is a lot APIC error..., try and boot with the kernel option NOAPIC (you can choose that in the grub-menu)22:33
Walthersmy browser don't show google22:33
Walthersand stuff22:34
CoUrPsEI'm in ssh, and i wanna download every file on a FTP.22:34
Walthersi only can irc22:34
dos000guntbert, i have no clue what is going on when i loged out the y and z keys seem to be interchanged .. i went in and selected english and said apply it all22:34
Chrystallichow do I get ubuntu nbr to work as NBR, and not only normal ubuntu??22:34
Walthershow come this22:34
unixbocxHello, I'm wondering if anyone has had this issue and found a way to fix it or what, I'm running ubuntu 9.04 and have a Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE video card, Blender will not show the buttons on the bottom of the screen, is there a fix for this? (there is no answer in the blender channel!)22:34
dos000guntbert, once i login the keys seem fine22:34
resnoCoUrPsE: you just said ssh? to trasnfer a file in ssh, you actually use scp22:34
Walthersit don't play music22:34
helluesonly the problem is APIC22:34
Waltherswhy can't it be like windows22:34
resnoCoUrPsE: if you want to do ftp, you need a ftp client.22:34
nmvictorwhats your connection type?a proxy server or something?22:34
mralexandrois there a stratagus package for ubuntu22:34
dos000darn keyboard !22:35
CoUrPsEMy initial questing was, in a terminal/shell, how do i get every directory/file using the FTP command, :/22:35
nmvictorWalthers: whats your connection type?a proxy server or something?22:35
Waltherswhat is a proxy22:35
unixbocxHello, I'm wondering if anyone has had this issue and found a way to fix it or what, I'm running ubuntu 9.04 and have a Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE video card, Blender will not show the buttons on the bottom of the screen, is there a fix for this? (there is no answer in the blender channel!)22:35
_asteiCoUrPsE, use "dir"22:35
CoUrPsEoh ffs.22:35
=== bruenig is now known as hmmindeed
CoUrPsEnot how do i list.22:36
resnoCoUrPsE: man ftp22:36
nmvictorWalthers: forget it,whats your browser type?22:36
resnoCoUrPsE: type that, it will show you commands to do ftp22:36
CoUrPsEHow do i 'GET' or 'MGET'.22:36
helluesi need good proxy damn !22:36
guntberthellues: yes, so it seems, you can disable APIC either every time you boot or (if it helps) later make it permanent in /boot/grub/menu.lst22:36
seidosWalthers, proxy is a word.  It means "on one's behalf".22:36
_asteiCoUrPsE, get/mget.22:36
terrestreWalthers: "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras" for music22:36
CoUrPsEget/mget does not get directorys.22:36
seidosI'm a terrible dictionary, but I try22:36
Waltherswhat is this sudo aptitude thing?22:37
Walthershow do i click this22:37
guntbertdos000: sorry, maybe its a vmware issue? you could ask in #vmware22:37
resnoCoUrPsE: what are you trying to do? because you are talking in circles.22:37
Blarghshellues: squid22:37
seidosWalthers, are you serious?22:37
CoUrPsEIt seems quite obvious what im trying to do...22:37
dos000guntbert, i dounbt it .. the keys seem all inverted ..22:37
Walthersi want to browser google but i can't22:37
Waltherswhere do i get porn22:37
unixbocxHello, I'm wondering if anyone has had this issue and found a way to fix it or what, I'm running ubuntu 9.04 and have a Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE video card, Blender will not show the buttons on the bottom of the screen, is there a fix for this? (there is no answer in the blender channel!)22:37
helluesBlarghs,  i cannot interact squid and firefox22:37
CoUrPsEConnect to a FTP, from SSH, and download every file/directory...22:37
=== hmmindeed is now known as indeedhmm
dos000guntbert, if it is vmaware then loggin in should not make a difference22:37
Blarghshellues: gadmin-squid my son22:37
helluesi install squid from ubuntu documentation22:38
seidos!porn | Walthers22:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about porn22:38
resnoCoUrPsE: man ftp has docuementation on that22:38
helluesbut firefox dont accept 312822:38
terrestreWalthers: sudo aptitude install porn22:38
pianistbabyhow do i search for folder "foo" in my home/audio/ folder?22:38
dos000guntbert, once i login my keybiord layout is fine22:38
=== indeedhmm is now known as bruenig
Walthershow do i click this?22:38
nmvictorcheck edit>preference>Advanced>Network Tab then click on setting to see if the connections enabled is the one used on your system22:38
malodixCan anyone help me solve this? I'm getting the follow 'errors' when logging in from GDM: http://pastebin.ca/153817422:38
nmvictorWascheck edit>preference>Advanced>Network Tab then click on setting to see if the connections enabled is the one used on your system22:38
prince_jammyspianistbaby: find home/audio -type f -name foo22:38
nmvictorWalthers: check edit>preference>Advanced>Network Tab then click on setting to see if the connections enabled is the one used on your system22:38
prince_jammyspianistbaby: -type d, sorry.22:38
di||itanteCoUrPsE: there is not inherent mechanisp for that, you need to use ftp or scp22:38
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus
Walthershow do i do22:39
guntbertdos000: aahh, you mean its in the login window, where you have the wrong keyboard layout?22:39
xray7224hey in gnome whats the network manager called i installed wicd and it decided to auto set as the default and i can't get the origonal back please help22:39
Walthersi only want porn22:39
CoUrPsEscp can connect to FTPs to get data to disk22:39
dos000guntbert, yes !22:39
Blarghsseidos: dosblows, excuse youself then be h-angel nice.22:39
terrestresudo aptitude install porn-for-dummies22:39
di||itanteno, scp uses ssh22:39
xray7224shut up about porn !22:39
pianistbabyis there a way i can see the most recently moved file? I did a drag and drop but I can't see the File or folder.22:39
seidosBlarghs, I know dos blows22:39
Walthershow do i click this sudo thing22:39
Blarghsseidos: youre excused22:40
pianistbabyis there a terminal command to see most recently moved file/folder?22:40
resnoCoUrPsE: scp (secure copy paste) does not equal ftp (file transfer protocol)22:40
CoUrPsEBut i need to download from a FTP...22:40
dos000guntbert, i even tryed to restart x.22:40
xray7224whats the default gnome network manager called22:40
CoUrPsEresno, Yeah, this is why im thinking why you guys are telling me to use it.22:40
di||itanteCoUrPsE: didns you say you had ssh access to the ftp server22:40
resnoCoUrPsE: third and final time man ftp22:40
dos000guntbert, do i have to change my x11 file to select the lang ?22:40
WalthersOH FINALLY MY DAMN dd IS FINISHED!!1 need to reboot and boot from stick, bye guys :D22:40
guntbertdos000: give me a few minutes22:40
nmvictorWalthers: you are not serious,you are probably an hour old in ubuntu, arent you?22:40
di||itanteCoUrPsE: then use ftp22:40
di||itanteCoUrPsE: whats so confusing22:41
terrestrebye Walthers22:41
seidosBlarghs, dos = two22:41
Walthersno actually i've been here since 6.04 ;)22:41
CoUrPsEYou both telling me diff things is confusing.22:41
CoUrPsEOne says to do man ftp22:41
CoUrPsEone says ftp wont work.22:41
malodixCan anyone help me solve this? I'm getting the follow 'errors' when logging in from GDM: http://pastebin.ca/153817422:41
CopyWriterhi guys, i used gparted to format a ntfs drive to ext3, but i can't write to it,22:41
di||itanteCoUrPsE: your the one that brought up ssh and the ftp site. Dude, just use ftp to get the files you want.22:41
unixbocxHello, I'm wondering if anyone has had this issue and found a way to fix it or what, I'm running ubuntu 9.04 and have a Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE video card, Blender will not show the buttons on the bottom of the screen, is there a fix for this? (there is no answer in the blender channel!)22:42
_asteiCopyWriter, reformat the partition22:42
Blarghsseidos: Tres == Three22:42
_cbDo Install NoMachine on Ubuntu desktop or Ubuntu SErver?22:42
CoUrPsEI've already been looking at the man FTP, But cannot find the correct paramter, :/22:42
hbekelmalodix: you're right, those are just messages, what is your problem with them?22:42
rajacould somebody please post the output of "ssh root@rschoen.homelinux.net"?22:42
_astei_cb: is it server or desktop22:42
xray7224hey in gnome whats the network manager called i installed wicd and it decided to auto set as the default and i can't get the origonal back please help22:42
di||itanteCoUrPsE: paramater to do what?22:43
di||itanteCoUrPsE: lol22:43
_cb_astei my background is in Citrix. If I install it on the server do I need to install a GUI on the server?22:43
malodixhbekel: I fail to go any further than that. It simply displays the messages, then returns me back to GDM. This started when I installed SLiM. Upon restarting X, I had this issue which I can't get rid of.22:43
CopyWriterok it's formatting22:43
resnoCoUrPsE: he wants to download files off a server using ftp through terminal22:43
terrestrexray7224: NetworkManager22:43
Blarghsseidos: I wish for you to make more contributions. Think about what could be the smoothest way of administering servers.22:43
_asteixray7224, gnome-network-manager22:43
CoUrPsEWell, mget only gets files, doesnt get directorys, else i'd just use mget *22:44
xray7224you sure?22:44
CoUrPsEUnless there is a paramter to make it mget directoryts as well.22:44
resnoCoUrPsE: can you do -r ?22:44
CoUrPsEIf that works.22:44
CoUrPsEimma suicide...22:44
CoUrPsEI honestly didnt try it.22:44
phitooHello! I am trying to install ubuntu server i386 on a Geode LX machine but it will not boot. Is ubuntu i386 really i38622:45
BlarghsGreetings Floodbot, i have killbots for the gilted suckers22:45
hbekelmalodix: no idea, i don't use any display manager. but wasn't your intention to use slim, not gdm?22:45
=== raja is now known as thi
guntbertdos000: what I found is a bit old, but it might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=72622#post72622 (look at #4)22:45
di||itanteCoUrPsE: ncftpget –R –v –u "ftpuser" ftp.x.xxx /source/dir /dest22:45
_asteiphitoo, it's i386 still!22:45
CopyWriterwhen it's done i usually reboot22:45
CopyWritercuz it doesn't show up22:45
di||itanteCoUrPsE: need to install ncftp first22:45
CopyWriteri'm new and green to linux22:46
dos000guntbert, thanks a lot ... !22:46
_asteiphitoo, it has PAE, your cpu must have it22:46
CopyWriterbut i know about the mount command i've been reading up22:46
CopyWriterjust haven't tried22:46
dest_hi all22:46
phitoo_astei: so better try a desktop kernel then.22:46
guntbertdos000: no problem - have fun :-)22:46
CoUrPsEdi||itante, Yeah, i seen that, but cant install anything on the machine, :/22:47
CopyWriterok i't s done, what next22:47
CopyWriteri did a sudo mount /dev/sdd122:47
malodixhbekel: It was, until I got this error after installing it. Now I'm trying frantically to get back to GDM. :) I have no idea where the problem(s) lie. Everything appears to be ok. I can get gnome to load when in failsafe-mode, but nothing else. I usually use Awesome window manager, although XFCE and dwn alspo give me the same error after GDM.22:47
CopyWriterbut i't not in the fstab22:47
CopyWriteror /etc/mtab22:47
evilGUII just bought a ATI card, what's the command to remove the NVIDIA restricted drivers?22:48
hbekelmalodix: nothing in /var/log/Xorg.0.log or ~/.xsession-errors?22:48
di||itanteCoUrPsE: do you have wget22:48
danbhfiveevilGUI: why not use the driver manageR?22:48
di||itantethen use that its easy22:49
CoUrPsETo get every file?22:49
Raydiationmy live installation fails at boot with could not find /lib/modules/kernelversion-generic/modules.dep22:49
prince_jammysCoUrPsE: try wget -r ftp://foobar.org/somedir22:49
Raydiationi boot from usb22:49
th0rmalodix: check /etc/X11/default-display-manager, it should say /usr/sbin/gdm22:49
CoUrPsEoh mean.22:49
edbianI want to set up /etc/networking/interfaces instead of using nm-applet.  How do I turn off nm-applet?22:49
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Raydiationafter that error it drops me in an initramfs shell22:49
di||itanteCoUrPsE: wget -m ftp://username:password@ip.of.old.host22:49
th0rmalodix: assuming you want gdm back22:49
arlbeethanks nmvictor....I managed eventually to find how to re-create the menus22:49
jerkmancan anyone tell me if it would be safe to hookup a lead gel acid battery (12V 25ah) to a 500VA UPS as an extra battery22:49
CoUrPsE-m/-r which? or both?22:50
Amaranthjerkman: don't blame us when you explode22:50
danbhfiveedbian: if you use interfaces, nm disables itself for that interface22:50
evilGUIdanbhfive: Becuase it no longer shows the nvidia restricted drivers so I can't remove them =(22:50
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap22:50
nmvictorarlbee: ok,np22:50
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount22:50
arlbeehave a nice day22:50
prince_jammysCoUrPsE: -m is mirror. check man wget. But regardless of what option, just use wget.22:50
edbiandanbhfive: Excellent!  Thank you!22:50
jerkmanAmaranth: lol, i wont... Ill blame you personally22:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sdd122:50
=== nico_ is now known as tubingen
malodixhbekel: Nothing in teh Xorg logs and the .xsession-errors output was what was on pastebin.22:50
di||itanteCoUrPsE: m is "mirror" so you will get a copy of the ftp site22:50
malodixth0r: Already set. :)22:50
OttifantSirHow do I do a recovery on an ext3-file system? During boot, that's what it said to do. There's no resume image, so it goes straight to CLI, but then after a few seconds, the screen goes black. If I go into recovery mode, I have some options, and the screen stays on. 9.04, P6NGM-FD MB, C2D E6850 up from C2D E4600.22:50
CoUrPsEThanks guys.22:50
seidosBlarghs, why?22:51
evilGUIWill the NVIDIA driver damage my new radeon?22:52
dos000guntbert, its supposed to be xorg.conf correct ?22:52
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions22:52
dos000guntbert, it still refuses to use the correct layout22:52
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apparleluis_: are you there22:52
guntbertdos000: sorry - I'm a bit past my bedtime already - please ask the channel again22:53
luis_yes, im here22:53
luis_im goig to fortmat my disk22:53
dos000guntbert, take care ..22:53
guntbertdos000: I do...22:54
apparleluis_: Problem not solved...............send private msg22:54
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marcelo_Is there any program available for ubuntu to learn how to type fast?22:56
revygttamis there a way to force a cd to burn at 4x, ubuntu only lets me select 16,40,4022:57
prince_jammysmarcelo_: there's a typing tutor called 'klavaro', for one.22:57
Ben64revygttam: why would you want to burn at 4x22:58
marcelo_Pricey, thks22:58
revygttamBen64, im getting an error on an old pc while reading a cd so i figure if i could force at 4x i can guarantee its not a write speed issue22:58
prince_jammysyes, i've had that problem. slow burning is a good idea.22:58
Ben64slow burning is not a good idea :|22:59
Ben644x is hideously slow for cdr22:59
danbhfiveBen64: but slow burning can give you a better burn22:59
revygttamBen64, im getting an "i/o error on sr0" while trying to install ubuntu 9.04 server w/live cd, however the cd drives boot other live cd's22:59
llutzdanbhfive: but not as slow as 4x22:59
Ben64danbhfive: doesn't really matter on cdr22:59
Ben64revygttam: most likely it's the drive23:00
Ben64either the one you're burning with, or reading from23:00
prince_jammysBen64: maybe you can edit the ubuntu documentation, then.23:00
revygttamBen64, I have 2 drives, both do it, and i changed the cable.. now i havent tried burning from another computer23:00
revygttamBut the live cd im using is the same one i used in the past to install on that machine23:00
Ben64revygttam: have you verified the md5 of the image?23:01
revygttamBen64, yes its correct23:01
prince_jammys''5. Select the write speed. If you are burning a Ubuntu Live CD (one that you may want to boot from), it is recommended that you write at the lowest possible speed.''23:01
Ben64revygttam: have you verified the md5 of the disc after you burned it?23:01
revygttamUm, that i did not, let me do that.23:01
revygttami have 3 to choose from23:01
Ben644x for dvds is equivalent to 36x for cdr23:03
revygttamBen64, .. how can i verify the cd (btw, k3b showed the correct md5sum before burning)23:03
Raydiationhm i cant boot from live usb23:04
Ben64revygttam: "md5sum /dev/[cd_device]"23:04
gushixHi, ubuntu newbie here. I just made a clean install of 9.04 on a fujitsu laptop. at first the wifi worked but after installing updates, adding another admin user, and restarting, it suddenly ceased to work -- i just don't see any networks detected (although next to it is another laptop with full strengh reception). any ideas please?23:04
Raydiationit says: failed to open /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/modules.dep no such file or directory23:04
Ben64revygttam: like /dev/sda /dev/sdb, etc... whatever your drive it23:04
Raydiationive tried ubuntu 64 and 32 bit already23:04
Raydiationany idea?23:04
revygttamyeah, i was trying the mount point that might be why i couldnt23:04
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Raydiationits a fatal modprobe error23:04
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emecksHeya guys.23:05
emecksI have a question regarding the performance of my computer23:06
Raydiationhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/377423 exactly the same23:06
=== Guest43620 is now known as Irishmanluke
emecksI just installed Ubuntu on my laptop, but everything is laggy when there's movement on screen, like here, or a flash animation23:06
apparleemecks: which graphic card23:07
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=== _ is now known as Irishmanluke
CopyWriternada, can't figure out how to get write permission on my third drive that i formatted to ext323:08
Raydiationwhere can i get the latest alpha?23:08
Raydiationmaybe the new one runs23:08
danbhfive!9.10 | Raydiation23:09
ubottuRaydiation: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:09
llutzCopyWriter: man chown, man chmod23:09
zAo^Raydiation http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/23:09
CopyWriterthanks llutz23:09
revygttamBen64, is it normal for it to take long to calculate the md5 of a cd?  Lights flickering, but no response yet23:10
RaydiationzAo^: thx23:10
sageNsandKarmic Empathy Im not getting a rooms list, its blank. I can type a room in and enter the room but Im not being shown all the rooms. Is anyone getting a list of all the rooms maybe its just me23:11
revygttamBen64, Just finished, the md5 is the same.23:11
^Phantom^Can someone please help me determine if this works on linux as well as windows?  http://sourceforge.net/projects/bonkenc/files/23:12
josspykersed gives the error  2: Syntax error: "(" unexpected. What did I do wrong? http://pastebin.com/d463a82f4. Thanks23:12
seidos^Phantom^, I don't have a windows installation, do you think I still can help?23:13
^Phantom^Well I know it works on windows, but I wanna use it on ubuntu23:13
seidos^Phantom^, what is it that you're testing?23:13
^Phantom^I'm not testing anything.  it's how I convert music to be able to play on the DSi.23:14
prince_jammysjosspyker: err, aren't the slashes in the filenames provided by find going to ruin all your sed commands?23:14
^Phantom^I will just up and try it :D23:14
prince_jammysjosspyker: forget it. wrong.23:14
seidos^Phantom^, doubt I can help.  I don't know what a DSi i.23:14
seidos^Phantom^, good luck23:14
CopyWriterguys if my drive is /sdd1 what is the exact command that i use to be able to write to it, my username is mark23:14
^Phantom^Thankies anyway.23:14
CopyWriterit's a secondary 1 tb drive that i got to use as extra storage23:15
josspykerprince_jammys, thanks.23:15
prince_jammysjosspyker: the error is in (phone)23:15
seidosDSi = next gen DS?23:15
prince_jammysjosspyker: phone='(123)..'  quotes!23:15
llutzCopyWriter: sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt && sudo chown -R mark:mark /mnt23:16
^Phantom^apparently it does work...23:16
prince_jammysjosspyker: bah, maybe that's also not necessary. i just don't see the problem with sed23:16
prince_jammysjosspyker: yep, that was not necessary.23:16
seidos^Phantom^, cool nick23:17
josspykerprince_jammys, so If I remove the phone nr it should work?23:17
CopyWriterhey llutz, i can write to the lost+found folder in there now23:18
CopyWriterbut not create any new folders23:18
CopyWriterit did work somewhat23:18
coz_hey guys.... I generally do this but completely forgot how to disable the wallpaper fade ... I lost the command :(23:18
prince_jammysjosspyker: i don't get it. unescaped parentheses are not special to sed. so even $phone in the replacements should be fine.23:19
^Phantom^What do I do after make again?23:19
^Phantom^I'll post an output to pastebin, hang on...23:19
josspykerprince_jammys, thanks for your help23:19
prince_jammysjosspyker: there's a trailing * after the g in the Monday-Friday line.23:19
seidos^Phantom^, I think make install23:20
prince_jammysjosspyker: instead of "23:20
buchhey guys.. i have a serious problem, or my friend have, he now forgot his bios password - i tried to remove the CMOS bettery for 10 min etc. but didnt work.. anyother way to solve this problem from ubuntu?23:20
prince_jammysjosspyker: THAT'S got to be it.23:20
CopyWriteri right clicked and unmounted my sdd1 drive so it's disappeared, how do i get it back without rebooting23:20
bruenig^Phantom^: your program has a problem23:21
bruenig^Phantom^: edit the source code23:21
josspykerprince_jammys, thanks a lot. got it working now!23:21
prince_jammysjosspyker: was that it?23:21
prince_jammyshas to be.23:21
Ben64buch: that's really a hardware issue, not ubuntu23:21
josspykerdang, stupid me,lol23:21
zAo^buch try to flip the batt for 10 mins23:21
Ben64buch: don't flip the battery :S23:22
^Phantom^Oh wait i found the .exe23:22
x1250guys, why would the root / partition be mounted as readonly when using data=journal? This only happens on the root partition, but /home works ok with data=journal in fstab. This is the actual line I used for the root partition, do you see anything wrong?23:22
x1250 UUID=e851ea46-007a-4bc7-b210-2ad4a08de5ba /               ext4    relatime,data=journal,errors=remount-ro 0       123:22
^Phantom^I'm good now. :D23:22
Ben64buch: there's a jumper on the mobo to reset the settings, password, and everything23:22
kpkudimpd wont work.... ** ERROR **: problems opening file /etc/mpd.conf for reading: Permission denied23:22
zAo^kpkudi ls -l /etc/mpd.conf?23:23
kpkudilol nvm23:23
Blarghs^Phantom^>: We know your mailbox :=)23:23
CopyWriterif i formatted ext2 would it be the same23:24
CopyWriterfor permissions23:24
coreyhi im having trouble when i login, it keeps looking for a file that doesnt exist (I deleted it was gobolinux) there must be a file somewhere which references it? any help23:24
coreyim on failsafe gnome23:24
CopyWriteris there a generic filesystem that i could use one that isn't fat32 etc that would work23:24
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BlarghsCopyWriter: as s what ?23:24
unix3__Hello, is it true that If I install ubuntu 9.04 on a machine...and I transfer the hard disk into another box... it might not work? or does the kernel adapt while the machine is of the same arch in this case i386 ?23:24
bruenigCopyWriter: fat1623:25
zAo^unix3_ no23:25
BlarghsCopyWriter: 2fat23:25
zAo^unix3_ it will work23:25
seidoscorey, does it happen after you enter your username and password or after?23:25
rwwunix3__: I've transferred Ubuntu 9.04 on a USB disk numerous times from one computer to another. Works fine :)23:25
coz_nevermind  just remembered how to disable wallpaper fade on gnome23:25
apparlehas anyone got empathy working with gtalk for port 44323:25
coreyafter but before login splash23:25
Welcomehello all23:26
buchBen64: i know its a hardware issue, but i ask if there could be a solution from ubuntu.. But thanks, its a laptop (http://www.insidemylaptop.com/disassemble-hp-compaq-6730s-6735s-notebook-remove-cooling-fan/)23:26
CopyWriterreiserfs does that need permission too?23:26
Welcomei need help to configure my network card on ubunto 823:26
Blarghsapparle: Money == Empathy :=)23:26
Welcomecan anybody help please23:26
Ben64buch: what i'm trying to say is it's a hardware issue. there's no way to change bios password from within an OS.23:27
Tecna!ask | welcome23:27
ubottuwelcome: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:27
legend2440x1250: i am using data=writeback. but here is the guide i used to make it work.  http://www.salatti.net/tweak-ubuntu-for-speed23:27
seidoscorey, you could try creating another account.  I did a search for gobolinux but didn't find this file.  Have you considered searching the web for "gobolinux"?23:27
apparleBlarghs: what? I dont get23:27
Ben64buch: and since it's a laptop, your best bet would be to call the manufacturer for a reset password, they have more security than desktop computers23:27
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coreyyea but theres no reference to this problem23:27
buchBen64: guess he gotta call teh manufacturer23:28
Ben64buch: but they might have to verify purchase, or pay some money for the answer23:28
coreywhat file does ubuntu use directly after login to start up, might be able to trace it there... as long as i can stop ubuntu looking for the file23:28
Blarghsapparle: buhu.. Frikkin slow, man!23:28
Ben64one time i called sony, and they wouldn't give me the password without me paying $8523:28
kpkudiit seams like mpd is running because the terminal tells me port 6600 is already in use...i specified my music directory and i click update library in sontata but i still cant see my library23:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gobolinux23:28
vr_mexI just installed U904 is there a metapakage for a lamp stack od do i have to install each component separatelly?23:28
^Phantom^How do you work .dmg files again?23:28
x1250thanks legend244023:28
|Brenden|Can someone please tell me whats the command on ubuntu for terminal to get mysql?23:28
Blarghsapparle: type what you think right away23:28
vergieeI have 6 oil tankers in my yard, and they all run ubuntu. But the httpd doesn't seem to work right :/ Could somebody help me? And the i accidentally with /etc, is that wrong?23:29
|Brenden|Can someone please tell me whats the command on ubuntu for terminal to get mysql?23:29
coreydont worry about the gobolinux bit i is probably a small line of code referencing a file that is no longed on the computer23:29
buchBen64: Yeah not my problem, my friend get his pc back again with a note "dont mess with something you dont know" :)23:29
bruenig!info mysql | |Brenden|23:29
ubottu|Brenden|: Package mysql does not exist in jaunty23:29
bruenigoh no!23:29
bruenig!info mysqld23:29
ubottuPackage mysqld does not exist in jaunty23:29
bruenigwhat is going on!23:29
zAo^^Phantom^ like mounting? mount -t hfs -o loop myImage.dmg /macdisk23:29
buchBen64: but thanks for takeing you time23:29
|Brenden|Well i need mysql23:29
coreydelete that line of code and (finger crossed) it fixes it23:30
bruenig|Brenden|: apt-get search mysql23:30
Welcomei need help to configure my network card on ubunto 823:30
vr_mexI just installed U904  desktop is there a metapakage for a lamp stack or do I have to install each component separately?23:30
^Phantom^oh right, thank you23:30
bruenigwell there you go then23:30
llutz|Brenden|: apt-cache search mysql23:30
|Brenden|brenden@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get search mysql23:30
|Brenden|[sudo] password for brenden:23:30
|Brenden|E: Invalid operation search23:30
th0r|Brenden|: sudo apt-get install mysql-server23:30
Blarghsvergiee: Lets hear about how you managed to get Ubuntu on those ?23:30
|Brenden|got it23:31
FloodBot2|Brenden|: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:31
Blarghsvergie: Otherwise youllo be doomed like Duke Nukem23:31
x404xhow large cycbuffers does inn2 or ubuntu 9.04 support ?23:31
dest_|Brenden|, you want mysql the client or the server ?23:31
burgercatany one her knows about a app  that names is evilgrade !23:31
BlarghsCrazy vagitarians :P23:32
spOwhat is more servere, kill -1 or kill -3 ?23:32
PriceyspO: man kill23:32
vr_mexI just installed U904  desktop, is there a metapakage for a lamp stack or do I have to install each component separately?23:32
llutzspO: man signal23:32
^Phantom^grr nevermind this23:33
vergieeBlarghs, well i accidentally got my cd in all of the machines, and it went all spining.. Then it showed the splash screen, etc. in smoke trail.23:33
^Phantom^I need to boot into windows for a bit23:33
^Phantom^to do what I'm trying to do :(23:33
Blarghsvergiee: A phat doobie ?23:33
drakhanwhat do you think about Adobe Air?23:34
drakhanis it safe to use it?23:34
vr_mexI just installed U904  desktop, is there a metapakage for a lamp stack or do I have to install each component separately?23:34
|Brenden|how do i add a mysql database file? i could never find out how23:34
llutz!lamp | vr_mex23:34
ubottuvr_mex: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:34
Blarghsvergiee: I have engaged many friends, a few millions because i like Daniel Baumann's work. Perhaps i can meet a few who doesnt like it.23:34
vergieeBlarghs, yes, of course23:35
dest_|Brenden|, do you know phpmyadmin ?23:35
spOwhat is more servere  kill -1 (sighup) or  kill -3  (sigquit) ?23:35
|Brenden|um i kinda23:35
|Brenden|get phpmyadmin?23:35
lewenchWould anyone know why my ralink rt2860sta cannot connect to WPA networks? I have the default network manager and it was working fine last night. I can only connect to WEP for some reason. I have the passphrase correct for the WPA. Currently running Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 with all update. Blueman as my bluetooth manager if that makes a difference.23:35
vergieeBlarghs, so what;s with the httpd in oil tankers?23:35
Blarghsvergiee: Make it so or we shall anger up a bit before inviting the hells angels23:35
dest_|Brenden|, it will help you. I guess now you know how to have it since someone already told you how to get mysql-server23:36
Welcome!ask | welcome23:36
ubottuWelcome, please see my private message23:36
vr_mexubottu: i know what a lamp stack is !!! is there a way to install via apt-get mysql,apache2,php5 as in the server version of ubuntu904 for the desktop version???23:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:36
vergieeBlarghs, what?23:36
mM94hello. Could someone help me with my gecko media player plugin for firefox? It's been working fine until now. I try to load a quick time movie and it keeps cycling play/stop. It never actually plays23:36
Blarghsvergiee: Do you like my friends ?23:36
simran_need some help pls23:36
zAo^simran_ just shoot23:36
vergieeBlarghs, well i don't know them23:36
vr_mexubottu: i know what a lamp stack is !!! is there a way to install via apt-get mysql,apache2,php5 as in the server version of ubuntu904 for the desktop version???23:36
simran_ubuntu 9.04 - sony laptop = i need to change brightness levels (whilst on battery moded23:37
vr_mexI just installed U904  desktop, is there a metapakage for a lamp stack or do I have to install each component separately?23:37
Blarghsvergiee: Perhaps some day, you can party some23:37
simran_the Fn+f4 keys works to change the voluem23:37
Ben64vr_mex: ubottu isn't real23:37
simran_the fn+f5 doesnt work23:37
dest_vr_mex, I think you have to install each comp separately23:37
vergieeBlarghs, myeah.. but i need httpd now! cuz boss will be angry otherwise23:37
simran_so i cant change the brightness23:37
simran_how can i remap it23:37
simran_in the module?23:37
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:37
th0rvr_mex:you have to install them separately23:37
FloodBot2simran_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:37
llutzvr_mex: if you would have followed and read the link, you would know23:37
Blarghsvergiee: You seem ok, be nice towards the bozz kid23:38
vr_mexdest_, th0r , thanks a lot23:38
Blarghskid is below 4023:38
vr_mexllutz: that bot is not human!!!23:38
dest_vr_mex, you know how to do it ?23:38
vr_mexi prefere humans23:38
ikoniaBlarghs: please try to keep your discussion/comments to Ubuntu support discussion23:38
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llutzvr_mex: "sudo tasksel install lamp-server"23:39
Blarghsikonia: How marvellous it is to see you23:39
vr_mexdest_: yes but when you install the server it is done in a easy way you dont have to do one by one...23:39
dadrocki have multiple browser's in my ubuntu 9.04 i want to change my default browser how can i do it ?23:39
vergieeBlarghs, ok - i got http and mysql d's working.. but will 7 oil tankers handle 1000 connections? cuz i have a large web project like 4chan.. and i will be the first one who uses oil tankers as servers23:39
vr_mexllutz: so then there is a way for U904 desktop, as you mention!23:39
Blarghsvergiee: Not a project my friend23:40
dest_vr_mex, I believe that if you do aptitude install phpmyadmin mysql-server. It should download apache, php and mysql-server.23:40
vergieeBlarghs, what do you mean by that?23:40
vr_mexdest_: that si nice ;-)23:40
simran_how do i control brightness levels for my laptop display in ubuntu please23:40
CopyWriteri got it working23:41
Blarghsvergiee: I see millions lacking23:41
kpkudican someone please take a look at my mpd config to see about these errors? http://pastebin.com/d6ba91e3123:41
dest_vr_mex, but it doesn't cost much to add apache on the line. Check the correct name with an aptitude search apache23:41
lewenchWould anyone know why my ralink rt2860sta cannot connect to WPA networks? I have the default network manager and it was working fine last night. I can only connect to WEP for some reason. I have the passphrase correct for the WPA. Currently running Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 with all update. Blueman as my bluetooth manager if that makes a difference.23:41
PriceyBlarghs: PM please?23:41
CopyWriterthanks llutz, it just took some patience and reading23:41
BlarghsPricey: No, its ok23:41
simran_i can see the option to control it when connected to AC, but there is no option under battery23:41
BlarghsPricey: Go away23:41
vr_mexdest_: ok thanks a lot, let me see what version of php and mysql that installs...23:42
mM94dadrock, go to System-->Preferred applications. In the web browser section, where it says command. Erase firefox and type in the name of the browser you want as default23:42
PriceyBlarghs: I would really appreciate 5 minutes of your time in PM. If not, please remember this is an ubuntu support channel. Anything else is offtopic. See also /msg ubottu guidelines23:42
BlarghsOk then23:42
mM94dadrock, no problem23:43
dest_vr_mex, indead, maybe you should precise which version of php you want. I'm not sure which one it takes by default23:43
vr_mexdest_ php5, mysql5 and apache223:43
TheCheezeis there an app that makes you not have to unmount usb before you can unplug it?23:44
terrestrespO: did you finjd the answer about the signal?23:44
dest_vr_mex, sounds good to me. But in my case, I also take phpmyadmin to set up the database easily23:44
th0rTheCheeze: nope23:44
vr_mexdest_: yep definitely, me too... ;-)23:44
TheCheezedamn. my usb ports are kinda wiggly and keep corrupting the flash drive23:44
mM94hello. Could someone help me with my gecko media player plugin for firefox? It's been working fine until now. I try to load a quick time movie and it keeps cycling play/stop. It never actually plays23:45
spOwhen transfering files from ext3 to ntfs-3g , i cannot move files unless the target directory is empty. IE, i cannot overwrite23:45
vr_mexdest_: if i install via tasksel will it be compatible with update manager ?23:46
dest_vr_mex, I don't know tasksel but I've always done with aptitude23:48
vr_mexdest_: do you know what the carrot does in this command? sudo apt-get install lamp-server^23:48
lewenchWould anyone know why my ralink rt2860sta cannot connect to WPA networks? I have the default network manager and it was working fine last night. I can only connect to WEP for some reason. I have the passphrase correct for the WPA. Currently running Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 with all update. Blueman as my bluetooth manager if that makes a difference.23:48
dest_vr_mex, I don't understand your question23:49
vr_mexdest_: do you know what the carrat at the end of this command line does in this command? sudo apt-get install lamp-server^23:50
llutzvr_mex: there is no package "lamp-server", you have to use tasksel23:50
dest_vr_mex, nope but it shouldn't be there23:51
vr_mexllutz: dest_ : look here at the middle end of the doc : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel23:51
DJAshnarHello.  I am using ubuntu studio, and cant get my acer 2400 series network card running.  Any help23:51
vr_mexllutz: dest_ : look here at the middle end of the doc : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel ( Usage (alternative))23:51
xray7224how do i kill a a zombie prosess23:51
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llutzvr_mex: then the ^ identifies the "package" as a task23:51
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llutzxray7224: you cannot, it's already dead.23:52
humsHi all. I installed kubuntu-desktop but prefer gdm instead of kdm. How do I change the login screen?23:52
vr_mexllutz: so then is there a way to know what versions does lamp-server installs?23:52
llutzxray7224: just wait or try to kill its parents23:52
=== Darren is now known as Mr
stageris anyone able to play quicktime videos off of apple.com/trailers?23:53
dest_vr_mex, i guess it's for regular expression23:53
Lostinspace_46Where can I find out what commands my mouse buttons generate?  I assume there is a file somewhere.23:53
pelmenpeople! I am trying to create a bootable usb with multiple live distros, any suggestions on how to do that ?23:53
llutzvr_mex: "sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ -s"  and read output23:53
dest_vr_mex, I've never used it23:53
stagerif so what quicktime plugin are you using?23:53
pelmenunetbootin failed miserably23:53
=== Mr is now known as Darren
vr_mexllutz: great thanks a lot ;-)23:53
llutzdest_: that ^ identifies a task instead of a package to apt-get23:54
vr_mexdest_: thanks a lot too ;-)23:54
pepedifficulte avec chrome flashplayer23:54
th0rhums: change /etc/X11/default-display-manager to read /usr/sbin/gdm23:54
Ben64stager: you can just download the trailer and play it in mplayer23:54
simran_how do i control brightness levels for my laptop display in ubuntu please??23:54
simran_its stuck on "full"23:54
dest_llutz, alright, thanks for the information23:54
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stagerBen64: ah like download the .mov file and play it?23:55
Ben64stager: yep23:55
vr_mexllutz: can i append other packages to this command? say sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ phpmyadmin ?23:55
Ben64lamp-server isn't a package23:55
Ben64just install apache, mysql, php and you're done23:56
llutzvr_mex: yes23:56
humsth0r: thx a lot!23:56
vr_mexllutz: great thanks a lot ;-)23:56
llutzBen64: its a task, therefore it has the trailing ^23:56
pepedifficulty with chrome installation of flash player23:56
llutz"... NOTE - Calling tasks from apt-get is not documented anywhere. ...."23:56
stagerBen64: didnt work the movie size is like 88kb, and when i try to play, it says location not found... strange thanks tho23:57
vr_mex_llutz: I wonder why...?23:57
CopyWriterBE U TIFUL!!! it works flawlessly23:57
Blarghsllutz: tosser23:58
x404xwhat is max filesystem capacity for an ext3 volume under jaunty ?23:58
DJAshnarI'm using the Broadcom BCM94318MPG wireless card in my acer notebook and Ubuntu doesnt recognize it.  Is there any fix?23:58
bthorntonAnyone use Picasa in Linux? I really want to like it but it endlessly loops while indexing my pictures, creating multiple copies of everything. Seems like a pretty bad bug.23:58
dest_llutz, i guess it also works with aptitude23:59
FloridaGuyi renamed /ect/init.d/mountdevsusb.sh to mountdevsusb.sh start..for virtualbox..for some reason now my terminal dont work and synaptic dont work right...how can i rename mountdevsusb.sh start back to mountdevsusb.sh...to see if thats the problems23:59
mrwesDJAshnar, it doesn't show up in the hardware drivers?23:59
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Blarghsx404x: 2048 * 16048 * OHM23:59
llutzdest_: not this way23:59
DJAshnarsays :unidentified23:59
_biovore_x404x: default format style its about 2 TiB23:59
Ben64x404x: depends on block size23:59

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