
=== mhall1191 is now known as mhall119
dgroosI can't add computers in iTALC on my thin client network.01:24
dgroosnor are there any computers in the auto-detect group though 2 users are logged into thin clients.01:25
dgroosI've used this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/iTalc to no effect though it's for Hardy, I know.01:26
dgroosThis page seems to provide even older info: http://italc.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?title=ITALC_in_a_ThinClient_environment01:27
dgroosI've spent many hours on this to no avail--any help I'd greatly appreciate.01:28
LaserJockhola Edubunteros07:13
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LaserJockstgraber, highvoltage: around?13:14
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davidgroosGood morning/afternoon alkisg: would you expound further on your lockdown method for firefox?14:47
alkisgdavidgroos: hi, did you try it and got stuck somewhere? Or should I start from the beginning?14:48
davidgrooswell... :)14:48
alkisgOK. You're using jaunty, right?14:49
LaserJockhi guys14:49
davidgroosI tried it, didn't work, did a good bit of googling, now my google search doesn't work on the firefox running as a localapp :)14:49
davidgroosYes Jaunty14:49
davidgroosgood morn LaserJock14:50
alkisgHi LaserJock! Could you please answer a quick question? I'd like to make a cd similar to the edubuntu add-on CD and put some proprietary greek edu apps in it. I already have them in an apt repository, but I can't find any tools that would help me create a cd from the repo...14:50
alkisgE.g. there's an "appinstall" folder there for gnome-app-install, but I can't find *any* docs for it14:51
LaserJockalkisg: hmm, the easiest way might be to use AptOnCD14:51
LaserJockoh, you're wanting to do the same installer thing?14:51
alkisgI'd like it to be as easy for the end user as possible. So I wouldn't want them to install aptoncd to access the contents...14:52
LaserJockhmm, there's a certain flag that gets passed to gnome-app-install14:52
LaserJockbut I don't really know how that's detected in our CD14:52
alkisgBy trial and error I've seen that if I have an "ubuntu" soft link in the cd, then gnome-app-install is launched14:52
LaserJockthe best person to ask is mvo in #ubuntu-devel, he's the guy that wrote gnome-app-install and the one that added that feature14:52
alkisgBut official docs? None whatsoever :(14:52
LaserJockno, no docs14:53
LaserJockcode == docs in this case14:53
alkisgThanks! That's what I was looking for :)14:53
alkisgThanks man14:53
LaserJockgnome-app-install is supposed to get replaced at some point in the future14:53
LaserJockbut I hope it's replacement would have a similar feature14:53
alkisgdavidgroos: I don't know about localapps, the locking method works fine for standalone PCs though. It also works in LTSP without localapps.14:54
davidgroosin the chroot (/opt/ltsp/i386/etc/firefox-3.5) there is nothing in the firefox pref file.  In the regular root the pref has a few things--14:54
alkisgSo I can help you do it outside the chroot, and then you could try to do it inside the chroot yourself.14:55
davidgroosOK can you help with stand alone and I can probably get it from there...14:55
davidgroos'great minds...' ;)14:55
alkisg1) echo 'lockPref("browser.startup.homepage", "http://students.sch.gr");' | sudo tee /etc/firefox-3.0/pref/user.js14:56
davidgroosI made a user.js file14:56
alkisg2) That's it.14:56
alkisgYour start page should be locked after that. Restart firefox to check it out.14:57
davidgroosand used same permissions 644 as the firefox.js file...14:57
davidgroosnow, I cleared out what I had put in there yesterday...14:58
highvoltagehi LaserJock14:58
davidgroosso will re-type what you put above...14:58
alkisgCopy/paste it14:58
LaserJockhighvoltage: hey!14:59
alkisgHeh :) The home page setting should even by grayed out, completely disabled in the preferences dialog..14:59
alkisgdavidgroos: I have a template user.js with all the firefox settings, but with greek comments. If you want I can updload it to pastebin and you can get it through google translate for the comments to be translated in english.15:00
davidgroosAwesome! Thanks! :)15:00
alkisgdavidgroos: http://pastebin.ubuntu-gr.org/m318e29f615:02
alkisgThey're all commented out initially, so you just uncomment/edit the ones you want.15:02
davidgroosCool, I'm signing out of this irc client and will re-enter as ... dgroos (so I can copy-paste!)15:03
dgroos1hmmm... it copied all of the line numbers--will those get in the way?15:06
alkisgYes. Better click here to download it as plain text: http://pastebin.ubuntu-gr.org/pastebin.php?dl=m318e29f615:07
dgroos1hmmm... seems to be empty?15:11
alkisgIt shouldn't be, it's ok for me. Anyway, just copy it from the previous url, but not with the line numbers. Use the box at the end of the page, this doesn't have line numbers.15:13
dgroos1ok, copied it into the user.js file, noticed that you had uncommented the one line: lockPref("browser.startup.homepage", "http://students.sch.gr"); and I opened firefox-should I have logged out/in?15:21
alkisgNo, but I think you have to close firefox for the changes to take effect.15:21
dgroos1 I'll try again!15:22
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dgroos1hmmm... I'll delete the user.js file, would you type in that command you gave at first to create the file?  I closed the irc client that had it.15:25
alkisg(04:56:40 μμ) alkisg: 1) echo 'lockPref("browser.startup.homepage", "http://students.sch.gr");' | sudo tee /etc/firefox-3.0/pref/user.js15:25
dgroos1thanks--first, why is there now a user.js and user.js~ file?15:26
alkisggedit made a backup when you saved it15:26
dgroos1user.js~ is the backup?15:26
dgroos1OK--works like in a charm in 3.0 however it doesn't work in 3.5.15:34
alkisgYou have 3.5 in jaunty?15:36
dgroos1yes, I figured I go with the newer firefox15:36
alkisgOK but you should put user.js in /etc/firefox.3.5 then15:37
* alkisg wonders how dgroos1 installed firefox 3.5...15:37
dgroos1I put it both in firefox-3.0 (as per your command) and in firefox-3.5 (by altering your script)15:38
dgroos1oh you-know, I waved my hand over the computer and it installed itself ;)15:38
dgroos1actually, there are blogs on the internet on how to do it and I did it but in the process of making it work as a localapp the guy whose helping install the server jimrockford, uninstalled and reinstalled it a few times to make it work.15:40
dgroos1and in the meantime I've forgotten--too much water over the dam...15:40
alkisgYes I asked because there are lots of blogs out there that advice people to add the mozilla daily ppa to their sources. That's a really bad way to install firefox. Anyway.15:40
dgroos1... or terminal commands passing through my brain :)15:41
dgroos1Yes, did the daily thing and it was problematic.  since then it is in jaunty restricted, I believe.15:41
dgroos1as of 1 week ago, I believe.15:42
dgroos1Is there a problem with that?15:42
alkisgI don't know.15:44
alkisgI tried with karmic 3.5, and it worked by putting user.js in /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.2/defaults/preferences/15:44
alkisg*I mean firefox 3.5 in Karmic15:45
dgroos1I'll try to put it there!  so I just alter the command to make user.js install there?15:46
dgroos1strange!  I've only got /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.13/ and /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.3pre/15:53
alkisgOK, put it in 3.5.3pre15:53
dgroos1this is strange because I'm running 3.5.1 on the server, and 3.5.2 on the localapp15:54
alkisgdpkg -l 'firefox*' tells you the version you're running15:54
dgroos1seems like it is left over from installing from the ppa.  Can I delete it and it will re-create the proper one?15:55
alkisgI don't know.15:55
dgroos1ok i'll try15:55
dgroos1I meant, I'll try the dpkg -l 'firefox*'15:59
dgroos1so I did and got this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/257567/  seems like a bunch of stuff15:59
alkisgSo you have firefox 3.0.13 and firefox
dgroos1Yes and 3.5.2 running as a local app (according to the 'about mozilla firefox in the help menu--though it calls it Shiretoko)16:02
alkisg...because you said "(05:53:36 μμ) dgroos1: strange!  I've only got /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.13/ and /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.3pre/"16:03
alkisgYou have these folders because that's the firefox version you have.16:03
dgroos1Shiretoko is the one that is in restricted, I believe.16:04
dgroos1they call it Shiretoko because they have firefox 3.0 as the official jaunty firefox and don't want to confuse brands...16:05
dgroos1but, I'm confused.16:05
dgroos1is there a pastebin for images?16:09
dgroos1arg... can't...upload...screenshot...anywhere16:27
dgroos1I'm rebooting client, I'll be back16:29
dgroosalkisg: nothing like a good reboot.  Here are links showing the 'about' screens, do they not give accurate info?: http://yfrog.com/0kscreenshotaboutshiretokp and http://yfrog.com/2iscreenshotaboutmozillafp16:39
alkisgdgroos: that's the local app firefox. dpkg -l 'firefox*' showed you the server firefox.16:40
alkisgThe second screenshot though says 3.5.1, and you don't have 3.5.1 (according to dpkg -l).16:41
alkisgdgroos: did you try to put it in /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.3pre ?16:42
dgroosno--got sidetracked, will do now.16:44
dgroosWorks! :)16:54
dgroosI'm going to install it in the chroot and rebuild it so available to the localapp.  I'm pretty sure it will work.16:59
dgroosand to deal with can-o-worms...16:59
dgroosI'm going to purge 3.5 from regular root and just install shiretoko from restricted.  Sound reasonable?16:59
dgroosbe back17:14
dgroosalkisg: works as localapp on thin client :)  Thanks for generously sharing your user.js file as well.  I'll now try to customize it in english.18:05
MeikiHi - could someone help me with an IP address issue that I'm having. Please look at http://pastebin.com/m575e62fd, I can bind public services to the first IP, but not to the others (*.87- onwards).18:07
alkisg1dgroos: you're welcome18:21
dgroosalkisg1: babelfish is quite a polyglot, check this out: http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fpastebin.ubuntu-gr.org%2Fm318e29f6&lp=el_en&btnTrUrl=Translate18:36
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
dgroosalkisg: I'm fixing the translation as I customize it (with logic not knowledge of Greek, unfortunately) and have 2 questions:19:26
dgroos1.  Will the directory /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.2/defaults/preferences/ get overwritten when a new version number of firefox updates?19:28
dgroos2. It would be fantastic if I could assign a certain user.js config file with a different group.  So, all students in, 'level1' would use the most restrictive user.js, students in 'level3' would use the least restrictive user.js file.  Is this possible?19:31
mhall119dgroos: maybe with symlinks?19:37
mhall119I assume they have separate profiles, right?19:37
dgroosmhall119: you mean the groups?19:38
mhall119however edubuntu sets them up19:38
dgroosAs far as I understand, the user.js file is not in a location that is specific to a user or a group, but I think you are19:40
dgroossaying that I could sym-link this file into an appropriate directory that would/could exist in a group's folder?19:41
dgroosup till now I didn't know that a group had it's own folder :)19:42
dgroosI'm looking for it now...19:42
dgroosnot finding a folder for groups--not sure I get your idea.19:46
mhall119I may be misunderstanding20:06
dgroosmhall119: thanks for trying.  alkisg showed me a way to lockdown preferences for users.  I create a file called, 'user.js' with all of the lockdown settings.20:07
dgroosand I put that in a particular location and20:08
dgroosit becomes the required settings for firefox.20:08
dgroosI would like to be able to increase the computer rights of a student as they demonstrate sufficient responsibility with computers.20:09
dgroosSo, I'd like to have 3 versions of limits on the computer:20:10
dgrooslevel1, level2, level3.  I'm doing this with sabayon.20:10
dgroosSabayon doesn't do firefox prefs, however, so this is an additional layer.20:11
dgroosmore sense?20:11
=== |Baby| is now known as Baby
alkisgdgroos: what kind of firefox settings do you want to set per group?20:29
dgroosalkisg: Good question. Upon closer examination there aren't any of the permissions in the preference pane that need to be specific to different responsibility-level groups.  I guess I'm thinking more about whitelists and blacklists.20:33
alkisgBetter do that with squid, not firefox.20:34
dgroosI'm hoping to get help w/district person on squid guard with that.20:34
dgroosYes :)20:34
alkisgIt's easy for a user to run his own version of firefox or other browser and override any settings you impose to him20:34
alkisgBut he can't overcome a transparent proxy.20:34
dgroosIs there any way besides using another version of firefox from a flash drive that they could overcome the prefs I'm setting?20:35
alkisgThey could run e.g. google chrome locally20:37
alkisgBut other than running another browser, I don't think a non-admin can overcome the lockPrefs20:37
dgrooswhere does that program come from?  can I just delete it from the server?20:38
alkisgWhat program? The other browser? They can e.g. download it from the internet20:39
alkisgStudent: (1) runs locked down firefox, (2) goes to mozilla.com, (3) downloads firefox, (4) runs firefox locally with his own permissions20:39
alkisgYou can't really lock that scenario.20:39
alkisgUnless you prohibit them from running programs, which is far fetched20:40
dgroosgot it.  Thanks for letting me know.20:40
dgroosThe main thing really is making it non-trivial to break the rules, not impossible or even improbable.20:41
joshiggins_Anyone home?20:42
dgroosAfternoon Josh, or that would be, Evening for you :)20:42
joshiggins_Evening for me20:43
blkdghi, is anyone here using edubuntu on powerpc ?21:31
blkdgthanks anyhow21:32

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