
James147_miss type :)00:00
aqui1alol I'm confused00:00
aqui1aDo I type that into Konsole?00:00
James147_aqui1a: no, was stored in clipboard and pasted by mistake00:00
aqui1aAh ok lol00:01
James147_aquila:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7208079 might help00:01
apparlehey anything working??00:01
apparleof my gtalk problem00:01
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James147_apparle: not yet :(00:02
apparlepidgin can connect00:02
apparleis there anyother jabber client other than kopete which is kde/qt00:02
James147_not that i know of00:03
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linuxpoetArmorak doesn't import my mp3 collection correctly (although If I double click when searching the hard drive it can play them)00:09
linuxpoetany ideas?00:09
James147_linuxpoet: what do you mean by incorrectly?00:12
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linuxpoetI mean it never shows up00:12
linuxpoetIt says it imports and every time I start up it does what looks like checking for new music00:12
linuxpoetbut in the collection screen, nothing is there00:12
linuxpoetIf I click files, and click an mp3 it will play it00:13
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James147_linuxpoet: Configure > amarok > Collection, is it scanning the right folders?00:13
linuxpoetI also have scan folders recursively checked00:14
James147_linuxpoet: you could try going to Files and  copying/moving a mp3 to collection from there (would only do one a s a test for now)00:15
linuxpoetTried that via drag and drop00:15
linuxpoetdoesn't take00:16
James147_not drag and drop, right click move or copy to collection00:16
James147_see if that works00:16
James147_linuxpoet: what version of amarok are you useing?00:17
James147_linuxpoet: you might want to try upgrading to 2.1, i find it handels collection better then 2.0200:17
linuxpoetare there debs?00:18
harjotMy USB ports or sometihng drops out after 30+ mins , even those connected!00:18
harjotanyboddy know anything concerning the above00:18
linuxpoetok I will give that a shot00:19
harjothow do i restart the usb module?>00:19
James147_linuxpoet: that link folles to the kubuntu backport repositys, it will update you to kde 4.3 as well00:19
nejodeharjot: I've seen  a couple of problems like that on Lenovo laptops00:19
harjotnejode: it never happened before i reinstalled kubuntu'00:20
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nejodeharjot: try unloading the module and reloading it00:21
Guest56564has anyone got glut libaries installed?00:21
harjotnejode: how?00:21
nejodeharjot: try sudo modprobe -r usb_storage && modprobe usb_storage00:22
gogyalguien que hable spañol00:24
gogyque em ayude porfavor00:24
nejodegogy: ve a #kubuntu-es00:25
nejode#ubuntu-es, #ubuntu-ve, #ubuntu-co, #ubuntu-ar, etc00:26
tommasoi've got some problems with the flash player on firefox00:27
tommasoit works fine in the beginning, audio and video perfect then suddenly the audio stops playing00:28
James147_tommaso:have you tryed reinstalling flash? some that have reporrted no sound found that worked00:28
James147_tommaso: although not sure why it worked then just stoped :S00:29
tommasojames: it happens after an hour or two, it works than stops working. how can I reinstall the flash player? i installed it through firefox00:29
tommasoif I close firefox and restart it, it solves the problem but then it happens again, not soon, but after a certain amount of time00:31
James147_tommaso: if you installed it through firefox then maby in firefoxs addons manager... otherwise try "sudo aptitude purge flashplayer-installer flashplayer-nonfree"00:31
James147_tommaso: then "sudo aptitude install flashplayer-installer00:32
tommasojames: in the addons I can disable it but uninstall thought00:33
tommasonow i'll try with the terminal00:33
James147_tommaso: after you uninstall it make sure its gone be resatring firefox and seeing if it still works :)00:33
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tommasojames: I just checked synaptics, adobeflashplugin and flash-plugin installer are installed00:34
harjotnejode: here is the output of restarting modules00:35
harjotWARNING: Error inserting libusual (/lib/modules/2.6.24-24-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/libusual.ko): Operation not permitted00:35
harjotFATAL: Error inserting usb_storage (/lib/modules/2.6.24-24-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko): Operation not permitted00:35
tommasoflashplugin non free is not installed00:35
James147tommaso: uninstall all flash00:35
tommasojaems: thank you I'm doing it. the problem is that I have to wait to check if it works because this problem happens only after a while. thank you btw!00:36
dataghi there. i just tested kubuntu 9.04 (maybe as a replacement for my gentoo system) and had following issue: sometimes i'm unable to shutdown/logout. there are several forum threads and some bug reports, but none helps me solving this. someone said a workaround is to turn off sound notification, but that didn't fix it. any ideas? could please someone lead me to _the_ main bug report please?00:37
datagoh, using kde 4.3 from backports00:38
harjotnejode: u there?00:38
nejodeharjot: did you use "sudo" before the command?00:39
apparleJames147: I found it00:40
James147apparle: how?00:40
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apparleJames147: I am using Psi00:40
dataghm, seems i found it; bug  #201569. very strange00:41
tommasoanother problem I have: my current resolution is 1360/768. it is selected correctly in the ubuntu's display settings. the problem is that when I log in the system, it doesn't load the correct resolution. but if I go to the display menù, the mere thing of starting it makes ubuntu "remember" the resolution I selected before and it automatically switches to that. how can I make ubuntu "remember" when the system starts without going to the display settings?00:41
nejodeharjot: still there?00:41
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James147tommaso: what graphics card do you have>00:43
tommasojames: ati radeon x500. I think it supports the resolution I'm using00:46
James147tommaso: its an weird resalution, standard ones tend to be 1280x768 or 1024x76800:48
tommasojames: ubuntu seems not to be able to load the resolution at startup. BTW: I'm using an external monitor since my laptop monitor doesn't work, maybe that is the problem00:49
tommasoI forgot to mention this thing earlier, sorry00:49
James147tommaso: and you have to go to system settings >display to resize it every reboot?00:50
tommasojames: yes it is weird, because my monitor is a small widescreen but it is the suggested resolution.00:50
tommasojames: yes I have to do so but I don't have to change the settings, I just need to open the window and it resizes automatically00:51
James147tommaso: only thing i can suggest is to edit your xorg.conf file00:51
James147tommaso: but you will have to look up how to do that as i dont know enough about it to help you very well00:52
James147tommaso: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83973 might help00:53
tommasojames: i think the problem is the laptop screen, ubuntu detects first the laptop screen which is still active (but with no light) and it applies the lapton resolution to my external screen00:53
tommasowhen I go to the settings ubuntu becomes aware of the correct resolution and resizes it automatically00:54
tommasoi tried to disable the laptop screen but it doesn't save the setting after rebooting00:54
tommasoi have to disable it manually every time00:54
James147tommaso: not sure how to get it to auto detect an external monitor00:55
tommasojames: yes i think that what I should get ubuntu to do00:55
tommasothank you the same00:55
tommasojames: i think the solution would be editing the Xorg conf file as you said but I don't think I'm able to do it00:58
James147tommaso:my laptop dose the same thing00:59
James147tommaso: there may be a workaround useing xrand01:00
tommasoi guess using an external monitor instead of the laptop screen is not a common situation01:00
tommasoi guess they're working on it for next releases: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/17509/01:03
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tommasois there a way to add the display menu to my start up menu so that I have to do just one click to resize the resolution?01:05
James147system settings > advanced > auto start... but i am looking into a xrandr to see if that can do it01:06
James147then we should beable to just run that command at startup without going through system settings01:07
tommasothank you very much01:09
James147tommaso: xrandr -s 1280x102401:10
tommasojames: I should do this at everystartup?01:10
James147yeah, you should be able to put it in a script and auto run it at start up01:11
James147try it just incommand line for now to see if it works01:11
tommasoSize 1280x1024 not found in available modes01:11
James147change 1280x1024 to your wanted resalutions :)01:12
tommasobecause it's a widescreen i suppose01:12
James147tommaso: do you know how to create scripts?01:14
tommasohere I am I'm sorry01:16
tommasothe command just made my screen turn black01:17
tommasoso I had to change the resolution with my laptop screen which is hard to see01:17
tommasoso the command doesn't seem to work01:18
tommasoI don't know why01:18
Walzmynhow can i make the task bar have full opasicty?01:18
Walzmynerr, excuse me, the panel01:19
James147tommaso: does it make both monitors go blank?01:19
tommasojames: only the external monitor01:20
James147tommaso: try xrandr --auto01:21
tommasoJames: "try command not found01:23
tommasoexcuse me01:23
tommasoi'm retrying01:23
tommasoi included try by mistake01:23
tommasook it doesn't do nothing so maybe it works01:23
tommasoI should try it at startup01:24
James147tommaso:xrandr --auto works for me, sets reaaslution to the largets screen and the other gets cropped01:24
James147unplug the monitor01:24
James147and run it again01:24
James147that resets my laptop to its default01:24
tommasoif I unplug it and then plug it again, the resolution is already correct01:25
tommasoi have to reboot the system to see if it works01:25
James147unplug and runn the command without the external01:26
James147for me that disabled my second monitor again01:26
tommasook i'm trying i'm going out of this chat room and then I'm coming back01:27
WalzmynJames147: are you using two monitors that are both standard width or wide screen?01:27
James147i am useing one widescreen and one standard on my desktop, only have a widescreen on my laptop, but i dont use external monitors with that01:28
WalzmynThat's the boat i'm in. Widescreen laptop, standard external. It was annoying to have the edges of the screens chopped off01:29
James147Walzmyn: have mine set up in xorg useing nvidia-settings, but was testing my laptop to help tommaso01:29
James147Walzmyn: if your useing both screens at once you can have one screen next to the other at differnet resalutions, ranther then overlapping01:30
WalzmynJames147: yeah, i was using nvidia-settings as well01:30
Walzmynyeah, but it makes the whole "screen" one height. So the widescreen gets the top or bottom edge trimmed off01:30
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WalzmynWhat is that mode thing that just went by?01:31
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tommasohi james here I am. it worked. actually I didn't even need to run the command. I did what you told me previously, to make krandtray start along with kde at startup. and that is enough to make the monitor select the correct resolution01:32
James147tommaso: good good01:32
tommasojames: thank you very much james, you solved it!01:32
James147tommaso: no problem01:33
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James147walzmyn: dont know of a good way to make mirrored screens look good at different resalutions but placing the monitors side by side so you have 2 screens works well01:35
James147Walzmyn: only cant see a way to do that in system settings01:35
James147Walzmyn:xrandr --output VGA --reight-of LVDS   should set them up side be side01:36
James147replacing VGA and LVDS with the names of the displays01:36
James147found by running xrandr01:37
WalzmynJames147: i had all those options in nvidia-settings and that was still my problem01:39
Walzmynit's ok, i've put that monitor back in storage.01:39
Walzmynmaybe i'll give it a go sometime and see if it'll work01:39
* Walzmyn goes to feed the dogs01:39
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jessi need some help. i have a kubuntu 8.10 and my usb ports stopped working. any ideas on how to fix it?02:10
Walzmynjess you try rebooting?02:13
jessyes didn't work02:14
Walzmynjess: interesting. I'm not sure.02:14
Walzmynjess: there a reason you're not using 9.04?02:15
jessyes it kept freezing my computer and every other time i started it up it would basically crash02:16
Walzmynjess I'm looking but i'm not familiar with USB backend stuff, sorry.02:17
Walzmynjess:  just covering bases, it didn't get turned off in the bios did it?02:17
jessi'm not sure how would i check that?02:19
Walzmynjess: if you haven't been playing around in bios, they it shouldn't have gotten changed02:19
Walzmynjess: but to check you'd just have to look for the option somewhere in the bios options to enable/disable USB02:19
jessis there a way i can check it anyway?02:20
James147jess: whats the output of "cat /proc/modules | grep usb"02:20
Walzmynthere ya go. someone that knows what they're doing02:21
James147not really :)02:21
James147just checking to see if the modules are loaded, if thats the problem02:21
Walzmynwell, I knew that command was there, but i didn't know what is was :)02:21
jessok if they are loaded?02:21
jessthen what?02:22
James147did they work at anypoint in the past?02:22
jessyes they were just working yesterday and now today nothing?02:23
jesscould they get shorted from a power outage?02:23
James147then its unlikly to be a bios setting  :(02:23
James147never hear of it before02:23
Walzmynjess: what type of computer/  how old?02:23
James147jess: did "cat /proc/modules | grep usb" output anyhting?02:24
jessgateway don't really remember when i got it02:24
jessany idea the best way to reinstall the drivers if i need to?02:25
James147one thing you could try is to see if they work in a live cd02:26
jessi am waiting on it to boot up so i can check that. i am on my laptop right now02:26
jesscan not check right now starting to lightning here really bad. if you come up with anything else please e-mail me at jnswebdesigns@smithbiz.net thank you. and good night02:34
IsumUsing 9.04...if fglrx installation fails...then replacing xorg.conf with a backup should allow me to get back in....right?02:54
James147Isum: if the abckups arent broken then yea, also think i read somewhere that the latest verison of xorg dont require a xorg.conf to work so you could try renaming xorg.conf if the backups fail;.02:56
IsumJames147: Ok, I'll give that a shot. Yeah, I replaced it with both the backup I made and the failsafe and I still can't get into xwin.02:57
James147Isum: give it a shot without the xorg.conf then worst that can happen is it still dosent work :S remember to back it up ;)02:58
IsumDoesn't the DVD come with a repair feature?02:58
James147Isum: not sure02:58
James147Isum: do you have a ndidia graphics card?02:58
James147nvidia ^^02:59
IsumRadeon HD 320002:59
IsumIs ok, I'm used to it02:59
IsumI have one on my desktop too:)02:59
James147no, its just i know a way for nvidia to setup xorg.conf easily02:59
IsumI'll get it purrin' eventually.02:59
IsumOh, too bad.02:59
James147hmm, you might want to try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:02
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James147but i donthtink dpkg will edit it if it has been modified... http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2006/06/msg01009.html03:02
Isumyeah, getting rid of xorg is not helping03:02
k4everhi all.  i'm having trouble mounting drives using dolphin (kde 4.3/jaunty).  my sd card mounts as read-only.  when i try to mount my windows partition (ntfs) i get the following error:  An error occured while accessing 'Volume (ntfs)', the system responded: kdesu: Unknown option 'comment'.03:02
k4ever...i've used thunar and nautilus on the same system and they work fine.  just dolphin and all of kde 4.3 are having the problem03:03
James147k4ever: whats the contents of /etc/fstab (http://paste.ubuntu.com/)03:04
k4everhold on03:04
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k4everJames147:  pasted fstab.  hope i did it right.  haven't used it in a while03:06
James147k4ever: post a link here as well so i can get to it :)03:07
James147to get the ntfs to mount you can add and entry to fstab03:09
James147k4ever: along te lines of;  /dev/sdXX /media/windows ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 003:11
James147k4ever: where /dev/sdXX is the actual ntfs drive and /media/windows exists and is empty03:11
k4everok, what about the write problem with the sd card?  i have to mount with thunar to get it to work right.  dolphin won't play nice03:12
James147k4ever:mount a sd card with dolphin and post the output of "mount"03:13
k4everstandby, i'm editing fstab right now03:13
James147k4ever: after you edit fstab (and create /media/windows) run "sudo mount -a" to mount anyhting added to fstab03:16
k4everforgot to add blank line to fstab03:17
k4everJames147:  how do i get the output from mount?03:20
James147k4ever: mount only outputs on errors03:20
k4everdo you want me to mount the drive manually (from the command line) or from dolphin?03:21
James147k4ever: or do you mean just "mount"?03:21
James147k4ever:the ntfs drive from command line - it should be auto mounted on boot form now on (or via sudo mount -a)03:22
Isumdamn, I can't believe it. Looks like I"M going to have to reinstall03:22
James147Isum: why?03:22
Isumreplacing/deleting xord won't let me back into xwin...still get scrambled screen03:22
IsumDon't know what else to do.03:22
k4everJames147:  you said to mount the sd card with dolphin and post the output of mount.  what did you mean by "post the output of mount"?03:23
Isumgood thing I didn't have anything important saved yet03:24
James147k4ever: mount the sd in dolphin and type "mount" in command line, post the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com03:24
James147Isum: if you dont have anything important then a reinstall is the eaist way... another muight be to create a small partition at the end, install it there (without grub) and stealing the xorg from that03:25
James147Isum: If you reintall I suggest creating /home as a seprate partition (helps when you need to reinstall :) )03:25
IsumYeah, I thought the installer would do that automatically. SuSE does, that's what I use on my desktop...03:26
James147Isum:meh, I tend to always manually partition03:26
k4everwow, i did not know you could do that.  get all of the current mount information by just typing mount03:26
James147k4ever: /dev/sdb1 is mounted rw, can you write to it at all?03:27
IsumJames147: MIght it help to remove the fglrx packages?03:27
James147Isum: dont know what they are :D03:28
k4everJames147: no.  i think the sd card might be corrupted. is there a way to run scandisk on it from linux or should i just do it from windows?03:29
IsumJames147: fglrx-amdcccle and fglrx-kernel-source....and fglrx-modaliases03:29
James147k4ever: try "sudo mkdir /media/KELVINTILT2/test"03:29
James147k4ever:and ls /media/KELVINTILT2 to make usre its there :)03:30
k4evermkdir: cannot create directory `/media/KELVINTILT2/test': Read-only file system03:31
James147Isum: you could try, not sure it will work though03:31
James147k4ever:do you have another usb stick to test?03:32
k4everi unmounted it from dolphin, then remounted it using thunar.  i can write to it with thunar.  something is wrong with dolphin03:32
k4everi might have another usb stick.  give me a minute03:33
James147k4ever: give me the output of mount after mounting it with dolphin and thunar03:35
k4everhere is mount output for same card mounted with thunar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257284/03:35
IsumJames147: winrar03:37
James147Isum: ^^03:37
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k4everi mounted with thunar.  then created a folder with thunar.  no problems.  i did not umount.  i switched to dolphin and clicked on the directory.  i then tried to create a folder.  dolphin would not let me.  i then switched back to thunar and now thunar is saying the device is mounted read-only.  dolphin is screwing up the drive and somehow making it read-only.03:39
James147k4ever: never seen it do that before03:40
IsumJames147: Forgive me, I"m new to Ubuntu...is there some reason why my root pass might not be the same as my login pass?03:40
James147k4ever: what os are you running? (ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu etc)03:41
James147Isum: it never is some some reason :S its ment to be by default03:41
IsumJames147: Kubuntu03:41
k4everi'm running xubuntu jaunty 64bit with kde 4.3 from kubuntu repositories03:41
James147Isum: su root has never worked for me without chaning the root pass first03:41
James147Isum: to change root password do sudo passwd root03:42
James147k4ever: any reason your not just runnong kubuntu?03:43
k4everi'm away from home for a few weeks.  was running windows 7 and got tired of it.  decided to switch back to ubuntu.  only had an xubuntu 64 bit livecd in my laptop case.  installed it, played around with xfce then kde 4.3 came out.  decided to give it a try.  instead of nuking whole installation just installed from repositories over xubuntu.03:45
IsumJames147: Ok, back to normal. So...in the future we both know how to remedy that little problem, no?03:46
James147Isum: reinstall the system ? :)03:46
IsumJames147: Ha ha....y'know...I always feel like that's a form of surrender.03:47
James147k4ever: are the devices mounted as ro (via "mount") when you carnt write to them?03:47
James147Isum:I tend to think of it as getting a shiny new system :D03:48
k4evermount still showing it as rw:  /dev/sdb1 on /media/KELVINTILT2 type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,utf8,shortname=winnt,uid=1001)03:48
James147k4ever: try "sudo echo "bleep" >> /media/KELVINTILT2/bleeped"03:49
k4everbash: /media/KELVINTILT2/bleeped: Read-only file system03:50
James147k4ever: that is really really wieard03:50
k4everyeah.  kinda spooky.  mount is showing it as read-write03:51
James147k4ever: I would suggest a reboot if you havent already... never know03:51
k4everJames147:  i have.  i've had this problem for two days.  google it to no end.  rebooted several times.  something with kde and hal is screwing up my drive.03:53
James147k4ever: Just to check, the card dosent have a switch to make it read only/writelocked?03:53
k4everno, its a microsd.03:54
James147k4ever: only other thing i can think to try is to reformat it and see03:54
k4everthe card reader doesn't have a lock switch, either03:54
k4everouch.  its got 7gb worth of songs and data on it.  i could try to scandisk with windows03:55
James147k4ever: I would back it all up anyway... just in case03:55
k4everok.  well i'm going to try to find another usb drive to test.  i might have another one in my car.  then i will play around with it in windows.  thanks for your help.  will come back here later and post anything that i find.03:57
James147kk cya03:57
coreymanI don't have a mouse hooked up, how can i access the menu and bring up terminal?04:00
James147coreyman: in kde alt+F204:01
James147coreyman:for runner04:01
James147coreyman: alt+F1 for menu04:01
IsumJames147: Ubuntu has four package managers?04:03
James147Isum: Probally why?04:04
macoapt-get, aptitude, synaptic, kpackagekit?04:04
IsumJames147: Well..wondering what they are and why you would need four04:04
James147Although apt-get is the abckend to all04:04
macowell dpkg is the backend to all04:04
macoupdate-manager uses python-apt as the backend. im not sure that it uses apt-get under that..i thought they were parallel04:05
James147dont know...04:05
James147aptitude is great for command line, kpackagekit is kde4s and synaptic is gnoms04:06
coreymananswer to your question, you only need one.04:06
James147coreyman: depends on your needs, you will need dpkg and apt-get, the others are optional but nice04:07
coreymanyea i only use apt-get but like was stated, dpkg is the backend.04:07
James147I tend to like aptitude... for the ability to mark packages as auto installed04:08
coreymanwow this raid card is so stupid04:09
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MehmetAlihello I am trying to install KUBUNTU, on setup at final screen , which we click install! button it tries to create the partitions, but in %5 it says failed to creat EXT3 file system partition04:12
James147MehmetAli: is there only one partition on the system?04:13
coreymanI'm only able to detect one device at a time on this card from within ubuntu I'm guessing...... The bios will only boot from a device plugged in to sata port 1, grub is set up for the device to be booted from sata port 0.... The live cd doesn't see my drive on sata port 104:13
MehmetAliI have two NTFS partitions on same hardisk. and I have free partition 12gb.. so When i choose it in ubuntu.. it took 580 to swap, and rest amounr like 11 to ext3..04:14
MehmetAliand final screen it says language user name, and partition info which will format, when i click install04:14
MehmetAliit fails to create partition in %504:14
James147MehmetAli: did you select manual partitions or one of the automated options?04:15
MehmetAliyes i tried like that too.. actually i erased both automatic EXT3 and SWAP partitions that have been created.. i had 12 gb. free04:16
MehmetAliso manually created 1gb swap and rest EXT3, also tried ext4..04:16
MehmetAlithat screen went next step.. but again in install screen failed to create partition.04:16
James147MehmetAli: you could try manually formating the partiton iva command line04:16
MehmetAlioh... well is there wiki for this? because this is my second day for linux :)04:17
MehmetAlii have basic msdos  knowledge but not gnu yet.04:17
James147MehmetAli: i should be able to guide you though it :)04:18
MehmetAliwell right now im in windows, so i just checked from computer management section, its showing two partitions that kubuntu created, but not file system types.. so i would appriciate if u guide.04:19
James147MehmetAli: Do you only have hte one computer?04:19
MehmetAliyea, im student..04:20
MehmetAliand i dont live in campus anymore04:20
James147did the network work in the live cd?04:20
MehmetAlioh yes... thats great.. so if i run live, i can open shell over there. rite ?04:21
James147yeah, live cd is the entire system on a disk :) if you boot into it now and call me when you get back (quassel is the default irc client in kubuntu)04:22
MehmetAlioki,, so c u from live kubuntu in 5 minutes james.. thanks for help.04:23
James147no problem04:23
americanadianhey is there anyone available for assistance?04:39
americanadiani'm trying to access my cd-rom drive to install another distro of linux but it won't read the cdrom?04:40
James147americanadian: Kubuntu wont read it? or your bios?04:40
americanadianthe error message is: "an error occurred while accessing 'pc floppy drive', the system responded mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device"04:41
James147fd0... isent that for flopy disks? thourght cds where cdX04:41
americanadiani guess so04:42
americanadianif that's the case, i don't see cdX at all04:42
James147americanadian: what gives you that error?04:42
americanadianjust: Home, Network, Root, Trash, PC Floppy Disk04:42
americanadianclicking on PC Floppy Disk04:42
americanadiantrying to get this old POS to boot from CD - but it goes straight to kubuntu04:43
americanadianeven though i tell BIOS to boot from CD first04:43
James147americanadian: what are you trying to do? burn an immage to the disk, or dose the disk already contain an image?04:43
americanadianthe disk already has an image04:43
americanadiani am just trying to install another distro04:44
James147americanadian: there should be a key you can hit during boot (before grub) to get a list of bootable devices, its usualy F8 or F1204:44
americanadianon this old POS, it's f204:45
americanadianand i already got a list of bootable devices - i put the CDROM first04:45
americanadianbefore hard drive04:45
americanadianbut it doesn't boot from cdrom - it goes straight to kubuntu04:45
americanadianhence my problem04:45
James147americanadian: hmm04:45
americanadiani am wondering if installing kubuntu somehow disabled the cdrom04:46
James147americanadian: is it possible to boot form usb? although maby not if its old04:46
americanadianit's pretty old04:46
James147it shouldent have04:46
americanadianUSB 104:47
James147probally not then04:47
James147dose the cdrom work at all?04:47
americanadianit's really odd because it worked before when i decided to install kubuntu last night04:47
americanadianbut not now!04:47
americanadianhow do i check to see if the cdrom works?04:48
IsumSo kubuntu comes pre-installed with compiz...or these effects are just part of KDE now? I have never used 4.x04:48
James147Isum: kde4 has its own desktop effects as part of kwin04:49
IsumI see....04:49
IsumThey're pretty good..no crash so far...04:49
IsumDoes compiz still fail? I haven't used it since it first came out.04:49
James147Isum: Not so much I dont think, but I have never really used it04:50
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James147americanadian: is you cdrom listed in /etc/fstab?04:50
GinoMan_so ya... firefox has a big ass memory leak04:52
James147GinoMan_: thourght they where getting better?04:53
americanadiani don't have an fstab folder04:53
americanadianbut i have etc/cdrom04:53
GinoMan_I'm sure they are, but somehow I have a 500 MB firefox process with only 8 tabs open04:53
americanadiani meant /cdrom/04:54
americanadianno etc04:54
GinoMan_.... americanadian: /etc/fstab is a file04:54
Bitty_f00fHi all.. yeah.. I'm having a lot of browser trouble in 9.04. Seems I can only get pages successfully with the w3m text browser.. I'm stuck04:54
FloodBotK1americanadian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:54
GinoMan_cat /etc/fstab = ?04:54
James147americanadian: fstab is a file... cat /etc/fstab04:54
GinoMan_in a pastebin04:54
reklawwat up ppl04:54
americanadiangot it04:55
GinoMan_...... wait... so don't use enter as punctuation.... are they saying like... if I think up a sentence, and then hit enter at the end, I should make sure I've completely thought of everything I'm gonna say before sending it instead of chatting naturally?04:55
GinoMan_the just now how I've thought of something to add to what I've said04:56
GinoMan_that should be discouraged?04:56
James147GinoMan_: think its ment for lots of one word lines04:57
GinoMan_..... no pun intended04:59
americanadianokay James14705:00
americanadiani've concluded that this cdrom drive has died05:00
James147it could also be disabled in bios??05:00
americanadiani'll start it up to be sure05:00
James147or a lose cable :)05:00
americanadiani doubt it's a loose cable05:01
americanadianit's an OLD laptop05:01
* GinoMan_ would try to help but doesn't know where to begin and isn't real interested with this05:01
americanadiandell inspiron 800005:01
americanadianGinoMan_: smart move05:01
James147ahh lappys tend not to have the problem as much :)05:01
americanadianthis laptop is a real mess05:01
americanadianthe display is all farked05:01
americanadiani've got two split screens05:01
americanadianand missing some display in the middle05:02
americanadianlike cutting up a picture in thirds and removing the middle portion05:03
americanadianand putting the first and third portions together05:03
James147thinks you need a new computer :05:03
americanadiani already got plenty of computers - this one belongs to my place of work05:04
americanadianone of the associate directors wanted to know if he could salvage it by putting a lightweight distro onto the laptop05:04
americanadianif not, then it goes into the garbage bin05:04
James147cant do much if the cdrom dont work05:05
GinoMan_looks like it's borked05:05
GinoMan_or more accurately, sounds like it's borked05:05
americanadianjust disabled the HDD05:07
americanadiandoesn't boot from CDROM05:07
americanadianand yet bios recognizes it's there05:07
James147americanadian: try another bootable cd in the drive05:08
americanadiani've tried three already05:08
James147not sure there is much else you can do05:09
americanadianthis laptop is gone05:09
americanadianthe graphics is horrible05:09
americanadianeven for a lightweight system05:09
MehmetAliJames147: hi again jack. i run live version, but it is not connecting internet.05:10
MehmetAlisorry james!05:10
James147MehmetAli: over wireless or wired?05:11
MehmetAlii tried both05:11
James147what version of kubuntu?05:11
MehmetAliethernet cable, and wireless. actually wireless scanned my wireless modem, and asked for passw, but didint connected.05:11
MehmetAliethernet never run.05:11
MehmetAliboth says connection failed05:12
MehmetAliin windows both are fine05:12
MehmetAliare we Admin in live mod. ?05:12
MehmetAlilike super user i mean05:12
James147MehmetAli: what verion of kubuntu and what pc do you have05:12
MehmetAlikubuntu 9.04 x386.05:13
James147you are rarly root in linux, in the live cd you are user "ubuntu" but can access root via sudo or su without a password05:13
MehmetAliwell i goto consol and write SU... it asked pass.. i just pressed enter.. but it said something negative..05:14
MehmetAlii remember but it was like no autohorization or something close to this.05:14
k4everJames147:  you still out there?05:14
James147k4ever yeah05:14
James147most the time you dont want to use su, sudo works for most things05:15
k4everthe drive had some errors on it.  i repaired it with scandisk.  now it mounts fine.05:15
James147k4ever: good good05:15
MehmetAlijames do you think if i create partition of EXT3 from windows and try it in kubuntu setup..05:16
k4everis there a safe way to scan and repair ntfs drives with linux?05:16
Bitty_f00fI seem to have the same problem as on this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1175229 except w3m works for me. I can google multiple times..05:16
James147k4ever: Not that I know of, linux and ntfs dont work greatly togeather05:17
James147MehmetAli: dont know of a way to create ext3 partitions in windows05:17
k4everdarn, wonder if it will work in a virtual machine..05:18
James147MehmetAli: you could partition it in windows then format it in linux though, sudo mkfs.ext3 -L VOLUMENAME /dev/sdXX , will format a partition as ext305:19
James147MehmetAli: replacing VOLUMENAME with the name you want to call it and /dev/sdXX with the actual device (probally /dev/sda2)05:20
James147MehmetAli: be careful to get the right partition (/dev/sdXX) or you will end up losing data (sudo fdisk -l will list your partitions)05:21
MehmetAlioh i got u jack, also bitty_food: send a link that i am checking, some laptops has this connection issues in 9.0405:21
MehmetAliJames147: I created ext3 and formated in windows.. now i will try to install kubuntu again. soon i will let u know. thanks05:37
* Bitty_f00f researches the problem a little more.. with focus on laptop issues..05:42
Abhi___any body here?06:29
Abhi___plz anyone response06:30
Abhi___i am testing06:30
Bitty_f00fIts quiet now06:30
Bitty_f00fWell, disabling ipv6 won't help, there isn't any on my system to begin with...06:37
anubisi dont have audio from internet...what do I need to do?06:41
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=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
charleswhat program do I need to install to extract the original file from multiple rar files?07:32
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CoJaBo-Azteccharles: p7zip-rar can handle them (command line)07:37
charlesis there any gui programs07:38
CoJaBo-AztecProbably, I never had to unrar something from GUI before tho07:39
leaf-sheepcharles: I think p7zip-rar will do the job for Nautilus (GUI) but I'm not sure about Dolphin.  Might does that too...07:41
elitroucharles: You can try ark07:42
charlesark didnt work07:44
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=== kb is now known as Guest87706
mrhhi there.  anyone awake?08:25
mrhanyone have any experience with fuse-zfs?08:26
elitroumrh: can you provide more details?08:27
aspiditesis anyone else unable to create a new folder in dolphin via the context menu and/or file menu?08:41
dwidmannaspidites: which version of Kubuntu? KDE? Dolphin?08:42
aspiditeskde 4.3 dolphin 1.3 kubuntu 9.0408:43
dwidmannaspidites: also, where are you trying to create the folder (alluding to whether or not it is a permissions issue or not)08:43
aspiditesdwidmann, home folder. i've checked and reset permissions (via chown and chmod)08:43
dwidmannhmmm, I've not upgraded from the last beta or rc or whatnot yet :\08:44
aspiditesdwidmann, i can create a folder using thunar and via command line. just not via dolphin. option simply doesnt exist, except if i add a toolbar button08:44
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dwidmannDoubt it will be useful, but the default shortcut for creating a folder is f1008:45
aspiditesdwidmann, confirmed that works. but need right-click option. (user comfort zone issue)08:46
dwidmannAnd it seems I have a monstrosity of a download ahead of me :(08:47
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Abhi___anybody here?08:57
bazhangAbhi___, watch the language please08:58
bazhang!ohmy > Abhi___08:59
ubottuAbhi___, please see my private message08:59
Abhi___i see that08:59
Abhi___just for fun08:59
FloodBotK1Abhi___: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:59
bazhangAbhi___, this is a support channel; did you have a support question?09:00
Aisonsomehow my machine hangs on shutdown :(09:55
AisonI think it's mysql process that can't be stopped09:55
MamarokAison: which Kubuntu and which KDE are you talking about?09:56
AisonMamarok, oh, sorry, It's jaunty and kde409:57
Mamarokwhich kde4?09:57
Mamarokthere are 3 different available for jaunty09:58
Aisonbut it's not a problem of kde4 I think, because it hangs when kde4 is terminated already09:58
Mamarokrecent kernel?09:58
Mamarokyes, that's the latest09:59
Mamarokdo you run another MySQL server besides Akonadi?09:59
AisonI run the normal mysql server 5.1.310:00
Mamarokwell, by default there is only one, and that's the Akonadi one :)10:01
Aisonakonadi is not a mysql server, it just uses mysql as database backend10:01
Mamarokdid I say that?10:01
Mamarokand that MySQL server is started by Akonadi, it doesn't run on start IIRC10:02
Aisonakonadi uses embedded mysql (by default, if you don't change it)10:02
Mamarokso if that is the only one this means it is KDE4 related, as Akonadi should also shut it down when you log out of KDE10:03
AisonI don't mean that, i've got a dedicated mysql server running10:03
Aisonthis one is started by init script10:03
MamarokAison: no, Akonadi is not an embedded server10:03
Mamarokwell, then you need to check your own settings if it is that one10:03
AisonI said, akonadi USES mysql embedded by default10:04
MamarokAison: wrong, Amarok uses mysqle by default, Akonadi is a normal MySQL10:04
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willi_Hello, i have installed kubuntu with the option automatic login. But now i cannot use the sudo command. What's wrong?10:35
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norpan111How do i remove gnome and how do i see wich version of kubuntu thats installed int "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"10:43
norpan111I want to see that i truly get 4.3...10:43
norpan111And i want to remove gnome completely10:43
norpan111sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop?10:44
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azram_if you want to check your kde version, type for example "konqeror --version"10:46
llutz"kde4-config -v"10:47
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »10:47
norpan111i want to check wich kde version thats being installed before i do it10:47
llutznorpan111: apt-cache policy <packagename>10:48
norpan111thanks, that was tjhe commandline i was looking for10:48
snowwhitekinghey everyone10:50
norpan111Hey my kubuntu is acting little wierd while uninstalling ubuntu-desktop11:05
norpan111_Hello, i get wierd erros while i try to uninstall ubuntu-desktop11:08
norpan111_sometnig with kubuntu-docs11:08
norpan111_ok this11:09
=== freaky|bday is now known as freaky[t]
norpan111_dpkg: fel vid hantering av kubuntu-docs (--configure):11:10
norpan111_ underprocess post-installation script gav felkod 111:10
norpan111_Fel uppstod vid hantering:11:10
norpan111_ kubuntu-docs11:10
norpan111_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)11:10
norpan111_Some of it is in swedish, but you probably get it11:10
FloodBotK1norpan111_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:10
norpan111_An error accured at kubuntu-docs it says in english. Can somebody help me?11:11
norpan111I cant remve ubuntu-desktop. i want to totaly replace kde with gnome. and the instructions you gave me DID NOT work.11:21
norpan111I cant even get KDM to show?11:21
norpan111wtf i just download and install kubuntu fresh instead11:25
norpan111This chnel isthischannel is dead11:25
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu__
ussherwhats the name of the root level file manager like konqueror?  I thought it was kommander, but the screenshots look wrong11:31
usshernever mind, found it.  It was krusader11:34
nutcasehello @all11:34
nutcaseyesterday i did an aptitude full-upgrade on a kubuntu karmic koala. it pulled nvidia-185 et al, but now i get a black screen instead of kdm after reboot. Boot splash works as usual, but starting kdm makes screen black, and i cannot switch back to console. ssh is still possible. Has anyone any hint, what i should check?11:36
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norpanHow do i install aurorae theme engine?11:52
norpani got really simple instructions last time..but i forgot11:52
KIAaze_hi, I just installed kubuntu and have an nvidia graphics card. Under ubuntu, it asked me to install a proprietary driver for it. Under kubuntu, it didn't. How do I install the correct driver?11:54
xendongoogle helps: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aurora+Gtk+Engine?content=5643811:54
xendontype in Kmenu driver there will be a tool to install nvideia driver11:55
KIAaze_strange, I tried it before and it didn't work. Now it does. O.o11:56
KIAaze_must have been the updates I did previously11:56
xendonshit happends11:56
KIAaze_it was 9.04...11:56
xendon^^ you did dist-upgread ? already ?11:57
KIAaze_no, i installed from a kubuntu 9.04 cd11:57
KIAaze_and after that it didn't notice the nvidia card appearently11:58
KIAaze_also, is it normal that kpackagekit closes instead of installing software when i click on ok?11:58
KIAaze_apply works, but ok, just closes it11:58
xendonjep .. but im not sure .. im using aptitude in console ^^11:58
KIAaze_i use apt-get :p11:59
KIAaze_and installed synaptic...11:59
xendonaptitude is more inteligent11:59
xendontry sudo apt-get aptitude ^^ i don't know if its installed on default11:59
xendonoh apt-get install aptitude xD12:00
apparlexendon: in wha sense is aptitude more intelligent than apt-get?12:00
KIAaze_it cleans up better when removing software from what I've heard12:01
KIAaze_mmh, can't activate nvidia driver... :/12:01
KIAaze_I click on activate and nothing happens12:01
xendonKIAaze errormassage ?12:01
xendonmmm tryed as root ?12:02
norpanHow do i install aurora theme engine "sudo aptitude install kwin-style-aurora" does not work12:03
m4rtinhi, I'm experiencing a problem with gwenview (in KDE 4.3) instantly crashing upon load that seems to be a dependency problem with nepomuk. Should my nepomuk.so and soprano.so files both be 4.3? my soprano.so is 4.2, despite an upgrade12:03
KIAaze_aha, jockey-gtk succeeded where jockey-kde failed! :)12:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aurorae12:04
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:04
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes12:04
xendonnorpan google helps: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aurora+Gtk+Engine?content=56438 you need that ?12:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about installthemes12:04
norpanxendon:  its ok its from gnome-look?12:05
norpanI need for kwin12:05
norpanthis is gtk12:05
xendontry kde-look =)12:05
norpanxendon:  and that is a theme, aurorae i need is window decorater12:05
xendonoh ..12:06
xendonsry i don't know it12:06
norpanxendon:  i did find it but i dont know how to install it xD12:06
apparlewhat settings should I make to be notified if new mail comes in gmail12:06
norpanhow do i install window decorater themes in kubuntu? i tought there was a "get new theme" for it.. but i cant find it12:06
norpanIs there a commandline for it12:06
norpanMaybe its only on karmic?12:07
norpanI want to install this, how? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=107158&forumpage=6&PHPSESSID=167fcf31a9a65fcb876dab9d512c823f12:09
norpanI want to install this! how? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=107158&forumpage=6&PHPSESSID=167fcf31a9a65fcb876dab9d512c823f12:11
norpanmust i add ppa for karmic to get this?12:13
michel__Hi, can someone plz help me? I'm using Kubuntu KDE 4.3...how do i get the "taskbar" so that i can switch between programs without using the Alt-Tab12:18
Ipse-Dixitmichel__: right click on the panel > configure > taskbar12:21
michel__Thx =)12:25
Ipse-Dixitguys, where is in konversation the channel list? not the command ./list or f5 that makes appear the complete channel list, im talking about my own one, if i go File > Server List > Edit i can have access to the auto join channels, but cant i just keep a list of channels and decide when to join em?12:37
linuxson25Hi everyone12:45
linuxson25Got a small problem with my KDE Plasma dashboard. Keeps on crashing when I plug and un-plug my E220 modem12:46
linuxson25Anyone maybe know why it does that? Tends to crash quite a lot actually12:46
linuxson25If someone could pm me, I would appreciate it...cause I am also chatting on other servers, and it just makes it easier to see if I got a reply or not. Thanx12:49
combohello there, my computer started to work slowler few days ago, I want to know what causes that thing? Is there some monitor system in kubuntu? I use openbox, have all programs installed with that 8.04.312:54
osola carpe12:56
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martin____hi all13:01
=== william is now known as Guest13359
nightf0x09i got a sony vaio ns21z and using kubuntu 9.04...my internal mic doesn't work can anybody please advice me14:00
KIAaze_hi again. I have a strange problem: my taskbar (kde4) stopped working, but I can still alt-tab + use the system tray.14:01
KIAaze_it happened when I tried to unmount my usb stick with the device manager in the taskbar14:01
KIAaze_scheisse indeed :/14:03
KIAaze_is there any way to restart only the kde4 panel?14:06
DragnslcrKIAaze_- open up the system monitor (ctrl-esc I think) and look for a process named plasma14:07
KIAaze_yay, I managed to terminate the taskbar because I got an "app not responding" message. Now how do I get it back?14:08
DragnslcrKill that process, then press alt-f2 and run plasma-desktop14:08
KIAaze_ok, it's back14:08
Walzmynhow can i make the panel be competely non-trnasparent? When it comes up I can see the windows behind though it and it's confusing14:09
KIAaze_it's just "plasma" by the way. It didn't find plasma-desktop14:10
KIAaze_deactivate desktop effects14:10
KIAaze_it's in system settings -> desktop -> desktop effects14:11
KIAaze_or did you mean just the panel? I'm confused.14:11
WalzmynKIAaze_: are you talking to me?14:12
WalzmynKIAaze_: yes, just the panel. I want to keep my desktop efects.14:12
KIAaze_well, in the taskbar settings you can allow windows to be above the panel.14:13
WalzmynKIAaze_: under transparency everthing is set to full opacity except for moving windows14:14
WalzmynKIAaze_: that's not hte problem, I can see windows THROUGH the panel and it makes reading the panel difficult14:14
KIAaze_panel settings -> more settings -> always visible?14:16
WalzmynKIAaze_: that kills the auto-hide. don't worry abou tit14:16
KIAaze_mmh, I guess it's a missing setting. But I was using gnome before and never used desktop effects.14:19
KIAaze_viva el nuevo PC! :D14:20
anashowto register name on freenode14:32
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode14:32
=== kb is now known as Guest47201
anasmsg nickserv register menara miitaal@hotmail.com14:36
eMyller_hallo, users :)15:02
eMyller_spread the link :D15:02
siddhartahi everyone15:07
IsumI'm using 9.04....sound tests fine under system settings, but playing any kind of media just gives a "crackle" sound from my speakers.15:07
kaddiI'm having trouble with the kio::trash, it's not working. I tried reinstalling kdebase-runtime and removing .kde, however the problem persists. Does anyone know how to fix a broken kio-setup?15:09
siddhartawhat am I doing wrong? if I do: 'cd ~/scripts/ ; ln -s ./script.sh -t ~/Desktop/'  it creates the link on the desktop but it's emtpy and when 2-clicking it kate opens it ... but if I do: 'cd ~/Desktop/ ; ln -s ~/scripts/script.sh' it is created correctly .. what am I doing wrong? thanks15:10
mantonjoin channel15:14
mantonhello people15:15
mantoncan anyone tell me how to change to another channel?15:15
bazhangmanton, /join #channel15:15
mantonthk u baz!!! ;)15:15
mantonnobody talks?15:16
siddhartakaddi: not me15:16
siddhartamanton: welcome15:16
mantonhow are people?15:18
BluesKajHowdy all15:18
kaddisiddharta: I can' thelp you., but I can definitely reproduce it..15:19
tdnHow do I run a script everytime I boot the machine, after the network has been brought up. I have tried putting the script in /etc/network/if-up.d/, but appearently, this does not work. How do I solve this?15:20
mantonetc/init.d/rcx.d where x is the level you run15:24
mantonetc/rcx.d where x is the level you run15:24
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=== jesse_ is now known as Guest27118
noaXesshi all15:37
noaXessi'm searching a sound software to append some mp3 files, mix them in this software and create a new, single mp3 file.. any suggestion?15:47
noaXessi use lmms for sample sound creatings and audacity for recording and converting.. but both can't do what i want..15:47
noaXessi have also mixxx to mix sounds life and record them.. but i want a software so i can do that on my notebook and test around..15:48
siddhartakaddi: thanks15:48
BluesKajnoaXess, I can't point you to  particlular application , but this site may have what you're looking for http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/linux/15:58
Pupuser402-1hi kubuntus16:19
Pupuser402-1some linux girl16:19
kaddihi Pupuser402-1  :)16:19
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava16:20
noaXessthins one simple question: is there normaly a uninstall script if i install a source?16:23
James147sudo make uninstall16:23
noaXessnormaly i do ./configure then make, then make install.. so, now how to remove it?16:23
noaXessJames147: in the source directory?16:24
James147where you ran make install from16:24
noaXessaha.. ok.. :) simple :)16:24
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BluesKajnoaXess, what do you think of the site I posted above ?16:25
Pupuser402-1frinds of kde16:26
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bazhangPupuser402-1, did you have a support question?16:28
noaXessBluesKaj: fine site.. thanks.. i try now qtractor..16:33
BluesKajnoaXess, good , it's one the best music app sites for linux I've seen so far.16:35
BluesKajone of the best16:35
noaXessBluesKaj: ok16:39
madalini am trying to setup a dhcp server and i am having problems. Does anyone have a tutorial on that or something please?16:55
BluesKaj!dhcp | madalin17:00
ubottumadalin: dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP17:00
madalinBlueEagle: thanks. You rock. I do know what dhcp is and i have it installed but it looks like its not working. I´m trying to find out why and fix it maybe :)17:01
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LuisJawhat is virtual box irc channel?17:13
LMJi'm trying to install kubuntu on a laptop where  ubuntu was running fine. Problem : i'm stuck during the installation at a step "Choose and install softwares" : "a configuration step failed", is there any reason ? Cdrom checksums is ok, internet connection too17:18
LMJit's trying to download ~619 files17:18
noaXessdoes anybody has knowing about jackd?. should it run as normal user or root?17:19
axiomBeen trying a lot of things, what is the best combonation to get sound working in flash, under firefox?  Should I avoid the 64-bit builds?17:20
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.17:21
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava17:21
axiomYeah, I know.  I have flash working, just no sound.17:22
kidbloopersame here17:23
axiomI've been reading conflicting things about messing with various sound config files, but they don't seem to match what I have17:24
kidbloopermy sound works on everything but flash17:24
axiomyes. same.17:24
kidblooperi used sudo-aptitude install flashplayer17:24
kaddikidblooper: have you checked in kmix that nothing is muted?17:24
axiomAlthough Firefox HTML5 videos also have no sound17:25
kidbloopernope brb i'll check17:25
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kidbloopernope that wasn't it17:27
m4rtinfollow troubleshooting here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash17:27
m4rtinI found that just reinstalling flash plugin fixed it for me17:27
axiomm4rtin: I have tried that, both the apt-get version, and the actual 64bit one from adobe.17:28
kidblooperummm lol maybe it was because it is working on  youtube now17:28
kidblooperaxiom try kmix.17:29
kidblooperi really didn't think that was it.. but i checked unchecked mute a few times17:29
kidblooperand now its working.. "weird"17:29
axiomhmm.. all my kmix setting look good, plus I can play other sound17:30
kidblooperya i could too "dunno"17:30
kidbloopermine wasn't working on youtube at all.. now it is17:31
BluesKajaxiom, kidblooper ,have you installed flashplugin-nonfree17:32
kidbloopermines fully working now17:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:33
axiomBluesKaj: Yes, I think that is what I am running now17:33
harjot_my cd drive, when i try to click on the blank cdr icon, it says "Could not start process, Unable to create slave"17:33
harjot_What does this mean/?17:33
kidbloopernow if i can just beat this synaptics touchpad going insane17:34
BluesKajaxiom, to make sure you have it installed : apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree17:35
kidblooperbrb pizza to make17:35
harjot_my cd drive, when i try to click on the blank cdr icon, it says "Could not start process, Unable to create io-slave"17:36
harjot_What does this mean/?17:36
axiomBluesKaj: Ok, it is installed, and restarted firefox, but still no sound17:37
James147harjot_: If you want to burn something you can just open k3b and do it that way17:37
axiomBluesKaj: I am using the official apt-gettable firefox, 3.5.217:38
gwhipplewhat do i use to uninstall old kernels17:38
BluesKajyou can use the package manager to remove linux-image XXX17:39
darthanubisanyone notice that after adding a printer, network in this case, the printer randomly it seems, disappears? Then you have to readd it?17:40
BluesKajgwhipple, I used aptitude17:40
James147gwhipple: and linux-restricted-modules-XXX17:41
harjot_James147: its failing to burn [no error meseges, just wont goto 1%]17:41
gwhippleif i remove linux-image-??? will it remove all the dependancies too or just that package17:41
BluesKajdarthanubis, just use the print command on whatever text or site etc and the printer will reappear17:41
darthanubisBluesKaj: no it does not17:42
kaddiBluesKaj: have you tried apt-get remove? I get a weird bug, when I use apt-get remove 2.6.28-11 it tries to remove all installed kernel from 2.6.28-11 to 2.6.28-1517:42
BluesKajgwhipple, that's whay using synaptic is a good way to remove old kernel images17:42
darthanubisthe printer is non existant,thus the printer dialog appears but without my printer17:43
darthanubisI have to readd via the systemsettings printer configuration17:43
gwhipplei haven't tried yet sidux had a program called "kernel-remover" but i didn't see that in (k)ubuntu17:43
gwhippleso thought i'd ask first17:44
BluesKajkaddi, you have preface the number with the actaul name linux-image followed by the number , to check this look in the package manager to find proper name for them17:44
harjot_how would i change what kubutmu labels the axis on a joystick?17:44
BluesKajdarthanubis, fine, then do so :)17:45
darthanubisyou always offer the most fool nonsense as advise17:45
darthanubisit is a problem17:45
darthanubisthat is not the desired outcome of adding the printer in the first place17:46
kaddiBluesKaj: apt-get remove 2.6.28-11-* removes the kernel fine, it looks for  linux-image, linux-headers-lbm, linux-headers, linux-restricted-modules, linux-backports-modules, both for servers and generic17:46
kidblooperwow quite insulting17:46
darthanubisI only mentioned it here first to see if it is a known bug17:46
kidblooperfixed all my problems so far :)17:46
darthanubissince no one here at the moment can comment tothis matter intelligently, I'll file the bug17:47
kaddiBluesKaj: but 2.6.28-11* deletes all kernels from the 2.6.28 release17:47
kidblooperthe work dick comes to mind17:47
darthanubisI did not think a channel could suck more than #ubuntu, but I guess this is the one17:47
BluesKajdarthanubis, well, maybe if you can offer better advice , then you're welcome to do so.17:47
kidblooperthat is seriously rude17:48
BluesKajkidblooper, don't be alarmed , the spew is nothing new from this guy.17:48
kidblooperBluesKaj Gotcha17:49
darthanubiskidblooper: watch your language kid17:49
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:49
axiomWow.  I just realized that sound work in Konqueror flash, but not Firefox.  What could this mean?  (I.E. how could I get it to work in FF too?)17:49
darthanubisaxiom: fix your pulseaudio17:49
kaddiaxiom: well that is a first for me. Maybe try creating a new FF profile and check if it works with that?17:49
BluesKajaxiom, perhaps the plugin isn't added to FF yet17:50
kidblooperdarthanubis i just call it as i see it.. kline me if you want, but your a DICK17:50
kidblooperbash someone trying to help you , is school house stuff17:50
BluesKajkidblooper, just put him on ignore17:50
kidbloopertrue.. BlueKaj.. sorry and thanks again.. done lol17:50
darthanubiskidblooper: you will kline yourself fool. I care less about what someone like you types17:51
darthanubisBut the channel has rules17:51
darthanubisAnd no one offered any help whatsoever moron. He offered foolish comments with no intent on helping, because he never addressed the issue. If you don't know, just keep quiet as to not waste others time17:52
LuisJai am using virtual box to emulate windows xp, how much gb i should use for the virtual disk, 10GB?17:54
kaddiLuisJa: I usually give 10Gb and if you don't store many documents in it that's more than enough17:54
LuisJathx kaddi17:54
axiomBluesKaj: I am somehow sure FF is using a different version of flash, but this does not explain why HTML5 Video also has no sound.  (I tried a new profile, and watched the "Welcome to 3.5" video in silence.)17:59
LuisJai will try write the code so OSS - ALSA - PA can work18:00
LuisJaits annoying i cant use multiaudio18:00
LuisJaya i know, hard thing but i will try ^^18:00
kaddiaxiom: you can check what is used for flash in FF when you type "about:plugins" into the addressbar18:02
BluesKajok axiom, I would just purge FF, not sure if it's a bug , but now that plugins are installed , reinstaling FF might work.18:04
MeikiHi - could someone help me with an IP address issue that I'm having. Please look at http://pastebin.com/m575e62fd, I can bind public services to the first IP, but not to the others (*.87- onwards).18:07
ComputAdminisratI use dial up and I need to know where I can get KPPP18:09
kaddiComputAdminisrat: You can get all packages that are available from ubuntu-repositories at packages.ubuntu.com18:12
trabyDeutsch ?18:13
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:13
axiomBluesKaj: Tried --purge and reinsall of FF, still no sound.  about:plugins says: npwrapper.libflashplayer.so18:13
kaddiaxiom: that does not look like the default libflashplayer entry. have a look at tools->extensions->plugins, do you see 2 entries for flash? maybe one with ndiswrapper and one without?18:16
kaddidisable the ndiswrapper one and see if things get better :)18:18
axiom10.0 d21 and 10.0 d21.  Neither says ndiswrapper tho18:18
axiomer... the  other is 10.0. r32 actually18:19
kaddiaxiom: I'm not familiar with 64bit, but the current version of flash is 10.0.32, so I would try to disable the 21 one18:19
axiomkaddi: Tried both alone. the r32 one works fine, except for sound, and the d21 one does nothing at all.18:22
axiomI shoulda quit while I was ahead, flash no longer works in Konqueror now :(18:24
kaddiaxiom: I've never had to use ndiswrapper so I can't really help you with this. It looks as if FF is trying to use a windows-version through ndiswrapper instead of the native linux one18:24
kaddiaxiom: srsly? we haven't done anything to cause that though.18:24
dodecanesedeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu karmic main18:24
joshua__is there a way I can tell if I actually loaded the SMP kernel?18:24
axiomkaddi: Not your fault.  I been trying all kinds of stuff.  Thanks for you help18:25
joshua__I find it hard to believe that a flash video that plays on Windows on a single 1.8 pentium has trouble with a 20% cpu background job when I have two 2.518:25
kaddiaxiom: just stay around and ask once in a while, someone is bound to know how to solve this.. or maybe check out #ubuntu-mozillateam they have been very helpful for me in the past18:27
BluesKajaltho i have 64 bit pc, these flash probs is the reason why I've stayed away from 64bit kubuntu , started a long time ago with dapper and I've stayed with 32 bit ever since18:27
Walexjoshua__: not at all difficult to believe if you don't have video surfaces or the disk elevator is not right.18:27
joshua__video surfaces?18:28
DHGEhi - any idea WHEN we see the path that makes fish:// work again?18:35
DHGEuups: patch18:35
LuisJahow i can share my folders of linux with windows xp? for example, i donwloaded the command and conquer red alert 2 cd in linux, how i can use it in windows18:36
James147DHGE: fish:// is working for me on kde4.318:36
LuisJawindows emulated by virtual box btw...18:36
James147LuisJa: running games in an virtual box means you cant take advantage of your graphics card,18:37
James147LuisJa: but one way might be to set up a samba share and share it over the network18:37
James147LuisJa: if your vitrual box can connect to the network18:38
LuisJacommand and conquer 2 its impossible to rune it in linux because it throws an internal error18:38
LuisJacause CC2 was made for xp18:38
James147LuisJa: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=252 - looks like it works in wine18:40
LuisJarare cause the copy i have its a valid one18:41
LuisJaand after 10 seconds to 5 minutes it throws:18:41
LuisJaCC2 got an internal error, must close18:41
LuisJamy kde resolution becomes a mess18:41
LuisJaand i must restart the pc ¬¬18:41
LuisJaand now way its a error of the cd18:42
LuisJacause i installed the game in a desktop pc with xp as os18:42
James147LuisJa: hmm, well, only way I can think of to get it in a virtual box is through samba18:42
LuisJaworked as heaven18:42
James147a file sharing system built on windows protocals18:43
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:44
DHGEJames147: I had no luck with the latest ppa5 (?), switched to sftp but this is slow used interactively18:44
raster_ricardohello! I need the kubuntu 9.04 md5. where can I get it?18:45
dodecaneseextract the sha1 and generate the md518:46
kaddiraster_ricardo: have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes18:46
raster_ricardothank you guys! =]18:47
DHGEraster_ricardo: or here:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/18:47
dodecanesevector fnord18:48
DanzCanadaHey there. :)18:49
kaddihi :)18:49
DanzCanadaHeyyy yeah, listen. I'm having major issues installing Kubutu and was looking for a bit of help. ^_^18:49
gjulianDanzCanada: Tell, what's happening?18:50
raster_ricardoDanzCanada: just say what problems you are facing18:50
* kaddi decides not to ask what's happening now :p18:51
DanzCanadaI burned the ISO to a DVD, rebooted, then began the installation of Kubuntu...only issue is when the GUI is supposed to come up (following the progress bar at the beginning) so I can actually begin the installation, it's just a text-interface with a command prompt.18:51
kaddidid you by any chance install the server-version?18:52
gjulianTry to start in the LiveCD, let it start and then click "Install"18:52
kaddican you use that commandprompt?18:52
DanzCanadaI don't have the LiveCD, only the ISO from the Kubuntu website.18:52
DanzCanadaAnd no, I can't. haha  It's been forever since I've done Linux Administration and my command-line is very rusty18:52
kaddiDanzCanada: the question is more if it takes command or if it is only a blinking cursor18:53
raster_ricardoDanzCanada: are you sure you havent downloaded the minimal install?18:53
gjulianI think the ISO has the liveCD embedded18:53
raster_ricardo(saying minimal install sounds like Im talking about Gentoo...  <3 )18:53
kavurtDanzCanada, what's the full name of the ISO you downloaded?18:54
oliveraarangohi room...just like to inquire what antivirus is free for ubuntu server?18:54
DanzCanadaBefore you ask, yes I have AMD 64 X2 Dual Core processors18:54
oliveraarangoanyone knows which antivirus is free for ubuntu server?18:55
kaddiDanzCanada: try entering "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart" into the command line18:55
raster_ricardooliveraarango: clam av, if Im not mistaken18:55
noaXessi need jackd to run a special sound application.. how do i get it work... cause, if i start jackd with sudo /etc/init.d/jackd start, after that my sound won't work..18:55
James147DanzCanada: Try running the disk-check when you boot from the cd (sould be one of the options after the language select)18:55
kavurtDanzCanada, have you verified the md5sum?18:56
DanzCanada[kavurt] Wouldn't even know how.18:57
gjuliannoaXess: instal qjackctl, a GUI for jackd. with qjackctl you can manage connections between sound devices18:57
gjulianDanzCanada: do you have the ISO saved in an accesible directory?18:58
DanzCanada[gjulian] I do indeed18:58
gjulianDanzCanada: Then read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM18:59
DanzCanadaOkay, thanks. :)18:59
kaddi it's a way to check, that the file you downloaded is intact, in order to make sure that your installation wasn't corrupted by a faulty iso19:00
noaXessgjulian: thanks.. which user should run the jackd server? me or root?19:02
DanzCanada[gjulian] md5 Hash is the same on both my iso and as accord to the website19:03
gjuliannoaXess: I think it doesn't mattters... Personally, I run it as normal user19:03
noaXessgjulian: then start it over sudo /etc/init.d/jackd start ??19:03
gjuliannoaXess: Only run qjackctl19:04
noaXessgjulian: ok.. wait..19:04
gjuliannoaXess: It's a very intuitive GUI19:04
kaddiDanzCanada: when you boot from the DVD do you get a menu to select if you want to install, check your ram or boot from cd?19:04
DanzCanadaKaddi: Install without making changes to the computer, install kubuntu, and check boot disk19:05
James147DanzCanada: select check boot disk19:05
James147DanzCanada: and see if it passes19:05
DanzCanadajames: will do19:05
noaXessgjulian: if i run qjackctl and then press start i get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257636/19:05
DanzCanadaI'll be back in a bit if it doesn't work19:05
gjuliannoaXess: in qjackctl, click setup and disable realtime option19:07
noaXessgjulian: so. done.. not i seams to run.. but now.. i can run my sound app that need jackd?19:08
gjuliannoaXess: Yes. You should see it in the Connections window...19:08
noaXessgjulian: my normal kubuntu sound, should it also work if jackd is running?19:09
gjuliannoaXess: I think yes, but you'll need to do some changes... wait a moment19:09
noaXessgjulian: ok.. so.. now if i play any sound file, sound output doesn't work..19:10
DanzCanadaHey I'm back19:10
noaXessgjulian: should i start transport roling19:10
kaddiDanzCanada: welcome back :)19:11
kaddiDanzCanada: the CD is fine?19:11
gjuliannoaXess: I don't know what does that, it doesn't affect nothing, i think..19:11
DanzCanadaI did the checking of the disk, it went into a progress bar, then came back to the command prompt.  "Loading, please wait...     BusyBox v1.10.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.10.2-2ubuntu7) build-in shell (ash)   Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.    (initramfs)  _"19:12
gjuliannoaXess: are you running KDE 4?19:12
noaXessgjulian: yes19:12
DanzCanadaSame as if I were to attempt to install19:12
James147DanzCanada: I would try to reburn the image, looks like a crupt disk19:12
DanzCanadaThis will be my 4th attempt. xD haha19:13
James147DanzCanada: I would advise doing it at a slow speed, less chance of it screwing up19:13
raster_ricardoDanzCanada: check the md5 before burning19:13
raster_ricardoand James147 is right. try a low speed. I always use 819:13
DanzCanadaraster_ricardo: Already checked md5, it's fine.  Last burn was done at 3.5x  haha  I'll download from a different location though19:13
gjuliannoaXess: have a look at /usr/lib/xine/plugins/19:14
kaddiDanzCanada: what was the md5 you got?19:14
James147DanzCanada: I alwasys use the slowest for OS images that the software allows :)19:14
noaXessgjulian: yes..19:14
DanzCanadakaddi: Good question - it was in hex and I don't have it open right now, rebooting the computer19:14
gjuliannoaXess: it contains a folder, what's its name?19:14
kaddiDanzCanada: did you check that the md5 of your ISO corresponds to the iso listed here:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes19:15
DanzCanadait was 798b8789af2f13bb9687b2ce57f25f9c19:15
raster_ricardotalking about corrupted images, I just got a msg from K3b saying writen data differs from the original. and the md5sum of the iso is the same from the website.19:15
DanzCanadakaddi: Yeah, it's exactly the same19:15
kaddiok, just wanted to make sure ;)19:15
noaXessgjulian: 1.2619:15
gjuliannoaXess: uff... I don't know if this will work because of the version, but let's try19:16
DanzCanadaDoes anyone know of any free Windows XP programs which will burn an image?19:16
James147raster_ricardo: i dont trust k3bs image verifying thinngy, i have had disks fail it and still work, and disk pass and fail to work19:16
gjuliannoaXess: download http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=52746&d=1197245735, unzip and copy the contents on the 1.26 folder19:16
noaXessgjulian: but now qjackctl is hanging...19:16
jack007iso burner19:17
aaaahow do i set firefox & pidgin interface fonts under kubuntu 9.04?19:17
raster_ricardoaaaa: what you mean?19:17
noaXessgjulian: can't kill qjackctl.bin19:17
raster_ricardoJames147: hmmmmm... okay. before formating and burning I think Im gonna use virtual box to see if it works fine.19:17
gjuliannoaXess: try doing it as root19:17
noaXessgjulian: and jackd is a zombie..19:18
noaXessdone that.. no chance19:18
aaaaraster_ricardo: i want turn firefox and pidgin font looks like kde's program.19:18
James147raster_ricardo: i tend to find that the disk check on the cd works well19:18
raster_ricardoaaaa: I think there is an option somewhere where you configure the look and feel of gtk apps under KDE.19:18
user1_i have kubuntu 6.10 dgy. how can i upgrade it to the latest.(the option of uqgrade doesnot appear when i fetch updates in adept package manager)>19:18
raster_ricardoI cant say for sure cause Im on Debian right now. and using gnome19:19
apparlehow to turn off the desktop effects by a single command19:19
raster_ricardoJames147: thanks! =]19:19
gjuliannoaXess: tried sudo killall jackd?19:19
noaXessgjulian: jep.. no chance.. also with sudo kill -9 PID19:19
aaaaraster_ricardo: i didn't find it yet.19:20
jack007can any one tell me diffrance between redhat & ubuntu19:20
gjuliannoaXess: Well, as you cannot kill jackd, let it there, unzip the file and copy contents to 1.26 folder19:21
gjuliannoaXess: then, reboot to kill jackd and to see if the hack has worked19:21
njathanguys i am trying to configure network in Kubuntu i just installed... however, the settings are not getting saved... :-(19:22
njathani have done this on my Lenovo laptop19:22
raster_ricardoaaaa: Im not sure, but I guess in the administration panel, in the "look" section of kde, you will have something like gtk-qt or something like that.19:22
noaXessgjulian: ok.. rebooting..19:23
njathanearlier today i tried Debian, there too i was facin same issue.19:23
DanzCanadaOooohhhh I think I may have found my problem.19:24
aaaaraster_ricardo: thanks, i will search the keyword.19:24
DanzCanadaI just installed Nero and it stated that I needed a CD R/RW for the image...I was using a DVD19:24
DanzCanadaIt refused to burn the image to a DVD but seems to be burning with a CD19:24
James147DanzCanada: shouldnet matter19:24
DanzCanadaJames147: I know, but computers hate me.19:24
James147DanzCanada: I have burnt cd images onto a dvd and they have worked19:24
raster_ricardoaaaa: if it is not gtk-qt is qt-gtk.19:24
James147DanzCanada: althoguih to get it to work I had to say i was burning a dvd image :S19:25
DanzCanadaJames147: Yeah, that's what I tried. haha  I still think it hates me.19:25
user1_where are the files that contain the server address to download programs and updates by package manager or apt?19:25
James147DanzCanada: may as well try a cd then19:25
aaaaraster_ricardo: i found it, it's gtk-qt-engine-kde4.19:25
ravhello. i'm using kubuntu jaunty, and my laptop is not restarting after 'suspend to ram'. is this a bub?19:26
raster_ricardouser1_:  /etc/apt/19:26
gjulianuser1_: /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d19:26
njathanwhat is the command to fire the network configuration tool, so that i can run it with root priviledges?19:26
gjuliannjathan: If you are in KDE, it is (i think) knetworkmanager19:26
njathangjulian: there seems to be no command like "knetworkmanager"19:27
DanzCanadaIs it sad that I've gone through 5 DVDs and 1 CD and still trying to install Kubuntu with a good ISO? LOL!!19:28
James147DanzCanada: Yeah, Ib have always had more problems burning things on windows then useing k3b in lunux19:29
noaXessgjulian: back now..19:29
raster_ricardoDanzCanada: yes, it is. to burn isos on windows I used to use another software I cant remember its name. but it wasnt nero19:29
noaXessgjulian: test it now.. qjackctl is running.. and i klicked start.. no other button.19:29
user1_raster_ricardo:  gjulian what is the name of the lates kubuntu distro? may be i can toogle the name in sources.list with it at 'egdy'?19:29
raster_ricardowas one program full of tools for images and shit.19:29
raster_ricardoblid write suit, i thnk19:29
raster_ricardouser1_: you do aptitude upgrade19:30
gjulianuser1_: If that repos are still available, I think you can do it. The lastest distro is Jaunty19:30
noaXessgjulian: what need i to do now.. cause no sound in kde..19:30
DanzCanadaJames147: omg it's working xD19:30
raster_ricardothen, you just leave http://repository.adress.somehere.net stable19:30
raster_ricardoor whatever you want.19:31
James147DanzCanada: :D19:31
BluesKajuser1_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions19:31
gjuliannoaXess: go to system settings, multimedia19:31
DanzCanadaJames147: And I love how Ubuntu recognizes my city instead of Halifax. hahaha19:31
DanzCanadaMoncton rocks!19:31
noaXessgjulian: aha. works..19:32
gjuliannoaXess: all ok?19:32
vahiruahi all, is this the right place to ask for help for some problems with karmic alpha4?19:33
kaddino :)19:33
kaddiplease go to #ubuntu+1 for help19:33
njathanhow do you guys configure network in Kubuntu?19:33
vahiruaok, thanks19:33
James147njathan: knetworkmanager19:33
James147njathan: what version of kde/kubuntu are you useing?19:34
noaXessgjulian: so.. need i put jack audio in top of multimedia settings?19:34
njathanJames147: i am using the latest 9.0419:34
James147njathan: kde 4.2 or 4.3? and are use trying to use  wireless or wired?19:35
gjuliannoaXess: Yes19:35
raster_ricardobe right back.19:35
DanzCanadaThanks for all the help everyone! I really appreciate it!19:35
noaXessgjulian: now can i run jackd as daemon?19:35
njathanJames147: how do i see the version of KDE?19:36
James147njathan: in any program help > about kde19:37
noaXessgjulian: or use jack only if i need it? so the second mutlimedia device will be used if jackd isn't running?19:37
James147njathan: any kde program :)19:37
njathanJames147: its KDE 4.2.219:37
James147njathan: you trying to connect to wired or wireless?19:37
gjuliannoaXess: well, I think KDE should automatically select the multimedia device, if Jack doesn't works, it should select the following device19:38
njathanwell i tried both and failed miserably at both.... :-P Right now i want wired19:38
kaddinjathan: you could always uninstall networkmanager and install wicd instead, that solved most of my network-problems19:39
raster_ricardonjathan: alt + f2 > right konsole. type sudo ifconfig eth0 or just ifconfig -> paste the output in a pastebin site. people can help you. im gonna have a meal right now. he19:40
noaXessgjulian: yes.. it's like you explain..19:41
njathanraster_ricardo: well.. there's nothing to put in pastebin actually. The interface just does not get the IP at all19:42
gjuliannoaXess: So, do you have all right and working?19:44
James147njathan: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-networking/148100-cable-wired-network-not-working-linux.html -  to connect to a wired network manually19:46
kaddiwhen I enter "trash:/" into alt-f2 I get "invalid address: trash:/" how do I fix that?19:50
noaXessgjulian: yes.. no i can use qtractor that needs jackd :) thanks a lot.19:53
gjuliannoaXess: you're welcome. It makes feel good helping others19:54
noaXessgjulian: yes.. and it's really fast.. just about 1 or 2 hours and problem is solved.. :) so LINUX/KUBUNTU/UBUNTU/.... RULEZ :)19:56
ubuntu_i have just updated kernel but get black screen with red box inside when starting, how do i fix it?19:57
gjulianubuntu_ what type of red box? does it says anything?19:58
ubuntu_no - just a red box about halve the size of screen ( i guees where logon info should be?)19:59
gjulianubuntu_ press Ctrl+Alt+F120:00
gjulianubuntu_ and login with your user and password20:00
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ubuntu_i tried recovery but that didn't start either\20:01
ubuntu_went to bash (?) [initramfs] prompt20:01
dodecanesepress ctrl-alt-f1320:03
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kidblooper                          kinda quiet in here20:10
apparleis there any way I can disable the desktop effects by some command etc?? directly??20:18
kaddiapparle: you can do so through systemsettings20:19
heinkel_112what is the _default_ movie player in kubuntu 9.04, by the way?20:19
kaddiheinkel_112: I think it's dragon20:19
* heinkel_112 got too many installed and mostly uses kaffeine from kde320:19
* kaddi uses kaffeine as well :)20:19
heinkel_112dragon player?20:19
xendonmplayer or vlc is better i think20:20
heinkel_112that one does nothing exept from play :)20:20
apparlekaddi: what does Alt+Shift+F12 do ?20:20
heinkel_112apparle: switch compositing on and off?20:20
apparleheinkel_112: thanks I just wanted to confirm that20:21
kaddiapparle: you can check in systemsettings->keyboard->global shortcuts. Select "kwin" and look at the shortcuts set.20:21
apparlekaddi: ok20:22
apparlehow can setup such that I am notified everytime I get a new gmail20:24
corYaskbar notifications (altogether) in KDE 4.3, anyone know how to disable 'em?20:32
corTaskbar, even.20:32
heinkel_112hmmmpfh..... dvd is not recognized and will not play :(20:32
heinkel_112and then i tested another one and it was just fine20:35
heinkel_112but the one i want to see....20:35
heinkel_112what can go wrong if libdvdcss2 and all that is installed?20:36
cortry another player, oike VLC20:36
heinkel_112i tried dragon and kaffeine, dont have vlc20:36
heinkel_112when i insert film a, ¨cidade de deus¨ it is automounted, i get 4 optional actions presented on the desktop and it plays just fine20:38
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:39
heinkel_112when i insert ¨winter war¨ <---the one i planned to watch  it is not mounted, no actions are presented etc20:39
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apparleis there any kate plugin to add the command compile or make20:45
corexternal tools20:46
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apparlesuggest some games for kde as there are none installed by default20:49
darthanubisapparle: duh, kdegames20:57
darthanubisgoogel it20:58
darthanubisor google it20:58
apparleinfo !kdegames20:58
apparle!info kdegames20:58
ubottukdegames (source: kdegames): games from the official KDE 4 release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 20 kB, installed size 60 kB20:58
darthanubisthats fine if your still usign KDE 4.220:58
apparledarthanubis: ya...........will wait till karmic20:59
apparlefor 4.320:59
darthanubiswhat logic is in waiting?20:59
darthanubisif any?20:59
darthanubisIt works, it's final, and availible?21:00
apparleI don't have time and net bandwidth to download it :(21:00
darthanubisyou don't have broadband?21:00
apparleNo I am in hostel21:01
darthanubisIDK people still were using dial up with Linux or period21:01
darthanubisoh, sorry21:01
apparledarthanubis: :)21:01
LuisJahello i cant delete this Virtual Disk in Virtual box because it throws out this error:21:14
LuisJaHard disk '<NULL>' has 0 child hard disks.21:14
LuisJaCódigo Resultado:21:14
LuisJaNS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)21:14
FloodBotK1LuisJa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:14
LuisJais there a way to fix that?21:14
njathani just installed apache in my Kubunu box. And i am trying to open phpmyadmn. However i am encountering the "Save As" Page. Is this because php pages are not enabled in Apache? I dont remember how to do that. Can someone help me?21:17
it-39hello all21:21
it-39ciao a tutti se c'e qualche italiano21:22
genii!it | it-3921:23
ubottuit-39: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:23
geniinjathan: I recommend to ask in #httpd21:24
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cornjathan, ensure you have the module installed, then it should just happen21:27
raster_ricardoLuisJa: cant you wait??21:51
LuisJadid i say something raster_ricardo?21:52
raster_ricardoLuisJa: you said "is there a way to fix that?" and then "hello????" like if no one was paying attention. anyway...]21:54
raster_ricardoLuisJa: check if the partition where you installed the virtual disc is mounted21:54
LuisJanever mind, no one said nothing, solver problem21:54
raster_ricardoLuisJa: so, what was the problem?21:55
LuisJahard disk has ISO already installed as a child21:56
LuisJaneeded to delete iso MBs first so VD could be deleted21:56
LuisJasolver :)21:56
LuisJa&%!@ i mean Solved*21:56
raster_ricardowhere is njathan? i was going to say he need to  check if apache and php modules are running/installed.21:57
corapache is, php, I asked this.21:58
cordidn't catch a reply21:59
raster_ricardocor: php could be installed too, but not loaded. like forgetting to run a2enmodule or somethng. I don't remember if debian/n-buntu auto load the modules.22:03
corof course. but first, is it installed?22:04
corcuz not being installed is always a show-stopper22:05
corI have a simple brain, so I tend to troubleshoot in steps, from the bottom, up. Usually works.22:07
NJLhow I can install kdebase for 3.5.x with jaunty?  I already have kde422:08
DHGENJL: you cannot (maybe compile it yourself)22:09
rysiek|plthere were some kde 3.5.x packages for jaunty22:10
rysiek|plsomewhere on some PPA22:10
NJLI installed kdevelop 3, because kdevelop4 is pretty beta right now, but I'm missing the kio stuff for kde322:10
rysiek|plNJL: search Launchpad or google for jaunty kde 3.5 remix22:10
rysiek|plor something along those lines22:10
NJLok, I think I found something22:10
* rysiek|pl 's going to get some sleep22:12
NJLfor future reference: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3103125.msg177981#msg17798122:14
NJLthat gives the sources22:14
raster_ricardocor: it usually the best approach.22:23
dodecaneseis kubuntu karmistic?22:26
corunless it's networking, in which case.. Think like a packet of data.22:27
corThere is an alpha4 out22:27
corKDE4.3 slides onto the Jaunty release without issue, though, if that's what you're after22:27
MakuseruI have an HP G60 laptop, and when it goes into suspend, I can't get it to return. How can I fix this?22:27
corlotsa googling!22:28
corcheck your system logs22:28
MakuseruIt seems like a VERY common problem, I just couldn't find a fix for it while googling.22:29
corI've came across lots of those kinds of issues when looking for other things, and while common, there rarely seems to be common solutions22:30
corsystem logs are the best place to start, though.22:31
jadsaalut tout le monde23:01
basyhi how to disable or make invisible default button that is in KDE 4 in the up-right of the screen?23:02
corbasy, just remove it23:09
basycor, i mean that plasma button that is for logout, lock widgets, lock screen, and there is no choice to simple remove...23:10
basycor, the button in KDE4 up - right of the screen...23:11
coroh THAT button!23:11
basyis it possible to disable it23:12
corit's in the background, isn't it?23:12
corso what's the problem with it?23:12
basyi just dont like it :P23:12
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ubottuKDE 4.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.2 and http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.3 - Support in #kubuntu23:15
edgar_what up23:16
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Edgar_what up23:28
RefraxxHello. I have a problem with lag in my computer & was wondering how to get rid of it in a Linux platform. I am used to windows,so Linux is a bit new to me.23:42
RefraxxTechnecally, it's Kubuntu, if that matters23:43
RefraxxIt wasn't lagging this bad when I first got it.23:43
RefraxxMight it have something to do with multiple bookmarks?23:44
Refraxxplease help.23:44
RefraxxIs anyone online?23:46
noqsRefraxx, you can run the top command from a terminal to list all the processes running and see if one is pegging the CPU23:46
corwhat sort of lag?23:47
Refraxx cor-- just real slow (takes forever to execute ONE action at a time)23:47
kaddi_is there an easy way to remove all settings for uninstalled packages?23:51
kaddi_the other day I removed all gnome packages, but forgot to add --purge. I ain't using gnome again and therefore won't need the settings, which is why I would like them to be removed23:52
noqskaddi_, one place to look is the .gnome directories in your home directory23:54
kaddi_noqs: yes I was planning on removing .gnome and .gnome2, but I was hoping that there would be a more universal command for apt-get or a setting in packagekit/synaptics for it23:55
corkaddi_ you can still purge even after removal23:59
corsynaptic does , at any rate23:59
mewaycan somone help me23:59
mewayim a complete nube to ubuntu23:59
cordepends on what sort of help you need. you didn't say23:59
kaddi_cor: is that a universal command, or do I need to select all packages for it?23:59
mewayi was told to come here23:59

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