
Raydiationjust booting karmic00:04
Raydiationred blue and white clusters00:04
dodecaneseyeah thats funny00:05
dodecaneseyour ubuntu is over the jordan00:05
Twigaathymeep, 119 updates00:06
* Twigaathy should update more often!00:06
dodecanesei updated today, 2GB downloaded00:06
BUGabundoTwigaathy: right now I'm only doing it once or maybe twice a day00:06
dodecanesei do it twice a day, but my wife said its ok00:07
Twigaathywell, for the last 3 days I've been fiddling with raid and didn't want to update *anything* :)00:07
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Raydiationhehe i try if gentoo or arch works00:25
Raydiationits an amd phenom quadcore 3.200:25
Raydiationcomiling on this machine will rock00:25
dotblankwhy is pidgin being replaced?00:27
scizzo-dotblank: the reason is mentioned on www.ubuntu.com/testing00:28
dodecanesecause swineflu00:28
dodecanesepidgin sounds to much like pigs, thats why they stripped it from the release00:28
scizzo-dodecanese: mind the language a little please00:29
dotblankI thought they were doing away with dbus?00:29
dotblankw/e one reason I saw was lack for video support00:30
dotblankyet it was added in 2.6.100:30
codeamukhow stable/unstable is karmic alpha4?  thinking of doing a fresh install.01:02
BUGabundocodeamuk: it's a devel01:02
BUGabundoanything can happen01:02
BUGabundoand get a daily01:02
BUGabundobetter then Alpha401:03
codeamukwill do, thx01:03
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/01:03
codeamukbut no big issues atm?01:05
BUGabundonone that I can recall01:05
BUGabundoother then the unfixed ones01:05
BUGabundolike no autologin01:06
BUGabundosome audio probs01:06
BUGabundosome e-sata probs01:06
codeamukok, thx.  no worries just want to test on a non-production box.01:06
mtecknologyI upgraded to Karmic and when I try to boot I get a message saying something about searching for encrypted devices but just sits there and waits.01:17
BUGabundomtecknology: tryied crl+c ?01:20
mtecknologyBUGabundo: no change - the system is on an encrypted partition01:21
BUGabundono help from me01:22
BUGabundoI just use encfs01:22
mtecknologyBegin: Waiting for encrypted source device... ...01:22
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dodecanesewhy the heck is gconf2-d using so much cpu?01:22
dodecaneseit continously uses 22 percent of m cpu without any reason01:22
BUGabundododecanese: no idea01:22
BUGabundoI have it too some times01:22
BUGabundosome say its metacity running over compiz01:23
BUGabundoif you have compiz try to kill metacity01:23
scizzo-its something when trying to start compiz and it fails01:24
scizzo-killing metacity and starting it again helps with that01:24
dodecanesesounds like a spaghetti code sausage01:24
mtecknologyBUGabundo: this sucks :( - I can reinstall but I created ~4 docs I don't want to have to rewrite01:24
BUGabundomtecknology: boot from a jaunty livecd/usb?01:25
scizzo-there is a bug report on the metacity+compiz problem01:25
mtecknologywhat would I do though?01:25
BUGabundomtecknology: backup?01:26
mtecknologyALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxx does not exist. Dropping to a shell!01:27
mtecknologyI believe I now know what to do from thge live cd01:27
BUGabundocause I can't help you any further01:28
BUGabundoits above my expertise01:28
bjsniderthat may mean the fstab entry for that disk is incorrect01:28
bjsnidercheck the uuid in that file against the ones listed in /dev/disk/by-uuid01:29
mtecknologynow... if I have a live cd....... my cd case is at a friends house01:29
BUGabundo*always* cary a backup cd or usb01:30
BUGabundorunning a devel version without it is Crime01:30
BUGabundopunishable with Data Loss01:30
DanaGIf you know the device path, you can just edit the boot line to go root=/dev/sdwhatever01:30
mtecknologyhoping that's all that needs to be done...01:31
mtecknology1% dloaded01:31
* DanaG uses truecrypt -- I don't want the risk of full-disk encryption.01:32
mtecknologySomebody wanted to see me encrypt something 5 different times - so I proved it's possible and just stuck w/ the encryption of the drive01:34
BUGabundonot sure you won't that bet01:35
mtecknologywhy not?01:35
mtecknologyjust broke upgrading to an unstable release01:35
mtecknologyencrypted drive, encrypted home, truecrypt, hidden volume, gpg - I won ;)01:36
DanaGEncrypted drive?  how's that step done?01:37
mtecknologyDanaG: why not?01:40
DanaGyou mean to ask BUGabundo that?01:41
BUGabundono me01:41
mtecknology[19:37] <DanaG> Encrypted drive?  how's that step done?01:41
DanaGyeah, the answer "why not?" doesn't make sense there.01:41
mtecknologymind: s/one/done/01:42
mtecknologyencrypted partition01:42
mtecknologyonly thing not encrypted is /boot and /vm - I told him if I wanted I could put /boot on a sd disk01:43
DanaGIf I wanted a secure drive, I could just use an ATA password, couldn't I?01:43
DanaGOr is that not enough?01:44
mtecknology3% :D01:45
mtecknologyhow do you do that?01:45
mtecknologydon't you need a special drive>?01:45
DanaGAll drives nowadays should support it; what matters more is that the system BIOS supports it.01:46
DanaGgoogle for ATA security.01:46
mtecknologyI'll do that01:47
mtecknologyDanaG: got it01:48
BUGabundoim off to bed. cu tommorow02:08
DanaGi wonder why BUGabundo's name appears italic in pidgin.02:11
andresmhI'm trying to play a DVD and the sound is choppy to the point that it's unbearable. Any ideas on what I could fiddle with?02:41
andresmhI'm trying to play a DVD and the sound is choppy to the point that it's unbearable. Any ideas on what I could fiddle with?02:52
IdleOneyeah but it wont fix your sound lol02:53
* Dr_Willis wonders what kind of dvd's IdleOne 's been watching. :P02:55
Dr_WillisTime to test out the kubuntu netbook edition of 9.10.02:55
IdleOnewish more people would seed the alternate cd02:56
IdleOne8 hours to go02:56
Dr_WillisI normally dont try the torrents till its actually released. Never seemed to be enough seeders testing the alphas02:56
Dr_Willisbut on the day of release.. thats when i can REALLY see how fast my torrents can get. :)02:57
Dr_WillisI was thinking  the whole cd took under 10 min last time.02:57
IdleOnewell torrent is available so i figure save canonical the bandwidth03:00
IdleOnebut I'm starting to rethink03:00
Dr_WillisYea. with all the variants and changes , its  proberly easier to just get the thing direct03:01
Dr_Willisits sad when ya see people still seeding  the Earlier releases.. because they dont know any better. :)03:01
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xim_ how come when i went from karmic alpha to jaunty there is a different version of ktorrent?04:13
xim_do different ubuntus install different versions of software from packages with the same name?04:13
leaf-sheepHow do one goes from karmic alpha to jaunty? o.o04:15
DanaGThe quick answer: you don't.04:16
DanaGIt is possible....... but it's very highly inadvisable.04:16
xim_its pretty easy, format....install jaunty04:19
xim_karmic just kept rotting away on me04:20
DanaGOr better: restore from backups.04:20
xim_first my sound stopped working, except garbled sound only from the mozilla flash plugin and no other application04:20
xim_then i closed a program once and it erased all my panel icons...04:21
xim_xorg would crash spontaneously04:21
xim_but thats the risk of playing with an alpha04:21
xim_wierd how sensless the problems i got were tho04:21
arandbtw, are we supposed to have flickerless boot by KK? (since the new gdm could well give you epilepsy)04:22
xim_but anyway i dont get why different ubuntus install different ktorrent clients04:22
Dragnslcrxim_- you don't understand why a newer version of Ubuntu would have a newer version of specific program?04:31
xim_no dont they all link to metapackages of the newest version of whatever program it is?04:32
DragnslcrEach version of Ubuntu has its own set of repositories04:33
xim_still, its not like the new ktorrent is TOO AWSOME to run on jaunty04:33
xim_*but i didnt know that04:34
DragnslcrFirst, if they all used the same repositories, there wouldn't be a point to releasing new versions04:34
bjsnidersecond, not everything plays nicely together like it should04:34
bjsnidersometimes program x will break program y04:35
DragnslcrSecond, you generally don't want to change to new major versions of programs in the middle of an Ubuntu version. Most people want at least a little stability in their operating system04:35
xim_i guess04:36
xim_im 75% convinced ;p04:36
xim_it seems like a crummier version of ktorrent than was on my ubuntu hardy.  but crummy is in the eye of the beholder i spose04:37
bjsniderwell, maybe ktorrent is going 100 miles per hour in the wrong direction04:40
xim_where nothing can possiblie go wrong....possibly go wrong....thats the first thing thats ever gone wrong04:43
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douglasawh_sorry for the reconnections, am tryint to get quassel to give me the correct username automatically05:47
robert__what will the new theme look like?05:59
robert__what will the new theme look like?06:00
DarthArachidescan anyone tell me what flie provides gnome-power-cmd.sh?09:53
DarthArachidesapt-file doesn't turn up anything09:53
x1250DarthArachides, tried dpkg -S /path/to/gnome-power-cmd.sh ? I don't see it on my system tho.09:55
DarthArachidesx1250: I don't have the file on my system, but I swear I had it on jaunty.09:56
x1250DarthArachides, dropped (debian/rules section): https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/karmic-changes/2009-July/005207.html09:59
DarthArachidesx1250: oh that's sad. I wonder what the alternatives are.10:00
x1250no idea :(10:01
DarthArachidesx1250: thanks for your help!10:02
fabehi where should I best post an issue for recently broken sound with Realtek ALC888 on a Gigabyte MA74GM-S2H ?10:27
BUGabundofabe: hi. define broken?10:30
fabesound worked and after an update it didnt10:31
BUGabundois it muted?10:31
fabeim not sure if it was a kernel update10:31
BUGabundokernel is chaning that a lot10:31
BUGabundodo you have pavucontrol?10:32
BUGabundoopen it and see if any source is too low10:32
fabei cant check now10:32
fabebut ive done that10:32
BUGabundofile a bug and ping dtchen on it10:33
fabei screwed up my drivers when i tried to install the newest from realtech10:33
BUGabundofabe:  $ ubuntu-bug alsa-core10:33
BUGabundoI think that's it10:33
BUGabundodon't. PLEASE don't do that10:33
BUGabundothere are too many things working together here.10:33
fabei know that now aswell ;)10:33
BUGabundo3rd party drivers will just make it a mess10:34
BUGabundojust file a bug and wait for dtchen to become active, and help you triage it10:34
BUGabundoI may join #ubuntu-audio-help10:34
fabeon launchpad?10:34
BUGabundofabe:  $ ubuntu-bug alsa-core10:34
BUGabundoeither that or10:34
BUGabundofabe:  $ ubuntu-bug alsa-base10:34
fabe$ ubuntu-bug ?10:35
BUGabundono need10:37
BUGabundojust run it on the cli, hence the '$'10:37
BUGabundoopen a terminal and write it10:37
BUGabundoubuntu-bug alsa-base10:37
BUGabundoit will collect all require data, and then send you to LP with it attached10:38
x1250uhm, strange, my cpu is at 71ÂșC and fan speeds are not at max. Any way to control fan speeds?10:40
BUGabundox1250: with newest kernel?10:41
BUGabundowhat motherboard and chipset?10:41
BUGabundoand yes, I can echo a value to /proc/*/cpufans10:41
x1250BUGabundo, 2.6.31-6-generic, Intel 945GM on a DELL Inspiron.10:43
x1250ok thanks10:43
rajeevhi guys10:51
BUGabundohey rajeev10:51
rajeevyesterday update killed my display10:52
rajeevirssi to the rescue :)10:52
rajeevno module named nvidia10:52
BUGabundoothers have complained about that too10:53
BUGabundotry to upgrade again, and make sure DKMS runs10:53
BUGabundorajeev: $ sudo aptitude update10:54
BUGabundorajeev: $ sudo aptitude full-upgrade10:54
BUGabundoand *good* luck10:54
rajeevam just trying to install nvidia again10:54
rajeevthen ill try full-upgrade10:54
rajeevi have twitchy fingers,i read about this breakage but still went aheaad and did upgrade :D10:55
BUGabundoyeah I did to and made my way10:55
BUGabundoI guess the module jump requires full upgrade10:55
BUGabundoa simple upgrade is just removing the old modules10:56
rajeevyeah could you tell me what is this new upgrade about?10:56
rajeevok got display heh10:56
rajeevjust installed nvidia10:57
rajeevlet me go check the upgrades again10:57
rajeevfro m a GUI :)10:57
rajeevbye,how to quit irssi?10:57
BUGabundoGUI is for the weak10:57
BUGabundoCLI is for beard guys and harry chicks :)10:57
BUGabundoguess he hasn't enough bear10:58
* BUGabundo enjoys quiet time and goes back to reading feeds10:58
leaf-sheepBUGabundo: Is it true? :P11:12
BUGabundoleaf-sheep: is nt it ?11:13
leaf-sheepBUGabundo: I know this is silly -- but I'm just curious about something. I read an article X weeks ago about robust boot time.  Is it getting there? :)11:13
leaf-sheepProbably not -- but that's a good goal.11:14
nacho_I'm having a look at libvte deps, shouldn't it depend on glade-ui?11:14
nacho_as it provides the catalog for glade and in the configure.ac file it searchs for it11:15
BUGabundoleaf-sheep: well moblin can get a really fast boot11:15
BUGabundoand *we* as a generic distro are cutting it down too, just not as much11:15
BUGabundokarmic+1 should provide ~10 sec boots for most users11:15
BUGabundonow we just need to cut down on the time *after* login :)11:15
BUGabundonacho_: prob not the right channel to ask11:16
BUGabundotry #ubuntu-devel11:16
BUGabundobut be warned: its weekend :)11:16
SwedeMikeBUGabundo: time after login is nothing when you run from ssd :P11:16
leaf-sheepIsn't Moblin for netbooks?11:16
SwedeMikewindows is the same way, like 5x shorter time when running from ssd11:17
BUGabundoleaf-sheep: you can run it on pretty much anything11:18
BUGabundoSwedeMike: when was the last time you looked at an hacked bootchart?11:18
BUGabundoyou will see the login time is too much11:18
BUGabundowe need to cut that down11:18
BUGabundohere are some of mine11:19
BUGabundoneed to upload new ones11:19
SwedeMikeI havent done anything like that, no11:19
leaf-sheepBUGabundo: Too small.11:20
SwedeMikejust noticed that my default ubuntu boots to usable state from when I type "enter" on my password prompt, in a few seconds11:20
leaf-sheepBUGabundo: Images, I mean.  I can't even read the text. :<11:20
BUGabundoleaf-sheep: leaglly blind?11:20
leaf-sheepBUGabundo: No. Legally deaf though.11:21
leaf-sheepIrony. :P11:21
leaf-sheepBut yeah, I can't see it. I think the images got resized or something.  You really can see it just fine?11:21
BUGabundoclick on them11:22
BUGabundothey will grow to full size11:22
leaf-sheepBUGabundo: I did.  Same resolution.11:22
BUGabundoor download it, and zoom at will11:22
leaf-sheepBUGabundo: Yeah. That worked just great.  80 seconds?11:23
leaf-sheepNo... 90.11:24
BUGabundono no11:25
BUGabundothat's HOW long I set the spleep11:25
BUGabundogdm is like 19 secs11:25
BUGabundoand an extra 20/30 for usable desktop11:26
leaf-sheepBUGabundo: Ahh I see.  Btw, I found something today that I thought this would benefit me next time I reinstall for no particular reason. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115596111:28
leaf-sheepI don't know if that'll be useful for you and your goal of shaving times.11:29
jonathonfhmm, i might have to try that11:30
leaf-sheepIt's nice though.  Start with scratch a bit.... Oh noes.  No bluetooth, then I'd have to install that.  As oppose to having bluetooths by default. :)11:30
jonathonfis the minimal cd the netinstall?11:31
BUGabundojonathonf: well no11:32
leaf-sheepNo. It's... minimal cd..11:32
jonathonfah found it11:32
BUGabundobut minimal need net to install more stuff11:32
BUGabundojonathonf: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/11:32
* jonathonf loads up virtualbox11:34
leaf-sheepjonathonf: Doing it for jaunty or karmic?11:42
BUGabundobluetooth is soooo broken11:43
BUGabundowho wants to join me in putting our hands around asac neck ? :)11:43
jonathonfah hell - how do i get the mini iso to bring up virtualbox's networking? it's saying the network is configured (dhcp) but it won't ping out11:55
BUGabundojonathonf: host only connection needed11:57
BUGabundoto connect from HOST to GUEST11:58
BUGabundobridge won't work, only accessible from LAN11:58
jonathonfthanks, trying it now11:58
BUGabundoyeah very confusing11:58
BUGabundowhen VMWare makes it so much easier11:58
leaf-sheepjonathonf: Answer my question.  Damnnit.  Jaunty or Karmic? ;o12:01
leaf-sheepMeh. You should do both side. Default Karmic vs Slim Karmic.12:01
jonathonfleaf-sheep: which question? i think i'm missing some stuff when i had a powercut12:01
leaf-sheepjonathonf: Testing that minimal setup with minimal iso for Jaunty or Karmic.12:02
jonathonfah right; karmic12:02
jonathonfyay, network came up. had to use bridged.12:02
Skiessithere used to be some Sessions box in the configuration tools...12:05
SkiessiHow can I make X-Chat start when starting Gnome?12:06
jonathonfstartup programs12:06
Skiessioh... there12:06
leaf-sheepDoes Minimal CDs get updated or not really since they pull in packages from servers.12:11
BUGabundoleaf-sheep: I should pull most OS from archives12:13
leaf-sheepI'm tearing apart here... Deciding if I want a silver or black case for mini-itx. :\12:23
Trewassomebody has not been reading HIG when designing new gdm in karmic, at first sight it looks like only options are to restart and shutdown12:47
leaf-sheepBlack --> http://tinyurl.com/os4ld9   ;  Silver --> http://tinyurl.com/kj3ro612:48
leaf-sheepjonathonf: ^^12:48
jonathonfi'd still go for black as it tends to blend in better with consumer equipment, bu tthen the silver is less likely to show scratches12:50
leaf-sheepjonathonf: Brushed Metal. :>12:51
leaf-sheepI have that on my laptop too.  My laptop is silver brushed metal/black.12:51
leaf-sheepI thought of it as a nice combo. :)12:51
leaf-sheepThen again, I'm standing in a fork.  Deciding.12:52
leaf-sheepI don't know but I think black are overrated now.  Look at consumer equipments.  It seems like the silver stands out longer. Hmm.12:52
leaf-sheepjonathonf: Karmic Mini install grub2 or lilo for you? I'm doing it at the moment but I sworn I saw a package 'lilo' during the base process.12:53
jonathonfnot sure, setting up the minimal desktop stuff at the mo12:59
jonathonfleaf-sheep: just checked (install finished) and it's grub2 (grub-pc 1.96)13:18
leaf-sheepjonathonf: Yup. I checked that too.13:22
AlanBellis there any plan to put telepathy-idle into main/default install?13:25
AlanBellso that empathy has IRC support. Otherwise there is no IRC client out of the box13:25
jonathonfjust got into X. wow. memory usage is 80MB.13:26
leaf-sheepjonathonf: Is that good?  What's the usual?13:28
leaf-sheepjonathonf: And what's the command for that?13:30
jonathonfmy laptop starts at about 500MB, though there are a load of startup apps (e.g. gnome-do)13:31
jonathonfjust checked in system monitor13:31
SwedeMikeswmike@swm-laptop:~$ ps auxw | grep X13:31
SwedeMikeroot      3270  3.6  8.2 493280 253432 tty7    Ss+  Aug20 114:10 /usr/X11R6/bin/X13:31
SwedeMikeI've seen it take up to 2 gigs after a month or so13:31
leaf-sheepSwedeMike: root      3174  4.0  3.4 219220 106560 tty713:34
TrewasI wonder if it is perfectly normal that gconfd-2 is wasting about 25% of the cpu all the time, maybe it is folding proteins or something?13:51
jonathonfit's not normal13:52
TrewasI did not find a bug about that but I think I have seen others mention that here13:52
jonathonfget a terminal open13:52
jonathonfkillall metacity13:52
jonathonfmetacity --replace13:52
Trewasok, that fixed it13:53
IdleOneyesterday I did a upgrade to karmic and system was unusable after reboot. Complete freeze once the desktop loaded, so I tried a fresh install and had the same issue except at the login screen. I decided to not pursue the matter and I'll wait for a couple more weeks before trying again13:56
penguin42IdleOne: It might be worth reporting a bug on it anyway; if lots of people are seeing this it would be good for the devs to know13:56
IdleOnepenguin42: yes I wil do that now13:56
penguin42make sure you describe all your hardware13:57
IdleOnepenguin42: anything else besides lspci I should give?14:05
scizzo-penguin42: there is a bug about it14:06
penguin42hmm there's probably some instructions somewhere saying what to include; if you have jaunty working on it I'd include a dmesg (stating it's off jaunty)14:06
scizzo-!bug 39073314:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390733 in gconf2 "Process gconfd-2 causes cpu overuse and overheat" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39073314:07
penguin42scizzo-: You don't know if that's the problem IdleOne is seing14:08
scizzo-all I am saying is to look for a report before doing a new one14:09
IdleOnein that report it suggest he can get to terminal to kill gconfd-214:09
penguin42scizzo-: The bug is a bit weird as well; I mean gconf-d might eat CPU but it's only bad hardware that fails under 100% cpu14:09
IdleOnemy system totaly becomes unresponsive14:09
scizzo-!bug 38968614:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389686 in metacity "compiz --replace fails to kill metacity, resulting in cpu overload" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38968614:09
Trewasscizzo-: thanks for pointing out those bugs, no need to file a new one as it's known... and matt zimmerman has commented on one of those, so I can be fairly certain it will be looked after :)14:13
scizzo-well from what I can see is that all of those bugs are the same issue all the way...since one of them is noted to the gnome-bugs this should be a upstream metacity error14:14
* penguin42 doesn't seem to have that; I guess it might be with compiz only14:15
scizzo-penguin42: not sure14:15
scizzo-penguin42: those are interesting bugs though14:15
TrewasI don't use compiz and gconfd is not always wasting cpu, maybe it only happens after suspend14:15
scizzo-anyone that has come across the error of panel running when trying to run gnome-shell though? mine crashes directly14:21
jonathonfscizzo-: it's a conflict between xulrunner versions14:23
jonathonfremove xulrunner-1.9 and it should work14:24
scizzo-jonathonf: will give it a try14:25
scizzo-jonathonf: nice thanks14:26
jonathonfnp, saw it in the forums14:27
penguin42why? Does gnome-shell use xul?14:28
scizzo-penguin42: yes14:30
giles_Is is possible to configure gdm so that the user logo is the photo in account information14:47
giles_instead of the grey cluedo man?14:48
* penguin42 remembers many years ago that some of the xdm logon things would use an image file in your home directoryh14:49
giles_penguin42: It seems to make sense to me that if you set your user photo, other apps (like gdm and pidgin) would use it.14:51
giles_I was thinking of making a FR.14:51
penguin42giles_: Yeh sounds reasonable14:51
* scizzo- remember trying tvwm14:52
giles_penguin42: I can't find any features like it in gnome bugzilla14:55
* penguin42 wonders if it's a generic Gnomeism or something ubuntu specific? I suspect it's generci14:55
giles_penguin42: I don't know if its can be done via configuration, or whether it would have to be a feature of gdm/gnome15:03
penguin42giles_: No I don't know - put a bug report in?15:04
qenseis there a good guide for bridging your network for use with a VM? I can't find anything good, everything that seems to work doesn't show up in virt-manager15:05
qenseI'm asking here because I use karmic15:05
giles_qense: virtualbox?15:06
qenseis it easier with virtualbox?15:06
eMyller_for curious about kde: http://tr.im/kdescreenshots :)15:06
giles_you just choose a bridged network type in the gui15:06
qensethat's the problem: in libvirt applications bridged networks don't show up15:07
giles_qense: I don't have any experience with kvm sorry.15:07
qensethanks anyway for your suggestion15:08
BluesKajHowdy all15:18
=== eMyller_ is now known as eMyller
durtwhat's with the distribution upgrade?15:53
kaddiwhats with it?15:59
durthad an issue with a couple of kde packages last night, I'm running Xubuntu, only needed them for K3B, so removed, now I started update manager, it asks to do a partial distribution upgrade? what gives?16:02
scizzo-durt: broken dependencies16:03
durtthen why ask to remove 3 packages and bring in 71 new packages?  most of which are stuff I removed a long time ago, not related to the kde package conflict.16:05
scizzo-maybe they are replaced by other packages16:05
scizzo-durt: run a: sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade to check package list and so on16:06
scizzo-durt: this is a very common case when it comes to deps changes and so on16:06
durtyes, I know. Maybe I'm not familiar with update manager, I would have thought that this would have been taken care of with a regular update, not a 'partial distro upgrade', now I have to get rid of bluez, brasero and all the other carp I hate :(16:08
scizzo-I like brasero....nothing wrong with it16:09
durtI seem to have hardware issues, hence using K3B or Xfburn.16:10
jonathonfgrr... keep getting apps crashing with things like "CRITICAL:root:Duplicate object id 'alignment3'" This is a bit annoying16:20
* penguin42 really needs to turn off graphical smileys; they don't work well with object paths like that 16:42
scizzo-penguin42: ?16:42
scizzo-penguin42: in what?16:42
penguin42jonathonf's comment above16:42
* penguin42 got a big fat smiley between root and uplicate16:43
scizzo-penguin42: xchat?16:43
dodecanesemy cat told me: she has to use word, but i only got open office17:09
dodecaneseis it hard for her to change?17:09
penguin42maybe you can't teach an old cat new tricks?17:10
BluesKajdodecanese, Open Office is supposed to be able to read Word documents,  http://www.tutorialsforopenoffice.org/tutorial/Microsoft_Word_Files.html17:18
mac_vhmm... if a partition is mounted by another user and has not been unmounted , will the partition not be visible?17:47
mac_vto others?17:47
penguin42I'd say it would normally be visible17:48
burneranyone know how to fix the cups-pdf printer?  It's supposed to go to ~/PDF, but nothing shows up there.  I've reinstalled cups-pdf and the printer shows fine, but no output17:51
=== TheImp is now known as TheInfinity
dodecanesehow cna i install KDE?18:21
dodecanesei got ubuntu, i want KDE and GNOME18:21
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde418:22
ubottuKDE 4.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.2 and http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.3 - Support in #kubuntu18:22
jonathonfi thought kde 4.3 was latest...18:24
kaddiit might need an update..18:25
malnilionConsidering xorg.conf no longer exists, how would one manually go about enabling UXA acceleration?18:33
mobioushey all18:36
penguin42malnilion: It doesn't stop you having an xorg.conf it just doesn't create one by default18:36
malnilionpenguin42, noted, so I just add the appropriate devices section and options?18:36
hifiI think there is no way to change graphics driver settings than from a vendor panel (nvidia/ati) or xorg.conf18:37
hifithough the vendor panels probably output a xorg.conf18:37
DanaGhmm, UXA is Intel... should be on by default, shouldn't it?18:37
BluesKajI still have an xorg.conf ...useless as it may be to edit with any success  ")18:38
hifimalnilion: minimalistic approach works, create a empty xorg.conf and add only the device section18:38
malnilionDanaG, I think there are issues with stability so by default it is not enabled.  I want to test Desktop Effects, though, dammit :P18:38
mobiouscould anyone point me to the right post .. just reinstalled and upgraded to karmic .. i get mouse and background then freeze after login ... cant find the right post with tty steps to fix this18:41
=== mobious is now known as ubernoober
malnilionDanaG, I guess UXA might be "enabled" by default, but maybe I don't have Kernel Mode Setting enabled.18:43
kaddikms IS enabled by default since alpha318:44
kaddisry about the capslock18:44
penguin42malnilion: grep for uxa in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:44
DanaGgrep -i uxa18:44
DanaGi for "ignore case"18:44
penguin42indeed, the i's have it18:44
malnilionDanaG, (II) UXA(0): Driver registered support for the following operations:18:47
DanaGThat seems to indicate it being enabled.18:47
penguin42malnilion: Is your problem you can't do compiz?18:48
penguin42malnilion: What graphics hardware do you have?18:48
malnilionintel mobile 945GME, I believe18:48
penguin42malnilion: Me too; it seems to have got blacklisted or the like?18:48
malnilionPerhaps, but I've done some googling and people seem to have been able to get compiz working.18:49
penguin42on 945 on karmic?18:49
malnilionI've had trouble finding guides on how to get it enabled on karmic.18:49
penguin42it isn't clear to me if it's ment to be disabled because of some insability or if it's a bug18:50
DanaGtry running 'compiz --replace &' in console.18:51
malnilionHuh, it says in that log that AIGLX is enabled as well.18:51
malnilionDanaG, hehe, that worked.18:52
DanaGhmm, so it looks like compiz is fine, then.18:52
DanaGoh, and to make it so compiz won'18:52
malnilionSo should I kludge Gnome to run that on startup?18:52
DanaGwon't end when you close the terminal, now run 'disown'.18:52
DanaGYou should be able to use the gnome appearance thingy.  Just cancel the "searching for drivers" thing.18:53
malnilionOh, okay.18:53
meoblast001will there by any chance be any more PulseAudio fixes in the next version of ubuntu?18:59
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions19:02
itswhatevspeaking of pa.. what do i need to do in order to capture the internal mix of the sound card?  for recordmydesktop or other similar19:09
ubernooberhey all can anyone help me ..hangs on login19:18
kaddiubernoober: can you log into the tty?19:22
ubernooberyup im there now19:22
kaddican you start the displaymanager from there? maybe you'll get an error message or something giving mor insight into the problem19:23
ubernoobergives errors .. fatal server error .. allready active for display 019:25
ubernoober@kaddi the problem is known .. i juct cant find the post anymore ;[  think its intel 82830 gcc related19:27
kaddiubernoober:  :( I've had my problems with intel as well. I know there a reps for updated X and such for jaunty, maybe the same exists for karmic and will help you?19:28
ubernooberboots fine no errors . login screen comes up , enter password and cursor spins then hangs there , mouse moves .. kb frozen19:28
ubernooberi had karmic up and running before this .. fixed the intel problem great  .. now im stuck @ login19:29
kaddiubernoober: did you apply any updates that might have broken your install?19:30
kaddi(do you happen to have kde and gnome installed and could crosstest?)19:31
ubernooberits a fresh install jaunty updated , then upgraded , then updatemanager -d19:31
kaddiubernoober: sorry I didn#t see your first question. I meant "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" if you are using gnome as default, "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart" if you are using kde19:31
ubernooberlastnight .. so nothing installed @ all19:32
kaddito restart your displaymanager19:32
ubernooberok will try19:32
ubernoobercommand not found19:34
ubernoobernothing in caps?19:35
kaddino, but I'm only really familiar with kde, so maybe the command is different for psgnome19:36
ubernoobergnome ..ps19:36
kaddiah, lol, I was wondering.. had never heard of psgnome :p19:36
DanaG!info psgnome19:37
ubottuPackage psgnome does not exist in karmic19:37
ubernoober... lol!gnome19:37
kaddiubernoober: are you sure that gnome is installed? (it did work on jaunty I suppose?)19:38
ubernooberyup .. sortaif you couldread it19:38
ubernooberspace bar is sticky ;[ sry19:38
ubernooberim guessing that apt uninstall gmome  and reinstall wont work19:39
vahiruahi, I just installed kubuntu karmic and for some reason I keep getting "No such file or directory" for a lot of stuff... it might be because of a missing symlink to kde4.py?19:40
kaddiit might be worth a try... at this stage I would guess it can't hurt..19:40
ubernooberits a tester for shure lol nothing on the drive so y not19:40
BluesKajubernoober, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde19:41
popeyitswhatev: jack19:41
itswhatevpopey: just install it and i'm gold or configure something specific?19:42
kaddiubernoober: maybe try and see if you can run karmic from a live-cd as well?19:42
ubernooberno burner ;[19:42
ubernooberacer travelmate 220 14 yrs old19:43
kaddiubernoober: hehe and I thought I stood out with my 661 ;)19:43
ubernooberi still got a 580 mb hd kicking around19:44
popeyitswhatev: needs starting, use jackctl to configure/start it19:44
kaddihehe, the 661 was my first pc.. and it came with 40Gb of harddisk! :o19:44
* penguin42 flings his 64MB 5.25" FH disc at ubernoober19:45
ubernooberi had 12' floppies on mine19:45
popeyitswhatev: http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/Mixing_A_Podcast_In_Ardour_-_Part_1 that screencast talks a little about jack19:45
ubernooberlol penguin19:45
* ubernoober fondly remembers his comoidor "pet"19:46
NoelJBubernoober, what kind of graphics card?19:50
ubernooberin the acer its a intel 82830m gcc rev 4 i think19:51
ubernoober8 or 16 meg ;[19:51
NoelJBubernoober, ah, sorry.  probably can't help,  if you'd said nvidia, I'd have had a good guess on the problem.19:52
ubernooberme too lol19:52
ubernooberhad this happen 2 weeks ago when i first tried this , googled it and found a post in launchpad or ubuntu forums ... tty in change a file"cant remember" and reboot19:54
ubernoobercant find it now ... 4 hours searching19:54
penguin42hmph, X died20:08
* penguin42 has had little look with describing poorly repeatable X crashes20:11
x1250mmm, nautilus 100% cpu usage is making me sick :S20:40
=== Dragnslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
tuxi thought they were replacing rhythmbox with banshee?21:01
NoelJBx1250, GUI apps freezing while I type, with high IOWAIT is driving ME nuts.  :-)21:02
x1250nothing compared to my EXT4 data loss yesterday :), more than 6 hours of kdenlive wasted, haha. I love EXT4 :/21:04
* x1250 sighs21:04
penguin42x1250: I'll switch to ext4 in a few years....21:06
NoelJBx1250, yikes ... penguin42 I figure 2011 or so.21:07
x1250data=journal fixes the issue, or at least thats what the web says. I wonder why EXT4 ubuntu defaults are so insecure. A power outage will make your files 0 bytes, by default. Insane.21:09
virtualdwhat's the default data=?21:13
x1250I think its ordered.... from a webpage:21:20
x1250* ordered mode21:20
x1250In data=ordered mode, ext4 only officially journals metadata, but it logically21:20
x1250groups metadata and data blocks into a single unit called a transaction.  When21:20
x1250it's time to write the new metadata out to disk, the associated data blocks21:20
x1250are written first.  In general, this mode performs slightly slower than21:20
x1250writeback but significantly faster than journal mode.21:20
x1250and its true, journal is slower.21:20
penguin42I think there is some work pending to get a compromise between the modes21:22
andresmujicanormally the best tradeoff between performance and security is ordered... journalling the metadata and no the data itself  even NTFS use it21:23
tgpraveen1!info libtheora21:24
ubottuPackage libtheora does not exist in karmic21:25
penguin42tgpraveen1: There's a libtheora021:25
tgpraveen1!info libtheora021:26
ubottulibtheora0 (source: libtheora): The Theora Video Compression Codec. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0-2.1build1 (karmic), package size 282 kB, installed size 764 kB21:26
x1250andresmujica, I was using ordered when lost my data. I had a power outage and was editing a project in kdenlive. Rebooted, and boom, 0 bytes.21:26
x1250bad luck maybe, but it happened twice!21:26
andresmujicasadly, it seems to be flacky in ext4... it's the ext3 default too...21:27
penguin42x1250: My understanding is there is a defined way for apps to ensure there data is saved in that case (and it's standard posix semantics but most people don't quite follow it)21:27
x1250/var/log/./messages:5466:Aug 20 22:31:13 daniel-laptop kernel: [   13.651969] EXT4-fs (sda6): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode21:28
x1250penguin42, yeah, but I talked to some kdenlive devs and they said they wouldn't do it. And people say posix is just flawed and should be changed. I agree on that one.21:30
x1250(on that specific matter)21:31
malnilionAnybody know a good way to trick websites into thinking you have an older version of Flash?21:43
NoelJBmalnilion, no, and I've had that experience with a bank a while back.21:47
malnilionMySpace is the offender for me21:47
NoelJBmalnilion, ah well MySpace is taking themselves out of relevance, so good luck getting anything fixed on that service.21:48
malnilionRight-o, it's a shame that bands I listen to almost exclusively use it.21:48
NoelJBI didn't realize that anyone over the (mental) age of tween still did.21:49
malnilionYeah...small bands have a tendency to set up a myspace page rather than hire a web developer and pay for costs associated with running a website.21:50
malnilionAnd it's funny, too, because I'm pretty sure a lot of them pay someone to jazz up their myspace pages, lol21:51
malnilionBut yeah, I've always hated the site.21:51
nhasianhow come the daily build only has the alternate install cd? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/21:57
malnilionnhasian, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/22:01
cyberkillaAnybody know about the nvidia drivers? I'm having serious problems as of this morning.22:01
NoelJBcyberkilla, what problem?  And which driver is installed?22:01
nhasianmalnilion, ah thank you!22:02
cyberkillaIt is driver 185.18.3622:02
cyberkillaI was nagged to do a "partial upgrade" this morning.22:02
cyberkillaIt installed 24MiB of extra packages22:02
cyberkillaOne of the new packages was clearly an nvidia driver...22:03
cyberkillaIt asked me to reboot to complete the upgrade..22:03
NoelJBthe partial may have been related to codec stuff that hasn't built properly.22:03
cyberkillaUnfortunately, it booted into the console, as X failed to start.22:03
NoelJBI still have 3 packages waiting to be replaced.22:03
popeycyberkilla: i had the same22:03
popeysudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-185   fixed it22:04
cyberkillaI believe I fixed it by editing the xorg.conf file22:04
nhasianyeah i havent done the distribution update yet for the nvidia stuff.  i think it will be a normal update when all parts are released right?22:04
cyberkillaIt hadn't fully installed the driver.22:04
cyberkillaHowever, once I had the driver working, I ran into another problem.22:04
NoelJBnhasian, the only things that haven't updated for me are libavformat52 libpostproc51 libswscale022:04
cyberkillaThe driver is unstable; it displays artifacts on the screen, flickers, hangs and eventually reboots the laptop.22:05
popeycyberkilla: you should file a bug using the commend "ubuntu-bug nvidia-glx-185"22:05
NoelJBcyberkilla, boot to a recovery console. try to purge and reinstall the driver.22:05
NoelJBcyberkilla, you could also try nvidia-glx-190 if you are so inclined.  I used that until yesterday, when nvidia finally got a 185 out that actually works.22:06
cyberkillaI will try that. I actually tried "sudo apt-get remove nvidia-*" and put everything back manually22:06
NoelJBso 190.18.03 was working just fine.22:06
cyberkillaBut the same problem exists. I'll try purging22:06
cyberkillaI tried 190 too22:06
cyberkillasame problem22:06
bjsnidercyberkilla, what card is this?22:06
NoelJBOh, then something sounds a bit more b0rked.22:06
cyberkillaIt is a Sony Vaio VGN-AR41E with an NVidia 8400M GT22:07
NoelJBah, bjsnider is the team maintainer for the nvidia PPA.  :-)22:07
bjsniderever try it with windows?22:07
cyberkillaIt works with Vista, which sits in a tiny partition just incase Ubuntu breaks.22:07
bjsnidermaybe your hardware is busted22:07
bjsniderare you at the console right now?22:08
cyberkillaAlso, it worked fine until this morning, JUST after the upgrade22:08
popeycyberkilla: please, file a bug22:08
cyberkillaA bit coincidental for the hardware to break just after the update.22:08
bjsnideri thought you said it didn't work even when it worked22:08
BUGabundowhat's the best app to search for dupes among 1TiB of files??22:09
cyberkillaI'm not on the console22:09
cyberkillaI'm using the vesa driver22:09
popeyBUGabundo: fdupes22:09
penguin42BUGabundo: The whole files?22:09
bjsnideropen up the console and run dkms status22:09
BUGabundothanks popey22:09
cyberkillaAnd I have booted into Windows Vista with it's Aero glass working fine (which requires acceleration)22:09
BUGabundopenguin42: merge of 4 older disk to a new one for backups22:09
cyberkillanvidia, 173.14.16: added22:10
cyberkillastrange message22:10
penguin42popey: Oh cool, I didn't know about fdupes22:10
BUGabundoattention everyone with Nvidia probs: distupgrade now. module require so22:10
cyberkillaAlthough I have been swapping in and out of 173 and 185 to see if there was a difference22:10
bjsniderah, i see22:10
bjsniderthe 173 won't build ont he new kernel22:11
cyberkillaClearly not. It doesn't even get into X22:11
BUGabundoI got safe22:11
BUGabundoI was worried yesterday22:11
BUGabundobut then I did aptitude full-upgrade22:11
BUGabundoand got new modules22:11
BUGabundoall O K22:11
bjsniderwhy doesn't upgrade-manager do this for people?22:12
BUGabundono idea22:12
cyberkillaThe following packages will be REMOVED:22:12
cyberkilla  nvidia-185-libvdpau{u}22:12
cyberkilla0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.22:12
cyberkillathat is what it's telling me22:12
BUGabundomaybe its one of those were *partial* updates helpd22:13
bjsnidercyberkilla, remove all traces of the 173 driver22:13
BUGabundocyberkilla:  sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade && sudo aptitude full-upgrade22:13
BUGabundobjsnider: do you know why so many times that stops after update?22:14
cyberkillaif I remove all traces, it pulls away nvidia-common22:14
BUGabundoand doesn't excecute the && ?22:14
cyberkillais that important?22:14
cyberkillait doesn't seem to find anything in jockey without it22:14
cyberkillashould I leave the modaliases for 173?22:14
bjsniderBUGabundo, all i know is that i never have to run command-lin upgrade commands22:14
BUGabundoI like it22:15
cyberkillaDoesn't matter, I've done it22:15
cyberkillabut I've left nvidia-common installed22:15
bjsnidercyberkilla, no, take out the modaliases too22:15
bjsnidercyberkilla, remove nvidia-common22:16
bjsniderthis old crap is mucking up the works22:16
cyberkillaI have done: )22:16
cyberkillaWhat now?22:16
bjsniderinstall nvidia-glx-18522:16
bjsniderand the modaliases package22:16
bjsniderthat will give you alisting in jockey22:17
BUGabundopopey: time fdupes -rSm . ; 14 duplicate files (in 1 sets), occupying 0 bytes.; real0m0.005s22:17
bjsniderafter it finishes, run dkms status22:17
BUGabundonot sure if that is so good LOL22:17
cyberkillaokay, it's installed22:18
bjsniderit says installed?22:18
cyberkillanvidia, 185.18.36, 2.6.31-6-generic, i686: installed22:18
bjsnidernow assuming your xorg.conf file isn't full of obfuscated nonsensery, it will start after a reboot22:19
cyberkillait's almost empty22:19
cyberkillajust the bare minimum stuff that was there in the first place22:19
bjsniderand the nvidia driver22:20
cyberkillaIt will boot, but it will display artifacts, forcing me to jump to a tty and set it to vesa22:20
cyberkillaI'll try though22:20
cyberkillawill you hang around for me to return?22:20
cyberkillathanks a lot:)22:20
bjsnidermaybe you aren't giving it enough ram22:21
cyberkillaI have 2GB22:21
cyberkillait has 128 dedicated22:21
bjsnideri'd dedicate 51222:21
cyberkillai don't think it shares any in ubuntu. In vista, it can dynamically allocate system memory if it needs more22:21
cyberkillarather than in XP, where it reserves a chunk and makes your ram lower22:21
bjsnideryou can't change it thru the bios?22:22
BUGabundoI was running fdupes on the wrong dir22:22
cyberkillaIt has always worked before though. Why would it change now?22:22
cyberkillaAlso, it DOES display some incorrect statistics in the nvidia control panel22:22
cyberkillaIt says it has more than 128 VRAM22:23
cyberkillabut it's lying, unless it's counting something it's allocated from system ram22:23
bjsniderinstall the nvidia-settings-190 package22:23
donglewhen gdm fix will be released ? bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/41047522:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410475 in gdm "gdmsetup crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp()" [Medium,Fix released]22:24
cyberkillasince I'm in vesa, I fear it will not work22:24
cyberkillaI will only be able to test it after the reboot22:24
bjsnideri didn't mean test it without the nvidia driver loaded22:24
cyberkillaokay, back in 522:25
dongleyeah gdm is working but have to start by sudo gdm from console22:28
dongleany workaround22:28
cyberkillaHello again22:33
cyberkillaIt hasn't worked22:33
cyberkillaI can only stop it from crashing by pressing CTRL+ALT+F5 as soon as it shows artifacts22:34
cyberkillathen I can return to X22:34
cyberkillawhat can I do? this driver clearly has issues with me22:36
bjsniderwhat was the last driver that worked?22:36
NoelJBIf you think that  .31 worked, that is still in the main repos.22:37
bjsnidercyberkilla, what was the last driver that worked?22:38
cyberkilla183, i think22:40
bjsniderthere wasn't one22:40
cyberkillaI'm not sure what it was, because I didn't expect a new "stable" driver to fail22:40
cyberkillait was a 18x22:41
NoelJBbjsnider, since it broke on cyberkilla this morning, dpkg.log should have the data on which one was removed.22:47
=== mcgreevyj is now known as cyberkilla
cyberkillaI am sorry about that. I have had a full conversation with you before I realised nmapplet had crashed with X22:49
cyberkillaI don't know how long this will last before another crash:)22:49
cyberkillaAs I said whilst offline, I can prevent the system crash if I switch to a TTY when I notice any artifacts in the X session22:50
cyberkillaI can then return to the X session for a small period of time.22:50
cyberkillaThe degredation is hastened by moving windows, opening new ones, etc.22:50
cyberkillaThis leads me to believe that the problem is with memory22:50
cyberkillaAs soon as it starts allocating memory, the problems occur22:51
cyberkillaThe nvidia settings manager states 512MiB of memory is available, but I know for a fact that the card only has 128 installed22:51
dodecanese512mb is shared with system memory22:52
dodecaneseso you got 128mb dedicated vram and 384mb is sysmem22:52
cyberkillashared, as in "reserved", or shared as in "allocated if needed"?22:52
dodecaneseshared as allocate22:53
dodecaneseif needed22:53
cyberkillaah, good22:53
dodecanesemy gfx card has 2gb, and could access to 8gb textures when needed22:54
NoelJBcyberkilla, since it broke this morning, dpkg.log should have the data on which driver was removed.22:54
cyberkillaNoelJB, I have installed 18522:54
cyberkillaAnd removed all others.22:54
cyberkillaIt obviously doesn't work with my hardware, which is odd for a "stable" driver release.22:55
cyberkillaUnfortunately, there are no alternatives in the repository now.22:55
cyberkillaIs nobody else complaining of the same thing?22:55
donglecyberkilla: :)22:55
NoelJBcyberkilla, I meant to answer bjsnider's question about which one had been working before this morning's upgrades.22:55
donglecyberkilla: can you repeat ur problem22:55
cyberkillaI can find threads in the forum that mention the failed X lauch, but everyone is fine after they install the driver properly.22:56
cyberkillaIn my case, I have installed the driver, but it is unstable.22:56
cyberkillaOkay, this is my problem...22:56
cyberkillaThis morning, I checked the update manager.22:56
cyberkillaIt told me there was an update. I clicked to look, and a "partial upgrade" dialog popped up.22:57
cyberkillaI complied, and clicked to recieve the upgrade.22:57
cyberkillaIt installed 24MiB of packages, including an nvidia driver.22:57
cyberkillaIt asked me to reboot the computer to complete the upgrade.22:57
cyberkillaAfter the reboot, X did not start, because the upgrade had failed to install one of the driver's packages.22:58
cyberkillaIt might not have changed the xorg.conf either, but I can't recall now. FYI, it is set to nvidia, now, so that is not the problem.22:58
cyberkillaI managed to fix the issue by installing the missing package(s).22:58
cyberkillaHaving installed the packages, I found that X would start22:59
cyberkillaI managed to log into my user account, but from there trouble started.22:59
bjsniderthis only started this morning?22:59
cyberkillaIn fact, there were often artifacts at the login screen, so it wasn't something that appeared after logging in.23:00
cyberkillayes, immediately after the upgrade23:00
bjsniderwell, try the 190 driver23:00
cyberkillaThe artifacts are the first thing I notice.23:00
cyberkillaAfter that, the system hangs intermittently for a few seconds23:00
cyberkillaThe screen will often flicker, then there is the almost certain crash and automatic system reboot23:01
cyberkillaI have rebooted so many times today that I've had two "routine HDD maintainence" checks23:01
cyberkillaThe driver is buggy, but so is the 190 driver23:02
cyberkillaand the 173 driver doesn't even boot into X23:02
bjsniderthe 173 does not build on that kernel23:02
cyberkillafair enough23:02
cyberkillathat explains why 173 fails23:02
cyberkillais there any alternative?23:03
cyberkillaI have that one now23:03
cyberkillaand it exhibits the same artifacts as the non-PPA23:03
bjsnidertry the karmic 180 driver. disable the ppa23:04
bjsniderthat should still be the older one23:05
cyberkilla180? it says it is a transitional package23:05
donglecyberkilla: can you check how much memory is being shared to vga via bios ?23:05
bjsniderdisable the ppa, install nvidia-glx-18023:05
cyberkillaI don't think so23:05
cyberkillait's avaio23:05
cyberkillaI Have almost NO controls in bios23:05
cyberkillaonly the ability to change date, time and boot order23:06
cyberkilladon't ask me why. Sony are pathetic23:06
cyberkillaokay, I'll try 180, but I didn't think it was a driver23:07
cyberkillait looks like a dummy package to move people to 18523:07
cyberkillaI was right23:09
cyberkillait's just a package that depends on 18523:10
cyberkillaDamn, this is annoying23:10
bjsniderwell, install theirs23:11
bjsnidersee if it works23:11
bjsniderthe .36 driver contains changes designed to enable it to work on quadro m chips. those changes could have introduced regressions in some other mobile chips23:13
dodecaneseanyone uses kde?23:13
dongledodecanese: :)23:16
NoelJBdodecanese, KDE is Kool, but Gnome is Gnice.  :-)23:18
donglekde broke my fresh install. gdm,grub,nautilus,.Xauthority.... all sort of errors popping on fail install23:19
slacker_nlis the newest kernel packaged? rc7/23:20
donglespecially kdebase-workspace-bin installation.23:20
=== mcgreevyj is now known as cyberkilla
cyberkillathe damned thing keeps dying on me.23:24
cyberkillaI've tried 190 again, and it's no luck.23:24
cyberkillaHow can I get the driver I had originally?23:24
donglecyberkilla: hmm23:24
cyberkillaI was convinced I had a 18x23:24
donglecyberkilla: use nvidia driver uninstall utility23:24
cyberkillaI don't know what that is.23:25
donglecyberkilla: did you installed latest drivers from nvidia website ?23:26
cyberkillaFrom the repository.23:26
cyberkillaA PPA was suggested on a thread in the forum. It's the 185.18.36 version23:27
cyberkillabut the 185.18.x version in the karmic repository (without PPA) still has the same problem23:27
cyberkillaAs does the 190.x driver in the PPA23:27
cyberkillaSo I don't know what's going on.23:27
cyberkillaMy hardware is marked as supported by the release notes23:28
cyberkillaAnd the 185.18.36 release is supposed to be the stable release23:28
donglecyberkilla: try uninstalling all other driver versions. 96/173/180... once done, reinstall 185. run nvidia-xserver as sudo. reboot. hopefully it will work.23:29
bjsnidernvidia-xserver? not familiar with that command23:31
donglenvidia-xserver = > nvidia-xconfig23:31
bjsnideroh, good heavens don't use that crap23:31
bjsniderthat's what jockey is for23:31
dongleit worked for me23:31
bjsniderxconfig will put old garbage in the xorg.conf file23:32
dongleit will backup first23:32
DefTone7can someone tell what driver to use for my hp dv4-1435dx laptop? I need to set up the wireless.23:37

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