
ojnHas someone already built and provided (official?) cross toolchains for arm in .deb format, or does everyone tend to prefer building their own?04:36
[g2]ojn: I've build the rootfs from scratch (see banner), then it's just and armel rootfs and the .debs are native04:44
loolojn: AFAIK only emdebian provides some; I'd like this to change but didn't put much time in this project as of late07:57
=== lbt_ is now known as lbt
lvhI'm using rootstock to build an armel rootfs12:32
lvhIs it normal that I don't see anything after this line for 10+ minutes with no evidence of activity?12:33
lvhI: Switching to Virtual Machine for second stage processing12:33
lvhI ask for help and ten seconds later everything starts working :-D12:35
lvhSorry to bother you ;-)12:35
loollvh: It's terribly slow13:37
loolDue to use of qemu13:38
lvhlool: The one that worked was ubuntu not debian lenny13:49
lvh/bin/installer: line 28: locale-gen: command not found14:24
lvh/bin/installer: line 29: locale-gen: command not found14:24
lvhsed: can't read /etc/default/console-setup: No such file or directory14:24
lvhsed: can't read /etc/default/console-setup: No such file or directory14:24
lvhsed: can't read /etc/default/console-setup: No such file or directory14:24
lvhsed: can't read /etc/default/console-setup: No such file or directory14:24
lvhpresumably that's a difference between Ubuntu and Debian :-)14:25
loollvh: That's interesting; would you mind filing this as an upstream rootstock bug asking for Debian support?14:54
lool(Priority wishlist)14:54
loolI think it's an acceptable feature req14:55
lvhlool: well, there's an obvious problem14:55
lvhI forgot the -s list14:55
lvh(see #debian-arm on oftc)14:55
lvhthat is: I'm figuring out how to proudce a --seed line14:55
lvhbecause dbian doesnt have base system metapackages14:55
lvhso we cant do something like -s ubuntu-minimal14:56
loolSo actually ubuntu-minimal should'nt be the default that's all15:06
=== Meizirkki_ is now known as Meizirkki
ojn[g2]: Yeah, I've definitely got that option but it's also convenient to at least do kernel builds on a faster machine. I'll spin my own, it would just have been convenient with a .deb. :)16:16
ojnlool: Thanks16:16
=== cbrake_away is now known as cbrake
lvhlool: building the rootfs was successful20:01
lvhlool: Fixed it sort of20:05
lvhlool: debian worked, but no sudo20:05
lvhand that script doesnt set a root pw20:05
lvhI can log in.... and I dont have root access ^^20:05
lvh<- idiot!20:06
=== cbrake is now known as cbrake_away
acochey guys, I'm trying to get ubuntu on my sheevaplug and after creating the rootfs with the build-arm-rootfs script, my system hangs at starting kernel log daemon21:13
acocthe kernel I'm using is from http://sheeva.with-linux.com/sheeva/21:13
acocgoogle says it might have something to do with ldap, but since I don't have it in /etc/nsswitch.conf I'm not sure if that pertains to me21:16
yacoobHello there. Just wanted to ask, are there security updates for armel version of ubuntu?21:57
acocogra, I see you are the point of contact for the build-arm-rootfs script, not meaning to sound disrespectful, but is it still maintained?22:06
lvhbunch of commits just over a month ago22:15
lvhI'd say it is22:15
lvhdon't fix what aint broken and all that22:16
acocoops forgot people.canonical is launchpad22:18
acocshould have thought to just search his name22:19
acoccould you think of any reason why this rootfs wouldn't work for a newer kernel (2.6.30)?22:20
lvhOh, wait, no22:21
lvhNo, I can't think of anything. Sorry, old kernel here.22:21
lvhI use what works (linwizard)22:21
lvhfor some strange reason this debian rootfs results in incredibly slow performance22:26
lvhcompared to gizard/wing-linux22:27
lvhI'm not sure why22:27

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