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lamonthow much pain would there be in having CONFIG_SECURITY_FILE_CAPABILITIES on in karmic, I wonder?05:15
jjohansenlamont: isn't that something to wonder about before feature freeze is a couple days away?05:19
jjohansenlamont: in short I think it is probably not that painful05:21
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lamontwell, there is that....  OTOH, it just came up in discussion today05:27
* lamont -> bed05:28
LCID_FireHi - could anyone tell me what "EE: Previous or current ABI file missing!" means?13:25
LCID_FireIt seems like it is due to cross compilation amd64->i386 - but I don't know how to sort this out13:26
AceLanLCID_Fire: have you setup a chroot environment?13:33
LCID_FireAceLan: You mean pbuilder?13:33
AceLanLCID_Fire: no, a chroot environment, so that you can have a clear i386 environment with the amd64 host13:34
LCID_FireAceLan: I get this error message when I attemt to build i386 on my amd64 machine as well as on launchpad!13:34
AceLanLCID_Fire: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/BuildKernelWithChroot13:36
AceLanLCID_Fire: I read this page and setup the chroot environment, and I can compile i386 kernel on my amd64 laptop13:36
LCID_FireAceLan: you might be right - but basically launchpad sets up a chroot environment when it builds - and it still doesn't work on i386 - the build script seems to miss something having to do with cross compile13:38
AceLanLCID_Fire: I'm not familiar with the launchpad :p13:39
LCID_FireAceLan: I'm not familiar with the strange way debian kernels are built ;)13:40
AceLanLCID_Fire: haha13:40
AceLanLCID_Fire: looks like you have abi problem while launchpad compiling your kernel13:41
LCID_Firewhat I don't get is - what does it need the ABI for? either it should generate it anew or it should just ignore it - very strange13:41
LCID_FireAceLan: like I said - I think the script messes up13:42
AceLanLCID_Fire: I have no idea about the ABI problem :p13:43
LCID_FireAceLan: me neither13:43
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dhillon-v10iulian: hi how are you19:01
ghostcubei just installed 2.6.31rc719:44
ghostcubethe problem with the w83627 modul is still existing19:45
ghostcubeFATAL: Error inserting w83627ehf (/lib/modules/2.6.31-020631rc7-generic/kernel/drivers/hwmon/w83627ehf.ko): Device or resource busy19:45
ubot3`Malone bug 416063 in linux "kernel modul w83627ehf doesnt load into kernel 2.6.31rc6 from mainline ppa" [Undecided,New] 19:45
ghostcubeanyone alive :)21:33

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