
Laneyunder the "what of GHC in testing" heading00:01
mathiazjtimberman: are you using a vm or a chroot to do your testing?00:01
mathiazjtimberman: what's the command line that is running chef-indexer?00:04
mathiazjtimberman: I mean in the output of ps -ef00:04
jtimbermanroot      8509     1  0 17:04 ?        00:00:00 ruby /usr/bin/chef-indexer -d -c /etc/chef/indexer.rb00:04
jtimbermani'm installing the gems with dpkg though, not apt.00:07
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mathiazjtimberman: gems == .deb?00:13
mathiazjtimberman: are you using a pristine vm for your tests?00:13
jtimbermanmathiaz: yeah, i have a snapshot from right after installation with no ruby or anything else. i install the external chef dependencies via apt, then install the packages via dpkg.00:15
jtimbermanthough i'm fixing my local apt repo00:15
mathiazjtimberman: hm - that may be the reason00:16
mathiazjtimberman: let me check00:16
mathiazjtimberman: are you changing the signal handler in chef-indexer?00:17
jtimbermanmathiaz: what do you mean?00:17
mathiazjtimberman: are you changing the way signals are handle in the chef-indexer code?00:18
jtimbermanmathiaz: not sure, i didn't actualyl write the indexer00:19
mathiazjtimberman: it's an issue between chef-indexer and the stompserver00:33
jtimbermanmathiaz: oh?00:33
mathiazjtimberman: it seems that the indexer stops responding to TERM signals00:33
jtimbermanmathiaz: hmm: FATAL: SIGTERM received, stopping (when running purge on the package000:34
mathiazjtimberman: right - apparently SIGTERM is not always received00:34
jtimbermanfun. :/00:34
mathiazjtimberman: yeah - I don't know.00:36
mathiazjtimberman: so you're unable to reproduce it?00:37
jtimbermanmathiaz: so far, yeah. it exits cleanly for me every time i purge.00:37
mathiazjtimberman: it may be a timing issue00:37
mathiazjtimberman: related to my vm setup00:37
jtimbermanmathiaz: does it happen for you every time?00:38
mathiazjtimberman: yes.00:38
mathiazjtimberman: how are you connectin to your vm? via ssh or local console?00:39
jtimbermanmathiaz: VM host is a VMware server on gigabit ethernet downstairs.00:40
jtimbermanand I ssh in.00:40
mathiazjtimberman: and how do you get into the VM guest?00:40
jtimbermanmathiaz: ssh00:41
jtimbermanmathiaz: it has bridged networking through the host, so directly on the same subnet.00:41
mathiazjtimberman: I though it may have been related to bug 40742800:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407428 in openssh "sshd zombie processes and strange behavior after karmic upgrade" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40742800:41
jtimbermanmathiaz: mmm, i'm running alpha3.. i don't think i've done an upgrade since i installed several days ago00:42
mathiazjtimberman: yeah - you'd better upgrade00:42
jtimbermanoh tasty, rsyslog 4.2.0 :)00:44
jtimbermanmathiaz: using apt-get purge or dpkg --purge, the chef-indexer always stops cleanly for me.00:50
jtimbermanmathiaz: when you purge, does it remove stompserver as well?00:51
mathiazjtimberman: nope00:51
pochuany emesene users around?00:52
pochuif so, can somebody try 1.5 from unstable (or incoming) and if it works fine, request a sync?00:52
jtimbermanmathiaz: so what do you think, I can't reproduce the behavior you're seeing.. is this "okay" for packaging? do we need a second MOTU to check as well?00:59
mathiazjtimberman: a second MOTU advocation is needed anyway to get the pacakage uploaded.01:00
jtimbermanany other MOTU around able to look at Chef? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/chef01:01
jtimbermanoh, i see you advocated a bit ago :)01:02
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binarymutantdoes the python team have a launchpad page?04:13
vorianthere is a pythonist group04:14
binarymutantis that this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Teams/Python ?04:15
ScottKNo.  That one is obsolete.04:29
ScottKThere are two Python teams in LP, ~pythonistas and ~pythoneers.04:29
binarymutantah ty04:30
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lfaraonejames_w: (or anybody else), can you ACK bug 417174 for me?09:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 417174 in ubuntu "Sync autokey 0.54.5-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41717409:23
Laneylfaraone: is it urgent?09:29
lfaraoneLaney: Not particularly, I'd just like to beat FF.09:36
LaneyYou have the request in already, so it will be fine09:37
lfaraoneHey, my main GPG key (which is in the SWOT) is a DSA 1024 key. Is that strong enough for the considerable future? (for use while packaging etc)09:52
geserI'd say yes (I've one myself). It was long the gpg default for new keys.09:55
wgrantA lot of people migrated to stronger RSA keys earlier this year.09:56
wgrantDSA keys will hopefully all go away eventually.09:56
wgrant(although mine is 1024D as well)09:57
geserI've already started a slow migration to a DSA2 key, but the most signing I still do with my DSA1 key09:58
lfaraonegeser: DSA2?10:08
geserDSA1 is limited to a 1k DSA/2k ElGamal key, this was moved higher for DSA2 (3k DSA/4k ElGamal)10:11
hyperairis there a way to figure out which ppa a package came from? (if it's already installed)10:59
c_kornapt-cache policy packahe11:00
c_kornhm, wait. that does not show you the exact url11:01
hyperairyeah, that's the problem =\11:01
hyperairit only says ppa.launchpad.net11:01
hyperairthe only way i can think of is apt-get install --print-uris11:01
hyperairbut that's annoying. isn't there some easier way?11:01
hyperairbesides grepping in /var/lib/apt or something11:02
c_kornapt-cache showpkg vlc | grep -A 5 'Versions:'11:07
c_kornwell, it does not grab in the /var/lib/apt directly11:07
geserhyperair: can you pastebin the output from apt-cache policy $package? I don't have any PPA in use currently11:09
c_kornit only shows: 500 http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty/main Packages11:09
hyperairgeser: http://pastebin.com/f2d3fbde111:10
c_kornbut not the PPA itself acutally11:10
hyperairyeah, it would be nice if it showed the entire repository URL11:10
wgrantThat's probably an apt bug now that PPAs are so widespread.11:10
geserfile a bug against apt11:10
hyperairand if launchpad gets debian PPA support, i would think it'd get even more widespread =D11:10
geserI guess it wasn't assumed to have several repositories from the same host when this code was written in the past11:11
hyperairactually we would be able to work around the issue if we instead had something like.. <ppa-name>.<owner>.ppa.launchpad.net or something11:11
_rubendoesnt work well with https tho11:20
wgrantAnd P3As have to use HTTPS.11:22
wgrantSo fixing apt is required.11:22
geserdo the deb lines for P3As also end in /ubuntu?11:33
wgrantgeser: Yes. They're the same, but https://user:pass@private-ppa.launchpad.net rather than http://ppa.launchpad.net.11:34
hyperairp3as huh O_o12:20
geserPrivate PPAs12:50
hyperairyeah, i realized12:50
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RoAkSoAxvorian, ping16:44
montelEdwardscan someone help me with a pkg18:01
montelEdwardsI need to edit the package dependices which are wrong18:02
geserwhich package and which dependency is wrong?18:04
montelEdwardsgeser, http://download.limewire.com/download/LimeWireLinux.deb18:05
montelEdwardsIt wants the Java (non free) jre18:05
montelEdwardsand it works fine with openjdk18:06
* montelEdwards knows that because he ran it from source18:06
montelEdwardsgeser, I tried to edit it and rebuild it but i got dpkg-deb: failed in buffer_read(fd): copy info file `LimeWireLinux/DEBIAN/control': Is a directory18:07
geserhmm, and is the error message true?18:07
montelEdwardsisnt it suposed to be a dir?18:08
geserlet me think, I edit .debs pretty rarely18:08
montelEdwardsI got it and everything, I just need to know how to rebuild it18:09
gesercontrol should be a simple textfile18:10
geserhow did you extract the deb?18:10
hyperairdebs are ar archives18:11
hyperairinside it you will find data.tar.gz and control.tar.gz18:11
hyperairopen control.tar.gz, and change the stuff in the control text file18:11
hyperairthe syntax should be pretty obvious18:11
hyperairthen re-tar control.tar.gz, and pack it together with data.tar.gz into an ar archive, then rename it to something.deb18:12
montelEdwardshyperair, how do i compress .ar18:12
hyperairuse file-roller18:12
montelEdwardsit wont work18:12
hyperairit did for me18:13
hyperairi've done it before18:13
hyperairand what does "won't work" mean?18:13
hyperairexactly what fails?18:13
geseror "dpkg-deb -x Limewire.deb limewire; cd limewire; dpkg-deb -e ../Limewire.deb", edit DEBIAN/control, "cd ..; dpkg-deb -b limewire" to build the fixed deb18:14
montelEdwardshyperair, it just like pops up, and exits18:15
montelEdwardsno archive18:15
hyperairuse nautilus then18:16
hyperairhighlight control.tar.gz and data.tar.gz then right click and compress18:16
montelEdwardsoh nvm18:17
montelEdwardshyperair, i rmed the files in it18:17
montelEdwardsso it was making a blank archive18:17
* hyperair doesn't understand =.=18:17
hyperairanyway what geser said is a better way of doing it18:18
montelEdwardsdpkg-deb: file `/home/montel/LimeWireLinux.deb' is not a debian binary archive18:18
gesermontelEdwards: it this the downloaded file?18:18
geserbecause I tested this myself to give you the correct steps18:19
montelEdwardsmy modified18:19
geseruse it on the unmodified18:19
montelEdwardsi got it18:37
montelEdwardsthanks geser hyperair18:37
hyperaircongrats (you should have just used frostwire's deb, it's got at least correct dependencies)18:37
hyperairbut at least you learnt something new this way ;)18:37
montelEdwardshyperair, oh, im going to try them18:41
montelEdwardsi just like Limewire's UI18:41
hyperairfrostwire's UI is almost a direct clone of limewire's18:41
hyperairunless you count colours18:41
hyperairfrostwire's is mostly blue18:41
hyperairbut themeable18:41
hyperairthe frostwire guys should seriously just do something about their copyright header issues and let us package it already =\18:42
montelEdwardshyperair, Medibuntu,,,,18:42
hyperairi meant officially in the archives18:42
montelEdwards and18:43
hyperairhmm it seems that emacs has a .deb editing mode, by the way18:43
montelEdwardsim going to use the source code18:58
* montelEdwards thinks LimeWire works better with openjdk18:59
montelEdwardshyperair, that is the new UI http://i29.tinypic.com/6f441c.jpg19:06
hyperairmontelEdwards: oho, there's a new UI eh? that's interesting.19:15
hyperairit does look good, yes19:16
hyperairit looks rather like itunes19:16
hyperairor songbird19:16
montelEdwardshyperair, yep19:18
hyperairi wonder if frostwire will follow suite19:18
sebnerhuhu norsetto :D19:41
norsettohuhu sebner19:42
debfxcould a universe sponsor please have a look at bug #25641921:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256419 in purple-plugin-pack "pidgin-plugin-pack needs updating" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25641921:35
debfxthe pidgin-plugin-pack should really be updated21:35
mhaggerI am an upstream author of a Python package.  What should I do with manpages to make the package easy to turn into a DEB package?  (This is using distutils.)22:11
stochasticcan anyone tell me why my uscan claims this watch file doesn't have a proper URL : http://sf.net/xjadeo/xjadeo-(.+)\.tar\.gz23:37
directhexsf uses a special built-in redirect facility which breaks about 1/3 of the time23:40
stochasticso is the watch file okay or should I redesign it around the breaking redirect?23:43
directhexup to you23:47
directhexhere's a workaround if you want it: http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.sourceforge.net/pub/sourceforge/23:48
stochasticdirecthex, you don't have a minute to do a revu of that package do you http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/xjadeo23:50
directhexsorry, no23:50
bdrung_stochastic: i recommend to not change your watchfile and wait for a fixed redirect.23:54
stochasticbdrung_, that's the route I took23:54
stochasticbdrung_, I see you're on the MOTU media team, are you able to revu packages (it's a multimedia package)?23:57

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