
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].02:26
DougSouthhmm, CC seems to have hung setting up mythweb authentication :(03:36
DougSouthwould it be safe to kill it?03:36
rowinggolferI've just tried the mythbuntu 9.10 aplha4 live cd09:00
rowinggolferit looks lovely.09:00
rowinggolferusing it as a livecd to connect to my exisitng mythtv-backend09:01
rowinggolferI get an odd probelm.09:01
rowinggolferIt connects, and I can watch live tv, and change channels,09:02
rowinggolferI can also see my recordings.09:02
rowinggolferHowever, on trying to watch a recording I get a "file not found error"09:02
rowinggolferwhat steps can I take to help diagnose this09:03
rowinggolferBTW - the wee "preview" videos ARE watchable.09:03
rowinggolferis this to do with the live user not being in a correct group??09:04
rowinggolferor a known issue?09:05
womboprobably because they are different revisions, if your existing mythtv-backend is not also running alpha409:05
rowinggolferok. that sounds reasonable.09:06
rowinggolferthe backend is actually intrepid.09:06
womboyeah that would be it09:06
rowinggolferok. I'll update the backend, and try again.09:06
rowinggolferthanks for the suggestion.09:06
wombothere have been substantial changes with regards to storage groups between the revisions09:06
rowinggolferdo you think a jaunty backend will work with karmic livecd?09:07
rowinggolferobviously I will know that by lunchtime today...09:08
rowinggolferok. that makes sense actually.09:08
rowinggolfermy jaunty front-ends connect to it ok.09:08
rowinggolferso the change is VERY recent?09:09
womboyeah I think within the last few weeks09:09
womboIts also a general rule of thumb that they all should be the same revision09:10
womboI think there was also a mythprotocol version bump as well09:10
rowinggolferincidentally, the live cd was running REALLY quickly09:11
rowinggolferthis is quite an old machine.09:12
wombohey thats good to hear09:12
womboI am still running 9.04 but with trunk09:12
womboWhen I get back from a work trip I intend to upgrade everything to 9.1009:12
womboand also setup a new frontend09:12
rowinggolfer9.10 feels really stable for an alpha.09:13
rowinggolferI am about to try the 64 bit version on this lappy09:13
womboyeah I will move to 64 this time a well09:13
womboI probably should be doing my desktop as well, it is 32bit from back in 7.10.09:14
wombojust dist-upgrading all the time09:14
rowinggolferyeah.. time for a clean install.09:14
rowinggolferactually, that's what I'll do with my mthtv-server.09:15
rowinggolferI'll make it dual boot 9.10 and 8.1009:15
rowinggolferit'll end in tears....09:16
wombowhy leave 8.10?09:16
rowinggolferbecause I am rash09:16
rowinggolferI like to beta test09:16
rowinggolferthanks wombo.09:17
Unicron2hi all10:29
Unicron2having problem with mythbuntu10:29
Unicron2unable to play dvd10:29
Unicron2looking on forums but I thought with mythbuntu this may just work out of the box10:30
Unicron2any ideas?10:30
womboin MCC did you install the extra codecs?10:33
womboBasically open Mythbuntu Control Center10:33
womboThen there will be a button and some check boxes to add the other codecs, needed for DVD playback10:33
dodddummyoh boy.  i canceled cable and now mythbuntu locks up while playing recorded shows.13:50
neotenyerrr, ubuntu still doesn't play nice with pulse audio?15:43
neotenyfresh install, added to the pulse groups, and playback crashes when exiting from the playback.15:44
neotenyremove pulse audio and BOOM! no more freezes.  i suppose there must be a better way by now than remove pulseaudio, right?15:45
gregL_neoteny, From all the chatter i have seen it's best to disable pulse audio..It introduces a sync problem.. You can compile mythtv with pulse,but when you run Myth it disables it anyway..16:33
orificium_Is "Scan for Changes" in MythVideo broken?18:56
orificium_Actually the only way I see changes is when I exit and open the frontend18:57
orificium_well, for new files to appear18:57
=== MythbuntuGuest88 is now known as SegaAges
SegaAgeshey dudes, i am hoping you guys can help me, i just installed mythbuntu version 9.04 and it will not detect(probe) for my video card, I have a Asus MyCinema-PS3-110.  I have the drivers on a disk, but have no clue how to make mythtv probe and find the drivers or have anything recognize my tv tuner card21:47

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