
th0rhi guys...we going to have to put up with Blarghs much longer?00:07
th0rthanks ikonia00:07
=== nhandler is now known as evilnhandler
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !pastebin ~= s/  / /01:21
rwwG'day. The AnonTalk spam that #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic get occasionally appears to be coming from 92-32-116-*.tn.glocalnet.net. Perhaps a ban on that mask would be nice?01:33
rww(specifically, the various hostnames that spam it have 147, 178, 169, 170, 159, and 168 instead of the * above)01:37
=== evilnhandler is now known as nhandler
macoPupuser402-2 is lookin for women-folk05:49
bazhangnot for long05:51
macowhat is diktal doing in #ubunut?06:42
KB1JWQNto a clue.06:42
KB1JWQI was joining here to ask that, didn't realize you were a named op.06:43
KB1JWQI'll let you handle it then. :-D06:43
macoKB1JWQ: im not an op in that channel07:00
KB1JWQmaco: Doh, my error.  Sorry about that.07:00
KB1JWQI thought people in here who were voiced were ops?07:01
macoim an op in a few channels, but not all07:01
macoKB1JWQ: ^07:02
KB1JWQAh, that'd do it.07:02
macokubuntu, women, and forums are my areas07:02
KB1JWQmaco: Is that like wine, women, and song? :-D07:02
macoi dont get it07:03
MyrttiKB1JWQ: #kubuntu, #ubuntu-women and #ubuntuforums...07:21
macoMyrtti: i thnk he was making a joke...just a joke that i dont understand07:32
* Myrtti has woken up with head full of phlegm, shrugs and goes to make tea07:33
naliothmaco: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wine,_women_and_song07:47
ubottuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.10:08
jussi01tsimpson: ^10:08
Elwelljussi01: take it I don't need to do the same?10:09
jussi01Elwell: nope, just needed one of you10:09
Tabmowyay i win!10:09
jussi01well I got to run, tsimpson thanks for looking into that.10:09
tsimpsonTabmow: can you try "@whoami" please?10:10
jussi01and Tabmowthanks for testing.10:10
tsimpsonwell, the bot does recognise you10:11
Tabmowbots don't really like me10:15
tsimpsonsee if @btlogin works for you10:15
tsimpsonyou should get a /msg from ubottu10:15
ubottuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.10:17
Tabmowso i'm guessing it's not working :)10:20
tsimpsonTabmow: try it again, if it doesn't work I'll need to think of a workaround somehow10:24
Tabmowyah that worked10:24
tsimpsonnow we just need to make sure it works for all staff :)10:25
bazhanguarefine2, how may we help you13:31
uarefine2Hello Yes Well i am useing Ubuntu That i installed thru windows13:32
bazhanguarefine2, support in #ubuntu please13:32
uarefine2sorry I will try them then13:32
bazhanguarefine2, please dont idle in this channel as per the topic, thanks.13:34
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: !guest is Welcome to #ubuntu the official Ubuntu support channel. Please change your nickname using /nick NEWNICK ( replace NEWNICK ). So we can better help you with any issues you may have. Thank you!13:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about guest13:51
ikoniaseems a good factoid13:51
jussi01needsa comma, not a period13:52
ikoniaooh yes, a slight re-wording13:53
ikoniabut the content seems worth while13:53
BactaHi I seem to have a ban in #ubuntu-offtopic , can someone point out why and when this happened? As far as I'm aware I was never banned15:44
bazhangBacta, yes you are banned there.15:45
bazhangDamianZ, how may we help you.15:45
ubottuIn #ubuntu, blaike said: ubottu That is good, but it will always search for a monitor on start-up. As there is no monitor it will fail to load any further. Is there a way to get it not to search for a monitor. That wiki does not seem to mention how to do this, or is it the section about setting up a virtual monitor in the xorg.conf?15:50
bazhangblaike, hi15:50
blaikeHi, I replied to the ubottu and it had a link here :s I may be a little lost.15:51
bazhangblaike, ubottu is a bot ; no need to preface comment in #ubuntu with her name :)15:51
blaikeI was just trying to get some help on configuring xorg so it will boot without searching for a monitor15:51
blaikehehe sorry!15:51
bazhangblaike, please dont idle in this channel, thanks :)15:52
blaikeok, thank you.15:52
bazhangBacta, your ban in #ubuntu-offtopic stands. please don't idle here.15:53
Bactabazhang: My ban was removed over a week ago15:54
BactaPlease tell me what I did to reinstate it15:54
BactaI have logs too15:54
bazhangBacta, that was a network glitch that has been corrected. the ban is back in place now.15:55
BactaI talked to elky about this15:55
jussi01Bacta: I suggest you come back in the morning, when elky is likely to be around.16:00
Bactajussi01 I'm sure you can understand my frustration here16:00
jussi01Bacta: please come back in about 10 hours. thanks.16:01
bazhangDamianZ, you have been forwarded here, from #ubuntu , regarding your part message16:01
BactaWill do jussi01, would like to get this obvious mistake cleared up16:02
bazhangDamianZ, 'consistently long part message' by ikonia who suggests you change it16:02
Priceybazhang: Sorry, he's been banned for a long part message?16:04
Priceyikonia: ?16:05
bazhangPricey, that is what the btracker says16:05
Priceyso i see16:06
bazhangah ok16:06
PriceyDamianZ: You can rejoin #ubuntu16:06
Priceyikonia: I don't think that was warranted.16:07
bazhangjussi01, I think Bacta may be mistaken about his ban being removed in #ubuntu-offtopic16:07
jussi01bazhang: relax, its being sorted :)16:08
bazhangjussi01, okay :)16:08
ubottuIn #ubuntu, MTecknology said: !runasroot is <reply>Never {ever} run as root. It's not safe. For starters, you can accidentally wipe your system clean. You could accidentally delete major files. Worse, you could allow a a flaw in an application to delete your system (most security flaws can allow the attacker to run as the current user only).17:44
tritiumHi, Seeker`.18:59
ikoniaPricey: noted21:47
Flannel!away > digilink-work22:04
FlannelAh, seems that ice.net guy is banevading22:08
ubottuGPL called the ops in #ubuntu ()22:09
ikoniaFlannel: that looks like that magnus guy again22:11
jussi01Flannel: what was the ban for?22:11
Flanneljussi01: That was smurrdidoo, who is also Blarghs, who was banned earlier by ikonia, and is evading.22:12
Flanneldialup, three different IPs so far22:12
jussi01Flannel: haa, so had nothing to do withmy remove. ok. :)22:12
ikoniaFlannel: he's a serial issue22:12
ikoniaFlannel: well known to freenode22:12
FlannelWhat about a ban on ip-*-149-91.dialup.ice.net?22:13
ikoniahe's a nut job who thinks because he's got an open source project he can do what he wants on freenode, I've seen him a few times as different nick. he seems to cause an issue but gets klined quickly due to being so well known22:14
FlannelAll (four now) seem to match that22:14
FlannelAh, *that* guy22:15
ikonianot seen him for ages, he came back last night22:15
Seeker`if you use a generic-ip ban, remember to remove the individual ip ones22:15
ikoniaI'll return to watching a film then22:17
ubottuStormx2 called the ops in #ubuntu (max_morrison rickrolled the channel.)23:44

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