
_biovore_x404x: if you use 16 KiB blocks.. you can get 16 TiB00:00
dest_llutz, the task with the ^ works only with apt-get ?00:00
x404xcan block size be changed without data loss ?00:00
llutzdest_: afaik yes00:00
x404xaccording to wikipedia even 8kb blocks are hard to support ?00:00
_biovore_x404x: rgr00:01
BlarghsHow many of us have girlfriends that have fallen asheep right now :=) ?00:01
llutzlinux users have gf? never00:01
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x404xyeah we would spend time on linux if we had them lol00:02
Blarghsllutz: I wish for you to evapporate00:02
IrishmanlukeI got dumped a couple weeks ago :(00:02
bthorntonwhat's a girlfriend?00:02
bthorntonman girlfriend00:02
tokamhi what does it mean to be "ROOT" on ubuntu? root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# chroot myroot/ /bin/sh00:02
tokamchroot: cannot run command `/bin/sh': Permission denied00:02
mrwesrm -rf girlfriend00:02
Ben64ext4 goes up to 1EB00:02
_biovore_x404x: if you need big storage space.. I suggest XFS..  thats good to 8 exabytes..00:02
=== r4ban is now known as giskard
x404xwhat happens if i mount several volumes in the same dir and the total exceeding system size ?00:03
th0rtokam: good luck fixing that one00:03
x404xhm maybe i should try that00:03
Irishmanluketokam: It means you have all privleges and you could easily screw everythingup00:03
Blarghsllutz: So youre saying you define your life without a woman ?00:03
x404xi suppose i can use ext3 on system and xfs on a raid nas00:03
_biovore_x404x: mounted volumes are sperate filesystems..00:03
x404xhow will they interact ?00:03
x404xcan i know what drive each file resides on ?00:04
Blarghsllutz: I hope that anus licks fine :P00:04
llutzBlarghs: stop00:04
mM94hello. Could someone help me with my gecko media player plugin for firefox? It's been working fine until now. I try to load a quick time movie and it keeps cycling play/stop. It never actually plays00:04
Blarghsllutz: You have been a bit evil00:04
_biovore_x404x: not sure what your doing.. I got food ready.. bbl maybe..00:04
eshaasehow do i prevent ubuntu's update software from upgrading a particular package?00:05
x404xtrying to build a mirrored nas00:05
llutzeshaase: set it on hold00:05
=== odder_ is now known as odder
x404xprobably 8-16 tb00:05
abuirfani trying to remove pdns-recurose, reinstall and remove also give me the same error00:05
abuirfandpkg: error processing pdns-recursor (--purge): Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal.00:05
=== Taube is now known as taube
micahHello.  Does anyone know why rhythmbox cannot transcode FLAC to mp3?  I had this working previously with Debian.00:06
abuirfanany idea how to completely remove this package/00:06
Blarghsllutz: Sorry you say ? ... Im your mediator and ill decide00:06
DasEiabuirfan: did you try to reinstall it first ?00:06
abuirfanreinstall also give an error00:06
mM94eshaase, Open synaptic package manager. Search for and select the package you no longer want to update. Go to the Package menu and select "Lock Version"00:07
BlarghsHit em high, hit em low, hit em, move along, cut em out, cut em in roll out!!!00:07
abuirfan * Stopping PowerDNS recursor pdns-recursor00:07
abuirfaninvoke-rc.d: initscript pdns-recursor, action "stop" failed.00:07
abuirfandpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exit status 100:07
jattHi, I'm using Ubuntu 8.04.1 and want to upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 which is the easiest way to upgrade my system?00:07
llutzikonia: tks00:07
Um_cara_qualquerexcuse folks... i can't enter the gnome in a partittion, i don't know why, but when it boots, the partittion goes to a terminal graphic with the name "initramsf>"... like DOS of Windows... How can i start gnome in it?00:07
CopyWritercan the computer janitor "damage" my system in any way00:08
eshaasemM94: perfect! thanks!00:08
James-1jatt: see http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:08
spOso dvd::rip is not console based, it is only gui?  i cannot open it without opening gui00:09
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James-1Hello, I'm getting the Grub error 17 problem. Grub isn't able to read any of my file system except the flash drive.00:09
stercorWhen I compose a message in Evolution there is nothing in the From: field and the down arrow at the right-hand side is greyed out.00:09
jattJames-1: that page has instructions to upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 using KDE tools, how can I do it using gnome tools? Should I upgrade to 8.10 first?00:09
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: if there are no graphics then there's probably a problem but you could try startx&, anyone else?00:09
th0rspO: dvd-rip is a front end for a number of cli programs.00:10
DasEiabuirfan: sudo dpkg  -r -p  "paketname"                << does this work ?00:10
Um_cara_qualquerIrishmanluke, lets see, brb00:10
James-1jatt: are you sure that you looked at the first entry on the page?00:10
spOi wnat to rip dvds without them being shrunk, do i have to use a wine program?00:11
spOi tried many ubuntu prograsm00:11
spOthey are all bloated00:11
og01how do i change the default app that is opened when clicking on applications within gnome?00:11
frostbite7how do you make ubuntu read your wireless card00:11
FloodBot2frostbite7: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:11
stercorsp0: .wav files?00:11
DasEispO: you can use k33b to just create a iso00:11
spOstercor, movie dvds00:11
DasEispO: you can use *k3b to just create a iso00:12
spOi want to rip whole directories and copy them to local directories00:12
James-1jatt: Oh, i just read some more on the page. You *do* need to upgrade to 8.10 first.00:12
spOi guess i will use wine programs00:12
x404xanyone knows how to setup inn2 ? preferably most settings in one dir-tree00:12
DasEispO: do you want to copy them or create an iso ?00:12
DasEiabuirfan: ?00:13
abuirfanDasEi: nope not working00:13
HobbleAlongjatt: only 1 version upgrade at a time ie 8.04->8.10 8.10->9.04. *Must* be done in order.00:13
abuirfandpkg: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in00:13
harjothow do i restart the usb module?00:13
James-1frostbite7: can you give more details? internal? external?00:13
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abuirfaneven when i in /var/cache/apt/00:13
harjothow do i restart the usb module?00:13
abuirfanand the package is there00:13
James-1harjot: more details, maybe?00:14
jattHobbleAlong: thanks, will upgrade to 8.10 first00:14
Um_cara_qualquerIrishmanluke, it says that does not exist such thing as startx00:14
frostbite7internal and thanks for responding james-100:14
Um_cara_qualquer/bin/sh says it00:14
somaunnhello everyone00:14
stercorharjot: do a 'ps ax | grep usbkill its process; copy and paste the command to start it up again.00:14
harjotJames-1: im actulally on kubuntu but after starting the computer after 30+ mins all usb stops working00:14
spObasei, i want to copy the whole directory of dvd movies, so i can re-encode them/shrink them with dvdrebuilder+ cce00:15
stercorharjot: I hit the enter key too soon.00:15
frostbite7it's an internal harddrive00:15
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: try ps aux | grep x-session and see if that returns anything if it is running you should be able to get to the gnome session by pressing ctrl alt f700:15
harjotstercor: ok00:15
frostbite7lol i mean wireless card00:15
Um_cara_qualquerIrishmanluke, don't know if that's relevant... but in that partittion, it's isntalled linux mint00:15
James-1harjot: Idk, sorry.00:16
Warningheyy guys00:16
DasEi!nick | spO00:16
ubottuspO: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode00:16
Warninghow are you ?00:16
harjotJames-1: its fine since u tried00:16
James-1frostbite7: Hmm, lemme think00:16
harjotstercor: whats the command00:16
stercorharjot: Perhaps someone has a more elegant solution.  Mine's heavy-handed, but it works for ntpd.00:16
somaunni want to create a LUG in my country, how do i do it ?00:16
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: see if the ps auc | grep x-session returns anything00:16
stercorsomaunn: First, find a few wheels...:->00:17
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: ps aux that is00:17
harjotcould u show me ur solution again please? I want to see if it works00:17
Warningguys how to install aircrack-ng on ubuntu ?00:17
DasEi spO : soory, wrong trigger (DasEi);; so you'll need the iso,  can use k3b for it00:17
Ben64Warning: sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng00:17
somaunni got peoples who r very interrested on FOSS and ubuntu00:17
Um_cara_qualquerIrishmanluke, just "ps aux" or "ps aux | grep x-session"?00:17
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IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: the seccond one00:18
TheNewGuyHow do I do a low level format?  Want to start with a fresh drive00:18
somaunnnot sure if this is the righ channel for such question00:18
WarningE: Couldn't find package aircrack-ng00:18
James-1frostbite7: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear mane00:18
llutzWarning: it's n universe00:18
James-1frostbite7: maybe*00:18
Warningwhat i need to do ?00:18
s0crateshello everyone, I recently upgraded my ram from 512mg to 4 gig running 64 bit kubuntu and now suddently the window composition is slow-- I have an intel coryville motherboard using on board video with a dual core intel Pentium D chip at 2.8 ghz. Any other info that I can give to help, let me know00:19
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stercorharjot: do a 'ps ax | grep usb'; copy the command line from the usb process; get the process number; kill its process; paste the command to start it up again.00:19
s0cratesoh I'm running kubuntu 64 bit 9.04 jaunty00:19
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:19
TheNewGuyHI, I want to wipe my drive so I can do a fresh install of windows and ubunto on a dual boot system.00:20
TamnakzWhat's a good media player for Ubuntu? I'm using whatever coems with the 8.10 install, but it's horrible on anything but the laptop speakers. It's very very flat. Any ideas?00:20
stercorharjot: There. I copied, pasted, and completed it.00:20
TheNewGuyHow do I format my drive?00:20
Raydiationhi could it be a harware defect if ubuntu live cd fails modprobing drivers?00:20
harjotok lol00:20
llutzTheNewGuy: let the installer format it00:20
ikonia!gparted > TheNewGuy00:20
ubottuTheNewGuy, please see my private message00:20
stercorTamnakz: I use mplayer (command line), gxmms2 (GUI)00:20
James-1frostbite7: did you get my message?00:21
IrishmanlukeTamnakz: I use vlc don't know if that will help your problem though00:21
darkscrypthey gott a question00:21
harjotstercor: whats ksuspendusbd?00:21
frostbite7yes james-1 thank you00:21
s0cratesanywhere else I should ask my question to get help?00:21
harjotstercor: and underneath is :00:21
stercorobviously.  Just ask.00:21
s0cratestried google, but did not find info00:21
darkscryptstercor, nevermind lol00:21
harjot 1500 ?        S<     0:00 [ksuspend_usbd]00:21
harjot26873 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep usb00:21
stercorharjot: underneath is what?00:22
harjot 1500 ?        S<     0:00 [ksuspend_usbd]00:22
harjot26873 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep usb00:22
TheNewGuyIf i use the ubuntu installer to format my drive, how do I get windows on it?00:22
TheNewGuyCan I put windows on after I have installed ubuntu?00:22
ikoniaTheNewGuy: let windows installer format it00:22
Um_cara_qualquerIrishmanluke, it says: 771 0                1196  S  grep x-session00:23
somaunni need ur help because we (my crew and me) are preparing ourselves for the release party of karmik koala00:23
stercorharjot: Oh, it's a kernel process. YMMV.  May have to reboot.00:23
Um_cara_qualquerbut it goes to a black screen when i press control + alt + f700:23
Tamnakzstercor, does it allow a proper equalizer?00:23
Tamnakzeither or?00:23
TheNewGuyikonia, what is the difference between a "low level format" and a "high level format"?00:23
s0cratesso any ideas why my windows composition is slow on an intel built in video card? it was running perfectly with 512 ram and now is too slow with 4 gigs ram. what gives?00:23
somaunnso, we need some more info on how/what to do to create a LUG00:23
ikoniaTheNewGuy: one wipes the file system the other puts 0's on the disk00:23
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: ok tell me what echo $PATH says00:24
ikoniaTheNewGuy: don't need to low level format normally00:24
spOany of you install anydvd on ubuntu?00:24
DasEiabuirfan: sudo apt-get install <paket> --reinstall              << works ?00:24
TheNewGuyis there a way to do it?00:24
stercorharjot: try sudo kill 1500.  It may really mess things up, requiring a reboot.00:24
CopyWriterguys how do i create a bootable usb drive in ubuntu for bios flashing etc00:24
Um_cara_qualquerIrishmanluke, this terminal or on that other one?00:24
ikoniaTheNewGuy: just use the OS installer - it will format it for you00:24
Kalmis0crates, are you sure nothing else changed?00:24
TheNewGuyhigh or low?00:24
ikoniaTheNewGuy: this channels if for ubuntu help - join ##windows for windows help00:24
s0cratesKalmi: absolutely, my bios setting and everything stayed the same. Unexplainable.00:25
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: the one you're trying to start your gnome session with00:25
harjotstercor: ok00:25
Kalmis0crates, kernel update maybe?00:25
lewenchFor some reason my wireless is not connecting to my WPA network. I have the passphrase but its not connecting. Any reason why this might be happening? I am using the default network manager from Ubuntu 9.04 Driver- rt2860sta (Railink)00:25
TheNewGuyIkonia, this is for ubuntu... if umbuntu worked correctly the first time and did not turn off my nick card, I would not have to be going through all this.00:25
s0cratesKalmi: I am running 28-15 now, I upgraded the kernel to see if it would help and nothing00:25
Kalmis0crates, I mean that you could try an older kernel...00:25
s0cratesoh try an older kernel?00:25
ikoniaTheNewGuy: then why are you asking how to install windows on it00:25
llutzTheNewGuy: lowlevel is physical formatting, you cannot do that with modern hdds00:26
AndorinIs there a plugin for Compiz that, if turned off, would disable my ability to switch between workspaces? I've looked through them but I haven't figured out how to turn it back on.00:26
TamnakzWhat's the best media player to use if I'm using my laptop to output to a stereo?00:26
s0cratesKalmi: actually I added the launchpad repo and then tried doing a dist-upgrade to see if it would help-- nothing00:26
DasEi!who | abuirfan00:26
ubottuabuirfan: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:26
Kalmis0crate, "the launchpad repo"?00:26
vr_mex_llutz: very nice configured everything !!! this: sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ phpmyadmin  ;-) Thanks a lot !!!00:27
s0cratesKalmi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86574100:27
TheNewGuyBecareful about installing a dual boot set up, since 1997 people have had issues with ubuntu turning off the nic card when it is shut down so windows can not use the nic card when it boots.  They only know solution is to kill the power to the system when ubuntu is running and then booting into windows.  you can gool it.   not sure whey ubuntu has not fixed this.00:27
s0cratesit was a suggestion for someone else that was having issues with the windows composition with kubuntu00:27
reya276How can I get Ubuntu 9.04 to recognize LG Vu C920 phone as a storage device or through BitPim?00:27
Um_cara_qualquerIrishmanluke, it says: /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin00:28
ikoniaTheNewGuy: please don't talk nonsense00:28
spOwhat is a better viodeo driver, xv or gl?00:28
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: ok try sudo /usr/X11R6/bin/startx00:28
TamnakzWhat's the best media player for good audio quality?00:28
DasEiTheNewGuy: never experienced this00:28
TheNewGuyikonia, please dont suggest someone is speaking nonsense if you don't know the truth, have not googled it, have are to ignorant to check it out first.00:28
Kalmis0crates, are you sure that you didn't upgrade the kernel at that same you upgraded your RAM? does removing the newly added RAM help the performance?00:29
DasEi!best | Tamnakz00:29
ubottuTamnakz: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:29
ikoniaTheNewGuy: I'm aware of the issue, but announcing it to the channel is pointless00:29
DasEi!mp3 | Tamnakz00:29
ubottuTamnakz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:29
s0cratesKalmi: I tried putting my old ram in and the compositioning is fine again00:29
TamnakzI have limited internet bandwidth, I can't download a dozen programs to find what's best for me00:29
Kalmis0crates, duh... interesting :)00:29
coreymanI'm getting an input output error during read and write on my first hard disk with the partitioner on the min install, I know my disc isn't bad. Should I wait to set up raid until my installation is complete?00:29
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ikoniacoreyman: what type of raid, software, hardware or fakeraid00:29
DasEiTamnakz: basically which kind of file ? small app or higher audio quality ?00:30
TamnakzI have no probmel with formats, I just need something with a decent enough equalizer that it doesn't sound like poo00:30
s0cratesKalmi: it works fine in vista, I'm wondering why. Another thing is I'm running 64 bit linux but it only recognizes 3.2 gigs of ram00:30
coreymanikonia http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681512301500:30
TheNewGuywhen i had the problem several people told me it was a windows problem..   That was a wast of my time... it is an ubunto problem and people need to know about it.  denying there is a proplem will only hurt more in the long run .00:30
Tamnakzhigher quality audio00:30
s0cratesKalmi: I did a memtest on the new ram and it's perfectly fine00:30
TheNewGuyIkonia, the first step is admitting there is a problem.00:30
NFischerHow do i close X?00:30
ikoniacoreyman: that's fake raid, I'd advise not using the raid function on it, and use linux based software raid00:30
TamnakzI don't need anythign fancy, windows media player was plenty on that OS, just something that I can get rid of the flat sound that the ubuntu player has00:30
ikoniaTheNewGuy: the problem is known and logged and not what you've said00:30
zvacethow can I remove added url for streaming in mplayer00:30
DasEiTamnakz: amarok, mplayer00:31
ikoniaTheNewGuy: it's very rare so announcing it to the channel add's no value00:31
TheNewGuyOH REALLY, what is the problem then?00:31
TamnakzDasEi, is that two individual suggestions?00:31
TheNewGuyIkonia, enlighten me, I would like to learn.00:31
DasEiTamnakz: which one are you using now ?00:31
ikoniaTheNewGuy: as I recall it's a problem with a firmware component on a card, but it's quite obscure00:31
TheNewGuyIkonis, I am haveing the problem right now.00:31
ikoniaTheNewGuy: I don't remember the full details00:31
Um_cara_qualquerIrishmanluke, it says: sudo: not found00:31
coreymanikonia ok thank you very much00:31
s0cratesI am completely baffled. lol00:31
pmratpoisonHello! jaunty eeepc 1000 user with the array kernel. I am encountering problems with apt. sudo apt-cache check result here http://pastebin.com/m79a817de and sources.list here http://pastebin.com/m37165dbe00:32
ikoniayou have to power the box on/off to get the card to wake up00:32
zvacetI find it never mind00:32
Um_cara_qualquerthen i tried with out sudo... and was the same thing00:32
TamnakzDasEi,right now all I have is the 'movie player' or 'rythmbox'00:32
slideIs there an ubuntu/linux app similar to Quicksilver for osx?00:32
Tamnakzdasei, the movie player has horrible sound. Rythmbox is marginally better, but the program is horrily set up00:32
Um_cara_qualquersorry about my english by the way00:32
spOgl is better than xv , right?  gl is more like directx and better thus, right?00:32
Um_cara_qualqueri'm not english or american :P00:33
DasEiTamnakz: rhythmbox shouldn't sound bad, sure the problem isn't sth else ?00:33
s0cratesKalmi: thanks for the help, I'm going to get back to work, have things to do, but I'll be posting on the ubuntu forums later to see if anyone out there has the slightest clue cause I have no idea why this would happen!00:33
Kalmis0crates, so am I :)00:33
epitaphslide: try gnome-do00:33
s0cratesbye and thanks again00:33
reya276How can I get Ubuntu 9.04 to recognize LG Vu C920 phone as a storage device or through BitPim?00:33
DasEiTamnakz: vlc is very tiny, with no fancy att all, but no bad sound, give this a try, often it is bad cabeling or audio driver00:34
tjchello everyone, is this the right place to ask a question relating wireless issues on jaunty  ? :D00:34
TheNewGuyyes it is obscure, but it does happen and I think people should know about it. because when it happens some individuals in this room get very obnoxious defending ubuntu, claiming it is a windows problem.00:34
Tamnakzit's not bad . . . I was just curious if there was something more user friendly? a bare bones basic player that'll let me make a playlist, but also let me run a decent equalizer. I haden't played around much with the program00:34
spOany of you try to install anydvd on ubuntu?00:34
KalmiTamnakz: Audacious might be what you are looking for...00:34
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents00:34
Um_cara_qualquerIrishmanluke, are u here?00:34
coreymanikonia is fake raid going to use the CPU also? or does that all happen on the card.00:34
sy1what anydvd use for ?00:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chuck00:34
ikoniaTheNewGuy: it is partly a windows problem in how the driver/firmware works, as I said it is known about, but announcing it to a room full of users as a generic thing is pointless00:35
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:35
ikoniacoreyman: uses the cpu too00:35
murlidharhow can i make my cmus mp3 player the default player ?00:35
TamnakzI've got vlc, and the audio is decent, ,but it doesn't have an equalizer, I have to have a digital equalizer to counteract the differences from using a U ccable going to RCA's to a stereo00:35
coreymanikonia ok thanks00:35
th0rspO: anydvd is a windows program00:35
TamnakzKalmi: Audacious?00:35
sy1i did not use anydvd00:35
pmratpoisonTamnakz: vlc DOES have an equalizer00:35
DasEiTamnakz: equalizer is still a lack, especially as standalone on ubuntu, amarok has one, I never needed them, as my pheripherials (amp/headamp) offer this00:35
TheNewGuyIkonia I was not announcing it to the users, i was announcing it to those offering assistance.00:35
KalmiTamnakz... google it...00:36
ikoniaTheNewGuy: no you where not - hence why you warned the channel "be careful installing dual boot"00:36
Warninglittle question ... if i don't have Virtual Machine and i have on computer windows XP and i have a CD that on it have Ubuntu 9.0.iso can change my computer to ubuntu ?00:36
phaidonxHi. I just used gparted from a live CD to resize some partitions and I can't boot my computer anymore00:36
DasEiTamnakz: audacious has equi, too00:36
=== Tiago is now known as Guest89935
pmratpoisonTamnakz: it's under tools > extended settings00:36
murlidharhow can i make my cmus mp3 player the default player ?00:36
=== Guest89935 is now known as Ryei
phaidonxthe grub loader still lists all the kernels but when I select one of them it says 'booting' and then hangs there00:36
sy1is there anywhere on the internet to down different type of formats ?00:37
sy1I want to try my External media player00:37
MaGicMaXany ideas how i could be using all 3GB of memory with only firefox, nautilus, Ktorrent, and Audacious running?00:37
coreymanikonia what is the name of that software raid thing? mdam or something like that00:37
DasEiphaidonx: first glance is your fstab uses uuid, which changed , so they won't fit no more00:37
AndorinIs there a plugin for Compiz that, if turned off, would disable my ability to switch between workspaces? I've looked through them but I haven't figured out how to turn it back on.00:37
TheNewGuyIkonia, and it was useful in the open room we have had this discussion and I hope some others have seen it, so that new users will not have to go through the BS that I had to go through.  Nic cards are cheap, I would have replaced sooner if i was given correct information.00:37
TamnakzPmratpoison: Shiat! I never thought to look there, I've used VLC for years, even on my Windows pc!!! SOOOO much better!00:37
KalmiMaGicMaX, cache?00:37
ikoniacoreyman: mdadm - thts it00:37
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: ok run whoami, if root do it without the sudo otherwise run su enter in your password then run the command again without sudo00:37
Warning little question ... if i don't have Virtual Machine and i have on computer windows XP and i have a CD that on it have Ubuntu 9.0.iso can change my computer to ubuntu ?00:37
ikoniaTheNewGuy: it's not useful - it's a known bug that's not fixed00:37
phaidonxI also have WinXP on another partition and I tried booting from that but when I try to it shows the splash screen (barely) and freezes again00:37
coreymanikonia thx00:37
MaGicMaXKalmi: huh?00:37
sy1what would be a good NIC card ?00:37
sy1that is compliant with kubuntu ?00:38
ikoniaTheNewGuy: it effects very few users so announcing it just makes people think it is a big deal00:38
phaidonxDasEi: how do I fix that then?00:38
murlidharsy1 ///// google using ......  <filename> filetype:mp3 or flac or whatever00:38
MaGicMaXKalmi: please elaborate :)00:38
ikonia!hcl > sy100:38
ubottusy1, please see my private message00:38
douglaskQuestion: Is it possible to get a free SSL cert for an email/web server that shows as valid in web browsers?00:38
DasEiphaidonx: have you got a live cd ?00:38
FloodBot2sy1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:38
Warning little question ... if i don't have Virtual Machine and i have on computer windows XP and i have a CD that on it have Ubuntu 9.0.iso can change my computer to ubuntu ?00:38
phaidonxerr. now even booting from the liveCD doesnt seem to work anymore!!00:38
ikoniadouglask: no - you need a 3rd party to sign it00:38
pmratpoisonHello! jaunty eeepc 1000 user with the array kernel. I am encountering problems with apt. sudo apt-cache check result here http://pastebin.com/m79a817de and sources.list here http://pastebin.com/m37165dbe00:38
phaidonxI am trying again ...00:38
ikoniadouglask: you can use self signed though00:38
MaGicMaXKalmi: oh srry, 0 chached00:38
TheNewGuyIkonia, it is useful, the next time someone comes into the room with the same problem what are you going to do?  tell them its a windows problem, (which it is not) or tell them there is a conflict that the nic card.  Get another one for 10 bucks.00:38
spOGL ie more like directx than XV , right? it is also newer and better?00:39
sy1what would be a good NIC card ?00:39
ikoniaTheNewGuy: tell them exactly what I told you00:39
MaGicMaXKalmi: cached*00:39
murlidharhow can i make my cmus mp3 player the default player ?00:39
sy1what would be a good NIC card ?00:39
KalmiMaGicMaX, unlikely...00:39
murlidharsy1: dlink would be a nice option00:39
sy1how about netgear ?00:39
TheNewGuyikonia, you told me two things.00:39
douglaskikonia: I figured, but I figured I'd ask as well.  Ah well.  Not gonna spend the dough just now, so self signed it is.00:39
OttifantSirHow do I do a recovery on an ext3-file system? During boot, that's what it said to do. There's no resume image, so it goes straight to CLI, but then after a few seconds, the screen goes black. If I go into recovery mode, I have some options, and the screen stays on. 9.04, P6NGM-FD MB, C2D E6850 up from C2D E4600.00:39
phaidonxDasEi: I am trying to boot from the live cd but I just get a blinking cursor ...00:39
ikoniaTheNewGuy: I'll repeat - it's not useful as pretty much no-one suffers from it and just causes un-needed questions and confusion when you make generic statments like "dual booting causes your network card problems"00:39
TheNewGuyIkonia first that it was a windows issue and second that there is a conflic.00:39
MaGicMaXKalmi: my bad, had -g option on heh, its 576mb00:39
sy1I think the compliance is important00:39
murlidharsy1: should work but google for it ......just in case00:40
ikoniaTheNewGuy: no - installing windows was a windows issue, which is what I initially thought you where trying to do00:40
DasEi Warning : you got space on the xp hd and want to add ubuntu ?00:40
ikoniaTheNewGuy: I think explained that there is an incompatability with a small set of cards/firmware model00:40
TheNewGuyikonia you can repeat as many times as you would like, the bottom line is that IF someone has the problem, as few of them as there will be, they need the correct information.00:40
coreymanikonia how come disc detect is giving me scsi2 but not scsi1 .... my 150gb disc is on the first port and thats the one i need to use.00:40
DasEiphaidonx: you are on a second computer now ?00:41
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: are you there?00:41
ikoniaTheNewGuy: I told you the correct information and as you are giving miss-leading information it adds no value, so please think about what you announce to the channel00:41
MaGicMaXKalmi: is there anything i can do about it?00:41
phaidonxDasEi: yes. why isnt it even able to boot from the livecd ?00:41
WarningDasEi : i still have about 50 GB free space on my computer00:41
ikoniacoreyman: scsi2 where ?00:41
ikoniacoreyman: could you expand on what you mean please ?00:41
coreymanikonia well im using the minimal install disc... and its giving me a list of disks to select to partition00:41
ikoniacoreyman: never seen disks references like that, the name shouldn't matter though00:42
DasEiphaidonx: no idea, sure cd and drive is in order ? special hardware ? kinda machine ?00:42
ikoniacoreyman: libata detects ide as scsi now, so scsi1 could be your cdrom00:42
=== \\ is now known as DaZ
ikoniacoreyman: (just thinking outloud)00:42
phaidonxDasEi:  it's a lenovo T60 ... it worked fine before I used gparted to repartition things..00:42
Um_cara_qualquerIrishmanluke, not found... again =/00:42
litster1sorry, I just had a funny DNS issue.  did anyone respond to the /dev/input/mouseX question?00:42
coreymanikonia well it isn't showing my 150GB disc either way00:42
phaidonxDasEi: I thought the liveCD wouldnt care about the HD anyway?00:42
TheNewGuyIkonia, this is the kind of bug that hurts linux, I will continue to post so that other know what the real issue is.00:42
KalmiMaGicMaX, well... firefox's memory usage can be reduced a lot... if you want that google it00:43
ikoniacoreyman: I wonder if that card is even supported, have you checked00:43
KalmiMaGicMaX, having cache is perfectly normal00:43
DasEiWarning: you can use xp to shrink your xp-parti , so you have ~ 50gb unallocated, then install ubuntu on it, before backup mbr, in case getting problems00:43
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: whoami not found??00:43
ikoniaTheNewGuy: no - you'll stop now PLEASE - it's miss-leading people. This is not an ubuntu issue, it's an issue between the linux kernel in general and specific rare cards00:43
Um_cara_qualquerwith and without sudo00:43
TheNewGuyIkonia, thanks for keeping the conversation going.  I can only hope that someone else saw it, and can provide the correct information in the future.00:43
MaGicMaXKalmi: so its normal to be using all of my ram with just 3 to 4 apps open?00:43
DasEiphaidonx: it shouldn't care about hd, is why I ask for cd (dirt?!) or bad drive00:43
coreymanikonia i didn't know there was a set of specific supported hardwares00:43
ikoniaTheNewGuy: great, so please drop it00:44
spOany of you installed ripit4me or anydvd on ubuntu?00:44
ikoniacoreyman: ooh yes, not all hardware is supported00:44
Warningbut how to run the ISO file on win xp ?00:44
ikoniacoreyman: lots of nasty closed source driver hardware stuff is not supported00:44
ikonia!hcl > coreyman00:44
ubottucoreyman, please see my private message00:44
TheNewGuyIkonia, LOL you sound like an obama groupie!! LOL, don't tell me the truth, just tell me a good story.00:44
ikoniacoreyman: ubottu's message so give you a rough idea00:44
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: alright hold on a sec00:44
KalmiMaGicMaX, um... no... :P How much is firefox using of your ram00:44
ubottuPlease take political discussion to ##politics. Thank you!00:44
sy1does intel mainboard and mainboard processor support in kubuntu ?00:44
ikoniaTamnakz: drop it please.00:44
sy1does intel mainboard and mainboard processor support in kubuntu ?00:44
ikoniasy1: should be00:44
phaidonxDasEi: I doubt it, like I said, it was fine booting from the livecd 10 minutes ago... I just tried making it do a 'disk check' and again I just get a blinking cursor and no messages!00:45
ikoniaTamnakz: sorry - not you00:45
coreymanikonia yea it'll work if i switch the two drives on the card, i just didn't want to open my case again.00:45
sy1intel 915GEV00:45
Lostinspace_46TheNewGuy But she's right00:45
MaGicMaXKalmi: FF is using 230mb00:45
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: ok run /usr/bin/whoami00:45
litster1can anyone explain why it seems to be impossible to get anything from "cat /dev/input/mice" on ubuntu?  It works in debian, gentoo, and SLES10 so far.00:45
DasEiphaidonx: clean the cd, sure it boots from cd (bios) , not just a grub-hang ?00:45
sy1any one here using intel mainboard with Kubuntu00:46
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: no need to use sudo for that00:46
Lostinspace_46TheNewGuy What you said was incorrect00:46
KalmiMaGicMaX, than what is using all your RAM if it's not fx?00:46
MaGicMaXKalmi: looking at my processes, their memory usage doesnt even come close to 1Gig i dont understand00:46
phaidonxphaidonx: yes, it's from the CD. I get the first ubuntu menu telling me whether I want to try ubuntu, install it, etc.00:46
th0rlitster1: have you tried sudo?00:46
MaGicMaXKalmi: i have no idea00:46
sy1any one here using intel mainboard with Kubuntu00:47
KalmiMaGicMaX, it's about 512Mb, right?00:47
th0rlitster1: well...it works for me00:47
Kalmisy1, i do00:47
litster1I am running in a root shell00:47
litster1are you using jaunty?00:47
MaGicMaXKalmi: ya00:47
greg__Hey, my name is Greg. I'm anewbie, I've just installed Ubuntu 9.04, and can not open firefox00:47
ikoniagreg__: what happens when you try00:47
th0rlitster1: yes. The command 'sudo cat /dev/input/mice' just sits there til I move the mouse00:48
litster1the strange thing is, I also tried it on a fresh laptop install, with the same results00:48
KalmiMaGicMaX, the other half is being used as cache... it's all fine...00:48
greg__when i click on firefox icon there i've got a sign that the program is loading, but it desappear in few moments00:48
greg__and it's all00:48
litster1then it spits out raw binary data?00:48
MaGicMaXKalmi: i killed a couple games that crashed earlier, maybe there the culprits, maybe ill restart?00:48
th0rlitster1: I have to assume that is what it is...it sure isn't ascii00:48
ikoniagreg__: open a terminal (do you know how to do that ?) and type firefox in it, and press enter00:48
KalmiMaGicMaX, no... it all fits00:48
DasEiWarning: need more advice ?00:48
ikoniagreg__: do you get any helpful info00:48
MaGicMaXKalmi: its normal?00:48
th0rlitster1: are you in a terminal window or have you switched to a tty?00:49
greg__"Segmentation fault"00:49
sy1any one here using intel mainboard with Kubuntu00:49
MaGicMaXKalmi: im using 2.8GB or 3.2GB00:49
Um_cara_qualquerIrishmanluke, not found X_X00:49
greg__it's the answear00:49
coreymanth0r what is a tty?00:49
ikoniasy1: why ?00:49
phaidonxDasEi: yes, it's from the CD. I get the first ubuntu menu telling me whether I want to try ubuntu, install it, etc.00:49
MaGicMaXKalmi: of*00:49
sy1Do I have to download any drivers ?00:49
ikoniagreg__: most common cause would be bad ram or overclocking cpu00:49
ikoniasy1: no - most intel kit is fully supported00:49
sy1will the drivers cause any issues ?00:49
laclasse greg__  is your machine updated?00:49
th0rcoreyman: you can open a terminal, or switch to a tty with Alt-Ctl-F2 through -F600:49
ikoniasy1: I sent you a list of compatible hardware, have you read it00:49
litster1bizarre.  Another symptom is that when I run "sudo cat /dev/hidraw6" I get binary back.00:50
greg__i've just make update00:50
scunizisy1: if it works with ubuntu it will work with kubuntu, xubuntu, server .. in fact probably most all linux variants.00:50
DasEiphaidonx: real strange, and you say you could run live before ?00:50
coreymanth0r yea what's the difference.00:50
sy1where ? Ikonia ?00:50
ikonia!hcl > sy100:50
ubottusy1, please see my private message00:50
laclassegreg__, rebooted after it ?00:50
greg__so everything is up to date, i've never overlocking my pc00:50
KalmiMaGicMaX, how much RAM do you have? how much of that is being used as cache?:q00:50
th0rcoreyman: you won't get the mouse driver in a tty for one thing00:50
phaidonxDasEi: yep, that's how I was able to run gparted to resize the partitions ...00:50
WarningDasEi : i have the Image .iso file i can RUN it on windows xp without Virtual Machine ?00:50
laclassegreg__, or at least log out and log back in00:50
greg__i've made both several times...00:50
MaGicMaXabout 520mb is cached, i have 4GB in my system but 3.2GB is shown to be available00:50
laclassegreg__, that is bad news then00:50
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: I have no clue what about the command su will that run?00:51
ikoniagreg__: if you've done updates, it may be wise to reboot, more so if it's an update to the xserver00:51
MaGicMaXKalmi: about 520mb is cached, i have 4GB in my system but 3.2GB is shown to be available00:51
sy1ok here's the deal00:51
KalmiMaGicMaX, is your ubuntu install 32 bit?00:51
greg__and it's weird, i've got 4GB of ram and 64bit ubuntu, ant it's said that I have only 3,8 GB of ram, is it ok?00:51
coreymanwell th0r i was wondering, cause when I don't install a gui doesn't it say tty1 ?00:51
DasEiWarning: No, you can either use virtualization, wubi (which I don't recommend) or a dualboot of xp and ubuntu00:51
Lostinspace_46What file would contain the actual commands a mouse button generates?00:51
Um_cara_qualquerIrishmanluke, not even that =/00:51
MaGicMaXKalmi: yes, i was worried about my programs working on 64bit, plus driver issues00:51
sy1I have friend who using the intel 915gev with 250gb harddisk with cpu 2.8 and also windows is not working with this item00:51
th0rcoreyman: yes...if you don't have an X environment running you can also use tty100:51
Um_cara_qualquernot found either00:52
the-mentorgreg_: to start you can install another brower00:52
laclassegreg__, use another browser in the meantime is the fast workaround, alternatively, you could try downloading firefox from the mozilla site (as a tar.gz file) extract that , and run the 'firefox' inside that00:52
ikoniasy1: that is nothing to do with ubuntu00:52
sy1there is a network card called asound00:52
the-mentorgreg_: to make sure your internet is working properly i would install opera00:52
laclassegreg__, yes, it is pci memory space00:52
sy1if I install kubuntu in i just concern with the drivers00:52
laclassegreg__, linux reports real avail ram00:52
greg__i know, but have no idea how to install another browser using only terminal :P00:52
KalmiMaGicMaX, 32 bit OSes can't see more than ~3.2 Gb RAM...00:52
th0rcoreyman: the desktop for tty1 is F7, and I believe you can start a desktop on tty2 and get it on F8 and tty3/F9 and so on00:52
litster1lostinspace, do you mean the "commands" being spit out from the kernel to X?00:52
ikoniasy1: I've sent you the list of compatible hardware00:52
laclassegreg__, use the add/remove00:52
ikoniasy1: I've told you intel hardware is mostly compatible00:52
the-mentorgreg_: either from add/remove programs or with the following command sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install opera00:52
laclassegreg__, Applications -> Add/Remove -> Internet00:53
coreymanth0r so you can have multiple desktops at any given time00:53
MaGicMaXKalmi: im aware of that, i have 2x2GB sticks installed00:53
ChaoticXSinZ1Heyo all.00:53
ChaoticXSinZ1Just a quick questin00:53
DasEiWarning: there is virtualbox, which you can use for free in private to create a vm00:53
sy1if the memory is not a compatible to the mainboard ?00:53
th0rcoreyman: I believe I passed a url the other day that said something about how to do that...but was pressed for time and didn't stop to read it00:53
ChaoticXSinZ1How is the experience when you run Ubuntu on a Macbook pro?00:53
ikoniasy1: that's nothing to do with ubuntu00:53
sy1what kind of havoc will it cause to ubuntu ?00:54
ikoniaChaoticXSinZ1: very positive00:54
ikoniasy1: it won't work with any os00:54
coreymanth0r ahh. no biggie00:54
sy1windows have blue screen00:54
IrishmanlukeUm_cara_qualquer: I really don't know whatto tellyou, can you try aptitude install coreutils00:54
ikoniasy1: nothing to do with ubuntu00:54
sy1but ubuntu ?00:54
phaidonxDasEi: so any ideas why the liveCD is not booting? should I yank out the HD or something? or just give it longer? 'cos right now it's just sitting there with a blinking cursor and no noise... btw, when grub comes up I can actually change things in there (like the UUID, but obviously I dont know what the new UUID is !)00:54
sy1will it hang and crash very often00:54
Kalmihowever... you could get around that limitation if your hardware supports PAE... see: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/00:54
ikoniasy1: nothing to do with ubuntu - please contact your hardware vendor to get the correct hardware00:54
ChaoticXSinZ1iknoia: So do things like multitouch and backlit lights work?00:54
sy1and also the operation will be slow ?00:54
WarningDasEi : yes i know im using it right now00:54
ikoniasy1: we can't support you00:54
DasEiphaidonx: so hard to come by problem, for now I can only tell you what to do, you have to find a way to acces the hd again00:54
KalmiMaGicMaX,  however... you could get around that limitation if your hardware supports PAE... see: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/00:55
litster1thanks for the test, th0r00:55
ikoniaChaoticXSinZ1: yes, as I recall, backlit on some models required a bit of messing00:55
ikoniaChaoticXSinZ1: worked fine for me though00:55
Dayofswordsspeaking blue screens, does ubnuntu have a blue screen of death similar thing? i doubt i do00:55
sy1ok ikonia00:55
ikoniaDayofswords: no00:55
Dayofswordsi doubt it does00:55
Dayofswordsthought so00:55
Warningbut the Virtual Box when i full Screen it it show me too small00:56
ChaoticXSinZ1ikonia: What about the multitouch. I remember reading somewhere that it would need X-Input 2 or something like that.00:56
_saberHey guys, I've accidentally removed network manager and now i'm got no net on it. How would I be able to reinstall it from the CD?00:56
MaGicMaXKalmi: thanks, checking now00:56
ikoniaChaoticXSinZ1: ahhh mine isn't the latest macbook pro so I don't know00:56
greg__tkank you all, now i'll try ro reinstall it00:56
KalmiMaGicMaX, my suggestion is that you read this: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/277000:56
laclassegreg__, hold00:56
ikoniaChaoticXSinZ1: read positive things, but that doesn't mean fact00:56
DasEi!dualboot | Warning00:56
ubottuWarning: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:56
MaGicMaXKalmi: how do i check if im PAE compatible?00:56
ikoniaMaGicMaX: the server kernel has PAE - the desktop does not00:57
Kalmiikonia, one can install the server kernel on a desktop00:57
ikoniaKalmi: yes00:57
DasEiWarning: you can use xp to shrink your xp-parti , so you have ~ 50gb unallocated, then install ubuntu on it, before backup mbr, in case getting problems (sudo   dd if=/dev/hdx of=MBR-backup bs=512 count=1)00:57
laclassegreg__, open a terminal and type this: wget ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/latest-3.5/linux-i686/en-US/firefox-3.5.2.tar.bz2 && tar xvf firefox-3.5.2.tar.bz2 && cd firefox* && ./firefox00:58
phaidonxDasEi: I just took out the harddrive and now the livecd is booting fine ...00:58
MaGicMaXikonia: i have 9.04 dekstop i386, cant do PAE? I have a fairly new PC, im sure my hardware can take it00:58
sy1i would like to fix my ubuntu to play all the media type00:59
sy1where can find the proper list of decoder ?00:59
ikoniaMaGicMaX: it's nothing to do with your hardware - you need the server kernel to do pae - or use the 64bit desktop install00:59
ikonia!codec > sy100:59
ubottusy1, please see my private message00:59
carrie_555How do I see the set of paths related with the include files (c/c++) ?00:59
DasEiphaidonx: uuid is another ,more unique way to label partitons, unlike /dev/sdXX it sets a harware-based string, see :00:59
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)00:59
dpratt71basic Linux question: Is bash always running? I mean, is it involved in the typical Linux boot sequence?00:59
ikoniaChaoticXSinZ1: -I00:59
ikoniaChaoticXSinZ1: sorry - nhot you00:59
litster1!codec > litster00:59
ikoniacarrie_555: compile -I00:59
ikoniacarrie_555: compiler -I sorry00:59
guitarmarkusHi, just got a T500, and I want to increase resolution to 1920x1200 to fit native resolution on external monitor, but that resolution is not showing up on the display menu, how can I add it? Which Xorg conf file does Ubuntu use?01:00
th0rdpratt71: not in the boot sequence, but it is running by the time you get to a command prompt...can't get the prompt without it01:00
phaidonxDasEi: but why does livecd care about the UUID ?01:00
sy1Thanks all01:00
laclasseMaGicMaX, only the server kernel is PAE enabled01:00
sy1for your help01:00
sy1with the ubuntu01:00
sy1bye bye01:00
DasEiphaidonx: I have no clue on that behaviour, is it a sata ?01:00
FloodBot2sy1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:00
sy1take care01:00
carrie_555ikonia: are u sure it's compiler ?01:00
laclasseMaGicMaX, so install that if you want PAE on 32bit01:00
ikoniacarrie_555: what ever compiler command you use01:01
MaGicMaXikonia: hmm, your sure about that?01:01
WarningDasEi : i will loose any of my files on Windows Xp if i do a dual boot ?01:01
ikoniaMaGicMaX: yes01:01
carrie_555ikonia: ah ! :D01:01
codeamukhow stable/unstable is karmic alpha4?01:01
slidewow just got my invite to google voice, how do i choose a number? lol01:01
ikoniacodeamuk: join #ubuntu+101:01
laclasseguitarmarkus, try "xrandr" in a terminal it will show you the res your monitors are 'advertising'01:01
codeamukok, thx01:02
carrie_555ikonia: I tried -->  gcc -l    and g++ -l , and nothing.. :S01:02
Kalmidpratt71, actually something very bashlike (um... sh-like) is used for all scripts the run at boottime (it's called dash)01:02
laclasseguitarmarkus, otherwise you can write your own xorg.conf in /etc/X11/01:02
dpratt71where can I read about the way the boot sequence works on a modern system? i.e. how the wdm gets launched, etc.01:02
ikoniacarrie_555: gcc -I$PATH_TO_INCLUDE01:02
murlidharhow can i make my cmus mp3 player the default player ? xfce4-termimal -x "cmus %f" doesn't help :(01:02
DasEiWarning : for usual not, but it's never bad to backup important files, especially when doing things first times01:02
TheNewGuyHi, is it possible to run windows and linux at the same time?  I have a dual core.01:02
ikoniacarrie_555: check it out in the man page01:02
ikoniaTheNewGuy: nop01:02
ikoniaTheNewGuy: no01:02
greg__thanx laclasse, but it's still not working01:02
ikoniaTheNewGuy: you'll need to use virtualization technology01:02
XerranTheNewGuy: dualboot or vm?01:02
KalmiTheNewGuy, only if one is virtualized01:02
dpratt71Kalmi: that gives me something to google, thanks :)01:02
DasEi!virtualization | TheNewGuy01:02
ubottuTheNewGuy: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !kvm is the preferred approach in Ubuntu.  See also !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications01:02
laclassegreg__, same seg fault ?01:02
greg__I'll try to switch my computer off01:03
greg__yes, same01:03
XerranTheNewGuy: Checkout VirtualBox or VMware01:03
Kalmidpratt71, well... not much... :)01:03
Warningoups sorry01:03
TheNewGuyok, kerran, thanks.  is it strait forward?01:03
Kalmidpratt71, what are you actually interested in?01:03
th0rTheNewGuy: you can run one in a virtual machine in a window on th eother01:03
dpratt71what typically launches the wdm,, for example?01:03
phaidonxDasEi: I am not sure which one it is... I just put the HD back in and tried again... I think it might be working now. I'll let you know in a second if the live sessions sees the HD01:04
TheNewGuyok, i will look into it.   Sounds messy.  ( was expecting that)01:04
phaidonxDasEi: I have to leave, but basically once I boot with the live cd I have to change the fstab?01:04
th0rdpratt71: it is launched in the boot sequence when X is initialized.01:04
dpratt71Kalmi: I'm just trying to get an understanding of the architecture01:04
murlidhardpratt71: init.d scripts afaik am not sure though01:04
phaidonxDasEi: where am I supposed to put the UUID and how do I find the correct ones?01:04
MaGicMaXikonia: last time i tried 64bit there wasnt even a flash plugin for mozilla for 64bit lol01:04
DasEiphaidonx: k, mostly important live boots ( with hd attached, satra2 is often hot plugable)01:04
ikoniaMaGicMaX: it's come on a lot then01:04
Kalmidpratt71, check out pstree01:05
th0rdpratt71: there are docs explaining all this...check out tldp.org01:05
DasEiphaidonx: booted into live ?01:05
winterwindo sea los mensanitos del ubuntu los dan en español y los que se dan entre la people se dan en ingles01:05
KB1JWQ!es | winterwind01:05
ubottuwinterwind: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:05
moomoocowguys, pls help. I was given a hard drive that has WinXP on it. I didn't know it had any OS on it until now. I was about to install Ubuntu 9.04 on it. But now I face a decisoin. Should I install Ubuntu on hard drive side by side wih XP? Or should I completely have Ubuntu take over the entire hard drive? pls advise01:05
MaGicMaXikonia: hardware wise im ready for 64bit, but im just worried about my apps and drivers01:05
NFischercould anyone help me with my transmission-daemon, didnt find any valuable information online01:05
KB1JWQmoomoocow: That depends upon you.01:05
dpratt71th0r: that helps, thanks; is there a name for the process that launches X?01:05
ikoniamoomoocow: your call01:06
moomoocowKB1JWQ: huh?01:06
winterwindy7 por queno hablamos aqui en español y nos hcemos grandes entre the world???01:06
phaidonxDasEi: yes, and I can see the partitions from gparted01:06
th0rdpratt71: it is part of init scripts01:06
KB1JWQmoomoocow: How can I tell you what's right for your use case?  It's up to you.01:06
greg__hey, it's me again01:06
ikonia!es | winterwind01:06
ubottuwinterwind: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:06
greg__still not working01:06
=== TheNewGuy is now known as newnameman
DasEiphaidonx: nice, close gparted, open trml01:06
fool_erhh guys does the backports in hardy install flash 9 or is it just me ?01:06
Kalmimoomoocow, do you actually need windows? if the answer is yes, than keep it :)01:06
moomoocowikonia: i mean: the reason why I switched from Win to Ubuntu in 2004 was because of money.  But now that I have XP for free, why should I get rid of it?01:06
dpratt71got behind in the chat window, sorry01:06
ikoniamoomoocow: don't if you're happy01:06
moomoocow(Aside from the fact that it will take up 30 GB)01:06
phaidonxtrml not found01:06
ikoniamoomoocow: use what works best for you01:06
winterwindpos vaya disaster01:06
DasEiphaidonx: I assume the lappy is networked ?01:07
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:07
phaidonxterminal is open01:07
moomoocowby the way, how could I understand the partitioning options in Ubuntu installer? It's so techie-ish for me.01:07
DasEiphaidonx: sudo apt-get install pastebinit01:07
winterwindaquyi only speak the people about ubuntu??? vaya coñaso01:07
moomoocowthere's the 1) side by side option. 2) Ubuntu only. 3) choose how much option 4) advanced option. Yikes!01:07
ikoniamoomoocow: what's not clear ?01:08
moomoocowikonia: well what are option 3 and 4 about?01:08
ikoniamoomoocow: chose your disk space sizes, 4.) manual partition01:08
DasEiphaidonx: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit01:08
winterwinda ver gente el ares. coml o puedo encontrar en ubuntu???01:08
ikoniawinterwind: english only please01:08
moomoocowikonia: come again?01:08
phaidonxcouldnt find package01:08
winterwindwhy not french???01:08
shortlord_how can I kill the X server if it does not respond (or at least switch to a vt)?01:09
winterwindcést la memem chose01:09
greg__can anyone tell me what should i do to install another web browser?01:09
ikoniamoomoocow: 3.) size your disk 4.) manual partition01:09
ikoniawinterwind: it's an english only channel01:09
phaidonxDasEi: is there a link on how to do this? it probably be best01:09
brummbaermoomoocow, windows typically registers itself to hardware id's on the system it was installed on, are you even sure you're going to be able to boot this HDD on YOUR system?01:09
ikonia!synaptic > greg__01:09
ubottugreg__, please see my private message01:09
Lostinspace_46What file would contain the actual commands a mouse button generates?01:09
phaidonxotherwise can you just PM me with a quick step by step? I have to get going01:09
WarningDasEi : why every install on Ubuntu told me E: coudn't find package ?01:09
moomoocowikonia: what's "size your disk"?01:09
moomoocowand what's partitionning?01:09
ikoniamoomoocow: size your disk partitions01:09
WarningDasEo : what i need to do ?01:09
ikoniamoomoocow: make partitions on the disk01:09
winterwindIROS A TOMAR POR EL CULO . IN ENGLISH: FUCK OFF !!! (y ahora me echais del foro so mamones)01:09
dvz-hello cruel world...01:10
moomoocowbrummbaer: oh, you mean WinXP might not even work on my computer, huh?01:10
th0rLostinspace_46: /dev/input/mice01:10
murlidharhow can i make my cmus mp3 player the default player ? xfce4-termimal -x 'cmus %f' doesn't help :(01:10
moomoocowbrummbaer: i guess i should try to boot from hard drive first to see if WinXP will work.01:10
Lostinspace_46th0r Thanks.  Looking now01:10
murlidharikonia: pls read my above question01:10
DasEiphaidonx: humm, maybe there is, you got to mount your / (hd) now , check it's fstab, then sudo blkid and compare fstab with that01:10
brummbaermoomoocow: yep. don't waste your time having an ethical dilemma until you know it's worth pondering.01:11
greg__ikonia, but i can not open this link01:11
th0rLostinspace_46: it is a binary file...won't see much01:11
ikoniamurlidhar: no idea without playing with xfce01:11
ikoniagreg__: open synaptic package manager and search for another web browser01:11
moomoocowbrummbaer: not an ethical dilemma. but it is a dilemma 8-)01:11
DasEiWarning: wrong paketname ? repos disabled ?01:11
murlidharikonia: lets just say gnome-terminal01:11
ikoniagreg__: I'd be more worried that your system is unstable01:11
ikoniamurlidhar: what do you mean ?01:11
moomoocowok. let's suppose I go with the "only ubuntu" option. Does that mean I should choose option 2? Would options 3 and 4 only be good if I have another OS on hard drive?01:11
phaidonxDasEi: thanks, I'll try to figure it out somehow or I'll come back and ask for help later on.01:12
greg__any reason why? I've installed it half an hour ago01:12
murlidharikonia: i will use gnome-terminal instead of xfce4-terminal01:12
phaidonxDasEi: thanks for your help. Ciao01:12
ikoniamurlidhar: what desktop are you using01:12
greg__previous versions of ubuntu were working perfectly01:12
DasEiphaidonx: or hang on a quarter01:12
murlidharikonia: openbox session01:12
ikoniamurlidhar: that's what you need to configure then01:12
murlidharikonia: huh ... i want my file manager to open cmus using a terminal emulator01:13
murlidharopenbox doesn't come into the picture at all01:13
ikoniamurlidhar: so you need to make it the default tool in your desktop01:13
ikoniamurlidhar: or your file manager01:13
murlidharfile manager01:13
phaidonxDasEi:  nevermind, it seems to be booting now into my HD without any problems ... I think there was an issue with the hardware... taking out the hardrive and plugging it back in seems to have somehow fixed it!!01:13
ikoniamurlidhar: ok - so it depends what file manager you're using01:14
DasEiphaidonx: heh01:14
WarningDasEi : when i put on ubuntu sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng it give me E:couldn't find package aircrack-ng01:14
phaidonxDasEi: really odd... anyway, thanks a lot!01:14
murlidharikonia: pcmanfm01:14
ikoniamurlidhar: never used it01:14
bastidrazorWarning, do you you have the 'universe' repo enabled?01:15
murlidharikonia: but i am sure we have to use the same launching command as we use in nautilus01:15
Warningbastidrazor : no how to enable it01:15
ikoniamurlidhar: I don't know01:15
murlidharso with any other file-manager01:16
bastidrazorWarning, cli or gui way?01:16
DasEiWarning: should be in universe, check you /etc/apt/sources.list01:16
murlidharhow can i make my cmus mp3 player the default player ? xfce4-termimal -x 'cmus %f' doesn't help :(01:16
greg__ok, I've installed arora browser and it's working01:17
greg__I'll try to remove firefox01:17
greg__and install it once again01:17
greg__but tomorrow ;)01:17
Xubuntnoobhttp://pastebin.com/d30e31cdf  can someone take a look at my rtorrent.rc file?   My "Watch_Directory" doesn't autostart.  It's just the default ubuntu config file, i just hcanged the paths01:17
WarningDasEi : Permission Denied01:17
greg__thank you all, especially ikonia !01:17
DasEigreg__: opera is another possib01:18
bastidrazorWarning, how are you checking? gedit?01:18
DasEiWarning: gksudo gedit   /etc/apt/sources.list01:18
stercorHow do I get my Gmail contacts into Evolution?  I don't want to hand-enter them.  Is there an 'import' facility?01:19
Warningthe sources open now01:19
Warningwhat i need to do ?01:19
DasEiWarning: maybe paste it , so we can have a look01:19
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:19
AndorinIs there a plugin for Compiz that, if turned off, would disable my ability to switch between workspaces? I've looked through them but I haven't figured out how to turn it back on.01:19
bastidrazorWarning, reload your repo's.. sudo apt-get update01:19
Warning little question ... if i don't have Virtual Machine and i have on computer windows XP and i have a CD that on it have Ubuntu 9.0.iso can change my computer to ubuntu ?01:20
Warningoups sorry01:20
Warningwrong past01:20
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw
DasEiWarning: in trml : sudo apt-get install pastebinit01:21
DasEiWarning: in trml : pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list01:21
gigaclonis there a way to install without a CD?01:21
DasEiWarning: give resulting url in here01:21
DasEi!usb | gigaclon01:21
ubottugigaclon: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:21
Lostinspace_46th0r You're right.  Cat is still printing it, but nothing of use. surely there is someplace you can mod the button output.01:22
_biovore_gigaclon: you can make a usb drive into a installer01:22
=== _biovore_ is now known as BioVore
Raydiationok i cant make any working live usb sticks with ubuntu01:24
Raydiationthis must be a bug01:24
Raydiationor 2 of my usb sticks are broken01:24
Raydiationwhich is unlikely01:24
th0rLostinspace_46: you might try xev and see if the buttons show up there01:24
Gelegrodanis there a known bug with initramfs and networking? just getting "ipconfig: eth0: SIOCGIFINDEX: No such device"01:24
BioVoreRaydiation: I did it here on a WD passport harddisk..01:24
th0rLostinspace_46: xev does show something01:24
Lostinspace_46th0r It just gives button numbers01:25
DasEiRaydiation: you have a running buntu on hd ?01:25
RaydiationDasEi: y01:25
besemelculowhe i can get spanish chats01:25
DasEiRaydiation: tried usb-creator ?01:25
Lostinspace_46and xbindkeys gives nothing01:25
RaydiationDasEi: plus unetbootin01:25
Raydiationnothing works01:25
DasEi!es | besemelculo01:26
ubottubesemelculo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:26
Raydiationif i boot from em, they are all missing kernel stuff01:26
Raydiationlike kernel images or modules01:26
gigaclonis there a text based installer?01:26
Warning1DasEi : i can't past them :S01:26
DasEigigaclon: yes, alternate or minimal01:26
Warning1DasEi : because its on VirtualBox ...01:26
DasEiWarning1: in trml : sudo apt-get install pastebinit01:27
DasEiWarning1: in trml : pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list01:27
th0rLostinspace_46: this goes back a while, but i read a howto on the web about defining the extra buttons on a five button mouse in linux. You might try googling that topic and see if you can find what you need01:27
Gelegrodanis there a known bug with initramfs and networking? just getting "ipconfig: eth0: SIOCGIFINDEX: No such device"01:27
DasEiWarning1: then give url from terminal in here01:27
th0rGelegrodan: there is no ipconfig in linux01:28
Warningits not working01:28
Gelegrodanth0r: i meant if ;)01:28
th0rGelegrodan: are you sure the card is supposed to be eth0 and not something else01:28
Warningfor the install couldn't find package01:28
Gelegrodanth0r: yes01:28
Gelegrodanits working01:28
Gelegrodanbut not just during boot01:28
DasEiWarning: k, call a browser in the vm, do it manually01:28
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:28
Lostinspace_46th0r I am just trying to get as mouseless as possible.  If I can find the commands I can bind them to keys. I am googleing my tail off..lol  I'll look for that howto.01:29
Gelegrodanth0r: after it booted, it works just fine01:29
th0rGelegrodan: are you using gnome and network manager?01:29
lukasoftHello, I have a laptop with IDT 92HD75B3X5 2.1 sound. I have ubuntu 64 bit and can't seem to get any sounds to work, even though my card seems to be visible in ubuntu.01:29
Gelegrodanth0r: its a ubuntu-server, so no gnome..01:29
GuidMorrowubottu's working again01:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about s working again01:30
th0rGelegrodan: then the nic should come online during the boot process01:30
Gelegrodanth0r: its a initramfs script01:30
=== clusty_ is now known as clusty
GuidMorrowwhat caused ubottu's inevitable crash01:31
stercorGelegrodan: dmesg has lots of info.01:31
DasEi!brain | GuidMorrow01:31
ubottuGuidMorrow: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:31
XerranDoes Ubottu follow Asimov's law of robotics?01:31
Gelegrodanstercor: i check it.01:32
GuidMorrowthat doesn't explain why a netsplit would screw the bot over01:32
DasEi!netsplit > GuidMorrow01:33
ubottuGuidMorrow, please see my private message01:33
coreyman!netsplit > coreyman01:33
ubottucoreyman, please see my private message01:33
Dougyi just pressed windows key +e or +r or something01:33
Dougyand it like 'zoomed in01:33
Dougyhow do i escape that01:33
FloodBot2Dougy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:33
=== s is now known as Guest92902
mario3what would cause a post memory check to drag on an on ?01:34
Dougyahha fixed01:34
mario3it is so slow i coudl barbeque a steer01:34
mario330 minutes to check half a gigabyte of ram01:35
GuidMorrowchatzilla is in "conference mode" for this channel so I don't see anyone else logging in or leaving here01:35
GuidMorrow!help > Dougy01:36
shortlord_how can I kill the x server or switch to a vt when the x server won't respond any longer?01:37
Warning1that wont work01:37
Warning1i go to system01:37
Warning1then administration01:37
stercorps ax | grep X; note the process number and sudo kill it.01:37
Warning1software sources01:38
ejvgreetings, I want the following partitions: /boot, swap, /, /home, and a partition for windows OS, how do I achieve this via fdisk using extended partitions?01:38
aliciapgdoes anyone know anything about easypeasy?01:38
NikelandjeloHow to execute program (script), using full addres? I tried "./home/myLogin/programName", but it didn't work.01:38
stercorNikelandjelo: leave off the first dot.01:38
Warning1and i putted community-maintained Open Source Software (universe)01:39
Warning1DasEi : that will work ?01:39
DasEi!who | Warning101:39
ubottuWarning1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:39
DasEiWarning1: should do, but relaod or run sudo apt-get update before installing01:40
=== Warning1 is now known as Warning
mario3does anyone know of a  channel for bios related issues?01:41
WarningDasEi : okay i will try01:41
GuidMorrow?  what does +e mean?01:42
GuidMorrow!bios > mario301:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bios01:43
aliciapgdoes anyone know anything about easypeasy?01:44
WarningGuidMorrow: i think e+ mean an administrator ,,, OPERATOR01:44
GelegrodanSomebody know: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1233821 ?01:46
GuidMorrowusually when I run xchat it would say something like "op sets exempt on something"01:46
dpratt71reading about the boot process on tldp.org; it says init starts by reading /etc/inittab; I can't seem to find a file or directory with that name01:46
amcI need some help. anyone good with web servers here?01:47
dryfyresort of01:47
WarningDasEi : how much time will take the update ?01:47
dryfyreupdate what on what01:47
kitchedpratt71: considering that ubuntu has a different setup for tldp01:47
DasEiWarning: depends on when you last did it01:47
amcI want to use google apps on a site hosted on port 8080.01:48
dpratt71kitche: oh, ok; where can I read about Ubuntu's boot sequence? Is it the same as Debian?01:48
th0rdpratt71: there have been a number of changes to the bootup process, some by canonical for ubuntu, some by the linux community in general in an effort to speed things up. So there might be discrepancies in the docs at times. And yes, I don't find inittab either01:49
WarningDasEi :thats the first time ... but im accessing from laptop and today i installed Vbox on it01:49
Warningahh its done01:49
dpratt71th0r: I see01:49
amcMy isp blocks port 80 :( but I need prove to google I own my dyndns address by uploading a file but google will only look on port 8001:50
DasEiWarning: so could take some time, depending on your network ; hopefully you choosed a nearby mirror to get a decent bandwith01:50
th0rdpratt71: there is something called, I think, Debian Policy. It is in the repos, it is the documentation on the debian way (which I believe IS the ubuntu way...more or less)01:50
DasEiWarning: if apt runs now, be patient, else can use synaptic > find fastest mirrot01:50
OttifantSirHow do I do a recovery on an ext3-file system? During boot, that's what it said to do. There's no resume image, so it goes straight to CLI, but then after a few seconds, the screen goes black. If I go into recovery mode, I have some options, and the screen stays on.01:51
dpratt71th0r: ok, I'll check that out01:51
th0rdpratt71: it looks like it is available as either debian-policy or ubuntu-policy....looks like they are the same package01:51
coolkourthow do i set-up a local web development environment similar to WAMP with UNR 9.04?01:52
aayalai have a litle sudo (visudo) problem01:52
th0rdpratt71: this might help http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html01:52
WarningDasEi : after update it told me to put sudo apt-get install root-system-bin01:52
AndorinIs there a plugin for Compiz that, if turned off, would disable my ability to switch between workspaces? I've looked through them but I haven't figured out how to turn it back on.01:52
WarningDasEi : i put it and its workng now ,,, what is that /01:53
DasEiWarning: is what ? "/" is your root directory01:53
dpratt71th0r: I'll check that out, too, thanks :)01:54
rsc___is there a way for me to do "ssh -X myuser@boxxy", run some apps (on the remote desktop, showing up on my desktop), then logoff and log back in, and have my apps still there?01:54
Warningi don't know i put in the trml : sudo apt-get install root-system-bin01:54
OttifantSirAndorin: Long time since I set up my Compiz just the way I like, but what you propose, seem like you have set up one of them wrong. It's enabled, but you haven't altered the settings to allow it to change workspaces.01:54
Dr_Willisrsc___:  'vnc' sort of does what you want.  But not exactly the same way01:55
WarningDasEi: i don't know i put in the trml : sudo apt-get install root-system-bin01:55
BBmaco, hey how did you go with my S40networking?01:55
AndorinOttifantSir: Any idea how I would modify those settings?01:56
KittykisAndorin: which ones have you messed with, anyway?01:56
AndorinKittykis: I can't really remember. =/ I suppose I could reset compiz to its default settings...01:57
Kittykisthat would probably be best, then keep track of which ones you play with01:57
OttifantSirAndorin: It took me two days and quite a few visits to #compiz to get mine working how I like it, so don't expect a speedy answer. I can check my settings, but I am no expert, it just seemed likely, and I have a hunch that's what it is.01:57
=== anonymous__ is now known as Achmed
Mm_nnhi all. may i ask?01:57
Cyber-Doggso... I have an ubuntu installation that I've been trying to get a few things to work on01:58
Kittykishey anon01:58
Cyber-Doggfor starters... wifi01:58
* Kittykis licks01:58
Cyber-DoggI have a BC430601:58
Cyber-DoggI have b43-fwcutter installed01:58
Cyber-DoggI beleive I have correctly setup my /etc/network/interfaces01:58
Cyber-Doggbut it still doesn't work01:58
rsc___dr_willis: yes, actually, but i was wondering if i can do it with X forwarding.01:58
Dr_Willisrsc___:  No way to 'reconnect' the things that i know of over ssh that way.01:59
rsc___sigh, okay.01:59
Dr_Willisrsc___:  for terminal apps you could use screen,  but for X.  If theres a way to do it  - ive never seen it01:59
rsc___hehe, exactly, i was wondering if there's a "screen" equivalent for X.02:00
rsc___i haven't found anything either.02:00
Dr_Willisrsc___:  thats 'vnc' :)02:00
coreymanGRUB loading shows error 18, what do i need to do to fix the MBR?02:02
coolkourthow do i set up a web development environment on Ubuntu 9.0402:02
=== Floops[w]1 is now known as Fringe
XerranHow come after installing Catalyst 9.8 drivers they do not show up in "Hardware Drivers"?02:02
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:02
edbian_Can someone help me configure my wlan0 interface?  Here is my /etc/network/interfaces file http://pastebin.com/m521d526002:03
WarningDasEi : the instellation of aircrack-ng give me E: could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock -open (11 Resource temporarily unavailabel)02:03
ctmjrXerran: hardware drivers just show's what it installed if you installed from the ati website they will not show up02:03
rsc___Dr_Willis: hmm... I found something interesting: http://partiwm.org/wiki/xpra02:04
Cyber-Doggedbian_ I'm working on the same thing... so that help would be great for me too :-)02:04
edbian_Warning: You have the package manager open twice02:04
Xerranctmjr: ahh ok, weird thing is my X-fi drivers show up there02:04
edbian_Cyber-Dogg: Can you paste-bin what you have?02:04
Raydiationdoes ubuntu offer img files that you can put on the usbstick with dd?02:04
DasEiWarning: synaptic still open ? used sudo ?02:05
OttifantSirAndorin: Do you use the Cube?02:05
AndorinOttifantSir: Nope.02:05
WarningDasEi : i have only the trml open02:05
DasEiRaydiation: not that I knew02:05
Raydiationcan you dd isos?02:06
OttifantSirYou asked it in #compiz yet?02:06
edbian_Raydiation: You can dd any file02:06
Raydiationedbian_: and boot the iso?02:06
Raydiationafter dd?02:06
AndorinOttifantSir: No, I didn't know that channel existed.02:06
DasEiRaydiation: iso themselfes, yes, nut won't ge a bootable usb from a cd02:06
beebopRaydiation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick02:06
edbian_Raydiation: dd copies files at the bit level I believe02:06
lewenchWould anyone know why I cannot connect to a WPA access point but can connect to a WEP using Jaunty's default network Manager?02:07
frogbrainwhat would cause  the bios ram check to slow down to a standstill?02:07
Raydiationbeebop: i tried it, it failed about 15 times02:07
Raydiationcorrupt initramfs or kernel02:07
=== chalcedny is now known as chalcedony
orochifrogbrain: Without trying to sound facetious it's probably at least one bad stick of RAM02:07
orochifrogbrain: Try skipping it and running memtest86+ from grub02:07
frogbraink thanks02:07
beebopRaydiation: look thru this one too   http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-boot-cd-for-ubuntu-904/02:08
OttifantSirAndorin: Try asking them. I seem to remember a setting that would cause the problem you describe, but I can't for the life of me remember where it's located, and it takes about 5 hours for me checking each and every one of the settings. And some of them crash my computer, so ask the experts.02:08
AndorinOttifantSir: Alright, thanks a lot.02:08
Raydiationbeebop: didnt try that one yet :)02:08
=== unforgiven512-aw is now known as unforgiven512
juiceman5000Hey, Ubuntu crashed, and when it restarted, the video is completely garbage02:08
juiceman5000this familiar to anybody?02:08
Raydiationwoudl be easier with dd though, plus less errors would occur02:08
WarningDasEi : what i need to do to remoove that error ?02:09
OttifantSirDoes anyone know how to do a recovery on an ext3-filesystem? I got that message at boot on 9.04 Desktop.02:09
RaydiationOttifantSir: fsck /dev/sdx02:09
Raydiationdeppends on the partition02:09
di||itanteI have the same crimper02:09
OttifantSirRaydiation: Isn't that what the system does when it performs a routine check of the drives?02:09
DasEiWarning : try another paket , like :  sudo apt-get install vlc02:10
RaydiationOttifantSir: sometimes you have to run it manually02:10
RaydiationOttifantSir: it then asks you to correct inodes02:10
Raydiationand stuff02:10
Warningthe same02:11
OttifantSirRaydiation: So, drop into recovery and run fsck on the drives then. Just remembered, it stopped, actually skipped, Stage 5 of checking on /dev/sda2.02:11
Alex-IThelp campcaster!02:11
RaydiationOttifantSir: ye, it should work02:11
RaydiationOttifantSir: if the hd itself is ok02:11
helluesfables and the tales02:11
WarningDasEi : i closed without paying attention the Trml when i was installing that root02:11
WarningDasEi : Before Finishing02:11
OttifantSirRaydiation: Thanks for the help. I hope the disk is ok. It's a WD 1TB which is full of movies.02:12
entropyHi, all - I have a USB flash drive connected to the USB port of my keyboard, and I just want to mount it (not on boot - just right now, while I'm running from my HD). How do I do so? Running Jaunty.02:12
DasEiWarning: you interrupted apt ?02:12
RaydiationOttifantSir: which errrors are you getting?02:12
peepsalotis there a way to get the mousewheel to work with screen in gnome-terminal?02:12
ctmjredbian_: you trying to connect to wep and do you need a wep-key?02:12
WarningDasEi : yes02:12
edbian_ctmjr: It is a totally unsecure network (I'm at school)02:13
entropynevermind, I got it02:13
WarningDasEi : i close it while was upgrading02:13
DasEiWarning: bad hit, try sudo apt-get update again, prbly it tells you what to do02:13
OttifantSirRaydiation: Long story short: Tried upgrading to a Quad, which wasn't supported. Put in a C2D instead. Didn't plug the fan all the way in, interrupted drive-check a few times before I realised. On dropping to prompt on normal boot from recovery, the screen goes black. Using built-in video on P6NGM-FD.02:14
lukasoftDoes anyone here know much about troubleshooting sound problems? I've been trying for a while to get sound to work02:14
frogbrainwoudl bad ram prevent the bios from completeing the post even when i bypass the mem check?02:14
yellowroosterhave just done an install of ubuntu 9.04. which of the 3 Flash options should I use? 1) swfdec SWF player. 2) adobe flash player. 3) gnash SWF player.02:15
frogbrainthe messages are even being written veyr slowly on the screen02:15
edbian_yellowrooster: adobe works best on multiple different sites02:15
marcelo_lukasoft, What ecxaxly? Did you run alsaconf?02:15
WarningDasEi : that do some update then gave me the same error02:15
frogbraini am not even able to en ter setup02:15
yellowroosterwhat are the advantages of using swfdec or gnash then, edbian_?02:15
edbian_yellowrooster: They're open source and you'll be helping the cause02:16
edbian_yellowrooster: Also they perform better on the sites they do work on.02:16
ctmjredbian_: ok hold on will paste the commands see if they work run then in terminal first then you can add them to your file http://pastebin.com/m26e35c9202:16
yellowroosterhow does it help them? and does it help them if i'm not helped by the product? (u mentioned adobe works the best)02:16
OttifantSirRaydiation: I simply get /dev/sda2 clean when running fsck on it. Dropped to a root shell.02:16
edbian_ctmjr:  I'll let you know :)  Thanks for the help!02:17
RaydiationOttifantSir: hm :/02:17
lukasoftmarcelo_: yes. I've set all volumes to full. I was messing with switches and IEC958 and I got the sound to come out the subwoofer, but thats it; i've been messing with it, and now i'm back to no sound02:17
spOis there any console based dvd ripper for ubuntu?02:17
DasEiWarning: sudo dpkg --configure -a02:18
RaydiationOttifantSir: dunno maybe someone else in here knows more02:18
edbian_ctmjr: "sudo iwconfig: command not found"  The others seem to be working so far.  What package do I need to add?02:18
yellowroosteredbian_: swfdec/gnash work better than adobe when swdfec/gnash work?02:18
yellowroosterso which of the 2 open source swf players is better: swfdec or gnash?02:19
marcelo_lukasoft, I do not know what to do beyond alsaconf...02:19
Japanïðèâåò âñåì02:19
ctmjredbian_: i believe it is wireless-tools02:19
lukasoftmarcelo_: thanks02:19
KB1JWQ!jp | Japan02:19
ubottuJapan: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい02:19
edbian_yellowrooster: I can't say which open source is better than the other.  They both work better (less bloated) than adobe flash on linux though yes.02:19
yellowroosteredbian_: which do you use?02:19
lukasoftmarcelo_: do you mean alsa-base.conf?02:20
edbian_yellowrooster: adobe02:20
yellowroosteredbian_: you're not helping the cause. :-D02:20
edbian_yellowrooster: :) I know02:20
marcelo_lukasoft, There is a script called alsaconf that configures sound...02:20
lukasoftmarcelo_: I'll look into that.02:21
ctmjr!info wireless-tools02:21
ubottuwireless-tools (source: wireless-tools): Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensions. In component main, is optional. Version 29-1.1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 111 kB, installed size 356 kB02:21
buckymarcelo_: not in jaunty or the lastest alsa-utils02:21
yellowroosterdoes anybody here use gnash swf player or swfdec?02:22
marcelo_bucky, That is what I am discovering now..02:22
sylvanus_Hey I tried to start a game called Neverball in fullscreen mode and it is completely dark except for the message floating around saying frequency out of range?02:22
showersubuntu channel02:22
WarningDasEi : dpkg : status database area is locked by annother processe02:22
poi77Hi! I just set up a gui in Ubuntu server. Bu tthe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is empty! Also, my Xorg process is taking up 100% of a cpu core. Can I resolve this?02:22
buckyyellowrooster: no, i like the non free one because it handles youtube and other sites02:22
edbian_ctmjr: I got an IP!!!02:22
edbian_ctmjr: You're rockin' !!!02:22
WarningDasEi : i make reboot ?02:22
yellowroosterbucky:  you like adobe better? hmm. I just read on swfdec or gnash's site that it/they handle youtube too.02:23
edbian_ctmjr: Do you still need to see the output of the commands?  There were no errors, most of the commands had no output at all.02:23
lukasoftmarcelo_: I can't seem to be able to find that.02:23
TwitteryCan any one help me with something . I downloaded the iso file of opensuse and wanted to install via unetbootin . And it asked me to reboot , but in the grub entry when I tried to boot from unetbootin I get the error file not found . Why is that02:23
JapanHow to adjust{set up} updating in UBUNTU02:23
ctmjredbian_: no as long as they worked your good to go.02:24
TwitteryJapan : What kind of setup02:24
DasEiWarning: it seems in one of your terminals / windows there is something running, use top to check, or do sudo init 1, then choose dpkg >> repair broken packages02:24
edbian_ctmjr: Can you help me edit /etc/network/interfaces ???02:24
AegisRisingspO, have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=470018...gives you a hint there!02:24
VonGuardis there a page that has a list of repositories for jaunty?02:24
edbian_ctmjr: Here's what I have so far: http://pastebin.com/m15be1dbc02:24
marcelo_lukasoft, look what "not in jaunty or the lastest alsa-utils"02:24
VonGuardeverytime i reinstall i can't find any repositories to add, but i can find 100000 pages explaining how to add them02:25
sylvanus_What should I do if I start a game in fullscreen mode and it says :frequency out of range?02:25
VonGuardbut no lists of repositories02:25
buckyJapan:  System=>Administration=>Software Sources=>Updates02:25
VonGuardlike, what line would i add to add the debian repositories?02:25
poi77Any ideas? Empty xorg file on Ubutnu server? 100% cpu user by Xorg process?02:25
buckyinstall debian VonGuard02:26
edbian_VonGuard: You don't want to add the repos of other distributions.02:26
marcelo_lukasoft, It is not available in Ubuntu anymore.02:26
VonGuardnot what i asked02:26
DasEirepos | VonGuard02:26
DasEi!repos | VonGuard02:26
ubottuVonGuard: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:26
OttifantSirHere is the output after running fsck /dev/sda1 in a root shell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257264/02:26
lukasoftmarcelo_: where would I find it?02:26
VonGuardsame pages i've read 10000 times02:26
DasEi VonGuard : listen above for foreign repos02:26
buckyVonGuard: what on earth could be in debian that's not already in ubuntu?02:26
edbian_VonGuard: If you really wanna add the debian repos the file to edit is /etc/sources.lst02:26
TwitteryCan any one help me with something . I downloaded the iso file of opensuse and wanted to install via unetbootin . And it asked me to reboot , but in the grub entry when I tried to boot from unetbootin I get the error file not found . Why is that02:26
DasEi VonGuard : * /etc/apt/sources.list02:27
WarningDasEi : okay now its done im installing the airecrack02:27
cabreyTwittery, opensuse doesn't exactly work with unetbootin02:27
Gelegrodanis initramfs suppose to use "ipconfig" instead of "ifconfig" ?02:27
DasEi!yay | Warning02:27
ubottuWarning: Glad you made it! :-)02:27
Twitterycabrey : Why is that02:27
VonGuardi am not askign how to add repos02:28
cabreyTwittery, tried it myself. maybe it'll be updated for the latest version, but I don't really know02:28
VonGuardi am asking for some deb lines for some good repos02:28
VonGuardlike, Mozilla Thunderbird is not in ubuntu's normal repos for some reason02:28
marcelo_lukasoft, I this script is not available for ubuntu anymore I think they have betterways to configure sound cards, you can try alsa's manuals...02:28
VonGuardi need a repo with that, for example02:28
VonGuardjust the deb line02:28
Warningjust the last question now im using VirtualBox when i turn off the machine i will loose all that thinnk ??02:28
OttifantSirGot a machine that won't work because of something wrong on sda1, otherwise known as / Here is the output after running fsck /dev/sda1 in a root shell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257264/02:28
ctmjredbian_: i do not use the /network/interfaces file i use /etc/rc.local it connecst  at boot let me look and see if the files are setup the same02:28
XerranEvolution is awesome...i prefer it over Thunderbird02:28
edbian_ctmjr: Take your time.  Thanks for the help!02:28
buckyJapan:  System=>Administration=>Software Sources=>Updates02:29
DasEiVonGuard: it's always your own risk, but you can search yourself for a given app if there are ubuntu-repos for that, like ppalaunchpad >> your own risk !!02:29
edbian_ctmjr: You know what?  I just tested by /network/interfaces file and it connected!  I thank you again for your help!  Apparently all I needed was 1 simple package :)02:29
edbian_ctmjr: Maybe you can answer a question for me though?02:29
ctmjredbian_: ok02:30
Warningall is done :) thnx you all thx DasEi for the help02:30
need_helphey i need to change file system without loose data!  how i can do this with debugfs ?02:30
need_helpi didn't understand using the man page :(02:30
DasEiWarning: nice , and install pastebinit, additional : sudo apt-get upgrade02:30
edbian_ctmjr: How can I control what DNS servers I'm using?  I noticed that dhcp re-writes /etc/resolve.conf02:30
checkit__I'm having trouble setting up my usb wireless adapter.  There is a driver for my card (rt2500usb), but it's not showing in my sudo lshw -C network (see http://pastebin.com/d2d274e8e).  Help anyone?02:30
AegisRisingVonguard, you might try http://packages.ubuntu.com/....allows you to search for what you want??02:31
edbian_checkit__: "sudo modprobe rt2500usb" will activate the driver02:31
WarningDaseI : sudo apt-get install pastebinit02:31
checkit__edbian__: ok will try it02:31
di||itanteset is on the router02:32
DasEiWarning:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo apt-get upgrade02:32
di||itanteedbian_: set it on the router02:32
MkaOttifantSir: not an expert, but did you run fsck on sda1 while on the single runlevel (recovery mode)?02:32
edbian_di||itante: I'm at school.  It's not my router to configure02:32
lukasoftmarcelo_: I have a IDT 92HD75B3X5 and it's not here http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Intel does that mean alsa doesn't have support for my chipset?02:33
DasEineed_help: want to change or repair it ?02:33
OttifantSirMka: I can't get to CLI without using root shell from recovery mode02:33
Gelegrodanis initramfs suppose to use "ipconfig" instead of "ifconfig" ?02:33
checkit__edbian__: tried it, but no change.  I'm looking for something like "driver=<aaa>" in the configuration line02:33
need_helpDasEi change02:33
OttifantSirMka: So yes, I did. Sorry for the snide remark above02:33
buckyedbian_: https://www.opendns.com/start/device/ubuntu02:33
HobbleAlongVonGuard: Ubuntu versions of most debian software are modified to suit Ubuntu... read incompatible.02:33
WarningDasEi : its done thx you :)02:33
MkaOttifantSir: try getting the live cd02:34
edbian_checkit__: Yeah I know.  You might want to look at "lspci -k" as well to figure out what driver you're using.  modprobe inserts modules (which is linux speak for installs drivers)02:34
DasEineed_help: that won't work, as you reformat it, got to save  somewhere02:34
kpkudihow can this be?: ls: cannot access /var/run/mpd/pid: No such file or directory02:34
need_helpDasEi debug2fs then for what it use ?02:34
edbian_bucky: Yeah well the problem is I'm not using the GUI network manager.  Also dhcp seems to be re-writing resolve.conf for me.  How can I avoid this?02:35
DasEiWarning:  can try now : pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list and call url in browser, to see how paste works02:35
AegisRisingVonGuard,you might want to try http://packages.ubuntu.com/....allows you to search for what you want in Ubuntu??02:35
need_helpDasEi sorry debugfs02:35
ZappoHi im having problems installing a app from source when i try to install it it gives me this http://pastebin.com/m599205f6 any help?02:35
eupatorhello people02:35
marcelo_lukasoft, You told me you made it work? So it is supported for sure, at most you may have to install some proprietary drivers, that may be easily done with System->Administration-> Hardware Drivers02:35
OttifantSirMka: No problem. Got about five of them lying around somewhere in all this mess. Give me a few hours to look for one of them. Plus I have three other computers, so it really shouldn't be a problem. And what should I do when running the live CD? Anything besides fsck <device>? Like options?02:36
buckyedbian_: uncomment the prepend line in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf  add your nameserver and sudo dhclient eth0 or whatever your network device is called02:36
marcelo_lukasoft, But I do not think this is necessary.02:36
lukasoftmarcelo_: sorry, I've found the page, but it says something about the kernel and whatnot. I don't understand any ofit http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-hda-intel02:36
kpkudi can someone send me everything in there var/run/mpd folder02:37
[TOP]kanguquick question!02:37
Iyunkateus[TOP]kangu: Fire away02:37
DasEineed_help: the filesystem will not chenge (ext), but you can check or alter it's existance, for ext3 it's  fsck /e2fsck, you won't change to another fs with that02:37
edbian_bucky: Will I have to "sudo dhclient <interface>" everytime my system restarts?02:37
[TOP]kanguanyone know how to update my sound drivers for some reason i have no sound02:37
eupatoris where any body know, what key I nedd give to apt, for it will not ask if I sure want to install somethink?02:37
Cyber-Dogg_altsweet! i got my HDMI sound working02:37
buckylukasoft: look thru all your menus under Applications and Sytem preferences and turn the volume up on the icon in the upper right corner and run alsamixer and turn up the volume and pcm02:37
[TOP]kanguim new to ubuntu just installed it yesterday02:37
Warningim installing now kismet when i finish i will02:38
marcelo_lukasoft, Did you try to work out system->Preferences->Sound?02:38
buckyedbian_: no just the first time to make the changes take effect... as long as you have the auto eth0 and  iface eth0 inet dhcp lines in /etc/network/interfaces02:39
buckyedbian_: *dhcp*02:39
MkaOttifantSir: try fsck -f -v -y -r <device>. If this doesn't repair it, you probably have a more involved problem. You may look through the man pages for "debugfs" and "badblocks" but be careful02:39
lukasoftmarcelo_: When it worked the first time, it 'worked' on autodetect.02:39
minderaserI want to tar a directory but _not_ the symlinks within it. How can this be done?02:39
Gelegrodanis initramfs suppose to use "ipconfig" instead of "ifconfig" ?02:40
edbian_bucky: I do :)  Thanks for the help! :)  I supposed a restart would have the same effect as sudo dhclient eth0 then?02:40
buckyedbian_: sure.. but why02:40
edbian_bucky: Just tyring to understand what the command does02:40
* sinsun Free Chinese Class is still welcome Linux users and friends. Join #sinsun-says02:40
OttifantSirMka: Thanks for the help. About to look for one of the live CDs or the USB-disk I created. Will be back to tell how it worked out?02:41
andresmhI'm trying to play a DVD and the sound is choppy to the point that it's unbearable. Any ideas on what I could fiddle with?02:41
buckyedbian_: it's the same executable that gets called on reboot if you have dhcpcd enable for your specific network interface02:41
edbian_bucky: That's what I figured.  And it's working BTW!  Thank you! :)02:42
need_helpDasEi they say if fsck didn't work out i can use fsck -yb to specify the superblock! from where i can get out superblock ?02:42
Palin? for anyone I am use Ubuntu 9.04. I have a Intel GM 950 Graphic chip. I was wondering if the a way to get urban terror &/or UT 2004 for running with playable frame rates? Have look all over the net and try different xorg.conf setting now seem to work02:42
lukasoftmarcelo_: in sound preferences02:43
DasEineed_help: who are they ? so it occurs you want to repair your fs, not change it; I'd suggest you use e2fsck from a live on the unmounted hd first;; can you still access the drive /partiton now ?02:43
ctmjredbian_: i guess we both learned something :)02:44
edbian_ctmjr: !  Excellent! :)02:44
Cyber-Dogg_altI have an ATI remote wonder02:44
Cyber-Dogg_altduring my mythbuntu install, it would control the mouse just fine02:45
Cyber-Dogg_altnow that mythbuntu is installed, it doesn't work02:45
minderaserandresmh: Are you running Totem? I would try installing the "ugly" gstreamer plugins02:45
Cyber-Dogg_altI have set the infrared devices to ati x10 (kernel) and I've aso tried the userspace one02:45
smogattackwhen is ubuntu 9.10 released?02:45
Cyber-Dogg_altneither seem to work02:45
Cyber-Dogg_altany thoughts?02:45
JohnneyleeHello, can I get some help with gfxboot? I'm having an issue following the tutorials.02:45
andresmh minderaser: I am using VLC. How do install "ugly" plugins?02:46
WarningDasEi the pastebini is on ur private02:46
Dr_Willisvlc dosent use the gstreamer plugins i thought.02:46
smogattackwhen is ubuntu 9.10 released?02:46
lstarnessmogattack: in october02:47
RRyohi all02:47
smogattacklstarnes, this october...?02:47
Dr_Willissmogattack:  when its done.. note 9.10 is the DATE. year/month.02:47
lstarnessmogattack: yes.02:47
Dr_Willissmogattack:  everytime someone asks.. it gets pushed back a week.. :P02:47
=== Twittery is now known as Blizzerand
lstarnessmogattack: that's the "9" in 9.10, as in the 10th month of 200902:47
minderaserandresmh: Hmmm, I'm no expert on this sort of stuff. I was under the impression, though, that one of the advantages of VLC was that it came with all those plugins and whatnot by default02:47
Dr_Willisminderaser:  i agree. I think it does for the most part.02:47
smogattacklstarnes, that's genius!02:47
minderaserI want to tar a directory but _not_ the symlinks within it. How can this be done?02:48
DasEiWarning:yep, consider uncommenting some more to have full access to all software02:48
IdleOnesmogattack: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule more support in #ubuntu+102:48
BlizzerandHey there , is it sources.list or sources.lst02:48
lstarnesBlizzerand: /list02:48
lstarnesBlizzerand: er, .list02:48
smogattackIdleOne, is a "beta" available?02:48
Blizzerandlstarnes : Oh thanks02:48
lstarnessmogattack: I think there is an alpha02:48
IdleOnesmogattack: it is Alpha4 #ubuntu+102:48
=== unforgiven512 is now known as unforgiven512-aw
JohnneyleeI remove grub and get through parts of the tutorial. But when I have gfxboot installed and I'm told to reinstall grub, I can't. This is my input: Find /boot/grub/stage1 I get this error: Error 15: File not found02:49
minderaserandresmh: do you have Totem installed? Try your DVD with that and see if it's still choppy02:49
lstarnessmogattack: #ubuntu+1 is the cuanntl for ubuntu 9.10 until it is released02:49
smogattackThank all you guys so much!!02:49
HobbleAlongsmogattack: 9.10 is due Oct. 2902:49
andresmhminderaser, for some reason Totem doesn't even play sound at all02:49
andresmhminderaser, it only plays sound for the intro menu02:49
smogattackThank all you guys so much!!02:49
smogattackThank all you guys so much!!02:49
minderaserandresmh: Oh, that's a pisser02:49
JohnneyleeI remove grub and get through parts of the tutorial. But when I have gfxboot installed and I'm told to reinstall grub, I can't. This is my input: Find /boot/grub/stage1 I get this error: Error 15: File not found02:50
coreymanSomething has my CD drive locked, how can I force it to leave my drive alone and let me have the disc02:50
DasEiWarning:an example : http://paste.ubuntu.com/257271/02:50
lstarnesminderaser: the -h option will replace symlinks with the files/directories that they point to02:50
DasEiWarning:as said before, can use synaptic to find your fastest mirror02:51
BlizzerandJapan : Go to your /etc/apt/sources.list and you should find something , paste it in pastebin or someother pasting site please . The thing is that you require a gpg key to solve the update prob02:51
coreymanSomething has my CD drive locked, how can I force it to leave my drive alone and let me have the disc02:52
DasEineed_help: ?02:52
buckycoreyman: type eject or sudo eject02:52
coreymanbucky thx02:52
minderaserlstarnes: If I understand you correctly, you're saying that is how to include the files that are symlinked, which is exactly what I do _not_ want. i.e. I want to make a tar file without the symlinked files02:52
Gelegrodansomeone managed to get dropbear work with cryptsetup?02:52
coreymanbucky didnt work02:53
lstarnesminderaser: do you still want the symlinks, or do you want them gone as well?02:53
JohnneyleeJesus. This is pretty annoying...02:53
buckycoreyman: then it's mounted and you have to unmount the drive first02:53
Johnneyleesudo umount /path/to/drive02:53
minderaserlstarnes: I do NOT want them. I read something somewhere that tar does not include symlinks by default, but when I'm making the tar it still has them when I untar it.02:54
buckycoreyman: sudo umount /media/cdrom0  ?02:54
WarningDasEi : how to run the airmon-ng as root ?02:54
GelegrodanWarning: sudo airmon-ng02:54
lstarnesminderaser: I don't think there's a direct option in tar for that02:54
Gelegrodanmaybe you shouldnt try to be a hacker Warning ;)02:54
lstarnesminderaser: you could try a trick using find02:55
JohnneyleeCan someone help me with some grub issues? Is there anyone on who knows about grub2?02:55
DasEiWarning: either by sudo or give permission to the standard user (network, wireless)02:55
buckyJohnneylee: is this with ext4 ?02:55
JohnneyleeGelegrodan: Don't accuse people of hacking. He's obviously testing the security of his own network02:55
GelegrodanJohnneylee: oh, ofc.02:55
minderaserlstarnes: I'm wondering though, that since when I made the symlinks (they're directories, by the way) I used absolute rather than relative path names, and I'm thinking that the reason I can still get to the files from the untar'd tar file is that it's following the absolute path name to where the files actually are02:56
Gelegrodansomeone managed to get dropbear work with cryptsetup?02:56
Johnneyleebucky: Yes it is02:56
minderaserlstarnes: does that make sense?02:56
lstarnesminderaser: it might02:56
coreymanbucky it tells me it isn't mounted02:56
buckyJohnneylee: you might google. about that i think i saw somewhere that grub2 don't like ext402:56
Johnneyleecoreyman: what's your probelm?02:56
minderaserlstarnes: I'd be interested in hearing about the find trick you mentioned02:56
coreymanjohnneylee the cd drive won't spit out the disc02:56
lstarnesminderaser: I need to find out how to make it work first.02:56
Johnneyleebucky: thanks I'll look into any problems with ext402:57
Johnneyleecoreyman: Laptop or Tower?02:57
minderaserlstarnes: I'm going to experiment by making a relative path symlink and see what happens02:57
buckycoreyman: push the button for the drive door02:57
Beardbarjust installed ubuntu server, setting up a home webserver. been trying to change the ssh port, but after restarting ssh i still cannot connect via the new port number. any where else I need to to change the ssh port other then /etc/ssh/sshd_config ?02:58
Johnneyleecoreyman: In like 98% of cdroms there is a little hole than manually ejects the cd.02:58
WarningGelegrodan : no just im trying to crack a WEP key :P but that the first time i use Linux System02:58
JohnneyleeBeardbar: I can help.02:58
swapyguys i need help02:58
Dr_WillisBeardbar:  thats it as far as i know. Be sure your firewalls are not blocking the other ports also.02:58
GelegrodanWarning: check aircrack homepage, there is guides02:58
BeardbarJohnneylee: all ears and thanks!02:59
coreymanit's a laptop, and i know there is a little hole, i could just as easily reboot the dang thing, but it does this all the time... when i push the button it wont eject02:59
JohnneyleeWarning: It's your own key, RIGHT? :) (the answer is yes).02:59
swapyi downloaded a theme for ubuntu and installed it but it was halfly installled now llok of my desktop is messed up02:59
swapyhow to reset to defaults02:59
buckyBeardbar: do you define the new port number from the client when you try to connect?02:59
BeardbarDr_willis: i have csf installed but I stopped it to test the new port, also added the new port to the conf.02:59
DigitalKiwihttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=528276 aircrack-ng guide03:00
JohnneyleeBeardbar: so you changed the config file for ssh and restarted the service and then attempted t o ssh?03:00
mermado you think is normal never using the swap partition when on a 4gb ram system?03:00
Beardbarbucky: aye, im using putty to connect from a windows machine to the linux box03:00
swapyhelp me03:00
swapy i downloaded a theme for ubuntu and installed it but it was halfly installled now llok of my desktop is messed up03:00
mermai mean, i've never seen swap use and it's activated03:00
buckycoreyman: cat /etc/mtab and see if it's mounted somewhere else03:00
Dr_Willisswapy:  themes are composed of 'parts'  window decorator, widgits, icons. and so on. you can pick and choose the parts from the theme manager/appearance settings. (system-> preferances -> appearance -> customize)03:00
DigitalKiwimerma: for a home user, yeah that's normal03:00
Johnneyleeswapy: buddy.  go to system then preferences then appearance.03:00
buckyBeardbar: what's the putty command03:00
BeardbarJohnneylee: yep, although im still connected via putty on the original default port 22. when i restarted ssh it didnt kick me but if I exit the putty session and try to reconnect i am unable to.03:00
swapyi went there and applied fefualt human theme still same03:01
swapyno effects03:01
WarningDasEi : how to give permission to Standard User ?03:01
Beardbarbucky: well its a gui interface but i connect using ssh on the new port number to local lan ip the linux box is on. i.e.
MkaHi guys. I am using the freshly installed Ubuntu 9.04 - Jaunty on the Acer laptop with ATI Radion X700 graphics card and wanted to use an external monitor (Dell 19" LCD) . So I installed the fglrx driver and the amdcccle (Catalyst Control Centre). After rebooting, jaunty kept on freezing on each reboot. I uninstalled fglrx and amdcccle but now I still cannot use my Dell monitor. What should I try?03:01
buckyBeardbar: what's telling putty to use the non standard port number?03:02
WarningGelegrodan : that hack work on TP Link ?03:03
Beardbarbucky: the port box with putty you get to inputs in a form, hostname/ip and port number then hit open. i use it fine to connect to other servers where the ssh port has been changed.03:03
GelegrodanWarning: what hack?03:03
coreymanbucky i dont see it listed anywhere03:03
swapyhave a look at this03:03
Beardbarare there any default firewalls isntalled with ubuntu server edition that I may have overlooked?03:03
JohnneyleeBeardbear: Can you check your private conversation?03:03
WarningGelegrodan : Crack a WEP03:04
buckyBeardbar: can you connect on the local host and is this going out on the network thru a modem or router and needs port forwarding?03:04
Gelegrodanyou cant crack without wlan03:04
kilo_hey guys, how can i access another partition using terminal?03:04
DigitalKiwiBeardbar: you're telling putty to use the port you told the server right?03:04
WarningGelegrodan : that will work on wireless card TP link ?03:04
bruenigkilo_: mount it?03:04
Gelegrodana wlan card yes03:04
lstarnesminderaser: I'm still looking for a method for excluding symlinks from tar files03:04
Gelegrodanand if it supports packet injection it will go alot faster..03:04
kilo_bruenig: i'm fairly new to terminal, how can i mount?03:04
bruenigkilo_: man mount03:05
minderaserlstarnes: I think I just figured it out03:05
buckycoreyman: something is wrong.. shutdown the machine and poke a paper clip in that little hole to open the cd door03:05
Beardbarbucky: that might be it, the router! i'll check03:05
D3RGPS31I'm using postfix and dovecot, my users don't receive incoming mail; anyone have 2 cents to throw in o:03:05
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[TOP]kanguanyone here setup / configured ubuntu in quakelive to work? having some issues.03:05
BeardbarDigitalKiwi: yep, think its the router issue though, hey you from new zealand by chance?03:05
Gelegrodansomeone managed to get dropbear work with cryptsetup?03:05
DigitalKiwiso no sheep jokes, plz, kthnkx03:06
kilo_bruenig: ok got it thanks a lot03:06
WarningGelegrodan : i put airmon-ng i didn't got any interface03:06
buckyBeardbar DigitalKiwi he's from virtual NZ03:06
DigitalKiwi"they screw virtual sheep"03:06
minderaserlstarnes: What it appears to me to be doing is that it will tar the symlink but _not_ the actual file that it refers to. If you're using an absolute path and are on the same system, when you go untar the file and go into the symlinked directory it will find the file because it's following the absolute path03:06
JohnneyleeBeardbar: Do you know how to check your private conversations?03:06
coreymanbucky if i shut it down and start back up, drive will be accessible again, the moment a program accesses the drive i can't get the cd out03:06
DigitalKiwioh was that a sheep joke, sorry :(03:06
buckyDigitalKiwi: you said no jokes03:06
DigitalKiwiit was only a virtual joke!03:07
TeslaTravim having an audio pronlem in ubuntu... I've tried 2 different sound cards, both are detected in setup...03:07
buckycoreyman: if you're running from the livecd it's not going to let you just pull the cd out if that's what's going on03:07
D3RGPS31TeslaTrav: is pulseaudio running <.<03:07
minderaserlstarnes: If you're using a relative path, however, and untar it in a different location (or another machine) it seems as though it cannot find the file, as it didn't actually tar the "real" file in the first place03:07
buckycoreyman: then i'm out of ideas03:07
minderaserlstarnes: does that make sense?03:07
coreymanbucky lol03:08
Johnneyleecoreyman: you can use the to-ram function to be able to use a different cd.03:08
Mkacoreyman: then find the program accessing the cd and kill it03:08
JohnneyleeCan someone help me with this whole Grub issue I have?03:08
TeslaTravno, I've never used pulseaudio03:08
coreymanmka k3b ?03:08
innomenHey guys, my "Save markings" in synamtic is producing a 0kb file03:08
coreymanmka killall k3b ?03:08
lstarnesminderaser: it appears to make sense03:08
poi77Hi! I just set up a gui in Ubuntu server. But the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is empty! Also, my Xorg process is taking up 100% of a cpu core. Can I resolve this?03:08
D3RGPS31TeslaTrav: then i'm damn useless :D03:08
D3RGPS31I'm using postfix and dovecot, my users don't receive incoming mail; anyone have 2 cents to throw in O:03:09
Mkacoreyman: maybe? if not burning?03:09
Johnneylee*Throws in two cents* There.03:09
linuxuser_can anyone tell me what the option is to install ext4 at install-time?03:10
Dr_WillisI just told the installer to use ext4 filesystems when it formatted i recall03:11
poi77Hi! I just set up a gui in Ubuntu server. But the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is empty! Also, my Xorg process is taking up 100% of a cpu core. Can I resolve this?03:11
=== jerrcs2 is now known as jerrcs
Dr_Willispoi77:  xorg.conf is very minimal now a days. I have systems that can run with no xorg.conf at all03:11
spOubuntu auto mounts dvds/cds  , hal does that automatically or with a program?  i can use the gui desktop to eject a dvd/cd  , but is there a console command?03:11
dcostaHEY guys03:11
marcelo_linuxuser_, You should be prompted about what filesystem to use.03:11
dcostahard night03:12
Dr_WillisspO:  the 'eject' command  normally unmounts/ejects the cd.03:12
WarningGelegrodan: when im putting soda armona-ng im not gotting an interface what should i do ?03:12
linuxuser_marcelo_:  Before the format, correct?03:12
ZiggyzxxylHow do I copy files from XP running in virtualbox to an ubuntu folder on the same machine the virtual XP is running on?03:12
JohnneyleeAre you still having that cd issue?03:12
coreymanshould k3b be taking more than two minutes to prepare write process?03:12
Gelegrodanis your card supported Warning ?03:13
JohnneyleeZiggyzxxyl: You need to set up shared network folders.03:13
marcelo_linuxuser_, I thinks yes, before ...03:13
WarningGelegrodan : how can i know ?03:14
Gelegrodanyou google.03:14
Gelegrodanor check their homepage03:14
ZiggyzxxylJohnneylee: I have a shared folder set up, but if I try to access it, it tells me I have no permission to access the network resource and network path was nto found.03:14
bernhardhow can i see the cpu temperature?03:14
Lostinspace_46I am mapping my mouse buttons to my keyboard. To do this I need to know the actual command the the mouse button generates.  How can I find this>03:15
marcelo_bernhard, Install lm-sensors.03:15
WarningGelegrodan : i type TP Link supported to Ubuntu ?03:15
ZiggyzxxylJohnneylee: when I browse network from the XP window, the shared folder shows up, but I can't access it.03:15
spOif i am not running desktop , will ubuntu automount my cdrom drive?03:15
GelegrodanWarning: i have no idea what your talking about03:15
coreymanbernhard stick your tounge to the bottom of your heatsink, and look at your tounge in the mirror :)03:15
Warningmy wlan cart is TP Link03:16
gartralalrighty... anyone else loose monitor output rotation with the latest kernals and nvidia180s?03:16
psycho_oreosWarning, its not the brand name that matter, its the chipset that's sitting inside03:16
IdleOnecoreyman: how was that helpful?03:16
D3RGPS31I'm using postfix and dovecot, my users don't receive incoming mail; anyone have 2 cents to throw in03:16
marcelo_bernhard, don't listen to coreyman, Just apt-get them :)03:16
TeslaTravI'm running mythbuntu, and can't seem to get audio to work. I've checked the sliders, I've got the right alsa drivers, tried a different card... any ideas?03:16
Gelegrodansomeone managed to get dropbear work with cryptsetup?03:17
Dr_WillisTeslaTrav:  be sure its not defaulting to an onboard card.03:17
TeslaTravno onboard03:17
Lostinspace_46coreyman: That really wasn't helpful...funny though..lol03:17
TeslaTravbut, it does have 2 other things listed as possible cards... kinda strange, one is my vid card03:17
minderaserlstarnes: I'm gonna split. Thanks for your help!03:17
TeslaTravwell, under the gnome audio manager that is03:18
Distansneed a wiz, making a long story short: Is it possible to forward packages going to one MAC address to a different MAC?03:18
coreymanJeez guys give me a break i was being comical.03:18
bazhangcoreyman, comicality in #ubuntu-offtopic not here03:18
Lostinspace_46coreyman: I SAID it was funny...lol03:18
TeslaTravDr_Willis ... Dr Geoff WIllis?03:19
Dr_WillisTeslaTrav:  no.. willis is my first name03:19
TeslaTravahh, hehe03:19
bozz1how can i get my cpu temperature?03:19
spOdr_willis, will hal automount a cdrom drive if no desktop is running?03:19
TeslaTravI thought you were a guy I work with03:19
coreymanlostinspace_46 others here are more serious and take if offensivley when one line of their chat gets scrolled up for comedy.03:19
marcelo_bozz1, apt-get lm-sensors03:19
psycho_oreosbozz1, <marcelo_> bernhard, Install lm-sensors.03:19
Dr_Willissp0 not that ive seen03:19
Lostinspace_46bozz don't ask coryman03:19
Dr_WillisspO:  theres tools to make the system automount with out X running.. but i dont use them03:20
jrgpI'm having trouble mounting an ntfs partition: "Failed to open hiberfil.sys data attribute: No such file or directory"03:20
ctmjr!info lm-sensors | Lostinspace_4603:20
ubottuLostinspace_46: lm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:3.0.2-2ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 122 kB, installed size 556 kB03:20
derekShey, i just downloaded the daily iso, and i am trying to install it on my machine via usb harddrive. i have done it succesfully with img files, but iso's are different. how do i copy an iso to make it bootable03:21
a94060look for that util03:21
a94060derekS: unetbootin03:21
derekSa94060: thanks!03:22
Dr_Willisunetbootin can take an iso and create a bootable flash drive.. an actual usb 'hard drive' im not sure how that would differ from unetbootins point of view03:22
Lostinspace_46ctmjr I was not asking about that, was bernhard03:22
IdleOnederekS: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick03:22
spOubuntu server edition does not automount automatically from fresh install,  what causes desktop edition to autmount  ... So, how can you add desktop features of automount to server edition?03:22
D3RGPS31http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b64kBUPCK1s :o03:22
a94060derekS: your welcome03:22
Dr_Willissp0 install the 'ubuntu-desktop03:23
Warningthe wlan need to be supported to what >03:23
Dr_Willissp0 install the 'ubuntu-desktop' package and it should install all the stuff to automount i think03:23
psycho_oreosWarning, a linux friendly chipset03:23
derekSa94060: any non-qt apps?03:23
bazhangD3RGPS31, dont paste that here.03:23
beebopderekS: look at this too   http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/03:23
ctmjrLostinspace_46: oops sorry03:23
a94060idk,i use it on windows derekS03:23
derekSbeebop: its linux03:23
beebopderekS: that IS for linux03:24
marcelo_D3RGPS31, What is your point?03:24
Dr_Willisunetbootin dosent do the  'persistent' feature last i checked03:24
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psycho_oreosWarning, how is the device connected to the machine anyway?03:24
gnomenklayturei can't change director to my jumpdrive in the terminal, how doi move back a directory?03:25
Lostinspace_46Maybe I am asking the wrong question.  How do I find the command for "select"? Like a left click. and no problem ctmjr03:25
Dr_Willisgnomenklayture:   'cd path' or 'cd ..'03:25
Dr_Willis!bash | gnomenklayture03:25
ubottugnomenklayture: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:25
beebopderekS: also, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-boot-cd-for-ubuntu-904/  and the offical ubuntu page @   https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html03:26
Lostinspace_46gnomenklayture: Gret nick!03:26
Dr_WillisLostinspace_46:  there is no 'commands' like that - That i have ever seen. You wish to remap the left mouse click to be  (for example) on the F12 key?03:26
william56would anyone happen to know offhand why the latest restricted nvidia drivers would be missing glx with my gts 250?03:26
[TOP]kanguanyone here  play quake live and know how to setup / configure ubuntu in quakelive to work? having some issues.03:26
gnomenklaytureLostinspace_46, thanks :)03:26
Dr_Willis[TOP]kangu:  it works here with firefox 3.0 just fine03:26
gnomenklaytureDr_Willis, that worked thanks03:26
Dr_Willis[TOP]kangu:  well it can crash.. but it does work03:27
swapyhttp://tinypic.com/r/5lnvc5/3 see this03:27
swapymy problem03:27
Lostinspace_46Dr_Willis: pretty much.  I want to map all mouse buttons to keyboard03:27
marcelo_william56, missing glx drivers?03:27
Dr_WillisLostinspace_46:  gnome has a feature to 'controll the mouse via keyboard' somewhere in the settings03:27
Dr_WillisLostinspace_46:  it uses the numpad i recall to move it around03:27
Warning Supports drivers for NetWare 3.x, 4.x, Windows 98/Me/NT4.0/2000/XP, and Linux 2.4.x kernel. ...03:27
william56marcelo_: i meant that glxinfo is giving me the old extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"03:28
D3RGPS31I'm using postfix and dovecot, users don't receive incoming mail03:28
Lostinspace_46I know that feature, it does not do what I need03:28
psycho_oreosWarning, ask in #aircrack-ng.. I'll be in there03:28
swapyswapy> hello03:28
swapy<swapy> http://tinypic.com/r/5lnvc5/3 see this03:28
swapy<swapy> my problem03:28
william56swapy: fish in a barrel?03:29
swapyi have much problems03:29
swapyi cannot see applications places and system menus due to white color03:29
Dr_WillisLostinspace_46:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=926105   mentions --> http://gizmod.sourceforge.net/03:29
KB1JWQswapy: You pasted a screenshot.03:29
gartralanyquick way of adding 300 images too the backgrounds list in gnome?03:30
Lostinspace_46Dr_Willis: I seem to have 2 choices either the command a button generates, or a way to identifya button to xbindkeys03:30
Dr_Willisgartral:  select all,  drag./drop?03:30
br34lcould it be, that ubuntu doesnt like multiple downloads, like 5 files á 200Mb..here it crashes ^^03:31
kellykelwhat is the terminal download for liero xterme03:32
* kellykel test03:32
IdleOne/you fail03:32
marcelo_br34l, Are you downloading them from the browser?03:33
Lostinspace_46Dr_Willis: I am checking that out now03:33
Gelegrodansomeone managed to get dropbear work with cryptsetup?03:33
william56anyone know of a guide that walks ubuntu users through possible reasons that glxinfo gives "Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig" ?03:33
marcelo_br34l, Download them with wget instead03:33
br34lmarcelo_: humm..ok i'll give it a try03:34
marcelo_william56, I am using a nvidia Geforce 9800 GT and the glxinfo gives me what i expect.03:34
mypctest 12303:35
br34lnever tried wget before...its so easy and..nice ^^03:38
Distansit sure is br34l03:38
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FragsworthEver since I switched to Ubuntu I can actually *hear* things that cause a visual change on my monitor.03:39
DistansFragsworth you say what now? :)03:39
FragsworthAnything that causes the screen to change will produce a sound out of my speakers03:39
simrananyone here use amarok?03:39
FragsworthIt's extremely annoying. I can hear the damn cursor blinking.03:39
SpacePigeonhi, did anybody have problems installing new pidgin (from ppa)03:39
Lostinspace_46Dr_Willis: That looks promising.  I am looking at the dos now.  Thanks.03:40
simranwhen i try to play an mp3 in amarok it states "too many errors in this playlist.. Playback stopped03:40
FragsworthThe sound of alt-tabbing is pretty wild though.03:40
Lostinspace_46Fragsworth: I'm sorry man, but that is hysterical03:40
DistansFragsworth you're hitting the keyboard too hard xD03:41
FragsworthI've tested it. It's not my CPU causing the sound to be produced.03:41
gartralDr_Willis: to where/03:41
FragsworthIt's only actual changes to what is about to be displayed on the screen.03:42
FragsworthAny idea how to isolate this kind of thing>?03:42
Lostinspace_46Fragsworth: Ummm, you ain't been smoking anything, have you, cuz..well...03:42
Elcrapocrewok, please forgive me but can someone PLEASE help... I am trying to get my monitor's resolution set to 1280x1024 but it is apparently not handing out the correct EDID infoto my card (it never has) however since any changes i make to xorg.conf are ignored i am at a loss of how to fix the problem...03:42
FragsworthLostinspace_46: No.03:42
FragsworthIt's also only Ubuntu. Vista won't do it.03:43
Lostinspace_46Fragsworth: again, sorry man, but that was the only explanation I couuld come up with..lol03:43
JohnneyleeFragsworth: Why won't the xorg.conf keep your changes?03:43
JohnneyleeFragsworth: did you run your text editor with root privileges?03:44
IndyGunFreaki'd say thats most likely the problem03:44
FragsworthJohnneylee: I think you're responding to the wrong person03:44
Lostinspace_46Elcrapocrew: did you try systen>prefferences>appearance?03:45
marcelo_Fragsworth, Try to plug your keyboard in other usb03:45
ElcrapocrewLostinspace_46: yes, I also installed the drivers for my nvidia card03:45
JohnneyleeFragsworth: sorry buddy, completely accidental.03:45
Fragsworthmarcelo_: Just tried that. No difference.03:46
tony123whats the default port for the sendmail server?03:46
ElcrapocrewLostinspace_46: i think it has something to do with the new version of Xorg trying to do away with the xorg.conf03:46
IndyGunFreakElcrapocrew: did you set your resoultion in nvidia settings?03:46
ctmjrElcrapocrew: what option in xorg did you put for edid03:46
KB1JWQtony123: That'd be 25.03:46
FragsworthI think it might be the electric field going across the video wires are interfering with the sound wires, but I don't understand why only Ubuntu picks it up as sound.03:46
tony123alright thank u:P03:46
Elcrapocrewctmjr:  I dont know my EDID settings i wish i did03:47
[TOP]kangucould anyone possibly take a moment and msg me and help with a problem i have with sound =/03:47
KB1JWQtony123: 587 is for submission.03:47
tony123am a n00b at mail servers lol03:47
KB1JWQtony123: Then may I delicately suggest postfix instead?  It's a bit less... clunky.03:47
ElcrapocrewIndyGunFreak: yeah tried it there too, but the option doesnt show up03:47
marcelo_[TOP]kangu, state your problem03:47
Lostinspace_46Elcrapocrew: I don't know what to tell you then, sorry. Except that the issue is so prevalent that #xorg won't even take questions about it anymore03:47
tony123well all im trying to do is send mail out03:47
IndyGunFreakElcrapocrew: i'mnot sure what the EDID settings have to do w/ aything, have you tried setting the resolution in nvidia settings?03:47
tony123and not receive any in03:47
[TOP]kangufor some reason my sound driver or my sound i have no sound ... maybe a driver update?03:48
ElcrapocrewLostinspace_46:  Thats is a bummer!03:48
ElcrapocrewLostinspace_46: is there any way to force Xorg to use the conf file?03:48
Lostinspace_46Elcrapocrew:  IndyGunFreak gave good advice.03:49
tony123LOL @ readerrors03:49
marcelo_[TOP]kangu, did this happen suddenly?03:49
JohnneyleeElcapocrew: Yea. RTFM it tells you what switch to use to specify a config for Xorg03:49
IndyGunFreakElcrapocrew: so the option you want, isnt in nvidia settings?03:49
buckyElcrapocrew: did you run nvidia-xconfig03:49
ElcrapocrewIndyGunFreak: yeah the resolution i need is not listed, but I know the monitor supports it because i use it on my win 7 all the time03:50
donaldoas I get this information from the proc? , the time when the system was last booted.03:50
Elcrapocrewbucky: yip, the option I need is not listed03:50
ElcrapocrewJohnneylee: how do i go about setting the switch you refer to??03:51
Ademan_kitchenanyone here know how to recover from a segfault while dpkg is processing its triggers? (ldconfig is segfaulting and it's the libc6 package in question)  it'd be nice if i could forgo the trigger and reinstall libc6 via apt, but apt won't work because dpkg is in a bad state.... anyone?...03:51
buckyElcrapocrew: which option was that?03:52
donaldohelp me please03:52
donaldoas I get this information from the proc? , the time when the system was last booted.03:52
Elcrapocrewbucky: Johnneylee said:  Yea. RTFM it tells you what switch to use to specify a config for Xorg03:52
simranfor what reason woudl amarok not play my mp3s03:52
marcelo_Ademan_kitchen, killing the dpkg process?03:53
Elcrapocrew@all: what it the meaning of RTFM??03:53
lstarnesElcrapocrew: its full meaning is obscene and can't be repeated here03:53
ElcrapocrewRead The Freaking Man Page?03:53
lstarnesElcrapocrew: but it essentially means "read the _ manual"03:54
lijinweiwho can help me? about the *.PDF03:54
Elcrapocrewlstarnes: thank you03:54
lijinweiI can't open it.03:54
Ademan_kitchenmarcelo_: what do you mean? dpkg isn't still running, it's just that when apt tries to run dpkg it fails, apt outputs "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."03:54
lstarneslijinwei: have you tried opening it with evince?03:54
Elcrapocrewlstarnes: forgive my ignorance but the chat slang changes ever so fast03:54
Geepersi'm having trouble with my graphics card. whenever i start up using my PCI graphics card, ubuntu 9.04 wont boot up, instead it gives me an error. it works fine with onboard03:55
ctmjrdonaldo: last | grep boot03:55
Geeperscan anyone help me03:55
lijinweiyes .but I can open the issue26_zh-CN03:55
kellykelwhat is the terminal download for liero xterme?03:55
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lijinweibut I can't open the issue25_zh-CN03:55
abb@Elcrapocrew: you can usually find great definitions for Internet slang stuff like that at everything2.com (it's like a less-strict version of wikipedia).  everything2.com/?=RTFM (etc)03:55
abboops, apologies -- that might have been the wrong chat window!03:56
marcelo_Ademan_kitchen, Sorryi thought the process was running.03:56
Ademan_kitchenkellykel: unless it's in the repository you're probably best using instructions from the liero xtreme website (or maybe getdeb.net)03:56
Ademan_kitchenmarcelo_: no problem, thanks for the answer03:57
lijinweiwho can speak in chinese?03:58
KB1JWQ!cn | lijinwei03:58
ubottulijinwei: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:58
GeepersI'm having trouble  using my NVIDIA GeForce 5200 FX graphics card with linux, whenever i try to boot my pc using my graphics card it freezes and give me an error, can anyone help me?03:58
tony123ok if 25 is default sendmail port then what is the default port for mysql?03:59
marcelo_lijinwei, I did not understand whether you tried evince or not??03:59
KB1JWQtony123: 3306, usually.03:59
conor87Hello all. Does anyone know how to get a pair of Creative USB Speakers working in Ubuntu 9.04?03:59
donaldoctmjr: I get  that information consulted a proc file, example: cat / proc / file?04:00
lstarnestony123: 330604:00
tony123ok thanks04:00
GeepersI'm having trouble  using my NVIDIA GeForce 5200 FX graphics card with linux, whenever i try to boot my pc using my graphics card it freezes and give me an error, can anyone help me?04:00
bamhm1821Hey, I just put a hard drive with Ubuntu on it in my Tablet PC, but the touch screen doesn't work. Any tips on where I can get some drivers or how I can make it work?04:00
abb@connor87: do they not have any instructions/info at Creative's web site?04:00
cjsHow do I see a list of recent updates that I've applied to my system, and the messages describing what they do?04:00
bamhm1821It is a Gateway M285-E04:00
lijinweiwait a second ,I will try it again.04:00
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cjsOr, alternatively, how do I figure out of any specific system (kernel) has a fix for that whole mmap-page-zero mess?04:01
GeepersI'm having trouble  using my NVIDIA GeForce 5200 FX graphics card with linux, whenever i try to boot my pc using my graphics card it freezes and give me an error, can anyone help me?04:01
entropyHi all - I'm in Jaunty, and I need to lzm2dir. can someone help me find the correct package to install for this?04:01
bamhm1821Or, does anyone know where the serial.conf is?04:01
tony123how can i remove sendmail server so i can add postfix to ubuntu04:02
coreymanls /dev shows me TONS of tty 1-63 what's up witht that?04:02
conor87@abb: Not that I have been able to find04:03
cjstony: just aptitude install postfix.04:03
devkhadkahow can i install build-essentials, build-common in ubuntu 9.0404:03
cjsOops, that was to tony123 .04:03
br34lmarcelo_: i think i do something wrong...im not rly able to dl .avi04:03
MeRodentI hate it when I forget something basic..  How do I show permssions on a file?04:03
arandentropy: "apt-cache search lzm" Gives the possible candidates seemingly?04:03
cjstony123: And then, one more step, to avoid some minor problems there are a couple of sendmail packages you want04:03
conor87@abb: I had them working at one point, but I seem to have messed with something I should not have and now I am just trying to figure out how I had it set up under Ibex04:04
cjsto remove.04:04
marcelo_MeRodent, chmod04:04
MeRodentmarcelo_, thanks.04:04
arandMeRodent: or just plain ls04:04
arandMeRodent: ls -l that is04:04
cjsI don't recall what they are, but "aptitude search sendmail | grep ^i" will find them. if you don't remove them, you'll get a message from cron every twenty minutes about sendmail-mdf not existing, or something like that.04:04
dvpdiner2After accidentally making myself the owner of all files, how can I restore root as owner of everything except /home?04:04
MeRodentarand, that's what I was looking for.04:04
coreymanI'm trying to install grub... and sudo grub-install /dev/sda tells me could not find device for /boot not found or not a block device.04:05
abb@conor87: when you unplug the speakers, then plug them back in -- what kind of messages do you see in dmesg (if any?) does the system even see/notice the hardware change?04:05
marcelo_br34l, werent you able to download them?04:05
cjsdvpdiner2: root should not be the owner of everything outside of home. That will break stuff left and right.04:05
ctmjrdonaldo: i do not uderstand what you are looking for you mean cat /proc/uptime?04:05
entropyarand, I had the default files installed of those, and I've now elected to install the rest04:05
cjsdvpdiner2: (It should own a lot of stuff outside of /home, but not all.)04:05
marcelo_MeRodent, Sorry I missread and thought you wanted to change permissions.04:06
entropyand arand, I still cannot lzm2dir04:06
br34lmarcelo_: i only get 8,2Kb and the .avi is like 194Mb04:06
dvpdiner2Reinstalling is the easiest solution then? (/home is on its own partition, so no data loss)04:06
marcelo_br34l, And br finishes ?04:06
conor87@abb: I'm not certain. I'm not quite sure what I would be looking for if there was a hardware change04:06
marcelo_br34l, And wget finishes? Are you pasting the correct address?04:07
kfanmy video card in my laptop gets hot and laptop shuts down when watching videos or games anyone help?04:07
simrangnash vs swfdec ?04:07
wgois there any chinese04:08
br34lmarcelo_: i try to figure it out right now..but i think it's not a wrong adress04:08
cjsdvpdiner2: I suspect so.04:08
ctmjr!cn | wgo04:08
ubottuwgo: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:08
donaldoctmjr: I've consulted.04:08
donaldobut I need to get the start time, 9:30 pm start of the system.04:08
donaldois to develop a small program in c.04:08
kfanmy video card in my laptop gets hot and laptop shuts down when watching videos or games anyone help?04:08
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
arandentropy: From wht google says, it seems like lzm2dir is not available through at least default ubuntu repos, I think...04:09
br34lmarcelo_: allright, i got it :)04:09
marcelo_kfan, If it gets hot it is a good thing to shut down04:09
br34lmarcelo_: thank you anyway for the wget tip ;)04:10
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entropyarand, I understand. I do, however, need to install it. I'm currently trying to get the updated driver for my USB wireless adapter installed, and I need the prog to do so.04:10
xim_how come when i went from karmic alpha to jaunty there is a different version of ktorrent?04:10
jdukfan, does this happen only on linux? (if perhaps ubuntu consumes more graphics resources) or is it a general hardware problem for all OS's?04:10
xim_do different ubuntus install different versions of software from packages with the same name?04:11
marcelo_kfan, You should answer here so that other people can help too04:12
arandentropy: And no way to unzip it just using p7zip? This is lzma compression we're talking right?04:13
entropyyes, arand.04:13
entropyif I needed to decompress [file].lzm to /, what would be the command for p7zip?04:14
ctmjrdonaldo: try who -b if you want to know where it stores that info then you will have to do some research04:14
Innomenhey guys what will happen if i delete my home folder and reboot?04:14
coreymanI'm only able to detect one device at a time on this raid card from within ubuntu I'm guessing...... The bios will only boot from a device plugged in to sata port 1, grub is set up for the device to be booted from sata port 0.... The live cd doesn't see my drive on sata port 104:14
Innomenthe install wont load, and i'm trying to not lose an hours and a half of updateding and such04:15
arandUnfortunately I do not know; look at "p7zip --help"04:15
JohnneyleeInnomen: notmuch really. go for it.04:15
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cjsInnomen: probably you won't be able to log in.04:18
cjsJohnneylee: that wasn't very nice.04:18
Johnneyleecjs: I'm sorry it was kinda funny though.04:19
Johnneyleecjs: I'm helping him now. He's got a bit of a problem. He reaches the part where the mouse shows up, but then it hangs.04:19
cjsJohnneylee: well, so long as you're helping him out of the mess, I find it amusing too.04:20
cjsDid he actually do it?04:20
conor87Hello all. Does anyone know how to get a pair of USB speakers working in Ubuntu 9.04?04:21
[TOP]kangudoes anyone know how to get ventrilo working when i join it gives me this error.04:22
[TOP]kanguUnable to initialize outbound codec (GSM 6.10 - 44 KHz, 16 bit): Unable to open codec stream. Code = 804:22
Johnneyleeyour codecs. They have fail.04:23
JohnneyleeAre you using the correct codec for the server?04:23
[TOP]kanguhow would i get them codecs =/04:23
JohnneyleeWhat codec is the server using?04:23
[TOP]kangusrys im new to inux04:23
[TOP]kanguhow would i check04:23
JohnneyleeTrial and error04:23
caseydhi, i'm wondering.. would this card work good in ubuntu? Are their drivers and such? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121315 (I have to have low-profile and AGP) .. thanks for your help.04:26
LBIguyhey guys i have ubuntu installed and last night my computer locked up so i done a hard reset and now when i try to boot ubuntu it brings me straight to a monnand line.. Grub04:26
Johnneyleedo you not have your password?04:27
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david__GUYS EVOLUTION is sending everything to junk mail what should i do?04:28
entropyif I needed to decompress [file].lzm to /, what would be the command for p7zip?04:28
disappearednghow do I install gtk+ what is the name of the package?04:29
LBIguyu talkin to me Johnneylee04:29
lstarnesdisappearedng: libgtk2.004:30
lstarnesdisappearedng: it might be libgtk2.0-004:30
eminorentropy: 7z e -o/outputpath /path/archive.lzm04:30
lstarnesdisappearedng: libgtk2.0-dev contains the development files for building programs that use gtk04:30
disappearedng\ok yeah04:30
disappearedngthe book says that I have to install them in a specific order GLib, Pango, ATK, and GTK+04:31
br34lLBIguy: same question from me: do you forgot your password?04:31
lstarnesdisappearedng: they can be installed in any order04:31
conor87Would anyone here happen to know how to get USB speakers working in Ubuntu 9.04?04:31
LBIguyno i never forgot my password04:31
lstarnesdisappearedng: usually, installing one package through the package manager installs all packages that it requires04:31
br34lLBIguy: so, why u reseted it?04:31
disappearedngHey I always see this: W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://ubuntu.cn99.com jaunty-updates/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu.cn99.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty-updates_restricted_binary-i386_Packages)04:32
acalbazahaving trouble getting my ipod touch to mount using ifuse... i see the usb connect up through /var/log/messages, but my device does not show up.  anyone know how to troubleshoot this one?04:32
jduconor87, possibility you haven't selected them?  my help won't get much more advanced than that, but I might suggest googling the speakers and linux or ubuntu04:32
entropyeminor, when I do that I get the error Error: Can not open file as archive04:32
LBIguyi'm not resetin my password04:32
bullgard4What is meant by 'reflection' in (x)randr? As in the sentence: "The Resize and Rotate extension (RandR) is a very small set of client and server extensions designed to allow clients to modify the size, reflection, rotation and refresh rate of an X screen."04:33
lstarnesdisappearedng: check /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d, or system > amdinistration > software sources04:33
LBIguyit just boots straight to grub menu and i  don't know y04:33
jduconor87, it may be alsa doesn't support them, or there is some other driver issue as well.04:33
jduconor87, you might check what devices alsa supports04:33
disappearedngIstarnes for what04:33
lstarnesdisappearedng: duplicate entries04:33
lstarnesbullgard4: I think it refers to inversion or flipping of the display04:34
conor87@jdu: I've tried googling as well as "mixing and matching" the alsa and realtek setting, sadly all to no avail.04:34
br34lLBIguy: i just wonder, why u reseted your pc, because it was locked...you could unlock it with your password04:34
jduconor87, yeah, sorry.   So it is recognized then?04:35
LBIguybr34l it locked up as in froze04:35
LBIguyas in windows lock up04:35
eminorentropy, i tested here and it's working, path to archive is correct?04:35
conor87@Jdu: I had them working for a while under Ubuntu 8.10, but since upgrading I must have done something to them, I'm just not sure what though.04:35
LBIguyfirst time it ever happened to me04:35
LBIguyand now when i boot ubuntu it brings me straight to the brub command line04:36
LBIguyany ideas how to fix it?04:36
jduconor87, yeah, i don't know, sorry I can't help.04:36
david__GUYS EVOLUTION is sending everything to junk mail what should i do?04:37
entropyyes, eminor04:37
conor87@jdu: Not a problem and the response is appreciated regardless. Hopefully I'll have it figured out in the next day or two.04:38
eminorentropy, please paste the full command here :-)04:38
david__GUYS EVOLUTION is sending everything to junk mail what should i do?04:38
khalilLBIguy: you can restore grub04:39
entropy7z e -o/ kernel.lzm04:39
bullgard4lstarnes: lstarnes I know the word "to flip" when flipping a coin or an oil painting with a wooden frame at a wall. Then an observer will see the back side. But what sense does this make with a display? (My native language is not English.)04:39
eminordo you try to extract it as root?04:39
eminorcause as an user you don't have write permissions to /04:40
entropyuno memento04:40
jdubullgard4, make the top of the screen be at the bottom or the right be at the left for example.04:40
Mumei*NOOB ALERT* : Hi i have a retarded question.. i installed ubuntu to usb then update it.. after that i run cd defect check and it reports 2 errors.. is this normal or do i have a defect? *NOOB ALERT*04:41
eminorentropy, don't do it as root... use an other output folder04:41
entropysame result, eminor04:41
bullgard4jdu: Ah, I see. Thank you for explaining.04:41
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eminorhm.. maybe your archive is corrupt or it's really not an archive :-P04:41
jdubullgard4, no problem.04:41
kitty_Mumei, if it installed fine, your archive you downloaded (the .iso) could have been corrupt, but not in an area you specifically used for installation04:42
gnomenklaytureJohnneylee, thanks for the control alt f1 thing :)04:42
gnomenklayturethats allowed me to fix it04:43
Mumeikitty_ : i dont understand.. are you trying to say my ubuntu installation iso is corrupt? sorry im not quite sure what you are saying..04:43
detrixis there a public python channel?04:43
detrixon this server04:43
eminorentropy, create a new archive and try to extract it04:44
boss_mcdetrix: if you /join #python you'll find out yourself04:44
kitty_Mumei, you tried the "verify cd contents" from the boot menu while booting the cd, correct?04:44
Mumeikitty_ : yep but its not really a cd.. its a persistent usb04:45
detrixboss_mc: i did that already, I thought there might be a #public_python channel...I dont want to guess at the name.04:45
Mumeikitty_ : more info > build using this guide > http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/04:45
boss_mcdetrix: what's a public channel? aren't they all public?04:46
detrixboss_mc: well I need to be invited to gain access to #python...so its not exactly public is it.04:46
kitty_you know you can just install ubuntu to a usb drive, just like you were using your normal hd, right, my 4Gb microSD still has about 1Gb free and a full install on it04:47
boss_mcdetrix: I've not been invited but I can just join it...04:47
detrixboss_mc: I shall try again.04:48
Mumeikitty_ : well i dont wanna waste my time downloading the vmware cause its like.. 30 mins (acks!).. so i used that guide.. is this the end? T.T if it is i will install it from the virtual machine... =(04:49
kitty_mumei, what are you exactly trying to do?04:50
JohnneyleeMumei: What are you trying to accomplish?04:50
detrixboss_mc: ok, my bad.  it was not 'invite' it was identified'  so how do I get identified by the server?04:50
HobbleAlongMumei: This means you have errors.  This may or may not affect your install, but do you really want to take the chance?04:50
Mumeiok guys.. i see your point04:51
boss_mcdetrix: you need to register with nickserv (you would have got instructions when you connected to the server)04:51
lijinweimy problem is gone04:51
Mumeias hard as it seems... i will (*gulp*) do it for the sake of a clean install... thanks for the advise =(..04:51
michelin0231i'm using an ati integrated 3450 and the HDMI 1920x1080 is not outputting correctly. 1920x1200 over DVI to a monitor works just fine. digital cable to my tv works fine. but 1920x1080 over hdmi to my tv is weird. it looks like all the detail is there, maybe, but it's downscaled 5% and i have little black border around my screen04:51
triplc(newbie) please recommend a *ncurse* front-end of mplayer? I love mplayer a lot, and at the same time do not like those GUI04:51
JohnneyleeMumei: what are you doing?04:51
detrixboss_mc: reading them now04:51
kitty_ok who just told mumei to do a clean install or whatever they're gonna do now?04:52
MumeiJohnneylee: reinstall the ubuntu from scratch04:52
Craybofffor some reason my cpu usage skyrockets. I'm not sure why it is happening, the screenlet i have that gives me a bunch of info shows 'hal-system-smbi-root' appearing once in a while under the top ten programs using the most cpu, then it dissappears and reappears later, it usually says it is using between 50-75% CPU, then it disappears and reappears etc04:52
boss_mcdetrix: most irc clients will allow you to auto-identify when you connect (xchat does for one)04:52
Mumeikitty_ : i you guys mean that o.004:52
lijinweiwhat do you think about the Full circle?04:52
Cray1Hello all, I have installed ubuntu and cannot get the wireless to work on my laptop.04:52
kitty_no one told you to reinstall, we're asking what you want to do with your pendrive04:53
Cray1My wireless card is04:53
lijinweiI think it is wonderful!!!!!!!04:53
Cray103:07.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)04:53
Cray1        Subsystem: Broadcom Corporation Device 044904:53
Cray1        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 64, IRQ 2204:53
Cray1        Memory at c0200000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=8K]04:53
Cray1        Kernel driver in use: b43-pci-bridge04:53
FloodBot2Cray1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:53
Cray1        Kernel modules: ssb04:53
kitty_there is no reason to use that "pendrivelinux" build unless you wanted to access other files on your flash drive from windows (on any pc supporting usb/fat32)04:53
simranDoes anyone here know their video codecs/plugins well enough to let me know if im missing something or if i dont need something if i give them a list??04:53
Mumeioh.. sorry didnt get the point xD pardon me04:53
kitty_so mumei what exactly are you trying to do with your pendrive?04:54
Dr_Willissimran:  i normally install the w32codecs pack from medibuntu. and i can play most anything.04:54
Cray1Any ideas I have entered the router ssid and the security key but no connect.  Any ideas?04:54
Mumeikitty_ : trying to do this > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liveusb04:54
simrani have installed tht plus muchb more Dr_willis04:55
simranfor online streaming04:55
a94060Cray1: What is the problem? i  wasnt paying attention04:55
squisherhi, anyone here familiar with apport-retracer?04:55
simraneven though flash sucks balls04:55
Cray1I cannot get my wireless to connect to my router.04:55
triplc(newbie) please recommend a *ncurse* front-end of mplayer? I love mplayer a lot, and at the same time do not like those GUI (reask)04:56
Dr_Willissimran:  then state the actual problem. and perhaps give a url to the file  you are having troubles playing.. 'flash' online. is a Much different issue then  getting other video files to play.04:56
a94060ohh ok,whats ur model?04:56
squisherI mean, with the internals of apport-retracer. I'm trying to figure out how one can retrieve the line # of a backtrace with it04:56
Crayboffawesome, my cpu dropped and is now at normal levels, but i need a way to stop my cpu from killing my computer. The apparent culprit program is 'hal-system-smbi-root', what do I do if this happens again?04:56
Cray1Broadcom 431804:56
a94060did u install the correct drivers?04:56
entropyeminor, I got the same result04:56
simransprry sir04:56
simransorry sir04:56
kfanany programs to control fan speed?04:56
Cray1I assume the ubuntu install did that04:56
a94060run iwconfig,do u see anything there?04:57
kitty_Mumei, well have you ever done a standard ubuntu installation?04:57
mermai have to admit something, linux sucks for transfering files, all my apps slow down04:57
JohnneyleeCray1: what are you attemping to use?04:57
Mumeikitty_ : nope this is the first time..04:57
a94060Johnneylee:  Broadcom 431804:57
Johnneyleea94060: wireless?04:57
kitty_ah, well do you have 2 computers that you can use at once, cause that really makes it easier to install on one and use the internet for help from the other04:57
Cray1gives me no wireless extentions04:58
a94060Johnneylee: yes04:58
Mumeikitty_ : nope, i only has one pc..04:58
JohnneyleeCray1: I just got through this myself. Want a bit of help?04:58
a94060Cray1: that means driver isnt installed04:58
Dr_Willismerma:  i toss 4+gb files bout the lan all day long. and never notice any slowing down. So to each their own i guess.04:58
Cray1okay where is good place to get driver?04:58
kitty_have you ever booted linux on your computer yet?04:58
Crayboffactually, maybe if someone can tell me what hal-system-smbi-root is...04:58
MrKeunerHello, how can I map the caps lock to super key?04:59
mermaDr_Willis:  im transfering 21gb from an ext3 partition to a ext4 partition04:59
Dr_Willismerma:  i do that sort of theing al day long also.. No real problems.04:59
a94060Johnneylee: you planning on helping him?04:59
Mumeikitty_ : if you are asking me > i am chatting from within ubuntu usb now..04:59
a94060sorry,im not sure if you are him or her,no offense,didnt mean to judge05:00
Cray1Johnlee i can use some help05:00
Dr_Willismerma:  would be nicer if the OS 'queued' up the muti files a little better. I drag 10gb over.. then find another 10gb.. so i gotr to rember to wait for the first 10gb to get done.. or the disk thrashes about a lot.05:00
Cray1lol i r he05:00
kitty_is ther any problems with your ubuntu install on that usb drive?05:00
mermaDr_Willis: any idea why this happens? my 1minute load is > 605:00
JohnneyleeCray1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2568305:01
Dr_Willismerma:  no idea.  How are you even montiring that info?05:01
Mumeikitty_ : no problem.. but the defect check saying "2 errors" is kinda scaring me05:01
mermathrough conky's load05:02
mermait's > 10 now :005:02
Dr_WillisI got conky going with my custome script.. dont even have it showing 'load'05:02
Dr_Willisthats the same as tops load? or what.05:02
kitty_i'm not sure about that "defect check" since i'm not running the same thing as you, but if it works, i'd ignore it or get ahold of the people that made your specific pendrive distribution05:02
Crayboffif my cpu usage bursts through the roof, and i already closed all of the applications to the best of my ability, what should I do? As of now, i've been just shutting down my computer and booting it back up05:03
mermait is05:03
Dr_Willishtop shows me load averate 6.73 3.65 1.7005:03
Dr_Williswhatever those mean in real terms ive no idea. :)05:03
Johnneyleekitty_: Maybe he should use the pen drive as a installer to install ubuntu to his pc.05:03
automan070192is there anyway to use ares on ubuntu?05:03
buckydetrix: you have to have your nick registered on freenode to have voice on many channels here... /msg NickServ HELP and register your nick05:03
Mumeikitty_ : specific pendrive distribution? the linux or the pendrive?05:03
JohnneyleeMumei: the linux.05:03
kitty_the people that packaged ubuntu into the pendrive installer05:04
Dr_Willismerma:  aha. :) my G15 kyboard lcd also has a 'load avg of  11.20 5.73 2.35' :) never noticed that info in the cpu gage on the lcd befor05:04
Johnneyleeautoman070192: Umm for what purposes?05:04
mermaDr_Willis: it shows the 1 minute load avg, the 5 minute avrg and the 15 minute avrg ... if you have 2 cores you're "normal" load should be < 205:04
automan070192strictley music05:04
MumeiJohnneylee & kitty_ : oh that... idk them LOL05:04
Dr_Willismerma:  load avg of 13.68 7.0 3.14 now..   - i am making a ISO-flash drive..  and i dont notice the system being slow at this time05:04
mermahow many cores do you have Dr_Willis ?05:05
Dr_WillisDual core AMD somthing or another.05:05
Dr_WillisFormating somefilesystems and making a persstnt save on a flash drive right now.05:05
Johnneyleeautoman070192: Anything wrong with torrenting?05:05
Johnneyleeautoman070192: maybe try wine?05:05
Dr_WillisLoad is dropping it seems...05:05
kitty_well we don't have control or knowledge of everyone's madness when it comes to installation methods, if you wanted to follow the ubuntu instructions on installing to a flashdrive/usbstick then i'd know where you stood :P05:05
=== detrix is now known as detrix42
kitty_but as i said, if its working fine, i'd just ignore the errors and continue from where you are05:06
mermait's not very healthy to have that load05:06
Dr_Willismerma:  prove that statement? I am doing a lot of stuff in the background.05:06
Johnneyleekitty_: You're pretty spot on.05:06
Mumeikitty_ & Johnneylee : well guys ill reinstall it from INSIDE the cd this time... (no script installer from websites) and ill get back to you guys if it succeeds..05:06
Dr_Willisload doen to 3.66 now. and dropping05:06
JohnneyleeSounds great mumei05:06
mermaDr_Willis: well as long as it's not affecting you it's ok i guess05:06
Mumeikitty_ & Johnneylee : ciao05:06
Dr_Willismerma:  i closed Htop and load dropped down to 2.24 :)05:07
Johnneyleekitty_: some people :P05:07
buckyDr_Willis: keep your cpu cool05:07
Dr_Willisbucky:  i got so many fans on it.. its scary :)05:07
automan070192which do you think would be fastest and easiest05:07
Dr_Willisantec P900 case = one BIG box of fans.05:07
buckyDr_Willis: very nice05:08
Johnneyleeautoman070192: I'd just torrent the music. If you need a demonoid invite, I can give you one.05:08
Dr_Willisbucky:  very loud also. I got most of them turned off.05:08
bazhangJohnneylee, automan070192 take this chat elsewhere please05:08
Johnneyleeautoman070192: Also, I use thepiratebay05:08
kitty_df reports 293Mb free, you think i'd beable to download a 277M file, noooo *stabs*05:08
Johnneyleebazhang: thanks. But I'm finished.05:09
bazhang!piracy | Johnneylee automan07019205:09
ubottuJohnneylee automan070192: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o05:09
mermacheck your cpu temp Dr_Willis05:09
pschorfCan someone help me figure out why a ttf font isn't showing up in xfontsel?05:09
Dr_Willismerma:  not even sure where/how to do that on this box..05:09
buckypschorf: how did you install the font?05:10
=== Joseph is now known as poseidon
Johnneyleebazhang: question about that then, why didn't you ding him when he asked about the same sort of thing? Ares is a p2p...05:10
Dr_Willisload avg down to .47 now :)05:10
pschorfbucky, i coped it into /usr/share/fonts/truetype/custom, and then ran fc-cache -fv05:10
automan070192sorry for disrupting your guys chat05:10
mermamy load avg dropped completely after the transfer finished05:10
kitty_anyone familiar with bitpim ?05:11
disappearedngHey I can't mount my usb any one can help05:11
pschorfbucky, it shows up with fc-list05:11
dragonfistHi! Is there any other MIDI player other than KMid?05:11
Johnneyleedragonfist: no, that is the only one in the open source community :p05:12
kitty_disappearedng, unplug said usb, wait 10 seconds, re-insert, then from a terminal type in "dmesg | tail" and see what it says05:12
dragonfistjohnneylee : really?05:12
gnomenklaytureis there an alternate wifi manager?05:12
Johnneyleedragonfist: I was kidding, hence the :p05:12
bazhanggnomenklayture, wicd05:13
gnomenklaytureis there another?05:13
gnomenklayturethats it05:13
gnomenklayturethanks :)05:13
kitty_there are alot more but thats the one i use05:13
disappearedngkitty_ usb-storage: device found at 3105:13
disappearedngkitty_ usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning05:13
alastair-eI used the mini 9.04 cd to install ubuntu, but when I started Ubuntu all I can access is the command line, how do I05:14
buckypschorf: did you restart X ?05:14
alastair-e*how do I access the window interface05:14
kitty_finish a sentence, you keep typing till you're done :P05:14
gnomenklayturei couldent remeber it heheh05:14
pschorfbucky, i restarted in frustration :P05:14
bazhangalastair-e, install ubuntu-desktop ?05:14
Dr_Willisalastair-e:  tell the channel what youmean by 'mini 9.04  cd' ?05:14
alastair-eDr_Willis: Looking for the actual name. The iso was called mini.iso05:15
Dr_Willisalastair-e:  sounds like you installed some minimal-cli only ubuntu then.05:15
bazhangalastair-e, the minimal cd iso?05:15
kitty_alastair-e, depending on the packages you installed you may not have installed the "window" interface (X), try "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"05:15
buckypschorf: and you did run fc-cache -fv as sudo ?05:15
kitty_and see if it tells you you have to download 900GB of crap or not05:15
Dr_Willisalastair-e:  you may want to go get the normal 'desktop' cd and install from that05:15
pschorfbucky, yes05:16
disappearedngkitty_ http://paste.pocoo.org/show/135635/05:16
alastair-eDr_Willis: Can't burn it. That's why I resorted to the mini cd. It downloads and installs over the internet.05:16
buckypschorf: does ls -l /usr/share/fonts/truetype/custom  list them all and show them as being root root ?05:16
pschorfbucky, yes05:17
Johnneyleealastair-e: What is it you're trying to do?05:17
alastair-eThe Minimal CD, that's what it's called.05:17
gnomenklayture_what is the terminal command that lets me get gpg keys for sources?05:17
alastair-eJohnneylee: Install 9.04.05:17
pschorfbucky, the permissions are 64405:17
buckypschorf: and -rw-r--r--05:17
alastair-ehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD This is what I'm using.05:17
Johnneyleealastair-e: and you don't want to burn a disc?05:18
pschorfbucky, yes05:18
kitty_disappearedng, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/135636/ <- that is what mine looks like when i plug in a device, if you wait long enough, it'll show you the actual device name05:18
buckypschorf: they do have a .ttf extension and not a .TTF extension right05:19
pschorfbucky, they were TTF05:20
pschorfbucky, should i rename them and restart X?05:20
kitty_alastair-e, is this on a second computer that you're installing ubuntu on so you can talk to us from here?05:21
D3RGPS31when sending mail from a provider to my user account, i get afew hours delay before the mail arrives; what can i do to cure that o:05:21
JohnneyleeCall them?05:21
kitty_alastair-e, when it boots and drops you to a command line, does it say something about "busy box" ?05:21
buckypschorf: for i in fonts/*.ttf fonts/*.TTF; do cp "$i" .fonts; done  and do the sudo fc-cache -fv  again and restart X05:21
gnomenklayture_how can i make update manager stop complaining about gpg keys?05:21
buckypschorf: change the path or cd into the dir05:21
kitty_D3RGPS31, if your mail server (on your user account) doesn't have an MX record they might delay it in attempts to slow down spam05:22
pschorfbucky, thanks, will be back05:22
D3RGPS31Kitty_ thank you o:05:22
spOO`how do i install dsc files?05:23
=== spOO` is now known as spO
Johnneyleeyou need to convert it first sp005:23
spOoh my god05:23
JohnneyleeLet me research it05:24
* Dr_Willis wonders what a dsc file even is.05:24
zvacetgnomenklayture_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257311/05:24
buckyspO dpkg-source -x <name>.dsc05:24
lang2000hi all, why to install wvdial in jaunty?05:24
gnomenklayture_zvacet, thanky05:24
JohnneyleeSorry I was wrong.05:25
Johnneyleesp0: Here is all I got for you buddy. .dsc is a debian source control file05:25
buckylang2000: i install it to dial into my isa dial up modem at work05:25
buckyring ring05:25
pschorfcan someone help me with an issue with truetype fonts in xfontsel?05:26
ddski166anyone have issues with wireless on xps m1330 in jaunty?05:26
lang2000bucky wvdial not present in jaunty05:26
Johnneyleeddskil66: what is the hardware you're using for wireless?05:27
buckylang2000: nobody has a dial up account at an isp or an isa slot anymore05:27
Dr_WillisI have external Serial modems.. In a box in the garrage. :)05:28
buckylang2000 see Dr_Willis ^^05:28
Dr_Willis!info wvdial05:28
ubottuwvdial (source: wvdial): PPP dialer with built-in intelligence. In component main, is optional. Version 1.60.1+nmu2 (jaunty), package size 103 kB, installed size 320 kB05:28
alastair-eHow do you start up the window system from the command line?05:28
Dr_Willisalastair-e:  if its installed.. 'startx'05:28
Johnneyleealastair-e: startx05:29
buckyDr_Willis: you can still use it to communicate over a serial cable i guess05:29
Dr_Willisalastair-e:  if you did a minimal install.. you got a few 100+mb of downloads to do first05:29
Johnneyleealastair-e: or gdm05:29
pschorfbucky, no dice with the rename05:29
Dr_Willisbucky:  thats what i last did with it ages ago05:29
axisysis it possible to shrink a lvm ?05:29
lang2000oke bucky thans05:29
donaldohola perdonenme si ofendo, pero hay alguien que hable espaniol?05:29
macodonaldo: #ubuntu-es05:30
donaldoany speak spanish?05:30
ddski166PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection05:30
buckypschorf: sorry buddy.. out of ideas unless you can do this http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man8/update-fonts-dir.8.html05:30
macodonaldo: en #ubuntu-es, sí05:30
kitty_alastair-e, i'd suggest "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" and then using gdm to start your X desktop05:30
macodonaldo: pero, aquí, solo inglés05:30
kitty_alastair-e, but thats just me05:30
zvacet!es | donaldo05:30
ubottudonaldo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:30
pschorfbucky, thanks for the help05:30
br34ldo i have to open a new terminal for each download i do with wget? seems like05:31
buckyDr_Willis: can you use that to a cisco router or .. there's another app for that05:31
Dr_Willisbr34l:  makes it easier to monitor them that way... you could do 'wget whatever &' i guess05:31
br34lDr_Willis. hmm ok05:32
Guest58668Hello all?05:33
Johnneyleebr34l: I think you can specify multiple files to download. Do you want to download them all at once? or in a queue??05:33
marcelo_br34l, why don't you put them on the background?05:33
jason__putting wget in the background with & doesn't work too well - it continues to spew progress reports on your terminal05:33
Guest58668How do you modify your IRC Name and stuff in irssi?05:34
Dr_WillisGuest58668:  /nick NICKNAME05:34
=== Guest58668 is now known as gletob
Dr_WillisGuest58668:  you may want to check the irssi starters guide.05:34
Johnneyleebr34l: hey do this. download terminator and divide the screen as need be05:34
br34lJohnneyLee all @ once05:34
Dr_WillisTerminator is very very handy. :) Im using it right now05:34
lstarnesgletob: you may also want to check /set and /help set05:34
br34lk, i'll give terminator a try :)05:35
WebcamWonderIs there a way to only let apt check a selected list of packages from a given PPA to be taken as upgrade?05:35
WebcamWonderOther than doing it manually ofcourse05:35
rhlinhello, anyone using ubuntu as a server?  Sorry upfront for the newbie question!05:35
tony123how can i unlock a users folder to copy a file to it?05:35
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jason__br34l, your best option might be to put all the files you want to download into FILE, then run "wget -q -i FILE &" - that should tell wget to silently fetch all the urls in FILE05:35
Dr_Willisrhlin:  the desktop edition can work  as a 'server' also. :) so you may want to clarify the question.05:35
lstarnesgletob: you may also want to check /set and /help set05:35
lang2000any speaks indonesian05:36
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia05:36
lang2000thaks ubbottu05:36
rhlinDr_Willis:  I want to setup a server (file) to access from anywhere, like clients houses, etc.05:36
Dr_Willisrhlin:  thers dozens of ways to do that.05:37
ddski166anyone have their wireless cut out with jaunty with an intel pro/wireless 4965 ??05:37
Dr_Willisrhlin:  simple way. set up ssh, and use ssh to get the files you need.05:37
gnomenklayture_god this is a huge PITA is there a way to automate this key fetching madness?05:38
rhlinDr_Willis:  sorry you lost me at setup ssh...I am new to linux.  Will it setup as a file server where I have to login to access?05:38
Dr_Willisrhlin:  yes.. You may want to go read up on it.05:39
Dr_Willis!ssh | rhlin05:39
ubotturhlin: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)05:39
lakotajamesI'm on linux mint.  when I add ppa's, what do I use as my distro?  intrepid or karmic?05:39
lstarneslakotajames: this channel only supports ubuntu, not mint05:39
Dr_Willisrhlin:  ssh is one of the 'top 10' cool/amazing tools :) that everyone shoule learn about05:40
tyler_d1I'm doing a cifs mount to an ntfs drive and I keep getting mkdir: cannot create directory `marla-pc': Permission denied05:40
tyler_d1I have checked permissions, and this folder exists in /media/ ??05:40
Dr_Willislakotajames:  depends on what one the MINT version is based on. good luck05:40
tyler_d1this is through fstab using mount -a05:40
lakotajamesok, thanks anyway.05:40
rhlinDr_Willis:  I hope to learn it.  I really like this Ubuntu. :)05:40
=== Core is now known as Guest375
Dr_Willisrhlin:  ssh is more then a 'ubuntu' tool. :) its used by many other os's and systems05:41
rhlinubottu:  thanks for the links.05:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:41
rhlinDr_Willis:  so any OS pc will be able to access ssh?  whether is it xp, vista, win2k, etc.  even macs?05:42
Dr_Willisrhlin:  if it has a ssh client. yes.05:42
tyler_d1rhlin: program called putty05:42
joshua__what package contains arch?05:43
Dr_WillisYou can ssh into a ssh server from some cell phones. :)05:43
tyler_d1rhlin: ssh allows you to do alot in regards to administration - port forwarding. x forwarding05:43
jason__rhlin, if you just want file access (and not access to the terminal), winSCP may be a good choice for a windows client; it's smaller and more specialized to just file transfers than putty05:43
* tyler_d1 is currently installing midpssh onto his blackberry05:43
rhlinwithout installing software on every pc, can I log on to my ubuntu box at home that contains files?  The simpliest way to log on?05:44
Johnneyleerhlin: I know how.05:45
Dr_Willisrhlin:  depends on what you wan tto do.. there are some web based ssh clients you can setup05:45
=== Shinobi is now known as Guest72437
Johnneyleerhlin: get a flash drive and get putty.05:45
Dr_Willisrhlin:  then theres the varioyus 'portable apps' you can run on a windows box form a flash drive05:45
tyler_d1rhlin: you may want to investigate a java ssh program, then accessable over the interweb05:45
Johnneyleerhlin: also webmin might be your answer.05:45
tyler_d1rhlin: or alternately a program like orb05:45
a_useranyone know how to do karen language input on 8.04? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_language05:46
Dr_Willisrhlin:  totally depends on exactly what tasks you want to do to the box.05:46
rhlinsomething like "over the internet" connection to back up or retrieve files from the pc that I am on at the time.05:46
Guest375rhlin, would that not need a publuc ip on your PC?05:47
JohnneyleeSounds like you want a website with ftp upload/download05:47
Dr_Willisrhlin:  ssh can get files  back and forth easially enough. or some of the varios web/ftp methods05:48
JohnneyleeLike this http://www.wikiupload.com05:48
JohnneyleeOnly yours.05:48
Pupuser402-2hi pantyhsoe lovers05:48
Pupuser402-2woman talk me05:49
rhlinguest375:  I am not sure.05:49
Guest375a troll kick05:49
macoPupuser402-2: cut that out05:49
rhlinif I shared out the public folder and put the files into that folder could that work as a file server?05:50
rhlinnot that secure though is it?05:50
bazhangPupuser402-2, take that elsewhere05:50
a_useranyone? myanmar fonts?05:50
Pupuser402-2bashbang are woman05:50
macobazhang: thank ye kindly05:51
joshua__how the heck do I get flash working in 64 bit?05:51
leaf-sheep!flash64 | joshua__05:51
ubottujoshua__: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava05:51
simranhmm sumthin weird has happened...everytime i click minimise, the window disappears, but i believe it hasnt closed05:51
bazhanga_user, burmese fonts? what is the language05:51
Dr_Willissimran:  if you have the windows-applet thing closed you dont see them minimized.. try alt-tab?05:53
bazhanglanguage-support-my a_user should have them05:53
a_userbazhang, Karen scipt05:53
bazhanglanguage-support-fonts-my a_user this also05:54
leaf-sheepsimran: I think you removed Windows List from the panel.  Right-click on the panel and add it.05:54
maxxisthey folks.  what is the general consensus on switching jaunty to ext4 filesystem?  stability/speed really there?  I have seen some reviews on places like phoronix.  but i dont want to buggar up my system...05:55
bazhangmaxxist, do you have issues with it, or just wish to chat05:55
macomaxxist: worked ok for me, but some have reported lockups while deleting files. jaunty's kernel, last i heard, didnt have all the patches 2.6.30 has to make it fully stable05:56
maxxistbazhang,  no issues.  I just want to know if its worth the update05:56
maxxistmaco so i should wait till 10.04?05:56
leaf-sheepmaxxist: If ext4 does not exist in first place, you would not use it.  It's all about choices. ext3 is stable but if you want to experiment and try new things. It's your call. :)05:56
macomaxxist: or 9.10...05:56
joshua__uhh, no05:56
maxxisti will wait i think.  i have lots of data i dont wanna lose.05:57
maxxistthanx for the info guys05:57
robert__what will the new 9.10 theme look like?05:57
leaf-sheep!karmic | robert__05:57
ubotturobert__: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:57
danhi is this the help channel?05:58
maxxistmaco yeah i got a little ahead of myself with 10.04 hehe.05:58
br34ldan: yes05:58
spantherdan, free support :)05:58
simranleaf-sheep thanks05:58
danyay! thanks05:58
simrani dnt know how that happened05:58
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava05:58
leaf-sheepsimran: No problem. :)05:58
danalright, i need to partition my harddrive so it is NTFS...what is a program for that? i keep getting gparted but i ran out of cd's and thumbdrives...05:59
joshua__directions provided by !flash64 don't seem to work05:59
leaf-sheepdan: How do you run out of thumbdrives? You reuse the same thing. :P05:59
zirodaydan: to partition your hard drive it has to be unmounted, therefore you have to run gparted from a livecd or liveusb to preform partitioning operations on your hard drive05:59
danleaf-sheep: well i left it at my dorm :(06:00
danziroday: i know on windows it was possible and easy...so its not on ubuntu :o06:00
=== Rolcol is now known as Rolcol_dunce
joshua__what the bloody I thought I installed 64 bit seems to be 32 bit06:01
zirodaydan: I'm not sure what you're doing on windows, but partitioning a mounted drive (especially a drive you're working on) is a really bad idea, its similar to performing open heart surgery on yourself06:01
rhlinis Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit compatible?  will it recognize 4gigs of ram?06:01
danziroday: i need to install windows but i cant because it has to be partitioned as a NTFS...06:01
leaf-sheeprhlin: Yes.06:01
zirodayrhlin: if you download the 64 bit version, yes06:01
zirodaydan: sure, then create a livecd or liveusb with gparted on and create an ntfs or blank partition for it.06:02
leaf-sheeprhlin: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/06:02
danziroday: so i HAVE to use a livecd?...dag06:02
rhlinthanks for the info, everyone that helped me.06:03
zirodaydan: correct, your drive *has* to be umounted to partition and format it06:03
leaf-sheepdan: It's the common protocol. That's why we keep a LiveCD disc after installation (if we used LiveCD method).06:03
danziroday: well thanks anyways :(06:03
bullgard4Where is the origin of the coordinate system of X?06:04
rhlinhey, anyone in Michigan...06:05
rhlinjust wondered.06:05
Dr_Willisdrive -> partioned -> format  to make a filesystem on the parttiion...06:05
zirodayrhlin: you're likely to find some in your states loco channel06:05
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  top left is 0,006:05
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  the special cord -1, normally means as far right or down, as one can get.06:06
Dr_Willisdan:  you can just delete a partition/filesystem and let windows see/partiion/format the filesystem as ntfs during the install06:06
rhlinis there a local channel?06:06
zirodayDr_Willis: he knows that, he wants to do that whilst the drive is still mounted06:07
zirodayrhlin: #ubuntu-us-mi (?)06:07
bullgard4Dr_Willis: What is a "cord" in a coordinate system (in English)?06:07
Dr_Willis(0,0) x/y cordornants06:07
dandr_willis: no. i am installing windows 7. it just says that it cant recognize the file system and gives me no options...06:07
macobullgard4: by cord, ze means coordinate06:07
Dr_Willisactually the X org Coords  are a bit confused compared to Normal Geomtery :)  0,0 = top left,    y goes DOWN.06:08
Dr_WillisX goes to the right.06:09
zirodaygent: Hi!06:09
tony123can someone tell me how i can test the sendmail?06:11
Dr_Willisziroday:  you scared him off..06:11
Berninihello anyone alive in here06:11
Dr_Willis1222 people in here.06:11
Dr_Willisnow whos alive.. is debateable06:11
bullgard4Dr_Willis, this is a right-handed co-ordinate system, which is quite normal in mathematics. But why have the Xorg designers choosen the top left as the origin and not the bottom left?06:12
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  thats how computers have handled it for YEARS  its not the xorg designers that decided.06:12
macobullgard4: thats the usual origin for images, i think. at least, its how things are measured in photo editors and websites06:12
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  you start printing at the top right. and work your way over.06:12
Dr_Willisthen down...06:12
Dr_Willisoops top left. :)06:12
Dr_WillisMakes more sence then the  way math handles it. :)06:13
bullgard4Dr_Willis, maco Thank you very much for explaining.06:13
* Dr_Willis waits for the 1K=1024 vs 1000 fight to start06:13
Berniniok heres where things stand im running mint 6... im trying to use a build script for a module to get my webcam working... but i have to unpack the kernel source from a debian package... using dpkg --unpack (deb source file) tells me that /usr is broken... i dont want to recompile my kernel just unpack it so i can run this build script can someone please help me with that06:14
WisemanI'm having trouble with Steam in Wine.06:14
zirodayBernini: we don't support mint here, sorry.06:14
bazhangBernini, seek support for mint in mint channels thanks06:14
zirodayWiseman: #winehq is probably the place to ask, but what's not working?06:14
bazhang!mintsupport > Bernini06:14
ubottuBernini, please see my private message06:14
Dr_WillisWiseman:  steam works here.. but its flakey06:14
HighLordObsimsg nickserv identify a1s2d3f406:14
Wiseman....as usual.  major video glitches, and X server crashes when I close the game06:14
Dr_WillisWiseman:  and im just talking about the CLIENT. not any specific games. :)06:15
zirodayHighLordObsi: you will want to change your nickserv password now06:15
Dr_WillisWiseman:  check the wine app database for the specifc game.  not just 'steam'06:15
zirodayWiseman: are you running with compiz on?06:15
Berninibazhang thats fine... just help me with unpacking this source code... thats all i need anyway06:15
HighLordObsii hate my keyboard :(06:15
WisemanNo, all effects are off, ziroday06:15
Wisemandr.willis:  half Life 2 is supposed to work fine06:15
Dr_WillisWiseman:  'supposed' to and 'does' are 2 different things.06:16
sarothhi guys i need help with setting up an IRCserver can anyone help pls?06:16
Dr_WillisWiseman:  World Of Warcraft is supposed to also.. but i see people in here every week with issues06:16
Dr_Willissaroth:  install irc server.. read its docs.. run it ?  care to clarify the issue?06:16
WisemanI really feel they hand out those "platinum" rating like halloween candy.06:17
Berniniall i really need help with is unpacking this debian file of my kernel source... no recompile06:17
gartralWiseman: i find HL2/Source engine is alot more stable and better supportted in wine 1.1.2706:17
zirodayWiseman: they don't, have you looked at the howto's on the appdb page?06:17
bullgard4Dr_Willis: How have you produced (keyed in) the line "Dr_Williswaits for the 1K=1024 vs 1000 fight to start"? Chatzilla reproduces 'Dr_Willis' in italics and 'waits for the 1K=1024 vs 1000 fight to start' in blue'.06:17
zirodayWiseman: have you run the game in the terminal and can you give us any debugging output?06:17
Wisemangartral: I have 1.1.2706:17
sarothwell i installed unrealircd and configured the ircd.conf file06:18
gartralWiseman: what kind of CPU you have?06:18
sarothbut am am sure am doing something wrong06:18
WisemanAMD turion 6406:18
Wisemanwith ati radeon 2400HD mobile06:18
gartralWiseman: ouch...06:18
bazhangsaroth, have you asked in #unrealircd06:19
gartralWiseman: OK.. what's the exact problem? just wont play?06:19
sarothah yes, i should doing it now06:19
WisemanIt plays06:19
Wisemanbut major video glitches06:20
* Dr_Willis wonders what bullgard4 it talking about. :P06:20
Wisemanand when I close the game it crashes X06:20
=== Rolcol_dunce is now known as Rolcol
Dr_WillisWiseman:  ati cards are often not the best for WINE. sadly06:20
rhlinnite all, thanks again for the help.06:20
WisemanI keep hearing that dr_06:20
Dr_WillisWiseman:  also the version of wine an be a big factor.06:20
Dr_WillisWiseman:  aparently after  .24 there were some issues in .25 from what ihear06:21
cornjulioxI get no sound when playing mp3s stored locally while firefox is open (i.e youtube), and vice versa no sound in youtube when I have mp3s playing. what's going on here? how do I fix this?06:21
bullgard4Dr_Willis: Can you tell me please how have you produces the last message to me? (It differs in layout from usual messages.)06:21
zirodaycornjuliox: what version of ubuntu?06:21
grozahello my webcam in cheese is very dark06:21
grozawhat can i do06:21
Johnneyleeturn on the lights.06:22
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  its an action with the /me command06:22
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  IRC basics06:22
grozaall lights are turned06:22
Dr_Willisgroza:  but nobody's home?06:22
JohnneyleeTry sudo apt-get clapper06:22
bullgard4Dr_Willis: Ah, I will enquire further.06:22
JohnneyleeThen clap.06:22
Guest375haa haa06:22
grozamy webcam is the problem not the lights06:23
cornjulioxziroday: ubuntu 8.0406:23
zirodaycornjuliox: yeah there's a package that can fix that, but its name escapes me06:23
gartralgroza: what cam?06:23
grozamy webcam06:24
grozait is very dark06:24
* bullgard4 thanks again Dr_Willis06:24
grozawhen using cheese06:24
zirodaycornjuliox: try sudo apt-get install libflashsupport then logout and log back in06:24
gartralgroza: what brand/model cam is it? :P06:24
grozalogitech quck cam chat06:24
Wisemanhow do I switch from one video driver to another?06:25
rhlin_johnneylee:  sorry got disconnected.06:25
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Johnneyleerhlin_: it's cool06:25
zirodayWiseman: in xorg, under the driver section write Driver "driveryouwant"06:26
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rhlin_Johnneylee:  what programs do I need to do what we discussed?06:26
fred_je suis francais06:26
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ziroday!fr | freaky|bday06:26
ubottufreaky|bday: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr06:26
Wisemansorry to hear that, fred06:26
zirodayGuest43614: see above06:27
grozahello my webcam in cheese is very dark06:27
Johnneyleegroza: You should try opening your eyes :p06:27
gartralgroza: thats a 0.3 MP cam, it needs too be used in "low res" mode06:27
Johnneyleegroza: maybe there are preferences in cheese?06:28
grozano there are only efects06:28
=== Core is now known as Guest4101
brainhi, i found a wrong link on ubuntu.com witch finish on a domain-trader- is a webmaster here?06:29
gstany idea how to use skype on ubuntu??06:29
Johnneyleegst: yes I do06:29
Johnneyleegst: http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu06:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about español06:30
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about superepicness06:31
ubottuPHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/php5.html06:31
Cray1johnneylee, guess i screwed up it still is a no go06:31
dragonrigshelo im using ubuntu jaunty but when ever there is a kernel update the older kernels are being stocked up in the GRUB DOS menu. i downloaded ubuntu using Wubi can someone please help me06:31
=== Cipher is now known as Di0z
rhlin_Johnneylee:  thanks for the earlier info...nite all.06:32
dragonrigshelo im using ubuntu jaunty but when ever there is a kernel update the older kernels are being stocked up in the GRUB DOS menu. i downloaded ubuntu using Wubi can someone please help me06:32
macodragonrigs: uninstall the old kernel versions you dont want anymore.  theyll be in system -> administraiton -> synaptic and named linux-image-2.6.28-x-generic with x being some number06:33
Mech0zIs it possible to easy setup a software raid6 with ubuntu? I only want to use the computer its running on as a NAS server and share files to windows clients (Just my desktop and laptop both running Windows 7)06:33
Mech0zI want to be able to keep adding drives (Yes I know I have to rebuild each time I add a drive) without formatting my current array of drives using OCE or is it ORLM ?06:33
dragonrigsmaco:will it defect the system cause i have 2.6.28-15 right now06:34
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macodragonrigs: just keep the newest one and youre ok. usually 1 extra is advised as well just in case06:35
dragonrigsmaco: thanks06:36
pretenderIs anyone here from Thailand06:37
podjackelhey folks06:38
dragonrigsmaco: i found a package named "linux-image-2.6.28-14-geniric" should i uninstall that one06:38
diktalis anyone from mars?06:38
macodragonrigs: if 15's the newest, id keep it and 14 and get rid of anything lower06:39
dragonrigsdiktal: LOL06:39
diktalor saturnus, maybe?06:39
Dr_Willisshh.. you will ruin the invasion plans!06:39
macodragonrigs: that way if an update comes through that modifies 15 and breaks something, you still have 14 as a backup strategy06:39
diktalactually its an annoying question start from jin06:39
* gartral raises his hand at diktal, and says "na-noo. na-noo."06:40
di||itanteits late06:41
diktaldude stop touching me06:41
pretenderIs anyone thai here06:41
tony123who knows about sendmail and anope?06:41
KB1JWQpretender: Likely not.06:41
macopretender: there may be a thai channel06:42
ubottuPlease see #ubuntu-th for Ubuntu in Thailand.06:42
macoah ha! there is06:42
KB1JWQmaco: Nice catch!06:42
Johnneyleemaco: Is pro06:42
diktalmaco i sorry to say to you , but youre more like a geek than a pro, however its ok. so dont mind my words :]06:43
PoisonSerpent_maco: got lucky with that command though. for all he knew, it might've been a codeword to shut down Ubuntu. xD.06:43
pretenderok thanks i will look06:43
nooneelseHi everyone, my pidgin notification icon is not showing anymore, there's some pidgin configuration to clean ?06:43
WebcamWondernooneelse: You mean in the tray, or the online/offlien notifications?06:44
Johnneyleenooneelse: please be a bit clearere about the icon06:44
nooneelseon the NOTIFICATION AREA ADDON06:44
Johnneyleeoh god he replied with yes to a either or question... :p06:44
Dr_WillisJonathanD:  so? :)06:45
br34lnooneelse: plugins - libnotify popups06:45
nooneelseJohnneylee: lol06:45
JohnneyleeSo you don't see when people go on and offline.?06:45
JohnneyleeYes it's libnotify popups.06:45
JohnneyleeIn plugins menu on pidgin06:45
nooneelseJohnneylee: I do see, Imean that notification area (icon with a little letter) is not showing anymore06:45
pyrohotdogCan anyone explain to me why my new machine, despite working perfectly and connecting to the internet and other computers on the LAN, will not respond to pings?06:45
WebcamWondernooneelse: Tools -> Preferences -> Show System Tray Icon -> Check Always06:46
br34li think i solved the same prob 2 days ago06:46
tony123who knows about sendmail and anope?06:46
chriss0Hey guys, is there a program for ubuntu that lets you download video files off video streaming sites? Like, an ubuntu equiv. of Orbit?06:46
macoPoisonSerpent_: two-letter country codes are the usual. i was just trying to remember if thailand was "th". also, i'm not a he06:46
WebcamWondertony123: man sendmail06:46
WebcamWonderchriss0: Look at DownloadHelper addon for FF06:46
Dr_Willis'on the internet , no one knows you are a lemur'06:46
PoisonSerpent_maco: *blush*. Sorry. I feel like an idiot now...06:46
nooneelsechriss0: download the firefox addon called "DownloadHelper"06:46
schismbotmorning all06:47
br34lnooneelse: settings - always show icon ( dont know exactly what it is in english )06:47
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chriss0WebcamWonder, noonelse: Ah, thanks. I'll check it out.06:47
buckypyrohotdog: do you have net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1   uncommented in  /etc/sysctl.conf06:47
nooneelsebr34l: What I've stranged, because on my ubuntu 9.04 fresh install it worked with a ubuntu plugin06:47
nooneelsebr34l: not a pidgin plugin06:48
nooneelsebr34l: but worked fine this option thanks06:48
nooneelseJohnneylee: thanks06:48
schismbotI need some help I am trying to set up a machine and vnc into it. It seems I can't even ping it or anything else on my local network and I think I have everything setup correctly but I am sure its something stupid and simple06:48
nooneelseschismbot: if you can't ping it you can't connect06:49
nooneelseschismbot: so it's maybe a network problem06:49
Mech0zno one knows about raid6 in software mode on ubuntu?06:49
nooneelseschismbot: check the iptables and the network cables and interfaces06:49
pyrohotdogbucky: negative.06:49
buckypyrohotdog: is this some weird wireless thing?06:50
pyrohotdogbucky: It is a wireless connection, but from the machine I can ssh into anything else on the network, and reach the internet.06:50
diktalisnt ubuntu is an os for average customers?06:51
lateralus01anyone ever use the arp utility?06:51
diktali mean those who buy a notebook with ubundtu pre-installed06:51
pyrohotdogdiktal: yes06:52
gsti installed skype...no idea how to use it?06:52
nooneelsediktal: average you mean, office customers06:52
gstany docs??06:52
lateralus01office customers?06:52
Johnneyleegst: man skype06:52
nooneelsediktal: cause if you handle with TEENS they will try to install tons of windows based stuff06:52
buckylateralus01: i have, type arp in a term and see what it says06:53
nooneelselateralus01: and that will be a problem since linux haven't all the junkie software they have in Windows-like06:53
Johnneyleediktal: It's not for everyone yet. It's really a os for someone who wants more.06:53
nooneelseJohnneylee: clean and clear06:53
Johnneyleenooneelse: what does that mean, friend?06:53
lateralus01based on what i've heard arp is a utility for finding a logical address from a physical one (IP from mac address)06:53
buckylateralus01: type arp in a term and see what it says06:54
lateralus01but i can't figure out how to use it06:54
lateralus01i have06:54
nooneelseJohnneylee: means that your explanation was "clean" and "clear"(direct)06:54
br34lexcept gaming06:54
buckylateralus01:          ether   00:0B:23:8D:D1:98   C                     eth006:54
lateralus01bucky: yea that's your arp table06:54
BactaWon't Ubuntu play .mov files in-browser?06:55
buckylateralus01:  that says that the IP addy is bound to my hardware addy (MAC ADDY) 00:0B:23:8D:D1:98 on network device eth006:55
lateralus01but i know routers communicate with each other through arp requests and thats how they update their routing tables06:55
lateralus01that's how they determine mac addresses from IP's which is necessary for routing06:55
KB1JWQlateralus01: Incorrect.06:56
buckylateralus01: man arp06:56
KB1JWQlateralus01: They communicate via routing protocols such as OSPF, BGP, or RIP.06:56
lateralus01KB1JWQ: ?06:56
KB1JWQUnless they route statically.06:56
lateralus01Open shortest path first06:56
buckyding! we have a winner06:56
KB1JWQ(And the (e)IGRP nonsense if you're Cisco centric.06:57
lateralus01i'm just trying to figure out how i can find a the IP of an adapter on my network if i know its mac address06:57
lateralus01its in my router's routing table so how do i ask my router for it?06:57
lateralus01i thought arp or rarp could do that06:57
=== Core is now known as Guest64698
pyrohotdogAny other ideas why this machine is not responding to pings? It's a freshing install of Jaunty.06:59
KB1JWQpyrohotdog: Few reasons.07:00
KB1JWQiptables could be blocking icmp echo requests.07:00
KB1JWQYou could have the wrong IP.07:00
lateralus01pyrohotdog: see if you can nmap the host07:00
pyrohotdognmap: Hosts seems to be down...07:01
lateralus01try -PN option07:01
KB1JWQlateralus01: Yeah, on the same segment an arp request works.07:01
KB1JWQLayer 2 address don't go to different networks, so you're out of luck.07:01
KB1JWQlateralus01: nmap can also tell you. :)07:01
lateralus01i figured nmap could but i was wondering if there was an easy way to retrieve it from the router without scanning the whole damn network07:02
apoleo12I ve been researching for about grub past days and i ve been unsucessuflly working on this problem which that I cannot boot into linux nor windows. What the heck has gone wrong??? Help!?! PLEASE! I have all the links and had read and worked on it with no avail07:02
lateralus01apoleo12, got your partitions right?07:03
apoleo12lateralus: I have THREE Harddrives with all of its partitions07:03
apoleo12want me to map it out for you??07:04
pyrohotdogRTTVAR has grown to over 2.3 seconds, decreasing to 2.007:04
Cray1johnneylee, i got problems, if you are still there07:04
dinexiHello. Is there an easy way to map PrintScreen key to Insert?07:05
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Johnneyleedinexi: why?07:05
tyler_d1dinexi: whats wrong with the middle mouse?07:05
apoleo12lateralus: Im not sure how you assume how I sounded but yes it seemed have it all right but I dont know anyway.07:05
WisemanDr_Willis: i failed07:06
buckytherefore i am07:06
apoleo12I dont know what I have it wrong or whatever07:06
macotyler_d1: macs dont have enough buttons for that or an insert key ;)07:06
WisemanPerhaps if I could swtich to the radeonHD driver I'd be in business.07:06
tyler_d1maco: all you need is 2 butons... press them both together07:07
macotyler_d1: though if you ever see a mac user wanting to shift+insert: fn+enter+insert07:07
dinexiJohnneylee: MS ent. desktop 7000 provides no Insert key :)07:07
spOi wish i could save project files in dvdrebuilder under wine07:07
macotyler_d1: macs only have 1 button, silly07:07
WisemanI tried editing xorg.conf and under "device" I put driver "radeonhd" and the computer refused to start.07:07
tyler_d1maco: doh07:07
Johnneyleecray1: stop disappearing.07:07
dinexi Johnneylee: really it has one, but it can be used only with Fn key, which is not visible in xev07:08
apoleo12because every time I make changes into live CD to access what I need to make changes and reboot to test it out but it reboots when it touches this on the bottom of the screen: "Grub loading stage 1.5"07:08
apoleo12then reboots07:08
JohnneyleeI'm thinking you need a new keyboard?07:08
Johnneyleedinexi: Get a windows keyboard. I have a unix one I'm using now.07:09
tyler_d1maco: what about http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7956007:10
macotyler_d1: like i said, you *can* do the equiv of shift insert...the key's just not labeled "insert". fn+return = insert, it seems since fn+return+shift = shift+insert when using ubuntu on a macbook07:11
macotyler_d1: someone was asking yesterday and stumbled across that07:11
quentusrex_anyone know how to add a folder to the 'File Browser' app? under places?07:11
dinexi Johnneylee: This keyboard is fine excepts the Insert key. As vim fan, I can't live without it :)07:12
tyler_d1maco: the link provided would allow you to custom bind them???07:12
quentusrex_I'm trying to add a mounted NFS share under there like Documents and Music are there.07:12
macoquentusrex_: open a file browser window and drag n drop the folder to the left side bar07:12
Dr_WillisWiseman:  Im luck to rember my own name... what was the issue?07:12
macodinexi: er...you dont use "i" to insert in vim?07:12
Dr_Willis'i' = insert in vi. yes07:12
gsthow do i need to add any skype users??07:12
WisemanDr_Willis: I couldn't get steam to work, someone reccomended switching to the radeonhd driver.07:12
WisemanSo I did.07:13
Wisemanwell, i downloaded it07:13
gstany one of u using it right now?07:13
Wisemanand I edited xorg.conf to say Driver  "radeonhd"07:13
lateralus01HA i got it07:13
macotyler_d1: yeah looks like you can bind new shortcuts with that, but im saying its not necessary because an [unlabeled] key exists. this is just for future reference in case someone else asks again07:13
* Chemical_Weapon está away; sleeping - site[n/a] email[none@none] uin[none] log[on] pager[off] -=[Cyber]=-07:13
Dr_WillisWiseman:  you mean you coudlent get a game to work in WINE via steam...07:13
Wisemanprecisely, Dr_Willis07:13
lateralus01sudo nmap -sP | grep aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff07:13
dineximaco: No, I wish to use "i" as well as regular insert. Because in the different layouts i may move, and Insert may not. :)07:13
maco!away > Chemical_Weapon07:13
ubottuChemical_Weapon, please see my private message07:13
lateralus01that'll do07:13
Johnneyleegst: learn better english?07:14
tyler_d1maco: alternately you could try and find it in gconf-editor07:14
diktalJohnneylee :D07:14
macotyler_d1: im not asking for help...07:14
Johnneyleegst: how can I help you? say it clearly07:14
tyler_d1maco: oh... so you sorted it....07:14
gstdo any of you use skype right now?07:14
macoJohnneylee: uh i think he pretty clearly said he wants to know how to add contacts in skype07:14
celthundergst yes07:15
br34l_he wants to add skype users07:15
macotyler_d1: no... i didnt have a question to begin with07:15
gsti installed it and need to check how it works...07:15
pyrohotdognmap results only found an open vnc port...07:15
apoleo12What am I doing WRONG?????07:15
gsti do not know any id to add as a se user..kyp07:15
Johnneyleemaco: I think you speak his language better than I do07:15
Wisemanso......now what07:15
gst*skype user07:15
macotyler_d1: someone asked how to do insert and you said to use the mouse...and i pointed out that isn't gonna work on all hardware but hey here's a workaround for the most problematic keyboard/mouse combo ever: macbook07:16
tyler_d1maco: lol... sorry, somehow you got mixed in there...07:16
Johnneyleegst: can't you just click the plus in the lower left of the application?07:16
gstcelthunder: looking forward to add any other user07:16
WisemanDr_Willis: I googled and nobody seems to indicate I did anything wrong in the xorg.conf file...07:16
macoJohnneylee: i think he also wants someone to do a test call with07:16
Dr_Willishmm. skype GUI here has a little button with a man and a + sign to 'add users'07:17
paissad-hphi everybody07:17
WebcamWondergst: There should be a echo test user or something07:17
majukgst: Are you saying you want users to Skype with? lol07:17
Dr_WillisWiseman:  all bets are off for ati drivers.. I dont touch them any more.07:17
Johnneyleemaco: I think that he needs to learn a bit more, there is a test user for that purpose.07:17
WisemanDr_Willis: well....I would ditch it and upgrade to an nvidia07:17
Wisemanbut it's a laptop07:17
majukWiseman: What card?07:18
Wiseman<EPIC TROLL>  well...I could just reinstall windows....you know, windows just works </EPIC TROLL>07:18
WisemanATI Radeon 2400HD xt07:18
Dr_WillisWiseman:  also ati has dropped many cards from their fglrx drivers.. so getting good 3d in those cards may be very hard for some time.07:18
JohnneyleeWiseman: I'm so angry now... Grah!07:18
apoleo12so am I07:18
apoleo12in regards of grub07:19
Wisemanyay I got one07:19
Wisemanso what....ati is just screwed?07:19
JohnneyleeWiseman: one what?07:19
WisemanI LOSE!  I GET....NOTHING07:19
Wisemanjohnny_boy: i trole u07:19
br34l_ati...you never win with that *scnr*07:19
spOfrom a base directory/root directory is there a way to go into 11+ different subdirectories and copy all their files into the root/base directory.. .... an easy way to do this?07:20
JohnneyleeWiseman: Oh god I be trole'd07:20
Dr_WillisI for one never plan on buying an ati card  again..  in the forseble future07:20
Johnneyleesp0: yes, you write a long command or a script.07:20
tyler_d1spO: same filenames?07:20
Dr_Willisor use a 2 pane file manager.... 11 dirs. not too hard.07:20
spOtyl, no07:21
apoleo12dr_willis: the tips and advices you've told me were good if i had the grub working but i dont know why it isnt....07:21
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  Grub is just the kidn of thing you got to learn/play witn and experiment with.07:21
Wisemanwhy am I doomed to a life of windows and linux together...WHY MUST I BE THE DAYWALKER HALF-BREED WHO TREADS IN BOTH WORLDS07:21
JohnneyleeWiseman: I are troled by you, I must go punch babies now.07:21
tyler_d1for i in $(find / -name <<filename>>(s)) ; do cp $i /07:22
tyler_d1I would test that but I need an example first spO07:22
gsti tried using skype..i am getting problem with audio playback?07:22
tyler_d1spO: I need an example07:23
* Chemical_Weapon está away; sleeping - desde[03:13:12] site[n/a] email[none@none] uin[none] log[on] pager[off] -=[Cyber]=-07:23
diktalgst: skype sucks.07:23
Johnneyleegst: do you even try to fix the issues, or do you just report here whenever something goes wrong?07:23
DigitalKiwifind $source -type f -exec cp \{\} $dest/ \;07:24
apoleo12dr_willis: which I have for the past 3 days... I've commented out a couple lines in menu.lst safely right?07:24
DigitalKiwispO: ^07:25
gstno idea right now how to start debugging.07:25
spO for i in $(find . -name *) ; do mv $ /mynewdirectory/ does not work07:25
tyler_d1DigitalKiwi: I may just steal that ;)07:25
DigitalKiwimine will ;D07:26
spOi mean07:26
spO for i in $(find . -name *) ; do mv $i /mynewdirectory/ does not work07:26
DigitalKiwityler_d1: go for it07:26
tyler_d1spO: your looking foreverything?07:26
spOi type that at the command line, right?07:26
tyler_d1spO: why are you copying everything to the root?07:26
DigitalKiwi01:20 < spO> from a base directory/root directory is there a way to go into 11+ different subdirectories and copy all their files into the root/base directory.. .... an easy way to do this?07:27
diktalgst: if you get no sound output from skype, but you get audio from other apps that means your skype installation is misconfigured.. any other case youre stuck on a driver issue as well07:27
DigitalKiwithat is what that command i pasted does07:27
spOit is not necesarily root, it is jsut a directory that is at the base of the subdirectories07:27
Johnneyleegst: don't need to debug, just play around with things for an hour before coming here.07:27
tyler_d1spO: then use DigitalKiwi's code... find $source -type f -exec cp \{\} $dest/ \;07:28
=== br34l_ is now known as br34l
spOdigitalkiwi, yeah but i don't understand that07:28
spOwhy do you need  \{\} $dest/ \;07:28
DigitalKiwito make it work right?07:28
spOwhat language is that  ?07:29
DigitalKiwi"why do i need wheels on car?"07:29
WebcamWonderspO: -exec executes the given command uptil \; for all the items found. \{\} adds the find result to the execution statement07:29
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  tell the channel the current problem you are having I guess. and see what turns up.07:29
spOi don't want root as in root /   i want   to move all ./subdirectories to  ./07:29
tyler_d1in other words...very sexy07:30
Dr_WillisUp one dir - '..' :)07:30
Dr_Williscd foo  ;  mv * ..07:30
tyler_d1Dr_Willis: relax your 10 steps behind07:31
quentusrex_how do I delete a 'connect to server' that was bookmarked?07:31
Dr_Willistyler_d1:  :) thats normal for me.07:31
Dr_Willistyler_d1:  i had to go bake a cake. :P07:31
=== hersoy is now known as ersoy
tyler_d1Dr_Willis: don't refer to yourself as cake ;)07:31
Johnneyleequentusrex_ burn the library07:31
Dr_WillisIm so old skool.. im used to writing scripts that print out the commands to run...  a script to make a script. :)07:31
spOso i need to change $source to * and  $dest/ \;  to ".." ?07:31
Dr_Willisfor just 11 dirs.. ya could of done it by hand allready07:32
spOwell where is source and dest defined?07:32
JohnneyleeLol @ Dr_Willis07:32
DigitalKiwichange $source to whatever the parent directory is you want everthing out of and $dest to the destination directory you want07:33
spO{\} is defined by $source  , but where is $dest/  defined07:33
* Chemical_Weapon está away; sleeping - desde[03:13:12] site[n/a] email[none@none] uin[none] log[on] pager[off] -=[Cyber]=-07:33
Dr_Willisor just make an alias called 'moveup' that takes a dir name.. cds to the dir does that mv command. :)07:33
woodwingi edited a sources.list file that i believe ruined my chances for updating ubuntu properly?  I tried grep sources but it is taking a long time, is this the right way to find it?07:33
Caplainwhats a good gui based file browser i could use over ssh X11?07:33
Johnneyleewoodwing: what do you need? a new sources list?07:33
tyler_d1woodwing: you need to find easyrpm on the interweb07:34
JohnneyleeCaplain: pcmanfm07:34
Myrtti!away > Chemical_Weapon07:34
ubottuChemical_Weapon, please see my private message07:34
DigitalKiwiCaplain: use sshfs and whatever file browser you want07:34
woodwingi have a backup of the sources list wherever the folder is that has the list in it, i just forget where it's located.07:34
tyler_d1woodwing: will allow you to re-create, or alternately back out the changes :D07:34
CaplainDigitalKiwi, okies, thanks07:35
woodwingthanks tyler07:35
DigitalKiwipcmanfm is nice07:35
tyler_d1woodwing: np... and the command would then be sudo find / -name "*sources.list*"07:35
spOdigitalkiwi, thank you, i understand it now..... besides bash langauge, you also used find program command language too, right?07:36
tyler_d1same language07:36
tyler_d1bourne again shell = bash07:36
=== b14ck_ is now known as b14ck
spOit is the same langauge but differently named, right? ie find langauge is the same as bash langauge, but it is named differently, right?07:37
spObash lanauge has more commands proabbyl07:37
Johnneyleeyou repeated the first part of your sentence in the last part... Lo07:38
tyler_d1spO: no... find is not a language...thats a command or funciton of the bash language07:38
spOso find is not programmed in c++ language, it is programmed in bash langeu, huh07:38
DigitalKiwifind isn't part of bash :/07:38
tyler_d1linux funtion - invoked by bash "typically"07:39
DigitalKiwiit's not written in bash either07:39
JohnneyleeWow. oh my gosh sp007:39
DigitalKiwizsh > bash ;D07:39
DigitalKiwifind is probably C07:39
JohnneyleeDigitalKiwi: you're write.07:39
JohnneyleeLol joke.07:39
tyler_d1unlike your spelling07:39
Johnneyleetyler_d1: I was making a joke...07:40
tyler_d1I smiled ;)07:40
JohnneyleeWe were talking of programming.. :007:40
kbpI found on Brother website that there are 2 files: LPR driver and cupswrapper driver . Which one is for ubuntu server 9.04 (32 bit) ?07:41
Johnneyleekpb: what are you doing?07:42
kbpJohnneylee: install a new printer07:42
Johnneyleekpb: Oh I see. if you need help feel free to ask my opinion :p07:42
JohnneyleeSpacePigeon, Hey!07:43
SpacePigeoni cannot install libgstfarsight0.10-dev (or ..-0)07:43
tyler_d1prolly need alot more detail to get anything usefull07:44
tyler_d1and patience07:44
SpacePigeontyler_d1, i said the hey answering to Johnneylee07:45
JohnneyleeSpacePigeon: download this lib07:46
tyler_d1SpacePigeon: so you have dependency issues and aparently broken packages - what does aptitude say when you fix them?07:46
spOi have multiple rar files in one directory,  i try rar e *.rar   , but it does nto extract anything,  it works if i do rar e fullrarname.rar  , but not *.rar07:46
spOi gues si will use find langauge again07:47
Dr_WillisspO:  see exactly what '*.rar' does... by using 'echo *.rar'07:47
Dr_WillisspO:  the trick is to rember that the SHELL expands the wildcards befor the program even sees it.07:47
Johnneyleesp0: you're chockful of issues about multiple files tonigh.07:48
BoohbahspO: for i in *.rar; do unrar x $i; done07:48
Dr_WillisspO:  now SOME programs can accept  '*.rar'   and that lets the program see the wildcard.07:48
kevdogGood evening boys07:48
spOokay thanks07:48
Dr_Willisunzip '*.zip' does unzip every zip archive..  'unzip *.zip 'may not work  properly07:48
spOboohab, that is C language or bash?07:49
BoohbahspO: bash07:49
woodwingThanks again tyler, i need to find a good website to help me understand the way the filesystem is set up07:49
Boohbahwoodwing: http://refspecs.freestandards.org/LSB_3.1.0/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-generic/execenvfhs.html07:50
tony123wheres a german chat on here?07:50
Boohbahtony123: #ubuntu-de07:50
kevdogThere is a great extract shell script that makes use of wildcards and such that automates untarring, unextracting, unzipping, etc of archives by simply using extract <archive>  It makes use of shell expansion wildcards07:50
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:50
kevdogspO: bash07:50
spOmy other problem is that i cannot save dvdrebuilder project files under wine, but i guess there is no way aroudn that, so i have to use that program with windows or backup dvds one at a time07:51
DigitalKiwihttp://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ someday i will read this07:51
spOit gives me this error when trying to save project files:  rr:seh:setup_exception_record stack overflow 1324 bytes in thread 0009 eip 7bc3c7de esp 00230e04 stack 0x230000-0x231000-0x33000007:51
Johnneyleesp0: what about norton ghost? Do you need a free solution?07:52
Dr_Willisthere are dvd backup tools for linux07:52
spOjohnneylee, dvdrebuilder   re-encodes dvd9 dvds to dvd5   by using CCE ... the best quality encoder currently07:53
Johnneyleesp0 then kindly disregard my comment07:53
Dr_WillisI never even watch 'videos' from disk.. :)  put them on the hd.. and  thats it..07:54
kevdogspO: isnt CCE not free?07:55
SyncMasterDr_Willis: howdy07:55
cray1Johnneylee you still here?07:55
* Dr_Willis wonders at nonfree encoders that encode to normal formats.. :)07:55
spOcce is not free, no07:56
DigitalKiwik9copy and dvd95 are pretty good, doubt you can tell the difference between them...props if you can07:56
leaf-sheepDigitalKiwi: Tell us. :o07:56
cray1I need help getting broadcom wireless working  :)07:56
apoleo12dr_willis: yes I will be doing this with a possible detailed explanation while i gather info ;)  thanks man07:56
DigitalKiwileaf-sheep: tell you what?07:56
leaf-sheepDigitalKiwi: The difference between them.07:57
Dr_WillisI doubt if my 'good eats' videos will look much better with cce, or k9copy :)07:57
spOi could notice a major difference between cce encoding/dvdrebuilder and   plain old dvdshrink, and i reckon   k9copy and dvd95 are similar to dvdshrink07:57
tony123wie tun tue ich das07:57
kbpapt-get install gnome-cups-manager <---- cannot find packages.... (Ubuntu 9.04 server). Does anyone know how to fix it?07:57
Johnneyleecray1:you can just start a private message with me bud.07:57
DigitalKiwileaf-sheep: between end quality, i doubt you can see a difference07:57
kevdogspO: don't like dvdshrink?07:58
abhifxhi there! my Internet connection keeps on dropping. is there a way to set auto redial?07:58
Dr_Willis!find gnome-cups-manager07:58
spOdvdshrink is nice but it gives very poor quality video07:58
ubottuPackage/file gnome-cups-manager does not exist in jaunty07:58
leaf-sheep!info libgnomecups1.0-107:59
ubottulibgnomecups1.0-1 (source: libgnomecups): GNOME library for CUPS interaction. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.3-3 (jaunty), package size 28 kB, installed size 756 kB07:59
kevdogspO: What's the proposed alternative -- I really didn't know there was one.  I use DVDShrink a lot -- maybe b/c its very easy :)07:59
DigitalKiwidvdsrhink is windows blech08:00
kevdogI'm open to any alternative to dvdshrink -- however buying the CCE -- very expensive for me08:01
spOkevdog,   dvdrebuilder with CCE is the best quality08:01
kevdogspO: How much did the CCE run you?08:01
DigitalKiwik9copy worked very well when i used it last (used it on probably 50+ dvds) can't remember which version that was08:02
spOi am running the trial edition08:02
kevdogspO: Doesn't trial edition have some limitations or time limit?  I thought to purchase the CCE it was like $1K08:02
silv3r_m00ncan the definer of a view be null or no user ?08:03
silv3r_m00nso that when the database is imported somewhere else the views work correctly08:04
spOkevdog, i don't talk about piracy or support of it08:04
kevdogspO: I'm not talking about piracy -- far from it -- I guess I just asked how much the CCE was going to run?  Not sure how that relates to piracy??08:04
ectropydevelopers: how hard is it to create a driver for a usb wifi adapter? I know a bit of C, and I'm considering taking on the project myself.08:05
madhu_hi when i start ubuntu in hp laptop my desktop screen occupies only 3/4th of laptop screen08:05
O__ohi, what is the linux equivalent of dos command: ipconfig /renew08:05
rskectropy: very hard08:05
WebcamWonderectropy: A lot. You need alot of knowledge of the hardware itself08:05
kevdogipconfig/ /renew ?  Why do you need to do this -- there really isn't an exact equivalent command08:05
rskectropy: fetch the kernel from git and se if there's any driver, (you want it anyway to apply patches on)08:06
madhu_kindly let me know wat to do...kevdog/ectropy08:06
O__okevdog, then how do u renew ip in linux?08:06
silv3r_m00nin this particular line >> /*!50013 DEFINER=`projects`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER */   if the view was created with SQL SECURITY INVOKER then will the view work on another system with different users or where the particular definer is not present ?08:06
kevdogDo you want to renew ip from command line?08:06
O__okevdog, yes08:06
kjkWhat's the best thing to do when an update install is interrupted? (system froze, was installing hal update)  Now system won't boot, stops at a prompt I've never seen.08:07
kevdogSee this and then get back to me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57118808:07
SpaceGhostkjk: what prompt is it?08:07
kjkinitramfs? Is that it?08:08
O__okevdog, r u kidding me??08:08
Jean_Baptistehello fellas08:08
kevdogWhat -- It's like 5 lines you have to type -- or just put them in a script file and then just run the script?  Seriously its not that hard!!!08:08
Jean_Baptisteany one know how to dissable man pages in ubuntu?08:08
O__okevdog, where are those 5 lines?08:09
Jean_Baptisteman command simply should not display anything08:09
O__okevdog, all i can see is like a book08:09
ectropyrsk, WebcamWonder, madhu: the Linksys WUSB54GC Version 3 has a different chipset than Version 2 and 1. The chip diagram looks similar, but it's not the same, and the latest RT73 drivers don't work. I'm considering patching the RT73 driver.08:09
kevdogDepends on your setup?08:09
Jean_Baptisteny one has any idea08:09
madhu_kevdog, plz answer my query08:10
Jean_Baptisteplz ...guys...need some help08:10
ortsvorsteher!details | Jean_Baptiste08:10
ubottuJean_Baptiste: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:10
madhu_kevdog, plz answer08:10
kevdogI have not idea: madhu_08:10
WebcamWonderectropy: I am always a little weary of going into kernel dev. That is the dark side, but I hear that have cookies :). Seriously, I haven't even touched it, so I have no clue. But I guess patching might be a lot easier than a brand new driver from scratch08:11
Jean_Baptistethe machine is perfectly fine and its made for practising unix commands..08:11
madhu_kev, thanks, itz getting okay if i restart again...shud i change config08:11
Jean_Baptistesince for the test...they wanted to dissable man pages..08:11
Jean_Baptisteso that no one can see the manal of any command08:11
kevdogmadhu_: Messing with xorg is not my forte08:11
ortsvorsteher!enter | Jean_Baptiste08:12
ubottuJean_Baptiste: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:12
Jean_Baptistei jsut want to dissable man command thats all08:12
apoleo12Im on liveCd and how good is irt to stay up for?08:12
SpaceGhostapoleo12, It being the live cd?08:12
apoleo12yeah it is08:12
N-SHow can I set the "chmod" access rights on a device when mounting it manually? I'd trying to set "chmod 777", since it's an NTFS usbdisk, so all users can access it.08:12
SpaceGhostapoleo12, you can leave it on, or you can also look up how to put it to ram08:12
kevdogWell it looks like my entire CCE question just fell on deaf ears -- Oh well!08:12
Jean_Baptistei jsut want to dissable man command thats all08:12
Jean_Baptistehow do i do it?08:13
N-Shmmm, just realised it could be "umask". Can never remember what values to use though.08:13
apoleo12spacegouhst: Im on live CD running in ram so assiming the same thing as it botted from the HDD08:13
SpaceGhost!enter | Jean_Baptiste08:13
ubottuJean_Baptiste: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:13
kevdogIs there a good umask tutorial?08:13
Gneathere's a bad umask tutorial?08:13
ortsvorsteherJean_Baptiste: why you want to disable man command?08:13
madhu_kevdog, can u refer me to some1 else08:14
SpaceGhostJean_Baptiste, just remove man alltogether.08:14
kevdogHow about just a clear and concise umask tutorial08:14
apoleo12jean: man command isnt able to be disabled08:14
Jean_Baptisteyup that should do..it..08:14
Gneamadhu_: ask your question again, someone might answer08:14
SpaceGhostapoleo12, what are you asking?08:14
Jean_Baptistehow do i remove amn all together08:14
SpaceGhost!enter | Jean_Baptiste08:14
apoleo12space: Im just curious thats all. as Im goin to bed soon and gonna leave this on :)08:14
ortsvorsteher!patience | Jean_Baptiste08:14
ubottuJean_Baptiste: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:14
SpaceGhostapoleo12, as long as it doesn't shut off yo'ure good.08:15
SpaceGhostLater apoleo1208:15
kevdogmadhu_: I'm not too certain who the xorg expert is on the forums.  I'd just make a post in the forums and see who answers08:15
Jean_Baptistehow do i remove all man pages from my machine..?08:15
madhu_gnea, thanks. when i start ubuntu in hp 6530b laptop... desktop occupies only a part of screenspace...help?08:15
SpaceGhostJean_Baptiste, try sudo apt-get remove man08:16
Gneamadhu_: that's not very detailed. please ask again, but give more detail on what's happening. like, what version of ubuntu? what portion of the screen? what res is it running at? what res should it be at? what have you tried so far?08:16
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madhu_kevdog, thanks....i go to forums then? when?08:16
ortsvorsteherJean_Baptiste: why you want to remove man pages from your system?08:17
Gneaplease, don't assume that I or anyone else knows what your problem is. and, this is a help channel, so putting a "help?" there is a bit illogical and annoying08:17
=== jrges is now known as jorgeous
jorgeousis this a help channel?08:18
Gneajorgeous: are you a human being?08:18
jorgeousi am a musician!08:18
SpaceGhostjorgeous, it's supposed to be, but lot of us prefer to hang out.08:18
jorgeousi see08:18
SpaceGhostGnea: to answer your question, no he's not.08:18
jorgeousthey are busy08:18
madhu_gnea. itz ubuntu 9.04. res 1280x800. dont know wat res it shud be at? i tried others in vain. but wheni restart it settles08:18
jorgeousdo u wanna listen my music?08:18
SpaceGhostjorgeous, we're not busy, ask your question...08:19
ortsvorsteher!u | jorgeous08:19
ubottujorgeous: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.08:19
N-SFigured it out myself08:19
Gneajorgeous: please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic08:19
SpaceGhostJesus he thinks he's in offtopic08:19
SpaceGhostGnea: you're on top of it.08:19
Gneamadhu_: sec08:19
GneaSpaceGhost: nothing new08:19
podjackelHey guys, any one know what XF86 means on the keyboard short cuts?08:22
SpaceGhostGnea: cocky much? I suppose you can be since you're on top of it.08:23
Gneamadhu_: okay, what portion of the screen can you see? top-left? another part?08:23
Gnea!attitude | SpaceGhost08:23
ubottuSpaceGhost: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:23
SpaceGhostGnea: Humor. It was a joke.08:24
br34lpodjackel: x server08:24
GneaSpaceGhost: not well taken.08:24
SpaceGhostGnea: I think you should probably not assume that I'm just being a jerk.08:24
SpaceGhost!attitude | Gnea08:24
ubottuGnea: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:24
madhu_gnea, desktop screen in middle part of the laptop screen. entire dtp screen i can see but as small08:24
GneaSpaceGhost: I think you should just cut the whole name-calling bit out.08:24
bazhangSpaceGhost, take chat elsewhere08:25
SpaceGhostGnea, dude really.08:25
Jean_Baptisteubuntu studio 9 get freezed after 1 HR, and manual restart is the only possible option, isn there any solution to this problem other then re install?08:25
Gneamadhu_: if you move the mouse around, does it pan around the edges?08:25
SpaceGhostbahzang sorry, I was just complimenting him earlier and then made a joke about how he replied to me.08:25
pyrohotdog Can I extract a  linux install disk to a folder for pxe use?08:26
GneaJean_Baptiste: possibly, you could try re-routing the way the IRQs are handled with pci=routeirq at boottime08:26
madhu_gnea, no it does not stretch like that with mouse08:26
zahidanybody help me that I connect with samba using xubuntu08:27
GneaSpaceGhost: while I appreciate the compliment (thank you), name-calling tends to fall into the 12-year old category around here. While we don't mind minors in here, we try to make sure that they are treated with respect as well, and make sure that they understand what that level of respect entails.08:27
tdnI need to have a backup script run everytime I boot the machine, after the network has been brought up. I have tried putting the script in /etc/network/if-up.d/, but appearently, this does not work. How do I solve this?08:28
Gneamadhu_: I see... is this taking up the whole screen or does it look like a black box around what you CAN see?08:28
SpaceGhostbahzang: Is there a way to ignore a specific user?08:28
rakesh_i have two laptops but only one lan connection, and i want to have internet in the other laptop too?08:28
grawity!ics | rakesh_08:28
ubotturakesh_: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php08:28
fmatthew5876how can you mount a copy of devfs somewhere?08:29
zahidhowto access samba share data in xubuntu08:29
fmatthew5876sorry wrong window08:29
Gneazahid: #xubuntu might be able to answer your question a bit better08:29
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
Ben64hey is there a way to use 2 network connections simultaneously?08:31
GneaBen64: yes, depending on what you want to accomplish.08:31
theatroof course08:31
Ben64like maybe each tcp/ip session alternates between 2 connections or something08:31
Ben64Gnea: lets say i have cable internet, and dsl, i want to combine them to form a super ultra mega internet connection08:32
GneaBen64: you have just described the concept of "load balancing"08:32
madhu_gnea, yes the unoccupied part of screen is black as u say08:32
Ben64Gnea: uh-huh, but i haven't seen something do that besides specialized dual-wan routers08:32
GneaBen64: ubuntu can do it in software08:33
GneaBen64: most dual-wan routers use linux to do just that08:34
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7824444 Ben6408:34
Ben64Gnea: how :O08:34
GneaBen64: see what bazhang has for you08:34
Gneamadhu_: ah, okay... are you able to get a terminal launched?08:34
bazhangSpaceGhost, please keep it in channel (ie dont PM); generally /ignore nick will do it, depending on your client of course08:34
Ben64round robin dns doesn't seem to be what i want08:35
GneaBen64: here's another one: http://blog.brightbox.co.uk/posts/howto-do-ethernet-bonding-on-ubuntu-properly08:35
madhu_gnea, yes i do08:36
dehqangood day everybody , how can file transfer via bluetooth be enabled ?08:36
Gneamadhu_: alright, have you been able to install the nvidia drivers from the repositories?08:36
Gnea!bluttooth | dehqan08:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bluttooth08:37
Gnea!bluetooth | dehqan08:37
ubottudehqan: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:37
FloodBot2hang: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:37
podjackelany one know what xf86 is in the keyboard shortcuts?08:37
dehqannow it is not possible to send file from phone 2 pc and both bluetooth is on ,methinks file transfer service is not installed ,which package ?08:38
Gneapodjackel: xf86?08:38
Dr_WillisHmm.. only time ive see 'xf86_XXXX' is for the definitions of the special media keys08:38
Dr_Willisnot a key by itself08:38
Gneadehqan: what phone?08:38
Dr_Willisie: 'xf86_play' 'xf86_stop'08:38
dehqanany phone ...08:38
madhu_gnea, how to do it ...nvidia thing08:38
podjackelthat's what i'm refering too08:38
Gneadehqan: but the phone that you are using08:38
Ben64dehqan: you can grab a file on the phone from ubuntu, i've done that before08:38
podjackelbut what is xf86?08:38
Ben64haven't really tried sending to the computer from the phone08:39
Dr_Willisthere is no just 'xf86' key. :0 so...err.. what are you trying to do?08:39
dehqanno ben64 phone is not in list08:39
Gneamadhu_: what's the output of this command:  lspci | grep VGA08:39
dehqanno phone is in list08:39
podjackeljust understand these key bindings, ie, Launch Calculator is XF86Calculator08:39
dehqanbut says08:39
Ben64dehqan: you need to put your phone into .... whatever mode it is that makes it visible to everyone08:40
Dr_Willisdehqan:  i recall  that i had to initate 'pairing' from the phone.. then enter the PIN on the pc.. if i tried it from the pc  it always failed.08:40
coreyman1where can i view boot errors/warnring08:40
dehqanphone is visible08:40
spOben, for bonding, you have to turn off network connection in ubuntu desktop ,   apt-get remove network-manager ... then you have to also change network naming done by  /lib/udev/rules.d/   then you move a file named 75---  something net  persist out of there...08:40
podjackelDr_Willis: I had the same experience, entering the pin on the phone works08:41
madhu_gnea,  this is it,,,,00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)08:41
Ben64spO: sounds complicated :(08:41
Gneacoreyman1: using the dmesg command08:41
dehqanthis error while connectig linux to phone "obex://[00:1c:a4:99:b0:3a]" is not a valid location.08:41
Gneamadhu_: okay, that looks like Intel, not nvidia08:41
Ben64maybe I'll just wait on bonding until I get some P3 to be my router08:41
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.08:41
Ben64unless I can make dd-wrt do bonding08:41
podjackelDr_willis:I'm just trying to understand these key bindings, ie, Launch Calculator is XF86Calculator08:42
kevdogBen64: Do you want to network bond or network conection share?08:42
Ben64kevdog: bond08:42
dehqanthis error while connecting linux to phone "obex://[00:1c:a4:99:b0:3a]" is not a valid location.08:42
Ben64dehqan: sony ericsson phone?08:43
kevdogBen64: OK -- seems strange but I guess thats doable -- you need to bond NICS or bond VPN networks08:43
madhu_gnea, yeah,...wat to do08:43
Ben64dehqan: make sure you pair the pc and phone08:43
Gneamadhu_: read this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance  and try different things08:43
linuxson25Goodmorning everyone08:44
dehqanben64 it is paired now08:44
Dr_Willispodjackel:  basically... but the keys on the keyboard may not match up with what the names of them on the keyboard are. :)08:44
spOben64, it is not complicated  , especialy after you know the settings for the first time08:45
Dr_Willispodjackel:  theres no real 'standard' :)08:45
linuxson25Lovely Saturday morning, nothing like spending it trying to fix Ubuntu :)08:45
br34labsolutely nothing08:45
Boohbahdehqan: what program are you trying to use to connect, and does it understand obex?08:45
linuxson25Got a bit of a sticky situation....trying to install Ubuntu on my Desktop08:45
Ben64spO: how does bonding work anyway? does it alternate packets? alternate tcp sessions? based on load?08:45
dehqanboohbah default one08:46
spOben, besides what i said, you do apt-get install ifenslave ,  then you type ifconfig eth0 down , ifconfig eth1 down,  ifenslave bond0 eth0 eth108:46
dehqanbt manager08:46
foundry87Why is it that while the current version of Pidgin is 2.6.x, there is nothing in the update manager for an update when I'm currently at 2.5.5?08:46
linuxson25Its a cloned live-cd version of my laptop, which means I cant install it from within the live-cd, cause of graphics driver problems08:46
Ben64foundry87: use pidgin ppa to install a new version08:46
Dr_Willisfoundry87:  because ubuntu dosent update to the latest every time a new version comes out08:46
pyrakdoes one usually back up her generated ssh key pair?08:46
madhu_gnea, thanks v v much....i will do that08:46
linuxson25I've tried sorting it out by reconfiguring and all the little tricks one can try....but alas08:46
spOben, then you also isntallt he two scripts that you find on websites,  there are about 4 differe modes, the mode i have alternatives  packets from one device to another,  you can also set it so one is a backup device and you can also set it up so both are used at the same time , but that requires newer hardware ro something , i have mode 008:46
rskfoundry87: ubuntu only updates versions if there's a security fix usually08:47
kevdogfoundry87: Its only been released within the last 48 hours.  You need to compile from source or grab the deb from getdeb.  Its not been added to the Jaunty repositories and probably will not be.  It will show up in Karmic however08:47
pyrakalso, does one usually use the same key pair on all the machines one owns?  even servers?08:47
Gneamadhu_: if you run into any snags, let us know08:47
dehqanboohbah bluetooth manager08:47
foundry87rsk: I see, why's that?08:47
rskfoundry87: that's the policy08:47
Ben64spO: cool, thanks for the info08:47
foundry87Okay thanks :)08:47
linuxson25When I boot it up, it gives a short list of commands to either install, check the media, run memtest and what else....but I cant type anything, cause my wireless keyboard and mouse havent loaded yet08:48
linuxson25There any way I can get around this08:48
madhu_gnea, sure bye thanks vv much08:48
linuxson25Would like to install the distro to my desktop first, before I start to try and fix the graphics driver issue08:48
dehqanthis error while connecting linux to phone "obex://[00:1c:a4:99:b0:3a]" is not a valid location.08:49
kevdoglinuxson25: Have you tried alternate CD installation method?08:49
Dr_Willislinuxson25:  usb keybord? or bluetooth?08:49
spOben , you have to change or move  the /var/lib/udev/rules.d file because if you do not it will keep on updating the names of the eth0 and eth1 cards by chanigt hem to eth0_rename or eth3 or something,       and it has problems with this because after you use bonding for a first time btoh network cards have the same hardware address or something08:50
linuxson25Dr_Willis: USB08:50
spOben,  /lib/udev/rules.d   updaates /etc/udev/rules.d08:50
Dr_Willislinuxson25:  ive had some odd machines that the GRUB menus dident like the USB keyboard. I had to use a PS2 keybord to get past grub08:50
Dr_Willislinuxson25:  theres normally a 'usb legacy' setting in the bios that may or may not  make it work better.08:51
linuxson25kevdog: Alternate? I can try and install the original Ubuntu JJ first, and then maybe boot it up and then run the cloned version inside the desktop....but its such a long way around08:51
heoWhy does it find .git-folder? find . \! -name .git08:51
linuxson25Dr_Willis: Hmmmm....will need to have a look see then08:51
kevdoglinuxson25:  No the alternate CD -- which is a non graphical way of installing Ubuntu -- It doesnt have all the pretty pictures but presents with a lot more options such as the ability to dmcrypt08:52
linuxson25kevdog: How would I do this? Is it possible to do a non-graphical installation with my clone-version live cd?08:53
linuxson25Dr_Willis: The strange this is though.....it picks up my keyboard as soon as the pc posts, and I can enter the BIOS everything....just as soon as it starts reading the disc and gives you the menu...bamn....no keyboard08:54
SandCatI am about to completely redo my hard drive (everything is already backed up) any tips on how I should arrange my partitions for a windows/ubuntu dual boot setup?08:55
jumentoushi, i've got a folder owned by me set to a group, i want anyone in that group to be able to create files (not just write) in that dir. i thought it was the g+s bit but that doesn't seem to work, any help?08:55
kevdoglinuxson25: I'm going to play dumb here b/c I don't know what a clone-version live CD is?  The alternate CD is different. Here is a list of available downloads: http://ubuntu-mirror.cs.colorado.edu/releases/jaunty/08:55
linuxson25kevdog: Oh...sorry man. I used remastersys to make a backup - "clone" - of my laptop installation. Pretty neat software08:56
linuxson25kevdog: Now I am trying to install it on my desktop08:57
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linuxson25Dr_Willis: Got the USB keyboard issue sorted out. BIOS actually had a easy setup for this. Just enabled USB keyboard and mouse support08:57
linuxson25kevdog: I dont generally have a problem with the normal install of Ubuntu on my desktop pc. When I use the "normal" Ubuntu Jaunty disc, it installs without a glitch.08:58
Dr_Willislinuxson25:  yep. 'legacy support' - I had one odd box that IF i had that enabled.. windows wouldent work with it.. bit of a bother.08:59
Dr_Willislinuxson25:  fixing things like this i think is one of the many reasons for the move to GRUB208:59
linuxson25kevdog: But anyway, I got it sorted. Just needed to sort out my USB keyboard support. Installing it now :)08:59
dhruvasagarHi anybody there?09:00
dhruvasagarI have a small question09:00
linuxson25Dr_Willis: GRUB2? Hmmmm....how can I get my hands on this?09:00
Dr_Willisone reason i hate that 'pick language' question. :) i think if it dident pop up.. the thing would just default to the first entry09:00
Gnea!ask | dhruvasagar09:00
ubottudhruvasagar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:00
Dr_Willislinuxson25:  its in teh repos.. and to be default on the net release.09:00
kevdoglinuxson25:  Thanks for the remastersys info -- I new about creating custom distros however I didnt know this would back up your installation??  cool09:00
Dr_Willisnext release09:00
dhruvasagarI wanted to add ubuntustudio packages to my normal ubuntu, I know this is not the right channel, but ubuntustudio is unresponsive09:01
linuxson25kevdog: Pleasure09:01
linuxson25Dr_Willis: Thanx for the info, and the help. Appreciate09:01
Dr_WillisI dident  realize Ubuntu Studio had their own repos...09:01
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org09:02
dhruvasagarI had earlier added ubuntustudio source in my apt, but after upgrading to jaunty it seems to have been removed09:02
bazhangdhruvasagar, ubuntustudio-desktop is the package you need09:02
linuxson25kevdog: You can even make redistributable copies of your system09:02
dhruvasagarDr_Willis: it does, and I had them earlier09:02
dhruvasagarbazhang: oOO09:02
dhruvasagarbazhang: thanks :)09:02
Dr_Willisdhruvasagar:  upgrading does clean/remove the 'unofficial' type repos from the list befor it upgradew09:02
kevdoglinuxson25: Yea I gathered that -- Wow -- to make a redistributable copy of my system with e17 -- that is good stuff!!09:02
dhruvasagarDr_Willis: yes I know that09:02
dhruvasagarDr_Willis: yes I know that09:03
dhruvasagarDr_Willis: this was my second upgrade09:03
dhruvasagarDr_Willis: I started out with 8.0409:03
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dhruvasagarUbuntu rocks :)09:03
Dr_WillisI always do clean reinstalls.. :)09:03
Guest20517excuse me .  I  install the IE 6.0 on ubuntu, but how can I watch flash on it ???09:04
dhruvasagarDr_Willis: why?09:04
linuxson25kevdog: You can create cdf and iso filesystems09:04
bazhangGuest20517, via wine?09:04
Dr_Willisdhruvasagar:  works better for me. with my /home on its own partition.. its trivial09:04
kevdoglinuxson25: cdf?09:04
dhruvasagarGuest20517: you will have to download the flash player plugin for IE for windows and run it through wine09:04
* kevdog off topic -- Forget wine!!109:05
* dhruvasagar test09:05
Guest20517Thank you every one I will try09:05
linuxson25kevdog: Not too sure myself what that ext is, but there is an option in the menu to create a redistributable cd, where you can add files later on to the cd. I am gathering this is what it means09:05
GneaGuest20517: uhm, there's a flash installer that comes with the ie installer09:06
O__oIE6 on ubuntu? so lame09:06
ikoniaO__o: pointless09:07
dhruvasagarbtw can someone remind me the name of the package for IE09:07
Guest20517Or  Firefox can go into website which IE only?09:07
majukO__o: Leather patches on a suede jacket.09:07
ikoniadhruvasagar: IE doesn't exist for linux properly, there are 3rd part products like IE on linux, but they are not good09:07
dhruvasagarThere was a package for installing various versions of IE09:07
dhruvasagarI have installed it earlier09:07
grawityO__o: Unfortunately, some websites (especially internal company stuff) still are only compatible with IE6.09:07
ikoniaGuest20517: there are some firefox plugins that simluate IE behaviour, check out the firefox plugins09:07
dhruvasagarikonia: hey! you seem to be always here!09:08
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GneaO__o: there are web developers that use ubuntu, it helps to have ie there for testing09:08
ubottuies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!09:08
O__oi dont understand why sites make it only compatible with IE?09:09
dhruvasagarthat was the name!09:09
Dr_WillisO__o:  lazy developers.09:09
GneaO__o: because some people like it that way09:09
O__ospecially business site or some banks?09:09
dhruvasagarso the question I really wanted to ask was, last time I checked ies4linux didn't install on 64 bit09:09
Dr_Willisall bank sites ive seen  works for all the browsers ive tried.09:09
rskO__o: never under-estimate how slow people are.09:09
linuxson25dhruvasagar: ie4linux-
ikoniadhruvasagar: still doesn't really09:09
simranhi can anyone help me play .mov files from apple site...every time i click a trailer, it crashes and cancels f-fox09:09
jamieleshawDoes now09:09
ikoniajamieleshaw: really ? when did that happen09:10
Gneasimran: download it and run it with mplayer09:10
dhruvasagarjamieleshaw: it does?09:10
O__oi just try to avoid those company and banks09:10
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jamieleshawI'm on 64bit right now I was using it a monet ago, works fine09:10
simranim using mplayer+mplayer plugin+w32codecs+restricted-extras09:10
KoolDwindow close09:10
ikoniajamieleshaw: is it a 32bit application still or native 64bit /09:10
GneaO__o: then do so09:10
simrangnea, there is no way to stream it mate?09:10
jamieleshawDon't know but it works09:11
dhruvasagarikonia: jamieleshaw: :)09:11
dhruvasagarjamieleshaw: well i'll try installing it again sometime soon09:11
Gneasimran: eh, the encoding can be a bit odd at times. if downloading it and playing it back doesn't work, then maybe you don't have the right codec or maybe one doesn't exist09:11
jamieleshawI used the linux tar09:11
dhruvasagarikonia: often IE is required which working with CSS09:11
jamieleshaw& PayPal Sandbox09:12
dhruvasagarikonia: while* working with CSS09:12
simranhow to dl them09:12
jamieleshawIE 7 OR 809:12
ikoniadhruvasagar: I'm aware of it's uses09:12
br34lwhat is this css u're talkin aboutß09:12
jamieleshawIt has IE7 in it now09:12
dhruvasagarikonia: :-|09:12
ikoniabr34l: cascading style sheets09:12
linuxson25Cascade Style Sheets09:12
O__oCSS = counter strike source :)09:13
br34lthats what i thought09:13
ikoniajamieleshaw: where did you get IE 7 or 8 - ie4linux is only up to IE609:13
dhruvasagarO__o: haha09:13
jamieleshawWrong, it has IE7 now09:13
jamieleshawCheck it again?09:13
dhruvasagarikonia: no last time I used it, it had ie 709:13
ikoniajamieleshaw: website just says 5 5.5 609:14
b3rz3rk3rhow does one compile from source if the makefile is provided? Because then you cant "./configure" to generate it for your machine09:14
linuxson250__o: No wonder my sites kept on getting "shot" downl09:14
jamieleshawikonia, It's BETA09:14
O__ohead shot09:14
WebcamWonderb3rz3rk3r: make?09:14
dhruvasagarb3rz3rk3r: just do a make09:14
jamieleshawikonia, But works fine.09:14
ikoniaahhh yes, I see it in the beta section, thank you09:14
Dr_Willisb3rz3rk3r:  depends on the code. theres altertives to ./configure  :)09:14
dhruvasagarjamieleshaw: were you able to install it fine in 64bit?09:14
jamieleshawJust install as you would normally.09:15
dhruvasagarjamieleshaw: when I had tried about 6 months back I had some issues09:15
ikoniayou've said that09:15
b3rz3rk3rWebcamWonder,  dhruvasagar Dr_Willis tried just running make and it threw errors at me09:15
dhruvasagarjamieleshaw: no I tried on 8,1009:15
nmvickyany alternative to fsck that is more powerfull than fsck, i have tried to repair my flsh disk in vain09:15
jamieleshawI'm using 9.10, works seamlessly.09:16
dhruvasagarb3rz3rk3r: well that either means you don't have all the dependencies or there are errors in the code09:16
dhruvasagarjamieleshaw: 9.10 ??09:16
jamieleshawSorry, I mean 9.0409:16
ikonianmvicky: depends what the problem is09:16
O__owill the next version of ubuntu calls ubuntuX or something like that?09:16
dhruvasagarjamieleshaw: you meant 9.04 right?09:16
ikoniaO__o: 9.10 karmick09:16
dhruvasagarjamieleshaw: :), yea I am on 9.04 now too09:16
ikonia!910 > O__o09:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 91009:16
ikonia!9.10 > O__o09:17
ubottuO__o, please see my private message09:17
O__oi mean after 9.1009:17
jamieleshaw!Karmic Koala09:17
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:17
linuxson25jamieleshaw: You almost had me running to the Ubuntu site to download the newest 9.10 release....lol09:17
b3rz3rk3rdhruvasagar, i checked the dependencies myself and the errors were'nt related to that. I have since found a different way of installing it, but what else can i do in future?09:17
ikoniaO__o: not named yet09:17
indian_munnda_can anyone help me in installing pidgin plugin musictracker????09:17
jamieleshawikonia, What is not named yet?09:17
dhruvasagarb3rz3rk3r: well genenrally it is important to run the ./configure to ensure that you have all the dependecies ...09:17
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete09:17
leaf-sheepO__o: The name?  It's Karmic+109:18
ikoniajamieleshaw: version passed 9.1009:18
b3rz3rk3rdhruvasagar, it was looking for a directory that didnt exist, which caused it to stop09:18
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ikoniajamieleshaw: past 9.10 sorry09:18
dhruvasagarindian_munnda_: I think that you will get along pidgin-plugin-pack09:18
jamieleshawikonia, I don't understand what you mean?09:18
BoltClockanyone uses ubuntu hardy with an ati radeon hd4850 card?09:18
dhruvasagarb3rz3rk3r: is the application something you created or worked ?09:19
ikoniajamieleshaw: the version of ubuntu that will come after 9.10 has not been named yet09:19
O__oubuntu needs to hire some artist to design a better default theme.  something beautiful like osx09:19
indian_munndadhruvasagar: dude its not pre installed dude, and i got the source but not able to install it, so finding any help here..09:19
nmvickyikonia: probably its filesystem,well i plugged it out of my system while it was still in use, colud this be repairable?its a LG flash disk, i have tried repairing it with a windows XP CD(thought i trust linux to be more powerful)  but still nothing, the most common output is something like permissions on the device.09:19
jamieleshawikonia, Yes, I understand now.09:19
ikoniaO__o: if you look on ubuntuforums there are some good art discussions09:19
linuxson250__o: you can download OSx type themes for Ubuntu09:19
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: there is a package in the repos09:19
O__oikonia, i mean default theme09:19
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: I know its not pre-installed09:19
ikonianmvicky: which file system is on it09:19
indian_munndadhruvasagar: can u name it please09:19
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: the package name is pidgin-plugin-pack09:19
ikoniaO__o: yes, and there are some good discussions on it on ubuntu forums09:19
O__othat u dont need to tweak it after09:19
jamieleshawThere is actually a graphics team, but it's still in the making.09:20
indian_munndadhruvasagar: ok let me install that first09:20
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: you can check out its details in synaptic09:20
b3rz3rk3rdhruvasagar, i was trying to compile neverball from source, and after getting the dependencies i tried to "./configure" and it just said command not found09:20
jamieleshawThe Time selector in Jackolope was the work of the graphics team.09:20
dhruvasagarb3rz3rk3r: neverball is cool :)09:20
ikoniab3rz3rk3r: that appolication does not use configure09:20
ikoniab3rz3rk3r: read the README file and INSTALL files09:20
b3rz3rk3rikonia, right, i saw that the makefile is provided, so what else do i do09:20
b3rz3rk3rikonia, oh.. ok09:20
dhruvasagarb3rz3rk3r: well firstly I would suggest you to probably go to getdeb.net and check if you can directly get the .deb file (if I remember correctly it is there)09:21
nmvickyikonia: right now it has no filesystem, when i plug it in my system it just appears as a USB drive which is not mounted.09:21
ikoniabenoitc: read the README file and the INSTALL files09:21
ikonianmvicky: what file system should be on it09:21
Dr_WillisInstall the README and  read the INSTALL file. :)09:21
dhruvasagarb3rz3rk3r: configure is actually a script09:21
b3rz3rk3rdhruvasagar, iv got it now.. it was in the repos, just wanted to see if i could build from source to get more confortable with it09:21
indian_munndadhruvasagar: i got the plugin in the repos itself. :)09:21
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: that is what I had said :)09:21
linuxson25Well, I got good news, no, make it GREAT news everyone!!!! Got Ubuntu working on my desktop, straight from the cloned live-cd!!09:22
indian_munndadhruvasagar: i have installed it and now checking it..then let u know whther its working or not09:22
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: great :)09:22
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: btw where are you from in India?09:22
Dr_Willislinuxson25:  using what tool was that now?  i forgot the name.09:22
linuxson25I recently installed the KDE dekstop, and after installing it on my desktop, just asked it to boot into KDE environment instead of gnome09:23
Psi-Jack__Okay.. So my router, presently, has only a small annoyance.09:23
Psi-Jack__When eth1, my net interface, comes up, it replaces /etc/resolv.conf with that retrieved via the DHCP.09:23
dhruvasagarlinuxson25: I don't quite understand how that is great...09:23
Psi-Jack__I don't want that, I want it to stay as I put it, or to adjust it with resolvconf to settings specifically supplied by wherever it gets that.09:23
linuxson25Dr_Willis: Remastersys09:23
Psi-Jack__Cause, I have my own domains. I have my own DNS, I don't want my router out of sync with that.09:23
dhruvasagarlinuxson25: maybe I am not interpreting your correctly or something09:23
nmvickyikonia: vfat09:23
Dr_Willis!info remastersys09:23
ubottuPackage remastersys does not exist in jaunty09:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remastersys09:24
jerriyUbuntu question: update maneger refuses to update09:24
majukPsi-Jack__: I forget the exact option, but there's a way to call dhcpcd without pulling DNS info09:24
dhruvasagarDr_Willis: is the spellings correct ?09:24
SlartPsi-Jack__: there are some settings for the dhcp client you can set.. I think that's what's overwriting the file09:24
linuxson25dhruvasagar: I have been going at it straight for 12 hours now, trying to install the cloned version om my laptop on my desktop pc, but after logging in, it would just give me a white screen. I got it working now, by booting into the KDE environment09:24
dhruvasagarjerriy: does it give you an error message ?09:24
SlartPsi-Jack__: there is a keyword called "prepend" that might be useful09:24
Dr_Willisapt-cache search remaster --> blank. :()09:24
dhruvasagarjerriy: most likely you need to do a 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to clean any errors you might have had while update last time09:25
jerriydhruvasagar certain things are not updated09:25
wiehanhow to I get files off of my home partition onto my winXP installed under VIRTUALBOX?09:25
dhruvasagarlinuxson25: what exactly does a cloned version mean ?09:25
Psi-Jack__majuk: Well in the dhclient.conf, there's options and such, but so far, everything I've tried, still results in the same thing.09:26
indian_munndadhruvasagar: thanks it working successfully like in gtalk....:P09:26
jerriydhruvasagar I can't update specifically 2 things that nevertheless appear among the lists in update manager!!!09:26
Psi-Jack__Slart: --^09:26
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: awesome :)09:26
indian_munndadhruvasagar: u too from india?09:26
linuxson25dhruvasagar: I used the software remastersys to "clone" my laptop installation to my desktop pc09:26
Dr_Williswiehan:  the OS in vurtialbox can access the linux box as if the 2 machines were on a LAN. via samba/shares.. OR virtualbox has its own special 'share' that windows can access if you install  the vbox guest addations. (see the vbox docs)09:26
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: yea Bangalore09:26
majukPsi-Jack__: like a line "option nodns" in the interfaces config didn't do anything?09:27
jerriyIt's in ubuntu jaunty09:27
Psi-Jack__majuk: Nope. It still pulled it.09:27
nmvictorikonia: any ideas?09:27
indian_munndadhruvasagar: do u know any expert in Ubuntu?09:27
Psi-Jack__majuk: And set it.09:27
SlartPsi-Jack__: I've used the prepend options at one point.. not sure if they've changed anything since then.. as a last resort you could set resolv.conf to read only.. but that's a poor solution if you ask me09:27
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: ikonia is quite an expert09:27
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: but there are lots of experts here in this channel09:27
indian_munndadhruvasagar: is he in india?09:27
linuxson25dhruvasagar: I made an exact copy of my already istalled Ubuntu distro09:27
Psi-Jack__Slart: Indeed, it is a poor solution, especially since dhclient runs as root and it wouldn't effect it.09:28
linuxson25dhruvasagar: The software lets you make redistributable backup copies09:28
dhruvasagarlinuxson25: I had thought so, just wanted to confirm, now that is AWESOME!09:28
majukPsi-Jack__: Google tells me etherconf con turn DNS on/off for an interface09:28
Psi-Jack__majuk: Oh! you mean in the /etc/network/interfaces?09:28
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: no I don't think ikonia is from India09:28
linuxson25dhruvasagar: Yeah, I know09:28
linuxson25dhruvasagar: So happy right now!!!09:29
jerriyJaunty update manager "forbids" updating 2 distros09:29
Psi-Jack__majuk: etherconf? That's not... In my root path.09:29
dhruvasagarlinuxson25: If only I knew about this earlier, I wouldn't have had to install everything I needed all over again when I changed my laptop!09:29
dhruvasagarjerriy: did you try the command I told you?09:29
* Gnea wonders why sound in firefox/youtube had decided not to work anymore...09:29
indian_munndadhruvasagar: Actually i wanna have a seminar in my college in which an expert will speak to te people about the ubuntu benefits.09:29
Psi-Jack__majuk: Ahh, etherconf must be a Gnome thing?09:30
wiehanDr_Willis: Failed to retrieve share list from server09:30
majukPsi-Jack__: I dunno, blame Google.09:30
richardcavellGnea: Are you in Karmic or Jaunty?09:30
SlartPsi-Jack__: read only files are automatically overwritten by root? what version of ubuntu are you running?09:30
indian_munndadhruvasagar: so i need an expert for that who can tell all my guest about linux.09:30
Psi-Jack__Slart: 9.04-server09:30
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: I think you should ask that question directly here itself, not direct it to me, I have good experience in Ubuntu, but I don't consider myself an expert by any means09:30
Psi-Jack__Slart: And yes, root can still overwrite readonly files. Root is god.09:30
Dr_Williswiehan:  then ya dont have the networking/shares setup right..  you could also use ssh, and install winscp on the windows virt machine.. or use the vbox guest addations.09:30
SlartPsi-Jack__: are you really sure root doesn't respect the permissions for files?09:30
richardcavellOn Karmic sound is completely snafu09:30
dhruvasagarjerriy: you can try to remove and reinstall those 2 packages which are stuck / corrupt09:31
indian_munndadhruvasagar: are u a member of ubuntu-in?09:31
Slart!karmic | richardcavell09:31
ubotturichardcavell: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:31
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: ubuntu-in ?09:31
richardcavellSlart: root can do anything09:31
jerriyf- spot and gstreamer0.10-plugins09:31
Psi-Jack__Slart: Pretty sure, yeah.. But I don't want a dirty hack either, not for my routing server.09:31
Slartrichardcavell: give it a try.. please09:31
indian_munndadhruvasagar: ubuntu india channel name....:)09:31
Gnearichardcavell: jaunty. what I have are 2 soundcards: an audigy and an x-fi usb.  they won't work at the same time under pulseaudio, as the audigy takes pulseaudio and throws it through a meatgrinder, causing pa to crash and burn. i've blacklisted the audigy module from loading so i could plug the usb back in.09:31
richardcavellSlart: I know that, I was replying to Gnea09:31
richardcavellGnea: pulseaudio seems to be working poorly09:31
Gnearichardcavell: so I ran pa again, and sounds work - except for within firefox09:31
MatBoyfor an eeepc, ubuntu supports it all... but is there still a reason to chose for something like eeebuntu ?09:31
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: I am now :)09:32
richardcavellPlenty of people have had issues with two sound cards09:32
richardcavellor even a sound card and integrated sound09:32
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: but not many people there09:32
=== hyy is now known as hyya
dhruvasagarjerriy: I hope you read my previous messages to you09:32
indian_munndadhruvasagar: yeah u r right09:32
richardcavellGnea: I'd try to help you but I can't get my own PA working09:32
Slartrichardcavell: oh.. it still applies though.. take gnea with you to #ubuntu+1 =)09:32
Gnearichardcavell: probably, and I even found some configuration directives for pa to work with the audigy, but it still didn't take right09:32
Gnearichardcavell: what's wrong with it?09:32
richardcavellSlart: he's using Jaunty09:32
majukPsi-Jack__: Hey, see the 'request' line? Can to specify one of those per interface?09:32
Slartrichardcavell: bah.. nevermind me then09:33
richardcavellGnea: You can try #pulseaudio09:33
GneaSlart: why #ubuntu+1?09:33
Psi-Jack__majuk: I see it, but the request line for me, doesn't work.09:33
richardcavellGnea: You're on the right channel.09:33
Gnearichardcavell: I have, even they haven't been able to fix it (the audigy bit, that is)09:33
jerriyyou mean 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'? yes I've read it09:33
Gnearichardcavell: I know I am :)09:33
richardcavellGnea: There are some guys on the pulse audio channel who really know what they're doing09:33
SlartGnea: I got the impression you were discussing sound on Karmic.. my bad09:33
GneaSlart: np. I don't run alpha or beta releases.09:33
linuxson25Ok, this is kinda weird.....I can boot into KDE desktop on my desktop pc, but as soon as I log off and try gnome, I get a white screen again09:34
richardcavellGnea: it is possible to uninstall pulseaudio completely and still have sound09:34
linuxson25Anyone maybe know why that is?09:34
indian_munndadhruvasagar: actually there is a very big ubuntu community in india but we are unaware of that. They all meet in JNU campus many times in a year. There is always a big meeting but i dont know when it happens09:34
majukPsi-Jack__: What do you mean? If you take "domain-name-servers" out of the request line, it still calls for DNS info?09:34
Gnearichardcavell: eh, there's a catch-22 here, though09:34
Psi-Jack__majuk: Well, apparently, because it still overrites the resolv.conf for me.09:34
richardcavellGnea: like what?09:34
dhruvasagarindian_munnda: there are actually a lot of communities my friend, not just one :)09:34
majukPsi-Jack__: Well if that were configured like that, NOTHING should make a DNS call.09:34
majukThen you got other problems, I dunno.09:35
indian_munndadhruvasagar: i have heard of only that one in india...:P09:35
Gnearichardcavell: alsa works great with the audigy. but I can't seem to get the mic to work. alsa only provides a basic functionality with the x-fi usb, whereas pulseaudio opens the features of the x-fi up (like changing the volume and using the mic. surround 5.1 works, from what i've heard, although i've yet to test it)09:35
majukPsi-Jack__: Install Gentoo, this would take a whole 1 line.09:35
Psi-Jack__majuk: Bleh. I use gentoo at work. I don't want it at home. :p09:36
richardcavellGnea: I don't know enough to be able to help you09:36
Gnearichardcavell: so basically, the audigy will only work with alsa, and the x-fi will only work with pulseaudio09:36
Gnearichardcavell: thanks for trying :)09:36
richardcavellGnea: when you get your PA fixed you can help me fix mine XD09:36
linuxson25Ok, this is kinda weird.....I can boot into KDE desktop on my desktop pc, but as soon as I log off and try gnome, I get a white screen again09:36
linuxson25Anyone maybe know why that is?09:36
Gnearichardcavell: I've actually worked with PA a lot, so I might be able to help you - what's the deal?09:36
Dr_WillisGood to hear that X-fi cards are finally getting some support...09:36
Psi-Jack__I'll try the supersede method.09:36
Dr_Willislinuxson25:   ive seen a bug silimer to that with the ati drivers..  which was a bother.09:37
GneaDr_Willis: yeah, but now I can't seem to get the mic to work again09:37
jerriyI can't tick on the box so then why do they appear on the list of things to be updated via update manager? that I can then install the two things (09:37
richardcavellGnea: mate, I'm just going to wait for all the updates before I complain too much.  Basically, PA is taken over by one app (in my case, Steam) and no other app has sound09:37
wiehanDr_Willis: I have tried, but I can't succeed, please just run me trhough the first basic steps.09:37
majukPsi-Jack__: I only see ways to set the DNS servers statically.09:37
majukSorry mang09:37
Dr_Willislinuxson25:  i ended up not using gdm/kdm (or added the   always restart server option) to gdm.09:37
richardcavellGnea: If I exit Steam, another app gets sound and every other app has none09:37
Gnearichardcavell: interesting. is it the latest alsa+pulseaudio from the repos or did you upgrade them to the latest?09:38
Psi-Jack__majuk: That's exactly what I want. I use my own DNS servers in-house.09:38
richardcavellGnea: from the repos09:38
Psi-Jack__majuk: SO I need not just nameserver entries, but domain and search to stay mine.09:38
=== Ward is now known as Wardje
Dr_Williswiehan:  basic steps to what exactly?   if you got xp in virtualbox. You can install winscp on it.. and access the linux box via ssh. to get some files back and forth. thats ONE way of doing it.09:38
richardcavellIt actually broke *after* a PulseAudio update09:38
Psi-Jack__Now, supercede domain-name-servers, worked for the nameserver stuff. but supersede domain-name and supersede domain-search, did not.. It still picked up my ISP's09:38
richardcavellSo I reckon there was a new bug introduced or it exposed a regression09:39
majukPsi-Jack__: Oh. Well then you should be able to put "prepend domain-name-servers $IP" and then take domain-name-server out of the request batch09:39
Gnearichardcavell: okay. I had to update my alsa (there's a ppa for it) and pulseaudio (from source) to make any headway - it all works a bit better, but well, you know my problem now :)09:39
Gnearichardcavell: when you exit steam, have you tried a  sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart ?09:39
wiehanDr_Willis: I heard that you can literally just drag and drop files? I want to do that.09:39
whobodygod 'ole ubuntu09:39
richardcavellI think PulseAudio's still unstable09:39
rskrichardcavell: agreed09:39
Dr_Williswiehan:  ive never seen that done, check the vbox docs I guess..09:39
richardcavellGnea: no I haven't, but thanks for the tip09:39
Dr_Williswiehan:  could be you need the guest addations, and enable some clipboard featiures09:40
rskrichardcavell: it's one of the most crappy software included by default in ubuntu, next to X.09:40
Gnearichardcavell: if in doubt, I always restart the daemon to see where the problem is at - if it's really with pa or with alsa or somewhere else09:40
Dr_WillisIve had no issues with Pulse audio. :)09:40
linuxson25Dr_Willis: But the strange thing is though, when I do a normall installation with the straight forward Ubuntu disc, it runs smoothly on my AMD64 desktop. Its only when I use the remastersys copy that gnome bombs out. I thought this might have something to do with a display driver or something, and spent about 2 hours getting it connected to the net last night, and updating my NVidia drivers....which by the way, were up to date09:40
richardcavellrsk: It's also going through frequent updates09:40
rski've never died Dr_Willis but i'm sure other people do.09:40
rskthat's not a valid point you made09:40
richardcavellrsk: A piece of software that is updated every 3 days can't be stable09:40
GneaI just wish there was a way to get pulseaudio to 'ignore' certain alsa entries09:40
rskrichardcavell: updates smupdates. dont include crappy shit that brakes sound.09:41
rskkind of basic :p09:41
craCkpoti am having trouble getting my mic to work with ubuntu09:41
Dr_Willisthey said the same about ALSA back when it was in the process of replacing OSS.09:41
rskDr_Willis: oss is still better09:41
richardcavellrsk: well, Karmic's due in 2 months.  We'll see if they manage to fix it by then.09:41
Dr_Willisso we should go back to the little speakers built into the motherboard!09:41
craCkpotlike its turned on and i can talk into it and hear it in my headset, but i am unable to record myself talking09:41
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:42
craCkpotis it normal to have alsa, oss, and pulseaudio installed?09:43
rskcraCkpot: i'd say that's normal09:43
craCkpotis it necessary?09:44
Dr_WilliscraCkpot:  yes. they are 'layers' :)  actually alsa has a oss compatiablity layer i think ya can say09:44
majukcraCkpot: Ubuntu seems to think so.09:44
cornjulioxhow do I upgrade firefox from the 3.0 version thats bundled with ubuntu by default to the 3.5 thats already out?09:44
Dr_Williskernel -> alsa --> pulseaudio09:44
Dr_Willis!ff3.5 | cornjuliox09:44
ubottucornjuliox: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY09:44
cornjulioxDr_Willis: i'm on hardy09:44
Dr_Williscornjuliox:   then you  should of mentioned that. :)09:44
Dr_Williscornjuliox:  you could go get the firefox binary tar.gz from the firefox homepage i guess.. :)09:45
Psi-Jack__Got it.09:45
Psi-Jack__I had to to supersede domain-name "mydomain";  as well, and it also took care of domain-search too.09:45
richardcavellI've decided I'm going to stabilise on 10.04.  I'm sick of these update cycles.  They break things as often as they fix them.09:45
cornjulioxDr_Willis: i have the binary tar, but it doesn't run. its complaining that it can't find libxul.so but its in the same directory as firefox-bin.09:45
Gnearichardcavell: I put the question forth to the pa people, all I can do is wait and hope09:46
Dr_Williscornjuliox:  it may be trying to load the one from the system libx first i guess.09:46
cornjulioxDr_Willis: how do you correct that, then?09:46
richardcavellGnea: and try the IRC channel again in 6 hours - there are often a new bunch of people on at different times09:46
Dr_Williscornjuliox:  no idea :) theres some command line optiosn i recall seeing. but not tried it in ages.. I see about 4 libxul.so here on this  jaunt install.. seems songbird even has its own.09:47
Gnearichardcavell: yeah, I'm used to the lag there - thanks09:49
=== bambam is now known as Guest30037
heoWhere are password stored in Ubuntu, like with postgres?09:51
suzii have installed ubuntu 9.0409:51
suziand try to install smc09:51
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:51
suziwhen i open this programme my terminal said09:52
suziError : Screen mode creation failed09:52
suziReason : Couldn't find matching GLX visual09:53
jerriyUpdate manager cockup (it refuses to update but pretends that my system is up to date)09:53
suzisomebody know how to solve this?09:54
zvacetjerriy : get updated from terminal09:54
Gneasuzi: did you install an updated video driver?09:54
jerriyzvacet check this out: http://i32.tinypic.com/qx57yd.jpg09:54
jerriy2 things are greyed out (cant tick on the box and update them)09:55
zvacetjerriy : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:55
Gneasuzi: click on System->Administration->Hardware Drivers and make sure09:55
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »09:57
computer_what program can i use to compress large videos?09:57
=== rgs is now known as Guest77792
rskcomputer_: define compress and large09:59
jerriyzvacet I did sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade but the two things were not upgraded10:00
jerriyzvacet this is the result: http://i30.tinypic.com/106mxhi.png10:00
suziGnea, here is nothing relative to video, only wireless here10:00
zvacetjerriy : sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:00
Gneasuzi: smc works fine here. can you launch it from the menu?10:00
krishna_hi. i am not getting "install package" active in a .deb file... i tried !aptfix but of no use... how to fix ?10:01
nmvictorcomputer_: if you mean compress to save filesystem space and backup the files, then tar and bzip,but if the files are too large, lose of data is inevitable.otherwise if you mean compress the files as editing then you might want to try some video editin suite?not sure which is appropriate.10:01
suziGnea, i've already tried but it doesn't work, The problem is not in smc only, this is also in trigger and wine10:02
RudyValenciaHi, I'm getting the following when I do an apt-get update on Ubuntu 8.04: W: Failed to fetch http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main-updates/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:02
jerriyzvacet, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade failed to update the two as you can see:10:02
jerriyReading package lists... Done10:02
jerriyBuilding dependency tree10:02
jerriyReading state information... Done10:02
jerriyCalculating upgrade... Done10:02
jerriyThe following packages have been kept back:10:02
FloodBot2jerriy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:02
RudyValenciaI'm using a sources.list with mirrors.kernel.org as the source for hardy and hardy-updates.10:03
Gneasuzi: can you run the program glxgears?10:03
jerriysorry FloodBot210:04
suziXlib : extention "GLX" missing on display "0.0".10:04
suziError : couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual10:05
Gneasuzi: suzi have you read this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73922710:05
qwert321I cannot get Canon LBP-2900 driver to work in Ubuntu 9.04, somebody help please?10:05
Gneasuzi: and this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43126510:06
jerriyso what's the solution for the two things here?> :http://i32.tinypic.com/qx57yd.jpg10:06
Gnea!printer | qwert32110:06
ubottuqwert321: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:06
=== adam is now known as Guest14401
nmvictorCan i install lilo when i already have grub in ubuntu,or is that gonna cause some conflict during boot up?10:07
qwert321ubottu: ok. I tried already help.ubuntu.com https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/Canon_LBP_2900 but didn't work.10:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:07
craCkpotis it possible to setup a shortcut for command line: for example if i want to run a program via wine can i setup a shortcut to where i just enter the command and it will run the stored command10:07
grozahello how can i install java ?10:07
craCkpoti think its called symbolic links? i don't know10:08
friendishannmvictor yes u can and it won't have any problem with boot-up10:08
jerriyThis update manager problem started after updating to "Jaunty" http://i32.tinypic.com/qx57yd.jpg10:08
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:08
Trijntjecrackpot: yes, you can setup a shortcut with a custom command10:08
zvacetjerriy: apt-get -u dist-upgrade10:09
nmvictorfriendishan: so what will boot my linux box, grub or LILO? and how do i tell either to take over?10:09
craCkpotim assuming i should create a text file with the full command then setup a link to it?10:09
marleenI've tried to import an mbox-formatted bunch of mails from Eudora into Evolution.10:10
jerriy0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded. Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)10:11
jerriyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?10:11
marleenjerriy: prefix the command with sudo10:11
marleenI can see the headers of the emails, but not the body.10:11
zvacetjerriy: sorry    sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade10:11
marleenWhen inspecting the file manually (with less), everything is there.10:11
jerriy"sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade" didn't help either (still not upgraded)10:12
marleenHas anyone heard of any similar problems with importing mbox files with Evolution (perhaps it's a Eudora-specific problem)?10:12
grozahow can i change the download direcory of my synaptic?10:13
marleengroza: Not easily. Why do you want to do that?10:13
zvacetjerriy: let try to install that packages     sudo apt-get install f-spot  do the same with other and see if that help10:13
marleenAre you running out of disk space?10:13
grozai have only 3 gb left10:13
ash-2plus1whenever i have had problems with mail files i have used Aid4mail10:13
RudyValenciaI found the problem I was having.10:14
surajGnea, i have tried both of but still have the same problem10:14
RudyValenciaStupid typo!10:14
grozacan someone help me?10:14
zvacetgroza : 3gb is enough free space in root directory but you can run  sudo apt-get autoremove  sudo apt-get clean  sudo apt-get autoclean to get more space10:16
grozazvacet : i did10:16
sebrockhow should I interpret the last command? It shows a bunch of columns10:16
grozabut what will happen when i will have less than 1 gb10:16
oguncakhi friends. how can i enable the flash plugin on chromium?10:17
leaf-sheepgroza: End of the world.10:17
zvacetgroza : in that case you don´t really have problem10:17
silareHi hi, all. I was thinking of getting to learn how to theme Ubuntu, down to making new title bar buttons, scrollbars, etc. Are there any sites I should look to?10:17
grozazvacet : i just want to know if this is posible10:17
leaf-sheepgroza: Really. I think your hard drive may experience some issues.  HDD often do that when they're full.  Otherwise, empty what you can.  Move or delete.10:17
zvacetgroza : run above commands again10:17
jerriyThanks Zvacet10:18
grozait doesnt do nothing10:18
leaf-sheepoguncak: Last time I heard, there are no support for it. Unless somebody posted a solution.  Try Google.10:18
grozano package to remove10:18
=== Julia is now known as Guest20644
oguncakon the browser dev page it says: --enable-plugin.. but where to write that command?10:19
zvacetgroza : all downloaded deb packages are stored in var/cache/apt/archives  I don´t know is it possible to download them somewhere else10:19
zvacetjerriy : np  8-)10:19
Guest20644I hate old hardy looks of volume change: http://bildites.lv/images/31397okamu8g7t1vii.png  how can I change it to that nice black one that comes with jaunty?10:20
=== Guest20644 is now known as Julia_
silareHi hi, all. I was thinking of getting to learn how to theme Ubuntu, down to making new title bar buttons, scrollbars, etc. Are there any sites I should look to?10:21
fabehi where should I best seek help regarding recently borken sound for Realtek ALC888 in karmic ?10:21
leaf-sheep!karmic | fabe10:22
ubottufabe: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+110:22
fabei know i will break10:22
fabebut want to get it fixed ...10:23
grozazvacet : but is safe to delete them?10:23
ninadspfabe: the best place to look for karmic issues would be the #ubuntu+1 channel... please ping there... :)10:23
chrisssSome help with partitioning? As I understand it, if I want hibernation to work, I need about 2x my RAM?10:24
zvacetgroza : yes,you will delete them with commands and told you10:24
llutzchrisss: more that 1xRAM you need10:25
chrisssSay I currently have 1GB RAM. So I'd have a swap partition of 2?10:25
zvacetgroza : and if you now have 3gb there is no need for that I think10:25
grozazvacet: can you give me the commands again pls?10:25
llutzchrisss: would be sufficient10:25
chrisssllutz: Oh. What if, at a later date, I increase my RAM. Is changing the partition easy?10:25
P_Kableanybody has experience with arkeia backup solution ?10:25
Julia_how can I get jaunty volume notification? http://regmedia.co.uk/2009/04/20/jaunty_jackalope_notifications.jpg10:26
zvacetgroza : sudo apt-get autoremove  sudo apt-get clean  sudo apt-get autoclean10:26
Julia_I have old one. It looks lame10:26
llutzchrisss: depends on your partition layout10:26
Gr1Greetings all. I have a wify internet connection, and I would like to share that connection using a wired cable to my desktop pc. How can I do that?10:26
grawity!ics | Gr110:26
ubottuGr1: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php10:26
chrisssllutz: Okay, I have no idea what that means. I'm partitioning right now via the UNR installation process.10:26
grawityGr1: Those two links have some tutorials on connection sharing.10:26
zvacetgroza : np10:27
Gr1ubottu: I tried firestarter as per the forum, but didnt worked for me. My internet connection comes to the wifi interface.10:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:27
llutzchrisss: if you put your swap partition at the start of the disk, it will be hard to increase it later. if you plan to upgrade your RAM, create a big swap better now than later10:27
midoguyz.... i wanna learn bash scripting ,,, how?10:27
Gr1I will try the other :)10:27
Gr1Thank you10:27
chrisssllutz: Oh, okay then. Thanks.10:28
samphippenis there a channel for the netbook remix specifically?10:28
majukIs Urban Terror not available in the apt repository?10:28
leaf-sheepmido: #bash10:29
midoya leaf10:29
Gr1mido: try bash script + tldp on google10:29
Gr1I learned that way.10:29
leaf-sheepsamphippen: If I remember it correctly, there are #ubuntu-mobile but I'd say try here.10:29
=== meisam is now known as Guest83883
chrisssSo I'm following these instructions: "I created separate partitions for / (20gb), /boot (1gb), swap (4gb), bootbooster efi partition (16MB), and /home (the remainder), but how you do it is really up to you. I favour the above partitioning scheme to serve me really well over the years. [with] /home, /boot and / to format as ext4". I get what the other partitions are used for, what is "/" (20GB) for?10:30
llutzmido: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/10:30
midook...thnx guyz10:30
eboyjrHello. I installed Ubuntu on a Flash drive using usb-creator, and I was wondering if there might be any problems with plugging the USB stick back and forth between computer?10:30
Dr_Willis majuk  i 'cheat' and use the DJL program to get games that are not in the repos :) its sortr of a GPL-Steam like program -> http://en.djl-linux.org/10:30
llutzchrisss: do you really need seperat /boot?10:30
samphippenbasically, i'm trying to install unr on my eeepc 700 (on the sd card) and whenever I install it, it keeps telling me that I get something called a "grub 21 error"10:30
majukDr_Willis: Thanks10:30
rwwchrisss: / is where everything that isn't in one of the other partitions goes. So /etc, for example, would be in / if you don't make a separate /etc partition.10:30
leaf-sheepeboyjr: Go to bed. :P10:30
rwweboyjr: nope, I do it all the time and it works fine.10:31
Dr_Williseboyjr:  shouldent be. if you set up a 'persistant' save location/file.  the permissions should stay correct10:31
midook..which the best book for bash sdripting10:31
chrisssrww: So a "/" is neccesary? And has to be 20GB?10:31
llutzmido: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/10:31
chrisssllutz: I'm not really sure. I'm following the advice given here: http://www.jfwhome.com/2009/08/06/perfect-ubuntu-jaunty-on-the-asus-eeepc-1005ha-and-1008ha/10:31
Dr_Willismido:  the one by Oreailly (sp?) is a must get eventually :)10:31
Dr_Willismido:  tons of good free guides out also10:31
leaf-sheepchrisss: I think 1GB for /boot is definitely too much.10:31
pepperphdchrisss: "/" is like "c:" except of course better10:32
rwwchrisss: It's necessary, the size is up to you. I think the recommendation is more than 8GB.10:32
midothnx alot guyz10:32
eboyjrrww: Dr_Willis: Awesome thanks :) I suppose I have to select "Try Ubuntu without chaning anything on the hard drive" each time?10:33
llutzchrisss: /boot only makes sense if you're using filesystems grub cannot handle10:33
rwweboyjr: yes10:33
Dr_Williseboyjr:  unless you want to start the Installer. :)10:33
eboyjrrww: Eh okay that will be fine though thanks yoiu10:33
eboyjrDr_Willis: Lol thanks :)10:33
chrisssSo I shouldn't have a /boot?10:34
mrdopeive been testing crunchbang linux on my eeepc 1000H, i wont be removing it,if you love fidlin with configs, its great easy access to all that shit10:34
=== d is now known as Guest74459
rwwchrisss: again, it's up to you. the only partition you generally actually *need* is /, though /home tends to make reinstalling much easier.10:34
leaf-sheepmrdope: Watch your language.  Thanks.10:34
rww!ohmy > mrdope (Please see the private message from the bot)10:34
mrdopeooo soory :)10:34
silareHi hi, all. I was thinking of getting to learn how to theme Ubuntu, down to making new title bar buttons, scrollbars, etc. Are there any sites I should look to?10:35
chrisssrww: So if / is like a C drive, then what's /home?10:35
jerriyVideo player problem10:36
leaf-sheep!home | chrisss10:36
ubottuchrisss: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome10:36
llutzchrisss: "Documents & Settings" :)10:36
jerriyJust installed Helix player via add/remove10:36
jerriyBut then after install ended I tried to open the app but no windows openes (there's a little flash of something (as if it was about to be openend) but then nothing10:36
=== taube is now known as Taube
rwwchrisss: / isn't like a c: drive. Linux represents files as an inverted "tree". You have / at the base, with /home/ branching off it, and /home/yourusername/ branching off that... and /etc/ on another branch, etc. You can optionally make one or more of those "branches" be on a different partition or drive. As long as they're all somewhere, you'll be fine.10:37
grozai have a license agreement in terminal for java and i can select ok what shoyld i do10:37
leaf-sheepchrisss: Basically, it's where you save everything on.  Your personal files.  Your configuration files.  Copying ~/home to other machine will result in almost an identical system.  All settings you made in Firefox, Pidgin, etc, will be same.10:37
rwwgroza: press tab to get to the OK button, I think.10:37
nmvictorfinally i decided to upgrade to 9.04, i chose to use update manger.Will any of my installed applications removed?10:37
grozathanks it worked10:38
rwwnmvictor: they shouldn't be, no. It'll tell you before removing packages.10:38
jerriynmvictor: yes10:38
dk_hey guys, how's it going?10:38
kbowahi dk_10:38
midoguyz... i wanna do LFC ... what i've to learn before that?10:38
sarthorksSD card doesnt mount after hibernation.10:38
chrisssrww, leaf-sheep, llutz, ubottu: So it really isn't necessary to have a /home? I could simply have a / and make a folder in /?10:39
jerriy Anybody with a helix player?10:39
silareHi hi, all. I was thinking of getting to learn how to theme Ubuntu, down to making new title bar buttons, scrollbars, etc. Are there any sites I should look to?10:39
rskjerriy: sure.10:39
jerriyafter install,  I tried to open the app but no windows openes (there's a little flash of something (as if it was about to be openend) but then nothing10:40
midoguyz... i wanna do LFC ... what i've to learn before that?10:40
llutzchrisss: /home on own partition makes some things easier later but isn't a must10:40
Myrttisilare: gnome-looks.org10:40
rwwchrisss: Correct. In fact, that's exactly what the installer will do if you don't make a separate /home partition.10:40
jerriyI needed the helix player cuz of the need to play "Realplayer type" vids10:41
silareIt has tuts?10:41
leaf-sheepchrisss: You could just make a single / and everything will be residing in it.  I suppose if you're new to Ubuntu, this will be okay as you're learning more and more overtime. I'd suggest making at least 100MB for /boot and the rest at / for first timers.10:41
silareMyrtti: Does GNOMElooks have tutorials or so?10:41
nmvictorrww: it already said, well just anjuta seems the important one among the ones thatwil be removed, hope their is a version for jaunty10:41
midoI need a help... i wanna do LFC ... what i've to learn before that?10:42
chrisssrww, llutz, leaf-sheep: Okay, so /swap is for hibernation, correct? What does /boot do?10:42
llutzchrisss: it's were kernel and grub reside10:43
leaf-sheepchrisss: There are no /swap -- but yeah.  Swap are used for hibernation.  /boot is where the boot file goes.  Let me find you something.10:43
llutzchrisss: important files for booting.10:43
llutzmido: learn how to gather information from internet10:43
nmvictorcouldnt it get the packages from th CD it requested for, whos gonna wait up for 3 hours? given my connection10:44
midollutz...that's a good point .. thanx10:44
leaf-sheepchrisss: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview10:45
jerriy Anybody with a helix player?10:45
leaf-sheepchrisss: Look under "Main directories"10:45
Gnea!anybody | jerriy10:45
ubottujerriy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:45
=== kb is now known as Guest92952
leaf-sheepchrisss: You only need to worry about your home directory.  That's it.  And occasionally other folders when it comes to configuring something/settings to your likings.10:46
jerriyI already asked my next q10:46
Gneadidn't see it10:46
hafiztangguys, i noticed that there;s a pidgin 2.6 n now im using 2.5, how am i going to upgrade my pidgin since i dont see any update mnu in the toolbar10:47
jerriyFor the third time: after install,  I tried to open Helix but no windows openes (there's a little flash of something (as if it was about to be openend) but then nothing10:47
Gneahafiztang: wait for it to be packaged10:47
grawityhafiztang: Go to http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/ and follow the instructions there.10:47
Gneaor do that10:47
Gnea!info helix-player10:47
ubottuhelix-player (source: helix-player): Helix audio and video player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.9-0ubuntu6 (jaunty), package size 4028 kB, installed size 10508 kB (Only available for i386 powerpc sparc amd64 lpia)10:47
chrisssrww, llutz, leaf-sheep: Okay. So I have a /boot (?), /swap (4GB), bootbooster efi partition (16 MB) and a / (remaining GB). How many GB should boot be? Also, is the type of partition for the drives all primary? Does it also matter what order the partitions are in?10:48
Dr_WillisHmm. thats smthing i havenet heard of in ages.. helix Player.. :)10:48
midoguyz.. I  install ubuntu 8.1 in on virtualbox... in the host device i got internet connect by wireless ,,how could i connect my virtual box to the internet?10:48
midoguyz.. I  installed ubuntu 8.1 in on virtualbox... in the host device i got internet connect by wireless ,,how could i connect my virtual box to the internet?10:48
dk_boot can be like 100mb10:48
Gnea!vbox | mido10:48
ubottumido: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox10:48
criiptHi, Im getting an error with nvidia driver in dmesg and then the computer either freezer or goes back to login.. sometimes monitors turn off..10:49
criiptgoes something like..10:49
midoubottu: thnx10:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thnx10:49
Dr_Willisjerriy:  helix player just 'seg faults' here when i run it10:50
Gnea!repeat | mido10:50
ubottumido: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:50
criiptNVRM: Xid (0001:00) ... SOMENUMBER HERE etc..10:50
jerriy 'seg faults' means?10:50
Dr_Willisjerriy:  it crashes. :)10:50
midoubottu: ok man10:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok man10:50
criipthow can i solve this?10:50
jerriycrashed cuz10:51
Dr_Willisjerriy:  a quote from the Helix Player wiki page --> "Other media players can handle everything that the helix player can do, and more; therefore, it is unlikely you will need to install helix player."10:51
chrisssOkay, so unless I have more than 4 partition areas, the type will all be "Primary"?10:51
leaf-sheepchrisss: 100 MB for boot will be more than enough.  Order of the partitions does not matter. I'm not sure about primary/logical but I tend to put them all on primary. I take it that you have 2GB ram or something like that.10:51
enzotibjerriy: segmentation fault10:51
Dr_Willisow:~$ helix-player10:51
Dr_WillisSegmentation fault10:51
Gnea!google segfault10:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about google segfault10:52
cak054_Results for segfault on Google:10:52
* Gnea looks at cak054_ 10:52
jerriyIn intrepid I used to have helix (is it incompatible with jaunty?)10:52
Dr_Willismeans it crashed badly. :)10:52
chrisssleaf-sheep: I have 1GB RAM currently, but will most likely upgrade to 2GB soon.10:52
Dr_Willisjerriy:  try some of the other very well done media players perhaps?10:52
GneaDr_Willis: is cak054_ a qualified ubuntu bot?10:52
jerriyI thought crashing was a microsoft thing :P10:52
Dr_WillisGnea:  or unqualified? :)10:52
Dr_Willisjerriy:  its universial :)10:52
Gneajerriy: it's a computer thing :)10:52
GneaDr_Willis: lol10:53
chrisssleaf-sheep: For the partition "use as" thing, is there a guide somewhere to know which one to choose? (ext 3, ext 4, swap, FAT16 etc.)10:53
hafiztangwhats the command line to remove pidgin?10:54
Dr_Willischrisss:  depends on your needs. :)10:54
=== janne2 is now known as Skiessi
leaf-sheepchrisss: Do you know if the hibernation/suspends work for your laptop? I know it worked for some while it does not for others.  Some myself too. If you're using netbook, it's often suggested that you stick with ext2 to reduce writing/journaling for your hard drive.10:54
grawityhafiztang: apt-get remove pidgin... but why do you need that, I'm wondering?10:54
llutzchrisss: if unsure, use ext310:54
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.10:54
leaf-sheepchrisss: Dr_Willis can confirm that for me, I think.10:54
Dr_WillisI never use Pidgin. :)10:55
ikonia!give a test10:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about give a test10:55
* Enissay gives a Lenin's Collected Works10:55
* Ten-Eight gives ikonia a glass10:55
Dr_Willis!info pidgin10:55
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.5.5-1ubuntu8.4 (jaunty), package size 507 kB, installed size 1616 kB10:55
Gnea!google something10:55
cak054_Results for something on Google:10:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:55
ikoniaenzotib: tesseracter please remove those plugins10:55
Gr1I have tried the inter net connection sharing url, and my client machine can ping my laptop that acts as the gateway, but It cannot ping the internet sites.10:55
grawityhafiztang: If you're just trying to update it, then sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install pidgin10:55
enzotibikonia: ?10:55
ikoniaenzotib: typo - sorry not you10:55
ikoniaEnissay: Ten-Eight  please remove your irc scripts in #ubuntu10:56
enzotibikonia: :) no-prob10:56
leaf-sheepchrisss: ext3 have been being around for long time and is stable.  ext4 is something new but people experience lockup issues occasionally.  I think you can pick whatever you feel comfortable with. FAT16, no. FAT32, no. NTFS, no.  They all are Windows filesystem.10:56
jerriyDr_Willis: if not pidgin then what? Xchat?10:56
Dr_Willisjerriy:  i dont use any IM clients - just IRC10:57
Infin1tyi tried to install dbus 1.2.16 packages on jaunty (wrong idea), anyhow it didnt success because it needed libselinux so i left it alone (knowing it didn't install) now i get   dbus: Depends: libselinux1 (>= 2.0.82) but 2.0.65-5build1 is installed10:57
Infin1ty in apt-get10:57
BodsdaDoes anyone know of a weather applet for gdesklets that actuallyworks? I have tried all the standard ones and an updated one from here http://www.technetra.com/2007/04/20/updated-weather-gdesklets/10:57
Infin1tythe weird thing is that i know for sure it was not installed because it asked me to install libselinux first10:57
jerriyOf course :>)10:57
chrisss9Dr_Willis, leaf-sheep, llutz: I can hibernate on Windows (Fn+F1), if that's what you're asking. So I should make all 4 partition areas EXT2? Including /swap and the boot booster? I'm on a netbook (eee pc 1005ha, if that helps)10:58
grozai cant make java work10:58
llutzchrisss9: working windows-hibernation doesn't mean that it will work in linux too :(10:58
Dr_Willischrisss9:  depends on your needs.. my netbook just has --->   (restore partition) (windows, ntfs) (linux ext4) (swap parittiion)10:58
Dr_WillisHibernation does work on my AAO. which suprised me. :)10:59
Dr_WillisIf wanting to access the NTFS partition from linux. do NOT use the hibernate/suspend feature of windows.. properly 'shutdown' wndows10:59
jerriyIf not helix then what's the best way to watch realplater vids in ubuntu?10:59
Gneajerriy: i usually use mplayer10:59
Dr_Willisjerriy:  i can watch them in mplayer,  vlc, or other players..10:59
rskjerriy: MPlayer10:59
chrisss9llutz, Dr_Willis: Okay, hibernation SHOULD work, according to a guide I'm using.10:59
Dr_Willisjerriy:  as the helix site said.. its not needed - other players can play all teh formats10:59
Gnea!java | groza11:00
ubottugroza: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:00
llutzchrisss9: it "should" always work, in theory :(11:00
chrisss9Dr_Willis, llutz: What do you mean by "depends on your needs"? I dont11:00
chrisss9I don't want to dual-boot, if that's what you mean. Just want UNR.11:00
Dr_Willischrisss9:  what I NEED is not what you need.....   I find a single / prtition works just fine.11:01
jerriyI prefer a player (instead of a plugin only that I'm supposed use within firefox11:01
Infin1tywell , never mind, it did install 1.2.16 so i download 1.2.12 from ubuntu archive11:01
Infin1tyhow can i upgrade to 1.2.14? in jaunty? i tried to search for repos but i can't find any11:01
Dr_Willisjerriy:  mosta ll the players have firefox plugins. totem is the default. with the w32codecs it should be able to play rmv videos11:01
Dr_Willisjerriy:  only 'realplayer' vidoes i see these days are  these .rmbv cartoons ive saved from ages back11:02
dk_i wish i would have went to bed11:02
chrisss9Dr_Willis: Okay, "/swap" for hibernation, should it be ext4 or "swap area"? Or another "use as"?11:03
llutzchrisss9: swap is swap, no filesystem11:03
Dr_Willischrisss9:  you dont understand how linux uses 'swap' - Linux uses a swap partition. its NOT ext2/3/4 its 'swap'11:03
Dr_Willisi made a 512 mb swap partition at the end of the hard drive.11:03
ikonia0/join #mplayer11:04
chrisss9llutz, Dr_Willis: Okay, I'm super confused.So have a 4GB /swap set as "do not use the partition"? Or "swap area"? Or do I simply not make a /swap at all?11:04
dk_VLC is the only real linux codec pack, yea?11:04
jerriyVLC is bad in jaunty11:05
llutzchrisss9: i don't know the installer, but "swap area" sounds ok11:05
Dr_Willischrisss9:  use it as swap. 4gb is a bit HUGE.....11:05
apparledk_: no.............its not a codec pack its a stand alone player............11:05
dk_anything you recommend?11:05
Dr_Willischrisss9:  i only use 512mb11:05
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:05
leaf-sheepchrisss9: Use 4GB swap --> Set as swap.11:05
llutzDr_Willis: he want to hibernate11:05
apparle!codec | dk_11:05
ubottudk_: please see above11:05
dk_ah, i thought it was codec pack as well11:05
Dr_Willisvlc dosent use the w32codecs i recall..    mplayer can11:05
SingAlongare the ports in linux simply text files? one of my ports get corrupted and inaccessible sometimes when i connect a chip to program. So having to restart everytime. Can i just overwrite the port file with a blank one manually? will that work?11:06
Dr_Willis4gb of swap is still huge. :) you got 4gb of ram on that thing?11:06
jerry1is there someone install ATI driver?11:06
jerry1 11:06
jerriyI used to use VLC but when I upgraded to In jaunty my VLC player split in two11:06
SingAlongjerry1: yes! I had an ATI driver11:06
chrisss9Dr_Willis: Currently 1GB, but will be upgrading to 2GB in the near future.11:06
SingAlongjerry1: did you install the driver from the repo?11:06
jerriythe VLC screen separated from the controls11:07
Dr_Willischrisss9:  then you proberly can make due with 2gb swap11:07
Dr_Willisjerry1:  thats a vlc setting somewhere.11:07
Dr_Willischrisss9:  ive had so many other issues with hibernate/suspend - i never use the feature any more11:07
leaf-sheepchrisss9: I'd suggest to shut down -- To save battery.  For my laptop, Shutting down and start again if needed... is faster than my suspend/hibernation so I tend to avoid them. :)11:07
jerriyI want ONE player to open in ONE windows11:08
llutzleaf-sheep: hibernation won't use any battery11:08
jerry1SingAlong:how to install it11:08
SingAlongjerry1: from your pkg manager11:08
Dr_Willisjerry1:  then check the vlc settings..  or try some other players.11:08
jerry1Dr_Willis:it has no relation with it11:08
SingAlongjerry1: Synaptic Pakage Manager if you are using ubuntu.11:08
leaf-sheepllutz: No. But it took me long time to boot up from hibernation. I waited more than 3 minutes and kept wondering if it's locked up or something didn't went smooth.11:08
SingAlongjerry1: oh no wait11:08
Dr_Willisjerry1:  huh?11:08
SingAlongjerry1: System->Administration->Hardware Drivers11:09
chrisss9Dr_Willis, leaf-sheep, llutz: Okay, I'm not using hibernation. Seems much trouble than it's worth.Do I still need a /swap then?11:09
Dr_Willisvlc is also themeable with lots of neat skins.11:09
leaf-sheepllutz: Full system encryption may be a factor in this too. :P11:09
jerriyWhy did Jaunty split VLC player??11:09
Dr_Willischrisss9:  use 512mb swap then  at least.11:09
Infin1tyanyone knows if there's a repos to upgrade my dbus to 1.2.14 version (in jaunty?)11:09
llutzleaf-sheep: resuming takes abt 15 seconds here, booting 30. so i save 15secs a day, 105 a week.... whow11:09
=== freaky|bday is now known as freaky[t]
jerry1 SingAlong:but i can't find it11:11
chrisss9Dr_Willis, leaf-sheep, llutz: For the "Location for the new partition" do I select Beginning or End? Or does it not matter?11:11
jerriyIn jaunty Mplayer = two screens; VLC = two screens - Only Totem opens a single integrated window11:11
MraedisI have no video signal at the log in screen11:11
llutzchrisss9: beginning is fine11:11
MraedisI do have the ALT CTRL F1 menu11:11
jerry1graphic driver failed11:12
MraedisAny thoughts on fixing it, jerry1?11:12
jerry1i'm thinking....11:13
linuxson25Hi everyone11:13
jerry1 Mraedis: do u have some sugestion?11:14
=== Julia is now known as Julia_
linuxson25Still got the same issue with my gnome desktop11:14
MraedisNo :p11:14
chrisss9Dr_Willis, leaf-sheep, llutz: How much GB would you recommend /boot be? 1GB?11:14
linuxson25Installed my remastersys copy of my laptop ubuntu installation on desktop pc11:14
linuxson25When I launch KDE desktop, it works 100%. But when I launch gnome, it just gives me a white screen11:15
Julia_I can't access cli. Some days ago I could do it but not anymore. I switch to ctrl+alt+f2 but I can't login from there. All I see id symbol _ flashing. Any ideas how to fix this?11:15
linuxson25I've tried reconfiguring xorg, and gdm11:15
linuxson25To no avail11:15
leaf-sheepchrisss9: I understand.  You're afraid.  You don't want to make mistakes. 100 MB is totally fine. :)  However, the best practice would be putting it in 50-200 MB ranges.11:16
linuxson25I would like to carry on using my gnome desktop, as KDE desktop keeps on crashing as soon as I plug in USB stuff11:16
linuxson25And its always been friendly to me....so far11:16
Dr_Willischrisss9:  i dont bothe rwith its own /boot parittion11:16
jerry1i doubt the soft in source broken11:17
Dr_Willischrisss9:  i use a partition for /, and perhaps one for /home and swap. thats it.11:17
linuxson25I know its not a driver isssue, cause then KDE wouldnt run11:17
linuxson25Just not too sure what it is now though11:17
Enissayikonia, sorry, what is it doing?11:17
sebrockif I run "last" I see connections from other computers using my local user. Today when I logged in it said Last login: [time] from [ip adress that is not mine]. How can this be?11:17
b3rz3rk3rchrisss9, u dont even need one for /home really, but it will make restoration later easier11:18
lockheeddo different operating system, windows, linux, freebsd etc... may have influence on the durability of pc hardware?11:18
Dr_Willislockheed:  most likely. no.11:18
b3rz3rk3rchrisss9, personally i just backup /home daily, so i dont even bother with separate partitions for it11:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm11:19
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.11:19
lockheedbecause when i understood it correctly, linux uses a lot of drivers created by reverse engennering, so these drivers aren't really optimized for the hardware11:20
Jonny87sono un'utente nuovo di jaunty jackalope11:20
sarthorksSD card doesnt mount after hibernation.11:20
Jonny87vorrei sapere come cambiare l'inrdirizzo ip riavviando da shell il router11:20
Dr_Willissarthorks:  known issue with many machines.. sadly11:20
extorjust cuz they are created by reverse engineering doesn't mean they are necessarily slower11:20
linuxson25Anyone think that if I re-install gdm package, it will fix my desktop?11:20
grozalockheed: no it does not harm your hardware11:20
sarthorksdr_willis: so theres no fix yet?11:21
Dr_Willissarthorks:  depends omn your machine/mb/bios/phase of the moon i hear.  - personally i dont use hibernate any more11:21
grozalinuxson25:whats wrong with your desktop?11:21
Jonny87ad esempio su windows si fa ipconfig/flushdns, ipconfig/release, ipconfig/renew.. esiste uan cosa simile su ubuntu11:21
Jonny87grazie per ogni eventuale aiuto11:21
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:22
sarthorksdr_willis: right-o11:22
Jonny87ok grazie11:22
linuxson25groza: Well, I cloned my installation of Ubuntu on my laptop with remastersys, and installed it on my desktop pc. KDE desktop runs fine, but gnome just gives me a white screen11:22
linuxson25groza: I tried reconfiguring gdm and xorg, but didnt work11:22
j2daoshthe only way to fix a grub that windows overwrote is to use the ubuntu install disc huh11:22
grozalinuxson25:do you have compiz?11:22
jerriyQuestion: why did Jaunty split VLC player's controls from the actual "video screen" part?11:23
linuxson25groza: Hmmmmm....don't think so. Not sure. How can I check?11:23
linuxson25groza: And why do you ask?11:23
j2daoshjerriy: thats not jaunty, its VLC, talk to them11:23
grozai read somewhere that compiz may do thus11:23
j2daoshlinuxson25: open a console and type "which compiz"11:24
linuxson25groza: So unistall compiz then?11:24
j2daoshthat will tell you if you have it11:24
jerriyj2daosh: I used VLC during Intrepid ibex (so I know that VLC can be "unified"11:24
j2daoshjerriy: are the versions diffferent? odds are they detached it in the newest version. i can't imagine that ubuntu dev's would spend their time screwing with VLC player instead of working on ubuntu stuff11:25
linuxson25j2daosh: Okay, says /usr/bin/compiz. Means I got it11:26
j2daoshlinuxson25: yes, that means you have it installed11:26
linuxson25j2daosh: Just sudo apt-get remove compiz?11:26
j2daoshwhat is the problem you are having though?11:26
jerriyj2daosh: no not different. I didn't install or re-install VLS when I upgraded to Jaunty11:26
Dr_Williswork on the next vlc interface ->  http://www.dudiak.com/VLC-Icons/new_interface_2.mp411:26
chrisss9So for partition areas, really, all I need is /swap and /?11:27
linuxson25j2daosh: I cloned my laptop distro with remastersys, and installed it on my desktop. KDE desktop works, but when I try logging into gnome, it just gives me a white screen11:27
j2daoshyeah i think that is the command linuxson25. there might also be a -purge thing you should do, but i dont remember since it has been months since i could get into my linux box lol11:27
chrisss9ubuntu will make /boot automatically?11:27
chrisss9Or is /boot not essential?11:27
linuxson25j2daosh: lol....well, its been weeks since I could figure out how to run ubuntu clone on my desktop11:27
Dr_Willischrisss9:  you DONT need a /boot partition.. it can put a /boot directory on the / parittion and work just fine11:28
j2daoshlinuxson25: i would imagine doing the dpkg --recongifure gdm or whatever the command is would fix your problem11:28
Dr_Willischrisss9:  thats the big 'differance' a /boot partition  :) which in some cases is handy..11:28
j2daoshbut again, its been months since i have been into my linux server so :: shrugs ::11:28
linuxson25j2daosh: nah, already tried that. And tried re-configuring xorg11:28
j2daoshlinuxson25: what does your log file tell you?11:29
j2daoshit could just be a bothced setting11:29
chrisss9Dr_Willis: And would you recommend having a /boot? And how many GBs? 1?11:29
linuxson25j2daosh: where would I get this log file?11:29
linuxson25j2daosh: dmesg?11:29
kinkexIf im download ubuntu 9.10 alpha 4... Can i upgrade to the final version when it will be release or do i need to reinstall my hole computer?11:30
j2daoshi was thinking more /var/log/X11/xorg.log.something11:30
Dr_Willischrisss9:  i said you dont need a /boot partition.11:30
Dr_Willischrisss9:  and 100mb is plenty for most people.11:30
glicksugh its going to take some time getting used to this spanish keyboard layout11:30
j2daoshchrisss9: you only *need* /swp and /11:30
Dr_Willischrisss9:  let me repeate.. you most likely do NOT need a /boot partition.11:30
linuxson25j2daosh: Hmmmmm....will have a look see11:30
Untouchab1egot problems when connecting my laptop to my 36" LCD TV through HDMI11:30
glicksbut finally i can type mañana11:30
linuxson25j2daosh: Ah boy, that didnt work. Unistalled compiz, still getting the white screen of death...lol11:31
Untouchab1eno matter what resolution I choose through Nvidia settings, Its all just wrong11:31
Dr_Williskinkex:  you can upgrade.. but i always do a clean renstall of the final just in case. :)11:31
Untouchab1eand I just see parts of the desktop11:31
j2daoshwho the hell would be texting me at 5am?! dont people sleep anymore?11:32
chrisss9Okay! I'm done partitioning. Thanks so much everyone who helped out.11:32
kinkexDr_Willis: okey, thanks =)11:32
b3rz3rk3rJust extracted a large archive with the default manager and noticed that the cpu usage was constantly 25%, so i checked it out and it seems that its using 100% of one core at a time of my quad-core. Can i make the archiver use all 4 cores?11:32
Dr_Willisjerriy:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7135134 vlc 1.0.x has that feature it seems. :)11:32
linuxson25j2daosh: Okay...I got two of them. Xorg log 0, and Xorg log 2011:33
j2daoshb3rz3rk3r: i dont believe you can force a single-threaded app to run on multiple cores11:33
linuxson25j2daosh: Guessing here its the first one?11:33
j2daoshlinuxson25: ls -ltr and check the newest one11:33
b3rz3rk3rj2daosh, doh! Thats what i thought the answer would be..  :(11:33
grozab3rz3rk3r : why do you want to do that?11:34
j2daoshgroza, he thinks it would go faster11:34
=== Julia is now known as Julia_
b3rz3rk3rgroza, well im running a 10,000rpm raptor, so its not really maxing it out11:34
b3rz3rk3rso yeah, it would be faster11:34
j2daoshyour harddrive spin rate and your cpu usage are 2 different things11:35
grozab3rz3rk3r : some programs have that in their options11:35
j2daoshyou also have to account for device transfer rate, memory clock, etc11:35
grozab3rz3rk3r : try a google11:35
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, besides, I already told you it failed.11:35
=== horstle is now known as horstle|fupa09
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, besides, I already told you it failed.11:36
grozanice ubottu11:36
j2daoshlol, i come in here asking a question and get stuck answering questions :P how does that happen11:36
venttiguess you just luky mate :)11:37
venttilucky *11:37
j2daoshyeah, awesome :P11:37
=== horstle|fupa09 is now known as horstle
linuxson25j2daosh: You want me to pastebin it for you?11:37
j2daoshat 5am, you all are making me think11:37
mohdguys how to install compiz with repoz ?11:37
j2daoshi should slap all of you11:37
Dr_Willisjerriy:  vlc 1.x.x from the ppa repos does what you want i think. it works here.11:37
linuxson25j2daosh: I dont have the faintest idea where to start looking....lol11:37
_r1_What's the best way to configure networking through (or "for") virt-manager ?11:37
nmvictormohd: apt-get install compiz11:37
j2daoshlinuxson25: lol well i dont really want to, but sure, go ahead lol11:37
_r1_I'm using KVM and want be able to access ssh/http on hte guest from the host.11:38
j2daoshi think im gonna need more coffee and have to load up colinux :P11:38
jerriyDr_Willis: thanks I am reading the forums now11:38
venttimohd - cant you just search for it as well in synaptic?11:38
_r1_I don't found any good howto about it11:38
iceroothow to see the name of a windows-partition (fakeraid) to enable it for grub?11:38
mohdi will try11:38
j2daoshiceroot: good luck, i have a jmicron controller on my home desktop, can't do it :P11:39
venttipreferences -- > synaptic then just pop compiz in the search window.11:39
mohdhow to work the compiz ?11:39
venttiahh thats a diffeent thing alltogether11:40
icerootj2daosh: same controller here11:40
=== mindos_ is now known as mindos
venttiplay with it mohd, you will soon get the hang of it11:40
mindosCan someone have a look at a critical error while booting up : https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/8059111:40
j2daoshyeah iceroot, the only way i got it working was to make sure all the disks are on 1 controller11:40
j2daoshso i had to dump my IDE CD-Rom and HD, and buy all SATA devices11:41
icerootj2daosh: it was working with hardy11:41
icerootj2daosh: but jaunty, alternate disk (grub) isnt detecting windows11:41
icerootj2daosh: both systems are installed on the same 320GB Raid1-Array11:41
j2daoshthen you have a different issue then i did11:41
grozahello i have sun java 5.0 console and i dont know how to unistall11:42
j2daoshwell you can... check the /dev/sd?? and see if you can find windows :: shrugs ::11:42
icerootgroza: sudo apt-get remove sun-java5-jdk (or jre)11:42
linuxson25j2daosh: Ok, thanx. Quick....if I wanna get back to the logon screen from my faulty gnome desktop, I would use which command in cli?11:42
j2daoshyou might have to mount alot lol11:42
icerootj2daosh: i just need the name like hd(0,0)11:42
linuxson25j2daosh: Know how to kill it...just wanna know how te relaunch logon screen11:42
mindosiceroot & j2daosh : Hi!11:43
j2daoshlinuxson25: i think that might be like /etc/X11/restart or something11:43
mohdventii how to start it go to terminal and write compiz ?11:43
j2daoshlemme take a quick look in colinux11:43
ryukHey. How can i create a User that can only access one folder?11:43
venttimohd compiz now will appear under Preferences menu11:44
venttiunders system11:44
j2daoshlinuxson25: do 'ls /etc/init.d/gdm' and see if it returns anything11:44
mohdventti under graphic menu ?11:44
j2daoshthe command is 'gdm restart' but i cant remember where gdm is. i think its under /etc/init.d/ or /etc/init.d/gdm/11:45
xendonj2daosh /etc/init.d/gdm restart11:45
j2daoshok, there you go linuxson2511:45
j2daoshwhat xendon said11:46
venttimohd have you selected the high graphics setting under appearance? do this then select compiz under preferences11:46
j2daoshdid you pastebin it linuxson25 ?11:46
linuxson25j2daosh: xendon: Thanx11:46
linuxson25j2daosh: busy with that11:46
venttiu will see under Compiz there are many settings - have a play with them.11:46
j2daoshok, pm it too me when your done (the link). im going to get coffee11:47
linuxson25j2daosh: http://pastebin.com/d7340548211:48
ryukHow can i create a User that can only access one folder?11:48
Dr_Willisryuk:  access 'how' excatly?11:48
Dr_Willisryuk:  short answer - is priberly you dont. :) what are you wanting to acompilsh exactly?11:49
lollo3011if I install a new kernel from a .deb package, it will be add with the actual one on the grub, without replace it, right?11:49
Dr_Willislollo3011:  yes. in theory.11:49
mohdi choosed the high graphic where to select compiz under preferences ?11:50
lollo3011Dr_Willis this make me scared :\11:50
Dr_Willislollo3011:  using a kernel from a deb? from what deb? from where?11:50
Ollielollo3011, if its an official .deb it'll just add another entry to the GRUB menu. The old version will still be there until you remove it.11:51
venttikernels should just be added - i cant remember the name of the file, but i saw a file here a day ago that had 4 kernels listed to be displayed at boot and it also had a note stating that the number of kernels to be displayed was 'all', so i guess it can display many more as they are added / upgraded11:51
lollo3011it's not official, it's one made for the eeepc 1000h11:51
Ollieunoffical ones are supposed to do it, but someone could have messed up along the way so i dont trust debs other people have made :P11:52
venttithat is, if 'all' was a finite number then i guess the o,ldest would eventually not be displayed as more kernels were added11:52
BactaI've got a DVD I want to put on Youtube, what sort of tools will help me do this?11:52
j2daoshok, im back11:53
j2daoshsomeone shoot me11:53
venttidamn, what was the name of that file that contained this info? i only read that section of my book two nights ago ;-))11:53
* Bacta bang11:53
j2daoshor give me a zanax :)11:53
* Ollie shoots j2daosh with a marshmellow gun11:53
* Dr_Willis gets out the peashooter and shoots j2daosh11:53
j2daoshollie, damnit11:53
lollo3011Bacta: on youtube you can put videos of 10 minutes max, d'you know this?11:53
llutzventti: /boot/grub/menu.lst11:53
Bactalollo3011: It is about 10 minutes long11:53
venttiroger that llutz - thanks :)11:53
j2daoshok, time to dig through xorg :P11:54
* Dohtar shoots j2daosh with an AK4711:54
j2daoshdohtar, thank you11:54
Olliedamm, dont forget your miners helmet.11:54
Dr_WillisBacta:  check out winff11:54
j2daoshbut dont kneecap me, go for the head11:54
lollo3011Bacta oh ok11:54
b3rz3rk3rgroza,  j2daosh Found the solution. MT-write can be used in place of File Roller (which is default) and supports multiple threads.. archives scream now!11:54
Bactawinff? For Ubuntu?11:54
Dr_WillisBacta:  yes....11:54
Dr_Willis!info winff11:54
ubottuwinff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.45.1-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1417 kB, installed size 4008 kB11:54
Olliewhy not just use ffmpeg?11:54
j2daoshgood :)11:55
BactaWhere does the win bit come into it :P11:55
Dr_WillisOllie:  what do you think winff uses? :)11:55
Dr_Willisthey all seem to use ffmpeg, or mencoder  for the backend. :)11:55
Ollieah, i totally misread that.. i thought it said it was a windows program that uses ffmpeg as a backend.. and he was looking for a linux version.11:56
BactaWhat sort of format does Youtube accept? .avi, mpeg?11:56
Olliei need some coffee11:56
Dr_Williswinff works same on linux and windows. :)11:56
BactaAh, there we go then11:56
j2daoshsent you a pm with the error from the log linuxson2511:56
Olliegotya :)11:56
j2daoshdont know what to do to fix it, I would google the first and last lines of the error i pasted11:57
j2daosheverything else in your log looks fine11:57
elkyBacta, i suspect youtube uses the same libs you're going to use, but it'll list what it filters by on the upload page11:57
linuxson25j2daosh: thanx11:57
BactaAnother question: How do I get it so that when I move my mouse over a window it brings it into focus without the click? I've seen this done on Debian before11:58
Ollieactually i got a question that someone in here might be able to help with.. i basically need to pipe a byte range from a binary file, kinda like cat but with binary seeking ability.11:58
Ollieanyone hear of anything like that?11:58
BactaWait, found it :)11:58
Dr_WillisBacta:  thats a setting of the window manager. its in the gnome settings somewhere...11:58
chrisssSome help with terminal commands?11:58
chrisssA guide is telling me to "Then, in a terminal, navigate (2019cd2019) to the 2019src2019 directory of the unpacked files"11:58
Dr_Willis!bash | chrisss11:58
ubottuchrisss: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:58
BactaSystem->Preferences->Windows :)11:58
Dr_Willischrisss:  looks like some typos or extra characters in the directions11:58
j2daoshholy crap! i love espresso in my coffee11:59
j2daoshok, carry on11:59
venttiespresso rocks11:59
BactaThis is very cool esp. when you have a large screen11:59
chrisssDr_Willis: Okay, the folder is on /home/chris/Desktop.The instructions are telling me to navigate to the src directory. Do I simply type the loc into the terminal?11:59
Dr_Willischrisss:  you really may want to spend an hr reading some bash basics tutorals.. yes. its saying 'cd' to where the source dir is at.12:00
Dr_Willischrisss:  in this case it would be like 'cd /home/username/Desktop/whatever/'12:00
=== janne2 is now known as Skiessi
chrisssDr_Willis: Ahh, thanks. Yeah, I'll google some bash guides.12:01
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bubsgood morning12:03
j2daoshgood morning12:03
j2daoshaww... i just ate a coffee grind :( uck12:03
b3rz3rk3rafternoon :p12:03
ryuk<-- afk| I want to create a Ftp Server. everything works now. I use s...ftpd or sth.12:03
ventti'good evening :)12:03
b3rz3rk3rj2daosh, making your own?12:03
icerootryuk: sftp?12:04
j2daoshlol kinda12:04
ryuki just want a user that can acceess one folder only12:04
ryukyea :D12:04
icerootryuk: that is not working with sftp12:04
Dr_Willisaccess One folder over 'ftp' only....12:04
pedrocrI have an adsl modem (not a router) connected through ethernet to my computer, how do I know what speed has been negotiated?12:04
jerriyDr_Willis: YES!12:04
jerriyNow I have one intigrated VLC  player in Jaunty! Thanx!12:05
Dr_Willisjerriy:  and allit took was a quick search of the forums. :P12:05
=== devkhadka__ is now known as devkhadka
b3rz3rk3rpedrocr, just right click on your connection icon and choose "information"12:05
pedrocrb3rz3rk3r: it's a server, I have no GUI12:05
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j2daoshok, since i am no longer needed, back to my programming. ill stop by later, answer some more questions or what not :D12:06
b3rz3rk3rpedrocr, ah.. umm.. ifconfig12:06
pedrocrb3rz3rk3r: ifconfig doesn't seem to show it12:06
b3rz3rk3rhuh.. so it doesnt12:07
Dr_Willisjerriy:  that vlc STILL has some bug where drag/drop wont workj with it from gnome. :(12:07
dreamfirepedrocr: does your modem have something like a web-gui? try to log in.12:07
jerriyDr_Willis: "allit took was a quick search of the forums." Well normally I don't install BETA stuff so that may be why I didn't bother this12:07
Olliepedrocr, you'll only get the speed of the ethernet that its connected by. Not the actual speed of the adsl line. For that you'll need to access your adsl's interface (its usually a web interface)12:07
b3rz3rk3rpedrocr, what Ollie is saying is that it really doesnt matter anyway, as your lan will always be faster than  your adsl12:08
ryukis there a way to get it how i want it ?12:08
pedrocrb3rz3rk3r: I know I don't want the eth0 speed that will just be 100Mbps12:08
b3rz3rk3rpedrocr, so you want your line speed? just run a speed test12:09
pedrocrOllie: I'll do that, I was wondering if there was something easier as the ethernet interface where the modem is on doesn't have routing or IP assigned so I'll have to muck about with ifconfig/route to set it up, no problem though12:09
Ollieits usually the ip of your gateway, you can get that from the route command: route -n12:09
jerriyDr_Willis: if that is the only bug I don't mind12:09
dreamfirepedrocr: use ifconfig to get your standard-gateway. (this shout be the ip-adress of your modem) then open your web-brofser and type that ip in.12:09
nmvictornagios and munin, which is better?Im torn between the two12:09
Olliethen access http://{gateway ip/12:09
Olliethat normally is the way to do it12:09
pedrocrdreamfire: it's an actual modem not a router so there is no gateway it runs ppp over ethernet12:10
b3rz3rk3rpedrocr, default is or depend on manufacturer12:10
bubsanyone know how I can select my sound output device? I have a headset plugged in but the sound comes from the laptop speakers and the headset, also kmix fails me12:10
Ollieb3rz3rk3r, i've also seen 192.168.x.25412:10
pedrocrOllie: that's what I have to do but first I need to setup to be eth012:10
pedrocrno biggie12:10
b3rz3rk3rOllie, yeah, true.. thats more rare though no?12:11
dreamfirepedrocr: ahh ok. so shoud have configured the ip of the modem in your ppp connection!12:11
Ollievery rare, but it happens :)12:11
pedrocrdreamfire: I wonder if that will screw up the ppp though12:11
j2daoshactually, i believe the modem ip is going to be
norpani want to install this! how?? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=107158&forumpage=6&PHPSESSID=167fcf31a9a65fcb876dab9d512c823f12:11
pedrocrdreamfire: no, ppp over ethernet doesn't use IP even, just raw ethernet frames I think12:11
pedrocrdreamfire: but the modem will respond to IP so I just have to set that up12:11
dreamfirepedrocr: hmm. how have you configured your modem?12:12
j2daoshlol dream, thats what im wondering12:12
dreamfirej2daosh: :)12:12
pedrocrdreamfire: normal pppoe, you give it an interface (eth0) and it negotiates the pppoe over that interface12:13
pedrocrdreamfire: the ppp files are encapsulated directly in ethernet frames so the interface doesn't actually need routing setup12:13
dreamfirepedrocr: yes, thats tricky. what type/brand of modem do you have?12:14
pedrocrdreamfire: it's no problem I just have to setup routing and then it will answer to
dreamfirepedrocr: ok, try that :)12:16
freko28Bonjour à tous12:17
samitheberberpedrocr: ethtool <interface>12:17
pedrocrsamitheberber: thanks, I forgot about that one12:18
pedrocrsamitheberber: doesn't work on ppp0 though and of course on eth0 it just shows 100Mbps12:18
bubscan anyone recommend a good file manager for kde ?12:19
Dr_Willis!info mc12:20
ubottumc (source: mc): midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:4.6.2~git20080311-4ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2093 kB, installed size 6272 kB12:20
bubswait what12:20
dreamfirebubs: krusader is also a nice one12:20
tic^bubs, i use mc also12:21
Dr_Willis!info rox12:21
ubottuPackage rox does not exist in jaunty12:21
Dr_Willis!info rox-filer12:21
ubotturox-filer (source: rox): A simple graphical file manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5-1build1 (jaunty), package size 1436 kB, installed size 3992 kB12:21
lb_quick shell question. what is wrong with this/how can I fix it? :: $ cd $folder;for file in $(ls -R|egrep -v "[:/]");do md5sum file;done  ::  I get the message "md5sum: $file: No such file or directory" for every file. :(12:21
bubsI'll check both out, thx guys12:21
samitheberberlb_: fix md5sum file to md5sum $file12:23
Ollielb_, you're missing a $ on the file12:23
pedrocrok, I can ping from the server but it doesn't seem to route it into my lan, strange12:23
lb_samitheberber: Thanks, but that is actually in my script, I think. just forgot it here12:23
pedrocris there something I need to enable in an interface so that it will route?12:23
Ollielb_, just a guess, but if its a subscript within a script you will need to escape the $12:24
lb_Ollie: Thanks. I just typed that in my terminal12:24
lebernyhi everyone12:25
OllieThis works for me: cd $folder;for file in $(ls -R|egrep -v "[:/]");do md5sum $file;done12:25
Ollienotice the extra $ that you dont have in your example12:25
lebernyI have an issue with ubuntu 9.04 and parallels workstation : it worked fine with 8.10 but once I upgraded, as soon as I log I have the desktop showing and then I go back to login page12:26
lb_Ollie: I do. But I only forgot that here, I wrote it in the shell.12:26
lebernyupgraded to 9.0412:27
Olliethats strange then. its works for me.12:27
lebernyI have music starting and so on and then suddently, login page...12:28
lebernyafter 5 secs12:28
lebernyI cant log as root because i dunno the root pwd12:28
lebernyin recovery mode12:28
rskleberny: use sudo -i12:29
Dr_Willisi thought recovery mode logged in as root automatically...12:29
* adiktd|server is away: I'm busy so F*cK OFF!12:29
ideamonkHey guys i burnt a windows 7 iso using brasero, but it kept on going and never finished! has anyone encountered same issues?12:29
rskadiktd|server: turn that off now.12:29
lebernyrsk when? i a new session?12:29
Dr_Willisideamonk:  ive had issues with brasero in the past. I tend to use k3b most of the time now a days12:30
adiktd|serverohh yer sorry12:30
adiktd|serverits worldwide12:30
pedrocrgot it, used a text mode browser in the server and accessed it (4Mbps it is)12:31
ideamonkDr_Willis, I guess im gonna give k3b a shot before I waste another dvd :)12:31
kapuCan someone give me pointers on how to correct this http://pastebin.com/d2b833b3e ? I need to add space to my root partition I guess12:31
Dr_Willisideamonk:  shall i point out that Win7 is a waste of a dvd anyway. :)12:31
ideamonkDr_Willis, haha I know buddy, but for my web design work I need to get Photoshop working :)12:32
adiktd|server3kb is awse :P :P :P12:32
Dr_Willisideamonk:  bah.. text only web sites  are the best12:32
ideamonkDr_Willis, and the old windows is another bigger waste12:32
billisniceGood Morning Ubuntu fans...When i try to update the updater says the keys are wrong? How can i reset all keys in the terminal?12:32
ideamonkDr_Willis, damn! anyways thanks buddy12:33
Ollieim a big fan of text only websites too. with a little css sexyness.12:33
rskbillisnice: you're not to specific...12:33
lebernyok started recovery mode then root prompt with root pwd and startx and got following message : panel encountered a problem while loading indicator applet do you want to delete it? but no mouse or keyboard input12:33
billisnicethe key number and letters to authenticate.12:33
ideamonkOllie, like http://sn.madetokill.com I dint do anything more than a background and css12:33
lebernysystem hangs12:33
bubswow if been messing with linux + ubuntu for a couple of months now and thought i'm getting the hang of things, but i dont understand half of what's going on in here12:33
Ollieops, dns error :(12:34
Dr_Willisleberny:  what are you trying to 'fix' anyway?12:34
ideamonkOllie, woah! i hate it... i bought the domain from google :(12:34
ideamonkOllie, is madetokill.com opening your side ?12:34
lebernyDr_Willis : i upgraded to 9.04 and once I logged the desktop shows and after 5 secs I am redirected to login page12:34
OllieYeah, madetokill.com works for me.12:34
kanushello, sorry for my english, but i am finding an ubuntu program manager (i want uninstall some programs), but not everyone show every programs...12:35
ideamonkoh then something with subdomains12:35
Ollieit could have been my connection. its acting up a little recently.12:35
kanusbtw is here any czech?12:35
ideamonkOllie, mine too12:35
Dr_Willisleberny:  so your X sessin is crashing..  try making a new user. see if X works for the new user properly as a test.12:35
bubsi can't load madetokill.com12:35
kapuIf my /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root is almost full is it easy to fix it?12:35
ideamonkOllie, another domain i have stealthat.com isn't opening :(12:35
Ollie:( damm.12:36
ideamonkIs it because of the recent damages to underwater cables ?12:36
ideamonkI'm using opendns basically12:36
lebernyDr_Willis : will try12:36
ideamonkand last week google and gmail, etc were down for me frequentyl12:36
br34lkanus: what do you want do deinstall?12:36
kanusbr3l: lot of programs :D12:37
br34lkanus: like? openoffice?12:37
bubskanus, apt-get purge12:37
ideamonkOllie, thats neat! web1.0 :D12:37
RudyValenciaI can't get VMware Tools to build in Ubuntu Server 8.04.2, either by building the official package or by building a hybrid of both open-vm-tools and the official package.12:37
Ollieyeah :)12:37
Ollienone of this fancy ajax crap12:37
chrisss1How do you determine if you should download amd64 or i386?12:38
zetheroois there any app that will record the desktop smoothly?12:38
Dr_Willischrisss1:  whats your cpu?12:38
rskchrisss1: depending on your CPU12:38
lb_chrisss1: well, what kind of processor do you have?12:38
Dr_Willisuse 64bit if your cpu supports it12:38
ideamonkchrisss, there will be a sticker on ur laptop or cpu12:38
bubschrissl, amd for amd chips i386 for intel12:38
rskbubs: not correct12:38
kanusbr34l: no, like xawtv, themonopost, i think, that it will be about 30programs xD i installed everithink, when i was finding program for my tv card....12:38
bubs<< noob12:38
Dr_WillisThere are 64bit intel chips and 32bit amd's :)12:38
Gneabubs: no, amd64 is 64-bit ALL, covers amd and intel12:38
rskdo not listen to him12:38
bibsthaa quick question12:38
bubsok i'll stfu lol12:38
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.12:38
bibsthashould i install ubuntu-server and then install apache, mysql, samba, ...12:39
Gneanah, just read those and learn :)12:39
chrisss1Dr_Willis, rsk, lb_: Intel Atom?12:39
rskbibstha: only if you want?12:39
zetherooI have been trying out recordmyDesktop but the output video is extremely choppy12:39
bibsthashould i install ubunt-desktop and then install apache, mysql, samba12:39
Dr_Willischrisss1:  the netbook remix's are 32bit i think.. but that IS a 64bit cpu i belive12:39
rskbibstha: there's no shoulds here, we are all friends.12:39
bibsthaor should i install ubuntu-server and then install gnome-desktop?12:39
Dr_Willischrisss1:  i use the UbuntuNetbook remix on my AAO netbook12:39
bibstharsk, so what do u suggest?12:39
rskbibstha: you are free to do whatever you want, i dont get why you ask this :)12:40
chrisss1Dr_Willis: So amd64?12:40
Dr_Willischrisss1:  flip a coin.. it dosent matter mch. :) if you have a netbook.. you may want to check out the Netbook Remix edition.12:40
bibstharsk, download wize.. which would be lighter on my slow internet..12:40
chrisss1Dr_Willis: I'm using UNR too, but I need to download a .deb file, that is available in both amd64 and i386.12:40
samitheberberbibstha: if you want desktop with server, I think first desktop then server programs12:40
vaxetihirrhi all12:40
lebernyhu... to create a new user a useradd and passwd are enough no?12:40
br34lkanus: can u find them in your application bar, on the top of the screen under " applications - add\remove" ?12:40
Dr_Willischrisss1:  thats a DIFFERNT problem then. :) You need the package that matches what you isntalled...12:40
rskbibstha: order cd from shipit for free12:41
bibsthasamitheberber, um lesser download this way i think12:41
Dr_Willischrisss1:  UNR = 32bit i belive12:41
leaf-sheepchrisss1: I'd say 32bit because it is no point hassling everything for a netbook.12:41
bibstharsk i got both server one and desktop one12:41
kanusbr34l: i thet i can´t find everythink12:41
chrisss1Dr_Willis, leaf-sheep: So get the i386 .deb?12:41
lebernycan login with command line but not with gdm12:41
kanusbr34l: sry in that12:41
Dr_Willischrisss1:  sure why not.. try it..12:41
leaf-sheepchrisss1: That would be the ideal way... because it's a netbook we're talking about.12:41
Dr_Willischrisss1:  worse comes to worse.. you download the otehr if it dont work.12:42
chrisss1Ah, thanks.12:42
levanderCan I run kvm so that I have "direct" access to the desktop.  Or, do I have to go through rdesktop?12:42
Dr_Willis!info kvm12:43
ubottukvm (source: kvm): Full virtualization on i386 and amd64 hardware. In component main, is optional. Version 1:84+dfsg-0ubuntu12.3 (jaunty), package size 1041 kB, installed size 3124 kB12:43
lebernyanyone ?12:44
RudyValenciaWhy won't VMware Tools build in Ubuntu Server 8.04.2, either by building the official package or by building a hybrid of both open-vm-tools and the official package?12:44
Dr_Willisleberny:  new user worked or same problem?12:45
levanderDr_Willis: that doesn't answer the question12:45
RudyValenciaI've been up all night trying anything to get it to build12:45
Dr_WillisKVM =  one of those hardware switches also... :)12:45
lebernyDr_Willis : I am not sure I created it well. I can log in in command line but with gdm login fails12:46
lebernyDr_Willis : I made useradd and then passwd12:46
Dr_Willisleberny:  so you made a new user? 'sudo adduser bgates'    (or whtever) :)12:46
lebernyjust useradd testuser12:46
Dr_Willisleberny:  so  the LOGIN screen (gdm) works properly?12:46
lebernyDr_Willis : yes12:48
lebernyi log see desktop and then i am redirected to login page12:48
LMJI've create a lvm volume a couple of months ago and store datas on it. I rebooted today after an simple upgrade, no more LVM ! pvdisplay, vgdisplay & lvdisplay are empty, What could I do to get back my files ?12:48
Dr_Willisleberny:  thats... weird... -  You could try installing a diffrent window manager. and see if the user can login using that one  'sudo apt-get install icewm' and try icewm from the sessions menu12:49
KB1JWQLMJ: pvs and lvs are blank?12:49
lebernyDr_Willis : can log with prompt but no luck in gdm for new users12:49
lebernygot to go thanks for your help12:49
Dr_Willisleberny:  ahh.. gdm also fails.. that sounds like a X issue then. driver or config12:49
linuxson25Another gnome victim bites the dust....lol12:50
LMJyes KB1JWQ12:50
zetheroois there a known issue with Intel graphics in Janty?12:50
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.12:51
Dr_Willisyes  there is zetheroo12:51
chrisssWhen you're installing a .deb, is there any difference from simply double clicking the file, and using terminal to dpkg -i?12:51
Dr_Willischrisss:  i think the gui tool some how checks dependencies . so may work better12:51
LMJKB1JWQ : got some files in /etc/lvm/archive/ and /etc/lvm/backup, could they be useful ?12:51
zetherooDr_Willis: s and I am guessing that one of those links will have a list of chipsets affected ..12:51
Dr_Williszetheroo:  yea. i just followed the upgrade-intel guide for all my intel machines12:52
linuxson25chrisss: terminal lets you do --fix missing installs, and some other features that the gui tool doesnt offer12:52
chrisssOkay, thanks guys.12:52
zetheroo Dr_Willis:  I have 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)12:52
KB1JWQLMJ: Sounds like your grub.conf may not be calling the LVM stuff correctly.12:52
=== Kacie is now known as anwoke8204
dwarderwhere can i read about upgrading mysql 5.0 to mysql 5.1 in ubuntu 8.1012:53
dwarderdoes ubuntu got a hangbook or sommwthing12:53
LMJKB1JWQ : my datas are on LVM, not my system, I can boot without any problem12:53
Dr_Willis!training | dwarder12:54
ubottudwarder: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com12:54
zetherooDr_Willis: oh so its an issue with all Intel's? ... not just some particular chipsets?12:54
Dr_Williszetheroo:  no idea. I just upgraded all of mine. for better performance12:54
mumeiQuestion : If i update ubuntu does it overwrite the kernel files and stuffs? and what is the md5sum file on the cd for?12:54
zetherooDr_Willis: ok .. and did it make a noticeable difference?12:54
leaf-sheepdwarder: Google "Ubuntu Pocket Book" The PDF is free.12:54
Dr_Williszetheroo:  for my netbook it got a lot quicker.  wifes laptop actually was able to do compiz12:55
zetherooDr_Willis: oh ok ... wow ... so some pretty big pluses ... could me having very choppy video output with recordmyDesktop have something to do with my Intel graphics?12:56
Dr_Williszetheroo:  proberly12:56
zetherooDr_Willis: also I noticed some compiz features not being so smooth ...12:56
Dr_Williszetheroo:  im spurized it works at all. :)12:57
zetherooDr_Willis: really?...12:57
leaf-sheepO rly said the owl.12:58
RudyValenciaWhy won't VMware Tools build in Ubuntu Server 8.04.2, either by building the official package or by building a hybrid of both open-vm-tools and the official package?12:58
=== Taube is now known as taube
zetherooDr_Willis: so did you do the Safe update? or the Bleeding Edge?12:58
Dr_Willisleaf-sheep:  http://images.google.com/images?q=orly&oe=utf-8&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=e92PSqOJFpDkMdiihLAK&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=412:59
Dr_Williszetheroo:  i did the simple one.. safe i thinkit is called.12:59
zetherooDr_Willis: ok ... fingers crossed ... :) ... should be pretty straight forward right? ...13:00
bubsanyone know how I can select my sound output device? I have a headset plugged in but the sound comes from the laptop speakers and the headset, also kmix fails me13:00
RudyValenciawhat do I do?13:00
zetherooDr_Willis: I am just wondering ... where its saying to edit xorg.conf .... there is something about people using i8xx .... I am not using that am I? ...13:02
chrisss6Once I've installed a .deb file, dooes it matter whether or not if I delete it?13:03
fosa_i'm in korea, how do I get google to be default to english?13:04
vicmackeyhi, how do i configure kvm/libvirt to use bridged networking for guests instead of nat?13:05
vicmackeybridge is set up an works, im running 9.0413:05
leaf-sheepchrisss6: Why is there chrisss and chrisss1?13:06
Dr_Williszetheroo:  i dont know what you are using. :) i barely rember what i am using.13:06
Dr_Williszetheroo:   i did the edit to see if it worked for my 2 laptops.. and it did.13:06
Dr_Williszetheroo:  took me all of perhaps 14 min the first time, then about 4 to tweak the 2nd laptop13:07
dwarderleaf-sheep: thanks13:07
chrisss6leaf-sheep: I'm playing around with the wired on my netbook, so I keep getting connected and disconnected from gogloom (online IRC). My guess is that gogloom doesn't register my disconnecting, and assigns numbers so the names are different.13:07
* mab hi to all13:07
=== mab is now known as Guest95501
leaf-sheepdwarder: No problem.  Good luck.13:08
Untouchab1eI need to find out how long the CPU has been in user mode and system mode.. I know the info is in /proc/stat but I cant figure out where13:09
linxehUntouchab1e: first hit on google for "proc stat" tells you - http://www.linuxhowtos.org/System/procstat.htm13:11
Untouchab1elinxeh: thanks, l check it out13:12
Kaosevilhi all13:12
Kaosevilwho can help me?13:12
Untouchab1eKaosevil: I guess that depends on your problem13:12
linxehUntouchab1e: also, man proc is more uptodate13:12
Kaosevilyou can open this link http://bit.ly/aWxqG and vote Illiano Bartolo ?13:12
linxehit has nothing to do with ubuntu13:13
bazhangKaosevil, dont paste that here13:14
rskKaosevil: no go away.13:14
* linxeh emails the titantium mobile developer contest with the log of this channel13:14
Kaosevili need of vote13:14
Kaosevilfor my cause13:15
toniinow, to see if JOINS QUITS and PARTS are ignored from this channel.13:16
bazhangtonii, which client13:16
Untouchab1elinxeh: Cant seem to figure out how to find the time spent in User\System mode13:16
toniibazhang: irssi <3. trying to configure it properly for the first time ^_^13:16
Untouchab1eah, found it13:16
ubottuTo ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS13:16
bazhangtonii, ^^13:17
Dr_WillisI like the latest weechat. :) it has 'smart' filterng  of parts/joins/quits13:17
toniiseems to be working! Wonderful :D13:17
Syrthai cant get audio in flash to work. I have libflashplayer.so. Have firefox 3.0.13. And Opera web browser. Anyone know howto?13:19
dwarderis there a way i can install 5.1 mysql to ubuntu 8.1013:20
dwarderapt-cache search mysql13:20
dwardergives only 5.0 ver13:21
rskdwarder: download and install manually13:21
dwarderrsk: download apt package from mysql.com?13:22
RudyValenciaI'm still wondering why VMware Tools won't build in Ubuntu Server 8.04.2, either by building the official package or by building a hybrid of both open-vm-tools and the official package.13:22
MatBoyis there a netbook net i13:22
MatBoyis there a netbook netinstall version available ?13:22
dhruvasagar_Does anybody use ubuntuzilla ?13:23
Dr_WillisMatBoy:  not that ive ever seen13:23
RudyValenciaMatBoy: Ubuntu Netbook Remix13:23
bazhangRudyValencia, that's not netinstall13:23
MatBoyRudyValencia: but that is not a netinstall13:23
MatBoybazhang: 1-1 ;)13:23
cmbowerHi all, just installed ubuntu 9 on my laptop for the first time, loving it so far! Thought I'd drop in and lurk for a bit.13:23
dhruvasagar_cmbower: cool :)13:24
venttihiya cmbower13:24
MatBoyI thnk I want a t91 :D13:24
RudyValenciaI almost want to take a .22 to my server13:24
GPLI tried installing WizardPen driver, made a few changes to Xorg.conf file, but when i restarted X Windows in Ubuntu, it ran in Low-Graphics Mode giving me Error parsing the config | >BTW< here's the xorg.conf file, that resulted in error | http://pastebin.com/m7da00afe | Please help, i really need this tablet to work13:24
rskdwarder: sure13:24
dwarderrsk: thanks13:24
cmbowerI'm amazed at how easy it is to use, can't wait to learn more about the details now. And I thought DOS 6.6 was cool when it came out ;-) Yes, I'm OLD.13:25
xendoncmbbower ^^ celebrate revival in DosBox ^^13:27
xendonmaybe xD13:27
dwarderi wonder if i can distupdate13:27
venttiGPL - i know this sounds daft, but is the wizardpen driver entry case sensitive?13:27
toniiGPL: what error do you get?13:27
dwarderi mean dist-upgrade13:27
cmboweroooo, xendon, good idea, will bring back memories13:27
GPLventti : it's the same , that is written over here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpenHardy17313:28
dhruvasagar_GPL: what error message do you get exactly ?13:28
xendoncmbower ... i allways celebrate my self while playind hexen or doom on dosbox ..... thats real games13:29
GPLtonii: Restarting X windows, it came out with the error : Starting in Low-Graphics Mode, Error parsing the config File13:29
venttiOK GPL13:29
toniiGPL: aha13:29
dhruvasagar_GPL: gave you tried removing the line number 53 ?13:29
cmbowerI know you folks have heard it a million times, but it's so nice having a laptop functional WITHOUT anything to do with MS.13:29
GPLdhruvasagar : the guide tells to add up this line, in order to make it work.13:29
bazhangcmbower, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic as this channel is for support13:30
cmbowerok, will just lurk, np13:30
toniiGPL: could you paste the Xorg errorlog on pastebin?13:30
GPLdhruvasagar : i would try to remove this line, if you say so.13:30
GPLtonii, okay. where's the errorlog exactly ?13:30
dwarderhow can i know ubuntu version from cli>13:31
toniiGPL: /var/log/Xorg.0.log or Xorg.9.log13:31
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »13:31
bazhanglsb_release -a dwarder13:31
dwarderthank you13:31
dhruvasagar_GPL: Does the indentation matter, I am not very sure, try indenting the line number 5313:32
dwarderhmm sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:32
dwarderdid't upgrade my distro it is still 8.1013:32
erUSUL!upgrade | dwarder13:32
ubottudwarder: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:32
lebernyHi again13:33
erUSULdwarder: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is not enough to upgrade to a new distro13:33
lebernyDr_Willis : icewm is working ok13:33
uarefine2Hello All you folks13:33
dwardererUSUL: thanks13:33
Guest95620Could anyone tell me how to set the sound playback option to ALSA in xubuntu?13:33
GPLHere's the log file Xorg.0.log : http://pastebin.com/m5d402b6713:34
GPLdhruvasagar_: sure i am indenting that line, and checking it up.13:34
uarefine2When i boot up my ubuntu that i installed thru windows it boots all the way to just before desktop the the monitor goes blank the monitor is fine when i boot up in windows13:34
Dr_Willisleberny:  sounds like youv narrowed it down to some 'gnome' issue then.13:34
lebernydr_willis : apparently13:35
lebernymaybe parallels workstation not working well?13:35
toniiGPL: seems that when you edited the xorg.conf it can't find any screens >.<13:35
toniiwhich is a bit odd13:36
lebernydr_willis : but still no luck with newly created users13:36
lebernycan't connect except in command line13:37
GPLtonii : what should i do then13:37
uarefine2how do i fix my screen thru another linux os13:37
uarefine2or even the live cd13:37
toniiGPL: did you edit anything else but the wizardpen?13:38
Syrthauarefine2, fix screen.. what do you meen?13:38
Guest95620could anyone help me with a sound problem? ;o13:38
scizzo-!ask > Guest9562013:38
ubottuGuest95620, please see my private message13:38
GPLtonii : there are other log files too, Xorg.1.log , Xorg.99.log, Xorg.failsafe.log : should i  upload them too ?13:39
coz_hey guys... apparenlty apple movie trailers is not working...ubuntu cannot find required plugin to play...did apple get upset with linux  because of cairo dock and the such ? :)13:39
=== ghost is now known as Guest8592
toniiGPL: hm, don't think that is necessary right now13:39
GPLor delete all log files, and do this again, in order to ensure that i upload the correct log file ?13:39
AegisRisingHi everyone, anyone know what 3g mobile dongles work with Jaunty?13:40
scizzo-coz_: but you can play other quicktime files?13:40
lebernyok here is my issue : parallels wkst running ubuntu 8.10 ok. Upgraded to 9.04, got login screen, connect, see desktop and starting music but after 5 sec i am redirected to login page. Other wm like ice is ok13:40
Guest95620Right :P, ok all in one line then: How do i set de sound play back in Xubuntu to ALSA? in ubuntu i'd go to System>prefrences>sound but you don't have that in Xubuntu13:40
dryfyrehey what is the terminal code to get wine13:40
IdleOne!hardware | AegisRising13:40
ubottuAegisRising: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:40
GPLtonii: i Just changed information about Wizardpen Tablet as told in this document : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpenHardy173 : i did nothing else.13:41
Guest8592I am trying to install ubuntu server 9.04 and I have a motherboard that supports raid, I would like to setup raid 5, anyone know how to do this?13:41
uarefine2I boot up and the boot screen shows the progress bar after that the mouse shows for a moment then the screen goes blank and will not come back i think i screwed up settings when i changed drivers i am using a laptop HP DV6546 with nvidia video card13:41
coz_scizzo-,  mm I havent tried but all other streaming video work  and I have tried this on two installs here with the same errors  so it isnt on this end13:41
toniiGPL: alright, I'll look through that :)13:41
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scizzo-Guest95620: have you asked in #xubuntu?13:41
ikoniauarefine2: can you please repond in #ubuntu-ops13:41
AegisRisingubottu, brilliant - cheers for that - checking it out now!13:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:41
remfarkashi all13:41
ikoniauarefine2: thank you13:42
juiceboxI am trying to install ubuntu server 9.04 and I have a motherboard that supports raid, I would like to setup raid 5, anyone know how to do this?13:42
GPLtonii : please look at this again, to be sure, that i changed nothing else, xcept what is told in that documentation file. http://pastebin.com/m7da00afe13:42
uarefine2sorry ikonia13:42
scizzo-coz_: and you are sure that you have support for the quicktime stuff?13:42
Guest95620Scizzo: i have, but only one person answers and he just removed pulseaudio >,<13:42
scizzo-coz_: I would check if you can play any other quicktime movies13:42
remfarkasanyone can explain me how to add name servers using chroot?13:42
dhruvasagar__GPL: did you find the resolution?13:42
MindSparkhi, I had jaunty a cople of days ago and it would keep giving me random crashes over and over again. I've upgraded to karmic and I am still getting those. Basically X stops responding to anything but the mouse cursor can move. I have an i855 graphic card, Does anyone know a solution to this ?13:42
ikoniaremfarkas: you don't need to use a chroot to add a name server13:42
coz_sorry about that13:42
ikoniaremfarkas: just update your resolv.conf file in th eOS13:42
coz_scizzo-,  yeah  I do ...and I am playing a quicktime move now13:42
remfarkasi need chroot to use internet13:42
GPLdhruvasagar__: i am not getting you, resolution of what ?13:43
uarefine2Syrtha can you please help me13:43
ikoniaMindSpark: karmic is not supported here13:43
IdleOneikonia: may I message you a moment?13:43
coz_scizzo-,  but it doesnt work on the apple movie trailer site13:43
ikoniaremfarkas: that's nonsense13:43
ikoniaIdleOne: sure13:43
remfarkasi mean i need the chroot being able to use internet13:43
lebernyanyone for my issue : parallels wkst running ubuntu 8.10 ok. Upgraded to 9.04, got login screen, connect, see desktop and starting music but after 5 sec i am redirected to login page. Other wm like ice is ok?13:43
MindSparkikonia, ok, I had the same issue with jaunty13:43
dhruvasagar__GPL: for your xorg settings problem ?13:43
ikoniaMindSpark: sounds like hardware then if multiple distros are crashing13:43
joaopintoremfarkas, the same way you don on a regular environment, editing /etc/resolv.conf on your chroot13:43
scizzo-coz_: check if .mov is listed in the about:plugins13:43
ikoniaMindSpark: unless you can be specific about the crashes13:43
remfarkasatm it cant resolve any adress so apt-get or aptitude fails13:43
MindSparkikonia, I just upgraded because I thought this would solve the problem13:43
ikoniaMindSpark: alpha release distros are not a good idea13:43
coz_scizzo-,  it sure is  version 7.2.013:44
juiceboxis there any way to install ubuntu server with a raid 5 setup, my motherboard supports raid but ubuntu keeps installing on just one disk instead of all 313:44
GPLdhruvasagar__: Nope, i just copied and pasted ... that is written in that documentation : No editing on my end.13:44
MindSparkikonia, there's not much to say except that the keyboard becomes useless, nothing works except for the cursor of the mouse moving around the screen.13:44
toniiGPL: try adding >Identifier "layout1"< (without <>) before the InputDevice in ServerLayout13:44
ikoniajuicebox: your motherboard supports fake raid - which is a poor raid product and has very bad support. Also /boot cannot be on raid 513:44
remfarkasand i need chroot to restore kernels somehow.. i managed to remove them with a command i used on 8.1013:44
MindSparkand I have to do the sysrq/r/u/i/t/k/b method13:44
coz_scizzo-,  these movies play fine  http://www.spacetoday.org/STOmovies.html13:44
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ikoniaMindSpark: check the num lock key - does that still turn the light on/off on the keyboard13:44
GPLtonii : sure.13:44
Guest81632hello. I would like to know if there is *any* way to check if xchat is still connected to a network via a plugin. Or to force xchat to check the connection itself.13:45
toniiGPL: the line before, that is13:45
dhruvasagar__I had logged in as dhruvasagar and got disconnected, now I am unable to log back in as dhruvasagar it says its already in use, what do I do?13:45
MindSparkikonia, ok, I'll have to wait till the next crash, but I don't think so ? what would that indicate ?13:45
MindSparkwhere can I look for logs ?13:45
ikoniaGuest81632: type on the network - that will tell you if it's connected13:45
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ikoniaMindSpark: the numlock light gives you an idea to the state of the hang13:45
juiceboxikonia: ugh.. so is there a way to use raid 5 on the server?13:45
GPLtonii : layout1 or Layout113:45
Dr_Willisdhruvasagar__:  wait for it to time out13:45
lebernyanyone already experienced a desktop crash just afer login redirecting the user to the login page?13:45
ikoniajuicebox: you can use fake raid - but it's very bad support13:45
dhruvasagar__Dr_Willis: ok13:45
ikoniajuicebox: you'd also have to make sure /boot was not on a raid5 partition13:46
Dr_Willisdhruvasagar__:  or register your nick If you register you could recover it.13:46
dhruvasagar__Dr_Willis: my nick dhruvasagar is registered13:46
toniiGPL: doesn't really matter13:46
Guest81632ikonia, I am not sure if that works. I think I have tried that...13:46
Dr_Willisdhruvasagar__:  then msg nickserv help and learn how to use  nickserv to recover it13:46
ikoniaGuest81632: not sure if what works ?13:46
Dr_Willisdhruvasagar__:  or just wait about 4 min13:46
ventti<dhruvasagar__ just wait a few mins then try changing it again13:46
xatconi hav a prob13:46
juiceboxikonia: would it be better to use software raid?13:46
dhruvasagar__Dr_Willis: ok13:46
scizzo-coz_: is it telling you something like text/html decoder not installed?13:46
dhruvasagar__ventti: ok :)13:46
bazhangdhruvasagar__, /msg nickserv help ghost13:47
coz_scizzo-,  yes it is13:47
ikoniajuicebox: software raid in linux is excellent, but you still have to make /boot not on raid 513:47
xatconmy laptop speaker is not working13:47
Guest81632ikonia, I am not sure if it actually shows me if I am still connected. I have tried some python-lines with which I look for the actual server-name for example. And even when the ethernet isn't connected, it still shows me the name of the server I was connected to before13:47
ikoniaGuest81632: join #xchat and ask them then, theyknow about plugins13:48
ikoniabase3: please stop13:48
MindSparkikonia, https://bugs.launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/378147 <--- this is basically it13:48
bazhangbase3, stop that13:48
ikoniabase3: this channel is for ubuntu support discussion only13:48
juiceboxikonia: so /boot is on it's own logical partition and then the rest of the system can be on raid?13:48
base3ikonia: ok13:48
ikoniajuicebox: correct13:48
=== dhruvasagar__ is now known as dhruvasagar
Guest81632ikonia, okay, I will try there. Thanks13:48
coz_scizzo-,  is there a solution to this?13:49
dhruvasagargreat I am back13:49
ikoniaMindSpark: looks interesting13:49
juiceboxikonia: do you know of any setup guides for server edition and how to setup software raid?13:49
dhruvasagarif I try to go fullscreen in any video on any site say eg) youtube, firefox crashes13:50
ikoniajuicebox: search for ikonia's threads on ubuntu forums, I've put two threads up which talk about setting up raid13:50
juiceboxikonia: Thanks!13:50
ikoniajuicebox: also - you may want to consider using the desktop version if this is on home hardware as the desktop edition makes an excellent server13:50
dhruvasagarevolution crashes quite a lot in jaunty13:51
MindSparkikonia, yea, tell me about it, mostly interesting when I've been working for hours and hours and this totally crashes my concentration.13:51
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ikoniaMindSpark: have you tried the notes in the bug report ?13:51
scizzo-coz_: I am still looking13:52
juiceboxikonia: yeah it's a pc that I built myself, why is the desktop version better for this?  I would like to build my own home server/media server13:52
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scizzo-coz_: I came over this error myself now13:52
ikoniajuicebox: the desktop install will make an excellent home server13:52
coz_scizzo-,  cool... I have googled allnight :)13:52
MindSparkikonia, I am still going through them. I've been only searching for "i855 crash" while "i855 freeze" gives totally different results...13:52
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1245441&page=3 coz_13:52
ikoniajuicebox: the parameters of the desktop build are more geared towards  the home user haredware13:52
coz_bazhang,  ah interesting...so apple is peeved :)13:53
bazhangcoz_, user agent switcher plugin for FF may work here13:53
coz_bazhang,  mm let me see where that is available13:54
joaopintojuicebox, the only advantage on using the desktop edition for a server is if you are not experienced with linux, graphical tools maybe handy13:54
juiceboxikonia: can I still use all the features that the server version has like ssh for remote access and lamp etc..13:54
joaopintoif you have experienced and/or want to learn how to use the terminal, the server edition will be just fine13:55
skibilianoHello, I have a slight problem with sound.13:55
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skibilianoEverything in flash games and some other games is delayed by 0.5-1 second13:55
joaopintojuicebox, there are no major differentes between desktop and server, they just have a different set of packages, which you can install on any of them13:55
joaopintojuicebox, you can install the desktop packages on a server base install, or server packages on a desktop install13:55
ubuntu_irccan anyone  help me to run cakephp 1.2.8 program in ubuntu 9.0413:56
ikoniajuicebox: sure can13:56
ikoniajuicebox: desktop is an excellent server product13:56
juiceboxikonia: cool, can I remove the xserver from the desktop later on once I have the command line down?13:56
ikoniajuicebox: you can - but why bother, the X server can be useful, just disable it13:57
ikoniajuicebox: or even better, open multiple xterms on the desktop, mutliple command lines !13:57
ikoniajuicebox: why make it hardware than it needs to be13:57
extortcp        0      0 :::22               :::*               LISTEN <-- Does this mean that I have ssh listening on ipv6?13:57
ubuntu_irccan anyone  help me to run cakephp 1.2.8 program in ubuntu 9.04. I have already develop a website in cakephp 1.2.8 in windows but I can not deploy in ubuntu 9.0413:57
ikoniaextor: it does13:57
ikoniaubuntu_irc: what's the problem ?13:57
pawanany software to format partition13:57
coz_bazhang,   doesnt seem to work here  on firefox13:58
pawani am using live cd13:58
ikoniapawan: gparted13:58
kleeshey all13:58
pawanhow to install13:58
ubuntu_ircI don't know13:58
juiceboxikonia: good point, I just wanted to start learning ubuntu really well, since I am always stuck in windows at work :(13:58
kleesI'm trying to use geany with Python 3.1...13:58
ikoniapawan: open the package manager - search for synaptic and mark it for install13:58
ikoniaubuntu_irc: so what are you asking for help with ?13:58
kleesbut when I try to import tkinter an error is produced that it can't find the module13:58
bazhangcoz_, just trying the variables here myself13:58
kleesanyone has any ideas?13:58
GPLtonii: after adding that line, i guess it started normally, but cant use my tablet still?13:58
ikoniapawan: sorry - search for gparted13:59
kleesI can import tkinter fine in IDLE13:59
dhruvasagarpawan: usually there is a link to install right on the desktop13:59
ubuntu_irchow to run a project of cakephp which is build in windows13:59
toniiGPL: must be something missing then. You used the correct config for your tablet I presume?13:59
Gelegrodansomeone managed to get dropbear work with cryptsetup?13:59
ikoniaubuntu_irc: the frame work should be the same14:00
GPLtonii: yes, according to that documentation14:00
ikoniaubuntu_irc: you may want to contact the support people for cake to discuss that14:00
pawanhow to format14:00
remfarkasanyone can help me restoring my kernel(s)?14:00
nightf0x09i got a sony vaio ns21z and using kubuntu 9.04...my internal mic doesn't work can anybody please advice me?14:00
pawanformat icon not active14:01
ikoniapawan: open gparted it should be quite a clear tool14:01
ubuntu_ircikonia: how to run a project of cakephp which is build in windows14:01
ikoniapawan: you can't do it on a mounted disk14:01
scizzo-coz_: this is a rather fun error14:01
ikoniaubuntu_irc: contact the cakephp support resrouces to ask of any differences14:01
scizzo-coz_: since all other quiktime stuff works14:01
seonwhy do the sound not working in vlc when i have a flash video which worked before?14:01
ubuntu_ircikonia: I mean I want run the project in ubuntu14:01
remfarkasall my kernels are gone, and i dont want a resinstall -.-14:01
toniiGPL: my experience with tablets is quite slim, so I think someone else will have to help you with this problem.14:01
coz_scizzo-,  apprently apple is peeved   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1245441&page=314:01
tjcHello everybody, I'm having difficulties connecting to my wireless, which uses the WPA passphrase, I'm on jaunty + NetworkManager 0.7, and have a broadcom chipset which I make work on this box using ndiswrapper14:01
ikoniaubuntu_irc: the OS should not make a difference, hence why I'm telling you to ask the cakephp support groups for any known problems14:02
ubuntu_ircikonia: ok14:02
scizzo-coz_: however it seems that totem does not understand the text/html from the site...which is making me a bit confused...this would probably work with mplayer14:02
tjcthe error I'm getting is : wlan0 link timeout; to make it more awkward, I can just easily connect to my neibourghs wireless which is unprotected14:02
ubuntu_ircikonia: ok14:02
stefgremfarkas: then boot with a Live-CD, chroot to the installed system and install a kernel14:02
GPLtonii: if i do cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/product , it results Tablet WP5540U , and yea i used the same config...14:02
GPLtonii : okay, thanks anyways.14:02
coz_scizzo-,  no it wont work with mplayer either...this is apple  changing the site requirement so that others cannot access the trailers14:02
remfarkastrying to do that, but cant run apt-get update14:02
scizzo-coz_: common problem then14:02
bazhangscizzo-, they seem to changed the site, wget of .mov files works fine14:02
ubuntu_ircikonia: If I find problem further I will let you know14:03
ubuntu_ircikonia: thanks14:03
ikoniaubuntu_irc: don't worry about telling me14:03
tjcI'd appreciate any suggestions, I've already went through some forums but the only advise to this was to increase the wait in /etc/wpa_supplicant/functions.sh -- i've put it at 60 ( from 5) - no luck ;/14:03
GPLso anyone, not having a slim experience, but personally using some Tablet with Ubuntu Jaunty, curious to help me with my problem, no worries, i wont be a pain in your ass, i just need a bit of help ;)14:03
remfarkasFATAL -> Could not set non-blocking flag error in file description <- http://security.ubuntu.com jaunty-security/main Translation-hu14:04
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phreckdamn new kernel?14:04
scizzo-bazhang: right....no wonder then14:04
remfarkasand without apt-get update how am i supposed to install kernel? o.O14:04
nightf0x09how can i upgrade14:05
nightf0x09to the new kernel14:05
ikoniaremfarkas: why can't you use apt-get ?14:05
rskremfarkas: google on howto install a kernel manually.14:05
ikonianightf0x09: if there is a new kernel available ubuntu will offer it to you14:05
stefgremfarkas: you have apt (dpkg, actually) in the installed system... just not akernel14:05
remfarkasapt-get update dies14:05
scizzo-coz_: I have no idea then....14:05
ikoniaremfarkas: define dies please14:05
remfarkasE: Method http has died unexpectedly!14:05
coz_scizzo-,  no problem14:05
nightf0x09kernel doesnt upgrade the kernel14:06
ikoniaremfarkas: soundsw like an unstable net connection14:06
nightf0x09those packages are blocked or ignored14:06
nightf0x09can you advice14:06
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remfarkasmy internet is fine14:06
phreckwhere is the changelog for the new kernel?14:06
ikonianightf0x09: if there is a kernel available - it will update it to you14:06
stefgremfarkas: you'll have to mount /proc and /sys in the chroot, and the /dev/tree14:06
ikoniaremfarkas: maybe the server you're trying to update from is having problems also14:06
remfarkasi updated and upgraded many times14:06
nightf0x09kernel packages are ignored14:06
bazhangremfarkas, paste.ubuntu.com with the exact error14:06
nightf0x09dunno why14:06
ikonianightf0x09: because there is no one available for you14:06
nightf0x09  linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic14:07
nightf0x090 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.14:07
nightf0x094 not upgraded14:07
ikonianightf0x09: show me the output of uname -a14:07
lebernynobody to help me on gnome issue and a indicator panel crash?14:07
nightf0x09Linux f0xb0x 2.6.28-14-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP Sat Jul 25 00:28:35 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux14:07
G_A_Cnightf0x09: that usually happens to me when I have the testing repo enabled and the packages aren't finished uploading...14:07
ikonianightf0x09: have you rebooted since moving to .1414:08
nightf0x09of course14:08
tjccould anybody point me to the right direction ? I wonder if this is some sort of bug in the software ( doesn't handle WPA this well ) or whether it's something to do with my chipset ( I wouldn't be surprised ) I'd appreciate any suggestions as to how to find out what exactly the problem is...14:08
ikonianightf0x09: what does apt-cache policy say ?14:08
remfarkashibas fajl leiro= wrong file description or something like that14:08
jerome__92can i have help to install NVIDIA driver, i have try, but never work14:08
ikoniaremfarkas: try removing that line from /etc/apt/sources.list and re-running update14:09
stefg!wlan | tjc14:09
ubottutjc: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:09
ikonia!nvidia > jerome__9214:09
ubottujerome__92, please see my private message14:09
lebernyjerome_92 try envyng14:09
tjcstefg : thank you for that , i'll take a look14:09
dwarderafter i did  do-release-upgrade14:10
dwarderi'm not able to ssh it14:10
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ikoniadwarder: check of sshd is running14:10
jerome__92ikonia, ?14:10
stefgtjc: and some linix drivers for realtek or atheros don't work well... the card is recognized, driver is loaded, but has trouble with wpa2, esp. when hidden. so blacklisting the native driver and using ndiswrapper might be worth testing14:10
ikoniajerome__92: check the pm from ubottu14:10
jerome__92ikonia, can you help me?14:11
jerome__92i have ever try14:11
ikoniajerome__92: check the pm ubottu sent you14:11
jerome__92but don't work14:11
ikoniajerome__92: what doesn't14:11
joaopintotjc, you can also try the madwifi driver, ath_pci14:11
jerome__92i don't know it's because i need help14:11
joaopintotjc, I have an atheros, I am using ath5k from the backports package, I can randomly connect :P14:11
ikoniajerome__92: READ the information url's that ubottu sent you14:12
ikoniajerome__92: it WILL help you14:12
stefgtjc: atheros chipset? use the linux-backports! cured tha trounle on my acer netbook14:12
remfarkasremoved lines and its still trying to download from there -.-14:12
tjcstefg: yes, i'd given up making the broadcom work natively after a few hours tempering, i'm on ndiswrapper now.14:12
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ikoniaremfarkas: something seems quite wrong there then14:12
dwarderikonia: can't do that, this is vps14:12
bazhangremfarkas, sudo apt-get update first14:12
tjcstefg, unfortunatelly, it's a broadcom 1418 if i'm not mistaken14:12
remfarkasthats what i'm doing14:13
ikoniadwarder: then we can't help you if you have no access to it14:13
ikoniadwarder: contact your hosting provided to help14:13
joaopintodwarder, your vps should provide console acess to the server14:13
bazhangremfarkas, paste.ubuntu.com with the sources.list please14:13
tjcso I'm unsure if the madwifi stuff would be of help to me ;/14:13
dwarderjoaopinto: they provide ssh console :)14:13
dwarderweb console14:13
joaopintodwarder, I mean a local tty console14:13
ikoniadwarder: contact your hosting provider then14:13
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dwarderok? thanks14:14
dwarderi mean just ok14:14
dwarderwithout ?14:14
tjcit's the BCM4318 chipset14:14
joaopintodwarder, only they can help you :)14:14
tjcweird thing I had it working sterling on my previous installations - 8.04 and 8.1014:14
joaopintotjc, did you search on launchpad for bugreports ? Sometimes you can find workarounds there14:15
GreenSkunkI am having a problem with 9.04 desktop. It runs fine off the live CD but after installation (with automatic and manual partitioning) it displays either Error 16, Error 17, or Error 18 on a reboot. I've done the install 3-4 times each on 2 different drives.14:15
tjcjoaopinto, yes, the only hint i found was to change the timeout variable in /etc/wpa_supplicant/functions.sh ( i've changed it to rather high - 60s ), it's apparently worked for somebody.14:16
linXeaGreenSkunk: And you are familiar with how to manually do partitioning? (just checking)14:17
stefgtjc: unfortunately the jaunty kernel is far from perfect and has some serious regressions... intel video owners can sing a song 'bout that14:17
openstandardsHi does anyone know a work around for ubuntu's keyserver i'm trying to add a repo and can't connect to the key server to get the key14:17
GreenSkunklinXea: Yes. I usually setup *nix servers but it has been years since I've done a desktop installation14:18
rsklooking for a mainline ppa for the kernel14:18
rskis there such thing14:18
ikoniaremfarkas: nope14:18
rskand not this onehttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ <-14:18
linXeaGreenSkunk: As I said... just checking..14:18
ikoniarsk: you're out of luck14:18
venttiGreenskunk - error 16: 16 : Inconsistent filesystem structure14:18
venttiThis error is returned by the filesystem code to denote an internal error caused by the sanity checks of the filesystem structure on disk not matching what it expects. This is usually caused by a corrupt filesystem or bugs in the code handling it in GRUB.14:18
tjcstefg, do you reckon that manual wireless configuration would be of any help? i.e. i'd get rid of networkmanager ( could you point me to some good tuturial/howto ) ? or it wouldn't matter since it's the problem that the kernel has ?14:18
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bazhangremfarkas, all the security updates are commented out, do you have another file in /etc/apt/14:19
bazhangremfarkas, also check sources.list.d14:19
GreenSkunklinXea: do you think it could be the controller? This is a new system build with nothing on it.14:19
grozai cant get my web cam work in skype14:19
remfarkassomeone said i did not mount dev and proc i think14:19
BeGu_Can someone tell me why I can't install b43-fwcutter? My laptop just can't connect downloads.openwrt.org.14:20
remfarkasmount -o remount,dev /path/to/filesystem14:20
stefgtjc: network-manager is a troublemaker in itself. I'd replace it with wicd anyway, even if that won't solve the root cause of your bug... but gives you a better strting point14:20
remfarkasi found this14:20
bazhangremfarkas, that has nothing to do with this14:20
GreenSkunkventti: I haven't done any checks with GRUB. any recommendations ?14:20
grozai cant get my web cam work in skype14:20
stefg!skype | groza14:20
ubottugroza: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga14:20
grozai have installed skype14:21
bazhanggroza, is your webcam supported in ubuntu14:21
grozabut when i go to options and click test its sows green14:21
stefggroza: read the article, there's a webcam troubleshooting section in it14:21
tjcstefg, will give it a try.14:21
grozabazhang: on ubuntu 8.04 worked14:21
simransorry for the silly questions guys, but the network connections icon from the panel at the top has gone, (showing wifi signal), how can i retrieve it? thanks14:22
bazhangsimran, right click add to panel ?14:22
openstandardsis there a way of adding a repo but having it ignore the fact it has no key to it?14:22
simranbazhang nah,...it used to show my wifi strength14:23
simrannow it doesnt14:23
stefgopenstandards: you just have to go through a nagbox every time you update the package list or install something from that repo14:24
bazhangsimran, not sure which applet you are referring to14:24
BeGu_If I try to install b43 fwcutter with command "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter" my laptop says it can't connect to download.openwrt.org14:24
venttii know what you mean simran - theres no option to add it. what happens if you reboot and then connect wirlessly? will it reappear?14:24
BeGu_what to do. I'm using 8.0414:24
rskBeGu_: ask the openwrt folks14:25
erUSULBeGu_: you have to be connected to internet (via wired for example) to install that package14:25
BeGu_erUSUL, that part I understood :)14:25
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erUSULBeGu_: or search in google "offline install b43-fwcutter"14:26
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remfarkasmount -o remount,dev /path/to/filesystem  <-- whats here path to filesystem? my root is / coz of chroot14:26
erUSULBeGu_: it is more convoluted but may be your only option if you can not connect by other means14:26
erUSULBeGu_: other than wireless14:27
stefgremfarkas: you'll have to leave the chroot first, prepare the chroot by a couple of bind-mounts (/dev, /proc and /sys), then chroot back again14:27
grozabazhang : my web cam is suported14:28
remfarkaswhere to mount them and how, so chroot can use them?14:28
BeGu_erUSUL, maybe I'll try with that offline installing, thanks for great idea.14:28
zetheroowhats a good FPS rating with glxgears?14:28
remfarkascoz i can mount them anywhere but i doubt chroot will notice them14:28
erUSULremfarkas: do what stefg says... bind mounts --> sudo mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/your_root/dev adn the same for proc and sys14:29
remfarkaszetheroo, depends on ur gfx card14:29
stefgremfarkas: where is you install mounted (seen from the live CD ) ?14:29
erUSULBeGu_: no problem14:29
GreenSkunklinXea, ventti: 80GBdrive Partitions for single user system: boot=150MB, /=7GB, /tmp=2GB, /usr=2GB, /usr/local=20GB, /var=2GB, /home=remainder14:29
zetherooremfarkas: intel14:29
remfarkas/mnt/my_root  <- makes for me no sense, whats that here? my root is /14:29
zetherooremfarkas:   00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)14:29
erUSULzetheroo: glxgears is not a benchmark14:30
erUSULremfarkas: what folder are you chrooting into ?14:30
remfarkasmy ubuntu install14:30
zetherooerUSUL: oh ok .. is there a good benchmark for Linux?14:30
remfarkas /14:30
erUSULremfarkas: as seen outside the chroot14:30
phrecki must be retarded. I cant seem to get my NAS to mount through the network browser.14:30
remfarkasu speak chinese -.-14:30
erUSULremfarkas: chrooting to / makes no sense... / is already your root fs14:31
phreckhowever i can browse the NAS via ftp14:31
stefgremfarkas: i'd mount the hd-install to /mnt ... sudo -i && mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev && mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc && mount -o bind /sys /mnf/sys && chroot /mnt14:31
grozahow do i upgrade skype 2.0 to
remfarkasi just did command "sudo chroot /media/disk" in my live cd terminal14:31
linXeaGreenSkunk: Look okay.. Not really nessessary to have different partitions for boot, tmp, usr etc anymore.. partitions for /  and for /home is enough. But ofcourse you can do it old school14:31
erUSULremfarkas: then the folder you are chrooting nto is /media/disk14:32
xendongroza i loaded the deb manualy on skype.com14:32
GPLHow to start the wizard, that lets us the users change the configuration of tablet pen14:32
venttiGreenskunk - interesting re error 18: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1176414:32
stefgremfarkas: leave the chroot... ctrl-d14:32
erUSULremfarkas: and is sudo mount --bind /dev/ /media/disk/dev14:32
grozaxendon : thanks14:32
erUSULremfarkas: do the same for /proc and /sys14:32
cyberRozedoes any1 have a suggestion for choosing a firewall software for ubuntu ?14:32
remfarkasin a non chroot terminal?14:33
erUSUL!ufw | cyberRoze14:33
ubottucyberRoze: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist14:33
erUSULremfarkas: yes and _before_ you chroot14:33
GreenSkunklinXea & ventti: thanks14:33
stefgremfarkas: no, in the terminal where you are chrooted... leave the chroot14:33
venttiGreenskunk error 17 seems hw or bios related too14:33
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cyberRozeubottu> tnx :) but i want a more advanced firewall and with a built-in advanced gui, any suggestions?14:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:34
remfarkascant believe it, now working -.-14:34
tjc_stefg, indeed, the wcid works way quicker, I'd tried to connect to my wireless but that failed though ;/ probably the reboot will help - i've just upgraded the kernel to 2.6.28-1514:35
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist14:35
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.14:35
stefgremfarkas: having /dev/null helps a lot :-)14:35
remfarkasnow how to install kernel by command? :D14:35
disappearedngAnyone here knows whether there is something that will change the background wallpaper automatically14:35
stefgremfarkas: sudo apt-get install linux-generic14:35
dwarderanyone know vps provider that i can use for free for 1 month14:36
martingzhello, i have a problem with my system. Sometimes the filesystem stops working (ext4 on a 2.6.31 kernel), and the kernel says some thing like it found an inode between two cylinders (maybe i'm wrong, don't get logged on syslog). Do any of you heard something about a bug like this, or is my hard drive dead?14:36
napzterguys how can I run as root in gui application such as Bluefish editor?14:37
erUSULremfarkas: sudo apt-get install linux-image14:37
scizzo-napzter: why would you want to do that?14:37
bazhangmartingz, karmic?14:37
remfarkasalready finished apt-get install linux-generic14:38
martingznop, jaunty, but with a kernel from kernel.ubuntu.com14:38
napzterscizzo-:  nothin just tryin to save somethin in root folder14:38
martingzbazhang, nop, jaunty, but with a kernel from kernel.ubuntu.com14:38
stefgremfarkas: these are meta-packages which pull the latest kernel in14:38
remfarkasyep, i noticed14:38
scizzo-napzter: gksu [editor] [file]14:38
remfarkasthats what i installed today, and i wanted to remove older kernels14:39
remfarkasbut it turned out, that the command i used for that in 8.10 deletes now all kernels14:39
tcpip_mrbi was installing xchat through synaptic and then my system froze while synaptic showed 'preparing packages' and now when I restart it does not boot.. please help I am on Wubi installed linux and I dont have a backup14:39
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stefgremfarkas: so now check /boot/grub/menu.lst if the kernel is listed. If yes you can leave the chroot and reboot14:40
remfarkasand it also removed my nvidia driver too, i think, and also the system that makes it easy to install and activate restricted drivers14:40
lebernyremfarkas : i made recovery start then fix broken packages and at the end it offers me to delete obsolete packages14:41
lebernyit removed my entries in grub14:41
remfarkasthx for advice14:41
napzterhi Guys...14:41
remfarkasand menu.lst is fine14:41
GrosvenorCan anyone help with resolution issues? Resolution won't go any larger than 640x480, can't even see ok/cancel buttons on most windows. having lots of difficulty with my nvidia driver, maybe something to do with that14:41
napzterI have a question in using lampp in Ubuntu? does anyone of you using lampp(PHP)?14:42
remfarkasdkms was also removed, i guess its fine to install it while chrooted14:42
lebernycan anyone help me : when i log into ubuntu I have an error message but i am immediately redirected to login page and I can't see the message. How can I fix this or see what the problem is?14:42
napzterI have a question in using lampp in Ubuntu?? does anyone of you using lampp(PHP)??14:42
scizzo-!ask > napzter14:43
ubottunapzter, please see my private message14:43
lebernyubottu can you send me privage msg as well? ;)14:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:43
remfarkasnever used lamp, always installed server components separated14:44
tcpip_mrbcan someone tell me i I can mount wubi root.disk and back up data?14:45
tcpip_mrbon windows14:45
remfarkasi dont think so, tcpip_mrb14:45
tcpip_mrbcant seem to boot14:45
simranventii, ill give it a go14:46
onais there anyone who knows how to install ati driver on ubuntu? :(14:46
tcpip_mrbgives an error about bios error and then asks me to pass init=bootarg14:46
grozai cant make a video call in skype14:46
stefgtcpip_mrb: you'll need to boot the live CD as a rescue system for you wubi image file14:46
GrosvenorCan anyone help with resolution issues? Resolution won't go any larger than 640x480, can't even see ok/cancel buttons on most windows. having lots of difficulty with my nvidia driver, maybe something to do with that14:47
Palin? I am trying to play urban terror and or ut2004 on a intel GM 950 .I know it plays well under windows. I am running 9.04 I have check all over the net but I not found a way to make them play able. any helpwould be great14:47
stefg!fixres | Grosvenor14:47
ubottuGrosvenor: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:47
grozathe only thing that the webcam displays is just green14:47
bazhang!intel > Palin14:47
ubottuPalin, please see my private message14:47
onahow to install ati driver ".run" file on ubuntu?14:47
onaplease help14:47
wertish file.run14:47
tcpip_mrbstefg: I try to run live cd but it says I need to uninstall prev installation14:47
onash file.run ?14:48
stefgPalin: jaunty + intel video = poor performance http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113058214:48
dvdshello chan14:48
b3rz3rk3rona, the command is "sh"14:48
b3rz3rk3rona, thats what werti was saying14:48
stefgtcpip_mrb: when does th Live CD come up with that?14:49
onaI've seen  info "can't open ati-driver-installer"14:49
onadoesn't work14:49
b3rz3rk3rona, permissions?14:49
onadon't know:(14:49
werti apt-get ?14:49
onaI am new on ubuntu14:49
b3rz3rk3rona, use "sudo" before sh14:49
tcpip_mrbstefg: my dvd drive isnt working so I selected the third option ;help me boot'14:49
jinnstarona: is the the ati drivers from the amd site?14:49
onaI've downloaded ati-driver on desktop14:50
b3rz3rk3rona, "sudo sh installfilename.sh"14:50
onaand don't know how to install it14:50
grozai cant make a video call in skype14:50
jinnstarokay you have to do chmod +x ati-driver.14:50
b3rz3rk3rona, "sudo sh installfilename.run"  i meant :p14:50
stefg!ati | ona14:50
ubottuona: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:50
jinnstarotherwise it won't run14:50
tcpip_mrbstefg: after the failed boot it leaves me on busybox shell.. can I try something from there?14:51
jinnstarI'm using the same drivers now14:51
grozai cant make a video call in skype14:51
b3rz3rk3rgroza, whats up?14:51
=== werti is now known as werti_russian
grozab3rz3rk3r:i cant make a phone call in skype14:51
groza*video call14:51
b3rz3rk3rgroza, no sound? no video?14:52
grozano video14:52
b3rz3rk3rgroza, laptop/desktop?14:52
onainstallfile together?14:52
dvdsI have a problem when trying to configure a (wifi) lan connection... I changed the /etc/network/interfaces file, and when doing a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart, I got this message:14:52
dvds-> dhclient3: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:52
dvds-> Failed to bring up ra0.14:52
dvdsapt says that "libc6 is already the newest version", soooo.... what is wrong?? google doesn't seem to be able to help :/14:52
grozawhen i test the web cam it shows green14:52
FloodBot2dvds: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:52
stefgtcpip_mrb: not really... windows can't act as a rescue system for linux. Can you make a USB-stick with the Live CD image and use that?14:52
b3rz3rk3rdvds, please use pastebin14:52
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:52
jinnstarso chmod +x atidriver.run then ./atidriver.run14:52
dvdsb3rz3rk3r: it was 2 lines :P14:52
tcpip_mrbstefg: busybox is not windows i think14:53
grozab3rz3rk3r:can u help me?14:53
b3rz3rk3rgroza, what camera (make and model) and waht drivers? Does it work in other programs such as Cheese?14:54
Chris220Hey I'm looking for some help as to which drivers I can install for my old nVidia card. It's an nVidia RIVA TNT2 32mb Model 6414:54
ona"can't open install" after writting in terminal sudo sh install arti-driver.run14:54
TrijntjeHi all, since upgrading to 9.04 I cant play .wma files in rhythmbox, how can i fix this?14:54
b3rz3rk3rChris220, legacy drivers for that relic mate ;)14:54
Chris220Heh, fair enough ;)14:54
grozab3rz3rk3r: quick cam chat.i think i dont have a video driver.14:54
jinnstarona, chmod +x atidriver.run then ./atidriver.run14:54
stefgtcpip_mrb: true, i didn't express that clearly.. what i meant is: busybox isn't enough to rescue a system, and windows can't do. I'll suggest preparing a USP thumbdrive and using that to access the ubuntu image14:55
b3rz3rk3rgroza, is that a logitech?14:55
chrisss6Hey guys, is there a way to partition an area that might increase the speed of programs on ubuntu?14:55
grozab3rz3rk3r: yes14:55
b3rz3rk3rgroza, yeah i have something similar that iv yet to set up still...  also logitech quickcam something14:56
Trijntjechrisss6: I dont understand your question14:56
tcpip_mrbstefg: with the USB image, can I access the data within root.disk?14:56
b3rz3rk3rChris220, swap space?14:56
onaafter writting chmod +x atidriver.run I've seen "no such file or directory"14:56
grozab3rz3rk3r: what do you mean?14:56
stefgchrisss6: you don't need that. Linux filesystems are quite smart. all you can do is using a faster disk or set up some raid14:56
b3rz3rk3rChris220, oops.. my bad. wrong chris :p14:56
onathe file is on desktop14:56
b3rz3rk3rchrisss6, swap space14:56
onahow to install it ?:(14:57
werti_russian<ona> )))14:57
Chris220b3rz3rk3r, That's ok ;)14:57
gnubiegroza;  my quickcam chat works in skype  soryy I have to leave now.14:57
jinnstarona: open a terminial14:57
b3rz3rk3rgroza, i have one too, and it isnt working either. but i havent tried very hard to set it up yet14:57
chrisss6stefg, b3rz3k3r, Trinjntje: So increasing swap space will make programs run faster? How much GB would you recommend?14:57
grozab3rz3rk3r: you know what to do?14:58
onaI had to 3times install ubuntu because after restarting computer I saw horizontal lines on my monitor14:58
jinnstartype cd Desktop then hit enter. then run the two commands I gave above on the .run file14:58
stefgtcpip_mrb: i have never used a wubi install, but my understanding is that it is just a big loopback-file (anyone knows this?). you can mount that to the live CD with a mount -o loop ...14:58
onaI have to install it:(14:58
chrisss6run/load faster?14:58
grozab3rz3rk3r: in ubuntu 8.04 worked14:58
stefgchrisss6: that won't do anything ...14:58
Trijntjechrisss6: how much memory do you have? usualy at least that much, and max twice that i believe14:58
b3rz3rk3rchrisss6, not directly no. but overall system performance would be better with some swap. I ususally use the rule of at least the same amount of RAM that is installed14:58
onaI tried to install open driver14:58
reaktaemy b43 wlan adapter has been dumping phy transmission errors all over syslog until i reverted to an older driver. ever since then it seems that it's been having issues with dhcp. right after loading the module, i get http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/257508/ . Using the latest firmware/driver caused the same + a few other, critical issues. bugtrack has files on all of them already. any idea/suggestion/help is very welcome.14:58
onathanks synaptec14:58
brk3hello, ubuntu seems to be dropping my mobile broadband connection(ppp0) after about 30 mins of inactivity.. is there any way to stop this?14:58
onabut doesn't work14:59
b3rz3rk3rgroza, in theory yes. we just need to find some drivers that work for it. but lgitech doesnt make any, and i havent looked for others yet as i dont really use video much14:59
b3rz3rk3rgroza, have you googled for some drivers?14:59
chrisss6stefg, b3rz3k3r, Trinjntje: Okay. GParted is the program to use? If you want to partition stuff?15:00
b3rz3rk3rchrisss6, yes that will work fine15:00
venttibrk3 you sure its not the ISP killing the connection due to inactivity?15:00
stefgchrisss6: what are you trying to achieve? don't put your system at risk for nothing15:00
Chris220How do I run/install/open a ".run" file?15:00
brk3ventti: possibly15:00
brk3ventti: but i doubt it15:00
brk3ventti: the light goes off on the modem15:00
grozab3rz3rk3r:it worked in ubuntu15:01
reaktae1dropped but back now. miss any reply?15:01
chrisss6stefg: I want programs to run/load more smoothly.15:01
Zelfjebrk3: it isnt ubuty but indeed the isp15:01
venttiUbu shouldnt kill a connection dur to inactivuty15:01
Chris220Oh don't worry found out15:01
jinnstarChris220, , chmod +x atidriver.run then ./atidriver.run15:01
jinnstarfor example15:01
=== Bewba is now known as Bubs
Zelfjebrk3: you can add cron ping to google each 20 minutes15:01
stefgchrisss6: what's wrong with the current situation ? anything particular to blame?15:02
brk3Zelfje: ok ill try that15:02
b3rz3rk3rChris220, make it executable (right click, properties, permissions, tick) then use "sh filenamehere.run"15:02
b3rz3rk3rgroza, what are you running now then?15:02
chrisss6stefg: Firefox takes like, 5 seconds to load.15:02
stefgchrisss6: buy more ram and a really quick disk (SSD probably)15:02
IdleOneomg 5 seconds15:02
chrisss6I KNOW, right?! That's ridiculous.15:03
IdleOneI was being sarcastic15:03
chrisss6Me too.15:03
* b3rz3rk3r facepalm15:03
brk3Zelfje: thing is, should IM programs such as pidgin not be keeping it alive?15:03
stefgchrisss6: inspect 'free -m' how much ram is used ?15:03
dkhi guys, i have a question that i cant seem to find an answer to..is it possible to remove icons that are displayed in workspaces? for example the firefox one. i'd prefer just to have window outlines, no icons15:04
b3rz3rk3rdk, yes, right click on them and choose remove15:05
chrisss6stefg: I'm afraid I don't know which one is RAM, so: Mem: Total, used, free, shared, buffers, cached: 995, 362, 633, 0, 24, 16515:05
dki did that, i didnt see anything, 1 sec15:05
chrisss6stefg: Probably 362. Although there's another row with "-/+ buffers/cache" that has 172 used, and another "Swap" with 0 used.15:06
dknono i mean, i want the workspaces to show on my panel, but i am trying to get them to display jus the window outlines in each workspace, no icons15:06
b3rz3rk3rdk, wait, u mean in the workspace switcher?15:06
stefgchrisss6: so you have 1G of ram, 362M is used for programs and 633M is cache15:06
chrisss6stefg: Yep, I have 1G ram. Although I'm willing to get 2Gs if it'd help.15:07
stefgchrisss6: does the last line say that any swap is used?15:07
b3rz3rk3rdk, no idea.. i really like that feature so i dont mess with it, sry15:07
chrisss6stefg: 0 swap used, 956 total and free.15:07
b3rz3rk3rchrisss6, more ram is always better :p15:07
chrisss6b3rz3rk3r: :P15:07
stefgchrisss6: so increasing swap space will just waste more space that's not being used ..15:08
coldjackhello how can i change the loudness of my subwoofer15:08
dki have googled trying to find forum posts but i havent found anything helpful15:08
Serendippodk: i don't know how, but i got it displayed with only borders, no icons15:08
chrisss6stefg: Ahhh, makes sense. Thanks. I'll go pick up some more RAM when I get the chance, I suppose.15:08
coldjackthat is my pulse audio config15:08
stefgchrisss6: what cpu is that?15:09
chrisss6stefg: I'm on a netbook, so Intel Atom.15:10
Cyber-Dogghey, I have firefox installed on a mythbuntu installation15:10
Cyber-Doggand I've got flash working on it15:10
b3rz3rk3rchrisss6, u cant really expect performance on a netbook15:10
Cyber-Doggbut I don 'thave any audio15:11
Cyber-Doggmy sound works fine in myth15:11
Cyber-Doggbut I had to configure myth to use ALSA:plughw:0,315:11
Cyber-Doggis there some equivalent of that for flash?15:11
MaGicMaXhey guys, im trying to port linux on my ipod so i can play ogg files (rockbox doesnt support my model). In the install guide here http://ipodlinux.sourceforge.net/installation.shtml the first step is to find where the devide is visible on the system (mounted) when the "cat /proc/scsi/scsi" command is run i get "Host: scsi11 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 0015:11
MaGicMaX  Vendor: Apple    Model: iPod             Rev: 1.6215:11
MaGicMaX  Type:   Direct-Access                    ANSI  SCSI revision: 00" so what does "scsi11" convert to in a mount point?15:11
tdnHow do I run a script everytime I boot the machine, after the network has been brought up. I have tried putting the script in /etc/network/if-up.d/, but appearently, this does not work. How do I solve this?15:12
hakkaallora gente15:12
stefgchrisss6: you could optimize your partitioning scheme though ... 3 hours of work to come from 5 sec. firefox start to 4,95 sec :-)15:12
remfarkashi all15:14
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chrisss6stefg: Heh, I'll pass. Is there a way to tell how much GBs I allocated to which sda#? I've tried fdisk -l, but I can't decipher the meaning.15:14
MaGicMaXaccording to the guide "The scsi0 portion indicates the iPod is the first SCSI device and so will be visible as /dev/sda, if on your system you see scsi1 then your iPod would be using device /dev/sdb" so mine is on "scsi11" which would be /dev/sdk from my understanding, but that wont work15:14
zaicichello, i have some problems with a hard drive... a lot of i/o errors. do you know a special "rsync" made for that? i would like to save everything that I can15:14
remfarkasi removed my nvidia driver accidently and i cant "activate" it with dkms, is there any solution for that?15:15
WhiteyMc-Tiphey everybody15:15
stefgchrisss6: run 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo fdsik -l'  and give me the link this command spits out15:15
stefgchrisss6: taht's  'sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo fdisk -l'15:15
chrisss6stefg: Couldn't find package pastebin. I'm guessing I need to install something?15:16
scizzo-stefg: pastebinit15:16
bazhangchrisss6, pastebinit not pastebin15:16
scizzo-stefg: sorry15:17
stefgchrisss6: .. pastebinit ... as said15:17
masqueradeim on ubuntu jaunty and the game savage lags like hell, although the hardware should do it easily. any ideas?15:17
chrisss6bazhang, stefg: Oh no, I typed it right in the terminal but wrong here. "Couldn't find pacakge pastebinit"15:17
stefg!find pastebinit15:17
ubottuFound: pastebinit15:17
stefg!find pastebinit intrepid15:18
ubottuFound: pastebinit15:18
chrisss6stefg: If it helps, the top row reads "Start, End, Blocks, ID and System".15:18
WhiteyMc-Tipquick question for anyone: I'm running Ubuntu (Jaunty) and anytime I restart or shutdown my system I get a beeping noise ( the one you would normally get when giving the a command prompt an incorrect command or syntax)15:18
stefgchrisss6: what version of ubuntu do you run ?15:18
chrisss6stefg: 9.0415:18
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masqueradeWhiteyMc-Tip: i get this also, this is nothing to worry about15:19
stefgchrisss6: run sudo apt-get update, then try again to sudo apt-get install pastebinit15:19
WhiteyMc-Tipmasquerade: do you know why it happens15:19
Chris220I keep closing the channel -_-15:19
Whit2springguys , Does anybody know computer hardware sites which include picture,review so on..?15:19
tjc_stefg, thx for all the hints, I've made the thing work now using WPA passphrase, it looks like ndiswrapper wouldn't do the trick, so I've tried again with the b43 ( as it now supports broadcom 4318 ), also did the kernel upgrade to 2.26.28-15, and installed the wicd - I'm unsure if the wicd actually solved it, or if it was b43, but it works much smoother with wicd than NetworkManager ;-))15:19
bazhangWhit2spring, ask in ##hardware ? here is ubuntu support15:20
Chris220Ok, I'm installing the driver now, it's saying "ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing." What is an X server?15:20
Whit2springbazhang, ok sorry15:20
simranhow can i change the keyring password15:21
joachimhello everyone15:21
BoohbahChris220: that is your graphical environment. perhaps you need to drop to a text console to install it15:21
Chris220text console?15:21
joachimdoes anyone know if it's possible to install windows Vista, then install using Wubi ubuntu on the NTFS partition and then use TrueCrypt to encrypt the NTFS and have the Ubuntu Linux still working ?15:21
Chris220I'm running this install inside of the Terminal15:22
Chris220as root15:22
joachimI know for a fact that encryption before using Wubi doesn't work but is the same after installing Wubi ?15:22
reaktae1I'm concerned about my dhclient repeatedly failing to discover. What can i do about this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/257545/ ... it never used to do this, using the same firmware/drivers. It's been like that after a fresh install.15:22
joachim(installing with Wubi I mean)15:22
blaikeHi everyone, have recently installed ubuntu 9.04 on to my intel atom set-up. I was hoping to find out how I could set-up xorg to not search for a monitor on start-up. I am trying to run it headless but it keeps coming up with "low graphics error" where it discovers I have no monitor attached and fails to proceed beyond this screen. Any help would be very much appreciated!15:23
joachimmaybe I'll just have to try it and see if the order changes anything15:23
stefgreaktae1: i'd first verify the hardware by booting the live CD and trying if dhclient fails from there, too15:24
joachimit's tricky15:24
jefincwhere do I setup a built in webcam? (ASUS laptop)15:24
stefgreaktae1: ... and you are talking about the wired interface, aren't you?15:25
IdleOne!webcam | jefinc15:26
ubottujefinc: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:26
reaktae1stefg: it's mint in a live session and it's a b43 wireless adapter.15:26
stefgreaktae1: oh ... broadcom .. scroll up, we just had that :-(15:26
Aque0shey all, firstly id like to know, if they are on the same switch / same network and one pc has a different subnet to the other, can they speak to eachother/15:27
stefgreaktae1: the driver seems broken... use wicd and try ndiswrapper15:27
nmvictori successfully installed nagios 3.0, i have set it up correctly and everthing was fine untill i logged in to its web interface through http://localhost/nagios to find that i cant log in with the username and password i had configured to it.what could the problem be?15:27
jefincIdleOne: oh yes thanks, forgot the all mighty bot :)15:28
reaktae1stefg: not sure i was here then. is there a log?15:28
stefgreaktae1: i just looked... nothing of interest.15:29
stefg!wifi | reaktae115:29
ubottureaktae1: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:29
Vampiresi want bitches15:30
reaktae1stefg: it's not the driver's fault. i've run it with the latest from fwcutter and that got even worse (thousands of phy transmission errors a minute, which there is a bugreport for). and the dhclient performed the same way then...15:32
simranhow can i change the keyring password?15:33
VampiresI want to instal ubuntu in my wall clock15:33
stefgreaktae1: that doesn't prove that the driver isn't even more broken after update ... try a wired connection, if dhclient still fails then look at router/hardware.15:34
bazhangVampires, that is not possible15:34
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:34
bazhangTAVITO, #ubuntu-br15:34
Vampiresbazhang: supernam fly.. possible15:34
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bazhangVampires, please take chat elsewhere15:34
Vampiresbazhang: homo15:35
reaktae1stefg: no problems when wired. bizarre how it used to work just fine...15:35
bazhangVampires, that language is inappropriate for here15:35
Slart!br | Lingus15:36
ubottuLingus: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:36
MaGicMaXhow can i see hiden files in nautilus (files preceeded with a ".")?15:36
br34lThere is a command, if you type it in the Terminal, it'll make an .iso from the inserted CD-ROM? what was it again?15:36
Slartsorry Lingus, wrong nick15:36
Slartbr34l: dd? not sure if that makes an iso though15:36
SlartMaGicMaX: Ctrl+H15:36
diabolichello guys/ how choose a channel15:37
asgbr34l: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/tmp/foo.iso15:37
bazhangdiabolic, choose or join15:37
stefgbr34l: dd if=/dev/scd0 of=/path/to/image.iso15:37
werti_russian/join #channel15:38
br34lthats what im talkin about guys, thx15:38
stefgasg's one is better ... /dev/sdrom is already linked15:38
br34lyeah, got it ::915:38
Vampires what's time now in London15:38
bazhang!ot | Vampires15:38
ubottuVampires: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:38
scizzo-!offtopic > Vampires15:38
ubottuVampires, please see my private message15:38
MaGicMaXSlart: thanks15:38
asgbr34l: you may see speed improvements if you add a 'bs=1M' or similar larger block size15:38
br34lasg: ok :)15:39
Slart!it | ciccio_15:39
ubottuciccio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:39
Vampiresman ! i want to go London to see snow fall15:39
j2daoshbuh bye15:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:39
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.15:40
br34lahh it w0rks..love it! thx again15:40
thebarx¿Alguien usa Autodesk Maya?, Anyone here use autodesk Maya?15:40
x404xi have problems logging in to leafnode2 , every time i try to access i get connection closed, what could be wrong ?15:40
Chris220You know how Ctrl+Alt+F1 to Ctrl+Alt+F6 opens the consoles? Is there any difference between each of those consoles?15:40
asgChris220: no15:40
Chris220Ok cool15:41
scizzo-Chris220: only different TTYs15:41
diabolichow to run window XP on an ubuntu operating system15:41
Slart!vm | diabolic15:41
ubottudiabolic: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications15:41
thebarxvirtual box15:41
bazhangdiabolic, via virtualbox or vmware, for example15:41
thebarxonly you need a windws disk15:41
bradleyDid anyone else external speakers quit working after downloading the new kernel?  i had them working but can't get it going again15:42
bradleyusing UNR15:42
diabolicvirtualbox is free15:42
stefgdiabolic: but forget games .... 3D acceleration mostly won't work15:42
scizzo-diabolic: yes15:42
bazhangdiabolic, yes it is15:42
asgdiabolic: free as in beer, yes15:42
blaikeHi, still need some help with ubuntu running headless. Boots fine when monitor is attached. But low graphics mode when no monitor is connected. Thank you!15:42
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thebarxthey have been working on direct x in virtual box on th3 version 315:43
stefg!fixres | blaike15:43
ubottublaike: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:43
bradleyexternal speaker problems using Netbook Remix.  any fixes?  Started not working after i downloaded the new kernel.15:43
masqueradedoes anyone know how to prevent gnome-panel from starting up / restarting after terminating?15:44
x404xnobody knows about leafnode ?15:44
stefg!intelhda | bradley15:45
ubottubradley: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto15:45
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:45
aaron11can anyone test my x11 but disconnect imediatly please15:45
bazhangaaron11, what do you mean15:46
thebarxok guys, I tryed to use a lighter enviroment not gnome, for use Maya or blender. I need to use alt+right-click, and alt+left-click, but always stick to the window i'm working . . . Is there a way to fix in onther enviroment?15:46
aaron11bazhang: i meant to test the x11vnc and disconnect imediatly15:46
bazhangaaron11, dont ask strangers to remote into your system15:47
stefgaaron11: x11vnc --many15:47
aaron11ok then15:47
GoldenjoWhen i press Unlock in "User Settings", nothing happens.15:47
GoldenjoHelp me, please.15:48
thebarxwhats wrong Goldenjo15:48
GoldenjoWhen i press Unlock in "User Settings", nothing happens.15:48
diabolicwhat are the channels where there are people to talk with and hang out15:48
erUSUL!ot | diabolic15:49
ubottudiabolic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:49
stefgGoldenjo: you're no member of the admin group, and not allowed to use sudo15:49
bazhangdiabolic, #ubuntu-offtopic15:49
GoldenjoI can uso sudo.15:49
erUSULthebarx: most window manager are highly configurable... just find one you like15:49
blaikeubottu That is good, but it will always search for a monitor on start-up. As there is no monitor it will fail to load any further. Is there a way to get it not to search for a monitor. That wiki does not seem to mention how to do this, or is it the section about setting up a virtual monitor in the xorg.conf?15:49
stefgGoldenjo: Then probably gnome-policy-kit is not installed15:50
thebarxor gksudo if you want to see in another window to see if you're typing you password xD15:50
Boohbahdiabolic: #defocus15:50
* br34l wonders, if blaike knows, that ubottu is a bot15:50
stefg!info policykit-gnome | Goldenjo15:51
ubottuGoldenjo: policykit-gnome (source: policykit-gnome): GNOME dialogs for PolicyKit. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 42 kB, installed size 628 kB15:51
blaikeI had suspicions :P15:52
checkitCan anybody help me with my ubuntu wireless problem?  Please see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1246941 for full info...15:52
thebarxI hat a ratlink usb too15:53
bluboyhi all15:53
thebarxare you using version 9.04 or 8.10?15:53
checkitthebarx: I'm using 8.1015:54
thebarxthat kernels are apropiate to detect that wireless-usb things15:54
GoldenjoI have the policity kit already.15:54
checkitthebarx: Sorry?15:54
thebarxwell, the kernels that have 8.10 or 9.0415:55
VCoolioGoldenjo: "gksudo users-admin" or is that a bad idea considering permissions?15:55
SaddleryAny body here15:55
erUSUL!ask | Saddlery15:55
ubottuSaddlery: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:55
GoldenjoAll this happens since i moved /home and /usr directories to another partition and linked it to the system partition.15:55
thebarxin the past existed an executable that you had to run by terminal named monkey drivers15:56
bluboyPlease, where can I find drivers for my graphics card? It's an old asus V9480 with NVIDIA GeForce 4 Ti4800SE GPU. Thanks15:56
thebarxyou can search in the internet. It's suppossed thar nowadays are integrated to kernel15:56
thebarxsince ubuntu 8.1015:57
stefgbluboy: what ubuntu version are you running?15:58
thebarxsorry, is serial monkey not monkey drivers xD15:58
kapuis robbing space from /home to make root partition bigger a major big deal, or is it somewhat easy to accomplish?15:58
Goldenjo** (users-admin:5978): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '5978'15:58
checkitthebarx: Yeah, I've heard of serial monkey15:58
bluboythe card is about six years old15:58
GoldenjoThe output of it.15:58
erUSULkapu: it depends on the disk layout you have15:58
erUSULkapu: if the layout is ok then gparted could do it if it is not maybe you have to do some mayor surgery so to speak15:59
stefgbluboy: bad news: nvidia dropped the legacy driver (the one you need) for adaption to newer xorg releases. If you need 3D the last version you can run is 8.04 hardy (or get a newer video card)15:59
kapuhere is my df15:59
thebarxtry this package16:00
erUSULkapu: no « sudo fdisk -l »16:00
stefgbluboy: if you don't need §D use the (open source) nv driver16:00
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bluboyi'm so sad! right now I wanted to go from win to linux16:00
rodimuswhe, ubuntu16:01
stefgbluboy: what16:01
stefgbluboy: what's wrong with running hardy on an old box?16:01
kapuerUSUL: I pasted sudo fdisk -l if you would like to see it16:02
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erUSULkapu: you are using lvm ?16:02
bluboyi'd like to use jaunty but i think that i have no choice!16:02
kapuerUSUL: I don't know, how can I find out?16:02
erUSULkapu: never used it myself but it is supposd to make resizing of partitions easier16:02
checkitthebarx: 2570 seems to be the USB driver, 2500 is the PCI driver16:02
erUSULkapu: well you are... you use the device mapper16:03
checkitthebarx: I don't know why my machine is loading 250016:03
erUSUL!lvm | kapu16:03
ubottukapu: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:03
kapuerUSUL: ok, I'll google  thanks :-)16:03
stefgbluboy: a FX5200 is dirt cheap nowadays ...16:03
MM_DD_i downloaded driver as tar.gz   how to install it??16:04
diabolicfrom where to download virtualbox for ubuntu16:04
bazhangdiabolic, from the ubuntu software repositories16:04
MM_DD_i downloaded driver as tar.gz   how to install it??  (i'm new user)16:05
bluboystefg: so I can only install the version 8.04 on my old system???16:05
bazhangeither via synaptic package manager or the command line : sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose16:05
bazhangMM_DD_, which driver16:05
MM_DD_for pic card satallite16:05
Chris220Ok, I've go those drivers installed16:05
sebrockwhy does ubuntu server come with avahi installed?16:05
Belding!sdcard > Belding16:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sdcard16:05
stefgbluboy: you can install 9.04, but you won't have the (closed source) nvidia-legacy driver, only the open source nv-driver (which doesn't do 3D)16:06
erUSULkapu: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/how-to-resize-root-lvm-logical-volume-337823/?s=b0db175d2182071842cf69970921008116:06
Chris220Thing is, it said a load about editing my "X config file?" Wheras the Ubuntu website said I wouldn't need to.16:06
Chris220How can I test if the drivers are being used now?16:06
Chris220So I can tell whether I must edit my X Config16:06
kapuerUSUL: very nice, thanks a lot for the info16:06
Beldinganyone know why my sd card wont automount under Hrady?16:06
thebarxextract folder, open terminal, type cd give a space,  drag and drop the  terminal, hit enter,then type ./configure, enter, make, enter, sudo make install, enter16:06
stefg!details | Belding16:07
ubottuBelding: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:07
BeldingUbuntu Hardy - i plug in the digital camera and try to get pictures from the sd card, but it doesnt mount16:08
bluboystefg: ok you were clear .... sorry i don't speak english "wonderfully"....16:08
MM_DD_i did, but when i type ./configure, it answers bash: ./configure: No such file or directory16:08
werti_russian<MM_DD_> extract from archive16:08
thebarxthen muste be a folder16:08
werti_russianand cd in extract folder16:08
MM_DD_werti_russian  i did, then what?16:09
vaxetihirrhi peeps got a simple question -- how do you enable more than one desktop in ubuntu?16:09
thebarxcd, and drag the folder that apeared when you "extracted here"16:09
werti_russian<MM_DD_> you download archive ? tar.gz ?16:09
bazhangvaxetihirr, the 3D desktop? or more workspaces16:09
MM_DD_but i just don't know how to install it16:09
vaxetihirrbazhang, more workspaces16:10
werti_russian<MM_DD_> )16:10
thebarxso, left click extract here16:10
bazhangvaxetihirr, right click properties on workspace switcher ?16:10
thebarxand then will be a folder16:10
thebarxwith the same name16:10
thebarxyou can see it?16:10
bazhangvaxetihirr, the lower right corner of the bottom panel ?16:11
=== _ is now known as Guest57598
=== j0n is now known as j0nas`
MM_DD_when i type ./configure it answers bash: ./configure: No such file or directory16:11
=== anthony is now known as Guest53830
thebarxbecause youre not in the folder16:11
thebarxlet's do it again16:11
MM_DD_i'm in16:11
vaxetihirri think i removed it a while ago16:11
MM_DD_i'm in the folder. really!16:12
vaxetihirrbut now my dtop screen is getting cluttered16:12
=== mike is now known as Guest19948
thebarxtype what is in the terminal16:12
bazhangvaxetihirr, you can right click add over the panel16:12
asgvaxetihirr: you can add it to the panel temporarily or use gconf-editor16:12
MM_DD_said@said-desktop:~/saa7134$ ./configure16:12
vaxetihirryep done it16:12
MM_DD_bash: ./configure: No such file or directory16:12
vaxetihirrim a dolt sometimes16:12
h2g2bobMM_DD_can you type "find . configure" and press enter16:12
Guest24501does anyone know how to16:13
stefgBelding: probably the driver for the sd card reader is not (correctly) installed. inspect dmesg and lspci to find out more16:13
werti_russian<MM_DD_> read readme file16:13
werti_russianor install txt file16:13
werti_russianin folder16:13
thebarxok, fisically you see a .tar.gz package16:13
thebarxwhen you downloaded, isn't it?16:13
MM_DD_said@said-desktop:~/saa7134$ find . configure16:14
FloodBot2MM_DD_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:14
werti_russian<MM_DD_> stop16:14
werti_russianrun make16:14
=== Guest57598 is now known as forgotBugs
Beldingstefg: thanks16:14
werti_russianor ls)16:14
thebarxi'm not helping xD16:14
thebarxsee yaa16:14
chessnutmushroomguys is it better to run 64 or 32 bit guest vms on a 64bit host?16:14
juliusive mounted my ubuntu 8.10 installation to /mnt, but /etc/X11/xorg.conf contains no german keyboard configuration, the running xorg recognizes all keys corretly. where are the settings saved to get a german keyboard in xorg?16:15
h2g2bobsorry MM_DD_, i ment find . -name configure :( . But I think russian's right -just skip to typing "make"16:15
juliuschessnutmushroom, doesnt matter, choose 64 if you want the guest to have more than 3gb of ram16:16
stefgBelding: if you want me to take a look install pastebinit by 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit' then run 'dmesg | pastebinit'  and post the link you get in here16:16
asgh2g2bob: he hasn't rejoined yet after getting booted for the flood16:16
MaGicMaXis it possible to add an Audacious applet to my panel? (so i can access it and change tracks on any workspace)16:16
boingboingbonggI have dell studio 15 with a 9 cell battery . it gives around 10 hours back up on windows vista but on ubuntu it only gives around 4 hours .. whats wrong?16:17
zaccourhow do i remove everything from my flash drive? deleting does not work16:17
werti_russian6 hour )16:17
bruenigzaccour: rm16:18
stefgboingboingbongg: run powertop and find out ... first thing is to get rid of mono immediatly16:18
boingboingbonggi have system manager set up .. my laptop is running on 800 mhz with no significant system activity16:18
Beldingstefg: http://pastebin.com/f5839010616:18
boingboingbonggits set to on demand16:19
h2g2bobzaccour does it say an error?16:19
stefgboingboingbongg: sudo apt-get autoremove libmono0 (will take some applications fike fspot  and tomboy away, too)16:19
boingboingbonggi can safely say that its not because of the system load16:19
boingboingbongghow will that help my battery life?16:19
boingboingbonggwhats mono got to do with it16:20
stefgboingboingbongg: you don't know about your system load :-) because you don't know how often the cpu or some chip wake up16:20
stefg!info powertop | boingboingbongg16:20
ubottuboingboingbongg: powertop (source: powertop): Linux tool to find out what is using power on a laptop. In component main, is extra. Version 1.11-1 (jaunty), package size 31 kB, installed size 424 kB16:20
boingboingbonggin top i have 2% cpu utilization16:21
ingsochello all... any chance of helping me figure out something with pubuntu? I'm trying to figure out what device or cobd corresponds to my SCSI devices16:21
stefgboingboingbongg: useless info16:21
=== Tashio1 is now known as Tashio
* stefg looks at Beldings dmesg16:21
statichcari messed up my sound :(16:22
ingsocI've tried blkid dmesg and several others but I just can't seem to find my SCSI stuff16:22
ingsocthis is running within XP16:22
zaccourbruenig, whats rm?16:23
stefgBelding: run lspci | pastebinit and lsusb | pastebinit , too16:23
zaccouri tried to remove stoff from my flash drive and it says error removing read only file16:24
boingboingbonggin powertop c6 mwait is taking like 86 %16:24
=== thomas__ is now known as randam
boingboingbongg!info powertop | boingboingbongg16:24
ubottuboingboingbongg: powertop (source: powertop): Linux tool to find out what is using power on a laptop. In component main, is extra. Version 1.11-1 (jaunty), package size 31 kB, installed size 424 kB16:24
Grosvenorstill no luck with screen resolution! Heron with 768Mb Nvidia 9600GSO, resolution limited to 640*480. OS has functioning driver for video card, but does not recognize model and doesn't display proprietary driver in Hardware Drivers.16:24
boingboingbonggi installed powertop16:25
boingboingbonggnow what16:25
akscii do not have alsa-base in my modprobe.d! where do i add my device? my front jack is not working!16:25
stefgboingboingbongg: run sudo powertop16:25
=== harjot__ is now known as cybercop
boingboingbonggCn                Avg residency       P-states (frequencies)16:25
boingboingbonggC0 (cpu running)        (11.3%)         2.41 Ghz     1.6%16:25
boingboingbonggpolling           0.0ms ( 0.0%)         2.40 Ghz     0.3%16:25
boingboingbonggC1 mwait          0.0ms ( 0.0%)         1.60 Ghz     0.6%16:25
boingboingbonggC2 mwait          0.3ms ( 0.2%)          800 Mhz    97.5%16:25
FloodBot2boingboingbongg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:25
boingboingbonggC6 mwait          3.5ms (88.5%)16:25
boingboingbonggCn                Avg residency       P-states (frequencies)16:26
boingboingbonggC0 (cpu running)        ( 9.9%)         2.41 Ghz     2.9%16:26
boingboingbonggpolling           0.0ms ( 0.0%)         2.40 Ghz     0.0%16:26
boingboingbonggC1 mwait          0.0ms ( 0.0%)         1.60 Ghz     0.0%16:26
boingboingbonggC2 mwait          0.2ms ( 0.2%)          800 Mhz    97.1%16:26
FloodBot2boingboingbongg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:26
boingboingbonggC6 mwait          3.9ms (90.0%)16:26
randamgood evening. I appear to be having a small amount of trouble with my laptop wireless card, it's an atheros, but the ath9k drivers do not work, nor does ath_pci, and I cant seem to initialize the ath5k drivers, even when using modprobe -f16:26
Chris220boingboingbongg, use pastebin16:26
Chris220or something similar16:26
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:26
akscii do not have alsa-base in my modprobe.d! where do i add my device? my front jack is not working!16:26
PuterputterI need some help getting a new install fo ubuntu to see my braodcom wireless on the laptop.16:26
boingboingbonggdid you get the info?16:26
Chris220boingboingbongg, use Pastebin :)16:26
Chris220or a similar service16:27
asgboingboingbongg: we did and that looks good16:27
nmvictorhow would I use dpkg -l and grep tools in a script to verify that a package like apache2 is installed?16:27
Grosvenorstill no luck with screen resolution! Heron with 768Mb Nvidia 9600GSO, resolution limited to 640*480. OS has functioning driver for video card, but does not recognize model and doesn't display proprietary driver in Hardware Drivers16:27
randamgood evening. I appear to be having a small amount of trouble with my laptop wireless card, it's an atheros, but the ath9k drivers do not work, nor does ath_pci, and I cant seem to initialize the ath5k drivers, even when using modprobe -f, is there any other substitutions short of installing ndiswrapper?16:27
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stefgboingboingbongg: it doesn't work that way. powertop is reporting and suggesting things ... one after the other. you have to look and read what powertop is telling you.16:28
tm512can I get any help setting up audio in ubuntu server?16:28
Grosvenorstill no luck with screen resolution! Heron with 768Mb Nvidia 9600GSO, resolution limited to 640*480. OS has functioning driver for video card, but does not recognize model and doesn't display proprietary driver in Hardware Drivers..16:28
phreckso i just installed the 15 kernel16:29
phreckgrub didnt update.16:29
VarthCan someone help me get my mic working for Skype? I'm running 9.04 on a Lenovo S10 netbook16:29
phreckanyone know how to fix that?16:29
boingboingbonggfglrx seems to be the problem16:29
boingboingbonggdoes it mean that my graphics card is taking lot of power16:29
stefgboingboingbongg: and i can tell you upfront that mono is a cpu hog and waking up the cpu far too often... get rid of it. next make sure your cpu frq-scaling is working properly16:30
PuterputterI need some help getting a new install of ubuntu to see my broadcom wireless on the laptop.16:30
|Slacker|hey there16:30
Grosvenorstill no luck with screen resolution! Heron with 768Mb Nvidia 9600GSO, resolution limited to 640*480. OS has functioning driver for video card, but does not recognize model and doesn't display proprietary driver in Hardware Drivers...16:30
stefgboingboingbongg: the most obvious problem... the ati-drivers are junk... sad, but a fact of life16:30
|Slacker|this ubuntu netbook remix rocks the hell outta it16:30
boingboingbonggi have propretiary16:31
boingboingbonggfor my graphics card16:31
stefg!envy | Grosvenor16:31
ubottuGrosvenor: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver16:31
phreckthey work decent enough16:31
stefgboingboingbongg: exactly... that's why they are junk16:31
Grosvenortried envy, didn't work16:31
westmiGrosvenor, sounds like a driver issue16:31
tm512how do you et up alsa?16:32
Grosvenorprobably, but i've tried 4 or 5 different drivers. this is the best i've done so far16:32
Chris220How can I see what drivers I am currently using for my Graphics card?16:32
Grosvenorrunning driver 169.1216:32
randamboingboingboing: one thing to check (not sure whether this has been mentioned) is if the drivers are actually loading. Mine werent on startup, so I had to add it to the /etc/modules file16:32
MaGicMaXis it possible to add an Audacious applet to my panel? (so i can access it and change tracks on any workspace)16:32
Grosvenorvisual effects are working, but no larger resolution16:33
boingboingbonggany alternative to fglrx which will run compiz fusion16:33
PuterputterI need some help getting a new install of ubuntu to see my broadcom wireless on the laptop.16:33
boingboingbonggand be fast enough for games16:33
Grosvenoris there any way to override the default resolutions with Xrandr?16:34
GPLwhen starting gDesklets from Accessories, it says Error "Could not launch gDesklets" , why so ? :(16:34
boingboingbonggwhat can i do about these shitty fglrx drivers?16:34
stefgboingboingbongg: buy an Nvidia card ...16:35
stefgboingboingbongg: buy anNvidia card ...16:35
boingboingbonggi have a laptop and i cant change it easily16:35
westmiGPL because there was an error16:35
stefgboingboingbongg: buy /supported/ Nvidia card ...16:35
boingboingbonggbuy a new laptop? yeah right16:35
Grosvenoris there such a thing as a supported nvidia card in ubuntu?16:35
GPLwestmi: Failed to execute child process "gdesklets" (No such file or directory) <- this is the error, what's the solution16:36
boingboingbongghow can i press ati to release good driverS?16:36
DaZnewer cards are still supported <:16:36
tm512Grosvenor: yes I had ubuntu's livercd running on my powermac G416:36
westmiGPL,reinstall it from synaptic16:36
asgGrosvenor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution <--- did you check the instructions there for adding new modelines?16:36
tm512nvidia geforce2 mx16:36
stefgboingboingbongg: buy an Nvidia card ?16:36
GPLwestmi: gdesklets is already the newest version, when i try to do so ?16:37
boingboingbonggi already bought this one thats not a practical solution16:37
boingboingbonggfuck ati16:37
westmiGPL because there is oviously something wrong with it---16:37
lakodajinhi all16:37
PuterputterI need some help getting a new install of ubuntu to see my broadcom wireless on the laptop.16:38
westmiGPL or if that doesnt work, try another version16:38
IdleOne!language > boingboingbongg16:38
ubottuboingboingbongg, please see my private message16:38
lakodajinhi I am new to ubuntu16:38
GPLwestmi: i just try the version which is in the universe repository of Ubuntu Jaunty16:38
stefgboingboingbongg: I know bad hardware support can ruin the whole day.... but i'm relatively sure that there'S a solution out on the web... dig a bit. I'm no ati expert, b/c i like to stay out of troubles way and always check linux support before i buy hardware16:39
tm512I need help getting audio working in ubuntu server16:39
lakodajinubottu, hi16:39
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:39
lakodajinCan I install Office applications in Ubuntu16:39
GPLwestmi: How to know the version of gDesklets ?16:39
old_uzrtry in console gdesklets --info16:40
IdleOnelakodajin: open office is installed by default16:40
boingboingbonggdell studio 15 is the best laptop for the price .. the only thing bad is ati support on linux ...16:40
VCoolionmvictor: http://pastebin.com/f20027a4816:40
westmiGPL usually at the top, under help16:40
|Slacker|this netbook remix is great but my cam doesn't seem to be working16:40
IdleOneboingboingbongg: have you checked !ati?16:40
uarefine2I boot up and the boot screen shows the progress bar after that the mouse shows for a moment then the screen goes blank and will not come back i think i screwed up settings when i changed drivers i am using a laptop HP DV6546 with nvidia video card16:40
asgGrosvenor: does xrandr display to resolution / mode you want to use?16:40
boingboingbonggi am using pidgin can you tell me how to change channels without going to the room list16:40
GPLwestmi: that if the program opens16:40
uarefine2or even the live cd16:40
lakodajinI need to open microsoft office word files16:40
uarefine2how do i fix my screen thru another linux os16:40
PuterputterI need some help getting a new install of ubuntu to see my broadcom wireless on the laptop.16:41
asglakodajin: use Open Office16:41
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:41
|Slacker|lakodajin, go for open office then16:41
uarefine2or even the live cd16:41
westmiGPL-i know, but i dont know the command for that16:41
ShoeI let my cousins on my computer, and now no desktop icons or shortcuts or anything is there. I try dragging stuff from a window, or try dragging stuff from the apllications bar to the desktop, OR try saving a file to the desktop from the internet, and nothing is happening. Help?16:41
boingboingbonggwhats the command to change room to #ati16:41
GPL/join #ati16:41
IdleOneboingboingbongg: /join #ati16:42
lakodajini hav prob in my ubuntu office16:42
lakodajinit doesnt open my MS office doc.16:42
westmiGPL command line might help,but i dont know the commands you need16:42
uarefine2oh i forgot recovery mode16:42
GPLwestmi, i am trying , thanks though.16:42
GPLwestmi: do you know how to launch gtkassistant ?16:42
ShoeI let my cousins on my computer, and now no desktop icons or shortcuts or anything is there. I try dragging stuff from a window, or try dragging stuff from the apllications bar to the desktop, OR try saving a file to the desktop from the internet, and nothing is happening. Help?16:43
fxfitzDoes anyone know how I would install cmake version 2.6 in Hardy??16:43
uarefine2so i will reboot and try that16:43
GPLwestmi: i also have a problem , making my tablet work :( i think there's some problem with the configuration...16:43
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asg!backports | fxfitz16:43
ubottufxfitz: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging16:43
lakodajincan anybody help me16:43
VCoolioShoe: check if nautilus is still drawing your desktop; in gconf-editor go to apps/nautilus/preferences and check show_desktop16:43
westmiGPL 'm a little slow, would take me a few minutes to figure it out16:43
Hamidrezahi . . . is there any one??????????//16:44
fxfitzasg: Thank you, I'll look!16:44
IdleOne!anyone  | Hamidreza16:44
GPLwestmi: no problem, take your time, i am here, no hurry.16:44
ubottuHamidreza: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:44
zipitogood day how can I know which program is using  8080 port ?16:44
Chris220How do I edit my "X Config"?16:44
asgzipito: netstat16:44
ShoeVCoolio, I don't see anyting under the apps tab in any of the sub catergories that says nautilus16:44
stefg!fixres | Chris22016:44
ubottuChris220: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:44
jiohdiunder gnome, I had a right click option of extract here... but under xfce4 it seems to be missing, how do I get it back?16:45
VCoolioShoe:  in gconf-editor, right?16:45
zipitoasg, with that I can see that I'm using that port16:45
VCooliojiohdi: in thunar?16:45
jiohdiVCoolio: I think so16:45
zipitoasg, but I need to know which service  is using that port to stop that service16:45
tm512I need help setting up audio in ubuntu server :o16:45
asgzipito: netstat -ntl should show you the program listening. If not, use 'lsof'16:45
Hamidrezai can`t understand x windows . can u tell me about it?16:45
ShoeI have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not Ubuntu Savvy VCoolio16:45
VCooliojiohdi: there is an extra plugin you can install for that, hang on16:46
asgzipito: the service name should be in the output16:46
Chris220stefg, Maybe that's not what I'm looking for then... I just installed an nVidia driver and it said I would have to change a few lines in my "X Config" or something... something about xorg16:46
jiohdiVC... ok16:46
scizzo-Hamidreza: what is the question exactly about xorg?16:46
asgzipito: sorry, try netstat -apnut16:46
zipitoasg, thanks16:46
VCooliojiohdi: thunar-archive-plugin16:46
boingboingbonggi went to #ati but theres is no activity there16:46
Hamidrezawhat is it?16:46
jiohdiVC... is that under add remove or synaptic?16:46
VCoolioShoe: alt-f2 and type "gconf-editor" in the box16:46
GPLboingboingbongg: you got to wait :)16:47
stefgChris220: did you have a particulr reason not to use the driver supplied with ubuntu?16:47
zipitoasg, thanks a lot found! that was adobe wave - after installing that I can't use mine JBOSS server :)16:47
boingboingbonggcan soemone use remote desktop and fix it for me?16:47
Chris220I was told to install a Legacy driver from the nVidia website16:47
VCooliojiohdi: in synaptic (or in terminal: sudo apt-get install thunar-archive-plugin)16:47
Chris220Because I was having problems with Blender16:47
tm512can /anyone/ help?16:47
stefgChris220: what version of ubuntu do you run ?16:47
GPL!anyone | tm51216:47
ubottutm512: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:47
jiohdithanks VC16:48
ShoeVCoolio, it brought up a window that says "Configuration Editor" Now what?16:48
Chris220stefg: 9.0416:48
scizzo-Hamidreza: xorg is what you call "x windows" its for the graphics of linux16:48
stefgChris220: and what nvidia card do you have ?16:48
boingboingbonggsomebody connect to my ubuntu box using vnc and help me fix my battery problem16:48
stefgChris220: lspci | grep VGA16:48
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:48
VCoolioShoe: now in the left tree navigate to apps > nautilus > preferences, then on the right scroll down to show_desktop and see if it is checked16:48
tm512I need to set up audio in ubuntu server, I have install alsa, also-oss, and vlc, but I still can't get sound16:48
Chris220stefg :RIVA TNT2 Model 64 (old, I know)16:48
Shoeit is VCoolio16:49
scizzo-Hamidreza: please do not /msg questions16:50
GoldiadkinHi, i'm having some trouble with gparted, it doesn't allow me to do anything even when i'm root16:50
Chris220stefg: Output from that command gives me "nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] (rev 15)"16:50
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stefgChris220: Nvidia dropped support for the -legacy driver for newer xorg versions. the last version of ubuntu having 3D support for that card is 8.04 hardy. No way of getting 3D to work in jaubty for that card16:50
VCooliook, that narrows it down; don't know any other options though, sorry16:50
Chris220stefg: Well it worked, it just was very slow16:51
stefgChris220: because it was using the software emuation16:51
Chris220Ah I see16:51
Chris220stefg: Ok, if that's the case, how can I remove this driver I've just installed? I don't want it lying around uselessly16:51
tm512I need to set up audio in ubuntu server, I have installed alsa, also-oss, and vlc, but I still can't get sound, help?16:52
ShoeI let my cousins on my computer, and now no desktop icons or shortcuts or anything is there. I try dragging stuff from a window, or try dragging stuff from the apllications bar to the desktop, OR try saving a file to the desktop from the internet, and nothing is happening. Help?16:52
GPLChris220: sudo apt-get remove <driver-name> would work ?16:52
madtychiemy first question for the day yes how do i enable my boot screen on ubuntu16:52
stefgChris220: usually you run the nvidia-*.run file with a -uninstall switch. But that's the problem with programs bypassing the package management... you never know how to get rid of them again16:53
Chris220stefg: Ok, I guess I have to redownload it then X_X16:54
Chris220Thanks for the help16:54
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slideIs there no way to access smb drives when opening files in programs?16:54
madtychiei need help with my bootscreen16:54
madtychiei try to enable it but it wont work16:55
MraedisSerious issue16:55
MraedisI got my wireless card installed & working, finds the network and such.16:55
MraedisThe instant I connect to the network, however, (password typed in and stuff) my entire pc crashes16:55
madalini am trying to setup a dhcp server and i am having problems. Does anyone have a tutorial on that or something please?16:55
MraedisIt just freezes16:55
VCooliomadtychie: you mean the usplash part (with the progress bar)? Use startupmanager16:55
|Slacker|nevermind...cam's working16:56
madtychieyes i did go to startmanager16:56
ramiroif I run dpkg-buildpackage, it will try to patch the code again. how do I build only what is already there? (no patching again)16:56
tm512I need to set up audio in ubuntu server, I have installed alsa, also-oss, and vlc, but I still can't get sound, help?16:56
VCooliomadtychie: then what happened?16:56
madtychieand i restart16:56
madtychieit all i see16:57
madtychieis the these long writing16:57
madtychieand the it start up16:57
madtychiebut i want my bootscreen back16:57
MraedisSo to sum it all up: Wireless card words, Wireless network found, Wireless network connect -> Crash16:57
madtychielet me tell you what i did16:57
VCooliomadtychie: are you trying to use the default ubuntu usplash or some other? and has it worked before?16:58
madalini installed dhcp server and it looks like it´s working but for some reason when the eth1 is up, the internet connection is down..anyone has any ideeas ?16:58
|Slacker|now I just would like to make the touchpad scrollbar work16:58
jiohdimy laptop shows hardware for audio output but it is blank for audio input...  it has a built in mic. so something is missing, no/16:59
madtychiefirst i had the ubuntu on a bad harddrive and then i copy the HDD to nother Hdd and when it start to boot i dont see the graphic boot screen16:59
tm512I need to set up audio in ubuntu server, I have installed alsa, also-oss, and vlc, but I still can't get sound, help?16:59
madtychieyes it work before16:59
boingboingbonggcan anybody help me with python17:00
madtychiebut the old HDD boot screen is working17:00
MTecknologyboingboingbongg: /join #python17:00
boingboingbonggit says i need registration17:00
stefgmadtychie: did you copy the swap partition as well ?17:00
Slart!regsiter | boingboingbongg17:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about regsiter17:00
Slart!register | boingboingbongg17:00
ubottuboingboingbongg: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode17:00
boingboingbongg!register | boingboingbongg17:01
ubottuboingboingbongg, please see my private message17:01
VCooliomadtychie: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7587894&postcount=217:01
winterelfhi all, anyone know how to deactivate the rutine chack at the ubuntu boot? it stucks there long time unless i press escape17:01
boingboingbonggregister | boingboingbongg17:01
boingboingbonggwhat am i supposed to do exactly?17:01
MTecknologyboingboingbongg: stop17:01
randamgood evening, I appear to be having an issue with my wireless drivers, the ath5k drivers will not load, the ath_pci drivers dont support my wireless card, and the ath9k doesnt do anything. Any help would be cool17:01
IdleOneboingboingbongg: /msg nickserv help register17:01
=== Tashio1 is now known as Tashio
MTecknologyboingboingbongg: follow link17:01
Slartboingboingbongg: check the link ubottu sent you.. there's info there17:01
stefgVCoolio: his problem is that the swap UUID is wrong... so usplash tells him there'S no resume partition and bugs out17:01
tm512I need help setting up audio in a minimal ubuntu installation17:02
Slartboingboingbongg: or ask in #freenode for registration help17:02
aaaahi,i'm using kubuntu, how do i make firefox's fonts look like kde's? and pidgin's fonts is diffent too.17:02
VCooliomadtychie, stefs: maybe this helps?: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r`17:02
tm512how hard is it to get help in here?17:02
boingboingbonggit asks me to write down my password .. blasphemy!17:02
madtychiei will try it17:02
MTecknologyboingboingbongg: we don't care17:03
randamthis is the error message when I try to modprobe ath5k "FATAL: Error inserting ath5k (/lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/updates/ath5k.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)"17:03
Chris220tm512, You have to wait patiently. There's a lot of people in here, asking a lot of questions17:03
VCooliostefg: if you know how to fix that uuid plz tell him, I don't know17:03
Slarttm512: not very hard.. if you ask a reasonable question and don't forget to mention what version of ubuntu you're running, what kind of hardware you've got, what you've tried so far etc etc17:03
Slart!details | tm51217:03
ubottutm512: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:03
Trijntjetm512: if nobody knows the anwser to your question, no one will respond. If you can, try to be more specefic about your problem17:03
winterelfhi all, anyone know how to deactivate the rutine chack at the ubuntu boot? it stucks there long time unless i press escape???17:03
jmak1Hello All, Noob question here. I recently downloaded and installed Ubuntu 9.0.4 for 64 bit. Browsing the Ubuntu forums I came across the following bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/346691 I have not experienced this bug but this apparently affects linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic kernels. I just checked the Kernel I have installed and its linux-image-2.6.28-15-generic. Does anybody know if this bug was fixed in linux-i17:03
MTecknologyjmak1: cut off after fixed in linux-i17:04
IdleOnejmak1: probably17:04
tm512I need help setting up audio in a minimal ubuntu 9.04 install on my thinkpad a20m, installed alsa, alsa-oss, and vlc but I can't get sound, I know I'm missing something17:04
stefgmadtychie: run ' sudo blkid' , then run 'cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume'  Does the UUID match ?17:04
boingboingbongghow do i get a history of recently typed commands in irc17:05
Slartjmak1: it might be a jfs specific problem.. my system is still running despite having used that kernel17:05
IdleOneboingboingbongg: arrow up if your using xchat17:05
odderboingboingbongg: it depends on your irc client17:05
jmak1message cut off cont'd - Does anybody know if this bug was fixed in linux-image-2.6.28-15-generic or do I need to upgrade my kernel? Thanks in advance.17:05
boingboingbonggi use pidgin17:06
jmak1Slart: I'm a real noob here, what is jfs?17:06
IdleOnejmak1: if your not affected by the bug your safe17:06
Slartjmak1: it also mentions that this was in a pre-release version of jaunty.. that's what pre-release is about17:06
Slartjmak1: it's a file system.. like ntfs or fat32...17:06
shammg'day y'all!17:07
jmak1Ok, thanks. I'll assume I'm safe for now.17:07
odderboingboingbongg: try arrow up. per IdleOne17:07
lollanhi, I want to get into emacs, so I install it but it opens with a gui, I've heard that there was the console version and the gui one. Any tip on how to run the console one with ubuntu ?17:07
boingboingbonggarrow up. per IdleOne17:07
odderhello shamm :-)17:07
scizzo-lollan: there is a parameter for it....see emacs --help for that info17:08
IdleOneboingboingbongg: try using your up arrow to see if the recently type commands/ text come up17:08
odderlollan: try emacs21-nox or emacs22-nox, depends on your version of emacs17:09
dbuggerCan someone please tell me what software could I use to make a Gantt Diagram?17:09
boingboingbonggno it doesnt17:09
boingboingbonggit gives a system beep17:09
scizzo-lollan: something like emacs -nw17:09
stefg!info planner | dbugger17:09
ubottudbugger: planner (source: planner): project management application. In component main, is optional. Version 0.14.3-3ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 2884 kB, installed size 7184 kB17:09
VCoolioboingboingbongg: check tools > plugins if theres is something fancy that suits your needs17:09
boingboingbonggim playing "stairway  to heaven"  using the system beep17:09
ShoeWhat do I install from Add/Remove for games like Runescape to run in firefox?17:09
lollanscizzo-: i try that thanks17:10
MTecknologyShoe: ... you don't install them in the first place17:10
coventryYesterday, I "apt-get upgrade"d 64 bit ubuntu hardy on my laptop.  Now firefox doesn't recognize my flash plugin.  Is this a known problem?  How can I go about debugging this?17:10
lollanI try that as well odder thanks17:10
dbuggerstefg, Planner is not in the ubuntu repositories?17:10
dbuggeroh yes, but it has to "n" :P17:10
odderboingboingbongg: try Ctrl-up arrow17:11
stefgdbugger: sure it is... otherwise ubotto wouldn't have info on it17:11
ShoeMTecknology, java isn't installed. What app do I need to make it work?17:11
MTecknologyShoe: java17:11
dbuggerstefg, sorry silly mistake :D17:11
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository17:11
lollanscizzo-: it worked thanks17:11
stefgdbugger: planner != Planner :-)17:11
boingboingbonggpoint me to a guide to learn basic irc rules and commands17:11
ShoeOkay, I searched for java you fuckhead, and downloaded 3 different apps. Still isn't working17:11
scizzo-lollan: welcome17:12
MTecknology!language > Shoe17:12
ubottuShoe, please see my private message17:12
dbuggerna, the problem was I was looking for "planer" with just 1 "n" :D17:12
VCoolioboingboingbongg: http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html17:12
VCoolioboingboingbongg: also google17:12
odderboingboingbongg: rules and commands depend on the network you're chatting in and your irc client, google for it17:13
stefgdbugger: but for your entertainmaint you can run 'apt-cache search gantt' and see waht come up17:13
zipitodid anyone managed to run jboss AS 5.1.0GA on Ubuntu 9.04 ?   I'm always getting error about unique port :(   double checked that port is free17:13
dbuggerstefg, I didnt know that function! Thanks!17:13
odderboingboingbongg: there is, for example, a CoC for ubuntu-related channels, like http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct17:13
shammWhen I tried to rebuild virtualbox using /etc/init.d/virtualbox-ose, the kernel module rebuild failed.17:14
boingboingbonggwhy are you so helpful .. do you guys get padi for this?17:14
westmiGPL, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdesklets/+bug/38455017:14
stefg!patience | boingboingbongg17:14
ubottuboingboingbongg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:14
shammTried to search on google with no answer to that common problem17:14
stefgboingboingbongg: no, wrong factoid17:14
dannyHey is it possible to use vlite in ubuntu17:15
GPLwestmi: thanks17:15
VCoolioboingboingbongg: I wish, can I give you my account number :)17:15
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org17:15
boingboingbonggwhat account number17:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bored17:15
stefg!attitude | boingboingbongg17:15
ubottuboingboingbongg: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:15
phreckso i just updated to the 15 kernel, but grub doesnt even givee it to me as a boot option... any ideas guys?17:15
MTecknologyDaZ-: this isn't the place for that17:15
shammback in old linpeople and openproject days :)17:15
odderdanny: the vlite? the vista-related program?17:16
ShoeI search for Java in synaptic package manager, and it gives me a ton of options. Which one do I install to make runescape work in firefox?17:16
dannyyes odder17:16
shammslaute to lilo, forever remembered.17:16
MTecknology!java > Shoe17:16
ubottuShoe, please see my private message17:16
wildc4rdafternoon all17:17
shammhi wildc4rd17:18
shammheya starcraftman17:18
shammnow that reminds me17:18
NoelJBcoventry: on hardy?  As I recall, *uninstall* any flash packages, and install the 64-bit flash directly from Adobe.17:18
stefgboingboingbongg: the real reason is: all operating systems suck, linux (and ubuntu in particular) just sucks less. And because it takes a while to recognize that,  we kill some time in here :-)17:18
* shamm wanders off to check on StarCraft 217:19
boingboingbonggi spend a lot of time messing with things that should just work in both linux and windows17:19
shammboingboingbongg: whats the problem?17:20
zipitohow to switch pulseaudio from 4713 port to different ?17:20
stefgshamm: just don't ask .. ._)17:20
shammlol sounds like it was repeated before I came in17:20
* shamm apologizes17:20
starcraftmanlo' there shamm don't think I know ya.17:21
MTecknologyzipito: not perfectly sure offhand, but probably about /etc/pulse* - I'm not in linux atm :(17:21
shammstarcraftman: no, we don't know each other, but your nick reminds me.. i'm hardcore starcraft player17:21
ShoeMTecknology, I don't understand the link you sent me at all. All I want is the exact name of an app to get  from package manager17:21
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository17:21
robysathI have 3 SATA drives, sda, sdb and sdc. Ubunto runs off sda. There is a hardware raid mirror setup on sdb and sdc. What would be the correct way to mount the mirror raid?17:21
GPLWhen i open a .html file , it opens with Mozilla Firefox, but when i try to open a URL / Link, it opens with BlueFish CSS Editor :(17:21
stefgshamm: you know the only 4 letter word with only 3 letters in Linux, don't you? ATI17:22
madalinwhen i´m trying to start dhcp server i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257598/17:22
MTecknologyShoe: For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre17:22
shammstefg: gotcha17:22
phreckATI isnt that bad, it just takes some configuring17:22
neverblueif I want to run apache/mysql/php, is it recommended to just run a LAMP install ?17:22
neverbluerather than configure my Ubuntu desktop17:22
odderShoe: try sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre17:23
starcraftmanshamm: hehehe, not the first. I'm a bit retired atm, if I got back into playing it with SC2, I'd probably neglect doing my studies for uni. Definitely a great game though.17:23
MTecknologyneverblue: I do a server install and add the extras - but lamp is meant to make things easy17:23
* stefg is happy to hand over boingboingbongg to phreck to troubleshoot his gfx-cards power consumption17:23
Condoulowould it be possible for me to burn UDF volumes in Wine?17:23
shammstarcraftman: I agree!17:24
neverblueMTecknology: usually I use the Ubuntu Guide, to do the initial setup.  They do not give the info on installing/configuring apache/mysql/php anymore, so I am wondering if its not recommended anymore..17:24
MTecknologyneverblue: even if you install the pieces yourself - there's really no configuration needed17:24
phreckstefg, oh crap lol17:24
phreckIs it the proprietary drivers?17:25
neverblueMTecknology: I don't believe that :D17:25
MTecknologyneverblue: welcome to ubuntu ;)17:25
phreckAnd how does he know its consuming too much power17:25
neverbluethere are dependant packages17:25
coventryNoelJB: Thanks for the suggestion.17:25
stefgphreck: HTOP17:25
robysathIs /dev/sr0 my hardware raid?17:25
stefgphreck: powertop17:25
NoelJBcoventry: welcome :-)17:25
phreckbug in software? whats his GPU temp17:26
stefgboingboingbongg: you found your man... phreck you probably should talk to phreck17:26
somaunnhello everyone17:26
madalinany dhcp wizzard arround here ? I could use some help...17:26
stefg... ahhh ...17:26
somaunni got a little problem17:26
Condoulois there a way I can burn UDF Volumes properly in Ubuntu and have them work? I'm nearly out of DVDs so thats why I'm asking. =/ don't want to end up wasting a DVD17:27
minchehey hey17:27
minchei need some help?17:27
mincheis anybody here?17:27
stefgphreck and boingboingbongg , please talk to each other :-)17:27
FloodBot2minche: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:27
odderCondoulo: I am looking up the problem, pming in a moment17:27
MTecknologyminche: just ask17:27
mincheo can't install moodbar for amarok17:27
boingboingbonggabout the fglrx problem?17:27
neverblueis 'sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server' correct?17:27
mincheit wont "make" =S17:27
neverblueor am I missing something ?17:27
MTecknology!enter > minche17:27
ubottuminche, please see my private message17:27
madalinsadly this channel lacks people who can help...17:28
MTecknologymadalin: as well as people that can ask questions17:28
elekitr4gente pra kct hj17:28
NoelJBmadalin: help regarding what?17:28
minchebut i think that is correct tho17:28
elekitr4opa wrong channel17:28
somaunni got a big latency from the moment a type my password to the moment my desktop get ready17:28
MTecknologyelekitr4: What language is that?17:28
minchekct what kind of word is that :D17:29
madalinMTecknology: well, i´ve asked a little bit later. If you scroll up, you´ll find my questions are there. Unanswered tough.17:29
minchebah, i'm out17:29
MTecknology!patience | ..17:29
ubottu..: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:29
madalini´m having problems with setting up a dhcp server.. and i´m lost..17:29
stefghttp://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html < good read for people waiting for help17:29
MTecknologymadalin: ok17:29
madalinMTecknology: now that was very helpfull of you, thank you. I didn´t know that :)17:29
shammwhen did powertop exist?17:29
madalini´m just a newbie on IRC and i don´t know any rules at all..17:30
madalinbut hey, thanks, you rock...17:30
neverbluethanks MTecknology for the replies, i found a good doc now :)17:30
NoelJBmadalin: what problem are you having?  Been a while since I set one up, but ...17:30
odderis it just me, or madalin is not utf-8-ing?17:30
MTecknologymadalin: no problem at all - and if you want to check out your manners...17:30
NoelJBI'm not seeing any encoding problems from madalin17:30
MTecknologymadalin: #ubuntu-server has people there that are more experienced with servers17:31
madalinodder: i don´t know, i´m using a quassel, never heard about it..looks strange. I have to double press ´ to show it..17:31
stefgmadalin: first question: are you sure you want a dhcp server running on your ubuntu-server? Wouldn't it be more sensible to run it on the gateway ?17:31
DaZ-quassel is oh-sum.17:31
NoelJBmadalin: best thing for IRC, in my view, is x-chat.  Pidgin or Empathy come with Ubuntu.17:31
madalinnow that was a good answer MTecknology, thank you and i mean it. As for my manners, they´re here but when you´re going nuts the only way to solve issues is yell or something..17:31
GoldenjoHow could i open a .jar file with "Open JDK" from the console?17:32
MTecknologystefg: I wanted to suggest that - but for crappy manners I tend to go with the path of least resistance ;)17:32
DaZ-Goldenjo, java_vm ?17:32
NoelJBGoldenjo: if your system (and the jar) are configured properly: java -jar ${jarname}17:33
GoldenjoExecute the jar file.17:33
madalinstefg: sorry, it´s an ubuntu server and i need it to be a gateway. And dhcp sounds like a good ideea17:33
MaGicMaXis the "System Load" in System Monitor based on a 1-10 scale, 10 being full load?17:33
NoelJBGoldenjo: e.g., java -jar myapp.jar17:33
stefgmadalin: what's the purpose of that server ?17:33
SmithXhey everyone--is it possible for me to uninstall sudo altogether?17:33
madalinstefg: sharing internet ?:)17:33
MTecknologySmithX: aptitude remove sudo17:34
madalinstefg: it´s a small radio that has about 10 computers that need internet..17:34
SmithXMTecknology: will that hurt anything?17:34
stefgmadalin: and nothing else? no file/printer sharing?17:34
DaZ-SmithX, set root password and everything will work17:34
MTecknologySmithX: not sure - I don't think so. You'll get a big notification if it might17:34
madalinstefg: samba sounds good, but i´ll take care of that17:34
madalindhcp is the one driving me nuts..17:34
MTecknologySmithX: yes! do that too17:34
=== aksci is now known as thedancingdeer
DaZ-i don't know why you want to remove it tho, sudo is faster than su <:17:35
shammwhen I tried to setup virtualbox from /etc/init.d/virtualbox-ose I got this error from /var/log/v*log: ./virtualbox-ose: 350: /usr/lib/virtualbox/src/vboxdrv/build_in_tmp: not found17:35
jiohdiI installed google-earth via apt-get, now how do I remove it?17:35
NoelJBstefg: madalin is building a gateway, presumably, that will be connected between a cable modem on one NIC and an intranet on another.17:35
stefg!ebox | madalin17:35
ubottumadalin: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox17:35
SmithXDaZ-: what do you mean set a root password?17:35
odderjiohdi: sudo apt-get remove google-earth17:35
NoelJBbeen there, done that, been a while though.17:35
GoldenjoI want to open it with the OpenJDK runtime.17:35
GoldenjoNot the Sun one.17:35
thedancingdeerwhat should i add in my /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base?? this is my aplay -l: http://tinypaste.com/e9dba17:35
jiohdiodder... that seemed too simple :)17:35
harjot_Whart does it mean when i try and fail to see whats on the blank cd "Could not start process. Unable to Create io-slave"17:35
SmithXMTecknology: oh, you mean first set a root password and THEN uninstall sudo17:35
odderjiohdi: should work, I believe?17:35
DaZ-SmithX, sudo passwd root17:35
NoelJBGoldenjo: so?  any java should support -jar17:35
harjot_Whart does it mean when i try and fail to see whats on the blank cd "Could not start process. Unable to Create io-slave"17:36
MTecknologySmithX: ya - I forgot that - good thing DaZ- was watching - coulda fixed it thouhg17:36
jiohdiodder, it needs the exact name, is that the same as the installer .bin file?17:36
Gothfunchi.  my netword card's module is loaded, but eth0 is missing.  is this a hardware problem?17:36
SmithXCan anyone think of a reason why I would need sudo if I'm just a single user on my desktop?17:36
GoldenjoFor some unkown reason this .jar ony works with the "Open JDK".17:36
stefgNoelJB: thx for that backgrounf info ... madalin as loyal as i am to ubuntu i'd rather look at some specialist firewall/gateway distro. IPCop, or its decendent Endian , if not m0n0wall17:36
MTecknologySmithX: sudo is easier17:37
odderjiohdi: aah, understand, did you try typing google-earth -h in terminal?17:37
SmithXMTecknology: easier than "su -c"?17:37
NoelJBGoldenjo: so install and use OpenJDK.  Although I'd be curious to know what the deal is.17:37
DaZ-SmithX, if you remove password from sudo.. yes17:37
jiohdiodder, no such command17:37
MTecknologySmithX: you use your password instead of the root password - and it tends to be safer (better logged too)17:38
madalinstefg: i´m running 9.04 ... it looks like ebox is not working..17:38
Gothfuncanyone?  my network card worked in this machine before.  i switched to wifi for a while then switched back.  /dev/eth0 is missing and eth0 is not in ifconfig either, but i can see the card in lspci and the module in lsmod.  any ideas?17:38
odderjiohdi: google-earth --help maybe? I believe it wants the name + the version17:38
NoelJBstefg: it is pretty easily done.  I did it from scratch in the past, but I don't know how long it would take for me to dig up the old config.  And madalin hasn't said what problem(s) exist.17:38
GoldenjoOk. is working with the Sun one, now.17:38
shammthat reminds me....17:38
SmithXDaz-, MTecknology: why would I ever NOT have a root password for sudo. wouldn't it be unsafe to not?17:38
oddershamm: yes? :-)17:39
shammdownloading Solaris 10 intel17:39
NoelJBGoldenjo: good17:39
madalinNoelJB: take a look at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257600/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/257598/17:39
jiohdiodder, do I have to find the installed pkg? probably in usr/bin?17:39
DaZ-SmithX, it is somewhat unsafe, but safer than lame root password imo17:39
incorrectis there an easy to to install fonts?17:39
incorrecti have been sent a .ttf17:39
MTecknologySmithX: you don't set a root password for using sudo - you grant users permission to users that use their own password instead of others having the root password required to use su17:39
DaZ-incorrect, ~/.fonts17:40
SmithXMTecknology: as the only user, I might as well just always run as root17:40
stefgmadalin: i have a working jaunty/ebox server. but i run Endian in a virtualbox vm on that and don't use ebox' gateway features. I don't like having file-server and firewall on the same (logical) machine17:40
Gothfuncdoes anyone even know if it SOUNDS like a hardware or software issue?17:40
MTecknologySmithX: .......................................... /me is speachless17:40
incorrectDaZ-, i can just copy into there?17:40
MTecknologySmithX: then just use windows...17:40
NoelJBmadalin: I don't have time to go into details today, so please see: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-and-configure-dhcp-server-in-ubuntu-server.html17:40
GoldenjoKnow of any reliable and basic motherboard that works OK with Linux.17:40
odderjiohdi: I am searching for the solution, wait a sec plz17:40
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:41
DaZ-incorrect, imo yes17:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about runasroot17:41
NoelJBLOL @ ubottu17:41
incorrectDaZ-, no reindexing or anything?17:41
DaZ-MTecknology, linspire had root user as default17:41
DaZ-incorrect, dunno, kde manages them for me :f17:41
SmithXMTecknology: what's the difference between using sudo ot gain root access vs. just running as root??17:42
MTecknologyDaZ-: other distros have too - bad idea too...17:42
odderjiohdi: ah, i see. the name of the app might be "googleearth"17:42
incorrectDaZ-, works for gnome too! thanks!17:42
odderjiohdi: try removing this one17:42
stefgSmithX: a (remote) attempt to login as root fails17:42
SmithXstefg: a remote app then runs sudo !!17:42
edgar4385Hallo, my problem is: Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from17:43
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:43
IdleOneSmithX: having to use sudo makes you think about what your installing/removing. You got to some webpage and they have a .deb for some really cool app and you install it ( running as root all the time ) and it also happens to harvest your bank and credit card info and sends it back to that site.17:43
edgar4385java -jar home/edgar/Desktop/pauker-1.8.src.jar17:43
Gothfunchow do you get your questions noticed in this channel?17:43
SmithXIdleOne: so, say I run as a normal user. I run the script I downloaded, and the script does "sudo"17:44
stefgSmithX: but you have to know two things: username and password ... ssh root@somebox.foo will always fail on a (standard) ubuntu server. not even brute force works17:44
rblstSmithX: the difference is not there, the difference is that you do not login as root17:44
IdleOnethe script can't do sudo without you entering your password17:44
MTecknology!runasroot is <reply>Never {ever} run as root. It's not safe. For starters, you can accidentally wipe your system clean. You could accidentally delete major files. Worse, you could allow a a flaw in an application to delete your system (most security flaws can allow the attacker to run as the current user only).17:44
DaZ-IdleOne, wrong <:17:44
MTecknologySmithX: ^17:44
NoelJBGothfunc: I saw it.  You might try asking in #nm17:44
jiohdi_odder, I tried googleearth -uninstall and it opened the program and locked up my system... the reason I want to uninstall it17:44
IdleOneDaZ-: am I?17:45
odderjiohdi_: I meant apt-get remove googleearth17:45
DaZ-bash-4.0$ sudo echo 'test'17:45
MTecknologyDaZ-: well - be default IdleOne is right. I doubt he changed sudoers.17:45
FredWP_YeeloongHey I want to switch from Windows to Ubuntu, but I don't want to lose my files, how do I upgrade so I keep my files? LoL!17:45
harjot_how would i change what ubuntu labels the joystick axis as?17:45
harjot_like make no3 no4 vice-versa17:46
=== shamm is now known as LinuxGold
SmithXso basically what everyone is saying is that I do in fact need a password for sudo?17:46
GothfuncNoelJB: thanks.  were you not going to answer originally?  i'm wondering what i'm doing wrong :s17:46
stefgFredWP_Yeeloong: first thing is to have about half a dozen of backups :-)17:46
SmithXwhich makes it identical to su -c on a single user system?17:46
FredWP_YeeloongPfff never mind then.17:46
jiohdi_odder, E: Couldn't find package googleearth17:46
edgar4385after I use "java -jar home/edgar/Desktop/pauker-1.8.src.jar" I get "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from17:47
edgar4385home/edgar/Desktop/pauker-1.8.src.jar", how can I fix this problem?17:47
NoelJBGothfunc: not something I would resolve off-hand, but it occurred to me that with no one else answering, there IS a dedicated channel for NetworkManager :-)17:47
MTecknologyFredWP_Yeeloong: the installed will offer to keep them for you17:47
GothfuncNoelJB: gotcha.  thanks.17:47
NoelJBedgar4385: that means that the jar file isn't properly setup to run with -jar17:47
IdleOneDaZ-: does echo require root to return output?17:47
NoelJBgiven that it is a SOURCE jar, that is no surprise.17:47
MTecknologyFredWP_Yeeloong: don't switch in one big jump though - just have the installer compress windows and offer a dual boot17:47
IdleOneDaZ-: I mean sudo17:47
=== kaie is now known as Guest1364
SmithXDaz-, MTecknology: so basically I should always set a password for sudo? then I might as well just use "su -c" on single user system?17:48
MTecknologySmithX: you have a password for yourself - that's your password to run sudo17:48
__theIdiotBoxhello everyone17:48
SmithXMTecknology: if I don't set a passwd for sudo, then anything I run as a normal user essentially has root access17:49
DaZ-IdleOne, http://wklej.org/id/138517/ this is how it looks by default17:49
MTecknologySmithX: I think you're confused......17:50
MTecknologySmithX: you don't set a password for sudo OR su17:50
DaZ-as you can see it doesn't require any password :f17:50
rblstSmithX: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:50
SmithXMTecknology: I mean a root password17:50
MTecknologySmithX: you CAN set a password for the root account which by default has noen17:50
stefgMTecknology: i think someone who dismisses the thought of doing a backup before doing a potentially dangerous operation isn't definitely ready for linux .... no vendor to sue for lost files :-)17:50
edgar4385And how do I set it up to run?17:50
DaZ-by default is disabled <:17:50
MTecknologystefg: :P - I'm not much on backups17:51
SmithXstefg: I've been using linux for 3 years--I've never made any kind of "dumb" mistake as root17:51
NoelJBedgar4385: yes?17:51
edgar4385And how do I set it up to run?17:51
dbuggerA question about "planner". Is it possible to insert a task with a starting date sooner than "today"? (I know, planning should be done before starting to work... my bad)17:51
stefgSmithX: your time will come :-)17:51
NoelJBedgar4385: ah, you probably can't, since it sounds like a SOURCE jar.17:51
edgar4385The FAQ for the files sais itś possible17:52
clintonphi there, I have changed my network proxy and applied it system-wide. When I do a sudo apt-get install ..... it still looks for the proxy17:52
MTecknologystefg: if that was for me - it's come - many times over17:52
edgar4385with the command I've posted already17:52
NoelJB edgar4385: I'd have to look, but off-hand, I'd suggest going back to http://sourceforge.net/projects/pauker/files/ and downloading the non-src jar.17:52
stefgSmithX: nobody keeps you from setting up a root password and using a root account... if you're clever enough to do that, you're probably ready for it. Take it as an intelligence test: if you don't know how to enable root, you should rather not use that :-)17:53
xaseHow does one find the 0x000 id of his nvidia card?17:53
SmithXMTecknology, DaZ-: so is there anything wrong with my reasoning, "anything I run as normal user essentially has root access if I don't see a root password?"17:53
NoelJBxase: lspci is your friend, most likely.17:53
MTecknologySmithX: ya - that's not tru at all17:53
MTecknologySmithX: nothing has root access unless you run sudo or su17:54
xaseWell I gather that, I just don't know how to get it to yield that result NoelJB17:54
SmithXMTecknology: but if the normal user can run sudo, then it's the same thing17:54
grawitySmithX: but sudo will ask for your own password to confirm.17:54
MTecknologySmithX: but you need to give it a password17:54
SmithXgrawity: you said earlier the password is the user password17:55
grawitySmithX: Yeah?17:55
edgar4385it works, thanks NoelJB17:55
SmithXI'm sorry, I meant MTecknology said that17:55
MTecknologySmithX: without enabled the root account - su won't work so sudo is the only option - you have to enter your password for it to run17:55
NoelJBedgar4385: what worked?  the non-source?17:55
SmithXMTecknology: now where back where I started--so I might as well just use "su -c"17:56
xaseI'm going to gather that 0x360A is the code... and just head from there. 8200M Geforce17:56
MTecknologySmithX: you're free to do absolutely whatever you want with your system. It's yours... My bestest bestest suggestion is to trust the security experts that make these desicions...17:56
xaseBut I know that's a wrong number17:56
MTecknologySmithX: this system is about to lock up for ~5min and I'll take a shower so I'll need to take off17:56
grawitySmithX: You are free to use su -c if you want -- sudo is just preferred by many because it 1) doesn't require having the root password (the root account is locked), 2) allows fine-grained configuration.17:57
SmithXMTecknology: it wasn't a security expert who made the decision, it was a user interface (ease of use) decision to create sudo, as aI understand it17:57
xase0x02e110de I'm looking to yield a number similar to this for my nvidia.17:57
xasePlease help.17:57
stefgSmithX: my dumbest mistake was cleaning a /home -dir  with rm -rf  ... but forgetting that a windows partition was still mounted in a subdir there :-) .... luckily i have a working backup regime17:57
burneranyone know how to fix the cups-pdf printer?  It's supposed to go to ~/PDF, but nothing shows up there.  I've reinstalled cups-pdf and the printer shows fine, but no output17:57
=== Chris220 is now known as Chris220|afk
SmithXstefg: I do understand the "prevent against dumb mistakes" part of it--what I'm mainly concerned with is the "security from an external point of view" part of it17:57
MTecknologySmithX: gksudo is ease of use - sudo itself offers MANY security benefits17:58
grawitySmithX: What security problems does sudo have, in your opinion?17:58
MTecknologySmithX: this conversation is going beyond the scope of this channel - #ubuntu-hardened17:58
SmithXMTecknology: cool, I'll check it out17:58
burkmatMy DELETE key stopped working after I spilled beer all over my laptop. I know that's sort of not really in the realm of #ubuntu, but does anyone have any suggestions? ;)17:59
SmithXgrawity: I'm going to try taking this to #ubuntu-hardenede17:59
grawityburkmat: Remap the Delete key elsewhere?17:59
burkmatgrawity: How would I do that easily?17:59
MTecknologyburkmat: laptop or other?17:59
grawityburkmat: And get another beer?17:59
IdleOneburkmat: beer and internet don't go together17:59
burkmatMTecknology: Laptop.17:59
stefgburkmat: neutralize the beer with some high voltage wodka ?18:00
clintonpburkmat: drink some more and maybe everything can get deleted18:00
burkmatgrawity: dont worry, I got plenty of other beers that night, but waking up with semidead keyboard wasnt too fun =(18:00
Walexburkmat: you can wash your keyboard with water and let it dry for a week or two to make sure it is ereallt dry18:00
burkmatIdleOne: Last time I bring the laptop to the bar. :P18:00
grawityburkmat: About remapping - I have never tried that, but I think you need 'xmodmap', some Google, and a key you never use.18:00
MTecknologyburkmat: turn system off - pull keyboard out (carefully) attempt to wash clean in just water, let dry fully, put back together, hope for best18:00
burkmatgrawity: Alright, will look into that. Thanks.18:00
stefgburkmat: i'd map DEL to CAPS LOCK with a xmodmap :-) nobody needs CAPS LOCK anyway18:01
grawitystefg: Better map Caps to Compose18:01
str4k3riashello! someone could help me please ?18:01
burkmatstefg: will try :P18:01
zvacet! ask | str4k3rias18:02
ubottustr4k3rias: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:02
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.18:03
burkmatEh, worth a shot. :P18:03
zvacetstr4k3rias : hi18:03
clintonp--2009-08-22 19:01:02--  (try: 2)  http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.1.1.tar.bz218:03
clintonpConnecting to 10.*.*.*:8080... when I try to install something. I have reset all the network setting and still looks for proxy18:03
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!18:03
Condoulohar har har18:03
ubottuUh, don't you mean !apt ?18:04
shp1hello, can anyone help me on setting the classpath?18:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yast18:04
BactaWho's in this timezone? : 2009-08-22 12:04:2318:04
Ben64Bacta: me18:05
BactaWhere are you? :)18:05
Alex-IThallo guyzzzzz18:05
Ben64central, amerika18:05
Alex-ITI'm tired to combat against linux18:05
Ben64.... central.18:06
DaZ-Alex-IT, resistance is futile18:06
BactaYou use Linux to combat WITH you :)18:06
MeikiHi - could someone help me with an IP address issue that I'm having. Please look at http://pastebin.com/m575e62fd, I can bind public services to the first IP, but not to the others (*.87- onwards).18:07
Bactahmmmm GMT-6 hours18:07
zvacetAlex-IT : maybe somebody here will help you win18:08
BactaI will! I'm a winner! :D18:08
zvacetBacta:  8-)18:08
Alex-ITgrandiosi! :)18:08
Alex-ITwell....a webcam doesn't work...18:09
MeikiHi - could someone help me with an IP address issue that I'm having. Please look at http://pastebin.com/m575e62fd, I can bind public services to the first IP, but not to the others (*.87- onwards).18:09
bptk421anyone suggest a good ubuntu friendly scanner?18:09
WalexMeiki: repeating queries every 2 minutes is a bit excessive... Unless of course you have your Platinum 1-minute-reply account number ready.18:10
gnubiebptk421; http://www.sane-project.org/sane-supported-devices.html  check here18:11
MTecknologyMeiki: #ubuntu-server might help more18:11
NoelJBbptk421: scanner? like zenmap?18:11
NoelJBOh!  that kind of scanner!  I use a PSC 2200 series HP.18:12
DaZ-scanner like hp18:12
bptk421document scanner... thx I'll check the sane site18:12
bptk421Im finally making the switch from Windows and found that my cheapo canoscan isn't support18:12
NoelJBYes, I highly recommend HP.  And *ONLY* HP, due to their dedicated driver support.  If someone else knows a printer/scanner vendor that gives a damn about linux, let me know.18:12
NoelJBanother, other than HP, I mean.18:13
bptk421Canon certainly doesn't.18:13
mashohey guys how can i set up my vga on ubuntu 9.4 it runing in 800x600 i want to go to 1360x76818:13
FloodBot2dragonrigs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:13
WalexNeoBlaster: Epson do very good scanner and very good GNU/Linux support too.18:13
NoelJBbptk421: Get an HP.  Just make sure that it is supported.  There are a couple, out of the many, very specific HP printer models that are not supported.18:14
WalexNeoBlaster: for printers Canon does excellent drivers, and so does Epson.18:14
bptk421thx I'll look into HP18:14
stefgNeoBlaster: and brother MFC are usually well supported18:14
NoelJBbe back ... bug 417041 is driving me nuts.  going to see if Empathy has the problem.18:14
stefgoops, wrong nick18:14
Walexah yes Brother does decent UNIX printer support too.18:14
=== antoine is now known as Quentinv57
mashohey guys how can i set up my vga on ubuntu 9.4 it runing in 800x600 i want to go to 1360x76818:15
mashohey guys how can i set up my vga on ubuntu 9.4 it runing in 800x600 i want to go to 1360x76818:15
stefg!fixres | masho18:15
ubottumasho: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:15
LinuxGoldmasho: checked /etc/X11/xorg.conf?18:15
=== Quentinv57 is now known as Guest91948
LinuxGoldI like stefg's answer better ;)18:15
* LinuxGold acquints with ubottu18:15
stefg!bot > LinuxGold18:16
ubottuLinuxGold, please see my private message18:16
mashoi useing my 32in hdtv will it work??18:16
LinuxGoldthanks stefg18:16
sjefen7Where can I find ubuntu drivers for my Asus eee 1101HA ?18:17
sjefen7wireless and/or wiered18:17
ranierins nickserv 123418:19
spursncowboysHi everyone. I having trouble with sopcast. I followed the directions and got python 2.5 on my gedit. But the only way I can the gui is by typing [python /usr/share/sopcast-player/lib/sopcast-player.py]. then when I get it, all I get is a black screen.18:19
NoelJBspursncowboys: which release?18:19
NoelJBI have it working on jaunty.  I think on Intrepid, too.18:20
NoelJBHave not tried it on Karmic.18:20
hawk808hello, i use ubuntu on usb but only have usb1.1 on mobo but a 2.0 pci card. my bios cant see the pci any ideas how to get around booting from pci.18:20
ranieriHello channel18:21
ranieriCan anyone help with evolution app problem?18:21
NullslashHello , I have USB Headphone and I'm trying to get it work .18:21
Nullslashranieri , what is your evolution problem ?18:21
ranieriHow do I reply to some one sorry new at this18:22
stefghawk808: that's very hardware and bios specific18:22
stefg!sbm | hawk80818:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sbm18:22
odderspursncowboys: there is a .deb file for ubuntu i386/64bit at google code18:22
stefg!boot | hawk80818:22
ubottuhawk808: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:22
NoelJBspursncowboys: and which version?  I have a patched 0.2.x, but I see that he has posted 0.318:22
ranieriNullslash, the send and recieve button does not work18:22
Nullslashranieri ,you have reply button .18:23
Nullslashranieri , maybe you have made it offline18:23
ranieriNullslash, using xchat18:23
rufensisDay #3 of coming on to the ubuntu irc to try and get help.  I hope there's a vpn guru out there this morning.  I am trying to use pptp, and before and after an upgrade to jaunty I could not get network manager to even try to connect to the vpn.  The same settings work perfectly on my debian laptop.  Any have an idea?18:23
stefghawk808: do you have the latest bios for your mobo?18:23
hawk808thanks ubottu i'll have a look18:23
spursncowboysNoelJB: 3.0118:24
ranieriNullslash, tck?his keeps happening and not setting anything offline. How can I che18:24
Nullslashranieri , can you please send me a screenshot ?18:25
ranieriif I knew how.18:25
charliehorseIf I point ubuntu at a drive when install to use for /home/ and the drive already has a user folder with that name on it, what will happen to the original folder?18:25
LinuxGoldanyone solo IT person at work here?18:26
zambaboohi all18:26
zambabooinstalled kde in regular ubuntu18:26
charliehorseLinuxGold - I run an IT service in my spare time. I'm in HS18:26
zambaboolooking for the media devs config in amarok - no such item18:26
stefgcharliehorse: depends on what you tell the installer to do... if you format it, it will be gone18:27
zambaboohalp? :)18:27
Mike_lifeguardIf I mount a partition on /var/backups, what happens to any files in that directory?18:27
hawk808ubottu i'll go try, gotta go all the best18:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:27
NoelJBspursncowboys: no, not of sp-auth.  I have 3.0.1 of that, too.  What version of sopcast-player?  I have a patched  0.2.1-1, and 0.3 is now available.18:27
charliehorsestefg - I was planning on setting the install to not format the drive. If my user folder is evantandersen, and  tell the new ubuntu install to use evantandersen and my home folder, will it be overwritten? or will it stay?18:28
NoelJBLinuxGold: what are you looking for?18:28
LinuxGoldcharliehorse: Im the same way -- K-818:28
LinuxGoldNoelJB: looking for more advices in what software I can use to ease my pressure -- I'm currently running Spiceworks18:29
charliehorseLinuxGold - I also  setup people's home theatres, install backup systems.18:29
LinuxGold3 windows servers and 1 Ubuntu 9.04 server running Windows XP guest with Spiceworks18:29
LinuxGoldcharliehorse: cool!18:29
charliehorseLinuxGold - are you looking for a Virtual Machine program or a VNC program. What is spiceworks?18:30
stefgcharliehorse: rather do a backup first :-) . if you tell the installer the right filesystem and choose not to format it will write to the /home/[userame] folder that you give to the installer. so better use a different username18:30
NoelJBLinuxGold: ah ... what features do you need?  SNMP monitoring?  MRTG type behavior or NAGIOS type behavior?18:31
NoelJBAnd what do you like/not like about spiceworks?18:31
bobsomebodyhello #ubuntu18:31
LinuxGoldcharliehorse: It is awesome network scanner that finds workstations, printers, what software was installed and all that.  It also have IT help-desk that creates  a ticket and attach to device on what problem it has18:31
bobsomebodyi just set up server 8.04 and i cant seem to find the php6 package18:31
mythomaniacLinuxGold, if vnc go with freenx18:31
LinuxGoldNoelJB: I already got Cacti on Ubuntu server. --18:31
LinuxGoldmythomaniac: I am running Virtualbox18:31
bobsomebodyis there one? or do i need to manual instal18:31
LinuxGolddo freenx run vm at bootup?18:32
bobsomebodyi also cant seem to find the nslookup package18:32
stefg!find php6 hardy | bobsomebody18:32
LinuxGoldI had to manually start virtualbox when ubuntu reboots18:32
ubottubobsomebody: Package/file php6 does not exist in hardy18:32
bobsomebody!find nslookup hardy | bobsomebody18:32
ubottubobsomebody: File nslookup found in dnsutils, gajim, kaptain, kvirc2-data, libgnet2.0-0 (and 6 others)18:32
mythomaniacLinuxGold, ssh is your friend ;)18:32
charliehorse stefg - thanks for the help - I currently have a full install of ubuntu 9.04 on my 1 TB Hd. I just bought I 30 GB ssd, and I want to move my "/" dir to the SSD while keeping my 300 GB user folder on my 1 TB. Is there an easy way to do this? my biggest external drive is onle 120Gb, so backup is hard.18:32
=== apot is now known as Guest79279
LinuxGoldmythomaniac: got 'em too :)18:33
NoelJBLinuxGold: if you're happy with Spiceworks, what's the issue?18:33
charliehorseLinuxGold - my tech support is more local - I get a phone call.... go to house, fix computer, make $$18:33
LinuxGoldNoelJB: I'm trying to fix network -- network-map on spiceworks isn't that great -- my school budget wouldn't allow me to buy professional network mapper18:33
Walexcharliehorse: what's the problem? Just copy the / partition or the relevant subtrees to the SSD and boot from that instead.18:34
WalexLinuxGold: OpenNMS? Nagios?18:34
LinuxGoldNoelJB: I do not have time to do console thingie18:34
charliehorseWalex That would work? Okay. What dir should I not copy. I assume /mnt and /tmp. Anything else18:34
bobsomebodystefg, i take it the only way for php6 is a manual build?18:34
LinuxGoldWalex: I'll check Nagios out18:34
=== Fringe is now known as lol
ipauldevHello, I have an odd issue I'm wondering if someone could shed some light on, I'm out of ideas. I run Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. apt-get is painfully slow when downloading large files. It starts out fast (8MB/sec) and goes down to under 25B/sec.18:35
WalexLinuxGold: Nagios has manual config, but there are a numver of network discovery frontends.18:35
=== lol is now known as Floops[w]
LinuxGoldWalex: got any frontends that you recommendthe most?18:35
ipauldevI've tried using apt-mirror to make my own local repo, it starts out downloading fast, but that too, starts to be Bytes/second if I "du" the directory and watch the size.18:36
WalexLinuxGold: I configure it manually. There are some important Nagios features that the frontends don't do a good job with. uBut one can do a scan first and then fix.18:36
stefgcharliehorse: that's doable ... but it's best done from a Live CD environment. Do you want to reinstall? Actually that's not necessary18:36
stefgbobsomebody: semms so18:36
ipauldevI've used multiple mirrors with the same issue18:36
LinuxGoldWalex: ok thanks for the advice18:36
bobsomebodyoh well, thanks for the info18:36
NoelJBLinuxGold: See also www.icinga.org/.  NAGIOS is forking.  ICINGA is the community, NAGIOS is the one-man band.18:36
charliehorsestefg I'm in the LiveCD right now.... I've formatted the SSD with proper alignment for highspeeds. I can just copy the / folder over?18:37
WalexLinuxGold: some people also like Zenoss and Zabbix.18:37
LinuxGoldNoelJB: Walex thanks18:37
jack__i am new18:38
stefgcharliehorse: first run 'sudo blkid' and put that to pastebin ... you'll need it :-)18:38
stefgcharliehorse: and 'sudo fdisk -l' on pastebin wouldn't hurt either18:38
andli_trying to get sound working.... for some hours.. with one of two soundcards available.18:39
kukerist hier jemant18:39
stefg!de | kuker18:39
ubottukuker: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:39
=== Bewba is now known as Bubs
stefgkuker : /j #ubuntu-de18:39
kukerja ich bin aus de18:39
NoelJBandii: which version of ubuntu?18:39
Bubsgeh heim deutscher :P18:39
stefgBubs: no racist jokes, read !coc :-)18:40
Bubshow was that racist?18:40
charliehorsestefg: Okay  I ran fdisk and blkid. Why do I need that information?18:41
jack__register jack12318:41
andli_NoelJB: Ubuntu 9.04 - Jaunty Jackalope18:41
stefgcharliehorse:  put that up on pastebin and post the links in here18:41
jattany leafnode users (jaunty)?18:42
stefgcharliehorse: you'l have to adjust /etc/fstab and /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume and /boot/grub/menu.lstl18:42
LinuxGoldicinga looks promising18:42
ipauldevI run Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. apt-get is painfully slow when downloading large files. It starts out fast (8MB/sec) and goes down to under 25B/sec. I've tried using apt-mirror to make my own local repo, it starts out downloading fast, but that too, starts to be Bytes/second if I "du" the directory and watch the size. I've used multiple mirrors with the same issue.18:42
LinuxGoldI'll try that one out18:43
NoelJBandii_: ah ... I'm playing with karmic at the moment, but I seem to recall that with Jaunty, I also had to use alsamixer to get things working properly.18:43
charliehorsestefg: okay well, I have to reboot. fdisk show me that my SSD in unplugged. Checked my case, sata power came loose!!!! GRR. Anyways. - BRB18:43
WholeGrainsHi, trying to get OpenSSH working properly. http://pastebin.com/d149eb9da - #openssh is a little dead18:43
NoelJBI know that I do with karmic, because it keeps messing up audio settings.18:43
stefgcharliehorse: better now than later :-)18:43
scizzo-WholeGrains: please provide a little more info then that18:43
NoelJBWholeGrains: what's the problem?  usually works out of box.18:44
andli_NoelJB: yeah, alsamixer is the usual stuff one tries to get audio working18:44
WholeGrainsNoelJB: I want to use key authentication, it's not working and I don't know how to fix it18:45
LinuxGoldNoelJB: check this out: http://blog.fupps.com/2009/05/11/naguino-an-arduino-based-lcd-monitor-for-nagios-and-icinga/18:45
grawityWholeGrains: How did you set it up?18:45
WholeGrainsgrawity: I explain it here http://pastebin.com/d149eb9da18:46
NoelJBWholeGrains: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp&q=key+authentication+ssh&aq=0&aqi=g3&fp=c9fe100d9e542c1e18:46
NoelJBWholeGrains: if you look at the server logs, does it say anything helpful?18:47
grawity!google | NoelJB18:47
ubottuNoelJB: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:47
beer_hey guys, I urgently need some help. I got a new HD last week and set up 3 partitions: one for windows, one for ubuntu, and one for storage.  i installed windows, installed ubuntu, everythign was fine.  after tinkering with Ubu for a while, I realized I didn't really care much for it and decided to delete the partition and add that unallocated space to my windows partition.  now i cant boot into windows.. grub error 1718:47
beer_any ideas?18:47
aroonisuggestions for utilities to burn cds => mp3s for ubuntu jaunty?18:47
=== neuraldoc is now known as sliv
NoelJBgrawity: they need to learn sometime :-)18:47
WholeGrainsNoelJB: the log @ /var/log/auth.log?18:47
rojoloco47hi all18:48
rojoloco47its me rojo18:48
beer_i somehow just need to get rid of grub entirely and get my system thinking windows is my only OS again18:48
grawityWholeGrains: Does ssh -v list any messages?18:48
NoelJBbeer_: since you are going away from linux entirely, you can run the windows install disk to repair the MBR.18:48
rojoloco47I just started to use ubuntu18:48
rojoloco47I am totally new to this OS18:48
Chunwonder if anyone can help: my 'add/remove programs' menu item has disappeared - not sure how to re-enable it. gnome-app-install is still installed, it's just the menu option which is gone18:48
Laserbeak431hello, i'm trying to learn to write C++ for linux. So i got an audio library called Faust. It uses alsa-gtk. what do i have to install in synaptic to get started developing? i searched gtk, but so many different packages are available18:48
beer_NoelJB: You think repair should work?18:48
rojoloco47hope fully I will learn too much from you guys18:48
grawitybeer_: Do you have the Windows install CD? If yes, boot from it, go to recovery console, and use 'fixmbr' command.18:48
stefgbeer_: you need to reinstall the windows mbr instead of grub. this is done by booting the windows install cd, getting recovery console and run fixmbr.18:48
grawitybeer_: Is it XP or Vista?18:48
LinuxGoldrojoloco47: you will, indeed!18:48
rojoloco47Thank you LinuxGold  :)18:49
grawitybeer_: XP: fixmbr, fixboot. Vista: bootrec /fixmbr18:49
odderChun: try alacarte18:49
WholeGrainsgrawity: -v does nothing18:49
beer_thank you so much18:49
grawityWholeGrains: ssh -v user@host18:49
andli_NoelJB: how do you usually test your sound?18:49
rojoloco47I need to learn some basic things first ,Can somebody do so ? :)18:49
NoelJBandii_: play movies or use Skype :-)18:49
LinuxGoldrojoloco47: secretly I am STILL learning even today since 1995 :)18:49
jac_May I intrude? I have installed xampp on ubuntu 9.04 which appears to run fine, but when I installed Joomla, I get an error about php setup saying that php configuration file is non-executable. Since it is own by root, how would I change that root file to be an executable?18:49
andli_NoelJB: oki, what about the system / administration / sound utility?18:50
andli_NoelJB: system / settings / sound, I mean18:50
rojoloco47wow since 1995 ,Thats too great you will be the master then :D18:50
andli_I had a beep running there, but no sound from playing mp3s from command line, or movies in web browser18:50
NoelJBandii: I've been able to use alsamixer and the volume control for the most part.18:50
LinuxGoldrojoloco47: I'm Technology coordinator right now18:51
Chunodder: any idea how to create a launcher at the root of the menu? all I can do is create sub-menus18:51
andli_NoelJB: ok, thanks18:51
rojoloco47First tell me how your colour is red ? Can mine color be red too ?18:51
* Dayofswords likes the color blue18:51
grawityrojoloco47: It only displays messages in red when they start with your nick, I think.18:51
jac_of course it can be rojo ;-)18:51
* NoelJB likes multi-colored coats and bikesheds.18:52
Chunodder: scratch that, got it. thanks a lot!18:52
rojoloco47grawity:  Owh ok tell me if my color is red now18:52
* jac_ likes red bikinis18:52
NoelJBrojoloco47: this should be red.18:52
rojoloco47Was it red now ? :D18:52
=== Laserbeak431 is now known as Laserbeak43
* IdleOne thinks that /me is unneeded scroll in #ubuntu18:52
rojoloco47yes NoelJB  its red ,Now I understand thanks :)18:53
rojoloco47Xchat is better than MIRC :D18:53
NoelJBrojoloco47: it certainly is.  especially since you can filter out the unwanted and useless join/exit messages.18:53
rojoloco47and when some body will join or leave its color will be green ??18:53
* LinuxGold is using irssi18:53
rojoloco47NoelJB,  How to do so ?18:54
IdleOneNoelJB: you can do that in mirc also18:54
grawityIdleOne: bot not per-channel18:54
grawityIdleOne: but*18:54
rojoloco47LinuxGold is using irsii ? what does this mean ?18:54
LinuxGoldirssi is console-based irc client18:54
WholeGrains1grawity: sorry for the delay http://pastebin.org/1117218:54
NoelJBIdleOne: yeah, but not in pidgin or empathy (which really sucks, IMO), and I haven't gotten around to installing xchat into Karmic.18:54
coldReactive421Does anyone know why Ubuntu reported a 10% loss in battery power overnight? =/18:54
ahmetalpbHello everybody. I'm working on a remote controller script. I need a volunteer living in USA.18:54
grawityNoelJB: Pidgin and Empathy were not designed for IRC. Those are IM clients.18:55
gwildorcoldReactive421, were you on suspend?18:55
grawityNoelJB: And, Pidgin _does_ allow hiding of joins/parts18:55
coldReactive421Nope, I used shut down18:55
Laserbeak43hello, i'm trying to learn to write C++ for linux. So i got an audio library called Faust. It uses alsa-gtk. what do i have to install in synaptic to get started developing? i searched gtk, but so many different packages are available18:55
wrapsterI had a .deb pkg from which i did not want a few files... So i deleted those files after extracting the pkg.. Now what is the procedure to recreate the .deb pkg?18:55
rojoloco47Please when somebody will say me something ,Use my name in start as you bros said it will be red text then :)18:55
wrapsterIf its possible Id like to know how?18:55
NoelJBgrawity: pidgin does?  I'll have to look.  But right now Pidgin on Karmic is unusable due to Bug 417041.18:55
grawitySee Plugins.18:56
=== notwist is now known as Guest57834
rojoloco47I cant read too many msgs and find one for me ,So If you do type something for me ,let me know :D18:56
grawityer, NoelJB: ^18:56
Linuxircgrawity: what type of bug for pidgin ?18:56
NoelJBgrawity: thanks.  I saw.18:56
LinuxGoldSolaris download is alost complete18:56
Linuxircgrawity: pidgin is unusable!18:56
grawityrojoloco47: Messages to you are displayed in red :)18:56
grawityLinuxirc: And why are you complaining to me?18:57
NoelJBLinuxirc: I was specific.  I'm seeing terrible keyboard freezes with pidgin and firefox on karmic.  not with empathy (so far).  Tempted to install xchat to further isolate the behavior.18:57
Linuxircgrawity: i'm not complaining.18:57
rojoloco47yes grawity thank you :)18:58
stefg!es | sti19:00
ubottusti: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:00
CelieYop tout le monde19:00
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:01
hqjhi.I want to swap my enter key and right ctrl key in ubuntu???? how should I do?????19:01
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:01
Grahamhi, anyone able to give me bit of help?  I need to know the commands to write Grub. I've cracked how to install raid but grub doesn't get written correctly. gotta be done manually. problem is everytime I try to enter Sudo, I get 'command not recognised' or summat like that.19:01
odderstefg: :-)19:01
NoelJBGraham: if you just want to be in an administative command line session, sudo -i19:02
odderstefg: that should be !en19:02
hqjhow to swap enter key and right ctrl key???????19:02
asghqj: man xmodmap19:02
hqjthank yu asg19:02
aroonion k3b i'm getting "Command fialed: lame -h -tt..." but i have lame installed (on ubuntu jaunty)19:03
NoelJBhqj: http://www.ehow.com/how_2180748_command-linux-swap-keyboard-keys.html19:03
GrahamSeems that the path isn't set, doesn't recognise any commands. I've installed using the alternative CD, but gotta quit before it reboots cuz its not able to boot.19:03
hqjthank you NoelJB19:03
tiger_احد يتكلم عربي ؟19:04
GrahamProbably something very simple. but not for me, very new to Ubuntu19:04
presario_what does ops mean?19:04
wrapsterI converted a svr4 pkg into a .deb pkg using alien and now when i extract the .deb pkg I cannot locate control.tar.gz or data.tar.gz19:04
presario_this channel is 1 ops, 1333 total19:04
wrapsterwill they not be present?19:04
wrapsterif alien is used?19:04
ahmetalpbHello everybody. I'm working on a remote controller script. I need a volunteer living in USA.19:04
asgpresario_: channel operators19:05
rojoloco47I need some little guide on ubuntu that how can I start my yahoo chat on this OS ?19:05
IdleOne!pidgin | rojoloco4719:05
ubotturojoloco47: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete19:05
rojoloco47I mean if you guys know what IM should I use ?19:05
rojoloco47IdleOne, thanks19:06
rojoloco47ubottu, thanks19:06
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:06
rojoloco47I try this now19:06
LinuxGoldbrb as I reboot with new kernel19:06
rojoloco47ubottu,  you are bot ? your mean robot ?19:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:07
IdleOnerojoloco47: yes19:07
dev24670i am attempting to install jdk-6u16-nb-6_7_1-linux-ml.sh but i keep getting cant find bin19:07
NoelJBahmetalpb: so let me get this straight ... you want someone in the USA to let you take over their computer?19:07
itswhatevi tried gizmo & empathy as my im client.. i guess when empathy matures to the point that it's a viable replacement for pidgin i'll use that.19:07
rojoloco47But how he know that I have asked about some IM ? @ IdleOne19:07
ahmetalpbNoelJB: No, I'm trying out a SMS2WEB application.19:08
IdleOnerojoloco47:  when I did !pidgin | rojoloco47  I told ubottu  to tell you about pidgin.19:08
ahmetalpbNoelJB: FFEED 8267941 TEST MESSAGE   <---- can you send this to 88147 in USA19:08
NoelJBnot at the moment, sorry.19:08
odderdon't think I'm a racist, but your nickname ahmet seems to be scary when talking about taking over a computer...19:08
rojoloco47IdleOne, how can I tell a bot that what to say ? :D19:09
IdleOneahmetalpb: please dont ask people to sms in here19:09
GrahamSeems that the path isn't set, doesn't recognise any commands. I've installed using the alternative CD, but gotta quit before it reboots cuz its not able to boot.19:09
Grahamhi, anyone able to give me bit of help?  I need to know the commands to write Grub. I've cracked how to install raid but grub doesn't get written correctly. gotta be done manually. problem is everytime I try to enter Sudo, I get 'command not recognised' or summat like that.19:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sms19:09
itswhateveveryone is a little racist from my experience. even ghandi.  well maybe not ghandi.19:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:10
=== Taube is now known as taube
ivan_hey i was just doing stuff on my computer when all the sudden the theme(i think)  completely changes this is probably simple to fix but i have never had this happen before. anyone know where to change the themes?19:10
IdleOne!bot > rojoloco4719:10
ubotturojoloco47, please see my private message19:10
itswhatevok.. so what do i need to do in order to get pulseaudio recording the internal sound mix?19:10
dev24670can we talk about installing java on ubuntu ?19:11
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eclipse19:11
chuy_maxGraham, are you using Sudo or sudo19:11
itswhatevman. i'm having all kinds of thoughts.  they're on topic don't worry.19:11
IdleOnedev24670: follow the link given to you there are instructions19:11
dev24670ok thank you19:12
djalmafilhoHi, someone could help me about why the notify-send on Ubuntu 9.04 don't make queue of notifys?19:12
rojoloco47how to start private chat in here ?19:13
asgrojoloco47: /msg <nick> message19:13
unopdjalmafilho, it could be because priority messages would be held in the queue - and that way, they're not helpful.  just a guess.19:13
rojoloco47asg, and if I want to start chat instead of just sending private msg then what should I do ?19:14
asgrojoloco47: for most irc clients, sending a private msg will also initiate a window where you can continue to chat one-on-one19:14
=== tank__ is now known as blendernator
djalmafilhoif I try "notify-send a b " many times it's show one by one19:15
Raydiationcould it be that samba has problems lately?19:16
Raydiationi cant find my network shares anymore19:16
asgdjalmafilho: that is how it was designed I'm afraid.19:16
NoelJBdjalmafilho, are you using jaunty or karmic?19:16
rojoloco47asg, can I try for a minute with your ID ?19:16
asgrojoloco47: sure19:16
hemanthsudo apt-get buld dep pidgin fails, multiverse universe enabled19:17
djalmafilhoNoelJB jaunty19:17
NoelJBdjalmafilho, yeah, that's MPT's new notification toy.  Looks great compared to Intrepid, but has issues.  I've had issues at conferences where AVAHI notices can take 20-30 *MINUTES* to flow through the queue.19:18
IdleOnehemanth: what are you trying to do?19:18
NoelJBI've patched around that particular issue, but the patch hasn't been accepted into source control so far.19:18
jattdoes gstreamer work on jaunty?19:19
NoelJBdjalmafilho, one thing to look at is APPEND vs REPLACE for your messages.19:19
user1_ have kubuntu 6.10 dgy. how can i upgrade it to the latest.(the option of uqgrade doesnot appear when i fetch updates in  package manager)>19:19
hemanthIdleOne, compiling pidgin from source19:19
dualI've been using Vista and Ubuntu through Wubi for a while and it works great. Now I'm soon going to install Windows 7. Can I copy over the whole wubi/ubuntu-installation over to Win7 and use it exactly like I do now?19:19
djalmafilhoNoelJB, how can do append messagens?19:20
slideIs there anyway to have a system blocklist? (for bittorrent)?19:20
asgslide: if you want to block an IP address, you could use iptables to do that. Check out the ufw (uncomplicated firewall package).19:21
dualslide: I think transmission has an option to enable IP blocking19:22
slideYea I'm not using transmission =\19:22
slideusing deluge-daemon19:22
user1_ have kubuntu 6.10 dgy. how can i upgrade it to the latest.(the option of uqgrade doesnot appear when i fetch updates in  package manager)>19:22
slariwatknitsuhey, i have a question about video conversion.19:22
slariwatknitsuI have some motion jpeg AVI's from my camera that I need to convert to divx.19:23
shammslariwatknitsu: add to your sources.list I think19:23
slariwatknitsuI know there must be a ton of solutions, but I am looking for the absolute quickest, easiest way to do this.  Any suggestions?19:23
zpeanutneed help with problem, first time user19:23
ubottuzpeanut: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:24
=== adam is now known as Guest31551
zpeanutthanks, -x / 2 = ?19:24
hemanthIdleOne, ?19:25
jattjaunty doesn't load the module snd-hda-intel automatically...19:25
zpeanut-x / 2 = 3 can anyone tell me if this is possible19:26
NoelJBdjalmafilho, there is info on the wiki related to it.19:27
djalmafilhoNoelJB, Could you send me the url?19:27
marineszpeanut: if x = -6 yes :)19:27
shammzpeanut: are we doing your homework?19:28
marinesor i didn't understand what you meant ;]19:28
dominik_hapaj dzide19:28
NoelJBdjalmafilho, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/notify-osd/+bug/337394 and related links.19:28
djalmafilhoNoelJB, thanks19:29
NoelJBdjalmafilho, there is a whole section on "Merging notifications", which might be of interest to you.19:29
djalmafilhoNoelJB, ok19:30
PuterputterI need help getting broadcom 4318 wireless working on gateway mx7527, new install of ubuntu19:32
maladminhi all, can anyone please help me identify why my external HD has stopped working? It used to work perfectly19:33
NoelJBdjalmafilho, code samples attached to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationDevelopmentGuidelines19:33
GrosvenorMy video card will only run in 2.6.24-24-generic kernel, and not in 2.6.24-24-server kernel. If i remove the other (sudo apt-get remove linux-image-[version]-generic linux-image-[version]-generic), will ubuntu crash?19:33
aksciwhat else can i use instead of 'auto' in "options snd-hda-intel model=auto" ??? i'm confused! should i use alc888 the driver or ICH9 my model no!???19:34
node357500 OOPS: cannot locate user entry:ftpsecure19:34
NoelJBmaladmin, well, have you identified that the external HD hasn't died?  I have many of them, and in one case, the power supply went bad.  In two others, WD drives died repeatedly.  In other cases, could be a software config issue.19:35
maladminNoelJB: good question, its only 6mths old so should be good19:35
Spike1506i was wondering if it was possible to increase the bass of rythmbox under ubuntu19:36
GrosvenorMy video card will only run in 2.6.24-24-generic kernel, and not in 2.6.24-24-server kernel. If i remove the other (sudo apt-get remove linux-image-[version]-generic linux-image-[version]-generic), will ubuntu crash?19:36
asgGrosvenor: probably not but your video card may not work so you won't see anything on the screen.19:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:38
majnoonthat for ME19:38
Grosvenoris there a way to switch to generic for grub startup?19:38
Grosvenor(startup default)19:38
wlangfordSay I'm trying to sudo something from a script (that is for my own personal use only) and I don't want it to ask for my password.  Is there a way to do that?19:38
NoelJBmaladmin, try looking up to another system to test.  View logs and use udevadm monitor --env to see what happens as it mounts.19:38
cfeddewlangford: sudo supports a nopassword mode.19:38
NoelJBmaladmin, if you are connecting via eSATA, you could try using smartctl.19:39
asgGrosvenor: change the 'default        0' to the position of the kernel you want by default in the list (i.e., if it's the second, use 'default       1'19:39
asgGrosvenor: in /boot/grub/menu.lst19:39
NoelJBmaladmin, and no, unfortunately, "only 6 months old" is not a good indicator.19:39
Grosvenorit says "permission denied"19:40
Grosvenoreven under root19:40
NoelJBGrosvenor, you must be root to edit it.19:40
stefgSpike1506: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 but you might find it easier to just use a decent player (audacious, songbird ...)19:40
Grosvenorsudo bash, then /boot/grub/menu.lst19:40
NoelJBedit it., e.g., gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst.19:41
NoelJBit isn't an executable.19:41
Cloolusshi. Anyone know how to get VLC to switch on the graphic equaliser by default when it is opened?19:41
Spike1506ty stefg19:41
Grosvenorthanks, i'm clueless19:41
RianthWhats the best room to ask about sound troubles?19:42
shamm!ask | rianth19:43
ubotturianth: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:43
asgRianth: here is a good place to start.19:43
RianthI have no sound on my panasonic toughbook in ubuntu but I have it on windows xp19:43
stefgSpike1506: be aware that there's no gui yet for setting system wide EQ..you have to guess values, re-login to check, correct them in the config-file , save, re-login.... takes some audio-engineer craftsmanship19:43
datenritterhi! how did people get the idea to use ubuntu as a server os actually? (seriously want to know this, no rant intended.)19:44
simion314hi, i can't run a binary file ,strange error http://pastebin.com/d5ac65a1d  , same thing if i run as root19:44
Pirate_Hunteris it possible to setup ssh to listen on two ports at the same time through the file sshd.conf? If so do I out the new port next to the other one or in a different line?19:44
wlangfordcfedde: How do I do that?19:45
wertisimion314 ./qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2009.03.1.bin: Permission denied )19:45
wertitry as root19:45
asgdatenritter: because the LTS releases provide guaranteed support at a defined level and optimizations specific to that workload.19:45
wertisimion314 use sudo19:45
stefgsimion314: run 'sudo bash qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2009.03.1.bin'19:46
cfeddewlangford: the sudoers file supports a syntax that allows an admin to design a policy that permits some users to not use a password.19:46
cfeddewlangford: there is an example in the /etc/sudoers file.19:46
datenritterasg: LTS = Long Term Support ? what's wrong with debian stable then?19:46
wlangfordHm.  That'll make a security hole, correct?  Is there a way to only allow that user to perform a single command with it?19:47
Rianthso about no sound? I see pulse audio load and I see the sound meter move when I run speaker test but I hear no sound19:47
NW2190hey, i keep getting an error message that says "invalid boot.ini file" when i try to boot from an ubuntu 9.04 cd.  Anyone know how to get around that?19:47
simion314stefg: http://pastebin.com/d274508c3  but that is the problem, i do not want to run it with bash, it is not a script19:47
wlangfordEr, a single command w/o a password.19:47
stefg!debian | datenritter19:47
ubottudatenritter: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!19:47
wertisimion314 use: sudo ./qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2009.03.1.bin19:48
asgdatenritter: previously, nothing but more recently, the timetable has become a little more chaotic (at least for me. My servers all run debian but I don't know when a release is going to happen and so cannot easily identify my upgrade paths .. we are talking about hundreds of servers, not just a few so that takes quite a bit of time.)19:48
NoelJBRianth, you might need to make sure that your internal speakers are enabled in the mixer.19:48
NoelJBRianth, alsamixer is a common tool to resolve the issue.19:48
=== fakeer2 is now known as fakeer
NW2190the cd works on my laptop but gives the invalid boot.ini on my desktop.19:48
stefgsimion314: i guessed that it might be an incompatibility between bash and dash. but that's not the case obviously. what does the qt website say ?19:49
Rianthalsamixer show pulseaudio, not muted max volume19:49
Spike1506stefg, i think ill just switch from music player19:49
Pirate_Hunteris it possible to setup ssh to listen on two ports at the same time through the file sshd.conf? If so do I out the new port next to the other one or in a different line?19:49
wertii think no19:49
stefgSpike1506: good idea... i think banshee will be the next default player in 9.10 any way19:50
stefg!player | Spike150619:50
ubottuSpike1506: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs19:50
PuterputterI need help getting broadcom 4318 wireless working on gateway mx7527, new install of ubuntu 9.0419:50
* Spike1506 will try songbird19:50
arooniis amarok a great app for playing streaming radio and managing my library?  or is songbird better?19:50
fakeerThis is my problem:19:50
fakeer"Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds.  If you have not logged out yourself, this could mean that there is some installation problem or that you may be out of diskspace.  Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem".19:50
=== Ortzman is now known as Ortzinator
simion314stefg: i just installed same program 3 weeks ago, but now i can't , same error in arch and ubuntu  , no ideea what the permision error is19:50
stefgsimion314: corrupt file?19:51
simion314stefg: i downloaded it 2 times, but the permision error? and why bash?19:51
webbbim looking for a good way to have my own personal wiki to store notes and what not anyone know of any good ways to go about it19:52
karanneed help..19:52
karaninternet proxy ...19:52
lars_bauerHowto get a lot off fonts to ubuntu ?19:52
wertikaran ?)19:53
stefgsimion314: ubuntu uses dash now by default... by calling bash make sure it's handled with bash. permission error can be a broken file (or a read-only file-system ?19:53
Rianthlshw shows audio device with snd_hda_intel loaded19:53
karanhow to use the internet proxy settings ...19:53
sparrWhat does Ubuntu use to display PDFs?  "Document Viewer" is the description of the app19:54
cabreysparr, Evince19:54
karanwerti - i connect to the net thru an id n password19:54
sparrcabrey: thans19:54
NoelJBRianth, when I run mixer, I see a whole set of input and output devices, and I would be making sure that the speaker is on.19:55
wertikaran change settings in you brouser19:55
karanwerti - if i open any proxy site .. a msg appears "the site u are trying to open is a url translation site" ..19:55
Rianthspeaker is on19:55
Rianthmy function key even works to adjust the volume19:55
karanwerti - n the site is blocked ..19:55
NoelJBRianth, and is selected in under switches in the volume control?  I'd have to boot back to jaunty to check it exactly on mine.19:56
NW2190is it possible for a computer to be able to boot from dvds but not from cds?19:56
karanwerti - how do i do that ?19:56
need_helphey need help ! Attrib +D for what it use ? Thx19:56
iceroothow to get the hd(x,x) information for grub? i am using ubuntu + win xp on a fakeraid and grub is not detetction windows xp, so i need the name of the windows drive/partition19:56
werti<karan> maybe this squid proxy serev block urls19:56
kfjdsI mount an ftp share using curlftpfs -o user=user:pass,uid=1000,gid=1000 serverIP mountpoint. For some reason I get read-only access with some apps (e.g. open-office claims to have no write permissions to files there, gedit gives an odd error about not supporting file: locations) and full rw access with others (vim,emacs,bash,nautilus,...). any idea what might be wrong?19:56
karanwerti - so how to bypass it ?19:56
Stormx2Hi. I'm getting annoying semitransparent notices from Twitter, but I can't see any open twitter apps. How can I find out what they are and turn them off? (and preferably turn off this semitransparent nonsense once and for all)19:56
NoelJBneed_help, "attrib +d" ??  typo?19:57
need_helpNoelJB it's chattr +D !19:57
Stormx2kfjds, I usually skip the uid and gid stuff. I haven't tried with OOo, but gedit has no complaints19:57
keny2304hola a tod@s19:58
datenritterasg:  i don't see your problem. afaik debian hunts for stability, ubuntu has different primary goals. why are release dates important to you? can't you just decide when to change from oldstable to stable?19:58
keny2304que tal se os da manejar ubuntu19:58
datenritterasg: or are you dependant on certain software versions somehow?19:58
keny2304alguno me da algunos consejos?19:58
buckydatenritter: they said the same thing when mandrake forked off of redhat19:58
NoelJBneed_help, `man chattr` -- see the 4th paragraph under Attributes19:59
datenritterbucky: so...?19:59
sofiankrtI want to change my resolution, but I can't see the particular resolution I want in the gtk app. What should I do?19:59
kfjdsStormx2: same result without uid&gid19:59
wlangfordGah, I never use vim.  How do I add text in it?20:00
asgdatenritter: the problem is that oldstable becomes unsupported after 18 months or when a new release occurs. I'm often making decisions many years out and that can be a problem. That's all I'm saying.. It may not be a problem for you.20:00
need_helpNoelJB :P actually i check that but i need more info20:00
NoelJBsofiankrt, man xrandr20:00
Rianthin the volume control I can see my device AD198x Analog moving when I run speaker test20:00
buckydatenritter: you haven't given me a compelling reason why there shouldn't be yet another linux distribution... go make one of your own for all i care20:00
sofiankrtNoelJB: I've tried xrandr, but I can't figure out what my "output" is20:00
Rianthjust dont hear anything20:00
Stormx2sofiankrt, do you know what video card you have?20:01
keny2304alguien en español20:01
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:01
sofiankrtStormx2: nope. I'm on a new computer, and I just installed Ubuntu with Wubi, and the resolution is too small20:01
fakeerHow can I get rid of this? :"Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds.  If you have not logged out yourself, this could mean that there is some installation problem or that you may be out of diskspace.  Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem".20:02
|Brenden|i want to install a gui on ubuntu serrver how would i do that?20:02
NoelJBsofiankrt, did you try xrandr -s ${width}x${height}, e.g., xrandr -s 1440x900 ?20:02
xor1Hi there.20:03
NoelJBsofiankrt, as appropriate for your display device.20:03
datenritterasg: no flamewar intended. from what i just read, every release of ubuntu becomes unsupported after 18 months as well?20:03
iceroot|Brenden|: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop    for gnome20:03
iceroot|Brenden|: xubuntu-desktop for xfce4 and kubuntu-desktop for kde20:03
datenritterbucky: actually i ignore most distributions for simplicity in life. ;)20:03
=== xor1 is now known as xor
Rianthoh, I get a system beep from my headphones20:03
NoelJBdatenritter, no, there are LTS releases with years of support.20:04
datenritterbucky: but a friend of mine actually cares for his own one. thin he's the only user. ^^20:04
sofiankrtNoelJB: it says it's not available20:04
asgdatenritter: except the LTS releases20:04
datenritterah, ok, i see20:04
sofiankrtNoelJB: though I did the new mode thing20:04
jimyhi, i need some help.. I can't share my internet connection with a windowsxp client20:04
xorIs anyone having any problems seeing movies at apple.com/trailers?20:04
Rianthok, so I have sound on my headphones.... now to get it to my speakers....20:05
xorI keep getting this message telling me I need a text/html decoder plugin.20:05
=== Odin is now known as th0r
xorWhen Ubuntu searches for it, it never finds it.20:05
stefgdatenritter: the usual desktop release has a 18 month lifecycle. LTS releases are supported 3 years on the desktop, 5 years on the server. Every 2 years a new LTS is released. That's mor predictable than debian and gives you 2 years of time to plan your upgrade path20:05
datenritterstefg: thx20:05
danbhfivexor: I think that is just for the latest movies, ie they aren't posted yet and the server is 40420:06
buckydatenritter: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu20:06
NoelJBsofiankrt, what is the native resolution of your display?20:06
xordanbhfive: I tried with older movies and the result was the same20:06
sofiankrtNoelJB: I'm not sure; it's a friend's computer. Though the monitor looks like 1024x768 would be ok for it20:07
xordanbhfive: I actually tried with movies I'd already seen, and I got the same message.20:07
NoelJBsofiankrt, xrandr -s 1024x768 ought to work, then.20:07
simion314stefg: i moved the executable file to my root partitions, it runs from there, i have read and write rights to the other partition but it seams i can;t run apps from there, i need to change my /etc/fstab20:08
sofiankrtNoelJB: Size 1024x768 not found in available modes20:08
xorIs anyone here able to see the trailers at apple.com/trailers with Ubuntu 9.04?20:08
xendonhow is the ubuntu offtopic called ?20:08
keny2304hola alguien que hable español20:08
odder!es | keny230420:09
ubottukeny2304: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:09
stefgsimion314: check dmesg ..  you might have a file system panic resulting in read only mount on that drive (but you might as well just have screwed permissiions infstab)20:09
keny2304y como se hace20:09
stefg!es | keny20:09
ubottukeny: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:09
stefg!es | keny230420:09
ubottukeny2304: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:09
NoelJBsofiankrt, if you just type xrandr, it should give you available options20:10
sofiankrtNoelJB: problem is, they're all too low20:10
NoelJBReally?  What kind of computer?  Which video driver?20:10
ryanc`Does ubuntu support doing a new install to an existing setup with raid and lvm?20:10
danbhfivexor: yeah, it looks like the site is broken20:11
nsahoothere was a flag that if you pass to bash it prints every command executed. Helpful for debugging. Anyone knows of it?20:11
ryanc`the installer seems to choke on my software RAID1 config20:11
oxygenfadanyone have experience installing PSubuntu on to ps3 ?20:12
sofiankrtNoelJB: I don't know, I've only been using it for a couple of days, as it's a friend's computer. But on XP, it uses 1024x768, which looks just about ok, and I tried Puppy with 1280x1024, and it worked. Although it didn't look very good20:12
iceroothow to get the name for the windows drive? (hdx,x) http://paste.ubuntu.com/257664/20:12
wlangfordThere's ubuntu for a PS3?  Cool.20:12
asgnsahoo: set -x20:12
oxygenfadMy user is not in the SUDOERS file. Unfortunatly I can't boot into recovery to edit the permissions20:12
oxygenfadwlangford aggreed :)20:13
wlangfordCan you read the sudoers file?20:13
buckyoxygenfad: there's only 7 people in #ubuntu-ps320:13
oxygenfadoh thanks :)20:13
oxygenfadwlangford i can't change it cause I can't get root20:13
oxygenfador can I ?20:14
ryanc`what's the package to install to get all the kubuntu packages?20:14
wlangfordRight, I was going to say can you read it to see if any other users are.20:14
th0riceroot: do you know the drive and partition? is it sda or sdb? is it partition 1?20:14
icerootth0r: sda and sdb are the same (raid1=20:14
simion314how to change this entry to be able to run apps from this partition /dev/sda6       /media/HUGE     ext3    rw,suid,exec,auto,user,async    0       020:14
nsahooasg: thankx20:14
{[Aaron]}Hi I've just installed ubuntu and I'm pretty new to Linux. I'm wondering how I can go about installing firefox 3.5 as Ubuntu only updated me to 3.0 and apt-get install firefox says that I'm already up to date.20:14
oxygenfadHmmm ... installed this twice aswell. I wonder what I'm doing wrong at install level ...20:14
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icerootth0r: windows is on /dev/mapper/isw_djfigigbai_SAFETY-FIRST-R1120:15
sploitsnnash    g20:15
NoelJB{[Aaron]}, there ought to be a firefox-3.5 package.  But it is not the default for jaunty.20:15
th0riceroot: well, I have no experience with raid, but the numbers in (hd0,0) are one less than the drive and partition, so 0,0 would be sda1, 0,1 sda2, 1,0 sdb1, under normal circumstances20:15
sofiankrtNoelJB: anything I can do?20:15
buckyoxygenfad: sudo -s   doesn't work ?20:16
NoelJBsofiankrt, without knowing some of the details I asked you, I can't give you much help.20:16
icerootth0r: hm, so i will try hd0,020:16
flandersI am running 9.04. I installed the gdm-guest-session package, via Synaptic. However, when I select "Guest session" from the switch-user panel, all I get are a few monitor blinks, and then it is at the lockscreen view, awaiting my password. When I tried to run the command from a terminal, the same thing happens, with this message: http://pastebin.com/d4f32285a20:16
sofiankrtNoelJB: isn't there a way to manually change the resolution to any arbitrary number I choose?20:16
flandersDoes anyone know how to make the guest session work in 9.04?20:17
{[Aaron]}NoelJB: I performed a 'sudo apt-cache search firefox 3.5' in the terminal and found a package for it, I guess I should have tried that first. It's about to finish downloading, will it replace my existing version of firefox?20:17
NoelJBno, as I recall it will add.  you'll have both.20:18
MaGicMaXanyone know a good MP3 and ogg Tag editor and playlist creator?20:18
{[Aaron]}NoelJB: How can I uninstall the original firefox that's on my system?20:18
NoelJB{[Aaron]}, http://www.ubuntusolutions.org/2009/07/installing-firefox-3-5-the-right-way-on-ubuntu-jaunty.html20:19
Guest37903What's the difference between ubuntu server with gui and ubuntu ?20:19
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Guest30522man my damn umbuntu will not let me get updates without crashing20:20
sofiankrtNoelJB: can't I do something with Xorg?20:20
richard_maGuest37903, The Kernel20:20
asg{[Aaron]}: be aware that the jaunty 3.5 firefox is a beta, not the final release.20:20
Guest30522kvm crash20:20
icerootth0r: thx for the explanation with 0,0 and sda1 and so on. it was hd0,0. because of you, i am now booting windows... :-)20:20
azlonhow can i list my bluetooth devices to see if they are enabled?20:20
flandersDoes anyone use "gdm-guest-session" here?20:20
{[Aaron]}Ok thanks for the NoelJB & asg.20:20
th0riceroot: that isn't my fault <smile>20:20
oxygenfadbucky, sudo-s doesn't work20:20
HobbleAlongGuest37903: The main difference is the default installed software.20:21
wertioxygenfad sudo -s ?)20:21
icerootth0r: oh, it is! but its only my gameloader aka win xp and not vista or 7. so its not to hard for me :)20:21
Guest37903so should I put ubuntu if i want a server and also a gui?20:21
th0riceroot: ok....so long as you don't hold me to blame!20:21
Guest37903or install ubuntu server then install the gui20:21
Guest30522so i get a fail on the boot up of kvm modual20:21
icerootth0r: we will see :)20:22
NoelJBsofiankrt, you can try, but you'll be wanting some details.20:22
oxygenfadIf you look at that link, there seems to be a solution. "I used the rescue kernel " where do I find this ? I do not know what it is20:22
Guest30522what is that?20:22
{[Aaron]}One last thing, what is the terminal command for removing any unused packages?20:22
buckyoxygenfad: did you put a space between sudo and -s  ?20:22
sofiankrtNoelJB: where do I get those from?20:22
NoelJBdpkg --purge ${package}20:22
buckyoxygenfad: try sudo su20:22
oxygenfadbucky, yes20:22
buckyoxygenfad: try sudo su20:22
richard_maGuest37903, u can do that20:22
wlangfordsudo su, nice.20:22
akscisound from my machine's front jack works only if i put "options snd-hda-intel model=auto" and not if i use model=3stack or ref or even intel! but when using auto, the sound is very low!20:22
oxygenfad"user not in the sudoers file"20:22
Guest30522well you guys are no help20:22
iceroot{[Aaron]}: sudo apt-get remove packetname20:22
oxygenfaddont say that20:22
th0r{[Aaron]}: sudo apt-get autoremove?20:23
NoelJBsofiankrt, well, I've been asking you for them.  you could start by looking at the back or bottom of the computer, and finding the model #.  You could use lspci to find out what kind of hardware you have.20:23
buckyoxygenfad: try /join #ubuntu-ps320:23
wlangfordbucky: xD20:23
iceroot{[Aaron]}: ah sorry, unsued (dependencies) is sudo apt-get autoremove20:23
asgGuest30522: why do you want a GUI on a server?20:23
Guest30522i cant update my system im afrad it gouing to crash all over20:23
sofiankrtNoelJB: exactly what kind of information do I need?20:23
oxygenfadI did, the room is idle hehehe.20:23
richard_ma{[Aaron]}, sudo apt-get purge $packagename20:23
azlonhow can i list my bluetooth devices to see if they are enabled?20:23
NoelJBsofiankrt, is it a brand name computer or a DIY?  If the former, WHAT MODEL IS IT?20:24
sofiankrtNoelJB: it's DIY20:24
Rianthwhats the sound manager in gnome, that starts by defualt20:24
buckyoxygenfad: apparently none of the 1350 users in this channel use psubuntu20:24
sofiankrtrichard_ma: what does "purge" do?20:24
icerootsofiankrt: remove the program AND the config20:25
asgsofiankrt: removes the package and all configuration files as well.20:25
NoelJBsofiankrt, then see if you can find the model of the display device and of the graphics card.20:25
Pirate_Hunterhow would i go about deleting a rule based on this example sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 22?20:25
Guest30522no shit20:25
need_helpcan someone explain for me about dirsync? please mean if i write in this disk ! it will be synchronous with whom? thx alot20:25
Guest30522is their no virus protection for this os?20:25
Guest30522all i got is a fire wall20:26
icerootGuest30522: there is but you dont need20:26
lanzellothGuest30522, there's virtually no virus20:26
Guest30522why is that?20:26
sofiankrtNoelJB: the monitor is "Discovery". How do I get info about the graphics card?20:26
asgPirate_Hunter: ufw delete ...20:26
icerootGuest30522: because linux is safe20:26
icerootGuest30522: and noone is using linux so there is no motivation for writing viruses20:26
asgGuest30522: there is clamav if you wish to have virus scanning20:26
NoelJBneed_help, http://lkml.indiana.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0205.3/0601.html20:26
wlangfordBecause the majority of users use Windows.  Why hit 1 out of 50 when you could hit 49 out of 50? (Also the "safe" thing) (My numbers are for the sake of example)20:26
Guest30522becaz of the way we get software?20:26
tonii21:26 < iceroot> Guest30522: because linux is safe20:27
need_helpNoelJB thx :)20:27
lanzellothwhat do you do if an external hdd won't mount automatically20:27
toniidamn copy-paste20:27
buckyoxygenfad: did you use only lower case letters for your username?20:27
iceroottonii: :)20:27
wlangfordUmm...lanzelloth do you know how it connects?20:27
toniianywho, Linux is only as safe as you make it.20:27
wlangfordWhich port?20:27
wlangford*not port, device.20:27
lanzellothwlangford, usb20:27
maladminlanzelloth -- IN MY CASE BUY A NEW ONE20:27
Guest30522well why is my system failing to boot up right after updating it?20:27
lanzellothwlangford, umm will lspci show which usb?20:27
iceroot!details | Guest3052220:28
ubottuGuest30522: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:28
wlangfordIt might.  I'm not actually running Ubuntu at this moment.20:28
Guest30522evrything gos good but the kvm  fails20:28
maladmini always found the easiest way was tail -f /var/log/syslog20:28
sofiankrthow do I change my resolution to any arbitrary number that I choose?20:28
wlangfordiceroot: That's HILARIOUS.20:28
lanzellothmaladmin, no it's always worked it just doesn't auto mount this one time20:28
sofiankrtby number, I mean ####x####20:28
asgsofiankrt: xrandr20:28
wlangfordlanzelloth: It might.  I can't check at the moment. (Not booted into ubuntu)20:28
Pirate_HunterStormx2: check with top or htop20:28
NoelJBsofiankrt, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=129379&postcount=2120:28
colehello, i'm new . . .20:29
maladminlanzelloth: thats exactly what happened to me, now won't mount anywhere20:29
Pirate_Hunterasg:  yeah thanks20:29
edbian!hi | cole20:29
ubottucole: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:29
Pirate_HunterStormx2: never mind sorry20:29
Graham_Hi all. hope someone can help me. I've installed raid 0 using alternate cd. Built raid drive ok. got to end of install where I'm sposed to not reboot but to reinstall grub. problem is, all commands are not recognised. its lke its lost the path maybe.  Anyone got any idea's?20:29
NoelJBlanzelloth, what do the logs say when you try?  also, you can use udevadm monitor --env to watch things happen as it tries20:29
=== Chris220|afk is now known as Chris220
th0rGuest30522: that is why some of us won't answer....you obviously showed up with an attitude...and I don't need people venting on me while I am trying to help20:30
lanzellothwlangford, NoelJB maladmin  oh wait it's mounted now, I guess something just got delayed20:30
lanzellothNoelJB, wlangford still interested how to do it manually tho20:30
wlangfordlanzelloth: Okay, that's strange, but as long as it works.20:30
coleyay, more people20:30
wlangfordI can't remember the syntax on mount.20:30
edbiancole: Do you need ubuntu help?20:30
edbianwlangford: "sudo mount /device /place/you/want/it"20:31
coleno, well not yet20:31
edbiancole: Really?  Your install works perfectly?? :)20:31
Stormx2cole, don't worry, you will ;)20:31
wlangfordedbian: Yeah, thought so, but wanted to check before I gave them something wrong. =]20:31
L0ndyHow do i report UDP Attacks20:31
edbianwlangford: That's it! :)20:31
coleboogala boogala20:31
NoelJBL0ndy, to your ISP?20:32
asgL0ndy: depends on the attacks. Your ISP is a good start20:32
L0ndyit happens like everyday on port 4470520:32
syntaxsudo syntax :)20:32
lanzellothedbian, how do I check which device is which20:32
NoelJBL0ndy, or just got straight to the source of all internet problems: MICROSOFT and their crap OS.20:32
L0ndysomeone from poland just got me20:32
asgL0ndy: at the same exact time?20:32
__lupo__does anybody used iphone 3g connection in ubuntu (I mean iphone tethering)20:32
colei'm lost in lala land with a monkey strapped to my leg, what do i do?20:32
edbianlanzelloth: Look at the output of "sudo fdisk -l"20:32
L0ndylol NoelJB20:32
nava2How do I increase the size of a partition using unallocated space?20:32
edbianlanzelloth: If you still can't figure it out look at gparted20:33
wlangfordlanzelloth: if you want mounted disks, "mount"20:33
wlangford*devices not disks20:33
Stormx2cole, donate whatever it is you're smoking to me? ;)20:33
L0ndyshould  i ask for a ip change?20:33
Stormx2L0ndy, do you use that port for anything?20:33
L0ndyidk if its open or not20:33
Stormx2Well, can't you just block it at your router?20:33
asgL0ndy: you could use iptables (or ufw) and just block it. If the traffic is using more bandwidth than you are comfortable with, contact your ISP.20:34
Stormx2Unless it's actually overheating your hardware :S20:34
L0ndyi dont see a place where is says block20:34
Stormx2Well most routers block all ports by default (for incoming connections)20:34
nava2How do I increase the size of a partition using unallocated space? using GParted20:34
toniicole: while(monkey+leg==1) {smash monkeys head with sledgehammer};20:34
Graham_Can anyone help? I've just about had enough of the hassle - been battling with it now for hours and hours.   Last step is sling the pc into the garden.20:34
NoelJBL0ndy, see also http://isc.sans.org/port.html?port=4470520:34
colehow do delete one os of a 2 os computer and have the extra space as storage for the other os20:34
larshi all, i've a really noob questione about partimage. I can pass from an option to another with a the tab key... but i don't know how to select what i want. when i't time to pass from a screen to another it accept the enter, not selecting intermediate option20:34
maladminGraham_: i can open the window for you20:35
Stormx2cole, I suggest you use GParted20:35
NoelJBL0ndy, as a best practice, I block everything I don't intend to have open.20:35
FrozenFireDoes anyone know what the name of the key would be to bind the play/pause key on my keyboard to play-pause in VLC? (vlc --key-play-pause 'key')20:35
Graham_Hi mal, sorry, don't understand.20:35
Stormx2cole, if you're new to ubuntu, check the guides for installing software20:35
maladminGraham_: whats your problem?20:35
wlangfordcole, I would also backup the partition you're erasing, just in case.20:35
edbiancole: Stop that20:35
Rianthdoes pulseaudio need me to be added to a group other then pulse-rt?20:35
Graham_Hi all. hope someone can help me. I've installed raid 0 using alternate cd. Built raid drive ok. got to end of install where I'm sposed to not reboot but to reinstall grub. problem is, all commands are not recognised. its lke its lost the path maybe.  Anyone got any idea's?20:35
lanzellothedbian, wlangford ok cool20:36
Stormx2Graham_, so, the installer hangs?20:36
maladminwhat command are you entering? are you specifying the complete path?20:36
wlangfordGraham_: I figure you tried this, but does help work? (Not being rude, serious question)20:36
Stormx2Or are you at a GRUB prompt?20:36
nava2How do I increase the size of a partition using unallocated space? using GParted20:36
Graham_No, everything installs ok, but there's a known bug with raid, it only puts grub only onto one of the raid disks.20:36
lanzellothnava2, isn't the option there?20:37
maladmingparted is quite straight forward i seem to remember, just drag the partition to fill the space20:37
Stormx2Sounds like a showstopper, Graham_.20:37
Graham_so instructions say to drop to command prompt and install grub there. but no commands recognised. not su, sudo, grub etc.20:37
=== RobotCow is now known as RecursiveQuickSo
Stormx2Graham_, you may well be dropped into a GRUB prompt, rather than BASH?20:37
nava2It won't let me makeit bigger into that unallocated space20:37
maladminis the space before or after the partition?20:37
=== RecursiveQuickSo is now known as RobotCow
majnooncan some one look here ?? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/41715420:38
Graham_I've tried entering the grub comamnds, still not recognised.20:38
=== werti is now known as werti_russian
lanzellothnava2, but the empty space has to be right after the old partition I think, and if it's a primary partition you must have < 3 primaries, or it must be in extended or something20:38
Graham_Insta ll appears to go perfect.20:38
colehey, um, i installed GNUsound but when you press its icon, it logs you out.20:40
Graham_naturally, it won't reboot with the grub issue, and unable to resolve it with no commands recognised.20:40
nava2lanzelloth: I don't get it, I can't touch it.20:40
lanzellothdoes hibernation work?20:40
Graham_Yep, a total showstopper. gotta be a way to sort it.20:40
subcooljorge - its a hacking OS20:40
Stormx2Graham_, if you can't suss it out from the installer side, you might want to boot a live CD and install grub from that20:40
borupsomeone who can help me installing broadcom B43 wireless driver? I tried just to install it, but then ""Sorry, the Jockey backend crashed. Please file a bug at:   ubuntu-bug jockey-common Trying to recover by restarting backend."" I'm pretty sure it's the homepage that is down so I can't download it20:40
subcoolops- screen didnt scrool20:41
Graham_But the live cd doesn't include the support for raid.20:41
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subcoolHey, i was looking for some hep mounting a NTFS drive. I receive and error, and i need to force it to mount.20:41
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Stormx2cole: Are you just making questions up? You've asked a couple now and not responded to answers20:41
NoelJBGraham_, and how you know why I don't like any RAID that isn't real (aka HARDWARE) RAID.  :-)20:41
Stormx2subcool, boot into windows, then do a clean reboot. You may need to do it twice.20:41
Graham_Yep. lol. but gotta try to get it sorted. doing my box it also. lol20:42
subcoolStormx2: i cant boot - krn error something20:42
whodisHey guys I just bought an mbp and moved to college. Im connected to the internet via an ethernet port and i am assigned a public ip. Does anyone know why i am able to see peoples itunes libraries and things in other dorms if i am given a public ip? Thanks20:42
subcooli forgot, i just know i cant boot.20:42
Stormx2subcool: Into windows? Or at all?20:42
lanzellothnava2, can you post screenshot of gparted?20:42
Graham_I could try fake raid. see how that goes. supposed to be not as good as linus software raid though. so seems shame to be forced to take that route.20:42
NoelJBwhodis, yes, it is called mDNS (aka avahi, bonjour, etc.)20:42
subcoolits the main drive of my laptp20:42
Chris220Where, on 9.04, is Perl located by default?20:43
InfectedWithDrewI have a Sansa e200 and when I plug it in, Jaunty recognizes it as a mp3 player and all that.  But I need to know where it is mounted to so I can install rockbox.  Any help?20:43
Chris220"which perl" says /usr/bin/perl, but there's no such directory20:43
lanzellothnava2, i'll take a look but i'm no expert20:43
Stormx2subcool, does the problem lie with the windows boot, or the grub bootloader?20:43
kitchewhodis: because colleges might have a public ip but they are all on the same network20:43
NoelJBwhodis, and that depends on your uni's network :-)20:43
Stormx2Chris220: That's because /usr/bin/perl will be a file, not a directory20:43
subcoolthe HDD, i have a failure. Im trying to mount it and recover all my info20:43
kitchewhodis: welcome to internet2 :)20:43
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Stormx2subcool: Ah. So force a mount?20:43
Chris220Stormx2 ... Ok I feel stupid now X_X20:44
Chris220Thanks for the hint :)20:44
asgwhodis: likely the zeroconf / avahi-daemon (in ubuntu) that MBPs use.20:44
Chris220I'm a newb to Linux, so I haven't got used to the file system yet :P20:44
NoelJBwhodis, and are you using ubuntu on your MacBook Pro?20:44
majnoonnm wrong window20:44
asgmajnoon: apt-get moo20:45
nava2lanzelloth: http://i26.tinypic.com/zy9fe8.png20:45
whodisnoeljb i plan too, but not at the moment20:45
subcoolStormx2: im hearing many window's fixes and adjustments to this- but i dont think that is the best route. I have a LiveCD with Ubuntu right now (this comp, etc)20:45
whodiskitche, really that has something to do with it?20:45
Stormx2Chris220: Haha, it's cool. "bin" means "binary". Most files in a "bin" or "sbin" directory will be binaries (i.e. executables / programs / applications)20:45
=== shamm is now known as LinuxGold
Stormx2subcool, Your HDD has failed? :/20:45
LinuxGoldhi all20:45
Chris220Stormx2: Thanks for that explanation, very helpful! :D20:45
lanzellothnava2, it looks fine, did you run gparted with sudo?20:45
Graham_ok, gonna try again. I'm resilient if nothing else. Will probably be back in half hour after next failure.20:45
majnoonasg you DON'T need sudo to try it either :)20:46
NoelJBwhodis, LOL Look, I'm an ubuntu user, but if I were inclined to use a MacBook (which I'm not), I'd stick with Mac OS X.  iTunes, Photoshop and Final Cut would be good reasons.20:46
asgmajnoon: no, you don't20:46
szuchapolaka kurwa!!20:46
nava2I will try to20:46
Stormx2!ohmy | szucha,20:46
ubottuszucha,: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.20:46
Graham_Yep, after this many hours and too many attempts. resilience goe's a long way.20:46
majnoonSOMEONE at debian HAD a sense of humor at one time20:47
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:47
lanzellothquick question: can't extended partitions go all over the place? I mean not adjacent or in order20:47
asgmajnoon: we still do but things changed some years back. /msg dpkg fable (in #debian)20:47
Stormx2lanzelloth, o.O what?20:48
szuchaok. im have problem with game FABLE THE LOST CHAPTERS20:48
Stormx2szucha, and what is this problem?20:48
majnoonasg can you come into the OT chan ??20:48
subcoolbrb taking the tras out20:48
lanzellothStormx2, i mean can you make another extended partition as long as there's empty space no matter where it is?20:49
Stormx2NoelJB, iTunes is perhaps the worst media player I've ever used. Photoshop and Final Cut can both be run in VMWare on a windows guest20:49
szuchaim instal ubuntu 9.04, update all ok. instal wine and directX. configurate.20:49
szuchaand than instal fable.20:49
asgmajnoon: I'm there20:49
subcoolAny suggestions from anyone would be great-i have a lot of personal information on this drive, and this is everything i have. My Back has to be sent to HDD recovery.20:49
subcoolis bs20:49
Stormx2lanzelloth, Yes, but they can't overla20:49
wlangfordHere's an interesting error: "tar: path/to/internal/tar/file: Cannot open: File Exists"20:49
szuchabut when im start the game im have comunicate with problem about video and sound20:49
Stormx2If you had two extended partitions, A and B, the parents of four logical partitions could not be arranged as ABAB.20:49
lanzellothStormx2, I thought so :D they're basically linked lists20:50
majnoonno see you20:50
pinp /join #python20:50
asgmajnoon: heh, I was in debian-ot; hang on a sec20:50
szuchauno momento :D20:50
Trijntjesubcool: can you state your problem again?20:51
NoelJBStormx2, iTunes is also the only way to manage an iPod Touch or iPhone properly.  And I know VMware very well.  :-)  Mind you, there is no Final Cut for MS-Windows.  :-)  On linux, kdenlive is probably the best alternative.20:51
Stormx2lanzelloth: At that low a level, I'd imagine they are to an extend20:51
fm_synth_linuxhow to glue 2 video files by ffmpeg or mencoder? :)20:51
LinuxGoldinstalling solaris 10 x64 in VirtualBox --20:51
Jackizhello everyone!20:52
tanveeernned help!20:52
Stormx2NoelJB, I figured it'd just be another of the adobe suite. And I only have an iPod classic, so I wouldn't know about Touches and iPhones, though I thought they WERE manageable under linux?20:52
* deano uses rhythmbox on his ipod classic fine20:52
Jackizis there any swedish speaking dude who can help me?20:52
Stormx2!help | tanveeer20:52
szuchaerorr code  0x80040265 couldn open the video20:52
ubottutanveeer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:52
za119Hey  I just got a new ethernet card (through PCI) for my ubuntu server, and now I need to install it - can anyone help me with this20:52
Stormx2!se | Jackiz20:52
ubottuJackiz: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se20:52
NoelJBStormx2, not that I know of.  Apple locked everyone out of the touch and phone.20:52
edbianza119: I'm here for ya20:52
tanveeeri play runescape on windows and on ubuntu i cant play it!20:52
deano!ipod | NoelJB20:52
ubottuNoelJB: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:52
za119edbian OK how do I get started20:53
__kevin__did something change with flashplayer in the last few days?20:53
nava2tanveeer: You have the JavaPlugin?20:53
tanveeerwhich 120:53
mikcToday I had some weird issues with an ATI Radeon 9800 : Jaunty live CD did not started, only safe graphic mode did. Once installed, the video driver was "vesa" in xorg.conf, with (of course) horrible performance. So I compiled/installed radeon driver git tag "xf86-video-ati-6.12.2" (default version in jaunty seems to be 6.12.1). With this driver, I was able to start the X server. But when using an openGL enabled app, its window is covered in little blac20:53
tanveeeri have firefox20:53
Trijntje__kevin__: 64 bit?20:53
tanveeerand icedtea20:53
__kevin__yes 64 bit20:53
edbianza119: Firstly make sure ubuntu is aware of the card.  Can you see it in the output of "sudo ifconfig" ??20:53
nava2tanveeer: just get the JavaPlugin, not ice tea20:53
nava2tanveeer: you can't play HD.20:53
deanomikc, odd, I have a mobility radeon 9800, works out the box20:54
nava2Doesn't support it.20:54
raskolnikhoping someone can help me with this: I can't for the life of me get Flash to work with Firefox 3.5.2 on a 64-bit Ubuntu install20:54
tanveeeri user hd on windows20:54
Stormx2NoelJB: Ah, right you are. Looks like they need jailbreaking to work with ubuntu.20:54
Trijntje__kevin__: on this channel today i saw something about that, i believe the solution was to reinstall flash. Also talk to raskolnik who has a similar problem20:54
NoelJBdeano, yes, I know.  I run iTunes in VMware, as it says.  Note: "As of now (22nd of June 2009), there is no alternative to iTunes when it comes to syncing with an iPod Touch or iPhone with Firmware 3.0."20:54
za119edbian it just gives me back lo when I do ifconfig20:54
Jackizim trying to install despotify, im reading a guide, and now its telling me to compile, then make, make sudo install. . how do i do that!_20:54
mikcdeano: it is an old  desktop computer, Pentium 4, 512 MB Ram20:54
edbianza119: So you have only 1 network card?20:54
za119edbian I just installed my only network card in a PCI slot, yes I just have one, and I need to now install it20:55
__kevin__thanks Trijntje - I'll give that a try20:55
Stormx2tanveeer, people that administer important servers sometimes turn to #ubuntu for help. Please don't describe problems with runescape as "URGENT!", thanks.20:55
wlangfordHere's an interesting error: "tar: path/to/internal/tar/file: Cannot open: File Exists" Any thoughts?20:55
__kevin__weird thing is most flash works, just note apple movie trailers20:55
za119edbian I mean I have PHYSICALLY installed it into the PCI slot, now I need to get it running ha20:55
tanveeerrunescape is urgent20:55
edbianza119: Now we're going to look in the output of "lspci"20:55
tanveeermy life depends on this game20:55
fm_synth_linuxHow to merge two videofiles to one long?20:55
tanveeeras i cant game with linux..20:55
Stormx2tanveeer: Then you need to take a look at your life, my friend.20:56
ctmjr!backup > ctmjr20:56
ubottuctmjr, please see my private message20:56
tanveeeri no20:56
raskolniktrijntje: I'm not 100% sure how to uninstall flash, since I've tried putting the plugin in a few different places20:56
wlangfordStormx2: Beat me to the punch.20:56
tanveeerthats what im trying tosay20:56
wlangfordWhat's !backup do?20:56
edbianza119: If you run "lspci | grep Eth" then the system will take the output of lspci and filter it to only show the lines that have "Eth" somewhere in them.20:56
__kevin__me neither20:56
deanoraskolnik, http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html20:56
__kevin__it was a pain to install20:56
za119edbian lspci gives me a line about my ethernet controller: "Ethernet Controller: D-Link System Inc DGE-530t gigabit ethernet adapter rev 11"20:56
wlangford!backup > wlangford20:56
ubottuwlangford, please see my private message20:56
__kevin__deano - saw that20:56
tanveeerso any 1 no were i can get this java plugin20:56
nava2tanveeer: go on the RuneScape forums.20:56
tanveeerwhere is that?20:56
wlangfordOh, neat.20:56
mikcfm_synth_linux: sometimes with dvb recorded files cat file1 file2 > outfile works20:56
nava2from synaptic tanveeer20:57
__kevin__the new plugin on Adobe's site20:57
edbianza119: Great so it knows that the card is there.  Now we just have to turn it on.  Is this the server install?20:57
apparlehow to open list of process (Ctrl +Exc will work??)20:57
__kevin__I tried just replace the .so file20:57
NoelJBfm_synth_linux, http://forum.videohelp.com/topic277815.html or just make your life easier, install kdenlive, and edit.20:57
apparleapparle: I am not on gnome now...20:57
__kevin__but i think there is somehting with the npwrapper I need to do20:57
raskolnikdeano: tried that; no luck...for some reason I seem to have both firefox 3.5 and 3.0 installed at the same time20:57
za119edbian yes20:57
deanoIf I ever buy another mp3/mp4 player i`ll get something that supports ogg and works with linux.20:58
edbianza119: "sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces" to edit the network config file20:58
fm_synth_linuxNoelJB dont want gui :)20:58
za119edbian I am there20:58
Stormx2!java | tanveeer20:59
ubottutanveeer: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository20:59
NoelJBfm_synth_linux, see also http://www.videohelp.com/forum/archive/best-way-to-concatenate-nine-10-minute-flash-videos-t346281.html20:59
majnoonasg now you see why i asked you into the OT room :)20:59
NoelJBfm_synth_linux, last one ... "mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy -o output.avi input1.avi input2.avi"20:59
edbianza119: You need to make a new entry for your eth0 interface20:59
edbianza119: Is the file completely blank?20:59
tanveeerso i get java from website?21:00
za119edbian no I have already tried to make one, so it has the lo portion and it has my attempted eth0 portion - and my eth0 portion seems like I wrote it correctly as well so idk why it wouldnt work21:00
asgmajnoon: ;)21:00
raskolnikdeano: alright ... clicking your link ran firefox 3.0 for some reason (not 3.5), and it works fine in that, but not in 3.5.  Is there any way to just consistently run 3.0 when I need to?21:01
edbianza119: Please pastebin it for me21:01
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:01
deanoraskolnik, I dont run 3.5 so I dont know, sorry21:01
subcoolI am having issues with mounting an NTFS HDD on my laptop. The drive had failed, and im trying to recover it.21:01
subcoolPastebin- The error i receive when i try to mount21:02
za119edbian http://paste.ubuntu.com/257687/21:02
deanoraskolnik, until karmic is out with 3.5 as default, I wont.  Ive tested it, I see little to no difference in it.21:02
edbianza119: remove "auto eth0"21:03
edbianza119: Save the file and run "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"21:03
=== HaRDaWaY_ is now known as HaRDaWaY
tanveeeri have sun java 6 JDK web start and open jdk java 6 runetime and sun java 6 run time and iced tea but rs still doesnt work...21:03
raskolnikdeano: fair enough; what's the best way to uninstall 3.5 then?21:03
za119edbian just ran init.d restart, now what21:04
edbianza119: Any errors?21:04
eboyjrHow can a change the GNOME wallpaper of a user while logged into another user?21:04
deanoraskolnik, apt-get autoremove firefox-3.5?21:04
za119edbian none when I do the restart21:04
migg137Hello, I deleted my bottom panel, and i want to know what the little quares to chose between destops are called so i can add them to my top panel. Thankyou21:04
wlangfordQuick question.  Could I have both a file named "TAGS" and a directory named "tags" in the same directory?21:04
edbianza119: Can you ping google?  Should be up.21:04
wlangford(Yes, I know its a dumb question.  Just wanted to make sure I wasn't being dumb.)21:05
edbianza119: Also eth0 should now show up in "ifconfig"21:05
raskolnikdeano: afraid not, I installed it manually :/21:05
NoelJBwlangford, yes21:05
tanveeerany 1...21:05
za119edbian eth0 isnt showing up in ifconfig and i cant ping google21:05
wlangfordOkay, thought so.21:05
eboyjrmigg137: Show Desktop, Windows Bar, Workspace switcher, and trash21:05
deanoraskolnik, tried this? http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/set-the-default-browser-on-ubuntu-from-the-command-line/21:05
edbianza119: It simply didn't work?21:05
za119edbian I guess21:05
tanveeeri have sun java 6 JDK web start and open jdk java 6 runetime and sun java 6 run time and iced tea but runescpae still doesnt work...21:05
edbianza119: Look at "lspci -k"21:05
edbianza119: Does your ethernet device have a module associated with it?21:05
proteusXXI have a problem with vidalia21:06
za119edbian yes it says uunder my ethernet controller kerned driver in use: skge and kernel modules: skge21:06
migg137thankyou eboyjr21:06
deanoraskolnik, and also http://support.mozilla.com/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?locale=it&comments_parentId=386823&forumId=121:07
edbianza119: Can you ping yourself?21:07
edbianza119: Do you have dhcp on this network?21:07
za119edbian as in ping localhost?21:07
za119edbian yes I can21:07
edbianza119: Try and ping your own ip address,
za119edbian no I use static IP's21:07
edbianza119: Can you ping your own address?21:07
za119edbian it says no network is unreachable21:07
edbianza119: Can you ping the gateway?21:08
za119edbian no21:08
edbianza119: Edit the file again.  Reput "auto eth0" and tab over the last 3 lines.  Address, netmask, and gateway  Also look for typos21:08
raskolnikdeano: ok, I set it to default and changed my shortcut in gnome, so now 3.0 runs, and flash works, so thanks!21:09
=== [1]addchild314 is now known as addchild314
edbianza119: I was under the impression that you didn't need "auto <interface>" for static IP's but I could be wrong.21:09
edbianza119: After you've editing the file pastebin it again for me.21:09
DWonderlyGeneral Question... Linux and chipsets... AMD or INTEL?21:09
NoelJBDWonderly, both.  I have systems on both sets.21:10
deanoraskolnik, cool.  I really see no need to use 3.5 personally.  I just dont see anything great/new about it.  3.0 works for me, and is as fast./21:10
DWonderlyNoelJB: Thanks21:10
Vincemanwhere in ubuntu can you set the settings for your webcam back to standard?21:10
raskolnikdeano: 3.5 feels faster on x64, but flash is so ubiquitous it's not worth the trade-off ... eh well, I can wait a few months no problem....thanks again21:10
NoelJBwhat's wrong with flash?  I have it working with FF 3.5.21:11
=== digilink_ is now known as digilink-work
za119edbian http://paste.ubuntu.com/257696/21:12
HobbleAlongedbian: you do need auto <interface> for auto start.  After a change do ifdown <interface> ifup <interface> for the changes to take effect21:12
edbian/etc/init.d/networking restart has the same effect as ifdown and ifup21:12
HobbleAlongedbian: yup21:13
edbianza119: I see you also added "network"  That looks good.  try "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" again21:13
edbianza119: or ifup, ifdown.  Your choice21:14
za119still only lo is showing up in ifconfig21:14
edbianza119: After restarting?21:14
xavierLhie, sorry21:14
za119edbian I also tried ifdown and up -a and restarting network, but still I only get lo21:14
{[Aaron]}How do I extract a .tar.gz file to a given location using the terminal?21:15
za119I get a weird error though when I do ifup eth0 edbian21:15
edbianza119: Are you sure there were no errors?  There aren't any typos in /etc/network/interfaces or anything?21:15
RHorseza119 ifconfig?21:15
edbianza119: What was the error??21:15
edbianRHorse: His ifconfig only shows "lo"21:15
phenomIs ubuntu planning on supporting the new Firefox any time soon?21:15
edbian!ff3.5 | phenom21:15
ubottuphenom: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY21:15
za119edbian it says unable to resolve host Tron and eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device SIOCSIFADDR: No such device21:15
redclaw24hi all21:15
edbianza119: In lspci is your interface ever called eth1 or something?21:16
edbianza119: "host Tron" does that mean anything to you??21:16
phenomedbian, Yea, I have it installed. But it's not officially supported, or in their repo yet21:16
edbianphenom: It will be default in 9.10 I believe21:16
za119edbian no lspci just says Ethernet Controller21:16
phenomI have problems with shiretoko21:16
RHorseza119 is card a pci type?21:16
edbianRHorse: It is21:17
rufensisAnyone with VPN expertise?? I'm desperately trying to fix a problem with pptp in Jaunty and have followed many guides to no avail.21:17
xavierLDoes anyone know how to install ubuntu with a weird (fake) raid  0 ? I've been tghrough a few tutorials, only ending in the same : crash, with sometimes having to format my hardrive, which is gettiing me fiercley angry.21:17
RHorseza119 try reseating card and cold boot21:17
buckyza119: he means ifconfig21:17
phenomAnd you have to update FF as root > sudo else you can mess up FF.21:17
edbianRHorse: How do you reset a card??21:17
{[Aaron]}How do I extract a .tar.gz file to a given location using the terminal?21:17
za119RHorse like take it out and put it back in??21:17
buckyza119: do you have anything in /etc/resolv.conf for a nameserver?21:17
edbianza119: I suspect many something to do with bios configurations?  IRQ perhaps?21:17
Pirate_Hunterweird thing my keyboard in xorg is setup for british keyboard which works fine but in terminal I cant use the pound (£) sign, if I try i get # instead, does anyone know how to correct this?21:18
RHorseedbian just pull it out and reseat it.21:18
edbianbucky: He couldn't even ping local ip addresses.21:18
SmithX{[Aaron]}: tar -C /my/destination -xzf <mytar.tgz>21:18
edbianRHorse: Is there a reset button?  Jumper?21:18
{[Aaron]}thanks SmithX .21:18
buckyedbian: is this usb?21:18
buckyor wireless21:18
edbianbucky: It's a pci network card21:18
edbianbucky: wired21:18
za119edbian I could check bios if u want, and in resolv.conf I have the 3 nameservers it came with and 2 I put in myself so it can work on my network21:18
edbianbucky: and it's za119's problem ;)21:18
RHorseedbian reSEAT, not reSET21:18
buckyedbian: does he have drivers loaded for it in lsmod ?21:18
edbianRHorse: Thanks! :P21:18
edbianbucky: Some showed in lspci -k21:19
edbianbucky: We did not check lsmod21:19
za119bucky how can I try the lsmod thing21:19
SmithX{[Aaron]}: sometimes depending on the order of compression and tarrring, you might have to do use -zxf instead of -xzf21:19
edbianza119: "sudo lsmod"21:19
edbianza119: And look for your card21:19
za119lspci -k showed it was loading skge driver21:19
za119edbian I am doing htis in terminal how do I scroll up21:20
edbianza119: You don't actually need sudo.  just "lsmod"  page up key should do the trick21:20
lanzellothwhat do you guys use for reading chm? chmsee doesn't have a search function21:20
edbianza119: You could also use "lsmod | grep <something>" to filter the results21:20
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
asglanzelloth: xchm21:20
edbianza119: grep is a handy little tool21:20
bthorntonDoes the current version of Ubuntu have desktop search integrated ("desktop search" meaning that file/email content is also indexed)? It seems like older versions did, but now I can only search by filename.21:20
za119edbian I still cant scroll up for some reason should I grep something21:21
edbianza119: I think reseating is a good idea BTW21:21
lanzellothasg, would you consider it to be powerfull?21:21
HobbleAlongza119: shift page up to scroll up21:21
edbianza119: grep the name of the module that showed up in "lspci -k"21:21
edbianza119: Ah yes!  shift + page up21:21
asglanzelloth: I consider it to be useful in a way that gnochm isn't.21:21
lanzellothasg, ok will try it out21:22
edbianza119: Personally I don't like "lsmod" cause it is cryptic in naming things.21:22
za119edbian I HAVE NEEDED THE SCROLL UP TRICK FOR SO LONG THANK YOU!! and let me try to grep skge21:22
edbianza119: Thank HobbleAlong21:22
asglanzelloth: you can always apt-get remove --purge xchm if you don't like it :)21:22
za119edbian what am i looking for in lsmod21:22
edbianza119: I can't say really.  Like I said I don't like lsmod.  Your skge module I suppose.  Ask bucky21:23
edbianza119: He suggested it.  I suggest you reseat the card21:23
za119edbian I found my skge module in there and it is running I think it has a number next to it I am assuming is a pid21:23
edbianza119: Is it possible that this card is fried?21:23
Jackiz1337 online!21:23
za119edbian just got it in yesterday21:23
edbianza119: If the module is listed there than it is being used21:24
Pirate_Hunterweird thing my keyboard in xorg is setup for british keyboard which works fine but in terminal I cant use the pound (£) sign, if I try i get # instead, does anyone know how to correct this?21:24
za119edbian I am going to try to reseat it, and when I start back up I am going to check bios, ok?21:24
blkdghello is there a # for powerPC ubuntu?21:24
edbianza119: Sounds good.  Good luck!21:24
IdleOnePirate_Hunter: did you try ctrl+shift+#21:24
spantherblkdg, got a mac? :)21:24
edbianPirate_Hunter: # is "pound" in America.21:24
edbianPirate_Hunter: I know it doesn't help you much but I'm just saying21:25
migg137Hello, is there a way to make my windows bar transparent, they do when it is the non selected window, but i want them to always be transparent. Thankyou21:25
Pirate_HunterIdleOne: i only have one language set in my xorg it works correct except for terminal21:25
tntcodaHi guys, whats the best way to find someone willing to package a project im developing for Ubuntu? Im basically the only person working on the project, and have no time to package myself (nor any knowledge of .debs)21:26
spanthermigg137, look at system -> settings -> appearance -> desktop effects :)21:26
Pirate_Hunteredbian: hmm # is # in terminal on my system and it is also shift+3 which is meant to be £21:26
spantheryou can manually configure desktop effects21:26
IdleOnePirate_Hunter: I understand. I thought maybe it was like the ctrl+v command, in terminal you add shift to get paste21:26
blkdgspanther, to old imacs.21:27
edbianPirate_Hunter: weird! :P21:27
spantherblkdg, cool ubuntu still runs on them? :D21:27
migg137spanther, i dont have a settings option after system21:27
Pirate_Hunteredbian: i know why would it work in the system except termianl it creates a major inconvenience with scp and ssh21:27
edbianmigg137: "sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm" to get a program to configure compiz21:27
IdleOne!packaging > tntcoda21:27
ubottutntcoda, please see my private message21:27
spanthermigg137, the icon with orange screwdriver :)21:27
edbianPirate_Hunter: I have no idea lol21:28
blkdgi don't know. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads looks like it does21:28
migg137edbian, i have compiz advanced setting manager already21:28
Vincemanwhere in ubuntu can you set the settings for your webcam back to standard?21:28
edbianmigg137: Then what are you looking for?21:28
ren-anyone know how to configure the notification in jaunty? (The black popup displaying random info--like song name) I have a dual monitor setup and rarely use the 2nd monitor, but the notification shows on that one.21:28
quaggaserver samair.eushells.ro port 4500021:28
migg137edbian, how to make my windows bar transparent i do not know how21:28
blkdgspanther, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads looks promising. but i don't know if i should bother with anything past 7.0421:29
edbianmigg137: That is actually part of the "emerald" project.  You have to install emerald: "sudo apt-get install emerald" and then you have to turn it on21:29
HobbleAlongPirate_Hunter: is your keyboard set to USA?21:29
Cosmic_Karmai'm currently trying to get mty usb to work in win xp in vmware I asked in vmware and got no answers maybe some one in here can help21:29
migg137edbian, i have emerald... but how do i configure it21:29
Cosmic_KarmaI tried the steps from here http://ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/howto-install-virtualbox-in-ubuntu-hardy-heron-with-usb-support-in-5-easy-steps.html21:29
edbianmigg137: There is also a emerald settings manager in the repos.  To turn it on "emerald --replace&" in a terminal21:30
spantherblkdg, i never had an iMac so i can't give advice which version works best :)21:30
Cosmic_KarmaI installed all ubuntu hardy update s and have most recent version of vmware21:30
blkdgthanks anyhow.21:30
RHorsemigg137 google emerald make transparant window bar or something. I did it on mine.21:31
Cosmic_KarmaI'm trying the part on that site where it shows if these steps did not work21:31
migg137edbian, thankyou so now if i want to turn it of how do i do that21:31
KurtKrautI'm trying to find a easy way to install Ubuntu from a USB pendrive. The official documentation mentions commands and options that does not exists on every Linux distro. Any suggestions?21:31
Cosmic_Karmabut i dont understand the directions at that part21:31
edbianmigg137: "compiz --replace&"21:31
edbianmigg137: or possibly "metacity --replace&" but that might shut off compiz as well.21:32
migg137edbian, the first compiz-- replace did not work i still have the emerald thewme thing21:33
unopKurtKraut, using the unetbootin utility would probably be the easiest21:33
unop!info unetbootin21:33
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 304-1 (jaunty), package size 187 kB, installed size 564 kB21:33
edbianmigg137: "metacity --replace&"21:34
migg137edbian, now i dont have the minimize buttons or close buttons21:34
KurtKrautunop: I've tried with unetbootin several times and it doesn't work. Sometimes it attemps to write data to the pendrive, sometimes it doesn't. And when it does, it leads to an unbootable image.21:34
edbianmigg137: "metacity --replace"21:34
migg137edbian, i closed the terminal and it worked... thanks21:34
edbianmigg137: A restart will bring them back W.C.S.  The proper way to start emerald with compiz is to add "emerald" to the window decorator plugin.21:35
edbianmigg137: In the ccsm21:35
unopKurtKraut, i've seen similar problems with certain pendrive models - it could be that21:35
burdomyeah good dude, thanks for asking. In the end I just attached bits of puffed wheat to the end of it and let the chipmunks nibble them off. Was an awesome feeling, but a little dangerous.21:36
unopKurtKraut, you could try this method here - http://learn.clemsonlinux.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Install_from_USB_drive  - just be very careful with the commands and getting the device names right or you risk losing data on other harddrives21:36
burdomsorry, wrong window21:36
migg137edbian, ok i have that enabled in ccsm but now how do i add it the proper way21:36
edbianmigg137: ?  That is the proper way.21:37
migg137edbian, o0k thankyou very much21:37
edbianmigg137: Now when you restart compiz will call "emerald" instead of metacity21:37
edbianmigg137: NP! :)21:37
edbianmigg137: Good luck ubuntu-ing!21:37
VCooliohpw come when I run screen in gnome-terminal my cpu adds 10% while the sum of cpu-values in top doesn't add up to that?21:37
KurtKrautunop: I've already tried it but somehow, this documentation already presume you're using Ubuntu. It mentions commands/syntaxes that does not exist in other linux distros.21:38
Pirate_Hunterweird thing my keyboard in xorg is setup for british keyboard which works fine but in terminal I cant use the pound (£) sign, if I try i get # instead, does anyone know how to correct this?21:38
unopKurtKraut, like what commands exactly?  i'm pretty sure if you don't have those commands, you will need to install the packages that provide them.21:38
Stormx2Pirate_Hunter, System > Preference > Keyboard21:39
Stormx2Set to british in there too21:39
za119hey why when I try to install ubuntu server onto my computer it keeps stopping at install the base system21:39
RHorselastlog za11921:39
geniibluetooth for keyboard/mouse is just soooo much better range-wise21:39
KurtKrautunop: I had to install some packages to Mandriva (distro I'm currently using) but even having the programs/commands needed, the syntax provided by this documentation aren't accepted. I belive due to different program/package versions.21:39
za119how do I do that RHorse .. oh and BTW i am just re-installing ubuntu to try to get htis card working because i dont think it iwll otherwise, and now atleast during the install process of ubuntu the lights on the card work, whereas before they have never turned on ha21:40
epaphusHello, is it true that If I install ubuntu 9.04 on a machine...and I transfer the hard disk into another box... it might not work? or does the kernel adapt while the machine is of the same arch in this case i386 ?21:40
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geniiSorry, misdirect on that last msg21:40
za119edbian ha did u read that21:40
Pirate_HunterStormx2: no gnome, fluxbox and it only happens in terminal21:40
RHorseza119 ethernet cards are cheap. Just get one that your Ubie sees. :)21:40
za119RHorse I just bought this one because it didnt see my last one21:41
za119RHorse and the last one was some no name ne that dosent work with linux so I did my research and bought a d-link that will work with ubuntu21:41
unopKurtKraut, the commands used here are pretty standard GNU utilities and there's no obscure options used either - I would ask in #mandriva for support or boot ubuntu using a live CD, create the disk, etc21:41
RHorseza119 Is the MB ok? I don't like the sound of this.21:41
jatthow do I adjust the expo plugin to show the viewports tiled?21:41
jattper default it shows the viewports horizontaly one after the other21:42
za119RHorse it says no that I am trying to instal ubuntu - bootstrap error invalid relase file: no valid components21:42
bptk421epaphus: I've moved from a 486 through several different pentium models and it handled each change without any problems.21:42
zenwrylyWhat's the "proper" way to tell if a machine is actually swapping significantly?  (As opposed to just if some swap is being used for infrequently accessed stuff)21:42
KurtKrautunop: ok, thanks.21:42
za119now that i am **21:42
epaphusbpgoldsb, I wonder what would happen bewteen an AMD and Intel?21:43
RHorseza119 get a new install disk. :(21:43
KurtKrautunop: Mandriva has a shell script called 'mandriva-seed.sh' that does this job flawlessly. But, of course, only for Mandriva images/LiveCD.21:43
unopzenwryly,  cat /proc/swaps  # and you should see the kswapd daemon using quite a few CPU cycles in the process table.21:43
za119RHorse what do u mea??21:43
=== Chris220 is now known as amipurplenow
bptk421epaphus: what kind of amd? I doubt you;d have any problems21:44
zenwrylyunop: ok, thanks!21:44
=== amipurplenow is now known as Chris220
epaphusbpgoldsb, i dont have a particular example. but it would be a newer  version..21:44
unopKurtKraut, yea, also look here for some alternative methods that might work for you - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick21:44
bptk421if you're kernel is i386 than machine after that should have no problems21:45
unopKurtKraut, there's a similar script for ubuntu called isotostick.sh on the page - should work21:45
epaphusbpgoldsb, is this equivalent ? Linux arenas 2.6.27-14-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 24 22:19:33 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux21:46
VCooliohow come when I run screen in gnome-terminal my total cpu usage increases with 10% while the sum of process cpu-values in top doesn't add up to that?21:46
burdomepaphus, your hardware is detected at boot time. As long as it's the same architecture (x86) there is no problem21:47
Mandrewhello anyone here developing on ubuntu 9.10_21:48
lordnikonanyone here21:50
lordnikonlol ok...21:50
lordnikonim an extreme linux noob and am trying to get flash player and movie player working21:51
Pirate_Hunteranyone know why terminal would not follow keyboard setting from xorg?21:51
lordnikoni got lost somewhere between a tarball and a repisotory21:51
lordnikonplease someone help me ??21:51
=== werti_russian is now known as werti_rus
dwarderlordnikon: use windows ;)21:51
lordnikonnot funny21:51
BlarghsPirate_Hunter: Yarrgh!21:51
werti_ruslordnikon read wiki21:52
lordnikonplease i love everything else about linux21:52
lordnikoni have21:52
lordnikonno help21:52
dwarderlordnikon: google it21:52
lordnikonlol did that too21:52
Mandrewwhy dont you just help him out?21:52
werti_rusgoogle you friend21:52
burdomlordnikon, just ak21:53
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.21:53
lordnikonlol aks who??21:53
burdomlordnikon, er, just ask21:53
rufensisCan anyone advise me on how to get vpn to work at all in jaunty.  Network manager does not even try to connect when I highlight my vpn.21:53
Pirate_Hunterlordnikon: think of tarball as your zip rar file in windows and repository is wheer you'll find if not all most of the apps needed for your box21:53
Blarghsubottu: We think, what you think is useless mubojumo21:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:53
lordnikonok got that21:53
NoelJBrufensis, /join #nm21:53
lordnikonbut how do i get the package manager or app installer to piont to the files21:54
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know how to get the blackberry to work on linux?21:55
rufensisNoelJB: thanks.  didn't know it existed21:55
IdleOneBlarghs: don't harass or insult the bot please21:55
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!21:55
BlarghsIts come to my attention that Stew and some people in this channel dont like the ways of Debian/Ubuntu forces. let me know what exactly it is you dislike21:55
NoelJBrufensis, no worry.  until recently, neither did I.  :-)21:55
werti_rushi hi21:56
IdleOne!pm | Blarghs21:56
ubottuBlarghs: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:56
perlsyntaxDoes anyone use a blackberry with ubuntu 9.04?21:56
cyberkillaI need help. Big help. My nvidia driver is causing artifacts since this morning.21:56
cyberkillaI was informed that I needed a "partial upgrade" (im running karmic alpha 4)21:56
cyberkillaIt installed nvidia driver 18521:56
BlarghsIdleOne: Im sorry, you seem to want nothing but cause bad vibes21:57
NoelJBlordnikon, for flash apt-get flashplugin-installer21:57
cyberkillaCan anyone help?21:57
FlannelBlarghs: Is there something we can help you with today?21:57
NoelJBcyberkilla, WHICH 185?21:57
BlarghsFlannel: priv ?21:57
IdleOneBlarghs: why don't you go RTFM21:57
Flannelcyberkilla: #ubuntu+1 is the place for Karmic support, thanks21:57
FlannelIdleOne: Please refrain from that.21:57
NoelJBcyberkilla, if you are still stuck on the defective 185.18.31, you can wait or you can install the nvidia PPA and install
FlannelBlarghs: If you insist.21:57
lordnikonim on amd64 running 9.04 and need help getting flash player installed and movie player working21:57
lordnikoncan anyone help??21:58
IdleOneFlannel: k21:58
BlarghsIdleOne: I know then 50 of you combined. Why would i want to ?21:58
nmvictorlordnikon: what was the prob?21:58
lordnikoncant get the right flashplayer installed21:58
lordnikonand movie player can get tyhe right codecs21:58
* VCoolio found that screens status notifications use a lot of cpu, wonders why considering conky pwning screen here21:58
NoelJBlordnikon, are you 32 bit or 64?21:58
lordnikon64 bit21:59
Mandrewtry vlc21:59
lordnikoni tried it, but i t wont play my dvd21:59
NoelJBlordnikon, the best way to install 64 bit flash is to get it directly from adobe labs, and just copy the file into the correct directory.21:59
cyberkillasorry, I'll go into that room21:59
lordnikonok, im good up to that pioiunt21:59
cyberkillaEvidentally, I already tried the PPA21:59
cyberkillasame problem21:59
lordnikonhow do i find the right dir21:59
NoelJBlordnikon, and ubuntu comes with totem.  you can install others.  I have both VLC and mplayer.21:59
sdanyone here?22:00
sdto chat with22:00
lordnikonwhat codecs did you get for mplayer22:00
Flannelsd: This is a support channel.  If you're looking to chat, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic22:00
werti_russd )22:00
NoelJBlordnikon, try /usr/local/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so  :-)22:00
sdu from albania?22:00
Blarghssd: It blows22:00
werti_russd no22:00
lordnikonlol where di i put that in22:00
NoelJBand you can use "about:plugins" to verify it once you reload firefox.22:01
FlannelBlarghs: Please refrain from offtopic chatter, thanks.22:01
cyberkillaAnybody know about the nvidia drivers? I'm having serious problems as of this morning.22:01
epaphusburdom, thanks22:01
Pirate_Huntercan someone look at my xorg file http://pastebin.com/f521dc0f6 and tell me why would terminal (xterm) give me # instead of £?22:01
cyberkillasorry, wrong room22:01
BlarghsFlannel: yes, o humble sir or mam :P22:01
sdanyone else from there?22:01
Priceysd: This channel is for Ubuntu support. #ubuntu-offtopic for chat.22:01
sdthis is boring22:02
sdare u guyz nerdz???22:02
macosd: if being a nerd means knowing that the word "you" has 3 letters, then yes22:02
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=== bubs is now known as Bubs
Chris220maco, nice response ;)22:03
Chris220sd: In conjunction to that, knowing that "s" is not the same letter as "z" also helps.22:03
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MaGicMaXim a nerd22:04
mcclintgI've just joined, what are we talking about?22:04
Stormx2I consider myself a geek rather than a nerd22:04
MaGicMaXbut im not a very smart one22:04
GPLok meet a tech geek and a nature lover here, just dont be off-topic, this is #ubuntu a support channel.22:04
macomcclintg: hi, this is a support channel, but someone just asked "are u guyz nerdz???"22:04
MaGicMaXim just resourceful22:04
mcclintgI see22:05
jay3well now this is interesting what I just found someone who has decide to post my past comments onto the internet about conflicter lol22:05
mcclintgI'm not sure if I'm a nerd or a geek. What's the cool one again?22:05
lanzellothgeek is the cool one22:05
Stormx2GPL, the flow of people asking for support has dried up for the moment22:05
mcclintgthen I'm a nerd22:05
lanzellothall that tech shows with wimenz on them22:05
jay3does anyone want to see it?22:05
macolanzelloth: wimenz?22:06
burdom!ot | Stormx222:06
ubottuStormx2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:06
=== Bubs is now known as Bubs|sleepy_time
Stormx2burdom: captain obvious to the rescue.22:06
Pirate_Huntercan someone look at my xorg file http://pastebin.com/f521dc0f6 and tell me why would terminal (xterm) give me # instead of £?22:06
lanzellothmaco, you know... those things that have boobies22:06
macolanzelloth: ah, women. yes, i'm one of them.22:06
IdleOneCan we please get back to support22:06
Stormx2girlz use irc? liek zomg!22:07
lanzellothmaco, lol i'm just being dumb22:07
burdomlanzelloth, please, watch your language. This is a family channel22:07
FlannelAlright, time to stop being offtopic.22:07
maco!girls | Stormx222:07
ubottuStormx2: Girls exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | http://www.xkcd.com/322/ | For more interesting reading: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/22:07
Flannel(we do have #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting)22:07
SmurrdidooFlannel: GO FUCK YOURSELF AND TOSS OFF YOU LITTLE WANCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22:07
MaGicMaXthis ubottu guy is anoying22:08
Stormx2MaGicMaX, tell me about it. I think we should ban him :)22:08
Chris220Smurrdidoo: That was uncalled for22:08
burdom!ot | Stormx222:08
ubottuStormx2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:08
IdleOneMaGicMaX: and Stormx2  stop now please22:08
Mandrewsupport chanel lol22:08
Stormx2burdom: Oh quieten down.22:08
MaGicMaX /vote kick ubottu22:08
Stormx2maco, I was being facetious, :)22:09
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:09
FlannelGPL: eh?22:09
MaGicMaXStormx2: whats facetious mean?22:09
GPLyeah, what's this happening ?22:09
macoMaGicMaX: silly22:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:09
RichiHGPL: ?22:09
MatBoymhh, unr doesn't boot when I burn it22:09
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:09
GPLThis is really now a FUNNY channel at the moment.22:09
GPLlike comedy going on22:09
Stormx2This channel feels like some kind of lurching machine at the moment :/22:09
Seeker`!ot | GPL22:10
ubottuGPL: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:10
MatBoyGPL: it's not very much quality anymore22:10
GPLSeeker`: already know that.22:10
Chris220This channel looks like it should move to #ubuntu-offtopic22:10
burdomCould the ops please clean up these OTers, please. Thank you22:10
Pirate_Huntercan someone look at my xorg file http://pastebin.com/f521dc0f6 and tell me why would terminal (xterm) give me # instead of £?22:10
Chris220Come on Pirate_Hunter is looking for help22:10
Chris220Anyone can help?22:10
MatBoyI can't see why the .img file of UNR doesn't boot, burned it 4 times :S22:11
Seeker`!patience | Chris22022:11
Stormx2burdom, I'm made of unvarnished wood, so please don't use solvents22:11
ubottuChris220: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:11
bluejeanshow to install 32 bit firefox onto a 64 bit system?22:11
Chris220Seeker`, I was speaking on Pirate_Hunter's behalf.22:11
Stormx2!fakeroot | bluejeans22:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fakeroot22:11
Chris220Seeker`, he's been waiting a long time22:11
Stormx2bluejeans, why would you want to do that, out of interest?22:11
MaGicMaXwhat music player do u guys use? ive tried a few and didnt like them22:12
RHorsebluejeans any 32 bit sw should work22:12
ExposurePirate_Hunter: that's not configured in xorg.conf...22:12
Stormx2MaGicMaX, personally I use Sonata22:12
eminorMaGicMaX, cmus22:12
lanzellothpeople say linux is build from the ground up to be more secure what does that mean?22:12
Stormx2lanzelloth, ask them, not us.22:12
bluejeansStormx2: that's the only way current'y to get flash working on a 64 bit22:13
MaGicMaXhas anyone ever used Audacious?22:13
lanzellothis it because you can only run important stuff as root?22:13
Stormx2bluejeans, well, I'm running 64bit flash on 64bit firefox on 64bit ubuntu.22:13
Exposurethere's 64bit flash...22:13
Stormx2Did I break reality?22:13
Seeker`lanzelloth: it means that security isn't an afterthought22:13
Stormx2MaGicMaX, Audacious is a fine Winamp 2 clone.22:13
deano64 bit flash is available.22:13
burdomFlannel, your inability to properly manage the channel has seen it descend into farce.22:13
mcphailbluejeans: 64 bit flash seems as stable as 32 bit here22:13
bluejeansis that new? .. i was looking a month ago and -nothing22:13
Stormx2<burdom> whine whine whiiinnneeeee22:14
HomoGaygirlFlannel: Hello, im your HomoGayboygirl, want to lick you all over :)22:14
lanzellothSeeker`, but that's the thing, that sounds vague, I can't use that as an argument against windows users22:14
lanzellothbecause if they asked what that means idk why22:14
MaGicMaXi like Audacious, but im wondering if theres a way to save a playlist loaded from an m3u file22:14
migg137Hello, is there an app that can read my pdf's outloud for me?? thankyou22:14
ExposureStormx2: yeah indeed..22:14
IdleOneStormx2: no need to sarcastic22:14
deanobluejeans, http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html22:14
IdleOneto be *22:15
Seeker`lanzelloth: this discussion would be better stuited to #ubuntu-offtopic22:15
th0rmigg137: it is called a wife22:15
Stormx2IdleOne accidentally the verb :)22:15
need_helpwhere alias store files?22:15
migg137th0r, thanks so i just get it through add or remove?22:15
octaviowhat is this?22:15
lanzellothmigg137, btw if you're looking for audiobooks check out librivox, they have volounteers read books for free22:15
myk_robinsonnot sure what the heck apple.com/trailers did, but as of today, I can no longer play previews on the site..22:15
IdleOnethey must of open the gates at the troll yard22:15
octavioa alternative room?22:15
myk_robinsonAnyone know of a workaround to the apple trailer problem?22:15
lanzellothmigg137, and some of them are good readers22:15
lstarnesoctavio: this is the official irc channel for ubuntu22:16
MatBoyannoying. no solutions to get UNR boot from a DVD :S22:16
Stormx2MaGicMaX: Audacious has its own support channel. Check their website for details22:16
VCoolioneed_help: what alias? terminal / bash alias go into ~/.bashrc22:16
migg137lanzelloth, woa thats amazing thanks so much, im so glad i have linux22:16
octaviois tis a alternative room?22:16
MOUDHey all22:16
lstarnesoctavio: what do you mean by "alternative room"?22:16
lanzellothmigg137, that's just a website really nothing to do with linux22:16
mcphailMatBoy: what is the problem?22:16
MaGicMaXStormx2: cool ill check it out thx22:16
migg137oh haha22:16
Seeker`myk_robinson: what problem?22:16
bluejeansare you all getting 64 bit flash from here? http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/22:16
lanzellothmigg137, librivox.org sorry if I wasn't being clear22:16
migg137how do i get there22:16
migg137lanzelloth, no problem thanks though22:16
myk_robinsonSeeker`: trailers no longer work in the browser at http://www.apple.com/trailers22:17
Stormx2bluejeans: I got it from the adobe website, yeah22:17
timothy_may i have some help plz22:17
MatBoymcphail: I burn it and the DVD doesn't boot... and is in-accesible22:17
Stormx2!ask | timothy_22:17
ubottutimothy_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:17
deanobluejeans, http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html      <22:17
myk_robinsonSeeker`: i have all the plugins. I read somewhere that they changed something on 08/21/200922:17
MatBoymcphail: I downloaded it 3 times22:17
Pirate_HunterExposure: what do you mean it is not configured, I thought it was when i chose the keyboard layout in xorg.conf22:17
Seeker`myk_robinson: no idea, sorry22:17
Stormx2MatBoy, What error do you receive?22:17
myk_robinsonSeeker`: here's what i got     http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/9cmj6/?sort=old22:17
bluejeansthnks deano22:17
MOUDI have lots of files downloaded with the sudo apt-get and I want to reinstall ubuntu. Can I copy those files on another partition and put it back so I can reinstall them without downloading?22:17
MatBoyStormx2: no error... it just goes further bootiung my HD :S22:17
RHorsemigg137 http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Acrobat/8.0/Standard/help.html?content=WS58a04a822e3e50102bd61510979419 5ff-7d15.html22:17
Flannelmigg137: If you can get the text from the PDF, you could send it to festival22:18
mcphailMatBoy: I have used the unr.img to boot from a usb stick. How did you burn it?22:18
need_helpwhat is another package for uuencode! i'm trying to install it give me error there is package similar to it22:18
Stormx2MatBoy, have you configured your optical drive to be your primary boot device?22:18
timothy_every time i go to apt-get and install a package it says the package is not authenticated22:18
th0rMOUD: look at aptoncd22:18
HobbleAlongPirate_Hunter: check System->preferences->keyboard->layouts  make sure you haven't got USA selected.22:18
lstarnesneed_help: what error?22:18
MatBoymcphail: using imgburn...22:18
MatBoyStormx2: yap22:18
ExposurePirate_Hunter: don't you mean the sign in front of what you type, after the current directory, in a terminal?22:18
=== FireFox16 is now known as b-man[VirtualBox
MatBoyStormx2: I even select it from the bootmenu22:18
migg137ok guys thanks22:18
mcphailMatBoy: and what do you see on the disk if you browse it?22:18
lanzellothapple trailer linux : http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/9cmj6/no_more_applecom_movie_trailers_for_linux_users/22:18
MOUDth0r: ok22:18
jay3awww scott_ino2 is not on today oh well22:18
lordnikoncan someone help me get dvds to play??22:18
Stormx2MatBoy, Whack. How fast are you burning the DVD?22:18
MatBoymcphail: can't be accessed on the PC22:19
MatBoyStormx2: 4x22:19
Stormx21dvd | lordnikon22:19
need_helplstarnes http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/257728/22:19
Pirate_HunterExposure: shift+3 does not give me £ and i currently dont understand what you mean, could you explain?22:19
lordnikonno i have like 40 or so22:19
lanzellothmyk_robinson, there's a solution somewhere in here http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/9cmj6/no_more_applecom_movie_trailers_for_linux_users/22:19
lstarnesneed_help: you need a different package that provides uuencode22:19
ExposurePirate_Hunter: oh I misread the problem then, do what HobbleAlong said22:19
MatBoyStormx2: I can install a normal ubuntu on my EEEPC ofcourse22:19
Pirate_HunterHobbleAlong:  not using gnome everything is set from xorg.conf22:19
mcphailMatBoy: can't be accessed even from within a running linux/windows/mac session?22:19
RHorsemigg137 http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Reader/8.0/help.html?content=WS58a04a822e3e50102bd615109794195ff-7d15.html22:19
need_helplstarnes lol :P actually i want to know what the package name that similar to it install22:20
lstarnesneed_help: I think it's in sharutils22:20
MatBoymcphail: nope22:20
Stormx2MatBoy, okay, a few suggestions: 1) md5sum the ISO to make sure it's okay 2) Use a different software burner, with no other applications running while burning 3) If all else fails, install from USB or thru Wubi22:20
MatBoymcphail: tried 3 different dvd's and downloads22:20
lstarnesneed_help: try apt-file search uuencode22:20
MatBoyStormx2: is there no netinstall for unr ?22:20
MatBoythat would be nicer22:20
mcphailMatBoy: as i said, haven't tried burning the .img to dvd but worked like a charm on a 1 gig USB drive. Try that?22:20
Stormx2MatBoy, there is, but I know nothing about it :22:20
lordnikonany7one know how i can get the file libflashplayer.20 into the pligin folder22:21
need_helplstarnes try :  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/257730/22:21
lordnikonit wont let me move it22:21
timothy_ruben will you help me22:21
MatBoymcphail: same issue on the USB drive :S22:21
MatBoyStormx2: tyhere is ?22:21
lstarnesneed_help: then do as it says and install sharutils22:21
mcphailMatBoy: try "burning" it to the usb drive with dd22:21
lukushi -could someone tell me why firefox is shiretoko in ubuntu?22:21
Stormx2MatBoy: net install.22:21
lstarnes!ffw5 | lukus22:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ffw522:21
th0rlordnikon: use sudo...but I am not sure you want to do that22:21
migg137rhorse, thanks ima go try that22:21
lstarnes!ff35 | lukus22:21
ubottulukus: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY22:21
MatBoymcphail: can be done indeed22:22
lstarnesneed_help: that package contains uuencode and uudecode along with other tools22:22
SirPablolukus: Why yeas... you have a mokoloco22:22
MatBoymcphail: I will burn it on my server... just a sec22:22
lordnikonis there no easy way to do anything in linux?? lol22:22
HobbleAlongPirate_Hunter: your Xorg looks like you have gb selected for your keyboard as default, so it looks as though you have USA overriding it somewhere else.22:22
MOUDth0r: Can I use this program just to copy those files without creating a CD for it?22:22
lukuslstarnes; thanks.. i can see i'm not the first person to ask22:22
need_helplstarnes ok i'm installing dependency although apt must do it22:22
lordnikonthor cant i just drag and drop it \22:22
Stormx2lordnikon: Almost everything is simpler and clearer in ubuntu for me.22:22
lukusSirPablo; a mokoloco?22:22
Stormx2!flash | lordnikon22:23
ubottulordnikon: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:23
SirPablolukus: why Yeaas! :=)22:23
need_helplstarnes same error i install sharlutils and try to install uuencode didn't work ! it say there is another package similar!22:23
Stormx2SirPablo: commeee nowww chilldren!22:23
th0rMOUD: that program will create a CD or DVD that contains all the files you have downloaded using apt. If you try to just copy the files to another partition you will surely miss some libs and other dependencies...much better to reinstall the debs after you reinstall22:23
migg137RHorse, so how do install adobe reader so i can do this22:24
lstarnesneed_help: the package's name is sharutils, not sharlutils22:24
timothy_every time i run apt-get i get it says that packages are not authenticated22:24
Pirate_HunterHobbleAlong: every key works except the shift+3 i dont know if it is a setting issue with fluxbox or soemthing else i am sure it used to work but i aint aware of changing anything specially keys22:24
Stormx2migg137: Adobe Acrobat Reader? Ubuntu has a PDF reader pre-installed22:24
MatBoyis there a way to burn a .img from the commandline ?22:24
lukusSirPablo; i have no idea what you're getting at - sorry .. i must be dense22:24
Stormx2timothy_, then you've added a third party repo without a key, no?22:24
lstarnestimothy_: can you pastebin the error?22:24
MakuseruI have an HP G60 laptop, and when it goes into suspend, I can't get it to return. How can I fix this?22:24
mcphailMatBoy: as i said, use dd22:24
MatBoymcphail: to a DVD ?22:24
migg137Stormx2, yeah but i need it to read my pdf's out loud22:25
Giiooohello im using proftpd and its not letting me add file to my root folder which i put /var/www , how can i fix that ?22:25
th0rMOUD: you can create an iso file with that program, then mount it using fuseiso after you reinstall...you don't actually have to burn a cd or dvd22:25
MatBoyI want to use the DVDVB first22:25
SirPablolukus: Only in density you can truely know your habitat22:25
lstarnes!pastebin | timothy_22:25
ubottutimothy_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:25
Stormx2migg137, ah. Well ubuntu has some screen-reader apps and stuff, though Adobe Acrobat won't run on ubuntu natively22:25
mcphailMatBoy: you _can_ burn to DVD from command line, but as I recall it is a world of pain22:25
lordnikonubottu thnx22:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thnx22:26
MatBoymcphail: ok, found it... let's see22:26
MatBoymcphail: burning CD's was always easy22:26
Stormx2!bot | lordnikon22:26
ubottulordnikon: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:26
lordnikonubottu  can you help me with movie player22:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:26
lordnikonmovie player22:26
timothy_when ever i try to update it doesnt download files it says i need to check my internet connection22:26
Stormx2lordnikon: Stop talking to the poor bot22:26
lukusubottu: what kind of bot are you?22:26
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:26
MOUDth0r: well, you see... I got a big problem on my distro. I installed some programs some days ago and the Network thing that appears near the clock disappeared, and it also disappeared from the System > Preferences/Administrator. Some people here said that the program is called  " nm " so I tried running it but when I try to run it I get the error that the file "a.out" doesn't exist.22:27
lukusubottu; are you stupid?22:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about are you stupid?22:27
migg137Stormx2, ok so how do i use theese screen reding apps22:27
lordnikonstorm but it totally fixed my problem with one click22:27
IdleOne!botabuse > lukus22:27
ubottulukus, please see my private message22:27
Makuseru!movieplayer | lordnikon22:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about movieplayer22:27
timothy_storm i need some help22:27
lordnikonsorry im really new to linux22:27
SirPabloA war is brewing. Microsoft vs Debian and Ubuntu (Im laughing my socks off) but play with those microsofters, they are kinda funny22:27
lukussorry IdleOne22:27
Stormx2migg137, have a look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Accessibility22:27
Stormx2timothy_, please pastebin the error you're receiving22:28
Stormx2!pastebin | timothy_22:28
ubottutimothy_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:28
RHorselordnikon /usr/lib/firefox/plugins on my system22:28
lstarnestimothy_: I can help you if you can pastebin the error message you get for me22:28
migg137Stormx2, ok i will thanks22:28
MatBoymcphail: ok seems to be burning now :D22:29
th0rMOUD: that program is gnome-network-manager22:29
th0rMOUD: it is referred to sometimes as Network Manager, or nm for short...but the full name is gnome-network-manager22:29
Stormx2lordnikon, You can also place FF plugins in ~/.mozilla/plugins (create it if it doesn't exist)22:29
lordnikoni think i got firefox figured out22:30
Ben64:D 7MB/s from apple trailers22:30
Stormx2th0r: I thought it was just NetworkManager?22:30
Stormx2Horrible piece of software.22:30
lordnikonnow i just need to get my dvds to play and ill be all good22:30
Stormx2!dvd | lordnikon22:30
ubottulordnikon: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:30
MOUDth0r: I see. But since my network doesn't work I am using windows. Do you think that I can get this file and put it on the right folder?22:30
Ben64100%[=======================================>] 107,832,150 7.05M/s   in 15s22:31
timothy_hey i put a post of my error now22:31
IdleOnetimothy_: what is the link?22:31
RHorsemoud wireless network?22:31
lstarnestimothy_: please give us the link to the post22:31
timothy_it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/257738/22:31
SirPablotimothy_: Are some crazy people going against Ubuntus mothersystem, Debian ? /I want them skinned alive22:32
Stormx2timothy_: Have you added a third-party repository?22:32
macolordnikon: any relation to LadyNikon?22:32
MOUDRHorse: wireless and ethernet. But I use wireless for internet.22:32
timothy_i have22:32
FlannelStormx2: Again, please stay on topic.22:32
timothy_how to you know22:32
lordnikonno i got it from hackers22:32
FlannelSirPablo: Again, please stay on topic.22:32
Stormx2Flannel, what?22:32
FlannelSorry Stormx222:32
Stormx2Oh, heh22:33
Stormx2For once I was on topic, haha. That's why it threw me :)22:33
timothy_so how do i fix it22:33
nmvictorhi, i have placed a folder abs_guide which contains .html files including index.html in /var/www.However,when i point my browser to http://localhost/abs_guide/index,html, i get apache2 claims that i do not have permissions to access that page?why is this the case?22:33
=== Odin is now known as Guest84259
RHorsemoud I have a little experience with wireless hehe22:34
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lstarnestimothy_: try sudo apt-key update22:34
Flannelnmvictor: apache runs as the user www-data, make sure your files are readable by www-data22:34
SirPablotimothy_: Its of great importance as you might have guessed. Should it not turn out the way we wish the military will put offenders away.22:34
=== Guest84259 is now known as th0r
MOUDRHorse: no problem. I'll wait for someone else help me :)22:34
IdleOneSirPablo: please stop now22:34
SirPabloIdleOne: Hi, who are you ?22:35
GPLsince, i installed Bluefish Editor, whenever i click a Link, it doesnt opens in Mozilla Firefox, but in Bluefish Editor, this is annoying, i would like to know some work-around or any solution ?22:35
timothy_it says invalid operation key22:35
=== Giiooo is now known as g3org3s
IdleOneSirPablo: I am the person who just asked you to stop. ( the second person )22:35
g3org3shello im using proftpd and its not letting me add file to my root folder which i put /var/www , how can i fix that ?22:35
nmvictorFlannel: how do i do that?22:35
RHorsemoud are you using a pci card or pcmcia?22:36
Stormx2nmvictor: Usually involves chmoding the relevent folders to 755 or similar22:36
wegot5I am using Ubuntu 9.04 lpia. Ubuntu 9.04 lpia is able to run i386 binaries. How can I force apt to install binary packages from an apt repository that provides i386 packages?22:36
Flannelnmvictor: The easiest (short term) way is to make them world readable.22:36
timothy_hey storm x22:36
timothy_i need some hel[22:36
timothy_sorry help22:36
SirPabloIdleOne: Im sorry, i just joined. Perhaps you thought of someone else ?22:37
lstarnestimothy_: did you use the command that I sent to you?22:37
Stormx2My nickname is Stormx2 :/ could you please just call me what? Your client will tab-complete my nick.22:37
FlannelSirPablo: Again, please stop now.22:37
Stormx2timothy_, did you try sudo apt-get update?22:37
Stormx2Do so.22:37
MOUDRHorse: laptop's onboard wireless. "Intel 4965AGN " to be more exact22:37
timothy_i did it22:37
dajhornwegot5: dpkg --force-arch MyPackage_i386.deb22:37
timothy_and it said failed on every single file22:38
wegot5dajhorn, Gotta download them manually huh?22:38
IdleOneSirPablo: this is the Ubuntu support channel not a propaganda against windows channel please go somewhere else to discuss that22:38
dajhornwegot5: Doing this can break your system.22:38
lstarnestimothy_: which version of ubuntu are you using?22:38
dajhornwegot5: Yes.22:38
macoGPL: change .html files' association. right click -> properties -> open with22:38
SirPabloFlannel: May i say swear a bit in this channel to depict normality/normal life ?22:38
wegot5dajhorn, I know. It's just for a userland package no other packages are dependent on.22:38
IdleOnestrike 322:38
GPLmaco : tried that already, it's set to Mozilla Firefox22:38
Seeker`SirPablo: no22:38
dajhornwegot5: Consider doing an "apt-get source --build MyPackage" instead if you can.22:38
RHorsemoud pastebin results of ifconfig22:39
=== ania is now known as Guest50535
bluejeanstrying to get 64 bit flash working. downloaded ver. 10 from  adobe but all the tarball contains is a .so  ... where's the rest of it or is this all?22:39
lstarnesbluejeans: that's all22:39
dajhornbluejeans: Just one file.22:39
macoGPL: system -> preferenes > prefered applicaitons?22:39
timothy_hey i did what you said22:39
GPLmaco : Yea.22:39
bluejeansokk... so i jsut copy it into /lib/ and go?22:40
lstarnesbluejeans: no22:40
MOUDRHorse: I'm on windows right now. I'm downloading the latest gnome-Network-Manager and try to install it. If it doesn't work I'll pastebin the output22:40
lstarnesbluejeans: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/22:40
bluejeansthanks lstarnes22:40
MOUDI'll be back in a few minutes.22:40
nmvictorFlannel: thanks, it did work.That was easy...22:40
timothy_hey lstarnes22:40
lstarnesbluejeans: you may need to use a tool such as nspluginwrapper, but I forget how to use it22:41
timothy_i did what you said22:41
RHorsemoud sounds good!22:41
lstarnestimothy_: is it working?22:41
MOUDRHorse: I'll be back in some minutes. I hope it works.22:41
timothy_no i still get the same error22:41
dajhornThe latest native 64-bit flash works a lot better on Jaunty and Karmic than the 32-bit wrapper.22:41
timothy_this all happened after i got desktop effects working22:41
lstarnestimothy_: I'm out of ideas22:42
luke__can anyone here help me with swiftfox?22:42
timothy_well do i need to do something22:42
iwohey, can anyone tell me how to add a package from the karmic repository into jaunty?22:42
iwoi guess i need to add a new software source22:42
guntbert!karmic | iwo22:43
ubottuiwo: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:43
rayluiwo: it's a better idea to just download the deb and install it with dpkg22:43
IdleOneiwo: not a good idea. that will probably break your current install22:43
timothy_i need some help from somebody22:43
iwoout of interest, is there any chance that the jaunty repo might be updated?22:43
bluejeansflash is now working. thanks lstarnes and Stormx222:43
=== Guest82902 is now known as fire
guntbert!patience | timothy_22:43
ubottutimothy_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:43
VCooliotimothy_: try the attached script from the first post here, run that and see what happens http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105609922:43
dajhorniwo: Which package do you want?22:43
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw
fireHello, I'm trying to install imagick through putty and I keep getting a "make" error. make: *** [imagick_helpers.lo] Error 122:43
fireERROR: `make' failed22:43
Flannelfire: What's wrong with the version in the repos?22:44
iwothe karmic repo has a newer version, which i'd like, but the jaunty repo hasn't been updated22:44
iwodajhorn: bugzilla322:44
fireFlannel: I don't know what do you mean?22:44
dajhorniwo: My guess is no.22:44
luke__so anyone familiar with swiftfox? i need help having a bug worked out22:44
Flannelfire: imagemagick is in the repositories.  Why not just install that?22:44
dajhorniwo: One solution would be to add the "deb-src" line for Karmic to your sources.list file, and then doing a "apt-get source --build bugzilla3".22:45
PythackI have a problem with my laptop.22:45
fireFlannel: I'm just following a tut i found...trying to install a image hosting scrypt22:45
PythackI just installed ubuntu.22:45
dajhorniwo: This is safer than installing the Karmic deb.22:45
Flanneliwo: You should be able to backport it easily.22:45
fireflannel, "sudo apt-get install imagemagick" ?22:45
Flannel!prevu | iwo, dajhorn22:45
ubottuiwo, dajhorn: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details22:45
FlannelThat script will backport it for you22:45
Flannelfire: yes22:46
GreenSkunkAny GRUB peeps out there? Super GRUB states: "Error 29: Disk write error" after the 'Running "install /grub/stage1 (hd0) /grub/stage2 p /grub/menu.lst "... failed'22:46
PythackBut I wanna get 1024x760.22:46
fireflannel: it says "imagemagick is already the newest version."22:46
Flannelfire: Then you've already got it installed.22:46
fireFlannel: this is what i'm trying to do.  sudo imagemagick, then sudo pecl install imagick22:46
Flannelfire: also, you might want to find a better tutorial, as that one likely does other things incorrectly (and more difficultly!) as well22:46
PythackBut the max is 800x600.22:46
iwoooh, thanks!22:46
teolicyHi. How do I resize my current terminal window from the command line?22:47
PythackHow can I have 1024x760?22:47
fireFlannel: Well, this is the thing im followign....seems kinda simple mnius this error:  http://www.theatons.com/install-imagemagick-imagick-for-php-on-ubuntu22:47
GreenSkunkfire: Are you running ./configure before make?22:47
timothy_do you think that  apt-get is messed up22:48
RHorsePythack you mean virtual console or an X term?22:48
luke__gnome-terminal --geometry22:48
fireGreenSkunk: I'm just running sudo pecl install imagick then it spits me this error22:48
neverbluewhat is a good, free application for running Ubuntu in a virtual machine ?22:48
guntbertfire: that tut is 20 months old...22:48
fireneverblue: virtual box is nice22:48
MatBoymcphail: weird, it just reads the disk and after it... it boots the HD :S22:48
PythackRHorse > In "monitor settings".22:48
neverbluei have found there are funny, little issues with VirtualPC22:48
luke__or qemu22:48
PythackIt's a basic install.22:49
lordnikonwhat is a good videochat im client to use for an aim account??22:49
neverbluei think I remember virtualbox, for Windows, crashing, last time I used it22:49
luke__thats windows...22:49
MaGicMaXI have a question related to the Audacious music player, can anyone help me find the official IRC channel for it? i cant seem to find it on their site :(22:50
timothy_may i ask how to install a .bin file22:50
RHorsePythack which card?22:50
lordnikonwebcam chat software for an aim account ??22:50
GreenSkunkfire: I manage several centos servers and I recommend downloading it from PECL22:51
neverblueluke__: none-the-less, its not a good option22:51
timothy_how do you install a .bin file in linux22:51
ctmjr!webcam | lordnikon22:51
ubottulordnikon: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:51
neverbluenever heard about qemu22:51
nmvictortimothy_: ./<fillename>.bin22:51
neverbluedoes it run fast, performance good ?22:51
luke__timothy, go the where th .bin file is22:51
timothy_thank you22:51
PythackRHorse > ?22:51
GreenSkunkfire: http://pecl.php.net/get/imagick-2.3.0.tgz22:51
luke__do chmod +x FILENAME.bin22:51
luke__then try ./FILENAME.bin22:52
luke__(thats from the command line)22:52
nmvictortimothy_: np, of cause with sudo b4 that22:52
timothy_ok thx22:52
GPLhmm, since i 've installed Bluefish Editor, whenever i click a Link, it doesnt open in Mozilla Firefox, but in Bluefish Editor, this is annoying, i would like to know some work-around or any solution ? i already tried setting up "Open With - Mozilla Firefox" preferences for a .html file, also tried System -> Preferences -> Preffered Applications :( || Need to know, where and what should i change to get it work ?22:53
luke__tell me if you hava ny issues22:53
fireGreenSkunk: Excellent, thank you22:53
luke__**have any22:53
RHorsePythack what mfg? Nvidia? You can find out with the lspci command.22:53
timothy_hey about the install .bin file22:53
luke__yea timothy?22:53
timothy_im in terminal and as root22:54
nmvictortimothy_: what about it?22:54
timothy_but it says that i dont have permission to install it22:54
NikelandjeloI have program, compiled with g++. Error occurs during running. How to redirect it from console to file? http://paste.ubuntu.com/257747/22:54
nmvictortimothy_: leave out the sudo if you are at the terminal as root {#}22:54
MaGicMaXanyone know of a list of compatible scanners for ubuntu?22:54
fireI just ran the installer of Mihalism, but it wants me to change some permissions.  I did so in Filezilla, but it resetted itself anyway and still won't work22:54
nmvictortimothy_: do chmod +x <filename>  first22:55
timothy_i did but it still says that i dont have permission22:55
timothy_ok let me go try that22:55
guntbertMaGicMaX: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners22:55
PythackRHorse > VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems CyberBlade XP4m32 (rev 91)22:56
nmvictortimothy_: what file is that, the package you are trying to install22:56
MaGicMaXguntbert: thanks22:56
guntbert!scanner | MaGicMaX you are welcome, and22:57
ubottuMaGicMaX you are welcome, and: Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR22:57
MaGicMaXguntbert: i was hoping i wouldnt have to buy a new one, i have a Canon Lide 90 which seems to be unsuported.... :(22:57
RHorsePythack that card is not very well supported.22:58
guntbertMaGicMaX: I don't know the list by heart :-), but you see - several manufacturers still don't release their specifications, so support for them is difficult...22:58
NoelJBMaGicMaX, I recommend HP and only HP for linux.  Someone else was recommending Epson, too.  Either way, you want a company that stands behind its products on linux, with support and drivers.22:58
PythackRHorse > But is there any solution?22:59
nmvictortimothy_: did it work?22:59
RHorsePythack what is the lappie you have, I'm curious22:59
MaGicMaXguntbert: i dont even see Canon on the list :(22:59
PythackRHorse > It's a Toshiba.22:59
NoelJBMaGicMaX, Canon does not support linux.22:59
PythackRHorse > And is there any solution?22:59
MaGicMaXNoelJB: ok, ill look into some HP ones then23:00
MaGicMaXNoelJB: i just want a USB 2.0 cheap little simple scanner, for like under $60 preferably23:00
blueskies1977I have never had a scanner not work with Ubuntu23:01
RHorsePythack all I was able to find was this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=319261 HIH23:01
PythackOk thanks RHorse .23:02
guntbertMaGicMaX: canon *is* there, but mainly unsupported - http://www.sane-project.org/unsupported/canon-lide-90.html23:02
ren-anyone know how to configure (eg move the location) of notify-osd? I have a dual monitor setup in which I rarely use the 2nd monitor, so I'd like to move it to the first monitor23:02
blueskies1977Has anyone had any experience trying to get a usb fingerprint scanner working under linux?23:02
fireThanks guys for all your help, got it working23:02
endrihi when i boot i get this error in dmesg hdc: possibly failed opcode: 0xa023:02
endriwhat do you thing the problem is23:03
RHorsePythack np23:03
guntbert!ifo thinkfinger-tools | blueskies197723:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:03
guntbert!info thinkfinger-tools | blueskies197723:03
ubottublueskies1977: thinkfinger-tools (source: thinkfinger): utilities for the STMicroelectronics fingerprint reader. In component main, is extra. Version 0.3+r118-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 15 kB, installed size 92 kB23:03
blueskies1977thanks guntbert23:03
Frenchyjoin /#joinnubs23:04
nmvictorendri: are you booting from hdc,some external harddisk and it has failed or something?23:04
dwarderanyone can recommend ubuntu vds/vps?23:04
Frenchyhow do i join a different channel?23:04
NoelJBblueskies1977, that supports the Thinkpad types.  There is a new fingerprint scheme from RedHat that supports others.  Just FYI, in case you need it.23:05
dwarderFrenchy:  /j channame23:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about baddriver23:05
guntbertblueskies1977: yw - good luck and have a look in the forums too23:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about graphics23:05
ChaoticXSinZanyone one experiencing any trouble with compiz and flash playback speed up?23:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about driver23:05
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.23:05
guntbert!msgthebot | RenagadeX23:05
ubottuRenagadeX: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:05
MaGicMaXguntbert: hmm, my scanner isnt there :P23:05
RenagadeXI installed a faulty driver from ATI and cant boot into Ubuntu23:05
blueskies1977I have been working with fprint. The problem is is that lsusb shows it as a mass storage device23:05
guntbertMaGicMaX: didn't you say LIDE 90?23:06
RenagadeXguntbert, sorry. I was trying to find a solution without asking23:06
SlartRenagadeX: you get a working command prompt?23:06
NoelJBblueskies1977, I see.  Well, if you don't have the right type of chip thinkfinger (notice the THINK part of the name) won't help, either.23:06
RenagadeXSlart:  nope23:06
zatoichiso if i cat /dev/sda what would happen ? :)23:06
MatBoywow unr is nice23:06
blueskies1977can you get to the shell prompt renagdex23:06
MaGicMaXguntbert: yes23:06
SlartRenagadeX: can you boot into the recovery mode?23:06
timothy_hey u there23:06
timothy_hey  luke23:06
RenagadeXSlart: I can23:07
NoelJBblueskies1977, both thinkfinger (Ubuntu and Fedora < 11) and fprint (Fedora 11) work for me.23:07
ChaoticXSinZCan anyone help me with compiz/flash problems?23:07
RenagadeXSlart: but I dont know what to do23:07
guntbertRenagadeX: no problem, but you can and should use /msg ubottu .... for this in the future :-)23:07
RenagadeXlol ok23:07
blueskies1977The other part of the problem is that I'm on a 64bit machine so some of the tools I have come across don't work (easily anyway)23:07
SlartRenagadeX: hmm.. there is a command to reconfigure graphics drivers.. something like "dpkg-reconfigure Xorg" or something like that23:07
endrino i have two hardisks. i am booting from the second one hdb3. hdc is the cdroom i think23:07
SlartRenagadeX: I can't remember exactly23:08
RenagadeXSlart:  I'll try google again23:08
NoelJBblueskies1977, same here: 64 bit.  Haven't used a 32 bit system in years.23:08
guntbertMaGicMaX: then the page http://www.sane-project.org/unsupported/canon-lide-90.html tells you that your scanner is not supported :-(( sorry23:08
RenagadeXSlart: BTW is the command prompt/terminal the same for windows/linux/macintosh?23:08
MaGicMaXguntbert: well that blows :P23:09
blueskies1977no, the command prompt has different ways of working to windows23:09
blueskies1977similar to mac though23:09
RenagadeXSlart:  I know Linux and Mac are the same23:09
NoelJBRenagadeX, no.  Mac and linux uses a real shell (BASH), Windows uses Redmond invented trash with no features.23:09
SlartRenagadeX: well.. the term "command prompt" means mostly the same no matter what system you're using.. but how it works and what you can do with it.. and most importantly.. how to do it can be very different23:09
* shamm wnaders off to play some serious game.23:09
guntbertMaGicMaX: tough on you - sorry23:09
ChaoticXSinZCan anyone help with some compiz and flash issues I have?23:09
endrihow can i understand if it is a driver problem or a problem of the cdrom23:10
llkkjjj #linuxac/23:10
nmvictorendri: nop, the hdc cant be th cdrom,23:10
NoelJBChaoticXSinZ, be specific and perhaps someone can.23:10
blueskies1977I have not found any way to speed up flash with compiz running myself, sorry23:10
RenagadeXSlart: found this:: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:10
RHorseChaoticXSinZ how much memory do you have?23:10
ChaoticXSinZ3 gib (shows up as 2.9)23:10
SlartRenagadeX: ah.. that looks like it23:10
blueskies1977I have to disable compiz on my netbook to be able to watch flash at all23:10
RenagadeXSlart: do I get to terminal from live CD??23:11
endrinmvictor   if i do fdisk -l i have  hda and hdb23:11
ChaoticXSinZThe problem is that for example on youtube the video plays too fast23:11
SlartRenagadeX: yes, you can get to a terminal from a live cd23:11
fosa_how do i get google to be the american version?  (i'm in korea)23:11
nmvictorendri: the cdrom should be /dev/scd023:11
NoelJBblueskies1977, really?  I've never had that problem.  remind me not to buy whatever brand of PC you're using.23:11
RHorseChaoticXSinZ what graphics card?23:11
NoelJBfosa_, should be on the google front page.23:12
NoelJBfosa_, I've had to do that when in Amsterdam.23:12
endrinmvictor   but i dont have a 3rd hardisk. how can i know then which of the hardisks gives me the problem23:12
ChaoticXSinZI'm using X_Updates and xorg-edgers PPA too.23:12
blueskies1977it is a low powered netbook with all the effect turned on. I am really asking for trouble anyway :)23:12
fosa_NoelJB, is it in my accounts or just a link?23:12
VCooliofosa_: www.google.com/ncr  will ignore browser locale settings23:12
NoelJBfosa_, a link, as I recall.23:13
ChaoticXSinZI don't have the speed problems in fullscreen mode though.23:13
RHorseChaoticXSinZ compiz is just a windows decorator. It changes the borders  and such stuff.23:13
fosa_VCoolio, thanks for that stopgap :)23:13
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
blueskies1977are you on a 64bit machine ChaoticXSinZ23:13
nmvictorendri: maybe grub is looking for boot files in the wrong place(though i doubt that),are you sure you havent tried anything with your filessystem?ok,what othe message is displayed other than the line you gave/23:13
nmvictorendri: *?23:13
ChaoticXSinZRHorse: I know though when I switch to metacity flash works fine it also works fine in fullscreen mode.23:14
ChaoticXSinZblueskies1977: Yes23:14
blueskies1977with the beta flash driver?23:14
ChaoticXSinZFlash from repos23:15
ChaoticXSinZbrb 10min23:15
blueskies1977I have always used the beta driver and it seems to work fairly well23:15
NoelJBflash from repos is 32 bit.  I stay far away from it, and install from Adobe Labs.23:15
nmvictorwhois endri23:17
endrisorry i was looking in the logs23:17
blueskies1977I am running the Elive livecd at the moment and am very impressed with the ecomorph setup23:18
endrithis my complete dmesg output23:18
blueskies1977might install it on one of my laptops to give it a more thorough testing23:18
nmvictorendri: ok23:18
bluejeansfosa_: www.google.com.us23:21
fosa_bluejeans, :)  thanks!23:21
carrie_555Where can I find programs like "mv", "cd", "ls" ? where are they ?23:21
DJNomadcan anyone tell me what the difference is in package manager between "mark for removal" and "mark for complete removal" ?23:22
bluejeanscarrie_555: /bin/ /usr/bin/, /usr/local/bin23:22
nmvictorendri: dmesg doesnt seem so helpful, how about some log for boot, grub(or your bootloader) or anything rlated to booting, that might help23:22
DJNomadI am getting rid of lxde and finally decided to ask this time instead of just doing the removal23:22
carrie_555DJNomad: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38827823:23
DJNomadthanks carrie23:23
endrinmvictor: syslog?23:24
blueskies1977I always use apt-get at the command line and add --purge23:24
mnainesI found out how to make hard drives hot-swappable in Ubuntu23:24
nmvictorendri: not really, anything that sound like booting?23:24
blueskies1977removes any settings folders in the home directory23:24
guntbertcarrie_555: but some (cd, ls) are bash internal - so you might not find them in the file system at all23:25
carrie_555bluejeans: I cant find "cd" in any of those folders. Any hint ?23:25
KurtKrautI'm trying to use Ubuntu on my Eee but many applications exceeds the screen limits, so I cannot press the buttons of YES or NO at the bottom of the screen. If I press ALT and try to drag it, Ubuntu does not allow any window parto to be dragged of screen. So how can I use Ubuntu in small screens or allow it to move the top of the window off the screen as any other linux distro?23:25
carrie_555thanks guntbert23:25
ChaoticXSinZNoelJB: I was actually using the beta driver from adobe labs, 64bit one, but had to revert to repos one to get one flash application to work.23:25
Flannelblueskies1977: No, purging won't remove the stuff in your homedir23:26
DJNomadok I got another question,I have a friend that has a laptop and I have talked him into using ubuntu from usb disk ,is there a easy way to create this for him23:26
mnainesChaoticXSinZ, I just use the Adobe driver in Synaptic23:26
DJNomadKurtKraut, are you using netbook remix ?23:26
guntbertcarrie_555: you are welcome, have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:26
KurtKrautDJNomad: no, I want to use the regular Ubuntu.23:26
DJNomadthat would be perfect for my friend but he does not have a atom pc23:26
mnainesDJNomad, you're better off just having it install from a CD23:27
blueskies1977My mistake, thought it did23:27
FlannelDJNomad: Are you looking to install from USB? or run from USB?23:27
blueskies1977never checked really23:27
DJNomadthanks mnaines23:27
guntbert!who | blueskies1977, btw23:27
ubottublueskies1977, btw: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:27
DJNomadFlannel I think he wants to run from to start out23:27
blueskies1977from 8.10 onwards there is a menu item in Ubuntu to create usb (in administration IIRC)23:27
FlannelDJNomad: Alright.  Do you have an Ubuntu system?23:28
mnainesDJNomad, Ubuntu will give you the option of "Try Ubuntu without any changes to your computer" when the install screen comes up23:28
endrinmvictor: i cant find any. messages kern.log  are the ones i found23:28
KurtKrautI have a small screen (an Eee PC). Many windows exceeds the screen limits. How can I drag a window beyond screen limits while pressing ALT?23:28
DJNomadfriend is from another state so I cant help him in same room etc,he dont know how to burn a image as of right now23:28
carrie_555by the way, does anyone know if there is a command that makes a "change directory" to the folder visited before? (not "cd ..")23:29
mnainesDJNomad, its simple - download the image then use a CD burner program to burn the ISO image onto the disk23:29
Flannelcarrie_555: cd -23:29
FlannelDJNomad: Alright.  All recent Ubuntu systems come with a utility to make a USB drive booty thing.  If he has access to a system with a CDrom, he can do that.23:29
DJNomadmnaines,  thats what I think I am gonna have to tell him to do23:29
nmvictorendri: you could do cat syslog | grep boot |>~/boot.log then paste the contents of boot.log in your home directory or if you have pastebinit installee then you can redirect the output to pastebinit directly with  cat syslog| grep boot | pastebinit  then get me the url23:29
FlannelDJNomad: Then he'll be able to create a USB drive that'll boot and be his system, better than a liveCD, since he can store stuff on it, etc.23:30
DJNomadFlannel I tried to make one for him I was gonna torrent it but it requires me to have the usb drive here23:30
mnainesDJNomad, just a piece of advice, though...You best do the install yourself.  If he's not very skilled with a computer, he should not install operating systems himself23:30
FlannelDJNomad: Right.  But he can burn the CD, then boot to it, then make the USB.23:30
Flannelmnaines: Are you simply not paying attention?23:30
DJNomadI think I am gonna have him burn image with img burn23:31
DJNomadanyone recommend another image burning prog ?23:31
DJNomadI have had sucess with img burn but that was awhile back23:31
mnainesDJNomad, try Roxio23:31
DJNomadis roxio free ?23:32
mnainesIf you're on Linux yourself, you can burn it using Ubuntu's built-in burner23:32
endrinmvictor: http://pastebin.com/m11ef4ca723:32
ChaoticXSinZWhat do you know, I restarted `X` via CTRL+ALT+Backspace and now it works properly again!23:32
DJNomadhe is in another state tho23:32
DJNomadcntrl alt backspace hasn't worked for me(restarting) for a few versions now23:33
blueskies1977Could you create it and post it?23:33
FlannelDJNomad: Right, mnaines isn't paying attention.  If you look here, these instructions should work (even from a liveCD): http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ubuntu-810-install-using-the-built-in-usb-installer/23:33
FlannelDJNomad: On 9.04 as well, I don't believe the interface has changed significantly.23:33
DJNomadmaybe I have been hitting diff buttons idk lol23:34
ChaoticXSinZDJNomad: For Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to work you need to enable it as they disabled it by default around Intrepid.23:34
DJNomadstill can't find the "any" button23:34
DJNomadthanks ChaoticXSinZ  I will look into that ,it was a nice thing23:34
nmvictorendri: i have to go, its 2am aover her, anyway i see something like SElinux disabled at root, whats that?SElinux?23:35
nmvictorendri: *disabled at boot23:35
ChaoticXSinZDJNomad: But I think there was a reason for disabling it. Something about using Alt+Sys Rq or something23:35
MyWayis there a software similar to cfosspeed of windows, for give 'ping' priority to determinate app or protocols?23:35
VCoolioDJNomad: it's deprecated although you can reenable; use alt+sysrq+k instead23:35
ChaoticXSinZWhat does alt+sysrq+k  do?23:36
mnainesDJNomad, I found out how to make hard drives hot-swappable on Ubuntu23:36
nmvictorendri: it repeats itself over and over,could it be some important utility during boot up?23:36
VCoolioChaoticXSinZ: the same as ctrl+alt+backspace: kill all and return to login23:36
timothy_hey luke you there23:37
ChaoticXSinZBTW is Alt+Sys Rq+(R|S|E|I|U|B) safely shutdown your computer if it's forzen or something?23:37
nmvictorendri: what system are you running?ubuntu?23:37
timothy_luke are you there23:38
VCoolioChaoticXSinZ: yes although I do reisub but there is discussion on that order23:38
nmvictortimothy_: did you get it to work?23:38
bobbob1016_Is it possible to share a folder with symlinks via samba?23:38
ChaoticXSinZI think I heard something like (Reboot System Even If Utterly Broken)23:38
timothy_i dont know how to boot into safe mode on linux23:38
nmvictorwhat are you installing?23:39
DJNomadI almost done the alt sys k thing but I paused and got 5 million print screen popups lol23:39
timothy_yeah i got the install to work23:39
nmvictortimothy_: why do you need to do that?23:39
timothy_cause luke told me to23:39
timothy_cause im trying to fix something23:40
Stormx2timothy_, are you still trying to fix your repo auth error?23:40
VCoolioChaoticXSinZ: nice; Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key23:40
Stormx2Who told you to go into safe mode?23:40
Stormx2* luke :No such nick/channel23:41
ChaoticXSinZVCoolio: So which chould I use?23:41
timothy_i was just talking to him23:41
Stormx2I guess he left.23:41
Stormx2Here's what you need to do23:41
nmvictorGuys its been a while,Gotto go to bed.23:41
Stormx2sudo apt-get update23:41
Stormx2Pastebin the output23:41
VCoolioChaoticXSinZ: the wiki page says reisub; reboot even if system utt. br.23:41
FloodBot2Stormx2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:41
Stormx2Give me the link23:41
Stormx2Eek, sorry. Not used to freenode rules.23:41
MOUDHey again23:42
timothy_hey were do i paste it23:42
DJNomaddoes anyone have a lg rumor ?23:42
DJNomadI have one and it is useless in linux23:42
Stormx2!pastebin | timothy_23:42
ubottutimothy_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic23:42
MOUDRHorse, I tried some things but didn't work. -.-23:43
DJNomadit sees it using lsusb ,but from there i havent got nothing done23:43
max_morrisonhow can anybody agree with this!?! http://bit.ly/why-ubuntu-sucks23:43
max_morrisonwhat do you guys think??23:43
Stormx2!ops | max_morrison rickrolled the channel.23:44
ubottumax_morrison rickrolled the channel.: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:44
timothy_ok storm x i pasted them23:44
Stormx2timothy_, I need a link23:44
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel23:44
timothy_oh sorry23:44
mnainesubottu, is it that hard for ext4 file systems?23:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:44
StevethepirateHi, getting fatal X server error "No screens found" since I have enabled ATI restricted drivers, can anyone help?23:45
carrie_555It's funny, I realized that alias does not work well in some situations. Here is an example: $ alias cdd='cd $1;clear;ls -l'     .On the other hand, when I made this function, it worked well: cdd(){ cd $1;clear;ls -l }23:46
Stormx2timothy_, try visiting http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-security/main/binary-i386 in a browser. Do you see a directory listing?23:46
wilson*ubuntu es23:46
MOUDHow can I use my ubuntu CD to recover/fix some files or programs?23:46
timothy_i see a parent directory23:46
Stormx2MOUD: Depends entirely on what you're trying to fix.23:47
kentHow can I see buttons in a window that are below my desktop (Gnome 9.04)?23:47
timothy_storm i see a parent directory23:47
Stormx2kent, no windows are below your desktop23:47
Stormx2timothy_, right.23:47
StevethepirateHi, getting fatal X server error "No screens found" since I have enabled ATI restricted drivers, can anyone help?23:47
MOUDStormx2: trying to get the gnome network manager to work again23:48
Stormx2What's wrong with it?23:48
timothy_so what do i do now23:48
HobbleAlongtimothy_: Do you have access to your Ubunto install CD enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list.  If so comment that line out and make sure the normal repos are enabled.23:48
Stormx2timothy_, essentially, apt-get is finding that that URL is a 404, when clearly it isn't. It isn't your ISP's fault either.23:48
kentThe window is in firefox and it won't let me scroll down to the buttons.23:48
Stormx2I'm at a loss.23:48
Stormx2HobbleAlong, read his pastebin.23:49
Stormx2HobbleAlong, that isn't the issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/257774/23:49
MOUDStormx2: it's not working. When I try running it on terminal ( nm ) then I get the error: " nm: 'a.out': No such file "23:49
afrikaZXCan I create a backup of my / so I can restore it easily if I mess it up? Preferably something with a GUI.23:49
ctmjrStevethepirate: do you get a login prombt?23:50
DJNomadk the guy who posted the link about ubuntu and agreeing with it has frozen my firefox ,thanks23:50
kentOther windows gnome won't let me move above the upper task bar.23:50
suavehi everyone!23:50
MOUDhello suave23:50
mnainesHow do I configure Ubuntu to display the login screen when resuming from the screensaver?23:50
suavedoes anyone feel like doing a poor girl a massive, massive favour?23:50
=== Floops is now known as floopsie
Stevethepiratectmjr: ye, this is a sshed irssi connection.23:50
=== floopsie is now known as Floops
StevethepirateI can read /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:50
=== Odin is now known as Guest8389
suaveok, i'll just carry on and if anyone can help, please, please do!23:51
StevethepirateAnd can see no screens found in the log.23:51
=== Guest8389 is now known as th0r
timothy_um storm x u there23:51
wilsonhola alguin me puede ayudar23:51
timothy_storm x u there23:51
MOUD!es | wilson23:51
ubottuwilson: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:51
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wilsonalguien save como pudo conseguir la mac de otra pc23:51
suavei'm having some wireless issues on a HP desktop (not this one) that occurred after reinstalling ubuntu23:51
Stormx2timothy_, my nickname is Stormx2, not storm x. If you want me to see your messages, use my nick23:51
HobbleAlongStormx2: It could be.  If the CD is enabled apt-get will try to get everything from it.23:51
timothy_oh ok23:52
Stevethepiratectmjr: any ideas bro?23:52
Stormx2MOUD, That's not how you launch NetworkManager. Try nm-applet23:52
Stormx2!es | wilson23:52
ubottuwilson: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:52
timothy_Stormx2 what did you want me to do after that23:52
mnainesStormx2, how do I configure Ubuntu to display the login screen when the screen saver activates, like you can with Windows?23:52
Stormx2HobbleAlong, oh really?23:52
ctmjrStevethepirate: ok try this first if you have not done so sudo aticonfig --initial then reboot if that does not work try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg then we will go from there23:52
suavebasically, when running ifconfig wlan0 up (or down), it comes back saying error while getting interface flags: no such device23:52
Stormx2mnaines, why are you asking me?23:52
MOUDStormx2, there's no nm-applet23:52
Stevethepiratectmjr: ye, I was planning to dpkg-reconfigure23:52
StevethepirateJust in the past sometimes that has been the worst thing to do23:52
suavelspci -v | less shows the wireless device but it can't be enabled, basically23:53
StevethepirateLike, sometimes its a small problem23:53
suavewhat should i do?23:53
ChaoticXSinZAny idea how to install both the regular and unstripped versions of ffmpeg libs at the same time?23:53
Stormx2MOUD, then install network-manager-gnome23:53
Stevethepiratebut ok ctmjr, brb23:53
heo_How can I see all users from terminal?23:53
kentGnome won't let me move a window above the upper task bar and so when a window is larger than the desktop I can't access buttons at the bottom of that window.23:53
Stormx2heo, w23:53
MOUDStormx2: that's the problem. I can't access the internet on ubuntu23:53
Stevethepiratectmjr: quick Q, I dont have atitool installed, and not in repos23:53
Stormx2MOUD, network-manager-gnome is installed by default, though. Why did you remove it?23:54
timothy_hey steventhepirate23:54
papapepkent: press left Alt while pressing left mouse button to move the windows23:54
dajhornkent: Hold down the ALT button, click and hold, and you'll be able to drag the window.23:54
timothy_may i have some help23:54
suavealternatively, does anyone know how to upgrade intrepid without an internet connection?23:54
Stormx2timothy_, pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list please23:54
ctmjrStevethepirate: you get an error when you run aticonfig?23:54
DefTone7I need help to set up my wireless with my hp dv4-1435dx notebook. anyone ? lol23:54
kentI tried that but it still won't let me move the window above the task bar.23:54
suaveor am i safe to upgrade straight to jaunty using a disk without intrepid being fully updated?23:54
Stormx2timothy_, to get the contents, hit Alt + F2 and write "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" (without the quote)23:54
MOUDStormx2, I didn't. I installed some programs (sudo apt-get) but for some strange reason my network-manager-gnome just disapeared23:55
dajhornsuave: Look at the apt-zip package.23:55
Stevethepiratectmjr: I lied, I do have aticonfig, but it gives an error *Please copy configuration file template to /etc/X11/*, which file are they referring to?23:55
heo_Stormx2: it does not show the user that can be seen with the commond "whoami"23:56
suavedajhorn: where would i get that from?23:56
suavemy own machine doesn't recognise it23:56
dajhornsuave: An Ubuntu computer that has a working Internet connection.  It is in the universe repository.23:56
Stevethepiratectmjr: wrong terminal ftl x/ Was trying to run aticonfig on a box with a nvidia card ... fml xD23:57
suavedajhorn: the point is that the computer that's having issues does not have an internet connection23:57
kentIf I left-Alt left-click-mouse the window gets smaller in size until I drag it up to the task bar and then when it hits the task bar it enlarges to full screen and won't go any higer.23:57
timothy_hey stormx2 i dont understand what your asking23:58
Stevethepiratebut ye, just this error now about Please copy a config file template to /etc/X11/23:58
coz_hey guys  two systems  fresh installs of 9.04  including all updates  however one ...on scsi system..has kernel 2.6.28--generic and the other has  2.6.28-15-generic??23:58
dajhornsuave: To upgrade such a computer, you'll need to get the software somewhere.  Ubuntu has some packages, like apt-zip, that let you download updates/upgrades on one computer and carry it to the disconnected computer.23:58
coz_2.6.28-13-generic rather23:58
=== jon is now known as Guest1939
timothy_it says to install from cd rom or dvd rom insert a cd or dvd23:58
suavedajhorn: sweet23:58
suavei'll play around with it now23:58
imranHello, I installed pulse audio and followed a guide online to use bluetooth headphones.23:59
timothy_stormx2 are u there23:59
suavedajhorn: will it allow me to download all kernels and updates i'll require to get intrepid fully up to date?23:59
imranI can now not get any sound through my speakers - any help getting it back?23:59
Stormx2timothy_: Uhg.23:59

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