
=== markjones_ is now known as markjones
mrooneyIf I am on a team which is subscribed to all bugs in a project, is there a way to opt out of that on an individual level?05:41
wgrantmrooney: Apart from filtering at your end, there is not.05:43
wgrantI consider this a bug that is tempting to fix.05:43
wgrantI think you should be able to opt-out individually at both a project and bug level.05:44
mrooneywgrant: yes, both of those would be useful05:44
mrooneythe former being more immediately useful05:45
mrooneysubscriptions ARE a little wonky, since commenting on a bug asks if you want to subscribe, even if you are already implicitly subscribed, which is confusing. Yet I suspect it has meaning in that if I do that, and then leave the team, I'll still get mail.05:48
wgrantThere's a bug about that confusion.05:49
wgrantBut that confusion is gone on edge, as the checkbox is absent.05:49
wgrantI'm getting occasional 502s from edge.09:19
wgrantSometimes more often than not.09:19
IntuitiveNippleIs "edge" undergoing maintenance ?09:29
wgrantIntuitiveNipple: It was probably upgraded in the last hour or so, and seems to be partly dead :/09:29
wgrantIt has had problems upgrading the past couple of times, but not quite like this.09:30
IntuitiveNippleah-hah! I thought it might be my fault :)09:32
wgrantedge isn't quite that fragile.09:32
IntuitiveNipplehmmm! I have one of those anti-technology auras - if something can go wrong, it will when I'm near it :p09:33
benji_Hello everyone. Can anyone help me to check this: if you save a suggestion for a translation in a Launchpad project, there isn't a way to edit it afterward, is it?10:25
lifelesssure you can, just find it and change it10:26
benji_Mmm... I see the list of suggestions, among them there is the one I want to edit, but I only see a "Copy text" button near it.10:28
wgrantIIRC you can't edit suggestions.10:30
wgrantBut it has been a while since I last looked at Translations...10:30
benji_wgrant: so it seems to me too. I wanted to check here before giving up.10:34
benji_Thank you and bye everybody.11:09
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markjoneshi, ianto sent me here as i am to take over the running of the Welsh Translation team, and to become the future admin, should a decision be made11:47
wgrantmarkjones: You might have better luck asking during the week.11:48
markjoneswgrant: thanks11:49
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Ursinhaedge is acting up12:42
wgrantUrsinha: Yes. Has been since around the restart that probably happened four hours ago.12:44
Ursinhawgrant, ah12:45
Ursinhawgrant, a cherrypick?12:45
* Ursinha checks emails12:45
wgrantUrsinha: no. Isn't there a normal update around then?12:45
* wgrant isn't sure these days.12:46
Ursinhawgrant, what kind of update are you talking about? the regular code merge?12:46
wgrantUrsinha: Yes.12:46
wgrantAnyway, the problems started a little under four hours ago.12:46
Ursinhawgrant, last landed revision was 920912:49
wgrantUrsinha: That looks like it landed on stable around 7 hours ago, although I can't say for sure as buildbot is sekrit.12:49
Ursinhaa simple js change, what doesn't make much sense12:50
wgrantSo it probably did update around the time things died.12:50
wgrantUrsinha: Some appservers have failed to restart during the upgrade in the past week.12:50
wgrantUrsinha: On at least two occasions, at least one appserver failed to shut down.12:50
Ursinhaso maybe we have a dead server12:51
UrsinhaI'd have to ask a losa12:51
wgrantlpstats os often useful for that.12:51
geserhow many app servers does edge use? because I seem to hit the broken one pretty often12:57
wgrant4, IIRC.12:57
wgrantAha. So they're physically shared with the lpnet servers. 2 lpnets and 1 edge on each of the 4. I see.13:00
IntuitiveNippleIs there a way to delete a PPA when no longer required?13:04
maxbNo (unless it never had any packages in it at all at any point in time)13:04
maxbIt can be made invisible to anyone but the owner though13:05
IntuitiveNippleI was trying to figure out how to make it invisible, but can't see any obvious option to do so13:09
wgrantIntuitiveNipple: It's an admin option.13:10
UrsinhaIntuitiveNipple, you have to open a question requiring an admin to do that for you13:10
IntuitiveNippleAhhh... that would explain it :)13:11
IntuitiveNippleThanks guys13:11
UrsinhaIntuitiveNipple, np :)13:11
gnomefreakanyone else timing out on launchpad? its doing it with every page13:15
Ursinhagnomefreak, timing out or the "try again" page?13:16
gnomefreakUrsinha: try again (sorry just woke up a little while ago13:16
Ursinhagnomefreak, I`m getting those as well, wgrant reported it's happening for at least 7 hours now13:17
Ursinhadon't know the reason though13:17
gnomefreakok thanks13:18
* wgrant kicks edge4 a few times.13:29
wgrantEverything else is slow, but I wonder if that's because pound is filling up with hung requests to edge4.13:29
gnomefreakim not seeing the disable edge button13:48
gesergnomefreak: use https://launchpad.net/ to see it13:50
gnomefreakok thats bad: you cant use edge.luanchpad... to disable it13:50
gnomefreakgeser: have to remove the edge part of url but it should be with the edge link13:50
gnomefreakhttps://launchpad.net should be https://edge.launchpad.net just to make sense13:51
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_AndrewWhen I update a package in my ppa that other depends upon why doesn't the other package get rebuilt to use the updated package?15:34
maxb_Andrew: because that's not how PPAs (or the Ubuntu archive, or the Debian archive, or any other distro of vaguely similar form's archive that I know of) work15:48
_AndrewSo I need to re upload the packages even though I haven't changed anything to get them to rebuild using the new dependencies?15:49
_Andrewok thanks15:49
maxbAssuming they *actually* need to be rebuilt15:49
maxbWhich is not always the case, which is why it's not automatic15:50
_AndrewI wish that was the case but someone stupidly put the version number in this package name15:53
_AndrewSo everytime I update the package version the name changes..15:53
_AndrewI need to change that really..15:53
* maxb wonders how wgrant can deduce precisely which appserver is the slow one :-)15:54
* maxb can't see anything in https://edge.launchpad.net/~andrewfenn/+archive/ogredev with a version in its name15:56
mok0Man, launchpad is completely unusable today16:03
mok0Something is seriously wrong with the server16:04
statiki keep getting intermittent 502 bad gateway errors from xmlrpc.edge.launchpad.net/bazaar/  when trying to merge or push bzr branches16:07
geserstatik: one of the edge app servers has a bad day today (since the last edge roll-out)16:36
MTeckdowntime :(16:44
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=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: Edge slowness / errors being investigated | Launchpad login issues are being investigated | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
* kfogel is away: packing up laptop to go to onShore. again.20:20
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad login issues are being investigated | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
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wgrantmaxb: OOPS is a few times and see which letters are missing.22:12
maxbdevious :-)22:13
maxb* maxb wonders how wgrant can deduce precisely which appserver is the slow one :-)22:22
thumpermaxb: the server number is part of the oops id22:23
andresmujicahi, with launchpadlib i can get the LP login with bug_task.bug.owner.name  where bug_task = launchpad.load(URL)  how can i get the real name?22:35
daishadari'm trying to learn how to build my ppa package for multiple distributions.  i'm using pbuilder-dist to build the same source for both jaunty and karmic.  do i need to have separate changelogs for my source for each dist when i upload to launchpad (so it knows what distribution to use)?22:37
daishadarand is there some conventional way to manage that without copying over the source for each distro?22:37
* thumper wonders if it is displayname or display_name22:38
thumperandresmujica: display_name22:39
andresmujicadisplay_name  ... testing right now22:39
andresmujicait failed with the first... :)  where can i find documentation about that kind of stuff? i mean all the objects loaded by launchpad.load ?22:40
wgrantandresmujica: https://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc22:42
wgrantI'm surprised you got very far without it.22:42
andresmujicai was using already developed scripts as a base, but now i really need it.. thks22:44
thumpermorning wgrant22:50
wgrantMorning thumper.22:51
gesermaxb: it would be even better if wgrant would know a way to work around the slow one22:55
geserare the OOPS tracebacks still private?23:07
wgrantgeser: Yes.23:15
wgrantAlthough I don't see why.23:15
wgrantlazr.restful has always given the exception message (except in 500s; it says they might contain sensitive info)23:16
geserthat would be my next question :) as LP is now open-source23:16
wgrantIt's possible that private object information could be revealed.23:17
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wgrantParticularly now there are private teams, even the existence of which is meant to be secret (but isn't really).23:17
geserbut the OOPS could be made public to the one who caused it (LP knows who is currently logged-in) and the LP admins23:19
wgrantEven so.23:19
wgrantThe traceback shouldn't -- but might -- contain privileged information.23:19
wgrantIt's not too bad to have to poke a Canonical person to look at OOPSes, I don't think.23:24
lifelessgeser: open source means the /code/ is open23:24
lifelesswe'd have no concerns about the code being shown. But urls disclose database state, as do variable values23:24
lifelessand the Canonical run launchpad instances have data that various users consider private23:25
wgrantSecurity proxies should protect from leakage, even in tracebacks, but a lot of the security stuff is done manually.23:26
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* geser enjoys the nice AJAX(?) loading when opening bug #230016 (once I got a working app server)23:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230016 in xmms2 "[intrepid] Rebuild with perl 5.10" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23001623:29
* wgrant runs to uni.23:29
spmgiven that some users get shirty about addresses in bug reports etc; any "unnecessary" info exposure should be avoided. my 2c based on dealing with LP users info. - independent of my professional/work viewpoint.23:30
wgrantgeser: That's not AJAX; it's just broken, slow, synchronous JavaScript.23:30
wgrantWow, that really is awful.23:31
* wgrant vanishes.23:31
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geserit's better to err to the safe side with private data23:34
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