
kazadehi, I've just been spending some time in #radeon trying to compile Alex Deutcher's R600 3D acceleration support on Karmic, but it's not working and they seem to think that perhaps there are some custom patches in Ubuntu which are breaking it. I don't suppose any of you had any luck compiling that branch?07:42
tjaaltonyou have the needed kernel bits too?07:44
kazadeI've tried building using these instructions: http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18589 and also building in tree, I'm just trying rebuilding in tree one final time, it's possible I messed up the first time07:47
kazadeok, i'm back. I recompiled radeon.ko and drm.ko and installed them. Now I get this: http://pastie.org/592031 so I rebuilt the ttm.ko module and it made no difference :(08:07
kazadebryce, any chance of getting an r6xx/7xx 3D acceleration ppa in xorg-edgers :p08:09
RAOFGah.  Too late.08:21
tjaaltonprobably the old ttm.ko is still being loaded08:22
kazadegot it working... needed to load the "ttm" module at boot08:22
kazadeit just wasn't being loaded by the look of it08:22
kazadeI added "ttm" to /etc/modules and now I have Compiz on an R600 with the OSS stack ;)08:23
RAOFPossibly it was also the initramfs having an older drm.ko and loading it, too.08:23
RAOFThat's always fun for nouveau.08:23
kazadeI'm just glad to have 3D back after a couple of months of 2D only :)08:24
RAOFThinking of nouveau, we should get a new snapshot of drm + DDX before feature freeze.08:25
tjaaltonRAOF: there already is a new libdrm, is it enough?08:26
RAOFYes, it is.08:27
kazadeDo you reckon we'll have this ATI R600 3D out of the box in Karmic? I'm using it and there's only a little text corruption in the terminal when compiz is enabled.. everything else seems fine :)08:27
RAOFIt will be simple enough to do the update; I'm just not sure if I'll get time to go through the full process.08:27
* RAOF should be working right now!08:28
tjaaltonand I should be painting walls :)08:30
RAOFOk.  The new libdrm hasn't made it through NEW yet.  Excuse!10:57
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
mac_vhi... anyone around? need some advice with ATI xorg-edge ? :)13:26
mac_vcould someone instruct me how to set the kernel setting mentioned in comment #7 https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2338613:32
ubottuFreedesktop bug 23386 in Driver/Radeon "Artifacts with cairo dock 2.0 [openGL]" [Normal,New]13:32
mac_vbryce: ^?13:34
xaxhi. ever since Ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-13-generic, I only see noise on my screen right after the splash screen. I can hear sound and I can even log in (blindly), but the whole screen is filled with garbage. this problem didn't come up in and before 2.6.28-11-generic. I have an ATI card. is this a known problem?15:09
=== niclasa is now known as Nicke_

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