
statikgooooooooooooooooooooooood morning hackers14:13
facundobatistastatik, hello! how are you?14:28
statikfacundobatista: i'm great, just catching up with the backlog and trying to get video working on my laptop again after the last kernel update before diving into some couchdb packaging and desktopcouch work14:36
facundobatistastatik, I have video, but after yesterday updates, no sound at all :(14:37
statiki think i forgot to install one of the right meta-packages for restricted modules when i switched to the -pae kernels14:38
statikhaven't tried sound yet :)14:38
J_LitewskiI just had a weird problem with Ubuntu One, for some reason it connected then disconnected and sent a DBus message that disappeared a second after it appeared15:39
J_LitewskiI haven't been able to recreate it15:39
dobeystatik, facundobatista: you guys are lucky. i had to go buy a new hard drive. whee16:38
dobeyanywya, tani jam shkon16:38
facundobatistadobey, why??16:38
dobeyfacundobatista: i got back from .ar and the ATA SMART on my linux drive was reporting some bad sectors18:00
dobeyi guess it should be expected, as that particular drive is about 5-6 years old18:00
statikhurrah, packaging the first snapshot of the couchdb 0.10 branch now18:02
dobeyi really really really wish launchpad would stop sending me mail for bugs that are general ubuntu issues, but not ubuntuone bugs18:58
dobeyperhaps by way of a "Does not affect this project" link18:58
* statik subscribes all the ubuntuone hackers to more bugmail19:03
* dobey sets up a procmail rule to forward all bugmail to statik19:04
statiki have been getting intermittent 502 bad gateway errors from launchpad all morning19:04
statikit's super annoying for manually merging branches, but makes it absolutely impossible to get through a full tarmac run to process a desktopcouch merge19:05
dobeyfrom the web, or just from the API?19:05
statikthe web I can turn off redirection to edge19:05
statikbut the api is edge only i think19:05
statikand if one of the app servers is down, every second or third request through the load balancer hits the dead server19:05
dobeyand also *thwap* for putting that in the commit message. just do bzr commit --author="Whoever it was <whoever@mail>" --message="Their commit message from LP"19:05
statikooh, i didn't know about --author19:05
dobeynow you know19:06
dobeyand knowing is half the battle19:06
dobey(more like three quarters really)19:06
* dobey waits for apt to reinstall all these packages :(19:08
dobeyi really wish command line apt integrated with the GUI when available, by using zenity or something19:21
* dobey wonders what he installed on his previous hard disk to make dvd playback work correctly19:30
dobeyoh joy20:15
* dobey discovers self-contradiction in OAuth 1.0[a]20:16
dobey(unrelated to the reason for the 1.0a version)20:16
PaulATLHello - I have two machines (i386 desktop and amd64 laptop) where the ubuntuone client does not seem to connect. Problems started with recent update manager update. How do I troubleshoot this?20:20
statikhey PaulATL, how can you tell that it is not connecting?20:21
PaulATLThe icon in the task bar does not rotate, has a red x, eventually disappears... also...20:21
PaulATLWhen I open my Ubuntuone folder in Nautilus, it gives me a connect button, but does not do anything20:22
statikthe icon is supposed to have stopped rotating and should eventually disappear, but the connect button and the red x sound like a problem20:23
statikthe best thing to do is report a bug, and attach the logs to the bug as outlined in the bug filing page https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+filebug20:24
PaulATLyep... what used to happen before the update is that the icon would stop rotating, but would remain present, and would rotate if files changed in my ubuntuone foldere20:24
statikthat sounds right20:24
statikwe've changed it now so the icon hides itself20:24
statikbut, sounds like you might have a separate problem20:24
J_Litewskioh, well, it works now :/20:25
PaulATLthanks, statik20:25
statiknp. i've heard a few reports about connection problems, hopefully we get that nailed tomorrow and a fix out on the regular tuesday release20:25
J_Litewskiwhat ever happened to the connection animation? I kinda liked that20:25
statikwe got rid of it, there were a lot of complaints20:26
statikthere is a design spec up here finally: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/KarmicClient20:27
statikeventually (karmic+1) i think we'll be getting rid of the icon alltogether20:27
J_Litewskione last question, after Ubuntu One hits 1.0, will there be an xubuntu and kubuntu verson?20:28
J_Litewskior will you have to just use the Ubuntu One with Gnome compadibilty?20:28
statiki'd sure like there to be, but we're only working on getting the Ubuntu version to be reasonably bug free currently20:29
dobey1.0 is not going to have other UIs20:29
statikwe've designed things to allow Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Windows, OS X, iPhone, and other clients20:29
dobeynobody else is working on them afaik, and feature freeze is this week20:29
J_LitewskiI'm just wondering, because I brought up to my Library that they should install it on their Kubuntu machines20:30
dobeyalso, don't trust that wiki page :)20:30
dobeyi hate debugging dbus issues :(21:24

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