
linuxNOOBin an ubuntu install, i'm stuck in the "configure network" section. I'm used to on my mac all the network stuff being self explanatory, but I'm not sure what to put as a "hostname"00:00
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab00:01
vinnllinuxNOOB, ah, it's just a name for your computer, pick what you like :)00:01
vinnlDoesn't it get a default value as you enter a username?00:02
linuxNOOBit has "debian" as the default value. i've tried this before, but the install got stuck so i was trying it again and just double checking its ok as the default value00:02
linuxNOOBwhat about for "domain name:"00:02
linuxNOOBwait, how do i access the gui install? i thought this grey box with the bluebackground was the gui00:03
vinnlAh, no, you took the Alternate CD00:04
vinnlYou need the Desktop CD if you want an easy installation with it all being self explanatory00:04
vinnlThough then again with 256MB RAM you might not want to do that00:04
linuxNOOByeah, i thought this ibook only had 128mg RAm, but when i tried installing gentoo i noticed it said i had 25600:04
vinnlOh, the Desktop CD should run well with 256, apparently00:05
vinnlTry downloading that, see http://xubuntu.org/get00:05
linuxNOOBi already have the xubuntu disk00:07
linuxNOOBthat is the very first one i tried to install00:08
vinnlAnd it is the GUI install?00:08
linuxNOOBbut after i select my keyboard configuration. nothing happens. just a blue screen. i'm not sure if i'm suppose to hit a keystroke, or if there is a gui00:08
vinnlProbably a bug, you could try searching launchpad.net if it has been reported00:09
vinnlYou could try an earlier version of Xubuntu00:09
linuxNOOBxubuntu doesn't look like it has 2 differerent installers with one not having gui. so if it is suppose to have gui, then i don't know how to access it with the cd00:09
vinnlThere are two CDs: the Desktop CD (with GUI) and the Alternate CD (without GUI, just a grey box on a blue background)00:10
vinnlIt sounds like you got the latter but want the former00:10
linuxNOOBick i must have00:10
vinnlWhere did you download the Xubuntu CD from?00:10
linuxNOOBis powerpc an amd type processor. Because when it mentions mac systems for the desktop cd it says "based on intetl" and this ibook is of course ppc00:11
vinnlThen you'd need a special ppc port00:11
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ00:11
vinnlSee that page00:12
linuxNOOBi love how fast these disks download though.00:12
linuxNOOByeah i've read that. but most of it talks about stuff after initial installation, and i can't even get it to install00:12
vinnlHere you can see where to download the ppc disks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads00:12
vinnllinuxNOOB, have you also downloaded the CDs from that location?00:12
linuxNOOBi know the cds i downloaded are the ppc versions00:13
vinnlAh OK00:13
vinnlNow you need to download the Desktop PPC Cds00:13
linuxNOOBright now i'm doanloading CD 1 for debian 5.02a powerpc, and the xubuntu 9.04 desktop i386.iso00:13
vinnlBut you don't want i386 if you're using ppc00:14
linuxNOOBah ok00:14
vinnlHere, this is the .iso you want: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/ports/releases/jaunty/release/xubuntu-9.04-desktop-powerpc.iso00:14
linuxNOOBnice thanks00:14
linuxNOOBprolly why the first xubuntu disk didn't work. guess i can trash it00:15
linuxNOOBthanks for the help. i thought i would never get this figured out00:16
vinnlYou're welcome :)00:16
linuxNOOBi never thought i would try anything other than mac os. because i hate microsoft so much. i finally bought an xbox and really liked it. then thought "hey maybe microsoft isn't so bad". until both xbox's crashed. did the xclamp fix...worked for awhile, crashed again. so now i have two busted xbox's. i'll prolly use them for case mods or something.00:17
linuxNOOBanyway, guy i worked with said i should try linux. just now getting around to it00:17
vinnlYeah, well, a whole new operating system is a lot to grasp, but it was certainly worth the effort for me00:17
linuxNOOBat one point I did something that allowed me to run linux apps in os X. not sure how i did that. something in the terminal. just copied and pasted something. couldn't ever get anything else to run except this single rolling ball game00:18
linuxNOOBi was kind of nervous about doing it. because i never undid anything, so something is now different about my os. but, when i upgrade to snow leopard it should go back to standard00:18
linuxNOOBso, the place i've been getting stuck in the debian install using the livecd i have, it says "retrieving lvm2-udeb". then it stays at 0%. what's that about?00:21
vinnlSounds like some failing internet connection or something, but I wouldn't know. Maybe someone in #debian can help00:22
linuxNOOBfailed internet connection would make sense.00:22
linuxNOOBbecause after i typed in host name it wanted "domain name" suggested .com or .org or what not. but i tried .com before, and nothing, so this time i tried .255 the end of my ip address.00:23
linuxNOOBfor domain name i didn't know what to put so i put ".255" that is the last three of my ip. the installer suggested .com or something, but that didn't work before00:24
linuxNOOBare my chats not getting through?00:24
linuxNOOBoh, nvm, for somet reason on my screen then are getting added higher up00:25
vinnlYes they're coming through00:25
linuxNOOBweird. switched it back to standard styel.00:25
linuxNOOBso what did you use before linux?00:25
vinnlWindows ME, so the switch wasn't that difficult :P00:26
vinnlWell, I'm off, good luck with your installation :)01:18
ToStItOsI am having a problem installing libdvdread3 gstreamer001:21
ToStItOsGetting a error I need some help on this01:21
linuxNOOBanyone here able to help01:57
jiohdiany way to keep any one program from hogging up all the cpu time and locking up the system?02:24
jiohdiany way to keep any one program from hogging up all the cpu time and locking up the system?02:41
jacksonBlindAnyone here knowledgeable about ebox and shorewall and if they play nice together?03:41
jacksonBlindAnyone alive in this chan?03:59
uleadhi linux users04:01
jacksonBlindulead you have any knowledge about shorewall?04:03
uleadyou can speak spanih04:17
jacksonBlindJust english04:19
turtle_anybody know of a gui-based presentation program apart from impress?06:25
turtle_or any program that will generate a presentation06:26
turtle_impress seems to sometimes display text from my slides but not others06:29
turtle_join #openoffice.org06:37
Makavelanyone knows how to open a serial port in xubuntu?06:42
evilbugMakavel: you could also try #ubuntu.06:48
Makavelevilbug: alright, thanks07:00
mk500hi all; I'm wondering if anyone might be able to help me wih resoluion changing on 9.04; do I need to edit xorg.onf; or is it stored elsewhere now?07:49
turtle_mk500: as in you want to modify what resolutions are available or simply change which one you are using?07:49
mk500changing the one I'm using. I'm running an older ATI Rage Mobility M3 and my LCD  (laptop) is 1400x1050 but xubuntu came up in 800x600 and I cannot go higher via GUI tools07:50
mk500all I tried so far was Applications -> Setting -> Display; and now I'm looking at my xorg.conf in terminal07:51
mk500so, I guess I do want to modify what resolutons are available; sorry :-)07:52
turtle_yep then if its not a selectable option you will have to modify xorg.conf07:52
mk500I'm used to seeing a lot more stuff in the xorg.conf; but this one is pretty bare07:53
mk500it says Driver "vesa"07:54
mk500should I change that to07:54
mk500Driver "ati" or anything?07:54
turtle_I've never edited the file myself so you might have to scour the web for a guide07:57
turtle_sorry mate07:57
mk500I noticed a forum post that said "xorg.conf is in the process of being depricated by the X consortium"; so I was wondering if things have moved07:57
mk500ah, ok, no problem07:57
mk500I'll do some more googling07:57
mk500xubuntu looks really cool....this is my first experience with it....very fast on the older hardware :-)07:57
turtle_yeah I'm enjoying it so far07:57
turtle_I do have some issues but I think its with software itself not the OS07:57
mk500that seems to often be the case :-)07:58
turtle_I can see why people would switch back to windoze, causes a lot of frustration sometimes07:59
turtle_like right now I'm trying to prepare a presentation and openoffice is being less than helpful07:59
_Pete_"i can see dead people"08:00
_Pete_good movie08:00
turtle_what is the alternative to mspaint?08:01
mk500there is a great graphics app...trying to remember08:02
turtle_not gimp08:02
turtle_I have gimp but it is overkill08:02
mk500yeah, gimp was what I was goign to say08:02
turtle_I just need something simple for cropping, pasting, merging08:02
turtle_gimp is for people with skills that far outweigh my own :P08:02
mk500yeah, I hear you....luckily I'm used to photoshop so gimp isn't so bad08:02
mk500it's overkill for sure08:02
turtle_I just downloaded tuxpaint but that's for kids :P08:03
mk500I haven't tried Krita; have you?08:03
turtle_I'll have a look at it after kpresenter has finished downloading08:05
turtle_what is the shortcut to open a terminal?08:05
turtle_gets a bit annoying having to go menu>accessories>terminal all the time08:06
turtle_or even chucking it on my toolbar would be nice08:06
mk500that's how I ge there :-)08:06
turtle_well I tried adding a launcher but couldn't figure out what the actual terminal program was called08:06
mk500there is an "add new items" if your right click  on the toolbar08:07
turtle_yeah but you then select launcher08:07
turtle_and have to choose the program08:07
mk500I see what you mean08:08
mk500I'm thinking it's somewhere in /usr/X11R6/bin but not seeing it08:11
turtle_yeah thats where I looked to08:12
mk500ah, found it08:15
mk500in that path08:15
mk500called: x-terminal-emulator08:15
turtle_ok I'll have a squiz08:16
mk500good old regular xterm is in there too.....but it's looking a bit old fashioned these days08:16
turtle_works like a charm, thanks mate :)08:19
turtle_i used x-terminal-emulator, not xterm08:19
turtle_might see what xterm is like also08:19
turtle_also I found the program I was after, mtpaint, was just reading linuxformat and came across it08:19
turtle_looks exactly what I am after08:19
turtle_wow xterm is pretty small compared to the emulator08:20
mk500happy to help08:20
mk500oh cool; I'll have to check out mtpaint08:21
mk500yeah, I think the first time I used xterm was the late 80's......it's about as simple at it gets08:23
turtle_well I'm a born-again penguin, only switch to linux in june08:24
mk500I've always been a unix and mac person....but do have to run windows for client testing purposes; I can't stand being in it for more than an hour or two at a time08:25
turtle_well I always was raised with windoze, never tried it until 2005, gave it a crack for about three months after my hardrive died using fedora core 4, then through frustration of not knowing how to do anything I switched back to xp08:26
turtle_my computer had a complete failure in june so i bought an eeepc to tie me over for a couple of weeks and haven't stopped using it :P08:27
turtle_began using xubuntu as my mates are using ubuntu on their machines08:27
mk500cool! I've been looking at netbooks; I'm leaning toward the HP mini due to the keyboard08:27
turtle_if you have money to splash around then you can go for the higher end ones08:27
turtle_i bought an eeepc because it was the cheapest at 288$08:28
mk500yeah, I'm waiting for a sale08:28
turtle_and while it isn't the best, for 288 I can't complain08:28
mk500best price I've seen on the HP is $279 USD08:28
turtle_oh ok08:28
turtle_well all my machines that have failed have been hp's08:28
turtle_so I wont ever go back08:28
mk500I think the eeepc is perfect except for the keyboard....and all in all I would likely get used to it I guess08:28
mk500I should probably just get the eeepc08:28
mk500I see them on sale here for $189 USD sometimes08:29
mk500I want one with 16GB SSD preferably so that it is silent and no moving parts08:29
turtle_yeah I have 8gb ssd08:30
turtle_am going to source a 16gb to dual boot windoze for gaming08:30
turtle_my experience with gaming on linux so far has been nothing short of frustrating08:30
mk500yeah, windows owns gaming for sure08:31
turtle_if you are going to get a eeepc unless you get a 701 for a steal price, go with the 90008:31
mk500although, to be honest, consoles own gaming08:31
turtle_they have the bigger keyboards for typing08:31
mk500oh, I didn't realize the keyboard was bigger; maybe that would solve my one complaint08:32
turtle_yeah consoles do but they are prohibitably (sp?) expensive these days08:32
mk500the HP has a really nice keyboard; but that's the only reason08:32
turtle_yeah the 900 has a standard keyboard08:32
mk500yeah, console prices have gotten pretty crazy08:32
turtle_the 1000 I reckon are notebooks as they are becoming too big to be considered an ultra portable netbook08:32
mk500yeah, exactly.....and I have a notebook now08:33
mk500my brother gave me this Inspiron Dell from 200108:33
mk500but it's pretty decent for xubuntu08:33
mk500P III 850Mhz08:33
mk500it's just not very portable08:33
mk500and for the price of a newer battery I could almost get an eeepc :-)08:34
turtle_lol true :)08:35
turtle_and an eeepc 701 running xubuntu is just like having a proper desktop anyway :)08:35
turtle_the great thing about them being so cheap is lots of people use them too, so support is very good08:39
mk500very true....they really started the netbook revolution08:39
psycho_oreosI sorta doubt that, have a look at things like olpc08:41
turtle_well I don't know if they started it, but they certainly injected a truckload of interest with their budget machines08:42
mk500that's a good point; without olpc, I doubt Intel would have pushed to develop the chipset that runs all these netbooks...but the olpc never really was a consumer product08:42
turtle_they sold millions of them in the first year08:42
mk500so I guess it's like Apple....eeepc was the first to actually SELL the technology :-)08:42
mk500like Apple was the first to actually SELL something with a GUI (although Xerox invented it)08:43
psycho_oreosheh that's a funny thing, because olpc was never really intended for first or second world, it was only to be running in limited production runs which made it awkward for consumers of first or second world to obtain such device08:44
mk500yup...that and the fact that much of it was specifically designed to not be very useful for adults (to reduce instance of theft)08:44
psycho_oreosthat makes me think of that movie, pirates of the silicon valley.. xerox did invent the gui but it never took off because it was deemed odd at the time, meh08:45
psycho_oreosdidn't think about that point08:45
psycho_oreosit was more of those really budget processors that would otherwise be found on thin clients or maybe even cpe router equipment08:46
mk500so Xerox invents, Apple brings to market, and Microsoft figures out how to mass produce08:46
psycho_oreosthere was a specific wikipedia page about it :) more specifically into how they somehow stole off each other and that xerox invented08:47
mk500of course...Xerox asked Jobs to come on the tour of their facility....and demonstrated the GUI too him; along with some other cool stuff (Ethernet, as I recall)....they didn't really know what to do with it08:49
mk500I don't think anyone at Xerox ever got very angry at Apple about it08:49
mk500Microsoft was a bit more brash in their theft.....but that's kind of their whole thing08:50
mk500have a good friend right now in a lawsuit with Microsoft actually08:50
mk500not sure they ever really created anything themselves ;-)08:50
mk500[sorry for the OT]08:50
turtle_I don't know; I was a Microsoft patriot until I discovered Synaptic08:52
turtle_now I'm like; f**k Microsoft :-)08:53
turtle_as much as I've enjoyed going cold-turkey for the last 3 months, dual booting prospect is looming closer for gaming08:53
turtle_but I don't think there is anything special they do for gaming, it's just the producers seem to only use that OS08:53
mk500that's the one remaining legitimate use for Windows; in my opinion08:54
turtle_has anyone had any success with gaming under xubuntu?08:54
mk500Solitaire!!! :-)08:54
mk500the real question is what games you want to play....that will dictate your OS08:55
mk500there's stuff like Wine08:55
mk500but it's pretty limited08:55
turtle_lol solitaire08:56
turtle_lbreakout ftw08:56
mk500I had to replace a flaky DVD player; so just got a PS3.....really great for playing movies, and should handle whatever gaming I want to do for the next 7 years or so ($299 is finally getting reasonable....less than I paid for the old DVD player)08:56
turtle_$98 for external dvd drive for my eeepc :P08:57
mk500hehee, true08:57
turtle_now looking into getting a tv tuner, apparently they're easy to set up under ubuntu (so I presumed, xubuntu)08:57
mk500I've really loved using MythTV under various ubuntus08:57
mk500it supports pretty much every tuner08:57
mk500scheduling of recordings, etc.08:58
mk500but I've only used the specialized distros (like MythBuntu)08:58
turtle_my basis is coming from Jeff's comment08:59
mk500my only concern on the eeepc would be that a lot of what you get over the air these days is pretty processor intensive09:00
mk500like over the air in US is ATSC....about 6GB MPEG2 file for 1 hour TV show09:00
mk500I'm not sure how it will be and downsampling the video on the fly (to fit the smaller screen)09:01
turtle_well apparently that one works fine09:01
turtle_just not digital so well09:01
turtle_but my main aim of it all anyway is to listen to radio09:01
mk500what is the standard where you are? DVB-T?09:02
mk500or are there still analog broadcasts? analog is the easiest for sure09:02
turtle_there is still analog09:03
turtle_digital is really only starting to take off now in australia09:03
mk500that's a good thing09:03
mk500as much fun as I have had playing around with HDTV......it's pretty bleeding edge for a lot of folks09:04
turtle_analog is still way better in my situation though; because if you get a sketchy analog signal it is still watchable albeit fuzzy, whereas if digital gets a sketchy signal it wont display at all09:04
mk500I spend a lot of time here in the US helping friends figure out how to recieve TV now that there is no more analog09:04
turtle_and of course my lil eeepc can't handle hdtv :-P09:04
mk500if AU is going the route of DVB-T and uses SDTV (basically DVD resolution) for more of the broadcasts...then your eeepc could work out nicely09:06
mk500but that whole sketchy analog signal issue really is a problem for sure09:06
turtle_yeah to be quite honest i haven't looked into the format that it is going as I haven't really cared until now09:14
turtle_mk500: mtpaint seems to be exactly what i'm after09:39
mk500excellent; I'm hackiing xorg.conf now...but will try it out after09:40
mk500sounds useful09:40
turtle_it's very handy, and if you read it's repo info, it's designed for a 200mhz cpu09:40
turtle_so I can safely remove gimp09:41
mk500that's a bunch of disk space too09:41
turtle_which is important when you only have 8gb :P09:42
turtle_and kpresenter is so much better than impress09:46
turtle_might have to try out the whole koffice suite09:47
turtle_it runs pretty fast too09:47
rahmuhey guys i need help. im having problems with flash. I use Firefox and when I stream a video, the sound comes out OK but the image remains still. Plus my laptop overheats like crazy. I checked out the system monitor, turns out Firefox is using up to 60% of CPU. Any suggestions? (I run Jaunty)09:50
mk500hehee; got my full resolution working.....that only took 2 hours.....gotta love xorg.conf10:07
turtle_you probably would of wasted those 2 hours anyway11:07
turtle_sheesh removing impress has freed up 240mb11:13
turtle_nope another 80mb11:15
turtle_so make that 32011:15
MadsRHHi. Has anyone got time to help with some xubuntu screenshots?13:36
knomejaunty or karmic?13:37
MadsRHknome: Hi again :-D I don't know - it doesn't really matter (i think).13:38
knomeMadsRH, for what use would you like those?13:38
MadsRHAdd step by step screenshots for each OS on the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto13:39
knomeMadsRH, iirc, brasero is the default for xubuntu also13:40
MadsRHknome: I'm trying to get it up to date and add a little more beginner friendliness, but I'm not running Xubuntu13:40
knomeMadsRH, so the steps are basically similar13:40
knomeMadsRH, also i think you'd want a as-close-to-default-theme-as-possible screenshot?13:41
MadsRHknome: right, just thought it would wierd to show the Gnome menu, Ubuntu theme and so on13:42
tehlordoes anyone know where to find the current keys to the e17 repository?15:01
vinnltehlor, where's the repository?15:02
tehlorvinnl: 1 sec15:03
tehlordeb http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu edgy e1715:04
tehlordeb-src http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu edgy e1715:04
vinnltehlor, where did you get that from? Mostly they'll list the keys there15:05
vinnltehlor, also, are you really using Xubuntu 6.10?15:05
tehloryeah, the keys where listed but can't be found15:05
tehlorand indeed, 6.1015:06
vinnlIt looks like the repo doesn't exist anymore either, probably because 6.10 is so old (it isn't even supported anymore by Ubuntu itself)15:06
tehloroh well. i fear updates15:06
tehlormaybe this old thing can handle one more15:06
vinnlI can't imagine how running an unsupported system is less likely to get you into trouble ;-)15:07
vinnlIf you fear updates you better run an LTS version, like 8.0415:07
tehlori'll have to look at the specs and make sure i can handle such a beast. maybe i'll jump all the way to 9.0415:08
vinnlHmm, well, 9.04 will be outdated sooner than 8.04, I think15:09
vinnlI'm not sure how long version 6.06 is supported, but it still is right now I believe, which is better than 6.10 ;-)15:10
tehlorhah. i need to bone up on the versioning system too ;-)15:11
vinnlHmm, yeah well, 6.10 is newer but not supported as long as 6.06 was :)15:12
ptframehi there17:21
ptframehow can i test if my audio works?17:21
vinnlptframe, you can try to play an audio file from the Examples folder17:22
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:22
ptframewell ya, but it's a brand new pc, don't have any audio files, is there any audio files in xubuntu cd itself?17:22
vinnlptframe, yes, as I said, the Examples folder17:23
vinnlIf it's not in your desktop, see /usr/share/example-content17:23
ptframevinnl, it's not there!!17:23
vinnlHmm, not sure if it's on an installed system17:24
ptframeit's not installed17:24
vinnlI think you can install the example-content package17:24
vinnlptframe, which version?17:24
ptframeI booted from it live17:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about example-content17:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about examples17:25
vinnlptframe, hmm, you could open Applications->System->Synaptic Package Manager and install example-content, if you've confiugred your network connection17:25
vinnlBut if so, you can also just download an audio file, of course17:26
vinnlI got to go, try http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tromboon-sample.ogg17:26
ptframeI found an audio file, which player can play it?17:29
ptframeok it's working17:29
ptframesee ya17:29
kbmaniac_After a power cut, xubuntu desktop and panels do not respond to right clicking, any ideas ?17:46
kbmaniac_plus I lost the application menu and a few other panel icons17:47
vinnlkbmaniac, have you tried rebooting? You never know ;-)18:03
kbmaniac_many times, + dpkg-reconfigure on several packages18:06
kbmaniac_sorted :), by freak coincidence the power cut happened at the same time my mouse button died !!!19:15
vinnlHaha xD19:15
kbmaniac_It was not till I booted to XP to see if a mp4 will play on media player and I realised ... no right click19:17
kbmaniac_..oh and no it doesn't, does media player actually manage to play any format !19:17
vinnlDon't you have to download a codec or something?19:18
kbmaniac_think so, problem is I have a mp4 movie I need to send to a company as part of a complaint, I don't think they are very tech savvy19:19
vinnlSend VLC along with it ;-)19:19
kbmaniac_So I have trief transcodeing it via ffmpeg to various formats, zip success19:19
kbmaniac_rather send a xubuntu disk ;)19:19
vinnlI must say, it's very cool Firefox 3.5 can now play Ogg, so you can send those files and tell people to play it in Firefox :)19:20
kbmaniac_might be an idea, but I bet they are running IE, there website has been down for weeks, there is no hope19:21
Joker_-_Help! Just installed Jaunty (Xubuntu) on a friend's computer (for the second time). Everything goes fine untill I reboot after updating. It looks like something goes wrong during the update as when XFCE loads, nothing happens. Xorg starts, I get a blue screen (background), the mouse cursor, but thats it. It doesnt do anything more and stayes there. Computer isnt loading or anything (I waited for 3 hours) and the consoles works fine. I tryed re-installing b22:05
vinnlJoker_-_, there's also no wallpaper?22:12
Joker_-_vinnl: nope22:14
Joker_-_I just tryed to stop gdm trough console and checker .xfce-errors file in user's directory22:14
Joker_-_it says there is no xfce-misc on display 0:022:14
Joker_-_don't know if it means much tho.22:15
Joker_-_then tryed to start xfce manually (startx) and the computer locked.22:15
knomeJoker_-_, removing ~/.cache should help, but it might be a one-off ease only.22:15
Joker_-_knome: yeah well I can try that... Imma install sshd first to see if the computer does lock or if it's just the keyboard/mouse that stops responding22:16
Joker_-_knome: removing the cahe didnt heled22:19
Joker_-_and the computer doesnt lock, it's just the keyboard, mouse and screen that doesnt do anything22:19
Joker_-_ssh still works22:19
Joker_-_cpu at 0% so nothing is loading22:20
Joker_-_no ideas22:27
Joker_-_I'm kinda stuck here22:27
Joker_-_I'm killing things but I can't get the screen back22:27
Joker_-_what's the minimum to keep in the user's directory for the desktop to load as a fresh install?22:29
Joker_-_a fresh ubuntu install that it22:29
knomeremove anything starting with a .22:30
Joker_-_lets say I remove everything?22:30
knomeshould be ok as well.22:31
knome*should* :)22:31
Joker_-_let's reboot that...22:33
Joker_-_nope, same thing22:34
Joker_-_no it loaded22:35
Joker_-_took forever but it did22:35
Joker_-_let's reboot and see...22:35
Joker_-_same stuff in ~/.xsession-errors but it's now getting to the desktop and everything looks fine22:38
Joker_-_strange, but as along as it works...22:38
Joker_-_thanks for the hints22:38
smogattackCan I get a free copy of xubuntu? without shipping costs?23:07
vinnlsmogattack, unfortunately, no, though you might contact your Local User Group to see if they can set you up with something if it's really necessary23:08
knomevinnl, ehm, actually23:09
knomeoh right.23:10
knomenothing. nevermind. :)23:10

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