
Adrian1hello is there anyone in here01:11
sbalneavEvening all04:23
dgroosEvening sbalneav04:25
dgroosa quick preview of the PS I just added to an edubuntu lists e-mail: "PS  Awesome that Sabayon is working--kudos to sbalneav and to LaserJock as well."04:25
dgroosI really mean it.  That will make a huge difference in the use of technology and education in my and the 2 other teachers who have their room setup.  Thanks.04:26
dgroosI'm just about to turn into a pumpkin but wanted to say that sabayon still seems to be functioning flawlessly--not a hiccup in the further tests :)04:27
sbalneavhighvoltage: Around?05:19
alkisgGood morning05:20
sbalneavEvening alkisg05:20
sbalneavJust squashed a few minor install bugs with sabayon05:21
sbalneavtrying to see if I can get highvoltage to sponsor an upload.05:21
alkisg"published 5 minutes ago" good :)05:21
sbalneavYeah, sabayon-admin user and group wasn't created --system05:21
sbalneavthere were a couple more bad format strings in mozillasource.py as well.05:22
alkisg"sponsor an upload" == where? in jaunty-updates?05:22
alkisg!info sabayon05:23
ubottusabayon (source: sabayon): system administration tool to manage GNOME desktop settings. In component main, is optional. Version 2.22.1-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 117 kB, installed size 3044 kB05:23
sbalneavI'll spend some time tomorrow, see if 2.27.91 with my fixes will work in hardy.05:24
sbalneavmake a hardy package05:24
alkisgIf it works as it is, you can just make a "hardy-copy" from your ppa05:24
alkisgThere's a "copy-packages" function, worked fine for me so far...05:25
sbalneavHm, never looked at that before.05:26
sbalneavShould give it a try05:26
alkisgThis way you don't have to maintain 3 different changelogs (hardy, jaunty, karmic)05:26
sbalneavThe following source cannot be copied:05:28
sbalneav* sabayon 2.27.91-0ubuntu5~ppa5 in jaunty (same version already has published binaries in the destination archive)05:28
alkisgSelect "hardy" for destination series05:28
sbalneavI did :(05:28
alkisgLet me copy it over to my ppa and see if it compiles...05:28
alkisgCopied here: https://launchpad.net/~alkisg/+archive/ppa05:30
sbalneavWell, we'll see if it compiles.05:30
alkisgI use "copy packages" a lot, to maintain an "updates" repository for greek teachers. In it, I copy ltsp* and xlib packages from stgraber's ppa, sabayon from yours, italc from edubuntu-devel etc: https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr/+archive/ppa05:31
alkisgsbalneav: failed: checking for intltool >= 0.40.0... 0.37.1 found05:36
alkisgconfigure: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.40.0 or later.05:36
sbalneavI'll look at it tomorrow.  Too tired tonight.05:37
alkisgOk man. Really good work, thanks :)05:37
sbalneavI'll probably just have to adjust some of the buildepends down.05:38
highvoltagesbalneav: good morning06:51
highvoltagesbalneav: I'm not a MOTU yet either, I'm currently also learning from stgraber06:52
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nubaehighvoltage, there?10:20
highvoltagenubae: yep. wondering about ltsp-cluster bugs?10:22
nubaethat too :-) heh10:34
nubaebut more... suggesting we set up a meeting10:34
nubaeits been a really long time, and I think it might be worth letting people know that edubuntu is not totally dead... people did seem to put an effort up for help and stuff10:35
nubaelaserjock is probably really busy, but that doesnt mean we can't do a meeting anyway10:35
highvoltageyou're right10:52
highvoltagemind suggesting a date/time?10:52
nubaehighvoltage, how about Thursday or Friday?11:22
nubaegives us enough time to gather people11:22
highvoltagenubae: that will work for me11:27
nubaecool, what time? and will u write to the list?11:44
highvoltagenubae: ok, afternoon UTC times are good. is 17:00 UTC good for you?11:49
sbalneavMorning all14:37
highvoltagemorning sbalneav14:38
sbalneavhighvoltage: Hey, can you upload packages in main?14:40
sbalneavHow do I go about getting what's in my ppa into karmic?14:40
highvoltagesbalneav: no, not because I don't want to, but I'm only going to apply for MOTU soon so I don't have the rights yet14:40
sbalneavI'll talk to ogra14:41
highvoltagesbalneav: ogra said he'll sponsor your packages, it would be best to give him a ping, but I'll be happy to help with anything else I can14:41
highvoltagesbalneav: if you have questions about the packages, etc14:41
sbalneavWell, last night I fixed another couple of bugs, related to install.14:47
sbalneavThe sabayon-admin user wasn't a --system user, so was conflicting for someone with ldap users.14:47
sbalneavAs well, purging the package removed the user, but not the sabayon group14:48
sbalneavogra: Ping over here in less noisy edubuntu channel :)16:44
sbalneavdgroos: Morning17:00
sbalneavNew packages in my ppa17:00
dgroosGood Morn, sgalneav17:00
sbalneavThey fix a couple of more mozilla crashers, as well as some install problems.17:00
sbalneavf you try it out, you'll need to apt-get purge sabayon before the install17:01
sbalneavand maybe manually remove the sabayon-admin group17:01
dgroosAwesome!  Thanks for your work.17:01
dgroosWill that remove the users I've created?17:01
dgroos--profiles I mean17:01
dgroosNot a problem, looks like I need to make the least-restrictive profile first, then copy it and make progressively more restrictive profiles.17:02
dgroosso, won't hurt to start afresh at all.17:03
sbalneavProfiles are stored in /etc/desktop-profiles, and since they're conffiles, they wont be deleted even with a purge.17:03
sbalneavIf you want to hose them, just delete them manually17:04
sbalneavI'm going to see if I can make a hardy package today.17:04
dgroosthat will make many people happy :)17:04
dgroosAs I said, I'll try and get the word out...  when?17:05
sbalneavWhen it appears in my ppa :)17:05
dgroosis there going to be a release party or something? ;)17:06
sbalneavPhht, doubt it.17:06
sbalneavwhen (and if) packages ever get out of my ppa into main, I'll just close the bugs.17:07
sbalneavSince I've fixed the bugs by basically moving to a new version of sabayon, I suspect my fixes will only ever "officially" get into karmic17:08
sbalneavwith hardy, jaunty, etc. people simply pulling updates from my ppa17:08
dgroosSeems like we need a new Sabayon page in the wiki -- where's ace_suares?17:09
sbalneavunless someone wants to go through the hassle of spearheading convincing someone to replace a non-working package in an LTS release with a working one, which, for whatever reason, always seems surprisingly hard.17:09
sbalneavI suspect we won't see him again.17:10
sbalneavI hope we do.  But....17:10
sbalneavmorning alkisg17:11
dgroosWhere's he hanging out?  I'd like to encourage his re-appearance...17:11
sbalneavNo idea.17:11
sbalneavMy suspicion is that he felt things weren't making rapid enough progress, and moved on.17:12
highvoltagewho? ogra?17:12
mhall119|worktoo bad, he seemed like he wanted to do so much17:14
mhall119|workI guess that's kind of how things have gone for edubuntu for a while though, hasn't it?17:14
dgroos"... like driving an ocean liner..."  Communities change due to sustained leadership and he was really doing stuff.17:15
highvoltageI can completely relate to people getting frustrated when things don't move fast enough. Edubuntu has lots of potential, but with current resources it's going to take a bit time to build up17:15
sbalneavI don't want to pass judgement on him, as he may just be on holidays, or busy with other projects... However...17:15
highvoltagemhall119|work: there were some terbulent times for edubuntu up until a few months back, and things stagnated yes17:15
sbalneavfrom my 15+ years as a Free Software Developer...17:15
highvoltagemhall119|work: we've been putting the pieces togeher and have been listening to our users more, this next release will be more like a 1.0 release again17:16
sbalneavThere are many people who come into projects, guns blazing, ready to "change the world" and "shake things up"17:16
highvoltagemhall119|work: but for karmic+1 and up I think we'll be able to really build on that and make a difference17:16
mhall119|workI'll try and get Michelle to go back to working on the documentation17:16
alkisgHi sbalneav, hi all17:17
mhall119|workwe've been pretty busy lately17:17
sbalneavTheir appearence is usualy accompanied by such musings as "Why are you doing things *this* way..." etc.17:17
highvoltagemhall119|work: by then we'll probably be able to get ace and similar people back on board17:17
highvoltagehi alkisg17:17
mhall119|workI have some Qimo packages in my PPA, that I'll be putting the final touches on soon17:17
sbalneavHowever, a month into realizing the herculean task that they've assigned themselves, they quietly peter away.17:17
highvoltagesbalneav: yes, I've noticed it too, they usually don't want to take the time to learn much about the project and its processes before contributing it17:17
sbalneavI hope he comes back.17:18
highvoltagesbalneav: and with something as big as ubuntu, as we both learned, those processes can take some time to learn17:18
sbalneavRemember that fellow who was here about 3 months back?  Did two weeks of filing bugs, then figured that should be enough to get full ubuntu membership and upload rights to main?17:19
* sbalneav looks around17:19
sbalneavWe voted on him and said "needs more time contributing".  Now, he's gone.17:19
sbalneavWell, for this upcoming release:17:20
sbalneavLTSP's in good shape.17:20
sbalneavSabayon's looking decent.17:20
sbalneavI have to start in work soon on the manuals.17:20
sbalneavAs well, I'd like to squash a few crashers on the edu aps.17:20
dgroosHow bout iTALC?  I can't get it to work!17:21
sbalneavNot on my radar.17:21
sbalneavFeel free to work on it17:21
alkisgitalc is in pretty well shape too, but I hope we get a 2.0 version soon with many upstream features17:21
dgroosLike Sabayon, it's one of the few must-have apps for managing a class of computers17:21
dgroosalkisg: for Jaunty does it work?  What magic did you perform?17:22
alkisgLns also said his tcm-ng (something like italc) is going to be working soonish17:22
mhall119|workdoes Sabayon have a method of applying profiles to newly created accounts?17:23
alkisgdgroos: I just did sudo apt-get install italc-master. Nothing, nothing else.17:23
dgroosHow do I *completely* remove it so I can start over?  I've a feeling there might be some old config files or something that's 'polluting the waters'.17:24
alkisgdgroos: Are you going to use it normally (=on the server), or as a localapp?17:24
dgroosIdeally, it would be as a localapp, but I can't get it to work on the server so...17:25
alkisgOK if you want I might be able to help you in troubleshooting this some time later on.17:27
dgroosalkisg: thanks so much. I'll first try to remove those config files and reinstall and get back to you as needed :)17:29
dgroosMorning Lns.17:35
Lnsmorning dgroos =)17:35
sbalneavLns: tcm-ng, is there a bzr site or ppa somewhere?17:38
Lnssbalneav: yes, should be on lp17:39
Lnslp:tcm-ng ?17:40
sbalneavLns: Who's Rene?17:44
Lnssbalneav: moldy - you can meet him in #lns17:44
Lnsoh actually he's in #ltsp too17:45
sbalneavWas he just looking for a project to do, or is he actively using LTSP?17:45
sbalneavCan't remember who suggested it, but there was a good suggestion of having a meta package like "ltsp-management-tools" that installed things like tcm-ng and sabayon.17:47
sbalneavmight be worth looking into at some point.17:47
Lnssbalneav: yeah that was me17:53
Lnsmoldy is working on tcm right now, dunno if he's up for any other projects, you can always ask :)17:53
Lnssbalneav: i know moldy is looking at debian packaging, maybe we can get him to whip something together :)17:55
Lnssbalneav: i know you mentioned it before - are you going to try and make a hardy package at some point? if so, I will definitely test it as i have multiple sites using it still and the techs would eat it up like little candy penguins ;)18:04
mottzI am experiencing an issue with ldm_autologin much like bug#161794 except using 5.1.65-0ubuntu2. Has anyone else encountered this?18:37
alkisgmottz: try to get a local terminal on the client, run getltscfg -a and see if LDM_USERNAME / LDM_PASSWORD etc reach the client18:41
mottzThey reach the client.18:46
alkisgCan you upload the result of getltscfg -a to pastebot.ltsp.org? (of course delete the username/pass if you want)18:47
mottzwhat is really strang is the auth.log from the server. Seems ldm is logging in with the hostname and not the username in lts.conf19:09
detrixHello folks.  I cant get gcompris or gcompris admin to start.  I am getting the following error "no module named 'Numeric' in 'garbage collection' ignored      Fatal Error: unexpected exception during garbage collection.19:10
Lnsdetrix: interesting..what *buntu release are you on?19:11
detrixLns: I have jaunty  9.0419:12
Lnsdetrix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcompris/+bug/32891719:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328917 in gcompris "GCompris core dumps at load time in kubuntu jaunty jackalope (alpha 3)" [Undecided,New]19:13
Lnsdetrix: have you updated the whole system? I've used gcompris in jaunty recently and it seemed to work fine19:14
detrixeverything is up to date.19:14
alkisgmottz: LMD_USERNAME="kroom" ==> typo19:14
alkisgLDM, not LMD19:14
Lnsdetrix: looks like you can 'sudo apt-get install python-numeric' to fix the issue as a workaround19:15
detrixLns: ok.  cool.  thanks19:16
detrixLns: it works.  thanks alot19:17
sbalneavLns: I'm going to look at hardy packages this evening.19:17
Lnsdetrix: =)19:17
Lnssbalneav: cool!19:17
sbalneavI'm hoping I just have to downgrade some builddeps, current packages need intltool 0.4.0, but hardy only has 0.3.719:18
sbalneavI can't see that sabayon's doing anything special that wouldn't work on an older gnome.19:18
Lnsnice. well i'll keep a look out for it on your ppa then start testing here at my site when it's up =)19:23
mottzalkisg: Thanks I updated lmd ==>ldm.19:24
alkisgmottz: everything works now?19:24
mottzNow I get kernel panic19:24
alkisgHmm? And you didn't get that before, and you do now by only changing lmd => ldm? ?!!!!19:24
mottzyeah, if I comment out ldm_autologin, it works fine19:25
alkisgWhen do you get the kernel panic? And what does it say?19:27
mottzafter boot splash19:28
alkisgThat doesn't sound related to ldm_autologin... What does it say?19:29
mottzAlright. I testd it with autologin commented. Logged in with kroom, restarted with autologin enabled and it worked. No kernel panic...19:31
mottzMaybe the client machine or nic. dell demention 4100 PXE v 2.0019:32
mottzThanks for you help. It's never the computer's fault!19:33
alkisgSure it is, many bugs around :)19:33
alkisgMost of the times I see kernel panic during the boot process it's 2 dhcp servers around19:33
alkisgSo if the wrong dhcp server is selected the ltsp server isn't contacted19:34
mottzI used alt 9.04 ubuntu install and then installed the edu addon.19:34
mottzsrry keep using the wrong key board19:35
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mhall119|workwhere's LaserJock?20:49
highvoltagehe's inbetween internet connections atm, busy moving20:51
mhall119|workhighvoltage: they're looking for someone from edubuntu in #ubuntu-meeting20:54
sbalneavI can go20:59
highvoltagesbalneav: I told you this morning that I'm not a MOTU yet :)21:05
sbalneavyeah, forgot.21:05
sbalneavonce I get an idear in my head, it's hard to shift.21:05
nubaehighvoltage, so meeting Friday 17.00 utc?21:06
nubaejust mentioned it to sbalneav21:06
sbalneavOld age, I expect.21:06
highvoltagestgraber says that I'm about ready to apply, I'll do so soon21:06
highvoltagenubae: ok, will send to list, it slipped my mind. I guess I'm also getting old :)21:06
sbalneavnubae: from my point of view here's what I've accomplished:21:06
sbalneav1) Sabayon's working now, had several good reports21:06
nubaeoh nice, I'll give it whirl tomorrow at work then...21:07
sbalneav  1a) Apparently, I'm not only an upstream now for sabayon, debian wants me to take over packaging for sabayon there too :)21:07
nubaeinclude it in guadalinex21:07
mhall119|worksbalneav: nice!21:07
sbalneav2) ltsp-docs are fairly complete, and vagrantc in #ltsp's helping me with some packaging, which we can steal from.21:08
sbalneav3) Later this week I'll start working on the edubuntu handbook21:08
nubaeyeah, that needs some loving, I can help out with that too21:08
sbalneavonce that's done, I'll squash any bugs I can in edu apps before time runs out.21:08
* nubae has been busy with a python app to create lesson plans, called pyclic... similar to jclic21:09
sbalneavIf Lns gets a tcm-ng going, even in ppa form for karmic, we should be in good shape21:09
nubaeone uploads an image, points and clicks on the image to place buttons with numbers, and those correspond to labels, which the user then needs to guess...21:09
highvoltagesbalneav: great21:10
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highvoltagesbalneav: it's really nice to see the progress on sabayon21:10
nubaeso its like have a repetoire of lesson plans for different subjects (kind of a fill in the blanks and name the objects)21:10
nubaeeverything is in xml, so can be send via xmpp for collaboration using telepathy framework... thats the end goal21:11
nubaeyeah karmic will have some nice additions21:11
nubaeI hope to have my app ready for then too - the xmpp collaboration stuff I guess21:12
nubaebut from what I hear empathy is going to be the default messaging client now, which is cool21:12
nubaealso... we have latest sugar working now... so we should make sure that makes it into karmic too21:14
highvoltagesounds cool21:16
Lnssbalneav: i think at the very least a ppa for karmic will be doable21:52
dgroosAlong with help from jimrockford I'm trying to make CmapTools work as a local app--it stopped working a couple weeks ago and have yet to get it to work.  Are the LTSP people the group to talk about localapps?22:14
nubaedgroos, yes22:49
nubaehow did it stop working though? explain a little, maybe we can help22:49
dgroosOn an upgrade of the chroot.  For a while the ltsp-localapps command wasn't working on anything, though now it is.22:53
dgroosnubae: thanks, BTW, for your offer of help,  I'm unfortunately at my school setting up my room--first day back at school--and have the server set up at my house.22:55
dgroosdo I recall that you are in Germany?22:55
dgrooswait, that would mean that it would be around 2:00 AM :)22:55
nubaeits 12 am actually22:56
dgroosreally!  I don't have a good sense of time zones outside of US and GB where my sister lives.22:59
nubaeanyway, wahts the problem?22:59
alkisgLns, did you try sabayon for hardy?22:59
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nubaealkisg, we have a edubuntu meeting on Friday 17.00 utc23:01
nubaehopefully u can make it?23:01
nubaepresent u're idea too23:01
alkisgnubae: saw it, I hope I will. Will you apply for edubuntu member?23:01
dgroosWell, CmapTools is not open source/GNOME software though it is free-ware for schools and non-business users.23:01
nubaeI applied almost a year ago23:01
alkisgYeah but you lost a couple of meetings where they were to approve it :)23:01
nubaethink its a formality that edubuntu council has to be there or something23:01
nubaeI would hope I am approved23:01
dgroosAnyway, no longer does ltsp-localapps CmapTools launch the software.23:02
nubaeyeah guess I was sorta absent :/23:02
alkisgI was in 2 meetings where laserjock was asking on your whereabouts, and said that they could not approve you if you weren't there in person...23:02
nubaewell, its no massive deal23:02
alkisgSure, still it'll be nice to have another edubuntu member23:02
alkisgnubae@ubuntu.com .... heh :)23:03
nubaeso... did u do a write up of your project some place?23:03
nubaelaunchpad or so?23:03
alkisgWhich one?23:03
nubaeor u think drbl is too close a competitor?23:03
nubaethe one u mentioned to me the other day23:04
Lnsalkisg: haven't yet - is it in scottie's ppa now for hardy?23:04
alkisgAh that one. No, I didn't write it anywhere, I'm trying to make it a little better23:04
alkisgLns, yup23:04
nubaewell if u write it up, others can chip in their 2 cents23:04
Lnscool =) I'll probably check it out either in about an hour or tomorrow in the afternoon (it's 3:00pm here)23:04
nubaeby others I include myself I guess23:04
alkisgnubae: I'm able to boot correctly with nfs rw, but I'm having some problems with nfs ro (=keyboard/mouse doesn't work - maybe some consolekit dir isn't writable)23:04
nubaegreetings Lns btw23:04
* Lns greets nubae =)23:05
alkisgnubae: I've talked with ogra about it, though23:05
nubaeLns, u be at meeting?23:05
nubaeand what'd he say?23:05
Lnsit's in my sunbird =)23:05
nubaehe'd have interesting input23:05
alkisgWell he told me it's doable, but he'd prefer to either do it with an ltsp-based script, or by reusing the livecd23:06
nubaeyeah, kinda what I thought too23:06
nubaeu could look at kiwi too23:06
nubaebut thats suse only I guess23:07
alkisgBut I don't want a chroot, nor a squashfs image, so... I'll have to implement it from scratch23:07
nubaebut easiest would be to use ltsp, then u could just hack my scripy23:07
alkisgI looked at opensuse studio. Nice, but I can't use it to integrate 3 Gb of apps23:07
alkisgSure, ltsp would be the easier for development, but not for the users23:08
nubaei don't quite understand why u dislike chroots so much :-)23:08
alkisgBecause all the existing gui administration tools can't be used in chroot23:08
nubaere: susestudio... y not?23:08
nubaealso... kiwi is not susestudio... thats different23:08
nubaethough susestudio uses kiwi technology23:09
alkisgI think they'll only enable me to upload files by the web interface, and not 3 Gb of files that I want to integrate...23:09
nubaebut suse ltsp uses it too for example23:09
dgroosjimrockford tried lots of stuff, including writing the absolute path to the executable /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/IHMC_CmapTools/bin/CmapTools into lts.conf...23:09
nubaesure u can... I know projects with more than 3 gigs23:09
nubaethe edu project has close to 3 gigs23:09
alkisgnubae: kiwi is based on images, right? So it would be pretty much like a chroot23:09
nubaemore like a livecd23:10
nubaenot a chroot23:10
dgrooscreated a file named cmap.desktop by coping and pasting code found at: http://wiki.k12opensource.com/page/diff/Cmap/77929541?mode=visual23:10
nubaedgroos, what happens when u launch?23:10
dgroosit doesn't launch...23:11
nubaefrom suse's pages:23:11
alkisgnubae: well, the same problems go for live cds as well. Difficult for the teachers to upgrade/customize etc. Good for preinstalled "appliances", but not for everyday use.23:11
nubaeKIWI is an image system that provides a complete operating system image23:11
nubaeit uses smart for package installation23:12
nubaethat at least is gui based23:12
nubaesmart is actually a pretty nice package manager... I did some translation work for their project23:13
nubaevery cross platform23:13
alkisgYeah images are a level of redirection that I'd like to avoid. If I try for some days and that won't get me anywhere, then I'll start looking at the other alternatives.. (with your fat clients script = the first to look)23:13
nubaeif kiwi were more cross platform, it would be a nice alternative23:14
Lns+1 nubae23:15
nubaeits kind of an image, but a managable one23:15
alkisgI don't know. It's still based on images.23:15
alkisgYou need different tools to manage it23:15
alkisgWhy duplicate all the tools, and force the users to learn 2 tools for the same jobs?23:15
nubaebecause suse likes reinventing the wheel23:16
nubaebut usually in a good way23:16
alkisgHeh. True. :)23:16
alkisgIt'd be better if they did it in a more cross-distro way, though23:16
dgroosjumping in... I want an image of an edubuntu ltsp w/localapps already set up so that all I have to do use clonezilla to burn it onto my machine.23:16
nubaethere is a diagram there that explains it23:16
nubaeit uses xml files for configuration, which is cool because then u could use all kinds of tools to manage it23:17
alkisgI'm still waiting for the "cross-distro version of easy-ltsp" :)23:17
nubaeheh, well keep waiting23:17
dgroosI wouldn't have had to spend all summer to make an image of a server that I can use.23:17
nubaeone problem with opensuse folks is, they are moving forward fast and not really in any direction but their own23:17
Lnsdgroos: hopefully soon in the future we'll be taking a look at easy-LTSP and hoping to get it a bit more cross distro23:18
Lns"soon in the future" being the operative word, after we feel really good about tcm :)23:19
alkisgnubae: http://lizards.opensuse.org/2009/06/02/coming-soon-on-the-servers-near-you-easy-ltsp-ng/23:19
dgroosREALLY easy ltsp/localapps?23:19
alkisgLns, did you take the -ng from them? :)23:19
Lnslol, no, they took it from us actually ;)23:20
dgroosI mean not easy for experienced linux folks, but tech-knowledgeable but linux newbies?23:20
Lnsit was weird, it was literally like a week after we announced we were picking up tcm that they announced easy-ltsp-ng =p23:20
nubaewell, I've looked at and used easy ltsp and its really really suse specific23:20
nubaeIts no easy job making it cross distro23:20
Lnshonestly i don't like the gui for it, it looks very cluttered to me..but jmho23:21
nubaeand that announcement was 4 months ago23:21
nubaei doubt anything happened since then23:21
Lnsnubae: you know where they're at with that? (Jan I guess is the only current maintainer?)23:21
nubaeI havent heard anything on the channel, and I lurk there daily23:22
nubaecyberorg is really the worker bee23:22
Lnsit seemed jan was really into making it x-dist23:23
nubaeso unless he's involved, it'll take a while23:23
Lnswas going to code in python and all23:23
Lnsoh well..i guess we'll keep plugging along with TCM and see where we're at when the time comes to provide that kind of functionality23:23
nubaeI would code something from scratch in python specifically for ubuntu/debian23:23
nubaewell, probably an extension to what u are doing23:24
Lnsyeah, we're still kind of discussing how much functionality we're going to keep in the main codebase as opposed to plugins23:24
nubaemain.py hasnt been touched for 2 months23:24
nubaeso there ya go...23:25
* Lns shrugs :) We're getting a lot done w/TCM, VNC seems to be working, we've cleaned up all of the codebase, it's really coming along, it's exciting :)23:25
Lnsyanqui is working on UI changes right now to make things a lot easier to get to23:26
Lnsall this with no chroot changes ;)23:26
Lns(yet) heh23:26
nubaenice one... I've been grinding my teeth on python with an educational app (basically upload an image, point and click on the  image to place labels, and then name those labels, then the student gets a version of the imagen with the labels blanked out which he has to fill in)23:26
nubaeusing telepathy, students then enter a kind of name the object quiz23:27
Lnssounds useful!23:27
nubaeeach quiz is stored in xml (even image in base64)23:27
nubaeso files can be transfered via xmpp easily or stored on websites, etc23:28
dgroosTCM-NG coming along, cool!  Are you including FreeNX code?  NX is amazing VNC.23:28
nubaeI calculate another 2 weeks, and it'll be finished23:28
Lnsdgroos: no, nx isn't really going to be the way to go for the short term at least..we can turn on vnc (vino) directly via gconf as it is so it's much easier to implement23:28
nubaeits kind of like a very simple lesson plan creator, which teacher can create in matter of minutes23:29
nubaefor any subject matter23:29
alkisgLns: will need some patching about the vino port in an LTSP environment, though23:29
Lnsnubae: good luck on that, keep us posted =)23:29
nubaethink of school when u had to name the parts of a flower for example, by filling in the parts in an image23:29
Lnsalkisg: ?23:29
alkisgLns, you can't have 10 users using port 5900 in the same server23:29
alkisgSo they'd have to use 5900, 5901, 5902 etc23:30
nubaethat sounds like an easy enough patch though23:30
alkisgHave a look at ica-launcher and italc-launcher, stgraber even uses avahi to publish the service on the network23:30
* alkisg thinks all this dev power would be better invested in italc :-/23:31
nubaewell, isnt italc sort of a finished product?23:31
nubaelns project is more ltsp specific I take it23:32
alkisgNo, italc needs some improvement. E.g. there's only one dev, and he's looking to use a vnclib instead of directly using vnc for speed reasons, but he doesn't have too much free time...23:33
alkisgAlso, it operates in mixed os environments, which is nice23:33
alkisgHere are some of the things he's done/will be doing for italc 2.0: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=200812281333.43713.tobias.doerffel@gmail.com&forum_name=italc-devel23:38
Lnsnubae: tcm is definitely a bit more thin-client geared23:49
Lnsbut it would work with any system using local X (multi-user systems)23:50
Lnsuser sessions on same box that is23:50
sbalneavEvening all23:50
alkisgHi sbalneav23:51
Lnshey scottie =)23:51
dgroosgotta go--see you around (so to say)23:53
Lnsalkisg: tcm-ng dynamically allocates ports for vnc23:53
alkisgLns: nice!23:54
Lnsbasically when you request to view/control a user session it turns on vino via gconf then connects..so that way it doesn't even waste resources using vnc while you're not connecting to it :)23:57
Lnsand is a bit more "secure"23:57
alkisgWill that work with localapps?23:59
alkisg...because I think gconf and localapps don't mix well :-/23:59

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