
* ryanakca agrees about the logos00:30
JontheEchidnanew kdevplatform fixes things00:42
ScottKjussi01: Trying to make sure Quassel highlights worked OK with plasma-netbook.01:14
ScottKThey do.01:14
shtylmanI think the kubuntu logo could be the ubuntu logo with different colors03:20
shtylmanand no kogs03:20
* ScottK likes it the way it is.03:23
* shtylman agrees :)03:25
* yuriy wonders how long Riddell took coming up with it03:25
* shtylman likes to think god spoke through riddel to make it03:26
ScottKlex79: I just uploaded Debian's akonadi-googledata to Karmic.04:49
lex79\o/ thank you :)04:49
ScottKThanks for reminding me.04:52
=== Guest76973 is now known as santiago-ve
Riddellshtylman: the logo was done by the chap who does konqi the dragon10:18
Riddellneversfelde: koffice 2.1 beta is available if you want to take it10:44
taavikkowithout searching: is it known bug that apport is failing in karmic?11:08
taavikkopython2.6 seems crashing during startup that causes apport to fail11:11
Riddelltaavikko: yeah python2.6 is on my list of things to look at today11:23
taavikkoRiddell: ok, thanks, just got worried :)11:24
=== xerosis_ is now known as xerosis
Riddellfabo: how does this look to you? http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu.mk13:19
Riddell_Sime: you just tought me a new ccTLD :)13:21
RiddellJontheEchidna: amarok uploaded13:39
ghostcubedamn i had could bet there was TB3 in universe13:42
agateauRiddell \o/13:45
Riddellagateau: ken doesn't seem to have got round to packaging the libindicate update so no kmail patches uploaded yet :(13:46
agateauRiddell: oh13:46
agateauRiddell: I just updated it and got r32513:47
agateauRiddell: so it should be good13:47
Riddellagateau: still 319 in the archive https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-applet13:49
agateauRiddell: mmm maybe this come from a ppa13:49
* agateau checks13:49
Riddellapt-cache policy libindicate2  will know13:51
agateauRiddell: comes from dx team ppa :/13:51
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
neversfeldeRiddell: I can have a look at koffice this evening14:32
Riddellhi bakkdoor15:06
bakkdoori'm working as an intern at intevation gmbh, which is part of the kolab konsortium ( http://www.kolab-konsortium.de/ ) and i'm currently working on a ubuntu package of kontact enterprise 3.5. i was wondering if there is a package like this already out there (I could not find one) and if it would make sense to integrate the package to the official ubuntu repository.15:10
bakkdooror in general, i'd like to know how the best way of getting in contact with the ubuntu community would be.15:12
Riddellbakkdoor: here is a pretty good place to get in contact with the Kubuntu contributors15:13
Riddellbakkdoor: kontact enterprise is KDE 3 still?15:13
bakkdoorthat's what I thought ;)15:13
bakkdoorkontact enterprise 3.5 is15:13
bakkdoorthere is also enterprise 4, which is kde415:14
bakkdoorbut for now i'm dealing with e3.5. e4 might follow soon15:14
Riddellbakkdoor: there's no package currently, of course we used to have kdepim from KDE 3 packaged including patches from the enterprise branch15:14
bakkdoorRiddell: alright. well i have a version working for hardy. we chose hardy as a first system, since it's LTS. but once I have this fully covered, I'll also work on a package for the newer versions15:16
Riddellbakkdoor: groovy, are you planning to put it in a PPA?15:17
yuriyhardy probably had kontact 3.5.10 enterprise, no?15:19
bakkdoori have the currently build packages available for installation via apt-get15:19
bakkdoorthe url is: http://files.kolab.org/apt/ubuntu/15:19
bakkdooryuriy: yes, correct15:19
bakkdooryuriy: reason for choosing hardy was also, because we have a stable debian etch version and the kdelibs was nearly the same to hardy.15:20
bakkdoorwould be great, if anyone willing to try them out, would do so and give some feedback, as I'm still new to the whole packaging system etc. but i'm willing to learn ;)15:21
bakkdoorRiddell: by ppa, you mean publishing it at launchpad?15:23
Riddellbakkdoor: yes, publishing it yourself is fine too but a PPA will give you a build daemon for that extra certainty that it builds correctly15:24
bakkdoorRiddell: ah ok, cool. well if that is the preferred way, I will talk to my boss. we want to make it as easy as possible for ubuntu users to use the enterprise package.15:24
Riddellbakkdoor: packaging looks fine at a glance15:29
Riddellthere's no ./configure file, where is the autofoo stuff run?15:29
ScottKbakkdoor: You should know that Hardy is not LTS for Kubuntu.  KDE support expires in October of this year.15:33
bakkdoorScottK: oh, really? good to know. what is the latest LTS for kubuntu then?15:33
ScottKFor Kubuntu it's pretty pointless to deal with anything other than kDE4.15:33
ScottKThere isn't one.15:34
ScottK10.04 will be our next opportunity.15:34
jjessejust the next lts15:34
ScottKbakkdoor: I think our kolab server packages are not in good shape either.  If someone were interested in helping out with that, it would be very useful.15:35
bakkdoorScottK: alright, thanks for the info. then I guess working on 9.04 would make more sense then?15:35
bakkdoorScottK: ok. i'll mention it to my boss.15:35
ScottKbakkdoor: Or depending on your timeline, maybe 9.10.15:36
bakkdoorRiddell: i don't really know, why ./configure file is missing. it is in my work directory. maybe i missed something?15:36
bakkdoorScottK: problem is, that i'm only going to be here up to middle of october. but I'll see what i can do15:37
Riddellbakkdoor: that's why a PPA is nice, to make sure the package builds and it's not just a fluke on your machine :)15:37
bakkdoorScottK: our final plan is to set up a automated build and release system so that there are always ubuntu packages of the latest stable version out there15:38
bakkdoorRiddell: true :)15:38
ryanakcaRiddell: Do you have an upgrade app you want tested?15:41
Riddellryanakca: you're doing a jaunty to karmic upgrade?15:41
Riddellryanakca: you can try  update-notifier-kde -d15:42
RiddellI don't know if anyone else has tried it this cycle so it may well explide15:42
ryanakcaRiddell: Well, it fails on "W: Failed to fetch http://mirror.noreply.org/pub/tor/dists/karmic/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404 Not Found15:44
Riddellryanakca: is that the mirror you're using?15:45
ryanakca" ... Maybe have a "Would you like to ignore this line" instead of telling me I have network issues and quitting?15:45
ryanakcaRiddell: Well, it's one of them, to get the latest tor. We know it's a 404 (so we know it isn't a network issue, we can contact it and get the 404), so maybe say "This repository may not have packages for $RELEASE, would you like to ignore it?"15:46
* ryanakca realizes he just repeated himself15:46
Riddellit normally disabled all but the main ubuntu repositories15:48
bakkdoorRiddell: do you have any hint for what i should do to fix the problem of the autoconf files missing? do i need to add these files somewhere so they get into the package as well?15:49
faboRiddell: http://pastebin.com/m359754de15:49
ryanakcaRiddell: Also, is it written for Qt3 or something? It looks... old, compare the look of the two windows on http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/old-look.png15:50
Riddellbakkdoor: you generate them with   make -f debian/rules buildprep16:00
Riddellryanakca: it's using Qt 4's built in theme16:01
Riddellfabo: ooh thanks16:01
bakkdoorRiddell: isn't that step done automatically when calling debuild ?16:02
Riddellbakkdoor: it can be if you turn on the right variable, I havn't touched KDE 3 packaging in so long I don't remember what that variable is16:04
RiddellDEB_KDE_CVS_MAKE := yes16:04
Riddellthat's the one16:04
Riddellbakkdoor: so all is well16:04
bakkdoorRiddell: ah ok thanks16:06
bakkdoorhm it seems that i have that within my rules file.16:08
ryanakcaRiddell: http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/error-update.png is the box with the network issue message and the 404 one.16:08
bakkdoorRiddell: any idea, what else could cause this problem?16:18
Riddellbakkdoor: well it's not a probklem16:18
Riddellif they get generated during the package build that's fine16:19
bakkdoorRiddell: so its not a problem that the files are missing?16:20
Riddellbakkdoor: no16:23
bakkdoorRiddell: ok, good to know. thanks.16:24
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rgreeningTonio_: k3b packaging question? toolame and kdebase-kio-plugins are listed in Suggests (but neither exist).16:53
rgreeningTonio_: should toolame be replaced by lame? and not sure what the kio is replaced by (if anything).16:53
Tonio_rgreening: hum old stuff that should be removed... I have to upload another fix today, I'll fix this :)16:54
rgreeningkk. cool man :)16:54
=== dantti_ is now known as dantti
rickspencer3Riddell: I'm just finishing a call17:00
ryanakcargreening: Feel like uploading what you got done in the Dooble package somewheres please?17:03
Riddellagateau, davidbarth: about?17:03
rickspencer3Riddell: I think davidbarth may have another meeting now :( ?17:03
Riddellhe did accept the invite17:04
agateauRiddell: I feel like I am missing something17:04
Riddellagateau: meeting to discuss xsplash equivalent in Kubuntu17:04
rickspencer3Riddell: I'm here and off the phone17:04
rickspencer3Riddell: what is the current status?17:05
Riddellrickspencer3: we need to get KDM to start and stop ksplashx at the apprioriate time17:05
Riddelldavidbarth mentioned agateau may be able to help with it17:05
davidbarthRiddell: hi17:05
davidbarthRiddell: yes, sorry unplanned meeting that i have to attend17:06
davidbarthRiddell, agateau: on irc, in this channel, right?17:06
davidbarthRiddell: bratsche is here too17:07
Riddellhi bratsche17:07
Riddellagateau: do you know anything about this, and are you willing/able to work on itso if davidbarth agrees, are you able to look into this?17:08
Riddellhmm, two sentences in one there but you get the idea :)17:08
agateauRiddell: don't know much, but I count on bratsche can update me17:08
agateauas for being able to work on this, it depends on the deadline17:09
rickspencer3Riddell: agateau: does Kubuntu even need xsplash?17:09
rickspencer3does it solve a problem for Kubuntu, or just create a problem?17:09
bratscheYeah, that's what I'm wondering.17:09
agateaubratsche: can you summarize the reason for xsplash?17:10
agateaus/for/for creating/17:10
bratscheagateau: I can summarize part of it.  The other part I kind of don't really get, it seems pointless to me.17:10
bratscheagateau: The part that makes sense is that we're starting X earlier and not displaying usplash, so we need something to display before the gdm greeter.17:11
bratscheSo we show a full-screen window with an Ubuntu logo and a throbber moving back and forth, and not a progress bar since historically system startup progress bars are not very accurate.17:11
rickspencer3xsplash provides feedback that the computer is booting, and covers for gdm and gnome as they set themselves up17:11
bratscheAnd once we receive a signal from gdm that it is loaded then we hide xsplash.17:11
Riddellbratsche: what's the part that seems pointless to you?17:12
agateaubratsche: so without xsplash you get a blank screen until gdm shows up, that's it?17:12
bratscheagateau: Yes, I think so.17:12
bratscheRiddell: After the user logs in then we show xsplash again until the desktop is loaded, and when it receives signals from gnome-panel and nautilus then xsplash hides again.17:13
rickspencer3bratsche: right, that's to make the experience look better17:13
Riddellwe have that part already with ksplashx17:13
agateaubratsche: it replaces GNOME splash screen then17:13
rickspencer3instead of watching gnome load the desktop slowly, and not being able to click, xsplash fades into a functional desktop17:13
agateauRiddell: that was what I was thinking17:14
rickspencer3Riddell: is it possible to simply deliver Kubuntu with the Jaunty boot experience?17:15
bratscheThis part ends up being tricky to get it very smooth, and I'm still trying to fix things up with various XComposite related hacks.17:15
rickspencer3(we can ask if we *want to * next)17:15
Riddellon whether we want this, it's nice to have a quick bootup so if X/KDM can be made to startup sooner that would be nice17:15
Riddelland in the worst case if we don't have a splash it's only a few seconds until the greeter loads anyway17:16
bratscheRiddell: Well, basically everything that was starting behind usplash is now starting behind X on Karmic.  It will supposedly start faster, but there is still some time there.17:16
bratscheSo that's kind of the issue for the first half of the splash.17:16
bratscheX will be started as soon as is possible.17:17
bratsche(please correct me if I'm wrong, someone)17:17
Riddellbratsche, Keybuk: will X continute to be started as part of GDM or started separately?17:17
rickspencer3but xsplash has some weird gnomish dependencies?17:18
bratschexsplash is written in gtk+.  I could have just written it in Xlib directly, but writing it in gtk+ was faster.17:18
rickspencer3so xsplash is essentially a non-starter for Kubuntu as presently written, correct?17:19
agateauinterestingly, ksplashx does not even depend on Qt :)17:19
Riddellbut the hard part is the *DM integration rather than an app which shows a pretty picture17:19
bratscheYeah, I know.  But it would have taken me longer to write xsplash using Xlib.17:19
rickspencer3if ksplashx does not depend on Qt, then it's not really "k" is it?17:19
KeybukRiddell: X is started by the display manager17:20
Keybukthe display manager by Upstart17:20
agateaurickspencer3: it just happens to be kde splash screen, but it was written to be lean and mean17:20
agateau(there is even asm in it)17:20
Riddellrickspencer3: right, the KDE and Qt dependencies were all removed because the point is to start immediately not once half the libraries have loaded anyway17:20
rickspencer3agateau: so could Ubunutu not use it in place of xsplash?17:20
rickspencer3bratsche: ^17:20
Riddellprobably but it doesn't matter much which splash is used, as I say the important point is getting it started17:21
bratscherickspencer3: We would have to hack it up to support the signals we want, and we'd have to do a bunch of testing.  If we want to do that, fine.17:21
Riddelland GDM has a nice init system which I think KDM doesn't17:21
bratscherickspencer3: I've never looked at it.17:21
rickspencer3probably too late, then17:21
rickspencer3what happens if the display manager does not start xsplash, just a blank screen until kdm?17:21
ScottKIf it's fast enough it doesn't matter.17:22
rickspencer3ScottK: right17:22
agateauwho is responsible for starting xsplash?17:22
Riddellagateau: GDM does17:22
bratschegdm init scripts.17:22
Keybukrickspencer3: blank screen until kdm / appearing desktop during auto-login17:22
Riddellit's in /etc/gdm/Init/Default17:23
bratsche/etc/gdm/Init/Default and /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default17:23
Riddellwhich I guess is the first thing GDM runs before loading itself17:23
rickspencer3ScottK, Riddell would a blank screen be ok?17:23
KeybukRiddell: gdm/Init is what GDM runs to display the greeter17:23
Keybukgdm/PreSession is what GDM runs for the user's session17:23
ScottKHow long are we talking?17:23
rickspencer3but for Kubuntu, we would need something to run, as well as something to start up that thing17:24
rickspencer3unless we go with a blank screen17:24
ScottKIt seems to me I get to KDM pretty darn fast on my mini 10v.17:24
KeybukscottK: no idea, we'd need to see bootcharts17:24
ScottKOK.  I can do some boot charts tonight.17:24
* ScottK needs to focus on $WORK for the next several hours.17:24
rickspencer3bye bye ScottK ;)17:25
rickspencer3so perhaps a feasible fall back is to do nothing17:25
Keybukfor comparison, the GNOME session (auto-login) currently takes 13s to start17:25
ScottKConveniently I have the reference system for boot speed testing. ;-)17:25
Keybukwhile the GDM Greeter session currently takes around 5s to start17:25
ScottKThe times to care about are: start to KDM start and KDM start to desktop?17:26
ScottKWhat then?17:26
KeybukX "ready" to KDM Greeter ready17:26
KeybukX "ready" to KDE Desktop ready17:26
Keybukthe usual way to tell when X is ready is when the first process with $DISPLAY set is run17:26
agateaukdm has a Xsetup script which is run before showing the greeter17:26
ScottKI'll see what it tells me and report back then.17:26
agateaudoes gdm greeter shows as fast as possible or does it wait for some services to be started17:27
Keybukas fast as possible17:29
agateauI mean, how does gdm knows it's time to show its greeter?17:29
yuriykdm usually takes a second or two to load at the most when X is started, is that the time we are talking about?17:29
Keybukagateau: it doesn't need to know17:29
KeybukGDM starts X, once X is started, it either starts the GDM Greeter session or GNOME Desktop session17:30
agateauKeybuk: I don't see xsplash in this sequence17:30
Keybukagateau: in which?17:31
agateauKeybuk: in this "GDM starts X, once X is started, it either starts the GDM Greeter session or GNOME Desktop session"17:31
Keybukagateau: as bratsche says above, xsplash is one of the first items in /etc/gdm/Init/Default and /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default17:31
Riddellyuriy: yes although with more things happening at the same time it may be slower17:32
Keybukie. GDM starts it as one of the first things it does _to_ start the GDM Greeter session or the GNOME Desktop session17:32
Keybukyuriy, Riddell: and don't forget, that at that point the screen has *already* been black for a few seconds17:32
Keybukeven if KDM takes only a "couple of seconds" to start, that brings the black time up really quite high17:32
bratscheagateau: Yes, we start xsplash from the gdm init scripts.  Once gdm moves into the greeter then the greeter sends a signal to xsplash to go away.  Or if we go into a desktop session then Nautilus and gnome-panel send signals to xsplash to go away.17:32
neversfeldeRiddell: where can I get the koffice 2.1 beta tarball17:32
agateaubratsche: ok17:33
agateaubratsche: so it's "only" there to show up while gdm greeter is starting17:34
Riddellso all we need is to start ksplashx in Xsetup then find a suitable place in the KDM code to tell it to phase out (stealing the relevant code from ksmserver)17:34
agateauRiddell: yes, I think so17:35
agateauRiddell: and create a throbber ksplashx theme17:35
Riddellagateau: yes, or just keep the current "phasing in disk" which I think would be suitable17:35
Keybukhow easy will it be to add the OS Switcher to ksplashx later on?17:36
agateauKeybuk: since ksplashx does not support text, not very easy17:36
RiddellKeybuk: that's a plan for future releases?17:39
Riddellit could have pretty pictures of OSs :)17:40
agateauwe can always do prerendering though17:40
Riddellthat's probably something to worry about at the time17:40
* agateau agrees17:40
agateaubratsche: I guess the throbber is expected to "not jump" between xsplash before gdm and xsplash after gdm17:41
agateaubratsche: I mean: the throbber position should be the same17:41
agateauor more precisely, the throbber current image in the throbber animation17:42
bratscheagateau: No, we don't try to do anything fancy like this.  I'm concerned enough trying to come up with XComposite hacks to keep the entire splash window from disappearing when we start window/composite managers. :)17:42
agateaubratsche: ok, then we should be able to implement something in a reasonable time frame with ksplashx then17:43
bratscheYeah.. don't worry about little hiccups like that.  It's still a better experience than a black screen.17:43
agateauis this supposed to land before feature freeze or ui freeze17:43
bratschedavidbarth or rickspencer3 ^17:43
rickspencer3before feature freeze seems a tad unreasonable17:45
rickspencer3I presume Kubuntu is booting, right?17:45
agateauit seems to :)17:45
rickspencer3I suggest someone needs to create a somewhat detailed plan ... and then we need to get it implemented asap17:46
agateauI am quite busy until FF, but I can probably put together a plan before UIF17:48
RiddellI just tried adding ksplashx to Xsetup and it works ok17:48
Riddellso it's just a case of getting KDM to send the upAndRunning signal17:48
agateauRiddell: sounds like you are already on it :)17:49
Riddelland making sure KDM gets the same upstart-ification as GDM is due17:50
RiddellKeybuk: what needs to be done for that?17:50
Riddellrickspencer3: I can turn this into a spec if that's useful, then me and agateau and davidbarth can fight between who gets to implement it17:53
agateauRiddell: sounds good17:53
KeybukRiddell: probably just remind me ;)17:54
KeybukI assume that KDM doesn't have exotic dependencies compared to GDM? :p17:54
RiddellKeybuk: # Should-Start:      console-screen acpid dbus hal17:55
Riddellsays the current script17:55
Riddellnothing silly like network-manager :)17:55
Keybukwhy acpid?17:55
bratscheKeybuk: When does the new init stuff land btw?17:56
Keybukbratsche: between now and beta freeze17:56
RiddellKeybuk: I think that's obsolete, it would have been used to suspend from kdm, but now hal (via solid) will be used17:58
Riddellgdm also has acpid in it's init.d script17:58
Keybukyeah, but I can't find anything that even uses it17:59
RiddellI think we're done, thanks for showing up all17:59
agateauok bye18:00
bratscheThank you.18:03
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
Tonio_Riddell: we have a little issue with libavformat/ffmpeg18:34
macogrrr any of you have some notes plasmoid thingy keep adding itself to the panel without you telling it to?18:34
Tonio_Riddell: basically kubuntu-restricted depends on the unstripped libavformat18:34
RiddellTonio_: mm?18:34
Tonio_Riddell: k3b depends on the standard one18:34
Tonio_Riddell: but libaformat-unstripped doesn't exist anymore18:34
macogettin in the way of my kickoff. wish i had a typewriter :(18:35
Tonio_Riddell: although the -dev package still conditionnaly depends on it.... messy :)18:35
Riddellmaco: that happened to me once, no idea what caused it18:35
RiddellTonio_: I don't see k3b depending on it18:35
RiddellTonio_: so fix kubuntu-restricted-extras?18:36
Tonio_Riddell: libk3b6-extracodecs18:36
Tonio_Riddell: well I don't know yet if it's normal that the unstripped ain't there18:36
Tonio_Riddell: the ffmpeg package has an issue on that point, as the binary package has been removed, but there are still deps on it in the control file...18:37
Tonio_Riddell: I have to investigate and will fix k3b or kubuntu-restricted extras according to this...18:37
Tonio_Riddell: I just wanted to let you know in case you really want the unstripped version...18:37
RiddellTonio_: libavformat-unstripped-52 is still there18:37
Riddellsure you have multiverse enabled?18:37
Riddellversion 4:0.5+svn20090609-2+unstripped218:38
Tonio_Riddell: still there but from a previous upload18:38
Tonio_Riddell: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ffmpeg/4:0.5+svn20090706-1ubuntu1/+build/117193518:39
Tonio_Riddell: last ffmpeg version doesn't have it, and there is a conditionnal de on it18:39
Tonio_Riddell: simply try to "sudo apt-get install libavformat-dev libavformat-unstripped-52"18:39
Tonio_Riddell: breaks, and in order to get k3b libs depends on the unstripped version, I need to build-dep on both....18:40
Tonio_Riddell: I told you that was messy ;)18:40
RiddellTonio_: have you asked siretart why it has gone?18:41
Tonio_Riddell: nope I'm going to ping him, especially since it's supposed to be debian merge, but I can't find his version anywhere, only the previous one...18:42
Tonio_Riddell: let's ping him18:42
Tonio_Riddell: I asked, and will fix accordingly...18:44
tsdgeosi guys, any chance you are patching help->report bug menu entry to not work?19:21
ScottKIf 'work' means report to bugs.kde.org, then yes.19:22
ScottKWe patch it to report to Launchpad.19:22
tsdgeosdoes nothing here19:22
tsdgeosclick -> nothing19:23
tsdgeos4.3.0 packages in 9.0419:23
ScottKProbably missing some launchpad integration or something.19:23
tsdgeoswant a bug report about that or better i don't waste my time?19:24
Nightrosetsdgeos: confirmed - 4.3 on jaunty19:24
tsdgeosScottK: and you really have so many people to triage the bugs and send them upstream? i don't think si19:25
ScottKNot really my area.19:26
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
Riddelltsdgeos: the patch may need adjustments in the jaunty version which havn't been made19:28
Riddelltsdgeos: we've been using apport for crash handling for the last few release cycles turning it off before release and as far as I can tell bugs have been flowing upstream smoothly enough without annoying upstream with crashes we create19:29
Riddellyay, eet finally compiled19:37
ScottKnixternal: Ask NCommander to bump your package build priority.19:54
nixternalis it really a rush for it in the PPA?19:54
nixternalplus if it is, I think you just did that for me :)19:54
ScottKI didn't give him the package name.19:55
ScottKWe got ~2days for feature freeze, so yes.19:55
nixternalScottK: true, I don't think NCommander would have guessed kairmode in the nixternal ppa :p19:55
Riddelltsdgeos: kde4libs kde4libs_4.3.0-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa3 uploaded to backports PPA with Report Bug apport patch removed, it doesn't make much sense for backports19:59
tsdgeosyou rock :-)19:59
Riddellthanks for reporting19:59
tsdgeoswell, irc is easy :D20:00
neversfeldeTonio_: kid3 is broken. maybe a problem with the latest changes?20:14
NCommandernixternal, I need to bump what?20:14
nixternalNCommander: nadda, I am going to put it in REVU20:14
ScottKnixternal: Don't you want kairmode bumped so I can test it?20:15
nixternali will link you to a deb here in a minute20:16
nixternalpython apps == arch: all right?20:17
nixternalno need to build the same thing for all the archs20:17
ScottKnixternal: Depends on if you're using any arch any components.20:20
Riddellif it's pure python yes20:20
nixternalpyqt4, pykde420:20
nixternalwith some deps on wireless-tools and bluez, just to make sure they are there20:21
nixternalScottK: http://people.ubuntu.com/~nixternal/kairmode_1.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb20:24
nixternalI haven't tried restarting KDE to see if it starts automatically20:24
nixternalit should, I think :)20:24
Riddellnixternal: there's nothing in /usr/bin20:31
Riddellnixternal: segfaults after turning off wireless20:34
Riddellcan't turn wireless back on either it seems20:35
nixternalRiddell: ya, fixing that now20:41
nixternalthought I got it in the package portion but I didn't20:41
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nixternal_Riddell: the reason for the segfault on shutting off wireless might because we don't support your machine (yet?)21:09
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rgreeningTonio_: toolame -> twolame ? maybe thats the correct change for k3b suggests21:25
a|wenanyone has a kubuntu-default-settings bzr link? ... LP keeps timing out on me21:33
Tonio_rgreening: I don't think so, but I'll check ;)21:35
Tonio_rgreening: we also have a problem with ffmpeg I ned informations from sirestart to fix21:35
rgreeningTonio_: yeah, I tried ripping a CD today, and it fails to generate the mp3s... least on my system21:36
neversfeldea|wen: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-default-settings/ubuntu21:36
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a|wengreat, thx21:37
ScottKJontheEchidna: What's your plan for kadu?21:39
neversfeldebuilding koffice is fun :/21:49
Riddellneversfelde: it's a beast22:00
ScottKnixternal: Seems to basically work.  I say ship it.22:07
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spacelimeHello! I'm Olof from Sweden... got a little tempted to start getting involved in the kubuntu community so I thought I'de check this channel out22:56
a|wenhi spacelime! welcome on board22:57
* a|wen waves from the other side of Øresund22:57
spacelimethank you! =)22:58
spacelimeyour from Denmark I persume? whereabouts?22:59
a|wenspacelime: indeed i am ... from greater copenhagen22:59
spacelimecool... i'm from Uddevalla, near Gothenburg22:59
a|wenthat is not that far away23:00
spacelimeit's not.... if you have a boat you can sail here in a day or two =)23:02
spacelimeor even swim23:02
a|weni'd stick to the boat :P23:03
spacelimethe choice is yours! =)  anyway... this is my first visti here.. actually, i havn't used computers for any creative stuff for about 10 years... i used to do some game programming as a teenager.... was a die hard amiga fan boy... but amiga didn't keep up and i switched to MS and then the spirit slowly faded =)23:05
spacelimelinux always felt too treckie for me =) but the last few months I came across some very inspiring articles.. .especially by the *buntu- community23:06
spacelimeso i decided to give it a try with ubuntu and liked it big time23:06
spacelimebut now I'm switching to Kubuntu because i feel there is more wind in the sails on the kde side somehow23:07
spacelimebasically i just like the spirit of creativity, sharing and so on and would like to get a piece of the cake23:08
spacelimebut i'm not sure where to start23:08
spacelimepackaging seems a little boring to be honest =) but maybe its a good place to begin...23:08
a|wenspacelime: cool, glad you like it! ... and appreciate you stopping by here; there is loads of ways, you can help out in the community: packaging, translations, bug squashing / fixing, PR, artwork ... just name what interests you, and we can find the right person to talk to :)23:09
spacelimecool =)23:09
spacelimewhat i like the most is to improve innovation.. making things more simple and clever... I also like designing. but as I havn't really done anything along these lines in a long long time it will probably take me a good while before I can to anything usable23:11
spacelimei used to program in C++23:12
a|wenone thing you can do is to try out the development release, and help us make some great default settings ... if you want an idea about, what happens this cycle also have a look at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo23:14
spacelimetranslation is also something I could see myself doing23:14
spacelimeok, I'll check it out!23:15
a|wenKDE is mostly c++, so that is a good thing to know!23:15
spacelimeyes that's convenient =)23:15
spacelimei've never touched qt though... maybe it would be good to start by learning that.. can you recommend a good tutorial?23:16
a|weni don't know C++, so no good links in that area, sorry :)23:20
spacelimeok, np =) what's your main interest?23:20
a|wenmostly packaging ... and some bug fixing here and there23:21
a|wenRiddell: you have any good links to information about qt/kde programming in C++?23:23
spacelimeok, i saw something about a "tutorial day" on the kubuntu todo page.... do you know what that is about?23:24
Riddelltechbase.kde.org is the site to explore23:24
spacelimeRiddell: ok, thank you!23:24
spacelimeit was nice meeting you a|wen! i think it's bedtime here.. .see you later!23:33
a|wenspacelime: right back at you ... see you back here anytime23:33
spacelimei'll be back =)23:34
Riddellgood sell a|wen :)23:42
a|wendid my very best :)23:42

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