
=== kfogel is now known as johnlodder
* wgrant awards lazr.restful the award for Most Useless Error Message.02:57
jmlI don't know, one of the Launchpad forms has "Invalid value"03:00
jmlis it worse than that?03:00
wgrantWell, that at least tells you which field is wrong.03:00
wgrantTHis one doesn't.03:00
wgrantIt's during the WADL generation, so the traceback is useless. It just tells you that there needs to be precisely one IEntry defined for None.03:00
wgrantIt actually means that the interface specified in a Reference isn't exported as an entry of its own.03:01
wgrantI'd forgotten that this particular one wasn't, as it has no implementations that weren't already exported.03:01
spm"bus error. core dump." <== what more do you need in an error message?03:09
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wgrantI have a branch that is going to exceed the 800 line limit. About 300 lines of it is repetitive addition of a new interface to lots of other interfaces, which could be reasonably split into a separate branch. Should I split it?03:49
lifelesswill it be easier to review?03:56
lifeless[also, can you reduce the duplication somehow]03:56
wgrantlifeless: It'll be easier to review, but a little pointless.03:57
wgrantThe duplication is irreducible.03:57
lifelessthats a shame. why?03:57
wgrantIt's actually not adding a new interface, it's just shifting how the classes declare that they implement it.03:57
wgrantBecause lazr.restful has a One Interface Policy.03:57
wgrant(it's IStructuralSubscriptionTarget, implemented by IProject, IProduct, IDistribution, IDistroSeries, IProductSeries, IDistributionSourcePackage)03:58
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=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
jmlwgrant, I think I've filed a bug about that error message.06:11
wgrantjml: Ah, good.06:16
adeuringgood morning08:28
noodles775Morning adeuring08:28
adeuringhi noodles775!08:29
gmbMorning, Launchpeeps.09:15
bigjoolsmorning mrevell09:36
mrevellhey bigjools09:36
wgrantMorning mrevell, bigjools, gmb.09:37
bigjoolshow's the bairn?09:37
bigjoolsgood evening wgrant09:37
wgrantgmb: Can you have a look at my two questions on bug #297458?09:37
mupBug #297458: setting nominations on a bug via the API <api> <launchpadlib :Invalid> <Launchpad Bugs:In Progress by wgrant> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/297458>09:37
* gmb looks09:37
gmbwgrant: Maybe there's a reason not to do this that I can't think of at sub-10am on a Monday but: Why does ISeriesBugTarget need to have no attributes? Couldn't it just descend from IBugTarget?09:44
wgrantgmb: An excellent idea.09:44
gmbDamn, that's my excellent idea for the day.09:45
gmbI was hoping to save it for the binary-blob processing bug. Oh well.09:45
wgrantThat's an oldish one.09:45
gmbwgrant: Yeah. Unfortunately, kernel crashes are now getting uploaded to Launchpad, which makes it happen more often.09:47
wgrantgmb: Do you agree with my solution for the second?09:47
gmbwgrant: I can't think of any reason not to do it, so go for it.09:47
wgrantgmb: Thanks muchly.09:47
gmbwgrant: np. I'll reply to the bug for the sake of everyone knowing what's going on.09:48
wgrantgmb: I also noticed an oddity in IBug.addNomination: nomination for an obsolete distroseries is forbidden, but permitted for an obsolete productseries.09:56
wgrantAny idea why that is?09:57
gmbwgrant: Hmm. Not off the top of my head.09:58
gmbwgrant: One of the registry people might know, but they won't be around for another few hours.09:58
wgrantgmb: Thanks.09:58
wgrantgmb: Does Registry own structural subscriptions? They still live in canonical.launchpad.09:59
wgrant(and I want to export them)09:59
gmbwgrant: I don't know, actually. But I remember intellectronica doing a lot of work on structural subs, so if you have any questions he might be able to help you.10:01
* bigjools basks is Ashes glory today 10:03
* wgrant wondered when that would come up.10:03
bigjoolsnow I wonder if there's an Aussie around who I can wind up.... ah wgrant!10:04
wgrantI'm so dedicated to cricket, I only heard the news through identi.ca this morning.10:04
noodles775heh... what news?10:04
bigjoolsdon't shout, I have a hangover10:05
wgrantbigjools: So, I cut up the librarian log parser on Saturday afternoon, and ended up with a working but broken in some cases PPA package download counter.10:16
wgrantI'm not sure how to handle the ambiguous cases.10:16
danilosstub: if I ask LOSAs to QA the modified langpack export script for long transactions, how could they tell if it's using long transactions or not?10:23
stubdanilos: There is a graph of the longest running transaction on the system. They can monitor that, or that can query pg_stat_activity (select current_timestamp - xact_start as age from pg_stat_activity where usename='langpack')10:31
danilosstub: cool, thanks (I'd be doing it on staging before asking for a CP, so this helps)10:32
bigjoolswgrant: great!  I don't really have time to look at it right now, but maybe later this week.10:38
wgrantbigjools: Sure.10:39
huangjsIs it possible to make Launchpad work with GIT?10:57
bigjoolshuangjs: it can import git branches10:58
huangjsbigjools: i see. is there a way to do the importing periodically?10:59
bigjoolshuangjs: yes11:01
bigjoolsand https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Imports11:02
huangjsbigjools: thanks!11:02
thumpernight lp hackers11:29
=== thumper is now known as thumper-zzz
danilossinzui: hey, around? I'd like to talk some more about the IHasLogo generation; I had to do a similar fix to what thumper-zzz did, but in a different method11:57
noodles775danilos: can I see your MP? Interested to know why you couldn't use the IRootContext that thumper added? (in browser/watermark.py)12:03
noodles775or was it not related to the watermark logo?12:04
danilosnoodles775: hum, I am using IRootContext12:04
danilosnoodles775: read through "Implementation details" on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/translator-templates/+merge/1054612:04
noodles775danilos: Thanks!12:04
danilosnoodles775: it's mostly about very similar methods, which is a bit weird12:04
noodles775oh danilos, btw, the bzr issue I (thought) I had the other day was just because I was using pqm-submit before the branch had actually been scanned (hence not recognising the format).12:14
danilosnoodles775: ah, right, nice to know12:14
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rockstarsinzui, ping13:54
sinzuiHi rockstar13:54
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
beunonoodles775, salgado, what did we agree for the breadcrumbs UI?15:08
noodles775beuno: that we don't need to keep the existing formatting, just add the new formatting (using a template rather than inline)...15:09
beunonoodles775, and is that on your plate now?15:09
noodles775unconverted pages will just have the new breadcrumbs in the wrong place.15:09
noodles775beuno: if that's ok with bigjools, I'm happy to do it.15:09
* beuno looks at bigjools with a sad face15:10
* bigjools is on the phone15:11
bigjoolswill read back in a bit15:11
beunobigjools, just type "yes"15:11
beuno(and hit enter)15:11
beunono need to think15:11
bigjoolsI iz back15:23
bigjoolsbeuno, noodles775: how much work?15:24
beunoI estimate about 10 minutes15:24
beunobut lets see what noodles775 has to say15:24
noodles775bigjools: it *should* be very straight-forward...15:24
* bigjools hits enter15:24
noodles775heh, not 10 minutes, but yes, small. :)15:24
* beuno has a rare dyslexia that doesn't see quotes15:25
beunothank you bigjools, noodles77515:25
beunowith this, my evil Launchpad 3.0 navigation plan is all in motion15:25
bigjoolsbeuno: I think Curtis' team will need some evil navigation help with +related-software15:26
beunobigjools, sinzui has a 24/7 private phone line directly to me15:27
sinzuibigjools: We wont know that until we work out what that page and all its many incoming links do15:28
bigjoolsbeuno: like I said, you have a big red phone, and I shall call you Commissioner Gordon15:28
beunobigjools, I've been called worst15:28
bigjoolssinzui!  I knew you'd still be online on your vacation15:28
beunoI thought sinzui was just taking a vacation so he could do *more* UI15:29
bigjoolshe said his self-esteem was proportional to the number of branches he lands15:29
sinzuiI'm actually trying to fix a bug in my editor's plugins15:29
beunosinzui, gedit mis-behaving?15:31
* sinzui is tempted to hack on the milestone page because there are secret features he wants to add.15:31
sinzuiMy plugin does not build on jaunty.15:31
sinzuiI want a PPA that provides the project, bzr, and lp tools I use.15:32
beunosinzui, ah, the gedit-bzr plugin15:32
beunoit's pretty unmaintained, no?15:32
sinzuiMine uses bzr-gtk. I did not want to reinvent other people's work15:33
bigjoolsI'd really like kdevelop to support Bzr and Python  better15:33
sinzuibigjools: I thought kdevelop had great support for plugins/extensions15:34
bigjoolsI don't remember, I last used it 3 years ago for C++15:34
rockstarabentley, it's intentional that bzr add-pipe --before and bzr add-pipe --after are different, right?15:47
rockstarEr, that the pipe that's created is different.15:48
abentleyrockstar: possibly.  The pipe that's created by add-pipe --before FOO should be the same revision as the pipe that's created by add-pipe --after FOO.15:49
abentleyBut that may be too clever.  Maybe those options should only control position, not revision.15:50
rockstarabentley, if you do --before, it actually creates with the same revno the :next, and --after has the same revno as :prev15:50
beunointellectronica, noodles775, rockstar, EdwinGrubbs, barry, jtv, mrevell, ajax call in 11'!15:50
rockstarbeuno, 11 feet?15:50
abentleyrockstar: Right, like I said above.15:50
beunorockstar, yes. We are meeting above your house15:50
beunodid you now get the email?  :)15:51
* rockstar gets the ladder.15:51
barrybeuno: right! thanks15:51
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abentleyrockstar: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews seems to have become a lot less useful.  Do you know what happened to "reviews I can do", etc?15:54
rockstarabentley, I know thumper was talking about doing something, but I don't know if he changed it.15:55
rockstarabentley, actually, it looks like there aren't any you CAN do.15:56
abentleyrockstar: That gets the "other" header, though.15:57
rockstarabentley, the OTHER is for stuff that you could have done, but someone has already gotten to it.16:00
abentleyrockstar: Roughly, yes.  Where is it?16:01
sinzuibac: can you update or unassign bug 175448 and bug 18731216:03
mupBug #175448: RSS icon in FF url bar although no announcement is published yet <project-announcements> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged by bac> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/175448>16:03
mupBug #187312: Standalone global announcements page doesn't seem useful <project-announcements> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged by bac> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/187312>16:03
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch
barrybeuno: am i on the right c/c #?16:04
sinzuibarry: https://edge.launchpad.net/distros looks great16:04
intellectronicabarry: if you're not hearing muzak then you're not16:05
barrysinzui: thanks!16:05
barryintellectronica: that's all i'm hearing.  i am rocking to it, but still :)16:05
beunobarry, kiko's16:05
barrybeuno: bueno!16:05
sinzuibarry: what is the criteria for the * read-only on the distros page?16:06
barrysinzui: otp16:07
rockstarabentley, do you not see "Other reviews" ?  I do.16:15
rockstarabentley, also, sorry for the delay; I'm on a phone call.16:15
abentleyI don't see it.16:15
rockstarEdwinGrubbs, https://devpad.canonical.com/~mars/conversions.html16:16
rockstarabentley, that's odd.16:16
barryabentley: enable google.com in noscript16:17
abentleybarry: I have all sites enabled in noscript.16:18
barryabentley: dunno. that wfm ;)16:20
rockstarabentley, and I assume you're logged in.16:21
abentleybarry: I disabled the noscript extension, and still no workie.16:21
abentleyrockstar: I am logged in.16:21
beunorockstar, what are you doing about the major pages?16:26
beunoconverting first and then designing?16:26
beunothere's no dsign for MP, for example16:26
beunoI can16:26
beunoquestion for everyone:16:27
beunohow's the UI reviewing stgoing?16:27
beunowith all the new people?16:27
beunoyes, I have a bunch of tasks from our last call16:28
beunosorry barry  :)16:29
beunoI've been sprinting last week16:29
abentleygary_poster: I have a branch that adds bzr 1.18rc1 to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Elaunchpad/lp-source-dependencies/trunk/.  What's the procedure to get that merged?16:34
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gary_posterabentley: in the abstract, usually I like to test that the distribution does in fact work with launchpad (ec2test now has some flags to help).  then you just add it.  as long as you are not overwriting anything, everything is AOK.16:36
abentleygary_poster: I thought there was no risk to adding 1.18rc1 if versions.cfg does not reference it.16:37
gary_posterabentley: no there's not, I just am trying to be clean (since everybody has to download what's in the cache).  So that's my only consideration.16:38
abentleygary_poster: I have a branch that updates Launchpad so it works with 1.18rc1, but I want to land that after landing the download_cache change, because it's not compatible with 1.17.16:40
gary_posterabentley: +1 .16:40
abentleygary_poster: cool.16:42
barrybeuno: i got kicked off16:45
beunobarry, the conference calls can only handle a certain level of awesomeness16:46
abentleygary_poster: lp:launchpad/lp-source-dependencies/trunk is currently in pack-0.92 format.  We should look at switching it sometime.16:49
gary_posterabentley: ack.  will that be smooth if people have a check out rather than a branch, and then do bzr up after the lp repo has switched?16:51
abentleygary_poster: No.  It would only be smooth if they had a lightweight checkout.16:52
gary_posterabentley: ok.  I'll make an lp bug with the info.  maybe we can make things simpler using rocketfuel-get.  can you bzr upgrade a checkout after you did it for the branch, or is there some other relatively simple fix other than "wipe out the directory and get it again"?16:53
abentleygary_poster: You can bzr upgrade the checkout before or after the lp branch is upgraded.16:55
abentleygary_poster: (but if you do it before, you won't be able to commit)16:55
gary_posterabentley: ah ok, awesome.  thanks16:56
abentleygary_poster: np16:56
danilossalgado: hey17:11
salgadohi danilos17:12
danilossalgado: I am trying to add breadcrumbs for Translation groups (translations.launchpad.dev/+groups) page, but it seems not to respect canonical_url() and returns just launchpad.dev/+groups17:12
danilossalgado: patch at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/258759/17:12
danilossalgado: (and thanks for getting rid of the limitation that '+something' can't have a breadcrumb, I was hitting that on Friday ;)17:13
salgadodanilos, you need to set rootsite='translations' on your custom breadcrumb class17:13
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danilossalgado: ah, ok, I thought having rootsite in zcml was enough17:14
danilossalgado: I am wondering what's the reason though? basically, we have no rootsite set on most of our browser:urls in zcml, but we should; is this a work-around to fix such cases, or intentional?17:16
salgadodanilos, it should be enough. can you file a bug about that?17:18
danilossalgado: certainly17:18
salgadodanilos, it's not really a workaround. what happens is that we need to use canonical_url(object, rootsite='mainsite') when getting the URL for the breadcrumbs, or else all URLs will be under the vhost we're currently on17:18
salgado(it is a workaround but for another issue)17:19
danilossalgado: except those specified in zcml, right?17:19
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
danilossalgado: I might be mistaken about how canonical_url works though17:19
salgadobut for objects which already specify the rootsite in the zcml, that should be used instead of 'mainsite'17:19
danilossalgado: ah, right, this is for 'point people at the mainsite whenever possible' workaround17:20
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
danilossalgado-lunch: fyi, bug 41821417:33
mupBug #418214: Breadcrumbs code doesn't respect rootsite specified in zcml <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/418214>17:33
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rockstarbarry, I just got spam from Barry Warshaw.17:43
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rockstarabentley, am I being lied to when I push a branch and it says "Source branch format does not support stacking" even though I'm in Branch format 7?17:56
abentleyrockstar: yes, Branch format 7 supports stacking.17:57
rockstarabentley, okay, so it's a bug in codehosting then? I remember there being a bug, but I thought that it had been fixed.17:58
abentleyrockstar: It's a bug in bzr.17:59
rockstarabentley, otay.17:59
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mrevellokay guys, see you tomorrow18:03
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=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
leonardrbarry, can you help me with some tricky python?19:04
barryleonardr: sure19:05
leonardrbarry: https://pastebin.canonical.com/21438/19:05
leonardrwhen i try to use this code i get TypeError: 'classmethod' object is not callable19:05
barryleonardr: line 43 looks weird; a return outside of a function?19:06
leonardrit is in a function, the WebServiceWSGIApplicationFactory function19:07
barryoh!  i see that's a def19:07
barryi don't think you can use @classmethod outside of a class definition19:08
barrywell, maybe you can, i've just never seen it done19:08
leonardroh, i think i know what it is. i forgot to add configure_server to the dict19:08
leonardrno, no change19:08
leonardrbarry: i was able to use @property outside of a class definition19:08
barryleonardr: where do you get the type error?19:09
leonardrbarry: got it. i should call cls.configure_server instead of configure_server19:10
barryleonardr: yep.  @classmethod takes a class as the first arg.19:10
rockstarsinzui, yo19:17
cprovbarry: ping19:23
barrycprov: otp, sec...19:24
cprovbarry: okay, ping when you are done. Is there a way to get `ulimit -n` value elegantly in python ?19:26
maxbcprov: python -c "import resource; print resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)"19:33
barrymaxb: you beat me to it :)19:33
cprovmaxb: yup, just found the resource module too :)19:33
cprovhowever, I think i need to get the number of currently open files. Anyone ?19:35
cprovbtw, resource module is gold!19:35
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=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
salgadoabentley, the links under the "Branches related to" section of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sinzui point to lp.net rather than code.lp.net.  shall I file a bug for that?20:36
abentleysalgado: For me, they point to code.edge.launchpad.net20:38
salgadoabentley, the links to the teams at the bottom of the page?20:39
abentleysalgado: Oh, that.20:39
abentleysalgado: I dunno, I like person links to take me to the person's homepage.  I don't know about team links.20:40
beunoall team/people/project/distro/etc links should take you to their overview page20:41
salgadoabentley, that's how they should work, for people and teams, but the heading there implies that following the links will show me the branches related to those teams20:41
salgadobeuno, ^20:41
beunosinzui did that change20:41
abentleysalgado: I don't think that going to the code view for, e.g. "Launchpad API Hackers" would be especially useful.20:41
salgadoeven less so if you go to the team's home page, as there will certainly be no branches related to the team there20:42
beunosalgado, I agree that's an odd case, so maybe that listing needs to have a different format20:42
beunothat part of the page needs thought and re-design20:42
salgadook, I'll file a bug20:43
abentleysalgado: I'm not even sure what "Branches related to" is meant to mean.  I think it means that sinzui has created branches related to Launchpad API Hackers, for example.20:43
beunothe behavior is correct though20:44
abentleysalgado: So showing all the branches for Launchpad API Hackers wouldn't connect.20:44
abentleysalgado: You might argue that it should show all the branches sinzui created which were related to Launchpad API Hackers.20:45
abentleysalgado: Is there any reason to keep the import of canonical_url in hierarchial-menu.txt?20:52
salgadoabentley, no, I've removed it after I sent that MP20:53
abentleysalgado: Okay.20:53
abentleysalgado: I think Heirarchy.items would be simpler if you used enumerate.  Do you agree?20:58
salgadoabentley, indeed, good catch21:00
abentleysalgado: Other than that, looks great.  r=me.21:02
salgadocool, thanks21:02
sinzuisalgado: We are redesigning the distroseries +index page, we should not work on that without also working on the productseries +index page. They should be very similar21:03
salgadosinzui, where do I see the list of pages that we are redesigning?21:03
sinzuiI cannot find it. beuno put it in a funny place21:05
sinzui^ I am going to link it to something21:09
=== barry` is now known as barry
sinzuisalgado: I updated https://dev.launchpad.net/UI/ThreeDotOPage to make it clearer21:20
salgadothanks sinzui21:25
salgadosinzui, so, just to clarify, should I work on another item and wait until you're back to take distroseries?21:26
sinzuisalgado: I would prefer to do the series myself. I have a secret agenda.21:26
salgadook, it's all yours then. :)21:27
sinzuisalgado: I use the series and milestones pages as a tool to do my job. I have a lot of small changes I what to make to make them rock21:28
barrycan i scrounge up a ui review and a code review from anybody?21:33
beunosinzui, if you're around, where can I poke at the 3.0 template?21:37
beunothe footer, specifically21:37
sinzuibeuno: lp/app/template/base-layout-macros.pt21:38
beunosinzui, thanks21:38
sinzuibeuno: or lp/app/template/base-layout.pt if something else needs fixing21:38
* beuno updates it to 2.2.821:39
barrybeuno: wanna do some screen shot ui reviews?21:41
beunobarry, sure21:42
barrybeuno: excellent.  coming up21:42
barrybeuno: the following urls have screenshots.  note that the +all pages are the new ones21:45
* beuno loos21:46
barrybeuno: EOT21:46
beunomatsubara, ping21:52
matsubarahi beuno21:52
beunomatsubara, hi21:52
matsubarahow can I help you?21:52
beunoI wanted to ask you about the impact of doing something on every page load21:52
beunoconfig.launchpad.beta_testers_redirection_host is not None and self.isBetaUser)21:52
matsubarabeuno, I'm not sure about the impact of those. I think that check is quite cheap21:54
matsubarabeuno, what do you have in mind?21:56
beunomatsubara, I want to show the edge redirect message on the footer21:56
matsubarabeuno, you mean the one shown in launchpad.net?21:57
beunobarry, the only comment I have is that maybe the sprint dates could say "$fromdate to $todate"21:57
matsubarabeuno, I did something similar for the oops timeout error page which is javascript only21:57
Ursinharockstar, I think buildbot didn't like your branch21:57
beunobarry, istead of $from - $to21:57
Ursinharockstar, but it seems a bzr hiccup21:57
beunomatsubara, shown for betatesters, yes21:58
barrybeuno: i could try to clean that up, but i don't know where that's set (i.e. not in code i touched).  thanks, and let's see if i can fix that21:58
beunobarry, ui=beuno21:58
matsubarabeuno, cool. see launchpad-requestexpired.pt for the js only I used in the timeout oops template21:59
beunomatsubara, it doesn't have a @cachedproperty around it21:59
beunomatsubara, this is not so much about the js, as it is on adding that call to every page load22:00
barrybeuno: easy peasy.  done.22:00
=== thumper-zzz is now known as thumper
beunobarry, bring that count down then!22:01
barrybeuno: i need a code review which looks like it'll have to wait until tomorrow :(22:01
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beunomatsubara, so, would you say it's OK to do the change?22:11
beunoI don't want to add 200ms to every page load  :)22:11
matsubarabeuno, you can always remove it if it does :-)22:13
beunomatsubara, how do I find out if I did?22:14
matsubarabeuno, but I don't understand why it would  be useful to have that on all page loads? do people want to leave the beta site as often as that?22:14
beunomatsubara, well, yes and no22:14
beunowe have a request from a super special stakeholder to move that to the footer on the homepage22:15
matsubaraperhaps we could have a way to disable/enable edge's redirect for longer than 2h22:15
beunomy thought is, if I'm going to do that, I may as well be consistent22:15
matsubaraI see22:17
matsubarabeuno, I think that people already complain that LP is slow and adding more stuff to all page loads, that won't really benefit everyone is not a such a good idea, IMHO.22:19
beunomatsubara, I feel the same22:19
barryokay, i'm off to give my lazr.restful talk for real this time!22:19
matsubarabeuno, and the best person to discuss this is mars as he was working on profiling LP pages, IIRC22:21
beunomatsubara, kiko seems to think we already do that check22:22
beunois there anyway we can measure this?22:22
beunocan you help me?  :)22:22
matsubarabeuno, I'll look into it and get back to you tomorrow. I don't know from the top of my head if/how to measure that22:23
matsubaraactually there's a way22:24
matsubarathe ++oops++ page tim implemented a few cycles ago22:24
matsubaraanyway, thinking out loud. I'll investigate and get back to you22:26
jmlgood morning22:27
kfogeljml: hey!22:29
jmlkfogel, hello :)22:29
lifelessjml: hi hai22:29
rockstarUrsinha, has someone testfixed?22:30
Ursinharockstar, nope, but gary is guiding me to do that22:31
UrsinhaI need to learn :)22:31
rockstarUrsinha, okay, great.22:31
rockstarUrsinha, why do you think it was me specifically?22:31
Ursinharockstar, it failed when trying to bzr co your branch22:32
Ursinhait seems22:32
gary_posteryeah, that's it.  the cosmic rays fell on your name this time, rockstar22:32
rockstargary_poster, yeah, I always land through ec2 just to be safe, so I was getting ready to throw a shit fit.  :)22:33
rockstargary_poster, as long as it's something spurious with failbot, I'm okay.22:33
Ursinharockstar, it seems bzr co timed out22:33
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
rockstarUrsinha, it looks like it timed out checking out devel.22:34
rockstarUrsinha, so it looks like it had nothing to do with any of our branches.  :)22:35
Ursinharockstar, *whew*22:35
Ursinharockstar, yeah, I saw that22:35
rockstarUrsinha, someone needs to get buildbot some depends.  It craps itself far too often.22:35
rockstarI guess that's what mwhudson signed up for.  :)22:36
thumpermwhudson: welcome back22:37
mwhudsonthumper: hi22:37
rockstarmwhudson, I was just commenting on the fact that buildbot timed out trying to branch devel, and Ursinha has been blaming me.22:38
mwhudsonrockstar: i see22:38
* mwhudson will ignore all this until the email mountain is a little bit under control22:39
Ursinhahey mwhudson :)22:39
Ursinharockstar, actually I was needing someone to kick buildbot :)22:39
Ursinhabut doing that now22:39
rockstarmwhudson, by the way, welcome back newlywed.22:41
mwhudsonrockstar: thanks22:42
jmlmwhudson, hello!22:56
jmlmwhudson, are you back?22:56
mwhudsonjml: i am!22:57
mwhudsonjml: it seems you are too22:57
jmlmwhudson, welcome back!22:57
mwhudsonjml: did you just get back today?22:57
jmlmwhudson, yesterday22:57
mwhudsonjml: welcome back to you too22:57
mwhudsonjml: where have you been in the interim?22:57
jmlmwhudson, Dublin, Prague, Berlin, Paris22:58
jmland Heathrow :P22:58
mwhudsonjml: cool22:58
rockstarthumper, stand up?23:02
lifelessjml: hows the lag?23:04
jmllifeless, ok ish23:05
jmllifeless, I woke up at 5:30am this morning :)23:05
* mwhudson woke up at 4:50 am this morning23:08
lifelessjml: heh. The wind woke me at 423:08
lifelessjml: OTOH its nearly lunchtime :)23:09
wgrantbeuno: Are you touching requestexpired.pt, or just all of the other notices?23:12
wgrant'cause there's a bit of inverted logic in that template.23:12
beunowgrant, root-index and base-layour-macros23:12
wgrantbeuno: Ah, damn. (bug #403863)23:13
mupBug #403863: Timeout edge redirect notice logic inverted <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/403863>23:13
beunowgrant, I'm way in too deep with this branch23:13
beunoain't touchin that  :)23:13
rockstarthumper, can you check and see if mars conversion table thing for code is reporting the work you've done recently?23:21
Ursinhahey beuno23:29
beunohey Ursinha23:31
Ursinhahi beuno23:31
UrsinhaI'm migrating the template of language pages, but not sure which layout to choose23:31
Ursinhabeuno, like this one, https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+languages/sr23:31
Ursinhabeuno, danilo showed me a picture of a whiteboard, he said yours, https://devpad.canonical.com/~danilo/pages/language.jpg23:34
wgrantsinzui: So, I'm exporting structural subscriptions. Do you have time to talk a bit about that?23:57
sinzuiI do23:57
wgrantsinzui: Great.23:58
wgrantsinzui: I'm thinking that for now the bug/blueprint levels shouldn't be exposed, since only one value is used and the rest will probably change before any others come into use.23:59
* sinzui nods23:59

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