
vladI am all the way failing to create a bootable babbage sd card00:25
vladeither via the live image or manually00:25
vladhmm, I seem to have a rev1.1 babbage board, which I don't think is TO200:35
vladah ha, fixed, great success00:37
anfrajimEnter text here...hola07:36
anfrajimnadie aqui?07:36
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* kinkie is away: Stuff to do, people to see...16:51
vladanyone know offhand what the i.mx51/babbage board ethernet driver is called?17:46
vladi'm not getting ethernet to come up at boot at all17:47
loolvlad: Which Babbage version?17:47
vladthat is a great question; my board says REV 1.1 on the bottom17:48
vladso i'm guessing 1? if not, where should I look?17:48
loolvlad: How many SD card readers do you have?17:49
loolon the board17:49
vladerm, just 117:49
vlad(newer ones have more?)17:49
loolIt's a Babbage 117:49
loolMy babbage is down ATM; ISTR the driver is FEC17:49
loolI guess it's probably in the defconfig17:50
vladno *fec* in /lib/modules/*31*17:50
vladah, it's compiled into the kernel17:50
vladwhich is unfortunate, since it's not coming up.. hrm.17:50
loolYes it's built in17:50
loolvlad: Do you get ethernet in the bootloader?17:50
vladgood question.. let me reboot, the spam already scrolled off17:51
vladbut I had ethernet before with the older kernel/bootloader (2.6.28-11 iirc)17:51
looland it went away with an Ubuntu upgrade?17:51
vladyeah, had to rebuild my SD card17:52
loolThat's odd17:52
loolSo how did you install the board to begin with?17:52
vladorginially-originally? image from freescale17:52
vladthis time around via redboot-install17:52
vladusing the non-TO2 redboot and a bit of hackery, but now i'm pretty sure I have a .31 image/initrd/etc. on flash17:53
loolAh so it's with .31 that you lose ethernet17:53
vladI can try downgrading to an earlier17:54
loolOk that's interesting17:54
vladmake sure that it's not something else.. one min17:54
loolvlad: That would help17:54
loolvlad: It might be that we disabled the config in .31 because b2 uses another chip17:54
loolIn which case it would be trivial to just enable the b1 config17:54
loolBut I didn't look at the configs in detail17:54
Martynlool : wave17:55
loolvlad: If you could check the delta between configs and see whether the proper driver is turned on, that would help17:55
loolhey Martyn17:55
vladlool: will do17:55
vladgonna drop down to 2.6.28-15.4917:55
loolvlad: Then file a bug and ping us17:56
Martynlool : What's the right way, and the right person to go to, to get support on doing an arm v7 build?17:56
loolvlad: Thanks!17:56
loolMartyn: What do you mean?17:56
loolYou mean of Ubuntu?17:56
vladlool: oh, one more question -- anything special about rebuilding the kernel here? do you guys cross compile, or do you do it on target?17:56
Martynlool : Moving from v5 compiles to arm v7 compiles is now part of my 'critical path' at work.17:56
vladI need to enable CONFIG_NEON (any idea why that's disabled?)17:56
Martynvlad : Not all ARM processors have NEON17:56
vladMartyn: sure, but the i.mx51 does17:56
loolMartyn: Critical path sounds like it's very urgent; I dont see any real quick solution really, but we can chat about other solutions if you like17:57
loolvlad: it was disabled because it was unstable on imx5117:57
Martynlool : Sure.  It's pretty much reached a head due to the ARM summit in London.17:57
vladlool: hrm, that's unfortunate17:57
loolIt is; but it's only in some specific cases17:57
vladhardware problem with the chip?17:57
loolWill be fixed in TO317:57
Martynlool : yep17:57
Martyner, that yep was for vlad.17:58
loolMartyn: Shall we have a phone call?17:58
vlador is this the neon issue that arm released errata for, that I think mru or koen did a somewhat hacky workaround for?17:58
loolHmm I dont think so17:58
vladEthernet mxc_fec: MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:0017:58
vladyeah, redboot finds ethernet17:58
loolI think the soc comes to a grinding halt when it meets some particular NEON sequence, that can be triggered from userspace so it's bad17:58
ograafaik NEON on the babbage 1 had HW issues17:58
loolOn Babbage 2 as well :)17:59
Martynlool : Sounds like a plan.17:59
loolMartyn: number?17:59
Martynlool : I was going to say -- Skype or plain old telephone?17:59
ogralool, oh ? i thought they were fixed for the 2.x series17:59
loolIt's free for me to call UK or US17:59
loologra: Nope17:59
ograah, k17:59
ograwell, i'm happy to discover we have v7 buildds since today17:59
ograat least some progress18:00
vladlool: the ones I know of are http://git.mansr.com/?p=u-boot;a=commitdiff;h=b04e1838064abb06299b2ea3c504a25fde8c245c (Which has that workaround) and another (ARM 451034) which is fixed in cortex-a8 r1p3.. but supposedly that second one is super rare and has never been seen in any code18:01
vladlool: ethernet comes up fine with 2.6.28-15 -- will file18:06
vladlool: filed 41823818:29
ogravlad, if you set a MAC addess in the redboot config, does it start working ?18:36
vladogra: interesting18:41
vladogra: how do I set a mac address in rb? I can try in a bit, doing a dist-upgrade to karmic currently18:41
ograrun fconfig at the redboot prompt, make sure to make no changes apart from the hardware addess18:42
ograjust make one up ... 01:23:45:67:89:....18:43
vladis there a list of ports.ubuntu.com mirrors anywhere? (google isn't helping)18:43
vladnot sure if it's just slow, or if i'm still getting the super slow ethernet on babbage issue18:43
ograthere are no official mirrors18:43
ograif you have another machine on the same network, use approx on it and point the babbage to it18:44
ogra(thats what i do for my image builds18:44
vladogra: what's the best way to rebuild a kernel? on target, or cross compile?18:59
ograi do it on target, but i have a fast SATA system here19:00
ografor cross building, see: http://idlethread.blogspot.com/2009/01/recipe-of-day-cross-compiling-armel.html19:01
vladnod, i've got a kernel cross setup already, just wasn't sure if one was easier than the other19:09
vladI need to ask our IT guys to get me a SATA drive19:09
ograwell, SATA on the babbage wont gain you much more than any fast USB drive19:12
ogramy SATA disk is attached to a board with a real SATA adapter19:12
ograthe babbage SATA is only a USB to SATA bridge19:12
vladthat's unfortunate19:12
vladwhich faster box do you have?19:12
ograa dove board19:13
ograsame CPU MEM specs but getting 60MB/s disk throughput makes quite a difference for development19:13
vladinteresting.. are they commercially available?19:14
ogra(vs the 16-20MB/s you can get on the babbage)19:14
ogranot yet afaik19:14
ograbut soon19:14
vlador even non-commercially19:14
vladah, k19:14
vladwe're trying to figure out what to build up our testing infrastructure on19:14
ogratlee2, btw, our ARMv7 buiuld machines are up, we should soon start to do v6+vfp builds19:15
* Meizirkki w00fs at vfp19:16
ograwell, we already have a libc-vfp since jaunty19:17
MarkGHi, anyone know a good LAN bandwidth testing app I can use on my SheevaPlug?19:30
MarkGnetio does not seem to be available and the plug does not have compile abilities19:30
ojnMarkG: netperf?19:40
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
vladin retrospect, I should have uninstalled packages that I just plain don't need before upgrading to karmic (such as openoffice or the two xulrunners)20:38
kblina simple tweak to ubuntu and my samba AD now gives out a kerberos ticket in 0.4s instead of 1022:39
vladman, by the time my sd-card dist-upgrade to karmic finishes, it'll be time for another! :)23:05
kblinsounds like gentoo23:09
kblinah, did I type that out? durn.. I need to think without moving fingers23:10
vladwell, it's more that the network is slow and the sd card is slow23:26

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