
devinheitmuellerHello all.  Quick question about the way Ubuntu has their kernel crashdump setup on Karmic.  I got the crashdump package installed, and I see the /var/crash/linux-image-2.6.31-4-generic.0.crash was generated.  However, I cannot pass this into gdb without the vmlinux file.  As far as I can tell Ubuntu only makes the bzimage available.  Anybody have any idea either how to strip/decompress the bzimage down to the 01:16
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koyunbaba_hi men10:40
koyunbaba_i have a litle problem10:40
koyunbaba_i have intalled kernel rt on my ubuntu 9.0410:40
koyunbaba_but the temperature increase to 80 °C10:41
koyunbaba_and pc often turn off10:41
koyunbaba_somebody can solve my problem10:44
ogramorning rtg 13:05
rtgogra, *^%&* armel build.13:07
rtgogra, once more...13:07
ogradropping -source isnt such a good idea i think btw13:07
ograpeople might want to cross compile the armel kernels13:07
ograi dont care about having -headers or -doc as "all" though13:08
rtgogra, then you can knock heads with the archive folks, 'cause they are who are objecting to it13:08
ograobjecting ? how ?13:08
ograi dont see even a build attempt for any of the Arch: all packages13:09
ograwhom were you talking with, and where ? 13:10
* ogra wants to ask whats the reason for it 13:10
rtgogra, langasek didn't want to have the  arch independent headers package and then the flavour dependent header package. He may not have been as concerned about the arch independent source package.13:13
ograwell, but your former uploads had all these packages and they werent even built13:13
ograi dont see how the archive admins could prevent a package from building13:14
rtgogra, I figured it was just because they weren't even published. How could they _not_ build.13:14
ograno idea, thats what i was wondering13:15
ograslangasek only pointed me to the fact that the dependency wasnt fulfilled, he didnt mention any concerns13:15
ograi'm pretty sure there would have been at least a trace in the qeue if the package had spit them out13:16
rtgogra, well, for now you're gonna get image and headers packages.13:16
smbrtg, This sounds like something I should be interested in, while I create the new fsl-imx51 branch for Jaunty... So this should not do a linux-fsl-imx51-source,doc et al?13:16
ograi'm fine with that, but would still like to know why the Arch: all packages arent even attempted to build13:17
ograthis seems more like a packaging bug than anything else13:17
rtgsmb, you definitely don't need a doc package. In your build environment you should create /CurrentlyBuilding in order to fully simulate the buildds13:18
smbrtg, I added that. The question is probably not so much what is needed but what is allowed. Certainly the doc is not so much needed. -source and libc-dev maybe are, with libc-dev better not.13:22
rtgsmb, no libc-dev either13:22
smbrtg, ... and you don't seem to produce generic headers either. Is there a good reason for that? I mean this is a 300+ patches diff on top of the generic kernel (at least on Jaunty) which would need config updates even for other archs and we assume we can point to the common headers?14:08
rtgsmb, no common headers package, it only produces just the one flavours header package, complete will all of the required headers.14:10
smbrtg, So the flavours header package contains all the files and not only links? 14:11
rtgsmb, correct. Steve though tha as long as we only had one flavour, then there was no need for a common headers package14:12
smbrtg, OK, that makes somewhat sense. I would think you had to tweak the rules files to make this happen...14:14
rtgsmb, I think I had to butcher the rules files...14:14
smbWhat I had feared. Alright, then14:15
rtgsmb, have a look at the Karmic fsl-imx51 branch. the 4 commits after Ubuntu-2.6.31-100.4 is where most of that surgery happened.14:18
smbrtg, Yeah, just was about to look there14:19
rtgsmb, this is from the Marevell Dove build log: 'dpkg-genchanges: arch-specific upload - not including arch-independent packages', so it seems none of the arch independent packages get built, though I'm not sure why.14:29
smbrtg, If this is the same as fsl-imx51, are there any independent packages left? I thought there were only doc, source and the common-headers...14:31
ogrartg, all arch: all packages get built on i386 machines14:31
ograthere must be a second build log for these 14:32
ograwhich is apparently missing 14:32
rtgsmb, libc-dev is also arch independent14:32
ogra(which is what i meant before that all Arch: all packages are missing and havent been attempted to build)14:32
rtgsmb, I ripped _all_ arch independent packages.14:32
smbrtg, Right that to and is gone.14:32
ogrartg, StevenK suggested to talk to the soyuz guys14:33
ograthey *should* be build14:33
rtgogra, is linux-image and linux-headers sufficient for now?14:33
smbrtg, ogra err, if the rules for those are all ripped out???14:33
ografor now it is, but we should a) inspect whats going on there and b) i'd like to have -source back14:34
ograsmb, even when they were in the control file they werent built14:34
ograsmb, thats my point 14:34
ograand looking at the package i cant really find a reason (package bug) for it ... so its likely to be soyuz fault14:34
smbogra, Ah, ok, so that was for versions where rtg had not nuked all references to those14:35
rtgogra, if there is time and a need, then I'll come back to these build issues. In the meantime I've several other things to do, and you have what you need.14:35
ogrartg, there is definately a need for the -source package 14:35
rtgogra, not in the near term, and not for any deliverables that I'm aware of14:36
ograi totally dont care about -headers being arch: all or -docs being available at all14:36
ografor our *users* to be able to cross build kernels14:36
rtgogra, then they can start from the git repo14:36
ograits not always all about deliverables in contracts, you know, we have people out there using that stuff :P14:37
levonsheHello guys, simple question - I compared linix-source2.6.30  from unbuntu debian package with vanilla kernel. They differs in many files (not ubuntu tree) although Makefile verson is the same. How it may happen ?? ( ex. linux-2.6.30/arch/x86/include/asm/mmu.h linux-source-2.6.30/arch/x86/include/asm/mmu.h ?) 16:01
smblevonshe, The version string in Makefile only tells you the kernel is based on that upstream version. But there are ubuntu specific patches on top16:13
levonshesmb, thanks for explanation, Although I think it is very easy to put EXTRAVERSION= patch-ubuntu-XX"  to avoid confusion of newbies  16:20
ogrartg, ogra@dove:~/linux-mvl-dove-2.6.31$ ls ../*.deb16:22
ogra../linux-headers-2.6.31-200_2.6.31-200.4_all.deb         ../linux-image-2.6.31-0-dove_2.6.31-0.1_armel.deb      ../linux-mvl-dove-doc_2.6.31-200.4_all.deb16:22
ogra../linux-headers-2.6.31-200-dove_2.6.31-200.4_armel.deb  ../linux-image-2.6.31-200-dove_2.6.31-200.4_armel.deb  ../linux-mvl-dove-source-2.6.31_2.6.31-200.4_all.deb16:22
ogrartg, thats from a local build, so there is definately something wonky with the archive setup16:23
rtgogra, yep, so I mae the common headers file armel only16:23
ograright, thats fine, my only concern is -source16:23
ogramy point is that there is something not correct with the archive and the archive people need to know about it 16:24
ograjust hiding it by dropping the package wont help it 16:24
ogra(its a good temp. workaround indeed)16:25
HumpBackHello All. Is there any info on how to install a more recent kernel into my 9.0417:33
HumpBackI have a sony laptop and some of the keys only work with 2.6.30 and up17:33
rtgHumpBack, you can get the Karmic package from the archive and install it directly, though it may cause issues with KMS. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.31-6-server_2.6.31-6.26_amd64.deb17:36
HumpBackrtg: and probably issues with fglrx17:39
rtgthere is a kernel command line option to disable KMS, but I can't remember what it is off-hand17:40
HumpBackok thanks anyway17:41
HumpBacki'll stick with this one untill 9.10 goes live17:41
ogrartg, 18:31
ogra<cprov> ogra: I think you need 'all i386 armel'18:32
ogra<cprov> ogra: I'm trying to find a reference, though. It's looks like a broken implementation in soyuz.18:32
ogrartg, according to slangasek we need to build -docs btw18:32
rtgogra, *sigh* - start an LP bug re: docs package. I'll get to it for the next upload. Be sure to explain *why* we need a docs package.18:37
ogrartg, ask slangasek18:38
ogrartg, so discussing further with cprov (i really want that -source package back in some later upload as you can guess by the effort i take) it simply needs to be "Architecture: all i386" in the control file for the packages that are actually Arch: all18:46
ograelse there will never be build attempts for them 18:47
ograi'll file a bug for -source, i dont really get slangaseks issue with -doc18:47
ogra(i wont bother you with it before A5 anymore so you can take a breath, for now the set of packages should be fine for building images imho)18:50
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zulhow are you suppose to build a deb of the kernel now with the new debian.master infrastructure?20:37
rtgzul, run the clean target first20:40
zulrtg: is there documentation somewhere?21:01

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