
ubottuRebelZero called the ops in #ubuntu (Ztqc_qMe671)00:02
Picidealt with00:02
jpdsAnd he's coming back.00:16
ubottuWhitor called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()02:57
ubottuteadict called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()02:57
ubottuqpt called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()02:57
Amaranthnalioth: kline?02:58
naliothAmaranth: you betcha02:58
nalioththat crap isn't tolerated02:58
=== MontelEdwards is now known as Montel|Restart
ubottuIn ubottu, boss_mc said: no, sound is If you're having problems with sound, see !pulse for Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) and above or see !alsa for Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) or below -  For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:21
ubottuIn ubottu, boss_mc said: no, alsa is First ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin04:21
ubottuIn ubottu, boss_mc said: no, pulse is PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD.  It is the default sound server for Ubuntu 8.10 (Interpid Ibex) and above - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions - See http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup for advice for configuring particular programs04:21
boss_mcThat is just a suggestion for the new factoids04:22
nalioththanks, boss_mc04:22
boss_mcthe pulseaudio ubuntu page needs updating too04:22
boss_mcthe current !sound advice does more harm than good imho04:22
boss_mcthe !pulse factoid could also mention paman/padevchooser (very useful for fault finding and stream control)04:23
boss_mcwell, I leave it in your capable hands :)04:23
macoboss_mc: padevchooser is going away, i believe04:57
macojust checked, yeah, its deprecated04:57
BactaHi I'm wanting to enquire about my ban in #ubuntu-offtopic07:50
FlannelWhat about it?07:51
BactaI was unbanned in the channel and now the ban is back on07:52
FlannelI believe it was already explained as an issue with servers synching.08:03
bazhangFlannel, the ban was removed, then servers synced and rebanned him elky wished someone with access in ot to fix it08:04
FlannelAh.  Without capitalization, there it is.08:06
FlannelBacta: I've removed it08:07
FlannelBacta: Be sure you can join that channel and talk, so I know there's nothing else out there I need to hunt down08:07
BactaThanks Flannel, appreciate it08:08
FlannelBacta: You're good to go it looks like.  If there's nothing else we can do for you today, please part here.  Thanks.08:09
Myrttiwatch out for Jamesq123, might pull something up his sleeve11:25
ubottuIn #ubuntu, fahadsadah said: ubottu: unofficial is Unofficial repos contain software that Ubntu devs don't have control over, and can contain malicious software.12:14
tanveerhow do i make icons for ubuntu13:30
ikoniatanveer: hello there13:30
ikoniatanveer: you're not actaully in a support channel your in the operators channel13:30
ikoniatanveer: if you could hang on for a moment I'll see if I can see why you are here, unless you know why13:30
tanveerwell why am i here?13:31
ikoniaI'm just looking now13:31
ikoniaahhh I see now, just a moment please.13:31
tanveerim ban or something13:32
ikoniaahh yes, you where forwarded here because you persisted with your discussion of illegal software13:32
tanveeroh yh13:32
tanveerso what do i do13:32
tanveerits been 2 months13:33
ikoniayes, it was a ban forward here due to you repeated disscussion about warez/illegal software,13:33
ikoniayes, its been two months but I can see you've ban dodged to get around the ban rather than discuss it in here - which is why this has only just been higlighted13:33
tanveerso do i just quit and go..13:33
ikoniatoo late13:34
ikoniaI was just typing a response13:34
ikoniajust tried to ban dodge straight away13:35
ikoniatrying to get him in a pm13:35
bazhangthe ftp brute-forcing crew seem to originate in #ubuntu-dz (rohff , check45, check208, sithran )14:21
bazhanghave rohff in PM now14:23
bazhanghe has admitted to running a bot, says he meant no malice; should I ask him to join here? would any of the senior operators like to discuss with him?14:31
bazhangelky, eviljussi01 Pici ^^14:33
ikoniajust ask him to stop14:40
ikoniayou can't brute force and mean no harm14:40
ikoniacan't allow ubuntu channels to be used as a cracking club14:41
PiciIt was attempting brute force attacks on all uncloaked people who joined the channel14:41
geniiOuchies. Very bad.14:42
ikonia"no malice" doesn't really cut it for me14:42
ikoniajust explain it's his only warning before going to freenode14:42
bazhangyes. he admitted it. he has said he will desist. Would you like him to join here was the question.14:42
ikonia(in my opinion)14:42
PiciI went to freenode about it, I'm not sure what they did about it.14:42
ikoniahe may want to talk to freenode about it then14:43
ikoniaif he's genuinly sorry about it14:43
PiciI don't feel comfortable unbanning, nor do I understand how you could mean 'no malice' doing something like this14:43
bazhangwell then staff may wish to speak to rohff94 as he is currently active in #ubuntu-dz14:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dz14:44
PiciWhat country is dz?14:44
bazhangalgerian channel14:44
foo^barhey guys15:16
foo^bari can`t join #ubuntu15:16
naliothfoo^bar: sure you can15:16
foo^barthank you nalioth15:17
foo^baragain :P15:17
PoisonSerpent_How would I get ubottu to join my channel?19:16
jussi01PoisonSerpent_: which channel?19:20
PoisonSerpent_Umm, #tektech19:20
jussi01PoisonSerpent_: ubottu is strictly for official ubuntu channels, however you can create your own clone19:20
jussi01!botclone | PoisonSerpent_19:20
ubottuPoisonSerpent_: Ubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html19:20
PoisonSerpent_Hmm. Link is broken.. ?19:21
jussi01works for me?19:22
jussi01PoisonSerpent_: you can also use: https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak19:22
PoisonSerpent_Well, it redirects me to https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak, then says that it "Cannot display the page".19:22
jussi01PoisonSerpent_: thats curious, as it is working fine here.19:23
PoisonSerpent_Hold on a sec.19:23
PoisonSerpent_Yep, my internet connection is up (duh), there is no firewall blocking the site.. hmm.19:24
geniiThat site works from here19:25
PoisonSerpent_That is just weird.19:25
jussi01PoisonSerpent_: try a different browser?19:25
PoisonSerpent_Well, to get a clone, what would I have to do?19:25
PoisonSerpent_Alright, hold on, let me pull up another browser.19:25
PoisonSerpent_Sorry, I overloaded my router.19:33
ubottuIn #ubuntu, fahadsadah said: !icon is <alias>icons19:44
fahadsadahPlease can I have access to ubottu for factoid registration?>19:45
geniifahadsadah: Your factoid suggestion has been sent to this channel already, it will be reviewed and may or may not be added to the database.19:46
fahadsadahI was aware of that, I was asking to make the process easier.19:47
fahadsadahI have suggested many factoids today alone.19:48
fahadsadah(clarification: I was asking for access to make the process easier)19:48
geniifahadsadah: The bot maintainer is currently not here.19:49
fahadsadahOK, thanks.19:49
fahadsadahPlease can I have his/her nick, to try again later?19:49
geniifahadsadah: I would suggest to just occasionally return and enquire. They will speak up if they feel so inclined.19:54
jussi01You after me?20:08
jussi01fahadsadah: what exactly are you suggesting?20:09
Seeker`jussi01: they want to be added to the editor list for the bot, as they have suggested a large number of factoids today20:10
jussi01fahadsadah: access for ubottu is left to a group of trusted operators because of previous abuse.20:11
Seeker`by "many factoids", they mean 1 in the last 24 hours20:11
Seeker`based on a /lastlog20:11
jussi01and genii, you are welcome to point people to me :)20:13
jussi01fahadsadah: do you have any further questions for the operators? if not, please respect our /topic20:14
ubottuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)20:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about icon20:17
Myrtti!icon is <alias>icons20:17
ubottuI'll remember that, Myrtti20:17
geniijussi01: OK, I'll unleash them on you then when they show up wanting editor rights.... ;)20:18
FlannelHello Sir or Madam, One of my business associates has recently died, leaving a large sum of money open to claim in your country.  I would like to split it with you in exchange for your asssistance in retrieving it.  All you would need to do is send me $20 up front and give me editor access in ubottu....20:24
nikojussi01: :)20:29
macoguys, what's going on?21:07
macoa whole bunch of channels im in are filling with lists of nicks21:08
maco....wait did a netsplit just happen?21:08
ikoniait did21:09
macooh. so thats quassel's new way of showing that one happened. ok21:10
IdleOneI have asked bdelin88 3 times to move to #ubuntu-offtopic and I am just being ignored. Can someone please ask him to move or leave21:10
ikoniaI'll sort it21:11
ikoniaIdleOne: thanks21:11
ikoniamaco: spoke to him in pm - should be sorted21:14
macowho? the russian?21:14
ikoniano the other guy21:14

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