
mnaines1Gelegrodan: I do, too00:00
Gelegrodanmnaines1: fucking joke questions :)00:00
ActionParsnipryan122: http://www.lpi.org/00:00
mnaines1So I take it nobody knows about ramdisks?00:00
=== qpt is now known as Ztqc_qMe671
ActionParsnipryan122: first thing ni www.google.com when you search for linux certification00:01
rskmnaines1: i have a ramdisk made of my GPU if that counts00:01
ActionParsnipmnaines1: some00:01
stefgGraham_: you might need to reboot the Live CD. the kernal might not have noticed the new partition scheme.00:01
ryan122right now, i have a choice of taking the LPI cert via my union.  but i dont want to waste my time and money if i wouldnt be able to get a job after completing it.00:01
mnaines1rsk, I have been asking if Ubuntu Jaunty supports ramdisks and if I can use a SecureDigital card as a ramdisk00:01
rskmnaines1: sounds doable00:01
Ztqc_qMe671HEY YO ... Q P T (I'm throwing up gang signs)00:01
Ztqc_qMe671HEY YO ... Q P T (My dick is really big)00:02
Ztqc_qMe671HEY YO ... Q P T (I'm throwing up gang signs)00:02
RebelZero!ops | Ztqc_qMe67100:02
Graham_stefg: ok, I'll be right back. thanks very much for you help upto now. its massively appreciated. be right back.00:02
ubottuZtqc_qMe671: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:02
rskmnaines1: probably no a>z guide made for that thou.00:02
Ztqc_qMe671HEY YO ... Q P T (My dick is really big)00:02
robert__is there a .img file for regular ubuntu? i don't like remix00:02
ActionParsnipryan122: i'd suggest lpi, just look at what jobs expect and go for that]00:02
rskrobert__: there is one on www.ubuntu.com00:02
rskoh .img..00:02
mtlife hey for some reason my gdm.conf is gone, and i cant restore it with dpkg-reconfigure gdm. How do i get my default gdm.conf back?00:02
ryan122thanks guys,00:02
christopherhow do i adjust my monitor resolution...there is only two options when i select it00:02
robert__rsk, i meant one i can put on my flash drive and install00:02
mnaines1rsk, how do you do a swap partition on a solid-state drive?00:03
toast_j #magento00:03
ActionParsnipmtlife: sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm00:03
ActionParsnipmnaines1: same as a traditional hdd00:03
cohey. I wonder if there is some kind on application that automatically creates an interner connection for you00:03
linxehrobert__: unetbootin should let you install any iso you want onto a flash drive00:03
cothat I wont have to do anything00:03
linxehmnaines1: you could use a swap file ?00:03
H8sMikeMooreco: its called network manager00:03
robert__oh ok thanks00:03
mnaines1ActionParsnip: the problem with SSDs is they do not overwrite previously-used sectors00:03
christopherQuestion: How do I adjust monitor resolution00:03
robert__linxeh, thanks00:03
mnaines1linxeh: I have enough RAM I don't need a swap00:04
ActionParsnipmnaines1: true this is to prolong the life00:04
christopherOnly two resolutions are available under display preferences00:04
Quarterstaffryan122 You may find this of some help http://www.proprofs.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=847800:04
mtlifeActionParsnip: still no gdm.conf in /etc/gdm/00:04
H8sMikeMooreif theres only two resolutions, then thats all there is00:05
H8sMikeMooremtlife: usually theres a .conf.bak in the same folder00:05
mnaines1ActionParsnip: can Linux run without a swap partition?00:05
borkWhen trying to resize an ntfs partition in the Ubuntu installer partitioner, I get the error "An error occured while writing the changes to the storage devices. The resize operation has been aborted". Any ideas what is wrong?00:05
christopheri'm trying to install a different driver00:05
ActionParsnipmtlife: http://pastebin.com/m5a0554b900:06
ActionParsnipmtlife: no gdm.conf file00:06
sebsebsebmnaines1: yep you can run it without  swap,   but  if you want to hibernate and maybe it's suspsend as well,   that's when you  need swap,  and normalley twice your RAM,   or so they say00:06
mtlifeActionParsnip: yes, but when i start gdm now it says 'there are no servers defined, this is a configuration problem'00:07
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: hibernate is over rated00:07
mnaines1sebsebseb: I don't usually do hibernate or suspend...If anything, I either do a complete shutdown or leave it running00:07
sebsebsebActionParsnip: ???00:07
ActionParsnipmtlife: have you websearched the error message?00:07
mtlifeActionParsnip: yes, did not get any satisfying results00:08
mnaines1sebsebseb: I have 4GB of RAM, and I am looking to upgrade to 8GB of RAM...Is that enough to run Ubuntu Jaunty without a swap?00:08
th0rsebsebseb: I would have to agree with ActionParsnip, I don't use either hibernate or suspend...too many headaches00:08
ActionParsnipmnaines1: depends on yur needs00:08
celthundermnaines1, depends what you are doing with it00:08
mnaines1ActionParsnip: Most of my needs are light use...I do play Warzone2100 now and then but mostly its chat, music, or web surfing00:09
ActionParsnipmnaines1: if you intend to render 3d animations then you will need swap, if you intend to use web browsers and chat clients then you will be fine. there is no definitive answer00:09
mnaines1ActionParsnip: The only thing I would need the swap for then is when I play Warzone210000:09
pagefaultfor just web crap 1gb is enough for no swap00:09
roRiscwhat is a good C / C++ UNIX programming channel?00:09
ActionParsnipmnaines1: then 8gb is far and away more than you will ever need, even if you ran all the apps you names concurrently00:09
pagefault4gb would be more than enough00:09
sebsebsebmnaines1: last time I did  sleep/suspend it sort of worked or whatever,   but  I  don't bother  with  trying again or  getting it working more properly,  oh sure it works  perfectly in Vista, since this  PC was made for Vista,   but  I hardly go on that anymore :)  ( in  fact  I went on  the other day after  not  doing that for about a year or so )00:09
celthundermnaines1 warzone2100 doesnt use that much ram...00:10
mnaines1celthunder: So 8GB with no swap would be more than enough for my needs?00:10
pagefaultif you can't run ubuntu on 8gb without swap it has a problem00:10
celthundermnaines1, yes00:10
ActionParsnipmnaines1: any unused ram for apps will be used as disk cache to make disk access appear faster00:10
sebsebsebmnaines1: I  guess  I should give it a  try since   on Karmic now00:10
ActionParsnipmnaines1: 4gb is already more than enough i'd save your money and not upgrade00:10
mnaines1ActionParsnip: Does the RAM latency make a difference in performance?00:11
ActionParsnipmnaines1: i can do all that stuff with 1gb ram on a 3000 am2 sempern without any issues00:11
ActionParsnipmnaines1: in ram intensive situations yes. in casual system use, no not really00:12
trece8hi, I have to make a bootable windows CD, I have all the files and copied that to the project in k3b ... how do I make it "bootable"? (Or does it just work anyway) - sorry if this question seems a little out of context here -00:12
unoproRisc,  start with #c and #c++00:12
mnaines1ActionParsnip: This machine is a quad-core tower with 4GB of RAM and a 10,000rpm Raptor drive...I used it as my Vista gaming box before I moved to Ubuntu00:12
ActionParsnipmnaines1: you dont need the ram00:12
ActionParsniptrece8: look into bartpe00:13
mindosibuclaw .. ?00:13
mnaines1ActionParsnip: I currently have 5-5-5-12-2T RAM, but I want to upgrade to 4-4-4-12-2T RAM...Would it be a waste of money?00:14
graham__stefg: back00:14
linxehpagefault: I have ubuntu boxes with 64gb ram, and desperately need swap. without knowing what people do on their boxes you can't make comments like that :P00:14
ActionParsnipif all you do is chat browse and warzone2100 then yes00:14
graham__stefg: if you can cut & paste last command I'll try again.00:14
ActionParsniptrece8: yep, go websearch00:14
stefgGraham_: mdadm -C /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb100:15
pagefaultlinxeh, heh well I was assuming a typical usage scenario, of course all results vary :)00:15
cN-WDOWNzutrece8, are you doing it on ubuntu?00:15
ruperti've just set up a network printer on ubuntu 9.04. the test page is printed about 2cm too high (so that the top of it is missing, and there's a gap at the bottom of the page). How can I fix that?00:15
melomanehi, is "cups" related to printers? i have no printer on my system , can i remove cups packages? everytime i update ubuntu, i have to wait a lot for updateing cups00:15
ActionParsniplinxeh: 64Gb ram?00:15
stefggraham__: you need to be root ... sudo -i00:15
trece8googled it already, well... that doesn't have anything to do with what I said :S00:15
Dworthy_DINGHEY YO ... Q P T [_ding_] (I'm throwing up gang signs)00:15
dennispudwillCan anyone tell me how to get a acer netbook apsire one to boot from flash drive or external hard drive, I tried tapping f12 put it does not work, trying to install remix00:15
trece8Yes, cN-WDOWNzu00:15
linxehActionParsnip: uhuh, we have some debian boxes with 256GB00:15
mnaines1linxeh, my usage is typical use - chat, web surfing, and Warzone2100/Tremulous00:15
Dworthy_DINGHEY YO ... Q P T [_ding_] (My dick is really big)00:15
Dworthy_DINGHEY YO ... Q P T [_ding_] (I'm throwing up gang signs)00:15
Dworthy_DINGHEY YO ... Q P T [_ding_] (My dick is really big)00:15
Dworthy_DINGHEY YO ... Q P T [_ding_] (I'm throwing up gang signs)00:15
cN-WDOWNzutrece8, you are just trying to burn an iso?00:15
stefgGraham__: mdadm -C /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb100:16
pagefaultmnaines1, I can do all those on 1gb on my netbook with no swap00:16
ActionParsniplinxeh: nice. we have sql boxes with a bit more at work :)00:16
trece8The problem is that it's not an iso00:16
trece8it's a .rar file with all the files inside00:16
mnaines1pagefault: I max out the framerates on both games with this setup00:16
melomaneany idea about cups?00:16
linxehActionParsnip: this are just rack servers, the superdomes go up to 2TB00:16
pagefaultmnaines1, more ram isn't going to help your framerate00:16
trece8but not an image... I don't know if it should work just like that or not... I tried, but I don't trust the CD drive00:16
graham__stefg: The program 'mdadm' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:00:16
trece8(I mean: didn't work just writing the files)00:16
mnaines1pagefault, I know...This setup as it sits maxes out the performance of both games, so I don't need to worry about that00:17
ActionParsniplinxeh: most have 2Gb. 2Tb is a bit OTT00:17
rupertmelomane: yes, cups is about printing00:17
cN-WDOWNzutrece8, you are trying to make it bootable00:17
linxehActionParsnip: depends what you do on them :)00:17
pagefaultmnaines1, you have more than enough with 4gb, I would only be concerned if you start using gimp with large images00:17
ActionParsniplinxeh: true00:17
graham__stefg: apt-get install mdadm?00:17
stefggraham__: right ...00:17
mnaines1pagefault, I am a professional photographer, and I routinely take photos at 2544x1966 resolution00:17
mnaines1Is that small enough for 4GB to support?00:18
cN-WDOWNzutrece8, google is your friend :/  i know nero useowsd to be able to do that in windbl00:18
linxehmnaines1: i'm an amateur and routinely take images far bigger than that00:18
owen1is openoffice3 in ubuntu's repositories (jaunty)00:18
danbhfivemtlife: I don't know if your question got answered, but maybe you need to purge the package.  The gdm.conf is in that package00:18
trece8But how k3b or brasero does that? I googled and didn't found a thing00:18
pagefaultmnaines1, well you might just make it with that much, depending on what filters you are using you may require a tiny bit of swap dealing with large photographs00:18
linxehmnaines1: admittedly, your camera is likely better than mine00:18
linxehand you'll know how to use it :)00:18
mnaines1linxeh: my camera is a Canon PowerShot A53000:18
linnyanyone know any applications to sync a win mobile handset to nix ?00:18
graham__stefg: now says - mdadm: array /dev/md0 started.00:19
linxehmnaines1: and you use that as a professional photographer?00:19
mnaines1For now, yes00:19
stefggraham__: good ...00:19
dennispudwillcan anyone help me with installing remix on a netbook, I downloaded and save it to an external harddrive and flash drive, I can't get the netbook to boot from eitherone00:19
stefgGraham__: mdadm -C /dev/md1 --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb200:19
pagefaultif you start dealing with 12mp images I would get 8gb if you plan on not using swap00:19
mnaines1linxeh, which is faster as a RAMDISK, standard memory or flash memory?00:20
melomanerupert: so can i remove it while i have no printers?00:20
graham__stefg: mdadm: array /dev/md1 started.00:20
jpdsstefg: RAID 0?00:20
linxehmnaines1: that question doesnt make sense - only standard memory can be used as a ramdisk00:20
trece8How do I make a bootable CD with k3b or brasero?00:20
stefgGraham__: mdadm -C /dev/md2 --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb300:20
^c|0ud^can anyone help me with a pptpd server issue, seems that I can connect to my vpn fine, and access all my servers except my main router? Also I am unable to use the internet while connected to the vpn, within windows I have to uncheck the remote gateway option00:20
mnaines1linxeh, so you can't use FlashRAM chips as a ramdisk?00:20
ActionParsnipdennispudwill: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-x-ubuntu-610/   works with any iso00:20
linxehmnaines1: but, SRAM is far faster than DRAM. few systems have SRAM though00:21
spOwhat if you want to use an older version than ubuntu likes,   how do you make it so you don't get notified of upgrades for that one single package that you want to keep old?00:21
graham__stefg: mdadm: array /dev/md2 started.00:21
linxehmnaines1: you'd use flashram as a normal filesystem00:21
spOolder version of a package00:21
stefgGraham__: and finally  mdadm -C /dev/md3 --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda4 /dev/sdb400:21
owen1is openoffice3 in ubuntu's repositories (jaunty)? how to install it?00:21
linxehmnaines1: and flash is much slower than dram00:21
herenbdyhello, when creating your own package with checkinstall, how can you tell checkinstall where to put the created .deb file?00:21
mnaines1Linxeh, can Ubuntu boot from securedigital memory cards?00:21
cN-WDOWNzusudo apt-get install openoffice00:21
jpdsowen1: I think it's installed by default.00:22
graham__stefg: mdadm: array /dev/md3 started.00:22
owen1jpds: i don't have it00:22
^c|0ud^can anyone help me with my vpn issue00:22
borkWhen trying to resize an ntfs partition in the Ubuntu installer partitioner, I get the error "An error occured while writing the changes to the storage devices. The resize operation has been aborted". Any ideas what is wrong?00:22
owen1jpds: and sudo aptitude install openoffice.org-3.0 can't locate it.00:22
danbhfivebork: your system may be toast00:22
ActionParsnipowen1: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-1-on-Ubuntu-9-04-111105.shtml00:22
dennispudwillso can I not us 9.04 remix on netbook?00:23
^c|0ud^dennis I do00:23
borkdanbhfive: i bought the computer today =P00:23
ActionParsnipbork: did you shutdown properly00:23
danbhfivebork: well, sorry, not your whole system, just the data on it00:23
mnaines1ActionParsnip: I found a hard drive that only draws 1.5W when active and has a sustained throughput of 87 megabytes per second00:23
stefggraham__: alright. so now the raptors are set up as a raid array. md0 will be /boot (raid1),  md1 will be / (raid0), md2 will be swap (raid0) , md3 will be /home (raid0)00:23
mtlifeActionParsnip: i dont know WHY you do not have a gdm.conf but my gdm seems to be working fine with a config i picked up from the internet. So WHY isnt there a default gdm config in the package?00:23
=== Odin is now known as th0r
herenbdyfound it, --pkadir00:23
ActionParsnipmnaines1: nice00:24
linxehmnaines1: yes, depending on the card / reader00:24
linxehmnaines1: and the bios on the machine00:24
mnaines1linxeh, I have a Toshiba Satellite A205 series laptop...It says in the BIOS it can boot from USB, LAN, CD, HDD, and Floppy00:24
ActionParsnipmtlife: no idea. it works so i dont argue with it. let me find00:24
danbhfiveowen1: Im running jaunty, and openoffice 3 is in package openoffice.org00:24
dennispudwillAction:  I'm having problems with booting from my external hard drive, haven't been able to install anything, I want to use a dual boot system  on if its possible00:24
borkdanbhfive: the windows installer ran, so I think it is working00:24
danbhfivebork: ActionParsnip is probably correct, that you didn't shut down properly00:25
graham__stefg: ok. so now should just be case of running install, telling  current partitions what they are and letting it roll?00:25
mnaines1linxeh: However, I do not know if it can boot from the memory card slot or the ExpressCard slot00:25
linxehmnaines1: try it and see :)00:25
jpdsstefg: Why are you telling him to use RAID 0 though?00:25
Luig1I heard one of the latest releases of Ubuntu uses (or will use) ext4 by default. Does this apply when one updates to that release, or only to a clean install?00:25
linxehmnaines1: on my machines USB flash drives count as an extra hdd00:25
coldReactive42Problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124809200:25
stefggraham__: take not of that.. now you're going to start the real install with the alternate cd. once you get to the partitioning part you can instantly choose 'activate raid' and tell the installer what we had in mind. Don't use the installer from the CD you're running now00:25
linxehmnaines1: I'd assume that CF would be similar00:25
linxehmnaines1: or SD etc00:25
borkdanbhfive: why would not shutting down properly cause a problem?00:26
danbhfiveLuig1: there might be a way to upgrade, but I don't think it will work as well as a clean install00:26
mnaines1linxeh: I plan on it...I'm looking for a high-speed FlashRAM card for SecureDigital slot00:26
ActionParsnipLuig1: no, you can convert to ext4 you do not get the full benefit of ext4 witha converted fs00:26
stefgjpds: we discussed that earlier, he knows what he's doing (there'S another disk in that system for backups)00:26
mnaines1linxeh: Fastest one I can find so far is 30MB/sec00:27
jpdsstefg: Aha.00:27
danbhfivebork: because linux doesn't support ntfs perfectly.  If the shutdown is bad, the partition is marked as such, and linux will refuse to touch it00:27
linxehmnaines1: I'd check the capacity that the slot can read first - some can only read up to 1GB cards00:27
graham__stefg: not it wrote down. only thing I'm now unsure of is exactly what to install into the tiny /boot partition and what to put into the /root partition?  I'm assuming I flag the /boot as the partition to boot from.00:27
ActionParsnipmtlife: /etc/dbus-1/system.d/gdm.conf00:27
mnaines1linxeh: Mine has no limit...I run 2GB cards in it no problem...00:27
graham__stefg: sorry meant *got it wrote down.00:27
linxehmnaines1: thats pretty fast. bear in mind it wont suffer from track seeking that a hdd does, so it should be much faster under normal usage00:27
^c|0ud^Can anyone help me with an issue I am having with pptpd server I am running?00:27
=== Whitor is now known as Whi-afk
spOi would like to install and keep wine 1.0.1  but if i install that version, then i will keep on getting notifications to upgrade to version 1.1.28 , how can i make it so for that package only, i don't get notifications?00:27
mnaines1linxeh: Is Class 6 the current class of memory cards?00:27
borkdanbhfive: I see! I hadn't finished installing completely, so maybe that is it. Thanks!00:28
graham__stefg and ubuntu will know what to do with the /root partition.?00:28
ActionParsnipmtlife: http://pastebin.com/f67888aef00:28
cN-WDOWNzuuse wubi :P00:28
linxehmnaines1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Digital_card#SD_Speed_Class_Ratings00:28
tikkaWhat's the time Mr Wolf00:28
graham__stefg: and finally, bacause the boot partitions are mirrored, it should only need to write grub to one of them as it will automatically be mirrored to other?00:28
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)00:28
coldReactive42Problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124809200:29
mtlifeActionParsnip: what version of ubuntu is that?00:29
ActionParsnipsp0: if you have the wine repos added then you shouldnt have that issue00:29
stefggraham__: when running the alternate install now you are on your own unless you have a second computer to connect to this cahnnel. the idea is  that you skip the actual partitioning (we did this) and just tell the installer to use md0 for /boot, md1 for / , md2 for swao, and md3 for /home00:29
jpdsgraham__: If you're using RAID 0 for it, it's NOT mirrored.00:29
ActionParsnipmtlife: karmic but has been upgraded through from intrepid00:29
graham__stefg: sorry for all questions. just feel that this time, with your help, I may finally be close to having this setup and nearly working - so don't want to screwup on final steps.00:29
ActionParsnipjpds: neither is it technically raid ;)00:29
kellykelWhat do i do if when installing something it say wrong architecture 'i386'00:30
th0rspO: highlight the wine entry in synaptic, click on Package and check Lock Version00:30
mtlifeActionParsnip: i'm on hardy.. maybe gdm is somehow different in karmic?00:30
linxehkellykel: get teh right architecture00:30
jpdsActionParsnip: Yeah, well, hardware RAID FTW.00:30
kellykelis that a joke00:30
kellykelor do you mean it00:30
stefggraham__: so you are aware that you have to reboot now and install from the other (alternate) CD ?00:31
ActionParsnipjpds: true but raid0 has no redundancy which is what R in raid stands for00:31
graham__stefg: ok. I'm ready to roll. thanks very much for you time its greatly appreciated. This irc channel and the people that populate it to help and advise is fantastic. you offer a great service. I just I could buy you a gallon of beer.00:31
Stormx2`kellykel, the page you've installed is for a different architecture to the one you're running. Find a package for your arch or compile from source00:31
arandDoes ~/ default to 755 in ubuntu? (And where would I find documentation on that?)00:31
macoarand: yes, just like debian00:31
ActionParsniparand: ls -la ~/ | less00:31
coz_hey guys00:32
graham__stefg: yes. doing it now. just wanted to say thanks.  if it fails, I'll have to ask missus nicely if she'll move off of facebook for 10 minutes and I'll try connect there. thanks again.00:32
digital8080is this the right room to ask about pidgin google talk configuration?00:32
geniikellykel: Usually that error happens when you have downloaded a .deb file for 32bit when you have 64 bit system, for instance. The solution as linxeh suggests is to find the 64bit (in this example)00:32
ActionParsnipdigital8080: indeed00:32
coz_once again  let me see if anyone knows what would be the problem...two systems...both ubuntu 9.04  with complete updates...the scsi system is running kernel 2.6.28-13-generic but the other system is running  kernel 2.6.28-15-generic00:32
kellykeli tried another and it said Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: smc-data (= 1.8-1~getdeb1)00:32
arandActionParsnip: Yea, but it's randomly been set to 777, that's why I wondered...00:33
jattin which files does pidgin store its configuration?00:33
arandmaco: Cheers00:33
ActionParsniparand: the chmod it for security00:33
jattI tried the .pidgin directory but it doesn't exist00:33
th0rjatt: .purple00:33
mnaines1ActionParsnip: Would 30MB/sec sustained access speed be fast enough for my needs?00:34
tikkaHi alanz0r00:34
ActionParsnipkellykel: you can instal 32bit debs provided you have ia32-libs installed. Its strongly advised to install 64bit packages if you can00:34
ActionParsnipmnaines1: sure00:34
kellykelthe second was a 64 bit00:34
ActionParsnipmnaines1: basic web browsing neds a not hugely fast link, chat will run over 56k just fine00:35
mnaines1ActionParsnip: I found a hard drive that can do 87MB/sec sustained access with a power requirement of 1.5W active or 0.6W idle00:35
ActionParsnipmnaines1: sounds fine00:35
mnaines1ActionParsnip: Does a flashRAM card use that much power?00:35
coldReactive42Two Problems: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1248096 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124809200:35
RHorse /quit00:36
ActionParsnipmnaines1: not researched it really00:36
KapliHi, I just installed ubuntu with dual booting, but it made the partition only 2gb of the one i had which was 160gb and now its too small to install updates, what can I do?00:36
canthus13mnaines1: I believe that flash ram uses somewhere in the hundredths of a watt.00:36
jattth0r: thanks00:36
canthus13Kapli: YOu can try resizing the partition using gparted.00:37
ActionParsnipmnaines1: i cant imagine its lots00:37
digital8080thanks ... should i fill the resource option?00:37
Kaplidoes gparted have a GUI?00:37
^c|0ud^can anyone help me with a vpn server issue I am having please and thank you00:37
canthus13Kapli: Yep.00:37
Kapliwhere can i find it? im in 09.0400:37
canthus13Kapli: You will ahve to install it, though, or use a live CD.00:37
superbokiKapli: some sort of partition resizer maybe? maybe gparted would work?00:37
ActionParsnipKapli: gparted IS a gui to parted00:37
konamKapli gparted is the gui...00:37
canthus13Kapli: In fact, a live CD would be the best way to go. it shows up int he System > administration menu00:38
kellykelActionParsnip:the second was a 64 bit00:38
borkdanbhfive: that worked, thanks again =)00:38
mrweso/ ActionParsnip00:38
danbhfivebork: yw00:38
ActionParsnipkapil: any ap starting with g usually is a gui t some app00:38
Kapliah, i see i have to install gparted00:38
canthus13Kapli: it shows up as partition editior00:38
ActionParsnipmrwes: howdy00:38
canthus13Kapli: In the menu.00:38
Kapliyes its there now after i intsalled it :)00:39
canthus13Kapli: Cool.00:39
digital8080ActionParsnip: is the resource option in the login options important00:39
Kapliok im in the program but im kinda clueless :D00:39
canthus13Kapli: Just remember.. No changes take place until you apply them.00:39
canthus13Kapli: You'll need to do this from a live CD.  You can't resize an active partition.00:40
Kapliah ok00:40
ActionParsnipkapil: you have an interface to the largest information base known to mankind. i suggest you use it00:40
canthus13Kapli: But essentially, you'll shrink the larger partiition, and then enlarge the smaller one to fill up the slack space.00:40
Kaplibut which one is it that i should change the size of?00:40
mrwesActionParsnip, google?00:40
ActionParsnipmrwes: amongst others00:40
rupertdoes anyone know how to stop pages being printed with the top cut off?00:41
Kaplii see 3, sda1 ext3 and sda2 extended and sda5 linux-swap00:41
canthus13Kapli: Like I said, Shrink the larger one. Then enlarge the smaller one.  THEN, apply the changes and wait.00:41
mrwesdamn....Action was kaboomed00:41
HobbleAlongKapli: resizing is quite slow.  You have already gone through the install process so you know how.  Doing it again and sizing your partitions probably won't take you any longer.00:41
canthus13Kapli: You may need to relete and recreate your swap partition, if it's in the middle.00:41
mnaines1ActionParsnip: My laptop is primarily used for remote network management, remote system administration, and disaster recovery00:41
canthus13Kapli: Hobble has a good point.00:41
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canthus13Kapli: If you don't have any good reason to not start over, just wipe it out and start again.00:42
Kaplii might do that00:42
digital8080please anyone would help my00:42
Kaplibut what should i do different in the install00:42
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canthus13Kapli: Manually set up the partitions.00:42
Kapliah i see, alright ill do that, thanks for the help00:42
Cantinflas9hi all00:44
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Cantinflas9is this the support room?00:45
maltobCantinflas9: yes00:45
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Cantinflas9cool i'm just trying ubuntu from a live CD but i can't get it to connect to my server :(00:46
_M4rk_hello. i have a log file on an ubuntu server, and i would like to empty this file. whats the easiest way to do this? thanks00:46
koolkatwhen I close pidgin it disappears and doesnt appear in the system notification area but yet IM windows remain open. where did pidgin go and how do i get it to minimize to the system tray?00:46
Maro_Hey, does anyone have any idea why downloads of large files (>1GB) using a browser, or wget would be cutting out early and stopping without reporting an error?00:48
digital8080could anybody help me in my pidgin problem or im in the wrong room?00:48
Cantinflas9haha i habe no idea 808000:48
Cantinflas9i'm still waiting for someone to help me00:49
dsnyders_An Evolution upgrade has duplicated all of my emails.  How do I dedupe?00:49
mtlifefor some reason with every gdm install my gdm.conf would not be recreated.. i extracted it manually now from the .deb so everything works like a charm again. But still, why didnt it fix my gdm.conf file, anyone?00:50
ubuntu79i use pidgin whats up 8080?00:52
canthus13Cantinflas9: What do you mean by 'my server'?00:52
HobbleAlongCantinflas9: Is your server a web server?00:53
spOstable version of wine is version 1.0.1  but on wine's page , http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/archive/index.html , i can go back only to 1.1.1800:53
Cantinflas9oh no sorry00:53
Cantinflas9it's my usb modem00:54
Cantinflas9it wont let me connect00:54
canthus13Cantinflas9: Ah.00:54
canthus13Cantinflas9: Brand/model?00:54
Cantinflas9i checked the model and someone said it started right away in their ubuntu 8.04 version00:54
Cantinflas9it's a d-link00:54
digital8080i want to enter some of the rooms that are in google talk but i get xmpp instead and when i try to list the rooms of xmpp it asks me to enter the code of conference server!!!!00:54
Cantinflas9D-Link Wireless G USB 2.0 Adapter 802.11g00:55
ubuntu79sorry i dont know anything about google talk srry00:55
canthus13Cantinflas9: Oh. Wireless adapter. I thought you said modem.00:55
canthus13Cantinflas9: So... Does it see any wireless networks?00:55
Cantinflas9umm..no it didn't show anything but those little bars being gray00:56
canthus13Cantinflas9: When you click on it, do you see your router in the list?00:56
Cantinflas9no i didn't see anything00:57
Cantinflas9i tried to add it using the SSID and WEP but that didn't seemt o help either00:57
canthus13Cantinflas9: Are you connecting to your router with any other machines?00:57
Cantinflas9no this is the same computer00:58
canthus13Cantinflas9: Just for grins, try rebooting your router.00:58
digital8080ubuntu79: is a room for pidgin help support00:58
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete00:58
canthus13Cantinflas9: It could just be that your router crashed. :)00:58
Cantinflas9rebooting you mean the USB thing?00:59
mtlifeis a celeron 500mhz with a geforce2mx to slow for gnome?00:59
canthus13Cantinflas9: No. I mean your router. The wireless access point.00:59
canthus13mtlife: Nah.00:59
Cantinflas9oooh..its one of those verizon Fios thingies01:00
canthus13mtlife: My wife runs on a PIII 1ghz stuck at 731 mhz, using plain old vesa, and has plenty to spare.01:00
mtlifecanthus13: well it feels like there is almost no hardware acceleration going on in the interface itself. the driver in xorg.conf says nvidia though01:00
canthus13mtlife: Odd.01:01
canthus13, provided you have enough ram.01:01
mtlifecanthus13: yeah, 786mb :p, glxgears running at 350 fps:|01:01
BioVoremtlife: what does glxinfo say about direct render?01:01
VariantXhello i was wondering i encountered a bug with debian 5.02 that the parted (partition manager) doesnt see any of my partitions, does unbuntu 9.04 suffer from the same problem?01:01
canthus13You should be fine for web browsing and email and such.01:02
canthus13mtlife: Compiz might be a bit much though.01:02
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VariantXi believe the version of parted on the installer was 1.7 what version of parted does debian 9.04 use?01:02
zelrikriandoI was wondering where is the theme directory on ubuntu01:03
mnaines1There is no tangible difference in performance between having 4GB of RAM and having a page file on a hard drive and having 1GB of RAM and Gigabyte's iRam RamDrive...Put simply, the only real way to guarantee that you don't need a swap file or page file is to have 4GB of RAM or more01:03
zelrikriandowhere the gtk themes are01:03
mtlifeBioVore: it says yes01:03
IvozHi there01:04
renatohi all01:04
mtlifecanthus13: yes emailing and browsing should be fine, but it handles sluggish. Example: it runs openttd fine in windows, but it does not in gnome (openttd is a game)01:05
CavalierPrimejwfoxjr just back up each user's home directory01:05
sarutobisenseyhi. i want to format a SD card but i don't now how to do this01:05
mtlifeBioVore: what should direct render say? should it say yes or no? mine says yes01:05
IvozOn user login, I'm getting that my .dmrc file has bad permissions and needs to be set back to 644. I've done this multiple times and it still says it, what gives?01:05
canthus13mtlife: Hmm. trackerd might be running.01:05
mtlife!info trackerd01:06
ubottuPackage trackerd does not exist in jaunty01:06
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)01:06
canthus13!info tracker01:06
ubottutracker (source: tracker): metadata database, indexer and search tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.93-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 596 kB, installed size 3152 kB01:06
sarutobisenseysome one want helme?01:06
slideHow do I *permanently* change my hostname? I edit /etc/hostname but when i restart it goes back to the original name01:07
mtlifecanthus13: how to disable it?01:07
canthus13mtlife: It's kinda rude at times.01:07
unopIvoz, make sure the file has the right ownership - it has to be owned by you01:07
dooglushey #ubuntu.  I have a 7.10 box and want to upgrade to 8.04.  it's well out of date.  do I need to update to the latest 7.10 packages before going to 8.04 or not?01:07
canthus13mtlife: Hmm. I don't remember, honestly. Gimme a sec.01:07
unopslide, when you restart, what is the hostname according to /etc/hostname ?01:07
Ivozunop, I've put chmod 644 .dmrc into console on a few logins now01:08
mtlifedooglus: i upgraded from 7.04 to 8.04 without any problems, so i do not expect you will have any01:08
lion_hi gents, I need your advice01:08
sarutobisensey¿alguien sabe español?01:08
slideunop, bnason01:08
dooglusmtlife did you understand my question?01:08
slideunop, ok never mind01:08
unopIvoz,  well, you have to ensure  chmod $USER.$USER ~/.dmrc  #too01:08
renatoHi guys!01:08
slidesome how it fixed itself01:08
canthus13mtlife: Which version are you using?01:08
Dr_WillisHmm. I just delete the .dmrc if it gets messed up. it remakes it.01:08
mtlifedooglus: yes, sorry incomplete answer. I did not upgrade/update anything before dist-upgrading. Took longer then I expected though01:09
mtlifecanthus13: 8.0401:09
renatowho use a theme like mac OS X in your ubuntu ??01:09
rblst!mkfs > sarutobisensey01:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mkfs01:09
Ivozunop, do I put my username in place of $USER or leave that as is?01:09
Dr_Willisrenato:  there exists several. and thers a site  with themes/guides on making it look very very very much like OS-X01:09
dooglusi didn't use this box for 15 months of so.  there are hundreds of updates available for 7.10, or I can go straight to 8.0401:09
rblst!es > sarutobisensey01:09
unopIvoz, you can leave it as it is -- it will expand to your username anyway01:09
ZoshI just did a fresh install of ubuntu 9.04 but after the install on the first boot it freezes.. it freezes at where the mouse is spinning but the spinning stops too and the screen is blank black.01:09
rblst sarutobisensey01:09
lion_so, folks, who r ready to help me? )01:09
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:09
doogluslion_: I r01:10
canthus13mtlife: Hmm. Look for it in synaptic and uninstall it.01:10
mtlifedooglus: what i did was a straight update to 8.04 and it worked, had the same problem didnt update for MONTHS. I suggest you do a backup though to be sure01:10
renatoyoop... yep i know....01:10
dooglusmtlife: there's nothing on it i want to keep anyway i don't think01:10
kopolee11Hello. I recently downgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 (I was having sound issues with 9.04) and was wondering how to make my /home partition my /home. Essentially I'm asking how does one change the $PATH. Thank you very much.01:10
Ivozunop- 'invalid mode - 'ivo.ivo''01:10
unopIvoz, sorry,  make that chown, my bad01:11
dooglusmtlife: thanks01:11
BioVoredooglus: In theory it should work.   But if got some distro stuff in there..  might cause problems..01:11
Zoshhmm anyone can help me please?.. :(01:11
unopIvoz,  chown $USER.$USER ~/.dmrc01:11
Dr_Williskopolee11:  path is defined in .profile I recall. near the end.01:11
mtlifedooglus: np :)01:11
dooglusBioVore: it's all distro stuff01:11
lion_dooglus: pls advice, how to change sound volume from linear to logarithmic?01:11
Dr_Williskopolee11:  if you got home on its own partition, you mount that partition to /home via the fstab normally01:11
dooglusBioVore: I think all of ubuntu packages are distro stuff01:11
Ivozok cool that worked, thankyou unop, i'll try logging in again01:11
lstarneslion_: I think it can only be linear01:11
_bais adding ntfs drives to ubuntu pretty easy and stable once mounted?01:11
doogluslion_: I don't know01:11
kopolee11Dr_Willis: Is .profile in the /etc folder? thanks01:11
Dr_Willis_ba:  ive no hassles with adding ntfs drives01:11
BioVoredooglus: yup.. so *should* work then..01:12
sarutobisenseysomeone can say to me how to format a SD card?01:12
canthus13mtlife: or sudo apt-get remove tracker01:12
Dr_Williskopolee11:  since it has a . in the front.. its a USER config file in the users home dir. there IS a /etc/profile (no dot) i recall01:12
mtlifecanthus13: i am now running top in a terminal and it says 80% cpu to gnome-panel :|01:12
Dr_Williskopolee11:  depends on if you want a 'user' setting, or  for 'everyone'01:12
rblstsarutobisensey: you can use gparted to format your card01:12
canthus13mtlife: gnome-panel shouldn't do that.01:12
kopolee11Dr_Willis: What do I put exactly in the fstab file exactly? Thanks, I'm pretty clueless.01:12
kopolee11i'd rather have it for everyone01:13
kopolee11so probably, /etc, correct?01:13
lion_lstarnes: it is very big one step, from silence to loud sound.. I wanna change it more softly01:13
leaf-sheepFor some reason, my Ubuntu installation on HTPC kept failing on me.  I'm not is unable to go beyond 33% of partitions formatting for 2TB HDD. I'm wondering if I should be doing something in advance such as setting up SATA/RAID controllers.01:13
sarutobisenseyrblst:  I have gparted, can you expain me?01:13
Maro_Does anyone have any idea why large downloads would be stopping after a few hundred MB when they're >1GB large? Using different browsers and wget...01:14
Dr_Williskopolee11:  adding new file sytems to fstab is docuemented everytehre. the ntfs-3g homepage is the main guide.  an example of Mine for MY system is --> /dev/sda1 /media/Windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 101:14
Dr_Willis!ntfs-3g | kopolee1101:14
ubottukopolee11: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:14
spOwell, dvdrebuilder feature of queuing projects does not work well in wine. Thus, i will have to use my windows desktop to re-encode dvd9 to dvd5 because i don't want poor quality i would get with a non CCE encoder01:14
Dr_Williskopolee11:  the Directory you are mounting TO (/media/Windows) MUST exist befor you mount somthing to it. (sudo mkdir /media/Windows)01:14
rblstsarutobisensey: select your device and make a FAT partition on it01:14
rupertdoes anyone know how to stop pages being printed with the top cut off?01:15
Dr_Willisrupert:  check your printer margins/settings  in the configs.  it may be set to the wrong kind of paper.  or bad margins01:15
sarutobisenseyin the terminal execute the gparted?01:15
Ivozok thanks upon that worked!01:15
mtlifecanthus13: ah well.. now removing tracker01:15
lion_guys, pls advice what should be changed to make sound volume changing more accurately and softly ?01:15
kopolee11Dr_Willis: Thanks a lot. Didn't know this was already covered in the community docs. I'll check that out.01:16
midoguy...could I convert deb extension to rpm or tar.bz?01:16
Dr_Williskopolee11:  its covered at 1000+ sites. :) its a common topic. :)01:16
IvozDoes anyone know how to get the user logon to select your username automatically, rather than typing it in every time?01:16
Ben64mido: neither?01:16
rupertDr_Willis: the margins are all 0, and the paper is a4 (which is correct)01:16
ZoshI just did a fresh install of ubuntu 9.04 but after the install on the first boot it freezes.. it freezes at where the mouse is spinning but the spinning stops too and the screen is blank black.01:16
rblstZosh: you get past the login screen?01:16
kopolee11Dr_Willis: However, I'm not trying to mount my window's partition (didn't know you could do that) but my linux home partition. However, I'll look a bit more through the docs. Thanks a lot01:16
Dr_Willisrupert:  does it from all apps? or just a few? Ive noticed some browsers goofing up.01:16
midoBen64: how to do that?01:16
leaf-sheepIvoz: Preference/System --> Login Windows.01:16
rupertDr_Willis: i've only tried the test page and lpr from the command line01:17
Zoshrblst,right after the loading screen01:17
Ben64mido: why would you want to convert .deb? ubuntu can use it01:17
Dr_Williskopolee11:  for a linux partition you will want to use the UUID method to  identify the partition most likely also.01:17
sarutobisenseyrblst:  gparted no show me the SD card01:17
rupertDr_Willis: neither works correctly01:17
midoto work in all distrbutions of linux01:17
lenhi, can anyone help me mouting ftp into a folder?01:18
Dr_Willisrupert:  try from Openoffice, or a browser perhaps.  You may need to set the margin to some actual #.  I thinki always set mine to be .2 or somting small01:18
rblstsarutobisensey: okay, so you can delete the partition on the card (make sure to backup your data) and make a new partition with FAT32 type01:18
Ivozleaf-sheep: where about is the correct option in there? I can't see it amongst the tabs01:18
Adrian1Hello can someone help me with sound01:18
kopolee11Dr_Willis: Don't know what the UUID method is, but I'll look it up. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction01:18
midoBen64: to work in all distrbutions of linux01:18
Dr_Willis!info fuseftp01:18
ubottuPackage fuseftp does not exist in jaunty01:18
iluminator101 i have no sound, can someone help me configure sound01:18
Dr_Willis!uuid | kopolee1101:18
ubottukopolee11: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:18
Zoshrblst,do you know how to fix this? :(01:19
spOsabnzbd  takes up about 80Z% of my CPU even when it is not downloading anything/is on pause01:19
lion_I have 2 buttons on my laptop: increase sound and decrease one, and they are working very hard, means they make very big difference between volumes01:19
rblstZosh: do you get to the login screen where you need to enter your name and password?01:19
sarutobisenseyrblst:  no, in the gparted not showme the sd card01:19
Dr_Willis!info curleftpfs |  len01:19
ubottulen: Package curleftpfs does not exist in jaunty01:19
Zoshrblst,No, it freezes right after the loading screen01:19
Dr_Willis!info curlftpfs |  len01:19
ubottulen: curlftpfs (source: curlftpfs): filesystem to access FTP hosts based on FUSE and cURL. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-1 (jaunty), package size 29 kB, installed size 112 kB01:19
Adrian1can someone help me with sound plz01:19
Zoshrblst,it just shows the mouse but the spinning wheel is frozen. I can move the mouse though01:20
mnainesWhich is faster, a 30MB/sec sustained access 32GB SecureDigital card or a standard magnetic hard drive?01:20
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lenDr_Willis, thx gonna checkout01:20
Dr_Willislen:  check the 'fuse' homepage for other options that use fuse also.01:20
unopIvoz, run this command.   gksudo gdmsetup  and then navigate to the Security tab and adjust the "Enable automatic logon" option01:20
zelrikriandoI get the following error message on most themes from gnome-look "this theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme 'imetal-gradient-macmenu' is not  installed"01:20
Adrian1Can someone help me with sound config?01:20
kopolee11Dr_Willis: Thanks I'll go check it out. Sorry if this is a very common questio01:21
robert__i have remix and want standard. how do i put an iso on a flash drive?01:21
Ivozunop, I don't want automatic logon, I just want not to have to type my username every time...01:21
Dr_Williskopolee11:  i forget the question. :) but yes.. how to mount filesystems in linux is common knowledge./docuemted  and a thing  WELL worth learning  all about. :)01:21
rblstZosh: try reinstalling gnome01:21
lenDr_Willis,  I just tryed to install fuse-module but it throw an error01:21
brigI installed Swfdec and cannot see certain swf files... how do I fix this???01:22
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Zoshrblst,btw I installed using the alternate cd . the normal cd wont work..01:22
lenDr_Willis, i think i need to say my kernel version to ir, or something like that01:22
Dr_Willislen: the 'fuse' stuff is normally installed by default.    Not sure aboyut your 'error;'01:22
IvozI had to change my password just now because i typed it in the username field in front of someone... on vista you just type your password01:22
rblstZosh: do you have an ati card?01:23
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xsebsxwhat's the best dvd playing app? i am having a wee bit of trouble with dragon player01:23
Zoshrblst,nope nvidia01:23
Adrian1Can anyone help me??01:23
robert__i have remix and want standard. how do i put an iso on a flash drive?01:23
lenDr_Willis, from tutorial it said I need to load it with sudo modprobe fuse01:23
Dr_Willisxsebsx:  i tend to use vlc, or mplayer or smplayer01:23
Dr_Willislen:  its allready loaded most likely01:23
Dr_Willislen:  its built in the the kernel i think on the latest releases01:24
rblstZosh: why did you use an alternate cd?01:24
brigDr_Wills: how do I cahange the player???01:24
Zoshrblst,the normal won't work. it freezes on install01:24
robert__is it possible to put an iso on a flash drive?01:24
Zoshit freezes where it only shows the wallpaper not even started to install01:24
robert__i mean to boot01:25
Dr_Willisrobert__:  yes.. if you mean to make a BOOTABLE flash drive from an iso use 'unetbootin' or the Ubuntu 'usb-disk' creator tool01:25
Dr_Willisrobert__:  i use unetbootin all the time.01:25
Adrian1Dr_willis: can you help me with sound configuration01:25
robert__ubuntu startup disc creator?01:25
mnainesDr_Willis: If a computer can boot from USB, can it also boot from SecureDigital or ExpressCard?01:25
Dr_WillisAdrian1:  depends on the exact problem.. very likely, not.01:25
Dr_Willismnaines:  thats not alwyas the case.  Some can, some cant.01:26
robert__Dr_Willis, do you mean startup disc creator? didn't work01:26
brigI installed Swfdec and cannot see certain swf files... how do I fix this?01:26
Dr_Willisrobert__:  'admin -> usb startup disk creator' works with Ubuntu ISO's , not sure about other disrtos.01:26
Dr_Willisrobert__:  unetbootin works with most disrtos.01:26
Adrian1Dr_Willis: well i had some sound on my computer when I first install the ubuntu on my computer but when i did the update i dont have anymore sound at tall01:26
mnainesDr_Willis: My laptop is a Toshiba Satellite A205 series...I do not know if it can boot from the SecureDigital01:26
Adrian1Dr_Willis: all**01:27
robert__Dr_Willis, i tried the one from ubuntu.com didn't work01:27
mickster04mnaines, why not try?01:27
Dr_Willismnaines:  no idea. hit google I guess.. Ive not had ANY laptops that could boot from SD card. and ive had 5+ of them over the last few years.01:27
Dr_Willisrobert__:  tried 'what one' ?01:27
brigI installed Swfdec and cannot see certain swf files... how do I fix this???01:28
rblstZosh: you may try to change your video driver to vesa in /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:28
Adrian1Dr_Willis: well i had some sound on my computer when I first install the ubuntu on my computer but when i did the update i dont have anymore sound at tall01:28
mnainesmickster04: I am going to try it and see...If it doesn't work, then I'll probably use the card as a ramdrive01:28
robert__Dr_Willis, it said unable to determine partition number01:28
Dasnipaare some repo's down? Could not connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out01:28
mickster04brig, have u tried vlc?01:28
kitchebrig: by not using swfdec for those swf files01:28
Dr_WillisAdrian1:  check the various alsa trouble shooting guides01:28
Dr_WillisAdrian1:  thats about all  i know on the topic.01:28
brigmickster04: vlc... how???01:28
Adrian1Dr_Willis: i tried all of that and I still didnt get anything01:28
brigmickster04: apt get does  not change it01:29
Dr_Willisrobert__:   perhaps you used the tool wrong i guess.  The USb-creator works very well for me. or go try Unetbootin01:29
robert__i'll try that one thanks01:29
Dr_Willis!info unetbootin01:29
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 304-1 (jaunty), package size 187 kB, installed size 564 kB01:29
mickster04brig, right click on the file? then select open with vlc? or load the file from vlc itself01:29
Zoshrblst,ok I'll try thanks01:30
robert__where do i get unetbootin?01:30
brigmicster04: I think you do not understand... in firefox... it says its playing it in swf, how do I switch???01:30
mickster04oooooh i c01:30
mickster04brig no idea:D01:30
brigI installed Swfdec and cannot see certain swf files... how do I fix this???01:31
brigI installed Swfdec and cannot see certain swf files in firefox... how do I fix this???01:31
Dr_Willisbrig:  perhaps install the flash-nonfree?01:31
giotisplease i need help with the username and password from router01:31
brigdr_Wills: done01:31
Dr_Willisif only SOME swf work.. sounds like its a compatiability problem. and installing both.. may cause all sorts of issues01:31
brigDr_Willis: did not fix it01:31
b3rz3rk3r!ask | giotis01:31
ubottugiotis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:31
Dr_Willisremove both.. reinstall the flash nonfree01:32
mickster04brig, if you go to systemdetails.com it tells u what flash player ur using?01:32
kismethey dose anyone know how to test if my 3d works01:32
brigDr_Willis: when I try to uninstall Swfdec it says I have to uninstall gnome... is that safe???01:33
c_kornkismet: glxgears01:33
Dr_Willisbrig:  if you mean 'gnome-desktop' yes.01:33
kismetc_korn: thx01:33
Polt{laptop}can anyone tell me how to fix my gnome desktop so that files on the desktop will still show up with the compiz wallpaper plugin enabled ?01:33
c_kornkismet: glxinfo | grep rendering01:33
brigDr_Willis: No... Gnome, and like 500 other things01:33
Dr_Willisor does it say ubuntu-desktop? or just 'gnome' brig01:33
Dr_Willisbrig:  and how are you uninstalling this?01:33
mickster04does anyone know how to empty my desktio properly01:33
brigDr_Willis: just gnome01:33
mickster04like remove all icons and drives etc/01:34
kismetc_korn: do you know.. i would like to play chess in 3d and it says that i have to install phyton something01:34
giotishow can find with xhydra the username nad password from router?01:34
kismetc_korn: No Python OpenGL support01:34
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brigDr_Willis: through the synaptic gui... the only thing I ever use01:34
robert__Dr_Willis, it only goes up to 8.10 unetbootin?01:34
Dr_Williskismet:  that 3d chess thing has not worked in the last 4+ releases.. ive never been able to find the files it wants.01:34
ExMachinahow is support for HD48** series these days in linux?01:34
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c_kornkismet: propably http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/python-opengl01:35
Dr_Willisrobert__:  clarify the question?01:35
DVA5912in ubuntu what do i program for? im wanting a gui interface but it also needs to be able to use the ports on the pc. the serial and usb spesifficaly.01:35
kismetDr_Willis: okay so it would be a waste of time to try01:35
DVA5912c++ or phython or what?01:35
MTeckExMachina: probably best to just try a live cd01:35
Dr_Willisrobert__:  i  use unetbootin with the latets ubuntu releases all teh time.01:35
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robert__Dr_Willis, i tried unetbootin. it only displays up to 8.1001:35
mickster04DVA5912, theres also c# available u could use c too ?01:35
Dr_Willisrobert__:  just download your iso. tell unetbootin to use it.01:35
Polt{laptop}here is the problem... when I enabled the compiz wallpaper plugin I had to disable nautilus's show desktop function in gconf-editor. I want to find a workaround for this that will allow me to still see files saved to my desktop. I don't care about screenlets. I have that and it wasn't what I am after.01:35
lstarnesDVA5912: C and C++ are rather low-level so they are a little closer to the hardware01:35
DVA5912i could but is C# easy enought to use for a gui01:35
DVA5912so c++ it is :)01:36
lstarnesDVA5912: python and other languages might have libraries for hardware interfaces01:36
lstarnesDVA5912: I prefer C over C++01:36
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zelrikriandohow to make the whole panel transparent01:36
brigI installed Swfdec and cannot see certain swf files in firefox... how do I fix this???01:37
Dr_WillisHmm.. right click -> panel properties -> background, solid color, transparency slider...01:37
kitchebrig: as we told you don't use swfdec for thsoe swf files use something like vlc mplayer to play them01:37
brigkitche: yes... and how????01:37
Dr_WillisI just drag/drop swf to  vlc normally01:38
Dr_Willisor set the default player for .swf files to be vlc perhaps?01:38
zelrikriandoDr_Willis: that just does half the job01:38
Dr_Williszelrikriando:  thats about as good as its going to get. The panel dosent have a lot of features.01:38
brigDr_Willis: how do i change the defauly player to be vlc?01:39
Dr_Williszelrikriando:  theres various discussions on the mindstorm site and other sites about how old/lacking the gnome panel is in many areas01:39
Dr_Willisbrig:  right click on a file, , properties..01:39
Polt{laptop}zelrikriando this could be why some people focus more on the dockstyle apps. I like cairo dock01:39
mickster04Dr_Willis, he means in ff01:39
Polt{laptop}there is an svn script you can get for it that installs it and allows you to keep it updated01:39
brigDr_Willis: and that will be reflected in firefox???01:39
Dr_Willisbrig:  no idea on FF. ive never had to fight with flash in FF. other then to install the flash-nonfree package  on a new install.01:40
brigI installed Swfdec and cannot see certain swf files in FIREFOX... how do I fix this???01:40
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Polt{laptop}zelrikriando you must customize cairodock though if you install it from svn ... I dunno about the other ways. Svn is better if you want the openGL effects01:40
brigDr_Willis: Notice the Firefox note01:40
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trismbrig: the other flash packages don't really support flash very well, install the official adobe one01:41
zelrikriandoI found something that I like01:41
zelrikriandoI am gonna stick with it for now01:41
mickster04brig, did u go to the website?01:41
brigtrism: ok... how?01:41
CopyWriterhello ubuntuians01:41
trismbrig: install the flashplugin-installer from the repo01:41
brigmickster04: yes... I have everything I could think if installed01:41
trismbrig: and I would remove swfdec so you're sure to get the right one01:42
mnainesDr_Willis: I found a hard drive that can reach sustained average speeds of 87MB/sec and maximum burst speeds of 205MB/sec and it only requires 1.5W of power01:42
brigtrism: done... did not fix01:42
mickster04brig, i meant systemdetails.com it can tell u what flash version u are using01:42
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brigtrism: done... did not fix it01:43
Dr_Willismnaines:  thats impressive.. but whats teh cost?01:43
trismbrig: I suppose it depends on what swf you're trying to view, I have found a few flash apps don't work well with the linux version01:43
mickster04brig, really try te website it may explain why some flash files arent working01:44
mnainesDr_Willis: $65 for 160GB01:44
need_helphey need to ask : HISTSIZE set to 500 ! when i do history list more than 800 store ! why thx01:44
Q_ContinuumIn older versions of Ubuntu, there was a 'Hardware' option in under System->Preferences or Administration...any way to get that GUI-based hardware list back?01:44
Dr_Willismnaines:  I tend to need more space then speed. But go for it! :)01:44
brigmickster04: OK so you are saying that linux cannot play certain flash files??? is that it?01:44
mickster04brig nope?01:44
Dr_Willisneed_help:  that may be the size it saves to disk  perhaps?  ive never really needed to tweak the histsize befor01:45
mnainesDr_Willis: Its part of the Seagate Momentus 7200.4 family of drives, which come in four sizes, 160GB, 250GB, 320GB, and 500GB...That family of drives can see those specs no problem01:45
brigmickster04: OK you have confused me then01:45
lenDr_Willis, can u help me again. Im trying to mount but im getting this error01:45
lenfusermount: failed to open /etc/fuse.conf: Permission denied01:45
brigmickster04: please explain01:45
Dr_Willislen:  what release of ubuntu are you using?01:45
lenand I already put my user on fuse group01:45
need_helpDr_Willis nah to disk there is : HISTFILESIZE01:45
Dr_Willislen:  did you log out/back in after adding that user to the group?01:45
zelrikriandois there a way to hack an app to change the colors?01:45
zelrikriandolet's say texmaker01:46
lennope, gonna do that now01:46
mickster04brig, go to systemdetails.com in ff an tell me what flash you're using?01:46
Dr_Willisneed_help:  told ya - i never have neede to change tha stuff.. heh. :)01:46
debio264I'm trying to install bitlbee and apt-get is telling me it depends on glibc-private, which isn't installable. Should I open a bug?01:46
brigdoes anyone know how to change what player is used to play swf's in firefox?01:46
mnainesDr_Willis: I tend to be the type who favors both capacity and speed, and these drives more than fit the bill01:46
robert__i'm tryin to put ubuntu iso onto my flash drive with unetbootin. i drag/dropped the iso but it says location does not exist01:46
mickster04brig, are you ignoring me on purpose?01:46
brigmickster04: sorry
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trismbrig: it lists what plugins you're using on the Tools/Add-ons/Plugins tab01:47
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mickster04brig, so thats why it isnt working01:47
Dr_Willismnaines:  im used to running systems from live flash drives.. or from my 1tb servers. :)   speed is rarely  high on my list.. would make a good boot disk i guess. :) wonder how much heat they make.01:47
trismbrig: or you can look at about:plugins in the address bar01:47
brigmickster04: ok... so how do I fix it?01:47
mickster04brig, uninstall swfplayer an just use adobe flash01:47
mnainesDr_Willis: product reviews claim 42C temperature before the drive stabilizes01:48
brigmickster04: ok but uninstallinf swfplayer requires an uninstall of gnome????01:48
robert__i'm tryin to put ubuntu iso onto my flash drive with unetbootin. i drag/dropped the iso but it says location does not exist01:48
Dr_Willismnaines:  i recall such a disaster years ago with those high speed (raptor? what was the name) drives. Several friends had them die like crazy.01:48
mickster04brig nooe01:48
Polt{laptop}ok I think my flood protection is turned back a bit now01:48
Polt{laptop}now whoever msg'd me before can msg me01:49
mickster04about:plugins brig01:49
mnainesDr_Willis: I have two Raptors that have been in constant use and so far no problems01:49
mickster04mnaines, cool raptors are dangerous:D01:49
Dr_Willismnaines:  friend had his raid of them die.. but they were brand new/tech :)  good luck heh.01:49
James147Dr_Willis: if speed is your only consern with disk acces look at the solid state drives, much faster then noramml hard drives and use less power so run coller01:49
brigmickster04: application/x-shockwave-flash Adobe Flash movie01:49
BioVoremnaines: there where 2 version of the raptor.. a JB and a BB.  JB are good.. I have 6 of them over 5 years of server duty and they work still.  BB I have 3 dead one of those..01:50
robert__i'm tryin to put ubuntu iso onto my flash drive with unetbootin. i drag/dropped the iso but it says location does not exist01:50
Dr_Willisrobert__:  dont drag/drop just click on the ... and find the .iso file then select the proper drive from teh drive pull down menu item at the bottom01:50
mickster04brig keep flash player remove the shockwave thing01:50
mnainesDr_Willis: I don't use mine on RAID...I use one of them as a boot drive for my desktop...It, unfortunately, has the same speed as the 7200.4 Seagate Momentus family01:50
mnainesBioVore: Mine is the 150GB SATA 1.5Gbps one01:51
drdranyone know the irc channle of the packaging teamA?01:51
myne-usrobert__: what OS are you dragging and dropping this in ?01:51
robert__Dr_Willis, i don't see it there on the list but i see it there on the desktop01:51
* Dr_Willis looks at his little laptop with its 5400 rpm drive..01:51
robert__myne-us, ubuntu iso01:51
Dr_Willisrobert__:    path to desktop is /home/username/Desktop01:51
brigmickster04: OK are you not explaining the how for a reason???01:52
myne-usrobert__: so your in the boot trying to put the iso on your flashdrive from the boot version os ubuntu?01:52
kholerabbiHello, is there a shortcut key to access the messaging menu?01:53
mickster04brig, oh well go onto about:plugins in ff an uninstal from there, i remember i could last time,,,01:53
mnainesDr_Willis: if you want a good boot drive for your laptop, get the 160GB Seagate Momentus 7200.4 drive I told you about...160GB for $6501:53
myne-usrobert__: did you mount the flashdrive before moving the ISO01:53
robert__myne-us, no, from the img01:53
robert__myne-us, i plug it in and it shows up, i guess its mounted01:53
Dr_Willismnaines:  this is a netbook. it uses those little mini sized hard drives. :001:53
brigmickster04: well I cannot from mine01:53
mnainesDr_Willis: 1.8" or 2.5"?01:54
mickster04ok hang on will have a look01:54
Dr_Willisrobert__:  you never said you were using the .img file..    what ARE you using exactlyu? whats the file name?01:54
Dr_Willismnaines:  i forget.. the acer aspire one. its the drive thats smaller then the laptop drives i recall.01:54
Dr_Willisthats 1.8 i think.01:54
robert__Dr_Willis, its the ubuntu 9.04 iso01:54
mickster04brig try sudo apt-get purge swfdec-mozilla01:54
Dr_Willisrobert__:  so its not a  whatever.img file then? :) its a whatever.iso right?01:55
brigmickster04: ok retrying...01:55
robert__Dr_Willis, on diskimag i selected iso then i went to desktop and its not displayed there01:56
archiebenedictdoes anyone here know if gnash can still play youtube videos?01:56
brigmickster04: SWEET!!!!01:56
Dr_Willisrobert__:  I would guess you are looking in the wrong place then. if you downloaded it as root. it may be in /root/Desktop/whatever01:57
mickster04brig :D01:57
Dr_Willisrobert__:  OR  you are looking in /root/Desktop when it needsd tobe /home/USERNAME/Desktop01:57
RakuliHello. Can anyone shed any light on why I would be getting segmentation fault for everything I am attempting to do on Ubuntu 8.04 (server edition)... It started with installing php-net-smtp and now I can't use SVN, MYSQL, Apache etc without "segmentation fault"01:57
brigmickster04: so could I have done that through the synaptic gui?01:57
Dr_Willisrobert__:  unetbootin needs to be ran as root with gksudo i think01:57
mickster04brig probably if you knew what to look for, i just googled it:D01:57
robert__Dr_Willis, so i need to run it from the terminal instead of clicking the icon?01:58
Dr_Willisrobert__:  no idea. i always run it from the terminal :) faster that way01:58
Dr_WillisI dont even know where its at in the menus01:58
brigmickster: is perge the same as uninstall?01:58
myne-usrobert__: or just put in the location in the menu when attempting to access it01:58
Dr_Willisrobert__:  it may not be needed to be ran as root. ive not used it reently01:59
mickster04brig, i dudont think so, it gets rid of all downloaded packages too i think...01:59
robert__Dr_Willis, im running it as root01:59
mnainesDr_Willis: I plan to get that drive for my laptop and then get a 500GB version of the drive for a birthday present in October01:59
robert__its on the desktop, but when i select desktop the file doesn't show01:59
brigmickster04: cool :-) thanks btw01:59
mickster04brig its ok:D mayb try solvin the problem by yourself with the google may help u better in future? youoll probly learn stuff tooD02:00
mickster04good night im off now02:00
rblstbrig: 'purge' is when all the config files are also removed; 'remove' is equal to 'uninstall' in synaptic02:01
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myne-ushello newb02:02
Newbuntu2I'm having a little problem with a hard drive... won't boot and gave me lots of errors when booting from the live cd. Any ideas on how to try and diagnose it/get some data off it? I just need a small text file, everything can be trashed02:03
lenDr_Willis, Im back, now Iam having issues with the destination. Also not allowing02:05
dpratt71where to put apps not installed by a package manager?; is there a canonical directory?02:06
lengot it :)02:07
rblstdpratt71: you can use /opt or /var/opt; i don't know if it's 'canonical'02:07
=== Travis is now known as Guest52453
EDinNYWhat do I put in /etc/network/interfaces to stop dhcp from updating /etc/resolv.com?02:08
Guest52453Could someone give me a hand? I am having trouble with the alternative installer02:08
dpratt71rblst: ok, thanks02:08
N-SHow come rtorrent-0.8.4 hasn't been added to the repository yet? It was released more than 9 months ago.02:09
Guest52453I can't get the alternative installer to work02:09
EDinNYGuest52453: what does it not do?02:10
DaZN-S, it's the ubuntu way02:10
leaf-sheepN-S: Probably because it is not a security issue.  All security issues get patched and updated asap.02:10
robert__no matter what i do unetbootin isn't showing the iso on the desktop02:10
Guest52453Well, I just get "GRUB"02:10
rblstEDinNY: iface eth0 inet static; replace eth0 with the proper device name02:10
robert__i click desktop, it shows nothing02:10
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N-Syeah, I actually read that in the faq a few minutes ago. Sadly, it's not in the backports either.02:11
rblstEDinNY: and then, in a new line: address
mnainesDr_Willis: I found a drive you can use for your servers02:11
EDinNY rblst, I want it to use dhcp to find the ip address but NOT change /etc/resolv.conf so I can use my own dns server02:11
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N-SSince Rakshasa doesn't supply packages, I'd have to compile it manually.02:11
DaZN-S, if you like your software up to date get arch <:02:11
TonyTheTigerhi, while at uni I messed with alot of my repos file and stuff due to the proxy lan they had.02:12
TonyTheTigeris there a way for me to get ubuntu back to factory settings without a reinstall?02:12
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DaZTonyTheTiger, ~/.*02:12
TonyTheTigerDaZ, sorry i dont understand02:13
TheColonialHey guys. I need to quickly set up a temp pop server for mail on my ubuntu server (mobo died on mailserver). I was wondering if someone could point me at a way of getting one running without needing to create local users for every person in the company?02:13
TonyTheTigeris that a command for the terminal?02:13
N-SDaZ yeah, well, I did want a stable base, without too much hassle. Coming from Gentoo I didn't expect it to be impossible to install a more recent version of an app.02:13
EDinNYGuest52453, does the alt install cd just say "grub" when you boot from it?  or did you already do the install and it does not work?02:13
neoandersenhi do I found the mozilla/plugins to put the libflashplayer.so inside?02:13
DaZTonyTheTiger, directories02:13
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rblstEDinNY: i believe it's the dhcp server where you can set whether to send DNS data, is it not so?02:13
TheColonialEvery tutorial I find relies on local users.02:14
dsnydersTheColonial, would the server not need to authenticate incoming users?02:14
DaZif you remove them everything will recreate config files02:14
AutoDudehello, i have question about procmailrc and maildir02:14
DaZunless they're kept in /etc02:14
jefincTonyTheTiger: a good way to set that up is when you initially install you set up three partitions instead of two, one for /root, one for /home and one for your swap, then you can just purge your /root without losing anything :)02:14
leaf-sheepN-S: Your choices --> Find a PPA.  Find a deb.  Compike it yourself.02:14
rblstEDinNY: you can use this line: gateway, of course with an apropriate address02:14
DaZjefinc, /root or / ? <:02:15
EDinNYrblst, there is some directive you can put in the interfaces file which tells ubunto to get an ip address from dhcp but ignore the DNS server that DHCP tells it to use02:15
calvin_Hi, ANYONE know how i can get the latest CHROME browser 64-bit02:15
TonyTheTigerhmm im sorry guys im a beginner at this all02:15
calvin_Hi, ANYONE know how i can get the latest CHROME browser 64-bit02:15
jefincDaZ: / :P02:15
TheColonialdsnyders: yes i think it would. so i guess local users is the only way eh? is there no way of just using something like htpasswd to create temp logins in a file while the main server is fixed?02:15
Guest52453 EDinNY,  it just loads GRUB when i boot from CD.02:15
DaZcalvin_, download sources & compile02:15
TonyTheTigerand i think my current ubuntu has alot of messed up stuff in it02:15
tas1while installing ubuntu what do i select for mount point?02:15
TonyTheTigeri was hoping to fix it all without a reinstall02:15
dsnydersTheColonial, Can you just load up the drives from the old server into a "new" machine and run with that?02:15
nunyaMy wireless seems to work great everywhere I've taken it *except* for my own house, which has a WRT54G2 as an AP. The AP gives me an IP, but I apparently don't have any access to the net. No ping, no web pages load, nothin'. Resetting the router to defaults w/ no security does not help. The AP sees me in it's client list, and serves many other clients just fine. I can connect to any other AP just fine. Any ideas out there? This is 02:15
EDinNYguest, not sure.  maybe your disk is broke.  did you check the md5 before you burned it?02:16
Guest52453actually no.  How do i do that in windows?02:16
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:16
theophilusHey Guys! I need help with my ATI Radeon graphics card.02:16
zhxkhow to show pacakge dependce tree?02:16
DaZTonyTheTiger, define messed stuff02:17
leaf-sheepzhxk: aptitude show pidgin02:17
TheColonialdsnyders: Yes I could do that. The problem is that the box is about a 8 hour drive north of here :)02:17
TonyTheTigermessed up repose, so i cant use terminal like usual so i installed alot of files manually02:17
mnainesnunya, is it a d-link router?02:17
zhxkok, thanks]02:18
AvonGenesisHow do you install foreign fonts on linux? Like, the fonts so I can view the characters in a web browser.02:18
TonyTheTigerwhich further caused confusion, i have updates ready to download but they just dont due to whatever the reason02:18
dsnydersTheColonial, Snap!  That's bad.  Unfortunately, I don't think I can help.02:18
TonyTheTigeris there an easy way for me to re-install ubuntu?02:18
nunyamnaines: It's a Linksys WRT54G202:18
N-Sleaf-sheep yes, I'm googling already02:18
TheColonialdsnyders: thanks so much for your response :) much appreciated.02:18
DaZAvonGenesis, ~/.fonts02:19
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br34lTonyTheTiger: open terminal and type sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:19
mnainesnunya, go into the Internet Setup part of the router and set it for DHCP02:19
DaZTonyTheTiger, if you have /home partition separate02:19
TheColonialdsnyders: i think i'm just going ot have to deal with putting useres on that box.. such is life.02:19
dsnydersTheColonial, How was the old machine authenticating?02:19
nunyamnaines: It is set to DHCP, and I successfully get an IP address. Can't ping the gateway or anything else, though02:19
TheColonialit was a windows machine, so Active Directory.02:19
TheColonialdsnyders: it was a windows machine, so Active Directory.02:19
AvonGenesisDaZ, could you elaborate more? I'm still new to the linux operating system.02:19
mnainesnunya, I meant set the WAN port for DHCP02:20
DaZAvonGenesis, copy them to ~/.fonts02:20
rblstEDinNY: i know no such directive for interfaces, but i think you can use a line like this in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf: prepend domain-name-servers,;02:20
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: what error are you getting when you run sudo apt-get update?02:20
dsnydersTheColonial, There should be a way to get a linux pop server to authenticate against AD02:20
TonyTheTigerjust the usual failing to get packages or being stuck on 0%02:20
TheColonialdsnyders: ah yes! of course. i should investigate that. thanks very much!02:20
TonyTheTigerlike now, after i did the sudo apt-get upgrade02:21
nunyamnaines: WAN is and has been set to DHCP - standard and easy cable connection here02:21
tas1im trying to install ubuntu and it keeps saying i need a mount point and someone else tells me something swap?02:21
dsnydersTheColonial, You may wish to look at ldap and/or imap.  I forget which.02:21
TheColonialdsnyders: that's a great idea. i shall chase that up. cheers!02:21
AvonGenesisDaZ, I'm still new to the operating system, the file structure confuses me xD02:21
dsnydersTheColonial, Good luck.02:21
neoandersenpermission denyed to put a file inside the mozilla plugin directory... how to solve it?02:21
rblsttas1: you can use the automated installer02:22
TonyTheTigerthe thing is lol I worked really hard to make ubuntu work well with my laptop and customised it.02:22
TheColonialdsnyders: thanks :)02:22
tas1automated installer?02:22
dsnydersTheColonial, On the bright side, most of the insects are gone if you need to make a trip north.02:22
TonyTheTigerI dont want to lose it via a reinstall02:22
DaZAvonGenesis,  ~/ is you home directory, .fonts is hidden fonts catalog02:22
tas1thats where i am02:22
Dr_Willistas1:   / is the 'root' filesystem  also called '/' it needs a partition, swap is a different parittion that is of the swap filesyste,m02:22
DaZdirectory :f02:22
Dr_Willistas1:  or just leave part of the hard drive unallocated and tell the installer to auto partition the unallocated space02:22
James147tas1: mount point is where the drive should be mounted in the file structor, linux needs one partition to have the mount point of /02:22
TheColonialdsnyders: lol! They're just starting to appear down here ;) 33C here today in the latter part of Winter... out come the mozzies ;) Welcome to the subtropics!02:23
Dr_Willistas1:  what is sda1 on your system? a different linux install?02:23
dsnydersTheColonial, Winter?  Are you down under somewhere?02:23
TonyTheTiger"Unable to connect to 8080" <-- get alot of these errors.02:23
AvonGenesisDaz, is it .fontconfig or .font?02:23
TonyTheTigerbut the numbers are different.02:23
tas1sd1 is the partition i made for ubuntu02:23
James147tas1: on the /dev/sda1 (ext2) set the mount point to "/" (without quotes)02:23
TonyTheTigerbut still the same unable to connect :(02:23
DaZAvonGenesis, .fonts02:23
Dr_Willistas1:  you have allready used 4 primary partitions you  may have a hard time actually USING that unallocated space at the end now.02:24
mnainesDr_Willis: I found a drive for your servers02:24
leaf-sheeptas1: What are you running? Windows and Mac? From the looks of it.02:24
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: try changing the server in Software Sources02:24
TheColonialdsnyders: I am down under ... Brisbane, Australia02:24
tas1yeah leef-sheep02:24
dsnydersTheColonial, I'm in Toronto.  I hope to get to your side of the planet one of these days.02:25
TonyTheTigerIdleOne, I had someone from this irc help me modify my file which had info on the repos02:25
TheColonialdsnyders: Make sure you do mate. It's lovely down here :)02:25
geniiBah. Does anyone know offhand where dvd95 stores it's settings? My buddy set it to use an NTFS drive for temp files and crashed it, now won't start. Seems no ~/.dvd95    dir or similar02:25
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tas1its telling me something about swap space02:25
tas1when i try sda102:25
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: can you pastebin sources.list please02:25
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:26
leaf-sheeptas1: It looks messy. Why do you only have a 100MB partition?02:26
dsnydersTheColonial, It's pretty nice up here too, if you fancy a trip some day.02:26
tas1i dont even know what that is02:26
hossamhello I followed this virtual user proftpd tutorial and now when attempting to connect to the ftp i get the error "invalid reply"02:26
James147tas1: swap space isent needed, but is recomended, with that curretn layout you cannot add swap space (max of 4 primary partitons) you would need to remove one and create a logical partition02:26
TonyTheTigerIdleOne, which folder was it in again? sorry im still newbie to ubuntu02:26
dsnydersTheColonial, anyways, good luck with the AD authentication.02:26
James147tas1: how much ram do you have?02:27
tas1James147: 3gb02:27
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: /etc/apt02:27
xim_if you sudo a sh script, do you still have to put sudo on all thecommands inside the script?02:27
TheColonialdsnyders: cheers mate. thanks again. enjoy your sunday night :)02:27
mnainestas1: I have 4GB of RAM...If you get 1 more gigabyte of memory, you don't need swap space02:27
James147tas1: ubuntu should run fine without spaw space then02:27
DaZmnaines, hibernation?02:28
James147mnaines tas1: unless you do some majour immage/graphcs editing :)02:28
DaZhe doesn't need swap with 3gb either :F02:28
mnainesDaZ, no...I do not use hibernation...I will either do a full shutdown or leave the machine running02:28
xim_i keep 50 windows open on 8 desktops, 4gb isnt enough for me02:28
TonyTheTigerIdleOne, http://pastebin.com/d789f633802:28
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James147xim_: why?02:29
AvonGenesisDaZ, Yea, I can't seem to find a .fonts folder, only .fontconfig02:29
xim_James147: lol because i fill one up, then take a nap then dont close anything and goto the next one, thats why i love linux, it can handle it, but it does take some swap02:29
AvonGenesisDaZ, I'm in the right directory though.02:30
Q_ContinuumIn older versions of Ubuntu, there was a 'Hardware' option in under System->Preferences or Administration...any way to get that GUI-based hardware list back?02:30
DaZAvonGenesis, solution may be really shocking02:30
DaZAvonGenesis, create it.02:30
TonyTheTigeri have a sources backup file, could i use that?02:30
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: looks good02:30
DaZAvonGenesis, mkdir ~/.fonts02:30
TonyTheTigerIdleOne, really? but something is definatly wrong.02:30
AvonGenesisDaZ, shouldn't it have already have been created from the start?02:30
TonyTheTigercant upgrade or download anything unless i do it manually.02:31
rblstxim_: no, because there is a timeout of 15 minutes (i guess that's the default) within which you do not have to enter password again for sudo02:31
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: could just be that the repos are being updated02:31
DaZAvonGenesis, systemfonts are somewhere in /usr/share so no02:31
TonyTheTigerIdleOne, no, my comp has been like this for months.02:31
tas1in gparted i have 3 spots of unallocated space, how can i combine those 3 togther?02:31
TonyTheTigeronly decided to do something about it now.02:31
IdleOnehah well then there is something wrong TonyTheTiger02:31
canthus13tas1: Are they contguous?02:31
canthus13err. contiguous.02:31
TonyTheTigeryeah, any help?02:31
emanonhi all02:32
tas1i dont think so canthus1302:32
canthus13tas1: Then no.02:32
AvonGenesisDaZ, alright so its created, what goes in there? TrueTypeFonts?02:32
canthus13tas1: Not unless you delete the partitions in between.02:32
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: what does sudo apt-get install -f return?02:32
xim_rblst: i figured the answer was no, but not for that reason, i was more wondering if the sudo sh shellscript.sh, passes the authority into everything in the script....because my script could take 8 hours to run02:32
James147_tas1: if your still there you may want to look at your how your partitions are set up :S looks to me you have 61-100 gb wasted02:32
James147_tas1: if your still there you may want to look at your how your partitions are set up :S looks to me you have 61-100 gb wasted02:32
tas1thats what im trying to fix02:32
TonyTheTiger0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 212 not upgraded.02:33
TonyTheTigerIdleOne, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 212 not upgraded.02:33
b3rz3rk3rtas1, id say use Gparted, makes it easier to visualize whats going on02:33
emanongparted is nice02:33
tas1yeah im using gparted02:33
suphadHi. I have this Windows XP CD and I need to install it my netbook's other partition. I can retrieve the .ISO file, but how do I make the .ISO bootable from an USB Pendrive? What software do I use? Thank you. (using Ubuntu)02:33
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, but I suspect you will still have problems02:34
emanonused to use the live disk with clonezilla a few years ago for fixes hehe02:34
rblstxim_: sorry, you are right, it seems it is passed, i didn't know that02:34
Dr_Willistas1:  if you need more then 4 parittions - you will want to make one extended, then put logicals inside the extended partition02:34
AvonGenesisDaZ, Nevermind, found an ubuntu wiki page related to fonts, thanks for your help so far!02:34
xim_rblst: lol thanks for trying it out for me, i guess i could have just done that myself02:34
TonyTheTigerIdleOne, i already tried that, someone told me to do that a before02:35
TonyTheTigerit gives the unable to blah blah02:35
emanonwriting a iso or img to a usb drive is like dd if=<path to iso/img> of=<path to usb> bs=1m right?02:35
Dr_Willistas1:  i dont see why you have a sda2 (ntfs) thats only 104mb in size. :)02:35
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: got me :( don't know what else you could do but keep asking there is a solution02:35
Dr_Willisemanon:  writing an ISO file that way - wont make a bootable  flash drive.02:35
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: hold of on re-installing for a little while yet02:35
tas1i know i have my partitions all messed up http://i32.tinypic.com/osu8ud.png02:36
emanonwell it has to be a usb specific img i would imagine02:36
tas1how can i fix it02:36
Dr_Willisemanon:  the Ubuntu Netbook remix .img file IS written that way. Be sure to use /dev/sdb or whatever Instead of /dev/sdb102:36
tas1the 2 ntfs is windows and hfs is osx02:36
emanonone meant to run off a cd wouldnt be setup quite the same way i imagine02:36
Dr_Willistas1:  id be tempted to tell you to backup all imporntant data  then work on it..02:36
emanoncause thats how you write the usb pcbsd img to a usb from linux02:36
emanonleast thats what they say02:37
TonyTheTigerthe thing is IdleOne this all started by me trying to fix the problem at my uni trying to use ubuntu02:37
Dr_Willisemanon:  for iso files  You use a tool like netbootin to do it.02:37
TonyTheTigerbehind a proxy lan.02:37
emanonyea netbootin is probably better02:37
tas1Dr_Willis: everything is backed up, what can i do to fix it?02:37
emanonyour right02:37
b3rz3rk3rtas1, wow, your partitions really are messed up! :p02:37
tas1yeah lol02:37
emanonanyone know how to do a more advanced partition configuration on a ubuntu/kubuntu install?02:38
Dr_Willistas1:  You could resize the  sda4 to use the unallocated space.. then shrink it from the front,  and  then move sda3, THEn expand sda2 to a useable size.. or just use sda2 as your linux swap (of 104mb) thats still a little small for swap.02:38
Dr_Willistas1:  IF gparted can even resize hfs+ it may not be able to.02:38
b3rz3rk3remanon, just do it manually from the installation options, then u can do whatever you like02:38
emanontrying to do an encrypted lvm2 system on a raid with a removable boot partition02:38
Dr_Willistas1:  and sll this resizing may take several hours.02:38
tas1yeah it lets me resize02:38
Dr_Willistas1:    the thing to rember is you can only have 4 Primary partitiosn. Youve used up all 4 allready.02:39
tas1i see02:39
Dr_WillisYou CANT make any new partitions . untill you turn one of those primaries into an extended.02:39
TonyTheTigeranyone know how i can re-install my ubuntu?02:39
emanonb3rz3rk3r the ubuntu installation (on live or otherwise) doesnt offer raid, lvm or encryption options unless i missed something02:39
b3rz3rk3rTonyTheTiger, put a disk in and reboot02:40
Dr_WillisYou could delete sda4 and remake it as a extended + logicals..02:40
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: go to System > Prefs > Network proxy it should be set to direct connection ( least mine is )02:40
TonyTheTigercan it not be done without reboot?02:40
Dr_Willistas1:  but sda2 is just useless at 104mb in size. :)02:40
TonyTheTigersorry i mean a disc02:40
TonyTheTigerdone without a disc?02:40
tas1Dr_Willis, so what do u suggest me do?02:40
Dr_Willistas1:  depends on yoru needs.02:41
James147TonyTheTiger: to reinstall you need a cd/dvd with the ubuntu image burned on it or a usb stick with it on02:41
Dr_Willistas1 one suggestion allready ---> You could delete sda4 and remake it as a extended + logicals..02:41
Dracofodderanything recently causing soudn problems?  eg. latest updates int eh channel?  I just noticed my ubuntu 9.04 sound is gone, checked the usual thigs like cable connections, and ma now working my way through diagnostics.  But, am wondering if there might have been an update I need to back out of.02:41
b3rz3rk3remanon, i dont use raid, and truecrypt handles my encryption, so i dont know about that.. sry :(02:41
James147tas1: deleteing sda4 will lose any data stored on there02:41
emanonahh see isnt truecrypt for making encrypted partitions accessable from a non encrypted system?02:41
James147tas1: but is probally the best idea02:41
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TonyTheTigerIdleOne, hey your right, i had it set to manual when i was trying to get it to work at uni02:42
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Dr_Willistas1:  yep. it will lose your data there.. but other then resizeing it to use wasted space.. then reresizing it.. and slowly working your way to expand sda2... im not sure what else you want to do.02:42
lascarDracofodder: same thing happened to me when I upgraded from intrepid months ago.  In fact, that's what I logged in to resolve!02:42
TonyTheTigerIdleOne, any way i can test if its working now?02:42
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: reset that to direct and then try update02:42
Dr_Willistas1:   You dont 'need' a swap partition for linux.. but im not sure the installer  will let you go ahead without one.02:42
IdleOnesudo apt-get update TonyTheTiger02:42
jattis there a 64bit flash plugin for ubuntu?02:42
James147tas1: do you have much important data on any of the partitions?02:43
Dracofodderlascar: crumbs, and other things.. my sound has been golden-fine up until this week.  I just really noticed today, as I have been busy at work and really havent had time to do anything with the computer at home.02:43
mnainesjatt, I just use the Adobe Flash plugin from Synaptic02:43
emanontrying to make an encrypted lvm partition over the raid put 2 volumes on the lv group  (/ and swap of course) and encrypt the whole lvm with the /boot on a MS pro duo02:43
tas1Dr_Willis: ok i deleted sda4, now i have 2 unallocated spots02:43
lascarDracofodder: does the headphones port work?02:43
TonyTheTigerIdleOne, well its doing something different, but its stuck on 5%02:43
Dracofodderlascar: checking.. I don't usually use it.02:44
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: let it work for a bit02:44
mnainesHow good is ext4 file system for Linux?02:44
RakuliHello. Can anyone shed any light on why I would be getting segmentation fault for everything I am attempting to do on Ubuntu 8.04 (server edition)... It started with installing php-net-smtp and now I can't use SVN, MYSQL, Apache etc without "segmentation fault"02:44
emanonit seems to be pretty good but its still experimental i think mnaines02:44
James147mnaines: not had any problems with it so far02:44
Dr_Willistas1:  should be one big unallolated place...02:44
emanonneither have i just saying02:45
Dr_Willistas1:  hers my layout -> http://i30.tinypic.com/24mrn2g.jpg02:45
tas1Dr_Willis: yeah thats what i thought, but there is 2 :s02:45
mnainesJames147, can BackTrack3 run on ext4?02:45
Dr_Willistas1:  perhaps because you havent applied the changes.02:45
James147mnaines: not sure never trryed02:45
neodarkalguien habla espanol?02:45
Dracofodderlascar: nope, no sound at all.02:45
tas1Dr_Willis: i did apply them02:45
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: if/when that completes run sudo apt-get upgrade and dist-upgrade and hopefully things will all work :)02:46
Dr_Willistas1:  some times the system has to reboot to see the changes also properly.02:46
tas1Dr_Willis, ok02:46
mnainesJames147: BT3 is based off slackware and I was able to run it including saving changes from a 4GB flash drive...I am thinking about getting a small eSATA drive for BT302:46
Dr_Willistas1:  if they are side by side. tell gparted to merge them i guess. :) or see if a reboot makes it smarter.02:46
TonyTheTigerIdleOne, http://pastebin.ca/154110202:46
Dracofodderlascar:   got it... damn am I dumb.  checked the cables.. didn't check to see if someone in the house had turned the dang volume down02:46
TonyTheTigerlots of errors :(02:46
leaf-sheeptas1: Nice way to get message across with that "Torrents" directory.02:47
Dracofodderlascar: sigh02:47
lascarDracofodder: agreed.02:47
tas1leaf-sheep, huh?02:47
Dr_Willisleaf-sheep:  you mean My torrents directory? :)02:47
lascarDracofodder: have fun!  :-D02:47
tas1Dr_Willis, no they aint side-by-side but ill reboot and see if that works02:47
tas1ones at the top and one the bottom :s02:47
James147mnaines: ext3 is the safe options, but if you dont mind experimenting tryout ext402:47
Dracofodderlascar: well, I'll leave you all with solving the real problems and stop mucking up the channel.02:48
leaf-sheepDr_Willis: Bone skull and crossbones. Yes. :P02:48
mnainesJames147: I am using ext4 right now for Ubuntu...So far it seems to be stable with no problems02:48
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: all the same error but it's more then before02:48
Dr_Willisleaf-sheep:  :) i did have a Porn Icon...02:48
TonyTheTigeryeah i remember the guy did something about changing ftp (since my uni banned ftp) to http.02:48
TonyTheTigeranyone can offer help with this, http://pastebin.ca/154110202:48
emanonthe part thats grinding my gears is that theres options for it in debian but their default packages suck (thus ubuntu) it works in fedora 11 till i reboot then it cant find the partitions hehe02:48
lascarDracofodder: take care and...wish me luck?02:49
James147tas1: pastbin the output of "sudo sfdisk -l"02:49
br34lsudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:50
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: try dist-upgrade again02:50
TonyTheTigerlooks like its stuck again, on 0% :(02:51
Dracofodderlascar:  good luck!  With this group for support, you are in good hands.02:52
brucenewbie alert. i'd like to create a database in MySql, but how do I get past the initial dialog box. How do i actually create a database I can use? Anyone?02:52
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: there is a solution so hold off on installing fresh02:52
theophilusHey Guys... can I have a little help with some graphics card stuff?02:52
theophilushere's my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117419702:52
Dr_Willisleaf-sheep:  perhaps ya perfer on of these icons? -> http://i30.tinypic.com/2rppsfr.jpg02:52
rblstbruce: what are you trying to create your database with?02:53
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: you mentioned something about ftp being banned at UNI, what did you do ?02:53
emanonwhat meter is that conky?02:53
brucerblst, i've attempted initially w/ gambas2, but i've also tried w/ MySql02:53
Dr_Willisemanon:  yes - i have 3 conkys going02:53
TonyTheTigeri came here and I asked someone if he could help and they modified the repos file said something about ftp02:54
YesImaLinuxN00Bsomeone wana help me with a samba issue02:54
emanonooh is that the mandriva 2010 beta?02:54
rblstbruce: okay, but what mysql client do you use?02:54
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: ok and you changed something in that file?02:54
gstwat does ati mean?02:54
TonyTheTigernot me, the guy changed it and then pastebinned it to me.02:54
Dr_Willisemanon:  yes. on distro watch today :)02:54
brucerblst, I'm very new, could you be more specific?02:55
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: your sources.list looks fine to me. did you change anything thing else?02:55
emanonhehe i have 2009.1 pwp how does 2010 work so far?02:55
rblstbruce: how did you get to the initial dialog box?02:55
Dr_Willisemanon:  my 'normal' desktop -> http://i26.tinypic.com/2vcdkx4.jpg   showing off my conky scripts at  http://drop.io/dr_willis02:56
TonyTheTigeri got help from quite a few people on how to fixt the proxy lan problem02:56
TonyTheTigerbut this was 9 months ago02:56
brucerblst, in the MySql program02:56
TonyTheTigerand i cant remember exactly what i did02:56
TonyTheTigeralthough the repos file i do remember.02:56
rblstbruce: what is that program, how did you start it?02:56
myselfhey whats the best way to access a Home directory in Ubuntu from NTFS windows 7?02:57
brucehold on a sec, lemme take a look. brb02:57
IdleOnealright TonyTheTiger ask your question again mention the proxy lan issue and also the ftp being banned and be patient. someone will know how to fix this with you02:57
RebelZeroTonyTheTiger: am I correct in assuming you don't connect through a proxy now?02:57
TonyTheTigerRebelZero, yes, i use my home router.02:57
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: RebelZero seems enthusiastic02:57
TonyTheTigerRebelZero, which with my computer which was using ubuntu worked wonderfully.02:58
brucerblst, crap now i can't find it. is it possible to create one within Gambas or would you recommend another database?02:58
RebelZeroTonyTheTiger: you have your proxy settings turned off? the reason I ask is the IPs from your errors resolve to a nottingham proxy address.02:58
TonyTheTigeri went to pref > network proxy > and set it to direct connect now02:59
gstany skype users over here?02:59
YesImaLinuxN00Bsomeone wana help me with a samba issue02:59
seven-upgst: me02:59
myselfhey whats the best way to access a Home directory in Ubuntu from NTFS windows 7?02:59
rblstbruce: i don't know gambas, but i can help you create a database in terminal03:00
stlsainthey does mediatomb work with the ps3 for media sharing???03:00
Dr_Willismyself:  last i checked there was no tools for win7 to access ext2/3/4 filesystems03:00
deechHi all, I am running Jaunty and having a problem where the evdev driver messes up my arrow keys etc. Has anyone successfully fixed this? thanks ...03:00
RebelZeroTonyTheTiger: can you pastebin your /etc/resolv.conf for me?03:00
Dr_Willismyself:  there is one for xp. that MIGHT be working for win7 now03:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext203:00
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org03:00
brucerblst: ok, shoot03:00
Dr_Willismyself:  try that  http://www.fs-driver.org03:00
gsti need to test my skype account....wil you be interested kif i join you in my account?03:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext403:00
stlsaintmyself, you wont be able to access ubuntu thru windows03:00
Dr_Willismyself:  with that http://www.fs-driver.org03:01
myselfit keepss saying ext203:01
myselfmy ubuntu has ext303:01
Dr_Willismyself:  you cn access ext2/3 filesysem from windows XP. but ive not tried it with Win7 or Ext4 - in a few weeks.03:01
TonyTheTigerRebelZero, i dont have a resolv.conf file :s03:01
Dr_Willisext3 is backwards compat with ext203:01
Dr_Willismyself:  so the tool works for both. IF it works with win703:01
TonyTheTigerwoops RebelZero so sorry i do.03:01
TonyTheTigermy mistake.03:01
RebelZeroTonyTheTiger: haha... had me worried there03:02
stlsainthey does mediatomb work with the ps3 for media sharing???03:02
dsnydersAACK!! An Evolution upgrade duplicated all my messages.  How do I untangle the mess?03:02
stlsaintneed some help here03:02
bronxoxnow I make jaunty03:02
TonyTheTigerRebelZero, http://pastebin.ca/154111303:02
AnActivisthello everyone, I set up my old laptop with the ubuntu server edition, and I've managed to get everything up and running fine but I'm having trouble setting up the apache server is there anyone who would be willing to help me through a few steps, I only have two questions and I'm pretty sure the answers will be simple03:02
bronxoxI want to install plymouth... how?03:02
cabreybronxox, it's not available on ubuntu03:03
cabreybronxox, fedora has uses it tho...03:03
RebelZeroTonyTheTiger: what do you get from: nslookup gb.archive.canonical.com03:03
rblst!ask | AnActivist03:04
ubottuAnActivist: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:04
YesImaLinuxN00Bim having an issue accessing a shared folder on ubuntu from windows03:04
dsnydersAnActivist, Ask your questions.  I don't know a lot, but what knowledge I have is at your disposal03:04
TonyTheTigerRebelZero, http://pastebin.ca/154111403:04
gstthere are two input sources in gnome-volume control, wat are they?03:05
rblstYesImaLinuxN00B: what is the issue?03:05
gsti need to set only one of them but couldn't..03:05
AnActivistRighto: I have my apache2 server running and I can access it while I'm inside my LAN, however even when I place my files inside the /var/www/ folder they are not being served when i access the server from my browser?03:05
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TonyTheTigerRebelZero, btw nottingham is the uni i went to.03:06
gstwhen i set one, the other one is also getting set03:06
brucerblst? how do you create a db from the terminal?03:06
cabreyAnActivist, you mean you can access your server from your private lan, but not your public IP?03:06
rblstbruce: mysql -u root03:06
dsnydersAnActivist, what do you mean you can access them inside your lan?03:06
rblstbruce: create database <name>;03:06
YesImaLinuxN00Brblst: when i browse the network for computers and try to access ubuntu i get the error " cannot find \\HOSTNAMEhostname"03:07
brucerblst, ru kidding? it's that easy?03:07
AnActivistcabrey, well thats another question :) but the first one is that I am unsure why the files I put inside the /var/www/ are not showing up in my browser when i access my server03:07
cabreyYesImaLinuxN00B, \\ is the windows way03:07
RebelZeroTonyTheTiger: you care to take this to a PM? I get quite distracted with everyone elses chat.03:07
SmithXanyone know why switching desktops causes my fullscreen in firefox to exit?03:07
rblstbruce: should be, yes03:07
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TonyTheTigerRebelZero, yeah thats cool with me.03:07
brucethx a bunch. cya...03:07
cabreyAnActivist, have you checked permissions? what is the error given?03:08
YesImaLinuxN00Brblst: yes but it first puts the ubuntu hostname in all caps and without any spaces puts the hostname again03:08
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AnActivistcabrey, there is no error its just that the only thing that my browser is showing is the index.html file, instead of indexing all the files I put in the /var/www/ folder03:08
YesImaLinuxN00Brblst: if i type "\\hostname" like its supposed to it workes fine03:09
dsnydersAnActivist, That's how it's supposed to work, no?03:09
SmithXalso, does anyone have any idea why my desktop keyboard shortcuts (e.g. to control the volume) cause fullscreen mode to exit?03:09
cabreyAnActivist, I'm still not sure what you mean. the index.html is served up like it's supposed to03:09
dumontafter editing /etc/security/limits.conf do I need to restart for changes to take effect?03:09
theophilus Hey, are there any video card geniuses here?03:10
rblstYesImaLinuxN00B: so type it that way :)03:10
theophilusI'm having trouble with my ATI Radeon card03:10
emanonyou mean in flash SmithX?03:10
YesImaLinuxN00Brblst: but i want it to be that way without having to type it in03:10
rblst!ati | theophilus03:11
ubottutheophilus: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:11
SmithXemanon: well, I was doing fullscreen hulu, so I think that's flash03:11
emanoni dont know why but altering the system volume with a fullscreen flash video running drops it out of fullscreen for me too03:11
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rblstYesImaLinuxN00B: i can't help you with that, maybe someone else03:11
SmithXemanon: it's very annoying03:11
AnActivistcabrey, and dsnyders, I see so then how would I set up the server so I have access to files that I place in the /var/www/ folder, for example if I place image.jpg and document.doc in the /var/www/ I want to be able to access these files when I go to my server from a browser. I thought that I simply had to put the files into the /var/www/ and then I would be able to access them, perhaps I am doing somethign wrong?03:11
emanoni know03:11
theophilusubottu: thanks... I've been through all the usuall means already though...03:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:11
theophilushere's my problem  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117419703:12
YesImaLinuxN00Brblst: ok, well thanx for tryin03:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about volume03:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fullscreen03:12
dumontafter editing /etc/security/limits.conf do I need to restart for changes to take effect?03:12
gstubottu:do u use skype?03:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about do u use skype?03:12
dsnydersAnActivist, A web server will transmit index.html if it exists.  That's the file containing the home page of the website.03:12
cabreyAnActivist, you want to enable directory browsing? if you want that, you have to enable it in httpd.conf (or whatever it's called nowadays) and remove index.html03:12
miyonehi i'm using ubuntu remix (for netbooks) and I just saw a process called /USR/SBIN/CRON -- anyone know if this is normal?03:13
miyoneit is in all caps03:13
AnActivistcabrey, and dsnyders cool thank you I'll do some reading on what you said and get back to you guys in a moment thank you very much03:13
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dsnydersAnActivist, You could also put the files in a folder under /var/www and try accessing them that way.03:13
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox03:13
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remix03:14
mick_laptop!ubuntu remix03:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu remix03:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook03:14
torn_Are there any current-generation Linux distros that don't use repositories for software installation? And if so, do these distros rely on grabbing binaries and source files from the authors' websites? (And what about handling uninstallation?)03:14
mick_laptopi wanted to know if there was a channel for ubuntu on netbooks03:15
torn_mick_laptop, I use Ubuntu Netbook Remix.03:15
mick_laptoptorn_: do you have a process w/ that name?03:15
mick_laptop /USR/SBIN/CRON03:15
mick_laptopin all caps03:15
|Slacker|mick_laptop, I uset it either03:15
torn_mick_laptop, what do you mean by that?03:16
mick_laptopps ax | grep SBIN03:16
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torn_di||itante, so with Slackware, you pretty much are stuck with grabbing binaries and source files from the web?03:16
dsnydersAnActivist, There is also a file called .htaccess that controls visibility of folder contents.  See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/howto/htaccess.html03:16
gstany skype users overhere? with whom i can give a test call????????????/03:16
di||itantetorn_: pretty much03:16
torn_mick_laptop, no. When running Ubuntu NBR, I don't have such a process running.03:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hardening03:17
ubottuSecurity Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server03:17
mick_laptopah shit, my box may be owned03:17
gizmobayAnyone know how I can install kernel 2.6.30?03:17
torn_di||itante, I would have thought that repositories would have phased out the older methods by now... 2009....03:17
di||itantetorn_: some like it that way03:17
gstiran !root it tells me event not found03:18
|Slacker|mick_laptop, I have but not in all caps03:18
torn_mick_laptop, what user is the process running under?03:18
mick_laptopand now that process is gone03:18
SecMonkmick_laptop: /USR/SBIN/CRON can possibly be a child process of /usr/sbin/cron03:18
mick_laptopi wanted to check03:18
mick_laptopbut in all caps?03:19
rblstgizmobay: you need to compile it from source and then install it03:19
SecMonkmick_laptop: yes03:19
mick_laptopthere is no /USR03:19
torn_All in caps is a bit unusual...03:19
SmithXmick_laptop: do a pstree to see what it's parent is03:19
torn_gst, did you get my message?03:19
mick_laptoplike i said the process is gone03:19
a94060could someone help me? I have the firefox meta package installed, but it doesnt upgrade to v3.503:19
SmithXmick_laptop: check your glasses03:19
gizmobayrblst: no packages?03:19
lstarnesmick_laptop: what about a process named /usr/sbin/cron?03:20
dsnydersmick_laptop, do you have a folder named /USR?03:20
seven-upis there something similar or like kazaa, bearshare, etc in windows to use p2p but no torrents?03:20
gsttorn_, no..03:20
lstarnesa94060: how did you attempt to upgrade it?03:20
mick_laptopdsnyders: no03:20
SecMonkmick_laptop: http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-user@lists.debian.org/msg376263.html   <-- this explains it03:20
|Slacker|seven-up, limewire?03:20
a94060synaptic. I first ran apt-get update. But if i go in the manager,i see the meta package which is installed. However it links to the 3.0 version03:20
lstarnesa94060: which version of ubuntu?03:20
gsttorn_, i badly need to test my skype03:21
a94060jaunty,eeebuntu if that makes a diffrence lstarnes03:21
rblstgizmobay: ubuntu 9.04 currently uses 2.6.28, i don't think you can install a different one from packages03:21
torn_gst, send me a private message.03:21
lstarnesa94060: try the firefox-3.5 package03:21
mick_laptopah thanks!03:21
gizmobayok thanks03:21
SecMonkmick_laptop: Depending on how often your cron entries fire, that /USR/SBIN/CRON will come and go from your process lsit.03:21
lstarnesa94060: that will install firefox 3.5 separately, but for branding reasons it will be referred to as "shiretoko" in the menus, which is the codename for it during development03:21
mick_laptopyup - i get it (i read it)03:22
AnActivistcabrey, and dsnyders: modifying the httpd.conf and adding the directory along with removing the index.html worked perfectly thank you for your help. Now I am trying to access my server from anywhere from the internet, I am familiar with port forwarding and have set up a static ip and forwarded port 80 but still cannot access my apache server outside my LAN03:22
CoRnJuLiOxis there an easy way to enable 3d acceleration for my radeon mobility 7500?03:22
cabreyAnActivist, it is possible your ISP blocks port 8003:22
a94060lstarnes: well im sure i can install like that,i just want to know if there is a way to keep the meta package and do. If i try to remove the meta package,it tells me about some other things whch will be removed03:22
madLyfehow do you kill running apps?03:22
AnActivistcabrey, maybe but strangley enough I cannot ssh in from the outside either03:22
lstarnesa94060: installing firefox-3.5 will not affect the meta package03:22
seven-up|Slacker|: yeah limewire but to work with linux03:22
AnActivistcabrey, when I change to port 81 I still cannot03:23
torn_CoRnJuLiOx, you need to install the proprietary ATI driver for Linux.03:23
cabreyAnActivist, your server has a static IP and you've port forwarded everything correctly?03:23
torn_The open source driver will only give you 2-D capabilities.03:23
|Slacker|seven-up, there's limewire for linux dude03:23
a94060lstarnes: but if i uninstall 3.0,it will remove the metapackage,because it depends on 3.0(which is its "latest" version of ff)03:23
cabreyAnActivist, and there is no firewall (or at least the correct rules are in place) on the server?03:23
aubremadLyfe: you can try pkill -9 appname03:23
torn_seven-up, check out FrostWire.03:23
mick_laptopAnActivist: do you get a loopback from your ISP?03:23
lstarnesa94060: firefox-3.5 will not affect firefox-3.003:23
a94060lstarnes: double the space?03:24
mick_laptopAnActivist: try from a box outside your network if you don't03:24
dsnydersAnActivist, can you ping the box?03:24
lstarnesa94060: I'm not sure what you mean by that03:24
AnActivistdsnyders, I will try to ping it now03:24
AnActivistmick_laptop, what is a loopback?03:24
mick_laptopAnActivist: ping will not work since most ISPs block ICMP03:24
aubremadLyfe: if you know the process ID (say from ps) you can do a kill -9 processID (PID)03:24
a94060lstarnes: will it install both versions,causing more space than just v3.5 being taken up?03:24
thiebaudeseven-up, getdeb has limewire03:24
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lstarnesa94060: do you already have firefox-3.0 installed?03:25
mick_laptopAnActivist: what is your ip? (/msg if you feel better to not publicize it)03:25
divyanshuguys tell  me something..if i want to put up win xp in addition to ubuntu...will it require me to create manula partition for windows..??03:25
mick_laptopAnActivist: it allows you to get to youy network from within your network03:25
a94060lstarnes: yes i do03:25
lstarnesa94060: it will use up some more space, but not very much03:26
mick_laptopdivyanshu: you need windows on the first part of the harddrive03:26
djyoung4need help getting my sound recorder to work03:26
mick_laptopdivyanshu: or use virtualization03:26
AnActivistmick_laptop, msged*03:26
divyanshuhow do i do that03:26
a94060lstarnes: so it would be reccomended to do that if i want to keep the firefox meta? Is it reccomended to keep that or doesnt matter?03:26
Nom-Hey guys... hoping someone can help me out on this one...  I've got a script called nph-count sitting inside a ScriptAlias on Apache.  The headers (ie. Content-type) are being sent to the browser as content instead of headers.  If I rename the script to "foo" instead of "nph-count", it works perfectly.  I've been through the apache configs, and there's no specific config for it, so any ideas?03:26
divyanshuis their somethin like partition magic in ubuntu03:26
Guest93748divyanshu yes, gparted03:27
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:27
lstarnesa94060: you should probably keep it, especially if you plan to upgrade tp a later version03:27
SchmittyIf im running a program and it quits qith a seg fault. Who's fault is that? Is it a problem with the program? Did I do something wrong? Can I fix this if im not the person who wrote it?03:27
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lstarnesSchmitty: what program?03:27
a94060lstarnes: let me just fire it up. Ill try to partially clear myself up also03:27
torn_I really think the Ubuntu IRC channel should be separated into different channels. One for troubleshooting. Another for discussions. And maybe another for configuring/using programs, like Compiz, etc.03:27
divyanshuso i can create a new partition using gparted and put win xp there??03:27
lstarnesSchmitty: it's most likely a memory access error caused by the program03:27
Schmittylstarnes: schrontech bbs03:27
a94060divyanshu: you should just use a vm if you dont want to mess a lot with it03:27
Schmittysynchronet bbs03:28
divyanshui have no experience with virtual machine03:28
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications03:28
a94060divyanshu: are u better at partitioning?03:28
divyanshuno i need to start learning it03:28
lstarnestorn_: there are already a huge number of channels associated with ubuntu.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat03:29
divyanshuso..do i go for gparted or use a vm03:29
a94060lstarnes: if i remove firefox3.0 it says firefox,ubufox,sun java 6 plugin will be removed. Therre are other ones,but they are also available for 35.03:29
thiebaudedivyanshu, if you have enough memory, vm03:29
a94060divyanshu: there is a ggreater possibility of being destructive with partitioning03:29
lstarnesa94060: then you should keep firefox-3.003:30
SchmittyWhen a program throws a Segmentation Fault, it's a problem with the code right?03:30
lstarnesSchmitty: it's a problem with the program in most cases03:30
divyanshuso tell me more abt using vm03:30
madLyfewhat if i dont know the process id?03:30
Schmittylstarnes: k03:30
madLyfei know ive done it before but i used like kill all or something03:30
lstarnesmadLyfe: use pgrep, pkill, or killall03:30
a94060divyanshu: your operating system is emulated. Tryout virtualbox. Its easy to use,u can shoot questions here if you need help,but selfexplanitory mstly03:30
a94060lstarnes: alright,i will then. thanks03:31
thiebaudedivyanshu, how much ram do you have?03:31
thiebaudedivyanshu, you got plenty03:31
divyanshuwhere do i find virtualbox03:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vb03:31
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications03:32
torn_divyanshu, http.www.virtualbox.org03:32
divyanshuso do u suggest partitioning or vm03:32
di||itanteOk, I left for vacation and left my laptop running at home (on purpose), but I forgot to lock the gnome session. Anyone know how to do that from the cmd line for that session?03:32
divyanshuok i c03:32
a94060divyanshu: sudo apt-get install virtualbox03:32
madLyfehrmmm.. i have an app running and i cant close it nor shutdown system03:32
YesImaLinuxN00Banyone. i get "\\HOSTNAMEhostname server (Samba, Ubuntu) is not accessible" when trying to access an ubuntu share from windows03:32
madLyfedunno how to close it..03:32
torn_divyanshu, if you only need Windows to run low-end applications, then VirtualBox would be better, and more convenient.03:32
a94060lstarnes: 28 more mb will be used with installation of 3.503:32
torn_But if you need Windows for gaming or running high-end applications, I would do a dual-boot system.03:33
dsnydersdi||itante, you could stop the x server by /etc/init.rd gdm stop03:33
divyanshua94060: divyanshu: sudo apt-get install virtualbox...................??...tell me more03:33
lstarnesa94060: how much space do you have?03:33
torn_At least with a virtual machine, you don't need to worry about partition, or dual-booting, or messing up the Master Boot Record (MBR) of your hard disk.03:33
di||itantedsnyders: dont want to stop it03:33
lstarnesdivyanshu: I think the package is virtualbox-ose03:33
a94060lstarnes: well i got enough space...just being conservative. trying to keep machine trim03:33
kamalaowhat software do I need to creat a Bootable USB drive with Windows? tried UNetbootin without success.03:33
thiebaudetorn_, yep, thats the good thing about it03:34
dsnydersdi||itante, just an off-the-cuff idea.03:34
divyanshuit must have been installed already i guess03:34
lstarnesa94060: in later versions of ubuntu, firefox 3.5 will replace 3.0 in the meta package03:34
lstarnesa94060: possibly firefox 3.6 in the release after 9.1003:34
a94060lstarnes: yes,i know it wil happen. its just if i want 3.5 now03:35
thiebaudea94060, ubuntu 9.10 will have firefox 3.5 by default03:35
di||itantedsnyders: thanks, I just need to leave Gnome running buut lock it down03:35
a94060thiebaude: how long till 9.10?03:35
thiebaudea94060, Oct03:35
lstarnesa94060: late October03:35
thiebaudeyep the 29th i think03:35
a94060alrighty thiebaude lstarnes ,thanks a lot. I guess ill just wait03:35
kamalaolet me rewrite it in a clear manner... what Linux software do I need to create a Windows USB bootable Pendrive? Tried UNetbootin already and it didn't work.03:35
lstarnesa94060: I would wait until a couple months after that before upgrading03:36
dsnydersdi||itante, Well, a round about way would be to install VNC, then log in remotely and lock it... if no better ideas come along.03:36
a94060alrighty lstarnes03:36
dsnydersdi||itante, :-)03:36
a94060kamalao: can u run winsetupfromusb via wine? Thats what i use on windows to make one03:36
thiebaudea94060, 9.10 is still in developement, so it Might break03:36
di||itantedsnyders: thanks03:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alpha03:37
slideIm trying to mount a samba share from my server on my ubuntu desktop. On the server, I have it setup so ONLY guest can access the share so there should be NO file owner/groups whatever so that anyone can edit the share. When I mount it using mount.cifs it shows all the actual file permissions instead of nothing03:37
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slideI can access/edit everyhting in windows03:37
slidebut not this way03:37
steven223943I have a strange issue, I just did a bunch of updates, when i restart there are no menus. It's in gnome and the kernel version doesn't matter03:37
steven223943any ideas?03:37
kamalaoa94060, well, gotta try.03:38
kamalaoI was hoping for a linux native solution03:38
a94060kamalao: mmm,i dont know of one haha03:38
YesImaLinuxN00Bslide: im having an issue with samba as well. u ever have where windows tries to access \\HOSTNAMEhostname03:39
slideYesImaLinuxN00B, hrm nope never seen that03:39
thomastEvening, all.03:39
YesImaLinuxN00Bslide: dang03:39
slidesorry =\03:39
thiebaudethomast, hi03:39
steven223943howdy thomast03:40
James147slide: you can use "force user = USER" to force all users to USER03:40
djyoung4i am having problems getting the the sound recorder to work03:40
steven223943anyone ever have all your menues dissapear in gnome?03:40
di||itanteslide: Just because you have samba set as read only, doesnt mean the attributes dont exist, and that you can see the attributes with the cifs mount doenst change them03:40
dsnydersdi||itante, This might be a starting place: http://linuxnongeek.com/2008/05/11/how-to-lock-the-screen-in-gnome/03:40
di||itantedsnyders: thanks reading now03:41
thomastI've looked around for this issue, very odd. My HP laptop boots into Ubuntu Jaunty fine when plugged in, but gets stuck part way through the first Ubuntu logo screen when trying to boot from battery. Have to hard power down to get out.03:41
slidedi||itante, its not read only, it should be read/write all03:41
djyoung4i dont know what the card is and i havent found any drivers for ti03:41
slideso any login should be able to read/write03:41
di||itanteslide: ok, im sorry, what is the problem again03:42
steven223943thomas, do you have any bois options that disable things on battery power?03:42
thomastBattery is fully charged, and boots into Vista fine (dual boot, using Ubuntu boot manager with Ubuntu as the default.03:42
slidedi||itante, when I mount it using mount.cifs, i see the actual permissions on the server and that is limiting what can edit the files on my computer03:42
YesImaLinuxN00Bi get "\\HOSTNAMEhostname server (Samba, Ubuntu) is not accessible" when trying to access an ubuntu share from windows when its supposed to be "\\hostname". anyone know why?03:42
thomaststeven - interesting - I'll have to check. I was wondering if there's a log that I could check when this happens to try and pin down the sticking point.03:43
a94060thomast: try dmesg to look at kernel messages? turn off the quiet opion in menu,lst?03:43
di||itanteslide: have you used smbpasswd to thet the credentias of your user03:44
dsnydersdi||itante, Here's another: http://howto-ubuntu.com/2008/12/11/how-to-lock-your-screen-from-the-command-line/03:44
slidedi||itante, no, the only credentials the share should need are 'guest/guest'03:44
steven223943has anyone had gnome drop all the menus after an update?03:45
di||itantedsnyders: thats it, now i just need to know how to do it remotely for the user that is runnong gnome03:45
a94060steven223943: what do you mean by that?03:45
thomasta94060 - wouldn't that require a succesful boot?03:45
djyoung4can anybody help with fixing a sound recorder03:45
dsnydersdi||itante, the su command allows you to switch user.03:46
a94060thomast: you could do it right when u get the option,u could edit it on the fly03:46
steven223943the only thing that shows up are icons on the desktop but i can't get to anything, no menus ect.03:46
seven-uphello a emulator to run java based cellphone games?03:46
James147slide: try setting create mask   force user   and  directory mask   for the shares03:46
dsnydersdi||itante, you'd have to know the password though.03:46
di||itantedsnyders: true but it wont put me in that login session03:46
a94060steven223943: its possible your panel configuration was deleted/overwritten?03:46
veinorIs us.archive.ubuntu.com failing for anybody else?03:47
a94060veinor: its recolving and responding to pings for me03:47
seven-upgoogle is (on me) heh, thats weird03:47
lstarnesveinor: it's responding to pings03:48
veinora94060: pings are fine, but I'm having intermittent issues when I actually try to get something from it.03:48
a94060ahh ok03:48
di||itantedsnyders: ie. on the remote machine is running gnome as mike, im ssh'd in as mike, but that ssh sesssion is a divverent login on a different tty03:48
ctmjr!panels | steven22394303:48
ubottusteven223943: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:48
ahmeniveinor: Im having the same issues with ca.archive.ubuntu.com03:48
steven223943a94060: how would i check that?03:48
veinoryeah, pings aren't the issue03:48
a94060there ctmjr just told u how to restore them03:48
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:49
lstarnes.ll -cl03:49
veinorworking fine for me right now, but it's going back and forth between working and not.03:49
dsnydersdi||itante, something in the back of my mind is saying there is a way to join a session in progress.  I may be thinking of a hardware terminal server, though.03:50
ctmjrsteven223943: if that does not work try this sudo rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel then restart03:50
TonyTheTigerguys how do i change the network proxy settings for the terminal, i have changed in the gui but terminal wont update.03:50
di||itantedsnyders: thanks a ton, ill keep researching03:51
dsnydersdi||itante, If google hits anything, I'll let you know.03:51
kamalaoa94060, yep, it doesn't open. it does install but does not open. so no deal with WinSetupFromUSB03:51
djyoung4can anybody help with fixing the sound recorder03:51
steven223943ubottu: i don't have access to the terminal. no menus. what's the keyboard shortcut?03:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:51
kamalaosomeonw knows what Linux software do I need to create a Windows USB bootable Pendrive? Tried UNetbootin already and it didn't work.03:52
djyoung4i have checked in all the volume settings and everything is up and it still isnt working03:52
steven223943lol, i tried to talk to a bot03:52
steven223943does anyone know the keyboard shortcut to terminal in gnome and how to get back out?03:53
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:53
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:53
James147steven223943: alt+ctrl+F1-6  will give you the virtual consoles, alt+ctrl+F7 to get abck to gui03:54
lordnikonhi all03:54
torn_steven223943, go to the Menu > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts03:54
ctmjrsteven223943: and it talked back alt+f2 then gnome-terminal or alt+ctrl+f103:54
lordnikonso when i started pidgeon today it wouldnt connect to my aim account03:54
torn_You will see "Launch terminal" under one of the desktop shortcuts. You can make it whatever you want. I made mine ALT + F3.03:55
=== TemplarX is now known as Templar_Xion
lordnikoncan anyone help03:55
steven223943Thanks all! i'm stuck in xp right now cause gnome lost all it's menus.03:55
delimaxlordnikon: what are you having trouble with?03:55
a94060kamalao: sorry i was afk. Went to brush teeth haha03:55
lordnikondeli can i pm you03:55
veinordown again, bleh03:56
delimaxlordnikon: certainly03:56
a94060steven223943: did the restoring commands not work?03:56
veinorand up again!03:56
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Zxcvbanyone using kernel 2.6.31 rc7?03:57
DaZi used rc6 :f03:57
a94060veinor: what was your problem? I forgot03:57
ZxcvbDaZ: any major issues?03:58
Ten-Eightmy pidgin updated itself today to the latest version.03:58
DaZZxcvb, no03:58
Zxcvbusing rc5 currently03:58
cak054_and do "view image"03:58
cak054_< ShortWave> it might actually open to full size03:58
cak054_< ShortWave> WTF is pubsub anyway?03:58
bobertdosIf one wanted to GENTLY end a process via the command line, is there something other than kill to use?03:59
Corey_this is random, but does anyone know the key combos for window switcher and google desktop search in gOS 3.1 on the top of their head?03:59
DaZbobertdos, kill is very gentle <:03:59
DaZkde apps have kquitapp03:59
J-_there's always xkill :P04:00
veinorbobertdos: kill by default uses sigterm, which is as gentle as you can get04:00
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J-_I don't think xkill is gentle though04:00
bobertdosOkay, thank you all, that is all I really wanted to know :)04:00
veinoryeah, xkill is a last resort for me when even kill -9 fails04:01
veinor(it's happened!)04:01
madLyfewhats the diff between ubuntu and ubuntu server?04:01
TonyTheTigerhi my ubuntu keeps trying to use a previous proxy i had set up when now im telling it to connect directly to the internet.04:01
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James147madLyfe: most knocible is the server dosent ahve a gui by default04:01
a94060madLyfe: it doesnt include gui04:02
James147madLyfe: other things like it has more server applications installed by default, the kernel is build more for servers04:02
James147madLyfe: but they share the same repos fo you can switch from a desktop install to a server install if you really wanted04:02
James147madLyfe: or install any app on either04:03
wernyI just installed ubuntu today and I can't get my sound to work04:04
James147madLyfe: generally if you want to use a desktop, install the desktop release04:04
JohannesSM64is it normal that trying to open a file directly from an ftp server (which i assume downloads the file to a temp dir and opens it) causes the program that tries to open it to crash?04:04
JohannesSM64using the file browser04:04
JohannesSM64or rather, freeze04:05
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
JohannesSM64now the file browser crashed..04:06
JohannesSM64it works like a charm with local files04:07
JohannesSM64but ftp..04:07
Zxcvbwhat concurrency level should be used for a single core cpu with hyperthreading?04:07
boss_mc!sound | werny04:08
ubottuwerny: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:08
JohannesSM64connecting to an ftp server with the file browser and trying to open a file there makes everything buggy04:09
kevinhi all04:09
JohannesSM64now it placed an icon on my desktop that links to the ftp server that i can't delete04:10
webbbim looking to replace the gnome dektop panel  are their any good alternatives you guys would recomend04:10
t0si cant enable desktop effects, i installed the drivers from ati's website. my card is a radeon hd 260004:10
virusuyJohannesSM64: right click - unmount04:10
kevina question .......how to use teamviewer in linux with wine...just for control my windows pc04:11
JohannesSM64virusuy: unable to unmount - dbus error - no reply04:11
virusuyJohannesSM64: FTPserver is up ?04:11
VarthFirefox now seg faults whenever I try to open it. Can someone help me out?04:12
virusuyJohannesSM64: that's why you cant unmount the connection04:12
JohannesSM64is using the file browser for ftp known to be unstable or is everything wrong here?04:13
zehriqueHi, there!04:13
JohannesSM64the icon is all bugged.. i'll reboot04:13
zehriqueHow can I get the latest GNOME's packages for building gnome-shell on Jaunty?04:14
jean_bjr a tousse04:16
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus
VarthFirefox now segmentation faults whenever I try to open it. Can someone please help me out?04:18
Polt{laptop}I wonder if anyone has any idea as to when nautilus will be patched so that the multiple wallpapers / desktops work with nautilus drawing the desktop icons04:18
Polt{laptop}and when will that version be released for ubuntu ?04:18
Dayofswords35.04 duh04:20
atriushello everyone04:21
divyanshuhey ppl...when i am asked to type  "find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd"...shall i replace 'uname ' with actual username04:22
divyanshuthis command is for terminal04:22
the-erm1I'm having an odd problem in firefox pressing control+wheel doesn't zoom in/out any ideas?  I've check about:config and the mousewheel settings.04:22
atriusi've got an odd problem with pidgin.. it's stopped saving preferences properly with the latest version04:23
t0si just installed ubuntu 9.04 and i went to ati.com and got the latest drivers for my card its a radeon hd 2600. i cant change screen res i just cant enable desktop effects http://paste.ubuntu.com/258404/04:23
leaf-sheepatrius: #pidgin04:23
coldReactive42How can I connect to a mac address via my LAN?04:23
atriusleaf-sheep: i'll check there04:23
ctmjrdivyanshu: no it gives the kernel version leave it like it is04:23
coldReactive42I want to give a PXE some files, but don't know how to connect to it04:24
divyanshugr8 fine04:24
coldReactive42Rather, I should say, I want to setup windows through PXE while keeping Ubuntu on my only other PC04:24
the-ermodd pidgin locked up.04:25
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog
ctmjrt0s: did you run any commands after installing the driver?04:26
divyanshuguys ..so am stuck with my sound problem for quite a while....i went thru with the troubleshooting page...but still no sound04:27
divyanshuany ideas??04:27
atriusis anyone else using pidgin 2.6.1?04:28
t0sctmjr, well i went by this website http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu but it didnt work so i just changed my xorg.conf back to original and re-ran the installation file04:28
VarthFirefox now segmentation faults whenever I try to open it. Can someone please help me out?04:29
ctmjrt0s: after installing the driver from the website you need to run sudo aticonfig --initial in a terminal so it will load the driver04:30
coldReactive42I want to setup windows through PXE while keeping Ubuntu on my only other PC. But all the tutorials out there use tftp configuration, and it's just too much for me.04:30
atriusam i the only person running pidgin 2.6.1 on ubuntu?04:30
noisserpxehi....is this the chat room for new ubuntu users?04:30
imgoofygooberi am running 2.5.504:31
leaf-sheepatrius: No. There are many users running Pidgin-2.6.1 including myself... and you.04:31
divyanshuhow do i know the version of pidgin04:31
t0sdo i need to reinstall it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/258409/04:31
atriusleaf-sheep: have you noticed a problem with preferences not being saved correctly?04:31
the-ermnoisserpxe: I think its for everyone.04:31
leaf-sheepnoisserpxe: Yes. Welcome to #ubuntu -- Type "/topic" without the quotes.04:31
leaf-sheepdivyanshu: aptitude show pidgin04:32
kevdogjust type pidgin -version at command line04:32
divyanshuguys need some help with my sound04:33
Ivozhow do i upgrade to firefox 3.5?04:33
dotblankatrius, I also run 2.6.1 even on 9.10 64 bit :)04:33
divyanshuam not able to hear any sound04:33
divyanshui did troubleshooting04:33
The_Warlocki have a problem with .Xdefaults not being read when my system boots...can anybody help?04:33
divyanshuseems like driver and stuff are ok04:33
divyanshustill no sound04:33
coldReactive42http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1248242 - Is my problem04:33
IvozUbuntu's blanked out firefox's update option :S04:33
atriusdotblank: ah, thanks :)04:33
J-_You know how when you start up ubuntu and see all the daemons starting up when starting up, and if one fails to, it goes red, etc.? Where can I see a list of those things starting up to see which one failed?04:34
gstany skype users over here?04:34
noisserpxesweet. thanks the-erm and leaf-sheep. I'm helping my friend....she just set up Ubuntu and I've only had it for a short while....she can't get an internet connection so I'm on X-chat for her. I think she downloaded GNU:686 ......and she wants to know where to find information on how to make her wireless work.04:34
dotblankatrius, took some effort04:34
atriusdotblank: how so?04:34
tamalecan anyone here help me try to rebuild my mdadm array?  I'm getting 'mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md0' when I try to mount it after assembling04:34
dotblankatrius, had to compile from source and satasify dependancies and unlink some .so files04:34
leaf-sheepJ-_: I think after you reboot, you can CTRL + ALT + F1 to your first terminal console.04:34
gstmic is not recording properly..04:35
IvozWhy has ubuntu stopped firefox updating? How do I get it to 3.5?04:35
gstany suggestions?04:35
atriusdotblank: that's always fun :)04:35
=== anyone is now known as Guest57596
leaf-sheepIvoz: Jaunty?04:35
J-_leaf-sheep: cool thanks04:35
noisserpxehey jMyles04:35
Ivozuh yeah, leaf-sheep04:35
Varthgst: Had problems with my mic on my Lenovo S10, upgrading to alsa to whatever-.20 fixed everything. Just a thought.04:35
VarthFirefox now segmentation faults whenever I try to open it. Can someone please help me out?04:35
leaf-sheepIvoz: Have you seen this?04:36
leaf-sheep!ff35 | Ivoz04:36
ubottuIvoz: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY04:36
leaf-sheepIvoz: Also, to find out the Firefox version, you could type "about:" in the Firefox Address Bar.04:36
the-ermgst: open up audacity and play with alsamixer (from the terminal) until you get it to work in there.04:36
gstwhere do i find audacity?04:36
gsti use alsamixer -V all04:37
Guest57596Where can I find a guide for internet sharing between Ubuntu and windows XP in a dual boot environment on one machine?04:37
divyanshuthis might sound funny....but ubuntu doesnt play sound04:37
Ivozleaf-sheap: do you know what package to install from the package manager?04:37
Ivozleaf-sheep: there's heaps of them04:37
the-ermVarth: try creating a different profile with the -ProfileManager option and use that.  Perhaps your data is corrupt for one reason or another.04:37
JohannesSM64is it possible to paste multiline text in the terminal without having it executed immediately?04:38
ramsey1i need help really quick.   How do i get network services like MySql to run on my ubuntu machine without having to login to that machine??04:39
the-ermJohannesSM64: nope04:39
leaf-sheepJohannesSM64: I wouldn't think so. -- Unless you paste everything on a single line.04:39
Silver_Swordsany help with APTonCD? when doing a 'create' it gives "FATAL -> Failed to fork."04:39
the-ermJohannesSM64: I think your best bet is to put it into a text editor (like gedit) and edit it there.04:39
Guest57596Perhaps a command to disable auto eth0 completely04:40
Varththe-erm: That did it! Thanks for the help. Now to get all my stuff back to the other profile...04:40
tamalei really  need help recovering my raid array.. can anyone help?04:40
the-ermramsey1: mysql-server is a service, it should automatically start up when the machine boots.  You might need to check the services and see if it's enabled.04:40
the-ermramsey1: also in my.cnf you'll have to make sure it's "bind" isn't set to if you want other machines to access it.04:41
TonyTheTigerRebelZero, its working04:41
muhammad_من فيكم عربي04:41
RebelZeroTonyTheTiger: working correctly?04:41
agostoI cant not see the videos on YOUTUBE ??04:41
Silver_Swordsagosto: install flash player.04:42
RebelZeroTonyTheTiger: good to know. Still doesn't make sense to me, but sometimes a reboot does help I guess.04:42
TonyTheTigerRebelZero, said hit and update was quick alsomy other managersa all workin now04:42
gstin alsamixer -V all, i do not have front mic to inctrease it04:42
gstany idea why?04:42
agostoI did that and do not works04:43
RebelZeroTonyTheTiger: you'll have a ton of updates to install, I bet04:43
TonyTheTigerthanks 2 all who helped really apreciate it04:43
kidblooperi had 14304:43
TonyTheTigeryeah got lots haha04:43
divyanshuguys please give me some ideas how to fix sound04:43
pshrMy laptop's keyboard wont get detected unless until i restart it twice or thrice :( can any one help04:43
RebelZeroTonyTheTiger: good luck with your updates... I'm heading to bed. Have a good night.04:43
TonyTheTigersee  ya04:44
pshrMy laptop's keyboard wont get detected unless until i restart it twice or thrice :( can any one help ?04:44
agostoi add all the programs04:44
Theeb__I am trying to connect external display to my laptop, when connected, there is no signal in the external display, my video card is ati, is there away to enable or fix this issue in ubuntu? i dont think it detects the external display04:44
kidblooperpshr what kind of laptop ?04:45
pshrLenovo y 50004:45
RolaBladeHi... I connected my mobile phone via usb but I cant see it on ubuntu. How can I access the device?04:45
pshrRolaBlade, Guess you need to mount it manually04:46
Silver_SwordsRolaBlade: win mobile?04:46
kidblooperpshr http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57632304:46
tamalecan anyone here walk me through recovering my raid 5 array?04:46
Guest57596Can anyone help with sharing internet with XP?04:47
pshrkidblooper, do you suspect some thing wrong with my xorg.conf ?04:48
pshrit(kyboar) wont get signal right after the grub boot screen04:48
droid7Guest57596, what do you mean sharing internet with xp?04:49
Guest57596when I installed Ubuntu it "stole" the connection and now XP has no internet04:49
lordnikonim looking for some themes, i am running a fresh install of jaunty.  can anyone help04:50
gstany idea about alsamixer -V all?04:50
dragonunderlingi have a question about mounting a nfs network drive04:50
kidblooperhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1201406 is this the exact problem your having pshr ?04:50
RolaBladeSilver_Swords: No. A nokia phone04:50
RolaBladepshr: How do i mount it manually? It is a nokia phone by the way04:51
Code_Bleudragonunderling: whats your ?04:51
Silver_SwordsRolaBlade: i got tons of nokia phones. every time i had a problem seeing it, it's because of the cable/connector.04:51
pshrkidblooper, is there a solution04:51
Guest57596Should I just give up on it?04:51
nationwow this ubuntu is cool :P04:52
droid7Guest57596, that doesn't make sense. A connection cannot be stolen unless the connection is so weak that the first to connect prevents the others from connecting.04:52
kidblooperok pshr give me a sec.. i 'll scan a few of the forums.. just wanted to make sure i had the correct problem04:52
Silver_SwordsRolaBlade: also if you have a bad memory card in it, it would do that as well.04:52
nationdropped my laptop damaged the drive windows wouldnt run on it load ubuntu on it works grat lol04:53
tamalecan anyone here walk me through recovering my raid 5 array?04:53
nationdoes everything i need exept one thing04:53
RolaBladeSilver_Swords: I dont think it is a bad memory card because I can access it perfectly if I use a windows machine04:53
Guest57596maybe stolen isn't the right word... when I intalled the OS the connection no longer works on XP but works perfectly on Ubuntu04:53
nationi cant bridge my wlan with me etho04:53
Silver_Swordsnation: you dont need a drive to run ubuntu.  =)04:53
kidblooperpshr have you tried this sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup04:53
nationcan some one give me noob directions how to do this04:54
kidblooperif not try it and reboot04:54
nationno i meant i installed it to the drive04:54
nationworks fine sorry04:54
leaf-sheepnation: sudo aptitude install bridge-utils04:54
dragonunderlingIm trying to use the mount command mount -t nfs to mount but it keeps telling me host:dir error04:54
nationi did that04:54
droid7Guest57596, have you checked if the time is set correctly? Sometimes when setting time using 'UTC', window's time configuration becomes messed up and prevents other applications from opperating as expected.04:54
dragonunderlingmount.nfs: remote share not in 'host:dir' format04:55
kidblooperdid you catch that pshr ?04:55
leaf-sheepnation: Use Network Manager (nm-applet) on your Notification Area and create a new connection.04:55
nationi want the permenant bridge read somthing about editing04:55
jMyles!broadcom | noisserpxe04:55
ubottunoisserpxe: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:55
divyanshuplease give me some pointers how to correct my sound problem04:55
nationwhere is the network manager04:55
FloodBot3nation: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:56
leaf-sheepnation: It's on Notification Area -- Where you can see "Wireless/Wired Connection" icon.04:56
rhlin_hello all04:56
Silver_SwordsRolaBlade: then you may want to check on mounting it manually.04:56
J-_what command do I use with dpkg to see what program depends on what packages? dep something04:56
ubuntudivyanshu : what is the problem04:56
Guest57596I'll check that thanks for trying to help04:56
divyanshuthere is no sound in my system04:56
maconation: why did you say noob?04:56
divyanshui tried troubleshotting04:56
divyanshubut in vain04:56
leaf-sheepnation: Edit Connection.  Create a new one. Name it "Bridging" and check out IPv4 -- Set the method to --> Shared to other computers.04:56
divyanshustill no sound04:56
dragonunderlingcode-bleu did you catch my question?04:57
nationok and add a connetion ? you say04:57
it-linuxhello all, I have scanner CanoScan Lide 100 from Canon, is there a way how to operate this type? because my XSane doesn't recognize04:57
nationi am some what of a noob to this04:57
leaf-sheepnation: Ya.04:57
Code_Bleuyes, can you copy what you are typing and the output and use paste.ubuntu.com  and type link in chat04:58
dragonunderlingsudo mount -t nfs //mybookworld/nfs/public /mnt/public04:58
dragonunderlingmount.nfs: remote share not in 'host:dir' format04:58
Code_Bleudragonunderling: have you tried sudo mount.cifs //mybookworld/nfs/public /mnt/public04:59
dragonunderlingno i hadn't05:00
RolaBladeSilver_Swords: How do i mount it manually?05:00
zrutyCan I SSH into a pc running from live cd?05:00
dragonunderlinghmm different error05:01
leaf-sheepnation: Working?05:01
dragonunderlingbash: dragonunderling:: command not fou05:01
leaf-sheepzruty: I suppose you can if you install openssh-server on the LiveCD05:01
dragonunderlingdo i need to install a new package for cifs?05:02
zrutyleaf-sheep: Mmm.. that is not by default on the live cd, then?05:02
Silver_SwordsRolaBlade: menu/places/computer and see if it's there. if not, check cable. remove/reconnect.05:02
Code_Bleudragonunderling: make sure you have smbclient installed  sudo apt-get install smbclient05:02
leaf-sheepzruty: No. It's not installed by default... except server edition, I believe.05:02
RolaBladeSilver_Swords: It is not there even after removing and reconnecting05:03
dragonunderling0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Is the responce05:03
Silver_SwordsRolaBlade: does the phone notice a usb connection?05:04
Code_Bleudragonunderling: can you do a man mount.cifs05:04
gstanybody familiar with gnome-volume-control settings here?05:04
RolaBladeSilver_Swords: yeah05:04
dragonunderlingno manual entry05:04
JohannesSM64even after going to system > prefs > preferred apps and setting multimedia player to mplayer, mkvs are still opened in totem media player.05:04
Code_Bleumake sure you put the correct workgroup/domain and user you want to login with:  sudo mount.cifs //mybookworld/nfs/public /mnt/public --username=workgroup/user05:05
Silver_SwordsRolaBlade: what option are you choosing when prompted?05:05
dragonunderlinghmm... how do i tell my username and workgroup.. I dont think i specified that when i set the drive up05:06
nationok am i back05:06
Code_Bleudragonunderling: are you trying to connect to an actual windows share? or a samba share on linux?05:06
=== nabeel is now known as Guest59791
dragonunderlingim trying to connect to a western digital external network drive05:07
djyoung4ok so i have a hp dv4 and when i push the volume up the notifier pops up and it says the volume is going up but the actual volume does not change05:07
nationwow have no idea what i did can you explain again to me05:07
dragonunderlingits a 1 Tb dirve05:07
Code_Bleudragonunderling: that is different05:07
dragonunderlingok lol05:07
nationi didnt see where to creat a new connetion05:08
Code_Bleudragonunderlnig: that would be ntfs partition, not nfs share05:08
dragonunderlingahh ok05:08
dragonunderlingso how would i mount that?05:08
nationdid see where it says to share the device to share the device to other computers05:09
zrutyTthanks, leaf-sheep05:09
Code_Bleudo a fdisk -l and let me know what it says05:09
Code_Bleuuse paste.ubuntu.com05:09
Code_Bleuso you dont flood the channel05:10
dragonunderlingin terminal?05:10
Code_Bleudragonunderling: let me ask you something else.  you want read/write access, or just read-only?05:10
devrmstCan somebody help me with my external hard drive?05:10
dragonunderlingread write05:10
djyoung4ok so i have a hp dv4 and when i push the volume up the notifier pops up and it says the volume is going up but the actual volume does not change05:10
dragonunderlingbut read will do05:10
=== Rajesh is now known as raj
=== raj is now known as raj7710
raj7710Hey guys05:11
raj7710need some help05:11
nationget in line dj lol05:11
Code_Bleudragonunderling: read only is the easiest...read-write has its issues05:11
dragonunderlingok.. fdisk in terminal then?05:11
djyoung4need help fixing control of sound05:11
raj7710I have ubuntu 9.04 installed and I need to connect my N73 to it .. Any chances?05:11
Code_Bleudtragonunderling: are you in terminal only..or you have a gui right now?05:12
Silver_Swordsdjyoung4: check your players volume.05:12
dragonunderlinggui with term open05:12
djyoung4have it is all the way up05:12
Code_Bleudragonunderling: yes in terminal run  fdisk -l05:12
Code_Bleusudo fdisk -l05:12
WeblionXWhere does Ubuntu store Samba settings configured via the GUI? (Right click on a folder -> Share)05:12
nationcan someone please help me try to explain to me how to bridge my  wlan to etho05:13
djyoung4its not really a problem just an annoyance that the slider up above my keyboard to control the volume doesn't work but when i use it the notifier that my volume is going up or down pops up in the top right corner05:13
it-linuxany one knows how to add scanner CanoScan Lide 100 in Jaunty?05:13
devrmstwhat up sambagirl05:13
it-linuxBecause XSane doesn't recognize it05:13
sambagirlhi is anyone running openemm in ubuntu?05:13
Code_Bleudragonunderling: run that and copy the output, launch browser and paste in to paste.ubuntu.com. once you submit, the url will change, copy that and paste in here05:13
Code_Bleuok cool ;-)05:13
dragonunderlinglol done05:13
Code_Bleudragonunderling: this dual boot?05:14
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog
dragonunderlingyes vista and ubuntu05:14
b3rz3rk3rhey all, just edited my machines name in /etc/hostname and after to get sudo working again /etc/hosts. How do i get these changes to reflect in the "Network://" dialog?05:14
Code_Bleudragonunderling: vista primary?05:15
dragonunderlinghmm... yes05:15
dragonunderlingbut boots to ubuntu by default05:15
Code_Bleudragonunderling: in terminal type: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /mnt/public05:15
Code_Bleudragonunderling: you do have the /mnt/public dir created..right?05:16
nationsomeone was helping me to bridge network connetions but my connection dropped can you please explain to me again how to do this05:16
sambagirlhi is anyone running openemm in ubuntu?05:17
leaf-sheepnation: Type "leaf" and use TAB to autocomplete my nickname so I get highlighted messages.05:17
leaf-sheep!tab | nation05:17
ubottunation: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:17
leaf-sheepnation: Did you set up a new connection? "Bridging" --> Shared to other computer under IPv4 setting?05:17
leaf-sheepnation: That's it. :305:17
dragonunderlingcode_bleu: does it matter that there are 2 shares on the drive?05:18
nationnot sure how to do that05:18
sambagirlis anyone familiar with MTA ?05:18
Code_Bleudragonunderling: 2 shares, or partitions?05:18
WeblionXI wish Linux and Windows didn't act so pants-on-head retarded when you try to get them to work together.05:18
dragonunderlingi think it said shares.. hold on whilst i check05:19
nationi set the etho0 to  be shared by other computers05:19
nationnot sure how to setup a new connection or where abouts i go05:19
Code_Bleudragonunderling: did that command work?05:19
dragonunderlingdidn't give me a response05:20
dividebyzer0is there a folder that I can put a file and access it through virtualbox? because it wont recognize my USB HDD05:20
sambagirldoes seveas still work here?05:20
Code_Bleudragonunderling: it prob worked then....cd /mnt/public and then do ls05:20
b3rz3rk3rdividebyzer0, yes, you just need to specify it in your config05:20
b3rz3rk3rdividebyzer0, for the virtualbox i mean05:20
WeblionXdividebyzer0: Add it via shared folders.  If you're using Windows7, you need to map the network drive manually.05:21
dragonunderlinglists my machine05:21
dividebyzer0b3rz3rk3r: its running tinyxp05:21
dragonunderlingand the drive lists them as shares05:21
dividebyzer0b3rz3rk3r: so I would need to shut the VB down first to change that configuration?05:21
Code_Bleudragonunderling: copy output and paste to paste.ubuntu.com05:21
nationyou still with me leaf-sheep05:22
b3rz3rk3rdividebyzer0, yes you do. then you can map it in the virtual machines networking options05:22
b3rz3rk3rdividebyzer0, easy ;)05:22
dividebyzer0b3rz3rk3r: k Ill give that a shot thanks, brb05:22
b3rz3rk3rhey all, just edited my machines name in /etc/hostname and after to get sudo working again /etc/hosts. How do i get these changes to reflect in the "Network://" gui?05:23
rhlin_can anyone tell me how to install ddclient?05:23
leaf-sheepnation: Hmm.05:23
leaf-sheepnation: Did you create a new connection?05:23
neoandersenhow to make my webcam live stream in sites like ustream , justin.tv and blogtv?05:24
leaf-sheepnation: This all takes 5 minutes, really.  Make a new connection -- Name it "Bridging" --> Look in IPv4 setting.  Toggle on "Shared to other computer" and you're done.  Test the network.05:24
jMyles_noisserpxe, any progress?05:24
Code_Bleudragonunderling: not sure what you are talking about shares...but it appears that it is listing all of your files and directories of youe "C" drive of your windows partition05:24
Code_Bleudragonunderling: if you want to mess with read/write support...here is a good article https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G05:25
ubottumajnoon, please see my private message05:25
kidblooper<== clapping "bravo"05:25
Code_Bleudragonunderling: Then did that answer your original ?05:25
nationok leaf-sheep let me give it a try :)05:26
dragonunderlingit might be a workaround for it05:26
dragonunderlingthe drive allows nfs cifs ntfs ftp05:26
WeblionXWhere does Ubuntu store Samba settings configured via the GUI? (Right click on a folder -> Share)05:27
Code_Bleudragonunderling: that sounds as if it is a NAS appliance05:27
leaf-sheepnation: You want a new setting connection in wired, not wireless.05:27
dragonunderlingthat sound familiar.. but im not sure05:28
the-ermI wish windows would allow you to mount an sftp connection as a local drive ... that would be useful.05:28
Code_Bleudragonunderling: you are not going to have ftp, cifs, and nfs over usb.05:28
dividebyzer0b3rz3rk3r: you still in here?05:28
the-ermFreaking windows.05:28
the-ermUsually I just winscp.05:28
b3rz3rk3rdividebyzer0, yeah05:29
aylusarnWeblionX: probably in /etc/samba/smb.conf05:29
Code_Bleudragonunderling: does it have a network card in it?05:29
WeblionXaylusarn: It's not there.05:29
paissad-hphi everybody, i don't have the partimage in my repositories !05:29
paissad-hppaissad@paissad-hp:/work/PROJETS$ aptitude search partimage | pastebinit -05:29
dragonunderlingits over the network through my router05:29
b3rz3rk3rdividebyzer0, did u win?05:29
dividebyzer0b3rz3rk3r: hey I cant find the shared folder though.. for some reason05:29
paissad-hpi just have the documentation05:29
the-ermWeblionX: is there a ~/.smb or ~/.samba folder?05:29
paissad-hphow can i obtain partimage05:29
Code_Bleudragonunderling: do you have it plugged up USB too?05:29
b3rz3rk3rdividebyzer0, did u navigate to your machine correctly? try IP if hostname isnt working05:30
dragonunderlingthe usb port on it is for flash drives and printers only...05:30
WeblionXI just freakin' love GUIs.  Never a sane configuration location.05:30
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
Code_Bleudragonunderling: are you sure that is the correct data you are looking for? cause you said that you were dual booting...and right now you are accessing your vista drive on /mnt/public05:30
dividebyzer0b3rz3rk3r: one sec.. lemme shut down and verify the path05:30
dragonunderlingyes.. its supposed to be on the network drive..05:30
the-ermWeblionX: ~/.config ?05:31
dragonunderlingsupposed to show the direcroies of video, music, and pictures05:31
Code_Bleudragonunderling: you are not connecting over network right now...it wouldnt show up in your fdisk -l05:31
WeblionXI see nothing related to samba.05:31
dividebyzer0b3rz3rk3r: the path is /home/dividebyzer0/.VirtualBox/Machines/TinyXP05:31
zaccourwhere can i get the ubuntu flash drive image? not unr05:31
dividebyzer0so obviously if I were running tinyxp it wouldnt know where to find it05:31
arun_sukesanI have a problem. I cant play wmv files in ubuntu. I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras. I used vlc, mplayer, totem etc. when i use vlc i can hear the audio, but no video output. Can anyone help solving the problem05:32
=== gmaculo_ is now known as gmaculo
Code_Bleudragonunderling: you are looking at your VISTA hard drive on the machine you are on now05:32
nationleaf-sheep:  man tested it and the bridge works im using my laptop as a bridge for my x box cause im too poor to buy the wireless thingy haha it works but says its slow acting as a nat is there some firewall settings or ports i can open in ubuntu is there a firewall??05:32
dragonunderlingyes.. i know that lol05:32
WeblionXarun_sukesan: The files might have DRM, which VLC can't play.  Does the video come out weird looking, or just not at all?05:32
Code_Bleudragonunderling: im confused05:32
dragonunderlingme too lol05:32
Code_Bleudragonunderling: you are saying different things05:33
arun_sukesanwebliox: no video just the screensaver like item in the output05:33
Code_Bleudragonunderling: what is your objective?05:33
dragonunderlingshall we start at the beggining?05:33
nationi like this  almost gave up on linux distros but love this wow :P05:33
the-ermWeblionX: maybe there's something in gconf-editor gnome likes to put hotkeys in there.05:33
WeblionXarun_sukesan: Do you know if the file is good?05:33
dragonunderlingmy objective is to access information on a western digital network hard drive.05:33
the-ermStupid design in my opinion.05:33
dragonunderlingit is located on my personal network05:34
Code_Bleudragonunderling: how did you setup these shares to begin with? did you go to a browser and put in the IP of your NAS and set it up?05:34
arun_sukesanweblionx: I can play it in windows, It was the CEH tutorial videos.05:34
kidbloopermine shows up in dolphin by default with no extra configuring05:34
dragonunderlingyes i believe so05:34
arun_sukesanit plays clearly in XP05:34
kidblooperjust a thought05:34
kidblooperarun. codec error05:34
nationleaf-sheep:  another thing how do i log in as root or whatever to get acess or permisions for files  if i  want to alter them ??05:34
Code_Bleudragonunderling: you believe so...you dont know?  did you set it up?05:34
zaccourwhere can i get the ubuntu flash drive image? not unr05:35
dragonunderlingi am checking to confirm right now05:35
the-ermyou know there is a ~/.smb dir for me.05:35
Code_Bleudragonunderling: you are checking with yourself to see if you set it up or not?05:35
kidblooperzaccour you can use a program called unetbootin along with the actual iso , then the usb flash drive will be bootable05:35
dragonunderlingim looking on the web page for the drive05:36
Code_Bleudragonunderling: what page?05:36
arun_sukesanwhen i play wmv files in totem with gstreamer. No video output only audio05:36
Code_Bleudragonunderling: what is the make / model of this thing, so i can look up what you are talking about05:36
dragonunderlingthe admin page on the world book05:36
Dayofswordsxkcd has a new comic that is great for tech support http://xkcd.com/627/05:36
WeblionXthe-erm: Lucky you.05:36
arun_sukesanthe codec version is wma version 805:37
dragonunderlingwestern digital world book. 1tb05:37
dragonunderlingwhite light05:37
the-ermWeblionX: I think that's where it's going to be , and a file called smb.conf05:37
the-ermTry "sharing" a folder05:37
anfrajimnadie aqui?05:37
the-ermsee if it creates it.05:37
the-ermI'm running an ubuntu distro.05:37
the-ermWell an ubuntu based distro.05:37
anfrajimi wanna talck about ubuntu05:37
WeblionXthe-erm: I have several shared.05:37
kidblooperzaccour did you get that ?05:38
anfrajimi have OS UBUNTU05:38
zaccourkidblooper, i tried that but when i tried to select the file it didn't show it on the desktop where i knew it was05:38
anfrajimwhere can i find a spanish room?05:38
WeblionXbash: cd: .smb: No such file or directory05:38
nationtalk then05:38
the-ermfind ./ -iname '*' -exec grep -i "name-of-a-folder-you-share" {} -H -n \;05:38
anfrajimabout ubuntu05:38
the-ermThat'll grep every file.05:38
anfrajimi wanna talk about ubuntu in spanish05:38
kidbloopervaccour the the distro and version match the iso  ?05:38
bastidrazor!es | anfrajim05:38
^c|0ud^good evening everyone, can someone help me with a vpn issue I am having?05:38
ubottuanfrajim: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:38
arun_sukesanwhat to do to play wmv files. Installed restricted extras, but no use05:38
z987kI'm getting this error at startup: ata4: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)  a while bunch of times but then it boots normally. does this mean the drive is starting to fail?  Or can I backup and format or write 0's to get rid of the error?05:39
seven-upanfrajim: /join #ubuntu-es05:39
youneshowto register on freenode05:39
zaccourwhat do you mean?05:39
WeblionX/msg nickserv register pass email05:39
anfrajimthank you05:39
WeblionXyounes: Also for more info /msg nickserv help05:39
^c|0ud^with pptpd and connected to my vpn I cant connect to my router05:40
sambagirlhi is anyone running openemm here?05:40
buckyyounes, /msg NickServ HELP05:40
sambagirlhi is anyone running openemm here?05:40
kidblooperon the program unetbootin theres an option for distro and version, then you click browse for the iso. then select the usb drive.. it does the rest05:40
sambagirloh forget it05:40
arun_sukesanwhat to do to play wmv files. Installed restricted extras, but no use05:40
the-ermz987k: I'd backup.05:40
arun_sukesanwhat to do to play wmv files. Installed restricted extras, but no use05:40
arun_sukesanwhat to do to play wmv files. Installed restricted extras, but no use05:40
arun_sukesanwhat to do to play wmv files. Installed restricted extras, but no use05:40
FloodBot3arun_sukesan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:40
z987kthe-erm, what does it mean?05:40
lstarnesarun_sukesan: do not repeat05:40
lstarnesarun_sukesan: try using mplayer or vlc05:40
kidblooperthey play on vlc for me05:41
buckyz987k, i used to get that with my raptor drive05:41
the-ermz987k: Backup.05:41
arun_sukesanok thanks05:41
the-ermI don't know what it means But I'd backup reguardless :)05:41
^c|0ud^can anyone help me?05:41
^c|0ud^with pptpd and connected to my vpn I cant connect to my router05:41
z987kI am so sick of drives failing05:41
bastidrazor!wmv | arun_sukesan05:41
ubottuarun_sukesan: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:41
buckyit didn't fail and it went away with an upgrade... *shrug*05:41
nationso what kind of security does this have i know i dont need av what about a fw  ???05:41
z987kbucky, this just started happening out of nowhere05:42
lstarnesnation: a firewall would probably be a good idea05:42
dragonunderlingcode_bleu: this is what the help page tells me : http://paste.ubuntu.com/258441/05:42
lstarnesnation: by default, ubuntu has iptables and ufw built in05:42
nationwhere do i acess that05:42
the-ermI believe all ports are closed unless opened :)05:42
lstarnesnation: in the terminal05:42
buckyz987k, i know.. it's frustratiing, i put another drive in and reinstalled with fake raid and haven't had any problems since05:42
nationwhat do i need to type05:42
^c|0ud^Can anyone help me with a pptpd issue?05:43
lstarnesnation: you could also use graphical tools such as firestarter or gufw05:43
nationis that in the download thingy lol05:43
lstarnesnation: it depends on what you want to do with iptables/ufw05:43
lstarnesnation: yes.05:43
z987kbucky, how can I tell which drive ata4 is?05:43
kidbloopermy brain hurts05:43
dragonunderlingmine too05:43
Code_Bleudragonunderling: I think you have a lot to do on configuring that device first...then you can figure out how to connect to it.  I would suggest reading the manual....im sure they will show you how to set it up05:44
buckyz987k, mm... cat /etc/mtab ?05:44
seven-upyou guys do have a brain?05:44
dragonunderlinglol ok..05:44
Code_Bleudragonunderling: it sounds like you dont even know what protocal you want to connect with  cifs, ftp, nfs????05:44
dragonunderlingit says to use nfs for linux and unix05:44
kidblooperyep i have a brain.. and i feel like inserting a small piece of lead in it05:44
nation one other small thing on my mind is my touch pad is now too sensitive when i am typingngs ? keeps  bumping my cursor off is there some where i can edit those setti05:44
^c|0ud^Can anyone help me with a pptpd issue?05:44
Code_Bleudragonunderling: yes, but you can also connect to windows shares from linux05:45
z987kbucky, all my drives are sd* nothing is ata405:45
dragonunderlingok.. thats how i access the vista partition right?05:45
kidbloopernation in system settings turn mouse acceleration off05:45
Code_Bleudragonunderling: im not familiar with that product...but it might even have some configs on how to use the same shares for both windows and linux cifs and nfs permissions going to the same folders?05:45
buckyz987k, sudo fdisk -l maybe?05:46
arun_sukesanIs there any firewall for ubuntu?05:46
Code_Bleudragonunderling: accessing your vista partition locally is different from accessing network protocaled storage05:46
zmj|CentrikleHey, so I installed grnotify, and it's missing the python module GoogleReader05:46
z987kbucky, well I mean I have an sda4.....05:46
br34larun_sukesan: firestarter for example05:46
lstarnesarun_sukesan: iptables and ufw are installed by default05:46
firecrotcharun_sukesan: yes, it is called ufw05:46
nationwhere is system settings only one i got is the kde one but nothing about mouse in there ?05:47
lstarnesarun_sukesan: firestarter and gufw are just two of several graohical tools for configuring the firewalls05:47
z987kbucky, but that's only a single partition on a drive... not the whole drive05:47
dragonunderlingIll do some more research on it.. maybe even call westen digital too.. ty05:47
arun_sukesanlstarnes:br34l:firecrotch: Thanks everyone05:47
nationi tell you one thing my laptop has never ran this cool ever05:47
nationthis is like idle for it05:48
dragonunderlingwell ty for your help code_bleu.. I gots to go to bed05:48
kidblooperlucky for wd lol j/k05:48
paissad-hpi would like to compile partimage from the source, here is the error i got from the ./configure -->05:48
paissad-hpconfigure: error: *** pam library (libpam) not found05:48
paissad-hppaissad@paissad-hp:/tmp/partimage-0.6.7$ dpkg -l | grep -i libpam | pastebinit -05:49
Code_Bleudragonunderling: np05:49
lstarnespaissad-hp: you need the appropriate -dev package for libpam05:50
paissad-hpdoes someone have an idea of how to solve the matter please ?05:50
lstarnespaissad-hp: it might be libpam-dev or a package that provides it05:51
paissad-hpsudo aptitude install libpam0g-dev05:51
nationok i think im done bothering you all tonight ty for the help looks like a good comunuty here good support  :P05:51
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:51
khafraI've got all the repositories checked, but still can't get libavdevice-dev. What's wrong?05:52
lstarneskhafra: the package might have a different name05:52
lstarneskhafra: did you run sudo apt-get update?05:53
buckypaissad-hp, apt-get install libpam0g-dev so you have the include files to build something05:54
khafraGoogling for libavdevice-dev doesn't reveal any obvious alternate names05:54
lstarneskhafra: which version of ubuntu is it?05:54
=== Kacie is now known as anwoke8204
khafralstarnes: 8.0405:55
buckykhafra, apt-cache search libavdevice-dev05:55
lstarneskhafra: that package does not appear to be available in 8.0405:55
khafralstarnes: Well, crap.  Should I upgrade, then, or downgrade?  I coudln't find any references to ubuntu versions that support it anywhere05:57
lstarneskhafra: 9.04 defintiely has packages for it.  8.10 might05:57
lstarneskhafra: otherwise, you could either look for a PPA for the packages for 8.04 or another source for packages, or you could compile the libraries from sourcer05:57
khafraBlah. It was time to upgrade anyway; I just hope I don't forget that I really meant to script up an OCRopus project by the time I'm done05:59
lstarneskhafra: if you're using ubuntu for something that requires stability and long-term support, you should probably stick with 8.04 until the next LTS release, which is tentatively 10.0405:59
grafthi, so scp still stalls when i try to copy something from one machine to another over my wireless network... what do i do?06:00
^c|0ud^seems with pptpd, when connecting to my vpn, I can ping my router but I cant connect to it06:01
lstarnesgraft: is the remote machine running sshd?06:01
^c|0ud^seems with pptpd, when connecting to my vpn, I can ping my router but I cant connect to it. Is there a setting I overlooked?06:01
graftlstarnes: yep, both running ubuntu, i have appropriate ssh keys, etc. the transfer starts fine, but it stalls and sputters06:01
lstarnesgraft: you might want to try using the -v switch with scp06:02
lstarnesgraft: e.g. scp -v source target06:02
lstarnesgraft: that might help you diagnose the cause of the problem06:03
graftlstarnes: nah, -v is unrevealing... doesn't say anything as it stalls06:03
space_cadetgraft, does -vv do anything special?06:03
space_cadetor -vvvvvvvvv06:04
lstarnesspace_cadet: it only goes to -vvv06:04
grafthmm, yeah, now it says: debug2: channel 0: rcvd adjust 9833806:05
=== _Explodus is now known as Explodus_
MTecknologyCould somebody that's using a standard qwetry keyboard please list the output from xmodmap ?06:05
Explodus_When gdm starts I have a dead lock freeze...more info found http://paste.ubuntu.com/258451/ -- Let me know if any additional information is needed. Thanks for your time to look at my issue =)06:06
buckyExplodus_, sounds like a graphics problem what does tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log  say any hints06:09
buckyExplodus_, can you ctl+alt+F2  to another console and tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:10
Explodus_bucky, i can in recovery mode but not after normal boot06:10
Explodus_bucky, let me see if i can pull the log right quick06:10
buckyExplodus_, what kind of hardware is this ? a lappy?06:11
MTecknologybucky: you have a standard qwerty keyboard?06:11
buckyMTecknology, yes06:11
MTecknologybucky: 9.04?06:11
buckyMTecknology, nope just upgraded to karmic06:11
Explodus_bucky, older desktop amd xp 1800+ 1Gb ram ATI Radeon 955006:11
buckyi'll post it if it helps06:11
ethicxhello everyone, anyone knows how I can disable my second monitor using aticonfig?06:11
coz_hey guys let me try again..  two systems  fresh installs of 9.04  including all updates  however one ...on scsi system..has kernel 2.6.28--generic and the other has  2.6.28-15-generic??  I already did   sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.28-15-generic   and  sudo update-grub   nothing worked06:12
coz_rather 2.6.28-13-generic06:12
buckyExplodus_, i'm pretty sure you're having a problem with that Radeon 9550 and getting the right driver... i'm clueless on ati06:12
Explodus_bucky, thanks - I'm going to need to reboot anyways - I have to use Ext2IFS from windows to pull the logs ... Thanks for the point in the right direction I'll see if that log can give a clue06:13
buckyMTecknology, http://paste.ubuntu.com/258457/06:14
MTecknologybucky: thanks06:14
Explodus_bucky, the drivers didn't install correctly for ext2IFS :( -- will report back06:14
MTecknologybucky: I'm trying to figured out why right alt doesn't work in karmic06:14
buckyExplodus_, google about your card and jaunty06:14
MTecknologybucky: working for you?06:14
TheFuzzballCan someone open this link and tell me if the page loads please: http://thefuzzball.homelinux.org/06:14
TheFuzzballI'm testing my DynDns setup and it's the first time I've used it06:15
buckyMTecknology, does my keyboard work?06:15
seven-upThis is a temporary virtual server to be used whilst Sherlock is being repaired06:15
buckyMTecknology, i'm sorry.. i missed your previous posts06:15
TheFuzzballseven-up: thanks, seems to be working :)06:15
dronecould someone please give me a hand with some issues I'm having with updating my repo data?06:15
droneI keep getting badsig or bzip2 errors no matter what site I use06:16
MTecknologybucky: jsut the right alt06:16
ricardo_ irc.reload-paradise.net06:16
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dividebyzer0how do i find out my IP address?06:17
dividebyzer0oops, thanks06:18
dividebyzer0another question, how do you enable USB on virtualbox? I cant seem to get it to work06:19
buckyMTecknology, this talks about it in Edgy https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/console-setup/+bug/7690106:19
lstarnesdividebyzer0: you have to use the proprietary version of virtualbox from sun06:19
buckyMTecknology, you prolly need something in xorg.conf06:20
MTecknologybucky: oh - thanks06:20
dividebyzer0lstarnes: I am pretty sure I am?06:20
lstarnesdividebyzer0: do you use the virtualbox-ose package?06:21
* Exploded had her Ubuntu install go kaboom06:22
lstarnesdividebyzer0: that is not the version from sun.  That is the open-source edition, which notably lacks usb support and possibly some other features that could only be put in sun's proprietary version06:22
wendaozhehow do i match the domain name in iptables?06:22
dividebyzer0is their version free?06:22
lstarnesdividebyzer0: not as in freedom, but as in prive06:22
=== Exploded is now known as Needs_phoenix
dividebyzer0lstarnes: so if I already have xp installed on there, if I remove virtualbox and re-install the correct version will it still be there?06:23
dividebyzer0as long as I map it to the same folder06:23
lstarnesdividebyzer0: I think so. you may need to keep the -ose version while you install sun's version06:23
* Needs_phoenix is new here and needs a bit of help to get around the work of a glitch that left her PC unbootable06:24
dividebyzer0I just install it from their site right?06:24
lstarnesdividebyzer0: yes06:25
Needs_phoenixIs anyone able to help me?06:25
lstarnesNeeds_phoenix: could you please provide more details about your problem?06:25
Needs_phoenixI was installing Ubuntu 9.04 to replace a Fedora 11 installation in my dual-boot config with Vista06:26
Needs_phoenixand it gave me an error as it was installing grub06:26
aneeshbhadranplease help me to install zend server on linux06:26
Needs_phoenixand now whenever I boot up, I see a CLI for grub06:26
dividebyzer0lstarnes: it says Error: Conflicts with the installed package 'virtualbox-ose' so I assume I need to remove that one first06:26
icarus-caneeshbhadran: google06:26
lstarnesdividebyzer0: then remove it06:26
icarus-caneeshbhadran: man apt-get by the way06:26
MTecknologybucky: What command do I need to run to open keyboard preferences?06:26
aneeshbhadrani am new in linux06:27
dividebyzer0i just hope I dont have this "dead spot" where it installed XP, and I cant get to it and have to re-install x06:27
=== Daisy is now known as Dayofswords
icarus-caneeshbhadran: that's why you should learn06:27
icarus-cNeeds_phoenix: do you know about chrooting and grub-install ?06:28
Needs_phoenixnot really06:28
Needs_phoenixa friend tried to walk me through grub install06:28
Needs_phoenixbut she got lost during it06:28
buckyMTecknology, System->Preferences=>Keyboard ?06:28
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icarus-cNeeds_phoenix: between, have you run disk check before installing?06:29
wendaozhehow do i match the domain name in iptables?06:29
MTecknologybucky: ya, what command does that run?06:29
buckyMTecknology, make sure you have the type you need like 104 key or 105 key06:29
lstarneswendaozhe: source domain name, or target domain name?06:29
solofightomg omg help sos | i installed and was working on xubuntu untill yesterday was planning to install the windows 7 which i newly bought, i was having a seperate partion for windows which has 40 gb whereas rest of 160 gb for my xubuntu , i installed windows 7 completely and then when rebooted it didn ask me for boot choice , it straightaway booted into windows 706:29
MTecknologybucky: I don't use gnome, so when I'm told to do that, I  don't know what command to run06:30
solofightso i thaught the boot priority has been rest by windows 7 and removed the windows 7 from my hdd06:30
wendaozhetarget domain name06:30
icarus-csolofight: chroot and grub-install using a live cd06:30
lstarnessolofight: it sounds like you need to reconfigure windows 7's bootloader or reinstall grub and set it to have an option for chainloading windows 706:30
icarus-creconfiguring NTLDR  is crazy06:30
space_cadetsimple solofight insert your xubuntu disk, and follow this... http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-restore-grub-in-ubuntu/2008/04/1106:30
solofightnow when i reboot it searches for os overwork the net06:31
* icarus-c directs Needs_phoenix to http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-restore-grub-in-ubuntu/2008/04/11 06:31
solofightnow when i reboot it searches for os over the network06:31
lstarneswendaozhe: you could probably specify it the same way that you specify an IP06:31
icarus-csolofight: did you hack in BIOS settings?06:31
solofightno no06:31
space_cadetsimple solofight insert your xubuntu disk, and follow this... http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-restore-grub-in-ubuntu/2008/04/1106:31
solofightspace_cadet, thank you06:31
solofighticarus-c, thank you will follow and reply here06:32
buckyMTecknology, you prolly need gkbd-capplet which i dont have installed.. let me update apt-file06:32
solofightbut why is this happening ?06:32
space_cadetalso...   solofight windows blows out the MBR06:32
Needs_phoenixicarus-c: I got an error06:32
solofightshouldn it suppose to show me the boot options ?06:32
Needs_phoenixFile not found06:32
space_cadetsolofight, no...  windows likes being the owner of the pc06:32
solofightlstarnes, how can i do that ?06:32
space_cadetdoesn't like any other os06:32
icarus-csolofight: easy, Windows don't give a s*t and wipe out MBR with their own boot loader06:32
space_cadetif you were to have installed xubuntu second, it would have worked06:32
lstarnessolofight: I'm not sure exactly how to do it.  I haven't worked with windows 7's bootloader06:32
space_cadethowever... you can reinstall windows, then run that link i gave you and have both...06:33
Needs_phoenixicarus-c: PM?06:33
icarus-csolofight: just reinstall grub to MBR will work again06:33
buckyMTecknology, gnome-keyboard-properties  will run the basic program06:33
MTecknologybucky: thanks06:33
icarus-cwait a minute, that http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-restore-grub-in-ubuntu/2008/04/11 looks gay06:33
icarus-cshouldn't we  chroot to the installed system and run grub-install there?06:34
space_cadeticarus-c, huh?06:34
MTecknologybucky: wow - it's only 195MB to install that (with dependencies)06:34
MTecknologybucky: :P06:34
solofightspace_cadet, when i do a find /boot/grub/stage1 it says root(hd0,0) which is where i have my os06:34
space_cadeticarus-c, everytime windows has blown my MBR   that has worked (the link i provided)06:34
solofightso no need to change06:34
icarus-ci'm afraid http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-restore-grub-in-ubuntu/2008/04/11 would just install grub "to boot the livecd"06:34
solofightfucking windows06:35
buckyMTecknology, didn't you install gnome?06:35
icarus-cspace_cadet: ok. but i used to chroot and grub-install06:35
space_cadetsolofight, but you have to root (hd0,0) then setup hd(0)06:35
space_cadeter   setup (hd0)06:35
MTecknologybucky: no06:35
solofightbastards how dare they take ownership of my xubuntu without asking me06:35
error404notfoundThe title text on titlebar of application is very clode to there left edge, so much that the first letter is kindda cut off. Any way to fix it?06:35
MTecknologybucky: just openbox on here06:35
solofighti had so many project s in it :(06:35
space_cadetsetup (hd0) will write the MBR06:35
icarus-csolofight: that is Microsoft  remember that06:35
solofighticarus-c, how to ?06:35
icarus-cspace_cadet: is that assuming /boot on /dev/sda1 ?06:36
space_cadetalternatively you can play with windows' bootloader...06:36
buckyMTecknology, depending on how you configured your video card.. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will let you add alt:win  meta:win and that usually fixes all that06:36
solofightI dont give a shit about who it is , how dare they delete data in my pc , and freaked me out06:36
solofightam gona file a law suit on them06:36
buckyMTecknology, if you chose the right keyboard type06:36
solofightif i dont get my data back they are sued06:37
MTecknologybucky: no questions are asked for that06:37
space_cadeticarus-c, well when you enter grub, then search for stage1  it will tell you which drive/partition it is located on06:37
ejvI install win7 too and it also wiped out Ubunu 9.04 bootloader06:37
icarus-csolofight: lol06:37
space_cadetthen you just tell it where you want the boot code06:37
ejvshould I read that link?06:37
icarus-cejv: yes sir06:37
MTecknologybucky: got it - -a06:37
ejvicarus-c: so I need to use a livecd06:37
icarus-cwhatever livecd06:38
SealedWithAKissI currently have Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset integrated graphics card, I'm looking to upgrade to something better within my budget. I have around £40 to spend, or $60 dollars for you Americans. Does anybody have a PCI graphics card in mind that would run games well?06:38
* space_cadet thinks windows should be more accomodating for other operating systems06:38
MTecknologybucky: Generic 105-key (Intl) PC06:39
buckyMTecknology, you might have missed it... do you have something like this in /etc/X11/xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/258469/06:39
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss, pci or pci E06:39
ejvspace_cadet: i agree, i installed win 7 over the weekend, and it completely hosed my bootloader :(06:40
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, I don't know the difference. I haven't got a clue when it comes to hardware. How would I find out?06:40
MTecknologybucky: since jaunty new installs don't have xorg.conf06:40
error404notfoundany way to fix the position of my title bar text? it way too left..06:40
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss  what's your computer make/model06:40
icarus-cspace_cadet: microsoft never give a sh*t for that sort of thing06:40
solofighticarus-c, when i type chroot in my console, it says missing operand06:40
space_cadeti kno06:40
buckyMTecknology, not by default06:40
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, Dell Inspiron 530.06:40
icarus-csolofight: mount your installation first06:40
crdlberror404notfound: change your window border theme?06:40
MTecknologybucky: I think this looks like it might be working06:40
solofightspace_cadet, i have to root ? you mena i need to be having root privilages ?06:41
error404notfoundcrdlb, tried...06:41
icarus-csolofight: then chroot <path/to/where/you/mount>06:41
buckyMTecknology, you have to restart X sometimes to get changes to work06:41
icarus-csolofight: dude you should follow only 1 person guide at a time06:41
space_cadetsolofight, sudo su06:41
icarus-csudo su -06:41
solofighticarus-c, ok i follow you06:41
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, the current integrated card is pants! I don't understand hardware though, so can't think of an upgrade that's going to make the most of my money.06:41
MTecknologybucky: ya - I'm getting asked a whole butt load of questions :P06:42
crdlberror404notfound: can you put a screenshot on http://picpaste.com?06:42
solofighticarus-c, how to find and mount my installation ?06:42
WeblionXHas anyone gotten Windows 7 to have R/W access to a Samba share?06:42
ejvSealedWithAKiss: whats the purpose of the machine, you want to game with it?06:42
MTecknologybucky: it's even downloading a flash update....06:42
icarus-csolofight: do you know about your partitioning scheme?06:42
MTecknologyjust from dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -a06:42
* MTecknology hopes things aren't breaking06:43
buckyMTecknology, you must have automatic upgrades enabled06:43
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss, looks like you can go high end06:43
SealedWithAKissejv, yeah that's the idea.06:43
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, what do you mean I can go high end? I don't have too much money.06:43
ejvi recommend an nvidia gtx 980006:43
ejvgood price range06:43
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss, well it looks like you have PCI E which means you have a larger selection06:43
ejvnewgg has a 9800gtx+ for $115 after MIR :)06:44
solofightyeah icarus-c , 8gb swap 160gb xubunut and 40 gb windows06:44
ejvplay any game you want with it06:44
buckynice call ejv06:44
ejvalso works good under ubuntu to06:44
MTecknologybucky: I'm gonna restart - hoping for best06:44
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, so can you recommend a card?06:44
madLyfehow come linux doesnt like ati?06:45
SealedWithAKissejv, I have $60.06:45
icarus-csolofight: output of "sudo fdisk -l" please06:45
lstarnesmadLyfe: it's because of ati, not linux06:45
ejvbucky: heheh, you in the market? :p06:45
dividebyzer0lstarnes: you still in here?06:46
buckyejv naw.. got an old 6800 AGP which i love06:46
ejvscratch that, newegg has the GTS 250 for $100 after $20 mail in rebate...06:46
ejvthat's even better! lol06:46
ejvSealedWithAKiss: I suggest you scrounge up more money, stop eating for a few days06:46
solofighticarus-c, is there a command i can use to straqightaway print console output to pastebin ? like in sidux we have sidux-paste ??06:46
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681415043506:46
icerootis there a gui/applet for showing the status of a RAID1-Array?06:46
c3owhat link of sindux-paste06:47
ejviceroot: sorta ridiculous, just cat mdstat06:47
icarus-csolofight: there is one for fpaste.org06:47
solofightwhich command i can use in xubuntu ?06:47
solofightto paste like that ?06:47
buckyejv, i dont want to encourage anyone to do something they wouldn't normally do... but i upgraded to karmic and my graphics are a lot happier06:47
icerootejv: thx, thats ok06:47
icerootsolofight: apt-cache search paste   there are some tools   then cat something | pastebin06:48
=== albech_ is now known as albech
ejvif someone knows of a gui tool that's better than mdadm ncurses stuff, im all ears06:48
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, the shop I am going to buy from sells that card for £25 which is £15 less than I can spend: http://www.cex.co.uk/search/index.php?stext=GeForce+8400&ispostback=1&mode=buy06:48
terminaldummywhat is the cheapest computer you can put ubuntu on ?06:48
buckyejv, but grub2 doesnt like ext4 i hear so buyer beware06:48
MTecknologybucky: :(06:48
icerootterminaldummy: eeepc 701 4G06:48
asdfunknownI have 2 HDD, master is smaller so I installed an ubuntu-type onto the second, larger HDD. My master had a bunch of old partitions I no longer needed, but when in GParted I accidently cleared the whole drive. So the question is: Was the bootloader on the master (but otherwise unused) drive? and if so, how do I reinstall it?06:48
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, I want to spend more while I have the money. Could you pick a card out from that website for £40?06:49
Needs_phoenixI once ran Ubuntu 5.10 on a system with a 233Mhz Cyrix M2-333 CPU06:49
ejvI never, ever use anything but ext2 for /boot06:49
ejvyou're silly if you do.06:49
MTecknologyBlazing: I made sure AltGR was mapped to Alt_L06:49
asdfunknownsorry for the long post, this room is moving so fast my question would have gotten lost otherwise06:49
solofighticarus-c, http://pastebin.com/m7493764d06:49
terminaldummyyou could put it on a dell mini 9 for less $30006:49
rachiti need some pdf reader similar to adobe professional can any one help me out to find a one06:49
terminaldummyi'm trying to find something even less06:50
icerootterminaldummy: eeepc 701  199€06:50
dividebyzer0How do you enable USB in virtualbox?06:50
Blazingwhy dont u see the system requirement?06:50
icerootdividebyzer0: use the non-free version from website06:50
space_cadetthere u go SealedWithAKiss06:50
space_cadet9600 GSO nvidia06:50
lstarnesdividebyzer0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/USB06:50
dividebyzer0iceroot: I downloaded the one from the sun site..06:50
godfreymrpm installer related problem06:50
MTecknology!u | space_cadet06:50
ubottuspace_cadet: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.06:50
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, what's that card going to be like?06:51
dividebyzer0iceroot: not sure I did it right though.. it installed with the packet manager.. and now I cant find where it is06:51
icerootdividebyzer0: ok, then you can activate usb-devices by clicking the symbol and the right-bottom-corner06:51
godfreymI had installed WebSphere MQ related RPM packages and then had them removed but when I tried installing it says that some files are conflicting06:51
ejvseriously, just eat raman noodles for a few days, you'll have the extra money you need, for a better card, you'll be happy you did06:51
ejvtrust me06:51
godfreymso I had them manually removed06:51
icerootgodfreym: rpm?06:52
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss, gives me a 4.9 Windows Experience Index  (mine is the 9600 GSM though with 1700MB ram06:52
godfreymbut later when I try to install the package is already there06:52
godfreymand also that the packages cant be removed because the files are removed now06:52
dividebyzer0iceroot: do I still need to go to add/remove applications and find VB and install it?06:52
godfreymcan someone be of help06:52
dividebyzer0even after I dl'ed it from the site?06:52
icerootdividebyzer0: no06:52
rachitny one plz help me..i need a pdf software using which i can underline/highlight text06:52
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss, and to put it into perspective, I can run SecondLife in Ultra with No clipping06:52
icerootdividebyzer0: the one from the repos is the free version with no usb support06:52
ejvubuntu doesn't use rpm, so... why are you using rpm godfreym06:53
lstarnesrachit: I think evince can do that06:53
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss, and I haven't tried crisis yet06:53
asdfunknowndoes ubuntu instal the bootloader onto the master HDD even if you install the OS onto a secondary drive?06:53
godfreymbut the packages come with RPM06:53
godfreymthere is no other way round that06:53
dividebyzer0there you are lstarnes06:53
Blazingget the tarball06:53
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, my integrated one gives something like a 3.6 base score. Is yours better or worse than the one you suggested? I have 4GB RAM too. Would that be fine for gaming? Duo Core @ 2.6 GHz?06:53
rachitlstranes:did you tried it06:53
lstarnesrachit: I use it for reading almost all pdfs06:53
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss, but anything that you get in terms of add on video cards is going to be better than onboard.   Because of the fact that the GPU on the card is going to take over rather than running it through the processor, with the onboard.06:54
asdfunknownIf so, and I'm thinking it is, anyone know a guide to reinstalling the bootloader?06:54
rachitltranes:ok thanks i'll try it..06:54
buckyrachit, adobe-flashplugin or acroread will let you highlight copy and paste06:54
lstarnesrachit: openoffice and some other office programs might support PDF writing06:54
inktriusing command line, how can i prepend all strings "abc" with "dog" in a given text file? (ie. given a text file, how can i make all strings "abc" turn into "dogabc" with command line)?06:54
MTecknologybucky: what was that config you gave me?06:55
dividebyzer0iceroot: I downloaded it and it opened with GDebi Package Installer06:55
icerootdividebyzer0: yes, that is the right way06:55
buckyMTecknology, http://paste.ubuntu.com/258469/06:55
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss, Well mine is integrated, but it's on a laptop..   and the fact that  the one I sent u a link to has less than half the memory mine does, but considering you have 4 gigs anyway, you are still better off with that than the card u currently have.06:55
lstarnesinktri: sed -i 's/abc/dogabc/g' file.txt06:55
dividebyzer0iceroot: k I already have that installed but where is it?06:55
MTecknologybucky: is that you're entire config?06:55
dividebyzer0should I try running a command in the terminal?06:55
icerootdividebyzer0: somewhere in the applications-menu06:56
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, would you be able to suggest one final card in case the store doesn't have the first card in stock?06:56
buckyMTecknology, i didn't have to use that to make my 104 key keyboard work ok06:56
inktriIstarnes: \?06:56
lstarnesinktri: it was an accidental post06:56
dividebyzer0iceroot: nothing new listed in the apps menu06:56
MTecknologybucky: oh06:56
icerootdividebyzer0: also try Virtu tab in the shell06:56
buckyMTecknology, here's mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/258473/06:56
icerootdividebyzer0: virtualbox is listed abr restarting gnome....06:56
inktriIstarnes: thanks for the help06:56
asdfunknowni just need to know if i'm on the right track in thinking that i removed the boot loader06:56
dividebyzer0ah, so I need to reboot the system then06:57
=== Tniffoc is now known as T^Away
solofighticarus-c, http://pastebin.com/m7493764d06:57
icarus-csolofight: mkdir /mnt/ubuntu && mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ubuntu    as root06:58
icarus-csolofight: then chroot /mnt/ubuntu06:58
MTecknologybucky: what does ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf show?06:58
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss, i basically went to06:58
space_cadet    * » Home06:58
space_cadet    * » Computing06:58
space_cadet    * » Graphics, sounds & vision06:58
space_cadet    * » PCI-Express Graphics Cards06:58
FloodBot3space_cadet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:58
space_cadet 06:58
buckyMTecknology, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1303 2009-08-23 14:10 /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:59
MTecknologybucky: thanks06:59
space_cadetdidn't know there were linebreaks there06:59
space_cadetanyway...   once you're on page 11   ignore anything ATI06:59
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asdfunknownanyone want to give me a quick hand with grub and boot loader?07:00
monteithi can try, asdfunknown07:00
=== matthew is now known as Guest31323
asdfunknownmonteith: http://pastebin.com/d3c23821d07:01
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, http://www.cex.co.uk/products/Computing/Graphics,%20Sounds%20&%20Vision/Graphics%20Cards%20-%20PCI-E/index.php?sku=SGRANVIGEF9400GT1A&name=Nvidia%20GeForce%209400%20GT%201GB%20PCI-E&mode=buy07:01
space_cadetsomeone should do a simple to follow, legit writeup for topic on restoring the grub07:01
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, what do you think? An extra £5 on top of my original budget? It's 1GB.07:01
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss, that's a nice one07:01
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, worth the extra £5?07:02
MTeckbucky: still not working :(07:02
solofighticarus-c, ok i did chroot /mnt/ubuntu07:02
solofightnow what to do ?07:02
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss, i would say07:02
space_cadetgee   that's like what 60-70$ us?07:03
monteithasdfunknown:  your bootloader is most likely on your second drive (the one you installed ubuntu onto)07:03
solofightsorry for making you type it again , i know you already said that to me, but when i scroll up the messages are not there,07:03
MTeckbucky: I think I'll wait for more work to be done on it... still alpha, right?07:03
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, there are two for £45. One is 9400 and one 9500, they're the same price. I'm assuming the 9500 is the more recent and perhaps better card?07:03
solofightxchat sucks07:03
solofightit logs only limited number of lines07:04
monteithasdfunknown:  you can use Super Grub Disk (http://freshmeat.net/projects/supergrub/) to get into the grub cli07:04
solofighticarus-c, please tell me what to do next07:04
wendaozhe<lstarnes>:thank you!07:04
icarus-csolofight: have you chroot?07:04
buckyMTeck, you can bind keyboard keystrokes with xkeycaps07:04
icarus-csolofight: you can set how many lines should xchat keep07:04
space_cadet9500 offers double the amount of Stream Processors.   SealedWithAKiss07:04
monteithasdfunknown:  in the cli, use geometry (hd <tab> and find (hd1,0)/boot to locate grub07:04
icarus-csolofight: mkdir /mnt/ubuntu && mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ubuntu   && chroot /mnt/ubuntu   as root07:05
lstarneswendaozhe: just remember that using domain names requires resolving those domain names07:05
lstarneswendaozhe: it is much more efficient to use IPs instead of domain names07:05
buckyMTeck, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71598307:05
icarus-csolofight: after chroot, do a "grub-install  /dev/sda"07:05
asdfunknownmonteith: ok. that will detect the grub, if it exists then07:05
SealedWithAKissspace_cadet, I think that the 9500 is the card for me then! Thank you so much for helping me out!07:05
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wendaozhelstarnes:thank you!07:06
space_cadetsolofight, i still think you should have just booted to live cd, then opened terminal, then sudo su, then grub, then find /boot/grub/stage1 then root (hd0,0) then setup (hd0)   then    exit  then   restart -r now07:06
space_cadetSealedWithAKiss, anytime07:07
solofighticarus-c, how can i set that how many lines shoudl xchat keep ?07:08
icarus-csolofight: explore in Settings07:08
caveman27I have been fughting with this flight sim for a long time now and am getting a lil frustrated, problem is, it loads up and works great, but has no sound, its a 32 bit app, im running ubuntu 8.10 64 bit, the game uses openal, any help would be wonderful to get this sound going, its the only app I have that sound doesnt work.07:08
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solofighticarus-c, nope , its not there in settings -> prefrences,07:09
icarus-csolofight: Settings -> Interface -07:09
icarus-csolofight: Settings -> Interface -> Text box -> Scrollback lines07:09
icarus-csolofight: settings -> preferences i mean07:09
solofighticarus-c, ah ha ok07:09
solofighti was lookin in logging07:09
solofightwrong place07:10
phoe6Does anyone knows, if the wubi's allocated space is expanding? Like My Windows box has 150GB Harddisk, I used wubi and setup I think 10GB only (inorder to try). But I have kept using Ubuntu and the size has crossed 10GB. I am wondering if the ubuntu setup using wubi is using storage of windows too?07:10
space_cadeticarus-c, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1308395&postcount=1   ??07:10
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space_cadeticarus-c, read the second half07:10
solofighticarus-c, when i do a grub-install /dev/sda it says /dev/sda: Not found or not a block device.07:10
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space_cadetsolofight, here's another post of the easy way and the hard way... maybe a little different than what icarus-c is showing you... but same concept on the hard way07:11
space_cadetand the easy way is REALLY easy07:12
dividebyzer0this is driving me nuts.. okay I rebooted, and I am running the VirtualBox.. It still wont recognize my USB external HDD07:12
solofightspace_cadet, whats the easy way ? is that what icarus-c  is showing07:12
space_cadetsolofight  the easy way is to boot from live cd, then enter grub then find, root, setup reboot07:13
space_cadetthe hard way is chrooting in07:13
hossamhello i performed sudo apt-get remove proftpd and then removed its /etc/proftpd folder, now i am trying to sudo apt-get install proftpd again and the /etc/proftpd folder will not appear!?07:13
MTeckso... somebody fix my ruter for me? /me lost pass07:14
theatroMTeck, there is no reset button?07:15
space_cadetMTeck, well... there should be a little button on the BACK07:15
dividebyzer0iceroot: still there?07:15
space_cadetwith a pencil, hold it in for 30 seconds, then (while still holding it in) unplug the router for 30 seconds, then plug it back in still holding the button for another 30 seconds.07:15
ActionParsnipMTeck: use the little button on the back to factory reset it07:15
MTeckthere is - I don't want to get up and do it...07:15
space_cadeta minute and a half total MTeck07:15
* theatro kicks MTeck ass07:16
ActionParsnipMTeck: well if you arent willing to put any effort in, why should we?07:16
caveman27wow.. lazy.. LMAO07:16
dividebyzer0why wont VirtualBox recognize my USB External HDD?07:16
chroniquecan someone tell me how to find an already installed application in ubuntu (gmail notifier) and make it start up at boot?07:17
hossamsudo dpkg-reconfigure is not allowing me to reconfigure proftpd and the config files are not being generated in /etc/ what am i doing wrong?07:17
ActionParsnipdividebyzer0: you need to enable the usb in the vbox07:17
dividebyzer0I did07:17
ActionParsnipdividebyzer0: have you installed the guest additions?07:17
dividebyzer0ActionParsnip: Guest additions?07:18
MTeckThere's no reset button on the back..07:18
caveman27what?? what kind of router is it?07:18
ActionParsnipdividebyzer0: http://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=18081&start=007:18
adalaldividebyzer0: hey there07:18
chroniquecan someone tell me how to find an already installed application in ubuntu (gmail notifier) and make it start up at boot?07:19
dividebyzer0adalal: hey there07:19
ActionParsnipMTeck: it'll be tiny and quite sunkern so you will require somethig pointy like a pen or cocktail stick to press it07:19
adalaldividebyzer0: did u call?? sorz was asleep07:19
MTeckActionParsnip: ya.....07:19
MTeckActionParsnip: there isn't one there07:19
ActionParsnip!info gmail-notifier07:19
ubottuPackage gmail-notifier does not exist in jaunty07:19
WeblionXchronique: If it's loaded, you can load the System Monitor (System -> Administration) to see what the filename is.07:19
dividebyzer0adalal: sorz?07:19
ActionParsnip!find gmail07:20
ubottuFound: cgmail, checkgmail, enigmail, enigmail-locale-ca, enigmail-locale-cs (and 22 others)07:20
dividebyzer0adalal: I may have PMed you but I dont remember what for if I did at the time07:20
adalaldividebyzer0: sorry *07:20
ActionParsnipchronique: try the 'which' command07:20
adalaldont worry then07:20
WeblionXchronique: Then it can be added to the startup program list.  Just check to see if it has an autostart option, first.07:20
dividebyzer0adalal: I am working on another issue right now *kicks virtualbox*07:20
ActionParsnipMTeck: then get the manual for the router, there must be some override. otherwise if you brick your router you can't get it back to factory defaults07:21
adalaldividebyzer0: oh.. what trouble is it giving now?07:21
chroniquethanks guys07:21
dividebyzer0adalal: trying to get it to recognize my USB external HDD07:21
chroniqueim on a laptop, how can i make ubuntu ask for my login info when i open the computer lid07:22
chroniqueit only asks at login atm07:22
chroniquerather, at boot.07:22
adalaldividebyzer0: right, hold on, there something u need to add to ur fmount07:22
adalaldividebyzer0: sorry, fstab*07:23
bernardlychanhey guys in trying to copy logs to my usb... how do i get thenpermision?07:24
WeblionXchronique: I think you can set that under screensaver settings.07:24
adalalu need to add ur linux user to the vboxuser group07:24
tyocDo you know a ide or related with debuger for use with javascript?07:24
chroniqueweblion, thats active but it's about when its coming back from hibernation/suspension07:24
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: you need to either use sudo cp or if you mount the usb properly your user will have writability. You already have read access to the logs as a user07:25
dividebyzer0adalal: looking for it07:25
adalal!chat > dividebyzer007:25
ubottudividebyzer0, please see my private message07:25
bernardlychanactionparsnip, yes i know but i cant copy the logs...07:25
WeblionXchronique: It might be under Power Management, then.  I don't have a laptop so I don't see those specific options.07:26
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: can you provide the output of:   mount; sudo fdisk -l07:26
bernardlychanwait.. so do i type that in terminal?07:26
bernardlychanpm ActionParsnip07:27
chroniquehow can i find more ubuntu themes07:28
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: use a pastebin to output all of the output07:28
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: they are terminal commands07:28
bernardlychanhow do i copy a folder which needs permissions?07:29
PythackO_o There is more people on #ubuntu than #ubuntu-fr.07:30
Cidiusonly a little more then a thousand07:31
wendaozhecp -ap07:31
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: you can use sudo to gain eevated access, if you prefer gui then use: gksudo nautilus07:31
Dayofswordswell ubuntu is the most filled room on freenode07:31
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: you would be far better off mounting the usb properly but you havent given me the info i asked for07:31
chroniquehow can i rotate my wallpapers from a folder randomly07:32
donmooregood evening everyone.07:32
bernardlychanill ttyl ActionParsnip07:32
FloodBot3bernardlychan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:32
chroniquehow can i rotate my wallpapers from a folder randomly07:33
ActionParsnipchronique: i know kde can do it07:34
chroniquewell there must be an app i can download...07:34
donmooreI'm wondering if anyone knows of a success installing ubuntu or kubuntu on a powermac g5, im not able to install from cd and am having a hard time figuring it out for hard disk install. I appreciate anyone who can point me in the right direction.07:35
ActionParsnipchronique: http://lifehacker.com/400505/rotate-desktop-backgrounds-in-ubuntu07:35
ActionParsnip!mac > donmoore07:35
ubottudonmoore, please see my private message07:35
ghoulhahaanybody can speak chinese07:35
ActionParsnip!ch | ghoulhaha07:35
ubottughoulhaha: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.07:35
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:36
ghoulhahathank you07:36
thirdwheelhi all... having some trouble with a Wistron DCMA81 wireless MiniPCI card that has an Atheros 5413 a/b/g chipset... now I've tried both the ath5k and the ath_pci drivers and I just can't establish a connection even though I know the ssid and passphrase are correct07:36
Dayofswordsman... firefox's bugzilla hit a new low07:36
thirdwheelDayofswords, how so?07:37
Dayofswordsi was in firefox's support irc and this came up  Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=512208 cri, --, ---, nobody@mozilla.org, UNCO, Large svg file of a breast causes firefox to use 100% of cpu07:37
Dayofswordsthen in bug   Steps to Reproduce: 1.Open the link to the large svg of a breast 2.Wait for the large breast to load07:38
thirdwheela bit too detailed methinks07:38
ActionParsnipthirdwheel: could use ndiswrapper07:38
ActionParsnipthirdwheel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros07:39
chroniquebest bittorrent client for ubuntu is what?07:40
Pythackchronique > Maybe transmission?07:40
ActionParsnipchronique: there is no best07:40
strongsoulomg , i forgot the name of the person who helped me :(07:40
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P07:40
wendaozhe<ghoulhaha>  debian-zh07:41
strongsoulwho was it ? please message me ,i was in the nick called solofight prev , i had the problem of mbr overwritten when i installed windows 707:41
ActionParsnipchronique: best is an opinion, so is not concrete. There is no best anything. Best is a comparison of something to your own needs. Why not just try a few, see which you think is the best07:41
phishiei say transmission is good enough07:41
PitelHow can I force dpkg to remove some package? I've a problem with removing mysql http://pastebin.com/m4564766307:42
MTeckok - so now I need to figure out how to make show up in resolv.conf07:42
PythackYes. Transmission is very easy to use.07:42
MTeckwrong chan07:42
ActionParsnipMTeck: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf07:42
strongsoulcan somebody please paste the history , i dont have it , i was in the nick solofight07:42
MTeckActionParsnip: ya - until a connection is remade07:43
ActionParsnipMTeck: works fine here but then agai i dont use network manager07:43
MTeckneither do i07:43
ActionParsnipMTeck: then the file won't get changed07:44
MTeckActionParsnip: yes it does07:44
ActionParsnipMTeck: or you can mark it as read only07:44
iceroot!log | strongsoul07:44
ubottustrongsoul: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/07:44
doraeals with thri upgraded 6.04 to 9.04 step by step. the problem is, that now i do not see System/AdministratioHardware info menu, which deals with third party propr. drivers. which package i need to install in order to have it?07:44
syntaxhow does curl work ?07:45
ActionParsnipMTeck: sudo chmod o-w a-w g-w /etc/resolv.conf07:46
ActionParsnipsyntax: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curl_%28programming_language%2907:46
doraI upgraded 6.04 to 9.04 step by step. the problem is, that now i do not see System/AdministratioHardware info menu, which deals with third party propr. drivers. which package i need to install in order to have it?07:47
losherPitel: check out the force options to dpkg listed in the man page07:47
ActionParsnipdora: sudo apt-get --reinstall install jockey-gtk07:47
ActionParsnipdora: or add a new item to your menu using alacarte for: gksudo jockey-gtk07:48
strongsouliceroot, timing differes in logs ! !07:49
legend2440strongsoul: was it   icarus-c?07:49
doraActionParsnip: your second suggestion produced nothing. I'll try the first one07:50
icarus-clegend2440: huh07:50
lionhi folks, pls advice haw to disable beeeep when I'm shutting down ubuntu?07:51
legend2440icarus-c: strongsoul  was asking who was helping him when his nic   was   solofight07:51
doraActionParsnip: actually, this is not installed at all. i'm installing it07:51
kurtosislion: try sudo rmmod pcspkr before shutting down07:51
ActionParsnipdora: that'll fix it then ;)07:51
strongsoullegend2440, yeah07:51
strongsoulicarus-c, and whom else ?07:52
lionevery time?07:52
strongsoulicarus-c, gave me the chroot method07:52
icarus-cstrongsoul:  space_cadet07:52
strongsoulicarus-c, thank youy07:52
dyek2Hi! What is the admin command to use to enable or disable init services for runlevels?07:52
kurtosislion: you can also add 'blacklist pcspkr' to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf07:52
icarus-cstrongsoul: mkdir /mnt/ubuntu && mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ubuntu && chroot /mnt/ubuntu && grub-install /dev/sda07:52
ActionParsnip!bum | dyek207:53
kurtosislion: and that should cover you for life07:53
ubottudyek2: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:53
icarus-cstrongsoul: mkdir /mnt/ubuntu && mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ubuntu && chroot /mnt/ubuntu && grub-install /dev/sda ----recheck07:53
ActionParsnipicarus-c: that will all need sudo07:53
ActionParsnipicarus-c: or sudo -i07:54
lion<kurtosis>, afaik this action will remove spkr forever, but i want to disable it only for this event07:54
icarus-csudo " "07:54
nationhey whats going on all :)07:55
Simon-Odesjordnothing. Trying to config my ubuntu 9.04. Im a new user ;)07:55
kurtosislion: oh that's true, I hadn't thought of that. I always just got rid of pcspkr entirely. Not sure about just for shutdown07:55
nationanyone alive here07:55
bernardlychanaction parsnip u there?07:55
space_cadetlol @ icarus-c07:55
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: sup07:55
space_cadetnation, nope, the zombies have attacked07:55
nationwhere can i get beryl07:56
ActionParsnip!beryl | nation07:56
ubottunation: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz07:56
bernardlychanActionParsnip hey!! ok... so i've plugged in my usb... and now i have to copy the var/log folder07:56
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nationor whats that about looks good07:56
icarus-cspace_cadet: what :P07:56
ActionParsnipnation: its about what ubottu just said...07:56
space_cadeticarus-c, sudo  " "07:56
bernardlychanso how do i copy ActionParsnip?07:56
bernardlychani have terminal open07:56
icarus-cspace_cadet: really...07:56
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: can you please provide the output of: mount; sudo fdisk -l07:57
nationidk what you dont get along with them no more lol07:57
lion<kurtosis> so, it seems that beeeep action is hardcoded in gnome07:57
nationi just thought the effects looked sweet07:57
space_cadeticarus-c, i just thought it funny...07:57
icarus-cbernardlychan: maybe that is about file permission?07:57
bernardlychando u want the output in a pm actionParsnip?07:57
space_cadetnation, you want compiz07:57
=== wendaozhe is now known as neten
space_cadetnation, beryl is old07:57
nationshit runs flawless on my lappy :)07:57
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: i'll make it easy for you07:57
dyek2ActionParsnip: Thanks! update-rc.d is what I was looking for.07:58
space_cadetnation    and you gotta watch your language, some people believe minors frequent this channel07:58
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; mount > ~/temp.gfgf; sudo fdisk -l >> ~/temp.gfgf; pastebinit ~/temp.gfgf; rm ~/temp.gfgf07:58
nationis it now07:58
nationwhats compiz ?07:58
bernardlychando i just type all that?07:58
nationa distro07:58
nationor a add on ?07:59
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz07:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pcspkr07:59
ActionParsnipnation: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager    will give you all you need08:00
randalhey i need some help to move a theme into a theme folder but i dont have permission to do it how do i open up a window with terminal so i have root privledges08:00
nationsweet man ty i will check it out08:00
ActionParsnipnation: you must have video card drivers installed and configured or it won't run08:00
legend2440ActionParsnip: easier way is   mount | pastebinit  and   sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit08:00
ActionParsniplegend2440: that will make 2 seperate pastebins, my way only makes one ;)08:00
legend2440ActionParsnip: oh ok08:01
space_cadetnation, yes, you MUST have stable video drivers...08:01
ActionParsniplegend2440: ;)08:01
randalhey i need some help to move a theme into a theme folder but i dont have permission to do it how do i open up a window with terminal so i have root privledges08:01
nationi forget what this laptop has ati or nvidia :(08:02
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:02
nationbut i can still grab that file right08:02
dividebyzer0in virtualbox how do I make the window bigger?08:02
nationcause im alreazy doing that :)08:02
nationubuntu + fios = blazing fast :P08:03
kurtosisrandal: gksu gnome-terminal08:03
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morphiasdividebyzer0, goto Machine -> Auto Resize Guest Display08:03
nationty for the help08:03
dividebyzer0morphias: its greyed out, cant click on it08:04
randalkurtosis,  and what does this command do thanks.08:04
morphiasdividebyzer0, but it don't work until you install the guest tools ( Devices -> Install Guest Additions )08:04
ActionParsnipdividebyzer0: you change your resoltion to something larger08:04
nationalso i  setup a network bridge but the firestarter firewall wont work when the one side of the bridge isnt up08:04
morphiasdividebyzer0, which guest you using?08:04
nationwhat is another good firewall08:04
space_cadetrandal, opens up terminal with root privs with the correct profile for graphic apps08:05
ActionParsnip!firewall | nation08:05
ubottunation: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist08:05
space_cadet"the better way to sudo"08:05
kurtosisrandal: actually forget that. use sudo bash to start a shell as root08:05
ActionParsniprandal: or if you have a terminal open you can run: sudo -i08:05
lionhey folks, does anybody know how to disable sounds when login page?08:05
randalspace_cadet,  i need to move a file to a folder that i need root rights how do i do this08:05
dividebyzer0one sec08:05
space_cadetgksudo nautilus08:05
space_cadetor sudo mv /source/file/path  /destination/file/path08:06
space_cadetor sudo cp /source/file/path  /destination/file/path08:06
space_cadetcp copies08:07
space_cadetmv moves08:07
randalspace_cadet,  thanks08:07
apoleo12where can I find xchat log directory?08:08
lstarnesapoleo12: look in ~/.xchat2/08:08
Simon-Odesjordok. i got all working except 1 thin with cod4 under wine. Some1 that is good at troubleshooting windows games?08:09
fatherbHello, I'm currently installing 9.04, and its been at 36% for over an hour...08:10
apoleo12i should ve known that thanks istarnes08:10
space_cadetfatherb, my 9.04 installed in less than a half an hour08:13
fatherbThats why I came here and asked.. :x08:13
space_cadetfatherb, i would check the disk, or possibly use a usb to install08:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about liveusb08:13
space_cadetwhy not ubottu08:13
space_cadetyou should08:13
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ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:14
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fatherbalright, the disc was brand new but I guess I'll give the usb a try08:14
lechuzohello everzbodz08:14
lechuzowho can i ask for help?08:14
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Myrtti!ask | lechuzo08:15
ubottulechuzo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:15
qchow can i install deluge?08:15
lechuzohi, im just new to Ubuntu. im trying to configure a german keybord (laptop) with an spanish ubuntu08:16
* Needs_Phoenix looks around08:16
parapan_hi there fellows I'm trying to compile Pidgin from sources ...I made ./configure ....solved like 100 dependecies and now running make ....seems to be OK ...but make install gives me Error1 and Error208:17
kurtosisqc: what's wrong with sudo apt-get install deluge?08:17
noclueI was told to delete the ~/.gnome2/Session file to resolve some issues I'm having with Gnome, but it doesn't exist. Anyone know where the Gnome Session file is stored in Jaunty?08:17
qckurtosis: ist`s ver 1.1.6 from sudo apt-get install deluge and now is ver 1.1.908:18
Myrttiqc: why do you need the 1.1.9?08:18
kurtosisqc: update your repositories. sudo apt-get update08:19
candelaresianybody does knows this? : W: Imposible obtener http://security.debian.org/dists/lenny/updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  La suma hash difiere08:19
bazhangcandelaresi, ask in #debian08:19
candelaresimmmm... but is a problem of the apt-get...08:20
candelaresithanks... you are so helpful08:20
candelaresior something like08:20
nmvictorwhat command would i use to list similar(files with same name) in two different directories(locations).08:22
qcMyrtti: cous is more stable i think08:23
qckurtosis: its install ver 1.1.6 :(08:24
bernardlychanhey guys... how would i copy the folder: /var/log/ to my usb?08:24
bernardlychanit says i don't have permissions08:24
Myrtti!latest | qc08:24
ubottuqc: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.08:24
theatrobernardlychan, sudo cp08:24
bernardlychanso the exact command would be...08:25
bernardlychansorry, i'm a n00b08:25
kurtosisbernardlychan: what command were you trying before?08:25
theatroyou need to learn the basics my friend08:25
qcok thx08:25
bernardlychani wasn't kutosis08:26
kurtosisbernardlychan: sudo cp -R /var/log/ pathtoyourusb08:27
ActionParsniptheatro: we tried: sudo cp -R /var/log /media/<mountpoint>08:27
theatrobernardlychan, do you know what is the mount point of your usb disk? /media/disk  ?08:27
ActionParsniptheatro: no dice apparently, i'm not sure if the logs can be copied and are in fact locked08:27
gstany idea, wat all can be the reasons for mic not to work?08:27
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: whats the last line in the lount command say?08:27
linuxson25Hi everyone. Trying to set up CUPS so I can print from a networked printer. There any online sources that are good?08:27
kurtosisbernardlychan: putting sudo in front, in this case, runs your command as root. the -R flag to cp is 'recursive', basically tells it to copy all the files. /var/log is the source and whatever you put after is the destination08:27
ActionParsnipgst: is it muted?08:27
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows08:28
gstit's not muted08:28
nmvictoranyone help me sort some files, i have like 100 mp3 in two locations, i just want to similar files existing in both locations08:28
linuxson25ActionParsnip: Thanx08:28
gstwhen i record for test, i get disturbance noise when i listen back08:28
bernardlychanhmm... no luck08:28
gstbut not the actual recorded audio08:29
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: that will fail as its the wrong mount point, your usb partition isnt mount to /media/disk08:29
bernardlychanahh ic08:29
bernardlychanwhere is it mounted?08:29
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: mount    will tell you08:30
kurtosisnmvictor: try to change to the directory above the one containing all the files, and try   ls -R thefolder | uniq -d08:30
bernardlychanall this stuff comes up...08:30
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: its something like /media/BCHAN  or something08:30
ActionParsnipbernardlychan: last line08:30
bernardlychanahh... there's a space in my usb name08:31
nmvictorkurtosis: thanks let me try that08:31
jhaigHow can I turn off the system policy to prevent shutting down when other users are logged in?08:32
gnomenklayturehey guys, how can i make use of the finger print reader on my laptop in jaunty?\08:34
grozaanyone knows an app to open iso files?08:34
tim__byou're welcome08:35
tim__bIf you want to mount it, just google for "mount iso linux", groza.08:36
aroonitrying to transfer a video file on my phone via bluetooth to jaunty.  when i try to load up blueman bluetooth manager; nothing happens.  ideas?08:38
Myrtti!iso | groza08:38
ubottugroza: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:38
parkadodgei need lots of help learning irc and trouble having trouble with evolution08:38
tim__bgnomenklayture, have a look here: http://ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/get-your-fingerprint-reader-to-work-in-ubuntu.html . Havent tried to get mine working since edgy, as i'm wouldnt use mine at all.08:38
grozai want an app08:38
grozanot a command08:38
walmisarooni: what happens if you launch blueman-applet in terminal?08:38
gnomenklayturetim__b, cool thanks08:39
arooniwalmis, Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/usr/bin/blueman-applet", line 37, in <module>  from blueman.Constants import *ImportError: No module named blueman.Constants08:39
grozai found08:40
gnomenklayture/whois $me08:40
tim__bgroza, file-roller is able to give you a nautilus like iso file browser. There's also as gmount-iso a graphical frontend to the mount command.08:40
gnomenklayturewell anywho thanks guys, l8r :)08:40
hacker_kidis there any package that could run a web based remote desktop server? i need to do some work from my office but all i can do is browse the web08:40
noclueanyone know where the gnome session file is stored in jaunty?08:41
iceroothacker_kid: vnc supports a java-web-browser-client (on windows)08:41
walmisarooni: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/blueman/+bug/33818108:41
iceroothacker_kid: dont know if the linux-vnc also support java08:41
noclueit's not .gnome2/Session, I already checked. ;)08:41
backslash7Where does Ubuntu mount graphically connected (places->connect) samba shares?08:41
hacker_kidiceroot, i will check but i dont see anything like that08:41
gartralany decent program/suite for remote-administration for servers?08:42
iceroothacker_kid: just use the webbrowser   ip:590008:42
hacker_kidiceroot, firewall, only 8008:42
iceroothacker_kid: that is bad08:42
iceroothacker_kid: vnc and other viewers are using 5900 by default08:42
arooniwalmis, i'm reading that but not quite sure what i need to do to fix08:42
hacker_kidiceroot, as i said only web, i need something web based08:43
adalalHeya guys, need a lil help with sip communicator08:43
iceroothacker_kid: java is webbased08:43
parkadodgecan someone tell me what mail servers are supported by evolution i know yahoo wont work so i need a new account08:43
walmisarooni: maybe you accidentally added intrepid sources to jaunty?08:43
icerootparkadodge: why should yahoo not be supported?08:43
icerootparkadodge: just pop3, smtp and imap08:43
parkadodgeno idea just wont pull it08:44
adalalbackslash7: should be under windows share in network08:45
icerootparkadodge: Was your Yahoo account registered in the states or in another country? Yahoo in different countries requires a monthly fee for POP access, and when POP access is refused (for not paying money) you'll be notified that your password is "incorrect".08:45
Jimmioparkadodge: Maybe enable your account as being pop3? That's what you have to do for gmail for security purposes..08:45
adalalbackslash7: altho i find it can b a bit terpremental08:45
icerootparkadodge: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66280808:45
backslash7adalal: I was asking for the exact location in the filesystem.08:46
backslash7Not some click-place unaccessible from console.08:46
adalalbackslash7: don't think it mounts in such a way for some reason...08:48
icerootbackslash7: shouldnt df -h show the drives/mounts?08:48
backslash7iceroot: It does but not the samba shares08:48
backslash7Just external and manually mounted stuff08:48
icerootbackslash7: ah ok08:48
backslash7For some reason, I haven't really used that ubuntu "places -> connect to" menu thing08:49
backslash7I can use nautilus to browse it but not any console tool which really sucks08:49
adalalbackslash7: look up 'mount'08:49
randalhi i download a theme for ubuntu and the instruction tell me to move it to /usr/share/themes i did that but i still dont have the theme can anyone help me plz08:49
backslash7adalal: ?08:50
adalalbackslash7: apparently it jus doesn't show up... http://tldp.org/HOWTO/SMB-HOWTO-8.html08:50
icerootbackslash7: try rightclick on the samba-share-properties and see the location/mount on your client? i am not using samba-shares to i dont know where they are but maybe this is a way to fiund out08:50
adalalbackslash7: run mount on the terminal screen.. show's all mounts08:50
adalalbackslash7: would jus show up with //server/folder08:51
backslash7adalal: As I said, NOT THE SAMBA MOUNTS08:51
backslash7It's nothing there, really08:51
gartralany decent program/suite for remote-administration for servers?08:51
GPLWhat shud i do, to open the URL/Links in a web browser, rather than Bluefish Editor, which i had recently installed, now the work-around [ to Uninstall BlueFish ] wont work, i really like Bluefish! what shud i do ?08:51
backslash7Location: smb://192.168.x.x/share/08:51
adalalgartral: ssh :P08:51
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iceroot!webmin | gartral08:51
ubottugartral: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.08:51
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox08:52
icerootgartral: but ssh is the best way08:52
parkadodgeit has to be he plus version of yahoo or in other words the one id have to pay for so im looking for a free substitute08:52
icerootparkadodge: why not using thunderbird? or a good mail-provider with imap?08:52
adalalgartral: nothing would beat the usability of ssh... that's the best thing to use anywhere08:52
gartraliceroot: i have SSH set up, but i dont always have my keydrive with me08:52
adalalgartral: u dont need to, u can just have a password login...08:53
nmvictorkurtosis: didnt work08:53
icerootgartral: password is a good alternate :)08:53
aroonii have jaunty and need to play a .3gp file but plugin search said this: (08:53
arooniAdaptive Multi Rate (AMR) decoder) for audio08:53
aroonii have jaunty and need to play a .3gp file but plugin search said this:  Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) decoder) for audio   how do i grab this08:54
icerootadalal: i think you mean possibility and not usability :)08:54
adalalgartral: in any case, even if u used any other web administration tool, u'd still need to put in password protection...08:54
adalaliceroot: maybe i suppose :P08:54
adalalanyone here has any experience with sip communicator? cuz it's driving me nuts08:55
GPLi installed vdrift, using Scons in /usr/local, now how to start it, i cant find a launcher :(08:56
xaxxonI downloaded the vmware image, but don't know any login08:57
ndy40guys i haven't been able to get my sound off my ubuntu 9.0408:58
ndy40i run a compaq cq40-115au08:58
randalhey does anyone know how to install fonts i have instrutions but i dont understand them plz help09:00
Pythackrandal > You want a font for your user or all the system?09:00
falco_hey guys09:01
PythackHi falco_.09:01
nmvictorsnappy: ok, i have mp3 files in /media/cdrom and some in ~/Desktop/rnb. i want to know if their is a possibility of uniq files in both locations09:02
falco_There was an update for GRUB and I updated it, now my windows isn't in the list anymore09:02
nmvictorok, i have mp3 files in /media/cdrom and some in ~/Desktop/rnb. i want to know if their is a possibility of uniq files in both locations09:02
Pythackfalco_ > You have to edit your menu.lst.09:02
kdubof course there is a possibily of unique files in two different locations09:02
WilliamC2I have a hardware problem, and it's on my linux box09:03
OutOfReach /quit09:03
falco_pythack I know but I don't know what my windows settings were09:03
nibblernmvictor: you can mount -obind one folder to a subfolder of the other, you can make hard- or softlinks the files to the other folder09:03
nmvictorkdub: so whats the command to show them?09:03
falco_is there any way I can make it auto find the windows thing and put it in grub Pythack?09:03
WilliamC2My PSU fan normally runs silently but it stats to buzz after awhile.09:03
Pythackfalco_ > sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst09:03
nibblernmvictor: or do oyu want to delete those files in your home folder which you have on cdrom?09:03
falco_Pythack that is not what Iḿ asking09:04
WilliamC2starts ugh09:04
falco_Im asking how to add my windows in it, the default windows entry fails09:04
Pythackfalco_ > What do you asking exactly?09:04
kdubWilliamC2: buy a new fan09:04
WilliamC2It's a PSU fan09:04
WilliamC2You cannot do thatg09:04
kdubbuy a new psu09:04
WilliamC2That's no a solution for my situation.09:04
Pythackfalco_ > I think you have to edit this entry.09:04
nmvictornibbler: something like that, but a preview will be good,maybe with grep or something09:05
PythackSo you have to edit menu.lst?09:05
falco_Pythack the Grub update REMOVED the windows entry from the list09:05
kdubWilliamC2: how do you expect us to help you fix your powersupply fan?09:05
zaggynlWilliamC2: sounds like the fan is slightly tilted or obstructed by something09:05
Pythackfalco_ > Yes. I've understand.09:05
nibblernmvictor: diff /media/cdrom /other/location09:05
falco_and is there a PROGRAM that AUTO FINDS windows installations and PUTS it in GRUB automatically?09:05
falco_Like when you install Ubuntu?09:05
howitzer_88G'day all, I'm trying to reinstall Libenchant1c2a, however, synaptic and apt-get are insisting that it removes a bunch of other stuff, of which is important.. anyone know how to force a package to reinstall and not touch anything else?09:05
WilliamC2zag, yeah, I've thought about taping it with a hammer or buying canned air09:06
Pythackfalco_ > Ah ok. I don't know if there are a program for thar but It's easy to edit grub.lst...09:06
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falco_ok Pythack help me through it then09:06
falco_I made an entry with root hd(0,4), I've tried hd(0,1) till hd(0,6) and NONE of them work09:07
PythackWhere is windows?09:07
falco_on my Hard disk Pythack09:08
icarus-cfalco_: lol09:09
falco_icarus-c his question isn't really specific09:09
falco_"where is windows" ._.09:09
Pythackfalco_ > I know windows is in your hard disk :p09:10
icarus-cfalco_: he is asking where your Windows install relies09:10
reeniginEesreveRwhats the least painful way of setting up a mailserver on a subdomain for sending outbound messages (news letters, notifcations etc.) while making sure not much ends up in spam.09:10
icarus-cfalco_: which partition09:10
PythackBut in which partition?09:10
falco_on the same hard drive as my ubuntu installation09:10
nmvictornibbler: that worked, so how about deleting them?09:10
oldude67falco_, do fdisk -l and find out.09:10
blip-lspci tells me I have an ATI Technologies Inc RV610 [Radeon HD 2400 XT].... I'm trying to know if the xorg-ati driver supports this card because fglrx was giving me problems.... I tried xorg-ati but the screen said it didn't support the resolution being sent to it09:10
CHCPythack: look for one formatted as fat32 or ntfs and its probably in there, or atleast in one of them09:11
falco_Pythack /dev/sda109:11
parkadodgehow do i change the address that evolution is pulling through09:11
PythackNow. Can you past your menu.lst please?09:12
nibblernmvictor: well, i'd find /home/bla -exec if [ -e /media/cdrom/'{}`] ; then do rm /home/bla/'{}'; done \;     or something like this09:12
falco_Pythack here goes:09:13
nibblernmvictor: also you could grep the diff output and xarg it to delete the dupes09:13
nibblernmvictor: if you want to find dupes, even if the name changed, use md5sum on the files and compare the output09:13
falco_btw windows is not in the menu.lst and that is exactly my problem.09:14
nmvictormind pasting the two commands,my terminal does not support copy paste,id appreciate09:14
jumbersDoes anybody know the Eclipse PHP package?09:14
nmvictornibbler: mind pasting the two commands,my terminal does not support copy paste,id appreciate09:14
PythackNow. Can you past your menu.lst please?09:15
PythackNow. Can you past your menu.lst please?09:15
PythackNow. Can you past your menu.lst please?09:15
FloodBot3Pythack: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:15
jumbersPythack: Don't spam09:15
Nielsenfalco_, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/help-w-grub-menu.lst-dual-boot-windows-xp-542768/09:15
PythackSorry it's my sister :p09:15
nibblernmvictor: they are not finished, or tested, and they include a "rm" command. read them, understand them, and modify them to fit your needs09:15
falco_That doesn't apply to MY windows09:17
Nielsenfalco_, what makes your windows so special?09:17
falco_nielsen itś on a different partition than the one on the linux questions09:17
falco_itś not windows XP but windows vista09:17
Nielsenno difference...09:17
happyaronhi, how to determine a file's encoding using a command?09:17
nibblerhappyaron: try file <file>09:18
nmvictornibbler: are you sending them09:18
Nielsenfalco_, you can just change the title to say "windoze vista" if you like... the rest is the same09:18
happyaronnibbler: I have some file in cp936 encoding, but 'file' returns iso-8859-109:18
nibblernmvictor: they are not meant to be copy/pasted, as they are untested etc09:19
falco_Nielsen HOW do I know which root to use09:19
nmvictorso how do i get them?09:19
falco_itś impossible that I use the same root as that guy on linux question09:19
falco_is it hd(0,1)09:19
WilliamC2Wow, Xaos is blowing my mind09:19
nmvictorhow about sending them as files directly?09:19
falco_or is it hd(over 9000, 3)09:19
nmvictornibbler: how about sending them as files directly?09:19
=== Vamp[Riva] is now known as Vamp[Riva_
Nielsenfalco_, is windows on (hd0,1) and linux on (hd0,0) ?09:20
falco_Nielsen thatś what I want to find out!!!09:20
jumbers!info pdt09:20
ubottuPackage pdt does not exist in jaunty09:20
Nielsenfalco_, grub can tell you.. in a terminal, type sudo grub09:20
jumbersEclipse's PDT doesn't exist in the Ubuntu repos?09:20
Nielsenfalco_, then type root (hd<tab><tab>09:21
falco_<Nielsen> falco_, is windows on (hd0,1) and linux on (hd0,0) ?09:21
falco_--> llutz (n=lutz@77-22-131-161-dynip.superkabel.de) has joined #ubuntu09:21
falco_<-- abms1116 has quit ("Leaving")09:21
falco_<falco_> Nielsen thatś what I want to find out!!!09:21
FloodBot3falco_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:21
Nielsenfalco_, relax man...09:22
Nielsenfalco_, no need to get frustrated, i can talk you through this09:22
falco_Nielsen what exactly do I enter after doing sudo grub09:22
nibblernmvictor: http://paste.ubuntu.com/258520/09:22
Nielsensudo grub <enter>09:22
falco_root (hd<tab><tab> doesn't work09:23
falco_I press enter ._.09:23
Nielsenby <enter> i mean you hit the enter key09:23
Nielsenfalco_, and by <tab> i mean the tabulator key09:23
falco_I don't have a "tabulator" key09:24
falco_I have tab09:24
falco_but as soon as I press that09:24
falco_it says "unrecognized device string"09:24
nationhow do i run somthing as root  i installed the nvidia driver but says i need to run the nvidia x  as root how do i do this09:24
falco_sudo <command>09:24
nmvictornibbler: thanks09:24
Nielsenfalco_, are you in grub?09:25
falco_Nielsen I'm in ubuntu09:25
falco_and I am in grub in the terminal09:25
falco_what do I enter now?09:26
__lupo__does anybody have used the ubuntu one on ubuntu koala?09:26
FloodBot3falco_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:26
Nielsenfalco_, good. try it again. Type this: root (hd0,<tab>09:26
falco_Nielsen now I have an output09:26
falco_shall I paste it?09:26
Nielsenfalco_, no09:26
falco_I mean in a pastebin09:27
Nielsenfalco_, find the partition with filesystem type ntfs09:27
nationanyone see my post ??09:27
falco_Nielsen there is none! http://pastebin.com/d66f2421909:27
GPL!patience > nation09:27
ubottunation, please see my private message09:27
=== spOO` is now known as spO
kurtosisnation: as falco_ said, sudo yourcommandhere09:28
nationi tried that sudo nvidia-xconfig09:28
Nielsenfalco_, it's 0x709:28
byronj87Hi! How do I enable my intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG on HP laptop. The button is on, but the option is greyed in the system tray, running jaunty.09:28
nationjust goes back to my comps name09:28
falco_Nielsen so I should try hd(0,0) ?09:28
Nielsenfalco_, so your windows is on (hd0,0)09:28
auntieNeohi, I'm getting an error using apt-get update because I don't have a public key for a certain 3rd party repository... how do I fix this?09:29
falco_Nielsen would this entry in menu.lst be correct?09:29
Nielsenfalco_, i believe so, yes09:29
falco_then I will try that now, thanks09:29
JohannesSM64i run 9.04 and any changes to the time reset on reboot09:29
falco_I hate Irc...09:29
Nielsenfalco_, you are most welcome09:30
nationso would that be it "sudo nvidia-xconfig"09:30
kurtosisnation: should be, yep09:31
kurtosisnation: maybe it worked?09:31
auntieNeothe error is similar to this one: <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=313497> except I'm using the http://catalogue.tableteer.nokia.com repository and I have no idea where to find a gpg file09:31
GPL What shud i do, to open the URL/Links in a web browser, rather than Bluefish Editor, which i had recently installed, now the work-around [ to Uninstall BlueFish ] wont work, i really like Bluefish! what shud i do ?09:31
Snake23auntieNeo:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=660496109:31
wish_How sud I pack my source code into a .deb package?09:32
auntieNeoSnake23: argh, now I gotta register for the forums xD09:32
Snake23auntieNeo:  download the script, edit it and change "intrepid" to your ubuntu version and run it with sudo09:32
nmvictornibbler: not working, some syntax errors09:33
Snake23auntieNeo:  here is the script http://pastebin.com/m5dc16f9909:33
JohannesSM64i run 9.04 and any changes to the time reset on reboot09:34
nibbler <nibbler> nmvictor: they are not finished, or tested, and they include a "rm" command. read them, understand them, and modify them to fit your needs09:34
auntieNeoSnake23: thank you :)09:34
Snake23auntieNeo:  you're welcome09:35
laegi followed a guide to add two PPAs one source for a more up to date version of FF and subsequently removed the repos, sudo apt-get remove firefox-3.5, and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox but now when i click on the firefox icon in my top panel i receieve the error 'failed to execute child process "firefox" no such file or directory' and the link has also disappeared from the applications >> internet menu - how can i remedy this?09:35
nationnope same error say you dont apear to be using x config server please run x config as root ??09:36
gstwat is x config?09:38
kiekohello Ubunteros09:38
Chazzhello kieko09:38
kiekoChazz: i have icons on Desktop and want to rid of the title under the icon09:39
AndorinIs there any way I can reduce or eliminate the time interval between password prompts when using sudo?09:40
kiekowhen i open properties and delete the "Name" and close properties dialog, the title comes back09:40
umithi, i have booted my system with "nousb" in grub kernel menu, now How can i re-add usb support without reboot?09:40
kurtosisAndorin: you can use sudo -K to reset the session, as it were09:41
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Andorinkurtosis: Thanks.09:41
auntieNeoSnake23: umm... I don't think this script will work for me... I'm using a third party repository (one of Nokia's), not launchpad09:41
gOLdenHaWK3Dbye guys :)09:42
Snake23auntieNeo:  which one?09:42
shambatif I delete dhcpd.leases and then touch it, will all leases be renewed?09:42
kiekoChazz: you know what i mean?09:43
auntieNeoSnake23: the one at http://catalogue.tableteer.nokia.com09:43
auntieNeoit's for an N81009:43
Chazzkieko, i get what you want to happen, but have no clue how to do it, sorry :(09:44
kiekoChazz: :(09:44
kiekowho is the guru here?09:44
auntieNeoW: GPG error: http://catalogue.tableteer.nokia.com ./ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY <big ass number>09:44
Chazzi guess one of the other 1258 people :(09:44
KemmaHow can i change the hostname in Ubuntu09:44
Flannel!hostname | Kemma09:45
ubottuKemma: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab09:45
auntieNeoif my understanding of public keys is correct, I don't think that BAN is the actual public key but a signature using that key...09:45
auntieNeocorrect me if I'm wrong09:45
auntieNeoso I have no idea how to actually authorize this signature09:45
AlexanderSupertris there a resume support download manager? for files close to 2GB?09:46
kdubKemma: also, running /etc/init.d/hostname.sh after modifying those files doesnt hurt09:46
AlexanderSupertris wget wnough?09:46
auntieNeoAlexanderSupertr: wget has resume support I believe... check the man page09:47
Ben64AlexanderSupertr: wget does support resume, but the server has to for it to work09:47
auntieNeoAlexanderSupertr: ah, if you use the -c switch on wget, it will resume09:47
auntieNeothey call it "continue" :P09:47
ra21viwhich graphics card is more supported in Ubuntu - ATI or nVidia09:47
Ben64ra21vi: i'd still have to go with nvidia09:48
auntieNeora21vi: Intel? ;P09:48
AlexanderSupertrauntieNeo, Ben64: ok, thanks. how abt ProzGUI?09:48
Nielsenyeah, nvidia or intel09:48
auntieNeoAlexanderSupertr: I have no idea about guis09:48
Ben64even though ati has been getting better ive heard09:48
Nielsenor if you're lucky, openchrome by VIA09:48
auntieNeoFF and any decent browser will support it in their default download managers09:48
Ben64also, intel graphics suck :S09:48
auntieNeoBen64: stop being ignorant09:48
auntieNeoBen64: intel has better drivers on Linux platforms :P09:49
Ben64auntieNeo: maybe you need to look up the meaning of ignorant09:49
auntieNeoBen64: but if you were to decide between ATI and Nvidia, I'd go with nVidia09:49
phreckintel hardware is junk as far as graphics go09:49
AlexanderSupertrauntieNeo: humm. thanks for help.09:49
phreckso he wasnt really being ignorant.09:49
auntieNeoBen64: I was being sarcastic09:49
auntieNeoBen64: nvidia cards have caused me much pain in the past ;P09:49
phrecki didnt see the :P09:49
auntieNeoBen64: ATI moreso09:49
phreckATI usually gets working though09:50
phreckive had multiple ATI cards in linux09:50
Ben64thats why i got rid of ati when i was on rh909:50
auntieNeoI've heard the older ATI cards have better support09:50
phreckthey j ust need some extra love09:50
phreckim using ATI right now09:50
Ben64radeon 9000 -> fx5200 -> 680009:50
phreckon this laptop, ive got all the bells and whistles going too.09:50
auntieNeophreck: which card? does it have open source drivers?09:50
phreck3450 mobile chipset09:50
phrecki used the ATI drivers off their site.09:51
auntieNeoBen64: you might want to read into it a bit... I've heard from people that the newest ATI cards don't yet have good 3d aceleration in Linux, but that might have changed09:51
phreckBen64, given a choice, if i was building a linux machine i would go with nVidia09:52
auntieNeoIntel is the safest choice, for sure, and a decent cpu with an intel chip will run any game that Linux runs, 'cept maybe left4dead09:52
Ben64meh, i figure i'll be sticking with nvidia for a while09:52
phreckintel chipsets suck.09:52
GPLIf i had to buy the best powerful graphics card ever, which one , shud ya all recommend ?09:52
FirefisheUbuntu 9.04 - standard desktop environment.  I am experiencing no sound.  Computer is an HP Mini.  Pulse audio's volume control shows the stream working, and nothing appears to be muted at all.  I have sound out the headphone jack but not the speakers, which is what I'm desiring.09:52
Ben64intel chips indeed suck09:53
auntieNeoGPL: I'd recomend you start a savings account and buy a reasonable card ;P09:53
kismethey guys. I dont know what i exactly did, but under Application my menu item Add/remove software is gone how can i get it back09:53
GPLauntieNeo: i already have a ATI Card x1300/x1550 series, i just want another one ;)09:54
lang2000can you help me? please09:54
Ben64GPL: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681414320209:54
=== dvz-_ is now known as dvz-
auntieNeoGPL: there's always a sweet spot in price for a GPU's power... and it's never the latest and greatest09:54
Myrtti!ask | lang200009:54
ubottulang2000: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:54
laegi followed a guide to add two PPAs one source for a more up to date version of FF than the ubuntu repo and subsequently removed the two PPAs, sudo apt-get remove firefox-3.5, and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox but now when i click on the firefox icon in my top panel i receieve the error 'failed to execute child process "firefox" no such file or directory' and the link has also disappeared from the applications >> internet menu - how can 09:54
lang2000Why to instaling printer lx300 in ubuntu 8.1009:54
ra21vihey, some said ATI, other pointed nVidia and one or two came with Intel... anyway, Intel is not in option, since they are not at same performance and feature level where ATI or nViDIA would be...09:55
SmokeyDhey ppl, does antone have a recommendation for open source project management software with tasks, projects, users and worked hours recording? desktop or webbased?09:55
auntieNeoFirefishe: I'm not an ubuntu user, so I'll just wing it... try the "sudo alsaconf" command and tell me if it works09:55
ra21vii want to know which of AIT and nVIDIA has better support.. opensource drivers available, and ease of installation of driver.. better if the driver is in package repository09:55
Ben64ra21vi: nvidia.09:56
KemmaWhich firewall is good for Ubuntu09:56
auntieNeora21vi: nvidia probably, even though their drivers are hidious binary blobs ;)09:56
ra21viSmokeyD: planner , not sure but look into it09:56
auntieNeoKemma: iptables?09:56
Ben64Kemma: iptables? : /09:56
FirefisheauntieNeo:  command not found, it's not on here.  That's an old script, anyway.09:56
auntieNeoKemma: I have a script I can host for you09:56
ra21viauntieNeo: Ben64 : so their driver installation on Ubuntu isn't pain in donkey -- right??09:57
KemmaWhat script09:57
auntieNeoKemma: actually, my script isn't for ubuntu... you're probably better off googling09:57
Ben64ra21vi: usually it's fine09:57
ra21viBen64: ok. thanks09:57
auntieNeora21vi: both the nvidia and ati restricted drivers are in the repository... so no, they shouldn't be a pain09:57
auntieNeora21vi: but they often are09:57
Ben64ra21vi: insert nvidia card, fire up ubuntu, ubuntu says "HEY you wanna install restricted nvidia driver?"09:58
GPLBen64: i see. thanks.09:58
Firefishewhat is the CLI command for resetting the sound card?09:58
auntieNeora21vi: ATI has a history of being a huge pain in Linux, but they're getting better, or so I've heard09:58
SmokeyDra21vi: tanks, checking it out now09:58
gauravhello every one09:58
Besogonkismet, open alacarte09:58
ra21viand can someone suggest me a good laptop for heavy workstation work. ranging from development on Eclipse+Websphere to complex 3D works and rendering .09:58
kismetBesogon: pardon09:59
auntieNeoFirefishe: try maybe "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa restart"09:59
Ben64ra21vi: you realize that would weigh like 30lbs09:59
auntieNeoand tell me if it worked ;P09:59
FirefisheauntieNeo:  worth a go...brb09:59
ra21vibut the laptop should swing on Ubuntu - HP people are stuffing every laptop with Vista.. god, i want no operating system, and want to save money.09:59
gauravi would like to know how to get the panel in the right side from top , i am in linux 9 version and tried to drag it and place it but it's stuck is there any guideline to make it as per user interference10:00
Besogonkismet, Did you delete gnome-app-install? If you do you should install it again. If dont Just add it to main menu with alacarte programm10:00
ra21viBen64: then , :)10:00
kdubra21vi: depending on what country you're in, with some persistance they'll throw a little windows rebate your way10:00
ra21vikdub: ok, I am in India10:00
auntieNeoFirefishe: actually, it would be more "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart && sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart"10:01
Myrttigaurav: click it with the right mouse button, check properties or whatever and choose the location to be right instead of top10:01
kdubdunno anything about india. elephants, right? ;-)10:01
leaf-sheepra21vi: When you buy a HP laptop, don't click EULA license and call HP that you don't agree to the license and want your money back for OS.10:01
kismetBesogon: that was it ... thanks ;)10:01
ra21vileaf-sheep: really, i didnt know that.. there is hidden agreement10:02
gauravthanks myrtti10:02
Supercoley1hello I am looking at installing ubuntu 8.04 ut am encountering some problems10:02
gauravany idea about yahoo messanger for linux ?10:02
kdubSupercoley1: any reason why you dont want 9.04?10:02
auntieNeogaurav: pidgen?10:02
FirefisheauntieNeo:  I see...thanks.  The first one didn't work.  I'll try the 2nd :)10:03
Supercoley1i read on the site that 8.04 had longer support time10:03
gauravit dosn't have webcam10:03
usmananybody let me know about the best network management software?10:03
CelestarI'm looking for the 32-bit freetype development files, where could I find them?10:03
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kdubSupercoley1: try 9.04, see if that works.10:03
auntieNeoSupercoley1: support time is mostly intended for people who pay for support, like businesses with large numbers of ubuntu machines or something10:04
auntieNeoSupercoley1: 9.04 should probably have better hardware support :)10:04
Supercoley1ok.  the problem though I had was when I put the disc in it recognises it and then says disk boot failure.  could that be because of the older version?10:04
Myrttigaurav: no linux application supports yahoo webcam10:04
laegi followed a guide to add two PPAs one source for a more up to date version of FF than the ubuntu repo and subsequently removed the two PPAs, sudo apt-get remove firefox-3.5, and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox but now when i click on the firefox icon in my top panel i receieve the error 'failed to execute child process "firefox" no such file or directory' and the link has also disappeared from the applications >> internet menu - how can 10:04
Myrttigaurav: you might get windows version to work with wine, though I doubt it and haven't tried myself10:05
gauravi tried it but not properly working10:05
auntieNeoSupercoley1: did you configure your bios to boot from CD and not from floppy? and did you use a nice, un-scratched disk with a slow burn speed?10:05
* kdub doubts wine has very good webcam support10:05
nmvictorlaeg:that icon isnt valid any more,just start it from menu or with firefox command at the terminal10:05
gauravany other way to have webcam chat with yahoo ids10:05
auntieNeoSupercoley1: oh, and you need to burn the disk with an ISO burner... you can't just burn it as a file onto the disk10:06
Myrttigaurav: no10:06
Supercoley1yes I changed the boot from A: C: E: to E: C: A:, brand new disc out of the packet and burned at 4x which is the slowest it will do.10:06
auntieNeoSupercoley1: did you even get the "Ubuntu" logo when you tried to boot it?10:06
nmvictorlaeg: you can drag another icon from the menu and place it at the terminal and remove the previous one10:06
Supercoley1i used the one that was suggested on the ubuntu dowload page although I could use poweriso10:07
auntieNeoSupercoley1: ah, okay... that's strange then10:07
nmvictorlaeg: did that work?10:08
Supercoley1no i got a statement with someones name on it I assume is the writer(co) or copyright or something and then it gave me disk boot failure.10:08
cmotWasn't there a local directory where totem loads things like libdvdcss if it's not installed system-wide?  (I'm not root here :-( )10:08
Supercoley1I am using a pretty decent machine though if that could cause hardware problems10:09
cmot(Ubuntu 9.04, gnome, totem/gstreamer backend)10:09
auntieNeoSupercoley1: if you didn't get a logo, I'm guessing it didn't even read the bootloader on the CD. what you're seeing is probably a bios error, I'm guessing10:09
laegnmvictor: firefox command doesn't work from terminal because it says it's uninstalled - i don't understand your drag instruction, what icon am i dragging from the menu?10:10
Supercoley1seconds later it reads a naughty version of XP3 to boot up and install so I could get my internet connection back for speaking on here ;)10:10
cmotArrgh.  wrong button.10:10
laegnmvictor: it is listed as installed in synaptic though and i'm able to open it by running a shell script from /bin - it's very strange10:10
kiekoany gurus available?10:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sambha10:11
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:11
auntieNeoSupercoley1: okay, sounds like it's definately not even reading the CD... I would maybe try using a different CD burning software, and make sure to "burn as ISO" or something to that effect10:11
kiekoI'm looking for Ubuntu guru10:11
auntieNeoSupercoley1: if that's not working, maybe double check the bios settings or try a different CD drive10:11
Ben64!ask | kieko10:11
ubottukieko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:11
Supercoley1ill try poweriso.and the 9.04 version  maybe back later:) many thanks10:12
kiekoBen64: are you a guru? or is !ask your only expertise?10:12
auntieNeoSupercoley1: any decent computer should at the very least be able to show an ubuntu logo when booting one of those CDs... so it's definately something else :)10:12
Ben64kieko: good luck finding an answer.10:12
nmvictorthen edit the icon at the panel to point to /bin/firefox  just right click it, select properties and at the command place the path to its binaries10:12
nmvictorlaeg: then edit the icon at the panel to point to /bin/firefox  just right click it, select properties and at the command place the path to its binaries10:12
kiekocomrades, question: icons on Desktop all have Name (text) underneath them, is there a way to remove?10:13
Supercoley1well i did try booting it within windows but it crashes at 7% it does have all the ubuntu 'windows' whn I did it that way.  just wont boot at the start.  This PC is strange.  it says on boot up no HD found and then loads up XP fine and shows 2 HDs10:13
auntieNeokeops: replace the text with a space10:13
auntieNeokieko: replace the text with a space :)10:13
auntieNeokieko: or use a desktop manager that has that feature... although I don't know any off the top of my head10:14
kiekoauntieNeo: i tried that, but when i quit the properties dialog the name/text always pops back10:14
auntieNeokieko: try to trick it with a unicode space, like this one: ' '10:14
kiekoauntieNeo: i can try that10:14
kiekoi wish Gnome wasn't so hard to configure though10:15
auntieNeokieko: if you open the desktop icon file in a text editor (assuming it's a .desktop file) you can edit its properties directly10:16
kiekoauntieNeo: yea, that doesn't trick anything. I just means i have two '          ' instead of a long name10:16
kiekoauntieNeo: that is so convoluted AND assumes its a .desktop file10:16
Ben64auntieNeo's method totally works though10:17
laegnmvictor: should the command firefox just work?10:17
auntieNeoI don't use gnome for that very reason; it's not configurable10:17
auntieNeoand some of the defaults are rather annoying10:17
kiekoauntieNeo: yea it sux10:17
auntieNeokieko: I wouldn't say it sucks... but I don't like it :P10:18
nmvictorlaeg: yea, what did you say did work?10:18
laegnmvictor: as you can see, ubuntu tells me firefox isn't installed even though i can run it, i don't want to just redirect the panel icon, i want it actually fixed http://pastebin.com/m472ad7d010:18
laegnmvictor: navigating to /bin and right clicking on a link to a shell script and then clicking run10:18
Ben64laeg: uninstall all firefox versions, then re-install?10:19
error404notfoundi can't seem to change my skype pic :(10:20
Ben64but first, save your .mozilla directory if you care about passwords, history, etc10:20
laegBen64: just through synaptic GUI? i.e. search for firefox and remove whatever comes up or can i leave plugins etc?10:20
Ben64laeg: well i don't know what plugins would be there, but yeah through synaptic10:20
khermansI have five minutes -- i will fix five issues -- give me your hardest ones :-)10:20
mbn_18Hi, I clicked accidentally on a shortcut and the windows became transparent. quite cool. any one know what is the shortcut?10:21
khermansAsk me your HARDEST questions ... anyone!  ;-)10:21
laegBen64: in progress but synaptic doesn't list the 3.5 rc?10:22
Ben64laeg: how did you install it?10:22
laegfollowing a guide10:22
laegwhich is evidently very very flawed10:23
* Ben64 senses the problem10:23
laegi've to reinstall ff now to get to the guide10:23
nmvictorlaeg: maybe it has another command, try typing fire..<TAB>10:23
laegpeople shouldn't be allowed write guides unless they can undo them10:23
laegnmvictor: after in reinstall it, right?10:23
Ben64laeg: for future info, the mozilla team runs repositories from which you can install firefox 3.510:23
Ben64and it works very nicely, through synaptic10:24
laegnmvictor: fire <tab> installs nothing10:24
laegBen64: kk10:24
laegBen64: it may be the ubuntu repos he posted10:24
laegBen64: standby for link10:24
zambawhat kind of rights do i need to access users and groups settings under system - administration?10:24
zambawhere are these rights set?10:24
zambai've added myself in the sudoers list, but i still don't get access to it10:25
laegBen64: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/06/firefox-35-rc-1-ubuntu-repository-deb.html?dsq=15301914#comment-1530191410:25
laegBen64: also, you fixed it woot! :)10:25
laegmimor: ty also10:25
laegty both10:26
mimorlaeg, ? didn't do anything10:26
Ben64hm : /10:26
cmotOne more try: can I install libdvdcss locally (im my homedir) when I don't have root?  I'm using totem / gstreamer.10:26
nmvictorlaeg:  thats just tab completions, just wanted you to see, maybe their are several command for firefox3.5, so typing fire then the <TAB>  key list available command that start with fire  like firefox10:26
Ben64even though thats probably correct, i wouldn't trust a blog for info like that10:26
laegmimor: sorry i meant nmvictor10:27
laegnmvictor: yup i knew it was tab completions10:27
nmvictorlaeg: so what commands displayed?10:27
bishopekHello there. Anyone of You know, howto find a specific device (I have its WWN) using /lib/udev/scsi_id? I'm trying to write a rule for udev to have this device always as the same name10:28
nmvictorlaeg: how about locate firefox| less  so you can see where it is installed10:28
Ben64could just type in "which firefox"10:29
werti_russiai think which firefox-bin10:29
linxeh"which" only returns locations that are on your path10:30
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:31
xim_question about users and themes::  i keep an icon on my panel to 'gksudo nautilus /' so i can edit files as root easily when i need to, i want it to show a different theme on gksudo'd windows so i can easily recognize they are admin windows....yet when i do gksudo gnome-appearance-properties and set a new theme, it saves it well enough to still be there when i run the gksudo appearance... again but 'gksudo nautilus' and synaptic is10:31
xim_ still my other theme...what gives?10:31
trumpendpkg -L firefox-3.0 | grep bin10:31
gauravE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:32
gaurav  i am not able to install samba how to install10:32
laegnmvictor: it's fixed :)10:32
=== antoine_ is now known as Quentinv57
laegnmvictor: ben64 had me remove ff packages via synaptic GUI and reinstall - which i tried earlier but didn't work10:32
laegnmvictor: firefox | less opens gedit10:33
laegfirefox| less even10:33
laegnmvictor: uhm, it opens ff even10:33
nmvictorlaeg: type locate firefox | more10:34
nmvictoror locate firefox | less10:34
nmvictorlaeg: dont leave out locate10:34
nmvictorlaeg: did you say it opens ff even?10:36
laegnmvictor: the output is too big for me to copy into pastebin - how do i print it to file?10:36
laegnmvictor: yes nit opens firefox10:36
nmvictorlaeg: locate firefox>file.txt10:36
laegit's working now as it used to but dpkg -l | grep firefox and locate firefox shows some 3.5 rc files i'd like gone10:36
ewook!ubuntu chinese10:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu chinese10:36
werti_russiachen_ hey )10:36
ewookneither do I.10:36
werti_russiachen_ hey english plz10:37
chen_oh i know10:37
nmvictorlaeg: good 4 u, so just rm the files you wish to remove10:37
hybr1derhi is there anyway i can get my network adapter to be up but don't ask for ip?10:37
laegnmvictor: http://pastebin.com/m3248efe610:38
laegis there a apt-get remove command to get them10:38
laegor do i do it manually?10:38
sylvanus_Can somebody help me with dependency problems with Ubuntu 9.04?10:38
adi9833ubuntu 8.10 help needed, anyone?10:38
adi9833please pm me10:39
nmvictorlaeg: looks like you have both 3.0 and 3.5 installed10:39
JimmioHello all. Why is a 5.5 GB ISO that I have here completely blank when mounted? What's the proper way to mount an iso file?10:39
sylvanus_E: Type '“deb' is not known on line 58 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list10:39
adi9833how to setup a broadband connection on ubuntu 8.1010:39
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:40
adi9833anybodody ubuntu 8.10 help please10:40
sylvanus_help me please?10:40
laegnmvictor: sudo apt-get remove fire<tab key> does nothing?10:40
ActionParsnip!ask | sylvanus_10:40
ubottusylvanus_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:40
zambai need a ubuntu/debian-based distro that's very light on the hardware.. which one should i go for?10:40
zambai'll need gnome10:40
ActionParsnipzamba: moonos or xubuntu10:40
adi9833how to setup a broadband connection on ubuntu 8.1010:41
zambaadi9833: connect the cable10:41
ActionParsnipzamba: then ubuntu is the one for yu if you need gnome. gnome isnt very light and lxde or xfce are lighter alternatives10:41
linxehzamba: xubuntu, or debian (with xfce)10:41
adi9833i have it working on xp10:41
ActionParsnipadi9833: is it a usb modemper chance?10:41
nmvictorlaeg: how about sysnaptc? or try sudo apt-get purge fir<TAB>10:41
adi9833now i want to use it on ubuntu which runs on vmware10:41
laegnmvictor: ff 3.5 isn't in synaptic10:42
linxehadi9833: if ubuntu is in a VM running on XP, then all you need to do is set up shared networking in VMWare ?10:42
sylvanus_Dependency problems with ubuntu 9.04 can't run package manager or update manager10:42
nmvictorlaeg: which version do you want removed?10:42
zambalinxeh: xubuntu comes bundled with xfce?10:43
ActionParsnipsylvanus_: ok can you provide a pastebin of: sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade10:43
linxehzamba: yes10:43
ActionParsnipzamba: yes its the default de. You can install xfce on an instantiated ubuntu10:43
adi9833how i do that10:43
linxehadi9833: you should check vmware support10:44
adi9833hey zamba and linxeh plz be with e for a while10:44
laegnmvictor: purge tab command didn't work - i want 3.5 rc removed, i'm gonna stick with what ubuntu tells me i'm ready for as far as firefox goes - facebook didn't work properly10:44
ActionParsnipzamba: you can install any DE you can lay your hands on in linux10:44
nmvictorlaeg: what did they tell you?10:44
ActionParsnipzamba: even flwm if the fancy takes you10:45
zambaok, thanks :)10:45
sylvanus_this is what I got: E: Type '“deb' is not known on line 58 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list10:45
laegBen64: Ben64 what did you want me to do with https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa10:45
zambai want to access the system - administration - users and groups, but i get the error that i don't have the system access for this.. where is this set/controlled?10:45
laegnmvictor: when i say they tell me i mean the version available from synaptic10:45
laegnmvictor: rather than a guide written by some random i found on google :)10:46
sylvanus_it also said this: E: The list of sources could not be read.10:46
ActionParsnipzamba: try: gksudo synaptic10:46
ActionParsnipsylvanus_: can you pastebin the entire output please10:46
sylvanus_what is pastebin?10:46
ActionParsnip!paste | sylvanus_10:46
ubottusylvanus_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:46
nmvictorlaeg: thats right10:47
laegso should i manually remove the 3.5 rc files?10:47
grozamy webcam doesnt woek10:48
nmvictorlaeg: yea10:48
grozamy webcam doesnt work10:48
nmvictorlaeg: if have some conflicts with it10:48
sylvanus_That is all it said was those two lines10:49
grozamy logitech quick cam chat doesnt work in skype pls help10:49
ActionParsnipsylvanus_: i also want to see the update process so I can see whats going on10:49
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ActionParsnipgroza: does it show up in cheese?10:50
ActionParsnip!info cheese | groza10:50
ubottugroza: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.26.0-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2742 kB, installed size 5084 kB10:50
grozaActionParsnip: yes but very dark10:50
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:50
laegnmvictor: do i have to do them one by one? as you can see there are many 3.5 files http://pastebin.com/m3248efe610:51
ActionParsnipgroza: if you run lsusb, you will see an id code, you can websearch for that10:51
sylvanus_Action: Please I don't hardly know anything about this, I turned my computer on the this morning and It told me I have unresolvable dependencies10:51
sylvanus_I am basicly an idiot when it comes to all this10:52
ActionParsnipsylvanus_: instead of telling me what the output says, you can copy all the text to a pastebin, hit paste, then give the link. I can then see what you see in your terminal10:52
nmvictorlaeg: the y are all in some directory, eg if you sudo rm -rf /etc/firefox-3.5 you'll have deleted a good number10:53
ActionParsniplaeg: you could use: sudo apt-get --reinstall install firefox-3.5; sudo apt-get --purge remove firefox-3.5; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove10:53
nmvictorlaeg: i think i side with ActionParsnip10:54
ActionParsniplaeg: that will install it so it is complete then rip it out10:55
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ActionParsnipsylvanus_: copy the text from the commands, then go to http://pastebin.com and paste the text there, add your name in the little box. When the page changes, give us the address10:56
turtle_anyone been able to install koffice?10:57
ActionParsnip!info koffice10:57
ubottukoffice (source: koffice): KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.3-7ubuntu6 (jaunty), package size 20 kB, installed size 60 kB10:57
ActionParsnipturtle_: sudo apt-get install koffice10:57
turtle_yeah I tried that but kformula wont install10:58
Anarhistis it possible to change the default width of the terminal window, i always end up making it wider and it is beginning to get on my nerves10:59
sylvanus_going to pastebin now10:59
grawityAnarhist: gnome-terminal --geometry 80x4011:00
heo__How can I open the current page in Elinks in another browser?11:00
Anarhistthanks, gravity11:03
Anarhist180x23 is so much cooler... q;-)=11:03
sylvanus_http://pastebin.com/f669eb838     is this right addy? it did post11:04
grawitysylvanus_: yes, and it seems you need to open /etc/apt/sources.list and fix like 5811:05
turtle_anyone managed to get koffice installed on ubuntu?11:05
sylvanus_do I do that through terminal?11:05
T1locI want to lock a package it's possible? thanks for your help11:06
grawitysylvanus_: type this command: sudo nano +58 /etc/apt/sources.list11:06
RobotCowRecompile Debian Packages with Different configure Options http://linuxinnovations.blogspot.com/2009/08/window.html11:06
sylvanus_did that what do I do now?11:07
grawitysylvanus_: remove the " characters from that line.11:08
sylvanus_at the bottom of the window? how do I do that?11:09
grawitywith the arrow keys, and with the Delete key.11:09
padi999hey guys11:09
padi999if I have a motherboard but no case. There only come two problems: The grounding and the missing on/off-Switch How can I implement both without a casing?11:10
sylvanus_I can't11:10
sylvanus_grawity: it I can't I tried delete and back space11:11
grawitysylvanus_: hmm. Close the editor, then. (Ctrl-X, and then N)11:12
grawitysylvanus_: And then run gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:12
gstdo any of you use tuxtype for leraning typing?11:13
paulws02padi999: As long as you don't touch any metal part I don't think you will need grounding, as for starting up the MB... I think you must make a short to start it11:13
usmanhi, i am looking for the network management software...11:14
usmancan you please help me?11:14
kalanaHi guys! does anyone knows how to direct syslog messages into a tty11:14
sylvanus_it opened another terminal window11:15
grawitysylvanus_: it should have opened a text editor.11:16
sylvanus_it did, sorry11:16
jumbersAre there any good PHP IDEs that support git without being an absolute pain? The git plugin for Eclipse just plain sucks.11:18
sylvanus_Yes my fault, it did open text editor11:18
sylvanus_grawity: you still here?11:19
grawitysylvanus_: yes?11:19
sylvanus_it did open text editor11:20
grawitythen go fix that line.11:20
sylvanus_I don't know how11:20
grawityGo to line 58, remove the " characters from it, save.11:21
=== sash_ is now known as alle
warlock_handlerhi guys11:21
hatoriheya, is there any known issues with privoxy in karmic? my webkit browsers keep getting connection unexpectedly closed errors11:21
=== alle is now known as sash_
sylvanus_it is just a blank text editor it has nothing on it11:22
Jamesq123i heard all those ubuntu users are much sillier those of other editions users,rightttt?11:22
hatoriright after fedora and suse11:23
grawityJamesq123: I guess you are an Ubuntu user, then.11:23
Jamesq123 :D11:23
grawitysylvanus_: then you probably typed the command wrong :\11:23
MyrttiJamesq123: did you have a ubuntu support question?11:23
Jamesq123no,ihave been a user of  microsoft11:23
sylvanus_give it to me again I'll try11:23
MyrttiJamesq123: random chitchat (in the spirit of Ubuntu) at #ubuntu-offtopic please11:23
icarus-csomeone got 32bit pidgin Availability plugin? (/usr/lib/pidgin/plugin*/cap.so11:24
jokercan anyone help me understand something11:24
jokerabout the start page in ubuntu 9.0411:24
Jamesq123i 'm wondering  which edition should be installed  for the  very first  experience of  linux...11:24
warlock_handlerguys i need a little help in studying buying behavior of foreign consumers..11:24
warlock_handlercan any of you guys volunteer for a short 7 question survey?11:25
warlock_handlerit would take 30 secs11:25
Myrttiwarlock_handler: this is Ubuntu support, not random questionnaire advertising place11:25
kdubwarlock_handler: this has nothing to do with the topic11:25
warlock_handlerMyrtti: i am a ubuntu user from the past 5 years11:25
jokerwhy is it that if I do the same search on the start page or on the google search bar i dont have the same results ?11:26
jokerI want to be able to clic videp11:26
mbn_18When I browse files through specific softwares ( like Diffuse ) I dont see the sftp folders. any idea why?11:26
warlock_handlerMyrtti: i belong to this community, me part of the indian ubuntu community.. i market it in schools and colleges11:26
jokeret get rid of those adds11:26
kavurtJamesq123, the last stable version should be the most suitable: 9.0411:26
Myrttiwarlock_handler: and your request still doesn't fit to the topic of this channel. Use #ubuntu-offtopic11:26
warlock_handlerMyrtti: thnx buddy...11:26
Myrttiwarlock_handler: if even that. This is strictly ubuntu support11:27
=== linux_user400354 is now known as nanomachine
warlock_handlerMyrtti: i think i was looking for that room.. my bad...11:27
Jamesq123by the  way, here in china,ubuntu is  very very popular la11:27
paulws021 question: If I open Synaptic Package Manager , it's asking for a passwd, but my user passwd won't work, even the root passwd won't work, so I use aptitude(logged in as root) from console(works perfect),but how can I reset tha Synaptic Password ?11:31
Jamesq123the  pronuncation of  ubuntu  is very simila to  darkY-grey sily rabbit11:31
Jamesq123in chinese11:31
grawitypaulws02: Synaptic doesn't ask for your password -- the 'sudo' command does.11:32
=== Errhec is now known as avidmar
WizzupWhat is the channel dedicated to Karmic?11:33
aatishhi everybody. i will be grateful if you can help me about the filesystem ext4.11:33
jokerpaulws02, <paulws02> 1 question: If I open Synaptic Package Manager , it's asking for a passwd, but my user passwd won't work, even the root passwd won't work, so I use aptitude(logged in as root) from console(works perfect),but how can I reset tha Synaptic Password ?11:34
aatishihave many importatn file in the /home directory and i cannot mount the hard disk11:34
fahadsadahpaulws02, grawity: Use your user password. If your account doesn't have a password, leave that field blank.11:34
fahadsadahTo reset your password, as root, type "passwd yourusername"11:34
aatishi did fsck /dev/sdb5 since 10 hours and nothing works11:34
jokertype sudo passwd11:34
fahadsadahjoker: If he doesn't know his password, how can he use sudo?11:35
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:35
paulws02by Synaptic -> The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.11:35
ubottuWe do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.11:35
aatishi also did e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sdb5 and it takes too much time11:35
jokerpaulws02, go in a terminal11:36
fahadsadahjoker: He can't use sudo, not knowing his password.11:36
jokerthen type "sudo passwd"11:36
jokerset your root password11:36
paulws02If I run 'su', it's ok, I can log to root, but I cann't run 'sudo mc', it sais login fail11:36
jokerand you are done11:36
fahadsadahjoker: That will ask for a password. He doesn't know his password. He already has a root password11:37
fahadsadahpaulws02: As root, type passwd yourusername.11:37
Myrttijoker: please, do not, DO NOT tell people how to set up root password11:37
fahadsadahjoker, Myrtti: He already has one.11:37
fahadsadah!noroot | paulws0211:37
ubottupaulws02: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.11:37
Myrttiif you have root password enabled, IT may be the reason the stuff doesn't work11:37
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/11:37
=== aatish is now known as darksifer
fahadsadahMyrtti: How can having a root pw break things/11:38
Myrttifahadsadah: because ubuntu is designed to use SUDO, not ROOT.11:38
paulws02fahadsadah: ok, I've changed my user password11:38
=== Bubba is now known as Bubs
fahadsadahpaulws02: Use that for commands that ask for a password (except for su)11:39
=== root is now known as Guest85800
fahadsadahGet into the habit of using sudo, rather than becoming root and doing things.11:39
darksifercan someone tell me how to repair ext4 more rapidly. i have urgent important files there in this partition.11:39
paulws02I can't sudo, I can only su...11:39
fahadsadahTo restore the root account to default (locked), type sudo passwd -l root11:39
fahadsadahpaulws02: You can sudo now. Use the password you just set.11:40
Myrttifahadsadah: given he's in sudoers11:40
paulws02paulws02 is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.11:40
fahadsadahpaulws02: OK, su to root, then type "adduser paulws02 admin"11:41
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)11:41
jokerTell me if i do a search in google.com i get the results for "lamb" let say and on top I can click to get either video images and so on but if I do the same search on the 9.04 start page I only get web results if I want images it's not there can we change this ?11:41
paulws02Thanks all, now I can use Synaptic11:42
fahadsadahjoker: Just change your homepage to google.11:42
fahadsadahpaulws02: You're welcome.11:42
frozty_saI'm on a ubuntu desktop, and I'm using the vmware2 web management console thingy to interact with vmware guests. my problem is that the arrow keys within the client don't work. I've found how to fix them for vmware1, but not 2. can anyone help me?11:42
jokerfahadsadah, I like the ubuntu logo i want to change the start page11:43
quibblerjoker - change your start page to google.com in firefox preferences11:43
jokeri want my logo11:43
fahadsadahThen you have web search only.11:44
jokerfahadsadah, ok11:44
jokerfahadsadah, I think it was easy to modify11:45
balachmarHi I want to try my Logitech Quickcam Express on my laptop running Ubuntu 9.04 but I cannot get it to work.11:45
fahadsadah!webcam | balachmar11:45
ubottubalachmar: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:45
balachmarI know I should use qc-usb as a driver11:45
jokerok I wish you all a good day, don't work to hard11:46
balachmarAAh, too bad It seems that is is not supported anymore...11:46
adi9833nay ubuntu 8.10 users?11:48
chessnutmushroomguys my compiz fusion effects are really slow and im running a geforce 8600mGT, any way of fixing it?11:48
Gneachessnutmushroom: tone it down11:48
darksiferam using 9.04 ubuntu11:48
joooooequestion: how can i get the total volume of downloaded data since the system is running as a value, like gnome system monitor shows it?11:48
adi9833Hello there. I have installed Ubuntu 8.10 with VMWare and use Windows XP as the host Operating System.I just took a broadband cable connection which works great on XP.Now i want to use this connection on Ubuntu.I did all the necessary basic settings fron the Network Connections tab like adding a new wired conection and manually entering all the IP and DNS information.On doing this the icon at top shows that the connection is established but still on ping11:49
chessnutmushroomtone what down?11:49
Gneathe eyecandy11:49
fahadsadahadi9833: Is it bridged properly in VMWare?11:49
joooooeyou could also switch to metacity if you dont care for eyecandy11:49
chessnutmushroomcool, how did i get the underline?11:49
adi9833i dnt understand nethng..ya but i tried with bridged11:50
chessnutmushroomoh i get you, i am only using one effect, the beam effect11:50
fahadsadahPlease pastebin the output of "ifconfig"?11:50
fahadsadah!pastebin | adi983311:50
ubottuadi9833: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:50
=== bambam is now known as Guest48243
chessnutmushroomi thought 8600 was a good card, i used to play COD4 on windows with it11:51
Jamesq123haha ,bridge construction is really  time,money-consuming  work11:51
Gneaadi9833: tell vmware to use nat and have it assign itself a private address range11:51
Gneafahadsadah: he can't, his ubuntu is not connected to the net11:51
joooooeso, does anybody know a terminal command that will return the total size of the data i downloaded since i logged on to my system?11:51
Gneaadi9833: change it from bridged to nat11:51
adi9833i tries that also11:52
fahadsadahjoooooe: ifconfig11:52
darksiferplease guys if you can spare some time for me to help me recover/repair my data on a ext4 partition i would be grateful. i tried fsck and e2fsck but it takes too much time. plz11:52
Gneajoooooe: du -sh ./11:52
fahadsadahdarksifer: If the data really is important, wait.11:52
fahadsadahjoooooe, Gnea: Wrong.11:52
adi9833guys help me plz11:52
Gneadarksifer: if it's still going without any errors, then wait11:52
Gneaadi9833: I just did.11:52
fahadsadahThat returns the size of the current directory.11:52
Gnea!vmware | adi983311:52
ubottuadi9833: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware11:52
adi9833i a a novice11:52
Jamesq123joooooe:just type 'ls -l"11:53
darksiferfahadsadah: yes i got my assignements on it11:53
fahadsadahdarksifer: Then wait.11:53
Gneaadi9833: there's nothing to it. go to the GUI of vmware and configure the network adapter to be nat. restart. simple.11:53
fahadsadahJamesq123: Also wrong.11:53
fahadsadahifconfig tells you how much data has been downloaded.11:53
adi9833i tried but it did now work11:53
fahadsadahls -l, and du -sh, give you the size of the current directory.11:53
Gneathen you probably missed a step11:53
k3opsdu -sh ? this tells your complete disksize not only the downloaded files11:53
Gneadid you stop ubuntu from running first?11:53
fahadsadahk3ops: df gives disks, du gives folders.11:54
frozty_saanyone have an idea about my vmware question?11:54
fahadsadahBoth are irrelevant.11:54
darksiferfahadsadah: check my pastebin http://pastebin.com/m4329b72a plz11:54
fahadsadahjoooooe: Type ifconfig, and see the bottom line11:54
darksiferGnea: check my pastebin http://pastebin.com/m4329b72a plz11:54
Gneafrozty_sa: ask it again11:54
joooooefahadsadah: RX bytes?11:55
adi9833gnea re u telling me?11:55
fahadsadahdarksifer: What the _hell_ did you do to that HD?11:55
fahadsadahjoooooe: Yes.11:55
frozty_saI'm on a ubuntu desktop, and I'm using the vmware2 web management console thingy to interact with vmware guests. my problem is that the arrow keys within the client don't work. I've found how to fix them for vmware1, but not 2. can anyone help me?11:55
Gneadarksifer: run it like this:  e2fsck -y /dev/sdaX11:55
Gneaadi9833: yes.11:55
fahadsadahfrozty_sa: File that as a bug.11:56
darksiferfahadsadah: i just did e2fsck11:56
fahadsadah!bug | frozty_sa11:56
ubottufrozty_sa: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:56
Gneafrozty_sa: oh!11:56
darksiferGnea: ok. but how much time do i have to wait to be sure that the command u gave me is working11:56
Gneafrozty_sa: http://communities.vmware.com/thread/21706311:56
Gneadarksifer: it'll automatically assume 'yes' to everything - just kick back, go make a pizza or something11:57
Gneaadi9833: please don't pm11:57
Gnea!pm | adi983311:57
ubottuadi9833: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:57
frozty_saGnea: no, that only works for vmware1 :-/11:57
frozty_safahadsadah: I guess I'm going to have to do that11:57
Gneafrozty_sa: I don't know about vmware2. vmware2 has always been... wrong. :)11:58
fahadsadahGnea: I disagree.11:58
fahadsadahI have a server virtualized on it, and the performance is _excellent_11:58
frozty_saGnea: change is inherent to progress11:59
fahadsadahStability too. Xen always seems to crash for me.11:59
Gneafahadsadah: eh, vmware2 has always been problematic for me. thought maybe the fix was the same... perhaps that forum has an answer specifically for vmware211:59
frozty_saxen on debian sucks ass11:59
innomen Depends: libxine1-plugins but it is not going to be installed, it says i have a missing repository or soemthing?11:59
Gneafrozty_sa: language, please11:59
fahadsadahinnomen: Dependency, you mean?11:59
fahadsadahTry installing libxine1-plugins manually.11:59
Gneafrozty_sa: and yes, I agree about change :)12:00
frozty_saI've never managed a successful deb-xen, but I've had like 19 solid xen servers for over a year12:00
fahadsadahfrozty_sa: Gnea means keyboard layout.12:00
darksiferGnea: but before the chat i did e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sdb5.   is that ok or should i cancel and do e2fsck -y /dev/sdb512:00
frozty_saanyhow, thanks for the ideas. I'll report a bug and see what comes of it12:00
fahadsadahdarksifer: Leave it.12:00
innomenfahadsadah, not sure, let me reproduce the rror12:00
Gneadarksifer: oh, no, let it keep going with that - you have -y already, you just turned on a bunch of verbosity so it's massively noisy12:00
frozty_safahadsadah: yes, I understand the bug that causes this. I also know where to find the keyboard layout stuff for the vmware2 console. what I don't have is the magic to change it appropriately12:01
innomenfahadsadah, says unresolved dependanciesa make sure all required repositores are added in prefs12:01
fahadsadahdarksifer: -v makes it tell you everything it does.12:01
fahadsadahBe back later guys, reinstalling Windows.12:02
innomengood luck12:02
innomenhave fun12:02
darksiferfahadsadah: you know what?? all these data was in NTFS until 2 days ago. i removed windows and running ubuntu only. lol12:03
jumbersWhy is the Eclipse package that's in the repos 3.2? It's from 200612:03
Gneafrozty_sa: found these, not sure if they'll do it or not: http://informationideas.com/news/2009/04/27/ubuntu-904-vmware-arrow-keys-problem/  http://bigtrev.blogsome.com/category/computers/vmware/12:03
leaf-sheepjumbers: They only update important/security/vital packages.12:04
leaf-sheep!info eclipse karmic | jumbers12:04
ubottujumbers: eclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 120 kB, installed size 412 kB12:04
innomenlibxine1-plugins:  Depends: libxine1-ffmpeg (>= but it is not installable12:05
innomenlibxine1-ffmpeg is not in my synaptic12:06
fahadsadahHello guys.12:06
innomenfahadsadah, that was fast12:07
fahadsadahThis is another computer.12:07
innomen:P :)12:07
innomenfahadsadah, help me before you leave :P12:07
fahadsadahinnomen: Please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list12:07
fahadsadahI'm not leaving.12:07
fahadsadahI'm not going to sit around watching Windows install for 2 hours.12:08
innomenfahadsadah, right on12:08
fahadsadahI do Ubuntu support when I'm bored.12:08
fahadsadah(even though I don't actually have any Ubuntu computers)12:08
innomenfahadsadah, hey, it's appreciated12:08
innomenyour reasons are irrelevant, you will be assimilated12:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:09
DaZg'day \o12:09
fahadsadahPlease pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file, innomen12:09
innomenfahadsadah, hold your horses12:10
innomenthats kind of a12:10
innomenPITA, pastebin is complicated to me :P12:10
fahadsadahinnomen: : paste.ubuntu.com isn't12:10
innomenfahadsadah, if i have to leave this app to do it, it's complicated :P12:11
fahadsadahinnomen: You have universe, multiverse, but not main?12:11
innomendo i?12:11
innomenone moment12:11
fahadsadahPlease add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:12:11
innomenyea thats it12:12
innomenthanks man12:12
fahadsadahYou're welcome12:12
innomeni dont know how that happened12:12
innomenleaf-sheep, shhhh12:12
innomenleaf-sheep, i told you we're not to discuss it12:12
fahadsadahDo you need all those unofficial repos?12:13
fahadsadahmonkeys: Hello12:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unofficial12:13
innomenfahadsadah, yes12:13
innomenfahadsadah, there are like a billion awesome apps that dont live in ubuntu12:13
monkeysim sorry to ask in this channel but dose anyone know how to set a server up12:14
FloodBot3aaron11: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:14
innomenaaron11, cthuluiflatagn?12:14
monkeysor why i get errors12:14
fahadsadahubottu: unofficial is Unofficial repos contain software that Ubntu devs don't have control over, and can contain malicious software.12:14
fahadsadahmonkeys: What erros do you get?12:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unofficial12:14
monkeyssomething not found12:14
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:15
fahadsadahCan only ubuntu members programubbottu12:15
monkeyssomething is set to no found12:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Xchat12:15
Anarhisti am having problems with anything which accesses PGP keys (that is the plugin for thunderbird, seahorse, and even 'gpg' terminal command), things just sit there and wait for some lock to be released. i was thinking of nuking my configuration files and then re-importing all the keys, but i don't know where all this stuff is stored. Can somebody please help with that?12:15
Myrttifahadsadah: it's a bit more strict that that12:15
monkeysxchat fail lol12:15
innomenfahadsadah, i'm sure, that would seem reasonable12:15
tdikHi, all! Anyone know how to setup short-cuts like switching between desktops?12:15
monkeysactually xchat is not that bad12:15
fahadsadahAnarhist: ~/.gpg12:15
fahadsadahSorry, ~/.gnupg12:16
innomenxchat gnome sucks xchat just whatever this is, rocks12:16
innomeni miss mirc though12:16
Anarhistfahadsadah, thanks, it was .lock file in there12:16
fahadsadahinnomen: I use mIRC on Windows, irssi on anything else.12:16
grawityinnomen: if you want mIRC, install Wine.12:16
monkeysok fahadsadah the error is cmake error the following errors variables are used in this project is not found plz make sure they are set and tested correctly in the cmake files12:16
Anarhistq; -)=12:16
leaf-sheepinnomen: You paid for the full-version of mIRC?12:16
innomenleaf-sheep, ahahahhahahahah12:17
innomengrawity, yea but i'm all open sourceified now :P12:17
leaf-sheepSo you were joking when you said that. :)12:17
innomenfahadsadah, irssi you say?12:17
fahadsadahinnomen, grawity: mIRC scripting doesn't work in WINE12:18
innomenleaf-sheep, no, i just used it WELL beyond it's 30 day trial12:18
phreckxchat irssi or ircII12:18
ct529is it possible to limit the amount of memory a process uses?12:18
grawityircII is kinda... old.12:18
grawityct529: ulimit --help12:18
phreckgrawity, works well on the console12:18
innomeni want mozilla ot make an irc client12:18
grawityinnomen: like...Chatzilla?12:18
monkeyssomoneone helps that knows about http://www.wikihow.com/Build-and-Maintain-a-Private-World-of-Warcraft-Server-on-Linux12:18
innomenwith skins and plugins etc12:18
innomengrawity, that would own12:18
fahadsadahinnomen: It exists12:19
innomenwait no12:19
fahadsadahIRC plugin for Firefox.12:19
grawityinnomen: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/16 -- doesn't own, IMO.12:19
ct529grawity: already tried12:19
phreckyea, chatzilla is real.12:19
innomeni mean like a stand alone thing12:19
innomenchatzilla is just xchat from within firefox12:19
ct529grawity: ulimit -Sd 2000000 did not work .... :(12:19
grawityinnomen: like... https://wiki.mozilla.org/ChatZilla:XULRunner ?12:19
fahadsadahNo standalone mozzeralla IRC client12:19
innomeni want like thunderbird firefox *soemthingorothermozilla chat progrqam cool name here*12:20
ct529grawity: also ulimit --help returns an error12:20
myeyespyI've just switched to Linux & am overwhelmed. I've gotten it just the way I want it with one exception. I want it so that if I drag a window (got 4 virtual desks) in either direction for Y time it switches to that desktop automatically. I assume there is a simple choice selection for it in compiz but I can't find it. Found nothing while searching google12:20
bet0xct529 "main ulimit"12:20
bet0xct529 "man ulimit"12:20
bet0xwithout the "i"12:20
grawityct529: 'help ulimit'12:20
grawitybet0x: the manpage isn't very informative here.12:21
Newb123Hey I have some problems with my mobile internet, whenever I try to connect it says "GSM Disconnected", :s12:21
innomenhey that reminds me12:21
innomenhow can i get the cool cube desktop goodness?12:21
ct529bet0x: no man ulimit12:21
grawity!ccsm | innomen12:21
ubottuinnomen: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz12:21
fahadsadahmyeyespy: There's a compiz setting (I forget the name) that lets you drag between workspaces12:21
innomeni have compiz running already i just dont know what i'm doing12:21
bet0xct529 help ulimit12:21
grawityinnomen: install that, then enable Desktop Cube.12:21
innomengrawity, kewl, thanky12:21
fahadsadahFrom the Windows 7 final EULA: "You may use the software on up to two processors on the licensed computer at one time"12:22
fahadsadahHow do Microsoft define processors?12:22
Newb123sorry i accidently exited, but my mobile internet wont connect, whenever I try it says "GSM Disconnected"12:22
grawityfahadsadah: Physical thingies.12:22
myeyespyDepends on how deep your pockets are fahad12:22
innomenfahadsadah, lol so i have to buy two copies for a quad core machine?12:22
ct529grawity: bet0x: thanks help ulimit works, but that is the same documentation that is on the net .... so why did ulimit -Sd 2000000 did not work .... :(12:22
fahadsadahinnomen: That's what I was asking. I have a C2Q12:22
grawityfahadsadah, innomen: Even XP knows that quad-core is still a single psychical CPU.12:22
innomenHACKER10011, should you evwen be in a support channel?12:23
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phreckeleets need support too.12:23
bet0xct529 Values are in 1024-byte increments, except for `-t', which is in seconds, `-p', which is in units of 512-byte blocks, and `-n' and `-u', which are unscaled values12:23
HACKER10011sory i meant to the #areyoukiddingme12:23
HustlersDaveHi all, anyone here able to help me with a Grub Error 17 problem??12:23
craCkpotis it possible to write a script that will automatically compress a given folder keeping directory structure intact?  possibly adding other files to the archive?12:23
ct529bet0x: yes I know, indeed i wanted to limit the shell to 2 Gb (hence the 20000000)12:23
fahadsadah"only one user may use the software at a time"12:23
innomenphreck, hackers was a good movie i dont care what anyone says12:24
fahadsadahThat's Naziism12:24
grawity!ot | fahadsadah12:24
ubottufahadsadah: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:24
fahadsadahcraCkpot: tar zcvf compressedfilename.tar.gz foldername12:24
phreckinnomen, ill agree12:24
innomenphreck, "pool on the roof, must have a leak" best "Now What Sucka" moment in movie history :P12:24
nmvictori have fully customized my firefox with addons and plugins.How can i have that with me to another computer, i mean  all the stuff, the addons,plugins and all my pimps?12:24
phrecktis a classic.12:24
HustlersDavehi all, anyone here know how i can fix this GRUB error 17 problem, i can't get into Ubuntu or Windows 7 at all on my other pc...12:25
grawityinnomen: Exactly12:25
fahadsadahnmvictor: I don't think that's possible.12:25
innomennmvictor, copy the profile folder, it even works from moving to ubuntu from windows12:25
nmvictorinnomen: sure?12:25
craCkpotcan i do the same thing with zip?12:25
innomenfahadsadah, what i do with unreasonable Eula's is ignore them12:25
nmvictorfahadsadah: whats not possible has a possibility to be possible12:25
fahadsadahcraCkpot: .tar.gz is better than .zip12:25
craCkpoti agree, but i doubt the users of the software in the zip will have the software to decompress12:26
innomenfahadsadah, i own a legit lisence for xp but i run the cracked up warez versions because they are simply more stable and less annoying12:26
craCkpotits a PHP script with many files12:26
innomenthat kind of crap was why i left M$ in the first place12:26
grawitycraCkpot: if someone knows how to run PHP scripts, he'll probably know how to untar too.12:26
nmvictor!GRUB | HustlersDave:12:26
ubottuHustlersDave:: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:26
craCkpotyou'd be suprised12:26
fahadsadahcraCkpot: man zip12:27
Newb123my mobile internet wont connect, whenever I try it says "GSM Disconnected", anyone know how to fix this?12:27
innomencraCkpot, agreed12:27
fahadsadahI'm only allowed to connect 20 printers to my Windows machine?12:27
innomenfahadsadah, heehh in there somewhere is a resitrction on how many times you can click the mouse per day12:28
darksiferfahadsadah: one last question. what file system are you using? is ext3 more stable than ext4?12:28
frogzooif I have net.ipv4.tcp_sack == 1, why don't I see the header set in wireshark?12:28
fahadsadahdarksifer: Please remember that ext4 is relatively new, whereas 2/3 have been around for years12:29
fahadsadah2/3 are much more tested12:29
innomenfrogzoo, is probably more leet that HACKER10011 since i dont even remotly understand his question much less how i could help12:29
grawitySpeaking of Hackers the movie... how do I convert an .avi to .mp4? (ffmpeg doesn't accept the input, mencoder only outputs a few megs.)12:29
Newb123my mobile internet wont connect, whenever I try it says "GSM Disconnected", anyone know how to fix this?12:29
fahadsadah!spam | Newb12312:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spam12:29
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.12:30
fahadsadah!flood | Newb12312:30
ubottuNewb123: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:30
frogzoooh noes12:30
fahadsadah!repeat was right12:30
innomenfahadsadah, its !repeat dude12:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:30
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:30
fahadsadahinnomen: Thanks12:30
innomenfahadsadah, yea yea, see i'm awesome12:30
* innomen does a little dance12:30
innomenActionParsnip, my favorite veggie12:30
frogzooinnomen: tcp options...12:30
ActionParsnipinnomen: i'momniverous ;)12:31
innomeninnomen, cool, you're still leet. Dont fight it12:31
innomennot me!12:31
matuu_is it possible to delete the ubuntu user ?12:31
innomenfrogzoo, cool, you're still leet. Dont fight it12:31
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ActionParsnipmatuu_: sure12:31
matuu_so i can use my live usb like a server ?12:31
rskmatuu_: use deluser12:31
matuu_it refuses cause it is still connected on all the tty12:32
ActionParsnipmatuu_: its better to have a proper user though12:32
matuu_yes i create "matu"12:32
innomenActionParsnip, i'm going vegitarian the instant i can afford it12:32
darksiferok thanks everyone for help.12:32
ActionParsnipmatuu_: as long as you have a proper user you'll befine12:32
innomenActionParsnip, i live in the south, i'd have to have tofu shipped in12:32
ActionParsnipinnomen: steak is too tasty :)12:32
matuu_it does not work12:33
matuu_cause ubuntu has the automatic login12:33
kjsis there no option for LVM on the 9.04 desktop installer?12:33
frogzoolol innomen12:33
innomenActionParsnip, i'm lucky i actually like brocollii casserole better12:33
ActionParsnipmatuu_: you will have to make the new user, then log on as that user to delete the old user12:33
darksiferfahadsadah: e2fsck is stil going on. is it normal?12:33
leaf-sheepkjs: None. Use alternative disc12:33
matuu_through ubuntu ?12:33
kjsleaf-sheep: that sucks12:33
leaf-sheepkjs: I use minimal disc which is only 10mb~12:34
innomenwhy issnt there a "both" install image for usb sticks?12:34
matuu_i cant log out ActionParsnip12:34
ActionParsnipinnomen: both what?12:34
innomenActionParsnip, alternative and desktop12:34
kisukei'm having a problem registering an openpgp key with launchpad i cant read the message they send me, can anyone helpp me figure out why?12:34
ActionParsnipmatuu_: course you can, or rebootand log on as the oter user12:34
innomenlike one that can do everything12:34
grawitykisuke: Did you try decrypting the message?12:35
matuu_by killing Xorg ?12:35
grawitykisuke: What mail client are you using?12:35
ActionParsnipinnomen: add it as a feature suggestion12:35
matuu_oh ok sorry12:35
matuu_i missed the user12:35
dbglthey folks, using karmic, just wondering if there are any problems with me simply installing the nvidia driver I want via apt? I normally do it manually from the nvidia website, but would be nice to have it part of apt?12:35
matuu_i mean the button12:35
innomenActionParsnip, but its funner just to whine at you :P12:35
ActionParsnipinnomen: doesnt achieve anything though12:35
kisukeyes through thunderbird terminal froze on me sending keys to server12:35
innomenbesides i figured there might be a good answer12:35
bazhangdbglt, #ubuntu+1 for karmic12:35
ActionParsnipinnomen: you could make it yourself12:35
dbgltbazhang: ah, cheers12:35
innomenyou guys routinly answer me "why isnt there" questions with "there is"12:36
kisukemail client is thunderbird with eingmail12:36
innomenActionParsnip, see? thats a sort of "there is"12:36
ActionParsnipinnomen: a dvd with boot iso files on and a bootloader. then create an iso of the whole lot12:36
wWaleshow do i browse the sharde folders of a networked windows computer from the commandline?12:36
* Dr_Willis wanders in.12:36
grawitykisuke: And Enigmail hangs when opening it?12:36
grawitywWales: smbclient12:36
innomenActionParsnip, woah thats possible ? can that be done off a usb stick?12:36
ActionParsnipwWales: or smbmount12:36
kisukegives an error12:36
kisukeone min to get it12:37
ActionParsnipinnomen: sure, just take some work to get it nice12:37
Dr_WilliswWales:  if you see its icon oin the desktop, it should be mounted in the users .gvfs directory12:37
innomenActionParsnip, i tried for ever to make a usbstick winxp sintaller12:37
ActionParsnipinnomen: you could have 2 iso files and lilo which can boot iso files12:37
Dr_WilliswWales:  or you mount it some other way.12:37
innomenActionParsnip, i was told it was impossible eventually12:37
ActionParsnipinnomen: nothing is impossible if you try hard enough12:37
matuu_"ubuntu is connected_"12:37
GPLI am not sure, if i am using Ubuntu 32 bit or 64 bit ... how can i check that , + how can i view system related information [in windows, it's msinfo32 ], but in Ubuntu ?12:37
ActionParsnipGPL: uname -a12:38
leaf-sheepGPL: lsb_release -a12:38
ActionParsnipGPL: i686 = 32bit, x86_64 = 64bit12:38
innomenActionParsnip, well yea, i mean i could write the stuff myself, but i mean possible in the toddler opening the mayo jar sense of the world, not haveing to raise cows and blow glass sense of the word :)12:38
nmvictorinnomen: which profile folder did you mean?12:38
Dr_WillisIve seen special kernels/initrd's that then see/access/mount 'boot' specific iso files. :)  but thats not quite the same as booting an 'iso' file in a general sence.12:38
GPLActionParsnip: thanks.12:38
grawitynmvictor: ~/.mozilla/12:38
leaf-sheepOh noes. :<12:38
innomennmvictor, in your firefox install that you want to migrate somewhere in there should eb a propfile folder, just copy over everything, you can always delete it and try again if it breaks12:38
HustlersDaveDr_Willis my trusty helper how are you :)12:39
HustlersDavei need help :( grub died thanks to win7 :(12:39
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:   goofing off. :) as usuaal.12:39
Dr_Willischeck the !fixgrub wiki page yet?12:39
ActionParsnip!grub | HustlersDave12:39
ubottuHustlersDave: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:39
innomennmvictor, what grawity said12:39
HustlersDaveyep i have12:39
HustlersDavei cant mount :(12:39
ActionParsnip!mount | HustlersDave12:40
ubottuHustlersDave: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:40
Dr_Willis'cant' or 'dont know how' :)12:40
HustlersDavemount: can't find /dev/sda3 in /etc/fstab or etc/mtab12:40
GPLhmm i want to switch to 64-bit Ubuntu, is there some upgrade available rather than reinstalling everything :( again12:40
HustlersDaveim following instructions and it wont mount it12:40
innomenDr_Willis, goofing off? are you kidding? you are like the help junkie12:40
ActionParsnipHustlersDave: make a folder, then mount to that folder12:40
fahadsadahHustlersDave: Specify a mount point.12:40
kisukefirst line is - error decryption failed12:40
Dr_Willisinnomen:  just got home from work actually. 3rd shift.12:40
ActionParsnipGPL: you will need to reinstall12:40
grawitykisuke: Can you try copying the message to a textfile, and then running gpg --decrypt on it?12:41
nmvictorgrawity: innomen thanks,let me try12:41
HustlersDaveguys come on i obviously typed mkdir /media/root first12:41
innomenDr_Willis, get home form work sign in to work12:41
ActionParsnipHustlersDave: then you need, sudo mount /de12:41
kisukeone min12:41
HustlersDaveDr_Willis inspires me to be good at what i do12:41
ActionParsnipsudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/root -o uid=100012:41
HustlersDaveActionParsnip can u repeat that12:41
HustlersDavehhmmm u sure bout this12:41
innomenHustlersDave, 4real, doc is awesome12:41
HustlersDavei havent backed up anything n would not want to lose that stuff lol12:41
wWaleswhen attempting "smbclient //networkname/computername i get Error NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME"12:42
ActionParsnipwWales: try smbmount and mount the shared partition to a folder12:42
i00nsuhi ppl, i need help about sharing a printer un a windows box to one or more ubuntu machines.. is this a ubuntu question or should i find solutions in a channel dedicated to windows?12:42
innomenfahadsadah, dude it's Still updateing since i checked that "main" source *facepalm* i have no idea how long that has been unchecked12:42
jpastoreIs there a way to control which screen an application starts on from the "startup applications"12:42
HustlersDaveActionParsnip it said wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock etc etc12:42
ActionParsnipHustlersDave: its only mounting, the data is not editted12:42
innomenits like my install is yelling at me12:43
HustlersDavehow the hell can i mount this lol12:43
ActionParsnipHustlersDave: add -t ext3  to the mount12:43
wWalesis the syntax smbmount //network/computer/share /home/mybox/mymountpoint?12:43
ActionParsnipHustlersDave: will you quit punctuatig with 'lol' its reallt tedious12:43
HustlersDaveActionParsnip my ext is ext4 btw for my 64bit ubuntu12:43
Dr_Willisjpastore:  often you can do a 'DISPLAY=0.1 runapp' and it might show up on the 2nd screen12:43
* innomen looks at burito ....12:43
ActionParsnipHustlersDave: then use    -t ext412:43
Dr_Willisjpastore:  or somting like that.. :)12:43
phreckyou guys have any panel replacements that you like?12:44
elteseHi. Is there any flash guru available ? :) My flash is working , though extremely poorly and in some wine related programs the text isnt showing (wich I think is related to my flash issues though Im not certain). Im on Ubuntu 9.04 32-bit.12:44
phreckthink im gonna gimme some eyecandy.12:44
Dr_Willisjpastore:  but i cant rember the details.. i saw it done once befor.. but that info i gave seems to be incorrect.. trying to rember how i did it befor12:44
phreckeltese, that wouldnt affect wine12:44
Dr_Willisphreck:  if you want somthing dock-ish try gnome-do and its dock theme12:44
HustlersDaveActionParsnip where do i add the ext4 part? sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/root -o uid=100012:44
phreckDr_Willis, ill give it a whirl, thanks12:45
fahadsadahHustlersDave: The end.12:45
nmvictorinnomen: grawity doesnt contain a folder for addins12:45
eltesephreck: Ok. I still got issues with it though12:45
kisukeyes returns "gpg: no valid PGP data found"12:45
grawitynmvictor: it does, "extensions"12:45
HustlersDavemount: invalid option -- 'e'12:45
fahadsadahHustlersDave: What's the full line you are typing now?12:46
innomeni always hated that, extension addons plugins, there needs to be one word12:46
HustlersDavesudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/root -o uid=1000 -ext412:46
fahadsadahinnomen: Extensions and plugins are different things.12:46
ActionParsnip sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/root -t ext4 -o uid=100012:46
fahadsadahHustlersDave: -t ext4, not -ext412:46
HustlersDavesorry i'll try again12:46
nmvictorgrawity: for me, that directory extensions contains a funny named directory which is empty12:47
ActionParsnipfahadsadah: itd be nice if it was like that12:47
jpastoreDr_Willis, I always that you could do export DISPLAY=0 or 1,2 depending on the screen but how should I specify that in the launcher? export DISPLAY=1; application cmd?12:47
phreckeltese, you should try different flash plugins, if the adobe isnt working for you try going through synaptic and searching for flash, it will give you alternatives.12:47
leaf-sheepjpastore: The same way you'12:47
leaf-sheepjpastore: Err, the same command you would use in the terminal.12:47
HustlersDavecan i just make something clear here first guys, i'm on LiveCD atm, because i can't boot to Ubuntu or Win7 at all.12:47
HustlersDaveanyways same error as before fahadsadah and ActionParsnip12:48
Dr_Willisjpastore:  export does it for all following commands..  for one command you dont export12:48
phreckHustlersDave, what distro?12:48
ActionParsnipHustlersDave: mount is mount in any distro on CD or HDD or USB12:48
jpastoreDr_Willis, ahhh ok let me try that afk12:48
HustlersDaveubuntu 9.04 64bit and windows 7 on 1 hdd,12:48
jpastorethanks leaf-sheep for the input...going to give it a shot12:48
ActionParsnip!mount | HustlersDave12:48
ubottuHustlersDave: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:48
HustlersDavepartition looks like this, win7, linux, storage, swap12:48
Dr_Willisjpastore:  could write a script that does it :)  bash takes the syntaz 'variable=foo  command' and ONLY that 'command' sees that variable changed..12:48
eltesephreck: yup. ive done that as well. Im currently running swdec wich works way better but far from otpimal :O)12:49
wWalesActionParsnip: how does the command look like? i know the local IP of the computer i want to mount from and the name of its winnetwork and its computername12:49
Dr_Willisjpastore: but i cant seem to get it working right here..   I recall it used to work.. ages ago.12:49
leaf-sheepjpastore: You'd want to do --> "DISPLAY:0" firefox <-- Something like that12:49
Dr_Willisjpastore:  also compiz apraently has some way to rember where things are at also.12:49
nmvictorgrawity: is their any where else they could have been?12:49
phreckeltese, not sure what else you can do, maybe someone else has a suggestion. But your wine problems shouldnt have anything to do with flash, just so you know.12:49
Dr_WillisDISPLAY=:0.1 xterm12:49
Dr_Willisxterm Xt error: Can't open display: :0.112:50
eltesephreck: ok, thanks :)12:50
Dr_Willisnot sure what the display IS for my 2nd monitor in twinview. i thought it was 0.112:50
ActionParsnipwWales: smbmount //winpc/shared /mnt/share -o username=<user>,password=<pass>,rw12:50
jpastoreDr_Willis, it wouldn't just be display:1?12:50
jpastoreer DISPLAY=112:50
Dr_Willisjpastore:  twinview is special. :)12:50
OsamaK_Is it possible to install gnome 2.27 on ubuntu 9.04? is there any builds?12:50
=== niels_ is now known as NielsE
Dr_Willisif you were doinbg 2 x SESSIONS yes.. it would be :112:50
phreckyou can install it  yourself.12:50
ActionParsnipwWales: that will mount to /mnt/shared   you can change that to where you wanna mount to, the folder must exist12:50
kisukegrawity trying to decrypt text file does not work12:51
jpastoreDr_Willis, oh right I don't have my twin view enabled right now on my laptop...my second monitor is in the other office12:51
HustlersDavemount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3, missing codepage or helper program etc etc12:51
laughzillahi :)  a couple weeks ago i installed ubuntu 9.04 for the first time on a hard disk that ended up being a bad disk. i just got the new disk and installed ubuntu 9.04 on it again just now. does anyone know what command or package(s) i need to install to set up flash compatibility on youtube, facebook, etc?12:51
Dr_Willisjpastore:  so it depends.. twinview or not. xinerama or not.. 2 X sessions or not. :)12:51
ActionParsnipHustlersDave: read the mount documentation, it should help. Ive not used ex4 yet so cant advise from personal experience12:52
wWalesActionParsnip: it complains of not having any specified ip adress with that command12:52
ActionParsnipHustlersDave: you may need to run: sudo modprobe ext412:52
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:52
ActionParsnipwWales: then use an ip address12:53
innomenubottu knows everything12:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:53
ActionParsnipinnomen: and some more12:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thepointoflife12:53
craCkpotlaughzilla: when you goto a site with flash (assuming Firefox), it will tell you if you need to install it and then you can install it that way12:53
HustlersDaveFATAL: Module ext4 not found.12:53
innomencraCkpot, that never works for me, it searchs says cant find and then i have to go download it12:54
laughzillahmmm ... yeah i remember there was some part of the command called "restricted" .. it installed a bunch of packages. i'll try it. thanks.  yes crackpot - i ask only b/c it's not installed. the sites i mentioned did ask me to install it.12:54
craCkpotor if you prefer you can do: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin12:54
Dr_WilliscraCkpot:  that never works for me either. :)12:54
craCkpothm, worked for me12:54
innomencraCkpot, thats the one for me12:54
Dr_WillisI always use the package manager like a good little ubuntu person12:54
ActionParsnipHustlersDave: you may need to install a package to get the module you need12:54
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:54
matuu_ubuntu bugs when i want to upgrade from live cd, could you tell me why please ?12:54
Dr_Willisactually i always 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted extras' on a new install.. :)  so i rarely have issues12:55
matuu_i added a 2.5Go swap to my 1Go of ram12:55
innomenDr_Willis, i backed up a bunch of debs that are in the repos and installed them on a diffrent machine, will they update through the repos now? I'm stull learing all this deb repo stuff12:55
paulws02HustlersDave, try lsmod | grep ext12:55
Dr_Willisinnomen:  since you used the package manager.. yes...12:55
jpastoreDr_Willis, I would be content with it starting on a screen regardless of which monitor it was.12:55
innomenDr_Willis, no i didnt12:55
nicorioHi. I just switched to Ubuntu 9.04 (from Windows). I easily setup a dual screen config thanks to the GUI, but I wonder if it is possible to have a second task bar (or extend the existing one) on the second screen ?12:55
Dr_Willisinnomen:  what did you use?12:55
Dr_Willisjpastore:  that wasent clear to me. :)  what are ya trying to do exactly12:56
innomenDr_Willis, how would i use package manager to back up debs? at best its "marks" things but even the file it spits out is 0kb and useless12:56
Dr_Willisinnomen:  you copied the .debs over and used dpkg -i whatever.deb ? or how exaftly?12:56
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline12:56
HustlersDavethe mounting doc page has not helped me with this grub loading error 17 problem at all.... :(12:56
innomenDr_Willis, yea, command to copy all to folder move folder dkpg -i *.deb or something12:57
wWalesActionParsnip: ok now it prompts for a password, the computer im trying to connect to doesnt have any password, and entering my rootpw doesnt do anything :(12:57
Dr_Willisinnomen:  'dpkg -i' is using the package manager. :)12:57
jpastoreDr_Willis, I meant that sometimes I boot my laptop without a second monitor so controlling which monitor it lands on doesn't matter. I have the cube running with 3 sides. I want soem applications to start on 1 one side some on another side, and so on.12:57
Dr_Willisinnomen:   synaptic is just a front end to it :)12:57
HustlersDaveanyone keen to help me with this error 17 problem?, ubuntu 64bit, ext4, and windows 7 with a storage partition all in the one hdd12:57
craCkpotsay i was writing a script to zip a specific set of files, how can i add parameters to the script like do: "create_zip 3.4.1" and it would create a zip file named <whatever>-3.4.1.zip?12:57
innomenDr_Willis, see this is why you're cool you could totally point and laugh but you dont12:57
ActionParsnipwWales: you cannot connect to a samba share without a password12:57
=== jribas is now known as pepribas
Dr_Willisjpastore:  those are 'virtual desktops' not screens..  totally diffrent thing. :)12:57
grawitycraCkpot: $1, $2, $3... and "$@" for all parameters.12:57
jpastoreDr_Willis, doesn't matter if they are on the left or right screen...that kind of granular control would be great, but ubunut has a hard enough time dealing with my other monitor sometimes not being there12:58
ActionParsnipwWales: you must have a password12:58
craCkpotokay thanks12:58
Dr_Willisjpastore:  if you are using compiz. it is supposed to have some way to save the 'location' from what i am reading12:58
=== pepribas is now known as jribas
gauravhello every one12:58
jpastoreDr_Willis, sorry just woke up, you are absolutely correct12:58
innomengaurav, Greetings program12:58
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wWalesActionParsnip: but i can connect to it trough nautilus without entering any password anywhere?12:58
innomen(I'm hyped about tron legacy, sorry)12:58
innomen!ot | innomen12:59
ubottuinnomen, please see my private message12:59
gauravi am having problem in connecting the windows system even after installing the samba ,it says that failed to connect the server12:59
Dr_WillisNew movie that i will never go see.. i guess. :)12:59
ActionParsnipwWales: then ive no idea. I've always known it must have a password. You could create an extra account just for accessing shares with a password12:59
innomenDr_Willis, why?12:59
Dr_Willisinnomen:  last movie i saw in theaters was ToyStory 1 :)12:59
innomenDr_Willis, district nine was the first in like 3 years for me12:59
jpastoreDr_Willis, the most I can find is in the "startup applicaitons" remember running applications when logging out.12:59
Dr_Willisgaurav:  often i have to give the 'full' path to the windows box/share for it to get seen teh first time.12:59
jpastorelet me give that a shot13:00
innomenDr_Willis, totally worthit, and trin will be in imax 3d, again totally worth it i'm sure13:00
Dr_Willisjpastore:   I dont use compiz much. but thats what a trhead i jsut read said. 'startup applications' is just for launching.. not rembering..13:00
innomeni worked at the movies i hate the movies, but there are extenuating circumstances, 4 minutes left of download *squee*13:00
fahadsadahWhy can't a box wired into the network send multicast packets to wireless boxes?13:01
gauravdear dr_willis tried that even not able to connect13:02
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
gauravany other way to see access my windows network13:02
kisukefahadsadah your router probly "sees" t6hem as two seperate networks that share the same network connection13:03
mimorhow can I have multiple notification-baloons, in stead of 1 at a time?13:03
linuxson25is it possible to set my external hdd to mount in my shared samba network folder?13:07
nicorioI saw that the dual-desktop mode is deprecated, but how can I configure something that would enable me to have one desktop on each screen ?13:07
linuxson25So whenever I plug it in, it is accesible from network13:08
Dr_Willislinuxson25:  the issue will be the  hot plugging part.13:08
wWalesActionParsnip: yay it worked, now i just wished i didnt mount a folder with 1397019573059 subfolders onto the desktop :/13:09
gauravis there any idea about the firefox 3.5 installation13:10
neosisanihow can i check which version is ubuntu?13:11
gauravneosisani:  go to help13:11
gauravu will find it13:11
neosisanigaurav, i'm sshing to it from home. uname -a doesn't show, is there some file in /proc or /etc to look for?13:12
ubottuThe Linux Standard Base, or LSB, is a joint project by several Linux distributions under the organizational structure of The Free Standards Group to standardize the internal structure of Linux-based operating systems. The LSB is based on the POSIX specification, the Single UNIX Specification, and several other open standards, but extends them in certain areas.13:12
Dr_Willislsb_release -a  neosisani13:12
neosisanithanks Dr_Willis13:12
gauravthanks dr_willis13:13
gauravhey anyone having any idea about  the firefox update 3.5 ? is it working fine and how to upgarde the current version13:13
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY13:14
HustlersDaveDr_Willis where should i install grub on??13:14
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  i alwyas put it on the MBR of my main boot disk13:14
HustlersDavemy linux partition is in sda3, sda2 is windows 7, storage partition is in sda4/513:14
HustlersDavethe mbr would be wat partition do u reckon? sda1? sda?13:14
craCkpotits always the first partition13:15
Dr_Willissda is the disk :)13:15
matuu_please why does it crash when i want to upgrade from livecd ?13:15
k3opssda disk13:15
Dr_Willisnot sda113:15
matuu_E: Sub-proces /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)13:15
HustlersDavecraCkpot so if it the first partition is it /sda or sda/113:15
craCkpotshould be /dev/sda1 i would imagine13:15
wWaleshow do i umount a smb share?13:15
estWhat is a good backup solution for ubuntu on a 360 GiB USB drive?13:15
Dr_Willisinstall to the mbr of the DRIVE..  /dev/sda  not /dev/sda1  is the normal place13:15
Dr_Willissda1 also has its own boot record. :)13:15
craCkpot^^ yeah he's right13:15
craCkpotmy bad13:15
HustlersDavenothing happens.... wtf13:16
HustlersDavestart from scratch?13:16
gaurav hey anyone having any idea about  the firefox update 3.5 ? is it working fine and how to upgarde the current version13:16
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  we are not sitting there looking over your shoulder. *yet* , so we dotn know what you just did. :)13:16
HustlersDavewhen i tried to install on sda3 before it said cannot open 1/boot/grib/device.map13:16
craCkpot!FF35 | gaurav13:17
ubottugaurav: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY13:17
kisukegrawity thanks for getting me into terminal13:17
craCkpotyay i remembered the command from when i had FF35 questions13:17
k3opstar cvpjf backup.tar.bz2 --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tar.bz2 --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys /13:17
kisukehow do you report a missing dependency?13:17
craCkpotok, hustlersdave, so when you try to boot grub reports error 17?13:17
craCkpotand you're dual-booting windows7 and ubuntu?13:18
craCkpot(or trying to, at least)13:18
jezi22guys how what is the IDE for delphi in ubuntu?13:18
TonyTheTigerwhat does "dist-upgrade" do?13:18
wWalesthanks for all help ive got trough this channel! keep up the good work guys (bye for now)13:19
IdleOnekisuke: what are you missing?13:19
Dr_Willisjezi22:  that was a big deal/hyped a few years back.. then sort of vanished off the radar. Im not even sure it still works/exists13:19
iamFIREcrackeri'm having some troubles trying to reproduce indeo5 videos; i followeds few links, installed pitfdll and w32codecs but i can't play them using gstreamer, only mplayer seems to work13:19
iamFIREcrackerdo i miss something to configure?13:19
kisukewas missing gpg-agent installed through synaptic13:20
Dr_Willisjezi22:  i was thinking it was called kylix ? i forget.. :)13:20
kisukeengmail gave error that it was not running13:20
HustlersDavegrub-probe: error: cannot open ` /boot/grub/device.map' [: 494: =: unexpected operator13:21
jezi22yeah.. it is kylix, and i am searching for it..13:21
HustlersDavethats the error i get when trying to install grub to sda Dr_Willis and craCkpot13:21
TonyTheTigerwhat does "dist-upgrade" do?13:21
grawitykisuke: it wasn't actually missing, I think -- by default Ubuntu comes with "seahorse-agent", which does the same, but is more integrated with the system.13:21
GneaTonyTheTiger: it upgrades everything13:21
grawityGnea: Not really  everything13:21
Gneagrawity: everything that's upgradable13:21
kisukeseahorse showes my keys13:21
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: dist-upgrade in addition to performing the function of upgrade,13:22
IdleOne           also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions13:22
IdleOne           of packages; apt-get has a "smart" conflict resolution system, and13:22
IdleOne           it will attempt to upgrade the most important packages at the13:22
IdleOne           expense of less important ones if necessary. So, dist-upgrade13:22
FloodBot3IdleOne: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:22
IdleOne           command may remove some packages.13:22
kisukebut engmail called gpg-agent13:22
gauravwhen i try to get the etc folder i am not able to modify it due to root user permission denied ... how can i resolve this13:22
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  normally the restore grub guides mention mounting the isntalled system and 'chrooting' into the isntalled system.. sounds like you dident chroot over.. or dident mount /boot/ properly13:22
grawitykisuke: enigmail is supposed to call whatever is running.13:22
MyrttiIdleOne: you really should've known better13:22
IdleOneMyrtti: yes you right but it was two lines of text in my terminal13:22
grawitykisuke: and for me, seahorse-agent works fine :\13:22
kisukeworks for me just not with mail13:23
GneaIdleOne: manpages can be found via google13:23
HustlersDavehhmm but im pretty sure i mounted my linux properly because it even said mountL /dev/sda3 already mounted or /media/root busy mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda3 is already mounted on /media/root13:23
craCkpotin my experiences with dual-booting vista (windows7 uses the same bootloader, i think) and ubuntu, i had to install grub on my linux partition then use vista's bootloader to chainload grub13:23
IdleOneI am sorry Gnea and Myrtti. wont happen again13:23
Dr_Willisnote its looking for /boot/grub/  is there a /boot/grub/device.map ? try ls -l /boot/grub/device.map ...13:24
scorpionicacan somebody help with getting my wireless internet up and running?13:24
HustlersDavecraCkpot does that mean i install grub on sda3 not sda(which i cant even see using fdisk -l)13:24
Dr_WillisHustlersDave: note its looking for /boot/grub/  is there a /boot/grub/device.map ? try ls -l /boot/grub/device.map ...13:24
HustlersDavesec ill give that a try13:24
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  what command are you using exactly trying to isntall grub?13:24
kisukebtw is there any support for s/mime (i.e. pkcs#12)?13:24
JohannesSM64every time i reboot, any changes i've made to the clock resets. how do i stop it?!13:24
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: man apt-get and scroll down some13:24
HustlersDaveno such file or directory13:25
solenopsisHello. After first installing Ubuntu (9.04) there was an option to scan wireless networks available on the taskbar. I removed the option from the taskbar, but would now like to get it back. Can anyone tell me the name of the program that does the scanning?13:25
Gnea!ask | scorpionica13:25
ubottuscorpionica: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:25
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  right.. Normally teh docuemts on restoreing grub either have you chroot INTO the mounted installed system.. or use some command options that tell  it where to find the  proper /boot/ files13:25
HustlersDavesudo grub-install root-directory=/media/root /dev/sda13:26
HustlersDaveDr_Willis i can't see the chroot part from the documents im reading off the ubuntu site13:26
scorpionicaubuntu wireless help needed please13:26
craCkpotdave: when i installed ubuntu i had grub installed in /dev/sdb1 (2nd hard drive, 1st partition, aka where linux is actually installed) then i use vista's bootloader to chainload Grub via EasyBCD13:26
HustlersDavethanks craCkpot i might have no choice but to try that13:26
craCkpotyeah i kept getting error 17 like you were saying13:26
HustlersDaveDr_Willis i have read that chroot part somewhere, do u have a doc page for me to read?13:27
JohannesSM64the time here is 14:26, not 6:26. every time i change it, and reboot, it resets to 6:26 again. i'm using 9.04, installed 3 days ago.13:27
JohannesSM64does no one know how to fix it?13:27
HustlersDaveJohannesSM64 im gonna work on that once i fix this grub problem LOL13:27
grawityJohannesSM64: Fix the timezone.13:27
craCkpotso i gave up and just decided to use vista's bootloader, and the dualboot working beautifully13:27
grawityJohannesSM64: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata'13:27
scorpionicacan anyone help with getting my wireless internet working on my laptop????13:28
JohannesSM64the time zone is set to Norway(GMT+1/GMT+2), which is correct13:28
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:   theres other ways.. -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows    says -->   sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/root /dev/sda --recheck13:28
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  note the use of the --root-directory to tell it where to find the proper files. :)13:28
mckinnon81hey has anyone got Ubuntu 9.04 wine and WoW working on a ATI HD4870 at all?13:29
Dr_Willisthat should be working.. UNless you have no  /media/root/boot/whatever file....13:29
JohannesSM64okay, rebooting one last time13:29
TonyTheTigerIdleOne, Hey do you remember you was helping me yesterday?13:29
scorpionicacan you help with wirless problems?13:29
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: yes13:29
TonyTheTigerYou said to hold out on re-installing, you was right man, got the problem fixed and am so happy now. thanks IdleOne13:29
apoleo12dr_willis: ya know what my case about grub is uqinue because i have two OS'es on a seperate HDD which is why grub is so lost at booting one of the os13:30
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: no problem I am glad to hear it, so what did it turn out to be?13:30
HustlersDaveDr_Willis by --root-directory what does that mean13:30
HustlersDaveas in --root/media/grub?13:30
HustlersDaveim confused by that part13:30
TonyTheTigerIdleOne, it turned out when I was setting up the proxies i had edited a bunch of files which wouldnt revert unless I manually edit them.13:30
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  it wants --root-dirctory /path/where/you/mounted/your/system13:30
HustlersDavethe recheck didnt work btw, argh so frustrating13:30
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  the --root-directroy is a 'option'  flag. and the path is the argument for the option. :)13:31
HustlersDavemy linux is mounted on sda3, can u give me a line so i can just copy and paste13:31
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: well I'm glad you got it sorted.13:31
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  and where is sda3 mounted at ? what does 'mount' say?13:31
HustlersDaveu mean fdisk -l???13:32
craCkpotscorpionica: you're better off just asking the question13:32
phreckscorpionica, say it man.13:32
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  no.. i mean the 'mount' command....13:32
strangehey guys is there a way to check all the stuff i have isntalled using "apt-get" so i can make a "apt-get install" line after i reinstall that installs all the packages that i have right now13:32
Dr_Willis!clone | strange13:33
ubottustrange: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:33
HustlersDavei said mount /dev/sda3 /media/root13:33
JohannesSM64once again, the time reset13:33
strangethank you13:33
JohannesSM64the time zone setting is still correct13:33
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  now look in /media/root and see if theres a /media/root/boot/grub directory with files in it...13:33
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning13:34
solenopsisFound it: Network Manager Applet13:34
JohannesSM64could it be because i'm running ubuntu in a vm?13:34
HustlersDaveok this might seem silly but when i goto computer, do i goto 21.3media (i think is my linux partition), 108.8(win 7,im guessn not this 1) or file system13:34
craCkpotdave: have you tried just running: "grub-install /dev/sda" (assuming /dev/sda is where you want it to install)13:34
banhow do i make icons for firefox13:34
TonyTheTigerdoes ubuntu not support graphics tablets?13:34
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  use the command line...  'ls -l /media/root/boot/grub'    or try that path in the file manager..13:35
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  ignore the funny names the desktop gives them.. use /media/whatever to see whats where.13:35
ActionParsnipyo yo yo13:35
NetuIt's funny that you ask :)13:36
ikoniascorpionica: please clam down - this is a support channel13:36
ActionParsnipscorpionica: define freaky?13:36
craCkpotor: grub-install '(hd0)'13:36
Dr_Willisscorpionica:   you realize that most everyone is ignoreing you because of the UPPER CASE stuff.13:36
craCkpotthat should install grub to the first BIOS listed drive13:36
HustlersDaveDr_Willis i typed that in nautilus and it said it cant handle those file paths13:36
* Dr_Willis is still wondering at the logic that 'it worked in windows - it should work in linux'13:36
craCkpot's MBR that is13:36
ct529scorpionica: what is the problem?13:36
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  use the file manager go to /media13:37
HustlersDavecraCkpot Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.13:37
estsouds like a disk error13:37
HustlersDavesorry, what is a file manager, im thinking differently here13:37
craCkpotk then you would do: grub --root-directory=/media/root/boot '(hd0)'13:37
scorpionicai appologise,but i am so frustrated with my wireless problems13:37
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  the thing you manage files in... ya clck on home, or whatever icon and see all the files.....13:37
estThere is a backup boot, if you installed one13:38
HustlersDavefar out i feel noob, anyways ok i can see desktop, documents, music etc etc13:38
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  or perhaps its time you spend an hr  learning some shell basics and how the paths in linux work.13:38
HustlersDaveunder places, there is ubuntu,desktop,file system,network, etc etc13:38
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  its very likely you maed some basic trivial mistake.. but finding that mistake is going to be  a little harrd.13:38
scorpionicact529 hi, i cant get my medion akoya e6210 laptop online with wireless card13:38
HustlersDavegoto file system??13:39
HustlersDavethen boot or media13:39
HustlersDavedisk, disk-1,disk-2,root13:39
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  You have a seperate BOOT partition? ?13:39
Dr_Willisif so that may be the whole issue.13:39
HustlersDavei dont remember creating a boot partition13:39
laughzillathanks again :)  the Restricted-extras is what i was looking for.  :)  cheers!13:40
craCkpotsave: how are you partitions setup?13:40
HustlersDavei had something small due to windows, then win7, then linux, then storage, then swap13:40
kisukethanks all13:40
ct529scorpionica: is the card switched on?13:40
ActionParsnipscorpionica: can you please provide the output of: sudo lshw -C network13:40
craCkpotif you want to install grub to the MBR then you don't need to specify a --root-directory, that's only when you want to install it elsewhere13:41
scorpionicact529 i think its a ralink 2860 and is built inside the machine, it worked fine with windows, i think i need a driver for it first but am confused with all the different info13:41
HustlersDaveok lets say i want to install grub to MBR, wats the command?13:41
HustlersDaveanything i just want to boot arghhh13:41
cc4how can I create a folder in ubuntu?13:41
Dr_WilliscraCkpot:  hes on a live cd.. so he needsd to tell it where to find the files.. (i think)13:41
ActionParsnipcc4: mkdir <name>13:41
cc4by gui??13:42
cc4file manager for example?13:42
ActionParsnipcc4: file -> new -> folder13:42
HustlersDavecorrect Dr_Willis, since i cant boot onto ubuntu or win7, only livecd13:42
craCkpotthe command is: grub-install '(hd0)'13:42
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  you have been using the command.. but i think you got your install either mounted to the wrong place. or  some other typo/bug going on.13:42
ct529(sorry for the silly question but I spent 1.5 hours helping someone with the same problem, then the card was simply switched off). Did you press any button to switch the card on anywhere?13:42
cc4sais I have no permission13:42
cc4do I have to be logged as root?13:42
HustlersDavei will try that craCkpot and get u the error if there is 113:42
DaZcc4, sudo.13:42
ActionParsnipcc4: if the folder you are making the folder in isnt yours you willneed to run: gksudo nautilus13:42
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:   use the command 'nautilus /media/root' and see what files are there perhaps.13:42
ActionParsnipcc4: or you can easily use: sudo mkdir13:42
HustlersDavethis is straight out grub-install '(hd0)' after opening a terminal yes13:42
ActionParsnipcc4: whch is much more secure and easier13:43
cc4nautilus? is that an app?13:43
craCkpotnot sure if sudo is required13:43
linuxson25Hi everyone13:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus13:43
ActionParsnipcc4: yes its the default file browser in ubuntu13:43
Dr_Williscc4:  thats teh file manager13:43
cc4I think thats what I am using13:43
HustlersDaveDr_Willis i see boot and media and root13:43
scorpionicai can dual boot into vista or ubuntu and it was switched on in widows and i havent switched anything off13:43
Dr_Williscc4:  if you are using gnome.. then yes it is...13:43
HustlersDavewhich 1 would u want me to goto13:43
linuxson25Just finished setting up  my shared folder across our windows network13:43
cc4doesn't let me create a folder13:43
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  now look in 'root'  and look for grub...13:43
cc4so I have to login as root?13:43
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: users can install other file managers ;)13:44
HustlersDaveyou do not have permissions to view the contents13:44
ActionParsnipcc4: no, you NEVER log in as root13:44
HustlersDavethats the error13:44
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  we are now looking in the /media/root/grub directroy get it? :)13:44
linuxson25I also binded my external drive to my /samba shared directory13:44
ActionParsnipcc4: you run: gksudo nautilus13:44
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  if the guy is asking what it even is... i doubt if he installed any others.. :)13:44
HustlersDaveyes except i cant look because i dont have permissions Dr_Willis :(13:44
ActionParsnipcc4: you can then do anything you wish13:44
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: true ;)13:44
Dr_WillisHustlersDave:  this is when it pays to know the terminal.13:44
ct529can you please run sudo lshw -C network?13:44
linuxson25Everything worked fine, but just after I unmounted the drive and unplugged it, the WindowsXP machines cant access that networked drive anymore13:45
craCkpotwhat error does it report when running the command i said, dave?13:45
cc4worked. thanks a bunch ActionParsnip13:45
linuxson25Anyone maybe know why?13:45
JohannesSM64thanks for the sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata, grawity13:45
ct529scorpionica: can you please run sudo lshw -C network?13:45
linuxson25Oh, yeah...sorry. I plugged it back in13:45
HustlersDavei tried the nautilus way first craCkpot sorry give me a sec13:45
ActionParsnipcc4: forget root, never use it, dont even think about it and your system will be ok13:45
craCkpotif you just want to install grub to the mbr then you don't need all that stuff you're doing13:45
craCkpottelling it hd0 will have it install itself to the MBR of the first BIOS listed HDD13:45
* Dr_Willis hands it over to craCkpot - its almost bed time for me.13:45
linuxson25After plugging it back in, on the WindowsXP machines, it gives an I/O error when trying to connect to the mapped network drive13:46
HustlersDaveCould not find device for /;boot: Not found or not a block device13:46
craCkpotill brb dave, i'm going to go smoke.13:46
HustlersDavethats the error...13:46
scorpionicact529 ok heres wot came up  *-network13:47
scorpionica       description: Ethernet interface13:47
scorpionica       product: 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller13:47
scorpionica       vendor: Intel Corporation13:47
scorpionica       physical id: c13:47
FloodBot3scorpionica: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:47
scorpionica       bus info: pci@0000:01:0c.013:47
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arandMy home dir just randomly set permissions to 777. How, if at all, should I bug-report this?13:48
sipiorarand: unlikely that it happened randomly :-)13:49
boozaryhow to i can install OpenGL in Ubuntu 9.04 ? please answer fast :-s important13:49
ct529scorpionica: please use http://paste.ubuntu.com13:49
leaf-sheeparand: Random? I doubt it.  Report it and they'll discard it.  That's for sure. :<13:49
scorpionicact529 did you get that info there, i had the floodbot on my case there as i copied and pasted the results13:49
boozaryiqson716, hey you :)13:49
scorpionicai am not aware of that function13:49
craCkpotokay i'm back, dave is it possible for me to pm you?13:50
ct529scorpionica: click on the link http://paste.ubuntu.com, and paste it there13:50
arandsipior: yes, but it's happened to me twice, both on 9.04 & 9.10, and it would be quite a serious bug, although I can figure out how it happened...13:51
cc4is ntfs to ext3 copy paste slow in general?13:51
sipiorarand: the fact that it doesn't seem to have bothered anyone else points to a cause external to the operating system. have you searched the bug database for related problems?13:51
ct529scorpionica: then post the link here in the room13:52
boozaryhow i can install opengl in ubuntu 9.04 ? please answer13:52
scorpionicaphew, done that mate13:52
arandsipior: I have found a couple of forum posts but nothing on LP so far...13:52
boozaryplease answer to my f***ing question13:53
sipiorboozary: don't be a twit.13:53
IdleOne!ohmy | boozary13:53
ubottuboozary: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.13:53
ct529scorpionica: it does not look like your card has been recognised13:54
ct529scorpionica: could you please paste the output of lspci?13:54
scorpionicahow would i go about that?13:54
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:54
ct529scorpionica: write lspci, then click on the link I gave you and paste it there and so on and so forth13:55
ct529scorpionica: issue the command lspci in your console as you did with lshw13:55
darklight84Greetings. I need to get the package libgnome-2.0 for Ubuntu Hardy.13:56
darklight84I'm trying to build the latest version of GnoTime and I am getting this error when I run .configure13:56
darklight84checking for LIBGNOME... configure: error: Package requirements (libgnome-2.0 >= 2.0.0) were not met13:56
darklight84can anyone help me?13:56
ct529scorpionica: I suppose you have already searched http://www.linux-laptop.com/, and http://www.tuxmobile.org/. Did you?13:57
jatthi, how do I convert a pdf to .doc format?13:57
Stormx2`darklight84: gnotime is in the repositories - why are you compiling?13:58
ct529scorpionica: I suppose you have already searched http://www.linux-laptop.com/, and http://www.tuxmobile.org/. Did you?13:58
scorpionicai have been on a few different things but i was getting nowhere fast, your help is appreciated13:58
darklight84Stormx2`: because I wanted the latest version. the version in the repository is a few versions old13:58
Stormx2`darklight84, Run this, then: sudo apt-get build-dep gnutime13:59
Stormx2`darklight84, then try compiling.13:59
cwraighi all, for some reason every now and then (when going to a full screen app) my display just goes black and stays black while the app is still running. I just installed an ATI hd4850 2 days ago and thats when my trouble started (im using binary blob from ati.com14:00
scorpionicact529 u still with me brother14:01
darklight84Stormx2`: OK, did that, now I'm getting14:02
darklight84checking for XSS_EXTENSION... configure: error: Package requirements (xscrnsaver) were not met: No package 'xscrnsaver' found14:02
ct529scorpionica: please, get first a look at those two websites and do a search on wiki.ubuntu.com.14:02
ct529scorpionica: for example to the page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/MedionMD96420?highlight=(ralink)|(2860)14:02
ct529scorpionica: :(14:02
scorpionicaok man, thanx14:03
Stormx2`darklight84: I can only assume it's asking for xscreensaver14:05
darklight84Stormx2`: update. I solved it. thanks. needed libxss-dev for that14:05
darklight84now running make14:05
Stormx2`darklight84, if you want the package to be managed under apt, have a look at checkinstall14:06
Stormx2`!checkinstall | darklight8414:06
ubottudarklight84: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!14:06
skysonghello, anyone's using downthemall with firefox?14:07
PusurI have a problem. Every time I shut down the computer, it says that there is a program called "unknown" running, and asks if I want to shut it down. Does anyone know what this could be?14:07
DawnLighthello. can i use double ampersands in cron commands?14:09
adaptrif you want to sequence those commands, yes, of course14:09
adaptrbut just write a script14:09
mnainesI got a question...When a device (such as a computer) reports a specific wattage or amperage of power demand, is that how much it is using per hour or per minute?14:12
DawnLightok adaptr i will14:12
darklight84Stormx2`: thanks again, it worked like a charm. :) bye14:12
adaptrmnaines: it is what it is using per second14:12
nomopofomodoes anyone here speak french?14:12
bazhangnomopofomo, in #ubuntu-fr14:13
mnainesadaptr: So if the laptop's charger says it needs 1.5A at 110V, that's how much it needs per second?14:13
skysonganybody can help with my firefox problem?:(14:13
adaptrmnaines: no, that's how much it needs14:13
petriel_hi im new to ubuntu. i miss some functionality under MC. alt-a for full path and alt-enter for current filename. is it possible to make them working?14:14
adaptrmnaines: power and current are not time-based units14:14
adaptrpetriel_: that's due to your terminal emulator, not mc14:15
Stormx2`mnaines: Power is energy per unit time. You can think of power as mph, rather than m.14:15
mnainesadaptr: Basically my question is, when I am charging the laptop, for example, and the laptop's charger says the input requirements are 110V @ 1.5A, is that how much it uses per second or per hour?14:15
linuxson25Hi everyone14:15
adaptrmnaines: neither, as has been explained twice now14:15
linuxson25Got disconnected there for a sec14:16
adaptrmnaines: it is what it requires AT ANY TIME14:16
Stormx2`mnaines, you don't "use" 100V @ 1.5A. What are you talking about? :/14:16
coldReactive42Does anyone know if the patch located here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/110784 will be included in Ubuntu 9.10?14:16
PsychosiloHello ^^14:16
linuxson25Got an issue with a mounted external drive which I bound to my /samba shared folder14:16
mnainesStormx2`: I am trying to figure out how long a portable battery pack will last if I use it to charge my laptop...The battery pack is rated for 450A14:16
coldReactive42Does anyone know if the patch located here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/110784 will be included in Ubuntu 9.10?14:16
linuxson25Set up my samba shares to WindowsXP networked pcs14:16
adaptrmnaines: no, it is not14:16
adaptrmnaines: you need to read better14:17
petriel_adaptr, i was using (under fedora) xterm and now im using xterm (under ubuntu too)14:17
innomenenabed desktop cube in compiz manager but i dont know how to use it, like i think my "cube" only has one side how do i change that?14:17
linuxson25Did a mount --bind move on my Ext HDD so that it would be accessible on the networked pcs when mounted14:17
linuxson25Only problem is, as soon as I unmounted and re-mounted it again, the mapped network drives on the other pcs became inaccessible14:18
mnainesadaptr: That's the thing...I need to know how long a 450A battery will last when I charge my laptop14:18
linuxson25Now I can even browse the empty MyFiles shared folder14:18
Stormx2`mnaines, there's no such thing as 450A battery14:18
adaptrmnaines: there is no such thing as a "450A battery"14:18
linuxson25When clicking on the mapped network drive (Z:) it says something in the lines of I/O error14:19
bazhanginnomen, open ccsm and under general look for horizontal virtual desktops; set to 4; check keybindings on how to activate14:19
IdleOne!compiz > innomen14:19
ubottuinnomen, please see my private message14:19
mnainesStormx2`: I use one of those battery booster packs, which is basically a 12V car battery in a plastic box with jumper cables attached14:19
adaptrmnaines: guess how much nobody cares14:19
mnainesStormx2`: This one is rated for 12V @ 450A14:19
innomenbazhang, IdleOne thanks guys :)14:19
phreckhow much how much i wanna know14:19
adaptrmnaines: a battery has a charge, expressed in Wh or Ah, not W or A14:19
linuxson25Got an issue with a mounted external drive which I bound to my /samba shared folder14:19
Stormx2`mnaines, it's impossible to tell anyway as your computer uses different levels of power depending on usage.14:20
linuxson25Set up my samba shares to WindowsXP networked pcs14:20
linuxson25Did a mount --bind move on my Ext HDD so that it would be accessible on the networked pcs when mounted14:20
Stormx2`mnaines, the only way you'll tell is by plugging in the battery and using your computer.14:20
linuxson25Only problem is, as soon as I unmounted and re-mounted it again, the mapped network drives on the other pcs became inaccessible14:20
linuxson25Now I can even browse the empty MyFiles shared folder14:20
linuxson25When clicking on the mapped network drive (Z:) it says something in the lines of I/O error14:20
adaptrlinuxson25: stop repeating the same "question" over and over14:20
mnainesStormx2`: Is there a Linux app I can use to determine how much power the computer is using at any given time?14:20
Stormx2`mnaines: I don't think your PSU will record that sort of thing.14:20
adaptrmnaines: this is typically not reported to anything inside the system, so no14:20
linuxson25adaptr: Sorry. Not sure everyone got it the first time around14:21
Stormx2`mnaines, you're doing this completely arse-about-face. Just use the battery and see how long it lasts.14:21
adaptrlinuxson25: don't care14:21
linuxson25adapt: Well, then dont reply14:21
adaptrlinuxson25: you're flooding the channel14:21
adaptrdon't do that14:21
llutz!patience | linuxson2514:21
ubottulinuxson25: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:21
IdleOneadaptr: I understand your frustration but please try to be polite14:21
adaptrIdleOne: let him14:22
innomenbazhang, ok i told if 4 desktops but i cant see how to rotate, i dont see a keybindings area14:22
IdleOnelinuxson25: repeat your question every 10 to 15 minutes or so. when and if someone can help they will14:22
linuxson25adaptr: Thanx a lot for the friendly support dude. Hope you have a nice day now :)14:22
linuxson25IdleOne: Will keep that in mind. Thanx14:23
IdleOnethank you14:23
adaptrlinuxson25: the flooding means that I neither desire to offer support nor am very likely to manage to give any, because of all the flooding14:23
adaptrI don't see what friendly has to do with it14:23
Stormx2`linuxson25: If can't find help here, check #samba, and ubuntuforums.org. Someone may be able to help you there :)14:23
linuxson25Geez....sure are a friendly bunch today14:24
IdleOneadaptr: there is no need to be rude about it, you ask him nicely to not repeat and move on.14:24
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adaptrIdleOne: true, but that's what I did the very first time14:24
innomenlinuxson25, its the day crowd, the vets in here that are also on at night are much more laid back14:24
Stormx2`:( I was being friendly.14:24
IdleOneadaptr: :)14:24
adaptrinnomen: too late!14:24
craCkpotafter doing sudo -i, how can i back to my normal user mode without having to open a new terminal?14:24
Stormx2`craCkpot: exit14:24
adaptrcraCkpot: exit ?14:24
amortvigilis there an ubuntu mac channle?14:24
innomenadaptr, so it was, sigh14:25
innomenso adaptr, you know how to make the cube roatate huh do ya huh huh?14:25
adaptrof course I do14:25
* adaptr twirls the cube on his finger14:25
innomenadaptr, you dont know where that things been14:26
gauravcan anyone help me out in installing the usplash themes14:26
gauravis there any easy way14:26
adaptrfirst, you need at least 3 - preferably 4 - horizontal screens14:26
adaptrthen you need to enable the cube14:26
IdleOne!splash > gaurav14:26
ubottugaurav, please see my private message14:26
adaptrthen hit ctrl+alt and drag with yer mouse14:26
innomenadaptr, hmm i think i have all that met, no dice14:27
adaptris compix enabled at all ?14:27
g8torhello all I'm trying to follow http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/UserManual.html#ovf to export my winxp virtual machine but I don't see the "Export Appliance" option in the file menu. How can I export my vm to another pc? I'm using VirtualBox OSE if that matters14:27
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adaptrg8tor: the OSE sucks - get it from sun direct14:27
=== mum is now known as sos
innomenadaprt, i believe so, i have a wobbly window14:28
g8toradaptr:  crap is that going to be a problem?14:28
adaptrinnomen: then make sure moving and scaling and showing desktops is also enabled - you can do some very funky and counter-intuitive things with compiz14:28
g8toradaptr: changing from OSE to the one straight from sun?14:28
innomenoky one moment14:29
adaptrg8tor: dunno, never tried the OSE once I read that it wasn't as good as the closed Sun one14:29
Stormx2`g8tor: AFAIK the OSE only differs in its lack of USB support.14:29
adaptrinnomen: such as prohibit yourself from using yor computer completely :)14:29
Newbuntu2I'm having a little problem with a hard drive... won't boot and gave me lots of errors when booting from the live cd. Any ideas on how to try and diagnose it/get some data off it? I just need a small text file, everything can be trashed14:29
innomenadaptr, well thats useful :P14:30
adaptrI didn't say useful - I said counter-intuitive14:30
g8torStormx2`: do you know how I can move my vm to the closed version? or to a second ubuntu machine easily?14:30
adaptrNewbuntu2: the hard drive gave you errors while booting from a CD ?14:30
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Stormx2`g8tor: I'm 99% sure you can just install the non-OSE version and it'll be fine.14:30
adaptrg8tor: the vms should be identical14:30
g8torcool thanks guys will try that14:31
scorpionica_ct529 are you still on mate14:31
Newbuntu2I'ts an old PATA drive14:31
adaptrNewbuntu2: start by running badblocks from the livecd14:32
Stormx2`Newbuntu2, Could you write down the error you're receiving for us? it's hard to diagnose otherwise14:32
Newbuntu2yep, looking for the log14:32
jezi22guys my firefox crashes and says Segmentation Fault then i tried ubuntuzilla after i ran the script my mozilla doesn't have any panels now...14:33
jezi22i cannot use back,forward and the bookmarks..14:34
Newbuntu2where do I find the boot up errors?14:35
bazhangjezi22, this is FF3.5? any reason not to install it from repos?14:35
Newbuntu2using grep sda on my dmesg I get:14:36
jezi22it is still 3.0....14:36
Newbuntu2buffer I/O error on device sda, logical block 014:36
Newbuntu2actually, 0 through 714:36
bazhangjezi22, what version of Ubuntu14:36
jezi22i think ubuntuzilla tried to upgrade my firefox to 3.514:37
bazhangjezi22, there is no need for ubuntuzilla, FF3.5 is in Ubuntu repositories14:37
Newbuntu2also get 'end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 0'  as well as 4, etc14:37
jezi22the problem is my firefox now is broken...14:38
jezi22ill try..14:39
phreckso remove it14:39
phreckand reinstall it.14:39
Newbuntu2any ideas?14:39
jezi22how can i upgrade my firefox to 3.5?14:39
Newbuntu2is there a way to force mount it? I just want to get a file off it14:39
dsdeizhello, what application is responsible for "Configuring network interfaces..."?14:39
innomenok vertical and horizontal windows set to 4, rotate cube and desktop cube enabled, i can right click on a windows and send to to anothe desktop but i can not switch to it or rotate the cube14:40
bazhangjezi22, you dont upgrade it; you install FF3.5 alongside 3.014:40
jezi22i got it guys.. tahnks..14:40
IdleOnejezi22: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.514:40
dsdeizit's in the repo now?14:40
jezi22i got it.. stupid me... XD14:40
bazhangdsdeiz, yes14:40
jezi22thanks guys.. sorry for being a noob..14:40
bazhangjezi22, you had no way of knowing14:41
jezi22i googled but i failed..14:41
llutzdsdeiz:  /etc/init.d/networking14:41
phreckjezi22, can you use the package manager?14:42
haf1ztangsomeone could help me with my wireless?14:42
Explodus_I'm having an issue when GDM starts from inital boot my system dead locks - can't control+alt+backspace - can't switch to TTY - only thing it resopnds to is RSEIUB - more info http://paste.ubuntu.com/258679/14:42
dsdeizllutz: may i ask how to disable it on startup?14:42
dsdeizdo i chmod -x it?14:42
llutzdsdeiz:  add "exit 0" in 2nd line but i doubt you really wnat to disable it....14:42
jezi22i am now installing 3.5... i just need to make firefox to firefox-3.5.. :D14:42
eurythmiawhich version of firefox does the firefox metapackage correspond to?14:43
dsdeizoh ok. i usually do ifup and ifdown to have connection.. would it affect that?14:43
pumpkini added the line " domain" to /etc/hosts. ping domain resolves to But the browsers (FF and opera) still get the correct IP from DNS. Why ... ?14:43
geniieurythmia: apt-cache policy firefox               will tell you14:43
digiforto repair grub on a dm-crypt do you need to chroot to /boot or to / or both?14:44
bjorkintoshi removed the gnome desktop abomination from my box, now x refuses to work.14:44
eurythmiagenii: thanks. Didn't know about the policy command for apt.14:44
bjorkintoshdo i need to reinstall it to get it working again?14:44
geniieurythmia: np14:44
t__Eesthey guys, when i install an script for xchat , then close it and open again, all scrypts are away, any reason ?14:44
Halitechbjorkintosh, it probably removed xorg as well14:44
bjorkintoshthat's just inane.14:45
Halitechbjorkintosh, part of the ubuntu metapackage ... try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core xorg and see if you get x back14:45
bjorkintoshi keep getting an unusable black screen...14:45
pumpkinbjorkintosh, that's normal, you don't have a WM anymore.14:46
innomengrrr i hate not haveing an error message to go by14:46
Halitechbjorkintosh, did you install any other desktop or window manager?14:46
bjorkintoshyes. fluxbox14:46
bjorkintoshwhat happened to ye olde grey hash screen?14:46
ct529scorpionica_: could you please paste the output of the previous commands for the laptop?14:46
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:  they removed that  :)14:47
Dr_Willisit was an eyesore14:47
bjorkintoshi could flipping see if the damned thing was working or not.14:47
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:  you made a .xinitrc ? or some .Xsession?14:47
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:   you see a mouse pointer moving about?14:48
bjorkintoshno mouse pointer.14:48
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:  how are you starting X anyway? 'startx' ?14:48
Dr_Willistry 'startx'14:48
innomenok i still cant make this work, is there a way to default my compiz settings and how drastic would that be?14:48
Dr_WillisYou may want to make  a .xinitrc that launches fluxbox also14:49
Explodus_I'm having an issue when GDM starts from inital boot my system dead locks - can't control+alt+backspace - can't switch to TTY - only thing it resopnds to is RSEIUB - more info http://paste.ubuntu.com/258679/ -- Advance thanks for advise14:49
bjorkintoshsame black screen.14:49
pumpkinbjorkintosh, is the screen working normally or does it look like out-of-range?14:49
phreckedit your xorg.conf14:49
Halitechbjorkintosh, did you make sure xorg and xserver-core-xorg was installed?14:49
bjorkintoshit might be out of range... but i thoguht xorg took care of all of that.14:49
Dr_Willisexample .xinitrc file , 2 lines... ' xterm &'     then 'exec fluxbox'14:49
bjorkintoshHalitech,, of course. but i've been completely spoiled by freebsd's sheer ease of use14:50
arandWould anyone like to confirm/refute Bug #418135 please?14:50
bjorkintoshand i'm expecting services where they evidently don't exist on ubuntu.14:50
Halitechbjorkintosh, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  ??14:50
Dr_WillisTime to learn the OS i guess. :)14:50
bjorkintoshDr_Willis, you mean the distro?14:50
bjorkintoshyeah, i s'pose so.14:50
phreckwat? LINUX IS SPOSED TO BE EASY.14:51
Dr_Willisphreck:  it is.. unless you start remioving things befor you understand it. :)14:51
macobjorkintosh: id say OS is correct. ubuntu is linux and freebsd is bsd.14:51
phreckrm rf.14:51
bjorkintoshmaco, i run debian on this machine, it isn't nearly as much of a PITA...14:51
bjorkintoshand i know ubuntu is based on debian14:51
digiforHow do I rescue grub on a dm-crypt root?14:52
macobjorkintosh: ohok14:52
laegi want to allow a firefox addon rw /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so14:52
phreckubuntu is the nicee and easy going flavor14:52
macobjorkintosh: maybe if you install xdm?14:52
laegbut it's telling me to check permissions, what can i do?14:52
bjorkintoshsee, i don't need XDM but if i must, i shall.14:52
icerootphreck: you have a ubuntu-related question? otherwise ubuntu-offtopic is a good place14:52
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:  or use  the .xinitrc  and 'startx'14:52
bjorkintoshi have.14:52
bjorkintoshmy machine keeps crashing.14:52
macobjorkintosh: though i guess if startx is failing.. :-/ maybe you need to actually do things to xorg.conf for your hardware?14:53
phreckiceroot, right. im in there. thanks.14:53
Halitechbjorkintosh, ubuntu has made just enough changes that its different then debian so they work just a little different (I run Debian as well)14:53
bjorkintoshyeah ... i had to forcibly remove gnome because it was getting on my nerves with it's sloth (old computer).14:53
bjorkintoshand now everything seems to be down.14:54
bjorkintoshnever experienced this sort of thing in almost 10 years of using free-OSes.14:54
danbhfivebjorkintosh: you should try xubuntu.  That is at least supported14:54
bjorkintoshxubuntu? how's it different?14:54
jakerueanyone willing to help with GRUB and copied partitions?14:54
Halitechbjorkintosh, I wonder if there is anything here that might help http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5382&hilit=flux14:54
grawitybjorkintosh: it uses Xfce instead of GNOME - the only difference.14:54
icerootbjorkintosh: its using xfce4 instead of gnome14:55
Dr_WillisYou could of just isntalled fluxbox and selected fluxbox from the login menu...14:55
danbhfivebjorkintosh: it uses xfce and it tends to use less resources that ubuntu14:55
arandjakerue: maybe, specify issue.14:55
iceroot!ask | jakerue14:55
ubottujakerue: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:55
Halitechxubuntu is just barely lighter then ubuntu anymore14:55
mcoelhobom dia14:55
mcoelhotem algum brasileiro ??14:55
grawitybjorkintosh: If you want things to be as light as possible, Ubuntu might be not for you.14:56
t__Eesthey can someone help me installing an xchat script ?14:56
arand!br | mcoelho14:56
ubottumcoelho: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:56
torocatalaI have a problem whit the restricted driver for my nvidia on karmic, i can't activate the drivers, when i click on activate and put my pasword, looks like the system installl the driver, but appears deactivated, and i can't use it14:56
iceroott__Eest: #xchat maybe?14:56
Dr_Willisbjorkintosh:  there are some ubuntu variants that include fluxbox from teh start. :)14:56
jakerueI ran out of space on my fs so I went to resize.   Booted liveCD, deleted NTFS partition, couldn't simply enlarge because partitions weren't next to each other.  Copied ubuntu part to new open partition14:56
phrecktorocatala, you have an ATI card?14:56
torocatalaany other way to activate the durver, like, uhm, edit xorg.conf manually?14:56
Dr_Willisnot officially supported here - however...14:56
torocatalaphreck, no, a nvdia 520014:56
jakeruenow can only seem to boot into the old partition, not the newly resized one14:56
phrecknot sure then sorry.14:56
danbhfive!karmic | torocatala14:57
ubottutorocatala: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:57
mcoelhogood moring...14:57
torocatalathx danbhfive14:57
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mcoelhoi need of some help14:57
iceroot!ask | mcoelho14:57
ubottumcoelho: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:57
t__Eestokay will check the chan14:57
jakeruethe new partition was not seeing the new file size so I used gpart to shrink and then expand to get it to the new size.....still can't get to it14:58
arandjakerue: in what way did you "copy" ubuntu into the new partiton space?14:58
jakerue@ arand I used gparted14:58
bjorkintoshnice! ctrl-alt-bkspace is disabled by default :)14:59
jakerueit shows up as /dev/sda1 now and bootable when I use fdisk but I can't get to it14:59
arandjakerue: hmm, I'm not quite following you here: So you had what partitions to start with?14:59
Pici!dontzap | bjorkintosh14:59
ubottubjorkintosh: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.14:59
jakerueI had 1 ext3, 2 NTFS and a swap15:00
arandjakerue: in that order?15:00
mcoelhobom dia15:00
arandjakerue: and all primary (not extended)?15:00
mcoelhocomo façao pra conseguir mapear automaticamente através do samba ?15:01
bazhangmcoelho, #ubuntu-br for brasilian, English here15:01
jakeruehmmm not sure how to answer that15:01
mcoelhosorry man..15:01
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jakerueand no they weren't in that order....a NTFS was first, then another NTFS (Data) and then my ubuntu15:02
arandjakerue: so you had sda1 (ext3), sda2 (ntfs) and sda3 (swap)? Or was the naming different?15:02
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midoguyz .... is there any program to cut a mpe track ?15:02
Halitechmido, audacity15:03
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t__Eesthow can i comne in the /.xchat2/ directory ?15:03
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midoHalitech , thnx15:03
jakerueI don't remember exactly because I don't have it anymore.  Now I have sda1(ext3),  sda2(W95 Ext'd (LBA)), sda5 (NTFS), sda6 (ext3), sda7 (swap)15:04
ltcabralhey where is the thrash folder inside ^15:05
ltcabralinside ~15:05
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash15:06
IdleOnet__Eest: cd ~/.xchat2   if your using nautilus hold down ctrl+h to show the hidden folders15:06
bjorkintoshfantastic! now the damned thing works.15:07
bjorkintoshaaaand it's screaming. good-gnome riddance.15:07
roy_1Hi, I have xp and vista installed. I want to replace vista with ubuntu. I want the grub boot loader to load first and give the option to logon to windows or ubuntu. How do I do that?15:07
adaptrroy_1: install ubuntu, and that is what will happen15:08
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:08
digiforchroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory15:08
digiforWhat is causing the chroot problem?15:08
adaptrdigifor: it's telling you, quite literally15:08
lily_shuhi guys.. please tell me how can i permanently kill gnome-power-manager..15:09
JB1023Can anybody tell me why when I try to map a drive on a WinXP machine I have to include the name of the folder twice such as \\server\pictures\pictures? It should just be \\server\pictures.15:09
digiforIsn't /bin/bash on the livecd?15:09
roy_1I don't have much space on hdd, so the vista drive has to be cleared. This drive has the bcd.15:09
arandjakerue: Ok, and you copied sda6 straight out to sda1, replacing a deleted ntfs partition?15:09
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jakeruearand : yup15:09
grawityJB1023: You might have set up the share incorrectly15:09
MikeSethJB1023: \\foo\a\b means box foo share a directory b15:10
MikeSethJB1023: you are not exporting the share propertly15:10
arandjakerue: And have you reinstalled grub after that?15:10
jakerueno, I haven't15:10
Dr_WillisJB1023:  check out the 'findsmb' and 'smbtree' command to see what  they see as the shares names.15:10
jakerueI actually followed this http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_resizing_ext3_partitions_p2 for  while15:11
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jakerue..actually all the whole thing15:12
digiforDoes the ubuntu livecd have /bin/bash on it?15:12
Dr_Willisdigifor:  pretty sure it has bash..  not sure its in /bin/ or /sbin15:12
Dr_Willis /bin/bash  i think15:12
grawityIt's /bin/bash, like always.15:12
James147digifor: it should, /bin/bash i think its location is15:12
innomenwhich button is my middle mouse?15:12
ZerosanI've got a little Problem with sharing a scanner through the network, the server is ubuntu-server 9.04 and the client is ubuntu-desktop 9.04 | well, client finds the scanner that is shared on the server, but the access is beeing denied.15:12
innomenlike what number15:13
innomeni thought 3 but apprently i'm wrong15:13
danbhfiveinnomen: probably 315:13
Dr_Willisinnomen:  the one in  the middle? :)  thats #3 i think.15:13
ZerosanScanning an image on the server as root works flawlessly15:13
arandjakerue: then that it what you should do. Boot a livecd, get into terminal, do "sudo grub" then "root (hd0,0)" then "setup (hd0)" and hopefully, you should be able to boot into the sda1 ubuntu partitions after that.15:13
danbhfiveinnomen: in what context?15:13
digiforThen I ask again Why is this happening? chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory15:13
innomenok thanks i must have broken something15:13
innomendanbhfive, tryingt o make rotate cube my middle mouse button15:13
arand!grub > jakerue15:13
ubottujakerue, please see my private message15:13
innomenset the binding to button 3, no dice15:14
jakeruearand: I could be in sda1 actually but the fs has not been resized15:14
jakeruein GRUB now there are 4 entries but all with the same UUID15:14
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Halitechdigifor, are you running it as sudo?15:15
digiforsudo su15:15
Zerosancan soemone help me on ubuntu-server + sane + network sharing of scanner?15:15
arandjakerue: but those are for the different kernels right?15:16
kitallisguys, i'm windows ntfs partition has stopped working (probably corrupt for some reason), so i can mount an ntfs drive from ubuntu, what should I do?15:16
MikeSethdigifor: sudo -s15:16
jakeruearand: right you are15:16
JB1023smbtree sees it, when I run the findsmb I get a bunch of Server [Domain] [Unix] [Samba 3.3.2] and then a bunch of unknown nis name entries and then a few servers, including this one.15:16
digiforthanks MikeSeth and Halitech for point out the error15:17
jakeruearand: I've actually got /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11 through 1515:17
MikeSethJB1023: you are not sharing the target directory but the one above it15:17
Snake23kitallis:  s/i\'m/my15:17
MikeSethSnake23: no need to escape ' and you forgot the trailing slash :P15:18
innomenmy machine apears to not see my middle mouse button15:18
innomenbut i cant confirm that15:18
innomenhow could i confirm that?15:19
Dr_Willisinnomen:  tty the 'xev' command15:19
MikeSethinnomen: on some configurations you need to explicitly specify the mouse type in x/xorg configuration (google imps2)15:19
innomenDr_Willis, shock and suprise you solved it15:19
JB1023thanks guys.  once again I overlooked the obvious and you found it.15:19
arandjakerue: so they all point ot the same partiton, I'm guessing that you are currently booting into sda6...15:19
Dr_Willisinnomen:  on some of these  wheel mice - i find it a real pain to use the middle button. :(15:20
zealiodafter reading the preseeding wikis over and over i am still left unsure what the bear minimum i need to do is to preseed an ISO... do I just need to edit the preseed file and rebuild the iso?15:20
Dr_Willisinnomen:  the one i got now.. i find it next to impossible mioddle click. :(15:20
jakeruearand: I think you're right.  Now how can I get to sda1?15:20
innomenDr_Willis, yea, i had one once with a huge wheel in the middle15:20
innomenlike as wide as my finger and concave15:21
Dr_Willisinnomen:  it is button 2 here.. when i can make it click15:21
innomenprobabaly patented15:21
innomenso no one will ever see it again15:21
zealiodim not sure i understand the difference between file preseeding and initrd preseeding... even tho i've read about both... all i want to do is specify a couple of default values for the installation15:21
innomenDr_Willis, same herew, b215:21
zealiodwhats the eaiest way of doing this?15:21
arandjakerue: are you booted now, in sda6? (if you run the command df look at the top line to see which partition is the current root filesystem)15:21
jakeruearand: I am in sda615:22
Dr_WillisI have to be real carefull to not 'scroll' the wheel or it overrides the middle click it seems15:22
innomenok i must sleep now15:22
innomenDr_Willis, yup, i HATE that15:22
innomenl8r guys15:22
innomenthanks Doc :)15:22
mazda01nautilus has appeared to have frozen during a cut and paste of some files. what can I do so that I don't lose the files that I was cutting and pasting?15:22
Nitrodisthi, I'd like to know where smb shares are really mounted?15:23
mic53hi, can someone help me in compiling dmx4linux 2.6.1?15:23
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:23
Dr_WillisNitrodist:  on the fly shares by the user - see the .gvfs directroy in the users home.15:23
mazda01Nitrodist, what do you mean, really mounted?15:23
Dr_WillisNitrodist:  from /etc/fstab they could go anywhere you want15:23
zealiodcan anyone help with a preseeding question?15:23
Nitrodistgreat thanks Dr_Willis15:23
arandjakerue: ok, now we'll try adding an entry for ubuntu on sda1 into the grub menu: first use the command "blkid" and note the UUID for the sda1 partition.15:23
Dr_WillisNitrodist:  whats confuseing is that the things dont show up in 'mount' output.. still not sure how they manage that15:24
mazda01nautilus has appeared to have frozen during a cut and paste of some files. what can I do so that I don't lose the files that I was cutting and pasting?15:24
Nitrodistnow how do I get foobar2000 running in wine to display hidden folders :P15:24
jakeruearand:got it15:24
arandjakerue: then run "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"15:24
vintoguys, I need your help15:25
jakeruearand: it's telling me sda1 is NTFS15:25
Dr_WillisNitrodist:  link the hidden dir to a diffrent name :) like 'Shares'15:25
vintoi want to install tor15:25
arandjakerue: oh..., that's not right...15:25
NitrodistDr_Willis, and how do I do that :P15:25
Nitrodistwith mount?15:25
jakeruearand: yes....I agree15:25
Dr_Willisvinto:  check the tor wiki pages.. theres some issues with the tor packages (like they dont exist) :)15:25
RS_AsleepHello :)15:25
Dr_WillisNitrodist:  No with 'ln -s'15:25
Dr_Willis ln -s onething otherthing15:25
Gr1Greetings all. I am getting an error like ImportError: No module named GDK15:26
Gr1 when trying to run a benchmark application. Any idea on how to get this fixed?15:26
Dr_Willisand i always get it backwards. :)15:26
Dr_Willisnight all15:26
arandjakerue: Could you pastebin the output of "fdisk -l" ?15:26
arand!pastebin | jakerue15:26
ubottujakerue: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:26
vintoDr_Willis: ok, I'll try it15:26
mazda01Dr_Willis, when using ln -s, the target is first, then the directory link name is last.15:26
RS_AsleepIs there anyone using CUPS on an ubuntu server who would be able to help me out please? :)15:27
jakeruearand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/258716/plain/15:28
haf1ztangDr_Willis: can help me with my wireless pls15:28
lambahello. a log file filled my harddrive so 0 byes were free. i've deleted a 1.5gb file (on command line rm) but the disk is still given as full ;-/ - there's some sore of sync needed ?15:28
HalitechRS_Asleep, what kind of help do you need?15:29
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MikeSethlamba: you probably deleted from the wrong partition, df -h15:29
lambatheres 1 partition :)15:30
MikeSethlamba: can't happen with file this big, check yourself. Filesystems reserve some space for root.15:30
arandjakerue: and that one says linux... and blkid gives ntfs? that is odd...15:30
navatwoI just installed Songbird, now how would I add it into the "Applications" menu? Since its not from the repos, I don't know how to add it.15:30
haf1ztangany1 could help me with my wireless.15:30
vintosome body help me. I want to install TOR in my notebook15:30
haf1ztangi cant get any network.. but work perfectly in vista15:30
lambasda1 mounted on / avali 7913216, avail 0. - its a virtual machine, so i dunno if that'lla lter anything15:31
jakeruearand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/258718/plain/15:31
arvind_khadri!wireless | haf1ztang15:31
ubottuhaf1ztang: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:31
SirmimerI need help - to test if my mic is working in general (So i can see if its the programs my mic aint working in, or my mic)15:31
navatwoI just installed Songbird, now how would I add it into the "Applications" menu? Since its not from the repos, I don't know how to add it.15:32
=== _Explodus is now known as Explodus_
Explodus_I'm having an issue when GDM starts from inital boot my system dead locks - can't control+alt+backspace - can't switch to TTY - only thing it resopnds to is RSEIUB - more info http://paste.ubuntu.com/258679/ -- Advance thanks for advise15:32
bjorkintoshi've got alsa running, but no sound.15:32
bjorkintoshdoes it need something else?15:33
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:33
Sirisian|Work__how do you find where a command is located? I forgot the command.15:33
Halitechbjorkintosh, have  you checked nothing is muted?15:33
Explodus_Sirisian|Work__, which15:33
Halitechbjorkintosh, aplay -l show anything?15:33
bjorkintoshgaaah! it removed my sound card too. that explains that.15:34
bjorkintoshforcibly removing gnome considered dangerous15:34
Halitechbjorkintosh, sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils hal then run alsaconf15:35
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bjorkintoshthey were all installed.15:36
arandjakerue: Yea, that is just odd, could try to boot into it using that UUID but something tells me it might not work: Anyhow, if you want to try do "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" then scroll down to the first entry you currently use, copy that one into a new entry, put a different title and edit the UUID to match that one for sda1, then save and reboot, and see what happens when you start that entry in the grub menu.15:36
rskHalitech: there's no alsaconf15:36
rskin ubuntu15:36
Halitechrsk, bummer15:37
rskno shit15:37
rskgives so much extra problems by removing it15:37
Halitechrsk, now I know why I prefer Debian, still has tools to fix things that Ubuntu doesn't15:37
mazda01nautilus has appeared to have frozen during a cut and paste of some files. what can I do so that I don't lose the files that I was cutting and pasting?15:37
mazda01also, my desktop icons have gone away. do I just restart metacity? i force quit nautilus15:38
abuis there a similar server app to citrix solutions?15:38
bjorkintoshhmm. alsamixer shows a card15:38
bjorkintoshbut there's no alsaconf15:38
rskas i said, no alsaconf in ubuntu15:39
ranjanmazda01: whats the problem??15:39
mazda01ranjan, well, i was cuting and pasting some files in nautilus from one nfs share to another nfs share and nautilus froze. so I force quit it and now nautilus wont open and my desktop icons are gone and so is my conky.15:40
mnaines16.7 ampere-hours is how much my laptop's charger and the external hard drive require15:40
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ranjanmazda01: just logout and come back it will be ok15:40
Halitechmazda01, just make sure you uncheck the option to save settings15:40
mazda01ok, thanks both of you. will try that15:41
jakeruearand: Can you check what I did here?  I edited the second entry with the correct UUID  http://paste.ubuntu.com/258721/plain/15:41
JimmioHello all. I recently modified my fstab to allow a partition to mount. I currently am having MANY issues with permissions... again. Why can't Ubuntu just mount it for me? v.v15:42
HalitechJimmio, what type of partition are you mounting?15:42
JimmioHalitech: ntfs15:43
HalitechJimmio, can you paste bin your fstab15:43
bjorkintoshHalitech, did you know that alsaconf is not included in ubuntu?15:43
Halitechbjorkintosh, not until rsk mentioned it15:44
JimmioHalitech: Just a second here... What should the umask value be? It's set to 000... for some reason I think that's incorrect.15:44
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bjorkintoshah i missed that.15:44
SirmimerI need help - to test if my mic is working in general (So i can see if its the programs my mic aint working in, or my mic)15:44
arandjakerue: yes, that is what I had in mind, now you could try rebooting and see if that entry works.15:44
ranjanJimmio: umask should not be set to 00015:45
Jimmioranjan: I figured. 775..?15:45
HalitechJimmio, according to here it is 007 http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindowsfstab15:45
llutz!ntfs-3g | Jimmio15:45
ubottuJimmio: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions15:45
ranjanJimmio: ya thats better15:45
bjorkintoshis OSS a better option than ALSA?15:46
jakeruearand: I don't want to try it right now because I have to finish planning for tomorrow.  I sure hope that does work!  If I come back tomorrow you know it didn't!  Thanks for the help15:46
llutzumask 775?  no way15:46
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anashowto mount  usb  on ubuntu 9.04 from command line15:46
ranjananas: just find the device node by using sudo fdisk -l15:47
Jimmiobjorkintosh: For what? Default installs now use PulseAudio on top of ALSA and it's almost always perfect. Almost. Latency seems to be the issue. Just like how DirectSound is slower than ASIO4All under Windows15:47
RS_AsleepHow do you know if a printer is operating in ECP mode or EPP mode?15:47
arandjakerue: Ok, I think that if it does work, and you want to transfer over to that partition completely, you should reinstall grub (look for guides) into using partiton.15:48
Halitech!hi | ubby15:48
ubottuubby: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:48
ranjananas: then use sudo mount /dev/sdx /mnt    where x is the value from fstab15:48
ubby!hi | Halitech15:48
ubottuHalitech: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:48
gsthello all..15:48
ranjananas: sorry from fdisk -l15:48
jakeruearand: OK thanks.  night15:48
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fredricktonI'm trying to figure out how to make my display significantly smaller than my monitor. Any ideas where I should look?15:49
leaf-sheepIs it possible to mirror from a website using rsync --no-parent (eg, getting all images)?15:49
ranjanfredrickton: try using the display utility15:50
gstany suggestions what all settings are required for mic testing?15:50
lollanHi, I can't find the .emacs folder on my home, instead I have emacs.d , anyone can tell me where to find .emacs ? I need it to install some plugin.15:50
JimmioI installed a package that added a python utility to setup fstab. I don't own any of the files, not in the group, mask set to 000, and yet I can freely do anything with the files... What gives?15:51
ubbylollan: if it's not in your home directory then I guess there no exists any .emacs directory in your filesystem. You should check for an emacs (without leading dot) somwhere in /usr/local or so15:51
lollanok ubby I'll check there thanks15:52
llutzJimmio:  umask=000 means everbody can do anything15:52
NitrodistJimmio, you've discovered the largest security hole in linux's history15:53
coldReactive42My problem is comment 6815:53
Nitrodistoh wait... I think llutz is correct XD15:53
llutzJimmio:  go do some reading what umask is and how if affects permissions15:55
lollanubby: I found an emacs folder but it's empty : /usr/local/share/emacs/22.2/site-lisp15:55
CuppaTeaany know why I am getting this message when starting apache15:55
CuppaTeaapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName15:55
ubbylollan: then I guess you should put there something :-P15:55
ubbylollan: I can't help you so much; I'm a Vim user. Sorry.15:55
CuppaTeadid not have this problem before. and I just installed ubuntu again + apache2 / sql / phpmyadmin and im getting that message again15:56
zagabar1Yo! is there a way to run .mrc mIRC script files in ubuntu?15:56
zagabar1Like in irssi or sth15:57
arvind_khadrihi, i am using 2.6.1 , using the voice and video chat on XMPP. the problem is that voice cant be heard / sent ... am on JJ15:57
Picizagabar1: no. Unless you run mIRC in Wine, there are no other applications that can run them.15:57
zagabar1Pici: Oh. Is there a way to convert them? Or how about making a VM that runs mIRC on windows in ubuntu?15:58
HalitechCuppaTea, there is info here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=441019&page=315:58
GPLWhen i start Nautilus, it gives me the following warning ! http://pastebin.com/m5a8e464f ! why ?  and how can i bypass it15:58
Picizagabar1: Installing mIRC in Wine would be easier than running all of Windows in a VM, and I don't know of any way to convert them.15:59
zagabar1Pici: Okay, thanks. I'll go with wine then. =)15:59
ranjanCuppaTea: it coz your domain name is not fully qualified(FQDN)16:00
CuppaTeabut I never had this problem before when doing exacly the same setup.16:00
lollanubby: no worries, I'm taking of taking up on vim, the emacs learning curve of emacs is pretty big16:01
TonyTheTigerHow can I help ubuntu?16:01
Nitrodistto me16:01
Nitrodistin the form of cold hard cash16:01
lollanloool Nitrodist16:01
openstandardsor your base to me16:01
CuppaTeathis is the exact message16:02
CuppaTea[Mon Aug 24 08:01:34 2009] [warn] The Alias directive in /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf at line 3 will probably never match because it overlaps an earlier Alias.16:02
CuppaTeaapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName16:02
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: you can help by being here and answering questions16:02
Xubuntnoobgood morning/afternoon/evening! I'm having trouble with my new favorite friend 'Screen'.   I have it up and running, apparently more than I had hoped because I now have options when i tunnel into my server to check on rtorrent.  http://pastebin.com/d5efcbdd0    how can i open these windows?  i tried ctrl-a 1-9, tried  'screen -R' which gives this output, but unfortunatly i don't know the variables for -d.16:02
NitrodistTonyTheTiger, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate16:02
openstandardsCuppaTea,  whats your current name :)16:02
TonyTheTigerIdleOne, Nitrodist thanks16:02
Nitrodistno problem16:02
NitrodistI'll be expecting a cheque16:02
CuppaTeaopen .?16:03
TonyTheTigeris there an irc channel for development?16:04
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: http://www.ubuntuforums.org and http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate16:04
openstandardsCuppaTea, that error relates to your hostname16:04
Explodus_I'm having an issue when GDM starts from inital boot my system dead locks - can't control+alt+backspace - can't switch to TTY - only thing it resopnds to is RSEIUB - more info http://paste.ubuntu.com/258679/ -- Advance thanks for advise16:04
IdleOneTonyTheTiger: #ubuntu-devel16:04
TonyTheTigerthanks once again.16:04
CuppaTeaahhh. it home server16:04
anashow to install driver card sis16:04
CuppaTeaso I assume localhost or
genii!cn | xinhaiwx56516:04
ubottuxinhaiwx565: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:04
Berzerker!cn | xinhaiwx56516:05
arandWould anyone like to confirm/refute this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/41813516:05
openstandardsCuppaTea, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fully_qualified_domain_name16:06
t__Eesthez guzs16:06
Xubuntnoobgood morning/afternoon/evening! I'm having trouble with my new favorite friend 'Screen'.   I have it up and running, apparently better than I had hoped because I now have options when i tunnel into my server to check on rtorrent.  http://pastebin.com/d5efcbdd0    how can i open these windows?  i tried ctrl-a 1-9, tried  'screen -R' which gives this output, but unfortunatly i don't know the variables for -d16:06
openstandardsapache can still run its just a warning not too bad16:06
t__Eesttried to install a new ati driver , now ubuntu just starts in low graphic modus, is there anzwaz to switch it back ?16:06
GPL!patience > Xubuntnoob16:06
ubottuXubuntnoob, please see my private message16:06
kesoui have an issue with ubuntu 9.04 : webdav is very slow.16:07
Nitrodistarand, I'll check it out16:07
kesoui use a python lib and cadaver16:07
llutzXubuntnoob:  -d pid.tty.host            that's what you see in your paste: 28997.pts-3.StorageServer16:09
Nitrodisterr arand, sorry, can't16:10
Nitrodistgot network drives mounted in my home directory16:10
t__Eesti have  a problem, installed new ati driver, now ubuntu boots just with low graphic settings, is there anyway to undu that ?16:10
llutzXubuntnoob:  the number is the pid, pts-X is the tty and StorageServer the host16:10
NitrodistI don't think I'm going to copy over 200GB of stuff  to a 30GB HDD :P16:10
CuppaTeaopenstandards I read and understand that but how come I only had this problem up until a day ago and the server was running fine and now I reinstall and have the same problem16:10
RS_AsleepCan anyone suggest how I can found out if my printer is communicating via ECP/EPP or SPP please? :)16:11
MikeSethRS_Asleep: SPP should work in all cases16:11
Nitrodistt__Eest, have you re-set your graphic settings?16:11
t__Eesthow can i do ?16:12
arandNitrodist: np. (Can't as in tried and does not show the bug?)16:12
RS_AsleepMikeSeth: It should but I'm printing a document via cups from a Windows XP machine. It's now been processing for 30 minutes for a 3 page Excel document :(16:12
openstandards<CuppaTea> [Mon Aug 24 08:01:34 2009] [warn] The Alias directive in /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf at line 3 will probably never match because it overlaps an earlier Alias. <--- that error doesn't relate to your hostname problem, somewhere you have the same alias set for phpmyadmin16:12
t__Eesttried to install  a new one, just for testing, but now i t was useless i tihng16:12
MikeSethRS_Asleep: something somewhere is dead16:12
t__Eestbefore  everything was fine16:12
i00nsuhi guys, i need help with samba printer share.. this is how it is: a PC runing cups, i shared this service to all PC's in NAT but when they print I got two pages saying: Cover Page, Requesting User...blablabla.. but nothing that is suppose to get printed.. anyone help me out please16:12
Xubuntnooblluts: i tried that for all 3, but they all say "there is no screen to be detached matching16:13
t__Eestcan i reset them anywhere ?16:13
llutzXubuntnoob:  use -d -r16:13
navatwoSo, I would ask here, but it takes to long, so if anyone can take a look at this, I would appreciate it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=783877816:14
RS_AsleepMikeSeth: Even small documents can take some time. But I've no idea how to find out what's dying or if it's simply taking a long time :(16:14
big-G-upstairsYo hello ma friends!16:14
MikeSethRS_Asleep: EPP/ECP should also work, these are subprotocols supported by modern hardware (but you might need to specify that in bios settings)16:15
HalitechRS_Asleep, if you go to CUPS ( http://localhost:631 ) what does it say?16:15
coachzif i just run make and make install where does it install the app to ?  my home dir ?  in this example, i want to install expat16:15
Xubuntnoobthank you llutz,16:15
t__Eestwhere can i find graphic settings ?16:15
RS_AsleepSays the printer is online and the job is processing. The printer's Data light is flashing which indicates it's recieving something from the linux box Halitech16:16
Nitrodistarand as in, I don't want to copy 200gb of stuff from networked devices16:16
HalitechRS_Asleep, usb or lpt connection?16:16
bjorkintoshRS_Asleep, you're ircing in your sleep again.16:16
RS_AsleepMikeSeth: Yeah. I was wondering if I could find out what was being used direct from Ubuntu though.16:16
bjorkintoshif you wake up, the dream will end.16:16
navatwoSo, I would ask here, but it takes to long, so if anyone can take a look at this, I would appreciate it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=783877816:16
RS_AsleepHalitech: lpt (parallel port)16:16
Xubuntnoobllutz: what does -d = for screen?16:17
MikeSethRS_Asleep: it doesnt matter from software perspective, this is a purely hardware configuration matter16:17
MikeSethXubuntnoob: detachn16:17
RS_Asleepbjorkintosh: Aye, something to do :)16:17
RS_AsleepMikeSeth: Okay.16:17
Xubuntnoobso -r = restore?16:17
llutzXubuntnoob:  read screen man-page (man screen)16:17
arandNitrodist: ah, right :)16:18
ubbyI'm trying to record sound from PC with Audacity. I don't care about others audio sources like mic or external sound cards. I would like to record just sound of my PC but I can't solve the problem. I'm playing around a bit with alsamixer but without results, setting all possible combinations of playback/capture devices but still no results. I googled a lot about and seached the official Audacity FAQs but I found nothing useful. I have no clue. Does anyone ca16:18
i00nsuplease... i need to know why printing services are working but without printing what i ask to print16:18
bjorkintoshi00nsu, what kind of printer is it?16:20
RS_AsleepHalitech: I'm running CUPS with a Samsung parallel port printer on Ubuntu and sharing it with a Windows XP machine (with the XP machine using the MS Publisher ImageSetter driver). Thing is, it seems to be taking ages to print and that it's spending a lot of time "processing". For example I've just sent a 4 page Open Office Calc sheet to it with a size of 204K and it's been going now 40 minutes.16:20
i00nsui go to windows machine and ctrl+p to print a page ("hello World") and i got Cover Page. bjork Samsung ML-164016:20
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash16:20
HalitechRS_Asleep, what about printing from the machine with the printer installed? how does that work?16:21
tinkerdomjoin #java16:21
i00nsubjorkintosh: samsung ML-1640 << USB16:21
RS_AsleepWorks fine. It used to be shared on a seperate machine but I moved it to the linux box as that was always on, Halitech.16:21
RS_AsleepIt used to be shared on a Windows machine I mean.16:22
HalitechRS_Asleep, so printing locally is fine and only has an issue printing from a networked machine16:22
navatwoSo, I would ask here, but it takes to long, so if anyone can take a look at this, I would appreciate it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=783877816:22
RS_AsleepOh, I'm with you now. Sorry halitech, I misunderstood.16:23
RS_AsleepI was thinking you mean the printer on the Windows XP machine.16:23
RS_AsleepBrain rot :/16:23
HalitechRS_Asleep, no, since you installed it on the linux box16:23
L3dPlatedLinuxi need to put a wpa key in wlan how would i get this done16:23
L3dPlatedLinux for server16:23
RS_AsleepI've been googling for info for the past 2 hours so my brain is iffy.16:23
JohannesSM64it's hugely annoying how i don't get ANY kind of info on why it's "unable to enabel visual effects"16:24
JohannesSM64what's the usual causes?16:24
HalitechRS_Asleep, also, is there any adapters being used in the cabling?16:24
IdleOneWhat is the name of the app that adds minimize to tray?16:24
HalitechJohannesSM64, what video card and what version of Ubuntu?16:25
i00nsubjorkintosh: the thing is: I print page and I get 2 or more pages saying: "Cover Page: title smbprn.00000001 Document"16:25
JohannesSM64Halitech, ubuntu 9.04.. *checks video card*16:26
RS_AsleepHalitech: I have an extension cable, but without it, still the same. It will print documents, it's just very slow between me sending it and it printing it.16:26
frealekhi everybody. I'm trying to build modules for ubuntu 9.04. I'm running linux-image-2.6.28-15-generic  and compiling using linux-source-2.6.28,  and compiled modules vermagic is I didn't have this problem on debian, is there a way I can make the modules with vermagic 2.6.28-15-generic ?... thanks in advance16:26
bazhangIdleOne, alltray ?16:27
HalitechRS_Asleep, ok, just wondering if there was an adapter as I haven't seen many machines with an lpt port lately16:27
JohannesSM64Halitech, nvidia geforce 8500 GT16:27
IdleOnebazhang: so simple I would never have guessed it lol. Thank you16:27
bazhangIdleOne, :)16:27
HalitechJohannesSM64, did you enable the restricted drivers?16:27
JohannesSM64Halitech, how?16:27
RS_AsleepHalitech: It's a VIA C3 cpu with onboard parallel port :)16:28
HalitechJohannesSM64, System - admin - hardware drivers16:28
HalitechRS_Asleep, ok :)16:28
=== antoine is now known as Quentinv57
RS_AsleepHalitech: I've also just got the linux box to print a test page and it took about 30 seconds before it started to print :)16:28
HalitechRS_Asleep, so local printing is fine, something to do with the sharing, the network or the way you installed the driver on windows :) ( I know, narrows it down alot ;) )16:29
JohannesSM64Halitech, "no propietary drivers are in use on this system"16:29
navatwoSo, I would ask here, but it takes to long, so if anyone can take a look at this, I would appreciate it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=783877816:29
HalitechJohannesSM64, ok, you will need to do it manually then, I'm not sure as I don't have an nvidia card16:30
Halitech!nvidia | JohannesSM6416:30
ubottuJohannesSM64: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:30
RS_AsleepHalitech: While the file is obviously getting there cos pritning on Windows takes seconds. I'm assuming either state processing is the linux box converting the file into something it can use or the sending of the into the printer :/16:30
bjorkintoshgood GOD this is driving me nucking FUTS!16:30
lexrhi, can anyone tell me why is my ubuntu only using one core at a time while the other core is only at 8-10% utilization and they simultaneously turn around? And how do I make it use 2gb of ram, it only uses 280-300mb, and work very slowly (openoffice calc)...16:30
bjorkintoshi should remove all traces of ubuntu from this machine to restore my sanity :|16:31
bjorkintoshi thought it was just gnome, but i'm getting rather suspicious16:31
Berzerkerlexr, if it doesn't need the RAM, it won't use it.16:31
DaZ-lexr, did you do something with the kernel? <:16:31
lexrnothing at all16:31
lexrclean install16:32
lexrI am using 32bit version on AMD 5200+16:32
IdleOnebazhang: alltray doesnt seem to work with Songbird16:32
lexrwhen I select rows in OO calc (a file with 350 rows) it really goes slooowly16:32
lexrand my system monitor only shows one core working hard and only 280mb of ram using... Is there a way to speed it up a bit?16:33
DaZ-lexr, anything else than openoffice?16:34
bazhangIdleOne, hmm, that's odd; perhaps only stuff from repos work?16:34
IdleOnebazhang: possibly16:34
lexrmmm, did not notice anything else. DaZ-16:34
Halitechlexr, you may want to look at using the amd64 version, the 32 bit won't take full advantage of the dual core16:34
anashowto install driver sis m672 on ubuntu16:34
lexrHalitech, thanx mate16:34
=== root is now known as Guest44616
Halitechlexr, unfortunately it means a complete reinstall as there is no way or upgrading from 32 to 6416:35
DaZ-Halitech, wrong16:35
bazhangIdleOne, seems songbird has an addon called firetray, there is also an ubuntuforums thread on the two which I'm reading now16:35
lexrI know that :(, but, what the heck, it works perfectly smooth. Halitech , I will give it a go on next weekend.16:36
DaZ-at least it is possible on arch16:36
lexrDaZ-, is there a way to upgrade?16:36
IdleOnebazhang: thank you will look into it also16:36
HalitechDaZ-, wrong?16:36
lexrall the programs that have 64bit version have to be reinstalled, and also the Kernel himself16:36
DaZ-lexr, i switched repositories to 64bit and reinstalled packages <:16:36
zagabar1Hmm, I installed mIRC in wine on my server but I cannot seem to connect to any server with it. :S16:36
mhall119|workAnyone know why CALDAV appointments wouldn't show up in the gnome-panel clock applet?16:36
lexrDaZ-, and it worked???16:36
DaZ-and it worked when i switched back16:37
HalitechDaZ-, in theory that should work but I don't know how stable it would be or what it would leave behind16:37
GPLhow to check, if nautilus is working or not ?16:37
lexrGPL, try to run it, if it opens a window, it works.16:38
HalitechGPL, what do you mean by if nautilus works?16:38
bazhangIdleOne, what about the command alltray songbird from alt f216:38
lexrGPL, or if you want to see if it is active, run system monitor16:38
IdleOnebazhang: that worked16:38
IdleOnethank you16:38
zagabar1Can someone invite me to #wine?16:39
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-238328.html IdleOne this was the thread16:39
DaZ-zagabar1, #winehq16:39
IdleOnezagabar1: #winehq16:39
bazhangzagabar1, #winehq16:39
kripsohi how do i remove the rollbar at my gnome-terminal?16:39
Berzerkerzagabar1, #winehq16:39
* DaZ- 1st \\o/16:39
zagabar1zagabar1: #winehq16:39
* Berzerker 5th \m/16:39
travkinzagabar1: #winehq16:39
GPLIt's not in System Process Monitor ? :(16:39
travkinGPL - combobreaker16:39
bazhangzagabar1, /join #channelname16:40
mhall119|workkripso: Edit->Profile Preferences->Scrolling (tab)->Scrollbar is: Disabled16:40
linuxninjaWhen does 9.10 get released?16:40
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:40
GPLtravkin: Could not open location 'file:///home/xxx0undefined0virtus/combobreaker'16:40
mhall119|worklinuxninja: 10/200916:40
Insaanlinuxninja, october :)16:40
lexrkripso, goto edit>profile>edit>scrolling>uncheck16:40
kripsomhall119|work, lexr thanks. :)16:41
* linuxninja Doesn't wanna wait another month...16:41
IdleOnelinuxninja: but now that you asked it has been pushed back a week... thanks a lot :P16:41
mhall119|worklinuxninja: so upgrade to the latest alphas16:41
lexrincrease the speed of time16:41
Xubuntnoobcd october16:41
lexrhi ahmed16:41
ahmedhi who are you?16:42
IdleOnelinuxninja: more support in #ubuntu+1 for karmic16:42
bazhangahmed, this is ubuntu support; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic16:42
lexrhey, what is the next name after karmic?16:43
linuxninjaIdleOne: Thanks! I don't have it yet... Soon I hope16:43
Xubuntnoobi hope something llama16:43
Xubuntnooblivid llama16:43
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:43
jshriverhow do you do a ls listing and show *just* directories and not the contents of the directory?16:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 10.0416:43
Athenif I seem to have lost my password to my keyring [which I don't really use], how can I recover/reset it ?16:43
Insaanwhat do you mean by " Karmic WILL break " ?16:43
llutzjshriver:  ls -ld16:43
mhall119|workInsaan: it means it's still under development, they don't guarantee stability16:44
jshriverthat worked ty16:44
boss_mcInsaan: it's only a development release, it's not finished, things are wrong with it, it will break16:44
mhall119|worklexr: the release after Karmic hasn't been announced yet16:44
IdleOneInsaan: karmic is Alpha stage and will not work properly and if it does work properly the next update will most probably break the OS and not boot16:44
bazhangahmed, hi; do you have a support question?16:44
SirmimerI need help - to test if my mic is working in general (So i can see if its the programs my mic aint working in, or my mic)16:44
Insaanthanks :-)16:44
bjorkintoshis there a sound group someplace?16:44
Insaanwill wait16:44
bjorkintoshroot plays sounds w/o a problem ... but bjork can't :(16:45
lexrmhall119|work, thank you16:45
mhall119|workbjorkintosh: there is an "audio" group16:45
miguelonnnnhi, please i got a question, how can i make a usb bootable ubuntu partition? i don't wana use programs.16:45
mhall119|workmiguelonnnn: you're gonna have to use programs of one form or another16:46
lexrI need to go and finish my work i left in OO calc, see you guys, thanx a lot!16:46
linuxninjamiguelonnnn: are you doing this on a flash drive?16:46
mhall119|workThe USB Startup Creator in Ubuntu is the easiest16:46
IdleOnemhall119|work: I think he means in cli16:46
bjorkintoshi don't see it.16:46
bjorkintoshi see pulse though.16:46
miguelonnnnmy idea is to mount the ubuntu iso on my system, dd it to the usb, and then make a mbr on the 0 sector, but to make that, i need that dd do not dump part of the ubuntu image into sector 0, because mbr would overwrite that data16:46
darksiferhi guys16:46
linuxninjamiguelonnnn: There's more to it then that16:47
mhall119|workmiguelonnnn: just use the USB Startup creator16:47
miguelonnnnyeah its a flash, and i don't want to use any program, please, just one to make the mbr16:47
Insaanmiguelonnnn, or use unetbootin16:47
darksifercan i use ext4 for ? and ext3 for/home without any problems16:47
shibsall the applications are going to background wile opening ...pls help16:47
mhall119|workmiguelonnnn: why don't you want to use any programs?16:47
linuxninjamiguelonnnn: there is a way to make the mbr but that's not all you need16:48
Organzzzhey all16:48
miguelonnnni know there exists unetbootin, and grub and so on, but i just want to dump the iso into 1-end sectors, and leave 0 for mbr. How can i do it? i thought about partitioning, but there's the same problem, how can i tell a partitioning program to start at sector 1 of the flash?16:48
miguelonnnnhey Organzzz16:48
drkhi all16:48
miguelonnnnhi drk hehe16:49
drk i wanna ask something16:49
miguelonnnndo it ;)16:49
miguelonnnnlinuxninja tell me how please16:49
drkhow can i add a animated weather desktop wallpaper?16:49
bjorkintoshso aplay -l lists the proper options when i'm root16:49
mhall119|workmiguelonnnn: the USB Startup Disk Creator does exactly what you want, it creates the MBR and dumps the contents of the ISO to a USB stick16:49
bjorkintoshand tells me there's nothing to see as a regular user.16:49
darksiferhi guys can i use ext4 for / and ext3 for /home without any problems and lack of performance???16:49
mhall119|workdarksifer: you should be fine with that16:50
oviedovivealguien que hable español?16:50
shibsdarksifer: ya you can16:50
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:50
linuxninjamiguelonnnn: Oh, sorry... I was thinking of something else. What you want is a boot loader16:50
Organzzzcould anybody help me with plesk??16:50
darksiferok thanks16:50
miguelonnnnyeah mhall119|work , i know there exists programs that do that, but i want to do it on my own. Please do you know how can i tell dd to start at sector 1, or make a partition at sector 1?16:50
SirmimerHi i need help with 3 programs called "Urban Terror", "Mumble", and "TeamSpeak 2" - if anyone know anything to them, please pm me!16:51
simranhow can i automate the keyring password ?16:51
mhall119|workmiguelonnnn: oh, in that case no16:51
bazhangmichaelc, ultimate is not supported here16:51
mhall119|workyou can tell dd to skip a number of blocks16:51
michaelchello people how to i get a serch in my menu im new to this16:51
miguelonnnnoviedovive, este canal esta en ingles, para espa?ol ve a irc-hispano canal #ubuntu, y te ayudaran16:51
miguelonnnni just said him how to go a spanish chanel16:51
bazhangmichaelc, I just told you16:51
twintalgum Brasileiro..? pra ajudar-me com um canal de ubuntu?16:52
bazhangtwint, #ubuntu-br16:52
linuxninjamiguelonnnn: If you dd the ISO to the flash drive it won't boot.16:52
miguelonnnnmhall119|work, , what caould i do then?16:52
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:52
Berzerker!br | twint16:52
ubottutwint: please see above16:52
simranhow can i automate the keyring password ?16:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about keyring16:52
twintmuito obrigado16:52
mhall119|workmiguelonnnn: look at the source code for the USB Startup Disk Creator to see how it does it16:52
Organzzzplesk help anyone????16:53
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:53
miguelonnnnyeah linux, because i need to make a mbr first, but if dd copied data into sector 0 of the flash, it will get override when i write the mbr, so how can i tell dd to copy starting at sector 1?16:53
IdleOnetwint: /join #ubuntu-br16:53
mhall119|workmiguelonnnn: dd has a skip flag16:53
miguelonnnnis it bash script? or C?16:53
miguelonnnnGREAT, ! that's what  ineed16:53
miguelonnnni need to set a 512 flag16:53
miguelonnnn512 bytes, ( the first sector)16:54
mhall119|workmiguelonnnn: I have no idea what language it's in16:54
linuxninjamiguelonnnn: You can't dd the iso image to the mbr. Its too big and it doesn't have the right information.16:54
mhall119|workbut it most likely calls out to other programs to do the actual work16:54
miguelonnnni just know a little C hehe, i couldn't understand how it works at such low level16:54
ZenMastaI used a live cd to backup my win computer before formatting. I compressed to gz. I'm wondering if there is a way I can explore the backup to retreive some files16:54
mhall119|workmiguelonnnn: dd SKIP=BLOCKS16:54
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
ruspixciao a tutti16:54
IdleOneZenMasta: unzip it16:55
miguelonnnnciao ruspix16:55
mhall119|workmiguelonnnn: looks like it's python16:55
miguelonnnnok linuxninja  and mhall119|work , but linuxninja why dd won't work?16:55
IdleOne!it | ruspix16:55
ubotturuspix: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:55
linuxninjamiguelonnnn: You need a boot loader.16:56
miguelonnnnif i set a correct mbr and then i dump the cd iso to the flash usb, it should, don't you think?16:56
Explodus_I'm having an issue when GDM starts from inital boot my system dead locks - can't control+alt+backspace - can't switch to TTY - only thing it resopnds to is RSEIUB - more info http://paste.ubuntu.com/258679/ -- Advance thanks for advise16:56
ZenMastaIdleOne When I open the file mybackup.gz all that is inside is another file called backup and I don't see an extension (i'm in windows)16:56
linuxninjamiguelonnnn: If you dd the iso to a hard drive it won't boot... Read about boot loaders16:56
miguelonnnnwhy? i know i'll need if i want to double boot, but why i need it for 1 single partiton?16:57
IdleOneZenMasta: double click that file16:57
IdleOneZenMasta: not sure honestly16:57
grawitymiguelonnnn: It doesn't matter how many OSes you have, there still needs to be some kind of a bootloader that can start those OSes.16:58
linuxninjamiguelonnnn: All operating systems have a boot loader. When you turn on any computer the BIOS starts, checks the hardware, then looks for a boot loader...16:58
grawitySwitching between them is just a secondary function.16:58
miguelonnnnok then, i need a bootloader16:58
ZenMastaIdleOne I'll checkthe forums then. thanks16:58
miguelonnnnbut grub gets installed on mbr, doesn't it?16:58
sekaabhello linux users16:59
linuxninjamiguelonnnn: Yes, grub is your boot loader. You don't install it with dd. Well, not off an ISO.17:00
lanzellothwhat kind of regex does ls use?17:00
miguelonnnnmy idea now is the following: mount the iso, dd it to the usb with SKIP=1 (block of 512 bytes, that is, the MBR, so i can later install grub there), then i install grub at sector 0, and make it bootable with a partition table and that's it?17:01
ubottuPost your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!17:01
ckillJust a test17:01
lanzellothnvm it's bash17:01
sekaabi got a problem with my mount system ... yesterday i had a read error as i played a dvd ... after that i ejected (manually) cleaned dvd and reinsertet but it didnt even recognized the eject provess ... an now i cant mount anything ... computer is not rebooted til now17:01
apparlehow to modify strings in bash scripts.....Actually I am taking the argument to script as somefilename.ext and I want to generate a variable which will contain the filename without the extension17:01
James147miguelonnnn: if you want to make a live usb from an iso use usb-creator (in the ubuntu repos) makes things ALOT easier17:02
ckillHi all very new here and have some mail server questions17:02
miguelonnnni know james, but i'm really stub and i want to make things the hard way haha, just to learn17:02
remoteCTRL3hi all!17:02
linuxninjamiguelonnnn: No, that worn't work. You need to do some reading about how operating systems work before you try this on your own. I suggest you use a program and see how they do it.17:02
miguelonnnnhi !! remoteCTRL317:02
simranmy system is set to autologin and i dnt want ubunto to ask for a keyring everytime i boot...what to do?17:02
James147miguelonnnn: pendrive linux has more howtos on creating live usbs then,17:02
grawitysimran: Set the keyring's password to an empty one.17:02
simrangrawity how?17:03
remoteCTRL3can anyone tell me what i need to do in order not only to see "real" logins with last but also when someone enters a pwd on return from locked screen?17:03
grawitysimran: Accessories -> Passwords and Encryption Keys17:03
ckillI have a typical linux mail server postfix....I would like to upgrade. This http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/ seemed to be a good guide what do yall think17:03
James147miguelonnnn: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/17:03
simranthat was fast lol17:03
miguelonnnnlol linuxninja  i read the last month, eveyr day on wikipedia and many other sites about mbr, disks, operating  systems, bios, efi and so on. I thought i was prepared now :S17:03
grawitysimran: Then click on the "Passwords" tab, right-click on the Login keyring, and choose Change Password17:03
miguelonnnni'll try that james, thanks17:04
linuxninjamiguelonnnn: There's a lot to learn. took me years before I got "some" of it ;)17:04
sekaabi got a problem with my mount system ... yesterday i had a read error as i played a dvd ... after that i ejected (manually) cleaned dvd and reinsertet but it didnt even recognized the eject provess ... an now i cant mount anything ... computer is not rebooted til now17:04
jMylesI want to vinagre into my desktop at home.  I have not set this up in advance, but I have SSH access.  vino-server is already running, but I think it is asking the user sitting there (nobody) for confirmation.  What can I do?17:04
zagabar1Is it possible to use Xming trough a putty window running screen17:04
miguelonnnni'll stay in here ok? keep up speaking linuxninja hehe17:04
miguelonnnnlol!! years :S17:05
simrangrawity thanks17:05
llutzapparle:  http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/refcards.html#AEN21811       String operations17:05
remoteCTRL3unop: bazhang any of you dudes there?17:05
kevdogzagabar1: do you have a local xserver running?17:05
ckillI have ubuntu loaded on a 750GB 7200RPM drive.  I also have a 300GB 10000RPM drive in the machine and would like to move the entire OS over to it...any ideas?17:05
zagabar1kevdog: xming.17:05
gzrb1hi ive got ubuntu installed on one partition. if if delete everything in the ubuntu partition in windows and restart the computer will i have any problems with the boot manager or will i just boot into windows normally17:06
kevdogzagabar1: That's a local xserver?17:06
llutzgzrb1:  restore windows-MBR first17:06
James147gzrb1: grub will fail to load anything and you wont bable to boot17:06
sekaabi got a problem with my mount system ... yesterday i had a read error as i played a dvd ... after that i ejected (manually) cleaned dvd and reinsertet but it didnt even recognized the eject provess ... an now i cant mount anything ... computer is not rebooted til now17:06
IdleOne!fixmbr | gzrb117:06
ubottugzrb1: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:06
James147gzrb1: after you delete ubuntu you should be able to use the windows recovery disk to restore the mbr, but read up on it first17:07
gzrb1ok thanks guys!17:08
apparlellutz: thanks17:08
=== administrator is now known as Guest87791
cornjulioxhey, what are the default permissions for /dev/dsp? i did a chmod 660 on them and would like to change them back :-/17:08
ckillI have ubuntu loaded on a 750GB 7200RPM drive.  I also have a 300GB 10000RPM drive in the machine and would like to move the entire OS over to it...any ideas?17:08
zagabar1kevdog: Oh, you mean on the server side? Yeah. It works. When I start mirc through wine, I get the window through putty into xming, but then if I exit it, start screen up and then start mirc again, it doesn't work.17:08
jMylesI'm looking for help VNCing into my home computer.  I have SSH access.17:08
llutzckill:  use rsync/tar/cp or whatever you want to copy. configure fstab and grub after copying17:09
chris99If you can boot windows you can use a program called mbrfix find it using google or cnet download17:09
void1hi, im trying to share the internet connection with nat and iptables ( ubuntu 8.04 ) but im not getting it, can some one help me ou indicate a tutorial? OBS: with firestarter the share works17:09
llutz!ics | void117:09
ubottuvoid1: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:09
IdleOnechris99: why use a third party app when he can do it from his windows cd?17:09
bjorkintoshis there ANY reason that aplay -l will give me a listing in the console but refuse to work in an xterm?17:09
kevdogzagabar1: Lets start over -- the concept of client/server is messed up when it comes to x.  For the connecting ssh client (I guess the one running putty in your situation), there has to be on this machine a X server running.  The X server is on the client machine17:10
chris99If you have windows and can boot it is faster than waiting for your cd drive to get the point were you can do  a repair17:10
simranone last problem - there is a hidden fat32 recovery partition that show in ubuntu and can even be mounted, this drive doesnt show in fstab, however does show when fdisk -l and the drive has * under the "boot" column as shown here -->17:10
ckillllutz "configure fstab and grub after copying" this is what I need to understand better?  what do I need to do because the drive I am going to is actually smaller.17:10
chris99simran is this an acer?17:11
zagabar1kevdog: I see. Yeah, that is then Xming. I have it running in my task bar and it works for applications run outside screen17:11
llutzckill:  UUIDs will change and possibly partition-number17:11
simranchris99 asus17:11
iceroothow to set ksnapshot as default if pressing the print-key? because it is much better then the gnome-screenshot-tool.17:11
llutzckill:  size doesn't matter17:11
simranits been bugging the hell out of me for ages (2 days) lol17:11
icerootPC-KoPaT: success17:11
simranbecause its my kids laptop and i dont want him messing around with the recovery partition17:12
ckillThats good to know thanks17:12
kevdogzagabar1: Did you set up your sshd.conf file to be able to forward connections and then when you logged in from the client did you pass the -x flag?17:12
llutzckill:  you also will have to reinstall grub to partition or mbr of the new disk17:12
sekaabi got a problem with my mount system ... yesterday i had a read error as i played a dvd ... after that i ejected (manually) cleaned dvd and reinsertet but it didnt even recognized the eject provess ... an now i cant mount anything ... computer is not rebooted til now17:12
ckillOK so how about grub do I use live cd to get that back...yes I knwo a noob17:12
chris99simram could be the same as aser then. Acer uses this for the restore partition is that on acer if you have linux installed it is useless and will not work, you have to restore the windows mbr first17:13
zagabar1kevdog: Yup. As I said, I get Xming windows when running stuff from putty. The problem is when I start screen.17:13
llutz!mbr |ckill17:13
ubottuckill: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:13
llutzckill:  not sure but i guess you'll find needed info there ^^17:13
kevdogzagabar1: what's the problem with screen?17:13
=== Demp_f is now known as Demp
ckilli appreciate this17:14
ckillare yall familiar with mail servers? llutz17:14
zagabar1kevdog: I start up screen to run mirc inside it so that I can close the putty window and let it be run in the background. But when I start screen, and from that session start mirc.exe, it fails to find my X-server17:15
llutzckill:  not really17:15
zagabar1kevdog: but when I run mirc.exe without starting screen, then it workd17:15
llutzckill:  but postfix is very good documented :)17:15
=== eurythmia is now known as Cripps
ckillThanks that is what I have set up now....I have new to this job and I am having to learn what is alreasy here...going backwards17:16
kevdogzagabar1: That's one of the mysteries of the X windowing system I know nothing about. Probably has something to do with display variable, but who knows?  There is always cygwin X you could try17:16
=== Cripps is now known as eurythmia
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.17:17
ckillIt just seems antiquated with no imap or HTML support17:17
Athenis there a good way to recover passwords in firefox ?17:17
zagabar1kevdog: I see. So it should be possible to do X windowing from screen?17:17
chris99ckill you could install webmin it at least will give you some gui help17:17
kevdogzagabar1: I can't say that I've tried this over a ssh connection17:17
mementomoriI've just installed jaunty on an acer aspire one d150 and internal mic is not working. I read here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne that it should work out of the box.17:17
llutzwebmin sucks17:17
ckillI have webmin but i kinda breaks more than it fixes for me :?17:18
oldude67webmin is no longer supported in ubuntu17:18
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.17:18
ckillIt is debian with no GUI right now.17:18
=== eurythmia is now known as Cripps
ckillWhat about this guide?  http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/17:19
=== Cripps is now known as eurythmia
chris99sry didn't know that I have centos for server17:19
simranis grawty a bot?17:19
kevdogI used to like webmin -- too bad its broken17:19
llutzckill:  servers won't need a GUI, just an editor17:19
=== eurythmia is now known as Cripps
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aspireone17:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aspire17:20
ckillRight I use jed...I am getting along OK its just a lot to learn....fast17:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about asus17:20
TercesDoes anyone here have advice on how to deal with adding or updating packages to Ubuntu systems which are no longer supported (like 7.04)?    (the repositories no longer work)17:20
=== Cripps is now known as eurythmia
IdleOneTerces: update17:20
IdleOneerr upgrade17:20
TercesIdleOne: We have dozens of systems out there, and their all ssh-only access17:21
TercesIdleOne: so it's dangerous.17:21
oldude67eurythmia, please quit17:21
chris99llutz: besides gui's are good when you don't want to stand around all day telling window admin's how to do something17:21
=== moustafa is now known as moustafaza
TriMe|anyone here use a good program for video editing on ubuntu?17:21
moustafazaI keep on editing the time, but it keeps on changing back. Any ideas?17:21
Explodus_moustafaza, do you have the right time zone?17:22
moustafazaExplodus_, Yes17:22
moustafazaExplodus_, The time has changed in Egypt it's not 6:23 because of fasting, while in the Ubuntu clock it says it's 7:23 which is the old timing.17:23
Explodus_moustafaza, i know for US you can choose -6GMT or -5/-6GMT for DST not sure about Egypt time though17:24
Explodus_moustafaza, may want to check if its a DST issue if its only off by 1 hr17:24
jeeves_Mossare there any clients that will listen on the local subnet and show all of the computers that are activly broadcasting?  I know I can do it with nmap, but that takes forever17:24
moustafazaExplodus_, I'll check it out thanks.17:25
TriMe|I tell ya what i am having nothing but problems with Flash, and using Youtube videos if i select HQ or HD it just locks up. but in Vista it loads straight away...17:25
TriMe|whats going on linux.17:25
sekaabi got a problem with my mount system ... yesterday i had a read error as i played a dvd ... after that i ejected (manually) cleaned dvd and reinsertet but it didnt even recognized the eject provess ... an now i cant mount anything ... computer is not rebooted til now17:25
Tercesmoustafaza: The hour changes for Ramadan? Why?17:25
cornjulioxhow do I see what application is using my audio device for playback?17:25
cornjulioxi'm not getting any sound at all out of this thing17:25
jeeves_MossTriMe|, there's LOTS of howtos on google to repair the youtube problem17:25
kesoui use a python lib to upload files on web server but on ubuntu 9.04 64B it's very very slow does anybody have a solution please?17:25
TriMe|jeevee_Moss thanks man17:26
TriMe|will check it out17:26
moustafazaTerces, So that we eat earlier. We have some stupid people here who manage such things.17:26
bjorkintoshi must be going mad ...17:26
bjorkintoshare there programs which run on a console but not in a terminal?17:26
Tercesmoustafaza: Wierd... :)17:26
eurythmiaTriMe|, that question seems very much like a troll. Instead of asking what's wrong with linux, try explaining what software you are using, and what you are trying to do. Asking for help, rather than complaining, will get you more help in these circles.17:26
jeeves_MossTriMe|, not trying to be a d**k, but it's too hard to explain, it's just easier to get the howto.  it's a problem with flash.  I found it was just easier to install directly from www.flash.com17:26
TriMe|eurythmia: I wasnt complaining.... i was just saying its starting to get on my nerves... and i have uninstalled it and tried to install manually and it didnt work. and i havent bothered with it lately has i have been busy working but now i am back on the net using it more often now i am wondering why there isn't an update for this fix yet thats all, or is there another solution to getting this problem resolved.17:28
eurythmiaTriMe|, what, exactly, is the problem? Is the video *lagging* every 10 seconds or so? Are you using firefox?17:29
TriMe|jeeves_Moss: thats cool man i wasn't having ago at anyone. i just qurious to know if anyone else having the same problem17:29
AthenI seem to be having issues with evolution's calendar segfaulting when I try to set event occurences17:29
miguelonnnnvale ya esta claro17:30
jeeves_MossTriMe|, yep.  make sure you strip EVERYTHING that has to do with flash out of your system first.  otherwise, it's a pain to clean up the broken packages17:30
miguelonnnnha tocao buscar en ingles pero ya esta, fdisk no hace formateos17:30
miguelonnnnsolo particiona17:30
TriMe|I am using 9.04 .28 Kernal, Firefox. ADSL2+ Max download of around 1.5Mb a second. and fair decent computer.. so its nothing to do with my Hardware or Internet connection. it has to be Drivers of Either Firefox or Flash.17:30
guntbert!es | miguelonnnn17:30
ubottumiguelonnnn: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:30
bazhangmiguelonnnn, english here please17:30
miguelonnnnsorryyyy i thought i was in the other channel17:30
commander_how can i get my webcam to work with pidgin17:31
IdleOnecommander_: you cant17:31
Chris220commander_: #pidgin17:31
commander_even if i upgrade to 2.6.117:31
=== humpback is now known as HumpBack
GPLhow can i get my webcam to work, LOL17:32
eurythmiaTriMe|, you should read this article, it may fix your issues: http://lifehacker.com/5342636/how-to-fix-annoying-youtube-jumpiness-in-firefox17:32
TriMe|jeeves_Moss: Ok man I'll see how i go i'll play around with it... is there any type of command you know of in terminal i can type to just remove all Flash?17:32
TriMe|eurythmia: Thanks Mate will do17:32
GPLi tried Cheese, aMSN, etc. etc. my webcam = Microsoft Lifecam VX-100017:32
eurythmiaTriMe|, not a problem. Hope it helps.17:32
maddi1Hi, everybody, i'm facing the following problem: I cannot enter my ubuntu system, cause of GRUB Error 17, says, he cannot find menue.lst, which is no wonder, as the boot folder for some reason is empty. I made a rescue Cd and tried to install the base system again, but for some reason (inapropriate ioctl) it wouldn't do it, anybody?17:33
cornjulioxhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio <--is the stuff on this page already done for you when using 8.04?17:33
jeeves_MossTriMe|, try "sudo apt-get remove --purge flash* --dry-run"  (of course without the ""s)17:33
xanguacommander_: what version of ubuntu ¿17:33
commander_9.04 jaunty17:33
Explodus_GDM dead locks when login screen appears http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1248604 -- if anybody has ideas pls comment17:33
xanguacommander_: do you got pidgin from the launchpad repository ¿¿17:34
simranIs it normal for mplayer not to be able to play .flv files downloaded from youtube??17:34
eurythmiajeeves_Moss, the jaunty repos have the *newest* adobe flash installer ... clearing out and reinstalling flash probably won't help at all. Firefox still has some bugs that make flash playback a little jumpy though, like auto-saving tabs every 10 seconds (which takes up far too many resources)17:35
xanguasimran: yes, use a gstreamer player or vlc17:35
Bloek heb een vraagje ,,17:36
maddi1Hi, everybody, i'm facing the following problem: I cannot enter my ubuntu system, cause of GRUB Error 17, says, he cannot find menue.lst, which is no wonder, as the boot folder for some reason is empty. I made a rescue Cd and tried to install the base system again, but for some reason (inapropriate ioctl) it wouldn't do it, anybody? I'm using 8.04 Hardy, the GRUB however, was installed by SUSE 10.something17:36
jeeves_Mosseurythmia, good point.  I just noticed a noticable preformance inprovment when I installed from source and not the repo17:36
simranxangua: wont gstreamer codecs conflict with my w32codecs package/mplayer17:36
Bloeom meer ruimte te krijgen op de partitie waar ubuntu op staat hoe moet je dit doen17:36
jeeves_Mosseurythmia, I need to squeeze ALL the preformance I can out of this little netbook17:36
xanguasimran: i've never used w32 codecs17:37
eurythmiajeeves_Moss, should be important to note that "installing from source" isn't ... they're still binaries ... although, the fact that adobe now provides their binaries in *.deb format *is* nice :)17:37
simranill use vlc then17:37
jeeves_Mosseurythmia, this is true.  you'll have to excuse me.  I'm working on less than 4 hours of sleep in 4817:37
eluxis there a simpler app like sysv-rc-conf that doesnt require perl?17:38
eurythmiajeeves_Moss, eeew :P17:38
balachmarWhere should I be for ubuntu netbook remix questions?17:38
eurythmiaelux, heh ... pretty much everything these days requires perl.17:38
eluxso be it then17:38
remoteCTRL3when a man page says "SEE ALSO pam(3), PAM(8), pam_start(3) how do i invoke that?17:39
eurythmiaelux, it's okay though ... perl is *extremely* handy to have on hand ... did you know that there's a "rename" *program* that uses perl regexes to batch rename files?17:39
jeeves_Mosseurythmia, I've been trying to get international shipping for some IBM X-Series servers figured out and delivered before we move the office @ the end of the month.  I don't think the UPS guy is going to like me17:39
eluxeurythmia: cool. im more of a ruby guy is all :)17:40
maddi1Hi, everybody, i'm facing the following problem: I cannot enter my ubuntu system, cause of GRUB Error 17, says, he cannot find menue.lst, which is no wonder, as the boot folder for some reason is empty. I made a rescue Cd and tried to install the base system again, but for some reason (inapropriate ioctl) it wouldn't do it, anybody? I'm using 8.04 Hardy, the GRUB however, was installed by SUSE 10.something17:40
eurythmiaelux, ruby has its uses, but for any form of string manipulation or data parsing, perl is simply phenomenal. Wouldn't want to write a large application in perl though ;)17:40
eluxeurythmia: ruby has the same regex as perl17:40
eluxbut no biggie. i've installed it. thanks :)17:41
balachmarHi, my wireless does not work on a Samsung N110 netbook with Ubuntu Netbook remix. Wired does...17:42
DesenCould anyone provide a link to the Ubuntu 9.04 changelog ? i can find only for the beta version. I`m currently running 8.10. Should i upgrade ?17:42
Bloehoe kan je meer geheugen aan de partitie toevoegen waar ubuntu opstaat17:42
Pavel__A printer which is definitely turned on and plugged in (USB) comes up as17:43
MyWayi had windows in raid installed, now i'm under ubuntu and i can't read windows partition, is there a way to mount it?17:43
balachmar@Bloe: Door gebruik te maken van gparted17:43
Bloehoe werkt dit17:44
Pavel__stopped or turned off" under system - printer configuration-local printers...17:44
jeeves_Mosswhat is "/usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth" doing on my system?  it's chewing through ~40% of my CPU time17:45
jeeves_Mosseurythmia, what would "/usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth" be doing that's consuming ~40% of my CPU time?17:45
llutzjeeves_Moss:  it's your X-Server17:45
balachmar@Bloe: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/documentation.php17:45
DesenCould anyone provide a link to the Ubuntu 9.04 changelog ? i can find only for the beta version. I`m currently running 8.10. Should i upgrade ?17:45
jeeves_Mossllutz, it runs fin when I restart, then slowly, it starts creeping up, and even when I kill all of the running applications, it still stays using ~40% of my CPU time17:46
jeeves_Mossllutz, how can I figure out why it's doing that?17:46
xanguaDesen: rtf topic17:46
pepperphdjeeves_Moss: what does top say?17:46
llutzjeeves_Moss:  try to disable visual-effects and all that stuff17:47
radekomain name ist macko17:47
jeeves_Mosspepperphd, when I run htop, that's all I can get out of it (due to the fact that my screen is so small)17:47
Desenxangua i needed an advice if 9.04 is stable enough17:47
radekodu in spresche polisch17:47
gregL_I would like to upgrade to a newer kernel 2.6.30 or newer...Would anyone know of a wiki or web page that would walk me through upgrading?17:47
jeeves_Mossllutz, no, there are no visual effects turned on (I would like to use them, but it makes the system crawl)17:47
Desenxangua, and it has some PPPOE connection issues some time ago17:47
radekokurwa znasz polski17:47
xanguaDesen: why shouldn't ¿17:47
simranhas anyone here used: Ubuntu-tweak? Is it any good?17:48
radekoyou are bich17:48
maco!language | radeko17:48
ubotturadeko: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:48
twintalgum brasileiro sabe canal de discusao apache em portugues?17:48
bazhangradeko, please stop that17:48
jeeves_Mossllutz, compiz isn't even installed17:48
xanguagregL_: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/17:48
eurythmiajeeves_Moss, well, gdm manages your desktop session ... as for why it's eating up 40% of your cpu, I haven't the foggiest. You could try running "cpulimit" on it, although, since I don't know what it's spending the CPU time on, I don't know how that would affect your session.17:49
gregL_xangua, thanks i will check that out..17:49
jeeves_Mosseurythmia, is there a way of opening all of the processes it's chewing to narrow it down more?17:49
JimmioHello all... I'm having issues with getting keys on my keyboard to work. I've tried keytouch but it does nothing. I don't see why Gnome can't detect it... it's just another event for the special keys..17:49
pepperphdjeeves_Moss: open a terminal, type top -b -n1 | less17:50
eurythmiajeeves_Moss, there is ... not sure how under gnome though. I knoew that ksysguard has a tree view of running processes.17:50
pepperphdthat'll give you a snapshot of every running process that you can scroll through, no matter how small your screen is17:50
error404notfoundanybody here ever used Hamachi? i am looking for an Hamachi alternative with the ability to browse anonymously and share stuff on VPN.17:50
jeeves_Mosseurythmia, hummm, it looks like my e-mail client is being a hog.  one sec17:51
bjorkintoshif i install ubuntu-desktop, will it necessarily install gnome?17:51
xanguabjorkintosh: yes17:51
bjorkintoshis there no an alternative?17:51
ubottuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE17:51
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels17:51
twintgood staff wanted to estalar the apache server in ubuntu and to install php 5 together ?17:51
xanguaalternative to what¿¿ bjorkintosh17:51
eurythmiabjorkintosh, kubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-dektop, xubuntu-desktop17:51
bjorkintoshwhat's in xubuntu?17:51
eurythmiabjorkintosh, they're all meta-packages that handle ubuntu desktop distros17:52
eurythmiabjorkintosh, xubuntu is xfce17:52
jonny_bI cant run update manager or add/remove or package installer17:52
eurythmiaxangua, beat me to it ;)17:52
bjorkintoshthis is rather baffling.17:52
bjorkintoshaplay -l does NOT work when i run x17:53
bjorkintoshinfact, nothing sound related works in X17:53
erika1984how do i find qemu17:53
bjorkintoshbut there is no problem in the console.17:53
=== MeEe is now known as MeEeKe
bjorkintoshcould it be pulseaudio messing things up?17:53
kaukseHi all, I'm looking for a way to priorize wireless networks in NetworkManager. Any idea ?17:54
xanguaerika1984: apps>add>qemu17:54
^c|0ud^is there anyway in ubuntu to auto connect to vpn upon login?17:54
eurythmiabjorkintosh, it probably is ... I just removed pulseaudio altogether.17:54
MarfiI come with great news!17:56
bjorkintoshwhat is it needed for ?17:56
MarfiPut this in topic, and you will NEVER have another problem again!17:56
MarfiI'm off, woosh!17:56
kickAsshi all17:56
opengyanHi i am running ubuntu 9.04 on HP Pavilion 6700 - Not able to record voice..17:57
opengyancapture audio is not working...17:57
MgamerzI'm trying to FSCK a FAT32 Flash Drive in Ubuntu17:57
Mgamerz(Cause Windows won't check it... says can't access it, then on reboot it doesn't check it)17:57
linuxninjaMgamerz: Can you even do that?17:58
westhermI just upgraded to jaunty, everything was fine, the first time I shutdown after multiple monitors, the boot wouldn't make it to the splash screen17:58
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jonny_bupdate manager Segmentation fault17:58
opengyancould someone help with getting the audio capture work ...17:58
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.17:58
MgamerzI can't figure out how to use fsck.msdos... i try fsck.msdos -a /media/disk17:59
ManateeLazyCatjoin #haskell17:59
Mgamerzand it just says... its a directory17:59
MrHeavyfsck.msdos takes a device, not a mounted filesystem17:59
OEPHi -- I was looking at this bug where firefox blinks in fullscreen mode when a tooltip is activated (and I notice it does the same thing with notify-send). There's not much info in the bug tracker. Does anyone know anything further about this?17:59
MrHeavyUnmount it and run it on the device instead17:59
MgamerzI know how to unmount it, but once it's unmounted I'm not sure what to do... I'm not a normal Ubuntu user18:00
=== linuxninja is now known as penguinpower
MgamerzI have it on an external HD that I hot swap in a 5.25 case with a CD tray... I need a damn dedicated one o.o18:00
sekaabProblem: cat /dev/sr0 gives the message: "cat: /dev/sr0: No medium found", but a medium is inserted. Any Ideas how i get my dvd-rom working again without rebooting?18:00
MgamerzI have Maemo on my tablet that is using the memory card, and it's a linux build... It's constantly mounting the card as read only and it's effing up alot of programs on it18:01
Brian__im lookin to try a new desktop enviroment i would like one thats fast but still look good any sugestions18:01
Brian__i was lookin at lde18:01
pepperphd!xfce > Brian__18:01
Mgamerzandi think its cause it says i have some damaged files in my .rss folders...18:01
ubottuBrian__, please see my private message18:01
krammer_anybody good with adding gnu key for evolution18:02
kaukseBrian__, i personally love openbox, have a look at it (you can try eg crunchbang)18:02
Brian__ill check that out thanks18:02
commander_has ubuntu 9.10 beta came out already or is it ok to get 9.10 alpha 518:02
eluxfuck ..18:02
Brian__has anyone tried LXDE18:02
eluxjaunty apt has an OLD ass memcached .. from 200718:02
eurythmiakaukse, what's crunchbang?18:02
eluxhow can i install a newer version? 1.4 is out and stable18:02
eurythmiaBrian__, it's *okay* ... but I'm not really a fan.18:03
sekaabProblem: cat /dev/sr0 gives the message: "cat: /dev/sr0: No medium found", but a medium is inserted. Any Ideas how i get my dvd-rom working again without rebooting?18:03
krammer_sekaab, yes I have the same problem18:03
Brian__i think ill try openbo18:03
kaukseeurythmia, it's an ubuntu derivative using openbox18:03
eurythmiaBrian__, LXDE is basically a lightweight DM (like kde), only run on top of openbox, and a lot of stuff doesn't seem to be configuration based.18:03
eurythmiakaukse, ah.18:03
eurythmiaer   s/DM/DE/18:04
sekaabkrammer_ what happened before it behaves like now?18:04
MgamerzStupid ubuntu...18:04
westhermCan anyone help  with boot issues?18:04
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mehditout le monde18:04
krammer_anybody good with adding gnu key for evolution18:04
apparlewestherm: everycan just state the problem18:04
jonny_bFIx for segmentation fault in update manager---->http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80321518:04
apparlewestherm: everyone can just state the problem18:05
sekaabkrammer_ i watched a dvd-movie, and after a "read-error" it was stuck18:05
Mgamerzi unmounted it... but now it doesn't even do it18:05
apparlewhat is segmentation fault18:05
westhermset up multiple monitors, and when I did first reboot afterwards18:05
westhermboot wouldn't make it to splash screen18:05
=== IR1904 is now known as crglia
pepperphdapparle, segmentation fault means a program tried to access memory that doesnt belong to it.18:05
westhermmostly black with horizontal colored lines18:05
kauksemedhi, va sur #ubuntu-fr pour le chan francais18:05
Brian__how is openbox inside kde  is that good?18:06
westhermtowards the top18:06
Mgamerzman woman18:06
Mgamerzsegmentation fault (core dumped)18:06
krammer_sekaab, the disk maybe scratched18:06
apparlewestherm: you mean you select your OS from GRUB and then you get this problem18:07
Bloeals ik mijn pc opstart geeft hij de melding dat hij een b estand in .Home niet kan vinden18:07
westhermI ran a memtest and tried a safeboot18:07
sekaabkrammer_ no, it isnt, i checked it ... and even inserted a different one18:08
westhermthe graphics check and all that18:08
westhermeverything read out as fine18:08
westhermbut when I continued to normal boot afterwards18:08
westhermsame deal18:08
sekaabkrammer_ even forced an unmount, cause the eject was not recognized either18:08
apparlewestherm: try a diffrent CD...........check if image is alright18:09
royHi! How can I improve/modofy tcp/ip in ubuntu 9.04? I have a 2mbps adsl2 line but I'm getting less tham 1mbps, and the rwin is set too low.18:09
eluxwhy when i install mysql-server-5.1 does it try to install postfix and mailx as dependencies? doesnt make any sense..18:10
westhermIt wasn't from a live disc, you think something botched in the install?18:10
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:10
Mgamerzusage: fsck.msdos [-aAflrtvVwy] [-d path -d ...] [-u path -u ...]18:10
Mgamerz               device18:10
eluxhow can i make apt not install stuff that it recommends.. only things that are required??18:10
MgamerzIt doesn't seem to recognize anything I put into device18:10
commander_does anyone have 9.10 karmic koala18:11
geniicommander_: I'm sure a lotin #ubuntu+1 do18:11
commander_say again genii18:11
sekaabProblem: cat /dev/sr0 gives the message: "cat: /dev/sr0: No medium found", but a medium is inserted. Any Ideas how i get my dvd-rom working again without rebooting?18:11
=== Bu is now known as kaosyouki
Brian__do i log into  openbox threw login screen18:12
dehqangood day everybody, How To format fat32 partition ?18:12
geniicommander_: The channel #ubuntu+1 is for 9.10 users until it is released. Then support will be in this channel.18:12
pepperphd!qparted > dehqan18:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about qparted18:13
arikhi can i ask for help??18:13
arikplease? help anyone18:13
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:13
guntbert!nl | Bloe18:13
ubottuBloe: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl18:13
nibblerarik: just ask18:13
dehqanno in gparted just can format ext2,3 and swap and others are disabled .18:13
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jgonzalezhi there... anybody knows how to extract contents from an iso file WITHOUT being root (so no mount using loopback) in command line (so no Extract here... in Gnome)18:14
royHello, pls tell me how to modify tcp/ip parameters in ubuntu... :(18:14
dehqanno in gparted just can format ext2,3 and swap and others are disabled .pepperphd18:14
ariki edited my etc/x11/xorg.conf... maybe the parameters were wrong so i cannot see my desktop to edit it back...any ideas?18:14
nibblerroy: you can edit the ip adress with ifconfig e.g.18:14
oppwhen i first restart after installing ubuntu , it says: GRUB loading ,please wait ... Error 15 . how to do with it ? thanks18:14
roynot ip address... TCP18:14
royRWIN, ETC18:15
nibblerarik: log in on the text console (alt-f1) and us a editor like vi or nano18:15
arikok thanks18:15
krammer_opp, this may help http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-419257.html18:15
westhermapparle: should I maybe look at the xconfig for my video card?18:16
apparlewestherm: did you try recovery mode18:16
westhermapparle: yeah I did all the options in the recovery mode menu that seemed applicable18:17
unopremoteCTRL, if you're still here - I just got your message18:17
Brian__i get a error when i try to log into openbo18:17
nibblerroy: http://www.psc.edu/networking/projects/tcptune/#Linux18:17
westhermapparle: I went with a clean install since there wasn't much to lose18:17
royhow to increase tcp receive window?18:17
pepperphddehqan, you may have to do it manually with fdisk then18:17
=== taube is now known as Taube
apparleopp: GRUB error 15 means something in GRUB is wrong http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html see it18:18
apparleopp: I think you should repair GRUB by booting to live CD18:18
oppkrammer_: thanks18:18
krammer_good luck18:18
oppapparle: thanks18:18
=== xendra is now known as csotelo
apparlewestherm: so you are unable to start even after clean install..........18:19
oppapparle: how to repaire ? thanks18:19
westhermapparle: oh no, after the clean install everything is fine, I just haven't started dual monitors, because i don't want the same thing to happen again18:20
Organzzzhey can anybody help me with VNC?18:20
Brian__ok i just logged into Openbox but the screen is blank  i can rite click and open apps but the screen is blank18:20
ZinnocHello, i have problem with bulgarian subtitles on Ubuntu Linux 9.04 ?18:21
Brian__is there a panel or somthing like one18:21
remoteCTRLunop: thank gawd man:)18:21
unopremoteCTRL, hey, what's up?18:21
apparlewestherm: can't help with dual monitors coz I never used them..........better ask these guys to help you with dual monitors rather than asking boot problems18:22
remoteCTRLunop: do you happen to know how i can get gnome/pamd/whatever to log pwd entries after a locked screen?18:22
remoteCTRLunop:  hey dude, long time no see, hows it goin?:)18:22
arikhi...its me again18:22
westhermapparle: thanks anyway18:22
unopremoteCTRL, been a little busy, but yea, good good18:22
unopremoteCTRL, you mean failed password attempts?18:22
westhermAnybody know anything about dual monitors?18:22
remoteCTRLunop: busy is always good, prevents from getting bored*g*18:23
arikhelp: i installed 8.10 and after installation, ive got a big black border around my installation. how can i go fullscreen?18:23
unophey Organzzz, let's keep it in here.18:23
hlfshellHi all - I am trying to get a serial driver touch screen to work in ubuntu. I've been following a guide and have edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get it to work. using cat ont the device shows output when touching it, but there is no response in X despite the xorg.conf edits.18:23
hlfshellany ideas?18:23
remoteCTRLunop: nope i need some statistics how often i leave my desk and for how long and at what peak times, and i dont want to keep a list but to see it in some log file (when i leave my desk i lock the screen)18:24
arikhelp: i installed 8.10 and after installation, ive got a big black border around my installation. how can i go fullscreen?18:24
hlfshellarik, did you try the display settings in the System bar?18:24
hlfshellwestherm, i am currently running two monitors in ubuntu. what do you need to know?18:25
arikhlfshell: it only shows 800x600 nothing more than that18:25
hlfshellarik - is this a laptop or regular computer?18:25
sierinjs1does ubuntu have gimp by default?18:25
rsksierinjs1: yes18:25
arikhlfshell: laptop, old one18:25
sierinjs1rsk: \o/ then i'm having it!18:25
unopremoteCTRL, hmm, i'm not sure - there's a gnome app (forgot what it's called - something like 'typing break') that might have some logging facility to see when you are most active, you could use that to determine the periods when you aren't.18:25
unopremoteCTRL, can i ask why you need this?18:26
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remoteCTRLunop: that comes quite close but isn't enuff i am afraid as a tend to read a lot in my linux books...*g*18:26
hlfshellarik - type this into a terminal : sudo xrandr -q. use a paste bin to gimme the output18:26
eluxhow do i turn on vim syntax highlighting? syntax on tells me i dont have the option, but ive installed the vim-runtime package..?18:27
hlfshellno . on the -q18:27
remoteCTRLunop: so that would completely falsify the result...18:27
westhermhlfshell: I just upgraded to jaunty, and would like to run dual monitors, After the first install, I did, in fact, run dual monitors, but after the first reboot, I would select my OS in grub, and then a black screen with some colored lines at the top, and no splash screen or progress on the boot18:27
hlfshellwestherm - I'm sorry but I never had that problem... I don't know where to start. :-/18:27
westhermhlfshell: thanks anyway18:27
pepperphdelux: :syntax enable  ---- does that work?18:27
unopelux, try the vim-full package18:27
hlfshellwestherm: good luck.18:27
unopremoteCTRL, hmm, not sure I know of anything to help you there then18:28
arikscreen 0: minimum 640x480, current 800x600, maximum 800x600 deafult connected 800x600+0+0 0mmx0mm18:28
arikhlfshell: screen 0: minimum 640x480, current 800x600, maximum 800x600 deafult connected 800x600+0+0 0mmx0mm18:28
remoteCTRLunop: k, thanks for the attempt tho:) gonna write a thread in gnome forum i guess...:)18:28
Um_cara_qualqueris there some way to install Windows through ubuntu?18:29
hlfshellarik -  try the solution found in this forum post. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1041964.html18:29
hlfshellarik - worked for my old laptop when that happened to me.18:29
arikokay will try thanks!!18:29
hlfshellUm_cara_qualquer -  you mean like a virtual machine? or on a seperate partition?18:29
unopremoteCTRL, something else that might help is the gnome-power-manager's - power trend graphs. you could find a correlation between power usage and actual usage, not very reliable and also might not work on desktop machines.18:30
Um_cara_qualqueranother HD18:30
hlfshellUm_cara_qualquer not sure, sorry.18:30
westhermIs there anyway to save a previous config so that if changes don't allow me to boot I can revert?18:30
Um_cara_qualqueranyone else?18:30
iznogoodinstalling buntu to md raid (/boot on a usb stick) do I need the alternate install cd or is it possible with the live cd?18:31
James147westherm: what graphics card do you have?18:32
westhermsomething shitty and integrated, its a laptop18:32
westhermjames147: one sec18:32
James147westherm: basically is it  nvida?18:32
remoteCTRLunop: also a good idea but also to vague i am afraid...18:33
apparlewestherm: which ATI card18:33
arandWould anyone like to confirm/refute this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/418135 (who does not mind copying whole of /home/user)18:33
remoteCTRLunop: never mind i will work my way through this in some forums...:)18:33
westhermjame147: lspci tells me its a radeon x120018:33
guntbertUm_cara_qualquer: why do want to do that?18:33
ruben23hi whats the problem when i ssh and i get connection refused....?18:34
Um_cara_qualquerto be with two OS18:34
guntbertruben23: the ssh is probably not running18:34
apparlewestherm: well then you can't use the officially(fglrx) drivers from ATI18:34
westhermjames147: I remember in gutsy I had to enable proprietary drivers, but not in jauntty apparently18:35
guntbert!dualboot | Um_cara_qualquer, please see18:35
ubottuUm_cara_qualquer, please see: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:35
unopremoteCTRL, another idea - gnome-screensaver has a --debug flag, so you could use it to collect debugging info and then use something like perl/awk to parse the data into some useful information.18:35
Um_cara_qualquerplus some games doesn't work on ubuntu18:35
James147westherm: sorry, but dont know much about ati graphics, from what apparle said you cant use the proprity drivers though :(18:36
westhermapparle: what do I do about that?18:36
graingert!question | Tashy18:36
ubottuTashy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:36
apparlewestherm: that's the problem...........you have to use the opensource drivers and obviously they are not so good yet...........maybe they will be one day..........18:37
James147westherm: but my guess would be that dual screen support on the open source ones sucks (it dose for nvida at least)18:37
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cythereamy dual screen works perfect with nvidia18:37
apparlewestherm: and by default you are using the opensource drivers18:37
James147apparle: probally only when nvida or ati start realsing the spces for their cards, which i dont ever see hapening?18:37
guntbertwestherm: on my x1300 the opensource drivers work fine18:37
James147guntbert: for dual screen display?18:38
apparleJames147: But I think they realease the Specs for the cards when they are declared legacy18:38
mhall119|workJames147: AMD/ATI have released a large number of specs18:38
westhermapparle: its too bad it works right away when you config it18:38
graingertJames147: ati already open sourced their drivers18:38
James147apparle: which means never for the newer better cards18:38
mhall119|workgraingert: they didn't open source the code, they just released specs18:39
mhall119|workunless they've done something I haven't heard about18:39
guntbertJames147: I'm using a beamer now and then, that works fine - I don't know about side by side though18:39
graingertmhall119|work: oh, that is the crazy-ness18:39
Um_cara_qualquerguntbert, thx a lot man18:40
apparleJames147: yes.............but mine is quite old so I am waiting :)18:40
graingertaparantlar nvidia want to OS their drivers but can't becuase they outsourced some codings18:40
guntbertUm_cara_qualquer: yw :-)18:40
graingert(ala java - who finally descrogged their code)18:40
Um_cara_qualqueri think i will disconnect the other HD... so it won't be any mistake18:40
graingert(like ages agoo) - am I right peepz?18:40
James147graingert: relly hope they do at some point :) not like they are makeing any money from the drivers :S18:41
graingertJames147: true18:41
mhall119|workgraingert: that still shouldn't stop them from releasing specs18:41
apparleI agree............rather they will sell more if the drivers are better supported18:41
graingertmhall119|work: perhaps they don't want people to copy the boards - but it will take a f off massive companny to have the oomf to actually build the cards from the specs18:42
James147opensourceing free software, can see more down sides then upsides to it :S18:42
=== patrick is now known as Guest1283
Guest1283I have a camera plugged in, trying to delete files, it keeps saying that it is "read only." I try to change the permissions but it just says the same thing.18:43
graingertJames147: don't say that here... :/18:43
graingertGuest1283: problem with fuse or something18:43
miguelonnnni, i'm back. Well i still have questions18:43
James147<graingert> Guest1283: problem with fuse or something18:43
James147<-- SHOOT3R (n=ubuntu@ has quit (Client Quit)18:43
James147: ment carnt ^^18:44
miguelonnnnfirst, must the mbr to be into the fat32?18:44
Guest1283Anyone know how to fix this?18:44
miguelonnnni mean, the partition table  & grub18:44
mhall119|workJames147: biggest upside is that nVidia wouldn't have to keep up with Linux Kernel development18:44
miguelonnnnJames147!! i were in linuxpendrives hehe but it didin't help much :S18:44
BerzerkerGuest1283, card is read only?18:45
mhall119|workthings like Kernel Mode Switching would be added to their drivers for them18:45
Berzerkercheck the little switch on it18:45
James147mhall119|work: ment i cant see why it would be a bad idea... came out wroing :)18:46
Guest1283got it18:46
Guest1283Stupid lock was on the card. Hah, thanks.18:46
Transxendentalhi all. i wanna install a linux but i cant decide which to choose . people suggested me ubuntu and fedora but i wanna have a multimedia editor . so there is a linux named Musix . what can u suggest?18:46
James147miguelonnnn: what are you trying to do exactly?18:46
carrie_555Can someone help me with DynDNS? I have a domain from dyndns. The problem is that I always have to login to the dyndns in order to refresh the ip. I believe that I should install something in my ubuntu to "tell" dyndns which is my current ip.. Does anyone know what should I do? If i have to install a program, which one should I install and how to configure it?18:46
mhall119|workJames147: a lot of the time these companies work around defects in their hardware using driver code18:46
mhall119|workor implement new features purely in software18:46
grawitycarrie_555: Search Synaptic for DynDNS updater.18:46
miguelonnnnJames147, i'm trying to make an xubuntu usb installer18:47
Guest1283Transxendental, if you want multimedia editing I would try Ubuntu Studio http://ubuntustudio.org/18:47
guntbertTransxendental: please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic - this chanell here is strictly for support18:47
mhall119|workopen sourcing their driver means giving all that advantage to their competitors18:47
=== Guest1283 is now known as Dezine
guntbert*channel, even18:47
westhermdo you think if i installed the linux drivers from the ati website I might have a better result?18:47
guntbert!ot | mhall119|work18:47
ubottumhall119|work: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:47
mhall119|workwestherm: if the driver supports your card18:47
miguelonnnnbut i want to learn how to do it by myself (without next, next, next, finish programs help)18:47
mhall119|workguntbert: sorry18:47
Pavirc channel for netbook remix -- does it exist?18:48
race321qui parles francais18:48
James147miguelonnnn: as i said before the simplest way is to use usb-creator, but if you want to do it manually troll ofver pendrivelinux for a few days untill you can get it to work18:48
guntbert!fr | race32118:48
ubotturace321: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:48
andrew_hi all can someone please spare me few minutes?18:48
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ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:48
ubottubantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my18:48
Guest49658can someone help me please?18:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:49
guntbert!askthebot | Alvinware18:49
ubottuAlvinware: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:49
westhermmhall|119work: its in the list18:49
miguelonnnni searched all the web, but there's no specific explanations there. All i found are step by step howtos18:49
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:49
James147miguelonnnn: pendrive linux is the best source for what you want, but i never really got much to work on there and it took hours of trying18:49
Guest49658K i just installed Ubuntu and the questio is how big must be the "Filesystem" drive?18:49
mhall119|workwestherm: is the version different than what is in Ubuntu's repositories?18:50
westhermBut to reitterate, is there anyway I can set up something analagous to a "system restore point" from windows?18:50
miguelonnnnanyway, it isn't actually about what i want, but how i want18:50
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James147miguelonnnn: but i got the jist of, copy the contents of an .ios to the drive, edit somefiles to do with the boot loader and install a boot loader18:50
mhall119|workGuest49658: 6 GB is, I think, the recommended minimum size18:50
guntbertmiguelonnnn: did you ask in #xubuntu ?18:50
Guest49658well i have it 40GB... i hope it was wise? if i want to install losts of programs and games and stuff?18:50
westhermNo idea18:51
carrie_555grawity, I remember, now, that I have alreayd installed "ddclient" (i believe this is what u mean). But I have no idea How to use it. I just ran it, and I have an error, http://pastebin.ca/1541780 Do you know anything about this ?18:51
mhall119|workGuest49658: 40GB should last you for a while18:51
westhermlavagolemking: nice to see a fellow buckeye18:51
Ben64Guest49658: yeah, no problem having bigger18:51
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Guest49658k another question, ive downloaded ATI drivers but when im trying to run them it askes me to use a Gold User or something like that18:51
miguelonnnni mean it doesn't matter if i'm going to put an xubuntu installer, or my last party pics, all i want to know is how can i make an fdisk partition starting at and specific block & ending at another one18:51
miguelonnnnsry guntbert , but this isn't about xubuntu18:52
James147miguelonnnn: if you want a detailed explnation you have to research how the linux system works, and the boot process18:52
mhall119|workGuest49658: are there instructions on ATI's site for installing those drivers?18:52
Guest49658idk... hold on ill check18:52
guntbertmiguelonnnn: sorry, then - I obviously misread18:52
mhall119|workusually using the Ubuntu provided drivers is best18:52
Guest49658well where can i find ubuntu provided files for my ATI card?18:53
mhall119|workGuest49658: System->Administration->Hardware Drivers18:53
miguelonnnni read the manpages for fdisk and mkfs, but that's little help, i couldn't find a "-P flag for saying start partition at Head 1 cylinder 2 sector 1 , and finish at H2C3S2, that's what i would like18:53
James147miguelonnnn: when partition with fdisk, when you create a partition you select the first and last block you want to use...18:53
carrie_555Got it !18:54
carrie_555working !18:54
carrie_555My configuration file had some mistakes18:54
miguelonnnngreat carrie! gratz18:54
James147miguelonnnn: sudo fdisk   will take you to the fdisk prompt, type p to list  partitons, m for help18:54
James147miguelonnnn: sudo fdisk /dev/sdXX sorry18:54
miguelonnnnok i'll go there thanks again james, brb18:54
James147miguelonnnn: where /dev/sdXX is the partiton you want, make sure you get the right one or you WILL lose data18:55
carrie_5551 question: I belive that ddclient should be ran every time my computer startsm right? How do I do that ?18:55
ubuntuhi all18:55
Lavagolemking1Any time I try to install software from the repository I get the message that the software can't be verified.18:56
miguelonnnnok James147 , thanks again i'll keep you informed bout my progress :)18:56
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James147Lavagolemking1: sounds like a gpg key issure, did you add any extra repos?18:56
Guest49658Can someone give me a link to a guide for ATI drivers installation?18:57
James147Lavagolemking1: pastbin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list18:57
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Lavagolemking1is a new installation after a corrupted file system.18:57
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:57
westhermwhat the hell '.run'18:57
MK13how can i zero out a usb flash drive?18:58
ndan2yay been working on this all night, finally threw in a live cd n installed.  can't get my intell wireless 2100 to work.  but it appears as eth118:58
legend2440Guest49658: no drivers in  System>Administration>Hardware Drivers?18:58
ndan2googled it and it says it should work "out of the box"18:59
mhall119|workMK13: dd if=/dev/zero of=$USB_DEVICE, where $USB_DEVICE is the /dev/? for the drive18:59
rayluMK13: dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sd...18:59
rayluer, what mhall119|work said =\18:59
MK13mhall119|work,  that is what i was thinking, thnx18:59
Karmicwestherm: you can do a sh filename.run after you set that file executable either with sudo chmod u+x filename or with GUI but it's a .run driver you need to kill X and run sh it18:59
Lavagolemking1James147: http://pastebin.ca/154179418:59
rayluKarmic: you don't need to set it +x if you're using sh18:59
A[D]minShow  i can force apt-get to remove postfix19:00
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makasu26hello can anyone help my user and group (could not authenticate problem)?19:00
neurochromeanyone else on here running ubuntu-one?  it will not update which is a tad worrysome19:00
mhall119|workA[D]minS: why do you want to remove postfix?19:00
miguelonnnnhey but 1 question19:00
westhermf that19:00
miguelonnnnfdisk works with CHS (cylinder head sector, magnetic disks)19:00
miguelonnnnhow can i work with usbs?19:01
raylu!startup | carrie_55519:01
ubottucarrie_555: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot19:01
ndan2lspci lshw and iwconfig  http://pastebin.com/m696536e519:01
makasu26can anyone help me with a sudoers filers problem on my ubuntu?19:02
A[D]minSmhall119|work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/258816/19:02
James147Lavagolemking1: and can you pastebin the error you where getting as well19:02
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raylu!anyone | makasu2619:02
ubottumakasu26: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:02
race321bonsoir c'est quoi un gui,sa s'installe ou pas ??19:03
mhall119|workA[D]minS: try -f?19:03
raylu!fr | race32119:03
ubotturace321: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:03
A[D]minSmhall119|work: same error19:03
mhall119|workapt-get -f remove postscript?19:03
James147miguelonnnn: thorught it did19:03
carrie_555ubottu, I have one question: I realized that to run ddclient i need to "sudo", and therefore insert the sudo passwd. How do I do that writing the command ?19:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:03
mhall119|workfind /etc/init.d/19:03
mhall119|workfind /etc/init.d19:03
A[D]minSnot there19:03
mhall119|workld /etc/init.d19:03
b_how can I get youtube to work with my Ubuntu 8.04?19:03
A[D]minSthis is why i want to force it19:03
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A[D]minSsorry what?19:04
ndan2really need wireless to work.  runnin low on time to fix this... when i get out of town it will be a week19:04
makasu26how do you i add my users to sudoers files so that i can make one into admin?19:04
mhall119|workA[D]minS: forcing it may make it continue with the removal, even if it encounters errors19:04
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Lavagolemking1It seems in the past couple minutes it stopped.19:04
erUSULmakasu26: add the user to the admin group19:04
rayluA[D]minS, mhall119|work: given that it's the first file in the list, i bet the installation went screwy but the package made it's way into your db.19:04
mhall119|workmakasu26: adding the user to the "admin" group will give them sudo access19:04
A[D]minSraylu ok so ?what shall i do19:05
James147Lavagolemking1: fixed its self? nice when that happens19:05
A[D]minSany idea?19:05
Karmicmakasu26: using visudo command as root ( su - )19:05
neurochromeso _no-one_ here is running ubuntu-one syncronisation package?!19:05
raylucarrie_555: you could mess with your sudoers, but at this point i think you should reconsider your solution19:05
mhall119|workneurochrome: I am19:05
A[D]minSsudo dpkg --configure postfix  didn't help19:05
graingertneurochrome: it;s a bit rubbish19:05
Lavagolemking1It did this all last night, and again just a few minutes ago, but it asked "Install these packages without verification" listing all the programs for apt/synaptic and their dependencies.19:05
rayluA[D]minS: try reinstalling postfix19:05
neurochromemhall119|work, does your package update19:05
mhall119|workneurochrome: nope19:05
neurochromegraingert, it's still beta19:06
makasu26i sorry i tried to use sudo and su but all i get is  user is not in suders file19:06
westhermalas, my kernel, she is too new and my card, too old19:06
A[D]minSraylu: same error19:06
mhall119|workI installed it when they first made it available19:06
neurochromemhall119|work, yeah, a bit weird huh?!19:06
neurochromemhall119|work, same here19:06
chervawhat was the command to frize a package so it doesn't get updated ?19:06
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rayluLavagolemking1, James147: is there any message at the end of "sudo apt-get update"?19:06
mhall119|workneurochrome: I just assumed they changed something while in development, and I"d have to remove and int reinstall19:06
graingertneurochrome: doesn't make it not crap19:06
Karmicmakasu26: Have you tried su - ?19:06
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geniicherva: There is no command for that. You have to pin the package in /etc/apt/prefereces file19:07
neurochromegraingert, what do you want? a cherry on top?  it sync files. period19:07
Lavagolemking1No (and there wasn't). However, from a different location it timed out on fetching one of the files.19:07
carrie_555raylu, there is no way to write a command like this: sudo program -pass=open_the_door        ?19:07
genii!pinning | cherva19:07
ubottucherva: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:07
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mhall119|workmakasu26: you have to add your user account to the admin group19:07
rayluA[D]minS: dpkg -s postfix19:07
neurochromemhall119|work, well apt realises there is an update available but holds back as if it were pinned or something?19:07
Lavagolemking1I ran it again today, and it completed, but I was still getting the error.19:07
makasu26yes i have tried su.it ask for  sudo password i put it in.then it wil say user is not in the sudoers file.19:07
raylucarrie_555: yes, but it's a very very bad idea, obviously. if you want to do that, i'd suggest editing /etc/sudoers instead19:08
mhall119|workneurochrome: could be a new dependency19:08
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chervagenii:  thanks19:08
Karmicmakasu26: not su try su -19:08
mhall119|workneurochrome: are you on 9.04?19:08
geniicherva: Welcome19:08
neurochromemhall119|work, yes19:08
A[D]minSraylu: -s for info ?19:08
makasu26okay i will try19:08
rayluA[D]minS: status, yes19:08
mhall119|workneurochrome: I'm assuming they're now depending on some stuff from 9.1019:08
A[D]minSraylu: so what do u want from -s ?19:08
mhall119|workso it can't resolve dependencies for the new package, thus it won't upgrade19:08
fahadsadahgrawity: Ping?19:08
rayluKarmic: why are we using su?19:08
carrie_555raylu, ok, I'll try to figure what are those 'sudoers'19:08
rayluA[D]minS: everything?19:08
neurochromemhall119|work, maybe... though you'd expect it to be backported to jaunty for all the beta testers to use19:08
makasu26it ask for a passowrd that i dont know19:08
grawityfahadsadah: ?19:09
mhall119|workneurochrome: it's being included in Karmic as a default install, so probably all their efforts are there19:09
A[D]minSraylu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/258819/19:09
mhall119|workmakasu26: are you the owner of that box?19:09
James147Lavagolemking1: what error message are you getting when you run what program?19:09
neurochromemhall119|work, I know... still there's a whole load of beta testers on jaunty19:09
Karmicmakasu26: sudo passwd and set your root password if you are the only current user19:09
mhall119|workneurochrome: true, have you asked the developers about it?19:09
Lavagolemking1Running programs, none. The error only occured with apt/synaptic.19:09
neurochromemhall119|work, nope19:10
mhall119|workneurochrome: #ubuntuone19:10
James147<Lavagolemking1> Running programs, none. The error only occured with apt/synaptic.19:10
James147<-- rocky_ (n=rocky@adsl-76-212-65-126.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net) has quit (Client Quit)19:10
rayluA[D]minS: what happened when you tried to configure it?19:10
neurochromemhall119|work, just wanted to make sure it wasn't just me!19:10
makasu26yes i just bought it 2 days ago but i wanted to chnage user anme adn pass.i made new admin user but then all sudden  root is disable and i cant unlock anything19:10
mhall119|workneurochrome: not just you19:10
A[D]minSraylu laptop restarted because it was out of charge!19:10
James147Lavagolemking1: can you pastebin the output form sudo aptitude update?19:10
mhall119|workmakasu26: root should never have a password19:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntuone19:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-one19:10
Guest49658hey guys let me get this straight, in Ubuntu the main way to install programs is by downloading them from the "add\Remove" window again and again every time i reinstall windows or something?19:10
raylu!prefix | Lavagolemking119:10
ubottuLavagolemking1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:10
mhall119|workGuest49658: what?19:11
makasu26I sorry to ask what should i do after the su -?19:11
ejvGuest49658: or using the command line tool(s): apt-get / aptitude19:11
mhall119|workGuest49658: you should only have to download and install an application once19:11
Karmicmakasu26: what outpude gives the following commands : 1) groups 2) users ?19:11
Guest49658as far as i undarstand, the main way to install software in ubuntu is by usong the Add/Remove application19:11
jMylesHow can I replicate, using the CLI, the exact functionality that occurs when I mount a drive by clicking it in places-=>computer ?19:11
rayluA[D]minS: er... that's when you tried to configure it? or just now?19:11
* ejv rubs mhall119|work 19:11
mhall119|workGuest49658: yes19:11
mhall119|workhi ejv19:11
ejvoh hi!19:11
rayluJames147, Lavagolemking1: for key issues, i suggest apt-get19:12
PariBachi can anyone help me? i want to install blowfish on x-chat to encrypt my channel? how can i install it?19:12
makasu26When i bought it i delete some user that i thought was useless.I made mistake click on admin account it said u cant it make system unuseable.19:12
A[D]minSraylu: u said "<raylu> A[D]minS: what happened when you tried to configure it?" and i answered this question ..19:12
Guest49658but what if i want to install some application that is not on the list?19:12
Lavagolemking1To me, it looked like I was either missing a public key, or something worse.19:12
makasu26when try unlock the user and group i get could not authenictae19:12
rayluA[D]minS: ok... then try configuring it again19:12
mhall119|workmakasu26: hmmmm, you may need to use a LiveCD to fix it then19:13
A[D]minSi said i want to force removing it19:13
ejvPariBac: download xfish.so, place it in /home/<username>/.xchat2; in xchat, load the binary19:13
Lavagolemking1James147: http://pastebin.ca/154180719:13
legend2440Guest49658: there are only a limited amount of packages listed in Add/Remove. Synaptic will list all avsailable packages19:13
makasu26would it be a big problem to reinstall ubuntu on a usb?19:13
mhall119|workGuest49658: many 3rd parties provide applications as installable .DEB packages, or offer their own repositories that make their applications available to isntall from Add/Remove19:13
ndan2man i hate i rarely come in here to get help -- only when i have an issue i've worked on for hours n its rare i get a response at times.19:13
imachinehey anyone tried playing starcraft on ubuntu?19:13
ndan2imachine, yes i have19:13
imachineI have issues running it full screen19:13
imachinendan2, can you run it fullscreen?19:13
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JohannesSM64why do i have to grant myself permission to run shell scripts i make?19:14
ndan2imachine, no problems if u run it in a window with your resolution19:14
imachineI get the bottom half the screen cut off19:14
JohannesSM64does it enhance security or something?19:14
Guest49658ah so if lets say... i want a video editing software, i must go to synapics and search for video editing software?19:14
ActionParsnipyo yo yo19:14
imachinendan2, yes but I want fullscreen, and I have a laptop 16:1019:14
mhall119|workJohannesSM64: chmod o+x $filename19:14
rayluJohannesSM64: so that you don't accidentally execute a text file19:14
ejvPariBac: Window > Plugins and Scripts > Load... > <navigate to .xchat2 and select plugin>19:14
imachinendan2, it automatically goes fullscreen anyway19:14
ndan2imachine, choose run in window and choose resolution that is a little less then full screen19:14
Karmicmakasu26: you don't have to reinstall, your problem has a solution, PM me and I will guide you19:14
mhall119|workGuest49658: yup, unless you know the name of the one you want19:14
rayluJohannesSM64: you can always just use sh filename.sh19:14
ActionParsnipis it possible to only have a single toolbar in gnome?? rather than one at the top and one at the bottom?19:14
legend2440Guest49658: yes19:14
ndan2imachine, not if u go to winecfg n choose load in a window19:14
imachinendan2, hmm yes but that still doesn't seem like a good idea, overall...19:14
ejvPariBac: also, when addressing me, use "ejv:" before your comments, so I can see it, good luck19:14
rayluActionParsnip: yes... right-click19:15
imachinendan2, more like a hackish hack ;p19:15
mhall119|workActionParsnip: sure, the gnome panels are hugely customizable19:15
DigitalDarknessQuestion, if someone has time: I was putting a older GTK1 rc file in my theme for Gnome I am working on as a complimentary theme for that last apt or two that still using it (e.i. XMMS). But it doesnt seem to be showing up. Even on older themes I did 4 years ago? Any ideas why on Ubu 904?19:15
imachinendan2, I met some ubuntu forum thread saying about enabling a separate X server19:15
ndan2imachine, with wine sometimes to get stuff to work thats the only option.  its been over a year however19:15
imachineand running it on taht separate X19:15
mhall119|workyou can have 1, 2, 3, 4, whatever19:15
imachineand setting it's max res to 640x48019:15
ndan2sudo lshw19:15
imachineand then X works great ;]19:15
=== adam is now known as Guest91868
raylumakasu26: for your own security, it's recommended you receive support in this channel and not in PMs19:16
Guest49658legend2440: i am currently downloading Wine, its a large file, if tommorow i will reinstall Ubuntu, where can i find this file on my HD to reinstall it?19:16
Guest49658or at least how can i back it up so that i wont have to redownload it19:16
rayluGuest49658: it will be cached, so you can even kill the download and resume it later. the answer to your question is /var/apt/cache, i think19:16
ejvPariBac: if you're using a 64bit install, you might have to compile your own, which isn't necessarily easy19:17
myeyespyHow can one enter the "options" terminal meny through a command at the terminal?19:17
Guest49658what? what is /var/apt/cache?19:17
mhall119|workGuest49658: if you reinstall Ubuntu, you'll have to have separate partitions to not lose your data19:17
Guest49658i know19:17
Guest49658how can i back up Wine on a saparate partition?19:17
=== AskHL__ is now known as AskHL_
rayluGuest49658: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/linuxfiles.html19:17
rayluA[D]minS: but you may have to finish configuring it first19:18
mhall119|workGuest49658: you can point APT to use a folder on that partition for cache19:18
myeyespynm got it19:18
ndan2sudo iwlist eth1 scan  --- eth1 no scan results  wtf why is it there i can put it into monitor mode etc... but it doesn't work!19:18
ActionParsnipraylu: got it, thought i'd give gnome a whirl see if its any better19:18
Guest49658plus /var/apt/cach doest work, it says "no such file or directory"19:18
mhall119|workGuest49658: or just use Keryx to download the package and all dependencies19:18
ActionParsnipGuest49658: check spelling, cache has an e on the end19:18
fahadsadahGuest49658: It's /var/apt/cache19:18
ActionParsnipGuest49658: use tab and you wont have that problem19:19
A[D]minSraylu: it give same error19:19
Guest49658i copy paste it19:19
Guest49658same error19:19
rayluGuest49658: i'm not sure about that path, but it's somewhere around there19:19
rayluA[D]minS: eh? what command did you run, and what error?19:19
Guest49658andrew@andrew-desktop:~$ /var/apt/cache19:19
mhall119|workGuest49658: it's /var/cache/apt, not /var/apt/cache19:19
Guest49658same error19:19
lordnikonhow do i transfer my contact list from aol to evolution??19:19
fahadsadahlordnikon: You can't. AOL are bastards.19:20
legend2440Guest49658: its actually    /var/cache/apt/archives19:20
mhall119|worklordnikon: can you export it from AOL as LDIF?19:20
jMylesWhat command is run when one clicks on an unmounted drive in the "places" menu in order to mount it?19:20
A[D]minSraylu: sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix19:20
fahadsadahmhall119|work: AOL don't allow _any_ exporting.19:20
fahadsadahjMyles: mount19:20
lordnikondont know how19:20
A[D]minS/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: postfix is broken or not fully installed19:20
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
mhall119|workjMyles: it runs several things to set it up the way it does19:20
fahadsadahSee man mount19:20
Berzerkerraylu, hi lol19:20
rayluBerzerker: hi19:20
jMylesmhall119|work:  I'm trying to replicate the exact functionality via SSH.  Do you know which commands I need to run?19:20
fahadsadah!pm | lordnikon19:21
ubottulordnikon: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:21
=== xray7224_ is now known as xray7224
fahadsadahlordnikon: In answer to your PM, yes, you have to do it the hard way.19:21
dragon`hey guys, how can i mount an internal hdd when im connecting using ubuntu livecd?19:21
mhall119|workjMyles: you'll have to read up on the "mount" command19:21
jMylesmhall119|work:  Alternatively, and I'm surprised to have been unable to find this via searching, how can I have those drives automatically mount as if I had clicked them?19:21
lordnikonok thnx19:21
fahadsadahdragon`: Use mount.19:22
fahadsadahjMyles: Add them to /etc/fstab19:22
mhall119|workdragon`: mount it while the LiveCD is booting?19:22
ndan2dragon`, it should be something like mount /dev/sda(1) /mnt/xxxx19:22
ActionParsnipdragon`: provided the partitons are visible ni the output of: sudo fdisk -l   yes19:22
jMylesmhall119|work:  Well, I understand the mount command, and I can mount the drives no problem.  What I can't do is make them mount the way they do when I click them.19:22
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
b_I cannot get youtube to work in 8.04, any suggestions?19:22
Guest49658is there a guide for the top most usefull terminal commands? or a guide to the terminal/19:22
mhall119|workjMyles: I think you'll need a udev rule to do that19:22
fahadsadahjMyles: /etc/fstab19:22
ActionParsnipb_: install flash and enable java script19:22
fahadsadah!fstab | jMyles19:23
ubottujMyles: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:23
b_how do I enable java script19:23
fahadsadahb_: Where?19:23
mhall119|workb_: from Add/Remove programs, install Adobe Flash Player19:23
fahadsadahIn Firefox, it's on by default.19:23
exutableIs anybody interested in collaborating on writing a driver for a fingerprint scanne? It is probably going to be written in C and is going to be approximately 300-1000 lines of code.  I can offer help via providing sniff logs, monetary donations and some programming help19:23
rayluA[D]minS: http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-user@lists.debian.org/msg439732.html19:23
fahadsadahexutable: Try ##linux19:24
exutablethank you19:24
kidbloopermaybe #programming19:24
exutableall on freenode?19:25
ActionParsnipb_: edit -> prefs -> content tab -> enable javascript19:25
fahadsadahexutable: Lol!19:25
exutablelol what?19:25
fahadsadahSorry, wrong line for wrong person in wrong channel19:25
fahadsadahexutable: Yes, all freenode.19:25
exutableI was like, wtf there are a lot of irc channels19:25
fahadsadahList of channels.19:26
exutablethanks bud19:26
* OEP fears the /list19:26
makasu26How do i add my user to sudoers files?19:26
mhall119|workdon't use "/list", "/msg alis list" instead19:26
fahadsadah#ubuntu is the largest channel in freenode.19:26
mhall119|workmakasu26: you need administrator access to do that19:26
fahadsadahmakasu26: adduser youruser admin19:26
mhall119|workand you deleted your administrator account19:27
CanageekI'm having some trouble: I've got a new ubuntu box and I can't get any webbrowsers to work19:27
makasu26ues i delte admin account so i cant even add user19:27
CanageekI can get a ping and pidgin connects fine19:27
mhall119|workmakasu26: you'll need to use a LiveCD19:27
fahadsadahmakasu26: Reboot into recovery mode, selecting the option "drop to root shell"19:27
mhall119|workboot from the LiveCD, and modify /etc/groups, add you new user name to the line for "admin"19:27
fahadsadahFrom there, type adduser yourusername admin, which will make that user an admin.19:28
CanageekI tried using w3m but it just sits at the 'opening socket' stage forever19:28
mhall119|workmakasu26: fahadsadah's suggestion is better19:28
fahadsadahmhall119|work: Overcomplication. Recovery mode can drop the user to a root shell.19:28
fahadsadahCanageek: Firefox.19:28
fahadsadahThe best browser.19:28
makasu26i get a  fsck need to be check and request from me a root password19:28
CanageekFirefox just sits and sits once I type a URL in fahadsadah19:28
mhall119|workCanageek: do you need to configure it to go through a proxy?19:28
Canageekfahadsadah: Its my main browser, I was hoping using a textmode broswer would tell me more and it did19:29
makasu26cant get to the screen to  start root sheel19:29
Canageekmhall119|work: Nope19:29
rayluCanageek: try installing strace and running 'strace firefox'19:29
mhall119|workCanageek: does wget work?19:29
fahadsadahmakasu26: Cancel the fsck check with Ctrl+C19:29
raylumhall119|work: 13:25:09        Canageek> I can get a ping and pidgin connects fine19:29
Canageekmhall119|work: How do I find out? I'm connected to the net (I'm chatting with you from that computer)19:29
Pavel__jussi01 I printed a successful test page from printer configuration...19:30
Canageekraylu: I can't get updates, I tried running update manager & it is not working19:30
OEPIs there a way I can force FUSE to mount flash drives with names like 'disk1' 'disk2', etc.. ?19:30
mhall119|workraylu: but that doesn't tell me anything about http traffic19:30
rayluCanageek: oh... the issue could be that port 80 is blocked or something, i see19:30
mhall119|workCanageek: wget http://www.google.com19:30
Pavel__jussi01 but I would like to view my qeued documents since I've been having printer problems all day19:30
geniiPavel__: You probably wanted to type that into #kubuntu channel :)19:30
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:30
Pavel__ah sorry19:30
h34v3nwhere can i find help for samba in ubuntu ?19:31
Canageekraylu: HEY, Google FINALLY loaded in w3m19:31
fahadsadah!samba | h34v3n19:31
ubottuh34v3n: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:31
dbuggerhi guys19:31
OEPfahadsadah, so say I want this to extend to sdb, sdc without specifying them in fstab19:31
dbuggerdoes anybody know any software to make the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO)?19:31
guntbert!ot | dbugger19:32
ubottudbugger: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:32
blue112Hello here. Is there an easy way to chroot an ssh user in it's home directory, prevent him totally from seeying any files out of it ?19:32
fahadsadahOEP: I don't think that's possible?19:32
JarlGHello! I'm running ubuntu 9.04 on a HD 4670, and f.ex. when I open FF, I get a quick glimmer of artifacts. Also, I can't enable 'Desktop Visual Effects'. Is there any driver I could install to make my hardware compatible with these functions? Thanks!19:32
buckyPavel__, man lpq19:32
fahadsadah!chroot | blue11219:32
ubottublue112: chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)19:32
mhall119|workOEP: udev19:32
guntbertdbugger: I was too quick - apologies19:32
Blasteranyone know of a way to move a window onto another screen? i know about tools like 'devils pie', but that only allows me to move matched windows between workspaces, not between X screens.. My problem is that all the apps I launch in my dual screen setup appears on Screen 0, even if I launch them from Screen 119:32
OEPmhall119|work, ok.. I'll check out the rules and see what I find19:32
mhall119|workblue112: chroot isn't really secure19:32
Canageekmhall119|work: sitting on "Resolving www.google.ca" however google loaded finally in w3m19:32
fahadsadah!udev | OEP19:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about udev19:33
blue112mhall119|work: Then what can I do for secure it ?19:33
buckyBlaster, drag and drop on the pager in the bottom right corner19:33
DigitalDarknessQuestion, if someone has time: I was putting a older GTK1 rc file in my theme for Gnome I am working on as a complimentary theme for that last apt or two that still using it (e.i. XMMS). But it doesnt seem to be showing up. Even on older themes I did 4 years ago? Any ideas why on Ubu 904?19:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about udev-rules19:33
mhall119|workblue112: make sure the user doesn't have admin privileges19:33
nperryBlaster: define screen?  are we talking workspaces19:33
OEPfahadsadah, I don't think that will be necessary :P19:33
buckyBlaster, or right click on the title bar and select move to on the menu19:33
dbuggerguntbert, what?? too quick for what?19:33
blue112mhall119|work: The problem is I don't want him to see the content of the php files in the server (which contains mysql password)...19:33
mhall119|workblue112: do make those files readable only by the webserver user19:34
fahadsadahOEP: ubottu makes dealing with the noobs so much easier.19:34
guntbertdbugger: never mind, I sent you a wrong factoid :-/19:34
Blasternperry, no, X screens .. where each screen has a number of workspaces19:34
dbuggerguntbert, no problem: can you send me a right one? :)19:34
OEPfahadsadah, I see that a lot around here heh19:35
mhall119|workfahadsadah: we don't "deal with noobs", we help young Ubuntu community members19:35
Blasterbucky, right clicking the title bar only allows me to move to workspaces (right-of etc)19:35
blue112mhall119|work: It's complex because many user are using it :/ It'll be easier to prevent access from it with a chroot, as in ftp.19:35
fahadsadahBlaster, nperry: TTYs, basically.19:35
guntbertdbugger: sorry, no19:35
Ubuntun00bI need help with grub...19:35
fahadsadahmhall119|work: Same thing19:35
mhall119|workyou can't more windows from one X display to another19:35
fahadsadah!grub | Ubuntun00b19:35
ubottuUbuntun00b: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:35
raylublue112: then put those users in the webserver group19:35
buckyBlaster, you're not going to be able to move apps to another instance of X started by another user19:35
fahadsadahOr even the same user.19:36
Ubuntun00bI couldn't boot windows after installing ubuntu.19:36
wildc4rdevenin' all19:36
buckyBlaster, what fahadsadah said ^^19:36
Ubuntun00bI used winxp lite.19:36
buckyBlaster, if you're in console use screen19:36
mhall119|workthere is an experimental x server called "xmove" (I think) that lets you move windows to other X displays19:36
Arknshi. Tring to change my username, I lost it. after a series of commands trying to recreate I see that when I try it to change they rename it to newname. so I rename it again and change password. but I cannot log graphically. on terminal I can, with password19:36
Ubuntun00bI'm in ubuntu now.19:36
Blasterbucky, it's not another user.. i have a dual screen setup attached to my graphics card. I logon, i get two independent desktops.. if I move my mouse "below" screen #0, it appears on screen #119:37
Blastermhall119|work, for some reason, apps started on screen 1, appears on screen 019:37
fahadsadahArkns: In the commands you type, actually substitute the new name in for "newname"19:37
mhall119|workBlaster: ah, okay, are you running Compiz?19:37
Ubuntun00btitleMicrosoft Windows XP Professional19:37
FloodBot3Ubuntun00b: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:37
JarlGHi! I'm usually using a RAID 0 setup with my two HDs, but it seems ubuntu won't boot while RAID is enabled, so I had to change to ATA. Now I can't utilize the other HD, is there any way for ubuntu to recognize both?19:38
Ubuntun00bHow do I know what hd ubuntu is on?19:38
Ubuntun00b*windows is on.19:38
Blastermhall119|work, well, i'm not sure ..? :) i don't have all those fancy visual effects, but it might be running in the background. how can i tell?19:38
mhall119|workUbuntun00b: fire up gparted, that'll tell you19:38
hrabcan anyone reccoment a remote desktop solution for ubuntu, or decent vpn client, that doesn't twitch like a hooker on a 15 day heroin bender?19:38
{zEr0-x}hi everybody!19:38
hrabreccomend too.19:38
buckyBlaster, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/5625819:38
mhall119|workBlaster: do your windows have drop-shadows?19:38
tofixhello all, tell me something, when i bridge 2 tap (each of them provide an ethX in kvm virtual computer ) i should be able to ping from each side of the tap if they are in a the same subnet or do i have somehting else to do before ?19:39
Ubuntun00bIs gparted already included in ubuntu or do I have to install it?19:39
mhall119|workhrab: which do you want, VPN or remote desktop?19:39
mhall119|workUbuntun00b: It's on the LiveCD, but I don't think it gets installed by default19:39
mhall119|workBlaster: if you are running compiz, then there is a plugin to help with window placement, otherwise get "devilspie"19:40
buckyUbuntun00b, dpkg -l gparted to find out look for ii at the start of the return line19:40
rayluUbuntun00b, mhall119|work: sudo fdisk -l19:40
Blastermhall119|work, devilspie only allows moving matched windows between workspaces, not screens (as far as i can tell...)19:40
mhall119|workBlaster: really?19:41
* mhall119|work hasn't really used it seriously19:41
Ubuntun00bdpkg -l gparted I to install?19:41
mhall119|workBlaster: if using Compiz, you can try disabling the Smart Placement19:41
buckyUbuntun00b, dpkg -l gparted to find out if it's installed that was your question right19:41
ejvhrab: i like NX/freenx19:42
Ubuntun00bIt's not installed.19:42
rayluUbuntun00b: that's an L, not an l. like i said, "sudo fdisk -l" is sufficient19:42
buckyUbuntun00b, install it19:42
Blastermhall119|work, i went into the System -> Preferences -> Appearance, and selected "Normal" at Visual effects-tab.. now I have dropped shadows everywhere, does that mean Compiz is on? :)19:42
|OLLIE|Ubuntun00b, try: sudo apt-get install gparted19:42
mhall119|workBlaster: yes, now it's on19:43
mhall119|workyou'll want to install compiz-config-settings-manager19:43
Ubuntun00b/dev/sda1   *           1       36473   292969341    7  HPFS/NTFS19:43
mhall119|workcompizconfig-settings-manager actually19:43
dmzhowdy y'all, anyone know where I can find adobe acroreader for jaunty amd64? medibuntu doesn't have it19:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about icon19:44
Bonsaohello, i'm having some trouble getting ubuntu netbook remix to find my belkin router... anyone here who can help`?19:44
mhall119|workdmz: does Adobe have a 64bit version of Acrobat?19:44
ubottuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)19:44
Blastermhall119|work, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/56258 describes my problem exactly.. unfortunately, i can't use TwinView as the answer suggets, since my screens run at completely different resolutinos19:44
fahadsadah!icon is <alias>icons19:44
ActionParsnipBonsao: sudo lshw -C network will get us started, please pastebin the output19:44
rayluUbuntun00b: that's hd0,0, indeed. what happened when you tried to boot it?19:44
dmzmhall119 well 32bit then, both will work19:44
mhall119|workdmz: 32bit is in the repos I think19:44
Ubuntun00bIt said "Booting ..." or something19:45
Ubuntun00bAnd nothing happened.19:45
{zEr0-x}may somebody help me doing a presentation paper for my C.V.?19:45
BonsaoActionParsnip: pastebin'ing the output is difficult when i can't get it online :p19:45
fahadsadah!ot {zEr0-x}19:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ot {zEr0-x}19:45
fahadsadah!ot | {zEr0-x}19:45
ubottu{zEr0-x}: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:45
makasu26what do i do after a root shell promt and it ask for a root password that i dont know?19:46
fahadsadahBonsao: Save to a file (command > filename), and pastebin that from another computer.19:46
dmzmhall119 the last time acroread was "in" the repo was on dapper and is v7.0.9 :(19:46
fahadsadah!sudo | makasu2619:46
ubottumakasu26: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:46
dmzi'll just install from adobe, thanks19:47
ejvmakasu26: use sudo19:47
makasu26i use sudo where it says the root passwd for manitenance?19:47
mhall119|workmakasu26: it's asking you to set the password?19:47
pleaseworkis there an apt-get that will reinstall the ieee8011 stack and ipw2100 drivers?  i was trying to reinstall the drivers n everything got removed19:47
makasu26it sayd give root password for maintenace or control +d19:48
Ubuntun00bWhen I boot winxp with grub after installing ubuntu It says "Booting..." but nothing happens.19:48
mnaines71W per hour...That's how much my laptop and the external hard drive require when they are both plugged in19:48
fahadsadahmakasu26: Where are you asked that?19:48
ResistolIs there a way in samba to make the equivalent of Windows XP's "Hidden" share?  The idea is to have no login necessary for anyone in the LAN, but they at least need to know the name of the folder to find it - it does not show up in network places.19:48
icerootdmz: acroread is of couse still in the repos19:48
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw
=== Hink is now known as lowvaluetarget
pleaseworkUbuntun00b, its kinda funny but i use to have a problem with a laptop where when it froze i had to hold spacebar n it would boot.  otherwise it would hang19:49
fahadsadahResistol: Did you try the Windows method of prefixing it with a $?19:49
mhall119|workResistol: man smb.conf ?19:49
makasu26im in the rocovery mode.I trying to add my user to admin.19:49
mhall119|workmakasu26: try just hitting enter?19:50
Flannelmakasu26: adduser user admin (where user is your username)19:50
makasu26root shell promt ask me for a root password for maintence or press ctrl+D19:50
Resistolfahadsadah, I have not tried anything yet (i believe the $ comes after the name btw) - I am just trying to convince the boss at this small office (5 computers) to switch from XP home to Ubuntu server19:50
Flannelmakasu26: Have you set a root password?19:50
ResistolXP home is giving him problems, slowness and access denieds (maybe due to the 5 computer limit of XP)19:50
makasu26I have not set a root paswword.19:51
buckyResistol, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117333319:51
Flannelmakasu26: then hit ctrl-d19:51
fahadsadahResistol: You're right. It's Share$, and in Samba, you can use the Browsable option.19:51
fahadsadahFlannel: That will continue boot normally, IIRC.19:51
BonsaoActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/258839/19:51
puffWell, that was fun.  I was editing an OpenOffice doc, about 122 pages, switching back and forth between firefox and OO to copy and paste some graphs that I'd generated as gnuplot images in an HTML file, when suddenly I was back at the Gnome login prompt.19:51
jiohditrying to make vnc4server work... seems to be running... but my other machine cannot connect or discover it19:51
makasu26It will restart id I press ctrl d.19:51
Resistolfahadsadah, do i need to use the $ in samba?  Or is that what the "Browsable" option does?19:51
jMylesAny VNC experts in here?  I can connect with VNC to my home computer, but the screen does not change no matter what I do.  I am looking at an instance of Miro running full screen.  However, this app is dead - I killed it using SSH.  I cannot click anything.  What gives?19:51
puffno reboot, it looks like it just killed my gnome session completely, and all of hte apps running (emacs, terminal, firefox, open ofice, nautilus).19:51
makasu26I need to get passs it so i can adduser username admin there19:52
Ubuntun00bWhen I boot winxp with grub after installing ubuntu It says "Booting..." but nothing happens.19:52
buckyResistol, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117333319:52
fahadsadahResistol: The $ will have no effect, use Browsable (set it to no)19:52
mhall119|workjMyles: you need to disable Damage polling in your VNC Server19:52
mhall119|workjMyles: that is, if you're running compiz or the like on the host19:52
jMylesmhall119|work: Thanks for coming through again.  :-)  What is damage polling?  OK, well I can kill compiz.19:52
OEPmakasu26, did you use a livecd? if you haven't set a root password you'll probably need to boot to a livecd. after that you can edit '/etc/group' and add your username to the right of the line that starts as 'admin'19:53
extoris there any way to reset my keyboard mappings, like maybe restart some daemon cuz my shift key and some other keys no longer work in this x serrion19:53
mhall119|workjMyles: XDamage is an X extension that lets X only redraw the parts of the screen that have changed19:53
david__hi all19:53
mhall119|workjMyles: but with compositing like Compiz, the X server can't rely on that information19:53
david__I'm having trouble burning +R DVD's in Ibex anyone familar?19:53
gartralextor: your mouse working?19:53
extoryeah mouse works fine19:54
mhall119|workmost VNC servers will, by default, use XDamage to reduce the amount of updates it has to send19:54
jMylesmhall119|work: Gotcha.  You are right - killing compiz fixed the problem.  I'll do some more research.  Thanks for 2/2 today.19:54
extorlowercase keys work fine too19:54
makasu26Thanks .It seems making livecd is my last optiong.Good Day to you all.19:54
gartralextor: System>Preferences>Keyboard19:54
mhall119|workjMyles: np19:54
Ubuntun00bWhen I boot winxp with grub after installing ubuntu It says "Booting..." but nothing happens.19:54
ResistolThanks bucky and fahadsadah19:54
jiohdiif my vnc is running, why can't I see it from my other machine?19:54
gartraljiohdi: firewalls set anywhere?19:55
raylupuff: /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:55
david__I need help burning a DVD movie onto a +R dvd in ubuntu19:55
Blastermhall119|work, can't seem to find any "smart placment" plugins in the settings manager though19:55
jiohdigartral, not by me19:55
Bonsaofahadsadah: http://paste.ubuntu.com/258839/19:55
extorgartral, yeah that worked I think19:55
mhall119|workBlaster: under window management?19:55
Ubuntun00bWhen I boot winxp with grub after installing ubuntu It says "Booting..." but nothing happens.19:56
Blasteri read something about the "Put" feature allows you to move, but when enabled, it doesn't really give me any new options when i rightclick my windows19:56
westhermIf I attached a second monitor, and fiddled about with the settings in the system->preferences->display, what file are those settings saved in?19:56
Blasterdo i need to restart anything for changes to take effect?19:56
mhall119|workthe plugin name is "Place Windows"19:56
ctacokHello to all19:56
mhall119|workdavid__: does your DVD drive support +R?19:56
ActionParsnipBonsao: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty19:56
gartral!ru | ctacok19:56
ubottuctacok: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:56
ActionParsnipBonsao: apparently that nails it19:57
Ubuntun00bWhen I boot winxp with grub after installing ubuntu It says "Booting..." but nothing happens.19:57
mhall119|workwestherm: usually /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:57
ctacokА тут чо и по русски базарят/19:57
werti_rusctacok )19:57
guntbert!repeat | Ubuntun00b19:57
ubottuUbuntun00b: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:57
werti_rusctacok ) no19:57
westhermmhall119|work: I figured, but anywhere else?19:57
werti_rusctacok ) join #russian19:57
david__whall yes it does19:57
mhall119|workwestherm: I'm not sure where all the new auto-config'ed stuff lives19:58
ActionParsnip!ru | ctacok19:58
ubottuctacok: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:58
BonsaoActionParsnip: it says it can't find the package19:58
david__mhall119|work,  yes it does100%19:58
mhall119|workdavid__: okay, so where are you getting stuck?19:58
ActionParsnipBonsao: sudo apt-get update19:58
ActionParsnipBonsao: then rerun the install command (use up cursorto review old commands)19:59
david__mhall119|work,  Im using brasero and when I get to burn the dvd it says its a not compatible dvd19:59
ActionParsnipBonsao: if you are not using jaunty, change 'jaunty' to your release name19:59
ActionParsnipBonsao: you can find this out with lsb_release -c19:59
gartraldavid__: is the disk your burning to a DL or SL?19:59
mhall119|workdavid__: that's all the info?20:00
simranguys ive got 2 os on my laptop, flv (flash) plays fine on xp, but reallly crappy on ubuntu (vlc)...??20:00
simranits a real shame20:00
david__gardar,   that's a good question its a +R 4.7 gig doesnt say on it but my writer supports Dl as well20:00
eurythmiahow can I find out what services are using tcp ports 8010, or 111 on my machine?20:01
mhall119|worksimran: Flash on Linux has limited hardware acceleration support20:01
david__mhall119|work,  I havent used other programs besides brasero20:01
BonsaoActionParsnip: i am using jaunty. However, the update-command tried to access a bunch of web pages - But it can't, because it's not online20:01
david__mhall119|work,  Im sorry20:01
puffraylu:  Would the problem be at the beginning or end of Xorg.0.log?20:01
gartraldavid__: 4.7 gb is SL... does the drive support +R?20:01
ActionParsnipBonsao: then use a wired connection so you can install the package20:01
raylupuff: the end, of course20:01
simranahh makes sense.. mhakk119|work , do you think it will change in future versions?20:01
mhall119|workdavid__: I once had a Dell with a DVD burner that I had to firmware unlock to get it to support +R20:02
david__gartral,  yes I have used this drive with these dvdsin windows many times, with no error20:02
david__its not a hardware issue20:02
guntberteurythmia: lsof -i should give you a list of connections and servers20:02
david__at all20:02
mhall119|worksimran: maybe, depends on Adobe20:02
eurythmiaguntbert, thanks.20:02
david__this is not a hardware issue at all20:02
mhall119|worksimran: sometimes telling Flash to _not_ use hardware acceleration actually helps it20:02
simrani wonder why no one has made a 3rd party program, so we dont need to use flash20:02
david__the drive works fine under winblows, so its got to be software related.20:02
simranmhall119|work  how do i do that?20:03
mhall119|worksimran: gnash is the GNU Flash alternative20:03
eurythmiasimran, it's still in the works, it's called HTML 520:03
guntberteurythmia: yw, and if you want only servers type lsof -li20:03
mhall119|worksimran: I don't remember, you'll have to google it20:03
geniieurythmia: I like to use something like:   lsof -i:<portnumber>   to find what open files are using what ports20:03
RealKillazuhmm guys I have ubuntu 8.10 and after instaling mysql-server and creating databases/tables20:03
RealKillazeverythuing is ok20:03
ActionParsnipsimran: gnash and swfdec exist20:03
simranwill gnash run flash fine ?20:03
david__mhall119|work, gartral  was hardware the only solution you had?20:03
RealKillazas sooon as I create a new user the root user is removed!20:04
simrani tried swf...it was the same20:04
ActionParsnipsimran: not quite buit its getting better20:04
mhall119|worksimran: it'll run YouTube I think20:04
ircyopHello, I need some help.  I made my /boot partition a seperate partition, and only have it sized at about 70 megs, but it runs out of space for updates after time.  What can I do to merge the partitions, can I use a symbolic link or something?20:04
RealKillazis this a known issue in mysql-server?20:04
RealKillazon ubuntu?20:04
simranany limitations compared to adobe?20:04
mhall119|workircyop: you can tell APT to download packages to the other partition20:04
Hamidrezais there anyone to tell me about Xwindows ???????????????20:04
mhall119|worksimran: of course20:04
puffraylu:  The end of the file appears to just stop arbitrarily.20:04
ircyopmhall119|work, Does ubuntu normaly download packages to /boot ?20:05
jMylesIs there a utility like top that will show bandwidth use of each process?20:05
bdelin88anyone who could help me with vsftpd?  i am not able to get any help anywhere else20:05
david__is anyone burning +R dvd's with Ibex? and what are you using to do so?20:05
guntbertgenii: the :<portnumber>  part was new for me, thx20:05
BonsaoActionParsnip: i've plugged in a wired connection, but it does not automatically go online20:05
Halitechbdelin88, what kind of issue are you having?20:05
geniiguntbert: np20:06
ActionParsnipBonsao: try: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart20:06
RealKillazso creating a user in the database of mysql deletes the root user.20:06
Jake1Hi, I'm using 9.04 64bit. Mysql fails to start when I do "sudo /etc/init.d start". Nothing shows up in the mysql logs in /var/log/mysql. Any ideas on where I _should_ be looking?20:06
bdelin88i did an apt-get update the other day (i looked in the logs and didn't see any vsftpd related info) then all of a sudden these errors are now showing up after never having any issues: http://paste2.org/p/398188.  So i went ahead and purged/removed vsftpd and redid the config again... same issues are now occuring20:06
bdelin88Halitech: sorry, this will be better for you: i did an apt-get update the other day (i looked in the logs and didn't see any vsftpd related info) then all of a sudden these errors are now showing up after never having any issues: http://paste2.org/p/398188.  So i went ahead and purged/removed vsftpd and redid the config again... same issues are now occuring20:06
ircyopmhall119|work, Does ubuntu normaly download packages to /boot ?20:06
ActionParsnipircyop: no, debs go to /var/cache/apt20:07
raylupuff: no idea then, sorry20:07
puffraylu:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/258846/20:07
raylupuff: perhaps dmesg has something to say20:07
PurpleyI've got a question, how do i start a program through the terminal20:07
puffraylu Thanks anyway... IIRC, it happened just as I triple-clicked on a paragraph in firefox to select the entire paragraph for copying.  But before I could copy, boom.20:07
ActionParsnipPurpley: type its name, use tab to complete20:08
elninjaAnyone have any suggestions for configuring preferred wifi networks system-wide, rather than on a per-user basis?20:08
Purpleyive tryed20:08
BonsaoActionParsnip: the output was "* Reconfiguring network interfaces                [ OK ]", but it's still not online20:08
ircyopActionParsnip, Then what do I do to have it stop always running out of space on /boot when it does kernel related or something like that updates20:08
* puff wishes dmesg had timestamps.20:08
Halitechbdelin88, strange, it allows you to connect but times out .. are you using passive mode in the ftp program?20:08
eurythmiaalright ... now the only ports I have open are 80 (apache), 22(ssh), and 8010 (kopete) ... excellent.20:08
mhall119|workircyop: no, to /var/cache/apt20:08
Purpleynever mind20:08
Purpleythank you20:08
ircyopActionParsnip, Then what do I do to have it stop always running out of space on /boot when it does kernel related or something like that updates mhall119|work20:09
Purpleyi used a wild card instead of tab :)20:09
buckyircyop, you might have installed something accidently to /boot20:09
stereoit2hi, testing 9.10 my gconfd-2 process runs 20% of my CPU all the time, any hints how to troubleshoot?20:09
ircyopbucky, I didn't20:09
ircyopI just see20:09
buckyircyop, especially if your updates are flagged automatic20:09
bdelin88Halitech: i have tried both20:09
ircyopand some different versions of it on the /boot20:09
ActionParsnipircyop: then if you read through    dpkg -l | less     you can uninstall useless apps20:09
bdelin88Halitech: the REALLY strange thing is that winscp and filezilla bother get the same errors... also, the vsftpd log shows an OK LOGIN20:10
buckyircyop, but ubumtoo likes to rebuild the initrd.img everytime something new happens20:10
Purpleyalso what combination stops a proccess in the terminal without ending the window?20:10
ActionParsnipircyop: sudo apt-get clean     is a good way to get back space. you can also uninstall old kernels to harvest 100mb a kernel20:10
mhall119|workircyop: ircyop create a new file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ that contains: Dir::Cache::Archives "/home/$wherever"20:10
bdelin88Halitech: i have got nowhere to turn right now and vsftpd chat is dead20:10
buckyircyop, apt-get clean to clean out the apt cache20:11
Purpleyi cant find what it is again20:11
mhall119|workircyop: you can also limit the number of old kernels that are kept, but I don't recall how20:11
ActionParsnipPurpley: run the command with an & on the end, will give you the terminal control but the app will run20:11
ircyopmhall119|work, a file?20:11
mhall119|workircyop: run apt-get clean first20:11
ircyopa certain ffile name20:11
Purpleythanks <3 lol20:11
buckyircyop, du -h /var/cache/apt/archives/20:11
mhall119|workircyop: yeah, I named mine 02homecache20:11
tjcbdelin88, Halitech : I've used vsftpd a tiny bit, what seems to be the problem ?20:11
Halitechbdelin88, just looking at filezilla on my ftp connections to see if anything pops out at me, will check my vsftp conf in a sec20:11
buckyircyop, how much crap do you have in there?20:11
bdelin88tjc: i did an apt-get update the other day (i looked in the logs and didn't see any vsftpd related info) then all of a sudden these errors are now showing up after never having any issues: http://paste2.org/p/398188.  So i went ahead and purged/removed vsftpd and redid the config again... same issues are now occuring20:11
mhall119|workircyop: run apt-get clean before you make the file, then apt-get update after20:12
bdelin88Halitech: thank you, also could you see if yours is sending the "FEAT" command?  because both clients disconnect after sending that command and nothing returns from the command either20:12
bdelin88Halitech: if posting my apt log from the past couple of days would help i can put that on a paste20:13
BonsaoActionParsnip: the output was "* Reconfiguring network interfaces                [ OK ]", but it's still not online20:13
tjcbdelin88, do you have a server side log by any chance ?20:13
bdelin88tjc: yes, are you looking for the vsftpd log20:13
Halitechbdelin88, yes, mine sends the FEAT command and then gives a bunch of responses20:13
bdelin88Halitech: yes, i am getting NO responses from the feat command20:14
ActionParsnipBonsao: in the output of ifconfig   do you see a valid ip address for your network?20:14
tjcyes, would you be able to show me that ?20:14
bdelin88tjc: here is my log file... it's the same for the past few days: http://paste2.org/p/39820220:14
Purpleywhat is the best file format for the swap area?20:15
bdelin88tjc: that's the strange thing is that it checks out20:15
lion_hi folks, how to disable menu bar in terminal ?20:15
buckyPurpley, swap file system20:15
tjcbdelin88, do you use PAM for authentication? did you see anything strange in /var/log/messages ( or wherever it logs into ;)20:15
bdelin88tjc: PAM?20:15
Purpleysorry for being a noob in those parts :)20:16
ircyopmhall119|work, Dir::Cache::Archives "/home/cache/"20:16
BonsaoActionParsnip: i se "inet addr:" and "Mask:"20:16
j2daoshhey all, anyone got some docs on how to get my wireless card recognized and then get it to connect to a wireless router?20:16
bdelin88Halitech: an sftp login works just fine by the way... but I don't think my sftp is run by vsftp...don't ask, i have no idea how that got set up in the beginning... i also tried disabling shorewall but that didn't change a thing20:16
tjcmy vsftpd used to use pam by default...20:16
ircyopmhall119|work, E: Syntax error /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02homecache:2: Extra junk at end of file20:16
mhall119|workircyop: and mkdir /home/cache20:16
mhall119|workircyop: woops, sorry, should be a semi-colon at the end of the line20:16
i_am_nullHow can I tell if php running under apache compiled as a module?20:16
bdelin88tjc: i just know that vsftpd has worked fine for 3 months since install and then all of a sudden after no personal changes to the config or anything it no longer works20:16
tjcah, I missed the point here I guess :D20:16
PurpleyOH also20:17
RealKillazone more time. Hope you can help I'm installing mysql-server-5.0 package. After installing this package as soon as I create a new user it removes the root user20:17
PurpleyWhen i put my computer into hibernation20:17
RealKillazwhy is this happening?20:17
Purpleyand i try to resume it20:17
Halitechbdelin88, the firewall isn't part of the issue (I don't think) sftp is a seperate program20:17
Purpleynothing will happen until i press the power button20:17
bdelin88Halitech: gotcha20:17
ircyopmhall119|work, K updating20:17
Purpleythen a blinking underline will flash20:17
bdelin88Halitech: well it is not part of the issue for sure cuz i disabled it and receive the same errors20:17
mhall119|workPurpley: hitting the power button is what wakes your computer up from hibernation20:17
Purpleyi only see a _ that blinks20:18
Halitechbdelin88, if it was the firewall it wouldn't let you in at all20:18
jMylesHow can I view the bandwidth being used by each process?20:18
mhall119|workPurpley: it takes a while sometimes20:18
ircyopmhall119|work, Still cant update newest updates20:18
Purpleyi thought it would be instant lol20:18
ircyopmhall119|work, not enough room in /boot20:18
mhall119|workPurpley: as long as a cold boot, sometimes20:18
mhall119|workircyop: try removing some older kernels then in synaptic20:18
Halitechbdelin88, did you remove the vsftpd.conf file before you reinstalled?20:18
BonsaoActionParsnip: i se "inet addr:" and "Mask:"20:18
ircyopmhall119|work, I normaly do that20:18
Purpleywell a cold boot is fast aswell compared to windows20:19
ircyopmhall119|work, I want to make it so I dont have too anymore20:19
mhall119|workircyop: then you might need to use gparted to resize your partitions20:19
ActionParsnipBonsao: thats the loopback20:19
bdelin88Halitech: yes, then i also did a purge so that it would reload the default config (it did), then i made the necessary changes20:19
ActionParsnipircyop: dpkg -l | grep linux-image20:19
julle_I have exactly this bug or problem, is there any solution, i cant stream videos or listen to streamed radio https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gstreamer0.10/+bug/41806420:19
ActionParsnipircyop: run uname -r to see your running kernel and DO NOT uninstall that one20:19
Halitechbdelin88, hmmm, I'm not sure20:19
bdelin88Halitech: do you want to see my config file maybe?20:20
diamantinohelp me i have radeon 1950 and after bnstalation linux drivers my ubuntu 9.04 begin going down20:20
Halitechbdelin88, sure, I'll compare it to mine20:20
bdelin881 sec20:20
ircyopActionParsnip, http://pastebin.org/1170820:20
BonsaoActionParsnip: so that is not what you meant?20:20
ircyopActionParsnip, 2.6.29-1-netbook20:20
pythovorehow can i find out what user is running my process?  (it happens to be a django process in question)20:20
diamantinopeople who can use ubuntu 9.04 with ati radeon?20:21
Halitechdiamantino, did you install the ati catalyst drivers?20:21
bdelin88Halitech: keep in mind i don't have any fancy home directory setup... the only thing i use it for is /var/www/ here it is: http://paste2.org/p/39821120:21
i_am_nullHow can I tell if php running under apache compiled as a module?20:21
diamantinofrom ati web site20:21
ActionParsnipircyop: if you are using the netbook kernel you can uninstall linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic and linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic if you do not use them20:21
Halitechdiamantino, don't, they don't work in 9.0420:21
tjcbdelin88, did you try to run it with the log_ftp_protocol enabled ?20:21
Halitechbdelin88, ok, give me a sec20:22
ActionParsnipBonsao: your eth0 device needs a valid IP20:22
ircyopActionParsnip, through synaptic20:22
diamantinoi see it20:22
bdelin88tjc: no, how do i do that20:22
diamantinobut where is normal driver20:22
ActionParsnipBonsao: use network manager to tell your system to use eth020:22
j2daoshi need to completely reconfigure my network and network settings, how can I do that?20:22
tjcbdelin88, you'd have to put log_ftpd_protocol=YES to your config20:22
ActionParsnipircyop: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove20:23
bdelin88tjc: where does that log output go to?20:23
diamantinoso hey people who knerw where is normal radeon drivers,20:23
tjcbdelin88, need to check, brb.20:23
ActionParsnip!ati | diamantino20:24
ubottudiamantino: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:24
ircyopActionParsnip, Doing so20:24
Purpleydiamantino,   search in  package manager for raedon20:24
morbytehi. is there a way to find out if my labtop is sata-1 or sata-2 compatible?20:24
Purpleyi dont believe raedon makes drivers for linux20:24
tjcbdelin88, i've made a mistake : it should say log_ftp_protocol=YES20:24
ActionParsnipPurpley: ati make catalysts for linux20:24
Halitechbdelin88, only thing I see different is the last 6 lines on your conf file I don't have20:24
Purpleyoh sorry20:25
diamantinoo but i need 3d in linux20:25
PurpleyI didnt think they would20:25
diamantinoso i need nirmal drivers20:25
j1nnhi all20:25
bdelin88tjc: trying that again20:25
Halitechdiamantino, then drop back to 8.04 or 8.1020:25
tjcbdelin88, It went to /var/log/vsftpd.log on my machine20:25
PurpleyWhat is a good benchmarking software for linux?20:25
j1nni need some help with weird problem: my asus stopped suspending.. i even cannot think about where to look. syslog show nothing.20:26
Adam-85Peace be upon you20:26
Adam-85I need help with my sound20:26
tjcalso got a warning in /var/log/messages ( vsftpd using 32-bit capabilities)20:26
diamantinobut my be there is free driver from somebody20:26
Halitechdiamantino, there is the radeon and radeonhd drivers which you are probably already using20:27
BonsaoActionParsnip: it doesn't look like my ubuntu has anything called network manager.. it has "network connections" and "network tools", but i can't find anything about eth0 to change in either of those20:27
Adam-85My sound stopped and i cannt hear any sound20:27
diamantinoare there 3d in radeon hd drivers?20:27
Adam-85Ubuntu 9.0420:27
GPLwhenever i start Vdrift it doesnt starts in Fullscreen :( and that i tried to use OSgrid Virtual Reality Simulation, that too.. and tat it flickers a lot, what could be the problem20:27
ActionParsnipBonsao: try a reboot it may pick it up20:27
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:27
izeazalhi all. im on a fresh install and i seem to have sound everywhere else but firefox. is it because i have two sound cards and a usb headset connected? ive gone through the 'control panel' and set my default sound device already. any ideas?20:27
vishalhi all20:27
vishaldoes anyone know if there is any good tool to figure out the exact memory usage of a linux process?20:27
j1nnsomeone can think about any reason why suspend/hibernate simple stops working?... no kernel update was made. ubuntu 9.0420:27
ActionParsnipvishal: top20:28
BonsaoActionParsnip: i have rebooted it several times, but it's never had network manager20:28
bdelin88tjc: hmm, no new log messages and the log for the ftp client is still the same20:28
bdelin88Halitech: did you get a chance to compare those configs by the way?20:29
=== xendra_ is now known as csotelo
izeazalhttp://img2.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=28_screenshot440.png http://img2.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=28_screenshot-1388.png  http://img2.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=28_screenshot-2891.png  http://img2.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=28_screenshot-3.png i click test and i hear sound fine. i run vlc or rhythmbox and i hear sound fine. this is a fresh install. i have not even installed any packages or did any customization yet20:29
tjcbdelin88, I'm unable to reproduce this, I responded fine to my FEAT20:29
=== administrator is now known as Guest94343
diamantinoare there free 3d driver for legacy ati from sombody?20:29
izeazalits just firefox where i dont get sound20:30
Halitechbdelin88, yes and it was just the last 6 lines of yours that is extra to mine20:30
tjcbdelin88, I'm using version version 2.0.720:30
vishalwell top shows the percentage of memory usage and more so I have read in some blogs that VMSize and all it shows is the total memory allocated and not the usgae20:30
bdelin88Halitech: tjc: I have a new addition to my ftp client log file: http://paste2.org/p/39822520:30
BonsaoActionParsnip: is there any command line input to open the network manager20:31
ircyopActionParsnip, http://pastebin.org/1171120:31
bdelin88Halitech: tjc: it now says "EPRT"20:32
bdelin88Halitech: is there a better ftp client i should use?20:32
bdelin88Halitech: i mean ftp program... other than vsftpd?20:32
bjorkintoshbdelin88, there's always the commandline program20:33
damn_Is it possible to substitute the systembeep with a soundfile?20:33
bjorkintoshalso sftp20:33
Halitechbdelin88, I use vsftpd and filezilla with no problems20:33
ActionParsnipircyop: you need to work out why you aer getting those errors20:33
buckyActionParsnip ircyop FATAL: Could not open '/boot/System.map-2.6.28-13-generic20:33
bdelin88damn_: just disable that annoying beep20:33
bdelin88damn_: google it20:33
ActionParsnipBonsao: system -> prefs -> network connections    should do it20:34
tjcbdelin88, I like http://www.pureftpd.org/project/pure-ftpd20:34
Halitechdamn_, pop the cover and unhook the speaker wire20:34
bdelin88Halitech: hmm... could you paste your config file that i could try out?20:34
vishalof a process?20:34
damn_bdelin88, but i dont want to deactivate it (sudo modprobe -r pcspkr) i want to substitute it20:34
laryllanis there an alsa power user here?20:34
Halitechbdelin88, just delete the last 6 lines of your current, identical other then that20:34
ircyopActionParsnip, bucky No idea, I used sudo20:35
* ircyop checks boot20:35
bdelin88Halitech: alright i will try it, thanks20:35
buckyActionParsnip ircyop FATAL: Could not open '/boot/System.map-2.6.28-13-generic'  that's the show stopper20:35
Halitechbdelin88, here's mine if you want to look http://paste.ubuntu.com/258862/20:35
ircyopthere is no 13 I think20:36
diamantinook people please help me i decide to bye new videocard what videocard is work with ubuntu 9.04 in 3d mode?20:36
bdelin88tjc: I noticed a pam_service_name=vsftpd maybe this is the PAM thing you're talking about?20:36
Halitechdiamantino, Nvidia20:36
laryllanany newer nvidia card20:36
bdelin88Halitech: thanks again!20:36
diamantinobut i bye ati all my life20:36
Adam-85how to fix my sound20:36
diamantinomay be 4870 has 3d there20:36
ircyopFSCK IT20:36
Halitechdiamantino, do you want to buy a new card every 6 months?20:36
Adam-85my sound stopped in my system and with firefox also no sound20:36
ircyopim just going to reinstall20:37
diamantinoi love ubuntu and im redy to do it20:37
bdelin88diamantino: another reason why ati sucks20:37
ersoyhi, i have got a problem. i cant connect 1394 port my camera, how can i do?20:37
laryllancrowded here^^20:37
legend2440!sound | Adam-8520:38
ubottuAdam-85: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:38
ActionParsnipbucky: try: sudo touch /boot/System.map-2.6.28-13-generic20:38
henrifromtexhomacan an lvm mounted system be cloned with gparted to a second drive? as with a simple partion?20:38
tjcbdelin88, yes, most probably that is used for authentication on your machine20:39
ActionParsnipbucky: then run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get -f install20:39
michael_I moved my / partition (containing the /boot folder) to a different partition, yet grub still wants to look in the old partition for stage2 and my menu.lst - what do I need to change? btw here is a pastebin of a few of my boot-related files http://pastebin.com/f3b6564e920:39
tjcbdelin88, but this is irrelevant to your issue it would appear.20:39
diamantinoso if i bye ati 4870 will it work in 3d in ubuntu 9.04?20:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 139420:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ieee139420:40
michael_!firewire ?20:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firewire ?20:40
michael_oh hm it added the ?20:40
Halitechdiamantino, it should for now http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
j2daoshok, screw it. I am going to reinstall ubuntu so it actually works. Does the newest version actually detect a wirless card and make it work?20:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kino20:41
buckyActionParsnip, ircyop was the one that had the problem and pasted the error to you20:41
bdelin88diamantino: if you're buying an expensive ati card so that ubuntu will look pretty or because you want to play games on ubuntu... you're probably switching to ubuntu for the wrong reasons20:41
Halitechthe ati 4870 is more expensive then I paid for my entire system upgrade20:42
diamantinoi wont to use free soft its my way in life20:42
abhishekcan anyone help me install wine in ubuntu...plsss20:42
Ben64diamantino: lots of cards support 3d in linux20:42
diamantinonvidia is big company20:43
Ben64abhishek: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb20:43
diamantinoif ati died20:43
bdelin88diamantino: free software=shitty games20:43
bdelin88as much as i love ubuntu... i would never use ubuntu to play games20:43
Halitechabhishek, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/wine20:43
diamantinonvidia take all market and all grafikscards will be bad and very eexpencive20:43
Ben64i use ubuntu to play games : /20:43
diamantinoi play only wow20:44
bdelin88diamantino: just being real with you... don't switch to ubuntu cuz you want to play games or use compiz... that's a waste of money on a graphics card20:44
michael_Ben64: me too. I like foss games just fine.20:44
diamantinoso i neeed to start it in ubuntu20:44
Ben64i use ubuntu to play ffxi :D20:44
bdelin88diamantino: lol... and a personal recomendation don't upgrade to that expensive graphics card to play WOW c'mon man20:44
=== dragon` is now known as g0tcha
Ben64diamantino: also, nvidia has better linux support20:45
bdelin88i'm sorry, but ubuntu gaming will never be like windows gaming with the DX monopoly and having to reverse engineer everything20:45
abhishekthanks....I see them20:45
diamantinoso and which card i can bye to play wow in ubuntu,20:45
rizitisI love ubuntu because Linux is better ! http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/20:45
bdelin88diamantino: if wow is all you play just get like a 7000 or 8000 series nvidia card20:45
bdelin88i just personally could not switch to linux as much as i wanted to20:46
Ben64bdelin88: protip: the more people that play games on linux, the more games to feature linux support20:46
bdelin88i love it and everything...but the support is just not there...no photoshop, no blackberry support without major hackign around... lots of stuff20:46
diamantinoelse i use video player and videoediting and photoediting20:46
Ben64bdelin88: photoshop works fine20:46
bdelin88Ben64: i agree... but you're talking about 15% market share and highe20:46
Halitechwhat about the GeForce 9600gt? http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4111742&Sku=E145-950420:46
bdelin88Ben64: under wine and probably not correctly and probably not CS420:47
diamantinook senks very mutch20:47
bdelin88Halitech: but we're talking WOW here... :)20:47
diamantinoi bye 250gt may be20:47
Ben64bdelin88: "probably"...."probably" why don't you find some facts?20:47
Chris220bdelin88: But who needs photoshop when you have GIMP? ;)20:47
diamantinoi think it will be good20:47
jmiteI was wondering, does anybody know which programs make the biggest difference when they're compiled and optimized for your architechture?20:47
intel352hey all, i'm trying to configure "twinview" style functionality on an ubuntu 9 machine that has an ATI vid card, and a USB2VGA dongle (2 monitor setup, #1 running on the ATI onboard, #2 running on the dongle using sisusb driver)20:47
intel352if I enable xinerama, X fails while trying to enable nvidia for some reason (which is a PCI card I have installed during my experiments trying to get dual-monitors working), if I disable xinerama, I get 2 working displays without the ability to drag windows across displays...  (using the dongle & onboard ATI)20:47
Halitechbdelin88, don't know, I don't play games on my computer, I use my game consoles for that :D20:47
FloodBot3intel352: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:47
bdelin88Chris220: because gimp, as cool as it is... is garbage20:47
Chris220bdelin88: Garbage? I beg to differ20:48
rizitis+1 Chris22020:48
bdelin88Chris220: to add shadow effects to layers you have to install additional components...that should be built in20:48
GECKBeginnerWhere can I get a beta of Karmic Koala?20:48
Halitechbdelin88, personally I like GIMP better then photoshop20:48
t0show can i fix this error on apt-get update http://paste.ubuntu.com/258868/20:48
bdelin88Halitech: it just doesn't have the same capabilities20:48
Chris220bdelin88: Or you could just dupe the layer, fill the shape with black and guassian (sp?) blur it.20:49
Chris220bdelin88: Offset it a bit if you need20:49
Ben64i like photoshop better, just because that's what i'm used to. if i grew up using gimp, i'm sure i'd like it better20:49
bdelin88Chris220: that's just a hack to get around it... that's not functionality20:49
rizitis! karmic koala20:49
Chris220bdelin88: ... Erm, no. I'm sorry, but no.20:49
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:49
kuzuxi've bought a creative zen mp3 player today20:49
kuzuxand it doesn't seem to work with rhythmbox20:50
bdelin88whoever was griping at me about photoshop proof, here: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1431820:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pasta20:50
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic20:50
Chris220bdelin88: That's called having a bit of skill with the program to do more than just using plugins.20:50
hassanakevazirt0s, have added something from launchpad repos to you /etc/apt/sources.list ?20:50
kuzuxit shows up in the desktop, i can see the files in nautilus20:50
bdelin88Chris220: photoshop has that included...20:50
kuzuxbut rhythmbox does not seem to recognize it20:50
Chris220bdelin88: if you rely on plugins to do something that simple, then you won't get very far.20:50
bdelin88Chris220: again... "photoshop has that included"20:50
ulihi guys, i've got a strange problem, i want to use the b43-fwcutter script, which gets some data from openwrt.org. somehow my pc is unable to reach their homepage while my laptop next to me does... and if i use one of those web-based proxys it also works... anybody got an idea why this could be?20:50
bdelin88automatic shadowing20:50
t0shassanakevazir, yes, should i remove it?20:50
jmitedid anybody have ideas about my compiling question?20:51
ersoyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/258870/ <<-- what is the mean? ubuntu not support 1394 drivers?20:51
Chris220bdelin88: And also, what do you think the plugin does? Just automates the same process you'd do as, what you called, my "hack".20:51
Ben64bdelin88: looks like it's rated gold for certain wine versions20:51
Halitechbdelin88, and how much does photoshop cost? compared to a little time to add a few plugins in get what you want in gimp20:51
GECKBeginnerWhen can I beta test Karmic Koala?20:51
Ben64Halitech: i'm sure he's talking about stealing photoshop20:51
GECKBeginnerIt comes out in 2 months.20:51
bdelin88Halitech: that's fine... but i'm a developer, photoshop is a necessity20:52
|OLLIE|uli, banned ip? Does the laptop have a different internet connection?20:52
HalitechBen64, borrowing, I prefer the term borrowing ;)20:52
hassanakevazirt0s, no, not if you need it, you need to add their key. Go to the page you got it from, and follow this guide: https://launchpad.net/+help/soyuz/ppa-sources-list.html20:52
uliollie, no they are both connected to the same network20:52
Halitechbdelin88, the functionality is, not the program20:52
bdelin88Ben64: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=14318&iTestingId=4163920:52
kuzuxi've bought a creative zen mp3 player today but it doesn't seem to work with rhythmbox. it shows up in the desktop, but not on rhythmbox(or banshee, or gnomad2)20:52
buckyjmite, 99% of the programs are -O2 by default anyway and the difference going up from there is negligible20:52
t0shassanakevazir, ok thanks20:52
bdelin88Halitech: yes...and the functionality does not exist in gimp20:52
|OLLIE|then yes, that is very strange. The only thing i can think of is some sort of outgoing firewall on your "blocked" machine.20:52
Ben64bdelin88: "Gold"20:53
Chris220bdelin88: You're missing the point, I believe, of having a program that gives you all these tools. You're not meant to just use plugins for everything, and doing something manually is certainly not "a hack"20:53
bdelin88Ben64: there are font display issues20:53
|OLLIE|or maybe even a cached bad DNS result.20:53
Halitechbdelin88, not natively but most things can be added with plugins or scripts20:53
kuzuxi've bought a creative zen mp3 player today but it doesn't seem to work with rhythmbox. it shows up in the desktop, but not on rhythmbox(or banshee, or gnomad2)20:53
bdelin88I'm just saying... for everytime i want to add a shadow to have to control it in that way is just not...right... that's a hack for something that should be there20:53
abhishekcan anyone tell me which programming language is used to create ubuntu???20:54
bdelin88plus too photoshop keeps the shadows angles globally which is much better for mainting shadow and light20:54
|OLLIE|visual basic lol20:54
Chris220bdelin88: How can you call it a hack, when the whole idea of the program is to be creative and do things like that in your own way?20:54
buckyabhishek, C for the most part20:54
bdelin88Chris220: look i'm just sayin man... those things take time to do... something that can be done in photoshop with a checkmark20:54
Halitechbdelin88, right, not right is all subjective, what is "not right" to you may seem natural to someone else20:55
abhishekoks bucky thankz20:55
Chris220bdelin88: Well if you're not willing to spend time on things like this, you won't end up with a quality product. That's what I'm saying.20:55
=== michael_ is now known as sammy
jmitebucky: okay, thanks!20:55
bdelin88Chris220: how will you not end up with a quality product20:55
jibadeeha-anyone here had success with connecting an ipod touch with Linux ... wife wants to buy one, but we only have ubuntu on our main machine and worried it won't work20:56
sammydoes anyone know how I can tell grub where to find /grub/stage2 and menu.lst?20:56
Chris220bdelin88: Nothing good quality comes out of not spending time on it.20:56
hassanakevazirDoes anyone know the command to mount a ext3 drive and one to unmount it? I am not looking for fstab lines, I need a command for terminal20:56
IdleOnebdelin88: you can make a Wishlist request @ launchpad.net20:56
bdelin88Chris220: lol instead of moving your shadows by hand they are precisely calculated in photoshop20:56
jmitebucky: -O2 means modeate optimization, right?20:56
nikolaj_basherHi what kind of language is the best to learn c or c++ when you are in the linux world?20:56
Halitechbdelin88, don't think I'm ganging up on you, I believe in using the right tool (program) to get the job done, if thats photoshop for you then thats up to you, personally I like gimp and find I can do anything there that I could do in photoshop20:56
sammyI moved my root partition, and with it my /boot folder, but grub keeps looking on the old partition20:56
Chris220bdelin88: You'd rather let a program set where they are for you, instead of having per-pixel control?20:57
buckyjmite, http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html20:57
bdelin88Halitech: that's cool i understand... and i don't feel that way.. i just feel a certain way about linux in general... i love it but i hate it20:57
bdelin88i wish that it had enough market share to be supported by phone companies (blackberry) itunes.. all that stuff20:57
Chris220bdelin88: Halitech's statement is also true for me. I believe in using the right tool for the job, and I don't think the right tool is plugins. That's all :)20:58
Halitechjibadeeha-, personally I would go with something else, ipods are touchy from what I've seen20:58
hassanakevazirsammy, so grub loads, gives you the menu but doesn't load ubuntu?20:58
IdleOne!adobe > bdelin8820:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about adobe20:58
Chris220Halitech: Oh course they're touchy, it's a touch screen ;)20:58
sammyhassanakevazir: check out this pastebin #20:58
sammy => Grub0.97 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive20:58
morphiasHi I am having trouble using my USB gaming controller in any video game...20:58
bdelin88Chris220: i don't think it's plugins either... i said that the shadowing tool comes WITH photoshop and is NOT included in gimp20:58
* FastZ is away: Away from keyboard20:58
Ben64sammy: where did you move the "/" partition from and to?20:58
HalitechChris220, smarty pants ~L~20:58
sammywhoops. sorry everyone. http://pastebin.com/f3b6564e920:58
Chris220Halitech: :D20:58
jibadeeha-Halitech, i think you are right ... i am not a big fan of Apple products20:58
morphiasi can diagnose it with jstest but vba, snes, and other games arent able to use it for some reason...20:58
sammyBen64: from /dev/sda1 to /dev/sda720:58
kuzuxi've bought a creative zen mp3 player today but it doesn't seem to work with rhythmbox. it shows up in the desktop, but not on rhythmbox(or banshee, or gnomad2)20:59
Chris220bdelin88: That tool == A plugin. In the end, they do the same thing.20:59
bdelin88Halitech: yes...but i like my ipod that someone bought for me and although it works fine with ubuntu... i prefer i tunes20:59
henrifromtexhomaoops wront window20:59
Halitechjibadeeha-, I have 3 'no name' players that all work with Amarok or I can just drag and drop files onto20:59
sammyand if I do a manual install of grub, using (hd0) and (hd0,6) it installs to the right place and looks in the right place. but ubuntu's automatic grub updater breaks it after the kernel is updated20:59
abhishekis there any difference between kubuntu and ubuntu??? coz I hv kubuntu CD, ran it few times but still apart of visuals I cudnt found mch diffference20:59
jmitebucky: perfect. thanks!!!20:59
morphiasCan someone help me with a USB gaming controller issue?21:00
Halitechbdelin88, to each their own :)21:00
bdelin88Halitech: i am also becoming very attached to WIN721:00
Ben64sammy: well why did you move /21:00
=== adrian__guest is now known as blackxored
bdelin88Halitech: :)21:00
asgabhishek: kbuntu is KDE based, ubuntu is GNOME based. Otherwise, they are the same.21:00
Halitechbdelin88, blasphamy, go say 10 hail marys and repent and Win no more21:00
MaGicMaXhow can i configure my Sessions Preferences? its not in System > Preferences.21:00
bdelin88Halitech: i tried the all ubuntu switch.. it just didn't work out21:01
Ben64bdelin88 is undercover microsoft agent21:01
Chris220Halitech: Haha, I couldn't have put it better myself!21:01
bdelin88Ben64: ^ read above21:01
abhishekthanz asg...21:01
Halitechbdelin88, and offer your ipod up to our lord Linus21:01
hassanakevazirsammy, run from a live cd, run : update-grub . should work21:01
bdelin88I blazed over an entire ubuntu book21:01
sammyBen64: I appreciate the help, but that's not terribly helpful :) it's been moved and it can't be moved back. sda1 is too small. grub and linux can handle me moving the root partition, but I need to tell ubuntu somewhere else that I have moved it.21:01
bdelin88trust me... i am looking for alternatives21:01
kuzuxi've bought a creative zen mp3 player today but it doesn't seem to work with rhythmbox. it shows up in the desktop, but not on rhythmbox(or banshee, or gnomad2)21:01
Halitechabhishek, just the visuals are differnet due to the desktop that is installed21:01
=== Chris220 is now known as Chris220|afk
Ben64sammy: you can move just /boot there21:02
sammyhassanakevazir: from a live-cd? why would that work and running it from the installed OS wont?21:02
GPLwhy does my screen flicker , when i use Hippo OpenSim Viewer, or play Vdrift, and why does it opens in Window'ed mode and not Full Screen mode :(21:02
bdelin88i don't like to be limited by what software i can and cannot install... and until i can install the same program on linux (without wine) that i can on window$ then it just is not going to work21:02
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:02
Ben64bdelin88: what's so bad about wine?21:02
sammyBen64: you're right, but I shouldn't have to :) sda1 is going to be the new swap partition when this finally works.21:02
abhishekwhat is KDE in a simple words plss tell me.....if any121:02
Ben64sammy: just doesn't make sense why you moved your root partition21:03
bdelin88Ben64: wine is just a hack...although it is one hell of a program21:03
Ben64bdelin88: the internet is a hack, best not use that21:03
Ben64also email21:03
GPLabhishek, it's a Desktop Environment21:03
bielekeguys i got a problem with my monitors21:03
IdleOnebdelin88: if you would like to discuss usability of linux compared to windows by the "regular" end user please go to #ubuntu-offtopic21:03
bdelin88Ben64: do not get me wrong... i am AMAZED and what the linux community has done having to reverse engineer so much windows and proprietary crap... i just want to see the day that it can all work together without so much of that21:03
bielekei activated xinerama, and now my screens are swapped21:03
hassanakevazirsammy, ok nvm, I guess I don't understand your question then21:03
sammyBen64: "sda1 is too small" I've been using linux for 10+ years, I moved the partition with good intentions :P21:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:03
abhishekGPL can you give me an example of it....some other destop environment..i mean21:03
TuxOtakuhey quick question, I'm installing grub onto a USB stick, and I want to know what I would need to add to my menu.lst in order to have a "boot from first hard drive" option21:03
GPLabhishek, like GNOME21:04
bielekeso screen 0 needs to be screen 1 and screen 1 needs to become screen 021:04
bielekehow do i do that ?21:04
celthunderabhishek, it is a gui, same as xfce awesome or fluxbox21:04
sammyhassanakevazir: when I run update-grub, it updates the MBR with a stage1 that still looks in /dev/sda1 for stage1.5 and 2 and menu.lst21:04
=== mue_ is now known as mue
Ben64sammy: you know, you could have resized sda1 ... and if you've been using linux for 10 years..... why can't you fix it?21:04
bdelin88IdleOne: that's just the thing though... i'm not a regular end user, I consider myself and advanced windows user... i haven't used anti-virus for the past 4 years and my system is fast and great...21:04
didiermahbonjour les gars21:04
asgabhishek: gnome.org, kde.org21:04
=== greyz` is now known as greyz|nn
bdelin88but i am more attracted to linux21:04
didiermahjai un gros probleme$21:05
Ben64bdelin88: it's impossible to expect linux to be just like windows, thats not the goal21:05
bdelin88Ben64: i know, i do not want it to be... i just want to be able to install the same programs21:05
Ben64bdelin88: same thing21:05
bdelin88Ben64: not the same thing...21:05
sammyBen64: yes, if there was any free space on sda I could have resized it. and as I said, I've been using linux for 10+ years, not ubuntu, and ubuntu is what's updating grub, not me. I'll be asking others for help now, thank you.21:05
Ben64bdelin88: if you want windows media player, internet explorer, then use windows21:06
maclebihi, I've got a serious problem with bluetooth in my Jaunty, is there anyone who could help me ?21:06
Ben64bdelin88: if you want to use linux, find programs to do what you want21:06
IdleOnebdelin88: then if you are an and avanced user you could help make ubuntu better http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate please use #ubuntu-offtopic to continue this discussion. #ubuntu is for support only21:06
didiermah# join /ubuntu-fr21:06
bdelin88Ben64: photoshop is not windows... it is an adobe product that sells for mac and windows because they will not make money entering into the linux market (that's why the MMO EVE online backed out of its linux support)21:06
IdleOnedidiermah: /join #ubuntu-fr21:06
Ben64sammy: ooh you've used linux for 10 years, so special, too bad linux knowledge doesn't translate into ubuntu??21:06
bdelin88Ben64: you can't seriously have just suggested windows media player and internet explorer... you know that's not what i am talking about Ben21:07
hassanakevazirsammy, ok got what you mean, I always just manually edit the menu.lst file, then at update time debconf asks you if you want to edit the file, I answer no, and edit the file so it points to the newest kernel21:07
bdelin88Ben64: that sounded like a linux purist attack21:07
sammyhassanakevazir: which its doing properly, for sure. I just don't know where to tell ubuntu that, when it updates grub, it looks in the new place. i might need to install grub using ubuntu's tools again, maybe that will update something.21:07
Ben64<bdelin88> Ben64: i know, i do not want [linux] to be [windows]... i just want to be able to install the same programs21:08
IdleOne!ot | bdelin88 Ben6421:08
ubottubdelin88 Ben64: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:08
milos_is it working?21:08
sammyhassanakevazir: thanks for your help, though. there's a setting /somewhere/ and I just cant find it. it's an obscure one, so I'm probably just not looking hard enough.21:08
abhisheki mean..does windows also hv any destop environement..21:09
spOcan i move  multiple files with      mv ( file1 file3   direct4 )   /tothis/destintation ?21:09
bjorkintoshbdelin88, what on earth for?21:09
ejvspO: man mv21:09
piccardxargs as well21:09
bdelin88Ben64: lol you know what i'm talking about.. i'm not talking about programs created by microsoft specifically to sell with the windows OS... i am talking about photoshop... premier... itunes... office 2007... steam... gta4... and any sort of games21:10
* grind1wqz slaps piccard vigorously about the head a kipper21:10
ejvspO: (hint: the FIRST line under description)21:10
zopiactrying to listen to death.fm internet radio stream on rhythmbox but after every song it loses connection, anyone know how to fix?21:10
ejvstop listening to death.fm ^_^21:10
kuzuxi've bought a creative zen mp3 player today but it doesn't seem to work with rhythmbox. it shows up in the desktop, but not on rhythmbox(or banshee, or gnomad2)21:10
Shadowsssвсем привет!21:11
jpdsShadowsss: Hi.21:11
maco!ru | Shadowsss21:11
ubottuShadowsss: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:11
jpds!ru | Shadowsss21:11
ubuntujenkinshello, if i spell a word wrong in pigeon it underlines it in red. However if i right click to correct it and then click the correct word it doesn't work any thoughts anyone?21:11
gartral!ru | Shadowsss21:12
Shadowsssя фигею21:12
Ben64sammy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:12
jpds!en | Shadowsss21:12
gartral!ru | Shadowsss21:12
ubottuShadowsss: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:12
ejvhey i can do that too! ??????????? ????????? ?????????21:12
kuzuxi've bought a creative zen mp3 player today but it doesn't seem to work with rhythmbox. it shows up in the desktop, but not on rhythmbox(or banshee, or gnomad2)21:12
jpdsgartral: You're the fourth person to do that.21:12
macogartral: ubottu's not going to repeat it21:12
Shadowsssпешите по-русский пейсатели!21:12
ikoniaejv: please stop making random noise in the channel, try to keep it to support discussion21:12
ejvi'll do what i want21:12
ejvkthx lol21:12
IdleOneejv: I doubt it21:13
kuzuxi've bought a creative zen mp3 player today but it doesn't seem to work with rhythmbox. it shows up in the desktop, but not on rhythmbox(or banshee, or gnomad2)21:13
ikoniaejv: no - please respect the rules21:13
macoejv: not when an op tells you to21:13
spOhow do i move multiple files to one destination?   can i do   mv (source1 source2 )  /todestination/  ?21:13
Halitech!patience| kuzux21:13
ubottukuzux: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:13
* grind1wqz slaps Troll_Man vigorously about the head with a few fluffy pillows21:13
sammyBen64: thank you, I was actually just reading that. it says all I have to do is update groot in /boot/grub/menu.lst, which I've done.21:13
ikoniaspO: mc {file1,file2,file3} /dest21:13
jpdsspO: mv thing0 thing1 dir/21:13
ikoniaspO: "mv" sorry21:13
ejvpffft w/e's, wasn't making anymore noise than russian dude21:13
macoejv: and russian person was kicked and banned21:14
ejvyea im over it, lets move on21:14
guerdahi folks! I have screenlets installed and i don't know an option for widget that you can find under window -> widget. This flag is not documentated. Could please someone tell me, what it means? Thanks in advance!21:14
celthunderkuzox, i think you can use that just like a normal drive...drag your mp3's too/from the volume on the desktop and it should work fine21:15
diamantinoplease help me21:15
GrifulkinOkay so I am at my girlfriends house and the internet on wire works fine but I can't get on wire very often because my Laptop is in the living room is there any way to make my connection better because right now it keeps dropping off when I download anything from an online server.21:15
GrifulkinAnd I'm on wireless21:16
celthundergrifulkin so it drops on the wire or on wireless21:16
Grifulkincelthunder, Wireless21:16
diamantinoi have noutbook and all inside there from via (uh), will it normally work with ubuntu 9.04 ?21:16
* gartral points celthunder to the previous seccond21:16
NfuidSHi, I have this ubuntu server which was fine.. now, it seems mod_rewrite just won't work. The module is enabled and the .htaccess is there too, but I still can't use mod rewrite21:16
celthundergartral, yeah lol i saw that :)21:16
celthunderGrifulkin, wireless with what standard any encryption methods used distance from access point?21:17
Grifulkincelthunder, it has a WEP key, and I'm about 40 feet from the router also its running channel 1 I believe.21:18
macois there much interference?21:18
celthunderGrifulkin, does the connection drop entirely or just the download21:18
macoperhaps a bunch of other routers nearby also chan 1?21:18
Grifulkincelthunder, just the download21:18
spOif i try to mv to a location that has a directory with the same name, it mv syas unable to remove target: is a directory .... why cna't it overwrite or merge the two?21:19
diamantinowho knew what with via chrome drivers for ubuntu 9,0421:19
celthunderGrifulkin, i'm assuming you tried a different file on a different server?  Check your logs for bad packets/errors?21:19
ikoniaspO: mv {file1,file2,file3} /dest21:19
ejvdid you try reading the man page spO ?21:20
NfuidSanyone have an idea of what I could check to fix my mod_rewrite ?21:20
spOdid i ever21:20
NfuidSwhat ever page I go (that uses mod_rewrite) displays a Not found error21:20
ejvif you're trying to merge some directories, maybe rsync is a better tools for the job, sir21:20
Grifulkincelthunder, as an example when I do update sometimes it will get stuck and I will have to stop and start again, and I have tried changing the server, twice but it still happens21:20
Grifulkincelthunder, also it does it when I watch a youtube video it will buffer a bit and then completely stop21:21
celthunderGrifulkin okay, maybe its a flow control issue?21:21
Grifulkincelthunder, Alright and the way to fix that is probably through the router itself I'm assuming right?21:22
gartralcelthunder Grifulkin possibly an ISP issue? (rare, but happens)21:22
ejvspO: rsync -av --progress --stats /tmp/dir1/ /tmp/dir2/ (if you're trying to merge some data)21:22
celthundergrifulkin try lowering your window size and usually that is set by the nic which you should get from the router which gets it from the modem which gets it from your isp21:22
ChaoticXSinZCan anyone tell me who is the package maintainer for ffmpeg packages in karmic?21:23
Grifulkincelthunder, alright I will try that, but the big kicker is if I use windows on this same laptop, the internet works flawlessly21:24
celthunderGrifulkin, the window size is set by the software, so it's still possible, also are you using the right drivers or justones that are "close" for your wireless card?21:24
linuchsanNfuidS:you can start to read the mod_rewrite.html21:24
celthunderGrifulkin, can you go to a different Access Point (neighbors etc) and download stuff?21:25
NfuidSlinuchsan: everything was fine yesterday, the site has been live for weeks21:25
LayseTechalguém sabe um bom player para assistir dvd no ubuntu?21:25
dominik____hi I ran nvidia-xconfig and restarted the xserver, now I only have shell access what can I do?21:25
Grifulkincelthunder, I can't get any other wireless around here, but how do I change the window size?21:25
LayseTechalguém sabe um bom player para assistir dvd no ubuntu?21:25
LayseTechalguém sabe um bom player para assistir dvd no ubuntu?21:25
NfuidSlinuchsan: I did a svn update on my site's folder and I noticed like an hour later the problem. I keep looking at the file that updated, but I find it hard to believe that the php files could cause this.21:26
ShirotokoLayseTech, VLC21:26
genii!br | LayseTech21:26
ubottuLayseTech: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:26
ejvChaoticXSinZ: you check launchpad?21:26
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celthunderGrifulkin, i'm going to have to google that lol, never had to do it in linux only had to in windows21:26
ChaoticXSinZejv: It's okay I've found it. Thanks21:27
ejvChaoticXSinZ: link? im curious :)21:27
ChaoticXSinZhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/libavutil-dev <-- Lots of info21:27
ejvejv: cool beans21:27
AnepsorehAlguem sabe me falar se existe uma sala especifica para o UBUNTU - BRASIL ???21:27
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:27
Grifulkincelthunder, alright, thank you btw is it possible that the drivers I have for my wireless card aren't exactly the ones it should have21:28
celthunderGrifulkin, if you are dual booting go look at the model of card you have in windows and then google the chipset for it against the drivers you are using21:28
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Grifulkincelthunder, wish I could but windows is on a completely different hard drive and for somereason left my screwdriver at home to change it out21:29
celthunderGrifulkin, okay, what type of laptop is it and what drivers are you using we can probably figure it out21:29
linuchsanNfuidS:what does your apache/sendmail  log files say...any errors?21:30
Grifulkincompaq presario v2000 and lspci spits out BCM4318 for the wireless card21:30
Grifulkincelthunder, compaq presario v2000 and lspci spits out BCM4318 for the wireless card21:31
FragsworthI'm about to rebuild and reinstall python.. if I do this to the same location, does anyone know if I will still keep my installed packages?21:35
Grifulkincelthunder, I also just changed to wicd and it seemed to help but it has the same problems as the gnome-network-manager21:35
kaptengu_I want to stream the sound that I am hearing (using alsa mix), is this possible?21:35
buckyFragsworth, not a good idea21:36
Fragsworthbucky: I have to rebuild it, because there are some header settings I need to change21:37
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Fragsworthbucky: how would you go about doing that?21:37
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linuchsankaptengu_:stream...like broadcasting?21:38
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Grifulkincelthunder, then I used b43-fwcutter to find and download the drivers I needed21:38
kaptengu_linuchsan: yes21:38
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linuchsankaptengu_:soooo many ways21:39
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kaptengu_linuchsan: can you give me an example?21:39
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celthunderGrifulkin, okay, did that help?21:39
buckyFragsworth, look into apt-cache show show python-virtualenv21:39
hovannixso.. anyone got an app to recommend? I'm bored21:40
buckyFragsworth, or apt-cache show python-virtinst21:40
Grifulkincelthunder, no that is what I did originally21:40
Grifulkincelthunder, do you think I changed the WPA Supplicant Driver in Wicd preferences it would make a difference21:41
panfisti am trying to install a program from source, and when I do ./configure it tells me that no libcurl package was found, but i have the most up-to-date libcurl in the repos21:42
hovannixtry logging on as root.. allways makes a differ21:42
kaptengu_linuchsan: you know a program supporting rtsp?21:43
linuchsanhovannix:and sudo21:43
guntbertpanfist: what program are you trying to compile?21:43
stefg!info libcurl4-gnutls-dev | panfist21:43
ubottupanfist: libcurl4-gnutls-dev (source: curl): Development files and documentation for libcurl (GnuTLS). In component main, is optional. Version 7.18.2-8ubuntu4.1 (jaunty), package size 879 kB, installed size 2200 kB21:43
guntbert!noroot | hovannix21:43
ubottuhovannix: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:43
hovannixyah.. sudo is the door to root21:43
hovannixblah blah blah.. Im going to take a piss21:44
celthunderGrifulkin, check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76656021:44
panfistguntbert rtorrent. rtorrent has been crashing like mad for me, so their people recommended that i compile from source with debug enabled so they can help me21:44
buckypanfist, it's prolly asking for one of these apt-cache search libcurl-dev21:44
kaptengu_linuchsan: thank you very much, you are really good, I'll give it a try, perhaps I'll get back to you21:45
guntbertpanfist: ah I see, listen to bucky please21:45
linuchsankaptengu_:you can stream with vlc21:45
Grifulkincelthunder, I used this one way back but I couldn't find it again back before my first hard drive was unusable, thank you for finding it21:45
bobslaedeHey fellas, i'm having some issues playing a "copy protected" dvd, i'm running 9.04, and have libdvdread4 and libdvdcss2 installed and all. Have tried with totem, mplayer, xine, vlc, and tried ripping it as well21:46
kaptengu_linuchsan: from alsa mix? I couldn't find out how21:46
bobslaedeNot working21:46
Grifulkincelthunder, hopefully it works because it uses the windows driver if I remember correctly21:46
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celthunderalbasheeruddin, hi21:50
celthunderGrifulkin, hope it works too.21:50
bobslaedeDoes anybody have some info on playing copy protected dvds in ubuntu? :)21:51
albasheeruddincelthunder , i want to start loco team as there is no loco team in my country21:51
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sixdrawhi all, if I upgraded my pc with a  new motherboard, cpu and ram do i need to do a complete re install of ubuntu?21:52
Ben64sixdraw: no21:52
user12345I can't get my logitec quickcam express to run21:52
Ben64sixdraw: everything should just work, but if you change video cards, you might need to update the driver21:52
craCkpotsixdraw: its always a good idea to reformat after a mobo switch21:53
user12345I installed in synaptic qc driver source and amsn sees nothing but a black screnn and camorama says this: (camorama:15337): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated21:53
sixdrawBen64, so everything including kernel will work properly21:53
Ben64sixdraw: yeah, unless you're going from 64bit cpu to 32bit21:53
craCkpoti know windows will break, but linux should work i would imagine21:53
Ben64but why would you do that21:53
sixdrawwell i was but i was using 32 bit ubuntu21:53
Ben64sixdraw: 32bit ubuntu will work on 64bit cpus still21:53
sixdrawi know21:54
craCkpottrue story, im doing it21:54
sixdrawthats what i was doing21:54
Ben64sixdraw: then you should be fine21:54
sixdrawBen64, Thanks21:54
craCkpotanother reason to love linux21:54
craCkpotwindows freaks out when you change mobo cause of the drivers21:54
Alvinwareuhh...fuck..uh...fucking your ass hole...ah.h...cuming in it!21:55
user12345please help! I need my webcam for amsn21:55
Ben64but all the drivers are built into the kernel in linux :)21:55
craCkpotwhat's wrong user?21:55
linuchsanBen64:ist that so!!!21:55
Ben64linuchsan: yeah?21:55
linuchsanBen64:they still depend on the hardware vendors21:56
Ben64linuchsan: at some point i guess..? but once they are in the kernel, it's in there21:57
* G69 Boas.21:58
linuchsanBen64:it depends how good it is tested21:58
irgendwer47111hi, how to build a monolithic kernel with ramdisk?21:58
Ben64irgendwer47111: that kind of seems out of the scope of this channel21:59
rskirgendwer47111: code one and compile it on the ramdisk21:59
irgendwer47111ah no I used make-kpg21:59
irgendwer47111It complaints about not finding the modules directory22:00
linuchsanBen64:no, if something does work, I would not recommend it if it is not tested fully.22:02
Ben64linuchsan: .......22:02
irgendwer47111I need the initrd for uuid mappingh22:02
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linuchsanBen64:like....oooh it does work for me, so it has to work for you but it doesn't...goto the ubuntu forum22:03
user12345please help! I need my webcam for amsn22:04
jonny_bsudo to install flashplayer in firefox 3.522:05
irgendwer47111this ubuntu ramdisk shit sucks22:05
linuchsanuser12345:can you pastebin your lsusb22:06
celthunderuser12345, what's wrong with your webcam?22:06
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irgendwer47111how to create an ramdisk without any modules?22:08
buckyirgendwer47111, you might be able to trick it22:08
guntbert!ohmy | irgendwer4711122:09
ubottuirgendwer47111: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:09
irgendwer47111but his setup script is silly22:09
buckyirgendwer47111, try temporarily setting MODULES=most to MODULES=list in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf and make sure you have no modules listed in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules22:09
irgendwer47111it is searching for /lib/modues/kernelversion22:10
buckyirgendwer47111, right.. to include in your ramdisk.. but apparently you don't have a /lib/modues/kernelversion  ...do you have a /lib/modues/`uname -r`  ?22:11
binarymutantdoes anyone use reportbug with gmail? It didn't send the mail for me :/22:11
linuchsanirgendwer47111: did you know that the most powerful tool is www.google.country22:11
irgendwer47111no its a moduleless kernel22:11
ramirohow do I determine what triggered the last reboot? or if it was a power shortage or something22:12
buckyirgendwer47111, like i said you might circumvent the module process by eliminating the need for any modules22:12
irgendwer47111I try22:12
buckygood luck22:13
linuchsanramiro:a power shortage can't be logged22:13
user12345linuchsan: http://pastebin.com/m960fe8822:13
user12345celthunder: I get a black screen in amsn, in camorama and motion I get errors, only cheese sees anything, and only extremely dark even if I  put a flash light into my face22:13
lordnikoncan someone help me22:13
ramirolinuchsan: of course =). and in the case it was a logged reboot, where do I see that information (logically if no reboot was logged I can assume it was hard rebooted)22:13
guntbert!ask | lordnikon22:13
ubottulordnikon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:13
lordnikonim trying to get the wifi workling on a fresh ubuntu netbook remix install22:14
BeanHoundhello, xyzzy22:14
lordnikonon a asus eeepc22:14
BeanHoundhello, BromaxSux22:14
BeanHoundhello, howie22:14
BeanHoundhello, hatchmt22:14
BeanHoundhello, Agtum22:15
guntbertBeanHound: stop that please22:15
buckyuser12345, did you install qc-usb-source so you can have a driver for that?22:16
buckyuser12345, sudo apt-get install qc-usb-source  and modprobe the drivers for that cam22:16
user12345bucky: yes. but I only isntalled it with synaptic. do I have to compile it (as it's a source) or is that doen automatically??22:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reportbug22:17
user12345bucky what is modprobe?22:17
linuchsanramiro:how can it write a log after a power shortage, you can tell it that it must be something like that.22:17
buckyuser12345, lsmod see if it's loaded, if not sudo modprobe <driver_name>  man modprobe22:17
came0Hey guys I made a type on a command while trying to set up my amazon ec2 instance with a block storage device - "echo "/dev/sdh /vol xfs noatime 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab" whe I should have put /dev/sdf.. now when I try the next command  sudo mount /vol'' it gives me this error:  "mount: special device /dev/sdh does not exist" even though i've run the command again with the proper argument.  is there a file i need to delete or 22:18
user12345bucky: http://pastebin.com/m6aa32bc922:19
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user12345bucky:  modprobe  qc-usb-source22:21
user12345FATAL: Module qc_usb_source not found.22:21
St-LemurI'm running Intrepid. When something grabs the screen for fullscreen mode and then lets it go, when my normal desktop returns it's too wide for the monitor. This problem goes away on re-starting X. This problem is new since I upgraded from Hardy.22:21
buckyuser12345, that's not a driver.. that's a package,  try modinfo qc_usb and then   sudo modprobe qc_usb22:22
t0si checked all of the packeges with gtk2-engines in synaptic and applied but now when i go to appearance preferences > customize - controls all the themes have a question mark over them, any idea what i did wrong and how to fix?22:23
irgendwer47111It doesnt work22:23
carrie_555How doI check my current runlevel ?22:23
user12345bucky: modinfo: could not find module qc_usb22:23
irgendwer47111mkinitramfs-kpkg failed to create initrd image22:23
jerbtype runlevle22:23
jerbbut spell it right22:23
carrie_555N 2 Got it !22:24
C2G_hab 5 kernels im systemstart von ubuntu und brauch nur einen.... wie krieg ich den rest da raus?22:25
buckyuser12345, i did a apt-cache show qc-usb-source and guess what.. it told me the driver name is qce-ga   -- sudo modprobe qce-ga22:25
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:25
irgendwer47111das ist hier ein englischer channel22:25
churlgparted is showing no partitions, puppy linux (usb) is showing the partitions.  grub isnt showing up and is always booting into a new windows install.  this started from the windows install. any ideas?22:26
bucky!de | C2G_22:26
ubottuC2G_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:26
BeanHoundhello, prometoys22:26
C2G_i have 5 kernels in the startup menu but i only need 1.... how can i delete the 4 rest?!22:26
BeanHounddid you know i love bananas?22:26
BeanHoundhello, GeorgeA22:26
maco!ot | BeanHound22:26
ubottuBeanHound: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:26
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user12345bucky: FATAL: Module qce_ga not found.22:28
user12345Maybe I'm too dumb for linux22:28
PovAddictI made a mess with nvidia drivers and now my system is loading 71.86.04 on startup22:28
PovAddictwhich doesn't even support my card22:28
buckyuser12345, dpkg -l qc-usb-source  is it installed?  with two ii 's22:28
PovAddictI do have 169.12 installed but it's not getting loaded22:29
eduardo_hey guys, I need some help with Firefox on Ubuntu 9.0422:29
user12345bucky: yes. ii, version 0.6.6-522:29
PovAddictdmesg says NVRM: loading NVIDIA Linux x86_64 Kernel Module  71.86.0422:29
PovAddicthow can I get it to load 169.12 again?22:29
x404xhow do i install perl mime:parser ?22:30
buckyuser12345, some people have better luck setting up their cam with ekiga first and then it works with other apps22:30
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user12345bucky: as it's 'source', wouldn#t I need to compile it first?22:30
buckyuser12345, we haven't figured out what the name of the driver is yet.. and i don't have that web cam so i don't know... maybe google22:31
eduardo_Can someone help me with Firefox22:31
user12345hmm, ok22:31
hatter243x404x, quick google search reveals http://search.cpan.org/dist/MIME-tools/lib/MIME/Parser.pm22:31
PovAddictx404x: libmime-tools-perl22:31
SealedWithAKissI have just installed an ATI Radeon Sapphire HD 4600 512MB PCI-E graphics card. Where would I find the Linux drivers?22:31
PovAddicteduardo_: just ask your question22:31
hatter243or that one too, hah22:31
user12345thank you for your help so far, bucky22:31
hatter243SealedWithAKiss, www.ati.com22:32
PovAddictI'm stuck in a stupid tty, no X22:32
aleron6does anybody heah know which codecs are good for kdenlive22:32
PovAddictbecause Ubuntu insists in loading the wrong nvidia kernel module22:32
x404xah must have missed it . i did find the module for gd tho22:33
aleron6i want it to support avi22:33
PovAddictaleron6: avi is not a codec22:33
PovAddictaleron6: avi can be *anything*22:33
buckyuser12345, your right22:33
aleron6no but i want kdenlive to support it22:33
carrie_555How do I run the rc.x related to my present runlevel, without restarting the computer ?22:33
aleron6cause kdenlive does support avi22:33
buckyuser12345, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=642015&highlight=logitech+webcam  use m-a modules assistant to compile the driver22:34
PovAddictI don't think that's on-topic to this channel anyway22:34
eduardo_PovAddict: Forgive me by my english! I'm having problems since yesterday with firefox. The back, forward and refresh buttons aren't working properly. They have no colors... At this moment they're gray! So I can't use them... I've treid to click with the right mouse button but it didn't work too22:34
eduardo_I've tried to click with the right mouse button but it didn't work too22:34
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carrie_555init N, Got it !22:35
buckyuser12345, something like sudo m-a update && sudo m-a prepare && sudo m-a a-i qc-usb-source22:37
hatchmtHey everyone -- I'm having a little difficulty getting authentication working in 9.04 using the blowfish cipher.  I'm migrating some users over from an openSUSE machine, but Ubuntu uses pam_unix.so rather than pam_unix2.so.  I've installed pam_unix2.so but have been unable to configure the system to use both (so the users with sha512 passwords AND the users with blowfish passwords can login).  Google doesn't really reveal much (mostly jus22:38
hatchmtt replacing sha with blowfish).  Anyone ever try getting this working before?22:38
t0si checked all of the packeges with gtk2-engines in synaptic and applied but now when i go to appearance preferences > customize - controls all the themes have a question mark over them, any idea what i did wrong and how to fix?22:38
aleron6so can anybody tell me what codec can beu sed for kdenlive22:38
lordnikonh=i have a netbook with the netbook remix on it, i am trying to reinstall linux but it wont boot from the usb22:38
jatthow can I recognize (with software) if my laptop has an internal microphone? I followed the instructions on:22:38
jattbut cannot record sound.22:38
_20eric06_Hey guys, I know this is for Ubuntu, but can anyone help me with a Knoppix-based distro? (damn small linux)22:38
_20eric06_I can't get my USB wireless adapter to work on it22:39
_20eric06_I'm actually pretty clueless around linux22:39
PovAddict_20eric06_: I think we have enough noise from on-topic people already22:39
user12345bucky: wow, that's magic. I don't understand any of this and I had never before seen that blue screen, but it's capparently compiling22:39
hlfshellHi guys - I am trying to get a serial touch screen to work with ubuntu, but am having some issues getting it to work. would anyone be willing to lend advice or their time or perhaps brainstorm a  solution?22:39
user12345ok, it says: building failed22:40
eduardo_PovAddict: Forgive me by my english! I'm having problems since yesterday with firefox. The back, forward and refresh buttons aren't working properly. They have no colors... At this moment they're gray! So I can't use them... I've tried to click with the right mouse button but it didn't work too22:40
PovAddicteduardo_: don't repeat yourself22:40
PovAddictand I'm not your personal assistant22:40
eduardo_PovAddict: Sorry about that... It's because firefox is driving me nuts22:41
lordnikoncan someone help me boot a linux netbook from the usb??22:42
PovAddictyou have gray icons in Firefox? I can't even get to the GUI22:42
PovAddictI'm stuck in the text console22:42
PovAddictI believe I'm more driven-nuts than you are22:42
segadudeim thinking about downloading ubuntu server to put on an old computer to use as a media server.  Does it have a gui?22:43
PovAddictsegadude: no it doesn't, that's kind of the point of the server variant22:43
PovAddictbut you can always install it later...22:43
SealedWithAKissI have installed a new graphics card, and can hardly see anything on my monitor. Everything is so big that I cannot install the drivers because I can't see the whole installation window.22:43
SealedWithAKissChanging the resolution makes things worse!22:44
user12345bucky: building failed. also I could not install spca5xx-source as on the site you told me, instead I just got gspca-source 1.00.20-1 in synaptic22:44
eduardo_PovAddict: Yep... It started after the java instalation... I've installed sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin packages. Is there a way to reinstall firefox? I've treid to mark the firefox package in synaptc and never happened!22:44
segadudewell how hard would it be to do things like rip DVDS without a gui?22:44
lordnikoncan noone help me ??22:44
PovAddicteduardo_: I am not your personal firefox helper22:44
MTeckHow can I see what display driver I'm using?22:44
MTeckpatience | lordnikon22:44
MTeck!patience | lordnikon22:44
ubottulordnikon: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:44
lordnikonthatnk you, i just thought that noone saw it22:45
SealedWithAKissI have installed a new graphics card, and can hardly see anything on my monitor. Everything is so big that I cannot install the drivers because I can't see the whole installation window.22:45
PovAddictSealedWithAKiss: don't repeat yourself22:45
PovAddictat least not that frequently22:45
IdleOne!fixres | SealedWithAKiss22:45
ubottuSealedWithAKiss: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:45
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segadudewill I be able to use a USB wireless adapter with ubuntu server?22:47
PovAddictif you can use it with normal ubuntu then it will work there22:47
mnainessegadude, to avoid hassle, I recommend using the laptop's built-in wireless22:47
segadudeits a desktop22:47
mnainesI've tried wireless USB dongles and Ubuntu doesn't seem to like them very well22:47
trumpenSealedWithAKiss, hold ALT key and drag the window by clicking inside it22:47
CanageekFor some reason firefox isn't working even though ping, pidgin, w3m and lynx are all working22:47
mnainesLinksys seems to be the only brand Ubuntu likes22:48
zend_fan2how do u see the permissions a files has i nthe temrinal ?22:48
PovAddictzend_fan2: ls -l <file>22:48
Canageekon and now twitter is working with prism22:48
segadudeI need to connet it to the network somehow. Its gonna me a media center22:48
segadude*media server22:49
mnainesBut even linksys goes ballistic when you have a Mac try to use Appletalk across it22:49
zend_fan2I get total 0 is that correct ?22:49
lanzellothhow do I use orca?22:49
lanzellothI need text-to-speech22:49
PovAddictzend_fan2: then the file you asked for doesn't exist22:49
zend_fan2strange i can goto it lol22:50
zend_fan2im only one folder back from it22:50
PovAddicttype the name correctly and it will work22:50
mnainessegadude: Unless you want to run wires everywhere, your best bet is to get a Linksys wireless PCI LAN card and use a directional antenna22:50
zend_fan2would htaccess file stop it ?22:50
PovAddictwhat does htaccess have to do with anything?22:50
zend_fan2im in my apache and want to set a folder to 77722:51
zend_fan2but chmod 777 file not working22:51
mnaineszend_fan2: Do you append Sudo to the beginning of the command?22:51
PovAddictwI made a mess with nvidia drivers and now my system is loading 71.86.04 on startup, which doesn't even support my card22:51
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PovAddictI do have 169.12 installed but it's not getting loaded22:51
PovAddicthow can I get it to load 169.12 again?22:51
PovAddictzend_fan2: you're probably doing it from the wrong folder then22:52
zend_fan2what folder should i be in im one down from current22:52
zend_fan2one i want changed22:52
mnaineszend_fan2: you may need to try Chown on the folder first...The two don't always have to be used together, but for some folders, the permissions can't be changed unless you change the owner22:52
nothingHappenscan anyone actually record with Audacity, or is it just another hoax in the elaborate conspiracy to stop musicians from adopting linux so that all the hipsters don't ruin our geek cred?22:52
PovAddictmnaines: that's way more advanced than the problem he has, currently 'ls' doesn't even show the file22:53
PovAddictmnaines: I think he doesn't quite get the concept of current directory yet22:53
carrie_555I realized that when I restart my computer my local IP ( takes different values. How do set a fix local IP ?22:53
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bobbydwhat's the correct way to disable servers from starting at boot uaing the console?22:53
mnainesPovAddict: So he's a newbie?22:54
TheMusicGuyWhy does my laptop always go into "performance" mode / the maximum CPU frequency every time I connect or disconnect AC?22:54
mnainesTheMusicGuy: You can set it not to22:54
bobbydcarrie_555: you can usually make your router give your machine a specific address by specifying your machines MAC address in it's settings22:54
TheMusicGuymnaines:  I thought I could, but the options have vanished for some reason.22:55
kripsowhat happend with the flashplugin in 9.04?22:55
bobbydcarrie_555: or you can jsut open up .etc.network/interfaces and edit that file as per the comments there to assign a fixed IP22:55
kripsoyoutube/pornhub/redtube/youporn etc dont seems to work so good need to fix the flashplugin!22:55
TheMusicGuymnaines: I know there's some options that can be changed with Gconf, but since 9.04 was released, those setting don't seem to have any effect22:55
mnainesTheMusicGuy: It generally does that because the laptop has more power...When its plugged in, it is running off A/C and so can run maximum performance...Right-click on the taskbar then click the icon that says "CPU Frequency and Scaling" then left-click on the icon and manually set the frequency22:55
carrie_555bobbyd, I'll try the second suggestion22:55
PovAddictkripso: watch less porn, that'll help22:56
dell-i'm looking for something:  amsn and skype for ubuntu 9.0422:56
dell-please help me22:56
PovAddictdell-: get skype from skype.com22:56
lordnikoni cant get my linux bot to boot from the usb22:56
bobbydcarrie_555: the first is usually better because it ensures your router won't give that IP to something else, which would mean you'd have two machines with the same IP22:56
dell-can't find it22:56
lordnikonerr my linux box22:56
mnainesTheMusicGuy: My bad...Right-click on the taskbar, click "CPU Frequency and Scaling", click Add, then close out of that...Click on the icon that just appeared then change the frequency manually22:56
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:56
eduardo_alguém fala português aqui?22:56
carrie_555boddy, I see22:57
bobbydlordnikon: did you make a usb boot srive using the GUI app in system->admin?22:57
PovAddict!pt | eduardo_22:57
ubottueduardo_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:57
carrie_555eduardo, eu falo22:57
dell-only 8.10 and not working for 9.0422:57
lordnikongui app.  what is the name of it??22:57
kripsoPovAddict: whats wrong with the flash plugin anyways.. worked perfectly well before my disked crahsed and i jumped from 8.10 to this 9.04.22:57
lordnikoni have the image writer program bobbyd22:57
bobbydSystem->administration "USB Startup disk creator22:58
TheMusicGuymnaines: It sometimes changes by itself whenever I connect/disconnect AC, or whenever it resumes from suspend-to-RAM. I would like it to stop doing that.22:58
dell-help please22:58
bobbyduse the GUI app :)22:58
lordnikonill give that one a try thnx22:58
carrie_555bobby, do you know what I should write in the interfaces file? I have only 2 lines there written... no comments ----> auto lo   and   iface lo inet loopback22:58
eduardo_if no one can help me, i'm goind22:58
mnainesTheMusicGuy: That isn't/shouldn't be a problem.  It does that because when you're running on A/C power it can bump up the performance without running on the battery.  I would not worry about it22:58
PovAddictI have been here 30 minutes stuck in an 80x24 console because X won't work, because Ubuntu loads the wrong nvidia module22:58
PovAddictand so far everyone has ignored my question22:59
mnaineskripso: The flash plugin I use is the adobe one available through synaptic22:59
TheMusicGuymnaines: the problem is that it goes into performance when its on battery power, not just when its on AC power.22:59
kaisomethings is filing all my hard drive space up22:59
PovAddictkai: do you use KDE or GNOME?22:59
kaiand i cant find wher it goes22:59
mnainesTheMusicGuy: Then you will have to manually set the frequency...Do what I told you to do and you can set the frequency manually that way22:59
kripsoi have a look at it tommorow22:59
eduardo_PovAddict: could you open a terminal?22:59
omniplatformI have ubuntu 9.10 alpha 4 installed via Wubi, so I am trying to boot ubuntu from the Windows OS Selector.  When I select ubuntu, I get the message very briefly "Try (hd0,0): NTFS5:" then very very briefly  the message "Unknown command ')' Unkown command 'menuentry'".  Then it immediately reboots.  I have tried uninstall, reinstall, and it does the same.23:00
PovAddicteduardo_: I *am* in one23:00
kaii just delet some and then is it full again23:00
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wwarriorkai you can install filelight to visually determine wich is the biger folder or file in your sistem23:00
wwarriorand try to find what is growing so much23:00
kaither is no space left23:00
PovAddictwwarrior: filelight is for KDE23:00
PovAddictI don't think he has space to install kdelibs23:00
lordnikonbobbyd: i never thought to use that one i have been using the image writer program23:00
eduardo_Pov: Every time that you restart it ubuntu run the wrong module?23:01
St-LemurI'm running Intrepid. When something grabs the screen for fullscreen mode and then lets it go, when my normal desktop returns it's too wide for the monitor. This problem goes away on re-starting X. This problem is new since I upgraded from Hardy.23:01
TheMusicGuymnaines: I know I can set it manually, which is what I've been doing, but I would like it not to change by itself since it seems to be making absurd decisions about which power profile to use.23:01
PovAddicteduardo_: yes23:01
kaii was at lunch and no23:01
wwarriorfilelight: http://www.sc.ehu.es/powgep99/dcytp/teoricos/staff/inaki//pics/blog/DUAs/filelight.png23:01
mnainesTheMusicGuy: So my suggestion is not working?23:01
wwarriorPovAddict, you know the gnome alternative ?23:01
bobbydlordnikon: well it works for me, my server is running from a USB key at the moment23:01
kaiand now i have 5 g rubich on this pc23:01
carrie_555Got it23:01
PovAddictwwarrior: I think it was baobab but I don't see it in ubuntu repo23:01
GPLi am struggling with : Whenever i click some URL, it opens with Bluefish Editor, i would like someone to remove view my comp. and help me sort this problem ?23:01
TheMusicGuymnaines: You're just suggesting that I ignore the problem and change the frequency manually every time I disconnect/reconnect/resume from standby, right?23:02
GPLremote view*23:02
eduardo_did you try to run the right module using modprobe?23:02
mnainesTheMusicGuy: Did you even listen to my suggestion?23:02
kaisomething is filing my hard drive to the max23:02
mnainesTheMusicGuy: If you are not going to listen to me, then I cannot help you23:02
PovAddictGPL: I would, but I'm currently stuck in a text-only console23:02
wwarriorbaobab seems to be death23:03
TheMusicGuymnaines: I listened to you suggestion. You said to do it manually. But did you listen to what *I* said?23:03
PovAddictkai: run "du -h" on a console23:03
GPLPovAddict, oh okie, thanks for the interest and your concern, buddy, :)23:03
eduardo_Anyone here knows how to configure the microfone in an Acer 5050 notebook? I can use skype or record sound in ubuntu. But it works well in Vista...23:03
mnainesTheMusicGuy: Yes, I know what the problem is...My laptop does the same thing, and I am trying to tell you what I did to fix the problem23:03
mnainesTheMusicGuy: Do not make the mistake of thinking I do not know what I am talking about23:04
gbrethendoes gnome-phone-manager work with LG Vue?23:04
ruperti have a setpagedevice line that i can insert into postscript files to get my pages centred correctly. is there some way to get cups to do this automatically?23:04
TheMusicGuymnaines: ...23:04
lordnikonbobbyd: how is it different from the imagewriter program??23:04
TheMusicGuymnaines: I didn't say that you don't know what YOU'RE talking about.23:04
mnainesTheMusicGuy: My problem was solved by using the CPU Frequency and Scaling Monitor23:05
kaithank you23:05
TheMusicGuymnaines: When you use the CPUFreq panel applet to change the frequencey, the changes you make only last until you disconnect/reconnect/resume from standby. After that, Ubuntu changes your setting itself.23:05
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PovAddictkai: did you find the disk-eater?23:05
TheMusicGuymnaines: That is the problem I am trying to solve.23:05
kainot jet23:05
kaii have a file23:05
mnainesTheMusicGuy: Why do you use standby?  If you're going to be away from the laptop, just shut the thing down23:05
kainow and look at it23:05
TheMusicGuymnaines: Because that takes too long.23:06
TheMusicGuymnaines: but that's really no the point.23:06
vk__can anyone tell me why all of my virtual terminals leave me with a blinking mark and no log in prompt and no ability to type any text23:06
TheMusicGuymnaines: I don't want to have to do extra things every time I resume from suspend because that wastes time.23:07
mnainesTheMusicGuy: None of the operating systems apparently like the standby mode...And I've used everything from Windows 3.x on23:07
TheMusicGuymnaines: What do you mean "they don't like them"?23:07
mnainesTheMusicGuy: I mean the OS goes ballistic...In my case, I lose the ability to reconnect the wireless if I hibernate or use standby mode23:08
TheMusicGuymnaines: Yes, that does happen sometimes, but only if I had the wifi kill switch turned on when I resumed (ie. wifi turned off)23:08
mnainesTheMusicGuy: The reason is standby is a low power state, and apparently it erases everything in memory because of that reduced power output, and that causes the OS to go ballistic23:09
ShirotokoI need an IDE that can syncronize files trought FTP, like the sync feature of Dreamweaver... anyone knows something like that?23:09
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emanoni find that mandriva cant detect my keyboard so i can type my encryption key in if i have encrypted lvm set up and fedora will forget about them if i reboot it, ubuntu wont do them at all and debian works just fine, but its still debian so no on that one23:09
cornetShirotoko: tried filezilla ?23:09
PovAddictmnaines: erases everything in what memory?23:09
ActionParsnipShirotoko: you coul;d have rsync watch the files as you work on them23:09
TheMusicGuymnaines: I doesn't erase everything in memory. If that were the case, the CPU would have nothing to resume to.23:10
mnainesPovAddict: The RAM23:10
TheMusicGuy*It doesn't23:10
PovAddictok then I'll also that you do not, in fact, know what you're talking about :)23:10
omniplatformI have problems with ubuntu installed via wubi: should I repost the details?23:10
PovAddicthibernating stores the whole content of RAM to disk and shutdown; standby will keep RAM alive and refreshed23:10
ActionParsnipomniplatform: i hate wubi but i'll have a go. wassup?23:10
mnainesPovAddict: He's talking about standby mode, and I, for one, know that none of the current OS's can resume from standby and not have problems23:11
lordnikonhow do i make my icons smaller??23:11
EvilPenguin|grub error 21?23:12
mnainesPovAddict: If the standby mode doesn't kill the wi-fi, it causes the OS to revert back to its default settings...A bunch of crazy stuff23:12
PovAddictsure, it may cause many issues23:12
dzuphi, hey whats a good wireless assistand i can use on 8.1 ?23:12
bdelin88i f'd up real bad following a guide... how do i undo this: pure-pw usermod bryce -u bryce -g pureftp -d /home/pubftp/bryce23:12
PovAddictbut saying it 'erases everything in memory' is just ignorant23:12
bdelin88i have root access23:12
aciculaEvilPenguin|: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62717 may help23:13
samitheberberdzup: wpa_cli23:13
samitheberberdzup: or wpa_gui23:13
gbrethenLG CU92023:13
PovAddictbdelin88: what is pure-pw?23:13
yaccI wonder if anyone got an idea how to check if a given X server is active or backgrounded? (xwd with with newest karmic & nvidia drivers just makes the xserver crash. Not a good technique :( )23:13
mnainesPovAddict: I generally don't use standby or hibernate modes if I can help it...I don't ever pull out and use my laptop unless I know I can run it until the battery is dead without ever needing to get up and do stuff23:13
ActionParsnipPovAddict: pure-pw - Manage virtual users files for Pure-FTPd23:13
TheMusicGuySuspending to ram (aka. "sleeping") is actually fairly complex. Each device connected to the system (including the CPU and RAM) has to do something different in order to drop into a lower power mode and then return to regular power usage after the CPU gives the OK23:13
SealedWithAKissI have installed the driver for my graphics card but the resolution and display in general is still messed up.23:13
bdelin88PovAddict: sorry...posted the wrong thing, this is it: usermod -g pureftp -d /dev/null -s /etc bryce23:14
TheMusicGuyThat's where technologies like ACPI come in.23:14
aciculaPovAddict: re ignorance http://xkcd.com/386/ ;)23:14
PovAddictacicula: do you have an ascii art version of it?23:14
x404xi get /usr/bin/ld cannot find -lperl but libperl5.10 is installed, do i need another libperl ?23:14
aciculaPovAddict: no23:14
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ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: have you configured the display after installing the driver?23:14
PovAddictI'm *stuck in 80x24 tty*23:14
aciculaPovAddict: there should be one tbh :D23:14
omniplatform_I lost my connection, so If anyone replied, I didn't see it23:14
bdelin88PovAddict: i unkowingly and stupidly took away my shell and home directory23:14
godoshianhow can i change my locale settings to 8859-9 ?23:14
dzupSmithKurosaki: there is no package call wpa_cli  , any other wireless assistand with GUI interface for gnome ?23:14
usserx404x: if you're compiling stuff you probably need perl-dev or some such23:14
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ActionParsnipomniplatform_: I hate wubi but i'll have a go23:14
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, I don't know how to. I have tried adjusting the resolution etc, but things just go wrong big time!23:14
mnainesTheMusicGuy: Now you see why I do not use standby mode.  My laptop does have ACPI enabled, but I still experience problems, so I rarely use standby mode or hibernate mode unless I absolutely have to...If I am going to use my laptop, I make sure I have time to run it until the battery is dead then I shut it down and recharge it23:15
usserdzup: wicd23:15
x404xk ill try add perldev23:15
aciculaPovAddict: xkcd about correcting someone who is wrong on the internet, is your X broken or are you on a console by choice23:15
groowydear guys i need a little help with ubuntu.23:15
treble54anyone have know how to address this issue?: I connected an external display (an Epson projector) and it asked me to conform my desktop settings to the limitations of the projector or something therein, and I was not able to use any of the compiz visual effects23:15
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: can you pastebin the output of: sudo lshw -C display23:15
PovAddictacicula: Ubuntu is loading an ancient nvidia module that doesn't even support my card, even though I have nvidia-glx-new installed23:15
treble54after disconnecting the external display, I still can't get visual effects to work23:15
TheMusicGuymnaines: yeah, but lots of other people don't have that problem. I used to, but when Intrepid came out, most of those problems disappeared.23:15
treble54any suggestions?23:15
ActionParsnip!ask | groowy23:15
ubottugroowy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:15
kaii have done du -h > du.txt   how can i sort this text file now to see what uses the most space23:16
PovAddictso X not only crashes but also screws up my TTYs and I have to reboot23:16
aciculaPovAddict: hmm, well you can load the vesa driver perhaps23:16
mnainesTheMusicGuy: As I said earlier, NONE of the current operating systems have fixes for that problem23:16
omniplatform_Action:  I have ubuntu 9.10 alpha 4 installed via Wubi, so I am trying to boot ubuntu from the Windows OS Selector.  When I select ubuntu, I get the message very briefly "Try (hd0,0): NTFS5:" then very very briefly  the message "Unknown command ')' Unkown command 'menuentry'".  Then it immediately reboots.  I have tried uninstall, reinstall, and it does the same.23:16
ActionParsniptreble54: could have the device connected, then run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   then restart x23:16
aciculaPovAddict: the stock nv driver should pretty much support any nvidia card, somewhat, the "real" nvidia drivers do drop support of the really old school stuff. What are you on, TNT/geforce 2/23:16
KirbonI'm running jaunty and my "apt-get update" has quit working, ...keeps giving a 404 error....but the repositories are there cause I can browse to them in ff23:17
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, sure thing one moment. I can already see that it hasn't got a clue I have a new graphics card - I'll paste anyway.23:17
PovAddictacicula: I'm on a GeForce 8600GT23:17
treble54ActionParsnip: ok thx let me try that23:17
ActionParsnipomniplatform_: did you md5 checkk the wubi installer file as well as any iso files if you used one that you downloaded yourself23:17
samitheberber!wpa_supplicant | dzup23:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wpa_supplicant23:17
TheMusicGuymnaines: That simply isn't true. Unless you're saying that no OS can fix the problem of using menial amounts of power to keep the RAM in tact, but that's more of a problem with computers in general.23:17
samitheberber!wpasupplicant | dzup23:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wpasupplicant23:17
kaii have done du -h > du.txt   how can i sort this text file now to see what uses the most space23:17
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, this display is nightmare to even browse with? Can I paste in PM?23:17
aciculaPovAddict: nv or nvidia driver should support that tbh23:17
samitheberber!wpa | dzup23:18
ubottudzup: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:18
PovAddictacicula: it does23:18
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: just run: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; sudo lshw -C display | pastebinit23:18
mnainesTheMusicGuy: The point I am trying to make is this:  Take my advice and stop using standby and hibernate modes...It will save you a lot of hassle in the long run23:18
PovAddictacicula: now how do I make Ubuntu load the damn thing instead of the ancient nvidia 71.86.04, which is for pre-G2?23:18
aciculaPovAddict: eh23:18
aciculawhat ubuntu version are you on23:18
TheMusicGuymnaines: I tried that. Believe me, using suspend is much less hassle.23:18
vk__can anyone tell me why all of my virtual terminals leave me with a blinking cursor and no ability to type any text. ubuntu 8.1023:18
omniplatform_hmmmm no: where do I get the md5 of the wubi?23:18
ActionParsnipPovAddict: install nvidia-glx23:18
samitheberberdzup: wpagui is very simple23:18
PovAddictActionParsnip: it's installed23:19
ActionParsnip!md5 | omniplatform_23:19
ubottuomniplatform_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:19
aciculaPovAddict: X doesnt distinguish between revisions, it just loads the driver, 8.10 should install a pretty current one though23:19
mnainesTheMusicGuy: My suggestion:  Don't use the laptop unless you know you have time to run the battery completely down without having to get up and do other things23:19
kaii have done du -h > du.txt   how can i sort this text file now to see what uses the most space23:19
samitheberberdzup: you can fing it with wpagui package. You also need to enable wpa_supplicant23:19
ActionParsnipomniplatform_: you have installed wubi using an unverified wubi  installer. you have no garuntee you got all the data or that what you have was correct23:19
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, bear with me. Things are all over the place.23:20
mnainesTheMusicGuy: Unless you use the laptop for work, I highly doubt you really need it just being at home all day23:20
PovAddictI *have* 169.1223:20
TheMusicGuymnaines: All I have is a laptop. If I want to do anything for any amount of time, I have to use it, regardless of how I manage power.23:20
groowyok, i my fstab file is gone and after then i rebooted my computer i got a message in blue box says: "could not start the x server.." then i boot safe mode and tried some fixes there. now i m using my ubuntu but fstab file is still not exist. what should i do?23:20
PovAddictbut the kernel is loading 71.86.04 on boot instead23:20
bdelin88what is the default SHELL for an administrator user?23:20
omniplatform_ActionParsnip: ok, sounds likely23:20
mnainesTheMusicGuy: You cannot afford a desktop?23:20
TheMusicGuymnaines: No.23:20
ActionParsnipbdelin88: there isnt one23:20
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, that's an idea of what my screen looks like. The resolution is extremely low: http://img205.imageshack.us/i/screenshotfhq.png/23:20
Explodus_If anybody can help at my GDM deadlock issue pls post here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=783902923:20
Kirbonagain: (06:17:03 PM) Kirbon: I'm running jaunty and my "apt-get update" has quit working, ...keeps giving a 404 error....but the repositories are there cause I can browse to them in ff have the URL's changed....cause it hasn't been moved to the old archives yet23:20
mnainesTheMusicGuy: So a $300 Dell Dimension desktop is out of your budget?23:20
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, the command you gave me completed.23:20
bdelin88ActionParsnip: i did this (stupidly): useradd -g ftpgroup -d /dev/null -s /etc ftpuser  and i am trying to restore my user to his normal home directory and shell23:20
TheMusicGuymnaines: I don't have a budget. I'm a college student living off of financial aid.23:21
aciculaPovAddict: you can remove the kernel mod, purge nvidia-glx and reinstall those?23:21
bdelin88ActionParsnip: i did: usermod bryce -d /home/bryce -s (for default)23:21
ActionParsnipbdelin88: you can use any shell you like, most use bash but you can use sh, dash or whatever you wish23:21
bdelin88ActionParsnip: not working though23:21
PovAddictacicula: I already tried apt-get install --reinstall23:21
PovAddicton nvidia-glx-new23:21
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: ok what is the link it generated?23:22
bdelin88ActionParsnip: what is the path to bash please?23:22
ActionParsnipbdelin88: i suggest you read up on usermod23:22
mnainesTheMusicGuy: The problem you have is not the fact you cannot afford a desktop, it is that you keep insisting on using the laptop when you know you will have to get up and do something else every 5 minutes23:22
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, I ran exactly that. Pastebinit installed but said that it wasn't passed any arguments.23:22
TheMusicGuymnaines: but my financial situation is irrelevent to this discussion. My point is that the problems with laptops and power profiles/frequency scaling/whatever can be solved.23:22
TheMusicGuymnaines: what?23:22
bdelin88ActionParsnip: i will later, and i have been reading the man page, i just need a quick fix bc i have a lot fo other pressing issues i'm trying to solve23:22
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, it didn't generate one because no arguments were passed.23:23
Kirbonagain: I'm running jaunty and my "apt-get update" has quit working, ...keeps giving a 404 error....but the repositories are there cause I can browse to them in ff have the URL's changed....cause it hasn't been moved to the old archives yet23:23
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: ok try: sudo lshw -C display > ~/temp.tete; pastebinit ~/temp.tete; rm ~/temp.tete23:23
mnainesTheMusicGuy: You clearly did not listen to my point earlier, correct?  My point was that unless you can devote 5 hours or more to using the laptop non-stop, do not use it23:23
PovAddictbdelin88: it will take less time to read the manpage than to ask here23:23
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »23:23
bdelin88PovAddict: i just need the bash path23:23
TheMusicGuymnaines: that's just silly.23:23
dwarderubottu: !verison23:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about verison23:23
PovAddict /bin/bash23:23
dwarderubottu: !version23:23
ActionParsnipbdelin88: /bin/bash23:23
PovAddictdwarder: what are you trying to do?23:23
treble54ActionParsnip: thx, that fixed my problem :)23:23
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, just do it this way: http://pastebin.com/m4c58074323:23
ActionParsnipbdelin88: you can find out with the which command23:23
mnainesTheMusicGuy: I get by just fine with that strategy23:24
bdelin88PovAddict: for usermod -s [bash path]23:24
bdelin88ActionParsnip: thank you!23:24
Kirbonguess no one here knows the answer, will try somewhere else23:24
mnainesTheMusicGuy: And I'm a poor college student myself23:24
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: is there not a command like ati_config or somesuch23:24
GPLi am struggling with : Whenever i click some URL, it opens with Bluefish Editor, i would like someone to remove view my comp. and help me sort this problem ?23:24
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: type ati then press tab a few times23:24
aciculaPovAddict: apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new23:24
bdelin88ActionParsnip: any reason why this wouldn't work then? usermod bryce -d /home/bryce -s /bin/bash23:24
acicula--purge should wipeout the compiled mods23:24
boss_mcGPL: look in Sytem->Prefs->Preferrend Apps23:25
mnainesTheMusicGuy: Besides, you're in college to learn, not to be putsing around on the laptop playing Solitaire all day23:25
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, aticonfig is a command that takes arguments. I don't know what args to pass to the command though.23:25
GPLboss_mc: already did23:25
ActionParsnipbdelin88: ive not played with users like that so i'm no help dude, sorry23:25
MegasoftPain Is So Close To Pleasure!!!!!23:25
PovAddictacicula: done23:25
boss_mcGPL: fair nuf23:25
bdelin88ActionParsnip: ah ok well thanks man!23:25
bdelin88is there something wrong with this line?  usermod bryce -d /home/bryce -s /bin/bash23:25
PovAddictacicula: reinstall it?23:25
aciculaPovAddict: nah, try rebooting23:25
PovAddictok bbl23:25
HalitechSealedWithAKiss, I think if you just run aticonfig it should give you the differnt arguements you can use23:25
TheMusicGuymnaines: That's not the kind of advice this chat room is meant for, if you catch my drift.23:25
aciculaPovAddict: if it's gone it should default to the nv driver23:25
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, just typing aticonfig produces more output than I can display in my terminal.23:26
aciculathe open source one23:26
TheMusicGuymnaines: sorry, channel.23:26
GPLboss_mc: not fair, because nothing happens/changes with that, lol23:26
mnainesTheMusicGuy: I'm sorry if you cannot tolerate brutal honesty23:26
boss_mcGPL: alas...23:26
TheMusicGuymnaines: I;'m sorry you haven't learned tact and the fine art of keeping the topic on point.23:26
PovAddictbut nvidia-glx-new is the 169.something one23:26
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, how do I save the output of aticonfig to a .txt file using the command line?23:26
PovAddictI don't know where 71.86.04 is from23:26
mnainesTheMusicGuy: You asked for advice and you got advice.  Don't blame me because you did not like the advice you were given23:27
GPLboss_mc: yes, thats one word to say23:27
bdelin88ActionParsnip: well maybe you could help me with this... i think i have a syntax error with this line: usermod bryce -d /home/bryce -s /bin/bash ... -s i should be able to set the SHELL... but it is saying "user /bin/bash does not exist"23:27
TheMusicGuymnaines: I'm not blaming you for anything.23:27
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: try: sudo aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf23:27
_20eric06_Guys, knoppix is dead and I need a little HD install help23:27
PovAddictTheMusicGuy and mnaines how about taking the argument to private?23:27
PovAddict_20eric06_: #knoppix?23:27
mnainesTheMusicGuy: I am not the type of person who tells people what they want to hear.  I tell them the truth, regardless of whether or not they want to hear the truth23:28
_20eric06_PovAddict: Yeah23:28
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, Found fglrx primary device section23:28
SealedWithAKissUsing /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:28
SealedWithAKissSaved back-up to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.fglrx-023:28
TheMusicGuymnaines: I'm not hear to argue with you, I'm here to solve a technical problem.23:28
SealedWithAKissOops sorry did't notice the line breaks.23:28
_20eric06_I'm trying to do a frugal install from DSL (damn small linux), and it installed succesfully to hdc1, but it won't boot23:28
PovAddictok rebooting23:28
ActionParsnipbdelin88: sudo usermod -d /home/user user changes the home dir23:28
_20eric06_For the record, my hd is the only one in the machine, secondary master in the IDE array23:28
spOis mv --backup   different than cp -R ?23:29
ActionParsnipbdelin88: i think the order is important23:29
_20eric06_Primary master is CDROM, and neither have slaves23:29
jcmarinigidday from oz23:29
_20eric06_So is hdc1 right? Why didn't it boot?23:29
Halitech_20eric06_, did you install grub?23:29
ikonia_20eric06_: disks are refernced by uuid in the boot arguments23:29
aciculasp0 man mv, -R is for recursive, dunno what --backup does23:29
ActionParsnipbdelin88: i think you put the username last23:29
macman_guys .. is it hard to setup pxe on ubuntu ?23:29
_20eric06_Halitech: It has GRUB and LILO installs23:30
aciculamacman_: no23:30
ikonia_20eric06_: why are you asking for DSL help in an Ubuntu support channel23:30
bdelin88ActionParsnip: hmm23:30
MTecknice - just trimmed ~100 packages from my system - down to 848 without missing anything I want23:30
_20eric06_I thought it installed them automatically23:30
ActionParsnipbdelin88: http://www.computerhope.com/unix/usermod.htm23:30
aciculamacman_: ubuntu even has a wiki about it23:30
_20eric06_ikonia: There is no other place to ask, I just need quick install help23:30
ikonia_20eric06_: sorry - not here23:30
Halitech_20eric06_, ok, did you install either of them? you have to tell it to install 1 of them23:30
ikonia_20eric06_: try the dSL channel23:30
ikoniaHalitech: we do not support DSL in here23:30
_20eric06_ikonia: Mind directing me to it? #knoppix is deal23:30
ikonia_20eric06_: I don't know the dsl channel, may #dsl ?23:31
ActionParsnipits #damnsmalllinux23:31
TheMusicGuyAgain I ask--and mnaines, feel free not to answer--how can I tell Ubuntu to stop changing my power profile by itself?23:31
ikoniaActionParsnip: thank yo u23:31
aciculaDont trims, programs love company23:31
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, does that output help at all?23:31
ActionParsnipall of 12 users23:31
macman_acicula that wiki looks complicated23:32
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: if it looks ok then restart x, see what you get. i purposefully avoid ati23:32
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, why do you?23:32
aciculamacman_: well it's not plug and play, it does entail either some skill or willingness to learn23:32
gartralSealedWithAKiss: ATI +Linux = poor graphics23:33
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: as nvidia have far better suport, so i always buy their cards23:33
j2daoshanyone in here use colinux?23:33
PovAddictacicula: well I have X back... on vesa driver :(23:33
ikoniaj2daosh: that's not relevent in here23:33
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aciculamacman_: it's relatively straightforward though, run dhcpc to point to the right location and run a tftp server23:33
j2daoshi tried colinux room but all 6 people are dead23:33
antonius602yeah, if ur into eyecandy, and gayness of the sort, not performance....ati is not for you..in fact..it even performs subpar23:33
ikoniaj2daosh: sorry - that doesn't mean #ubuntu should support you23:33
bdelin88i made a usermod mistake and i need some help getting that fixed here's what i did: useradd -g pureftp -d /dev/null -s /etc bryce23:33
j2daoshikonia: it is seeing how as im running ubuntu on it23:33
HalitechTheMusicGuy, how does it change it? (sorry, missed most of the first part of your issue)23:33
aciculaPovAddict: you can reinstall the good nvidia driver i think, nvidia-glx-new?23:33
matt132By all means let me know if this is not the place to ask this type of question: I23:33
j2daoshall i want to know is how to expand the partition so i can get ubuntu goodness23:33
ikoniaj2daosh: well how does colinux questions be relevent23:33
bdelin88i made a usermod mistake and i need some help getting that fixed here's what i did: useradd -g pureftp -d /dev/null -s /etc bryce23:34
aciculaPovAddict: nv driver will also work, but i'm a bit outdated on how to tell ubuntu how to load a specific driver23:34
ikoniaj2daosh: you need to unmount it - delete it and remove it, or use a tool like gparted23:34
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, is an ATI card okay though? Will it perform as well as under Windows with a little tweaking?23:34
matt132I've heard some negative things about songbird as a music player, what makes it a poor choice?23:34
groowycould anyone help me pls? i my fstab file is gone and after then i rebooted my computer i got a message in blue box says: "could not start the x server.." then i boot safe mode and tried some fixes there. now i m using my ubuntu but fstab file is still not exist. what should i do?23:34
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TheMusicGuyHalitech: Whenever I insert or remove the AC or resume from standby, the power profile changes. It used to go to OnDemand mode, but now it seems to be going to Performance mode.23:34
Paavi2_0!poll | matt13223:34
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ubottumatt132: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:34
Explodus_if anybody has an idea about a GDM deadlock/system freeze  upon boot pls post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=783902923:34
j2daoshbecause its linux, i would imagine whatever you use for repartiioning23:34
j2daoshgparted, ok, ill give that a shot23:34
ikoniaj2daosh: gparted23:34
aciculagroowy: fstab does not regenerate, you'll have to manually specify one23:34
bdelin88i made a usermod mistake and i need some help getting that fixed here's what i did: useradd -g pureftp -d /dev/null -s /etc bryce23:34
PovAddictj2daosh: well this is not general linux support23:35
Flare183!repeat | bdelin8823:35
ubottubdelin88: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:35
aciculabdelin88: userdel bryce and try again?23:35
matt132ok Paavi2_0 thank you.23:35
ikoniabdelin88: what do you want figinx, the shell or directory ?23:35
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: it will give a fine desktop. theyare still a little behind with drivers but with some tweaking you can get an ok 3d performance for games23:35
PovAddictacicula: worst part... some apps are faster now23:35
bdelin88ikonia: i accidentally did usermod not user add, sry...bryce is an important user i need to keep so i need to fix both the directory and the shell23:35
aciculaPovAddict:  :D23:35
bdelin88ikonia: i tried reading the MAN page but i think i have syntax errors23:36
ikoniabdelin88: re-use usermod to set them back to the old parameters23:36
groowyacicula: how can i do it? is there any address u know can show me in a easy way? when i checked ubuntu page it was too complicated for me.23:36
ikoniabdelin88: the synatax you gave are fine23:36
Paavi2_0matt132: that said, i haven't really ever tried songbird... what works for me might not work for you and so on you know...23:36
HalitechTheMusicGuy, never heard of that and I'm using a desktop so dont have any clue how to help23:36
aciculaPovAddict: the vesa driver is pretty horible, if you can change it to the nv driver it should be a bit better, or the nvidia driver by nvidia23:36
ispikedI need help installing software from a PPA archive. the problem is that the PPA archive has the same package names as the ubuntu archives23:37
PovAddictispiked: if they are newer versions, then they'll show as upgrades23:37
ispikedand I don't see both versions in launchpad23:37
bdelin88ikonia i did this: usermod bryce -d /home/bryce -s /bin/bash and it says "user /bin/bash does not exist"23:37
x404xhow long could a make take to complete ?23:37
ikoniabdelin88: put "bryce" at the end23:37
Lasiviandoes anyone know if the "Dell Wireless 700" GPS unit in their netbooks will work with ubuntu? thanks23:37
PovAddictbdelin88: try no space between -s and /bin/bash23:38
ikoniabdelin88: your missing the username23:38
ikoniabdelin88: the username goes at the end - not the start23:38
gartralx404x: depending on params, system, and code, several secconds to several days23:38
ikoniaPovAddict: the space is fine23:38
aciculaalso PovAddict since you have X :), http://xkcd.com/386/23:38
bdelin88PovAddict: the space thing doesn't work23:38
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bdelin88ikonia: that did it! i knew i was messin up something23:38
MTeckbdelin88: you need the space23:38
ikoniaacicula: please keep that sort of link in #ubuntu-offtopic please, this is a support channel23:38
bdelin88MTeck: yea i thought so... to be consistent23:39
ispikedPovAddict: well, I've added the PPA repos and it's still not showing up: https://launchpad.net/~eclipse-team/+archive/ppa23:39
PovAddictdid you run apt-get update?23:39
MTeckbdelin88: Do this instead -> useradd -m -s /bin/bash bryce23:39
x404xim getting some live child lines in my make output ? does it mean i havent shut down the stuff i want to make properly ?23:39
bdelin88MTeck: yea it worked like that, it's all normal again, thanks!23:39
ikoniax404x: depends on what you are making and the error23:39
ispikedPovAddict: yes. it looks like the builds for jaunty may have failed there?23:39
MTeckbdelin88: you need the user name to add at the end - just use -m instead of giving it a specific home directory instead though - it's what I alsways use23:40
x404xpgpverify and i get a pid also, but i do not need pgpverify its just part of the package im compiling23:40
ispikedPovAddict: hm, yes. I think that's the problem23:40
MTeckbdelin88: I'm not sure is bash is default but I always specify it23:40
bdelin88MTeck: it's fine with me i haven't gotten that far to use that yet anyways23:40
EvilPenguin|so im really really confused23:41
EvilPenguin|i install ubuntu (32/64BIT) and the drivers arent autofinding. .23:41
midoguyz ,, I got a satellite card in my computer ,, but i cant find a program to run it,, what can i do ?23:41
EvilPenguin|i have the LiveCd and they are theere23:41
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: clam down23:42
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: what is the problem23:42
PovAddictdrivers reinstalled, rebooting23:42
EvilPenguin|ubuntu LiveCD finds all my drivers..23:42
HalitechEvilPenguin|, which did you install? the 32bit or the 64bit? what drivers aren't being auto installed?23:42
EvilPenguin|i isntalled both23:42
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: summerise the question on one line23:42
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: you don't install both - you install one23:42
EvilPenguin|and they both wont find the graphics card and wireless card. .23:42
trayzzwill it create a problem to install kde apps like amarok in gnome?23:42
SealedWithAKissI am no closer to getting the drivers working for my ATI GFX card.23:42
x404xhm it seems to only compile under the tree the files are. I told configure the paths or all files and got no errors . .but make fails and i get noting in the dirs i specified for the bins etc23:43
EvilPenguin|ikonia: i know this...23:43
kaii still unable to find what takes all my disk space the file du -h > du.txt looks ok23:43
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: ok - so please summerise your problem23:43
HalitechEvilPenguin|, which do you have installed currently?23:43
PovAddictx404x: you used --prefix=somepath?23:43
midoguin|> ikonia: i know this...23:43
mido<kai> i still unable to find what takes all my disk space the file du -h > du.txt looks ok23:43
ikoniamido: what ?23:43
EvilPenguin|i have 32BIT installed now23:43
EvilPenguin|my problem is23:43
midoguin|> ikonia: i know this...23:43
mido<kai> i still unable to find what takes all my disk space the file du -h > du.txt looks ok23:43
x404xyes prefix and a lot of other parameters23:43
kaiyes all files are tine23:43
EvilPenguin|the drivers will be there on the LiveCd but not when i install it to the partition23:43
PovAddictx404x: files aren't put there when you run make23:43
trayzzwill it create a problem to install kde apps like amarok in gnome?23:43
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ikoniamido: why are you repeating this ?23:43
PovAddictx404x: you run 'make install'23:43
HalitechEvilPenguin|, what video card do you have?23:43
midosorry ... i dont knw23:44
EvilPenguin|gfore 9600 OC23:44
ikoniamido: stop please23:44
PovAddicttrayzz: more memory usage compared to using only gnome apps23:44
x404xshould i run make install ?23:44
gartralEvilPenguin|: that's an nvidia card... lol23:44
EvilPenguin|yup yup . .23:44
ikoniax404x: only if your build makes without issue23:44
HalitechEvilPenguin|, if you go to System - Admin - Hard ware drivers, is anything there?23:44
midoguyz ,, I got a satellite card in my computer ,, but i cant find a program to run it,, what can i do ?23:44
trayzzPovAddict thanks alot..still thinking about songbird tho23:44
ikoniax404x: if you have errors - don't run make install23:44
kaiopenoffice takes a lot put not 5G23:44
EvilPenguin|and on the livecd Halitech there is drivers there23:44
HalitechEvilPenguin|, ok, then you need to get the drivers from the nvidia website23:45
kaiand something is filing it up to the max23:45
EvilPenguin|did that, didnt work. .23:45
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: can you pastebin the output of "lspci" in a pastebin please23:45
EvilPenguin|one second please. . .23:45
x404xif i type only make i get an error about a sample newsfeeds file being different23:45
midoi need help  ,, I got a satellite card in my computer ,, but i cant find a program to run it,, what can i do ?23:45
ikoniax404x: then do not type make install23:45
HalitechEvilPenguin|, what didn't work? the install failed at some point or you still dont have the resolution you want or ???23:46
x404xit says i need to update the file but how ?23:46
ikoniax404x: you will install incomplete/broke software on your system and cause problems23:46
ikoniax404x: depends on the file23:46
ikoniax404x: what are you trying to build ?23:46
x404xinn 2.523:46
nnorbiwhat can i do, if i don't want maximus to maximize vlc windows?23:46
ikoniax404x: inn ? never heard of that23:46
EvilPenguin|Halitech: i want my drivers to autofind like the do on the LiveCD.. i have looked around for my drivers and nothing works...23:46
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ikoniax404x: can you provide a link to where you got it from please.23:46
x404xits a news server23:46
TheMusicGuymnaines: you still here?23:46
EvilPenguin|ikonia: its on the other computer, so this may take me a minute. . .23:47
midoguyz ,, I got a satellite card in my computer ,, but i cant find a program to run it,, what can i do ?23:47
HalitechEvilPenguin|, unfortunately that doesn't always work and you have to manually install them23:47
ikoniax404x: inn2 is the package name, it's in the ubuntu repos23:47
ikoniax404x: it's built for you23:47
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: no rush23:47
ikonia!info inn223:47
ubottuinn2 (source: inn2): 'InterNetNews' news server. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4.5-5 (jaunty), package size 3182 kB, installed size 7548 kB23:47
EvilPenguin|Halitech: ok well then where do i get the netgearWN311B drivers?23:47
HalitechEvilPenguin|, lets stick with 1 issue at a time23:47
SealedWithAKissCan anybody help. I have recently bought an ATI Radeon Sapphire HD 4670 graphics card. This card is working fine on windows, however since booting into Linux my display has been very poor. There are no Linux drivers with the installation CD, and the .run installation file for the drivers from the ATI website don't help either. At this moment in time, my integrated card was doing better than this!23:47
x404xit seems to leave out alot of files if i use the ubuntu repos23:48
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ikonia!ati > SealedWithAKiss23:48
ubottuSealedWithAKiss, please see my private message23:48
braindeadany idea when i install a theme(gtk) it shows a big question mark in the theme selecter? im installing them by putting them in /usr/share/themes23:48
x404xdirs/files missing23:48
midoguyz ,, I got a satellite card in my computer ,, but i cant find a program to run it,, what can i do ?23:48
ikoniax404x: you may want to speak to the guys who maintain inn for specific build help23:48
HalitechSealedWithAKiss, what happens when you use the drivers from the ati site?23:49
SealedWithAKissikonia, that page doesn't help either. I'm already there. I'm new to Linux, cant can't quite grasp the more technical terms being used in the article.23:49
ikoniax404x: you are also aware of inn2-inews I assume23:49
ikoniaSealedWithAKiss: unfortunantly certain ati cards have very poor linux support23:49
x404xwhat about inews ?23:49
EvilPenguin|Halitech: ok cool23:49
x404xi thought this was inn and not inn2 ?23:49
SealedWithAKissHalitech, the display is fine and then just reverts back to being rubbish.23:49
ikoniax404x: it the package inn2-inews may contain the missing components you want23:50
EvilPenguin|ikonia: http://pastebin.com/m7b258ae623:50
midoikonia: I got a satellite card in my computer ,, but i cant find a program to run it,, what can i do ?23:50
ikonia!info inn2-inews23:50
ubottuinn2-inews (source: inn2): NNTP client news injector, from InterNetNews (INN). In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4.5-5 (jaunty), package size 154 kB, installed size 392 kB23:50
SealedWithAKissikonia, I wish the dude in the shop had told me that. He asked what OS I was going to be using it with.23:50
ikoniamido: why are you asking me ?23:50
ikoniaSealedWithAKiss: I can't help with that23:50
midocuz no one answer mw23:50
SealedWithAKissThanks anyway ikonia.23:50
j2daoshwhat is the filesystem used typically by ubuntu?23:50
ikoniaj2daosh: that's the default23:50
HalitechSealedWithAKiss, the 4670 should work with the catalyst 9.8 driver23:50
midoikonia: cuz no one answers me23:51
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: interesting, the 9600gt should be supported23:51
HalitechSealedWithAKiss, http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: what version of ubuntu are you using ?23:51
j2daoshikonia and to mount a ext3 drive, its 'mount -t ext3 /dev/device/ /mnt/mountpoint' yes?23:51
SealedWithAKissikonia, besides that 'How to' doesn't apply to my model of card.23:51
ikoniaj2daosh: works well23:51
EvilPenguin|ikonia: the newest. . .23:51
braindeadany idea when i install a theme(gtk) it shows a big question mark in the theme selecter? im installing them by putting them in /usr/share/themes23:51
j2daoshis there a way to auto detect a mount type?23:51
nothingHappenshi, i'm trying to record some audio from my line in with audacity.  it seems to work fine as long as I don't use the Software Playthrough.  But I want to be able to hear what's recording :/  If I turn on Software Playthough, it sounds like total dick when it's not crashing.  Anything I can do?23:52
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: which one, 9.04 or 9.10 /23:52
j2daoshi believe its ext3, but it could be ext4, reiser, or even fat... i dont know23:52
ikoniaj2daosh: drop -t ext3 - it should auto mount if the file system is supported in the kernel23:52
EvilPenguin|ikonia: 9.0423:52
j2daoshikonia, tried that, ubuntu is saying i must give it a type23:52
SealedWithAKissHalitech, thanks. That's the driver I have already installed as far as I am aware. Nothing has changed though.23:52
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: and there is nothing in the hardware drivers application ?23:52
ikoniaj2daosh: try ext3, ext3, reiser23:52
EvilPenguin|only a wireless STA driver ikonia23:52
boss_mcj2daosh: look at it in gparted, that will tell you the filesystem23:53
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: that's quite odd23:53
EvilPenguin|by far. .23:53
canthus13mido: The first thing you need to do is find out if someone else has gotten it working.  Try googling for the make and model of the card, along with the term 'ubuntu' and see what comes up.23:53
EvilPenguin|ikonia: it finds my driver with LiveCD tho. .23:53
HalitechSealedWithAKiss, and you ran sudo aticonfig --initial ?23:53
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: ahhhh, I wonder, is your machine on the internet ?23:53
EvilPenguin|ikonia: no its not. .23:53
SealedWithAKissHalitech, is that 64bit? I have 32-bit. I haven't ran that command no.23:53
EvilPenguin|i have no wireless driver. .23:54
j2daoshboss_mc: cant, only have a console, x isn't installed23:54
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: bingo !23:54
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: it can't get the updates that tell it he 9600 is supported23:54
boss_mcj2daosh: use parted23:54
EvilPenguin|so i need to hook the net up to it?23:54
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: not %100 but it would certainly rule that out23:54
HalitechSealedWithAKiss, with my x1200 it was the same driver download for both 32 and 64 ... you need to run the inital setup to have it take effect23:54
SealedWithAKissHalitech, I have now.23:54
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: I thought 9600 was fine out of the box, but I could be wrong23:54
EvilPenguin|hmm weird.23:54
SealedWithAKissHalitech, sh name_of_file.run   right?23:55
EvilPenguin|ikonia: should i hook up ethernet to it, and see what that does?23:55
midoguyz ,, I got a satellite card in my computer ,, but i cant find a program to run it,, what can i do ?23:55
ikoniaEvilPenguin|: good call23:55
=== Zathara is now known as Zathara_OFF
HalitechSealedWithAKiss, I think you need to run it as sudo23:55
ikoniamido: follow the advice people have given you23:55
EvilPenguin|ikonia: ok ill be back in  a few.. i gotta move my computer..23:55
EvilPenguin|ill be back wiht updates.23:55
boss_mcj2daosh: sudo parted /dev/blah23:55
Halitech!patience | mido23:55
ubottumido: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:55
boss_mcj2daosh: then print will give you the partition table23:55
boss_mcj2daosh: then quit to exit23:55
DarkMorphquick question: all new install CDs double as LiveCDs right?23:55
ikoniaDarkMorph: yes23:56
DarkMorphperfect, thanks!23:56
HalitechDarkMorph, if you have the desktop then yes23:56
midook guyz ,,, I'm sorry of my anouyning23:56
DarkMorphthat's the one!23:56
j2daoshboss_mc: yeah im trying that but its not working. ill have to reboot i think23:56
j2daoshbe back in a sec23:56
SealedWithAKissHalitech, what do I do once it's installed?23:56
aeolianHi, all. I just got a new Ezonic webcam for my Linux computer, but I don't know how to set it up. Cheese will not detect it yet. What should I do?23:57
HalitechSealedWithAKiss, you need to open a terminal and run sudo aticonfig --initial23:58
jatthi, I do have a laptop with a wired ethernet connection and a wireless card and another laptop with a wireless card only. the first laptop has access to the internet through the wired internet connecition. how can I acces internet from the second laptop?23:58
aeolianHi, I just bought a new Ezonics webcam today for my Linux box, though it doesn't seem to work with Cheese or anything yet. How do I configure it or get the drivers for it running?23:58
Halitechaeolian, open a terminal and run lsusb with the camera not connected, then hook it up and run it again, is it detected there?23:58
jatthow can I configure it so it access internet through the first laptop?23:58
Halitech!paste | aeolian23:59
ubottuaeolian: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic23:59

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