
kholerabbiCould someone with knowledge of notification standards and the indicator-applet make a convincing request at the Skype for Linux developer's blog?   http://share.skype.com/sites/linux/2009/07/skype_for_linux_an_update.html11:19
kholerabbia request for Skype to support galago/notification standards*11:21
SiDi do they have a proper bug tracker ?11:21
kholerabbiSiDi: Yes, but it's dusty, and not being used much atm11:22
SiDikholerabbi, but a blog comment isnt the place for a feature request :P11:24
kholerabbiA bug report would be great, of course :P11:29
kholerabbihttps://developer.skype.com/jira/browse/SCL seems to be the place, would you be willing to report a bug?11:29
kholerabbiSiDi: I would do it myself, but I want someone convincing and with real knowledge :P11:32
SiDiAlright, i'm gonna write it :P11:32
kholerabbiThat's awesome, I believe they have some sort of voting system. So post the link here when you're done =)11:33
SiDierr i have to create an account and give them my email address :/11:33
SiDisorry but i fear i actually cant do it  ^.^11:33
kholerabbiYou don't want to give them your email address?11:36
kholerabbiSiDi: https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount ;)11:39
kholerabbiAh, I have to go, g'night.11:43
* MacSlow -> lunch13:50
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rickspencer3djsiegel_: I meant my last reply to our ayatana mail good naturedly ... but I'm worried it didn't come off that way16:48
rickspencer3I seriously meant that I defer to your judgement on the topic16:48
djsiegel_rickspencer3: no, no problem17:09
djsiegel_rickspencer3: but remember, I am the design team17:09
djsiegel_so saying "let's defer to the pros/the design team" kind of implies that you are talking about someone else17:10
djsiegel_I am on the design team, rather17:10
rickspencer3djsiegel_: I meant the design team, as "the pros"17:11
rickspencer3I meant "the pros *on* the design team"17:12
djsiegel_does that include me?17:12
rickspencer3yes, of course17:12
djsiegel_ok, just checking :)17:12
rickspencer3don't know what's the matter with me today17:12
djsiegel_just wasn't sure who you were referring to :)17:12
* rickspencer3 untangles virtual tongue17:12
djsiegel_lol, don't worry about it17:13
rickspencer3I suck so badly17:13
rickspencer3to be clear, for the record ...17:13
djsiegel_No you don't.17:13
* djsiegel_ hugs rick17:13
rickspencer3I meant to day, I was deferring the decision specifically to you, as you are the professional designer17:13
* rickspencer3 hugs back17:14
mac_vmat_t: lol , awesome title17:16
djsiegel_rickspencer3: have you seen Kupfer?17:19
rickspencer3I don't think so17:19
* rickspencer3 googles17:19
djsiegel_rickspencer3: it's a GNOME Do port to python, basically. It looks like it's going to be a pretty popular project, and right now they don't have a PPA or anything. Maybe you could introduce them to quickly?17:20
djsiegel_They get a PPA and other cool quickly features, and their users/new devs get introduced to quickly?17:20
rickspencer3djsiegel_: sounds good17:20
rickspencer3I would wait until after feature freeze, if I were they17:20
rickspencer3as quickly is waiting for desktopcouch to settle down before release 0.217:21
rickspencer3though if they want to get started right away, they should grab 0.2 from the ppa, rather than 0.1 from universe17:21
rickspencer3I'll be working on the release tutorial in the next couple of days17:21
rickspencer3unfortunately there is some complexity with setting up pgp keys before you can upload17:22
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SiDirickspencer3, does quickly also have packaging tools ?17:23
rickspencer3SiDi: yes17:23
rickspencer3there is $quickly package ... which will make a deb17:23
rickspencer3and $quickly release ... which will make a ppa17:23
SiDiDo they allow splitting a source tarball into several binary packages based on different paths ? :P17:23
rickspencer3SiDi: don't know17:23
rickspencer3I doubt it17:23
rickspencer3you could ask didrocks in #quickly17:24
rickspencer3that seems like an advanced scenario, though17:24
* MacSlow -> capoeira-break17:35
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* SiDi hides17:35
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mat_tmac_v: thx ;)18:03
mat_tdjsiegel_: can you have a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/418703? I'm not sure what packages are guilty here18:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 418703 in hundredpapercuts "Busy mouse cursor flickers like mad" [Undecided,New] 18:03
djsiegel_I can look, mat_t, but I am not sure I will find :)18:04
mat_tthat's where we all are - in the perpetual spiral of seek-and-hide18:05
* SiDi thinks very strongly about Intel's GPU drivers.18:05
mac_vmat_t: AFAIK , that is actually a graphics card issue ,xorg 18:06
mac_vmat_t: not a papercut actually ;p18:06
SiDianything but a papercut :D18:06
mat_tmac_v: cool, can you re-link it?18:06
mat_tmac_v: I want to keep it as a bug *somewhere*18:06
mac_vmat_t: i dont know the graphics card for dell mini9 , might wanna get a second opinion from bryce though :)18:07
mat_tmac_v: thx18:07
SiDiwant me to re-set it ?18:07
SiDito xserver-xorg-video-intel ?18:08
mac_vSiDi: if its intel yup :)18:08
mat_tthx SiDi18:08
* mat_t go home18:09
mac_vmat_t: speaks like ET ;p18:09
mat_tbye everyone, see ya'll tomorrow18:09
SiDiits a GMA950 afaik18:09
mat_tmac_v: nice catch18:09
SiDisee you mat_t 18:09
SiDiaw, im not in n-o's top contributors anymore :( :p18:11
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mrooney|wdjsiegel_: if I make a 60 second or so screen cast of an application I'm working on, and specifically a feature in it, would you be able to give me a quick review of what is good and bad?22:54
mrooney|wor is there another person who might?22:55
SiDimrooney|w, ? :D23:00
bcurtiswxhey all, im wondering.. for Indicator Applet to support apps.. they they have to support minimizing to try natively.. or will indicator applet do this for apps that don't have native support for that?23:05
bcurtiswxif that needs to be worded differently please let me know that as well :-\23:06
SiDibcurtiswx, you need to use the libindicate dbus api to communicate with it, afaik23:10
SiDiand you dont need to do anything related to tray icon23:10
bcurtiswxi think the MPT wants to implement empathy into the IA, but its not done yet.  Thanks for the help23:12
bcurtiswxmay be good to do that, with empathy going deafult IM client23:15
djsiegel_mrooney|w: yes sir23:16
mac_vdjsiegel_: did you have a look at this > Bug #41759323:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 417593 in gnome-applets "Sticky Notes [mouse behavior] not consistent with system-wide behavior" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41759323:17
djsiegel_mac_v, hmm, I don't think it;s a paper cut23:20
djsiegel_we install tomboy by default23:20
mac_vdjsiegel_: sticky notes is also in the default23:20
djsiegel_which is the de jure sticky note default app23:20
djsiegel_right, but, with a highly discoverable notes app23:21
mac_vdjsiegel_:  its in the panel applets23:21
djsiegel_and a not easily discoverable app23:21
djsiegel_mac_v, yeah I know all the facts23:21
djsiegel_I really don't think this affects many users23:21
mac_vok... we'll leave it as such23:21
djsiegel_the average user would not encounter this23:21
djsiegel_Maybe 1 in 1000 would ?23:21
djsiegel_I would say this does not alleviate a pain for more than 1 in 1000 users23:22
mac_vdjsiegel_: if we fall short , we can use it ?23:22
djsiegel_very safe statement23:22
djsiegel_no, it's just too puny23:22
djsiegel_if we fall short, we fall short23:22
djsiegel_let's not count this one23:22
mac_vno probs23:22
djsiegel_good bug, but not a (good) paper cut23:22
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SiDimrooney|w, if you want me to have a look at it feel free to mail it to me (sidnioulz AT gmail DOT com)23:45

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