
Lnsthat'll be another can 'o worms I guess ;)00:02
alkisgHeh. No big harm there. Anyway, late here, g'night all...00:03
LnsBut it basically just depends on the app itself right?00:03
Lnsnight alkisg !00:03
sbalneavNight alkisg00:03
LnsI mean, if you're running FF as a localapp only, it's not like you're not going to be able to connect via vnc..?00:03
Lnssbalneav: about to get yer hardy version of sabayon00:09
sbalneavWe'll see if it works.00:13
sbalneavI'm betting no.00:13
Lnssbalneav: sabayon: Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.16.0) but 2.12.9-3ubuntu5 is to be installed || Depends: python (>= 2.6) but 2.5.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed00:17
Lnsbork bork bork00:17
sbalneavyeah.  I'm gonna have to re-build the package from scratch, somehow.00:19
sbalneavnot sure how this is going to work.00:19
Lnssbalneav: no worries, i'll be here once it's ready to test =)00:21
sbalneavWell, BUILDING the package is no problem.00:22
sbalneavgetting it published to my ppa may be.00:22
sbalneavWorking on it now.00:22
sbalneavAnyone know packaging?01:07
sbalneavHere's the situation.01:07
sbalneavOn hardy, In order to get sabayon working, I need to:01:07
sbalneavfrom the base upstream tarball, I need to patch configure.ac, and then rerun autoconf before running configure.01:08
sbalneavhow do I go about doing that?01:08
dgroos1Hi all--03:25
dgroos1I'm trying to completely remove all traces of iTALC from my computer before I reinstall it.03:26
dgroos1I "apt-get purge italc" and then libitalc.03:27
dgroos1then, I did "locate italc" and got a ton of files with italc in the name still.  So... I tried to remove each one (or the specific directories containing just italc stuff) with sudo rm /file/path/name.  There were some files03:29
dgroos1that were shown on locate, lots of them, that when I tried to remove them, didn't seem to exist!  what's going on?03:29
sbalneavlocate doesn't update immediately03:35
dgroos1Ah, Right!  I bet there's a command which I'll dig up...03:38
dgroos1sudo updatedb03:42
dgroos1sbalneav: you've got a PPA, can you answer this?  I've got basically it all removed--just the ppa.launchpad.net stuff remains.  I've got 4 files in /var/lib/apt/.  Here are the ends of the filenames (which distinguish them)...03:57
dgroos1jaunty_Release and jaunty_Release.gpg and jaunty_main_binary-i386_Packages and jaunty_main_source_Sources.  Do I need all 4?03:59
dgroos1thanks :)04:00
sbalneavYou should have a lot more in there04:00
sbalneavkeyrings  lists  mirrors  periodic etc04:00
dgroos1 got a little happy w/ sudo rm did I?04:01
dgroos1maybe I get rid of it all, reinstall sources and keys--work?04:01
sbalneavI have no idea, you've probably hosed apt pretty badly.04:02
dgroos1Hmmm... wish I had a wider repertoire of smiley faces...04:02
sbalneavThere's a ton of stuff in there.04:02
dgroos1I only removed things that specifically had the name italc in them...04:03
sbalneavbest you can hope for is to do an apt-get update, see if it works.04:03
sbalneavwell, if you don't have keyrings, lists, mirrors, etc04:03
sbalneavin that dir04:03
sbalneavthen you removed more than you thought you did.04:03
dgroos1OK-- got it, make lots of backups... tonite...04:03
sbalneavwhat does apt-get update do?04:04
dgroos1those 4 files (and their duplicates in the /opt/ltsp/i386/ were the only things left in my updated 'locate' list.04:04
dgroos1seems to work--got 99% and is [waiting for headers]04:05
dgroos1looks like you got your sabayon update in your PPA :)04:08
dgroos1It worked :)04:08
dgroos1hmmm... at the 9:58 comment I made, should have said "there are only 4 things left in my locate database that have the word italc in them and they are located in /var/lib/apt/" not, "I've only got 4 files left in /var/lib/apt/"  So sorry for the confusion!  And thanks for reminding me about back ups, I need to do nightly!!!04:16
sbalneavI'm a sysadmin by trade.  Any system mods I do start out with 1) a backup 2) another backup 3) Yet another backup04:23
dgroosiTALC... sweet success!  After weeks of effort, it works!05:23
dgroosThe trick was the removing of EVERY trace of iTALC from my system before a fresh reinstall.05:23
dgroosand now to a backup :)05:23
alkisgGood morning07:20
highvoltagegood {morning,afternoon} alkisg and jamil :)07:48
=== nubae_ is now known as Nubae
highvoltagehi ace_suares and alkisg!14:56
highvoltageace_suares: we missed you14:56
alkisgHi highvoltage, hi all14:56
sbalneavMorning all14:58
sbalneavMorning ace!14:59
sbalneavGood to see you back.14:59
dgroosGood morning all15:21
mhall119|workhey ace_suares15:21
dgroosand to see you back, ace_suares :)15:22
sbalneavhighvoltage: around?16:43
BenCrisfordHello fellas16:49
sbalneavHello Ben16:50
sbalneavLong Time No See16:50
=== vorian is now known as OldSchool
SuhadiHi, Is there something like a tutorial or installtion guide for setup a thien client Server for a classroom with edubuntu 9.04?18:29
LnsSuhadi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall might help18:31
LnsFor thin clients under *buntu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/ is the wiki with the most information regarding how to "do things"18:32
Suhadiah okay thanks so far18:33
SuhadiI just tried to set up a server on a VM18:33
Suhadiand wanted to install all the edubuntu stuff18:33
LnsSuhadi: well Edubuntu != LTSP18:34
Lns(not anymore)18:34
Suhadiyeah i installed LTSP from alternate CD and than Edubuntu18:34
Suhadibut it didnt install all the teacher stuff like student-control-üanel18:35
Suhadiis that normal?18:35
Suhadipanel not üanel ^^18:35
LnsSuhadi: student control panel is VERY old and unstable18:45
LnsI am actually working with others to bring it to a stable state..should be happening soon. BTW it's now called "Thin Client Manager".. check out http://logicalnetworking.net/wiki/doku.php#projectthin_client_manager_tcm18:45
Suhadiyeah i installed it, but y doesnt edubuntu istalled this stuff? So there is no student controlling18:47
SuhadiSo this is only a desktop version of edubuntu or am i wrong?18:47
LnsSuhadi: it wouldn't be of much use because the code is broken18:48
Suhadiyeah or an alternative...18:48
Lnsthere is no alternative yet :)18:48
Suhadithis is not good :D18:48
Lnsbut there are 2 major programs being worked on that will be ready soon (within a month or two maybe)18:48
LnsSuhadi: well you can try iTalc18:48
LnsI heard some people have gotten that working18:49
Lnscheck the wiki link i sent you18:49
Suhadiokay i will do because this edubuntu stuff is very interesting18:49
LnsSuhadi: cool, glad to see you like it =) come back here, there's usually someone here or in #ltsp if you need thin client help to help you out18:52
SuhadiYeah, it makes me a sad panda, when i see that only few school (and companies) use OS like edubuntu18:54
=== OldSchool is now known as they
highvoltagesbalneav: am now19:28
sbalneavSo, sabayon19:29
sbalneavI'm going to try tonight to get a karmic build in my ppa19:29
sbalneavOnce it's there, what needs to happen to get it pushed up to main for feature freeze on Thursday?19:29
ograjust give it to me19:34
ograbut its important that you use the existing karmic package as a base19:34
ograand just replace the tarball, if there are ubuntu specific changes, you need to merge them properly19:35
ograso read the changelog19:35
ograsbalneav, looking at the last two uploads that should be straightforward, there were no ubuntu changes19:37
ograboth packages had -0ubuntu1 versions19:38
sbalneavok, so should I produce a 2.27.91-0ubuntu2~ppa2 based off the 2.27.0-0ubuntu1 in karmic?19:48
Lnsogra to the rescue =)19:49
highvoltageogra: would you be able to give me a testimonial for my MOTU application? stgraber said I should go for it.20:12
ograsbalneav, right, just add your new tarball, if you do additional changes or patches, mention them21:19
Lnsstgraber: ping? Do you have any update for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxcb/+bug/277069 re: hardy sru?21:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277069 in libxcb "Slow performance with remote X applications (java, firefox/xul, etc.)" [Undecided,In progress]21:27
ace_suaresI *was* reading the irclogs fellows :-) not much happened except for the last week or so, with sabayon and italc stuff.21:35
ace_suaresI am just dormant till friday21:35
ace_suaresI want that meeting so badly :-)021:35
stgraberLns: not really, seems to be stuck somewhere in the SRU process21:50
Lnsstgraber: :(21:50
sbalneavace_suares: Well, glad to see you're back.  We were thinking you'd floated away :)22:00
sbalneavace_suares: Best is to stay idle in the channel.  What irc client do you use?22:02
Lnsace_suares: ! =)22:03
nubae_stgraber! been looking for u for a while now... I've installed ltsp-cluster under karmic22:03
nubae_but there was a problem with the loadbalancer22:03
nubae_cant remember what it was off the top of my head now though, it was a while ago, I wrote u an email or a couple about it22:04
stgraberI know the loadbalancer is broken22:09
stgrabermy goal before FF is to have everything in Ubuntu, I'll fix that soon22:09
ace_suareshi all, sbalneav yourself was far away for a long while... but happy to see you back22:10
ace_suaresthx for all the welcoming words :-)22:10
ace_suaresLns hi22:10
sbalneavI was away for a few months.  But people were notified :)22:10
ace_suaresCan't stay on IRC all the time, need to reboot the computer every time :-)22:10
sbalneavWhich IRC client do you uuse?22:11
ace_suaressbalneav: whatever thing comes with ubuntu. It's ugly and brown :-)22:12
sbalneavUse irssi22:12
sbalneavThen you can run it under screen.22:12
sbalneavit's text-based, but that's what makes it useful.22:13
Lnssbalneav: lol22:13
sbalneavso you can "screen irssi", do your chatting22:13
sbalneavcontrol-a d to detach22:13
Lnsyanqui uses erc (emacs irc client)22:13
sbalneavthen if you're somewhere else, but can ssh into your main box, you can just screen -r to resume.22:14
ace_suaresscreen? isn't that that thing that keeps all your sessions open and then someone hijakcs it and they are in all your servers?22:14
LnsI like Xchat just because i'm not always on the shell...damn clients have me doing all sorts of normal person stuff all the time22:14
Lnsace_suares: screen is a beautiful thing :)22:14
sbalneavyeah, any text based irc client will work well for that.22:14
sbalneavace_suares: wha?22:14
ace_suaresjust kiddin around22:15
ace_suaresgot stuff to do22:15
sbalneavDon't we all.22:15
ace_suareswill be at the meeting, I calculated that it is 13:00 GMT-4 (EST). I hope that is correct22:16
ace_suaresI need input on the wiki to do more work, and i have been idling all that time, well, doning other stuff.22:16
ace_suaresNow off to the beach> Did anyone hear about curacao treasure hunt?22:17
ace_suaresSomeone just won 500.000 USD last night I saw her win it was very interesting.22:17
ace_suaresbye for now!22:17
* Lns would like $500k plsthxkbye22:18
Ahmuck-Srhey ho, how is edubuntu today?22:56
sbalneavStill kicking23:03
=== they is now known as vorian

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