
ScottKa|wen: Would you have time to review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kairmode ? We want it for Kubuntu Netbook before feature freeze.00:11
neversfeldekoffice 47 %, I guess this will last till tomorrow00:22
neversfeldeScottK: I was on a vacation for three weeks and I am not up to date anymore. Was kontrolpack backported?00:24
neversfeldeI remember, that you acked it, but I am not sure00:26
Riddellbackports seem to be broken currently00:26
Riddellthe mass-sync script doesn't work for them00:26
Riddellfeel free to do it manually and I'll approve tomorrow00:26
neversfeldemight be the problem00:28
neversfeldeafair there was also no answer in the plasma-widget-plasmaboard vs. kvkbd thread, I think we should keep kvkbd for karmic and probably switch to the widget if it  reach KDE officiallly00:30
Riddellneversfelde: what do you base that on?00:31
neversfeldeRiddell: both applications are very similar and afaik we do not need the space for karmic?00:35
neversfeldeif the widget goes official KDE, we should switch for karmic +100:36
Riddellok, one less MIR :)00:37
neversfeldeI have a german Howto for disabled persons, who are using KDE on my todo, but this will last till karmic +1. It is important, but very difficult, so I guess, we should use kvkbd in karmic00:40
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* shtylman eating done...time to get to work :)00:56
shtylmanme amarok still does't produce sound...its very upsetting00:57
shtylmanactually...I don't think pulse works at all for me.. heh00:57
Riddellshtylman: remove pulse is the usual answer01:02
shtylmanRiddell: I concur... what do I install in its stead?01:02
shtylmanoh... I think you lost me...01:04
shtylmanoh nvm01:04
shtylmanyou are right...01:04
RiddellKDE is perfectly able to just send its sound to linux01:04
shtylmanno pulse = working01:04
Riddellshtylman: Feature freeze on thursday, are you able to get the slideshow in?01:04
shtylmanthe functionality is there in the installer01:04
shtylmanyou just need the package that installs the slides to the right location01:05
shtylmanand the installer will use them01:05
shtylmanI can make a quick copy of the gtk slideshow slides and put in some kde-centric stuff for now01:05
shtylmanto get it in before freeze01:05
Riddellthat would be good01:05
shtylmanso we have the ubiquity-slideshow-kde package01:05
shtylmank...I will do that...and also get my keyboard thing in before the freeze01:06
shtylmancause that is a *feature*01:06
shtylmanpast that...everything else in the installer will be touchup work01:06
Riddellshtylman: doing the dialogues?01:06
shtylmanyou mean themeing for better look?01:07
Riddellwe could say that's artwork rather than a a feature01:07
shtylmanyea...I have a few files where I did test runs...and I think I can handle the situation with compositing on and off gracefully enough to try it out01:07
shtylmanyea...it is more on the artwork side...ish...there would have to be minimal and non-invasive code changes for it to work01:08
lex79ScottK: did you upload akonadi-googledata? seems not....02:26
yuriypyqt4 seems broken in karmic02:39
yuriyor pykde4 i guess02:41
yuriyoh feature freeze is not past yet?02:43
* yuriy should really get userconfig in, so ^^02:44
lex79yuriy: did you see if in your system there is /usr/share/python-qt4/widget-plugins/kde4.py ?02:46
yuriyhmm there is02:48
yuriyit's a symlink to /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PyKDE4/uic/widget-plugins/kde4.py which is there as well03:05
lex79yuriy: so you have a old version of kdebindings, I fixed this issue yesterday, try to upgrade :)03:10
lex79the correct symlink is:03:10
lex79/usr/share/python-qt4/widget-plugins/kde4.py -> ../../../lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PyQt4/uic/widget-plugins/kde4.py03:10
lex79and not PyKDE4/uic//widget-plugins/kde4.py03:11
yuriylex79: sorry symlink is correct, but the PyQt4 dir doesn't exist (didn't notice i was lsing the wrong thing because of tab completion)03:13
lex79are you sure? have you kdebindings 4.3.0-0ubuntu3 ?03:14
yuriyall updated though. maybe it just hasn't hit my mirror03:16
lex79yuriy: upgrade and check it again if works03:16
yuriyi'll see tomorrow, sorry for the fuss03:16
lex79no problem :)03:17
ScottKlex79: I uploaded it and it got rejected.04:13
lex79oh :( why?04:13
ScottKCopyright stuff.  fabo says it's fixed, I just need to lay my hands on the fixed package.04:13
* ScottK looks for it.04:13
ScottKGotta remember where I got the last one.04:14
ScottKlex79: Tarball is here: http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/kdetrunk/pool/main/a/akonadi-googledata/akonadi-googledata_1.0.orig.tar.gz04:24
ScottKI guess I'll fish the packaging out of their svn and see what I can do with it.04:24
lex79ok thanks04:25
lex79yes it's fixed in svn http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kde/kde-extras/akonadi-googledata/trunk/debian/changelog04:27
ScottKI need to get boot speed testing going on this mini 10v first.04:27
lex79eheheh, you have fun :)04:30
ScottKRiddell: As promised, here's a stack of bootcharts from a Dell mini 10v with SSD runing Kubuntu Netbook Edition http://kitterman.com/kubuntu/bootcharts/06:02
ScottKThe first couple I had some non-standard stuff running that I killed.06:02
ScottKThey were all (except probably the last one) done with autologin enabled.06:03
MsMacoScottK: is a new quassel coming soon?06:07
MsMacotheyve apparently a new quassel core protocol06:07
ScottKMsMaco: Yes.  0.5 should get baked tomorrow or Wed.06:07
MsMaco"protocol 10"06:07
ScottKYep.  So I'm not updating the snapshot now until we get 0.5 so I can put it in backports too.06:07
ScottKSo that way people running cores on jaunty/Intrepid get the same version.06:08
MsMacook. jussi01 already updated his core06:08
MsMacoso my client is yelling at me06:08
ScottKIt should be just a matter of grabbing the new tarball from github (there's a link on the download page), copying over the debian dir and adding a new debian/changelog entry to update it.06:11
a|wenScottK: kairmode review done; there was some issues though ... one of you, ping me when a new one is up, and i'll look at it again06:45
jussi01MsMaco: sorry, forgot to tell you... :(07:01
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ghostcubegoooooooooood mooooooooooooorning problems ....10:49
ScottKRiddell: Did you see my bootcharts I linked to last night?12:49
RiddellScottK: yes not studied them yet12:50
ScottKRiddell: OK.  Just wanted to make sure you had them.12:50
Riddellthere seem to be two kdm processes12:50
ScottKI didn't really study them beyond making sure nothing obviously non-standard was showing up on them (the first two have Postfix in it and it was affecting the results)12:51
Riddellthere's about 1.5 seconds between the kdm processes, dunno if one is the greeter12:52
Riddellit could be kdm_greet12:52
RiddellScottK: might be worth putting `ksplashx Default` into /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup and seeing where that shows up12:53
ScottKRiddell: It wouldn't boot.13:11
ScottKHung starting the KDE session with the picture of the disk drive showing, but whatever comes next never appeared.13:11
Riddellnixternal: I packaged and uploaded your feedback plasmoid13:14
RiddellI'll try and get that set up on my server shortly13:14
RiddellScottK: err really, it just froze?13:15
ScottKRiddell: Yep.  I left it there for over 5 minutes13:15
Riddellyou can't click on it to make it go away?13:15
ryanakcaRiddell: Was the feedback plasmoid python? If so, mind pinging me when you get the source up so I can try to get the -facebook one done?13:15
Riddellryanakca: facebook is in too :)13:15
ScottKWhat "it" am I supposed to have to click on?13:15
RiddellScottK: the large splashs creen13:15
Riddellryanakca: I also wrote https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MainInclusionReportPlasmaWidgetFacebook since I think it would be good on the CD13:16
ScottKRiddell: I'll try again.  Honestly I didn't fiddle with it.13:16
ScottKThe boot chart looks the same, btw.13:16
RiddellScottK: doesn't it show when ksplashx starts?13:16
ryanakcaRiddell: Ah, it's already done? Great13:17
ScottKRiddell: What am I looking for to know it's running?13:17
ScottKI got what looked like a regular usplash.13:17
RiddellScottK: well ksplashx is the thing with the hard disk, currently you'd need to click on it to get it to disappear and show KDM13:18
ScottKI'll try that.13:18
Riddelland the question is how soon before kdm_greet does ksplashx start13:18
Riddelland how longer after KDM itself starts does ksplashx get started13:18
Riddellfreeflying: I'd like to get plasma-widget-kimpanel tidied up and in the archive, have you tested that it works?13:19
* ScottK reboots.13:20
ScottKRiddell: It booted after I clicked on it.13:23
ScottKerr clicked.  as there's no mouse to aim the spot to click13:23
Riddellfreeflyi2g: ping13:26
=== freeflyi2g is now known as freeflying
RiddellScottK: yes that's expected, that'll need some code to work around13:27
freeflyingRiddell: pong13:27
Riddellfreeflying: I'd like to get plasma-widget-kimpanel tidied up and in the archive, have you tested that it works?13:28
freeflyingRiddell: it work with scim only13:29
Riddellfreeflying: why not ibus?  now version?13:29
freeflyingRiddell: ibus was re-implemented with c, but kimpanel work with their python's13:30
Riddellok thanks13:30
Riddellbut should be useful for scim at least13:31
freeflyingRiddell: yup13:31
Riddellfreeflying: do you know if kimpanel is still being developed and if anyone is going to make it work with the new ibus?13:31
freeflyingRiddell: I talked with ibus upstream maybe 2 month ago, they said if used really need such one, they will consider of it13:32
Riddellyes please :)13:32
freeflyingRiddell: btw, a package is in Debain New Queue, can I upload it directly now13:34
Riddelloh interesting13:34
Riddellfreeflying: can you just upload that to ubuntu then?  I'd like to get it in before feature freeze13:35
Riddellfreeflying: is fcitx any use?13:35
freeflyingRiddell: some user from china prefer to use fcitx13:36
ScottKRiddell: I added some more boot charts to the same place.  The last one is the one with ksplashx enabled, but I don't see it.13:38
Riddellfreeflying: no kimpanel in http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html13:38
RiddellScottK: hmm, that's strange13:39
freeflyingRiddell: I'm not mean kinpanel :)13:40
freeflyingRiddell: actually, the author hope it can be morged into kdebase or some place like this, thats why didn't push this package so much13:41
Riddellyeah but that won't happen for karmic13:41
freeflyingRiddell: if you think its worth, I can upload it13:41
freeflyingRiddell: but arne changed the default IM to ibus13:42
ScottKRiddell: I think bootchart is quitting too soon.   There must be some knob I need to turn.13:42
freeflyingjust wonder how many users will use it untill ibus's panel get done13:42
RiddellComment[fr]=Un panneau générique de messagerie instantanée13:44
Riddellagateau: I think the KDE french translators are getting confused between Instant Messeging and Input Methods :)13:44
agateauRiddell: oh13:45
agateauI am having dinner with french translator coordinator tonight, I'll pass the message :)13:45
Riddellfreeflying: some people will probably still use scim?  especially if it's integrated with KDE?13:45
freeflyingRiddell: yes13:50
freeflyingRiddell: but kimpanel still need user to configure it manually before they can use it13:50
Riddellmm, right13:51
Riddellfreeflying: so maybe one for the DVD rather than the CD then13:51
freeflyingRiddell: considerable13:53
Riddellagateau: I changed the comment to "Comment=A generic input method panel for Oriental languages" although this may be just as confusing since Oriental means something else in French13:53
agateauRiddell: what do you assume "Oriental" means in French?13:54
Riddellagateau: Middle East no?13:54
agateauOriental[en] = Oriental[fr]13:55
agateauMiddle East[en] = Moyen Orient[fr]13:55
Riddellah, tres bien13:55
agateauso it should be ok :)13:55
agateauyou are getting good at this french thing!13:55
Riddellje suis terrible a francais13:57
Riddellfreeflying: I tidied up the packaging of plasma-widget-kimpanel and uploaded14:05
freeflyingRiddell: great14:06
MsMacoare you saying i have to learn a new way to type in japanese?14:12
MsMacooh yeah, by the way, why does ctrl+shift+u not do anything in kde apps?14:12
Riddellwhat should it do?14:14
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Riddellmaco_: what should it do?14:25
maco_unicode input14:35
maco_i thought it was an X thing, but it seems not to work on kde apps14:37
maco_which leaves me wondering how you type in unicode on kde apps14:37
maco_in gtk ones, i think ctrl+shift+u and then type in the hex code for the unicode (ex 267a for a recycling icon) and then hit enter and it converts to that unicode character14:38
ScottKRiddell: If you aren't done with your archive duties for the day, I just reuploaded akonadi-googledata with fabo's latest licensing fixes and it could use some New.14:39
RiddellI havn't even started my archive duties for the day :)14:39
Riddellmaco_: hmm, I don't know14:41
Guest49177I had a problem recently with kde 4.3 todo with the 3rd party 'suse free space notifier' system service.14:47
ScottKThen you should probably ask them about it.14:48
Guest49177kded4 was running at 100%14:48
Guest49177scottK, it is bundled with kde 4.3 by default14:48
Guest49177and I have done some tests14:48
ScottKI see.14:49
Guest49177with a small home folder on a 'normal' speed hard drive the performance problems are not noticeable14:49
Guest49177kded4 runs at a cool 4% cpu14:49
Guest49177but when I mount either a large external hard drive (500GB), kded4 goes crazy at 100%.14:50
Guest49177I tried leaving it for up to 6 hours but it does not settle14:50
ScottKOK.  Unlikely anything we did to it, so your best bet is to file a bug upstream and discuss it with them directly.14:50
Guest49177killing kded4, unmounting the disk, restarting kde fixes the problem14:50
Guest49177ScottK, yes, I have already submitted a bug report14:51
Guest49177but I just wanted to make you guys awhere of it since it is not a 'required' service... it's a 3rd party plugin from suse that is by no means essential and it should be removed from kubuntu in the meantime14:51
RiddellI'd rather find a fix, I find it very useful myself14:52
Guest49177I spent some time looking at the code and there is one massive loop in it!14:52
RiddellGuest49177: where did you report a bug?14:52
Guest49177it makes kded4 totally unresponsive... you can't even log out14:52
Guest49177with novell14:52
Guest49177it's new account so they say they have to verify it before it will be submitted14:53
Riddellhmm, typical14:53
Guest49177and since kded4 is unresponsive you can't disable it under system services14:53
RiddellI see they have some changes so I can update to the latest version from them14:53
RiddellGuest49177: are you running karmic?14:54
Guest49177Riddell, no sorry,14:54
Guest49177just the backports14:54
Guest49177but it's similiar version14:54
Guest49177I checked14:54
Guest49177latest kde14:54
Guest49177it's also very noticable with a moderate size usb pen full of mp3... I mounted my 20Gb pen drive and had same problem14:55
Guest49177I have noticed a few people in #kubuntu reporting similiar problems (not being able to logout)... general sluggishness, etc... I would be my wifes knickers that they are experiencing the same problem14:58
* Sime_ just ordered an Intel 80GB SSD.14:59
Guest49177Riddell, do you want me to test the latest version15:03
Guest49177I would be happy todo so on my laptop15:03
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could you take a look at bug 406881 and bug 406881 today?15:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406881 in desktop-effects-kde "Request for removal (binary and source)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40688115:03
RiddellGuest49177: yes but I can't look at it immediately, can you stick around?15:04
* Guest49177 loves his slotted laptop hard drive15:04
Guest49177are you here most days?15:04
JontheEchidnaScottK: Plan for kadu-- maybe employ the service of ancient monks?15:05
RiddellGuest49177: I'm always here15:05
ScottKOK, I was hoping for something like "I had it updated, so I'm going to work on fixing it"15:05
JontheEchidnaHeh, I'll look around their bug tracker at least15:06
JontheEchidnaif they have one15:06
JontheEchidnaeew, mantis bug tracker15:06
JontheEchidnaand it's polish15:07
ScottKJontheEchidna: Talk to POX on #ubuntu-motu.  He often sponsors it in Debian.15:07
ScottKRiddell: policykit-kde can go away now, right?15:09
RiddellScottK: yes I thought I had deleted it but seems now15:10
RiddellScottK: yes I thought I had deleted it but seems not15:10
ScottKRiddell: Need a bug to remember or just going to do it?15:10
JontheEchidnaaha: http://www.kadu.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=986215:13
ScottKDebian should want that too.15:23
JontheEchidnaThe kadu package is weird, it ships the source as a bzipped tarball15:24
JontheEchidnabe back in a  bit, then I"ll have a chat with POX15:26
agateauRiddell: the necessary libindicate update has landed in main15:36
Riddellagateau: yep, it's on my TODO list for today15:37
agateauRiddell: and I see a patch to add indicator support to Kopete in my crystal ball :)15:37
Riddellooh, exciting15:37
Tonio_Riddell: seent he problem with siretart15:38
Tonio_Riddell: I'm reuploading kubuntu-restricted-extras depending on the stripped packages15:38
RiddellScottK: I'll remember thanks15:42
Tonio_Riddell: where is this package handled ? there's no info in the source package....15:42
Tonio_probably a bzr branch right ?15:42
maco_ScottK: dan just told me that if you put "auto <interface>" before that stanza that does your wpa in interfaces, itll be configured at boot15:43
ScottKmaco_: knetworkmanager is working for me now and I'd rather not leave my wpa password lieing around in a plaintext file, but thanks.15:44
RiddellTonio_: dunno check if there's a branch under ~kubuntu-members  else it'll just be the package is the upstream15:44
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agateauRiddell: Kopete patch uploaded: http://people.canonical.com/~agateau/indicate/index.html15:54
Riddellooh ooh15:54
agateauThis time I worked straight from the package source, so it's more tested :)15:55
agateauAnd it's actually implemented as a plugin15:55
agateauSo it's easy to turn off15:55
Riddellwhat should I put on the canonical desktop team meeting report for feature freeze readiness?15:58
agateauRiddell: mmm16:01
agateauRiddell: I'd like to get a Quassel patch ready16:01
agateauRiddell: and probably implement some of the changes mpt suggested16:02
Riddellagateau: what did mpt suggest?16:02
agateauRiddell: quite a few things about application notifications: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD16:03
agateauRiddell: there is stuff for kopete, kpackagekit, powerdevil, quassel, the pastebin applet, lancelot and phonon16:04
agateauRiddell: we reviewed applications using action in notifications during Dublin sprint16:04
Riddellagateau: reviewed them with what outcome?16:05
agateauRiddell: suggested a few changes16:05
JontheEchidnaScottK: eek, we already have that patch16:10
ScottKNot good.16:22
ScottKagateau: Quassel is doing a 0.5 rc tomorrow that I'll upload before FF.  If you have patches, talk to Sput.16:22
ScottKagateau: We're still sticking with our agreement to default off, right?16:23
agateauScottK: not written yet :/16:23
ScottKThe agreement or the patch?16:23
agateauthe patch16:23
ScottKI was speaking generally and not just about Quassel.16:23
nixternalRiddell: groovy on the feedback plugin :)16:26
nixternalanyone else have probs with the new kernel updates?16:26
ScottKI heard bad things about encryptfs16:26
Riddellnixternal: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MainInclusionReportPlasmaWidgetKubuntuQaFeedback16:27
Tonio_Riddell: I just found a patch for adblock in arora, interested in that before the feature freeze ?16:28
Tonio_Riddell: importing rules seems to work, subscribing the rules on the fly might need a couple of fixes, but can be disabled later in case won't work...16:29
Tonio_Riddell: according to my tests it works at least as well as in konqueror...16:29
nixternalScottK: ya, that's exactly the prob, my encryption16:31
ScottKUR Screwed then.16:31
nixternalstill have -6 installed and it works :)16:31
ScottKThere you go then.16:31
Tonio_ScottK: interested in arora+adblock ? could make sense for the netbook one (although it'll be preliminary release)16:31
nixternalya, I always keep around older kernels during dev cycle16:32
ScottKTonio_: I'm on my way out the door for a meeting.16:32
nixternalya, the netbook isn't encrypted and it seems to be booting fine with the new kernel16:32
Tonio_ScottK: okay we can discuss this toonight16:32
RiddellTonio_: yes but check with upstream if it makes sense to patch or wait for a new release16:32
Tonio_Riddell: sure16:33
Tonio_Riddell: I'll send an email toonight so that we can decide tomorrow just before the freeze16:33
ScottKTonio_: On Netbook I don't see a convincing case for Arora over Firefox if we don't use Konqueror as the default.16:33
Tonio_ScottK: lightweight ? :)16:34
Tonio_firefox is a pain, and especially since 3.5 depends on half of gnome, we cannot consider firefox on the long term plan16:34
Tonio_ScottK: unfortunatelly16:34
nixternalto bad k-meleon wasn't for linux..that would be a great browser for netbooks16:34
Tonio_nixternal: true16:35
ScottKMake google gadgets work with Arora and we'll talk.16:35
Tonio_nixternal: rekonq is pretty well maintained, maybe in a few month we can use it as the default browser...16:35
nixternalI think Google Chrome will be the browser in the future anyways, killing all browser wars :)16:35
Tonio_nixternal: we should ping upstream to give him some kind of motivation16:35
nixternalTonio_: rekonq pukes on gmail for me, other than that it is pretty nice16:35
Tonio_nixternal: chrome is webkit, as long as we have webkit, I'm fine with it16:36
nixternalit just keeps reloading16:36
nixternalTonio_: but chrome == GTK :/16:36
Tonio_nixternal: long term plan, as said :)16:36
nixternalor chromium, or whatever the hell it is called16:36
nixternalthe google browser...there, can't go wrong with that one :)16:36
Tonio_I'd love to ship with opera :)16:36
nixternaldid something happen with the kwallet login box for netbooks? it just looked a bit funny...ie. didn't have buttons and stuff, and looked rounded a bit16:37
nixternalTonio_: oh I would too16:37
Tonio_but right now, I think we should consider arora for the netbooks, that's the best compromise16:37
nixternalOpera == Qt3 though, and they have a "lite" browser in the works as well16:37
Tonio_nixternal: there's a qt4 shared version of opera right now :)16:37
nixternaloh nice..I will have to take a loo16:37
nixternalyou know what...I knew that, and there is an oxygen theme for it too :)16:38
Tonio_nixternal: http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/rc-4570/x86_64-linux/16:38
Tonio_rc there :)16:38
Tonio_hum we'll have to discuss this web browser thing... atm my preference goes to arora on the netbook side16:39
nixternalTonio_: omg, the new opera 10 stuff rocks16:46
nixternalthe tabs are super secksi16:46
Tonio_nixternal: I personnaly prefer the oxygen standard theme, but yeah, it's pretty nice16:51
Guest49177I am thinking of trying to join in kubuntu development and was just curious about critical patches and how quickly they a pushed through the system16:55
Guest49177is it a question of waiting on one maintainer or are there a few top level people who can push through changes?16:56
RiddellGuest49177: it's a fairly beurocratic process, due to mistakes having been made in the past and that's very painful16:57
Guest49177but isn't there like 2or3 generals that are responsible for signing off any update?16:58
RiddellGuest49177: yes, for universe it's the motu-sru team, for main it's pitti and slangasek (who will consult e.g. me for KDE related stuff)17:00
RiddellGuest49177: and we'd love to have you join kubuntu development of course :)17:18
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RiddellJontheEchidna: shall I set "Jockey: get it inside System Settings" to postponed?17:34
RiddellTonio_: SMB sharing postponed presumably?17:34
MsMacomore [enthusiastic] people, more good!17:35
JontheEchidnaRiddell: most probably17:37
Guest49177I'll be back soon17:39
Riddellit's apachelogger!  he loves us all18:08
* Riddell considers rejecting binaries for conky on grounds of namespace pollution18:18
* apachelogger hands everyone a cookie18:26
* ryanakca thanks apachelogger 18:26
RiddellScottK, fabo: akonadi-google has same issue as before, COPYING is LGPL 3 files are GPL 218:29
apacheloggerwhat is akonadi-google?18:30
Riddella google calendar resource for akonadi18:31
Riddell" It provides an easy access to Google calendars events and contacts.18:32
macodoes it include editing?18:34
macolike, can you edit a calendar in kontact and have it push the changes to google's server?18:34
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=== OldSchool is now known as they
neversfeldemaco: yes18:56
macoe-d-s was fail at that ;)18:56
neversfeldewell, it was a little bit buggy last time I tested it, but it worked18:57
Tonio_Riddell: yes, both him and I were not available for that unfortunatelly...19:22
Tonio_Riddell: personal life took me much of my time latelly, that's changing, fortunatelly :)19:22
Tonio_Riddell: btw, most or our users don't use that on a regular basis19:23
Tonio_Riddell: I think next LTS should be our target19:23
apacheloggershtylman: we should move the ubiquity style stuff into its own package so kubuntu-firefox-installer can depend on that rather than have a copy of that stuff19:39
apacheloggerwallpaper.jpg is making up 90% of the size of k-f-i19:39
freinhardis there a successor of "system services" (kde3 systemsettings) in developement?19:42
apacheloggerfreinhard: what needs to be successed?19:43
freinhardthere was a section in kde3s systemsettings to edit /etc/rc?.d/*19:45
apacheloggernot working very well though19:46
apacheloggerdunno if that is getting ported19:46
freinhardwas that a officially part of systemsettings or a "home brew" debian/kubuntu thing?19:47
apacheloggernot specific to debian/buntu though19:47
apacheloggeractually I think it eventually originated on mandriva, might be wrong though19:48
JontheEchidnawhoa, helluva packagekit update, nice19:51
apacheloggerstill doesn't do removal though19:51
apacheloggerScottK: so, what was the lzma stuff you were talking about?19:51
ghostcubehmm whats this apple bans linux from apple movies oO19:54
apacheloggergood thing they are doing19:54
apacheloggerScottK: you really want to maintain such a diff to upstream? :P19:55
ghostcubeapachelogger, they backaged all in an sstrange way inbto mov and checking what quciktime you running19:56
ghostcubenot the english way19:56
apacheloggerI am a ninja19:56
apacheloggerI know everything19:56
apacheloggerand even more if it appeared in some bug report :P19:56
ghostcubeyeah but what should this be a starting war19:57
ghostcube-__- i hate guys doing nothing else than bugs reporting roflmao19:57
apacheloggerfor one, they might get support requests from unsupported platforms/players ... and for another it is simply their policy19:57
apacheloggerthey are doing it for years with the ipod19:58
apacheloggeror itunes19:58
ghostcubei know but its not nice to do so ... its theire page they can do what they want its theire codec but its just not nice ...19:58
ghostcubei decided not to get an iphone19:58
apacheloggereconomy is not nice19:58
ghostcubei now ich bin dipl bw fachrichtung steurrecht19:58
apacheloggerI don't find it nice that the novell kernel dude didn't tellt he community about MS not following the GPL until they did19:59
ghostcubenovell is dangerous in my opionion19:59
ghostcubethey always have been19:59
apacheloggerany company is dangerous :P19:59
ghostcubeyeah but sco is history20:00
apacheloggeror ... can be ...20:00
apacheloggerentirely depends on the leadership I suppose20:00
ghostcubeyeah thats right20:00
ghostcubelook at Apple without stevie they are not really well20:00
apacheloggerimagine what they would be with the other stevie :P20:01
freinhardsco is history? don't think so http://www.heise.de/newsticker/SCO-vs-Linux-Der-Streit-um-Unix-Copyrights-wird-neu-verhandelt--/meldung/14419220:01
ghostcubeyep i read it i have ct here20:01
freinhardthat's todays news.20:01
ghostcubebut they only have a chance if the lawyer says it works if they loose the novell process20:02
ghostcubeall is over20:02
ghostcubeif any germans in and want to have an offtopic :D ##ghost20:03
apacheloggerwell, some people just don't know when to stop20:03
apacheloggerbesides, it not about the copyright anyway, just about the money associated with it20:03
ghostcubesure its all about the money especially now20:04
ghostcubewe'll see how windows 7 works20:04
ghostcubethe macosx and linux alltogether ripped new vista SP420:04
freinhardfound something: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/guidance/guidance-kde4/20:05
ghostcubehmm the rc settings was very cool in kde320:05
freinhardkde4.3's feature plan lists it, but is still a todo: http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.3_Feature_Plan#kdeadmin20:06
freinharddoes anyone know how i can trust a issuer certificate so kmail doesn't bug me the certificate's issuer isn't trusted?20:08
dwidmann_Maybe someone in here could answer my PyQt/PyKDE question? http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=7626620:09
freinharddwidmann_: both work for me20:15
dwidmann_freinhard: Okay, that's *very* interesting. Version of Ubuntu? Python? KDE?20:16
freinhardjaunty, 2.6.2, 4.3.020:16
dwidmann_I've got the same, and yet the one marked "i_dont.py" still outputs "{}"20:17
dwidmann_I wonder where my problem lies20:18
freinhardno idea, multicore system?20:19
freinhardk, i'll give it a try on my dualcore machine20:20
dwidmann_hah! I ssh'd into my laptop and sure enough, it runs there!20:22
ghostcubeapachelogger, would it be possible to take the daily ppa from fta into a devel ppa ?20:23
ghostcubefor songbiird20:23
freinharddwidmann_: doesn't work on a dualcore system, but works when runing via ssh -X (singlecore=ssh=>dualcore)20:27
Sime_dwidmann_: I'll just look something up... give me a sec20:29
dwidmann_freinhard: you seem to be right ... running it on my laptop physically doesn't work20:30
dwidmann_but with taskset -c 0 it does20:31
* freinhard smells a bug20:32
dwidmann_freinhard: Hopefully my fault, that'd be a lot easier to fix20:33
apacheloggerghostcube: wha?20:35
JontheEchidnakpackagekit now warns that unauthenticated packages were installed20:35
JontheEchidnabut after the installation20:35
Sime_dwidmann_: I'm not sure why it is different. The only theory I can think of is that KApplication immediates quits because there is nothing to do.20:41
Sime_dwidmann_: what happens if you open up a small window to keep the app running?20:42
dwidmann_Sime_: just a moment, I'll try that theory20:42
dwidmann_Sime_: no, that doesn't seem to have any effect20:45
dwidmann_Sime_: also, all the threads really do run, just any signals they try to emit never seem to have any effect20:46
Sime_dwidmann_: ok, that was my next Q.20:46
Sime_dwidmann_: I'm out of ideas right now.20:48
Sime_dwidmann_: and I'm very tired.20:49
dwidmann_Sime_: yeah ... I've been out of ideas for weeks :(20:49
Sime_dwidmann_: do you really need threads? Python's multiprocess module might be better and safer.20:49
dwidmann_I might think of trying that soon (I mean, I definitely know of ways that I may be able to work around this), it's just  I'm now very intrigued about figuring out this mystery ... if you know what I mean.20:50
LureRiddell: who is the right person to look at apport-kde? bug 405378 is really critical for beta... :-(20:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405378 in apport "[karmic] in KDE apport does not open the browser to report a bug" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40537820:53
apacheloggerScottK: impossible to build kdelibs against lzma-dev20:55
apacheloggerwell, not impossible, just not worth the work and diff and everything20:55
=== zorael_ is now known as Zorael
apacheloggerwoohooo, only waiting on the main inclusion approvals on rcov, rake and racc now \o/21:05
apacheloggerbug http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/nxcompshad-0901240448/nxcompshad_3.3.0-3-0ubuntu1.dsc21:11
apacheloggerbug #25275521:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252755 in ubuntu "[Needs-packaging] nxcompshad" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25275521:11
apacheloggerthat package makes me shiver21:22
apacheloggermissing orig.tar.gz21:22
apacheloggerquintasan needs to push his revu uploads a bit more21:24
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
sghHave any of you guys tried e4defrag ?21:35
Tonio_why on earth is dragging a file so *horribly* slow on the folderview ???21:54
Tonio_it look like working with windows XP on my X86 DX400 (12 years ago...)21:55
Tonio_honnestly, I don't see kde4 making any progress on that point21:56
Tonio_when I remember what kde3 was (extremelly configurable, fast desktop env, with sucking bluetooth and network support)21:56
Tonio_and what is kde4 (extremelly configurable, slow desktop, with sucking bluetooth and network support)...21:57
Tonio_and announcing more and more and more plasma fancy stuff... I don't feel any questioning about "what do our users want"21:57
Tonio_I'm getting sick of this actually...21:58
* Tonio_ in a bad mood21:59
Tonio_and that broken cursor when dragging... still there since kde 4.0 alpha1...22:00
=== they is now known as vorian
shtylmanapachelogger: what is kubuntu-firefox-installer?23:25
james_whey all, anyone who can/wants to upload amarok around?23:30
james_wthe amarok in binary NEW apparently doesn't ship any useful files23:31
apacheloggerso much for that plan23:33
apacheloggeroh my23:34
apacheloggerwhat an ugly package to merge with23:34
* apachelogger shivers23:34
apacheloggerjames_w: I'll fix and upload23:35
james_wobviously letting it in isn't great23:35
james_wbut rejecting from binary NEW leaves a lot of people scratching their heads23:35
james_wthanks apachelogger23:35
apacheloggershtylman: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/snapshot017.png23:36
apacheloggershtylman: since we dont have firefox on the desktop CD the plan is to deploy an app that allows easy installation of that fancy browser23:36
shtylmanapachelogger: I see some familiar artifacts :) guess the style is reusabe23:41
apacheloggerthus we need some common package that kubuntu-firefox-installer can depend on, or any other additional tool we might want to supply with fancy styling :)23:42
shtylmangotcha...alright... I will add to my todo list to break that off into a package ... if we like the styling in general, we might want to call the package something generic like kubuntu-installer-style23:46
apacheloggerhow cute is that23:54
apacheloggercan't build amarok source package on jaunty23:54
apacheloggeryay for that23:54
apacheloggeryay for merging23:54
apacheloggerand yay for breaking the package23:54
apacheloggershtylman: I suppose that makes most sense23:55

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