
WACOMalthey folks, I need some help installing my bootloader.00:06
WACOMaltI have an arch linu installation on my USB drive, and need to use kubuntu's live cd to install grub, as I forgot to do that during the arch installation.00:07
Kirbonoh well, I got to get out of here and find some answers, this has been going on way to long, going elsewhere....Adios00:09
WACOMaltI agree00:09
WACOMalttons of people here, none helping00:09
Lynn279ok found a mouse that works through the back plug so lets try this copy paste thing again00:11
DaskreechLynn279: \0/00:12
Lynn279what is the sudo command again00:12
Daskreechwait. so the other mouse doesn't work in the same port?00:12
Lynn279this is one that plugs in lie the keyboard does00:12
Daskreechsudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo lsusb | pastebinit00:12
Lynn279but the usb ports doesn't work00:13
DaskreechWACOMalt: you mean grub?00:13
DaskreechAh it's PS2 mouse00:13
Lynn279sudo lsmod | grep usb usbcore               149616  3 ehci_hcd,ohci_hcd00:14
WACOMaltDaskreech: yeah, grub.00:16
Daskreech!grub | WACOMalt00:16
ubottuWACOMalt: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:16
DaskreechLynn279: So USB is loading up00:16
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WACOMaltI didnt lose it after installing windows though. The pc it's on has only linux, and OSx8600:16
DaskreechLynn279: You say none og the ports work00:16
WACOMaltthank you though, will try that.00:16
DaskreechWACOMalt: It'll work just the same you just won't get a Windows entry00:17
Lynn279thats right. it shows that it has power butnothing else00:17
WACOMaltok cool00:17
WACOMaltthank you much!00:17
DaskreechLynn279: And this happened out of the blue while using the machine00:17
WACOMaltDaskreech: will I need to change anything since I am using arch_64 rather than kubuntu? or will the bootloader work either way as long as it's on the right drive?00:18
DaskreechWACOMalt: Grub doesn't care about arch That would be the kernel which kicks in after grub00:18
WACOMaltthat what I figured. Cool, thanks very much00:19
Lynn279yep my friend was online saturday morning and saturday evening she moved the mouse and then it froze in one place and has been like that ever since. she tried moving it to all the different usb ports and also bought a new mouse thinking it was the mouse00:19
DaskreechLynn279: But getting power from it is strange too.00:20
Lynn279yea when i plug in the mouse the light turns red for a moment but doesn't work00:20
DaskreechLynn279: My first test would be to grab a Fedora or OpenSUSE CD as I said and see if USB works there00:20
DaskreechIf it doesn't then it's quite likely the port or the chipset is done00:20
Lynn279and her speakers work which is plugged into a usb for power purposes00:21
DaskreechActually if the chipset is done then that would explain why power coems through00:21
DaskreechIf those work then I would guess that you need a new kernel but I can't explain why it would stop working without a reboot or any changes. That doesn't make sense00:22
Lynn279so how do you fix the chipset issue?00:22
Lynn279i tried to usethe cd and it can not seem to read it00:22
Lynn279i don't even want tofigure thison out :)00:22
DaskreechWell If the chipset is done it's done. you'd need a new motherboard00:23
Daskreechor if you can find one that works (Most motherboards had two chipsets on them) then get a USB hub00:23
Daskreechbutt the first thing is to find out if it's hardwar or not00:23
Daskreechhaving the computer go down from a power failure originally does make that more likely but again We need to make sure :)00:24
Lynn279the reallybadpart is that there are appx 6 usb ports on this computer and none of them are working other that sending power through them00:25
DaskreechOk I'll guess that's Software or some pretty bad power failure I don't think I've ever seen so many ports go bad at the same time00:26
Lynn279neither havei00:26
Lynn279that what has me stumped00:26
Lynn279i mean if one went out i would have told her plug it in another one but none of them are working00:27
Daskreechright which is why I'm thinking/hoping it's software00:27
Daskreechteh current fedora or openSuse CD are close enough but different enough to test that out00:28
Lynn279do i have to try and download it or can i run it from the internet?00:29
DaskreechLynn279: Umm I would guess download. You have a working mouse right now so that's crisis is lessened00:33
WACOMaltHey, Super Grub disk doesn't seem to work. It doesn't want to boot my usb drive00:34
DaskreechI'm assuming that your computer can boot USB00:34
DaskreechLynn279: You said that you couldn't boot the CD that you had?00:34
WACOMaltI boot into SGD correctly00:34
WACOMaltI mean it won't boot arch00:35
WACOMaltdoesn't seem to find my arch disk00:35
WACOMaltthinking I'll just reinstall arch :P00:36
Lynn279yes but it is on loan so i have to fix this issue quickly00:36
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* genii-2 sips00:56
KDeskI wanto to use the command asoundconf but there is no such file, I would like to know in which package can I find that program?01:12
dbc254can anyone assist with an Xsession error?01:14
Daskreechgenii: Ever heard of 6 USB pots dyingat the same time?01:16
geniiDaskreech: Yup.01:17
Daskreechgenii: what caused it?01:17
geniiDaskreech: Plugging the header of the usb cord in backwards to the motherboard pins01:18
dbc254but it only fits in ONE way <unless you jam it in there>01:19
Daskreechgenii: this one died while the computer was running. Mouse stopped working01:19
geniiDaskreech: Likely USB controller fried then01:19
geniidbc254: The one side has no blocked out pin-hole. So it happens when you get only 1 row on and reversed it01:20
Daskreechgenii: Ok I asked the person to get a Fedora or an openSUSE live CD and try the ports then to check but it sounded very dead to me01:20
Daskreech oh the ports still give power01:20
DaskreechThat was strange too01:20
dbc254can anyone assist with an Xsession error?01:22
geniiDaskreech: I've also seen but only once... if you are plugging in a usb device and have it backwards but manage to touch the contacts anyhow and it sparks for a sec01:22
genii(then it fries the controller)01:22
dbc254ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztt!  Add cornmeal. It's FRIED!01:23
geniidbc254: Hehe... odds are yes01:23
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geniidbc254: What is the error message it gives?01:26
Lynnok so nothing i have tried has worked. i can not play any cds, dvds, can't get usb ports to work nothing01:27
geniidbc254: As per my message to you, please use this channel. I do not assist in private message unless sensitive private info is involved which is inappropriate for here01:29
DaskreechLynn: genii agrees with me that it might be a fried controller01:29
Lynnok so what sort of recommendations do you have for my friend?01:29
geniidbc254: The message occurs at what point of loading X? kdm ?01:29
Daskreechdbc254: as much as possible try to get help in the right channel. More peopel can see and help you if the person has to leave others can cathc up without having to be retold the entire story and people who had no idea can learn from your situation01:30
DaskreechLynn: Well as I said you need to ensure that it is hardware by using a differnt setup01:30
DaskreechWait you have no optical drive in the machine?01:30
geniiLynn: Please use pastebin website to show us dmesg output. If some hardware is borked it might show why there01:31
Lynnok the only problem is that i can't run any cds or the usbs01:31
Lynnwhat do i need tosudo in it?01:32
geniiLynn: sudo apt-get install pastebinit             then: dmesg|pastebinit              and give us the URL it reports01:32
DaskreechYou have a CD but you can't see the CDs?01:33
geniiLynn: Theres hope. It's seeing your usb controller01:39
Lynnok so how can i fix the issue?01:41
geniiLynn: It is groaning a bit about load order of usb drivers. Try:   sudo modprobe -r uhci_hcd ; sudo modprobe -r ehci_hcd ;sudo modprobe -r ohci_hcd               and then reload them in the order of: ehci_hcd then ohci_hcd  then uhci_hcd  with: sudo modprobe ehci_hcd ; sudo modprobe ohci_hcd ; sudo modprobe uhci_hcd01:43
geniiAnd then see if some usb thing like mouse works01:43
geniiDoor, AFK01:43
* Daskreech hangs around for support01:44
Lynnnope that didn't work01:48
geniiLynn: What reports back from command: groups01:49
genii(conceivably not in plugdev and cdrom groups)01:49
Lynniput it in andit justgoesaround to the @home for the next command01:50
geniiThat sounds borked. Because you should see at least the name of the group which is also your name01:50
Daskreechhow can you be in no groups? You should be in at least one01:50
geniiLynn: That dmesg paste... has the machine been rebooted since the usb/cd stopped working? (eg is it old info from when things worked before or after they stopped)01:52
Lynneboni@home:~$ sudo modprobe -r uhci_hcd eboni@home:~$ sudo modprobe -r ehci_hcd eboni@home:~$ sudo modprobe -r ohci_hcd eboni@home:~$ sudo modprobe ehci_hcd    eboni@home:~$ sudo modprobe ohci_hcd    eboni@home:~$ sudo modprobe uhci_hcd    eboni@home:~$01:52
Lynnyes it has been rebooted like 3differenttimes01:52
geniiLynn: THAT set of commands should just return to $   , yes. But what says result of command: groups01:52
laurent_chuis le seul francais snif01:53
Lynnthat is what happenedstep by step when i did what you said01:53
genii!fr | laurent_01:53
ubottulaurent_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr01:53
DaskreechLynn: Cool that should be what happened but what happens when you type groups01:53
laurent_cool merci and good bye01:54
Lynneboni adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare01:54
DaskreechOk that's better01:54
Lynnsorrybeen a long days took a min to realise what u were talking about01:55
geniiSo the user is in the correct groups of cdrom and plugdev to use those devices.01:55
Lynnbut nothing is working01:55
geniiLynn: Please report result of: ls -l /dev/sr001:56
Lynnlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2005-12-31 19:06 /dev/sr0 -> scd001:57
Daskreechlooks right01:58
Lynnso any other ideeas?02:00
nikitisDoes KDE support active x?02:01
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geniiItś a symlink. What is the long ls of /dev/scd0 ?02:01
geniieg: ls -l /dev/scd002:01
geniinikitis: No linux supports ActiveX02:02
nikitisgenii: what happened to this then?  http://www.konqueror.org/announcements/reaktivate.php02:02
geniinikitis: There have been some private efforts to reverse-engineer ActiveX but nothing useful as far as i know02:04
Lynnso doyou have any other ideas?02:04
Lynnif not i'm going to give up for the evening02:04
nikitisgenii: so was reaktivate dropped?02:05
geniiLynn: report: ls -l /dev/scd002:05
Lynni did already02:05
Lynnlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2005-12-31 19:06 /dev/sr0 -> scd002:05
geniiLynn: That was sr0. We want to know scd002:05
Lynnoh srry02:05
geniiLynn: sr0 just points to scd002:05
Lynnbrw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 2005-12-31 19:06 /dev/scd002:06
geniinikitis: No idea, you have to ask whoevers responsible for that project02:06
WalzmynActive X is evil02:09
nikitisNeeded for Netflix in Konqueror02:09
WalzmynIs there a way to make a window ignore all "outside" commands, such as the alt+click to move command?02:10
Walzmynnikitis: I don't wanna start a standards flame war, but there's ways for them to distribute their product witout using a propriatory POS like that02:11
Walzmynactive X is still evil02:11
nikitiswell i agree02:11
nikitisbut they aren't going to02:11
nikitisSo support is needed02:11
Daskreechnikitis: Granted KDE is not linux but if you install KDE on windows and use IE then it does indeed support activeX :-)02:11
Daskreechgenii: what were you looking for in /dev/scd0 ?02:13
geniiDaskreech: To make sure the cdrom hardware device entry had root:cdrom as user:group so it jives with the groups the user belongs to02:14
Daskreechany idea as to why the USB would just stop working?02:15
geniiDaskreech: Conceivable from what I can tell it might be some HAL thing. Hardware is being seen on low-level and udev is making the right /dev nodes with correct permissions, the user is in the correct groups to use the devices.02:18
DaskreechHAL should be reset after a reboot no?02:19
geniiDaskreech: Yes :/02:19
WalzmynI'd really like to have an internet connection that would stay connected.02:21
dbc254as I'm booting up. It's semi-verbose, so I can watch text flying by, but there are no errors. Then I get this msg box. Clicking OK gets me by it02:21
geniiDaskreech: The other possibility is that the BIOS is reporting the hardware to linux as if itś working properly but that in reality some part of the controllers for the usb or cd are fried02:22
geniidbc254: touch ~/.Xsession02:23
dbc254just type in that command?02:23
dbc254I just did it, but nothing happened. Used "sudo"02:24
geniidbc254: There is usually no xsession file by default. If you make a blank one by "touching" it then it likely won't wail anymore. I forget if uppercase X is actually required or not02:24
Daskreechnot sudo02:24
dbc254what did I do to create this malady02:25
geniidbc254: "nothing happened" means command successfully completed02:25
dbc254so I should try restarting and see if I get the error.  Why did Daskreech argh that I used sudo02:26
dbc254did I screw this up?02:26
Lynnthanks for all your help i think i am going to call it a night at her hou house.02:26
geniiDaskreech: With sudo and ~/ in the argument it won put it in his actual home dir luckily02:26
Daskreechgenii: Sure?02:26
DaskreechLynn: Will you be back?02:26
Lynni am goingto head home. will u guys be on fora while?02:27
dbc254so I should type that again without SUDO?02:27
geniidbc254: Because making root-owned files in a specific users directory causes many problems02:27
DaskreechLynn: Yes02:27
Lynngood i should be home in about an hour if you come up with anything in the mean time.02:27
Lynnsee u in a bit02:27
dbc254tried typing that in witout SUDO and got permission denied. How do I undo this?02:28
geniidbc254: The first time you typed it it worked. It just doesnt say something like "hey I completed OK" it just goes back to command prompt which is what it's supposed to do02:28
Daskreechgenii: The bash interpeter would grab it before the sudo is run so it should make it in whatever $HOME is for the user he's running it for02:28
Daskreech assuming that dbc254 is a he02:28
DaskreechBye Lynn02:28
dbc254then I should try to restart to see if the "touch" worked?02:29
geniidbc254: Holdon02:29
Daskreechdbc254: sudo rm ~/.Xsession && touch ~/.Xsession02:29
Daskreechwhat's XSession for?02:29
DaskreechDo you mean .Xauthority ?02:29
lunahyenI want my wifi-enabled laptop to host internet to my non-wifi laptop with an ethernet cable. But the host computer's wifi connection cuts out once it connects to the other computer, which means no internet. Here is a map of what i'm doing. http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3650/wantschematic.jpg02:30
Daskreech!hi | lunahyen02:30
ubottulunahyen: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!02:30
geniiDaskreech: It's a file you can put something in like: startkde &                   which would run KDE as default window manager, etc etc02:30
carpiiwow, that diagram is awesome02:30
dbc254OK, just typed in what Daskreech gave me. It completed  [no OK or errors] should I try restarting now?02:31
geniidbc254: Yes02:31
dbc254ok back in a minute.02:32
carpiilunahyen, read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137002:33
lunahyenthanks carpii02:33
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nchungdoes anyone know how I can burn multiple avi with a selection menu on a dvd02:59
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DaskreechJust make it a DVD02:59
bazhangyellow, using devede ?02:59
yellowi am using k3b on a kubuntu box03:00
bazhangyellow, you want to burn a data disc? or one usable on a dvd player03:00
yellowone usuable on a DVD player03:01
bazhangk3b wont do that yellow03:01
yellowi just apt-get install devede will give it a shot also03:01
bazhangyellow, try devede for starters, see if that helps03:01
yellowso devede should do the trick ?03:01
yellowthanks man03:02
yellowreally appreciate the help03:02
bazhangno guarantees, but is known to work03:02
yellowkewl will reply back and let you know03:02
geniiyellow: You can make a dvd-compliant iso from avi files with devede. If the iso is too large for a 4.7 dvd then use something like k9copy or dvd95 to shrink it03:12
yellowthanks a lot03:12
yellowreally appreciate all the help you guys are giving me03:12
bazhangyellow, wait first to see if it works before thanking :)03:13
Lynn706ok so have you had any luck in coming up with and answer?03:39
geniiLynn706: No sudden epiphany.03:40
geniiLynn706: Will the box still boot from CD?03:43
DaskreechApparently it wont since she can't see CDs03:44
DaskreechAssuming that Lynn706 is a she :)03:46
geniiDaskreech: If its software, should still boot from CD if it was capable before of that. The current idea i have is to boot a livecd and see if usb works from that. Then we know itś software and not hardware fail.03:48
DaskreechThat was my suggestion from the start03:49
DaskreechThough I think Lynn706 either said that CDs couldn't be burned or couldn't be burned from that computer03:49
geniiDaskreech: I came in sometime after and didn't see your suggestion to that effect. I suppose they need to make a livecd and none handy, etc etc03:53
Daskreechgenii: Yes I know I gave you a cuppa when you turned up :)03:54
ikbelI am searching for kubuntu for an LG netbook03:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unr03:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook03:58
DaskreechStupid bo03:58
Daskreechikbel: What do you mean Kubuntu on a LG netbook ?03:58
geniiikbel: You can check the list of models from the link on http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download-netbook03:59
ikbelgenii: this is ubuntu, not kubuntu03:59
geniiikbel: As far as i know no Kubuntu-specific netbook-remix. But you can install it from a regular ubuntu with package kubuntu-desktop03:59
Daskreechgenii: there is04:00
DaskreechJust in KK04:00
Daskreechplasma-netbook I think04:00
geniiDaskreech: Ah good :) I learn something every day04:00
Daskreechinstead of plasma-desktop :)04:00
Daskreechikbel: Which may be unfortunate for you04:01
ikbellinks ?04:01
geniiikbel: Since it would be in Karmic (9.10) you may want to enquire in #ubuntu+1  (which is also #kubuntu+1 )04:02
geniiApparently he couldn be bothered, didn go there to ask04:05
DaskreechWhat is with the FloodBot?04:08
DaskreechI really don't like that thing04:09
geniiDaskreech: proxy users like mibbit get screened by the floodbots04:10
DaskreechIt's still creepy04:11
DaskreechFeels like Robo nanny from Futurama04:11
corigoAny recommended replacement PDF viewers for Okular. Okular has a bug where-in it displays nothing when I zoom-in too close04:26
corigoKDE 4.304:27
Daskreechcorigo: Serious?04:28
DaskreechI've zoomed in over 100% before how close are you zooming in?04:28
DaskreechWhich PDF ?04:29
DaskreechIf it's publically available04:29
corigoIt is an A0 sized OpenOffice Drawing displaying screen shots of my website.04:30
DaskreechI read that as Adults Only or a second :)04:32
corigoNo, that's a standard paper size... 4 times larger than A404:32
geniiTheres a java based viewer which i haven tried libpdfrenderer-java04:33
DaskreechYeah Took me a second to put that together04:33
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corigoGreat... Adobe's website crashed my browser04:55
Daskreechcorigo: try evince04:56
corigonot sure yet how to launch libpdfrenderer-java...05:01
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corigonot sure yet how to launch libpdfrenderer-java...05:23
Daskreechcorigo: it's a lib05:29
Daskreechyou don't launch it05:29
corigoDaskreech... ya ya... ok, then how do I use it over Okular?05:30
DaskreechNot sure what you are asking05:30
Daskreechwhat do you want to do05:30
corigoI want to view my pdf file... sniff. and Okular won't display it properly when I zoom-in05:31
DaskreechWhere are you getting that lib from?05:33
Daskreechwhat's important about it?05:33
corigoIt was an early recommendation... on this IRC. Installed from repositories05:33
DaskreechHmm interesting05:35
Daskreechcorigo: do you ahve KDE 4.2 or 4.3 btw ?05:35
pablo_Es mi debut en un canal IRC...05:38
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:39
DaskreechHmm :-/05:39
Daskreechask on #KDE if anyone has had a similar experince05:40
Daskreech I've not seen that05:40
Daskreech Is it just at that zoom or anything above it?05:40
corigoAnything above it05:40
corigoIt may be different in a smaller document... as opposed to an A0 sized format05:41
Mike99hi , i installed kubuntu on my laptop and it doesnt seem to find my wifi card, intel 3945abg, however i am pretty sure its supposed to have the drivers included in the kernel already05:41
Mike99any ideas?05:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wif05:42
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:42
corigoePDFViewer seems to work well05:42
corigowithout the Gnome dependencies05:42
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corigoMike99: Version of Kubuntu and KDE?05:43
Mike99kde 405:45
PabliNet¿Yo? 4.3 en 9.04.05:45
corigoPabliNet: es mui bueno05:45
corigoMike99: have installed the Neworking widget?05:47
PabliNetSí, tá güeno... es el que más me gusta.... pero también me gustaría probar LXFE.05:47
PabliNetQuise decir LXDE.05:50
bazhangPabliNet, english here please05:50
PabliNetEs mucho pedir eso...05:54
PabliNetI am exit05:55
DaskreechPabliNet: escribo /join #kubuntu-es05:57
Mike99corigo, no , how do i install that?05:57
harolddongis there a working version of the network-manager or networkmanagement plasmoids?  I had been using the networkmanagement from the kde4.3 extras ppa but it stopped connecting last week and now the network-manager plasmoid won't even work... only the old knetworkmanager05:59
Daskreechharolddong: try wicd05:59
PabliNetI want exit this channel...06:00
harolddongyeah I guess I could try wicd.  I was just hoping for something non-gtk.  I mean I could just use nm-applet if I were going to use wicd06:02
corigoMike99: in the bottom task bar click on the Cashew swirl and select Add Widgets06:02
corigo(or top or side where ever you have placed it.)06:02
Daskreechharolddong: Wicd connects before logging in :)06:02
DaskreechThat's an advantage there06:03
harolddongI'll check it out06:03
darthanubiswhere is the faq for kubuntu not being able to play audio from more than one source07:14
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X_onoboby is wake up?08:13
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giovanni_ce qualche italiano?08:27
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giovanni_ho bisogno di aiuto08:33
giovanni_te ne intendi li sto linux????08:34
giovanni_Ho istallato kubuntu sul mio pc.....tanto per provare e mi piace08:34
giovanni_è ferma a 800 per 60008:35
giovanni_e non la posso mettere + su08:35
giovanni_puoi darmi una mano?08:35
karmalinuxportatile o fisso?08:35
karmalinuxhai installato i driver per la scheda video?08:35
giovanni_ho istallato il driver NVIDEA da HARDWARE DRIVER08:36
giovanni_la cosa è peggiorata sono caduto a 600 per 30008:36
giovanni_e lo succesivamente disistallato08:36
karmalinuxche scheda video hai? recente?08:37
giovanni_nvidea mi pare serie 6000e qualcosa08:37
giovanni_solo che non so neanche come si vede con linux08:37
karmalinuxti consigliava la serie 173.xx dei driver?08:37
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)08:37
karmalinuxhai un account messenger?08:38
giovanni_???????? COSA DEVO FARE DEVO CAMBIARE CANALE???08:38
giovanni_STO PARLANDO..............08:38
FloodBotK2giovanni_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:38
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karmalinuxse hai un account messenger puoi trovarmi come socialinux@hotmail.com08:39
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Guest49881I have a serious kde 4.3 problem10:00
Guest49881kded4 is doing mad accessing my external hd mounted under my home folder10:00
Guest49881it practically locks the system up10:00
Guest49881If I unplug my external usb hd.... delete my .kde folder... restart kde.... KDE runs perfectly10:01
Guest49881but as soon as I plug my external hard drive in kded4 goes MAD!10:01
Guest49881any bright ideas on debugging?10:01
=== william is now known as Guest71131
a123456i don't want any password in my kwallet10:44
a123456is that possible so my pc connects to wirless network withoput user inputs10:45
Guest71131ok, for those who may be having problems with kde 4.3 under jaunty... if you have a slow hard drive or external hard drive... the suse free space notifier service will cause kded4 for run really slow10:47
Guest71131it will cause it to run slow anyway... but you will notice huge lag if you have a slow hd10:48
Guest71131so disable it!10:48
Guest71131and remove it from kubuntu10:48
afiefWhere can I post bug reports against the 4.3 packages?10:53
giovanni_ragazzi qualcuno mi puo aiutare11:16
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:17
giovanni_non riesco a impostare la risoluzione dello skermo a 102311:17
giovanni_aiutatemi pls11:17
=== fernando is now known as Guest41306
afiefWhere can I post bug reports against the 4.3 packages?11:34
makihey all11:38
paloris_JI have been unable to detect my harddrive under kubunta. can some one help12:25
afiefpaloris_J: are you sure it's there?:S12:29
paloris_JWindows is running on it12:30
afiefpaloris_J: can you find a file called sda in /dev/ ?12:30
paloris_Jfdisk -l dose not work either12:30
paloris_Jnore dose dmesg | grep '\[hd'12:31
afiefwell then the kernel probably doesn't see your hdd, never happened to me12:31
paloris_JNo it hasent happened to me before either12:31
paloris_JI see that it has happened befor.   On line that is12:32
paloris_Jbut there was no explination on how to fix it12:32
afiefpaloris_J: perhaps the hdd is starting to get faulty and the kernel won't recognize it that way while windows is being more tolerant?12:32
paloris_Jbut no that is not the problem.12:33
paloris_JI can run the hard drive test on it12:34
afiefthat certainly is weird12:36
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ubuntu__halöo wer lebt hier13:31
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Leohola Vivien13:32
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Leohola andri13:35
andry_ciao ragazzi, sono nuovo di kde e ho un piccolo problema qualcono può darmi una mano?13:35
Bou!it |andry_13:35
ubottuandry_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:35
Leoque problemas tenes13:35
Bouè italiano, no spagnolo..13:36
Leohm lo siento yo capicce poco italiano13:36
andry_sorry for the italian13:37
andry_my problem is with quicktime videos in firefox13:37
andry_i tried to install kubuntu-restricted-extras13:38
andry_but nothing13:38
andry_it doesn't work13:38
andry_can anyone help me?13:39
bazhangandry_, is this the apple.com trailers?13:45
andry_when i try to click on play he said Get the latest quicktime13:45
bazhangandry_, they seem to have changed something in the past couple of days that prevents playing it, there is a thread at ubuntuforums with a workaround iirc13:46
ilkinhey people13:46
andry_i found some threads on ubuntu-it forum because my english is not very good13:47
andry_but nothing that can help me13:47
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=820f1dc6eb7b7f9800fca13eb9b5623b&p=7843500#post7843500 andry_13:47
ilkini write DVD-R disc in K3b but after writting can not read it13:47
ilkinwhat can be the cause?13:47
andry_bazhang i try to read this link thx13:48
bazhangandry_, you're welcome13:48
BluesKajHowdy folks14:12
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=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor
snikkeri'm under jaunty (kde 4.3.0) i'm using an nvidia card, but kde is slow, there is a way for speed up it?14:22
=== william is now known as Guest49177
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Guest49177why does kubuntu bundle the suse free space notifier with kde?14:37
Guest49177it is a resource hog14:38
Guest49177it doubles the cpu usage of kded4 on a decent speed hard drive14:38
Guest49177it will make kded4 run at 50%+ cpu usage when the hard drive is slow (e.g: I have an external hard drive mounted under my home folder)14:39
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Guest49177and suse's free space notifier makes the system totally unresponsive14:39
geniiGuest49177: Perhaps ask them why in #kubuntu-devel14:40
DragnslcrWhat's the name of this program?14:40
Guest49177I can't even log out because kded4 is stalling so bad14:40
Guest49177suse free space notifier14:40
DragnslcrThe actual program name14:40
Guest49177it's not even kde 4.3 software14:40
Guest49177it's 3rd party14:40
Dragnslcri.e. the process name14:40
Guest49177well kded414:40
Guest49177like I said14:41
Guest49177its a 3rd party system service14:41
Bouyou rant about it this morning already no?14:41
Guest49177Bou, yes... but that was on #kde... now we have discovered the problem14:41
Guest49177I have submitted a bug report to suse14:41
DragnslcrI'd say it's just you. kded4 isn't using any CPU for me14:42
Guest49177Dragnslcr, like I said... it depends on your hard drive speed14:42
DragnslcrYou can try searching the forums or Launchpad14:42
Guest49177if you mount a large slow hard drive under your home you will see what I am talking about14:42
Guest49177when I say slow it could be a large usb pen drive14:43
Guest49177or and external usb magnetic drive14:43
Guest49177I experimented with both and both have same problem14:43
Guest49177but the drive obviously needs to have alot of files on it14:44
Guest49177for you to reproduce14:44
Guest49177it also may have something todo with the filesystem14:44
* genii sips his coffee14:45
Guest49177I'm not sure how the free space notifier works but it appears to go through the entire filesystem counting files recursively14:45
Guest49177it doesn't just do it once... it appears to do it for every folder!14:45
Guest49177I am looking at the source code for it to find the problem14:46
Guest49177but I a nooby kde/qt developer14:46
geniiGuest49177: Again, I would refer you to the #kubuntu-devel channel. Someone there will know more about it than in here.14:46
Guest49177oh, ok genii14:47
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theadmin1Stupid network problems XD. So i will repeat: Is there a faster virtualization thing then virtualbox?15:28
theadmin1Bou, Hm, maybe i will try that out. *opens google*15:29
theadmin1free 60-day trial? Nah, i mean, like, free one.15:30
Boui tried both, and for me vmware is winning (my opinion only)15:30
Bouthere is a free version15:30
Boui'm not using a trial15:30
theadmin1Free version is, uh, only to load the already created virtual machines right15:31
Boulook for vmware server version15:31
geniiYou make a blank machine then install your OS into that15:31
Bouload already created virtual machine?15:31
Bounow, you can create your machine and install your OS into15:32
Bou(as genji said)15:32
Boutheadmin1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Server15:35
theadmin1Whatever, it asks too much personal info. Besides, i don't HAVE a "buisness phone" and that stuff XD i'm not currently working anywhere, i'm a student...15:37
=== theadmin1 is now known as theadmin
theadminOkay. Now, when will KPackageKit be normal? Like, when it will be able to actually do anything except system upgrades?!15:39
Dragnslcrtheadmin- what else do you expect it to do?15:41
theadminDragnslcr: Eh, i expect it... to... ehm, be a fully working package manager, like Synaptic15:42
Dragnslcrtheadmin- as for virtualization, if you have the CPU support, I'd recommend kvm15:42
theadminDragnslcr, I'll try that15:42
Dragnslcrtheadmin- well, if you can't be specific, I can't help ypu15:42
theadminWhat exactly do you mean by "specific"15:43
theadmin"Loading kvm module --- fail"... why the?15:44
theadminOh well, have to go.15:45
markrodriguezhow do ou send pm's and who is the admin on this chat?15:50
markrodriguezor should i say, who is pretty knowledgable on installing a printer?15:50
Dragnslcrmarkrodriguez- depends on what client you're using. Usually it's either /msg or double-click the user's name15:50
DragnslcrKeep in mind, of course, that messaging people for no reason and without asking them first will promptly get you ignored15:51
DragnslcrOr kicked out of the channel if you do it repeatedly15:51
geniimarkrodriguez: As for channel operators, they generally remain un-opped until needed. But there are about 20 who get notified when a problem occurs.15:52
markrodriguezThanks guys, the pm isn't working, i'll figure it out soon. For now if you know much about printers, please message me15:55
geniimarkrodriguez: On this irc network your nickname needs to be registered before you can send private messages.16:15
markrodriguezgenii: is this a personal message?16:16
geniimarkrodriguez: You earlier said: "[10:55:01] <markrodriguez> Thanks guys, the pm isn't working, i'll figure it out soon. For now if you know much about printers, please message me". The reason the /msg someonesname    doesn work is for the reason I just described.16:18
=== cjknight is now known as Arbaal
loversquien tiene emesene16:26
dbc254Genii, it didn't woik!16:29
dbc254hadda log in at a command line, and rm .Xsession before it would fully boot KDE HELP!16:30
dbc254anybody here willing to take a stab at an Xsession error?16:31
=== io is now known as Guest66078
geniidbc254: The .Xsession file should have been named .xsession . All that file in your home dir does is sometimes have a list of options to pass to X like what desktop environment to load, names of some apps to start or so on. When there are no options to specify it usually should have a &    in it, which means to keep going to the next item.16:38
geniiWork is very busy, apologies on lag.16:38
dbc254so touch ~/.xsession should do the trick?16:39
geniidbc254: Instead, do:  echo "&" >> ~/.xsession16:41
dbc254I typed that in. returned me to a prompt, so I assume something happened?16:42
geniidbc254: Correct, it completed successfully if no complaint from terminal.16:42
dbc254then once again, I should try to restart, and see if the error msg is bypassed?16:43
geniidbc254: Yup.16:43
dbc254trying now.16:43
geniiWork, back in 3-5 minutes16:43
=== Bou is now known as nreau
dbc254Genii, that didn't work. Hadda rm .xsession before it would fully load KDE16:48
dbc254had to log in on the command line, and rm .xsession before startx would complete16:49
dbc254I can't find anything on line regarding this either.......... checked16:49
geniidbc254: Very odd.16:50
dbc254are you familiar with that error box with the OK in it?16:51
geniidbc254: I have not seen it before. Can you pastebin contents of file: ~/.xsession-errors      please. It may have some clue to the issue.16:52
dbc254default session.16:54
dbc254Setting IM through im-switch for locale=en_US.16:54
dbc254Start IM through /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/all_ALL linked to /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/default.16:54
dbc254/home/dbc254/.xsession: 1: Syntax error: "&" unexpected16:54
dbc254Xsession: X session started for dbc254 at Tue Aug 25 11:44:32 EDT 200916:54
FloodBotK2dbc254: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:54
dbc254Setting IM through im-switch for locale=en_US.16:54
genii!pastebin | dbc25416:54
ubottudbc254: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:54
dbc254I didn't know what the #e!! pastebin was. Sorry16:55
geniiNo worries thats what the floodbot is for16:55
dbc254did any of the msg get thru?16:56
dbc254in .xsession, there's a syntax error. Wasn't expecting &16:56
geniidbc254: Was the whole file only the 4 lines long or was there more?16:58
dbc254There was more, but seemed to repeat16:58
dbc254did any of it make sense to you?16:59
geniidbc254: I haven seen the "im-switch" stuff before16:59
dbc254all foreign to me16:59
dbc254right now have no .xsession or .Xsession files. I guess they get created automatically by something?17:04
geniidbc254: Seems to be something like "input-method switching" . Package contents list at http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/all/im-switch/filelist has the files listed in the errors log. Can you use the pastebin website this time to show the contents of file /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/default17:04
geniiI think its looking from there for some default xsession file and failing. It might not be looking in home dir but some system wide dir like /etc/X11 or other spot17:05
dbc254I have to visit a website to past this in?  OK17:05
BluesKaj!paste | dbc25417:06
ubottudbc254: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:06
geniiWork requires me. Back soon.17:07
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dbc254ok I pastebinned17:09
dbc254when you use pastebin, how does everybody see what you've posted? Do they have to visit the website to see what you've put in there?17:12
geniidbc254: They have to visit the site. Which reminds me, you need to say the URL it is before I can go look at it :)17:15
dbc254learn something new err-day!17:16
geniidbc254: You have the full URL with the http://   part?17:16
geniiOK :)17:17
geniiDamn, nothing useful there.17:18
geniidbc254: Does the file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80im-switch exist on your system?17:19
geniidbc254: Give me some research time.17:21
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sep13181A while ago I changed my color scheme, but the editor in Kate never changed with it. Any ideas?17:27
sep13181(the rest of the app did)17:28
sidhgreetings gentlemen17:28
sidhbefore installing kubuntu, i would like to know if the latest kubuntu for amd64 arch has some limitation for apps (that would be 32 bit only)17:29
Dragnslcrsep13181- I think Kate might have its own color scheme, so check Kate's settings17:29
Dragnslcrsidh- probably some, but most common programs have amd64 packages17:29
sidhok i will fetch both arch, in case there would be some problem17:30
sep13181Dragnslcr: looks like you're right, but its still registering as the default/normal. do I just have to change everything manually?17:31
sidhdid you notice some improvement with kde 4.3 ? i mean for nic management for exemple ?17:31
sidhi mean nic management by gui of course ?17:32
Dragnslcrsep13181- maybe. It looks like I have the default color scheme, and it matches my KDE colors, so I'm not sure what you have to change. Maybe you have it set to a custom scheme17:33
sep13181I'll fool around with it a bit. Thanks for the info, Dragnslcr17:34
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* genii smacks himself in the head17:42
sep13181Dragnslcr: fixed. found the kate/katepart config files and rm'd them. thnx.17:43
geniidbc254: You previously had selected in the login manager some desktop environment (Gnome for example). Then you did something like remove that desktop environment but the login manager is still trying to use it as the default since it was last one used.17:44
sanjayaCan any of you guys have used kmymoney?17:45
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sanjiv_how to install google chrome browser17:53
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bobbob1016I'm running KDE 4.3, and have a minor issue with the "notification" applet in the systray that shows file transfers.  Sometimes the speed is cut off, meaning I can't see how fast it is going, just mbps, I already expanded it, but nothing.  Any ideas?18:06
muimotaI'm with 3G modem hewei 220 , after a while it disconnects .... it is imposible to reconnect it from the networkmanager,just pluging it out I am able to reconnect18:10
muimotamy question is:18:10
muimotais it possible to do this from the terminal , reset a usb device (like when we plug it off and the plug it in?18:10
robin0800muimota: try kppp18:11
carlesHi all!18:16
fabricebonjour à tous18:18
jussi01!fr | fabrice18:19
ubottufabrice: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:19
fabriceen essayant d'installer une web cam j'en suis venu aux modules18:19
fabriceok thanks I go to ubuntu-fr18:19
ubuntuhello all, if I partition my hd first for a dualboot and install xp first, will that work fine or do I have to install xp first and then partition the hd??18:25
bdgraueubuntu: partition the hd first should be better18:27
bdgrauepartition after installing winxp could cause some data losses, afaik18:27
geniiubuntu: Either way works but partition first then install is better. Means no resizing afterwards.18:28
ubuntubdgraue, genii: thank you18:29
ubuntuI have yet again messed with my laptop and must reconfigure it lol18:30
rmrfslashOoooooook.... so I have a problem here. Seems that my control key is changing something in KDE. If I hit is once while in a browser (where it's most noticable that it's affecting something) then scrolling changes the size of the font and only when I double-click the control button does it return everything to normal.18:33
rmrfslashthis is actually the same in a konsole window18:33
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rmrfslashsooooooooooo yeah18:41
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freinhardis there some plugin for systemsettings to manage services from /etc/init.d/ ?18:56
freinhardresp /etc/rc?.d/18:57
Warlockneed help with installing avg antivirus19:05
Warlockactually need line code to install19:05
eagles0513875Warlock: do they have a linux version O_O19:06
Warlockyes they do 8.519:06
bobbob1016eagles0513875: Yes19:06
eagles0513875didnt know that19:06
eagles0513875why avg and not clamav for isntance19:06
WarlockI got the info on my machine but can not get it to install19:07
Warlockavg was better so I was told19:07
Warlockgenii you around ?19:08
sanjiv_how to install google chrome broser19:08
geniiWarlock: Yup. something like: wget http://www.avg.com/filedir/inst/avg85flx-r287-a2632.i386.deb && sudo dpkg -i avg85flx-r287-a2632.i386.deb         should install it.19:09
Warlockty genii19:09
geniiWarlock: It won't have a menu entry by default, you need to make one\19:09
Warlockcool ty genii19:10
Warlockdo I need the sudo command or just copy and paste what you wrote ?19:10
geniiWarlock: Only need the sudo in the install part, not for the d/l (wget)19:11
Warlockty again genii19:11
Warlockitś workin genii ty19:12
geniiWarlock: You're welcome19:12
geniiWork, afk 3-5 minutes19:12
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* genii makes more coffee19:26
tdikHi, all19:58
tdikI have a very strange problem - skype is always using the maximum of the CPU pose19:59
tdikit's somehow connected with the usage of pulseaudio19:59
maco...remove pulseaudio?20:00
apparlehi guys20:00
macoits not included in kubuntu20:00
* genii sips his coffee20:28
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phoenixzI currently have Kubuntu 9.04 and I want to upgrade to 9.10 alpha 4, are there repos available to do this?21:29
geniiphoenixz: Perhaps ask in #ubuntu+1 (which is also #kubuntu+1 )21:30
phoenixzgenii: thanks21:30
jtheuerhi, do you know any good tutorial on how to enable compositing on a thinkpad x200 with intel graphics21:37
kaddijtheuer: if you are having issues with desktop effects an intel graphics, please read the following links21:40
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.21:40
Warlockhow does one make a menu entry..I´ve been lookin through the manual and can´t figure it out21:43
kaddiWarlock you can do a rightclick on the menu, select menu-editor and create a new entry there21:44
kaddieither use the rightclick to add a new element or from the toolbar21:44
WarlockI´ll try that but how do I make it link to a certain program ?21:44
=== christian is now known as Guest83345
jtheuerkaddi: thank - when starting to read the tutorial, this line in my xlogs can't be correct, right?21:45
jtheuer(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//libglx.so21:45
jtheuer(II) Module glx: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"21:45
geniiWarlock: In your case of AVG you want to run the program called avggui21:45
Warlockhow genii ?21:45
Warlockcan you walk me through it21:45
geniiWarlock: hangon21:45
jtheuerin fact, the system had a nvidia card  before21:45
Warlock<-- is holding on but to what I´ll never tell21:46
kaddijtheuer: that's more than I can say, it certainly looks odd though21:46
geniiYou have menu editor open and see the list of stuff that is on the menu normally, but with + to the left?21:46
geniiWarlock: You have menu editor open and see the list of stuff that is on the menu normally, but with + to the left?21:46
melomanehi, why kopete shows a contact offline, as soon as he/she changes his status?21:46
WarlockGot it open21:47
geniiWarlock: Click on the + next to Utilities21:47
geniiWarlock: Now click on Where it says "New Item" in the white and green above21:48
melomanehe/she is online, but with another status,even in online mode and a different status. i have to log out(offline) and be online again, to c who is on21:48
Warlockgot it21:48
geniiWarlock: Give it name like AVG   or whatever in this case21:48
geniiWarlock: Now on right side one of the entry windows says "Command" next to it. Put in there the name of: avggui21:49
geniiWarlock: Then hit Save button in top21:50
genii*top left21:50
geniiWork, brb21:50
Warlockok done and saved21:51
=== carsten is now known as CoolRider
geniiWarlock: Should now be that entry on your menu which will run the AVG22:02
Warlockty again for savin my butt genii22:03
geniiBack later.22:03
xsebsxhow do i turn off the kde intro sound when i start up the computer22:08
xsebsxi don't like the sound it makes22:09
kaddixsebsx: check in systemsettings->notification->select kde system notification and remove the check before login22:14
xsebsxkaddi: thankyou22:19
kaddiyour welcome :)22:19
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donkeyBoa Noite, pessoal meu nome é Rodrigo, sou novato no irc e tmb no linux... e tenho algumas duvidas... será q alguem pode me ajudar????... a primeira coisa q eu preciso saber é em relação ao irc. tem como resgistrar o nick???22:40
bazhangdonkey, register your nickname?22:42
bazhangdonkey, please /join #freenode for help22:43
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.22:43
donkeythank's bazhang22:44
donkeyjoin #freenode22:44
bazhangdonkey, /join #freenode :)22:44
=== fnord is now known as Guest25839
PupEIs there any way to merge partitions? or reformat into one whole partition?23:00
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php23:02
Guest25839Hi besides compiz what are some eye candy type optionsfor kubuntu? i like kasbar and yaquake but icnat find many more options23:12
PupEThanks for the gparted site, but doesn't say anything about merging.... does anyone know if deleting a partition makes it viable for merging?23:13
bazhangGuest25839, using kde4? you realize that kwin has compositing built in and there are a ton of widgets (aka plasmoids) to play around with23:14
geniiPupE: Yes, if you delete adjacent partitions, you can add them together for instance23:14
PupEgenii: cool thanks, I shall try that :)23:16
Marv*    *    *    *    *    *    LOOKING FOR HELP FROM A SMART PERSON OUT THERE, KINDLY PING BACK... *    *    *    *    *    *23:22
=== they is now known as vorian
DragnslcrI don't think that's going to inspire anyone to help23:23
Marv*    *    *    *    *    *    LOOKING FOR HELP FROM A SMART PERSON OUT THERE, KINDLY PING BACK... *    *    *    *    *    *23:24
kaddithis is not going to end well....23:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:25
DragnslcrNope, it isn't23:25
geniiMarv: Desist or I'll be forced to boot you out of here23:25
MarvI'm looking to migrate from crappy windows to Linux. I used fedora but did not live up to what i expected.. Will alot of windows apps work on U ?23:26
amortvigilhello whats the partition program of the kubuntu livecd called?23:28
PupEamortvigil: gparted23:30
Dragnslcramortvigil- not sure what's installed by default on the LiveCD, but the package name for KDE Partition Manager is "partitionmanager"23:34
geniiparted is the standard app and gparted is the Gnome version, qtparted is the Qt (KDE) version23:36
amortvigilDragnslcr: i already downloaded it23:38
kaddi!hi |WaY23:42
ubottuWaY: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!23:42
WaYwhen I press Alt + F2 it doesn't appears the launch task bar since I've launched emerald, what should I do=?23:42
jaisonanybody home23:47
jaisonim new to this irc23:47
jaisoncan you help me23:47
kaddianyone knows what "dbpedia references" is? it magically appeared in my start menu under "internet"?23:47
geniijaison: A lot of people here. Just ask the question you are having problems with answering23:48
jaisoncan anybody tell any details  of adobe flex in linux23:50
jaisonyou know anything abt adobe flex in linux23:52
geniijaison: No, if I did I would have responded when you asked about it23:52
jaisonyou know abt asobe flash right23:53
bazhangjaison, ?23:55
jaisonbazhang did you see my ques23:55
bazhangjaison, yes I did23:55
jaisonyou know abt flex23:56
bazhangjaison, you wish to install flex on kubuntu? I know about it yes, but not sure of what you query relates to23:56
jaisonyes i wish to install flex on ubuntu23:57
bazhangjaison, please be patient; answers wont come in an instant23:57
jaisoncan you just tell me how to install23:58
bazhangjaison, please keep it in channel; I will do a websearch23:59

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