
thumperrockstar: it is00:01
wgrantsinzui: It looks like it should also be split into three branches: 1) Making all of the target interfaces descend from IStructuralSubscriptionTarget, rather than the model classes implements()ing it directly. This is because lazr.restful will only export one interface for each entry.00:01
wgrant2) URL/traversal for ISS00:01
wgrant3) The actual export.00:02
rockstarthumper, awesome.00:02
wgrantThe first is 300ish lines, the second about 200.00:02
sinzuiwgrant: 1) agreed. This is a common practice to export00:02
sinzui2) barry had some trouble with that last month he landed a change to lazr.restful to make some kinds of object that are not traversable work. The behaviour depends on where the collection has an implied URL.00:05
sinzui2) barry's work may not be relevant, Do you imagine something like00:06
sinzui    /ubuntu/karmic/mozilla-firefox/+subscriptions00:06
wgrantsinzui: I've used +subscription, rather than +subscriptions. There's inconsistency throughout LP as to whether the plural is used or not.00:07
maxb!?!?!?!??! wgrant: One of those mystery test failures of mine no longer fails (the package-diff.txt one)00:08
wgrantmaxb: Launchpad must like you now that you've added Karmic to the ~launchpad PPA.00:08
wgrantsinzui: <target>/+subscription/<person> is the scheme.00:08
sinzuithat is good00:09
sinzuiwgrant: We have not moved structural subscriptions. were to you think they belong? lp/app or lp/registry?00:09
wgrantsinzui: Registry.00:10
wgrantThe only other non-obvious changes are making ISST.removeBugSubscription take an unsubscribed_by, and implementing access control in that and addBugSubscription.00:10
wgrantsinzui: Should I move them?00:11
sinzuiwgrant: you can if you like. There are tools to do it. I think exporting is more valuable than moving00:11
wgrantsinzui: I'll just export for now, then. Thanks.00:12
sinzuiwgrant: I want to move it to registry and add answers and code. I think the move can wait since I am pushing to emphasis subscription and notification in 4.000:12
wgrantmaxb: What about the other mysteeeeerious failurs?00:13
wgrantsinzui: XMPP! XMPP!00:13
* sinzui high five's wgrant00:13
wgrantDifficult, but rather useful and impressive.00:14
mwhudsonwould be awesome00:20
maxbwgrant: the mystery soyuz DONE != ACCEPTED one persists, unfortunately00:20
wgrantmaxb: Huh.00:20
maxbMy thoughts exactly :-)00:20
wgrantsinzui: How would I best test the traversability of ISS? There are no views for it and no webservice export in this branch.00:23
sinzuicanonical_url to verify you get the expected url00:25
sinzuiwgrant:I think you want to test Navigation00:26
* sinzui think about how we test that00:26
wgrantsinzui: Do I add the tests to canonical_url_examples.txt, or is there somewhere better?00:26
sinzuiI think the right place for this kind of test is a unit test in browser.test.00:27
* sinzui looks for a traversal test00:27
wgrantThere's always notfound-traversal.txt!00:28
* wgrant runs.00:28
wgrantBug c.l.browser.tests.test_branchtraversal looks like a reasonable example.00:29
sinzuiThat looks like the best example. There is some traversal testing in potemplate-views.txt too00:34
jmlthumper, ping01:45
thumperjml: heading to class, back in a couple of hours01:45
jmlthumper, ok. please let me know when you return.01:46
lifelessjml: you might enjoy https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr/test-speed/+merge/1063301:47
* jml looks01:47
jmlhey, result decorators01:48
jmlI know them01:48
lifelessso this is a bit of a bug in the composite, that you can't cleanly intercept code around a test01:50
lifelessI'm accumulating a list of such defects01:51
jmlI think that's a good idea01:53
lifeless9 so far:)01:53
jmllifeless, have you followed much the recent compatibility work in py.test?01:53
lifelessnot at the code level01:53
jmlI've only scanned the emails.01:54
jmllifeless, that patch does look quite useful.01:55
lifelessjml: yes :)01:55
lifelessbzr's selftest selftests take 5 seconds now01:56
lifelessI have plans to make that lower01:56
wgrantCan somebody please ec2test and land https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/descend-from-istructuralsubscriptiontarget/+merge/10636?02:00
wgrant(it's already approved)02:01
jmlwgrant, sure02:05
jmlwgrant, commit message?02:05
jmlmwhudson, ping02:06
wgrantjml: Never been asked for one before! "Inherit interfaces from IStructuralSubscriptionTarget, rather than declaring implementation in model classes.", I suppose.02:08
jmlwgrant, thanks. I've kicked off the run, will let you know when it goes headless02:11
wgrantjml: Thanks. Will I be emailed when it's done?02:12
jmlwgrant, yep02:12
wgrantjml: Even better.02:13
* wgrant finishes writing tests for the other two bits.02:14
mwhudsonjml: hello02:15
jmlmwhudson, would you like to talk about things?02:15
mwhudsonjml: sure, is in about 5 minutes time about right?02:16
jmlmwhudson, that'll be fine02:16
maxbWhere were launchpad-dependencies packages kept between the time they were removed from dapper, and when they started being built in the ~launchpad PPA?02:18
maxbI've not had any response to my question about rescuing a branch, so maybe if those source packages are stored somewhere, fishing it out from there would be best02:19
jmlmaxb, I can't remember, but I'm guessing on some Canonical-internal server02:20
jmlmaxb, what's your 'rescuing a branch' question?02:20
maxb"[Launchpad-dev] A bzr branch for launchpad-dependencies?"02:20
jmlmaxb, ta02:21
maxbI could just ignore that period and import what's already public, but it seems silly not to ask first02:21
wgrantThey were on lpdebs.canonical.com, which is devpad.02:22
wgrantThere are versions available back to 2008 there, but probably no branch.02:23
maxbThe versions in dapper actually had a branch in the source packages02:24
mwhudsonjml: ready now?  (that was a cook islands 5 minutes, btw)02:30
jmlmwhudson, sure02:30
jmlwgrant, it's gone headless.02:36
wgrantjml: What does that mean? It started, checked out OK, and is now actually testing?02:37
jmlwgrant, exactly02:38
jmlwgrant, specifically, it's out of my hands now :)02:38
wgrantjml: Thanks.02:38
rockstarAgh!  Test failures...  *grumble*03:50
thumperjml: back03:54
jmlthumper, h04:35
jmlthumper, up for a quick call04:35
thumperjml: on with mwhudson right now04:35
jmlthumper, ok. please let me know when you're done.04:36
thumperjml: ping05:05
jmlthumper, hi05:06
jmlthumper, I'll put on my cloak and wizard hat05:06
thumperjml: ready when you are05:06
* thumper doesn't get it05:06
jmlskype won't start :(05:07
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jmlthumper, I'll have to reboot. please bear with me.05:08
mwhudsonthumper: oh, i meant to ask, do we have any imminent sprints/other trips planned?05:13
thumpermwhudson: not yet05:13
thumpermwhudson: I'm thinking of one perhaps after the TL one05:14
thumperso not until at least October05:14
thumperjml: still not working?05:14
jmlthumper, skype appears to be broken in karmic at present.05:15
thumperjml: it was working yesterday05:15
jmlthumper, yesterday I hadn't updated in 2 weeks :)05:15
mwhudsoni'm busy on the 3rd of october ( http://www.organicbeer.co.nz/events.html :) ) but i guess you wouldn't want it _straight_ after the TL sprint anyway05:15
thumperI'm flying then anyway05:16
mwhudsondoes karmic+1 have a 1) name or 2) a uds location/time yet?05:22
wgrant1) No. 2) Mid-November.05:23
wgrantThe exact answer to 2) is on the Karmic and Launchpad release schedules.05:23
mwhudsonwgrant: do you know anything about a location ?05:24
wgrantmwhudson: No.05:24
wgrantThey were very quiet about it this time.05:24
wgrantWe knew about Barcelona in Mountain View.05:24
elmoit'll be in the US somewhere05:25
elmowe haven't actually got a final location, which is why it hasn't been announced05:25
* wgrant checks and rechecks the clock.05:26
* mwhudson is slightly confused by the dates on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule05:27
mwhudson|| 30 || November 19th || ||  || Karmic+1 Developer Summit ||05:27
mwhudsonthe 19th is a thursday05:27
wgrantUbuntu releases are on Thursdays.05:27
mwhudsoni guess the uds will (probably) be the week containing that thursday then05:28
mwhudsonmind you, no idea if i'd be going05:28
thumpermwhudson: want to?05:28
mwhudsonthumper: depends on the dates :)05:28
wgrantWhat is happening with branch statuses?05:44
wgrantIt seems to me like that column in the listings would be much better filled with the MP status.05:44
jmlwgrant, not much. there's a general trend toward killing them.05:44
* jml returns to his other point05:45
thumperwe tried05:45
thumperbut people complained05:45
jmlI'd like a desktop application that:05:45
jml  a) registers me a launchpad account05:45
jml  b) sets up my GPG key05:45
jml  c) sets up an SSH key05:45
jmland by 'desktop', I might actually mean 'command line bzr plugin'05:46
jmlbut I might also mean 'GTK thing with fat buttons'05:46
thumperjml: what about a "quickly" application :)05:46
jmlI'm not sure, and I want to make this happen somehow...05:46
jmlthumper, not a bad idea05:47
* wgrant would prefer 'bzr lp-register'05:47
jmlthumper, have we loaded 'Mature' with any behavioural consequences?05:48
thumperthe only consequence is marking branches merged in the scanner05:52
thumperand changing merged branches to development on new revisions05:53
thumperwe don't change "special" branches, those linked to things05:53
thumperas in series05:53
wgrantThis could do with documentation...05:53
thumperbut we don't have any special meaning with experimental or mature05:53
wgrantThe second bit in particular is unobvious.05:53
thumperwgrant: we could do with much more documentation on lots of areas05:54
wgrantthumper: But there aren't too many areas where there is a script silently and secretly doing magic behind the scenes.05:55
wgrantMagic that hides and unhides my objects.05:55
jmlwgrant, I agree.05:55
jmlit's kind of a misfeature in a way05:55
wgrantParticularly as there's no email notification.05:55
jmlI mean, we shouldn't mark series branches as merged05:55
thumperjml: we don't05:55
thumperwgrant: there will be soon05:56
jmlbut we probably shouldn't make linking a branch to a series the only way of stopping it from being automatically marked as merged05:56
wgrantthumper: Ah, excellent.05:56
wgrantthumper: I'm not even emailed when my merge proposal is automatically closed...05:56
thumperwgrant: that is the main email that will be happening soon05:56
thumperwgrant: we should also do the branch one05:57
* thumper goes to chop food, bbl05:59
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* mwhudson eods06:24
jmlmwhudson, ciao06:31
wgrantjml: Did something go wrong, or is PQM just slow?06:33
jmlwgrant, not sure.06:38
jmlwgrant, pqm hasn't emailed me...06:38
jmlbut it says it's not doing anything06:38
jmlwhere do I file bugs about mailing lists?06:40
lifelessbugs  - launchpad06:40
lifelessoperation issues, answers06:40
* jml turns his attention back to pqm06:50
jmlwgrant, I don't know what went wrong. I'll submit directly to PQM and see what happens06:51
wgrantjml: Thanks.06:52
jmlhmm. I can't figure out how to do this without fetching the branch to local disk06:56
wgrantThis often seems to be a problem.06:56
wgrantSome manage to do it remotely. Some push it up under their own user on LP. It's all a mystery to me.06:57
lifelessjml: patch time06:57
lifelessthe way others do it is to submit --dry run then manually create the job06:57
lifelessthe next time I need to do it I'll patch the submit tool to do it for me07:08
jmlwgrant, what happened was that I changed my local config to make 'stable' the submit branch (for more interesting diffing), but that makes ec2test & pqm-submit both try to land the change onto stable07:08
jmlwgrant, which doesn't work07:08
wgrantjml: Aha, I see!07:15
wgrantjml: Easy fix, then.07:15
jmlwgrant, right. your branch is going through pqm now.07:16
wgrantjml: Thanks.07:16
jml(waaaay too slow)07:28
jtv1Why are so many pagetests failing on devel?07:34
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
jmlg'night all07:48
wgrantNight jml.07:49
adeuringgood morning08:22
wgrantIs there an idiom for running the same test class over several target model classes?08:25
wgrantIn particular, I need to test a new traversal mixin for all the pillars and more.08:26
wgrantOr can I just get away with testing it once?08:26
mwhudsonwgrant: there's bzrlib.tests.multiply_tests08:30
wgrantmwhudson: Is there?08:31
* wgrant can't see it.08:31
mwhudsonsomething like that08:31
mwhudson'pydoc bzrlib.tests.multiply_tests'08:32
wgrantmwhudson: Oh, in __init__.py, I see.08:33
wgrantmwhudson: But do I need to do it? None of the code tested differs between the targets -- the only possible way it could fail is if somebody removes the mixin from one of its descendants.08:41
wgrantmwhudson: And if I do need to, I probably can't use it straight from bzrlib, can I?08:45
mwhudsonwgrant: i don't know about need to, but yes, you can just use it08:47
mwhudsonfor a testcase-style test, of course, it would be a bit awkward (and not really a good idea) for a doctest08:47
wgrantmwhudson: I actually just found another related test which does the same thing for a doctest.08:48
noodles775wgrant: another example (but of multiple implementations of an interface) is lib/lp/soyuz/tests/test_hasbuildrecords.py09:11
wgrantnoodles775: That makes four existing rather different ways of doing it, I think...09:16
neurocidgood day, im having problems setting up launchpad instance. I have following setup: nginx proxy (public-ip) - intranet server running apache/launchpad (private-ip)09:43
neurocidfor now LP works great if i run firefox on nginx-server and go to https://launchpad.dev09:44
neurocidLP is running on intranet server on two ip-aliases .50 and .51, setup using HOWTO from https://dev.launchpad.net/Running/RemoteAccess09:45
neurocidany pointers how to do some rewrite magic on public ip server so i could access intranet LP from outside09:46
neurocidi guess i have to do some mod_rewrite magic to parse https://public-ip/launchpad url to be proxyed intranet server as target launchpad.dev?09:47
neurocidas it seems that its not possible to access LP using just ip-addresses?09:48
wgrantLP makes extensive use of vhosts. You are probably not going to have too much luck rewriting it from under a subdirectory.09:49
neurocidok, is there any pointers then how is could start progressing. I guess someone must tried using nginx as a frontend proxy for LP?09:52
wgrantI doubt it.09:52
wgrantI know of four proxied LP instances. They all use apache and pound, and are run by Canonical.09:53
wgrantWhat are you trying to do?09:53
neurocidbasically im trying to setup system with single public ip and multiple intranet servers to serve different kind of stuff all proxied by nginx, for example i have 2 trac instances running on intra servers, and now tried to setup LP also to sit in intra09:55
neurocidim not actually sure if my approach is compelety sane :D09:55
wgrantWhat are your plans for the Launchpad instance once you get it working?09:55
neurocidto be quite honest, dont actually know, im just man in the middle trying to get it "working"09:56
wgrantThat really affects how it should be set up.09:56
neurociduh, nice09:56
neurocidthis is kind of, "try to get it running" task09:57
neurocidmaybe i should then slow down and do littlebit of background investigation (rtfm that is) any pointers on documentation of dependecy between set up procedure and actual purpose how LP will be used09:59
wgrantThe only documentation is for setting up local development instances.10:00
neurocidok, i guess what we want is local development instance, but with remote connectivity on top10:09
wgrantThat's what /Running/RemoteAccess is for.10:11
wgrantBut proxying is way out of that page's scope.10:11
bigjoolsneurocid: what are you going to be using it for?10:12
neurocidbigjools: i guess most intereting parts are code hosting and ppa:s10:17
bigjoolsneurocid: but what are you going to use it for?10:17
neurocidumm, im sorry, what you mean10:17
wgrantThere are licensing restrictions on the default Launchpad images. You cannot use them on a non-development, non-testing instance.10:18
bigjoolsneurocid: are you setting up a development host so you can improve the code, or are you running your own service?10:18
neurocidrunning own service10:19
bigjoolsneurocid: then you won't get much help here.  You are also breaking the law if you don't replace all the trademarked graphics.10:20
neurocidbigjools: ok, that is absolutely not my purpose. i really have to check the licensing terms10:21
wgrantneurocid: Why do you want to run your own service, rather than using launchpad.net?10:22
neurocidwgrant: well as i said im just "man in the middle" with task "see what LP can do/try to get it running"10:23
maxbneurocid: You must have some idea of what it's being tried for10:24
maxbIf all you wanted was to see what it can do... well just wander over to http://launchpad.net10:24
neurocidi guess purpose is to codehosting&trac integration10:25
maxbi.e. for use, not development of launchpad itself10:25
maxbI'd dearly like to run a couple of private instances myself, but the license says "NO!"10:26
bigjoolsneurocid: one of the major features of Launchpad is that there's only one of it, which makes it much better at collaboration, which is one of its aims10:26
wgrantThere are two very different types of private instances.10:26
wgrantOne I consider acceptable, one less so.10:26
wgrantBut both are impossible without replacing the images. :/10:27
neurocidmaxb: as i said, i wasnt aware of those licensing terms, and now that i am, i have to reconsider all of this10:28
maxbAnd there are so many images, that it's an effective prohibition10:29
wgrantThat is most likely the point.10:29
wgrantAlthough it does also serve to protect the brand, I suppose.10:29
neurocidok, but i thank you all for kind answers, just re-read Getting page and actually saw the note about image/icons licensing10:34
neurocidby no means any licence violation was not my purpose, this just plain ignorance, good that you set things straight10:38
ddaahttps://dev.launchpad.net/Getting recommends installing in a virtual environment10:40
ddaaI have not stayed on top of virtualization stuff10:40
ddaawhat is the current latest, greatest, easiest way to set up a virtualized ubuntu guest on an ubuntu host?10:41
bigjoolsddaa: vmbuilder10:41
ddaacool, never heard of this one :)10:41
wgrantIt is awesome.10:42
bigjoolsthere's some good help pages10:42
wgrantTakes a couple of minutes on a good host.10:42
bigjoolsand apt-proxy :)10:42
wgrantddaa: Though vmbuilder only builds the VM image -- does your CPU support KVM?10:43
bigjoolsand soren is really helpful!10:43
ddaawgrant: presumably, it's reasonably recent thinkpad10:43
thumperddaa: I've not set it up in a virtual env10:44
wgrantddaa: Make sure it's enabled in the BIOS; even my three-month-old T400 came with it disabled.10:44
thumperddaa: long time no talk :)10:44
ddaahello thumper10:44
thumperddaa: how's tricks?10:44
ddaacurrently CTO of a business without income, funding, or a team10:44
ddaabut working on learning my trade10:45
thumperddaa: good luck10:45
ddaaintending to draw inspiration from launchpad for Windmill integration10:45
* bigjools repeats the good luck10:50
ddaathanks luck would be useful10:50
ddaabut at the moment, we need funding more :)10:51
ddaaMeeting investors in a couple of weeks for a few 1e5€10:52
maxbI don't think it's at all necessary to install lp in a virtual environment. You just have to pay attention to what it's doing to your apache and really really heed the warnings attached to launchpad-database-setup10:52
ddaaI was a lp coder for years.10:53
ddaaI know the kind of stuff it does in the system.10:53
maxbthen it's even less necessary to use a virtual environment :-)10:53
ddaaI do have a dep on a specific apache config10:54
ddaaI'd like to keep lp stuff in a box if I can. To save me some trouble.10:54
maxbFair enough. I've not used the fancy virtualization stuff much, so I tend to regard it as overkill if there is a non-virtual simple solution10:55
bigjoolsddaa: I got it working in a vm10:59
bigjoolsit's easy, the trick is to specify the right sources.list entries to vmbuilder, then you're good to go11:00
ddaabigjools: can you be more specific about "the trick"?11:00
wgrantI initially ran it in a chroot, but once I worked out what evils it did I moved it out.11:01
deryckMorning, all.11:01
wgrantMorning deryck.11:02
maxbyeah, the chroot approach gets a bit insane. Especially if you have a postgres inside and outside the chroot11:12
wgrantI had a postgres outside the chroot, and inside another two apart from LP.11:12
wgrantIt's sometimes a tad confusing when things stop working.11:13
maxb* wgrant demonstrates a masterful command of understatement11:14
wgrantIt's even more confusing when you install postgres in a chroot with another postgres already running in another.11:14
wgrantBecause it works, but creates the cluster on 5433 instead.11:14
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
henningedanilos: How do I return an empty ResultSet?11:58
daniloshenninge: use the condition along the lines of 1=0 or something11:58
henningedanilos: does that get optimized somewhere to not execute the query?11:59
daniloshenninge: not sure, but postgres would be very quick with that query, so unless you have that done a big number of times (when you can use the same one), I'd just go with it12:01
henningedanilos: thanks12:02
daniloshenninge: you can look through the Storm code to see if there's something for it, and if not, file a bug (and/or fix it in there :)12:02
henningestorm code ....12:02
henningeterra incognita ...12:02
henningedanilos: err, not now ;)12:02
danilosmrevell: ping12:04
mrevellhello there danilos12:05
danilosmrevell: I need you to come up with nice one paragraph introduction for translation groups on translations.launchpad.net/+groups12:05
* mrevell looks12:05
bigjoolshenninge: there's an EmptyResultSet12:05
bigjoolsand danilos, FYI ^12:05
mrevelldanilos: To replace the existing two paragraphs, right?12:06
danilosmrevell: I've got http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/259233/ so far (mostly what it was)12:06
* mrevell looks12:06
danilosbigjools: yep, seen it, thanks12:06
henningebigjools: cool12:06
danilosmrevell: you'll be free to provide pop-up help later on, but I just want to get our 3.0 template migration off the zero now :)12:06
jtvhi danilos!12:17
jtvdanilos: I thought your migration branch was already landing yesterday...  Did I get that wrong in my notes?12:17
danilosjtv: which one? that one was for 'Translator' forms, this one is for translation group listing, and I've got another one coming up for translation group overview (they have both gotten UI reviews yesterday, if that counts :)12:18
jtvdanilos: there was some confusion in the UI call last night because no conversions showed up in the overview yet.12:19
danilosjtv: haven't you seen the total number of the templates go below 50?12:19
jtvdanilos: I thought it was 51 last I checked, though I haven't made a point of remembering...12:20
danilosjtv: so, we've had 5 template removals (replaced by generic-edit.pt) so far, which is 10% of the numbers... my branch in review moves another one to generic-edit and migrates one template12:20
danilosjtv: we had 52 at least at one point12:20
jtvdanilos: cool, thanks12:21
* jtv scribbles12:21
jtvdanilos: I thought you converted two TranslationGroup templates in the same branch, so I thought I'd recognize the removals as a piece of blue bar in the graph.12:22
danilosjtv: nope, that would have resulted in ~2000 line diff, which is why it's all split up12:23
jtvdanilos: I don't know what's wrong with reviewers nowadays... they've gone so _soft_...12:23
danilosjtv: heh, right, I see you still push them with >1k branches ;)12:24
jtv*cough* *cough*12:24
jtvAround 600 I thought, "this is headed towards the branch limit, better split off what I have now."  First question I get on -reviews is "can't you split it up?"12:25
danilosjtv: also, the simple insertion of transaction.commit() with every potemplate helped reduce the langpack exporter transactions; stub mentioned how after that is CPed (waiting now), we should again start killing all transactions that are longer than 3h12:25
danilosjtv: will that be a problem for export-to-branch?12:25
jtvdanilos: not at all, we have a similar thing cherrypicked there. :)  Thanks for adding them to langpack; I've been yearning to get that behind us.12:26
danilosjtv: ok, great to hear that12:26
jtvdanilos: migration of +translations-to-review is being reviewed; it was very easy because the page was simple, and I hope it opened the door for the rest of our Person pages.12:27
danilosjtv: it might, depends on what you decided to do with navigation menu items12:27
jtvdanilos: "related pages."12:27
danilosjtv: ok, we can do the same on all the rest person pages, except the main one :)12:28
jtvLooks a bit ugly, but consistent with what we have elsewhere.  I also added the +translations-to-review page to the nav menu.12:28
* henninge lunches12:28
danilosjtv: you can also move it to the right side menu12:28
daniloshenninge: be quick12:28
jtvdanilos: in this case I couldn't justify a sidebar.12:28
henningedanilos: just have to walk to the kitchen today12:28
jtvdanilos: stop distracting henninge so he can eat :-P12:29
* wgrant likes and loathes devel r9224.12:30
daniloswgrant: I am just scared ;)12:31
mrevelldanilos: Look  ok? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/259245/ Will make that translation group article live after lunch, which I'm taking now.12:32
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danilosmrevellunch: sounds good, thanks12:33
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wgrantcprov: I see the email discussion about that issue is rather dead, even though it's blocking uploads of various packages.13:39
cprovwgrant: we have to resurrect it, I guess13:40
wgrantIt's interesting that it's happening so frequently.13:41
wgrantI suppose in most cases people have logged into Launchpad once, and done nothing at all, so their Person was removed a couple of weeks ago.13:42
wgrantBut that seems unlikely!13:42
deryckbeuno, ping.13:55
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
danilossalgado: hehe, I just renamed the breadcrumbbuilder to breadcrumb in my branch :)14:06
danilossalgado: and then I see the email ;)14:06
salgadodanilos, lp:~salgado/launchpad/real-breadcrumbs has a fix for the bug you reported and is on ec2 now. if all tests pass it'll reach PQM in 3h14:07
danilossalgado: cool, I'll try it out and see if it works, and just get my branch landed with no rootsite set knowing that once your branch lands it'll be fixed :)14:08
salgadodanilos, I guess that means you won't be writing any tests for your changes, right? tsc, tsc14:13
danilossalgado: bread crumbs? nope, I am just lazy like that... fwiw, I have tests for canonical_urls, but I don't want to test that breadcrumbs are broken or not broken when they should be generically tested14:14
beunoderyck, hi14:14
danilossalgado: i.e. it'd be like testing that launchpadform works everywhere properly14:14
salgadodanilos, IMO, it's as necessary as your tests for canonical_url14:15
danilossalgado: perhaps, I'll consider it then14:17
salgadodanilos, it's very easy to write them. for an example, see lib/lp/bugs/browser/tests/test_breadcrumbs.py14:17
danilossalgado: heh, I know it's easy, but we are still at 0 translation pages migrated, which is what worries me ;)14:18
cprovsalgado: what's the next step regarding the Account/Person/EmailAddress relationship issues ? (was: [Launchpad-dev] EmailAddressAlreadyTaken: account and person split)14:25
salgadocprov, we need a DB patch + code fix for that. I suggest you bring that up with gary_poster to see if they'll be able to fix it this cycle.  (I don't think I'll be able to)14:28
cprovsalgado: right, is there an alternative route to fix production tasks failing on this ?14:29
gary_poster(I need more context for an opinion, I'm afraid; can talk later today if that helps)14:31
cprovsalgado: 'quick & dirty hack' possibly fits as 'alternative route' because debian imports are blocked on this.14:31
daniloscprov, salgado: I assume we can create them ourselves directly in the DB, and let the code pick those up; though, that will work only if the number of cases we are seeing is small14:31
salgadocprov, yes, convince flacoste to approve manual creation of the missing Person entries14:31
daniloscprov: perhaps create appropriate Person records for those few entries you need?14:32
cprovdanilos: yes, that could work temporarily.14:32
cprovdanilos: did you do that for translations ?14:33
daniloscprov: no14:33
daniloscprov: I did nothing for translations (we had one occurrence so far, I believe)14:34
Knut-HBHi, I was here last week with the problem of not able to be uploading files to Launchpad. This is the output which we get when trying to upload:http://paste.ubuntu.com/256915/ anyone knows how to handle this?14:35
cprovsalgado: given an email address, can you write a recipe so the LOSAs can create the missing person ?14:36
henningedanilos: ^^14:36
salgadocprov, better to ask permission first14:37
salgadobut yes, I can14:37
daniloshenninge: ?14:37
cprovsalgado: sure, thank you.14:37
henningedanilos: Knut-HB's problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/256915/14:37
danilosKnut-HB: what is it that you are exactly trying to do? have you tried doing make schema and retrying?14:39
Knut-HBdanilos: yes, I tried. This happens when I want to upload a template.pot file14:40
danilosKnut-HB: it tries to put stuff into librarian, which stores data in /var/tmp/fatsam* so make sure you have access there14:41
danilosKnut-HB: it's most likely that librarian is not properly starting up for you14:42
danilosKnut-HB: do you have stale librarian processes around? ("ps aux |grep python2.4" might tell you)14:42
Knut-HBdanilos: ok, let me check that14:42
kfogelmaxb: I'm pinging Matt Zimmerman here to see if he saw your question about the launchpad-dependencies package and its bazaar branch.15:01
maxbThanks. I've just discovered some frankly bizarre delays in a couple of launchpad-dev mails where my mail provider's internal systems have apparently sat on a message for 3 days, so I can't say for certain whether he replied or not15:03
Knut-HBdanilos: this is the output from "ps aux |grep python2.4" -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/259298/ and rerunning schema and setting chmod 777 on /var/tmp/fatsam/ for testing didn't solve the problem15:04
mdzkfogel: hi15:04
Knut-HBdanilos: still getting the same errors15:05
kfogelmdz, maxb: consider yourselves introduced.  maxb, mdz is in a meeting right now so he might appear to be at the end of a slow link, but hopefully he can answer your historical question about that bazaar branch.15:05
maxbmdz: Hi. If you saw my mail on launchpad-dev@ cc-ed to you that says everything - if not, let me know and I'll summarize15:06
mdzkfogel: oh, was this about launchpad-dependencies?15:06
mdzI did see that but have been too busy to respond15:06
danilosKnut-HB: what do you get when you try to access http://launchpad.dev:58080/15:06
mdzmaxb: I've replied now.  I don't have anything new to add, I'm afraid15:09
mdzI would be happy for someone else to run with it15:09
Knut-HBdanilos: http://paste.ubuntu.com/259303/ this is the output from launchpad.dev:5808015:11
maxbok. I guess I next ask whether someone wishes to dredge up the source packages for the versions that are currently private and give them to me to synthesize a full history15:11
Knut-HBdanilos: and i just uploaded the pot-file15:11
Knut-HBdanilos: don't ask me what I did, I just chmod 777 /var/tmp/fatsam/15:12
danilosKnut-HB: right, something weird might have happened, "make schema" tries to reset it all, but I guess it fails sometimes15:12
kfogelmaxb: I would post that to the list, but personally my answer is 'Not worth it'.  We need it to work now; we don't need it to work as of two years ago.  History is not *so* sacred.15:12
kfogelmrevell: where are we on our planet?  I feel I somehow let it drop off my radar screen, but http://castrojo.wordpress.com/2009/08/21/making-daily-builds/ made me think of it again.15:23
Knut-HBdanilos: ok, seemed to solve the problem... I'll be back if we have more errors ;P Thanks for the help :)15:24
danilosKnut-HB: np15:24
mrevellkfogel: We're hoping to find someone who can help us theme it. I think beuno was waiting to hear from Matt Nuzum.15:24
kfogelmrevell: I'll go poke.15:24
kfogelcan anyone else reach lists.launchpad.net right now?15:34
kfogelUh, ibarry: going to http://lists.launchpad.net redirects me to https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp, and going to https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev hangs forever ATM.15:36
kfogelbarry: ^^15:36
kfogel(mistyped your nick as "ibarry", as though you were an apple product)15:36
barrykfogel: otp, will respond soon15:38
kfogelbarry: thx15:39
barrykfogel: still otp, but, the redirect is correct and i was able to get to https://lists.launchpad.net/haibunku just fine16:15
kfogelbarry: did you try /launchpad-dev like I did?16:16
kfogelbarry: and why on earth do we do that redirect?  Because there's no page in Launchpad showing all lists, or offering list search?16:17
barrykfogel: just tried it, and it came right back16:25
barrykfogel: yes, that's exactly why16:26
EdwinGrubbsbeuno: ping16:27
kfogelbarry: "came right back" means success for you?16:28
kfogelbarry: so, assuming infinite time and resources, you too would be in agreement that we should have a real top-level mailing list landing page?16:29
beunoEdwinGrubbs, on the phone16:29
barrykfogel: off the phone now.  yep, success. quick too16:31
barrykfogel: i do think so.  it's currently difficult to know what mailing lists exist on lp. that would be a good page to expose/redirect list.launchpad.net16:31
kfogelbarry: ok, will file a bug.  as soon as I read the other 1000 emails, and have this phone call, and floss my cell phone, and stuff.  You know, the usual.16:35
barrykfogel: why so light a schedule before lunch? :)16:36
kfogelbarry: oh, just taking it easy before next week's triathlon -- I'm doing the Silicon Slam: twenty miles of XML parsing, followed by the sudden-death editor macro competition, and ending with a flame war about top-posting among the remaining contestants.16:39
kfogelI made it to round three last year, but so weakened that I didn't last long in the thread.16:39
kfogel 16:44
kfogelAh, what a pity that barry quit in the middle of that :-).16:44
kfogelbarry: you quit in the middle of my answer to your question "why so light a schedule before lunch?".  Now I'm going to have to repeat my answer:16:49
kfogelbarry: oh, just taking it easy before next week's triathlon -- I'm doing the Silicon Slam: twenty miles of XML parsing, followed by the sudden-death editor macro competition, and ending with a flame war about top-posting among the remaining contestants.16:49
kfogelI made it to round three last year, but so weakened that I didn't last long in the thread.16:49
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
barrykfogel: is that like the ididerhack?17:03
barrysalgado, bac i have not yet been successful in figuring out why those links disappear17:04
bacbarry: that is unacceptable.  try harder!17:05
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
* barry clenches17:05
bacbarry: there you go17:05
salgadobac, do you have an example page where the links disappear?17:07
bacsalgado: no, barry does.  my links don't disappear but they don't become inactive either17:07
barrysalgado: https://launchpad.dev/sprints/+all in lp:~barry/launchpad/273209-toplev17:08
barrysalgado: if you hit https://launchpad.dev/sprints you see the link, but the +all page hides it17:09
* salgado tries17:11
* kfogel is away: lunch + an errand17:12
leonardrsinzui2: i've got a lazr.config change to land, but the current trunk is owned by pqm. gary and i think that's pointless since pqm won't test anything. can you confirm? is it okay to change the trunk of the project (i ask you because you're listed as the project driver)17:19
sinzui2leonardr: there is a doctest17:19
=== sinzui2 is now known as sinzui
sinzuipqm wont test the tests that are in the tree?17:20
gary_posterleonardr, sinzui: sorry, I have a branch that moves us to a lazr.config release (the lazr.* branch leonardr) but it hasn't landed yet17:20
leonardrthe reason (according to gary) it won't test anything is that launchpad doesn't use lazr.config trunk, it uses a release17:20
gary_posterso I misinformed leonardr, but I will hopefully be correct later this week17:20
salgadobarry, bac, it's because of NavigationMenu._is_menulink_for_view() (in webapp/menu.py)17:20
gary_postersinzui: PQM will not test usually the tests that are in our distributions (though we do run launchpadlib tests that way)17:21
leonardrall right, i will run the branch throuh pqm17:21
gary_posteractually no17:21
gary_posterwe do it on buildbot17:21
barrysalgado: that's explains bac's problem, but does it explain mine?17:21
gary_posterleonardr: unless sinzui objects, I would prefer it if you made a ~launchpad branch, and made that the trunk17:22
sinzuigary_poster: leonardr: +117:22
gary_posterbecause that's the pattern for its siblings17:22
gary_posterthanks sinzui17:22
bacsalgado: is that the culprit for barry's issue where the link goes away or my issue where it stays linkified?17:23
barrybac, salgado looking at the code, it seems to set link.linked not link.enabled17:23
barrybac, salgado i.e. bac's problem not mine17:24
leonardrgary_poster, sinzui: i'm not sure which siblings you're talking about. trunk of lazr.restful is ~lazr-developers/lazr.restful/trunk, not ~launchpad17:24
salgadothat's correct, but bac's link is left linkified17:24
salgadothis doesn't make sense17:24
sinzuigary_poster: leonardr is right (from my experience)17:24
gary_posterleonardr: then that's what I mean17:24
gary_posterI was guessing17:24
sinzuiI am happy for the team to own the branch17:25
bachas anyone asked sinzui about this mysterious link problem?17:25
beunobarry, ping17:26
sinzuiNo, not unless they asked in a mysterious and cryptic way17:26
barrysinzui: why does it not work?17:26
barrybeuno: pong17:26
beunobarry, do you feel like talking mailing lists?17:26
barrybeuno: sure!17:26
barrybeuno: skype?17:27
sinzuibarry: is that in the tree? Do I need a paste bin to see it?17:27
beunobarry, yes17:27
beunoready when you are17:27
barrysinzui: you do not need a pastebin.  hit https://launchpad.dev/sprints and sprints/+all in lp:~barry/launchpad/273209-toplev17:28
barrysinzui: well, that's for my selfish problem not bac's :)  going otp w/beuno now17:28
rockstarsinzui, the tests! the tests!17:30
sinzuirockstar: is unicode breaking answers doctests again?17:30
rockstarsinzui, there are some rather hard to work with tests in answers.  I getting through them, I just want you to know how hard it is.  :)17:31
salgadobarry, try https://launchpad.dev/sprints/+all/++debug++source for a nice surprise17:31
sinzuibarry: <p/> is illegal HTML Wrap your content, I suspect the you need a div with class="top-portlet" to get margins and padding right.17:32
salgadobac, the culprit for your problem could be templates/launchpad-inline-link.pt, which doesn't care about linked/unlinked links17:32
bacsalgado: ah, i'll investigate.  thanks.17:33
salgadobac, or launchpad-inline-icon-link.pt17:34
* salgado needs food17:36
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
rockstarabentley, just a heads up: You may see some branches that I haven't landed that you approved yesterday.  One prereq branch had spectacular test failures, so it may be a bit before it lands.17:42
abentleyrockstar: ack17:43
intellectronicawhere do i find the adapters that implement fmt:whataever for stuff?17:46
intellectronicasinzui: maybe you know? ^^^17:48
intellectronicanm, found it17:50
* barry is off the phone17:59
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
barrysalgado-lunch: re: ++debug++source confirms to me that the problem is that something is asking "are we viewing the page for this link, and if so, hide the link".  i just havn't found out what yet18:00
barrysinzui: div +118:01
* barry needs food and will continue with this after lunch18:01
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
rockstarsinzui, we have an answers test that is testing that <html lang="pt-BR">  Is that really important?18:02
=== beuno is now known as beuno-afk
sinzuirockstar: yes, but we want to verify that differently now18:02
sinzuirockstar: in base-layout we want to ensure that just the block that id pt-BR is labeled that. I think this is the <title>, listing <td>, comment <div>.18:04
sinzuirockstar: so I think we want to change that test to verify that the div that represents the question (and maybe the other comments to be pt-BR18:05
sinzuirockstar: I think we need to ensure that question-index.pt creates a title with the right lang, base-layout may need to change.18:07
rockstarsinzui, okay.  I won't worry about base-layout for now.18:07
sinzuirockstar: right, file a bug. I knew about this when I created base-layout. I assumed I would be the person updating Answers18:08
* sinzui simplified base layout to make the rest of the conversion simple.18:08
rockstarsinzui, understandable.18:09
sinzuirockstar: the 'dir' attr is important on the question in the listing table and question. I added an Arabic question to sample data so that you can verify the layout of the text18:11
abentleyrockstar: we are in testfix mode due to failure to initialize the DB.  I want to submit an empty "testfix".  Can I rs you?18:15
rockstarabentley, I was just about to ask you if you could do a testfix.  rs=me18:16
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
rockstarHow do I clear the mailqueue so it stops trying to send mail?18:24
rockstarIt keeps hiding my logs and stuff because it's giving me failure messages in my terminal.18:24
intellectronicarockstar: just get rid of /var/tmp/launchpad_mailqueue18:28
mrevellnight all!18:36
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
EdwinGrubbsbeuno-afk: ping18:48
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
barrysalgado: so i don't think my problem is that the sprints/+all link is being disabled.  if i actually remove the 'condition="context/enabled"' from launchpad-inline-link.pt i /still/ don't get the sprints/+all link19:28
salgadobarry, looks like templates/navigationmenu-related-pages.pt doesn't render links that have linked=False19:33
salgadobarry, is this menu rendered using that template (i.e. view/++@related-pages)19:33
salgado@@+related-pages, that is19:34
barrysalgado: it is, and i see that!19:34
barrysalgado: that doesn't seem right, does it?19:34
salgadoit doesn't.  everywhere else we just omit the <a> tag for unlinked links19:34
barrysalgado: agreed.  that should probably be done in launchpad-inline-link.pt which is what actually renders the link19:35
barrysalgado: yep, removing that tal:condition brings back the link19:36
salgadobarry, maybe we can even remove the conditional on link/enabled, if it's also done by launchpad-inline-link.pt19:36
barrysalgado: i think so.  l-i-l.pt doesn't remove the href yet.  i wonder how hard that will be19:40
barrysalgado: is it worth it?19:40
barrysalgado: disabling the href i mean19:41
salgadobarry, I guess you'll need to place the condition="link/linked" in the <a> itself and add another tag with condition="not: link/linked" to show the text without a link/icon19:43
barrysalgado: yep19:44
salgadois that what you asked?19:44
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
barrysalgado: well, i'm actually asking whether it's worth disabling the link when you're on that link's page.  personally, that behavior always bugs the hell out of me where ever i encounter it :)19:45
barrysalgado: i guess that's a question for beuno19:45
salgadoI know he's planning to do that for breadcrumbs at least19:45
barryor for beuno-afk even19:45
barrysalgado: so at least consistent annoyance is better? :)  okay, ping beuno-afk for the pronouncement19:46
kfogeldanilos: thanks for your keeping an eye out on ubuntu-translators@ for replies in the "three wishes for Launchpad" thread19:51
* rockstar lunches20:26
=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs
kikosomebody needs to ping jamalta to go over a branch he has to fix bug 12748920:36
mupBug #127489: Answers column is in the wrong order in person's "Most active in" table <trivial> <ui> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged by jamalta> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/127489>20:36
kikoany reviewers?20:36
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
statikhi launchpad-dev, i have a questions about stacking. i desperately need to push a 2a format branch to a project where the dev focus branch is in an older format. is there a way I can force a branch not to stack?21:16
statikoops, wrong channel21:17
mwhudsongood morning21:17
statikmwhudson, just the man who can save my life21:17
mwhudsonstatik: bzr init lp:~whatever/whatever/whatever21:19
mwhudsonbzr reconfigure --unstacked lp:~whatever/whatever/whatever21:19
mwhudsonbzr upgrade --2a lp:~whatever/whatever/whatever21:19
mwhudsonbzr push -d ~/yourbranch lp:~whatever/whatever/whatever21:19
mwhudson(there might be some easier way, too early in the morning for that)21:20
statikmwhudson, you are my hero21:23
gary_postermaxb: ping21:52
gary_postermaxb: hey.  bug 413335 : do you want me to go upstream (I am upstream and can make releases)?  or have you done it, or do you want to?21:53
mupBug #413335: Figure out what to do about zope.sendmail incompatibility with Python >= 2.5.1 <python-upgrade> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/413335>21:53
maxbgary_poster: Ah, right. The reason I've not going upstream with that is that I'm not sure what the correct action is21:53
rockstarsinzui, I tire of answers tests.  Can I delete the ones that are redundant?21:54
gary_postermaxb: sure, understood, me either. we don't have to have an answer necessarily; we can brainstorm with upstream and see if someone has ideas.  This is a problem for 2.6 as well?  I'm not familiar with the threading changes.  I saw your workaround.21:55
maxbI don't think it's changed any further in 2.621:55
gary_postermaxb: ok. btw, I landed the "all of zope from zope distributions" about 8 hours ago.  I have another branch I hope to land tomorrow that brings us up to the most recent releases of our lazr.* stuff (and launchpadlib and so on) tomorrow--tests appear to all be passing.21:56
maxbThe problem is that in 2.5.0 and below you could use sys.exitfunc as a notification that the main/default thread had exited. In 2.5.1 and above, there is no such mechanism (other than the one that's private between the interpreter and the threading module, which I therefore monkeypatch)21:56
maxbI was starting to teach myself about doctests and trying to understand REnormalizing21:57
maxbdoctests are great, except they suck at supporting variable output21:57
gary_posterI agree.  others wouldn't go so far as "are great" ;-)21:58
gary_posterRENormalizing helps, ellipses help.  Maybe we'll switch to manuel later, which gives us a lot more flexibility http://packages.python.org/manuel/21:59
rockstarmaxb, don't go into the light...  :)21:59
maxbI need to decide whether to shift my python2.5 efforts to be based on db-devel, then, I guess22:01
gary_postermaxb: ok, for zope.sendmail, I'll write something upstream, and cc you.  If you want to join in (and I hope you do) feel free to join the mailing list, or I'll forward notes you write.22:01
gary_postermaxb: why db-devel?22:02
maxbI thought your zbuildout branch was targetted at db-devel?22:02
gary_posterno, devel22:02
maxboh, weird, the merge proposal said db-devel when I looked at it22:02
gary_posterurg, I bet I screwed up.22:02
maxbYay, all the better22:03
maxbWhich is the mailing list in question?22:04
gary_postermaxb: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev22:04
maxbeek, all of zope on one list, that'll be interesting22:05
maxbRight, looks like I can probably mark lp:~maxb/zope3/launchpad-3.4-py2.5 as Abandoned at this point22:11
maxbI'll let my desktop chew on the tests tonight22:12
thumperdanilos: a translation based breaking on lp builder22:12
barryyowza!  look all all the new log spew22:18
* barry will bet gary_poster had something to do with that :)22:18
barrygary_poster: so what does that buy us?22:19
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
gary_posterbarry: (sorry was on call) all of zope is now from distributions, rather than sourcecode.  I have a branch that brings us to trunk (and distributions) for all of our own packages (lazr.* and friends) that I hope to get reveiewed and land tomorrow (I believe tests are now passing entirely).  Then we need to upgrade to the zope versions that upstream have identified as 2.5/2.6 friendly and interoperating, and deal with the fal22:33
gary_poster(which will probably be significant, we'll see).22:33
gary_posterThen we fix the remaining launchpad bits, and switch to Py 2.5/2.6 immediately after the 3.0 release, is my intent.22:33
* barry <3 gary_poster 22:34
gary_poster:-) heh22:34
barry2.6 please!22:34
gary_poster+1 from me ;-)  we'll see22:34
jmlhey guys22:35
barrygary_poster: well, we have to before karmic!22:35
barryjml: hi!22:35
* jml reads the good news in the backlog!22:35
gary_posteractually, thanks to maxb, we don't: he's made the necessary debs already, AIUI from flacoste.22:35
gary_posterbut that doesn't mean we don't want to ;-)22:36
barrygary_poster: right. is there any reason why we wouldn't switch to 2.6 if our test suite passes?22:36
gary_posterbarry: losa-type reasons22:36
maxb~launchpad/ppa is complete for karmic/2.4 other than launchpad-dependencies itself, which I'm waiting for someone to sync from my ppa22:37
gary_poster(which is to say, none that I know of, but who knows)22:37
gary_postermaxb: I thought I saw flacoste did that in the past 24 hours, but maybe I imagined it22:38
maxbMy instinct based on the kinds of changes is that any and all work done migrating 2.4->2.5 would also need to be done for 2.4->2.6, hence 2.5 as a comfortable stepping stone22:38
maxbAnd I took a quick look at versions.cfg in devel just now - I think the versions there are clear for 2.5 already, though not for 2.622:39
gary_posteryou might be right22:39
gary_posteri know 2.6 has some issues: zope.publisher has some problems that I need t record22:39
gary_posterneed to run22:40
gary_posterbye all22:40
jmlgary_poster, ciao22:40
jmlmissed him by *that* much22:40
sinzuirockstar: please delete redundant tests. I have deleted a lot in 2.2.822:45
rockstarsinzui, roger roger.  I've been doing my best.  I'm surprised how many tests broke in various, and sundry, ways with just a few changes.22:48
barrygary_poster: i guess i'm sayin': if we can/are going to move to 2.522:49
barry        and all our tests pass on 2.6 we should jump right to 2.6 and ignore22:49
barry        old pythons that aren't being maintained by upstream any more <wink>22:49
sinzuirockstar: the tests verify the formatting instead of the content. I was young and naive.22:49
sinzuirockstar: And I I wrote most of them again, I would be testing the view, not the template.22:50
rockstarsinzui, yeah, had I known it was going to take me this long to fix 35 (!) failing tests, I would have just re-written them that way.22:50
sinzuirockstar: I have written all view tests, then watch the story failures. I then add the fix to my view test and delete the page test. I do the 75% of the time.22:52
rockstarsinzui, that's a good idea.  I'll keep that in mind.22:53
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
jmlthumper, skype is still broken for me22:54
thumperjml: :(22:54
* jml restarts, just in case.22:55
maxbAnyone have any thoughts on breaking compile up into compile-lp compile-mailman compile-lazr-js ?23:47
jmlmaxb, on the surface, it seems like a good idea23:48
maxbHmm, I need a bit of buildout help...23:55
maxbError: There is a version conflict.23:55
maxbWe already have: lazr.uri 1.023:55
maxbwhere do I start looking?23:55
wgrantIs your sourcedeps branch up to date?23:56
maxbthe download-cache branch?23:57
wgrantTried cleaning and rebuilding?23:58

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