
mac_vdashua: hi... is it possible to use 2 engines for 1 widget?09:21
mac_vlike for instance i dont like how murrine focusses the buttons , can i use clearlooks only for button focus? while the rest use murrine?09:22
kwwiimac_v: for each entry in the gtkrc you can use a different engine10:04
mac_vkwwii: \o/ hi... back?10:04
mac_vkwwii: hmm... i'm messing up something then! i'm trying to use a pix map for the Focus , but either it uses pixmap engine or the murrine! i'll try to check where it is wrong10:06
kwwiimac_v: nope, still on vacation, you just got lucky ;)10:16
kwwiihrm, it might be the case that within one widget it cannot use more than one engine10:16
kwwiiI am working on my mac atm so I can't check10:17
mac_vlol ;)10:17
mac_vyeah thougth so too... but i'll double check10:17
dashuamac_v, Yes, change notebook engine "clearlooks" {}12:36
dashuaAh wait you want focus on the outside of the button12:38
mac_vdashua: actually what i want is to use a pixmap for the focus alone , > http://paste.ubuntu.com/259252/ , but which ever is the second engine becomes the one used for everything :(12:44
mac_vdashua: where can i find documentation for murrine engine?12:48
dashuaI don't think you can combine two engines like that within a class.12:49
mac_vyeah :(12:49
dashuaSo you want to use the murrine button with a pixmap focus entry12:49
dashuaSomewhere on his site, I think it's limited12:50
mac_vi went through that but >  http://www.cimitan.com/murrine/options was all i found :(12:51
mac_vdashua: let me know if you get any ideas for assigning a pix map for focus alone :)12:55
dashuaOk np.12:55
dashuamac_v, Can you send me tarball of your theme?  I have an idea.13:06
mac_vsure , just a sec13:06
mac_vdashua: i'm having some problem with archive manager! it keeps crashing , do you want just the gtkrc?13:14
mac_vor the i think you already have my theme ,13:15
dashuaI wanted the whole theme, pixmap for the focus and all.13:16
mac_vyeah, someting is messing up my archive manager , i'll try somehow to get it to wirk :)13:17
dashuaHa alright np.13:18
dashuaYou want clearlooks focus on the outside of the button right?13:18
mac_vdashua: i meant to get the archive manager to work , i have no new ideas for the theme ;p13:18
dashuaI can't find the theme.13:19
mac_vdashua: i'll get back in a sec... i'll boot int jaunty :)13:19
lucazadeon karmic  the archive manager is broken, just use "tar czf theme.tar.gz themefolder"13:20
mac_vlucazade: hm... i'll try that first! too many apps to close ;)13:21
dashuaWorking ok here.  Maybe 64 bit is good.13:24
mac_vdashua: its a big mess right now , > http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/DSand.tar.gz < needs a lot of cleanup13:30
mac_vdashua: does the archive exist properly? i mean any problems extracting?13:31
mac_vlucazade: that didnt work for me either :( , but i fooled archive manager by adding files to an already existing archive and removing the existing files ;)13:31
dashuaNope.  All good.13:32
mac_vphew , that saved me from closing ~20 windows :D13:33
dashuaSomething like that?13:40
mac_vdashua: yes but you changed the engine to clearlooks for the regular buttons too13:41
dashuaI think it's packaged deal, unless you hack the engine.13:41
mac_vdashua: ah... then i think i'll have to use pix maps for all , hmm... so i'll have to create a button which looks identical to the murrine one o.013:43
mac_vwhy cant life be easy :(13:44
dashuaCheck out NewWave for pixmap help.  That theme has it all.13:44
mac_vyeah, everything is a pixmap in new wave , he really did a lot of work13:45
dashuaSure did.13:46
mac_vdashua: the xchat users list... it is what type of widget?13:47
dashuaHrm, not sure.13:47
lucazademac_v should be GtkTreeView widget, i suppose14:09
mac_vlucazade: do you use xchat?14:11
mac_vlucazade: ok , just test this out , any theme with clearlooks will have the user list just display names , but a theme with murrine engine displays dots in front of the names! is that correct or is it a bug in my install?14:13
lucazadeyes murrine displays dots14:14
mac_vhmm ...14:15
lucazadeseems a bug14:15
mac_vthen i think its not treeview , because i have specifically assigned treeview to clearlooks , :(14:16
* mac_v bangs his head14:16
dashuamac_v, Add style "treeview" {engine "clearlooks" {hint = "treeview"}}14:24
dashuaand widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>*" style "treeview"14:24
dashuaThe dots will be gone14:24
mac_vhmm! i was using treeview-header!14:25
mac_vdashua: thanx :)14:25
mac_v\o/ no pox14:27
mac_vdashua: you wanna propose Hanso for the community themes?14:30
SiDiI wnt it there14:58
SiDiand Alvaro too :D14:58
SiDiin blue shades with an xfwm.. :D14:59
mac_vSiDi: i think dashua is shy , we should start the initiative ;p15:04
* mac_v surprised at mpt's presence in artwork room ;) hmm... maybe software store ;)15:12
mptyes indeed15:12
mac_vmpt: when can we actually test it ?15:13
mac_vis is out?15:13
mptmac_v, it's in Karmic now: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-store15:13
mptI'm here because I've just added to the spec <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareStore> a few things that artists could help out with.15:14
mac_vi noticed ;)15:14
mptAt the moment we need an icon for the Store itself (!), an animated icon for "In Progress", and an emblem to place over applications that are already installed.15:14
* mac_v missed the update by 1 hr :( , updating now15:14
mptWould it make sense for me to post to the artwork list about those things?15:15
mac_vmpt: mailing list would be the best start15:15
mptok, ta15:15
andreasnmpt, process-working for "In Progress" perhaps?15:18
mptandreasn, is there any easy way to see how that icon looks in the various themes I have installed?15:18
andreasnapart from switching between the theme, not that I know of15:19
andreasndoes any other theme apart from High Contrast have a spinner icon?15:19
mptwell, if it's in the same directory path in each theme, "eog /something/*/something.svg" might work :-)15:19
mac_vmpt: you can do as you ^ described , just assign the icons intended for the same item to different menu options [i.e label it differently]15:22
mac_vso if the menu has 5 items you can compare 5 different versions of the icon at once15:23
mptbut I have no idea where the themes are stored or what their directory structure is15:24
mac_vmpt: most apps have their icons in ~/.themes/themeName/24x24/apps/  , you need to ask mvo or who wrote the app about the icon labels15:26
mac_vmpt: oops! ~/.icons/themeName/24x24/apps/15:27
mptSo all themes are installed in every user's home directory? I doubt that :-)15:27
mac_vthe custom themes , the main themes are in15:28
mac_vmpt: sometimes apps also have their own directory , like for example gnome-power-manager has icons in /usr/share/gnome-power-manager/icons , these icons can be labelled accordingly and be used from a theme in your home directory, you first have to find out from mvo15:31
mptgot it15:35
mptfind /usr/share/icons/ -name process-working.png | xargs eog15:36
mptandreasn, not really, though I'm having trouble articulating why. It's something like, process-working is for warning you about impending interface changes (e.g. changes in the layout of a Web page) during a brief task. But the icon I want is more about "yes, I'm doing the stuff you asked me to do".15:38
mptandreasn, I guess it's much the same reason as why you wouldn't expect to see process-working in a download manager window.15:38
andreasnah, yes, I guess it's for more brief processes15:39
andreasnbut I have no idea how such a icon would look15:40
mptwell, I've described a suggested appearance in the spec, complete with extremely-low-resolution mockup :-)15:41
mptt.b.h. I don't think it matters much what it looks like, as long as it looks different from, and more solid than, process-working.15:41
mac_vmpt: why is it in the universe repo ? and not as a part of the ubuntu-desktop meta package?15:47
mptmac_v, it got into Ubuntu in the past day. It hasn't been through MIR yet.15:48
dashuamac_v, Do I need to make a wiki page for community theme inclusion?18:56
dashuaOr just have the source code available via Launchpad?18:56
mac_vdashua: i think so , thorwil might be the best person about this18:56
dashuaIf so, I'll work on getting them together.  I have a lot of things going on here.18:56
dashuaOk, I'm off to work.  If you here anything just ping me.  I'll be home later. :)18:57
mac_vthorwil: how doe a theme get included in community theme package? ^18:58
dashuaI would really like Hanso to make it in.  Alvaro as well.18:58
dashuamac_v, I fixed the OOo bug, if you want to check it out.18:58
thorwilmac_v: well, it should be on the wiki18:59
mac_vdashua: ^19:00
thorwilmac_v: for all else, better ask Andrew19:00
dashuaOk.  I'll work on it soon.  Thx.19:00
mac_vdashua: yeah , i did the same OOo mistake in my theme too ;) ,will check it out in a bit have to reboot [updates]19:00
mac_vthorwil: thanx :)19:00
mac_vthorwil: hi... are you working on the chasing arrows for software store? if not does it have to be done similar to the gnome process-working?19:14
lucazadethorwil i would thank you for mentioning turrican for the community themes19:14
mac_vthorwil: in the sense the number of icons in a single file19:15
thorwilmac_v: no and no idea19:15
mac_vhmm...ok.  thanx19:15
thorwillucazade: np :)19:16
thorwilmac_v: i will likely start a job tomorrow that might take 3 weeks. so don't expect to see much or anything from me ;)19:17
mac_vthorwil: great :) on the job .... too bad for me :(19:18

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