
=== DJones_ is now known as DJones
erUSULgood bots15:01
* DJones thinks erUSUL has a fan 15:11
* erUSUL a pain in the problem would be a more accurate15:11
* erUSUL a pain in the a*s would be a more accurate description15:11
nikoerUSUL: :)15:13
erUSULseems like it finally find out that rebooting his router gives him a new ip to play with. good script kiddie learning a bit every day to annoy others ;P15:14
* Myrtti points to ubuntulog15:17
Myrttiall in favour of transparency, but you don't necessarily want to tell future script kiddies what to do ;-)15:17
erUSULMyrtti: ;) ok. Maybe we can set up a #secret-only-for-your-eyes-op-channel to share tips and tricks XXDD15:29
MyrttiI'm pretty sure we all know how to get a fresh ip address15:31
Myrttithose who don't, don't need to be educated on it15:31
bratscheHow do I request a cloak?  I think I read somewhere to ask for one here.17:01
jussi01bratsche: are you an ubuntu memeber?17:01
bratscheMy LP page is https://launchpad.net/~bratsche17:01
jussi01elky: Pici around?17:01
jussi01bratsche: you need to wait for either elky or Pici - only they can approve you cloak.17:02
bratscheOkay cool, thanks.17:02
=== anna` is now known as uBOTu-fr
gstany room for video chat applications?18:55
nikoit's irc.18:57
nikogst: you can search with /msg alis list *keyword*18:57
bobbycheetahhello. anyone use blackberry with ubuntu?20:54
Nafallobobbycheetah: I believe it's #ubuntu you want?20:55
bobbycheetahok. tried no replies yet. very busy chat.20:55
jpdsWut? Le crackberrys?21:33
nikohi there21:49
nikono update about #ubuntu-es founder ?21:49
m4vniko: i talked to him, he does not see why he should give +f to anybody else, nor that there's something wrong with the channel. And that if there's lack of ops if because they don't apply in the launchpad group so he can add them21:57
m4vthe also told me to stop wasting his time21:57
nikoi see21:57
nikom4v: i'm on the way to do the same thing with the bot21:58
nikoperhaps he can handle the channel 3 hours per month21:58
nikoi would like to see that21:59
m4vin any case I just applied in u-es launchpad group, I'm just counting how many days will pass before he gives me op or refuses.21:59
nikothat will be my lastest query about #ubuntu-es21:59
nikom4v: keep in mind i will remove the bot from #ubuntu-es -ops in some weeks/days22:01
m4vand what should we do to get it back when that happens? p3l|c4n0 won't care if you remove the bot.22:03
erUSULniko: no way to convince you otherwise ? is a final decision ?22:04
nikountil there is the same issue on #ubuntu-es no22:04
m4vI don't think nobody in -ops is in the mood of going to the loco-council against p3l|c4n0, it will be a headache...22:05
erUSULniko: agreeing whoth what m4v is saying i will not push the issue further it's your bot and it's your call... as previously said thanks for the help so far.22:08
nikoi understand you state, mine is different, but i understand yours22:10
erUSULniko: ok22:11
McPeter<DrSatan> !info bukkake22:45
McPeter<ubottu> Package bukkake does not exist in jaunty22:45
NafalloMcPeter: -ops please22:45
McPeterNafallo, hum .. ok next time i go to #ubuntu-ops22:49
McPetersorry :)22:49
NafalloMcPeter: no worries. it's just that we only manage the #ubuntu-CC channels in here :-)22:50
McPeteryep …22:50
McPeterbad reflexe22:50

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