
CardinalFangaquarius, did you see my message yesterday about d-c pairing and couch?12:16
CardinalFangaquarius, you used "put", not "put_record".12:16
CardinalFangI haven't run the code, but I think that's not right.12:17
aquariusCardinalFang, I agree, it's not right; that code fails before it gets that far because of the 401 problem12:34
aquariusCardinalFang, how did you guys get on after I left?12:35
CardinalFangaquarius, well, I'm up early to get code out the door, if that tells you anything.12:35
CardinalFangaquarius, nothing new to report.12:36
CardinalFangaquarius, except statik merged some branches.12:36
aquariuswant me to work on some of the stuff with you?12:37
aquariusis there anything you're doing that I can pick up?12:37
aquariusCardinalFang, or have you basically done it all? :)12:46
CardinalFangaquarius, hmm.  I've done nothing with actually getting oauth tokens, so "pairing storing oauth tokens".  Also, I plan to move some that code of yours yesterday into the desktopcouch.pair.couchdb_pairing.couchdb_io so it can be shared with the local stuff where possible.12:48
aquariusCardinalFang, hang on, I didn't quite follow that12:49
CardinalFangaquarius, ignore the second sentence for now.12:50
aquariusso...the things that you were doing, as I understand it, are: have the pairing app exchange oauth tokens as part of the on-the-wire protocol, and the daemon which starts and maintains continuous replication. If I read you right, you're working on the second (the daemon) but not the first (the pairing app)?12:51
CardinalFangaquarius, we need to get/generate oauth tokens for every pairing, as I understand it (which is really not at all!).  If you can make the function that gets the token from U1 (?), I can make the pairing tool exchange them.  Yes, I'm doing 2.  If you will do 1a, I'll also do 1b.12:53
aquariusok. I've already done the code which initially generates the oauth token and stores it in the ini file; I'll write a function which can extract that token from the ini file so you have access to it12:55
CardinalFangGrr.  0800.  Must take the kid to the babysitter.  Back in a while.13:01
CardinalFangaquarius, a nice fat comment saying what the pieces mean would be gratifying too.  :(  I really must read up on oauth one day.13:02
aquariuskk (which pieces specifically?)13:02
CardinalFangEr, if I knew that, I might not need any comment.  There are three, or two opaque numbers, yes?13:03
aquariusright, so you want to know what the consumer key and token and token secret and etc mean? gotcha13:03
CardinalFangYes.   Morning, all!13:04
thisfredbest dog toy ever: ice cubes13:05
aquariushey thisfred13:06
aquariusany word from jchris?13:07
thisfredaquarius: none: he wasn't online as far as I could tell yesterday, and on the mailing list nothing specific to our cause yet13:07
thisfredstill going through13:07
thisfredaquarius: so, no mail from chris, and he's not on the channel now. jan____ is away, but we need to verify that this issue is treated with some sense of urgency, since you're blocked by it (correct?)14:24
thisfredok, I don't know who on the #couchdb channel we can speak to about this, jason also isn't there. SteveA should we mail/call couch.io?14:27
thisfredrehi CardinalFang14:27
aquariusre CardinalFang. function to get oauth tokens now in a branch for approval14:28
* thisfred reviews as well14:30
CardinalFangaquarius, "oauth_token_secretsx" ?14:43
thisfredaquarius: your oldest branch, I'd like to review it, or is it obsolete by now?14:45
aquariusCardinalFang, fixed14:45
aquariusthisfred, which one?14:45
thisfredaquarius: if not, could you fix the conflict?14:45
thisfredaquarius:  lp:~sil/desktopcouch/create-oauth-tokens-startup14:45
aquariuskk, willfix the conflict14:46
thisfredaquarius: also a conflict on your other branch(es) probably the same14:51
aquariusyeah, same one, I suspect14:51
aquariusI hate resolving conflicts14:51
thisfredthe quickest way to resolve conflicts is not to generate them14:52
aquariuswell, er, yeah :)14:52
* thisfred runs away before aquarius rips off his arm and beats him over the head with it14:52
aquariusbut that ship has sailed, I fear :)14:52
* CardinalFang high-fives thisfred.14:53
aquariusaha, you two are in cahoots against me, are you? I see how it is14:53
thisfredaquarius: you're gonna hate me even more: the changes that are conflicting I have mostly undone on my latest branch...14:54
thisfredperhaps we should land that first14:54
aquariusland that first, I suggest14:54
aquariussince I am now confused by which bits need to happen where14:55
thisfredthe conflicts will still exist but they'll be smaller14:55
thisfredI did a lot of hoop jumping to make the tests work, and then when the port was readable from the log, I had to unjump some14:56
thisfredor was able to, I should say14:56
CardinalFangaquarius, outside that type, that branch looks good to me.15:00
CardinalFangMEETING BEGINS15:02
CardinalFangIf you're here for the stand-up meeting, say "me".  Then "DONE", "TODO", and "BLOCKED".15:02
statikurbanape, rodrigo_?15:05
statikDONE: Figured out that erlang packages can't have tests enabled because tests aren't included. Some reviews/merges.15:05
statikTODO: desktopcouch 0.3 release for feature freeze today. Nag urbanape and rodrigo about compat testing with couchdb-0.1015:05
statikBLCK: nope15:05
statikdobey, show us the way!15:05
dobey☭ DONE: Fixed overactive Fatal Error, Started prefs dialog15:05
dobey☭ TODO: Finish prefs dialog, OAuth15:05
dobey☭ BLCK: None.15:05
dobeyteknico: bongiorno!15:05
teknicoDONE: completed and landed a branch that improves the handling of login failures from our Funambol Server API code to the Funambol DS server, reviewed one more markgsaye's branch, fought with rabbitmq15:05
teknicoTODO: working on the contacts CRUD web ui15:05
teknicoBLOCKED: rabbitmq-server not starting anymore, but being solved15:05
tekniconext: aquarius15:05
aquarius⚀ DONE: various smallish desktopcouch branches15:05
aquarius⚁ TODO: piston oauth in snowy; get DC0.3 done15:05
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED:  couchdb patch which lets OAuth read users from the ini file doesn't seem to work15:05
aquariusIn all the world there is only one rodrigo_15:05
rodrigo_• DONE: Submitted tomboy package with U1 as default sync server. Submitted branch to fix notes UI in production, and kept looking at it, because it's not clear it fixed it15:05
rodrigo_• TODO: Add more tests in couchdb-glib test suite. More openSUSE packaging. Add social services accounts config to about-me. Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Propose couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb for GNOME 2.29. Store UUIDs for postal addresses. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. oAuth authentication and signing of all couchdb-glib requests. Finish adding URLs to contact records in evo-couchdb. Add changes notificatio15:05
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: none15:05
CardinalFangDONE: Reviews yesterday. (But I'm on-call-reviewer *today*.  Dang.)  Replicator nearly finished.  Needs testing.15:05
CardinalFangTODO: Finish replicator.  Make pairing-tool exchange OAuth noise.  Also, grudgingly review today's branches and mark them all "Disapprove".15:05
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None15:05
rodrigo_nobody next, right?15:05
rodrigo_ah, missed CardinalFang :)15:06
CardinalFangteknico, How can we help?15:06
dobeyhe missed himself i think15:06
teknicoCardinalFang, statik is valiantly taking care of the problem, thanks :-)15:06
CardinalFangGood man, statik.15:07
CardinalFangOkay, MEETING ENDS15:07
teknicodobey, e bonanotte ai sonatori ;-)15:07
* CardinalFang is glad no one read his TODO.15:08
dobeybonanotte? little early for that, eh? :P15:08
thisfredyou sleep with the fishes15:08
aquariuslet's take it to the mattresses15:09
urbanapeDONE: Proposed an apparently broken branch for multi-downloads.15:14
urbanapeTODO: Test bindwood against new CouchDB package.15:14
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:14
CardinalFangurbanape, we sang arias of sadness at your absence from our meeting.15:14
CardinalFangaquarius, leave the oauth, take the canonical. So, oauth info is client-relative, not server-relative?  I get one set of credentials and use that single group of four values to talk to all paired hosts?15:16
aquariusit's server-relative15:16
aquariuseach server has its own set of keys15:17
aquariusthink of the keys as being a multi-item password, basically15:17
aquariusso when you pair machine A with machine B, machine A needs to get its own keys (by calling the function), and then pass those keys to B (down the connection established by pairing).15:18
aquariusB then stores those keys in a paired-server document on B, with server: A15:18
CardinalFangaquarius, Right.  So  get_oauth_tokens()  is server end, for transmission at pair-time?  I store those somewhere and then retrieve them for a particular host at replication time.15:19
aquariusyes. Machine A calls get_oauth_tokens when another machine wants to pair with it, so it knows its own tokens and can give them to the other server15:20
dobeycrap, i think i may have just lost DNS15:20
dobeymy network is being really annoying15:20
statikCardinalFang, your TODO is why I offered to take reviews for you ;)15:20
aquariusthe other server stores those tokens in a paired serve record, and then when the other server starts up replication, it reads the paired server record for A to know which tokens it needs to pass to A as part of the replication process15:20
CardinalFangstatik, :)15:21
statikaquarius, thisfred: any news from couch.io on the oauth patch? If I merge lp:~sil/desktopcouch/not-so-random into desktopcouch and include it in a release today, will that break evolution-couchdb, bindwood, and quickly?15:25
thisfredstatik: I see no one online that I know is couch.io to ask. Re: the breaking, I defer to aquarius' wisdom15:26
aquariuserm, let me check15:27
aquariusyes. It will break everything.15:27
aquariusBecause it specifies that a valid user must be used for all access, and it is currently not possible to access couch as a valid oauth user if that user is specified in the ini file :(15:28
CardinalFangI think we need a flag-day when we change both at once.  We may need code that shuts down running couchdb servers in the preinst.15:30
CardinalFangaquarius, so, just to make sure, do we need python-couch package to take OAuth info as a key for instantiating client.Server objects, or does couchdb daemon read remote oauth stuff on-demand from its INI file?15:33
aquariusCardinalFang, desktopcouch.records understands how to look up oauth tokens from the keyring to access the local desktopcouch, so you don't need to do anything15:34
aquariusif you use desktopcouch.records, that is15:34
CardinalFangGood, good.15:35
aquariusif you don't use dc.records, then you get to sign your requests yourself15:35
aquariusthe stuff to make dc.records understand oauth and get the keys is lp:~sil/desktopcouch/dc-records-oauth15:35
statikaquarius, i wonder how much work it will be to make bindwood work with this oauth stuff15:47
thisfredbrb dist-upgrade wants a reboot15:55
aquariusstatik, there are already oauth libraries for JS16:00
aquariusbindwood will have to get the keys, of course, and do the signing itself (this is what happens when you don't use desktopcouch.records), but that's relatively easy.16:00
aquariusmight need another shell-out-to-python to get the keys, thougth16:01
statikmakes sense16:01
statikaquarius, should we ship a slightly modified version of your branch that doesn't turn oauth on, but makes it very easy to uncomment a line or something in order to enable oauth for testing? then we could do the changes needed in bindwood, evolution-couchdb, etc. in an orderly way, and finally flip the switch to turn on oauth16:03
statiki'm kinda worried about breaking the world with the next desktopcouch release, and how to coordinate the introduction of oauth16:03
aquariusWe can do that, and I've been debating it in my head16:07
aquariusQuestion: is shipping DC0.3 without auth and then turning auth on (by uncommenting the line) after freeze a break of the freeze?16:07
aquariusstatik, introducing oauth is essentially going to break the world for people who are not using dc.records. I can't think of a way around that.16:10
aquariusbecause they'll have to start authenticating when they were not before.16:11
CardinalFangShould we get 0.3 client out the door with trying auth, and then make 0.4 require auth?16:12
statikthats what i'm thinking16:13
statik0.3 should let people integrate with auth16:13
statikand 0.4 should require it16:13
CardinalFangor, break things as soon as possible, since we may not be able to avoid breakage for people subverting us and doing it their onw way.16:13
statiksince we are waiting on the revised COUCHDB-478 patch to even allow desktopcouch to work correctly with the OAuth, I don't see how we can require it just yet16:14
statiki'm all for getting the oauth code in so we can all be integrating with it16:15
aquariusthe problem is..."integrating with auth" is hard if it's diabled16:20
aquariusso I think that putting it out without auth being required is the same thing as there not being any auth at all16:20
aquariushrm. I don't know what happens if you oauth-sign a request incorrectly when you didn't need to sign it at all16:21
aquariusand...your couch is visible on the network, and unauthenticated.16:22
aquariuswhich is Ungood16:22
statikaquarius, it's the same as there not being any auth at all for a normal user, but for a developer integrating they could tweak the local.ini to enable auth, right?16:22
aquariusthey could, as long as that developer is prepared to break every app that talks to DC that they're not working on, like, say, bindwood16:23
aquariusstatik, but I am beginning to think that it's a good idea to do what you're suggesting16:24
aquariusI did not think that having working oauth would take this long :(16:24
thisfredstill none of the usual suspects online on #couchdb. I think jan____ is en route to Dublin16:25
statikaquarius, cool! i always wonder whether my ideas are crazy. when you start to agree with me, then I *know* they are. so, how should we do this? should I merge all your pending branches into desktopcouch, then you do one more to comment out the auth, then I release 0.3?16:26
statikCardinalFang, do you have an in-progress branch that needs to go into desktopcouch 0.3?16:27
aquariusdisabling oauth means two things: comment out one line in the ini file, and then tell dc.records to not oauth-sign requests. I'm not even sure if we need to do the second16:27
CardinalFangstatik, Yes!16:27
aquariusI have to go pick up my daughter and then have dinner with her and so on, so I'll be gone for about four hours, but then I'll be back.16:28
CardinalFangaquarius, Can we make records try without oauth on failure?16:28
aquariusCardinalFang, could do, but I'd be inclined to not do that16:28
aquariussince that's extra code we write now and then remove in 0.416:28
statikaquarius, i hope we don't need to do the second16:30
statikif i send an oauth-signed request to something that doesn't require oauth, i would hope it just ignores the extra header16:31
aquariusI think that's what happens. I think.16:31
joshuahooverjblount, urbanape: either of you ever see an error in the web ui that says something along these lines: "this file is already being created by somebody else"16:31
statikcool, we have a plan. could thisfred do the branch to comment out the ini file so you don't have to work so late tonight aquarius?16:31
thisfredaquarius: could start on that right now, so I can ask you if I run into unforeseens...16:33
thisfredwhen you get back16:33
thisfredok, starting on that16:34
aquariusI think that all you should need to do is remove the [couch_httpd_auth] require_valid_user = true part from create_ini_file16:34
aquariusbut I have not tested this.16:34
aquariusthat way there will still be an admin account and so on16:35
aquariusthis will, I should note, not affect people who already *have* an ini file with that in16:35
aquariusbut I think it's reasonable to get those people to delete the ini file16:35
thisfredexcellent, I' try, test and deliver16:35
statikjoshuahoover, you can ask gafton about that, i bet its from a stale upload reservation in the updown server16:37
aquariusright, off to get Niamh from second day of dance school :)16:38
joshuahooverstatik: thanks...just found a previous bug with the same issue16:38
* statik runs tarmac-lander on desktopcouch16:52
* dobey runs to get lunch16:54
thisfredaquarius: (running commentary, ignore until you're back) [admins] section *does* need to go in addition to require_valid_user, or we get the 401s. with those two sections commented out, the tests all run. Now merging all open branches into this to see if it doesn't break anything else.16:58
urbanapepfibiger, https://code.launchpad.net/~urbanape/ubunet/tooltips-for-long-filenames/+merge/1067418:20
statikhi thisfred, i've got a conflict when trying to merge lp:~sil/desktopcouch/not-so-random18:22
statikthisfred, should I just merge your noauth branch instead, and that will pull in the others?18:23
urbanapestatik, I updated my system (including CouchDB) and Bindwood still seems to run okay. I get no errors messages in my JS console (well, not about connecting to Couch, anyway)18:24
statikurbanape, fantastic! desktopcouch 0.3 will have optional oauth, and then later on we'll make it mandatory. that should give you a window to fix bindwood to support oauth18:25
thisfredstatik: exactly18:28
urbanapeI saw that exchange earlier18:28
thisfredstatik: I merged them all into mine and resolved the conflicts18:29
statikthisfred, that is the best news i have gotten all day!18:29
thisfredthe conflicts are on all 3 of aquarius' branches18:29
statikurbanape, thanks for testing bindwood and for the tooltips!18:29
statikthisfred, i'm pushing a 1-line branch now that fixes a problem with writing the bookmark file19:06
thisfredstatik: will review and then I have to go pick up my stuffs19:07
statikthisfred, awesome. hope all your stuff arrived safely!19:07
thisfredthere's nothing fragile or very expensive in there. If the CDs are ok, I'm ok :)19:08
thisfredstatik the tests pass but there's no proposal to +1 or is there?19:10
statikthisfred, i'm just proposing it now, one sec i'll paste the link19:10
Mandrewhello how to ad files to the ubuntuone folder19:16
thisfredstatik: I approved and approved19:18
Mandrewknow one knows how to ad folders to ubuntuone?19:21
dobeyMandrew: on the desktop?19:21
Mandrewon the computer19:21
dobeyright, but with the local desktop client, or via the web browser?19:22
Mandrewi didnt find any awnsers in the faq19:22
Mandrewon the desktop19:22
dobeylocally you just put new folders in ~/Ubuntu One/My Files (though soon that will just be ~/Ubuntu One)19:22
Mandrewi tried to drag n drop into the ubuntuone folder it dint like that :)19:23
dobeyyou need to put it in "~/Ubuntu One/My Files" currently19:24
thisfredgotta go, be back in a couple hours19:24
Mandrewthanks m8 you solved my probz19:24
MandrewDobey yr d man19:25
urbanapeapropos my somewhat stalled multi-download branch: do we preserve permissions on files in U1?19:40
Mandrewis there anyone that knows if there is possible to get a email adress that look like this mandrew@ubuntu.com or some like it?19:44
statikurbanape, i don't think we touch permissions19:44
statikMandrew, email addresses like that are available for Ubuntu members or developers19:45
Mandrewcan i become a member or how does that work?19:46
statikMandrew, absolutely you can. membership is available to anyone who makes a significant and sustained contribution to the ubuntu community. You can contribute in any number of ways. There is a lot more information available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership19:48
statikone good way to become a member is by working with the nearest LOCO team19:48
Mandrewnice work ill check it out19:48
Mandrewloco team?19:49
statikit's the name for local community teams of ubuntu advocates19:49
statikthey do all kinds of different work, from training to marketing to programming to answering questions in the forums19:49
Mandrewis there one here in sweden?19:49
statikyes. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList19:51
Mandrewman your the greatest thanks alot m819:52
statikhappy to help, good luck with ubuntu19:52
urbanapestatik, how do we not handle permissions? What happens on a second machine or on a shared machine? Do we stamp files with some default permission?19:53
Mandrewim new to ubuntu and linux but i just love it the concept with it19:53
statikurbanape, maybe i gave a wrong answer...chipaca or verterok or mentalguy would know for sure19:54
verterokurbanape: we don't handle permissions :)19:55
statikurbanape, dunno if you saw my comments in the other channel about zipstream - i can help get that set up as a 3rd party sourcedep if you want19:58
urbanapestatik, we're not using the bare ZipStream.20:01
urbanapeI had to munge it a lot20:02
urbanapethere's probably room for a generalized solution that we can contribute back. I'd be happy to work on that.20:02
statikah, even more fun. so we still need to maintain it as a separate lib, and send those patches back to spideroak20:02
urbanapeokay, that's no problem.20:03
urbanapeWhat I'll do then is to extract the bits that deal with the file selection (via the checkbox) and propose that separately.20:03
urbanapeI think it'd be nice to get the zipstream stuff generalized and contributed back.20:03
urbanapeand let someone else maintain it.20:03
jblounturbanape: In case I was clear when I was looking at it, I pretty much want to make babies with that branch. It makes me _very_ happy.20:04
urbanapeyeah, I was silly not to have actually tried to open the resulting files.20:04
urbanapeI just saw that the proper files were in the zip archive and were non-zero length.20:04
jblounturbanape: :), that's what dumb reviewers (like me) are for!20:04
urbanapebut yeah, gibberish.20:04
* jblount goes back to long meetings with limited breaks20:07
=== CardinalXiminez_ is now known as CardinalFang
* CardinalFang yells at twisted/dbus and its main-loop madness.20:12
* aquarius returns20:30
aquarius...to discover that all his branches have been rejected. Nobody loves me.20:32
aquariusstatik, so...what remains to be done for DC0.3 now?20:33
statikaquarius, rejected and merged via thisfreds branch where he fixed up the conflicts20:33
statikdvcs ftw20:33
statikaquarius, i think we need a branch from CardinalFang, then we do the release20:33
aquariusyep. he's a lovely Dutch hero, yes he is20:33
aquariusomg it's done?20:33
* aquarius breathes a mighty sigh of relief20:34
statikaquarius, don't take my word for it20:34
statikthisfred did the branch we talked about before you left20:34
* aquarius grins20:34
dobeyaquarius: you decided on "Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It"?20:34
statikand CardinalFang says hes working on something mysterious, it's connecting to my machine20:34
aquariusCardinalFang, how are you getting on with stuff? Need any help?20:34
aquariusdobey, Cop Killer. :)20:34
dobeyaquarius: do you have to sing also?20:35
statikand the syncdaemon team is making AMAZING progress, with bandwidth throttling and resumable uploads and downloads20:35
aquariusdobey, I do not. I wouldn't want to embarrass all those professional singers at stage school by being way better than them20:35
statikand dobey is making a ui that everyone will love20:36
aquariusblimey, we're gonna rock harder than Ayers Rock for karmic. Coolness.20:36
dobeyaquarius: oh. you totally should have picked "Still Alive" then20:36
dobeyaquarius: the credits song for Portal20:36
aquariusone of the reasons that I'm looking forward to being out of crunch for the freeze is that I might get a chance to play Portal ;)20:37
aquariusalthough I don't thin kthere's a wii port :(20:38
dobeydoesn't look like it20:39
dobeybut you can buy it on steam and play under wine20:39
aquariusplays under wine? nice.20:40
dobeyi believe so20:41
dobeyi have it on 360, so i can't confirm yet20:41
dobeyhowever, i have been tempted to buy the awesome deal that valve had for all their games on steam20:42
dobeywhich is to say "every valve game, ever made, all for $100"20:42
dobeyi think it was $10020:44
dobeywhatever it was, it was a great deal20:44
aquariusthat's pretty cheap20:44
dobeyconsidering L4D is still like $50 in the box20:44
aquariusalthough when I (infrequently) play games it's on the wii; that's why I bought a wii :)20:44
dobeyi bought a wii for the cool toys20:45
dobey(wii fit)20:45
CardinalFangaquarius, It's going.  Struggling with DBus weirdness.20:47
aquariusI'm happy to chip in if you'd like me to, elsewise I shall log off for the night20:48
CardinalFangaquarius, I think just trying will take less time than synching with you would.  Thanks though.20:49
CardinalFangaquarius, G'night.20:50
aquariusno worries :)20:50
aquariusI cherish my status as an impediment to progress ;)20:50
aquariusif you don't manage to finish (thisfred, statik, this applies to you too) drop me a mail with anything you'd like me to pick up on in the morning20:50
dobeygrr, gtk+21:05
dobeyjoshuahoover: btw, the applet no longer has the --signup/-s option. passing it is harmless, but it's not necessary :)21:07
joshuahooverdobey: ah, thanks :)21:08
joshuahooverdobey: is there an issue with the client crashing on startup?21:11
joshuahooverdobey: i'm seeing quite a few of those being filed within the past 5 days now21:11
dobeyyes and no21:12
dobeyjoshuahoover: some of them are fixed by the branch i landed this morning21:13
joshuahooverdobey: very good...is there something i should look for in the logs that will tell me/clue me in that it's the same issue you fixed?21:13
dobeyjoshuahoover: others have python traces from syncdaemon, which seem to be the cause of failure21:13
dobeyjoshuahoover: if it doesn't have the syncdaemon-exceptions.log, it's probably just the fact that syncdaemon is being slow at start-up, and would be "fixed" by my branch from this morning21:14
dobeybut that isn't in the nightlies/beta yet21:14
dobeyand that bug is #41463521:15
joshuahooverdobey: good, i'll use that as the one to link others to21:15
joshuahooverdobey: i'm seeing quite a few that have this as the last line in their syncdaemon-exceptions.log: State START_CONNECTING can't handle the SYS_SET_CAPABILITIES_ERROR event ...you think this is unrelated to the bug you submitted a fix for?21:31
dobeyit is a separate issue21:32
dobeypick one, mark the others a duplicate of it, and assign it to chipaca :)21:32
* Chipaca hugs dobey21:34
* Chipaca embraces dobey, even21:34
* Chipaca extends dobey21:34
Chipacaet cetera21:34
joshuahooverdobey: heh...got ya...thanks!21:36
statikdobey, i LOVE it! ship it21:39
dobeywell now i have to hook it up21:43
thisfredand we're back, with 24 boxes of crap in the otherwise empty living room! :)21:49
verterokdobey: ping21:54
dobeyverterok: hi21:54
verterokdobey: hi21:54
verterokdobey: I'm finishing the dbus api for bandwidth throttling, and re-realized that dbus don't support dict with multiple types :/21:55
verterokdobey: I was trying to  return a int as the value, to make your life easier21:56
dobeywell, it supports {sv} no?21:57
Chipacayeah, a{sv} works21:57
dobeyusing a variant for the value?21:57
dobey(although that is annoying21:57
verterokdobey: yes, but v don't support NoneType :p21:57
verterokdobey: so, what do you think of not including the key:value when it's disabled (None)?21:58
dobeyverterok: what about a separate set of methods for enabled/disabled?21:58
dobeyverterok: or returning a negative value for disabled?21:59
verterokdobey: whatever that makes you and the UX team happy :)21:59
verterokdobey: using perl isn't an option ;)22:00
dobeyi wouldn't say perl22:01
dobeyand we don't have time to rewrite in C22:02
verterokdobey: so: {download_limit:<int>, upload_limit=<int>}, with int: -1:off, 0-n: on?22:02
dobeyverterok: hrmm, though separate enable/disable might be better22:04
verterokdobey: what are we going to do with 0, that would just stop using the network :/22:04
dobeyverterok: not use the network. it's the correct behavior :)22:04
verterokdobey: ok, that was the output of get_updown_limit (or something)22:04
dobeyverterok: right, but as preferences, it would be nice if i set it, and those settings were saved, independent of me enable/disable the feature22:05
dobeyverterok: i presume these settings are getting stored in ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf ?22:05
verterokdobey: no22:06
verterokdobey: there is no work on syncdaemon side, I'm just starting22:06
dobeys/are/will be/ then :)22:06
verterokdobey: also, syncdaemon don't have persistent mechanism for preferences :O22:06
dobeyverterok: you don't have configglue.write()?22:07
verterokdobey: we don't have the plumbing to do that22:07
dobeyverterok: so i have to keep track of the settings, and hope syncdaemon doesn't get started without the applet?22:07
* dobey doesn't like where this is going :(22:09
dobeyand it's already 5 pm :-/22:09
verterokdobey: good point22:10
verterokdobey: I don't think the applet should track syncdaemon settings, as you pointed out, that will be a mess if SD is restarted22:11
dobeyi wasn't even thinking about it restarting out from under the applet, but yeah, that's even worse :)22:12
dobey"I set it to use 128K/s, but now it's using 2M/s"22:12
verterokdobey: yes, a *lot* of fun22:13
verterokdobey: btw, configglue don't have a configglie.write method :(22:16
dobeyconfigglue doesn't have any way to save settings?22:17
dobeysounds like it needs more glue22:17
verterokdobey: no, or at least I can't find it22:17
dobeydoes it give you a ConfigParser object?22:20
verterokdobey: no, an OptionParsr one :(22:20
verterokdobey: exactly22:21
dobeycan you create a ConfigParser and just cache the throttling settings?22:21
verterokdobey: also, we shouln't store all the options configglue load at startup, as some are CLI options22:22
verterokdobey: ok, let's file a bug about this, looks like it wants it's own branch22:22
verterokdobey: IMO syncdaemon should support this22:22
dobeyit kind of has to22:23
verterokso, let's keep with what we'r doing now, it's bug not a feature...right ;)22:23
dobeyotherwise the throttling config is entirely useless :)22:23
dobey"doesn't save my settings" is a pretty big bug, yeah :)22:24
verterokdobey: :)22:25
verterokdobey: I'm filling the bug ATM22:26
verterokdobey: bug #41888222:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418882 in ubuntuone-client "syncdaemon doesn't save my settings" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41888222:29
* dobey waits for the conspiracy theory stories22:30
verterokdobey: ?22:31
dobeyverterok: about how we had a bug about settings not being saved, before we had a release with settings :P22:32
verterokdobey: heh22:35
dobeystatik: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/config-preferences/+merge/10699 <- feel free to approve :)22:35
verterokdobey: we can blame beuno :p22:36
* dobey totally blames the design team22:36
* dobey wonders how long it will take to redraw 1000 frames in SVG22:38

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