
=== nubae_ is now known as Nubae
chungurI would like to chat with some representative from Edubuntu in private13:20
sbalneavchungur: What, an official representitive? :)  Don't think we have one.  It's probably best to say whatever you need to say in here.13:27
Nubaehe messaged me in private by name, but nothing further :-)13:29
highvoltagewe're talking in pvt at the moment13:31
sbalneavOooh, very cloak and dagger, be sure to let us know what transpires, Mr. "Official Representitve" :)13:34
ace_suareshighvoltage: ping17:24
sbalneavMorning ace17:25
ace_suareshi sbalneav, how's the coding coming along?17:25
sbalneavWell, my ppa failed me, but stgraber took my work and submitted it for me.17:26
sbalneav https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/karmic-changes/2009-August/007310.html17:26
sbalneavso it's at least made it into karmic17:26
ace_suaresvery good!17:27
sbalneavNow I just need to get something going for the handbook17:27
ace_suaresoh yeah that would be swell.17:27
ace_suaresHow can I help ?17:27
ace_suaressbalneav: lets just discuss it at the meeting friday okay...17:30
sbalneavHow much do you know about docbook?17:32
sbalneavIf nothing else, having standardized pages on the wiki that the handbook can point to would be fine.17:32
ace_suaresi know noting about docbook but I once knew nothing about PHP, Linux, RoR, OpenLdap, postfix, qmail, qmail-ldap, djbdns, apache, nginx, mailman ... so I can learn.17:33
ace_suaresIf you have 5 minutes of FULL attention, I would like to ask you a few questions, if not, another time.17:34
nubae_u dont really need to know anything about docbook17:35
nubae_its more about respecting the xml tags17:35
ace_suareshi nubae_17:35
nubae_so edit in an editor that doesnt try to import docbook17:35
nubae_I learnt that lesson the hard way, and sbalneav spent a good week correcting my mistakes17:36
nubae_hi ace_suares :-)17:36
nubae_I tried to open the docbook format in open office, which is supposed to understand it, but doesnt of course17:36
ace_suaresOn the wiki there are lot of handbook pages. like this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Documentation/Handbook17:36
ace_suaresand this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuHandbook/EdgyOutline17:37
ace_suaresit all seems like a mess.17:37
nubae_it is17:37
sbalneavace_suares: I'm all ears17:37
nubae_basically take the edubuntu cookbook17:37
nubae_thats the only one worth anything17:37
nubae_and strip out the ltsp stuff17:38
ace_suaresFor me it would be godd to scrap all that sh*t at some point and start with something fresh that will actulaly *have* a structure.17:38
nubae_btw... have u guys seen linux-for-education.org?17:38
sbalneavnubae_: It wasn't that big a deal.  It got fixed17:38
ace_suaresSo what I would need is an inventarisations of handbook/cookbook pages and then decide which can go, be redirected, or should be moved to a new site.17:38
nubae_its a moodle site that we created, and is partly sponsored by opensuse17:39
nubae_but it would be cool if all distros were to help out with it17:39
ace_suaresoh yeah io saw that it's pretty cool but a bit empty17:39
nubae_can u help fill it :-)17:39
ace_suareshaha i am not IN education really17:39
nubae_it would be nice to be joint edubuntu/opensuse-edu project to start with17:39
ace_suaresI ma just tryin gto get schools to use Free Software.17:40
nubae_well edubuntu is education17:40
sbalneavace_suares: What's your questions?17:40
ace_suaressbalneav: Is there a *valid* version of the handbook on the wiki now?17:40
ace_suaressbalneav: and where is it if it's there?17:40
sbalneavI know of no version of the handbook on the wiki.  The handbook was always a docbook document.17:41
ace_suareshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Documentation/Handbook what about this ?17:41
ace_suaresor this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuHandbook/EdgyOutline17:41
ace_suareshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuCookbook/Background or this17:42
sbalneavThe first one just outlines contributing17:42
sbalneavthe cookbooks were older.17:42
ace_suaresyeah we can keep that and update it.17:42
sbalneavthe link from the last real work is the link on the first page:17:43
ace_suaresso the cookbook has no value anymore?17:43
nubae_thats the one17:43
ace_suaresyeah that is on doc.ubuntu..com and I am not touching that17:43
nubae_I took that as the base for the ltsp handbook17:43
sbalneavwhich is the HTML transliteration of the work I did organizing for edgy.17:43
sbalneavThe .debs of which are in my ppa17:44
ace_suarescan we say that all 'handbook' and 'cookbook' stuff on the wiki is not valid anymore (except the general 'how to contribute' and such pages) ?17:44
sbalneavnubae_: right, because at one time the only valid LTSP documentation was what I threw together for edgy.17:44
sbalneavwith your work, we got that separated out.17:44
sbalneavace_suares: I'd say so, yes.17:44
ace_suaresBecaue if that is so, I will put them all in special category and clean it up (without loosing info before the meetin has decided on the approach).17:45
nubae_so I stripped out all the ltsp stuff, but kinda neglected the edubuntu specific stuff17:45
nubae_it just got dumped17:45
sbalneavright.  So what we can do is go back to my package, strip out the LTSP stuff, and just keep the edu and installing stuff17:45
nubae_looking back, should have done both :-)17:45
nubae_beauty of hindsight17:45
ace_suarespretty cool. i'll clean up the wiki then before the meeting regarding handbook and cookbook, so we can then discuss soon how to approach the new handbook.17:46
sbalneavWe've got thr ltsp manual which we can package, and we can just cross link between the two.17:46
ace_suaresThos were my questions!17:46
sbalneavwhat would be COOL is, if ace gets the wiki sorted, then we can refer to SPECIFIC information in the wiki , which keeps the handbook, which is more static, up to date.17:46
ace_suaresgotta eat now I'll catch up later.17:47
alkisg1sbalneav: congrats for the sabayon@karmic thing :) You rocks :D17:48
nubae_alkisg1, did u know u can use kiwi to make non opensuse images too?17:49
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nubae_u can make exact fatcopies of debian/ubuntu/fedora17:50
alkisgnubae_: erm... gimme an example17:50
nubae_all running off same machine17:50
nubae_managed with smart17:50
alkisgBut still, I won't be able to directly maintain the image, will I?17:50
nubae_might be worth looking at... opensuse folks might do a fedora port just to show proof17:50
nubae_yeah through smart17:51
nubae_or u mean in real time?17:51
nubae_in real time no... but directly sure17:51
alkisgI mean with the usual tools for administration17:51
nubae_smart package manager17:51
alkisgE.g. can I use sabayon to lock things down in the image?17:51
nubae_its like synaptic17:51
alkisgCan I use gconf-editor to modify things inside the image?17:52
nubae_sure, y wouldnt u be able to install whateber u want17:52
alkisgIt's not only about installing packages...17:52
alkisgNo, I mean, how would I use gconf-editor to modify /path/to/image/etc/gconfd/mandatory settings ?17:53
nubae_on #ltsp, ask cyberorg more about kiwi... he knows much more than I17:53
alkisgI've been trying my approach for fat clients,17:53
alkisgand I'm now able to boot any number of clients from 1 desktop pc with just dnsmasq + 2 init scripts in it17:53
alkisgI'm going to package it soon and ask for opinions17:54
nubae_any number of clients? how many u tried with?17:54
alkisg3 :)17:54
alkisgBut it's just nfs, it's been used a lot, I don't think there will be a problem with it17:54
alkisgnfs support is hardwired into the initscripts, maybe more that any other remote filesystem17:54
alkisgSo I can maintain a single desktop PC, and boot all the classroom pcs from its hard disk. The easiest way to maintain a lab I've ever seen.17:56
nubae_hmmm nfs was not made to multitask large amounts of data like that though17:59
nubae_Id need to see it working on at least 20 concurrently to be convinced18:00
alkisgIt's just hard disk data, much, much lower than screen data18:00
alkisgnubae_: do you have access to such a lab, to try it out, when I package it? Only dnsmasq + 2 initscripts will be installed...18:01
alkisgUnfortunately, my labs are really low-end18:01
highvoltageace_suares: pong18:02
highvoltagesbalneav: ooh, glad it made it into karmic18:03
nubae_ sorry just locked myself out of my house but was lucky enough to use the credit card trick to open the door18:32
nubae_alkisg, yeah I have a special test lab with multiple computer types18:33
nubae_from 2002-200918:33
nubae_its our test centre at guadalinex18:33
nubae_and gigabit18:34
nubae_we can set it how we like18:34
nubae_but we do use hardware based virtualisation too, dont know how that will affect18:34
alkisgWell it will clone one "example" pc, whichever you want18:34
alkisgSo if you install it in a PC with vbox installed, all clients will have vbox installed18:35
alkisgI tried it, it worked fine18:35
nubae_anyway, we are looking for a solution like that so... can even do it during work hours18:35
nubae_well this is hardware based kvm... guess its irrelevant18:35
alkisgAre you OK with dnsmasq as a dependency, or do you want me to allow tftp/dhcp3-server? But in this case you'll have to do a few things manually..18:36
nubae_so yeah send me the script and ill test it tomorrow18:36
nubae_I can test both ways18:36
alkisgNo it's not ready yet for non-manual testing. Let me package it correctly first, with autodetection, account (=pc) creation etc18:36
nubae_just make sure u give me relatively specific instructions18:36
alkisgIt'll take me a few days to finish it18:37
nubae_ok... so need to just follow your instructions then u mean?18:37
nubae_or u want me to wait for your scripts?18:37
alkisgWhen I finish it, I hope that all you have to do is install it. No instructions unless you hit a bug or something.18:37
alkisgWait :)18:38
alkisgI'll send you a mail when I have it ready18:39
nubae_ok :-/18:39
alkisgYou _can_ try it now, but you'll need to do a lot of things manually18:39
* nubae_ is anxious to test this after so much talking about it :p18:39
alkisgSo you'll just get frustrated :-/18:39
nubae_sure, thats ok... I need to do something at work18:39
nubae_and my pyclic app is pretty much done18:40
alkisgOK ping me tomorrow morning, at least gimme the evening to wrap it up18:40
nubae_python rocks so much... I really wonder how I lived without it now18:40
nubae_I get in to work at 8... so I'll ping u then :p18:40
nubae_hey, if it works out, u'll have your stuff running in thousands of Spanish schools18:41
alkisgHeh. No, it'll need *a lot* of debugging before going to production18:42
nubae_yeah I know :-)18:42
nubae_I'm just getting you psyched....18:42
alkisgThe major pain is finding which dirs need to be writable...18:42
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Nubaealkisg, did I tell u I am a opensuse member now :p ?18:43
alkisgNope! Is that the equivelant of an ubuntu member?18:43
alkisgNubae ftw! :)18:43
Nubaewell even better... get much more 'power'18:43
alkisg...and in the Friday you'll be an edubuntu member as well... /me wonders if he has to try to become a member some day :)18:44
Nubaefunny, so I'll have @opensuse.org email, @ubuntu.org email18:44
alkisgI wonder if they have good spam filters18:45
Nubaeyeah y not, I thought u already were18:45
alkisgNah... I help here at the irc, and do a lot of stuff for the greek community, but I haven't contributed much upstream or in wikies yet18:45
Nubaewell u've done enough... Lns is a member18:45
Nubaeand u contributed about as much or more than him18:46
alkisgLns did a lot of work in the wiki, though18:46
Nubaespecially with your apps18:46
Nubaeyeah he did18:46
Nubaehehe, I guess I am a guadalinex member too, and sugar member18:47
alkisg...well I'm ok with myself, I think I've done enough this year that I am windows-free :) Next year I'll do better :)18:47
Nubaehave emails for all of them... bit ridiculous really18:47
alkisgYeah too many emails are more trouble than helpful18:48
Nubaespam magnet18:48
Nubaeone thing u can help with is linux-for-education.org, its a moodle install that is meant to be for all the distros working together18:49
Nubaeu could put a howto for your project there18:49
NubaeI'm just writing an LTSP on opensuse one right now18:49
alkisgCan that be used in multilingual projects?18:49
Nubaeyes, thats the idea18:49
NubaeI'm restructuring so toplevel is languages18:50
Nubaeeven have some Taiwanese guy wanting to collaborate18:50
Nubaeanyway, I'll add Greek too18:51
alkisgWe were looking on where to put some kturtle lessons... we put it at the ubuntu-gr loco site, but an edu-based site would be better18:51
NubaeI guess it makes sense to have the top level in the actual language itself18:51
Nubaeso Deutsch and not German18:51
Nubaewhat would Greek be?18:51
alkisgOoouch :) Ελληνικά18:52
Nubaeok... no problem18:53
NubaeI plan to bring it up on Friday, but would be good if there is already some stuff up there so can say, edubuntu and opensuse-edu folks are ALREADY collaborating to bring together the largest source of open learning materails  for linux :-)18:54
alkisgUmm I'll try to tell teachers here to use it, but I don't think they'll manage to get anything up till Friday...18:55
Nubaewhen u create a user, let me know so I can give u admin priveledges to be able to upload courses, create subsections, etc18:55
highvoltagesbalneav: [ubuntu/karmic] sabayon 2.27.91-0ubuntu1 (Accepted)18:56
Nubaehehe, right, but just one example would be good18:56
Nubaea skeleton they can follow18:56
alkisgNubae: ok - let's leave this for the next week, to push "twins" forward a little...18:56
highvoltagesbalneav: \o/18:56
Nubaealkisg, take a look at this: http://en.opensuse.org/Build_Service/KIWI/Cookbook19:01
Nubaegonna turn that into a moodle course too19:01
alkisgNubae: nice! ...and looks useful, too! :P19:02
Nubaewell it is... have a read... u might even be able to combine it with what u are doing19:02
Nubaeas in the case u wanted images for different oses running off the same machine19:03
NubaeI dunno... just an idea.. though I'm totally guessing since I dont even know what your stuff does exactly yet :-)19:03
alkisgNo the main idea is *not* to have any images19:05
alkisgE.g. if you want 3 different OSes, you keep them in 3 different PCs19:05
alkisgGoal: lab administration == desktop PC administration19:06
alkisgOK, back to packaging...19:06
highvoltagesbalneav: I see on launchapad you've had some uploads to gutsy before as well19:11
Nubaealkisg, can u paste me Courses in greek, or greek courses, in greek19:13
alkisgNubae: Μαθήματα στα Ελληνικά19:13
sbalneavhighvoltage: Yeah.  Most of my work is upstream19:15
Nubaealkisg, ok its there toplevel19:16
Nubaeu'll have to edit the description a bit...right now its just a c opy of the category19:16
alkisgWow.. that was fast :)19:17
Nubaemoodle rocks to edit19:18
Nubaehave u got a user there?19:18
alkisgNubae: so anyone is able to create an account and upload content?19:18
Nubaewell, an admin has to enable them to be a course creator19:19
Nubaebut our policy is quite relaxed, no massive background checks19:19
Nubaei left it neglected a bit for the last months...19:20
alkisgAnd opensuse-edu funds the hosting?19:20
Nubaegonna give another go at growing it... but really, community help is best for that19:20
Nubaenovell pays for it!19:20
alkisgSo I guess it'll be there for at least a few years... sounds good.19:21
Nubaeyes it will and its gotten very good reviews so far, though needs to grow significantly19:21
alkisgIs the server kinda slow? I can't get the signup page to load completely19:23
alkisgAh ok it was chrome's fault19:24
Nubaehmm, its usually very fast19:24
Nubaeheh, I think there is even a howto install chrome course there19:25
alkisgA "how to make chrome not-suck" would be more useful, though :)19:26
Nubaehehe yeah19:26
Nubaeso, the way I have it subcategorised in English is, subjects under Courses in English19:27
Nubaeand inside ICT, I have Fedora based, Suse based, Ubuntu based, etc19:27
Nubaetry and copy the structure in greek where relevant19:27
Nubaewhen u are a user let me know so I can give u the priveledges19:28
alkisgI'm waiting for the account creation mail19:28
Nubaeoh, can confirm u atuomatically, if the mail doesnt come let me know... cause could be a problem there19:29
Nubaeok, confirmed u19:30
Nubaeu can login now19:30
Nubaeand u are now an admin19:32
alkisgDanke! :)19:32
Nubaeyou may need to log out to get privs....19:32
Nubaewhen u login, ull see on the right create courses/categories19:33
Nubaego wild there...19:33
alkisgI'm gonna send an email in the greek teachers list, and if people are interested, I'll try to organize it in the next weeks19:33
alkisgBut if they aren't, I'll focus on development :-/19:33
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Nubae:-( Well the should be interested in having a common place to keep all lesson plans19:34
Nubaeas far as I know... this is the best option at the moment19:34
sbalneavHas anyone looked at the bug lists lately?  I'm going to spend some time before karmic on general  bugfixes.  Now that sabayon's at least in a useable state, I was wondering if anyone else had any showstoppers they'd like looked at?19:35
alkisgsbalneav: the ldm-hanging-at-logout bug - but it seems to be fixed with the "close" instead of "read" patch19:37
sbalneavalkisg: yeah, I added a thread which consumes any output generated during the session, and stgraber added the close.19:38
sbalneavI was thinking some of the more neglected areas of edubuntu19:39
alkisgNice, that one was a little critical19:39
sbalneavlike, say, the educational apps :)19:39
Nubaewell... one thing we absolutely need to do is create the extras meta package19:40
Nubaethe one with uni and multiverse apps in it19:40
Nubaeto expand the edu offerings19:40
Nubaewe've been talking about it for nearly a year now and still have nothing19:41
NubaeI have a list of apps I studied to make sure they worked ok and would be intereting to the edu community... u want me to send it your way sbalneav ?19:41
sbalneavWell, I've never created a meta package, but send it my way, and I can try creating one.19:46
sbalneavI can stick it in my ppa, then see if we can get it sponsored19:46
ograthats not really how metapackages work19:47
ograyou need toi create a seed first19:47
ograthen make germinate read that seed, then you can add the seed to the existing edubuntu-meta package19:48
ograwhich will spit out what you need19:48
* ogra really thinks that should be left to LaserJock, he has experience19:48
alkisgAnother area would be the educational-menus == different gnome menus per (student) group19:51
ograthat exists ... it lacks gui integration19:52
Nubaewell, he can download the source of an existing meta package19:52
Nubaeits not all that hard19:52
ograNubae, ??19:52
Nubaelaserjock already created -primary -secondary, -tertiary, etc19:52
ograthe source doesnt give you anything and if you do it worng it breaks the CD building19:52
ograyou need to commit apps and the like to the seeds19:53
NubaeI took a look into it a while back19:53
ograthey rule what shows up in the metapackage if the update script is run19:53
Nubaeyeah I know... he can download those from launchpad19:53
ograbut changing the metapackage source wont gain you a bit19:54
ograthe seeds are the essential bit19:54
NubaeI'm all for laserjock doing it, but he may not be around for a while, he's probably quite busy with real life stuff19:54
Nubaeright, I meant looking at the seeds19:54
ograyou can indeed just branch them and make your changes ass you like19:55
Nubaethink I used the seeds to see what apps were installed in the different distros (hardy, intrepid, jaunty)19:56
Nubaeto create the apps list for the website19:56
alkisgAh, on topic, is there any way to check which packages (and versions) are preinstalled in each ubuntu version?19:59
alkisgE.g. how can I see if dnsmasq-base is preinstalled in hardy?20:00
sbalneavdpkg -l | grep dnsmasq20:02
alkisgI mean, if I *don't* have hardy :)20:02
sbalneavah, I see20:02
alkisgWith seeds or something...20:03
sbalneav"Hey, person who's running hardy, could you run dpkg -l | grep dnsmasq and tell me what it says?"20:03
sbalneavThat's how *I*'d do it :)20:03
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sbalneavFYI, no it's not :)20:04
alkisgdpkg -l 'dnsmasq*'20:04
sbalneavsbalneav@feniks:~$ dpkg -l | grep dnsmasq20:04
sbalneavsbalneav@feniks:~$ dpkg -l 'dnsmasq*'20:04
sbalneavNo packages found matching dnsmasq*.20:04
alkisgHum. Well... they'd have to install it :) In Jaunty/Karmic it is.20:05
* alkisg notes that method down as an official workaround :D20:06
sbalneavAny old port in a storm :)20:06
sbalneavI beleive it was Alexander the Great, a greek of some small repute, who unravelled the gordion knot20:08
sbalneavI think we just did that here :)20:08
alkisgWell... instead of unravelling it, he just cut it in half. Hmmm, yeah, that's what we did too :)20:09
sbalneav3 months ago I finished reading another biography of Alexander.20:13
sbalneavJust a story about a man and his horse (Beucephalous)20:14
sbalneavI've always wanted to travel to Greece.  Fascinating place.20:14
alkisgHow know how it is... and I've always wanted to travel to the US, to Canada etc...20:16
alkisgBut I think the the friends you see wherever you go are more important than the places you visit20:17
sbalneavWell, by far the best is to see the places with the friends you love :)20:18
sbalneavHence, if you ever come to Canada, you're welcome to stay at Casa de Balneaves :)20:19
sbalneavBut winnipeg's pretty boring.  Known mainly for being flat :)20:19
sbalneavWe have a joke here in the prairies.  "It's so flat here you can watch your dog run away for 3 days"20:20
alkisgHeh. My town is the exact opposite20:26
alkisgMountains all around20:26
alkisgWe have an empty appartment below mine, so if you're into mountains, feel free to come either alone or with your family20:32
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tazzhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/kdeedu/+bug/419498 this is a easy one, can someone please confirm this bug ?22:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419498 in kdeedu "(kdeedu package) step tries to load non-existent files" [Undecided,New]22:24

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