
PupEkaddi: sounds like some kind of database encyclopedia but just taking a wild guess :)00:00
bazhanghttp://forums.adobe.com/thread/433896 jaison00:02
jaisoni heard from the forum that design view is not available in linux..00:02
bazhangkaddi, that is found in app-install-data00:03
jaisoncan we install flex using wine...00:03
bazhangjaison, check the appdb , help in #winehq00:04
bazhang!appdb | jaison00:04
ubottujaison: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:04
ravhello. does anyone know how to change the appearance settings of kde3 apps running under kde4?00:05
PupEok so do I have to lable my ntfs partition bootable to install xp, or will xp installation to that on its own? (hate having it but need to :-/)00:07
ravPupE: xp install does format partitions. not sure about making them bootable00:08
kaddibazhang: I see, thanks. Could you tell me what dbpedia does? Google associates it with wikipedia somehow and launching the program just yields an empty window, with no menu00:09
bazhang!info app-install-data00:09
ubottuapp-install-data (source: app-install-data-ubuntu): Ubuntu applications (data files). In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 6354 kB, installed size 23360 kB00:09
bazhangkaddi, pretty barebones description there ^^00:10
PupErav: thanks, do you know then if making the partition bootable would affect it?00:10
ravPupE: i don't know. i've only made dual-boots by resizing the existing xp partition, and installing linux on the free space. the original partition is bootable, but when you install grub, things work differently00:12
kaddibazhang: I know, some kpackageki-backend seems to depend on it, that's probably how I got it.. but it still can't figure what it really does :p00:12
bazhangkaddi, me either :)00:12
* kaddi can not sleep withuot knowing this :/00:13
bazhangperhaps the mailing lists would help :)00:13
ubottumail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com00:13
kaddilol, when I enter a search term, it seems to crash :p00:14
negnaril y a quelqu'un ?00:15
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr00:15
kaddiok, I'm just gonna bug google a bit about this... and then I'll probably delete it :p00:17
kaddihave fun00:17
PupEI see,  I did check the disk labels on my other dualboot pc and the ntfs has a boot flag00:17
negnarthx =)00:19
PupEWill xp find the free space on my hd if I leave it unallocated?00:23
PupEooo I think it will :)00:27
^peter^If it is unallocated, means it will not be listed for use.00:27
PupE^peter^: then how do I make it visible?00:30
BluesKajPupE, format it to ntfs00:34
PupEBluesKaj: do I have to give it a boot flag?00:35
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* genii sips01:11
darthanubisanyone have the link to the not able to play more than two sound sources at one time01:14
CoyotesAnyone know if the manual partition setup on the Live CD ALWAYS reformats partitions?01:17
CoyotesI have moved all my old stuff to a directory off the root of the old EXT3 FS01:17
CoyotesTried Ubuntu 8.04 and now I wanted to start fresh with a default install of Kubuntu 9.04.01:18
CoyotesAnd of course not enough space on other drive :/01:18
CoyotesDo I have to resize it or can I just reuse the old one like in Mac OSx and Windows?01:19
CoyotesUbuntu had a "restore" feature or something?  Would the "recovery" option in Grub do it?01:20
CoyotesSo it is possible to install into an existing partition with all the old system folder moved/renamed and leave them alone?01:24
Coyoteshttps://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/switching/first-steps.html I'm at this step.01:25
kavurtCoyotes: what do you want to know? how many partitions do you have?01:26
CoyotesI have 3.01:27
CoyotesFirst is 50GB Ext301:27
Coyotes"EFS" I think is the other name01:27
kavurtyou had 8.04 on it?01:27
kavurton the first partition01:27
Coyotes2nd is swap01:27
Coyotes3rd is something else (not sure lol)01:28
CoyotesYeah with Ubuntu package.01:28
CoyotesI just moved all files into a folder.01:28
kavurtin the first partition?01:28
CoyotesYeah deleted most things but the home and etc folders01:28
Coyotesall Lib/lib32/etc.01:29
kavurtdon't you want to remove the etc folder?01:29
CoyotesIt has one called "old home".01:30
CoyotesThat's the entire root directory's contents01:30
CoyotesBlank except that folder.01:30
CoyotesGot rid of Sys/bin/etc.01:30
Coyotesoops I meant "etc." the term01:30
Coyoteslol not the folder01:30
Coyotesmy bad01:30
kavurtI think you don't need anything except home folder01:31
CoyotesI meant that I put all but the settings and old files into a folder.01:31
CoyotesWell I really just wanted to move stuff over manually to entirely new organization of files.01:32
CoyotesBut hard to do it if I can't install without reformat. :(01:32
kavurtcant you move the folders you need, to the 3rd partition?01:33
CoyotesIt's swap I think...  or blank...  and too small.01:33
CoyotesI'll go check to see the exact layout.01:33
v6lurif i enter a hebrew character into filename, the whole filename switches to right-to-left01:34
v6luris there a way to get only the hebrew character(s) in RTL direction?01:34
v6lur(KDE 3.5.10, kubuntu 8.04)01:34
kavurtI think you can resize the first partition during the install, and won't lose data01:34
v6lurexact use case: a hebrew song title from a multilingual album01:34
v6luris the only way to use romanized title?01:34
* genii sips and ponders multilingual hebrew songs01:35
CoyotesSdb1=50GB ext3, 4GB of free space, and sdb5=swap of 2.5GB.01:35
CoyotesWait, can I install Kubuntu to only 4GB?  heh01:35
kavurtyes you can01:36
kavurtbut is it a free space on the first partiton?01:36
Coyotesooooh I'll try that.   I just never could get my DVD burning tools working 100% in Gnome.01:36
Coyotes(8.04 hated my hardware)01:36
Coyotescrash crash crash01:36
dwidmann_ /j #qt01:37
dwidmann_stupid spaces01:37
CoyotesIt wasn't just CDR or naut that crashed...  I think even the browsers did.  Video card is old PCI-E ATI so not sure if the drivers just were bad.01:38
CoyotesTHanks for help!01:38
CoyotesIt stunk to have to load UBCD4Win or use an adapter on my laptop to burn...  Oh well it'll work now I hope.  :)01:39
Coyotes*kicks self*  Oh, didn't notice that tiny button that says "Format:  Yes/No?"01:42
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CoyotesInstalling just fine without formatting the partition.  I was only worried because it's a rather dangerous tool to not be 100% sure of.02:06
CoyotesOnly lost 2 partitions in 20 years from that kind of mistake.  lol not wanting a 3rd02:06
CoyotesSet 50GB as /home02:07
Coyotes4GB as /02:07
Coyoteslast as swap02:07
CoyotesLost an old 20MB one and a 850MB one many years ago - 20mb on not knowing FDISK.EXE is instant and can't be undone...  Other from not understanding that hd_/sd_ system.  Yeah noticed it was the wrong drive about 5% in and never wanting to go through a recovery again.  :)02:09
CoyotesI could have rebuilt the partition table on the 20MB but I had all of 1-2 years PC experience at school.02:10
Lars_Gdo you guys think this could someday become a kubuntu netbook remix? I'd love one http://www.linuxtoday.com/developer/2009072700335OSEMKE02:10
CoyotesOh I love the dell 12"02:10
Coyoteshmm checking url02:11
krisHi. Is there a package or program that allows me to interface directly with ALSA and normalize the sound that comes from the ALSA server? Or at least one that allows me to adjust the relative levels of various frequencies of sound (an equalizer)?02:11
CoyotesHmm looking at that Dell advertisement, I think there's going to be real laptops that work like that.02:12
CoyotesYou don't touch anything02:12
CoyotesJust move a ball or something in the air.02:12
CoyotesSony is making a neat 2-camera system for that to emulate clay if I remember right.02:12
BluesKajCoyotes, were another victim of partition magic ?02:12
BluesKajwere you02:13
CoyotesNo... lol02:13
CoyotesThat REALLY old Linux tool from RH02:13
CoyotesLike RH 6/702:13
Coyotes1999 or so02:13
Lars_GCoyotes: I still have a RH 6.2 machine in production02:13
CoyotesWell not saying it aint stable...02:13
Lars_Gno dude, it haunts me, every day02:14
CoyotesJust... really old.  I like some new features as well as bug fixes.  Bug fixing and adding features is sometimes a nightmare to 'glue' to old OSes.02:14
CoyotesIt crashes a lot?02:14
CoyotesOh, going to go look up that ALSA thing.02:14
Lars_GNow the one machine that really ruined my life was the SunOS 2.6 (aka solaris 6) one02:15
Lars_Gthankfully got rid of that one, not too long ago02:15
BluesKajI really didn't get serious about linux til 2001 ...think I still have the disk around here some where , can't recall the OS tho02:15
CoyotesNice hardware at least :)02:15
Lars_GBluesKaj: I've been linux only since the 90's02:15
Lars_GMy brain works posix like02:15
CoyotesLike my old 2400+ Athlon Mobile on a desktop board, or my laptop's P-III.02:15
Lars_Gso I can't stand real work on windows02:15
Lars_GI miss the console02:15
Lars_Gand /dev, /proc, bash scripts, pipes, the works02:16
CoyotesConsole=redirect and filter=can't get that in a GUI!02:16
BluesKajlong enuff , Lars_G , Linus didn't wite the j=kernel til 91 or 9202:16
Lars_GBluesKaj: been at it since around 9702:16
CoyotesThat's like saying you didn't get any Nintendo system until 1986.  :P02:16
Lars_Gor 9602:16
BluesKajI never had nintendo...my kids did tho :)02:17
Lars_GCoyotes: and damn, serial consoles have saved my ass on quite a few servers02:17
BluesKajthe OT cops will be here soon :)02:17
Lars_GI had nintendo, quite late, don't know exactly when but I did02:17
CoyotesActually, a better GUI can do a lot of the stuff using macros and plugins... but it's a lot easier showing someone a text file that's 3KB instead of a video that's 30MB.02:17
Lars_Ganswer me then02:17
Lars_Gsomeobody's gonna integrate that kde ui into a kubuntu netbook remix? :D02:18
CoyotesYeah remember old dual-monitor support on VGA+mono screens?02:18
CoyotesYou get SICE or such.02:18
CoyotesAnd use a serial port to kill/start/control tasks.02:18
hackerxanyone here a programmer?02:18
CoyotesUse the mono monitor for hacking :)02:18
Lars_Ghackerx: pretty vague, but I am02:18
CoyotesI'd say at least 80% of use program at least a little.02:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hack02:19
Lars_GCoyotes: nah, my last mono monitor was on my epson qx-1002:19
CoyotesMaybe 20%+ are good02:19
Lars_Gthat was cpm, not linux ;)02:19
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy02:19
CoyotesNo, I meant DOS and Windows...02:19
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o02:19
CoyotesA hacker is a player of D&D who likes axes.02:19
Lars_GCoyotes: we had one we used to call moulinex02:19
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/02:20
CoyotesCut and slice... program and debug... damn it's still as bloody!02:20
Lars_GCoyotes: ambidextrous trickin.02:20
hackerxLars_G : I ask because Im looking into doing that as I job I guess you would say.. Just interested in how other people went about it.. types of classes and such02:20
CoyotesLots and lots of C/C++.02:20
CoyotesVB stuff is useless for making OSes and such.02:20
CoyotesMake your interface and such in a 'pretty' language.02:20
CoyotesImplement backend using something like C.02:20
CoyotesFast+stable+easy to debug02:21
Lars_Gdon't diss pretty languages, I'm a ruby head02:21
CoyotesPYthon too?02:21
Lars_GGetting into it02:21
Lars_Gmainly because I can hack quick stuff on my symbian phone02:21
CoyotesMachine language is beaultiful compared to Asm...  but really hard to even read, yet alone make.  :)02:21
Lars_Gbut I still like ruby02:21
CoyotesMAchine code!=CPU instructions02:21
CoyotesWe're talking And/Or/etc.02:21
negnarerf sensors me dit qu'ils ne trouvent pas de ventilo pwm alors que le radbox l'est x)02:22
Lars_Gmachine lang IS cpu instructions.02:22
CoyotesI hate that junk but it's the only way to make FPGAs useful.02:22
Lars_Gwhat you mean is basic comp architecture, lower level than a functioning cpu02:22
CoyotesSomeone invented a C compiler for them hehe02:22
CoyotesRing -102:22
Lars_Gis what you talking about02:22
CoyotesRing -2 etc02:22
krisHi. Is there an equalizer or normalizer program for ALSA?02:22
Lars_Gfor fpgas it's vhdl02:22
CoyotesUltimate debugging is to hack at the analog level...  But no sane will.02:22
CoyotesOh sorry Kris02:23
CoyotesLet me look.02:23
krisCoyotes: Thank you, in advance.02:23
CoyotesFound one already I think!02:24
CoyotesGoogled "ALSA filter equalizer"02:24
CoyotesYou need the word "filter" I think.02:24
krisAh. Thank you!02:24
BluesKajinteresting article here : http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/opensource/?p=874&tag=nl.e01102:24
Coyotesplugin or filter is normal term.02:24
krisGot a link, please?02:24
=== neomantra is now known as neomantra82
Kirbonhow do you reinstall dpkg02:42
sub[t]rnlKirbon: apt-get has a --reinstall option.02:45
Kirboni tried that and it says invalid command02:47
sub[t]rnlshow me what you typed02:47
Kirbonapt-get --reinstall02:50
sub[t]rnlsudo apt-get --reinstall dpkg02:50
Kirboni got this apt-get --reinstall dpkg02:51
KirbonE: Invalid operation dpkg02:51
sub[t]rnluse "sudo"02:52
Kirbonim in terminal as root02:52
Kirbonill try it though02:53
aj_44_4I'm installing ubuntu netbook remix on my asus eee pc 1005ha, and I've hit a road bump. this explains the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1249742 . The tutorial is not in depth enough and this is my first time working with something other than windows.02:53
sub[t]rnlsorry, sudo apt-get install --reinstall dpkg02:53
Kirbonit doesnt work because apt-get is what is broke02:55
Kirbonit didnt fetch the files to reinstall02:55
sub[t]rnlwhats the error messages, exactly02:55
Kirbonlengthy better pvt it02:56
Kirbonif thats ok02:56
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:57
BluesKajKirbon, I've never heard of installing dkpg with apt , it' usually installed by default with the OS02:59
CoyotesHmm Linux should be mostly installed by now - brb03:04
CoyotesWhat would be a good channel to ask if there's a CPU coming out with just PCI-E 1x, SATA, and USB 2 I/O?  It would be great for making a netbook.03:13
jeremyAnyone feel like helping me with a super newbie question?03:14
Coyoteshi I guess so :)03:14
jeremyI got rid of the taskbar on the panel and have no idea how to get it back.03:14
jeremyJust barely installed kubuntu, not used to it yet.03:15
CoyotesLook in the KDE folder...03:15
jeremySorry. I warned that it was super newbie. ^^;03:16
CoyotesThe settings are there.   OK I'll get the exact info in a second.03:17
jeremyI really appreciate it.03:17
Dragnslcrjeremy- right-click the desktop and you'll see an option to add a panel03:17
CoyotesI'm thinking there has to be a text file to edit or a command in the GUI...  lol I just switched to Kubuntu myself from the Gnome desktop (Ubuntu)03:17
jeremyOk, I have a panel on the top of the screen, but I don't know how to get it so that applications are displaying on it.03:18
DragnslcrCoyotes- CPU's aren't really related to any of those features. Do you mean motherboards?03:18
jeremyIf that's a particular widget I don't know what it's called.03:18
alonsochey guys, im using gnome ... i have a lot of troubles with msn client while using kopete, which msn client would u recommend me? or do you think kopete is fine, and there 's  a fix for my proble,?03:18
Dragnslcrjeremy- add a new Task Manager widget03:19
jeremyNormally I use pidgen for IM'ing.03:19
CoyotesI mean why not make a CPU that only interacts over serial busses.03:19
CoyotesFor ultra-cheap, ultra-small machines.03:19
jeremyOh my, thanks so much Dragnslcr !03:19
jeremyI'm used to that being a system moniter.03:19
DragnslcrCoyotes- because that's not really the job of the CPU? That depends a lot more on the motherboard and chipsets03:20
CoyotesCool - now I learned something about the taskbar without extensive reading.  Thanks :)03:20
CoyotesWell ever here of system on a chip?03:20
CoyotesWe're talking about a machine the size of a pack of playing cards.03:20
CoyotesFlash drive, RAM, CPU, all really small.03:21
DragnslcrAnyway, that doesn't have anything to do with Kubuntu03:21
CoyotesI meant to ask in another channel but no one told me which so I stopped... but then you asked.  :)03:21
CoyotesOK Back in topic03:22
jeremyBeing brand new to Linux, I would like to ask, is there a difference in programming windowed applications in GNOME and KDE?03:22
jeremyI've only ever done Windows apps before.03:23
digmoreHi, I just update apache/php on ubuntu. I try http://localhost on firefox. It refuses to connect. I am able to ping localhost, any idea?03:25
rmrfslashAnyone notice anything funky going on w/ Ctrl key lately?03:29
_TJlike what?03:29
_TJdigmore: check ur firewall/port fwd03:30
neomantra82digmore: i think you can pretty much always ping your own box.  are you sure the apache service is actually running right now?  and are you certain it's running on port 80?03:30
Dragnslcrjeremy- Gnome uses GTK, and KDE uses Qt, but both of them can run both GTK and Qt programs03:30
jeremyDragnslcr - Thanks for the answer. I'll do a bit of research on GTK/Qt then. Good to know they can both be used.03:30
Dragnslcrjeremy- I haven't really worked with them, though, so I couldn't tell you which toolkit is easier to use03:31
rmrfslashWell, I'm not entirely sure what is going on but if I hit the control key it toggles something on03:31
rmrfslashI think it causes kubuntu to think I'm continually holding down Ctrl + Shift until I hit the Ctrl key twice to "unstick" it03:31
rmrfslashWell, right there I was able to cause kubuntu to think I was continually holding down the control key03:34
rmrfslashhappens w/ either control key too.... so I'm pretty much ruling out a hardware problem03:35
neomantra82rmrfslash: maybe you turned on "sticky keys"?  try going to system settings -> accesibility, and then the 'modifier keys' tab and see if you have sticky keys enabled.  then see if turning it off changes the behavior.03:36
neomantra82i think holding down shift for a few seconds activates it03:36
neomantra82and can also turn it off03:36
rmrfslashneomantra82: I love you03:37
rmrfslashI was seriously about to die. Honestly, I have no clue how the hell sticky keys became enabled03:37
neomantra82awesome, glad i could help :)03:40
rmrfslashSo glad that problem is solved.03:42
rmrfslashI'm sure I'll be back on.... :)03:42
rmrfslashgoin to bed now03:42
=== jeremy is now known as Riobe
=== Riobe is now known as jeremy
digmoreneomantra82: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start --> Starting web server apache2 --> type localhost on firefox, not working03:54
digmoreneomantra82: not sure how to check port 80 or not03:54
Lynn789a friend of miine is having problems with her computer her usb ports have power running through them but they do not register anything else. any ideas on how to make them work again?03:57
CoyotesHave you tried a Live CD?03:59
CoyotesIf it suddenly happened, then it could be lightning or a software glitch...  Elimination.03:59
Lynn789we tried to do that yesterday and her cd and dvd players were not working either.03:59
Coyoteslol it's the hardware03:59
CoyotesBut yes you could try another CD-ROM drive.04:00
CoyotesDo you have a spare CD-ROM?04:01
CoyotesIt just has to boot.04:01
CoyotesNo burning required.04:01
Lynn789a couple others were helping me with it. it was registering through the system that it was there and was working. they were booting up in a weird order so they had me -r each one in sudo and the install again in the correct order in terminal box04:01
CoyotesIs even a mouse not working?04:02
CoyotesMice almost never die, but drives can.  :(04:02
Lynn789well we had to borrow an old mouse that you plug in like the keyboard. otherwise no because her mouse is a usb mouse04:03
Lynn789it was lighting up to indicate it had power but then not working after that04:03
CoyotesI would try taking out each piece of hardware and testing seperately.  Like:  Try her CD/DVD on your system.04:03
CoyotesTried your USB mouse and keyboard?  IF the keyboard won't let you access the BIOS and you're sure that the BIOS is set to support it...  board will need replacement.04:05
CoyotesLuckily the board probably is only problem.04:05
Lynn789keyboard works because it is not plugged into a usb but the mouse was. like i said we borrowed an older mouse that plugs in the same as the keyboard.04:06
CoyotesFunny story:  My mom's computer did that weird stuff where one or both drives would randomly not be detected... Replaced cables and wow it was like it was fixed or something.  ;)04:06
CoyotesGot a USB keyboarD?04:06
CoyotesI think you fried a chip on the board...04:07
Lynn789well this computer has appx 6 or 7 usb ports and none of them work04:07
CoyotesNormally I'd say it was a software issue but...  you have other stuff broke before the OS is even loaded.04:08
Coyoteslet's take this into private04:08
rcs29usbuenas noches04:15
digmorehi, how do I check apache2 is running04:17
keldinps -all in term?04:18
=== dtech is now known as d-tech
keldinps -e   try that04:19
digmoreshould i do --> ps -e | grep apache204:21
CoyotesOR use Pgrep :)04:21
keldinsounds good I was just guessing04:21
keldinnewbie too04:21
CoyotesYeah either :)04:21
keldindid you try to go to http://localhost:8080/ and see if a page shows?04:22
digmoreps -e | grep apache2 ---> output nothing --> assume apache2 is not running04:23
CoyotesThere's a command to list open ports as well...04:23
CoyotesBeen a few months so I can't remember offhand.  :/04:23
CoyotesServer off=port not trapped04:24
CoyotesIf you see port 80 then obviously apache is going04:24
digmorehmmm.. didn't see port 8004:27
keldini just installed tomcat6 package from package manager04:27
keldinand did "http://localhost:8080/" and the default page comes up with no tweaking04:27
keldindon't ask me how to change anything on it though04:29
digmorejust wonder, am I supposed to see something like    netstat -->tcp 0 0 localhost:80  localhost:???         ESTABLISHED04:36
Coyoteslocalhost or or something04:37
digmoreI see a few localhost but none of them are with 8004:38
keldindid you look at the logs in /var/logs/apache204:42
keldingoto /usr/sbin04:50
keldinrun ./apache2ctl start04:51
keldinworks for me i had to do sudo ./apache2ctl stop         then did again with start04:54
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
digmoresudo ./apache2ctl stop05:00
digmorehttpd (no pid file) not running05:00
keldindid you try start then?05:02
keldinsudo ./apache2ctl start05:03
keldinyou could install KSystemLog from add/remove and look at the daemons.log for any clues as to why it didn't start or the error logs in /var/log/apache2/error.log05:04
digmorethe error log said --> PHP Warning:  [eAccelerator] This build of "eAccelerator" was compiled for PHP version 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1.05:04
digmoreLet me fix this first05:05
digmorethx keldin. I should look at the error log first05:10
CoyoteseAcceleration?  Isn't that the company that makes Stop-Sign?  ;)05:10
digmoreI don't have a habbit to look at error log XD05:12
keldingood luck going back to installing kubuntu05:15
digmorewhat did u use before?05:16
keldini have vmware fusion on mac osx running 9.04 ubuntu it installed gnome (yuck)05:16
keldinwant to get back to kde05:16
keldini am downloading and installing kubuntu package now05:16
keldinhow do i switch once its installed to kde?05:16
dwidmann_keldin: log out, select kde from the gdm menu, log in05:17
keldini didnt see an option to change, but once the package is done does an option show up?05:18
dwidmann_keldin: should05:18
dwidmann_keldin: should be a menu that you can get to, probably by clicking something along the bottom05:19
keldini started with unix on ibm AIX with CDE so i've always been more partial to KDE than gnome (I am trying to not use windows dont want a copy of it).05:19
keldini havent used ubuntu in a while been stuck in osx win world last i used was version 6.something its been a while05:21
keldinlooks good in vmware on mac osx though, if i get this working will install on a netbook05:22
dwidmann_keldin: things have changed a bit, mostly for the better, but some things are still catching up to what they once were05:22
keldinthats an interesting statement - btw had to use this to get vmware fusion to work with 9.04 it worked good though05:23
keldindownload finished installing, after is done i will be back going to try to switch to kde05:24
bhabalinuxhello everyone05:26
bhabalinuxhow do I identify unwanted source files05:27
keldindoes it help to add more cores to ubuntu in vmware? i have 8 cores right now only giving 1 core to unbuntu05:32
keldinshould I increase to 2 or 3?05:33
CoyotesWhy limit ourselves?  IF I could get it legally, I'd make a hard drive for Mac OSX just to try... But most of the stuff I want on there is in Linux anyways.  :P05:33
keldini already pre-ordered snow leopard its only $2405:34
Dragnslcrkeldin- if the CPU usage is below 50%, I wouldn't bother05:34
keldinjust get the hack to install the disk is only $2405:34
CoyotesIsn't it illegal though on my Dell or other non-MAc?  I wish Apple would create a version for generic PCs but then it wouldn't be Apple a nymore :)05:35
CoyotesI aint going that route05:35
keldini have a macbook (pre-aluminum) and macpro 8 core tower05:36
keldinso not did it myself05:36
keldinthis package is taking forever to install still in preconfigure stage05:36
CoyotesI DO have a dual core G4 just sitting waiting on a $280 power supply ;)05:37
CoyotesFriend wants me to fix it but only so we could sell it.05:37
keldini don't think g4/g5 can run snow leopard they are removing powerpc code05:37
keldini think leopard is the end of the line05:38
CoyotesWell it's only about the same as a high end P3 anyways...05:38
keldini miss classic mode (to run wordperfect)05:38
CoyotesFigured some collecter wants the thing to run some Apple-Only stuff in a closet somewhere.05:38
kelding4/g5 you could still run clasic with panther with os905:39
CoyotesMy stepmom does that with a machine only used for Air card05:39
keldinyep apples lifecycle is much shorter than most05:40
keldini'd order a netbook from dell but why are they still selling ubuntu 8 instead of 9.04?05:41
CoyotesUntil they get the drivers tested I'd imagine...05:47
CoyotesHeh, I bet there's a guy at Dell that does nothing but look on forums and places like this for bugs.05:48
CoyotesThen when most bugs are fixed, they upgrade.05:48
keldinyeah, i was thinking about it its only about $400, but i don't want to figure the problems out if wifi doesnt work or something major05:49
CoyotesIt's too bad that 8.04 on my desktop was like running 98 first edition :(05:59
CoyotesI heard that 8.10 and 9.04 fixed that issue.05:59
keldinjust configured a 10.1 with my preferred options $81806:00
CoyotesMac OS7=crash crash crash as well :)06:00
keldini want to get one before they switch netbooks to arm06:01
keldini'd rather have intel atom, won't you have to recompile everything you install if dell switches to arm for netbook linux?06:02
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keldingoing to veg with tv while this installs., later06:08
fyanhi all06:09
fyangood day06:09
fyanany one can help me06:09
Coyoteshmm what with?06:13
keldinkubuntu/kde finished installing but it seems to have lost the vmware tools settings06:20
keldindo i have to reinstall vmwaretoools?06:20
CoyotesBah about to have to do that myself lol06:22
CoyotesI guess I can research for both of us06:22
CoyotesGot to move laptop to living room - brb06:23
fyanhow can i install some addons aplications for kubuntu06:25
fyanlike flashplayer06:25
fyanor pidgin06:25
nibblesOK Now I'm checking...  THe big thing is the kernel version!06:30
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CoyotesOk :)06:30
keldinright click on the desktop and click run command start typeing synaptic package manager06:32
keldinand run it when it comes up, search for under all flash06:32
keldinor pidgin06:32
CoyotesTrying Konquer on my desktop next to me :)06:32
CoyotesCome to think of it...  I never tried 32-bit 8.04 so it might have been my driver support.  :/06:33
skiburamarok crashes, anybody have this problem?06:59
jonathan__Hi everyone07:12
jonathan__what's going on07:12
jonathan__anyone here?07:13
noaXessgood morning07:26
noaXessmy automatic update doesn't work.. it's enabled, but no auto update.. need always check manually wiht sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:27
noaXessany idea?07:27
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norenhi all need help in enabling the thesarus in Oo309:05
larsaaHi, anyone know how to use ping with a cidr address?09:16
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CoyotesTHose should help.09:29
rahmanhi, I have compiled kde trunk, how can I make kdm default login manager instead of gdm?09:32
theatrohi rahman09:37
theatrofirst try this  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm09:37
rahmantheatro: well, I already did this: * Reloading GNOME Display Manager configuration...                                                                * Changes will take effect when all current X sessions have ended.09:41
rahmanIs there some config file some where in /etc to edit?09:42
keithIs this the channel for 9.10 related issues?09:42
theatroyes rahman ok09:42
theatrochange gdm to kdm here /etc/X11/default-display-manager09:42
rahmantheatro: there is no default-display-manager under /etc/X1109:45
johnpaulhello is anyone girl here who can talk I'm depressed now09:45
theatrojohnpaul, stop being depressed09:46
johnpaulhello theatro09:46
theatrorahman, well I only have kdm and this file only has one line with this:  /usr/bin/kdm09:46
johnpaulhow  can i avoid my depressed09:47
theatrorahman, kdm is configured from system settings > Advanced tab > Login Manager09:47
keithKarmic issues here... yes? no?09:48
rahmantheatro: I have only gdm and there is no such file :) I have kdm installed from svn so dpkg doesnt aware of it09:48
theatroah rahman09:48
rahmankeith:  #ubuntu+1 as I know09:49
theatrothats an important detail to tell in advance09:49
johnpauldoes anyone know09:49
keithrahman, does that apply to kubuntu karmic issues?09:49
johnpaulhow to install andriod in kubuntu09:49
theatrojohnpaul, excercise and healthy diet09:49
rahmankeith: better ask there if it is not kde related09:50
keithrahman, it is kde related. :)09:50
yesitisjustmeis there a software that could tell you how much ram your computer can handle?09:52
keithyesitisjustme, your best bet would be to look for information from the manufacturer of your motherboard09:52
keithyesitisjustme, or maybe a site/company that sells ram. Sometimes they have that information.09:53
yesitisjustmeis a laptop brand i never heard of before09:53
keithyesitisjustme, some ram sites, like crucial or kingston let you search by brand and model.09:53
rahmanAny body know when will knetworkmanager will be feature complete as nm-applet in gnome?09:54
keithI am using a VM to run Kubuntu, and when I mount a CD in the VM, it doesn't automount in Kubuntu. Which I assume is by design. When I click to open the CD in the "Recently Plugged in Devices" it works fine. But if I first try to open the disc from Computer in the menu, it does not mount, and then will not mount from "Recently Plugged in Devices". Am I doing something wrong? or is this a bug?09:54
rahmanits kde 4.3 and still there is no fully working network manager09:54
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:55
rahmankeith: not auto-mounting is by desing09:56
keithrahman, but what about not mounting from the kicker?09:57
rahmankeith: it seems its a bug09:57
rahmando you get any error messages09:58
keithrahman, No... Xorg crashed when I was trying, but I think it is unrelated.09:58
rahmanwhat version of kde?09:58
rahmankeith: ^09:59
keithrahman, whatever is in the latest version of Karmic... 4.3? Not sure how to see the version.09:59
rahmanyes 4.3. You can see it in any kde app's about dialog10:00
keithYep, 4.3.00. Wasn't sure if there was a micro verson10:00
keithrahman, it could also be VM related, though I am thinking not.10:01
rahmanif you can reproduce it every time you try, just search bugs.kde.org and fill a bug report10:01
keithrahman, ok... just wanted to make sure since I am not very familiar with KDE10:03
rahmanbtw in 4.4 trunk kiker still doesn't mount cd, but I can then mount it via devices applet10:04
v6lurif i enter a hebrew character into filename, the whole filename switches to right-to-left10:04
v6luris there a way to get only the hebrew character(s) in RTL direction?10:04
v6lur(KDE 3.5.10, kubuntu 8.04)10:04
v6lurexact use case: a hebrew song title from a multilingual album10:04
Mamarokkeith and rahman: please take Karmic related stuff to #ubuntu+1, also Karmic related bugs need to go to bugs.launchpad.net, not to bugs.kde.org10:05
v6luris the only way to use romanized title?10:05
FloodBotK1v6lur: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:05
keithMamarok, thanks.10:06
Mamarokkeith: you are welcome :)10:06
=== Mamarok changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Karmic support in #ubuntu+1 only | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 9.04 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | KDE 4.3 backports http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3 | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Please respect the Ubuntu IRC guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
Mamarokv6lur: sorry, I haven't uses 8.04 since quite a long time now10:09
devon1hey all10:15
devon1 ok my ubuntu crash on me and i couldnt boot it back up so i had to install a new copy on my hard drive i was wondering if there was a way to get back in it and get some of the files off of it using the fresh copy of ubuntu?10:15
Mamarokv6lur: but maybe setting your locale to UTF-8 or -16 might help, if it's not already done so10:15
Mamarokdevon1: you rarely have to reinstall completely, debugging with a live CD should be your first move when you can't log in again10:16
Mamarokalso you didn't specify the version you are talking about10:17
Mamarokdevon1: please keep the discussion in this channel and answer my question10:19
Mamarok9.04 you mean, and you are unsing Kubuntu, right?10:19
devon1yes sorry10:19
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.10:19
Mamarokok, why exactly can't you log in again, did you get any error messages? and why did it crash?10:20
Mamarokjtheuer: please ask bot question in a query if those are not related to a support discussion10:20
jtheuerMamarok: How do I do this? Or how do I privately ask the bot?10:21
espereguanyone an idea why my wired ethernet might not be working? I have a dell studio 13. It worked before then started to get disconnected and now it does not get an IP at all anymore10:21
Mamarokjtheuer: just type /query ubottu !your question10:21
devon1i log out of it last night and then turn my pc on this morning and it was totally gone i didnt get any error messages from it i couldnt even pick it when i went to boot also i try to boot my vista and it didnt boot to10:22
Mamarokesperegu: please be a bit more specific about your Kubuntu and KDE version10:22
espereguMamarok: kubuntu 9.0410:22
espereguMamarok: KDE 4.2.210:23
Mamarokesperegu: and which KDE version? The default 4.2.2 I guess?10:23
Mamarokright :)10:23
espereguMamarok: =)10:23
Mamarokesperegu: you should try wicd instead of the default network manager, there are problems with WiFi connections10:23
espereguMamarok: I just also installed the ubuntu desktop and that also gave the problem10:23
Bouesperegu tallks about wired connection I think, not wireless?10:24
Mamarokdevon1: did you get any grub login window or nothing at all?10:24
espereguMamarok: Wifi is working properly (using it right now) its abotu wired10:24
espereguBou: yeah indeed10:24
devon1nothing at all10:24
Mamarokesperegu: sorry, misread your question10:24
Bouesperegu: you tried with another wire?10:25
Bou(or cable, not sure of english word)10:25
Mamarokdevon1: no message, no startup sign, nothing?10:25
espereguBou: yeah. even via my iphone which is connec.ted to another network. made no difference10:25
Mamarokdevon1: sounds like a grub problem, but since you reinstalled it is a tad too late to repair grub :(10:26
Mamarokdevon1: you reinstalled on a different partition, right?10:27
devon1nope nothing i just turn it on and it wasnt there my vitsa boot to the loading window and did nothing after i intalled my windows again and look at my hard drive i still saw the kbuntu on the hard drive10:27
devon1yes i did10:27
devon1its still there10:28
Mamarokdevon1: ok, just to make sure, do you have your /home on a separate partition, too?10:28
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espereguanyone a suggestion to get wired nic going?10:29
Mamarokdevon1: ok, so you should be able to mount your old /home on a different location and copy over the content to your actual home10:29
Mamarokdevon1: but  JFYI, installing Windows after Linux breaks grub and one just has to restore grub, no need to reinstall everything...10:30
Mamarok!grub | devon10:30
ubottudevon: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:30
devon1o no i couldnt do anything with the pc it was totally dead windows and ubuntu both were dead10:31
Mamarokdevon1: of course, as grub didn't load, you need to power up with a live CD and then follow the steps given in the link above to restore grub10:32
devon1no windows was in before grub10:32
Mamarokdevon1: still, as the hard disk works, and you couldn't boot, there must have been a grub problem10:33
devon1im new to linux10:33
Mamarokdevon1: grub is the startup manager where you choose what to start, so if it doesn't load you can start nothing10:33
devon1so if i run that cmd off the live cd i should be able to get in to that 1st setup?10:34
Mamarokdevon1: it should restore grub, but as you did reinstall everything, it is too late for that, what you want now is to get back your old files, right?10:34
devon1yes just some of them thats in there10:35
Mamarokdevon1: well, mount that old partition in /media and then copy over the files10:35
devon1im going to have to figure out how to do that10:36
Mamarokdevon1: devon1 mount it in /media calling it /media/oldhome or such, as it still is labeled /home from the previous installation10:36
devon1ok i got ya now10:37
devon1thank you guys so much10:37
Mamarokyou are welcome :)10:37
Mamarokdevon1: this might also help:10:38
Mamarok!mount | devon110:38
ubottudevon1: Partitioning programs: !GParted or !QtParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter10:38
Mamarokhm, not exactly what I had in mind, second...10:39
Mamarokdevon1: try this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount10:39
nacuwini have problem with pidgin..what should i do?please ...10:40
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gjuliannacuwin: what problem?10:40
Guest52711i have a problem10:40
nacuwini run pidgin..but nothing happen..10:40
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Guest52711i need to join undernet's network10:41
Guest52711who can help me?10:41
devon1ty again10:41
MamarokGuest52711: what IRC client do you use?10:41
Mamarokdevon1: you are welcome :)10:41
gjuliannacuwin: do you have pidgin installed, right?10:41
MamarokGuest52711: in KDE 4 I guess?10:41
nacuwinleat 2 weeks..it was fine10:42
gjuliannacuwin: try to run pidgin from console, to see if there are any errors...10:42
nacuwinbut after new installation..i never work10:42
Guest52711im new in ubuntu s.o.10:42
MamarokGuest52711: in the Konversation main window, there is a menu option "file" where you can access a Server list, you need to add the network there10:43
nacuwinokies..wait.. i try first10:43
Guest52711yes.. but i dont know how to add the undernet server10:44
nacuwinerk...running from concole...?does that mean..by double clicking it?10:45
gjuliannacuwin: you open a console terminal, like Konsole, and then type pidgin10:45
gjuliannacuwin: then, you can see if there are any errors in there10:46
nacuwinwait a...10:46
nacuwinheheh sori sori10:46
nacuwinit says "Exiting because another libpurple client is already running."10:46
Bouwhere I am supposed to report bugs affecting Kubuntu (using the experimental PPA) ?10:47
gjuliannacuwin: I don't know which programs use libpurple...10:47
gjuliannacuwin: which other IM programs are you running?10:48
alvinBou: what's in the experimental PPA?10:48
nacuwini am gjulian >> right onow im running..firefox..quaseelIRC..terminal...thats all10:48
Boualvin: lastest packages, like more recent KDE for example10:49
Boubut it's "experimental" , ie: it could break10:49
Guest52711someone speak spanish?10:50
ubottuGuest52711: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.10:50
alvinAh, KDE 4.4 (https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental). I would use the KDE bug tracker for that. https://bugs.kde.org10:50
gjuliannacuwin: It can be QuaseelIRC. Run lsof | grep libpurple and tell the output10:50
Boualvin: yep.. except if the bug is related to kubuntu packaging :)10:50
MamarokGuest52711: I haven't used the old Konversation since quite some time, but isn't there a "new button when you open the server list? There you can add the undernet server10:51
nacuwingjulian>> already work..i shoud use sudo pidgin10:51
nacuwinbut still can;t  double click it10:51
gjuliannacuwin: It's not very safe to run programs as root...10:51
MamarokBou: you should report Kubuntu bugs to bugs.launchpad.net10:51
alvinBou: Launchpad should be ok then. I don't see any warnings about not reporting bugs10:51
BouMamarok, alvin: ok thx10:52
nacuwingjulian : what should i do then?10:52
Bouis someone else around using the experimental PPA?10:52
Mamarokif it is a bug affecting upstream KDE, they will send it there anyway10:52
MamarokBou: I do, what is your problem?10:52
Boufirst: is nepomuk activated by default on your side?10:52
gjuliannacuwin: lsof | grep libpurple will tell you which programs are running the libpurple library. Then you only have to quit them to run pidgin10:53
MamarokBou: yes, but you need to set a symlink for a java library, else it will not work10:53
Boui had to activate it in systeme settings > advanced > desktop search10:53
MamarokBou: Nepomuk runs default, Strigi doesn't, as it uses a lot of system power to creat the index10:53
Mamarokcreate* even10:54
Bouin my case nepomul wasn't activated10:54
Bouwhere do you set the symlink for java library?10:54
MamarokBou: then you had some backends not installed I guess10:54
gjulianabout strigi, I've never got it working...10:54
Bouwell i 've been able to check the checkbox to activate it in settings..10:54
nacuwingjulain :it says "pidgin    3411    nacuwin  mem       REG        7,0   889716  730018 /usr/lib/libpurple.so.0.5.5"10:54
MamarokBou: I found that in a forum when I googled for that, can't remember the link right now10:54
Bouok i'll look for it10:55
nacuwingjulain : only pidgin running ..am i right?10:55
Boubut it's weird10:55
gjuliannacuwin: yes...10:55
Boubecause after i activated it in settings, tags navigation was working (more or less) in Gwenview10:55
Boubut I was not able to launch Dolphin anymore10:55
MamarokBou: and also check if you have the correct backend, should be soprano-backend-sesame10:55
nacuwingjulain : i quit and i try "pidgin"..it won't work..10:56
nacuwingjulain : i quit and i try "sudo pidgin"..it works..10:56
BouMamarok: ok i will check (not on the good pc right now), thx alot10:56
Mamaroknacuwin: don't use sudo to run a non system application10:56
MamarokBou: you are welcome, a look at the Nepomuk website is also very helpful sometimes :)10:56
Bounepomuk is still mysterious for me, but what i saw briefly in Gwenview looked promising :))10:57
gjuliannacuwin: Run chmod +r /usr/lib/libpurple.so.0.5.5 and then try to run pidgin10:57
nacuwinok..i try10:58
MamarokBou: well, it is still very much work in progress, so one has to tweak a lot, but should be solved in Karmic when it comes out :)10:58
BouMamarok: yep.. i saw some blogpost about a GSoC about it, which looked good too10:59
* Bou thinks he will compile KDE from trunk tonight...10:59
nacuwingjullian : it says "changing permissions of `/usr/lib/libpurple.so.0.5.5': Operation not permitted11:00
gjuliannacuwin: I forgot the sudo. sudo chmod +r /usr/lib/libpurple.so.0.5.511:00
MamarokBou: or try the Neon KDE build, it takes from trunk11:01
ubottuThe Neon Project provides daily Amarok and KDE 4 trunk builds as packages for Kubuntu | See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon and http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE/Info for more | Support in #amarok.neon11:01
nacuwingjulian : nothin happen..terminal never ask for my password when using sudo command11:02
BouMamarok: yep, but i like to compile KDE, it's always full of surprise :p11:03
MamarokBou: :)11:03
gjuliannacuwin: you've run sudo before, so it doens't asks your pass for a while. And the GNU commands, if they don't say anything, it's all ok11:03
gjuliannacuwin: So, try to run pidgin now11:04
nacuwingjulain: i doesnt work..11:04
nacuwingjulain: it doesnt work..11:04
OxDeadC0deI don't know why but in 8.04 with the latest pidgin patches i couldn't get it to connect to yahoo im with the ip or scsa.msg.yahoo.com but cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com works for me. (The other does resolve just doesn't work..)11:04
gjuliannacuwin: well, there must be another program using libpurple...11:06
gjuliannacuwin: Run again  lsof | grep libpurple and post all the output to pastebin.com, then post here the url.11:06
nacuwingjulain: i should select ? C or bash or ..?11:10
gjuliannacuwin: The format doesn't matters. Select None11:11
gjuliannacuwin: try to run sudo killall pidgin11:11
nacuwingjulain: ii i did it right...the url is http://pastebin.com/m31f3417b11:11
nacuwingjulain: okies..i am killing all the pidgin11:12
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nacuwingjulian..: tq..but still t wont work..11:25
nacuwini will try again11:25
nacuwintq..really apreciate it.11:25
nztaloops sorry11:55
liquidatHi there, does anyone know why ksig is not part of Kubuntu anymore?12:24
bigjoolsis anyone using kde with the intel xorg driver on jaunty and seeing swap usage gradually increase?12:40
alvinbigjools: Yes, eventually your swap will fill and your system will crash.12:44
bigjoolsalvin: ah good it's not just me then12:44
bigjoolsdo we know if it's a bug in xorg-intel or plasma?12:45
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alvinWell, you can try to use UXA. It's an improvement in most cases. Some people just crash faster12:45
bigjoolsit's unacceptably slow for me :(12:46
alvinbigjools: Then this is what you're looking for: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/UxaTesting12:49
bigjoolsalvin: I actually tried the karmic kernel + new xorg driver on jaunty, but it broke suspend/resume.  Maybe it's better now.12:52
alvinI'll try again in a few weeks. Right now I was experimenting with Karmic as kvm host for Kubuntu but so far it has been a disaster. (ssh leaves zombies and ext4 causes panics and data loss)12:56
bigjoolsalso, has anyone had a problem with being unable to log out after upgrading to 4.3?13:00
Mamarokbigjools: that is a known problem, yes13:02
bigjoolsah, is there a known fix as well? :)13:03
BluesKajHey all13:54
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Lincoln_e ai kambada14:13
Lincoln_Linus??? se ta ai mew fio!!! ???14:14
Lincoln_da raduuuuuuuki RIUUUUUU14:14
ubottuLincoln_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:14
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NlinuxUsrhello every body14:27
NlinuxUsrcan anyone tell  me if i must install antivirus or not14:27
NlinuxUsrbecause i am new user14:27
NlinuxUsri know gnu/linux is free of virus14:28
geniiNlinuxUsr: It's not really needed. But if you transfer files to a Windows box from the Linux box you might want one14:28
NlinuxUsri don't do this14:28
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shahulhow to find a word in the entire files of a current dir?15:19
shahulusing kdevelop15:20
shahulwhat chanhe has to make in settings15:20
carpiishahul, theres a 'find in files' tab at the bottom15:22
carpiitho i read kdevelop 4.x doesnt have this feature yet, so you may need to just grep from terminal :/15:22
shahulok.. carpii15:23
shahulthere is no other option to find a word?15:24
carpiinot afaik15:24
carpiiis the tab not visible ?15:24
carpiitry ALT+CTRL+F15:24
jim88hi all ... need to know how to create a new desktop screen in KDE415:25
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BluesKajjim88, right click on the desktop , desktop settings ..go from there, , you can choose an image from the web or your pic file , anything you wish15:29
jim88BluesKaj:  I meant the whole screen ... you know how you can reduce the screen from the top right corner but how do you create another one15:31
zoisshey guys. where is the autostart location that is responsible for starting up klipper and kmix ?15:38
rahmanhi are there any body that can use amarok from git? I compile it with success but when I try to scan my collection, I get lots os mysql error in console output and amarok doesn't build collection15:46
carpiii thought amarok used sqllite rather than mysql ?15:46
rahmanıt uses mysql embedded15:47
carpiiok, but its optional15:47
rahmanruns without a running mysql server15:47
rahmancarpii: no its required. you can't compile without mysql-embedded15:48
carpiiok, seems im out of date then15:48
rahmanI am talking about 2.x btw15:48
carpiihave you tried http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Development/MySQL_Embedded ?15:49
rahmancarpii: well, it seems its related with my problem. thanks :)15:54
carpiinp :)15:55
skiburwhy does amarok crash when I a start it?16:00
gjulianskibur: any error message?16:01
apparleskibur: open konsole and the type amarok and press enter.........you will see all the what error you are getting16:02
skiburI see the error, but don't know will fix it16:04
gjulianskibur: post the error here16:05
gjulianskibur: Looks like a bad installation of amarok...16:08
gjuliantry reinstalling16:08
skiburI did  sudo apt-get remove amarok and remove the folder from my user account.16:09
skiburI reinstalled it and I got the same thing16:09
skiburlet me try it again16:10
apparleskibur: Try 'sudo apt-get purge amarok' it will also remove all the configuration file of amarok16:14
skibursame outcome16:18
apparleskibur: try restarting........may be16:20
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skiburcompletely remove and purge amarok.  I restarted, but nothing.16:47
gjulianskibur: Try to compile from trunk16:47
skiburwill do16:47
nitin_i just installed kubuntu 9.04, i'd like to know what packages do i have to install to play mp3s and watch videos and movies? please help me.17:00
gjuliannitin_: kubuntu-restricted-extras17:05
nitin_thanks a lot.17:05
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qelqothhi ppl17:14
qelqothgot a problem with xserver-xorg17:15
apparlehelp me with this guys http://paste.ubuntu.com/259927/17:15
qelqothanyone able to help?17:16
gjulianqelqoth: what problem?17:16
qelqothgot a problem with xserver-xorg17:16
qelqothresolution issue - already tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh but getting nowhere17:16
deitarionSomewhere in the upgrade from Hardy through Intrepid to Jaunty, my mother's Kubuntu setup started ignoring its paper settings, causing the HP LaserJet 4M to say "PC LOAD A4" and require manual override for each page. (We're Canadian) Solution?17:17
gjulianqelqoth: but, what error? it doesn't start? it start but you can't see anything?17:17
qelqothyeah, i have a display lol17:17
qelqothi'm just not able to change the resolution17:18
qelqothwhich is weird because it was fine prior to updating17:18
gjulianqelqoth: I think this is a drivers problem. Have you installed them?17:19
qelqothbrand new pc - seems to pick up the drivers17:19
qelqothjust want to figure out how to configure the resolution17:19
bhabalinuxdid you try system settings>display?17:23
qelqothtried that17:24
bhabalinuxdidn't work?17:24
qelqoththen i tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh17:24
qelqothbut changing the resolution that way doesn't work either17:24
bhabalinuxI have no idea what else to do17:25
BluesKajediting xorg.conf is extremely limited now17:25
bhabalinuxi think its just to do with the graphic drivers then..17:25
qelqothaye but that's odd17:26
qelqothcuz the resolution was fine when i used the live CD17:26
qelqothand was also fine before i updated17:26
qelqothbtw, using ubuntu 7.0.417:27
BluesKaj7.04 is not LTS17:27
genii7.04 is also way past it's End Of Life17:28
BluesKajqelqoth, ubuntu as in gnome17:28
qelqothAye but there are still repositories for it17:28
qelqothThis is what i'm saying - it worked fine earlier17:28
BluesKajgraphics card ?17:29
qelqothi'm guessing it's got something to do with the updates - no problems prior to that so it would make sense17:29
qelqothi just wanted to know if anyone was able to help??17:29
qelqothgraphics card is fine mate17:30
qelqothlike i said, it worked perfectly on the live cd and after install, prior to update17:31
qelqothso the only thing i can think of is that the problem is a result of the update17:32
qelqothanyhow - i tried -sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh and that doesn't let me adjust the resolution either17:32
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Pavel__hey, I'm trying to fix some coworkers macs.  I know nothing of osx.  Anyone know of any irc support channels for it?17:41
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carpii#mac ?17:43
Mamarokcarpii: what are you doing?17:44
Mamarokoh, sorry, didn't see the earlier question :(17:44
* genii makes more coffee18:14
NlinuxUsrhi everybody18:15
NlinuxUsranyone here use lazarus18:15
NlinuxUsrhi anbe18:15
geniiNlinuxUsr: I am using another program called Falcon18:16
NlinuxUsrdose it the same work like kylix or lazarus18:17
geniiNlinuxUsr: It is a simple way to host a repository, doesn't need to use server keys etc etc. You just put the .deb files ina specific dir and then it figures out all the md5 stuff etc etc18:21
NlinuxUsri want to learn lazarus because mybe next year i will study delphi in colage18:22
NlinuxUsras you know i don't like windows18:22
geniiHm. It looks like seveas stopped updating it after Hardy :(18:22
NlinuxUsrno pb18:23
NlinuxUsrafter i will imigrate to C++ with QT or GTK+18:24
geniiNlinuxUsr: There seems a very good article on how to set up and use Lazarus at this site: http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/How_to_setup_a_FPC_and_Lazarus_Ubuntu_repository18:24
NlinuxUsrthis is an article how to install it18:26
noren_hi all18:27
noren_need help in setting up kubuntu keyboard bindings18:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about binding18:28
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts18:28
ubuntuI already partitioned my hd as ext3 and was wondering do I have to check 'format' in the manual installation phase?18:38
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bhabalinuxmy kde mix does not work18:54
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gjulianbhabalinux: do you mean kmix? there is any error message?18:58
bhabalinuxsorry I got it18:59
bhabalinuxI wanted to record sound with audacity18:59
bhabalinuxI can't get stereo mix19:00
bhabalinuxthere is no option for stereo mix in kmix19:00
bhabalinuxis there any way I can get stereo mix in input source ?19:01
gjulianbhabalinux: Don't know, try in #kde19:02
bhabalinuxthanks anyway19:04
saeedi has problem with dsl connection19:27
saeedit has disable19:28
saeedif possible help me19:28
geniisaeed: Please show us the results of command: ifconfig                     ...use the !pastebin19:30
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:30
geniiifconfig      is a command you enter into Konsole application19:30
bondgparted for gnome, ... for kde?19:31
ErreurDeSegmentabond: qparted19:31
genii!info qparted jaunty19:32
ubottuPackage qparted does not exist in jaunty19:32
pumba!info qtparted jaunty19:34
ubottuPackage qtparted does not exist in jaunty19:34
pumbadoesn't make it better ;) was worth trying anyway19:34
ErreurDeSegmentaoh, you are right ubottu, I  am reading an article about it19:34
ErreurDeSegmentaI didn't know it19:34
RiobeCan anyone help me with a problem I'm having installing the Java Runtime Environment? I'm new to Linux/kubuntu so it might be newbie. When I run the following command: "rpm -iv jre-6u15-linux-i586.rpm" (No quotes) I get a failed dependencies error.19:50
bazhangRiobe, you dont use rpm in Kubuntu19:50
bazhang!java | Riobe19:50
ubottuRiobe: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper19:50
RiobeAh, I didn't know that.19:51
RiobeI'm looking for both a compiler and the runtime. Never heard of the !Multiverse repository.19:52
RiobeAnd is there a special meaning to the ! before a term?19:52
RiobeApologies for any newbyness. ^^19:52
bazhangRiobe, that is a factoid, the bot then gives out the info related to that command; best to try with /msg ubottu !factoid19:52
gjulianRiobe: Go to KPackageKit -> Configuration -> Edit Software sources and then enable the multiverse repository19:53
gjulianthen search for jre, and install the lastes sun java environment19:53
RiobeThank you all very much. I'll see what I can't figure out with that new informatoin. ^^19:54
RiobeShould be enough.19:54
bazhangRiobe, as far as the compiler, you mean  sun-java5-jdk ?19:54
RiobeWhatever the latest version is.19:55
RiobeI'm new to Java. C++ is what I normally play around in.19:55
senorpedrohow can i make konqueror my default file manager instead of delphin?19:55
bazhangRiobe, if you prefer, you can open the console and type sudo apt-get install packagename followed by your sudo password19:55
bazhangerr Konsole19:55
RiobeSo I'm guessing if you know the package name Konsole might be easier, and otherwise KPackageKit.19:56
RiobeWhat is the difference between KPackageKit and Synaptic Package Manager?19:56
kkernhi there19:56
bazhangRiobe, you can also do an apt-cache search term and find the name ; synaptic is for gnome but can be installed on Kubuntu19:57
RiobeAh, they were both on my installation. Didn't realize what the difference was. Thanks.19:57
bazhangYou're welcome :)19:57
kkernI want to install the latest kernel updates (Kubuntu 9.04), but they are blocked19:57
RiobeSeems like almost everything has a twin between GTK and Qt.19:57
kkernhow can I unblock these updates?19:58
bazhangkkern, is the term 'held back' or 'blocked'19:59
RiobeI'm on kubuntu 9.04 as well, and the term is "blocked"19:59
teiwazникто не поможет установить intelliji idea?19:59
kkernit's blocked (I use the German localization)#19:59
bazhangteiwaz, #ubuntu-ru for Russian19:59
Planetarywhere and who could i suggest to have driver 185 instead of 180 in the hardware installer. i want driver 185 and its a pain to do it manually, plus it should e updated20:01
teiwazsorry, i cant install intelliji idea. can someone help?20:03
kkernok, I did the apt-get dist-upgrade, and he is running20:03
bazhangteiwaz, what is intelliji idea20:04
teiwazjava dev20:04
bazhangteiwaz, got a link?20:05
RiobeHmm...Is there a way to to make Quassel open a link in Firefox instead of Konquerer?20:05
gjulianRiobe: System Settings -> Preferred applications (or something like that) -> Web browser, and select firefox20:06
bazhangteiwaz, the instructions are right on the page20:07
Riobegjulian: Worked like a charm, Thanks!20:07
teiwazi see... but i do it all and havnt any result20:08
bazhangteiwaz, do you have the proper version of java installed?20:08
teiwazi think yes20:09
teiwazbazhang, what can be a ploblem?20:12
teiwazbazhang, yeah, i know, in my brain is all problem. but i really need it..20:12
bazhangteiwaz, you have proper version of jdk? you ran the instructions on the site? not familiar with that, so a quick look at ubuntuforums might help you  something like ubuntu jaunty intelliji idea as search terms20:14
Riobe>.< Konsole is kicking my butt.  The JRE contract is up right now, which makes it look like a DOS window. I can scroll up and down on it,and see "<Ok>" at the bottom, but I can't click on it/press enter to get through it. Is there some other functionality that I could use to accept? All I can do is press Esc, in which case it goes back to Konsole and immediately reopens the contract.20:18
bazhangRiobe, tab and enter20:18
RiobeOh man...the one button I didn't press. Thank you again bazhang!!!20:18
RiobeSlowly getting acquainted with kubuntu/KDE. It's pretty nice once you understand how to work whatever particular feature.20:19
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ Riobe pretty nice guide here free legal pdf (and Kubuntu and Ubuntu are close under the hood so alot is useful)20:20
tdikhi all!20:25
tdikI've got a stupid problem - skype has no sound, event if it does not say something is wrong20:25
tdikthe same settings sometimes work, some times don't (starting skype or the system)20:26
gjuliantdik: have you installed alsa-oss?20:26
tdikgjulian: I'll try reinstalling it20:28
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ubuntuAll hi21:01
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bujjii m facing a problem with my laptop21:06
bujjiwhen i am connecting sony lcd projector its is not detecting can anyone help it out21:07
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:34
kaddihmm.. I was going to ask a question, but if everybody leaves, noone is going to see it ... :p21:34
kaddianyhow: How can I assign an existing activity to a desktop in kde 4.3?21:35
kaddiI just enabled "one activity per desktop", but instead of matching the two existing activities to the two desktop it created a third virgin activity21:35
tazzping Riddell21:36
kaddihi :)21:39
Riobekaddi: I think if you mouse to the top right of the desktop and click the icon there, then zoom out, you should be able to see both desktops. Are you talking about a widgit? You can drag them from one desktop to another.21:44
kaddiRiobe: no, I was talking about activities, you can set up a collection of widgets and desktop settings for each different activity21:45
kaddithis is only available for 4.3 and up as a gui option21:45
RiobeAh, I see. I'm new to Linux/kubuntu/KDE so I didn't know if those were the same thing.21:46
RiobeDo you know how you'd check your KDE version?21:46
RiobeI just installed kubuntu 9.04 yesterday, so I'd imagine I could use those.21:46
kaddiyou can open any kde program (eg konqueror, dolphin, etc) and check under help ->about kde21:47
kaddiif you just installed jaunty, you should have kde 4.2.221:47
RiobeAnd you're right on.21:47
kaddihehe :)21:47
RiobeWhat is jaunty?21:47
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents21:48
kaddiubuntu 9.04 is also known as jaunty jackalope, or in short jaunty21:48
RiobeI'm going to need to use that bot more often.21:48
RiobePretty neat tool.21:48
kaddiit's a great bot :)21:48
RiobeAh, that makes sense now.21:48
kaddiif you want to check the possible commands, you can start a private session with ubottu using "/query ubottu" and then type !ubottu ino it :D21:49
RiobeQuite a lot to learn, switching from Windows to Linux. ^^ It's awesome to have this IRC.21:49
kaddiyeah, it can help a lot :)21:49
RiobeVery cool. *tries*21:49
RiobeSorry I can't be more help with the activity question. I'm guessing not many users have KDE 3+?21:51
geniiRiobe: The Hardy Heron version of Kubuntu from April 2008 (8.04) was the last version which shipped with KDE321:53
kaddihehe, yeah, I figured it out, I think, I can simply select the activity I want for each desktop...21:53
RiobeVery interesting.21:53
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kaddiI don't know if they are going to be kept, the next reboot will tell :p21:54
RiobeBest of luck. ^^21:57
krubuntuim having trouble importing a key trying to install mudlet from mudlet.org22:15
krubuntunm i guess i had to type the name in22:15
krubuntumy other limited linux experience is in gnome22:16
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Quintasanhmm, I want to somehow  help with ext4 bug in jaunty, how can I get a very,very detailed kernel log?22:22
WalzmynAnybody use Kdenlive?22:22
WalzmynAhh. Kdenlive and Kino !work, how can I join two mpegs together?22:25
kaddiis anyone else noticing a regression in intel compatability with the new 28-15 kernel? My CPU is back to 100% all the time .. I have to kill plasma to be able to switch tabs in FF smoothly :(22:45
goshawkkaddi: not here22:45
kaddimust be just my luck then :/22:45
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Virus69Saludos a todos esta salaes es en español (spanish)?22:50
kaddino ;)22:50
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:50
Virus69tanks my friends!22:51
neptunepinkHelp, I can't get sound from flash video23:14
BluesKaj!flash | neptunepink23:20
ubottuneptunepink: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash23:20
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