
maxbI've cleaned everything but the eggs cache00:10
=== beuno-afk is now known as beuno
maxbgah, what?00:17
maxbdevel works, my python2.5 branch does not00:18
maxbBut there's nothing there that goes anywhere near lazr anything00:18
maxbGetting distribution for 'lazr.uri==1.0.1'.00:19
maxbInstalling lazr.uri 1.0.100:19
maxbCaused installation of a distribution:00:19
maxblazr.uri 1.000:19
maxbwith a different version.00:19
maxbGot None.00:19
maxb  Installing.00:19
maxb  Getting section filetemplates.00:19
maxb  Initializing part filetemplates.00:19
maxbError: There is a version conflict.00:19
maxbWe already have: lazr.uri 1.000:19
maxbWhat on earth is buildout attempting to tell me?00:19
maxboohkay, purging python-lazr-uri .deb made it work...00:25
maxbisn't buildout supposed to be insulating you from system python versions?00:26
maxb/home/maxb/launchpad/lp-branches/python2.5/lib/canonical/config/__init__.py:19: UserWarning: Module lazr was already imported from None, but /home/maxb/launchpad/lp-branches/python2.5/lib is being added to sys.path00:34
james_wmaxb: there was a fix to lazr.config today I believe00:45
* maxb observes that the zope sourcedep still isn't completely obsolete, if the symlinks are to be believed00:50
maxbOK after cleaning absolutely everything, now I can't "make" devel eitehr00:57
thumpermy make is failing too in mailman00:57
maxbheh, at least you got that far00:58
thumpermwhudson: hey, build engineer00:58
mwhudsonthumper: as of monday! :)00:59
mwhudson*next* monday00:59
thumperdoes your make work?00:59
mwhudsonrunning pull now00:59
mwhudsoni just read something about make in mailman failing from last week, francis said he'd fixed it though01:00
jmlmwhudson, hello01:01
jmlthumper, I was just looking at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/41829001:02
mupBug #418290: Person's code facet has unclear section linking to the teams the person is a member of <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/418290>01:02
thumperjml: yeah01:02
mwhudsonjml: hello01:02
thumperFile "/home/tim/src/lp/devel/eggs/zope.proxy-3.5.0-py2.4-linux-i686.egg/zope/proxy/_zope_proxy_proxy.py", line 6, in __bootstrap__01:02
thumper    imp.load_dynamic(__name__,__file__)01:02
thumperImportError: /home/tim/src/lp/devel/eggs/zope.proxy-3.5.0-py2.4-linux-i686.egg/zope/proxy/_zope_proxy_proxy.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:02
jmlthumper, can we simply fix the links to link to the code listing?01:02
thumperjml: there was a "fix" recently that changed the fmt:link to always go to the root site01:03
thumperjml: we may be able to get it to go to the code site01:03
thumperjml: I've not yet investigated01:03
thumperjml: I think it is just team/fmt:link/code01:03
thumper(or branches)01:03
maxbSo, what is buildout *supposed* to do if I have lazr.uri 1.0 installed as  a .deb but versions.cfg says 1.0.1 ?01:04
thumperit is a bit of a mixup01:04
jmlthumper, yeah, I think the 'fix' is a good idea01:04
mwhudsonmaxb: look in your download-cache01:04
jmlthumper, but it's different from forbidding links to particular facet pages :)01:04
jmlthumper, and it seems that linking to the team branch listings actually is desirable01:05
maxbmwhudson: Hmm. it appears to be throwing its hands up in horror and bleating incomprehensible error messages instead01:05
thumperit is there01:05
mwhudsonmaxb: i'm not completely surprised01:05
thumperjml: the bug was that normally a link to a person or team should take you to the overivew01:05
thumperjml: but in this case we should link to listings, and probably give it a better title too01:05
jmlthumper, I was about to file a bug about the heading, actually :)01:06
thumperjml: file away and assign to me01:06
jmlthumper, will do.01:06
thumperhow can I code if I can't run the tests01:08
thumpera rhetorical question01:08
* jml thinks about the new project page01:09
jmlleonardr, hello?01:14
jmlleonardr, I have three simple questions for you, if you have a moment.01:16
jmlis spm back today?01:32
jmlspm, welcome back :)01:34
jmlspm, feeling better?01:34
spmjml: yeah muchly. The joy of children and bringing home colds from school....01:35
jmlspm, my todo list says I have a couple of things to ask you about01:36
jmlspm, one of them being bazaar.edge.launchpad.net01:36
thumpermaxb: I blew away the contents of the /eggs dir, and make clean build worked ok01:41
* mwhudson lunches01:53
leonardrjml: since i forgot to quit irc, you may ask your questions :)01:58
jmlleonardr, heh, thanks :)01:58
jmlleonardr, first, what should I call the constant for the production API service root. I've picked LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT for now, but STABLE_ and PROD_ might also fit.01:59
jmlleonardr, second, what should the URL be? I've got https://api.launchpad.net/beta/ now, but the 'beta' troubles me a little.01:59
leonardrjml: i would go with PRODUCTION or STABLE02:00
thumperlunch time02:00
jmlleonardr, third, when I authorize an app for the production service, I am taken to an edge web page (probably because of the beta user redirect). Is this a bug?02:00
leonardrlook at the other constants and do what they do. i believe they also have /beta/02:00
jmlleonardr, they also have beta.02:01
jmlleonardr, so I should follow what they do?02:01
leonardryes, the constants are going to behave like "HEAD" or "trunk" in a version control system02:01
leonardrthey will point to the most current version of the web service02:01
leonardrwhich right now is /beta/02:01
* jml prefers 'PRODUCTION' to 'STABLE', since the latter might have API stability connotations.02:01
leonardrsounds good02:01
leonardr#3 is a bug -- you're in the launchpad beta testers team, so your requests to lpnet redirect you to beta02:02
leonardrflacoste filed this bug a couple weeks back02:02
jmlleonardr, thanks for that. I'll land the patch with the new constant then.02:02
wgrantIs the beta team restriction in place on the lpnet API vhost?02:04
leonardrwgrant: yes, that's the bug02:04
wgrantleonardr: Not the same bug... I mean, api.edge.launchpad.net is restricted to beta testers. Is api.launchpad.net?02:05
leonardri don't know. are you sure that restriction is still in place? i thought we got rid of it02:05
wgrantI don't know.02:05
leonardrbut if it's still in place on edge, it should still be in place on lpnet02:05
wgrantIt is certainly in place on edge.02:05
wgrantI saw somebody complaining about it on identi.ca earlier in the week.02:06
leonardrmaybe that's another thing we should change02:06
wgrantRestricting it on edge might be reasonable.02:06
maxbIt's not restricted on edge. I used the api long before I joined the beta-testers team02:07
wgrantThen why was it crashing for a non-beta-tester, I wonder..02:08
wgrantHuh, you're right. It's not restricted on edge (or at least wasn't 1.5 months ago).02:10
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maxbhuh. So the testsuite no longer runs unit tests first?02:17
wgrantIt did for me yesterday, but that was without the new zope.testing.02:20
jmloh right.02:30
jmlnew zope.testing.02:30
* jml has work to do!02:31
wgrantjml: What are you doing?02:34
jmlwgrant, enabling parallelization of the Launchpad test suite02:35
wgrantOoh. Excellent.02:35
jmlbut also, paging the new zope.testing version into my brain02:35
jmlso I can work on making sure it's stdlib unittest compatible02:35
jml(mostly so that lifeless's unit testing work can be applied to it)02:35
jmlwgrant, subunit and testresources02:47
jmland ideally, much of the work in bzrlib.tests and bzr-ec2test, but let's not get ahead of ourselves02:47
wgrantArgh. 844 line diff :(02:59
jmlwgrant, most reviewers can be bribed to review diffs over the allowed size03:01
lifelessparticularly with code that is an improvement03:02
wgrantAlmost half of it is new tests.03:03
jmlthumper, beuno: Is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/236442 much closer to being fixed now that we have spark lines?03:05
mupBug #236442: Show how active I've been <feature> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/236442>03:05
wgrantWell, you don't have sparklines any more...03:06
thumperjml: I killed them03:06
thumperjml: I intend to bring them back, but they need fixing03:07
jmlthumper, that seems perfectly fair to me.03:07
jmlthumper, I think that the bug I mentioned doesn't benefit from sparklines so much as actual graphs.03:07
* thumper primal screams03:09
jmlmwhudson, just re-discovered https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/8532603:09
mupBug #85326: Codehosting server should initiate a pull attempt <branch-puller> <codehosting-ssh> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/85326>03:09
jmlthumper, wassup?03:09
thumperthe query for person active reviews is an arse03:10
thumperwe need two different base collections03:10
thumperand different queries03:10
mwhudsonjml: "hmm"03:10
jmlmwhudson, it's apparently my oldest open bug on launchpad-code03:15
mwhudsonjml: that's quite a surprise03:18
jmlmwhudson, yes.03:21
jmlthumper, when you've got time, I'd like to talk about Monty Taylor's post to launchpad-users03:32
thumperyeah, I'm actually trying to get work done right now :(03:33
jmlthumper, understood.03:33
mwhudsonjml: i think, probably, 85326 should be wontfix/subsumed by our eventual message queue stuff04:00
mwhudsonjml: in the fullness of time, the puller might not even run on the same machine as the ssh server04:00
jmlmwhudson, indeed.04:00
jmlmwhudson, but it could also be done before-hand.04:00
mwhudsonjml: you mean as a temporary improvement?04:01
jmlmwhudson, yeah04:01
mwhudsonwell, yes it could04:01
jmlmwhudson, I don't think it would hinder any of the message queue work04:01
jmland it wouldn't be too difficult a change, I think04:01
mwhudsonjml: there's quite a lot of stuff in vaguely similar areas i'd rather do first, i think04:02
mwhudson(combine puller and scanner, maybe pre-exec-ing bzr lp-server processes)04:02
wgrantmaxb: I think you want http://lpdebs.canonical.com/{dapper,jaunty}/04:02
jmlmwhudson, I'd combine the puller and scanner first for sure.04:02
wgrantmaxb: That has 0.11 to 0.35.04:03
jmlmwhudson, I think I'd probably trigger a pull before working on pre-exec, since I think waiting for a pull is a worse kind of waiting than waiting for a bzr lp-serve process to spawn04:04
jml(also because I know how to trigger a pull :))04:04
mwhudsonjml: i'm interested to see how my/our puller rewrite works in practice04:04
jmlprobably the memory issue trumps both of those04:04
jmlmwhudson, me too!04:04
jmlmwhudson, I guess it's waiting for a prod rollout?04:05
mwhudsonit will reduce the latency before a pull starts to 10s in some circumstances04:05
jmlI have to confess I'd forgotten about that patch.04:06
wgrantmaxb: By 'jaunty' I of course mean 'hardy'04:08
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spmmwhudson: (mwhudsondoyle?) ref bug 411250. Ha! it seemed to go away on it's own - perhaps thumper can enlighten? it "felt" like a -ve cache issue....05:40
mupBug #411250: rewriter seems to negative cache for a long time <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/411250>05:40
mwhudsonspm: there's enough moving parts for things to be able to get pretty confusing05:41
mwhudsonspm: but unless it happens again, i intend to basically not think about this again :)05:41
spmheh. and fair enough too.05:41
spmfwiw, nothing quite like nagios generated sms's on a regular basis to encourage bug-reporting. :-D05:42
thumperI need a better title for: 'Reviews requested I can do'05:52
thumperbecause I can now review anything05:53
thumperwhat it really means is:05:53
thumpera team I'm a member of has been asked to review this proposal05:53
thumperbut that's kinda wordy05:53
thumperI'm about to wander off and go and make dinner06:02
thumpercoming back on line when the kids are in bed06:02
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stubthumper-cooking: The key word in the existing title is 'requested'.06:03
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thumperstub: I have a different question for you06:03
stubthumper-cooking: The existing title seems fine (although I think 'Requested reviews I can do' is better)06:04
thumperstub: we have constantly issues with the security.cfg06:04
thumperstub: I want to have some group defined for "bzr-identity" that has the select rights on all the right tables06:04
thumperstub: and have that group used in our other db users06:04
thumperstub: is there an example of how to set this up?06:04
stubCheck out garbo, garbo-hourly and garbo-daily - it will show you how inheritance works in that file.06:05
thumperstub: ok, ta06:05
* thumper really leaves to cook now06:05
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mwhudsonwell i've now read all the mail that had arrived by the time i got back on tuesday morning07:04
mwhudsonbut not all the mail that's arrived since then :)07:04
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jmlmwhudson, heh07:15
maxbwgrant: oh great, that gets me all but 0.7 through 0.1008:11
maxblifeless: Care to cast your mind back to 2006 and speculate where launchpad-dependencies (0.8) dapper might have been kept?08:17
lifelessin dapper08:17
lifeless[yes, it was actually in the distro at one point]08:17
wgrant0.6 is the latest in the distro.08:17
wgrantI located 0.11 to 0.35 this morning.08:17
wgrantAnd >= 0.36 are in the PPA.08:17
lifelesssorry, nothing springs to mind then08:18
wgrantIt also looks like 0.2 and 0.3 only ever lived in pre-Soyuz Dapper.08:19
maxbah well, 4 missing versions is a lot better than 30ish08:19
jmlmaxb, can you give me a file name that I could search for?08:20
maxblaunchpad-dependencies_0.7.dsc, 0.8, 0.9, 0.1008:20
jmlno joy.08:21
maxbIt's not critical, there's info in debian/changelog08:21
jmldanilos, good morning08:22
wgrantmaxb: I will grab a recent Karmic live CD in the next couple of days and see if I can reproduce your failures in a really clean environment.08:23
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maxbmeh, I have a couple of new failures, even on 2.408:40
wgrantmaxb: How's the 2.5 run looking?08:42
maxbsee the <tests still in progres...> marker :-)08:42
wgrantmaxb: Ah, I see.08:42
jmlmaxb, so few?08:43
maxb2 consecutive test runs take longer than overnight :-(08:43
maxbjml: hmm? which?08:43
jmlmaxb, after <tests in progress>, there looks to be very few tests that are actually failing08:44
jmlI'm pleasantly surprised :)08:44
maxbah, well after the marker, those are still the results from before zbuildout landed08:44
wgrantBut presumably zbuildout should make it *better*.08:45
jmlohh, I see.08:45
adeuringgood morning08:45
maxbOh, and the page doesn't take account of the fact I had to cheekily "pycentral pkgremove python-lazr-uri" to make the buildout work at all08:46
=== thumper-cooking is now known as thumper
jmlhas the lazr packaging mess been sorted out yet?08:48
jml(I guess your comment means "no", maxb)08:48
wgrantbuildout is the solution to everything *handwave*08:48
maxbWell, it certainly hadn't been sorted when I was attempting to get these test runs going before sleeping last night08:49
* wgrant just up'ed devel and is about to try.08:49
maxbwgrant: dpkg -l python-lazr-uri ?08:50
wgrantmaxb: Not installed, thankfully. I must have an old launchpadlib.08:51
jmltest with stable08:51
wgrantThat is a strange package name.08:51
maxblucky you! :-)08:51
jmldevel might well have test failures (who can say!)08:52
maxbjml: good point, well made :-)  Though it's the buildout flat out failing to do what its raison d'etre is that's really annoying me.08:56
* wgrant throws broken eggs at SHHH09:00
wgrantAha, it works. But zc.tracelog is being a bit loud.09:02
maxbNext meeting I intend to ask the peanut gallery to express opions on SHHH09:08
maxband opinions09:08
jmllifeless, push-pop-progress, right?09:20
gmbwgrant: I've just herded your structural subs branch off to ec2. I started a run last night but the instance crashed and burned some time this morning.09:20
wgrantgmb: Thanks.09:23
lifelessjml: yes09:25
jmllifeless, done09:25
noodles775Enjoy your evening :)09:30
bigjoolsseeya jml, and congrats BTW09:35
lifelessbigjools: on?09:49
thumperlifeless: staying alive?09:51
lifelessoo oo oo oo09:52
thumperstaying alive09:52
thumperstaying alive09:52
lifelessoo oo oo oo09:52
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deryckmorning, all.11:00
noodles775hi deryck !11:00
wgrantPeople seem to think that packaging is trivial and automatic...11:09
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bigjoolswgrant: it ought to be11:22
bigjoolsQuickly will be a step in the right direction11:22
wgrantbigjools: For simple apps, sure.11:23
wgrantbigjools: But libraries, not so much.11:23
bigjools.deb is way over-engineered for most stuff IMO11:24
noodles775bigjools: what, in particular, do you think is over-engineered for packaging, say, a gnome game?11:25
bigjoolsnothing in particular11:26
wgrantThere's nothing wrong with .deb for that.11:26
wgrantThe build system, perhaps.11:26
noodles775bigjools: so what's "most stuff" then?11:26
bigjoolsdid you see jono's session at All Hands when he learned to package something?11:27
wgrantSo you don't mean .deb. You mean the source package format.11:28
bigjoolsand the number of people in the audience who argued over how to do something?11:28
wgrantFor setuptools or autotools applications, it's very easy with CDBS or dh7.11:29
bigjoolsbut then I don't have a great deal of experience packging stuff, I am probably talking out of my arse11:29
bigjoolshowever, I think it could be easier11:29
wgrantBefore DH7 and CDBS were big, it was pretty awkward.11:30
noodles775bigjools: yeah, so the process could be a lot more helpful - or *feel* a lot more intuitive with the right tools, ,but the biggest difficulty is that the problem-domain is complex11:30
bigjoolsI think it's only as complex as you want to make it11:30
james_wbigjools: that was partly due to the nature of some of the people in the room :-)11:30
bigjoolsjames_w: no doubt :)11:30
bigjoolsjames_w: btw I owe you an apology, I was confusing you with someone else when I was talking about lpnet vs edge API usage, sorry :(11:37
james_wI'm just happy it's there :-)11:37
bigjoolsyeah, I was surprised it wasn't from the start11:37
danilosbigjools: it doesn't count unless it's in an email (an apology that is :)11:44
danilosbigjools: btw, I was surprised it wasn't either, flacoste did it basically a day after we've decided to go with it, but it never went out11:45
bigjoolsdanilos: shaddap and do your job :)11:45
* danilos crawls back into his corner11:47
danilosmars: btw, is conversions.html based on db-stable or something?  if I run it over my local copy of devel, I get much better stats for translations :)11:48
wgrant(also, conversions.html doesn't belong on devpad)11:48
bigjoolsdanilos: the report does not lie, you're slackers!11:48
danilosbigjools: heh, that much is true as well, but I've got the code from mars $HOME and tweaked it a bit so it displays good results for translations11:49
bigjoolsif project=translations: done=100%11:49
daniloswgrant: that was exactly what I was thinking while I was typing this, but Launchpad team is not used to having publicly accessible accounts11:50
daniloswgrant: I'll raise it with the team11:50
danilosbigjools: heh, exactly :)11:50
bigjoolsgeez, what is this zc.tracelog spam in my "make run" output now ...11:51
wgrantbigjools: I wondered that...11:51
danilosbigjools: that's what wgrant loved yesterday, 9124 or 9224 or something :)11:51
bigjoolsshould be DEBUG not INFO11:51
wgrantdanilos: Note I also loathed it, though.11:52
wgrant'cause it's all eggs.11:52
daniloswgrant: heh, I know, I know11:52
daniloswgrant: I've got about the same feelings about eggs/buildout combination11:52
danilosadeuring: hey12:12
adeuringhi danilos12:12
danilosadeuring: did you by any chance ask for some hwdb parsing runs on staging yesterday?12:12
adeuringdanilos: no. what's the problem?12:13
danilosadeuring: if you did, I got some logs in my email, but didn't get the logs I actually asked for :)12:13
danilosadeuring: ah, never mind then, it seems Chex ran the wrong script for me then12:13
beunoEdwinGrubbs, ping12:32
henningebeuno: ping12:48
beunohenninge, hi12:49
henningebeuno: did you notice this bug I assigned to you? bug 41861012:50
mupBug #418610: New translate page needs new icons <Launchpad Translations:New for beuno> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/418610>12:50
beunohenninge, I did not12:50
henningebeuno: do you think you can get something done with that before you're gone?12:51
beunohenninge, could you please attach a ascreenshot of where those icons would go?12:51
henningebeuno: sure12:51
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beunohenninge, I will try12:51
henningebeuno: cool, thanks12:51
gmbwgrant: Your branch passed its tests and is now in the PQM queue.13:03
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wgrantgmb: Thanks.13:04
* wgrant shall prepare the other two pieces tomorrow.13:05
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henningebeuno: I attached the screen shot.14:03
beunohenninge, thanks14:04
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deryckbarry, ping14:37
barryderyck: pong14:41
barrybeuno: ping14:53
beunobarry, pong14:54
barrybeuno: hi, two things.  first, can you come to the ameu reviewer's meeting in 6m?14:54
barrybeuno: second, i'd like to talk about what to do about link display on the page the link points to14:55
barryreviewers, lurkers and beuno -> #launchpad-meeting in 3m14:57
beunobarry, lets see about the second after the meeting15:00
barrybeuno: sounds good15:00
barryreviewers, lurkers and beuno -> #launchpad-meeting15:00
beunobarry, sorry I wasn't very useful15:19
beunowas on a call  :)15:19
barrybeuno: no, it was cool :)15:20
mrevellkfogel: ping, not urgent15:21
barrybeuno: so, about menu links.  currently, navmenus (and only those i think) hide links for the page that you are viewing.  i don't like this :).  i've heard that in breadcrumbs the link to the page your viewing is still shown, but it is dimmed and not clickable.  i personally don't like that either (i'd rather the link be active but otherwise visually indicative).  we're looking for some ui pronouncement on15:21
barryand fix the tests15:21
kfogelmrevell: pong placeholder -- on phone, but will ping when off15:22
beunobarry, could you tell me more about why you want them clickable?15:23
barrybeuno: i'm sure it's not a good reason, but i very often use it as a cheap reload.  usually the active link is way closer to my cursor than that leeeettlleee teenie browser reload button way up there in the upper left15:24
beunobarry, I understand15:25
beunothe problem is, it may misslead you to think it will take you somewhere else15:25
beunoor "different"15:25
barrybeuno: do you think we could do something visual to indicate it's the page your one, but leave the link active?  like grey it down a bunch or something?15:25
beunobarry, I'm thinking15:26
beunoI'm trying to weigh in the cost/benefit15:26
beuno"make barry happy" weighs quite a bit, but, OTOH, we have like 500k users...15:26
barrybeuno: :)  okay, so here's the scenario...15:27
barrybeuno: i just clicked on "View all sprints" and i'm transported to /sprints/+all.  now i kind of remember i'm on that page because i clicked it recently, but maybe someone pinged me in irc that they just added two new meetings.  i need to reload the page.  what are my options?  (note this happens fairly often with merge proposals and bug comments)15:28
beunothat's a great scenario to address15:29
beunobarry, do you use gmail?15:29
barrybeuno: no15:29
beunook, what gmail does15:29
beunoas a web application15:29
barrywell, i have a gmail account, but... ;)15:29
beunois that if something changes while your on the page15:29
beunoit tells you15:29
beunoor it just updates it15:29
beunodepending on the scenario15:30
beuno*that* is the proper solution15:30
beunoof course, that's a month's worth of work right there15:30
barrybeuno: agreed!  that would be awesome, and yep, it's a lot of work15:30
barrybeuno: i have another use case, but it's very launchpad developer centric, so i don't expect accommodation for it ;)15:30
beunobarry, I still think the potential confusion out-weighs the benefits15:31
* beuno nudges mpt 15:31
beunohave any thoughts? ^15:31
barrybeuno: so, do you agree that the link should still be displayed (i.e. not hidden)?15:33
barrybeuno: it feels like a bug when the link disappears15:33
beunobarry, this is the las breadrumb?15:34
barrybeuno: my current concern is the navmenus15:34
mptbeuno, barry: I don't think pages should contain a link to reload themselves unless it's probable that the page contents will have changed since you loaded it. (E.g. Gmail's link to reload the Inbox, or Twitter's "121 more results since you started searching. Refresh to see them.")15:34
beunobarry, what's a navmenu on the UI these days?  :)15:34
mptbeuno, barry: And where that's true, it should be more prominent than any global navigation will ever be. :-)15:34
barrybeuno: it's what i'm calling the menu on the top level collections and their +all pages15:35
beunobarry, ah, top right?15:35
barrybeuno: on the right portlet15:35
beunobarry, I see15:35
beunothe link should not go away, no15:35
barrympt: yes. i (mostly) like the way e.g. facebook does it15:36
barrybeuno: cool.  so it sounds like you and mpt want the link to deactivate (i.e. not be clickable)15:36
beunobarry, yes, I think that's the right thing to do15:37
barrybeuno: okay.  so, if the link has an icon, and you're sitting on its page, the icon stays and we put unclickable link text instead of the <a href>.  sound about right?15:37
beunobarry, it does15:38
barrybeuno, mpt fab!  thanks very much, i'll make that happen15:38
barrybac: ^^ (summary: page you're on will show an unclickable link in the navmenu)15:39
bacbarry: that sounds great.15:46
=== carlos_ is now known as carlos
adeuringwhere should a right side portlet go in the 3.0 layout that is not an action, or an notification or anything else mentioned on the conversion page? My specific problem: the "Current details" portlet of pages like this: https://code.staging.launchpad.net/~bjornt/launchpad/dont-flash-overlay-on-bug-page/+bug/107247/+delete16:10
mupBug #107247: Launchpad bug pages trigger caret browsing in Firefox and other Gecko browsers <mt-postupstream> <Mozilla Firefox:Confirmed> <Launchpad Bugs:Fix Committed by bjornt> <firefox (Ubuntu):Won't Fix by asac> <firefox-3.0 (Ubuntu):Triaged> <firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/107247>16:10
mptadeuring, if any of that information is relevant to your decision whether to delete it, move it to the main body. Otherwise, nuke it. That sound right, beuno?16:12
mptActually it's rather alarming that that page isn't telling you *what* branch you're about to unlink from *what* bug...16:13
adeuringmpt: deleting the portlet is too simple and straightforward ;) I think it does not contain anything interesting16:14
* beuno reads back16:17
beunoif it's relevant information, it should go in the main body16:17
beunoas mpt says, that page should *really* tell you what's being deleted16:18
adeuringbeuno: right; I added explicit links to the bug and the brnach to make that absolutely clear ;)16:19
beunoadeuring, so the information about the branch  (ie "Merged") is not interesting, I agree16:20
beunothe portlet should die16:20
beunojust be sure that we don't loose important information16:20
jtvintellectronica, got a moment to help with a structural-subscriptions.txt failure?  If it turns out to be hard, we can drop it but I'd at least like to shake this tree and see if anything falls out.16:27
jtvstructural-subscription-target.txt, rather16:27
jtvby the way, why do we have anything in lib/canonical/launchpad/interfaces/ftests?  That directory should be not once but twice gone.16:37
intellectronicajtv: sure (sorry, was on the phone until now so didn't notice your ping)16:40
jtvintellectronica: cool, thanks.  In wgrant's branch, the very last line of that test fails.16:40
jtvintellectronica: the test files a bug, and then compares the set of indirect subscribers to the set of structural subscribers.16:41
jtvIt expects the difference between those sets to be empty, but now suddenly no-priv is in that set difference.16:42
intellectronicai'm not sure i'm looking at the same test as you. can you please paste me the full path again, maybe even the failure?16:42
jtvintellectronica: File "lib/canonical/launchpad/interfaces/ftests/structural-subscription-target.txt", line 131, in structural-subscription-target.txt16:42
jtvDifferences (ndiff with -expected +actual):16:43
jtv    - set([])16:43
jtv    + set([u'no-priv'])16:43
intellectronicajtv: it's important to remember that this test is run several times, with target being different each time16:45
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
jtvintellectronica: remember?  I don't think I knew it in the first place.  :)16:46
intellectronicajtv: but you will remember it from now on, right?16:46
intellectronicajtv: see lib/canonical/launchpad/interfaces/ftests/test_structuralsubscriptiontarget.py16:46
jtvintellectronica: I'll have dreams about it for the rest of my life.  :)16:47
* jtv sees lib/canonical/launchpad/interfaces/ftests/test_structuralsubscriptiontarget.py16:47
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
jtvintellectronica: can approval of a bug nomination cause someone to become structurally subscribed to the bug?16:52
intellectronicadefinitely not16:53
intellectronicabut maybe it makes the approver indirectly subscribed? i don't remember16:53
jtvI'm asking since my prime suspect here is that wgrant's branch moves the automatic approval of bug nominations from the model code to the view.16:56
intellectronicajtv: that doesn't make much sense. is this branch the one for exposing the functionality via the api?16:58
jtvintellectronica: yup16:58
intellectronicaif yes, then i think we want to retain that behaviour16:58
jtvThe behaviour is still present, but explicitly in the view.  I think it was pre-imped with gmb.16:59
intellectronicaoh ok, maybe the tought of something i didn't, then17:00
gmbintellectronica, jtv: Hang on, let me try to remember. There was a reason for doing it.17:01
intellectronicaanyway, to debug that failure, start with determining which target type it's failing on17:01
* jtv starts determining that17:02
gmbintellectronica, jtv: So, we decided to make so that the API required explicit approval due to bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/253597 (the idea being that the UI should eventually change to require this, too).17:03
mupBug #253597: Not possible to nominate a bug if you have permission to approve it <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/253597>17:04
jtvgmb: yes, it made sense to me as a Bugs outsider at least.  But something in the branch is breaking this test.  May be a forgotten .approve(...) somewhere.17:04
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
jtvintellectronica: wouldn't you know it, it's the very last one: Hoary.17:07
jtvintellectronica: so a new bug for Hoary seems to have lost an indirect subscriber17:22
intellectronicawho did you expect will have been indirectly subscribed?17:23
intellectronicaalso, is it a private bug? those don't have indirect subscribers?17:24
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
jtvintellectronica: I don't see anything that'd make it private.  The test doesn't say why it expects that particular result to be empty.17:31
jtvintellectronica: but the unexpected subscriber seems to be the person filing the bug17:32
jtvWhat kind of subscription do you get to bugs you file?17:32
intellectronicayeah, it's a bit of a mystery. i wonder who's the idiot who wrote this17:32
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-nom
jtvintellectronica: well bzr only shows your name, but the code looks older than you.  :)17:33
intellectronicajtv: direct17:33
intellectronicajtv: ill take that as a compliment17:33
jtvfine by me17:33
intellectronicai mean, the test makes sense, i just don't remember why i added it17:34
intellectronicai think i'll need to look a the branch to be able to help. what's the url?17:35
jtvActually, "structural_subscribers" is just the name of the variable.  It's really bug_target.bug_subscriptions.17:35
intellectronicajtv: well, bug_subscriptions is just a shortcut for structural subscriptions to bug mail17:36
intellectronica(in theory, structural subscriptions can be for mail from other modules, though none of them implement this)17:36
jtvintellectronica: at one point I knew a bit about structural subscriptions, but it's been a while...  It's basically being subscribed all bugs in something (say, a product) that gets bugs attached, right?17:39
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
rockstarIs canonical_url_examples.txt failing for anyone else?  I don't see how my branch could have broken it. https://pastebin.canonical.com/21514/17:48
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
jtvrockstar: danilo ran into that one as well... there was a mailing list thread about it.17:52
rockstarjtv, oh, I was searching for buildbot emails.17:52
jtvrockstar: also, I see the vaunted sample-data change in there; see earlier thread, probably from karl17:52
rockstarjtv, you would think that ec2 would use the sample data from the branch that provides the sample data, so I wouldn't have that problem.17:53
jtvyou know, someone's irc nick was to be removed from the sample data to avoid making his irc client play The Entertainer using a single tone17:54
jtv(Not saying who, or it'll beep again :)17:54
rockstarjtv, yeah, I know.17:54
jtvintellectronica: I've got it: in the Hoary case, the test creates a bug nomination without approving it.17:54
intellectronicajtv: right, and that causes the bug reporter to be indirectly subscribed?17:55
jtvintellectronica: I think it was what previously caused the bug reporter to be directly subscribed—and therefore indirectly as well.17:55
jtvNow that doesn't happen any more, but the test also subscribes that same person structurally, and assumes that the indirect subscriptions are a superset of the structural ones.17:56
intellectronicaah, i see17:56
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
jtvintellectronica: that's it for me tonight.  Thanks for walking me through this!18:15
intellectronicano problem. and if you ever find who wrote that silly test slap him on my behalf, please18:18
james_whow does LP feel about the OAuth session fixation attack that it is vulnerable to?18:32
james_wWe need to fix python-oauth to allow fixed clients to be written, and this requires API changes18:33
james_wso I'll want to fix that in lazr.restfulclient, but I'm not sure how that fits with lp's build system18:34
james_wwould you need to land a fixed python-oauth at the same time?18:34
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
beunobarry, https://dev.launchpad.net/ReviewerSchedule?action=diff&rev2=46&rev1=4518:39
beunodoes that complete my task?18:39
barrybeuno: fantastically so!  thanks.  i'll add a line for you as the current sole ui mentor18:41
* beuno is alone18:42
EdwinGrubbssalgado: ping18:44
beunoEdwinGrubbs, hi18:45
EdwinGrubbsbeuno: hello18:45
salgadohi EdwinGrubbs18:45
beunoEdwinGrubbs, about your email, I think that we should only highlight joining the team, not leaving it18:45
beunoI can put together the bg graphic for joining18:45
EdwinGrubbssalgado: I was wondering if you thought it was sane to move canonical.launchpad.browser.branding to lp.registry.browser.branding. The only non-registry objects that use that are sprints.18:46
salgadoEdwinGrubbs, sounds ok to me18:47
EdwinGrubbsbeuno: the graphic would be helpful. How long do you think that will be and will I be holding off on landing until then?18:48
beunoEdwinGrubbs, maybe 30 minutes, if you tell me that it's easy to just show that format when you haven't joined, and the18:49
beuno"leave team" link can go in the actions portlet18:49
EdwinGrubbsbeuno: yes, it will be easy.18:49
beunoEdwinGrubbs, ON IT18:50
EdwinGrubbsbeuno: thanks18:50
james_wok, the API change doesn't affect lplib's usage, so there's no need to change it19:04
barrybeuno: when you have a chance; re: navmenu links to the page you're viewing.  i have two screenshots for your approval: https://devpad.canonical.com/~barry/sprints-index.png and https://devpad.canonical.com/~barry/sprints-all.png19:10
beunobarry, ui=me19:21
barrybeuno: awesome!  the unlinked text has a class so we can tweak the style later if we want19:22
=== Ursinha-nom is now known as Ursinha
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
beunoEdwinGrubbs, take this baby out for a spin: http://people.canonical.com/~beuno/bg-action-add.png20:08
EdwinGrubbsbeuno: awesome.20:09
dobeyanyone around to talk about oauth?20:13
beunowgrant, http://people.canonical.com/~beuno/conversions.html20:41
james_wdobey: the launchpad-dev might be the best place for this20:43
dobeyjames_w: i thought that's where this is20:44
james_w                   ^ mailing list20:44
dobeyperhaps. was hoping to get a more immediate response though :)20:53
beunodobey, leonardr is your man21:03
leonardrdobey, what's your question? (salgado knows more about oauth than i do)21:04
dobeyleonardr: so oauth.py has a lot of problems (which have become ever apparent over the last 1.5 months since i started trying to fix some of them)... and i was wondering what launchpad's opinion is on having a fork of it21:08
leonardrare the original maintainers unresponsive?21:09
dobeyit takes forever to get any response out of upstream21:10
dobeyand aside from the code being ugly, the 'fixes' that did go in for 1.0a are still incomplete21:12
leonardrdobey: i don't think there'd be a problem with creating a launchpad project that keeps a code import of the official code. then you could keep your own branches there. i think that's a pretty common pattern21:12
leonardrbut i don't really know anything about how launchpad is used in such situations, i could be wrong21:13
dobeywell i was more interested in whether launchpad would want to switch to using the fork for oauth, instead of continuing to use the broken/undermaintained oauth.py21:13
dobeyas i understand it, launchpadlib and the server use it, for doing things via the API21:14
leonardrlaunchpadlib uses it, i don't think the server does21:21
dobeyleonardr: i guess salgado would be the person to answer that more concretely?21:22
leonardrsalgado could answer about the server side, but i don't think oauth.py even deals with the server side21:23
leonardrno, i guess that's not true. anyway, i dunno about the server21:24
leonardrbut for the client, the package needs to be as easy to install as python-oauth is now, so that people can actually use it21:24
leonardryou'll either need to convince whoever currently maintains python-oauth, or we'll need to include the fork as code inside launchpadlib21:25
leonardrthat would be james_w21:25
james_wI couldn't find oauth.py used on the server21:26
salgadoLaunchpad itself only uses OAuthRequest._split_header()21:26
leonardrthere you go21:26
salgadowhich is a trivial 5-line method, so we should probably roll our own version of that and get rid of contrib/oauth.py21:27
leonardrjames_w, how would you handle it if oauth forked and we wanted to use the new fork? what would dobey have to do to convince you?21:27
* salgado files a bug21:27
james_wwell, python-oauth is only there to satisfy these two projects currently21:27
james_wif they switch to something else then we package that instead21:27
leonardrwhich two projects? launchpadlib and what?21:28
james_wI'd just rather they do if *soon* if they are going to21:28
leonardri don't think i can promise it soon, so maybe in the next release?21:29
james_wif it happens soon I'd even write the patch myself21:30
leonardrwell, i believe the workflow changed somewhat for oauth 1.0a, so it would be a fairly big production in which we coordinated client and server. i don't think we can do that on your timeframe and i doubt that's a patch you'd want to write21:32
leonardr(salgado definitely knows more about this part)21:32
dobeywell if launchpadlib just uses one 5-line method, that sounds like an easy fix21:32
leonardrdobey: *launchpad* uses one 5-line method21:32
leonardrlaunchpadlib uses a lot more21:32
dobeywhat does launchpadlib use?21:32
leonardrall the request signing stuff21:32
leonardrif there's no change in the workflow then if you put up your branch now and salgado and james_w and i understand it, then maybe james_w could write the patch and i could update launchpadlib and we could get everything into karmic, but i don't know what the deadline is21:33
leonardrand i question whether a recent version of launchpadlib is going to be in karmic anyway21:34
james_wwhy's that?21:34
leonardrbecause there's an old version in there now21:34
james_wand I've been working to fix that for months now21:34
leonardrand upgrading to a new version would require adding a whole new package (lazr.restfulclient)21:34
james_wthat's why I've been complaining on bugs about lazr issues and the like21:35
james_wlazr.restfulclient is sat in NEW21:35
james_wI'm about to upload the new launchpadlib21:35
leonardrjames_w, are there any outstanding bugs that are causing you problems?21:36
james_wno, we should be good to go now21:36
james_wfamous last words21:36
dobeyso i don't have a branch yet. but i can definitely spend all day tomorrow/friday on it if we can do it for karmic21:37
dobeythough hopefully i can get it all done in one day21:37
leonardrdobey: how different is it going to be, what will the benefit be, and if part of the benefit is "1.0a", are there workflow changes?21:38
dobey1.0a requires changes to the server also21:38
leonardrso there are workflow changes21:38
dobeyyes. since the security issue in 1.0 was "the workflow allows you to steal auth" they changed the workflow to fix it :)21:39
dobeybut i can have the client pieces continue working with 1.0 for launchpadlib, until we can get that changed21:39
james_wit's not too important for most current uses of LPs API21:39
james_wbut I suggest you fix it anyway21:40
=== ursula__ is now known as Ursinha
leonardrwell, we're gonna fix it, but until 10 minutes ago it wasn't considered important enough to get a fix in for karmic21:40
leonardri'm trying to figure out if it is now that someone else is doing some of the work21:40
=== Ursinha is now known as Guest82878
leonardrdobey: the server's going to continue to support the 1.0 workflow just so old clients don't break21:41
=== Guest82878 is now known as Marvin_
leonardrlaunchpad doesn't use python-oauth for the server side, so any improvements you make to the server-side code we can't use21:42
dobeyhrmm, so unless the server will bail on 1.0a requests, it's probably fine for the client to send the 1.0a stuff anyway21:42
dobeybecause i'm guessing it will just get ignored on the server, until the server supports 1.0a21:42
leonardrdobey: probably. what's the difference between a 1.0 request and a 1.0a request?21:42
james_wthat depends on whether the client allows the server to only talk 1.021:43
leonardrwithout wanting to step on salgado's toes, i can say with a fair degree of certainty that launchpad will not support 1.0a by the karmic deadline21:44
dobey1.0a sends a callback in the request token request, expects oauth_callback_confirmed in that response, and expects an oauth_verifier unique id from authorization that is sent back in the access token request21:44
leonardrso the karmic launchpadlib will have to allow a server to talk 1.021:44
leonardrif we can implement 1.0a on the server side and have our karmic installed base start talking 1.0a immediately, that'd be a win21:45
leonardrand it sounds like implementing 1.0a wouldn't require any change to launchpadlib itself, only to the oauth library21:45
dobeyeither way, launchpadlib isn't using a lot of the API, and should be an easy patch, and it's easy to test21:45
leonardrdoes that sound right?21:45
dobeyyeah, launchpadlib probably doesn't need any changes to do 1.0a21:46
dobeyi have to read over the code entirely and see21:46
leonardrdobey: ok, go ahead and make the change, give it to james_w who will evaluate it on its own terms as a patch to python-oauth21:46
leonardronce it's released, i can make a change to launchpadlib as long as the change is no more complicated than telling oauth "use 1.0a if it's available, but don't fail if it's not."21:48
dobeyi'm looking at the lplib code... it might be that the only change necessary is "change the import lines"21:49
james_wit will want to have a way for the caller to specify a callback won't it?21:50
dobeyyes but lplib doesn't use callbacks21:51
dobeyi'll evaluate what lplib is doing with the API and take that into consideration, and if it's necessary to do any extra changes to it, i'll make them as well21:57
dobeysound good?21:58
james_wleonardr: launchpadlib 1.5.1 is now in karmic22:05
leonardrdobey: if lplib doesn't use callbacks, and we need to specify one to implement 1.0a, i don't see the point of rushing to get this into karmic22:06
dobeyleonardr: hrmm?22:07
leonardrdobey: you said lplib doesn't use callbacks, and you also dais that 1.0a sends a callback in the token request22:07
leonardrare those the same callback?22:07
leonardrif they are the same callback, i don't see how implementing 1.0 on the server side will make launchpadlib start working just because we applied your patch to oauth22:08
dobeyleonardr: 1.0a specifies the value to be either an http callback which the server will use later (after the authorization request i think), or to be oob, if you aren't using callbacks22:08
leonardrso you can implement 1.0a without using a callback, and it's secure? or are you really just falling back to 1.0 behavior?22:10
dobeythe callback itself doesn't make the communication secure22:10
leonardrbut can it be secure if there's no callback?22:11
dobeyand yeah, for lplib, i think it would just be the 1.0 behavior until the server starts doing 1.0a22:11
james_wthere's a new "verifier" which also plays a role22:12
leonardri'm really getting the impression that there are 3 steps here. 1) apply dobey's patch to python-oauth. 2) implement the server side. 3) change launchpadlib to accommodate the new workflow with its callbacks and verifier22:12
dobeyleonardr: it depends on what your definition of secure is i guess22:12
leonardreach of those being a fair amount of work22:12
leonardrif #3 was trivial, i could see an argument for rushing to get #1 into karmic--so that everything would start working once we put #2 in place22:13
leonardrbut if i have to do a lot of work to implement #3, that's not going to make it into karmic anyway22:13
dobey#3 should be trivial22:13
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
leonardrok, take care of #1 and ping me once you're done. we'll figure out #322:14
dobeyleonardr: heh, i just said you wouldn't have to do any work for lplib to do this. :)22:14
leonardri'm ok with doing a small amount of work22:14
rockstarbeuno, do you know how often the conversion page updates?  It seems out of date.22:21
dobeyleonardr: ok, i'll bug you tomorrow, thanks22:24
beunorockstar, I'm setting one up on my people.c.c account22:30
beunoand I'll get it to update every hour or so22:30
beunothat's db-devel22:31
beunoup tod ate22:32
beunorockstar, I can run against devel22:35
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-out
rockstarbeuno, okay, that'd be much better.22:35
* beuno branches devel22:36
rockstarI'm hoping to get the last answers ones reviewed tonight.22:36
jmlthumper, skype is up, but other difficulties compel a short outage. I'll join the call a little late22:57
thumperjml: ok22:58
beunorockstar, http://people.canonical.com/~beuno/conversions.html22:58
beunothat's based on devel22:58
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
thumperjml: ping when you're ready23:02
wgrantjtv: Damn.23:05
lifelessjml: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/testtools/startTestRun/+merge/1077323:14
lifelessjml: (also see #bzr re subscribing to your own branches ;P)23:15
jmllifeless, I've already reviewed it.23:15
lifelessoh, cool23:15
lifelesstotally my bad23:15
lifelessjml: you own trunk23:15
lifelessso I can't make it so23:15
jmloh right.23:15
jmlI'll merge it in then23:15
lifelessjml: you might want to ping whoever packages it too23:22
lifelessFF is about-to-or-just-has happened23:22
jmllifeless, ahh, good call.23:23
=== Marvin_ is now known as Ursinha
wgrantintellectronica, jtv: Thanks for looking at that. Fixed.23:30
Ursinharockstar, could you give me a little help on template migration, pretty please?23:32
rockstarUrsinha, sure, what's up?23:32
Ursinharockstar, I'm changing the template of a page that has an admin link on it, but when changing to the main_side template, as described here -> https://dev.launchpad.net/VersionThreeDotO/UI/Conversion#Mechanical%20changes, the link is gone even if my user has the right permissions23:33
Ursinharockstar, what can I be possibly missing?23:33
rockstarthumper, on the phone with Ursinha right now, gimme a sec.23:38
mwhudsonUrsinha: are you turning into a developer!?23:40
mwhudson(if so, commiserations!)23:40
barrymwhudson, thumper, jml, rockstar sorry, had some stuff to deal with.  do you guys want to have a meeting?23:50
rockstarbarry, yessir23:50
Ursinharockstar, thank you thank you thank you23:50
Ursinhamwhudson, it seems so :)23:50
mwhudsonbarry: i think it would be a good idea23:50
rockstarthumper, chat after the reviewer's meeting?23:50
barryrockstar, thumper, mwhudson, jml -> #launchpad-meeting in 2m23:51
intellectronicawgrant: np. thanks for fixing this bug. i know for sure that it will make many people very happy!23:52
wgrantintellectronica: We can hope.23:53
wgrantI thought I had run the whole lp.bugs suite over it, but I must have been confused by the other Bugs branches I was working on at the time...23:54
wgrantjtv: /win 423:54
pochuI'm getting timeouts when reporting bugs in Ubuntu, can somebody look at what's going on?23:55
pochue.g. OOPS-1334H289523:55
pochu(both in edge and production)23:55
wgrantjtv: All lp.bugs tests now pass with r9238.23:56
mwhudsonpochu: this sort of thing is better talked about in #launchpad btw23:57
mwhudsonpochu: i imagine it's the dup search query23:57
wgrantEasy way to work around it is use fewer terms initially, then correct the summary on the second page.23:57
pochumwhudson: oh okay, it's been a long time since I come here :)23:57

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