
iPoRnhy, i've started my ubuntu, and a have a small icon that says: One or more disks are failing...i already boot a live cd, and made some fsck tests, but i still have the problem...here the output of the fsck : http://pr0n.no-ip.org/disco.log00:08
alteregoaits ok dude00:11
alteregoafsck doesnt know about your disk00:11
alteregoait doesnt heal your disk dude00:12
alteregoaits smart self monitoring analysis reporting tool SMART00:12
alteregoayour harddisk told the OS that she's gonna die00:12
iPoRnthe thing is, on the Palimsest program, it says that a have damaged sectors00:12
iPoRnmy disk is going to die? ;o00:13
alteregoathats a message from your harddrive00:13
iPoRnnot again ;<00:13
alteregoayes she is dying00:13
alteregoaget a 24/7 harddisk, not those cheap crap shitachis or samsucks00:13
iPoRnis it normal, to last only one year?00:13
alteregoabecause some of them are real crap00:14
iPoRnbtw, for a laptop, what do you think is a good one?00:14
alteregoatake a look to the prices, do you think a disk could be good for just 50 bucks?00:14
iPoRnthis one cost me near 100 euros00:15
alteregoaget a seagate00:15
alteregoa500gb seagate or something00:15
alteregoaits the lowest power laptop hd with 7200rpm00:16
alteregoaand its capable of 24/700:16
alteregoa119 bucks on newegg00:16
alteregoaaprox 75 euros plus vat tax00:17
iPoRndumb question, for laptop is 2.5pol, or 3.5 ?00:18
iPoRngoing to see the prices here, in my country00:18
alteregoayeah your country adds 30 percent vat taxes00:19
iPoRnhere, what i see more is, seagate, western digital and samsung00:21
iPoRnDisk Seagate 2,5" SATA 320Gb 7200rpm 16Mb - 67,90 €00:23
protocolshi all00:30
alteregoabuy the 7200.400:37
alteregoathose first 320gb series with perpendicular recording sucks00:37
alteregoathe 2nd series are reliable, they are used in blades00:38
RagnarokAngelalright so I get quite the error w/ my dual screen setup on the -7 kernel that I don't get on the -600:40
RagnarokAngelI think X crashes00:42
RagnarokAngelthough, I'm not spit back to a terminal00:42
RagnarokAngelit might be more sinister...00:42
DanaGSame here.00:47
DanaG-7 kernel crashes on trying to start Xorg.00:48
DanaGI've tried fglrx, radeon, fbdev, and vesa... all of them crash.00:48
RagnarokAngelwell, it starts just fine for my regular screen00:48
DanaGoh yeah, newegg newsletter is way handy, speaking of hard drives.00:48
RagnarokAngeltrying to do both my laptop screen and the 1920x1080 external crashes it.00:48
iPoRnalteregoa, sorry to be such a pain in the butt, but you mean this one's right: http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/products/laptops/momentus/momentus_7200.4/00:49
RagnarokAngelat least when I'm trying to get them to do an unmirror display00:49
DanaGActually, I liked my old 200GB Hitachi 7K200 better than I like my newer Seagate ST9250421AS (250GB 7200RPM drive) -- the older drive was way faster at spinning up from a stopped state.00:49
DanaGOld one took like a third to a half of a second; new one takes more like 3/4 of a second.00:50
iPoRnmy issue is: im killing an HD in each year ;x00:51
DanaGhow d'you manage that?00:51
RagnarokAngeliPoRn: if you've got lots of money to blow you could go w/ a SSD00:51
DanaGToo bad they're currently horribly expensive.00:52
iPoRni dont ;p00:52
DanaG200 gigs for 300 bucks... that's the price point I'm waiting for.00:52
DanaGOr even 200 gigs for 350 bucks.00:53
iPoRnwestern digital, is any good?00:54
DanaGbeats me.  check storagereview.com and silentpcreview.com.00:54
RagnarokAngelDanaG: whoah. I paid 100 bucks for a TB from seagate....00:55
geniiiPoRn: wd isn't horrible00:55
RagnarokAngelDanaG: now, the enclosure failed on me... But hopefully the drive is still good00:55
giovani200GB for $300?00:56
giovanion what planet?00:56
giovanior rather, in what year?00:56
RagnarokAngelyeah, that's what I was thinking...00:56
RagnarokAngelYou can do better with SSD :-p00:56
giovanithe current price point for standard HDs now is 6-8 cents/GB00:58
DanaGThat's what I meant... I want SSDs to reach that price point.  =þ00:58
giovaniwhy do you need/want a SSD that large?00:59
DanaGNot necessarily the same as current hard drives... but not fiendishly expensive would be nice.00:59
RagnarokAngelgiovani: because you can.00:59
giovanithat's a bad reason01:00
DanaGBecause I have lots of stuff to store.01:00
giovaniplace the right data on the right drive01:00
RagnarokAngelgiovani: because I want instant access to all of my data.01:00
giovaniDanaG: you should not being using a SSD for regular data storage01:00
DanaGAnd I like to keep it allllll with me.01:00
geniiI recall paying $2400 for 3 SCSI-3 drives01:00
giovaniit's a complete waste01:00
giovaniDanaG: I have about 20TB of personal storage ... there's no reason for it to be SSD01:00
RagnarokAngelgiovani: I'm jealous. hXc.01:00
giovaniI'd put an OS on a SSD01:00
DanaGI like to carry my music and videos and such with me.01:01
giovanimaybe some database storage01:01
giovaniDanaG: you're a fool01:01
giovaniyou should not be using SSDs for that kind of data for a long time (until they become dirt cheap)01:01
geniigiovani: I have only 16Gb of storage01:01
giovaniit's a complete waste01:01
DanaGThat's why I don't have an SSD.01:01
RagnarokAngelhe's just overpaying....01:01
genii16Tb rather01:01
RagnarokAngelI totally need more storage01:02
* DanaG roams.01:02
giovanithere's no reason to put that data on a SSD until they're the same price as HDs01:02
RagnarokAngeland am a poor college student who is living off the cloud.01:02
giovaniwhich won't be for many years01:02
DanaGI just need HP to let us buy the danged secondary drive bay WITHOUT a drive already included.01:02
DanaGRight now they charge 160 bucks for drive + bay.01:02
RagnarokAngelgiovani: I dunno, if they continue the glut we may see it drop sooner than you think....01:02
DanaGAnd the drive it comes with is a 250GB 5400RPM.01:02
giovaniRagnarokAngel: nah, the manufacturing is just much more expensive01:02
DanaGCorrection: they themselves charge 200.01:03
DanaGThird-party vendors charge more like 160.01:03
RagnarokAngelgiovani: at the rate manufacturing is changing though, I'd wager 10 MAX before SSD becomes pretty standard in laptops.01:03
giovani10 max?01:03
giovaniDanaG: why not hit ebay for a used/broken one, and swap out the drive?01:03
DanaG200 gigs for 350 bucks... that's about where I'll join in.01:04
RagnarokAngelgiovani: 10 years max01:04
giovaniyou're foolish01:04
giovaniRagnarokAngel: oh, nowhere near that long -- definitely in the next few years01:04
giovanibut they won't be the same size as normal HDs obviously01:04
RagnarokAngelgiovani: you made it sound like you were banking on a lot more!01:04
giovanieven cheap, low-end netbooks have 16GB SSDs in them01:04
RagnarokAngelDanaG: I don't understand why you're paying so much for your HDD01:05
giovaniRagnarokAngel: uh ... not at all -- maybe you misunderstood what I was talking about01:05
RagnarokAngelgiovani: yep, I'm thinking the same thing01:05
giovaniI was talking about when it would be appropriate for standard data to sit on SSDs01:05
giovaniand that won't be for a long time01:05
giovanii.e. media storage for all of your media01:05
RagnarokAngelwhy's that01:05
giovanibecause of price point01:05
giovaniputting a 32GB SSD in a laptop isn't at all the same concept01:06
giovanithat's small, and not for storing all of your media01:06
giovanijust enough to get through a day/week/whatever01:06
giovaniAsus Eees have it right -- 16GB SSD for the OS01:06
giovaniand a HD for the data01:06
giovaniand they do that for $300 now01:06
giovaniwell, $33001:06
RagnarokAngelI'm thinking of upgrading my 900A to a bigger drive...01:07
RagnarokAngelI guess I don't *really* need it01:07
giovanithe point being ...01:07
RagnarokAngelbetween the 4gig and a 16 gig usb flash drive I got for free01:07
RagnarokAngelI have 4 gigs of space on it01:07
RagnarokAngelit's not really enough for *all* the programs I use...01:07
giovanithere's NO reason to pay twice as much (or even 1.3 as much) for a SSD to store your static media files01:07
RagnarokAngelso I should just move my /home directory to a flash card?01:08
RagnarokAngelmy eee01:08
RagnarokAngelhas a 4 gig SSD in it01:08
RagnarokAngelwhich, if I get all the programs that I'd like to run on there01:09
RagnarokAngelis overcramped01:09
giovanireplace it with either a bigger SSD, or a HD01:09
RagnarokAngelif I just migrate my /home directory to a flash card that I leave sitting in there01:09
RagnarokAngelthe 900 isn't big enough for a HDD01:09
RagnarokAngelby any means01:09
giovaniit doesn't use a standard size?01:09
giovaniit's a proprietary flash?01:10
RagnarokAngelno, it's a standard interface01:10
giovanimy UMPC is FAR smaller than an Asus Eee and it has a 1.8" drive in it01:10
giovaniyou're mistaken01:10
RagnarokAngelI guess I might be able to cram a 1.8 in there....01:10
giovanifor gods sake ... the iPod had a real HD in it01:10
RagnarokAngelI know that01:10
giovaniit's 1/5th the size of your Asus01:10
RagnarokAngelyes, it is01:10
RagnarokAngelwhere is a teardown...01:11
giovaniso, unless they put a proprietary drive in there01:11
giovaniit's replaceable01:11
giovanitime for dinner01:11
darthanubisanyone have the link to the not able to play more than two sound sources at one time01:13
darthanubiskubuntu 9.10, can't play flash audio while any other type of audio plays01:13
urthmoverwhat isw the latest Karmic build  Alpha4?01:29
alteregoathe last alpha01:29
urthmoveralteregoa: thanks01:29
RagnarokAngelare there any fixes for the  -7 kernel and x?01:32
urthmoverdoes vmware workstation run well on karmic?01:34
alteregoaif you got enough memory01:37
RagnarokAngelso. No X fixes for the -7 kernel?01:38
LLStarksit can run if you use the  kernel patch01:39
LLStarksbut keyboard/mouse grabbing doesn't work properly01:39
LLStarksa huge problem01:39
urthmoverLLStarks: thats a bummer.....is there a fix on the horizon?01:40
LLStarksno clue01:40
urthmoverok thanks for the scoop LLStarks01:40
alteregoais dina washington any good?01:49
DanaGIt'weird that 2.6.31-7-generic won't start Xorg.02:03
DanaGit's weird.02:03
DanaGugh, and alt-f2 doesn't work on my spare laptop.02:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 398826 in gnome-panel "run application broken when setting background color set to "solid color"" [Low,Triaged]02:05
BluesKajDanaG, right click in the desktop , choose run command02:05
DanaGThere is no "run command".02:06
DanaGAt least, not on any of my computers.02:06
DanaGI just had to turn off panel background.02:06
DanaGYeah, that makes no sense... but it fixes it.02:06
DanaGheh, "package information was last updated 230 days ago."02:12
DanaG... on a system that I just updated last week.02:12
DanaGhmm, I wonder when nouveau will be able to run compiz on nv17.02:16
DanaGnvidia-glx-96 can't do anything but segfault the X server.02:16
bjsniderwon't be updated for the new kernel until october02:17
DanaGHeh, but it's been broken for like 6 months, for me.02:17
bjsnidernouveau is for newer hardware anyway02:17
DanaGEven on Karmic.02:17
DanaGnvidia binary, that is.02:17
DanaGAnd it's been on 96.43.xx for like 2 years, hasn't it?02:18
bjsniderthey don't have the programming resources on the unix team to turn that thing into a dynamo02:18
bjsniderreplacify it02:18
DanaGYeah, but I at least expect it not to segfault the X server.  =þ02:18
DanaGIt was even just as broken way back on Intrepid.02:19
bjsniderk, make sure there's no more x server or kernel development02:19
DanaGThat's not the point.02:19
DanaGEven on ones it claims to support... it still segfaults!02:19
DanaGThey've released new versions for Intrepid and Jaunty... and they still segfault.02:19
bjsnidertake up the nouveau code and write a good driver for the old hardware02:19
DanaGOr mail the old laptop I have, that has such a card, to nvidia... with a note saying: "try using this thing... you'll see how much nvidia-legacy sucks."02:20
DanaGAnd set it to auto-login with compiz enabled.02:20
bjsniderthey'd say use the recommended operating system02:20
DanaGboot.  login.  *segfault.*  login.  *segfault.*  login.  *segfault.*  login.  *segfault.*  login.  *segfault.*02:21
bjsniderwhat did it ship with? xp?02:21
DanaGI think so.02:21
bjsniderit will work with nv won't it?02:21
DanaGOh yeah, and if you use nvidia's normal drivers in Windows, you get 966x768.02:21
DanaGyeah, but no suspend or resume with nv or nouveau.02:21
DanaGAnd until recently, nouveau devoured like 80% cpu just drawing the desktop.02:22
alteregoaannot find video encoder (module:ffmpeg fourcc:mp1v)02:22
bjsnideryou laptop people with your suspend/resume02:22
DanaGGlad that's only a spare laptop.02:22
alteregoacvlc has errors i installed ffmpeg but it couldnt encode mp1v or mp2v02:22
DanaGAbout all I use it for, is for grabbing serial-over-lan console logs from my main machine.02:22
bjsniderturn the frigging thing off, don't suspend it02:22
alteregoathis sucks, its the ffmpeg stuff on ubuntu that doest work02:22
bjsniderwhy suspend something that doesn't have ECC ram?02:22
=== Cuddles is now known as Richie
DanaGMy new laptop works well enough with suspend and resume, though fglrx takes a while to resume.02:23
DanaGoh yeah, and that old laptop (toshiba 1415) has the worst possible CPU ever found in a laptop:02:23
DanaGa P4-based Celeron.02:23
DanaGCan you say... crap?  squared?02:23
bjsniderimagine if your new laptop had an nvidia 9400 m chip on it02:24
DanaGOne of my friends has an XPS M1330 laptop that idles at like 60-70 C.02:24
DanaGAnd the GPU has failed, oh, twice.02:24
DanaGoh yeah, and Toshiba is stupid to have made an EDID that claims the LCD is 966x768.02:25
alteregoai think a few packet maintainer didn't even try if those packets are compatible or workin02:25
BluesKajinteresting article here http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/opensource/?p=874&tag=nl.e01102:25
alteregoathe last vlc version was working fine, now someone updated vlc and ffmpeg doesnt work anymore02:26
bjsnider"the operating system will become nothing more than an afterthought" -- linus couldn't have said it better02:30
BluesKajI dumped medibuntu today and built the svn ffmpeg version, since the unstripped libavs aren't available02:31
bjsnidergoogle's OS will bump up against the same video/sound issues all other distros have02:33
BluesKajvlc from the karmic multiverse universe repos runs ok now ,but the ffmpeg executable has to be plaxed in /usr/local/bin/ instead of /usr/bin/ , so as to prevent foul ups with package managers02:34
RagnarokAngelwhat? I've been having no problems at all using VLC...02:34
BluesKajbjsnider, if the chromium-browser is any indication ,i think google has the media issues well under control02:36
bjsnidergoogle has nothing to say about it02:37
BluesKajbeen using chromium  without any probs for 2 weeks02:37
BluesKajmost of the chromium devs are also working on the chrome OS02:38
BluesKajand they work for google02:39
bjsniderthey can't magically produce a composited desktop without the appropriate driver infrastructure, unless they apple-like maintain a stranglehold on the hardware used02:41
alteregoai use cvlc02:41
alteregoaand vlc-nox02:41
alteregoai need that stuff to transcode videos to mpeg2 for several apps02:42
alteregoaits the ffmpeg maintainer02:43
alteregoanot vlc02:43
BluesKajffmpeg has been stripped in some updates , you need the unstripped libs to work with it like libavcodec-unstripped-5202:46
BluesKajas an example02:47
DanaGwhy unstripped?02:48
DanaGAnd stripped of what?02:49
bjsniderstripped of patented codecs02:49
bjsniderand unstripped of them02:49
bjsniderhow dreary and boring02:50
DanaGah, as opposed to stripped of debug symbols.02:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 202855 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 "nvidia_drv.so crash during X restart by kdm" [Medium,Confirmed]02:50
DanaGoh hell, it's even broken as far back as Hardy!02:50
DanaGyay for nvidia failage.02:51
BluesKajI was using a python script in conjunction with pyTivo for transferring and on the fly encoding for video transfers to a TiVo on ournetwork and after an update this morning ffmpeg would longer encode to mpeg2.02:51
bjsnideruse another driver02:51
DanaGyeah, I use nouveau on the thing now.02:52
DanaGSucks that there's no compiz, though.02:52
* BluesKaj checks compiz02:54
DanaGOn nouveau, I mean!02:54
BluesKajhopefully I don't have any issues with compiz02:54
DanaGhmm, and there's some major fail on the part of Toshiba.02:56
DanaGheh, like one is 1588x1200.02:56
DanaG... and another is 1372×1050.02:57
DanaG1024 - 966 = 58.  1400 - 1372 = 28.  1600 - 1588 = 12.02:58
NoCodeIs there anyway to fix the crackling with audio?03:11
alteregoadamn crap  Your FFMPEG installation is crippled.03:14
NoCodealteregoa: So what do I have to do?03:18
DanaGthat's weird... there was a "keys" (as in the ones you use to open doors) icon in my notification area... and when I clicked on it, it disappeared.03:20
alteregoawhat i have to re-install windows 7, because im mad of it03:25
alteregoado they test the packages?! i think no, they just modify it with some spaghetti code and think its ok03:25
alteregoaits like a ham radio operator, if he gets a final product (vlc and ffmpeg) they try to modify it for no reason03:27
hggdhalteregoa, if you think this sucks so much, why don't you try another distribution, instead of just ranting?03:27
alteregoano, i think its better to keep the stuff how it is, and test it before release it03:27
hggdhso why don't you do that -- testing --, and open bugs on the errors you find? You are not really helping right now03:28
IdleOnealteregoa: arent we testing?03:28
alteregoayeah, but don't touch running stuff, thats weird03:29
alteregoaand there is no way to rollback a updates03:29
IdleOnealteregoa: it may have been running for you but there were a 1000 people it didnt run for03:29
IdleOneso report a bug and if you have the know how try to help fix it03:30
alteregoawhatever, i never had problems with cvlc and ffmpeg, the maintainer of ffmpeg should never touch it if he didn't know what he does03:30
IdleOnebut crying in here like a little baby is not going to help03:30
alteregoaok i fill a unecessary time wasting bug report, and i hope someone reads like the other 1000 reports i've filled03:31
IdleOneI see03:32
IdleOnethe entire Ubuntu community and devs, hell even canonical hates you...03:32
IdleOnethat must be it03:33
alteregoahate lol, thats kindergarten stuff03:33
hggdhalteregoa, please, either *help*, or (1) build your own version of FFMPEG, or (2) stop complaining03:34
alteregoano i put a debian repo of ffmpeg and it works03:34
alteregoacause they know it better i think03:34
hggdhgood. go debian, then. Or -- what would be better -- HELP CORRECT IT.03:35
darthanubisaudio in flash stops once an application starts audio...03:35
BluesKajhggdh, I don't think it's a bug ..i think the latest version of ffmpeg is a stripped "version" and even medibuntu doesn't carry the full version , www.ffmpeg.org the place to find the fully loaded one03:37
hggdhBluesKaj, if this is correct (and I have no reason to question it), then it is either a bug, or we are missing other updates to come in03:38
alteregoastripped, what a crap03:38
BluesKajit installs in usr/local/bin/ rather than the default /usr/bin to avoid beinf updated by the packafe managers and thereby being stripped agian03:39
hggdhwow, hold on03:39
hggdhare you stating an Ubuntu package is installing to /usr/local?03:40
BluesKajnope svn03:40
hggdhah, OK. Yes, if you ./configure without any other parameters (like --prefix=) the default install is always on /usr/local03:41
hggdhwhich is known to sometimes create some problems03:41
BluesKajyeah, i tried to prefix /usr/local for the latest VLC build but it wouldn't , I got the old familiar targer error thing with the make cmnd , so installed the multi/universe repos versuion instead03:43
BluesKajtarget error03:44
hggdhBluesKaj, a good option when building from trunk is to run ./configure --help, and look at all the parameters. Also, it is a good idea to put an equal sign03:45
BluesKaji followed the readme and the install instructions to the letter but I guess my setup wasn't right somehow03:45
hggdhlike --prefix=/usr/bin, instead of --prefix /usr/bin03:45
BluesKajwell thx hggdh ' , I'll keep that in my liltextfile for cli cmnds :)03:49
BluesKajfortunately the multivers/universe repos version of VLC works fine right now03:50
BluesKajI don't hav effmpeg in the usr/bin so none of the other media players can run video03:51
BluesKajnot that i care , I prefer VLC anyway03:51
RagnarokAngelWhy do audio calls fail as soon as I accept them in empathy?03:51
NoCodeSubmitted a bug03:52
hggdhRagnarokAngel, I do not know. Are there errors reported?03:52
RagnarokAngellemme run it in the terminal....03:52
NoCodeTried the ffmpeg thing and it didn't work03:52
RagnarokAngellemme do an audio call now03:53
RagnarokAngelI'm getting the error (empathy:13676): tp-fs-DEBUG: stream 1 0x98b2098 (audio) close: close requested by connection manager03:54
RagnarokAngelwhen the call comes in03:54
RagnarokAngelhggdh: I'll put up a pastebin03:55
RagnarokAngelhggdh: http://pastebin.com/m414fc0ac03:56
RagnarokAngelany ideas anyone?03:58
hggdhRagnarokAngel, it seems good enough for a bug -- it may be related to the valve element not being created (whatever that is)03:58
RagnarokAngelthat really isn't helpful for calls...but I'll submit the bug03:58
hggdhyes, I understand it. Are you aware there is a daily trunk version of empathy & companions?03:59
RagnarokAngelhggdh: ?? Like a PPA?03:59
RagnarokAngelhggdh: got a place to point me?03:59
RagnarokAngelhggdh: or should I just search launchpad?03:59
hggdhgetting it, RagnarokAngel04:00
RagnarokAngelthis ig? hggdh, https://launchpad.net/~telepathy/+archive/ppa04:00
hggdhRagnarokAngel, http://pastebin.com/f30a624b404:01
hggdha sec04:02
hggdhRagnarokAngel,  0x5AFE82CE04:04
BluesKajnite all, sacktime for old guys04:06
hggdhBluesKaj, good idea. I off also. g'night all y'all04:06
lamalexHey, has anyone tried using their ipod with banshee in karmic? it seems like the move to devicekit-disks has broken detection04:20
NoCodeanyone else having crackling issues even with ffmeg enabled in the pulse configuration?04:21
aboSamoorThe music playing Fn keys on my thinkpad are not working, any idea how can I debug the problem ?04:24
x1250seems k9copy is completely broken? It can't read a DVD or ISO file.04:33
x1250it works with specifying a directory though. Can anyone confirm?04:35
DanaGplay on words.04:36
nhasianhello everyone04:53
dotblankAnything change with ldap authentication in karmic?05:39
HABI am loving my karmic06:01
HABthe sound has never worked so good on my netbook06:02
* Jeruvy pats HAB on the back06:04
HABI just saved a notes gedit text file into my ubuntuone my files and now I have it on all my machines:)06:08
SeverianThere is a warning in /boot/grub/menu.lst not to edit it.  I don't see that I have a choice, since every updates keep messing up the boot process.  Is there something I should be worried about?06:36
SwedeMikewhy does it mess up?06:39
SwedeMikethe update process uses some options from the boot file which you might want to edit so it'll be ok in the future06:40
SwedeMikelook in the "## ## Start Default Options ##" section06:40
SeverianUpdates take out the verbose option for the kernel and substitute quiet.  Ihave been saved several times because I could see what happens during boot.06:41
SeverianWhat do you mean by the boot file?  I grepped for Default in every file in /boot/grub and found nothing.06:49
xtknightSeverian, it's in /etc/grub.cfg07:00
xtknightno maybe in /etc/grub.d/07:00
xtknighti dont know07:00
xtknightgrub2 vs grub1 maybe07:01
SeverianI see a /etc/default/grub.   It has no default section, but maybe that is where I should add stuff.07:02
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
Hiratohi: I'd just like to mention that on my laptop (an IBM thinkpad; T42 model) renders KDE incorrectly if compositing is disabled07:46
Hiratohttp://i29.tinypic.com/2a5m3oo.png <-- just in case you'd like to see the corruption with compositing off07:50
Hiratoand on another note, I'm curious as to why kded4 is hogging over 94% of the CPU cycles07:55
nzmmbecause its blingtastic07:56
Hiratodidn't think they've seen fit to make a krapper yet :P07:57
Exilanthi, just screwed up my system. Can someone tell me which key should give me the grub menu at startup?09:02
Exilantall i seem to get is a blank screen, so maybe that's also broken09:03
nzmmhave a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435109:05
nzmmmight help09:05
Exilantoh, grub still works fine, i want to get in the menu though09:06
Exilantbut i'll try a livecd, will probably also help solve the problem09:07
ExilantHirato: thanks, i'll try09:07
nzmme brings up the grub command line i think09:12
Exilantthanks, esc brought up the menu09:17
Exilantapt won't run anymore if dbus is not running however09:17
Exilantbut i can finally sudo again, so i hope i can fix all that09:18
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keithIs this the correct channel for Kubuntu issues as well?10:05
Exilantkeith: yes10:06
mac_vhi... i'v got a nautilus issue ,i think is related to my bug where thumbnails dont refresh, when i tried to reboot i'v got a message saying some programs are still running , and shows a huge list of nautilus events [copy,move,delete] these events where completed a long time ago , now my question is how do i catch whats going on?10:06
Exilanthm, i think. it used to be10:06
keithExilant, how can I find out for sure? or should I raise my issue and see if I get yelled at? :)10:07
mac_vkeith: this is for kubuntu+1 also10:07
Exilantstill forwards here, #kubuntu+1 -> #ubuntu+110:07
keiththat explains why it didn't do anything when I tried to go to kubuntu+110:08
keithI was already here10:08
keithok. Because for some reason the kicker doesn't seem to mount drives when you try to open the first time.10:08
keithbut clicking in the "Recently Plugged in Devices" does10:09
keithbut not if you try from the kicker first10:09
Exilantthat seems horribly broken in kde 4 to me10:10
keithIf I try from the kicker first, then it doesn't work from "Recently Plugged in Devices" either.10:11
keithI wanted to confirm that it was a bug, if possible10:12
keithsince I am using a VM10:12
keithand also where to report it. Same place as Ubuntu bugs?10:12
Exilantyes, launchpad10:13
WizzupWill Ubuntu 9.10 include X 1.7?11:14
Exilanthm, is it already done?11:16
Exilantx is chronically late on release dates11:16
gnomefreakExilant: 1.6 still atm11:17
WizzupExilant: Yes, it is late with releases. Very late.11:38
WizzupOk, so 1.6.3 :)11:38
keylocker    from pytz import timezone13:09
keylockerImportError: No module named pytz13:09
keylockerwhereis pytz in karmic?13:09
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nacho_is anybody experiencing crashes in eclipse?13:40
nacho_I just open a file make a few things like showing the tooltips of an error and it crashes13:41
BluesKajHey all13:55
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DrHalan1hey, will there be an update to pidgin 2.6.1?14:18
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eagles0513875hey guys im running karmic on the latest version of vbox and for some reason its not letting me install the guest additions?14:26
eagles0513875would that be an issue with karmic still being in dev or somethign with vbox14:26
eagles0513875also having some issues with installing some updates to the core fonts its unable to resolve the sourceforge address for this one font which is a .exe file14:27
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ikoniaeagles0513875: where did you get vbox from ?14:32
eagles0513875ikonia: this is on my windows machine and form the vbox website14:32
eagles0513875its the latest version14:32
ikoniawhat are you on about that your running karmic then ?14:33
eagles0513875ikonia i said hey guys im running karmic on the latest version of vbox and for some reason its not letting me install the guest additions?14:33
ikoniaahhh I see14:34
ikoniawhat happens when you try to install ?14:34
eagles0513875it doesnt even mount them for one and the other issue is that im fighting to install this updtaed core font since it doesnt seem to resolve the url to the sf site14:34
ikoniaeagles0513875: what do you mean doesn't mount them ? can you explain where it's faling ?14:35
ikoniafailing even14:35
eagles05138752 things14:35
ikoniago for it14:36
eagles0513875first thing is the guest additions which you normally mount to access the various installs that you install from teh guest os14:36
ikoniaok, walk me through that problem14:36
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ikonialets do 1 at a time14:36
ikoniaI'm not a big vbox user, so don't be afraid of being basic with me14:37
eagles0513875well in the window of the guest os you click on devices and then at the bottom it says install guest additions14:37
eagles0513875usually a cd like icon pops up for you to mount14:37
ikoniaunderstand that part14:37
=== Windoz7 is now known as BurningROM
eagles0513875whats failing is that cd icon doesnt show up14:38
ikoniaok - now as I recall that's just a package, you should be able to grab and mount that manually14:38
eagles0513875ok will try that now14:38
catweazleeagles0513875: have you ever installed guest-additions under linux that way?14:38
eagles0513875catweazle: yes even on osx 214:38
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eagles0513875but for some reason it doesnt wanna work on win14:39
ikoniaKopi_klonja: can you please pick a nick name and stick with it14:39
ikoniathat works too14:39
eagles0513875blarg im an idiot i know my problem14:40
ikoniado share14:40
ikoniaidiot mistakes are good to know as people make them all the time14:41
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aboSamoorwith the last updates ubuntu does not power off when I try to shutdown :(14:41
ikoniareally, I'm powering off fine14:42
ikoniadoes shutdown -h now power it off ?14:42
geniiIs BIOS before 2000 ?14:43
maxbIt's not poweroff per se that's the problem - it's still alive enough to respond to Ctrl-Alt-Del, print a few more lines, still fail to shut down, and then succumb to REISUB14:44
alteregoalol a such old pc haaaaa14:44
maxbAnd I've seen this both on Aspire One and a 2007-vintage ThinkPad14:44
Hiratofunny taht you mention that, I just tried to shut my laptop down, and it was stuck in a tty screen14:45
Hiratosaid something about terminating the remaining processes; but alas it appears as though it didn't14:45
aboSamoordid any reply to my problem with powering off the laptop, sorry compiz hang out so I had to restart gdm14:47
geniiaboSamoor: Is BIOS before 2000 ?14:48
aboSamoorgenii: I am not sure ! everything was working fine before yesterday's updates, I think the new .7 kernel made the problem14:50
aboSamoordoes any one know how to kill compiz it is not responding to killall ! compiz is crazy it is eating 100% CPU14:51
drs305aboSamoor: you can start metacity with   metacity --replace14:52
aboSamoordrs305: I made that and metacity is working beside compiz !14:55
bjsnideruse system, monitor to kill it14:58
drs305aboSamoor: Try getting the compiz PID with:  ps aux, then kill it with  kill -9 PID14:58
aboSamoorbjsnider: I am using sudo top with killl14:58
aboSamoordrs305: kill -9 PID worked :)14:59
Awsoonn_hi all, I just tried to install from the daily alt image and grub2 was installed but not configured. How might I boot the system?15:04
Awsoonn_I am sitting at grub>15:04
arandAwsoonn_: find, root and boot, afaik15:06
arandAwsoonn_: "find /boot/grub/stage1" ,, "root (hd#,#)" ,, "boot"15:08
Awsoonn_arand: yea, it says file not found T_T15:08
Awsoonn_I am able to root (hd0,0) ok15:09
BluesKajAwsoonn_, sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy15:09
Awsoonn_BluesKaj: it is a fresh install and have not yet been able to boot15:10
Awsoonn_when I do 'root (hd0,0) it does recognize the filesystem as 0x83, and the only other partion is swap.15:11
arandAwsoonn_: is grub not present on the partition (does it find /boot/grub/stage1 ? )15:13
Awsoonn_arand: grub2 was installed durring installation, but find does not work.15:13
Awsoonn_I could boot the alt cd and see if the file exists really quick15:14
BluesKajAwsoonn_ do you have a pencil handy?  ,alt+ctrl+f2 , will bring you to a TTY prompt then type :  sudo apt-get install grub2 , then , : sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy and next : sudo grub-install , then : sudo reboot15:15
arandUm, if he doesn't get past grub he donn ave tty right?15:15
Awsoonn_BluesKaj: will that work from the alt cd?15:15
BluesKajin the terminal, yes15:16
drs305Awsoonn_: Have you tried running grub-install again?15:16
Awsoonn_I just mounted the disk from teh alt CD and found something interesting: /boot/grub/ascii.pf2 is the only file in that folder15:18
Awsoonn_there does exist /boot/vmlinuz-blah15:19
alteregoayou need to edit gorge15:20
alteregoathe gorge starter, some fraggles know how to edit it15:20
alteregoabut ask a doozer first15:20
drs305Awsoonn_: Grub2 didn't get installed. There should be lots of .mod files - if you have mounted your installed partition and are not looking the CD's boot partition.15:20
ikoniaeagles0513875: what was the problem in the end ?15:21
eagles0513875stupidity on my part15:21
indusanyone have problems shutting down system?15:21
ikoniago o......15:21
eagles0513875i have it set to mount the karmic install iso15:21
ikoniaindus: few people have mentioned it15:21
eagles0513875need to set it to mount the cd drive15:21
Awsoonn_drs305: is there a way to install grub2 again from the alt cd?15:21
ikoniaeagles0513875: ahhh easy mistake to make15:21
indusalso,anyone have this message at boot>> loading the saved state of the serial devices15:22
indusand hangs15:22
ikoniaindus: yes, but it doesn't hang15:22
alteregoamy cat told me always meow15:22
ikoniaalteregoa: ?15:22
drs305Awsoonn_: I haven't used the karmic alt cd. Perhaps someone else knows.15:22
indusit doesnt go forward for me15:23
indusikonia: any idea what that message is about? i reported a bug also15:23
alteregoaits about a girl15:23
alteregoaheart shaped box15:23
ikoniaindus: as I understand it it's just what it says on the tin, to try to get last known configuraton from serial devices, eg: a printer15:23
ikoniaalteregoa: what are you going on about, this channel is for ubuntu 9.10 discussion ?15:24
Awsoonn_et al: please don't feed the trolls15:24
alteregoaah i thought its about grunge15:24
ikoniaalteregoa: no - it's about ubuntu 9.10 - please stick to that topic only15:24
indusikonia: oh man, i dont know why it hangs though.15:24
ikoniaindus: no, I wouldn't expect it to hang. Do you have any serial devices in the box ?15:24
indusikonia: hmm no printers ,no devices attached either15:25
alteregoaok ruler of ubuntu+1 i will follow your advises15:25
eagles0513875ikonia: my other issue is with a core fonts updated package of one of the fonts for some reason i cant resolve the url of the source forge website and for some reason it is trying to download a .exe font file15:25
indusis an hard drive a serial device?15:25
ikoniaeagles0513875: sourceforge often go down15:25
ikoniaindus: I've seen usb hard disk caddies sometimes picked up wrong, but not really15:25
indusalso,this happens randomly , like on every alternate reboot not everytime15:26
alteregoai had a ubs harddisk, but unfortunately i didnt' pay my taxes, so i lost the disk15:26
eagles0513875this was 2 days ago it wasnt working and it still isnt working ikonia15:27
indusanyways bye15:27
ikoniaeagles0513875: contact sourceforge for that, or the maintainers15:29
itswhatevi inadvertently installed some hud thing that shows up in my gnome session.. have no clue what this is called so i can remove it.. any ideas?  it's got a left-hand panel and some other icon panel at the top of the screen15:29
ikoniaeagles0513875: not really anyting ubuntu can do about their url not resolving15:29
eagles0513875ikonia: what i dont understand is why is it wanting to download a font which is in .exe format15:29
ikoniaeagles0513875: it's how some of them where packaged as executales, it's a silly frustration of mine15:30
eagles0513875ikonia: dont blame ya for it being a frustrration of urs15:30
eagles0513875ikonia: do they have a channel on here or not15:30
arandAwsoonn_: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide I think might be helpful15:31
ikoniaeagles0513875: don't think so15:31
BluesKajeagles0513875, *.exe files ?15:31
Awsoonn_arand: oh wow, let me give that a read, thanks!15:31
eagles0513875ya font update its trying to pull a .exe core font from sourceforge BluesKaj15:31
Awsoonn_arand: I am wondering if it has anything to do with my raid device, so I'm installing once more~15:32
itswhatevalso.. every new window open up completely maximized..15:32
BluesKajthose are windows exe files , eagles051387515:32
eagles0513875i know15:32
eagles0513875but on karmic there was an update to ttf corefont or something that its wanting to pull this .exe from sourceforge15:32
eagles0513875ikonia: hey there actuallly is a sourceforge channel in here15:32
ikoniaeagles0513875: yes, but not for that project15:33
BluesKajeagles0513875, sourceforge as a repos ?15:33
Awsoonn_the coorefonts package is a restricted package that has fonts inside it that are extracted and installed in ubuntu as ttf fonts.15:34
Awsoonn_I think the best thing to do is file a bug on launchpad against the package. :)15:34
BluesKajnow I'm curious15:34
eagles0513875BluesKaj: beats me but thats where the corefonts seem to come from15:35
BluesKajAwsoonn_, youshould have mentioned your raid setup, that puts a diff light on your grub2 issue15:35
Awsoonn_oh? what do ya know?15:35
darthanubiscan only play audio from one source at a time, kubuntu 9.1015:36
BluesKajI just know that raid setups are not as straightforward with grub15:36
darthanubispulseaudio is working15:37
Awsoonn_:) Of course that would be the case.... XD15:37
darthanubisenabling multicast/rtp creates a flood of network noise15:37
BluesKajonce you are booted into (k)ubuntu you can then configure grub to accomodate the raid setuo afaik15:38
Awsoonn_I THOUGHT this machine had hardware raid.... I might be mistaken now though...15:38
Awsoonn_So install to one disk, boot, them mirror to the other disk?15:38
aboSamoorthe latest updates are CRAZY, pidgin crash all the time, Compiz eat 100% CPU, Shutdown does not Power Off, I don't know where to start !15:40
* Awsoonn_ pats aboSamoor 15:40
BluesKajAwsoonn_, yes I think so , not absolutely sure ...anyone ?15:40
BluesKajAwsoonn_, however your old grub )legacy) was setup , then grub2 should work the same way15:42
stepheneshermanalpha 4 seems ok to me15:42
eagles0513875ikonia: seems the server for it have changed15:42
BluesKajAwsoonn_, did yo do the terminal cmnds for grub ?15:43
Awsoonn_I'm installing again to a single disk currently.15:43
BluesKajAwsoonn_,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub215:44
Awsoonn_and because this is a new machine, I dont know how it would have been installed on the legacy system. :)15:44
ikoniaeagles0513875: ah, there you go15:44
eagles0513875what should i file a bug against15:44
darthanubiseverything is for the most part fine here. Just probably should have left kubuntu only. Phonon and pulse don't like each other. And I can't seem to play flash audio without pulseaudio installed.15:53
stepheneshermanhas anyone had alpha 4, or previous alpha version "break" their system?15:53
ikoniaeagles0513875: errr nothing15:54
ikoniaeagles0513875: it's a sourceforge problem15:54
darthanubisIt has usually been ok to run alpha til release for me, but I guess that only was because I never used Kubuntu/kde15:54
eagles0513875ikonia: could it be that the mirrors to the file have changed?15:54
darthanubisNow it seems sound is such a mess, it is unusable to any degree15:54
ikoniaeagles0513875: ask them ? it's nothing to do with ubuntu, hence no bug15:55
eagles0513875they told me that the mirrors have probably changed15:55
stepheneshermanwill alpha 5, 6, beta, and Final be installed as simple upgrades (i.e. leaving data & settings intact), or will they be totally new installs?15:57
James147stephenesherman: I think they are installed as upgrades, the snapshots are just for ppl wanted a fresh install to get the lasest less bug prones cd builds15:59
eagles0513875the problem i c with just upgrading form 9.04 to 9.10 is alot of the new stuff at least the boot loader grub 2 doesnt get installed16:00
BluesKajseems there are a some repository & application update bugs , more are becoming visible everyday as more updates come down the pipe16:02
BluesKajI've removed the medibuntu repos , for one16:02
stepheneshermaneagles0513875: (if u were addressing me) I have installed alpha 4, per the instructions. I like it, and would just as soon keep it as my home "production" machine. But not if I have to backup data and reset settings several times between now and Final 9.10.16:03
eagles0513875stephenesherman: sry misunderstood what you were saying16:03
eagles0513875if you update all the packages between now and final youll end up with the final versions of things that get released with karmic16:03
Awsoonn_does anyone get stuck on "Setting users and passwords" usign the alt install?16:04
James147stephenesherman: you shouldent have to reinstall it, but in the unlikly case you ever do i suggest having a seperate /home partition, that way you can reinstall all you like and never lose and data (unless you format the /home partition)16:04
BluesKajlooks like source code may be the way to go for media codecs and apps in the future. I suspect the MPPA and RIAA are having an influence even on the european repos hosts16:05
stepheneshermaneagles0513875: Right. Thanks.16:05
eagles0513875BluesKaj: i still install kubuntu-restricted-extras no problem with them16:06
stepheneshermanJames147: Good idea, but may be "over my pay grade." :)16:06
James147stephenesherman: ?? what do you mean?16:06
James147stephenesherman: should be no need to buy anything to to create seprate partitions16:07
stepheneshermanAnyway, it seems like Alpha 4 hasn't "broken" anyone's system, and is reliable enuf for home use.16:07
Awsoonn_Has anyone installed using today's alt cd image successfully?16:07
James147Wouldent recomend it though, updates can still break things16:07
stepheneshermanJames: Sry. "over my pay grade" means "beyond my technical skills"16:07
BluesKajeagles0513875, well, my ffmpeg version was updated and stripped , it would no longer encode to mpeg on the fly when transferring video to TiVO , so I had to build the svn version and place in a usr/local/bin to keep it safe from the repos "upgrade for ffmpeg"16:08
James147stephenesherman:  :) o well, its not too hard with the installer and some google searches16:09
eagles0513875ouchie BluesKaj :(16:09
eagles0513875damn the mppa and riaa16:09
stepheneshermanJames: Gotcha.16:09
stepheneshermanJames: If I back up any critical data on CD/DVD, then risk should be minimal. Would you agree?16:10
James147stephenesherman: with all your data on another medium and no other os on your system then there should be no risk (unless you forgot to back somehting up)16:11
James147stephenesherman: remember to check your data on the backups before you try :)16:11
stepheneshermanJames: Correct. And good point about checking the data on  backups. I've experienced that before.16:12
BluesKajppl think they are getting full versions of media vehicles like ffmpeg and codecs etc, but the only way is to use the "unstripped libraries" like libavcodec-unstrppied-52 in conjunction with svn-ffmpeg to make their pc-pvr and lan connected media work16:13
James147stephenesherman: if you need anyhelp in reformatting just give me a shout16:14
stepheneshermanJames: Thanks very much.16:15
BluesKajeagles0513875,  I guess I'm an anaomoly, being more media oriented than most , here.16:15
eagles0513875im extremely media oriented16:15
eagles0513875im a budding dj dude16:15
hggdhall: regarding ffmpeg issues, you may want to read this thread: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-August/028743.html16:15
eagles0513875thats interesting16:18
BluesKajhggdh, thx for the heads up , I'm glad the codec and unstripped issues appear to be resolved , but I'll stick with this until the "-extras" are officailly available in the multiverse karmic repos16:20
hggdhBluesKaj, indeed. We can expect some breakage while all dependencies are worked out16:26
hggdhand please let this server as a warning, since some here (at least yesterday night, US CDT time) cannot understand that you run Alphas on your *own* risk16:27
BluesKajhggdh, kudos to you and Reinhard Tartler for the good work and info on this sissue :)16:28
hggdhheh. siretart is the one to get the kudos...16:28
BluesKajwell, directing us to the solution helps a lot :)16:29
DanaGhmm, there's a reference to a "technical board" -- what's all that about?16:31
DanaGIs there a link to that somewhere?16:31
BluesKajhggdh, and i do have about 7 dependency issues with the regular versions of libavcodec/ffmpeg in the repos , so I'm avoiding those apps til things get resolved16:32
hggdhso am I, so am I...16:33
BluesKajDanaG, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/techboard16:34
BluesKajand https://launchpad.net/~techboard16:35
DanaGgrr, stupid Deluge torrent client... forgets what order I put the torrents-to-be-downloaded in!@16:35
BluesKajktorrent ftw !16:36
secretdudewhats this 'cupsddk' package?16:44
secretdudehello dudes???++16:46
secretdudetheres like 215 ppl in this channel16:46
secretdudeand NOBODY talks to me?? WHAT THE HELL16:46
secretdudei had cups before in my ubuntu and it install update or upgrade or something16:46
secretdudeand now it has cupsddk package, but it wont upgrade+? why not??16:46
secretdudei read its transitional package??16:46
BluesKaj!patience | secretdude16:47
ubottusecretdude: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:47
cPFsecretdude: i feel the pain, dunno the answer16:49
BluesKaj!cups | secretdude16:50
ubottusecretdude: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows16:50
arandsecretdude: apt-cache show cupsddk might give some info...16:52
Oli``Anybody else getting grinding when the Distribution Upgrade (for a Partial Update) dialogue initialises?16:52
Oli``I'm getting about 10seconds of *serious* HD activity while it prepares16:52
secretdudeOli``, dont think so16:53
FinnishHow do I install Google Earth?16:57
ExilantFinnish: add medibuntu repos, apt-get install googleearth16:59
Oli``Is readahead being removed? Or should I keep it until it can upgrade?16:59
FinnishExilant, how do I add medibuntu? There is no how to in medibuntu page, at least not for karmic koala17:00
Oli``Finnish: they don't release for development releases. Use the instructions for Jaunty17:01
mphillFinnish: I think the repos are their, just not explicitly listed17:02
Oli``my bad, they're there17:03
Oli``Finnish: Just follow the first set of instructions on the wiki: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#Adding%20the%20Repositories17:04
Oli``That will work for Karmic17:04
arandIs pidgin coming back or where did that discussion end up?17:13
karl1hey i have a question for you..i used xrandr to get my resolution and refresh rate correct using this command (xrandr --output VGA! --mode 1024x768 --rate 60) how can i make this perminent?17:14
BluesKajinteresting, I have an icon stuck behind the panel (semi-transparent). Does anyone have a suggestion how to get rid of it?17:14
Oli``move the panel?17:15
Oli``(hold alt and drag it)17:15
BluesKajOli``, afraid not , doesn't move17:17
Oli``the icon or the panel?17:17
Oli``You should be able to if you're dragging from somewhere where there isn't anything already17:18
Oli``(and you're holding alt)17:18
BluesKajno luck17:20
arandBluesKaj: is you don't mind it you could just do an arrange-by-name of Dtop icons...17:21
BluesKajarand,  it's not worth screwing up my panel due to a minor annoyance , thx anyway17:23
arandBluesKaj: Oh, though it was an icon on the desktop you were having probs. with17:24
Refried_i can't figure out where i should send bug reports for karmic ppc+ps3.  is there a different tracker for ports?17:27
johnmn3my koala is dumping me into the console on boot.  when checking disks, my home partition, /dev/sda2, it's UUID is not being recognized or something.  Anyone know how to repair the fstab with the correct UUID?17:31
johnmn3I can mount it manually just fine.  mount /dev/sda2 /home17:32
johnmn3and all my files are still there, thankfully17:32
johnmn3so I'm currently in irssi17:33
johnmn3also, anyone know the command to execute shell commands in irssi, so that I can do a cat on the error file, so that I can post it in here?17:35
BluesKajjohnmn3, what error from the prompt for startkdm ?17:40
dupondjeellow :D17:53
dupondjeShutdown broken ?17:57
johnmn3BlueKaj: apologies for the delay... I'm using irssi and am not too proficient with it.  stroyan, johnm, and llutz over in #ubuntu are trying to help me at the moment though18:07
DanaGweird... udev seems to ignore some of my rules.18:10
DanaGgrr, variables in udev rules seem to have broken.18:16
DanaG$TEMPNODE: No such file or directory'18:16
alteregoai am gnomatic kdestrophic failures of xfce18:24
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DanaGgrr, how do I get firefox to stop asking me to roll over my settings?19:26
DanaGI need to keep a firefox-3.5 dir around for when I  boot Jaunty!19:26
dotblank200 updates!19:29
_UsUrPeR_can somebody point me towards the karmic koala source code please?19:42
giovani_UsUrPeR_: check the mirrors19:42
giovanithe source code is very clearly distributed19:42
alteregoafirefox 3.5 on wine runs faster as native20:12
c_korndoes someone know how to disable this? http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/22970/screenshot_001_4CTbEz.png20:14
alteregoathats a virus20:15
arandc_korn: yea mean the countdown?20:17
c_kornarand: yes, I do not want the pc to shutdown immediately when I click on shutdown20:17
c_kornno stupid counter20:17
alteregoatype reboot20:17
alteregoaopen a command window20:18
alteregoaor amde a corshut20:18
giovanic_korn: there's a gnome preference setting20:18
giovanito disable that20:18
giovaniright click on the shutdown icon and hit preferences20:18
alteregoayeah you just have to walk through 100 menus20:19
arandc_korn: so you _do_ want it to shutdown immediately (or do not?). Oh, and ignore alteregoa by the way.20:19
c_korneh, sorry. typo. I _do_ want it to shutdown immendiately20:20
giovanic_korn: follow my instructions then20:20
c_kornwhat shutdown icon ?20:20
giovanithe one on the gnome bar20:21
giovaniby default20:21
giovanior go into the gnome preferences panel20:21
c_korngconf-editor ?20:21
c_kornI do not find it20:26
RagnarokAngelI'm having some issues with my monitor...20:47
RagnarokAngelxrandr is crashing X for starters20:47
RagnarokAngelanyone here to help me troubleshoot?20:51
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billybigriggerhey all21:04
billybigriggeranyone here having grub problems today?21:04
geniiAs opposed to yesterday? ;)21:05
billybigriggerdunno, did my first update in about a week today21:06
billybigriggerrestarted, and now grub can't find my kernel?21:06
billybigriggerdon't remember exact error21:07
billybigriggerbut i don't recall any grub updates so...must have been my mucking about21:07
arandbillybigrigger: new kernel? That'd invoke a grub-update I guess...21:08
billybigriggerdon't think i updated kernel21:08
billybigriggerstill on -5 here :P21:08
billybigrigger-6 and -7 were held back for me iirc21:08
billybigriggerwill see, chrooting into it now21:08
* billybigrigger loves live usb's :P21:09
billybigriggerbloody debian21:09
DanaGfor me, -7 fails to start xorg.21:09
billybigriggerdebian lenny live usb doesn't recognize ext4? :O21:09
RagnarokAngel-7 and -6 kill xorg when I try and mess with my monitor set up...21:10
billybigriggeranyone here familiar with irssi? how do i move between two channels?21:10
RagnarokAngelrunning xrandr crashes the system...21:10
RagnarokAngelwhich is excellent21:10
Exilantbillybigrigger: alt/escape + number21:11
billybigriggerExilant: roger, thanks21:11
Exilantor /window number21:11
RagnarokAngelso is there any reason my system would crash when I run xrandr?21:12
billybigriggeranyone aware of any live usb images for ubuntu?21:14
arandbillybigrigger: use alt+number or alt+l/r-arrow21:15
giovanibillybigrigger: that somehow differ from placing the livecd on a usb stick?21:15
billybigriggergiovani: well yeah sort of, dd if=debianlive.img of=/dev/sde21:15
billybigriggerthat's how you install the debian liveusb's21:16
giovaniright ... and?21:16
billybigriggerdon't know if that would work for a regular ubuntu live .iso21:16
arandbillybigrigger: And just using unetbootin is not option?21:16
giovanisudo apt-get install usb-creator21:16
giovanibillybigrigger: it should21:16
giovaniusb-creator does just what you need21:16
billybigriggerdebian doesn't come with usb-creator :P that would be an ubuntu package iirc21:17
billybigriggeri'm not in an ubuntu environment21:17
arandbillybigrigger: are unetbootin not available then?21:17
arandshould've debs on their mainpage21:18
billybigriggeri've never heard of unetbootin21:19
arandWell, it's just like _the_ _most_ useful thing, _ever_21:20
DanaGhmm, I wonder...what would it take to port a bare, minimal Ubuntu to a new platform (that is, new architecture)?21:21
buckyDanaG, which new arch?21:26
DanaGXilinx's Microblaze architecture -- it's on an FPGA.21:26
DanaGit's too reconfigurable to possibly ever make prebuilt packages for it -- where all the devices are in memory -- including the DDR RAM itself -- can be changed.21:27
buckyDanaG, http://www.petalogix.com/news_events/Linux2.6.2021:27
geniiI didn't know Xilinx was even still around21:27
billybigriggerarand: can't run unetbootin from console can you21:28
DanaGThat's old news -- and petalogix has tons of build errors.21:28
DanaGAfter wrangling for quite a while with upstream kernel, I've finally gotten the thing to boot to where it wants 'init'.  I was just pondering:21:28
DanaG"Hmm, I wonder if I can put Ubuntu on it."21:28
dupondjerofl @ UbuntuOne21:29
arandbillybigrigger: that might be try, which does decrease usability considerably :/21:29
dupondjestarted it, it made like 100 processes21:29
dupondjeall generating a fatal error21:29
dupondjegetting apport started21:29
dupondjeeek :x21:29
buckymy ubuntuone works ok but it's a python memory hog21:30
[Ramy]did anyone try tomboy web service on u1 servers ?21:31
ubottuError: This bug is private21:32
ubottuError: This bug is private21:32
* genii kicks ubottu21:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419475 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-syncdaemon crashed with OSError in _upgrade_metadata_3()" [Undecided,New]21:32
dupondjeyea ;)21:32
kaddikicking always works :p21:33
dupondjequite crap bug imo :)21:34
buckyXorg uses 3.0% mem...  ubuntuone uses 1.5%21:37
arand~36mb for ubuntuone here, and that's idle, doing squat. I don't really see why it needs it...21:40
buckywhat does it do.. load up the contents of your files in Ubuntu\ One  into memory?21:41
buckythat's crazy21:41
kaddidoes karmic not warn if the laptop battery is dying and go to standbye?21:42
Q-FUNKone question about karmic:   was there any change in network modules or in ufw or iptables that could explain why an host with an IPv6 address could be pinged under jaunty but not karmic?21:46
buckyQ-FUNK, the answer might be in /etc/sysctl.conf21:52
Q-FUNKbucky: no difference between jaunty and karmic on that one.21:56
BUGabundosooo kernel 27 is not booting?21:58
BUGabundoand hggdh was saying it didn't shutdown pfff21:58
BUGabundono idea how he get so far :)21:58
arandHia BUGabundo22:03
BUGabundohi arand22:04
dupondjesomebody knows a tool to check quality of a flashdisk ?22:05
bjsniderBUGabundo, if it doesn't boot and doesn't shut down, it's not much good for anything.22:14
DanaGYeah, -7 for me fails to start Xorg.22:17
DanaGHard-locks, in fact, if I use fglrx.22:18
BUGabundoDanaG: I don't even get that far22:18
DanaGSlightly-less-hard-locks if I use radeon, or fbdev, or even vesa.22:18
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DanaG!info cups-ppdc22:20
ubottucups-ppdc (source: cups): Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - PPD manipulation utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.0~svn8773-1 (karmic), package size 32 kB, installed size 296 kB22:20
DanaGdescription says it's owned by www.easysw.com22:20
kaddilol, I guess you need an intel graphics card to boot 7 successfully then. :p But shutdown is just as broken as for all of you22:21
hggdhBUGabundo, it does boot -- at least for me --. It just does not shutdown22:22
BUGabundomine LOCKS (no kernel indication) just after boot22:22
BUGabundohi Khronos22:26
KhronosI have no sound on karmic alpha 4... what was changed in audio since alpha 2/alpha3, maybe that can help me debug this22:26
Khronosbecause it worked in the earlier alphas22:26
Khronosmaybe I should update and upgrade22:26
BUGabundokernel did22:26
bjsnidernew kernels, new alsas, new pulsaudios22:26
BUGabundoyou should always keep system update22:27
Q-FUNKDanaG: this is the old cupsddk22:32
DanaGwhat about it?22:32
Q-FUNKDanaG: it's been merged by upstream cups22:33
DanaGI'm reading changelogs of today's updates.22:33
arandAre shutdown et. al. supposed to be gone from fusa-applet?22:34
Q-FUNKarand: seems so22:34
DanaGoh yeah, I don't much like the new xsplash thingy with the jumping / wiggling line.22:37
DanaGhttp://www.newegg.com/Special/ShellShocker.aspx -- ooooh.22:40
RagnarokAngelDanaG: Oooooh, if I had 70 bucks to drop I probably would...22:41
BUGabundohi tux1122:45
tux11any way to reformat a t5 iriver audio player?22:45
BUGabundowhat can we help you with, tonight?22:45
Khronosthat fixed it22:50
BUGabundotux11 fdisk? gparted?22:51
buckytux11, how is it formated now?22:53
tux11and ty22:53
buckytux11 don't brick it22:53
tux11it had an mp3 file system now works in gpodder perfectly ty22:53
tux11um i think u mean what exactly?22:54
tux11all set22:54
=== Khronos is now known as DoYouKnow
tux11brink my iriver t5?22:54
tux11i use dthe onboard stuff22:55
tux11ah brink like ibricks? lol if u fuck with shit on like an iphone byeond what apple ok's ya got a brick on ya hands ie "ibrick"22:55
TylerRicharddoes any one have skype working in 64bit22:57
tux11not even in 3222:57
Picitux11: Please mind your language here22:58
tux11i do apologize22:59
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
TylerRichardtux11: thanks dude23:00
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
DanaGThe program crashed on an assertion failure, but the message could not be retrieved. Apport does not support reporting these crashes23:08
gwhippleis anybody having problems with karmic not restarting or shutting down i just get a blinking cursor23:08
BUGabundoyah gwhipple23:08
BUGabundoI would say *everyone* on -2723:09
gwhipplejust wanted to make sure it wasn't my system23:09
BUGabundoits not23:09
DanaGer, -7.23:10
BUGabundoor that23:10
DanaGBWAH: http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=40982523:10
gwhipplei still have the -6 installed so i'll try that kernel23:11
gwhippleat least my wireless ath5k is now working perfectly in the new kernel23:12
tc_BUGabundo: ola, long time no see :P23:25
=== tc_ is now known as billybigrigger
BUGabundobillybigrigger: I'm here every day23:26
billybigriggernot this cowboy though23:26
billybigriggerBUGabundo, you ever created a liveusb of karmic?23:48
billybigriggerBUGabundo, from a non-ubuntu environment?23:49
BUGabundonot sure23:50
BUGabundoprob not23:50
BUGabundoor maybe23:50
BUGabundowith unetbootin23:50
BUGabundodon't recall23:50
DanaGWhen doing USB stuff, I prefer to just plain install to the USB stick.23:52
billybigriggerwell my karmic system is fubar'd, and im in tinycorelinux right now...23:52
billybigriggerbut i can't chroot into my ubuntu system since it's ext423:52
billybigriggerso i'm trying to get a liveusb of karmic on my 16gb flash disk23:53
billybigriggerfrom a 60mb flash disk with tinycore :P23:53
billybigriggerso my options are limited23:53
billybigriggeri've tried to copy the files from the iso to the usb drive with some Fiesty liveusb instructions, but they don't really apply :P23:54
BUGabundowon't work23:56
BUGabundotry unetbootin23:56
BUGabundoshould work23:56
billybigriggertinycore doesn't come with unetbootin23:59
billybigriggerand i have it running, just without mtools23:59
billybigriggerdoes the flash disk i'm installing to need to be formatted or what?23:59

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