
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
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loologra, NCommander: So livefses are building for dove?09:06
NCommanderlool, indeed, successful spin09:06
ograthey look fine09:06
* NCommander isn't sure why he's awake but *shrug*09:06
loolI certainly see one now, cool09:06
ograimx51 images are still not, because someone thought it would be a good idea to add FLAVOUR=babbage to the boot scripts :P09:06
loolYou mean in the imx51 specific script?09:07
NCommanderlool, do you have an hour or so, I'd *LOVE* to get the d-cd stuff merged09:07
NCommanderlool, that's from find-live-filesystems I think09:07
ogralool, yeah, indeed i forgot about your change09:07
ograi banged my head against that until 11pm last night09:07
loologra: So the kernel changed the flavour back from babbage to imx51 (which makes sense IMO) and we just need to follow; do I need to do this?09:07
ograi have already committed the change in my branch, cjwatson asked me to commit directly in the future ... he never told me where the master branch lives though09:08
ogra(see #distro, waiting for a response)09:08
ograas soon as i know where i will merge it09:08
ogralool, i think i will have to postpone the rootstock gui parts, all that cdimage stuff and kernel back and forth have costed to much time09:11
ograi'll get the rootstock cli stuff in today though09:11
NCommanderlool, so on d-cd ...09:18
loologra: Hmm I need to remove that DI_FLAVOUR now I think09:21
ogralool, why ?09:23
ograit might serve a purpose some day09:23
ograwe should probably make it FLAVOUR=${DI_FLAVOUR} for now09:25
loolNo it's clutter09:25
loolThere's no valid reason for using a different flavour name in DI and main kernels09:25
loolExcept creating work   :)09:25
ograok, rip it out then if you feel like09:25
loologra: Pushed DI_FLAVOUR removal09:33
ograthanks again09:33
NCommanderogra, lool so that means imx51 images will spin now?09:38
ograNCommander, build is running, lets see09:39
ograi dont see why they wouldnt09:39
NCommanderogra, it will be nice to get one image out the door09:39
loolNCommander: Looking at your debian-cd changes, could you rename boot.script to boot.scr which I think is the name used for beagle?  It avoids using long filenames under vfat09:39
ograyes, better would be even two :)09:39
NCommanderlool, its boot.scr on the output image, boot.script is the temporary file09:39
NCommanderunless I made a mistake09:40
ograyeah, mkimage spits out the right name09:40
loolNCommander: Why do I see the same code twice, one time for alternate installer and another time for live CDs?09:40
lool(In the same file)09:40
NCommanderlool, its not identical, the file paths of where to load the image are different, as are the bootargs09:41
ogramake one function and use variables ?09:41
loolwhat ogra said09:41
NCommanderThat sounds extremely messy vs. four lines of code which are written into a file, then turned into a boot script09:42
ograits eight lines if you double the code :)09:42
NCommanderogra, actually, its only two lines since only the bootm line is shared between the two09:43
NCommanderAll the other lines are different09:43
loolNCommander: Come on, you're hardcoding kernel load address multiple times...09:43
NCommanderThat code09:44
NCommanderI was thinking the output boot script09:44
ograARGH !09:44
loolIt does have the addresses...09:44
loolfatload usb 0:1 0x00200000 /cdrom/uImage09:44
loolfatload usb 0:1 0x01100000 /cdrom/uRamdisk09:44
loolI realize the pathnames are different09:44
* ogra wonders why he makes changes to stuff if others re-upload the packages and revert them without looking09:44
NCommanderlool, I'm not object to doing it, but its going to be even uglier than the way it currently looks09:44
NCommanderSince now you need multiple variables for the path, bootargs, mkimage lines, etc.09:45
loolNCommander: Ok well I'll do it then09:45
NCommanderlool, I don't want to unload work onto you, but maybe your bash foo is better than mine09:46
NCommanderlool, actually, i see a second change I need to make for consistantly with d-i, so let me roll that together right now if you don't mind09:48
ograif thats the case you should learn from lool :)09:48
loolNCommander: Sorry but no, I cant pick it up and at the same time wait for changes frm you09:48
loolI think I'll just go out enjoy my leave day09:48
NCommanderlool, ack, today is your day off?09:48
* ogra points NCommander to gcal09:49
NCommanderlool, ack, sorry, I didn't know. I can ask ogra to look at it if he's game09:51
NCommanderlool, ogra I take it back, it is cleaner this way09:59
NCommanderogra, does this look sane: http://paste.ubuntu.com/259733/ (I can't test it at the moment)10:00
ograconsole=tty1,115200 ???10:03
ogradrop FLAVOUR, its not used anywhere10:04
ogramove the first COMMANDLINE above the "if [ "$CDIMAGE_INSTALL_BASE" = 1 ]; then", make the second COMMANDLINE look like: COMMANDLINE = "${COMMANDLINE} casper"10:05
ograalso is the video stuff really needed ?10:06
ograsetenv bootargs $COMMAND_LINE .... remove the underscore10:06
NCommanderogra, rechecking right now if the video stuff is needed with the latest kernels10:09
ograyour here document writes to boot.scr10:10
ograi assume that should go to boot.script10:11
NCommanderogra, no, it should go to boot.scr, (vfat filesystem, you want to make sure its 8.3 compliant)10:17
NCommanderogra, the bootscript is written out to boot.scr10:17
ograso what about your mkimage call then ?10:17
NCommander-d in the input file10:18
ograyour here document (the input for mkimage) isnt10:18
NCommanderogra, huh?10:18
NCommanderWhich document are you referring to?10:18
ogracat >> boot.scr <<EOF10:19
ograthe here document you use10:19
NCommanderYeah, thats a mistake10:19
NCommanderfrom moving things around10:19
* NCommander needs to fix phoenix's power supply so I can test d-cd changes again10:20
ograwe can test them after merging10:20
ograjust get the scripts right10:20
loolNCommander: I factored boot script generation in a function; I noticed that you use /cdrom pathnames in the cmdline and boot script, but copy the kernel + initrd to /install; is this correct?10:22
ograyeah, thats wrong10:22
NCommanderhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/259741/ - current version10:23
* NCommander looks10:23
lool"current"?  I can only review a single version at a time10:23
ogralool, you said you'd be out so i worked with him on the pastebin version10:23
NCommanderlool, you said you were leaving so I refactored it taking in ogra's advice10:23
ograNCommander, curly brackets FTW (see my above comment about COMMANDLINE)10:24
loollp:~lool/ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd_dove-soc has my changes10:25
loolI think I said I'd review these debian-cd changes this week10:25
* ogra steps back then10:25
ogralool, he asked me too several times, i didnt know :)10:26
loolNCommander: Stop asking everybody10:26
ogra"This branch has not been pushed to yet. " ... /me twiddles thumbs10:26
loolNCommander: You're jumping from reviewer to reviewer all the time; I know you're eager to see that deployed, but we're busy and cant always make time on the spot10:26
loolNCommander: You asked cjwatson, ogra and myself; I will look at them, I already pushed some refactoring which you didnt want to do10:27
loologra: Pushed now10:27
ograwell, its fine to do so, as long as you notify the former reviewer10:27
loolIt's fine if everybody agrees10:27
ograthere might actually be someone who currently has more spare time than others ...10:27
ograbut the others need to know you asked someone else :)10:28
loolOk I'm really going out for lunch now; I might finish today but more likely tomorrow10:28
loolPlease be patient...10:28
NCommanderlool, feature freeze is less than 24 hours away10:28
ogralool, i dont think 115200 for tty0 makes sense10:29
ogralooks a lot better overall though10:31
NCommanderlool, thank you for doing the refactoring (I already took back about refactoring in the backscroll), I made a few slight changes and adjustments based off Oliver's comments, and I removed the video line as we don't need it with the current inarchive kernel (the framebuffer comes up correctly; I wasn't getting video output with that video line on the new kernel)10:36
NCommanderlool, lp:~mcasadevall/ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd_dove-soc10:36
NCommanderlool, I was also left with the understanding from david that we need an image before feature freeze, if I'm mistaken, and the due date is alpha 5 itself, then I'm operating off a false assumption to try and get this in. In any case though, I goofed w.r.t. to handling getting this properly revied.10:39
ogradue date is A510:40
ograand debian-cd isnt a package ... it wont be affected by FF10:41
ograat least what we use on antimony10:41
NCommanderogra, ok, so I was operating under a false assumption10:41
ograthough if you want A5 images you need to test them before indeed10:41
NCommanderThe installer isn't going to be fully functional until probably A6 due to the unresolved issue with flash-kernel/update-initramfs10:42
ograwe just need to make a decision10:43
NCommandernor will the images until the modified u-boot exists10:43
ograthey should10:43
NCommanderogra, what should?10:43
ograyou should have a wikipage with a step by step guide to make it work with the board as-is10:43
ograthe images should10:44
NCommanderogra, oh, images yes, installer no10:44
ograwho cares :P10:44
ograour target is a live image ...10:44
ograalternate is a nice to have thing10:44
NCommanderogra, one would think installation of that image to a SATA HDD would be important10:44
NCommanderogra, when I say installer, I mean ubiquity10:44
ograyeah, that should be made working indeed10:45
ograbut you wont be able to make it work without having images10:45
NCommanderogra, I'm not expecting to have ubiquity working until A610:45
ogralets do one thing at a time10:45
ografor A5 all that counts are live images that boot fine10:45
ogrameaning you get a usable desktop10:46
ograwhen booting the thing following the wiki10:46
NCommanderWell, when I think of boot fine, I think of stick USB key in, turn power on10:46
NCommanderso we're operating under different definitions of fine10:46
ograi'm working under the definition of doing one step at a time ;)10:47
NCommanderI'm starting to think I've reached my limit without sleep10:47
ografine == everything thats possible technically and under the given constraints10:47
ogrago to sleep then10:47
NCommanderfine == what we want the final image to look like10:47
ograyou are jumping ahead of the "lets do one thing at a time"10:48
NCommanderogra, I'm having insommia again. its why I was up at 4am local time to begin with10:48
loolNCommander: Merged your code in the deployed debian-cd11:36
* lool will look at cdimage bits later11:37
=== cbrake_away is now known as cbrake
ograoh, my latest image has only 695MB12:31
ograogra@babbage2:~$ uname -a12:48
ograLinux babbage2 2.6.31-100-imx51 #7-Ubuntu Mon Aug 24 13:59:02 UTC 2009 armv7l GNU/Linux12:48
ograI WIN!12:49
ograogra@babbage2:~$ dpkg -l |grep linux-image12:49
ograii  linux-image-2.6.31-100-imx51        2.6.31-100.7                               Linux kernel image for version 2.6.31 on I.M12:49
ograii  linux-image-imx51                                        Linux kernel image for imx51 machines12:49
ographew, finally12:49
ograGrueMaster, new armel image ready for you :)12:50
kblinogra: say, we were talking about beagleboard kernels and stuff recently. if I want to do my own kernel for the bb the ubuntu way, do I build on the ARM box or crossbuild?12:58
ograwell, if you only have a BB to build on i guess a cross build is a lot faster12:59
kblinso I need the codesourcery cross-build stuff, anything else?13:02
ograthat should help13:03
ogra(using an ubuntu git tree though, you will need to fiddle a bit there)13:03
kblinwell, I take I'll have to carry over the omap patches and stuff, I might have a look at the sources used to build my current kernel...13:04
kblinbut that blog post looks really helpful, thanks :)13:06
kblinipv6tables, here I come :)13:06
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