
komputesbdmurray: you may want to edit "("Visibility/security" in the top left pink box)" from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage as the "private bug" indicator/container is no longer pink.00:18
bdmurraykomputes: feel free to make the change if you are so inclined00:23
komputesbdmurray: no prob, just wanted to check with you00:23
bcurtiswxwhats the ubuntu spell checker?00:39
mrooney|wbcurtiswx: I think there are multiple that different applications use00:40
mrooney|waspell is the most popular, perhaps?00:41
bcurtiswxhmm, how do i find out which empathy uses?00:41
bcurtiswxbug #41117200:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 411172 in empathy "empathy doesn't allow the ability to ignore certain "words"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41117200:41
mrooney|wif it is packaged properly, depends or recommends I imagine00:41
bcurtiswxmrooney|w: thx00:43
mrooney|wwere you able to figure out which one it uses?00:43
bcurtiswxnothing in depends or recommends.. im asking in #telepathy00:44
mrooney|wbcurtiswx: of note is the depend on libenchant1c2a00:47
micahg1libhunspell-1.2-0 :)00:47
bcurtiswxah ha, i am blind00:47
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bcurtiswxi looked through the thing and stupidly forgot to use the find feature00:48
bcurtiswxso in the case of the bug i mentioned earlier00:49
bcurtiswxis it an empathy wishlist or libhunspell wishlist/bug ?00:49
bcurtiswxthats why ive been asking these questions00:50
micahglibhunspell if that's where the dictionary is00:50
micahgthat's an empathy bug00:51
micahglibhunspell probably just provides the dictionary00:51
micahgbug is to ignore, right?00:51
micahgso I would think that's in implementation00:51
bcurtiswxok, i wasn't sure if libhunspell should already allow ignoring of words00:52
bcurtiswxbest to keep it with the empathy folks then eh?00:52
micahglibrary already supports it00:53
micahgso I'd say an implementation problem00:53
bcurtiswxokee, where did u find out it supports it?00:53
micahgbut if it's wrong, they'll move it00:53
micahg apt-cache show libhunspell-1.2-000:53
micahgsupports forbidden words list00:54
bcurtiswxah, ok thx00:54
bcurtiswxok another question... so i know theres no way empathy devs are going to change something... its a wishlist item ... should I mark as wishlist or can i go ahead and mark as wontfix?01:01
bcurtiswxsmarter to go to the devs and get their actual Ok on marking it wontfix01:02
micahgbcurtiswx: unless you know it's wontfix, you can leave as wishlist01:03
micahgwhy wouldn't empathy devs change anything?01:03
bcurtiswxwell its nothing yet01:03
bcurtiswxits a wishlist to change the icons for the buddy list01:03
bcurtiswxto pidgins01:03
micahgmaybe if it was reworded as an icon pack or something01:04
micahgsome apps let you add your own icons01:04
micahgthat would seem more reasonable01:04
LimCoreAny chance Ubuntu could support sound again, on my box?01:07
bcurtiswxUbuntu tries to stay the same as upstream as possible.. correct?01:08
LimCoreabout, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/41864401:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 418644 in pulseaudio "Ubuntu 9.04 amd64 ALSA and Pulse stoped working after upgrade " [Undecided,New]01:08
micahgbcurtiswx: if possible, it depends on what01:09
bcurtiswxbecause the telepathy folks say wontfix but that ubuntu can change the icon set if they desire... and i don't think Ubuntu would, but idk01:09
micahgwell, unless ubuntu has a reason to change, probably not01:10
micahgyou might want to check with the package developers01:10
lifelessbcurtiswx: we don't make spurious changes.01:12
lifelessbcurtiswx: but we will change a package to improve it or fix bugs; and try to get the changes integrated upstream.01:13
lifelessfor some changes, like theming ones, upstream may not want them, but we may still need them.01:13
bcurtiswxbut it seems its a need = in watnt = wontfix01:13
lifelesswontfix is for things that we /won't do/01:14
lifelesswishlist is for things that a volunteer can do01:14
bcurtiswxin my case its a request for icon change in empathy that the icons are "too ugly"01:14
bcurtiswxthe icons for away and busy and available01:14
LimCoreI updated the bug, with debug output, please see01:14
bcurtiswxwhich bug? i dont see this change01:15
lifelesswell, the icons should be coming from some desktop them yeah? so if you change desktop theme they change?01:15
lifelessif they don't change with the theme, then I'd split it into two bugs: 1) that empathy hard codes rather than using the theme; 2) that <theme X is ugly>01:16
LimCorebcurtiswx: I was refeing to my pulse audio bug, linked above01:16
bcurtiswxLimCore: type alsamixer in terminal01:17
bcurtiswxmake sure nothing it muted01:17
bcurtiswxor at no volume01:17
LimCoreit is quietly farting01:17
LimCoreand OSS is working 100% fine01:17
LimCoreso it seems mixers are ok01:17
LimCorenot playing quietly, but making distorted random noises01:18
LimCoreit works :o PCM was muted.01:18
* LimCore fells stupid01:18
bcurtiswxyou are welcome01:18
LimCorealthogh this still ARE bugs01:18
LimCore1. wtf why pcm reset to 0 on update01:18
bcurtiswxkarmic fixes a ton01:18
bcurtiswxidk, pulse has a mind of its own01:19
LimCore2. why 0 sound makes farts instead silence01:19
hggdhLimCore, then you might want to be at the "triaging sound bugs" this Friday01:19
hggdhon #ubuntu-classroom, at 22:00 UTC01:19
bcurtiswxET = 6:00PM i think01:19
LimCoreow but I have to change plans01:20
hggdhcorrect, bcurtiswx01:20
* LimCore calls the pimp and rescheduels01:20
* LimCore calls Willson and Amber too01:20
bcurtiswxfriday, 6:00PM01:20
bcurtiswxi can be mod if you still don't have anyone01:20
hggdhmore correctly, Friday, 6:00 PM EDT01:20
hggdh(or 22:00 Z)01:20
bcurtiswxzulu woooo01:20
hggdhheh. Easier than writing UTC01:21
LimCoreUTC is this universal time riht?01:21
LimCorepulse audio is so epically broken01:22
LimCoreone of main reasons why ubuntu is NOT multi user desktop01:22
bcurtiswxwould it hurt LimCore to try the karmic pulses?01:22
LimCorebcurtiswx: no01:22
hggdhyes, this is why it is so important to get triage correct for sound01:22
LimCoreswitch VTs few times --> constant farting or just no sound01:23
LimCoreif you are lucky, the sound will work, instead the GFX will die lol01:23
bcurtiswxi just bought two usb audio/video devices01:23
bcurtiswxgetting pulse to work with them has been a pain.. so i do know where you are coming from01:23
LimCorewhich I am unable to report because kmail dumps some bullshit to log files01:23
bcurtiswxhggdh: so in case you didn't get this before01:24
LimCoreOh this option dumps tons of useless KIO debug level stuff to log, why yes! lets turn it on01:24
bcurtiswxhggdh: if you still need someone, i can mod Friday 6:00PM EDT01:24
hggdhbcurtiswx, thank you. You have just been opted in ;-)01:25
bcurtiswx#ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-discussion   right?01:25
hggdhor -questions, let me check01:26
hggdhbcurtiswx, seems to be #ubuntu-classroom-chat01:27
LimCorethere should be a Dr.Linux program01:27
LimCoreit would check for all this common stuff,  check if mixers are on, if there is hd space,  and common pitfalls like that01:28
bcurtiswxhggdh: is there some bot im suppose to use.. or wiki page im supposed to read up on?01:30
mrooney|wLimCore: isn't that sort of what hwtest is?01:33
hggdhbcurtiswx, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom01:57
hggdh(and companions)01:58
LimCoremrooney|w: I ment a gui program with hints etc, user friendly and all01:58
bcurtiswxhggdh: i don't think the room is ever modded02:03
bcurtiswxhggdh: hopefully they know im mod and can voice me02:06
hggdhwe will tell them about you (and Dan) so there will be no problem. But, yes, modding is an option02:11
bcurtiswxi doubt it will be needed02:11
hggdhI wish I could be there... pity I will miss it02:11
bcurtiswxare there logs?02:11
hggdhyes, the channel is continuously logged. We will, after the class, prepare the logs into the wiki02:13
bcurtiswxgood deal02:15
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hggdhbcurtiswx, PVT?02:35
bcurtiswxoh , sure02:36
komputeshow many of you use bughelper?03:13
komputesbdmurray: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/BestPractices shows an error: Include: Nothing found for "^= Bug Reporting ="!03:21
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dholbachgood morning06:12
MTeckdholbach: good morning06:23
dholbachhey MTeck06:23
MTeckhow's it going?06:23
dholbachgood good - how 'bout you?06:27
ejatmorning dholbach :)06:36
dholbachhi ejat06:36
MTeckdholbach: doing good except for that complaint - and that I had a fire extinguisher blow up in my car06:45
thekorngood morning bugsquad07:26
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mac_vAnyone around? i'v got a nautilus issue ,i think is related to my bug where thumbnails dont refresh, when i tried to reboot i'v got a message saying some programs are still running , and shows a huge list of nautilus events [copy,move,delete] these events where completed a long time ago , now my question is how do i catch whats goign on?10:05
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gnomefreakis it just me or is "rm" broken?10:22
gnomefreaki think its working now a little while ago rm filename was giving me a > sign10:24
Hobbseedid you accidently add a '?10:43
Hobbseethat usually means it's asking you to end your quote10:43
Hobbseethat'd be the problem, then11:19
gnomefreakHobbsee: thanks11:19
Hobbseegnomefreak: y/w11:19
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AnAntHello, could someone look at LP 418477 ?14:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 418477 in linux "New kernel causes losetup to hog the system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41847714:26
AnAntcan anyone confirm this issue ?14:27
hggdhpedro_, ping14:32
pedro_hggdh, hey!14:33
mac_vpedro_: hi... https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/388418 ,  i think this bug can be closed16:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 388418 in nautilus "Smaller icons on the desktop compared to the Nautilus window" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:09
pedro_mac_v, hello, yeap, closing it now, thanks!16:13
mac_vthank you :)16:13
azimoutquestion: what do we do about bugs against software that's no longer included in the latest Ubuntu version? I'm asking because I'm looking at 35 scrollkeeper bugs, and scrollkeeper is replaced by rarian-compat in Karmic16:20
dholbachazimout: I guess we have scrollkeeper in releases that are still supported16:24
dholbachstill in dapper, hardy, intrepid, jaunty16:24
dholbachso will be around for a bit longer16:24
dholbachsame in Debian: http://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=sourcenames&keywords=scrollkeeper16:26
azimoutok, so I just ask people to confirm on jaunty then? I mean, is anyone going to issue updates (excluding security or SRU) against it? or are we just going to confirm (or close) bugs and then wait until support expires?16:28
dholbachazimout: upstream is very very very inactive, so I doubt there's going to be further improvements in scrollkeeper16:30
dholbachazimout: and there's just going to be SRUs or security fixes if at all16:31
dholbachbut the upstream version we have is "well-tested" we had the same version (minus some Debian/Ubuntu fixes) in warty already :)16:31
dholbachso I'd just wait for it to not be in any supported ubuntu releases, then close the bugs16:31
dholbachwhich will be in April 2013 :-)16:32
dholbachLTSes can be annoying, hm?16:32
hggdhyou may also warn the reporters that there is a low chance of the bugs being fixed, since the upstream project seems orphaned16:32
azimoutI understand. But isn't that wasted triaging work?16:33
hggdhNo. It *is* triaging work still.16:33
hggdhthe reporters deserve a position, anyway.16:33
hggdhand -- who knows? -- upstream may pick up again16:34
josephpicheI was wondering if could have someone look at ubuntu bug 396632. I filed it because I feel like I should be able to run `service lighttpd status` as an unprivileged user since I can run `service mysql status` unprivileged, but I'm not familiar enough with init scripts to know what to modify in order to write a patch.16:35
ubot4Ubuntu bug 396632 in lighttpd "lighttpd init file should not chown or chmod on status check" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39663216:35
hggdhbut this raises a question: should we have a tag for dropped packages?16:35
dholbachhggdh: I'd probably just mass-close them all once the package is in no supported distro anymore16:35
hggdhdholbach, yes, that was I was thinking. It's just that the tag would help find them all16:36
micahgI thought we mark won't fix anything that's not an SRU or security bug?16:36
hggdhWe should clear it out, just to be sure, but it certainly sounds like a sane move, micahg16:37
hggdhlike: if it is not SRU-worthy, and not a security issue, then close dropped packages wontfix16:38
micahghggdh: I thought you did that for a certain gnome component that was orphaned16:38
hggdhyes. But I did it *only* for it.16:39
hggdhafter discussing the issue16:39
bdmurrayIt'd also be good to update the package bug filing guidelines for removed packages to say don't file anymore.16:41
hggdhyes, thank you16:41
micahgbdmurray: how is a user supposed to know if something is an SRU or security issue?16:42
bdmurraymicahg: do you mean the reporter?16:42
* micahg would rather see the triaging guildelines updated16:42
micahgbdmurray: yes16:42
hggdhthe user does not, always. The triager must find it out (and would be done if it *was* marked as such)16:42
hggdhand the reporter can always question, and re-open16:43
micahgone can see in the sidebar for bugs if the package has a version in the latest release16:43
hggdhbdmurray, is there a list of dropped packages somewhere?16:43
bdmurrayhggdh: no, but it should be determinable.  I could prepare a list if someone wants to use it.16:44
micahgalthought ones that totally no longer exist in supported versions like mozilla-firefox and firefox would make sense to warn not to submit a bug  to16:44
hggdhor redirect to the correct packages16:45
micahgwell, that's not always easy, althought I would say firefox is the exception in that case16:45
micahgmost packages do normally have something that replaces it16:46
hggdhbdmurray, that might be good. I was thinking of setting up something like that as a reference, like "package name -> last version supported"16:46
bdmurrayhggdh: something like what?  I'm not following16:47
micahgcould someone tell me if this implies something to try or something to do? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/259900/16:49
* micahg keeps getting users saying command doesn't help16:49
bdmurrayMaybe put an extra carriage return in there before the command16:50
bdmurrayand put 'of the following command run in a terminal' ?16:52
micahgbdmurray: what do you think about LP not allowing crash reports to be public until they are retraced at least once?16:53
micahgbdmurray: ty for the feedback16:54
hggdhbdmurray, well. In fact, one can look at packages.ubuntu.com for find out what packages have been dropped16:54
bdmurraymicahg: do you mean people have been making bugs public before they have been retraced?16:54
hggdhbut, perhaps more effective, would be a list of packages dropped on each release16:54
bdmurrayhggdh: I wrote some similar code using the api a bit a go16:55
hggdhbdmurray, care to share it? I might be able to adjust to what I am thinking of16:55
bdmurrayhggdh: sure, let me fix it though the api seems to have changed on me16:55
hggdhBTW -- my lp_karma_suffix is getting hit by security errors16:55
micahgbdmurray: should I file a report?16:56
micahgactually, who would it be against?16:56
micahgor rather what?16:56
hggdhmalone, I guess16:56
bdmurraymicahg: that sounds reasonable but putting crash reports in launchpad is kind of hack as it is and isn't use by other projects16:56
micahgthat's why I'm wondering where it goes16:57
micahgor even how to suggest it16:57
bdmurraywell, it seems unlikely to be fixed via code rather triagers should be educated16:57
bdmurrayhggdh: http://pastebin.osuosl.org/28415 <- that is the output of the script, I wrote it before the dapper desktop EOL hence the dapper information17:00
bdmurrayiirc the vast majority of packages had 0 bug reports but it'd be good to double check of course!17:00
azimoutok, thank you all for the answers, bye17:07
josephpicheI was wondering if could have someone look at ubuntu bug 396632. I filed it because I feel like I should be able to run `service lighttpd status` as an unprivileged user since I can run `service mysql status` unprivileged, but I'm not familiar enough with init scripts to know what to do17:16
ubot4Ubuntu bug 396632 in lighttpd "lighttpd init file should not chown or chmod on status check" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39663217:16
bdmurrayjosephpiche: I'd check with the searver team about that17:42
josephpichebdmurray: okay, thanks17:42
thekornbdmurray, can we have a quick chat about bughelper/py-lp-bugs after the meeting?18:02
bdmurraythekorn: sounds good!18:04
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eltoozeroHi there people, where would I go to report a kernel bug in Karmic?18:59
eltoozeroMy machine does not fully halt at shutdown since 2.6.31-7-generic, but it worked fine in 2.6.31-5-generic, just want to properly report it.19:01
thekornbdmurray, I've seen some discussions here in this channel about bughelper last week, so I think we should decide how to go on with bughelper and py-lp-bugs19:02
greg-geltoozero: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug will do it for you.19:02
thekornbdmurray, the biggest problem is py-lp-bugs, and the fact that it is not  easy to teach bughelper to use launchpadlib instead of py-lp-bugs19:03
greg-geltoozero: actually, can you open up a terminal and type "ubuntu-bug linux" ?19:03
eltoozerook, it's against "linux", just wasn't sure if there was a more specific place, thank you greg-g19:03
greg-gThat will report it just the same, but additionly attach some debugging info19:03
eltoozerolove the ubuntu-bug on the cli, very very cool.19:03
greg-geltoozero: no problem, thanks for helping19:03
bdmurraythekorn: right, I think a good thing would be determining what is useful about bughelper19:03
* greg-g still hasn't gotten used to recommending ubuntu-bug to people19:04
thekornbdmurray, I think it bugnumbers to get list of tasks in multible output formats and the ability to use cluefiles with bughelper19:05
eltoozeroThis is my first time contributing heavily to the project, just want to follow standards.19:05
thekornbdmurray, and it should not be hard to also support apport's bugpatterns19:05
bdmurrayYes, I'd agree there19:05
eltoozerowhat information will be most helpful in the summary for a kernel bug regarding halting at shutdown?19:06
eltoozeromy chipset?19:06
bdmurrayI recently added a script to bug patterns for checking a package's bug lists19:06
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thekornbdmurray, maybe the best (and easiest) solution would be to rewrite bughelper with focus on this points19:06
eltoozero"does not halt on shutdown"19:06
greg-geltoozero: chipset should be automatically included when you use the ubuntu-bug CLI tool (I believe)19:06
thekornbdmurray, jup I just found out about this script19:06
greg-geltoozero: I would just give as best a description of the problem as possible (known goods, known bads) and use the ubuntu-bug tool, if more info is needed, we'll ask for it :)19:07
eltoozerogreg-g: cool, is it prudent to mention the version of the kernel in the summary? "2.6.31-7-generic"19:07
eltoozeroat least the -7 which is where the problem started vs -519:08
thekornbdmurray, my first reaction was "hey, this bugpatterns makes cluefiles totally useless" but the problem is bugpatterns can only be run against bugreports created with apport19:08
greg-geltoozero: that'd be fine, something like "does not half on shutdown starting with 2.6.31-7"19:08
bdmurraythekorn: thinking about it the utility of clues compared to patterns is that they can be more vague and provide some guidance right?  oh that too19:08
eltoozerogreg-g: that's where I was going, thank you.19:08
thekornbdmurray, right19:09
greg-geltoozero: yep, you've got the idea! :)19:09
eltoozerogreg-g: here's another one, a very similar bug but very old, obviously not a part of karmic testing, should I add to that bug or create a new one?19:09
bdmurrayeltoozero: with this specific system so it doesn't attract unrelated hardware comments19:09
bdmurraythis bug is likely hardware specific19:10
eltoozerobdmurray: agreed.19:10
bdmurraythekorn: so this sounds like a good plan to me19:10
eltoozerobdmurray, can you clarify?19:14
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bdmurraythe ability to poweroff at shutdown can be dependant on your hardware19:15
eltoozerobdmurray, yes, should I specify in the summary or the full description19:16
bdmurrayideally both19:16
eltoozerook good, and should I attach it to an older, similar bug that was on an old kernel version?19:16
thekornbdmurray, ok, good, so when I find some spare time over the next week I will start rewriting bughelper focusing on this three capabilities19:23
bdmurrayeltoozero: only if it is the exact same hardware19:27
eltoozerobdmurray, perfect, thank you.  I reviewed that bug and included the same debug information that was asked (if you're Brian Murray you were chasing it down before it was abandoned).19:29
hggdhmicahg, ping19:53
micahghggdh: pong19:53
hggdhmicahg, why would a javascript http call return status==0 instead of (say) 200?19:53
hggdhno, it's the "follow bug trail" thing I am writing under greasemonkey for us19:54
micahgbug 39419219:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 394192 in elisa "cpommened" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39419219:54
micahgbug 39491219:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 394912 in launchpad-gm-scripts "XMLHTTPRequest Randomly Fails with Status Code 0 During Reload/Refresh and/or Multiple Requests  " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39491219:54
hggdhbrb, VP meeting now19:55
thekornbdmurray, I just tried "search-bugs" form the bugpattern branch, there is an "import tempfile" missing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/260000/19:58
bdmurraythekorn: fixed, thanks20:04
hggdhmicahg, thank you for the link to the bug21:00
micahgnp, I'm trying to push it through upstream21:04
micahgif I can get someone to show me in the code where the bug is, I'll try to fix it21:04
hggdhgo for it, but I understand FF code is a maze...21:12
hggdhperhaps asac will know21:12
micahgexactly, that's why I need someone to shwo me where21:12
* micahg is poking around the developer channel on mozilla IRC21:13
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BUGabundohggdh: YoBoY: http://p.bugabundo.net/os-alunos-e-o-portugues22:25
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jwilliamsHi all. I've encountered a strange bug and Google is not helping.  The update-manager shows n updates available, but Synaptic shows no updates available.  When I click to install the updates in update-manager they do not get installed, and they still show in the list after I reload.   Has anyone else encountered this?23:20
BUGabundojwilliams: what version of ubuntu?23:23
BUGabundoopen a terminal and type:23:23
jwilliamsBUGabundo: Hi, thanks for your reply.  Jaunty (i386)23:23
BUGabundosudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe upgrade23:23
BUGabundosudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade23:23
BUGabundoand pastebin any errors23:24
jwilliamsRighto ...23:24
jwilliams sudo aptitude safe-upgrade is showing the files that update-manager lists (but Synaptic does not)  Installing them now ...23:25
BUGabundodon't force anything dangeroues23:26
jwilliamsHeh.  The operation completed with no errors23:28
BUGabundoare you sure you where looking in the right place?23:28
BUGabundomaybe the bottom left tabs23:28
BUGabundowhere on the wrong one?23:29
jwilliamsBUGabundo: I think so, but I will be more careful next time.  When I click on "Install" I get a gksu prompt and it appears to work (i.e. does not show an error) but then just re-loads the package lists.23:30
jwilliamsI'll say!23:31
BUGabundoif it happens again23:32
BUGabundotake a few screenshots23:32
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jwilliamsBUGabundo: Thanks for your help :-)23:33

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