
rickspencer3hope you guys are having a nice let winter morning there00:00
rickspencer3here's the notes from the team meeting this morning:00:01
robert_ancellrickspencer3, there is no such thing as WInter in Sydney :)00:01
rickspencer3the days aren't shorter?00:01
TheMusoAlthough there is such ting as a windy winter on the mountains at least.00:02
TheMusoBeen blowing a gail since yesterday morning.00:02
rickspencer3hiya TheMuso00:02
rickspencer3TheMuso, how long does it take to drive to Sydney from where you live?00:02
TheMusorickspencer3: About an hour or so, thats to the inner west of Sydney.00:03
rickspencer3so, you guys wanna do a quick Team Meeting, Easter edition?00:04
rickspencer3Eastern Edition, even?00:05
rickspencer3the heart of the meeting regard feature freeze00:05
TheMusoOnly thing I have to add re gnome-speech replacement is that the final MIR for that will be filed today, and once everything is main, I just have to switch a few things around in terms of package dependencies, to get orca using speech-dispatcher by default.00:05
rickspencer3that's all I had to ask :)00:05
rickspencer3TheMuso, do you see any risk there?00:06
TheMusorickspencer3: No.00:06
rickspencer3like, any chance the MIR team won't get to it in time for Feature Freeze?00:06
TheMusoand afaik MIRs hav ebeen approved post feature freeze in the past, so I assumed that was the same thing here, but thing may have changed and I didn't know about it.00:06
rickspencer3robert_ancell, you had gdm-config00:07
TheMusogah typing00:07
rickspencer3TheMuso, no problems00:07
rickspencer3I'm sure all if find00:07
robert_ancellrickspencer3, is there some paperwork I need to do for that?00:07
rickspencer3robert_ancell, nope00:07
rickspencer3it's all done00:07
rickspencer3I set the blueprint to "Implemented" for you00:08
rickspencer3pitti looks across the blueprints, and checks on the status00:08
jcastrohggdh: pong00:08
rickspencer3the other agenda item as the burndown chart00:08
rickspencer3next week I will be working with each team member to savagely postpone work items to get us below the trend line00:09
rickspencer3I think asac and kenvandine will be mostly impacted by this, though seb128 and robert_ancell as well00:09
TheMusoRight, I think I only ahve a couple left, one of which is post feature freeze safe.00:09
TheMusothe other will be done by feature freeze, as its to do with MIRs.00:09
rickspencer3any other business?00:10
robert_ancellnope, just a stack of packages to work through :)00:10
rickspencer3k ... I'll let you get to it00:10
rickspencer3thank you gentlemen .. on to Feature Freeze!00:11
hggdhjcastro, sorry, already found the Way -- I am setting up a "Triaging Sound Bugs" class, and wanted to know do to get the -classroom for it00:15
* jcastro nods00:16
* jcastro cheers!00:16
hggdhjcastro, of course, I did the unthinkable: searched the wiki, and got the answer... thank you, anyway00:16
rickspencer3robert_ancell, any idea debsign can't find my secret key, consider I *just* created one?00:23
rickspencer3could it have a pointer to the one that I deleted cached somewhere?00:23
robert_ancellrickspencer3, does the email on the key match DEBEMAIL?00:24
rickspencer3it matches MAIL in any case00:24
robert_ancellrickspencer3, not sure sorry00:24
rickspencer3this worked before I deleted my old keys and created new ones00:24
Laneyyou should set DEBEMAIL and DEBSIGN_KEYID00:24
james_wcat ~/.devscripts00:25
james_wif that gives an id then you need to change it00:25
rickspencer3james_w, I have no .devscripts file00:25
james_wotherwise see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperGuide/Uploading for how to work out how it is searching for the key based on the changelog00:25
rickspencer3seems to be that I added a comment to the new key00:27
james_wit's always the comments :-)00:28
james_wyou can either add that comment to your changelog entries00:28
rickspencer3well .. I want this to work with quickly ...00:28
james_wor one of the other steps there00:28
rickspencer3so I'll create a new key without comments00:28
james_wadd a uid to your existing key00:28
huatsrobert_ancell: hey00:35
robert_ancellhuats, hey00:35
huatsplease do the gcalctool update :)00:35
huatsI haven't found the time to do the 27.9000:35
huatsbut go ahead for the .9100:35
robert_ancellhuats, Should be an easy one - it's just translations this time00:35
robert_ancellhuats, ok, will do ti00:35
huatsand I hope you enjoyed your holidays00:35
robert_ancelli can spell good00:35
robert_ancellhuats, yeah it was a lot of fun (spent two days in Disneyland being a big kid)00:36
huatshello rickspencer3 and james_w btw :)00:36
huatshehe looks nice00:36
james_wsalut huats00:36
huatscomment ça va james_w ?00:36
rickspencer3hi hauts00:37
james_wtres bien merçi, et toi?00:37
huatstres bien aussi00:37
huatsrickspencer3:  you should learn to speak french00:37
huatssoon this channel will be in that language :)00:38
robert_ancellwe need a google translate bot00:38
rickspencer3hauts: I start French 101 on September 14th00:40
rickspencer3I joined alliance France Seattle00:40
rickspencer3so soon00:41
rickspencer3F* it00:41
rickspencer3I'm just starting over with a new key and no comment00:41
* rickspencer3 puts pulled hair in garbage can00:41
huatsgreat !00:42
ftahuats, got my account on ubuntufr, thanks!00:42
huatsdo not hesitate to talk to us (I mean the french collony)00:43
huatsfta: good...00:43
huatsfta so now you can use it :)00:43
ftai did00:43
huatsgreat !00:44
huatsso thanks to you fta !00:44
rickspencer3my first ppa upload ... for the least essential application ever!00:53
rickspencer3quickly works!00:58
AmaranthFrom now on when I hear about quickly I'm going to think "squick" :/01:09
ArneGoetjerickspencer3: shall we have a call?01:13
rickspencer3ArneGoetje, hmmm01:14
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pittiGood morning06:22
pittirobert_ancell: for bug 412455, you mean that gnome-panel and nautilus already send the d-bus signals?06:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412455 in xsplash "shut down xsplash when session is ready" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41245506:23
robert_ancellpitti, yes06:23
pittirobert_ancell: ah, ok; that was a misunderstanding then06:23
* pitti updates bug06:23
pittiOMG gnomescan06:59
* pitti posts feedback to blueprint whiteboard06:59
pittikenvandine: ^ this makes me weep :( how badly do you want this?07:03
didrocksmorning o/08:22
pittihey didrocks08:25
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fredpdidrocks: hey!  in the rotate (left, bottom) (my favourites), what about decreasing tab opacity when flipping them, so it doesn't end up obscuring the widgets that would be around ?08:57
didrocksfredp: great idea, and easy to do as well, I like it :) I have also to figure out how to bind it more properly and try to link the upper tab to the animation as mpt_ suggested (not so easy without changing notebook gdk behavior)09:01
fredpanyway they are interesting experiments, I'll continue watching you :)09:03
didrocksfredp: thanks :)09:12
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mptmvo, I just replied to your questions about the Software Store spec10:01
huatshello everyone10:16
mvompt: thanks10:22
mpthey glatzor10:35
glatzorhello mpt!10:41
mptglatzor, have you been following the SoftwareStore spec at all?10:53
glatzornot closely.10:55
glatzormpt, I installed it yesterday and had a short look at it10:55
mptI was impressed at how smoothly it works already10:56
mptbut I did notice that the PolicyKit dialog appeared *behind* the Software Store window10:56
mvothat is most likely a bug of mine10:56
mvobut I need to double check, it might not pass the xid of the parent10:56
mptmvo, ok. :-) I remember we had discussed that issue before10:56
mvompt: I just looked at it and it seems to be a problem with compiz for policykit1 in general. its showing corectly in metacity11:14
mptmvo, ok, can you tell whoever is responsible for fixing it that sabdfl will be quite annoyed if it isn't? ;-)11:16
mvompt: either me or robert11:23
mptmvo, Ancell?11:23
Riddellmvo: how do I work around bug 419152 ?11:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419152 in software-store "application does not start "No section: 'Desktop Entry'"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41915211:26
mvoRiddell: please try installing gnome-menus11:29
gnomefreakis the system beep controled by gnome? or kernel?11:32
mvoRiddell: I added the missing dependency now, thanks for the bug11:32
Riddellmvo: something else missing, bug 41915411:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419154 in software-store "can not install software, NotAuthorized" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41915411:33
james_wis that the lack of a polkit1 qt frontend?11:33
Riddellmm, could be11:33
james_wdo you have policykit-1-gnome installed?11:34
james_wshould work then11:34
pittiI'm not sure whether that's enough11:37
james_wpkaction --action-id org.debian.apt.install-packages --verbose11:37
james_wthat might give a clue11:37
pittiis /etc/xdg/autostart/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop actually run under KDE?11:37
* pitti doesn't know whether OnlyShowIn=GNOME; is considered for autostart11:38
pitticheck pidof polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-111:38
james_wit is I think11:38
james_wthat would do it11:38
james_wI don't have that file, is it new?11:38
pittijames_w: not particularly; it's been shipped in policykit-1-gnome since day one11:39
pittii. e. only as new as pk-1 itself (a month or two)11:39
james_w0.92-0ubuntu1 and I don't have it11:40
Riddelljames_w: http://paste.ubuntu.com/259771/11:40
james_wand update-manager isn't popping up to remind me to update11:40
Riddell/etc/xdg/autostart/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop doesn't exist11:40
Riddellhmm, policykit-1-gnome is out of date11:41
pittijames_w: hm, maybe it was in /usr/share/autostart/ before or so11:41
james_wthat paste is ok, it should be prompting11:41
pittidpkg -L policykit-1-gnome | grep desktop11:41
james_wso I suspect pitti is correct11:41
pittiso it just moved to /etc recently, apparently11:42
james_wbut it's still gnome only11:42
james_wperhaps we should remove that restriction if there isn't going to be a qt frontend11:42
Riddellhuh? http://paste.ubuntu.com/259772/11:42
james_w(by release)11:43
james_wa GNOME dialog is better than no dialog?11:43
pittiit's from /usr/lib/libpolkit-gobject-1.so11:43
james_wI would suspect version skew11:43
Riddellwe do hope to get polkit 1.0 for qt before release but would be sensible to remove that OnlyShowIn until that happens11:43
pittiwell, without a real Qt implementation we should perhaps rather launch the frontend through kdesudo11:44
pittithat's what I did with jockey11:44
RiddellI have no /usr/lib/libpolkit-gobject-1.so11:44
pittiotherwise you'd pull gtk and friends into kubuntun11:44
pittiDepends: libc6 (>= 2.2), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.18.0), libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.17.7), libpolkit-agent-1-0, libpolkit-gobject-1-0, policykit-111:44
pittiit's shipped by libpolkit-gobject-1-011:45
pittibut it really ought to be a versioned dependency11:45
pittibad shlibs for the win11:45
Riddellok updated libpolkit-agent-1-0 policykit-1 libpolkit-gobject-1-0 and now polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 starts11:47
Riddellhmm, no it doesn't11:48
pittiRiddell: so if you actually prefer using the gnome PK frontend over running the app as root, should I change that in Jockey, too?11:49
Riddellpitti: well jockey has a kde frontend so it's nice to keep it all KDE.  software-store doesn't so that's not an issue11:50
pittiah, ok11:50
Riddelloh no polkitd has version issues now11:51
Riddellok I install libpolkit-backend-1-0 and now it all works11:56
Riddelldoesn't polkit to binary compatibility and versioned dependencies?  should it really be in main?11:56
Riddellmvo: no feedback during the install except that after 30 seconds the install button changed to a "remove" button11:57
pittiseems there are some depedency bugs; what did you try to install originally?11:57
Riddellpitti: software-store11:57
pittiRiddell: policykit-1 depends on libpolkit-backend-1-011:57
pittiright, it misses shlibs or symbols files; I'll add some symbols11:58
mvoRiddell: no "pending " item on the left ?12:10
Riddellmvo: nope12:11
Riddellnot that I noticed anyway12:12
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kenvandinepitti, i have very little invested in gnomescan... it wasn't really my idea13:11
kenvandinei just hate xsane13:11
kenvandinepitti, so i am fine keeping what we have :)13:12
TheMusoDoes anybody know if UNR are doing anything in particular in relation to gdm theming?13:12
kenvandineTheMuso, i don't thinks so13:12
kenvandineTheMuso, actually pretty darn sure they aren't13:13
pittikenvandine: ok13:13
kenvandinepitti, want to just kill it?13:13
TheMusokenvandine: Right, so other than getting the default wallpaper that they use for the desktop, nothing else.13:13
TheMusoHrm. We in Studio have the interesting problem where we want the wallpaper for gdm to be different to what is on our desktop.13:14
* TheMuso will have to work something out...13:15
kenvandineTheMuso, yeah, that won't be easy13:20
kenvandineyou will need to set the default wallpaper for the gdm user in gconf13:20
kenvandinei think13:20
kenvandinepitti, can you sponsor xsplash 418974 ?13:20
TheMusokenvandine: This is what I have so far. Gdm sets a wallpaper filename/path in gconf on package install for the gdm user. THis filename is then changable via the alternatives system depending on what wallpaper you want.13:21
TheMusoHowever, this doesn't solve the problem of changing the actual window theme.13:21
TheMusonot changable, but directable to the file you want.13:21
TheMusoOr, we have all theme packages for gdm change the gconf settings... hrm.13:22
pittikenvandine: looking13:25
kenvandinepitti, thx13:26
kenvandinepitti, there is also one more FF related package needing sponsoring13:27
kenvandinecouchdb-glib 41916013:27
kenvandineand evolution-couchdb will be coming in a bit... then it will be ready to go on the CD13:27
kenvandineassuming we get an agreement on erlang13:28
pittiit's obviously something we have to swallow, but it's really ugly13:28
pittikenvandine: fixing Vcs-* again13:32
pittikenvandine: your postinst needs love13:34
pittikenvandine: you can't rely on the gdm user being present, since you don't depend on gdm13:34
kenvandinewhat is wrong with Vcs?13:34
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pittikenvandine: Vcs-Bzr: needs to be a proper URL (https://code...)13:34
pittikenvandine: and there's no Vcs-*-Browser:, just Vcs-Browser:13:34
kenvandinesigh... asac insists it shouldn't be13:34
pittisince for web browsing you don't need to know which particular VCS you use13:35
pittikenvandine: right, but then you need to create the gdm system user if it doesn't exist13:35
kenvandinei was just following his example13:35
kenvandinepitti, ok so for 0.6 i will add to postinst13:35
kenvandineto create the user if it doesn't exist13:35
pittiwhy does it need to be setuid gdm?13:35
pittidoesn't gdm start it in the first place?13:35
pitti-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 22368 2009-08-12 18:54 /usr/bin/xsplash13:36
pitti^ currently13:36
pittikenvandine: so with that, only root or gdm can run it, and it suids to gdm13:39
pittithat looks like a complicated no-op to me?13:39
kenvandinepitti, well gdm must start that stuff as root13:40
kenvandineor before switching to user gdm13:40
pittiugh, why does it need root privs?13:40
pittikenvandine: so you mean root:gdm 475113:41
kenvandineit doesn't13:41
kenvandinewe want it to not run as root13:41
kenvandineit is configurable.. originally it ran as root13:41
kenvandinebut people complained :)13:41
pittiI thought the greeter would run as gdm13:42
kenvandinethe greeter probably does13:42
kenvandinebut i think the mechanism that fires the Init stuff and PreSession stuff is still root13:42
pittikenvandine: ok, so you want to drop privileges13:42
pittikenvandine: then suid is not what you want13:42
pittithe first thing in your program should be13:43
pittiwhere uid is from getpwnam("gdm")13:43
pittiso if a normal user calls it, that will just fail13:43
pittiand if root calls it, you'll drop all your privileges13:43
pittiand avoid suid stuff and all the system user handling in postinst13:44
kenvandinebratsche, ^^13:44
pittior, rather, "gdm" -> the value from your configure option13:44
pittiit's a constant in config.h, I presume13:45
pittiRiddell: added shlibs to pk-1, thanks for spotting13:45
kenvandinemorning tedg13:45
pittikenvandine: summary posted to sponsoring bug13:47
pittikenvandine: couchdb-glib uploaded13:51
kenvandinepitti, thx13:52
* kenvandine hopes evo couch comes soon13:52
tedgkenvandine: Good morning!13:53
bigonhe, has some decision been made about upnp support in libnice and farsight2?14:07
kenvandinepitti, what do you think about that?14:09
bigonlibupnp-igd is needed for that14:10
kenvandineyeah... adding more stuff to the CD14:10
kenvandinewhich makes pitti's head hurt14:10
AmaranthCD is already -3MB or so :P14:11
AmaranthTime to drop evolution?14:11
* Amaranth runs14:11
kenvandineand we have more to go on it today :)14:11
kenvandineAmaranth, bah humbug :)14:11
Laneynew f-spot will save some space14:12
kenvandinenew f-spot is already on it14:12
kenvandineand we are over14:12
Amaranthyeah, f-spot saved 1MB or so14:12
AmaranthBut the CD was -1MB yesterday when someone wanted to add 3MB to it so...14:13
kenvandineme :)14:13
bigon13.9 KiB on i38614:13
kenvandinewe are +3M now on the amd6414:13
kenvandineand we need to add like 4M14:13
Laney"#  reduce the both the package size and installed size by a few Megs "14:13
kenvandineis out?14:14
* kenvandine will prepare that :)14:14
Laneyi already started14:14
kenvandinethat will help!14:14
kenvandinethanks Laney14:14
Amaranthpitti will at least have a smaller heart attack14:14
Laneywell it remains to be seen what the actual benefit is14:14
Laneyprobably have it tonight14:15
pittikenvandine: what is upnp, anyway?14:15
kenvandinemedia stuff, universal plug-n-play i think14:16
Amaranthit's everything14:16
pittiI'm afraid I don't have an opinion on it, except if you tell me it'll need > 1 MB, then I do have an opinion :-P14:16
* kenvandine isn't into upnp14:16
Nafallopitti: Universal Plug'n'Pray :-)14:16
Laneypunching holes in routers is all I know about it14:16
pittiI know the expansion of the acronym14:16
bigonpitti: standardized (aka MS) way for mapping ports (nat) on great public routers14:16
Nafallopitti: it's like dynamic port forwarding AFAIK14:16
AmaranthUPnP is what a program can use to open a port in your router and what the xbox 360 and ps3 use to talk to PCs14:16
Amaranthso it's basically everything14:16
pittibut it doesn't tell me anything else than "quantum slip stream phase realignment"14:16
pmatuliswhy does 'apt-get purge' remove more packages than 'apt-get remove'?  man page states the difference is that 'purge' also removes configuration files14:17
Laneyit does file serving too somehow I think14:17
Nafallopitti: no no. the quantum stuff have to do with beers I'm pretty sure. we're talking about software now :-)14:17
bigonwith the telepathy stack it should permit the user to forget the nat config to make voip calls14:17
alex-weejpmatulis: because you "removed" stuff before that left configuration files.14:17
pittiIPv6!!! (*cough*)14:17
kenvandinebigon, that is interesting then14:17
Nafalloapt-get remove --purge actually :-)14:17
Nafallopitti: *grin* nice troll! ;-)14:18
* pitti just wishes people woudl stop inventing the 10.000st workaround of NAT14:18
Amaranthpitti: and I want a pony :)14:18
pittiNafallo: I'm actually pretty serious14:18
AmaranthUPnP is actually the standard way invented so everyone would stop using those other ways14:18
Nafallopitti: yeah. my troll comment was pretty much a troll :-)14:18
alex-weejupnp isn't just about nat :P14:18
pittikenvandine: so if you think it's sane, and it doesn't need much space, sure14:18
AmaranthBut it kind of morphed into other things as well so UPnP is a lot of things14:18
* pitti hugs Nafallo14:19
alex-weejit's about controlling lights!14:19
pmatulisalex-weej: sorry but that doesn't make sense to me14:19
NafalloAmaranth: I have a pony. at some point I should add IPv6 to it ;-)14:19
bigonpitti: +1 for ipv6 (btw all the tp stack should be ipv6 aware)14:19
NafalloAmaranth: (pony.magicalforest.net fwiw)14:19
alex-weejpmatulis: look in synaptic at the "residual configuration" filter, and you will see a lot of packages that you thought you had removed14:20
Nafalloor even better... http://www.magicalforest.se/pony.xhtml14:20
kenvandinepitti, ok i will prepare an MIR14:20
pmatulisalex-weej: even if that's true (cannot yet find such a filter), why would removing one particular package remove these other packages?  the purge should be applied to just that package14:24
kenvandinepitti, looks like it will add about 95k14:24
alex-weejpmatulis: that's just the logic of apt-get. try another package manager if you dislike that logic14:25
alex-weejpmatulis: aptitude may work differently14:25
pittikenvandine: *phew* :)14:25
kenvandinelooks like two MIRs though14:25
pmatulisalex-weej: apt-get and aptitude give same results14:25
pmatulisalex-weej: i'm just following the man pages14:25
kenvandinegssdp and gupnp14:26
pittikenvandine: couchdb-glib FTBFSed; meh, I should have test-built it before..14:26
pmatulisalex-weej: and what you're saying contradicts them.  thanks anyways14:26
kenvandinepitti, what?14:26
kenvandinefailed to build?14:27
kenvandinebuilt for me last night14:27
kenvandinewell not with his debdiff...14:27
pittikenvandine: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30853330/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.couchdb-glib_0.4.5-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:28
alex-weejpmatulis: ?14:28
pittikenvandine: the debdiff was just debian/changelog; some autotools goo14:28
kenvandinei know14:28
kenvandineit built in my ppa last night14:28
pittiit shouldn't regenerate the autotools files14:29
pittiprobably fs specific timestamp issue again14:29
pittikenvandine: I'll retry the build, let's see14:31
kenvandineyeah builds fine locally here14:32
kenvandinepitti, i have a bunch of daily builds setup in my daily ppa now14:32
kenvandinemorning rickspencer314:32
pittihey rickspencer314:33
rickspencer3hi guys'14:34
* rickspencer3 wipes sleep from eye14:34
pittikenvandine: nope, failed again14:35
rickspencer31pitti: kenvandine: sorry, my computer froze twice this morning14:47
chrisccoulsonpitti - you figured out the couchdb-glib build failure yet?14:48
rickspencer31I hope it doesn't  get worse before it gets better ;)14:48
kenvandinepitti, couchdb-glib 0.4.5 just built in my ppa... and it builds locally14:49
chrisccoulsonthe issue is that the uploaded diff.gz reverts 0.4.5 back to 0.4.4, touching configure.ac, which triggers an aclocal update. I think that happened because the debdiff on the bug report is wrong (it is literally just the diff between the debian/ folders)14:52
pittifor me, too; maybe the official buildds use some file system which supports microsecond file timestamps or so14:52
chrisccoulsonpitti ^^14:52
pittichrisccoulson: oops14:53
chrisccoulsonheh ;)14:53
pittisorry *blush*14:53
* pitti fixes14:53
kenvandinepitti, can you also upload evolution-couchdb, bug 419183 ?15:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419183 in evolution-couchdb "Upgrade to 0.2.1 upstream release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41918315:01
kenvandinepitti, ok... xsplash 0.6 should be up in a couple hours :)15:05
pittikenvandine: uploaded15:07
kenvandinepitti, awesome... thx15:07
chrisccoulsonhey bryce - i'm still looking at thie gnome-settings-daemon crash being triggered by unhandled XError's, and I think I understand what is going on on the Xorg side now15:12
mptjames_w, do we need to make a special request somewhere to get a branch to appear at <https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-store>?15:12
chrisccoulson(and there's either a bug in Xorg, or a bug in the xlib documentation)15:12
james_wmpt: not a special request15:21
james_wit would have happened already, but the scripts fell over at the weekend and I haven't had time to kick them off again yet15:22
james_wit will be there tomorrow15:22
james_woh, you probably want Michael's branch there15:23
james_wthat's another case of "LP should handle a distribution being its own upstream for some packages" I'm afraid15:23
mptjames_w, I'm not fussed which one appears there, though mvo might have different ideas :-)15:24
james_wwell, *a* branch will appear there tomorrow15:25
mvoglatzor: could you please review/merge lp:~mvo/aptdaemon/add-repo (if you like it :) ?15:36
pittiArneGoetje: are karmic langpacks created and uploaded by cron nowadays?15:38
pittiArneGoetje: (I soon need to extend langpack-o-matic to include gnome help translations)15:38
ArneGoetjepitti: currently not, because today will be a new full export15:39
pittiArneGoetje: ah, but in general?15:39
ArneGoetjepitti: in general yes15:39
pittiArneGoetje: we normally push deltas, and you manually remove them and do full exports/uploads?15:40
ArneGoetjepitti: today's full export should hopefully contain all the firefox-3.5 translations15:40
ArneGoetjepitti: yep15:40
ArneGoetjepitti: every couple of weeks that is.15:41
pittiArneGoetje: do you actually have the export, or is it running ATM?15:41
ArneGoetjepitti: will start running at 22:00 UTC today15:41
pittiah, then I might just make it15:41
pittiif I get the changes in in time, then the next full export could have the gnome help files15:41
ArneGoetjepitti: cool15:42
pittihm, except, arrgh15:42
pittithe packages would conflict on upgrade15:42
pittiI think I need to discuss that with Seb15:42
pittiwe probably need an alternate /usr/share/gnome/help-langpacks/15:43
pittiArneGoetje: ok, nevermind for now15:43
ArneGoetjepitti: ok15:43
glatzormvo, sure15:43
mvoglatzor: right now its pretty simple, do you think we should extend it to specify a "channelname" so that the stuff is added to sources.list.d ?15:47
glatzormvo, I am not sure if we should allow to specify a whole line15:50
mvoglatzor: interessting, would you prefer  something like (type, uri, dist, comps, comment, channelfile) instead ?15:51
mvoglatzor: sure, if you prefer that, I'm fine adding it15:51
glatzormvo, the policykit functions already return a deferred. you don't need to add a callback15:52
glatzormvo, furthermore I would prefer to raise an exception instead of returning false/true15:53
mvoglatzor: thanks, fixing that now15:54
glatzormvo, I am a tough maintainer :)15:55
mvoglatzor: righfully so!15:56
mvoglatzor: RepositoryDuplicatedError ? or RepositoryAlreadyExistsError?15:57
mvoand RepositoryInvalid15:57
glatzormvo, ok. I would prefer already exists15:57
mvoglatzor: pushed, I do the  (type, uri, dist, comps, comment, channelfile) next - are you fine with the arguments?16:02
mvo(the function signature I mean)16:02
glatzormvo, the meaning of a channel has always been a mystery. So I would vote for sourcesfile16:04
mvoglatzor: great, thanks16:05
mvoglatzor: thats fine iwth me, channel was never a good name16:05
mptrickspencer31, did you see <http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/9dmpx/railslike_quickly_tools_brings_rapid_development/c0cd3jo>?16:14
rickspencer31mpt: yes16:14
rickspencer31you may notice I have commented on it16:14
rickspencer31pretty, neat16:14
rickspencer31nice that someone is writing something accurate and nice about me for a change16:15
mptah, I see16:15
bratschepitti: Do you have time to quickly review a branch?16:15
bratscheIf you do, here it is: https://code.launchpad.net/~bratsche/xsplash/setuid/+merge/1074816:16
rickspencer31mpt: "quickly" is not too google friendly, to be sure16:21
pittibratsche: (struct passwd*)0 -> NULL would have been enough :)16:23
pittibratsche: but in general, looks good16:23
pittibratsche: it's ok to not check for setuid() failure; if you run it as normal user, it should still work16:24
pittikenvandine: can you please merge into the ubuntu branch, drop the postinst, etc.?16:24
kenvandinepitti, i can16:25
* pitti goes back to MIRs then, thanks16:25
kenvandinecan you approve the merge request?16:25
kenvandineand i will merge it and roll a release?16:25
pittikenvandine: just merge and push16:25
pittikenvandine: merge requests get closed automatically16:26
kenvandineyeah... but we need an approval :)16:26
kenvandinefor code review16:26
kenvandinedx team work flow :)16:26
* kenvandine looks forward to the day package sponsorship works the same way :)16:27
awekenvandine, got a sec for an ubuntuone question?16:27
kenvandinepitti, thx16:27
kenvandinei will get it merged and released16:27
awei have ubuntuone installed from the beta ppa, and with the recent applet changes, i'm not sure if it's running anymore.  ;)16:28
kenvandineso is the applet not there?16:29
awealso, it appears the karmic PPA version of ubuntuone-client is newer than the version in karmic?16:29
Riddellpitti: that should be my last MIR filed before FF now :)16:29
awekenvandine, no applet16:29
kenvandineawe, yeah... new version landing in karmic later today or in the morning16:29
pittiRiddell: okay :) will review the list of unassigned ones again16:29
kenvandinelook at ~/.cache/ubuntuone/logs16:30
aweI just removed the PPA sources.list this morning, so I guess I should just wait for the update?16:30
Riddellpitti: is anything likely to happen with asac assigned MIRs before FF?  e.g.  bug 40979616:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409796 in gpsd "main inclusion report gpsd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40979616:31
dobeyawe: the PPA version will always be newer16:31
bratscheThanks pitti!16:31
awelooks like none of the logs have been touched for awhile now... ( ie. since July. ).  ;(16:31
dobeyespecially in the nightlies ppa16:31
awedobey, ok, thanks.  I removed the PPA because I want to be testing what's in karmic16:31
pittiRiddell: not from asac's side anyway16:33
pittibut we traditiionally promoted stuff after FF16:33
pittiuniverse packages are affected by FF as well, after all16:33
dobeyawe: but yes, the applet is invisible when not busy by defualt now16:35
dobeyawe: though in trunk the applet visibility is also configurable16:36
awedobey, ok.  since it's invisible, how do i know it's active at all?  i copied a file yesterday to MyFiles, and it's not showing up via the web client16:40
pittiRiddell: FYI, uploading pk-1-gnome with symbols file now, and a rebuild against shlibs-ified pk; dependendies should be good now16:41
dobeyawe: i don't know what version you're using or anything16:41
awei'm running karmic, with the latest versions from the PPA.16:42
dobeyawe: which PPA? we have beta and nightlies PPAs...16:42
pittichrisccoulson: do you happen to know whether some library abstracts the knowledge of the /usr/share/gnome/help path?16:43
dobeyawe: there have been significant UI improvements in the last few days, which haven't made it to the beta PPA yet16:43
dobeyand other bug fixes16:43
dobeyas we had a sprint last week16:43
pittichrisccoulson: if we want to move gnome help translations to langpacks, they'd need to be in a different path, otherwise we'll get package conflicts16:43
aweOK, as I mentioned to kenvandine, I removed the PPA sources.list, and will wait for the new updates to land in Karmic16:44
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm not too sure about that16:44
aweI guess I'm ok for now16:44
pittichrisccoulson: ok, thanks16:44
chrisccoulsonpitti - it must be abstracted somewhere, as you can pass ghelp: URI's around at the moment, and they magically find the correct documentation16:45
debfxis anyone interested in sponsoring pidgin 2.6.1?16:45
chrisccoulsoneg "yelp ghelp:eog" will bring up the help for eog16:45
kenvandinepitti, packaging branch pushed for xsplash 0.616:49
pittidebfx: just subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors to the bug, please16:51
pittikenvandine: please merge the changelogs, 0.5 was never uploaded16:52
pittikenvandine: (I could do it myself, but I'd rather teach you to get your motu credentials sooner :) )16:52
kenvandineoh... so skip 0.5 in the changelog?16:52
pittikenvandine: keep the changelog entries, but merge them into the 0.6 block16:52
pittikenvandine: debian/postinst can disappear from the changelog16:53
pittibah, why can't I type xsplash? I keep typing xplash17:01
pittilool: given your huge MIR backlog, I'll grab the new 5 MIRs17:03
kenvandinepitti, yeah... i keep tying xplash too17:05
loolpitti: Huge?  you assigned 3 to me yesterday and 3 NM ones remain; am my forgetting any (not talking of euca obviously)17:05
loolJust making sure I dont forget about some MIRs17:06
pittilool: well, I killed my queue yesterday; so perhaps s/huge/large/, in these FF times :)17:07
pittibratsche, kenvandine: hm, how is the xsplash throbber supposed to look like?17:07
pittiI have a beam which jumps up and down and looks very weird17:07
kenvandineyeah... i don' t like it17:07
loolOk, FYI modemmanager/obexd/gnome-bluetooth are already in main and are in the post FF list17:07
pittiand it still quits far too early, even with a hot cache17:07
loolpitti: Concerning xsplash, I'd rather not MIR it as I did the initial upload/review17:08
kenvandinepitti, bratsche said it is doing what mt requested...17:08
loolBased on seb128's work IIRC17:08
pittikenvandine: right, but this looks more like a bug17:08
pittilool: ok, please reassing to me then17:08
kenvandinepitti, yeah... but not a feature missing :)17:08
pittilool: can I give you a plasmoid in return?17:08
pittikenvandine: no :)17:08
pittikenvandine: how does it look for you?17:08
kenvandineterrible :)17:09
kenvandinemoves up and down17:09
kenvandinei think it should be horizontal17:09
pittiok, so it's not just my hw17:09
kenvandinebut it is using what mt sent17:09
kenvandinewe need him to review it17:09
* pitti uploads for now17:09
kenvandinemat_t, have you looked at the throbber?17:09
kenvandinepitti, thx17:09
loolpitti: Ok please do17:10
pittilool: I tossed a plasmoid to you, they should be easy to review17:10
loolk thanks17:10
mvoglatzor: new version with your requested changes pushed (sorry that it took a bit longer I was in a meeting)17:10
mat_tkenvandine: I can work on that tomorrow, been busy with other stuff17:11
kenvandinejust test it on karmic17:11
kenvandineit is being uploaded now17:11
kenvandinethe throbber doesn't look right17:11
kenvandinebut it is there :)17:11
pittiI'm pretty sure it's not intended to be like that :)17:11
kenvandinepitti, oh i hope so :)17:11
pittidinner, bbl17:12
kenvandinemat_t, it jumps up and down instead of throbbing left to right17:12
mat_tthen no, that's not what we intended ;)17:12
kenvandinebug... not a missing feature though :)17:12
kenvandinemat_t, i am sure17:12
pittibratsche: Y is _vertical_ :)17:12
* pitti hugs bratsche17:12
mat_tpitti: hey17:13
kenvandinebratsche, rocks!17:13
mat_tpitti: good to have you back ;)17:13
kenvandinepitti, have a good dinner...17:13
mat_tpitti: we have to look at usplash, too, but now just enjoy your dinner :)17:13
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chrisccoulsonpitti - about your question earlier - rarian has something to do with this abstraction17:23
chrisccoulsonit seems to provide a mechanism for discovering file:/// URI's from ghelp:17:24
mvompt: one more question about the searching - now that we do partial matching it seems like its not a good idea to start searching on the first char that is entered. should we have a minimal word length of ~3 chars?17:41
mptmvo, I think it would feel weird if the search was mostly-but-not-quite-completely live17:42
mptmvo, as long as doing the search doesn't slow down your typing, searching from the first character is fine I think17:42
mptGoogle shows results starting from the first character :-)17:44
mptmvo, I've scanned mockups of the Installed Software section, I'll upload them shortly17:45
tgpraveen1Ampelbein: ping17:49
tgpraveen1could you tell me the reaason why the daily ppa for empathy is updated for the last 2 days?17:50
pittimat_t: hey, too! :-)18:03
pittichrisccoulson: oh, thanks! didn't want to steal your time, though, just wondered whether you happened to know18:04
pittichrisccoulson: thanks for the investigations18:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - you're welcome :)18:16
chrisccoulsonit's nice to take a break from gnome-settings-daemon for a change;)18:16
mptmvo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareStore#%E2%80%9CInstalled%20Software%E2%80%9D%20section18:24
kenvandinepitti, when you are ready for more sponsoring... u1 client stuff is ready for upload18:25
kenvandinebug 41932618:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419326 in ubuntuone-client "Upgrade to 0.93.0" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41932618:25
kenvandinebug 41932418:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419324 in ubuntuone-storage-protocol "Update to 0.93.0" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41932418:25
pittikenvandine: btw, when will the panel icon be dropped? I thought it was destined to go away?18:32
kenvandinekarmic +118:32
kenvandineit is half way dropped now18:32
kenvandineit only appears now when it is busy18:32
pittispeaking about that, it still spins all the time18:32
kenvandinei think :)18:32
pittinever stops18:32
* mpt wonders if the .deb format should have a Recommends-Replacing: field to complement its Replaces: field18:32
kenvandineit shouldn't sping anymore18:32
kenvandinepitti, spinning is gone in 0.93.018:33
pitti+N  tests/*18:34
bratschepitti, kenvandine: Hmm?  Did I do something wrong?18:54
kenvandinebratsche, no... just complaining about the throbber18:55
pittibratsche: I suppose the throbber is meant to throb horizontally18:56
pittibratsche: so I was just joking that you swapped X and Y :)18:56
kenvandinebratsche, you know we love you man!18:56
bratscheNo I didn't, I just pull the frames out of the file and display them! :)18:56
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dobeypitti: danke!19:22
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pittiArneGoetje: ok, all seed changes done19:25
pittiArneGoetje: let's see how tomorrow's CDs will look like19:25
ArneGoetjepitti: great19:27
ArneGoetjepitti: ibus-m17n is in the seeds now?19:27
pittiArneGoetje: yes19:28
pittiif the total size is about the same as the scim packages, we can fit it19:28
ArneGoetjepitti: good... then I don't need to put it into the language-selector-input dependencies19:28
pittiArneGoetje: can you please have a quick look at all the language-* stuff on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt (in source/binary demotions)19:30
* ArneGoetje is looking19:30
pittiArneGoetje: should they all be removed from teh archive? i. e. language-support-{input,translations} is truly obsolete now?19:30
kenvandinepitti, how long are you going to be around?19:31
pittikenvandine: I skipped Taekwondo (ETOOMUCHTODO), so another two hours I think19:31
kenvandinedesktopcouch is coming... soon i hope19:32
kenvandinei would like to get that uploaded and evo-couch added to the seed so we can see how bad the CD is tomorrow :)19:32
pittikenvandine, tedg: btw, shouldn't indicator-applet-session replaces/conflicts fast-user-switch-applet, to clean up on upgrades?19:32
tedgpitti: Uhm, yeah.  I guess.  gdm conflicts/replaces with it now.19:33
james_wkenvandine: what's the branch you feed the u1 packages from?19:33
kenvandinehumm... yeah upgrades from jaunty i guess19:33
pittitedg: ah, good enough19:33
ArneGoetjepitti: language-support-translations will be obsolete with the upcoming language-selector upload.19:33
kenvandinejames_w, ~ubuntuone-control-tower19:33
kenvandinei think19:33
james_wI have a change I would like to propose for your next upload19:33
pittiArneGoetje: ah, and -zh-hans/-zh-hant is the split? I wonder why it isn't seeded, I thought there was a glob for it19:34
ArneGoetjepitti: the zh packages should net be demoted... need to upload the transition package again... it got overwritten with a newer version19:34
pittibut I suppose these should stay19:34
ArneGoetjepitti: yes, zh-hans/hant is the split19:34
james_wkenvandine: lp:~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu/karmic/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/karmic ?19:35
kenvandinejames_w, yeah... i think so... i don't actually push there, i think pqm does19:35
kenvandinedobey is doing the packaging for that stuff19:35
kenvandinethe packaging branch19:37
kenvandineyou don't push right to ~ubuntuone-control-tower19:37
dobeyyeah we have source package branches under ~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu/karmic for ubuntuone-storage-protocol and ubuntuone-client19:37
kenvandinejames_w, what's your request?19:37
dobeyi do19:37
kenvandinedobey, oh, ok19:38
james_wI want to propose a change for the packaging to use python-oauth19:38
kenvandinewe need to get that MIR approved :)19:38
pittichrisccoulson: didn't find gnome/help in rarian, but in yelp (src/yelp-utils.c, resolve_process_ghelp(), FYI)19:43
pittibut it's still nasty, apparently there are hardcoded file URLs around19:44
dobeyjames_w: it's not as simple as just making the change in the client, unfortunately19:44
james_wwhy's that?19:44
dobeyjames_w: because the server uses it also19:45
dobeyso it has to be a somewhat coordinated effort19:46
james_wwhich is why I am proposing to change the packaging19:46
james_wyou said you were working towards dropping it19:46
dobeyyes, working towards. but not there yet19:46
dobeyand at this point, i think forking python-oauth is the better option :-/19:46
dobeywhat all do we need to get that done?19:47
james_wwhy do you need to fork it to use the system one?19:48
james_wyou're using the exact same code, just from a different file aren't you?19:48
dobeydon't /need/ to fork it to use the system one. but the system one is broken. upstream is really slow at replying to anything. etc...19:50
james_wI'm willing to help make it happen, I just don't know how you manage dependencies and things19:50
james_wbut you are using the same code?19:50
james_wI know the code isn't brilliant, and changes are hard to make19:50
kenvandinethere is a 2 line change19:51
james_wyou are worried about using the system one and so having less opportunity to make changes?19:51
dobeywe use the OAuthServer/OAuthDataStore API on the server, which is where the API really changed19:51
dobeykenvandine: you are confused :)19:51
kenvandine-            if auth_header.index('OAuth') > -1:19:51
kenvandine-                auth_header = auth_header.lstrip('OAuth ')19:51
kenvandine+            if auth_header[:6] == 'OAuth ':19:51
kenvandine+                auth_header = auth_header[6:]19:51
dobeykenvandine: the current system package doesn't have the 1.0a code19:52
kenvandinediff -Naur /usr/share/pyshared/oauth/oauth.py /usr/share/pyshared/ubuntuone/storageprotocol/oauth.py19:52
dobeykenvandine: yeah, the ubuntuone version is currently like 1 revision newer than what's in the system package. but that's irrelevant :)19:54
james_wkenvandine: good catch19:54
james_wdobey: not any longer19:54
james_wI just uploaded the latest code from SVN19:54
james_wso I would propose http://paste.ubuntu.com/259999/ for the packages19:55
james_wit just stops it from installing oauth.py and uses the system one19:56
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dobeyif the problem were just that the code was ugly... i wouldn't be arguing about it :)19:56
james_wok, and what other problems are there?19:56
dobeyupstream is still broken and doesn't even correctly support 1.0a. removing it from ubuntuon-storage-protocol also requires updating the client and server code. and i need to look into the code a bit more, but i think i just found another nasty issue in it19:57
james_whave you asked for commit rights to the google code SVN?19:58
dobeyno. and none of my code has actually been committed yet19:59
james_wI think you should19:59
dobeyi can. and when she replies next month to tell me i don't have enough major contribution to warrant it... karmic will already be released20:00
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james_wI feel like we are going around in circles20:01
dobeythat's where i've been going for the past 1.5 months trying to get 1.0a fixed properly in upstream20:01
dobeybecause i really didn't want to fork it20:02
james_wwe are not going to release karmic with two identical copies of security sensitive, previously problematic, and apparently known broken code20:02
james_wI'll fix that in the packages if that looks like it will be the case at beta20:03
james_wI'd like to work with you to make it happen in the way that you would like20:03
kenvandinedobey, what is the issue with using system oauth.py for the client?20:03
james_wwould you start by sending me the patches you have sent upstream?20:04
dobeywhich has conflicts with current trunk20:06
rugby471guys, anyone I can talk to about f-spot20:06
dobeyhttp://groups.google.com/group/oauth/attach/f104172f97de9a94/oauth-verifier-fix.patch?part=2 <- this i sent to make what was committed at least be less broken20:06
rugby471current version in karmic is 0.620:06
rugby4710.6.1 comes with bug fixes and is being released in around 2 days20:06
kenvandinerugby471, yeah? Laney is working on that20:07
Laneyrugby471: We usually keep watch for these things20:07
james_wok, that second one is clearly needed20:07
rugby471did the guy upstream email you?20:08
rugby471oh well I told him to :-)20:08
dobeyjames_w: not according to leah, but she hasn't replied to my last mail... http://groups.google.com/group/oauth/browse_thread/thread/8f54d2779e71db1320:08
rugby471will f-spot be in karmic?20:08
kklimondaevery f-spot release is mentioned on planets so often that it's hard to miss ;)20:08
rugby471that is two bugs fixed then :-)20:09
LaneyLP bugs?20:09
Laneylet me know which...20:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387656 in hundredpapercuts "F-Spot screensaver too fast" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:09
dobeyjames_w: what will it take to get a new package in that's a fork/rewrite of oauth.py for karmic?20:09
Laneyargh my degree certificate has slipped down20:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 127315 in hundredpapercuts "F-Spot puts photos in Photos folder not Pictures folder" [High,In progress]20:10
rugby471Laney: with regards to the second one, will you be able to put in the debdiff if you are updating the package20:10
james_wdobey: a freeze exception20:11
rugby471it is a fix that set's f-spot's default directory to ~/Pictures/Photos20:11
james_wdobey: and such a package to put in :-)20:11
rugby471(it all gets localized as well)20:11
rugby471it has been sitting there a while20:11
Laneyrugby471: Do we want to do this?20:11
dobeyjames_w: then let's have this talk again this time tomorrow :)20:11
Laneyor to put it another way, why do we want to deviate from upstream?20:11
james_wdobey: your other changes make sense to me20:11
rugby471upstream definitely wants to put it there20:11
james_wdobey: please name the module something other than oauth.py20:12
Laneybut they haven't done it20:12
ubottuGnome bug 459338 in General "XDG Base Directory Specification and xdg-user-dirs support" [Enhancement,New]20:12
dobeyjames_w: oh. i am20:12
rugby471they decided to wait until next release20:12
Laneyso I'm inclined to say we should do the same20:12
james_wdobey: also, not gratuitously changing the API would be great, it would make it easier to consolidate later20:12
james_wdobey: plus, we need the launchpad people on board20:12
rugby471however the current status in karmic is that becuase there is no Photos directory created, F-spot uses the home dorectory20:12
rugby471and messes it all up20:12
rugby471ie. loads of directories in home like20:13
Laneythat is fixed20:13
rugby4712009, etc.20:13
rugby471what does it do now?20:13
Laneyi uploaded that patch some time ago20:13
rugby471package version?20:13
rugby471if you can remeber20:13
Laney++                        if (Directory.Exists(FSpot.Global.PhotoDirectory))20:13
Laney +     dest_dir_chooser.SetCurrentFolder(FSpot.Global.PhotoDirectory);20:13
rugby471well current karmic doesn't behave like that20:14
dobeyjames_w: well, the current api is rather nasty, undocumented, and not well tested. so there will undoubtedly be changes :-/20:14
james_wdobey: oh, I agree20:14
dobeyjames_w: but i'll poke #launchpad-dev about their thoughts20:14
james_wdobey: but avoiding gratuitous changes would be appreciated20:14
dobeydefine gratuitous in this case :)20:15
rugby471Laney: just tested it now on karmic in Virtualbox20:18
rugby471it litters the home directory with 2009...2008 etc.20:18
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rugby471this patch simply sets the default directory to Pictures/Photos20:19
rugby471eliminating ~/Photos20:19
rugby471as a redundant directory20:19
djsiegel___rugby471: can you believe upstream's all-or-nothing approach to the XDG spec?20:19
djsiegel___not wanting to rename the default folder until they support on-the-fly XDG folder renaming20:19
rugby471not really but there we go :-)20:20
djsiegel___who even does that?20:20
rugby471that's why we patching systems :-)20:20
rugby471anyway have you seen the conversation so far (between me and Laney)20:20
rugby471basically f-spot 0.6.1 willl be in karmic20:20
rugby471https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/387656 - check20:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387656 in hundredpapercuts "F-Spot screensaver too fast" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:21
rugby471but obviously Laney says (I agree) that we don't want to deviate from upstream to much20:21
rugby471however i think that this patch is not too much as in f-spot 0.6+120:22
LaneyI want to check why this patch doesn't work20:22
rugby471they will have a similiar patch20:22
rugby471(BTW I checked the debdiff I made on a new karmic environment and it all worked)20:22
LaneyI don't care for Pictures/Photo20:22
Laneybut if it's still putting stuff in ~ then that's worrying20:23
rugby471it looks really unprofessional to a new user20:23
rugby471partly why I am following the bug20:24
rugby471I think the problem is that there is no Photos directory and so it just goes aa directory up20:26
rugby471not such a bad idea20:26
rugby471however when the directory is only one level above the home...20:27
rugby471it turns into an annoyance20:27
Laneythere was just a bug in our targetdir-selector patch20:27
rugby471what was it?20:28
pittikenvandine: what are the top-level packages which we'd want to seed for all the couchdb stuff? (most of it will be pulled in as a dependency I guess, such as python-couchdb)20:29
dobeyjames_w: i was planning on splitting the server/client pieces to separate modules, and having a compat module that includes both, and make some api changes20:29
kenvandineit will pull the rest in20:29
james_wdobey: that sounds sensible20:29
james_wdobey: I hope the first thing you kill is bare try/excepts :-)20:30
pittikenvandine: ugh, 5.8 MB20:30
dobeyjames_w: well, the first thing i'll do is get the basic class structure set up, then i'll add unit tests, and then i'll add the functionality20:31
kenvandinepitti, yup... time to axe gimp :-p20:31
rugby471Laney: any progress on the bug? [sorry if you are busy]20:34
Laneyyeah I'm trying to cook20:41
rugby471ah sorry20:41
LaneyI am inclined to push a patch to use the XDG dir20:41
rugby471just baked a cake myself...20:41
Laneybut I don't like the subdir thing20:41
rugby471why is that?20:41
rugby471maybe I can help to sway you :-)20:42
kklimondaLaney, so now we have Pictures/2009, Pictures/2008?20:43
rugby471that is the issue20:43
rugby471if we just use the pictures directory then we have Pictures/200920:44
rugby471this makes images that the user doesn't want to use f-spot20:44
rugby471for exmaple desktop wallpaper20:44
rugby471hard to look for20:44
rugby471also upstream is going to move towards Pictures/Photos rather thanks Pictures20:45
rugby471final reason20:45
rugby471if user imports photos into f-spot20:45
rugby471they are probably only going to use f-spot to view them20:46
pittikenvandine: is bug 388896 still an issue? butterfly is in universe again20:46
djsiegel___rickspencer3-afk: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/219385 I would like to escalate this with your team if possible.20:46
rugby471(ie. they are not going to go browsing for them)20:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388896 in telepathy-butterfly "[MIR] telepathy-butterfly" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38889620:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219385 in hundredpapercuts "File filters can make file selection dialog too wide for screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:46
pittikenvandine: and it seems not to be required20:46
rugby471therefore it is best if they are kept seperate in the Pictures folder20:46
kenvandinethat was to switch to butterfly from haze20:46
kenvandinefor msn20:46
rugby471#219385 is a pain in the a*se20:47
rugby471what is your concern Laney?20:47
pittikenvandine: we keep libpurple for karmic?20:47
kenvandineat guadec we decided it would be better to switch to butterfly when papyon made it in20:48
kenvandinebutterfly is where they are focusing developer effort20:48
pittikenvandine: I unmarked it for karmic (release blocker), but the main task is still open20:48
kenvandinei am not sure how it rates bug wise still though20:48
pittikenvandine: papyon was approved in bug 388898, btw20:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388898 in papyon "Move Empathy Dependencies to Main and Update Desktop Seed" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38889820:49
kenvandinepapyon was needed for butterfly20:49
pittioh, and that also has a butterfly task; let's keep it in one bug then20:49
kenvandinei don't really use msn... i tried it and it seemed to work for me :)20:50
rugby471Laney: also upstream actually told us that they are fine with us using the patch:20:50
kenvandineif we switch to butterfly, perhaps we can drop haze and libpurple from the CD?20:50
ubottuGnome bug 459338 in General "XDG Base Directory Specification and xdg-user-dirs support" [Enhancement,New]20:50
rugby471"In the meantime, you are free to ship this patch"20:50
kenvandinepitti, and we need an MIR for gupnp-igd20:51
kenvandinei am just running out of time here..20:51
rugby471ahh! feature freeze!20:52
kenvandineanyone want to do an MIR for gupnp-igd?20:54
kenvandinepitti, actually you said MIRs after FF is ok?20:54
pittikenvandine: not ideal, but it's okay20:54
didrockspitti: I don't know if you had the time to follow the conversion in xdg mailing list about default association20:56
pittididrocks: no, I'm not on the list20:56
didrockspitti: when/if you have some time:20:56
didrockspitti: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xdg/2009-August/010860.html20:58
* pitti looks at his gtimelog -- MIR reviews 3 hours 48 min20:58
pittigo FF20:59
didrockspitti: good luck :)21:00
Laneyrugby471: You strike a convincing argument (I didn't know upstream were going to do it). I'll take a closer look21:00
pittididrocks: what's the 5-line executive summary? :-)21:00
rugby471hehe thanks21:00
Laneymy camera appears to have died21:00
Laneywhich is particularly annoying21:00
rugby471Laney: btw don't know whether you are interested (but judging by your launchpad avatar) I released a new veriosn of memaker today21:01
rugby471that is annoying21:01
james_wdidrocks: hey21:01
Laneyanything good in it?21:01
rugby471if I do day so myself :-)21:02
rugby471well full launchpad integration21:02
rugby471loads of bug fixes21:02
rugby471better ui21:02
rugby471xdg dirs21:02
rugby471kl stuff21:02
rugby471hopefully will be in karmic21:02
didrockshey james_w o/21:04
james_wdidrocks: did you upload cairo-dock-plug-ins21:04
didrocksjames_w: exactly, why?21:04
james_wdid you know gilir was working on apparently the same package?21:04
james_wdid you just get any mails about the upload?21:04
didrocksjames_w: yes, but he was on vacation and let upstream finish the job21:04
didrocksjames_w: and upstream asked me to finish before FF21:05
didrocksjames_w: and I just get a rejection email :/21:05
james_wwas it a different source package name?21:05
didrocksjames_w: no, source package name is the same…21:05
james_wok, just a transcription error21:06
james_wplease re-upload a -0ubuntu2 with -sa21:06
james_wor maybe without it I'm not sure21:06
james_wyou got caught by some sloppy fingers I'm afraid21:06
didrocksjames_w: ok, so -sa should do the trick, right?21:07
james_whmm, start by uploading the same thing again if you have it21:07
james_wdidrocks: actually, give me 10 minutes21:08
james_wI think you may not need to21:08
didrocksjames_w: ok, I'm stopping dput :)21:08
didrockspitti: you can take a look at http://www.didrocks.fr/temp/mime-actions-spec-0.1.html but last email on the list proposed a new stuff with defaults.list which I don't like too much :/21:09
james_wdid gilir not tell you about the reason for the previous rejection?21:09
didrocksjames_w: he (and upstream) spoke me about bad licensing21:10
didrocksjames_w: upstream told me it's fixed (with a script)21:10
james_wstill doesn't seem to be fixed21:10
didrocksbut as I didn't followed the whole discussion. They just call me to fix the stuff (a lot of things in both cairo-dock and -plugin fixes for lintians errors)21:11
rugby471LAney:got to go now21:11
rugby471Laney: could you email me the resolution?21:11
LaneyI might not do it today anyway21:11
didrocksjames_w: oh, seems that they didn't put the LGPL, right?21:12
rugby471just before karmic releas :-)21:12
james_w"The debian/copyright file you've provided does not include a warranty21:12
james_wdisclaimer, so binaries built from this package are not legal to distribute."21:12
rugby471Laney:see ya21:12
Laneyif i don't email you21:12
Laneycheck the21:12
james_wthere are no warranty disclaimers in debian/copyright still21:12
didrocksjames_w: oh right. I can fix this21:13
didrocksjames_w: did I have to put that below every Licence group file?21:13
didrocksjames_w: or just at the top? (is there a wiki page, never found one for proper copyright)21:14
didrocksjames_w: bbl (in 30 minutes, have to have my dinner :))21:15
james_wdidrocks: you should copy one of the license statements from the headers in to the debian/copyright file for each license21:16
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
didrocksjames_w: I think I will not upload a new version of the package tonight: upstream mixed GPL3 and LGPG licence in relicencing :/21:48
pittigood night everyone21:48
rickspencer3good night pitti21:48
james_wnight pitti21:48
didrocksgood night pitti21:49
rickspencer3hope that it's nice and chilly when you wake up21:49
james_wI accepted by mistake, so I hope that you can get something acceptable uploaded soon21:49
rickspencer3(b/c of feature freeze) ;)21:49
james_wdidrocks: otherwise let me know and I will remove the package until we can21:49
didrocksjames_w: I'm pinging them and they are reactive. I think it will be ok for tomorrow night. Does that seem reasonable?21:50
james_wapologies for my mistake21:50
didrocksok, I'll let you know. Apology for trusting upstream when they said that they fixed the licence thing (I only fixed packaging mistakes) :)21:51
didrocksjames_w: well. Upstream was reactive and a new version is ready. Do you want that I bump the version number or is it ok?22:13
james_wdebian version, or upstream version?22:14
didrocksjames_w: debian version22:14
james_w-0ubuntu2 please22:14
james_wcare to debdiff me to review?22:14
=== Cuddles is now known as YDdraigGoch
didrocksjames_w: sorry, had to fix some stuff with upstream. Unfortunately, I didn't have the previous revision. So I can pastebin the copyright file (the only file which changed in debian/ directory: http://paste.ubuntu.com/260063/22:30
james_wthanks didrocks22:35
james_wyou saved me there22:35
james_wI owe you dinner :-)22:35
didrocksvegetarian, of course :p22:35
didrocksjames_w: uploaded (finally, upstream bumped their revision to reflect last changes)22:39
didrocksI was not aware about the obligation of writting in debian/copyright the "NO WARRANTY" stuff. licensing is so complicated :/22:39
didrocksI'll have a look tomorrow at the cairo-core package, I think that debian/copyright might not be correct as well22:40
didrockswell, time to have some rest now. Have a good night!22:41
awebryce: ping22:43
bryceawe, what's up?22:43
bryceawe, (btw pinging is inefficient... better to just ask away)22:43
aweI did an update this afternoon, and my macbook is *hosed*22:43
aweI thinking it's nvidia or X related22:44
brycedefine hosed?22:44
aweit boots, I see usplash, then I end up at a cmd-line login prompt22:44
bryceawe, only significant X update that's gone in lately is mesa 7.6+git22:44
aweI can login, and re-ran update manager to grab the latest bits, but I still run into the same problem...22:45
bryceawe, mm, can you file a bug with ubuntu-bug so I can get at the logs and such?22:45
awesure, although will that work w/out X running?22:45
awealso what source package should I use?  x?22:46
bryceyes it will.  Some info can't be collected, but for our purposes we don't need that22:46
brycealso attach the log files from /var/log/gdm/22:46
brycefile it against xorg22:46
aweok, filing...22:48
awebryce, I can't seem to get apport-cli to accept my input ( in order to login to LP )22:52
aweis there some trick I'm missing?22:53
brycehmm, not sure22:53
bryceawe, ok well what I'd like to see is your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/gdm/:0.log and output from dmesg22:54
aweXorg.0.log: Failed to load module "nvidia" ( module does not exist )22:56
aweif you want, I can grab the full contents of those files, and pastebin 'em22:57
aweit'll take me a few minutes...22:57
awebryce: I guess I could try un-installing the latest ( 185 ) version of the nvidia driver and see if that resolves things?23:00
TheMusoawe: probably klernel related...23:00
TheMusoas we had another abi bump23:01
TheMusoand you may not have linux-headers-generic installed which pulls the latest headers for the latest kernel23:01
aweno, I do have linux-headers-generic installed23:01
TheMusohrm ok23:02
TheMusoIs the nvidia module loaded?23:02
aweI saw the kernel abi bump install + the nvdia install23:02
aweyes, it's loaded23:02
TheMusohrm ok no idea then. :)23:02
superm1awe, check that nvidia-glx-185 is installed23:05
superm1i think tseliot made a bit of a mistake in his packaging that doesn't transition it properly, but i've not verified this23:05
awesuperm1, yea, i think that may be it... thanks23:06
superm1awe, doh: Package: nvidia-glx-185 conflicts nvidia-glx-180.  nvidia-glx-180 depends on nvidia-glx-18523:07
superm1i dont think that's gonna work :)23:07
superm1there are so many conflicts/replaces in that debian/control file, it's no surprise to get confused though23:08
superm1bryce, could you look at cleaning that stuff up among nvidia-* packages maybe?23:09
brycesuperm1, hmm maybe although I'm not sure my brain is grokky enough with it23:10
superm1bryce, yeah i'm scared to break it all too if i try23:10
brycesuperm1, maybe we could just drop the Depends lines for nvidia-glx-180-*?23:12
superm1bryce, the transition is still the broken point i think though23:13
bryceerf, this is why I hate all the  nvidia-glx-NNN numbering as part of the package23:13
superm1and this is gonna keep happening if all these replaces/conflicts/provides are confusing23:13
brycealright, I'm pretty sure I'm not smart enough to fix this without breaking it worse ;-)23:13
superm1how's this for a solution possibly: switch to a single monolithic source package that contains all the different nvidia drivers that are supported at any given time? you only have conflicts/replaces for each other so you can switch between the different binary packages23:15
superm1it'd be an ugly upload everytime it was uploaded, but it would keep everything in one place and leave you one place to file bugs and stuff23:15
brycehmm, is this the same as bug 418681 ?23:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418681 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "nvidia-glx-185 conflicts nvidia-glx-180 (<< 185.18.37) version is too high, this means that dummy package nvidia-glx-180 can't upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41868123:15
superm1yes i think that's it23:16
awebryce, superm1: I was able to manually install nvidia-glx-185, but it still doesn't resolve things...23:16
superm1new error in the X log?23:17
superm1it certainly shouldn't be the same as you now have the 'nvidia' glx module available23:17
awebryce, superm1: now in my Xorg.0.log I see:23:17
awe/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//nvidia_drv.so: invalid ELF header23:17
superm1are you amd64?23:17
awealthough whenever I get the downtime to fix, I'm going back to i38623:18
bryceouch, that sounds like a kernel version mismatch or something23:19
superm1that could be a packaging problem23:19
superm1check  $file /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//nvidia_drv.so23:19
brycesuperm1, what tseliot and I discussed is to drop the -NNN stuff for the latest driver, and go with a more neutral naming convention.  But he didn't feel comfortable making that change now, and wants to leave it to karmic+1 and just do -185 for now23:20
superm1bryce, problem with a neutral naming convention is when they do have drivers of different series' that support different cards tho23:20
bryceI actually don't mind having the older driver versions bugs split out in separate sources23:21
superm1granted that shouldn't happen all that often, it's happened in the past23:21
superm1so then on a case by case basis upload new source packages for "old" versions as necessary?23:21
brycesuperm1, right well we would still have -77 and so on for the old ones, those don't change so much23:21
superm1but the 'current' one would always be a neutral name23:21
superm1i'm not sure that's going to solve this still23:22
awesuperm1, 'file' tells me it's a data file, and 'nm' can't read any symbols from it.  looks like it's wrong to me...23:23
awesuperm1, don't think we've ever chatted on IRC before.  amusing nick!  ;)23:24
superm1awe, sounds like maybe a corrupted install then? I'd say try to reinstall that deb again.23:24
superm1oh hi awe, i didn't even make the connection until /whois :)23:25
aweme neither! ;D23:25
bryceok, I've subbed tseliot to bug 418681, and awe too23:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418681 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "nvidia-glx-185 conflicts nvidia-glx-180 (<< 185.18.37) version is too high, this means that dummy package nvidia-glx-180 can't upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41868123:26
awebryce, ok, thanks.  it's weird, it looks like 185 installed according to dpkg, but the drv.so file is definitely hosed.23:28
aweI extracted the files from the .deb, and the drv.so is OK23:29
brycehuh, weird23:29
awebryce, superm1, ok, i was able to purge nvidia-glx-180, and re-install -185.  the drv.so file looks correct now.  lemme see if I can bring up X now.23:32
aweif so, I'll add details to the bug23:33
brycemario, hmm, it looks like you did a 185.18.36-0ubuntu1 update for nvidia-graphics-drivers-180, however nvidia-graphics-drivers-185 is at  185.18.31 still.  Something seems out of sync23:33
bryceawe, thanks23:33
aweis there anyway we can get this pulled and/or blacklisted so that other folks don't get hosed?23:33
bryceawe, probably, it's just unclear how23:34
aweyea, that did the trick...23:34
awethanks guys!23:35
brycefor now, guess just document on that bug the steps to manually un-hose things23:35
bryceweird, this doesn't even show the -185 package - http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=nvidia&searchon=sourcenames&suite=karmic&section=all23:38
* TheMuso has found that in the past at least, p.u.c has lagged.23:39
aweapt-cache policy shows it, so it's real.  ;)23:41
bryceTheMuso, that must be it23:42
chrisccoulsonhi pitti - sorry, i had to disappear for a bit23:57
chrisccoulsonthe rarian stuff gets the file URI's from the files in /usr/share/omf23:58
chrisccoulsonrrn_find_entry_from_uri() in librarian/rarian-main.c23:58
chrisccoulsonthis is called from resolve_process_ghelp()23:59

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