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YokoZarHmm, it seems like wine1.2-gecko was deleted from the archive03:25
YokoZaror maybe it never built in the first place...03:26
al-maisanHello there! The new 2.6.31-7-generic kernel gets stuck  (i.e. just sists there, won't boot up) on my lenovo T61 after unlocking an encrypted physical volume. What's the best way to debug this?05:02
StevenKal-maisan: Does it work if you boot -6?05:03
al-maisanStevenK: yes, that's what I fell back to ..05:04
al-maisani.e. that's the kernel I am running presently05:04
TheMusoal-maisan: Someone reported that the 7 kernel breaks encrypted lvm in here yesterday, I think it was dtchen, who is not currently around atm.05:12
al-maisanTheMuso: ah, I see, so it's a known issues. That's good. Thanks for letting me know!05:12
TheMusoWhether a bug has been filed, I don't know.05:13
TheMusoI'd say there has been.05:13
al-maisanOK. I'll search for it.05:13
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al-maisanTheMuso: Bug #41851405:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418514 in linux "linux-image-2.6.31-7.27-generic fails to boot lvm" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41851405:30
TheMusoal-maisan: good to hear that there is one.05:37
* TheMuso notes that he is not affected by this.05:37
al-maisanYeah .. just wanted to make sure it's a known issue.05:37
TheMusoHrm so its not just encrypted LVM, but LVM as well. Hrm maybe I'll have to avoid that kernel as well, since I use LVM not encrypted here...05:51
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dholbachgood morning06:12
al-maisangood morning dholbach :)06:20
dholbachhey al-maisan!06:20
pittiGood morning06:22
StevenKpitti: Morning!06:23
pittihey StevenK06:23
StevenKpitti: It seems all of libcupscgi1 libcupsdriver1 libcupsmime1 libcupsppdc1 cups-ppdc ended up in universe, I promoted them about 15 minutes ago06:23
pittiStevenK: ah, thanks06:23
StevenKpitti: When you have a sec, could you look at bug 419029 ?06:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419029 in humanity-icon-theme "Please promote humanity-icon-theme" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41902906:26
pittiStevenK: approved, bug updated06:28
StevenKpitti: Thanks, I'll promote it06:34
dholbachcan we all try to unsubscribe the sponsors teams from requests that are very old and waiting for input?06:41
dholbachthe list is HUGE06:41
dholbachvorian: what about bug 386428?06:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386428 in xom "Please merge xom_1.2.1-1 (universe) from debian unstable" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38642806:42
dholbachArneGoetje: what about bug 407649?06:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407649 in scim-anthy "Sync scim-anthy 1.2.7-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40764906:46
dholbachogra: can you take a look at bug 385850?06:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385850 in hundredpapercuts "Ship fewer screensavers by default" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38585006:49
* nixternal hugs dholbach 06:59
* dholbach hugs nixternal back07:00
ArneGoetjedholbach: pitti will take care of the sync today07:21
pittialready done07:21
pittioh, I didn't know that you filed new sync bugs, please close them07:21
pittiI thought the requests in the MIR bug were enough07:22
pittidholbach, ArneGoetje ^07:22
ArneGoetjepitti: oh, sorry, that one is scim-anthy07:22
pittioops, indeed, sorry07:23
pittiI synced ibus07:23
pittinevermind me then07:23
dholbachif scim-anthy should go to universe, we should be able to sync it07:23
dholbachand not promote a new recommends to main07:23
ArneGoetjedholbach: well, I will change the language-support-input-* dependencies today to pull ibus instead of scim. So, I think it's safe to put it into universe07:26
dholbachpitti: looks good to you?07:27
pittisure, but it shouldn't be done before it actually gets demoted07:27
dholbachI'll leave it like that then07:27
ArneGoetjeso, change the seeds and language-support- stuff first?07:28
dholbachif anybody could double-check bug 414298 I'd appreciate it07:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414298 in devscripts "Please merge devscripts_2.10.53 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41429807:37
ojwbmvo: any issues with that xapian-core patch?07:42
mvoojwb: no, its seems to be working just fine. no open bugs or crashreports since I uploaded it07:44
mvothanks again for the patch!07:45
ojwbcool, I'm just preparing a new upstream release07:46
dholbachI guess the "machine does not power down on shutdown" bug is already known? IIRC it happens since the -7 kernel07:48
mvodholbach: I have it here too07:52
* pitti too07:58
* TheMuso is not yet on 7 due to the lvm bug.08:00
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ArneGoetjepitti: would it be possible to seed ibus-m17n with its dependencies onto the LiveCD?08:59
pittiArneGoetje: I didn't compare sizes yet; how much space does scim and the default tables take?08:59
ArneGoetjepitti: how do I find out?09:00
pittiapt-cache show packagename | grep ^Size09:00
pittifor all the scim related packages we ship by default09:00
pittiyou can use the .manifest files on cdimage.u.c. daily-live/current to see the list of packages which we ship by default09:01
ArneGoetjethanks, that would help alot09:01
pittian easier method might be to have a clean chroot, and then do "apt-get install <all packages>" and see how much stuff apt needs to download09:02
pittiwith "all packages" being either all seeded scim or all to-be-seeded ibus packages09:02
pittithat's quick for comparing, since it also considers all library dependencies09:02
pittisudo apt-get install ibus ibus-m17n on my system -> 3370kB09:03
pitti(I think you needed some more, right?)09:03
kagouHi,is it possible to collect data for an existing bug ? I mean that ubuntu-bug collect data for a package or a PID but not for an existing bug.09:05
pittikagou: yes; man apport-collect09:05
kagoudamned ! thanks pitti09:06
kagoumay be ubuntu-bu should be enhanced to report to bug too ?09:07
ArneGoetjepitti: I'll make a list09:07
pittikagou: yes, it could be made clever enough for that09:07
cjwatsonoh, seriously, -7 breaks lvm? that's going to be amusing for the installer work I need to get done TODAY09:16
cjwatsonhow exactly does it break lvm? the bug is not very clear, and the one clear symptom (padlock_sha failing to load) wouldn't affect ordinary lvm09:17
cjwatsonso I wonder if some bug conflation is going on09:17
kagoupitti, I'v open a bug for that #41909309:19
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slytherinHi, with latest pulseaudio in karmic, I have very low volume for songs etc. Is this expected?09:36
TheMusoslytherin: No, this is not expected.09:38
slytherinOk. I will log a bug when I go home.09:39
TheMusoslytherin: Is this on your ibook?09:41
slytherinTheMuso: No. My PC. I never had to turn the speaker volume to full before (in jaunty).09:42
TheMusoslytherin: ok then, please file a bug when you get the chance.09:43
slytherinI will tonight.09:44
\shI wonder how do I get sound from flashplayer on karmic 64bit again..the app doesn't show up in pulse mixer somehow...so I don't know where pulseaudio is routing the audio stream to09:44
ogramumble, no glazor09:45
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ArneGoetjepitti: are you sure I need to gret for ^Size: and not for ^Installed-Size?10:08
dholbachTheMuso: not sure if you noticed, but python-louis is in universe10:09
TheMusodholbach: an MIR has been written for it and it has been approved.10:10
TheMusodholbach: I would not have done that otherwise.10:10
dholbachah ok10:10
pittiArneGoetje: yes; we are interested in the compressed size (.debs)10:17
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ArneGoetjepitti: ok...10:17
taavikkoany way for ubuntu-bug to just create the report e.g"test.report" which then could be sent via ssh to other machine and reported that way?10:19
pittitaavikko: unfortunately not with ubuntu-bug; it's meant to be a parameter-less easy interface10:19
pittitaavikko: you can use apport-cli -f -p <package> and save the report, see manpage10:20
pittitaavikko: or, if it's a crash (not a bug report), just don't send it and scp /var/crash/... file10:20
taavikkothanks pitti :) seems ubuntu-bug works in xterm session so no nee10:21
pittitaavikko: yes, it uses apport-cli if there's no $DISPLAY10:26
\shif any archive admin of the day can look at bug #419099 that would be great...we would like to get this solved before FF10:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419099 in fai "Please remove fai source package and all resulting binary packages from karmic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41909910:26
taavikkothanks for all the work on ubuntu-bug/apport it makes it so much easier to provide better info on bugs.10:27
pitti*beam* :)10:27
* pitti does the finishing touches for intercepting assertion messages in apport10:27
* directhex calls assert() in some platform code, to make pitti feel needed10:29
pittidirecthex: Keybuk has plenty of them apparently :)10:29
directhexpulse is chock full of 'em10:30
pittiArneGoetje: so, ibus ibus-gtk ibus-m17n pull in 3.5 MB10:33
ArneGoetjepitti: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/259752/10:33
pittiah, that's probably imprecise since I have scim installed10:33
pittiwhich might share some tables10:33
ArneGoetjepitti: the numbers in that list are the grep'ed Size: field10:34
pittiArneGoetje: ah, nice10:34
ArneGoetjepitti: what apt-get gives you is the Instaled-Size, AFAIK10:34
pittiArneGoetje: that's not just scim->ibus, but also font changes? or are the fonts related to ibus?10:34
ArneGoetjepitti: no, font changes are extra10:34
pittiArneGoetje: it gives you both ("Es müssen 3459kB an Archiven heruntergeladen werden." -> deb size)10:34
pittiArneGoetje: ok10:34
ArneGoetjepitti: I might do some more font shuffeling, so this list is not final in that regard10:35
pittiArneGoetje: thanks for the analysis10:35
pittiArneGoetje: the seed changes are blocked by the im-switch update, right?10:36
ArneGoetjepitti: yeah10:36
ArneGoetjepitti: can we discuss the im-switch changes somewhere?10:38
pittisure, /msg?10:38
ArneGoetjepitti: ok10:39
ograglatzor, moo10:51
glatzorogra, servus!10:53
glatzorogra, the armel failure?10:53
ograglatzor, you dropped my fix from packagekit :'(10:53
ograhughsie always forgets to drop -Werror from his tarballs10:54
glatzorogra, in the 0.5 series it is optional10:54
* ogra had that issue a thousand times with gnome-power-manager beforte10:54
ograwell, it makes armel ftbfs10:54
glatzorogra, I will rework the patch10:55
ograthanks a lot10:55
ograthough it would be nice if he could disable it upstream before rolling a release10:55
ograi know seb128 rants about that all the time too :)10:55
glatzorogra, it is also always a topic on the maling list :)10:55
pittiogra: what's wrong with -Werror?10:56
pittiogra: I'd rather get an armel build fix upstream than to kludge around with it?10:56
ograpitti, armel (sparc and ppc too) often have simple warnings ...10:56
ograpitti, seb always tells me its gnome policy that there is no -Werror in the released tarballs10:57
liwwhy does armel have lots of simple warnings?10:57
pittiogra: I don't know, if that's the policy he should stick to it of course10:57
pittibut still, I actually like programs which don't have warnings, too10:58
ograliw, feel free to fix them ... if the app works fine but a build dies because of Werror i perfer to just drop the Werror according to the upstream policy10:58
liwogra, why do the warnings happen on armel but not on x86?10:58
pittithat should depend on the actual warning10:58
pittiwe had warnings about pointer misalignments which were real bugs10:59
liw(I'm not worried, merely mildly curious)10:59
pitti^ me too10:59
ograliw, because certain kinds of vars are handled differemntly for example10:59
ogra/usr/include/gstreamer-0.10/gst/gstmessage.h: In function 'gst_message_ref':11:00
ogra/usr/include/gstreamer-0.10/gst/gstmessage.h:302: error: cast increases required alignment of target type11:00
ograthats the current warning that makes packagekit die for example11:00
liwthat sounds like a real bug to me :)11:00
liw(but then I'm a C standards compliance purist)11:00
ograthe app functions as its supposed to11:01
pittisounds like a potential bug, though11:01
lifelesseven on sparc ?11:01
pittiit wouldn't be the first time that sparc crashes because of a misaligned variable11:01
* liw wants to sell his hardcover paper copy of the 1999 C standard, thoug11:01
dholbachcjwatson: should juli_ be able to upload stuff (libnb-javaparser-java) already?11:01
dholbachthanks cjwatson11:02
ogralifeless, well, http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ ... packagekit is dep wait on sparc :)11:02
* ogra thinks if a warning should be a bug or error it should actually spit out an error and not a warning11:03
ograwe have tons of packages that build with warnings in the build logs11:04
ograthey simply dont have Werror set :)11:04
Keybukpitti: but sadly my asserts don't make it into apport :-(11:04
pittiKeybuk: they should now :)11:05
Laneyhappyaron: I'm just looking at tor. Do you know if upstream are going to give you any help with supporting old releases?11:05
pitti(not uploaded yet, still finishing touches)11:05
Keybukpitti: how?  I don't use assert() :p11:05
Keybukpitti: also the kernel doesn't wait for apport to complete before panicing yet11:05
pittiKeybuk: ah, I thought you did, since you pushed for it in https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/security-karmic-apport-abort11:05
pittiKeybuk: the latter point is what I asked about in the whiteboard, that point isn't clear to me11:05
happyaronLaney: they seems won't, but I think if update the package in repository is acceptable for us, I can do it11:06
Laneyyou mean a new upstream version?11:06
Keybukpitti: the __assert_msg stuff?  If that works, I can certainly put the message in there :-)11:06
pittiKeybuk: right11:06
happyaronLaney: I can catch up with the new releases in upstream repository, and re-pack the packages for ours11:07
Keybukpitti: I saw that someone has proposed a patch to make the kernel wait for apport to finish before making the process a zombie as well11:07
Laneyhappyaron: The SRU policy doesn't usually allow for that though11:07
happyaronLaney: yeah, this is the key problem now11:08
pittiKeybuk: I thought the whiteboard said something about apport needing to defer close()ing stdin until it's fully done or so?11:08
happyaronLaney: I've mentioned in that bug, upstream can raise version number however they like to11:09
pittiKeybuk: actually, apport doesn't do any special magic to close stdin11:10
pittiit just reads until EOF11:10
Laneyit's a bit of a difficult issue really11:11
Keybukpitti: doesn't work, the kernel still panics too early11:11
Laneyhappyaron: I would appreciate it if you could talk to some members of the SRU team11:12
Laneyif you can work out some arrangement with them then we should go ahead11:12
happyaronLaney: where can I find them?11:12
Keybukpitti: http://lkml.org/lkml/2009/6/22/36811:12
Keybukpitti: we need part of that patch set11:13
Laneyhappyaron: https://launchpad.net/~motu-sru/+members11:13
happyaronLaney: how much time do we still have from now to DIF?11:14
LaneyFF is what you care about, and it's tomorrow11:14
LaneyI would rather get an exception than rush though11:15
didrocksliw: Hey, I'm reading this discussion (bug #329060) about the automatic symlinking of identical changelog files. What does this (as I have it also in my pbuilder), dpkg-buildpackage, pkgbinarymangler?11:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329060 in lintian "Please disable "debian-changelog-file-is-a-symlink" warning" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32906011:15
happyaroncody-somerville: hi11:16
cody-somervillehappyaron, hello11:17
liwdidrocks, I don't know what does the symlinking of identical changelogs11:17
happyaroncody-somerville: I would like to ask you about some SRU issue about tor11:17
cody-somervillehappyaron, Okay.11:17
didrocksliw: ok, and there is nothing written in wiki.ubuntu.com? In any case, I think i'll try to patch at least lintian11:18
cjwatsondidrocks: cdbs11:18
liwdidrocks, patching lintian (in Ubuntu) to not warn about that would be good, yes11:18
happyaroncody-somerville: as I want tor could reintroduce to ubuntu, we need to update it whenever upstream update the package, or upstream will be unhappy to the packages they don't support11:19
cjwatsonthe warning is still correct for Debian though, so that isn't upstreamable11:19
didrockscjwatson: I'm using debhelper 7 in the present case, so where is the common denominator? :)11:19
cjwatsonif you're using debhelper 7 I'm not sure I believe you that automatic symlinking is happening :)11:19
cjwatsonto the best of my knowledge dh7 doesn't do that11:20
happyaroncody-somerville: I mean we need to keep the package up-to-date rather than keep it a specific version in our repository as other packages11:20
cjwatsontry DH_VERBOSE=1 to see what's going on?11:20
didrockscjwatson: It's just appear on a package which uses dh7 (and I didn't notice it before)11:20
cjwatsonmaybe the package is doing it for itself?11:20
didrockscjwatson: yeah, I'm testing that now :)11:20
cjwatsonas in, hand-coded stuff in debian/rules11:20
pitticjwatson, didrocks: it's done by /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk11:20
didrockscjwatson: not from what I see11:20
cjwatsonpitti: right, that's why I said "cdbs", but it's not a native debhelper thing11:21
cody-somervillehappyaron, Is there a particular reason why?11:21
pittiso all cdbs packages which include that (IOW, pretty much _all_ cdbs packages) get it11:21
pitticjwatson: right, just to confirm you, it's not done in dh proper11:21
didrockspitti: cjwatson : ok, i didn't see but the package is using dh 7 commands, but it includes debhelper.mk. So, here is the explanation :/11:22
* didrocks will fix this11:22
didrocksthanks ;)11:23
happyaroncody-somerville: we have tor in our repository before, but once upstream filed a bug to request a deletion of it because they don't want us ship the old version of their software that they don't support any more, and if we want to reintroduce it, we need to keep it up-to-date or upstream may file another bug to do it again11:23
cody-somervillehappyaron, What sort of changes are made between versions? How often do they release?11:24
pittididrocks: what package in particular, BTW?11:25
pittididrocks: (please note that if you drop cdbs for packages which have translations, you also need to do a lot of other stuff manually, like createing POT files, adding gettext domains to desktop files, and the like)11:25
didrockspitti: it's upstream cairo doc package (not yet in ubuntu). They want to replace the current ubuntu package but I have to fix a lot of issues first.11:26
pittididrocks: ok, doesn't sound like something that would be on the CDs then11:27
happyaroncody-somerville: mostly security updates, and they update it not very frequently but not very regular, either11:27
didrockspitti: ok, so maybe, it's better to remove the debhelper 7 overrides call and change them in cdbs equivalent?11:27
pittididrocks: your choice11:27
didrockspitti: yes, little chance it hits the CD ;)11:27
cody-somervillehappyaron, ever any non-security updates? ie. new features11:28
happyaroncody-somerville: we can jump over several releases, just keep the package's version is still supported by upstream is bearable11:28
happyaroncody-somerville: that will take nearly one year for a new one, and the old one will be dropped to unsupported11:28
jackmeep...i'm someone who "steals" a lot of ubuntu packages and stuff for fink/macos x11:32
jackjust packaging indicator-applet...i wonder what else i need to make that worthwhile ;)11:32
jacklibdbusmenu is done already, too11:33
pittijack: I think it's best to talk to tedg or kenvandine in #ubuntu-desktop, but both of them are in USish timezone and still asleep11:33
jackno suggestions? any fancy apps that use libindicate or libdbusmenu?11:34
pittijack: indicator-applet itself is just the base functionality, you need "plugins" to do useful stuff with it; like indicator-evolution, the pidgin plugin, or indicator-session11:34
ojwblook at the reverse dependencies?11:34
jackthe ubuntu pdb unfortunately doesn't let me walk dep chains11:34
pittiindicator-messages, too11:34
jackojwb: sure, just what i was thinking :)11:34
ojwbjack: ah, no ubuntu install i guess?11:35
jackpitti: ok cool, will try the pidgin stuff next11:35
jackojwb: i'm still running kubuntu-feisty on my old craptop11:35
jackthe rest are all macs11:35
Laneyhappyaron: How does Debian get away with it? The version in Lenny hasn't been updated11:35
happyaronLaney: they have a so-called trust chain, and the maintainer of tor in Debian is who work for upstream deb repository11:36
Laneydoes that get around the security holes?11:36
Riddelljack: a chroot would work.  on the kubuntu side konversation has support and I should upload kmail and kopete today with it11:36
jackRiddell: work for what? feisty!11:37
jackthat's almost previous-millenium-ubuntu11:37
Riddella karmic chroot would work for feisty yes11:37
Riddelljack: oh and libindicate-qt of course11:37
jackbut i don't have a box that would be good enough for karmic ;)11:37
Riddelljack: so make a chroot so you can find the rdepends and do apt-cache search and whatnot11:38
jackbut i can't install current ubuntu pkgs without a working karmic ;)11:38
jacki just harvest from packages.ubuntu.com, mainly11:39
ttxjames_w: around ?11:39
jackwithout ever having seen the stuff running on a current ubuntu box11:39
james_whi ttx11:39
ttxjames_w: hey :)11:39
ttxjames_w: about the repacking notes for jetty611:39
ttxjames_w: it's the orig.tar.gz from debian experimental. There is a README.source that documents it. Do you want me to +dfsg it ?11:40
ttxjames_w: also do you know how repacking should be stated in the new debian/copyright format ?11:42
happyaronLaney: they update it in unstable as far as I know, I didn't do research on how they solve it for stables11:42
ttxjames_w: note sure adding non-URI stuff to the Source: line is ok. Maybe I can use Disclaimer:11:45
james_wttx: I'm not sure I'm afraid11:45
james_wttx: I wouldn't consider it a blocker seeing as it is already in11:46
Laneyhappyaron: That's the main issue though isn't it?11:47
ttxjames_w: well, kees sees it as a MIR blocker. Maybe you can chime in on bug 41883611:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418836 in jetty6 "MIR jetty6" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41883611:47
happyaronLaney: okay, I will do it right now11:47
Laneyie why is it OK for Debian to ship old releases but not Ubuntu11:47
james_wttx: yeah, I'd use disclaimer11:48
happyaronLaney: they update it to the version upstream support, in lenny and etch-backports11:49
happyaronLaney: upstream requested a deletion for our 0.1.x version's packages11:49
Laneyso that changes things a bit11:50
Laneyie we don't need to update to the current release all the time11:50
happyaronLaney: yes, I agree, keep it the version upstream support is ok, only when it's not supported any more we need to update it11:51
Laneycody-somerville: ^^^11:51
cody-somervilleAre they fine with the updates going into -backports instead of -updates?11:53
happyaroncody-somerville: for older releases is ok, but how to do it for current release if update is needed?11:56
cody-somervillehappyaron, You simply need to request a backport.11:56
cody-somervillehappyaron, If the new version is only security fixes, a security upload can also be done.11:56
happyaroncody-somerville: but if there is a new release with new features, I think this is the most difficult thing to concern?11:58
cody-somervillehappyaron, If there is new features, the updated version could go into backports.11:58
happyaroncody-somerville: I have said it's okay for older releases, but what about current release, just like Jaunty, there is no backports before Karmic is out11:59
cody-somervillehappyaron, AFAIK, there is.12:00
cody-somervillehappyaron, I just looked and there is definitely packaged in jaunty-backports12:01
happyaroncody-somerville: oh, that's good, what I need to do is request for security updates/backports, right?12:01
cody-somervillehappyaron, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#How%20to%20request%20new%20packages <-- backports process12:02
happyaroncody-somerville: that's good12:02
happyaronLaney: ~12:03
cody-somervillehappyaron, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures <-- Security updates process12:03
Laneydepends if you consider backports to be first-class12:03
happyaronLaney: I don't think so in fact12:04
Laneythey aren't enabled by default for example12:04
happyaronLaney: security updates can solve part of the problem, but -updates will be better than -backports I think12:05
happyaroncody-somerville: if a new releases with features updated, how can it added to -updates?12:05
LaneyWhen upstream decide to stop supporting a series, it's likely that the new one introduces new features right?12:05
Laneybut also has security fixes and so on12:05
cody-somervillehappyaron, It won't, it'll go into -backports12:06
happyaronLaney: yes, new feature and unsolved bugs12:06
happyaronLaney: oh, I mean the old one has unsolved bugs, a typo12:07
Laneywell the original problem is that upstream don't want us to ship their unsupported releases right?12:07
LaneySo is an update in -backports good enough for them?12:08
happyaronLaney: debian just backport it, if we can include it to -updates, things will be better12:09
happyaronLaney: and debian deleted the package from etch but include it again in backports, that means users can only get in in backports12:10
tkamppeterpitti: Hi12:12
pittihi tkamppeter12:19
tkamppeterpitti, we have talked about a CUPS SRU for Hardy in DFublin, do you remember which problem we talked about?12:20
pittitkamppeter: no, I'm afraid not12:20
tkamppeterI have found two SRU candidates: bug 372118 and bug 307471, but what we talked about in Dublin was something else.12:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372118 in cups "CUPS does not work with Firefox, HTTPS bug (Hardy LTS)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37211812:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307471 in cupsys "Multi bin printing broken in OpenOffice.org due to cupsys pstops filter bug" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30747112:24
tkamppeterpitti: ^^12:24
pittitwo weeks of holiday don't help for remembering..12:24
pittianyway, lunch time, bbl12:25
happyaronLaney: what to do next?12:26
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Laneyhappyaron: I don't know :(12:53
taavikkoAny thoughts? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/41912612:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419126 in gdm "gdm loops after logging in" [Undecided,New]12:56
TheMusocody-somerville: What has xubuntu done regarding theming the new gdm for karmic?13:10
cody-somervilleTheMuso, I'm going to upload gdm-2.20 today13:10
TheMusocody-somerville: Oh so the older GDM? Ok.13:11
cody-somervilleTheMuso, right13:11
TheMusoFair enough, I can understand why you want to stick with that.13:12
ograhrm, who made my laptop so unstable13:23
* ogra just upgraded and experiences hangs 13:23
debfxis pidgin 2.6 going to make it into karmic?13:25
hyperairif not today, never =(13:25
slytherinhyperair: why never?13:25
hyperairer unless you count backports13:25
ograup to the MOTU i'd guess13:25
TheMusoAfaik pidgin is still main.13:26
hyperairyeah pidgin's still in main13:26
ogragiven the default gets switched to telepathy anyway i would guess it goes to universe13:26
hyperairno, there are a fair few things in main that aren't default13:26
hyperaire.g. irssi13:26
Laneythere's a diff up for sponsoring13:26
ograbecause main devs take care for irssi13:26
hyperairquickly sponsor it then! =O13:26
ograif nobody does that for pidgin it will go to universe13:27
debfxtelepathy depends on libpurple (pidgin)13:27
ograso that lib would sty in main13:27
Laneycan you have source in universe and binary in main?13:27
Laneythought not13:28
TheMusoYou can have the other way around however.13:28
hyperairyou can?13:28
hyperairhow does that work?13:28
ograah, i didnt know libpurple has no own source13:29
hyperairisn't pool/ sorted by component/source/?13:29
TheMusoBinaries can be built from source packages in main and they go to universe due to not being needed/depended on by anything in main eg seeds etc.13:30
ograTheMuso, while i have you here, any idea about the FTBFS of pulse on armel ?13:30
hyperairhmm i thought you could only copy source packages, not binaries without sources13:30
* ogra doesnt really get why pulse needs CPU assembler for volume control13:31
hyperairheh assembler? seriously?13:31
TheMusoogra: Nor do I, but there are CPU optimizations for arm, SSE, and mmx. I have pinged the guy who wrote the arm code about the error.13:31
TheMusoogra: It was not Lennart who wrote it.13:31
ograah, k, but it was forwarded, thats good13:31
TheMusoThe SSE/MMX code is in x86 assembler as well.13:31
ograTheMuso, thanks for that13:31
TheMusoogra: np.13:32
TheMusoNo response so far.13:32
ograwell, i didnt know there is specific arm code, probably we just need to make sure it gets actually used, i'll take a look later13:32
TheMusook thanks13:32
slytherinhyperair: Tomorrow is FF, If someone prepares detailed report for FFE for pidgin and FFE is approved it can still go on.13:33
ogramight be it doesnt know its actually on arm13:33
ograand tries SSE13:33
TheMusoogra: No it knows its on arm.13:33
ograhmm, k13:33
TheMusoogra: I suggest you look at the build log, that will probably help you work out a lot at a glance.13:33
ograi did already13:34
ograi'll try a local armel build though13:34
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
hyperairslytherin: hmm true, that13:34
debfxcould someone consider sponsoring pidgin-plugin-pack (bug #256419), the current version in ubuntu is really old13:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256419 in purple-plugin-pack "pidgin-plugin-pack needs updating" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25641913:40
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pittittx: hm, is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EucalyptusInMainSpec/Packages supposed to be complete? it's e. g. missing axis and axis2c13:56
ttxpitti: the C bits have their own MIR pages. This was supposed to track java stuff13:57
pittittx: ah, ok13:57
ttxpitti: what do you mean by "axis" ? there is just axiséc and rampart on the C side13:57
ttxaxis2c, even13:57
pittittx: I wanted to promote the lot now, and review it afterwards, but we need open MIR bugs or being in that table for everyting13:57
ttxpitti: those were opened.13:58
ttxNote that component-mismatches lists a lot of unnecessary stuff13:58
pittittx: it's a build dep of libmx4j-java13:58
ttxpitti: for some reason it thinks the old "eucalyptus-javadeps" is needed13:58
pittittx: not really, it's usually fairly accurate; what's an example of "unnecessary"?13:58
ttxpitti: axis was in main before, methink13:58
ttxpitti: unnecessary = eucalyptus-javadeps and all its dependencies.13:59
pittittx: ok, I think I'll do it the other way around; I promote eucalyptus and all the packages on that wiki page, and then we'll see in c-m what's left13:59
ttxpitti: that includes the scary glassfish and the jboss stuff13:59
pittio eucalyptus-javadeps: eucalyptus-javadeps13:59
pitti   [Reverse-Depends: eucalyptus-cloud]13:59
ttxpitti: "apt-cache show eucalyptus-cloud" doesn't show eucalyptus-javadeps14:00
ttx(and it is right)14:00
ttxpitti: it was required for euca 1.5. But I spent the most part of this cycle getting rid of it14:01
ttxno clue why it shows now as a eucalyptus-cloud dep.14:01
pitticjwatson: hm, any idea why c-m shows above dependency, although it doesn't exist?14:02
cjwatsonI answered this yesterday in ttx's hearing :)14:02
cjwatsonit's because c-m checks all architectures and it's still needed on ia6414:02
* ttx blames soren, then :P14:02
pittiah, thanks14:03
ttxI guess 1.6 failed to build on ia64 and still carries 1.514:03
cjwatson14:24 London time on this channel14:03
* ttx is too busy trying to enable testsuites in poorly-coded java stacks14:03
cjwatsonsomebody could remove the ia64 packages for the time being as a slightly unusual option, perhaps14:03
pittiokay, will do that14:04
apacheloggermvo: do you want apturl to either start apturl-gtk or apturl-kde, or just use 2 bins (latter would obviously make -gtk and -kde conflict due to registration in firefox)14:04
Riddellconflicting isn't good, then you probably couldn't install ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop together14:05
pittittx: ok, ia64 packages removed; thanks for the heads up14:06
pittithis should clear c-m in two hours14:06
ttxpitti: cool. I tried to triplecheck the list for any missing stuff but had trouble with that in the way.14:07
mvoapachelogger: hm, better to have a single binary I guess, but if two packages is easier, that is fine with me as well14:07
pittittx: after promoting the list in the wiki, we'll see what's left14:07
sorencjwatson: I'm /reasonably/ sure it would build on ia64 if only the buildd's would ever get to it.14:09
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sorencjwatson: So if someone with the appropriate powers could put it to the front of the queue...14:11
* soren forgets who can do that these days14:11
* soren will brb14:12
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* soren returns14:20
apacheloggermvo: how about that: have apturl check for KDE_FULL_SESSION invoke apturl-kde if set, otherwise apturl-gtk ... keep -kde and -gtk as binaries as well, so the user can also call apturl-kde if KDE_FULL_SESSION is not set accordingly14:21
mvoapachelogger: sounds good to me14:22
cjwatsonsoren: I can, one moment14:25
sorencjwatson: Excellent, thank you!14:26
cjwatsonsoren: yes, well. the problem is that the kees/toolchain PPA is DOSing the buildds. It's next in the queue, but that's 23 hours from now14:27
sorenHe has a single job that takes that long?14:29
ScottKMight have been nice to do that the day AFTER feature freeze.14:29
cjwatsonsoren: openjdk apparently14:30
cjwatsonScottK: we can probably live with the ia64 and powerpc buildds being unavailable even today; the other buildds are fine14:31
pittisoren: even more curious, two different openjdk versions are building at the same time..14:34
pittibut there's still no LP API to cancel a build, so I can't help here; you need lamont for that if its urgent (which it isn't, I think)14:34
lamontwe've been giving kees crap about that :-)14:36
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pittihow does one get the grub menu nowadays?15:20
slytherinpitti: what do you mean by 'get'?15:21
rickspencer31Keybuk: ^15:21
pittiwell, I want to see and use it15:21
rickspencer31slytherin: well ... when I boot, it just skips grub15:21
superm1Keybuk, are you going to plan on pulling in newer udev releases after FF still, or will you start cherry picking fixes as necessary?15:21
pittiit's apparently the new grub2 default15:21
rickspencer31and doesn't ask me how to get there15:21
Keybuksuperm1: depends what else goes into the udev releases15:21
slytherinpitti: rickspencer31: the timeouts are very small (5 sec and 3sec).15:21
bdrung_Keybuk: you talked yesterday about three unit standards and O'Reilly Style Guide, do you have a link for that?15:21
pittislytherin: they are 0 for me15:22
pittiI don't see the menu at all15:22
Keybukbdrung_: http://oreilly.com/oreilly/author/stylesheet.html15:22
Keybuk * K = 1024; k = 1000. So a 56 kbps modem is equal to 56,000 bps, while 64K of memory is equal to 65,536.15:22
lamontwould someone please find whoever thought having the transcodebuild do "make -j" was a good idea and beat them over the head with some hardware?15:22
lamontoh wait.  did I say that out loud?15:22
slytherinpitti: yu canc hange the timeouts in /etc/default/grub and then run upgrade-grub15:24
bdrung_Keybuk: but that would only apply for K/k, not for M or G15:24
evandpitti: I believe you can still hit escape to enter the menu.15:24
cjwatsonwhat he said15:25
slytherinAnd yes, escape should work, provided you figure out when to use it15:25
Keybukbdrung_: indeed15:25
cjwatsonthis will change15:25
rickspencer31thanks evand15:25
cjwatsonspecifically it will change to showing you the menu if (a) you are multi-booting or (b) you hold down shift at boot15:25
bdrung_Keybuk: so it is no alternative15:25
Keybukbdrung_: still worth mentioning15:25
cjwatsonor if you change the default configuration of course15:25
bdrung_so we are back to 2 solutions15:25
Keybukcjwatson: is it still waiting during a timeout, or did that get fixed?15:26
cjwatsonKeybuk: I'm working on it with upstream15:26
cjwatsonit's actually quite difficult to get it right in a way that doesn't totally funt upgrades, but I'm working on it15:26
cjwatsonI have something that *works*, but only if you are careful to run grub-install as well as update-grub15:27
cjwatsonso I'm holding off until I get a bit of backward compatibility sorted out15:27
Keybukupgrades from grub1->grub215:27
Keybukor just updates from grub2->grub2?15:27
cjwatsondon't worry, I will get it done15:28
Keybukah right, at worst that's only developers and competent people :p15:29
cjwatsonmy bug mailbox disagrees with the latter :-/15:29
jdstrandsoren: oh! I forgot to mention I added an apport hook for libvirt-bin15:29
Keybukcjwatson: I said "developers and" :P15:29
* liw wonders what Kelvin-Bels would measure15:30
Keybukdh_installinit is making my head explode15:31
jdstrandsoren: it'll grab stuff related to apparmor debugging when using apport*. Having people use 'apport-collect -p libvirt-bin <bug number>' after the initial report will likely prove helpful :)15:31
Keybukthe parts of my brain that understood Perl have long since atrophied15:31
cjwatsonI actually have the backward compat entirely working now apart from USB keyboards, and USB is making my head hurt15:34
sorenjdstrand: You rock! :)15:35
jdstrand 515:36
mathiazapw: hey - I'm trying to debug an issue with an upstream15:37
mathiazapw: and one of the question is whether the karmic kernel carry specific scheduler patches15:38
cjwatsonhmm, I'm beginning to wonder if I've found a bug in qemu's USB keyboard implementation15:41
evandcjwatson: is it the ctrl-alt-arrow issue?15:44
evandah, nevermind then15:44
cjwatsonit doesn't seem to be reporting modifier keys held down at boot15:44
cjwatsondespite me prodding the idle rate15:44
ttxpitti: component-mismatches was refreshed. There are a few on that list that were in main before, thus shouldn't require MIR: axis backport-util-concurrent bouncycastle commons-beanutils dom4j jaxme junitperf libcommons-collections3-java libcommons-discovery-java libjaxen-java libjdom1-java libmx4j-java libxpp2-java libxpp3-java xom15:46
cjwatson            /* TODO: Implement finite idle delays.  */15:46
cjwatsonhmm :-)15:46
ttxpitti: commons-beanutils has new depends (maven-repo-helper/libstax-java) but I'll fix that now. Someone must have synced a part of the new debian maven stack inadvertantly15:47
pittittx: we need to check them again for complying with the default-jdk policy, though15:49
pittittx: there also seem to be some stragglers, like rampart15:51
slytherinttx: Only yesterday I was wondering why libcommons-collections3-java got moved to universe. :-)15:52
ttxpitti: So you want to track them in the MIR page as well ? Or my promise to fix default-jdk on them is sufficient ?15:52
mathiazKeybuk: hi - we're still tracking down the libdbus issue we ran into yesterday for sssd15:53
ttxpitti: for axis2c and rampart, please see soren. I already have trouble staying afloat with the java stuff.15:53
pittittx: oh, did you already check them?15:53
pittittx: would be nice to add the ones to the wiki page which still need conversion15:53
mathiazKeybuk: dropping Rawhide libdbus into karmic doesn't fix the problem15:53
ttxpitti: no. and based on my experience, they probably are not ok.15:54
mathiazKeybuk: however it works correctly on a rawhide system15:54
pittittx: ok, can you put the lot on the wiki page for now, then?15:54
pittiI get them promoted15:54
mathiazKeybuk: so we're not sure if libdbus is the culprit here. But that's the only symptom we have so far15:54
ttxpitti: worksforme.15:54
mathiazKeybuk: We successfully open a socket and start the D-BUS communication, but it never completes the handshake15:54
mathiazKeybuk: We see about half of the handshake (it requires a BEGIN/OK and an ID/ACK). We're only seeing BEGIN/OK, but the ID/ACK never gets sent, and so subsequent requests don't go through15:55
mathiazKeybuk: what else could wrong at this level?15:55
Keybukmathiaz: that usually indicates a bug in main loop handling in the application15:55
Keybukit's not supplying libdbus with the new data received on the socket15:55
mathiazsgallagh: ^^15:56
pittittx: promoted; let's see in 1.5 hours, when publisher ran and c-m refreshes again15:56
sgallaghKeybuk: Yeah, that's what I'm investigating now15:56
ttxi'm fixing commons-beanutils in the meantime, shouldn't require any maven-repo-helper stuff in main15:57
Keybuksgallagh: are you using libdbus directly in native mode?15:57
sgallaghKeybuk: Thing is, though, I LD_PRELOADed the tevent library that is working in Fedora, and I still don't get a result15:57
Keybukor are you using some other bindings (like gdbus, gbus, egg-dbus, dbus-glib, etc.)15:57
sgallaghThat provides our entire mainloop15:57
sgallaghKeybuk: I wrote the mainloop integration for libtevent15:57
sgallaghKeybuk: As previously stated, it works fine on Fedora and OpenSUSE15:57
Keybukit could be any kind of difference though15:57
sgallaghKeybuk: I don't follow that15:58
Keybukfollow which?15:59
sgallagh"it could be any kind of difference though"15:59
sgallaghKeybuk: Can you elaborate?15:59
Keybukif you're starving a socket, any number of differences between Ubuntu and Fedora could be the casue16:00
Keybukeven down to kernel scheduling16:00
Keybukbuffer sizes16:00
Keybukdiffering glibc versions16:00
Keybukdiffering optimisation flags16:00
Keybukit would still mean the bug was in your main loop16:01
sgallaghKeybuk: Ok, I can eliminate most of those (I've already tested them)16:01
sgallaghI mounted my Ubuntu disk in Fedora and chrooted it, so that eliminates the kernel scheduling16:01
Keybukdo you have a full strace of the each side of the attempt to make a connection?16:01
sgallaghKeybuk: Yeah, I sent it to you yesterday, didn't I?16:01
sgallaghKeybuk: (02:59:42 PM) sgallagh: Keybuk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/259446/ (the Karmic version)16:02
sgallagh(02:59:54 PM) NCommander: or any archive admin?16:02
sgallagh(03:00:43 PM) sgallagh: Keybuk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/259449/ (the working Fedora version)16:02
sgallaghThat's just the side making the connection, not the side receiving it, but since that's the side that's failing to send the second half of the message, it should be sufficient for examination16:03
Keybuksgallagh: no, I need to see both sides16:03
Keybukand only on Ubuntu16:03
sgallaghKeybuk: Ok, just a minute. I have that one too16:03
sgallaghHmm, gotta regenerate it. /tmp got wiped out16:04
Keybukcan you regenerate both at the same time then please16:04
sgallaghKeybuk: Of course.16:04
Awsoonn_Has anyone installed using today's alt cd image with success?16:08
sgallaghKeybuk: http://fedorapeople.org/~sgallagh/sssd_err.tar.bz216:11
Awsoonn_Should I file a bug on the fact installation will not complete, and grub2 appears to not be configureing itself correctly or wait for the next alpha?16:12
sgallaghKeybuk: .2114 is the monitor, which receives the connection, .2115 is the data provider, which initiates the connection to the monitor16:12
sgallaghKeybuk: On .2114, FD 10 is the connection from the data provider. On .2115, FD 11 is the connection to monitor16:13
Keybuksgallagh: err, so16:14
Keybukthe monitor says OK16:14
Keybukwrite(10, ""..., 37)                      = 3716:14
Keybuk | 00000  4f 4b 20 37 33 64 36 34  39 33 61 38 65 38 34 30  OK 73d64 93a8e840 |16:14
Keybuk | 00010  66 35 31 33 39 35 39 62  65 64 39 34 61 39 35 34  f513959b ed94a954 |16:14
Keybuk | 00020  66 66 61 0d 0a                                    ffa..             |16:14
Keybuksgallagh: honestly though16:16
Keybukthis strace looks rather broken16:16
Keybukyou have multiple dbus socket connections on both ends16:16
sgallaghKeybuk: It's not broken, they both act as a D-BUS server for different processes16:17
sgallaghThat's why I specified the specific file descriptors for one example16:17
sgallaghKeybuk: A quick architecture description:16:18
Keybukbut you never read from it in the client again16:18
Keybukin fact16:18
Keybukyou appear to be not even checking your epoll_ctl return values16:18
Keybukepoll_ctl(5, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 11, {EPOLLIN|EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP, {u32=26154624, u64=26154624}}) = -1 EEXIST (File exists)16:18
Keybukso you're not even *polling* for read16:18
Keybuk(the last epoll_ctl on fd 11 is:16:18
Keybukepoll_ctl(5, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 11, {EPOLLOUT|EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP, {u32=26154448, u64=26154448}}) = 016:18
Keybukso there's no EPOLLIN there16:18
Keybukso you'll never get notified of the pending data16:18
Keybukand thus never complete16:18
rtgkirkland, any more info on padlock-sha ?16:19
sgallaghKeybuk: Uh, read a little further. We're doing an EPOLLIN immediately after the write16:19
sgallaghAnd that's the last thing we see16:19
Keybukno you're not16:19
sgallaghKeybuk: Which file are you looking at?16:20
tkamppeterpitti, hi16:20
Keybukwrite(11, ""..., 18) = 1816:20
Keybuk | 00000  41 55 54 48 20 45 58 54  45 52 4e 41 4c 20 33 30  AUTH EXT ERNAL 30 |16:20
Keybuk | 00010  0d 0a                                             ..                |16:20
Keybukepoll_ctl(5, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 11, {EPOLLIN|EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP, {u32=26154624, u64=26154624}}) = -1 EEXIST (File exists)16:20
sgallaghKeybuk: EPOLLIN is right on that line you copied...16:20
Keybukcan you paste me that line of source code ;)16:21
kirklandrtg: hadn't gotten to that yet today :-/16:21
rtgkirkland, np, I've been buried myself16:21
sgallaghKeybuk: I have no idea where that line of code is. It's buried in D-BUS16:21
Keybukit's in your main loop integration16:22
sgallaghsorry, buried in TEVENT16:22
Keybuktevent is broken16:22
sgallaghKeybuk: Except that it works on non-Ubuntu platforms16:22
Keybukit's still broken16:22
sgallaghKeybuk: You still haven't explained to me what's wrong with that line16:22
Keybukyes I have16:22
Keybuk<Keybuk> you appear to be not even checking your epoll_ctl return values16:22
sgallaghKeybuk: You said "You never do an EPOLLIN", but what you pasted specified EPOLLIN...16:23
Keybukyour attempt to add EPOLLIN to the set is returning an *error*16:23
Keybuktherefore it *failed*16:23
Keybukyour code obviously doesn't even check16:23
sgallaghKeybuk: Ok, I'll accept there's a bug there and I'll open that upstream.16:24
sgallaghKeybuk: However, why did it fail?16:24
sgallaghKeybuk: Why are we getting EEXIST when trying to do epoll_ctl? That doesn't even make sense16:25
james_w"EEXIST op was EPOLL_CTL_ADD, and the supplied file descriptor fd is already registered with this epoll instance."16:25
Keybuksgallagh: yes it does16:26
Keybuksgallagh: james_w quoted the relevant bit of the epoll_ctl(2) manpage16:26
cjwatsonshame about the historical strerror(EEXISTS)16:26
james_weglibc difference perhaps?16:26
Keybukdoubt it16:26
cjwatsonI'd be amazed16:26
Keybukmore likely Fedora patched their libc to workaround some bug ;)16:26
james_wgood :-)16:26
Keybukthey like to do that16:26
Keybukanaconda does something wrong, rather than fix anaconda, they workaround it in libc16:27
sgallaghKeybuk: Well, opensuse must have patched it somehow too, then16:27
Keybuksgallagh: probably just took the patches from fedora verbatim16:27
Keybukcould be a difference between glibc 2.9 and 2.10 of course too16:27
Keybukor a kernel difference16:28
sgallaghKeybuk: rawhide is using glibc 2.10, and I already mentioned that I tried running it under the rawhide kernel using a chroot16:28
Keybukright, we're using eglibc 2.916:28
james_ware we?16:29
KeybukI think so16:29
james_wconfusing version number if so16:29
Keybukoh, no 2.1016:29
* Keybuk ran that on jaunty :p16:29
sgallaghKeybuk: If you're running that crazy libc wanna-be, how can you be sure the problem is on my end? :-P16:30
Keybuksgallagh: because the manpage says what you're trying to do is not supposed to work16:31
sgallaghKeybuk: Is it because we're trying to set EPOLLERR and EPOLLHUP again there?16:32
Keybukit's because you may only call EPOLL_CTL_ADD *once* for any file descriptor16:32
Keybukall subsequent calls must be EPOLL_CTL_MOD16:32
sgallaghah, gotcha16:33
sgallaghKeybuk: Thanks for the help. I'll get this over to the tevent upstream16:35
pittitkamppeter: heh, flooding Mike with STRs.. :)16:38
BluesKajRiddell, a report : seems the Kubuntu Karmic Printer Configuration GUI has been fixed for my setup , at least .16:43
tkamppeterYes, there are a lot of bugs in the new web interface.16:43
RiddellBluesKaj: great, thanks16:44
tkamppeterpitti, what should we do concerning the usblp kernel module? Did you do anything in this direction already?16:44
ttxpitti: new component-mismatches run: wsdl4j: was in main before, please promote, will add to the default-java watchlist. libstax-java and maven-repo-helper should disappear from list as soon as the new commons-beanutils is published. That leaves axis2c (bug 418225) and rampart (bug 418223).16:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418225 in axis2c "MIR for axis2c" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41822516:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418223 in rampart "MIR for rampart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41822316:44
pittitkamppeter: no, I didn't; for now we should add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, I think16:44
ogracjwatson, in the installed seed i see "* Kernel-Version: 2.6.31-7-imx51 2.6.31-7-iop32x 2.6.31-7-ixp4xx 2.6.31-7-orion5x 2.6.31-7-versatile" ... could that be the cause i dont get any udebs for 2.6.31-100-imx51 on the alternates ?16:45
pittittx: where is that list, btw? not on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EucalyptusInMainSpec/Packages ?16:45
tkamppeterpitti, would it work to add a file /etc/modprobe.d/cups.conf to the CUPS package which contains only the line "blacklist usblp"?16:46
pittitkamppeter: it would (well, shoudl be blacklist-usblp.conf then), but I'm not sure we want that16:46
ttxpitti: what list ? the default-java watchlist ? or the component-mismatches list ?16:46
pittittx: the default-java checklist16:46
ttxit's on  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EucalyptusInMainSpec/Packages16:46
ttxbelow the "MIR needed" stuff16:47
slangasekttx: in bug #303458, your last comment is that you would nominate bug #357581 for an SRU... were you intending to prepare the SRU, and if so, could you go ahead and do that and upload it to the queue?  The 'nominated for $release' list is all noice, and the SRU team doesn't look at it16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303458 in samba "segfault in pam_smbpass.so" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30345816:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357581 in apparmor "abstractions/smbpass missing entry for /var/lib/samba/*.ldb" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35758116:47
pittittx: aah, got it16:47
tkamppeterpitti, can you contact the appropriate person or modify and upload the appropriate package by yourself?16:47
ttxslangasek: we intend to use that list, in fact, for server packages. So that accepted nominations can be used as a starting point for those wanting to work on MIR.16:48
ttxslangasek: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20resources16:49
mathiazttx: s/MIR/SRU/16:49
pittitkamppeter: I can upload it, I just wonder if usblp is still useful, or whether having it should depend on having cups installed16:49
ttxmathiaz: right. Man, I need some rest16:49
slangasekttx: ok, so your nomination didn't mean you had any plans to work on it yourself?16:49
mathiazslangasek: that is correct.16:49
pittittx: re-promoted16:49
ttxslangasek: no. If I intend to work on it, I'd assign myself16:49
slangasekttx: ok; the nomination happened before this new server team nomination scheme was discussed, so I wasn't sure16:50
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cjwatsonogra: yes, you need to make the seeds match16:51
ttxslangasek: that said, I should really work on that. Just didn't have time so far[tm]16:51
ogracjwatson, right, i guess thats also the reason why i see things like "! Pruned block-modules-2.6.31-100-imx51-di from installer"16:51
ogracjwatson, what i dont get though is why it is also doing: "! Pruned block-modules-2.6.31-0-babbage-di from installer" ... it shouldnt know anything about babbage16:52
cjwatsonit's pruning all the stuff in the archive that provides block-modules (which it's been asked to install) but that doesn't have any of the possible Kernel-Version field values16:53
cjwatsonit knows about babbage because babbage is in the archive16:53
ograwell, in universe16:53
cjwatsonyes, and it's been asked to look at universe, evidently!16:53
ograi thought d-i doesnt take universe into account16:53
cjwatsonthat's not d-i. that's germinate.16:53
cjwatson"pruned" means that it is *not* going to include the package16:53
ograthats what i guessed with my sparse english knowledge :)16:54
* ogra curses LP16:54
cjwatsongerminate does what you tell it to do - it's only in sync with d-i's behaviour if you give it options that match d-i's behaviour16:54
tkamppeterpitti, with CUPS usblp is useless and disturbing, at least for all backends shipping with Ubuntu, but I am notr sure whether there are proprietary manufacturer-supplied backends based on usblp.16:54
ogradoes anyone get https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev to load ?16:54
beuno-lunchogra, s/curse/files a bug16:54
ograthe recent days code.lp.net gives me timeout over timeout16:54
beuno-lunchogra, it does on edge: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev16:55
ograright, edge works fine16:55
beuno-lunchI think there have been optimizations done to that page, that have not propagated to production16:55
tkamppeterpitti, without CUPS (for example with LPRng from Universe) the usblp module is useful as only access to USB printers via /dev/usb/lp*.16:55
KeybukI wish LP would pick a theme16:55
ogranon edge tells me i can choose to disable access to edge for the next 2h16:55
Keybukpages jumping style is damned confusing16:55
ograwhich i didnt even try to reach :P16:55
beuno-lunchKeybuk, the 3.0 goal is for *all* pages to have the same styling16:56
beuno-lunchwhich is why we're not rolling out to production16:56
beuno-lunchuntill the 420 templates have been updated16:56
beuno-lunchthey will look like the project page in edge, roughly16:56
dholbachkirkland: rtg said you might know a bit about bug 277556 - I was pinged about it and really don't know what to do with it16:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277556 in open-vm-tools "should build kernel modules with dkms" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27755616:57
Keybukbeuno-lunch: oh, I know ;)  it's just confusing ;P16:58
beuno-lunchKeybuk, but it keeps you guessing, which is always "fun"16:59
beuno-lunchLaunchpad: The game16:59
KeybukLaunchpad so needs a fail whale equivalent for timeout errors16:59
loolI understand what the live and ship-live seeds are for but I need a refresh on what the ship seed is for -- is this for .debs included on the alternate CD?17:04
Keybuk(and this is the point cjwatson comes along and says "no, it used to be, but I changed it")17:05
kirklanddholbach: looking ...17:08
kirklanddholbach: so i'd agree that dkms is good for this sort of thing17:11
cjwatsonKeybuk: not in this case :)17:12
kirklanddholbach: seeing as i spend almost every day, all day working on kvm, i don't know much about open-vm-tools17:12
dholbachkirkland: who could help out with this?17:13
kirklanddholbach: hmm, good question; someone in #ubuntu-virt probably17:13
kirklanddholbach: would probably be a community person, MOTU17:13
dholbachI was pinged about it and don't know what to do about it17:13
kirklanddholbach: b/c we canonical-server are very kvm focused17:13
dholbachwell, we all touch packages that we probably don't use every day :-)17:14
dholbachkernel modules and dkms is nothing I'm good at or would be comfortable judging17:14
tkamppeterpitti: Got answers on some of the CUPS STRs, GUI stuff gets all postponed to 1.5, due to I18n.17:23
tkamppeterpitti, superm1: Have fixed bluez-cups for CUPS 1.4, will make it available soon and also report upstream.17:23
ogracjwatson, is there any delay wrt germinate pulling the most recent seed versions ? i triggered a ports alternate build after the seedchange showed up on the LP ui but germinate didnt pick up my change17:28
cjwatsonogra: none in germinate, but there may be a slight delay (wouldn't expect any more than a few minutes) in the internals of codehosting17:30
ograok, i'll wait for 20min before starting my next try to be sure17:31
dholbachcjwatson: shouldn't juli_ and apw be members of ~ubuntu-dev?17:33
cjwatsonoh yes, thanks, I'll correct that17:33
dholbachsuper, thanks :)17:33
ogradid they pay the bribe ?17:33
dholbachyes, all well-received over here17:33
ograoh, *you* get it ?17:33
ograthats why my account is always empty, damned17:34
dholbachthank cjwatson17:34
Davieyit's offical, dholbach is a reciever not a giver.17:34
ograoh, how mean17:34
* Daviey retracts.17:37
tgpraveen1Andreas Moog17:42
tgpraveen1^^ anyone his irc name?17:42
Davieytgpraveen1: Ampelbein17:43
cjwatsontgpraveen1: https://launchpad.net/people in future17:44
cjwatsonhis Launchpad user page has his IRC nick17:44
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keessoren: I was trying to solve some feature issues before feature-freeze in openjdk-6.  the testsuite doesn't behave the same between local system, Xen PPAs, and bare-metal buildds.17:50
* soren desperately tries to remember the question he asked kees17:51
keessoren: actually, I guess that was also directed at ScottK (openjdk-6 test builds)17:53
bdmurraycjwatson: should the postfix bug task for bug 383697 still be open?17:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383697 in lsb "lsb_release crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38369717:53
dholbachslangasek: hum... pam asked me if it should restart gdm - was that always the case?17:53
lamontbdmurray: ew17:53
slangasekdholbach: did it ask /only/ about gdm?17:54
dholbachslangasek: no gdm cups cron and something else17:54
slangasekhmm, there's supposed to be an exception if the only services running are defaults17:55
dholbachgdm cups cron atd17:55
dholbachnow on the other machine17:55
slangasekdholbach: using update-manager, or apt-get?17:56
slangasekyes, that happens then17:56
dholbachnevermind then17:56
slangasekwe suppress the message if using update-manager17:56
dholbachI just thought "my mom would probably just clicked 'ok go ahead'" :)17:56
dholbachhave a great rest of your day - I'm out, see you tomorrow!17:57
cjwatsonbdmurray: maybe17:57
slangasekdholbach: and clicking 'go ahead' is the right thing to do17:57
slangasekit sends gdm a kill -HUP17:57
dholbachif it's done differently in update-manager that's fine17:58
slangasek(well, it calls /etc/init.d/gdm reload)17:58
cjwatsonbdmurray,lamont: probably not TBH, in order to fix debconf we had to make lsb_release quasi-essential17:58
cjwatsonbdmurray: but I think it's lamont's decision whether to close it17:58
* dholbach -> dinner17:58
lamontcjwatson: I'll look at it late tonight/tomorrow17:59
bdmurraylamont,cjwatson: thanks18:01
ogracjwatson, Running tools/boot/karmic/boot-armel+imx51 1 /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/ports_daily/tmp/karmic-armel+imx51/CD118:07
ogradebian-installer has kernel ABI 2.6.31-200-dove, but no corresponding udebs are on the CD!18:07
ogramake: *** [/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/ports_daily/tmp/karmic-armel+imx51/bootable-stamp] Error 118:07
ogracjwatson, but ... ogra@osiris:~/Devel/branches/debian-installer/ubuntu$ grep KERNELVERSION build/config/armel/imx51.cfg18:07
ograKERNELVERSION = 2.6.31-10018:07
ograany idea what i'm doing wrong here ?18:07
keespitti: I've replied to your whiteboard questions for security-karmic-apport-abort.  I'm excited to test the new feature!  :):)18:13
cjwatsonogra: sorry, I'm out for a while18:13
pittikees: \o/18:14
pittikees: so far I just have test cases on various levels, I didn't really test it end-to-end yet18:14
pittikees: but I wanted to kick in the feature in time for FF :)18:15
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keespitti: yeah, absolutely.  I will poke at it too -- I actually had a situation last night where I was wishing this feature was done (having an assert in a sub-process's thread and gdb didn't want to attach to it)18:20
pittikees: right, I couldn't quickly find a packaged program which would assert for me :)18:22
keespitti: heh, normally, that's a good thing.  ;)18:23
* ccheney` bbl, lunch18:25
slangasekpitti: heck yeah, you don't have to tell me twice to remove files from acpi-support :-)18:40
pittithat particular bug seems to be tricky, though18:40
pittiI don't really know where that duplication comes from18:40
slangasekpitti: it can't be caused just by brightness control in hardware; that doesn't explain where the X keypress is coming from18:41
pittislangasek: right, I wrote that in the recent followup18:41
pittiobviously the key is hardwired18:41
pittibut there should still just be one event per keypress18:41
slangasekhe's seeing an X event18:41
slangasekwithout the udev keymap, without acpi-support18:41
pittiand it's apparently not from acpid18:41
slangasekso where is that getting into X?18:42
slangasek"hardwired" doesn't answer this18:42
pittislangasek: right, I suppose the kernel default is already correct?18:42
pittiah, no, that wouldn't explain the "unknown key" dmesg spam18:42
pittiis it possible that there's a kernel module which also translates the acpi events to input events somehow?18:42
slangaseksure, possible18:43
slangasekwe probably need 'lsinput' from him (or /lib/udev/findkeyboards)18:44
pittithere's lsinput.log and udev db dump18:45
tkamppetersuperm1: I have attached the fix for bluez to bug 418465, can you upload it? Thanks.18:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418465 in bluez "bluetooth CUPS backend should output device listings immediately when it discovers the devices (in discovery mode)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41846518:45
* slangasek looks at the bug, then :)18:45
pittislangasek: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30857479/lsinput.log doesn't seem to have anything magic, though18:45
tkamppetersuperm1: I will also submit my patch upstream.18:46
slangasekpitti: right; no kernel module input device listed there18:47
pittiand http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30857464/udev-db.txt looks okay, too18:47
pittislangasek: hardwired> the dells are the same; pressing them controls the screen brightness, and their events are just used for notification feedback18:48
pittibut I still have no clue where the xevs come from with no udev and no acpid18:48
pitti♩ it's a kind of magic ♫18:49
pittiso we spent so many hours to figure out how to get these keys _working_18:49
pittiand now we struggle with getting them to work a little less intensely..18:49
keesslangasek: so, selinux loads policy from the root filesystem, while in the initramfs.  why can't it use tools in /sbin to do that?18:52
slangasekkees: well, I suppose it can in that case, but twitch18:52
slangasekkees: TTBOMK, the only other thing the initramfs ever execs off the root fs is init18:55
keesslangasek: very true, but I'd like to avoid having them rearchitect it the day before feature freeze (it's been like this since hardy, IIRC).18:55
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keesthe recent /share bug was due to mistakes in trying to minimize deltas with debian (and will absolutely get fixed)18:56
* slangasek nods18:56
slangasekkees: fwiw, I latched onto that bug reading #debian-devel in passing, where Manoj had a good rant going about why this shouldn't be needed - feel free to check with him how this is actually working in Debian, if at all :)18:57
keesslangasek: okay18:57
pittihm, for a while DNS resolution takes ages here; I thought it'd be a problem with my provider, but my wife doesn't have this problem; and now I discovered this:18:59
pitti$ host archive.ubuntu.com18:59
pittiarchive.ubuntu.com has address
pitti;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached18:59
pitti(also takes several seconds)18:59
pittidoes someone else have that, too? (current karmic)19:00
slangaseknot here19:00
pittiI just have one NS in /etc/resolv.conf, and no resolvconf19:00
slangasek"no servers could be reached" means it's not reaching your own NS, surely?19:00
keespitti: not me either, though I'm not strictly fully up to date.19:00
pittiI just added archive.u.c. to /etc/hosts, and now apt-get update etc. is snappy again19:00
pittiok, thanks for checking19:01
pittidig @ archive.ubuntu.com works fine19:02
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pitti 28197/host19:06
pittiudp        0      0  *19:06
pittidoes that look normal?19:06
pitti(while host is running)19:06
tkamppeterpitti, superm1: I have fixed bug 418465, and also reported it to bluez upstream with my patch.19:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418465 in bluez "bluetooth CUPS backend should output device listings immediately when it discovers the devices (in discovery mode)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41846519:09
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superm1tkamppeter, okay i'll take a look at soon.  i'd like to make sure that upstream accepts it without requesting changes first19:16
ogracjwatson, i think i found one of the probs at least, debian-cd/tools/boot/karmic/boot-armel+imx51.calc is never read bacause build_all.sh seems to look for boot-armel.calc (i.e. $FULLARCH only) ... (that doesnt explain why it tries to install the dove kernel on imx51 though)19:20
CaesarHey slangasek has there been any decision made yet on whether 10.04 *won't* be LTS?19:24
slangasekCaesar: I believe we're still waiting to find out what Debian is deciding to do for squeeze, and whether there's any advantage to deferring the LTS to better cooperate with the squeeze freeze19:28
ogracjwatson, oh, ignore me FULLARCH=$ARCH+$SUBARCH, i was worng19:29
Caesarslangasek: ok, is there some sort of drop-dead date for a decision?19:30
slangasekCaesar: the Debian release team has said they'd gather input throughout the month of August and make a decision at the end of this month; the Ubuntu decision should come shortly thereafter19:31
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Caesarslangasek: ok thanks19:35
sebnerslangasek: did you already make a decision about boson(-data), I made another comment on the bug19:35
slangaseksebner: I was looking at it because it was my archive day; I figured the next AA on duty would pick it up :)19:36
sebnerslangasek: ah so I'm sorry, and still if you have time ... FF is annoying :P19:37
slangaseksebner: "b-p"?19:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418268 in boson-data "Please sync boson-data from Debian(Unstable)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:40
sebnerslangasek: build-dependency19:40
sebnerslangasek: MOTU slang :P19:40
slangasekwhy is it not b-d? :)19:41
sebnerslangasek: because I'm stupid xD19:41
slangaseksebner: so anyway, my understanding is that we were getting rid of all the reverse-deps of the KDE3 libs if they're not getting ported to KDE419:41
slangaseknot just because of FTBFS, but because the libs are obsolete19:41
slangasekthe removal bug was #28894919:42
sebnerslangasek: IIRC it FTBFS because some old libs had dependencies on new ones and there were conflicts etc. (It was just the time kde3 -> kde4) but it builds now again. don't ask me why19:42
slangasekah, and that does say it needed a KDE3 kdemultimedia to build... so if that's not an issue, yeah, the removal reason seems to no longer stand19:43
slangasekok, I'll bring it back19:43
sebnerslangasek: thx, and as you can see (my ppa) it really builds19:43
sebnerslangasek: I'll upload boson myself (needs fakesync)19:43
sebnerslangasek: at the rest of his life (as I consider upstream dead)19:44
slangaseksebner: please add tasks for other source packages you're asking to sync, rather than just commenting in the bugs, btw :)19:44
sebnerslangasek: it's just those two :P19:44
sebnerbut ok19:44
slangasekyes; the difference is that the archive admin tools pick up the source package names from bug tasks automatically for syncing19:45
sebnerslangasek: I thought your run them like: "sync-package foo foo1 bar bar1"19:45
slangasekno, we run 'sync <bugnum>' :)19:46
sebneruhh nice19:46
sebnerslangasek: I'll file another sync bug for the music package then19:46
slangaseksebner: boson-data can't be synced, because 0.13-3 was previously in the archive19:46
slangasekneeds a version bump19:46
sebnerslangasek: versions bump or fakesync?19:47
slangasekversion bump19:47
slangasekjust 0.13-3build119:47
sebnerslangasek: ah kk, Thanks for your help and sorry for the noise :)19:47
slangasekno worries19:47
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tkamppetersuperm1: I got already an aanswer from upstream, they want it, but ask me to send the patch in GIT format.19:59
RainCTjames_w: can rejected source packages be downloadeed from LP or are they deleted?19:59
james_wdeleted I think20:00
RainCTok nvm then :)20:00
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tkamppetersuperm1: I have sent the GIT-formatted patch now.20:16
ogracjwatson, ha ! got it the check_kernel_sync call just needed $FLAVOUR appended (must be funny to read your backlog seeing me going back and forth through the code :) )20:17
jsteelDoes anybody know how ubuntu kernels are versioned? Specifically I'm looking for what exactly the 60 means in 2.6.24-24.60. I'm trying to create a custom kernel and want to know if I should name it 2.6.24-24foo1 so that I can upgrade it to 2.6.24foo2 and so on. Or should I call it 2.6.24-24.60foo1? I cant find anywhere a reference that describes Ubuntus kernel versioning.20:17
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evandjsteel: I'd suggest using 2.6.24-24.60~foo120:19
jsteelevand: why the ~?20:19
jsteelevand: And then when 2.6.24-24.61 comes out, would it upgrade overtop of mine?20:19
* ogra suggests #ubuntu-kernel :)20:20
jsteelogra: thanks. I was looking for that channel but I couldnt find it.20:20
evandjsteel:  http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Version and yes, it would install over top of yours20:21
jsteelevand: Thanks a lot. I'll check that out20:22
pittikenvandine, StevenK: if gwibber should stay in universe, can it then be removed from the UNR seeds? othewise it does need an MIR (but I thought it wasn't quite ready for that?)20:22
jsteelevand: Ah yes, I've already read that. It didn't help me with the difference between 24 and 60 in 24.6020:23
pittikirkland: qemu-kvm b-deps on bochs; is that really intended? if so, needs a MIR20:23
kenvandinepitti, yes... it can be removed20:24
kirklandpitti: arg.... yeah so it does need an MIR :-/20:26
loolIs an archive admin around?20:28
loolI mistakingly uploaded a package to karmic instead of ppa20:28
loolIt's ubuntu-moblin-ppa-keyring; should be rejected from NEW20:28
kirklandlool: i'll kick it20:31
loolThanks a lot20:31
kirklandlool: gone20:31
loolIt just showed up20:31
looland gone thanks20:31
kirklandjames_w: ping20:57
james_whey kirkland20:57
kirklandjames_w: hey, i'm going to give mass-sync.py a try ... where can I find it?  i don't see it on cocoplum20:57
kirklandjames_w: ah, gotcha20:58
kirklandjames_w: my bad ... last week i meant that sync-bug-bot.py was flimsy for me20:58
kirklandjames_w: i hadn't tried mass-sync.py20:58
cjwatsonyeah, syncbugbot was always flimsy because it did screen-scraping21:00
cjwatsonogra: ah, glad to hear it21:00
kirklandjames_w: hrm, not quite there yet21:04
kirklandjames_w: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/260028/21:04
kirklandjames_w: i've gone to that page and given the tool access to LP21:04
kirklandjames_w: but i still get the backtrace, rather than it waiting for me to hit enter21:05
james_wjust run ./mass-sync.py first21:05
kirklandjames_w: ah, it's crashing on the input file21:07
kirklandjames_w: gotcha, thanks21:07
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james_wmathiaz: I'm unsure about "usr/lib/cmpi/*.so" in debian/install in opendrim-lmp-baseserver21:40
james_wwhat sort of shared libraries only need *.so?21:41
mathiazjames_w: plugins21:42
mathiazjames_w: there are plugins for the sfcb daemon21:43
mathiazjames_w: these are plugins for the sfcb daemon21:43
mathiazjames_w: cmpi is actually a standard interface defined for CIM brokers21:44
mathiazjames_w: sfcb is such a CIM broker - and thus can load these plugins21:44
james_wyou had me at plugins21:45
mathiazjames_w: there are other CIM brokers (not available in Ubuntu for now) that could also load these21:45
mathiazjames_w: ok cool. Thanks for reviewing the package :)21:45
mathiazjames_w: are you reviewing them on REVU or in the NEW queue?21:45
mathiazjames_w: cool - thanks21:46
mathiazslangasek: hi - so I'm waiting on openldap 2.4.18 for the disconnected mode for pcache that was discussed at UDS22:15
mathiazslangasek: 2.4.18 is in final testing but won't be released before FF22:15
mathiazslangasek: so I'm going to need a FF exception22:16
mathiazslangasek: should I file it now?22:16
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james_wkees: could I trouble you for a quick approval of bug 419506 so that I can fix that wadllib bug?22:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419506 in lazr.restfulclient "[MIR] MainInclusionReport for lazr.restfulclient" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41950622:24
slangasekmathiaz: yes, please go ahead22:25
keesjames_w: sure, one sec22:29
keesjames_w: done22:30
cjwatsonsuperm1: I don't suppose you could use a dedicated user for dkms rather than nobody? you could use adduser --system on debian/ubuntu to create one22:31
cjwatsonsuperm1: using nobody is really a bug, even though it works at the moment22:31
superm1cjwatson, i was hoping to avoid having to create another user just for builds, but yeah I can look into it22:32
cjwatsonsuperm1: the problem with nobody is that running stuff as it dilutes the principle that user nobody has no non-trivial privileges - in this case it means that something allegedly sandboxed as user nobody can hijack your dkms builds and inject replacement kernel modules!22:32
james_wthanks kees22:34
superm1cjwatson, yeah that sounds sensible.  i was trying to get away from doing the builds as root so that a rogue makefile didn't have the potential to hijack your entire system during a build.  (figured this was a step in that direction)22:35
cjwatsonright, it makes some sense to drop privileges I agree22:35
cjwatsonbut better to keep it contained22:35
mathiazslangasek: I've also been working on getting sssd in karmic22:36
mathiazslangasek: unfortunately the daemon suffers from a  fatal bug that make it totally unusable in karmic for now22:37
mathiazslangasek: upstream is working right on a patch22:37
mathiazslangasek: upstream is working right *now on a patch22:37
slangasekmathiaz: that's a new package, then?  FFe bug once upstream has something ready then, please22:38
mathiazslangasek: yes - it would be a new package22:39
mathiazslangasek: ok22:39
simon-oHi, when I want to request a merge which depends on another package being merged first (which I also requested), how do I mark that in the bug?22:42
cjwatsonsimon-o: just put it in the bug description22:48
simon-ocjwatson: thanks, will do that.22:48
sorenWhen does FF actually kick in?22:52
mathiazsoren: in 2 hours 7 mn22:53
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c_korndoes anyone know why there is only the remuco-server in karmic but not the client? http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/remuco-server also the debian bug report does not mention why the client directory has been removed http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=41637923:02
ubottuDebian bug 416379 in wnpp "RFP: remuco -- mobile phone remote music control" [Wishlist,Closed]23:02
c_kornhm, ok README.Debian just mentions that the client jar has to be downloaded from sourceforge23:04
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keesdoes anyone here have ATI (and/or use fglrx-installer)?  superm1: around?23:50
mneptokkees: i'd be happy to test anything superm1 wants to send me for free ;)23:57
* mneptok is a magnanimous cat23:58

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